#someone tell me whats going on with the orange jacket
thecrustiestpurp · 1 year
I just find it funny how although not everyone who loves bakudeku likes togachako everyone who likes togachako also likes bakudeku. same ship, same ship. I'm only just rejoining the fandom and im immediately a supporter.
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inkskinned · 4 months
the car broke down by the denny's where you used to work and therefore could never return to. i am trying to pick out the satisfying parts of my life, one-by-one, like i am 12 and in a frog dissection. everything in my life all viscera and formaldehyde. if i can sort the good things from the bad things, i will have a nice clean pile.
i call you and make it sound like i am happy and hangin' in there! when really i am kicking a rock and i am outside without a jacket and i am so in love with you it makes the little bones in my ear shake. someone called my tinnitus an angel choir. i like that it means i carry the echo of every concert.
this isn't the right setting for love. this is a roadside, and a denny's, and i am nauseous and ashamed i never escaped the town where i grew up. the clouds here are this strange yellow, like spilled sour milk. "someone once told me that the orange coating on the teeth of a beaver is due to the particularly high rate of iron in their enamel," i tell you. "the beaver is the largest rodent native to north america."
your voice is crackly on the other end. i'm going into a garage soon, i might lose you.
what i should be doing is calling the tow truck and explaining that my brother's car (that i'm borrowing) (that i broke now, i guess) needs to be lifted by another, bigger, stronger car (which is love too, i guess).
i shouldn't say so much. i should wait, and let you ask about my mom, and ask if i ever got over that cold, or how it's going at work. i should let you lead the conversation, for once, so the love doesn't leak out of me into the gravel. i open my mouth anyway. "if you had to choose between being a beaver with very few trees or being a tree around a bunch of beavers, which would it be?"
i don't know. your voice always has this warm cast to it when you talk to me, but maybe i am just imagining that - i am a poet, though, so i imagine things sort of chronically. through the static, you sound like you're laughing. are you the beaver?
i know, like, logically, not to fall in love with a girl-that-is-your-best-friend. like, who would i even call if we broke up? you're my best friend, you're the person i'd want to speak to. so what if these last few months we keep sleeping over at each other's houses, calling each other for hours, sending each other poems. so what if you keep wrapping your fingers into mine. no best friends. that is the first rule. what you are supposed to do in that situation is leave the situation.
but my car broke down, so. where exactly am i going to go? the car is a very-old chevvy and also where i almost-but-not-quite kissed you after you'd raised one shoulder and looked up at me and said i don't know, i think i'm straight, but for the right person - i'd try anything. the music had been good and it had been raining and your thick eyelashes had made me feel god crawling up my throat like a spider. and i didn't kiss you, because i am a coward.
anyway on the chevy the whole exhaust pipe fell out, and is now scraping on the ground like one silver finger stroking the back of the highway. recently we were watching netflix in my bed and you pushed my hair back from my face like you were making the slowest, most desperate prayer, and then your boyfriend called. i remember us both jumping. i couldn't look at you in the eyes for like a week after. i kept feeling the heat of your fingerprint; computer science, you'd unlocked something dark in me.
google says the closest tow (joe's pick up) is 50 minutes away and also closed permanently. so that's not great. you live in another state and i should be calling my insurance company. i should be calling anybody else. this is not helping. i need an uber. i need to get moving. instead i say: "i need three words for a poem."
yesterday i said love you, goodnight after our 2 hour call like always and then you just, like. paused. all i could hear was your breathing. and then you'd said what a pretty three-word poem. i love you too, sweet thing. the words made my tinnitus act up again, and i must have some kind of synesthesia, because the sound travelled into my mind until it became the shape wedding rings.
orange, you say. the static is now chewing through most of your words and i only catch - borrowing the chevy -
the call dies. i have 12% battery. i never get the 3rd word, but i know you're still going to get a poem from me. actually this rest stop is kind of pretty, and so is the exhaust pipe, and so is joe's pick up, and so are the clouds. the light here is the color of a glue trap. before you worked at the denny's, we used to get milkshakes every wednesday and called it a friend date. you said you'd wanted to work there because it reminded you of me.
the sign's gone dim. the letters now spell out deny. and isn't that something.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Napping and Cooking
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Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Straw hat!reader
Characters: Vinsmoke Sanji, Straw hat!reader, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronora Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Arlong
Warnings: Fluff, fighting, the asshole Arlong, Sanji being subtlety flustered, you take lots of naps, Sanji being adorable as hell, everyone worrying over you, protect Nami plan is a go, Sanji being like a boyfriend but nothing's official
Word Count: 1,849
A/N: Reader sleeps a lot because her abilities take up a lot of her energy.
Reader also had a lot of hair and it sometimes gets in their face so she has to flip their head upside down and then back up or run their hand through their hair to see.
Reader has a jacket like Mihawk but it goes down to her knees otherwise she'll trip
This man... is something else
You enter the restaurant and slip past the host in search of your crew. You can hear Luffy and know exactly where they are. You stand in front of the table, "you guys ditched me."
"You were still sleeping," says Luffy.
"You didn't wake me up," you tell them with a pout.
"We tried to," Nami tells you.
"You’re the one that wouldn’t wake up," Zoro adds, glancing at you; wondering if you’ll even make it through the meal.
Sanji glances your way and notices your figure standing in front of an unattended table.
He admires your jacket as he heads over.
"Fine, you tried. Now move over, stretchy." You try to move him only to fail, which your captain laughs at. You roll your eyes and walk over him, Usopp being kind enough to scooch over, so you have room.
You sit at the top of the booth. You didn't realize it, but you zoned out until Nami smacked your leg. Your jaw drops as you rub the spot. "Ow. Was that necessary?"
She gestures to the blond standing in front of the table.
"And for the madam?"
"What are we doing?"
Nami and Zoro roll their eyes.
"We're ordering our drinks," Usopp tells you.
"Ah, right. Water."
"And would the madam like stilled, sparkling, mineral? With ice or without? Cubed or crushed?"
The corner of your lip twitches. "Well, aren’t we sweet? You want to please all the ladies you, see?"
His head drops, he glances at the ground before looking back up, staring at you through his lashes and hair. "Only the ones who entice me with their beauty."
"I'll let you surprise me."
"Excellent choice, madam. You will not be let down."
"I know I won't."
"What was that?" Zoro asks.
"What?" You turn to him.
He starts rattling off everything Sanji said.
"He was being polite."
"To you," the orange haired girl mutters.
"He only called me madam once and then you stole his attention. Clearly there was something about you that caught his eye."
"I don’t think so."
Every single kind of water he offered was brought to the table.
After Zoro loses the battle and the head chef along with the blond come in to help him, you two start talking each time he's here.
"I smell food," you lean against the doorway.
He chuckles, "I would certainly hope so. You're the only one who hasn't eaten. Are you worried that worried about your friend?"
"Of course, I'm worried about the idiot but not enough to lose too much sleep over him. My abilities take up a lot of my energy and sleeping helps me. I was napping."
He nods, "ah, now that makes sense." He glances up from the ingredients he grabbed. "Would you like to eat something?"
You nod, "I would, kind of why I came down here."
"I know. How do you feel about exposing your palate to an array of flavors?"
"I think I made a mistake."
He shakes his head, smiling. "Nonsense. I'm going to make you an unforgettable meal."
You were up on the roof when Argon and his crew entered.
You secure the rope around your waist before jumping down. "Why are you picking on people less than half your size?"
"Who are you?"
"Someone who's already kicked your bony nosed ass."
He growls, realizing who you are.
"You want to fight someone? Fight me," you smirk. "I'm a better opponent than stretchy." You tug at the rope, rolling it up. "Come on, then. Try to hit me."
He comes at you, and you dodge him.
And again.
And again.
He growls before his hand clamps down on your jacket (something you made sure happened on purpose).
"Don't touch my jacket."
"Why? You gonna cry if I do."
"No," you grab his hand and twist his wrist, "you might. Clone shift."
He's baffled at the sight of him, standing before him. "Stop it. Turn back."
He and Luffy are outside before you can stop him.
"Hey, you two idiots."
His crew turns to you, eyes widening at the sight of their captain even though he just walked out the door.
You punch the two of them hard enough for them to roll on the dock outside the restaurant.
You walk over to check on Sanji and Usopp, the former taking a big hit on his back.
"Are you two-" you groan and hold onto the railing as you shift back to yourself.
Blood catches the story teller's eye. "Did you take some of Zoro's cut?"
All the pain in his body left him as the blond urges forward to catch you.
"So, what? It's nothing. I can take it."
"You overexerted yourself enough already. Come on," Sanji says, helping you up.
"Are we going to help Luffy?"
"We are, you're not."
You let out a small disagreeing noise.
"Don't argue with me."
You all catch the sight of the energetic captain falling into the water and rush over.
Sanji's quicker than you and takes action. He throws off his shirt and jacket before diving in.
You force yourself to stay awake and not pass out.
His head pops up back in the surface.
Usopp helps haul the rubber man onto the dock.
You hold a handout for the chef, but he doesn't take it. "Where's Nami?"
"She's gone. She's apart of Arlong's crew," Usopp tells Luffy.
Sanji's body slumps down, his butt resting on the heels of his feet.
Dots cloud your vision and your feet sway, you knew the second you cloned, you were done.
Sanji and Usopp catch you before you could fall.
The blond man leaning down to listen to your heartbeat and make sure you're- "She's still breathing."
"She," Luffy takes a deep breath, his voice coming out scratchy. "She did too much."
"We need to get you two back on your ship."
You wake up and find yourself in your room.
You sit up, finding no one else here.
You grab your jacket and make your way to the kitchen.
"He convinced you?"
Sanji jumps, not expecting you to be awake. "Are you hungry?"
You nod and slowly make your way over to the couch. "No objections. I'll take whatever the chef makes."
"That can get dangerous if you say that to the wrong person."
"Good thing I'm just talking to you."
The corner of his lips twitch as gets back to work.
"Hey, I just-" Usopp smiles when he sees you here. "You're up. How're feeling?"
"Hungry and tired."
"The usual, cool. I wasn't worried, at all." He stops in front of the chef. "What's new on today's menu?"
"Not for you."
He gasps, "rude. I fought in that battle too, you know."
"You crawled away like a bug being found under a log."
He whines when you out him.
The other two enter the kitchen.
Zoro glances at you, "you're an idiot."
"Way to make a girl feel special asshole."
"You're going to have a scar."
"You're welcome for making sure you don't die because of your own mistake, moron."
He leans against the wall, watching over everyone.
Luffy stretches his arms out to hug you, letting his body slam into you. "You're awake. Are you okay? You passed out. Is that always normal?"
Usopp smacks the captain, "get off her. She just woke up, you're not helping."
"Food is ready."
"Time to eat!"
"No," Sanji smacks Luffy with the dish towel. "The lady gets hers first."
You stick your tongue out at your friend. "I knew I liked you for a reason."
"Other than my good looks."
The green haired man rolls his eyes, "would you stop flirting and feed the idiot before he steals the food."
"Not until the lady gets hers."
"The lady will be fine."
"You call yourself a man. A true man would make sure-"
You flick the two of them on their foreheads. "Shut up."
You give Luffy and Usopp their bowls, "eat you animals."
"Oh, we told the town of your sacrifice," you explain to Nami.
"We didn't know. Could you ever forgive us?" The guard asks.
"This is going to be a massacre," the orange haired girl says.
"For them," you crack your knuckles. "I got this."
Usopp thins his lips, "I don't think so. You're just gonna lose consciousness again."
"Why don't I knock you unconscious?"
Sanji steps forward and pulls you off the side. "Excuse her, she was woken up from a nap." He covers your ears. "She's cranky."
You smack his hands off you.
You sit on the wall, watching as everyone fights. It was the smart move, save more of your energy.
It was only when they started bad mouthing Nami that you really started getting fired up. "Woah! Hey! Hey!" You grab a rock and throw it at the fishman's head. "Don't bad mouth my friend!"
Sanji removes his jacket without removing his gaze.
"Now you've done it," Zoro mumbles.
You jump down and walk towards the green haired man.
Sanji doesn't stop until the fishman has been taken care of.
Zoro judges the chef, with him calling out his finishing move.
"Ignore him. You did good, Sanji."
He lowers his head, unable to respond to your comment.
Zoro shakes his head, not in the mood to deal with his pining.
Usopp makes his way back to you.
"Nice of you to join us."
The storyteller smiles. "Yeah, just- uh- wish I didn't miss so much of this."
You glance at Zoro and raise a brow, both of you knowing that he doesn't mean it.
The green haired man just gives him a look of disappointment.
Nami runs away from the deteriorating building and glances back over her shoulder. She turns back and runs towards you guys.
Sanji opens his arms with a smile, "Nami!"
She ignores him and throws her arms around the second in command and storyteller.
You offer him a sorry look before turning around at the sound of her calling your name. "Are you okay?" You ask.
Instead of replying she throws her arms around you, holding you tightly. "Thank you."
"You and Luffy gave me something I never thought I could have."
You smile. "Alright kid, get off me." You wipe her under eyes, making sure no one knew how much she was crying. You pat Sanji's shoulder, "she just doesn't know you yet."
"That would make sense."
"Where's Luffy?"
"He's still in there, fighting Arlong."
You huff, "why can't he wait for help?" You groan and start to take a step forward when they stop you.
The chef grabs your wrist and pulls you back. "Nope."
"Are you nuts?" Usopp asks. "I mean seriously. You want to fight that fishman?!"
"I'm not going to let Luffy-" The building collapses. "Great! My oldest friend is-"
"Nami! We are you're friends! We are your crew!"
"Still alive! Yay!" You jump up and down before throwing yourself into the blond's arms.
"Look who finally got their hug."
"Shut up, Nami."
Continue to: Part II
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wormdebut · 2 months
@hellion-child you did this. Inspired by this legendary post.
‘It’s not illegal to go to the dog park, just to hear hot dads say Good Girl.’
Rating: M CW: overusage of the term daddy and Eddie just being a horny bastard.
“You know, this is fucking insane, right?” Chrissy laughs while Eddie lounges on the park bench.
Yes. He’s aware.
He and Chrissy don’t even have a dog and yet—
“Chris. Look at all of these great pet parents, taking care of these little doggies. Look at em. Wonderful. Stunning, very normal.”
