edyacouky · 2 years
Pretty Woman
Trop de difficulté à écrire depuis un moment, j’essaye de m’y remettre mais le faire en anglais rend la tache plus compliqué. Alors je l’ai écrite en français.
Pour ceux qui seront le lire: Bonne lecture !
William sort de chez lui en quête de plaisir nocturne et tombe sur Peter, prostitué dans les Narrows. Ou Roy et Jason joue un jeu pour l'anniversaire de Jason
William roulait au beau milieu de la nuit dans les rues de Gotham.
Il était sortie de son duplex dans Monolith Square. Il essayait de se convaincre qu’il comptait juste faire un tour de voiture pour s’aider à dormir. Rien de plus.
Mais il descendait vers Narrows et plus il voyait les prostitués plus il savait qu’il n’allait pas finir seul ce soir.
Il se mit à rouler doucement au pas, regardant toutes les travailleuses et tous les travailleurs de la nuit qui lui prêtaient plus d’attention.
Il fini par remarquer un prostitué dans un angle.
C’était un beau et un grand jeune homme. Il avait des cheveux brun bouclés plus long sur le dessus et rasé de près sur le côté. Il portait un short en jean très court avec un crop top rouge et une veste en cuir.
Putain, il avait besoin d’avoir cet homme pour lui.
Quand il s’arrêta, une femme s’approcha de sa fenêtre passager alors qu’il l’ouvrait.
« Salut trésor. Besoin de compagnie ?
-Je dirais pas non, mais je pensais plutôt au gars derrière toi.
-Tant pis pour toi mon cœur. »
Au début le prostitué ne semblait pas s’intéresser à William, il dû klaxonner après avoir fait plusieurs signes de main.
« Je peux t’aider ? L’homme demanda en s’appuyant sur la fenêtre
-J’espère bien. Je peux t’emmener quelque part ? »
L’homme regarda William de haut en bas puis regarda la voiture.
« T’es flic ?
-T’es obligé de me le dire si tu l’es, même si t’es pas en service.
-Promis je ne suis pas flic. »
L’homme haussa les épaules avant de monter.
« William. Il se présenta
-Peter. »
William se mit à rouler doucement un peu au hasard alors qu’un silence gêné commençait à émerger.
« Alors … comment est-ce que … ? »
William se racla la gorge.
« 50 pour une fellation, 100 pour rapport anal dans la voiture. Je me permet de prendre des frais supplémentaires suivant tes demandes.
-Et si je te ramène chez moi ?
-200 minimum.
-Ça marche. »
Peter monta en voiture avec nonchalance. Il mit sa ceinture sans plus regarder William.
William quant à lui ne pouvait détourner le regard. Avec la lumière intérieur de la voiture, il remarqua enfin que Peter était maquillé.
Il avait mis du mascara et de l’eyeliner qui faisait ressortir le vert de ses yeux. Il avait également mis du fard à paupière pailleté.
Mais ce qui accrochait le plus le regard de William fut le gloss rouge sur les lèvres déjà pulpeuse de Peter. Bien malgré lui, il imagina toutes les choses indécentes que ces lèvres allaient faire.
Est-ce qu’il va arriver à tenir jusqu’à la maison alors qu’il veut prendre Peter là maintenant.
« Tu préfères faire ça dans la voiture finalement ? » Peter demanda d’un air coquin en s’apercevant de l’effet qu’il lui faisait
William sursauta et rougit, il assura que non en bredouillant et en redémarrant tant bien que mal la voiture.
Et ce foutu Peter qui cachait très mal son rire derrière sa main. Il n’avait qu’une seule envie.
L’embrasser comme un fou.
Depuis le moment où ils s’étaient retrouvé qu’à quelques centimètres l’un de l’autre, Roy sentit un courant électrique envahir tout son corps, hérissait les poils derrière sa nuque.
Ils n’arriveraient jamais assez vite chez lui.
Après une rencontre gênant avec sa voisine du troisième dans l’ascenseur qui leur souhaita une bonne journée, ils arrivèrent chez William.
À peine la porte refermée, William plaqua Peter contre le mur et voulu l’embrasser. Peter le stoppa, posant ses doigts sur ses lèvres.
« Doucement Cassanova. Tu es sûr que tu peux me payer ? »
Sans un mot de plus, William sourit en s’approchant de la table dans son salon. Il sortit une grosse, vraiment très grosse liasse de billet de sa veste.
