#this is me tommorow morning help
bluespiritshonour · 5 months
Why is it always Robin has to prove himself to Batman? Be it any Robin. And no, I'm not talking about characters, because Bruce—Bruce is like “Everyone must prove themselves to me but I'm not answerable to anyone” that motherfucker. Very IC.
I'm talking about stories, about narratives—why does every Robin-centric narrative has a “prove themselves to Batman” arc—but Bruce's arc never involves proving himself to anyone?
Why, after the events of the Tower of Babel, Bruce didn't have to work to gain the Justice League's approval? Why didn't he have to work to redeem himself, dammit!
Yes. He had to reveal his identity. But then, it wasn't his idea. It was Clark's. It's fundamentally different from Dick unmasking in front of the Titans: Dick feels in his bones that it isn't fair that he's the only one masked and the Titans are up for mutiny, so he made an executive decision.
It didn't even occur to Bruce to do it. Dammit, the fucker wasn't even trying to get back into Justice League. Clark had to persuade him. And no, I don't mean he should have gone and begged them to let him in. He doesn't need them.
But let's be honest: none of the Leaguers need the League. But humanity does. That's why they put their differences aside and band together.
Bruce is selfless when it comes to sacrificing his family a la Batman : Ego. Oh!—it's Bruce's children that are dying in Batman's mission. Isn't he so noble?—the picture of tragedy? The greiving father? The man who can't even have a steady romantic relationship because Batman wouldn't let him? So selfless—until he isn't. Until the JL—in other words, a planet full of people—need him to swallow his pride. Then, he isn't selfless anymore.
He's selfless when he's a father sending his children to war for the greater good—but he's not selfless when it's time to swallow his pride, to take the risk of trusting someone even after being traumatised and betrayed—for the greater good. (And honestly his trust issues seem narcissistic when surrounded by people like Dick, Alfred and freaking Commissioner Gordon!)
You know who does it? Dick Grayson. That's who. The “trust no one” maxim has been drilled into him by Bruce, but even then he chooses to trust. Not because he's stupid, but because it's a requirement. He totally expects to be stabbed in the back; he isn't naïve. But he'd rather be betrayed than have someone be barred from help because they seemed suspicious. It's canon in Titans. He says it in words, look it up. To Brother Blood, I guess.
Bruce didn't have to work to get on the League's good side. He just had to reveal his ID to regain trust and that, too, was Clark's idea.
And that's not an attempt at redemption, because if it was, then why did Clark have to do it too? Clark didn't do anything to deserve it. But Bruce forces him to and Clark agrees: for the greater good that the League trusting each other would ensure.
Clark Kent, who chooses to forego a mask so that people trust him. Literally, it comes down to that. Who has to built his whole civilian life around the fact that he shows his bare fucking face to the whole world.
And honestly, if I were to throw genre convention aside and read the text the hard way, Bruce doesn't seem really all that bothered with keeping his ID a secret. He's nothing compared to Clark. I mean. Come on, look at the number of people who know Bruce's ID and the number that know Clark's and tell me. Fucking tell me who's more serious about that stuff.
Bruce's entire existence hinges on other characters’ kindness, in and out of universe. In-universe there's this massive brigade of people who know his ID and keep it a secret. Out of universe, writers who show him to be the best even though Clark, Diana, Dick are all more worthy than him.
This is what you get when you let little incels run creative industries.
What did Bruce ever have to do to redeem himself to anyone? Literally anyone? Bruce would let Gotham burn if it meant he keeps his colossal pride intact. But oh, send his children to die: woe is him, this greiving father, so tragique—would absolutely do that.
He isn't even a hero. You know the impact of Batman: Ego and BtAS pales when put next to his very selfish acts when it comes to himself.
Because always—ALWAYS—the uwu factor in Bruce's stories aren't personal.
Not like it's in Clark's who has to face xenophobia because he's an alien. He's natural existence—his powers that are a part of him existing—being called a threat. He still helps.
Not like Diana who comes to the Man's World and decides to stay behind despite it being, well, a Man's World. That would never really respect her as much as it respects a man, any man, even though she's a literal Goddess. Coming and staying in Man's World for her means loneliness. Being immortal and watching every friend she ever made become a memory. But she chose to do it. Because at the end of the day, it's not about her. It's about helping people.
But for Bruce, in true male-is-default fashion, it's about losing people. People he loves.
His parents' death, Jason's death and so on and so forth. I'm not saying losing someone is not painful. I'm just saying it's always about his manpain.
Making the victim's pain his.
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mocacheezy · 2 years
Love isn't just hearing people close to you ask if you need help.
Love is when you say "yes, I do." and accept that they care.
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kyemna · 3 months
Alastor with a non-biological teenager who died in the 80's
This is kind of based on some headcanons I posted earlier. I wanted to include some in the story, so here it is!
Again, i made him a softy here, to come for my throat😞
I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes.
TW: Mentions of death
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It was strange, dying. Apparently there's a whole process that happens after..
Standing in Hell when you 'wake up'..
Processing, and finding a place to live.
Getting kicked out of that place, because they find out you lied about your age, and now living on the streets.
A girl finding out you live on the streets, and you discovering she's the Princess of Hell.
She invites you to stay at her hotel, rent free, but in exchange, you have to rehabilitate. Okay, do-able right? Wrong.
Finding out the radio demon stays at that EXACT Hotel.
The demon you wanted to avoid the most.
Sighing and accepting the fact that your stuck with him.
So, there you were. A 16 year old, standing in the door opening of the hotel, ready to be Rehabilitated.
Charlie, the girl you met on the streets, walks up to you and shakes your hand enthusiasticly.
"Welcome (y/n)!! We're so happy to have you here!" She smiles widely.
You awkwardly smile back at her.
"Thanks for taking me in.. i really do appreciate it."
"Ofcourse, it's no problem. We need more guests here anyways so, your helping me out more than your aware." She drags you inside the hotel, introducing you to the staff.
"Everyone this is (y/n), our first ever teenager at the Hotel! (y/n), this is, Vaggie, Husk, Angel Dust, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Alastor"
You looked at everyone taking in their appearances and names.
You make eye contact with Alastor, his usual grin widens, as he tilts his head a little to the left.
"Nice.. to meet you all." You smile a little.
Alastor spoke. "So, how old are you, dear?"
Taken off-guard by him actually speaking to you, you answer.
"When did you die?" Angel dust asks.
"1983" you answer, again.
Angel whistles.
"How did you die?" He asks.
You stayed quiet for a moment.
"I drowned." Your grip on your bag tightens.
"Charlie, can you show me to my room, please? I need some time to... take it all in"
She nods, leading you upstairs.
Alastors gaze follows you.
"Wow, well done Angel. Asking a teenager how they died. real smooth." Vaggie says.
"How was I supposed to know it would upset them?"
"I don't know.. common sense?"
He rolls his eyes.
Charlie opens the door to your room, as you both step in.
"Take your time to get settled in, there's no hurry. Breakfast is at 8:30, lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 18:00 (6:00). There's also a meeting tommorow morning at 10 but you don't have to come to that if you don't want to." She smiles, leaving your room.
You sigh, and plop down on your bed.
You turn to your left, being met by Alastor staring at you.
You scream, rolling off the bed.
"What the hell, Alastor?" You say, loudly.
"My apologies, dear. I just noticed something was wrong when you spoke about the way you died. Now, i'm no therapist, but I am a good listener.
Would you like to talk about it?"
You inhaled sharply
"What's there to say? I was fighting somebody off near a pool. I killed his friend. He pushed me in, and he drowned me. That's all there is."
He hummed as you stand back up, and start unpacking.
"Did you know him?"
"Not really.. I went to school with him but that's all." He nods, as he stands up, taking the shirt you had in your hands, and folding it properly for you.
"If you need a hand with anything, just ask" He says, leaving your room.
The next morning you wake up at 7:00 am.
You sit up, as you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in" you say, yawning.
Alastor opens, enters, and closes the door.
