#the fly headcanon
aerascreamer · 7 months
« Adult Damian will look like Bruce. »
« Adult Damian will look like Talia. »
I raise you:
« Adult Damian will look like Dick to the point people start questioning who’s Damian’s actual father. »
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justaz · 10 days
thinking about arthur who has crazy quick reflexes and is a relatively light sleeper who woke up to the sound of someone in his room and saw merlin crouched down messing with his keys before softly asking “whatre you doing?…before breakfast?”
#like in that scene in s2 when merlin was calling out arthurs name from under his bed#and he jumped up (thinking merlin was long gone) grabbed his sword and postured for a fight#or that one in idk which season when merlin was sneaking in his room and he woke up and grabbed his sword when merlin bumped a chair#and then merlin brought the canopy/curtains around his bed down on him#vs waking up to see melin splayed over him and staring for a beat#before flinching back#(he was definitely having some thoughts and/or dreams but thats neither here nor there)#idk thinking about arthur who trusts merlin inplicitly and allows himself to lower his guard around him#his guard which he keeps up even in his sleep#GOD imagining them in an established relationship and merlin for once has /so/ much trouble waking arthur up#like before it was sorta bad but arthur was always in that half awake state#but now that theyre together….arthur wont even groan when merlin starts poking his ribs#arthur finally feeling so safe and protected that he allows his guard to drop in his sleep#and its the first time hes ever felt truly refreshed in the morning#so now merlin has infinitely more trouble waking him up but when hes up hes UP and ready to go#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bby they could never make me hate you#hes just a girl desperately craving love and protection#merlin isnt even offering it#hes shoving it into arthurs arms with insults flying off the tongue#theyre so disgusting#(affectionate)#<3#headcanon#head canon#hc
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shirefantasies · 5 months
Thorin's Company When You Call Everyone Pet Names
Part 2 of the request by @fly-on-my-sweet-angel for The Hobbit this time 😘 once again doing everyone hehe 😈
Balin remains tacit about your habit, chuckling it off as not much serious when you do it to him and his brother and his cousin and…well, everybody. It’s obviously not unique to him in any which way, though hearing you call him ‘honey’ does have quite the ring to it. Not one for pet names himself, he wracks his brain to come up with some way to mirror your affection, finally settling upon making a point to use your name often, smiling softly as he speaks it.
He gives you a bit of a frown as you ask him “Can you pass the water, sweetheart?” “Sweetheart? Never call me that again.” Leaning forward, you give him a sugary smile. “Alright, then. What about honey? Love?” Dwalin’s frown remains. “Do you think I’ve lived this long and gotten these scars to get ‘love’d by a-” “Alright, my apologies,” you put your hands up in mock-defense, “o fine warrior.” At that last name, a flush crept across Dwalin’s cheeks, widening your smile rapidly. You’d remember that one for later.
Are you imagining things or does Thorin frown when you call one of the others your little names? Experimentally, you try it again intently the next time you require some assistance. “Dwalin, honey, would you mind putting another log on the fire?” Sure enough, Thorin’s ease seems to falter; your eyes briefly widen, but you catch yourself in time for one more experiment. “And Thorin, darling, didn’t you want some tea?” The king speaks not, but he nods, a small smile returning to his face.
Step one is checking his hearing, trumpet engaged and pointed right at you. “Pardon?” Smiling, you repeated yourself. “I just asked if I could have a cup of tea, love.” Oin can’t stop the shock from crossing his face, his lips falling into an ‘o’ shape as he looks back up at you. “O-of course! Take whatever you like! Did you want something else in it?” You giggle, probably at how flustered he gets, and shake your head before inclining it in thanks at his offering.
Gloin definitely asks you to repeat yourself the first time he catches you calling him dear. Double down and that’s when trouble begins. “Listen to this one,” he teases you, “oh Dori darling, get the tea on.” “Only if Bombur dear lets me use the pot for it,” Dori joins in with a chuckle. “Sure thing!” Bombur just agrees, jolly as always. Rolling your eyes, you just give him a playful shove. “You know you love me.” Gloin scoffs, but his typically gruff expression melts into a smile. “Maybe.”
