#the Mauraders
james potter has a praise kink. don’t argue, you know i’m right.
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evan-ate-that-up · 4 months
James running up to regulus and falling onto the floor hitting his head on the stones: hey
Regulus: ..what are you doing
James: I fell for you~ (winks)
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regglilbean · 5 months
TW : blood ?
insane love
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close ups
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currentobessionsig · 1 year
the most gut-wrenching, poetic and beautiful lines I have read have mostly come from fan fiction
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oatswaffle · 7 months
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shhh they’re doing homework!! ⭐️🌙—😴💤
cookies if you know what sirius is writing ;P 🍪
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starboy-sirius · 27 days
may 2 & 3 | delight & rush | @jegulus-microfic | 549 words | slightly nsfw
“Are you so utterly blind, Potter, that you aren’t aware I’m trying to get through? Move,” Regulus snarks, his eyes flashing dangerously as James blocks his path. 
The corridor is bustling around them, students wandering to their lessons with varying degrees of determination between them. Barty is staring James down with a smirk from where he stands at the end of the corridor with Evan, Pandora and Dorcas, looking like a shiver of sharks prowling for smaller fish. 
James feels like that smaller fish. 
He returns his attention to Regulus, who looks just as put out with his lack of attention as he does when James is bothering him. James grins rakishly. “Why would I move out of your way when you shower me with such sweet words?”
Regulus’ grey eyes flash like lightning flickering across a body of water, sleek and magnificent. The breath leaves James’ lungs as he watches Regulus get all worked up. 
Taking a step forward, Regulus brings his face into closer proximity to James’. He says quietly, calmly, “Potter, I will make you wish you’d never been born if you don’t get out of my way.”
“But if I’d never been born then I never would have met you, love.”
The delight that James feels as he watches Regulus’ cheeks flush prettily, the rouge trailing over the high of his cheekbones and to the tip of his nose, is indescribable. He looks as though he’s struggling to compute what James just said, the pet name having such a delicious effect on him. James’ grin turns decidedly more seductive as he moves closer to Regulus, backing him up against the corridor wall, feeling like the prey turned predator as he does so. 
“Did you like that, love?” He asks, pressing his body to Regulus’ and delighting in the sharp intake of breath from the younger boy.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Potter,” Regulus breathes, sounding the most unmoored that James has ever heard him. “I know you’ve got the entire castle wrapped around your finger, but you have no effect on me.”
“Oh, really?” James asks, leaning down to press his face into Regulus’ neck. The corridor has gone silent around them and he’s grateful because it means he can press a kiss to Regulus’ neck without an audience. 
Regulus gasps at the sensation and James smirks against his neck, pressing kisses all the way from the junction of his neck to the bolt of his jaw. Regulus squirms, his hands coming up to grab at James’ shoulder and bicep, fingernails digging in. The feel of it gives James a heady rush and he allows his last kiss to have more of a bite to it. 
Against his jaw, James whispers, “No effect whatsoever, huh?”
Regulus stills suddenly, his body going completely frigid as though he’s been dunked into freezing cold water. James, confused at the sudden change in body language, pulls away and stares at him, only to find that Regulus is looking at something over his shoulder. 
A shit-eating grin grows on Regulus’ face as he looks between the mysterious thing over James’ shoulder and to James. “Good luck, Potter.”
“James Potter! What the ever-loving fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
James winces and turns around slowly, meeting Sirius’ incredibly unamused face. “Hi, Pads.”
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lifeonmarls · 1 year
Crimson Rivers typeset: books and their covers
fic by @mayzarbewithyou on ao3
art by @/likeafunerall on ig
typeset by me 😁
volume one is finished i'm still working on the other two since i want to make sure it's perfect i added everything in THIS drive doc 🫶🏼🫶🏼
This typeset is just for the first 25 chapters since i'm splitting up the fic in 3 books so 25 chapters for each volume !
feel free to use these at your own leisure , please send me a picture! i would love to see how they turn out 💘
some pictures to show how some of my favourite pages look like✨
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✨🌙You were my little bit of magic🌙✨
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bentknife · 9 months
you ever think about a character and how deeply heartbreaking their story is and no one thinks too much about it. and now ur crying in ur office hoping ur boss doesn’t walk in.
yea…. me neither.
