#thank you for asking! I did sit here and go 'everything holy cow people keep bringing GOOD SHIT to the potluck' about the first 2 lol
teaandinanity · 4 months
hi, tea c: 5, 6, 19 & 20 for the love your fandom ask game, please? any fandom or fandom community in general. also may the rest of your weekend be kind!
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
I am SO MUCH of the two cakes school; I love that multiple authors will see something in a work and go 'hm, that needs fixing' and come up with completely different (but believable and good!) solutions. See: The Sheer Number of System Reveal Fics I have read for SVSSS. There are so many and so many are excellent. But like, this has been true in almost every fandom I've ever been in that wasn't a rowboat! I love that about fandom, generally.
6. something you see in art a lot and love
This is mostly for heavily-visual fandoms but I've seen a lot of artists who clearly looked at the character designs and said 'that's a fun jumping-off point!' and then create something where you can 100% recognize who the art is of but at the same time it is ENTIRELY theirs. I love that. It makes my brain do the happyfizz thing when someone has clearly chosen to yes-and the original design of something.
19. your current fandom(s)
The ones I'm actively making things for/consuming things in are Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, Baldur's Gate 3, and the perennial Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem.
20. your very first fandom!
I honestly do not remember. I'm old enough that this was in the dark ages lol
I think the first fic I found and read was for X-Files. Pretty sure the first fanworks I sought out on purpose were for Slayers. My first flurry of fanart was definitely inspired by Slayers and Sailor Moon (fairly sure that era was also Princess Rouge, which I doubt anyone remembers, and Record of Lodoss War and Dragon Half and Magic Knight Rayearth. I know all of them were on VHS tapes.). The first thing I created and posted fic for was either Kingdom Hearts or Avatar: The Last Airbender.
(questions from this list)
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curryandbread · 3 years
Can you do hcs for how the dorm leaders would react to falling for a male student in their respective dorms? Would they deny it or accept it?
TWST Dorm Leaders falling for a male student headcanons
Thank you for requesting!! Hope you like it!
TW: Mentions of homophobia
Riddle Rosehearts
He’d be absolutely confused.
The way he acts around you is iffy, why can’t he stay normal whenever you’re in his radar?
When he does realize he’s falling for a man such as you, he starts to become a lot more cautious and quiet around you.
He doesn’t know what to think. He grew up in such a conservative household, he’d feel like he’d be in the wrong here.
He was not exposed to such topics such as these, he spent nights tossing and turning on his bed,, thinking of how he’s going to handle these strange feelings.
“Why am I feeling this way?” “I feel like wanting to stay by his side more...” “Is it wrong? Is something wrong with me??” Riddle asks.
“Silly. That’s love, Riddle. You’re in love with him.” Trey chuckles, both of them talking at the dorm’s kitchen with the support of a candlelight.
Riddle would probably deny it for days, for some reason it just doesn’t feel right to him.
But as he let Trey’s words of reassurance and wisdom sink in, he started accepting it.
The next time he sees you, he musters up the courage to invite you out for a one-on-one unbirthday party with him. But of course as Cater from afar sees it, it is something more than just an unbirthday party.
Leona Kingscholar
Holy cow this man will probably deny it in a flash.
He’d be out like a light as soon as his body hits the bed. But for the first time, he’s grown to just stare at the moon from his terrace.
“How did it come to this?” He thinks.
The fact that you’re a dude, it gives him more reasons why he stays up at night. It had to be you out of all people.
He’s grown to be open to those kinds of things, he can be good at times. He knew that it was okay.
But at the same time, he recollects his thoughts and tells himself that it’s just not him.
As much as he wanted to let this out, he’s been used to keeping everything to himself as if it’s a matter to be handled in his own hands.
He could, but he just wouldn’t. He can only bench these overflowing feelings from you.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul never came to a conclusion that he’d get along with the topic of love, not even his brains foresaw the situation he is in now.
He’s aware of what he’s going through. But he also had to think twice if it was okay.
He never knew he’d discover something so vital to his whole being, and he thanks you for that.
He had second thoughts when he thought of telling Jade about this. It feels like he’ll meet his doom if he does tell Jade.
Azul slowly opens up to accepting his feelings towards you. Knowing there wouldn’t be any harm in loving you.
Day by day, he’d look forward to see you drop by at the Mostro Lounge. There are days where he’d wish you’d chime in at his VIP room to have a little catch-up after his overblot situation.
He doesn’t want to rush, nor does he want to let it stay with him. For now, he’ll go at his own pace.
He would hope that you’d share the same feelings as his.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is delighted that he found something so special that makes him look forward to a new day! It’s like he has a little alarm clock.
He doesn’t mind falling for you! However he won’t easily hint this.
He will wholeheartedly embrace and accept it for loving a man! In fact, he’s proud that he’s discovered more of himself.
When you’re not around, he would babble about how his day was spent with you to Jamil for a while, I mean, a while.
Jamil kinda gets annoyed with all the things Kalim tells him everyday and would just tell Kalim to “Just get together with him already!”
He doesn’t mind that you find out either. He’ll be waiting for an answer if ever though. He won’t be able sit still until you give him a response.
He wants to drink coconut juice with you all day, would even offer to give you a magic carpet ride with him. A whole new woooorld~
Vil Schoenheit
First of all, he found you absolutely beautiful. He’s never seen a man so charming.
He felt the need to be there with you as much as possible no matter what. Your presence intoxicates him, and he likes it.
When you exchange your greetings with each other, he’d just fall more into the warmth of your bright smile.
And yes, he’s not backing down on these feelings pressed onto him. Nothing can stop him. He knows what his heart wants.
He just won’t show it easily. But he would just shower you in nothing but compliments which leaves you thinking if he’s actually just being nice or something else.
He’ll give you simple things for you to remember him. A vase of flowers ordered from a high-end flower shop somewhere, a luxurious pack of skin care products! Anything that Vil can get his hands on that pleases you!
When the right time comes, he will most likely bring out the best in him, whatever it takes to keep you by his side.
Idia Shroud
“Is this a joke..?! This is no romance anime..!”
Yyyyyyeah. He’d deny it. No way is he gonna let you know about this.
Idia literally has social anxiety issues, what more if he realizes he likes someone; a guy!
His brain would just explode right then and there. He’s acting like a shoujo manga character and it’s sooo not like him.
He’d definitely hide this from Ortho. Ortho would be one to either scold his brother for being too dense, or pressure him to death.
He honestly doesn’t mind liking men, but to him it just feels off so it might not sit well for him in the next few weeks.
He’d drown himself in rhythm games and mangas, trying to brush aside that weight of obsession towards you.
Overthinking controls him.
Malleus Draconia
He’d be fascinated, for a creature such as him to experience such a thing called love.
He does take a liking to you after all, so what’s the point in hiding it?
He’ll happily embrace these feelings for you. He’s never felt so alive when he’s with you.
He wouldn’t tell anyone about these feelings, but it is painfully obvious to distinguish what’s on his mind.
He can never truly understand such feelings, however he’ll do what it takes to never let this falter.
Regardless of his feelings, he spends every second of his life with you as he indulges his feelings for you.
There will be a thought coming from the back of his head that it feels out of place to love a man. However he is not that shallow.
Lilia fully supports him, thanking your existence so that Malleus does not feel alone.
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amymel86 · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any bits of your awesome writing to share for WIP wednesday?😍
I just saw this anon!
And thank you for asking <3
This is a bit more of this as yet untitled 'post-apocalyptic/fertility/modern arranged relationship???' fic. The first bit I posted on tumblr is here and as before, some things are not yet decided (like town names) and things may change...
“Are you sure this is what you want to do, darling?” Her mother’s voice on the telephone was a balm to her soul.
Sansa’s finger brushed the soft vivid petals of the small potted iris she’d bought at the store today. The iris symbolises hope, wisdom and courage among other things and she prays that the pretty purple and yellow bloom will lend her some of those. “I’ve got to try something, Mum,” she says, turning her attention to the two separate bundles of paper in front of her. Two men, two candidates, two different futures. Sansa had filled out all the matching service’s extensive questionnaires and scrutinised all the information she could find on the program. It seemed simple enough – you’re rewarded for helping to repopulate. In turn, the authorities help to pair you with someone who should be a good match dependant on all the information they have about you. The aim is that this new generation of children are raised in the traditional family unit. That had appealed to Sansa. “I can’t seem to find the right guy all on my own anyway,” she said into her phone.
“How do you know it will be safe, though?”
“It says here that my situation will be monitored by my own caseworker. I can call them any time I want. They’re not just going to drop me at the guy’s house and just leave us get on with it.”
“Hmmm... tell me about them? These men that they’ve narrowed down for you.”
“One’s called Waymar, he’s a financial advisor here in the Vale,” Sasna pauses, looking at the man’s photograph on his paperwork before fishing out the other. “And the other is called Jon, he owns a farm in the Reach.”
“None in the north then?” Her mother has been itching to get her back home. “I just wish there was a way to know that either of them were good men, Sansa. That’s all I want for you.”
Sansa put the two photos together. Two possible fathers for her child.
“That’s what I want too.”
“Shit! Holy fucking shit!” Jon says to himself, hanging up from his phone-call. “Mance!” he yells, bursting out of his trailer to find the old man. “Mance! It worked! It fucking worked!”
He’d relented. When Mance first put it to him that he should sign up for that weird government breeding program or whatever the fuck it was, he thought the old man’s last brain-cell must’ve fried up in the sun. But if they were going to make it easier for them and it meant Mance could keep the farm (and Jon could carry on living there rent free), then it was worth a shot. So he had relented. He’d filled out what seemed to be a gazillion and one questions about himself, his politics, his views on family and finances and education and fucking... art and shit. These damned government people wanted to know everything about him down to whether he scrunched or folded his toilet paper it seemed. He’d even had to lie. He didn’t like doing it, but there was no way that a fertile was going to pick him if he didn’t. So, he fished out an old photograph – one taken before the bar brawl that lost him his sight in one eye, and he’d also lied his asscheeks off by claiming he had ownership of the farm. He knew – he knew – that these lies are just more things that were going to trip him up one of these days but with Mance urging him on, he’d signed that damn form and offered himself up for the program.
And now a fertile had chosen him.
Fuck, he might throw up.
This can go one of two ways. Either completely up Shit Creek without a paddle – with his lies and reality crashing down on top of one another, leaving them exposed... or, his fertile somehow looks past his deceits and sticks with him and they-... well, shit, he could actually become a father. No-one becomes parents these days, especially not ‘round here. Fertiles flock to the big cities, to men with bigger pockets, or they work for couples who can afford to pay them off in exchange for a kid or two.
“It worked?” Mance asks, rolling out from under an old Ford pickup that needed a new exhaust. “They sendin’ us a peach?”
Jon shook his head. “They’re not sendin’ you anyone, old man. An’ don’t call her that – they’re-“ Fuck, what did the council call them on all that paperwork? “Reproductively abled.” He’ll have to remember that if he doesn’t want to offend her.
“Well, shit,” Mance grins. “What did I tell ya? Knew your pretty face was good for somethin’!”
Jon frowns. “Ain’t so pretty no more though.” He might have to go get himself a patch to cover his milky, sightless eye. It’s fine most of the time since Mance is the only one he sees unless he’s going to drink at Hobb’s, but he certainly doesn’t want to put off his ferti- reproductively abled friend who’ll be arriving in three weeks.
“She got a name? Your new peach?” Mance asked, earning him a glare.
“Sansa. Sansa Stark.”
Mance grunts and nods. “Sounds fancy.”
Yeah... It did sound kinda fancy he supposes. Jon’s first reaction had been that it was a mighty beautiful name, but now he thinks of it...
“Shame we can’t look her up – see if she’s a beauty or not.”
Jon can’t remember a time when that was an option. He was barely 11 at the highest point of the virus’s hold. Government officials had deemed certain channels on the internet were causing more harm than good by spreading false rumours, incorrect statistics and completely counterintuitive medical advice. The whole thing was shut down, now deemed illegal, only to be reconnected again three years later apparently looking like a foreign landscape from the one before. The internet was no longer a platform to socialise, only government approved informative sites remained. Mance says it’s better this way – that all people used to do was post vain images of themselves for attention anyway.
Jon wouldn’t mind seeing a vain image of Sansa Stark right about now though.
Not that it mattered terribly. As long as they get along and she decides to stick around she could be as ugly as sin. In fact, she probably will be, won’t she? Most pretty ferti- reproductively abled women stick to the cities and its high-fliers.
It doesn’t matter, he told himself. You just gotta keep her happy here and-
“Mance?” he asks, an issue coming to mind. The man grunts in acknowledgement. “Where the fuck is she gonna sleep? She’s not gonna want to stay in my trailer.”
The man grins in response. “I’m glad you asked, boy. I’m glad you asked.”
Her caseworker was meant to meet her at the train station. It was quite a drive to the farm and he was meant to pick her up, make sure she’s safe and happy and introduce her to Jon.
That hasn’t happened.
“Please accept my apologies, my dear,” Mr Baelish said down the other end of the phone. “There’s been a mix up with my schedule. We can set you up for the night at a local motel or ask your match to come and get you. Which would you prefer?”
Sansa eyes the dirty looking motel across the street from the train station. Everything here at [[INSERT TOWN NAME]] seems a little on the... rundown side. Maybe the sooner she gets to the farm, the better. Plus, her tummy is all a flutter with anticipation to actually meet Jon. She’d wound up swaying towards Jon as a match due to a few reasons; 1 – he does not live in, around, or anywhere near Harry or his crazy mother. 2 – he owns a farm, and that had conjured up hazy daydreams of idyllic country life. Sansa may enjoy big nights out in the city, drinking her dirty margaritas and feeling her bones vibrate against the base beat in a nightclub, but she knows that’s not what she wants to raise a child around. A child will want to run barefoot through wheat fields and chase chickens and milk cows and –
Let’s just say Sansa has a few ideas and that they all helped to sway her away from city pleasures and towards farmhouse life. And Jon
And last, but not least, reason number 3 – Jon himself. Put side-by-side, his and Waymar’s photographs looked rather similar if truth be told, but Jon won out on something that Sansa just couldn’t describe. Looking at his photograph gave her goosepimples along her forearms because it was like he was looking right back at her. There was something in the depths of his eyes – a kindness? A wit? A strength? She’s not sure, but she couldn’t find the same qualities when she stared at Waymar’s likeness. And his answers too. His questionnaire was full of how he’d like to teach a kid how to walk and ride a bike and fix a... a tractor for heaven’s sake! And so her head was flooded once more of this idyllic life where they got up to watch the dawn stretch over the farmland and they’d grow their own vegetables and she’d bake a pie every day and it would just be perfect.
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Sansa glances around the near abandoned train station.
This doesn’t look so perfect right now.
“Could you please arrange for Jon to come and get me, Mr Baelish?”
It’s been an hour and fifty-six minutes precisely since Sansa last spoke to Mr Baelish to arrange her match coming to get her. An hour and fifty-six minutes of sitting on the curb, waiting, surrounded by her three suitcases. She’d started off by sitting at the nearby bus stop, purely because it was somewhere to sit and she had a clear view of the road, but after the rude bus driver insisted that if she’s sat there, she must be wanting to hop on his bus, Sansa decided to park her butt on the dusty, sun-baked curb instead. Her legs were beginning to numb and she was starting to get a headache from the sun beaming down on her head. The curls she’d styled into her copper locks have likely lost their hold by now. What a waste. Opposite, on the other side of the street, beside the dirty little motel, there was a tiny bar that advertised the fact that it hosted exotic dancers at the weekends with a blinking neon sign. Next to it was a hunting and fishing ‘emporium’ and beside that was a vacant store with an old dirty sign that read ‘Blouses & More!’. Presumably, the ‘& more’ still wasn’t enough to keep that fine establishment in business in this funny little town. At the end of the block was ‘Tarly’s Drugstore’ and Sansa had been debating with herself whether or not she should haul her suitcases over to go buy a drink and a magazine for about the last hour and fifty-five minutes.
But she hadn’t wanted to miss Jon Snow’s arrival.
Jon Snow, who seemed to be pulling up outside Tarly’s Drugstore in a dusty Ford pickup truck right about now. Sansa stood, expecting him to come right on over considering how long she’d been waiting for him, but she found herself wondering if she’d got it all wrong when she hadn’t caught a good enough look at him before he darted straight into the store.
Sansa is done with waiting. She grabs her smallest case and places it on top of her larger one, trying her darnedest to roll all her luggage across the road in a lady-like fashion. She could feel the eyes of several passers-by on her while her stiletto heels clip across the street. In turn, her own gaze fell to Jon’s cream-coloured truck. Its front bumper looked a little rusty and wonky too. There was a big gash in the leather of the bench seating on the passenger side. On the truck bed, there were a number of items, including a rocking chair that seems to have a couple of spindles on the chair-back missing, and a new double bed mattress wrapped in clear plastic. Sansa was almost done frowning at the state of the vehicle when the over-door bell of the drugstore tinkles.
“Holy shit,” he curses. And yes, it definitely was Jon standing right in front of her. Only... well... his hair was tied into a knot at the back of his head and.... and... he was wearing a black eye patch? “Uh,” he stood there, arms laden with bottles from the store as the gaze from his one good eye quickly darted down her frame and back up again. “You’re her, right? You’re Sansa Stark?”
Sansa found she could only nod, looking him up and down, like he was with her. He was in jeans with oil smears, some tough, heavy looking boots, a somehow pristine white vest and flannel shirt with the arms ripped off.
Speaking of arms...
Gods-damn! Sansa’s focus was momentarily derailed...
“Sorry, I-“ Jon starts before his grey eye drops to the floor and then returns to her, looking a little bashful. “I didn’t expect you to be so pretty.”
Oh boy. He may be wearing an eye patch right now but this man could win over a thousand girls with that smile, Sansa’s sure of it. She resists the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl. She’s here to find out if they’re well suited enough to start a family together – she needs to keep her head and think rationally, not allow herself to be swayed by his rugged country boy charm. It was Harry’s looks that enticed her in the first place – and look how well that turned out for her?
“Thank you,” Sansa says, blinking back at him before his words truly hit home. “Didn’t they give you my photograph?”
Jon shook his head. “No, ma’am.”
“Did they show you mine?”
Sansa bites her lip and gives a nod.
Jon grimaces. “So I guess you weren’t expecting this?” He points to his patch.
Sansa shakes her head. “No... did you... did you do something to injure it?”
Jerking his head, Jon begins rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand. “It’s a long story... but... it ain’t gonna get any better, if that’s what you’re askin’.”
They stood, staring at one another for a heartbeat or five before Jon sucks in a breath over his teeth and glances down to the bottles he clutched to his chest with one arm. “I tried to get you some things to help you feel at home,” he says, “these are the nicest smellin’ soaps ‘n’ stuff from Tarly’s.”
“Thank you,” Sansa replies, knowing full well that she brought her Highgarden Floral Scents bathroom range with her.
Jon chews on his lip as he eyes her suitcases. “Lemme get those for you,” he offers before dumping the bottles in his arms into the truck bed and reaching for her luggage. Sansa’s heeled shoes seem welded to the spot. Jon notices. Scrubbing both hands down his face in resignation, he takes a step closer to her and Sansa realises for the first time, that he had dirt beneath his fingernails. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. “It was a shitty thing for me to do,” he offers, his words low and husky. Sansa feels the timbre of his voice set off a trickle of gooseflesh down her spine. “I’m sorry.”
She blinks at him, momentarily confused.
“About this,” he explains, brows high on his head as he points to his patch. “I shouldn’t have sent that old photo of before this happened, but – fuck – even my ex-girl won’t acknowledge I exist anymore with this and I knew I shoulda been honest about it but-“
“This ex-girl...” Sansa suddenly found herself left with a sour taste in her mouth. “... does she still mean something to you?”
Jon licks at his lips, his eye falling briefly to her own. “No, ma’am,” he shakes his head.
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
The Transformation Thoughts
bc hsmtmts said gay rights
spoilers below
yesss seb doing the recap
wait did seb just say he was crying?!?! give him a hug 
cow baby!!!
wow miss jenn and seb having a civil conversation
Natalie is back!!
ej and ricky with the mask
kourtney’s outfit!!!
ashlyn’s outfit...
ahh so the awards and the show are separate, good, that’s how it works
i love it
ricky is lgbt do not try to convince me otherwise
like pop off
ricky and the mask
that mask is the true villain in season 2
“Belle, I-” flops
Ashlyn is carrying the scene, she is such a good Belle
how is ricky allowed on stage oh my god
the cap
that damn mask
“It’s okay, it was just my face”
Miss Jenn is hanging on by a thread
finally some ashlyn and ricky content
“Which they will” buddy have you faced the music? Have you seen Ricky?
“I think I might have been playing Troy at one point”
Miss Jenn needs help from someone who isn’t a teenager
“Mother is freaking out” High school theater at it’s finest
“There is math involved”
sassy seb
i can’t with east high’s tech crew, what are you doing?!?!
and why are the actors figuring out the tech stuff?!? i’m sure kourt, big red, ashlyn (she knows all), and seb (he lives on a farm) know what to do. 
the crew cannot be that bad
btw here are my thoughts on this scene
guys it is ashlyn’s house not yours
portwell shoulder bump
i. cannot. with. this. show.
lily wtf
“is this too weird” yes
like why?
lily like actually shut up
big red’s “wtf”
let her be evil damnit
“i’m just not well liked here” i wonder why
that was really weird, anyways
“he gets weird around tools”
me too
no give big red the drill he knows how to use it
someone write a fic about the girls and seb’s chaotic target run
why don’t you have a blackout and dramatic music and lights for the transformation, i know it isn’t award level but if done right it can be pretty dope
“I don’t know if my parents will be okay with me being at a co-ed sleepover”
“Chip, this is your mother speaking, go call your mother”
ashlyn’s bucket
they’re so gay soulmates
let big red have his skateboards
“i need to talk to seb at some point but it can wait” honey no it can’t wait seb is on the verge of a breakdown
wait they havent talked in a week
Im a hypocrite ive been dancing around someone for three years
“You’re still at school”
“I’m worried about my children” “She means us”
such a high school theater thing (like i got married during high school theater, we had a family tree)
“ah, Sebby”
“Now I’m pretty sad” give him a hug
the girls ship seblos
“But, I guess he has to be, out of default, right... there’s not a lot of choices for a boy like Carlos, here, at East.”
alright here come the tears 
why...why couldn’t he say “gay” or “queer” or “lgbt”?!?!
“Not so good at saying the feelings part out loud”
shiz that hit close to home. 
Seb is just making me cry today, isn’t he?
wait so we’re just going to change the subject? coming from a queer person, opening up about your problems about your sexuality is hard. like, there are things that happened years ago im just telling people. 
“You’re my sister, he’s my cousin”
it seems everyone except nina knows about the chocolates. imagine gossip time when gina told people write a fic
Nini just stop talking. It wasn’t a big deal, simple mistake. Not everything has to be big and dramatic
and wasn’t she just asking about Gina and Ej? 
Nini for the love of god it is not something to read into.
“The farmer type”
Ash and Red exchanging gossip
wait... why are they texting about this?
“Why wouldn’t he say something to me?” It’s a hard conversation to have. “hey are we together just because i’m your only option?” 
“Okay, pretty boy” HE CALLED HIM PRETTY BOY
carlos and gina chaotic siblings
give ej a hug 
“Sweet boy”
im so glad the guys are talking about their feelings.
Why a sleepover? It’s more of a hangout.
“Verging on failure”
jennzara therapy
slowwww burn
you go from hand holding to fist bump
disney please release an acoustic version of “let you go”
so it’s just carlos and ricky chillin’ at big red’s house?
do not play let you go for nini
do. not.
“You guys are a hallmark movie”
for once ricky is being smart
“the look on your face when you were talking about Seb tonight” smiles
he is so whipped
“I think you and Seb have something worth fighting for...bro”
that was so sweet and then there is bro
i love this show
“Sorry, I’m adjusting to being called bro” 
him and seb being awkward about feelings... that is a high school relationship
i love ricky in this scene
“Yeah, let’s just write”
nina shut the actual hell up
“It’s in the costume shop, somewhere” mood
“Thank you, 15″ THEY SAID THE THING
howie and kourtney oh my god what is happening
 “and begging”
“hi” he’s so nervous oh my lord.
he is so awkward around seb 
it’s like a switch
“Do you want to get risotto with me sometime” OH MY GOD THATS ADORABLE
gina’s little run
“Am I in trouble?” 
they’re so nervous 
oh my god its time
“You keep it all bottled up” GUYS I CANT ARGGGG
can ricky just like, go behind a curtain?