Sometimes it was hard to read everyone’s expressions; the dwarves in Thorin’s company ranged from highly, almost comically expressive to deadpan faces that puzzled you to try to read. Thus when one came about, you leaned over and rested a hand on the dwarf’s shoulder. “Bifur, sweetheart, are you doing alright?” The often quiet dwarf’s eyes widened at your touch, his head swiveling to fix you with a direct look. Glancing down at his bowl, then back at you, he nodded vigorously, an eager smile across his face. Bofur and Bombur burst out laughing at the two words their cousin spoke. At your look, Bofur explained that he had replied “Yes, darling”!
Your habits seemed to have earned you a name of your own, you noticed. One of the dwarves had picked up your ways or else resigned to pay them forward. Not that you minded- in fact, a word like those that had always been mindless for you suddenly sped your heartbeat like nothing else. “Where are you going, sunshine?” Bofur asked you, catching you stepping away from camp. “Just heading to the stream for some water, hun,” you replied, face warming. “Alright,” he acquiesced with a smile, “don’t be off too long, alright?” “I won’t.”
You were just the sweetest thing, so caring, so parental. Bombur requested your help dishing up every single night just to hear you as you handed bowls off. "Here you go, Balin dearest. Oh, you want more, honey? Darling, let everyone else have a shot first, Gloin’s not gotten any!" Bombur's heart fluttered at it every time, and it practically exploded when your addresses turned to him. "Bombur, love, need any more help?" "A-actually...the princes haven't brought their dishes, do you mind-" "Not at all." You gave him the brightest smile he'd ever seen before turning and calling toward the tree line. "Fili! Kili!" How, Bombur couldn't help wondering, had no one snatched you up yet?
Dori is the only dwarf brave, stupid, or affectionate enough, likely the latter, to mirror your habit. The two of you, in fact, have gotten into something of a back-and-forth about it all. “Don’t you think you ought to eat something, dear?” Dori asked you, holding out a slice of bread and some meat. “I had some broth earlier, love, so I’m well, thanks.” “You’ve got to keep up your strength, though, darling, just have a little something.” Eyes bouncing between you two, Ori and Nori shook their heads. “They’re like an old married couple.”
“Nori dearest, put that down, please.” Smirking, Nori tilted his head, his face inches from yours. “And why should I, darling?” "Because I said so,” you replied. “What, no more little names?” Nori shot back in mock hurt. “Not if you’re going to make fun of me,” you teased, “only people who are nice to me get them.” At that, the usually cocky, jolly dwarf’s cheeky look fell a bit, prompting surprise to cross your own face. “You thought I was makin’ fun of you? And here I was hoping you were serious.”
“Ori, honey, that’s excellent!” The company’s youngest had opened his sketchbook, revealing his latest drawing of a doe that had passed camp in the morning’s wee hours. As always, it was amazingly rendered and just an absolute delight- the lad truly had a gift. Said lad also had quite the red ears all of a sudden. "Thanks," he replied, trailing your name quietly like a little afterthought he'd never admit to almost forgetting, "thought this was one of my nicer ones, the little bugger passed by so nice, and well... I'd like you to have it. Well, if you please of course..." "He's tryin' to tell you he's sweet on you!" Nori bellowed. "Mahal's sake! Yer breakin' his heart always callin' everyone your sweet names!" At the elder brother's admission, you gape. "Is that true?" "Yes," Ori replies, puffing out his chest despite his red cheeks, "that's right."
“Gloin, dear, you’re going to hurt yourself if you run like that! At least lower your axe just a bit.” Fili smiles as you chastise the older dwarf like a mother hen. Much more endearing than Dori doing it to his brothers or Thorin getting on his and Kili’s case. In fact, he absolutely loves how caring you are to them all, the way you are so unafraid to show your love. Those are qualities he sees value in for a future leader…huh. Should he tell you that someday soon? Might make for a fun reaction to give it right back to you.
