#they're underage. no smut
karizard-ao3 · 11 months
Hi! In Clueless Teens, how did Eren approach the topic of wanting a manbun to Mikasa? And her reaction to his manbun?
Hi! I feel like he handled it the way he handles so many things with Mikasa. He was like, "Do you think it would be hot if I grew my hair out? It would look pretty cool, right? Would you think that was sexy?"
And she was swooning like, "Yes".
And then I think the actual manbun discussion would go something like:
(begin scene)
Eren studied himself in Mikasa's mirror, frowning at his shoulder length hair.
"You okay over there?" she asked, looking up from her book.
"My hair got caught in my locker today," he said, batting at the chestnut strands.
"What?" said Mikasa with a disbelieving laugh. "How??"
"I don't fucking know!" Eren said, glaring at himself. "That's what I want to know. How does that fucking happen? I had to all twist around and put my combination in and Connie was laughing at me the whole time."
"Why were you even in your locker?" said Mikasa. "You don't even use it."
"I've been letting Connie-" he said this last with great vehemence- "store root vegetables in there since school started last month."
Mikasa blinked. "...Root vegetables?"
"Yeah," said Eren. "You know. Like carrots and yams and onions and potatoes and stuff."
"But... But why?" said Mikasa.
Eren shrugged. "YouTube, probably."
Mikasa was silent for a moment. "Yeah, okay," she said.
"Should I cut my hair?" asked Eren, frowning. He didn't really want to. He thought he looked really cool, and it felt really good when Mikasa brushed her fingers through it.
"You could put it up," said Mikasa, getting off of the bed.
"Like a braid?" asked Eren.
Mikasa came to stand behind him, peeking over his shoulder at their joint reflection. She smiled at him and pointed to a bowl on her vanity. "Give me a hair tie," she said.
Eren did and Mikasa swept his hair back, her nails gliding over his scalp as she neatened the strands and then twisted them into a bun and looped the elastic around it. She rested her chin on Eren's shoulder and hugged him around the waist. He studied himself.
"It looks all right," he decided, then caught her eyes in the mirror. "Do you think it looks good, though? Do you like manbuns?"
Mikasa smiled, tightening her arms around him.
"Mikasa?" said Eren, turning his head to look at her.
She giggled.
"Does it look bad?" he persisted.
Mikasa shook her head, a blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Babe," he said. "Please say something."
She shook her head and hid her face in his back.
"Why are you being so weird, helianthus?" he demanded.
Mikasa took a deep breath. "You look so hot I don't know what to do with myself," she squeaked.
"Oh?" said Eren.
She nodded against his back, another fit of hysterical giggles bursting through her.
Eren turned around inside her grip, beaming. She snuck a peek at him, then blushed even brighter red.
Eren grinned and put his arms around her, walking them both towards the bed. "Well, you may not know what to do with yourself, but I've got a pretty good idea you think I should do with you," he said, waggling his eyebrows.
"Ooh," said Mikasa, fanning herself with one hand and squeezing his bicep with the other, her eyes glued to his updo. "I think you're right."
(end scene)
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overtail · 2 months
Sick - Sokka x Reader 🔞
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Summary: Sokka gets hurt after (Y/N) distracts him during a battle, setting off an argument. They make up in an... unusual way..
Reader Info: Female, Non bender, competitive
Warning: NSFW, Cursing, slight sexism, rough sex, underage, oral, fingering, both subs because they're teens for gods sake
A/N: This is my first time writing smut......
(Y/N) sat next to Katara as the light from the campfire reflected onto her face, creating a warm glow against her skin. She picked a piece off of her cod flounder, throwing it in her mouth and chewing quietly.
Aang and Katara were chatting, Toph Joining in every few seconds. They were talking about something aimless -- a conversation they wont remember in a week's time.
The air was uncomfortable, especially with Sokka's glaring. Every so often, (Y/N) would glance across the way, only to see Sokka giving her a nasty side eye.
She was getting tired of it -- she wasn't one to take disrespect like that. Sokka may think that he was some big, strong, scary man, but (Y/N) could make him cower with one yell.
"Right, (Y/N)?"
Katara elbowed her, bringing (Y/N) out of her brooding.
She looked to the ground with embarrassment from the lack of listening. Katara isn't one to care, but there was still the shame.
"Oh, me and Aang were just-"
She began, looking down at my slumped over figure. Before she could finish, she was interrupted.
"She's probably thinking about how to sabotage me again."
(Y/N) looked up at Sokka as was barking out the rude comment, rolling his blue eyes. Katara crooked her neck to glance at him too, raising a brow at his remark. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, head tilting to the side teasingly.
"What did you just say to me Sokka?"
She knew damn well what he said. She just wanted to know if he had the balls to repeat himself. Sokka stood up walking, a bit closer to the log that (Y/N) and Katara were sat.
"I said.."
(Y/N) got up, making her way over to Sokka.
"You're probably thinking about how you're going to sabotage me again."
(Y/N) scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Sabotage you? Why can't you just accept that you suck at fighting?"
She barked back, leaning closer to him. She poked his chest, pushing him back a little bit. (Y/N) looked at the black eye he had gained from the 'sabotage'.
"Oh no, no, no. Do you find joy in my pain?"
Sokka avoided the question, turning his head to the side. (Y/N) shook her head in disbelief, looking at her feet and back up at Sokka again.
She pushed him back, emiling angrily.
"At this point, i really do. Your face looks better with that black eye."
(Y/N) teased, pointing at his purple bruise. Sokka just scoffed, pushing her back. He didn't care one bit that she was a girl -- that was clearly established when she said she was better than him.
"You're just jealous. Jealous you're a horrible person, sick girl who doesn't know how to get better."
(Y/N) was actually taken aback by this, like she was being stabbed in the back by his words. She heard a gasp from Katara, and a light giggle from Toph. (Y/N) grinned. She began to laugh, looking at Katara and to Aang. Sokka looked at her cautiously, watching as she laughed like a crazy person, tears running down her red cheeks.
"Jealous? Me? Jealous of you? I'd have to be the most pathetic person to want to be like you, Sokka."
(Y/N) walked past him, into the wall of trees that was behind him. She kept on laughing, shaking her head in disbelief at the words. She didn't quite know how to feel, but she just wanted to be left alone. To cry and scream in her faraway tent, to drown in her emotions.
But of course, Sokka had to always get the last word in.
She heard his footsteps getting louder and louder as her laughing faded into soft cries, her legs shaking as she tried to get to her tent as fast as possible. She needed to hide away, and she didn't want Sokka out of all people to see her broken heart.
"(Y/N), this isn't over!"
Somka said, grabbing onto her bicep. She ripped her arm from his grasp, avoiding talking to him. Tent. Get to your tent.
"(Y/N)! Come on-"
She tried to ignore his calling as much as she could, reaching out to the entrance of her tent. Before she could unclasp the buttons, she was whipped around, coming face to face -- well, face to chest -- with Sokka.
She looked up to his face, face full of rage. Somka had never seen her like this before, even while fighting the people she hated most.
"What could you possibly need to say that is so important you need to follow me to my fucking tent!"
(Y/N) yelled, her eyes shutting tightly. A few furious tears escaped her glossy eyes, falling onto the dirt in front of her feet.
"You know, you're a real piece of work (Y/N).."
"Guess what? You make me SICK Sokka!"
"Can you just shut up already?"
She scoffed, pushing Sokka once again. He stepped closer to her, reaching behind her neck and bringing her close.
"I'll give you another black eye-"
"Just shut up!"
Before she could react, before she could say the next rude comment, Sokka's warm lips crashed into her's. She didn't even have time to react, only instinctively leaning into his touch.
(Y/N) felt Sokka's hands fall from the tape of her neck to her lower back, bringing their flush bodies together.
She reached up to grab his shoulders, bringing him down so he was pushing against her even more. Before they both ran out of air, Sokka broke the connection, quickly leaning back and his face growing red.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N)-"
(Y/N) reached up, gracing her fingers across her lips in surprise. She wasn't even looking at him, just at her chest rising up and down slowly. She glanced up, watched as Sokka stammered out an apology.
"It's.. It's fine."
She was also red, smiling nervously at his gaze.
"I mean if it wasn't.. i wouldn't have kissed back."
(Y/N) looked to the ground bashfully, which was such a strange sight for Sokka. She was abrasive, aloof, and very strong hearted -- but this, this was different. And he didnt quite know how to feel about it.
Sokka stepped forward slowly, reaching up to place his palm on her face. He brought her chin up, looking to the ground on his left. God, he was nervous. What was he doing?
(Y/N) looked at him, smirking slightly. She was back, and Sokka felt a flutter in his stomach.
This time, the kiss was soft, slow, and tender. It was much more calm, which was good for both of them.
"Do you want to go inside my tent?"
(Y/N) said in a semi whisper, raising both of her brows. Sokka nodded, not quite knowing where this would go. (Y/N) let go of him, turning to unclasp the entrance of the tent behind them. She crouched down, stepping into the flaps and disappearing into the tent. Sokka stood there for a moment, trying to process what was really going on. This was something from his dreams; the nights he stayed up with his hands in his pants, whimpering her name as images flashed through his mind.
Sokka got on his knees, shuffling into the tent. As he glanced into the warmly lit place, he was surprised to see (Y/N) shrugging her shirt off, her shoulder exposed as well as her bra.
"Oh- sorry-"
(Y/N) laughed, turning around to grab his hand before he laughed.
"I'm doing this so you can see, stupid."
Sokka blushed, nodding his head cautiously. He sat on the felt that lined the floor of the tent. Rubbing his hands over the familiar feeling over the cloth, his attention was caught by a cold hand on his shoulder. He looked up, only to see (Y/N) nervously sitting on her knees in front of him in her undergarments.
"Oh.. oh spirits.."
He said, drinking in her body. His eyes glanced over every curve, every perfect imperfection, every freckles and every mole. He smiled, looking at her onxe again before giving her a deep kiss.
The two leaned back onto the make-ship bed, his hands caressing her sides. (Y/N) tugged at his shirt, causing him to break the kiss.
"You okay?"
Sokka didn't really know what he was doing. Hes only kissed a few girls before, like Suki or Yue, even girls back at home, but anything past that was untouched territory.
"You think you should take your clothes off? At least the over clothes."
(Y/N) suggested nervously, smiling softly. Somka let out a quick 'oh yeah', before leaning back and taking his shirt off. He kicked off his boots, taking his pants off. He shuffled his shirt off.
When he looked back down at (Y/N) he saw that she wasn't quite staring at his face, or even his chest. It was just a quick glare, but he knew what she was looking at.
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that.."
The painful warmth in his crotch only grew more at the sight of her looking at his erection. She just laughed slightly, rolling her eyes.
"It's a good thing, Sokka."
Sokka smiled, shuffling over to where (Y/N) laid. He dipped down, his lips being placed against hers in an instant. He gripped her waist, dragging her closer to his hips.
The kisses were messy, sloppy with spit and their tongues lapping the sides of each others mouths. Both Sokka and (Y/N) wanted more; no, needed more.
"Sokka, can we try something?"
(Y/N) whispered against his lips, and was only greeted with an eager nod. She grabbed one of his hands that was on her waist, bringing it over to her crotch. He placed it on her underwear, not quite knowing what to do.
She grabbed the side of her panties, moving it to the side to expose her. Sokka's eyes widened at the sight, it being the opposite of what he expected. He looked over the folds, the bud at the top, and of course, the inviting entrance. She swallowed hard, trying to focus on the task at hand.
"Okay so.."
(Y/N) grabbed his hand, making a fist with his fingers. She grabbed his ring finger, showing it to him.
"You want to put this in there."
She gestures to her hole, which was wet with her slick.
Sokka stuttered out. (Y/N) let go of his hand, and he took a deep breath. The tip of his finger grazed the entrance, before quickly delving into her. He eyes widened, thighs almost closing at the intrusion.
"So, you're gonna want to curl-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Sokka curled his finger, his long digit reaching the right spot. (Y/N) let out an unexpected moan, slapping her hand over her face. Sokka grew harder at the sight, and then did it again. She was more quiet this time, but the sound still made him feel amazing. After a few minutes, she was a squealing mess. Without asking, Sokka added his middle finger, causing (Y/N) to moan aggressively.
The sound was amazing, like something you could listen to over and over again and never get tired of it. He repeated the motions, eliciting groans from her sweet mouth.
(Y/N) began to grow aware of Sokka's painful erection, and no matter how good this felt, she knew this would feel better. She grabbed his wrist, which woke him up from his trance.
"Do you want to.."
She said, looking at his member. Sokka blushed, nodding quickly. He removed his fingers from her, glancing up before grabbing the band of his boxers. He slipped them off, and felt the relief of the cold air on him.
(Y/N) was staring. Staring hard. Was he too small? Did he not look right? Was there something wrong?
Sokka had a good 6 inches on him, which was great for a teenager. (Y/N) was pulsing at the sight of him, her slick dripping down her ass.
"Okay, so.."
(Y/N) sat up, moving so she was on her hands and knees and her ass was facing Sokka.
"I think this is how you do it."
Sokka nodded. This was the most quiet shes ever heard him be, a whole new side of the boy.
He shuffled forward, grabbing his dick with his hand and lining himself up with her.
"Now, don't put it in my- augh!'
Her sentence was interrupted with a moan as he shoved himself in aggressively. He whimpered audibly, not used to the new feeling.
"Oh my spirits.."
He groaned, pulling himself out before sliding back in. (Y/N) moaned again, gripping the felts beneath her hands. Sokka repeated the motion, speeding up every time. Soon, you could hear the sound of skin slapping against skin, (Y/N) letting out small 'ah, ah, ah's. Sokka was letting a stream of curses fall from his lips, a familiar knot in his stomach forming.
He moaned, grabbing onto her soft waist.
"I need to tell you- AUGH- something.."
(Y/N) tightened around Sokka, which only made his growing orgasm arrive sooner.
"You can be rude to me- ah- later!"
She said in a strained voice. Everything felt so otherworldly, like they were the only teeo people in the universe.
"Not that."
He said with a grunt, his hands tracing over her ass as he grinded harder and harder.
He began but realized he was about to cum. He jolted forward, trying to hold it back. That single movement pushed (Y/N) over the edge, shaking and moaning with her orgasm.
"I'm in love with-"
As the words slipped out, so did his arrival. She grabbed her waist tight, enough to bruise, and pushed into her.
His words were mixed with moans, his white liquid coating the inside of her. He pulled himself out, and saw his cum dripping from her pussy. He asshole was pulsating, her legs quivering, and her waist had tiny fingerprints from his grasp.
(Y/N) flopped down onto her bed, not caring about cleaning up. On the other hand, Sokka was trying to grab a hand towel as fast as he could. He reached over, softly wiping the white liquid from her and her bed. She sighed, rolling over onto her back. Sokka tossed the towel to the side, looking at her panting body from above.
"I'm not a virgin anymore."
He spat out with a toothy grin, making her roll her eyes.
"We're on the same page here."
Katara rubbed her eyes, stepping out of her tent and into the bright morning light. She had gotten absolutely no sleep last night. Unlike Toph and Aang who could sleep through a tornado, she was kept up all night by (Y/N) and Sokka's 'make up sex'.
