#sorry for anyone who had this put on their following list posts or whatever LMAO
ollyou · 1 year
It's seriously so annoying to see you constantly stir up drama, please stay on twitter. You send your followers after people and even if I block you the entirety of PMTOK rides your dick over everything you say and it's on my fucking feed anyways. Being in a server with you was seriously hell. Not saying who I am, so you get to guess. Get a fucking job. (Still in your server BTW, but I'll leave soon <3)
(Not a genuine response; talking about a silly dream I had under the cut)
I had a dream about us last night where you were this cool artist I admired the art of (who doesn’t exist outside the dream world) who was following me and we DMed each other on Discord all nicely sometimes, but over time you grew increasingly hostile and mean towards me and my art skills until some day after sending this ask, you just DMed me confirming it was you, and blocked me. But for some reason, you were able to keep sending me DMs and I just wasn’t able to respond, and you just kept DMing me ranting about me and how you hate me over and over again every time I thought you were done, but I eventually realized I could just react to your messages with letter emojis, and after a long time of not knowing what to write, spelled out “dummy” (but like, with a weird N emoji for the second M). You then proceeded to explode at me, in shock I would be so “rude” to you, but then I realized I was somehow able to just type full sentences using letter emojis on Discord. I kept writing responses and you read them, although I took a very long time pressing each button, making several spelling errors, but I talked about how I still think your art is cool, but what’s not cool is how randomly rude you started getting to me. I said I liked your Olivia design, which you apparently had, and posted it somewhere you could see (I kinda forgot the details about this one). You saw the drawing, and went silent before you unblocked me without telling me, and sent a transparent edit of the Olivia drawing I made. You said you liked it, and thanked me, and a minute later, it was your profile picture. I was REALLY surprised and confused about your sudden change of heart, but we kept talking for a bit, and somehow got back on good terms. You said you actually don’t mind me now, and want to be friends, so we became friends! We shared PMTOK art with one another and even eventually hung out irl, somehow (everyone I know in my dreams is capable of meeting me irl easily, for some reason). I wound up telling Sega about this, and we were just relieved we had someone who we could respect. I think you might’ve even drawn ME fanart, but I don’t remember!
The end 😇
(OH YEAH ALSO it’s probably worth it to mention i dont send my followers after people nor do i frequently get into drama unless it’s asking someone to take a post involving me or sega down ((MOSTLY TO ART THIEVES)) idk what sort of stuff this anon has been looking for but no one’s left my INACTIVE server i havent checked since January 26, 2023 and im pretty sure this is a troll)
(Oh also also @ anon: if you’re not trolling and want me to give you a legitimate response then just like… DM me dude i dont bite I’d be more than happy to help with whatever problems my existence is causing you /hj? gen? idk LOL just dm me you’ll be fine)
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forgotten-lumis · 9 months
So. Who wants to watch me go insane about Chain of Memories and the necklace theory? Usually I just do this in private but I'm feeling a little bold today so... here we are. Also I cannot find anyone posting about this picture??? Maybe I'm just blind but I swear we need to talk about this more-
The kh2 intro in itself could just all be about what happens to Sora's memories. We start off with seeing the island/Riku/Kairi being what I'm assuming is "forgotten", they turn into dust then dissapear into blankness in a way that reverse-parallels a later scene when he's "remembering". See here:
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Aftrer that, theres a bunch of scenes and the end of kh1 gets recapped (from the start of Hollow Bastion) and that section ends with Sora closing the door with Riku and saying goodbye to Kairi. (Maybe as a way to both recap, but also show the memories he's forgotten? When he fights the heartless they turn into the same sand material at the beginning of the intro, and Sora disappears into a sort of white light when hes promising Kairi of his return, which is followed by showing her aged-up, current appearance, as if to possibly show how she's forgotten about him? She also phases from her previous look to her current one with a transition that uses the sandy material. This part is a lot of speculation and personal interpretation, so please take what I say with a grain of salt and try to come up with your own interpretations.) Sora then chases Riku around up some stairs/Riku chases Sora up some stairs, and I think could totally represent Castle Oblivion, and them trying to find eachother there. Riku also has revered gravity at a point and is running on the opposite side of the spiral upside down, which could show his whole "reverse-rebirth" darkness journey, and Sora fights heartless and stuff to reach him (These also turn into the swirling dust material like they did earlier). We are shown their corresponding Castle Oblvion battles with Marluxia/Ansem before Sora opens the door to reach Naminé.
Things start getting really interesting here. First off, theres the scene with Sora in The Egg™️ and Sora being put into it by Naminé.
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We get her telling him something we can't hear and he falls asleep so she can fix his memories. Then there's the scene that reverses the one earlier where everything fades out, and instead, it all fades back, but as "pieces" this time, as if it's being, you know... pieced back together and Sora returns to the island he lost/forgot earlier when it faded from his memory.
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And after that, Sora gets to meet his freinds on the beach again. It's very nice and sweet, so very happy for him. But he hasn't actully met them in game yet and they are still wearing their kh1 outfits, despite the fact we have seen Kairi's future appearance already in the intro (Although they just might not wanna spoil Riku- but still. I dont think the shows the actul reunion), so this is probably just him "reuniting" with his memories of them, aka remembering. Hes also holding hands with both of them, which might be showing how his connections to them helped him to remember/return/Naminé put his memories back together?
It's after this is the part that Namine just decides to do whatever this this- like- ok here lemme show you-
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Excuse me??? What the heck is that? Someone just- ugh- Okay so I'm going to assume that you already know about the necklace theory and its relation to CoM when I go on this rant, here, if you dont I would highly reccomend reading the resources I have listed later down. But- Why the crown made larger? Why is it the only thing in the whole drawing that is outlined? Why is it yellow? (Like its... glowing...? A light? Within darkness? Sorry lmao one second, we'll get to that.) Is only shown for a moment as Naminé closes her sketchbook, finished with whatever it is she had been doing (Cough- piecing Sora's memories back together, cough-) She's now done fixing them, and the way it is shown makes it seem like this is the thing she used to do it, or maybe just that this is Sora's light in the darkness that she intended for him to find. She had a different drawing out before he got Egged, but when she finishes putting them back, this is the last thing she has. A drawing of Sora, asleep, with a giant, very intentionally-attention-drawing, possibly glowing, crown necklace over his heart.
Like, I'm sorry, but that is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS?
Especially if you consider what she says to him in Chain of Memories:
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"You made a precious (taisetsu) promise with an irreplaceable person."
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"That is your light. Light within the Darkess."
Like, oh boy, I wonder what she could be referring to. Especially after seeing- that-
(Disclaimer: I do not speak Japanese fluently at all. If my translations are messed up, someone please tell me IMMIDIETLY and I will fix it. Thank you!)
(I chose to put the Japanese text here and translate it to show that she doesnt use feminine pronouns at all here. She uses "hito" (人) which just means person, and unlike the English, where she uses "she", no gendered pronouns are used.)
But wow, a precious promise, huh? A light within the darkness? Shown in the intro as Sora's memories of his freinds literally being pieced back together, by Naminé, as her page is open to a drawing of Sora with a glowing crown necklace.
What could it mean?
Resources: (Concluding thoughts are posted below)
Steam's AMAZING theory post:
Some CoM Translatios that are quite mind-blowing and just add more context to the whole "taisetsu"/pronouns thing:
Part 1:
Part 2:
(Warning: These Documents are quite large and may be difficult to open on your phone. That didn't exactly stop me from doing so so idk what I'm on about but- hshshhs)
And there really is a lot of strangeness/nuance when it comes to this whole situation. Sora probably attributed the recovery of his memories to Kairi, and remembering her probably did help him recover a lot if not most of them. Though, saying that the memory of her was the light in the darkness that Naminé was talking about... theres a lot of evidence against that. It really just lines up with the necklace theory all too well. The talk of a "precious promise" that is Sora's light in the darkness, the intro showing her piercing his memories back together, Namine's drawing of his GLOWING CROWN NECKLACE directly after she's done this- ugh.
Also the use of "blankness" here, like a blank canvas. Castle Oblivion (aka Castle of Forgetting) being completely white and blank, almost as of it represents a lack of memories/experience, and the way you add color to it is through using the memories stored on the cards to open doors. Or the way that Naminé's canvas is blank until she draws out the memories onto the page.
But yeah, these are just my thoughts on the matter. I hadn't seen anyone post about how Naminé's drawing and the weird "piecing back together" transition in the intro were probably related, and I just wanted a spot to put my thoughts down so I guess that's what this is. I hope you enjoyed my insanity, and god these games make me go INSANE-
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scribz-ag24 · 11 months
Stupid question but which one re-evolved first, Duskull/Dusknoir or Treecko/Grovyle?
First, don't say it's a stupid question, I would love to share ideas for the au and talk more about it, especially 'cause I personally am not very creative on my own, so interaction helps immensely.
Second, gonna be honest here, I actually have no idea. I haven't really put much thought into actual plot lmao. The AU doesn't even belong to me really, I just took jsab's one and came up with little interactions that I found funny and/or cute (in my defense, i was starving for actaeonshipping content xd). I didn't plan an actual timeline/story, and I feel that way anyone can come up with their own interpretation of it, which is fun. (and also less complicated cause the logistics of a swap au would be,,,,,,,,,,,,complicated i think).
However, since you asked, I am going to list some random ideas I had about how it could happen, which sort of mixes with possible story beats ig. Sorry beforehand for the length and change of subject lol.
tldr: imo it depends on what story you wanna come up with and whatever serves it better (i.e. you want it to happen post game, so you follow the game's plot; you want it to happen during the story, so sth weird happens, etc.)
So in PMD:EOS world, pokémon evolve through the Luminous Spring. The player can't evolve until the spring regains its light once the flow of time is fixed. So either we have Grovyle and Dusknoir re-evolving after Dialga is defeated, respecting canon, or we tweak it a bit to make it more interesting.
A way to alter the spring method would be by stealing a headcanon I saw someplace I can't remember (oops): that pokémon, while they usually rely on the Luminous Spring, on very rare occasions can evolve through high levels of stress to protect themselves. I personally like this theory because it explains why there are evolved pokémon in the future, like Grovyle and Dusknoir themselves. They were born in a paralysed world, with no magic skinnydipping, so what's up with that.
When I say this ties in with story beats is because I feel the choice here can make two different versions of the swap, 1. treecko and duskull literally take the hero and partner role to the very end (plus a face off against darkrai ig??), or 2. respect the game's kind-of-chosen one narrative by having partner keep their relic fragment, and making grovyle and dusknoir's main mission to help hero and partner work together again. The problem with this AU is that, if taken seriously, it would need a DEEP reconsideration of the game's events and characters. When does the swap occur? Why does it happen, is Darkrai involved again? If Hero and Partner are still there, does that mean the story of eos happened beforehand but had a bad ending? How do two characters whose actions are immensely influenced by their knowledge of the future act when stripped of their canon motivations? Do they keep behaviours and reflexes (perhaps theyre a bit more ambivalent with violence/more morally gray than hero and partner) or are they a blank slate? Do they feel compelled to evolve because they have a weird feeling that they're in a body strange to them? This is why I only draw the fun two panel interactions!
Leaving all that aside, here are some scenarios that could happen (...because we are just making shit up so anything can happen):
They evolve through struggle, like I presume they had to do in the future. Maybe Treecko evolves sooner, on account of being more reckless and referencing his status as a starter pokémon that evolves at level 16. Once Duskull evolves he prolly carries the team for a while, tho, since Dusclops was supposed to be a fully evolved pokémon in gen 3, and is iconically stronger than Dusknoir when it carries an eviolite. Then again, Grovyle and Dusknoir in game are way stronger than they would be in a mainline game, so perhaps they maintain some muscle memory that helps them in combat (funny how two amnesiac pokémons, who barely remember their own names, are somehow so accostumed to battle, huh, weird). I'd say the best place for an evolution would be the dark future, maybe they escape from prison without facing the sableye -cause a prison cell isnt that big of a deal for someone who knows dig and someone whose actual pokédex entry is "It can go through walls!"- and evolve in a fight against partner?
The evolution doesn't follow game rules at all, instead it's a physical manifestation of their old memories. Hero never remembers their past (sorry grovyle), but this is pure self indulgence so maybe the other two do, or at least are more encouraged to do so or get more information (celebi for grovyle, and dialga for dusknoir).
Following that last point, Celebi and Dialga, two time travelling pokémon, actively interfere to help them get their memories back/get them up to speed with the situation, each to their own interest. Perhaps this involve a separation arc between Treecko and Duskull, à la Gates to Infinity. This would serve to make them less dependent of each other, and mature on their own for a while, differenciating them from hero and partner.
They don't re-evolve, they save the world/help save the world like hero and partner would do.
My favourite option is Dialga helps them somehow with time magic after the battle is over and time is fixed. The sole point of it is getting Dusknoir and Grovyle -with their memories back- to awkardly leave together on a slow stoneship that shoots rainbow, for the sole reason that it would be hilarious.
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
Welcome to the Industry of Porn
Paring: Avengers X Female!Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, drinking, slight angst in later chapters, fluff if you squint, and my English as usual.
Word Count: 3,470.
Summary: AU where the Avengers are Pornstars. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Chapter: 7.
Chapter Title: Dirty Deeds, Thunder Cheeks.
A/N: I gotta admit, it feels like I haven't posted in a minute. Sorry about that. Aside from that, I just want to say that I've hit 1K followers here! So, thank you for that! Now, I do not know if you lot know that I posted another project on Ao3 and that one is complete, well, at least part one of the series. Please give it a read if you have time. That project is a lot older than my first fic ever. I finally came around and posted it but only on Ao3. Not on any other site. But whatever, please enjoy some Thor smut which is not my specialty lmao.
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When the next morning rolled around, the pain that your body felt was good, like you had a great workout the day prior, and your body now felt the reminder of that. But you hadn’t worked out, no, you had been thoroughly fucked through the day by Bucky Barnes. Which actually might be the same thing.
You sat up and let your body crack every joint that felt tight or any spot that needed some relief. You did your morning routine while your mind went over the day’s schedule. Thor. That was on your to-do list.
Thor was one of the sweetest men you’ve ever met aside from Steve, but just as sweet he was of intimidating due to his size alone. You hadn’t talked much with him aside from cordial greetings whenever you cross paths, making you a little nervous. He was your coworker which meant you would have to work with him more than once and you wanted to have a good relationship with anyone that was to fuck you more than once. You hadn’t needed that before, but now it felt wrong to ignore anyone who was going to be working with you more than a couple of times.
With those thoughts in mind, you walk into the kitchen not noticing the people who were there eating and conversing.
“Morning, sunshine.”
Bucky’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow as you walked toward the fridge.
“What are you doing here? This is not your floor, Buck,” you said as you set a pre-made bowl of fruit with some yogurt.
The man only rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.
“I know that, Y/n,” he grabbed a strawberry from your plate and put it in his mouth, “but Nat and Steve were in the kitchen, and I didn’t feel like intruding.”
Cassie looked at you with a grin while you only sighed.
“Please tell me they’re not dating,” you grabbed your fork and stabbed a piece of fruit, “I don’t feel like paying Cassie fifty bucks.”
“Jeez,” he chuckled, “they’re not dating, but man, they are so damn clueless.”
“I know someone who would love nothing more than to date Steve,” said Cassie as she ate her breakfast with a knowing smirk. You only groaned.
“Please, let’s not invoke her,” you glared at Cassie before letting out a sigh, “instead, let’s talk about the fact that in a couple of hours I’ll have to be down at stage five with Thor, and I have never directed more than five words to the man.”
“Oh yeah, I heard him talk about it with Jane.” Bucky kept on stealing fruit from your plate, not noticing the looks you and Cassie gave him. He raised his head.
“It’s not that weird,” he said pointedly.
“I keep forgetting they’re dating,” you said defensively, “and it is a little weird. I’m glad she trusts him that much, that is hard to find.”
“If it makes you feel any better, he is a little nervous,” added the brunet, “it’s been a while since he's gotten anyone new, and he wants to make sure there won’t be any awkwardness.”
You sighed and nodded before trying to finish your breakfast which now Bucky was eating away as you tried to hurt his fingers with your fork.
You groaned as your back popped when you reached down to your toes. You stretched every morning before you needed to work, and it usually happened in your floor’s common room, but Bucky had told you that Thor trained with Steve every morning which is why you were now bending front and back as Thor and Steve were finishing another round of wrestling.
But while you were on your head, popping bones and stretching limbs, Thor and Steve were having a conversation of their own.
“I swear man, you’re bigger than me, and can probably take on anyone and, yet, here you are debating whether or not to go talk to Y/n before your scenes together,” said Steve as he grabbed his water bottle.