"Charlie asked me to help you get settled i-" He stops and looks at you, noticing your hair. "-in." He stays silent for a moment before speaking again.
"My goodness, you look an absolute mess, dear."
You roll your eyes, laying back down.
He walks towards the curtains and opens them, light cutting off your vision for a few seconds. You groan.
"Time to get up, we have a trip to make." He lays an outfit on the end of your bed.
"Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."
He exits your room again.
"Strange guy" you mumble, getting out of bed.
"And make your bed!" he says loudly from the hall.
"Okay, dad" you yell back, sarcastically. That came out quicker than you wanted it to. You hoped he didn't hear it. With no response, you assumed he didn't.
You get dressed, brush your teeth, do your hair, and all in a hurry since you only had 15 minutes.
You run downstairs, noticing yourself in the mirror. Your wearing a white button-up shirt, with a dark blue skirt that reaches to your calfs, a pair of low black heels and a black hat, with lace. Not to big.
You weren't used to dressing so.. conservative.
Alastor was already waiting at the door.
"17 minutes. your late."
"Oh, whatever. It's only two minutes."
You say, straighting your skirt, hearing a quick static sound of irritation.
He sighs and opens the door for you.
"Thank you." You step outside, the cold wind hitting your skin, as you breathed it in.
You two were walking in silence when Alastor spoke.
"We'll be going to Cannibal town, where we'll be meeting a friend of mine. I need to ask a favour of her, and I wanted you to tag along, so you could get accustomed to Hell."
"What kind of favour?" You asked, looking up at him.
"I'm afraid that's none of your concern, dear."
You hummed in response, looking around, trying to memorize some of the streets.
"Alastor, when were you born?" You ask.
"1893, January 1st. Why do you ask?"
You whistle, a little surprised.
"No reason, just curious.."
You guys arrived at Cannibal town.
Everyone looked so old fashioned.
You realised why Alastor picked this outfit for you. You blend right in.
You two enter a small communal building.
He waves at a woman.
"Oh my stars. Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor, it's been ages!" She walks up to us, kissing him on the cheek.
"And who's this? Come now Alastor, she's much to young for you. I'm just kidding, I know your an ace in the hole." you snicker.
"A what now?" He asked, confused.
"I think she means ase-sexual, Alastor."
"Yes, that!" The woman says, snapping her fingers.
"I'm Rosie, dear. What's your name?" She smiles.
"I'm (y/n), ma'am, nice to meet you."
She gasps softly, laying her hand on her chest.
"A pleasure meeting you, dear. So polite. Alastor you could learn a thing or two from her." She says, laying her hand on your shoulder and taking us to a table.
You wiggle your eyebrows at Alastor, grinning. He rolls his eyes.
"So what can I do for you two?" She asked.
"It's better I discuss this with you privately, Rosie." Alastor says.
She nods, turning to me.
"You can wait here, Dear. We'll be right back" she smiles, as they enter her office.
An hour later, they came back out, laughing.
"Sorry it took so long, we got a little carried away" Rosie apologized.
"It's okay" you said, standing up.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Rosie."
Alastor thanked her.
She waved it away.
"No need to thank me, Al. It's always a pleasure having you around. See you next time!"
We both smiled at her as we left.
"So.." i started. "What did you two talk about..?"
He raised his eyebrow.
"I'm still not telling you."
You shrug. "Worth a shot"
You two got back to the Hotel, and had dinner with the rest of the staff.
At 23:00 (11:00) you stumbled upstairs, exhausted from your long day.
You opened the door to your room, and kicked off your shoes, falling onto your bed, immediately dozing off.
Alastor entered your room, about to say something, when he noticed you were asleep. He sighed softly, walking over to you. He gently picked you up, laying your head on your pillow and tucking you in.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all...
Thank you for reading!
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mikobeautifulheart · 12 days
JJK men when you accidently cut yourself (but they didn't know)
TW: little mentions of blood but not alot, a little bit of angst. And unedited.
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"I'm back" Yuji said, dragging his feet along the floor.
It's been a busy week for both of you. So busy that Yuji dosent even remember the last time you've even had a proper conversation.
To hell with the shower he thought standing over your plesantly sleeping form calmly breathing. Slowly he kicked his shoes off to the side and slipped his uniform jacket off and laid down on the bed next to you.
You let out a small groan as you felt the bed shift and slowly came out of your sleep.
"Yuji..." You mumbled.
"Yeah" He said tiredly.
You sighed in relife that he was finally back
Yuji slowly it his arm around your side before noticing how damp the blanket on you was. He took just arm off and switched on the bed side light making you put your head under the pillow.
At first Yuji just thought he was tiered but then he blinked again to see that it was real, the blanket was soaked in blood.
"Y/n? Y/N? Wake up" he pulled the blanket off you to see a blood soaked bandage on your arm.
Right away he had the first adi kit and helped you sit up on the edge of the bed.
"Sorry Yuji, didn't mean to panic you, it's the last thing you need right now." You sighed putting your other arm up to your face to shield tour eyes from the light.
"I can't believe you weren't going to tell me! Y/n if your injured you need to see Shoko or at least go to a hospital" He said making sure to not apply the bandage to tight or to lose.
"You've been working all week and and youre exhausted to, Yuji look at your hands, youuve got little cuts on them, you should at least put a band-aid on them." You frowned
"Your the one to talk, with a losey bandaged cut arm. And no matter what happens I'm always putting you first." He said finally finishing up.
" Tommorow morning I'm taking you to Shoko." He said before throwing g the blanket in the wash and getting new ones.
That night he woke up every few hours to check your arm and to see if he might accidently touch it before carefully moving his arm away from it.
You pushed your dorm door open and stumbled into the room, one hand clutching your side and the other practically dragging you around. You managed to take off one of your shoes before looking behind you to see your boyfried lazily dressed.
"y/n? Are you okay?" He walked over and crouched down infront of you, starting to untie your other shoe.
As soon as he carefully took it off you shot up and tried to stumble away from him.
"Wait, y/n is something wrong?" He asked, arms put streached to grab you.
"I'm grea-" you tripped over your own foot while trying to escape Megumi.
"-T" you hissed you felt Megumis arm wrapped around you, saving you from the fall.
Your breaths became fast as he slowly (practically carried you) to the couch.
You gasped for air as soon as you sat down.
"Y/N? What's going on??" Megumi asked concerned with your behaviour.
You moved your arm away from you side, shooting pain through your body when the pressure was released.
"You were right Megumi, I'm weak, I wasn't strong enough and now I have a gaping hole on my body." Tears welled up. You weren't sure if it was from the pain or the feeling of being to weak.
Within a second Megumi had you comfortably sat up on the couch while working his way round round your wound, cleaning it with cotton.
"I never said you were weak y/n, because your not. I said if you keep working yourself to much with out resting you'll become weaker, we all have our limits." He put the cotton down and started to wrap the bandage around your torso.
You looked down the other way feeling guilty that he had to deal with your mistake..your mess.
"I'm sorry" you said
"Don't be. You shouldn't be sorry. At the end of the day you helped people and your still alive, just be more careful okay?" He finished bandaging you before kissing it gently.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Tehehe need to get back into writing so send some requests.
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quinnkasih · 1 year
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Kitty Cat
chapter 4 - "encounter"
cat!scara × collegestudent!fem!reader
You are just an ordinary college student, having friends, hard projects and surviving on a low budget. Every week, or saturday to be specific, you would come by your favorite cafe in town, Fatui Cat Cafe. It is such a calming and lively place for you after a busy week as a student. In the cafe, there's one cat that despises everyone, except you.
omg cat scara cannon?? 😭 (its only leaks tho)
MASTERLIST - previous | next
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It was very late by the time Childe and Scara arrived at the 24 hour convenient store, they paid no mind to the time.
You were not surprised to see someone this late.
It was supposed to be your time at home, resting. But your co worker asked you a favor to cover his shift for a hour. You were ok with it and just agreed.
Unfortunately, it has been more than a hour and yet he hasnt came yet for his shift.