Peter écarquilla les yeux avant de les battre frénétiquement.
« Ce sont des faux ?
-Tu avais autant d’argent sur toi en te rendant dans un endroit surnommé Crime Alley ?
-Alors ça fera assez ?
-C’était extrêmement dangereux.
-Tu t’inquiètes pour moi ? C’est chou.
-T’es qu’un abrutit. »
Sans perdre de son aplomb, William plaqua Peter contre la table, passant une de ses jambes entre les siennes. Ses lèvres frôlèrent celle de Peter.
Ils étaient tellement près l’un de l’autre que William pouvait sentir la respiration de Peter s’arrêtait brusquement avant qu’il n’essaye de la contrôler à nouveau.
« Alors on s’arrête là ? »
Peter s’humecta les lèvres en évitant son regard.
Il se retourna légèrement pour faire mine de compter les billets. William chercha à connaître les pensées de Peter.
Est-ce qu’il avait tout raté ? Est-ce qu’il l’avait fait trop peur à Peter ?
Peter posa sa main sur la clavicule de William en se retournant, le coupant la respiration.
Quand ils s’embrassèrent, William ne put s’empêcher de gémir de soulagement.
« Tant qu’à être là, je ne vais pas partir les mains vides. Peter susurra
-Putain, merci. »
William attrapa les hanches de Peter pour le retourner. Il mordit son cou tout en ouvrant le short de Peter.
« Quelqu’un est impatient.
-Tu n’as aucune idée à quel point. »
Leur rapport fut intense et rapide. La table avait tellement raclée le sol que William était persuadé que son voisin de dessous allait se plaindre le lendemain.
Et tous ses voisins allaient avoir de quoi se plaindre, car la nuit ne faisait que commencer.
William était attaché au montant du lit, Peter, qui ne portait plus que sa veste en cuir, le chevauchait lentement alors que les rayons du soleil commençaient à dessiner leur corps quand ils eurent un autre des nombreux orgasmes de la nuit.
Finalement fatigués, Peter s’écroula sur William.
« Putain … C’était une nuit mémorable. William s’exclama tandis que Peter souriait. Et maintenant ?
-Maintenant ? »
Peter l’embrassa langoureusement avant de lui répondre.
« Maintenant, je vais te laisser attaché pendant que je regarde si t’as d’autres liasses de billets qui traînent ou des objets que je pourrais revendre.
-Quoi ? »
Peter souri malicieusement en se redressant et quitta la chambre.
William perdit son sourire et tira sur les menottes.
« Peter. Peter ! Jason, je te jure que si tu fais quoi que ce soit à mes Roybot ! »
Jason revint s’appuyant sur la rambarde de la porte. Il était complètement nu maintenant et était en train de se démaquiller.
« Sérieusement Roytoy ? C’est ce qu’il te faut pour dire nos mots de sécurité. Rigola-t-il en s’avançant vers leur lit. Et je croyais que le garçon dont s’était l’anniversaire avait le droit de faire ce qu’il veut. »
Ils continuèrent à se chamailler pendant que Jason détachait Roy. Ils finirent par bailler entre chaque mot et décidèrent de reprendre après une bonne douche et une bonne sieste.
Une fois installé dans un lit avec des draps propres, enlacés dans les bras l’un de l’autre Roy dit :
« Bon anniversaire Jaybird. C’était un bon anniversaire ?
-Le meilleur.
-Parfait. »
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edyacouky · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Summary:
For the JayRoy week 2022. Day 01 : Cauth in Act and the Family find out.
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edyacouky · 2 years
Suprise !
For the JayRoy week 2022. Day 01 : Cauth in Act and the Family find out.
“Oh come on Jay! Please, just come with us. -Yeah but no.”
Jason looks at his brothers with a smirk. They all were changing for the Gala of the Watson and none of them wanted to go. Victoire Watson, once sightly drunk, love to grope men and pinch boys cheek and the Wayne seem to be her favorite target. Something about them looking like her old flame, which look nothing like her husband. The invitation was for all the family, but Jason broke his ankle, so he has the perfect excuse for not going. And knowing that Jason and his curly hair were always her favorite target, so there is no way he will come.