“lookin’ for our kind of love” carlos basically just said “i love you”
seb is so whipped like look at him?
they’re so in love
seb’s little eye role at “in a heartbeat, i choose you”
the hands omfg
oh my god they’re going to dance
gah the hands i cant
carlos is leading i love it
the tie
a tie just killed me
im combusting
You’re honor, they’re in love
i really thought carlos was going in for a kiss he is probably getting one later
i like how the dance isn’t big, it’s small and a little awkward bc right then it’s just them.
damnit big red
big red is legally required to interrupt almost kiss moments especially if it’s an lgbt kiss bc we cant have two in one season
in a heartbeat is so cute. Frankie showed UP this season with the vocals. there is no way that was all acting bc they looked so in love.
I...I love it
the lyrics are perfect
In a Heartbeat and Let You Go are probably the best OG songs of the season
“Siri, add In a Heartbeat to my gay sob playlist”
these boys are just serenading each other left and right 
so it’s just “yeah”!?!? That’s it!?!?! Seb could have least kissed him on the cheek or did they use all their kisses?
I love the song and love the scene, but there is so much more to discuss. Are we going to brush over the fact that Seb literally had an allergic reaction and didn’t get help because he didn’t want to disappoint Carlos!?!? Are we going to brush over “no, seb” and seb feeling like he has to get carlos big things!?! One “yeah” doesn’t erase all that. I’m hoping we get closure, proper closure, not a joke. 
In conclusion, only one thing was settled (Carlos loves Seb for Seb, not because he is the only out guy in school).
“Seb and Carlos suffer their first fight” effing liars
BTW it looks like they filmed the dance scene with the homecoming suits and normal outfits so disney release the footage
Ricky is the biggest Seblos shipper
you morons. are you using rigging without an adult there?!?!
im pretty sure that isn’t allowed. only trained people were allowed to use the rigging. it should be Natalie since she did it in HSM
you should have gotten mats are something or stand in a circle
i legit have no words oh my god 
they just killed the lead
you guys saw the rope you should have ran 
you should have gotten mats or blankets or something just in case
rigging is difficult, set rigging and people rigging
Looks like the sleepover is going to be in the ER
My gay heart is full but my theater heart is screaming. The episode went by really fast. I liked it, like a lot.
To answer the question, no, I am not okay @organic-guacamole and we will have a theater kid sleepover
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Can i get a yandere steve or bucky "rescuing reader" from a family brunch? She doesn't know him, hes been stalking her.
Who loves the characters stalking their darlings?? Meeee 🙈🙈🙈
Thank you for your request, honey!
Secret relationship
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, swearing, implied stalking, kidnapping.
Words: 1729.
Although the encounters with your family grew a bit more hostile over the year, this family brunch was an utter nightmare to you: your mom decided you didn’t know how worried she were about you having no decent partner. Listening to her trying to force you meeting a son of her coworker - “a very sweet boy with a kind heart and a nice salary, Y/N!” - you did your best not to roll your eyes. She was being impossible. Why on Earth did your mother think she could invade your life this way? You weren’t a kid anymore, and you didn’t need her interfering in your affairs.
But even your dad was unable to stop her as she kept talking more and more about you finally settling down. Once again your mother reminded you that in your age she had already had children of her own while you still struggled to find a man. Of course, she didn’t listen to you saying you didn’t want to settle down just yet. 
Internally screaming, you drank your tea, unable to touch those amazing cinnamon buns right in front of you because your mom would definitely ask you whether you kept a healthy diet. She sent you such a look when you wanted to order some pasta.
“Mom, please.” You exhaled, barely holding on. “Every time you tried fixing me up with someone it never worked out. I know you’re doing it for me, but, ugh, we just have very different taste in men. Dad, no offense!”
He had to suppress a laugh under your mother’s icy glare and quickly snatched a bun, pretending he’s busy eating. You couldn’t blame him - sometimes you wandered how he was holding on all those years with your mom.
She wasn’t a bad parent, really. You loved her, and she was ready to give you everything she had to make you happy, but sometimes your mother just couldn’t see the line where she had to stop. Of course, her concern was genuine, yet she had no right to intrude into your personal life like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Dear, if you were able to find a nice man on your own, I wouldn’t have to do it for you,” she said, narrowing her eyes at you, and you felt like hiding behind your dad’s back.
“Well, maybe I have someone, but I just don’t tell you about him!” You protested, setting your cup back on the saucer and crossing your arms on your chest. “Have you ever thought about that?”
“And why would you refuse letting me know you date someone decent?” She chuckled, lowering her fork into heavenly smelling spaghetti Bolognese. “The answer is simple, isn’t it? Because even if he exists he’s not decent!”
You were really fighting your growing desire to just stand up, pay for the meal at the counter and leave because your mother was really insufferable today. You could never understand her concern with you not seeing anyone. if you were still happy, why did it matter? Why didn’t she ask you about your reasons? The last relationship you were in was suffocating, and you thought you were still recovering from it, enjoying your freedom.
God, now you were really thinking of asking your friend to pretend you were dating just to calm down your mom.
Exhaling loudly and squeezing your eyes shut when your dad tried talking to her, you wished for this family brunch to end as quickly as it could. Well, could you maybe message some of your friends to give you a call and then act like it was your boss? Last time it worked.
“Sweetheart, why do you never pick up your phone?”
Someone’s voice rang right behind you, and you jumped a little in your seat, turning away from your parents and looking at the man standing too close to your liking. 
Holy cow. He looked like Adonis. Or Apollo. You couldn’t really tell, gawking at his impressive biceps barely hidden by his t-shirt, his tight jeans hugging all the right places - he reminded you of a ancient Greek statue, so picture-perfect and absolutely hot.
But what did this breathtakingly handsome stranger want from you? You certainly didn’t remember befriending any Greek gods in this lifetime.
“I’m sorry if I scared you. I admit I was a little mad you didn’t answer my calls.” He smiled, disarming and charming, and you were almost chocking on air at his tender tone. 
Then he lifted the sunglasses he was wearing, and you realized he was winking at you. 
Oh. Ooooh.
“I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, hurriedly taking out your phone from your bag hanging on the chair. “I put it on silent and forgot to check. Hi dear! How did you find me?”
“I’ve been secretly stalking you, of course.” He laughed it off, and the glasses kept going down on his nose until you saw who he really was. The next second you froze, happy you turned away from your parents as they would definitely see something wasn’t right.
Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, was staring back at you.
For a moment you forgot how to breathe, mentally kicking yourself to say something, anything at all to keep the conversation going. Captain America saw your miserable encounter with your mom and decided to give you a hand to escape this family brunch, and you weren’t even able to utter a single word. But who could blame you for that, right? How often did you see a superhero coming to rescue you from your own mom?
You needed to say something. You absolutely needed to say something.
“I will be more careful next time.” You managed to smile playfully at him, turning to face your parents and seeing they, too, had already realized who was standing in front of them. “Mom, dad, I’m sorry, but there’s a very good reason why I can’t meet that nice guy you were telling me about.”
“Please, forgive me my rudeness.” Steve hurriedly said as if he just saw people sitting at the same table with you, coming closer and extending his arm to your dad, then kissing the back of your mother’s hand. You were ready to laugh at her bedazzled expression, her mouth open a little. “My name is Steve. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Your father said in a quiet voice, unable to process who was standing close to him. 
It looked pretty surreal to you too, but you could hardly wish for a more perfect way to stop your mom from fixing you up with someone. Of course, you couldn’t tell her about your date because you were seeing Captain fucking America, alright? And no other sweet and nice boy could ever be compared to him, perfection of perfection.
You were so damn lucky Steve Rogers was willing to help you out here.
“I’m very sorry to interrupt your brunch, but I really need Y/N’s help with something and it's rather delicate. May I snatch her from you?” You could tell even your mother was absolutely abashed with his wide smile when Steve looked at her questioningly.
“O-of course, sir.” Your dad said, seeing his wife currently losing her ability to speak. “We perfectly understand. Thank you for taking care of her. Have a good day!”
With that you were finally free, standing up abruptly and clenching your bag in your hands as you bid your goodbye to your parents, now walking side by side with a national hero who had put his large arm around your waist like it was a usual thing. You still had a hard time accepting the fact it was Steve Rogers who had volunteered to save you. He was risking his privacy doing it - how did he know your mom or you wouldn’t run to paparazzi squad and claim you’re dating Captain America? It would surely bring him troubles.
Yet here you were, walking further and further from that little restaurant with him, unable to say a single word.
“Thank you so much, sir.” You barely whispered, and the man turned his head to you, smiling. “I don’t know what I’d do if you wouldn’t come.”
“Why are you calling me sir?” He laughed, shaking his head and rubbing your back affectionately. “I’m just Steve. Always happy to help a lady.”
Your cheeks were burning instantly, and you bit your lips, lowering your head and wondering how far did you have to walk together so your parents wouldn’t see you two parting ways. Hell, would your mom try to spy on you? It wouldn’t be surprising, actually.
So, you walked and walked until the restaurant became just a little spot somewhere far away.
“Thank you for your help.” You repeated, stopping in the middle of a street and making Steve frown, unable to understand why you weren’t willing to keep walking. “I’m so sorry I took so much of your time. You don’t have to accompany me any longer!”
“What?” He asked, looking at you with a slight concern. 
“I mean, I’m sure my parents had long lost us in the crowd. Besides, we’re so far from them, So, um, you don’t have to keep pretending.”
“What are you talking about, sweetheart?”
Taking his sunglasses away, he gently drew you closer to him, and you watched him tilting his head to the side as he rubbed circles on the back of your hand. Steve’s smile was so tender it was able to make you melt, but the way his eyes lingered on you... You suddenly felt uneasy. Why was he reluctant to let you go?
“I’m saying I’m alright and I can continue on my own, si-” You got silent for a second as his gaze turned dark. “Steve.”
“Let’s not a make a scene, dear.” He smiled, giving you a kiss on the forehead while you froze on the spot. “I don’t want your mom to think things haven't been great between us. It’s gonna break her heart, you know?”
Before you had time to say something, confused and a little scared of the things Steve was talking about, he had forcefully dragged you along to a car parked out on the street and opened the door, quickly pushing you inside. He closed the door right when you decided it was time to scream for help.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @ninefuckingoneone  
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xcamay · 4 years
Recruiting Chloe.
Hey there! I can’t believe it’s been years since I last published a fanfic on tumblr. And it’s been months since I last finished one... woo! It kind of feels great and rewarding though hehe. However, this is my first time writing a Choices fanfic, so I do hope it’ll be okay... Here goes nothing! Book: Queen B Pairings: Chloe x Veronica, and a little bit of Zoey x MC (Kate). Yes, I know many people don’t ship Chloe and Veronica, because “Veronica deserves better” and “Chloe’s an airhead and a meanie”, but I’m holding onto the fact that there’s more to Chloe than what we know... Warning: not entirely canon-compliant (seeing as I haven’t played since chapter 6 aired... I apologize if it sounds inaccurate sometimes). Also! This takes place after Veronica joined MC’s posse. And let’s forget about the Bacon-alia, okay? AO3 link ________________________________________________________________ “8:12 AM,” Kate slides her phone in her pocket and yawns, stretching her arms above her head, “Congratulations Zo, you got me out of bed early on a Wednesday. You know, the day we don’t have class in the morning.”
“Oh come on, I already apologized. But I really was craving some croissants this morning and I wanted you to try them,” Zoey smiles as she bites into her pastry, humming.
The two young women continue to stroll down the street at a relaxed pace, eating their respective croissant, joking around and sharing knowing smiles and glances. They stop next to a trash can, throwing the small bags while Zoey finishes her croissant, pinky finger raised.
“So? Verdict?” she offers Kate a wide smile, an eyebrow arched.
“Okay, you were right – they’re worth the awful alarm clock. Maybe we should get some more often. It’d be like our moment,” Kate grins as she steps closer, making Zoey grin back.
“Don’t we have enough moments already? You know, as roommates.”
“Is it really enough?”
“Do you think it is?”
“Do you?”
“Oh my god, Kate. Shut up and kiss me.”
“Your wish is my command, milady.”
They both smile before their lips tenderly meet for a few delightful seconds.
“Hey Zo,” Kate murmurs against her lips, “Let’s go back to our room.”
Zoey pecks her best friend’s lips one last time and nods, smiling. As they resume their walk, Kate slips her hand into Zoey’s.
“Wait a minute,” the new girl suddenly speaks, stopping in her tracks and squinting, “Is that Chloe over there?”
“There. Inside the coffee shop.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” Zoey blinks, “Wow. She… she looks so sad.”
“I wonder what happened… Oh well. She probably had another fight with Satan.”
“Not really, no.”
Kate jumps the moment she hears a new, additional voice next to her, “Holy shit! Veronica! Where did you come from?”
The famous beauty influencer rolls her eyes, her lips slightly tugging upward, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
However, her light smile vanishes as she looks at her blonde-haired friend inside the coffee shop. She seems to be tormented, her brows furrowed and her gaze fixed on the table.
“This is supposed to be our moment,” Veronica sighs, an unexpected veil of sadness crossing her eyes.
Kate and Zoey glance at each other.
“What do you mean, your moment?”
“Chloe and I come here every week, on Wednesday mornings precisely because we don’t have class before 10. It’s just the two of us, for breakfast. No Poppy, no The T, no homework, no livestream… except if it gets interesting, of course,” Veronica smiles a little, but it promptly fades away, “There’s nothing else, no one else. Just Chloe and me. It’s our moment,” she pauses a second, then winces, “Or well… I guess it used to be our moment. We’re… not really talking to each other anymore, so well.”
Kate taps her chin several times, “I think it can still be your moment. Nothing’s here to stop you. Except if you don’t want it, of course.”
“No way. I still want it to be our moment.”
“I feel like there’s more to the story than what you’re telling us,” Zoey hums, barely trying to hide her curiosity, “Veronica, do you… uh…”
The two roommates share a glance, hesitating. Should they really ask something as private as that? As they ponder the answer to that question, Veronica beats them to it.
“Do I have romantic feelings for Chloe?”
They nod, and the ombré-haired girl sharply breathes in.
“I do.”
“Then go! Go get your girl!” Kate exclaims, almost bouncing on her feet like a child who was promised an ice cream.
Veronica raises her eyebrows, “You just want me to recruit her for you.”
“Of course not,” the new girl answers, at the same time as Zoey bluntly says, “Yes.”
The latter’s eyes widen and she immediately corrects herself, “No, of course not!”
The influencer rolls her eyes, prompting Kate to look sheepish as she scratches the inside of her elbow.
“One of you is at least being honest.”
“Alright… yes. And why not, anyway? With what we now know and with you helping us, I think it’s better if we get Chloe on our side. And I think she will be more willing to listen to you than us. It’s better if you recruit her yourself. But! We kind of want you two to be reunited too, you know?”
“Let’s kill two birds with one stone,” Zoey adds, serious, “Recruit her. But, most importantly, get your girlfriend back. Shoo, go.” ________________________________________________________________ As soon as she steps into the coffee shop, Veronica makes a beeline for the booth she usually occupies with Chloe on every Wednesday morning. However, she feels her heart break at the sight: Chloe is sitting there, alone, staring into space. It seems like she has barely sipped her hibiscus tea – two or three swallows at the most.
“Hey there.”
The unexpected voice startles Chloe, whose eyes widen when she realizes who is standing right next to her. Her heart rate instantly skyrockets.
“V-Veronica! You… Wh-what are you-”
“Is this seat taken?”
“N-no. But… I-I’m sorry but I have somewhere to be,” Chloe says as she abruptly stands, bumping into the table and almost knocking her white mug over.
“No you don’t,” Veronica hastily says, stopping the girl in her tracks. She lightly bites her lip, before adding in a whisper, “Chlo, please… Stay with me?”
“I-” Chloe gulps, eyes darting everywhere.
She looks conflicted, distressed – so much that it hurts Veronica inside – but eventually sits down again, fiddling with her fingers. She looks at everything, everyone but the beauty influencer sitting across from her.
“So,” Veronica clears her throat, trying to get Chloe’s attention, “We need to talk.”
“V, not now…”
“Then when? You’ve been avoiding me ever since you made up with Poppy. We haven’t even been able to spend some quality time together. We don’t laze around on the couch anymore, we also stopped doing our makeup together. You… you’re not coming to my room anymore. Look, we haven’t even had our Wednesday breakfast in weeks now.”
“You don’t understand!” Chloe seems alarmed for a second, but then she lowers her gaze, her light blue eyes reflecting a sorrow she is desperately trying to hide, “I… I-I can’t be seen talking to you…”
“Chlo, look at me.”
But Chloe weakly shakes her head, nibbling her lips, while Veronica resists the urge to grab her hand.
“Chloe St. James.”
This time, the girl looks up, albeit hesitantly.
“She won’t do anything to you. I promise.”
“She can-”
“Believe me, she better not.”
At this, a light (but pleased) smile graces Chloe’s features, which makes Veronica grin back. The moment only lasts a few seconds though, Chloe’s smile disappearing as she drinks a mouthful of her red-colored tea. The influencer clears her throat and places her hands on the table.
She wants to hold Chloe’s so bad.
“Sorry you had to wait,” a voice suddenly interrupts her – it’s the waiter who always serves them. They offer Veronica a welcoming smile, “The usual?”
“Uh, no, thank you,” then she hastily adds, an idea crossing her mind, “Just your best lava cake, please.”
At this, Chloe blinks, but keeps her mouth closed.
“Right away!”
And they leave. Veronica’s eyes land once again on her dearest friend, warmth, affection and worry dancing in them.
“I knew something was up. The moment you left me on read and started avoiding me, I knew something happened,” she sighs, “And surprise, surprise. Poppy’s the one behind all that, right?”
Chloe doesn’t answer – but her silence is enough.
“Chlo, she- she doesn’t have to control your life like that. You should be the one making decisions for yourself. You do whatever you want to do with whoever you want to.”
“So what if you want to befriend Kate and Zoey? Or what if you want to spend time with me, the ‘traitorous cow’? She has no right to dictate your life.”
Chloe bites her lower lip, “V-”
“Chlo, you’re… you’re your own person. You’re not Poppy’s little lapdog-”
“I’m her second-in-command!”
“No, you’re- ah. Thank you.”
Veronica lets the waiter put the plate and the spoon on the table, before they leave. However, she doesn’t touch it, yet, capturing her friend’s attention once again.
“Chloe, no, you’re not her second-in-command. You’re the main pawn in her game, that’s all,” the blonde-haired girl lowers her gaze, pain twisting her features, and Veronica reaches for her – to no avail as Chloe’s hand immediately moves back, “Chlo…” she softly says, “You… do realize that, right? You know that ranking first is more important to Poppy than… you?”
“But she’s…” Chloe grabs her mug, seeking some support. Her knuckles quickly turn white before her shoulders sag, heavy, “She’s my best friend…”
“No, she’s not. Okay, she’s the first person who reached out to you here, I’ll give you that. But a best friend? Seriously? A girl who’s too blinded by her crown and who even goes as far as plotting revenge on you just because you ranked first for, what, a few hours? Do you really call that friendship? Is she really your best friend?”
Chloe bites her lips while sliding a shaky hand in her hair, the other still gripping tightly the mug’s handle.
“Chlo… You’re… you’re so much more than what she reduces you to.”
The blonde gulps with difficulty. She looks torn between so many things – what Poppy, her best friend, expects of her, their seemingly one-way deep friendship, her own needs and desires, the pressure which comes with her reputation at Belvoire, the dear friend she fell in love with…
“You deserve so much more.”
Veronica tentatively brushes Chloe’s fingertips with hers, her warm brown eyes never leaving her face, gauging her reaction. A tremor runs through Chloe, forcing her hand to let go of the mug and move back.
The beauty influencer can hear her heart suffocate, ready to crack. She is about to retract her own hand when she feels the tiniest, most hesitant caress on her fingers. Chloe looks at everything but Veronica, a light frown appearing on her face while her lips quiver, indicators of her internal, bone-crushing conflict.
“I-” Chloe starts, her voice clogged with guilt and sadness.
She draws in a deep, shaky breath and, finally, looks up when Veronica’s fingers interlace with hers. Her vision blurs as she holds back her tears.
“I miss you. I miss you so much.”
Veronica’s heart skips a beat, and she breathes back, “I miss you too.”
The grip around their intertwined fingers tightens, as if they are scared of letting the other go and losing her for good this time. Chloe’s first tears start rolling down her cheeks the moment their eyes meet, which prompts Veronica to immediately stand and sit on the booth seat next to her. She wraps an arm around her shoulders while the blonde-haired girl covers her face with her hands, sobbing quietly.
“Hey, hey,” Veronica whispers as she closes her eyes and presses her forehead against Chloe’s temple, heart painfully squeezing, “I’m so sorry I made you cry, Chlo… But you have to face the truth. It’s- it’s better if you do.”
“But it hurts…”
“I know… I know. The truth always hurts.”
Chloe shakily sniffs while slowly unveiling her face, trying to wipe all her tears away. She ends up smearing mascara under her eyes and removing her concealer. She looks so tired. Drained. Veronica’s brown eyes soften as she reaches for her purse and quickly pulls out a cotton pad and a vial filled with transparent liquid.
“My hero,” Chloe gives a weak smile, her light blue eyes still shining with tears, “I’m such a mess.”
“No,” Veronica gently dabs the damp pad under Chloe’s eyes, “You’re perfect.”
Chloe’s body start shaking again from the tears she is desperately trying to hold back. No one has ever said things like that to her, not even Poppy, her supposed best friend. She could have, so many times – when they were getting dressed for a party together, for example.
You look nice in that dress.
This skirt’s color looks good on you.
Just… a compliment. Some recognition. A little something which would have made her feel like she was somewhat important, like she was worth it. But no. No one has ever said something nice to her. No one… except Veronica. But with Veronica… it only happened when they were in bed together.
You’re beautiful Chlo, she said the first time she undressed Chloe, making her blush.
You were awesome, she murmured once in the shower, pulling Chloe up and kissing her like she was the only one for her.
Chlo, you’re gorgeous, she groaned the day Chloe straddled her, their breathless moans mingling together in a sweet, loving melody.
You know what? I feel so lucky right now, she smiled when Chloe took her time removing her dress, slowly revealing her new red lacy lingerie.
I want you. And only you, she breathed in the crook of Chloe’s neck the day they had their most agonizing fight, kissing every inch of her jaw, throat and collarbone.
I love you, she cried out once, delirious, intoxicated by the friction, the caresses, the kisses they shared during their most passionate night. Chloe’s heart had never beaten as fast as it did that night.
Of course, all these times mean a lot to Chloe. She fell in love with her friend, after all. But right now, at the coffee shop, it means the world to her.
Veronica gently cups her face and brushes her thumbs on her skin, wiping away some tears. A tingling sensation dances in the influencer’s wrists the moment Chloe curls her fingers around them. Their eyes meet for a second and, when the blonde offers a weak smile, Veronica leans in, tenderly capturing Chloe’s lips. Something bursts in their chests, akin to fireworks, while their mouths slide together perfectly, in harmony. Once, twice. Chloe brings their bodies closer, arms wrapped around her lover’s neck, and the latter smiles, her hands landing on Chloe’s hips, right where they belong. Their lips meet again for the third time, impatient.
When they break the kiss, they press their foreheads together, the tip of their noses brushing.
“Babe, I promise it’ll be okay…” Veronica whispers as she strokes Chloe’s soft blonde locks, looping one behind her ear.
A soft, muffled laugh escapes Chloe’s lips as more tears roll down her cheeks, “You know, I really like it when you call me babe.”
Veronica chuckles and kisses Chloe one more time.
… Okay, three more times.
“Feeling better?”
“A little,” the blonde sniffs, hastily wiping some tears away, “I’m still scared though. What am I supposed to tell Poppy?”
“Nothing. Just… forget about her. We’ll deal with her later,” Veronica pecks the tip of her secret lover’s nose, “Just know that you’re not alone anymore, okay? We’re in this together,” and another peck – on the lips this time, “Babe.”
Chloe’s cute little laugh warms Veronica’s heart. She doesn’t look as downcast as earlier; she even looks relieved, like a huge weight has been taken off her mind, and her smile is more sincere, more instinctive. She looks more like herself – like the girl Veronica fell in love with.