Chrissy levels him with a glare. Being on the wrong side of a Chrissy glare is a scary thing, but alas his dog park visits are worth it.
“No. Look, listen. You’ve got all of these doggy daddies taking their lovely pups out for runs and walks and what not and then daddy wraps up his run and takes the precious ones to this here dog park. Woof.”
It really was worth it to Eddie, alright? There is nothing wrong with going to a public dog park to maybe hear a hot sweaty man coo at his dog.
‘Good Boy’
‘Precious Girl’
Bark bark bark or whatever.
Would Eddie ever talk to any of them? Absolutely the fuck not, but a man could dream.
He was bummed though because none of the hot guys were out, today.
He is busy scanning the area to see if he missed anyone, Chrissy yapping on and on about how they could just get a dog when someone slows their run to chat.
“Hi!” She says. This woman is tall, short hair messed up from running, she’s got a bright ass orange jacket on, and she is most certainly Chrissy’s type. Thats not fucking fair at all, now is it?
Chrissy’s complaining tapers off. “Hey.”
They smile at each other, and this is truly unfair, Eddie thinks. This whole dog park thing was for him and yet.
“I hope you don’t mind, but me and my best friend just moved to the area and honestly, I think you’re pretty so—I just thought I would say hi.” She hardly makes eye contact with Eddie. So it’s clear who she’s talking to.
Like recognizes like, he supposes.
He can respect the straight forwardness of it all. Chrissy is just kinda staring at her so he speaks up. “Well, I’m Eddie and this is Chrissy, and I can confidently say that she also thinks you’re pretty.”
Both woman turn to stare and him, Chrissy with big eyes and the other woman with a smirk. She speaks, “Well, it must be my lucky day.” She turns back to Chrissy, “I’m Robin.”
The two get talking and Eddie is happy for his best friend, he really is, but where are all the hot men?
He’s about ready to call it quits when he sees a fucking god, running with a ridiculously stunning dog.
Hot people own hot dogs, he supposes.
This guy is—fuck. He’s sweaty from running, and his hair is fucking gorgeous, even after activities. Thats a green flag. Eddie is just shocked.
This is the dog daddy of all dog daddies. He’s wearing tiny fucking red shorts that expose thighs for days and—
“Jesus fuckin’—see?” Eddie doesn’t even care that he is interrupting the girls conversation cause this guys is—god damn. “He could slap a collar on me and walk me like a dog.”
Chrissy balks. “Eddie. We are in the company of a new friend. Robin doesn’t deserves this.”
Eddie simply shrugs and Robin laughs, “No. I think it’s hilarious which guy caught your eye?”
Oh, he likes Robin. “I like her. Get her number—“ He smiles big at Chrissy, before gesturing towards the fucking Adonis in tiny little running shorts. “Anywhozle. That one, look at him. On my knees in a second.”
He ignores Chrissy’s eye roll, and watches as Robin takes in the guy, before busting out in a laugh. “Oh my god—Steve?”
Oh shit.
“I—do you—“ Abort mission. Abort abort.
“Oh yeah, remember that best friend I was telling you guys about?”
She is still laughing, and Chrissy joins her before handing Robin her phone.
Eddie feels like he just got bamboozled.
“Chrissy, babe, I’ll text you. Eddie? I’ll see what I can do.” She smiles at them both before running over to ‘Steve’ and his—their?— gorgeous dog.
“No wait I—“ Eddie tries but she’s already over with Steve who is listening intently to what Robin has to say.
Oh god, oh no. Oh god.
Chrissy is just laughing softly into her hand, which turns into full laughter quick because Steve turns to look at them, smiles and winks.
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Dire Crowley - Raven Jacket Vignette
"A dramatic encounter"
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[Lecture Hall]
Crowley: Good morning. It is beautiful out, what an absolutely splendid start to such a lovely day.
Crowley: Incidentally… Have you noticed any changes in the apple tree growing in the courtyard?
Crowley: Yes, that's right. I'm speaking of the smallest, most recent planted tree within the courtyard.
Crowley: It feels as though it was only yesterday that it first started sprouting, and yet… It truly is growing at an astonishing rate.
Crowley: Whenever I chance a glance at that ever-striving tree growing each and every day under rain, shine or clouds, I also feel a twinge of self-reflection to be better.
Crowley: As if telling me that in both happy times and sad, one cannot forget to continue to strive for growth.
Crowley: And also… At the same time, I feel as though that tree represents all you students enrolled here at Night Raven College.
Crowley: That is, with respect to the point that with a good environment and proper nourishment, you all are able to grow and mature so wonderfully.
Crowley: …Well? Wouldn't you say that was an inspiring speech!?
Leona: Zzz.
Azul: It was magnificent! I was utterly enthralled by your wonderfully deep analogy. As one should expect from someone like you, Crowley-sensei!
Riddle: Really? I could have done with a little more tangible explanation, myself.
Riddle: What especially caught my attention was what you said about having "proper nourishment." Headmage, sir! What would that constitute?
Idia: Forget that, was this student assembly even a need? It's not even lol-worthy to think about how much time we've wasted having to listen to the Headmage's self-indulgent monologues on loop.
Vil: I concur. If all you wish to do is chit-chat, could you not gather the entire student body? I would rather use my mornings for my stretching exercises.
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, it's always some kind of useless speech.
Heartslabyul Student: I wanna go back to my dorm~
Crowley: Anyway! What I was trying to say is…
Crowley: I would like everyone here to carry yourself with pride as befitting a student of Night Raven College.
Kalim: Oh! I was totally lost with what you were saying earlier, I see, so that's what you meant!
Kalim: I totally get it. I'll work hard just like an orange tree does!
[door opens]
Crowley: Hm? Who could possibly be showing up this late to… Ah.
Malleus: …
Crowley: Right, did anyone tell him that there was to be a campus-wide student assembly…?
Everyone: Not at all.
Malleus: Was I not extended an invitation once again?
Malleus: You have the gall... To leave me outcast…
[lightning strikes down]
Crowley: W-Wait, Draconia-kun! Do not cast your lightning indoors!
Leona: Yaaaawn… Done blabbering, then? 'Kay, meeting over. Everyone back to their dorms.
[everyone nods]
Crowley: Aah, everyone, wait! If you're leaving, please take Draconia-kun with you!
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Crowley: For goodness’ sake. This morning could have gone much better.
Crowley: However, no matter what tribulations I may come across… Once it is time for lunch, I immediately feel much better!
Crowley: And that's all thanks to the delicious fare our school provides. What is the recommended meal of the day?
Ghost Chef: Welcome, Headmage. Today's recommendation is an exceptionally filling meat pie filled with large chunks of beef!
Crowley: Sounds fantastic. Please, I would have that, then.
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Crowley: Oh, hello, Crewel-sensei and Vargas-sensei. I see Trein-sensei is with you too!
Crowley: Are you all taking lunch together? May I join you?
Vargas: Absolutely, yes, come and sit with us! I bet it'd be more than a hassle to find another seat when it's this crowded, anyway.
Crewel: I also was unable to find other seating, so here I am, reluctantly keeping company with a scold.
Trein: I do believe if you wish to avoid a lecture you would do well to not do anything warranting one.
Trein: …Oh. I see that you've ordered the beef pie, Headmage.
Crowley: That's correct. I am an avid connoisseur of meat, yes.
Crowley: Of course I'll eat it all, including beef, pork, chicken, and even wild game.
Trein: Wild game?
Crowley: Indeed, gibier, it's called. Have you ever tried it?
Vargas: Oh yeah, gibier! Last time I had some was when I ate some venison, and it sure did taste so delicious that I was overflowing with energy~
Crowley: You have a distinguished palate, Vargas-sensei. How wonderful.
Crowley: There are a multitude of other gibier meat to try, you know. I do hope you all have a chance to…
Everyone: AHH!!
Crowley: S-Sam-kun… I implore you to not pop in from behind us like that!
Sam: Nyeheehee. You all looked like you were lost in such enjoyable conversation, I just couldn't help myself.
Crewel: This is a rare sight, Sam. You're usually tending to the Mystery Shop around this time, aren't you?
Sam: The cafeteria ghosts had asked for a delivery of some ingredients, is all.
Sam: Headmage, if you're interested in some gibier that's a little more difficult to get your hands on, you know I got you.
Sam: Whatever kind of food you may want, I can procure it for you.
Crowley: You're fantastic, Sam-kun. How wonderfully supportive. However…
Crowley: In all actuality, I also have a fondness for vegetables, fruits and sweets in addition to meat. I love anything that is not spicy!
Crewel: I am fully aware. For as long as I remember, your omnivorous habits have made for quite the reputation.
Crowley: Omniv… Could you possibly say that in a more appropriate manner!?
Sam: …Hm? I just noticed that everyone's ordered very different dishes. Really goes to show each of your preferences.
Vargas: Since I always have my muscles on my mind, I make it so my lunches are egg dishes packed full of protein!
Crewel: I do like meat pies myself, so I did consider it… But that size is far too much for me.
Crewel: It may be perfect for those growing students, but it is most likely in excess of the recommended nutritional intake for us adults.
Trein: Indeed. I also selected something else when I saw it with my own eyes.
Trein: If I ate such a thing for lunch, I would still feel it weighing me down during afternoon classes.
Crowley: Is that so? Such a shame. It's so delicious~
Vargas: Nice, that's a great appetite you got. I'll have to work hard to keep up!
Trein: Look at him, devouring that hearty and greasy meat pie so easily… He truly is young at heart…
Crewel: You're not wrong, he hasn't changed one bit from my student days.
Trein: For that matter, I don't believe he's changed since I started my tenure here at Night Raven College…
Crewel: Headmage… How old is he truly? I'm curious, and yet I'm not sure I want to know…
Sam: Nyeheehee. He's truly a man of mystery. It piques one's curiosity.
Crowley: Ah, so delicious. Past me deserves such gracious thanks for hiring these Five-Star restaurant chefs.
Crowley: And what a dramatic encounter it was meeting those chef ghosts.
Crowley: That was… Oh, hm. How many decades ago, now?
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[Main Street]
Crowley: Now, what shall I do this afternoon? The other professors are busy with classes, so mayhaps I'll go while away the time at Sam-kun's shop…
???: We ain't gotta sweat the small stuff, c'mon.
Crowley: Hm? This voice…
Grim: No one'll notice if we skip one or two classes. We should totally just snag a few z's instead, myahaha!
1. Let's hurry and head back towards the classroom. 2. Maybe you're right and no one will catch us…
Crowley: That certainly was Grim-kun's voice, I see…
Crowley: Even if it is just those two, how could there be anyone with the audacity to cut class at my academy! I absolutely cannot believe it!
Savanaclaw Student: Hey, we'll be using that bench to relax on while we ditch class. Get off.
Grim: Huuh!? I'm the one who found this sunny spot first!
Crowley: Not only are there multiple students missing class, it seems a fight is about to break out, as well… What is with this break in decorum at this school?
Grim: Urgh. Someone annoying's found us.
Crowley: [Yuu]-kun, it is most troublesome if you cannot look after Grim-kun properly.
1. I'm sorry.
Crowley: How refreshing… It's so moving to have someone apologize so forthright immediately after breaking a rule…
2. Grim just doesn't listen to me.
Crowley: Y-You're just running yourself ragged, I see… Poor thing to have to deal with Grim-kun like this.
Crowley: All of you return to class this instant. It should be an honor that you have the privilege of attending classes here.
Crowley: Magic is not something so simple that can be controlled on talent alone.
Crowley: Of course, natural talent may be important, but what truly matters is maturing your abilities through daily growth and experiences.
Crowley: You all do remember my very loving speech from this morning, yes?
Grim: It was all about somethin' boring, so I wasn't listening.
Ignihyde Student: Yeah. Same.
Crowley: EXCUSE ME!? [Yuu]-kun, please tell me you had your listening ears on this morning?
1. Of course I remember.
Crowley: Whew... At least you're a good student.
2. Something about grape trees, right?
Ignihyde Student: Man, you're so annoying… You keep yammering on, but there's really no reason to listen to you, is there?
Diasomnia Student: Seriously. It’s not like I've ever seen the Headmage do any kind of crazy strong magic or anything, and even the Housewardens were ignoring him at the student assembly…
Savanaclaw Student: He ain't scary at all. Just ignore him!
Crowley: …What pitiful children.
Crowley: Well, I suppose I have no choice. I'll just have to show you exactly how important incremental advancement in your studies can be.
Students: HRRGHH!
Grim: Oh hey, that stuff wrapped around those guys is the Headmage's uh… weird rope thing!
Crowley: This is not rope. This is my lash of love! A slightly stronger version than before.
Savanaclaw Student: OW, OW! I'M GETTING SQUEEZED~!
Diasomnia Student: This kinda magic should be no problem to break out… Hurng, I can't!? Wh-Why? Our magic's not even making a scratch on it!
Crowley: That should be expected. You do realize I am the Headmage here, yes? This level of magic comes as easily to me as breathing does.
Crowley: It's one thing when those who comprehend my power, like the Housewardens, speak in jest…
Crowley: But it would be completely disgraceful of me as an instructor to be belittled by students like you who have no knowledge of the difference in our abilities.
Crowley: You should try to comprehend how unripe your magical abilities still are.
Grim: Yeah, yeah, get 'em, Crowley! Show 'em what little they know!
1. I wouldn't get too carried away… 2. Wouldn't it be better to run before…?
Crowley: And a lash of love for you! My more heedful version!
Grim: GRRAAH~!
1. Astounding, no matter how many times I see it! 2. Your lightning quick flick made quick work of him!
Crowley: Heh, you don't have to go that far in praising… Hold on now, Grim-kun! No matter how much you thrash about, nothing will come of it. Calm yourself.
Crowley: After all, I have such high expectations for you, Grim-kun. That includes you too, [Yuu]-kun.
Crowley: I fully believe that the two of you will be integral to changing the future of this academy.
Crowley: I'm sure you two will be all I hope for and more, don't you?
Grim: Yeah, yeah, I gotchu. Just leave it all to the genius Grim-sama.
Crowley: Well then. I suppose I'll just take you all to your assigned classes just like this now.
Grim: Huh!? If you drag us along all tied up like this, everyone that'll see us will all point and laugh…!
Crowley: I must make sure that you Night Raven College students properly reflect on your actions and learn from each experience.