“I feel like I scare her,” said Thor as he sneaked a peek at you as you were doing splits while you reached for your toes.
“Thor, man, just go talk to her,” said Steve as he chuckled, the other man just gave him a roll of eyes.
“You sound so confident now but remember who bit their tongue just before their first scene with Wanda.” Steve didn’t get to say anything back to Thor as the man walked away toward where you now laid as you tried to give yourself a pep talk before starting to do some light workout to warm up your body for later.
You opened your eyes. The sight of a shirtless and sweaty Thor above you almost made you choke of your own spit as you sat up.
“Hey, Thor,” you replied with what you hoped was an amicable tone. He smiled.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about out, uhm, scenes and stuff,” he said as he scratched the back of his sweaty neck.
You smiled brighter as you let out a sigh you didn’t know you needed out.
“I’ve been meaning to do the same,” you stood up, “is it weird that I’m a little nervous?”
To your surprise, the man let out a throaty chuckle which made you chuckle as well.
“Not at all, I’m right there with you,” he said, the previous nervousness was gone.
Now you were sure that you would be okay when it came the time to do your scenes with Thor. The man, like Steve, gave you such comfort by his mere presence that you felt so at ease telling him about that one time Wanda let it slip that he had a ‘fat dick that could make any person quiver’. That had made Thor choke on his water as you laughed and rubbed his back trying to soothe the man. He had laughed afterward, claiming that Wanda’s claims were not false. That had made you blush and snort a laugh.
“Alright people, this is the last scene of the day,” announced Joe as he walked around set. He walked toward where Thor stood, which was outside the door that connected to the working bathroom you were waiting in. A towel covered your body as you stood in the shower waiting for your cue. “Thor, you already know what to do. You walk in, say your lines, Y/n does hers, and try not to cover the camera’s view.”
Thor nodded, and with that Joe walked back to his chair next to Anthony. Anthony gave you the green light. You removed your towel and handed it to one of the crew members as you turned on the water. You made sure you were completely soaked before you gave a thumbs up to the camera.
Thor walked into the bathroom, not bothering to knock as he felt some irritation toward his brother as the man had announced he was in need of a shower. What Thor hadn’t counted on was the Loki would walk out on him, leaving him alone to deal with an hour of briefing that he halved listened to. He had thought his brother was lying about the shower and was actually making an excuse to leave and have his way with one of his many sexual partners.
“I swear, brother, next time I will have you chained up, so you won’t leave my side!” said Thor as he approached the glass door. He froze on his spot as his eyes did not meet his brother’s pale ass, but your naked body squirming as a hand was between your legs. You pulled out quickly and tried to cover yourself.
“Oh, my goodness! Thor? What are you doing here?” you asked with a shrill.
“Lady Violet! I did not mean to intrude,” said the man as he covered his eyes, “I was looking for my brother!”
His hand lowered as you told him that it was okay. He couldn’t help himself but roam your body with his eyes, and he did with a confused look.
“What’s that look for?” you raised your eyebrows, “don’t tell me you’ve never seen a naked woman take a shower?”
“As the Price of Asgard, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a bath with many beautiful women,” he said as he grinned as if remembering such pleasures, “but none of them were bold enough to touch themselves in front of me. Again, pardon my interruption.”
You chuckled at his last comment.
“You’ve bathed with many women but have never had one go risqué in front of you? That’s hard to believe,” you said as you uncovered your body. With a smirk on your face, your hands went to roamed your body as you washed of some of the soap you had on. “But, if you are not opposed, I could show you how risqué I can get in a shower.”
“I, uh, Lady Violet, I couldn’t possibly…” he stammered as he felt himself hardened underneath his black joggers.
“Oh, come on,” you squirmed a bit as your fingers traced the sensitive spots on your body, “isn’t your duty as a Price and future king, to help those in need? And I gotta say, I’m in dire need.”
“As you please, my lady.” Thor didn’t even have the time to chuckle at your bad pun because his words had allowed you finally arrive between your legs. You circled your sensitive bundle of nerves, almost moaning at the feeling. You eyed the man as you spread your legs wider, letting him see how your small fingers worked your clit. One of his hands went to grab his dick, trying to contain his own needs.
“Please, indulge yourself,” you said as your other hand grabbed your breast, fingers twisting your nipple. Thor hesitated for a second before he lowered his pants, he freed his hard member, and without a second thought, he stroked himself in a lazy manner, prolonging his pleasure as his eyes were stuck on your fingers and cunt.
Thor followed your rhythm as you sought your orgasm. Your legs quivered as you approached it, and your moans and whimpers made sure to let him know just that. The man couldn’t help his own moan when you threw yourself against the wall as your hips thrust back and forth on your hand. He held the head of his dick when your knees gave out when you squealed loudly when your orgasmed overcame you wholly.
“Take your clothes off and come join me,” you said after you had regained most of your breath back. You didn’t have to tell the man twice as he had ripped his clothes off faster than you could even open the glass door for him. He opened the door while you waited under the showerhead, letting the water run down your hot body, just like the water. The man was a lot taller than you and wider which made you feel so small, but the height difference did nothing but excite you more. You grinned while your right hand grabbed the hard length of his cock. The man hissed at the feeling of your palm and fingers wrap around him, and grunted when you started to stroke up and down. You almost knelt but opted for sitting on the border of the wall, right next to the shampoo and conditioner. You pulled him closer to you by his dick, and while the water now ran down the man’s body, your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.
“Beautiful,” he groaned as he pushed your hair away from your face and grabbed the back of your head, helping you down his length. You hummed around his cock, making the man throw his head back as he softly moaned and cursed.
“Touch yourself,” he grunted as he peered down at you. You looked up and gave him a wink before you raised your leg, and spread it enough so he could see how your fingers rubbed your nub. You moaned around him while he pushed you down his cock a little faster, but your fingers worked just as fast on your clit. Two of your fingers buried knuckles-deep into your pussy which made the blond cuss at the sight. His hips started to thrust into your mouth just as you did the same, fucking your hand while you deep throated the man’s cock. He was close to cumming but before either one of you could find release, Thor pulled out of your mouth. You pulled out of your cunt just as he picked you up. Your back hit the cold tile of the shower and before you could wrap your legs around his torso, he pushed you up, your core directly on his face.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned as his tongue met your soaked cunt.
“Fucking wet, love,” mumbled the man as his mouth worked you fast. He was sucking, biting, and licking like a starved man. You could only hold tightly onto his hair as you tried not to fall forward, your legs quivered in pleasure while you praised his mouth. It made the man go crazy on you, your orgasm approaching faster than what your fingers could achieve.
“I’m gonna—” you whined as you wrapped your legs around his head. You tried to warn him of his orgasm, but it came before you could prepare him. You tried to not pull his hair too hard, but his groaned told you otherwise. He held against the wall, neither of you minding the bruises and scratches you were both leaving on each other.
When you had finally calmed down, you realized that he had put you back on your feet and your front was to the wall, not your back. Your back was pressing against his firm front and hard cock.
“My lady, do tell me what you want of me,” he said with a husky tone that sent shivers down your body, his beard tickling as it softly scratched you. “I might give you whatever you ask of me.”
“I want you cock to fuck my ass,” you pushed your ass against him to the best of your abilities, “and I want you to leave my cunt to clench around nothing while you fuck my ass open, then you can fuck my pussy however you want.”
You had practically purred those words to him, and you had felt the twitch of his cock a couple of times while you had said them which made you grin like that damn cat from Alice in Wonderland.
“You will scream so loud all the other realms will hear my name from your lips.”
You hadn’t the chance to even react at his words because he had knelt behind you, spread your cheeks, and his tongue had dived for your tight hole. You squealed at the feeling, moaning his name as he wetted the hole. One of his fingers joined his tongue as he prepped you for his cock. The thickness of the tip of his finger had you quivering which only made you shake all the more at the thought of what his finger or cock would feel like when he buried them up your ass.
“So tight,” he whispered as he pushed his finger into you, his other hand rubbed your clit. You were so lost in his movement, the thrust of his thick finger, the rub from his other hand, his soft praises that you didn’t notice when the man had entered another finger after having spit on them. You moaned louder, the feeling of two of his fingers making you swear you could feel them in your cunt as if they were buried there and not in your ass.
“That feels so good,” you moaned as you tried to thrust back, trying to seek more friction. He kept his movements to a slow pace, opening your ass for his needy cock.
He had you begging for his cock, and with a throaty chuckle, he gave in. He stood up from his spot, moved the showerhead so it wasn’t directly on his face, and then he grabbed his cock and teased your asshole with his tip. He couldn’t help the grin that formed on his face as you asshole, all wet and stretched, gaped a little wider than before for his cock.
“You look fucking gorgeous.” His words were harsh in contrast to the action that followed them. He pushed the tip of his cock in your ass as he grabbed you by your hips as he slowly buried his cock into your ass.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, so big,” you moaned as you thanked the gods that Thor was holding you because your knees were useless now. Your legs had gone numb by the time he was balls deep into you.
“Please, fuck me, please fuck my ass,” you all both begged with wanton.
And he did. He fucked your ass slow but hard, letting you feel his whole cock work you wide open. His usual strong tone was now merged with lust, making it sound all the huskier. He held you like a ragdoll, one he was using for his own needs. You were jelly, you could barely moan properly as his thrust let you breathless. He bit your shoulder while you clawed at the wall.
Your cunt was positively clenching around nothing, yet the thick cock in your ass felt like was fucking both holes. That’s how lost in pleasure you were.
Before he could cum inside of you, Thor pulled out with a groan while you whined at the loss of his cock.
“No,” you whined as you tried to keep yourself standing. The man chuckled before he turned you around and kissed you deeply. You both gave everything you had into that kiss, all teeth, and tongue.
He picked you up again, this time he let you wrap your legs around him but not long after, he grabbed the back of your knees and spread you open.
“I want to hear you scream my name, love,” said Thor before he positioned his dick, and with one swift thrust, he was, once again, balls deep inside of you.
“Oh my God,” you screamed as his dick spread your cunt open.
“That I am,” he said cheekily as he thrusted into you just as he pushed you down on his cock, creating a rhythm that had you seeing stars within a minute.
“Feels. So. Fucking. Good.” You could only speak in between moans as the man fucked you savagely, practically making you do a split in mid-air as he fucked your cunt. Your tits were bouncing so hard that it had started to hurt just a bit, but the feeling of his cock up in your guts canceled out every other feeling. He was fucking your pussy open, and you could do nothing more than drool, moan, scream, squeal, and claw at his back.
“Fuck, you’re so tight on my cock,” he grunted when he felt your pussy starting to grip him tighter. You were close to your orgasm, and so was he. But that didn’t stop his constant rhythm. He kept at it until your whole body started to spasm, and with two harsh thrusts up, you came with a loud scream; Thor’s name rang in the shower along with the roar the same man gave when he felt your cunt milk his cock. He came.
He pulled back while you still felt the flow of your orgasm over your whole body, but the flow of cum that came out of you snapped you out of your bliss. You looked down and smiled as you saw your mixed juices on the shower floor.
“I guess I should help you finish that shower you started,” said Thor as he still held you up. You only laughed before nodding.
“And CUT! Perfect you guys! No need for reshoots to tomorrow,” announced Joe as he stood up from his chair with Anthony. You and Thor each grabbed the towels being over by the crew members.
“That’s great,” you said as you held onto the arm Thor was offering you while you stepped out of the shower. “Only Bucky and you, and I feel like I’ve been fucked for a week already.”
Thor helped you up as he gave a laugh to your comment.
“Be assured that you will be able to sleep in tomorrow before you have to work another shoot,” he said as Joe and Anthony excused themselves to talk to some of the camera workers. You only huffed a laugh at the man.
“I will sleep like a damn baby tonight.”
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backslashdelta · 3 years
@mostgeckcellent thank you so much for the tag! This is such a fun tag game! I'm making a new post because this is long and so the post you tagged me in was fairly long as well lol
how many works do you have on AO3?
I have 42 works on AO3 across 2 pseuds! That being said, one of my pseuds is for podfics only (all but one of which are podfics of my own works); the number of works on my main account where I keep all of the written versions of my fics is 33.
what’s your total AO3 word count?
250 307 words :) and I am very proud of all most of them lol
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only one, and it's Glee. I may or may not branch out in the future, only time will tell ;)
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
It Was Only a Kiss (582 kudos). I think this absolutely deserves to be my top fic, in my opinion. It's my longest work, and it's the piece I worked on the longest, and poured the most of my love into. I'm very very proud of this one. Though, fair warning, it is an anti-Blaine Kurtbastian fic, so to my Klaine followers: you probably don't want to read it. But that's okay. Because lots of other people already have lmao
I Want the World to See You'll Be With Me (116 kudos). A sweet Kurtbastian one-shot I wrote as a Christmas present to @unhappyending last year. I'm surprised to see it so high, because I'm not really a fluff writer and this is unmistakably fluff, but... I guess the Kurtbastian fans love them some fluff!
Notes of an Old Mistake (96 kudos). It's Kurtbastian, it's angst, it's porn with plot! I feel like this fic is one of the most me things I've ever posted, which is interested since it was a gift to @pouralittlewater and very much based on what she wanted written. Guess we have similar tastes!
A Rush of Blood to the Head (76 kudos). The first pwp I ever posted, a Kurtbastian vampire!Sebastian halloween one-shot. Iconic of that to be this far up the list honestly.
The Hazards of Love 1 (68 kudos). This fic is what really got me in to writing. It's ~50k words, my second-longest fic to date, and it means a lot to me. There are some things in it that I'm iffy about, but also some scenes that I really, really love, and are very dear to my heart. When I started posting it, I didn't think anyway would read it because of the premise. Apparently I was wrong.
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes. I always respond to the first comment someone leaves on any of my fics, or any chapter of one of my fics, if it's a main comment. Sometimes people will reply to my reply, or reply to another commentor, and in those cases I don't always respond, but otherwise I do; if someone binged one of my multichaps and left a comment on every chapter, I will respond to every single one.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
This is an easy tie between He Forgets Me, He Forgets Me Not and Never Ask For Anyone But You (a birthday gift for @unhappyending), both of which end with the death of one of the main characters; in the first, the final scene is a funeral where it's revealed that the character has died, and in the second, the actual scene where the death occurs is described (though it could be left up to interpretation whether the character actually does pass away).
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not, but I have an idea for one that I might eventually write...
have you ever received hate on a fic?
I received a hateful review on FFN once, but it was clearly spam. Other than that, the closest I've gotten to hate has been someone asking me to go a different direction with a fic after I had already made my intentions clear; if that's the worst I have to deal with, I am very happy. Especially since there are a lot of things I write about that some people may have a problem with lol
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Girl yes. I've already linked 3 explicit fics in this post lmao who am I if not a smut writer?
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't! I'd love to translate my own fics into French though. I think that would be cool. My French is not good enough unfortunately, but maybe someday if I ever make an effort to improve it.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! Last Christmas @unhappyending and I (KC you're getting tagged A LOT in this post lol sorry) co-wrote the Kurtbastian 2020 Advent Calendar. We posted one chapter per day starting on December first and leading all the way up to Christmas Day (inclusive). It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun! I also recorded the podfic :)
what’s your all time favourite ship?
Kurtbastian. I'm a huge multi-shipper, as we all know, but Kurtbastian is where my heart truly lies.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. This was originally a one-shot for @blangstydays, and then I decided to write another chapter, and now it's sitting there as a WIP on AO3 and I never think about it and will probably never finish it. Oops, sorry.
what are your writing strengths?
I think my biggest strengths are a) dialogue, and b) describing a character's internal thoughts/logic/whatever. These are kind of tied together; essentially, I just think I'm good at getting into the character's head and really being able to put into words what they would think and say in a way that feels authentic to them.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Right now my biggest weakness is having the motivation to write. But when I do have the motivation, my biggest weakness is probably transitioning between scenes, or scenes that don't feature much dialogue. I'm just... not the best at describing things, imo. I also don't think I'm great at scenes with a lot of people; I don't know what to do with all of them, and even if I do, I can have a hard time getting into the heads of that many different people for the same scene.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think I've written maybe a few words in French, but only because I know a little bit of the language. I wouldn't write anything substantial in another language unless I had someone who knew that language and was willing to proof-read it for me. In general, I don't think I have an issue with it. I'd have to translate it if I was reading it in a fic. I don't know, it's not something I've given much thought to.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Glee. The first and only <3
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
The answer to this is easily It Was Only a Kiss. I have some other one-shots that have a special place in my heart, by IWOAK will forever and always be my baby, and I am so glad she gets the love she deserves in the form of hits/kudos/comments <3
Time to tag some of my writer friends! @unhappyending (figured I should tag you in this post one more time lol), @esperantoauthor, @20xbetterthanu, @awkwardcaterpillar, @useless-fanfictions, @blangstydays, and anyone else who wants to do this please feel free to do so and tag me, I'd love to read your answers!