She glanced over to the campfire, which occupied Sokka roasted a frog. She stomped over, punching him right in the jaw so he fell over on his side.
"What was that for?"
He asked, looking at Katara like she was insane.
"For keeping me up all night! You deserve two black eyes you little-"
Sokka scrambled up, running into the forest as Katara ran after him.
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sonamytrash · 4 months
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Underground Virgin!Levi x Virgin!Femreader
Warnings: y/n used, Childhood friends to lovers, fluff, smut, puberty mentioned, masturbation mentioned, fingering, sex, mentions of abuse, mentions of rape, mentions of prostitution, characters ages aren't mentioned, but it's suggested they're both in their late teens, of age when writing but could be interpreted as underage? Virgin levi, virgin reader.
Note: Kind of wanted to write something about Levi losing his virginity and give him the blessing of something in his life that wasn't all bad. Reader and Levi have grown up together. Feelings have blossomed, and desires have been ignited over the years. The underground is a tough place to live with sex and violence everywhere. There's no smut in the first chapter, but it is heavily suggestive. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!
In a world where the sun never shines, where the only light comes from flickering Street lights, candles, and the occasional spark from a fire, three souls found solace together in front of a fire. The underground city was a maze of dimly lit tunnels, cramped living quarters, and a constant struggle for survival. You had grown up together, survived together, and lived together in this harsh, unforgiving environment.
Your landlord was a cruel and greedy man, having come to you the with news that he wanted his rent earlier than usual, probably because he owed someone else the money or had pissed his own money up the wall. You couldn't afford to be out on the streets again. It wasn't hard to find a crook to rent a small apartment to three teenagers. But his terms were unreasonable.
Desperation and stress hung heavy in the air. You were usually the type to try and remain cheery, strong, and resilient, but these sorts of situations made you anxious. Finding money down here was hard enough, but being given less time to find it was so much more stressful. "I-I don't know what we're going to do," you stammered. "There has to be some way to make the money quickly." Furlan said thoughtfully as he tried to reassure you, but even his words sounded hollow. It really wasn't much time to get the money together.
You were always aware of the easiest way for a girl to make money down here. Selling your body to some piece of shit man to use for pleasure. It was quick and easy cash that much was true. If you were lucky enough to get paid, that is. The attempt to make any money that way came with many risks. Most women down here lived in fear of getting raped, abused, and even killed before the added risk of being a working girl. Having grown up with Levi and Furlan, they had kept you safe. Currently, you worked a part-time job at the morgue, which didn't pay well but allowed you to learn and study to some extent. But in recent years, since hitting puberty and developing into a young woman, the pressure had been more intense, men often offering plenty of money for the opportunity to have their way with you. Although this sort of interaction would result in being beaten to a pulp by Levi, he would die before he allowed you to have to resort to sex work. And you were grateful for that. The thought of having to resort to prostitution, a common but desperate measure, filled you with dread.
Levi, said nothing. He just stared at the floor, his jaw tightening with anger. You glanced at him, concerned. "Levi, if we need the money I can-" You asked softly, stopping when you saw him look up at you, his eyes burning with a fierce protectiveness. "I'm not going to let you do that," he said, his voice steady and unyielding.
You frowned. "It will guarantee us the money."
"Y/N" He said sternly. "I won't let you go out there and sell yourself for us to survive. I'll find another way. I promise." You looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of uncertainty, but found none. There was only determination.
You nod in response, feeling reassured for now by his words. "I've got to go out. I'll be back around midnight, okay?" He states. Again, this wasn't uncommon. You worried about him and where he was going but even if you asked he wouldn't have told you. Criminal and immoral are the exact words that he himself would've used to describe his work, he was probably going to go and find some quick and easy job, guaranteed to pay but always carried so many risks. Furlan smiles gently at you as he follows Levi out of the door.
Having had a bath and tidied up a little. You toss and turn in bed for hours, lost in your own thoughts. You knew Levi would keep you safe to an extent, but nothing was guaranteed down here. Even if you didn't end up in a brothel, there was nothing stopping anyone from breaking into the apartment you shared now while the boys were gone, you could he kidnapped, raped and murdered any night, or day for that matter. You shudder at the thought. You wanted as much of your life to be in your own hands and control as possible. It wasn't like you wanted to stay a virgin forever, while still being young, you were old by the standards of the underground, which made you laugh. You wanted your first time to be something you choose, not something taken from you. You had desires and thoughts late at night like this when you were alone. Always of your stoic companion. You weren't sure when your feelings towards him became romantic, but it frightened you. He was difficult to read, but you were sure that there could be something there. And if there wasn't? Well, you were sure you could convince yourself that you would be satisfied to just be by his side in whatever capacity the universe will allow. Maybe you would be fortunate enough to be born as a princess in the next life, and he would be your Prince charming. You roll your eyes and laugh at the thought. A girl could dream, and your fantasy of prince's, pretty dresses and castles, however impossible it was did help you to fall asleep for a few hours before you were abruptly awoken by the sound of Levi and Furlan returning. You could recognise the sound of Furlans footsteps retiring to his small room at the end of the corridor. It sounded like Levi was still in the living room. You sit up in bed and light a candle.
Levi walks over to your door, having noticed the light emitting from beneath. A heavy sigh escapes him, his eyes carrying a look of exhaustion. As he knocks on your door just once, his voice is soft.
"Can I come in?"
You respond with a sleepy yes, and Levi pauses for a moment before he comes into the room. His eyes shift to your bed, and he realizes that you're only wearing a tank top and underwear. He doesn't let his eyes roam over you for more than a second, trying to focus on something else in the room before speaking up, sounding worried:
"Are you alright? Why aren't you sleeping?"
You smile. "I was, and I wasn't, I fell asleep not long ago, but I heard you come home. Is everything okay?" You ask him concerned.
Levi nods as he sits down on the edge of your bed.
"Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry if I woke you up. You should get back to sleep." He smiles softly, something only you and you alone are ever lucky enough to see. You gently tug his arm. "Stay, just for a little longer." A blush creeping across your cheeks. This was a bold move for you. Maybe you were still slightly delirious from having just woken up.
Levi looks down at your hand as it lays on his arm. A slight blush creeps up on his cheeks as he looks up at you again. Your messy hair, dreary eyes, and smile are just too cute. He doesn't know what he would do without you. He hates that he can't find a way to get you all out of this cesspit. You're like the moon that continues to shine on the darkest night. He's already resided himself to do anything to keep you safe and by his side. He feels guilty that this sight of you is making his cock twitch. The years have been kind to you and you're such a beautiful young woman now, each and every night his hand is tightly gripped around his cock at the thought of you. Seeing you like this, the covers barely covering your panties and your nipples visible through your tank top is all the more fuel for his desires. But he knows how it is for girls down here, he saw what life was like for his mother, he sees it daily in the streets. He would never dream of treating you with anything but the respect you deserve. Not only that, but the thought of jeopardising the relationship that you have now should he tell you how he feels, loosing you would really plummet his life into eternal darkness.
He reaches out and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "I guess I can stay for a little bit." He says softly. "Since you're such a brat if you don't get your own way." He teases.
You pout playfully at him, he chuckles as he shifts a bit closer to you, now sitting next to you with his arm around your shoulder, you nestle into his chest. A slight blush appears on his cheeks, which he immediately hides by turning his face away from you. "You're not still worrying about the money, are you? Is that why you're acting so needy?." He asks quietly
You shake your head. "Not anymore, I know it won't come to that." He nods, relieved that it isn't worrying you any longer. He's pulled from his thoughts when you speak up again. "I'm grateful. I know what I want for myself. And it's thanks to you that I'm able to make my own choices." You lift your head to meet his gaze, your face painted with a furious blush. "I'm ready to make my own choices."
Levi chuckles. "Well, you're spoilt for choice if that's the case." He says, trying to ignore the pang of jealously he can feel in the pit of his stomach.
You shake your head  "That's not what I mean, Vi." You nervously bring your palm to his cheek. "I want to be with someone I trust, someone I love."
Levi stares at you. Blushing slightly at your words. You have grown into a young woman who's a lot braver than he gives you credit for. A small smile forms on his face, but he's still hesitant to say all the things he wants to.
Levi tries to keep his usual cool exterior "A-Are...Are you saying what I think you're saying right now?"
You nod nervously. Averting your gaze, you have said enough for someone as intuitive as Levi to piece together. The seconds seem to last forever, but he finally gives you his response with a soft and gentle tone:
"I... I want that, too."
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hysteria-things · 4 months
can you do a smut with dom!nate x sturniolo triplets sister where they're at a restaurant with the triplets and nate starts fingering her idc abt anything else but like please im begging you 🙏🙏
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!nate x sls!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: being friends with benefits with your triplet brothers’ best friend isn’t the smartest idea. especially when nate teases you at a restaurant with your siblings there, there’s only one way to forgive him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, mentions underage drinking, fingering, public, oral (female/male receiving), p in v
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,277
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: first sturniolo’s little sister fic😯 i find this trope fun LOL
i miss why don’t we they were MY one direction.
hope you like it anon!
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a burger sounds so good right now. you think to yourself before being rudely interrupted when a foot taps your shin from under the table. your annoyed eyes are met with chris’. “what are you getting?” he asks.
you shrug, continuing to scan the menu in front of you. “probably a bacon cheeseburger.”
your triplet brothers invited you out to dinner at the finest establishment around: texas roadhouse.
they picked up nathan along the way, who’s sitting silently next to you as the other three are squished in the booth across from you. the four of you are close and know everything about each other, which is the best kind of sibling relationship.
well, they think they know everything about you.
what they don’t — and will never know — is your friends with benefits with nate.
it started randomly at a high school party, where the two of you got drunk and made out which led to you guys fucking in the bathroom. it’s bizarre but true.
turns out, the two of you enjoyed it and this whole thing went on from there. that was months ago, by the way.
while taking a sip of your shirley temple, a hand is placed on your thigh. you look over to the culprit, who is talking casually to your siblings.
his hand teasingly moves up and down, each time getting closer to your waistband. your breath hitches as the waitress comes over. “are you guys ready?” she asks in her customer service voice, smiling as she clicks her pen.
“you go first, y/n.” nate says innocently, taking his fingers and now putting them in your pants to rub hard on your clit. he knows you love getting penetration there.
little shithead.
you clear your throat. “c-can i have a bacon cheeseburger, please?”
the waitress nods, writing on her notepad. “with what side?”
you feel two fingers going inside your wetness, moving at a medium pace. “mmm— fries!” you say loud and quickly. you clear your throat again. “please.”
the three across from you give the same weird look, as if silently saying ‘what the fuck is the matter with you?’
soon, the others put their orders in and go into their conversations. nate keeps pumping his fingers in and out of you, a low whimper leaving your mouth.
when he knows your brothers aren’t listening because they’re arguing about whatever the fuck, he scoots closer to you and leans to your ear. “you’re so wet, baby. is it all for me?”
you grip his wrists, trying to pull him away when you feel your orgasm approaching. it’ll be embarrassing to cum in your pants. “nate—”
“you’re coming back to our house, right?” nick asks, causing nate to pull out his fingers and readjust in his seat.
“yup,” he replies, giving your thigh a tight squeeze.
you storm into your bedroom, nate following closely behind. you shut the door and lock it, putting your hands on your hips and tapping your foot like an angry parent. “are you trying to get us caught? what were you thinking?!”
he chuckles. “cut me some slack, will ya?”
he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to where your chests touch. you try your best to give him your best mad face, but to him, you look adorable. “i’m sorry.” he fake pouts.
he tugs at your shirt and slowly lifts it over your head, throwing it somewhere on the ground. his lips are mere centimeters from yours. “forgive me?”
“we don’t have time. they’ll get suspicious,” you whisper.
he shakes his head, now taking off his shirt. “they think the texas roadhouse got to the best of me. i’ll be in the bathroom for a while.” he winks, pecking your lips.
you bite your lip, not losing eye contact when you start to unbuckle his jeans. “i don’t think i forgive you.” you say sweetly, getting on your knees and simultaneously pulling his pants down.
“guess i’ll have to see.” you continue, eyeballing his hard-on through his boxer. you start to rub your hand over the fabric, a groan leaving nate’s mouth.
you give the tip a little kiss before pulling down his underwear, his dick aching for attention. you wrap your mouth around him, going as much as you can down his base.
moistening his lips, he throws his head back. he always loved the feeling of your warm mouth around him.
you start to bob your head, the gulping noises intensifying the faster you go. “shit.” nate exhales, taking his finger and lifting your chin so you can look at him.
he starts to thrust his hips to match your bobs, gagging in the process.
he pulls out of your mouth and in the blink of an eye, he flips you so you lay on your back. despite your bed being quite literally a foot away from you guys, he’s now on the ground with you between your legs. “forgive me yet?”
“n—” you don’t finish the word when he starts to dig into you without warning. even better, he takes his thumb and plays with your clit like how he did at the restaurant.
you moan too loudly, covering your mouth with your palm. the last thing you want is for your brothers to hear you. your other hand travels to nate’s head, grasping onto his hair tightly. “i’m close.” you mumble, making him pull away.
“what the hell?” you sigh annoyingly.
“shush.” he says, flipping you over once again to where you are now straddling his lap. “ride me.”
you smirk, kissing on his neck down to his chest. he grows impatient, lifting your hips and playing yourself on his cock. you whine, leaning back up straight and grinding your hips to feel him rub the right way on your walls.
“fuck.” you whimper. he grabs your hips and starts to bounce you, a squeal coming out of you. “nathan, fuck!”
“best be quiet, baby.” he smirks. “don’t want them to hear their little sister on their best friend’s dick.”
you whine lowly, biting your lip to quiet your moans. he sits up and you grab both sides of his neck, looking deep into each other’s eyes. he’s smiling smugly, but your face is contorting with pleasure.
he groans when he twitches inside of you.
“did nate fall asleep on the toilet?” matt’s voice echoes down the hallway, three pairs of footsteps along with it.
“the ribs probably gave him food poisoning or some shit.” chris replies.
nate moves you faster on him, panting lowly in the process. there’s no way he can stop now. he’s way too close.
the doorknob shakes, startling the both of you, but you guys keep going. “what the fuck? why is your door locked?” nick asks.
“fuck y/n, i’m cum—” you swallow his words by giving him an opened-mouthed kiss. you moan softly into his mouth, making sure you cum first before lifting yourself off of him.
he groans into your mouth when his cum makes a mess on his abs. “hello? earth to y/n?”
you pull away, staying in position to quietly catch your breath. “s-sorry, what?” you stammer.
“why is your door locked?” this time, the question is asked by matt.
“changing,” you answer, nate giggling silently.
there’s an awkward silence for a few beats before it's broken. “okay…” nick says in a hesitant manner, and their footsteps eventually recede.
“holy shit.” nate throws his head back to laugh, and you smack him on the chest.