Crowley: And that is because you are all one of my very precious, precious apple trees...
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Requested by Anonymous.
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mockerycrow · 7 months
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I WANT IT (Soap x GN!Reader)
soap masterlist
summary; soap is on leave with the 141 and you’re visiting him. he invites you to meet the boys, and you get a little buzzed—he offers to take you home, but you get a little.. handsy.
authors note; i saw a tiktok video. that’s the excuse. i did not proofread this; i saw the tiktok and wrote it. and @kivino let me talk about this, blame them. /j
[WARNINGS; poor knowledge of motorcycles, alcohol ingestion (not enough to be drunk), extremely suggestive, groping, suggested exhibitionism, technically you did not ask for consent but Johnny enjoys every single second of this.]
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“IT WAS NICE meeting you guys!” You grin, shaking Johnny’s Captain’s hand, and then his fellow sergeants. You and, what was his name.. Ghost? You two settled on waves. “Likewise, mate.” Price hums, a smile on his lips. “Wouldn’t mind seeing you again, you’re always welcome, yeah?” Price glances at Soap and then you, earning a laugh from your chest.
“You sure you want Johnny bringing you home?” Ghost teases lightheartedly—he knows Johnny is careful, but he also knows Johnny rides fast. You smile at his tease, and you can tell he’s being just a tad bit serious. Ghost elected to be the Designated Driver for his Captain and Gaz, but he wouldn’t mind if he had to take you home, too. You aren’t drunk per say, but you definitely should not be behind a wheel nonetheless.
You shake your head no in response before saying, “I appreciate the concern, but Johnny has gotten me home safe plenty of times.” Johnny. That’s one thing the 141 has noticed; the only person they’ve ever known to be given permission to call Soap that is Ghost—and you now, apparently. Guess it makes sense when Johnny said, “Only L.T. and someone else can call me that.”
“If you say so, love.” Gaz laughs and pats your shoulder, glancing over to see Johnny gearing up his motorcycle, two helmets hanging off of the handle grips. Guess he came prepared, and is eager to set off. You say your goodbyes and after making sure the two drunk men and their chauffeur get into their vehicle safely, you walk over to Johnny, who’s wearing his gloves and his unzipped protective jacket. “Ye ready t’ride?” He asks with an excited grin—he’s been away for a couple of months and you haven’t ridden with him in at least a year.
“Always,” You reply with a grin of your own. Johnny helps you slip on the helmet and adjusts the straps accordingly, biting at the corner of his lower lip as he focuses on making sure you’re safe. You can’t help but wonder if he does the same thing whilst defusing an explosive device. “There we go.” Johnny chuckles before slipping his own helmet on, adjusting his straps. He teasingly flips down your visor before doing the same with his own—the sun is setting, to be fair—and he hops onto his motorcycle.
Johnny holds out an arm, helping you get into the back of the motorcycle behind him. You grunt as you situate yourself, your hands grabbing his waist as you wiggle a bit. Once you deem yourself safe and comfortable, you wrap your arms around his abdomen and lean against his back. Johnny tilts his head back, bonking his helmet into yours; his way of asking if you’re okay for to him go now, considering you two can’t hear each other. Johnny doesn’t have those helmets with speakers and microphones yet.
You laugh a bit before bonking him back, causing him to rev his motorcycles engine and you feel him begin to drive off. The air feels nice against what skin is exposed as Johnny pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road, slowly speeding up as there is no one else on the road with you two. Your eyes trace the purple-pink clouds and sky, the sun radiating a beautiful orange, the colors looking absolutely jaw dropping tonight.
Your mind begins to wander to the events of tonight; the drinking game that you ended up winning—you aren’t sure how—which is why you’re just a little buzzed. You think about Johnny’s teammates and how they all work together very nicely, even in a civilian environment.. and then your mind drifts to Johnny. Sweet ol’ Johnny in those fucking jeans.
God, you don’t know if it’s the alcohol or what, but something about Johnny in the outfit he wore tonight was making you feel so feral. He is wearing some dark blue jeans that mold to his legs so perfectly, showing off his thick thighs, as well as a white t-shirt and a biker’s jacket over the shirt. Nonetheless, you felt like a goddamn dog because you swore you nearly drooled over him at least three times during the course of the night.
You aren’t sure what demon possesses you to give you the confidence that suddenly surges in your veins, but honestly you can’t bring yourself to care. Your arms slowly unwrap from around his abdomen, and you feel Johnny’s back muscles—that you wanna drag your nails down all of a sudden—tense up. You know he’s probably wondering what you’re doing, but you don’t pay that any mind as your hands go to his sides, slowly sliding down to over the curves of his hips. You feel the material of his jeans underneath your fingers and how the muscle is pressing against the seams—you just can’t help yourself.
You feel the bike turn as you begin to go around a curve in the road. Your hands squeeze his hips before one of your hands presses down and slowly rubs over his thigh to the inner part of it, your fingers squeezing the muscle covered by his jeans. You feel Johnny straighten his posture and you grin underneath your helmet, light arousal flowing through your veins as your other hand slowly moves to his lower stomach, right above the belt buckle of his jeans. You’re suddenly grateful Johnny decided—or more likely forgot—to keep his jacket unzipped, because you can’t resist sliding your hand underneath his shirt.
You feel his skin and the soft hair trailing up to his belly button—his goddamn happy trail, which the acknowledgment of it makes a hot flash to flow through you. Johnny’s stomach muscles flex under your touch and you feel him tense as your fingers threaten to dip underneath the waistband of his jeans. Your other hand drifts dangerously close to his groin, your fingertips nearly brushing directly where you want them to—or, actually seems like where Johnny wants them to.
You didn’t even notice that you’ve come to a stop, and Johnny grabs the wrist of the hand where your fingers are dangerously close to his crotch and cold panic flows through you; is he uncomfortable? Did you go too far, despite the late night flirts and hot, needy kisses over the years? No, none of that. You made the right decision, you realize, as Johnny presses your hand directly against his crotch, pressing your palm into his hardened, clothed cock at the fucking red light.
The cold panic is quickly replaced with burning arousal, slapping you right in the face as you feel a vibration from Johnny’s chest—he’s fucking groaning and rutting his hips into your hand like goddamn dog. Your eyes flutter shut as your lungs stutter in your chest, your hand groping his crotch. Your fingertips scratch at his happy trail, making the muscles underneath his skin stutter.
Johnny’s flips up his visor and looks over his shoulder at you as he shamelessly grinds into your palm, which you’re pressing down onto his cock now. You make eye contact and jesus, he looks fucking delicious. His eyes are half lidded and you can tell his face is red, his pupils blown out—you can barely see, but you know they are—and something tells you this isn’t ending when he drops you off, especially when you feel his cock twitch beneath his jeans when a car rolls up next to you at the red light.
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cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (crack) - "where’s my super suit?”
this is very self-explanatory slight nsfw mention?? nothing smutty lmao
Brooding in his impossibly dark office, Miguel gazes at the various orange telegram screens around him. One of them catches his eye; Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie all being absolutely demolished by an anomaly. 
Each one of them is being thrown in the opposite direction, thwacking against each other or accidentally webbing the wrong person. 
Miguel’s supposed to be off duty right now, though it’s hard to believe that Miguel gets any free time at all. Giving into Lyla’s pestering, he wears normal clothes today, opting for a simple zip-up sports jacket and pants. 
But, Miguel knew he’d regret it. 
He gazes at the live footage of the kids being completely totaled by the anomaly. Something similar to sympathy growing in his chest. (He doesn’t like to admit he has a soft spot for the kids, but he does.)
Miguel closes his eyes, hunching down and pinching between his eyes. “No puedo más-” He mumbles to himself. Pressing a button on the screen, Miguel quickly finds which universe the kids are in, opting to jump in and deal with it himself. 
He’s already got his watch on, ready to step into action when he realizes...
He doesn’t have his suit on. 
“Fuck.“ He mutters, breaking into a run out of his office, and down the equally dim hallway towards his living quarters. If you’re so invested in your job, why not live there as well?
The automatic doors slide open, revealing a lifeless, bland bedroom. You bug him to make it more homey, but he hasn’t got the chance to yet. Miguel quickly rummages through his drawers in the dark, filing through another closet in search of his suit, or at least one of a duplicate. Nothing. 
Miguel starts rummaging through more clothes, and she instantly flickers by his shoulder. 
“Do you know where my suit is?“ Miguel asks. 
“I dunno.“ Lyla shrugs. “I think y/n has it. Said she wanted to keep it to make sure you wouldn’t go work today.“
Miguel sighs in annoyance, swatting Lyla away like a fly until she blinks off. He taps a few buttons on his smartwatch, hastily pressing the call button for your favorited contact. 
(it reads ”babyboo💕💞” after you changed it in his sleep lmaoo)
You answer as per usual. Miguel’s surprised you weren’t busy. 
“Honey?“ Miguel asks, double checking the clothes he threw on the floor.
“Where’s my suit?” 
“What? Sorry, you spazzed out a little.“
Miguel sighs, taking a deep breath on behalf of healthy marriages. 
“Where. Is. My. Spider. Suit?“ He asks, slower this time. 
“I uh- put it away.“ 
“Where?“ He asks, his voice hushed. 
You raise your eyebrow. Miguel is supposed to be off duty?
“Why do you need to know?“
“I need it!“
“Nuh uh! Don’t you dare think about zipping off to whatever fucking Earth-199 you’ve got going on! You haven’t had a break in literally 4 years!“
“The kids are in danger!“
“Your mental health is in danger!“
“Tell me where my goddamn suit is! We’re talking about the future generation!“
“The only future generation you should be worrying about are the kids you put in me last ni-“
“Oh my fucking god, just tell me! Hon-“
You hang up on him, and Miguel sighs for the 10th time today, hanging his head low in frustration. He’s surrounded by clothes he never wears, the room utterly cluttered. 
You know what, maybe someone else will deal with it? There’s thousands of spider-people in the building, it’s safe to say that they could take down at least one anomaly. 
For now, Miguel needs a break.
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© 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔.
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celebtf · 16 days
Archie Andrews and FP Jones swap and become each other
My son's best friend
The night was cold and windy, the storm had moved over-seas and settled down in the small down Riverdale. The tree's gaught the wind and went back and fort, hitting the windows. The rain smacked on the roof very loud.
FP Jones sat alone in his couch this stormy night and watched some TV, some half shitty show that he really didn't pay attention to, he was just very bored since his son Jughead had left for the night to hang out with his best friend Archie. Jughead didn't really tell FP what they used to do, but Ofcourse FP was curious.
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Tonight would just be one of those nights were FP stayed up, waiting on his son coming home, eat a late dinner and then go to sleep so he could rest for work tomorrow.
* Knock Knock * somebody knocked on the door to the trailer three times * Knock Knock Knock * again, Fine said FP to himself and turned the TV off and went over to the door.
On the other side of the door was a smal cup with a note. FP picked the note up first not wanting to touch the cup, you never know it could be something conected to a crime, then FP don't want to be a suspect or getting in jail for something.
" I gave you this cup because I heard what you said, take a piece of someone's belonging and drop it in the cup "
FP was not buying it, why would anybody wanting to help him? Was this some kind of joke? He put the note in his pocket and went back to his TV-show, he probably missed the good parts now.
" Hey dad, we are home, Archie followed me home from Pop's. I know, I'm late "
FP looked over at his Son and his best friend, he couldn't punished him for being late, he remember how he was back in the days.
" It's alright son, I'm happy you're home" FP smiled at his son and his best friend and started thinking back when he was younger and about his friends, how he wished he could go back in time and re-do everything again.
" Archie grabb the helmet and jacket, I will drive you home on my bike, it's late and it seems like it's about to start raining"
Archie grabbed the helmet, said goodbye to Jughead and sat behind FP on his bike, grabbing around FP's waist to hold on.
FP got home and it was dark in the house, he took a quick look it to Jugheads room, he was sleeping. FP walked back out to the living room/ Kitchen and put the two helmets down, that's when FP remembered the cup he had placed on the Kitchencounter. He looked and and decided to give it a try, what did he have to lose, probably nothing since it wouldn't work.
FP took the second helmet, he picked up a ginger color hair and drop the hair in to the cup, a small orange smoke came out, FP just did it, he drank the mix and first everything was normal, then he felt his beard fade away, and his stomach started to form a strong six pack, and his pecs and biceps started to muscle up. FP could feel his skin change, like the time went back, his dark circles disappered and he lost the cap and his hair grew out longer and ginger.
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" Damn Jughead will love this new body of mine"
Hiii I'm back, I had my work and then my Appendix broke so I had to get rushed to the ER and have surgery. And I have been working on something for the bigger fans that and can... 🤫
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sagephilosophie · 2 months
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" A FAVOR ."
┃ RAN H.
ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ! ʀᴀɴ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ x ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ ꜱᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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⊹₊ Tags !
NSFW AHEAD, Sugar daddy theme, Shower sex, Age difference (Ran in his late 30s and Reader early 20s), Rough sex, Rough kissing, GN! Reader, mentioned cheating, mentioned 3way, Bonten Arc, Rindou x reader (if you squint)
⊹₊ Word count ! 1629 || Ao3
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You stared at the elevator panel impatiently as the numbers were going up, cursing under your breath to how long this was taking.
Ran's lavish penthouse was to die for, your jaw dropped the first time you visited Ran, never seeing any place like it, but you grew more and more irritated from the wait in the elevator everytime to care about it.
Finally the elevator door opened to reveal the apartment painted gold and orange by the sunset through the glass-walls, you moved forward towards the liquor cabinet to find it wide open with three bottles missing from their place, two of them almost emptied in the table with a couple glasses of whisky left out, a tie and a tuxedo jacket thrown abruptly on the sofa across from it, which can only mean one thing; Ran is home.
Passing through the halls, the sound of water running grows closer, You stumbled over the third now empty bottle on the way to his room, the rest of his clothes, shoes, high heels, and a bra tracing the way too, but that's just how the Haitani brothers are, nothing new to you.
"RAAAN!!! RAN WHERE ARE YOU ?", You called out entering his room, walking towards his bathroom upon getting no answer.
The moment you opened the door, a hand grabbed you inside and you let out a yelp before being caged between the wall and the naked older Haitani from behind.
"You didn't tell me you were visiting, baby~", Ran cooed in his usual tone really closely to your ears, "We could've totally made room for one more, sad she already left... something about her boyfriend getting suspicious."