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krisdreaming · 3 years
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「 Masterlist 」
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
Summary: Somehow, you ended up agreeing to bring your non-existent boyfriend to the family Christmas gathering at your grandparents’. Your chem lab partner and fast friend, Kuroo Tetsurou, agrees to play the part. Your developing feelings for him won’t cause any problems, right?
WC: 2.6k
A/N: I won’t be posting for this fic next Saturday, so the next part (part 4) will post on December 26!
A smol guide to reader’s cousins (all ocs who aren’t really developed at all aside from their names which I stole from other anime hkdljf), listed from oldest to youngest, though I don’t really have exact ages in mind:
Mikoto Kyoka <Reader is here in my head> Setsuna (Mikoto’s younger sister) Takashi (the twins older brother) twins - tbh i didn’t name them bc they’re the youngest and not really relevant lmao i’ll probably just refer to them as “the twins” (they’re boys btw)
Basically I needed to name them bc it was getting confusing... sorry if it’s weird!
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The entire drive to your grandparents’ house, you find your eyes drifting to your rear view mirror and Kuroo’s headlights reflected in it. You’d left school in the late afternoon, and by now the sun has begun to sink below the horizon and dusk is beginning to fall. You have fond memories of arriving at their house for Christmas after darkness has fallen, seeing the warm glow of the lights in their windows drawing closer and being ushered inside from the cold winter darkness to their bright, sweet-smelling home.
This year is a little different - Kuroo will be with you, experiencing those familiar sights and sounds and smells for the first time. Your gut is absolutely twisting, and you grip the steering wheel a little tighter. Now is not the time to have second thoughts or wonder if it’s too late to call the whole thing off. For now, your focus has to be on making sure your family believes Kuroo is actually your boyfriend. If you seem happy, they’ll be happy. You glance once more in your rear view mirror. Convincing them of that may not be as difficult as you think.
By the time you pull into the driveway, you’ve managed to push most of the doubts from your mind. The cold air that hits your face as you step out of your warm car is a welcome distraction, and you fill your lungs with it. Next to you, Kuroo’s car door opens and he steps out, reaching into the backseat for his duffle bag.
“Here we are!” You chirp, spreading your arms in a flourish as he closes the car door. He looks at the house, then turns to smile at you.
“Looks really nice,” He nods as you pop the trunk, reaching for your suitcase. “Let me get it,” He reaches around you and grabs it. You’re startled for a few moments, but all it takes is a quirk of his eyebrow for everything to fall into place. It would be weird if you didn’t let your boyfriend carry your bag for you.
“If one of us is going to blow this, it’s going to be me,” You breathe with a nervous chuckle, and he shakes his head.
“Won’t let that happen,” He assures you, gesturing for you to lead the way. He follows you up the walk, and the moment you reach for the door knob, it swings open on its own. Behind it, your grandmother is waiting to greet you, hands clasped in front of herself with a giant smile on her face. For a split second, you almost feel guilty that none of this is real.
“Merry Christmas!” She pulls you into a tight hug, and you breathe in the familiar scents of rose and sugar cookies. “Come in, come in.” She releases you and is immediately locked on Kuroo, who has a sheepish smile on his face.
“Oh my,” She looks up at him with the huge grin still on her face, “Aren’t you quite the handsome young man! Just look at how tall he is!” Behind her, your parents appear as she’s gathering him into a hug. You try to hold in a snicker as he drops the bags beside him, folding himself awkwardly to return the hug.
“Thank you for having me, ma’am,” He says as he’s released from her grip, prompting a pleased hum.
“Grandma,” You finally break in to say, “Mom and Dad,” You turn to your parents who are both eyeing Kuroo curiously. Your father, especially, seems to be sizing him up. “This is Kuroo Tetsurou,” He lifts his hand in greeting, “My boyfriend,”  You add, feeling your cheeks grow hot at saying the words out loud. Your mother meets your gaze with a small smile.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Your father reaches out and catches Kuroo’s hand in a firm handshake.
“It’s great to meet you too, sir.” Your father must approve of the handshake, because he gives Kuroo a nod and a smile. “And it’s nice to meet you, L/N-san,” He reaches for your mother’s hand next. Your grandmother wraps her arm around your middle and squeezes you into her side.
“Oh, what a polite young man,” She whispers in your ear loudly enough for the others to hear, “It looks like you’ve found a good one.”
You watch Kuroo greet your grandfather who’s finally wandered into the room. “I think so,” You agree, sharing a smile with your grandmother. It comes out more easily than you expect.
“Alright,” She brings her hands together in front of her, interrupting the chatter. “Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes, so let me show these two to their room so they can get rid of their bags.” She waves you and Kuroo along, and you follow her up the stairs.
Every year, you stay in your mom’s old room. You’ve always loved envisioning your mother spending time there when she was a little girl. This year, an added bonus of the room is the extra futon that’s always folded up in the corner. When your grandmother opens the door, your eyes immediately go to that corner and find it empty. A quick glance around the room reveals that the futon is nowhere to be seen.
“I got it all ready for you,” Your grandma says brusquely, bustling inside and fluffing the pillows on the bed as she talks, “I think you two will be very cozy in here.”
“Where’s the futon?” You blurt out, and she chuckles with a wave of her hand.
“I had to put it in the basement. Now that the twins are older, they won’t share one anymore. Not to worry,” She pats your shoulder, “I know you’re all grown up now. Is everything alright for you two?” She looks expectantly between the two of you, and you swallow back your panic before pasting on a smile. A glance at Kuroo reveals that he’s remarkably unphased, at least outwardly. It sets you just a bit more at ease. You’ll figure this out.
“Looks great, Grandma. Thanks.” You let your bag drop to the floor, and she takes it as her cue to leave.
“Dinner is ready any minute, so get your things situated and come down,” She says over her shoulder as she heads out of the room, pulling the door against the latch behind her. You look over to Kuroo, who’s glancing around the room.
“I swear there’s usually a futon in here,” You say quickly, and he shrugs.
“I’ll sleep on the floor. I don’t mind.” You open your mouth, then close it, because you aren’t quite sure what to say. “I’m used to it,” He assures you. You aren’t quite convinced, but you don’t know how to refuse without making whatever this is even weirder.
You finally decide on, “We’ll figure something out at bedtime,” and reach for the door. “Ready to eat?”
“Since we left school,” He laughs, following you out of the room and down the stairs. “Bring it on.”
The meal is nothing too fancy. On the first evening, when everyone is still arriving and getting settled in, there’s normally just a spread of quick bites and snacks. When your plates are filled, you find seats at the table set up for all of your cousins. They aren’t shy about introducing themselves to Kuroo, and it shouldn’t surprise you how easily he slips into conversation with them. You’re all talking and laughing in no time, and it feels almost natural.
“Say Y/N, how did you manage to land someone like him, anyway?” Your oldest cousin Mikoto laughs from beside you with a jab of his elbow in your ribs. You rub at the spot and stick your tongue out at him, buying time while his girlfriend reprimands him.
“Would you believe he’s my Chem lab partner?” You jab him back with a smirk.
He snorts, “I find it hard to believe you wowed him with your brains.” That earns a burst of laughter from the group. “Was there bribery involved?”
“Actually, I think it was probably my brains,” Kuroo says smugly, his chin hovering over your shoulder. You resist the urge to smack the grin off his face and settle for swatting his arm. “I’m pretty much carrying this one’s grade, y’know,” He jerks his thumb in your direction.
“Please,” You roll your eyes, falling easily into the banter with him, “One look at our last test scores will tell you it’s the other way around.” He shrugs.
“I’ll let you think whatever you want,” He says primly, lifting a chip to his mouth as he dodges a second swat. This, at least, feels very familiar. As the laughter around you dies down, the conversation shifts again, and you’re content to sit and soak in the chatter.
When the meal is over, the cousins all migrate to the living room. Every year for as long as you can remember, on your first night together for Christmas, you’ve watched Elf. It’s one of your favorite traditions.
“Where’s the DVD?”
“I think Grandpa hid the remote again.”
“I know we literally just ate but could anyone else eat popcorn?”
It’s a little loud and a little disorganized, but you’re happy just to be here with them again. Every year the group grows a little bigger with significant others added to the mix, and this year Kuroo is the only new face. You lean in close to him and murmur, “Doing alright?” He’s been quiet, just taking everything in.
“Yeah, great,” He replies in a low voice, offering you a lopsided smile. “I don’t think I can remember anyone’s names though.”
“You’ll get there,” You assure him, giving his shoulder a pat.
“Lights! Someone turn out the lights!” There’s a scramble, and soon the only light in the room is the glow of the tree and the flickering TV screen.
“Psst! Y/N, sit down!” Someone hisses. You roll your eyes and plop down in front of the couch, leaning back against it. Setsuna nudges your shoulder with her foot, then grins at you when you turn to stick out your tongue at her. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see her brother and his girlfriend tucked into the corner of the couch. She’s pressed in against his side, and he has his arm around her. Kyoka and her girlfriend are squished almost comically onto the recliner, but they don’t seem to mind the tangle of legs.
Suddenly, you’re all too aware of Kuroo next to you. His arm is pressed against yours, and you try not to sit too stiffly. No one seems to be paying much attention to you as the movie begins, but you still can’t help but wonder if this is convincing anyone.
As if he’d read your mind, you feel Kuroo’s hand inch closer to yours. With a glance your way, he loops his fingers loosely over yours, slipping his pinkie alongside yours in a gesture similar to his pinkie promise last week. You lean in just a little closer.
As the movie plays, you feel the busyness of the day catching up to you. The familiar scenes on screen are lulling you into a drowsy state of half-sleep, and you hardly think about it before you let your head come to rest on his shoulder. He stills for a few moments, but then he rests his cheek on top of your head. You don’t move until the credits start rolling and everyone around you starts to stir.
“Aww,” You hear someone coo behind you as your cousins slowly start to stand up and disperse. When the lights turn on, you sit up straight and squint into the sudden brightness, blinking blearily at Kuroo who winks at you so quickly you think you might have imagined it. He stands to his feet with a groan and extends his hand, grabbing yours and pulling you to your feet.
Around you, there’s a chorus of good-nights as everyone heads off to get ready for bed. You turn to Kuroo and brace yourself for what’s coming. “You ready for bed?” Even as you ask, he’s stifling a yawn behind his fingers.
“Yeah,” He nods with a chuckle, “That movie really conked me out. Didn’t realize I was so tired.” He follows you up the stairs, and the two of you gather your things for bed in silence. By the time you’ve taken turns using the bathroom down the hall, he has a makeshift bed made up on the floor. He has comforters and pillows piled up, but you still can’t help but think how uncomfortable it looks.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can see if there’s an air mattress or something.” You would feel awful if you didn’t at least offer.
“How suspicious would that be?” He laughs. “I told you, I’m fine. I used to sleep on the floor at Kenma’s all the time. It’s no big deal.”
“Alright,” You say slowly, crawling under the covers. Up until now, things have felt fairly normal, but something about seeing him lying there on the floor next to you reminds you how strange this whole situation really is. “Regret this yet?” You ask softly, propping yourself up on your elbow so you can see his expression.
“Nah,” He says with a wave of his hand. “I’m having a good time. Honestly. Your cousins are a riot.” You shake your head with a smile, but you can’t deny it. “I’m actually thinking of offering this as a service,” You feel your smile falter as a strange twinge fills your middle. You know it’s just another one of his jokes, but something about it makes you prickle. “Don’t worry, yours is the trial, so there’s no charge.”
You laugh to appease him more than anything. “Sounds like an easy way to earn some cash,” You say lightly, hoping he can’t sense anything off about you. “Ready to turn the light off?”
“Yup,” He nods, and you reach over to flick the lamp off. “Night.”
You echo him, then turn onto your back, staring up at the ceiling with the few leftover glow-in-the-dark stars that haven’t peeled off. You really had been sleepy during the movie, but now that you’re in bed, you feel wide awake. You can’t help but mull over Kuroo’s comment. Sometimes he’s impossible to read. You know this is more than just a joke to him – he’s proven that much already. He’s a good friend, and that’s not something you want to lose over something like this. With a sigh, you turn on your side.
“Hey, Kuroo,” You whisper, “You asleep?”
“Yes,” His teasing response is immediate.
“You can’t tell me that you’re comfortable down there,” You say softly. “So just come lay in the bed.”
He’s silent for so long that you start to wonder if he really is asleep. Just when you’re about to roll over, he speaks up again. “Are you sure?”
“Of course, dummy.” You say, huffing out a soft chuckle. You hear him gather up his pillows and blanket and make his way around the bed. You can feel it dip beside you, but he’s careful to leave nearly a foot of space between you.
“Thanks,” He hums under his breath. You don’t reply, but you smile into the darkness. Even though you aren’t touching, you can just feel his warmth next to you. It isn’t long before your eyes slide shut.
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gonnahypatia · 3 years
Top 5 (ish) of 2020 ✨✨
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Yes, I know we're entering goddamn April but I'm slow okay
Hey, guys, it's Hyp!! Thanks @lacrow for tagging me and sorry for taking so long to do this, but time is an illusion and it really doesn't feel like 2020 is over even four months in, so let's jump in for some fic appreciation!!
5 - state-sponsored pajama party
I'm not doing it in any special order, so I'm just adding it as I feel needed and I really wanted to start with this little thing!! SSPP was written and posted on the first days of our Discord server so it really brings back memories that go beyond the brainstorming for the writing. Those who are closer to me in the community know that I'm a history nerd, so it's not a surprise that I would write something with real dark aspects of the cold war in which SXF is presented. But I still made it fluffy because fluff is the way to mend all the angst~~
4 - so cold it feels hot
Dear gosh, this fic is an experience lmao'' Crow's secret santa gift was A Ride to make, not only for the pressure of doing something for the ultimate fandom Dad but also because I put all the fluffiness on my bag to this gift. The first part is especially dumb but lowkey steamy and I loved writing it, so it really deserved to feature on the list!
3 - unseen tenderness
Now it's time for my forgotten WIPs oops
For an AU with only one chapter posted, one would assume I don't like it that much, but that's a complete lie. I love the concept of medium Anya and I really, really want to go back to writing more of it. It's just that life and plot bunnies keep getting in the way and I end up neglecting existing works, which is a real shame, really. But fear not, because yhese ideas aren't abandoned!... I'm just busy ;w;
2 - wrong turns (may lead us back home)
This is kinda old but I feel like people still hate me for it lol' So yeah, my take on the Bad End AU. Most of the writers around have their own idea of how it would look like and I take pride in mine to say that, at least, no one dies here. Yep, I know it's not the biggest flex, but whatever. Looking back now, I think there were things that I could have done better to make it closer to what we would see in the manga, but I still really enjoy it. Working with character developments and how certain events mold their personality is one of my favorite things while writing and I love how it was aplied to teenage Anya here. It's just too bad I had to separate Twiliyor for it ;-;;;
(I have plans for a follow-up, but again, me busy and lazy)
1 - forged papers and other discrepancies
The last and my all-time fave is one more for the neglected AU list, which I feel deeply guilty because the Papers Please AU is my soul. I love working with both canons to write this, while also expanding the created universe with fanon countries (Lacrowia citzens, where are you at?!). It is a gloomier and more serious work than the usual fluffy angst, but it's one of my attempts to show the potential of world-building in a manga like SXF. The politics, the history, the characters; they all deserve so much more depth than we as a small fandom can do (though we are smol but prolific af). With bigger fandoms come bigger problems, but I think it's the price to pay so this universe can get proper attention ❤��
That was all for the highlights of 2020!! The past year was really amazing in terms of fandom content and I'm grateful for having known so many great artists, who are still doing their best in 2021 (Fluffbruary was awesome and AUpril totally is going to be a bang as well, be prepared!!). I'm not tagging anyone this time because I really feel like an annoying bug to make them reflect on last year's works when we're in motherfreaking April from all the months, but!! If anyone who sees this want to shout out about their prides in 2020, feel free to tag me and I'll spread the word myself, because y'all deserve the love.