“Now, I believe there’s a lava cake waiting for us before class starts. What do you say?”
Chloe snuggles against Veronica, burying her face in the crook of her neck, “Sounds perfect.” ________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, outside the coffee shop, two girls give each other a high five, squealing in delight. ________________________________________________________________ Aaaaah I’m super nervous. :’3 But well, I do hope you guys liked that fic!
Thanks for reading and please, take care of yourself and your loved ones! See you. ♥
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 265: Tamaki What Did You Eat
Previously on BnHA: The heroes began their invasion of the Ol’ Villain Marriott. Down in the basement, Re-Destro was all “what’s going my fresh villain citizens, what a beautiful day, well I guess we should start that meeting” and they were all “WE’RE UNDER FUCKING ATTACK” and he made a face and I laughed. Class 1-B, Edgeshot, and Midnight then jovially killed some people, and then we cut to Dabi and Hawks! Hawks was all “sorry it has to be this way Bubaigawara but I’m gonna have to arrest you” and Twice got all Harry Potter in that one scene from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, and then he did the thing, and fucking Hawks just fucking stood there and DID NOTHING. So now he’s gonna have to fight 100,000 Twices I guess, and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs on his way to intervene and somehow make things even more chaotic. Also either Hawks or Dabi thinks heroes are scum, and I’m still not clear on which. But basically it’s safe to say that angst is on the way, friends.
Today on BnHA: Tamaki turns into a horse. I have questions. Dark Shadow fights fucking Re-Destro and fucking destroys him in like two seconds flat, like holy shit whaaaaat. Then Tokoyami just hops on inside of Fatgum like a goddamn marsupial, and spends several pages like this, during which I completely can’t focus the entire time but I do remember that we learned that Machia won’t be joining the fight because he apparently only listens to Tomura, so that’s convenient I guess. Then we cut to Twice and Hawks (I literally typed out “Dabi and Hawks” just now and had to go back and change it, so you can see where my mind is at), and Hawks defeats Twice and is all “guess I’ve got no choice” and is seriously going to kill him (hahaha what the fuck), but then DABI FUCKING BURNS THE ENTIRE ROOM DOWN WITH EVERYONE IN IT WHILE LAUGHING AND THEN THE CHAPTER JUST ENDS. I feel like I just got slapped in the face.
so before we start, let me just mention that I got a ton of asks and messages about the whole “HERO SCUM” line, and I appreciate everyone keeping me up to date on the twists and turns of our wild little fandom lol. so as you all probably know, in Viz’s translation of the last page they had Dabi saying the line (“Twice, this isn’t your fault. as always... scummy heroes are to blame”). so naturally everyone was either like “whaaaaat!” or “I KNEW IT!!”, but then Caleb went and deleted his original tweet saying that it was Dabi, and replaced it with a new tweet, the gist of which was basically “I don’t fucking know either” and admitting he wasn’t an authority on the matter. so to sum everything up, we basically don’t know and will never know until the anime airs this in about three years’ time, or until the only man who can actually clear this up decides to stop drawing weird mushroom men for five goddamn minutes so he can clarify for us
anyway, so in the meantime it’s time to see who’s having angst this week! probably everybody! let’s just assume it’s everybody and save some time
ohooo so we finally get to see why they had Tamaki and Tokoyami in the vanguard, eh?
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(ETA: gotta say, “you” is an awfully impersonal way to address someone whose entire body you are shortly going to stuff inside your little quirk papoose and tote around like a fanny pack.)
honestly this isn’t much of a mystery though lol. Tokoyami is obvious, and with Tamaki it’s probably because of his kraken thing if I had to guess
...excuse me sir is this leading where I think it’s leading
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sir. Mister Gum, sir. please do not tell me you are actually about to lead these children into the building and down into the basement. first of all the thought of you and Tamaki in yet another basement is already giving me PTSD so no thanks. and second of all, ???!?!?!?!?! [gestures incredulously to the two children] ?!?!?!???? [emphatically taps my computer screen with the wiki page showing their respective ages] ???!?!?!?!?!?! [gestures wildly toward a picture of Gigantomachia I pulled up just now in a google search. yeah that’s right. Gigantomachia!! you all forgot about him didn’t you!! well guess who didn’t forget about him?? that’s right. so you’d better explain yourself right the fuck now, Fatgum. oh wait I’m still talking in action brackets whoops]
holy crap is Tokoyami giving orders lmao
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well look at you. a general, huh? somebody must’ve told them about his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab
so now some generic villain guys are all “HOW’D THEY FIND OUR SECRET PATH” and “WE MUST DEFEND IT” and I sure can’t wait to watch them get their asses kicked three panels from now
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lol and the cow horns too. why though. just completes the look I guess
loooooool he’s all “apologies, but please remain still” who are you, Tuxedo Mask??
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by the way, I almost skipped right past this, but the text says Tamaki will be a sidekick at the Fatgum agency starting “next year”, which presumably means “in a couple of weeks because the school year is about to end.” our boy is graduating! I’m so proud, and also really pissed off about Mirio all of a sudden, just throwing that out there. how much longer must his dreams be put on hold. where is the justice. man I need a minute
okay! anyway so now Tokoyami is just running into the basement alone!! hooooo boy. I know it’s dark down there and that’s presumably why they’re sending him of all people, but still. hooooooooo boy
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*except he didn’t, let’s be real. didn’t even come close. but still, on paper the hype looks real good!!
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by the way, check out that one guy in the bottom right corner who just totally doesn’t give the least of fucks. he’s fresh out. he wants to know how much longer this is gonna last so he can go home and get back to playing the new Animal Crossing. did you know they added a new crafting feature. can’t believe he’s stuck here at this boring meeting. this man genuinely doesn’t seem to be at all aware of anything that is currently happening around him and it’s amazing. added to the box of questions
oh man. I don’t quite understand what is happening now but I keep expecting Gigantomachia to just pop up out of nowhere any second and I can’t fucking stand it. Horikoshi please stop showing us these close-ups of destroyed walls
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(ETA: what a casual fucking line implying that Tokoyami genuinely believed that there was nobody in THE ENTIRE LEAGUE OF PLIFF who stood a chance against his latest super move. don’t mind him everyone, he’s just been lowkey biding his time to become the strongest member of class 1-A offscreen while his loser classmates were having dramatic family dinners. how many High Ends could Dark Shadow take out I wonder. why did I suddenly get a mental image of Toko losing an arm only to sigh and nonsensically quote Shakespeare or some shit before wrapping Dark Shadow around the stump and getting back to the asskicking.)
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:) :) :) can we maybe get my solemn bird son out of this fucking DEATH BASEMENT right the fuck now. can we do that, please
holy shit!?
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:) :) :) I can’t decide whether I trust these panels or not. why is he so confident. does this mean Machia really will be sitting out the arc, or is a trap. help
(ETA: I guess it’s okay for now. ... dammit I’m still suspicious sob.)
also, Tokoyami’s “?!” face is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen though. the fact that he’s physically incapable of altering his expressions no matter what is true comedy gold here
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dfkjkjk oh noooo
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“does this young man amuse you,” Horikoshi says as he darkly pencils in the disturbingly concave shadows of Fatgum’s ridiculous fucking quirk. “are his ‘magnificent fellow’ bird antics pleasing for you to watch. I guess it sure would be a shame if I gave him some... angst”
but for real y’all I genuinely can’t take this at all seriously when Tokoyami’s head is still stubbornly and persistently poking its way out of Fatgum like a goddamn baby kangaroo in every fucking panel
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we are entering another Tokoyami+Hawks mentor flashback and this is still all I can think about. why is he even in there. why is any of this happening. Tokoyami really just flung Re-Destro into a wall and then climbed inside of Fatgum feet-first so they could run along to freedom. just fucking ensconced himself. do you think it’s cozy in there. do you think Aizawa would fall asleep
hey Toko please stop having ominous thoughts about my other bird son
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have you ever heard of an announcer jinx. “now here’s a guy who the fans have loved since the moment he was first introduced. and if you look at the stats, fourth place in his first popularity poll, which was taken only ten chapters after his introduction. heck, he’s so popular they even went and gave him a role in the second movie even before he appeared in the anime! it’s undeniable that this young man has a bright future ahead of him, Al.” now you listen here. I don’t at all like where this is headed and it needs to stop right now
anyway so of course on that note we are cutting back to Hawks
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so we’ve confirmed that Hawks has his hands full just melting all of the new clones as they come, and doesn’t have the speed or the excess feathers (or the conviction? :|) to go after the original and put a stop to all this
or you could just ignore everything I say ever because immediately on the next page Horikoshi is all “actually he’s winning lol”
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anyway but it sure would be a shame if someone were to run in and set you on fire right about now. that probably sounds sarcastic but it actually would be really bad lol please don’t set Hawks on fire
(ETA: motherfucker. goddamn. fucking --)
and now Hawks is making clones of his fellow League buddies oh shit!! but right when I was about to scroll down I noticed that Hawks is carrying some sort of recording device?? or communications device?? in his hand very conspicuously in that last panel? and so what is going on here, exactly?
oh shit and never mind about those LoV clones
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that’s all well and good Hawks, but I need you to please just be very cautious and aware and proactive about not catching on fire okay. watch your six
oh my god oh my god
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“now here’s a guy whose rise in popularity was unexpected but just a real pleasure to watch. he just really cares about his friends.” “you said it; he really came into his own a couple arcs back. twenty-third in the most recent poll, and the fans all love him.” fffffff Hawks isn’t a killer Hawks isn’t a killer, I can’t hear you lalala
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maybe... he’ll just... punch a small hole through one of his lungs... ...
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or... a large hole... ... ,,,
oh THANK GOD he’s jumping on top of him. so clearly he’s fine because Shounen Rules. that’s right, this is a manga where Toga survived blowing up from the inside out and Jeanist survived being murdered and stuffed into a tote bag. (right??) why am I so tense I hate this!!
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or you could just KNOCK HIM OUT??? ?????!??! did they not teach you that in peewee assassin league?! Hawks
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luvbug724 · 4 years
hiii ive been thinking abt neil running post-tkm whatre ur thoughts on that 🤨 i feel its not Too common but it comes up often enough in fandom and is always triggered in neil by something so he runs and either comes back or doesnt but i cant rlly see that happening? also similarly do u think neil would have some troubles w accepting permanence in his life? i was thinking hed def have some habits he wouldnt need anymore but w main threats gone + a life he wants to keep it wldnt be a huge issue..
WAIT my last ask when i say like permanence ex: neil panicking abt captaincy in tkm do u think hed have similar experiences later on w similar aspects of living in one place? (and this maybe triggering the need to run in turn)
holy cow first of all i got so excited when i got this ask you don’t even know. this has definitely been something that’s been sitting in the back of my mind but it was never something that bothered me enough to share online. SECOND of all, i mean absolutely no disrespect to anybody who might disagree with me on this or has written neil in this scenario-- it’s all fiction we’re all having fun here and my characterization may differ from yours and that’s fine! even if i might not be a fan of the concept i still read and support fics that include it if i like the writing :) this got very long and some people probably won’t be interested in reading it, so my response is under the cut :’)
but as for your question, anon, i completely agree with you. when i got this notification the first scene my mind went to was chapter nine of tkm right after wymack offers neil the vice captaincy. this was, probably, one of the worst sequences of events that could have possibly happened to neil: some of his most fundamental lies are exposed to his team, he’s confronted with his past, he has to reveal some truths that he never planned on saying, and now here’s his coach insisting on a future he so desperately wants but doesn’t think he’ll live long enough to have. neil should have already had a new name in a new country three months ago and instead he’s at palmetto state in the public eye right for the moriyamas and wesninskis to watch. 
and what does he do?
He didn't remember pulling it from his pocket or making the decision to dial out. He lowered it and tapped a button, thinking maybe he'd imagined things, but Andrew's name was on his display and the timer put the call at almost a minute already.
Neil put the phone back to his ear, but he couldn't find the words for the wretched feeling that was tearing away at him. In three months championships would be over. In four months he'd be dead. In five months the Foxes would be right back here for summer practices with six new faces. Neil could count his life on one hand now. On the other hand was the future he couldn't have: vice-captain, captain, Court. Neil had no right to mourn these missed chances. He'd gotten more than he deserved this year; it was selfish to ask for more.
He should be grateful for what he had, and gladder still that his death would mean something. He was going to drag his father and the Moriyamas down with him when he went, and they'd never recover from the things he said. It was justice when he'd never thought he'd get any and revenge for his mother's death. He thought he'd come to terms with it but that hollow ache was back in his chest where it had no right to be. Neil felt like he was drowning.
Neil found his voice at last, but the best he had was, "Come and get me from the stadium.”
andrew grounds him, comes for him, and makes sure that neil can’t run. but this was just one very extreme situation, so here’s how i think his future may play out: no matter how much neil wants to go, he needs to stay even more. and, unlike the above situation, neil now has explicit permission (a command, even) to stay with the foxes, to stay with his family. i think he will be fine for a long while until there comes a moment where he realizes that he’s here to stay and he has a home and he has the foxes and he has andrew and it’s honestly a toss up as to how he would react. the first option would be that it’s overwhelming in a very, very good way and nothing much changes. the second option (which seems way more in character for neil) is instead: he panics, and he needs something to keep him tethered to psu. he might seek out andrew like he did in canon or he might try to hide it to not worry him, but i’d place my bets on somewhere in the middle where he makes sure andrew knows whats going on but tries to downplay its importance. 
anyways, i wrote all this before i even checked with nora’s ec to see if she’s said anything in a similar context and she DID and and it was pretty much compliant with my ideas which i am very happy about:
“He’s more likely to walk away or tell Neil to get over it or look right past whatever existential/psychological crisis Neil is having. Neil’s grumpiness after a loss are brushed aside unimportant, and his aggravation over uncooperative teammates is nothing to pity him for. 
But once in a long while Neil will hit a ledge he has to be pulled back from, and that’s what Andrew does. Like in Baltimore, when Neil is trying to say Do you want me to go, and Andrew catches hold and tells him Stay. This is how Andrew comforts: by being a stabilizing force, an anchor to keep Neil at home, a place to rest his weight and his secrets. Honestly, that’s what Neil needs.” (Andrew comforting Neil)
“Impatience kind of worked in Baltimore, but I guess it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of ordeal. Forced eye contact and Look at me and a ruder calm down right now. ((Thanks Andrew, really sympathetic of you)) Andrew gives Neil the weight to connect him to the real world: a hand on the back of his neck or fingers hooked in the collar of his shirt to drag Neil home to him.” (Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks)
now, as for neil adjusting to just a plain stationary life, i think he’d adjust relatively easily. his entire life was fitting in which i don’t think he’d have a big problem with, but the new element of how he’s not pretending anymore, he’s just neil josten, might throw him off a little bit. there’s likely going to be some habits he picked up that he can’t shake and some associations (alcohol isn’t for fun, it’s an anesthetic is one that comes to mind) that he never quite gets rid of but despite how much might get thrown at him, after everything he survived freshman year it’d take a fucking lot to push him to his breaking point.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Where the Crop Circles Grow ch.2
Summary: When things get out of hand at the Pines’ family farm, Ford asks an old college buddy to assist investigating anomalies and Stan hires a farmhand. Who knew asking for help would actually get you somewhere?
For @lemonfodrizzleart. Part of her Farmer AU and featuring her OC, Jackie Asante.
Ao3 link here.
ch.1 - ch.3
A loud scream Jackie wasn’t prepared for disturbed her slumber and made her jump, lying on her stomach and propping the upper-half of her body up with her hands pushing against the mattress. She calmed down as she became used to the crowing of the rooster… or an opera singer dying… one of the two. Jackie relaxed and fell back on the bed. So that’s what Stan had meant yesterday.
Looking forward to her first day, Jackie hopped out of bed and started to get dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt with boots. No sense taking a shower now since she would get sweaty and gross later; she’d treat herself to a bath after dinner, like she did yesterday. After a quick brush through her jet-black hair, she took in a deep breath and gazed around her bedroom.
Stan said it was a guest bedroom, not that they ever had any guests, but Ma had this part of the house built in with the idea of visiting grandchildren. So Jackie was granted a small bedroom with a comfortable bed with an old quilt, a dresser, a nightstand, and a Jack and Jill bathroom with the opposite bedroom promised to be Fiddleford’s when he came up here from Tennessee. Jackie, who didn’t come here with much, was comfortable and anything she couldn’t fit in the nightstand and dresser she kept in boxes under the bed.
Jackie finally emerged from her bedroom and peered up and down the short hallway. She listened and could hear the shower running. As she journeyed to the kitchen her nose picked up the beautiful aroma of coffee and she instantly saw the pot filling up and heard the boiling water when she entered the empty kitchen. Whoever was in the shower must have started the coffee so it would be ready by the time they were done. Seeing no indication that breakfast was going to be made and given what she learned yesterday (that the boys couldn’t cook to save their lives), Jackie rubbed her hands together and started to hunt for ingredients to make biscuits.
About fifteen minutes later, Stan came out of the bathroom with a puff of water vapor behind him, shaking his mullet dry with a towel, his maroon robe wrapped loosely around him. He hummed to himself drowsily as he strode to the kitchen, but his not-so-keen senses heightened as he swore he could smell something cooking. Bacon? His mouth watering, Stan picked up the pace a bit without running and saw Jackie working hard in the kitchen. Holy Moses, who knew he had hired the best cook in Oregon?
“‘Mornin’.” He greeted casually.
Jackie glanced at him and her face dropped in shock. His toned, hairy chest was half-exposed, his legs bare below his knees apart from his slippers, and he had a smile on his face alongside those nice pair of brown eyes, the kind of smile you naturally mimic. It’s more contagious than the flu. Jackie caught it and returned it. “G’mornin’. Slept well?”
Stan shrugged. “Yeah, pretty good. You? Bed okay?”
“Yeah, it’s real comfortable.” Jackie replied. “Fix your coffee and sit down, biscuits are almost ready.”
Stan threw his towel onto the back of his chair and went to the cupboard above the coffee machine for a mug. Standing right next to Jackie and the stove, he saw a skillet full of sausage gravy being cooked, a pan sizzling with bacon, and she was currently cracking eggs into a bowl while another pan heated up. Stan marveled at how one person can keep an eye on so many things at once.
“You like your eggs scrambled?” Jackie asked.
Stan shrugged. “Sure.” His favorite way to eat eggs was over-easy, but hey food is food. The farmer can force anything down his gullet if needed. He watched as Jackie whisked six eggs in a big bowl and added previously shredded cheese, some chopped basil, and a small splosh of milk. Stan raised an eyebrow at that. “Why add milk?”
“Makes the eggs fluffier.” Jackie explained as she threw in some salt and pepper, whisked some more, and then poured the eggs into the small pan. The little hand-timer dinged and Jackie slipped on some oven mitts to pull out the pan of biscuits. Stan’s jaw dropped as the new farm-woman had a tray of twelve beautiful, fluffy, golden biscuits. She carried the tray to the table, where a dishcloth was folded to protect the wood, and she sat the tray down and used a little brush to paint melted butter on top. Stan licked his lips and reached to grab one, but Jackie smacked his hand and said, “Wait, mister, if you eat ‘em now you’ll burn yourself.”
Stan snorted as she turned back to the oven to flip the eggs with a rubber spatula and Stan sat with his mug of black coffee. Ford entered the room, yawning, but fully dressed. He had a rolled-up newspaper under his arm and he dozily threw it to Stan, who caught it one-handed like it was a baseball and opened it. “‘Mornin’, Sixer.”
Ford grunted as he grabbed a mug like a drunk man, poured some coffee, sweetened it with some sugar and milk, and gulped it down. Jackie watched him with a raised eyebrow as she moved the bacon onto a plate. Some people simply could not function in the morning. Ford poured a second cup, sweetened it, and sighed after a few sips, and then sat in his chair to breathe and obtain his necessary caffeine. 
“How long before he can talk again?” Jackie asked as she sat the bacon down and quickly moved to the eggs.
“I’d say two full cups for half-baked sentences n’ a full pot for him to function like a normal human bein’.” Stan sneered playfully as he read the headline.
“Har, har.” Ford said sarcastically. He then blinked a few times at the realization of another feast before him. Jackie set the big bowl of cheesy scrambled eggs down and began to move the gravy to another bowl. “Holy Moses, Jackie, you didn’t have to…”
“What else am I payin’ her for?” Stan asked but took the time to throw her a wink so she knew he was joking.
Jackie snorted and sat the bowl of sausage gravy down and made herself a mug of coffee. “Since none of you know how to cook and I don’t wanna eat brown meat, I figured I’d make breakfast.”
“Hey, I can make some mean pancakes.” Stan corrected. “Sure they got a bit of hair in them, but…”
Ford and Jackie laughed and the young scientist reached for a biscuits and was pleased to find it didn’t burn his fingertips. He bit straight into it to give it a try and it was like his brain had exploded. He had never thought he would ever know what it was like to eat a cloud, but here he was. He hummed and took another huge bite, too happy for words.
Jackie’s cheeks suddenly felt a little warmer and she smiled as she spooned herself some eggs.
While Ford happily fixed himself some biscuits n’ gravy, Stan bit into a biscuit as he read his paper and he froze like a statue. Angles were suddenly dancing on his tongue. He moved his eyes to Jackie and muttered, “I’d have to marry you if you always cook this good.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “Oh, c’mon, your mother never cooked?”
“She always cooked,” Stan explained. “N’ she was good at it, too, but you’re… you’re really, really good!” And he engulfed the rest of the biscuit in his mouth.
“What Stanley is trying to say,” Ford said firmly and smiled at the dark-skinned woman. “Is that we’re extremely grateful you’re here.”
Jackie returned the smile. “Thanks. I’m grateful to be here. What made you decide y’all needed help?”
“Well,” Ford sipped his coffee again and began to explain in detail why exactly the twins decided to hire extra help on their farm. “You see we can handle it for the most part by ourselves, with Stanley handling the sheep and chickens and with me supervising the crops and sales, but recently something has caught my attention and… erm, kept me away from the farm, and it’s too much for one man to do on his own.”
“What’s been keeping you out of the farm?” Jackie asked, not at all judgmental as to why this man wasn’t helping his brother, but curious as to what caught his attention.
“Recently some strange things have been occurring.” Ford added. “I don’t know if it’s because I went away to college and saw what was considered normal and not normal or what, but there have always been weird happenings in this town. The deeper you go into the woods, the more natural anomalies there seem to be.”
“Which means stay outta the woods.” Stan said firmly.
“Which means, since we live on the outskirts of Gravity Falls, we’re safe.” Ford corrected. “But I plan to further investigate what’s going on, and I wish to spend all of my time doing so to quickly get to the bottom of it. I also need some help, and Stanley is too busy and it wouldn’t be fair to ask him to be at my beck and call, so I’ve asked my old college buddy to come down to help me investigate the strange findings in this town.”
“I get it, okay,” Jackie said with a nod, it all making sense now. “But what kind of weird stuff have you been noticing?”
Ford grinned excitedly. “You’ll see in time.”
Jackie blew a raspberry at this guy deciding to be “cool” and mysterious, making him laugh and resume his breakfast. “So, what kind of stuff we’ll you have me do?” Jackie asked Stan.
“Well,” Stan closed his newspaper. “Since it’s your first day I’ll walk you through everything. Some stuff you’ll do every day, some stuff only on certain days. The chickens need to be fed, the sheep need to be let out, the cow’s gotta be milked, n’ the crops gotta stay healthy n’ weed-free.” And he left the table to get dressed in a red button-up and jeans.
Stan made Ford do the dishes, claiming they were behind on work and it would take longer to get everything done since Jackie was learning. Right by the kitchen door, next to two big pairs of rain boots, was a huge bag of chicken feed. “We gotta keep it here or the hens get into it.” Stan explained and opened the bag, showing a big measuring cup inside. “One cup’s enough, just spread it out n’ don’t pour it all at once. If they’re still hungry there’s plenty of bugs.”
Jackie nodded, taking mental notes, and watched as Stan scooped out some food and opened the back door. Jackie had seen the farm yesterday, but to see the sun rising on the barns and crops made the whole thing sparkle gorgeously. She grinned at the little chicken coop by the house and watched Stan sprinkle out the feed as he whistled. A dozen or so hens scurried out of the coop with one big rooster standing as king on top of the small structure, and he fluttered his wings and floated down for food.