Well, being a good co worker you are, you decided to wait and cover his shift until he arrives.
You were actually about to celebrate right there behind the cashier counter when you hear the glass entrance door opening, hoping it to be your co worker. But it isnt him.
So here you are crying mentally and slumping into your arm as you wait for the pair of customer to find their grocery pick.
The sound of plastic bags being placed infront filled your ears as you lazily try to wake up with the help of your arms.
You wanted to finish quick. Your vision was already blurry from the lack of sleep.
The screen you are looking at blinded your eyes, it was to bright. As you finish inputting the grocery in the computer the pair bought, you squinted at the price.
It took awhile for your eyes to adjust the brightness and blurryness to see the nominals of the price. But eventually you were able to tell the price to the customers.
As the purple coloured hair customer try to find money in his pocket, the ginger haired person he was with was looking at your face with a confused face. He was also squinting.
The ginger haired started talking, "She looks.. Familiar.." He said as he make a questioning pose and squinted.
"Pfft its probably just you" The other person scoffed as he finally found the money and placing it on the counter.
Acting like you didnt hear their interaction, you just countinued the payment and paid no mind.
That was until you hand back the change to purple haired guy to see that his face was slightly surprised.
You just wanted to give him the payment paper and the change until the ginger haired spoke again.
"Hey! Are you that girl in the viral video of a girl who was able to calm Kuni the cat?!" He taunted as he pointed his pointer finger at me.
You were quite shocked. Despite you being viral, you didnt thought that you would be recognized. And especially this early.
You just nodded shyly.
Meanwhile the purple haired guy's eyes were large as saucers due to how surprised he was. And also if you squint well at his face, you'll be able to notice his slightly, very slightly, red cheeks. (At first you thoght you were just imagining things due to how sleepy you are)
He noticed that you were looking at him as his expression goes back to how it was before.
He just nervously take the payment paper and took out a pen in his hoodie pocket and scribbled something on the paper then leaving it on the counter. He grabbed the grocery and headed out quickly.
Meanwhile me and his friend just stared at the shutted glass door and to eachother's confused faces. But that confused expression on his face suddenly turned into a smug one and he winked at me. He then went to catch up on his friend outside.
You were confused as ever.
You took the paper left by the purple haired guy which was left on the counter.
There on the paper, numbers are written.
You supposed that it was his number. But its late and probably his in a hurry, so you decided to call him tommorow.
It was just another morning at your college. But this time you were more tired than usual due to last night.
Your co worker actually came which surprised you because you thought that he wouldnt be coming and it was also nearing the end of his shift. Well, he owe you something now tho.
The teacher on the front is now reminding everyone about the last project, the group project you were half finished.
You then eyed Ganyu who was seated across the room.
With eye movements, it felt like you two are conversing.
The conversation-like interaction then came to an end as she smiled at you and nodded. She then returned her attention back to the teacher infront.
It was lunch, you were just taking your books to bring and store it back on your locker on your way to cafeteria.
That was until you heard Ganyu taunting from behind. She seems to be waiting with the group mates, Yun Jin and Keqing.
"Ah y/n, you're here" Keqing greeted. Yun Jin smiled and Ganyu made a little a hand wave towards you.
"So, as you heard before in class, the deadline was shortened due to some campus events coming soon. We really should get our project finished, when are you available?" Keqing countinued seriously.
You nodded, "Im available everyday as long it isnt sunday. And also I cant stay later than evening".
After sometime, you and your group decided the date and time. And once more, the place where you guys will be meeting is at the Fatui Cat Cafe.
Ganyu eventually recommended it again because she find the place nice and calm, a fitting place to do the work. Everyone agreed.
"Y/n!" A feminine voice called you from behind when you are busy packing your bag at your locker to leave the campus.
You turned to see a pink-ish haired girl and long, brown-haired girl running towards you.
'Oh, its Yanfei and Hu Tao.. They are college's best-bestfriends'
"I watched this video with Yanfei and thought it look familiar! You are the first to came into our mind when we see this video, is it really you?!" Hu tao excitedly asked as she showed her phone which was playing the video of you stroking Scara.
You nodded nervously with a crooked smile.
"See! I told you it was her! It just seems very familiar. Now hand me the money fei-fei!" She turned to Yanfei with a proud face. And meanwhile Yanfei sighed at her as she pulled out 10 moras and handed to Hu Tao, she just countinued to giggle.
"But y/n, is it really you? Im really surprised! Its such a wholesome and cute video, how do you managed to calm him down and get him to warm up to you?" Yanfei asked.
You let out a awkward laugh and scratched the back of your neck, "Its really pure coincedence! Afterall, he is asleep. I really have no such intent to actually get him warm up to me, i wanted to feed him, thats all"
Yanfei and Hu Tao let out a long "ohh", they really do share a braincell together.
"Hey y/n! Can we take a selfie together? I really wanna flex to my online friends that the viral girl is actually my friend!" Hu Tao whispered to you mischievously.
"Me too!" Yanfei joined in the selfie.
Hu Tao then looked at the selfie for awhile, "Its great! Thank you once again y/n! Hehe.. Gonna get those people jealous~"
Yanfei just looked at you with a crooked smile, "Were sorry for bothering you y/n, and also Hu Tao's antics".
"Hey??! What did I do?" Hu Tao heard and questioned.
We then laughed together heartfully.
You just arrived home, in the bathroom having a warm, comfortable shower.
Through out the time you are washing, you remembered that purple haired guy's phone number which he left yesterday. You gave yourself a mental note to check it later after you finished showering.
With a towel hanged around your neck and new clothes, you rummaged trough your trouser's pocket you wore yesterday at work.
Founding the neatly folded paper, you sat at the edge of your bed and took out your phone.
You carefully typed in the numbers in your phone's number keypad, making sure no number was not typed or mistyped.
After finishing, you tapped the call button.
At first you were doubting that he would not answer the phone call, which is true.
You really also wanted to talk to this guy and get to know him. You really feel like ringing him once more but you are afraid that you'll disturb his time.
Being brave, you ringed his phone once more.
After sometime of waiting and almost losing hope of him answering, he finally answered.
"Hello?" A masculine voice called from the other end.
"A-ah hello! Im y/n, the cashier staff from last night that you gave your number to" You greeted back.
Some lovey-dovey "ooh"-s was heard from the background sounds. There was a brief silence, only him with muttering cursing words which maybe was towards the guy who made the lovey-dovey "ooh"-s.
We had a great time talking to eachother, from introducing ourselves and to talking about our interests which was far not different.
His name was Balladeer, which is the most beatiful name I've ever heard from being friends with many people for years.
Sadly, our conversation had to be cutted short because he had some bussiness he had to do. He said he is mostly available during night time, especially midnight.
We also already saved eachother's phone number to converse more later.
'I mean, I dont mind staying up late for this guy'
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@dee-zbignuts @cr4ftingtable @lxry-chxn @cherricoladrink @scrmgf @ember-is-clueless @butterandbeans @lilias-spouse @crinklypink @nemesis1ofdark @sukunasin @wisteriaflowersss @louise-rosita-leroux @thetwinkims @koi-chairowo @grimreapersscythe @eimuros @kaoyamamegami @meowlumi @crazypriestess @g0re-h0und @ssilentblackyt @blurr3db3rry @blvdmrcnry @toriiee @lycheemouse @valiryyz @nejibot @pheebbbs @lovely-scaramouchie
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solarfaesblog · 11 months
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RotB Mirage x Teen!Reader
Prompt: Fluff🌸
Summary: Mirage decides to take you on a joyride to clear your mind. (Also, your about 15-16 years old in this.)
You were sitting at your desk, doing the 2-page essay your History teacher gave you a few days ago. You, of course, had started on it 2 days before the due date. You weren't able to start on it sooner because of some unexpected family issues appering in your life. You've been sitting at your desk for hours now, trying to get this stupid essay done. You should be asleep right now, but you decided thatgetting this essay done was mkre important than sleep at the moment. Your thoughts were running through your head aboit 100 mph, trying to think of what to write next, while worrying about upcoming school events at the same time. Highschool was a pain in the ass half of the time in life. Making you stressed over stupid sfuff like essays, projects, and other shit.