See you next time!~~
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vtmb2s · 3 years
I had this from an ask meme from like 2 months ago or so and deleted the og post, I dunno why -_-  anyway it was in my google docs so I’m reposting it
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
You know… fun Zion Canyon trip!! (credit for this one goes to Dany cause I don’t have good ideas but the whole ordeal would actually happen pre-game, because that’s when the courier would most likely sign up for a caravan I think) 
Audrey thought Follows-Chalk was just messing with her when he said who they were gonna meet, no way this guy is still alive. Needless to say she hates him, she’s heard enough horrendous things about him in her NCR days to form her opinion. He didn’t like her much either aaaghhh how can you see through my fake atonement thing where I’m basically doing the same as before. (she doesn’t really see through it initially, she’s just too stubborn to buy the whole redemption arc thing from the beginning and ends up realizing that she just happened to be right). Understanding why she doesn’t trust him but also resenting that. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
fjjhdsjhd he does probably, vaguely. She has a much harder time accepting it considering his background and all that, so that came later.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YEAH! Both actually, enemies to vaguely friends to lovers and all that but like I said, Audrey has a much harder time coming to terms with this, she feels a little stupid about it because she knows what this guy has done!!! ( and he knows that, hence why he’s pushing it all down in favor of his stupid little revenge thing) He’s so weird and just looks like a mummy, what is there to like objectively. But she does. What thematic parallels do to a mfer 😔
Who initiated the relationship?
She did… Canyon visit nr 2, she technically fucking hates it there but for some reason she wants to go back (well. you know why), perhaps just a little vacation. And well there was clearly something there so why act on it. The most embarrassing moment of her life but it’s worth it I suppose. 
Who said “I love you” first?
Also her… Sorry queen you have to do all the work
Who gets jealous easily?
I think him but not in a way where he’d say anything, he’s just like 😐 but you can’t see it because. bandages. And Audrey has no competition lol so. 
Who is more protective?
Also him, she gets into more stupid shit and isn’t as crazy. 
Who remembers the little things?
She does :)
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
God neither. They’re too weird for pickup lines. If anything Audrey would list a few bad ones she overheard on the strip as a joke.
What does a first date look like for them?
They don’t go on dates lmao. What is there to do in a canyon, they’d just go to some random place where there are no other people and talk about whatever.
What do they like to do together?
Just mundane things, doing random shit while one is talking about whatever. A lot of times it’s just Audrey chatting about something funny or weird that happened to her on her travels while she puts on one of her favorite holotapes and does something, her stories are more light-hearted after all :/
Other than that… nothing too insane, they’re too weird to have proper hobbies. Her making him read his stupid mormon bible out loud so she can hear his sexy grandpa voice 😍
Do they like PDA?
No -_- maybe hand holding when no one’s looking, if anything. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
God he’s probably gonna die if she tries to spoon.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
She does but it’s not really possible sometimes. Leans against him until he's like aha. okay that’s enough :/
Who hogs the blankets?
Audrey does. She never sleeps much when she’s travelling so when she finally does get a proper night’s rest it’s limbs thrown around. Taking the entire blanket for herself. Sleeping for 20 years.
Do either of them like to cook?
I can’t imagine either, she just does it out of necessity. She can’t cook though, it’s blamco mac and cheese every mf day.
If they get married, who proposes first?
Godddd realistically he would at least think about it but they don’t get married lol. The mental image of it makes me cringe too much.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
NO LMAOOOOO no one wanted them to get together and pretty much everyone would object to it if they knew. She probably doesn’t tell her family but if they knew they’d be against it, for obvious reasons. She doesn’t tell her friends either except Callisto lol, who thinks it’s epic somehow. Great Khan past and all that, not that she agrees with the legion in any way but 🤷‍♀️
Do they have any kids?
Maybe they do… maybe not. Who knows, I don’t control them.
(I made up two but Idek if they exist. a son named Ben and a daughter, Rachel. they’re weird and that’s all you need to know)
Do they have any pets?
I was gonna say no but she still has Rex who she forgot to return to the King 💔
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the followers' camp, not long after she moved to Freeside :) iirc the King tells a story about how he went to the Followers Camp to seek help regarding Rex and ended up yelling at them and even knocking out a few doctors.. something similar, one of his guys got their ass beat and the King got impatient and asked why tf this is taking so long. And Diana told him to sit his ass down and wait, which resulted in an argument 🙄 As for the first impression. Diana thought he was just your typical annoying man, maybe sexy and in a cooler suit than the guys on the strip, but annoying nonetheless. And the King thought she was being rude and had a big mouth. But again, kind of in a sexy way.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
THE KING… pretty quickly actually. A few months after the argument they had at the old mormon fort. For Diana on the hand it took a little bit longer :/
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hm not really, but like I said Diana didn’t really fall that fast for him. She met him shortly after she left the Gomorrah (she was a dancer, not a prostitute but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t seen and experienced some shit) so she’s not really thinking about men and pretty much ignores him flirting with her (also he stops once he finds out about her past lol). She figures she likes him because they do have the same principles and something about being good people in a shitty world and all that so there’s a lot of admiration there, also their shared love for music and stuff. Elvis things. But she’s trying to heal from the shit she witnessed at the strip so no thanks!! Until… until...
Who initiated the relationship?
Well… technically him, he was the first one to flirt with her probably but she never really paid any attention to it. The actual relationship though.. her.
Who said “I love you” first?
Diana but I think he would have said it too… she was just faster 😌
Who gets jealous easily?
Both do. She’s sexy so nasty old men will flirt with her while she’s doing her job but the King doesn’t have to know that because he would be MAD. Diana on the hand will act like she’s mad at him when random people are being a little too friendly with him -_-
Who is more protective?
HE IS… that one text post about saying “that’s my wife” and punching someone. Yeah.
Who remembers the little things?
He does :) Little things she likes, her favorite song or stupid little things she finds funny… sigh
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
THE KING but unironically. Some Elvis shit, telling her she got him “all shook up” or something and she’s into it!!!
What does a first date look like for them?
He wouldn’t say this counts (she would) but technically that one time she was doing some random music thing with her freeside kids for fun and he showed up to talk to her and Diana was like. Hey wait, why don’t you stay and sing something for these kids :-) it was stupid but fun I guess and they hung out after, her saying how impressed she was because her kids were having a good time and so was she :)
What do they like to do together?
Like on the (unofficial) first date, doing random performances together. I guess he can sing (I think?? all Elvis impersonators can sing in my mind) and she’s a dancer so.. fun!! Other than that, watching random Kings member #58 perform on their little stage, going to ugly Freeside Casinos and leaving immediately after they lose 3 caps, just fun things!! Also he likes to listen to her talking about random stuff she read in her magazines. 
Do they like PDA?
Fuck yeah… Diana constantly having her legs in his lap whenever possible, him having his arm around her shoulders or on her waist all the time. Physical contact but in a cool way. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
They wouldn’t spoon I think but she’d sleep on his arm :) wakes up and it’s numb but that’s okay
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
Like I said. constant physical contact (but in a cool way) but actual cuddling WOULD be a thing in private.
Who hogs the blankets?
Diana -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
l can’t imagine him being able to cook but she can. Yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning. 
If they get married, who proposes first?
There’s no real proposal probably, It would just come up in a conversation and they’d decide to have one of these quick Las Vegas weddings.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Again. One of these quick Las Vegas weddings… people get married by the King but who marries HIM 😔 (probably one of the other kings). It’s not much but it fits them, I don’t think huge wasteland weddings are much of a thing anyway (or weddings in general) sooo...
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
No one objected, except maybe annoying ass Pacer for literally no reason and some random followers :/ As for Pippa and Isabel (Diana’s besties), they didn’t meet before she started dating the king so they obviously weren’t rooting for them to get together but they wouldn’t object to it either, I think. Isabel certainly doesn’t, she likes the King and thinks they fit. Idk what Pippa thinks she’s not my oc, but I don’t think she’d object to it either.
Do they have any kids?
NO lmao. No biological ones at least, Diana has her Freeside orphans though that she takes care of (kinda), they’re basically her kids. She even refers to them as such :-)
Do they have any pets?
Heh… Rex :-)
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the distillery district 😳 On the first mission, Georgie prob caught him sneaking around her clinic (by accident) and was like. WTF get out with your creepy mask… wait ACTUALLY since you’re good at sneaking can you get me [random thing for her medical research that she has tried to get her hands on for ages] and i can give you a discount on health potions and free leeches 😏 NPC behavior… 
Georgie thought the mask looked fucked up and he seemed mysterious but well. She meets strange people every day so 🤷‍♀️ Also she thinks it’s kind of sexy. He thought she was a bit strange, but ig he liked her. She’s funny. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
GEORGIE. relatively quickly actually, she really likes him early on but she doesn’t really say anything with Jess’ death being so recent :/ He does… later on, about two or three years after dh1, probably when she’s on official business in dunwall tower (YES underqualified royal physician Georgie is a thing now 💕) and she remarks a random cut he has on his cheek & turns his face to get a closer look and he’s like 😳😳😳😳 why do I like that she just did that. Love Wins.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Her kind of, again with the whole Jessamine thing because it was so recent and she’s like aaagh i'm not gonna hit on a guy in mourning so she tries to ignore it 😐 
Who initiated the relationship?
GOD technically Georgie, she didn’t say anything of course because she’s too weird but she does kiss him first... and makes him leave right after :/
Who said “I love you” first?
He does… Georgie would NEVER say it first and doesn’t say it right back immediately but. He knows she’s weird about things so it’s okay.
Who gets jealous easily?
Her. That is a thing. 
Who is more protective?
Both :-) 
Who remembers the little things?
Also both but mostly him. Remembering the weird little things she offhandedly mentioned she likes. Or her little plague research things. 
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
Both but they’d just whisper them to each other for funsies when they’re somewhere. In public.
What does a first date look like for them?
They wouldn’t have a proper official first date but it’d likely be some random event they’d both be at when she’s the royal physician (I don’t think she’d get invited to anything but well. Maybe the Boyles run out of crazy things to do at their parties and invite her) Or taking a walk at Dunwall’s somewhat nicer-looking docks. Something boring. 
What do they like to do together?
Also boring things. They’re old, nothing too crazy. Chatting about random stuff whenever she’s over at Dunwall tower, taking walks in the gardens together and watching ships or something, talking shit about aristocrats that they find annoying or just about weird hobbies, maybe she can bring him along to meet her friends (who he already knows) to look at rats in alleyways but he eats them idk. Summons a whole swarm of rats but they end up trying to kill them 
Do they like PDA?
NO. I don’t think she’d be too much into the whole ~aristocrat life~ after becoming the royal physician and just does business-related things but neither would want people talking about this. Semi-secret relationship for no reason and they’re both more private sooo
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
She’s the little spoon.. likes being held :)
Who hogs the blankets?
He does -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
No lol
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
I think the only person really knowing of this is Marzanna (AGAIN. by dany… Georgie is also besties with Slackjaw… the Rat Smackers. but she wouldn’t tell him about this lol), who would probably not object to it?? but I don’t think anyone else would be rooting for them. I guess Emily likes her as her cool doctor but NO WAY that’s gonna be her stepmom :/
Do they have any kids?
No :/
Do they have any pets?
Georgie has a cat. Not together though, Pluto is hers.
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Here’s the thing that Milly/Zelda/Kombucha/Dazey/Lisa/etc and all the socks in their drawers combined don’t understand. It is 20fucking21. If Cole Sprouse was some horrible abuser of women, rather than just the victim of his unfortunate taste in headcases (aka Lili and Bree) – he would be CANCELLED. No army of teenage fans, no amount of popularity in Hollywood, nothing could protect him in this day and age. If Bree had the receipts she and her fans claim she does… where are they? Why hasn’t she come forward properly instead of vague posting about Cole on Tumblr/Twitter/Insta/Twitch/wtfever? Why did all of their mutual friends side with Cole during their breakup? Clearly these people don’t remember when the Bree shit hit the fan. People were ready with RECEIPTS of her fuckery… the head games SHE played, all of her jealous stalking (which she also stalked Lili for a while!!), how she shit all over things that made him happy because they didn’t include her, how she told everyone he emotionally abused her when the reality was she thought they were going to get married and be 2GETHER4EVER (at 19 lmao ok), and then when it turned out he just kind of wanted a girlfriend to have sex with and play video games with (lmao like MOST 19 year old guys), she flipped the fuck out and called it emotional abuse. People had all her crazy documented back then, went after her across multiple platforms, and she ended up deleting everything and claiming it was “his stans” that made it impossible for her to come forward which… no… she just didn’t actually HAVE anything, no proof, nothing. Meanwhile, all of their mutual friends unfollowed her, if not immediately then definitely in the years following. The only reason Bree drops his name anymore is because it’s the only way she stays even close to relevant. It’s not because he actually abused her, mentally, emotionally or otherwise… it’s because she’s a tinkerbell who can’t deal with it when she’s not the most important thing in someone’s universe and when that turned out to be the case with Cole, she threw a bunch of accusations at him, stalked his new girlfriend (Lili at the time) etc. But never EVER in all that did she produce an ounce of proof. No friends that sided with her. No texts. No nothing. Because none of what she claimed ever actually happened.
Fast forward to Lili and we have the same issue. If Lili was the victim of Cole’s horrible emotional abuse… she’d put his ass on blast so fast. Lili has ZERO problem speaking her mind. She shit talks like it’s going out of style, and if she was the golden child of Riverdale, and was loved and adored by the producers and writers and RAS and the rest of the cast, and was the welcome wagon and all of the other stuff that her stans claim, if she went to ANY leadership and said “This is what happened, it was horrible, and I cannot be around my abuser like this” the CW would fire him. Or at least work to accomodate Lili if she was that beloved. Look at how fast they got rid of Ruby Rose on Batwoman when it turned out she was a nightmare behind the scenes? And she was the literal STAR of the show. And isn’t their narrative that the show leadership can’t stand Cole anyway (some of that is true, looking at you RAS and Ted especially, but that’s not because Cole is a nightmare to work with and more because KJ isn’t the fan favorite which, whatever)? Also if Lili DID get the network/show to give him the boot, which if he was abusive to her, she absolutely could, what would Cole do? Sue for breach of contract? When she should have mountains of proof after 3 years? When no doubt the show would’ve seen this behavior happening too? Like, what is their REASONING that Lili suffered and continues to suffer all of this grief that he’s supposedly causing her by flaunting Ari, etc? If she had proof, if anyone had seen all of this happening, they could’ve gotten him bounced in a heartbeat. Look at how fast ALL of Hollywood turned on Armie Hammer? Kevin Spacey’s accuser came forward 30 years after the fact, with almost zero proof and Hollywood cancelled him so fast. This isn’t the early 2000’s or even the early 2010’s anymore. It is 2021 and if Cole was really that horrible, people in the industry would know, and no one would work with him. But instead he’s still booking photography work, he’s still booking movies (two of them, Moonshot and Undercover), he’s inking deals with production companies. His past coworkers are excited to see him when they run into him on the street. Practically everyone who works with him says what a hard working professional he is (or they don’t say anything at all). His podcast that he helped produce and starred in won one of THE awards for podcasts, and is most likely getting a second season. And what has Lili done? Her poetry book was on the NYT Best sellers list for a week and then fell off. Chemical Hearts flopped HARD (to the point where she was recently pimping it MONTHS after it released). Covergirl filmed one commercial with her and did one print photoshoot with her, and then basically cut ties, having Lili put together her own photoshoots. Even if she didn’t buy her way onto PlusMinus or whatever it’s called, she still has 1 movie coming up and nothing else. Nothing even in the works that we know about. She’s the only one promoting Riverdale at all anymore because she has nothing else to fall back on. Honestly, the only reason she has pretty much any engagement anymore is because of her dog, who I actually think might be more popular than she is now. AND on top of all that, her recent whatever with Wallis apparently already has drama while Cole and Ari remain unbothered despite Ken and that other pap being dicks and all of the hate they Cari lobbed at them on a daily basis. Like, sorry Lili stans that she’s on the brink of irrelevancy, but if she had been abused and had her head fucked with like you all claim she has, she’d be lighting Cole up on social media because people would believe her, proof or no proof. Instead, she’s hanging with people who “only validate” her, including a toxic drunk bitch who basically trashed not only Cole but also Dylan at like, 3 in the morning all because Lili had to do a scene with her ex, and her mom who is KNOWN for feeding the fandom BS lies that she later gets caught out in. She’s trickling out a self-staged photoshoot because she hasn’t booked a real one in what? A year? She has 1 movie, and relies on her dog or breadcrumbing with another B-list actress to get her likes. I know its a tough pill to swallow for them and that’s why they’ve doubled down on the crazy so hard lately, but honestly it’s just sad now. There’s zero proof that Cole is anything they say, and if there was proof, Bree and especially Lili would be shouting it from the rooftops, but it doesn’t exist. There IS plenty of proof that Lili has zero work lined up, and a new drama filled relationship, and toxic friends (and that she cheated on Sam to be with Cole… something else they have absolutely NO PROOF of Cole doing). Sucks to be them I guess.
