#that roy harper had one fucking person in his life who trusted him?
sasheneskywalker · 7 months
jason todd-centric fic recs
All the Roofs of Uncertainty by Kieron_ODuibhir For all the blood on his hands, Red Hood was never just a villain. And Nightwing never gives up on family, not for good.
(Or: The one where Dick bleeds a lot and Jason argues with everybody.)
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Leslie Thompkins, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
(nothing new) under the earth or sky by Kieron_ODuibhir That's what it means, to be a Bat: your secrets have secrets, and those keep secrets of their own.
Even when you are a skeleton in the closet, that doesn't mean you've met all the rest. And Jason never suspected this.
(And you thought no one understood, little Hood.)
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd
Gotham Is A Mother by Kieron_ODuibhir "Hey, Batman. No sudden movements, huh?"
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
butcherbird, fly away home by e_va Lost Days-era.
Jason's latest teacher is a cruel man, but a boring one. There's no reason for Jason to expect that he will be any different from the rest—just another monster with a skillset that Jason wants to learn. He'll get what he needs and then take out the trash before he goes, as always.
It's all going according to plan until, very suddenly, it isn't.
One of Jason's instructors kidnaps Bruce fucking Wayne. This changes nothing, or at least that's what Jason keeps telling himself.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Smashing Tail Lights by CunningCrow a mundane slice-of-life of a murdery traumatised eighteen year old getting his life absolutely fucked up and trying to fix it up a bit through more murder
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
The Kindly Ones by Havendance After the confrontation with Bruce in the warehouse, Jason finds himself in the company of the Kindly Ones and accepts the vengeance they offer.
T | Major Character Death | No Relationships
For Those Who Can't by GoAwayOlivia They don’t understand him at all. There is no setting him off, that’s not the way it works. And he doesn’t go on violent sprees. Jason kills when the situation demands. That’s it. Plain and simple. He doesn’t lose his temper and murder any asshole that pisses him off. Every kill is a decision that he makes, and every decision is carefully weighed and measured with a cool head. He only ever kills because the person deserves to die.
E | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd
Too Much Fucking Salt by pez_the_platypus A rural housewife instinctively understood the law of quantity into quality. Add a pinch of salt to a soup and it tasted better; add one pinch too many and you ruined the batch. Jason had been in limbo for a year and a half, trusting things would get better even though everything just seemed to be getting worse. It was something small that set him off, but really, it was an accumulation of a lot of things that led to this. He was going to kill the Joker.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Joker (DCU) & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper, Gotham City & Jason Todd
Reclaiming Innocence by MurtaghMorzanson Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
His life was not pleasant, but Jason was nothing if not a fighter, and dammit if was he going to let the hell around him kill who he was as a person. Or his dreams of growing up and going to college.
Those dreams suddenly came a little more into focus, when his idiot of a pimp accidentally tried to rent him to Bruce Wayne. Poor bastard could have never guessed he was the Batman himself. Heck, not even Jason figured that out, at first. And Batman had practically adopted him.
T | Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd
Get Used to Dying, by papered_king CATHERINE I keep dying.
Catherine hums, like she doesn’t want to tell Jason he’s wrong.
Not Rated | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | No Relationships
deep in the meadow, under the willow by Goldmonger “Stay with me,” Dick said, almost pleadingly. “You can sleep later, Jay, I promise. Stay with me now.”
It’s not that kind of tired, he didn’t say.
T | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
in a new york minute, everything can change by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters You can fit an eternity into sixty seconds, if you've desperate enough.
(Jason Todd at the end of everything)
Not Rated | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death | Sheila Haywood & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd, Selina Kyle & Jason Todd, Eddie Bloomberg & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Catherine Todd
hit me as hard as you can by stupidandsad THE BATMAN CATCHES Jason stealing the tires off his car; after that Jason’s pressing a gun to his own temple and saying, the first step to redemption is to atone. It didn't always used to be like this. For a little while, maybe, in between these two, Jason was happy.
People are always asking him if he misses it.
Jason lives, dies, and starts a revolution. Featuring: gratuitous references to Fight Club.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Other(s)
library card by mikkal Jason Todd, Red Hood, and the Park Row Public Library (and her librarians).
T | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Jason Todd & Original Character(s), Batfamily Members & Jason Todd
this kind of weather by r_astra Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Gotham City Residents & Jason Todd
Life Begins By Leaving by ihaveathingforpink Jason buys a house, rebuilds his life, and reluctantly reconciles with the family, one member at a time. Reluctantly.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd & Everyone, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
More Chances Than Deserved by Skalidra Slade hasn't quite left Gotham yet when the Society assigns him a contract on the Red Hood. For reasons he's not interested in asking about, they still want Black Mask in their ranks, and following the disastrous showing of their last hit squad, they've decided that it's a job best suited for actual professionals.
'Take the Red Hood off the board.' Simple enough. He's already worn himself out fighting the Bat, after all, and Slade's killed plenty of people just as dangerous as him. There's no reason one little fallen bird should give him any trouble.
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Slade Wilson
We are each our own devil…but you're my hell by SoberFrost Jason is leaving Gotham. Bruce confronts him on his way out.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
A single question by BlueTee There was really only one question that Jason Todd needed the answer to after his resurrection.
Just one.
He could have confronted Batman with a dramatic and overly elaborated plan.
Or he could just ask Bruce.
So he asks.
AU in which Jason Todd chooses to finish his All Caste training, and eventually goes back to Gotham to ask Batman why the Joker is still alive.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Ducra & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Everyone, Jason Todd & His Siblings
The Ghost of You by rotasha After a blowout argument with Bruce, Jason lashes out in a way he knows will hit Bruce where it hurts. He doesn’t expect the aftermath.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Titans Academy
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans, Arrowfam
Summary: Grant struggles to accept his new reality when Roy takes him in and enrolls him in Titans Academy. He must adjust to life at a boarding school and life with his new foster family (Roy and Lian). Can he learn to trust the people who claim to care about him? Or will he shut himself off from love altogether?
Chapters: 4/?
Characters: Grant Emerson, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Toni Monetti, Cody Driscoll, Lian Harper, Jade Nguyen, Audrey Spears, Tommy Blake Jr.
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Boarding School AU, No Powers AU, Found Family, Second Chances, Roy Harper is a Legal Guardian, Roy Harper is a Father, POV First Person, Grant Emerson POV, Autistic Bart Allen
Chapter Four: Group Therapy I
It felt like the day went on forever, but I still had to go to group therapy. Roy practically escorted me there. I didn't know any of the kids in my group from my other classes. They went around introducing themselves and saying what grades they were in. When they got to me, I introduced myself, but I forgot to say what grade I was in. "Hey, pay attention, Daddy's boy. You forgot to say what grade you were in," the first boy teased. I hated being talked to like that. "Cody—." "Fuck you," I replied. Cody grinned. "Hey, can we bring it back?" one of the other kids suggested. "It's nice to meet you, Grant... Try not to worry too much about what Cody has going on." "Roy's not my dad... I don't know my dad. And I'm a junior," I replied. "Cool-. I mean, the junior part. Not the part about your dad," she whispered. Once the group got back on track, the guy moderating started talking about family and conflict. "My mom was cool about everything, but she worried. I gave her a lot of reasons to worry, I guess. She didn't even tell me I was going here," Cody replied, "She just dropped me off... But I guess it was good that she did." "Sounds like she was trying to avoid conflict for herself, not for you," one of the girls mentioned. Cody softened, and he shook his head. "My mom's doing her best. What's bashing her gonna do?" Cody asked. He didn't seem argumentative or cocky anymore. That all faded away with a bit of criticism of his mom. I felt a little bit sorry for the guy. "At least she did something," I replied, "My—. I guess she's not even my mom... She never tried to help. She stood back, and she'd clean everything up after the fact. All she did was try to make me forget, but it wasn't to protect me. Do you know how bad that feels?" I realized I was talking about myself, and I sank down in my seat. Cody mouthed, "Thank you." I nodded in reply, but I felt weird sharing anything about my parents in front of strangers. Another kid jumped in and started talking about how his dad turned everything into an argument, and a few other kids shared. The guy moderating explained that there's a balance to conflict. Too little battle could prove to be as detrimental as too much. "A fear of disputes can look like complacency or a lack of consideration... While too much can make you feel like your guardians are nitpicking or that they simply don't appreciate you at all," the man whispered. We closed out, and Roy met me outside. He had tears in his eyes. "You okay?" I asked. Roy nodded. "It was a brutal end to the day, but I'll make it. Group's never easy," Roy replied, "How was your first day?" "I thought I was gonna hate it at first... But it wasn't that bad—." "Thanks for today, new kid," Cody whispered. Roy glanced at me and smiled. "Cody's thanking someone?" Roy questioned. He seemed impressed. "You're free to go for the next forty-five minutes, but I want you home by nine." I nodded, and Roy left me to wander the campus. Bart ran into me and offered for me to come back to his room to read comics. I took him up on his offer, but we mostly hung out. Bart talked the whole time, but I didn't hate it. At least he seemed happy. "Hey, Bart... Who's this?" I asked as I touched one of the pictures hanging on his wall. "That's my dad. He died when I was a baby," Bart replied, "And the other pictures are of my grandpa and grandma, my cousins, Wally and Jenni, and—." "You're a twin," I interrupted accidentally. Bart tensed up. "Where's your brother?" "I don't have a brother... I have a twin," Bart replied. I didn't know what he meant by that, so I didn't say anything else. I said goodnight, and I went home. Roy lay on the couch with his eyes closed. "You're early, you know," Roy whispered. He seemed exhausted. "What'd you do?" "Why does Bart hate his twin?" I asked.
"He'll tell you when he's ready," Roy replied, "Could I hear about your day?" I sat in his chair, linking my fingers over my chest as I stared at Roy. He lay still, eyes shut, but I knew he was listening. "It was alright... Am I allowed to talk about the group?" I asked. "You can talk about yourself but no one else," Roy replied. "The day was long, but I'm glad I don't have to talk about myself anymore this week. Am I allowed to hang out this weekend?" I asked. "Yeah. If you get through tomorrow the way you did today, you can go wherever. I think Garth is going to the beach or something... Donna's going bowling with whoever's down to go... And I'm doing movie night. Saturday, though, I'm not sure what we're doing. I'll probably take some of the kids hiking. I feel like I'm forgetting something important," Roy mumbled. He pulled a blanket over himself and stretched out. "You don't have to wake up at four tomorrow... But that's not what I'm forgetting." "Roy? Are you gonna sleep there tonight?" I asked. "Not sleeping, just resting my eyes... Thursdays are my tough days. I run a group just like everyone else, and sometimes it takes a toll... But I'll be okay by tomorrow," Roy reassured me. I rolled my shoulders back and went to the kitchen. I couldn't sleep when people seemed tense, so I made Roy some tea. He had a bunch of different kinds. Some stuff I'd never even heard of. After the kettle started whistling, I picked two packets with a picture of white flowers and what I imagined was a lemon. I set the teacup on a coaster and tapped Roy's shoulder. "I don't know how you like your tea... I just thought that-." Roy sat up and took a deep breath. I thought he'd chew into me for touching his stuff, but he leaned forward, hiding his face in his hands. "Thank you, Grant. That was really thoughtful," Roy whispered. He collected himself without a tear, but I could tell it was hard. It was weird. I'd only known the guy for three days, but it seemed like he knew me way longer than that. I wondered if he knew something I didn't or if he was like that with everybody. It felt good to finally come home at the end of the day, but I worried things wouldn't stay that way. If I learned anything from my parents, things are never what they seem.
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fuscorooni · 1 year
Woke up today thinking a lot about certain characters and “why are you like this”? And of course a lot of it has to do with upbringing.
Bruce Wayne lived in an emotionally stagnant household. Most canonical interactions with his dad show him as being either distant or stern. Very little in the way of support or affection. Comics tend to focus on Thomas over Martha for whatever reason, Martha usually shown as the one offering compassion. And then of course, Joe Chill, which eliminated parental figures all together. So he’s either raised by the butler, or on his own globetrotting. So yeah, inexcusable parenting/mentoring as Batman, but you can see why. Dude was doomed from the start. (This is not me defending Bruce, by the way, eff that guy, but my brain trying to apply some form of logic here.)
Dick Grayson was raised by his parents in the circus. Not only were they loving and supportive, they also required absolute trust and commitment as part of their trapeze act. Strong emotional bonds were critical for them as it literally meant life or death. So when Bruce takes him in after the Graysons are gone, he at least has those basic fundamentals to tell him Batman is doing this wrong and needs guidance. He grew up into “the guy everyone likes” in spite of Bruce.
Wally West’s biologicals were canonically shitty, but then he gets Barry and Iris. Barry’s a fucking nerd and a square, but at least he knows how to show emotion and support. Being raised by your idol probably makes life a lot more fun, so Wally’s that lovable good he is today. Can’t wait to see how Irey and Jai turn out (so far so good).
Roy Harper had Oliver Queen after being raised on the reservation by Brave Bow. Oliver wasn’t the perfect father and never claimed to be. But he never struck Roy, and was always supportive. Ollie’s crime may have been not being their physically enough for Roy, but always sought to make amends. Hence, Roy Harper, Super Dad to Lian.
All of this stems from me being a dad and forcing me to look at comics in a new light. It’s amazing how much control you have in shaping who your child is going to be, while at the same time dealing with someone forming their own personality and disposition. Obviously comics are their own reality and no one in their right mind would let a child fight crime, but looking at it from the point of view of a parent changes a lot of things.
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redjaybathood · 6 years
People take issue apparently with Roy Harper being associated most strongly with Jason Todd because there was no hint of their friendship in pre-52.
Their main problems were:
1. Jason is a snotty kid, Roy wouldn’t have wanted to hang out with him.
2. Writers are trying to make Jason into Dick by giving him Dick’s friends. (thus somehow robbing dick from roy or something lmao)
3. Roy was made into an outlaw by being in Outlaws. He wasn’t like that before. 
4. Roy and Jason don’t have anything in common.
So, if you’re totally ignoring both New52 and Rebirth, ignore this post. 
1) Jason was over 15 (as he was 15 in the year zero; does New 52 timeline makes sense? Is there established timeline for Rebrith? Not to my knowledge, no, and yet) when Jay and Roy met.
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As I remember it, Roy Harper was struggling with his addiction, heavily drinking, and living in Gotham, homeless, on the streets - in Dick’s home city - to boot, at the time.
Yes, their age difference would make hanging out slightly awkward, perhaps, though maybe not - for friends 5-8, and even 10 years is not that much, it’s not like they would have been in romantic relationships while Jason was underage.
And they did not hang out together then - Jason was murdered shortly after. Just a case of bad timing. But he did help Roy when no one did, and he did say Roy can visit him anytime, that he would be glad be friends with him - because everyone needed a friend.
2) While Roy was struggling, while he found himself on a verge of suicide by a rogue, the only person who gave a shit about him - except Robin who couldn’t very well give him all that much support because he, well, was murdered, - was actually Waylon Jones.
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Where was Dick at the time? Why didn’t he help Roy? I don’t know.
And meeting Waylon was also one of the most cherished memories of Roy.
3) When Roy was wrongfully imprisoned in Ethiopia/Quarac jail (please note: he was wrongfully accused by people who hired him under the guise of liberating their homeland - so him ending up an outlaw was actually a misconception; but after Jason rescued him from jail Roy didn’t have anywhere else to go, and he could handle a little misconception because he actually was doing something good, so none of that ‘Jason made an outlaw of Roy).
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Also, the person who rescued him out of jail? Jason. And Kory. Not Dick.
Where was Dick? I don’t know.
And I should mention, only three people had that much influence over Jason so he voluntarily would go to the place he died - and still struggles with PTSD aftermaths.
4) Jason and Roy do, in fact, have a lot in common. They both were taken in by a vigilante millionaire and it didn’t end well. They both feel betrayed by their father figure, kicked down when they needed a hand up. Their relationships with respective families almost non-existent. There’s no one who would understand that sort of betrayal better than each other.
This point could be illustrated by too many pages, but I also think it should be pretty obvious.
In conclusion: While pre-52 Dick very well might have been one of the best friends of Roy, belittle Roy’s current relationships in his life, and yes, Jason was, at the time of Roy’s death, one of the most important people in his life, just because you don’t really like Jason/like Dick better is fucking petty.
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: Based on the song same side by Jessie Reyes. In which Roy Harper thinks he’s knows what’s best for you after a lifetime together
Warning: Drug abuse, withdrawals, mentions of blood, angst 
A/N: I love writing for Roy PLEASE when requests open again send some for him. 
Word Count: 4.1k
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How come I can't leave ya? Talk to myself at night, wonderin' why I feel like I am tied down to someone Who's makin' me cry more than makin' me smile
Roy Harper had been apart of your life for as long as you could remember. He was there when you picked up your first bow. When you had your first night out along side him and Oliver. When you had your first victory and your first defeat. There was no one you would rather have by your side than Roy.
When he was Speedy and you were his partner, there seemed to be nothing that the two of you couldn't accomplish together. Oliver might not have loved either of you going off on your own, but side by side he couldn't have a worry in the world. He trusted the two of you to keep each other safe, and for the longest time, you did.
No matter what situation you got yourself into, Roy was always the one to give you a hand. There was never a time that you doubted his ability to save you. He saved you from broken arrows, but he never seemed to be able to save you through broken hearts. He couldn't save you from himself.
Growing up, it was impossible not to fall in love with your best friend. Roy had a charm to him that was impossible to ignore. A classic tale of friends to lovers. You became inseparable on and off the field. Late nights taking bad guys down and even later nights stuck between the sheets of your bed.
Roy was a lover - and for the longest time he was a damn good one too. He was selfless to strangers, and to you he would do anything to make you happy. With him it seemed like forever wasn't long enough. Forever was your always with him, until it wasn't. Until Roy wasn't your always.
He couldn't save you from the times that he fell into a dark hole. He couldn't save you when his life became too preoccupied with drugs and alcohol. Most importantly, you couldn't save him from himself either. No matter how hard you tried, Roy always fell back to those roots.
No matter how many nights you were left yelling and crying over him coming home do you so high he could barely walk, you couldn't leave him. Roy had been part of your life for as long as you had known, leaving him seemed harder than anything you ever had to do. You couldn't, not when he needed you. Not when you still loved him.
Night after night he came back to you crying at how you had lost him. Roy no longer thrived to save the innocents. He didn't care what happened to himself, and not in the selfless kind of way that you once admired. The Roy that you had fallen in love with was gone, and you weren't sure if you were ever going to get him back.
It broke you to see him fill you with broken promises of trying to fix himself. Pleads and cries that he would always need you more than he needed those stupid drugs. No matter how many promises he made, he never could fix himself. He never wanted to fix himself. It was easier to feel nothing that the pain of memories of the life you lived together.
The life that you had to bare just as badly as he did.
Just make it through the night Lyin' to myself, sayin' I'll be fine I don't want you, I hate you, I think But I don't wanna be alone either
"I'm tired of this Roy! I can't keep going on like this!"
He promised he'd quit for good this time. After years of ups and downs you knew not to believe his promises. For some damned reason you did this time, only to be disappointed again. It was weeks that he was clean. Even if it was hard, you started seeing tiny glimpses of the Roy you once knew.
You spent every moment with him as he tried to better himself. Early mornings of finding him heaving over the toilet. Mid-day shakes that wouldn't go away no matter how hard he focused on them to stop. Night after night of his tossing and turning, unable to sleep or stay still. Every step of the way, you were there.
Roy seemed to bet getting better. He fell asleep at night holding onto you without the hours of endless insomnia. The shaking in his hands and legs had improved so much that he could hold his bow again. He was good, he was getting there. Most importantly you were proud of him and happy to have him back.
Until you noticed that the reason he was getting better, was because he wasn't getting better at all. Roy had been in a good mood - one that had got him dragging you to your bathroom and filling the tub with water. He had been having a lot of baths lately - the hot water helping with his tensed muscles and clouded mind.
Sitting in the bath with him filled you with a happiness in your chest that you hadn't felt in years. As simple as that moment was, it meant everything to you. But Roy's everything stemmed from the piece of packaging you found forgotten behind the toilet. Packaging for needles.