“That’s our rooster, Clock.” Stan explained as he put the cup back inside the bag, grabbed a woven basket, and closed the kitchen door behind them so no chickens would run into the house. “Here, get in the coop n’ collect eggs. We don’t need a whole lot, so don’t freak out if the hens aren’t makin’ that much.
“Any chance they’ll have chicks inside?” Jackie asked, eyeing the loud and proud rooster.
“Nope. Clock’s an old boy.” Stan explained. “That’s why he sounds so bad. We haven’t had a chick from him in years. Hey, he always does his job, though.”
Jackie chuckled and ducked into the chicken coop. Some nests had no eggs but some had one or two. Jackie carefully collected them and knew they would be great for baking and breakfast. When she emerged, Stan tossed a metal bucket to her. “Sheep need water. There’s a well out that way, just make sure they won’t get thirsty after you put the eggs in the kitchen. I’ve already got ‘em out in the field. If you need me I’ll be in that barn over there.” And he pointed to the smaller one of the two.
Jackie nodded and headed in the direction he pointed toward when talking about the well. As she walked, she took in her surroundings and was free to acknowledge how big his farm was. There was a lot of land, with the woods acting as the border. On one side of the land it was full of crops like a big cornfield, rows of carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, watermelons, and pumpkins, and closer to the house strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries blossomed. Jackie also noticed a little herb garden growing in a basket on the back porch, not too far from the kitchen door. 
On the opposite end of the crops was the two barns and a huge patch of clear land for the sheep. Jackie awed at the thirty-something sheep that “bah”ed quietly and gnawed on grass, their coats a bit short, telling Jackie that they had been trimmed not too long ago. Somewhat between the crops and the fields for animals was an old well that might have once been the primary source of water here, but thanks to modern plumbing now it was only used for the livestock. Jackie saw another bucket tied by a rope with the pulley system and she was clever enough to figure it all out on her own.
Mustering up her strength and hardly breaking a sweat, Jackie filled her own bucket with water and carried it to where the sheep dwelt. By the fence that kept them away from the crops, there was a trough, so Jackie poured the water in it and the sheep came flocking, craving water. She chuckled and noticed the trough wasn’t full, so she walked back to the well, refilled her bucket, and poured it out again, this time sploshing some sheep a little, but they didn’t mind. In fact, they started licking each other’s faces for more water, making Jackie laugh and she petted a nearby sheep and admired the soft wool.
As she petted the sheep, she caught something out the corner of her eye and looked over at the smaller of the two barns. Stan was emerging with a beautiful gray and black horse and then gently slapped his behind so the horse would know he’s free to wander. The horse galloped for a bit and then slowed, lapping up some water at his own trough. Jackie wondered if she needed to fill that one, too, but Stan made his way to the well with his own bucket and watered the horse. Jackie smiled and walked to Stan, ready for her next chore.
“That there Truffles.” Stan explained, pointing to the horse as the woman approached. “Stubborn. It’d be best if you let me handle him. He doesn’t like people much, even gives Ford a hard time.”
Jackie nodded. “Gotcha.”
“Watered the sheep? Good. Ever milked a cow? Well today you’re gonna learn.” Stan said and motioned for her to follow him into the smaller of the two barns. Inside were two stalls and equipment for a horse and a cow. Jackie could even see a horse-drawn sled collecting cobwebs in the back corner. “Luna’s okay, as long as you’re quiet. Doesn’t like noise much. She’s got a soft spot for Ford.”
Stan opened one of the stalls and Jackie got a full view of a white cow with only one big black spot over her right eye. She mooed at the visitors and licked Stan’s outstretched hand. Jackie couldn’t help but notice how gentle he petted her neck and talked to her. Despite having a voice made of gravel, his talk was as soft as silk. “Hey mama, good to see you, good to see you. Try to be nice for me, girl, okay. Alright, c’mere, Jackie.”
Stan pulled a short stool over and motioned for her to sit. He knelt beside the cow and placed the bucket below the utters. “It’s really simple, just squeeze n’ pull n’ squeeze n’ pull.”
“Okay,” The woman sat on the stool, held the bucket between her boots, and carefully grabbed an utter. It was soft and squishy and she could feel the milk, and she did as she was told and smiled to see delicious warm milk fall into the bucket.
“Not bad, not bad at all.” Stan commented with a smile. “Here, you can squeeze harder, you won’t hurt her. Like this.” He gently covered Jackie’s hand with her own and showed her just how tightly to squeeze and pull. Jackie followed, her eyes darting up to Luna, but the cow only happily chewed on some hay. She didn’t even twitch her tail with uncomfortably. Jackie smiled at Stan, thanking him for his help, and he returned the smile and let her go to milk. She milked just as well as Ford or Stan could, and when Stan checked to make sure Luna was empty, there was no milk left to obtain.
“Good job.” Stan praised and stood up. “Take the milk in the house n’ Ford can pan it. He’s got a knack for dairy n’ makin’ butter. He can teach you if you want.”
“Sounds great.” Jackie hoisted the bucket up and let it hang in front of her. “What after that?”
“Well, nothing’s ready to harvest yet.” Stan answered. “We’ll check for weeds n’ make sure the gardens are healthy, then I think we’ll be okay until the afternoon. Usually around noon is when we go into town, do laundry, chop wood, or whatever else needs to get done aside from mornin’ n’ afternoon chores.”
“Well what are the afternoon chores?” Jackie asked.
“Basically reverse of what we just did. I’ll put up Truffles n’ I’ll show you how to drive in the sheep. Then you’ll water ‘em n’ milk Luna again, or you can make Ford do it so you can cook.”
Jackie snorted. “I think I’ll do that.”
“Good. Then we’ll have your afternoon chores only be to drive in the sheep.”
“Anything needs to get done today?” Jackie asked.
“I can’t think of anything.” Stan said with a shrug. “Ma used to have a little jingle… Scrub on Monday, Laundry on Tuesday, Knit on Wednesday, Prep on Thursday, Bake on Friday, Rest on Saturday, Clean on Sunday. O’course, you can do whatever you want, s’long as work’s gettin’ done. I’m sure I can find you something to do.” He hinted at and winked.
Jackie rolled her eyes. “I like it. Your mom was really smart… What’s today? Wednesday? Well, I don’t feel like knitting or sewing, so I guess I’ll try to clean the house for when Ford’s friend gets here. Hey, what did your mom mean by scrub on Monday?”
Stan shrugged. “Usually that meant the kitchen n’ bathrooms. You know, the tubs, sinks, toilets, the oven, the stoves…”
“Ah, gotcha.” Jackie wandered out of the barn with Stan and said, “Well, after I check the crops I’ll scrub.”
“Have fun.” Stan teased and headed for the corn to check for crows and other pests.
“Great, so we’ll see you on Tuesday?” Ford clarified. “Thank you so much, buddy. I owe you. No, of course we don’t mind. We’ve got plenty of room. You’re welcome, goodbye.”
Ford hung up the phone and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had been foolish to think Fiddleford could simply drop everything and move across the country just to assist him. Foolish and selfish. What stung most was how worried Fiddleford had sounded over the phone when he began making his request.
There was no good in stalling and not telling Stan, he had to tell him that the plan had changed. Ford stood and exited the parlor to try to find his brother, probably out in the fields by now. He knew if he did he would get tangled into trying to help, which was fine for today, so Ford mentally prepared himself for hoeing and pulling weeds as he entered the kitchen and found Jackie entering the room with a bucket of milk. “Oh, thank you, ma’am.” He said politely. “I’ll pan it later, we’re low on butter. Right now I need to have a word with Stanley.”
“He’s out at the cornfield.” Jackie assisted.
“Thank you.”
Ford found Stan right where Jackie said he would. The younger twin emerged from the field, satisfied with the state of the corn, and raised an eyebrow when the older twin said, “Stanley, we have to talk.”
“What’s the word, Sixer?” Stan asked as they started to walk alongside the edge of the field.
“Fiddleford will be here on Tuesday…”
“... and he’s bringing his son.”
They kept walking as Stan gave Ford a surprised and confused look.
“Tate. His four-year-old.”
“I know who the boy is, Poindexter!” Stan snapped, irritated that that was what Ford thought he was confused about. “That’s fine, we’ve got room for him, but why in Moses’ name is he brinin’ Tate? I thought your friend was only visitin’ for a few weeks.”
Ford sighed and ran a six-fingered hand through his fluffy hard-to-maintain hair. “Fiddleford is getting a divorce.”
Stan winced. He may not have known the nerd as well as Ford did, but from what he gathered he had been over the moon for his gal.
“She doesn’t want anything to do with Tater, either.” Ford added. “Says he’s too much like Fiddleford. He thinks this is a good way to start a new life, you know? Move here and help me, then maybe find their own place.”
“Or we can build a smaller second house.” Stan threw in. “More houses means more hands to work the farm, which means more money n’ more land.”
Ford rolled his eyes. “Perhaps. For now I was thinking Fiddleford could have the guest bedroom and Tate could have the Jack and Jill bedroom.”
“Sure, I bet Jackie won’t mind.” Stan predicted.
“And you’re okay with Tate coming to live with us, too?” Ford double-checked.
“You kiddin’ me, I love kids!” Stan punched Ford’s shoulder and stood still with his arms cross over his chest. “It’ll be great, you wait n’ see! There’s plenty of stuff here to Tate to do until he’s old enough for school n’ nobody’s gonna get claustrophobic here. Not that Santa Claus is real.”
Ford groaned and pinched at his eyes under his glasses. “That was bad, even for you.” But the young investigator smiled at his twin and returned the punch on the shoulder. “Well, thank you. I know it’s a lot to take in in such a small amount of time…”
“You know something, Sixer?” Stan interrupted and gave him a slightly-more serious look. “It’s been too quiet here lately.”
Ford raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what your definition of quiet is, but…”
“You know what I meant.” Stan said firmly and resumed what he was trying to say. “I ain’t got a problem with it just bein’ the two of us - you know I don’t - but it’s been way too quiet here. I miss it bein’ crowded n’ busy n’ loud. So I say the more the merrier; n’ the sooner I can’t hear my own thoughts (though few there may be), the better.”
Ford smiled softly at his brother. It was true. The quiet had been appreciated at first, but now it wasn’t as appreciated as the noise that comes with good company. Ever since Ma and Pa had died and Shermie had gone back to California, it had just been the twins on this big farm. What Stan said was true, it was fine, and with Ford gone for four years while he earned as many PhDs as he had fingers, it was nice to reconcile and catch up. But now it was high-time the Pines family grew bigger and louder and weirder, the way it was supposed to be.
“Well, guess we should tell Jackie she’ll be sharing her bathroom, then.” Ford suggested and led the way away from the cornfield with his twin by his side.
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moonydaydreams · 4 years
𝐣𝐮𝐱𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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Fandom: It Lives In the Woods
Pairing: MC x Noah, MC x Connor (past)
Words: 7.363 (holy cow)
Summary: Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but a second chance does. Even for someone like Noah Marshall.
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, angst 101 and swearing for dummies
Author’s note: This is my first Choices story and, holy cannoli, this is longer than I intended to be. But nonetheless, this an AU of what could have been had neither Noah or MC sacrificed themselves to take Jane’s place (THIS IS, IN ANOTHER WORD, A FORM OF DENIAL, Y'ALL. CAUSE THAT ENDING WRECKED ME) and Noah fled from Westchester. I’m sorry if the characters seem OOC or the story feels meh. So if you’re digging it or simply detest it, let me know, yeah? thanks!
In a city where the subway stations smell like after-shave and peanut butter and jelly breath smelling college students at nine in the morning, and half of the street names that he still can’t recall to this day, a young man in a beanie, who couldn’t have been more than twenty or twenty-one enters a small 24/7 convenience store with his hands thrust deep inside his coat pockets.
A burly, beer-swilling, 6 feet of a man behind the cashier, elbow-deep in the football magazine in his last season’s Real Madrid jersey, glances up from his reading upon his arrival. His eyebrows narrow.
“Never seen you visiting this late,” Romero comments dryly over the trip-hop music that is playing over the speakers and flicked his eyes back to the magazine. “Did you accidentally shoot your dealer or some shit?“
Romero’s attempt on making small talks with him, albeit as condescending as it sounds, does not fall on deaf ears. But it’s cold outside and he’s hungry and broke, he simply doesn’t have the will to entertain him.
“Shut up. I’m hungry,” replies the young man, stopping by the instant food section. His eyes finding the many varieties of flavors and brands and feels his stomach sick at the amount of artificial food he’s been consuming over the years. It’s like being eight all over again.
“Well, knock yourself out. We just stocked up those crazy spicy Korean ramen you kids can’t seem to stop feeding.” Romero’s face breaks into a mocking grin. “Can’t wait to see you all die from cancer.”
“Instant noodles don’t directly cause cancer on its own, actually.”
Romero burst into laughter. “And how the fuck does a two-bit junkie like you know that, Malcolm?”
The boy’s face involuntarily twitches.
And it isn’t because of how alien the sound when someone addresses him with his fake name or how Romero somehow thinks he has his character all figured out. The thing about living in incognito for years, he’s already become accustomed to those; to prejudices and living up to the persona that people design for him just to inflate their egos and ward them off of his tail in the process. No one wants to affiliate themselves with “the junkie” or “the hot-headed mechanic with suicidal tendencies” and he is more than fine with his solitary.
No. It is the nature of the question that throws him off guard and how his mind all too soon, against his better wishes, refers to her.
Suddenly, he is Noah again. Thirteen years ago at the age of eight, looking out of the window with Jane as they watched a girl about their age in a short tutu dress and combat boots climbing up the oak tree in their backyard to save a distressed kitten.
Their parents saw this, did a double-take, went hysterical and called her parents. He later learned her name was Liz and that she’d just moved into the neighborhood a week ago.
Then he sees Liz again, now a few months after their first encounter, running off to the forest with Jane’s arm linked with hers. He remembers her messy braided hair and freckles multiplied by the sun as they led Noah and the rest of their friends to abandoned ruins they’d somehow stumbled on a week ago. 
His memory of her somehow jumps forward. Now, he sees her in a different light, a different vignette. It is from three years ago this time and she was no longer the Liz all knees, elbows and mud on her shoes young girl from his childhood. She was Liz, on the edge of seventeen, her hair nine shades lighter than when she was a kid (she also had bangs now) with a barbed wire bat in her left hand, and a fire axe in the other, but still the same dark-eyed sprite that made his cold, dead heart skip a beat whenever she looked at his way and smiled that smile of hers; the kind that radiated her cheeks and lit up her eyes. 
The same light that he watched slowly waning from her eyes when she discovered his ulterior plan. 
His heart feels like shattering into smithereens all over again. He doesn’t realize he’s been squeezing on the noodle packet too tight until he hears the contents shatter in his hand. 
“A friend told me,” Noah finds himself saying even before his brain can halt it. Staring blankly at the packet, his mouth dropping into a frown.
He can feel Romero’s gaze on him, curious and confused. Shifting between the packet in his hand and his glazed-over expression. Noah, realizing he’s just projected his emotion right out in the open, huffs and throws the squeezed noodle packet into his shopping basket. 
Romero clears his throat. “Sounds like quite a friend.”
Noah pretends as if the jig isn’t exactly up and decides to actively ignore the older man. He gets the rest of his needs, holding the last of his composure against slipping and brings his groceries to the cashier, looking down at his feet whenever Romero glances at him in genuine concern.
“Catch ya later, Malcolm,” Romero says as he hands Noah the change. “And, uh… stay safe, you hear me?”
Noah, in return, only nods his thanks, probably a little too curt according to the polite society and leaves.
Outside, thunder begins to roll overhead. Noah eyes the sky nervously. It’s going to rain soon. And hard judging from the way the clouds are moving across the black midnight sky.
Noah rifles for his cigarette pack from his pockets, lights one and begins making his way back to his hellhole of an apartment. Treading slowly through the deserted streets, steering clear from alley-ways and suspicious characters until he can see the window of his apartment.
Then, Noah’s feet skid to a hard stop.
His jaw drops, his cigarette falling unheeded to the ground.
Sitting on the front steps of his apartment building is Liz, swathed in an oversized overcoat, her head leaning onto the railings, she seems to be sleeping.
What in the sweet fuck?
For a good minute, Noah stands stock-still. He simply gazes at his former best friend, nonplussed and borderline panicking. A migraine begins to form in his head. He gazes over his shoulder, watching and waiting for anyone to jump at him from the alley or anything, because there is no way in hell this is not a trap. This can’t be. 
He waits and waits, but no one comes out. Confused, Noah looks at her again, his expression inscrutable. If this is not a trap, then this must be a cruel dream the universe pulls on him for all the wrongdoings he has committed in his life. That, or Noah must have tragically died on his way back home and ascended to heaven. 
But then, if this is heaven, why is he here?
Eventually, Noah kneels before her. He reaches his hand out to her, hesitating mid-move and touches her shoulder.
“Liz?” he gives her shoulder a gentle shake. “Liz, wake up.”
She does. Slowly, her eyes flutter open, bleary and brown, and meets his gaze for the first time in three years. Noah feels like his breath stuck in his throat.
“Noah?” Liz blinks sleepily, twice, then yawns into the back of her hand. “What time is it?”
He glances at his phone. “A quarter past two.”
Liz’s brows furrow. “Huh. What were you doing out so late?”
“Had to do a supply run.” Noah gestures to the shopping bag in his hand. Then, “Liz, what are you doing here?” he asks, his voice a broken whisper.
Liz doesn’t answer his question, merely wraps her arms around herself, attempting to keep warm and sighs tiredly.
“Noah, can we go inside?” she pleas, instead. Desperation fuelling her voice. “I’m tired and cold and I…” she trails off.
Consideration flashes in Noah’s eyes for a moment. The logical part of his head insists for him to take her to the nearest train station and send her off back to Westchester. It’s the right thing to do. Considering that he’s been laying low for years now, the last thing he needs to add to his ongoing headache is for the police to suspect that she’s an accomplice.
But he’s never been the wiser one.
So, he takes her gloved hand and helps her to stand and, after giving one last look at their surroundings, of course, ushers her inside the apartment building. 
Neither says anything as they make their way to the staircase, as they venture through the grimy hallway where the dim and shadowed lights overhead following their every step like vultures and past the occupied doors where a loud, sexual moan comes from behind one of them.
She doesn’t make any comment about the awful state of the place he lives in, while he simply doesn’t have the capacity to be embarrassed because everything happens so sudden, Noah himself is still second-guessing if any of this is real. 
Finally, they stop by his door. Noah produces the key from his wallet when he hesitates, remembering the state of the room the last time he left it.
“A bit of warning, though…” He rubs his neck, embarrassed. “it’s pretty messy inside.”
“It’s fine.”
Noah turns the key and eases the door open.
The rain has started to pour. Noah turns the side lamp on and takes off his coat, his groceries on top of the kitchen counter. He watches as Liz, as if in a daze, tosses her coat and gloves to his bed and walks towards the direction of the window. A hand against the windowpane, the flare of the street lamp outside illuminating her features in the dimness, she silently watches as the rain falls on the pavement. Lost somewhere in the tangled cobwebs of her thoughts.
And it occurs to Noah that she is no longer Liz, on the edge of seventeen with a barbed wire bat in her left hand, and a fire axe in the other. She is Liz, older, with circles under her eyes, the world on her shoulders and a few pounds lighter than he remembers, but still the same dark-eyed sprite and with the pale shades of haired girl that he yearns to wrap his arms around and tells her how sorry he is for all those years ago, for leaving without saying a proper goodbye and how all these years it is her that keeps him going through every day and drives him insane at the same time. 
But he can only remain in his place and forces to quell his desire to do the aforementioned. Because Noah’s pretty sure that privilege is long gone the moment his betrayal came to light. Even to be standing in the very room with her is a crime, yet here they are.
Here she is.
“Have you, uh,” his gaze finds the ramen packets, suddenly feeling inspired. “Have you eaten anything?”
She is silent for a while. “No.”
“I’m making ramen, you want some?” 
With that, Noah rolls up his sleeves, takes two eggs and a few vegetables from the fridge and begins to work. He ditches the salty packet of MSG and makes his own broth while at the same time, mincing the garlic and green onion and grating the ginger. By the time he sautées the aromatics, Liz makes a beeline from the window and hops onto the counter, watching him distractedly as he continues cooking. 
She stays silent and so does he. Despite the lack of words, everything feels strangely… domestic? Under different circumstances, Noah can easily get used to this; him cooking for her, with her becoming his taste tester whenever he’s experimenting with new recipes he finds on the internet and simply impresses her on a daily basis. Yeah, he can definitely get used to that.
Ten minutes passed, Noah then moves the ‘upgraded ramen’ to the bowls and serves one to her. The taste will probably pale in comparison to the one that her mom used to make, yet it earns him her first smile of the night, albeit small and closed-mouthed, it’s still a smile nonetheless. 
He grabs two cans of beer from the fridge and moves onto the couch with her. They finish their meal within minutes, still in silence. For a moment, the only sound that encompasses the room is the rain and his next-door neighbor who has the TV going in full-blast. That asshole.
Noah reaches out for a cigarette pack from the coffee table, dexterously flicks his wrist so a single one pops halfway out of the carton. He casts her a sidelong glance.
“Do you mind if I…?” he trails off, gesturing to the cigarette. 
Liz’s stare zeroes on the cancer stick, scowling, as if she doesn’t approve of this vice of his, but shrugs nonetheless. 
“So, how, uh…” Noah clears his throat, gathering his courage. How does he do this? How do you break the ice with your former best friend who you happen to have a crush on for more than a decade and almost murdered because your dead twin sister compelled you to do so without being awkward? 
“How are you, by the way?“ he manages to ask behind a plume of smoke. 
“I’m doing okay,” she says but in a tone when someone is obviously not okay.
“Just okay?”
“I…” she hesitates. “Yeah, just okay.” Liz lies and manages a weak smile. Noah decides not to press for more information. “Though I’ve been busy these days. I’m trying to finish my dissertation sometime around next year.”
"Already?” And she nods. Noah whistles, obviously impressed. "I’m guessing you did take the English major?”
Liz’s eyes widened slightly. “You remember." 
"Yeah.” Noah looks down. Of course he remembers, not when it’s impossible to forget the very idea of Liz Mortimer. “And your old man doesn’t try to fight you for this?”
“Nope. After Ja–” she clamps her mouth shut. “I graduated, let’s just say he had a hard time saying no to me.” She chuckles, but just for a good three seconds and Noah doesn’t have to ask why to know the reason behind her father’s sudden change of heart.
“How about you?” she asks, then shakes her head. “I mean, how are you?” She amends.
Heaven knows I’m always miserable, Liz. But he doesn’t say that. “I’m okay, too, I guess." 
"Just okay?” Liz parrots his own words at him and he smiles, the left side of his mouth higher than the right. They may still be painfully awkward to one another, but it feels so good to be talking with her again.
“Nothing new under the sun for me, but I’m thriving. And, um, how’s the others?” a.k.a the bunch of group of friends I hurt.
“They’re alright. Lily started her own video game called Pixie Moon, which I have no doubt will take the world by storm the way Candy Crush did; Ava is writing a book about witch trials; Stace is studying journalism and basically kicking ass; Dan is pursuing psychology; His majesty King Kang himself is playing for the Bighorns; and Lucas, as you can expect, is off to save our earth.”
Noah swallows the information one by one. His face an inscrutable blank. All of his friends somehow have found a place on this earth, they all have moved on except for him, again, who’s still scratching around in the same old hole; his future derived, his past an endless pitfall.
“And Connor?” he asks quietly, when in truth he doesn’t give two-shits about the man. But he knows she does, and Noah loves her too much to let his jealousy dictate his behavior. 
Suddenly, her face falls. Teeth chewing nervously on her lower lip. “He's… fine. He’s probably at home now as we speak.“
“And now you’re a long way from home.”
“So are you.”
Noah shakes his head. “Westchester stopped being my home the moment I turned eight.” He sighs forlornly, looks the other way, hands fidgeting. Force of habit. “Liz, as much as I’m glad to see you, but why did you come here?”
“How long have you been staying here?” Liz evades his question as if he never asked it in the first place.
Noah raises an eyebrow, exhales, but decides to play along. “Since August. So that’s two months. Probably, the longest I have ever stayed in one place.”
“Where have you been all this time?”
“Well, there was Utah and Kansas. Then Minnesota for a couple of weeks, but I couldn’t stand the cold and the rest is history,” he keeps his answer as vague as possible, not when he still has no idea the nature of her visit. “Look, why are you here?”