Even their concept of “abuse” consists of “Cole moving on and living his best life/OMG Cheater!!!”
And the latter applies to Lili, not Cole....
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katierosefun · 3 years
so after one really big latte, a muffin, a run which resulted in a near accident with an oncoming car, and a shower in which i contemplated my own mortality, here’s my thoughts on the adorable me & au podcast, because babe wake up new hyperfixation dropped. very spoiler-y, i’m sorry in advance for how f*cking long this is, this might only have like two people reading this but i have many thoughts please listen to this podcast because it’s so cute and i listened to it all in about 2.5 hours? 
- firstly: the main character is super relatable. like, scary relatable. meet kate “acunningplan” cunningham, a gal about to enter her senior year of college and just kinda,,,lost. she works as a barista and very confused, very...stuck gal by day, fic writer (and still very stuck gal) by.........not barista hours. 
- honestly, i love kate. idk i’m about to enter my senior year of college, and bro i related so hard to her fears of “bro i can’t even think about next week without feeling overwhelmed”. she misses her best friend whitney a lot, who is currently on the other side of the country for an impressive internship. so that can be kinda lonely. 
- but fear not, kate has an escape, like so many other fic writers/fandom people: fanfic. this whole story references tumblr without actually naming tumblr (let’s be real....it’s tumblr, from the “notes” to “this stupid app keeps crashing”), and kate follows this tv show about werewolves and supernatural creatures. very gay. only problem is that there’s not a whole ton of people active in the fandom, since this show is relatively new. 
- however, in this small fandom, kate meets ella: otherwise known as “hella-enchanted”, who is another fic writer. 
- kate is very obsessed with the idea of alternate universes, and for that alone, i love her.
- okay, so even if you’ve never fallen in love with a person online/in fandom circles, i just wanna say that ella and kate’s interactions are still so super relatable. the shooting messages, the starting random conversations and getting a little thrill when you see someone liking your personal post or whatever. it’s very wholesome. 
- also, at the end of episode 1, kate goes on about how “yeah, fanfic is kinda odd, but it led me...to you” and it was so soft and gentle you just know your heart is gonna melt huh 
- at one point, kate decides to be vulnerable via vent post about something that came up on the show (and oh god yeah i feel...things. kate relates very hard to one character in the tv show she’s following, and tbh,,,yeah. i can’t quite word it right now, but i think anyone who feels kinda.....stuck? would relate.) 
- also oh :’)))) kate talks about ella’s playlists and when i tell you i squeaked a little bit because oh hey--
- anyways lol yes can you relate to like,,,posting a vent post and forgetting to delete it and being mildly horrified (but also mildly touched) when someone actually responds?
- ella’s very sweet, just responds with “seems like one of my favorite fandom people needed a pick-me-up” and :’))) i would die for ella! (i mean, i would die for all the characters) 
- okay yes also all the bits where ella and kate scream at each other about fic. very relatable, very real, you can tell that the writers of this podcast really knew this feeling, and i just :’)))
- THE TWO DEBATE OVER TITLES,,,,,kate keeps sending in crack-y titles and also song lyrics, and ella comments on “well,,,i just read this whole wikipedia page, so i think i’ve lost the high ground”, so if y’all KNOW i started laughing at that 
- also LMAOOOO the moment when conversation diverts from fic and fandom to slightly more personal things! kate being like “oh,,,,,you have an actual job! like,,,you’re an actual adult and.....how’s that?” and then quickly rambling on via message “actually let me change the topic because that’s probably too personal”...
- okay so there’s this bit where ella drops the fact that she’s never read anne of green gables because “listen,,,,you have an ex-girlfriend who sang the anne of green gables musical all the time--” and kate’s “.......ex-girlfriend? you had an ex-girlfriend? girl--” (and BACKSPACING ALL OF THAT because “god i’m such a freak”) 
- much gay disaster
- so much gay disaster
- opportunity for kate and ella to meet irl comes up! at a fan convention! in toronto! (and kate lives in bc). kate’s best friend (remember, internship one?) invited kate over to toronto for this thing anyways, and then ella posts something about “heeeey i’m gonna be in the area so if anyone wants to meet up for the fan convention...” 
- let me just say......kate chucking her phone across the room because she freaked out about that. again. very cool, very nicely done, very relatable, etc. 
- ALSO,,,,i forget if this was one of kate or ella’s fics or if it was the actual tv show, but there’s this tidbit where the characters in the literal fandom has this conversation: 
“don’t waste your time.” 
“don’t waste your time on me.” 
and the way that reflects kate’s feelings-but-she’s-not-trying-to-think-about-it for ella please let me just die here
- okay, so kate does decide to message ella about the meet-up, and let me just tell you, kate’s inner monologue about the worst possibilities for ella’s responses: 
“1. no response. which is terrible. 
2. you find out you’re not wanted after all. :(((((
3. the most terrifying response of all.......” (an enthusiastic “yes i’m so glad we can meet up!!!”) 
- well, of course ella responds with #3. 
- gay disaster kate not knowing how to acknowledge her feelings for ella...she goes on this “you don’t wanna come across as....y’know because if they suspect that....y’know.....and like, i don’t....y’know--” oh my god kate 
- anyways, kate works at a coffeeshop, right? and her co-worker stewart (nonbinary pansexual co-worker! we love to see the rep!!) being like “oh yeah maybe you can bring over your friend!” and kate panicking because “ohhhhh i’m not too sure about that,,,,she’s,,,,,,,,,busy......” (ie. the awkward moment of having to explain that,,,,,,your online friend isn’t exactly someone you’ve met in real life,,,,,,,,and not sure exactly how to explain that so you just,,,,,,“ohhhh uhhh......y’know...............it’s really hard to.......get her out of.....work.....” 
- kate and ella video-chatting for the first time is very cute, very gay. very gay. 
- they swap “how’d you know you were gay / liked girls” stories :’))) 
- “that’s a cute story!” “you’re a cute story” [awkward silence] “please let me hide under the desk now” (have i mentioned that kate’s  a disaster? i love her, but you’re a disaster. we need to be best friends.)
- kate.....describing herself as “irl fanfic disaster waiting to happen” and the whole “i didn’t know we were actually dating until she asked if she could kiss me” lmaoooooooooo (but okay yes this is also a mood? like,,,,,,idk something about heteronormative standards so like,,,,,it’s so stupidly hard to figure out if a girl is flirting with you or if they’re just being nice i am glad kate’s such a disaster) 
- in other news: kate’s “how tf do i write a kiss scene i don’t like the word lips ughhhhHHHHH” (yeah, mood kate) 
- lmao stewart (kate’s co-worker!) just chilling with kate and being like “oh yeah i figured you had a girlfriend? the one you’re talking about? ella?” and kate blanking because “wait you thought ella was my girlfriend? she’s not....uhhh....” and then later drinking with stewart and rambling about ella and panicking because “what if she realizes i can’t talk about anything except this tv show what if she thinks i laugh too loud what if i have horrific body odor what if she realizes i have NOTHING to say what if our meeting goes SO terribly that i need to deactivate and change my name just so i could like her posts at 3 am” and then her small “please forget i said any of that” 
- oh kate :(((( 
- kate :((((((
- k a t e :(((((((((((((((((((
- anyways, kate does go to toronto. 
- meets ella. 
- very cute. 
- ella...........very gay. they go into a coffeeshop and kate doesn’t know what to do. 
- okay but what’s hilarious is that ella,,,,,seems so cool and suave and i too would be kind of intimidated by her but then these two idiots really talk about writing kissing scenes and the build-up and ella’s voice gets all,,,,,,suggestive and there’s this.....awkward gay silence between the two oh my GOD they’re both IDIOTS 
- also okay yes kate and whitney, a irl friend, having a heart-to-heart. good. we love that. also, whitney being like “I MISSED YOU!!! YOU IDIOT!!!! and i’m glad you have a new friend, and you’re happy, but I MISSED YOU!!! I HATE THIS CITY AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!!” (whitney is also very relatable. ily whitney.) 
- they’re so cute. they hug, and it’s sweet :’)) also, then kate says in a stupidly small voice “i think i’m....kinda in love with [ella]?” and whitney being best supportive friend-- 
- OKAY so we finally get an episode of ella’s perspective 
- listen, you’re gonna think ella’s this cool, suave person who has all her own gayness put together (i mean, she kinda knew since she was 9 or 10 years old? she’s had a girlfriend? she seems like she has her life together? she’s waiting to get into grad school? she has a job? she just seems....cool and knows what she’s doing). 
- but then you realize. ella is just as much a pining mess. (her bullet point list/schedule in her head is so relatable. as someone who uses her notes and reminders app religiously, that was just :’))) 
- ella: reasons why this is not a date. and then....kate sends a message. (ella: reason why this....might be a date....kate keeps saying stuff like...that.) 
- kate rehearsing how to tell ella that she maybe kinda likes her? very cute. (”you know the feeling in your chest when....uh, you know when you feel like you have a frog in your stomach--oh god not the frog NOT the frog”) 
- the love confession is very cute, and also very relatable. “i like you a lot” “i like you too!” “no i mean,,,,like i like you. wait. which like do you mean? wait that’s not english. uh. what did you say?” 
- kate and ella just spilling everything made me :’))) 
- “i like how your brain works” “i made so many posts hoping that you would just talk to me” “you always make me laugh” “you just make me feel...better” “you make me smile” 
- “this whole summer you’ve been making me smile and i guess it kind of freaked me out? ...i don’t know where my life is going but if i have a choice, i want to go in any direction you’re going because you are cute and smart and amazing and i like you a lot, ella. like that. so yeah. that’s what i was thinking i’d say.” 
- i essentially explaine dthe whole plot but 
- i love this podcast a lot
- it was very sweet
- and very cute
- very wlw 
- i don’t even mind that i almost got hit by a car while i was running and listening to this it was worth it 
- idk. just like. anyone who’s ever read or written fic or just like...not necessarily fallen in love with another person? but at least relating to that feeling of “oh god i am not qualified to talk to this person” and “oh god what if they realize i’m actually,,,,a loser” and “oh god wait how to friend” can probably hit a lot of people
- but that said. the romance was very cute, very sweet, makes me :’))) 
- okay i’ll stop talking now but i just. it’s very cute, very relatable, i wish we had a season 2 but i think it’s a limited series. (but they’re living rent free in my head! forever!)
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yeojaa · 3 years
catch up tag game!
taking a page out of the lovely @latetaektalk​‘s book because i am shameless yeehaw 🤡 ty for the tag, darling linh! other people have also tagged me but uh, uhhhhh... i lose track of notifications
tagging:  @underthejoon​ @snackhobi​ @cutechim​ @flytomyjoon​ @taeken-my-heart​ @bangtanfancamp​ @xjoonchildx​ @ttttaehyungie​ @jinpanman​ @coepiteamare​ @1kook​ @jungkxook​ though idk who has been tagged and who hasn’t so oops if this is a duplicate. if anyone would like to be tagged in this though, just lmk and i’ll add you 👁👄👁 
tag game one: fic writers ask game
which new trope would you like to try writing?
fake relationship! i’m actually surprised i’ve never written it before...
which trope do you want to write again?
idiots to lovers bc that’s lidorally all i write anyway!
which draft are you most excited to post?
nine to five hahahdsahdahdsadasjdklasldjkl 
is there any new genre you want to explore?
i want to try my hand at something sci-fi/fantasy but my imagination is legitimate garbage 😅
do you have a favorite line in any of your drafts up to now?
You’d been unable to keep your amusement at bay, laughter spilling between your teeth.  Something about Taehyung had reminded you of a freshman in college, soft and not yet made cynical by the hell of school.  (It was an apt enough comparison.  He was a baby-faced junior associate, soul still intact.)  “I know.”
For whatever reason, he’d been surprised, brows sliding higher into his curls, eyes widening.  “You do?”  
“I know everything about you, Kim Taehyung.”  
It’d been a joke then - something you’d said in the moment.  How funny how true it’d become.
have you decided on any creative goals for 2021?
write more. write better. finish more wips that i start lmao
describe your journey on this blog last year in three words! and three more words for what you hope for 2021!
2020:  totally life-changing (ik this is technically two but idc)
2021:  somehow even better
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tag game two: 10 songs, 10 people
rules: you can tell a lot about a person from the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs. then tag ten people. no skipping!
go go - bts
what about you - ravi, ailee
serendipity - bts
never ever - the rubens, sarah
you are the one - epik high, horan
then - gaho, villain 
crying out - d.o.
holding on - dabin, lowell
broken glass - sabai, merseh
action! - dpr live, gray
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tag game three: this or that
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
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tag game four: ten biases tag
rules: write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions
jeon jungkook
kim taehyung
christian yu
lee gahyeon
park jimin
hwang hyunjin
min yoongi
kim seokjin
kim namjoon
jung hoseok
1. between 1 and 4 who would you rather kiss?
jaykay. is that even a question?
2. between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
probably yoongi. i think we’d understand each other a bit better, even as much as i love tae
3. between 5 and 10 who has the better voice?
chim. sorry, hoseokie
4. between 1 and 8 who is the funniest?
oh god. this is hard. jin is a true comedian tho lol
5. between 6 and 9 who would you date?
joonie. we could hike 🤠
6. between 9 and 10, who would you do a collaboration with?
probably joon?
7. between 4 and 8 who is the best dancer?
... both... this is hard
8. between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
jimin. double libra goodness duh
9. between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
... jk. i feel like yoongi could take care of himself lmao
10. between 2 and 3 who has the better smile?
taeeeee. sry
11. between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
jin ez
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 36
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: idk what to write here anyway no one reads it lol! but yea im posting this for Isa because she’s probably the only one who still cares about this story lmao ILYSM!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : some requests i didnt add because i didnt want to spoil this. theyll be added in the next chapter and probably at the END of the chapter lol
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Chapter 36 : Her chapter
April 7th, 2018
I fell asleep on the bed as soon as we got done with diner. I finally had a day off and an other one the next day but I had been working non-stop for 6 days until late at night (or early in the morning) and I was exhausted.  I shivered and woke up slowly, feelings my lips curl at Niall's touch. His fingertips were brushing up and down my arm, making goosebumps appeared on my skin, and I let out a low whimper.
"I missed you. How long have I been sleeping?" I asked in a mumble, forcing myself to open my eyes.
"You've been asleep for two hours." he pointed out before chuckling.
"I don't care." I let out with a childish voice. "I missed you anyway."
I squirmed a bit and ended up with my head on his lap. My lips curled into a smile when I felt his fingers slip in my hair and I breathed in, inhaling his scent and his expensive perfume.
I knew I was already fucked. I knew it was over for me and that if Niall and I broke up again at some point, it would kill me. At this point, being official or not didn't change anything anymore. I remembered back then, before I dated him, I always tried to suppress my feelings for him, I always managed to put a wall in front of them to hide them from everyone and especially myself. Right after One Direction's last tour, the walls collapsed and crashed, exposing my feelings to practically everyone, and at that time, it shocked me how much I loved him, how deep, real and intense my feelings were. They grew even more when we dated and remained stronger than ever for so long after he broke up with me. I was there with him now, my walls completely wrecked, and it made me realize that I had put my walls back in front of my feelings when I started dating Dylan but that wall was not that strong and Niall easily tore it apart without even knowing it. I was tired. I was exhausted to keep that wall there. Perhaps I had even helped him taking each brick off, one by one. Yeah, the more I thought about it, the more I was sure it was a team work.
"I was thinking we could go out tonight."
I groaned and wiggled a bit to press my face on his stomach, making him chuckle. "I'm tired."
"I know, but Louis says he misses you." he pointed out, making me groan again. "Come on, I'll buy you a few drinks."
I remained silent for a few seconds, wondering if I should go or not. I was pretty sure it would be fun but at the same time, spending time in bed, cuddling with the man I loved seemed even better. I moved a bit to lay on my back and look up at him. He was the only person in the world who looked good from this angle.
"Are you gonna stay with me the whole time?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"You'll hold my hand under the table?" I added, staring at him and making him smile.
"I will."
"You're gonna dance with me whenever I ask you to?"
"Baby, we're not going in a club." he pointed out. It made my eyebrows raise up more and my lips part. "Fine, yes, I'll dance with you whenever you ask me."
My facial expression turned into a happy and satisfied one and I quickly got up, reaching for his closet.
"We have a deal, then!" I just said, trying to find something decent to wear before deciding on a pair of jeans and a band shirt (not a One Direction one, this time). It took me about 20 minutes to put make up on and when I joined Niall in the living room, I tilted my head as he got up.
