#the side-to-side elevator was run by a couple of guys pushing it back and forth on a track
abutterflyobsession · 3 months
thinking about that candid camera where they set up a fake elevator that went sideways. People would get out and find themselves on the same floor, just a bit to the left.
to mess with the victims even more they've have actors get on the elevator then exit via a secret door so the elevator would be empty on return and make the victims think somehow it was working for everyone except them
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bubble7o7 · 1 year
Mature Content
Over 18’s Only
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
You’re out of breath rushing from the elevator to the hotel room door. You hear a ping from your phone, reminding you to turn it on silent and a chance to quickly check your notifications.
Suga Live… There he is clear as day, staring back at you through the screen waiting for Army to appear!
“I don’t believe it, is he for real!?”
You’ve travelled the longest 15 hours to get to your boyfriends side and surprise him for the last stretch of his tour and he’s just went live to speak with his beloved Army.
“Did you guys know?” You ask a couple of staff waiting with you.
“They’ve just message to say that they tried to delay him but he wasn’t taking no for answer. He’s ordered food though so probably won’t be on too long?”
“Can’t you guys let me in? Pretend I’m the hotel staff with his food? I won’t interrupt his live… I know how important they’re to him and Army”
“He might be mad if we don’t give him advance warning”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of that!…” you say confidently. “Fuck it!”… You take a deep breath, compose yourself and ring the bell. The staff run and hide either side of you…
“Cowards” you laugh.
You hear his deep voice getting closer and the door unlocking. The door opens slowly and he peaks his head round… then pulls the door wide open and stands there, mouth wide open staring back at you in total disbelief and in all his beautiful post concert glory.
You put your finger to his lips and mouth “Shhhh”. Leaning in you whisper in his ear “Hello my love” brushing your lips down his cheek you kiss him softly on the lips.
He lets out a sigh and leans into your cheek, then grabbing you by the scruff of your hoodie, he pulls you in and pushes you up against the door forcing it shut.
He cups your face with both hands and scrunches his face while you try to contain your smile.
You’re not sure if its anger or frustration and let’s be honest you don’t care, you’ve missed him like crazy.
He’s desperate to greet you the way he usually would but Army would definitely hear!
He softly pecks at your lips and wraps his arms around your waist squeezing you in tight, almost breathing you in.
You gently push him back and mouth the words “Go to Army”. He steals another kiss and goes back to his live stream.
Tiptoeing further into the room you slowly climb on to the bed taking your hoodie off to reveal your “Yoongi Marry Me!” t shirt you sit and watch as he continues to chat.
He looks so good and his voice is extra deep. You feel a little tingle in the pit of your stomach listening to him talk. You try to make yourself comfortable on the bed hugging his pillow while you watch on but you’re desperate to hold him.
He’s doing his best to keep his composure but his eyes keep flicking back and forth around the room to you and back to the screen. He laughs when he realises whats printed on your t shirt.
He runs his fingers through his hair, commenting about how long it’s getting.
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You bite the pillow in frustration and flop back on the bed desperate to call out his name for him to come to you. He’s such a tease even when he’s not trying to be.
“Let me just go wash my hands guys” he says.
He quickly walks up to the bed and slowly slides his fingers over your stomach, across your boobs he bends down and kisses you hard and slow.
Just as you move in closer for more, he walks away to the bathroom casually flicking on the tap and smiling looking back at you, watching you trying to catch your breath.
You sit up and move to the side of the bed facing him. He looks back over at you still smirking at the fact he has you flustered.
“Fuck You” you slowly mouth.
“Fuck Me?!” He mouths back dramatically pointing to his chest and pouting.
Smiling he mouths “Kiss me!”
You tease and shake your head slowly “No”
He scrunches his face… aggressively points his finger at you, then to his lips and mouths “Now!”
You slowly shake your head again and mouth “No” with a coy smile.
He throws the towel on the floor and lunges towards you, you quickly scramble to the other side of the bed.
Waving your hand frantically to him you mouth “Stop” and then point back over to his desk set up.
He bites his knuckles in frustration and makes his way back to his live.
You climb back on the bed and wait impatiently.
He chats for what feels like forever but it’s not that long before you hear him say “Ok guys erm… my food is here now so I’m going to go eat and then head to bed, see you soon thank you for today! Bye” he waves switching the camera off.
You throw the pillow to the floor and excitedly jump up on the bed now you have him to yourself.
Within seconds of switching off his live stream he rushes towards you shouting “Yah!… Kiss me now!… I demand it!” He laughs
“Nope…” you shake your head while you wobble unsteadily on the bed.
“You can’t just rock up here and sit there looking all beautiful and perfect like that and refuse to kiss me! I cannot approve of this!” He laughs
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“Beautiful and perfect!?” You snort (tea stained jogging bottoms, t shirt and unwashed hair in some sort of bun). “I’m sorry, come here my love” you reach your hand out to him…
He grabs your wrist pulling you down to him. He catches you and kisses you softly, his tongue lightly gliding across your lips. He sucks down hard on your bottom lip, which you love and he knows it.
Your kisses get more intense, you start to run your fingers through the back of his hair pulling him to you. His hands are everywhere eventually squeezing at your arse. You both stumble back falling on to the bed.
He nuzzles his face into your neck and lets out a heavy sigh, you feel the weight of him relax on you as he tucks his hands underneath you, still firmly holding onto your arse.
“I’m so glad you’re here”
“Me too, but you must be exhausted. You should have some food and get some sleep, you need to build your energy back up”
“Can we stay like this for a little while?” He mumbles into your neck.
“Mmmh yes please” you say wrapping your arms around him as you melt into each other.
“You’ve definitely gave 100% again today my love, I’m so proud of you. You’ve worked so hard and everyone can see how much you’ve grown. I hope you know that?” you say stroking your fingers through his hair.
You feel him take in a deep breath…
“Thank you” he mumbles into your neck his voice breaking a little.
“Yoongs…? Are you ok”
He tucks himself into you closer, wrapping his leg over you.
“Yeah I’m just tired and I didn’t realise how much I was missing you. I’m almost scared to ask how long I have you for?”
“For the rest of the tour if you’ll have me?”
“If I’ll have you!? Are you kidding!” He jumps up, feet either side of you he starts jumping up and down on the bed bouncing you around till he eventually flops to his knees “Aaaagh! My legs”
“You need to re charge them batteries, before you start jumping around again granpa!” You laugh rubbing his knees.
He straddles over you, leaning in he slowly kisses down your neck, your cheek and then softly pecks at your lips. You kiss each other desperately, tongues softly gliding into each others again.
He pulls away only millimetres from your lips…
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“Mmmh I’d say that’s about a 5% re charge already” he laughs.
“Only 5%!” You gasp. “Just think what we’d have to do to get you to 100%” you smile.
“I’ll settle for 50%” he teases
“That’s at least another eight/nine kisses…”
“I can think of a better way to get to that 50%”… he winks.
You unbuckle his trousers while he slides your joggers and underwear from you.
“Baby… I’ve missed you so much” he whispers while scattering kisses down stomach.
You move so that he is now on his back and you straddle his lap. His fingers digging into your thighs as you slide his perfect erection inside of you. You take in a breath tipping your head back while you savour every inch of him.
“Fuuck”… he growls grabbing your arse while you slowly pick up the pace.
“Oh god… I’ve miss… I’ve missed you… I…” you don’t get chance to finish as he clamps his lips on to yours, kissing you hard. His hand tugging at your hair.
“Fuuck, fuck!” You moan as you ride him harder.
He takes your breath away with every thrust, he is relentless. You climax together eventually flopping into a melted heap.
“Fuck… I needed that”
“I think we both did” you agree “Do you feel re charged?” You laugh
“Definitely… I think I’m about 50%” he smiles leaning in to kiss you “But can we please go to sleep?”
“Fuck yes!” You laugh
You clean yourselves up and then snuggle in close and within minutes you’re both sound asleep.
“Good morning beautiful” he says stroking your hair from your face.
“Mmmmh good morning my love” stretching yourself starfish across the bed.
He leans over to you, stroking his hand over your stomach he starts scattering kisses down your neck, while he unfastens the tie on your pj shorts.
“Mmmh I don’t know what’s happening here but I like it” you smile, stroking your fingers down his back.
“Can I get my remaining 50% please?”
The answers never going to be no…
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darkmulti · 3 years
Hello I love your work so much, you are my fav writer I love your style and the way you paint your ideas! <3
I know you must have a lot of requests but could you please do a hard dom CEO jungkook, with innocent reader. Would be nice if you can add corruption kink, degrading and non con. Thank you!
-> I’m glad you like my work!! Sorry for the wait tho😭
-> I didn’t “add” too much corruption kink because it’s kinda hard to incorporate corruption kink and non con
-> sorry for any mistakes
“Y/N! In my office now!”
The moment you sat down on your chair, your boss called you again
You quickly stood up and hustled into his office
“Yes, Mr. Jeon. Is something wrong?”
You politely asked
“What the hell did you put in my coffee?”
“Regular, sir. Two milks and one sugar.”
“Did you check the expiration date on the milk?”
“Uh… no”
“God damnit! Are you trying to poison me, Y/N?! You can’t do the simplest tasks right! Get out of my sight.”
“Sir, I can make you another-”
“I said get out!”
You immediately left his office and sped off into your own
You closed the door gently before covering your mouth and bursting out into tears
The constant yelling and degrading was slowly breaking you down
He never appreciated any of your hard work, instead he focused on the small flaws you made
You knew you deserved better so that night you went home and wrote a resignation letter
The next day you went to work and gave it to Mr. Jeon
“Mr. Jeon, this is my resignation letter. I can’t work here anymore. It’s not good for my mental health.”
He poked his inner cheek with his tongue and crumbled the letter
“You have to give me a two weeks notice. That way I can start looking for your replacement. However, I have a business trip next week and you have to come with me.”
“What if I find someone that can take my place?”
“No, I want you to go with me and that’s final.”
Next week
You were at the airport with your carry on bag in hand and your passport in the other
Jungkook was in front of you, leading the way to the private jet
Once you both were seated, he poured himself and you a drink
“So, tell me why you want to quit.” He said, taking a sip of his Blue Label whiskey
You didn’t want to tell him the real reason, which was because of him
You thought it’d make the trip more awkward if he knew that you were quitting because of him and you also didn’t want to sound mean
So the best excuse you could come up with was that you found a more suitable job
You told him lies after lies, thinking that he was believing you
Little did you know, Jungkook could see right through you
He knew the real reason you were quitting was because of him
He was purposely cruel to you and you’ve finally reached your breaking point
It was amusing to him
Did you really think that you could trick him?
How cute
Jungkook knew that whole suitable job excuse was a lie because he keeps his eyes on you all day and night
While you were asleep, Jungkook broke into your apartment and installed tiny cameras all around
So he could keep an eye on you
He also hacked into your phone and installed a tracking app, just in case
He got access to all your emails, social media, phone calls, photos, text messages — ect.
Anyways, back to the private jet
You were in the back of the jet sleeping since it was a long flight and you get air sick
You felt something around your waist so you looked down and see a tattooed arm
You immediately recognized who it was and got up, waking up Jungkook in the process
“I- I’m sorry, sir. You should’ve woke me up and I would’ve given you the bed.”
“It’s fine, we’re about to land anyways.”
After you guys landed, you both headed towards the car in the hangar
The driver took you both to a luxury hotel
The building itself was super unique
The transparent, rooftop pool was definitely something you were looking forward to
Jungkook had paid for your hotel room
You guys had rooms right next to each other so it’s more convenient for him
It was still 10 in the morning, so Jungkook allowed you to sleep for a little while but by 12pm, you guys had to leave for an important meeting
The afternoon was packed with meetings, presentations & preparations for a small business party
You were exhausted because Jungkook kept you running back and forth while he was sitting on his ass
By the end of the day you were tired as hell, but luckily everything went smoothly
Jungkook seemed to be okay with how everything turned out
You were relieved to say the least
He’d usually find something to complain about
It was 10pm when you both arrived at the hotel
Jungkook said he was going to go shower and sleep so you bid goodnight and went into your room
Even though you were physically and mentally exhausted, your mind couldn’t fall asleep
You figured it was because of the amount of coffee you consumed
Since you couldn’t fall asleep, you decided to put on your swimming suit and go upstairs to try out the pool
Once the elevator doors opened, you were surprised to see so many people on the rooftop dancing and drinking
You still went to the pool even though it was loud and packed
On your way to the pool, you accidentally bumped into a group of guys
They notice your somewhat revealing swimming suit and offered a drink
You were going to reject but all of them were pressuring you to have at least one drink with them, so you stupidly agree
One drink turned into two and so on
You started dancing with the guys and they were all cheering you on
This was it
This was the attention you were craving for
You were a little wasted but still had your senses
You held one of the boy’s hand and took him to the swimming pool
“You said you were good at swimming… so make sure I don’t drown.” You drunkly said before jumping in
The man chuckled at your behaviour and jumped in afterward to make sure you don’t do anything dumb
After swimming, you had more drinks and danced more with everyone
The night was going so well until someone pulled you away from all the chaos
“Heyyyy, what’re you doing man? The party’s over there.” You said, pointing back to the crowd
He wasn’t responding so you tried to look at his face but the lights were burning your eyes
You looked down at his arm and recognize his tattoos
Once you realized who he was, it was too late
“M- Mr. Jeon, why’re you up so late?”
He brought you back to his room and shoved you in
Jungkook pushed you against the door and slapped you hard
It brought you back to reality real fast
“Are you dumb, Y/N?! Going upstairs without telling me anything, drinking and dancing with men you don’t know— do you know how dangerous that is?! Is your head hollow?!” He yelled in your face and hit the side of your head a couple of times, checking if it was hollow
“Do you know what they would’ve done to you if I didn’t come?! Let me fucking show you.”
He pushed you towards the bed and you slipped because of your wet feet
You started backing away from him, but you knew you were doomed when your back hit the side of the bed
“Mr. Jeon, please. I was just trying to have fun-” another hard slap landed on your cheek and this one was enough to make you tear up
“Fun? You want to have fun? Okay then, let’s have some fun.”
He pulled you up by your wrist and pushed you down on the bed
“Mr. Jeon, please! I’m so sorry! I don’t know how it all happened!”
You were sobbing at this point because Jungkook looked terrifying
He was beyond pissed and his eyes were showing it all
“You think a “sorry” can fix what you did?! You’re so fucking stupid! This is why I yell at you all the time because your dumb, little head knows nothing. Without me, you wouldn’t be living so comfortably. I give you a good pay, so you can pay rent, buy food and clothes without worrying about money. But, what do I get in return? A resignation letter…” he scoffs before continuing “… You’re just a dumb, naive, whore that would be homeless right now if I didn’t take care of you. Maybe this is why your parents abandoned you.”
Your bottom lip started to wobble and before you knew it, you were bawling your eyes out in front of him
His words were so harsh, you weren’t ready for it at all
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
You apologized over and over and over but he still wasn’t satisfied
“H- how can I make it up? Please, give me a chance.”
His hand went towards your private area and you started shaking your head profusely
“No, no, no… anything but that please…”
“Well, there’s nothing else that you have that I want.”
“I’m n- not comfortable though.”
Jungkook grabbed your face and stared deep into your eyes
“Does it look like I care?”
Jungkook continued on
He ripped your swim suit off and pulled down his pants
“Please be gent-”
You screamed when you felt him push into you
You grabbed his arms and tried to push him away but he easily dominated you
He pinned your hands above your head and spat down on his cock for some lube
Without any warning, he pushed his full length in, causing you to squirm around and cry
Your purity blood dripped down onto the bed sheets while you kept pleading for him to stop
“Mr. Jeon, please! I- I was sa- saving till marriage.” You sobbed
“That’s even better. Now we can get married.”
“No! No! I don’t want that.”
Jungkook pushed your legs apart and started going at a fast pace
“You don’t want to get married to me? Well, that’s too bad because I don’t care about what you want.”
Each of his thrust were powerful and rough
He wrapped his hand around your neck so anytime you rejected him in a way, he’d squeeze until you’d shut up
Your face was hot and red from all the slapping and choking
He covered your neck in hickeys
All night, he was fucking you
The headboard was banging against the wall so hard, it left dents in the wall
There was cum overflowing out of you, but Jungkook still didn’t stop
He pounded you until your body gave up on you
You couldn’t fight anymore
You weren’t talking, crying or moving
All you could do was whimper softly when it really hurt
Jungkook noticed you were on the verge of passing out, so he quickened up his pace and came into you before collapsing on top of you
“You would’ve been in so much more pain if I didn’t save you from those guys. So what do you say to me?”
You weakly open your eyes and look into his
“T- Thank you.” You whisper softly before falling unconscious
Decided to end it here bc I don’t have the brain power to continue writing. Sorry for any mistakes. It’s 2am
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
How about a Loki x reader.. Tony moves his baby sister into the compound after something happens to her but he won’t tell anyone what. She refuses to leave her room until everyone is in bed. She comes out one night and is caught by Loki. She immediately apologizes and becomes so shaken up that she drops her things and breaks a glass. Then it hits him why she was secretly moved in. Tony had discovered his little sister living in a bad situation with her now ex and suffered years of abuse. Loki decides then to take his time to make her feel safe again and they eventually fall for each other.
A/N: I hope this works! I got really sappy at the end, but I also don’t know how to end these one shots. This is a bit of a lengthy one, so bear with me.
He’s Not Him
Summary: Tony Stark has enough of his sister’s ex and moves her into the Avengers Tower. After taking notice of her shy and timid behavior, Loki digs deep at her past, making him want to make her feel safe.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2993
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, language
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Y/E/N - your ex’s name
*If you or someone you know is being domestically abused, please reach out to 911 or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) for help. Love you all*
Tony storms into his sister's apartment. After standing outside of her door for a half hour, he bashed in the door at the the sound of a scream from inside. Frantically, he pushes his way around the furniture and bursts into your bedroom. His eyes go wide at the sight of you on the floor in a ball and your ex boyfriend above you with a fist out. Stark grabs your ex’s fist and rips him away from you, pushing him into your dresser.
“Get the fuck out!” Tony screams.
“Oh, the great Tony Stark is here. What are you going to do? Drop a bomb on me?”
You’ve never seen Tony’s skin turn so red. He storms forward and punches your ex square in the nose, sending him down on the ground. Tony unleashes all his energy until the man is left with a broken nose and multiple bruises.
“Get. Out.”
Your ex runs out of your room, without missing the chance to break a few things, and out of your apartment. You look up out of your ball to see Tony rushing to your side with panic in his eyes. He lifts up your head as you climb into his lap.
“Come here, darling. You’re okay. You’re safe now.” He coos.
You cry into the crook of his shoulder as he rocks you back and forth, his hand on your back.
“I’m getting you out of here,” He says, placing you on your bed, “I’m taking you to the tower with us.”
Tony leaves you on your bed as he gets a suitcase and packs your things. He gathers all of your clothes and some of your possessions like books, drawings, and others. You can feel the tears starting to dry on your skin as you stop crying. Tony doesn’t miss the way you start to uncurl and the bruises on your neck show up. His face drops to see the choking marks on your neck.
“I’m… so sorry, Y/N. I should have been here to protect you.”
You shake your head at him as he joins you on the bed. Tony reaches around your head to undo your ponytail and cover the bruises.
“There, now no one will ask you about them.”
You give him a gentle smile which eases him a little. He leans forward and kisses your forehead before taking your hand and helping you up. Tony and you walk out of your building and into the garage where Happy is in the car. He drops you off for five minutes to go talk to your landlord about you leaving.
“You’re going to be okay,” Happy reassures you.
“Thanks,” you manage to get out.
He gives you a warm smile. He has always made you smile throughout the years. Tony comes back, joins you in the car, and takes off to the tower.
Upon arrival, you look up at the large tower in awe. You’ve visited a couple of times, but that was a year ago since your ex didn’t allow you to see Tony much. It’s always been impressive. You were thankful for Tony letting you live on your own and make something of your own life instead of letting you mooch off of his fortune, but you do regret sometimes not letting him support you more. You were always so proud of him.
Tony carries your luggage as he leads you to the elevators. He looks down at you every so often, noticing the anxious way you bite your nails.
“You’re safe here. We have the best security and you’ll be surrounded by trained assassins and heroes. They’ll protect you, I promise.”
You nod your head at Tony’s words. As much as they help you, you don’t really want to see or talk to anyone. After having your ex break into your house every day for two weeks, you want to be alone except for the occasional visit from Tony.
The elevator doors open and reveal you and your brother to the Avengers who are all lounging in the living area. They turn to look at you with puzzled faces, making you nervous and hide behind Tony’s arm. He lets you stay behind him instead of forcing you to say hi as you exit the elevator.
“Everyone, this is my sister, Y/N. She’s going to stay here from now on so be nice to her,” Tony announces.
Everyone says hi to you but you stay silent behind Tony. He doesn’t question it even though the others look at one another in concern. Steve thinks to himself that you can’t be that rude, but given the way you look, everything must be very different to you from the rest of your life. You look shocked and scared.
Looking at the Avengers, you take in each and everyone’s appearance. Bucky and Nat look the scariest in your opinion and you make a mental note to stay away from them. Sam, Steve, and Clint look nice, but Wanda looks like the sweetest lady in the universe. She has a smile that warms your heart. Turning to your right, you see two very tall men standing and staring at you.
The taller one has blonde hair and a big grin on his face. He has a large stature, but he does not look intimidating. He has a golden retriever energy to him, but the man next to him is a different story. With his pitch black hair and powerful stand, the other man stares at you with daggers in his eyes. He sends shivers down your spine without saying anything.
You drag your eyes away from the intimidating man and follow Tony down the hallway. He leads you to your room where you get settled in, unpacking your clothes and putting away your things. Laying in the bed, you take a big nap which is needed. You feel as if you let out a breath you’ve been holding for days. The idea of being away from your ex finally settles in and you feel the wave of relief wash over your body, letting you drift away into sleep.
You’re woken up by Tony letting you know dinner is being served. He lets you know that you’re not being expected to come out and eat with everyone, which you appreciate. Ten minutes later, he comes by your room and slips a plate of food in your room as he opens the door, letting you eat alone.
Tony returns to the living room by the other Avengers eating and gathered around the couch. He takes his plate and sits next to Pepper who has her own food, smiling at him as he joins.
“So, your sister?” Sam asks.
“Don’t even think about it. She is not to date any of you.”
“Woah, I didn’t say that,” Sam laughs.
“But we know what you meant,” Steve chuckles, rolling his eyes, “She seems shy.”
“She is. You probably won’t get a lot out of her.”
“Can I ask why she’s staying her?”
Steve shares a look with Bucky. The elevator door opens and Peter walks into the living room.
“You guys started dinner without me?” He asks, jokingly.
“Early birds get the worm,” Steve laughs.
The group chuckles and keeps eating their food.
“Is Y/N a new Avenger?” Steve asks.
Tony sighs and rolls his eyes at the question. Everyone notices the annoyance in Tony with talking about you and collectively decide to stop asking questions. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about you much.