But still, the girl dodges his question. “Why do you–”
Until his patience can’t simply take it anymore. 
Noah is all but scoots over to her position until their knees are touching, the cigarette forgotten on the ashtray, and grips her arms firmly. His eyebrows knitted as he takes in her stunned face. 
“Liz.” There is a twinge of anger, confusion and desperation in the way he says her name this time. “Why are you here? You know you can’t be here. Goddamn it! If the fucking cops find out that you’re here…” Once he realizes what he is doing, he withdraws his hands as if she’s fire and now he’s burning.
“They won’t. I can assure you that." 
"You don’t know that.”
“I know what I’m doing, Noah. Trust me, I wouldn’t have come here if I knew it’s not safe,” Liz replies, her tone doesn’t leave any room for doubts and he knows there is no way to talk his way around it. Not to mention, he trusts her, if there is anyone who can sneak behind authority and get away with it, it has to be her.
Noah shrugs, agreeable, but he isn’t going to let her off so easily. 
“How did you find me, anyway?” he questions, reaching for his cigarette and takes a deep, long drag just to spite his throat. He has a feeling he might be smoking his misery away all night by the time she’s left.
The blonde-haired girl shrugs and absentmindedly leans her back against the couch, one arm wraps around her midsection. “It wasn’t easy, actually. But I made some new friends in Pine Springs and one of them is acquainted with the newly-minted Police Chief. Pulled a few strings and here we are.” 
“Pine Springs? What the heck were you doing there?”
“It's… a long story. But there were people there needing my help, and in exchange, they helped me track you down. An eye for an eye.”
Lightning suddenly jags across the night sky, briefly illuminating the room, pulling him out of his musings. She jumps at the sound, startled, and instinctively reaches for his hand. Noah freezes at the contact, forgetting how her skin feels like on his or a decent human contact in general. It’s been so long. And somehow he loses the ability to speak, to think.
He definitely doesn’t think when Noah moves his hand under hers, intertwining their fingers together.
Noah feels her head moving, her eyes darting from their joined hands and to his face that turns into a parade of expressions– misery, regret and melancholy. The holy trinity of feelings he’s been bearing for the past three years– for the past thirteen years of his life, actually– and feels her hand squeezing back his. 
“Christ, I can’t believe you went all through that shit just to find me,” he croaks, all but on the verge of tears. “And I left you just like that even without saying sorry.”
“No, let me say it, Liz. I need to say it.” His hands are trembling, his composure this close from crumbling. “What I did was unforgivable. And I know there is nothing in this world that could help me undo the damage I’ve done to you and how I’ll spend the rest of my day regretting it, but regardless, I’m sorry,” he sobs, his whole body is shaking by now. 
“I’m so sorry for the nightmare I put you through. I was so blinded by my own volition and revenge for Jane’s death that I hurt you, all of you in the process without giving a single rat’s ass about it.” Noah pauses, wipes his tears with the back of his hand. “I’m a monster, Liz. A selfish, heartless, miserable monster. God, I should have died that night.”
“Hey, hey, look at me.” She plucks the cigarette from his other hand, discards it on her empty bowl and places her other hand on his shoulder. “Noah, look at me,” she says again, her voice like a caress. He looks up. “Don’t say that. You are not a monster. You’re just a byproduct of the pain from losing your sister, loneliness and bad parenting. That doesn’t make you a monster. That makes you human.”
“A normal human being wouldn’t lure his friends into abandoned ruins in the middle of a fucking forest where his sister died and put their lives hang in the balance.”
“No, they wouldn’t, but if there is anything Dan taught me is that people react to loss in different ways.”
Noah groans and pushing himself to his feet. “No, don’t try to find a way to justify this. Didn’t you forget, I could have killed you that night. You! The- the only one who gives a fuck whether I’m breathing or not.” The only one who matters. “If you hadn’t stopped her… God, I don’t even want to go there.“
She gets up from the couch as well. “I’m not justifying anything. Yes, what you did to us was… It was harrowing, it was despicable but I also knew the extent of your agony that drove you to do it. I understand… and like what I said that night in the cave; it’s not your fault. Not exclusively, at least. And I forgive you for it.”
“No, listen to me, we all made mistake–”
He snorts. “Not on a grand scale like this, I bet.”
“Maybe not. But the fact that you give a shit and beat yourself up for years for what you did, that already speaks a lot,” she says. “You’ve tormented yourself enough. It’s not going to do you anything good. It’s not going to erase anything. What you need to do now is to close that book. Get a new one, write a new story, move on. I have forgiven you, I’m sure the others have forgotten about what happened until someone mentions it, it’s your turn now.”
Her words hit him like a piledriver and for the first time in probably like forever, he does feel slightly better. Even if only an infinitesimal amount and even he may won’t be forgiving himself anytime soon, but still, hearing those words coming from her mouth mean the whole world to him. 
“Why did you really come here, Liz?” The question is a tad out of place, but it feels like their previous conversations were made entirely to build up for this. 
Her frown melts away, replaced with somewhere between doubt and conflict. He holds her gaze for a minute, undeterred, then she turns her back on him to face the window once more. The suspense gnaws at him, yet still, he bides his time. 
“I have something to tell you,” she finally says, keeping her voice low.
“What is it?” He replies rather impatiently. When she seems to be hesitating, he adds, “And don’t beat around the bush, Liz.”
A deep breath, foot taps, a hand clutching at the hem of a buttoned-up dress and another deep breath. 
“Connor proposed to me.”
A beat. Then,
“Oh,” and it’s barely audible. And Noah feels like his heart has been torn from his chest, thrown into the ground, drags it through the mud then stomps on it for good measure. And that he feels worse and emptier than he was before she came here. “Congratulations.”
The words that come out of his mouth could have been his, because he can barely hear his own voice in this white noise. He always knew Connor and her were smitten with each other the moment she stepped into the hardware store for the first time, but Noah doesn’t expect it all would extend to marriage.
She looks over her shoulder, half-turned, one eye on him. “I wasn’t finished.”
Noah blinks at her, momentarily confused. “What?”
“I…” her voice wavers. When she turns to face him again, she is pinching the bridge of her nose. Her eyes scrunched up. “Ah, fuck this is never going to be easy. Long story short, I freaked out, made a scene at a restaurant, ended our three-year on-and-off relationship and went here.”
“Wait, what?”
Liz shrugs, guiltily, all Atlas-and-the-weight-of-the-world.
“Yeah,” she, much to his surprise (and concern), chokes a laughter, manic and loud. “Yeah, I did it. I fucked up the longest relationship I’ve ever had and broke my best friend’s brother’s heart because I wasn’t ready, because I’m an idiot.” When she does look at him, her eyes are bright. “Because I’m in love with someone else.”
For a brief, candid moment, Noah’s brows furrow as his mind goes to one of his former friends. Is it Dan? Ava? Or could it be Lucas? Because the last time he saw them together, they were pretty inseparable– although their relationship is strictly platonic as far as he’s concerned. Has that dynamic changed after he left? 
Then Noah realizes her eyes are still on him– and quite expectantly, that is, and that’s not… no, that can’t be right, can it? 
His demeanor shifts drastically as he stands there, stunned silence. Disarmed by her confession. 
He tries to speak, but his jaw won’t shut back to its place; his brains short-circuiting.
“Yes, I have loved you ever since I’ve known you, Noah Marshall,” Liz mutters when he remains silent. He can tell this is something she’s been holding in for a long time. “Even though we hadn’t spoken to each other for years after Jane, there hadn’t been a day that I didn’t think of you. When we finally reconnected three years ago, I wanted to say all these things to you, but..” she smiles wistfully. “Well, shit happened.”
“Why?” Of all the people you could have fallen in love with, why me? What he means to ask.
“Because you understand me like no one else; because you climbed up to my window to bring me your homemade grilled cheese sandwich when I was grounded when we were 8; because you actually listened and showed me that my vulnerability doesn’t always have to be my weakness; because I love the way you wear your beanie like 24/7 and the way you shake my hair whenever I say something stupidly amusing to you. Because it’s you!”
“No.” It’s a denial, it’s an attempt to ward her off from someone like him. It’s a lie. “No, no, no, no, no, Liz, you can’t fall in love with someone who’s-who’s mentally unstable or tried to kill you in the past, that’s like…” he gesticulates wildly. “Crazy! You are crazy!”
“I’m sorry, are you any better?”
“Of course not! But to forgive me is one thing, Liz, to love me, that’s a whole different level of insanity.” Noah begins to pace agitatedly around the room back and forth. “Fuck. I can’t hear this. Not from you.”
“Why not?” He sees the hurt expression on her face. Then interrupts just as soon as he opens his mouth. “Noah, I’m not asking for your answer this instance–heck, I’m not even asking you to reciprocate my feelings, but please don’t invalidate my emotions. Not when I waited for years to say it to you.”
“But this fucking complicates everything!” Noah points out.  
“Maybe. Maybe not, but you don’t know that,” she says resolutely, echoing his words from before. 
Noah doesn’t say anything in return.
She steps closer and slowly raises her palm to cup his cheek, an attempt to calm the storm within him. His hand grasps her wrist before she can make contact. 
His breathing quickens. Noah swallows and shakes his head.
“Liz, we can’t do this. No matter…” he sighs, his eyes boring into hers. Here he is, again, dangling on the edge of damnation, of what’s right and wrong. It’s wrong, yet he knows that she knows, from the heat and electricity that dance between them, from the pressure of his fingers that tell different stories, that he, too, wants the same thing.
“No matter what, Noah?” She murmurs, staring up at him with hopeful eyes. She really wants him to say it, does she?
He extricates her hand from him, taking steps back, putting as much distance he can from her. “Forget it.”
“Look, Noah, if you feel what I think you’re feeling, then what is it that you’re afraid of?" 
Noah whirls around to face her again. "Everything! Can’t you see that if we do this, the world will turn against us?" 
“Since when do you care about other people’s opinions?”
“I wasn’t worrying about me.”
"Well, I don’t give a fuck what others or this thrice-damned world thinks!” she exclaims mulishly. “After all we’ve been through, is it so wrong to be selfish, to follow your own heart just once– just once? Is it– don’t you care about what you want?”
“I want-” Noah stops. His hands tugging at his red beanie cap. “Never mind what I want.”
Her voice is quieter now. “What do you want, Noah?”
For an interminable moment, heavy with the promise of both release and regret, he only stares at her. Contemplating his options.
Perhaps loving her shouldn’t be the sin he thought it was, especially when she wants the same thing in return. Although he’s more than aware that he’s the last person in this world who deserves her affection, but deep down, Noah knows that he’ll never forgive himself if he didn’t run the risk now and spent the rest of his life wondering what it felt like instead.
“You.” Always you.
She holds his gaze. “Then have me.”
And as if an unknown force was taking over his body, Noah crosses the distance between them, his free hands cradling her face, drawing her close and kisses her.
It’s like a dam breaking, everything floods out. They do not kiss gently, desperation orchestrating their every move that the world around him grows distant and dim.  Twelve years of pining for each other, of secretive glances, of murder attempt and mutual misery and it all leads them to this. His thumb skimming the curve of her throat and feels her pulse leaps. He stops. Worrying if he’s crossed the line.
But Liz grabs the front of his clothes, pulling him even closer– as if they aren’t close enough– and kisses him back with a matching fervor. Her body pressed against his, warm and unfamiliarly familiar, and Noah swears his heart skips when she emits a quiet desperate noise that he happily swallows. 
Suddenly, Noah pulls back. “Liz, I’m sorr–” he says breathlessly.
“No, don’t you dare apologize,” she says firmly, her lips still tinged pink from their kiss. “I… I started this.” Her tongue darted out over her lips. “Are you okay with this?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I want this.” Noah’s hands dropped to her waist, his cheeks burned. He’s inexperienced, yes, and it shows, yes, but this is Liz. The last thing she does is to laugh at his face about it. “You?”
“You have no idea.”
His cheeks grow redder. “I’m, uh… now what?" 
"I think,” she leans in, tiptoeing, her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders and playfully says, “I want you to kiss me again.”
Noah grins, more relaxed now knowing he has her consent. “I think I can provide that.”
He let her set the pace this time. Kissing him softly and sweetly, but as equally mind-blowing as the first time before the next thing he knows, they are kissing senselessly once more; the next thing he knows, she swipes her tongue on his lower lip. Drawing a surprised groan from him. His lips instinctively open up to her ministrations and he is rendered weak when Noah feels her warm tongue delves into his mouth. He tries to follow her example, but can hardly navigate through his own mind every time.
He can feel her fingers toying and tugging his beanie off, her nails grazing his scalp and his desire rocketed. And this time, Noah isn’t afraid to act, as his hands on her waist slowly glide upward; from her hips to her ribs, stopping just under her breasts which results in Liz’s breath to hitch in his mouth. His mouth travels down her jaw, the length of her neck, her collarbone. 
When he finds himself on the bed, on his back, and Noah has absolutely zero clue how or when he got that way. 
He sits up. Without thinking, grabs her hips to pull her onto his lap, hands rough, settling her against him as he tips her head upward and continues his onslaught on her neck. Her hands on his shoulders, coming up to the strands of his hair. Encouraging him, guiding him lower and lower until his mouth reaches her clothed breast. 
“Oh my god.” Liz’s eyes closed in pure bliss, caught up in the sensation, and ground her hips against him and, fucking hell, the friction feels so good and erotic and sets his entire being alight that Noah isn’t fast enough to stop the low, rumbling moan that comes from his mouth. 
“Fuck,” Noah swears and rolls his hips in response. At this rate, even if he wants to, he can’t hide the evidence of his physical desire, growing hard against her, making her produce these small high-pitched gasps every time his bulge brushes her just right, her pupils blown to hell and fucking fuck.
He is dry humping Liz. Liz. His sister’s best friend. His Achilles’ fricking heel. Good fuck, if Jane was still alive, what would she say about this?
“Noah?” She whispers.
He doesn’t realize he’s been lost in his own thoughts. “Sorry.” Noah mentally clears his head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to space out on you back there.”
She stares at him, seemingly unconvinced. “Did I go too far?" 
"What? No, no, you are incredible. Don’t worry.” To prove his point, he gives her thigh a distracting squeeze. “Liz, what if I say I want more? What if I say that I want you?”
Liz is quiet for a while. “Are you sure?" 
"Yeah. I know the last time we met I said I wasn’t ready for dating and stuff, but it’s you. And if you’re up for it, I’m game, but if you–” Liz chuckles at his stammering. Whispering “You’re fucking adorable” as Noah groans and hides his face on the crook of her neck. “Liz, you’re fucking driving me out of my mind here.”
“Well, I’m game.” Liz leans in and kisses his temple. Noah can practically hear her smile from here. “You know, for someone who seemed adamant on pushing me away, you’re awfully eager.”
He grins, running his finger down her spine until every hair in her body stood up. “Keep teasing me, and you’ll regret it, Mortimer.”
“Bite me, Marshall.”
Noah does bite, literally, on that delicious spot under her ear before flipping her onto her back on the bed, making her giggle like a drunken schoolgirl; making her dress hike up to her thigh, just enough for him to see her underwear. He settles himself atop her, right between her legs. His hips and an unmistakable hardness press firmly against her soft thighs. 
This is it, then. The wheels are in motion now and Noah can scarcely believe this is happening.
She props up on her elbows and begins undoing the buttons of her dress with great speed, eyes never leaving his until she pulls him for another searing kiss. Then Liz raises her legs, wrapping them around his waist and rolls her hips once more.
She moans softly, as Noah’s mouth trails wet kisses down her throat, nipping and sucking as he goes, until it finds its way to her nipple. He bucks up into her, growling, as he takes her other nipple in his mouth. His shaky hand makes to drop her legs away from his waist, yanks the hem of her dress upward and dips between her legs, slipping past the waistband of her underwear to touch her that she jolts, gasping and moaning loudly altogether. 
Liz writhes, her hands clutching onto his sweatshirt like a lifeline, head tilted back as her hips involuntarily move against his hand, desperate for relief. Noah inserts two fingers, watching with heated gaze for her reaction as he pumps in and out, long and slow, short and fast. Pushes deeper, crooks his fingers a little. The rough pad of his thumb rubbing her clit in fast circles until her moan grows increasingly loud and she comes hard, shattering into Noah’s fingers. 
When it’s over, Liz is a panting, limp noodle.  She lays there, properly spent, smiling contently at the ceiling with heavy, bedroom eyes. Noah hovers above her, kissing her nose with a newfound satisfaction as he watches her trying to even her erratic breaths.
“Whoa.” She breathes out. “I guess I should have known those hands weren’t made only for kitchen knives.” And lazily wraps her arms around his neck. “Jesus, I’m wasted.”
His teeth gently nibbling her earlobe, his hand teasing her nipple again. “I’m nowhere near done with you.” Fingers trailing down to her warm, still over-sensitive slit again that Liz shudders like a flower. “Not even close.”
“I can’t–” And Noah freezes, thinking if he’s gone too far. “No more foreplay. Fuck me, Noah. Now. Please, I want you.”
In an uncontrolled frenzy, Noah pulls away from her, removes his sweatshirt while Liz assists with the buttons of his shirt. He works on his belt, freeing his member from the tight confines of his jeans and pulls her panties over her knees. Not bothering with the rest of her dress.
They kiss again as he repositions himself above her. Liz’s hand reaches down to grab him, guides the head toward her entrance, her legs once again settling around his waist. 
In his head, Noah mentally prepares himself, counts to five, then slides his girth into her. The two groan in unison at the joining.
“Jesus fuck.” Noah’s head flops forward, jaw clenching. He is inside her, and it feels a dizzying kind of spectacular. “Fuck, Liz, you feel so good.”
Below him, a crackling gasp escapes her lips, her mouth drops into a perfect circle as her head falls back to the bed and looking oh so beautiful. Noah begins to rock his hips into her, the strands of his brown hair brushing against her damp forehead, the parts of his brain that enable him to think slowly shut down. His hand wanders to touch every part of her body.
Everything is on fire. Everything feels so fucking good.
“Look at me.” She does, through lidded eyes, lashes heavy with arousal. “Say my name.” Noah never really thought he would be this vocal in bed, but there’s just something about Liz that brings this side of him. “Say it, Liz.”
“Noah,” Liz moans his name, clinging to him like mad, nails raking his back. “Noah, shit. Faster.”
Noah wordlessly obliges, liking the way she thrashes underneath him. Her breaths coming faster, higher so he moves even faster, pounding into her with reckless abandon just to show her how much strength he has. He finds himself growling rather animalistic against her skin, biting her shoulder. Feeling himself drawing closer and closer to the edge. He isn’t going to last any longer.
He puts a hand between them to rub her clit and Liz’s eyes roll back.
“Ooohh, god. N-noah!” she cries out, her words quickly morphed into a desperate wail. "Don’t stop, don’t stop, oh, please!”
Liz is a blubbering mess, screaming against the pillow. It is too much. The combination of his cock fucking her mercilessly and the friction his fingers provided on her sensitive spot is enough to make the girl convulse pathetically on the bed. 
When she comes, he follows not long after. Going rigid and groaning gutturally in her ear, emptying himself inside her.
When the ripples have passed, Noah collapses on top of her. Both panting and sweating from… whatever is it that just happened between them. Liz cradles him against her breasts, peppering tired kisses to his hair that is now sticking out wildly in every direction, locking him in her embrace, their left hands intertwining.
They stay like that for a few minutes, in a very much comfortable silence since she first set her foot here before Noah rolls to the side on the bed.
“Holy shit, we just had sex,” he says when he’s regained the power to speak again.
Liz chuckles and turns to face his side, sticking one of her legs between his while he pulls the covers over their forms. “Yep. Though, honestly, I never would have thought we’d end up having sex when I came here tonight.”
“Liz, I didn’t even know you’d be coming over. I can safely say tonight has been one hell of a surprise after another.”
She doesn’t say anything. At least not for a while.
“I hope you know I meant every word that I say to you,” she says kindly. “You’re not the villain in the story, but neither you are the hero. You are human, with your flaws and all, and I love you despite all of it.”
“Except you. You are an angel, Liz.”
“Noah, I basically turned down Connor’s marriage proposal, broke up with him and went straight into your arms in a matter of days.” She sighs guiltily. “No, we all just wear our demons differently.”
“Maybe. But you said it yourself, we are all just humans with our flaws and all. But you,” Noah turns and cups her cheeks in his hands. “you will always be an angel in my book. You saved me, Liz. When the whole world raised their torches and forks on me, you freaking saved me where you could have fed me to the mob. You’re the reason why I’m still here today and I love you for it, you hear me?” He pulls her into his arms when a tear starts to fall from her eye. 
“I’m so in love with you, Elizabeth Mortimer. Always have and always will.” He kisses her cheek. “You’re the kindest, most beautiful, the brightest human being I’ve ever known. I’m the luckiest person to have you be in love with me and if you’re up for it, I want to build a world around you.” He adds, “Instant noodles included.”
Liz laughs, still teary-eyed, shoves him playfully on the shoulder, feigning a glare. “You jerk. Always have the flair to ruin a moment.”
Noah chuckles. “Technically, you love instant noodles, so it’s only right, don’t you think?” She shoves him again. “And I’m your jerk now.”
“My jerk.” Yet she says it the same way someone says ‘my love’. “I love you too, Noah Marshall. And I want to build that world together with you.”
Noah smiles. Because he loves her and because for the first time in forever, his life makes fucking sense.  
Yes, he doesn’t know whether their relationship will last or will it crash and burn in the future, but at this exact moment, he’s happy and it seems that she does too. And that is all that matters now.
And if there is one thing that he’s sure of is that he knows that he doesn’t ever want to let this go. Not in a million years.
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The Bad Guy
Bucky x fem!Reader
Theme: It's a good day in New York City for Bucky Barnes, who seems to feel right at home till his morning is disrupted by a bad guy. Maybe New York isn't the same place after all.
Series: I don’t know if this is a series.
Chapter warnings: swearing. so much swearing.
A/N: @writing-prompt-s​ once gave a prompt last year that stuck with me...I don’t remember the exact wordings but it had something to do with the reader/writer being the villain having a crush on the hero, always finding excuses (or crimes) to meet them. One day they are getting their ass beat and you decide to jump in and save the day. This one is same but with a liiiiiiiitle twist
Word Count: I cannot believe there are days when I wish I can poop at will, like my brother, and not just sit there constipated. Today has been one of those days.
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MASTERLIST in bio, love. Tags are open
“Get the fuck outta my face, you asshole!”
The anger rushed through the burning veins to press on the car horn for as long as that bald guy could; or till other vehicles standing there impatiently started cussing at the boomer to hold it together. To add fuel to the fire, a flock of pigeons made sure it got to do its business right in the middle of newly washed windshields. A woman stood by the crossing, watching everything unfold through her bloodshot eyes as she smoked the scene away in broad daylight while a stray dog peed at the lamp post she supported herself on. A man walked by, catcalling the same woman with the kind of smile you do not want to witness; but when you do, it is difficult to remove from your brain. “Slut,” the man spewed when he did not get anything for his manly advances. “Boo-hoo,” uttered the woman with pure disinterest, going back to looking at the woman standing across the road, trying to balance her grocery bags in her arms while deciding the right moment to cross the road.
Ah, yes. It was just another day in New York City.
It did not feel normal till the exhaust fumes filled up your lungs when you stepped out into this articulate maze of a city to go about your day, just like anyone else. That rusty smell of iron and concrete along with a splash of dust in the alleys, the stench of piss in those missed corners in the back alleys and parks, the howls and so-called greetings by the men at every woman passing by that caught their eye.
Some things never change. That’s what Bucky lamented this morning, feeling himself caught off guard for a split second as two women walked by with a knowing smile just for his blue eyes. Never indeed.
So, he still had it, didn’t he? Feeling like the same Brooklyn boy before the war, catching secretive gazes and moans of all eyes alike, greeting the elderly, petting a dog and stroking a cat as he felt a skip in his step. It was so good to be outside.
Two weeks. Two weeks since he had come back from Wakanda, deciding to join Steve, Sam and Stark in whatever little shenanigans they had running at the compound in the city outskirts; saving the world and all that. It had been a good start since the whole Hydra and Snap events. He had settled pretty well with the rest of the Avengers. Turned out it isn’t that hard to live with people who are just the same amount of weird as him. But the relief came from the fact that he wasn’t the only ex-assassin in the house. That redhead was super rad. I should maybe ask her out if she and Steve aren’t a thing already…though I doubt that.