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kaydincenerd · 1 year
The mauraders everyone
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Regulus black most of the time
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Peter agreeing to any one of James and Sirius plans
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Real footage of James in the wild 
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The blacks on vacation
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This is jegulus for ya
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Sirius if he ever became a hippie
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Any photo of Sirius that Remus takes
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percy15 · 1 year
Over there time at Hogwarts Remus and Regulus had both heard the other talking about how it sucks because it’s almost That Time of the Month ™️ or over hears Sirius talking about how the other is a little grumpy because of it and so Remus assumes Reg is also a werewolf and that’s why Sirius was so accepting of Remus’ condition and Regulus assumes Remus is trans and that’s why all of the marauders were so good about his name and pronouns ect
Idk how this ends but I think it would be funny if they both thought it made perfect sense but were also super confused about the logistics
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lilyimmsim · 12 days
wylan van eck is the remus lupin of the grishaverse. you can’t prove me wrong.
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perpetuallystupid69 · 2 months
“you better not be haunting the narrative”
me asf:
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Remus Lupin x fem!reader [2.1K] A lazy, summer Sunday after the full moon. Fluff, softness and shared tangerines.
Sundays were slow at Hogwarts, especially during summer. The Scottish heat made everyone sluggish, lazy and languid, mornings spent in cool showers and afternoons in the shade outside. 
It’s where Remus found you after breakfast, half cast in shadows under an old oak tree on the edge of the lake. Your bag was spilled out across the grass, books with dog eared pages and empty potion bottles, a broken quill and a half eaten chocolate frog that was doing its best to escape with just two legs. 
He sat down without a greeting, close enough that his shoulder bumped yours, his denim covered thigh up against your bare one. Your dress wasn’t doing much in terms of keeping you cool, but the breeze picked at it every now and then, sunflower yellow cotton against the green grass. 
Remus handed you half the tangerine he’d peeled and you accepted it with a hum, glancing out of the side of your eyes to inspect him. It had been a full moon last night and he had a new line across his neck to show for it. The scratch was already healed over, silver in the sunlight, no doubt from Lily’s wand, possibly even Remus’ own, if he’d managed enough sleep. 
You asked him as such, your gaze on the lavender coloured smudges below his lash line. “Sleep well?” 
It was barely ten o’clock in the morning, but the summer sun rose around four and you hoped the boy had managed a few hours of sleep, as restless as they may have been. You’d witnessed him before, just once, slumped between James and Sirius as they led him back through the portrait, half hidden as the cloak started slipping to the floor. There had been some blood, a lot of naked skin, dirt covered bare feet and half lidded eyes, barely focusing on you. Remus was asleep before James had managed to lead him to bed.  
The boy hummed, creased shirt sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows, smelling like citrus and the leftover smoke from the cigarette he probably stole from Sirius’ bedside. 
“Yeah,” he told you, his voice quiet enough that you could hear the owls above, making their way to the Great Hall. You knew he was saying it only for your benefit, a soft agreement that was supposed to make you feel less worried. “Managed a couple of hours, even with James’ snoring.”
You huffed out a laugh, leaning closer, every bit of your side touching his, like if you stayed near enough, you could convince yourself he was indeed safe, that he’d made it through another full moon without the need for a hospital wing visit afterwards. 
“They’re still asleep?” You asked, not needing to specify who you were talking about. There were only two other people who should’ve been lounging around you, talking shit and causing some sort of trouble. “They’re okay?”
Remus nodded, placing the last segment of fruit on your thigh, balancing it in the stripe of sun that came through the tree canopy. “Yeah. They’re safe. Tired, though. Don’t you worry that pretty, little head of yours.”
That was understandable. You’d only seen your friends from afar, from your dormitory window, watching in quiet fear as three shapes made their way to the forbidden forest, two familiar, the third you’d only seen in textbooks, in horror movie posters. James had engaged in too many discussions with you to count, whispered and heated, hidden from Remus until Sirius broke it up and the two boys had to watch you blink back tears as they both told you ‘no’ again, like they always did. 