His faced drained of everything as you reached for it. The happy smile on your face fell to a cold look. Roy didn't have time to explain himself before you were out of the bath and reaching for your towel. He was only strides behind you as you marched to your room. Fury ran through you. He lied.
Roy wasn't getting better, he was falling right back to his old routine after weeks - months - of torture. No matter what, you told him that you would be there right by his side as long as he stayed honest with you. Instead, he lied to your face - for god knows how long too.
"(Y/N)-" Roy tried. The towel was tightly wrapped around his waist, pathetically watching as you reached for clothes to throw on. "Please, just..."
"Just what, Roy?" You snapped. The hoodie you pulled over your head belonged to him and you couldn't have even been bothered to notice. He did. "I asked you to be straight with me this time! No lies, no deceit, just the truth. With everything that we've been through together I thought you would understand. I know this is hard bu-"
"But you don't know!" Roy suddenly blew up. It was a cycle that you were constantly thrown into. Someone lies, someone gets mad, everyone gets frustrated. Years of heartbreak with him but refusing to leave each others sides. It always seemed easier to stay, and now... now you weren't so sure. "You're not the one who has to go through all this shit! You're not the one who's so fucking dependent on this.. this toxin!"
"You did it to yourself! You did it because you hated the person you were becoming and you couldn't fucking accept my help!" You countered. The words hurt you as soon as they left your lips. Blaming Roy was never something you did because you knew how guilty he felt for getting to the place that he was in. "Fuck, Roy... You know I didn't mean it like that."
You reached for his hands, sighing as he flinched away from you. Your arms dropped back to your sides, head tilted to the ground and ashamed too look up at him. All your years together, you never accused him of putting himself in this place - truth was, he knew you were right. It only hurt him more.
"I didn't want to lie to you," He whispered. It physically hurt him to lie to your face. You deserved the truth, and he just couldn't bare to see your disappointment again. He had seen that look too many times. "I'm tired of putting you in this position. You deserve better than me. You've always deserved better than me."
"Don't say that," your gaze turned to the shake in his hand. Roy clenched his fist trying to get it to stop but with no avail. You threaded your arms around him, tucking your head into his still wet chest. He was thinner than he was when you first left Oliver to become your own team. "You've always been the one."
You're such an asshole, but I see a prince And I'm a good girl, but you see a bitch I wanna make love, you wanna burn a bridge
Roy knew better. He knew that you deserved a life outside of his. He wanted that for you. Happiness everyday, not having to worry about him or even the life of a vigilante. If anyone in this world deserve freedom from the weights dragging them down, it was you.
So, as he tried to better himself - for what felt like the hundredth time - he tried to make it easier on. Unfortunately, he did it in the only way that he knew how. Roy pushed you away, just like he pushed Oliver and the Titans away too. You never thought he would stoop low enough to get rid of you.
Late nights out on his own - sometimes as Arsenal, sometimes as Roy. When you woke up in the morning he was already gone. You never saw him during the day and unless you woke in the middle of the night, you didn't see him in the evenings either. Roy was pushing you far away from.
His disappearance led to more fights. Fights that he edged on for the sole reason that it seemed easier to let you go if you hated him. The only flaw in his plan was that no matter how hard he tried, you couldn't hate him. If you did, you would have left him years ago.
Instead, he had to leave you. Roy was gone one morning. His bow and arrows packed up, the few possessions he cared about. The chain that you had given him that he couldn't bare to wear unless he was clean. You woke up to a cold bed and a broken heart.
You knew this was coming. Roy had been hinting at it for days without having to say anything at all. Sometimes he forgot how well you knew him. Sometimes he choose to forget to make it easier on himself. Leaving you was the hardest thing that he had ever done, but in the long run he knew it to be worth it.
It was the first time in weeks that Roy had gone to bed the same time as you. He wore only his boxers to bed, arms tucked behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. Weeks of not talking to one another. Weeks of missing him, missing his touch. Roy hadn't been the same since that night you caught him lying.
Maybe that night, maybe he was ready to go back to himself and try again. Maybe he was ready. You rolled over in your bed, cuddling into his side and embracing the little amount of warmth he had. Roy didn't tense up at your touch, but he didn't make a move to accept your embrace either.
Feather-light touches dragging along his chest, over his scars and flaws. He didn't seem to mind you doing it, so you continued. You leaned into him more, kissing the places you once trailed your fingers again. Legs pulling over to straddle either side of him. You left a line of kisses up his chest, his neck until finally reaching his lips.
Before you could even brush yours against them, Roy gripped your hips. You expected him to urge the movement of them. Instead, he guided you off of him, going back to his original laying space. He couldn't look you in the eye - why did you expect him to be able to kiss you as well?
That was the night you knew
Leaving you was impossible for him. You were all he ever knew for his whole life. Leaving you meant losing a part of himself. 
"Roy you can't keep coming home like this." Barely able to stay awake, blood dripping from what seemed like every inch of skin that was visible. Bruises littered his face and you were sure his torso was the same as well. There had been several nights where he had come back to you like this.
He sat silently as you stitched him up. Silent as he had been all week. Avoiding your calls and texts of wondering when he was going to come home. Roy hung his head low, unable to speak, or to look at you. Whatever was running through his head, you would never get to know.
As soon as the last stitch was done you stood up from your chair. Roy remained where he was. You stood in front of him, placing your finger under his chin to get him to finally look up at you. Tears brimmed his eyes and you knew it wasn't from the pain of the stitches or the wounds.
You kissed his forehead, lingering against his skin for what felt like the first time in months. To your surprise, Roy wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. His head nuzzled into your torso and he suddenly couldn't bare the thought of letting you go. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
"Go shower baby," you instructed. Roy's arms dropped to his sides and he nodded at your request. You waited in bed for him that night. Through the sound of him standing in the shower for nearly an hour. Hearing him shuffle around - but never making his way to your bed. To you.
So I wish I was a bad guy So we could just be fightin' on the same side
Patrol had become a lot more dangerous. No one to watch you back, no one to save you if you were to fail. It pained you at the thought of going back to Oliver to ask for his help. That bridge had been long burned when you left with Roy. Now that Roy had left you... it felt natural to go back to your mentor.
As badly as you wanted to, Oliver wouldn't want to see you. He made that clear last time you saw him. Maybe he deserved to know you and Roy split ways - maybe he just didn't care at all.
It took a while getting used to being out there without Roy by your side. It seemed to get easier as time passed until stumbling upon his broken arrows every once in a while. Broken arrows, tried up blood, torn pieces of his suit. He was getting himself into more trouble than ever before and he didn't have you to pick him back up.
Years and years you were always fighting on the same side, not it felt as if he had pitted you against one another. Fighting to stay alive and stay apart. It was eating him alive having to do both.
Some days you wondered if it would be easier to be just like him. Endure the same struggles just so he wouldn't have to alone - or deal with the pain that you had because of his. Maybe if you were the same, he'd still be with you. Maybe you could have worked together to be better versions of yourself.
Maybe you would have dragged each other farther down the endless pit that never could be crawled out of.
Roy didn't have your hand to reach for anymore, he was in that pit all by himself.
You said all your goodbyes You said that you would be out my life If I could just let you go, let you be on your own But, love, I need ya
Roy Harper had been in your life for so long that you didn't know how to live without him. Years of relying on him with everything and through everything. He was always there to help you, no matter what. You were there for him - it was the basis of your relationship. No one left to fend for themselves.
So, why did he leave? Why did he feel the need to abandon you when he needed you the most. Always. Always you stayed by him - why did he think you wouldn't want to do that now? He was the one who pushed himself away, he was the one that decided he didn't need you anymore.
Roy had done a damn good job of making you hate him - or at least making you think you did. He burned his bridge with you long before he left. Maybe to him it seemed easier. Or maybe he was just a damn fool who thought you were better off without him. Roy was a cinderblock on your ankle in the middle of the ocean.
But he wasn't. He was far from that. Roy was your life craft. He was the one that kept you afloat and safe from the unknown depths of the water. He kept you sane, even if he drove you insane with his actions. The world that you lived together, the horrors you saw - he was the only one to understand.
Without him you had no one. What was left to fight for when your home was empty. He didn't need you anymore, but that didn't mean that you didn't need him. It was a time of bottom of liquor bottles and reckless behavior. No longer caring if you had gotten an extra hit or cut on you.
Roy watched over you. He always kept an eye out to make sure you were alright - and as time went on he only saw you get worse and worse. It pained him to see you like this, so broken and so lost of hope. Watching you made him realize just how much he had put you through.
The line of whether or not he would be helping or hindering you by coming back began to fade. He wasn't clean, he wasn't back to the man that you fell in love with. But watching you continue down this path? He couldn't bare the thought of having you fall to the same level that he was in.
He couldn't let you fail like he did. No matter what he put you through, all the shit he had done to you before leaving - he knew you hated him for it. Roy didn't care how much you hated him, he couldn't let you do this to yourself. Even if it meant that you would hate him for good for coming back - he didn't care.
Roy loved you too much to see you suffering like this. Which was why he stood at your front door, months after leaving it for the last time. You both looked awful - bags under the eyes, an evident loss of muscle, ratted hair. Being away had harmed you both, something that you had known that would happen.
"You can't do this to yourself," he spoke as if you hadn't been months apart. As if he still had the right to tell you how you should take care of yourself - as if he ever had that right. He looked at the stash of bottles littering your table, counter, even scattered on the floor. "You're going down a path that you're not going to get back from."
"Fuck you," you tried to slam the door. He stopped it with the palm of his hand, pushing himself into the place he called home with you for years. "You're the last person that's allowed to come here to tell me how to live my life! Of all people-"
"Of all people I'm the one that you should listen to the most," Roy cut you off. "Of all people, you should know exactly what it means to follow this path."
"You left Roy," You turned away from him. It was harder than you ever expected to see him again. Nights of craving for him to be back with you, yearning for his touch. None of it seemed to matter now that he was really here. You were just reminded of the pain he induced to you. "You left me."
He did. And fuck was it hard. Not having you be there to remind him what life was worth living for tore him to pieces. He knew that his journey ahead of him was going to be a hard one alone, but if it meant not making you suffer anymore... it had to be worth it. He never expected you to fall like this.
You were always the strong one. Always the one to be there whenever he needed for whatever fucked reason. Maybe he was too preoccupied in his own struggles that he never noticed yours. Truth was, it was easy to ignore them when you could focus on him instead.
"I thought..." He tried to say that it would be easier. Obviously, it wasn't for either of you. "I know you deserve better than me. You weren't going to make that choice, so I did."
"You had no right to make that choice!" You spun around to face him. Hot, angry tears strolled down your cheeks. "You pushed me away and never told me why! How... how was I supposed to live with myself not knowing why the person that's been at my side through everything just picked up and left me."
"I'm sorry," Roy dropped his head. You knew his guilty look. Caving into himself, making him look smaller than he already was. Refusing to meet your eyes but so desperately needing to. Hands in his pockets because otherwise he doesn't know what to do with them. Lips in a thin line.
This was by far the worst look you had seen him give. His knees threatened to buckle beneath him. You could see the shaking in his limbs but that easily could have been from the withdrawals he was forcing himself through. It was hard before, but it was near impossible without you at his side.
"I told myself I wasn't coming back, not until I was clean for good."
"And are you?" Obviously, he wasn't. You could see that he wasn't good yet.
"I'm trying," Roy's voice cracked. He looked up at you beneath the brim of his ball cap. Tears spilled down his cheeks and he was clearly biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from sobbing. "You always tried so hard with me and I could never prove myself to you. I hoped... I hoped that if I could do it by myself that maybe you'd be proud of me for once."
He watched you cross the room to stand in front of him. Your hands reaching up to cup his cheeks and wipe away the tears. It was easy to understand the reasoning behind why he left, you just wished that he wasn't stupid enough to believe that it was true. Stupid enough to think that after a lifetime together that you could be pushed away in only a few weeks.
"I've always been proud of you, Roy," You whispered. "I've always been here for you. You didn't have to leave, or push me away, to try and better yourself to make me proud. I didn't want you to."
Roy couldn't take the separation any longer. He flung into your arms, nuzzling into the cook of your neck. The faint smell of liquor rolled off your skin, but underneath he felt back at home with you. You were his home, not this half-ass apartment or under any roof. It was you.
"I'm sorry," He repeated. You felt him relax as you wrapped your arms around him. Suddenly, all that anger that you had at him for leaving, it washed away. Roy needed you, and you would be there for him whether he wanted you to be or not. "Please..." He tried to get the words out but his voice got caught in his throat.
He was home in your arms, just as you had wanted it to be. Roy quickly realized his mistake of leaving you. Months of working back up to gain your trust again, of doing his best to finally quit for you. He was going to be the best version of himself being back with you because that was what you deserved.
It didn't matter what version you had - all you needed was him.
"I'm here, my love, I'm here."
I'm sorry, made this world in my head I'm sorry I don't wanna quit this yet I'm sorry, I swear that I tried my best I'm sorry, can you be sorry instead?
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heyitsani · 3 years
When the Dark of the Night Comes Alive
Word Count: 9214
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Zombies?  But you don’t really see them except one part
Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Roy Harper/Koriand’r
Summary: It's been three years since the world went to hell and zombies became a thing of reality and not just fiction. While out on a supply run with his usual crew, Jason picks up a stray that will change the course of everything.
Notes: This was supposed to be for JayDick Week, but life happened and I wasn't able to finish it. It's still technically not finished since there's an epilogue coming. But I wanted to post those two separately. So here is the main part of the story. Enjoy!
Also, I did next to no editing on this. I'll go back and clean it up. So sorry for any mistakes.
You can also read it on AO3 here
“Jayjay,” the familiar voice rasped.  “Jayjay you need to remember, okay?  Don’t forget.”
“Don’t forget what, Mama?”
“Don’t forget that the cure is in the blood.  Don’t forget. The angels, they said it.  They said you would know.  You would do it.  Don’t forget.”
“I don’t understand, Mama.”
“Don’t forget, Jayjay. The cure is in the blood.”
“Boss,” a firm, but quiet voice broke through the hazy dreamlike memory, a hand on his shoulder shaking him awake.  Blinking up, Jason let his eyes adjust to the dark room enough to see one of his men leaning over him.  Since it was still night, that meant something had happened or was happening.
Sitting up, he ran a hand over his face.  “What is it?” Kyle gave him a curious look before he straightened and glanced over his shoulder.  “Rayner, the fuck is it?”
“Someone’s in the house.” That snapped Jason to full alert and he immediately stood to his feet, quietly grabbing his gun that was sitting next to his sleeping bag.  “We didn’t engage, they’re in the kitchen.”  Which meant they were probably hungry.  Not surprising given the state of the world the past few years, but it was still a dangerous headspace to be in.  Desperate enough and you would probably easily kill the first person who had food to steal.
He was curious how the person had managed to slip pass their watch, but that was a question for another time.  First, he had to deal with whoever it was that had stumbled upon the exact house he and his crew were staying in for the night.  Which meant he was walking down the stairs, trying to make no noise to give away the fact that someone else was in the house.
He gave a nod to Rose, who was crouched behind a chair in the living room, watching whoever it was with her gun in hand.  And whoever it was had no qualms about being quiet because Jason could hear the person shoving things around as they searched.  
With a careful click, Jason pulled the safety off his gun but keeping the barrel pointed at the ground, glancing around the corner to see the back of what looked like a man from the short cut hair in the back and the cut of his body hidden beneath the black leather jacket and dark jeans.  From what he could see, Jason couldn’t make out any weapons and for that he was glad. He didn’t particularly enjoy fighting with those who were not infected.
“Show me your hands,” he growled, raising the gun to aim at the man who was crouched near the ground as he dug through a cabinet.  “Now,” he ordered when the person made no attempt to move.  There was a huff followed by two hands raising in the air, both empty.  “Stand up and turn around slowly.”  With a grace that Jason wasn’t sure he had ever seen before, he watched the figure ease themselves upright and spin slowly, as requested.  And then Jason was face to face with the most beautiful man he had ever seen.
And he wished that were an exaggeration.
But the hair that was cut short in the back, hung in the man’s eyes in the front.  Eyes that even in the dark, Jason could tell were a startling blue.  Cheekbones that would probably cut glass, and miles upon miles of golden skin.  And though the leather jacket added bulk to his form it didn’t take away from the lean, strong line of his body beneath it. It had been a long time since Jason had felt so attracted to someone right off the bat, but damn if he didn’t want to lower his gun just on the man’s looks alone.
“Who are you?”  Jason asked instead of following his instincts. He had people to protect.
“Name’s Dick.”  Jason waited for more, but when nothing else came he gave an annoyed sigh.
Dropping the gun down to his side, he clicked the safety back on but didn’t tuck it away like he would have if the threat were eliminated.  He watched Dick regard his motions curiously, head tilting to the side. And though Jason dropped his weapon, Dick kept his hands up almost in appeasement.  But something told Jason he didn’t exactly need a weapon to take down a man.  “What are you doing here, Dick?  Are there others with you?”  
“I’d like to think it’s pretty obvious what I was doing,” the man said with raised eyebrows.  “And as for the other question, just me.  Been just me for a while now.”  With narrowed eyes, Jason looked him over and wondered why he didn’t look worse for the wear then.  He looked almost…healthy.  It wasn’t how solos usually looked when they came across them.  
“Suspect, Boss,” Kyle muttered behind him and Jason just grunted.  He got what the man was implying, it was suspicious.  But something told Jason to trust Dick. Something deep in his core said it was okay, just this once, to follow his gut.  Not that his gut had ever been wrong in the past.
“At ease,” he called out to the three others in various places behind him.  Tucking the gun into the back of his pants, he relaxed his shoulders and watched Dick carefully lower his arms.  But the fact that he hadn’t dropped eye contact with Jason put the man at ease.  He wasn’t looking for others to jump in and help him.  Rarely did pairs or groups mean good people.  Jason had never had luck with anyone riding in pairs or more. “I’m Jason,” he said, moving forward and holding out a hand.  Dick took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake, Jason tried not to think about the power he could feel in the grip.  Instead, he released it and turned to the others.  “That’s Kyle, Biz, and Rose.  Don’t let her name fool you, she’ll lay you out in a heartbeat.”
Dick gave the others a nod, eyes lingering on Rose curiously and Jason resisted the urge to sigh.  Men always thought they stood a chance with her and then they realized that she was too big a handful for them.  For once, he had been hoping to come across a man who didn’t look at Rose that way.  He glanced over at Rose to see her watching him just as carefully.
“I know your father,” Dick said suddenly, and Jason whipped his head to look back at him, finding him still looking at Rose.  Jason felt himself frowning as he turned to look at Rose again and found her standing there with wide eyes.  Her reaction was curious enough but the fact that a supposed stranger had a connection to one of his crew, that was suspicious.
“Like I said…” Kyle spoke up before heading back up the stairs to most likely resume his watch from the second story window that looked out onto the street below.
Rose didn’t move for a moment and Jason took a step toward her but then she was brushing past him and heading over to the newcomer.  Jason kept his distance as he watched the pair whisper to one another.  He was tempted to move closer and try and catch some of the conversation, but he knew better than to push something Rose didn’t want to talk about.  All he knew was her father and her were estranged and that he was “dead to her”.
He wondered what kind of relationship Dick had had with someone Rose so thoroughly hated.
“So, Kyle said the stray you picked up should have a spotter.”  Jason looked up from his work to see his best friend Roy walking into the lab.  “Said he didn’t trust the situation that brought him to us.  And said you went about it in a way that wasn’t normal for you.  He also mentioned that he knows Rose’s dad, who none of us know anything about except that he’s bad news.”
“Oh, is that all Kyle said?”
Roy let out a snort and Jason just rolled his eyes.  “I told him to fuck off and that you’ve never put this camp at risk.”  Jason just shrugged, because what could he say?  Roy was right.  He wouldn’t risk the people they were charged with keeping safe.  Not even for a pretty face.  “But want to tell me why he thinks you’re thinking with your dick and not your head?”
“Cause I turned him down for a quick fuck the night before Dick stumbled into the same house as us and he’s pissed,” Jason admitted.  Pulling his glasses off, he rubbed at the bridge of his nose and sat down on the stool behind him.  “And I don’t want to hear it,” he said, pointing his glasses at Roy.  Who held both his hands up in a placating motion, despite the amused twinkle in his eye.  “Fuck you.”