“I think that it is pretty suspicious that Todd “broke” his ankle right before this atrocity that some imbecile call a gala. Damian says while trying to knot his tie -It is not “broke”, Jason defend himself, it is broke. -And how does it happen already? Because you weren’t very forward about what happen to you. Tim argues -I fell on stair. -Pretty suspicious. -And pretty lame too. How the hell did you fail on stair? -An unicorn pushed me. -Don’t joke about unicorn, Todd. There are vicious creature. -You believe in unicorn, Damian. Tim laugh -Santa is real, dragon are real, but not unicorn? Yeah, Drake, your logic is irrefutable. -Gotta ya.”
The boys keep arguing when Alfred enter in the room to tell them it is time to leave. After some argument, they all finish in the hall. Jason keep smiling sit in the stair, while his brothers all try to stay.
“Please Bruce I am sure Littlewing will be bored all alone, here without anyone. -Not at all. -Believe me, chum. I already try.” Bruce answers looking at Alfred
All the boys snort at that.
“Happy to know you want to spend time with me only when it’s profitable for you. -Jaylad, I didn’t mean it like that. To prove to you I will stay here with you. -Not a chance, Master Bruce. Everybody in the car right now. Don’t make me take the gun. -I am not comfortable with that idea.” Bruce say
They all finish to say goodbye and suddenly the Manor is deadly calm.
“Fuck, finally.” Jason says
He can’t wait to get back to his book.
Jason isn’t sure what time it is, after a while. All he knows for sure is that he is hungry and for a moment now. It is still weird for him to be able to chosen not to eat at each opportunity, knowing that there will be always food waiting for him. Using his crutch, he go to the kitchen. He prepare some carbonara when suddenly a silent alarm go on. Someone enter by the garage door. Armed with his crutch Jason goes in this direction. Probably some person thinking that all the rich are out of the house. Jason doesn’t blame them, he though doing it many time when he lived in the street. But all his family have so many item with emotional connection. It will be annoying dealing with the aftermath if he doesn’t even try to defend their things. Hiding behind a wall, Jason saw a shadow arrives. Without a hesitation, Jason punch the intruder. The man fall with a cry of pain. Jason raise the crutch for an another punch. “Stop! Please Jaybird! Stop! -Roy? Roy! Fuck! Sorry! I am so sorry! Are you alright? -Always a pleasure to fall for you.”
Roy had an another cry of pain while he is trying to raise up.
“I am so sorry. -That’s okay. I feel better already. -Why didn’t you call me? -Surprise! -Idiot.”
Jason smile and kiss him. With some difficulties, they both succeed put themselves on their feet.
“So how are the injured? -Hungry, honestly. I was cooking, would you want some? -Yes, of course. -Wait! I need to turn off the alarm before all my family come here. -Yeah, it would be awkward. What did you tell them to explain your injury? -Fell from a stair.”
Roy laughs.
“Well it is better than the true. -Asshole.”
Jason doesn’t know what he is doing here. A frat party is probably the last place in Earth where he would want to go. Some friends discuss about bringing him in front of Bruce, that found this was a great idea.
“You should enjoy your young Jaylad. You know at your age … -Please Master Bruce, I do not want to relive that.”
After a few minutes, Jason found somewhere quiet. He watches the time, but since he was there for only twenty minutes, Bruce doesn’t expect him home this soon. And he loves Bruce and his family, but he prefers not have another lecture about “not everything is learn in your books Jason.” Jason doesn’t really know what he is supposed to learn by being wasted. When things couldn’t be worst … Someone push him to go who knows where. He almost fell and is only stopped by some strong arms.
“Hey there. Seems like you have enough sweetie.”
The stranger take his soda, probably thinking that Jason put something else in there. Jason almost yell at him, mad about the assumption, but when he sees who it is, he forgot how to talk. Roy doesn’t recognize him immediately, but when he does he seems really happy to see him. They start talking about Dick and what they are doing in their life now. One thing leading to another, they finish on the lawn in front the house. They were still discussing when the sun rises. They realize how early -or late – it is when the sprinklers are start off.
“Shit! -Fuck!”
They run away laughing.
“Well, seems like the night is over. -Seems like it.”
They stand awkwardly in front of each other. None of them wanted the night to end.
“Do you … Oh sorry. No you, go ahead. Please.” They said as the same time.
They giggle awkwardly.
“Please. Jason say -Yeah … I was just propose you to go at my home. To change. Since we’re wet. -Isn’t too late to trick me go home for a night stand. Jason jokes -Probably. Good thing I want to see you again after today.”