It was always forgotten about when they visited the girls dorm when they shouldn’t have, shuffling through Gryffindor tower under James’ cloak, knocking on your door with a few chocolate frogs and Sirius’ last bottle of Pumpkin Juice. They said ‘sorry’ and you nodded, knowing. It was too dangerous to help, you were all too aware of that. So the boys aided at night, ran across the hillsides and through the forests, keeping Remus away from anything human and out of sight. And when morning came, they lingered in their dormitory, let Remus come to you, let you look after him in a way that only you could. 
Something in the lake splashed, far away enough that you didn’t catch a glimpse of it, maybe a tentacle from the giant squid, maybe something no one knew about. But Remus took the opportunity to push your book bag away with a foot, long legs stretched out on the grass so he could manoeuvre himself into his favourite position. His head on your lap, sandy brown hair still mussed from bed and the sun slanting over his face in peach-gold coloured stripes, the last piece of forgotten tangerine stolen back between his fingers. 
He held it up to you from where he lay, brown eyes turning honey coloured in the light. You tried to hide your smile with a twist of your lips, an eye roll that wasn’t as casual as you had hoped. Remus grinned, waiting patiently until you leaned forward just a touch, stealing the fruit from between his fingertips with your lips, hoping your teeth didn’t graze him. 
That wouldn’t have been proper. Not at all. 
But neither was the way the boy stole your hand, his curling around your wrist to guide it to his head, humming something sinful when you let your fingers delve into his hair to scratch at his scalp. Remus’ eyes fluttered, lashes casting shadows across his high cheekbones, the sun erasing the reddened shadows under his eyes. He looked less tired then, laid out all pretty in your lap like that, eyes closed, breathing even, a small smile on his lips. 
Peaceful. Like he hadn’t had his body wrecked and cracked the night before, like each of his bones hadn’t splintered and pieced themselves back together before the sun had come up. 
You let him lay like that for as long as he wanted, skin warming under the sun, hand soothing over his hair, across his forehead and along the slope of his cheek until his lips parted in sleepy surprise and Remus turned his head into your tummy, nose nudging there as he slept. 
He woke when James and Sirius found you both later, when the sky was still blue and cloudless, whistling and shouting something awful as they greeted you both with stolen sandwiches and pocketfuls of sherbet lemons. You frowned at the two boys, both as messy and sleep rumpled as the other, James wearing Remus’ stolen t-shirt, Sirius still in all black despite the heat, a split lip holding onto an unlit cigarette as he approached. Then Remus moved, something that saddened you both, but he stayed close, sharing pumpkin juice as you both listened and laughed at how Sirius managed to land himself detention and lost points only mere minutes after leaving the common room. 
And when the boys inevitably stripped off to go for a swim, you made them both sit in front of you first, wand out to heal their own scrapes and scratches, small injuries that made Remus’ lips turn down. James hooted and hollered as he ran down the small hill, ignoring how you yelled about his glasses, ‘cause Sirius was chasing him and soon they were both barrelling onto the cold water. 
Remus stayed, still close, a small and tired smile on his face as he watched you huff at your friends, fond affection creeping over him as you reached for your book. You leant back against the old oak tree, the book in the grass beside you because you saved your lap for him. It took him a second or two before he lay back down, cheek pressed to your bare thigh, eyes looking up at you. 
“Read to me?” He asked softly. “Please?”
And who were you to deny him? You kept a hand on the pages, another in his hair, only glancing away to make sure your friends weren’t drowning. You read until your voice dropped to a murmur, until all the sherbet lemons were gone, the sour sugar a leftover fizz on your tongue. Remus had his eyes closed, awake enough to hum when you whispered his name, tangerine scented fingers drawing shapes over your ankles. You wondered if he could feel your goosebumps, you wondered if he knew what it meant. 
You wondered if he’d let you do this tomorrow and the next day, and maybe the next after that. When there was no full moon to worry about and you could let your best friend lay in your lap just ‘cause he could. ‘Cause he wanted to, maybe. 