“Oh, come on,” Roy laughed, leaning both his arms onto the counter where Jason had various vials and a few microscopes out.  “I’m not that big of a dick to rub your face in the fact that I was right about him being a clingy bastard who doesn’t understand the no strings attached rules.”
“Fucking shit, Harper. Just couldn’t resist, could you?”
“Nope.”  Roy laughed and Jason shook his head, letting out a chuckle of his own.  “But seriously, he’s acting like a jealous ex-lover and that means he picked up on something.”
Jason put his glasses back on and pointedly didn’t respond, leaning back to look at the slides on the scope in front of him before jotting down some notes in his notebook.
“Fuck off.”
“He is definitely a good-looking man.”  Jason continued to ignore him despite knowing he was playing right into Roy’s hand. “And helpful.  Kory said he immediately jumped in to help with some of the new buildings and asked around to see how he could help the others.” Jason only grunted in response.  He liked knowing the man wanted to pull his own weight without having to be asked to do it. “He also asked if he could be on the crew that goes out to scavenge next.”  That was curious, enough so that Jason actually looked over at Roy. “Strange for someone to want to go out so soon, huh?  Of course, it was only after hearing that you were the one who always lead those ventures.”
“Got a point here, Harper? I’m working on something for your wife, and I doubt she’d appreciate me taking longer because of you.”  
Roy just laughed.
“Seriously, Roy.  What are you implying here?”
“Just that maybe you should get out of the lab and take a walk around the East Bend.  Might find something a bit more enticing than…Rayner.” And though the implication was heavy, Roy didn’t wait around to make sure Jason understood.  He simply turned and headed back out the way he came, leaving Jason to wonder what the fuck he was thinking making Roy his best friend.
“Supplies are good boss,” Kyle commented as he and Biz presented the checklists they were tasked with every week to make sure each division of the compound had enough to get them through the next month.  Though it was overly cautious, Jason liked the men to check every two weeks to be sure everyone had what they needed.  In the beginning there had been too many times when their supplies had run out and they had desperately gone on supply runs that had ended in someone’s death or near-death.  They had come a long way in the three years they had been in this location.
But still Jason liked to be sure they didn’t get in a bad spot again.  “What about Kory?  Did she say she needed any supplies for the upcoming frosts?  It’s getting to be that time of year and she needs to protect the plants on the West rooftop.”
“I can answer that,” a voice sounded near the entrance of his lab and Jason couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Dick filling his doorway.  “Roy is currently helping reenforce the plant beds, but he and I have been building greenhouse structures to erect around them before the frosts actually hit. We should have them done in the next day or so.”  The man walked further into the room and Jason ignored the way Kyle seemed to tense up next to him as he did.
Dick didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn’t care.  Whatever it was, Jason wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Instead he took the paper that Dick held out to him.  “What’s this?”
“A list from Kory. She said you’d know what to do with it.” Jason furrowed his brow as he unfolded the paper and read Kory’s elegant handwriting.  Fertilizer.  Yeah, he definitely knew what she needed.  He knew he had everything, but he was running low on a few things.  And that meant a supply run in the next couple of weeks.
“Thanks Dick,” Jason gave the man a nod as he folded up the paper again and looked over at Kyle, who was watching Dick with narrowed eyes.  Jason could see Biz regarding the interaction curiously, but knew the man would keep his thoughts to himself for the time being.  “Rayner, we’re going to need to do a run in the next two weeks.  You and Rose can plan out the route while Dick, Biz and I get the packs together.”  That snapped Kyle’s attention away from Dick.  And though Jason knew exactly what the man was thinking, he simply raised an eyebrow as a challenge.
“Sure thing.  You’re the boss,” Kyle grumbled before grabbing the lists in front of his and heading toward the door.  Jason sighed at the sight of Dick jerking when Kyle bumped into him on his way past, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.  
But it was Dick’s reaction that was curious.  The man watched Kyle go with a thoughtful look on his face before turning back to smile at Jason.  “I could help him and Rose, if you like?  Show them where I was before I found you all.  There had been a few pods of infected that had infested some of the surrounding cities and towns.”  And though Jason thought that was smart, he knew better than to antagonize Kyle that way.
“Nah, Biz and I could use the help.  Packing for five is more complicated than packing for four.  We’ll get started tomorrow.  It’ll take Kyle and Rose a few days to get the plan worked out and I have a few projects to finish before we head out.”  He waved the paper from Kory as proof.  Dick seemed to take it all in stride, nodding and glancing around the lab.
“I’ll head back out then. Biz, Roy and I could use some muscle,” Dick smiled at the large man and Biz chuckled before clapping Jason on the back and heading toward the door.  “See you later, Jay,” Dick called out over his shoulder as they headed out, sending a smirk to the man before walking out.
Remaining in his spot at the table, Jason sighed and shook his head.  He wasn’t sure bringing Dick along on a supply run that Kyle was on was a good idea but he had to admit that he wanted the newest addition to join them. He had been enjoying the time he had been spending getting to know the raven haired man.  The way it seemed like everything was a brand new experience and how he found joy in the simplest of things.  It was a refreshing take on life, one Jason hadn’t seen in a very long time. And though Kyle was still trying his cards, Jason had to admit that his sights had settled on Dick and didn’t seem to want to stray.
Which made things a lot more complicated than Jason wanted to admit.  The casual thing with Kyle had brought a mess to his feet.  But he didn’t want casual with Dick.  No, there was just something about the man that had him wanting to stay up late talking about the stupidest of things.  Or laughing over more coffee with sleep-mused hair and wrinkles clothes.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had wanted that with someone.  It should have worried or frightened him, but it just made him hopeful.
“Eh Boss!”  Jason sighed at the sound of someone calling for him from outside and pushed the thoughts of Dick away so he could handle whatever it was that he was needed for.
Jason watched from a distance as Dick and Rose spoke to each other near one of the more abandoned areas of the compound.  It had been a complete accident that he had stumbled across them, having just gone out for a walk around the perimeter for some fresh air after having been cooped up in the lab for the past couple of hours.  It was late afternoon and the majority of the citizens of the compound were finishing up their daily tasks and preparing for dinner.
But Dick and Rose were clearly in a serious conversation.
And that made Jason wonder if this had something to do with Rose’s father.  He hadn’t gotten the chance to bring it up to the woman when they had met up to discuss the next trip beyond the walls earlier.  But he had planned on it before they had packed to leave. Because it the curiosity was killing him.
And he wanted to know more about something Rose always kept so close to her chest.  No one knew anything about her family.  Or her past before the virus.  No one except Dick.
“Jason!”  Dick turned, smiling brightly at him.  Jason narrowed his eyes slightly and looked between the pair before raising a brow at Rose.  He rolled his eyes when she shut her features down and went blank.  The universal Rose sign that she wasn’t saying shit.  “Enjoying some fresh air?  Rose and I were just talking about the possibility of setting up a training ground out here.  I saw Roy has some weapons that people might benefit in learning.”
Closing the distance between him and the two of them, Jason looked out over the open field.  He had always assumed they would expand the gardens out here when they outgrew the rooftops Kory had established.  But he could see the idea having merit.  “I mean, you can ask him.  It’s his specialty.  He worked security before the outbreak and his adoptive father was big on the bow.”
Rose gave a grunt before Jason watched her and Dick exchange a look he couldn’t decipher and she turned to leave without saying anything to either of them.
“Is that really what you two were discussing?”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“Not even close,” he said. “I just know Rose well enough to know she plays her cards pretty close to the chest.  And the fact that you know her dad takes a little of that power away from her.”  Jason watched Dick’s face darken slightly, his smile turning to a frown as the shadow passed over his features.  “So, he’s really that bad.”
Dick pursed his lips and looked out into the distance, looking like he was considering how to answer that.  “He is…he has caused a lot of harm.  But the harm he caused was…”  Dick paused and Jason wondered if he was about to be lied to.  “It was how it was supposed to happen.”  Jason frowned.  How the hell was harm ever supposed to be what should happen?  “It is hard to explain, but Rose is right to hate her father.”
“You know that makes absolutely no sense, right?”  Dick hummed and turned, starting to walk back toward the main part of the compound. Jason took a moment to study the man before hurrying to join him.
“It is not my story to tell.”  He wanted to growl in frustration.  He just couldn’t understand why people couldn’t just say the truth and be done with it.  “I will tell you my own experiences with Slade have been uncomfortable and ones I would very much like to forget ever happened.  At his core, he has the potential to be a good man, but he has been corrupted and it has changed the man Rose knew into the man I know.”
And even though Dick didn’t say what he meant by the word “uncomfortable”, Jason had a pretty good idea what it meant.  And it made his blood boil.  
“I won’t push,” Jason promised as they made their way back into the center of the community, “but if you need to talk…”  He saw Dick look at him out of the corner of his eye but kept his forward and allowed the man his emotional space.
“You are an extraordinary man, Jason Todd.  You are a gift to this world.”
Furrowing his brow at the odd choice in wording, Jason looked over at Dick and found him looking skyward.  The image he presented, head back with his raven hair having fallen out of his eyes and golden skin practically glowing under the late afternoon sun, Jason would have sworn he was angelic.
“Dick!”  A voice from somewhere called out for the man, pulling both their attentions.
“Hey Tim,” Dick smiled before looking over to Jason.  “I’ll see you at dinner, I’m sure.”  Nodding his head in response, he watched Dick walk away to talk to the young man who had called for him.  He observed Dick throw an arm around Tim’s shoulders and lead him away, chatting animatedly.  Such a contrast to how he had been speaking with Rose just moments ago.  
But Jason knew when he wasn’t going to get his way.  So he told himself to drop it and headed back to his lab to get a bit more work in before the call for dinner.
“Have you ever tried drawing the blood of an infected?”  Dick asked as he sat down across from Jason with his plate of food.  It was such a random question, but something about it made him pause.  Something familiar about it.  Dick must have assumed his silence was confusion and waved a hand.  “I mean, do you know what the disease looks like when you see it on a molecular level?  Kory said you’re the resident expert on this sort of thing.”
Straightening up in his chair, Jason furrowed his brow.  “It is and I have.  I have samples of it in the lab.  Something about what you said…”  It was one of those moments where something was right on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t figure out what it was for the life of him.
But there was definitely something he was supposed to be remembering that lined up with this.
“Wow, I can’t tell you the last time I had pasta and meatballs,” Dick muttered, taking another bite of his food.  When Jason looked at him, the man had a spot of sauce at the corner of his mouth and without pausing to think of how epically awkward he would make things, he reached across the table and thumbed the sauce away.  It wasn’t until his thumb was in his mouth that he noticed Dick’s eyes had gone wide and a faint blush had spread across his cheeks.
“Uh…sorry.”  Jason gave a shrug and ducked his head in embarrassment, cursing himself for not thinking.
He only looked up when Dick cleared his throat and reached for his drink.  “So…the blood.”  Jason nodded as he watched Dick drink his water, ignoring what the sight of the man’s Adam’s apple bobbing did to his stomach.  Or lower regions.  “Have you ever isolated the virus?”
“Yeah, sure.  I’ve got some slides.  The thing is,” Jason latched onto the subject like air, “it needs a host.  None of the cells have survived for long without blood to latch onto.  It was one of the first things I tried to do.  If I could isolate it then I could reverse it, right?”  Dick leaned forward and nodded, listening more intently than anyone outside of Kory ever did.  “But it dies too quickly to do it.”
He watched Dick’s eyes narrow and brows merge together, almost as if he was suspicious of something. But then the look smoothed out and he looked back down at his plate to fork another bite.  “Well, have you ever tried to attach it to fresh blood?  Like draw a vial of your own and see how the virus latches on?  I’m not a scientist, but maybe it has more to do with blocking the progress than reversing the damage.”  
The cure is in the blood, Jayjay.
Jason’s hand froze with his own fork halfway to his mouth when the voice of his mother filled his mind. For years he listened to her drug induced rambling about some cure and how the blood was important.  He made promise after promise to never forget because the angels had told her that he needed to know that.  That he specifically had needed to know the cure is in the blood.  But why did Dick’s idea make him remember that?  
“Jason?”  Looking across the table at Dick, he found the man frowning in concern.  “You okay? Did I step on your toes?  I really don’t know what I’m talking about.  It’s just something someone said once.  Ignore me.”
Pushing to his feet, Jason shook his head.  “No, it’s not that.  I…”  He glanced around the room for a head of fiery red curls, zeroing in on them at the far end of the room.  “I need to go.  Thanks, Dick!”  He grabbed his plate and quickly handed it over to one of the people on kitchen duty for the day before rushing over to Kory.  “I need you in the lab,” he breathed out, sending Roy an apologetic look for interrupting their dinner.  The man just frowned, and Kory stood without questioning the request.  
“I’ll take care of it, Babe,” Roy said when Kory went to pick up her tray.  Jason started heading out as they said their goodbyes, knowing Kory would catch up with him.  
“What is it that you need?” She asked when she appeared next to him just as he was heading outside.  He shook his head, not sure if he even knew the answer to that.
Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a piece of crumpled paper and a pen he kept with him at all times, and tried to write as he walked.  “I don’t know,” he admitted.  “Dick just said something to me and I’m not even sure what it means. But I know it means something.” He scribbled a formula down and passed it over to Kory, who looked at it before looking back to him with a raised brow. “I know!  I know it looks crazy, but maybe…”
He scratched the back of his neck as they walked, thinking of drawing his own blood and some of Kory’s to do a side by side.  Maybe watching the virus latch to different samples at the same time would reveal something.  But something inside him told him it had to be his own blood.
The cure is in the blood, Jayjay.
He knew his mother had told him that on multiple occasions, but how could she have known about all of this? She had died so many years before he had even decided to pursue biology as his field of study.  There’s no way she could have.  It didn’t make sense.
“I know your idea face when I see it, Jason,” Kory interrupted his thoughts.  “You are rarely wrong when an idea hits you.  Do not smother it because you don’t yet understand it.  I trust your instincts.  Whatever you need.”
“Thanks, Kor.  This one is going to be a dozey.”
“Hope I’m not interrupting,” a familiar voice broke through his writing, pulling his attention from the calculations to see Dick walking into his lab.  Jason couldn’t help but smile at the man as he made his way over, hands in his pockets and glancing around at all the various equipment Jason had out to run the most recent round of experiments.  “It’s been a few days since I’ve seen you, so I thought I’d check and make sure you’re still being fed and watered appropriately as humans need to survive.”
Snorting out a laugh, Jason set his pencil down and removed his glasses.  “Kory and Roy both make sure I get my three-square meals a day and stay hydrated.  Though, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to take over a shift or two.”  Dick paused for a moment before continuing to close the distance between them, stopping on the opposite side of the desk Jason was currently using.  Jason watched his eyes scan over the pages spread out over the desk, head tilting as he paused to read one in particular before moving onto the next.  “Do you understand any of it?”  He asked curiously.
Dick hummed and shook his head before leaning a hip against the desk.  “I am not a person of science,” he admitted.  Jason had a feeling that was the case, given the way Dick had presented him with the idea.  As if it had been someone else’s and his imagination had just run with it.  But he had been right.  Or mostly right, at least.  “The human mind is an incredible place, isn’t it?  A mass of tissue and electricity running the show.”
Jason let out a surprised laugh.  “That’s….that’s definitely one way to describe it.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone put it so plainly.”
“But at the base that’s all a human is, isn’t it?  Ruled by a mess of electrical currents up here,” Dick tapped his temple and flicked his eyebrow upward.  Jason supposed he was right and gave a nod.  It was curious when you tried to think about it, but he doubted anyone would ever really know how a human really functions at their core.
“Have you had success then?”
Looking down at his papers for a moment before looking back to Dick, Jason nodded.  “Yes, but not in the way you’re probably thinking.  There’s something in my own blood that seems to repel the virus.  But when I drew Kory and Roy’s blood, the reaction wasn’t the same.”  Jason shifted through his papers to find the ones where the findings were noted.  “There is something within my own blood that seems to fight the virus.  An enzyme maybe?  I’m not sure.  But if I can figure it out, I can try to reproduce it.  And if I can reproduce it…”
“You can mass produce it.”
“Exactly!”  Jason smiled, giddy at the prospect.  “A cure.  It could be a cure.  Not for those who have already turned but for those who have been bitten?  It could prevent them from turning.  It could be a miracle.”
The smile on Dick’s face looked almost relieved and Jason wanted to question him about it, but then there was that fondness that had become so familiar in his gaze and Jason couldn’t help the blush that spread across his cheeks.  
“I suppose I should leave you to it then,” Dick spoke softly, his fingers tapping the papers in front of Jason.  “You have a race to save.”  Jason laughed and shook his head, the hope bubbling up inside of him at the prospect of being able to do this for humanity.  “You’re a gift, Jason Todd.  Don’t ever forget that.”  And though Dick had said those words a few times before, they seemed to have a different meaning this time.  Almost like Dick had known this would be the outcome all along.  But the man was gone before he could bother to ask him about that comment.
“How do you test it? Do we just have someone get bitten and then see if it works?”  Roy asked as he zipped up Jason’s bag for the supply run that was leaving in a few minutes. Jason had been slacking on his pack but thankfully Roy had noticed and taken care of it, since Jason’s mind was obviously elsewhere.
With a shrug, Jason took the pack.  “I have no clue.  It works on the blood samples.  The virus is completely gone on infected blood.  But unless someone just happens to get bitten, I won’t have a human test subject for a while.”
“But it works on the samples?”
“Completely gone, Roy,” Jason confirmed.  He pulled the pack onto his back and walked with his best friend over to where Rose, Biz, Kyle and Dick were waiting for him.  “Like a fucking miracle.  I almost want to get myself bitten to see it work in a human body.  But from the samples, I’m not even sure the virus would work on me at all.”
“And it’s not fucking worth putting you at risk.”  Jason knew Roy was right.  Just the four people waiting for him a few paces away were enough of a reason.  But they weren’t the only reason.  Too many people counted on him for various things. And he didn’t want to die.  He didn’t want to lose what little family he had managed to patch together.  
And he didn’t want to never get the chance to shoot his shot with Dick.  Not that he had any plans on that account, but eventually.  Once his mind wasn’t over occupied with this cure.
“Ready to go, Boss?” Kyle called out, looking at him impatiently.  Jason rolled his eyes and gave a wave of his hand.
“Take care of them all while I’m gone.”  Roy gave Jason a nod before they exchanged their customary hug.
Jason had fallen in step next to Dick when Roy called out, “Don’t get too distracted out there, Jay!  You know what I mean.”  When Jason turned and threw a glare at the man, he wasn’t surprised to see Roy laughing.  So Jason simply threw a middle finger up at him and turned back around.
“Dick!  Oh god.”  Jason went running the moment Kyle took out the last of the zombies surrounding him and Dick, who was now on his knees with a hand pressed to the junction of neck and shoulder.  He had been too far away from the other man when they had ended up surrounded thanks to a backfire on the car Dick and Kyle were attempting to get running.  Too far away to stop the zombie from sneaking up on the two men and taking a bite out of Dick’s shoulder.
Falling to his own knees, Jason looked at Dick with wide eyes.  For having been bitten, the man looked far too calm.  If anything, he just seemed annoyed.  “Dick?”  Jason rasped, reaching out to pull his hand away from the wound so he could see if it actually broke skin or not.  Crimson red told him all he needed to know.  “Fuck.  Fuck! We have to go now.  Can this drive?!”  He looked desperately up at Kyle who had his eyes locked on the wound.
“Kyle!  Can the car get us back to the compound?”
Jason ignored whatever it was the other man was going to say and turned back to Dick, tearing a sleeve off his shirt and folding it up to press against the wound.  “You gotta keep pressure on it.  We’ll get you back home, to the lab.  The cure works.  I know it does.  We’ll get it in you in time.”  He grabbed Dick’s hand and pressed it back over the wound to hold the cloth down.
Dick looked at him with furrowed brows and tilted his head and the sigh made something clench in Jason’s chest.  That weird confusion that Dick always seemed to have whenever something normal seemed to happen.  “I’ll be fine.”  Now it was Jason’s turn to be confused.