“Kili, love, what on earth are you doing?” “Well, darling, I’ve just been practicing a new move for if I drop my sword. See here.” A smug smile creeps onto your face at how easily he plays along with your little habit. “And what about you, Fili dear?” At that, though, Kili takes pause, steps back into your line of sight looking a bit stunned. “Now wait just a minute. I thought that was our thing. Don’t tell me you fancy him, too?” “I-” Now it’s your turn to pause. Certainly it was just an affectionate habit of yours, but also… you hadn’t really considered reciprocation. Your face warmed at the realization. “Of course I don’t. Consider yourself my only sweetheart.”
He wanted to snap at someone, but what right had he really? It was irrational, plain and simple, to try and tell any of the dwarves to stop doing things that made you call them all the sweet names you did. Bilbo was never the sort who gave pet names any stock, but with you they were like music to his ears. He needed to remind himself day after day, though, that it was simply your habit. Surely the fact that the dwarves were usually ‘honey’ and he was usually ‘sweetness’ just meant they were different…right?
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jojo-schmo · 7 months
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King Dedede, conductor of magic!!
Based off this theory ;)
He can utilize the elements around him like a lightning rod!!
....Unfortunately for him one of these elements is Darkness....
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randomgurl2326 · 6 months
Today I will be honoring Neil Perry, may he rest in peace. We will never know his great face any longer.
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Neil Perry 🕊️
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life”
November 10, 1942 —
December 15, 1959
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
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From the notes of Capt. Alfred Jones: "Davie was a bus and the 'Flying Fortress' moniker seemed to pass her by, but it was a ship with a brave crew. The trudge of getting back to England from enemy territory is a story for another day. I miss her and sometimes I miss the boys we lost that day."
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B-17F "Dear Davie": *U.S. Army Model B-17F-65-BO Air Corps Serial No. 42-29670 Delivered Cheyenne 31/1/43; Pueblo 18/2/43; Salina 15/2/43; Brookley 19/3/43; Smoky Hill 23/3/43; Dow Field 18/4/43. Assigned to the 333rd Bomb Squadron/94th Bomb Group [TS-L] "DEAR DAVIE" 22/4/43; Missing in Action near Hamburg 25/7/43 with Alfred "Comet" Jones, **Co-Pilot: Daryl "Speed" Reed, Navigator: Richard Reed, Bombardier: Charlie Marstaller; Radio Operator: Johnathan Graves, Flight Engineer/Top Turret Gunner: Clyde "Pepsi" Ray, Ball Turret Gunner: William Ortlieb, Waist Gunner: Leslie Lipsey, Waist Gunner: Paul Rapoport, Tail Gunner: Thomas Pugh (6 Killed in Action); "DEAR DAVIE" lost to flak/anti-aircraft fire, crashing near Uetersen, 15 miles NW of Hamburg, Germany.
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[nerd things & acknowledgements below cut]
Notes on the B-17F... The B-17F was an upgrade of the previous E model, with several notable changes: A one- or two-piece plexiglas nose cone, as opposed to the ten-paneled cone of previous versions. Reinforced landing gear allowed for a greater maximum payload, from 4,200 lb (1,900 kg) of ordnance to 8,000 lb (3,600 kg). Flight and combat range of the F model was improved by 900 mi (1,400 km) with the addition of nine self-sealing rubber fuel cells in the wing root, aka, "Tokyo tanks". The F model was generally characterized by being tail-heavy - which lead to part failure - and woefully undefended from the front; the early F models had no front-facing armament, leaving a 60° blind spot to the direct front of the aircraft - a flaw which was exploited by German pilots, who held air superiority. Later F models would see a list of possible available modifications (factory and field) such as inserting two .50 caliber machine guns into the nose cone to solve the blind spot. Other modifications to later F models were bulged cheek turrets, as opposed to the window-mounted guns of earlier iterations, and the available addition of the iconic "Bendix" chin turret. The chin turret is far more common on the subsequent G "gunship" variant. ("Dear Davie" is an early F model without the nose mount, bulged cheeks, or chin turret.)