You dropped your pencil on your desk, and put your head on your hands, overwhelmed by the amountbof hours you've spent on this essay, and your thoughts running through your head. You looked at your phone, only to see that it was almost 1:00 in the morning. All of a sudden, you hear a light tapping noise against your window in your room. You stood up from your chair, stretching from sitting for so long, and walked to your window, opening it, only to see Mirage leaning against the railing of your apetment balcony.
"Hey kid, you doin' alright in there?"
He asked, as he gave you a small look of concern. You climbed through your window and onto your balcony, giving him a small nod, telling him that you were working on something for school that was due in a few days before it would need to be turned in.
"How long have you been working on it?"
He asked, as you counted how long you've been working on it with your fingers. You told that you've been working on it ever since this afternoon.
"Shit kid, have you took a break at all??"
He asked in concern, as he quickly became worried about your physical health. You looked away from him, embarrassed about you now taking a break like you should've.
"Come here kid."
Mirage said, as he picked you up from your balcony, placed you on the ground, and turned into his alt mode. You asked him on what he was doing going jnto his alt mode.
"Were goin' on a joyride. You need to take a break from whatever your working on, and let your mind rest for a bit. It's good to take a break every so often."
He said, as you hesitantly climbed into the passenger seat, with the seatbelt clamping around you, and into the seatbelt slot. He then drove out of the gravel road that led to your apartment, and drove off into the streets. You asked him on where you both were going, and all he said was that y'all were gonna cruise around the streets. For someone who likes to go fast, he wasn't really going that fast down the streets. The longer he drove, the more you both talked about whatever came onto y'alls minds.
After a few hours of driving around the city, he brought you back to your apartment so that you could get some rest since it was now close to 4:30 in the morning. You thanked him for making you take a break from your school work, and from life in general.
"Anytime kid, you need rest. Dont force yourself to do something for anything."
He said, as you climbed back through your window, thanking him once again for not only being your protecter, but you best friend as well.
"Your welcome kid, and goodnight Y/n."
He said, right before you said goodnight to him and closed your window, and crawling into your bed, getting some well needed sleep. You'll worry about finishing your essay tommorow.
This is my first fanfic, so I hope you enjoyed it!
Have a good day/night! 💜💜
Please repost my posts so that it can help me create more amazing content for others to see!
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methed-up-marxist · 2 months
judith butler (rancid liberal pacificist bitch) says that one of psycho-analysises main contributions is to take seriously the implications of the state of radical dependence that we are born into. its hard not to break the feeling that many people are just sad about not being able to tell themselves robinson crusoe stories anymore. And more than that it feels like people seem to think there isn't something deeply important captured by "independence" that retains its importance even it as it comes to us so often with all of this narrow-indivualist baggage. I firmly believe if everyone did what was best for them we would have communism tommorow and it is by making people unable to see themselves in the rest of the world that this potential is foreclosed, people are unable to articulate how only a broad-scale transformation can allow them to step forward as indivuals. Henry Miller says - and this has always stuck with me from when i read it in, i think, foucaults foreword to anti-oedipus - "we must die as egos and be born again in the swarm, not seperate and self-hypnotised but indivual and related". Big prompter behind my bug obsession. I can't help but break the feeling that our society has become so techo-scientific or "rational" or whatever the fuck that like the schema for even theorising what this would mean as an actual way for conducting a life just is inaccesible. I do really take seriously and believe that the intercourse of one's life determines not the specific nature of one's thought but definitly the range of formations it is able to take. idk, i feel so fucking trapped. Suicidaity, self-destruction, narrow-minded obstinance they all start to have the appeal of a sort of moral strength to them in this situation, refusing to enter into the kind of level of thought where a mathematical calculus of ur best interests or "what i should really be doing" can even become articulable. When my husband smashed that window and completely fucked the next few weeks of our life up all I could see was the strength involved in allowing those emotions to be so close to ur being. The most proud of myself I've ever been is when I've been getting the stuff together to end my own life and the deepest shame is when you wake up in the morning or make the call asking to be taken to the hospital. I don't want to feel that shame again.
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Dark humor again. Woooh.
⚠️ Also this post might contain triggering topics such as smoking, juuling and more. ⚠️
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #1
Agares: You know if cats slept for an entire day, people will find them adorable and cute. But if I do it "I have mental health issues" and "I need help"? Seems quite unfair.
Kerori: Agares Picero. You slept for three straight days with no eating, skipping three days of school, not even communicating with us. You gave Gaap a heart attack-
Agares: I suddenly lost my ability to hear shit.
Kerori: You bitc-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Purson: Okay what happened with Jazz-kun and Lied-kun because I heard screaming beforehand and then when I came into the room they were cuddling and sleeping with eachother.
Iruma: Oh, Jazz-kun found a JUUL in Lied-kun bag and got mad and then Lied-kun called him a hypocrite because he also smok-
Purson : To make a long story short..?
Iruma: They fought and then one of them cried then comforted eachother while joking about their trauma.
Purson: It was wholesome until you added the last detail. Why?-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #3
Agares: This cup of coffee represents my love for myself.
Gaap: Agares-dono...it's empty..
Agares: Exactly.
Kerori: Okay, who thought you dark humor? I- Wait ...*turns her head to Lied*
Lied: *sweating while pretending not to hear*
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #4
Iruma: Hey, Azz-kun do you think I look fat?
Asmodeus: ..Why?
Iruma: I'm sorry I just..
Asmodeus: No, why would people be so stupidly blind to not see your elusive beauty? Damn demon these days..
Iruma: * raises his eyebrows then quickly smiled*
Kerori: Imagine saying you're not depressed but your favourite song is "Look who's inside again."
Agares: Is this because I didn't follow your devi-account yet? I'm sorry that I don't like to follow akudols that I don't like.
Kerori: I hate you.
Agares: Glad the feelings mutual.
⭐Kerori and Agares is totally not inspired by my friendship with my friend irl. Nope definitely not.⭐
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #5
Kalego: Okay you brats,what the fuck do you do when you want to call for emotional support?
Misfit Class: Oh we're fine, how are you?
Kalego: No, just no. I'm literally gonna fucking kill your therapist at this point.
Dantelion who just went to annoy Kalego: ...
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #6
Lied: What the devi? Hey, Agares what are you doing in the middle of the nig-
Agares: Do you know that there is over in lover.
Lied: Uh-
Agares: and end in friend.
Lied: UH-
Agares: and good in goodbye.
Lied: Isn't that kind of dark- anyways please go to sleep it's one o' clock in the morning.
Agares: Says your gaming addiction.
Lied: Says your coffee addiction.
Agares: Says-
Claire's note:
Two hc I have showcase in this incorrect quote.
Uno, the Misfit Class sometimes sleepover at the royal one as a way of bonding.
Dos, Purson is a real bitch when he doesn't get any sleep.
My content is turning into dog-shit ain't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Btw I'm thinking of making a misfit class hamilton play in my fanfic. The demons starring the schuyler sisters.
Lied- Angelica
Iruma- Eliza
Agares- Peggy
Them three because them crossdressing is my literal sanity.
What do you think? My hand tells me no but my brain is telling me yes. I still don't know who should be hamilton though, I'm open to suggestions. Anyways I wish you a good day or night! See ya guys, gals and non-binary pals!
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fruitypi · 4 months
Morning, day, evening or night everybody! Thanks for all the support! (Well tbh I didn't expect a person, that inspired me to make a fan art to actually reblog it 😅) Here's kind of background to my previous post
Well Blue always was the most realistic charakters from ava universe for me. I mean they are the only one with a serious, negative and pointed out negative trait: addiction. Well, but is it a reason to cry at night? Probably not. But I have a theory. Connecting charakter's traits I came to conclusion: Blue has low self-esteem. Symptoms maches here. I'm not a specialist, but I have an unpleasant experience with low self-esteem. Main symptom known to everyone is bad thinking/saying bad thinks about yourself. We can't check that for obvious reasons, but another one is popular: placing your needs below others needs. Person with low self-esteem will be much more helpful even if helping will harm them somehow. It does match here
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Low self-esteem usually causes sleeping and eating disorders, anxiety, addiction to games, or the internet or SUBSTANCE USE. Umm.. What can I say?