“You were bitten Dick. It broke the skin; we have to get you back.  Come on,” he ordered, pushing to his feet and tugging Dick up with him.  “Get the others,” Jason told Kyle who looked like he was about to argue with him.  But Jason just growled out, “Now.”  And the other man gave a curt nod before running off to collect Rose and Biz.  “It takes at least a few hours for the fever to show up but we won’t be back to the compound before morning if we drive through the night.  So you just…you gotta hold on, okay?”
“I promise I’ll be fine, Jay,” Dick spoke softly, his gaze taking an amused look to it.  And damnit if Jason didn’t hate how not seriously he was taking this situation.  “I promise.”
“You will be because we’ll get you back to the lab in time.”  Dick smiled at that and sighed, leaving Jason to wonder what the hell was wrong with the man. This wasn’t a joke.  This wasn’t something they could just brush aside and yet he was acting like he wasn’t hours away from becoming one of them.
Like Jason wasn’t hours away from losing yet another person he loved.
“Boss,” Kyle’s voice broke through his internal panic.  Turning to see the man standing a few feet away with Biz and Rose right behind him, Jason raised a brow.  “Gotta talk to you real quick.  They’ll get the car packed.”  Jason huffed a breath out through his nose and followed the other man, glancing back at Dick to see Rose taking a look at the bite and speaking lowly to the man.  Once they seemed to be out of earshot, Kyle stopped and turned to face Jason.  And Jason did not like the look on his face. “We can’t take him with us.  You know we don’t have enough time even if we had enough gas to get us through the night.”
Kyle sighed and looked over Jason’s shoulder before looking back to him.  “Jason, I know you don’t want to hear this.  I know you want to save him.  But what are we supposed to do when he turns in the middle of the drive? What then?”
“I’m not leaving him, Rayner.  I can save him.  I know I can. I have the cure.  We’re wasting time discussing this.  Let’s go.  Now.” And despite knowing Kyle had a good point, he knew he couldn’t do it.  He couldn’t leave Dick behind to become one of them.  And he couldn’t kill him before the bite took just to put him out of his misery.  Shaking his head, he turned and walked back to the car where Rose and Biz had already taken up two of the seats and Dick was leaning against the outside.
Dragging Dick into his lab and shoving him down onto the exam table, Jason rushed around and gathered the supplies he needed to administer the injection.  He didn’t know how Dick hadn’t developed the fever yet, but he wasn’t going to waste any time.  Dumping everything on the table next to Dick, he tugged the leather jacket off Dick and pushed the sleeve of his gray shirt up.
“Jason, stop,” Dick spoke softly, ducking his head down but Jason ignored him.  “Jay.  Stop.” His voice took on a firmer tone and it was enough to cause Jason to pause and look up at him.  “I’m fine.  I don’t need this.  Don’t waste it.”
Jaw dropping, Jason stood frozen with an empty syringe in hand ready to draw Dick’s blood before he injected the cure so he could have a sample before and after.  “You are not fine!  Why are you not taking this seriously?!”
He watched Dick sigh and moved back when Dick nudged at him so he could get off the table.  Without dropping eye contact, Dick tugged the collar of his shirt away from where the bite was and revealed skin only blemished with dried blood.
But no bite.
“What?”  Jason dropped the syringe and lunged forward to examine the skin more closely.  “How is this possible?  There was a bite here!  We all saw it!”  Kyle had told him to leave Dick behind for crying out loud.  Looking back to Dick’s face, Jason shook his head.  “This is not possible.”
“It is.”
“No, it isn’t.  No one is immune!  No one!  We would have heard about it.”  Dick frowned and Jason watched as he tugged his shirt off, revealing far more golden skin than anyone should have ever been allowed to have.  And if the circumstances had been different, Jason would be thanking the powers that be for this display of a man.  But he was freaking out.  “Dick-what-?”  He watched Dick move around the table and reveal his back, which was covered in the most beautiful wing tattoo Jason had ever seen.  Brilliant white wings, so vibrant Jason wasn’t sure how the artist had managed to make it stand out so vividly on his golden complexion, that looked as though they had been dipped in blue dye at the tips and the color had crept up the feathers to fade into the white.  And somehow the wings were drawn in such a way that they almost seemed to flutter with Dick’s muscle movements.
Then Dick’s long fingers were brushing up the back of his neck where three symbols were drawn and he was muttering words in a language Jason had never heard but thought felt right. But before he could dive into why that might have been, he was stepping back and grabbing the table behind him as a flash of white seemed to center from Dick and a pair of wings that matched the tattoo were springing forth from the man’s back.  Jason gasped at the sight of the massive wings that spread out wide, as if stretching, and then relaxed as Dick turned to face him again.
“This is why.”
But Jason still didn’t understand.  All he knew was that Dick suddenly had wings and Jason was questioning his sanity even more. Maybe he had been the one who had been bitten.  Maybe he was losing his mind after all this time.  But he could feel his heartbeat in his ears and that was enough to tell him this was really happening.  “What are you?”  He managed to gasp.
“I am Seraph.”
“You’re an angel?” Jason questioned, mind trying to grasp what was happening here.  “Of course you are.”  He thought about all the things that had happened since he had met Dick in that kitchen all those months ago.  “So much is making sense right now.”
Dick tilted his head to the side and watched Jason as he processed.  Jason ignored the man for a moment, stepping away from the table he had been clinging to so he could pace and process.  The weird comments, acting as though he had never done common activities, or eaten certain foods.  So much of it made so much more sense.
“Jason,” Dick’s voice called to him and Jason paused his pacing, frowning at the almost melodic sound of the man’s voice now.  Looking over at Dick, Jason let his eyes trail over the expanse of the large wings behind him, from just brushing the floor with the blue feathers to standing high above his head in stark white.  
But the sound of a door banging open stopped him from saying anything, pulling both of their attentions to Rose rushing through the door.  “Oh!”  She paused, eyes wide as she looked at Dick.
“Rose,” Jason stepped forward to keep her from rushing out of there because he got the feeling that Dick didn’t necessarily want everyone to know what exactly he was.
“So you told him.  I told you you wouldn’t be able to keep it hidden much longer.”  Stopping mid stride, Jason looked from Rose to Dick and then back again.  Turning to look at Jason, Rose shrugged a shoulder and gathered up her hair, turning to show him the back of her neck.  The symbols there were similar to the ones on Dick’s and Jason felt his world bottom out again.  “I’m not Seraph, but I am Nephilim,” she explained as she dropped her hair and turned back to face him.  “And so are you.”
He heard Dick sigh behind him, but Jason felt frozen again.  He was what?  She was what?
“I hadn’t gotten to that yet,” Dick murmured and appeared next to Jason.  Allowing himself to be turned, Jason looked into the sapphire eyes he thought he had known so well.  “What Rose is so tactlessly telling you, is that your father was like me. Just as her own father is Seraph as well.  That is how I know him.  He was close to my ranks before he fell.”
Rose’s snort was telling. “He didn’t fall.  He plummeted.”
“Wait, my father?” Jason thought of the man he had known. The drunk who beat his mother until Jason was old enough to pull the man’s attention from her to himself.  He remembered waiting each night for him to come home and lay into him.  Until one night he stopped coming home.  And neither he nor his mother ever knew what happened to Willis Todd.
“Willis was not of my ranks but was tempted to fall by a very bewitching demon.  He promised him power and wealth.  But gave him neither,” Dick told Jason, placing both his hands on his shoulders.  “We are not meant to sire children with mortals because the transfer of power can have detrimental effects on the human who carries the child.  Your mother was addicted to drugs, was she not?”  Jason nodded.  “That was how she drowned out the voices.  The ones who whispered about your destiny.  Rose’s mother…”
“She died of cancer.” Glancing over at her, Jason tried to read her expression but wasn’t sure what it said.  The woman was so good at keeping her emotions to herself, he always failed to really grasp what she was thinking.  
Looking back to Dick, Jason furrowed his brows as he tried to comprehend what was being told to him. “I don’t have the symbols,” was what his brain decided to spit out instead.  Dick smiled and he could hear Rose chuckle next to him.  “What?”
“They are not something Nephilim are born with on the surface.  You have to bring them forth,” Dick explained.  “The creator gives them to their Seraph, but only a Seraph can show a Nephilim how to bring their own forth.”
“Wait. What do you mean my destiny?”  Jason demanded, mind finally grasping onto that piece of information.
He watched Dick sigh and send a look to Rose that had her rolling her eyes and leaving without a word. Or sound.  Jason made a mental note to ask her about that skill.  “It’s time we have a very serious talk, Jason. Shall we go somewhere we won’t be interrupted again?”
“So let me get this straight,” Jason said, pacing the length of his room as Dick sat leaning against the headboard of his bed.  “Rose’s dad is the one responsible for the virus?  The creator told all of you that one would need to fall and release the virus in order to save humanity?”
“In the broadest of terms, yes.”
“How is killing us like this, saving us?”
“Your planet was dying. It would not survive much more in way of population.  Your atmosphere had begun to crumble, and drastic measures were needed.”  Jason scowled at that.  How could Dick just be so blasé about the death of billions of people? He’s not human, a part of his mind reminded him.  But even though he only had Rose to compare to, Dick seemed more human than Rose. “Some of us were against the idea. That there had to be another way, but Slade volunteered before the discussions could go further.”
Shaking his head, Jason paced the length of the room one more time before dropping down in the chair at his desk.  “This is a lot.”  Dick nodded but remained silent and Jason was thankful.  Because even though he was glad Dick was answering his questions, he didn’t want the man to try and sway his opinion into the positive side of things just yet.  He needed to examine the situation from all angles.  He needed to see all possible outcomes to this before he came to a conclusion.  “Was it part of the creator’s plan for you to find me?”
Jason waited for more, but when he was met with nothing but silence, he looked at Dick with a raised eyebrow. But the man, angel whatever, seemed to miss what he was silently asking him to expand upon and it just made Jason sigh.  Almost in fondness.  Almost.
“If it was not in their plan, why are you here?”
“I broke ranks because humanity has suffered more than enough, and you are the cure to that suffering.” He watched Dick sit up and look at him seriously, almost uncomfortably so.  “I have watched you for years, since before the outbreak.  I knew of you long before you were even born.  I have been tasked with protecting humanity for centuries because our creator is not the “God” so many believe in.  They are kind, loving, and they do not require worship or devotion.  But they also want you to have the will to choose what path you take.  
“You are a good species at the core, despite those who have been whispered to by the demons of the world. You would have come across the answer for the cure on your own, but it would have been a few years from now after having lost far too many and those closest.”  Jason’s mind flashed to Roy and Kory, knowing that’s exactly who Dick was referring to.  Deep in his soul, he knew it was them.  And he couldn’t help but feel so incredibly grateful that Dick had gone against his kind to prevent that.  “You have lost enough.  Everyone has lost enough.”
Taking in the words, Jason dropped down into his desk chair with a sigh.  It was a heavy weight, knowing that he had been the key to fixing this all along and that if Dick hadn’t prompted the idea that day in the mess hall then he would have taken a while longer to figure it all out.  He could have saved millions but he was supposed to have allowed countless more die before he made the sure.  Dick allowed that.  Dick disobeyed his orders because he didn’t want anymore suffering, he didn’t want Jason to endure anymore suffering.
Dick had chosen him over his own kind.  “Will you be punished?”
“Perhaps,” Dick shrugged. “But perhaps mercy shall be gifted to me because I wanted mercy for mankind.”
Jason didn’t like the idea that Dick could be harmed because he had chosen kindness over indifference. He didn’t know what it meant to be Seraph and how it impacted basic human emotions and instincts, but he knew Dick. And he knew Dick loved people. The way he laughed with Tim while they discussed various topics.  The way he worked with Kory in the gardens, singing soft songs in a language Jason now knew to be angelic.  The way he walked side by side with Roy and discussed the best way to protect those within their gates and walls.  People he was now invested in just as much as the rest of them.
“And if you aren’t granted mercy?”
There was silence and Jason watched Dick sit there, eyes narrowed and a furrowed brow marring the beauty of the angel.  “Then I suppose I will be left to walk the earth among the people of this planet and protect you from within your ranks.”  The lines smoothed out on his face and Dick gave him a smile that was brittle, but honest. “I do not feel my duty will change should the creator choose to remove me from my service to them.  I will still wish to protect those who cannot protect themselves.  It is all I have known.”
“You will always be welcome here,” Jason offered without pausing to think about it.  If he thought about it, he would never say it and regret would burn bright.  “With me.”
He tried not to fidget under the intense gaze that Dick turned on him, but it was difficult.  The depths of the sapphire eyes spoke volumes and while Jason loved to look at them, the intensity made him a bit nervous. “Despite the lies?”
“I don’t appreciate the lies, but I understand them.  Well,” he let out a chuckle, “as best as my human mind can.”
Dick’s smile was almost blinding.
“Your mind can understand much more than even you will ever know.”  The blush that colored Jason’s cheeks was no something he was proud of, but he knew it was something he couldn’t exactly control.  “You are a gift.  Don’t ever let anyone try to tell you differently, Jason Todd.”  He had gotten used to hearing Dick use those words in his regards, but now he supposed he finally understood exactly what it was he meant.  He was a gift, or his blood was.
“What happens now?” Jason asked curiously, watching Dick lean back against the headboard again.  Jason let his eyes trail over the other man, enjoying the sight of him so comfortable in Jason’s space.  It felt right.  It looked right.
But the look on Dick’s face pulled him out of those fuzzy thoughts.  “I need to go.”
“Now that you have uncovered the cure, I need to return to my ranks.  I need to face my punishment, if there is to be one.”  
But Jason didn’t want him to leave.  Not when he still hadn’t gotten around to making any kind of move.  Could he really just let Dick walk out of his life, potentially for good, without even trying?  Did Dick even have any interest in him?  Was he just seeing things that he wanted to be there.
“I would like to stay though.  I would abandon my ranks for good, if I could convince myself it was the right thing.” Dick’s gaze turned to Jason and he found himself getting lost in the intensity of the sapphire eyes. Intensity that told Jason he wasn’t alone.  He wasn’t imagining things and he wasn’t the only one who wanted.  “I will return though.  If you’ll have me.”
Nodding, Jason tried to say something in response, but he couldn’t form the right words.  Not when those eyes were still looking at him like that. Not when his heart was pounding so loudly in his chest that he was certain it would either burst from within or Dick would point out how loud it was.
“I will be gone before morning, but I will be back.”
And Jason hoped that Dick wasn’t just telling him that to make him feel better.  He really hoped it.
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toosicktoocare · 3 years
i’m experimenting with a multi-chapter fic because it’s been a while since i’ve written one, and i wanted to share the first chapter with you all! 
It can also be found on AO3 here!
it’s called “one for the birds” and it’s a BatFam multi-chapter. 
Dick’s mid pull up, the wooden rafter rough against his palms. He glances to see one of the new ones, Jenny, standing hesitant in the doorway, her eyes cast downward and one foot scuffing the dusty floor.
He lets go of the rafter, dropping to the floor with practiced ease. “What’s up, Jenny? Everything okay?” He keeps his tone light, inviting, as he does with all the new kids.
When Jenny looks up, her matted, brown hair hangs forward in her face, half hiding her wide, trembling eyes. Dick studies the fear silently, his jaw clenching, as he waits for Jenny to gather up the courage to say what she needs to say. He’s learned far too quickly that if he pushes anyone here to speak before they’re ready, they’ll lash out via flying fists or running away. After five punches to the jaw and three near death runaway scenarios, he worked on building trust with each person that stumbles upon his shelter.
“Some man is here to see you.”
Shit. Dick rakes his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair to hide the slight tremors jolting through his hands. Could be the cops, he thinks. Though, he’s made it very clear to everyone that he’s only able to maintain this warehouse as a shelter with the promise to GCPD that everyone will behave. There’s too much crime in Gotham as it is, one cop had said to him, so if he keeps his kids in line, the cops will turn a blind eye to the trespassing.
Maybe not the cops, then. Unless there’s been trouble with one of his kids. But then, he would have heard about it by now. Word of mouth travels fast amongst his crew. He mentally picks through today’s schedule, running brief analyses over each person on today’s food crew. He currently has a handful of troublemakers, a rowdy group of pre-teens taking their anger of their current life situation out on each other. But, he’s been keeping their daily duties separate to avoid conflict, so—
“Yo, Nightwing!”
The budding fear diminishes the second Dick hears the rough, familiar voice accompanied by steady footsteps that deliberately avoid each creak in the stairs. He smiles at Jenny and nods to the door. “Thanks, Jenny. I’ll take it from here.”
The second Jenny turns, she bumps into Roy, who steadies her with a hand clapping down to her shoulder.
“Why thank you, sweet messenger.”
Dick cocks a brow as Roy steps around Jenny and enters the room, arms as wide as the smile stretching across his mouth.
“Code names again, Roy? Really?”
Roy crosses the room and slaps a hand across Dick’s mouth, and Dick has to swallow back the annoyed urge to lick his palm.
“No speaking of Roy Harper here, Dickie. Only Arsenal when I cross through this threshold.”
Dick swats Roy’s hand away, tilting his head. “Arsenal? That’s new.”
“Yeah, well, I decided to stop rolling with Speedy. Sounded too drug-like, if you ask me.”
Nodding, Dick side steps around Roy and jumps up until his hands are latching onto the low-hanging rafter above him. He ignores the unsettling creaking against his weight as he pulls himself up until his chin’s tapping the top of the rafter.
“Well, Arsenal,” Dick starts, dragging out the new code name, trying to gather a feeling of it on his tongue. “What brings you here?”
“Well, first of all, you are looking at the new mid-day stocker at Queen’s Market and Café.”
“Shit, you got the job?” Dick drops down after his tenth pull-up and arches his back into a stretch before moving downward to work through a set of push-ups.
“Yep, Oliver said he sees real potential in me. He said I’m a good last piece to his arsenal.”
Dick pauses, laughing lowly under his breath. “Of stockers and baristas?”
“Yeah, he’s kind of a weird dude, but he gave me an advance so I could get an apartment.”
“Have you told him about…” Dick doesn’t finish; he doesn’t need to. The dark flash that pulls across Roy’s face says enough.
“He knows I’ve been in between homes, but that’s it.”
Dick can fill in the gaps easily. He’s been in this warehouse since he was 12, after fleeing from his first foster family. Roy joined him not long after, and together, the two built this place up, swaying reputation and all. He finishes his tenth push-up and slowly gets to his feet, a sigh slipping past his lips.
“I’m not embarrassed by it, Dick. It is what it is. I just… Oliver sees so much in me. I don’t want—”
“You don’t want him to judge based on this,” Dick finishes for him, gesturing around the two. The room, one everyone’s dubbed as “Leader’s Lair” for years now, has a sleeping bag in one corner and a box in another. There’s a pile of worn-out books beside the sleeping bag, and a beat-up, battery-powered lamp off to the side. It’s bare boned, but it’s been home for Dick for years.
“I get it, Roy, and I’m happy for you.”
“I can still help,” Roy starts, quick tone mismatched from the determination lighting his eyes, “so you aren’t out busting your ass every night for minimum wage to feed everyone. I can give you money—”
“It’s fine,” Dick interrupts, and he means it. More than just offering a place for people in need, Dick wants to push everyone to better themselves, to thrive off independence, and Roy did just that. He doesn’t want anyone to feel like they owe him or this place anything. “I mean, I’m not saying that if we cross paths, I’m not going to insist you treat me to lunch,” he jokes, jabbing Roy with his elbow. “But that money is yours, Roy. We’ll get along just fine.”
There’s conflict in Roy’s eyes, the fire dimmed, and Dick’s already prepared to counter-argue anything that comes out of Roy’s mouth, and he knows Roy knows this; the two have been butting heads for years, but Dick’s wit always gives him the upper hand.
“Fine, but the next ten burgers are on me.”
Smiling, Dick claps a hand to Roy’s shoulder. It’s only been a few weeks since Roy left to pester Oliver Queen daily regarding the “Help Wanted” sign outside his shop, and he’s genuinely glad to see him.
“What else?” Dick asks finally. “You said ‘first of all,’ so what else?”
Roy’s smile drops instantly, and Dick matches his frown, his own brows furrowing.
“There’s this kid,” Roy starts as he begins pacing the small length of the room. “He’s been hanging around Oliver’s place for about a week now. He’s doesn’t beg for money or anything, he just… watches the store. All day.”
