#they are both very hot and lovable! i do not apologize!
glassrunner · 1 year
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Judy: she’s gay for me but straight for River
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spikrock · 6 months
how i feel every mtp character was mischaracterized by the old fandom
basically me describing my icks about mtp fics that ive seen from like 10 years ago/kinda sorta my personality hcs. bear with me here, because they are all my headcanons/opinions and i dont want to make it sound like i think my ideas are the only way you can see the characters...(talking into the void)
Alice: she loses her spunkiness! she becomes a perfectly sweet and agreeable person in almost every fic ive read. i dont see her like this. in my mind, alice is a good mix of kind and understanding with hot headed and stubborn. everyone in the band loves her and she’s easy to get along with, but that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. i feel like fics always wrote her as the mom friend, and i dont really like that. i feel like it’s just because shes the only girl (ive read very few fics where caterpillar is written as a girl) alice really doesn’t scream “mom friend” to me. i see her as pretty chaotic and impulsive. she’s kind of immature, but she always has good intentions in mind and most people in her life admire her, so it’s easy to miss. you know? 
Tarrant: ouuugh boy. in my mind, tarrant is a lovable idiot, his ideas are wacky, sometimes he says things that make zero sense to anyone but him (and maybe thackery and mally), and he’s typically bad at reading a room, being cheerful most of the time (even if his friends arent). most fics i read write him as this! which is great, because i think it’s pretty close to how i see him. he’s pretty much always written as comic relief, which is fine by me. 
my problem starts with how the other characters treat tarrant. they act like hes annoying…ive read so many fics where tarrant will say something a little wacky and every character in the scene side-eye one another and go, “okaaaay, tarrant…🙄” or something similar, and it makes me mad!! so many times i see scenes where alice is “apologizing” for him, when all he did was…talk? be around? the bandmembers are his friends…they aren’t treating him like that, alice would NOT feel the need to apologize for him either? in fact, if alice felt like anyone was making fun of tarrant behind his back she’d fucking kill them. im so serious. 
Mally: not that cool. mally is a LOSER. and i say that with the most love imaginable. he’s got zero game, he’s fairly awkward when he’s not playing or on stage, he fails at like everything, he’s literally insane, and he doesnt think any of that is true. in mally’s mind, he is THE coolest and most special-ist person on the planet at all times and in all ways. he’s so lucky he wasnt subjected to fandom nowadays where people talk about killing their favorites with rocks or whatever. he wouldnt stand a chance. 
fics write him too cool, and too “normal”, if im being honest. this is something that happens to both mally and thackery, and idk. he’s insane!! hes a weirdo!!! the name of the band is MAD t party, i feel like they should all be at least a little crazy. idolmouse was giving them EVERYTHING in those shows and they just threw it all away 😔 the disrespect…
Thackery: they make him way too shy and quiet and nervous when he isnt like that at all. thackery, in my mind, is definitely quieter and less showy than his bandmates, but he’s still as energetic as they are. he, unlike some of his other bandmates, is fine to step back and let someone else be the center of attention. he just wants to be along for the ride; he doesn’t mind what songs he needs to learn for the shows or what they need him to do, he just wants to play in a band with his friends. none of that means he’s overly shy or timid or anything, though. i don’t really know where they got that? the most i see is when he’d hide behind his ears sometimes. but other than that he's always getting in people's faces and jumping around and they just forget hes silly as if thats not one of his most endearing traits like cmon now
and…it hurts even more because you can really tell while reading the fics that it’s because of the ship dynamic with mally that they write him this way. its really frustrating to me. i dont see them as opposites, more like slightly different variations of weird. 
Absolem/Adonis/Caterpillar AUGH whatever: ive only ever read one fic where they write caterpillar as ladypillar so maybe i should just put absolem but whatever.. too serious. too stoic. they basically just copy paste his personality from the 2010 movie. why? i dont know. he gets plenty of personality in the shows but old fics really just ignore that... his ass is NOT wise he plays the fucking keyboard in a band at disneyland 😭 he doesnt know shit 😭😭😭
he’s sort of just around to give advice to people. im just saying they could stand to let him be funny once in a while...hes just so serious even though he doesn’t really act that way on stage. i do like the idea of him being more like that when the bands first getting started but eventually coming out of his shell and letting himself have fun with the rest of them. and almost every caterpillar performer made him really aggressive lmao, i think they should’ve leaned into that it would have been funny. like he just punches someone in a fic. idk. i think we should let absolem hit people
Chessur: in the few fics ive read where chess does much of anything, he’s basically got the same problem that absolem’s got where they just sort of copypaste his movie-self, even down to the way he speaks. i REALLY hate that, they usually make absolem and chess talk all elegantly, esp compared to the other characters. its just really weird to me and makes them feel out of place. 
but out of all these characters, chess being the one that writer’s struggled to do much with makes sense. he’s behind that drumset all the time, he doesn’t get much explicit character shown, so i mean, what else were they gona turn to? going back to the 2010 movie is the next step ig. but also, i mean, it’s possible. it’s not like the performers NEVER did anything, because they did. you can still get a personality and come up with a character that isn’t just tim burton’s chessur but a human. 
i see chess as the quietest in the band; he isn’t shy, he doesn’t not want to be around his bandmates or anything, he’s just sort of quiet, unless someone speaks to him or he’s teasing someone lmao. i see him and mally as pretty similar, but neither of them like acknowledging or admitting it. hes meanspirited, but actually very caring and nice, you just gota know him. and hes closest to alice, so ofc SHE knows it. all his sarcastic comments to his friends are just how he says he loves them <3 if you ask, he’d tell you that he only joined the band because he knew they needed a drummer, but it was really cus he wanted to hang out at the tea party (he rarely went before because he and mally genuinely did not get along before the band) i think chess is the type to never talk and then randomly drop the most profound shit anyone has ever heard. idk, does any of that make sense?
so yeah. i know mad t party fandom was all about doing whatever you want with these characters cus there really wasnt much to base anything off of, but i dont think that really applies to their characters?? really just the stories? like they DO have characters and personalities. when people would say things like theyre acting when theyre on stage...that is so weird to me because thats literally just what the show itself is. where is the fun in saying that theyre not actually like how they are on stage? 
this is just a peek into how i see these silly little band guys…ive wanted to share my hcs for a while now, but like. my mind is just spaghetti. i know everything i want to say, but writing it down and putting it out there is just sooo hard. i hope the 5 people who will see this post will understand sort of what im trying to say here. thanks for reading if you read the whole thing thats insane. gold star fo you.
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sirowsky · 2 years
The Secret Lake
Happy Birthday, my Love!
Don't think I forgot about you, my darling wife, I have a big dose of your husband ready for you, should you feel the need for some lovable fluff and happiness! I hope you've had a wonderful day, and if you haven't, I hope this helps. All my love, always --J
Warnings: Marcus Pike x female reader (no physical description), some mild insecurity from both characters, otherwise just fluff central. First date-type themes. Kissing happens.
You're looking for a place to cool off during a heatwave, and remembers hearing about a secluded spot that a colleague of yours might know how to find. The hitch is that you're pretty sure he barely even knows who you are.
Word Count: 3630 Author's Masterlist
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   It’s blazing hot outside, and you’re desperate for some cool water to dip into, but you know the beach is gonna be packed today and you’re not in the mood for battling sand getting into everything you own.    Anakin was right about that one.
   You know there’s supposed to be a really nice lake somewhere inland, within an hour’s drive, but you don’t know how to find it, and it’s apparently next to impossible to locate, in between high cliffs, unless you have a guide.    There’s one person you know that’s been there, but he’s not someone you socialize with, ordinarily. Which is a shame, because he’s the nicest guy you’ve ever met. Not that you’d spent enough time with him to make a full assessment, and you doubt he’d even remember you after just a casual introduction at the office, months ago.    You’re just a secretary, working for his boss, and while you see him all the time, he passes your desk with a polite smile, but never really looking at you. That’s the curse of being a secretary, even when you’re not the-mouse-in-the-corner-type, you become a part of the décor, and eventually people stop noticing you.
   His number is in your phone, though. You’ve needed to message him a few times for work, to let him know that your boss had to reschedule something, so perhaps he would have you in his as well and would recognize the caller ID.    Screw it. If he doesn’t pick up then no harm done, and if he does and doesn’t remember you or doesn’t feel like helping you out, then at least you won’t have to wonder anymore if he notices you.    The phone trembles slightly when you listen to the rings, part of you hoping that he doesn’t answer, and another part dearly wishing that he does.
   The call connects and his voice comes through after seven rings, just when you’d been about to hang up, and you scramble to re-center your brain and remember what the hell you called him for.
   “Oh, hi… I’m sorry…”
   Your mind goes blank and for a moment you’re about to panic, but then a soft chuckle comes across the line.
   “Are you apologizing for calling or for saying hi? Because you haven’t done anything else to me yet, Daisy.”
   Your chest tightens at the sound of your nickname, given to you by some other colleagues because of the one personal item on your desk: a conserved daisy in a glass frame.    You’ve never told anyone why you have it, only that it’s very important to you, and of course, the mystery soon earned you the name. But you love it.    Shit, he asked you a question, what was it?
   “Uh, I’m just sorry to bother you, Agent Pike.”
   “Marcus, please. We’re both off duty. Now, what can I do for you?”
   “Right. Well, I was just wondering if you could give me some directions to the secret lake? I remember hearing you mention to another agent that you’d been there, and I’m just dying to cool down somewhere that isn’t the beach.”
   “Yeah, I’ve been there, but there’s no way I can describe the route well enough that you’ll find it on your own.”
   “Oh. That’s okay, thank you anyway, I really am sorry if I interrupted something.”
   “Hey, I wasn’t done. Will you stop trying to convince me that you’re bothering me, and let me tell you what I’m thinking?”
   “Sorry. Again.”
   You hear him huff on the other end, and you’re not sure if it’s in annoyance or bemusement.
   “I can’t describe it to you, but I’d happily show you the way.”
   You nearly fall over with shock, even though you’re sitting down.
   “Seriously? I mean, you absolutely don’t have to…”
   “Daisy. Stop. I’ll pick you up outside your apartment in 20. Okay?”
   He-… he knows where you live?
   You quickly pack your things and throw together some snacks before heading down to wait for him by the road, partly in the interest of saving time, but also because you’re not sure how you feel about him potentially seeing the inside of your apartment. It’s small so even if he only stood in the doorway, he’d see most of it, and it’s a mess.    Sure enough, he’s there within the promised time, and you quickly put your things in the backseat before getting into the front passenger seat, as he stops by the curb, breathing a little easier once you’re in the cool airconditioned space.
   You almost audibly gulp as you take in the sight of him, while reaching over to fasten your seatbelt. Because you’ve only ever seen him in the practically trademarked FBI-suit they all wear, but now he’s in a white button-down cotton shirt with short sleeves, that fits loosely over his tanned chest, the top three buttons undone.    And he’s wearing light blue bathing shorts, clearly intending to enjoy a day at the lake as well, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s meeting someone else there, or something. Because he can’t be about to just hang out with you, that’s… inconceivable.
   “Hey. Nice to see you outside the office.”
   “Hi. This is so kind of you, Marcus, I didn’t even think you’d pick up, much less actually come and show me the way.”
   “Why would you think I wouldn’t pick up?”
   “Just because we don’t know each other. I figured you’d assume that it was about work and just ignore it, since you’re on vacation.”
   “Huh. I didn’t even think of that. But I was really glad that it was about this, because I was thinking about going out there myself, but it didn’t sound like much fun to go alone.”
   “But you must have people you could’ve called, friends or family. I’m sure there’s always someone who wants to hang out with you.”
   He smiles at that, but it’s a jaded kind of smile.
   “Believe it or not, but doing this job makes it hard to keep up a social life of any sort. All my friends are fellow agents, and while I enjoy spending time with them, it’s always work. Even when we’re off duty, that’s where the conversations go, because that’s what we all have in common, and it’s just not healthy, you know?    I’m bad enough at leaving work at work as it is, I don’t need enablers dragging me back to it in my spare time.”
   You feel bad hearing that, since you’re work-related for him too, and now you don’t know what to say, because you want to apologize but you know he won’t appreciate it.    You stare out the passenger side window, watching city traffic and built-up areas fade away into wilderness as he drives further out of town.
   “Hey, why so quiet, Daisy?”
   “Uh, just enjoying the calm. My neighbours aren’t the quiet types.”
   “Truth. But not all of it. What’s bothering you?”
   You take a breath and glance at him, and damnit… Why did he have to be the most beautiful man in the world?
   “You said you wanted to get away from work.”
   He connects the dots effortlessly; you can see it in his body language even from the corner of your eye.
   “Okay. Clearly, we need to get something straight here.    When I talk about work what I mean is active cases. Leads, interrogations, raids, research, meetings, paperwork, bureaucracy.    You are not work to me, Daisy, you’re the sunshine that sits in an otherwise grey and dull building wearing colours and offering a dazzling smile to anyone that passes.    You’re always helpful, you never seem to have a bad day, or if you do, you’re a master at hiding it. You’re never too far away from a quip or a well-phrased come-back and there is nothing about you that reminds me of work.    So will you please stop trying to tell yourself that you’re gonna somehow ruin my day, because I’m really looking forward to spending some time with you.”
   He pauses and waits for a reply, but you have no idea what to say.    That entire little speech tells you that you’ve been wrong about him this whole time. He does notice you. A lot more than you ever would’ve thought. And while that does boost your confidence significantly, it also makes you terribly nervous.    He doesn’t wait for you to try and gather your thoughts before he continues, making you wonder if he’s nervous too.
   “I was slow to answer today because I did expect it to be work. But when I saw that it was you… I was excited. I am excited. I’d like to get to know you.”
   By now, you’re staring at him, attempting to absorb that he might actually be interested in you, but you soon realize that that’s gonna take a while, and he needs some reassurance.
   “Thank you. I’d really like to get to know you too.”
   He smiles widely, that perfect dimple on full display, and just minutes later, he turns onto a dirt-track that ends after about a mile, where he parks on a patch of dirt next to some boulders.
   “Alright, we’ll have to hoof it from here.”
   “How far is it?”
   “Not very. Maybe twenty minutes. And this is the only way in, so unless someone hiked here, it looks like we got the place to ourselves.”
   You try not to show how that makes the butterflies in your stomach go bananas, while you put on your backpack and fall in behind him.    It’s not the easiest trek you’ve ever done. It’s rocky and requires some light climbing for most of the way, finally making you see why this has never become a popular hangout.    But once you get past the rocky part, you’re suddenly engulfed by thick vegetation that you have to wrestle your way through, until it abruptly just ends, and you’re there.
   Tall cliffs that are vertical in their drop against the water, but also very steep on the opposite side, encircle a small lake full of clear blue water. The entryway brings you to a huge flat rock that’s half submerged, and that’s as much beach as there is.    Birds are singing all around you, actual butterflies flittering about everywhere, tiny flowers growing where tree-roots have stretched into the water above the rocks, bringing other seeds along with them.    It’s magical. But still just as hot as the city had been and now you’ve been climbing too.
   “It’s spring water, filtered through mineral deposits underground, that’s why it’s so clear-…”
   He cuts himself off when you run past him and dive headfirst into the cool liquid, having clearly not noticed that you’ve already stripped your top and shorts off and aren’t all that interested in why the water is special.    But by the time you breach the surface again, he’s already discarded his shirt and is on his way to join you, that big smile firmly in place right up until he dives.    The water’s cold compared to the air, shockingly so, but it only takes moments for your body to appreciate it and for the haze that the heat somehow drugs your mind with, to get blown away.
   You don’t wait for him to reach you before you start leisurely swimming towards the other side of the pool, but he catches up to you in no time, falling in next to you but staying quiet as he can see that you’re admiring the place still.    At the far end of the lake, you’re surrounded by cliffs, creating a chamber of sorts, that echoes every sound, even the tiny splashes from your swim-strokes, seeming to amplify the sounds, which fascinates you.    Turning back, you dive underwater and practice holding your breath while you try to map the bottom, only to find that it’s way too far down for you to even guess at the depth of the water.
   Since the flat rock is partly submerged, there’s no trouble getting back out, you just swim until you can put your feet down on it and then walk up until you reach the dry area.    Marcus is right behind you, but he lingers in knee-deep water for a while as you go to your bag to pull out your towel and lay it out on the smooth stone, and it’s not until you’ve finished that you notice that he’s watching you.
   “How’s the view, Mr. Pike?”
   He makes no attempt to conceal the fact that he’s been eyeing you, only smiling again as you challenge him.
   “Oh, it’s gorgeous, Miss Daisy.”
   Playing along (and seizing the opportunity) you ogle him right back, from his hair down to his knees, and then back up, slowly, taking in every detail, before landing on his suddenly slightly self-conscious eyes.
   “I’ll have to agree with you on that.”
   He chuckles and runs a hand through his dripping wet hair, lingering at his neck while his head dips forwards to hide his embarrassment, all while he slowly makes his way out of the water and comes to pull out his own towel.    After settling down next to you, you both fall into an odd kind of silence. Not pressured or uncomfortable, really, but… a bit like there’s a piece of glass between you that neither of you know how to break. So, you just sit there, quietly soaking up the sun and stealing sideways glances at each other.
   Until you remember your snacks and reach into your bag to pull out an assortment of fruits, crackers, cheese and nuts, and the moment you invite him to dig into the food, the glass brakes.    You talk about a hundred different things, only once or twice straying into work-territory by sharing funny anecdotes or trivia about colleagues. But mostly just telling each other about things you like or have experienced or things that are just memorable, even if they are largely insignificant.
   And before you know it, the sun has dipped below the ridge of the cliffs, the food is all eaten, your bathing suits are dry and the magic of the day is running out, like Cinderella’s chiming clock, forcing you back to reality.    His eyes meet yours, and you both know that it’s time to go, but neither of you say it.    The quiet settles back in between you while you get dressed and pack up, but before you leave, you turn back for one last look out over the lake, feeling like it has somehow shared a secret with you.
   The climb back to the car is even harder on the way down, and without Marcus, you never would’ve managed it. But you get back unscathed and pack yourselves into the vehicle, driving back with that same silence sitting like some unseen third passenger between you, disturbing the zen.    He stops in the parking lot outside your building this time, in the overnight spots, but he leaves the engine running, as if trying to showcase that he won’t stay unless you ask.
   “So… I had a lot of fun today.”
   “Me too. I’m really glad I called you, Marcus.”
   “Please feel free to call me again. Anytime.”
   “Same to you.”
   He smiles, but it’s uncertain now. Tentative.    You bite your bottom lip and throw a look out of the windscreen, trying to decide if you have the courage to kiss him goodbye, or if he’ll even want you to. You feel like he probably won’t mind at least, but there’s no way to know unless you ask or just go for it.
   “What are you thinking, Daisy?”
   The nickname shifts your thoughts, to a different time but oddly similar situation, and you smile warmly as the fond memory plays out before your eyes for the ten thousandth time.
   “Would you like to know why I keep that flower?”
   Looking back at him, you see his smile deepen, and he nods.
   “It was given to me by a girl named Penny when I was just six years old.    She was this rowdy little thing that used to get us into trouble, but she had the most adorable smile and almost always managed to charm our way out of it too.    One day, out of the blue, while we were hiding in the middle of a meadow, she kissed me. And not some little peck either, a long, warm kiss that gave me goosebumps. My very first one.”
   His eyes have turned into enamoured puddles and the most enchanting smile adorns every angle of his features, making your insides purr.
   “Then she pulled back, picked the first flower she saw and tucked it behind my ear, and that was the last time I ever saw her. She moved away the next day.    I keep the flower because it reminds me that love is ageless. I look at it and I still remember those goosebumps, that feeling that something very special was happening, and it makes me smile, even on my bad days.”
   “So, then you do have bad days. Damn. That means I can’t read you as well as I thought, you’ve been deceiving me all this time.”
   “Marcus… who the hell doesn’t have bad days? Of course I do, I just keep a professional mask on.”
   “I know, but that’s what makes it so impressive, because I genuinely have tried, but I’ve never been able to tell. Not once. And I detect deception for a living.”
   That gives you an idea. Maybe a terrible one, but if you’re ever gonna go for it…    Utilizing his apparent inability to tell what you’re thinking, you keep your face in the same comfortable joyful expression you’ve had for most of the afternoon, not giving him any hint as to what you’re about to do.    Taking a page from Penny, you don’t give him a chance to pull away, swiftly leaning over the center console to slot your lips against his, forcing your hands to stay in your lap so that you won’t reach up and try to hold him in place, in case he doesn’t want this.