"I don't plan on a threesome!", You blocked him off with your hand ineffectively, "I just... i have a favor to ask..."
Ran raised an eyebrow and replied, "Your student loans are already paid, Sugar, even thooough... your debt to me still isn't~"
"I know, i know, i just need another one-", you tried to shut off your sugar daddy's constant attempts to get in your pants, or at least delay it, because he will eventually get what he wants if you will need more favors from him and his business.
"Ask away, baby, that's what my part of our agreement is about, you know...", Ran leaned his head forward to leave small sensational kisses on your nape before whispering in your ears again, "So don't forget yours~"
That was more of a threat than just horny talk and you knew it, it's not like you planned to run away from the Haitanis, especially not the older one, those who tried didn't survive to tell the tale and you weren't planning to find out yourself either.
You had the idea to expand this game a little longer, until you graduated from college at least, maybe further than then, keeping one of the richest and most feared men in japan wrapped around your finger is too useful to let go of, after all. But to keep someone that can get and pay for any plaything he wants excited and interested is not simple, the trick is to play hard to get, keep him believing it's a challenge to get you where he wants, while he's exactly where you want; in a dog leashe, ready to pay whatever price it takes.
From your observation rich men adore it when something is more challenging than it's supposed to be, something as mundane to them as younger desperate pretty things humping their legs for special treatments won't take them so long to get bored of, and the Haitani brothers are no difference, you knew that since the day you first met Ran, your college friends dragged you into one of Roppongi's most lively night clubs to show you the quickest way to get your student loans paid and forgotten; by getting a sugar daddy.
That night, Ran's purple eyes pierced through your skull, you can feel it without turning around while sitting awkwardly next to your friend squeezing herself between all the hot chicks clinging on his drunk younger brother, you knew your fate changed when Ran approached you that night and offered you easy money, only to find be fucked stupid in the backseat of his limousine the next moment.
"So ?", Ran kept shortening the distance between you more, leaving little to no space between your bottom and his bare erection that's occasionally poking you.
"Listen, Ran... i didn't want to bother you but it's an emergency...", you tilted your head to face him, as he was half listening and clearly undressing you with his eyes, "My... my classmate, Jessie... she got a... a brand new. pink. ferrari. roma!!!!!!!! That was insane!!!!!! She kept bragging about it and and- i was so irritated!!!!!! I can no longer show off my red aston martin now- all the attention is on Jessie and i really really really need a new ride, it's an emergency!!!!!!!"
Ran stared you down as you finished your tragic story, the sound of the shower still running behind filling in the silence, you batted your eyelashes at him, ready to receive an immediate approval to get you a more expensive car, at this point you were sure you got him desperate enough by keeping him waiting to get you anything you want.
"If you needed a ride you could've came over earlier today to join us~", you hit his soaked chest lightly a couple of times, "Grow up! You know what i meant."
"Careful, baby, i'm all wet~ and you areeeee...", He held your fist with one palm and ran the other down your body, stroking circles with his veiny hand around your clothed private parts, "Oh~ also wet~"
You gave in to his touch impulsively and threw your head back to lay on his shoulder as his movements kept teasing that sensitive part, you pulled it together for an instant to ask him, "...So what do you say ?"
"Shhhhh we'll discuss the details later, but for now, i will take my payment in advance, okay ?"
He wasn't asking.
Ran Haitani don't ask, he informs you of the program and that means it's final, you couldn't argue either way when a sharp moan left your throat the moment you tried to speak, the friction Ran's hand got busied with was getting pleasurable.
"Thaaaaat's it... now you're getting me, baby...", As the teasing little shit he was, Ran moved from your private zone and just as you were about to complain, in a flash, turned you around for a filthy kiss.
In a swift move, the Bonten executive hastily stripped you while making sure not to break the kiss that got messier and more heated. You find yourself dragged inside the walk-in shower, your back  immediately hitting the glass, you can tell and see how really worked up Ran was getting, which by experience that can only mean it was gonna be a rough session.
Ran's arms roamed your body needily, which can only prove your theory right, he just can't survive that long without you, he began frotting at your hole, making your breath hitch, his grunts in your ear only got you needier.
The water was fell down your body, rinsing all but your sins, your arms clung on Ran's broad shoulders during your sloppy makeout as he carried you, still pinning you against the cloudy glass.
The man supported your weight with one hand and put down the other to jerk himself off a couple of times, lining it at your entrance, and pushing down his cock slowly. You could see stars from your position, the hardest part about playing tough with Ran is that he is so damn addictive, the shape of him inside you, his naked touch, the taste of his lips, he was the nicotine to your perfect life plans, you were supposed to make him miss you by denying his advances but you missed him more, how could you not when he show you heaven on earth.
He almost instantly set a brutal pace with no empathy in the world for you, probably, no, definitely enjoying the sound of your cries and voice cracking at the piercing feeling. Your eyes welled up with tears at the inconsiderate start, his brother is much more gentle, you thought.
At first glance, the brothers switch personalities when it comes to their intimate life, you discovered that when you had a one night stand with the famously sadistic and unapproachable younger one, thinking it'll be another bed-breaking Haitani style hardcore sex, to your shock, you passed the sweetest love making session with Rindou you ever experienced, and Ran still don't know about it.
You can't imagine how any more rough he can get when jealous, if this is just his regular horny days that's tearing you apart, that very thought was cut short when that special spot was being pounded against, the Roppongi king's dick was throbbing inside you, he was really close to coming.
"A-Ah… Ah… Ran..."
"What ?"
"I-I want it- pink... the c-car! ♡"
"Fuck...", Just when you thought it was impossible, his pace got faster and you can feel your own orgasm approaching, tugging tight on Ran's hair as he left bite marks on your shoulder.
With one last thrust, you came undone on his cock as he pulled out immediately after, splashing his cum between your thighs. You both stood there catching your breath for a moment, the dopamine rush wearing off.
He kissed your cheek and put you down, your legs wobbling from pain that you still had to hang on tight to Ran, who got back to his smoothtalker attitude straight away.
"That felt sooo good that i might buy you two cars instead, Sugar ♡".
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talesofesther · 1 year
scorch marks | ch 1
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: Wednesday has been careful to keep what you two have behind closed doors and far away from labels; but when someone starts to take it — take you — away from her, she realizes how much she cares.
Requested by anons: one, two, and three.
A/N: Yes, I combined three requests here. It was a bit of a challenge to make these requests and keep Wednesday in character, but I truly hope I'm doing an okay job; let me know. <3
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You're drowning in a sea of lavender.
There's a mix of dust there too, given the forgotten shelves, brooms, and crates of the small storage room, but her perfume still fills your nostrils. It gets you thinking of white and purple orchids under a midnight moon.
Maybe too soft for Wednesday Addams. But what is she now, if not soft?
Her lips, plush and purposeful against yours, leave tiny smudges of burgundy lipstick on the corner of your mouth every time she pulls away to gasp for air. Her hands, cold and precise, keep your body in place; one grasping onto your jacket, the other disappearing beneath it, leaving goosebumps on your hip in its wake. Her bangs brush against your forehead when she tilts her head, so close it gets you shivering.
There's a delicacy to her that shouldn't be there but is anyway. So could she blame you? For associating her with everything beautiful and enchanting in the world?
You bring a hand up to her jaw as you hear the commotion outside, telling you that it's time to go. And you think to yourself; just one more minute.
Wednesday is the first to pull away, slowly as her blown pupils travel down to your reddish lips and back up to your eyes. She gulps, setting her jaw into something sharp as her chin angles up. The fingertips that had been touching your waist let go in a lazy motion.
Her hair is a bit of a mess and it's your fault — the light is dim in the small room, casting an orange glow that makes you squint to see — you make to tuck it behind her ear, but she takes half a step away from you as if abruptly waking up from a dream.
You're familiar with her, honestly, in such a way you never thought you would be. Even before the whole deal with the Hyde attacks and Crackstone, your relationship with Wednesday had a constant push and pull; as the tides do with the shells that rest too close to shore. You didn't know exactly where you stood with her when she said you were nothing but an inconvenience in her mystery, but came running when Thornhill shot you; all wobbly chin and glistening eyes, repeating like a mantra that you weren't allowed to close your eyes — you didn't see her for two months after that, and when the classes came back, it took one more month for her to steal her first kiss with you. That was three weeks ago.
With a careful thumb, Wednesday cleaned the smudged lipstick below her lower lip. Your eyes followed the movement as you stuffed your hands in your pockets. For some reason it got you smiling, faintly so.
"Don't come out right after me." Was all Wednesday told you before reaching for the door handle.
You snapped out of your daze; "but I have to go-" the door slammed as she walked outside, her footsteps mingling with all the others, "to class too." You finished in a lower tone to yourself.
Wednesday walked briskly through Nevermore's hallways, not once looking back while she put as much distance between her and her demise as she could. Being alone — as alone as one could be in a school filled with outcasts — was such a desperation that she only noticed her missing backpack when she was already halfway to class.
She came to a sudden halt, her boots scratching the stone floor and causing a couple of gorgons to almost topple over her, but she didn't move an inch. With a side gaze, Wednesday glanced behind her. There were no familiar faces in the crowd, but she caught herself looking for one.
If her parents could see her now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. Maybe they'd be happy, that she's finally forging relationships. But could it be a good thing? Is the constant twisting and turning of her stomach a good thing? Is it healthy that, most nights as she lays in her bed, she spends the minutes before sleep thinking about it?
What does it mean, that ever since Wednesday came back to this school after saving it, a new character has been introduced in her novel; and with each page that's filled in her typewriter, she gets closer to Viper?
No one got Wednesday feeling the way she did when she was with you. Not even Tyler, and she kissed him; so was it bad that she's been doing the same with you? A big part of her screamed yes, the other, not so much. And those two wolves inside her chest were still fighting.
Wednesday could recall in detail the first time she kissed you; of course, it's not even been a month yet. But she fears that even if it had been years, decades, the memory would still be intact.
She remembers that Eugene had gone away to pick something up, leaving only you and her in the bee shed. You had been rambling about a new small group of bees you recently rescued and how they now needed a new Queen; you just kept talking and talking, until the words became background noise and the fluttering of your lashes seemed almost in slow motion. Wednesday had been inching closer yet neither of you noticed, not until she ended up with one hand behind your neck, her lips doing quick work of shutting you up.
To this day she's not sure why she did it. But there was this force, this annoying pull to you that got her chest hurting if she didn't comply. The pain was almost as forceful as the one she felt with the sight of your abdomen oozing blood from the bullet wound, with the dropping of a single tear when she imagined herself wearing black in your honor.
You got her breaking her own rules, you became her favorite secret and sin, because Wednesday was quick to get addicted to the thrill of it. One kiss turned into two, that turned into three, until behind every closed door she left scorch marks in her own cold heart.
She never put a name to it, and you didn't either. It was never discussed what was happening between you two, and Wednesday liked it this way. What's not set in stone can't come back to hurt her, or break her trust.
There was only one problem though. Little sparks of flame in the moments that got Wednesday's skin filling with goosebumps. It was the way you traced the outline of her lips with your thumb, gentle as if she'd break in your hold; the pulse of her own heart in her ears when her body was glued to yours; the brief look you get in your eyes as soon as she pulls away, as if she hung up the goddamn moon. Those are the things that swing too close to reality, too close to inflicting damage, and got her blood running cold. They remind Wednesday why emotions come with a price, and why she needs to keep her distance.
Ultimately, Wednesday decides that she doesn't need her backpack anyway.
You get to the anatomy class ten minutes late. The door creaks when you open it, causing everyone to look at you. You grimace, mumbling an apology through pursed lips.
There's a skeleton of a werewolf in a large print over the board, beside it there's a smaller one of a gorgon and then a vampire, and so on. Though anatomy is not your favorite subject, this is one of your favorite classrooms, it has huge windows on one side and most of them have an array of plants enjoying the sunlight that shines there. The teacher — an older, kind woman with a light blue dress — is separating small cutouts of paper in a bowl, mixing them up together, and it reminds you that today will be the draw of subjects for your assignment.
You walk quietly between the tables of your colleagues, carrying your bag over your shoulder and Wednesday's black leather backpack in your hands.
Her dark eyes shift to you when you stop beside her. You smile something shy, dropping her backpack by her feet before you walk over to your table and sit down. Wednesday shows no reaction to it other than the way she follows you with her eyes, but you don't mind, quickly diving into conversation with your partner in class, Yoko.
You and Yoko have been thick as thieves since you came to Nevermore three years ago, she was the first one you befriended; Enid came right after, but Yoko was still the one you partnered with in most classes.
Right now you dug your teeth into your lower lip as you fished for one of the folded papers the teacher had in the bowl, and when you picked up the one that read vampire, you couldn't help but squeal in happiness. It was one of the easiest ones to work with.
Wednesday watched with hawk eyes as you smiled big, your hand grabbing onto Yoko's arm when you showed her the subject of your assignment.
There was a pink pencil being twirled between Wednesday's fingers, her black nails scraping its color each time she huffed angrily. Her jaw was clenched, almost painfully so; because the girl with the round sunglasses shouldn't be leaning this close to you. When Yoko's hand covered your own — her thumb gingerly brushing over your knuckles as her fangs appeared in her smirk — the pencil Wednesday held in her hand snapped in half with a sharp sound.
"Hey!" Enid swatted at Wednesday's shoulder, pouting as she looked down at the now-ruined pink pencil, "that was one of my favorites."
Wednesday let go of it, letting both parts roll on the table; "it's just a piece of wood, Enid," she grumbled.
"Yeah well, it was my piece of wood," Enid's eyebrows had an annoyed crease to them, her lower lip jutted out as she looked at Wednesday, "what's got you grumpier than usual?"
Wednesday let out an indignant scoff, forcing her eyes away from you because each time you touched Yoko, her murderous intent grew, though she wouldn't admit or acknowledge it yet. She was above such trivial feelings — or so she hoped. "I'm not grumpy, Enid," she said pointedly, picking up a paper from the bowl without looking at it, "just felt like breaking something."
Enid's sudden giddy gasp got Wednesday flinching slightly, the folded paper being snatched from her hands before she even fully opened it.
"Oh yes, we got werewolves! That's me." The blonde took hold of Wednesday's shoulder, shaking her slightly, "this is going to be so much fun."