*This model production block, serial no., and fate are borrowed from real-life B-17F #42-29670, "Thundermug." "Thundermug" was an aircraft that originally served in the 333rd Bomb Squadron/94th Bomb Group alongside my great-grandfather and his usual steed, "The Gremlins Hotel." It was transferred to the 544th BS/384th BG, at which point it went Missing in Action over Hamburg from flak/aa-fire; 8 of its crew became POWs while 2 were KIA. I have had the honor to speak to descendants of both of its crews and help them research "Thundermug"; I wish to voice a mere glimpse of their stories in a unique way.
**All names of Alfred's crew are either cobbled-together family names throughout our history here or entirely fictitious - though some were inspired by real people whom I grew up with stories of. All inspirations were individuals that lived good lives post-war.
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rewrittenwrongs · 16 days
Talia should swagger into the Batcave without warning and slam down a jar on the table in front of Tim. The jar, of course, contains his spleen. Tim is relieved to see Talia went on the mission he sent her on and thus was not blown to pieces. The spleen jar is both a sort of truce offering and a ‘you are a large threat and I want to stay in your good graces’ gift. Everyone else is confused but Tim refuses to elaborate or even tell them what’s in the jar.
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marragurl · 15 days
We’ve all basically agreed that Aventurine’s boss form is a transformation, like there’s no other explanation for how our short king suddenly gains height (other than his heels of course)
Unlike fellow magical girl Childe Ajax Tartaglia, we never actually saw Aventurine’s transformation!
So until they actually show us the damn thing, or give us a different Stoneheart’s transformation, I’m gonna have some fun and headcanon that no actually, it’s not a transformation. To keep up his dramatics and acts, my boy instead just lugs around a whole-ass costume to change into whenever he needs to do a quick boss fight.
(Ratio constantly nags him about why he always has so much luggage, it’s because of this. He needs all 152 costume pieces and those things take up space Ratio, let a man express himself, damn. A whole suitcase is dedicated to just the shoes since his heels hide extra stilts in them to give him the height advantage. Ratio is always silently judging him whenever he changes, but in the sense that he can’t believe that this is the love of his life and of course he’ll help zip up the back, stop whining Aventurine)
I’m just imagining him making that dramatic announcement to the Astral Express all “come and find me” and then quickly rushing to get into the outfit and make sure his hair and accessories are all in place before they show up. The whole reason he was giving that dramatic speech in 2.1 was because the crew arrived too early and he was rushing to get into those ridiculous boots of his and he needed to buy time fast. Ratio was in the back operating an out of sight crane to constantly keep Aventurine floating in the air.
So following that train of thought, headcanon that all Stoneheart boss forms are just the Stoneheart’s being dramatic as fuck for the aesthetic OR if it turns out that no one else has a cool boss form, then Aventurine is the only one who does this whole thing because he’s a dramatic king.
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h20milk · 24 days
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how are yuu?
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umblrspectrum · 9 months
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for how much i love to drag pngs around, it turns out that i actually don't know how to animate all too well
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violent138 · 3 months
On a day when Clark's powers get burnt out/kryptonite weakens them, Bruce immediately decides to get a full medical workup and gather all the stats on human Kal-El, much to the dismay of Clark, who really just wants to go home and nap.
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Imagine if when Leo first starts teleporting, the feeling of rematerializing feels like your limbs going to sleep.
He doesn’t notice the consequences at first because to start he’s always zipping around in the air and adrenaline makes him miss the discomfort, but once things are a lot less hectic and he tries to do a casual teleport he immediately falls on his face, his legs completely asleep.
He jokes that he’s gotta wait for the rest of him to catch up (and he doesn’t know it, but he’s right. Without the adrenaline of a big fight some molecules lag a little, he’s literally not completely present.)
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aeriona · 4 months
How Inkfish Change their Ink Colour
Here's an extremely long, (poorly) illustrated speculatory post about how ink and inksports could THEORETICALLY work in Splatoon! yippee!
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Ink is a mucous that Inklings, Octolings and Cuttlings produce with their ink sac, where it can be expelled through the mouth and siphon (and through the skin via the ink vessels, but don't worry about that just yet). You can take a look at my diagram of the ink vessels here.