“be quiet,” you mumble, getting off from the floor.
thank god you locked the door, or things could’ve ended terribly.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld
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ckhaine · 9 days
O1, intro: montréal | montréal
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ᝰ playing montreal by the weeknd. pairing badboy!jk x afab reader genres best friends + fluff angst smut
( intro ) montréal﹕where you and your best friend want to help each other, but don't want to accept it, leading to complications, hurt and a strong sexual desire.
ch. content MATURE, vulgar language, suggestive speech, the beginning of their friendship which takes place in high school, namjoon cameo, degradation, mention of alcoholism, weed, a small argument between jk n joon, daddy issues, usage of weed while being underage ...
may contain some grammar mistakes, please ignore them!
send your thoughts · montréal mlist
> hello, first chapter to montréal, are we excited? would love to know your thoughts. have fun reading this mess, love you!
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“… But, common sense, why would I give someone weed for free all ‘cause we have a mutual friend, y’know what I mean? I don’t even know them yet they're talking like we’re all cool. Like, seriously man!” Christian blabbers to Jungkook, using an unnecessary amount of hand gestures.
The words go through one of his ears and right out the other.
Jungkook’s too busy gawking at the beautiful girl two desks away from him, watching you lean to the side to grab something out of your black bag, plump tits tight within the white blouse required for the school uniform, looking like the buttons are close to busting.
Christian nudges his arm, raising a brow. “Hey, do you even hear me?” He frowns, earning a heart-breaking, neglectful wave from Jungkook who brushes him off. “Yeah, no, I agree—the prices are stupid as hell. Look, I’ma catch y’later, see ya!”
Just like that, he flies out of his chair, leaving his friend sitting all by himself. Jungkook walks towards your desk, clearly his throat and adjusting the tie hanging loose around his neck.
Two large hands are placed on your desk, and you see a tall boy looking down at you.
“Hey, uhhh, think ‘m your partner in science, no? Didn’t know we had a few of the same classes.” You turn your head at the sound of his voice, and Jungkook can feel his heart beating against his rib cage, a bright grin on his lips.
He’s handsome, sucks you didn’t check him out earlier. Taking in his appearance, his messed yet neat slicked-back hair. His white button-up that imprints his defined torso, the black pants paired with simple black shoes.
As if that wasn’t enough, Jungkook has a couple of small moles on his face, and one at the side of his neck that you’d love to kiss. Eyes round and dark, lips thin and smooth. Hands mannish while the prominent veins travel up his arms which makes you pray you’re not leaking onto your seat.
“No, no. I remember you.” You chuckle. “Jungkook, right?” You ask, watching him nod as you hum softly. “Mmm, nice. What's up, need something?”
“Nah, I don’t need nothin’, kinda wanted to talk a little … ‘bout the work, that is. You busy?” He asks, slightly tilting his head to the side in question, lips puckered cutely.
Jesus, he’s perfect.
You shrug, “No, we can talk. ‘M finished my assignments for this class, anyway.”
Fuck, you’re smart too.
“Yo, Kook. Who’s that girl you been talking to?” Namjoon grins, a laugh from Christian coming from his side. “Walked past her and lemme tell you, she’s a fuckin’ angel.” He continues.
Jungkook rolls his eyes before glancing both ways in case of a teacher, bringing a joint between his lips once the coast is clear.
He shakes his head, sighing while letting out a light cough. “Yeah? I don’t know, she’s…” Jungkook trails off, chuckling. “She’s beautiful, yeah, but I’on wanna get too close to her,” Jungkook explains yet his brain lags at his own words.
“I don’t wanna care ‘bout her—like, I don’t want her involved in my personal life. If I’m able to avoid her knowing that this is how, more like who I am… that’s what I’ll have t’do.” He sighs, a hand gesturing to himself.
Christian breathes out a cloud of tobacco smoke, raising a brow at his friend. “Why, though? You really think she’d judge you for all of this? I mean, It’s weed, so what?” He asks.
Jungkook shrugs with a light shake of his head. “Drugs,” Jungkook adds. “I don’t see why she wouldn’t. She seems pure ‘n whatever, would probably distance herself from me.”
“Doesn’t mean she is, man,” Namjoon pitches in. Jungkook’s already uninterested. “Haven’t you seen the way she carries herself? Like a lil’ slut but she plays like an angel. She gets along with everyone.” He scoffs.
“Fuck’s she done to you? You’re always sour when one of us got a girl ‘n you don’t, tsk.” Jungkook spits before walking away, leaving Namjoon and Christian looking like a specific duo.
Dumb and dumber.
Within a few weeks, you and Jungkook grew closer. He’d be at your house, sometimes sneaking through your window late at night for so-claimed “studying” yet it turned into rambles and convos which made you adore him more and more.
You got to know more about him, like the childhood he’d lived and it hit awfully close to home. Drunk parents, favouritism, a horrible start to depression—you name it. Though it felt embarrassing to admit or to talk about, Jungkook made you comfortable while he soothed your worries and, well, related.
“… I mean, damn, all I do is depend on pills and cigs—weed, too.” You laugh, watching his eyes twinkle with a soft light, perfectly mirroring a dark night with stars. “I’m sorry, weed? Pills? Cigs?” He asks, thick brows scrunched together.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” You pout, “don’t you smoke too?”
Jungkook thickly swallows, muffling out a throaty chuckle as he nods. “Shit, yeah. Wanna tell me how y’figured that out? Was it that obvious?” He asks, accidentally stacking up questions, curiosity and a bit of defeat seeping into his tone.
You look at him like he’s dense, features falling as your laugh dies. “Are you serious? It’s so apparent on your clothes; makes me confused how the fuck your parents never commented on it… well, so you say.” You state in a duh tone, watching his eyes widen and go rounder than they already were. “I—yeah, they never did.” He sighs.
“I mean, shit, why would they care? My dad was the one who introduced me to weed, said it was a “father and son” bonding time when I was younger,” Jungkook states casually; like it was the most normal thing to humankind.
“I’m sorry—retreat. You said your father did what?” You blurt out, eyes wide and potent with crisis.
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© ckhaine 2024.
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changisworld · 2 months
Skz biggest kinks & pleasures (hyung line)
18+, MDNI, I'm not putting smut warnings as a surprise for readers but it's all just smut, don't read if underage.
Word Count:2,933
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here maknae line version here
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This man is just dominant through & throughout when it comes to sex. Don't get me wrong he can definitely be a huge softie & the aftercare never is anything below 10/10, You both enjoy the dynamics you have both talked about, that being sub & dom dynamics.
You're currently under him with your legs around his waist as he has your nipples between his fingers as he is sucking yet another line of hickies into your neck as your hand is wrapped around his length, jerking it slowly as you share small moans. He releases his lips from your neck with a small suction noise before he slithers his way down you slightly, making you release your grip from around him & you let out a disappointed whine but it's short lived as his lips attach to your nipples as he slides two fingers into you, making you thrust your hips subconsciously into them, weaving your fingers into his dark hair & tugging on it slightly as you wriggle as much as you can while he is still laying on you.
His hand finds its way up to your neck before putting a small ounce of pressure on it which makes a higher pitched noise come out of you & you can feel him smirk beneath you.
He gives equal attention to both tits as you push down on his fingers ever so often, hinting for him to put more pressure on your neck, which he has absolutely no issue doing.
"Like having my hands wrapped around you that badly, babe?" he smirks to you as he removes his fingers from your dripping hole when he feels you clenching more than usual, edging you (this is definitely another huge kink of his).
He smirks as he removes his hand from your neck, letting out deep breaths as you no longer have the restriction but it doesn't last long as he lines himself up to your now gushing pussy as he leans over you again, kissing on the reddened skin of where his hand was, turning your head to the side for better access as he finally slides inside, you letting out a hum as you grip onto his arms, him making a deep groan noise which is music to your ears.
He begins to thrust at a slow pace, giving you the curtsey of allowing you to get used to having his cock stretching you out, your nails now digging into his arms, making him let out a few hisses between groans & kisses. He hits an extra deep spot when he changes position & rhythm which makes you squeal & he quickly throws his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans so they're not bouncing off the walls as much, his hand obviously sliding back up to your neck in the meantime, making it harder for you to kiss him back.
"You need'a be quiet sweetie, don't want Jeongin to hear, he's still home babe." he huskily whispers out after breaking the kiss, noses basically touching as he watches your eyes roll backwards, right before pulling out. "Flip over f'me, my pretty girl." he speaks out as he jerks himself off, helping you flip over anyway as your legs & breath are both shaky, placing a pillow beneath your pelvis.
This man has been so secure in his sexuality since LIKE FOREVER so this isn't a shock to anyone that he enjoys rimming. He does not care whatsoever when it comes to 'roles' during sex, he just likes to go with the flow. This man can be the biggest sub on earth & beg for every touch & can also switch to the most pain loving dom on earth. Nothing makes Leeknows toes curl more than when you are giving him oral (sloppy & with plenty of spit ofc) & letting plenty of spit drip onto his pretty hole before he takes it apon himself to hold his legs back so you can suckle on there too.
You've been jerking him off on your shared couch for the pst couple of minutes, his hips jerking into your hand as you're using your thumb to spread his gallons of precum along his angry red tip.
"cmon jagi, just put your lips on me, come n get a taste" he teases & chuckles & you chuckle back, not with him but at him. His cheeks are so red & his bunny teeth have made his bottom lip swollen from the constant nibbling on it but yet he's still trying to tell you what to do.
You roll your eyes before giving into his commands (because how couldn't you) & don't waste any time before taking him into your mouth & hollowing your cheeks as your tongue swirls around every inch of it it can reach despite the heaviness of his dick resting on it, paying extra attention to the underside of his tip as he is the most sensitive there as your fingers fondle his balls which makes him throw his head back, hips stuttering as he tries to hold himself back from thrusting into your mouth, because he knows if he does, you won't give him what he really wants.
This goes on for a few minutes & he is taking continuous deep breaths as his hair is now sticking to his face, enjoying the moment but you both know just head isn't enough to make this man see stars anymore. "y/nnie, g-go lower, pret-pretty please" he whines as you pop off his cock with a loud suction noise, letting all the built up spit that hasn't already leaked out from the ides of your mouth while he was in your mouth drip out onto his cock as you use it as lube to jerk off with, making eye contact with him as you still fondle his balls.
"Ah you want me to lick your pretty hole, hmm? Hold your legs f'me then, since you deserve it, don't you? Been so good for me." you say in a soft voice & he nods his head, letting out a 'uh huh' as he wraps his hands around the back part of his knees & pulls them back, allowing you as much access as you need to see & get right up against his now spit covered, pretty pink hole.
You scrape your fingers against his thighs as you sink slightly lower on your knees & lick a slow circle of eight along the full thing & he instantly moans, way louder than when you were sucking his cock not even two minutes ago.
You begin to slurp on it as your fingers reach back up for his balls & cock, fondling & jerking him off, his cock leaking more than a broken faucet.
You allow all spit that forms in your mouth to roll off your tongue straight onto his rim, making him let out whines that anyone in the street can hear, his hips grinding against your tongue, his eyebrows furrowed as you are eating him as if it's the last thing you will ever be able to taste, Leeknows hand now jerking himself off as you slide a finger inside him, making him shriek & not even five seconds after you begin to feel for & locate his Gspot, he is cumming all over his own abs as his eyes roll back & legs shake in his hands.
you keep tasting him but slow down until his orgasm finally dissolves & he gives you a smirk, looking down at your drool covered face before you crawl up his frame & kissing him, allowing him to taste himself & he hums in approval. "your tongue i-is honestly the best thing on this earth." he pants out which makes you blush as you kiss him again.
Just by looking at Changbin with one glance, anyone would assume he not so physically wears the pants in the bedroom due to his stature but that is not the case. Infact, there is nothing that turns this man on more than wearing his pretty little thigh-highs, little miniskirts, lacey bralettes & maybe even a bit of perfume & some pretty makeup that he is so proud of being able to do.
LOOOOVEEESS having his pretty nipples toyed with as you ride him obviously praising him the entire time, making sure to smother the lipstick he has on onto your own lips before pecking all over his face, leaving physical proof of the kisses you're giving him.
"Look how pretty my mommy is, so cute f'me" you say in a low voice as you're kissing the part of his chest not covered by his pink bralette, your legs holding yourself up on each side of his waist, straddling him.
"so pretty just for you y/nnie" he replies, ears turning bright red & his cheeks blushing a few shades darker than the actual blush he brushed onto his cheeks an hour before.
You do a few playful bites onto his chest, making him whine as he thrusts under you, not moving much because of the weight on top of him. "Can you take off your pretty bra for me, mommy? I wanna see your tits baby" you ask, not making direct eye contact due to wanting to admire the pretty now messed up lipstick fades on his top lip & on the top of his chin.
He nods enthusiastically before sitting up, your chests now pressed together as he unclasps it & throws it aside, instantly lying back down & you following after him & latching onto his right nipple as your hand cups over his muscle, not being able to fully hold it due to the size.
The whines & moans that leave his lips as you do this is better than any music you could ever listen to. You suckle on his nipple as your other hand pinches & lightly pulls on his nipple, making his hand rest on top of it, not wanting your hand to stop its movements for even a second. In the meantime, you can feel his hardon underneath his plaid skirt & matching thong & you would be cruel to not give him even more pleasure despite knowing he could & will orgasm just from nipple stimulation alone.
You pop off his now red, raw & sensitive nipple after forming a small bruise from the suction & look at him to see him already looking down at you, pupils dilated & curly poodle hair now damp with sweat. "You want your pretty pussy played with too, jagi? Take off your pretty panties & give me them & play with yourself for me while I keep myself here, mkay?" you say as you raise your hips the slightest bit & he wastes no time as he shimmys his panties down & puts them into his mouth on instinct, just like what you would want him to do.
You smirk at the action before leaning back down & now taking his other nipple into your mouth as he hisses at the sensation. He picks up his leaky cock into his hand & begins jerking himself off at a fast pace, you both almost being able to hear the wet noises of his shaft due to how much precum is leaking from his tip over the noise of the wet tongue noises of your lips & his loud but muffled whines & groans.
You can feel his legs shaking behind you & you open your eyes, not stopping your actions as you can see drool beginning to soak through the thong in his mouth & his eyes rolling backwards as they go crosseyed. You begin to bite lightly & moan onto his tit & before he can even realise what's going on, cum spurts out of his cock & you feel it spray up your back, soaking staining your shirt.
You pop off his nipple again & smile at him & kiss the tip of his nose as you pull the now soaked panties out of his mouth, listening to his pants as you nuzzle yourself into his neck.
"W-was so good, my precious baby." he whimpers out as he kisses your ear, wrapping his arms around you & gives you a small squeeze, smiling ear to ear, breathing heavily. You just kiss his neck in response.
Anything that's to do with his lover, he is absolutely obsessed with. It's 100% confirmed (by me) that he is such a soft lover especially during sex, but that doesn't mean he isn't messy. He loves having you plaster him in hickies & loves doing it back, he loves leaving small bite marks on the inside of your thighs & you love nothing more than putting lipgloss on just before kissing all up & down his shaft, claiming it as yours.
But up until recently, he thought there was no way to have you both mark each other inside, that was until you both masturbated together while instructing the other on what to do & once you both orgasmed, you both put each others fingers into your mouths to lick them clean, & that is where Hyunjins biggest kink sprung to life.