But just because he had come home did not mean he forgot about the previous one. He would still get occasional memes in his inbox from Shuri and he would try to use them- what he thought- the right way, peppering them into conversations as much as possible. 
I wish Shuri was here, Bucky sighed as he looked at the Times Square announcement for the Young Leaders Summit happening this weekend, smiling to himself in gratitude for that young scientist making him well enough to enjoy the bustling crowds again.
The walk through this massive city was no joke. But the Winter Soldier took his sweet time to watch the life of the loudest and the quietest corners before he decided where he wanted to get his coffee from.
Just by the corner of the University was a little shop with the cosiest ambience- everything furnished in wood, old advertisements for wall decorations and some good old jazz music playing on the vinyl satiated his soul just the right amount.
“Coffee and uh…eggs and bacon, please,” he requested with a slight smile as he settled on the stool, trying to ignore the snickers and giggles coming from the booth behind him.
“Oh my gosh, he’s so hot,” his sensitive ears caught, forcing him to clear his throat and grab the newspaper kept on the counter.
“So fuckable,” another whisper came. Okay, some things have changed, he shuddered, gladly turning his attention to the police sirens in the distance instead of having to hear what a couple of strangers had to say about him.
“I wonder if he goes dow-“
A crash and a peal of horrendous feminine laughter drowned out everything else, breaking open the can of fight or flight instincts- neither of them containing the ‘go back home, its none of your business’ choice.
Stepping out, Bucky was greeted with one end of the street bustling with cars and people getting out of them to witness a woman stand over one with a bag swinging in the air as if to mock whoever who was standing opposite her. Bucky could not get a clear view thanks to the tree line in his view.
“I said put that down,” a commanding voice said out loud. Wait a second…
“Good Lord! Would you relax!” the woman called out, her back still to Bucky. By the casual pose, he could tell she was not scared of whoever was standing in front of her. “It’s just a smoke grenade in one hand the most expensive painting in New York in another. Also, the shittiest,” she shrugged before taking the piece out of the bag and forcing a gasp out of everyone, “I mean, who decided to pay a hundred mil for this stupid looking square drawn over a circle?”
Bucky moved along the tree line, right where her blind spot was, reading the scene to realise she was some idiot out to cause chaos in the streets. I guess the police have it cover-are you kidding me?!
“As much as I would love to agree with you,” a very tired Steve announced, his shield resting on his arm, “I’d rather make sure Tony gets this back in one piece.”
“Well, he can pay my student loans and I’ll draw him a better one,” you negotiated, almost making Steve laugh.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “that’s a good one. Now come on. I don’t want you to get hurt. Give that ba-“
“Why not?” You tilted your head at him, making the Captain pause. Bucky stood behind an SUV, furrowing his brows at Steve and the woman.
“Wh-“ Steve was left with his lips in a confused pout, not really understanding the question while the summer sun made that soft blonde glow like a truly lost boy in the jungle.
“Why wouldn’t you want to hurt me?”
Bucky could swear by that colour of hurting emotion in her voice that she was looking at Steve as if he had betrayed her. Holy cow, she’s good. But then again, it’s Stevie.
“It’s okay. You have my consent. We should keep a safe word though.”
“O…kay I think that’s-“
“How about…Shield?”
Bucky nearly gave up his position with the involuntary snicker that left the back of his throat. Nonetheless, he had a perfect view of watching his best friend choke on embarrassment till he was red.
“’ Cause, you know, it’s safer to use protection.”
Steve was lucky. Really lucky the first time for having the street evacuated so as not to face the public embarrassment of being broken by a woman in a leather jacket and black jeans. That’s it. No weapons. He turned lucky the second time when an explosion in the art gallery behind him turned all the attention away from this weird one standing on top of a car and flirting with Captain America.
But Bucky was not going to let Steve forget this. Ever.
“Nat, what was that?” He called into his comms.
“Aw! Come on! I was just starting to get to know you!” She groaned. “Okay, I won’t burn this trash and we go on a date. What say?”
“We’re done here,” Steve declared before turning towards the three policemen standing behind him for aid, looking at him for further instructions, “cuff her up.”
Bucky moved next to the police car, taking the spare windbreaker resting on the front seat to walk towards the woman without giving away his identity. Not that there was much to give there.
“SO IS THAT A YES ON THE DATE?” she shouted in Steve’s direction while the cops cuffed her up. One of the policemen was quick to figure out the man doing the murder walk in their direction was not a part of the team.
“Hey, excuse me. What do you think you’re doing?“
Bucky tried to raise his hands to signal him to keep it quiet but something else was already catching his attention. That something being Steve body hurled out of the glass building like a rag doll.
It was a split-second reaction of him catching the arms of the cuffed-up woman. “Hey! You’re not going-“he broke as the face turned towards him, that weight in his voice slowly dissolving in those angry eyes- “anywhere.”
You had your share of bad luck. Who didn’t? It was New York fucking City. The whole place was a mess. So, it was a given that today was going to be just like any other day. Because who gets to rob an art studio and have their crush come and personally arrest them only to be called off by some other douchebag robbing the same place.
Now, it would have been great had things just halted there. But as fate would have it, embarrassment hit right when you got cuffed, watching the man of your fantasies being thrown out of glass and landing on the pavement with a groan.
No one hurts him but me, you growled, already trying to make your way towards Steve before a pair of hands wrapped themselves around your arms to stop and turn your around. “Hey! You’re not going-“
Oh, now what! You turned around to lock eyes with deep ocean eyes turning fifty shades lighter. “-anywhere.”
You did not know where that jawline came from but if he hadn’t been so beautiful you swore you would have punched the lights out of him right there and then.
Who is he, a part of you was purring.
Gunfire sounded behind you, making you break out this ten-second bliss to turn back to Steve hiding behind his shield from…was that a sniper you just saw on the roof?
Trying to walk towards Steve again, you were once again stopped by that blue-eyed guy.
“Let me go,” you declared, “he’s in trouble.”
Bucky scoffed. “That’s Captain America, doll. I think he can handle himself.”
You scrunched your nose at him, making him wonder it was Steve he was talking about. “Doll? What century are you from?”
Bucky stopped short of saying something. Let’s just not go there, darlin’.
“Let me go, he clearly needs help.”
“From a thief?”
“She tried to threaten a crowd yesterday,” one of the officers spoke, earning a death glare from you.
“And I am threatening to kill you right now if you don’t let me go,” you announced ever so softly to the officer, who walked backwards with every step you took in his direction, his hand resting on his gun, ready to take it out as soon as you were to become a legit threat.
“Lady, I am telling you to calm down,” he declared, his friends backing him up.
“Okay, no need to get-“
Bucky’s words were drowned by another explosion and before anyone could make sense of the situation, you were already breaking out of the handcuffs with one good yank, running straight towards the explosion, jumping over the cars to land on the concrete grounds of the studio.
“Uh…this is on the new guy,” the officer stressed, pointing at Bucky. Bucky looked at him with judgmental eyes before running behind you, trying to catch up as you disappeared behind the smoke, landing on the ground from the cars just in time to miss a screaming man that came flying in his direction; or rather, he missed a man that was thrown in his direction.
“What in the-“ Bucky walked into the smoke cautiously to hear the impact of fists made with ribs and bodies being thrown into walls and grunts coming from something wild trying to fight those men in tactical vests.
The chopper above cleared the smoke in time- thanks Natasha- for the Winter Soldier to witness you blocking an attack on Steve before crushing the attacker’s wrist and knocking him unconscious with your elbow right in his face.
“You okay, Cap?”
“They’re not with you?”
“Wha-Who? These Chads and Hunters? Not even if I was being paid for it, no.”
Steve apologised for the quick judgment, looking around at the men lying on the ground groaning in pain. “You know you’ll still be arrested for the theft,” Steve stated with heavy breaths, trying to wipe off the blood from his lips.
“Eh,” you shrugged, looking in Bucky’s direction, “I’ll live.”
For a second Bucky lost all sense of direction as you walked towards him, your eyes stuck on his. And was that blood on your cheek? Were you really hurt? How does someone look just as…pretty when half their face has been smashed? Everything ran in his mind like a freight train- which came to a deafening halt right what you stopped in front of him, drawing your hands up, palms out.
“Okay, now you can cuff me.”
Steve was a bit confused by the interaction while he stood outside this bizarre bubble between his best friend and this crazy woman who apparently had the hots for him. What was more surprising was watching Bucky lose all that made him ‘Bucky’ and stand there like a mute fool while you waited for him to do something with your hands.
“Oi!” you tried to snap the man out of whatever daydream you thought he was running through, “we going or what?”
Bucky never turned his gaze away from your y/e/c eyes as he tried to find the zip ties that he had on him, taking them out and securing your wrists in them, not bothering with the judgy brow Steve was throwing at him right this moment. He could deal with that later.
“Oooh,” you cooed at Bucky as he turned you by your arm towards the police cars waiting for you, “looks like someone is always ready for some action. I like that.”
Bucky was about to open his mouth to say something cocky back when he felt you push him back to grab the knife and the hand holding it, twist and break it before kicking the tactical vest guy in his knees. “Stay down, punk,” you commanded. And at that very moment, one more person in the universe started believing in something called ‘the one’.
“Why did you steal the painting?”
“Sweety, can we do this at the station. I’m tired and I could really use a quiet ride.”
Bucky licked his lips as he walked you back, not really content with the answer. You knew it too. It was hard to miss when Bucky’s hands on your arm changed the intensity of the hold. Not to mention the walk back was getting awkward the more distance was covered towards those pea-brained cops.
“…that painting could sell for millions online, ruin the name of this shady studio and win me a date with Cap.”
Stopping right next to the car, you turned and smirked at him, making Bucky wonder about this strange feeling in his stomach. “That’s all you get, pretty boy.” With those last words, you got inside the car, the cops driving you away as Bucky stood there alone for a few moments, replaying all of them back and questioning what exactly he had done today to have led him to this.
Just as the car disappeared from the view, Steve came to stand next to him, looking in the same direction.
“So, zip ties, huh.”
“So, a pretty stalker, huh.”
“She’s the bad guy, Buck.”
Bucky was still looking far out with this little last hope of you coming back. “…really?”
“First she impersonates an ambassador’s daughter to get access to the military secrets of three countries, then she crashes two military drones, and when that wasn’t enough thrill for her she comes after me!”
Pepper closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “It was a painting, Tony.”
“Well, today it was!” He stated matter-of-factly. “Tomorrow she’s going to try and steal one of my cars. Or maybe even Steve.”
Steve- who had an icepack pressed to his swollen cheek- rolled his eyes.
“Oh, definitely Steve,” Natasha agreed before passing a smirk at an irritated Rogers.
“It’s not funny,” Steve muttered.
“She said something about the Studio being shady.”
All eyes turned on Bucky. The unwelcome chill down his spine told him he was being questioned quietly till he could come up with something more.
“Tony, you said this painting was shipped yesterday.”
Tony nodded. “It was supposed to be delivered here today.” He turned and looked at the canvas covered in brown paper standing in the corner, waiting to be attended to.
“Could she have been after the studio?”
“Wow, he’s really not stopping today, is he?” Tony uttered to Steve.
“I’m standing right here.”
“Why would she go after the studio?” Pepper questioned. “What are they, some drug dealers or traffickers?”
Everyone stared at each other in silence for a second before Tony called Friday to run diagnostics on the painting and give him everything.
Within five seconds, the results were up.
“There’re traces of unsanctioned medical drugs along the outer frame. I have also found a microdrive that contains in total seventy-five identities. On running a deeper search through the internet, I have found these seventy-five identities belong to the girls that have been missing for the past one year from the middle eastern countries. All these girls have a codename next to them. Would you like me to run a further search on this, sir?”
“Yeah, you do that.”
Tony watched in contemplative silence as Bucky crossed his arms across his chest, waiting for the call.
“How do we know she’s not with the bad guys who have these girls?”
“We can always send Steve in to question her,” Pepper suggested.
“You too Pepper?” Steve felt betrayed by the one person in the room he thought was not going to get in on this. “And I don’t think I’ll be of much help. She never talks sense around me.”
Natasha chuckled, pouring herself some whiskey from Tony’s bar. “That’s true.”
“And Nat’s not going to talk to her because the last time they were in the same room she tried to kill her dog.”
“You had a dog?” Tony gasped. “When?”
“I just pushed him away a little hard from the fighting…with my leg. And it was Y/N’s dog,” Natasha stressed.
Y/N. Bucky ran that name inside his head again and again till it settled like a layer of his own skin on him.
“That’s called a kick,” Steve chimed in blankly.
“That’s definitely a kick,” Tony added, narrowing his eyes at the Black Widow, earning an eye roll.
“I can talk to her,” Bucky volunteered, “she doesn’t know I’m with you guys. She thinks I’m a civilian. I could get in her good books and find out what she knows.”
A brief moment was taken to put some thought into it. “I like that idea,” Natasha finally spoke. “If she’s the bad guy then we can put a stop to whatever she’s up to.”
“If she’s not…” Bucky began.
“Then Cap can finally go out with her without having to think of the greater good,” she concluded with a smug grin.
So, it was settled. Bucky was going undercover to find out the truth. Quite possibly the easiest mission of his life. But if it was this easy, then why was his heart bubbling with this strange sensation? Maybe because it was his first mission after so long. Maybe it was something he was yet to discover.
So...what do you think?
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spiltscribbles · 5 years
combo of 7 & 8 for pynch hehe :)
Notes: Thank you so much love!!!  |   Send Me A Prompt 
“It’s the last straw! I’m done! I’m over it!” Blue stabs the spoon into her yogurt, teeth clenched, and knuckles white. Adam, like the good friend he is, just calmly slides it out of her hand and gives her a banana instead.
“She’s not that bad of a roommate,” he tells her with a one armed shrug. The look she shoots him can only be described as the personification of betrayal. Adam can’t believe it’s the third time he’s rolled his eyes at her and it hasn’t hit nine in the morning yet.
“They were naked Adam! Nude! Birthday suits!”
“The biblical state,” Henry tacks on and Blue nods along graciously.
Make it four times before nine in the morning.
“It’s Orla…. She’s eccentric
“It was on the couch! I sit on that couch Adam!” blue hits her hand against the table, fully indignant now.
“I really would recommend having it at the very least steam cleaned before partaking in that activity  again,” Henry advises sagely as he takes a sip of his coffee.
“Oh no! No way! I will never sit on that couch another day of my life!”
“Glad to see you’re taking this reasonably,” Adam says, voice blithe, as he brings their cereal bowls to the sink.
“Don’t start with me Adam! You haven’t seen the things I have! The freckles and birthmarks— The hair.” Blue shutters and henry slings an arm around her slim shoulders in comfort, clucking his tongue all the while.
Fifth…. It’s been the fifth time now.
“So how do you reckon you’ll live in there without sitting on the couch ever again?” He needles with a quirked brow, fully having decided to just fall into the dramatics. It’s always easier for him at the end of the day  when just excepting it.
“I’m moving out! Duh.”
“Oo, My Blueberry is becoming her very own American woman!” Henry preens. “Let me get you a chic new outfit Sabrina style!”
“That movie is sexist and culturally appropriates middle eastern garb.” Blue sniffs.
“Good to know that the new Blue has still got all her old spunk.”
“You’re both ridiculous,” Adam tells them, lips pinched.
“We bring bursts of color into your otherwise stale existence,” Blue argues loftily.
“Ridiculous,” Adam repeats with feeling.
“Lying doesn’t become you my dear Henrietta Prince,” Henry tells him far too frankly before turning his attention back to Blue. “You know you’ve got a place here if you want it.”
“Where?” Blue snorts. “In your living room?”
“Our couch doesn’t have naked Orla germs,” Adam offers halfheartedly. 
Blue just levels him with a unimpressed look, and Adam’s got flashbacks to junior year when Maura caught the pair of them getting drunk off Persephone’s peach wine coolers.
It’s terrifying.
“Charming. But no need, I’ve already begun sifting around for places nearby that are looking for a new roommate.”
Adam takes the papers she’s already printed off and begins shuffling through them.
“This one has like five cats,” he tells her with a curled lip.
“It sounds homey.”
“You’re allergic,” Adam rebukes. 
“I’m desperate Adam!” Blue reminds him.
“This one has a picture of him wearing a MAGA hat on his facebook profile pic,” Henry informs her, holding a second listing.
“Okay not that desperate,” Blue crumples it up and tosses it to the side. Adam would tell her to throw it in the trash like an adult but reasons she’s having a moment. 
“Mmm, what about this one,” she waves around the paper and Henry takes it to look over himself.
“It’s with three random dudes.”
“Three normal looking dudes,” Blue presses. “And so to reiterate, I’m desperate.”
“Ted Bundy was a normal looking dude,” Adam charges, making Blue glare at him menacingly.
“Adam I can still see flesh in my nightmares!”
Sixth, sixth time he’s rolled his eyes. Jesus fucking Christ Adam is gonna be sent to an early grave because of  an aneurism from them.
The problem is that when Blue sets her mind on something, not even the angels above can dissuade  her from it, so that’s why Adam spends his Saturday afternoon— the only one he’s had off from a shoot in literally three months— driving to some sketch apartment with her and Henry, in the latter’s abrasively flashy sports car. 
He feels like a fraud.
“Blueberry are you sure you put in the right address?” Henry asks, face scrunched in confusion once they cruise into the open parking spot in front of a dilapidated looking  manufacturing building.
Blue flickers her eyes back down towards her phone before glancing up with a sure nod. 
“Look it says Monmouth right over there on the sign near the front door. This’s the right place.” 
“Right place to get murdered,” Adam intones darkly. 
Blue only tosses him a glare before slipping out.
“Are we bad people for going along with this?” Henry asks Adam, his mouth downturned in concern.
“Nah, we were bad people long before this.” Adam assures him wryly  before following suit.
“I don’t want a new roommate,” Ronan tells Gansey for the third time in the past hour. In turn, Gansey only rolls his eyes before trying to stuff the old pizza boxes into the trash can. God fucking damn it, Helen’s right, they do live like pigs.
“I think it’s a good idea,” Noah contends. “It’ll bring some new energy in this place.”
“Oy, what did I tell you about saying shit like energy and chakras.”
“That’s it’s something a douche hipster would say and you’d throw me out a window if you heard it again.”
“And yet.”
“All I can say to that is dude you need to clear your chakras.” Noah says, fully goading, and making it so an unexpected laugh tears out of Ronan, the total prick.
“For the love that is all holy and right, will you two please just attempt to act normal when she gets here.”
“It’s a girl?”
“A girl with models as friends,” Noah perks, completely beaming. “And you know what that means,” Noah winks and Ronan, for the good of the public, cuffs him on the back of the head. Hard.
“You fucking sly dog, how do you even know that?”
“Preliminary interview through the phone,” Noah shrugs. “She sounds nice, better than living with that guy with a pet snake.”
“That snake was fucking cool.” Ronan argues.
“There’s a one pet limit here, and your raven has taken the slot.” Gansey huffs, hand on his hip like Aurora would do if Ronan and Declan were being especially rowdy. “And Noah don’t ask about her model friends, that’s creepy.”
“That’s kind of my shtick man.” Noah points out, wide eyed.
“Less horror film creepy and more loser from Revenge of the Nerds creepy,” Gansey clarifies scoldingly.
Noah swallows down a lump, properly cowed.
It’s right then when the doorbell rings and Gansey frantically puts in the last of the empty cups into the dishwasher from the sink before scurrying to the doorway, Noah and Ronan on his heals.
Ronan knows he lost the battle and the war the moment the door swings open and the first thing the pixie sized, colorfully dressed girl says is a glowing “Blank 182?” While gesturing towards Noah’s… Well Noah’s everything.
Noah looks like the cat who’s gotten into the cream, Gansey looks more glowing than usual, and Ronan can’t take his eyes off the sandy haired boy she’s brought along with her.
Living with Blue is a beast that Ronan can’t quite figure out how to defeat.
She, probably like any sane person, expects the house to be in some sort of semblance— aka no more jackets and other innocuous articles of clothing thrown about the shared living space, and for dishes to be rinsed after use and put into the dishwasher accordingly. 
“Your rooms can be as trashy as you want, but can we please not make the whole place a pigsty,” she had sniffed with a cocked head and jut out hip. Gansey of course nodded giddily— on account to his staring at her all moony ever since meeting her— Noah had shrugged, indifferent. But Ronan held out as long as possible, sneer on his lips. But alas, she met his every zig with a zag and he found himself in a stalemate.
But Ronan could deal with the tidiness and even the impromptu yoga sessions she holds with randoms from her classes at university. Hell he could deal with her weird obsession with Yogurt too, and can actually listen to her rants about the patriarchy and institutional blocks that keeps the impoverished and people of color and women down from being able to achieve feats once only meant for wealthy white men. Fuck, Ronan’s come to think her particular brand of spitfire humor is actually hilarious.
So yes all of this is fine. But with Blue comes them. Henry Cheng, best friend she met at some art class her freshman year. And fucking Adam Parrish, apparently someone she’s known for so long and so intimately that she refers to him as family more often than not.
And yeah. Ronan is not jealous and Noah needs to take that fucking sneer off his face.
“You’re jealous!”
“I am not jealous!” Ronan yells emphatically for the fifth time.
“Ronan has a crush!”
“Noah God so help me!” He threatens, totally venomous.
“You’re in loveee!” 
“Noah I will destroy you!”
Okay so Ronan might be sorta, kinda, not jealous…. But bothered. Yes Bothered. He’s bothered because he can’t fucking figure out Blue and Adam’s deal. One second they’re sniping at one another about the economy and the next she’s lying her head in his lap while he’s carding a hand through her hair.
Fucking salacious shit.
But occasionally, on especially good days, Blue falls asleep early and instead of going back home right away, Adam stays. He stays and he shares a drink with Ronan on the porch and they talk about nothing really, but also a lot of things. Ronan find’s out he basically grew up with Blue, that she was his first everything. He’s deaf in his left ear and he didn’t mean to fall into modeling but he didn’t have enough money to finish the semester at MIT and instead of giving up he took up some side gigs which eventually culminated into a career of his own. 
Ronan finds out that Adam’s favorite flavor of ice cream is cow tracks and his front tooth is chipped from behind.  Adam has a small, crooked smile and when he laughs its more breath than sound and its absolutely lovely.
Ronan finds this all out but still has no idea whether he has a shot.
And again, he’s bothered.
“I vote on something classic,” Blue tells them with a sip of her shake. (Read the shake Adam bought but Blue somehow still always drinks half of even while she complains about being on a diet, which then leads her to grouse about how Adam stays narrow and lithe even if he eats four quarter pounders back to back).
Sadly, this happened once and only once when Adam was especially stressed over a finals week and hadn’t eaten for literally three straight days. 
She really has seen him at his worst.
“Ooo, let’s watch some singing in the rain! I’m ready to belt out some toons.” Henry crows.
“Oh well if it includes your perfectly pitched singing,” Adam says flatly. Blue promptly elbow checks him and Henry waggles his tongue out.
“Sounds good to me Henry, so where?”
“Your place?” Adam says, brow kinked and trying to smother down the hopefulness in his voice. Of course, it doesn’t work. They know him better than anyone else, and they immediately stick him with matching smirks.
“Pray tell Parrish, me and you have the better entertainment system by far, and yet you’ve been insistent on heading to Blueberry’s place for our weekly movie nights for the past two months…. Hah, I wonder what two months signify?”
“Ooo ooo! I know Henry, I know!” Blue teases swinging her arm up high like an excited school girl. “I just moved into Monmouth and Then Adam over here got all slack jawed and goofily eyed over my scary roommate!”
“Blueberry gets the point!” Henry squawks, giving her a makeshift bracelet out of the straw wrapper.
Adam looks at them both with as much fury as he could muster, cheeks infused red, and jaw locked.
In retort, they only laugh ebulliently.
Adam is so tempted to make new friends.
Ronan opens the door on a random Thursday afternoon a week later and Adam steels his nerves, not about to back down.
“Oh, ah Parrish.” His prominent brows furrow together, suspicious. “Maggot isn’t here yet.”
“I know,” Adam says, head tipped high. “Can I come in?”
Ronan only shrugs as he moves aside to give him the room to enter.
“You look like you have something squirming up your ass,” Ronan tells him, as blunt and as crass as ever.
Adam silently questions to the universe why is it that he’s so resoundingly attracted to him for that.