   Once he catches on, though, he all but surges into the kiss, his own hands showing none of the restraint yours have managed, coming up to cradle your face while he completely takes over control, licking at your lips, begging for more. And when you let him in, he instantly softens again, inviting you as much as he devours you.    Your hands tangle in his hair, tug at his shoulders, utterly unable to get enough of him and suddenly hating the confines of the car making it impossible to get closer.    But then he shifts his left arm, and accidentally hits the horn, the sharp signal startling you both into pulling back, and you chuckle breathlessly.
   “I’ve wanted to do that all day.”
   His eyes are bottomless pits of lust now, but there’s so much affection in there too that it makes you crave him just as much.
   “Daisy… I’ve wanted to do that for fucking months.”
   “You couldn’t have given me even the tiniest hint of that? I thought you didn’t even know my name, much less my nickname.”
   He’s a little taken aback by that, cocking his head to the side and studying you closely.
   “I’m sorry. You’re right, I haven’t shown you anything but my own mask as well.”
   “You know what, Marcus… I think we kinda suck at this.”
   That makes him laugh in earnest, and it infects you, but also effectively wipes any and all remaining tension away between you.    And suddenly you don’t care what state your apartment’s in, or that the neighbours are terrible, you just want him to stay.
   “You wanna come in?”
   Something very… expansive, emanates from him as he hears that. As though a whole new world has opened up and become available to him, and his eyes sparkle when he reaches for you, kissing you again, just as fervently.    And when he breaks it, he stays close enough that his lips still brush against yours with each word he says.
   “Yes. Yes, I really, really do. Which is why I should leave.”
   You know that he’s right, that it’s careless to move too fast, that it can wreck things before they’ve even begun, but you still whimper and feel a pout settle into your face.    He tries to kiss it away, and he almost succeeds, except that it comes right back as soon as he pulls away again, which makes him laugh more.
   “How about you come to my place for dinner tomorrow. My neighbours are quiet.”
   You both giggle at how fast and decisively that reply comes out, and then he gets out of the car to help you with your bag, even though it’s just a backpack.    You take it and start walking towards your door, but then turn so that you’re backing the last few steps, letting you look at him where he’s leaned against the back bumper of the car.
   “Text me your address, Mr. Pike. Some of us don’t snoop in other people’s personnel files.”
   His eyebrows shoot up at that, clearly not expecting you to have figured that out, and you smile triumphantly. Because he could’ve just looked you up online, but something tells you that he probably thinks it’s less creepy if he just looks at a file, he does that all the time.
   “I peeked. Just one little peek.”
   “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful.”
   His gaze takes a trip around the parking lot while he smiles bashfully at your compliment, and then he pushes off the bumper and heads for the driver’s door, giving you one last lingering, craving look before he steps in and drives off.
Tagging some lovely people, just because.
@idreamofboobear @deadhumourist @lucrezia-thoughts @nolanell @tintinn16 @bison-writes @tiffanyleen @sarahjkl82-blog @la-lunaluna @tanzthompson @cannedsoupsucks @toomanystoriessolittletime @sj-draws00 @agingerindenial @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @shsoba05 @thisshipwillsail316 @f0rever15elf @dornish-queen @herefordistractions @littlemisspascal @sewmanystitchssewlittletime @ophelialoveshandsomemen @myfavpedrothings @ezras-channel-rat @winter-fox-queen
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Piece by Piece: Healing Touch
"Your back is pretty fucked up, or so I hear every morning." Ignoring Steve's protests, he carried on. "If you let me help you with that, I swear on my guitar I will eat. Something. Nutritious," he spat out with feigned disgust.
"So...you're telling me that I get a massage and you start eating well?" Steve chuckled and the tension was gone, just like that. "You've got a deal. Seriously, Munson, where is the catch?"
But it's not that easy, as Eddie finds out. While Steve pretends to be okay, Eddie still hears the pained grunts, sees the stiffness of his boyfriend's shoulders. He's going to give him that massage if it's the last thing he does.
Part 2 of Piece by Piece series. (previous one HERE)
You can also read it HERE.
Taking care of Steve Harrington was proving more difficult than Eddie had anticipated. Ever since Steve's caring side reared its pretty head with the intent to ensure Eddie wouldn't die of malnutrition or diabetes and they had the talk in which Eddie agreed to eat normal food and Steve promised to have some of his injuries and painful body parts looked at, they lived in a delicate balance. Eddie passive-aggressively munched on pre-cut fruit and vegetables, only to announce "that's it, I kept my side of the deal, now show me that cut, Harrington." Steve would ask Eddie to check a sore spot on his side, letting him treat the scars that wouldn't heal as quickly as the others, and then resolutely shoved an apple in Eddie's hand. It worked, they were both getting what they wanted, except for one thing. The bloody promised massage. Steve's back was still a mess and Eddie was running out of patience.
Not that he would have ever had in his wildest dreams imagined touching the bare skin of the former King and all that (not without significantly improving his sprinting, evasion and subsequent camouflage for the rest of the school year), but life somehow wrapped Steve in a lovely bow and sent him Eddie's way, as if to apologize for the minor murder charges/bat mauling/messed up resurrection fiasco. As grateful and elated as Eddie was (constantly, 24/7 baby, 1986 really had been his year in this regard), Steve didn't come with a manual and Eddie was finding out very fast that his lovable ex-jock was prone to attempted self-destruction every two to three business days, sometimes on weekends and holidays too if he was feeling special (hint: always). The irresistible combination of brave, hot and stupid was suddenly way more concerning when he had the first hand chance to realize that Steve didn't even have the common courtesy to say "hey, I'm about to do something stupid that might get me killed!" as the kids often did (in different words but with the same meaning), he just went ahead and threw himself into danger. Again. And again. And again and again and again.
It wasn't that Eddie didn't appreciate Steve's chivalrous nature, he truly was his knight in shining armor, but he would honestly much rather get punched by some of Hawkins' finest vigilantes once, twice, or any number of times really to ensure that Steve wouldn't get pushed around, hit or worse for trying to protect him. It didn't happen often, fortunately enough, but it still did. And whenever they finally got home, Eddie almost tripping on the stairs to get the first aid kit and treating Steve's wounds, begging him, pleading with him to please not do this again, it's not worth it, he isn't worth it, Steve would just smile at him through his bloodied lips and simply say: "It's not your choice if you're worth it. It's not up for debate." And fuck that, fuck this and fuck that whole happy expression that screamed I'm so glad you're safe Eddie, don't mind my broken lip, don't mind the bruise, you're okay and that's all that matters. How was he supposed to argue against that? He just muttered "You get hurt one more time Harrington, one more time and I'm searching this whole stupid town to find Hello Kitty band-aids to stick on your stupidly pretty face whenever you get stupid ideas like this" and hoped, hoped so strongly, that Steve would listen to him for once, that he would get to keep him around longer and in one piece.
The massage agreement was a very desperate effort to at least give Steve something back, to take care of him for once. But getting Steve to agree to something and actually having him do it were two completely different things. As soon as the topic of the promised massage came up in their conversation, Steve assured Eddie that he was indeed looking forward to it, but really, if Eddie had something better to do, that was absolutely fine, the (terrifyingly familiar, nope, not going there, not thinking of her lifeless gaze, her stiff shoulders, what happened right after, back to Steve!) crunching sounds of his spine were absolutely normal, they never caused him any issues or pain and really, Eddie worried too much (all the snorts in the world couldn't unite in the supersnort Eddie gave at that proclamation. The nerve of this man). As if Eddie hadn't seen his careful stretching in the morning, time and time again, when Steve thought Eddie was still asleep in their bed. As if he couldn't hear the muffled grunt of pain when he touched certain parts of his body, or how Steve rubbed his neck more than seemed normal, or when he sometimes had trouble focusing on letters and played it off as a joke, that of course he can't read fine print, he's the pretty and stupid one of the group, hahaha. Eddie wanted to punch every single person who ever convinced Steve that feeling pain and ignoring his health was normal. And if Steve was the one who convinced himself, well. Then Eddie would have to punch him because he's a man who sticks to his principles. And then he'd kiss it better.
So yes, Eddie learned soon enough that Steve would find every single loophole that would allow him to escape his care. Which had led him to this point - grabbing Steve's hand, dragging him to their bedroom and pointing at the bed. "You're getting the massage now, Harrington, and I'm not hearing any response that isn't yes." But even when Steve is under him, just in his underwear and Eddie is spreading a massage lotion over his fingers, heating it up, when he kneads those stiff muscles, something isn't right. Steve is doing his best to do as Eddie asked, tries to lie still, but he is fidgety, tense, and Eddie is getting worried that he might unintentionally hurt him if they keep this up. And it's so, so frustrating, because he could see Steve was hurting, he had him right there, so obedient, but he couldn't do it right. The helplessness rose into his throat and threatened to choke him. He really tried to keep quiet, to focus on Steve and nothing else, but Eddie's mouth had a mind of its own.
When Steve's muscles tensed against Eddie's fingers again, but he stubbornly pretended that it's all good, it's how his muscles are, Eddie could continue, he just lost it. "I love you, you know. I may not say it enough, but...I hope you know that." Shushing Steve's attempt at a response and rubbing between his shoulder blades, he continued. "Please, just...just listen, okay? That way you feel about others, always protecting them...us...that is amazing, Steve. But have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe we might feel the same?" His voice was more strained now and he was praying that Steve would mistake the change in tone for physical effort. The massive knot in his back wasn't helping either. "But none of us are strong enough to do that. To stop others from harming you. Hell," he chuckled and nope, his hands weren't shaking at all, or maybe it was just the physical effort again, yep, that's it, "hell, we can't even protect you from yourself. I can't even...I can't even keep myself safe so that you don't have to keep rushing to my rescue and...and..."
Shit, he couldn't do it. He had it all planned, well, not for this moment and as much as his racing brain allowed, but instead of explaining to Steve how he could never protect others if he destroyed himself in the process, by appealing to his common sense, he just sat there, straddling Steve's lower back and mindlessly stroking all those scars that should have never been there, not for anyone, especially not for him. Steve's shoulders twitched when one traitorous tear fell between his shoulders and oh no, he was shifting, turning around and Eddie's eyes wouldn't fucking stop watering. He crouched down, fully lying on his boyfriend's chest and breathing a silent prayer to any gods who might be listening that Steve hadn't seen his expression. By the gentle hands stroking his back and tangling in his hair, he guessed that prayer wasn't heard.
"Eddie. I don't- it's what I always tell you. You are worth all of this and more to me. You're worth everything."
"That's not the point , Steve! Can you...can you imagine what it's like, seeing someone you love jumping in harm's way for your sake, again and again and just...being fucking terrified of the possibility that this might be the final straw, that thing which will take them away from you? Can you imagine just feeling good and grateful if I graciously decided to die for your safety?" He stopped himself, biting his lip. Perhaps more than he had to, but man. If  that sentence wasn't stupid, with all that had happened. "Don't-don't answer that. Please. Sorry. Thank you. What I mean is...I really, really want to keep you around for longer. Long. Very long. As long as you'll have me. And I can't bear the thought of that not happening...because of me. Saving the world, well, sure, that seemed like a good priority, but...it's got to be both of us, baby."
The gentle combing through his hair wasn't stopping, strand by strand, and Eddie allowed himself to relax into Steve, finally getting his breathing under control. In his whole life, he found being still very difficult, well, nearly impossible, he always had to be on the move, wild gestures, jumping on tables, pacing and all that, but somehow, Steve managed to do what any arguments, persuasion or yelling couldn't. What a thought.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie thought for a moment that maybe he imagined it, but nope, Steve definitely said that. Pushing by his knees, he moved next to Steve, not breaking their embrace but just changing the level so he could actually see him. Stroking his face and tracing the moles on the cheeks with fingertips, he smiled. "What a man. You even apologize for saving my ass all the time and getting punched when doing that."
Steve smiled back, but very briefly. He bit his lip and Eddie was very, very tempted to just abandon this whole conversation because what business could Steve have biting his lips? That was Eddie's job!  And then he shifted his gaze to the left. Eddie wondered for a split second if he lost Steve's attention, but it was still on him, just - again - his hair and the fingers stroking them. And not that he was a snob or something, but whenever Steve gave him this sort of attention, Eddie swore on all the gods and his guitar that he would get a proper conditioner or something, that if Steve loved his hair so much, it should be bloody worth it (he might have gotten a new shampoo promising to tackle the whole frizzy situation and it hadn't done shit, except for the next time that Steve came behind Eddie and sneaked his hands around his waist, burying his nose into Eddie's curls, he sighed like he was experiencing something special, not just the untamed beast that was Eddie's hair, and muttered "you smell like strawberries. It's nice" and that didn't start Eddie on a quest to figure out all the scents that Steve liked and getting a shampoo selection worthy of his fine nose, well...).
But then Steve spoke up again and that had Eddie abandoning the whole hair train of thought (hair of thought?). "I guess I never...I never saw it this way," Steve admitted in a low voice, still hypnotizing Eddie's curls instead of meeting his eyes. "I never wanted to make you worry, Eddie, I just...it never seemed that important."
"Steve." Eddie raised his other hand and shimmied closer, taking Steve's face in his palms. "There is literally no one more important than you. How could you think for a second it didn't matter if you got hurt?"
The chuckle that came out of Steve's throat got muffled by a peck on his lips, careful, as if he would shatter if Eddie wasn't gentle enough. "No one? Did I finally beat your guitar?"
"Cheeky bastard. For your information, you share the first spot. Don't let it get into your head. It's difficult to decide, you're both drop dead gorgeous and make the most delicious sounds," Eddie nudged Steve's side and enjoyed the moment of shared laughter before getting serious again. "Really, Steve. Why would you think that?"
More biting then, except not just his lips, but also chewing his cheeks and Eddie didn't have to be a psychologist to see that this was a whole new can of worms. "I..." the words got stuck in his throat and Eddie gently took his hands and moved them back to his hair, with a gentle sound of encouragement. That seemed to calm Steve down a bit. "It isn't that I don't think you care, Eddie. It's just that my parents," and oof, the tone makes it sound like an insult (and rightfully so, Eddie isn't a vengeful person but moments like these have him fantasizing of many, many things that the Harringtons deserve, and he has a rich imagination), "my parents never made any fuss about...you know. Me sometimes not coming home completely okay."
Eddie gave a disapproving "tsk" and returned his attention to Steve's moles and freckles. Apparently keeping an eye contact wasn't adding to Steve's peace of mind and...while those amber eyes were always on Eddie's mind, Steve's marks were close second. He could write serenades about them, create a whole campaign about navigating them, if he was willing to share (which he wasn't). Steve's skin was a like a whole new galaxy, just for Eddie to explore. "I know they have the habit to fuck off whenever," he mumbled against Steve's cheek, "so I'm not surprised they didn't take you to a doctor for...all of that. Jesus, Steve, I wish I knew back then, that it wasn't some jock fights or brokenhearted boyfriends. I would have dragged you to the hospital myself."
"I'm sure you would have," and oh, the brief press of lips on his forehead made Eddie's eyes swell with tears again. Not helping. "But it wasn't just the Upside Down stuff. It has...um...sort of always been like that?" Steve's chuckle sounded bitter and resigned at the same time and Eddie was a second away from bursting out the door, gathering the local pigeons and training them as his personal army to shit on the Harringtons' coats, car and preferably faces whenever they had the gall to show up in Hawkins. "I can't remember them ever taking me to a doctor, a hospital or even just putting a band-aid on something."
Eddie's breath hitched. "Not even when you were a kid? Jesus, Stevie! Even...even my shitty dad did that for me."
"Um." Steve's hand left his hair for a moment to massage his temples, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Actually, once. I was what, six or seven? I was running in the street, you know, a normal kid thing, when I tripped and scraped my knee. It wasn't that bad, it was just bleeding a lot, but I was freaking out. My mom took me inside and helped me clean the wound, when he...my dad, he showed up and caused a fucking scene about it. Apparently I was making him look bad." Scratch the pigeon plan, he would train a fucking eagle squad. "It looked like it might need a few stitches, but he forbade my mom from taking me to a doctor. He said that they would look like neglectful parents for letting me get hurt. And whenever I came back later, you know, after sports or fights, he would just look at me with that...that empty, disgusted look and remind me how my mistakes affected his reputation. So...I just did my damn best to hide all that."
"How..." Eddie gasped out, "how do you even hide that? I saw your face, man. After the Russians, after Jonathan, how the fuck did you hide that?"
"Well, they weren't home for most of that. And if they were, I just left them a note that I'm invited to a party or something, left and took my car. They never stay long, so it was just a night or two. It usually got a bit better then. At least the puffiness and color. You okay, Eddie? You...you are breathing kind of weird." Just like Steve, to be worried about him when he was casually talking about years of neglect, as if it was a funny party story.
Eddie fisted his hand in the pillow under Steve's head and, with great difficulty, unclenched his teeth. "I'm just trying to figure out what job would pay enough to allow me hire a hitman," he muttered, squeezing the pillow even harder. "Just...what the fuck, man?! Is that why you think you don't matter? Because you never mattered to them?"
"I don't- I don't think that. I just don't think about it at all," Steve admitted quietly. "And I don't hate it when you...take care of me. It's just not something I'm used to and I feel like I should be doing something. I don't know what. But I do hate that I'm making you worry about me, because you have enough shit to deal with. I just want you to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted."
"Oh, Steve." The words that rolled from his lips were soft and unguarded. Eddie had heard enough, but if he thought that understanding would make it better, boy, was he wrong. He could let so many things go, resigning himself to the knowledge he'd never be able to change things, but now his heart was breaking for Steve, as corny and cliche as it sounded. He climbed up and flipped them around, burying Steve's back in the mattress. He marveled at how Steve, much stronger than himself, never resisted, never complained, he just went along with whatever position Eddie craved. In more ways than one. He was looking up at Eddie now, lips parted, waiting. Eddie cupped his cheek and Steve leaned into it, absorbing the gentle touch as if it was the only thing that ever mattered. "It's you that makes me happy. All the time. Even when you play your crap music or when you shove vegetables down my throat, no innuendo there, I'm the happiest I've been in my whole life. And it's scary as fuck. I've never thought I'd have anything like this, hell, some days I still have to pinch myself. I can't help it but think sometimes that this is just a giant joke that the fate played on me or something, that I got to have you, got to have everything I've ever wanted, just to have it taken away. But when you let me care of you, I..." he bit his cheek, but kept his eyes on Steve's because he deserved to hear it. "I feel like I'm actually doing something to keep this. You. That I'm not just accepting what life gives me, but I'm actually reaching out, chasing it. You're it for me Steve, and don't blame me if I'm ready to do everything in this world to keep you, healthy, happy, all that." And shit, he let his mouth run wild again, that was a lot to swallow even for himself, not to mention anyone else, but Steve was listening intently, gaze hanging on Eddie's lips for every word and Eddie's heart feels like it's going to burst out of his chest. The traitor.
And then there's a hand on his cheek too, mirroring his, and Steve pulls him closer and his eyes are so vibrant, so beautiful. "I get it," he whispers and kisses the wrinkles leading to Eddie's temples. "I think I sort of feel the same, so I...I will try. I still don't know how to make myself more relaxed, but I'll figure something out."
Eddie kisses him then, deep and grateful, and he grins at the twitch Steve's body gives when he presses against him. "Good. Although now that I think about it...maybe I went about it the wrong way?" Seeing Steve's confusion, he trailed his calloused fingers over his boyfriend's chest and reveled in the sharp gasp it elicited. "What I mean is, maybe you don't need to relax during the thing. Maybe you just need to be relaxed beforehand."
"I don't see how that's easier," Steve muttered.
And Eddie felt the familiar wolfish grin tugging at his lips, because this might actually be it, he might have finally cracked one of the key sections of the enigma that is Steve Harrington. Steve who wore his heart on his sleeve, but whose mind and body refused to follow the lead of their honest owner. "Then what about I show you exactly what I mean, baby?" he said and disentangled himself from their embrace to flip Steve on his stomach again.
Turns out, his idea was correct. Because when Eddie's long fingers were taking Steve apart, inch by inch, slowly and with unbreakable focus, Steve's tension gradually went away. He was rutting into a pillow that Eddie had placed under his hips, pushing against Eddie's hand and gasping out incoherent words, only sometimes muttering "please" and "Eddie" as a prayer. Despite those extra years in high school, Eddie was a fast learner. He had months to learn Steve and his triggers, what made him writhe and grasp sheets like a drowning man, and he'd be damned if he didn't use all that knowledge to its fullest. Steve was the patient one in bed, always taking his time with Eddie, and Eddie now finally got what was so great about it, found it intoxicating to be the one holding all the cards. When Steve got too impatient, too lost in it, he would just shush him, still his hand and kiss that strong back until Steve's grip loosened, until he laid himself down and whined "I'm relaxed, I swear I am, for god's sake, Eddie!"