You're both sitting opposite one another, feet planeted on the bed with your legs outside his, to stop them from closing since they tend to shake when you're close to orgasm.
"Don't put a finger inside yet, hunny, rub your pretty clit instead f'me, alright?? It's so swollen baby, it wants your attention." he hushes out, voice shaky as he is pumping himself at a slow pace, keeping the same pace as you do.
You follow his command but let out a small groan in disapproval at his words but it is short lived as your fingers make contact with your little nub, making you throw your head back & your hips buckle upwards at the contact. You let out a happy sigh before looking back at the gorgeous flustered man in front of you.
"So wet for you Jinnie, cup your balls for me, look so heavy, I want to touch them so badly, baby." you splutter out, eyebrows frowning & he chuckles at your words as he does what you ask & begins tapping his balls with his fingers before cupping them in his hand & using his thumb to roll them in his hand as the other fingers massage them.
"cum for me n then you can feel them, I'll save you some cum i promise, beautiful. Look at how soaked the sheets are hunny, you can put a finger in if you'd like, show me how tight you are jagi." He scrunches his eyes together as another dribble of precum leaks from his red, pretty tip, a low groan leaving his plush lips.
You do as he says & you put two fingers into your dripping hole, a squelch noise leaving the area as you begin feeling around for your G-spot, it being harder to find since your fingers are shorter but you find it after a few seconds. You let out a long whimper as your other hand reaches down to your clit, now receiving double pleasure as your legs begin shaking as you try your hardest to keep your eyes open to watch the man in front of you come undone at the same time as you.
"F-fuck, you're so beautiful y/n, my own piece of moving a-art. Go-gonna cum with you, mkay? Don't wait for me." He whines, voice sounding raspy & breathy as he speeds up his movements.
You both have your eyes glued to one another as you feel your orgasm building up in your lower stomach, legs now feeling fuzzy. "g-g'na cum Jinnie, s-so goo-" you are cut off as your orgasm sprays out of you, coating the bedsheets, your fingers & even a few droplets hitting against Hyunjins cock & that's all it takes for his orgasm to hit him like a truck, cum spurting over his hand as he twitches a bit & back gives out slightly, leaning right into you.
You lay on your back & he follows quickly behind, chests connecting as his cock goes limp against your thigh. Your lips lock together as your tongues poke against the others for a few seconds but you both break it due to lack of breath. You both nuzzle your noses against each other before you move your hand up to his lips & before you even hint towards anything, he puts them in his mouth as he sucks them clean.
You stare at him in awe as he hums around them before allowing you to pull them out. You open your mouth to say something but you are left speechless as he brings his own, cum covered hand, up to his lips & licking a stripe of cum that is across his thumb before tapping your cheek. You don't need to hear what he wants as your lips part & he spits the mix of your fluids into your mouth & you whimper at the taste before swallowing it & sticking your tongue out to show it's all gone.
"Now you're marking me inside too, so poetic." you chuckle & his cheeks go red as he hides his face in your chest as he slides down to lie there. "Don't act as if you don't like that fact." he mumbles back, feeling shy but also extremely turned on.
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mapofthesea · 2 years
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jungkook x fem!reader
non idol!au, domestic jungkook
genre: smut and fluff
word count: 3k
summary: After your midday nap ends in a nightmare, you seek Jungkook for comfort.
warnings: talk of a bad dream (some discussion of it but nothing crazy), needy Jungkook, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, face sitting, oral (f receiving), lots of love for readers tits, body appreciation in general, they're in love, handjob, some teasing/begging, jk is whiny but still in charge, dirty talk, unprotected sex in an established relationship (this is fiction, please don’t do this irl), jk cums inside, aftercare 
an: This came to me in a dream again and I woke up far too early to write the outline. As always, I do not proof read (because I am lazy and spend enough time proof reading my college assignments) so if there’s any typos I apologize. This includes mature content and is for 18+ audiences ONLY, so if you are underage or uncomfortable with this content, please don’t read it. Enjoy!
A shiver wracks down your spine, hair standing at attention underneath the warmth of your thick sherpa sweatshirt. The remnants of your dark nightmare leave you confused, even as a gentle mid-day sun streams into your bedroom and the pleasant chirping of birds faintly greets you. Your head spins and your mouth is dry, but you ignore both of those feelings as you rush out of bed. 
Flashes of the nightmare seem to stick to you, even with the sunny disposition of the day. The feeling of hopelessness and loss stings you in the short walk down the hallway into Jungkook’s office, where you had left him when you went to bed. The door is ajar, and the breath you exhale as you open it is punched right back out of you when you find the room empty. 
Anxiety simmers within you, promoted by the way you had just dreamed about not being able to reach your beloved boyfriend. The only thing you can think to do is rush down the stairs clumsily, narrowly avoiding banging your elbow off of the railing as you fly into the living room. Jungkook is there, sitting on the couch facing away from you, mindlessly tapping through his phone. 
A sigh of relief falls from your lips as you latch yourself around him from behind the couch. He startles at your touch and turns until he’s sideways, level with your chest as he peers up at you. 
His hair is endearingly mussed, a few errant pieces poking up at the crown. His big eyes twinkle at you, irises searching your own when he sees the stricken look on your face.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Of course he immediately noticed something was wrong. You can only imagine how crazy you look fresh out of a nap and a subsequent panic. 
“Just a bad dream.” You offer, running your hands down the steady plane of his back, enjoying the tangible proof of him being alive and well. Jungkook makes a low keening noise at your attention, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your sweatshirt so far that you almost don't hear his muffled words. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You finally make out his words, and the thought of rehashing the dream brings tears to your eyes. Your breath hitches a little as he settles his head on your chest. His weight is grounding, and the fact that you can smell his intoxicating mix of shampoo and cologne gives you enough power to choke out the details. 
“You needed help, and you kept calling for me, and I couldn’t get to you.” You sniffle and he whines, winding his hands around your back to hold you impossibly closer. “And you just kept yelling my name and I couldn’t find you, and I thought that you were...” the word stalls in your throat but he understands, nodding against your chest. One of your hands slides to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart and the constant rise and fall of his breath. “I just needed to know you’re still here.”
“I’m okay, I promise. I’m right here.” His hands are steady on your waist, nose nuzzling endearingly into the space just under your breasts. His actions make you shiver for a completely different reason, and a shuddering breath punches out of you. 
“Need me to prove it?” His voice takes on a teasing lilt that makes your stomach flip and you hum your affirmation. Jungkook moves deliberately, nuzzling his face against your covered cleavage. Even through the layers of clothing you can feel your nipples harden, begging for him to give them more attention. He mouths at your tits through the fabric, playfully biting at the flesh there just enough to make you gasp. 
“Fuckin’ sweatshirt,” he groans, looking up at you with well practiced puppy eyes. He knows he doesn't need them, that you would do basically anything he asked you right now, but he loves to see the way your face softens at his expression. 
“Please take it off, baby. I wanna see your pretty tits. Wanna have ‘em in my mouth.” The genuine desperation in his voice is nothing new but it still makes your brain short circuit a bit as you scramble to pull the sweatshirt off. As soon as the fabric hits the floor Jungkook’s hands push your t-shirt up over your chest, holding it up around your collarbones with one hand as he dives into your tits.
He has no shame in lapping at you, leaving trails of translucent spit around your nipples as you keen. Jungkook sighs happily as his free hand gropes what he can't fit in his mouth, which he’s using to leave a sinful pattern of bite marks all over you. He makes a particularly pointed mark inches away from your nipple that has your knees buckling. He chuckles a breath of air across your already sensitive nipple and your hands grip greedily into the back of the couch for support. 
The way his head looks at it bobs between your breasts makes you dizzy, not to mention the deft movements of his tongue and hand sending sparks straight to your core. 
“Taste so fucking good baby, as always. Shit. I love these fucking tits.” He licks a bold stripe across your right nipple before capturing it between his lips and you pitch forward into his touch. Your hands move too, desperate to feel something other than the plush of your couch under them. 
Jungkook is so wrapped up in you that he doesn't notice your hands have moved until you’re palming his cock through his lounge shorts. He groans and nips at the swell of your breast in retaliation. 
The feeling of him readily hardening under your touch makes you moan, head tipped back as you trace the familiar length through the fabric. 
“Wanna touch you, Jungkook, please.” Your eyes water with tears and he coos at you, stroking his thumb underneath your eye to collect some tears. 
“Fuck, yeah, baby. Take my cock out while I suck these pretty tits.” His voice is barely more than a whine, but you feel confidence surge through you at the idea that you’re the one to make him this way. With no underwear on, it’s easy for you to get his cock out of the confines of his shorts. The weight and size of him is familiar and almost welcoming as you begin to stroke him the way you know he likes. You savor the feeling of his prominent veins as his cock jumps in your touch. His breath stutters against your chest in tiny puffs, giving away just how badly his resolve was slipping as you work your thumb over the head. 
“Fucking shit, you have to stop,” his hands fall away from you, head tipping back as you stroke him particularly hard. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. 
You decide to ignore his words but only manage to stroke him a few more times before he pushes your hands off of him with a growl. His eyes are dark with lust, hungrily racing over your figure that’s back to being covered with your t-shirt. Your chest heaves as he tips his head toward the empty space on the couch, and even without words you know what he wants. 
You settle into the couch and seconds later Jungkook is over you. You can see the way he’s pushed his hair off of his forehead, and the sexy crease of his eyebrows as he appraises you. 
“Stupid shirt,” he mumbles as he helps you take it off, mumbling endearingly as it gets stuck on his hands while he tries to get it onto the floor. His own follows shortly after, and it doesn't take long before he’s hovering above you completely bare. 
His cock stands at attention against his toned stomach and you reach for it, hoping he takes some pity and lets you return the favor of amazing foreplay. 
“No,” he grunts as you make contact with him. A shy smile splits his face when he notices your pout and his demeanor softens despite the situation. Jungkook brings his face inches away from your own and smiles. 
“You know I haven't even kissed you since you came down here? How awful of me.” 
“Hmmm, worst boyfriend award pending,” you tease. He smiles again and his nose wrinkles adorably, teeth poking out in the most endearing way. Your stomach flips at his beauty, how lucky you are to have him. 
“Fuck, just kiss me, please,” you breathe, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to feel his lips on your own. You keep a steady hold on the back of his neck as you kiss, clashing teeth as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. Your hips buck involuntarily at his touch and his hands find a place at them, holding with a bruising grip. He disconnects from the kiss, planting one on your chin as your chest heaves with desire. 
“My sweet girl, all worried about me in your dream, hm?” The way he’s able to change his demeanor so quickly during sex is something you love about him, and your head spins as he falls back into a more dominant personality. His fingers tease into the waistband of your bottoms, dancing along the delicate skin of your hips. 
“Y-yeah,” you squeak out. Jungkook takes mercy on you and slides your bottoms down, leaving you bare to his gaze and touch. 
“Wanna make you feel better now.” He sits up, surprisingly, and your eyes zero in on the way his cock bobs with the movement. His legs fold and unfold as he moves, and you’re confused until you realize he's laid himself down on the extended sectional of the couch. 
“C’mere baby. Want you up here.” You obey mindlessly, crawling over him so that you’re on top now. Assuming he wants you to ride him, you position yourself just above his hips, hands planted on his firm chest. An incredulous laugh punches out of him as he reaches down for you, pulling you further up his chest until you’re-
“Jungkook, no.” You gasp, in disbelief of what you now realize he’s implying. His hands splay on your thighs and his eyes sparkle. 
“Uh uh, no fighting me. We both know how much you love sitting on my face, so get up here. Wanna have you in my mouth.” 
Your stomach contracts because you know he’s right, but there’s a nagging voice in the back of your head. 
“Kook, I just had a dream that you..died, and I don’t wanna hurt you.” Jungkook grunts at your worry, pinching at the meat of your thigh. 
“Baby, I’ll be just fine. Plus, if I’m gonna go, I would love for it to be while I’m buried in your sweet little pussy.” 
His candor sends a new wave of arousal through you, and you know he’s right, so you nod and shuffle your hips up to him. 
“Love you so much, Kook.” He smiles at your words and promptly wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you exactly where he wanted you. His tongue immediately splits open your pussy lips as his fingers flex into your skin and hold you in place. You can feel his nose pressing against your clit, rubbing the nerves in a way that makes your eyes roll. He makes short work of licking up every bit of arousal you'd already produced, but there’s no shortage of more as he endeavors to attach his lips around your clit and suck. 
Your thighs shake around his head and you can heard his satisfied moans against your pussy. You feel like every nerve inside your body is on fire, conducted by the way his tongue knows the perfect places to devour. Your orgasm builds exponentially when he licks messy circles around your clit, the sloppy sounds of his spit mixing with your juices hurdling you closer to your end. Your toes curl as he groans again, vibrations going right to your core and coaxing your orgasm out of you. You gasp, unable to stop the tightening of your thighs around his head as you cum. 
Forever the champ of eating you out, Jungkook continues to lap up your orgasm until you’re genuinely worried you might be hurting him and scoot back off of him. He lets you go reluctantly, staring up at you as you go. 
His face is covered in the sheen of your cum, and his eyes are so wide and admiring that you almost want to cry. 
“You're so hot, baby. Perfect little pussy.” He sits up and captures you in his arms, uncaring of the way your weeping pussy gushes against him. 
You kiss him, and all you can taste is you, but you still feel so pleasantly high from cumming that you can’t find it in you to feel embarrassed. As your senses come back you feel his cock beneath you, and despite having just cum, you feel voracious for him to be inside of you. Jungkook kisses the soft spot under your ear and sighs at the contact of your throbbing pussy on him. 
“If you're ready I am, baby. Need to cum in you,” the strain in his voice is obvious and so sexy, the evidence of just how much you affect him. 
You can’t resist kissing him again, sharing the flavor between your tongues as he lays you back down. Although you haven't said anything, he knows your legs are far too tired to do anything but lay down and take it, and he’s more than happy to adjust for that. 
He strokes his cock a few times, spreading his precum down his shaft in a way that has your mouth watering. Your legs fall open easily, never one to deny him or delay your shared pleasure. Jungkook moans appreciatively at the gesture, running his fingers down your slit before slipping two in. 
You writhe at the unexpected contact, sensitive to his touch after cumming so hard on his tongue. Although you understand and appreciate his concern of making sure you're ready for his cock, you feel more than prepared for him after your first orgasm. 
“Please don't fucking tease me right now, I need you.” Jungkook arches a brow at your desperate plea, a shit eating grin sprouting as his fingers stall. 
“You need me that bad, huh? Don’ even need me to stretch out your little pussy?” He knows you can handle him, but the idea of making you admit it has his cock jumping again. 
Your face flames with misplaced embarrassment, knowing exactly what he wants you to admit to. 
“Y-you don’ need to because I came so hard, I-I’m wet enough.” You stutter it out and his smirk widens, proud of himself for making you admit it. 
“My dirty little baby.” He steals another kiss as he guides the tip of his cock to you, running it over your clit until he can't take it anymore. Jungkook presses in slowly and you can see his pretty eyes roll back as he feels your walls envelope him. 