Wednesday huffed sharply, her bangs going side to side because of Enid's excitement. Her gaze shifted to you against her own volition and she was met with you already looking at her; it got her straightening on her seat, her hands fisting the fabric of her skirt. But a hand touched your shoulder, and you turned away promptly.
Your cheeks molded all prettily around your smile, and Wednesday watched as you put a hand in your heart, making a silly show of bowing to Yoko — as best as you could sitting so damn close to her.
It made no sense to Wednesday that her chest felt hollow; that she had the sudden urge to throw the vampire girl in a pool of garlic just so she could take her place beside you. Because lately that's been her new normal, and now that someone seems to be taking it from her, she's realizing how much she actually cares.
The weekend came sooner than you thought it would. Ever since taking your subject in the anatomy class, you've been spending most of your free time with Yoko, and so far you've written down most of the particularities of a vampire's body — mainly the fangs honestly.
But today was your free free day, which meant going down to the lake, which got pretty busy on days like this; where the sky is basically free of clouds and the warm sun is shining down on the green fields outside the school walls.
The water was glistening brightly, and there was a slight breeze in the wind that got the leaves rustling around you. Basically, everyone was out because of the perfect weather, students were swimming on the lake, reading, practicing archery, or just walking by the shore. You were enjoying a bit of peaceful time — that is, until a splash of water came over you.
You sat up abruptly from your place under the huge willow tree, the picnic blanket wrinkling under you. Cleaning the droplets of water from your sunglasses — Yoko's extra sunglasses actually, that you shamelessly snatched — you shouted; "watch it, Xavier, some people wanna remain dry."
The boy in question had just emerged from his jump, shoulder deep into the lake and squinting at you because of the sunlight in his eyes, "sorry, my bad," he chuckled, swatting away his long hair, now dripping wet.
"I'm telling you, the guy's got a crush on you since your first year."
Your head snapped to Yoko, who lay just beside you. Leaning back on your elbows, you picked at a few loose strands of the red and white blanket beneath you; "Xavier? No, no way."
There was a nest of birds on the branches above you, you could hear the mother calling out to her babies, loud and sharp. You caught a glimpse of her feathers when she flew, white and blue.
Yoko followed your gaze, her eyebrows scrunching as she searched for the bird; "hm yeah, I'm pretty sure."
With a thud, you let yourself fall down flat on the blanket, your head hitting the softness the grass under it provided. "No, come on. Besides, he's not even my type."
That sparked Yoko's attention, she propped herself up on one elbow, turning to you so she could look down at you better. "Who is your type then?" She raised a perfectly styled eyebrow, her dark sunglasses mixing well with the darker lipstick.
You could feel your cheeks automatically heating up. You thought of raven black hair, soft skin that's a little cold under your touch, and eyes so dark you swear you can see galaxies in them.
"Maybe a certain gloomy, cold-hearted Addams?" Yoko suggested with a shit-eating grin before you could answer, gingerly twirling a strand of your hair between her fingers.
You chuckled, one hand coming up to cover your eyes as you bit the inside of your cheek; "stop it, that's not-"
"Not accurate?"
"Not that simple."
Yoko hummed, taking a sip of her cold drink before laying back down, her shoulder brushing yours. "You've been dancing around each other for so long, I wouldn't even be surprised if she got you a valentine's gift."
"She wouldn't," you mumbled.
"You deserve someone who would, though," Yoko told you, turning her head to you, "hope she knows that."
Without meeting her gaze, you tangled your hand with the vampire's, giving a soft squeeze to let her know you agreed.
Yoko groaned playfully, her finger tapping yours; "alright, stop sulking. I catch her looking at you way too often that it's like, impossible it doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah, and Enid keeps asking if there's something between you two already."
The sunlight started to peek through the leaves, you raised a hand to play with its light, faintly hearing Enid's panicked gibberish before Ajax threw her on the lake, his own splash coming right after. You sighed, closing your eyes; "it's… complicated."
Not even ten seconds after you spoke, the sunlight vanished completely as a shadow was cast upon you. You frowned, noticing a smidge of darkness over your eyelids; you opened your eyes to see Wednesday standing right beside you, gazing down at you with a scowl on her features that even got you a bit worried for your safety.
You pushed your sunglasses up and propped yourself on your elbows, looking at her through your lashes; "Wednesday, hey. Everything alright?" As happy as you were to see her, it wasn't common for her to join you all on the lake.
Wednesday's focus changed between you and Yoko carefully, her bangs getting messy with the wind; she looked like a painting, like something worthy of being in a museum. You could easily lose yourself just by looking at her but before it happened, Wednesday blinked, moving her gaze away from you, and said; "I need you for something, let's go," her tone tight.
And with that, she was taking purposeful steps away from you and towards the woods. Your lips hung open for a second, something seemed off.
"Doesn't look complicated to me." Yoko teased with a chuckle.
"Shut up." You grumbled before scrambling to your feet and jogging towards Wednesday, quickly falling into step beside her.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 2 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr
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miss-celestial-being · 3 months
jake peralta going on a blind date that boyle set up but she’s actually completely his type
literally the love of my life tysm for the request
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And did I mention, no!" Jake says exasperatedly. "You see, I knew you would say that which is why I already set up the date with her." Charles rebuttals. He tells him your name as he taps rhythmically on Jake's desk. "She's thirty-two, she loves herself some Tay-Tay, and her favorite soup is crab bisque. I met her in my hot goat yoga class." "Ew, what." "Yeah, I'm hearing how that sounds now. But still, I think you'd like her. Who knows, by the end of the night you may just be smushing booties." Jake groans, "God, Boyle, don't say smushing booties." "Right, yeah, yep," He picks up the file from Jake's desk, turning to the man as he walks away, "Shaw's Bar, 8 o'clock."
Charles turns back around and bumps into Terry as he walks to his desk. He groans as he crushes his yogurt cup in his hand, "Damnnit, Boyle." "Sorry," He says as he backs toward the exit of the bullpen. He rapidly clicks the close button once inside the elevator, evading Terry's angry gaze. "Jake sighs as he looks back at his computer.
"So, hot date tonight, huh?" Amy asks as she leans around their computers to smirk smugly at him. "Uhm, no. I'm not going," He says, his eyes not leaving the screen as he types mindlessly. "What? Why not? Charles says she's perfect for you." "Exactly: Charles thinks she's perfect for me. Knowing him she's either some hot goat yoga-loving freak, or-" "Or actually perfect for you. I think you should give it a shot. I mean, you're constantly complaining about how horribly dull your love life is," Jake frowns, "Hey, now, I wouldn't say horrible dull-" "Yes you would, and you have. Now no more fighting, you have a date to get ready for." Jake looks at the time at the bottom right corner of his monitor and sighs, "All right, fine. But when this all goes to total shit, I'm blaming you." Amy rolls her eyes with a grin and opens the next file from her stack as Jake makes his way to the elevator.
The bell rings as Jake opens the door to Shaw's Bar, his free hand shoved in his jacket pocket. The warm, boozy bar air fills his nostrils as he steps toward the bar, the glass door closing slowly behind him. He looks around the bar, hoping to instantly recognize the mystery woman, to no avail.
The bell rings again as Jake asks Hank for an orange soda on the rocks. The bartender sighs exhaustedly as he pulls the Crush can out of the mini fridge from behind the bar. "Jake?" A voice asks as someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns around, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish as his brain short-circuits. "Or not?" You laugh awkwardly, "I'm really sorry about this, I was told someone would be here, but it looks like he stood me up." You sit one chair over at the bartop, sighing as you rest your chin on your fist.
"Hi," Jake says as he hold out his hand, "I'm Jake." "Oh," You breathe, "Sorry. You didn't say anything and I just thought- Y'know what, never mind, I'm probably not what you were expecting." Jake smiles, "Well, you're right there. Charles told me he met you in a 'hot goat yoga class'." You cringe slightly, "I honestly didn't even know his name, I walked into the wrong building and he started talking to me about his friend Jake." "Sounds about right." You both laugh and he moves to the chair between you.
"So, my weird friend tells me you like Taylor Swift," Jake starts and the conversation lasts hours, the orange soda on the countertop left completely ignored. "All right, time to wrap it up. The bar's closing." Hank says as he wipes the counter. "Oh my god, how long have we been here?" Jake asks him, surprised. The bartender ignores him as he moves on to another part of the bar. You look around to find the bar completely empty.
You laugh quietly, "This was fun," You say softly as you exit the bar, "We should do this again-" You're cut off by a sudden surprising kiss, Jake's hands holding your cheeks gently to keep you close. Your eyes flutter closed and take the collar of his shirt in your fists. He pulls away, mumbling out a quick 'noice' before getting pulled back into a kiss that leaves him gasping for breath.
ik this ended abruptly but its a school night and i have to go to bed so this is as good as we're getting today
i really hope you liked this bc jake has been on my mind for ages and i couldnt find many fics here sadly
dont hesitate to request more
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 3 months
good days [i.engen x reader]
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prompt: moving on from someone you loved after they hurt you is hard, but you do it anyways.
author notes: part three and technically the last part finally! i have been so busy lately which was so annoying, but i can now sit down and write long form fics so yippie for me. enjoy it everyone!
part one: nights like this part two: could've been
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the moment you landed in san diego and got into your apartment, you cried. relief and guilt washes over you as you sit on the floor (in your haste to leave, you didn't furnish the place just yet). you finally did the one thing you never thought you would be able to pull off; leaving ingrid. the weight of her lies are now off your back, but now a different weight sits there now. how could you? how could you just up and leave her with no warning. deep down you know you don't owe her anything after all the bullshit she pulled, but it's hard to think about that when you leave someone you love so deeply. it feels like you dumped her even though you two were hardly together.
ingrid's guilt tripping really has done a number on you. it's funny really, you always was the one telling her to go to therapy and now you definitely need it. maybe if you left sooner, you wouldn't be looking at different therapists in the san diego area. none look appealing to you or maybe it's just the refusal in your mind to be grouped into any type of group as your ex. it was always ingrid needs therapy, not you. now you realize having her around has impacted your mental way more than you thought. moving on is going to be a mess.
you decide to push away all these messy thoughts as you slip on your jacket; having never taken off your clothes or shoes. getting some air and looking at the new city you will be living in for an indefinite period of time is better than trying to fight against the emotions floating around your mind.
it's windy today, your hair flies around a bit as the wind hits you. the slight chill of it makes you shiver, but it's refreshing. ingrid is still weighing in on your mind as you walk around. heading to the park near your apartment building.
how was she feeling right now? what was she doing right now? has she already tried to reach you?
all these questions make you feel a bit lightheaded. how you wish you could just turn off your mind for an hour or two; get a break away from the anxiety that ingrid gifted you. it can't be helped really. you love her and that won't change for a while. you refuse to make yourself move on faster just because the relationship was a bunch of nothing; the right to dwell or not belongs to you. nobody else can dictate if you should do it faster or slower. not even the words of ingrid in your head that you can imagine her saying.
why would you do this to me?
don't you love me?
you threw everything away..
that's the ingrid that exists in your mind. all her bad moments cloud over the happy ones. you wish it was different, but it isn't.
your lips curl up into a small smile as you look at the sunset. it's beautiful with the sky being a mix of orange, pink, and blue. you use to call ingrid your sunset because just like the sunset she's gorgeous, but is only there for a bit before leaving completely. it was an endearing nickname based off feelings of annoyance and love.
this time around, the sunset is not about ingrid to you. it's about this moment. you have finally left her for good and once that sun sets fully and the moon rises, you promise to yourself to close this chapter of your life. your focus is on taking care of yourself and moving on at your pace.
once you circle back around and reach your apartment, the sun has already set. your head is feeling more empty than from before you left. is this dissociation? or is this just the feelings leaving you right now? you don't really care about it at the moment as you slip off your shoes and jacket. going into your bedroom to go lay on one of the only pieces of furniture in your apartment.
no sheets (you have to go shopping tomorrow), just a pillow. just like the blank mattress, your life is now a blank canvas for you to paint any way you want. how freeing is that.
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you have a long list of worries that you carry with you throughout the day; when are you going to finally set up a therapy appointment? when is the next time you're going to see ingrid? have you lost your mind? are you ruined forever?
before you ever got involved with ingrid, you never thought about these things. it wasn't until she started to treat you like shit that all these thoughts started to invade your mind. you hate her. that you know for certain.
the fear of being forever ruined makes you contact a therapist in your area and make an appointment. refusing to be stuck in a pitiful, constantly thinking about your ex state.
you are tired of letting yourself down again and again. the mistake of not leaving ingrid the moment she showed how toxic she could be was the first of many, but now it's different. you have to do this; get some help so all these feelings can be let out somewhere.
you deserve this; this is the start of your new beginning. it won't be tainted by ingrid this time, this is all about you.
the first therapy session was exhausting. not because your therapist, ms. wright, wasn't great. the complete opposite. she was so good that suddenly all the emotions that have been building up inside of you spilled out the moment she asked what's wrong?
the internal desire to just not tell anything and be difficult was strong; a bad habit you have to shake. it's hard when in the past every time you bought up an issue to ingrid she would dismiss and deflect from it, so you just stopped trying. now you have to learn how to communicate your feelings in a healthy manner again. that they aren't miniscule, but important aspects of your being.
in the first session it's a lot of crying and not being able to say what you wanted because the words wouldn't flow out of your mouth. but still ms. wright listens and takes in every word and lets you go at your pace; this is all about you and she lets you know it.
you leave out of the modern styled clinic building with a different feeling from before. the lack of emotional weight is so freeing you want to cry again, but you have already cried enough so no tears come out as you get into your car. still there is a fight within your mind as you drive that distracts you slightly. half of your mind is still feeling guilty for just up and leaving ingrid. the other half is reminding you that she technically left you first and not once, but over and over again. why are you expected to stay, but she is free to run away from you at any moment?
you reach your apartment building after a few minutes, pulling into the parking lot. the light breeze of the san diego evening makes you smile as you get out of the vehicle. walking into the building with a small smile on your face.
healing will be a long process, but you are willing to do it. you have already taken the first step, more than ingrid has ever done for you, so it's a start. the moment your head hits the pillow you're out. for the first time in months you sleep peacefully.