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Also the fact, that Blue can blame themself for the this whole king Orange situation, may be a clue. Okay I think it's all I have to say. There's a few clues, but I don't think it was planned. These are this little confidences that keeps a few awake at night and I think it's good. It's a human thing after all; trying to find order in chaos. If you have suggestions feel free to write me in the comments and if you disagree, then I'm open to discusion. As I said; I'm not a specialist. Anyway it's a middle of a night and I have school tommorow. So byeee
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st0r-fruit · 3 months
Spoiled Orphan Reader X HayaRyuu Headcanons
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Summary: You find yourself surrounded with a different family. Maybe it's not that bad.
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A/N: Hello! First time writing for Gakuen Babysitters with slight twist of Ouran Highschool Host Club! Please be aware that i haven't finished OHSHC, so please do let me know if i made mistakes 🙏. Have fun reading!
Tags: Fluff!!, Slight crossover with OHSHC (Haruhi and Ryuuichi are cousins in my AU), Reader is girl/feminine, Hayaryuu aged up by 10 years, basically all mentioned Gakubaby and OHSHC characters is aged up, Billionaire!Ryu and Millionaire!Kamitani, Ryu is a a successful business man and Kamitani is a successful famous baseball player, Hayaryuu Girldads for the win.
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You, are once the child of a wealthy and powerful family. Your father controls big corporation markets and is known to be ferocious and perfectionist. Your mother invests on beauty salons, known for her kindness and gentle soul. You, on the other hand is know for your strong-willed attitude that knows exactly what you want and when you want. A purebred horse? It's here in tommorow morning. A brand new couture? All is set, all you need to do is find that you like. That new fancy dessert? It's by the dining table. You know you're spoiled and loved, and you make use of it.
Your life was great until one day... A hired sniper killed your parents. You three were just enjoying tea when you can hear faint wisps of bullets bursting to air, targeting your parents.
The police figured someone of your dad's rival hired the sniper, you know how it is on the business world. Intense, competitive, but certainly not murder-thirsty.
You are now left alone with your things and somehow, a grand fortune left for you on their will. While that's great, you didn't really have anyone to took care of you. Grandparents have passed, you have no older siblings since after your birth your mother went infertile. So your father's close friend, Yuzuru Suoh, took things in hand and offered you to stay in the academy his son is managing, Ouran Academy.
Of course you agreed, you heard many positive things about the place. So, with the help of the nannies, you packed your stuff and go live in academy. Your personal nannies come live with you too, ensuring you adjust properly to the academy.
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A year have passed, and you've grown fond of the academy. You were under the care of Tamaki Suoh, the chairman of the academy. He lets you reign freely around the academy, exploring each area freely. You also go to school there, and you're quite popular too. You've grown fond of him. Another person you admire is Haruhi Fujioka, the academy's lecturer of law and to your surprise, the wife of Tamaki. Sometime's Mr. Tamaki's (as you call him) friends come over, and you really liked them too.
While you're happy with everything going on with the academy, you still feel lonely. Seeing your friends get picked up by fancy cars to their families make you jealous, just bit.
You tell this to Haruhi and Tamaki, which to your surprise, is very happy to help you. They try to find you your forever family, but with a kid like you, it's going to be hard.
"How about the Rodechestire family?"
"No, they're not rich enough."
"Okay... What about the Yoshida's?"
"They're so strict and don't even pick couture!"
"A- How about the Walton's?
"I don't like their cat."
"...Girl, you ain't going anywhere with your kind of standards."
You sat with pouty face while Mrs. Haruhi and Mr. Tamaki talks about something. You heard their conversation from time to time.
"What about my cousin?" "Ryu? With that man...who is it again?" "Kamitani." "Right." "They're great at parenting from babysitting experience, we should give it a chance." "I approve it~!"
You gasped softly hearing their conversation. You got a candidate family? This is great! All you need to do is to see if they fill up your requirment.
After Haruhi and Tamaki breaks the news, you immediately started to pack your things up. Fancy teacups, couture outfits, designer shoes and limited edition bags. All for the hope that this family, maybe atleast decent.
Part 2 coming up!!
Interact in the comment section please 🥺
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cardinaldante · 4 months
Greetings siblings of the church. I want to kill myself. Papa Copia needed my help on something, and Jacob awnsered the door completely by accident. Papa Copia was very suprised about this, and I wanted to jump out of my room's window. I got dressed after that and quickly walked Jacob to the door.
When I got back to Papa Copia, Papa Terzo and Aether had joined him. Papa Terzo congratulated me for getting Jacob in my bed, but Papa Copia said something in Italian, and they started yelling back and forth at each other. I left them there and slipped away to my office with Aether. Aether congratulated me as well, and I embarrassingly told him that we just slept in bed together, nothing else happened. He only just grinned at me, and I got started on my work. There would be a feildtrip for the children tommorow that I'd be going on. I asked Aether if he would come with us and he told me as my personal ghoul, he'd have to- if only to make sure I didn't do anything as stupid as this morning. I punched him gently, and he told me he'd eat me the next time I punched him. I called his bluff and he just laughed at me.
Papa Copia came to my office an hour later, and told me that while he was proud of me for corrupting a priest, please tell him whenever I decided to bring a friend over. I glanced between him and Aether, and he blushed and told me he could just ground me. I quickly disagreed, and asked what brought him here. He told me that Father DeFroque was wanting to associate with us- which was suprising, as the last father of the church hated us, and it was Jacob and his father who smoothed over relationships with us.
To hear that he wanted to associate with us... It was a little unnerving. It was nice! We'd been waiting forever, but DeFroque wanted to come along with us to the field trip tommorow, which meant Papa Terzo was coming with us. I asked why he couldn't- after all, we didn't want Papa Terzo flirting with anyone from the church- and he told me Omega would be sent to keep an eye on Terzo. He also told me that since Father DeFroque was okay with speaking with me, he'd be making me the liaison for now- as long as I was okay with it, and as him as second.
Papa Copia tells me he doesn't trust Father DeFroque enough to have me alone in the room with him, and since I had a horrible reaction last time both I and Aether were on church grounds together- something he had noticed and told me that he would look deeper into it with Phil- he'd be going with me the next few times I had to go to the church to talk to DeFroque.
I asked him if he had any clues to what happened- and he just frowned and shrugged, not awnsering my question. He asked if I was going to be okay with some extra work, and I told him I would be fine with it as long as it wasn't too much. He agreed it wouldn't be, heard someone call his name, and excused himself. I worked and texted Jacob all day before finally getting bored and heading to the ghouls wing to see Phantom. I ran into a couple of siblings my age, and although they were awkward around me, and I was around them( I was technically their superior), they invited me to a party Friday. One of them mentioned there would be drinks, and while Aether did huff, I agreed to come. If only to sample some drinks and make sure everyone was drinking responsibly. I asked if I could invite my boyfriend, and they were very suprised that I had a boyfriend.
We talked for a long while about relationships(I had to explain gently that no, Papa Terzo wasn't lying when he said the clitorus was a real thing, if was a real thing that girls had), and about how they could become Cardinals like me. They asked if I was going to tell the Papa's about the Party, and I told them that I wouldnt tell a soul. I left after that and ran to Phantoms room, and Aether told me that I shouldn't go to the party, as I was underage, and I shouldn't drink and-
I kinda gave up listening and crossed my arms. I told him that while, yes, I was underage, this was the Satanic church, and wasn't we supposed to do stupid things? Besides, I wasn't going to really drink. All I was going to do was make sure the others didn't. Phantom said that it was a great idea, and that he'd get drunk for me. Aether hit him on the head hard, and they started arguing about the party. Siblings, I'm still going to the party. Aether can't stop me at this point. Besides, him and the Papa's always complain I don't act like a teenager much. Isn't this how teens act?