Between the twists of his fingers and gentle coaxing, Eddie lost track of time and he was pretty sure Steve couldn't remember the day of the week or even the month once he was done with him. Steve was lying on his stomach, breathing heavily and too spent to move. Eddie carefully removed his fingers, leaning down to kiss Steve's back and removing the soiled pillow. He absentmindedly wiped his hand on it. "That's it, Stevie," he whispered against his nape and reached for the abandoned massage lotion. "Just stay as you are." He shushed Steve's muttered complaints about not being able to return the favor and finally got to those stubborn muscles which were now too tired to resist. Steve hummed against the mattress but made no effort to resist and Eddie found himself grinning like an idiot.
Much later, when he had cleaned Steve and moved closer to get some well-deserved rest, Steve's lips moved, half-asleep. "Eddie?"
He wrapped his arms around Steve's middle. "Yes, love?"
"This was...so nice. I really liked it." He went quiet for a moment and Eddie thought maybe he was already asleep, but then: "I'm still keeping our deal though. You're getting a healthy lunch tomorrow."
Eddie groaned and buried his face in Steve's shoulder. "The things I do for love."
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Apologies to all the Norman fans out there but as the years go on it seems like he cares more about himself than the character of Daryl. I mean he obviously likes playing him but he'd rather do something that suits him over something that suits Daryl. There's other actors who know their character so well they will notice something isn't right for the character and tell the writers, director etc that it's wrong for the character. I do not see Norman doing this, maybe he does but he gives me the vibe that he doesn't. The Daryl going to France literally does not make no sense like how is he even going to get there? But he's not bothered because it means his girlfriend can be in it. Sorry for the long ask oops x
Yeah I totally agree with you. I don't like to consider myself really a Norman Reedus fan, more of just a person who is immensely attracted to him and thinks he's hot besides some aspects of his personality/career that I don't really agree with. He's just sexy and crazy hot and cute. And he likes cool music/movies/art (but his art/photography leaves a lot to be desired).
And yeah, I don't think Norman understands Daryl tbh. I mean sometimes he does, but from a lot of what he's said, I think half the time he gets it wrong when it comes to Daryl. Like when he said Daryl is not the type to cuddle after sex lol that's just wrong to me. Daryl seems super lovable and sweet and like he would NEED to cuddle after sex.
Apparently Norman actually pushed for the spin-off to be called "Daryl Dixon," which just goes to show 1) he has stupid ideas and 2) he has more power in the show's decisions than he says he does. That fact combined with the rumor that Norman pushed for the show to take place in France just so he could cosplay as a European with his bland white bread gf just goes to show that perhaps that rumor is actually true, which is pretty shitty considering that an actor should not have that much power. I initially didn't think he had any say in it, but now I am not so sure. I mean, if he pushed for the title, then I could see him also pushing for the France shit, which also explains why the idea is so random.
But I don't think Diane Kruger is going to be in the show. Norman confirmed that she isn't and that it was just a tabloid making it up. Tbh I would hate if she was in it because her and Norman have absolutely zero chemistry so if they were acting together on screen I might just have to turn it off (I couldn't even finish Sky. It was so fucking bad man also they both did some very shitty acting). Also I just find it insufferable when actors get their significant others to act in the same thing as them it's so annoying.
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
Hi hi!!!
This is a very VERY late Christmas gift for the lovely @cupcake-rogue and I couldn’t wait to get this done!
Pairing: Bakugou x fem!reader x Kaminari (pro heroes and aged up)
Warnings: 18+, oral sex (male and female receiving), hand jobs, threesome
Word count: 3.5K
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“Oi, who taught you how to drive? You almost killed us, Dunce Face!”
“It’s not my fault that deer showed up out of nowhere! Did you expect me to hit it?”
“I expect you to know how to drive in the snow, dumbass!”
“Hey!” You finally interjected, “there’s a reason why I’m driving now, okay? ‘Suki, Denki, apologize or I’m canceling this much needed getaway and neither of us wanna do that!”
Your hands had finally loosened up around the steering wheel as you had finally calmed down. The two blonds, now in the backseat, had begrudgingly apologized to each other and remained quiet for the duration of the drive up to the winter resort. This whole trip was your boyfriend, Denki’s, idea for the three of you. The two of you have always been close with the high ranking explosive hero and wanted to treat him to something nice and relaxing. The way the three of you ebb and flow within each other’s lives, something like this was bound to happen. It was more shocking that the three of you didn’t vacation together sooner but with how busy the three of your lives were it made sense. With all of you being high ranking heroes in your own right, finding adequate time for all three of you without overlapping schedules or missed dates was more than difficult. However, this time everything worked out perfectly.
About 20 minutes pass by and the three of you reach your destination. You park at the designated area and Bakugou is the first to exit the car and start unloading the trunk of your suitcases. Kaminari opens your door and gently kisses your hand before untying the snowboards and skis on top of the car. Although the intent of the trip is to relax, you all had super fun and exciting things planned! And that doesn’t include the skiing and snowboarding. Within the next few minutes, all of your things are unloaded and at the doorstep of the chalet and the three of you enter. You’re blown away by the hominess of the living area while also feeling like it’s a getaway. The partially wooden walls lit with candles and lanterns adds to the getaway atmosphere as you trudge your belongings in.
Crimson eyes scan the area, giving a small grunt of approval. They then briefly land on your figure for longer than necessary until the sight of the kitchen momentarily distracts him. Bakugou doesn’t know why he’s even third wheeling on this obvious couple’s vacation, but he just can’t say no to you. The way your eyes shimmered in anticipation of his answer had him hiding his blush at the time when he agreed. It didn’t help that your electric boyfriend had also begged and bugged him about it. He wouldn’t so readily admit it, but there was something endearing about the fact the both of you cared about him so much and wanted to include him.
The first night in the chalet is calm and relaxing, the three of you enjoying a movie by the fireplace with warm hot chocolate. Outside snow falls in preparation for the next day of winter fun. You and Kaminari are cuddled on a couch sharing a blanket while Bakugou looks on from the loveseat nearby, simultaneously watching the movie and sneaking glances at the two of you. The cheesy but lovable romcom on the screen reminds him of the days when he met you first. You were assigned to the same mission and something about how you maneuvered your way amidst the rubble and fire to subdue the villain and save the citizens, and how you chewed him out for his behavior had his heart pacing faster than he thought possible. Regret settles into his gut as he thinks he should have asked you out first. Because maybe it would be him snuggling up to you on the couch and not dunce face. However the possibility of being in the middle of that pile had crossed his mind as well. Not that he’d admit it, he would never admit to having feelings for the electric, bubbly, and cute blond—
“Hm? Everything okay, ‘Suki?”
His eyes widen slightly as he meets your concerned gaze. He huffs and returns his attention back to the movie. “It’s nothin, don’t worry about it.”
You shrug and rest your head again on Denki’s shoulder as he plays with your fingers, occasionally looking over to Bakugou with a slight frown. The electric hero has a keen sense for feeling others emotions and knew Bakugou wasn’t okay, but also now aware of how getting brushed off hurt you as well. He ponders to himself if maybe this trip was a bad idea. But then he’s met with a reassuring kiss on the neck and his doubts falter. Maybe life would be better if he was giving another blond a kiss but that talk would come later.
The next day involved some fun inner tubing and Denki and Katsuki showing you how to snowboard. You had done okay on the bunny hill but both blonds had gotten annoyed with the small hill and wanted to go harder. You’re clinging to your boyfriend for dear life as the three of you go down an advanced slope. That didn’t end well for any of you. At first you were doing okay, swerving correctly and keeping balance. But once there was a bad turn and you couldn’t slow down, you crash into Bakugou. At first the explosive blond was about to shout a slew of insults but then realizes that the body on top of him is yours and he stops talking. You’re not sure if it’s the close proximity or the cold but you can’t help but notice the reddening of his ears and cheeks as his hands comfortably hold your waist. Your breath intermingles with his and you swear you thought you saw vermillion eyes stare down at your lips. The temptation was too real as you could have sworn he moved closer but the moment is interrupted by a yell of:
“Whoa you two! Are you alright, beautiful? Sorry for not helping you!” Denki lends a hand to help you up and tries to hide his growing blush at the two of you. He makes sure to thank his friend and proceeds to help a reluctant Bakugou. Once the both of you are balanced on your boards is when you realize just how turned on you are from those interactions. You knew you were attracted to the high ranking hero but you’re unsure of how long you, and Denki for that matter, can keep your feelings at bay. With the sun high in the sky and the fresh powder beneath your feet, the beautiful atmosphere around the three of you doesn’t match the turbulence of feelings going on in all of your hearts.
With the activities of the day done, you all return to the chalet to rest and get ready for dinner. You and Bakugou had decided to put your brains together for a simple meal of chicken tenders and fries. However, knowing Bakugou you brought fresh potatoes to shred, fresh chicken to coat, and an air fryer to make the food. After about 30 minutes of preparing the food and putting it in the air fryer on a timer, the two of you return to the family area and join Kaminari who was asleep on the couch. His legs were sprawled out with his right hanging off the furniture. Crimson eyes roll as you sit on the love seat and wait for the awake blond to join you. “About what happened on the slopes—“
“Tch, ‘s fine. Don’t over think it, alright?”
You nod to him as the two of you settle on the love seat. A wave of tiredness hits you and you rest your head against Bakugou’s firm yet comfortable shoulder. The man next to you is unsure of what to do. On one hand it feels absolutely incredible to have you next to him, just the way you melt into him and fits perfectly into his side profile has him grunting internally. On the other hand, your sleeping boyfriend could wake up at any minute and get upset with him, or not; he knows Denki is a very open person. Either way, he readjusts to have his arm wrap around your shoulders and pull you closer. Did he detect a small smile on your glorious features? He snickers as he gets comfortable as well, setting a timer on his phone for the food before lightly shutting his eyes. He can’t help but think it would be more perfect if that annoying dunce face was with you two. Fuck, he really is in over his head.
When Denki awoke from the movie, he had become aware that you were no longer beside him. However, he saw the cutest picture opportunity ever and couldn’t help himself. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of you and Bakugou cuddled up together. He knew it was right, and just couldn’t wait to finally bring it up to him. Denki leans over to kiss your lips, hoping you don’t stir before he turns to the explosive blond. He always knew he had kissable lips but temptation was just too real.
So he leans in to peck him on the lips—
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
His whisper shout startles Kaminari and unfortunately wakes you in the process. You start to question what’s going on before Bakugou abruptly gets up, leaving you feeling cold. “Your idiotic boyfriend just tried to kiss me!”
When you don't react in the way he’s expecting, Bakugou practically has steam coming out of his ears. “Aren’t you supposed to be yelling at him? He was about to cheat on you with me!”
“It’s not,” you interrupt. “It’s not cheating…”
“The hell do you mean?!”
You fiddle with your fingers and rub your thighs together anxiously, eyes darting back and forth between your boyfriend and Katsuki. You bite your lip as you try to find the right words, knowing Kaminari would word it wrong. So you take a deep breath and slowly begin to talk.
“What we mean is, we had an extra motivation for inviting you with us.” Your anxiety starts to peak as the upcoming questions and responses hang in your mind. “Denki and I, we both realized that we love you. A lot. And—“
“And we want you to be with us! Romantically, platonically…sexually…”
You huff and reach out to punch his arm as you grunt at him. “Denks! You were supposed to let me tell him!”
Kaminari rubs at his arm and hesitantly chuckles, all the while trying to meet Bakugou’s eyes. The man in question isn’t sure where to look. The ground, you, Denki, the snow outside…no where was good enough to help him collect his thoughts. With his hands stuffed in his pockets he begins to pace in front of the television.
“So let me get this straight,” he starts, “you two…” he pauses briefly to glance at the nervous couple. “You want to add me into your relationship? Why? Y’all aren’t satisfied with each other so you want me to liven it up?”
“N-no!” You interject, standing up to approach Bakugou and carefully pull his hands out to caress them. “We love you, truly! We felt incomplete, I guess? And we love being around you and noticed how much better you do when you’re around us and—“
Your rambling is cut off when a pair of unfamiliar lips are gently pressed against yours. The hands holding yours tighten slightly as a way to reassure the both of you that this was happening and it was real. The both of you pull away slowly, heavy panting and the exchanging of breaths happening between you two. It was magical, euphoric even. It was everything you had wanted it to be. Even Bakugou was feeling the same way.
“Wow.” Both of you iterated at the same time, while Denki approaches you two by saying the same sentiment. Golden pupils widen as he meets crimson ones, scared to ask as he places his hands on the blond’s cheeks to pull him closer. “May I?”
The usually exuberant blond is left speechless as he lightly nods, falling into the embrace as he kisses one of his long time friends. He finds his hands resting on Kaminari’s waist as he pulls him in, letting his pierced tongue enter his mouth for a tantalizing kiss. A small groan rumbles from the back of Bakugou’s throat as the kiss gets more heated between them. You nibble on your lip as you watch the two men in front of you go from kissing to full on making out. When the two strikingly different blonds in front of you part for air, you grab a hand from each of them and ask:
“Does that mean you accept our offer?”
Bakugou smirks and kisses your lips again, taking your breath away as he does so. You relax into the kiss as the hand that’s holding Denki’s tightens in excitement.
“What do you think, sweetcheeks?”
The devilish tone in his question has the both of you looking at Bakugou in awe. Ruby eyes roll and the bombastic hero starts walking toward the stairs, eyeing the two of you with knowing eyes as he silently trudges up to the next level. He doesn’t even have to say anything to let the two of you know that he’s ready to show you how much this really means to him. You and Denki bundle upstairs behind him with giddy grins, almost fumbling into the main bedroom and into Bakugou. He grunts slightly but then quickly grabs your shoulders to pull you into a searing kiss. Behind you Denki grabs hold of your waist, kneading at your skin as he kisses at your neck sweetly. His little whines into your heated neck have you moaning into the warm and fiery lips to your front.
Once he notices you’re in the middle, Bakugou begins to grind his hips into you and deepens the kiss. His hands slide down your sides, placing them over the brighter blonds hands and taking charge. He then releases your lips and gazes over to the both of you. “Don’t misunderstand, just because I’m new doesn’t mean I’m letting either of you be in charge.” The both of you gulp as Bakugou merely smirks and bites his lip. “Dunce face, strip off her clothes. And then you get naked, too. Understand?”
The two of you silently consent and start to do as your boyfriend undresses you. “Oi, I’m gonna need verbal confirmation, you two. Do you understand?” With a snarl, the pupils in his eyes dilate as lust lids over them. Your eyes meet gold as you open your mouths to speak:
“Yes Daddy.”
“Yes Master.”
Three pairs of eyes widen in a mixture of shock and lust as the air is filled with a growing tension. The first to break the building silence is you as you nervously laugh and lowly mutter, “I don’t even call him daddy…”
“At least I call you mistress sometimes!”
“Just do what I say, damnit!”
You and Denki stop, both feeling the arousal budding within the two of you as you respond with a yes. The electric blond brings you to the bed and slowly strips you of your clothes, kissing every inch of exposed skin before laying you down. Once done, he then quickly removes his constricting clothes and sits beside you to wait for further instruction. Bakugou slowly approaches the two of you and lowly smiles. He licks his lips and steps closer and appreciates the view. “Sweetcheeks, on all fours, ass up towards me. And make sure to treat him to that sweet mouth of yours.”
You shiver in anticipation as you place yourself on the bed in between the two eager men. A harsh slap comes to your ass and you yelp in response. Warm hands grip and rub at the skin before a couple fingers swipe up your now leaking folds. In front of you, Denki places his cock at your lips, holding it in his hand as he taps it against your cheek. “Open up for me, babe. Just how you like it.” He hisses as the warmth of your mouth takes in the tip of his cock. “Fuck yeah baby, love the way you suck my cock.”
You take him in slowly like normal, but moan around his length when Bakugou licks a tantalizing stripe up your slit. Your hand grabs at Denki’s thigh for leverage as your thighs shake. The blond in front of you whines when you remove your mouth from his dick to whimper behind you. “Daddy, fuck. You feel so good! Sh-shit!”
The man behind you spreads your cheeks further apart and slaps your ass again. “I didn’t tell you to stop blowing him, baby girl. Don’t disobey Daddy.”
You nod and go back to wrapping your lips around his cock and taking him fully into your mouth. The moans you hear are sweet earworms as you press your tongue against his shaft. At the same time, a pair of lips circle your clit and suck hard causing you to buck backwards. A tongue flits in and out of your heat with a voice groaning into your core. Your stomach tightens in pleasure as you hollow your cheeks and feel the tip at the back of your throat. Above you, Denki sings your praises as he pistons in and out of you to chase his high. His hand clutches your hair in pleasure as his eyes shut and he tosses his hair back. “Fuck, Master can I cum? She’s taking me so well,” he whines louder, “please lemme cum!”
Bakugou glares over your body and lifts up, chuckling at your own whines and squirms as you feel your orgasm coming. “Not until I make her cum, sweet boy.” Your pussy clenches at the term of endearment for Denki and you slow your ministrations as you wait for your release. Bakugou slides two fingers into your hole as his tongue works you to your orgasm faster and faster. You can feel him groaning into you to cum on his tongue. Not wanting to disobey, you nod and work Denki harder as the man behind you works you to release. You moan loudly around your boyfriend as you feel yourself leak all over Bakugou’s mouth, thighs quivering from your intense ecstasy. In a haze of lust, Denki groans at his new lover licking his lips of your essence and cums hard down your throat, moaning both of your names as his hips stutter to a stop.
Katsuki crawls on the bed toward Denki to capture him in a sexy lip lock, sharing your juices and saliva. You roll over on the bed to catch your breath as you watch your boyfriends engage in a kiss. You never thought that this would be as magical as it is and it’s making you even more sleepy. Bakugou pulls the whiny blond closer to rub their erect cocks together and sloshes their tongues together. He then grabs both of their dicks and jerks them off together. “Master please, I wanna feel you cum.”
“Tch, oh yeah? Then look me in the eyes, yeah? Don’t take your eyes off of me as we cum.”
Bright golden eyes don’t leave vermillion ones as his hips buck into his new boyfriends touch. The growl in Katsuki’s voice riles up the other man as he keeps his gaze on his lover. The second a stray finger slides over Denki’s slit, his hips stutter and he’s cumming hard. “Fuck yeah, just like that baby.” Bakugou growls as his release hits him too and he slows his hand. Both men are panting heavily, Denki lays his head on Katsuki’s shoulder as he catches his breath.
Unknown to the two men, you had gotten up to grab some towels and water. You didn’t want to interrupt the moment of ecstasy so you carefully got up to get ready take care of your boyfriends. Bakugou chortles and takes hold of one of the towels and helps clean Denki up. You take a sip of water and clean yourself up as they finish up. “Didn’t even hear ya get up,” Bakugou softly smiles and whispers, “did I not rock your world hard enough?”
You giggle as he kisses your cheek and cuddles you in bed after all of you are clean. “You really did,” you speak lowly. “Now I just wanna sleep.” You trail off and rest your head on his chest and Bakugou easily rests his hand on your waist. When Denki returns to the bed, he mimics you on Katsuki’s other side and gets comfortable. You reach your hand across his chest and interlock your fingers with your electric boyfriend. Something about how you’re resting right now feels perfect. Laying with the two loves of your life on a wintry vacation isn’t something you thought would happen but you wouldn’t wish for any other way to cement this new way of life.
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Taglist: @cupcake-rogue @kaysayshey @hi-rubi @katsupeach @katsukichu @zireaels-igni
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Vil Schoenheit: After RSA’S Performance
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The first time he had been left speechless was because of you.
You who always knew what to say, you who always had an answer to the problem at hand.
Where were you?
A/N: What is formatting. I don’t even know.
But listen though. When did Vil get hot? I mean he has always been hot but is it now because he is sad boy? A rude boy turned sad boy? Is that why I am attracted to him now and was compelled to write this?
I don’t know but I’m in love so I’m going to run with it.
This is how Vil would react if MC looked like they were enjoying RSA’s performance.
Part 2, here!
What Vil felt couldn’t really be put into words.
His grades would say that he was one of the highest ranking students in the Language Arts for Night Raven College. Not just in regular human speech but also in fairy-dialect, animal dialect and any sort of dialect that Professor Trein would demand. Vil also excelled in prose, poetry and abstract writing.
Being left speechless was not something that was supposed to happen, not twice in a row.
The tightening of his throat would speak otherwise, as well as the sudden feeling of vertigo.
Vil could barely hear Kalim through the jovial sound of Neige’s voice, the one thing that had kept him awake for these past few weeks--no these past few years. When was the last time that he had felt so helpless? Was it when he had first met him? Neige, with his bright smile and lovable personality that made people overlook his mistakes, his very obvious mistakes. The way he wouldn’t go when it was his cue, or how Neige would forget almost every other line only to finally have the script memorized by the time it was opening night.