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you constantly have to remind yourself that healing is a process. one that takes time, energy, and willingness. that's so hard to remember on the nights where the only image in your mind is of ingrid every time she left you to dry. the endless times she refused to make you two's relationship work, the fear that always lingers in her eyes when you would open your apartment door to let her inside. the norwegian's biggest fear was someone "catching" you two. whatever that means because at the end of the day what you two were wasn't illegal. she just made it seem like it was. perhaps for ingrid, in her mind for herself, something like that is wrong; is illegal. in the court of the public, it was worthy of punishment is probably what she thought whenever you two kissed. whenever you two cuddled. whenever you two acted like any other couple, was ingrid worrying about how it would look to others?
oh, god and every word she has spoken to you is imprinted into your mind at this point.
you know i can't
if you loved me, you would wait
i swear i love you but i just can't..
ingrid always had a thousand excuses and a thousand more lies to cover up all her problems. it didn't matter if her actions heavily affected you because it was all about her and what she feared and what she needed. what about you? you weren't a fucking robot. fears and worries clung to your conscience too. there were needs that needed to be taken care of too. but did you run and deflect at every turn? no, you wanted to sit down and talk them out like a normal couple would. too bad nothing about you two's arrangement was normal. sneaking around like romeo and juliet wasn't as thrilling as it sounded. and just like those two, you two's story ended in death. ingrid was the first to stab it and you were the one to send another stab straight into it's heart. ripping it apart into shreds until it was unreadable.
however, those nights were just moments in your new life where the past got the better of you; and that's all they would be, moments. those haunting thoughts don't push you into a corner anymore like before. outside of therapy and those late nights, ingrid is the last thing in your mind.
being around your teammates at san diego wave lightens up your day so much. a group of goofballs who refuse to let you be sad for even a second. the times after practice when you all just decide to go to dinner make all the worry in your body leave. transferring from barcelona was possibly the best decision ever for you.
you would have probably isolated yourself back in spain, not wanting to be around ingrid anymore than you have to be.
outside of your teammates, there was something else making the move to the wave worth it; someone else. a pretty journalist who you met at an interview. she wasn't even the one who was interviewing you.
you have bumped into her while looking for the bathroom. saying a quick apology after realizing you bumped into a really pretty woman. she gives you a warm smile, "it's fine" comes from her lips. why do her words sound so satisfying? before you could completely gay panic, you excused yourself and eventually found the bathroom. suddenly feeling too shy to ask that pretty brunette about where to find it.
you thought that would be the end of it. one small interaction that you forget about after a while, but no. the universe for some reason was pushing you and this woman together. she became a regular journalist for the san diego wave. you come to find out her name is julianna; how gorgeous. even when you kept seeing her around, the reminder that you needed to heal and work on your trust issues was constant in the back of your mind. but you couldn't really help it, could you? eventually you started to spend more and more time around her whenever she came around to training or at games. being the first to volunteer for an interview after a good match. it was honestly sorta embarrassing; why were you feeling all giddy like a teenager again? still julianna was still so pretty and kind and many other positive adjectives that you could think of. the woman spoke with such a tone like she was deeply interested in whoever she was talking to. strong eye contact and always having something to say that would lead the conversation to be more interesting.
soon enough the time spent around her bled into spending time outside of soccer. you took the first step one day after asking her out for coffee after a short interview. julianna laughed softly as she asked, "is this a date?" the bashful smile on your lips answered her question. she said yes; leading to one of the best dates you have ever had.
you two spent a good hour at a cafe just talking. getting to know each other outside of y'all's work personalities. the conversation was so good, you two didn't want to end so julianna suggested going to a nearby board walk; and that's exactly what you two did.
sitting beside each other on a bench on the boardwalk, overlooking the ocean. talking for hours until the sun set. it took all the resolve inside of you to not invite her over to your place. you didn't want the date to end, but that was okay as you weren't going to let it be the last.
after dropping off julianna off at her house you headed back to your apartment. a light feeling in your chest as you changed into your pajamas before laying on the couch to find a show to watch. the moments from the date replaying in your mind. you couldn't believe you have been missing out on stuff like this for so long. with ingrid a simple date like that would have never happened. it was too risky because "what if someone sees us" was always her answer whenever you asked to go anywhere outside of your or her's apartment.
it seems like it will be another one of those nights where you think about ingrid. a soft sigh escapes your lips as you reminisce. nothing could ruin how good your day was, but these thoughts were definitely darkening it. you remember the first time you built up the courage to ask ingrid out on a date.
it was around new years, spain was electric with celebration. this was around the early stages of the relationship and still you two have never been out on a proper date; and that bothered you.
you thought it was just because of the busy schedule you both had. being too tired to do anything else but a few cuddles before bed or a hug after practice before going to your two separate apartments. so as you sit next to ingrid on your couch, cuddling up to her, you ask her; "shouldn't we go for dinner. to celebrate the new year?"
the way ingrid tensed up didn't go unnoticed. you look at her confused as she says, "how about we just stay in and cook? that's more romantic, right?" the words sounded forced like that option wasn't even that appealing in all honesty. just a cover up, so she didn't have to say what she actually wanted which was no.
that moment was one that stuck with you throughout the relationship. every lie, broken promise, and lack of attention weighed heavily on you. that should have been the first sign that ingrid was ready to be in a relationship with you, but no. out of pure blind love you moved past that and agreed.
now the fear that julianna might be the same way settles in your mind. she might not have said no to a date, but what about bigger commitments? would she run just like ingrid has.
a string of anger hangs in your heart; this is so unfair. even with ingrid not around she ruins your day in a way only she can. it was fucking frustrating, you wish you didn't have to deal with all the left over baggage she left you.
an annoyed sigh leaves your lips as the sound of all american plays in the background. you decide to push your feelings away and to just indulge in a night full of watching a meaningless tv show; wanting to get annoyed at the problems in the characters lives, not your own.
and that's exactly what you did. watching random shows back to back until you drifted off to sleep.
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therapy was getting better. ms. wright knew the exact words to say and the exact ways to help you with your mental state. you have started to journal at her request, at first thinking it's slightly childish. writing down all your feelings like some type of diary? you left that in highschool ages ago, but somehow that method still works when it comes to your emotions. whenever your mind felt clouded with ingrid you would write your feelings out.
not only that, but you started to run. outside of your usual workout routine and the training sessions you had as a professional footballer, you never was one to be interested in exercise. most workouts were just ways for you to keep up your physic for games; nothing more. however, running was freeing. not only mentally but physically.
just like how ms. wright has said, mental stress weighs heavily on the body. causing tension and discomfort even though it's all mental. you knew this of course but never wanted to admit how your mental health has been causing your body to feel like it's tight enough to burst at any moment. in your mind it didn't make any sense, but ms. wright reassured you that it was natural. the mind and body are undeniably connected, one will always follow the other. anyways back to running, the feeling of your body being sore as you pant was exhilarating. your chest feeling so light after each run.
you take one in the morning and one at night. making sure not to miss the run at night because that's when your emotions always get the best of you.
not only did you work on finding healthy coping mechanisms to let out your emotions, but you worked on your trust issues.
the process was dreadful.
when people say the path to healing is linear, it's true. some days you felt like you could trust anyone with anything and on others you wished you could isolate yourself from the world so you wouldn't be hurt ever again.
your therapist was there at every step. guiding you and also sometimes letting you figure out some thoughts on your own.
"why do you think i couldn't just, you know, up and leave her?" you asked one day as you sit in front of ms. wright. the tall woman smiles at you. staying silent for a moment before saying, "why do you think so?"
getting a question back for your own questions makes you frown. how were you supposed to know? the whole reason you're in therapy was for your therapist to help you out, not make you figure out issues on your own. that was your mind process at first but after leaving the appointment, you really sorta understood why ms. wright didn't just give you some answer.
there are some things in life that only you know and can answer; this is one of them. you didn't want to sit around or even journal about the why. instead you go for a run. it was around time for your evening run anyways, so why now kill two birds with one stone?
the thoughts flow easily as you step out onto the trail. ready to go down your usual path. the why doesn't come immediately, but you think about your feelings for ingrid again.
it wasn't a lie to say that you loved ingrid. that you were in love with her. why else would you fight for her so badly? not even in just a romantic sense. before you two dated, you were obviously teammates and had a sorta close relationship. hanging out outside of practice with the other barcelona players often. talking about current shows and books that you both liked. it wasn't your fault that you fell in love with the friend version of ingrid. who would have thought she would be so different as a girlfriend?
perhaps that's why you clung on. you hoped, no, begged that that version of ingrid that you knew in the past would come back. that it was deep inside of her and just needed some pulling to come out. you just had to fight for it and throughout all that effort, it would appear. which wasn't true in the slightest. the ingrid from before wasn't the one you knew throughout that time where you two hid and snuck around; you should had known.
well, you just found your why. you smile as you finish your run, turning back around to walk to your car.
did you just realize you were chasing after someone who didn't exist, to you at least, anymore? yeah.
would this realization haunt you for the rest of your life? maybe so..
but still you felt lighter. not just physically, but mentally. the sun looked brighter as it set low in the sky.
god, how gorgeous life is when you aren't chasing after broken dreams. after something that doesn't and will never exist again.
why do you feel so free?
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you post julianna on your instagram after four months of being together. she has asked you after a nice dinner date that ended in a walk near the beach. you remember feeling so special, like a priority when she pulled you close by the waist. her hand gently caressing the skin that was exposed there. a warm look in her eyes as she smiles at you. "can i be your girlfriend?" the brunette asked. giggling once you just pulled her into a kiss. no words needed.
back to hard launching you two's relationship, it was a whole new feeling. a mix of uncertainty and happiness was floating around in your heart. what if julianna changed her mind? that she didn't want to publicly claim you? that would definitely drive you insane, but it was the complete opposite. julianna was fine with you posting a picture of you two; the picture is from one of the earlier dates y'all went on. you're holding her face as you kiss the tip of her nose. she's smiling, her hands holding onto your waist.
you could finally do normal couple things like post about cute dates and funny off guard photos and walk around in public while holding hands. there was no risk attached to it. no "we can't let them know" coming from julianna. she was happy to hold your hand and give you a small peck on the cheek while out. the lack of shame was refreshing.
the teasing comments from your teammates on how you charmed the team's journalist away were slightly annoying, but it was all in good fun.
life was truly looking up. your therapy sessions were centered around just ingrid based issues anymore, but others you have been needing help with. ms. wright was one stable support pillar in your life who consoled you for everything; especially the pressure from being a footballer in the limelight. san diego was really shaping up to be your home.
the day you heard about ingrid's new relationship was a day that you wish you could forget. it was a late saturday night, you had just got off a facetime call with julianna who was away in france for some press work. scrolling through instagram, seeing a post about ingrid and mapi dating on your feed. it wasn't some speculation post but one that was completely official. a photo that was obviously posted on one of their instagrams.
that single photo almost made you throw your phone against the wall.
after all the fighting and struggle.
all the begging and trying to help her face her fears.
all it took for ingrid to be open was for her to date someone else? that's all it was? so was it really just an "afraid of being open" thing or a you thing?
a sense of anger hits you. the audacity for her to move on after everything she put you through was laughable. of course you didn't expect her to sit around, crying over the relationship forever. that wasn't realistic or healthy, but you just didn't get it.
what was wrong with you? why couldn't she do that for you?
then came the rush of guilt; you had no reason to be angry. you had moved on, so why couldn't she? it was a double standard that you didn't want to touch on.
it took two hours of journaling to get your feelings sorted out. that sense of anger was just from feeling like this whole situation is unfair. ingrid refused to be public with you; claiming to be afraid, but pops out with mapi? you should be happy for her. that obviously means the norwegian went and got help like you always told her to. she had finally faced her fears.
but you are healing, not healed so you allow yourself to fully stick with your emotions. watching trashy rom coms while thinking about that post.
the next day, you slowly but surely got over it. once you talked to julianna in the morning your feelings were quite small about that lil reveal post. who cares if ingrid moves on? you have moved on too! this is for the best, so you shouldn't care so much about it. at least you wouldn't have to see her any time soon.
or so you thought.
you became a puma athlete only recently after your partnership with adidas ended. puma had the bigger offer, so you went ahead and signed the deal. the athletic brand wanted you to come to an event for their new campaign and you obviously didn't refuse. throwing on a gorgeous dress along with having julianna help you do your hair; keep cute giggles still in your mind as you sat at one of the tables in the large room.
there were many other athletes here, not just footballers. some you knew and others you didn't. it was nice to see players you haven't seen in forever. expect for one in particular.
you were daydreaming about what to do when you went back home. already about to grab your phone to text julianna when you looked up and saw her.
ingrid was sitting at a table across from yours; enjoying some pasta. she looked just the same as when you left her. just as pretty. hopefully not as toxic. your eyes must have been burning her hole through her as she finally looks up and sees you. her eyes dilating slightly as you two hold eye contract.
you're the first to break it. not being able to stand looking into her eyes for any longer. those same eyes that always held fear in them were different now. beside the opposite panic in the norwegian's eyes, there was something else. sprinkles of happiness in her eyes. the sound of a chair moving and steps passing your table snap you out of your thoughts.
ingrid was heading towards the bathroom. should you follow her or would that be weird? with how she looked back at you, maybe she had something to say. did you want to listen? you don't know, so you stand up and follow after her. of course letting a few minutes pass before following; no one could know, right?
once you walk into the bathroom you can hear the water running. ingrid is putting some water on her face. you had to say something to get her attention since she definitely didn't think you would go after her.
"i didn't expect to see you again," you say softly. she gives you a glance, obviously about to say something. the surprise that comes into your mind once she starts apologizing is hard hitting. you never thought she would apologize; that wasn't the type of closure you thought you would ever get.
hearing her apologize and put all the blame on her should be satisfying. finally should be sitting in your mind in bold letters, but it wasn't. after all the therapy and finding someone else, an apology wasn't something you wanted anymore.
"i don't forgive you," the words come out of your mouth easily. you never thought you would ever be able to say that to her; in the past you always ran to forgive her and just forget. not this time around. the small disappointment in her eyes makes you almost reconsider, but no. you have a right to not accept an apology. "but i'm glad you got help. finally," you say genuinely.
you two just stare at each other before you turn and leave out of the bathroom. not wanting to deal with the awkward silence anymore.
ingrid has done it; gave you the thing you needed and wanted from her. and you didn't even accept it.
why was that so freeing to do?
the apology wasn't the closure, being able to give ingrid the rejection and disappointment you experienced from her countless times before was the closure.
you're officially over ingrid engen.