“No, she’s not.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Peter asks.
“I’ll fill you in later,” Nat replies.
The day goes by fast and you find yourself staring out at New York in the moonlight. You have always enjoyed the night time. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but you’ve always found peace and warmth in the New York night. Everyone goes out to party or to bed. It’s a time of joy and relaxment.
You hear the last door shut for the night, signally everyone going to bed. Looking outside of your door, you don’t spot anyone so you sprint outside to the kitchen with your empty dinner plate. Upon entering it, you search the walls for the light switch for about five minutes. There’s no other light than that except for the over. You finally find it and switch it on. As you turn around, you’re startled by the frightening black haired man standing there.
Scared, you drop your plate, shattering it on the tile floor. Your eyes go wide as you start to back up against the wall. Without saying anything, the man takes a step forward, scaring you half to death. Your mind plays tricks on you and all you can think about is your ex breaking into your home. You start to have a panic attack, sliding down against the wall, and curling up into a ball.
You miss the way Loki’s eyes go wide. He watches you descend into an anxiety attack and doesn’t know what to do, knowing he’s who caused it. Quickly, he rushes down the hallways and bangs on Tony’s doors.
“What do you want, Reindeer Games?” He groans.
“Your sister…”
Tony doesn’t wait for another word for following Loki down the corridor. He spots you panicking in the corner of the kitchen and grabs you, lifting you into his lap. You grab onto his neck and pull him close, crying into him. He lifts you up and carries you off to your room without saying a word to Loki, leaving him standing in the kitchen agape.
Not knowing what to do and unable to relax, Loki makes his way to his room and opens up an old laptop Thor had gotten him. After spending thirty minutes just to figure out how to work it, he starts googling things about you. He starts with your name and finds multiple articles on you and Tony, the Stark Industry Golden Children. You left when you were eighteen, wanting to make your own life and not follow in the family’s footsteps. He gives you credit for being yourself, something he had struggled with. He knows the feeling, not wanting to be your family.
Then a certain website catches his eye, Facebook. He finds a profile of you filled with photos and text. There are some of you with friends in the town, a couple of old coworkers wishing you a happy birthday, then there’s a photo of you with a man. There are no other photos of you with him other than this one a couple months ago. He keeps scrolling to find more photos of you with him, but they all stop after that first one. Clicking on something tagged in the caption, another profile pops up.
Y/E/N’s profile. Filled with photos of drunk nights at the club, shirtless gym time, and quotes from misogynistic authors, Loki finds himself despising this man he does not know. He scrolls through finding very little of you in his account, as if you don’t matter as much to him as he does to you. Closing his computer, Loki decided to go check on you. He’s frustrated by whoever this man is, not knowing whether he’s important or not.
Loki peeks into your room to see Tony laying next to you, brushing through your hair with his fingers. Tony looks up and meets him in the eyes. There’s slight anger, but Loki doesn’t feel pushed away. He takes a step in before Tony leans into your ear and whispers. You look up and over to Loki, but you don’t ask him to leave. Loki continues to walk into your bedroom quietly, but with a small gentle smile on his face.
“I’m sorry for scaring you earlier,” he says, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. Thanks,” you mutter.
Your voice is small and timid like a mouse. He can hear the hesitation in your voice, not knowing whether he should talk to you or not.
“Are… you okay?”
Another awkward pregnant pause erupts between the two of you. Loki looks around your room as Tony continues to hold you. He whispers into your ear again before leaving.
“I’m going to go back to my room,” he says, “call me if you need me okay?”
“Thanks, Tony.”
“Of course, anything for my little sister.”
He kisses your forehead and heads out of your room, leaving you and Loki alone. You don’t mind his presence anymore. After Tony tells you that Loki isn’t your ex and you’re okay, you’ve accepted him.
“I have to ask… who is that man on Facebook?”
Loki gives you a quizzical look. You think for a moment about how Loki got on Facebook and what guy he’s talking about.
“His name is Y/E/N.”
Your body clenches at the sound of his name and Loki takes a step back, looking at you. He’s never seen anyone physically close up just from a name. It may be some Midgardians thing he doesn’t understand, but the way that you are shaking, he thinks otherwise. He sits down next to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. You lean into his touch as you attempt to calm down.
He’s not here. I’m safe. He’s not here. I’m safe.
You keep repeating that in your head, reminding yourself that you’re safe in the tower like Tony said. Looking up at Loki, you see his concerned face. He cares. This man you barely know cares about you.
He’s not him. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m being quite an ass asking you these questions without manners. I’m Loki.”
Loki, not Y/E/N. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“Well, L-Loki,” you say with a stutter, “He’s uh… my ex. Ex boyfriend.”
He nods as he takes in the information at hand. Your ex, who makes you quiver in fear even over people who have done nothing to her, has no photos of you. He shares his lavish lifestyle that most would presume belongs to a single man. Loki looks back at your depressed ridden face. The color in your skin has drained from you and you’re staring blank cold at the wooden floors under your bed. Loki places a hand on your neck to move your hair and give you a light massage, but you flinch away from him before he is able.
Loki’s never seen so much fear and worry in someone’s eyes before. You jerk away from him muttering yourself, as if it were taking everything in you to not scream. He looks over you to see bruises along your neck where your hair had moved from when you moved. A wave of anger runs through his body, infuriating him. He did that to you. That’s why you’re so afraid of him.
“Did he-”
Loki rises from your bed and clenches his fists. You see the anger pouring from him and rush to his side before he can storm off. You grab his arms and force him to look at you.
“Please, don’t… don’t do anything.”
“Why shouldn’t I? No man should ever do that to a woman, especially you.”
“Just let it be.”
He releases his fist but the fury in his eyes doesn't. You pull him towards you to make him sit again. Moving in closer, you lean into him. Loki wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. The two of you lay down in your bed, you curled up on him as he held you, running his fingers in your hair.
For some reason, Loki feels as if he has to protect you. The way you ball up gives him this sense of innocence about you. You haven’t done anything to deserve those injuries, just live your life and try to find love. Loki always knew there was a good reason to hate Midgardians, not just for their stupidity and now he’s found it.
The two of you fall asleep without realizing it. The light from the sun peaking in the windows wakes you. Stirring in bed, you look up to see Loki under you, his arms holding you against him by your waist. You're cradled into his chest as his chin barely rests on the top of your head. Loki’s eyes flutter open at the feeling of you moving on top of him. He looks down at you and smiles.
The way the light shines on your face makes you look angelic. Your smile warms his heart and the warmth of your body against him makes his heart jump. You turn over to face him, leaning up on your shoulders over his head.
“Hello, darling.”
“You slept here.”
“Both of us did, actually,” he laughs.
You drop your head laughing. Loki’s sweet laugh fills the room and blesses your ears. He’s not too bad to be around. He’s quite kind and sweet.
“Thank you for last night.”
“For what? If I remember correctly, I gave you a panic attack.”
“I mean the way you calmed me down and held me. It was needed.”
“Well, I’m glad I could do that for you.”
Loki means it when he says it. Looking at you now, there’s not much he wouldn’t do for you. You don’t deserve what the world gives you, especially that asshole Y/E/N. He would hold you for the rest of time if that meant keeping you safe.
You won’t lie either when you tell Loki he makes you feel safe. Every day before he sneaks off to his room so the others don’t know he spends the night with you, you tell him that he makes you safe. He never believes you. He’s shocked that anyone could feel safe with a monster like him, but after all to you, Loki is not him.
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Already dating
Word count: 1618
Genre: Probably fluff, idk really
Pairing: Natasha x gn!reader
Warnings: None (let me know if I need to add any)
Request: could you maybe write something with Natasha x male reader (if your comfortable, otherwise you can write it with female or gender neutral) where Natasha blushes when the reader compliments her in front of the team and the team immediately goes crazy and does everything in their power to get them together, only to find out they've been dating all along?
Summary: Steve and Tony (mostly Tony) lock you in an elevator to admit your feelings, not knowing you’re already together.
A/n: Thanks @mochamoff for the request, sorry it took so long to do it! I’m writing this authors note over a week before I’m posting the fic which is unusual because usually I post within twenty four hours of finishing. Anyways it feels nice to be on a break and this fic being posted means I’m officially back which I’m excited for. To be honest this fic isn’t the whole team, just Tony and Steve, but I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out so I hope you all enjoy reading!
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“Next time you have to listen to me in the field Stark.” Steve says as soon as everyone is settled into their place on the jet.
“Actually I don’t, you have absolutely no power over me and as much as you want to be the leader of this team you are not so stop acting like it.” Tony snaps back.
“Someone has to step up and lead.” Steve tells him. “It’s not like you could do any better, you would probably mess things up.”
“Maybe I would, but I would do a hell of a lot better than you are doing.” Tony says. “You like to pretend you’re all high and good and above us but who made you leader? Nobody. You crave control so you took it.”
“I did what needed to be done.”
You watch them snap back and forth at one another a few more times, rolling your eyes at Natasha. She gives you a small smile to show that she’s amused and turns her attention back to your two teammates whose argument has only gotten more and more heated.
“Y/n what do you think?” Tony asks, catching you off guard.
“About what?”
“About who would be a better leader for the team.” he explains. You think for a moment and they both stand as tall as possible (in Tony’s case it isn’t tall at all) and puff out their chests. You scoff, the male ego is so big, even in men who are good and try to do the right thing.
“Neither.” you decide.
“Neither- but the team needs a leader, you have to pick someone.” Tony splutters.
“Just because I don’t think the best leader is either of you doesn’t mean I don’t think the team needs a leader.” you tell him. How one of the smartest people in the world can’t figure that out for himself is beyond you.
“So who would you choose then?” Steve asks, confused.
“Natasha obviously.” you say, smiling at her. The corners of her mouth tug up slightly and even that small movement makes you feel proud.
“No offense, but Natasha???” Tony asks, seemingly outraged. “Why?”
“Well first of all she doesn’t have a fragile male ego like you dumbasses.” you tell them. “But it’s more than just that. She’s smart, both book smart and street smart. She can hack into computers and memorize information easily and knows how to blend in, or to get people to like her. She is more rational than the both of you combined but is also good at making decisions on the fly. She is an excellent fighter and can keep track of strategies and she has connections in and out of the government, with backup plans for almost every situation. Not to mention she has an amazing heart and don’t argue like some other people on our team tend to do. And of course she’s absolutely gorgeous but that doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
You wink at her at the end of your mini speech and are surprised to find her cheeks noticeably pink. She can’t help the smile that creeps onto her face when she thinks over your words.
“Abort mission, Romanoff is blushing and smiling, I think I might be about to die.” Tony states obnoxiously.
“Shut up, you’re just annoyed that she likes me better than you.” Natasha tells him, taking a breath to (mostly) collect herself.
“You’re scary when you’re happy. I haven’t seen you like that before.” he says. “Are you in love with Y/n or something?”
“Shut up.”
Tony smirks. “Make me.”
Natasha takes one threatening step towards him and that’s all it takes for him to back away, stuttering out apologies and mumbling under his breath about how Natasha is too scary to be a team leader. Natasha’s scare tactics do seem to work though because he doesn’t speak to anybody but himself for the rest of the ride home.
As soon as the jet touches down you and Natasha exit, heading straight to the room where you are supposed to be debriefed. Steve tries to follow but Tony grabs his arm to let him know to hold back a second.
“I know I joke but I honestly think they’re in love with each other.” Tony tells him. “I didn’t see it before today but there’s no way Y/n’s speech was platonic, who memorizes lists of reasons why they like their friends, not to mention their flirty wink at the end. And then Natasha, she’s scary but she was acting weird and happy around Y/n.”
“I hate to say this but I agree with you and they would make a cute couple.” Steve says. “But we should probably catch up now.”
Tony takes Steve’s words as an opportunity to stop being serious and become obnoxious again. “Onward dear captain, lead the way fearsome leader, how ever could I-”
“Tony I’m trying to be polite but you are making it very hard.”
“Tony no.”
“Tony yes.”
“That is a horrible idea.”
Tony opens his mouth in outrage. “I think it’s a pretty good idea actually.”
“I won’t work.” Steve counters.
“Well I think it well and need I’m the only genius here.” he says smugly.
“You can’t force love!” Steve tells Tony, running his hand through his hair in frustration.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Tony says, “I’m not forcing love, they are already in love. All I’m doing is giving them a little push.”
“By locking them in an elevator?” Steve asks in a deadpan voice.
“You can’t just go around locking people-” Steve starts to say but he gets cut off by Tony.
“Shhhhhhh, hi Y/n, hi Natasha.”
“Hi guys, what are you up to?” you ask, obvious to what was going on seconds before you entered the room. Natasha eyes them suspiciously because they are acting weird, holding their bodies stiffly, which means they are hiding something.
“We were just about to head down to the training room, want to come?” Tony lies smoothly while Steve shakes his head in the background.
“That sounds good,” you reply, “you want Tasha?”
“Okay.” she agrees, still eyeing both of them, Tony in particular suspiciously.
“Great!” Tony says and starts to walk towards the elevator and the rest of you follow him, Steve trying to convince himself that going along with Tony’s plan is doing no harm.
“Ladies first.” he says, stepping off to the side and giving a big flourish with his arm. It’s weird but then again Tony is always weird so you don’t think too much of it, stepping into the elevator. As soon as Natasha follows you in he orders Jarvis to close and lock the doors and to prevent the elevator from moving and then pulling up a screen so he can watch you.
“You better run when I get out of here!” Natasha yells. “You too Steve!”
“You’re going to thank me later.” Tony says. “Steve, why don’t you explain why we locked them in.”
“Um,” Steve hesitates, not knowing where to start, “well we think that you two need to talk about, um, feelings.”
“Feelings?” you ask, confused, while realization dawns over Natasha’s face.
“Um, yeah feelings.” Steve responds, feeling very awkward and hoping this works so he didn’t do all that for nothing.
“They don’t know we’re dating and they’re trying to get us together.” Natasha leans over and whispers in your ear before straightening back up and talking to Tony again. “I didn’t take you for such a romantic Stark.”
“What? I’m not- romantic me? Pepper says I’m the least romantic guy she’s ever been with.” he splutters, trying to regain his masculinity.
“And that is not a compliment.” you tell him. “But for some reason even though ‘you aren’t romantic’ you wanted to get us together.”
“Maybe I did,” he says. “but you have to admit that my plan is amazing and it's totally working.”
Natasha snorts “What part of this conversation screams working to you?”
“Well you haven’t killed Y/n yet and neither of you have denied your feelings so it’s obviously working. I expect a thank you speech dedicated to me at your wedding.” He says arrogantly.
“There will be no speech.” Natasha tells him.
“But there will be a wedding?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and Steve has to look away because it looks ridiculous.
“Hopefully.” you say, teasing Tony with your vagueness but also making Natasha smile as she thinks about what that might be like.
“Told you my plan would work.” Tony brags to Steve before telling Jarvis to release you from the elevator.
“Your plan sucked.” Natasha tells him. “We were already dating dumbasses.”
She grabs your hand and pulls you out of the room as Steve and Tony stare after you, shocked.
“Did you know about this?” Tony asks, looking at Steve with suspicion.
“Not at all.” Steve answers, his mouth still half open. In hindsight it should have been obvious. Of course Natasha wouldn’t want to be open about her dating life right away, she likes her secrets way too much.
“You owe me fifty bucks Y/n.” Natasha tells you once you’re out of earshot.
“Seriously?” you whine.
“You said they already knew but they didn't, so pay up.” She holds her hand outwards expectantly and you both laugh.
“Later.” you tell her. “There are more important things to do now.”
“Hmm, like what?” she teases gently, taking a step closer to you. Your breath catches because you still can’t believe you are dating someone this beautiful. You match her halfway and pull her into a deep kiss, only pulling back when you need to breath.
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theringers · 3 years
counting crimes - pierre gasly
illicit affairs, part three
summary: “wandering eyes and comfortable lies, you seem to sleep just fine” counting crimes / nessa barrett
a/n: i’m thinking there’s only gonna be two more parts but that may change, we’ll see. enjoy this and let me know what u think! feedback is always appreciated xoxo
also this gif today killed me
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warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, semi public sex shocker!, lil angst, cocky pierre
Your eyes widen as you try to comprehend what to do. Someone was at the door and Pierre was still inside of you, in shock. “Hey, y/n? Are you in there?” Max’s voice could be heard through the door. He tried to push the door in but the deadbolt stopped him.
You glared at Pierre, cleared your throat and placed a finger on his lips. “Yes, give me a few seconds.” You panicked and pulled your dress up, trying not to make too much noise.
Where the fuck was Pierre supposed to go? You should have just kept quiet. Your eyes focused on the window and you pointed towards it, quietly shoving him out.
He squeezed himself through the window and stepped down onto the grass. After quietly shutting the window, you looked in the mirror and readjusted your dress. Your hair needed some readjusting as well, so you quickly brushed through it.
You unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door to see your husband. “Hey,” he smiled at you, genuinely happy to see you.
“Hi, Max.” Your voice was shaking but you smiled to try to play it off. You usually had a good amount of time to psych yourself up before you went back to Max but you could still feel how Pierre had fucked you.
You were awful. He placed his hands on your hips and kissed your cheek. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You’re kind of hot.” He placed the back of his hand to your forehead.
“Yeah, it was really hot in there but I feel better now.” Hopefully he would buy that story.
“Well, if you’re feeling better now, I have an idea.” His hands rested on your hips again and pulled you into his body. “We have a few minutes to kill. What do you say we have a little bit of fun in here? It is our anniversary after all.” His lips found your neck and placed soft, gentle kisses on the skin. “You look so beautiful tonight, baby.” You were feeling sexually frustrated after being interrupted but he was right. It was your anniversary, so what the hell.
You leaned your neck to the side, inviting him in. “I love this dress, but it needs to come off.” He looked you in the eyes and smiled, reaching around for the zipper. He bent his knees and slowly pulled your dress to your ankles. His hands rested around your calves and move upwards while his lips trailed kisses on the soft skin of your thighs.
His finger pushed aside your panties and he slid a finger between your folds. “Jesus baby, you’re so wet.” He smiled and looked up at you. You moaned and rolled your eyes into the back of your head to avoid making eye contact with him. His tongue found its way between your legs, licking lightly before fucking your pussy with his tongue. You let out a moan while your body jerked toward his face uncontrollably. You needed him to finish you off so badly.
His fingernails ran lightly over the skin on your abdomen down to your thighs. “Oh, Max” you moaned.
Your hand quickly covered your mouth, remembering that even though he wasn’t out there possibly listening there were other people who shouldn’t hear you right now either.
He pulled his suit pants down and took himself in his hand, smiling at you. “I love you,” he said before entering you. He pressed against your body and thrusted up into you while looking in your eyes.
“I love you too, baby.” You squeezed your eyes shut and let out a moan.
Sometimes you forgot what it was like to have sex without the looming threat of someone finding out. Instead of worrying about someone catching you cheating, you were able to focus on the sensation and the intimacy but even now, something was missing.
Max left the bathroom before you, allowing you more time to clean up and look normal. You didn’t want to draw any more attention. “Hey guys, sorry I wasn’t feeling to well.” You said, grabbing your napkin off the table and taking your old seat. Max looked flushed for obvious reasons and couldn’t hide his smile.
You turned to your left and smiled at Pierre and Anna. “Did I miss anything?” Pierre’s gaze was glued to the stage ahead and he refused to look at you. His jaw was clenched and you could feel the steam coming out of his ears. You made eye contact with Anna and cocked your head in confusion. Why was he acting this way? Maybe Anna thinks it’s something she did wrong.
“Nothing important, for us at least,” she said, fixing single pieces of her hair.
Max’s hand gripped your inner thigh and he looked over to you and smiled. You returned the smile but immediately looked in Pierre’s direction to see him still refusing to look at you, his fist balled at his side.
Hotels in random cities at 2 am are lonely. The sound of Max’s snores kept you awake longer than expected. Your mind was wandering to places you wish it wouldn’t and you couldn’t get silence long enough to dream. The air conditioner in the room was set to the coolest temperature - hotel air always hitting different. Your mouth was dry, making you uncomfortable and adding to another thing making you unable to sleep.
You pulled the covers aside in frustration and grabbed a pair of shorts to put on under Max’s oversized Red Bull Racing shirt. You looked around for the room key and slid it off the table as soon as you spotted it.
As you stood in the elevator, you looked down and noticed your bare feet. It was 2 am so you were hoping there was no one important in the lobby. You just wanted a sip of cold water to help put you to sleep.
The night before races always made you nervous. You never knew what was going to happen so you had a constant pit in your stomach over your husband’s safety. That stress only increased when you began sleeping with another driver. Someone else’s safety to worry about.
You smiled at the older couple that greeted you when the elevator door opened. You crossed your arms and tip toed to the mini bar, grabbing the largest bottle of water they carried. After giving the gentleman your room number, you ran towards the closing elevator doors only to be met with familiar blue eyes. His hair was messy and his skin was glowing from sweat.
“Don’t mind me,” he said, stepping to one side. Even though he clearly just worked out you could still smell the strong scent of his cologne. “How have you been, y/n?”
“I’ve been okay. Your summer break looked fun,” you took a quick sip of your water and smiled at him.
“As did yours.” The silence was uncomfortable. You two were always laughing and talking nonstop. It was what you loved about him.
You focused on the pounding of your heart and your eyes wandered, trying to pass the uncomfortable time.
You suddenly lost your balance as the elevator shook, the lights flickered off, and the cables stopped. Turning your head towards Pierre, you began to get worried.
“Did this just break?” He asked, pressing the floor buttons and hoping the lights would come back on.
“Just our luck.” You laughed at yourselves. Why did the universe hate you? You plopped down onto the ground and twiddled your thumbs, realizing that you left your phone in the hotel room. “Do you have your phone?” You asked Pierre.
He lifted his wrist to show his apple watch. “I just went on a run. I never bring it with me on a run.” Of course he didn’t.
You groaned and banged your head on the wall behind you.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” He laughed, pleased with himself. He slid down to join you on the floor, the summer heat starting to creep into the elevator.
After not speaking for the entire summer break, this unconventional meeting was quite uncomfortable. You watched on Instagram as him and his wife vacationed in Bali, looking happy as ever. Granted, he did the same with you but he would never admit it. He had too much pride.
“Why didn’t you ever reach out?” You asked him, bluntly.
He looked at you making you feel dumb. “Why do you think I didn’t? I spent four weeks straight with Anna. Would you want me calling you up while you were on holiday with Max?”
“I don’t know,” you stumbled over your words. “I just would have liked to talk to you.”
“I told you before, I can’t keep doing this.” He said, exhausted at the back and forth you two had done.
“Yet, you do. You tease me and torture me and then say you need to be devoted to her. It’s not fair to me.” You let out a deep breath, exhausted over feeling this way.
“You want to talk about fair? You had sex with Max right after me. Less than five minutes after I was inside of you, he was too.”
You looked at him confused.
“I thought you were just going to talk to him for a few moments and then send him off.” Oh no. “I was waiting for you to open the window and let me back in.” He ran his hands over his face.
“Pierre, I’m so-”
“Don’t, y/n.”