A children’s song.
“What even is this song! The chorus just won’t leave my head!”
He wasn’t even ready during dress rehearsal, Neige would wait until fucking opening night.
Was it dramatic to say that the whole event had haunted him? As well as the domino effect of undeserved fame that Neige had gotten afterwards?
No, to Vil, being overshadowed by this person despite all the effort that he put into each and everyone of his performances was something akin to being shot by a gun.
Over and over and over.
He had been beaten by a children’s song.
Every single commercial, every music video, every promotion and every product placement that Neige did was like a dagger carving him up from the inside out.
So when the VDC presented itself, he jumped at the chance to not just shape himself into the perfect being to defeat Neige, but to shape others to show that not only could he surpass himself but he could help others break through their own ‘ugly’ exteriors to discover their own personal beauty. And by all means he had done it, he had taken five rough and ugly rocks and turned them into polished jewels.
Polished jewels that framed the diamond he had worked so hard to turn himself into.
His grip on the audience seat loosens when something flashes through his mind.
The practices had been rather arduous, not only having to make sure that he was flawless but trying to deal with Epel’s stupid gender based ideas, Ace and Deuce’s lack of grace and even Kalim’s really really terrible singing voice. Yet something had made it even a little bit worth it.
Someone, he needed to correct himself, someone had made it a bit worth it.
The sixth potato that he had hoped to start shaping after this whole thing was over.
What could he say about you? At first glance you were truly nothing special. An uneventful, magicless person from an equally uneventful place that hadn’t even been accepted into this school but was instead made a student because of the monster next to you. You weren’t even a student, more like a glorified problem solver for the Headmaster. Ideally, Vil should have also hated your guts since you were essentially getting the same education that he had been getting when he was a first year but without any effort but there was something different about you that he had not expected.
I think you’re probably the fairest out of everyone in the school.
A small glimmer of something beautiful.
But in the end your opinion is the one that will matter to you.
You were honest. That is something that Rook had mentioned about you once he did his recon of the new manager for the VDC team. How the Ramshackle prefect really didn’t have anything to offer but that the quality that stood out the most to the hunter was your refreshing honesty.
He had modeled for crowds of adoring fans and yet he found himself pulling out his pocket mirror and fixing non-existent imperfections before talking to you. Yet even when he tried to make himself look presentable to you, you always seemed to catch him when all of his walls were down.
“You should have seen the information that I got from Riddle, Leona, and Azul. They have really gotten a reputation behind them, the Ramshackle prefect. I wonder what will happen if we keep them close~”
Vil wouldn’t admit it to anyone but there had been a brief moment that his heart skipped a beat when the news about how the VDC team would be rooming in Ramshackle. He figured it had skipped out of beat due to the horrific news that he would have to room in a dorm that had not been used for who knows how long but when he had come inside and been greeted by your smile, it was almost surreal how he had come to terms with this feeling of nervousness.
The night before the VDC had found Vil in the Ramshackle lounge, a cup of tea in his hand as he watched a video of that day’s performance. There were still minor imperfections here and there but those would be easily covered up by his own singing and movements. Epel had also improved exponentially which highly increased the probability of a successful performance and with Jami’s hypnotizing movements and Rook’s aura there was no doubt that he had this competition under his heel.
But nerves like these didn’t leave overnight.
A creak on the stairs brought him back to the present, taking a sip of his tea as he continued to look at the video.
“If you’re here to ask me about why I am awake at this hour, Rook, I would like to remind you that you insisted we review the performance in the morning which already did nothing to calm my nerves--”
His head snapped up to look at you , the light of the moon masking him in shadows while illuminating you as you made your way down the staircase. He clicked his tongue and turned off his phone.
"Was I interrupting something?"
Vil shook his head, “Last minute detail check. Everything has to be perfect by tomorrow.”
You nod and walk towards him, standing next to the couch before pointing to it. Vil looked at you before looking at the seat next to him. What were you--oh. He nodded and you sat down on the other side of the love seat, both of you farther apart that he would have liked.
“Does the manager have anything they want to say to me?”
“It just gets me thinking. You have been doing this performance perfectly in my eyes. Over and over again that it makes me wonder just what you think is lacking.”
You bring your feet up to the seat, hugging your knees together as you look down at the floor, “Maybe your definition of perfect and my definition of perfect are so different.”
The Pomefiore dorm leader rolls his eyes, “Did your Heartslabyul friends put you up to this?”
“Ace and Deuce? Great Sevens no. If they did I would have rightfully ignored them and gone to bed. I’m just your manager, I’m not here to negotiate.”
“Just a manager.” Vil frowns and looks at you, “You understand that you are currently housing the Vil Schoenheit as well as six other people who happen to be under my temporary tutelage. If you and your dorm weren’t around I would have had to keep those two Heartslabyul potatoes in the Pomefiore dorm and I don’t think I could stand letting them sleep in one of our beds. Our dorm has standards, luckily yours is the most neutral place I can stand being around those two without losing sleep.”
He blinks at the snort you let out, staring as you wave your hands and apologize while trying to prevent another one from surfacing.
“That is the only straightforward compliment my dorm has received. Neutral.” you laugh again before wiping a fake tear from your eyes, “Am I allowed to take it as a compliment?”
Vil is glad for the darkness, it hid the sudden flush in his cheeks.
“Take it as you will.”
You nod and stand up, stretching and letting out a satisfied sigh when your back made a small cracking noise that had Vil clutching at his cup. Anybody else and he would have walked out of whatever conversation he was having, so why did he find that tolerable with you?
“Then let me pay it back.” you hold out your hand and for a brief moment Vil wants to take it. Clearly that was an invitation for something and it alarmed him that he didn’t mind the mystery behind it. Yet your finger pointed at the cup, Vil looking down and seeing it was empty.
He hands it to you, doing his best to make it so that your fingers would brush in the most accidental way possible.
“In my own opinion, as well as the opinion of others, I think you are the fairest out of everyone in the school.”
The air in Vil’s lungs gets caught in his throat.
“No joke. The way you carry yourself, the effort you put into everything you are a part of. Even the potato comments are almost...endearing? Potato plants produce rather pretty flowers, right? Maybe you are just trying to get the flowers inside of us to bloom as well?”
He is staring.
He is staring and not saying anything. You had left him without speech.
“But in the end your opinion will be the one that matters most to you. I just hope that it will always be positive.” you scratch the back of your head and yawn, “I’m going to grab a glass of water and head back to bed, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Your eyes are still meeting his as a small flush adorned your cheeks, probably embarrassed by what you had just said. Or he would like to think you would be embarrassed, if this was any regular love story he would stand up and grab your wrist and keep you from running away from him before cupping your face and leaning in--
“Good night, Vil-senpai.”
You who always knew what to say, you who always had an answer to the problem at hand.
Where were you?
His eyes start looking around for your figure, hands itching and brain running slower than it ever had before. Maybe you would make it better? No, you would make it better. You would go over to him and smile before saying that the competition hadn’t even started and just because that song seemed to be moving everyone under a stupid nostalgia spell, Vil’s hardwork would shine through. Neige hadn’t taken everything from him, not just yet.
Vil feels the weight on his shoulders lessen when he looks at you only for it to double when he sees your face.
You were smiling, humming along to the silly melody as your head bobbed up and down.
Even in practice your gaze remained fixed on them, yet with Neige you seemed to feel that infectious, annoying melody and enjoying it?
“What’s wrong? You look pale.”
Had he lost you as well?
The first time he had been left speechless was because of you.
“...Nothing. Don’t worry.” he turns his back to Rook, “It’s not worth seeing their performance. I will be in the waiting room.”
Vil walks away, so many thoughts clouding his head as he replays the words you had said to him.
Who the hell cared about his opinion when yours was just as important?
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Cabin Leader Zukka AU
Credit to @im-a-sokka-for-you, @waywarddork, @king-bumi-for-president, @sokkaseboyhair, and @crying-at-ikea for helping out with this monstrosity of a post!! Stupid Squad™ ily ❤️
This is long af but I promise it’s worth it 🥺🥺
Sokka and Zuko are rival cabin leaders at a summer camp
The camp has sort of a 4-elements theme because I say so
Eight Cabins. Two Water-Themed, two Fire Themed, two Earth-Themed, and Two Air-Themed.
Sokka leads the Southern Water Cabin. Yue the Northern. Aang leads one of the Air Cabins, and Suki leads an Earth Cabin. Zuko and Ty Lee lead the Fire Cabins. (Ty Lee shamelessly flirts with the assistant camp director, Mai...)
Sokka and Zuko’s cabins, along with all the other cabins, are competing in the yearly camp competition. There are different challenges, like water balloon fights (water), mud runs (earth), zip lining (air), and s’more roasting (fire).
Zuko’s cabin wins most years, and Sokka’s like “not this year. This year WE take the trophy” and he’s got his heart set on it.
Sokka thinks Zuko’s obnoxious. He sees him as hot-headed and snippy and arrogant. And he’s almost militaristic with his cabin kids. (And yet they love him. Even more annoying.)
Sokka wants to be the ✨fun cabin✨, he usually does, but he starts pushing harder to advance to the next round of the competition and win.
Sokka and Zuko have multiple confrontations. They’re snarky and sarcastic “good luck out there😈” kind of things (which Sokka HATES)
The two cabins pull pranks on each other all the time. Very Parent-Trap-esque. Sokka and Zuko plan a lot of them, but that doesn’t stop the kids from doing a few on their own (I imagine some very lovable OC campers).
Sokka wakes up with a shaving-cream beard more than once.
Zuko wakes up wearing makeup once...
Then, as the story unfolds with whatever subplots a writer may put in, Sokka catches more and more glimpses of Zuko acting more human... and hey... Zuko’s sort of sweet when he’s like that...
No. This is a competition. Zuko bad. Winning good.
Sokka confides in Aang and Yue one night after a staff meeting.
“You don’t understand, guys! He’s—he’s infuriating! He’s good at everything, and the kids all like him, and I know I’m supposed to hate the guy but I don’t anymore! And I don’t know why! And part of me feels like he deserves to win every damn time even thought it’s ridiculous that he does-”
Aang looks at him almost sympathetically. Sokka tilts his head in confusion.
“Have you considered that maybe you just have a little crush on him?”
“Oh. Shit.”
Anyway Sokka has a bit of an awakening and is like “OH NO I LIKE ZUKO I’M SUPPOSED TO HATE ZUKO.”
After panicking about that for way too long, Sokka winds up telling Suki about this revelation and Suki is like:
“Well... I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but I think Zuko’s had a crush on you for years.”
Suki sort of awkwardly admits that she’s picked up on it. She and Zuko are friends (something Sokka could never fathom why but he left it be) and she tells Sokka how Zuko talks about him... an absurd amount. And how Zuko, on more than one occasion, has accidentally called Sokka cute.
(i.e “just because he’s Mr. Cute and Friendly doesn’t mean he can walk around like he owns the place!” “You think he’s cute?” “What? Uh-”)
Leading up to the final face off where Zuko and Sokka’s cabins will compete against each other, Sokka leaves his campers with Suki for a few minutes and approaches Zuko’s cabin one night and asks to speak with him. Alone.
There’s a unanimous “oooooooooooh!” from the campers.
The two step outside, and Sokka’s freaking out, but he’s gonna do it anyway.
He’s really awkward about it and keeps beating around the bush.
“Just get to the point, Sokka!!”
“Um. Do you like me?”
That. Was not what he meant to say.
In all honesty, Sokka meant to say that he likes Zuko, and THEN ask him if he liked him back, but he panicked, give the guy a break.
Zuko’s face goes completely blank.
“Wait, what?”
Sokka, now suddenly convinced he and Suki were wrong, chickens out and bolts, Zuko calling after him. (He can’t chase him because he can’t leave his campers unattended.)
Sokka freaks out silently as he leads his campers back to his cabin for the night.
He doesn’t get much sleep.
Day of the big competition. The campers are getting ready for the final showdown. Zuko’s team is a few points ahead of Sokka’s, but not ahead by many.
Sokka avoids Zuko all morning. Aang, Yue, and Suki are worried about him but he brushes it off, saying it’s no biggie (it is).
Right before the first challenge he overhears one of his campers talking to someone from Zuko’s cabin. The kid from the opposing cabin says “Zuko was in a bad mood last night. He didn’t wanna tell us why, though.”
Oh no. It’s worse than he thought. Zuko is angry at sokka. More than usual.
The games begin. Both teams tally up points after each round of whatever they’re doing (three-legged race, canoeing, etc).
The final score is kept secret—the camp director (accompanied by Mai<3) says the final score will be announced that night at the campfire.
Sokka makes sure he doesn’t run into any scar-faced boys on the way to his cabin. Or at dinner. Or on his way to the campfire.
Everyone is gathered around outside, fire blazing, hot-cocoa and s’mores present. Sokka doesn’t even care about winning anymore. In fact, he hopes Zuko wins, so he doesnt get any more angry.
The Southern Water Cabin wins.
Sokka’s campers jump up and scream with excitement. And though he isn’t feeling quite himself, he still offers hugs and high fives and congratulates them all on their hard work.
Then, suddenly, while kids are mingling and cheering, Sokka feels a tap on his shoulder and spins around.
Sokka can’t find words to say. He just stares. Is... is Zuko gonna yell at him?
“Good job.” Zuko’s holding out his hand for Sokka to shake. Sokka does so, hesitantly.
“Uh... thanks.”
After a moment too long, they end the handshake. There’s a beat of awkward silence and Sokka’s heart is racing.
“Look,” Sokka begins. “About last night. I-”
“Don’t. Me first.” Zuko looks really uncomfortable, but he still keeps talking. “You were right.”
“I like you. I have liked you, I mean. For a long time. Like, three years.”
Sokka’s dumbfounded. “I thought you hated me.”
Zuko sort of nervously admits that he’s not very good with people (and that he takes great enjoyment in riling people up). And he apologizes like:
“Sorry I was a dick. Me being a fucking gay idiot who can’t ask people out doesn’t excuse me being mean. So I’m sorry.”
Sokka’s sort of touched by all of this. Zuko apologized for being an ass and he has a crush on Sokka?
Sokka figures he should apologize too, since he was pretty much just as mean to Zuko as Zuko was to him. “I’m sorry, too.”
Eventually, the stilted conversation gets sort of quiet and even more awkward, and Sokka realizes he still hasn’t confessed. And, well, better late than never.
“I like you, too.”
“I like you. As in. Like. I have a crush. On you. So there.”
Zuko has no idea how to react, but eventually a giant grin makes its way into his face and it looks beautiful in the firelight and he just sort of goes:
“Um... do you wanna get coffee or tea with me? Or something? Now?”
“You mean the shitty camp coffee and tea?” Sokka quips.
“Hot Cocoa it is.”
They walk up to the kitchen building and hang out at the counter and actually get to know each other for the first time in years. And Sokka thinks that becoming a cabin leader is the best decision he’s ever made.
(They may or may not have kissed sometime during the rest of their stay. A couple of times. A lot of times. Okay, they made out in the pantry a ton, but that’s nobody’s business but theirs.)
If anyone wants to write this, lemme know!! And again thank you Stupid Squad™ <3 @chaoticidiott @appa-bottom-jeans @soft-zuko you’re also Stupid Squad™ so this is your child as well now. Enjoy.
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retrogalwrites · 3 years
ex boyfriend!Touya x reader
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Title: “ Fool me once, then again and again “ / view on ao3
Pairing: Touya x f! reader
Summary: You are dating Natsuo Todoroki, and you finally get to meet his family, everything was going well. Until you realize you have already met his older brother Touya before.
Warnings: dubcon, slight yandere, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, cheating, cuckolding, corruption, mindbreak of sorts, toxic ex boyfriend relationship
Other contents: creampie, rough sex, tit slapping, sub/dom, masochism
words: 6,826
For the longest time, you had believed that those stories of people finding true love were nothing but total bullshit.
After all, in a sea of hookups, uncommitted relationships and one night stands, it was almost laughable to think that anyone out there was going to somehow be the one and only. You went through college with nothing but bad relationships and heartbreak under your belt, things you would've rather left forgotten. By the time you had graduated, you managed to land a job, and were happy living on your own, there were no expectations from you towards love, not at all.
Until you met Natsuo Todoroki.
It was an unexpected meeting, much like out of those same cheesy romantic movies that you had always mocked. You two bumped into each other at a coffee shop, a guy that you had never seen before who spilled his coffee all over you, awkwardly apologized a hundred times, invited you to watch a movie, and the rest was history. You always teased him over it too, how his clumsiness somehow helped him to get a girlfriend. Watching him go all red in the face never failed to make you laugh.
Natsuo was the most wonderful boyfriend you could've asked for, easily topping any other relationship you had in the past. Despite being the son of a hero, and not just any hero but the number one hero of the country, Natsuo was humble and friendly, just living like an average guy and working hard as a nurse at the nearby hospital. Someone that you wouldn't even think had a family with the sort of money and influence the Todorokis were known for.
He also was always so sweet and gentle, funny too, a lovable big guy that treated you with so much care. Even during sex, he only ever made the most tender love to you, like you were a precious thing, a treasure that could break if he was too rough.
And you loved it, truly, you loved him, knew he felt very much the same too. Because he gathered the courage to introduce you to his family officially.
You two arrived at the Todoroki state on a cold Friday evening, just in time for dinner. There you were going to meet everyone and stay for the weekend.
His father, the number one hero Endeavor, was much like what he looked like on television. Big, rough and intimidating, but treated you with good manners. Then his mother, Rei, a soft-spoken woman that welcomed you kindly, she was friendly much like her son. Things seemed tense between them underneath the surface, expectedly so, since you knew from Natsuo that they were going through a divorce. It made their attempts at cohabitation just to make you feel comfortable at least appreciated.
His big sister, Fuyumi, was much like him too, sweet and gentle, a nice girl that made you feel right away at home, so excited to finally meet you. Then last but not least was his little brother, Shouto, a quiet but nice boy who tried his best to do small talk when he had to. You could tell that he at least was welcoming of you, which was good enough.
It was awkward at first, you were nervous to be dealing with them at first but you had managed entire thing just fine so far, much to your relief, as well as Natsuo's.
However, the last relative in the household had yet to arrive, the eldest sibling, and Natsuo's older, Touya. Apparently it was nothing out of the ordinary for him to be so unfashionably late, and dinner would not be put on hold just because he couldn't bother to show up on time, as Endeavor had put it. Even Natsuo seemed to reluctantly agree with his father on that regard.
Natsuo had told you before, about his brother's unruly behavior and a bit on an intense attitude, calling him a hellraiser. He had been only a bit worried that if you met him, you'd be slightly put off. Naturally you assured him it would be fine.
But it was only when you saw the guy that you understood just what a grave mistake you had made.
Only then that you realized that all the cheesy romance, all that stuff from the movies, really came with a price.
Right there, waltzing into the dinning room without a single care in the world, long strides and hands inside his pockets. The raven dyed hair, the piercings, the tattoos, even the smell of smoke and cinders filling your nostrils, it was all familiar, too familiar.
It was your ex boyfriend, Dabi.
Blue eyes fixated on your face almost instantly, stared and burned a hole right through your soul. A knowing look on his features, lips curling into a crooked grin, sardonic and throughly amused, a glint of joy in a face you had hoped to never see again.
"Well, well, well! So this is the girlfriend? Now I see why our little Natsu is so smitten."
Touya drawled, slowly like savoring every syllable, a type of teasing that tasted deliciously on his tongue. Just the sound of his voice,so low and raspy from the cigarettes you knew he always smoked, was making your heart race with anxiety and anger.
Touya took his seat at the dinning table. He deliberately took the chair in front of you just to watch you, of course he would, you had almost expected him to. Eyes still fixated on you, he plopped his elbows on the table and leaned on the surface, and you were so grateful for the table keeping him from getting any closer.
"Where did you even find this hottie, bro? I may just go there and get one of my own."
Heat rose to your cheeks, burning and painting your skin red with something like indignation, but to the others probably seemed just like shy demure. Yet in contrast to your body's temperature, on the inside it was like the blood in your veins had turned into ice, a violent shiver running down your spine that felt like high voltage, you gripped your thighs with both hands just to keep yourself from shaking.
"Touya don't be rude..." Fuyumi grimaced, sighing. This behavior clearly was nothing new to them, it seemed, but it was nothing new to you either.
"This is [Name], be nice." Rei joined the attempt to get the male to behave, probably for your sake.
In reality, you wished they wouldn't be trying to intervene, but you couldn't blame them either for not knowing something you desperately didn't want any of them to know.
Specially not Natsuo.
But you couldn't just get up and run, Touya knew you were trapped.
"Oh? Well, ain't that a pretty name? You probably already know who I am though, right?"
It was so cruelly calculated, every word spoken, a man already set out to make sure you squirmed in your seat.