Despite how wet you were, the sheer size of his cock means there’s always a stretch, but you work through it quickly, squeezing your walls around him once he has fully sunk into you. A string of praises falls from your lips as he thrusts into you, barely holding back. His hands squeeze the flesh of your waist as he fucks you, eyes bored onto the place where you connect. 
It’s all you can do to keep from squirming off of the couch in pleasure as he fucks into you with a practiced precision, finding the perfect angle and speed and using it to his advantage to work you up quickly. The sight of him over you is something you never want to be without: lower lip captured between his teeth, hair slicked back with sweat, chest heaving with his effort as his thrusts rock you up the couch cushions. 
When he finally unlatches his bottom lip from between his teeth, he makes the prettiest moans you’ve ever heard, interlaced with praises that make your own chest heave. 
“Shit, you feel so good, my baby. My girl made for me, perfect little pussy that’s just for me.” His hands shake noticeably as he moves them; one to press down over your stomach and keep you in place, the other finding it’s place over your clit. You can tell he’s close when you feel his cock twitch inside of you, and he doubles his efforts by circling your clit with two fingers at a speed that would make your wrist ache. Your hands scramble to grab onto his arms, leaving crescent marks behind where your nails dig into his skin. 
“Right t-there, Kook.” Your eyes roll and all words abandon you as your orgasm rushes in, churning your stomach in knots of pleasure as you moan Jungkook’s name. 
“Got you, baby. Right behind you.” He cums seconds after you, giving short thrusts to pump his cum as far into you as possible. You enjoy the come-down together, gripping each other closely as the world returns. You still feel a bit like your head is underwater when Jungkook gets the energy to pull out of you, but you take his hand when he offers it. One trip to the bathroom later, you’re back where you began your afternoon. 
This time Jungkook’s toned body is backing your own, fingers playing with the hair that splays around you on the sheets. 
“Feeling better?” He asks. You nod, turning to face him. Neither of you bother putting clothes back on before crawling into bed, and you press your bare chest against his own. 
“Good.” He grins and gives you a sweet kiss. “Next time you have a bad dream you let me know.” 
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You gonna solve every bad dream with a good fuck for the rest of our lives?” 
Jungkook laughs in the way he only does around you and your heart blooms. 
“Sure, if that’s what it takes. Anything for you.” 
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ihopeiexplode · 11 days
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“Guess my favorite jjk character level impossible„
“ # About Me: call me wtv u want !!! | 19 | She/her | 13+ May Interact w me !! But not my mdni post ”
if you don't like my work or me in general im not forcing u to like me at all do what u want fr !!
Requests r : open
♯ . I only write for jjk as of now
♯ . In terms of characters I only write for Sukuna
♯ . But I can write for other characters in terms of smau
I WONT write smut(Bcs I don't know how to💔) suggestive is as far as I go
I WONT write anything inappropriate for characters that are underaged
If you ship Minor x Adult dni
“ . Masterlist ↓ „
. JJK men when they're jealous
[Requested . Smau]
. Telling JJK men you missed them, sexually [Requested . Smau]
. When you receive flowers from jjk men or vice versa [Requested . Smau]
. Random Boyfriend!Sukuna Texts [Smau]
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
. Sukuna Headcanons [Arranged Marriage]
. When they see you hold/wear another man's jacket [Requested . Smau]
. When they cheat on you [Smau]
. When they die after an argument you had [Smau]
. When you cook something for them [Smau]
. When you find out they never loved you [Smau]
. Their reaction when you left/ran away [Smau]
. Your reaction to their apology [Smau]
. When jjk Men confess their feelings for you [Requested . Smau]
. Sukuna Headcanons [Basketball Player]
. Immortality isn't always a good thing
[Sukuna x Reader]
“ . Series Masterlist ↓ „
. Denial [ Sukuna x Afab!Reader] status: Ongoing
Summary: Sukuna has a crush on you since middle school till Now, however he's always in denial about liking you. Ever since then he's been avoiding you, making you think he hates you when in reality, quite the opposite. I mean, why should he keep chasing after you when he can have any girl he wants. He'll move on, right?
Anon List : 📜. 🦴.
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Each work Made by Explodes (me !!!)
Do not copy, steal plagiarize nor translate my work‼️🗣️💥 (I don't even think it's worth copying but yeah!!!)
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jettingtothemoon · 3 months
Daughter of the Spirits; chapter 11
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➳ pairing: zuko x f!reader ➳ genre: a retelling of the show from season 2 onwards with a heavy focus and expansion on zuko’s story (canon divergent) ➳ warnings: violence, swearing, smut (underaged if your age of consent is above 16), spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the show ➳ word count: 3537 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which y/n comes across the fire nation prince during her stay in Ba Sing Se. ➳ tags: @harmlessoffering, @lammello (i’m sorry if i’m forgetting anyone, lmk if i am or if you want to be added)
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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The Invasion
You found out from Mai and Ty Lee that there had been another war meeting — one Zuko hadn’t been invited to. He was furious, of course.
For the first time in years, he was finally starting to feel like a prince again. What with all the servants at his beck and call, insisting he take the palanquin when traversing the city, even if he was only out on an errand with you. People were by his side day and night, making sure he had everything he needed. It was exactly how it should have been, even if it was quite the adjustment for you both, yet he had still been excluded by his father.
He had told you about his banishment. How he had spoken up at a war meeting and disgraced his father, leading to the agni kai where he had to fight the very man that was supposed to protect him. The man who scarred and banished his own child.
Only this morning was he happy and smiling, simply enjoying the time he got to spend with you. Now, however, he sat staring out of the window, watching as the clouds passed over the moon in silent contemplation.
“Zuko,” you said his name and yet, he didn't move. Didn’t even flinch. It was as if he hadn’t even heard you, only you knew he had.
"Zuko," you tried again, this time wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Wordlessly, he leaned into you. His scowl never once left his face but he was at least trying to control his temper for you, allowing himself to fall into your embrace.
"It's just a war meeting. I bet they're full of old, boring men."
Your attempt at amusing him seemed to fail as he leaned away from you and back against the window. "They're important. All the best advisors and the entire royal family attend. Even Azula is going."
"Just another reason that it won't be fun, Azula will be there."
Now that got a chuckle. A small one, but a chuckle nonetheless.
"Stop worrying about it and come to bed."
He hummed, turning away from the window and towards you. He wasn't happy and he probably wouldn't be for a while, but at least he could relax with you. Even when things weren’t going his way.
The next day, you sat with Zuko as you made a cup of jasmine tea. He sulked beside you with a frown on his face, thinking about the meeting that was about to start without him. You could tell how badly he wanted to be there, even if he did keep shrugging it off when you tried to comfort him. You thought making some tea would help but it only seemed to sour his mood further and you soon realised it was because he was missing his uncle.
You missed Iroh too. You had wanted to go and visit him but Zuko forbade you, expressing how dangerous it would be if you did. Azula had found out when he went to see him and if anyone were to find out you were visiting a traitor of the Fire Nation you would be hauled away and thrown into a cell of your own before either of you could do anything to stop it.
It pained you to think of the old man sitting in a dark, grimey cell. More so when the smell of jasmine tea reminded you as much of him now as it did your mother.
“Prince Zuko,” your attention was drawn to a servant as he entered the room with a bow, “Everyone’s waiting for you.”
Zuko looked from you to the man who now knelt at the floor with furrowed brows before getting up from where he sat. “What?”
“The high admirals, high generals, the war ministers, and the princess have all arrived. You’re the only person missing,” the servant explained, his eyes lifting to look at the prince as he spoke.
You stood beside Zuko with a heavily beating chest as he asked, “So my dad wants me at the meeting?”
The servant bowed again. “The Firelord said he would not start until you have arrived, sir.”
With a full smile, Zuko turned to you and, although he was going to a meeting where they would likely discuss the deaths of even more people you loved and knew, you couldn’t help but feel happy for him. This was all he’d ever wanted — to be accepted by his father. To be loved and wanted. For his opinions to matter. That alone brought you hope because if he could sway his father or even some of the generals, perhaps he could help save lives on both sides of the war.
You, along with Mai, waited outside the meeting for him, both anxious to hear how it went. She had offered to come with you so that you would not be alone in the palace for too long since she knew just how daunting that could be. Besides, she was still Zuko’s friend too, just as she was now yours.
When he finally emerged, Mai was the first to ask, “So? How did it go?”
“When I got to the meeting, everyone welcomed me. My father had saved me a seat, he wanted me next to him. I was literally at his right hand.”
His words almost sent a chill down your spine as you thought of the worst — that rather than Zuko swaying the Firelord’s mind about the war, that it would be his father who would sway him. You knew better than that, though, and as much was confirmed when you were met with nothing but a troubled expression on Zuko’s face.
“That’s wonderful,” Mai grinned, “You must be happy.”
The three of you stopped in front of a large tapestry, one displaying a large portrait of Firelord Ozai. You placed a reassuring hand on Zuko’s shoulder as he looked up at it and exchanged a worried glance with Mai.
“During the meeting I was the perfect prince,” he concluded, “The son my father wanted… but I wasn’t me.”
You ran your hand down his arm and slotted it into his, giving it a gentle squeeze. For a moment, he squeezed it back, but then tugged his hand free and began to walk away, leaving both you and Mai behind.
She sighed and became the one placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Give him time. This was a good thing, he’ll realise that soon.”
You hummed although you did not agree. The only good thing was that Zuko was starting to realise who he was and that the man he was wasn’t the man his father wanted him to be. He was not ruthless and cold. He was kind and strong and so many other things his father would never be. He was better than him and finally, you thought he was beginning to realise that.
When you returned to your room, you found him writing a letter.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, wondering what he was up to.
“Writing to Mai. I at least owe her a goodbye.”
“Goodbye?” you asked, your brows furrowed.
He hummed. “We’re leaving. I… This isn’t who I am. Not anymore. An invasion has begun, we can slip away in the chaos but I have to do something first.”
Whatever he had in mind, whether he just wanted to leave and find your parents or maybe, just maybe, hunt down and join the avatar, you knew you were going with him. After all the time that had passed since you left Ba Sing Se, he was finally ready to accept who he was. He was finally going to do the right thing.
He passed you the brush when he was finished, allowing you to write your apologies and goodbyes to your newfound friends. You addressed both Mai and Ty Lee directly, wishing them well and hoping you would not come to face them on opposite sides of the battlefield. The two of you then signed the letter and Zuko left to take it to her home, putting it someplace where she would see it long after the two of you were gone.
After he returned, as you collected what little things you owned, he knelt before a portrait of his mother and closed his eyes. “I know I’ve made some bad choices, but today I’m gonna set things right.”
He picked up his swords and a small bag of provisions, turning to the lighter side of himself once again, and pulled his hood up to conceal his face.
You stepped forward and pulled him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his lips as your thumb stroked the side of his face. “It’s going to be okay, you know. You’re doing the right thing.”
He smiled and leaned into your touch. “I know.”
He led you quickly through the palace and down underground. You could hear the fighting up above as you moved through the tunnels and Zuko explained that during the eclipse today, no one would be able to Firebend. It was the perfect time for an attack and, along with the invasion forces, would surely be the avatar. He had a plan and that plan was to join them, to help the avatar finally put an end to this war.
But he had to confront his father first and what better time was there to do that than when he had no bending?
When he finally came to a halt before a large, reinforced door, you felt your heart in your throat. How would Ozai react to the news of his son’s betrayal? Would he try to kill him then and there? Or perhaps he would simply try to imprison you both? Either way, you were prepared. You would use your bending — all of your bending — to fight. You were fighting for yourself. You were fighting for your family. You were fighting for Zuko.
You held his hand, squeezing it in reassurance as you had done time and time before.
“I’m ready to face you,” he spoke, as though his father could hear him through the door.
He did not protest as you walked to the door with him, nor did he ask you to remain behind as he walked inside. As dangerous as what he was about to do was, he trusted that you would be safe by his side, and that he would be safe by yours. Whatever was going to happen, you were going to do it together.
“Prince Zuko,” his father addressed him with a frown and lowered his cup of tea, “What are you doing here?”
Zuko walked towards his father, with you standing only a few paces behind. This was his moment and you wanted him to have it but if he needed you, you would be there to fight by his side.
“I’m here to tell the truth,” Zuko declared from where he stood, staring his father down.
The firelord furrowed his brows and signalled for his guards to leave, his eyes only once flickering from Zuko to you. “Telling the truth during the middle of an eclipse? This should be interesting.”
Zuko only spoke again when the guards were gone, the strong doors sliding shut behind them, “First of all, in Ba Sing Se it was Azula who took down the avatar, not me.”
“Why would she lie to me about that?” Ozai questioned.
“Because the avatar is not dead,” Zuko explained, “He survived.”
“What?” Only then did the firelord’s expression change. What was a calm and collected leader suddenly turned into an angry father. One who was clearly afraid of what the avatar could do if he was still alive.
“In fact, he’s probably leading this invasion. He could be on his way here right now.” For a moment, it almost seemed as though Zuko was warning his father, as though he had not really turned his back on him. He was still his father, after all, but you knew him better than that. He was changed and he was here for one thing and one thing only, to bid his father farewell.
“Get out!” the firelord snapped with a wave of his hand, anger boiling up in him, “Get out of my sight right now if you know what’s good for you.”
Although the firelord’s temper was continuing to grow, Zuko remained calm. From where you stood behind him, you could almost hear the satisfaction in his voice as he spoke, “That’s another thing. I’m not taking orders from you anymore.”
His father’s brows crossed in rage and you adopted a defensive stance as he began to walk towards Zuko. “You will obey me or this defiant breath will be your last!”
The prince unsheathed his swords, standing ready to fight his father as he demanded, “Think again. I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen.”
To both of your surprise, the firelord sat back down as though he was ready to hear whatever Zuko had to say. The two of you still stood at the ready, prepared for a fight. You closed your eyes for a moment, focusing on the ground beneath you. You could feel the echoing rumble of machines coming from the surface, another sign of the battle above.
“For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me,” Zuko admitted, casting his eyes to the ground, “To accept me. I thought it was my honour that I wanted but really I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn,” he pointed at Ozai with the end of his blade, “My father who challenged me, a thirteen year old boy to an agni kai. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child?”
It was like a weight off your own chest to hear him finally letting go of all that had burdened him, telling his father just how he felt after all he had done to him.
The firelord only scowled, looking at Zuko as though he was nothing but the dirt under his shoe as he spat, “It was to teach you respect!”
“It was cruel and it was wrong!”
“Then you’ve learnt nothing. This girl,” he gestured to you, “Has only made you weaker than you already were.”
“No! I’ve learned everything, and I’ve had to learn on my own. Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilisation in history, and somehow the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the world. What an amazing lie that was, the people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don’t see our greatness, they hate us! And we deserve it. We’ve created an era of fear in the world and if we don’t want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.”
The firelord laughed out loud, mocking his son even now. “Your uncle has gotten to you, hasn’t he?”
There was a brief pause and Zuko smiled, actually smiled, in the face of his father’s taunts. “Yes, he has.”
“And this girl? She stands with you now, is she not of the Fire Nation too? Another traitor turned by your uncle’s tricks?”