He heard you and Max. You felt remorse for doing it, putting Pierre through that. But at the same time, you didn’t. Pierre is sleeping with his friend’s wife. He has no place to be jealous or mad. He comes second.
“How much did you hear?”
“I left when I heard him talk about how wet you were. He thought it was because of him but he had no idea that it was all for me.” Pierre scooted closer to you and put his hand on your thigh.  “He has no idea how wet you get for me.” He moved in closer to your ear. “How good I make you feel.”
Your head spun at his words. When he made you cum, you forgot about everything in the entire world except for him.
“I’m really sorry, Pierre. That was shitty of me.” You rested your hand on his chest. “Let me make it up to you.” Your hand moved to his thigh and grazed over his thin mesh gym shorts.
You pulled his shorts off and took him in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head. He pulled your loose hair into his hand as a makeshift ponytail. He let soft groans escape his lips, being mindful of the setting. He would look down to see you taking him fully and have to look away or else he would finish quicker than he would like. Each time his eyes trailed down, his hips thrusted uncontrollably and a grunt would leave his lips.
“That’s it baby,” he said, in a low tone but almost whining. “God, your mouth feels so good. It was made to take my cock.” He continued to fill your mouth and throat, making you gag and tighten around him.
He pulled your head up by your hair and looked at you. “Come sit on my face.” He looked at your outfit, examining how he could take it off in the easiest way possible. He slipped off your comfortable sweat shorts, leaving you in just your Red Bull tee.
He laid down on the ground and hoisted your legs up and around his chest, getting the perfect view of your ass.
You stroked his cock and started to grind your hips against his chest. He took you in his hands immediately, not up for teasing, and pulled you onto his face. You rocked your hips over his face at a slow, light pace while still focusing on taking him in your mouth.
His tongue flicked your clit while his thumbs massaged your ass, pressing down hard and most definitely leaving bruises.
You moaned at the feeling of your legs beginning to tingle. He loved to 69 with you because every time you got an ounce of pleasure, your moans vibrated around his cock. You would tighten your throat and gag, sending him down a spiral. You both knew how to make each other feel incredible.
His facial hair tickled your inner thighs and left light scratches on the skin. As you ground your hips into his mouth, the sensation got rougher but the pleasure just increased.
He used his ab muscles to thrust into your throat, looking for his release. You tightened your grip around the base of his cock and suctioned even harder with your mouth as he let go.
Your legs went fully numb as the tension began to build in your stomach. You reached your peak, hearing Pierre’s tongue lap at your juices.
You rolled off of his body, looking for your shorts. The guilt was already beginning to set in and you couldn’t escape it now. You were stuck.
Pierre wiped his mouth with his hand and you noticed his whole face was wet. He was still smiling.
“I just hope Anna and Max aren’t standing there waiting for us when these doors decide to open.”
“Wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake?” You laughed, brushing your fingers through your now knotty hair.
Pierre pulled his shorts back on and looked at you. “Now be honest with me, who eats your pussy better? Me or him?”
“You can’t ask me that.”
“I can and I did.”
“Well, I’m not going to give you an answer.”
He laughed at you, not the reaction you were expecting. “Don’t worry, I already have the answer. I heard the sounds you make when he’s between your legs. It’s nothing compared to the sounds you just made for me.” He winked at you, knowing exactly where you stand with him.
next part
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Pairing: Pietro Maximoff (MCU) x Fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU
Warnings: Mild language, cannon divergence, reader is kind of an oblivious shy dumb-ass who avoids her problems TvT
Summary: After everything life has put you through you just want to walk through life unnoticed and unbothered, but that seems to be out of the question when you're an enhanced working for the avengers and catch the eye of a certain speedster who just so happens to be your soulmate.
Word Count: 3.1k
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a/n: this is very shitty and doesn’t make much sense im sorry i haven’t written something like this in so long :’) 
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Sokovia. 2015.
“Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.” Fury said punching buttons on his data pad, “Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do.” Fury laughed, looking over at the small but capable team of Ex-SHIELD agents, smiling, as the old helicarrier pulled up beside the ever rising city.
You looked out of the window as the battle raged on in the city, you still weren’t sure why Fury had asked you to come with him. After all, you didn’t exactly have a useful skill set for this fight, you couldn’t operate the fancy systems that kept the helicarrier in the air, and despite being enhanced you definitely didn’t have the fighting set to help out the avengers, who were fighting in the city, saving the planet from total destruction once again.
You sighed, turning your back to the window and going to stand next to Fury, who rarely let you out of his sight.
“Sir, I’m grateful you trusted me enough to bring me along but if I could ask, why did you bring me?, My skills aren't exactly useful here.” you said with a frown.
Fury looked down at you grimly, “Just a feeling Mrs. [L/N].”
You nodded, turning your attention to your colleagues, who were diligently aiding in the rescue of the sokovian citizens, and the battle raging on outside. You watched in awe as Tony Stark- or rather Iron Man and War Machine began to destroy the bots that had begun to attack the helicarrier.
Suddenly Agent Hill’s voice rang out “INCOMING!”. You barely had time to jump out of the way as a robot crashed through the front window, Maria immediately emptying her clip into it as Fury finished it off with a piece of metal debris.
“And here I was thinking I wasn’t going to see any action”, you quipped, staring at the mess of metal and oil on the helicarrier floor.
You sighed, trying to even your breathing, absentmindedly running your fingers over the inky black words imprinted on the inside of your wrist. In this world everyone had a soulmate, all 7 billion people, and the first words they’ll say to you appear on the inside of your left wrist when your born, which turns red after you have your first kiss with your soulmate, however you don’t have any expectations to ever meet yours, and you don’t really want too, after all life moves pretty fast when your an Ex-HYDRA experiment and an Ex-SHIELD trainee, and these days you really just wanted to spend the rest of your days unnoticed and unbothered - aside from work of course.
You were broken out of your thoughts when a voice crackled over the comms, “Guys we have a problem!” It was Agent Barton, his voice was panicked and his breathing was ragged, “Pietro’s been hit, I can’t tell if he’s alive or not.”
Fury looked over at you, his face as stoic as ever, but you could see the slight bit of fear in his eyes “Showtime kid, let’s see what you can do.”
You nodded, taking off down the hall and jumping into a small craft, piloting it to the city where you could see Barton leaning over someone’s body. You landed, running over to them, it was one of the twins, a fellow enhanced experiment of HYDRA. You leaned down placing a hand on his bullet riddled chest, a small teal light eminitated from your hand as you closed your eyes and concentrated.
Suddenly your eyes snapped open, you looked up at Clint, “He’s alive,” Clint let out a sigh of relief. “but just barely, I  need to get him back to the medical bay immediately.” You finished. Clint nodded, helping you get the man loaded on the craft you arrived in, he gave you a small nod of thanks before running back to the rescue transports.
Back in your lab you had him hooked up to nearly every medical machine available, while your abilities had managed to stop the blood and heal the internal damage there was still the possibility of him not making it through the night, after all he had yet to regain consciousness and enhanced powers could only do so much, bringing back the dead wasn’t really one of those.
You sighed, leaning over his resting form, brushing a stray piece of his bleach blonde hair out of his face. You studied his face, he was quite possibly one of the most handsome people you’d ever seen, and that was even with the blood and dirt caked on him.
You turned gathering a cloth and a bowl of water, deciding it would be best to at least clean what grime you could off of him. You started with his face before moving to his chest, it was still caked in blood and dirt from where the bullets had ripped through him, though the wounds were closed and healed now. You took note of how well built he was but tried to focus on that as little as possible, after all he was your patient and you hadn’t ever even spoken to him.
As you ran the wet cloth over his body your mind began to wander, however you were broken out of your thoughts when a hand grabbed your arm. It was Pietro. You let out a squeak, mildly startled by his sudden consciousness, however it was clear that he was extremely disoriented and out of it. You moved, setting the washcloth and bowl back on the counter before gathering your clipboard to write that he had regained consciousness.
“Are you an angel?” He asked weakly, you turned looking at him, shocked. Those words, the ever familiar words that had been carried with you since birth, it was him. You inhaled, pushing all that aside, shaking your head as you approached his side.
“Rest.” Was all you said, before you walked out of the room, and for the rest of the night Pietro faded in and out of consciousness, only holding on to the fading sound of your voice.
Avengers Tower. One Month Later.
It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since Pietro Maximoff had almost died. He often found himself wondering what would have happened if he had died, would Wanda have been okay? Would anyone have cared? The other question that seemed to plague his mind day and night, the thought that had burrowed it’s way into his dreams and his absent minded musings, was the thought of seeing that girl that had saved him again.
He didn’t remember much about that day after he was shot, but everytime he closed his eyes he could see her, the girl with the (y/h/c) hair and the soothing voice, he couldn’t remember her fcae or if he had said anything to her but he could remember her touch and he craved to feel it again. The word “rest” also filled his mind, the way it sounded rolling off her tongue, it was the same word that had kept him grounded over the years, and the word that he so often traced on the inside of his wrist. He found himself feeling like the prince from that old animated mermaid movie Wanda made him watch as a kid, looking for the girl that saved him. Looking for his soulmate.
He broke himself out of his thoughts when he heard Maria Hill, one of the many people that had eagerly welcomed him to the Avengers and the remnants of SHIELD calling his name.
“Agent Hill, what can I do for you?” He asked, lifting himself off of the couch, turning to face her.
“Are you doing anything around 1:30 today? I’m supposed to be giving a tour to our newest Avenger today but I have a prior obligation around that time and was wondering if you would mind running it instead, normally I would ask someone else but I feel that you would be the best option in this case due to your…” Maria trailed off trying to come up with the word “Commonalities.”
Pietro’s ears perked up, a new member? Commonalities? Needless to say it was intriguing and would definitely provide a good distraction from his thoughts. “Okay.” He said, shrugging.
Maria smiled, handing him the manilla folder that was your file. “Her name is [Y/N] [L/N], she’s talented, all the necessary information should be in there.” Maria sighed inwardly as she clasped her hands behind her as she watched Pietro speed read through the folder.
To be honest, though she’d never tell Fury, she was hesitant to let you join the Avengers. You were talented no doubt, but she worried about you, maybe it was the fact that she had been the one to rescue you all those years ago, before the fall of SHIELD, before she ever worked for Stark, but still something told her maybe it was too soon, after all you had seemed pretty shaken after the Ultron ordeal.
“Well, you’ll need to meet her at the west elevator on floor 34 in an hour. Just take her through the itinerary there and get to know her, make her feel welcome.” Maria said with a smile before leaving back the way she came.
Pietro smiled as he waved goodbye, before looking down at the picture of you, of his soulmate, the girl that saved him.
Avengers Tower Floor 34. One Hour Later.
You rocked back and forth on your heels. It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since you had saved the man who was supposedly your soulmate. After that fateful day you went back into hiding with Fury, back to training with Fury, but now, according to Fury at least, it was time for you to join the Avengers as their medic.
You walked down the long glass hall, Agent Hill had told you that your guide would meet you outside the west elevator. She had also told you that your tour guide was one of the twins, due to your “commonalities” both in being enhanced and in being the newest members. You hoped it wasn’t going to be him, after all you still hadn’t really had time to process it all. Of course, life never really listened when you asked it for things.
The elevator dinged, signaling it’s arrival, you turned your attention from your wrist to the elevator,pulling down your sleeve to cover it as the doors slid open to reveal the gray clad speedster.
“They told me we were getting a new recruit, but they failed to tell me of your beauty.” Pietro smirked leaning against the elevator wall. You blushed, looking down at your shoes before sliding past him and stepping into the elevator. “Not talking huh? It’s okay I'll get you to crack eventually.” He smiled, winking at you only causing your face to flush even more.
As the tour went on Pietro did what he could to make you talk, though you usually only answered with one or two words. He was confused to say the least, did you not know? It was as the tour came to a close that he finally asked you the question that had been plaguing his mind the whole time, wondering if you would admit to him that you knew or if you were just clueless. “So, [Y/N], they tell me you are enhanced, like us, with healing abilities.” You nodded, “Were you there in Sokovia? Last month I mean, when Ultron attacked.”
You looked up sharply. “Um yeah, yeah I was.” You sighed, fidgeting with your sleeves.
“Then you're the one who saved me that day, thank you.” He smiled, bringing your hands into his, “I’m very happy you’re with us, and I hope that you will allow me to thank you properly? Maybe dinner?” His eyes were hopeful.
Did he know? You wondered, would he bring it up then, ease into it, charm you? Or had he been too out of it to even realise and was simply trying to be nice? Either way it was too much too fast.  “Um, I’ll think about it, I’m just kinda tired right now.”
“I understand, I’ll see you in the morning then beautiful, yes?” He smiled walking you down the hall to your room. You nodded, before looking down at the floor again. “Well if you need anything Wanda and I are both on this floor and if we’re not here we’re likely on the common floor.” He smiled watching you nod once again before retreating into your room.
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair, you had to know by now, if he hadn’t spoken to you that day what he said on the elevator should have been the words on your wrist? Why were you so hesitant? Did you not like him, was he not everything you had ever hoped for in a soulmate? He let out a short breath as he pushed the button to call the elevator, fine, he was charming right? He’d do whatever it took to convince you that he was the perfect guy for you, after all you were an angel to him.
A Stark Party at Avenger Tower. Two Months Later.
It had been two months, two months since you had joined the Avengers and you were still just as shy around Pietro as you had been on your first day. He couldn’t understand it, while you were shy around most of the other members too, save for his own sister and Sam Wilson, yet you seemed to purposefully avoid him. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had done something to make you mad or uncomfortable, he couldn’t understand why but it hurt, it hurt more than getting shot in Sokovia had, it was raw and painful but he did his best to hide it and simply be as polite and nice to you as possible.
“Hey there speedy, you seem quieter than normal and I don’t think I’ve heard one smart remark out of you today, what’s going on?” Clint Barton said, placing his hand on Pietro’s shoulder. Despite Clint’s general teasing of the younger man he did genuinely care for him and that was something Pietro was grateful for.
“I’m just lost in thought, thank you though Clint.” Pietro sighed, taking his coffee and heading to his room, after all Stark was having one of his infamous parties tonight and even if he wasn’t there with you Pietro still wanted to look nice for you.
Nearly six hours later everyone was downstairs, the floor alive with people, and Pietro found himself seated at the bar, nursing a whiskey as he watched you converse with his twin. You looked amazing, your gorgeous body clad in a gray knee length cocktail dress with gorgeous lace sleeves and accents. Despite the fact that you rarely spoke to him somehow, some way every little thing you did imprinted itself in his brain and only made himself fall harder and harder for you.
His mood quickly changed however from adoration to jealousy as he watched a group of suit clad men isolate you from his sister and begin to speak to you. Under normal circumstances he would have simply let you be, never wanting to make you uncomfortable or angry, but you were picking at your nails, something he had noticed you only did when you were uncomfortable.
So he did what any love-sick gentlemen would do, and he went to rescue you. Within seconds Pietro was by your side, snaking a hand around your waist, secretly praying to god that he wasn’t making you more uncomfortable.You tensed at the contact but relaxed with a sigh of relief as you looked up to find Pietro.
“Hello my love,” Pietro smiled looking down at you before turning back to the group of men, “Hello gentlemen, I hope you don’t mind if I steal my soulmate for a minute, it’s important Avenger business, you know?” He smirked, giving them no room to respond as he turned and led you to the balcony.
When you arrived on the balcony you sighed as you let the cool air roll over you. “Thank you for that Pietro.” You said softly. “I’m really grateful.”
Pietro smiled softly, “Of course, what are friends for.” He turned heading for the door, but stopped when your voice rang out.
“I’m sorry Pietro.” He turned back to look at you, your eyes trained on the floor, “I’ve been cold and distant and all you’ve done is try and be nice and make me feel happy and safe and welcome here and I’m just so sorry.”
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You’ve known this whole time haven’t you. That we were soulmates.”
You looked up meeting his eyes, they were blue and piercing and oh so gorgeous but they were filled with pain.
“Yes, I’ve known since Sokovia. When you first regained consciousness you asked if I was an angel, I couldn’t focus on the fact that we were soulmates in that moment so I pushed it away, after that I just began to wonder, I mean I’m so different compared to you, you're so handsome and kind and talented and I’m just plain and boring, I figured that the universe probably made a mistake, and that you would be better of with someone else, but I never meant to hurt you,” You looked up at him, his face filled with a mix of shock and pain “I’m so so sorry.” You said, your voice breaking as you looked down, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You are the most oblivious girl I’ve ever met.” Pietro chuckled, your head snapping up to look at him, “For one I’ve been flirting with you since you got here, you’d think that that would be a sign that I find you attractive, No?” You chuckled, “Second, Not talented? You saved my life, I was nearly dead and would be without you. Not kind? You have made my sister feel so happy and so welcome, you’ve given her the best friend she’s always wanted. Not pretty? My Angel, you are the most beautiful girl at this party. I’ve loved you from the minute I saw you, your smile can light up a room, and your laughter can make any sadness fade away, you my darling are perfect.” He smiled softly at you, cupping your cheek as you stared up into his eyes. “I love you moy angel”  
You stared up in awe at the silver haired speedster, “I- You’re so perfect, you have been so understanding and-” Your voice broke as more tears rushed down your face, Pietro simply whispered sweet nothings as he wiped away your tears. “I love you too.” You whispered smiling softly.
“Could I kiss you?” Pietro asked with an airy chuckle, you smiled,nodding before pressing your lips to his, letting the world around you melt away, as both of you reveled in the warm feeling of your marks changing from black to red.
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Keep it a Secret - Part Two - Kristie Mewis x Reader
Sequel to Keep it a Secret 
The next morning the Kristie woke up with Y/N in her arms, she smiled, settling back down to enjoy the last couple minutes before their alarm would go off. Y/N had moved herself as close as possible in her sleep, both hands coiled tightly in Kristies shirt, head resting on her chest. It was the same position they had fallen asleep in; they hadn’t shifted the entire night somehow. Both knowing the other needed the physical contact in their unconscious state.
Kristie began to apply pressure to Y/N’s shoulders, encouraging her to slowly wake up. Y/N groaned and turned her head to nestle her nose in closer to Kristies neck.
“Time to wake up gorgeous,” Kristie leaned down, brushing her lips against Y/N’s ears, placing a delicate kiss to the tip. Y/N smiled, nestling closer. “I know you’re awake goof,” this time biting the ear.
Y/N giggled, biting Kristies neck. Hands loosening on the shirt, shifting her weight, and pressing herself up to stare in the blondes eyes, “thank you,” she whispered leaning down to kiss her.
Kristie slowly opened her eyes, a soft smile on her face, “for what?” she whispered back just as softly, not wanting to break the quiet bubble they made.
“For being you and letting me have my weird freak out yesterday.”
“I love you Y/N,” Kristie reached a hand up and ran a thumb across Y/N’s bottom lip, “you can have as many freak outs as you want and I will be with you for all of them,” she leaned up and kissed Y/N.
Y/N followed her as Kristie leaned back down on the bed, kissing her on the forehead. They were startled out of their softness as their alarm went off. Kristie leaned up, kissing Y/N one more time before pushing her off and began getting ready for breakfast.
Christen smirked when she watched the couple walk into the banquet room. Y/N had her hand on the small of Kristies back, Kristie leaning into Y/N’s side, chin tilted up and smiling at something said between them. The pair continued along the buffet, oblivious to anyone else in the room. Christen was happy at how much better Y/N looked today, more relaxed, more comfortable in herself.
The couple sat down next at the same table this time, both instinctively sliding closer to each other. Rose squinted at them, “you guys are being weird.”
“Good morning to you too Rose, I did have a good sleep thank you. How about yourself?” Y/N answered, sarcasm thick in her tone, smiling at her.
The table all laughed, Rose sulked back into her chair, arms crossed.
“Seriously, you guys don’t see it? They’re being weird.”
“Of course they are, they’re always weird, just like you,” Sonnett shrugged, grinning.
Rose huffed, no one would join in her teasing.
“Stop pouting Rosey, we can make fun of Sam when she continues to not know these two are banging,” Lindsey said flippantly, shrugging one shoulder, and taking a bite of her breakfast.
Kristie dropped her fork on her plate, “you guys knew?”
“Yea, Y/N’s shirt was inside out when we came to your room yesterday.”
“And Kristie had serious sex hair.”
Y/N and Kristie opened and closed their mouths, looking back and forth to each other, look at everyone at the table. Rose sat up straight, slamming her hands on the table, “what? You guys knew and didn’t say anything?”
“We thought you knew,” Mal shrugged. Everyone remaining indifferent at the table, Kristie and Y/N still shocked everyone knew.
“Why are you guys so calm?” Y/N squinted at them.
“Meh, we’ve matured,” Sonnett said casually, not looking up.
“They have a bet, well bets,” Mal rolled her eyes.
“You’re betting on us?” Kristie whipped her head to the blonde defender.
“Tattle tale,” Lindsey smacked Mal’s arm, “ugh, yes, we were waiting to see how long before you were going to tell us. Slash, how long before Sam would figure it out on her own.”
Y/N leaned back in her chair, “how’d you figure it out? When did you figure it out?”
“Last night. Inside out shirt,” Sonnett pointed her fork at Y/N, then shifted it to Kristie, “sex hair. It wasn’t hard.”
“So how long has this been a thing?”
“Like you said, last night,” Y/N grinned, if they were going to bet on them, they weren’t going to make it easy.
Kristie smirked at her girlfriend; she knew what she was doing. They had agreed last night that they would just be themselves, not over think their actions. They weren’t going to announce it or outright confirm it, but not actively hide it.
“What was last night?” Sam asked as she sat down with her own breakfast.
“Y/N and I snuck out for ice cream,” the midfielder answered her sister.
“Kris, you guys know that’s against the rules! You guys could get in so much trouble,” Sam chastised them.
“Sam don’t worry about it, we needed a date night, it’s been too long,” Y/N leaned back and rested her arm on the back of Kristies chair.
Everyone’s eyebrows shot up, not expecting Y/N to be so blunt about her response.
“I get it, friends need friend dates, didn’t expect Y/N to be a friend date kind of person,” Sam softened.
“Could she have friend zoned both of them any harder?” Lindsey leaned and whispered into Sonnetts ear, both smirking.
Conversation shifted while everyone ate before leaving to get ready for training.
“So obvious do you think we can do before Sam figures it out?” Kristie leaned into Y/N’s side while they rode the elevator up to their room.
“Based off the friend zoning she did at breakfast, we could probably make out and she would think we are making out as friends,” Y/N placed a kiss to the top of Kristies head.
“I’m always happy to make out with you,” Kristie smirked, slipping a hand under Y/N’s shirt, scrapping her teeth along her collar bone.
“We are standing right here, go back to pretending you aren’t together,” Rose gaged.
Y/N tugged Kristie closer to her side, while smirking at the small midfielder.
“Are we going to need to carry a spray bottle around?”
“Be quick! Bus leaves in 20 minutes.”  
They all separated to their respective rooms, Kristie making a point of sliding her hand down to grip Y/N’s butt while they walked in front of them.