Crossing his arms, Dick waits patiently. He’s heard this type of scenario multiple times before, but Roy’s demeanor is telling him that there’s a catch. Then again, Dick’s grown to learn that there’s always a catch.
“So, I finally approached him. Went through the whole spiel: asked him if he was lost, had a home, needed a place to stay, yadda, yadda.”
“He told me to fuck off.”
“Look, Roy, I don’t—”
“Look, man, I know, okay? Frankly, the kid’s a prick, but I’ve just got this feeling—he just… he’s been through some shit, man. I can just tell. And weirdly enough, I don’t think he’s casing Oliver’s place. I just think he’s tired, and he needs help.”
“I don’t force people to come here.” Dick replies flatly, and Roy nods quickly.
“I know. I just… You’ve got a way with people, Dick. You know I’m shit at talking to people, but you? You could help him.”
“I can only help people who want to be helped.”
“He does. Just trust me on this?”
Dick moves to the small, cracked window, shuddering slightly at the chilly breeze that filters in through the splintering gaps. It’s nearing the end of October now, so he should probably work on re-covering gaps in windows to keep the warmth in now that it’s getting a lot colder.
There are numerous uncertainties flicking through his mind, the top one being that he’s bringing someone dangerous into the warehouse. He has too many kids to keep safe, with the youngest being only 7. He’s accepted long ago that he can’t physically save everyone and that some people just aren’t going to work in the warehouse. Still, among the sea of uncertainties currently attempting to drown his brain, there’s one small, nagging bubble of air that he can’t help but cling to.
Dick’s been there before. After watching his parents die, he shut down, and he’s spewed his fair share of curses at adults trying to “help,” not understanding at the time why he couldn’t just shut himself away to properly grieve. He didn’t have anyone to help him; he worked through his shit on his own, until Roy came along. So maybe…
“Name?” He sighs, turning from the window.
“You said you talked to him. Did you manage to get his name?”
“Oh, definitely not. After he told me to fuck off, I stayed, and he very calmly threatened to slit my throat in my sleep.”  
Dick swallows thickly around a pull of instant regret. “There are multiple kids that hang around Oliver’s. How will I know who he is?”
“Easy,” Roy starts. “He’s always got this red hood pulled up and over his head.”
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
Pt 1) Rebirth didn't have to nerf Dick and Roy's friendship to have Roy and Jason be friends but they did it anyway and I'm fucking pissed. Roy not wanting to tell Dick he was involved in some serious drug busts??? Dick would have been the first person he went to! Roy saying he knows who his "true friends" are and then cutting contact with Dick??? Uh??? Did we read the same fucking comics pre reboot? Dick was going to force Roy into rehab, Roy forced Dick to sleep and eat
Pt 2) Roy and Dick saw each other as brothers! Lian called Dick uncle dick! I!! Hate!! What!! They!! Did!! And considering Nightwing 2016 showed Dick and Jay patrolling together, it didn't even need to happen. You want Roy to be on a team with Jason? Why not team up Roy, Jason, and Dick?? It would be a cool ass dynamic?? And the fact that they went out of their way to make Dick look like a prick??? "Guess Dick has more morals than I thought" uh what??? The fuck???
Pt 3) Roy Harper knows Dick has morals?? Where the fuck did this come from??? Roy fucking defended Dick withholding information from the Titans in the comics from the 80s and 90s but here he is acting like Dick is actually a terrible person??? Like??????? I was genuinely enjoying the Rebirth Titans comics, but then they pulled all this shit with Roy and Dick just because they wanted Roy to be back in RHATO, and I'm so pissed.
Amen to all of this. I agree with you 100%...I can’t even read RHATO cause it makes me so freaking mad. The idea that Roy doesn’t trust Dick is laughable. Forget some “serious” drug bust, Roy literally trusted Dick to help him deal with Cheshire and find his daughter, Lian:
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Action Comics #613
He needs help on something so incredibly personal, and the first person he turns to is Dick. He doesn’t even trust the other Titans on this one (not even Donna). And just to emphasize that this was a huge deal for him: 
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Action Comics #617
And Dick was the one to fight off Cheshire, save Roy, and rescue Lian. He was the reason that Roy was able to be with his daughter. Afterwards, Roy admits how much he has always envied and admired Dick: 
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Action Comics #618
Up until this point, Roy was convinced that he’d done nothing but screw things up. He listed some of it above, but his life was kind of a mess. He got into drugs, was kicked out by Green Arrow, left the Titans, fell for an assassin and knocked her up all by the age of 19. Yikes. And Dick supports him and tells him that he’s not a failure--that he’s a good man. This may seem like a simple thing, but for Roy it was huge!! 
This is the point where Roy was really able to turn things around. Roy found a reason to keep moving forward, Lian, and was finally coming to terms with his insecurities. And Roy has Dick to thank for that and he knows it. So yeah, Roy admires Dick so much. He was jealous of Dick when they first met, but that envy soon morphed into admiration. To Roy, Dick is amazing. Period. When Roy gets into tough situations, he thinks back to things Dick has said or has taught him to get out of them. 
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Not to say that this isn’t a two way street. They both trust and respect each other so freaking much: 
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Their relationship was so good. One of the things that always stands out to me about them is how often they held each other accountable and pushed each other to be better. Their relationship was all about respect and tough love. I know that fanon likes to see Dick as this big softie/pushover, but when he feels he needs to be, Dick is stubborn as hell and super confrontational (like, this man does not care about stepping on a few toes to get the job done). And Roy was one of the few people that was able to meet Dick head to head and get through to him when he was being stupid. And vice versa. 
God, remember when Dick was super depressed about Donna’s death and Roy was calling Dick constantly (even though Dick couldn’t bring himself to answer)? And then Roy started the Outsiders specifically so that Dick wouldn’t self-destruct all by himself? Pretty much the only times that Dick smiles during this period of time where Donna is dead are because of Roy. You can see he’s trying so hard to cheer Dick up here and get him out of his funk: 
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Outsiders (2003) #1
These two had such great history. They were so good for each other. And sure, I’d be fine with Roy being friends with Jason also, but they basically performed character assassination for that to happen lmao. Like I said, I haven’t read a lot of the RHATO comics, but from what I’ve seen they’ve made regressed Roy to an extent that is pretty pitiful and spits in the face of decades of character development. Honestly, Roy is from Dick’s generation and has soooo much experience as a hero, he should not be made into Jason’s lackey (more thoughts on that here). Roy’s a much more compelling character to me when he is with the Titans, where he seems like his own person with his own motivations. I don’t need him to be a prop for Jason Todd! I have no idea why they have to destroy Roy’s relationship with Dick to make him BFFs with Jason either. I feel like all the characters involved suffer for it, even Jason. 
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So yeah, “Uncle Dick” is right. These two were family. It's kind of heartbreaking to see DC destroy that. 
Thanks for the ask anon! You’re very right, and you gave me a great excuse to rant about how much I love these two. 
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aliasimagines · 4 years
You Make Me Feel // Roy Harper
a/n: it's 4:32 am as I'm writing this but i probably won't post this for a few days so this note doesn't make any sense.✨hope you all enjoy read 💕
word count : 573 // 854(with the alternative ending)
warnings: sadness :((, lack of self confidence,
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It is dark in Roy's apartment. The only source of light and noise is your lap top. You put on slowed down versions of some popular songs on youtube as a quiet white noise hours ago. At this point Roy really just wanted to turn off that damned thing, because if he had to listen to cobra starship's you make me feel good one time he truly believes he is gonna scream. But to reach the lap top he had to move you, as you slept with your head resting on his chest, and that's not gonna happen. He is not waking you. Even if it means him suffering through these songs.
But really, in the dark as his hair sticks to his neck and forehead, it wasn't the music bothering him. It was himself. With you so close to Roy, he felt his stomach twist. And it wasn't because of the third pizza he has eaten but rather those not so friendly butterflies that only visited when you were around.
See he never... He didn't mean to catch feelings. But that's not how it works, is it?
How couldn't he fell for you? Fell for you... Hah, he knows he has fallen, deeply, madly and hopelessly in love with you but it is hard to admit it to himself. Especially considering that he never really had luck with love. In every meaning. So he didn't want this. Yet, at the same time, he was desperately aching for you.
Around you he felt like he could let his guard down, like he could talk about his feelings without hiding them behind sarcasm or in jokes.
He trusted you with his life- no. With his Lian's life. He didn't think he could have a similar amount of love that he has for his daughter. But his heart was beating in such tempo that he was actually afraid of getting a heart attack.
Shifting in your sleep you wrapped yourself closer to the ginger, putting one leg over his and an arm on his stomach.
For a moment Roy forgot how to breathe. And he was so angry at himself. Over the years you've known each other you have slept in the same bed many times but not so much since he realized his feelings for you. It's like he missed those times when he could carelessly play with your hair or just run his fingers up and down your arm without getting sad about how he'll never get to do these as your boyfriend.
Because he doesn't think he could ever be your boyfriend. He even feels stupid for hoping. But he is hoping, because in his mind you are perfect for him. You laugh at his jokes, you can comfort him, you are always there when he needs you, you know him and despite all his mistakes you are still here. But him? He is convinced that you deserve someone better, someone who is not fucked up and damaged. He does not think he is enough for you so what's the point of confessing? Sure, it's slowly killing him inside but telling you, knowing that you don't love him, would be selfish. At least that's what he believes. In tge dimness he lookes at your sleeping face and he can't help but carefully lean and press his lips on the crown of your head.
"I love you, y/n. More than you'll ever know."
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***alternative ending***
You move. He freezes and immediately backs away. For a second there is silence and no movement. Roy thinks you just moved in your sleep agian and he lets out a breath he didn't know was holding. But than you speak. Quietly, but he hears your sleepy murmur.
"I love you, Roy."
"What?" he is sleeping. Or just very, very tired. It's not the reality. You did not say that. That can't be the truth. He can't be that lucky.
You force your still sleeping body to get into a half laying, half sitting position. Your eyes search for his eyes in the dark and once you find them you look deeply into them.
"I do, I love you. I have for a while."
"You- you can't..."
You blink.
"Why not?"
"I'm a mess, y/n."
You place your hand on the side of his face.
"No you're not. You're such an amazing, funny, beautiful person. Yes, you had your low points but you're trying to get better. And I love you so much for doing that." you could probably say so much more if you weren't still half asleep. The laptop's screen made the glistening tears in his eyes visible for you. Before they could roll down his face you kissed corner of his eyes and kissed them away. He rest his hand on top of yours, leaning more into your touch.
Eventually you lean down, as he is still laying on his back and you kiss him with ease. And for a while it's just soft whispers and gentle kisses.
And despite Roy's racing heart he is calm. Relaxed and loved as he falls asleep hugging you close to him.
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bat-losers-inc · 4 years
Kintsugi: Chapter 12
Summary: Final Crisis/Red Robin AU. Dick admits Tim to a psychiatric facility after Bruce is lost in time. Jason finds him suffering at the hands of a Scarecrow-copycat and breaks him out. While safe in Jason’s apartment, Tim still struggles with panic attacks and drug withdrawal. At a loss for what to do, Jason calls Roy Harper.
Pairings: Jason Todd & Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Dick Grayson, Roy Harper & Jason Todd.
Warning: minor mention of self-harm in this chapter.
                                                            - - -
“Okay. House rules.” Roy turned to the whiteboard and started writing with big slanting letters, “Rule number one; no drugs or alcohol inside the safehouse.”
“Now,” Roy pivoted back to Tim, who sat curled up on one end of the couch, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “I know this is an obvious one for the both of us, but it’s worth mentioning that Jason has also agreed to follow it as a show of solidarity. Right, Jason?”
Jason offered a thumbs up from his spot at the kitchen counter, his attention still absorbed by the computer screen before him, open to Tim’s research into Bruce’s disappearance. The lengthy document was full to the brim with images and news articles pulled from the web, scientific papers on optics, quantum mechanics and archeological sites — not to mention all of Batman’s previous research on Darkseid and his powers. It was going to take him days to read through all of it.
“Rule number two; keep it clean.”
“Yeah, we’re not trying to live a life of grime.” Tim smiled, clearly proud of himself.
Yikes, that peak dad joke knocked Jason right out of the physics of time travel and square into second-hand embarrassment. We’re really going to need to unteach him Dick’s puns.
Roy sighed, “Hang on. I just have to make an amendment.”
The expo marker squeaked loudly and Jason glanced up under his eyelashes to see him crossing out the first line. “Rule number one. No puns!”
Jason choked down a laugh and returned his gaze to his screen.
“Seriously, Roy?” said Tim, “You know, it’s going to take us all day to get through these rules if you keep—”
More marker squeaking. “Rule number three!”
“I’m still talking!”
“And now I’m talking.” Roy grinned. “Isn’t it funny how that works?”
“I’m not here,” he called into the other room as he scrolled to the next page. Ooh, pictures… picture he could do. “Also, respect your elders.”
“Unbelievable,” Tim grumbled, just loud enough for Jason to hear.
“We’ll have weekly meetings every Sunday afternoon. We can use this time to talk about what’s been going well, what we’re struggling with that week, any routine changes that need to be made. Etcetera.”
Silence from Tim. That was good. At least there was the hope that he wasn’t going to fight them on every point. Reassured by that, Jason glanced back at a picture of Batman’s symbol painted on a cave wall and... let’s just say it wasn’t a case of everyday graffiti. Unless Batman had a lineage all the way back to early human civilization that Jason didn’t know about.
Jason tilted his head, squinting. “Hey, Tim? Got a question about that picture of the cave drawing in your research. C’mere.”
“Jason!” snapped Roy. “We’re clearly in the middle of something.”
“I’ll only be a sec!” He turned the laptop around as Tim slid off the couch and walked over.
“What about it?”
Jason tapped the screen with his fingernail. “There’s an annotation in this section with a number listed. What’s that for?”
Tim stared at it for a long moment.
“Oh, that?” He picked at a patch of dry skin on his elbow. “Nothing, just a contact for a consultant.”
“A consultant? Were you working on this case with someone before you got locked up?”
“No, not really. It was more of a one-off situation. He was the one who brought the cave painting to my attention in the first place and sent me the picture.”
“A one-off.. But you kept the number?” Jason eyed him.
Tim smiled tightly. “You know me. I keep a record of everything.”
“Except the name of your consultant.” Jason spun the laptop back around to face him. “Spell it for me, I’ll put it in.”
“What?” asked Tim.
“What’s the name of your consultant?”
“It doesn’t matter. Really.”
Jason’s eyebrows hiked their way into his hairline. “Your reaction is telling me otherwise.”
Anger flashed across Tim’s features. “Just leave it alone, Jason.”
Seriously? Tim couldn’t really have expected him to just ignore the glaringly obvious tension in the room. Honestly, it was like the kid didn’t know him at all.
He turned to head back into the living room but Jason caught his arm. It was slick to the touch under his fingertips. The sweating had started two days after they’d done the first taper— the first, and most mild, of his body’s reaction to doing without his usual dosage. “The fact that you don’t want to tell me means whoever it is, they’re probably bad news —”
“Hey, look at me. ” He gave Tim’s arm a shake until Tim’s gaze finally wandered the expanse of the kitchen and locked back on his own. “I can’t protect you if I don’t know who I should be protecting you from.”
Tim’s eyebrows and the hair at his temples were dark with perspiration. It added an extra intensity to the glare he leveled him with.
“You really think I would work with someone who was out to get me? I might be going crazy looking for answers, but I’m not totally stupid.”
“Of course not, but you’re not the same person you were a week ago either. You’re weaker, more distracted, more—”
Tim yanked his arm free of his fingers, his forearm streaked with bands of red where Jason had been unwilling to let go even when he felt Tim starting to pull away. “No, what ‘I am’  is late for my first NA meeting.”
Jason clamped his teeth together and tried not to grind them. Well, you sure fucked that up.
Roy stepped in before he could make a bigger ass of himself. “Tim, get changed. We’ve gotta hustle if we want to make it there by one.”
“And throw on some extra deodorant.” He added. “All the sweating’s making you smell ripe.”
As Tim took to the stairs, Roy flashed Jason a look. “How's that helicopter parenting serving you long term?”
“Oh, please, I’m the furthest thing from a helicopter parent!”
“Prove it.”
Jason shut the laptop and rubbed at his forehead. “Admit it. This mystery consultant has you concerned too.”
Roy rolled his eyes.“Yeah, a little. But, maybe it was just a one-time thing. People make choices that they’re ashamed of later. This could be Tim’s, but he’s not going to tell you until he trusts you to treat him right.”
Jason swept his arm out wide so Roy had a chance to glance around the apartment at all the little spots where Tim had already made himself at home — the rumpled blanket in the corner of the living room couch, the post-it note with Jason’s wifi password taped above his workspace, and the plate with leftover toast crumbs sitting on the counter — just to name a few. “Uh, I am. He can trust me.”
I made a fucking home for him when he felt like he couldn’t go back to his real one. What more do I have to do to prove it to him? What the hell happened to the old saying ‘actions speak louder than words?’ Apparently, Tim was the greedy sort that wanted actions and words.
Roy cut him a look like he could read Jason’s mind. “Trust goes both ways, Jason. And You’re treating him like a child.”
“He is a child!”
“I’ve only known him for a few days, but I can already see that Tim’s got more intelligence and perseverance than I ever did at his age.”
“Which is why I was being honest with him,” Jason countered. “Just like I would have with you if you were back in his position and doing something stupid.”
“There’s a difference between doing something stupid and doing something you don’t agree with.”
God, was this the kind of mental minefield that Dick had to navigate when dealing with Damian? It was tiring as fuck and endlessly confusing. He was honestly never sure if he was making the right decision. Roy wasn’t one to be tired out easily however.
“Right now that contact is just some numbers on a piece of paper. If they’re bad news Tim’s doing the hard thing and steering clear of them, even if it means forgoing easy answers about Bruce. You want to be honest about something? Be honest with yourself about that.”
Jason was still trying to think of a reply to that by the time Roy herded Tim out of the apartment. When he heard Roy’s car pulling away, he went back to cleaning the bike parts in the garage. He always did his best thinking when his hands were busy with some repetitive task. Hopefully, he could miraculously sort out his shit before Roy and Tim came back.
                                                                 - - -
Tim hadn’t realized that when Roy said they’d have to hurry, it had more to do with the fact that they were driving all the way into Old Gotham than it had to do with mid-morning traffic. When he’d made a comment about it on the way over, Roy had simply said, “I think you’ll like the group at this place. They’re good guys who aren’t afraid to call you on your bullshit.”
“Oh, is that a valued quality in NA group members?” He’d ask, mostly sarcastically.
“At times, it can be.”
Tim didn’t know what to say to that, so they drove the rest of the way in silence. By the time Roy pulled up to the curb outside the Church of St. Jude and cut the engine, Tim’s nerves were even more on edge. It could’ve had something to do with the name of the church — St. Jude was the patron saint of lost causes — it struck Tim as an odd and ominous choice that Roy would favor this place.
“Ready to go in?” Roy asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
Lacking an answer to such a simple question, Tim stared out the window at the church. He took in its brick facade, the small courtyard hidden behind metal fencing, and the long-limbed trees that were just starting to bud. On a warm spring day like today it had the look of a small haven amidst the terrible giant that was Gotham City.  
So, why was he so scared to leave Roy’s car?
“If you’re wondering when you’ll feel ready, the answer is probably never.”
“No… it’s not that. I know that.” Tim stared down at his lap. “It’s just…”
He struggled to find the right words, aware all the while that this was the first heart-to-heart that he and Roy were having that wasn’t within Jason’s earshot. They were venturing into uncharted territory.
Just breathe, you can talk to him.
This morning, he’d lingered quietly at the top of the stairs, like a child listening in on a conversation that they were too young for, and heard the way Roy had stood up for him. As long as it wasn’t endangering anyone, it seemed Roy was going to let him have his privacy, whether Jason liked it or not. So he knew that this conversation would be something that stayed just between them.
“What do I say to them?” he asked finally.
Roy hitched a thumb toward the church. “What, in group?”
“Yeah, I mean…” He shrugged. “Don’t you have to go around in a circle telling everyone how you started using and how long it’s been since you’ve last used?”
“It’s not mandatory, but yeah, that’s usually the way these things go.”
“Well, how am I supposed to tell them that I started using because some wanna-be villain experimented on me with fear toxin and tranquilizers?”