Let me break up this fight between Phantom and Aether before blood begins to be spilled or Omega's called. I don't need to get yelled at by him too. He's more scarier than Aether.
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puppymlovemail · 2 years
♫ Snap Out Of It!
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word count: roughly 1.5k
pairing: seo changbin x fem reader
warnings: drinking, swearing, mentions of sex, slightly suggestive
summary: changbin swears he isn’t jealous.
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Changbin sighed deeply, his fingers twitching around his wine glass. His siren eyes carefully tracing the condensation on the glass as his eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t even need to audibly speak his discretion, as annoyance was prominent on his face.
"Problem?" You asked, already knowing his answer.
“Why would there be a problem?" He gestures to your front door with his drink. "All of this is just... perfect."
“Don't do this here."
“Don't do what?"
“You know exactly what, Bin. You always do this when we have company." You scoff, downing the last of the chardonnay in your glass before placing it in the sink, with 8 other sets of plates from this evening alone, all of which awaiting to be cleaned tommorow morning. He masked his scowl with a smirk as his bandmates slowly started to leave your shared apartment, one by one.
“We’ll catch you in the studio tomorrow right?” Chan asks, as he slips his shoes on by the door, handing Jeongin his own coat that was hung on the wall above the shoe rack. Changbin fakes a quick smile. He’s nods and hums in response as his lips meet with his alcohol.
The boys start to file out as Jisung holds the door open for everyone, making some smart remark about how if they make him hold the door any longer it’ll fall off its hinges.
Hyunjin side hugs Changbin as his gaze meets yours. “Thank you so much for dinner, Y/N. I didn’t know you were such a great cook.”
You can’t help but smile at the compliment from your new friend as you push a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“My pleasure! Really! Make sure the boys get home in one piece for us!” Hyunjin returns your smile and chuckles at your reply as he leaves Changbins side and gives you a brief hug as well. He’s so quick with it, that the gentle touch is gone before you even realize it.
Changbin, however, made sure to pick up on it.
You can tell Hyunjin did it out of courtesy, and you don’t mind. He waves goodbye as he strides out the door. Once the front door slams, due to the sheer amount of force Jisung used to shut it, a heavy silence begins to hang in the already stiffled air until Changbin places his glass back down on the counter, pouring more wine into it. As he did so, you took this opportunity to slide onto the barstool to the left of him. Silence continued to hang over you both for minutes on end. With a bated breath, you extended your right arm to rest your hand on your boyfriends tense shoulder.
Before your hand could even make contact with his body, he stands up, almost jerking away from your affection.
"Why won't you pay attention to me, Seo?"
He heads over to the sink you were just at, and places his glass amonst the stagering others, those of which he'll definitley leave for you to clean up.
“Well it seems like you had no issue receiving attention from Hyunjin tonight.”
You fight every muscle in your face from allowing your jaw to slack. Instead, it tenses up. You chuckle lightly, a devilish smile appears on your face. Absolutley appualed by his audacity.
“Are you seriously jealous right now?”
Changbin scoffs, as if it’s the most absurd thing he’s ever heard you ask him, and crosses his arms. You aren’t usually one to be intimidated, especially not by your boyfriend. He’s the most loveable man you’ve ever met. He gives the best hugs, he’s the most attentive listener you’ve ever spoken to and he’s the type of person to block traffic to let ducks cross the road. But when he’s like this, when his presence becomes so engulfing, and his eyes dark, and he’s had a little too much to drink, you may dare to say you’re intimidated. You may even dare to say it’s a turn on, so you decide to let him continue the conversation.
“I’m not jealous, don’t get ahead of yourself.” He drags his hands on the countertop as he slowly begins to step closer to you. “I invite my friends over to enjoy time off work with me. I invite them over to get to know my girlfriend and what do I get from it? Not a single compliment, and not a sliver of your time.”
“That’s a whole lot of talk from someone who drank an entire bottle of wine by himself this evening, talked to Chan about the gym for a hour and didn’t even help me cook the pork. As a matter of fact, Felix was the one helping me in the kitchen today. Not you.”
“Oh that’s rich!” He rebuttals, head leaning back comically as he lets out a laugh so faked you almost feel humiliated for being the one receiving it. “If I recall, I offered to help you with thawing the meat, but you insisted we fuck all morning instead. You wasted the time you had for cooking, not me.”
“You’re acting like sex doesn’t require two people, Changbin. If you’re gonna complain about that, then I’ll let you take care of yourself every morning. Go abstinent.” You get off the barstool seat, and begin to head to your bedroom, running a hand through your hair and roughly exhaling a breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“Where do you think you’re going? Walking away makes you a coward, my love!”
“You say the nastiest things when you’re angry. So yes, I’m walking away. I can’t hold a single coherent conversation with you like this. If that makes me a coward so fucking be it.”
Before you can get past the kitchen counter, his calloused hand wraps around your right wrist, and you stop dead in your tracks. It’s the first time he’s touched you since this morning, and it sends a jolt of electricity into your skin, injecting straight into your veins and ricocheting across all portions of your body. No matter how mad you may be with him, he will always be the only person with the ability to affect you the way he does. He takes advantage of your pause, and steps in front of you. Your entire vision invaded with him.
With his perfectly placed hair, his tight long sleeved shirt, his silver jewelry decorating his figure. He invades not just your vision, but all of your senses, rudely and roughly he encases them all. You smell the expensive chardonnay on his lips, but if your being real, it’s not just on his lips. The wine scent sticks to his clothing, and really the entirety of him. You can swear you could’ve heard his heart pounding in his chest if it weren’t for how aggressive his breathing was. He looked frantic like this, and you never want to rid of it. Getting him riled up only makes you want him more. He steps closer into you, causing you to stumble backwards into the counter. His left hand leaves your wrist in exchange for your waist, holding you still against him. In times like these, you’re forever grateful for his strong muscles, you’ll never taunt him for spending more time at the gym than with you ever again.
“Who said it had to be a coherent conversation?” He all but whispers, face mere inches from yours. One look into his eyes and you can almost feel the intensity of his love. If eyes could hold the universe, his would have the entire milky way in them. But the intensity in his eyes right now, is almost glazed over. You’ve seen this look from him before, and you could swear you’re addicted to it.
The silence remains once again, other than his labored breath and your heartbeat. “I’ll ask you again.” He begins, biting his bottom lip briefly. His voice remaining strong and steady, even lower than before, reminding you just how small you are when pressed directly against him. “Who said it had to be coherent?” With that said, you wasted no time pressing your lips to his. He accepted back immediately, the kiss anything but calm. It’s sloppy. Teeth and tongue colliding with one another, lips disconnecting with strings of saliva just to reconnect seconds after an intake of breath. Changbin’s arms move from your waist and travel to the back of your thighs, squeezing them, signaling you to jump up. He pushes you onto the counter as you do so. Your legs wrap around his waist almost instinctively, pushing him flush against your chest. He groans into the kiss at the action, moving his hands back to your hips, tightening his grip as if to ensure you won’t leave during this argument as well. If this is what having Hyunjin over prompted, then maybe you’ll have to invite his friends over more often.
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hello tumblr dot com!! this is my first time posting fics here! lowkey nervous, and still learning how to use the site right but i hope to make some cool stories for y’all! my asks r always open for requests. <3
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deltaruiner · 2 months
Alright, so!
Cinnamon, Periwinkle, Mauve, Blush, Fuchsia, Vermilion, Lavender, Umber, Razzmatazz, Saffron, Fallow, Plum, Chartreuse, and Burgundy!!!