“You’re alright with how that went?” Kristie asked once they were alone in their room, her tone gentle while she stared into Y/N’s eyes.
“Yea, they handled it so much better than I expected. I thought they would have teased us way more than they did.”
“It’s coming, they can’t behave for very long. But seriously, I know we talked last night, and you said were alright with this, I just wanted to make sure now that some people know,” Kristie scratched her fingers on Y/N’s stomach.
“I am, I know they will be insufferable soon, but I’m ok with it. I am insanely proud to have you as my girlfriend, and now I get to show off how much I love you. I am still worried about how Sam will be, she loves you so much and is so protective of you,” Y/N groaned when Kristie squeezed her hips.
“Sam will see how incredible you are to me and how happy you make me. She’ll freak out because she’s Sam, but don’t let it get to you,” Kristie placed a delicate kiss to Y/N’s throat before pulling away to get ready for training.
“Really?” Rose rolled her eyes when she saw Y/N carrying Kristies training bag to the bus.
“What?” Y/N furrowed her brow, she always did little things like this for her girlfriend. She every bit the cliché ‘gentle-person’.
“Will you carry my stuff too?” Mal tossed her bag at Y/N, who let it hit her chest, she stepped over it, gently guiding Kristie to the entrance with a hand on the small of her back again.
“I think that’s a no Mal,” Kristie called over her shoulder.
Everyone could see the change in the pair for the rest of the day, but no one said anything, just happy that the couple felt comfortable enough to be themselves around the team. There were the odd teasing comments thrown out to them, but it was all just their way to show they approved of the relationship.
“Such a gentleman,” Sonnett sassed while she watched Y/N pull out Kristies chair with one hand as they got to the table for supper.
“You bet she is,” Kristie smiled at Y/N, running a hand down her arm while she sat down. Y/N smiled back, the two briefly lost in their own world.
“Hey! Love birds! There are other people at the table,” Lindsey threw a piece of ice at Y/N.
Y/N blushed and sat down, Sam continued eating, unaware to the interactions around her.
“Aww I forgot to grab some of the brussels sprouts,” Kristie set her fork down and started to stand up. Y/N set her fork down, pushing Kristie to sit back down, and wordlessly made her way back to the buffet to get a separate plate of brussels sprouts.
“She just does stuff for you without you asking?” Mal asked, head tilted to the side, “Dansby never does anything like that for me. Why they hell am I jealous over you and brussels sprouts?”
Kristie smiled and nodded, watching as her girlfriend made her way back to the table. Y/N set the plate down, sat back down with a soft smile to Kristie who leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Sam squinted her eyes at them, darting between them both. Taking in the smile Kristie was giving Y/N, the way Y/N filled Kristies water glass before topping up her own. She dropped her fork to her plate with a loud clang, “no,” her face was hard, serious.
“No what Sammy?” Kristie tilted her head, confused at how serious her sister suddenly was.
“You two,” Sam shot a hand up, stiff pointed finger moving between Kristie and Y/N, “no!”
The commotion had started to turn heads toward their table. Sam had dropped her hand, but was staring hard at Y/N. The smile on Y/N’s face dropped, hands crossed in her lap, shoulder rounded in. Christen slowly pushed her chair out, ready to intervene for her sister if needed.
“Sam,” Kristie started, glancing to Y/N and back to Sam, she rested a hand on her thigh attempting to ground both of them.
“No,” Sam harshly cut her off, “I don’t care what you say. You are not fucking each other.”
Everyone recoiled at the aggressiveness Sam had behind her tone, the tension radiating off of her, the glare she was shooting Y/N, it was all unexpected.
“Sammy, it is way more than ‘fucking’,” Kristie’s voice was soft and timid, she had expected Sam to be outraged but not angry about it. Kristie tried to reach for Y/N’s hand, only for her to tug it away, she looked to see how sunken her girlfriend was and now noticing that everyone was watching them. “I love her Sammy, she loves me too.”
“I don’t care, you can do better,” that brought Y/N’s head up, she got sucked into the glare Sam was giving her.
Y/N gave one small nod, looking down, she turned slightly to Kristie, “it’s fine, all good, I’m going to go head to bed.”
Y/N was up and walking towards the door before Kristie had a chance to stop her. Christen was immediately out of her chair and following behind her.
“Sam,” Sonnett cut in, “you’ve seen them all day, you know how good Y/N is.”
“You said it yourself Sonnett, Kristie could do better.”
“I was kidding Sam!”
“Y/N is amazing to me Sam, there is no way I could do better than her. I love her. I’m going to go fix this, don’t fucking talk to me until you get your shit together,” Kristie had stood up, staring hard at her sister, she took hard fast steps to the stair well.
Upstairs she found Christen walking out of the room. She went to the rush past, when Christen stopped her with a hand on the arm, “she went for a run.”
“Fuck,” Kristie groaned, running a frustrated hand through her hair, “how was she is?”
“Quiet, she wouldn’t say anything to me when I caught up to her.”
“Fuck,” Kristie repeated, she knew Y/N was going to internalize this, there was no mincing what Sam had said, it was the exact thing she had been worried about. Kristie paced the room, she had no idea what to say to Y/N when she would get back, and that it would probably be a while before she would be back.
Christen came over and pulled Kristie into a hug, “let me know when she’s back safe and if you guys need anything. And, I, just, be gentle with her. I know you know, but please take care of her.”
Kristie nodded against Christen before the forward left the room. She tried sitting for a bit, sent a text to Y/N to check in on her, only then seeing her phone on the end table. When sitting didn’t work, she took to pacing the room, eyes darting to the door at every sound she heard in the hallway.
Finally, after two hours, the door opened slowly, Y/N stepped in. Kristie took long strides to the door, immediately pulling Y/N into her, fingers gripping her shirt, bringing them flush together. Their momentum pushing them against the door. Y/N slowly wrapped her arms around Kristie, allowing the smaller woman to pull herself closer.
“I’m going to go for a shower,” Y/N said softly as Kristie pulled away.
“Wait, Y/N, can we talk first?” Kristie kept her close, both hands still holding the shirt firmly in her grasp.
“I just want to shower and go to bed Kris,” Y/N mumbled, attempting to pull away.
Kristie hesitated, before letting her go, stepping back and taking her shirt off, dropping It to the floor and walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.
“What are you doing?” Y/N leaned against the door frame, her voice low, all emotion gone. Ignoring that her girlfriend was shirtless and clearly going to shower with her.
“Showering with you,” Kristie said it like it was the most obvious thing, continuing to remove her clothes, then stepping forward and starting to tug Y/N’s shirt up.
Y/N remained pliant the whole time, not saying a word while Kristie undressed her, allowing herself to be tugged into the shower. Kristie wordlessly stood behind Y/N and began to lather body wash into her shoulders, digging her fingers into the tense muscles. She moved one hand up to Y/N’s neck, gripping the column of her neck, sliding it up and down, earning a deep moan. Her other hand moved to her hip, thumb pressing hard into the dimple there. She trailed the hand on her neck, fingers pressing individually to each vertebrae. At the base, she slid both hands to along her hips, squeezing before moving them up the sides.
“Fuck Kristie,” Y/N moaned, leaning back so Kristies chest was flush against her. Kristie pushed them forward to rinse the soap off. Once clear, she scattered kisses across the width of her shoulder, whispering praises between each kiss.
“You are smart,” kiss, “you are hilarious,” kiss, “you make me feel safe,” kiss, “you protect me,” kiss, “you are genuine,” kiss, “and most importantly, you love me,” the last kiss lingering on the back of her neck. Kristie wrapped her arms around the taller woman and splayed her fingers across her belly, just letting them stand under the spray of the shower.
After a minute Kristie pulled away, keeping on hand on Y/N’s hip while she stretched to reach for the shampoo. Hands only leaving Y/N’s body to pour the shampoo into her hand, then beginning to massage it into her hair.        Y/N moaned and tilted her head back, encouraging Kristie to scrap her fingers into the skin.
She turned them to rinse her hair, bringing them chest to chest. Kristie repeated her action of kissing along Y/N’s collar bones.
“You are beautiful,” kiss, “you are considerate,” kiss, “I love you,” kiss, “and most importantly, I can never, never do better than you.” She let the last kiss linger on the underside of Y/N’s jaw. Kristie glided her hands up to the back of Y/N’s neck, forcing her to tilt her down, bringing their foreheads together, “I love you,” she whispered before pressing closer for a soft kiss.
Kristie reached around them and turned the water off, then stretching out of the shower curtain to grab a towel and wrap it around Y/N, before doing herself.
Y/N was still quiet while they got ready for bed, but the tension was gone from her body.
Kristie laid in bed first, then forcing Y/N to lay on top of her. Hand guiding Y/N’s head to rest on her chest, she resisted slightly, but gradually eased into the hold.
“I love you Kristie,” Y/N whispered softly, her voiced muffled by Kristies shirt.
“I know you do, love, I love you too,” Kristie whispered back, kissing her hairline.
Kristie ran her hand up and down Y/N’s back, feeling as Y/N’s muscles slowly loosened as she fell asleep.
The next morning, Y/N was still quiet while they made their way for breakfast, she attempted to pull away from Kristie, only for the midfielder to forcefully tug her back.
“Kris can I talk to you?” Sam cautiously approached the couple.
This time Kristie did let Y/N pull away, “only if you are over yourself.”
“I am,” Sam rushed out, reaching to grab her arm before she could even think of pulling away, “I am, I don’t know what got into me yesterday. And then literally everyone yelled at me yesterday. I am so sorry, I know Y/N is good for you, you’ve been so happy the last couple months. I’m guessing that’s because of Y/N. No one will ever be good enough for you, you are amazing, but Y/N can come pretty close.”
Kristie watched her sister, giving her a calculated stare, determining if she was genuine. She nodded after a second, “but you owe Y/N a massive apology Sam.”
“I know, of course I will talk to Y/N. I just wanted you to be happy and with someone who took care of you. And if that’s Y/N, then I support it, not that you needed my approval, but I approve. Y/N is really great, and you guys are great together.”
Kristie immediately pulled Sam into a tight hug, “thank you Sam, now go fix my girlfriend.”
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heavenbarnes · 4 years
what you’d do to me tonight
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings/Contains: unprotected sex (this is fictional but yours isn’t, wrap it), alcohol consumption, fingering, dirty talk, coming inside, light dry humping
Word Count: 3.7k
i miss the plain fun and naughty ones, so take this one! (also this is definitely not based on my weekend a couple weeks ago hmm) x
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Your cheeks were getting warmer by the minute, thanks to all your friends congregating in the one area. Also the unspecified alcohol that you occasionally swirled around your cup wasn’t helping the situation. But really, you couldn’t complain.
The team had found another excuse to party, this time being Steve moving into this lovely mid-city apartment, the one with the luscious balcony you were making a beeline for. You knew that stepping into the cold night air would cement just how much you’d had to drink, but you also knew it’d do wonders for the heat dancing over your skin.
The man situated by the flowerbed with a beer bottled held tight by metal fingers wasn’t going to help there.
Bucky had never looked better to you, the light through the glass door casting over his face like the golden hour. The glow from the city behind him made him nearly angelic. You’d never wanted him more.
Thankfully the “liquid courage” you took another sip of was planning to act as your wing-man tonight, guiding your feet to sit beside him on the bench.
“Beer pong not really your thing either?” Bucky asked, spreading out a bit further beside you.
Broad thighs spread until your knees were bumping each other, his right arm stretching out along the ledge behind you. It was as if he was trying to fill your space with as much of him as possible, until you were unable to think of anything but him.
You could’ve told him it was too late for that, he was already just about the only thing on your mind.
“Maybe, or maybe it’s just the shouting and chest bumping I don’t fuck with.” You both laughed together as you imitated the voices traveling from inside. As much as you loved your friends, they were a bunch of idiots sometimes.
You felt much better off in the breeze with Bucky, the guy you’d been stealing glances off from the moment you met. The guy who drove you crazy for no understandable reason, he just had a way.
Drinks long finished and partying dying down inside, you couldn’t even tell how long the two of you had sat outside speaking. It was good to get a moment alone, the alcohol brushing off any worries about what to say, just not wanting him to stop talking.
Maybe it was you, or maybe it was him, but the conversation seemed to naturally drift to one side, regardless of what you spoke about. It was hinted with flirtatious comments or gazes at one another, soon the comments becoming much more brash the longer you sat out there.
“You’ll just have to ask me for help next time!” He gestured between the both of you, eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Oh you’d be able to do it better?” You shot back, eyebrow raising in question.
“No doubt I’d stretch you out better than you’ve ever felt.”
You knew you were talking about training, but you also knew exactly where your mind went to, and you were willing to bet a pretty penny that his mind would meet you there.
Before you could stop yourself, your eyes were darting away from his and that heat was rising back to your cheeks despite chill air around you both. You were also unable to stop that smile that continued to pull at your cheeks.
Bucky turned to look inside, before coming back to you and purposefully searching for your gaze. Once you quashed the butterflies that his comment had conjured up, you realized he’d been waiting to ask something.
“Seems like things are packing up inside,” He gestured to the door as he began to stand. “Did you want to share a ride home, since we live pretty close to one another?”
You’d never heard him stumble on his words like this before, the man that always seemed to be self assured. You had sat and watched him charm a bar full of ladies (quietly smug with the way he’d left them all hanging to stay with you), and never miss a beat.
Now asking to share a ride was making a blush creep onto his cheeks and his mouth to dry up? Who would’ve thought.
Graciously agreeing, you took his outstretched hand to lift you off the seat you hadn’t left all night. Trying your hardest to keep your cool, you couldn’t help but chew your lip at the way he continued to hold onto it as you both went inside the house.
It was late, you were cold, and you’d be unforgiving tomorrow morning if you stayed any later. You still felt a twinge of sadness at the idea of having to call this night to an end, where you truthfully could’ve sat for a lifetime and flirted your little heart out.
Everybody was little too sizzled to even notice your hands intertwined and your leaving together, let alone make snarky remarks about it. It gave the both of you a moment to slip down the stairs and into the elevator, back into the caress of the night air.
You had to keep reminding yourself that this wasn’t going home together, that you’d got this far and you should be mighty proud of this. It was all baby steps, just chatting tonight was a good amount of baby steps, and you’d try some more next time.
Sitting beside him in the rideshare, you both chattered back and forth about whatever rolled off your tongues. A keen combination of the mostly worn-off alcohol and the desire to make the most of the only time you two had alone, you silently begged the driver to take a long way home.
The car pulled up outside your home, Bucky getting out to start his short walk to his own place. Before this, you both stood under the street lamp, quietly waiting for each other to go first. Smoothing your clammy hands on the front of your jeans, you let out a long breath as you knew this night was coming to a close.
“Thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed just spending time with you.” It was easy to let the honesty fall from you, even if there was a tinge of embarrassment at the truth.
Bucky’s smile sated all those nerves, looking up from the pavement to you. “I think this is the most fun I’ve had at one of these parties, I’ll have to start looking for you in every crowd.”
Your heart fluttered at the words, knowing that watching him turn and walk to his own house was going to hurt like nothing else. You nodded in agreement, muttering a sentiment about doing the same kind of thing. As you brought your eyes back to the ground, you saw his feet start to shuffle.
Watching him step backwards, you came to terms with it in your head. This was how it was always going to go, you just had fun as friends, there was no way that anything was going to-
Bucky stopped in his tracks and if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve sworn his eyes got darker.
“Are you going to invite me inside or do I have to beg?”
Between nodding and fumbling in your bag for your keys, you turned on your heel to let yourself into the building. In that moment you felt Bucky’s form just moments from your back, the soft ghosting of his breath against your neck. You hoped he couldn’t see the way your knees buckled with the close proximity of him.
Bringing him into the foyer of your building, you reached out and pressed the elevator button, seeing it was currently at the top floor. Turning back to see Bucky, he was right there and looking to you expectantly. 
It felt as if the world slowed down, you could see and feel every second rushing past you as his hands came to grasp your hips. With a mind of their own, your hands raised up and curled into his hair, the soft strands brushing past your skin. Bucky lent in slowly and you hadn’t realized you’d shut your eyes until you were surprised by the feeling of his lips against yours.
His kisses felt powerful, he was always had a very dominating presence and this was evident in the way he held you and brought his tongue against yours. Tugging onto his hair, you brought him down closer to you as you felt his hands move around to your behind. Two eager handfuls, he pulled you into his front when you heard the bell of the elevator.
Pulling away from him in an instant, you gave him a cheeky smile before humming “that’s us” and stepping through the sliding doors. Bucky shook his head, unable to help the smile at your coy nature. Once the doors closed again, he was quickly pulling you back into him to get his lips back on yours.
It was evident he’d been waiting for this moment as long as you had, with the hunger in which he drew you in and refused to let you go. You heard him mumble against your lips and into your mouth, secrets he’d been waiting to admit for the longest time.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment you skipped into my life.” 
Giggling at the sentiment, you remembered that was exactly how it’d happened. You hadn’t realized Bucky had thought that much about the day, the day you’d come twirling in and met him with a lazy smile and the brightest eyes. He’d kept it so well hidden that it took your hands cupping his jaw to get him to spit it out.
When the doors opened, you took his hand and led him towards your apartment, once again fumbling in excitement with your keys. The moment you had the door locked, Bucky took the lead again and pulled you through your house like he knew where he was going.
He’d been there before, for drinks and group gatherings, but when he was focusing on having the taste of your lips on his, he managed to bump into just about everything you owned. You giggled as you watched him trip on the recycling bin and bump his hip on the kitchen counter, until you braced your hands on his shoulders and pushed him into your bedroom.
Bucky’s legs hit your bed and fell back into it, propping himself up on one elbow as you walked over to him. Slinging a leg over his lap, you sat yourself up in it as Bucky moved back up and re-situated his hands on your waist. Running your hands up his chest, you felt the muscles tensing under your fingers as you followed your movements steadily with your gaze.
Looking up from the trail, you saw Bucky watching you carefully with an almost hunger behind his eyes. Grinning, he lent forward to nip at your bottom lip, pulling it forward with his teeth. Moaning into his touch, you raised yourself up to grind into his lap.
He hissed against your lips, feeling the drag of your heat pulling against him. The way you moved in his lap, it wasn’t long before you felt the outline of him pressing between your thighs. Something girlish and young within you wanted to scream “fuck, I’m making Bucky Barnes hard right now.”
Instead you kept your cool, bringing your hands under his shirt to run them flush against his skin. He felt so warm and so real, every dream you’d had about him was coming to life in front of you. Bucky’s fingers came to toy at the band of your jeans as his lips moved to kiss along your jawline.
“If you’ll let me,” His voice was rumbling in his chest and against yours. “Can I show you the things I’ve always wanted to do to you?”
You responded through the medium of pulling your shirt off and over your head and reaching behind you to do away with your bra. Bucky lent back on his hands, watching the little show in front of him with his lip between his teeth.
As you pulled the clothes off, you could steadily feel him hardening against you, the sheer sight of you revealing yourself was enough to drive him crazy. Still leaning on his metal hand, he brought his right one up to cup your breast, moving the soft flesh against his palm.
You tipped your head back as he ran his feather-light touches across your skin, raising bumps on it along the way and making you sight gently at the feeling. He inched ever closer to where you knew you needed him most, his fingers coming to the button of your jeans.
His eyes caught your own with a silent “may I?” before he dove into to somewhere he’d never come back from. Leaning in closer to him until your lips were back together, you whispered into your mouth.
“Bucky, if you don’t fuck me then I’ll make you sit back and watch as I do it myself.”
For as big and strong as he is, you managed to coax a whine out of his throat at the prospect of living up to your threats you laid before him. It felt fucking good to have him in the palm of your hand, to make this man fall apart before you.
He wrapped his arms beneath your ass and lifted you as he stood, before turning and laying you back on your bed. He threw his shirt off over his shoulder, leaning back over you to pull your jeans down your legs. Bucky took his sweet time with you, letting you watch as he got rid of his own pants.
He came to rest between your legs, hand trailing up your thigh and resting against your side. You couldn’t get enough of his lips on yours, fingers finding their way back into his hair as he began to rut his hips into your own.
Bucky felt right against you, like you were trying to work out why you’d taken this long to get yourself under him. Whipped from your thoughts, Bucky slipped a finger under the band of your underwear, running against the sensitive skin.
You made the decision to forgo shame and let the quietest whimpers of him name drift into the air. Seeing the smirk rise on his face, you lifted your hips for him as he rolled the thin fabric down your legs.
Before he tossed it over his shoulder, his smirk darkened and he looked from panties to you.
“You’re this wet all for me? You have been waiting patiently, haven’t you?”
Bucky stopped your response before it was able to slip past your lips, two metal fingers dragged slowly along your slit and forced your body to sink into the mattress. So long had you thought about how this felt, what this would look like, you never imagined you’d get this feeling.
Rolling your hips forward, you felt his digits moving closer to where you needed him most. Unable to stop yourself from whining impatiently, you pulled him in closer, trying to get something-anything to sate the heat that’d been burning some time.
“I know you want it, baby,” Bucky hummed, gently easing his fingers into you. “But I have to get you ready cause I don’t want to hurt you.”
You could feel him through his boxers, but the idea that he was big enough to do some damage? You clenched tightly around his thick metal fingers as he slowly thrust them into you.
His lips lay against your collarbone, heated breath rolling off your skin as he moved inside you. Crossing your arms over his shoulders, you lay back as you quietly called out his name, feeling the overwhelming concoction of him.
Stretching his fingers out, you felt that burn between your thighs, the one you’d been waiting for. It wouldn’t last long, but it felt worth it to know you’d get your hands on the man that’d made home in your mind.
Drawing them back out of you, Bucky wrapped his lips around the two digits and hummed at the taste. The way his eyes dropped shut, the deep moan that forced its way out, your thighs tried to clamp shut at the sound.
Bucky caught your legs in his strong grasp before you could do so, easing them back open as he sat himself up a bit. He dropped one hand down, palming himself through his briefs eagerly. 
Your breath caught in your chest as he hooked his thumb into the fabric, drawing it down and allowing his cock to spring free and slap against his torso. Longer than you’d expected and thicker than your wrist, you could feel your mouth begin to water at the thought of having him inside you.
Looking up to gauge your reaction, Bucky was met with darkened eyes and your tongue running along your bottom lip as your eyes were fixed on the way his hand lazily stroked his shaft.
“You ready, pretty baby?”
Your voice cracked as you jumped at the chance to reply. “Please fuck me.”
Taking his hand back to your heat, he collected some slick before using it to fist his length. His lips came back to yours, that same hungry kiss with his tongue taking purchase in your mouth. 
You felt the head of his cock pressing against you before he gently eased into your pussy, pushing his way into you and making you cry out into his mouth. He gave you that moment to collect your breath before you were panting for him to start moving.
Bracing one hand on your headboard, Bucky rolled his hips into you at the most incredible pace. You had never felt someone so deep in you, like he was always meant to end up in your bed with you. Lifting your legs, your wrapped them under his bum, hands leaving his hair to grip each cheek.