Jason is embarrassed to realize he is blushing. And his cheeks become redder with each inch Roy take to approach their face. Finally Jason catch Roy’s neck so they can kiss.
After they decide not to tell their family about their new relationship. They wanted to take their time without feeling pressure in any direction. Especially since they didn’t know where they were going too. One morning after passing the night together in Roy’s apartment, Dick came without notices. Panicking, Jason jump from the window and fly away. It’s just some block away that he realize that the pain in the ankle didn’t seem to go away. Roy feel bad for Jason and wanted to go see him as soon as Jason tell him, but he refuse.
“If my brother, if Dick learn how I get hurt they will never let that down. -So I’m just be your secret for all our life. -You say that like you expect spend all your life with me. -Maybe I hope so.”
Jason was taken by surprise, I didn’t know how to answer. It seems like the kind of conversation they should have in person and not by phone.
“You know what? Next time we are in this situation, I won’t choose to jump. -And let your family see everything? -Maybe they will learn how to knot before enter.”
“I still do not understand how you knew I will be alone here? Jason says -Dick tell me all about Watson’s soirée. And all unfair it was that you don’t have to go. -Have brother they say, it would be fun they say. Seriously, they would literally throw me under the bus if they could. -Like you won’t do that to them. -True.”
They laugh. Roy and Jason is sitting in the couch, a movie they don’t watch on the TV. Jason lie his broken ankle on Roy’s thigh. Roy caress Jason’s calf absent-mindedly, but after a while, his hand caress his tight, going closer to his crotch with each caress.
“Roy. -Hm, Jaybird.”
It is a bad idea. They are in the living room, in Bruce’s home. Even in Jason’s room, they shouldn’t do it. Each time they were intimate was in Roy’s house. But they will come back in late night, early morning and the evening just started.
“Take off your clothes now.”
Roy grins before take off his shirt and kiss Jason that start taking off his short, carefully because of his cast. Roy kiss Jason’s stomach while lifting his shirt, then slowly going up, kissing his chest. He licks and bite one of his nipples while pinches the other. Jason whimpers and his nails scratch Roy’s back. He puts one of his hands on Roy’s ass to put their groin on each other, needed the friction.
“God, why the hell have you still your pant?”
Roy snorts.
“You can call me Roy, you know? -Asshole. Take it off.”
Roy’s pant and underwear fall in the floor next to Jason’s rest of clothes. Roy has his breath takes away when he sees Jason like that. Lying on the couch, blushing but with a mischievous smile and hungry eyes.
“You’re beautiful. -Shut up. -I am serious, Jason. I am so happy to have see you this night. -It’s not like we will never have met. You know my brother, remember? -It wouldn’t have been the same.”
Jason smile kind of embarrassed. The memory of the pain in the ass he gain by being sit too long on the grass, of the way their fingers brush each other all night, the way of the sun illuminate Roy’s hair and how shinny his smile was, make Jason warm.
“I love you.” He tells without he can’t stop himself
He fears he said the wrong thing with how much Roy’s eyes widen. He wants telling him he was joking. He wants admit out loud his feeling. He doesn’t know what he want. It must be the worst way possible to say “I love you” for the first time. They talk without really talking about their relationship. Not that Jason doesn’t want more, but he is too afraid that Roy still see him as some kind of booty call that happen to be the little brother of his best friend. He should tell Roy not taking him seriously. Maybe a blowjob would be a good distraction. Before he could take a decision, Roy look at him fondly.
“I love you too, Jaybird. I love you so much. -Yeah? -Yeah. -Well good thing I love you then. -Really good.”
Tenderly, they kiss. It feels so new and so familiar at the same time. Like seeing again after a long time in the darkness. Even this time of making love feel extremely intense despite being vanilla because of Jason’s injury. Their orgasm built slowly but couldn’t seem to come, teasing them cruelly.
Roy and Jason stop abruptly what they are doing. On the doorstep on the living room, all Jason’s family is here.
Bonus : “Please tell me you use a condom. -Dad please! Can you let us dress before question us? -I can’t believe that your sexy student was my brother! Roy, I ask you things that I never want to know about my brother! -I am your sexy student? -His dick is deep down… -Damian shut up!”