He threw out his hands like his frustration was something he could physically beat into submission. Instead, all he managed to do was accidentally punch the glove compartment and scrape his knuckles.
Ow. Universe 46, Tim still 0. Or at least that’s the way it felt.
Once he let one of his worries slip, it seemed he could stop it turning into a flood, his words spilling out like a tidal wave into the quiet space of Roy’s car. “ Hell, how do I tell them it’s been zero days since I last used? That I’m in fact still using. I can’t go in there and stare at a bunch of people who are actually clean and pretend to know what they’re going through, I mean—”
“Hey— hey, Tim,” Roy waved his hands. “Fuck that shit. All of it.”
“No, I mean it. Fuck it, it means nothing to anyone in that room. Those details— the fear toxin, the mental hospital, your tapering regimen— they’re irrelevant. You think I had to dive into my shitty backstory with Green Arrow and vigilantism when recovering from heroin? Hell, no, I just told the parts of my story that mattered. You can do the same.”
Tim pressed his fingers harshly against his eyelids. “But I’m still using benzos!”
Roy laughed and tucked his long hair behind his ears, “Who told you being completely clean is a requirement for going to an NA meeting? If that was the case we wouldn’t have nearly so many attendees.”
Tim stared at him. That couldn't be right.
“I’m serious,” said Roy. “Most of us have been on and off the wagon more times than we can count. We come to the meetings anyway because it’s supposed to be the one constant lifeline that we don’t abandon. The only thing that matters to the people in there is that you’re trying to get clean.”
He leaned over the center console to look him in the eye. “Okay?”
Tim nodded, “Alright.”
Roy led the way down into the basement level of the church which served as the meeting room. It was much like Tim had pictured it. Fluorescent lighting; a scattering of folding chairs; coffee, water, and boxes of donuts laid out on the tables along one wall. A small group mingled around one of the tables, pouring steaming coffee into styrofoam cups before the meeting started. Tim instinctively tried to skirt around the group, eying a pair of metal chairs on the other side of the room. He was about to slink away when someone recognized Roy and gestured them over.
Roy glanced at Tim and jerked his head. “Let me introduce you to a few people.”
He had no choice but to follow, trailing a few paces behind Roy and hoping to hide behind his tall frame. Now he really was acting like a child. It was no wonder Jason was having mixed feelings. Get it together Drake! You’ve taken down super villains but you can handle some small talk?
“Roy!” A woman pulled Roy in for a hug, her dark curls spilling loosely over his shoulders. “How’ve you been?”
“Yeah,” The man at her shoulder smiled. “It’s been a while.”
Roy shrugged and offered a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I don’t get to Gotham nearly as much as I used to.” Tim took the last couple of steps forward, drawing the eyes of the group on him. “This is my friend, Tim. I’m gonna be sponsoring him for a bit. Tim, I’d like you to meet Rene and Dominic.”
“Nice to meet you.” He offered them a small wave, but nothing more. The last thing he wanted to do was draw more attention to himself during this meeting. It would be enough to just hang around in the background and go unnoticed while he got his footing.
It was a relief when the start of the meeting was called and everyone picked up one last donut and cup coffee before sliding into their seats. Roy pulled Tim over to sit next to his friends as a man stood up and addressed the group.
“Hi, everyone. Most of you regulars know me already, but for those of you new here my name’s Antonne Mays. I’m the group leader.”
He pulled a folded piece of notebook paper out of his back pocket and cleared his throat. “I’d like to start off with some general announcements. For those of you here by court mandate, come see me at the end of today’s meeting and I’ll validate your attendance cards. Also, Jessica can you stand up, please? Today is Jessica’s birthday so let’s raise a cup in her honor for staying strong and sticking around with us for another year!”
The people around him raised their styrofoam cups of coffee and tapped on them enthusiastically with their plastic stirrers. For a moment the room was filled with whistles and cheers before subsiding back into order. Tim shifted restlessly in his seat as the meeting went on, his attention going in and out of focus as the announcements transitioned into a round-robin discussion.
Roy bumped his foot with his own. “Pay attention.”
Tim nodded. He was trying to pay attention to the accounts from the other members but recently he’d been having trouble focusing on much of anything.
Focus, Tim. He rubbed at his thighs and rolled his shoulders. Just relax and breathe.
He closed his eyes and let his hands rest loosely against his legs, focusing his attention on drawing a deep breath in and then out. In and out.
“Will you relax and stop fidgeting? You're gonna drive me insane with that.” Roy hissed in his ear.
Tim opened his eyes, ready to shoot Roy a glare. “I’m not—”
His fingers were trembling, creating a spasmodic tattoo against the fabric of his jeans. He clenched his hand tight into a fist hard enough to feel his fingernails in the soft skin of his palms and sucked in a breath. It was just another symptom of the tapering.
It’s fine. You’ll be fine.
A hand covered his clenched fist from wrist to knuckles and applied gentle pressure. Tim looked up at Roy and read the unsaid apology that was written all over his freckled face.
He pulled his hand free and crossed his arms, stuffing his treacherous fingers in the crook of his elbow where no one could see them tremble. The minutes ticked on and Tim was only half listening now, the current speaker’s voice a dull white noise compared to his own thoughts. The trembling came and went in waves but Tim’s fingers lingered near his arms, circling the rough pattern along the skin of his inner arms. The bruising had faded but the raised skin from the needle marks still remained. Roy and Jason had told him he should be prepared for that and it really shouldn’t have mattered so much. It’s just a few more scars. Still, he couldn’t pull his eyes away this morning when he caught sight of himself in the mirror — the pearlescent marks peaking out right under the hem of his t-shirt sleeves.
They know. They all know just from looking at you. Sometimes that feeling was so strong it made him just want to pick up a hot poker and press it to his skin… to burn a brand big enough for those little scars to disappear into.
“I hope you’re not thinking those track marks are an excuse for you to slack off while you’re here. Because I’ll let you in on a little secret, kid; those are nothing special around here.”
Tim jerked his head up to find Antonne and half of the circle staring him in the face. “No- I wasn’t—”
“Mmhmm,” Antonne nodded, his fingers working diligently to roll up his shirt sleeves. When he’d cuffed them above his elbows, he held out his bare arms under the fluorescents. He traced one finger along his inner elbow, where tiny scars stood out in a dark mauve against the darker brown of his skin. “Look, I got them too. As does Antonio, Katey, and even your sponsor, Roy.”
“I’m just not used to them,” Tim said in his own defense. “They’re just so… public.”
Roy leaned forward in his seat, his hair spilling over in a red tangle that hid his expression from Tim’s view. “Sorry, Antonne. He’s new, this is his first meeting.”
Antonne waved away Roy’s explanation. “Ah, I see. So you’re still at the stage where you think those scars will define what others think of you.”
Tim shrugged. “Well, yeah… I mean, scars are permanent.”
That got a full-body laugh out of Antonne.
Tim stared at him confused. “Is something funny?”
“If you don’t like them so much, wear long sleeves, cover them up with concealer, hell you can even turn them into some hipster geometrical nonsense tattoo like Antonio did for all I care.”
“People are always going to stare, it’s in their nature,” Roy said before extending his left arm across Tim’s leg.
On the outside of his bicep was his Wyvern tattoo, a large winged beast with a reptilian tail that zig-zagged all the way down his bicep before ending at his elbow in an arrow-shaped point. But as he rotated his arm, Tim saw that the inside of his elbow was marked not with ink but with old track marks. He’s never even noticed them, his eyes always drawn to the colorful black and green ink, forever trying to figure out it’s meaning. “But, you can choose what they see when they look at you. Got it?
Tim’s hands dropped back into his lap. He felt a strange mixture of relief and humiliation all at once. “Yeah.”  
“And here’s another pro-tip, on the house.” Antonne leaned forward in his chair. “The best way to change what people think of you… is to participate in group discussion.”
 His face heated up as laughter erupted around the circle. Thankfully, it all seemed good-natured based on the smiles that some of the other members directed at him and the way Roy gave his hair a quick ruffle.
“What’s your name, kid?” Antonne asked.
Tim sat up straighter in his chair. “Tim.”
“Alright, Tim. Next meeting, you’re speaking first.”
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zayray030 · 4 years
When Iris got her stuff after checking out from the hotel she gave both of them her number. She had told them to call her when they either both needed someone to talk to, go out on their coffee date or just wanted to talk. She knows she should be more careful but her gut told her to trust them, so she trusted them. People always say gut instincts help you.
Roy's last parting words with her left her certain that she can trust them. But slightly worried that he would abuse his privilege.
And Iris? he had texted her immediately.
Yeah?  She replied confusedly
Ask Barry out. He had texted her a smiley face along with it
🖕🏾 Fuck you. She replied with no real heat.
No thanks. I have Thea. He texted back.
Iris wondered if she should block him. She decided against it. Who knows. Maybe he'll actually need to text her something important.
She had taken Roy's advice to ask Barry out on a date. She wanted to say that she didn't but that would be lying to herself and to others.
Currently she was in Barry's apartment in comfy clothes on his bed watching Iron Man 1. It’s been almost a month since she's met Thea and Roy and honestly it's been the best month of her life. It has also been a month since she's been Barry's girlfriend and it's magical.
During this time, she has also started to notice some things. Things that she wanted to see as platonic before her and Barry started going out with each other.
He always had this look in his eyes when he looked at her. Whenever she babbled about something new in her classes or ranting about her dad or hell even the customer she was serving. He always looked at her like she was the only thing worth looking at. He looks at her like he loves her. And she's starting to think that she loves him too.
Her and Barry were just cuddling, the movie long gone, just absorbing each other's presence and soaking up the love they had for one another.
However, the fairy tail atmosphere ended when her phone started ringing. She wanted to be annoyed at whoever it was but then she saw it was Thea. She was slightly surprised to see it was Thea considering the slightly younger girl normally called the day after her and Barry's dates to ask for information. She was also grateful for the girl talks that were given to her through meeting Thea.
She quickly answered it ignoring Barry's confused look. “Hey what's up Thea?” she asked confusedly. She became even more suspicious and worried when she heard crying coming from that end.
“Have you seen the news?” she asked.
“No Thea. Sorry. I've completely forgotten about the news. Why? Thea, you're scaring me.” Iris said when all she could hear was Thea's sobbing and someone trying to soothe her.
“Can you please meet me at the jitters you work at. I'll explain everything there. We still need to go on our coffee date.” the joke fell flat, especially with her sniffling.
“Of course Thea.”
“Bring Barry to if you want.” she added “I have Roy. This can be like a double date.”
“Sure honey. We'll be there soon.” said Iris soothingly. She quickly hung up and got out of the bed.
“Hey what's wrong?” Barry asked worriedly.
“We are going on a double date with the people I met back in Starling. They actually encouraged me to ask you out.” said Iris going to Barry's closet, grateful that she keeps some spare clothes here for emergency. She picked out a thigh length, satin, light blue dress that had a halter neckline, with a small golden belt and same colour heels.
“The famous Thea Queen and Roy Harper?”  he asked sarcastically. Even though Barry knew that Iris wouldn't lie to him he was still incredulous about Iris being friends with Thea Queen. She didn't exactly blame him since the story she gave him was sketchy at best but it still hurt her. She thought, out of everyone, he would believe her more.
“Yes. Now if you hurry up I'll give you a small reward.” she said the last part with a wink. He immediately jumped up and tripped in his hurry to get changed.
“Done. So, are you going to get me dark chocolate or chocolate orange?” he asked excitedly.
“Both.” she replied chuckling slightly at his excitement. This was also a nice part of dating Barry. He didn't push her to do stuff and understood that food meant love. Better than the guys she dated in high school and college.
They quickly got out of his apartment and into her car and drove quickly to Jitters and there Thea and Roy sat with Thea in Roy's arms looking miserable with tear tracks on her face.
“Oh Thea.” Iris said when she caught sight of her 2 friends cuddled up together as she made her way to them.
“Iris.” was the only thing Thea said before she flung herself at the smaller girl and started sobbing. Iris expertly maneuvered them so that they were sitting down instead of standing. Barry followed her and sat next to Roy. He at least looked slightly less uncomfortable than Roy at Thea crying.
“Thea, honey, you need to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” Iris said as she soothingly rubbed her hand up and down Thea's back. She noticed that the girl had become thinner since she last saw her and Iris didn't take that as a good sign.
“Her mother helped to level the Glades.” replied Roy for Thea. He probably shouldn't have said it so bluntly because it only made Thea cry harder.
“Dumbass.” Iris muttered under her breath. Thankfully, Thea let out a small giggle at that. “Thea what actually happened? Full story as well.” she added when she saw Roy trying to say something. He immediately slumped back, huffing.
“Why don't Roy and I go get you two coffee while you fill each other in?” asked Barry, already standing up and dragging Roy with him, not allowing him to say anything.
“Roy already knows what I like.” Thea said and that was enough to convince Barry to continue to drag Roy to the register.
“So? You wanna tell me what's up or do you want me to start?” asked Iris.
“Can you please go first? How are you and Barry?” Thea requested.
“Barry and I are doing well. This last month has been magical. I've literally never been treated like. A princess this much and I love it.” admitted Iris, once again thankful for her dark skin.
“Magical enough not to notice the news?” she asked then winced. “Sorry. It's just…”she trailed off.
Iris just hugged her again “Take your time.” said Iris as she ran her hands through the taller girl's hair.
Then it all exploded like a dam. Thea explained all about the Glades, her mother and even Oliver. Iris mentally put a reminder to punch Oliver Queen next time she saw him. Thea also told her all about Malcom Merlyn and Tommy Merlyn. She told her all about Laurel Lance.
Iris had to remind herself multiple times that these people were also suffering and that murder was banned in all fifty states so she couldn't go out there and shoot each and every single one of them for hurting Thea.
“Am I a bad person for wishing that my mother stays locked up for everything she's done?” asked Thea, finally looking up at Iris from her place in the girls arms.
“No, not really. Sure, at one point you are going to have to forgive her. But right now, you can hate her for this. But you also have to be grateful that she spoke up because even though tons of people died, tons more survived.” Iris replied, still stroking the younger girl's hair soothingly.
“Thank you Iris.” Thea finally said after a lengthy silence. She sat up from her arms but still hept close to her. “Even though I hate what you had to go through for us to be friends, I'm glad that we are.” the brunette said as she hugged Iris again, her chin on top of Iris's hair.
“Anytime.” Iris replied, returning the hug. Just then the guys came back Roy looking slightly wary and Barry happy to see her.
“So” began Thea, after drying her tears on the tissue that was at the table “Barry Allen. What are your intentions with Iris?” asked Thea teasingly.
“Thea!” yelped Iris.
“It's okay Thea. I already quizzed him. My street smarts tell me that he's
a trustworthy guy.” said Roy as he slid into the booth next to his girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Roy!” Iris snapped. Roy just grinned at her, winking slightly. She turned to Barry ready to apologise but suddenly his mouth was on hers and she couldn't keep the small gasp in.
“I love you.” was the first thing Barry said when he pulled back from her.
“I-I love you too.” Iris replied, shyly. Then it's as if something magical happened. Everything suddenly clicked. Everything felt right and amazing. Everything felt as it should be.
He quickly captured her in another kiss, unnaturally bold considering the public place they were in.
“Okay happy couple, break it up.” said Roy teasingly before Thea lightly hit his chest.
“Roy! They were having a moment!” snapped Thea.
“We were having a moment before and Iris interrupted.” he pouted back leaning in and placing his head on her shoulder.
“Needy.” muttered Iris and that caused some more laughter at the table.
Even though life wasn't perfect they had each other and that was good enough
Part 1
Part 3
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edyacouky · 4 years
Diamonds are Hood best friends
Here just a silly thing I wrote. I hope you will like it.
Have a nice day everybody :D
Can be read on AO3
                            ��                           ~*~
Jason is stressed in his kitchen. He has so much to do and so little of time. He should have refuse. Why did he accept do it is beyond him.
“What are you making? Roy asks him when he comes search for glass of water
-A mess. Jason groans. And don’t come near the food with your dirty hand.
-You were used to love my dirty hand. Roy dramatically gasps. What happen to us?”
But Jason doesn’t even smile. He keeps cooking like the food is some kind of annoying opponent who have to purpose to destroy his life.
“This bad. Roy said more seriously now. You know we can always cancel it. We could say we have an emergency while the true is it would you and me on our couch eating fast food and watching a movie.
-It’s not like we could cancel it forever. So do that now to get rid of it.
-It’s just a family dinner, Jaybird. Not the end of the word.
-It’s our family dinner. I am sure something will go wrong. I will bungle the dish. Or Bruce and Oliver will yell at each other. Or they will be yelling at us.
-Like hell I will let them do that at our home.”
Roy sight when Jason still frowns with worry eyes. Of course, Roy saw that this last day Jason was shaken by having the Batfamily and the Arrowfamily in the same time at their home. Hell, Jason was shaken since their relationship was known by their family.
It is not like they were hiding it, or Roy doesn’t think it was something they did, but their “good” relationship with members of their family was still new.
Honestly without the cameraman who not only stole the moment Arsenal kissed an injury Red Hood after a battle, but also decide to share it on social network, they will have keep that for them.
“You should have deny or not answer their call. Jason said with despair
-It’s that so bad that they know about us.
-I don’t know. Things were just so perfect before they knew, you know?
-Are you afraid that they will not approve.
-Would that change anything if they didn’t approve?
-I don’t know. Jason confesses with guilt. You know how I can get because of them.
-I know. Roy admits. As much as you should know you can’t get rid of me.”
Roy keeps his reassuring smile while he catch Jason’s belt to making him come closer to him. He enlaces Jason, putting his hands on his lower back.
“I will never let you let me leave. I promise I'm not lying. Go ahead ask anybody who has seen me trying. I'm not going, if it seems like I did I'm probably waiting outside. Roy starts to song while kissing Jason neck
-I always thought that this song was about a dangerous stalker.
-But the melody is nice.”
Jason doesn’t contradict him and finally start to smile. Roy puts on of his hand on Jason’s cheek, his thumb caressing his cheekbone.
Tenderly, slowly, they kiss. Jason relax in his lover’s arms and trust him when he said that he will never let Jason waste what they have because of some of his insecurity. They know each other to well to not know how deal with each other bullshit.
“Did you put grease everywhere on my face?
-Jeez Roy. I tell you not put your dirty hand anywhere from the food.
-Oh, Jaybird, I know that I eat you out a lot but you’re still a human being.
-God you’re the worst.” Jason laughs
“It’s really ok we all come? Oliver asks again to Dinah when they get in the MPV
-Again. Dinah sight while she secure little Robert. Jason said it was only fair since there will be seven members of his family.
-How much are we going to be?
-Again. Dinah and all the children said
-We are seven, they are seven, plus Roy and Jason, we will be sixteen. Dinah answer
-Ok. Ok. I understand I should still be quiet. It’s just I can’t believe they have the room to do a dinner for sixteen. And did Roy said that Jason cook the dinner tonight?
-Yes, he did. Cynthia sings song. Roy gives me cupcake made by Jason once. They were delicious.
-Sound like a lot of work for one person.
-Not everyone have a multibillion dollar to buy an army of domestic so they can be lazy. Connor Hawke jokes
-Well, Roy and Jason aren’t poor. Dinah defend. Even if you only count clean money, Roy gains more than enough with his inventions.
-Ah! So they could have used a caterer.
-Don’t start say thing like that. Dinah warns him. They will think you judge them. Connor Lance-Queen, stop immediately to bother Olivia.
-And don’t start to scream, young man. Or you will see what your mother will do.” Oliver adds severely
Dinah gives him an unimpressive look before she only sighs.
“Why do I have to come?
-Damian. Bruce said
-What? You accepted this invitation without ask us if we agree.
-Not untrue. Tim whispers gaining a punch in his chest from Cassandra
-Be nice, Little D. Dick request him. It’s the first time that Littlewing invite us for a family dinner. It would be nice if it wasn’t the last too.
-Why? Cite one of our family dinner who end well. Damian reclaims
-Oh! N°726. That’s their apartment! Dick exclaims, ignoring Damian’s last remark
-Why didn’t he answer the question? Duke asks. What should I expect from this?
-Everything will be fine. Bruce said going to open the door but Alfred stops him
-I raise you better than that Master Bruce.” He scolds him while knocking on the door
They wait a few seconds where Bruce’s children make fun of his bad manner, before Jason opens them.