Now it was you who stifled a laugh. “A traitor? Zuko isn’t a traitor and neither is his uncle. You are the one who betrayed the Fire Nation, you even betrayed your own blood because you’re so blinded by power you can’t see the bigger picture. My name is y/n and my parents were from the Northern Watertribe. They left their home and raised me in the Earth Kingdom to fight against your army! Even now, they fight against your cruelty, and now we do too!”
“You foolish girl,” Ozai glared at you with fire in his eyes, “What could you possibly do to stop me?”
“After we leave here today,” Zuko interrupted, answering his father’s question for the both of you, “We’re going to free uncle Iroh from his prison, and I’m gonna beg for his forgiveness. He’s the one who’s been a real father to me.”
The firelord only laughed again. “That’s just beautiful, maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure.”
“But I’ve come to an even more important decision,” he continued, ignoring his father completely, “I’m going to join the avatar and I’m going to help him defeat you.”
“Really?” Ozai smirked, “since you’re a full blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait? I’m powerless, you’ve got your swords, why don’t you just do it now?”
“Because I know my own destiny. Taking you down is the avatar’s destiny,” he sheathed his swords and, although a part of you wanted nothing more than to strike him down now, you were in agreement with Zuko. It was not your place, “Goodbye.”
As Zuko turned and began to walk towards you again, ready to leave his father behind once and for all, the bitter man began to hurl more insults at his son, calling him a coward for confronting him during an eclipse when neither of them had their bending.
“If you have any real courage, you’ll stick around until the sun comes up. Don’t you want to know what happened to your mother?”
Those words stood Zuko in his tracks, even when you looked at him with pleading eyes. There was no time for this, the sun would be back soon and the two of you stood no chance against his father at his full power.
Without a second thought, the prince turned back around and demanded to know what happened the night his mother disappeared.
“My father, firelord Azulon, commanded me to do the unthinkable… to you, my own son, and I was going to do it. Your mother found out and swore she would protect you at any cost. She knew I wanted the throne and she proposed a plan. A plan in which I would become firelord and your life would be spared.”
It was awful, entirely diabolical, to think that a father would even consider murdering his own child but knowing what else the firelord had put Zuko through, somehow you weren’t at all surprised. It seemed in his very nature. You wondered what Zuko’s mother ever saw in the man.
“Your mother did vicious, treasonous things that night. She knew the consequences and accepted them. For her treason, she was banished.”
“So she’s alive...”
Cautiously, you moved to Zuko’s side, hoping to console him as tears began to spill across his face.
“Perhaps,” Ozai all but shrugged before raising his tone once again, “Now I realise that banishment is far too merciful a punishment for treason. Your penalty will be far steeper.”
In a flash, the firelord was moving, forming a stance you had only seen once before. The sun was back and he was drawing on its power to call lightning down. Lightning that he intended to use to put an end to his traitorous son once and for all.
“Zuko!” you cried, realising you had already missed your window to create a wall between the two of you and Ozai to block the attack.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as you ran towards Zuko only to see him do the impossible. He redirected the lighting, sending it crashing back down on his father who was thrown into the air at the force.
He grabbed your hand and ran, pulling you out of the bunker before his father could get back to his feet. As you ran out onto the streets, you saw what looked to be the avatar launching an assault on the Fire Nation airships, giving his friends enough time to retreat. “Look!”
“Do you think you can get up there?”
You furrowed your brows. There was a chance that with your bending you could reach the airships and help the avatar but you weren’t sure if you could get there in time. They were fleeing, after all, they weren’t going to stick around for long. Besides, you had more important things to do.
“Maybe,” you shrugged, “but I’m not leaving you. Let’s go get your uncle.”
With a determined smirk, he led you into the prison. He ran so fast that he seemed to miss the cowering guards and singed walls.
“Uncle!” he cried out when he reached Iroh’s cell but his uncle was already gone. The bars to his prison cell were broken and battered, blasted through from the inside. Iroh had already escaped.
Zuko was quick to run to one of the guards, interrogating him about what happened in a matter of seconds, only to be told what you already knew. Iroh had escaped, busted himself out before you had had the chance to get to him. He was long gone now, all you could do was get out of there yourselves.
“Zuko, we have to go. We’ll find Iroh again, I promise, but right now we need to leave!”
Although disappointed, he nodded and followed you back outside.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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AITA for banning a minor from a discord server?
I'm pretty sure I'm nta, since most of the server backed me up, but I am also autistic and would like some impartial judgement. I (23M) am the mod of a fairly small (~40 people) discord server. The server is focused around a character we all like, and frequently includes discussion, art, and fic related to this character, various ships, and 18+ content ranging from tame fluffy smut to much darker, dead-dove type content (largely because the original source material is pretty dark). For this reason this server is strictly 18+. We don't really have specific 18+ channels, and a few of the artists in the server are primarily NSFW artists.
I only became the (sole) mod about 3 months ago, when the previous mod/admin (who started the server) didn't have time anymore. For the most part things are very chill- I've never had to deal with any conflicts before this, the worst problems I've had are trying to keep the bots running and channels organized.
The youngest member of our server is (we thought) 18, the next youngest being 20. I recently found out through a series of screenshots that the youngest member is actually 17, turning 18 in about six months. I asked them about this in dms, since the screenshots were from their priv account on twitter (of them jokingly bragging about getting away with telling people they were 18 when they weren't). (and regardless of whether or not this was true, I wanted to let them know if someone on their priv was taking and spreading screenshots).
They got very upset at the screenshots being leaked (which is fair) but also confirmed that they were 17. I said that I was going to have to ban them from the server due to the NSFW content and they got very upset, saying I was infantilizing them etc. They also briefly tried to backtrack and say that they were just joking about being 17 and were actually 18, but stopped when i didnt believe them. I explained it wasn't about maturity-- imho if they are mature enough to handle the source material, they're mature enough to be in the server- but rather that there are potential legal repercussions for having a minor in a NSFW space. I even said that, while I was upset about them lying, I would even be open to letting them rejoin the server after they turned 18 (AFAIK they weren't lying about their bday, they just said they were a year older than they actually are to get into 18+ spaces).
They were really angry about this so I put it to the server for a vote and to let everyone know what was happening. Honestly I don't know what I would have done if the server voted to keep them in, but they voted almost unanimously to ban them at least until they were 18. I'm not on twitter anymore but I know that several of the people on there also blocked them from their accounts (since they posted 18+ art, fic, etc).
Other relevant info:
- this person didn't actually post any art or fic that was outright explicit, but they definitely participated in NSFW discussions (all fandom related, nothing related to personal lives).
- they were added to the server by the original admin--she apparently had no idea they were underage and also blocked them from her twt account.
The younger person is really upset at me and has sent me multiple angry paragraphs in dms about how I was ruining their fandom experience, discriminating against them just because they were a minor, and said that this wouldn't be an issue if we weren't all so porn-addicted. I half jokingly replied that I'm not sure how the last one could be an issue for me personally, given that I'm asexual, which they then said was problematic for implying ace people couldn't watch porn (???). I stopped replying since I didn't know how to respond and they have sent me some more messages in the same vein (I'm bullying them, all of their online friends hate them because of me, etc).
Kind of unrelated, but I don't actually know who on their priv took the original screenshots- they have ~80 followers on there, none of whom are in the server as far as I can tell. The person who sent me the pics is someone in the server, who said she got it from someone who is actually on the priv account (because she posts 18+ art and the person who took the SSs wanted to let her know that a minor was following her).
Why I may be TA: I do genuinely think this person is mature enough to handle the discussions we were having (except for the recent string of angry DMs, they've been very chill and level headed), I banned them because of legality, not morality. I also wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for the daisy chain of screenshots that were unknowingly taken from their priv account, which idk seems like an invasion of privacy to me.
I did also tell the server all of this so they'd know why I was kicking this person, and then several people in the server posted about it on twt which apparently got the 17yo blocked from a bunch of accounts. I do feel bad and understand why they're upset- but I can't knowingly allow a minor to access 18+ content since that is legitimately illegal and could really fuck up my life.
Anyways, hopefully that all makes sense, sorry for the silly petty chronically online drama but still. To anticipate what most people will comment-- yes, I will go outside and touch grass-- but AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
A lot of y'all are WAY too comfortable and too often associating underaged characters with sex.I actually don't care that teens irl fuck and often have dirty senses of humor,i know they do because i have two teen siblings and a bunch of friends who're also teenagers who i'm close enough to that i see them as my siblings too and i've politely told them i don't want them to make dirty jokes to me because it makes me uncomfortable as an adult and obviously i didn't need to tell them to not talk about the shit of that nature irl.I support Sex Ed being taught in schools so kids don't slutshame themselves or others or think something's wrong with them or get taken advantage of but i really don't think they're gonna get that from 11k pwp smut of characters who're canonically in high school or nsfw memes about popular young love ships and ESPECIALLY not oversexualized redesigns of characters their age.Can you be normal about minors?Can you be fucking normal about minors,especially ones involving pg media either as in-universe aspects or the irl fans expressing discomfort over it as you invade their safe spaces?CAN YOU!!!!!!!!AWNSER THE QUESTION
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reareaotaku · 2 months
You're so Drunk
Inspired by this: Here by @ifangirlalot Summary: Boris just asked you to help him steal some liquor- Not to fuck in the back of a car. Tw: NSFW, Stealing [Which I condone], Underage Drinking, Car smut, Dub-con [Cause they're drunk] Taglist: @fxchild [God I really hope this is good... I don't feel like I'm good at NSFW, but idk]
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"Oh, come on. It'll be fun."
You hum, looking away from him and towards the store. You looked back at Boris, frowning, "I don't know..."
"Oh come on, princess. It'll be fun," He taunts, grabbing your hand and pulling you close.
You look at your intertwined hands, before sighing and looking up at him. He knew he had you in the palm of his hands. It would just take a little bit of his charm to convince you to stop being a goodie-two-shoe and steal some liquor with him.
He clicks his tongue, before smirking. He fiddles your hands together, before caressing yours with his thumb. "Oh, you only live once, princess. Besides, if we get caught, I'll take the blame- I promise."
You take a deep breath, before sighing, "Fine."
He smiles, his hand grasping tighter than it was and dragging you into the store.
You watched the aisles to make sure no one was coming as Boris swindled some Liquor and Rum. You felt a push on your back and looked at the perpetrator. He hands you one of the bottles that you quickly stuff in your pants.
Boris has to hold in his laughter, but lets you do your thing. He wouldn't put a bottle in his pants, but everyone's different. He grabs your biceps, leading you out of the store.
"Don't be suspicious," He whispers in your ear, knowing you were probably were one drop from breaking. Thankfully there was no one by the door, so you both booked it before an employee could catch either of you.
"Oh my god, I've never done that before!" You chuckle, pulling out the liquor from your pants.
Boris had never realize, but he likes this. He liked spending time with you and pushing you past your limit. It made him wonder how much farther he could get you to go.
"I don't know Boris," You pushed his chest, causing him to frown. You sigh, leaning deeper into the car seat. "I mean... We're in a car. What if someone sees us?"
"Ох, куколка. Ты такой параноик."¹ He tells you in his deep accent, caressing your hands.
You hum, not paying him much mind. You didn't know what he said, but you were sure it was something to try and convince you. You hear him pop another bottle and hand it to you. You hesitated for a second before deciding 'fuck it' and taking the bottle and gulping it down.
Boris watched you, his eyes widen and a little impressed. You take a sigh, before handing the bottle back to him. You weren't much of a drinker, but luckily Boris was more than experienced in such an activity.
He grabs another bottle and pushes it towards you. You quickly chuck it down and he watches you intently. The liquor burned your throat, but you were quick to shake it off. You hand him the empty bottle and he throws it in the back. You hear it break, which causes you to flinch slightly. You look back to see pieces of glass covering some of the floor.
"I'll clean it later," He quickly reassures you when seeing your concerned face.
You frown, but ultimately don't comment. You continued to kiss him, fingers digging into his hair. You pull and grab at whatever you can. You were both desperate and needed, obviously. Your hands were sloppy as they tried to grip him.
Your finger untangled themselves from his hair and went down to his face and caressed his cheeks. You pushed him closer, desperate for his lips to stay on yours. You both finally pull away when needing a breath of hair
Boris sighed, caressing your thigh, as you lean against the seat. Your eyes slowly drooping. He leans in and slowly kisses your neck, which causes you to lightly groan.
He looks at you with dazed eyes, his lips swollen. He lets out deep breaths before looking at his back seats and then back at you. You knew what he wanted. You sigh, before crouching and crawling over the armrest and slamming your body into the back seats. He quickly follows behind you and pushes his body on top of you.
His fingers were quick to grip onto you. You could feel his fingertips graze across your skin, causing a shiver to run up your spine. You'd never tell him in fear of his ego growing, but you love his fingers/hands. They were long and soft and always knew how to touch you.
Long, slender fingers were squeezing and grabbing whatever they could. His mouth was practically attached to your own as he continued to kiss you. He finally pulled back, taking a breath, before messing with your shirt. His mind was grodgy and his hands slippery. He struggled for a few minutes, before sighing and pulling a shard of glass from where one of the bottles and cutting your shirt.
You yelped, grabbing at the cut and squeezing it together. "I like this shirt." You look up at him frowning, which causes him to groan throwing the glass back on the floor. "Should you really put that glass there? What if it cuts-"
He slams his lips against yours to shut you up. His hands pushed yours away from your shirt and put his in the hole and tore it apart. His hands roam your stomach, before going up to your chest and fiddling with your bra.
His hands squeeze your tits, before licking your hard nipple. He then attaches his lips on it, sucking and kissing one while his hand fiddles with the other ball of fat. His hand squeeze and pulls at your tit, causing your back to arch and cunt to get hotter and wet. You need it so bad and it felt like he was teasing you.
"Please Boris."
He looks up at you, detaching from your tit with a pop, "Please what?"
"I... I need you," You whisper, which just makes Boris smirk.
"I can't hear you, doll. What is it?"
You turn away from him, your face turning a light pink. There's a few seconds of silence, before you turn back to him, your face now a dark red. "I need you. Please."
That was all he needed. He starts to unbuckle your jeans, before pulling them down. He quickly wiggles out of his own jeans and pulling off his shirt. Now you were both left in your underwear and Boris couldn't be any happier.
He stuffed himself inbetween your thighs, slowly kissing them up and down. He lips softly grazed your skin, creating a wet trail that lead to your pussy.
He fiddles with your panties, his hands slipping inbetween the fabric and pulling it. Boris used this opportunity as almost a game where he was rewarded by your moans the closer he got to your sweet heat. You could feel his smirk against your skin when you let out a particularly loud moan. His teeth graze your skin, causing a shiver to run up your spine and Boris is pleased by the view.
He decided that he wanted more... Needed more. You groaned when feeling his nails digging into your skin. You looked down at him frowning.
"Oh, Boris- You're going to leave marks."
He chuckles, looking up at you, "Well, no one will see it right?"
You don't respond, just leaning back on the seats. God you were really doing this huh? You take a deep breath before letting it out. Yes, you were doing this and you wanted it.
His tongue flicks your folds, causing you to flinch. His fingers pull at your fold as he pushes his tongue inside of you. His tongue rolled and pushed it's way into you. His fingers made work with both your clit and one pushing inside of you, feeling around your walls.