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edyacouky · 3 years
I’ve read multiple stories where Bruce is a sympathetic puker, so I’m just gonna go ahead and run with that
I imagine Jason as Robin and as red hood randomly gagging around Bruce just to get him off his ass
Bruce: [is pissed]
Jason, 14: [slurps drink] “you wanna do this here, b?”
Bruce: “Jason, I-“
Jason: [fake gags]
Bruce: [silently gags] “stop”
Jason: [eating his snack] “I could, or I could continue later. At a gala, at the watch tower, in front of commissioner Gordon. Really it’s your choice”
Bruce: “listen to me-“
Jason: [fake gags]
Bruce: [gags and runs out the room] “dammit Jason!”
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edyacouky · 3 years
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"It's going to be okay."
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edyacouky · 3 years
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edyacouky · 3 years
I was thinking of interaction between Tim and Damian and I was thinking :
Ra in the fandom is see as having a weird twisted interest for Tim. What if he decide to purse Tim (in aboverse or something else)
Obviously Tim is like "Nope. Not interested" and his family is protective.
But ! But, one day Damian and Tim argue about silly things and someone (probably Jason) say :
"Hey, be nicer with your grandma"
Everything become chaos and the worst is now everyone call Tim Damian's grandmother. Even Tim sometimes (when he want distract Damian or just upset him for example)
Anyway it's made me laugh so I put that here
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edyacouky · 3 years
Roy: Hey, uh, after you started dating Dick did you ever get threatening notes or anything?
Wally: Oh constantly. Honestly if I don't get a threat from Damian at least once a day I get worried. Like what if the kids hurt?
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edyacouky · 3 years
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What happens if your cat is overweight
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edyacouky · 3 years
Lately I’ve been thinking about Jason’s early days at the Manor and how no one probably ever told him what exactly happened between Dick and Bruce and why the first Robin isn’t there anymore.
I mean, Bruce would definitely not have talked about that, even back in the good old days he wasn’t the best at discussing emotionally difficult topics, and Alfred would have likely seen it as a breach of confidence and also wouldn’t want to burden Jason with something like that.
But that means that one day when Dick shows up with Wally in tow, the two of them getting some of Dick’s stuff he hadn’t gotten around to bringing to the Tower yet, Jason gets the absolutely wrong idea about the whole situation.
You see, from his perspective you have Bruce and Dick frostily ignoring each other, Alfred standing off to the side and looking on in clear frustration at how the two of them are behaving, and Wally practically glaring daggers at Bruce whenever he so much as looks in Dick’s direction. When Bruce finally tries to say something along the lines of “Dick, you’re too young to live on your own, come back to your family, you’re making a mistake.” Wally shuts him down with a heated “He’s got me and the other Titans, that’s all the family he needs.” and then they’re out the door.
And little Jason sees all of that, puts two and two together, and comes to the conclusion that Bruce and Dick are fighting because Dick’s gay and now living with Wally.
That of course leaves Jason in a moral dilemma - on the one hand he knows there’s nothing wrong with being gay and if Bruce is homophobic that’s obviously not right, but on the other hand Jason really likes living with Bruce, really likes him (has even hoped that maybe he would become his dad now), and he absolutely doesn’t want to go back to living on the streets or worse be put into the foster system, so he knows he can’t just openly show his disapproval (if Bruce kicked out his first son after nearly a decade for being gay he wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of Jason after a couple of months, right?)
So Jason, with all the hopefullness and confidence of a twelve-year-old who runs around Gotham at night in green shorts and a cape decides that what he’ll do is change Bruce’s opinion of gay people.
He obviously can’t just come right out and tell Bruce that he’s wrong, no, he goes about it subtly. First he just decorates a little in his room, putting a rainbow here, then a pride flag there.
Bruce comments that he’s happy Jason is finally feeling at home enough to make his room his own and that’s that.
Next Jason starts to read books written by or about famously gay people, starts listening to music and even dragging Bruce to art galleries that feature gay artists.
Bruce never makes a bad comment - they talk about the interesting plot points of the books, about the compositions of the songs, hell, Bruce even buys Jason one of the paintings he’d said he’d liked at the gallery.
And while internally Jason wonders if maybe Bruce is just hiding his opinions very well (he is Batman after all), a bigger part of him is convinced his plan is working, so for his grand finale he plans on inviting Dick and Wally for his birthday and seeing if now Bruce will be nicer to them.