When the sky turned lilac, a candy floss pink at the horizon with the setting sun, James and Sirius were dressed again and Remus had slept on you for an hour or two. You could all smell dinner coming from the kitchens, the dull bustling noises from the hall as students gathered. Remus stood as the other boys argued, something nonsensical, a debate Remus was ignoring. He helped you to your feet even though he ached, smiling bashfully with pink cheeks as he stared at you for a beat too long. 
There was a crease along his jaw from the hem of your dress, a sign he’d napped all too well. It was a nicer sight to see than the new scars and before you could stop yourself, you ran a finger over the silver line on his throat, the one that went from the nape of his neck and round and down, disappearing into his collar. Remus stilled as you did, hardly breathing as he let you touch him, lips parted in surprise but his gaze fond all the same. 
“Does it still hurt?”
The boy shook his head, standing too close, toes touching. “Nah, m’fine. It’s fine.” His voice was a pretty rasp, hoarse from sleep, quiet as if not to startle you. “Lily fixed me up this morning.”
You’d been right. But it didn’t stop the awful stab of jealousy, a sharp pain between your ribs and bloomed and grew like weeds. You told yourself you were being silly, that you had no reason to feel such a thing. Especially since James had taken to spending his free periods in the library, trailing after the red headed girl, gazing at her like you looked at Remus. 
You cleared your throat and nodded, smiling a little tight as you dropped your hand. Maybe Remus was a little more awake than you’d once thought, ‘cause he bent at the knees a little, just enough to catch your nervous gaze with his and smile at you. He was still sleep soft, all blushing cheeks and tired eyes. 
“Days like these?” He prompted, voice low enough that the other boys didn’t overhear as they made their way to the castle. “With you?”
You could hear your heartbeat, could feel it in your ears, could feel the rattle of your bones. You wondered if Remus could too. 
“They help me a lot, y’know. When it’s finally done and I get back?” He nodded towards the castle, chin lifting to the tower where your beds sat. “When the guys get me home and I can lie down, I always think about you before I fall asleep. What you’ll read to me the next day, what pretty dress you’ll be wearing.”
Your breath hitched and your shoulder bumped into Remus’ arm as you walked, a wide eye stare set on James’ broad back as you trailed behind them. You could feel Remus watching you, could feel the way he smiled. And when you were brave enough to look back, face feeling too warm, you wrinkled your nose and asked:
“Yeah? Really?”
Remus nodded, chin ducking to his chest like he suddenly wasn’t as brave with your eyes on him. “All your dresses are pretty,” he added. “But s’not the point. All of you help me. James, Pads, Lily.”
His hand brushed yours, pinky finger touching your own for a beat too long to be accidental and the boy kept his gaze on the grass as he walked. He cleared his throat, brows stitching together as he tried to find the right words. 
“They all help me. But you help me the most.” A pause, long and filled with something you couldn’t put your finger on. Tangerines, old books, new scars, cheeks pressed to legs and honey brown eyes in the sun. “When it’s all over? When it’s done?  You make me feel like me again.”
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lost-inthe-v0id · 1 month
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really right so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
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starboy-sirius · 27 days
may 4 | cease | @jegulus-microfic | 1057 words
“Stop,” Regulus begs, pushing James away. “Please just stop.”
James stares at him with heartbroken eyes, his face crumpled as he attempts to grab Regulus’ shaking hands. They’re in the Astronomy Tower, the night sky dark and thunderous, threatening a storm it’s waiting to unleash. The moon shines down on them and Regulus can’t help but realise the irony of losing James when the sun isn’t shining, but he doesn’t know when else he’s meant to do this. 
They’ve been meeting in the tower for the past few months and at first it was fun, the two of them snarking and bickering with each other until slowly it became more physical, a push here and a jab there. Until one day James pulled. He pulled Regulus into him, his back against the bannister in the tower and pressed his lips to Regulus’ passionately. Regulus had just called him some ungodly name and James couldn’t take it anymore. 
Soon the tower became a place where they not only argued but also just talked. About everything and everyone. Without realising it they had become each other’s safe space and the kisses soon turned tender and soft, and the fucking transitioned into something with a little more meaning. Regulus didn’t dive off straight away and actually allowed James to wrap his arms tightly around his middle, pulling him back into his embrace.