He sucks on your pussy, before he pulls away- which causes you to sigh, but quickly moan again as he blows on it. You moan lightly which causes Boris to chuckle.
"You like that baby? Oh I bet you do." He sits up, fiddling with his boxers before pulling them down and lining himself up with your cunt. He slowly pushes inside before taking a deep breath when feeling how tight you were. "Ah- Such a tight fucking cunt," He groans. He puts his hands under your thighs and pushes them up to wrap around his hips.
There's no movement for a few minutes as you get used to his cock engraving itself inside of you. Before you even tell him, he slowly moves back, before shoving himself back in, causing a loud clapping sound from his balls hitting your ass. Your body is slightly pushed forward by the movement and you moan lowly.
"You know... I've fucked my own hand thinking about you," He confessed in your ear.
You moan at his words, "Oh yeah? I think about you too."
"Oh, I bet you do, you fucking dirty slut," He teases, pushing himself deeper into you and pulling back out.
He reaches his hand down towards your clit and rubs it slowly as he picks up his pace. Your back arches and you moan loudly when feeling his fingers rub against your clit.
"Oh- Ahh, awhh, Boris."
Your moans encourage him to quicken his pace. Your tits bounce as he pushes your forward with his thrust. He watched as his dick created a dent in your stomach. He pushes on it, causing your moans to get louder.
"Oh god! Yes-"
He can feel your legs shake against him and it pushes him to go even faster, until the car is practically shaking. He knew you were close to cumming because he could feel you squeezing him. He groans softly feeling you tighten, before you finally cum. He feels your sweet liquid coat his cock and he looks down at his cock still halfway into your pussy.
Your creamy cum covers his cock, creating a white ring as he pulls his cock out- Though not all the way. The imagine makes him smirk and he looks up at you. Your eyes were closed and face dazed. He knew you were probably dumbed by his cock, but he still wanted to push you.
"What a sight — nothing like seeing your cum covering my cock completely. Want a taste of yourself, baby?“ He purred. 
You groan, turning your head away from him. You open your eyes, just barely, being met with the image of his dark black seats.
"Oi-" He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. "Answer me when I talk to you. Or are you already fucked stupid by my dick? Does my dick make you stupid?"
You groan at his words, closing your eyes tightly. You didn't want him to tease you, but you kind of liked it. You hated that you liked it. You didn't want him to know- But it was to late.
"Oh, you're so pretty." He thrusts back inside, making you go forward again. He leans in close to you, his breath blowing on your neck. His nails were digging into the fat of your ass as he continued to shove his cock into you.
Your moans overtook the car and you were hoping there was no one around. This was the last thought you were able to have before he turns you into slush by his constant and rough thrust.
Boris could feel your walls tighten and your nails dig into his back. He quickly picked up his pace, before he felt your gummy walls squeeze him, which caused him to cum deep inside. Your walls squeezed him, milking him for all he got until he emptied his balls inside of you. He slows down, your cum mixing with his own and spilling out of your pussy and slowly grazing down towards your ass and his seats.
That was going to be a pain to clean later, but Boris decided to just let it be. He was to tired to deal with it and when he looked at you, he could tell he wasn't the only one. You were knocked out. He caresses your cheek, before kissing your forehead.
"Śpij dobrze, księżniczko." ²
Oh, doll. You're so paranoid
Sleep well, Princess
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sonamytrash · 4 months
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Midnight, part two
Underground Virgin!Levi x Virgin!Femreader
Warnings: y/n used, Childhood friends to lovers, fluff, smut, puberty mentioned, masturbation mentioned, fingering, sex, mentions of abuse, mentions of rape, mentions of prostitution, creampie, orgasm, characters ages aren't mentioned, but it's suggested they're both in their late teens, of age when writing but could be interpreted as underage? Virgin levi, virgin reader. Not proofread.
Note: Wow, thanks for the love, guys! Here's part two, hope you enjoy.
He's experienced a lot in his short life. But interactions of the romantic kind aren't something he's familiar with. Despite his his feelings for you and innocent exchanges of affection here and there, he really isn't sure where to start. Levi breathes in deeply and exhales, trying to collect his thoughts.You wanted to be intimate with him. You wanted him to be your first. He could only thank the heavens for the opportunity to show you how much you mean to him, to show you the very least of what you deserve. To be loved, cherished, and worshipped.
Levi pulls you close to him on the bed, his arms wrapped around you as he leans closer, and your lips are practically brushing against each other. "I'd do anything for you, you know that, right?"
Your hand still resting against his cheek, you scan his face for any signs of reluctantly. Both of you lean into one another, and finally your lips meet for the first time.
Levi can feel your warm hand on his chest, making his body tingle every time it brushes against his skin. His breath grows increasingly heavier, and his heart rate starts to rise as his hand slowly moves down your arm and makes its way to your hips.
You tug his shirt over his head before he does the same to yours and returns to your embrace. The kiss is messy and irrepressible. Both of you are absolutely desperate for the taste of one another after pining so long. 
The kiss never wavers as he pushes you down onto the bed and crawls on top of you. He's enjoying the feeling of your body beneath him. Your little moans and mewls encouraged him to go further, as he started slowly moving his hands down your body, his breath growing heavier with every move.
Levi's body aches for you as you touch and trace your fingers over his muscles. He continues to kiss you as your hands explore his body, the body that has kept you safe for all these years, the body you have stolen glances at given any opportunity, the body that you ache for. His grip on your hip gets firmer as he enjoys your every movement, every touch, and every kiss you bestow upon him.
Both of your bodies are in an incredible state of arousal. You attempt to speak up to tell him how you've felt all this time. Even in this intimate moment, you can't quite find the words, even after having just been so bold. You feel a bit embarrassed about your lack of experience, but you're determined to push through, determined to share this moment with him. There's nobody in this world who makes you feel safer.
Levi's eyes shift to yours as he pauses shortly to speak. Seeing that you're struggling.
"You don't have to tell me with words, I know exactly how you feel. I'm nervous, too. I've never done this before either."  He tells you shyly, you smile and nod. "I trust you, Levi." He smiles."Just tell me if anything hurts or you want me to stop, okay?."
He caresses the side of your face. Enjoying every moment of intimacy. Your bodies are already communicating past what you can or can't coherently say. He trails his hand over your breast, gently taking your nipple between his fingers as he begins to suck on the other. You moan at the new and different sensations on each of your nipples. "Levi..." You're moan breathlessly.
"You're beautiful," he says, his voice low. "Let me make you feel good." He says as his mouth returns to your erect nipple. You nod, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within you. You had wanted this for so long. Fucked yourself silly on your fingers night after night at the thought of him. Never able to fully satisfy your desires.
Levi's fingers reach down to your drenched underwear, he rubs his fingers over the fabric and smirks at the thought of making you this aroused, before he moves the garment to one side, feeling your wet slit, he groans as he moves one of his fingers over your clit, caressing the swollen nub gently, eliciting another moan from your lips. As Levi touches you, you feel a surge of pleasure run through your body. You throw your head back, letting out a louder moan as he continues. He looks into your eyes, "Is this okay? Does it feel good?" He asks, your pleasure being his only priority in this moment. You nod, "Yes" you breathe, "It feels good." You mewl as he toys with your clit applying more pressure, before he slowly inserts a finger into your tight heat, you gasp. They're longer than your own, your pussy sucks his finger in, twitching around his digit at the newfound feeling and depth. He moans in suprise at the wet and warm sensation around his finger as he returns to sucking one of your nipples, hunger and desire burning within him as he slowly moves his finger inside of you, when he adds another finger you bite your lip, adjusting to the feeling of a second digit. He moves them rhythmically as he uses his thumb to rub your clit. He had no idea that a womens body would twitch and move around him like this, he gets excited at the thought of how you're going to feel around his cock, trying to ressist the urge to almost dry hump the air as he focuses on only your pleasure for now. He knows the first time can be painful for women. He doesn't want to hurt you, so he's determined to make the process as enjoyable as possible. It doesn't take long for you to feel a familiar knot in your stomach, something you had been able to achieve alone but never this quickly or intense. "Levi, I'm-" you moan as you push your hips up into his fingers as he picks up the pace, he removes his mouth from your nipple and comes up to kiss along your jaw and encourage you "Cum for me, y/n." You squeak delightfully as you come around his fingers, your body shaking from the intensity of the orgasm as he guides you through. He keeps going until you grab his wrist, needing a second from the overstimulation. Levi watches in amazement as you cum around his fingers. He can feel every twitch and spasm, a sense of pride washes over him at having brought you such pleasure. But he wants to see so, so much more of that cute little fucked out face you've just made.
Leaning down to kiss you deeply once more, he smiles. "You did great, such a good girl." He says reassuringly as he removes your drenched underwear and looks over your body. Living in the underground, it isn't the first time he has seen a woman in the nude. However, gazing over the form of someone you love in such an intimate moment is something that he can't describe, something so much more erotic. Your body is so perfect that it's almost like it could've been sculpted by the gods. As you recover from your orgasm and begin to touch him, he can't resist looking at your flushed face, his equally as red giving a slight moan as he reacts to your touch. You trail your hands down to the waistband of his underwear, "Can I?" You ask him, looking into his eyes seductively, he nods. He lets out a shaky breath as you trace your fingers along the trail of hair from his navel to the waistband of his underwear, where it becomes thicker. Anticipation builds within him at the thought of being with you in this way. With need, he guides your hand to his cock, eager to feel your touch there. His breathing is already ragged, his heart pounding in his chest as he anticipates what is to come. He hisses feeling your hand against him through the fabric, before you free his cock from the confinement of his underwear. Your eyes widen as you run your fingers over his length. You internally contemplated how this thing was supposed fit inside you. Levi must have sensed your concern "It'll be fine." He reassures you, struggling to concentrate at the mercy of your touch. As much as he wanted to feel your hands or even mouth around him, he knew he'd never last if things went in that direction. There would be another time, having come this far, of that he was certain.
He enjoys the sensation of you stroking him for a few moments, though, before he tries to read your expression, "Do you want to continue?" He asks nervously. You smile, meeting his gaze and nodding. "Yes." You say seductively. He pulls you in for another kiss as he positions himself at your entrance, slowly rubbing his cock against your dripping wet slit, covering himself in your essence. You both moan into the kiss, the whole situation is so erotic that your mind can only comprehend the sensation of his movements against you, all you want is him to take you. He takes one of your hands and squeezes it tightly as he begins to enter you, the tip of his cock glistening with precum as he moves.
Levi thrusts slowly into you, inch by inch, groaning with pleasure as he feels your virgin pussy clamping down around him. You whimper under him, your nails digging into his shoulders with your free hand as you try to adjust to the alien but welcome feeling of having him inside you. It hurts but it isn't unbearable. Your other hand entwined with his as you both experience this moment together.
Levi tries to be gentle, knowing that it's your first time, but he can't help the intensity of his desire and fights the urge to start thrusting inside you, your tightness and warmth enveloping him completely. Surely, he was in heaven. Nothing on this earth had ever been kind or good to him until there was you. The fact that this was unravelling now between the both of you was unreal.
You look into his eyes, your own completely glazed over with lust. "It's okay, you can move. I'm alright." You say breathlessly.
He moves slowly at first, using your expressions as his guide. His thrusts grow deeper and more forceful with each moment. He captures your lips again passionately, needing to be as close to you as physically possible.
You moan loudly, feeling a sense of pleasure spreading through you as Levi takes you to new heights of ecstasy. You arch your back under him, wrapping your legs around his waist as you try to take him even deeper.
Levi responds, thrusting harder and harder into you with each passing moment. You feel like you're going to explode with pleasure, and you can't help but cry out his name repeatedly as he fills you up with his cock.
The sound of your skin slapping together fills the room as he moves inside you, the intensity between you both, only growing with each passing moment. Your pleasure builds with each of his thrusts, and soon you're both rambling sweet nothings to one another, your bodies writhing together blissfully.
He's delirious with the wet embrace of your pussy sucking him in, the feeling of your walls constricting around his cock almost too much. He knows that you're close to cumming again, he can feel your pussy quivering around him. He moans loudly with you, your tight hole squeezing him as you scream his name. His lips crash down on your own. With one final thrust, he feels his cock pulsing inside of you as he reaches his own orgasm, he lets out a loud groan into the kiss, spilling his seed inside you. Neither of you in the right frame of mind to consider any of the consequences right now. You feel a sense of warmth spreading through you as he finishes. Both of you have a tight grip on one another as you ride out your high. He collapses on top of you, panting heavily as he tries to catch his breath. The room is filled with nothing but the sounds of heavy breathing, the smell of sex and sweat permeates the air.
"I love you, y/n." He says breathlessly in your ear. You trail your fingers over the back of his head, feeling the contrast of longer hairs and his undercut. "I love you too, Levi."
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st4rrth0ughts · 2 months
I did not just see a incest + underage aventurine smut fic that probably fetishes his childhood and his slavery days (i was too scared to read, whoever did read it pleae tell me if it was that bad or even worse)
like people have kinks n all but incest isn't a kink its a disgusting fantasy, op is delusional thinking all the criticism is 'hate', doesn't fucking matter if your 21 years old, i hope your hard drive gets checked, get help, genuinely.
if you support or like any of this plz get off my blog, people like you are disgusting, vile people, and i dont want you here, good day (fuck off to those incest supporters) <3
edit: i know i did not just see them say something about how they're in love with their younger brother or smth (i may have seen wrongly but still)
edit 2: oh my fucking god its worse (they do dad cest, gojo and jingyuan were victims of being the abuser oh my god)
edit 3: SHE GLORIFIES IT OH MY GOD who the fuck says 'its fiction so its okay!!!' the people supporting her are sick as well
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olderthannetfic · 28 days
I'm in a fandom that both skews very young and very anti. I'm talking being offended over a three year age gap and doxxing and harassing people over it.
By chance, I happened to stumble across one of the limited places in the fandom that's chill with NSFW granted the characters are explicitly aged up and they claim to hate everything proship. And it just reinforced to me that everyone applies some proship tolerance to their favorite things but are otherwise antis.
First off, a lot of NSFW art gets shared where the characters are very clearly still teenagers. No one minds until it's art of a character or ship they don't like, then it's suddenly "hey that's a minor, tone it down". Luckily, mods don't really care, and I get the feeling they implemented the aged up rule just to appease the more annoying people and have something to point at if there's criticism to their server.
Then, there's a ship that's by all means a shota ship. The underage character is the violent one as they're some type of demon that tends to be in control of situations, but they're still very much prepubescent and the community is very NSFW. The server had a very strong stance on their biggest ship and even went to beef with the shippers. The result? "Wellll they're kinda freaks but strangely enough they're against pedos in their messages and they're just doing their own thing? Why are they chill? Where's the evil people?"
I must admit that seeing an anti admit that people are not inherently awful just for shipping what they like was something I thought I'd never see. They're still an anti spying on places they don't enjoy and threatening to report them to get censored, but progress is progress, right?