He chuckled against your mouth before rolling his tongue against yours and coaxing out a moan. The soft skin of his surprisingly firm behind felt like heaven under your grasp as he continued to pump into you.
Bucky had your whole body on fire, the pleasure coursing through out you as he rolled his hips in a perfect rhythm. His grip on the headboard tightened the more you gripped around him, head back on the pillow and his name the only thing falling from your lips.
“You look like an angel, never seen you look so beautiful.” He cooed, mouth coming to the crook of your neck.
Feeling his teeth against the join of your shoulder, your back was arching up and into him. You pulled him in even closer, hoping to have him as deep within you as you could.
“You’re so fucking sexy, the amount of times I’ve thought of this when I’m alone.” 
Your head was spinning, he found you so sexy he touched himself with only the thought of you to get him through? You’d struck fucking gold with this one, you were going to treasure every moment you got of this.
Whole body tensing against your will, you could feel your orgasm very closely approaching. A searing heat covering your whole body, twisting up into the tightest coil as you moaned incoherently for Bucky.
“I can feel you gripping me like a vice, you ‘gonna come for me?” 
It was the easiest yes, he already had you in the clouds, but when two metal fingers came to rub against your clit it was almost numbing. Your mouth dropped open, coos of praise and thanks slipping out as he made you feel like you were seconds from melting.
You hit that peak, gripping onto Bucky like he was going to slip away from you as your fingers found his hair again. Pulling tight on the roots, he gave you the most delicious moan you wouldn’t have been able to imagine. The feeling of his hot breath on your skin sent you sky-rocketing.
Coming with a cry, you felt yourself soaking him well and truly as he continued to fuck you through it. Your senses were at a high, the feeling just continuing to come over you in breaking waves.
Bucky’s grip on the headboard came loose as he dropped his hand to your hip, sitting up a bit to drive his hips. His fingers never left your clit either, still furiously rubbing that nub that was now more than sensitive.
There was no doubt a second orgasm was quickly following behind, all you could do was gasp for Bucky. The grin on his face told you he knew all too well exactly where you were.
“Such a good girl for me, come on, I know you can give me another.” 
Watching him knelt above you, ferociously driving his hips into you, your body gave out on you again as you came again. So quick together, your chest was rising and falling as you felt the tension snap within you.
Bucky groaned as he felt you gush around him, bringing his own release to the edge. Both his hands went under your ass and lifted you up to fuck into you with the last of his strength.
Feeling him stutter, you cried out his name for him again, before you felt him still entirely. With a deep groan from his chest, you felt his release in hot spurts within you. Bucky fell back to your chest, laying against you as you both came back down.
After going to the bathroom and cleaning up, you came back into the room to find him propped up against your pillows. He sheepishly gestured towards his clothes that he’d thrown about.
“Uh, I can go now if that’s what you want.”
You giggled at the sudden change, back to that sweet Bucky that sometimes got nervous when you looked him in the eyes but could also leave you speechless. Moving back to the bed, you found your way back into his lap and enjoyed the feeling of his hands finding home on your hips again.
“There is no way I am through with you.”
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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This is two parts because I got carried away. I wrote this on my phone and proof read as much as I could.
Warnings: cheating, male masturbation, m/f sex, minor spoilers for “Defending Jacob”.
Plain Gold Ring
“Plain gold ring on his finger he wore
It was where everyone could see
He belonged to someone, but not me
On his hand was a plain gold ring”
-Nina Simone
When the Barbers moved to your building every old bitty in the place was buzzing with excitement. You had loosely followed Jacob Barber’s case as it played out on the evening news. The whole thing was bizarrely too neat and tidy for your liking. You tried to stay out of idle gossip as much as possible. But, when you heard Andy Barber was interviewing for a senior position at your firm, you had questions.
Andy was brought in to interview for a position that you were also interested in. You requested a meeting with your boss and you went in guns blazing. Your poor boss was not ready for all the excitement.
“Am I still being considered for junior partner?”
“Y/n, calm down.” When he saw you winding yourself up, he popped an antacid an a few ibuprofen.
“Calm down? Calm down he says. I’ve been with this firm since I clerked for you in Law school, Stan. I’m the best fit for this role and you know it.”
“I know you are, kid. I’ve been out voted.”
It’s common knowledge that the partners don’t want too many women gunning for their jobs. They already have one token female partner. They didn’t feel the need to add another. You were infuriated. You stomped back to your office and slammed the door.
All of the work you put in. All of the late nights. You don’t have time to even date. And all for what? You had to calm down now because you were starting to cry out of sheer frustration. You took a deep breath and started going through your to do list. With a relatively light schedule you decided to leave for the day. You mumbled something to your assistant about a doctors appointment and headed for the elevator.
You saw some of the senior partners headed your way shaking hands with Andy. You pressed the elevator button furiously trying to avoid them. Could you make it down seventeen flights of stairs in your stilettos? The elevator dinged and you jumped on just as Robert called your name.
As soon as you put your car in gear, your assistant called. You sent her to voicemail. She called again. Declined. Finally she texted call me back ASAP. Emergency. Fuck.
“Caitlan I said I had an appointment. What’s the emergency?”
“Sorry. Mr. Cramer insisted I call. He’s standing by my desk” she whispered. “They want you to have lunch with them today. Maybe it’s about the job.”
“Did you see guy shaking hands with them? That��s the new junior partner. They are asking me to lunch to reject me. Fuck! Where?” You rested your head against the steering wheel.
“Commander’s at 1:00.”
“Fine.” you groaned.
You went home to freshen up and send out your updated resume. You made sure to include “Willing to relocate” at the end to broaden your prospects. You had a friend in Chicago who worked for a very high profile firm. They were always looking for new blood. You shot her a text to let her know you were looking then emailed your resume. The prospect of starting over completely made you nauseous. You would have to go through the ranks and probably waist another five years to get exactly where you were right now.
When you arrived at the restaurant the maître d brought you to the table where Stan, several other senior partners and Andy were waiting. Andy stood up to pull out your chair.
“Gentleman. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Sit down, Y/N. We wanted to introduce you to Andrew Barber.”
“Andy. Please call me Andy. It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. These guys haven’t stopped talking about you all morning.”
“All good things I hope.” The men laughed and ordered a round of martinis. Good thing you ate a big lunch at home. No one likes a sloppy drunk girl.
“Yes. Well, Y/N, as you may not know Andy has accepted the junior partner position. We would love if you brought him up to speed on anything you’re working on and show him the ropes.”
You were seething. “Of course Mr. Cramer. Happy to.”
“Oh. Good. Let’s order huh? I’m starving.”
You were silent for the rest of lunch ordering two more martinis very dry and a salad. Dressing on the side of course. The men spoke loudly and never even tried to include you in the conversation. You excused yourself to use the restroom. Andy, ever the gentleman, stood up at the same time.
You didn’t go back. Not that it would have mattered. You ordered an Uber and checked your email. You didn’t notice Andy at the valet stand.
“I’m headed back to the office. Need a ride?” he called to you.
“No. I’m good. Thanks though.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” He watched you pace back and forth reading a message almost out loud.
You didn’t look up from your phone. “Shit.” You scowled looking at the screen. You dialed Caitlan’s extension. “Caitlan, Sloan Treadaway’s deposition was moved to today. I need it pushed to Monday.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I figured you would be coming back so I told them it was ok to push it up. I can call them back.”
“No. Don’t bother. I’m on my way back.”
“Looks like you can use a ride after all.” Andy was grinning from ear to ear.
He held the door and rushed around to the other side. You pulled a small bag out of your purse. You freshened your hair, popped some breath mints, lotioned and spritzed away the smell of booze. Andy thought this must be commonplace for you. It’s not easy trying to run with the guys. He could walk into this deposition piss drunk and most people wouldn’t care. You had to be perfect. He always hated that aspect of working in a big firm like this.
“Sorry. I’ll pay to have your car cleaned.” It smelled like you now. Expensive perfume and minty breath. Sweet but not sickly so. He inhaled letting his nostrils flair breathing you in. “Don’t want your wife to be pissed.”
“Lori? Don’t worry about her. She’ll understand.”
“How is she doing with her job search?”
“Doing ok. Thanks for asking. She’s interviewed with a few places.”
“She worked for a non profit right?” When he looked at you quizzically, you quickly explained yourself. “I hear things. Anyway. I know the director of a non profit organization that might be a great fit for her. I’ll pass along her information.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Stan told me you were the front runner for this position. I know how hard it is for women in this industry. I want to say how sorry I am…”
“Let me stop you there. First of all, don’t be sorry. You’re high profile and a damn good litigator. They would be stupid not to offer you the moon. You’re over qualified for this job. You didn’t come here gunning for me. I’ll be fine. Besides, a few of these old bags have one foot in the grave. It won’t be long for me.”
Andy smiled at you but still kind of felt like shit at the way the firm treated you. When you pulled into the garage you offered a quick thanks and rushed into the building to prepare.
Andy stayed behind for a bit. He spent a few precious moments breathing in your scent, letting it linger and wash over him. He hoped his clothes would smell a little like you. Stan said you were a “fire cracker”. Andy always hated that analogy. He knew by the way the group of men talked about you that he would like you. Your quick banter in the car confirmed it. Throughout the rest of the day you would invade his thoughts. He and Lori were still married but their relationship was long over. You had excited him more in a couple of hours than she had in years. When he got home he didn’t eat dinner or speak to anyone. He went right to his room where he replayed your exchange over and over. The ghost of your perfume lingered on his shirt. Both of your scents mixed together gave him a raging hard on. He kept your shirt over his face while he fisted his cock.
The next morning you decided to face the day with a fresher attitude. Sometime yesterday you heard from your friend. She was thrilled that you reached out to her. She has been trying to get you out there for a while. Knowing that you had a solid backup plan was giving your hair volume and clearing your skin.
You thought you were early but Andy was already in your office waiting for you.
“Morning, Mr. Barber.” God he loved how you said that.
He scoffed, “Andy. Please. I brought you a coffee. I hope it’s ok. I got your order from Caitlan. I thought we’d order in lunch today. We have a lot of ground to cover. You should probably let your family know you’ll be missing dinner.”
“I don’t think my dead ficus will worry too much.” Your tone was dry.
“I apologize for the assumption.”
“Not necessary. Though my mother and my therapist would both be pleased to know that I look like someone who could have a family.”
You were funny. You seemed to say whatever thought popped into your head. You had one hell of a poker face though. He didn’t know if you were trying to be funny or if this was just you. When you didn’t look up from your computer screen he didn’t laugh.
As the day wore on you warmed up to him a little. You filled him in on the three big cases you were working on. You were actually going to trial on a very important case soon. He insisted you rehearse your opening statement a hundred times.
During the third run through Andy’s phone was blowing up. He finally turned it off and told you to keep going. He watched you pace around the room and coached you on your stance. “Stand with authority not arrogance.” He chided. He showed you himself then, asked if he could touch your shoulders. “Round them out like this. Good. Back straight. See?” he pointed to your reflection in the window, “It’s not menacing or arrogant. But you look like you’re in charge. You look perfect.” Hell. Was he flirting with you? By the time you looked at the clock it was 9:30.
“Fuck is that the time?” he said with a boisterous yawn.
“Shit. We should pick this up tomorrow.”
“Let’s go get a drink. I’m buying.”
You quirked your eyebrow, “I’m sure your wife and kiddo are dying to see you.”
He stacked some folders neatly on your desk and looked up at you through his lashes, “I’ll be sure to tell my therapist that I look like a guy who has a happy marriage and a good relationship with his kid.”
Your cheeks heated. The way he was looking at you made you sad but it also warmed your insides. “I’m sorry.” you mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. We said we would stay together until Jacob went away to school. He pretends to ignore the fact that we have separate bedrooms. We put on happy faces everyday. We’re a typical American family.”
You laughed at his admission. His whole story was so fucked up. You wanted to know everything about him. “You know, I think I will let you buy me a drink.”
“Good girl.” he said in a low voice that went strait to your core. The whole way to the car you repeated a mantra in your head reminding you not to get involved with a married man. It didn’t matter how unhappy they were. But you wanted him. Every time he touched you, your insides would quake.
The bar was packed with regulars from the DA’s office and other firms. You introduced Andy around. The guy was a legitimate pro. He was so smooth working the room. The whole time he kept finding small ways to touch you. The brush of his fingers on your arm his breath against your ear when he asked if wanted another drink. Your heart nearly stopped. You stuck with him for a while until your feet couldn’t stand anymore. Every time he caught your eye from across the room he winked at you.
For the first time in a long time Andy was enjoying himself. Your friends were fun and not at all stuffy like he thought this crowd would be. You were adorable. Your laugh was cute. The way you brushed against him on purpose was cute. You were openly flirting with him the more you drank. He had a massive crush on you. What grown man has a crush these days. He thought maybe if he fucked you and got it out of his system he’d get over it.
Your friend Liz sat down at your table trying to talk to you for a solid minute before you noticed. “Sorry. I was distracted. What were you saying?” She threw her head back laughing at you.
“I said you two would make a gorgeous couple.”
“Stop. He’s married.”
“That doesn’t matter. Married is married.”
“So that’s a no. He’s been eye fucking you all night. Shoot your shot, darling. We get so few in this life.” The light hit his wedding ring just right making you feel horrible for even entertaining the thought. Do not get involved. You kept chanting it in your head over and over until Andy slid in the booth next to you. He leaned over so he could talk over the din of the crowd.
“Hey, you. Wanna get out of here?”
“You don’t need to bring me home, Andy. I can catch an Uber.” That was such a ridiculous statement since you lived in the same building.
“That’s not what I asked. I said do you wanna get out of here?” His eyes were fixed on your mouth. A salacious grin splayed across his lips just knowing you’d give in.
“Andy. I….” You stuttered over your words. Your brain stopped working when you felt his warm breath on the shell of your ear. “Let’s get out of here.” Your breath hitched in your chest when he touched the small of your back. He payed his tab and lead you out of the bar.
You held hands in the car. His thumb rhythmically traced patterns on your knuckles. Every touch sent bolts of arousal to your aching cunt. It felt electric. You were ready to crawl into his lap by the time you made it into the garage. He parked in his spot and followed behind you to the elevator. You lived two floors below him. You glanced back at Lori’s sensible suv next to his car and felt embarrassed. He caught you looking and stopped you in your tracks. He took your chin in between his thumb and index finger forcing you to look at him.
“I understand if you don’t want to invite me in. I’m asking a lot of you. But I really like you, Y/N. You are funny and intimidatingly smart. And, fuck me, you are fucking stunning. I can go to work tomorrow like nothing happened. Don’t worry about Lori. Worry about what this means working together. Can you handle this?”
Your brain was no longer working and deferred to your pussy for any and all further decisions. You had not had even mediocre sex in six months. You just knew Andy was going to blow your mind. All day you have been working together so well. You challenged each other and he encouraged you when you faltered. Would this change the dynamic at work? Absolutely. Could you handle it? You’re damn right you could.
“I can handle it.”
“Good girl.” You all but sprinted to the elevator. He wouldn’t touch you until you actually got inside of your apartment and closed the door. When you did, he pushed against you and covered your lips with his.
You tasted the golden flavor of beer on his tongue as it probed your mouth. He unbuttoned your blouse and pushed it over your shoulders letting it hit the floor. He kissed his way down the column of your neck to the swell of your breasts. You panted underneath him raking your nails through his hair.
“God you smell incredible. At any point if you don’t want this….”
“Andy, shut up and fuck me.” He growled low in his throat before he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. You could see how hard he was through his impeccably tailored slacks. You unzipped his fly and took the whole throbbing appendage in your mouth.
“Fuck, baby yes.” he hissed. You relaxed your throat muscles and swallowed him deeper. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” He moaned your name over and over soaking your panties. “Stop, honey. Let me see that pretty pussy.”
He eased you down onto the bed and undressed you painfully slow. It had been so long since he was intimate with someone, he wanted to take his time. He started with your feet removing your heels and massaging your insteps. His hands ran up the length of your legs to your skirt. He took off your panties first letting the skirt material pool around your waist. “So wet for me. So beautiful.” He slipped two fingers in between your folds hitting everywhere but your clit. He built up a tortuous rhythm that had you begging for relief. He smiled down at you watching completely fall apart. When he dipped his fingers inside of you, you were done. Your orgasm spilled out in one glorious cry. Before you could catch your breath he pulled off your skirt and unhooked your bra. His cock was weeping at the sight of you. A large hand held the back of your neck holding your head in place so you could look at him. Your eyes locked as he buried himself inside of you. There were no more words as he moved inside of you. Only breathless moans and sighs would escape your lips. He increased his pace and your orgasm started building again.
“Fuck. Andy, I’m….fuck!”
“I’m with you, honey. Come with me.” His words were your undoing. You latched your whole body onto him. He held you tight whispering praises in your ear. He kissed you slow and deep easing you back down to Earth. “You ok?”
“I think so.” You both laughed at the sight of yourselves. Sweat glistening off of your skin, lips puffy and kiss swollen. He eased off of you and rubbed your thighs to relax you. You thought he would get dressed and rush out but he crawled under the covers instead.
“Can I stay for a while?” Big arms pulled you down to his chest. He stroked your back softly to help you drift off to sleep.
“I’d like it if you did.” He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head and let his eyes flutter closed.
When dawn found you a few hours later, you were still tangled with each other. You jolted awake panicking because Andy was still in your bed. “Andy, wake up. You stayed all night.”
“I know. What time is it?”
“Then we have time. Go back to sleep.”
“But Lori…”
“I told you not to worry about her. Get back on this pillow and let me hold you. Please.” The poor guy was so touch starved you guessed. Andy Barber was not a man who did well being single. He loved being in love. He longed for a connection. For passion. He knew those things would sometimes fizzle out of a marriage. But, with you, he couldn’t see that. Your fire matched his fire and Lori was the wet blanket that always snuffed him out.
He supposed that wasn’t really fair. Two people were in their marriage. He worked long hours and spent very little time doing anything but being an ADA and being a dad. He didn’t give the same dedication to being Lori’s partner. The stress of this past year pushed them further apart. He felt obligated to be with her. It was his idea to stay together for Jacob’s sake. He regretted pushing for it.
He pulled you close to his body and wrapped an arm around your waist. He nuzzled your hair and fell back to sleep. You did too.
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onebatch2batch · 3 years
Heyo, dialogue prompts: 14 or 30? 😊
HI THIS WAS FROM FOREVER AGO BUUUUUT that's my m.o. so here we are. Hope you like it!!
And no, I'm never going to stop writing different versions of Frank and Karen getting together, you can't make me :)
14. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
Frank can practically hear David scheming, and he’s proven right when an anthropomorphic mop of hair bends into his line of sight and he says, “Hey, remember in the bunker, when we were still on the run?”
They’re both standing in David’s front yard. Frank’s van is in need of an oil change and a replacement filter and since he’s not keen on anyone else working on his getaway vehicle, he called up David to request use of his paved, suburban driveway. It’s been a few weeks since he’s managed to get over here, and David had instantly agreed on the condition that Frank stay for dinner. It’s a beautiful summer day, even if it’s a little hot, and he’s feeling a little off-kilter from the sounds of children playing all around. It’s so painfully normal that for a moment he’d regretted asking, and then David had offered him a drink. The taller computer genius doesn’t know shit about cars, so he’s alternating between fetching more beers and talking Frank’s ear off. It’s been about an hour now, and Frank has slowly relaxed into the background noise.
“Yeah,” Frank responds dryly around the flashlight between his teeth. He’s elbow deep in grease and not really interested in where this line of questioning is going to go, but David has other ideas.
“Uh huh. You know, when you got yourself on the news after that kid held Karen hostage?”
If Frank is affected by the name, all David notices is a sharp glance. “Yeah.”
“And how you freaked out and begged for my help and said she was family?”
Frank straightens and sets the flashlight down on the bumper of the car. “You got a point, Lieberman? I’m busy.”
“Yeah, I have a point. Was that all just bullshit, or what?”
They stare at each other. Frank’s jaw ticks.
“Thought so.”
“No, what?”
“Well you made this huge declaration and then almost got yourself killed trying to rescue her so--”
“God damn it, Lieberman, you’re never going to let that go, are you--”
David shakes his head, exasperated. “I mean, we haven’t even gotten to meet her yet and it’s been six months since Madini used her government wiles to give you a new identity--”
Frank scowls. “It’s none of your--”
The other man cuts him off quickly, hands up. To Frank’s immense displeasure, the other man looks less cowed and more placating. “I’m just saying, invite her to dinner next week. What harm is there? Maybe something good might happen to you for once, god forbid.” His friend stares him down, using every couple of inches of height to try and look intimidating. Of course it doesn’t work, but Frank is too busy thinking about having a family dinner with Karen, with his friends, like a normal person. Like a couple. He realizes too slow that David is leering at him, pleased.
“David, shut the hell up.”
“You’re blushing. Is that a yes? I’ll tell Sarah.”
Karen doesn’t question it when Frank calls her up after half a year of radio silence. She asks if it's a casual dress dinner and what kind of wine to bring, and then announces she’s got to go and she’ll see him Friday at six sharp.
He doesn’t know if that’s better or worse than her just telling him to shove it.
Friday creeps up on him, and by the time he parks outside of her apartment it hasn’t really sunk in that he’s about to take Karen Page to a domestic dinner in the suburbs. Because it’s definitely not a date, even though it kind of is. It’s the stuff he used to do with Maria and the kids all the time when he was on leave; double dates and cook outs and all that crap. He’s rusty as hell and usually shit company, but they keep asking him back. And now, he’s throwing Karen into the mix.
It’s a feeling similar to being shot in the head and waking up in a hospital room. Disorienting and uncomfortable as hell.
He picks her up in the van, leaning against the side of it as he waits. The Lieberman’s neighborhood is outside the city, about a twenty minute drive. It’s going to give them plenty of time to talk, and he’d barely restrained himself from looking up conversation starters online before leaving his place. He doubts there’s any suggestions for a vigilante-cum-construction worker who’s picking up a date he’s spoken a handful of words to for the first time in six months. He’s just considering cancelling the whole thing when the door to her building opens and she steps out.
He’s seen Karen a lot of ways. He’s seen her in pencil skirts and heels and blouses, in tshirt and jeans, bruised and bloody. He’s never seen her in a sundress with her pinked shoulders bare to the world and strappy sandals on her feet. Her hair is in a long braid over her shoulder. She looks fucking resplendant. Absolutely divine. Fucking poetry in motion.
He’s fucked.
“Hi,” she greets, coming to a stop in front of him. She’s got a bottle of wine in her hands. Her eyes punch little, individual question marks into his skin when she searches his face.
“Hey.” He inhales, bracing for her reaction. His throat closes up when he gets a whiff of her perfume. So familiar from the handful of times he’s been close enough to smell it--something soft and floral, something that makes his head swim. He thinks back to that moment so many months ago, swaying together in the elevator, her skin against his, her perfume subtle under the metallic tang of blood.
Karen doesn’t immediately go for interrogating him. She only lifts the bottle in her hand. “I brought a white, is that okay?”