While all of this is going on Bruce naturally picked up on the clues Jason was laying down (he is Batman after all), but comes to the conclusion that Jason is trying to tell him he’s gay in a way that lets him test the waters here in this new family.
And Bruce, in an attempt at giving his new son the freedom Dick has so often accused him of taking from him, doesn’t ever mention it because he wants to give Jason the opportunity to choose when he will tell him.
Of course, this all comes to a head at the faited birthday dinner.
Dick was kind of confused about why Jason would invite him, but he wants to at least try to be nice to the kid (and well, Alfred had told him Jason didn’t invite any friends from school, so how could Dick not show up?). Wally was even more confused about his invitation, but he’s certainly not letting Dick go to the Manor without moral support, so he comes, too.
The dinner is tense, no one really talking to each other, any conversation stilted and cold, no matter how much Jason or Alfred try to make things less awkward.
Finally, when dessert is served and it looks like Dick and Wally are about to leave Jason just can’t take it anymore and kind of blurts out “Why do you hate gay people so much?” at Bruce.
Cue confusion around the table as Bruce blinks in shock at Jason and stutters out that, no, he doesn’t hate gay people, what are you even talking about Jason?
And then Jason of course points at Dick and Wally and after what feels like a minute of silence Dick chokes out “You think we’re a couple?” while Bruce asks “You think I hate Dick?” and then finally, finally they all talk about what is really going on, and during that long discussion Bruce and Dick maybe also resolve a couple of their issues, because with Jason there and the time that has passed, some things appear in a different light now.
Bonus points if some time later Wally and Dick actually get together and Jason, like the smug little brother that he now is, declares that as he knew all along, he’s obviously the best detective in the family, move over Bruce, that title is his now.
(Double bonus points if years later Jason and Roy get together and now Bruce declares that he was right from the very start, so he was and always will be the best detective in the family, sorry kids, you just can’t beat the original.)
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edyacouky · 3 years
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Sometimes I feel like Jason just needs his own dog. Like Dogmeat (no joke, that is the name) from Fallout 4 who is indestructible, loves you unconditionally, and can occasionally find you ammo.
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edyacouky · 3 years
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uh sir what catering company did you say you’re from again
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edyacouky · 3 years
So, I have this idea for a Batfam time travel fanfic that starts when Jason, Tim and Damian are somehow teamed up for a mission (the disaster is practically inevitable from the beginning, but everyone else was either busy or injured, so Bruce had to begrudgingly send them out together) and just as you would expect, something goes terribly wrong.
Later Jason will say it was Tim’s fault because his cape got in the way and tripped Jason up, Tim will say Damian pushed him into Jason’s path so it was really Damian’s fault, and Damian will say that it was a reflection from Jason’s dumb helmet that blinded him and made him stumble into Tim, but regardless of what really happened, they somehow land right in the path of the strange ray gun their villain-of-the-week is wielding and are all hit by something that looks and sounds and feels like a bolt of lightning.
When they wake up, miraculously still alive and only a little bit sore, the warehouse around them is empty, their comms are dead, and once they make their way outside they quickly realize they’re in a Gotham years before their time.
Now, there are of course some very strict rules regarding time-travel and interacting with people they know in the past, but as their luck would have it, their entrance wasn’t exactly subtle (even in Gotham people notice lightning and thunder whithout a thunderstorm), and before they can even make it a block away from the warehouse Batman and Robin swing down from the rooftops and confront them.
Batman of course does his whole “Who are you and what do you want in my city” thing, complete with the growly voice and intimidating loom, but it’s not like that can faze any of his kids after all this time.
No, what gets to them, particularly Tim and Damian, is the teeny version of Dick standing next to Bruce. He can’t be any older than 11 or 12, and while Tim and Damian had both seen pictures and heard the stories, seeing their older brother standing as tall as he can (which isn’t all that tall even compared to them) in his bright yellow cape and the short pants next to Batman…well, can anyone really blame them for bursting out laughing?
Afficher davantage
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edyacouky · 3 years
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“Water fight!” by Denise Zhang  @DeniseFanta (make sure to like her work on Twitter!!) Posted with Permission
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edyacouky · 3 years
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Noir Princesses by Ástor Alexander
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edyacouky · 3 years
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edyacouky · 3 years
tim: doesn't anyone think it's kind of weird that jason is 23 and still lives in a one bedroom apartment with roy harper? dick: well, they're very good friends
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