“Hi, glad you could make it.” Jason said to them by automatism
Not that he wasn’t really happy to have them in his home, but he becomes nervous again. Roy’s family was already there and for the moment everything was fine.
But when life doesn’t fuck up with Jason?
“Master Jason, you look really elegant. Alfred compliments him
-Thank you, Alfie. You’re awesome as ever.”
As stupid as he may sound, his family realizes only now how important this dinner was for Jason. He seems really nervous and not only he did a big effort in his outfit, but when they enters the apartment they see that he put a lot of work on the decoration and the dishes.
“Hey guys and girl! Roy smiles at them. Good to see you.
-Good to see you to Roy. Dick answers hugging him
-Gladly to be there. Damian even said after a pointy look from Cassandra.
-Well, come have a seat. We have just started the aperitif. Do you want drink something?”
They sit at the table, only place in their apartment where everyone can seat, and start eating, drinking and talking.
At first everyone acts like they tread on thin ice, they didn’t know what to say to prevent any conflict. Eventually, the younger ones were more at the ease and help the adult to relax.
“I am just saying that calling your cave Arrow cave is totally plagiarism of the Batcave.
-This is my cave. I’m Green Arrow. How do you want me to call it?
-Quiver. Cassandra said
-Oh! This is an awesome idea!
-Not mine. Harley’s.
-Not sure if I should be comfortable that you talk about me with your psychopath villain.
-She needs to be heard.”
Seeing Jason relaxed laughing with the other, Roy smiles tenderly at him and put his hand on Jason’s knee. Jason doesn’t even hesitate when he see Roy’s gaze and kiss him lovingly.
“Love you.
-Love you too.”
It was past midnight. The younger ones are asleep in the couple’s bedroom, or in Damian case sprawl on the couch. They had finish to eat an hour ago and they all compliment Jason for his cooking making him ferociously blush. After that, nobody acted like they will leave soon, so they drink coffee and tea.
“Oh! Before I forget.” Roy suddenly exclaim going out of the table
He comes back one minute later, with some money.
-Thanks. But you give me too much. Jason said after he counts the bills.
Roy shrugs and kisses Jason’s neck.
“Buy you a book.”
Jason tenses when he heard a giggle.
-Nothing. Oliver tries to defend himself. Just funny to see that is my son the sugar daddy in this relationship.
Almost everyone in the table choke on their drink before they laugh.
“What the hell Ollie? Bruce said shocked
-What? That’s true.
-Fuck no. I am not a lubricious old man.
-And he doesn’t support me. I have money, thank you.
-Why did he give you some then? Ollie jokes
-I just lost my debit card. He advances me until my new one arrives.
-It’s not that stupid what Ollie said.
-Oh. And how so Dickhead?
-Well my darling Littlewing, you’re younger than Roy to begin.
-You’re the one who do the cooking and the cleaning.
-Yeah I should help you more with that.
-No thanks. I see how you tidy up your workshop; I don’t want that in the rest of the apartment.
-And at the last event you go together the entire people magazine was saying “Who is the mysterious trophy husband Roy Harper has found?”
-Well he is still legally dead. If he was still officially a Wayne and we go to a gala, I’m sure I will be the trophy husband.
-Not sure. Jason knows how to dress better than you Roy. I am sure he will still be the trophy husband.
-Father! Damian exclaims from the couch. It may be just Todd, but will you really let them talk about one of us like that?
-I love you too Demon Brat.
-I knew you care. Dick coos before trying to hug Damian
-No! Grayson! Don’t come closer!
-Well my mother used to say to never underestimate a trophy wife. Because they could easily have the world at their feet. Bruce said ignoring the mess his two sons are making in the living room
-I thought that your parents had the same age.
-My father was younger by one year and half. But my mom worked frequently with trophy wife for charity event.”
They start to talk about other things when a knock interrupt them. Everybody tense, slowly Jason goes to the door and look at the peephole.
“It’s one of our neighbors. Hi, sir. What can I do for you? Jason asks him after open the door
-Hi. Look, you’re good neighbor and normally I would have pas that but, I have to just come back from work and I have to go visit my family in another state today. Just, I really need to sleep so can you lower the sound.
-Of course. Jason looks at Dick and Damian stop during their wrestling. We will let you sleep. Sorry for that.
-Thank, good night.
-Good night to you too.
-Well seems like it’s time to go. Dinah said
-You’re sure?
-Yeah, it’s late. The kids are already asleep.
-We will go too. Bruce said
-Yeah. Thank for the invitation.”
They all said good bye at the door.
They kiss and promise to do that again soon. With Olivia in his arms, Oliver hugs first Roy then Jason.
“Thank to have invited us tonight.
-You’re welcome.
-And thanks for the dinner. He said hugging Jason. It must have taken a lot of work to prepare that meal for sixteen.
-That’s fine.” Jason answer a little startled by the demonstration of affection
Bruce is the last to leave their apartment.
“Sorry we bother your neighbor.
-Don’t worry about that. I’m surprised it’s happen only now.
-Take care of you.
-That’s work for you too.”
They both smile and for a moment, Jason think that Bruce may hugs him but he just go with the rest of the family.
“Well everything was great. Roy said starting cleaning the table. We worry for nothing.
-I was sure that Oliver and Bruce will make a scene. Jason adds helping Roy
-And when Ollie start saying I was your sugar daddy, Roy laughs, I prayed that Bruce doesn’t beat me.
-They’re completely crazy.
-And you and I make all this crazy people one and only one family.
-Have mercy on us.”
Some day later, Jason is taking his breakfast with Tim.
“Sound like RedArse isn’t trendy anymore. Jason said looking at the news on his phone. SuperRobin stole us the show.”
One video of Kon kissing passionately Tim on the top of a Gotham’s building was everywhere on social network.
“Shut up. Bruce already lectures about not being attentive and unprofessional.
-Please, tell me you ask him if it was professional to sleep with a burglar he is supposed to arrest.
-No. Tim laughs. But if you do, film his reaction.
-Promise. Jason said before go search for salt
-While you’re at it. Can you get me some blueberry? They must be in my fridge.”
Jason goes in the kitchen; if he found the salt easily he can’t say the same for the blueberry.
“Are you sure you have blueberry?
-Maybe I put it in one of my closet.
-Nope. No blueberry in sight. Jason confirms after open up twice each closet
-I must have forgotten to buy it. Thank anyway.”
Jason sit down and stop what he wanted to do because something looks wrong with his phone.
“Did you touch my phone?
-Yes, Tim admits after a pause, we take beat which kind of Roy’s photo you have as wallpaper.
-What do you mean which kind?
-You know. Kind Roy asleep, kind both of you kissing, kind sexy Roy or kind embarrassing for Roy.
-Well sorry to disappointed you.
-Yeah I didn’t expect a dog. You don’t have one, do you?
-It’s an old picture of the dog I had when I was a kid. Some weeks ago, Bruce found some of my family old photo on squat of junkies.
-Your dog was cute. What were they name?”
Jason’s day was pretty exhausting so he is happy when he found Roy sit on the couch. He fall on the couch, put his head on Roy’s knee.
“Hard day.
-Awful. This child trafficker I had to catch decides to make me run after him.
-He didn’t dare.
-He’s an asshole. I make sure that everyone at the jail will know what he did to children.
-You didn’t kill him?
-No, he has some information that could be useful to save more kids and anyways Bruce is on this case too.
-Well I hope this could make you feel better.”
Only now, Jason see the little box with a golden ribbon on the table.
“What is it?
-Well it is for you so open up.
-If I’m not a lucky boy.”
In the little box, there are diamond cufflinks. Usually Jason think that diamond jewelries are too flashy but the one Roy choose are discreet. And Roy looks at him so hopefully that even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t tell him that.
“That’s beautiful.
-You love it?
-Yeah. Thank you.
-Since there is this gala where we have to go, I though cufflinks was a good idea.
-That’s perfect. Thank you so much.”
Jason kisses him deeply sitting in his lap.
“And I think I should make you a lucky boy too.
-No need. If you’re too tired, I can understand.
-I am in good shape.”
Jason takes Roy’s shirt away before kisses him languorously.
“That’s new? Selina asks him at the gala looking interested by Jason’s cufflinks
-Yes. And gift from Roy so if you can let me leave with them I will appreciate it.
-Everything to make you happy kitten.”
Jason doesn’t like Selina’s smile but as she say she doesn’t stole him so maybe it was something else.
Jason is with the Bird of Prey. He needs their help on a case and they are kind enough to at least listen to what he has to say.
“Sound reasonable. Barbara admits
-I’m a reasonable man.
-I want you to promise you will not using anything I will give you for kill someone.”
Jason sight loudly. Honestly this kind of rich guy he was after for the corruption case was the kind he prefers dead. But if he successes make them lost all their fortune that will be enough.
“I promise.
-Good, give me your phone, I will transfer you all the data we have in this case.
-And we will tell you if we see something during patrol. Helena adds. But only if you don’t hide anything.
-I’m not B. If I say I want work with you, it means I will work with you and not using you while keeping secrets. I’m sure Babs already takes all the info I had on my phone, and we will stay in contact.
-I’m done with your phone. Barbara said and gives it him back
-No, thanks to you.”
Jason shivers unexpectedly. He has a weird feeling suddenly. But the girls are nice and he will not accuse them of something just because a draught make him feels weird.
Some hours later, he meets Roy at the dinner they both like. They couldn’t see each other for the next days because of their jobs so they decide have a date. So the separation will be less difficult.
“How was your day? Jason asks him after kissing him quickly and takes place at the table.
-Better now that I see you.
-What will you do without me?
-I will get to know an old friend again. Roy jokes shaking his right hand
-Jeez, why did I love you again? Jason laughs after he kicks Roy under the table
-Well, I hope this could help you regain your memory.” Roy said putting a box out of his vest once their order taking by the waiter
Again, Jason thinks surprised. But he is touched by the gesture.
“I have nothing for you. Jason admits embarrassed
-That’s not a problem. It’s a gift as much for you than for me.”
Jason looks at him suspiciously. The little grin Roy had makes him suspect the worst, but they are on a public space, with some kids around, Roy wouldn’t dare offer him something to …suggestive, right?
Cautiously, Jason opens the box and found what seem to be two diamonds earrings.
“Oh, I’m just pierced at the right ear. Jason said confused
-You have an ear pierced? Roy asks amazed
-I was fourteen years old. It was after a fight with Bruce. It was stupid. Jason feels the obligation to defend himself
-Sound like a conversation for another day. Roy said feeling his partner’s embarrassment. Anyway, that aren’t earrings, but yes, that are piercing.
-Ah … Ah! Jason exclaims touching his chest when he understand that they are for his nipples. Do you mind if I go quickly in the bathroom to wear my gift.
-Do you think you could send me a photo? I’m not sure I could wait till we get home.
They wanted to kiss rapidly but that seems like they can get enough of each other.
“I should go before we’re not PG anymore.” Jason said before leaving in a hurry
Roy sights looking dreamily at Jason while he walks away.
He thanks the waiter when he comes back with their orders, maybe not as much as he thanks the entity who brings Jason and him together. He really doesn’t understand how he gets so lucky.
His phone beeps and he sees the picture send by Jason.
Obviously, he was on the toilet. He holds his shirt so not only his chest was visibly but also his gorgeous abs. Roy is almost certain that Jason put down a little his jean too. Roy could swear he fell a little more in love because of the way the four little diamonds shine as much as the mischievous gaze he had. And not only, Jason’s grin promises an unforgettable night, but he also gently bites his lower lips exactly how Roy likes.
“Must be the first time I can’t wait to say good bye ;)” Jason wrote as commentary and Roy could only agree.
Months later, despite how terrible their mission could have ended, Roy and Jason is together asleep in their bed. Neither of them want to moves and they both cry and moan like babies when a ring wakes them up.
“Jay. Roy groans. That your phone …
-Fuck. Who is the asshole calling me this earlier?
-It is two p.m. Master Jason. Alfred answer hearing the question Jason asks
-Sorry Alfie. But with all my respect we go to bed at six a.m.
-I prefer that it’s that. We were supposed to see each other today. Did you forget?
-Fuck. I totally did. Jason admits. Let me one hour and I come.
-No need to. I just wanted be sure that you were alright.
-But I want eat your delicious pie. One hour. I’m coming.
-Very well. See you soon.
-See you soon.
-You abandon me. Roy jokes half asleep
-For Alfred’s cooking, I will leave you without a hesitation.
-I should be angry but I could sell you too for his cooking. Bring me a piece.
-If I don’t eat all.”
Jason kisses Roy’s forehead before he fell asleep again. Jason goes take a quickly shower, drinks some coffee and wears clean clothes. Then he drives his motorcycle to the coffee shop he have to meet Alfred.
“Sorry to be late. Jason said sitting
-Next time send me a message, if you can’t come.
-I’m here, right? I could came.”
Alfred say nothing to that. He doesn’t need to, just his unimpressed look at Jason tells him enough.
“Promise, next time I will text you.
-Thank you.”
They order their drinks and talk a little about everything. How life is at the Manor, about books they had read or some TV show they had watch.
Suddenly, Alfred takes Jason’s wrist looking curiously at the watch Jason wears. Simple watch with some diamonds around the dial.
“Gift from Mister Roy? Alfred asks
-Yeah. Jason smiles. I don’t how but he always finds some flashy gifts that are in my taste anyway.
-It was for a particular reason?
-No. I don’t think so.
-Did he buy it to you the same day where you help Miss Stephanie with her homework?
-I don’t remember. Yeah, I think he did. Why? Fuck! Do you
think I forget an anniversary or something like that? Jason starts to panic
-I think you should ask to Mister Roy why he buys you this gifts.”
Jason doesn’t understand this little smile Alfred have on his face. One second before he sounded like he was upset, though.
But despite what Alfred like to think, Jason knows him as much as Alfred know him. So he doesn’t try to force Alfred to tell him what’s happening in his brain exactly.
Jason wanted to listen to Alfred’s advice but life happen and he didn’t have time to talk about that with Roy.
Until one day where things go crazy.
Jason is cooking the dinner. Something simple and easy to do because he spend all the day with Selina, doing shopping and watching some telenovela, and he is tired.
Roy enters in their apartment, kisses him in the neck.
“Hi Jaybird. Roy said with a smile
-Hi yourself. Jason answers kissing him
-Hope it was you wanted. You were pretty specific this time.”
Jason frowns, don’t understand what Roy mean. He takes the large box Roy gives him. Curiously, with apprehension.
He almost choke when he sees what is inside.
“What’s the fuck, Roy? This is too much!” Jason can’t help himself and exclaims
There is a kind of Napoleon Diamond Necklace. But with more diamonds than the original who can cover easily Jason’s neck and shoulder. The worst is all the diamonds are real.
Jason can’t accept that. Even if it was a copy, it’s not Jason’s taste. But mostly it must cost a little fortune to Roy. How in hell did he thought it will be a good idea to offer him this?
“Really? I was afraid it would be not enough.
-Not … What the hell Roy? Why did you buy me this?
-Because you asking me. Roy answers perplexed
-Asking you? No!
-Well yes. I still has your text.
-My text?
-Jaybird, your dish burn.
Jason give back the box to Roy so he can save what he’s cooking. Roy frowning sit in the kitchen, put the box on the table and search Jason’s message.
When the dish were save, Jason sit down next to Roy and look at his phone too.
“I didn’t send you a text. Jason confirm
-Look by yourself.” Roy retort showing the text
“Hi, my archer. Can you buy me the most fabulous Napoleon Diamond Necklace you can find? I will make sure it is worth it *winks*”
“What the …?”
It was his number. No doubt for that.
“I didn’t send you this text. Jason say again then he remember his conversation with Alfred. Wait. Did you receive a text like that every time you buy me a jewelry? Did you received a text tell you to buy me nipple piercing?
-Well no. Roy answer started by Jason’s hysteria. That’s the first time you were explicit about what you want.
-It wasn’t me!
-Ok. So who it was?
-Show me the date and hour you received this texts.”
Quickly, they realize that Tim send Roy a text for the cufflinks, Barbara for the piercings, Stephanie for the watch and Selina for the necklace. Every time they send to Roy a message telling something like Jason was feeling sad and diamonds could help him feel better and he will make sure to show to Roy how grateful he was.
“I’m going to kill them. Jason groans while Roy laugh
-Why? This is funny.
-No it’s not! I’m sure it’s because of Oliver’s stupid remark! How much money did you waste because of them?
-It’s not wasted. If I recall correctly you make it worthy I buy you this.
-Fuck! I’m really the trophy husband here. Jason groans embarrassed. I will give you back all the jewelries, so you can be refund.
-Why? No. Except for the necklace you like them, right?
-Yeah but I don’t like that you waste your money because of a stupid joke.
-It’s not a waste.
-Give back at least the necklace. How much did it cost you?
-Nope and it’s rude to ask how much a gift cost.
-Roy, I’m serious.
-Me too. Look, can I at least see you wearing it? Before you throw it in some deep closet.”
Jason suspiciously at Roy before he realizes.
“It’s make you horny that I’m your trophy husband, isn’t it?
-I’m weak man. Roy admits with a smile. It’s just … it’s been a while since you didn’t wear the nightie you buy for Valentine Day. Could be the occasion.
-I’m starting to think that you knew it was a joke.
-I swear I’m an innocent victim here. Doesn’t mean I should take an opportunity when I saw one.
-You’re the worst. Jason smiles amused
-It’s that a no?
-It’s that a yes. But I’m still killing them.
-Don’t be such killing joke, Jaybird. Roy kisses him passionately. Fuck them.
-I was thinking you will fuck me.
-Yeah that too.”
They laugh and make sure that this joke make at their expense become their best night.
Tomorrow, Jason will find a way to avenge Roy and his self-esteem.
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internal-ethics · 4 years
Roy Harper for the character ask?
Roy is a hard one for me, that’s why i lingered so long on this ask.
How I feel about this character
Green Arrow is not my lore, and because Roy appears so seldomly in post-crisis GA outside of Titans, this might be a uninformed opinion. He strikes me as too much a Dick Grayson - the remix, in orgins if not personality, because Green Arrow got the “remixed and probably improved?” characterizations of Batman, and for that, most of my reactions to him is just “Uh Huh, that’s good.” He’s pretty standard “self-made hero who got over his shortcomings and better because of friendship and family” to me.  I don’t have strong feelings with him, just that there’s nothing to dislike him as a idea, you know? 
I liked him as a character, liked that becoming a father was SO good for him, and his relationships with the Titans, as well as his leadership style. And i LOVED that bit about how one of the first things Oliver taught him was to wait, and how most of his life is just either a too fast, or too slow mis-timing - SUCH a powerful analogy for an archer. Now if the Titans nurtured Dick’s wings and were Garth’s heroic hope and dreams, then no one embodied the “ohana means family” part of it better than Roy, and i think that’s beautiful. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
RoyDonna or RoyDick, but only  as crushes and first loves that become family. As a whole tho? I dont think  i ship anyone with him save Cheshire, an odd one. I mean, she’s fun? I like that he said slut rights. He can have fun with whoever.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I kinda dont want to say RoyDick, but i guess i only have that option as in the closeness and the trust. This made me realise how close-nit all the Titans are, goddamn.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
So i only ship RoyDick and RoyDonna in certain ways and in certain periods of their development  is because i think they work better as family ultimately. RoyDonna was SO cute, the cutest, but she became so much a emotional crutch for him to depend on, i’m glad they aren’t strictly romantic anymore. 
I’m also kinda mellowed out on RoyDick romantically, coz as i said, they are remixes of one another, it took out the fire for me as a romance - they just want TO BE each other. Oliver and Bruce were supposed to be much more alike than modern comics think.
I think Roy-Wally friendship is criminally overlooked. Such good bros, despite different politics..They dont have to be just Dick’s redheads.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
As everybody here already said, fuck Prime Earth and J*yRoy. Just let Lian be alive and happy and i want Roy to be a happy dad.
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Love all of your jayrae fics! Was wondering if you would please be able to write a fix about raven and Roy's friendship or how they get along?
I actually have a long story for them going, Yee Naaldlooshi, so I hope you enjoy Chapter 2! 
Featuring a cross over with the Mystery Inc Gang!