"I'm Natsuo's big brother, I bet he talks about me all the time! This lil guy sure loves me."
"Oh please, I only told her how annoying you can be." Natsuo scoffed, rolling his eyes with the unconcerned, even if embarrassed, nature of someone who had no idea what was happening beneath the surface.
"But really, I'm proud of our little bro for scoring this high, y'know what I mean, Natsu?"
You looked down, unable to meet his gaze any longer.
"K-Knock it off, Touya." Natsuo grabbed your hand from underneath the table, and you almost jumped from the sudden contact, almost expecting to be burned. But it was cold, your beloved Natsuo's cool touch, and when you turned to look at him, he smiled at you with a gentle, apologetical smile. Probably thinking his brother's banter had caused you to feel uncomfortable. And while it was the right thought, he really had no idea.
Still, his touch grounded you back from the anxious dread that had been growing in your mind so quickly, and you felt like smiling back at him.
You loved Natsuo, you really did.
Suddenly a hand was extended towards you, and it took all of your will power not to flinch. Your attention cruelly ripped away from your boyfriend to stare at Touya's hand, waiting for a handshake.
The dread had returned, you didn't even realize you were staring.
"Sorry, sorry, let's keep the brother talk for later, m'kay?" He smirked at Natsuo, then turned at you to add, hand still out waiting for you to take it, he knew you had to take it.
"It's nice to meet you, [Name]."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, watching you, and resignation was your only answer. Cautiously, you were reaching out to him, held his hand in a hesitant hold.
The moment his rough skin brushed against yours, you felt it, again. A wave of heat spreading through your body like wildfire, just like you remembered from years past, that warm sensation tingling at your nerves, filling your lungs, the pit of your stomach.
It was nothing like Natsuo's cold touch, it was hot, burning, scorching.
"Um, yes. N-Nice to meet you too." You let go of him immediately, stumbling over your words and trying not to glare.
"Yep, really nice to meet my new sister in law."
"That's enough, Touya." The stern, booming voice of Endeavor silenced everyone at the table, specially the eldest son. "We are having dinner right now, have the decency to behave."
Endeavor could be quite scary, but you were much grateful for the intervention. Unlike Touya, of course, who immediately had tensed up, gritted his teeth with brows furrowed into a sour expression for a second, before that carefree look was back on his face, it was so quickly that you wondered if you had imagined it.
"Wait, are they getting married already?" Shouto quipped all of the sudden with genuine confusion, endearingly so.
Almost everyone seemed to be amused by the comment, even Touya, and some teasing looks were thrown at Natsuo, who had turned beet red from the embarrassment.
You found yourself a little embarrassed too, in a much lighter hearted way and that was a welcome change, it almost made you forget that feeling of someone's piercing blue eyes staring at you.
 Natsuo would touch your hand or your knee all through the night, smiling at you and gazing at your face with those loving eyes that could melt your heart. And yet, Touya made sure that your attention wasn't taken off him for long. Trying to rope you in conversation that held cruel double meaning, kept only pushing your buttons with sadistic glee.
You had to take a break, urgently, so you excused yourself with the pretenses of going to the bathroom.
You got up from your seat and rushed out the dinning room and into the hallways, not even really noticing that Natsuo had asked if you needed someone to show you were the bathroom was located.
You needed a moment alone to gather your thoughts, get your shit together. So you walked further into the huge Todoroki residence, looking for the nearest bathroom, though finding it was really not all that important in the end. As long as you were away from Touya for a bit, you would be fine.
Touya. A name foreign on your tongue, unlike Dabi. It upset you, and that on itself upset you even more, not only to know what an idiot you had been so many years ago, but that you still cared. But, could you be blamed? Could you be judged? When this jerk had to show up now, of all times, and——
"Hey baby, bathroom is the other way."
You stopped on your tracks, freezing on the spot. Your mouth felt dry and your hands balled into fists. That dreaded voice's hot breath feeling like it was tickling the shell of your ear, but you reacted only when you felt the brush of his warm hand placing itself on your shoulder.
Practically jumping away, you removed yourself from his touch, turning around to face that same amused grin you wished to smack off his face. That same grin that used to give your butterflies.
"Why did you follow me?" You spoke with a voice full of annoyance, bolder and direct, now that the rest of the family was out of earshot, you could at least give yourself the indulgence of expressing your feelings.
"Leave me alone, just...leave me alone, would you?"
Touya laughed. Of course he laughed. You didn't know what else you had expected. He had always done the same thing, laugh at your distress and mock you for it.
"Woah, now! Calm down, this is my house, are you trying to kick me out my own house?"
He jokingly raised his hands, didn't bother to hide his amusement, a broad smile that stretched from ear to ear. You only sighed with exasperation.
"You know that's not what I mean. God, you're still such an asshole."
You shook your head, but he simply shrugged dispassionately, dismissively. You hadn't even taken notice of your clenched fists, knuckles had begun to turn white, anger bubbling inside you just like it used to back in the day.
"Dunno what you got against me, I mean you're the one that came here willingly, remember? No one told you to go date my brother." You could've sworn he almost sounded resentful, but he had no right to be.
"I didn't know. I mean, how could I have? You clearly never told me your actual name Dabi, oh I'm sorry, I mean Touya." He never really told you anything substancial about himself in hindsight, and you felt like an even bigger fool, for having overlooked that along every other glaring red flag he carried around. Your own conflicted feelings made you miss the way something in his blue eyes flickered, tongue running over his lower lip.
"Well, it wasn't a big deal. It's not like it mattered, did it? We had a lot of fun anyway." He chuckled lowly, openly leering at you and making you blush from anger.
"Fun? Seriously, you call that fun?!" You laughed in disbelief, a bitter sound. "After all the crap you put me through, you just ended up dumping me. No, fuck your fun."
His expression turned dark then, a shadow over his eyes that had narrowed just slightly. His amusement had become annoyance.
"The crap I put you through? I don't recall you ever complaining when you begged for my cock like a damn college whore."
"That's not—!!"
"What, not true? Oh but I remember it very well. You'd always be so needy for my cock, letting me fuck you just whenever I wanted, heh, wherever I wanted too. Like a dumb bitch in heat. Come on, we both were on it for the sex more than anything. Now you're acting all high and mighty? Shit ain't cute babe."
It was like a punch in the gut that sucked all the air out of you, it rendered you speechless for a moment, shame and anger inside of you making your body shake. Had it really been like that? No, you did all those things because you were a stupid girl in love back then.
It was exhausting suddenly having to explain yourself to yourself, you didn't have the mental strength for it. You brought your fingers to pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing wearily. It was foolish of you to shut your eyes for even second however, just trying to gather your jumbled thoughts like that, because Touya took it as an invitation to close the distance between the two.
A sudden, familiar feeling of warmth enveloped your body, his arms circling around your waist and pulling you against his broad chest. But it was not a gentle touch, he was squeezing you in his hold to make sure he had you caged. You gasped, every muscle in your body tensing up like a frightened prey in a wolf's grasp. Your body felt hot.
"You're so cold, sugartits. Are you seriously not happy to see me? Not one bit?"
He spoke so softly all of sudden, you knew he was trying to appease you. He rested his chin on the crown of your head as he held you, one of his hands taking purchase of your hair, pulling at it just enough that you felt a slight sting in your scalp. Your lips parted slightly, a moan almost attempting to escape.
"Let me go, and don't call me that." You tried wiggling out of his hold, to push him off you, but he only tightened his grip.
"Call you what? Sugartits? Aww, but you used to love it."
Purring like a cat, you felt the smell of cigarettes and cinders invading your nostrils, bringing back vivid memories of the many times he used you hold you down to smooth-talk his way out of trouble, hold you down and fuck you senseless until you forgot whatever it was that you were mad about.
The thought alone frightened you to the bone, the realization of the sort of memories Touya was pulling out of you so effortlessly. The heat enveloping your body felt like it was burning you, threatening to cremate you with his quirk. It was nothing like Natsuo's cold touch and you hated it.
You couldn't let him keep holding you like that, it was wrong, it was dangerous, and gathering all your strength, you placed your hands on his chest to get him off. It didn't work, he only laughed at your attempt.
"Come on, do you really hate me that much? I just want to talk, honest. Don't you want to talk this out?" Looking up at him, the expression you saw was serious, soft, something you had only seen back when you were with him a few times. Touya was dangling the hope for closure above your head like a dog's treat, and you took the bait.
"What is there to talk about? You dumped me after fucking me for months, just to chase more tail." You a soft murmur from your lips, resignation. You felt his chest heave with a satisfied huff.
"Well yeah, but I tried to call you, you changed your number."
"Because I knew you just wanted to hook up."
"Well, you got me there." He chuckled, completely unashamed and it didn't even begin to surprise you.
"I did really like you back then, you know? And you broke my fucking heart." It was useless to tell him that, and yet you did.
"I liked you too, but you know that I'm a bastard baby, it's just my nature."
You frowned, there was no comfort in his words or even a sense of guilt from him, just the factual reality of things. You had been an idiot for getting involved with him, but it wasn't like you hadn't known that from the start. It still upset you, but the more you thought about it, the more you felt it was necessary to just let it be if you ever hoped to survive the night.
"I don't care what you do, in fact I'd rather we both forget anything ever happened. Just...don't ruin this for me." The plea in your voice was genuine, a heartfelt request, lowered lashes as you looked down before biting your lip. "Don't tell Natsuo about this, please. That's all I ask."
Touya went stiff against you, a hum purring at the back of his throat almost as if he had found your words no short of fascinating. You looked upwards to meet his gaze, he seemed pensive, while your expression was surprised.
"You really love him, huh? Lucky him, to think that used to be me." He chuckled, rolling his shoulders with a sense of light-hearted acceptance, the amusement had returned to that lazy grin. "I wasn't planning on ruining anything for my lil' bro, give me some credit. I just couldn't help teasing you a bit."
Admittedly you hadn't thought of it that way, that maybe even if Touya had no loyalty towards you, for his family he held enough of it to avoid crossing a line like that. It almost made you feel ashamed of yourself, how conceited it probably looked that you had assumed Touya really would care about fucking with you over his sibling's happiness.
For the first time that night, you felt hopeful, a sigh of relief that left your lips carried away all the weight you had on your shoulders.
"Well, then...thank you." A truthful feeling of gratitude. You even forced yourself to subtly smile at Touya, and you though for a second that his eyes softened at the sight. But then he just waved his hand at you dismissively.
"By the way, I wasn't joking earlier. The bathroom is that door over there. If you still want to use it."
You had almost forgotten about that, and while you had no need to go, part of you still needed some time alone to take in all that had happened in just one night so far.
There was slight hesitation, a feeling in your gut that told you not to. And you ignored it, like you ignored all the red flags in the past.
Nodding at Touya, you turned around and headed for the bathroom, but he called out to you again immediately.
"Wait, let me help you open it, that one door always gets stuck." Not even waiting for an answer he fumbled with the knob for a bit before it opened, Touya stepped to the side to let you in.
And then, just as you were crossing the doorframe, muttering a soft 'thanks', you were pushed inside the room by two large hands.
You yelped, stumbling over your feet and tripping onto a soft surface. The moonlight filtered through a narrow window enough to letting you see that you were not in a bathroom at all, but instead in what seemed to be a bedroom, may a guest room? You had no idea. The soft surface under your knees was definitely a futon at least. Confused and panicking you turned around to try getting up and rush out that room, just in time to see Touya walking in, closing the door and locking it behind him.
You felt the room's temperature go up.
"T-Touya? Touya!" You spoke once in confusion, then in anger. He tricked you, and you fell for it like and idiot, all over again. "Fuck you, I knew you were trying to pull something like this."
"You are really funny, sugartits. Seriously." Slowly, in long strides, he approached you. Completely ignoring your protests. "Saying that you love Natsuo with that innocent look on your face, really? What a comedian."
"What are you—?!"
Getting on his knees in from if you, Touya grabbed you by the jaw, squeezing your cheeks and roughly forcing you to look at him in the eye. That bruising touch you knew so well, it made your chest start tightening and face to burn red.
Looking at Touya in that dim light made you shiver, he had an horrifyingly wide smile, baring his teeth. You could feel the steam coming out of his nostrils, and for a moment you were afraid he'd actually set the place on fire.
"Do you think you can just go saying shit like that when I know just what a slut you are for my cock?"
He laughed mockingly, and yet the condescending tone dropping off his words made you realize it was an statement full of endearment.
"No, I'm not!" You struggled to pull away from him, clawing at his hand around your jaw, but he was just much stronger than you, always had been. "That was a long time ago, I was stupid. That wasn't real, what I have with Natsuo is real."
"So you say." Rolling his eyes, he scoffed. Touya brought his lips to your forehead, giving you a chaste kiss, the softness of his lips and the cold metal of his lip piercings was something you wished to have forgotten, a whine almost left your lips. "But I know you missed me."
"I did not. Let me go!"
"You're so cruel, sugartits. 'Cause, I did miss you lots, y'know?"
It shouldn't have, it really shouldn't, but that statement made you pause, freeze on the spot and look at him confused and surprised. A meek 'what?' came from your lips. Touya took advantage of your momentary lack of resistance to roughly push you backwards with enough force that you were falling onto your back over the futon.
"I'll tell you the truth, even after I kept fucking bitches for a while after our 'break up', I realized that none of them really compared to you." He explained slowly, drawling each word with a raspy voice, your heart beating loudly in your ways almost drowned the sound.
"Turns out no other pussy felt like yours, so good and tight, god...best one I've ever had. Oh, and no one else was quite as much of a whore either to be honest, I mean shit, we used to get all down and dirty, remember?"
He pulled out his phone out of his pocket, and started to browse through it. You should've taken that chance to try escape, or at least kick his stupid face, but your body wasn't moving. The shock of what he was saying, petrified you, as did what you imagined he was doing.
"But you disappeared. So I've only had these to jerk off now and then, trying to imagine your nice pussy around my cock." He showed you the screen of his phone, and it was what you had been fearing the most.
Pictures of you, old pictures that Touya had taken years ago during sex. There were many, too many, you felt the world collapsing around you, as if you hadn't been already laying down, you would've collapsed with it for sure.
"Never thought I would see you again, imagine my surprise when Natsuo just came home with my favorite cumdumpster as girlfriend."
"I'm not yours!!"
You refuted passionately, he could insult you all he wanted, call you all sort of names, but you were not going to let him claim you as his belonging.
You were Natsuo's, no one else's, you told Touya, you told yourself.
You were trying to get back up, but Touya was already crawling above you and shoving the screen of his phone in your face, showing off those lewd pictures of yourself.
Pictures of you doing all sort of nasty sexual things with Touya.
"I wonder if my lil' bro would be thinking the same as you if he saw these though. I mean, you two love eachother right? I guess he probably won't mind..."
"Alright I get it, what do you want from me?"
That quick temper of yours made him huff a laugh, something like fondness in it. Well, you weren't so stupid as to not realize what was happening, what was Touya getting at. Swallowing the lump in your throat you tried to keep yourself from shaking, but having Touya above you like that was leaving you short of breath, heart hammering in your chest.
"Let me fuck you." He said so casually, putting the phone back into his pocket without even breaking eye contact. "Here and now, let me fuck you real good one last time."
You breathed through your nostrils, slowly, taking in the situation you were in. Taking in his outrageous words that gave you chills.
"You can't be serious..."
"I am very serious, sugartits. I just wanna bury myself inside your pussy, for old times' sake. C'mon, you don't even care about my cock anymore, right? It shouldn't change anything to give me one last pity-fuck."
It was surreal, ridiculous, atrocious, the entire thing. Yet, what other option did you have? Even if you screamed for help, it would mean Natsuo would find out about this, find you like this. You parted your lips to ask hesitantly.
"Only once...no more than that, right? And then you delete those pictures, promise me. Dammit, promise me Touya!!"
"Yeah, yeah, geez. I promise, just once, and these pictures will be gone forever." He spoke seriously, a longing look in his eyes behind the cockiness. "So, whaddaya say?"
Those were the words that would seal the deal, and Touya didn't really need any more than that to get started. You felt his lips coming down to attack you with urgency, planting an open mouthed kiss on your shoulder while he nuzzled his nose into the juncture of your neck, inhaling your scent in a big indulgent sniff.
"Fuck, you still using that shampoo with the vanilla? Mmm, it was my favorite." He purred loudly, a satisfied grin and hot breath against your skin.
You gasped, unable to keep yourself from reacting to the stimulation, your body remembering it all over again, squirming underneath his frame as he pinned you down. That sound you made had his cock twitching inside his pants, member already growing hard and throbbing with rushing blood. He made sure to let you know by rutting himself against your clothed pussy, his hardness big enough to poke at your entrance through the layers of clothing. You bit your lips, so hard you could've drawn blood, just too keep yourself from moaning at the friction, your pussy already becoming slick and dampening your panties.
Then he was pulling back, earning a confused sound out of you, which then turned to a cry when a large hand crept up to the top of your dress, pulling it down to free your breasts and let them bounce bare for him. You tried to cover yourself on instinct, but Touya caught both of your wrists and held them down.
"God, I had missed these two. Now I remember why I started calling you sugartits." He chuckled lowly, one hand letting go of your wrist just to grope one of your breasts.
Fingers roughly sinking into the soft flesh before he drew his hand back, and slapped your breast, hard. It made a dry sound only matched by the cry you tried to muffle with your free hand. It stung, it hurt, you could swear that it burned. Then he slapped the other breasts as well, flesh jiggling as the skin turned red and raw, nipples become hard and stiff.
"Fuck, Touya...!!" You hissed through gritted teeth, and he only laughed. "D-Don't do that so suddenly."
"What? You used to love that, don't tell me you and Natsu don't do shit like this?" Of course you didn't. It was so different that being with Natsuo, the heat, the roughness, it was nothing like when he gently made love to you. This was not what you wanted, not anymore, and yet...you felt that familiar arousal in your gut, the tingly sensation in your core as more slickness dripped from your folds.
Touya was soon leaning over one of your tender breasts, mouth latching to the nipple and teeth scrapping the pebbled skin around the puffy areolae, his tongue lapping around the nipple, you could feel his tongue-piercing against the skin. He hollowed his cheeks as he sucked with fervor into his greedy mouth, drool and spit coating your chest.
"Hey wait!! Don't leave marks, don't leave m—oooh!!" He growled against your breast and you felt his teeth bitting at the flesh, your toes curled and you threw your head back with a pitiful whine. That definitely was going to leave a mark, he did it on purpose.
Just like he purposely lifted the hem of your dress and ripped your panties off you like a savage. You hated the memories it brought, of the countless pairs of panties you had lost this way when you were with him, Natsuo never did things like this.
Natsuo was not like this, he was gentle and sweet and—
The abrupt feeling of two fingers breaching through your outer pussy lips and into the heat of your core had your back arching, eyes wide open and tears pricking your eyes because the sudden intrusion. Dabi's long digits slid inside of your pulsating walls, the slippery flesh wrapping around them as you involuntarily clamped down. You moaned, barely muffling the sound using now both of your hands to cover your mouth in a desperate attempt to stop making noises.
"Fuck, baby you are still tight as shit." He spoke with his mouth still muffled against your breast, you could feel the shit-eating grin on his face. "I thought I'd have to prepare you a little more, but you are nice and wet, ready for my cock."
No, you weren't ready. You didn't want to be ready, you were doing this for you and Natsuo, and that was it. Shaking your head, Touya only snickered mockingly, as if he knew better, but he didn't. He absolutely didn't, whatever you two had was in the past, and you didn't want to be fucked by any other man than your boyfriend!!
"Just make it quick, please..."
"That depends on how good you squeeze me, baby."
Touya pulled back, hands unbuckling his belts and pulling down his pants. Your eyes almost bulging out of your head at the sight of his hard cock as it sprung free, bobbing against his abdomen with a pearly dollop of precum dribbling from the supple head, his shaft was as long and thick as you remembered, a pulsating vein on the underside that went from the head to the bushy white hair at his base.
You hated yourself for moaning at the sight, for being so weak. Touya somehow didn't make fun on you for that, he was too busy grabbing your ankles and pulling you down towards him, his own eyes fixated on the sight of your soaked pussy. The look of his eyes was ravenous and absolutely enthralled, his breath had quickened as he stared at the pretty slick flesh, bringing his cock to your puffy pussy lips, sandwiching his it in between them and sliding himself up and down, coating himself in your wetness.
It was driving you crazy with need, a maddening need that was awakening after years. And something you hated yourself for, feeling that fire in your loins in a way you never felt with Natsuo. You hated yourself for wanting to be fucked the way Touya used to fuck you.
"Oh, baby. I'm not even inside and you're already squirming." He grinned down at you, watching you through half-lidded eyes burning with lust.
"Shut up! Please just...just...ohh."