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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haet-sal · 11 months
if you hold me without hurting me you’ll be the first who ever did//juyeon smut
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tags: juyeon smut, sugar daddy/ age gap au (8 years lol!!), you’re 22, seduction, DRINKING!!, corruption kink, Juyeon asking you if it’s okay A LOT, juyeon calling you ‘innocent’, CHOKING, ROMANCE!!
You meet older rich guy Juyeon at a hotel bar, and the rest is history
“I’ve never been with a stranger.”
“How could you be okay with me doing these things? Aren’t you afraid what I’ll do to you? Do you think about my intentions at all? You’re so easy…”
“You can do anything you want,” you say. “Even ruin me.”
“... I couldn’t live with myself, Y/N, please… I… I still think you’re innocent, so I can’t give in to you. But in all honesty, I want you so bad I could just…” His hand clasped against your jaw, as if he were afraid to touch you.
You kissed him on the lips the only way you knew how to kiss a man. “Can we go? To your room?”
w.c.: 3.8k
You adjust the strap of your slip dress on your shoulders, it just kept falling off. Bereft of any foresight, or perhaps rushing, you didn’t bring any coat or jacket, leaving you with a side-boob out; at least the hotel bar was heated, although the lights were dim; like a dark, damp wolf’s lair you’d walked into.
You’re not really a bar type of person, although you guessed you could make an exception for a place as classy as this—jesus, you thought, how’d doyeon even book this hotel for her birthday party? How much must it even cost on a night?
You tell the bartender the number of your room—0602—and asks that he puts the drinks’ into the room’s tab, hoping that by tomorrow morning they won’t pore over the giant receipt and just pay upfront. You were less… affluent than your friends, to be very honest…
The bar was dark, and the lights lit up a dim green and orange around the seats. You order a fun cocktail, a sweet thing that you could drink all night without getting a buzz, and sit down.
You don’t know why you sat so close to someone, when there were empty seats all around the bar… You didn’t feel like switching now, though, what if the man took offense, that you didn’t want to sit next to him?
You started to chew on the kiwi slice the cocktail came with, and the gentleman beside you puts down the notebook he’s writing in, turning to face you, probably because it’d be rude not to greet at all.
Once he turns his face towards you, though, you get a terrible idea. Maybe the cocktail did make you a little braver, more effective than the taste of sharp stinging in your mouth… “Hello,” you whisper, not to disturb the quaint atmosphere in the bar. You had your purse with you, and you toyed with the faux leather just to fight the nervousness. You nodded at the notebook. “Business?” You had an uncle that did his accounting every night after he was done spending, maybe the guy was that kind of man.
But the man shook his head, and you see that he’s lean—when he turns his body towards you—a thin figure, and broad shoulders, and amazing, beautiful, narrow eyes, with a few crinkles around them when he smiles that you know he has to be somewhat older.
“No,” he says curtly, “no business at all.” He sips his drink, and you see that it’s hard liquor, presented in a no-nonsense, almost completely sombre dark orange shade of liquid.
“Oh.” You turn back to the bar, thinking he didn’t want to speak to you. What business did you even have talking to him—you’re literally here for a goofy party, he’s probably relaxing because he’s swamped with so much work.
But he extends a friendly gesture. “It’s my vocabulary book… I’m learning Spanish, so.”
“People do that on an app these days…”
He chuckled, and you saw that his voice was already quiet and light without even needing to whisper. “Maybe younger people, yes.”
“You can’t be that old.”
“You just look much younger than me,” he says softly.
“What are you drinking?” you ask, and he tears his eyes away from your lips just to look down the bottom of his glass.
“Bourbon.” His eyes are back on your lips again, tinted deep pink with a lip product, thinking you were going to look pretty for the boy classmates, but here you were with an older man… “I am here on business, though,” he says. “But I’m… well, even I get tired sometimes.”
You nodded.
“Can I ask if you’re even allowed to be drinking?”
You laughed, opening your purse and sliding your uni ID down the bar counter, towards his side of the wooden boundary, presenting him with un-fake-able proof.
“Ah, you’re a student… Second year?” He asks, reverting back to korean, dae-hak yi-hak-nyeon? He stared at the card for a while, slowly saying your name as if he was savoring it. “Twenty two,” he said softly, calculating your age.
“It’s a lucky number,” you put in. He’s eyeing your lips, but you’re eyeing his drink—maybe if you drank something that strong, you’d have more courage?
“I almost think I should take care of you. You look like a lost little girl.”
“Twenty-two,” you reminded him, unable to stop your face from making an adorable pout, which he reaches out and touches, as if trying to get you to smile again.
“Aren’t you too cute?” He pauses to swallow. “Like, dangerously cute? What are you doing at this hotel?”
“My friend had a birthday party, so they booked a room to party in, but… I just felt like… I don’t know… not partying? I didn’t know I’d meet someone like you, though…”
Juyeon smiles slightly. “Does the fact that you met me make you feel better about coming out here?”
You nod. “I mean, you’re older, and rich, probably my friends’ dream… they all want a sugar daddy.” Oh, fuck. “I mean! I’m not like… preying on you or anything, not taking advantage of your kindness... Like I wouldn’t… I’m… good? I’m a good girl.”
“Good girl?” He sips his bourbon until all that’s left was ice, and wordlessly flags the bartender down to give him another glass-full. “It’s funny you think I’m the one being taken advantage of. Ah… I really should control myself.”
“Control yourself from…?” You knew, of course, but you wanted to know if you were actually reading his mind correctly right now.
“First, from kissing you.”
You pulled back. “I’d taste like a cocktail…”
“If you worry about that, I wouldn’t do it.” But he still leaned in closer towards you.
You close the gap, kissing him, a hand on his jaw almost so tenderly, better than you’d ever handled one of the boys at your college. Then you giggle. “So I learned the taste of bourbon second-hand through a kiss…”
Juyeon looked almost scandalized, pulling away but just barely. “I can’t believe you did that… You weren’t supposed to kiss me, Y/N, you weren’t supposed to want me…” He grabs the base of your chair and pulls it close until your thigh was touching his, you didn’t even know these chairs at wheels…
“You didn’t like it?” you asked, absolutely concerned you might have to go back to your room with your friends and just…
“I liked it…” he looked pained. “Too much. I can’t resist the way you look at me and the thought of being with you…”
Shyly but seductively, you put a finger on your pink lips, the spot he couldn’t stop staring at. “You’re already thinking of it? Are you thinking of what I’d look like… under you?”
“Are you trying to seduce me now?” You think you feel what that book he was writing in must have felt, to be touched so tenderly and with so much care… He looked enraged, pained, everything… He looked absolutely seduced. “You think I don’t already imagine those things?”
“Bartender?” you asked, raising your hand, but he covers it from being raised.
“Are you trying to drink more?”
“I want to know what kind of buzz you have…”
“You don’t know how to drink. You’re so cute.” He pulls you closer. He’s the cleanest man you’ve ever even met or touched, he smells like expensive cologne… “I really can’t stop myself.” He touched your shoulder, gradually going up to the neck. “I might kiss you again. I don’t know what’s come over me…”
“Am I that sexy right now?” you joked, almost classlessly.
“I could just take you up to my room,” Juyeon whispers. “Would you still want to be a good girl?”
Your dress’s strap falls down the shoulder again, and you fix it, giggling. “Ah, my dress is already coming off!”
He almost growls. “Please… if I go any further with this I’m… I don’t know if this is the correct or right thing to do to you. Don’t do this. Please, you’re innocent.”
“I’m not.” You kiss his neck, even biting the skin, although he doesn’t react. “I’m here for you to devour.”
“You’re just a college girl… I’m an adult. You’re not supposed to want this, please…”
“Why do you think 22 is young?” You giggled. “I can drink, drive, buy condoms…”
“I just… don’t want to be a bad guy…” He pulls away. “We need to stop.”
“Oh…” you sighed. “Can I still go to your room for tonight? My friends are probably high, and I don’t wanna go back to my room.”
“I don’t think you understand, Y/N,” Juyeon says slowly, as if every word were a red-hot warning, “if you come to my room, I’m going to do things. You need to be prepared for this…”
You hesitated. “I’ve never been with a stranger.”
“How could you be okay with me doing these things? Aren’t you afraid what I’ll do to you? Do you think about my intentions at all? You’re so easy…”
“You can do anything you want,” you say. “Even ruin me.”
“... I couldn’t live with myself, Y/N, please… I… I still think you’re innocent, so I can’t give in to you. But in all honesty, I want you so bad I could just…” His hand clasped against your jaw, as if he were afraid to touch you.
You kissed him on the lips the only way you knew how to kiss a man. “Can we go? To your room?”
“You’re going to make me do something I shouldn’t. Do you know what the right thing is here? I… you’re killing me. I can’t stop wanting you.”
You kissed him, and swiftly pulled him down to the elevators, lips attached as you waited for the doors to open. Breathless, you glanced at the buttons… “which floor?”
“12th.” He leans in and pressed you against the wall, whispering: “you’re making me want to do something very bad, little girl.” Your lips don’t touch, you just glance at him through the small distance, teasing him. The elevator stops.
You glanced around. “Woah, wait… aren’t there the suite rooms?”
“Yeah, my room’s right beside here.” You followed him in, and slowly got shell-shocked by the sheer massiveness of the room… Juyeon is loaded. Or his company is loaded. But… oh god. “You’re… this rich…”
“Enough about my room… Look at you.” He touched your dress like he’s trying to control the impulse to rip it.
Your strap fell down your shoulder again, and you giggle. “Should I leave the rest to your imagination?”
He grips your hips, pulling the dress up slightly. “You’re such a tease… this is so wrong. You’re so young.” But he pulls the strap down until both were hanging off your shoulder. “How can this be okay?”
He’d moveed on from your lips, now your chest was his new object, looking hungrily at you. “You just… you seem so innocent…” He touched your thigh, his hand going up between the legs, but stopping before he pushes anything hot and wet. “Fuck. I can’t go through with this and still have my honor… you don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t know what will happen to you if we go any further… Do you really want to be used up for your body? I can’t go through with this…”
Seeing his reluctance, you pulled back, and grab his broad shoulders, as if controlling him, and sit him on the luxurious hotel couch. “Okay, let’s take it slow. Let’s try to take our minds off what we’re going to do…”
“Fine…” he still looked weak, as if he was fighting everything in him from ripping your clothes off. “What now?”
You straddled him now, getting on top of him “Talk to me.”
His hands gripped the sofa at both sides just so he wouldn't do something wrong with your body. “Y/n… what are you doing right now? Aren’t you afraid? You’re making me weak.”
“Just try to talk, okay?” Your fingers unbuttoned his shirt slowly, and you teased him, lingering over his collarbone and ribs. “Tell me about your work? What were you thinking when you met me? Anything…” You started to kiss his ear.
He sighs in surrender, hands groping you now. “I really can’t think straight right now… You look so soft…” He kissed your neck now, and you could feel his teeth under all that softness.
“Yeah? you can’t think? What’s on your mind?”
“Everything… everything about you,” he admitted. “This must feel wrong, right? Showing your body to a man almost a decade older?” He took off his shirt, draping it over the couch.
“Should I stay on top of you like this?” You could feel his cock hard and intruding right under your hip.
“Whatever you like… What do you want to do to me?”
“I want you to pin me down onto the bed… and…”
“What if I made it hurt?” He was carrying you back onto the bed, just to pin you down.
“Do it.”
“Really?” His voice is more breath than words.
Before you nod to affirm, his belt is off and thrown across the room, and his tight suit-pants are down, and he looks down from you, almost godlike, before attaching himself to you, ever single way: teeth in neck, tongue on skin, his hard length directed into your warmth by a stray, careful hand.
He doesn’t talk, almost like he’s basking in the shame. Just the rocking of his hips against yours. There’s panting, and even whimpering from him, like he’s pathetic and you control what he gets to receive, but it’s him that’s inside of you, desperate and leaking. “Please… ah…”
“You’re not going to have any regrets about this, alright? I promise,” he says.
“Of course not… I trust you…”
“You do?” He pants again, and he doesn’t know what to do with his hands so he holds yours. “I’ve been having a fantasy of making a good girl like you turn into a bad girl, okay?”
“How do you do that?”
“I make her… drool. And beg. And get as thirsty as she can for my cock.”
You simply moan in answer, Juyeon hot and hard against you. How warm you were was driving him insane, made him weak in the core, but he wouldn’t say that out loud… Just through breaths and body language and clandestine cogitation.
“Poor darling,” he panted. “I can’t… I can’t be as rough as I want to, or you’ll regret this. You’ll be crying.”
When you’re both around to come, you get desperate, and the rocking isn’t doing it anymore. Juyeon is the first to get rough, slamming himself into you with a pace unmatched from him before… Suddenly, he decides he couldn’t leave his hands idle anymore, bringing them to your neck and choking you. It feels good, as you leave the rest of your strength in your legs, which wrap around his hips until you come.
You’re sniffling as you recover.
“Y/n, are you crying?” He held you quietly. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s just that it felt so, so good,” you say with a smile. “I get… I don’t know, teary, when it’s that good. You were good. You were kind.”
“Which part was I good to you…” he groaned. “I can’t believe you still want me.”
“Well…” you reached over and touched his hands, which were about three sizes bigger than yours. “Maybe you are too big for me… But you’re still a perfect fit.”
He opened his arms. “Sleep? I promise in the morning we can sort it out…”
You switched the lights off, crawling into bed. “Ah… messy…”
“‘S okay,” he hummed.
His cat-like eyes were watching you as you woke up, and you immediately touch him, wrapping yourself around his shoulders. “Good morning.”
“Morning… I can’t believe you’re not mad at me.”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because…” he brushed away your hair from your neck, revealing a hand mark, red but not purplish like a bruise.You couldn’t see it, but seeing the regret in his eyes was enough. “... because of this.”
You kiss him in reply to tell him you weren’t mad, but he quickly pulls away.
“Do you work part time?”
“Yeah, but on nights.”
He chuckled. “Classic night owl… It’s Saturday, and my client wants to meet in the afternoon. I have something planned for us, if you wouldn’t object?”