Wary relief loosens the knot at the top of his spine. He nods, pushing off the car to open her door. “Sure.”
When Karen climbs in, carefully arranging her skirt around her, the dark interior contrasting with the soft yellow of her dress, Frank thinks about a conversation with Curtis all those months ago. Wonders when the kick is coming.
They spend the first ten minutes looking out separate windows and listening to the radio. After that, Karen starts talking like she’s made her mind up about the evening is going to go. She asks him how he’s been, if he’s gotten a job, how Dinah is, what the Liebermans are like. Nothing is accusatory. They could be old friends passing one another on the street, the way she’s talking. Almost like she’s talking to a scared dog. Coaxing it out of a corner.
Guess he deserves that.
By the time he pulls onto the appropriate street, it almost feels normal. They’ve fallen into a familiar back and forth that’s easy to keep up with, and when he opens her door she gives him a small grateful smile, accepting his hand on the way down.
He’s not disappointed when she lets go to straighten the fabric of her dress. He’s not.
As always, the Lieberman household is an explosion of domesticity. There’s shoes on the stairs, a sweet smelling candle burning on the coffee table, toys and books strewn over the floor. Pictures line the walls. When Frank knocks on the door, Zach opens it like he’s been waiting for them.
“ Hi, Pete!” he greets excitedly, and then his eyes land on Karen. “Who’s that?”
“Hello, I’m Karen Page.” She crouches down to look him in the eye and smiles. “You must be Zach, right?”
He flushes, twisting his fingers nervously. “Yeah. Are you Pete’s girlfriend?”
They’re saved from answering by a sudden, high pitched shriek. “Frank!!”
Karen manages to stand out of the way just in time for Leo to come barrelling down the stairs directly into Frank, hugging him tightly around the middle.
“Frank, Dad says you were here Saturday but you were gone before I left Ann’s house!!” she pulls away and waves a book at him. “I’m reading the book you told me about!”
He grins down at her. “I waited around for ya, but your mom said you wouldn’t be home until later. How’s the book, huh?”
She scrunches her nose. “I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know. Are you Karen?”
Karen laughs. “I sure am. Leo, right?”
“That’s me. Come on, my mom is in the kitchen.” She nudges Zach and then four of them head into the other room. Sarah Lieberman is standing behind the kitchen counter, chopping up a head of lettuce. When they walk in, she beams at them.
“Hey guys, welcome! Hang on, let me finish this. Pete, David’s out in the garage trying to fix the sprinklers. Can you--?”
Frank rolls his eyes. “Say no more.”
He lifts his brows at Karen, but she gives him a jerk of her head. Frank huffs and stalks off after kissing Sarah on the cheek, Leo trailing after him talking about sprinkler systems and tools. Zach joins his mother behind the counter and peers at Karen curiously. She sets the bottle of wine down.
“So Karen!” Sarah exclaims, dumping the lettuce into a bowl. “Let’s get you a glass of wine and chat. How’s that sound?”
They end up on the patio furniture. After completing the salad and sides, Sarah turns on the grill and then ushers them to the corner of the patio, refilling their glasses.
“So,” she starts, and peers at Karen over the rim of her glass. “I’m going to be forward, but I get the feeling you’ll appreciate that. What’s the deal with you and Pete? Sorry--habit. Frank.”
Karen could have guessed this was coming, even if she expected a little more subtlety. And Sarah’s right, she appreciates the bluntness. It gives her a chance to answer in kind.
“I don’t know.” She runs a finger over the rim of her glass, frowning. “I haven’t--we haven’t spoken in...a while. Six months, actually. And the last time I saw him..well, it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I thought I scared him off, actually.”
“How so?”
And the story falls out of her mouth, in pieces. She hasn’t spoken to anyone about Frank, about her feelings for him--the good or bad--or about that afternoon in the hospital. “--and I thought...I thought maybe he would finally kiss me.” She runs a hand through her hair, frustrated. “And then he pulled that I’m not a hero bullshit and that’s the last I saw of him. Until he called this week.”
Sarah rolls her eyes. “That sounds like him. Honey, did you know when we first met he was gathering information on David?”
“Ah, yes. I was the one who found David for him.” She grimaces. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be! We’re lucky he came looking. Without him…” she shrugs. “I would still be a widow. And my kids still wouldn’t have their father. I’m just trying to say he may do things backwards, but he ends up doing things for the right reasons. Even if it takes him time to figure that out.”
Dinner goes well. Dinner goes really, really well. Not that Frank was worried--there isn’t a person alive who can sit down with Karen Page and at the very least admire her. The Liebermans fall in love with her immediately. The kids demand that she stay for a board game after dinner. Leo brags about her science project. Zach shyly asks if Karen likes football. Sarah drills her with questions about her job. David keeps her laughing while stupid jokes and send Frank knowing glances throughout dinner that makes Frank want to throw peas at him.
Karen is charming, sweet, and great with the kids. She gets along with David and Sarah, and sends him warm, unsure smiles until dessert.
They play Apples to Apples, and the kids decimate. Karen is a close third. Frank loses terribly, but he’s still busy ruminating over the warm feeling in his chest at the cacophony of noise that surrounds him as everyone submits to another peal of laughter to notice.
“Frank,” Leo says innocently once they’ve put the board game away and Sarah has told the kids it’s time for bed. She stands in the doorway to the kitchen and looks at him sternly, hands on her hips. “Please bring Karen around more. It’s not fair that you get to hog her and we’ve just met.”
“Leo, that’s Miss Page to you.” Sarah tries for sharpness but ends up laughing. “Off to bed. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
“Bye Miss Page!” the kids chorus, and then it’s just the adults.
“Great kids,” Karen laughs. “Smart, too. You’re in trouble.”
Sarah sighs and pats her husband’s cheek fondly. “Yeah, we know. Somehow both of them got his brain.”
David chuckles, turns quickly to press a kiss to his wife’s palm. “At least they didn’t get my hair,” he jokes.
Karen sneaks a glance at Frank, then quickly looks away. He catches it, just briefly, as does David.
“Sarah, we should probably make sure the kids are actually brushing their teeth. I’ll tackle Leo if you tackle Zach, tag team it? We’ll be right back, guys.”
It’s quiet in the kitchen after that. Karen takes a sip of her wine and taps her fingers. There’s something on her mind, he can tell. When she doesn’t say anything he leans forward to capture her gaze. “What is it?”
“Why now, Frank?” Karen asks.
The conversation he’s been dreading. A feeling of shame bubbles up so suddenly it nearly knocks him off his chair. He scratches his neck for no reason other than to expel the nervous energy building in him.
“I didn’t want to…” There’s no use pretending like they’re talking about something else, not when she’s staring at him like that. Like she's been waiting all night for this conversation while he’s been tricking himself into thinking it may not happen. His finger dances restlessly on the table top. “I didn’t want to get you sucked back in.”
“Into what?” She arches a brow. “You?”
“Me. My life. My goddamn baggage. I know you deserve better than me.” He clears his throat. “So I wanted you to have a chance to live your life without my ghosts hanging around.”
“Frank Castle,” Karen sighs, exasperated, “please don’t tell me you’re making decisions for me. And that still doesn’t answer my question--why now?”
His expression tightens. “C’mon Karen. I’m just tryin’ to keep you safe--”
“How many times do I have to tell you--”
“As many as it ta--”
“Frank--” David steps into the kitchen, Sarah in tow. They pause, looking between the two people seated at the table awkwardly. “Oh, are we interrupting something?”
“No, David. Thank you both for tonight. I think I should be going.” Karen stands and looks at Frank. “I have loved you for two years, Frank. No amount of avoiding me or trying to protect me is going to change that. Excuse me.”
And then she walks away.
He catches up to her just down the street. As soon as he sees that familiar head of blond hair he pulls the van over and hops out, jogging to catch up. Karen glances at him and then pauses, as if waiting for something.
“Let me drive you home,” he asks. “Please.”
He doesn’t take her home straight away; she doesn’t ask. Frank drives until he finds a spot overlooking the water. The heat has finally broken and a cool breeze comes in through the open window, stirring Karen’s hair. He shuts off the engine. They sit in silence while he tries to decide what to say.
“I guess I should start by apologizing,” he says finally, tapping the steering wheel. He’s past nervous, he just wants to fix his own screw up. “I’m sorry, Karen. I don’t want to make any decisions for you. I should have--I should have talked to you about it. I should have started this conversation a long time ago.”
“So, start it.” She’s watching him, waiting. There’s a tense expression on her face--like she’s either trying not to cry, or trying not to smile. Or tell him off. He’s not sure which, yet.
Frank clears his throat. “Okay. Uh. I’m not gonna make excuses, I’m just gonna tell you what I know. I know that I have done some shit, and I’m going to continue doing that shit. I’m not ever gonna be normal. I know that you’re smart as hell, and you check me, and you’re a fucking force of nature. I know that I have been telling myself that you deserve more than some--fuckin’ vigilante who wakes up to nightmares more than he doesn’t. I know you deserve to be safe and happy. You deserve more than I can give you. But uh,” he takes her hand cautiously, waits for her to pull away, relaxes when she doesn’t, “...I wanna try.”
“You gotta mean it, Frank,” she says, voice watery. “You better fucking mean it.”
“I mean it. I swear to Christ, I mean it.”
She pulls her hand away and for a millisecond, he thinks he’s said something wrong. Then she’s unbuckling her seat belt and clamoring over the armrest into his lap. It’s not the most majestic first kiss he’s ever had (of which there are few) but her breath is hot on his lips and her fingernails scrape gently over his scalp as if entreating him closer. Frank makes a low groan that he hasn’t heard from himself in a long time--too long--and then Karen shifts and his breath catches in his throat. The heat of her, all wrapped up in his arms, her hair falling over one shoulder as she peppers his mouth, his cheeks, his jaw with the tiniest of kisses.
He could have ruined this without even knowing. He almost ruined it before it even happened.
“I do want you, you know,” Karen murmurs against the skin of his jaw, fingers grasping his shirt. “All of you.”
“I know.”
“Does that scare you?”
He pushes gently until he can look her in the eyes. “A little,” he admits. “I don’t wanna fuck this up.”
“You’re doing okay so far,” she says, smiling. “Now that you’ve pulled your self-deprecating head out of your ass.”
“Took me long enough.” He cradles the back of her head in one hand, drawing her closer until their lips meet again. They’re both uncomfortable at the weird angle but it’s not until the horn beeps once, gaining the attention of a woman walking her dog, that Karen reluctantly returns to her seat.
They work to catch their breaths, watching the water.
“The Liebermans aren’t upset I left so--...abruptly, right?”
“Nah,” Frank chuckles, grasping her hand. He finds an indescribable amount of comfort in brushing his thumb over the ridges over her knuckles. “Actually, I think they like you better for it. Sarah almost chased me out of the house with a goddamn spatula.”
“I knew I liked her. Take me home? I’ll make coffee.”
“It’s a date.”
Frank’s phone lights up that night. If he were to reach an arm over and hold it up to see, David’s text would read, WELL?? Did you get the girl, Lloyd Dobler?
But he doesn’t. He tugs Karen closer and goes back to sleep.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
When I Needed You ~ MYG [Request] [M]
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➟➟➟ Word Count:2.6K
➟➟➟ Genre: established relationship, smut, flashbacks with smutty ending, cute.
➟➟➟ Pairing: Min yoongi x Fem!Reader
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"Jungkook! Put me down or I'm crying to Yoongi!" You squealed as JUngkook threw you over his shoulder, you were in the BigHit employee lounge with the BTS boys and TXT boys all of you joking around together. You were playing Just Dance but because you were winning Jungkook took it upon himself to start cheating at the game and picked you up to stop you playing. 
"This is cheating! I demand a rematch! Namjoon! I can't believe you're encouraging this behaviour!" You yelled jokingly, Yoongi smirked from the sofa he was sitting on. Beomgyu and Soobin were sitting beside him watching everything unfold before them, 
"You're lucky Hyung, she's one of the best." Yoongi smiled to himself once again thinking back on everything that you'd been through together over the last seven years. It felt like you were a part of BTS apart from the fact that you couldn't sing, dance or rap to save your own life, Yoongi would know since he'd been living with you for the last year. You'd been dating six years now and he still adored every day he had with you, spending every moment if it was his last. He wanted to make every day count towards your relationship. He thought back to the time he first met you and how much of an idiot he came across, he never wanted to be alone with you for the first couple of months and then whenever you were around one another he would turn into a stuttering mess, blushing every chance he got. 
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The hallway that led to the dorm was awful, it was dimly lit, the floor tiles were coming off and Yoongi was sure he could smell damp but he was willing to put this out. They could all pull together to make this work, it was just while they were training and Jungkook was at school, it was nothing that they couldn't handle. 
"Yeah! Well, you're the one that's driving a wedge in this marriage!" He heard someone yell in the apartment next door to theirs, he grimaced as he heard a door open and shut and footsteps coming towards then. He assumed it would be another resident passing by to leave but he was shocked when he came face to face with you. You were covered in flour, your hair was a mess and you were wearing jeans and an apron, 
"Hi, sorry! I erm...The landlord in this place sucks so I was trying to make today a nice one for you. I'm Y/n!" You shook each of their hands as they introduced themselves but when it came to Yoongi he choked up, he couldn't even remember how to talk let alone hold your hand and shake it like a normal functioning human. 
"That's Yoongi," You smiled at the one who had introduced himself as Jungkook, you knew a lot of kpop idol trainees came to live in this building. It was closer to their schools and training centres for them, you also knew that this was one of the worst buildings to live in since you had been living there for the last three years of your life. 
"You have the keys right, tell me he didn't forget that part?" Namjoon held up his keys and you smiled holding your hand over your chest relieved that the landlord hadn't forgotten their keys like he had yours when you first moved in.
"The couple upstairs, they stop after five minutes of fighting. Next door to you is empty so that's a bonus, I'm upstairs if you need anything and I mean it...Anything, get me out of that place. Erm...I'm making cookies right now and then I'm cooking myself dinner, I always make way too much so if you guys want something let me know-"
"We'd love food!" Jin shouted saving himself from cooking that night, you smiled brightly and Yoongi's heart began to pound. It was as if seeing your smile made the whole apartment building turn into a ray of sunshine, everything seemed better now you were there. 
"What cookies?"
"Jungkook you have studying to do with Taehyung and Jimin," Hosoek said as he took the keys from Namjoon and unlocked the door,
"I'll bring them down when they're finished and you can give them to the boys whenever." You laughed and all of them agreed with you, letting you go back up to your apartment, you just reached the top of the stairwell when you heard, 
"See you later!" From Yoongi, you giggled peeking through the bars to see him blushing and hitting his head as he forced his way into the apartment. He was cute. 
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From that day you'd gone to the apartment almost every night with meals and snacks for them, making sure they had everything they would ever need. Helping Jungkook studying for important exams and making sure that he went to bed on time instead of staying up late playing video games. You were like the mum of the group but it took a while for Yoongi to warm up to you, he eventually did and you grew close...right up until he kissed you and everything got awkward again. 
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"You're nervous?" You asked Yoongi as you stood backstage, it was the day of their debuted and he'd done nothing but pace back and forth the apartment all morning and was continuing to do the same in front of you right now, pacing around and staring at the floor as he did so. 
"A little, I just I don't know if we're ready-" You grabbed his hand and he froze in place, thoughts about the debut stage and performing were flung from his brain like something in a catapult and he stared at your fingers interlocking with his.
"You guys are perfect, I've heard and seen you practice a million times. The song is amazing as well Yoongi, you guys did an amazing job." He nodded at you trying to think of something to say to you, 
"Look just do what I do when I'm nervous," He urged you to continue on and you giggled, 
"When I get nervous around people I don't know, I imagine them naked...people are a lot less intimidating that way." He blushed at the mere thought of you picturing him naked when you first met them and you looked over his shoulder at Namjoon, 
"They're ready for you, you've got this! Okay?" He nodded at you and without thinking he let go of your hands and grabbed onto your arms and kissed you. His lips were on yours and you panicked but wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back and smiling against his lips. It was as if nothing was around you anymore, no pressures of his debut, no boys yelling at him to hurry up and get ready. Just you and Yoongi alone, kissing in the middle of nowhere. 
"Good luck," Your voice came out hoarse as he pulled away and walked over to Namjoon, his mind racing with thoughts about what he'd just done and what he was about to go on stage to do, however, he was more nervous about the kiss with you than he was about the stage. 
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The kiss was never spoken about again, he went back to being the Yoongi that avoided you at all costs, coming across cold at times and ignoring you whenever you tried to speak to him directly. He hated treating you like it but it was the only way he could figure out his feelings for you. 
"Hyung's in deep thought about Y/n," Soobin whispered to Kai who came over to see why Yoongi was staring at you and Jungkook, who still, evidently, hadn't put you down yet and he was running around the room now trying to get you to buy them all food that night. 
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The night Yoongi came back from their red bullet tour he dropped his bag at the front door of their apartment and went up to find you, he'd thought he could do this. He thought he could be just friends with you and move on from the kiss you'd shared back in 2013 but it was harder than he thought and he couldn't get you off his mind. 
"Yoongi what are you-" His lips cut you off before you could even finish your sentence and he pushed you into your apartment, kicking the door shut with his foot and making out with you roughly. Your hands made their way into his hair and you tugged on the strands as he bent down to pick you up and carry you over to your kitchen side, he sat you down and pulled away. 
"Welcome home." You panted looking deep into his eyes and he smiled back at you, 
"Sorry I just-" He shut up once you kissed him again and pulled back, biting down on his bottom lip as you did so. You had done nothing but dream of that moment from the moment he first kissed you back in 2013 and you'd wanted him for so long, 
"I missed you." You whispered as he stared up into your eyes, 
"I missed you too," He was still trying to catch his breath from the unexpected kiss but he chuckled as he looked at you while he was blushing. 
"I hope you don't welcome all of them home like that," You laughed at him and shook your head pushing your hand through his faded red hair, 
"The red looked good on you," You whispered to him leaning your forehead on his and smiling as he started blushing. 
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The relationship between you had always been stable, there was never anything to knock it until it came to the Love Yourself tour, things got a little bit rougher because he was away longer and longer than he was before but you continued to pull through. You were in love with one another and nothing was going to stop that, not even a small amount of separation, 
"What's going on?" He was pulled out from his daydream when you sat down on his lap and faced him, pushing his long black hair from his face and smiling. 
"Nothing, I was just thinking about how much I love you." The boys all started to fake being sick, they always did this whenever Yoongi got sappy around them. 
"Well how about we go home and you show me how much." You teased brushing your nose against his and squealing as he stood up, wrapping your legs around your waist and walking you out of the room without another word to anyone else sitting there. 
"Yoongi? You sure you're okay?" You giggled and he nodded putting you down on the floor and walking with you towards the elevators, 
"I was just thinking about how you're always there when I need you, and when I always needed you...You're always there for me." You smiled at him and he kissed you again softly, his hand resting on your cheek as he brought you closer to him.  
"I need you Yoongi," You whispered to him as you felt him growing as you stood in the elevator making out, he pressed you against the wall and groaned. 
"I need you too baby but wait until we get home," You let a whine to let him know you didn't want to but he kissed your cheek and pulled you out onto the ground floor. 
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Your back was against the bed as you made out heavily in your shared bedroom, 
"Yoongi," You whined when he pulled away from you, he chuckled at how needy you were for him and he started kissing down your neck, taking off your shirt and then his own. 
"Shh, we're not rushing anything tonight, I want to make love to you...Show you how much I love you." You felt your cheeks heat up as the words left his mouth and you giggled when he began kissing you once again, his hand trailing down the front of your trousers and into your panties.
"Do you want me that bad baby? You're dripping," You whimpered as he slipped a digit into you making you moan out in relief, you'd needed him all day but kept it to yourself since he was busy with work. 
"My needy little baby,"
"Y-Yes, so needy." You whispered and he chuckled kissing down your neck as he slowly pumped one finger in and out of you before adding a second one and speeding up his pace, angling his hand so his palm would come into contact with your clit. 
"Yoongi!" You moaned out and he chuckled as he felt you clench around him and buck up your hips, he could already tell you were close and he hadn't even started yet. He sped up his fingers wanting you to cum so badly, he loved to look at the fucked out face you pulled whenever he made you cum, 
"S-Shit, Yoongi! I'm g-gonna!" You could barely get the words out as you hips bucked up and your orgasm washed over you sending a warm feeling throughout your entire body. 
"Suck," Yoongi ordered giving you his fingers, you took them into your mouth and began sucking on them as though they were his cock and he let out a strangled moan as he released himself from his trousers. You removed his fingers with a pop and went to take him into your mouth but he laid you back down and lined himself up at your entrance, running his swollen tip over your folds making you whine and clench around nothing. 
"Don't tease me Yoongi, I've needed you all day." You pouted and he smirked at you, running his thumb over your bottom lip as you pouted it out. 
"Why didn't you come into my studio earlier baby, we could have had some fun then."
"Because you were- Ugh fuck!" Your sentence was interrupted by a scream as he slammed into your the head of his cock hitting your sweet spot as he did so. 
"Shit, you're so warm, babe." He groaned as he pulled out of you only to slam back inside at a vigorous pace not even giving you time to adjust to him, you whimpered as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder to reach deeper into you. 
"S-Shit right there." You cried out feeling him hit your spot over and over again with ease. He smirked driving himself harder into you as you cried out his name and clutched onto the bedsheets. 
"Yoongi!" You whimpered as his hand that wasn't holding onto your hip travelled down to your clit and began rubbing your sensitive clit in circles. He continued to pound into you, 
"You want to cum again? I've only just started princess," His voice came out as a grunt as he felt you clenching around him, it was like a vice. 
"Shit, so tight around me princess, like a vice." He bit down on his lip as he hammered in and out of you. You couldn't form words but from the way, your back was arching away from the mattress and you couldn't stop smiling he knew you were close, whenever you got close you would start giggling and he loved it. 
"Cum for my princess," He whispered in your ear, your heart thumped against your chest and started to contract around Yoongi's cock making him grunt. Then all of a sudden the familiar feeling of falling off a cliff and into a pile of ecstasy hit you as your orgasm washed over your body making you cry out his name,
"Fuck." He moaned out as he came inside of you, falling beside you as he pulled out and started chuckling. 
"I love you." You giggled turning over and laying your head on his chest, 
"Love you too princess."
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
The way you move
Pairing: Boyfriend Jaeyoon + Idol Female Reader; established relationship
Genre: Smut + Fluff ending
Warnings: hard dom!Jaeyoon, jealousy, dirty talk/cursing, sex against the wall, thigh riding, a bit of fingering, overstimulation, unprotected sex (reader’s on birth control), riding, creampie + aftercare
Words: 2,375
Requested: Hello! I would like to make a request for Jaeyoon, where his idol!girlfriend has a sexy stage with kai from exo and he gets jealous and it leads to rough sex? 👁👄👁 
Author’s message: Hi, dear anon!, your request is finnaly here! I had a great time writing it (as Jaeyoon as wrecking me more then anything these days), so I hope you enjoy it ^.^. Also, feel free to send in a new request anytime. Foxy kisses  😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :) 
Synopsis: After a hot special performance with your friend Kai, Jaeyoon got jealous of your touchy moves on stage and proved who owns your heart and body when you got home.
this gif is killing me  🥵
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You are close friends with Kai and, as he’s going to have a stage on a music festival, he invited you to make a special performance of Mmmh with him. Your group was out of the line up, so you had enough free time to practise with him and gladly accepted the invitation. 