But that was then and this is now. 
Now, Regulus is staring at James imploringly, eyes shining with tears not yet fallen and James wants to scoop him up and kiss his pain away, only Regulus won’t let him come near him. James doesn’t understand. “Regulus? What happened?”
Regulus lets out a bitter laugh, wet and humourless. “What happened? Did you get concussed whilst kissing that Prewett twin or are you just an imbecile?”
James feels as though he’s been slapped and staggers backwards, because he had kissed Gideon. Or rather, Gideon kissed him and James had spluttered and pulled away so quickly that he’d almost torn a muscle in his neck. It happened just now at the Gryffindor party, one that Regulus didn’t want to go to, preferring to be in the Astronomy Tower watching the stars. James, apologising to Gideon profusely about not being available, had rushed to get the map and find Regulus, opting to spend the rest of the night with him. 
Which is where he finds himself now, staring down a furious Regulus, his eyes rimmed with red. He had obviously decided to come to the party last minute and walked right in on the worst scene imaginable. 
“Regulus, it’s not what it seems at all. Please let me explain,” James begs, his heart pounding its way up his throat. 
Scoffing, Regulus sniffs and wipes his cheeks harshly. The sight of his tears makes James ache something fierce. He wishes he could reach out and comfort him but he knows Regulus isn’t going to allow that. Has this horrible sinking feeling that Regulus might not let him ever again. 
“What is there to explain? You kissed him, and I’m the idiot because I actually thought that this meant something to you,” Regulus’ shoulders droop suddenly and he stops wiping his cheeks, it’s all in vain anyway because the tears won’t stop. “Like it meant something to me.”
“Regulus,” James breathes, taken aback by this impromptu confession. 
They never spoke about what they were to each other, just that they enjoyed finding release in each other’s bodies and didn’t want to stop. The sneaking about was fun, or at least James had thought so until his heart wrangled its way into the mix and then he sort of just wanted to snog Regulus whenever and wherever. But he refrained because he knew that Regulus was scared. Scared of what Sirius would think, scared of it getting back to his parents. They’d spoken about it, lying on blankets in the tower as the sweat cooled on their bodies, and James had sworn that he would protect Regulus from everyone that wished to harm him. 
Looking at him now, James thinks that the only person harming Regulus is him. 
“Just go, James.”
“No,” James declares, stepping forward with determination, because Regulus basically just confessed to him and there is no way in hell that he’s going to leave here without telling him how he feels. Even if Regulus doesn’t want anything to do with him now. He has to do this. 
So he starts speaking whilst Regulus is quiet. “Gideon kissed me. We were dancing, surrounded by everyone else, it wasn't just us, and he sort of just attached himself to me. I pulled away instantly, hurt my neck a bit doing it so fast, and told him that I wasn’t available. Then I came here to find you, and well, you know the rest.”
By the end of the speech he’s shyly rubbing at the nape of his neck, eyes intently focused on Regulus. The younger boy is looking at James warily, but somewhere deep in his eyes James can see that he wants to believe what he’s saying.
“You’re not available?” Regulus asks, voice small and vulnerable. But his eyes. Merlin, his beautiful grey eyes are shining with something James thinks looks like hope, and it’s what spurs him forward. 
Regulus allows him to take his hands as he approaches and soon they’re standing with their faces close. It’s intimate and it’s all James wants for the rest of his life. “I’m not. You see, there’s this really prickly Slytherin who I’m a little bit in love with. Even when he’s insulting me I can’t help but adore him.”
“He sounds like a right tosser,” Regulus says and James laughs, feeling brighter as Regulus smiles at him. 
“Hey!” James scolds jokingly. “That’s my lover you’re talking about.”
Regulus rolls his eyes, cheeks staining a pretty red. The younger boy’s face turns grave once more, though. “You better not be messing with me, Potter.”
“Never,” James swears, leaning down so that his nose brushes Regulus’.
“Good,” Regulus breathes. “Because I’m in love with you, too.”
James surges to press his lips to Regulus’, heart pounding as he smiles into it. Nothing has ever felt sweeter than the press of Regulus’ lips to his, and he’s sure nothing will ever be as sweet as this moment. 
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