"You look so good." I pointed out, moving closing and putting both my hands on his chest, my palms pressed on his blue dress shirt. "You're so classy and here i am, wearing jeans and a shirt."
He laughed a bit, moving his chin up slightly. "You want me to get changed?"
"No, I want you to get naked."
He laughed. "That's not happening. Louis is waiting and you know damn well he can show up just to annoy us." he explained with a smirk as I chuckled. "Tube?"
"Cab?" I argued, raising my nose up.
I didn't want our pictures taken, I didn't want to meet people, or get caught by paps. All I wanted was a nice evening with my friends and mostly, with Niall. He moved his arms around my waist, intertwining his fingers on my back and nodded slowly before sighing.
"Anything you want."
I smiled at him and moved closer to kiss his lips. He tasted good and I felt his hands move up on my back before smiling against his lips. If he changed his mind and asked me to stay home, I definitely wouldn't be against it. Unfortunately, we ended up at the bar quite quickly and after a while, I just stared at my glass, lost in my thoughts, before Louis leaned closer to me.
"'Dans la lune'?" I smiled and looked up, meeting his blue eyes. His lips curled too and he raised his eyebrows. "I've been practicing. How's my accent?"
"Almost as bad as Niall's." I just said, laughing when I saw him frown as his lips parted in shock.
"Hey, wait!" I heard, turning to Niall who was frowning too, clearly insulted. "I'm very good at that!"
"Honestly, no you're not." I admitted, raising my nose up and shrugging. "I'm sorry but you both suck at it."
"Well, you know what I'm good at?" Louis asked, getting up. "Paying beer for everyone."
He left and I turned to Niall, frowning a bit when he was looking away. I followed his eyes and my heart skipped a beat when I realized he was looking at a girl, sitting afar at a table. I took the time to look at her and bit my bottom lip before sighing. I couldn't be jealous, not now, and I couldn't pretend the girl was not beautiful. Still, it did hurt me and at the same time, it was ridiculous to expect him to never find an other girl pretty in his whole life.
"What are you looking at?" I asked low, getting his attention back.
His eyes roamed on my face and he blinked a few times. "Oh, no one."
"I didn't ask 'who', I asked 'what'..." I pointed out, licking my lips. "You were looking at that girl? She's pretty."
It was a lie. She was more than that, but it was too hard to admit.
"Yea, not bad." he replied, making me roll my eyes.
"Look, I know you think she's sexy, don't lie to me."
He sighed and reached for my hand under the table, making the left corner of my lips raise up. It was hard to be mad, or feel sad, when Niall was looking at me like that and I just tilted my head, staring right back at him. It didn't matter if he found other girls pretty, all that mattered was that he loved me, and that he wouldn't go back to his old habits.
"Okay, she's hot. But you're sexier." he bent closer to kiss me and I held my breath before he moved back slowly, remembering we weren't supposed to tell anyone that we were sort of seeing each other. He looked away, but not in the direction of the girl, and I just licked my lips as I watched him grab his beer and take a sip of it.
"Have you ever thought about having a threesome?"
He choked slightly and swallowed hard before wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. The sight was endearing and I chuckled.
"I don't know, I was just saying." I proposed, shrugging a shoulder and making his eyes open slightly more.
"Would you be willing?"
I let my eyes move on his face and started questioning myself. I had no idea if I was and somehow, I felt like our relationship, whatever it was, was still very fragile at that point. Not our love, of course, that was strong, but the trust I had for him was still shaky and it scared me.
"I had a threesome before and it ruined the relationship I had with one of the girls. I think it's the main reason why me and her broke up."
He nodded and pressed his lips together. "Yea me too. Although I was pretty hammered I can definitely say it didn't help our couple, or whatever it was that we had." he paused and looked down before looking up in my eyes. "But we could make rules."
"Rules? Like what?"
He shrugged. "You tell me."
I stared at him again and I suddenly wished I never proposed that. I glanced at the girl on the other side of the room and felt something stir inside me. Yes, I was more confident about my body, but at the same time, I knew the bodies Niall was normally attracted to had nothing in common with mine.
"You.. can't kiss her. Or get your dick inside her." I pointed out, licking my lips nervously. "I don't want her to touch you, or-"
"Okay!" he laughed, shaking his head. "It'll be faster if you tell me what I'm allowed to do instead."
I groaned low and grimaced but I felt a bit better when he squeezed my hand again. I felt ridiculous for that feeling and I was wondering if it was my self-confidence that was getting low again, or simply the fact that it would hurt me to see the man I love making out naked with an other girl. I had seen Niall with other girls often in my life, and it has hurt me enough in the past, didn't it?
"We don't have to do it if you don't want to." he shrugged with a fond smile. "It's just a discussion for now. I mean, you know it's you I love, right?"
"Put yourself in my shoes, Niall." I tried to explain. "I mean we could have a threesome with a man."
"I'm not.. so sure." he replied with a frown.
"See?" I pointed out a bit louder, leaning against my chair and making him roll his eyes, amused.
"It's different, I'm not into men, but you're into women."
"But that's not what it's about." I explained a bit lower, tilting my head. "It's about us, and the feelings we have for each other. I've shared you so often before. I even lost you a few times. What if it happens again this time?" I sighed and shook my head. "I'll think about it."
"Hey, hey." he whispered, moving closer to me and leaning his elbows on his knees. "Don't stress over something so futile okay? I'd be totally fine watching you have sex with an other girl while I just sit close on a chair and jerk off f like a fuckin’ loser."
This time, I laughed and I just had time to see his lips curl into a smile before I tapped on the front of his cap, making it move down over his eyes. He placed it back and I noticed his eyes were shining. I tilted my head and my lips parted but just as I was about to say something, he kept talking.
"And yes, it would piss me off to see you get fucked by an other man." His gaze dropped to my shirt and moved up to my eyes again. "I'd probably throw him out."
I laughed again, feeling the sudden urge to kiss him. He smelled so good, he look beautiful and he was so close... All I could think about was grab his shirt with both hands and pull him close to feel his lips crash against mine. With all the strength in me, I got up and nibbled on my bottom lip for a few seconds.
"I'll be right back."
Quickly, I walked to the lady's room and leaned both hands against the counter, letting my head fall down slightly and closing my eyes. It was so tough to stay away from him all the time and it was starting to drive me insane. Of course, I didn't want our relationship out in the open but if our friends knew, it would make things a lot easier. I was so sure it was the right thing to do a few weeks ago but now, my certainty was faltering. It was harder and harder as the days went by and even if it was just to protect me at first, I knew it was useless now. I loved Niall. I always would. And being official or not wouldn't stop me from hurting if he decided to leave again.
Without thinking, I grabbed my phone in my pocket, moved my shirt up and bougfht my phone up too, to snap a picture. I quickly sent it to him before unclasping my bra and moving it up, taking an other picture. I sent it too just as I was getting a message from him.
'Fuck petal show me more'
My lips curled at his words and It only took a few seconds to get a second one.
'I want to suck on your tits so bad pet'
I swallowed hard and felt my whole body throb as I typed an answer. 'Do it now, then.'
I leaned against the counter and waited but when the door opened, I felt my heart jump in my chest, hoping it was not someone else. I sighed when I saw it was him and his eyes roamed on me for a few seconds. He turned around and locked the door, making me chuckle and I held myself back on the counter with my two hands.
"I hope we don't get caught."
"I don't care." he replied, making me smile more.
He took a few steps closer and even If I should have expected it, I held my breath when he bent down quickly. His lips wrapped around one of my nipples and I felt my legs tense as a short whimper got out of my throat. I felt his tongue flick on it before he sucked on it gently and when he moved to my other one, I glanced down only to see how hard the first one was. I remained motionless, my eyes half-closed, as his mouth, lips and tongue focused on my tits and after a while, my lips parted, my eyes closed completely and I let my head fall back on my shoulders slightly.
He stopped and I felt his hands on my hips, helping me up on the counter and when he moved between my legs, I felt my heart jump in my chest. His lips found mine and his hands reached my breasts as he kissed me deeply. He had moved his cap around and I just reached it to take it off, leaving it on the wet counter and slipping my fingers in his hair.
"Why didn't you wear a skirt, lover, it would have been easier to fuck you."
The sweet nickname made me smile against his mouth. I loved how impatient he was and I could feel his hard cock press on one of my thighs. He rubbed himself gently against me and I moaned again in his mouth before pulling away and licking my lips. I pushed on his chest gently and got off the counter before taking a step back as I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans quickly. He stared at me, his gaze moving from my hands to my face and back to my hands as I pushed my pants and panties down to my knees and raised my eyebrows.
"I can bend down for you."
He walked up to me, turned me around and pushed me against the wall. I held my breath as his hand moved between my thighs to reach my pussy and he groaned, grabbing my waist and pulling it closer to him before spanking me one time but hard. I pressed my palms on the wall and closed my eyes when I felt the tip of his cock press on my walls and let out a curse word when it slipped inside me. My fingers curled and my short nails scratched against the wall as he started fucking me hard and fast. His hands found my breasts again and he grabbed them hard as a balance to fuck me deeper.
I was happy both of us hadn't drank too much and when he leaned against my back, I felt his lips brushing near my shoulder as he grunted.
"No one turns me on like you." he let out, making me hold my breath again. "No one makes me cum like you."
He pulled me away from the wall and pushed down on my back, holding me there with a hand on one of my shoulders as he spanked me again a few times. I could feel myself throb around his cock as he remained still and when his other hand reached for my other shoulder. I bent down more, making sure I was far enough from the wall, knowing he was about to go harder.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum."
He started fucking me so hard I had to put my own hand over my mouth to make sure I wouldn't moan too loud and I felt myself reach an orgasm as he fucked me deep. I shook against him for a few seconds and he groaned, waiting until I relaxed a bit to pull out and jerk off quickly. It took only a few seconds before I heard him groan louder, the tip of his cock rubbing against my ass, and my eyes fluttered close when I felt him push himself back inside me, fucking me for half a minute before his thrusts faltered.
"Fuck. I'm so sorry." he apologized as I moved up. He wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his cock brush against my ass. "I came all over you. And then inside you."
The thought made me shiver and he ran his hands on my breasts before pulling on my shirt to cover them. He took a step back and I saw him tuck his dick back in his pants as I turned around. I moved my panties and pants up and then worked on my bra when we heard someone push on the door. I held my breath and my eyes got bigger but Niall just chuckled.
"Liv? It's El!"
Without hesitation, Niall unlocked the door and opened it, leaving Eleanor speechless. I had to admit it was worth it and I laughed a bit.
"Uhm when you two are... well, done, I guess? There's shots waiting for you..." she grimaced and shook her head. "Okay. Bye. Gross."
I laughed and walked up to Niall, getting on my tiptoe to kiss him. "Now she knows." I whispered.
"It's okay, I'm sure she won't tell." Niall tried to reassure me as I chuckled.
"Yea, like she'll keep that from Louis!"
We both laughed and shook our heads and I finally went back to grab his cap on the counter before we walked back to the table. It was useless to pretend we weren't together or anything. At that point, I knew we were fucked and that everyone probably knew about us.
"Finally!" Louis said when he saw us before pushing shots closer to us. He waited until everyone had one and he moved it up over his head to make a toast. "To Neil and Olivia, who literally can't keep their pants on when they're around each other!"
Everyone laughed and I kicked him under the table. It only resulted in him laughing and smirking at me but we all drank and I turned to Niall who was smiling fondly at me. Fuck it, why should I care if my friends knew?
"I want to write a song about that." Niall said as we walked in his house.
I let my purse fall on the floor and walked slowly to the bathroom to take off my make up. "Write a song about what?"
He walked up to me and leaned against the door frame, just looking at me as I washed my face and it reminded me of that time I was too sick to do it myself and he had done it for me. It made something stir in my stomach and I sent him a fond smile in the mirror.
"A song about sex with you." he explained, pushing his hands in his pockets as I chuckled.
"Make it more general, maybe? And don't use my name!"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Do you know me at all?"
I grabbed my phone to check the time and it's only when I saw the date that I frowned. Today was april 7th (now 8th), and I was sure I had something planned on the 6th. When I remembered, I felt my heart jump in my throat and held myself against the counter.
"Liv, hey, are you okay?"
Niall was close to me, I could feel the heath of his body against mine and his hand on my back and I swallowed hard before moving my body back up and turning to him, blinking a few times as he frowned. Could I really tell him that? Would I have the guts to say it out loud?
"Niall, I'm late."
He frowned for a second and then he understood. His lips parted and an expression appeared on his face. It looked like fear.
"It's... it's stress, right? You're on birth control?" he seemed panicked and I swallowed hard, feeling suddenly extremely guilty.
"Yea but those pills aren't a hundred percent safe." I pointed out, shaking my head before my traits softened. "No it's probably just stress, I've been working a lot and not sleeping much..."
He nodded and searched for his phone in his pocket before dialing a number quickly. I frowned and walked closer to him, wanting to ask him who he was calling but I didn't dare. He turned to me and showed me his forefinger, telling me to give him a minute and he left. I leaned against the counter again, head down between my shoulders, and felt myself tear up. I had been through so many things recently and I was exhausted. Adding a pregnancy to my life was not a good thing at the moment and I was also scared it would break something between Niall and I, and I was not ready to lose him.
He came back and wrapped his arms around me, leaning his chin on my shoulder. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and he sent me a loving smile that I sent back.
"I called the drug store. They're sending us a few tests. We'll be fixed tonight."
I felt relieved but also nervous and when the doorbell rang, we argued on who was going to answer. He won and I waited for him to come back, sitting on the couch and shaking my leg. He sat next to me and took a box out, handling it to me. I just stared at it for a few seconds until he pushed the side of his upper body gently against mine.
"Petal, it's okay. If you're pregnant, we'll adjust."
"It's gonna ruin what we have." I let out in a whisper.
In half a second, he was kneeling in front of me, searching for my eyes and when our gazes met, he raised his eyebrows.
"Nothing will ruin what we have anymore. Nothing. I won't let anything bring us apart. I want to be with you, Olivia. Okay, kids weren't planned before a few years but if you're pregnant, like I said, we'll make the best of it." he paused and sighed, noticing I was still nervous and he licked his lips. "Do you love me?"
"More than anything in the world. More than anyone I ever loved, or will ever love. You know it." I admitted, feeling my voice break slightly.
"I love you too. I'm in love with you." he stopped talking and handed me the box. "You can do this."
I was shaking when I got out of the bathroom and quickly put the stick in his hands. I was near tears, and I had been for about an hour, but I was not really sure why. His words should have made me feel better and they did, but somehow, I still felt extremely vulnerable and fragile and I was not sure why.
"Please, look at it for me, I can't do this."
I turned around, my back now facing him, and let a few tears fall before wiping them quickly. It felt like an other hour had passed and I finally turned around and sighed.
"So? Niall? Is it positive?"
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
OC Music Meme
I was tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ , thank you! :D I shall tag (no pressure as always, only if you want to!): @mercurypilgrim​ , @mimabeann, @rainofaugustsith​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ , @a-master-procrastinator and anyone else who wants to do this one, yes, I promise I mean you!