The Ranch...
Raven stood in Durango, Colorado, the wind tugging on her braid as she felt ancient magic pulsing through the grounds she stood on. It was rather quaint, and beautiful here, they were at a gas station by the river, which was gently rolling on by. She leaned on the hood of the car, looking at the scenery around her, it wasn’t like anything she’d ever seen outside of old westerns.
Lian was giggling as she ran towards her, and Raven smiled as she caught the girl.
“Rae! Lookie!” she ordered holding up a keychain.
“It’s lovely sweetie,” Raven said. The pure innocent joy Lian had was infectious and soothing on Rae’s empathy.
“Daddy say I can give it to his…bwoder,” Lian said.
“Brother,” Raven corrected. “And it’ll be a lovely gift.”
“Think he’ll like me?” Lian whispered in a loud hushed tone.
“I think it’d be hard for him not to like you,” Raven said.
“Ready to hit the road ladies?” Roy appeared then.
“Yeah,” Lian giggled in delight as Raven loaded her up into the car. Twisting around Raven pulled up the buckles for the carseat and tapped Lian’s nose lightly when she was all secure; her keychain clutched firmly in her hands.
“We’re forty minutes out from Farmington, and I think twenty from your aunt’s farm,” Roy said.
Raven said nothing to that.
“Family’s not bad, Rae,” Roy pointed out starting up the car.
“I have a family,” she pointed out. “And I don’t, Roy I’ll never be able to live with myself if something happens to them because of me. At least Victor, Harley and Ivy can take care of themselves. Alice and them, they can’t.”
“Hey, I get it, but they’re your family, you’ll need to accept that one day.”
“I do accept it, which was why I was willing to stay away.”
“Family doesn’t do that, trust me, and Jason for that matter, on this. They don’t disappear just because it’d be easy or convenient for you.
“I could wish, right?” she sighed.
“No,” he chuckled. “It’ll be fine, Rae. It’ll be fun!”
Raven knew that she and Roy had drastically different opinions on what was and was not fun. She had a feeling that this was about as fun for her as Artemis and Wally’s wedding would be for Roy. Not that he had a bad relationship with his family, but rather he and Artemis butted heads all the time, and Wally was his best friend marrying a girl who was like his little sister. Rae saw the reasons for Roy’s discomfort about the wedding, but they were going.
 Once they were on the road again Raven watched the scenery as Lian talked about everything she wanted to do. She was mostly fascinated with the idea of horses, she wanted to ride one. Roy thought it was amusing and said he’d look into if Bird still had the horses for her to ride.
“You never said how you were tied to the tribes,” Raven said when Lian had fallen asleep and they drew near the Reservations. She could feel Roy’s tensions building.
“My dad, my biological dad, not Ollie, he was a Game Warden, he and my biological mom had me kind of young, it didn’t work out well. His second wife was a part of the tribe, Catherine was a sweetheart,” Roy admitted.
“What happened?”
“She died, Dad stayed on the Res with her family, so did I, and then dad died, and well, you know, I’m a fuck up,” Roy muttered the last bit more to himself than her.
“You’re not,” Raven said softly. He turned to look at her, and she smiled a bit. “We all mess up, make mistakes, do things we regret,” she said softly.
“Yeah, but, black out drunk, I think I killed Bird’s dad,” he said.
“I don’t think so,” Raven said levelly. “You’re not a killer Roy.”
“You sure about that? I am an Outlaw,” he said roguishly.
“Positive, it takes a killer to know a killer,” Raven said levelly. Roy was safe, he wasn’t afraid to take lethal action if push came to shove, but he worked so hard on not doing that. He did hand out crippling injuries, but he had never killed a single person as far as the knew.
“I think Thea and Brave Bow would disagree with you,” he said levelly.
“I don’t think so.”
“Rae, you’re not always right,” he pointed out.
“Maybe not, but I am right about this, Roy Harper. You are no killer.” She stated.
They turned onto a dusty road and Raven blinked; not seeing a street sign.
“Are you sure this is the road?” she sputtered.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“There’s no name,” she started.
“A lot of the roads aren’t marked; it’s just… just pay attention to where we’re going and we’ll be good.
Mary-Beth was bored. She was very bored.
Not that she didn’t like visiting her mother’s ranch, but she preferred life on Long Island with all her friends, and schooling.
They had come out here though for a few months, because her mom’s right hand man, John Trujillo, who was in charge of the while they were in New York, had called about a problem. Apparently an oil company wanted to take mom’s family land, so the dispute wasn’t pretty.
However, Alice had also managed to invite Rachel here for a weekend; that was a massive feat apparently which had her mother reorganizing and redecorating the guest rooms repeatedly.
The house her family lived in was built by her grandfather Alan, when he had settled in New Mexico. Her grandmother, Oolijee had refused to leave her family lands, so her grandfather had asked to build her a house. It was a massive house, seven bedrooms, five washrooms, plumbing, electricity, a huge kitchen, open porch and massive windows around to see the mountains. It was a nice house, and there were huge stables, and a nice house for the ranch hands to live in too. She knew it was nice, very nice, and well maintained, her grandfather had operated the property into a solid ranch; much to her grandmother’s delight, and kept it prosperous. It was a beautiful property, even her great-grandfather who had held nothing but disdain at best for her grandfather, had been impressed.
Mary looked up from her phone when John appeared at the foot of the stairs leading towards the house.
“Miss Roth,” he said softly.
“Mom’s in the guestrooms preparing for cousin Rachel and her friends,” she said to him. He nodded.
John Trujillo was a very intimidating man, a hard face, with dark eyes. He looked like the warriors of old honestly, even with his long hair styled like a mohawk. She didn’t understand why her mother had hired him, but the man was terrifying. So soft spoken and good with animals. Mary looked out at the expanse of nothing for miles until the mountains and sighed.
She was bored and there was no cell service!
John Trujillo was walking out of the house when an old car pulled up in a cloud of dust. He had gone to Alice because one of the ranch hand’s son had gone missing; Shiye was a good young lad but he was missing all the same, which was something of a concern. Alice had said to take out search parties, but to keep it quiet in case the person who had done the abduction was watching. She had also suggested ramping up security, which he agreed with.
John watched as a young woman got out of the car first. She had many piercings on her ears, that he could see, large sunglasses perched on her nose, long loose black hair that seemed to fall however it pleased around her, and a face of contradictions. She looked like Angela, he thought, and she looked very familiar. He couldn’t place his finger on why she looked familiar but she did.
She walked next to a tall man with red hair and a lean build, who was holding a black hair toddler with bright green eyes.
“Are you sure this is the place Roy?” the woman asked, her voice was a voice meant for seduction. Smokey, graveled, and beautiful, now he recognized her.
The Raven.
It had been many decades since he had last seen her. She was a beautiful young woman, he didn’t need her to remove her glasses to know those dark eyes were raking over him, assessing him to be a threat or alley.
“Well, it’s the right place, cous,” Mary’s voice said behind him.
“It’s nice to see you again Mary-Beth,” the Raven’s voice said smoothly.
“Rachel,” Mary said tightly. “This is mom’s right hand, and the head of the Ranch, John Trujillo,” Mary introduced him. “John, this is Rachel Roth, my Aunt Angela’s daughter.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” the Raven said holding her hand out.
He didn’t touch the empath as he tilted his head a bit in acknowledgement before walking by her. She was a small, slight woman and he saw those dark eyes watch him as walked by.
If the Raven was here then whatever was taking the children wasn’t no damn coyote; he would bet her arrival to mean the supernatural was stirring once again.
Shaggy didn’t struggle under Daphne’s bags as they walked to the car she had rented them to meet up with Fred and Velma.
A lot had changed over the years, but the jobs for PIs never really did. Daphne ran her blog, built her name up as a reporter, while Velma was still into all sorts of science work that he didn’t understand, and Fred was a budding author.
And he… well, when he wasn’t a PI he actually was a chef, at a restaurant he had opened up back in Coolsville. He’d have stayed in Louisiana, but he just couldn’t. Besides, yearly visits to check in on Grimwood Academy were taken and he got to see everything going on down at the plantation. The school had decided to plant Moonscar Island Chili Peppers. He had acquired Moonscar Island after Simone Lenoir’s and Lena Dupree’s ‘disappearance. Special Agent Beau Neville had all but begged him to so no one else got drawn into the weir voodoo.
Shaggy had because his own family’s plantation was close enough that acquiring the island was just an expansion of his plantation.
Yes, he kept his family’s ancient money and plantations a secret from the gang but he didn’t know how they’d look at him if they knew. Daphne knew, but her family was insanely rich and Mayflower old in the states with their wealth. Shaggy’s family was mostly French and had settled in New Oreleans area, it was because his mom married a Yank that he had grown up in Coolsville rather than on the family plantation.
“You’re here!” Fred shouted in glee, Velma smiled.
“We figured we’d pick you up at the airport rather than making you drive all the way up,” Velma said as she got out of the Mystery van.
“RELMA!” Scooby bellowed as he pounced her in glee.
“Thanks!” Daphne said.
“Yeah, thanks!” Shaggy grinned as Fred took some of the bags that belonged to Daphne.
“Just like old times,” Fred said.
“She doesn’t pack less,” Shaggy muttered as they packed up the van. The gang took their normal seats, he was sitting with Scooby as they looked over the custom Scooby snacks Velma had picked up for them.
“It is a weird case, and no one’s digging into it,” Velma said.
“Why not?”
“Alice said they don’t look into reservation problems and there aren’t enough cops on the reservation to look into this, and all the leads are dead ends,” Fred said.
“That’s sad,” Daphne said.
“Yeah,” Shaggy agreed as Scooby’s head rested on his shoulder. He didn’t like solving mysteries, but they did make him feel like he was giving something back to life by solving them.
Despite the PTS, anxiety and his ADHD going off the wall when they worked them.
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iwritethat · 6 years
UnreQUITed - Part 2
Request: Would you be willing to write a part two of "UnreQUITed"? If you're not too busy with other requests? I'd greatly appreciate it, thank you so much!
Could you please do a part two to unreQUITed? It was so good! ❤️
Part 2 requests in general tbh
A/N: Here it is and I doubt it’s what you all were expecting... 😭
~ Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~
Disappearing was probably the best decision you'd ever made, you'd returned to your roots - the heartless nature that made you once again assassin material. Although, you were not exactly in that line of work since you'd sworn off of killing for Dick Grayson long ago.
It wasn't that bad, with the amount of money you earn from gathering intel and obtaining certain items for your previous wealthy clientele, it was easy to maintain a luxurious lifestyle whilst on the run.
As expected, it would soon come to an end with the passing months but never did you imagine you'd be working a weapons merchant when it happened.
In your defence, you were there to retrieve the priceless stolen pistol of your client, one that had diamond encrusted detailing, used silver bullets and was the colour of silky ivory. As a result of its unique beauty, said arms dealer kept it on his person as a display of power - you were basically his right hand/resident charmer.
The meeting was interrupted when a set of crimson arrows soared through the air striking down his men with miraculous precision - however, due to your amplified reflexes you effortlessly caught the one targeting your heart. Not that you had one anymore.
Since the place was being raided anyway, you gave a tired sigh when knocking out your boss, his body falling to unconsciousness on the cold tile of the office whilst you apprehended the pistol. Just then, a henchmen flung through the door followed by his attacker who appeared to be wearing a red - oh no.
"(Y-y/n)?! You're alright and here?! Fuck I missed you!" This was weird, Jason immediately disarmed and embraced your confused form. The gesture was loving and kind, one that showed he truly did care and you almost felt guilty for not bidding adios to him personally.
"I- Jay I didn't..."
"And Hell nice suit/dress."
"Haha, do I look good?"
"You always look good. What are you doing here anyway - and why are you stealing my thunder?" The Red Hood crossed his arms expectantly, waiting for your answer.
"Ah, I'm working." A simple but honest statement on your part.
"Working - please tell me it's nothing bad I should worry about and fight you over? Also, that why you taking his gun?"
"Wow, don't you trust me Jason? I know I've been gone a while but I used to be your go to if I wasn't with your brother. Anyways, gotta go." You claimed, edging around him rather smoothly before disappearing into the night.
You weren't stupid, he was probably tracking you now because Jason hated losing people and he'd be damned if he let you vanish again. So later that night you sat casually atop a rooftop overlooking your city of the week in normal attire simply awaiting his arrival and moping about your awkward client. Your confederate had been travelling and now the new drop off point was freaking Gotham - it could be worse, it could be Blüdhaven.
A fleck of shimmering ambers filled your peripheral vision and displayed a smiling Kori and dangling Roy.
"(Y/n)! It's been so long dear friend."
"Wait?! This is (Y/n)?! The lackey that caught my arrow - damn Dick used to talk about you all the time. I can see why Jason mentioned you on a few occasions too." Roy cockily saluted in greeting once marvelling at who your actually were.
"Yeah yeah Harper you finally met (Y/n) (L/n), good for you. You knew I was coming huh?" Jason's voice mocked from behind you, accompanying his heavy footsteps.
"What a guess, I'm glad you've learnt something in my absence. Now how can I help you Outlaws?" Your response was sarcastic but playful.
"Actually I wanted you to join us, my answer is yes albeit late."
You clicked your tongue, and shook your head dismissively. "You didn't need me then Jason, so you don't need me now. Besides I'm better off on my own, if I run with you and Dick finds out we'll both be in trouble - only unlike you I can't be around him."
"At least come back to Gotham with me and catch up a bit? You didn't only leave your beloved Dickiebird behind y'know." Jason’s words were kind of a low blow but suited to the man they originated from.
"Okay, I owe you that." You punched the cocky anti hero in the shoulder and you had a meeting there anyway, 20% extra pay due to the change in location of your client.
Gotham City. It was strange being back to be honest and you had no intention of sticking around once you'd hit the drop off. The first thing on your checklist, as soon as you'd split from the Outlaws upon arrival, was meeting your client and returning his expensive lost artefact meanwhile attaining a large sum in your bank account. However, it seemed as one door closes, many more open thanks to the contacts your client has on hand. You weren’t the only renegade he knew and it seemed this job was most likely a set up judging by your clients chosen company.
"Ah, it's been a while (Y/n) (L/n)." That voice, it sent shivers down your spine, it was unmistakeable - one whose orders you mindlessly obliged by for many years until Dick saved you.
"It has. And I'd prefer it to be longer, good ridence." You didn't even bother turning to face him, hand waving in dismissal.
"What would your little birdie think of that behaviour? In fact I've heard you aren't fighting together anymore - what's a Nightwing without his heart hm? Now if you comply again, we won't have to find out will we?" The arrogant figure knew he'd struck a nerve as soon as you'd froze at the mention of a repressed ally. He had your high class skills hostage now, because even if you didn't love him, how could you let anyone lay a finger on Dick Grayson?
Clad in civilian attire, you propped yourself against the wall, a majority of your weight leaning on your back and foot kicked up on the bricks. Jason Todd emerged from the take away joint soon after, tossing a paper bag in your direction that shattered your dwelling on that recent but haunting memory. You gave him a questioning look once peering inside.
"How'd you know my favourite order?"
"Dick knew, I found out from him."
"Does he know?! That I'm here in Gotham? With you?"
"Nah, give me some credit doll."
"Don't call me that, anyway how've you been?" You began a nostalgic conversation, old memories and past experiences retold like a towns fable that kept you occupied until your food was tossed.
A melodious laugh escaped your lips, recalling one of your adventures.
"Miami was the best, this lovely woman tried- oh nooo..." As well as your speech, your body short circuited too when taking in the glimpse of raven hair and blue eyes, you'd have been fine if it wasn't so recognisable.
Jason suspiciously gazed in your line of sight and mentally facepalmed, he should've known that the Gods or Demons would've tried to bring you together again. Thankfully, Dick's attention was solely focused on Damian and before he could process what was happening you'd dragged Jason into the nearest alley and pinned him to the wall with a hand covering his mouth. Jason cocked a brow, removing your hand with a 'seriously?' look crossing his features but alas, your eyes were trained on his brother.
"Hey, relax. Focus on me instead or better yet getting out of this?"
"He's right there. I could go straight up and say hi, tell him that I've missed him... I could do that."
“I know, and in the interest of that promise you forced on me, the keeping you un-lovestruck one, you better forgive me for this.” The vigilante ensured your presence by wrapping his arms around your waist, closing the distance between you which now had your full attention since you couldn’t get away.
“Restraining me? Guess I should be thanking you huh.” You sighed hopelessly, cursing at Cupid for ever concocting his dysfunctional theory of love.
“Todd, thought we saw you run.” Damian called, his tone doubling as a warning. Of course the Wayne recognised you and wanted nothing more than to welcome you home but knew how you felt about Dick. It was best to leave matters for now instead attempting to delay his eldest sibling.
Internally you were freaking out, but you knew the youngest well enough to understand the hidden meaning - he was giving you time. He intentionally made an appearance before Dick could catch Jason, you didn’t have long but hopefully the shadowy uneven lighting of the alleyway would aid your concealment.
Hearing the fast approaching footsteps, you turned away from the alley entrance desperately praying that he wouldn’t recognise the back of your head as you shifted further into Jason’s touch. However, Jason was the quick thinking one, moving to capture your lips with his own, at first you were surprised but melted into it - people avoid PDA, it should encourage them to leave sooner.
“Damian, you could’ve waited you know. Huh hey I knew it was you Jay, and your partner...?” Dick Grayson, oh boy he was still amazing.
You clenched Jason’s leather jacket, palms sweating from the mere ripples of the lost tone as you pulled away from him. You’d hoped you’d forget his kind voice, the way it gently tugged at your heartstrings in a charming manner that always sped up your heartbeat, the way it sounded like a melody and was capable of reanimating the past memories you’d spent hearing it, how well it fitted into your life and fuelled your heart. As much as your love begged you, you couldn’t look at him and show your face or else he’d know instantaneously.
“Thanks for interrupting, whatcha want?” Jason casually stated, running a hand almost gingerly down your side.
“это личные дела, моя любовь. [[These are private matters my love.]]” Now the Russian accent was perfection and the language was fluent, convincing enough to be believable as you’d only learnt it in your absence meaning it was one less thing Dick could link to your identity. You certainly knew Richard could understand Russian, Jason too so when you felt him uncharacteristically melt, muscles relaxing and heart rate increasing upon hearing your last two words maybe he misheard?
“I’ll catch up with you both later but I’m on business right now.” Jason carefully informed them, sending a wink to his brothers signifying it was vigilante related and that was enough for them. With nods and goodbyes they were gone.
“My love? (Y/n), you learnt Russian?!” Jason asked breathlessly once they’d disappeared, however instead of being met with your usual blissful smile you were briskly removing sparkling tears.
You took a step back, trying to focus on anything else - a flare of disappointment sparked within you, you’d wholeheartedly believed you were over the mesmerising acrobat but that was easier to argue when not in his drawing presence as you’d recently learnt. Jason could only give you a sympathetic look as you built up your walls again, apparently weaker than you thought.
“They probably thought I was a Russian drug lord.” You forced laughter and a smug smile as the situation was amusing, but barely managing it through your silent sobs over Grayson.
“You’d make a good drug dealer.” The male in front of you automatically comforted, compliments always came easy with you no matter how distorted they were.
“Ahem, anyway thanks for the food but I should go back to my hotel. The quicker I leave Gotham the better.” It didn’t take long for you to fix yourself, saluting Jason who had offered to walk you back to your hotel.
The stroll provided time to say goodbye, as much as you weren’t expecting it he told you to keep in contact this time.
It was nice actually, to know they still cared about you even now and after your first disappearance. The thought put a warm flutter in the pit of your stomach, however that soon dispersed as you reached your bed. On it was a pristine box decorated with a matte black bow; one you hesitantly untied and begrudgingly opened.
The noir silk cascaded to the floor once you lay your eyes on its familiar contents, shades of the amber and black armor withholding your attention span. The suit was accompanied by a mocking note of your last encounter, the inscription ringing of that dark voice you never wanted to hear again as you read over it in your mind tenfold with blood pulsating at an unfathomable pace - it was like you could feel every cell throbbingly reject the so called ‘gift’. But after encountering him amidst the pistol exchange, the threat he’d made rang strong.
‘Welcome back, “моя любовь” was it? ~ Slade Wilson.’
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