Omg thank you, im glad you think im cool and that i help you laugh and have a good day, i really wonder sometimes if people actually enjoy or just tolerate my presence-
As for talent, while im happy you think that im not quite sure what original content i've ever uploaded here? like i write random thoughts sometimes but those arent stories or any kind of prose?? thanks though~
your passion and inspiration is part of an elaborate plan i've conspired to turn the people of tumblr to the light of madoka-san through religous ecstasy, i expect you at our morning sermons starting tommorow.
Oh you want to know about me!! um... im kinda secretive and closed off usually tbh... but i wont get mad or annoyed at any questions! i might not always answer either is the thing... and i'd love to chat with you!!
On one hand i am very complimented you'd share your favorite food with me, but on the other im scared i wont like it because of my selective taste. if i don't like it id still eat something else with you though!
Running through the unclaimed north with a friend is such a dream~ i love the cold and i love being comfy and with company~
homies 💪😐🤜🤛😐✊️
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llamaristic · 7 months
It was that type of night where, even in the absence of the sun, that heavy, sticky heat still retained and comfort was no more. Hajime could feel it wobble through the air, thick like static and it'd rip through him horrifically. They had been walking side to side, shoes scuffling against the grainy asphalt and skin, sensitive to fabric they were sure never to be worn again.
That day Oikawa and Hajime had left highschool.
Was it that long ago that he was a first year, brain-dead and a half the height he is now? It was hard to tell, really. He didn't need to poke his belt at the furthermost hole anymore and he couldn't watch old videotapes of his younger self, the disbelief that his voice used to be so scratchy and raw. Hajime was growing. Soon to be this full fledged man with earl-grey slacks and gelled hair. It was just another chapter of his life, like middleschool had been and the preschool before that. It was—but it was bigger, he was going to college.
"I'm overreacting, Iwa-chan? You should've seen how happy Sensei Nakamura was seeing me off."
"You're upset because he was happy?"
"He's not supposed to be! I want to see tears. I'm one of the best Aoba Johsai's ever had! Losing me should be....it should hurt and alot and I should be able to see that perfectly on his small, fat face. I swear when I'm famous, and on all Tokyo's TVs, he'll ask for a photograph and I'll....I'll spit on him!"
Hajime blinked. "Wow, Oikawa. You're absurd."
"Your not supposed to be defending him! What are you doing?" Oikawa chin had formed a very hollow dimple as he said this. Hajime remembers. He had looked funny under the lights, parts of his face hidden in shadows like some malevolent Disney villain.
"It's fine. I'll never see that scoundrel in my lifetime from now." He had puffed, mumbling to himself as he perched down on the guardrail. It rattled greatly so he sat, still. His knees had been drawn up to his chin, his gaze listless as his back hunched considerably so. Hajime had sighed too, disappointed at his legs involuntarily shifting to crouch next to him. He had heard Oikawa sniff and then, as he looked at him, saw his lips dent with teeth.
"I think I'm scared."
"Hey! Don't say it like that. I don't sound like that, Iwa-chan."
"Yes you do."
"No, I don't."   A sniff.   "I'm going to miss you."
Hajime had broke into a laugh. "You say that as if I'm not going to see you again."
"Yeah, and it's likely I won't."
"Sadly I will."
"Can you just reason with me for a second, Iwa-chan. Things are changing so fast, so quick. Next year I won't even be captain. I'll be bossed and tossed to wondertown and back. But worst of all: I'll be second."
"Fifth, at most."
"I hate you."
"I hate you more because it doesn't matter if your the fucking best in the world. It may, but really it doesn't. And I know you. I know you'll push yourself until your unrecognisable and I have to hold you from getting blown away from my burps." Oikawa had giggled at the thought and then quickly whined, lips protruding out in a pout. Hajime swayed to the side as he was punched. "And even if something happens and we never see each other again, remember to eat anchovies and raw eggs in the mornings. Helps me with my gains."
"Dis. Gusting." Oikawa had retched, voice dripping with laden repulse but as Hajime turned to him, he was smiling. His hair was longer then, bangs touching to his eyes and there was that patch of sun-kissed freckles on the skin beneath his ears. The monorail across them had whirred past, and in the dark it had looked like a phosphorescent caterpillar. Hajime wrinkled his nose looking up at the darkening sky. Was it always like this? He had never been aware that time had been so...quick. Tommorow, he would wake up and see his blazer slung over his chair, the panic settling in that he had forgotten to iron it. Rid those creases Oikawa loved to point out the moment he stepped out the house. But he didn't need to, right? He was never going to wear that blazer again. 
"Let's race." Hajime watched the monorail curve its body, swallowed into the black expanse of a tunnel. He wondered where it'd end to. When it'd stop. When the blare of the train left his ears he glanced to the right of him and said, "Over to wherever the fuck that lane takes us. Loser has to get the other two bowls of chicken donburi and cherry ramune for the night."
"Liar." Oikawa nasaled, trying to stuff his nose in the juncture where his knees met. "What's the catch."
"You get a headstart."
Oikawa took his head out of his knees, his nose red and wrinkled and wet as he perked up a brow. "How long."
How long? It would be long enough that it satisfies Oikawa's already chronically inflated ego, and short enough so that Hajime's not settling for an immediate loss. They've been on and off for years. He had thought about the ready, steady, go strategy but whenever Oikawa's counting it, he says something off-putting like bananas! And whenever Hajime's counting it, Oikawa's ears suddenly fold into themselves and he's running before Hajime's even started. He wants to settle this here.
"Bout 4 seconds."
"And have you started counting yet?"
A smirk. "Yeah." The railway guard shuddered at the loss of weight before Hajime was sighting the scramble of a body quickly leave his side. “Idiot.” He muttered, dusting himself off as he stood and on his feet, Hajime ran. He wasn't off to a good start, unironically. His thigh cramped up a little and he had to rabbit-hop. But he could still see how the streetlamp lights slithered over Oikawa's figure and he knew he was doing just fine.
He needed to be more than just fine. Hajime needed to win. Setting up this bet and giving Oikawa a jumpstart just to lose—he'd never hear the end of it. Hajime wasn't so much a lover of humiliation; he picked up his stride, the kaleidoscope of the late city night below him becoming no more than a consecutive blur.
There was the faint sound. A body of water. And then. He was wrapping his arm around a neck. Falling. Into something soft. Like sand.
They fought tirelessly; hands slithering under arms; unintelligible puffs of curses. But for as tall as Oikawa was, Hajime was always stronger. He had straddled him, pinned his arms above his head.
"You may think you have won, Iwa-chan. But I'm the one that crossed here first."
"Not sure about that," Hajime grunted. "Pretty sure we crossed at the same time."
Oikawa made a wordless cry, writhing under Hajime like a worm with a brain hemorrhage. He was pink—ridiculously pink with overexertion. The softer strands of hair sticking to his forehead and his temples. He had nothing but a twinkle of hatred in those light brown eyes, brows crinkling like they wanted to kiss another. Hajime would miss that look. Would miss milking Oikawa's happiness until he would undergo the same personality as the colour grey. From then on, it was like his job. Eat, sleep, chronically provoke Oikawa. Nothing would change. They're seventeen and still play-fight like they were nine. Nothing would change—but Hajime could tell this would be the last in a long time.
He pressed his forehead on Oikawa's.
"What are you doing?" Oikawa had said in something like a barely audible whisper.
Hajime licked his lips, carefully. "I don't know." He could the skin on Oikawa's forehead lose tension, his breath hitching. They both had their eyes closed, breathing hot air into each others mouths. The faint thrum of a heartbeat through thin fabric. For a moment, Hajime had felt like he wasn't there.
A hum. "Yeah?"
"You'll do great."
Other hand dug into the warm sand, Hajime lifted his head. Oikawa's eyes had slowly fluttered open, and a ever-present breeze brushed his limp bangs over his eyes. Hajime only looked into Oikawa's eyes as he felt hands gingerly cup the sides of his face, finger twitching like they weren't supposed to be there.
"I know." He had grinned, those hands slowly falling to Hajime's shoulder and giving them a gentle push. Hajime kept his eyes shut as he felt the back of his head meet the sand, his arm falling limply on his belly. There was the sound of footsteps inching from him, trackless; the rustle of fabric falling to the ground.