Spitting up or sweating ink is a common stress response in ink-bearing cephalopods, it also serves as an extremely rude gesture if you happen to aim it at someone else's face.
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Inkfish actually can't change ink colour on their own, so instead they have to rely on artificial means to brighten and saturate the colour into something more easily recognisable.
The history behind inksports is extensive. In ancient times, inkfish would use naturally occurring dyes (such as clay, plants etc.) to change their ink colour, often to denote a particular social group. In modern times, colours are artificially synthesised and treated to have a minimal impact on the inkfish's body as possible, as believe it or not constantly eating red clay wasn't exactly good for you.
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The colour of an Inkling or Octoling's skin is determined by chromatophores, which can be basically any colour or shade they choose. The chromatophores function completely independently from the ink sac, so it's possible to have differing skin and ink colours (although you'd probably confuse your teammates a fair bit).
This is fine and cool and all, but how do inkfish prevent different team colours from just blending all together in a match? WELL! While turfing capsules also change ink colour, they can also alter the chemical qualities of the ink itself by introducing something called polarity!
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There are two kinds of turfing ink- polar and nonpolar. In easy terms (I am not a chemist), it's what allows two different colours of ink to sit on top of each other in separate layers instead of diluting together like paint. Before a match starts, each turfing team is given dye capsules in their respective team colour, with each team having opposing polarities to prevent inks from mixing together during the game.
Before technology got involved, people would simply use oil and water to prevent one ink colour from mixing with another's. Nowadays, oil and fat derivatives are commonplace as it's less likely to cause health problems as the body slowly processes it out.
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Splatting works when enemy ink reacts with the outermost ink vessels in an opposing team member's skin, forcing the victim to contract their ink sac and spit up all their ink (usually in the form of a super-jump back to spawn, though in the moment it's not uncommon to overshoot it). It's also possible to splat someone with blunt force trauma, but we tend to call that assault. Splatting is usually not dangerous, but it's still not a terribly pleasant experience and is somewhat painful, akin to a nasty static shock.
This splatting reaction is also why water is used in turf stages as a restrictive barrier, as water causes the same splatting reaction in the body as enemy ink does (at least until the dye wears off).
Okay that's all I got, I'm not gonna go into ink weapon mechanics because I'm tired... perhaps another day haha. Hopefully that all made sense and I apologise deeply if it didn't. Feel free to shoot me an ask if something needs to be cleared up or explained in further detail haha
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aitchhdee · 10 months
You and your two year old baby going to visit your home country, while your husband Bakugo stays back in Japan since he has a city to protect. Being a number two pro hero isn't easy. As it you guys checked in and headed to the line to go through the passport and security check you see your kid starting to cry and cling onto Bakugou, wanting him to come along and not leave him. Because dada is going to be all alone now?
Bakugou kisses his kid's head muttering he shouldn't cry and that they were going to do lot's of video-calls so that they could talk. Obviously it was hurting him seeing his baby crying, not wanting to say goodbye to dad. As the line was continuing to move forward he gave his kid another kiss before standing up and pulling you into a hug and kissing you temple, muttering to be safe and text him when you guys landed.
He watches you nod and smile softly, taking your kid's hand before starting to move. His baby looking back at him and waiving at him as he continued to cry. He only leaves the airpot when you guys couldn't be seen anymore and disappeared through the security check. He scratches the corner of his eye as he pulls out his phone to be sure he could watch your guys flight when your guys plane departed.
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mangodoodles000 · 4 months
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hello peoples
after witnessing this family bonding moment, I decided to redraw because I felt silly.
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birdnt · 2 years
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pixlriffs calls his copper ager his "child"... but what if it was an actual child?
" david and dadriffs "
edit: i got. my first ever cc notice on twt. i henceforth pledge my allegiance to pixlriffs he is all-generous and kind
part 2 where david meets grian
(story hc: In the Golden Age of the Ancient Capital, its scholars would seek eternal youth, experimenting on orphans for the “greater good”. But when they created a child who aged the world at the touch, they were quick to discard it, not knowing they threw away the very thing they were looking for. Centuries later, an archeologist finds the infant in ruin, his most precious discovery yet...)
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