“You’re so eloquent with your words Lynch, you know that?” Adam tells him, completely flat, and making it so Ronan’s answering grin is something feral and amused.
“So you gonna just stand there looking pretty or actually get it out?”
“Jesus Christ, do you have an ounce of patience in your entire body?”
“I sweat it out at the gym, you wouldn’t know that skinny.” Ronan barbs, hip checking him while he struts to the kitchen.
Adam just glares after his form… His well built and deliciously broad shoulders.
“Still got enough muscle to beat your ass,” Adam teases and Ronan leers, impressed. Adam walks closer, magnetized. 
“So Blue’s enlightened me about something.”
Ronan hikes up a brow, betraying his mask of indifference.
“Is that right. What? Did Maggot make you understand that the hand holding and lovey-dovey looks are getting abrasive?”
Adam is utterly confused to what he’s talking about— Did he find out about the crush, and if so does that mean he’s already, wordlessly rejected Adam. Is Ronan completely uncomfortable right now.
Adam shakes off the questions, is determined to just plunge in for once in his life without beating a situation to death with analysis.
“She’s enlightened me that my crush on you is getting to ridiculous levels of yearning and i should just ask you out like an adult.”
A thousand different expressions pull at Ronan’s face until finding landing at something Adam can only call aw.
“Oh— Ah, wait. Wait do you like me?”
Adam rolls his eyes heavenwards. God he really is going to get an aneurysm.
“You are such a doofus,” Adam sighs before inkling his head forwards and kissing Ronan senseless.
Ronan grabs his head and presses impossibly closer.
Later that night, when Henry and Blue march in with the decided upon movie they both begin to preen at the sight of them, exchange bills with Noah and Gansey too.
Again, Adam is going to be sent to an early grave. But hey, if in the meanwhile Ronan does that thing with his tongue, Adam will at least enjoy his final earthly days.
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lilhemmo · 5 years
i want a sweet pea x reader fic!!!!! i saw all the stuff you reblogged and i wanna read your take on it all! the tropes i pick - bar!au and flirting under fire and (if you can fit it in) injured!fic - thank you in advanced!!!!! i'm a big fan of your stuff!!
send me two au’s from THIS list + a ship/character 
a/n: bear with me… this is a long one! read more under the cut!!
How the Whyte Wyrm became Switzerland, you’ll never know.
After your high school years, you took off for a four year degree that was anywhere but Riverdale. Your mom got sick and you had to come back home, back to Riverdale.
Betty and Jughead never left, and neither did Archie. Josie made it out, as did Kevin, and you thought you did. Yet here you are, standing in front of the Whyte Wyrm.
“Stop being such a baby,” Jughead nudges your side with his elbow. “No one is going to care that you’re a filthy Northsider.”
Your jaw drops and he winks before pushing open the wooden doors and letting the sound out into the open.
“Aye, Jughead!” A chorus of people shout out. Jughead is apparently some sort of pseudo-leader of people now. His father may be sheriff, but he runs the town.
Jughead makes his rounds, his serpent jacket standing out in the neon lights of the Wyrm. He hugs and shakes hands, and while he’s busy, Betty leans into your shoulder and asks, “Wanna get a drink? He could take a while.”
Together you laugh as you make your way to the bar. Betty taps it with closed fists, “You know what to do, Sweet Pea.”
You can’t help it when your eyes snap up to meet the bartender’s. Your lips break out into a smile as you recognize who is standing behind the counter.
“Sweet Pea?” you ask incredulously. In a second you’re reaching over the bar to wrap him up in a hug, or at least what you can grab of him, and you kiss his cheek, “Holy cow, it’s been a long time.”
“Yeah,” he smirks, pouring two glasses full of liquid. “Years, huh?”
The scent of alcohol burns your nose but you can’t stop grinning. Sweet Pea is taller now, and he’s completely filled out from shoulders to toes. He looks stronger, healthier - he’s probably getting a full meal now that he’s on his own and he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else. There’s a different light in his eyes now.
“How’ve you been?” you lean onto the bar with your forearms.
He goes to answer just as a table is flipped in the south corner of the bar. Sweet Pea rolls his eyes and walks out from behind the bar, “Fellas, c’mon! You’re paying for that!”
“SP, get over it!” a drunken old Serpent shouts from where he’s staggering behind the tossed table. Sweet Pea huffs, shaking his head, “Toad, c’mon. Go on home.”
A waitress walks by and Toad reaches out to grab her but she’s quick to snag him by the wrist and twist just enough to make it hurt. Three more older Serpents stand behind him, enforcers of some sort. Jughead materializes from where he was speaking with a few old classmates and stands beside Sweet Pea.
Someone does something too quick, makes a noise that someone else doesn’t like, and suddenly beer bottles are flying and pool sticks are snapping.
You find yourself dodging small knives and breaking wrists. You hurt some of them just enough to keep them down, to keep them from slashing at your ankles, and others you knock out against pool tables and the tabletop of the bar.
“Thought this place was Switzerland?” you shout over the commotion, catching Sweet Pea’s eye. He smirks over his shoulder at you, a devilish glint in his eye, “S’posed to be. Can’t always tame the snakes, sweetheart.”
“No,” you lick your lips and grin, “Guess you can’t.”
You’re back-to-back with Sweet Pea, pushing and shoving off of one another to help each other and watch one another’s backs. The adrenaline from hand-to-hand combat and the loud music playing in the background push you forward, making you bare your teeth as they try to come after you.
A few manage to slice at your skin, but the pain is but a blink as you grab one of them by the shoulders and slam them into the pool table beside you. You grab a pool ball and use it as a weapon, warning those who might try to best you.
“So, you come here often?” Sweet Pea shouts over his shoulder. You can hear the smirk in his voice. “I bet I can get the owner to give you a discount!”
“Oh really?” you project your voice over the music. Your lips tug up in a smile as you sweep an attacker’s feet out from under him. “He’s pretty hot, you think you could put a good word in for me?”
Sweet Pea falters and you reach across the space between your bodies to push the assailant away from him. He reacts a second too late and gets a knife to his hip, but the pain only pushes him further into the violence instead of distracting him from it.
“I, uh, I’ll think about it!” Sweet Pea uppercuts into an oncoming junkie, knocking them onto the floor. He steps over them to get to the next person, “Where did you learn to fight like this?!”
“Classes while I was in college! I, uh, I got jumped one night on my way back to my dorm and so I decided I’d never be taken advantage of again.” You have a half-moment to look at him, to catch his eye, before the carnage continues. The sadness in his dark eyes is palpable, but you smile to try and take some of the burden off of him.
“Well,” Sweet Pea grabs at his knife wound and you can see the pain that flashes over his features. He smiles up at you halfheartedly, “I think it’s pretty hot. Maybe you can give me some private lessons later?”
“Oh yeah?” you chuckle, your eyes crinkling at the sides. This was not how you expected your night to go. You kick an ex-Ghoulie in the abdomen and send them reeling, “You telling me that you and all those muscles need tutoring on how to kick ass?”
Sweet Pea smirks, resisting the urge to grab your arm and haul you over to him, “Me and all these muscles, huh?”
As if to rub it in, he flexes even more dramatically as he punches the next attacker. You laugh together and he steps over the unconscious bodies in front of him towards the bar.
“Now you’ve got me all hot and bothered,” he grunts as he hops over the top of the bar. He disappears for a moment before standing upright with a shotgun in his hands.
You can’t help the smirk that rolls your lips together or the spike of heat that burns in your belly. Sweet Pea cocks the gun and everyone’s head turns his way.
“Wyrm is closed for the night!” he shouts. He looks directly at you, “Got some personal business to finish up, and you assholes are pissing me off!”
Someone in the crowd lurches forward as if to challenge him, and Sweet Pea shoots the shotgun in their general direction but far enough away as not to hurt anybody.
The bodies scatter, what is left of them, and Jughead resurfaces from a corral of people who make their way out. He laughs, “Well, it’s been a while since the Wyrm has had a brawl like that.”
“Lotta help you were, fearless leader,” Sweet Pea snarls as he shoves the gun back under the bar. Jughead sighs, “What can I say? I missed the Serpent lifestyle.”
Sweet Pea chuckles and slaps Jug on the back, hugging him from the side. He shakes his head, “Well I can’t fault you for-ah.”
The tallest Serpent crumbles to his knees and you can’t help but fall with him. You hold his cheeks in your hands as you watch the color drain from them. His skin is normally so tan and warm, but it’s cold now.
“Sweets,” you whisper as his hand comes away from his side coated in blood. He licks his lips but they’re cracked. You feel heat in your cheeks and your eyes but you refuse to believe you’re crying over Sweet Pea the Serpent.
“Damn, I forgot about that one,” he chuckles, swallowing so thickly his throat bobs. You bite your lip and look up at Betty and Jughead, who are currently just as terrified as you. Something in you snaps and you steel your expression before turning back to the owner of the bar, “Can you walk?”
You manage to get him into the bathroom, sitting on the bathtub as you tend to his wound. Sweet Pea aches as he tilts his back away from you to give you more room to work.
“Take this off,” you mutter, tugging on his shirt. It’s sticking to the skin around his wound and getting in your way.
He smirks, even with the pallor gone from him skin, “If you wanted my clothes off, all you had to do was ask, babe.”
You cut your eyes at him but can’t stop the blush from coloring your cheeks, “Now is not the time, Sweets. You’ve been stabbed.”
“Eh,” he shrugs despite himself, “it’s just another Friday night.”
You stare him down and he raises his arms as high as he can with his given injury, “Alright, alright, I get it - you’re scary.”
Silence falls between the two of you as you go about swiping the crusted blood away from his wound and cleaning the area. Sweet Pea’s jaw clenches as you swipe the rag over the cut.
You look up at him, your bodies nefariously close. You blink twice to try and gather yourself but it’s not enough because he’s still too close and you can’t breathe when he’s looking at you like that.
“Sweets,” your voice breaks as he touches your cheek with his shaking palm. You lick your lips and fight the tears in your eyes, “We should go to a doctor - a real doctor. Not me in this shoddy bathroom with a couple of wipes and some antiseptic.”
“Then I’ll have to report everything that happened tonight and I don’t want to get anyone in trouble,” he says roughly, his voice breathless. Sweet Pea continues to grin at you despite the pain etched in his voice. “It’s just a bar fight, nothing to get too excited about.”
“Just a bar fight?” you repeat.
He tugs his shirt over his head as if to try and distract you, and it almost works, because you’re looking at the contours of his body and the sinew of his muscle. Your mouth goes dry but you still speak, “Pea, I don’t-”
“S’okay,” he shakes his head, leaning closer to you. “Just do it.”
Sweet Pea drops his head to your shoulder and you pierce the first stitch into his side and tears leak from both of your eyes.
You’re wrapped up in a blanket, sitting in front of the fire, when Sweet Pea makes his way down from the loft. You’re quick to your feet, slotting yourself under his arm to guide him to the couch. You share your blanket around his shoulders and it’s easy as you fall together.
“How’re you feeling?” you ask him quietly as not to break the atmosphere.
“M’better now,” he answers. Sweet Pea looks up at you and you’re not sure if its the warmth from the fire or if he’s actually feeling better because the color is back in his cheeks. He nods in your direction, “Thanks to you.”
You lift up the corner of his shirt to examine your handy-work, but wince when you see the ragged stitches holding his skin together.
“I’m sorry,” you choke on your words, tears burning your eyes.
“Hey,” his voice is soft. He frames your cheeks with his palms and the blanket falls from his frame. “I’m the idiot who didn’t go to a hospital, or call the usual Serpent doctor. It’s not your fault.”
Sweet Pea’s forehead drops to press against yours and you feel his nose bump into your own. You bite your lip and squint hard enough to push all the tears from your ducts.
“Can we get back around to the part where you called me hot earlier?” Sweet Pea smirks, staring you straight in the eyes. His hands smooth your hair back and he scoots closer to you so your knees are touching.
One of his arms releases you to bring your legs over the top of his own, despite the injury plaguing his hip. You grab his wrist and push it toward your hip, praying he gets the message.
“Are you planning on sticking around?” he asks, his voice vulnerable. Sweet Pea’s eyes give him away, blatantly telling you that he can’t do this if you won’t stay. He shakes his head, “I-I can’t-”
You lean up and touch your lips to his, your hands on the nape of his neck. Your eyes shutter closed and you feel the exhale of his gasp against your mouth. His teeth knock against yours as you pull away.
“I’m here,” you tell him. Your voice is solid, clear, and he knows that you’re speaking the truth.
“I-I’m sorry,” he shakes his head and chuckles thickly, eyes shining. Sweet Pea swipes under his nose, but misses the tear on his cheek. You smile and reach up to wipe it away, “Sweets, don’t go getting sentimental on me.”
He licks his lips to try and cover his smile, “I, uh, I just didn’t ever expect to see you back here.”
“I had to get away,” you shrug, brushing your thumbs over his cheek bones. “But now, for some reason, Riverdale has reeled me back in, led me back to everyone.”
“Maybe it led you back to me,” he whispers.
You snap your eyes up to him, a heavy weight sitting on your chest. His palm runs through your hair and he pulls you closer by your hip, “I-I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, Sweets,” you shake your head and try to push the weight down into your stomach. You tousle your hands in his hair and that one lonesome curl still tickles his forehead. You smile, “I missed you. We spent a lot of time together senior year.”
“Yeah,” he echoes, his eyes tilting downward and away from your gaze. “We did.”
You gently tilt his chin upward so he can look you in the eyes again and there’s a cloudiness there that a Serpent would never show to anyone else. You lick your lips before admitting, “I didn’t know you felt the same.”
“Doesn’t matter now,” he whispers, tucking a stray lock of hair from your eyes.
You shake your head in agreement, “No, Sweets, it doesn’t.”
And then he kisses you until you’re breathless. 
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Platonic Jarty/Dumba$$ Trio: New Beginnings
Author’s Note: This one shot was requested by @remedymoods. We wanted to give Jonah more of a fair chance since he still seemed like he wasn’t totally connected with the GHC in the finale. This is one of my spins on their story, as well as how the two of them became connected to TJ. Enjoy! 😊
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Jonah finished snapping the photo and handed the camera back to Andi. It was a photo of Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy all together, but for some reason they didn’t ask him to be in it. He put on a brave face as he took the photo, but for some reason he felt hurt. Maybe even a little betrayed? These were supposed to be his friends. Wasn’t Cyrus the one who said he was in the Good Hair Crew (GHC)? Why didn’t they even ask to take a selfie so Jonah could join? It was like none of the past two years mattered to the rest of his friends. He understood that these guys had been friends for a long time (to the point of knowing each other’s dental appointments!), but he also thought he was drafted into their group. That he was one of them. Not a temporary member, but an honorary one.
He wondered if it was because of everything they had gone through. He had to admit, his relationship track record wasn’t the greatest. Dating Amber twice, lying about it the second time, breaking up with Libby who was good for him, off and on with Andi, not being honest about his feelings with any of them, and at some points dragging his other friends (especially Cyrus) into the relationship drama of it all... it made sense if there was a little bit of disconnect from the rest of the GHC. 
But they had a lot of fun times together, too. Buffy and Cyrus helped him move, he was one of the only people invited to Bex and Bowie’s wedding, Chinese New Year at the Mack house, all of the times at school, sharing baby taters at The Spoon, hanging out with his friends not just during Space Otter’s Ultimate Frisbee team practice... it just made no sense why none of them would want him in the photo. Especially Andi.
Yes, he and Andi had rough patches, but he was wearing her bracelet. He cared about her because of the close bond they formed throughout the ups and downs of their relationship history. Even when they weren’t dating, they were still friends and supported each other. He considered them best friends, even if she didn’t.
In a last attempt to feel accepted in the GHC, he hugged Andi, saying, “love you, Andi Man”. It wasn’t to make her feel bad, but to let her know that she was loved by him. That he wanted her and the other friends in his life forever, even after she left for SAVA. The response, however, was not what he was wanting or expecting.
The response? Silence.
Jonah thought she would at least say she loved him back. A friendly love. A love that only comes after everything they had gone through. He didn’t want a romantic love with anyone. He didn’t feel that connection to anyone, but he did feel a love for Andi. One that was deep, because he cared about her so much and only wanted her to live her best life. Maybe that best life was at SAVA... away from him for a bit.
Jonah felt lost, wondering who he was going to be friends with now that Andi was gone. Would he be a temporary replacement for Andi in the GHC? No. He didn’t want that. He would never replace her and he was worried if he spent all of his time with Buffy and Cyrus, that might happen. He needed friends of his own and he needed them fast.
The group had agreed to meet up at The Spoon the next day for some of their ritual baby taters. Jonah walked in and saw Andi already sitting down at a table- Amber next to her, full uniform, talking her ear off.
Jonah hopped in a chair next to Andi. “Hey guys, what’s up?”
Andi’s face broke into a massive smile, “hey, Jonah! How are you?”
“I’m good! Hey, Amber”.
Amber’s face softened towards him. “Hey, Jonah. Listen, I’ll go get started on your Baby Taters and they should be ready by the time Buffy and Cyrus get here”.
“Ok, great. Thanks, Amber!” Andi said politely.
“Amber, wait!” Jonah said, quickly, hopping up from his chair, “can I speak with you a minute?” He got close to her so they were out of ear shot from Andi.
Amber looked uneasy. She rubbed her arm uncomfortably as she said, “look, Jonah, if it’s about us, I really don’t want to talk about it”.
“It is,” Jonah said. The moment he said it, Amber got a callous look to her eye and began to walk off. Jonah touched her arm in an attempt to stop her from walking away. “But,” he continued, “it’s not anything too serious”.
This got her to stop, turn around, and look at him again. Her face still showing some frustration.
“I just wanted to know if it was ok that I am here again. I know we talked about me giving you some space and I don’t want to invade that. This was more of a celebratory thing for Andi”.
“I know,” Amber said, her face showing warmth again. “You can come back here again. I appreciate you not showing up for a bit. I know that was hard for you, but it meant a lot to me that you respected me enough to do that. Go join your friends”.
“You’re sure?” Jonah asked, once more.
Amber smiled. “Yes, Jonah. I’m sure”.
“Thanks, Amber,” Jonah said, a slight dimple showing in his smile.
He turned around to walk back to where Andi was sitting, but saw four more bodies sitting at the table. He didn’t realize that in the time he had taken to talk to Amber that Buffy, Marty, TJ, and Cyrus had all shown up. There was a seat between Cyrus and Andi, meant for him to sit at. This made his heart jump a little.
Jonah sat back down as he said, “hey guys!”
“Hey!” “What’s up?” “J-man, how are you?” they all greeted Jonah in unison. This version of a welcoming committee made Jonah feel more accepted than the night before and he was happy to feel not as closed off from Amber or Andi, either.
“So... I didn’t expect to see all of you here,” Andi said as she looked specifically at Marty and TJ, a little gleam in her eye.
Buffy smiled softly, “well... there’s something we need to tell you, Andi”.
Andi’s eyes widened and Jonah could see the excitement racing across her face.
“Marty and I,” Buffy continued as he put an arm around the back of her chair, “we’re together”.
“Oh my gosh,” “Finally,” “Took you long enough,” the table chattered excitedly.
Buffy gave Cyrus an “excuse me?” look at the last remark.
“Well, I’m really happy,” Marty said, staring at Buffy with a massive grin.
“We’re both really happy,” she said, looking back at him, reciprocating the smile as she put a hand on his lap.
“I’m glad you told us,” Cyrus said, “because...” He lifted his hand up from under the table. His fingers laced with TJ’s. Jonah hadn’t even noticed their hands were down the whole time.
“Oh my gosh,” “Finally,” “Took you long enough,” the table echoed. This time, it was Cyrus glaring back at Buffy.
Amber brought over the baby taters and slid them on the table. “Hey!” she said excitedly to the four who just showed up. “Did I miss anything?...” Amber’s voice trailed off as she noticed the couples physical sentiments towards each other. “Gotcha.” She said as she keyed in. 
“Are you going on your break soon?” Andi asked. “Would you like to join us?”
“Actually, yeah, I would love that!” Amber said as she raced to her work time clock to take her break. She showed back up a few minutes later without her apron and hat and pulled up a chair between Andi and Buffy. 
The group laughed, made jokes about the new couples, did some tater theater, talked about old times and new times, and even dunked their baby taters in a shared strawberry shake (Buffy’s favorite). When it was time for everyone to go, the group gave each other hugs good-bye, except for TJ and Marty who still didn’t know each other well and Jonah and Amber in a failed attempt at making things less awkward between them.
“Hey, if anyone needs a ride, let me know,” Marty volunteered.
“Actually, I would love one,” Jonah said.
The group went outside and everyone got rides except for Marty, Jonah. They sat on the ground outside, waiting for Marty’s mom to pick them up.
“So, you and Buffy then?” Jonah asked, trying to break the silence.
Marty laughed and shook his head, “yeah, I’m still pretty surprised myself”.
“I’m sure you are. Isn’t it crazy we all went on that double date about a year ago?”
“Holy cow,” Marty exhaled. “That was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Thank goodness I had the patience to wait for her”.
“You literally dated someone else,” Jonah said with a flat tone in his voice.
“Ok, ok, so we all make mistakes, but Buffy is definitely not one of them”.
“Do you think you would have been better friends with us had things not ended badly between you and Buffy?”
“Jonah, that’s a pretty loaded question”. Jonah had to agree, Marty was right. But it really made Jonah think that maybe the GHC wouldn’t be the only people he relied on had he tried and talked to other people in the meantime and extend his social circle. He realized he spent so much time with them, that maybe he had been throwing away other opportunities to make new friends. New friends that want him in their photos and won’t leave to other schools.
“But maybe,” Marty continued, breaking Jonah’s train of thought. 
“However, Buffy wasn’t ready to be with me yet and I was kind of in a one track mind with her. I had other friends to go to when she didn’t want to be with me, so I didn’t really think about it,” Marty said, blowing heat on his hands to keep them from getting to cold in the beginning winter air.
Marty did exactly what Jonah wanted. Just then, Jonah got an idea and acted off of impulse. He stuck his hand out to Marty. “Well then, Marty, I’m Jonah Beck. Nice to meet you”.
Marty got a suspicious look in his eye, but played along. “Hi, Jonah Beck. I’m Marty from the Party. Nice to meet you, too”. 
Marty’s mom pulled up right after this exchange and both boys hopped into her van. Jonah and Marty talked excitedly about their similar interests in sports, parties, and dad jokes the entire way home. The two boys were laughing so hard, that they were to the point of tears by the time they got to Jonah’s new house.
Marty’s mom smiled as she watched the boys get along so well from the rear view mirror. She let the boys keep talking, so that Jonah could get out of the van whenever he was ready.
“Woe! Is that?!” Marty asked, amazed and confused as he spotted Jonah’s mom.
Jonah looked away sheepishly. “Yes, that’s her. That’s my mom”.
“Your mom is an internet celebrity and you never told us?!” Jonah realized he had only told this to the only people he had considered friends, until now.
“Actually... Buffy, Cyrus, Andi, and Amber all know... but now you do too. So congrats, man”.
Marty was still in shock. “I have to come over and meet her sometime”.
Jonah’s face dropped a little. Maybe he didn’t want to be Marty’s friend if the only thing he cared about was getting to know his “famous” mom.
“And we need to play more video games together, go skateboarding, we should try ultimate, oh! and basketball, and I have to show you this series on TV,” Marty continued to ramble without even noticing Jonah’s changed facial expression. Jonah’s face lit up again as he realized Marty didn’t want to know Jonah for his mom- he just wanted to know Jonah! His mom was more like an added bonus.
“Why don’t we exchange numbers and then we can chill sometime?” Jonah asked.
“Yeah, man! That sounds great!” Marty said excitedly.
“Docious,” Jonah replied, handing Marty his phone, opened to a “add new contact” screen.
Marty’s face suddenly looked really confused. “Docious?”
Even Marty didn’t know that? Jonah realized he stopped saying that a long time ago. He suddenly got a little embarrassed.
“That’s sick, man. I love that word. Can I use it?”
Jonah laughed. “Sure! Anytime”. 
“Docious,” Marty said again, with more pondering to his voice. Marty finished putting his number in and handed the phone back to Jonah. Jonah felt so much approval from Marty. Marty liked his funny phrase and didn’t mock him for it to the point of him not using it anymore. Marty wanted to spend time with him, not asking for space. He and Marty don’t have a messy background story he had to work through. They were just... friends.
Jonah hopped out of the van. “I’ll text you my number!” Jonah said as he shut the door and Marty waved good bye.