Hajime let his head fall to the side, eyes in search for Oikawa. He was where Hajime's eyes had directed him to, standing by the edge of the shoreline. Shirt ruffling in the breeze. He he knew exactly what Oikawa's thinking— it is beautiful. The air was so dark, it was blue. And the moon looked of something so large and bright, it made the grains of sand glitter as if capped with fairydust. The air was briny, felt lukewarm in the cave of his mouth. Albatrosses soar and glide, an outstretch of wings trekking through the wisps of the overcast clouds. It was nice, welcoming but for the most part, Hajime had been looking at him.
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quinnkasih · 1 year
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Having A Bad Hair Day ?
xiao x gn!reader
Xiao is having his bad hair day, sir Zhongli wanted to help. Did the help made his day much more worse?
nothing, just pure fluff <3
I know you guys are waiting for a new chapter of "Kitty Cat". But hey, have this fluff! Xiao is jealous of scara having your attention, you know?
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Tommorow, students are going to have quiz. Just some brainstorming quiz, nothing hard.
But Xiao doesnt care neither it is just some fun-quiz or not, he needs to get the best grade. He is now studying in his room, without any breaks.
He was just reading some books about the quiz tommorow. Until his attention was broked by a knocking on his bedroom door.
"Xiao?" Said a deep, muffled voice from the other side of the door.
"Come in" He answered.
His door opened revealing sir Zhongli, his adoptive father (which he never considered as), wearing an apron with a tray of water and a bowl filled with almond tofu which he cooked into a snack-like dish in his hold.
Xiao turned his head to the door upon smelling the aroma of the food.
"What is it?" He asked, uninterested, turning back to his book.
"You should rest for awhile, its just some fun-quiz Xiao" Zhongli worriedly told him while placing the water and food next to Xiao.
Xiao didnt answered anything. Instead, he leaned down further to get a better view of his books.
All Zhongli did was just sighing back upon his actions. He then placed a hand on his shoulder and pat it there softly.
"Xiao, I appreciate your determination to get good grades at school. But please rest" He once again lectured him, worriedly.
This time, Xiao only answered with a hum.
His amber eyes dilated from left to right. His face was covered by his long bangs if you look from the side way, how does it not bothering him?
Zhongli noticed this and moved his hand to Xiao's face to tuck his bangs behind his ear.
This action made Xiao turn to look at Zhongli. Staring at him with a stern gaze.
Zhongli only hummed, "Just eat the food I made and dont get dehydrated. I was just tucking your bangs behind your ear to make you have a better vision of the book your reading" Zhongli confessed, as he was reading Xiao's mind.
"Good luck" Zhongli left his side and left his bedroom.
Xiao's gaze lingered awhile at the closed door. He then turned back to his book and countinued studying.
Its the next day's morning, Xiao woke up early to review his notes last night.
It the bathroom, he was having trouble with his hair, unable to create a great hair style without having his eyesight disturbed by his bangs.
He was getting frustrated, he already even make a mental note to go to the hair salon after school to have his bangs shortened.
After awhile of being frustrated, he surrendered. He left the bathroom with a frown on his face, brows furrowed hard with messy hair.
He payed no mind to it and went downstairs to have his breakfast.
Zhongli noticed his behavior as he placed down Xiao's breakfast infront of him.
"Having a bad hair day?" Zhongli asked as his back was turned on Xiao. He is washing his hands on the sink.
Xiao only answered with a groan and just started to eat his breakfast.
"Want me to help with your hair? I have some pomade (boy hair styler)" Zhongli offered as he dried his hands with towel.
Xiao answered with an annoyed hum. He actually dont need help with his hair. But what could he do? 'Atleast its better than having messy hair..' He positively thought.
After ahwhile, Zhongli came back with a small jar of pomade he has. He positioned himself behind Xiao and started to style his hair as Xiao countinued his breakfast.
"How do you think?" Asked Zhongli as he handed a small mirror for Xiao to check with.
Xiao moved the mirror to left and right to get a better view of his hair. He was quite unsatisfied with his hair. But why does it matter anyways? The pomade had dried up and the only way to restyle his hair is for him to get a hair wash first, which will have him late for his college.
He answered with a hum and a silent "thank you" to Zhongli.
He arrived early at school. But not earlier than y/n, his seat mate.
Y/n greeted him with a "good morning" as he moved past behind them to get to his seat. He replied back with a silent "good morning".
"Its nice to see you too Xiao! Have you learned for today's quiz?" You questioned his as you leaned in to the palm of your hand and faced him.
"Yea" He answered as he take out his notes without a bother to give you his attention.
He never have the balls to even face you well, he has this small crush on you. Yes, small, he thought. And in this kind of situation, inside, he would panic. Like, does he look good?! Would you notice the sudden change in his hairstyle?! He has to look good infront of you!
These thoughts run in his head all the time with you being his seat mate. He never really look at you with a focused gaze or without his eyes wandering anywhere than your face when you two are conversing.
Well, with you, you noticed this behavior everytime you two converse. You never payed no mind to it. You thought like: 'ehh, he is introverted anyways. Maybe he is nervous with socializing?'
But today, something look different from him. You squinted at his hair, you were just unable to put your finger on it.
Inside, he was begging for you to not notice his hair as he just countinued with his notes. 'Please.. Please.. Dont notice it y/n..' He silently begs.
"Xiao is it just me or does it seems like theres something different from you?" You questioned him with a confused face.
'Fuck..' He mentally sweared. He was scared that you wont like his hair style.
"It must be you. Im sure theres nothing different from me.." He nervously declined. He raised his book closer to his face to hide his faint nervous blush.
"Really?" You retreated your hand which was previously supporting your head. You slightly tilted your head in confusion.
"I think.. Its your hair!" You exclaimed as you lightly clasped your hands together.
"It seems.. Sweaty? I dont know.. Wet? But it looks quite sticky.." You tried to figure out.
'Sweaty? Sticky?' Xiao was getting panicked by your guessings. He slowly touched his hair bangs.
Well it sure is, Its the pomade. It had melted and become some-like sweat? Maybe its the heat.
He got insecured with his wet-sticky hair, you noticed this.
His bangs was already disturbing his visions, now wet? Thats worse.
You hummed and turned your back on him and searched something in your bag.
After awhile, you found what you were finding, turning back to Xiao with a small pouch of rainbow-coloured hair clips you have.
"Hey Xiao! Pick your favorite!" You taunted at him as you handed the small pouch of rainbow-coloured hair clips.
He was about to decline, when you suddenly forced him to take his favorites once more.
He sighed through his nose and just picked two hair clips with his favorite colours, the turqoise coloured one and yellow.
As he was about to question you, you were quick to take the hair clips he had choosed.
You leaned closer to his face and raised your hands to his hair.
His voice seems to be stucked in his throat, you were too close to his face. He was trying his best to not blush, he doesnt wants you to notice it.
He only closed his eyes and try to calm hiself down as he enjoys your warm touches on his hair. Your warm touch then came to a stop as he heard clipping sound, twice.
He let out a held breath that he even never knew he was holding as he felt your breath of his face. Signaling that your face isnt infront of his anymore.
He opened his eyes and looked at you who was giggling into the palm of tour hand.
"There! I clipped the hair clips on your hair! I hope this way you could have a better vision. Its not the best but atleast its better than having wet-sticky bangs bothering is it?" You assured him after your giggling.
He only hide his face with his hand and nodded slowly.
"You look prettier this way you know? I can get a better view of your face now" You flirted at him as you leaned further into the palm of your hand which was supporting your head.
He just looked away from you to the window beside him. 'Guess I wont be able to have good grades this time with them being in my head..' he thought.
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stellawolfe30 · 3 months
Tommorow morning if I wake up to another " I'm struggling with (insert emmediate and very real problem that people suffer from here) and need money to pay for (solution to said problem). I'm so close to my goal please help me! Anything helps" scam in my askbox Tumblr staff owes me 20 bucks.
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