You didn't know what were you were begging for, but it didn't matter when you felt the tip of his cock positioned at your entrance, before the feeling of him entering you slowly, he wanted your every muscle to feel every part of him. A violent wave of pleasure rocked your body, Touya's cock stretched your walls like no one else could, even after years it was like your pussy had never forgotten the feeling and shape of him, welcoming him into your heat and betraying your need to cling to your convictions.
"Holy shit, oh fuck...this is what I was talking about. Best pussy I've ever had." You heard him pant and moan above you, his mouth gasping for air with eyes shut, like he was savoring the best feeling in the entire world. Your fleshy walls were sucking him in like crazy, he shuddered grabbing you by the hips with his large hands. "Hnng, so tight, fuck...it's like you're trying to rip my dick off. You sure Natsuo's been fucking you enough? Can't believe you're still so tight."
"S-Shut up!! Don't...bring him up now...please."
You couldn't stop wishing that Touya would just start moving already, fuck you already, in your heart you apologized to Natsuo over and over, you were doing it for your sakes, you were doing it for him.
"You are right, let's forget about him. Right now, this pussy belongs to me."
Touya pulled out his length until only the head was nudging at your heat, before he slammed his entire cock back in until he was balls deep inside, filling you up entirely. The head of his cock could almost hit the entrance of your cervix, god he was so big, it was different than Natsuo, he reached deeper than anyone you had ever had, you felt absolutely stuffed.
Gasping for air, you clung to his shoulders, trying to remember how to breath. But Touya didn't give you any chance to adjust before he began thrusting himself in and out your pussy, scrapping your walls with his cock following a brutal, bruising pace that had you pinned down against the futon as Touya jackhammered himself into you.
"T-Touya, fuck, fuck." It hurt, it really fucking hurt, and yet your body was craving that pain and heat you had been deprived from for so long, and you hated yourself so much for it, tears started to run down your cheeks.
Touya watched you with furrowed brows, licking his lips at the erotic sight of your bruised tits bouncing like crazy, but it wasn't until he noticed your tears that he felt himself swelling up inside you, cock harder than ever before. He leaned over you, face inches away from yours with his tongue out. He lapped at your salty tears, groaning in pleasure.
"Dabi, call me Dabi...for old times sake...oh fuck" He whispered against your skin, his hand leaving your hip to delve down towards your clit. He started playing with that little bundle of nerves, flickering it until you were just about to lose your mind, dizziness making you feel near to fainting.
You orgasm ripped through you violently, abruptly, toes curling and mind going black before you knew it, before you could even hope to do anything about it. Your walls were clamping around Touya and coating his cock in your release.
"Fuuuuuuck..." He groaned, you were so impossibly tight around him he almost came in that very moment.
You went limp, exhausted, but he kep fucking you until he reached his own release soon after. His cock throbbed, and you feel the warmth of his cum inside you as he filled you up in a sloppy creampie, and god he came a lot, jets of semen coated your insides until your womb was filled to the brim. You felt his cock softening inside, before he pulled out.
"That was great, babe. I knew you were the best." He sighed lightly and content, smiling shamelessly at the mess he made of your pussy, cum flooding out of your hole. "You didn't even tell me to pull out."
You tried to get up, but your body ached already, so you remained on your back with him still on top.
"The pictures...delete them."
"Nah, I don't think so."
The fact those words only shocked you halfway was perhaps sadder than him playing you for a fool again.
"You promised..." You said softly, weakly smacking Touya in the chest, barely phased anymore.
"I'm a bastard, sugartits. Can't lose my number one slut that easily, not when I finally found you again."
What an absolute douchebag.
Natsuo knocked on the bathroom door, worriedly calling your name.
"Hey, [Name]? Are you okay? You've been gone for a bit."
After a moment, you replied, opening the door and exiting the bathroom. Seeing Natsuo's relieved smile made you so happy, and you smiled back.
"Don't tell your parents but I got lost, so it took me a bit to find the bathroom." You said with an embarrassed expression, voice to match, distress that was in a way still real.
"Oh no, I knew I should've accompanied you." Natsuo sighed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry love, but didn't you see my brother? I told him to tell you where to go if he saw you."
You quickly shook your head. Hoping that the toilet paper you held between your legs would keep Touya's cum from spilling out.
That night, when everyone had fallen asleep. You sneaked out of your room, careful not to wake up Natsuo. You planted a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips, gazed at him lovingly. You were doing it for you and Natsuo. You keep telling yourself.
Hearing a soft knocking sound, Touya smiled to himself. He walked to open the door of his bedroom to find you there, fingers lifting the hem of your dress to show your naked pussy underneath. Folds already glistening with the fluids of your arousal.
You heart was doing it for Natsuo.
But your body would always do it for Touya.
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cheeseburgersstuff · 3 years
Hi can u pls write steve rogers x barnes!reader like(enemies to lovers trope) modern au plsss
Hey, nonnie!! Thank you for requesting this! 💕✨ I hope you like it :')
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Steve Rogers x Barnes Reader
Warnings: language, asshole reader, mistakes, shitty writing:') 
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You rolled your eyes for the 10th time. Nat, your best friend and not to forget the girlfriend of your brother gave you an annoyed look.
"C'mon why do you hate him so much? He is such a sweetheart." She said, taking a sip of beer.
You looked at her incredulously, "sweetheart? He is a fucking asshole! He always talks shit…" you were about to express your feelings about him when Nat cut you off.
"And what about you? You gave him respect?" You frowned at her words, why was she defending him.
You opened your mouth to reply to her but she didn't let you speak.
"I think you should date him, it's shocking you are not together knowing each other from your childhood." You kept looking at her with an open mouth.
She looked at the corner and got up from her seat.
"Consider what I have said," she said and walked off, probably to your brother, bucky.
You scoffed, shaking your head. You can't stand that blondie, from the start. The moment that guy became friends with your brother, you started to dislike him. 
Bucky stopped spending time with you, it was always about Steve from then. 
He is coming for dinner. Sorry tiger, Steve and I are going to the movies.
Your plans with bucky were ruined because he had to take care of that cute little shit who got beaten by some bullies.
You didn't know why he looked cute to you even with his small fragile frame, he was just so perfect for everyone. So polite, so respectful.
But you knew the truth, he was a shithole, who always found it amusing to annoy you, he knew your dislike for him so rather than doing something to make himself a bit lovable for you, he started to irritate you.
Those annoying mimicries turned into snarky comments and remarks throughout the years.
And that cute little shit was now a big hot asshole you have ever met.
You still couldn't stand him. If it wasn't your big brother's birthday party, you wouldn't tolerate standing beneath the same roof as him. This was how much you hated him.
You sighed again, checking the time waiting for your boyfriend, John.
You looked around to see if he came but there was no sign of him.
Suddenly your gaze fell on a blond girl, throwing herself on Steve, who was quite enjoying her company.
It looked like he felt your gaze and looked towards you. He smirked at your eye contact. You rolled your eyes and turned your back towards them.
You were getting bored when he came beside you.
"Hey, sweetness." Again that teasing tone.
You ignored him thinking he would leave but of course, it was steve grant rogers, he never took a hint.
"Why so lonely huh? Your idiotic boyfriend is not here." 
That made your blood boil. You turned and pointed a finger towards him.
"Shut the fuck up. Do not talk to me and don't even dare to call him an idiot." You hissed at him.
Steve only chuckled and grabbed your finger gently pulling you towards him. You looked at him with wide eyes and tried to pull your finger outta his grip.
"You gotta keep your eyes open girl or else you will keep waiting for him in every party and he will be enjoying with some—"
"Shut up rogers" she yelled and pushed him away. A few people stared at both of you but you didn't care.
"Just because you were fooled by your  fiance doesn't mean everyone is out there cheating on their partners. Not everyone is like Peggy carter" you whispered those words pure-hearted but as soon as those left your mouth, you regret them. 
Your breath was heavy with all that emotions. You looked up at Steve and felt more guilty.
His jaw was clenched. You expected to see hate and anger in his eyes but you saw the worst, sadness. 
He didn't say anything just looked at you for a few seconds and walked away. 
You ran your hand from your hair in frustration. You crossed the limit you knew, you just wanted to make him angry.
Your eyes fell on bucky and nat, they gave you a disappointed look before running outside towards Steve.
It had been a week since that disaster and your guilt was doubled in those days.
You just couldn't forget the emotions you saw in those beautiful baby blue eyes.
You were thinking to apologize to him, it was difficult, very difficult but necessary.
But you didn't see Steve after that night. Mat and buck weren't talking to you, just a few words here and there. 
You felt like a criminal. You remember the day when Peggy broke the engagement, three years ago. He was so sad that day, you even heard him cry in bucky's room.
You remember how happy he was on his engagement day. The way he looked at her, the love in his eyes, you felt so weird that day. 
You didn't even want to attend his engagement party but of course bucky forced you. That little shit trapped you to come along with him, saying you were just jealous. 
You would have broken his head hearing if Nat didn't come between you two siblings.
Anyway, you still were thinking about his red puffy eyes from all the crying session when suddenly you buzzed bringing you out of your thoughts.
You looked at your phone. It was a text from an unknown number, with an address and time, along with a picture of your lovely boyfriend with some girl. You couldn't see her face clearly.
You frowned seeing that message. Now you wanted to know whether steve was true or not. 
A part of you believed him, yes you disliked him but still, you knew him from. your childhood.
He would never try to create misunderstandings between you and your boyfriend just to annoy you. 
"Still you talked shit about his love life huh" your inner self made you feel more horrible.
You groaned and fell on the bed with a thud. 
You decide to go to that address and then you would apologize to Steve as well.
It was a small cafe, you arrived a bit earlier than the time mentioned.
You didn't know who texted you and who's gonna bless you with their presence there. 
You kept waiting outside the cafe. Some time passed and no one appeared and you started to think it was some silly prank on you. But suddenly you saw John coming out of his car with some bimbo.
She was clinging to him. They didn't notice you and were walking inside the cafe when you marched in front of them.
The expressions on John's face, you would have laughed in any other situation with that moment you were furious.
He called your name with shock, of course not accepting you there. 
That girl just looked at you with confused, annoyed expressions.
You kept looking at him with anger, not knowing what to say.
That is what happens with you, always saying wrong things at the wrong time and when you have to say nasty stuff, nothing comes out of your mouth.
This was your anger.
"Who is she Johnny" that girl with her annoyingly high-pitched voice.
You cringed at her, "his girlfriend" you glared at her.
She got shocked at the revelation, "which I assumed you didn't even know about" you added.
And then it was two of them, she started to fight him ignoring you and the other people around you.
And strangling you were enjoying it. And suddenly she slapped his face. You covered your mouth with shock and to control your laughter too.
She walked off still cursing towards him. John glared at you. His eyes were filled with eyes. And that moment you thought why were you with that asshole.
Suddenly he grabbed your arm and forcefully dragged you towards the corner.
You freed your arm from his grip. You opened your mouth to talk but he cut you off.
"She slapped me in front of everyone because of you. How did you even get here huh" you were beyond shocked at his words.
And this is the guy for whom you talked shit to Rogers. She groaned internally.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You are the fucker who is cheating on me and still have the audacity to blame me! Like wow," you yelled at him.
He grabbed you again, this time with much more force, "do not talk with me like that" he murmured.
"Let me go, you idiot. Steve was so right about you, I was so stupid to defend you!" You hissed still fighting to pull him off.
"Oh, so suddenly Steve is all good and I am bad huh? Maybe you are the one cheating on me. Are you fucking that— 
Suddenly he got pulled off of you and was on the floor with a bloody nose.
You looked up and saw an angry Steve glaring at your now ex-boyfriend.
For the first time in your life, you were so happy to see that hit asshole.
John got up for the floor and tried to hit Steve but blocked him by grabbing his fist.
"Don't even try with me, Walker." He freed his hand with a force.
John glared at him and then you, "you will regret this, bitch" he hissed and then walked off.
You sighed in relief and looked towards Steve.
Suddenly you remembered your words and felt awkward. 
"You here?" You asked timidly. Steve was amused by your tone but didn't say anything.
"Umm..yeah. Buck called here" he said.
"And here I am" suddenly bucky came out of nowhere.
"I just wanted to show her how wrong she was to defend that guy," Bucky said looking at you still with disappointment.
"And things she said— he was saying but Steve interrupted.
" seriously buck. I told you to leave that matter." He sounded annoyed and you wanted the ground to swallow you.
Steve sighed and started to walk away. You could feel tears forming in your eyes. Bucky cleared his throat causing you to lookup.
He was giving you, go after him idiot, look. Steve lived near that area, so you ran towards the way his house was. 
Bucky smirked and pulled out his phone. 
"All done" he texted Nat. Finally, their plan to set these idiots up was about to fulfill.
Soon you found him walking on the side road with his hands in his pockets.
"S...steve" you called hesitantly. He turned around to look at you with a bit of a shocked face.
You walked closer to him. "I—" you looked around there were only a few people but still you didn't feel comfortable.
So you grabbed his hand and pulled in the corner, a small alley. 
 He raised his eyebrows at you, making you feel weird in the stomach.
"Steve about that night" 
"It's o—" he was about to say.
"Please let me speak," you said pleading yet a bit annoying tone.
"What I said was horrible, I should not have, no matter whatever the reasons were. Steve, I am so sorry about that. I didn't even mean those words, I don't know why I said those things" you were rambling when you felt his thumbs cleaning the tears from your face.
You didn't know when you started crying. 
"It's okay sweetheart" his voice was soft, just like his eyes. A worried frown was on his face, you wanted to smooth out with your fingers but controlled yourself.
"I surely was sad but I wasn't mad at you. So stop crying now" you nodded but still feeling bad.
Suddenly out of nowhere, something came into your mind which you blurted without thinking.
"Maybe you should come for coffee tomorrow at my house. It will make me feel better and—" he raised his eyebrows encouraging you to speak.
"Maybe we could take a long overdue but necessary fresh start?" You pulled out your hand for him.
"Truce?" She smiled. 
Steve chuckled and shook your hand.
"So it's not a date?" You knew he was annoying you. You rolled your eyes but then bit your lip.
"Umm. Well if you want…" you said looking up at him.
Suddenly his gaze fell onto your lips and then to your eyes. Your heart was beating violently.
He grabbed your face with both of his hands and started to lower his face.
His lips felt so soft against your, so perfect. They molded perfectly as if meant to be together. 
He kissed you softly and slowly, savoring that moment. Loving the feeling of them against his. 
His kiss literally took your breath away and you inhaled deeply after being apart.
"That was long overdue too" he whispered, resting his forehead against yours. You chuckled kissing the tip of his nose.
You couldn't believe you just kissed him. That hot asshole you claimed to hate suddenly seemed all loveable to you...
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i-luvsang · 3 years
wayv reaction to bella biting their crush
request: anonnie requested “wayv reaction where they take you to the dorm for the first time (you like each other but don't date yet) and bella (their dog) doesn't like you and bites you hard genre: crack, fluff, maybe angst?? lol summary: y’all already know lmao warnings: mentions of blood, dogs biting people a/n: thank you for requesting! i hope i did okay, i don’t know all of the wayv members as well as dream. enjoy! also i believe that this is my 300th post! wow that’s a lot lol <3333
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➳ kun
is absolutely mortified
he was a little anxious about bringing you to the dorms for the first time
like who wouldn’t when luhenyang are there (it’s a joke don’t hurt me XD)
but man that wasn’t what he expected
you try to pet bella because why would you not she’s so cute
and she’s kinda just like *chomp*
and kun is just 😳
scolds bella and gets really worried about you and doting on you
the mom in him comes out *no surprise there of course*
but yeah just takes very good care of you
doesn’t stop apologizing
tries to hide how embarrassed he is
➳ ten
is kinda just like shrfkjsdfkfksnskjdhshfsjd oOPS
again, was not expecting that
was quite surprised and can’t figure why bella doesn’t like you
cuz like you’re so lovable how could she not just adore you
feels so bad
was initially really excited to bring you to the dorm
but now he’s like
with all the chaos that ensues here and tHAT no thank you sir
he just wanted to have a nice time
but now he has a naughty dog and a bleeding crush on his hands
obviously is very sweet to you
also doesn’t stop apologizing
is very visibly flustered but he actually gets over it fairly quickly and is able to have a really great time with you
➳ winwin
is very sad that bella doesn’t like you
and is terrified that you now hate him because she bit you
very flustered
again, he just can’t stop apologizing
babe doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to do but tries hard to take care of you
gets you a band-aid and makes sure that bella is never in the same room as you two
really hopes that you still have a good time
swears to never bring you to the dorm again
but you keep coming back anyways because at least the cats like you
and you love the cats
feels so bad every time you try to make bella like you T^T
➳ lucas
was really hoping to have a fun time with you
his life flashes before his eyes when she bites you
stands in shock for a seconds, his eyes flicking between the growling bella and the bleeding you
jumps into action quickly tho, putting bella in another room and grabbing a band-aid for your hand
is very disappointed in bella as one of her dads
(not really disappointed just sad because he really loves bella and has told you so many times about how much you’d love bella too)
remembers all the times that he told you that bella would absolutely adore you
and now he’s contemplating all of this life choices that led up to this
➳ xiaojun
we all know that xiaojun is bella’s mom
and he loves you both so much and was so excited for the two of you to meet
was already nervous to bring you to the dorm
but was really looking forward to having a good time with you
and man this was not what he was expecting to go wrong
like bella is usually so sweet and kinda just sleeps and eats
she’s a very tolerant dog like she lives with those seven men
he keeps apologizing
keeps wondering where it all went wrong
tries very hard to make sure the rest of the day goes well though
➳ hendery
screams in normal hendery fashion
gets a band-aid for you first
but then he makes a huge show of scolding bella in front of everyone
screams about how xiaojun and lucas raised her wrong
like how could bella not adore you i mean you’re so incredible
doesn’t realize that he kinda just starts ranting about how much he likes you
like your face is so hot that you don’t even remember why hendery was yelling about this in the first place
suddenly he realizes that he was kinda just shouting about his crush on you without actually saying it
stops talking mid-sentence
at least he distracted you from your new bite wound :]
➳ yangyang
i see this going two ways
either he freaks out
like he has no idea what to do and he just gets so flustered
he’s just all over the place
like ‘nO BELLA DON’T DO THAT” *tries get bella out*
remembers that you’re still there and (gently) drops bella halfway there and is like “wAIT oMG ARE YOU OKAY IM SO SORRY”
he’s just the embodiment of smh
the disappointment on his face is almost (definitely) comical
is kinda like ‘wELp i expected the worst anyways, i guess i should deal with this” :|
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
Do you do poly relationships headcanons? If you are, may I request a jealous poly XiCheng with an s/o whose a tease and a flirt? If not, you can seperate it, it's okay. Lots of love from anon 💞💞💞💞💞
hi friend!
i don’t mind writing poly relationships at all! i don’t know how good of a flirt you all think i am though, because most of my ideas around this premise so far have been through google aha
hope you all enjoy it anyways!
here’s to your request~
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
your two cultivation partners (yes you have two) will always be weak for you
not only because you were so lovable 
but because being around them made them better people
(most of the time at least aha)
not to say that you weren’t the perfect piece to them, far from that
for example, in between Lan Xichen’s quiet coolness, you were a excitable, smiling and passionate ball of sunshine
and for all of Jiang Cheng’s hot headed anger and coarse words, you were the soothing calm that matched that perfectly,
easy to smile, hard to anger
outspoken and determined
you molded with the large characteristics of your cultivation partners well
and it wasn’t hard for them to fall in love with you (after finding one another)
but just because they were falling in love with you
didn’t mean that other people weren’t going to as well
i mean who wouldn’t, you’re a catch (i’m not lying, you are!)