The next day Jonah got a text from Cyrus. 
Cyrus: Hey, JB, me and TJ are going to the park and we wanted to see if you’d like to join? 
At first, Jonah didn’t want to because he didn’t want to third wheel, but he found it a good opportunity to make new friends.
Jonah: Sure! Mind if I bring a friend?
Cyrus: No problem, my man! We’ll be there at one!
Jonah: Doc!
Jonah felt good adding that last part. He texted Marty inviting him, to which Marty replied with an enthusiastic, “yes!”
All four of them met up at the park and Jonah, Marty, and TJ all decided to play a game of two-on-one basketball. Marty and Jonah against TJ. It was a close game, but Marty and Jonah won by two points. Cyrus just watched, cheered, and made sure TJ had enough water. 
When they won, Jonah thought TJ was going to get mad, instead he responded with a, “yo Marty! Nice game!”
“Yo TJ! Same to you”
“Yo”, “yo”, “yoooo”. The boys threw the word around for another two minutes before Cyrus lost it.
“Could you guys possibly think of any other words to say?!” Cyrus asked, rolling his eyes and throwing his hands in the air.
Marty grinned, playfully, “aight”. He said with a smirk.
The other two played along and began throwing the word, “aight” around like a bunch of mimicking seagulls.
“I give up!” Cyrus said as he rolled his eyes again and put his hands in his face.
“TJ, homie, you’re awesome,” Marty said.
“Thanks, man. You too.” TJ said, patting Marty’s arm.
“We should do more stuff together. I think we’re a pretty fun group of dudes,” Jonah chimed in.
“Of course,” TJ said with a ‘duh’ expression on his face.
“Yo, let’s get a photo,” Marty said. The three of them got in together to take a picture on his phone. Marty snapped the photo and as he put the phone down to get TJ’s number so he could to text the both of them the picture in a new group chat, Jonah looked over sadly at Cyrus, who still had his hands in his face in shame.
“Hey, Cy!” Jonah called out. Cyrus’ face perked up. “Come get in the photo with us!” he said, waving Cyrus over. TJ and Marty also agreed and began waving him over. Cyrus jumped up and ran over to grab Marty’s phone.
“What are you doing?” Jonah asked.
“Taking a photo of you guys. That’s what you asked, isn’t it?”
“No,” Jonah said, grinning. “Be in the photo with us. We’re all friends.”
Marty snapped a photo of the four of them together. Jonah couldn’t have been happier. When he went to bed that night, he opened up his phone to a few missed messages from Marty and TJ. They were trying to make plans for the next day. When he opened up the messages, however, he realized he was in a group chat with the two of them. It had the picture of the three boys from earlier that day and TJ had renamed it, “The Dumba$$ Trio”.
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curiouspeachgirl · 4 years
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One hot summer night, I met up with Aaron (my boy--- ooof my ex), I thought we're just gonna catch up and patch things up but then he just told me the most painful words I would hear from him.
"Y/N, stop thinking that the world revolves around you! I have my own life and you have your own, you should realize that you being dependent to me burdens me alot."
"W-what? Aaron? I thought we're gonna fix this?"
"That's what I thought too, but I just realized I no longer need you."
I ran my way home crying my heart out.
Of all the people I would meet in the streets. I saw my not-so-little brother coming out of the arcade with his friends. So I immediately composed myself up, dry my eyes and smiled brightly at them.
"Y/N, Noona!" Jisung shouted and greeted me with a big hug. I've always been close with my brothers, as I am their only princess.
"Jisungieee!! Don't tell me you spent all your money in the arcade again?" I asked with a "laugh"
"Noona, it's Jeno's birthday today he treated us!"
"Noona join us to dinner!" Jeno said.
"I would love to, but I have some things to do at home."
I really would love to join the kids to dinner because first, Jeno's parents cook really good food and then Jeno's hyungs, Jaehyun Oppa and Doyoung Oppa are really good looking and super kind!
After exchanging some words with the kids, I found myself walking towards the park near our home. I silently pray that my older brother Yuta will not catch me spending time here alone again. As he always tell me not to walk in the streets at night alone, that's why he trusts Aaron to bring me back home every night. UGH, Aaron again... everytime he cross my mind, I can't help the tears to roll down my face.
I never thought I would find peace here in the park. I stayed in a bench where there are less people passing by. I just cried all the pain, but it feels like it doesn't even lessen. I felt like my eyes will soon dry because the tears just kept falling and it just won't stop.
Seconds, Minutes, Hours passed but I didn't even noticed it's almost 10PM and I am sure Yuta Oppa is looking for me. So I composed myself and walk towards the house.
Someone called me and I'm too dumb to notice that he's infront of me.
"Jaehyun Oppa!" I almost jump out of shock. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"It's almost curfew and the kids enjoyed the night at home, I just brought Jisung home. Wait--- Are you crying?" He answered
"Oh, Thank you for that." I kinda smiled to him to hide my swollen eyes.
"You cried. I can see it in your eyes. And perhaps that's not your usual "happy smile"."
"Huh? Jaehyun Oppa, you're kidding me. Is there a thing like happy smile? I mean all smiles are happy. Just like what I did."
"Y/N, not all smiles are happy. Sometimes a smile can mean "I'm okay or I'm trying." Some smiles are meant to hide their true feelings. Just like how you did. 😉" He examined my face once again and I couldn't take it anymore, my tears just got out of my eyes and I saw the panic in his eyes.
"Oh, hold up, hold up, Y/N! Oh sht, what am I gonna do? Oh sht? You wanna talk about it? Or maybe not? Or do you want an ice cream? I would buy you--" He guided me towards a bench at the end of the park.
"Oh sht, your tears won't just stop... should I buy you an ice cream? Wait here."
I pulled his hands and said "No, don't leave me."
And then he sat beside me and let me cry while tapping my back.
Minutes passed and my tears stopped, but Jaehyun just keep on tapping my back while looking at me.
"I'm sorry, Jaehyun Oppa. I caused you inconvenience."
"No, Y/N, don't be sorry. It's not a big deal. And perhaps, I wish I would take your pain away. Your eyes don't deserve tears."
"Oppa you're so good with your words!" I said and kinda pinch his mochi cheeks.
Then there was silence.
"It's been what? 4 years? He's my first and I thought he's gonna be my last but he just ended things up just now. We've been through a lot of things, so I thought we would fix things just like before but I never thought that he would say horrible things." I shared
"What?! He said horrible things? Did he curse at you?! Where is that bastard?!" Jaehyun said
I laughed a little and said "Oppa, no he didn't. He just said that I've caused him a little burden."
"WHAT?! What a horrible human being?? You should never say that to people. That piece-- oh sorry I'm bad mouthing your boyfriend. I mean ex."
"Oppa, thank you for listening. It really meant a lot." I smiled.
"Ah, no problem, Y/N. But you still don't have that happy smile... wait let me think of... Oh! Watch these videos!" He said while scrolling on his phone.
"Look, this is a video of Jeno when Doyoung hyung and I pranked him on April Fools when he was 8."
I watched the video and there I saw the little Jeno was asked to clean his room and when it's time for him to spray air freshener, the older hyungs exchanged the air freshener into an airhorn and he was so shocked that he cried! Then when the hyungs saw him crying they immediately hugged him and gave him treats!
"That was crazy! You and Doyoung Oppa made the little Jeno cry! Hahahahahaha!" I said
"Did you HAHAHAHAHAHAHA see his face when HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the airhorn HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Jaehyun didn't stop laughing and his eyes are teary because of it.
"Jeno was too young! You have no mercy!" I said with a smile
"Why? Didn't you prank Jisung once?" Jaehyun asked
"I didn't but Yuta Oppa did! You know Jisung is really scared of Yuta Oppa right?"
"Yah, Jisung really looks up to the both of you since you're his guardians here in the city and your parents are in the province."
"Then once, he scolded Jisung for everything he has not done and Jisung was like "Yes hyung, I will not do it again". Jisung cried really hard that night."
"Just like how you did tonight?" Jaehyun joked
I hit his legs and laughed.
"There it is! The happy smile I am looking for. Now, you can go-HOLY COW IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT Y/N!"
I also panicked when he said that because first, Yuta Oppa would really scold me and second, the Apartment Ahjumma closes the gate before midnight.
I opened my phone and was bombarded by text messages from Yuta Oppa.
Y/N where are you?
Y/N are you with Aaron?
Y/N It's almost curfew time and you're still not here.
Y/N please answer!
Y/N where are you? Are you okay?
Y/N, Oppa is getting worried.
I called my brother and after one ring he answered.
Yuta: "Y/N where are you? You're making me worried."
Me: "Oppa, I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls... I forgot uhm, I forgot I existed." Jaehyun laughed so hard in the background and Yuta noticed it.
Yuta: "Where are you? Who are you with?"
Me: "I'm uhh-- I'm"
Jaehyun mouthed he's gonna talk with Yuta and asked me if its okay to put it on speaker.
Jaehyun: "Hyung, It's Jaehyun. I'm with Y/N right now."
Yuta: "What? Where are you at this hour?"
"Please don't tell him we're on the park, he'll scold me." I whispered to Jaehyun
Jaehyun: "Uhh, we're on the way home. Uhhh, will the Ahjumma open the gates for Y/N?"
Yuta: "I'm sure she won't. She's strict with the rules."
Me: "It's okay, Oppa, I will just stay the night at the Jungs."
Yuta: "I'll talk to you, tomorrow, Y/N but now rest. Your voice is kinda harsh. Have you been crying?"
Me: "No, Oppa. "
Yuta: "whatever you say. Have a good night, Y/N. And thank you Jaehyun."
Yuta dropped the line and I turned my phone off.
"So, you're staying at our house tonight?" Jaehyun said
"No, I will probably just stay at a hotel nearby." And I started to walk towards the road where the hotels and bars are located.
Jaehyun followed me and walked with me towards the street.
Maybe because it's a payday weekend, there are many guys drinking in the street and most of them are really drunk.
I was shocked when Jaehyun Oppa held my hand and said "I can't take it, Y/N, I can't let you spend the night at a hotel. Stay in our house."
I had no choice and followed him.
"I'm shy. Your parents are at home." I said
"Would you like to spend the night without my parents at home? 😏" He joked and I pulled my hand from him (didn't even realized he was still holding my hand)
"Oppa~ Don't say that." I said and I didn't know why I laughed.
"I'm just joking, Y/N... unless??"
"Oppa!!" I said and hit his back.
When we arrived at the Jung's, I was really shy and I silently wished that Mr. & Mrs. Jung are already asleep. But when Jaehyun opened the door, they're on the living room, watching some romantic film.
"Oh, you're back... Jaehyun." Mr. Jung said without looking at us.
"Hey, honey, we have a visitor here." Mrs. Jung said when she saw me.
She stood up and greeted me.
"Mom, Dad Y/N's gonna spend the night here. The apartment ahjumma locked the gates before we reached their apartment." Jaehyun explained.
Mr. Jung had a playful smile on his face.
"It's okay, Jaehyun, you can tell us you're dating Jisung's sister and you don't have the budget to date her so you bring her home." Mr. Jung joked.
"Honey! Don't scare Y/N. Y/N, please don't believe what he said. He's usually playful." Mrs. Jung said.
I smiled and feel at ease because the Jungs are really cool about this sleepoever thing.
"Oh, Jeno's friends are using his room and the guestroom, Jaehyun." Mrs. Jung said.
Omg! My eyes grew big and didn't know what to do. I mean I can spend the night at the living room, but I'm too shy with Mr. & Mrs. Jung.
"Is Doyoung hyung home?" Jaehyun asked.
"Yes he's there. Go upstairs and fix your room, let Y/N sleep there and you sleep beside your older brother." Mr. Jung suggested.
"Oh, I'm fine with sleeping just in the couch."
"No!" They said in unison.
"Y/N, sweetheart, you're a visitor, you should be comfortable."
Mrs. Jung let me sit on the couch in the living room and Mr. Jung brought me dinner to eat.
"Eat well, Y/N." Mrs. Jung said.
"Jisung is good at basketball you know that? That's why he and Jeno are getting along pretty well." Mr. Jung said.
"Whenever Jisung is here with us, he's like a family, Jisung is really a sweetheart like you. Can you believe one time when I got home from the market, I was shocked to see him doing the dishes while Jeno is watching him. It's like he's teaching him." Mrs. Jung shared.
"Oh. That's what we taught Jisung, because at our apartment, there's only me, my older brother Yuta and him so we should really do chores"
"We really admire you and your brother for raising Jisung well, and also kudos to your parents for raising children like you." Mr. Jung added
After minutes of chatting, Jaehyun called me and I followed him upstairs.
When we entered his room, it's really neat and fragrant. There's a very manly scent but not too much to make me uncomfortable because I'm really sensitive to strong scents.
"Make yourself comfortable, Y/N." He turned the aircon on and got me new pillows and blanket to use.
"I will be just in the next room, you can lock the door for your privacy, I won't mind. And also use the Restroom here. The ahjumma cleaned it up." He said.
I somehow feel that I want to spend some more time with him.
"Please don't leave yet." I said almost a whisper.
"Why? Are you afraid to sleep alone?" Jaehyun said with a soft voice and approached me.
"No, it's just--- uhm I'm usually not afraid to sleep alone. But for some time I just don't want to feel alone."
He sat on the bed beside me and turned the TV on.
"Okay then let's just watch some flix and when you're sleepy I'll go to Doyoung Hyung's room."
While a romcom is playing in the background, I suddenly felt the need to ask.
"Have you been in a relationship?" I asked him
"Uh? Uhm i actually don't know if you consider it a relationship?"
"Oh my gosh! You're a fuckboy! You didn't consider those as relationships?"
"I mean, I'm just enjoying things and usually my past girls, are not into that "labeled relationships"" He explained
"What? Seriously? No label relationships? You mean sex only."
"You can say that." He just sighed.
"Have you ever been in love?" I turn to him and looked into his eyes.
He just looked at me and drifted his eyes away.
"Hey hey hey, you're getting shy! Mr. Jung Jaehyun is getting shy! Oh my gosh, your ears are turning red." I said while laughing
He covered his ears and focused his gaze on the TV.
I dropped the topic because I don't want him to be uncomfortable around me.
"I actually don't know how to say this, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid to fall in love. Because falling in love is like a downfall for me." He shared and I looked at him with big eyes because of his honest answer.
"Woah woah am I hearing this right?"
"Just drop it, Y/N. I don't want to talk about it." Jaehyun said
"But why don't you try?" I met his gaze and asked him.
"And then end up crying in the park just like you? No thanks, sweetheart." He said and pinched my cheeks.
My heart fluttered when he called me sweetheart. 😊
"You'll never know unless you try, Mr. Jaehyun."
I somehow caught his attention and he suddenly leaned to kiss me.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 15)
"The Coolest!!"
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Colson picks up Casi from her grandmothers. "Where'd you go?" She immediately asks him in the car.
He laughs, appreciating his daughter's bluntness. "I went and had lunch with Mommy. I have a friend named Luna and it was important for them to meet each other." He tells her.
"Friend, Dad?" She asks rolling her eyes. "I heard you and Mommy in the kitchen." She starts snaking her head, singing "You gotta a girrrrrlfriend and you're in loooooove." Teasing her dad.
Colson turns red and starts laughing harder. "Yo. She is too fucking grown!!" He thinks to himself.
"You caught me!!" Still laughing "So, what do you think? You wanna meet her?" He asks her.
"Duh!!" She exclaims cocking her upper lip and looking at him like he's crazy.
Still laughing, he asks "You wanna head to LA today and we'll hang out with her tomorrow?".
"Yup!!" She says bouncing in her seat.
"Aight. Think about what you wanna do tomorrow, ya nut!!!" He tells her, laughing as they pull into the driveway.
Luna's back at Ashley's. It's late, has been a long few days and she's exhausted. She had FaceTimed with Colson after she landed. Him and Casi were on their way back to LA also. They should be landing in another hour. She lays on the bed smoking a bowl and watching Big Mouths, before taking a shower, trying to kill the time. By the time she gets out, Colson has texted that they've landed safely.
"Perfect." She thinks to herself. It's what she'd been waiting for.
Texting back, they make plans for him to pick her up and meet Casi tomorrow. Exchanging good night's and I love yous as Luna climbs into bed.
"Fuck......" Luna thinks to herself. "Should I have gotten her something???" She starts to panic. "What are you gonna give her flowers, you fucking nerd. Chill out, Loons." She tells herself. She misses Colson in bed with her. Too exhausted to worry anymore, she drops into sleep.
"Why are we at Ashley's? I thought her name was Luna." Casi says, side eyeing her dad as they pull up to the house.
"It is. But Luna lives in NY. She's friends with Ashley, so she's staying here while she's in LA.
"Ooooh." She accepts his answer.
Once at the door, Luna greets them with a huge smile. "Hi! You must be Casie. I'm Luna, it's really nice to meet you." She says bending down slightly and extending her hand. Luna's dressed simply in jeans and a white tee. Her blonde hair pulled up loosly.
Casi reaches out to shake Luna's hand. She smiles when she hears Luna's jewelry jingle like music. "Hi. I like your bracelets."
"Thank you." Luna smiles down at the little girl. She looks at Colson still smiling. "Hi." One look. "How are you?" She asks him.
His dick twitches at her look. "I'm great!" He says beaming. "You ready to go? Cas wants to go bowling."
"Really?" Asks Luna turning her gaze to Casi. "Do you like glow bowling?"
Casi looks at her inquisitivly. "What's that?"
"It is when they shut off all the regular lights, and THEN they turn on really cool different colored ones, like red, blue, green. They even have a magic light that makes anything white GLOW." Luna explains. "It's really neat. They play music and everything."
"Lights like at my dad's shows?" Casi asks.
"Exactly!!!" Luna exclaims. "It's like a bowling concert".
"COOOOOOL!!! CAN WE DO THAT???" Casi asks excitedly looking at her dad.
"Uhhhhhh...." Colson looks at Luna slightly confused and slightly like what the fuck.
Luna nods her head, smiling at Casi "We can." She looks at Colson "There's a spot in The Valley that's 24hrs. It's THE BEST place to bowl in the whole world."
"24hr Glow bowling?" Colson asks Luna. "Why am I just finding out about this now???"
"Guess you just haven't been hanging out with the right people, Bu. Colson." She catches and corrects herself. "Ready?" She looks at Casi excitedly as she throws on her leather and grabs her coffee. She puts on her sunglasses.
Casi's eyes open wide. "They're SO cool." She whispers clasping her hands together.
"My glasses?" Asks Luna.
"Unh hunh." Casi nods her head.
"Do you have any?" Luna asks. Casi shakes her head no. "WELL, my friend, today is your lucky day. I happen to have an outta this world collection of sunglasses. Wanna come up and pick out a pair for yourself?" Luna offers.
Casi's head shoots to Colson. "CAN I DAD!!??" She asks, about to explode. Laughing, Colson nods his head yes. Without a thought, Casi runs up the stairs, Luna following close behind.
"That was cute." Colson thinks to himself watching his girls run up the stairs together. "I don't know what Luna was so worried about, she's fucking great with Cas.... Glow bowling, fuck yeah. What an awesome idea. How did I not know about this place.....?? We're gonna have to take the magic slushies there..."
"WOW!!!" He says "FAAANCCY." As Casi comes back down the stairs in a pair of cat-eye sunglasses with crystals. Luna's behind her.
"Aren't they COOL!! I'm ready to go now!!" Casi says happily heading towards the door.
Colson and Luna erupt into laughter as they follow behind her, out of the house. "WE OUT!!" He shouts as Luna closes the door.
"You're doing great!" He whispers to her, grabbing a plump ass cheek as they walk to his Rover. He loves her ass. She looks at him beaming, heart soaring.
Walking into the bowling alley is like entering a different world for Casi. "WHOOOOAH...." She says taking it all in. She turns to say something to Luna but sees her shirt through her jacket. "YOUR SHIRT IS GLOWING!!!" She shrieks.
Luna and Colson look over at each other laughing. Casi's enthusiasm is contagious. "It's the magic light, remember? We'll have to see if we can get one of the special balls for you." Luna tells her. She can't stop smiling.
"Yeeeeeah!!!" Says Casi as Luna leads them to the counter.
"Luna!??!!" The guy behind it says in amazement.
She tilts her head for a second, then she recognizes him. "Holy Cow!! Roger?" She embraces the young man warmly as he comes around the counter to hug her. "This is Colson and Casi." She says introducing them. Colson shakes his hand, Casi waves. "Roger's dad owns the place, we used to hang out when we were younger." She explains. Turning she asks "How is he? And your mom?"
"She fucking knows EVERYBODY." Colson muses to himself watching her.
"They're great!!" He says walking back around the counter. "Retired, sailing wherever they want."
"That's really good to hear. I always liked them." She says leaning over the counter, reminiscing. "Man. We had SO much fun here when we were kids." She smiles. "Do you know Roger, that this is indeed Casi's first time glow blowing?" She turns around to lean her back on the counter and smile at Casi.
"You don't say, Loons?" Roger continues "You know what that means....."
"Mmmmhmmm..." Says Luna with a knowing smile. Casi's is bursting at the seams. Colson smiles watching his girls interact.
"Here we go. The specialty...." Says Roger rolling out a rack filled with brightly glowing white bowling balls. Casie squeals. The adults laugh at her reaction. She picks her ball as Luna and Colson thank Roger and pay for their shoes and lane. Walking behind a giddy Casi towards their lane, Colson grabs one of Luna's ass cheeks firmly and kisses her on the top of the head making her body flush with heat.
"Damn, I love him." She thinks happily.
They bowl 2 games, then grab a pizza. Luna and Casie are sitting next to each other on the floor eating with their legs stretched out. "Everything looks so cool!! Casie says still looking all around. "Even our shoes!!"
"Want me to take a picture of 'em?" Luna asks her.
"Will you?" Casi asks munching on her pizza.
"Sure, I'm gonna take 2 though." She says as she pulls out her phone and camera.
"Why?" Asks Casi as Luna shoots.
"So I can send the digital copy from my phone to your dad's, so you can have it. And one with my camera that I'll develop later, to keep forever."
"Develop?" Asks Casi.
Trying to think how to explain it, Luna says "Yooouu know how you would print a picture off of a computer?" Casie nods. "It's the way people used to print pictures before computers."
"Oh. Why don't you want yours printed off of a computer?" She asks after understanding the concept.
"That's a very good question." Luna tells her, impressed. "Printing a picture is really quick and easy. Developing a picture takes time and care."
"So, developing is better?"
"I think so."
"Will you teach me?" The little girl looks up at Luna as she asks.
"Absolutely." Luna tells her with a smile.
Colson is sitting next to Casi in a chair, eating too. His heart melts listening to his girls talk. "Luna's so fucking sweet with her.... Case really seems to like her. I knew she would. God, I fucking love them." He thinks while finishing his pizza.
They bowl another 2 games before leaving, stop for ice cream then drop Luna off.
Pulling away, Casi erupts. "DAD!!! SHE IS THE COOOOOLEST!!! She has the coolest name. The coolest stuff. DADDY! SHE GAVE ME THE COOLEST GLASSES EVER!!! SHE'S SO COOL!!!"
Colson is beaming, looking at her through the rear view mirror. "So, you like her, Peanut?" He asks laughing.
"I LOVE HER!! Casi shouts. Then her tone softens "You did a really good job, Dad." She tells Colson.
"With what, Kiddo?" Glancing in the rear view again.
"Waiting for a good girlfriend. Did you know that she...." Casie's words go straight to Colson's happy heart as she continues to talk about Luna as he drives them home.
"That was so fun!!" Luna thinks heading inside "I didn't know kids were fucking cool.... I really hope she wants me to teach her how to develop. THAT'D fucking cool." She smiles to her self while closing the door.
🎶A Machine//His Scene Queen//Tattoo skins//Covered in leather//When I dream//It's of us two//🎶
Luna's smoking a joint, working on lyrics when Colson FaceTimes her. "Hey Kitten, Case is asleep, so me and the guys are gonna go out for a bite and a drink. You hungry? He asks.
"I could eat. Where we going?"
"The Palm."
"Gimme a few to change?"
"Sure. Text me when you want me to head over."
"Ok. I won't be long. Love you."
"Love you too." He kisses the screen loudly making Luna laugh as they hang up.
To be continued..... Because after the kid's finally tucked away, it's time for the Assholes to come out and play. 😈👊😈
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