Then there are all the closet cases. I can pinpoint exactly who is a proshipper who keeps quiet about it, who has problematic ships they secretly enjoy, and who's being a hypocrite. Someone using a post that was half "ew they're proship" and half "they're a legit bully here's evidence" but who definitely has problematic ships they enjoy and have created content for, but because it served them at the time, they reblogged the callout post and took a stance. Most recently someone who wrote dead dove smut between two teenagers complained about other people writing smut between two teenagers just because they didn't like the ship. My brother in Christ, YOU are writing the awful underage smut that you claim to hate! It's clearly an effort to do away with the things they dislike.
I might just create my own proship space but I don't think I'll find members. I'll still try, even if it's just me and three other people who like the same stuff.
You'll get people if you have a hardline stance on being accepting of all ships and you publicly point and laugh at people who come after you.
Most people are scared wimps, and they'll gravitate to anyone who states their convictions with enough self confidence.
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hi! This is weirdly specific but I’m looking for modern AU fics set in China, written by Chinese authors preferably because I’m hoping to find the very accurate, realistic representations of China, with all those little “daily life” details that make the setting feel more real. I hope this makes sense, and thank you in advance for your help! ❤️
There's definitely Chinese diaspora collection(s). Give me a minute and I'll see if I can find some for #1 Like this one
I am not sure how many of these are set in China but it's a collection of non canon-set fic recs made by Chinese diaspora fans in two different Diaspora servers
this is another diaspora collection!
The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut)
oh #1 even modern day cdrama are not all that accurate for daily life stuff. If you're feeling like branching out from wangxian fic to a cdrama with modern china daily life vibes that isn't 100% romance. Can try "Heart of Genius" it's a time/parallel world travel to the past.
2. Hello again!!! Thanks for the recs, they're so goooood! I recently read two fics that involve catfishing, how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by bwyn, Yuisaki & we'll get him falling for a stranger (or a catfish) by sweetlolixoand I'm hooked! I'll definitely recommend them to everyone!
Ok so I'm craving for more catfish fics. Preferably wangxian but I'd love Sangcheng or Xicheng too! Thanks again ❤️ @dizzydandelionsandhyperhydrillas
3. ITMF: I'm very, very picky about modern aus but figured I'd give it a try. I want a modern au where they're already adults, it's angsty, and they're in character. My fave is when the angst kind of mirrors canonverse (ie WWX being "disowned," framed for something or disappearing, miscommunication, whatever so long as it isn't kind of just random melodrama) but I'll also just accept if the angst is in a breaking up -> getting back together/exes to lovers arc. Sorry if this is too picky!
These Things Stay the Same by notevenyou (E, 29k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character DeathInjury, Natural Disasters, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hospitalization, Accidents) kinda
These all involve breakups/canon-level misunderstandings:
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing)
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery)
Waiting for Spring series by thievinghippo (E, 225k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angst, Happy Ending, for a baseball fic, there’s not a lot of baseball, Sports, Baseball)
Dirty Little Secret by ilip13 (E, 67k, wangxian, Modern, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unreliable Narrator, Post-Break Up, Friends with benefits / Exes with benefits / Fuck-buddies, Implied Cheating, Also possibly some cheating kink, Self-Worth Issues, WWX is strong with the self-hatred here, trigger warning: suicide and mental illness (background of minor character), Graduate Students, Liberal use of the word 'fuck', Semi-Nonlinear Storytelling)
The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 61k, wangxian, Modern, Mood Whiplash, musician LWJ, nanny WWX, Developing Relationship, Breakup, Texting, Pining, Eventual Happy Ending, Adoption, Child Abuse, abuse intervention, Miscommunication)
moonlight falls Series by RoseThorne (T, 19k, WangXian, Modern, Found Family, Corporate Espionage, Bunnies, Adoption, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, References to Depression, Anxiety, Blind Character, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Confrontations, Bad Parent LQR, Dissociation, Mental Health Issues, Anniversary, Food, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Emotional Constipation, Communication Failure, JC is Bad at Feelings, JC is Trying, WWX Needs a Hug, Implied/Referenced Sex, Food Sex, Friendship, Reconciliation, Psychological Trauma)
4. Hey, any fics where wwx's (and lwj's) parents are alive. Absolutely no omegaverse thanks
5. Hi! I’m looking for modern AU wangxian and I’ve searched far and wide for new ones. I don’t have anything specific except I looking for multichapter / longer than 15K! If there’s anything not talked about enough and AMAZING or something new etc. If there are any authors that write modern AU wangxian I’d love to know. Thank you so much for your page!
once upon a time, 很久很久以前 by gentil-minou (Flyingsuits) (M, 40k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Transmigration, of the townwide variety, Amnesia, of the nearly everyone variety, Mystery, of the shenanigans variety, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, Single Parent LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending) this is my fic, it's modern au and pretty new. still ongoing though, idk if that's a turn off for you
Just Ask Me To Stay by mrcformoso (M, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, Former JZ/WWX, Minor NieLan, Minor XuanLi, No Powers, Dancer WWX, Musician LWJ, Roommates, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Recovery, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, Fluff, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Domestic Fluff, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Size Queen WWX, Belly Bulge, Porn With Plot, WWX Has Friends, LWJ Has Friends, Hurt/Comfort, A lot of comfort, Romantic Comedy, Cuter story than the summary makes it out to be, Feel-good) bestfriends to lovers and oh my god they were roommates.
eyes closed for you by soultana (E, 36k, wangxian, modern cultivation, POV LWJ, Cultivator LWJ, WWX is a spirit/yao, Dreams vs. Reality, basically WWX haunts LWJ's dreams (lovingly), Sexual Tension, Pining, YLLZ is misunderstood, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, WWX is a Tease, Getting Together, Supportive LXC, LQR Is So Done)
take my hand, will you share this with me series by doodlebutt (E, 137k, wangxian, JC/WQ, Modern, figure skating, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Major Character Injury, Recovery, Getting Together, Background Pregnancy, the mortifying ordeal of Talking About Your Feelings, sexually tense pair skating, and tbh. sexually tense everything else too, past trauma, public displays of affection aka canon wangxian behaviour, u dont need a sex tape when the cctv footage is Right There!, There Was Only One Bed, Pre-Relationship, TEEN WANGXIAN MY BELOVED, Semi-Public Sex, sleep deprivation and irresponsible decisions can be sexy sometimes, with additional warnings in start note, Domestic Fluff, Burnout, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, BSSR knows everything, angst! softness! tender yearning!, demi wwx)
Players gonna play by Scrippio (T, 41k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, Modern, College/University au, Theater AU, Director WWX, Faculty advisor LWJ, grad student JC, Baker JYL, grad student WQ, Fluff, First Meeting, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Depression, WIP)
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 108k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP)
9. Hi! Hope you guys are okay <3
For your next itmf, I was hoping you could rec me something a bit more particular? Something that highlights Yi Ziyuan's abuse and makes wwx leave the Jiang sect for good. And then as time passes YZY tries to bring wwx down, or just regrets doing what she did. Can be modern, or not, I really don't mind. I just wanna see genius wwx standing up for himself and getting the love and appreciation he deserves!
Thank you again!! 🩷 @flexible-racoon
💖 Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) It's not the focus of the fic, but it does feature characters reacting to YZY's abusive treatment of WWX & has her try to bring him down after he leaves the sect, though that part happens late in the fic
Debts of a Child series by Hauntcats (M, 115k, WangXian, dark, YZY Bashing, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Angst and Feels, lots of anger, JC Bashing, not Jiang friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Content warning for icky spiders in later chapters.)
If Wishes Were Donkeys by NightOwl1 (M, 61k, WIP, WangXian, SVSSS, Time Travel Fix-It, Case Fic, Mpreg, Fluff and Humor, Dysfunctional Jiāng Family, Bad Parent YZY, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, It's All The System's Fault, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Warning: JGS, Good Uncle LQR, LWJ and WWX Are LSZ's Parents, Inappropriate Humor, Family Feels) If Wishes Were Donkeys, kinda. YZY gets caught between her hatred of WWX and knowing he's talented when LWJ comes to get him to bring him back to Gusu as a bride, forcing her to accept a single copper coin and handing over the rights to all of WWX's inventions and blowing her top when it comes to light WWX's inventions are actually incredible
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 108k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP) (link in #5)
10. Are there any fics that contain WWX resenting/hating on the Jiangs? Maybe he'd do revenge after he's out of LP or something similar with that would be ok
11. itmf fics where JC is raising baby JL as a single parent. modern au preferred, but any is good! he could have support from others or not, but im looking for fics where he does most of the day to day parenting
To lurk, to lie in wait by trippednfell (M, 124k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Huli Jing, strangers to co-parents to lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Dragons, Kid Fic, teenage juniors, background NieLan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Fox Spirit WWX, Dragon LWJ, Blood and Injury, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
12. For the next itmf, I’m looking for fics where wwx gets turned into child/baby @selkie-hi
found your writing on my wall by howodd5ever (T, 25k, WangXian, Accidental Baby Acquisition, De-aged WWX, in which jc and lwj have to learn to deal with each other, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Referenced Child Neglect, discussion of parental loss, child food insecurity, Case Fic, kind of, Nightmares)
no time for crying by Narci (T, 10k, WangXian, Wwx protection squad, Age Regression/De-Aging, Kid!WWX, kid!lsz, night hunt gone absolutely right, (lowkey golden core fix it), Fluff, Angst and Feels, Humor, Juniors)
grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon, [Podfic] Grow by jellyfishfire)
❤️ in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX, No Women Die, Background XiYao, Second Chances, unless they're too evil to save, Canon-typical Temporary Major Character Death, First Time) this has some physical deaging via time travel
A Tiny, Untimely Mess by Hauntcats (T, 26k, WIP, WangXian, Child WWX, Canonical Character Death, Accidental Baby Acquisition) this is a WIP
13. I've had a craving for a D&D AU for a while, but haven't come across any of them naturally so far. I don't mind it being them playing D&D, but preferably it would be a D&D styled fantasy AU. I just want silly Wangxian in Faerun tbh. @littlemintrose
🧡 Where’s Your Emergency? by trippednfell (M, 64k, WangXian, 911 Dispatcher WWX, Single dad LWJ, Kid fic, Modern AU, D&D Games, Angst with a happy ending) has WWX as a D&D player, and he creates characters based on himself and LWJ (and later creates his own fantasy D&D game)
14. Itmf wwx's motherly instincts towards his ducklings pls
15. Hi! I love love LOVE fics where Lan Zhan gets badly hurt and Wei Ying gets all protective over him. Bonus if Wei Ying goes all angry/dangerous to those who hurt Lan Zhan. Basically any fic where Wei Ying is protecting Lan Zhan who is in a bad situation is welcome 😂 Do you have specific tags or posts like that? @acklesforlife
❤️ Rabbit Heart by Suaine (M, 57k, wangxian, yearning, family issues)
moonlight caught in mutton fat by Raitelzen (T, 45k, WangXian, Case Fic, Curses, Curse Breaking, Transformation, mild body horror, Hurt LWJ, Ghosts)
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt economics, Post-Canon, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire)
16. hello! nothing in particular, just wangxian fics where lwj calls wwx his airen (i read it once in a fic and i am obssessed)
what price is duty, what cost is love by thunderwear (G, 18k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, WWX was never adopted by the Jiang Sect, War Prize, YLLZ WWX, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, First Time, Falling In Love, eventual dramatic confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Stop (But please don't) by Silvers_Hidden_Corner (Silver_Flame_2724) (E, 1k, wangxian, Dubious Consent, Somnophilia, technically non-consensual somnophilia because they didn't discuss it beforehand, Bite Kink, Overstimulation, Size Kink, Strength Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Belly Bulge, Dirty Talk, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot)
17. Hello there! First of all Thank you for all the fic that all of you have recommended, it was very helpful and interesting. Please take care of yourselves well.
For the next ITMF, i would really appreciate if you could recommend me something that is truly heart-wrenching. I want fics that will destroy my feelings and heart.
Thank u so much! Have a great day.
When the Words Stop Coming by mrcformoso (T, 7k, wangxian, major character death, Canon Compliant, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Canonical Character Death, Love Confessions, Rejection, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Trauma, WWX confesses early on, But canon still happens, LWJ starts confessing after, but the tables have turned, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad, LWJ rejects WWX, Then gets rejected by WWX after, "Get Lost") because I love breaking and mending hearts apparently
New Perspective series by mrcformoso (T, 35k, wangxian, LSZ & LWJ, WN & WWX, LSZ & WWX, LJY/LSZ, major character death, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Fatherhood, Regrets, Flashbacks, POV LWJ, LWJ-centric, Canonical Character Death, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ Needs a Hug, Character Development, Dead WWX, LWJ deals with the death of his love, And learns to be a father along the way, Introspection, Feelings, LWJ is Bad at Feelings, Character Study, Regretful LWJ, Breaking Toxic Cycles, Canon Compliant, LWJ in Seclusion, Post-LWJ in Seclusion, Child LSZ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Divergence but only the ending, Because can we agree that The Untamed Ending was bull, LWJ regaining Wei Ying's Trust, Golden Core Reveal, Good LSZ; Snippets, Post-Time Skip, Love Confessions, Requited Love, Trust Issues, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, WWX Has No Golden Core, Jealousy, Fierce Corpse WN, Protective LWJ, Post-Canon, WWX Has Chronic Pain, WWX Has Issues, WWX has Phantom Pain, WWX was Malnourished, Sad LWJ, POV WWX, WWX is always cold, migraines, Suicidal WWX, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, mirror therapy, Good Friend NHS, Crying, WWX's body is normal but he still feels as if it isnt, POV LSZ. Found Family, Toxic Elders, Growing Up, The Lan Juniors, LSZ's parents suffered, And so he starts a revolution, Bringing about change, LWJ Adopts LSZ, WWX is LSZ's Parent, LSZ is a polite menace, HGJ raised an army of Lan rebels and we're here for it, Good Uncle WN) can guarantee has made multiple people cry
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (WordsWritInStarlight) (G, 19k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, inquiry, Music, Fluff and Angst, Found Family, CQL Verse, [Podfic] to the act of making noise by Ceewelsh, flamingwell, kisahawklin, Rionaa) This one is totally heart-wrenching (and heart-mending), bring your tissues! Gotta especially recommend the podfic version, especially the one work music added. Absolutely shreds your tear ducts. The whole series is incredible tbh
Home Front by flamingwell (T, 1k, LSZ & WWX, Post-Canon, Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Death, Qiongqi Path prison camp references, hence the referenced child abuse and death, Grief/Mourning, a lot of angst in a small package, War Crimes)
and the calm is deep where the quiet waters flow by izanyas (E, 308k, WIP, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Rape Recovery, Unplanned Pregnancy, Discrimination, Slow Burn, the slowest burn imaginable, Violence/Gore, Child Abuse, Suicide, post-partum depression, a painful but gentle journey into the intricacies of bodily autonomy) one of the most heart-wrenching and disturbing fics I’ve ever read full stop. please mind the trigger warnings. it’s a/b/o but is very much a dark fic that takes it very seriously, to the point that i would hardly consider it an abo fic anymore 😭 incredible world building and deals with themes of sexual abuse, discrimination and all those lovely things </3 unfinished atm but the author has plans to continue
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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