one of the highest ranking cultivators of your sect, at such a young age
and having played a part in inventing one of the newer techniques of musical cultivation (a mixture of voice and instrument that not many would use)
you were amazing, 
and if that weren’t already enough, add in your beautiful smile and tickling laughter and everyone was tripping over their own feet for you
you made it so so easy to, because it is just how you are
easy to smile, hard to anger
Lan Xichen is a bit more tolerable than Jiang Cheng about your flirtatious and bubbly personality 
he understood that you meant little harm with your smiles, the occasional winks to young pining cultivators that would leave them high on the notion of your attention for days
as for Jiang Cheng, he had always hated how flirtatious you are, 
despite having two people in his life, he still really really wanted to keep everything about them to himself 
he’s quite possessive, and it is the second trait at the forefront of his mind right after anger 
sometimes, Lan XIchen’s quiet calming words or small pat to his lower back in public settings would be enough to quell the brimming heat in his lower abdomen whenever he saw even a glance thrown at your direction
but moments like the present,
when he sees you dining alone with a male cultivator, drinking wine on the balcony above
those normal actions are not enough
“Jiang Wanyin...”  Lan Xichen calls, mindful of the other man’s title in public 
but Jiang Cheng is undeterred, feet stomping heavily up the stairs of the inn
eyes all on you the moment that he saw you
when he reaches the second landing, he meets eyes with your smiling face right away 
and instead of looking away or from him with a fearful or guilty look, Jiang Cheng gets winded by the easy smile that you throw directly at him
even after all these years together, your smile still makes the butterflies flutter in his stomach
your smile makes the companion that you’re sharing lunch with turn around in curiosity to see what’s caused such an emotion
but the moment that Jiang Cheng’s eyes land on the other male cultivator in front of you, the softness of his eyes disappears and he’s reminded why he was annoyed in the first place
the young cultivator is quick to stand up, head slightly bowed as the two most important sect leaders come up to the table
Lan Xichen follows Jiang Cheng’s steps until he is close enough to you, then each sect leader takes a stance by your sides, naturally 
“Jiang Cheng, A-Huan,” you chirp, their private names falling easily from your lips despite all the times that Jiang Cheng had told you not to do so in public 
but right now, when Jiang Cheng catches the widened eyes of the young cultivator at your informality, he’s reeling with the fact that this boy will know of your relationship with them
because his titled be damned, 
if only to show the world how much he and Lan Xichen loved you, knew you, 
and the fact that you were theirs
“y/n-guniang, please forgive me, i hadn’t re-realized that...” the young cultivator stutters out going onto his knees to kow-tow
you widen your eyes and kneel down with him to help the young boy up
(an action that annoys Lan Xichen internally and manifests physically in Jiang Chang with a very deep eye roll)
“no apologies here, i can introduce you to my cultivation partners-”
“we are well acquainted,” Lan Xichen surprisingly interrupts, like he has never done before and you turn away from the young cultivator to give your partners a curious look
“you are?” you ask, 
and Lan XIchen nods, because he knows most of the people that look for a meeting with you 
and the one reason they always try to meet with you very well
you’re too busy staring at Xichen to notice the glare that Jiang Cheng was giving the poor boy 
“i- yes- i, we are. how could anyone not know of Zewu-Jun and Sandu Shengshou...” the young cultivator says, before the rest of his apologies and hurried departure 
you smile at the quick way that the boy bows and leaves for the stairs, turning back to look between your two cultivation partners with a knowing smile,
“no need to scare all the guests away all the time, i was trying to get a new disciple for you, A-Cheng,” you say, tilting your head as Jiang Cheng huffs a sigh out beside you
“he wasn’t trying to be my disciple that’s for sure,” Jiang Cheng mutters and before you can continue to question (despite knowing) and teasing, Lan Xichen steps in, the ever great mediator
“no one can be scared when they aren’t already fearful,” Lan Xichen says cryptically, and you can’t help but shake your head at his words
beside him Jiang Cheng smirks, happy that he’s on the same page with the older man
“you two, what am i going to do with you both?” you ask rhetorically, giggling at the way that the two men before you
you don’t really get much of a verbal answer, but Jiang Cheng wraps a quick arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side
for all of your flirtatious talking and gestures, you were an embarrassed shy mess whenever your men took action
it’s clear now, how you turn to jelly in their arms, when Xichen leans down to your face while you’re leaned against Jiang Cheng’s chest
you hold your breath, blinking quickly at the proximity before closing your eyes
you feel the lightest breath of a laugh against your cheek, before you feel gentle lips pressed against the top of your nose
it makes you blink your eyes open again to meet eyes with Lan Xichen’s small smile
“anything you want to do with us, we’ll do,” Lan Xichen flirts back to you, not for the first time (but first time in public!) 
when Lan Xichen glances between you and Jiang Cheng, he can only smile at the red tint that’s high on your cheekbones
and the mischievous look in your eyes
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
What if the obey me brothers has a compliant darling? Like one who dosent see the the point in fighting if they're always gonna lose, but makes it oblivious they dont love the boys?
I try to avoid including any more than four characters in one piece, but,,, I may have made an exception, for this drabble. From Lucifer’s perspective, of course, because we love to see an older brother fret over his siblings’ toys.
Title: Observations.
TW: Imprisonment, Implied Physical/Emotional Abuse, Implied Learned Helplessness, and Delusional Mindsets.
Lucifer never claimed to be the most observant of his brothers.
He simply was.
That, unlike many things in his pride-addled mind, was a fact he could prove, something he didn’t have to reassure himself of because he never had a reason to question it. Demons tended in recede inwards with age, sink into their own desires, their own wants, and it made them clumsy, sloppy, indulgent, for lack of a kinder way to put it. Their perception warped, bent, twisted around themselves until all that was left was Mammon’s endless schemes or Beelzebub’s one-track mind or Belphegor’s reckless (often murderous) abandon. Lucifer kept himself sharp, kept himself responsible, for the sake of his family, if nothing else. He kept his eyes open. That might’ve been why he was the first to see your potential, when you first came to the Devildom, why he was the first one to see what a threat you’d be able to pose to his stability. That’s why he was the first to see how easy it’d be to love you, why he kept himself guarded for much, much longer than the others did.
That’s why he was the only one to see how miserable you were, when it turned out it wouldn’t be so effortless for you to love him back.
Them, really, you couldn’t love them. As much as he’d like to think he still had a special place in your mind, if not your heart, he knew it couldn’t be easy to have a demon pursuing you, let alone seven. You’d been uncomfortable with it, at first, rebuffing their more aggressive advances with breathy laughs and enough platonic affection to keep them momentarily appeased, but after discomfort came unease, and after unease came fear, white-hot and panicked and unmaskable, despite your attempts to hide yourself away from the rest of the House of Lamentation whenever you started to crack under the stress. 
It’d been a trying time, both as an older brother and one of your many suitors. He’d wanted to send you away. He recognized that you were unhappy, that you could never be happy in the Devildom, that you could never be happy with him, but whenever he found himself at Diavolo’s door ready to plead for your dismissal, his words always seemed to fall short. He’d spent more time than he’d like to admit searching for solutions that’d put you at a distance, but wouldn’t put you out of reach - moving you into Purgatory Hall, turning your room into a well-cursed haven, building a cage in the corner of his room and shoving you inside of it - but plans could be abandoned and goals could be delayed. Part of it was his own selfishness, his own lingering desire to have you despite your hastening deterioration, but it was something more than that, too. Something almost altruistic, if you looked at it in the right light.
He was the oldest. The title came with responsibilities, and while he had an obligation to keep you safe, he had no such dedication to your happiness. His brothers, on the other hand, were owed that. He’d promised them that.
He’d soothed Beelzebub by telling him that you wouldn’t be thrown back into a world as volatile and as dangerous as the one you’d come from, not without him and not for very long.
He’d pledged to Asmodeus that he’d get at least a moment with you, if not more, when he voiced his concerns about who was dominating your time and who deserved to.
He’d swore to Belphegor that it wouldn’t come to that, when he suggested that he could solve your most recent string of poor behavior with a few ‘love taps’, as he’d put it.
He had obligations, and you’d made the mistake of catching too many eyes in too little time. Lucifer could hardly be blamed for doing what you’d forced him to do, when you refused to come along without a struggle.
To your credit, you’d never fought. You were out of your depth, but you hadn’t gone mad. From the second he let himself into your bedroom while you were still desperately trying to bandage Mammon’s latest ‘love bite’ without an extra pair of hands, you’d never raised your voice, never interrupted him, never lashed out. You’d sat in polite, timid silence as he explained, as gently as he could, that you wouldn’t be able to go home - or, you wouldn’t be able to return to your old home, rather. He’d tried to be rational, tried to treat the change like a necessity, but as soon as you started crying those rebellious, frustrating tears, his head was in your lap and he was apologizing, pleading, begging, his thoughts turning ragged and his words turning senseless until you fell silent and he could allow himself to do the same. You were merciful enough not to speak it again, but he never let himself forget. It was proof that you made him weak, evidence that you made him vulnerable.
Confirmation that he couldn’t afford to let you go, even if he wanted to.
It wasn’t like you ever openly defied him, either. Your temper grew short sometimes, sure, and you’d often be dragged into his office by a brother with a complaint about the idle threat you’d made or the ugly name you’d called him, but you never tried to run, never tried to attack, never tried to resist beyond your sharp tongue and the occasional glare. If he’d been as blind as his brothers, he might’ve been able to convince himself you were just being stubborn. That you were just childish, that you were just a brat, but Lucifer doubted he’d ever be arrogant enough to ignore the way you trembled when Leviathan took you by the wait, how you were so quick to glower and shrink into yourself whenever Mammon made a comment about how you were finally coming to your senses. It didn’t help that his room was the closest to yours, and he was so-often tasked with watching over you during the night. If he couldn’t hear you sobbing through the walls, it was only because you were balled up in the corner of his bedroom, spitting sentiments so vile, he wouldn’t be able to repeat them with a clear conscious. It was a privilege, in a way, to be the only one who really knew just how much you loathed him, but the cut ran deeper than the catharsis. He doubted any of the others would be so understanding, if you were so honest with them.
You were miserable. It was so apparent in everything you did, so obvious, he had to wonder how he was the only one who’d noticed. He spent so long in that rut, wasted so much time consumed by guilt, he’d manage to forget he had the nasty habit of selling his brothers short.
They knew. Of course they knew. They’d always known, and they still know, now.
They just don’t care.
Mammon doesn’t care if you glare, not when he doesn’t have to see your face while he’s holding you close.
Leviathan doesn’t care if you writhe and squirm, not when he can easily split his attention between whatever game he’s playing and clinging to you so tightly, you’ll have to sit still if you want to make it through the night without a broken bone.
Satan doesn’t care if you yell, if you scream, if you hate him. You can’t speak with his hand around your throat, and he’s more than happy to show you just how breakable the human body can be, under the right care.
But their poor, poor older brother, always so concerned, always so nervous, even if he thinks he can hide his anxiety under a scowl and a brow so furrowed, even Belphegor is starting to grow sympathetic. They all have their spats, their fights, but you’re so soft and lovable and you’re all theirs, now, whether or not you like it. He just hasn’t had a chance to break you in for himself, yet.
It’d be a shame not to show him how fun it is to play with you, especially when you try to fight back.
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noaltbruh · 3 years
Hii!! I’m not sure if requests are still open but if they are... How about the Bucci gang with a reader who has problems with self harm? It’s a rather serious topic tho so I completely understand if you don’t want to
With that being said, thank you for your request and I wish you the best :)
-Giorno almost immediately figured out there was something wrong with you. The way you constantly hid your wrists and acted like it was nothing made him extremely suspicious. However, he hesitated to tell you about it for a while, he wanted you to open up to him naturally without having to force you.
-But it was something that he could no longer keep on ignoring after almost 5 months. He had to talk to you.
-He calmly told you that he had something very serious that he wanted to discuss with you. You could already tell where this was going and tried to oppose, but once he puts his mind on something you can be sure that he isn't going to take "no" as an answer.
-"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I really want to talk to you about this, forgive me if I insist. Would you mind showing me your arms? And without the jacket, please."
-You just stared at him without saying a word.
-"Y/N...you know that I don't like repeating myself, so please do what I said"
-reluctantly you took your jacket off, as Giorno took a close look at the scars on both of your arms
-He looked at you in the eyes and immediately told you that this was not ok, and despite how much you didn't want to admit it, you knew he was right
-He started asking you lots of questions in order to understand better what caused you to harm yourself in this way, while you hated to talk about this, the calmness in his voice helped you opening up to him
-However, Giorno's method to actually handle the problem may seem a bit too...cynical. Being the leader of Passione, he made sure to contact the most qualified and well known therapist in the entire country, since he knows that self harm is a serious issue that requires medical treatment
-On the other hand, emotional support is also extremely important, which is something that a person like Giorno has a bit of trouble to realize
-You appreciate what he's doing and decides to see the therapist he has recommended, but you also try to make him understand that it isn't as simple as breaking a leg and going to the hospital
-He immediately apologizes for his "coldness" and always makes sure to check up on you even more than before. The "feeling side" of the relationship is something that he still struggles with at times, but you are more than happy to help him just like he's helping you getting better with this problem
-Bucciarati is probably the best one at handling the situation in the entire team.
-He noticed that something was wrong even before than Giorno, but unlike him, he didn't hesitate to tell you about it
-While you didn't expect him to bring it up in such a sudden way, a part of you was secretly glad that Bruno was able to see this through. You knew he was a kind and thoughtful person, and he would have done anything to help you
-"Y/N...I don't know why you'd hurt yourself this way, I'm not even going to ask you about it. Just know...I'll always be there for you, and I won't be satisfied until you heal from this"
-His first thought was to hide anything sharp inside the house, even though he believes you want to get better, he still doesn't want to take any risk
-He'd be too scared to leave you alone for a while, so you'll have to bear with him insisting on bringing you everywhere he goes
-Of course, he'd make sure to look for the best therapist he can find, if you're not comfortable with the one he suggested, he won't blink an eye and start looking for another one the minute after
-Mista takes quite longer compared to Bruno and Giorno to realize what's going on. He always thought it was kind of weird how you constantly wore shirts or dresses with long sleeves, but considering his own fashion style, he couldn't really say anything about it
-However, after around half an year, he started to grow more and more suspicious of your behavior, especially since who would ever wear long sleeves in the middle of Summer?
-While Mista probably knows what self harm is, he has never taken any interest in the subject, so he doesn't know how to react when he realizes what's going on
-Still, he deeply cares about you, and wants to help you in any way he can. He tried to get you to show him your wrists in a very relaxed way; if there was no tension, maybe opening up to him wouldn't have been as bad
-"Come on Y/N, you know that I love you, I'm just asking you to show me your arms. It can't be that bad, right?"
-You really didn't want to, and despite how much you loved Mista, you weren't exactly sure he was the best option to help you in this situation. Regardless, you decided to give him a chance, he was still your boyfriend, after all
-He was really freaked out when he saw your scars, but he knew that he couldn't ask you what to do to make you feel better, and that he had to look for a solution on his own.
-He considered asking the gang for help, but it was something way too private for him to tell them about it.
-The only idea that came into his mind was to talk to a therapist, which turned out to actually be good. He convinced you to take an appointment and the man would always give Mista some advices on how to make you feel better when you're not there.
-Narancia...is most definitely not the best option in this situation. He's incredibly sweet and lovable, and would give his own life to make you feel better. The problem is that... Narancia doesn't even know what self harm means.
-He always tells the gang about what a cool girlfriend he's got, that you're never hot and even in the middle of Summer you still wear long sleeves. They hoped that, eventually, he would have figured out on his own what was going on, but after an entire year, they decided to tell him about it.
-Narancia didn't believe them at first and thought they were just trying to mess with him. The situation would have seriously gotten out of hand if Bucciarati wasn't there to stop him
-He refused to believe to what they were saying, but he wanted to ask you about it anyway, just to make sure that he was right and the other were a bunch of "dumb overthinkers"
-The easiest way would have been to tell Narancia that nothing was wrong, and that would have been the end of the discussion. But...you didn't want to, you wanted to get better, even though he didn't know anything about the subject, Narancia would have done anything to help you
-"Y/N...I-I know I'm not the smartest, but why didn't you tell me sooner? I...I want to be there for you, I don't know how but...e-everything will be fine, alright?"
-He immediately asks the gang for help, he doesn't want to take any risk and rely on someone that is more knowledgeable than you is definitely the safer option in this case
-He helps you find a therapist, of course, but he has some trouble understanding that he can't be there during the appointment, he just wants to be there 100% of the times
-He's great when it comes to emotional support though, he will constantly try to cheer you up and "Make all the bad thoughts go away"
-Please appreciate what this poor baby is doing, he's just trying his best
-Fugo probably considered harming himself in the past, friendly reminder that he was about to kill his father with a dagger, are we sure that's all that he used that knife for?
-With that being said, he never actually went through with it, since he was too scared of how his parents would have reacted if they found out
-Because of this, Fugo notices that something is not right almost immediately, but he's too scared to tell you about it. He knows that this is an extremely sensitive subject, and he thinks that you're going to leave him if he brings that up
-However, eventually, he finds the courage to confront you, since knowing about the issue and doing absolutely nothing was slowly killing him inside
-"Y/N, please try to understand, this...is not good for you. I know that talking about it hurts...a lot, but it will never stop hurting if you don't face it!"
-He knows quite a lot about it, and encourages you to seek for professional assistance as soon as possible. Obviously, he helps you find a good therapist, and similar to Narancia, he's very annoyed that he can't participate to the sessions
-While he knows that emotional support is extremely important, Fugo isn't exactly the best when it comes to comforting somebody
-Of course, he'll do anything he can to avoid lashing out on you, but he's constantly worried that he isn't doing enough to help you.
-But you trust him, and you're sure that with a person like him by your side, you're going to get better
-How do I say this...I think that Abbacchio doesn't simply know a lot about self harm, he has experienced it. He doesn't do it anymore, of course, but during that period of his life before Bruno welcomed him into the gang, Abbacchio reached a point where he would hurt himself on purpose on a daily basis.
-Because of this, he can immediately tell that something is seriously wrong, and he doesn't think twice about telling you about it
-However, while he understands how much it hurts, he still has serious problems confronting the issue in an healthy manner, so the way he told you wasn't exactly...very reassuring
-"Y/N, what the hell? Do you have ANY IDEA of how bad this is for you? What were you planning on doing? Cutting you *beep* arm until you run out of blood? Don't you give a **** about how much this would hurt the ones around you?"
-His words hurt more than the blade that passed through you veins more than once every day by now. You started crying and sobbing out loud, not knowing how to answer
-"Oh God...Y-Y/N, I'm...I'm sorry. I know how is it like...I know it t-too well. I just... I just w-want to help you"
-An entire hour later, he was able to calm you down, explaining to you his experience with self harm. Partially, you were mad at him for not talking about it sooner, but in a certain way, it reassured you, because he could perfectly understand what you were going through
-However, since he simply...stopped doing it after he met Bruno, he doesn't immediately understand what he's supposed to do to help you
-He's not dumb though, and after thinking about it for half an hour, he decides that the first step would be to find a good therapist. He feels...kind of uncomfortable accompanying you to the sessions, since the doctor accidentally thought he was the patient the first time you came to his studio
-When it comes to comforting you, as you already saw, his words may still be a bit... hostile, but you don't care. You know those words aren't filled with bitterness, that's just his way to show that he's genuinely worried for you
-Trish, similar to Mista, knows what self harm is, but her knowledge about the issue is probably just the standard definition you would find in a dictionary
-She actually found about about the issue sooner than most members of the gang. How? It was a total coincidence, considering that she hadn't grown suspicious, not even in the slightest, that something could have been wrong
-One day, she convinced you to go shopping with her; you tried to decline, but eventually, you figured out that you could have stopped her from seeing your scars if you only put on long sleeved clothes
-It seemed like your plan almost succeeded, but as you were in the middle of putting on your regular clothes, Trish walked inside your changing room
-"Hey dear, what do you think of- Y/N, w-what are those things on your wrists? But...a-an enemy hurt you that way, r-right? You wouldn't harm yourself like that...RIGHT?!"
-You didn't say anything, you just looked down, feeling ashamed of yourself
-Since she couldn't get an answer out of you there, Trish immediately brought you back home, hoping that you would have felt more comfortable talking about it in a private place
-Slowly, you started explaining to her the whole situation. She didn't interrupt you a single time, but it was obvious from her expression that she wanted to ask you a lot of things. You could almost see her eyes getting wet
-She hugged you tight and told you that everything would have been ok. While she was clearly hurt to have found out about it in such way, she was willing to help you in any possible way
-After getting more informed about the subject, the two of you looked for a therapist together. She wanted to make absolute sure that you felt included in this choice too
-She took a break from her job as a pop star to remain by your side until you feel at least a bit better. You didn't want her to renounce to something so important for you, but when she told you about it she already made her mind, and she wasn't going to change it
-When she can't absolutely be there, she leaves you with Spice girl so that you don't feel completely alone
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epicfangirl01 · 3 years
Random HCs of The Bois™️ Finding Out About AFAB!MC's Period
Honestly, I'm only writing this because of Mammon's reaction that popped into my head, and I wanted to see how the others would react. Also, these are on the basis that you and the brother are dating a couple months after your arrival.
TW: 18+ because some of the brothers are needy af
You knock on Lucifer's door shortly after school, feeling anxious. Your period came in the middle of your final class, when you realized you were out of pads and tampons. As you were in the Devildom, there isn't a stock of supplies for your already miserable week. And the only way to go to the human world was through Lucifer or Diavolo. As much as you love the gentle giant, you would rather talk about the situation with your boyfriend.
Lucifer tells you to come in, and the eldest brother's eyes soften as he glances up at you. His gaze doesn't linger, however, turning back to his stack of paperwork.