Yaaay another music meme, I LOVE these, as any of my long-term followers/mutuals probably know :P Oh no, Raven what have you done! 🤣🤣
        List one or more songs that relate to the following
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*drags Rai and her three consecutive playlists full of songs in here and plops her down proudly* Now I’m not joking when I say combined her three playlists would run for ~10 hrs if I played them all back-to-back. Sooooo for that reason I will be trying to restrict myself to 3-4 songs per “question”, except for the last one which is annotated with an explanation there, ANYWAYS!
reminds you of them most:
Down To The Bottom - Dorothy :: This is a very new one to her playlist (discovered a few days ago), but it still vibes so well with Saarai’s attitude to love, and her need to have some sort of emotional closeness to other people, to love and be loved, or else she just doesn’t function quite right
Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats :: This was one of Rai’s first EVER theme songs that made it onto her list as I gave the Ahaszaai the backstory that led to them becoming main characters, so it feels only right that I include it here. To me it perfectly sums up her character progression, from a frightened young woman with a lot of skeletons in her closet and no willingness to be a commander of anything or confidence that she could, to a strong and dedicated leader willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people she works with, and make sure that the person who once took it from her family will suffer the righteous justice he deserves for his actions. Oddly enough, Saarai never goes back to take over the Sith Empire as D’leah planned (in Subterfugeverse anyways), they do eventually “come home” and build something of their own with the other members of the Alliance <3 
Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along :: This song is very important too. It makes me feel a lot of things and as I developed more of Saarai’s backstory and began tying everything together, it became an essential part of her backstory. This is 100% a “Saarai Song” in my brain (and I’ve had the script for that meme planned out for over a year, I’ll get to it soon :3), summing up the chaos and her own feelings on what happened with Tsâhis (and her mother and sister’s reactions to finding out about what happened, and Ty, the baby which resulted from that clusterfuck of a relationship)
Someone New - Hozier :: Kinda supplements “Down To The Bottom”, Saarai was a character who puzzled me sexuality-wise for a long time, she has a lot to unpack and a lot of nuances in her attractions, and for a long time (because it is the default for modern media) I tried to shove her in the monogamy box, except...that doesn’t work for Saarai LMAO. I remembered this song existed one day (I think it came up on Youtube shuffle or something) and it was the lightbulb that went on in my head that finally clicked and told me she was actually polyam as well (though ironically I forgot to actually put it in her playlist until @darth-bagel reminded me it existed again a few months ago LOL).
reminds another character of them:
All The Pretty Girls - KALEO :: (Sash - Zephyrverse AU) This one had a few options too, but I think this is the best song that Sash would associate with Saarai. Their relationship was slow burn, although there was near-immediate attraction there, Sash struggled with self-doubt and her own insecurities for a long time, firmly believing that Saarai would get bored of waiting for her to be “ready” to take things further and explore other options (she didn’t. They’ve been married something like 20+, nearing 30 years now, you’re stuck with her sweetie <3)
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy :: (Lana - Subterfugeverse) “I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as I do.”  Lana wasn’t looking for Saarai when she found her, but Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Though Lana is a big pillar of support for Saarai, and Saarai in turn is the social “glue” that holds the Alliance together, what many people don’t realise is that the feeling is mutual and Lana relies upon her just as much. Saarai’s dependable, and trustworthy, even if sometimes she makes Lana want to roll her eyes into the ceiling because of her antics, she wouldn’t want to change her for anything, it’s that part of Saarai that she secretly loves the most because it reminds Lana that it’s okay to unwind and have fun or be silly every once in a while, especially with the people you love.
Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON :: (Koth - Subterfugeverse) Koth’s relationship with Saarai took a lot longer to develop into something openly romantic because Saarai had a lot of stuff to work through before she could accept her own feelings for him, but the cantina party at the end of KOTFE was the moment that Koth realised she was comfortable with him, because it’s the first time she really opened up to him, the first time she asked him to do anything together, and the first time she didn’t flinch or jump away from him when he touched her.
reminds you of a relationship of theirs, doesn’t have to be romantic, can be paternal, friendly etc.: I’m taking that as an invitiation to do a song for each of the main ones of any kind and that means this one has like six songs because...Saarai has a lot of influencial relationships in her character arc, I’m sorry (but not really) :’)
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons :: Saarai & D’leah (Familial, It’s Complicated). This one is probably gonna be the “controversial” song of this post but you know what I’m gonna do it anyway. Saarai and D’leah have a very complicated relationship, because on the one hand Saarai does love her mother very much in spite of the horrible things she said and did, and on the other...the last thing that she wants is to turn out like her. And sometimes, sometimes you gotta call your mom out on her toxic shit. Hey Brother - Aviici :: Saarai & Ni’kasi (Familial Love). “What if I lose it all? Oh sister, I will help you out. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you...there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.” The “brother” part does not apply to the twins, gender-wise, but the essence of this song is undoubtedly Saarai & Ni’kasi’s relationship. When Saarai thought she had no-one else, Ni’kasi was there to pick up the pieces and get her back onto her feet. They’re ride or die till the very end, wherever Saarai leads, she knows Ni’kasi will follow her.
Son of A Gun - Lord Huron :: Saarai & Tsâhis (Romantic ”Love”, though I’mma be very clear here that he was a manipulative abusive asshole, but Saarai loved him so...quotation marks. Y’get it yeah? Good.) “Well she fell in love with that son of a gun, but he was not the man that she took him for.”  This line in particular sums it up. Saarai was young, naive and a perfect target for someone like Tsâhis to take advantage of because she didn’t know any better and believed him when he said he “loved her”, only for him to pull the rug out from under her feet later on. (he got his tho, don’t worry 😈)
Youth - Glass Animals :: Saarai & Tyûk (Maternal Love). This is the closest I can find to a song that sums up their relationship, I have a lot of thoughts about it but there are very few songs (that I’ve found) that touch upon the essence of Saarai & Ty’s relationship. D’leah chose to blame Ty for his father’s actions, Saarai chose the opposite. She chose to love him in spite of what his father had done to her, and to make sure he grew up feeling safe, loved, and learnt to be better than that.
Curses - The Crane Wives :: Saarai/Sash (Romantic Love) Both Saarai and Sash have had difficult pasts, with a lot of emotional trauma, and they both had hurdles they had to overcome in order for their relationship to truly work and stay healthy. But with each others’ support, they’ve managed it and are all the closer for it. If you asked either of them where “home” was, they’d say the other’s name.
Sorry I Stole Your Girlfriend - Stereo Skyline :: Saarai/Lana/Koth (Romantic Love). Okay, I really really wanted to pick a more serious song from their playlist for them, BUT....this song is the song that started this ship in my brain so here we are. LMAO  Originally, this popped into my brain as an idea of  Saarai’s response to Koth’s attempt at getting between them in that scene of KOTFE on the Gravestone. Koth and Saarai’s moral compasses are very similar and I wanted them to sit down and have a proper, healthy discussion about their feelings instead of becoming enemies and sort of agreeing not to hold a grudge against each other, though I didn’t expect for that piece to get away from me and for Saarai to end up developing feelings for Koth too, I can’t say I’m unhappy with it. I love them and I will fight anyone who tells me I can’t make them an OT3, I can, I will, and I have. >:) (Healthy Polyam Good, Love Triangles Are Fucking Stupid (tm). No I am not taking criticism on this lmao) Though Saarai & Koth’s relationship isn’t sexual in any way, they love each other just as much as they love Lana, just express it differently. So even though the snideness of this song doesn’t really apply to them, I kept it in their playlist and it also became their ship name because it was too good to pass up, though “Stole” is in inverted commas as it’s definitely more of an inside joke between the three of them than actually seriously accusing them of stealing each others’ girlfriend. 🤣 (as always, Saarai & Koth thinks it’s hilarious, Lana rolls her eyes at the stupid pun but also secretly thinks it’s funny as hell)
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zodiyack · 4 years
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x petite/scrawny!princess!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, smoking and alcohol, changing things from the movie, spoilers??, a sexual word, violence, fluff
Note: ANASTASIA AU CAUSE WHY NOT LMAO || So the movie Anastasia takes place in 1926, Anastasia was 8 (1916) when Rasputin cursed her family and killed all of them but her and her grandmother. She ran with her grandma to the train, falling and hitting her head before she could get on it. Watch the movie, I can’t explain it for you oof || AGAIN, AS I SAID, THIS IS A BIT DIFFERENT BUT STILL SOMEWHAT SIMILAR
Words: 5713 I’m sorry
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masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
It was currently 1919. Tommy and his brother Arthur had heard news of a princess, who was assumed dead, being alive and missing. They knew it was a true rumor, and boy were they determined to find that girl...or at least a girl to play her.
Polly and Ada were training the girls on how to act formal. And when the time was right, each girl would audition. Tommy always turned them down though. He claimed they were nothing like the princess.
“How’d ya even know the princess anyways, Tommy?” Arthur questioned, with the intent of teasing and out of genuine curiosity.
Closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, Tommy remembered. It was like it was yesterday.
1902 was the year it happened. Her family’s demise. The young Shelby boy was only 10 when he met the princess. Now, he was 12 and rescuing the 8 year old girl. He admired her greatly. The princess met him in a peculiar way that most people would deem unladylike;
She was riding her horse without a saddle when she was thrown off and landed on none other than the infamous Thomas Shelby. Of course, she didn’t know who he was, or what a boy his age was doing by himself.
“How rude!” She tried her hardest to seem serious about the situation. In all honesty, it was to distract from her red cheeks. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her body. “A girl lands on you.. and all y-you do is stare?”
“A lady wears trousers and all I do is stare, ma’am.”
“O- oh... Please, don’t let word of this reach the palace.”
Tommy’s eyes widened. She was the princess- that’s where he knew her from. “Of course your highness!” He knew she could sense the sarcasm coming from his voice by the way she visibly tensed.
“Whatever... You may know me, but who are you? I’m Princess Y/n L/n. But please, call me Y/n. I like being..well not a princess every once in a while.”
“Thomas Shelby ma’am. Please, call me Tommy.”
They had met every day, her telling him stories of what happened in the palace, and him telling of his family. She was fascinated by the peasant life. It was odd. Normally, Tommy would dream of being the richest man alive, but the fact that a princess, who could do almost anything she wanted, dreamt of being a commoner...that was strange.
However, her strangeness was something he needed to put aside currently. He may have thought it was one of her best traits- but now he needed to think of her safety. The sorcerer Rasputin had cursed her family and was after her wishing nothing but death. Tommy would not allow that. The commoner grew feelings for the princess he had met two years ago. Of course, he wasn’t sure she felt the same way, but he wasn’t going to let her die.
As he lead the two females through the secret door Y/n had showed him, he whispered his goodbyes. Then, right then and there, she stole his first kiss before she ran with her grandmother to the train station. He touched his lips for a second, then realizing where he was and running behind her shortly.
“Tommy?” Arthur’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “What, ya cut ya lip or somethin’?”
Tommy removed his hand from his face and inhaled. He actually missed the princess, and he wasn’t even sure he would ever see her again. “No. Back to the auditions, the girl who’ll be her must be 25, and she must have h/c hair with e/c eyes. I wanna say.. a soft voice. Oh yes, and she must have a serious side.”
His brother made a face at the demands, but added them to the list. The auditions went for an hour or two longer, and none of them were the ones Tommy wanted. Some were either too dramatic, some nowhere close to the description of the princess, others were.. well just plain scarring. It was disappointing, to say the least, but what the Shelby boys didn’t know, was that Y/n herself was waiting to be found.
. . .
“Now get out!”
“Alright alright, no need to yell Sarah. I’m out, okay? Goodbye kids!” Y/n ignored the mean old orphanage lady as she said goodbye to the kids she grew up with. She was finally leaving the place to search for her family. If she had one...
All she could remember was waking up on the train station ground and being lost. The only sign she had of family, was the necklace that never came off her neck. It read, “Together in London.” London was her only clue, and her only hope to be happy.
“Wish you luck finding your family, Y/n/n.”
“No.” The gate was then shut in her face. Sarah cackled and mocked Y/n’s necklace and dreams. That didn’t really have an effect on Y/n, for she was already walking down the road.
Humming an oddly familiar tune, she skipped in the snow. When she stopped at what used to be a wooden post, it was wrecked and covered in snow. They were her directions. She didn’t own a map, nor did she know her way around England having never left the orphanage.
She gave up and groaned. Sitting on the snow soaked ground, she muttered words of annoyance. She really thought she could find a way to London on her own. Y/n actually had hope and courage and now all she had was-
She had bark? No that wasn’t right- Just as quickly as she had sat down, she stood up and searched for whatever had made the noise.
“Bark Bark!”
A dog?
When the small animal came into Y/n’s view, she could see that it was a little brown dog. It was adorable. But what was it doing out here by itself? The dog came closer, allowing Y/n to see that it- no he, had no collar or tags.
“Aww poor boy... Do you miss your family?”
The dog tilted it’s head. Could it be answering her? Nope. He rolled over and stuck his tongue out again.
“Hm.. Well I’ll call you Pooka!” She took the dog’s cheerful barks as a good sign. “Do you know where I’m supposed to go, Pooka? ...Of course you don’t. You’re a dog-”
Pooka bit down onto her scarf, dragging it around and off of her and heading down the path to the left. Y/n grunted and chased after her new friend. This was probably normal, after all, dogs wouldn’t know how to understand humans...would they?
Only minutes after following Pooka, did Y/n realize she was headed out of Lichfield and to Birmingham. It would take hours, and she knew that. But ‘a few hours’ wouldn’t stop her from finding her family. So she followed the dog. And besides, a girl her size wouldn’t make it in the snow if she were to wait for help. In the orphanage, it wasn’t much. The meals were not always even and nor were they filling. The older kids would often tease Y/n, saying how she would fly away if she were to stand in the wind a moment too long.
The trip of following the dog turned out to be useful. She made it to a station where she ate and asked around. An odd lady told her to look for a Shelby family in Birmingham, and to not let anyone know she had told her. So off she went, now nearing the unknown place of Small Health. Every time she mentioned the name “Shelby” to the people, they shuddered and didn’t have much to say. Some women smirked but still didn’t speak.
Next, Y/n tried the Garrison. It was full of men. Like, FULL. The only women were accompanied by other men, or were..well whores. It didn’t make Y/n uncomfortable, but she was distant from everyone. Distant as in, avoiding making contact with the people in the pub. She’d only drank alcohol once, and it was after she had a small breakdown at the orphanage. Her friend Jill telling her the drink would wash away her sadness.
This time, the responses to her question about the Shelby name were answered by the man serving drinks.
“What do you want with the Shelbys? They’re not the best people to be looking for.”
“Oh...well I was told that they would have a way to London? Specifically Thomas and Arthur Shelby?”
Harry sighed. He knew what she was talking about, sadly. So did the two men standing right behind her.
“That would be us. Or, for a proper greeting, I am Tommy Shelby, and this is my brother. If you want to go to London, I’m afraid we have no more auditions available.” A deep, but soft, voice spoke into her ear. It gave her chills and made her shiver.
“I don’t know what you mean by auditions. I just want to go see my family, or whatever family I have left. They’re in London and I have no way of getting there. No money, no nothin’. Not even memories.”
Arthur glanced Tommy. The two held the widest grins on earth. “Alright...but you must be the princess in order for us to take you.” They hooked their arms through hers and led her to a corner of the pub. “See, are you her?”
Y/n observed the well made painting that rested on the table. The child looked familiar, but Y/n didn’t believe it. How could she be a princess? She didn’t even look as fancy as the people in the pub!
“Me? A princess?”
“Well you do look quite like her, dear.” Arthur walked around Y/n. “What’s your name? How old are you?”
“Y/n/n and I’m twenty-five... why?”
“Perfect! That’s the age the princess would be now!”
“But still, I can’t possibly be her, I mean look at me!” To prove her point, Y/n pulled at her dress. It was practically a large ratty coat and a belt tied tightly around her small waist. The brown tights-like-pants hugging her legs were the only supply of warmth she had. A princess would be well fed and dressed in fancy clothing. To Y/n, she looked nothing like a princess would. Her hair was knotted and frizzy, a princess’ would be combed and neat.
“Ah...how sad. Well, we must be on our way then.” Tommy turned around with the painting in hand. He walked rather slowly, and don’t even start on Arthur’s expression. She was the perfect actress for the princess, why was Tommy walking away from a good deal?! The younger Shelby elbowed his older brother, “walk slower. Three. Two. and-”
“So what if I am this princess you speak of? I can’t remember, so who knows, I could be her. That is a possibility. And hey, if I go with you and figure out I’m not her, we’ll at least have made friends, right?”
Tommy let a snarky smile slip onto his face. It was obviously aimed at Arthur 'cause disappeared when he faced the young woman. “Right. Well then, come along Y/n/n. We have a train to catch.”
. . .
“What the fuck are you doing.” Y/n looked up from her journal to see Tommy glaring at her.
“I’m writing...” She was a mess. The ink from her pen was smeared across her cheek and she was slouching. 
“No. I meant that.” He gestured to her legs, which rested underneath her bum. “Sit normally woman. No one would ever think you’re the princess with your bad posture and childish sitting.” He handed her a cloth. “And clean your face while you’re at it.”
“Oh leave her alone Tommy.” Polly chuckled, not looking up from her own book. “She still has time to learn.”
Ada, Polly, John and Finn joined their family with Y/n on the train. Ada had made it her duty to teach Y/n, Polly offering her assistance. And the other boys were probably just eager to meet her. Either way, they were preventing Tommy from making an ass of himself in front of the poor woman.
Or...at least trying to. Tommy growled and left the car, going to smoke in the smoking car. Y/n had only met Tommy a day ago, and she thought he was nice. Now that she saw this side of him, she was rethinking her opinion.
“Is he always such a dick?”
Polly laughed once more and finally looked at the girl in front of her. “Yes dear. I’ve known that boy most of his life, and trust me, he’s not changing. Especially after the war.”
“Did he serve in it?” Pol nodded, looking back down with sorrow. “Oh my..that must’ve been hard on him..”
“It really was. He said that he loved a girl when he was younger. And that the war was not only something he needed to help in, but a way to prove to himself that he could possibly be worthy of that girl’s love.”