When you told Jaeyoon the news, he looked a little uncomfortable, but even so, he smiled and supported you. It's not that he wasn't happy for you or didn’t trust you, he just knew how sexy this song is and he didn’t like other guys touching his bae, especially Kai, who had known you for so many years. Jaeyoon was a bit jealous, but didn’t show it to not muddle your enthusiasm. 
You had three weeks for the festival and you stepped into a dance room of SM to start the practices. At first, you thought his back dancers would participe on the performance too, but when you entered the room, only Kai was waiting for you and then you realized what his “special stage” meant - a couple performance. 
You got a bit nervous about what Jaeyoon would think about it, but shook those thoughts off your mind and focused on the choreography. Everything went good during rehearsals, you learned and cleaned the movements quickly and the great day has finally come. 
SF9 was performing at this festival too, so you came along with them, your mind running between giving attention to your boyfriend and passing the choreo one last time into your head. Once you had arrived at the arena, you said your goodbyes and hurried to your dressing room to get ready. Kai was already there, wearing a super tight and sexy outfit that would make any girl swoon. 
You quickly put on your clothes - hotpant shorts and a sexy cropped top - and make up and rush to watch SF9’s stage. They performed a special version of Good Guy and Summer Breeze and you almost drooled at their sensual movements and outfits. And when they left the stage and Jaeyoon was face to face with you, you swore you almost fainted at your gorgeous boyfriend. 
Jaeyoon froze when he saw you dressed like that, his heart skipping some beats. “So, am I pretty?”, you smiled and stepped closer to him. He swallowed while staring fondly at you. “You’re stunning”, he breathed quickly and you chuckled. Jaeyoon was about to pull you into his arms to kiss you when Kai showed up calling for you. “We are the next. Get ready”, he said shortly and glanced at Jaeyoon. 
“I have to go now, baby. See you later in my dressing room”, you pecked his cheek and ran away to the other side of the backstage. Jaeyoon was very proud of you, but he couldn’t stop to feel uncomfortable about you being alone with Kai. However, he shook it off his mind and found a place to watch your performance. 
It was your turn, the moment you waited for the last month was finally happening and you felt your heart race faster. Kai took your hand and led you to the stage, where you got your positions and started to dance when the music played. The song was sexy, the choreo was hot and you felt his hands running through your body, his face only centimeters aways from yours, his hot breath fanning your neck and lips. 
Both of you gave yourselves completely to music, feeling every beat with your bodies pressed together in fluid movements, the crowd going crazy with your intimate connection on stage. It was a success, one of the best performances of the night and the media had their eyes on you as soon as you left the stage. Kai was answering some reporters and bloggers when your eyes found Jaeyoon on a corner. His lips were showing you a proud smile, but his eyes were serious, dark, maybe even angry, mainly when Kai wrapped an arm around your waist and whispered something in your ear. 
When you looked at Jaeyoon again, he wasn’t there anymore. You got rid of Kai’s grip and ran to look for your boyfriend, but your manager pulled you to your dressing room first to take some photos and changed your clothes. You were leaving the room when Kai approached you. “Thank you for today, Y/N. You were amazing”, he said smiling. “I‘m the one who has to say thank you”, you answered, smiling back and Kai unexpectedly hugged you tightly, catching you by surprise. 
“I have to go”, you broke the hug and turned around only to see a dumbfounded Jaeyoon watching you. “Jae, where were you?”, you asked, trying to catch his attention, but he only locked his eyes with yours, no words. “Do you still have schedules today? Wanna go home with me?”, you reached for his hands, but he stepped back. “I go to the car”, he spoke for anyone in particular and left. “Wait for me!”, you exclaimed and ran behind him. 
There was a small car waiting for you, one of FNC's staff would drive you and Jaeyoon home. Neither of you spoke along the way, Jaeyoon’s eyes were fixed on the window, looking at no place, while you were staring at your lap, trying to find words to tell him. Even when you got at your building and entered the elevator, he didn’t say a single word or looked at you. 
Only when you stepped out the hallway, you got the courage to talk to him, grabbing his hand. "Jaeyoon, what's wrong with you?", you inquired staring at his back. Jaeyoon stopped in front of the door of your shared apartment and sighed heavy. "I'll show what's wrong", he snorted, opening the door and pulling you into the room. 
He slammed you against the wall, pressing your bodies together, his hot breath fanning on your face. "The way you move. That's the problem", he growled against your lips, but without touching it yet. "The fucking way you fucking move beside fucking Kai", he spat his words on your face, his dark eyes penetrating deep in your soul. 
"Are you jealous?", you teased him as he pressed you stronger on the wall, so that you were almost on tiptoe. "Are you mocking me now?", Jaeyoon stepped even closer. "Do I have to show you who you belong to?", his lips only millimeters aways from yours. "Show it", you implied as he mouth was roughly pressed against yours, kissing you hungrily, devouring and sucking all you have for him. 
As his lips worked up there, his hands roamed along your sides and hips, pushing your skirt up. His fingers hardly rubbed your pussy, you gasped and arched your back at the sudden stimulation, as he pulled your hips towards his thigh, placing it between your clothed core. Jaeyoon flexed his muscle thigh and started to move you back and forth in a desperate pace, his leather pants causing a searing heat against your thin lacy panties. His mouth was now attacking your neck, sucking and biting hard, leaving deep marks on your soft skin, as his hands set the unforgiving pace of your body. 
"Could Kai fuck you like this, Y/N?", Jaeyoon whispered in your ear. "Answer!", he commanded and you moaned a desperate "No". "Of course not. I'm the only one who can ruin you like this, make you feel good", he groaned, sucking another portion of your skin. "And tonight, baby, I'm gonna fuck you till you forget your own name", he continued as one of his hands moved to rub your clothed clit, you were squirming and screaming at the overstimulatiom, your wetness going down on your inner thighs. "Cum for me, babygirl", he growled against your skin, licking a sweet spot on your neck.
And like a flashlight, the knot on your stomach exploded and your orgasm flowed over your body, your legs shaking hopeless around Jaeyoon's thigh. He placed you on your feet, you barely being able to stand by yourself, while he took off his pants along with his briefs, his full hard member bouncing into the air. Jaeyoon closed the distance between the two of you, kissing you harshly, while his strong hands ripped your panties effortless. He grabbed the back of you thighs and pulled you up, wrapping your legs around his hips and mercilessly slamming his length into your throbbing core. 
Jaeyoon set a unforgiving pace since the beginning, his thrusts deep and violent into you, filling your pussy completely. “I bet Kai couldn’t take you like this, huh?”, he groaned as you screamed his name desperately, your back banging against the way with every powerful thrust as your nails digged into his flesh. He had barely started and your eyes were rolling to the back of your neck already, your body convulsing in pleasure. “JAEYOOON - FUCK”, you screamed at the top of your lungs as you came undone, your waters washing over Jaeyoon’s dick.
He increased his pace, chasing his own high, grunted “fucks” and a long hiss leaving his mouth when he released his seeds deep into you. His shaking legs lost their strength and he collapsed on the floor with you still in his arms, both of you breathing hard and trembling. Jaeyoon pulled out and watched his semen coming out from your slit, dripping on his low stomach and down his thigh.
Your face was still hidden in his neck, your arms had fallen loosely on his sides. "Y/N", Jaeyoon called you, softer this time, as you just hummed, too weak for answering. He wrapped his hands onto your upper arms and moved you away from his neck, leaning you on the wall. Both of your eyes met and you smiled at him. "Well, I guess you proved I'm yours", you teased him and you both laughed. "But I think I'll have to dance with other guys more often if it means you'll fuck me on the wall every single time", you confessed and he chuckled, blushing slightly. 
"Are you okay? I mean… Aren't you sore?", Jaeyoon asked shyly. "It's not a big deal", you shook your head and placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. "Jae…", you stared at him, "... I still want you...", you pecked his cheek, "... inside me…", you pecked his nose, "in our bed", you kissed his lips. Jaeyoon wrapped his arms around you and got up with you into his embrace, kissing you passionately. 
He moved you to the bedroom and laid you carefully on bed, taking off the rest of both of your clothes. His mouth and hands were all over your skin, touching and kissing and nibbling all the right places, his dick cradled between your legs getting hard again. His thumb found your clit and rubbed it slowly, taking his sweet time to make you wetter and ready for him. His fingers teased your entrance, curling up one, then two, then three digits inside your pussy. 
"Jae...", you moaned his name quietly and he looked up at you, "... I'm gonna ride you now", you two smirked and Jaeyoon was caught in surprise when you pushed him till his back touched the mattress and your legs straddled his hips. You kissed the tip of his dick and palmed him a little till it's full hard and pushed yourself down, filling your pussy to the brim, both of your moans echoing through the cold air of your room. 
You started to slowly grind against him, wiggling your hips with his in a sensual pace that drove you wild, in a way only the two of you could. Jaeyoon gripped your hips and helped you move, pulling up and down on him. "The way you move, babe...", he breathed, ".... it's so good - ohmygod", he groaned when you set a faster pace, your body bouncing on his. 
You leaned in to kiss his lips and neck and he took the chance to dig his heels into the sheets and thrusted upwards. His balls slammed against your pussy roughly, the cacophonous sound of your wild dance and moans filling the room. You clenched around him, his deep thrusts making you high already, and Jaeyoon grunted your name, increasing his pace. 
The merciless speed made both of your visions hazy and your legs shaking, desperate whines and trembling when your orgasms hitted you like a rocket. You two collapsed into each other’s body, breathless, sweaty, cloudy mind. Jaeyoon slipped out from you and pulled you closer to him, taking your lips in a tired tender kiss. Your hands wiped away the sweat and some strands of damp hair from his forehead.
A few minutes later, when you calmed yourselves down, Jaeyoon broke the silence. “Y/N, I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier”, he swallowed hard. “I shouldn’t treat you like that, ignored you like that, hurted you like that”, he whispered guiltily. “You didn’t hurt me, Yoonie. You just have to trust me better”, you looked up at him. “I love you, Jae, more than anything. And you know I’m yours and only yours, no one can’t take me away from you. Do you know it, right?”. 
“I know, babe. And I trust you, but when I saw you dancing with Kai like that… I can’t help being jealous. Sorry about that”, his eyes shook.
“Shh… Don’t talk about Kai anymore. Let’s forget about that performance and focus on us. I love you, Jae, and you won’t lose me for anything or anyone”, you reassured him.
“I love you too, baby...”, he smiled and pecked your lips. “... and I’m yours forever”, you both smiled. “Now, let’s take a shower together and sleep?”, he suggested and you nodded.
Jaeyoon took you into his arms and guided you to the bathroom, where you took a hot shower together, relaxing into each other’s bodies. After the both of you were clean and properly dry, you plopped into your bed and snuggled closer under your thick blankets. Jaeyoon ran his fingers through your hair, sweetly humming a lullaby till he fells your head pending over his chest, your calm and steady heartbeat and breath. He kissed softly your forehead and closed his eyes, drifting away as well.
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aomineavenue · 4 years
Homesick (Miya Atsumu x f!Reader) | 002. a mother’s nightmare
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Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons?
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x f!Reader
Updates: irregular.
Genre: Angst, ANGST I LOVE ANGST, a lil bit of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Language, etc. (Will be mentioned once posted because I don’t want spoilers huehue)
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except for the reader and my ideas. I do not claim any images used for content in this fic, everything goes out to their respective creators unless it is mentioned that it is mine.
Status: ongoing. | series masterlist
↩ the unexpected | a mother’s nightmare | no other choice  ↪
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However, as the door swung open, he hadn't expected the person standing before him. His eyes widen slightly as he feels his shoulders grow tense at the abrupt appearance. "What are you doing here in Kanagawa?"
"Aw," the person before him chuckles, a soft grin playing on his lips as he steps back to pull the door wider, "I miss you too, brother."
Osamu rolls his eyes as he steps inside, "No, seriously. What are you doing here?"
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"I can't believe you're here," 
You raise an eyebrow as you took a seat across from him, the soft chatter and calming music in the cafe flowed through the atmosphere, "Well, you said you wanted to catch up."
"Well, yeah..." He trails off sheepishly, "I just really hadn't expected it. Our last meeting only made it seem you were avoiding such conversation."
"You're right. I was, I kind of still am." You answer truthfully, "You have my friend to thank. Something about facing my demons one by one. It has been six years." 
He nods, a small smile on his lips as he spoke. "I suppose I should thank your friend then. Why don't we order something before anything else?"
Osamu stares sadly at the recent text you had sent to him, declining his offer to meet up once again, claiming that you were busy throughout the following week. He didn't want to doubt or push you, it didn't seem like you were pushing him away or anything either, but he still wanted to spend time with you. Only because the last time the two of you had met to catch up with each other, something was bothering him. He didn't know what, but the conversation the two of you shared in the cafe seemed as if you were being cautious with the information you shared. He couldn't blame you. It was going to take awhile before you could open up to him.
He enters the apartment complex that he was directed to by the address given to him, not bothering to scan his surroundings. He didn't know why he was here in the first place. Well, it wasn't as if he had anything better to do in the meantime anyway with his shop still under construction. He had officially made the decision to open his business up in the heart of Kanagawa just weeks ago, he wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but his encounter with you had prompted such a decision. Hence, he had been quite busy himself.
Stepping out of the elevator, he walks down the path towards his destination, stopping at a door with a golden plate with the numbers '210' engraved on it simply, nailed to its wooden structure. He brings a hand up and presses his knuckles against the wooden door before knocking on it gently at least three times to signal the owner of his arrival.
However, as the door swung open, he hadn't expected the person standing before him. His eyes widen slightly as he feels his shoulders grow tense at the abrupt appearance. "What are you doing here in Kanagawa?" 
"Aw," the person before him chuckles, a soft grin playing on his lips as he steps back to pull the door wider, "I miss you too, brother."
Osamu rolls his eyes as he steps inside, "No, seriously. What are you doing here?" 
Atsumu closes the door behind him before following his brother into the vast apartment, Bokuto coming into their line of sight who was sprawled comfortably on one of the couches in the living room, eyes focused on the show being projected from the flat screen television across the room, "We're using the Sports Complex here for our training the next couple of months, I figured it would be better for me to stay here instead of going back and forth between Hyōgo and here, plus coach's apartment is closer to the complex anyway." 
"And you didn't bother to share this information before you invited me over?" Osamu questions Bokuto directly who waves him off with a laugh as he says, "He said he wanted it to be a surprise." 
Osamu lets out a grunt of displeasure at Bokuto's response before plopping himself down next to him, his brows arched in curiosity as he looks around, "And what about the squirt and Sakusa? Will they be staying here with you guys? This place looks pretty big."
"Shoyo's coming over tomorrow," Bokuto shrugs his shoulders, picking up a piece of chip with his fingers from the bag of potato chips in his grasp, "Oomi on the other hand refuses to stay with us because of Atsumu's ‘unhygienic habits’, so he had decided to book a hotel room a few blocks from here." 
Atsumu huffs, running his fingers through his hair as he juts his lower lip into a pout, "I'm clean!" 
"Sakusa probably detest the fact you leave your dirty clothes everywhere," Osamu lets out a laugh, "So how've you been, Bo? I know you've been here the last couple of weeks."
Atsumu huffs, "I'm pretty upset you hadn't met with Bo when I told you, we would have met sooner." 
"I've been busy," Osamu shrugs before he snaps his full attention on his brother at the realization of what his twin was implying, "Wait, you've been here since then?"
"Yeah I have," Atsumu snorts, "Been staying over here with Bokuto, doing some extra training. He actually introduced me to these amazing kids! Reminds me of us, 'Samu when we were younger."
His brother tilts his head to the side, "Kids? You? That's cool, I guess. How do you guys have time to train some little kids while you have your own training?" 
Bokuto nods, "I mean it can be like extra training. I wouldn't want to disappoint them, really. Apparently, I'm the Great Uncle Bo who's the best in volleyball."
Atsumu watches his teammate plaster on a little grin and he couldn't help but let his own smile form at his friend's enthusiasm. "Well, it's only because you bribe them with food. Little Hiro is slowly warming up to me, just you wait, he'll adore me more." He teases.
Bokuto only rolls his eyes at him before glancing over to the wall clock nailed above the television, his eyes widening before scampering around the apartment to grab the things he needed, silently beating himself up for forgetting as the other two watched with amused curiosity. "I'll see you guys later!" 
The twins could only watch their friend move frantically around the room, "Why are you in such a hurry?" 
"I forgot I'm picking up the kids today for training." He huffs, a soft grumble leaving his lips after, "I'll see you guys later." 
"Oi! I should join you picking them up then! Why would Shizuma even ask you?" Atsumu protests, stalking after Bokuto, "This isn't fair. You just want to continue being the favorite uncle." 
Before Atsumu could tackle Bokuto to the ground to stop him, he slams the front door shut right in Atsumu's face. Osamu chuckles at the sight, "Who would have thought you would like kids? What's so important that you have to get those kids to like you anyway?" 
Atsumu walks back into the living room with a pout, "They told me Bo was cooler! It isn't fair, I've been so much cooler to them than he has." 
"Seriously, are my ears deceiving me or are you implying that these kids were enough to crush your pride?" Osamu teases, a small grin playing on his lips. "But really, tell me the truth. I know you. Why are you staying in Kanagawa?" He watches Atsumu shrug, keeping his gaze away from his, "Ah, let me guess? Yumi then? You're avoiding her?" 
Atsumu lets out a groan, "Lately she's been just so clingy and suffocating. It's not like we made things official or anything. I told her myself that I wasn't interested in that kind of relationship."
"I told you not to get involved with her," he chastised, "A few of my friends said she was toxic and yet what did you do?" 
Atsumu can only scoff, "Whatever, she'll go away eventually."
The two brothers continued to converse with each other as if they haven't seen the other in months when it had only been a few weeks since Osamu ventured to Kanagawa for his business scouting purposes. Eventually, Atsumu claimed it was probably time for him to head over to the Sports Complex since Bokuto was probably on the way from picking up the kids he shared to Osamu that he had grown fond of. 
Osamu watches his brother head towards the front door with his gym bag, a million thoughts swimming through his head. You. Should he come clean to Atsumu about reconnecting with you? 
He wasn't dumb, he knew how his brother had come to the conclusion of his true feelings for you ever since you decided to disappear, not that his brother would admit it to anyone, he did know his brother better, probably knew of it before his idiot brother came to realize. He knew what his brother felt since you disappeared. Anger. Regret. He knows that once you had disappeared that his brother had been beating himself up but at the same time he had learned to resent you for leaving him behind, not that Osamu would tell his brother off that if he were to be angry with anyone, it should be at himself for being so blind to your feelings for him. He didn't want to pour more salt to freshly exposed wounds at the time.
Despite you walking out on his brother had caused a drastic change in how Atsumu lived his life, he knows that somehow, deep down, Atsumu will always hold you dear to his heart, not that he would also admit to such, only spewing his distaste for you ever since you had left. He knew otherwise. Of course, a part of him wants to come clean to his brother, but a part of him also wanted to earn your trust first. He remembers how as much as the two of you shared memories created the past six years, you had avoided any formed conversation regarding his twin brother. He was torn.
"Hey 'Tsumu," Osamu calls out just as his brother was about to leave the apartment. Atsumu glances over his shoulders to look at his brother in curiosity. Osamu sighs with a shake of his head, "Ah..."
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The last two weeks felt emotional, yet weird for you. The twins started their training with their new favorite Uncle Bokuto, as they so put it much to Asuma and Reiji's dismay. You, as much as the rest of your friends, including Bokuto, were just as shocked when the twins had started calling him 'the great Uncle Bo', of course, you were quick to protest to the twins that Bokuto probably didn't want them to call him such, but with a grinning Bokuto, he quickly claims he didn't mind, repeating the name the twins call him as if it were a term of endearment. You had questioned the twins what had brought on the idea of calling Bokuto their 'great Uncle Bo' and Hiro simply responded with a "because Uncles are cool and he's the coolest so far!". Needless to say, since then, a competition for the Best Uncle title between Uncles had commenced.
The past two weeks since their training had started, the twins seemed to wake up earlier than usual, it was as if they had more energy than they usually had, often barging into your room to wake you up and pestered you to make breakfast before their Uncle Shizuma, who had volunteered to join their training to watch over them, picks them up half an hour early for their training with Uncle Bo and his friend who Bokuto promises to introduce once everyone's schedules were flexible.
However, as the holiday season for Galaxy Standard was fast approaching its end, you were far too busy to accompany their training sessions or even agree to a get together with any of the boys. Luckily, you had an assistant manager to help you around. It was finally a brand new season for the boys to go on tour, and setting up everything was a handful. You barely had any time for yourself.
Before your busy schedule had taken over your life, you were able to reconnect with Osamu at least once like Asuma had suggested. It was a brief meeting, but you enjoyed yourself nevertheless. Of course, you still refused to come clean over your little secret, you just figured it wasn't the right time nor was it something that should be discussed since it was the first time reconnecting with Osamu. Somehow, it wasn't the time to do so with your busy schedule, you were exhausted enough taking care of little pranksters that you call sons, that the drama that might ensue from a bomb confession like that would probably be the cause of your downfall. Dramatic as it sounds, you couldn't afford being mentally exhausted during the hectic upcoming weeks. 
You were grateful that Osamu kept his distance respectfully, not pestering you to be in his company, no matter how eager he had seemed. The two of you texted back and forth, him wanting to set up another arrangement to meet, while you—declining, well you were busy, it wasn't as if you were avoiding him, it was the truth. 
"Uncle Shizuma is taking too long!" Atsuhiko whines from the living room, staring at the front door with a pout, his arms folded across his chest, "Uncle Bo is waiting for us!" 
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle not being used to the twins addressing Bokuto, whom they had just met recently, as their Uncle, as you placed your work tablet on the coffee table, plopping yourself down on the couch that Atsuhiro occupied reading his little storybook about dinosaurs. Your arms instantly wrap around the little boy's body, pulling him closer to you. You nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck, receiving a giggle from his lips as he protests, trying to pry himself out of your grasp. "What? You don't like mommy's cuddles anymore? Are you a big boy now?" 
"No mommy," he shakes his head as he puts the storybook away, only to wrap his short arms around your neck to hug you closer, "I love mommy's cuddles even when I get big. Just tickles." 
The doorbell echoes throughout the room and before you could muster any form of response, Atsuhiko jumps from the couch claiming that he'll answer it. You could only protest with a yell, extracting your arms away from Atsuhiro to follow him in case it was a stranger. 
"Uncle Bo! You're here!"
You halt in your footsteps as you blink a couple of times, wondering if you were hallucinating. Why was he here? How did he even know where you lived? 