"Do you miss me already, MC? The academy bells have just finished ringing." You shift nervously, your period making you feel uncomfortable, before speaking up.
"I do, but that's actually not why I'm here... I need to go to the human world to pick some things u-" Lucifer sighs, scratching the paper with his pen.
"Darling, I'm sorry, but I am very busy. Besides, you just got home from school. You can wait to go on a shopping spree with Mammon and Asmodeus." You step closer, frowning, and you try to explain.
"No, Lucifer, that's not-" Lucifer's eyes narrow in irritation, still glancing at his paperwork, but his words become a firm warning.
"MC, you must finish your homework. You can go shopping this weekend." Your lower stomach twists in pain, cramps rapidly increasing, and you snap.
"Lucifer, my vagina is FUCKING BLEEDING, DAMMIT!!! I need to go to the store!" The demon's eyes widen as he drops his pen, and he looks up at you, surprised.
"I'm sorry, what did you just say...?" Frustration overwhelms you, until you catch the confusion and concern in his eyes.
"In all your years of existence, you haven't heard of a period before???" Lucifer doesn't say anything, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"I really am overworking myself, aren't I? I suppose it's been a while since I've been to the surface...." You shake your head, chuckling, and you relax when Lucifer is finally ready to listen. You take a couple minutes to explain what is happening, and what you need to take care of yourself. When you're finished, Lucifer nods, glad that you will be okay.
"I apologize for my behavior. I will be more supportive in the future. Here, have some money for your errands. Will $100 dollars be sufficient?" (Yes, Luci, yes it is.)
You sit down on Mammon's leather couch, shifting to a semi-comfortable position, and enjoying a movie night with your lovable boyfriend. Mammon grabs some blankets for you, before plopping onto the couch. He smiles at you, and holds you close, making sure that you are settled. You watch the movie for a while, enjoying the movie, when you catch a mischievous glint in your boyfriend's eyes.
"Mammon, wha-"
He smiles and pulls you into his lap, gently kissing you neck. You sigh a bit, uncomfortable with sitting in general, but loving his kisses and nips. You didn't expect Mammon's hand to cup your crotch, but you especially didn't expect him to scream in your ear.
The pissed off side of your brain fumes for a moment, until your eyes meet Mammon's. You burst out laughing at the panic on Mammon's face, realizing that he felt your pad. The demon of greed doesn't appreciate your laughing, feeling genuinely worried for his beloved human. When you calm down, you turn back to him.
"Mammon, I'm fine. It's still there. I'm just.... kinda on my period..."
He looks at you like you grew three heads, and it quickly becomes apparent he has no idea what you're talking about. You take a few minutes to explain, and he listens patiently, but he still continues to panic.
"You're saying you can bleed FOR A WEEK and be fine?!? And you constantly have cramps and migraines? And this happens once a month??? Why the hell didn't you say anything? How can I help my human when you don't say you need me?!"
He carefully sets you down, before bolting of of the couch and out the door. You gape at the doorway for a moment, wondering what Mammon is up to. He returns for a moment, his arms holding a pile of pillows, medicine, pajamas, and snacks.
"Does this help? I got the pillows and pjs from your room, medicine from the bathroom, and I kinda took snacks from Beel's stash under his bed.... But it's fine! I made a note that you'll buy more later."
You shake your head, smiling, and you thank him as he walks over to help you. Once Mammon knows you are comfortable, he sits down beside you. You gently kiss Mammon on the lips, before you lay on your side, resting your head on his lap. The demon blushes, and he pulls the blanket over you. His hands gently stroke your hair, and you watch the movie together until you both fall asleep.
The third born invites you into his room for anime night (every night, lol), and you walk into the room with snacks in you arms. Levi welcomes you in as you set the bags onto his coffee table, before grabbing a couple drinks from his mini fridge.
"Good, you're early! The pilot is about to start!"
You chuckle, happy to spend time with him, and you bend down to place everything on the table. As you do so, your shirt lifts just enough to show a small stain on the back of your pants. Levi's eyes accidentally catch sight of it, resulting in a blush.
"Uh, MC? You have a s-stain on your pants..." You turn and look down at your legs, turning to try to find what he's talking about, but you can't see it.
"I can't find it. I'll just wash it off when I get back to my room." The demon tenses and shakes his head, trying to think of the least awkward words to say.
"No, no! I-I mean, you have a blood stain. Y-your period kinda started...."
Your eyes widen at his words, and you look in the reflection of his glass aquarium, cursing at the stain. You hadn't noticed this time, the monthly curse being subtle throughout your busy afternoon. You start to apologize to Levi, when he shakes his head.
"It's not your fault. I-it's fine. I just... I know it might be weird that I know about it. I found out from a high school anime. In the episode, the protagonist goes on their way to school, getting bullied by the leader of the popular girls, and the bully turns away but the protagonist stops her because of a stain, and despite being enemies, the protagonist is kind and knows how she feels, so they take her to the bathroom and helps her clean up... And I- I know it probably sounds weird or creepy for someone to watch anime like that, but I thought it was kind and empowering, an-" You stop Levi mid rant, smiling at his anxiousness, and you give him a small hug.
"Thanks, Levi. I appreciate it. It's part of the unspoken period code, ya know? It can be awkward and embarrassing enough, so even just a discreet heads up can be very helpful. Don't worry about it, okay?"
He nods, glad you understand, and he gently hugs you back.
"O-okay. I'll be back, alright? I remember seeing in the episode that it helps to have a hot shower sometimes to ease the cramps and feel less uncomfortable, and that blankets and pjs can help. I guess if you don't mind a loser like me, you could use any blankets or hoodies I have if it makes you feel better..."
You smile and nod, grateful for the demon of envy. He shyly smiles back, and he spends the rest of the night making sure that you're comfortable during the show.
The library is quiet and warm as you sit at a table with Satan, working on your assignments. You struggle and struggle through a complex spell for your potions class, irritation and fatigue clouding your brain. You are already sore and pissed off from the beginning of your period, but now stress and anger bubbles beneath the surface.
"MC, you have to say it calml-"
You huff, throwing up your hands, and you scowl at the unaffected spell dummy in front of you.
"I know, Satan! I've been calm for the past half hour, and it's still not right! Can you just actually give me some fucking advice for once so I can get this shit over with?!?"
The middle brother looks at you for a moment, stunned, before chuckling.
"I didn't know you could hold so much anger, MC. I'm almost impressed, although, it is very out of character for you... Are you alright?"
A sigh escapes your lips as you awkwardly cross your arms, looking away. You explain that you are just tired, but Satan can hear the hesitation in your voice. The demon of wrath doesn't speak for a moment, thinking about your recent behavior, and everything snaps into place. Satan has read enough books to last an eternity, including ones about human biology. He knows exactly what is happening, and he generally understands how you are feeling. And through his readings, Satan knows not to ask you directly, should your anger grow.
"Ah, I understand. Well, why didn't you say that you needed a break, kitten? I could have helped you unwind a little."
With that, Satan pulls you away from the table to rest on the couch, grabbing a book from his bag. Once you are both settled, Satan pulls a blanket over you both and opens his book while you rest your head on his lap.
With his human in his arms, Satan calmly reads to you, his voice silky as you eventually drift off to sleep.
The demon of lust practically barges into your room, Majolish bags in tow as he squeals with excitement.
"MC! Look, Majolish's exclusive swimwear line came out! I found this ADORABLE swimsuit for you to try! It was the last in your size." He pulls out the swimsuit from a bag, showing it to you.
You look up at Asmo, gasping at the swimsuit.
"That looks perfect! Thank you, Asmo. I'll try it on later. I'm not fe-"
Asmo pouts, tossing the swimsuit to you, and reaching for another outfit from his bag.
"Come on!!! I have so much stuff for us to try on! And then we could maybe go to the beach tomor-"
You shake your head, sighing.
"No, Asmo. I'm not up to swimming this week", you lie, shifting in your seat uncomfortably.
Asmo notices, and immediately drops the subject.
"Are you alright, hun? Is it a rough cycle this time?"
Your eyes widen in surprise before you look up at him. His eyes are filled with concern, before you nod.
"Yeah, but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. I'll be fine. Let's go swimming next week, okay?"
The avatar of lust smiles, before carefully pulling you out of the chair.
"Come on. Let's have a spa day instead. I'll make sure you feel stunning and comfortable."
You look through the kitchen in your pjs, craving all of your favorite foods, when you hear the door quietly squeak open. Your head turns back, and you see the sheepish gaze of the 6th born.
"Do you need a midnight snack, Beel? I was about to make something myself. I can make some for you."
Beel nods, smiling, before coming into the room.
"I smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen, so I came to check. That's strange, though. You haven't made anything yet?" Beel takes in the large amount of food on the table, much more than you normally eat. Maybe the gluttonous demon was rubbing off on you, he wondered.
You shake your head, just as confused as he is.
"Maybe you were so hungry that you started imagining it. You've done that a few times before."
Beel sniffs the air, before walking up behind you.
"You smell different today... MC, you smell so good..... Can I have a taste?"
You choke on air, trying to understand what he just said.
"Beel! You can't just ask that! That's perverted!" He looks at you with confused, innocent eyes, like a kicked puppy.
"What do you mean? I just wanted to kiss your head. Oh.... You thought I meant or-"
A small screech of panic escapes your lips, and you stop Beel mid-sentence, telling him not to spend too much time with Asmo.
"Right. Sorry, MC... Can I ask a question? Why do you smell different today? You're not as sweet and salty as usual. And you're a lot hungrier today.... Are you okay?"
Realization punches the wind out of you as you understand what Beel has been smelling. He was attracted to your blood, without knowing what it was. An awkward laugh fills the air, and you look away from the red head's gaze.
You spend the next few minutes explaining what was going on, and Beel listens intently as you go on.
"Okay. I'm sorry for being rude... I didn't mean to. To make up for it, I can make you whatever you want. Sit down, and I'll get you some water. You'll lose a lot of hydration for the next few days. Then when food is done, we can go watch Devilish Desserts in my room. Belphie is in the attic tonight."
You smile, pulling Beel into a hug before spending a relaxing evening together.
The sound of your DDD alarm fills the cozy attic, waking you and Belphie up from your after school nap. The youngest brother groans before pulling you closer.
"Did you really have to wake me up? I was having such a nice dream..."
You push yourself off Belphie and the bed, feeling as if you were hit by a truck. Why did you have to feel awful now, when you made plans to see the angels?
Your body aches as you stand, attempting to wake up enough to get ready. Belphie mumbles with irritation, rolling onto his side.
"What's more important tha- Huh? Is that blood?"
Your eyes widen, and you look back to the bed, and your eyes find the red stain on the bedsheets. You look at Belphie in horror, and he sits up, now wide awake.
"MC, are you okay? That's where you were sleeping."
You want to die. You want to shrivel up into a ball and die because how are you going to explain to your boyfriend that it came out of your vagina, and that it's NORMAL?!? Blood coming from anywhere brings some sense of concern anyway, no matter what realm you are from.
"Haha- Yeah, um, about that, I kinda need to tell you something...."
Belphie stays surprisingly alert as you explain, only relaxing when you state that it's normal and frequent.
"Ah. Okay. Tell Simeon to fuck off. You're sick, and you're staying here. Go get a spare hoodie and sweatpants. I'll get you meds, a heating pad, and some spare pillows. Tell the others you're with me tonight."
You smile, glad he understands, and Belphie gets you a couple of things while you get comfortable. When you walk back into the attic, Belphie is fast asleep with his limbs curled around a log of blankets, waiting for you to return.
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Too Far Away - Little Movie Star Chapter Two (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Getting used to this new life was not easy but you managed. Still, you found yourself distancing entirely. This situation was overwhelming to you & you had no idea how to deal with it. You were trying but maybe it was not enough.
Words: 2,166
Warnings: language, trust issues, feeling of not being good enough, Jensen trying his absolute best
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
At 6 pm sharp, you waddled to the kitchen & managed to get there on the first try. A few hours after your arrival had gone by & you were more than thankful that neither Jensen nor Danneel decided to come into your room again. By now, your eyes were no longer puffy even though you had spent a good amount of time crying. Which made no sense, really. But you could not control the tears & let them flow, nobody had seen you anyway. The bathroom connected to your bedroom was very convenient. Showering & putting an effort in the way you looked seemed like a good idea. The long travel exhausted you, after all, & the hot water relaxed you enough to be ready to face all of them again. There had been enough time to get a hang of your new phone, too. It was not like you had never had one, you just did not really have much use for it. Mentally noting that you should definitely thank them again for getting you such an expensive phone. Any would have done the job, really.
Loud crying interrupted your train of thought & you assumed that the kids were up & giving Danneel a hard time. Maybe you could help her out?
“(Y/N)! You found us!” Jensen beamed. For a second, it looked like he wanted to approach you & pull you into a hug. He then remembered your encounter earlier & decided against it.
“Beginner’s luck, I guess.” you stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do until Danneel came into the room, handling two babies at once. Immediately, you walked up to her & asked her if you could help her out. She gladly thanked you & laid a little bundle in your arms. Carefully, you found a secure position & to your surprise, the baby stopped crying.
“Would you look at that. Zep likes you.” Danneel winked at you, then turned her attention back to the crying little one in her arms, Arrow, you figured. Jensen looked at you closely, something that went unnoticed by you because you were so focused on little Zep in your arms. No matter how hard you tried, there was immediate joy when you looked at him. Definitely something you needed after the previous hours.
After you helped Danneel settle Zep & Arrow in a baby bed that was close to the kitchen area, she thanked you again for your help. You simply nodded at her, showing that it was no problem. And it really was not. You loved kids. Unfortunately, in your past foster homes, you were usually alone, so having kids around was a nice change for once.
“Look, JJ, that’s (Y/N). Give her a little space, okay? This is all new to her.” Jensen mumbled in JJ’s ear after bringing her downstairs & getting her seated at the big dining table. She nodded but did not take her eyes off of you.
“How did you get them to fall asleep so fast? That was record time.” Danneel motioned for you to follow her back to the dining area. A smile was the only way you knew how to answer. When you went to take a seat, you noticed JJ already sitting there. Walking over to her, you kneeled down so you were on one level. Making sure your smile was loving, you started the conversation. At least you could leave a better first impression with her. Or at least trying to.
“Hi there, princess. I’m (Y/N). What’s your name?”
“JJ” she squealed. In the distance, Jensen & Danneel eyed the both of you, shocked by how great you were with kids. You would end up loving each other, they were sure. Jensen still had his doubts when it came to them. He knew a little bit about your past & could not even imagine what you had been through. He had a lot of faith, though.
“JJ? Wow, that’s a pretty name. You hungry?” she nodded eagerly & before you could ask if they needed help with anything, Jensen was already bringing the dinner over to the table.
Throughout dinner, you stayed mostly silent. Luckily, you were not asked too many questions & when they did ask you, it was stuff like them asking if you got settled in. One thing you did make sure, though, you thanked them for your new phone & how you were shocked that your room had this size. They brushed it off as if it were nothing. Afterwards, Jensen asked you to stay with him for a while but you politely declined, telling him you were exhausted from the traveling today. Smiling back, he let you go back to your room. It was your first day, sure you would warm up to them sooner or later, right?
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The next few days were mostly spent in your room, Danneel showed you around the house & while you still got lost sometimes, you were getting the hang of it. What both, Jensen & Danneel, noticed was that you asked them if they needed help with something whenever you could. They appreciated it but told you multiple times that they would come to you if they needed you with something. JJ loved you already. She was ecstatic when you were around, & most of the time, you guys ended up playing something together. You could get used to this. Being the big sister & all. Even the little ones, Zeppelin & Arrow, calmed down when they saw you.
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Easily, you started getting used to their daily routine. Breakfast, lunch & dinner were pretty much at the same time each day. Jensen was on a break so he spent his entire time at home. While you enjoyed being with them, you could not help the dark thoughts consuming you. No matter how hard you had tried to shut them out, they always crawled their way back into your mind. You hated yourself for not opening up to them. Basically, they knew nothing about you, except for the stuff that was put in your file. Truth was, you were incredibly scared. For the first time, a family really cared for you, at least it looked like it. Yet, you knew the moment you would open up, you would be sent back. More than once, you considered calling Bill. At least he knew how you could get whenever you were put with a new family. But you also knew, that you calling him, crying, would mean he had to come over & check if you were treated right. Obviously, you did not want to put Jensen & Danneel through this procedure. So you did what you did best. Stayed quiet, observed, helped, but distanced yourself entirely.
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“What do you suggest, Bill?” Jensen & Danneel were seated on their couch, phone put in the middle of them, talking to the man, who had brought you here, on speaker.
“You see, Mr. Ackles, (Y/N) is a very shy person when she meets new people. You were made aware, before you chose her, that she had been to a bunch of families. I won’t lie to you, she’s been through some shit & I understand that this situation might be overwhelming for you right now. She doesn’t trust easily. She promised herself not to trust anyone anymore.” Bill explained.
“Why? What happened to her? Maybe we’ll be able to understand her better then.” Danneel was desperate. She wanted you to be a part of her family, wanted to integrate you. But all of her attempts failed & she was at a point where she did not know what to do anymore.
“I’m afraid that isn’t my place to tell, Mrs. Ackles. If she’s ready, she’ll come to you, I promise.” Danneel nodded but before she could say something again, Bill kept on. “Just…make her feel safe. Give her the feeling that you won’t send her back. I know it’s hard to win her trust, believe me, I’ve been there. But once you get to know her, really get to know her, she’s the most lovable & giving human you’ll ever meet. I believe in you, I do…Look, I gotta go. If you need me, you know what to do.” he did not wait for a response before ending the call, leaving the Ackles in silence. Sure, it was a challenge but nothing they could not handle. The call eased their minds a bit & soon after, they came up with a plan to get this thing started.
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A soft knock on your door made you look up from your phone. It was a waste of time, really. Nobody would text or call you anyway because you did not know anyone to start with. Zero friends & you did not have to start about family, right?
“Come in.” this was the first time that someone had tried to come into your room since your arrival. Well, that was a lie. But JJ did not really count. Opening the door slowly, Jensen peaked inside. When he found you lounging on the bed, he opened the door farther & stepped inside your room. By now, you had abandoned your phone & put it on the mattress next to you. You found it rude to check your phone when someone else talked to you. Jensen took a seat at the end of your bed but did not look up at you right away. Confused, your eyebrows shot up & when the silence between you two became too much for you, it was you who spoke up first.
“Anything you need?” actually, you were extremely comfortable when you talked to Jensen but you would never admit it. There was this weird connection but you could not quite tell where it came from. It was just…there. A sigh escaped him but not an annoyed one. More like one to prepare himself for what he was about to say.
“Look, I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you. I just want you to know that you can talk to me, to Danneel, & I promise you we’ll listen.” his eyes were sincere & for a moment you could feel your heart breaking a little. He was trying so hard & he sounded desperate. You could tell that he just wanted you to open up. No, not open up. He wanted you to be an active part of this new life. Admitting this yourself, you had been everything but. His words got you thinking. They were trying so it was only fair if you did the same.
“I’m sorry.” not even you knew what you were apologizing for & considering Jensen’s look, he was even more confused. “For being so…distant, I mean. I know you guys are trying & I appreciate it, really. It’s just-“ Jensen interrupted your rambling.
“Nah, it’s fine. I get it. But maybe, if we all try a bit harder, then we could get there. But to do that I need you to promise me something.” his eyes met yours & you motioned for him to continue. “If we do or say something that just doesn’t work for you, you gotta tell us. And the other way around.” you could tell by his hesitancy that he chose his words very carefully in order not to hurt you by what he was suggesting. You appreciated him for that. Smiling widely, you felt a rush of happiness washing over you. Something you had not felt in a very long time. At the same time, you could feel the pressure building up. What if you were not good enough for them? What if your trying was not right for them? What if they did not want you after that? Your thoughts were cut short when Jensen stood up & held out his hand for you. A confused look was sent his way & he retreated his hand, scratched the back of his neck, before saying.
“Dee & the kids are going for a walk. Wanna join? You don’t have to, of course, I get if-“
“I’d love to.” getting up yourself, you walked out of your room, coming to a halt when you noticed Jensen not following you. Looking over your shoulder, another smile was plastered on your face. You almost forgot how it felt to smile genuinely. All you knew was that this family got you to do that.
“Let’s go.” you ushered. Jensen jogged next to you, copying your smile. Maybe it was not much but it was a start nevertheless. Maybe spending more time together & really trying to get to know them would be the first step in the right direction. Did you feel uncomfortable still? Yes. Were you still scared? Definitely. Did you hate your heart for wanting to open up to them after such a short time? Absolutely. But you could not quite control it. Or you could. But you did not want to.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter
Published (03/27/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​ (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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