“I personally think that the girl made the right decision, getting away from him. He’s so mean and grumpy.”
Polly shook her head. Her final laughs of the ride escaped her mouth. The reason for them being final was unknown to the two women. 
Y/n fell asleep, and Polly went back to her book. Tommy joined them again, refusing to apologize. He saw Y/n and admitted she was beautiful, although he would never deem someone as beautiful or even more beautiful than the lost princess who owned his heart.
The reason of Polly’s laughter being the last of the ride was being shouted by John. He told his family how they had the wrong papers and needed to hide away in the baggage car before they were booted off the train. Tommy went to wake Y/n, earning himself a shocked punch in the jaw. After he collected himself, he rushed Y/n to said car, only causing her curiosity to grow.
 This was the last time she trusted a stranger claiming they could supply her with a ride to London. And they were only around forty minutes away! 
“Alright, will someone please explain to me, what the fuck is going on?”
“Well, Y/n/n, Tommy and Arthur here decided to get the wron-” Slap! “Wrong car! Now, we are um.. moving cars! You shouldn’t have to sit in there worth all those filthy commoners. And- wait what’s that sound?” John didn’t even finish his sentence before he noticed something was wrong. Y/n and the others heard it too.
Before anyone could do anything, the train was jerked forward and the door to the dining car was ripped off. The other half of the train faded into the winter background. Everyone had fallen over, Tommy landing on Y/n with a large box in his arms.
“Get off of me!!”
He sighed and threw off the case, pulling Y/n up. She mimicked him as she brushed off the imaginary dirt from her clothing. It reminded him of his Y/n, if only he realized Y/n/n was not actually the mysterious girl’s real name.
“Uh Tommy..”
“What is it now Ada?”
“Someone’s um...flambeed our engine.”
“What!?” Tommy pushed over to where Ada was looking. It indeed looked like sabotage. He pulled off his coat and climbed to the front of the train. Sparks and coals were flying everywhere. It was burning hot and no one was driving the train. They would need to jump off.
He noticed the bridge for the railroad tracks was broken in half. It would cause their deaths if they were to continue in any of the cars, or even in the train itself.
First, his mission was to separate the car him and his family were in from the front two. After telling his family of the plan to escape, he hopped back to the part connecting the cars. It was somehow frozen over, so he demanded a tool to break the ice. No tools worked, he was tempted to just get up and find one himself. Luckily, Y/n saved the day, handing him a dynamite and winking.
“That’ll work.”
Once they were safe and off the train, into the snow, Y/n laughed. It made Tommy’s heart warm. Again, the warmness didn’t last long. Tommy told himself that she wasn’t actually the princess, and he was saving his heart for the real one. The chances of finding her were slim, and he knew it.
“Yes Y/n?”
“Promise me we’ll still be friends after I become queen.”
“I promise. Promise me you’ll invite me and my family to the palace?”
“My family and I.”
Tommy turned to the princess and gave her a short glare. She only corrected her grammar when she was being a form of somewhat serious mixed with worry. The fact that she doubted his loyalty to her in their friendship hurt him, but he understood. The royal family already had trust issues, and he didn’t plan on giving the princess more.
“What would happen if I were to... maybe leave England?”
“I would journey with you, Y/n. To all ends of the earth. No matter how crazy the adventure may seem.”
He watched the smile find it’s way onto her face. A similar smile appearing on his in response. She didn’t reply for what seemed like years. That was until she hopped off the tree branch that posed as a two person seat. 
“I would do the same for you, Thomas Shelby. For even just one adventure with you is the only adventure I could possibly dream of.”
. . .
Now on their way to the cottage of Helena Williams, Ada tried her best to train Y/n. She was teaching her posture, showing her how to walk like a lady. It wasn’t going to well. The book tactic didn’t work, Y/n dropping it off her head and into the dusty path multiple times.
Pol had even given Y/n a new dress. It was a sight any man would love to see. The color matched her eyes and her hair was styled in a way- well really everything about her look acted in a way that made the dress seem like it was made specifically for her.
She looked more and more like the princess. Thomas refused to admit it though. In his eyes, no one could ever make him feel the same way about them as he did about Y/n. There was a chance she was still alive, and Tommy wanted to be the one to find her. He would take the reward money and set off on an adventure to all the places Y/n told him she wanted to explore. London was first, as Y/n’s grandmother lived there and waited for her granddaughter.
All Tommy had left of Y/n was his memories and the music box that her grandma gave her before they escaped. He knew it could be the key to finding the real princess. If only he could open it.
He grunted. Tommy was in no mood to speak.
“Are you sure I have a chance of being the princess?”
‘No. Your chances are nonexistent, love.’ “Yes. I believe you might be her. Just maybe.” He let the lies escape his mouth.
“I guess that’s enough to give me some form of confidence.” She went back to her training, this time actually doing better. She mastered the wave and walk, perfected the bow and fake smile. She even knew how to dance.
They arrived at the cottage and Polly rushed to Helena. The two women shared a hug, it was much need with the years they spent apart. Helena saw Tommy and walked to him, pinching his cheeks while mumbling something about not seeing him since he was a wee lad.
“And who might this be?” She was done greeting the Shelbys, now raising and eyebrow at their guest. “Another Shelby?”
“No ma’am. I’m Y/n/n.”
“Helena, this is someone we brought to see if she’s the princess.”
“Oh but... come right in!”
Helena sat down and poured cups of tea. She had a Russian accent and a high pitched voice. Her hair was short and blond, poofy and moving every time she moved her head. She had curves that complimented her body, and her purple dress only made it better.
“You certainly do look like Y/n...but so did many of the other girls.” She inhaled and sipped her tea. “Where were you born?”
“At the Buckingham Palace.”
“Correct! And how does Y/n like her tea?”
“I don’t like tea. Just hot water and lemon.”
Some time past, and Y/n was answering the questions honestly, giving answers that were correct.
“Finally, you may find this an impertinent question, but indulge me. How did you escape during the siege of the palace?”
It was the one question Tommy knew she couldn’t answer. If she got this wrong, she would never meet the queen and he would never get the reward. It was game over. Well, until she opened her mouth for a response that made him rethink everything.
“There... was a boy... He opened a wall, and I kissed him. He was my friend..or at least I think... He.. no. That’s ridiculous, walls opening?”
Tommy’s jaw dropped. He stopped pacing and stared at the girl. He knew she couldn’t see him, but he didn’t care. It was really her. The girl he fell in love with and was waiting to meet. The reward didn’t matter to him anymore, for his reward was sitting right in front of him.
“So...is she a L/n?” Polly was the first to speak up.
“Oh well, she answered every question!”
“You hear that my dear?! You did it!” Arthur picked up Y/n and spun her around. The Shelby family cheering with joy. Y/n even let a few giggles of her own come out of her mouth. “So, when do we see the empress?”
“I’m afraid you don’t.” The family stopped cheering.
“Come again?”
“The empress simply won’t allow it.” Upon seeing their annoyed and sad faces, she smirked. “Oh! Do you like the ballet? The Empress and I see them every time, they preform in the Kingsley Room. You should check the place out, the empress loves to sit in the top rows.” She winked and walked off with her tray of tea.
“...Anyone want to go watch some ballet?”
. . .
Y/n ripped and ripped at her paper. She was nervous, and the ripping only proved her point. Tommy tried to stop her, taking the paper from her, but she kept getting it back and tearing more pieces off. Tommy hadn’t told her that she really was the princess, he was saving the reveal for her grandmother to tell her.
That unfortunately, did not happen in the way he expected. After the show, the empress refused to see Tommy or his family. She turned them away and explained how she was done hurting. Calling the guards was something she had to do when Tommy broke his way into the vip section to get her attention.
He shouted at the empress. He demanded that she at least look at Y/n. He told her that he was in the castle when it all happened, and how he was the one who helped them escape. “I’ve heard of you Thomas Shelby. You and your gang. You will quit looking for my granddaughter..if she’s even alive. All you men saying you’ve found her...I’m done hurting. My heart has had enough.”
Not long after that, she called in security. They threw Tommy out of the room. He thought the surprises were over, but there sat Y/n with a red face and puffy eyes. “You! You used me! You just wanted to get that poor woman’s money, didn’t you? I’m done with this!” She stormed off, leaving the Shelby man in his own regrets. 
No. He would not just sit around and cry. He was Thomas Fucking Shelby. He stood up and raced outside. The empress was sitting in the car, waiting for her driver. Tommy took the opportunity and pushed the driver out of the way, climbing into the driver’s seat. He sped down the road, ignoring the empress’ demands of slowing down and stopping. 
He looked into the mirror, “Sorry ma’am, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She gasped and spewed insults. He didn’t slow down, only going full speed. “I’m not going to stop until you listen to me!”
The car halted with a jerk. Tommy got out and slammed the door, opening the empress’ on the other side. He pulled out the music box from his coat. “Recognize this?”
“W-where did you get that, boy?”
“You should know, I told you the truth after all. I was the boy who helped you guys escape. Y/n/n really is Y/n. I knew as soon as she told the story of her fleeing. I love her and I can’t stand to see her suffer, so please. Just go talk to her for once. If she’s not her, you can throw me in jail for all I care. I don’t want a reward, I just want to see her smile.”
The empress tilted her head at Tommy’s determination. The fire in his soul and heart that made his love for Y/n indestructible. She could see the anger and hurt in his eyes. The same look she had in hers when she turned him down. He denied the reward she had offered, most men would not.
“Alright. But if she’s not Y/n, expect my guards to be at your doorstep.”
. . .
‘Knock Knock Knock’
“Go away Thomas.”
‘Knock Knock’
“I thought I told you to-” She stopped packing and opened the door to find the empress smiling at her. “Oh, I’m sorry.. I thought you were-”
“Thomas Shelby? I’m not dear, but I would like to speak to you.”
“Yes. You.” The woman walked over to the chair in front of the vanity, taking out the small box. “You are Y/n right?”
“Y/n/n. I’m not the princess, I’m sorry.”
“Ah. What a shame. I thought I’d be with her in London...”
“Wait!” Y/n was fiddling with her necklace. It caught the woman’s attention when she turned around.
“What is that, dear? Come here.” Y/n did as she was told and sat down. The woman grabbed her necklace and read it. “Together in London...” Her eyes sparkled as she turned to Y/n. She took the necklace and unlocked the box, a melody playing softly.
“Hear this song and remember
Soon you’ll be 
home with me
once upon a December”
The woman joined in singing with Y/n, crying and wrapping her arms around her. “Oh Y/n. My Y/n.”
It was a sweet moment. However, the women could not see Tommy as he stood outside, blowing a kiss to Y/n’s room. His brothers and sister asked him if he was sure. He said yes, and started on his journey back to Birmingham.
. . .
“It’s beautiful grandma!”
“Yes my darling...It is...”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well Y/n...somethings are also beautiful. Like the love between a princess and a bet maker.”
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. “He’s not like how he was when we were kids. He’s probably enjoying spending all of his reward money on whores and alcohol.” She was dressed in a crown and fancy dress, her hair done like she had imagined. She was living the life she was meant to live, and the man she thought she loved was probably living the one he wanted.
“...He didn’t take the reward money, my love.”
“He didn’t?”
“No. He said he just wanted to see you smile.”
“I guess I was wrong about him...”
“Y/n. Go after him. While you still can.”
Y/n nodded at her grandmother’s words. She was about to head out to find him before Pooka ran off into the maze behind the palace. Y/n groaned and searched for her dog. The maze was...off. It sent chills and uneasy feelings to Y/n. She started to notice it. The walls would close behind her, blocking her way out and others’ ways in.
Less than twenty minutes later, Y/n was greeted by Rasputin. She thought he was dead. He was. Well, somewhat. His body was decaying, limbs popping off and acid bubbling in his stomach. He was falling apart yet still aching to finish his curse and kill Y/n.
Rasputin threatened her and mocked her. He brought up the curse, refreshing Y/n’s memory on the matter. And when she didn’t respond the way he wanted, he had some of his spiritual minions claw and bite at her dress, tearing shreds off the once beautiful gown.
“I am not afraid of you!”
“I can fix that!” He growled loudly. “Care for a little swim..under the ice?!!”
A green light flashed from the glass his hands, the bridge crumbling on the side Y/n was on. She was falling, and her crown had already fallen off into the freezing water. Before she could fall herself, Tommy had appeared, his jacket off and his face red. He grabbed her hands and pulled her up with a groan.
“If we live through this-” She groaned as well. “Remind me to thank you.”
“You can thank me later.”
“How enchanting! Together again, for the last time!” Rasputin sent a cursed stone Pegasus flying Tommy’s way, picking him up and bucking him off into a part of the bridge that stood up on it’s own.
“Tommy!” She was halfway over the edge, only her arms and head showing. Y/n was struggling to pull herself onto the bridge, the struggle growing more intense when she cried for Tommy. He grabbed a metal rod and was fighting off the stone statue.
Rasputin walked to Y/n, grabbing her by the part of her ponytail that touched her neck. He lifted her slightly, “Do svidaniya, your highness.” The bridge section that was hanging underneath her fell. “Finally! The last L/n dead!” She screamed but caught a grip onto the remaining bridge in time. Tommy watched her, a newfound courage taking over, his strength coming back to him as he fought off the cursed statue.
The sorcerer was about to kick her hands off the bridge, when Pooka bit his ankle. Pooka and Rasputin were pretty much playing tug o’ war with Rasputin’s legs. More of the bridge Y/n was hanging onto fell, and she grabbed for the only thing she could. She was now hanging over icy water, clinging to a metal rod that was stuck in the side bridge.
He watched Pooka tumble away when he kicked him off his leg. When he looked back, Y/n was nowhere in sight. A splash sounded and the water rippled. “Yes!”
“No! Y/n!” Tommy raced to the water, preparing to dive. The Pegasus had other plans. Darting into him and shoving him to the other side of the bridge.
“Long live the L/ns!” Rasputin cheered.
“Right!” He kept laughing, opening his eyes and turning his head to the voice. Y/n stood her ground. “I couldn’t have said it better myself!” She ran at him and tackled him to the ground. She was wrestling him for the source of his power; the glass vile-like-thing.
He pushed her off of him, sending more minions after her. Pooka saved the day once more, biting it out of his hands and rolling it to Y/n. She stomped on it, causing the Pegasus to break into rocks. One of the rocks hit Tommy's head, knocking him unconscious. She gasped before turning to Rasputin with an angered expression.
“This is for Tommy!” She stomped on the vile. Red light glowed from it.
“Give it back!”
“This is for my family!” She rolled it backwards with her foot and stomped on it another time.
Rasputin tugged on the bottom her dress. “I’ll tear you to pieces!”
“And this. This is for you.” She stomped on it one final time. The vile exploded and the red light flashed. Both Y/n and the sorcerer were blast backwards. He started to melt, disappearing into nothing.
Tommy woke back up and searched for Y/n. When he saw her, he spun her around, kissing her before he set her back down. She giggled and kissed him again. He found his princess, and she found her commoner.
. . . 
“And on the boat back to Birmingham, I kissed her over and over.”
“Ew! Gross papa! You didn’t have to tell us those details!”
Tommy chuckled at his 5 year old son’s disgusted expressions. His daughter, Nevaeh, was nothing like Charlie. She simply smiled and clapped a the ending of the story. Her brother had heard it every year, and this was the first time the 2 year old girl got to hear it for herself.
Y/n walked into the room, smiling at her children and husband. Seeing Charlie’s face was all she needed to see to know Tommy had told their story. 
“Alright. Off to bed now, you’ve got tea with your Gran tomorrow. Be on your best behavior and remember to be formal.” She waited and smiled at her children’s confused faces. “I’m kidding. But seriously, please behave for your Grandma.”
“Oh it’s okay! Nana won’t care! She loves us!”
“Yes, while that may be true, you still need to listen to your mother, prince Charlie.” Tommy tucked his firstborn into his bed. Going to his other child, he whispered something into her ear.
“Yes my love?”
“Can you sing us that song? December or something?”
So that’s what Tommy said...”Of course dearest, only if you two agree to sleep afterwards.”
They nodded and lied down. Tommy walked around Y/n, kissing her before sitting on the chair next to the door. Y/n sang the kids the lullaby-like melody from her childhood. When the song finished, she noticed they were asleep.
“Goodnight, my little goblins.” She turned to find Tommy asleep on the chair as well. She giggled to herself. “Goodnight to my little and not so little goblins, I guess.”
Y/n grabbed her husband and carried him to their shared bedroom, struggling, but managing to do so. She was now Queen and she was glad that she had her peasant to rule alongside her.
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