"Uncle Bo!" Atsuhiro cries out, jumping out of his seat and rushing over after slinging one of the straps of his backpack on his shoulder, his other hand gripping onto his brother's own backpack to hand it over. You were confused at Bokuto's presence, however, your boys showed no sign of surprise but more on the side of excitement, practically giddy that their Uncle Bo had picked them up for training this time. 
Bokuto seemed to sense your confusion and gave you a sheepish smile, "I'm assuming Shizuma didn't inform you. Ah—anyway, he had plans today and said I should pick up the boys instead and take them to training, so he gave me your address. I'm sorry, it didn't cross my mind to contact you first. Is this okay? If not, we can cance—" 
You listen as the man rambles on, the boys waiting (Atsuhiko in particular) impatiently by the door, tugging on Bokuto's hands to grab the man's attention. You cut Bokuto's rambling with a wave of your hand, shooting him an appreciative smile, "No, Bo. It's okay. I'm sure the boys would be upset if you had to cancel training. I trust you enough," you trail off before teasing him with a grin, "You are after all, the great Uncle Bo." 
Your teasing sends warmth to the tips of his ears but he couldn't help but let his mouth widen up to a smile, "I suppose I am. I'll bring them back in one piece, promise." 
"You better!" You let out a laugh, ruffling the hair of your twin boys before bending down to press kisses on their respective foreheads, "Be good to your Uncle Bo, okay? Don't be too hard on him. Have fun!"
They nod their heads and left without another word, you watch them walk away with a smile on your face as they begin chattering with their, just as energetic, Uncle Bo. A part of you was bothered at the fact that your two boys didn't even bother to look back like they used to but, however, that quickly faded when the twins turned around once they neared the apartment complex's elevator, waving at you simultaneously, each yelling out how they will miss you and it instantly warms your heart. They were indeed growing up.
While you returned inside your apartment to continue with preparations for Galaxy Standard's upcoming tour, the trio left the apartment complex and got in Bokuto's car, the man making sure to secure the twins comfortably in the backseat. Hiko whined, practically begging Bokuto to let him sit in front like the big boy that he was, unfortunately, his pleas had fallen on deaf ears as Bokuto drove off. 
As the trio traveled, there wasn't any dull moment within the confinements of the four wheeled vehicle, not even a moment of silence with the twins rambling on about their favorite things to do and adventures they went on, while Bokuto, equally excited to share his own stories.
"Hey Uncle Bo?" Hiko calls out, stopping Bokuto from his own rambling about how he was during his own childhood years. He hums in response as he briefly glances at the rear-view mirror to acknowledge the little boy. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Bokuto eyes widens at the question, spluttering incoherent sentences that made the twins look at him weirdly. He grips onto the steering wheel as he lets out an awkward chuckle, "Why are you asking?"
Hiro shakes his head at his brother, playfully smacking him on the head which causes Hiko to flinch and yelp out, rubbing his head with his palm to soothe the brief pain. "I just wanna know if Uncle Bo has a girlfriend!"
The man chuckles, keeping his eyes on the road as his grip on the steering wheel loosens up a bit, "Nah, no girl."
"Oh good," Hiko starts, a small mischievous smile forming on his lips, "Will you date our mommy then? She needs a boyfriend, you know."
Once again, Bokuto returns to his sputtering state while Hiro lets out a dramatic sigh, crossing his arms against his chest as he gives his twin a look. "I'm telling mommy." 
"You want me to da—date your m—mom?" Bokuto stutters, bewildered. 
Hiko ignores his brother's glares and shrugs his shoulders, "It was Uncle Rei's idea! Mommy was yelling at him the other day and after mommy pinched Uncle Rei's ear, I heard him grumble how mommy needs to ‘loosen up’ and get a boyfriend!"
Bokuto lets out a laugh in amusement, "Well, why not ask your Uncle Rei to date your mom then? Or Uncle Shizuma."
"Uncle Shizuma has a girlfriend," Hiro claims.
Hiko adds, "Uncle Rei said mommy might end up killing him."
Bokuto chuckles, "then, why me?"
Hiko looks at him weirdly, "What do you mean? You're cool!"
"Do you not want mommy as your girlfriend?" Hiro asks, folding his arms across his chest as if to judge his supposed favorite Uncle, the little boy waiting for the correct answer or else he would have to decide that he would no longer call this man his favorite uncle like he had claimed, "She's very pretty. Do you not think she's pretty?"
Hiko interrupts Bokuto with a loud huff, "You better think mommy's pretty or else I'm telling Uncle Asuma on you!"
Bokuto lets out a sigh, feeling warmth spread in his cheeks. He didn't know why, despite them being kids, the conversation itself was embarrassing enough, he wonders if the boys would end up telling you the conversation, or worse, Asuma or Reiji, the teasing would be endless. However, not wanting to upset them both, who are looking extremely impatient and upset waiting, he answers, "Yes, yes. Your mother is really pretty."
Hiko nods happily before looking at his brother with a wide smile. Hiro, satisfied with his answer for the time being, tilts his head as he asks, "So will you date her?"
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“Nice receive, Hiko!” Bokuto praises with a huge grin while Hiko throws his fists in the air at his achievement, he looks over to the side with a wide smile, “Hiro! ‘Sumsum! Did you see that?” 
Hiro nods his head in response, giving his brother a thumbs up while the man next to Hiro lets out a happy cheer, “Way to go, Hiko! You’re going to be better than your Uncle Bo in no time, even better than me, your Uncle Atsumu.” 
The little boy that stood next to the bleached blonde man, tilts his head back to look up at him with a raised eyebrow, “You’re not our uncle.” 
Bokuto lets out a laugh, Hiko on the other hand, not really understanding what was so funny, decided to mimic his actions anyway. Apparently, acting like Bokuto would make him look as cool. On the other side of the court, Atsumu juts out his lower lip into a pout at being teased, by a kid no less, “Hey, a guy can dream okay. You two will soon call me Uncle too, and you’ll understand that I’m way better than Bo here.” 
“I can’t believe you’re jealous, ‘Tsumu.” Bokuto teases with a grin, tossing the volleyball over to Hiko who receives the ball with ease due to weeks of practice. “You did it again, Hiko! I’m so happy! I can’t wait to tell your uncles and your mom the progress the two of you made.” 
“I’m not jealous,” Atsumu retorts, scrunching up his features in annoyance, “I just can’t believe these kids think you’re better than me when I’m clearly superior.” 
“But Uncle Bo is so cool!” Atsuhiko exclaims defensively, pointing at Atsumu accusingly with his index finger as if to scold the man for disrespecting his favorite Uncle Bo. He adds, “He’s going to date our mommy, you know.” 
Atsumu wiggles his eyebrows at his friend, “Oh?” 
“What? It—It’s not like that!” 
Hiko stomps his feet and drops the volleyball in his grasp, sending a glare at Bokuto. “Why not?” Bokuto just lets out a nervous laugh, receiving a huff from Hiko who then turns his attention over to Atsumu, “Well, do you have a girlfriend?” 
Before Atsumu can respond, Hiro throws his hands in the air and shakes his head at his brother. “You can’t just ask everyone if they have a girlfriend or not so they can date mommy.” 
Sensing the twins about to start arguing, Bokuto rests his hands on Atsuhiko’s shoulders to avert his attention while Atsumu did the same with Atsuhiro. “Let’s go back to practice, okay?” 
“Hey ‘Sumsum?” Hiro calls out after moving away from the man’s grip on his shoulders to grab a volleyball, “Can you teach me how to serve properly?” 
Atsumu nods, walking to the edge of the court with Hiro trailing behind him, picking up an extra volleyball along the way, “Come on then.” 
However before the two of them could walk further to their destination, Atsuhiro tugs on Atsumu’s jersey weakly, a frown etching on his features. He mumbles underneath his breath, his grip on the volleyball weakening, “’Sumsum...I don’t feel so good.” 
Before Atsumu can comprehend what was happening, he catches a glimpse of Atsuhiro collapsing onto the floor behind him. 
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Pass the Time
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader.
Summary: You feel like you spend more time outside of you dorm and so does your neighbor. Why? Both of your roommates are hooking up.
Word Count: 1,548.
Note: It took me longer than it should've to write this since Tumblr was keep messing up so please don't let this flop ( I reached my breaking point with trying but I still like it) and tell me what you think :) I hope you love it! Thank you @snkkat for posting the photo and inspiring me to write this!
Hey," your roommate, Jazmyn, speaks softly from her side of the dorm to see if you are still awake or not. You hum in response, not looking away from the episode of your newest favorite Netflix original TV show- the reason why you are not studying right now- Outer Banks. Jazmyn moves to sit upright on her bunk bed and swings her feet back and forth and gives you puppy eyes, "Can I ask for a favor?"
Knowing what she will ask, for not the first nor late time, you say, "I'm not moving, Jaz."
She jumps off and walks over to you and must go on her tippy toes to learn against your mattress. It is a fail on her part when she tries to grab your throw blanket off of you since you're wrapped in it.
You sing, "told y'all" in a teasing tone and Jaz response is a weak, "shut up."
"Why can't you just go over? I'm comfortable right here in my dorm."
Ignoring your point of view, she easily lies as she says, "I swear it won't be long."
"Really? Two nights ago, Andrew said the same thing to Drew before you went over there for three fucking hours!" Before she can try to deny it, you hold up your hand to add, "I actually mean fucking for three hours."
You roll your eyes as she blushes and gets lost in dream land that is made of all the sex, she and your next-door dorm neighbor, Andrew, have.
Which is a lot.
You knew that going to a University there would be a huge chance to live crazy college stories that one day will blow your kids' minds whenever they accidentally find one out. Getting locked out of your dorm on a weekly basis so your roommate can hookup? That is not one of them, it is annoying as hell.
The first time you got locked out was just last month, three months in your freshman year. After taking two tests in one day, you just wanted to go in a nap coma for the rest of the year. Since the elevator in your building did not get fixed yet, you had to drag yourself up to the firth floor. You could not help to wish the sock on your dorm knob was just a part of your imagination. But it was not. From the noises you could hear from the other side of the locked door, Jazmyn had someone over. You jumped and cursed when the door next to you opened and an extremely attractive and tired boy smiled at you as he tried to fix his bed hair. He noticed the sock and grabbed it to throw it over his shoulder, inside of his dorm. "I was wondering where Andrew went." He holds out his hand and as you shake hands, he told you his name and you told him yours. You agreed that you did need coffee, so you two left the hallway to grab some.
“You know, it’s weird that we are finally meeting.”
You looked over your shoulder and silently wished Jazmyn would open the door so could lay down, “We’ll probably see each other more in the hallway if they keep this up.”
A week after you talked with Drew over two refills of coffee for who knows how many hours, he saw you walking up the stairs after your last class of the day. He kicked himself off the floor to learn against your door.
"Are they...?"
He nodded in response and told you that he does not know how long, or how much longer. He followed you into your dorm after you slightly pushed him away to unlock it.
"I was planning on doing something with Jaz tonight but since you're here instead... have you ever done a face mask?"
He wiggled his eyebrows and used a husky manly tone to ask, “Sexually?"
His laugh echoed after you throw one of your pillows at him.
The third time was a couple of hours later and Drew agreed to go as far away as possible. You two went through a drive through before going to a park to eat in comfortable silence until he tried to be sneaky to grab some of your food. A small food happened before you two acted like big children on the swings, trying to see who could go up the highest. Since he is so tall, it was easy for him to do the monkey bars.
Now what was supposed to be a relaxing and do-nothing day, you let out a fake cough. “You can’t let Andrew come in here, I’m sick.”
“I’m sure Drew would be willing to take care of you.”
“I hate you.” You mutter as you get up to put your shoes on. You try not to think about how he told you he wants to make you his famous homemade chicken casserole soon since you’re been stressed with all of your school work, working part time and being home sick.
“You love me! Have fun whenever you guys do this time to pass the time.” She winks at you as you slam the door closed behind you. You stop knocking on Drew’s door with your blanket still wrapped around you and carrying your laptop when his voice comes the end of the hall, “fancy seeing you here.”
He knows your smile is half fake so he nervously asks, "You can come over if you want? I can let you in before heading to the showers."
 Andrew comes from the end of the hall, looking like he ran up the stairs while holding a plastic bag from the nearest gas station. You can see Jazmyn’s favorite candy and a box of condoms. Classy. You do not think twice before reaching into Drews maroon gym shorts to grab his keys while they have silent conversation. You miss how much his eyes widen for leaving them both in the hallway.
“I swear to God I’ll give up on being your wingman and move out if you do not make your move.”
Drew pushes Andrew out of the doorway and glances over at you to make sure you are not listening. “You are not my wingman!”
“Yes, I am! I am giving you two alone time as I have sex! It’s a win-win for everyone!” Andrew pushes him inside, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
From his bed, Drew hears the confusing in your voice when you say, “it’s only one am?”
“I stopped listening to what he says a long time ago.” Drew states as he can hear Andrew’s and his own voice in head saying, “she’s on your bed” repeating.
You mutter, “same” for trying to do the same thing with Jazmyn.
Over the trim of your laptop, you watch Drew stand in front of you and starts taking off his gray and black long sleeve hoodie in slow motion.
"Oh my god."
"What?" He asks, amused.
"What?" You ask, embarrassed.
“Take a picture, it would last longer.” He teases, sitting next to you. You shove your elbow in his ribcage, “Shut up!”
You should not be surprised when he teases, “make me.” But your skin gets covered with goosebumps.
“Okay, last time we hangout it was two, three nights ago?” You try to change the topic, “I just remember that I beat your ass at Family Feud. Wanna play that again?"
Drew lets out a breathless, “no” as he puts both of his arms around you, his hands resting against the wall. “Let’s play a new game.”
He grins ear to ear when he feels you take a big breath in, the air faming the side of his face. “Let’s see who can the be the loudest, them or us.”
You look at him like he grew a second head when he starts hitting the wall and making grunt noises.
“You want to make it seem like we are having fake sex?”
He laughs, mostly to himself, “It’s not like you are taking me out of my misery and-“
You cut him off by pulling his hands off the wall to put them on both sides of your waist as you to help you saddle his lap. As you trace the outline of his abs, you cannot help to lick the rest the way up until he puts one of his hands under your chin to pull your face upwards to his. Both of you do not know who kisses who first.
When you need to catch a breath, you mutter, “what?” since his smile makes you smile too. “I want to take you on a date and stop using our roommate sex lives as an excuse to hangout.”
“Okay.” You feel like you are on cloud nine when his smile becomes even bigger. “When?”
“We got time to figure that out. For now…” He gives you a quick kiss before setting you to lay on the bed so he can get up.
You watch him grab a sock before opening the door wide enough to put it on the doorknob. “I want to keep on doing what you started.”
He runs his way back to his bed to tackle you while you have your arms wide open.
Tagging the people who reblogged or comment on the post about which college AU to write first:
@ilovejjmaybank @softstarkey @pixelated-pogues @everydayimfangirling @maaybanks @scandalousfemale @thelocalpogue @sunnypogue @sortagaysortahigh @tembo-ndoto @arthiriticcricket @jjsbxtch @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @rudysrings @ptersparkers @obx-saltlife @ssjiara @drewsephsmiles @obbx-tings @jjmaybanksbaby @jjaybank @mahleeyuh @jjcultmain @tcmhollnd @teamnick 
The college AU for Rudy will hopefully be posted tomorrow!
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catgrump · 3 years
'Never speak of this again' with maybe... hmmm... something that happened between Maki and Kaito? 👀 sfw or nsfw, I do not mind 👁👄👁
WELL, since you gave me the option...
We are BACK to Horny Hills to write one of my favorite couples 😍
College AU, warning for Sexual Content, read it under the cut 🤪
Maki stared at the ceiling of Kaito’s apartment bedroom, watching the projected stars dance around
The music was soft and relaxing, and she was warm, nuzzling her head into his chest.
He was humming along to the music, scrolling through his phone with one hand and running his fingers through her hair with the other
As calm as the scene was, Maki was restless. She’s been seeing Kaito for about a month now, and every time they hang out at his place, she’s gotten more and more... curious.
But she doesn’t know how to ask. He’s always the one to initiate, but Maki can tell he never wants to be presumptuous or take things too far. Maki, however, gets flustered VERY easily.
She wrapped a leg over his legs, trying somehow to let him know she wanted to get physical.
She felt his chest rise and fall with his soft laughter. He put his phone down on the table beside his bed and rolled over to face her, kissing her forehead and pulling her close. “What’s up, baby?” His voice was soft and hot on her skin
He started calling her ‘baby’ so quickly. She didn’t know how to react, but he just kept calling her ‘baby’ and now she loves it.
She responded by kissing him with her arms around his neck, and he’s quick to kiss back. His kisses are comforting and gentle and smiley.
He pulled back and asked with a laugh, “Do you want something?”
Maki averted her eyes and felt the blush she tries so hard to hide creep to her face. “Yeah,” she muttered into Kaito’s sweatshirt
He brushed his thumb across her cheek and said, “What’s on your mind, baby?”
Kaito always tries to get Maki to speak up. But that’s way more difficult for Maki than Kaito imagined it would be. “I... I want you,” Maki’s face was bright red now, and she couldn’t look him in the eye even if she wanted to
“Hm?” Was Kaito really going to need more specifics?
His face suddenly lit up. “Maki... are you asking for sex?”
Yes, dumbass. She nodded her head, still trying to control the blush on her face.
“Come here, baby,” he cooed in a low voice, bringing her in for another kiss that was deep and slow, making Maki melt into his arms
His hand moved to Maki’s thigh, brushing the hem of her dress up her leg, making Maki twitch and hum.
Kaito hummed back, moving to kiss her neck, smiling as he applied pressure, feeling Maki practically go limp already
“Is this okay?” He whispered in her ear as his fingers found her panties, gently brushing back and forth with a little bit of force
She whined through her tight lips and shut eyes, nodding ‘yes’.
He watched her as her breathing hitched the more he touched her, savoring how much she was enjoying it
His hand slipped under the waistline and he started rubbing small circles on her clit with his thumb and teased his finger, hoping the anticipation would make her wet.
Maki’s hands tugged at her underwear, and Kaito quickly paused to let Maki pull them off. She also slipped her dress over her head, revealing a stunning red bra with black lace trim. She’s gorgeous. Kaito already thought she was beautiful, but being able to see her body like this only elevated her beauty.
Kaito tossed his sweatshirt aside, wanting to feel his skin on hers.
She was laying on her back now, and Kaito went back to her side to kiss her some more as he brought his hand back to where it was, this time bringing his finger inside as he pressed on her clit harder
She hummed, smiling as her head fell back on the pillow.
He could feel her becoming more and more turned on as he worked his finger in and out of her, and he hungrily sucked the skin on her neck. She gasped out and he added a second finger, making her gasp again and bite her lip
“You gotta let me know when you’re ready, baby,” he sighed against her neck, unzipping the fly of his pants
She was so slick against his fingers, but he’s not going to move forward without permission.
She suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at Kaito with a look that made his dick beg for release. “Fuck me. Please.”
Kaito had to bite his lip to hold back. That was the most direct she’s ever been and it was the sexiest thing he’s ever heard.
He was now completely undressed, and Maki’s hand went from clutching the bedsheets to touching herself when she saw his dick— she wanted him, but she wasn’t expecting to want him so much more now.
His body was against hers as he continued to kiss her— this time with some aggression— as one hand undid the clasp of her bra behind her back.
She was too distracted by his shaft grazing across her, bucking her hips as if that would bring him inside her, so Kaito slid the bra off her arms and grinned upon seeing the breasts he’s felt under her shirts for so long.
They fit perfectly into his hands. He fondled one in his right palm, toying with her nipple between his fingers, relishing in feeling her squirm for him
“Kaito,” she gasped, “Get a condom.”
She felt a wetness from him on her thigh when she said that and resumed touching herself in his absence. He tried not to get distracted from retrieving the condom and putting it on as he watched Maki slide her fingers in and out of herself and try to repress her whines
He was ready to go, straddling her and spreading her legs, exposing just how dripping wet she had become. “I like hearing you, baby,” he told her, kissing her knee
“Shut up,” she pouted
He laughed, and kissed her knee again, “Are you ready?”
“Yes, just give it to me, please,”
Hearing her beg for him drove him nuts. She’s never like this and it’s so god damn hot.
He leaned over her and guided himself inside, and Maki was suddenly loud. Her gasps turned into shouts as she felt his cock slowly push inside her. Kaito grabbed on to the hand Maki placed beside her head and put his right hand on Maki’s hip. “You okay?” He breathily asked
“It’s so good,” she sighed, making Kaito start to thrust
“God, keep talking, baby,” he said between grunts as he tried to go deeper
She wasn’t talking as much as she was moaning and screaming, but it was making Kaito just want to fuck her harder. He didn’t realize how much she wanted this.
He lifted her hips up and her legs wrapped around his back, bringing them closer than before, and Maki was not holding back. Her hips were pulling Kaito’s cock as far in as she could get it, and Kaito’s hair was falling in his face as he looked down at her gorgeous face, now contorted with pure ecstasy.
“You like it, huh?” Kaito squeezed her hand tighter and picked up his pace as he managed to speak, “Yeah I bet you fucking do,” he breathed against her neck, just rocking his hips into her
“Kaito,” she moaned his name as she clasped her arms behind his back, bringing their bodies flush
He was going even faster now, “I love hearing you talk, baby; I love hearing my name—“
And she did it again, followed by a long, loud cry of perverted delight right next to his ear, the cry bouncing from her as she moved against the mattress
She was gasping again, now arching her back, calling out “That’s it! That’s it!”
“Fuck, Maki,” he groaned, moving his hand from her hip to the small of her back, pulling her up into his body even more
And with a final shout as Kaito held on to her, continuing to pound his cock in and out of her, Maki was convulsing, grabbing Kaito’s back for stability as she came, and feeling the sensation around his dick made Kaito follow shortly after
They steadied their breathing as Kaito’s thrusts slowed down, letting them come down from the orgasmic high they just experienced.
Kaito laughed as he gently pulled out, disposed of the condom, and collapsed beside her, pulling her back to him.
“Never speak of this again,” Maki said, muffled against him
Kaito laughed again, this time with a mixture of confusion and joy, “What? I’m not the kind of guy to brag to my buddies about the sex I have—“
“It’s not like me to... give in like that,” she muttered, seemingly embarrassed, but still wanting to be close to him
Kaito peppered smiley kisses on her forehead before assuring her “Hey, no one needs to know, okay? It was between the two of us, so it’ll stay between the two of us. I know you have a tough reputation to uphold.”
Maki nuzzled her head into his bare chest as a thank you. After catching their breath a bit longer, Kaito asked “You did like it, right?”
“Y-yeah,” Maki was still having trouble getting the words out, but she felt a bit better about speaking up now, “It was r-really good. I’ve never had... anyone make me cum like that before.”
He held her tighter and kissed her forehead again. “I’m glad I could make you feel good, baby. Lemme know if you ever want to do it again, okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah I’m gonna want to do it again.”
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