You nod slowly. “... What…?”
“You’ll see.” Blithely, he covered your naked body with more blanket, and fished out a giant fluffy bathrobe from the shelves for you to wear.
You giggled. “Don’t you want to… continue, if your plans aren’t taking place any time soon?”
“Don’t. Be. Naughty.” He chided slowly as he typed away an email in his phone. “They’ll be here soon.”
“They?!” You’re lucky you dressed in time, because the door bell rang, and as Juyeon told them to come in, staff, dressed in hotel uniform-blank-and-white suits, brought in a whole rack of clothes, almost too many, jammed in a small pole on expensive ivory hangers. “Juyeon,” you murmur quietly, “what is this?”
“Shush.” With a kiss on your lips, he lifted you up to your feet. “I thought I’d buy you back what I ripped from you last night,” he says, referring to your panties… and the broken zipper of your slip dress. Which, honestly, seeing all these new dresses, was a horrible fit from you, plus the strap kept falling off, although that did help you seduce someone.
Juyeon finished his coffee sporadically glancing at you with the staff, who fitted you in for the clothes right away, everything you pointed at and wanted to try. Although everything was heavenly nice, you just picked out two outfits in the end: a dress, and a matching skirt and blouse, thanking the staff who folded it for you.
“Is that all?” Juyeon frowned. “You didn’t like the others?”
“No, I liked it! I just… it’s too much.”
“If you liked it, you can have the entire collection.”
“NO!” you gasped, too overwhelmed to even smile. “I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness, and… I have no place wearing things that expensive.”
“Of course you have a place doing that,” Juyeon chided absentmindedly. “But if these dresses weren’t to your liking, I’ll just get you more from the show.”
“... Show?” you started slowly.
“That’s what I’m here for—I have to make an appearance. For the fall/winter season…” He kissed your temple, then headed off to get dressed in his suit. “Don’t worry about it too much.”
You glanced over at the bedside table, where he had laid out two watches that he chose not to wear for the day, turning them over in your hands.
They’re expensive. Heavy. Crystal-studded.
What kind of guy did you just sleep with?
After excusing yourself but getting his number (to all three of his phones, even, and he told you to contact his assistant if you wanted), you headed back to the hotel room with your friends, where they were all hungover or still zonked out.
You had last night’s dress folded in a bag, and was wearing Chanel, which your friends noticed immediately, Doyeon coming over to you asking what the hell happened…
You’d never been asked ‘what happened’ without it being bad.
“I think I met a sugar daddy,” you say.
“He has three Rolexes and he bought me an entire rack of clothes.”
You’d meant to call Juyeon after your part time shift, but after you finished, you fished around your bag for the contact numbers and emails he gave you, when you found the paper with the ink bled through from the mineral water you had that spilled, that simply couldn’t be salvaged. All that’s left was his work email, which you, assuredly, would never be able to contact without being awkward…
Imagine being his assistant, going through work emails, and seeing one with the subject ‘RE: so about that night…’ no way, she’d just delete your message.
You regretted not asking him when he was leaving the hotel, hoping he’d at least remembered your existence and left something for you to find him by…
When you went back to the hotel—and the security almost didn’t let you in, being that you had no business—his room had been cleared out and he was already on a plane. You just slowly dejectedly walked back to the lobby emptyhanded, missing the way his giant hand felt intertwined with yours.
“Did he leave any messages for me?” you asked slowly.
“Depends, what is your name?”
You gingerly slowly gave out your name, and the receptionist shook her head. You sighed. Well… it’s definitely not that kind of story, where you land a prince charming… it was just one night. You should be happy, right?
It’s two months after, that your friends make you contact him. They kept talking about how real sugar daddies should never be let go, when really, you didn’t care that he bought you chanel and all those other brands you couldn’t even fit in your mouth to speak… you’d have fallen for him even if he was faking the whole wealth thing…
Which he wasn’t, as you found out after googling his company and seeing the name of his assistant.
You typed in a long email explaining it to his assistant, hoping not everyone had access to this email, making it easy to find in his inbox.
Would he check it personally? You sighed.
Doyeon wouldn't stop talking about it, ever since you met Juyeon. Always "why do YOU get to meet a sugar daddy? At MY party?" Although you thought maybe your romance dreams were well and over once the contact card bled through your bag.
The truth was, you missed juyeon… a lot… endlessly, and the thought that he was just a one-time-brush-past scared you.
You fell asleep for a nap, and when you woke up, you had a new email. It was dark, and your designer clothes hung drying out after a wash. You rub your eyes and check it in a hurry—it’s 2 a.m. in korea, although who knows where he could be traveling to?
But what you found wasn’t automated, or from his assistant, and the words were his.
Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for your message?
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
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The adventures of Cat!Stappen part 4️⃣ — when Daniel (baby sits his best friend girlfriends cat)
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You were going out of town and needed someone to watch your cat for the weekend so your boyfriend Daniel decided to volunteer. You left a note on the counter for Daniel before you left. You walked back into your bedroom to grab your jacket and say goodbye to your cat.
“Ok sweet boy I’ll be back in a few days. Okay be good for Danny and I love you” you said scratching the top of Baloo's head and giving him a small kiss.
Max waited till he heard you back out the driveway and leave. He had the opportunity to walk around and stretch his legs. Walking towards your closest pulling out that same hoodie and sweatpants he wore that night when you had that nightmare and walking into the bathroom for a quick shower.
Daniel had just gotten to your place and was walking through your home when he heard footsteps coming from your bedroom. Slowly walking back to your room he quietly pushes your door open and sees someone, not just anyone but his friend Max.
“What the hell?” Daniel said out loud not knowing what else to say.
“Daniel this isn’t what it looks like”
“Are you sure about that Max because you're standing in my girlfriend's bedroom wearing my clothes? Max, why are you wearing my clothes please tell me you're not free-balling in my sweatpants?”
Max just looked at Daniel not saying anything.
“Please tell me You’re not the cat she adopted a couple of months back?” Daniel said while raising an eyebrow.
“Look I didn’t want it to go on this long I swear Daniel”
“Why has it then?”
“Because I like how mundane it feels. I can escape from the reality of my life” Max explained.
“Does y/n know about you pretending to be her pet cat?”
“Does y/n know you’re a werewolf?” Max asked sassily
“No, as far as I know, she doesn’t know about the supernatural world”
“Will there you go”
“She can’t know it’s too dangerous for her”
“You don’t tell her about me and I don’t tell her about you”
“Did you just blackmail me, Max?”
“I can’t believe this alright, well I’m gonna go you seem to be fine. I'll be back in a few days,” Daniel said.
When you got home the house was quiet. You expected to see your cat come running to you excited that his momma was now home. Setting your bag in your bedroom you looked out the window to see your cat playing outside with a rather large brown curly-haired dog.
When did your neighbor get a dog?
Walking outside you watched as they played. Pulling out your phone you sent your neighbor a text letting them know that their dog was at your house playing with your cat. Your neighbor immediately replied saying that they didn’t have a dog.
“Baba come on boy I’m home” you called out immediately the orange cat ran to you meowing and begging to be held. Picking the cat up, you looked at the dog??? Who looked up at you wagging his tail and sighing you tell the dog to come on.
Once back inside you sat baba down and took a look at the dog you realize that it in fact wasn’t a dog but an overly friendly wolf. Staring into the wolf’s eyes you notice how much they resembled your boyfriend's eyes. It was just purely a coincidence you were sure of it. But then again you remembered when you had met Max his eyes reminded you of Babas. Things were becoming more and more strange.
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specterllaw · 11 months
F@cking the boss - Harvey Specter x Reader Part 1/2
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Summary: After being interviewed for a job offer that was meant for your roommate you meet a fascinating boss who sees right through all of your lies
You sighed as you approached your apartment door, it was painted a dull faded orange that now looked like someone had been smoking in the halls for years, you sorted through the stack of mail you grabbed on your way into the building. All of it was bills or advertisements until you got to a thin envelope, it was addressed to your roommate but it came from a big law firm in Upstate Manhattan. Pearson and Hardman, you had seen their commercials way too many times. Curious you ripped opened the paper envelope, flipping open the folded paper inside seeing an invitation to interview as a new assistant for one of their senior associates. You smirked a bit walking inside as you shut your apartment door and plopped down on the couch, grabbing your bowl of weed from the table smoking it gone before going to your room to find clothes for the interview. See normally you’d never open your roommates mail, but recently she had taken it open herself to open her legs to your boyfriend and get you fired from your shared job, so you felt like you deserved this.
Monday morning
You gulped nervous pushing open the hotel door and walking farther into the conference rooms trying to figure out where the hell this meeting was being held, until you saw the giant sign, ‘PEARSON AND HARDMAN LAW FIRM INTERVIEW NEXT DOOR ON THE RIGHT’. You took a deep breath hoping for it to give you some confidence as you walked through the door looking at all of the other females who were waiting, they all matched the type of your roommate, blonde hair, big boobs, and mini skirts. You felt like you were dressed too professional as you walked up to the desk “excuse me?..is this the interviews for the law firm?” You asked politely to the woman sitting at the desk “yes, yes it is, go down that hallway to the left and you’ll meet with Mr. Specter” she said pointing down a short hallway. You felt like the ground was shaking under your feet as you made your way to the makeshift office that had a well dressed man sitting behind the desk looking at you with raised eyebrows. “Who are you?” He asked tilting his head up towards you like he was better than you in a sense. "My name is Y/n L/n, I'm here for the..assistant position?" You offered as you took a seat in front of him, he watched you closely "Everybody is, darling, what makes you so special?" He asked crossing his arms "I'm determined in my work, I have no boyfriend, no kids, and I'm looking for a good job to get my foot in the door to becoming the best lawyer in New York" You said stubbornly eyeing him in the same manner he was to you, you knew what he was doing, intimidation. "...okay" He said unsure "What do you have experience with?"
Next Monday
You were in complete shock, you were on your way to walk to the law firm when a car had stopped in front of your path, you stopped getting your pepper spray out and ready before the window rolled down revealing Harvey Specter sitting in the back "You think I would let my new secretary walk to work? No Princess, in the car" He demanded as you stuttered rushing to the other door sliding into the seat. "Listen. Today's gonna be alot, Y/n, You'll be meeting my former assistant and who's retiring after today, you'll meet Louis Litt, jackass on a stick, he threatens or tries to flirt you tell me got it?" You nodded "You'll meet Mike Ross, my hired associate, you'll also answer to him partially under my word and he'll answer to you." After Harvey got done briefing you, You were trained by a pregnant woman named Donna, had a meeting with Jessica Pearson, a meeting with Louis Litt, and Mike Ross. Now you were being motioned in by Harvey who was sitting at his desk, his suit jacket sitting on his chair as he watched you, he looked hot as hell, and you knew you were shamelessly checking him out, unknown to you he was doing the same thing.
You took a seat in front of him as he offered you a soft smile "Hey, How's your first day?" He asked raising an eyebrow "I-It's good..I'm enjoying it so far..Louis was very...stern though" You mumbled, he raised his eyebrows "Nothing over the line, right? You're alright?" He asked, "I'm fine, Mr. Specter, I'm a big girl" You stated nervously, you knew you had been lying to Harvey since the interview, you were not qualified to work for Pearson-Hardman and you weren't anything like his past receptionist. "Well, I'm heading out for the night, care for a drink?" He offered standing up, grabbing his jacket and files "U-Um actually, I've gotta get back home" Truth was, you had to meet your dealer to get your next bag of weed. "Great, We'll drink there" He said quickly, you could tell he wasn't going to let go of the topic and Donna did warn you, Harvey liked to get close with his receptionists, they were like brother and sister. You huffed going to grab your coat and bag as Harvey called for the elevator, You followed behind eyeing him up and down any chance you got.
As you entered your apartment you realized your dealer had already been there, there was a bag of pre-rolled's on your coffee table. You were quick to dive for the bag grabbing it as Harvey walked in, watching you in confusion "Hiding something?" He asked raising an eyebrow "N-No" You protested crossing your arms, hiding the bag of joints under your arm. He tilted his head walking closer, if he was anybody different you probably would've pepper sprayed his ass, but he was hot and a damn good lawyer. "You know, Y/n..Wanna know something funny about me?" He asked as he stalked closer to you, you looked him in the eyes as you slowly shuffled back towards the wall keeping the bag tightly tucked in-between your arm and chest. "Hmm?" You asked before bumping into the wall, watching as Harvey took slow, agonizing steps towards you until you felt his breath on your face "I know when people are lying...and I know you're lying about a lot of stuff" He said quietly, not breaking eye contact with you, narrowing your eyes you put a hand on his chest. "I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Specter" You offered raising your eyebrows. He slammed his hand against the wall by your head almost making your knees give out and you fall to the floor, Harvey was huffing and you were trying to even your breathing from how hot he was currently "What're you hiding, Y/n" He asked alot more sternly, your arms dropped in defeat, the bag falling to the floor in between your feet and Harvey's. He smirked kneeling down as he picked up the bag with two fingers dangling it infront of your face. "Nothing was it?" He asked again, his tone was antagonizing, like he was teasing you. "Nothing at all" You proposed as he raised his eyebrows leaning closer before pulling one of your joints out, putting it between his lips, lighting it, all before blowing the smoke into your face. "Seems like a pretty good something to me, you get this from Mike?" He asked, your mouth dropped in shocked "That is Mike!" You gasped as he watched you, placing the joint between your lips he smirked "Inhale" He whispered as you took a hit, you inhaled then exhaled before slowly moving to the couch, Harvey close behind.
Your joint bag was gone, you and Harvey had smoked the entire thing and were now stoned off your asses, laying naked in your bed recovering from the most mind-blowing sex you've ever had. "You just ate an entire bag of pretzels how do you not have cotton mouth?" You asked in disbelief, he just laughed rolling on his back, you could see his bare chest and stomach as the sheet started to fall down around his waist. "I'm Harvey Specter I don't get cotton mouff" He stated before laughing as he made eye contact with you "Mouff? Harvey Specter does too get cotton mouff!" You laughed as you handed him your water bottle looking at him as he took a huge gulp. This was a different side of Harvey, one that laughed, that hugged, that cared.
"Harvey?.." You asked after the two of you stopped laughing "Yes?.." He asked turning towards you, draping a hand over your bare waist "Do you sleep with all of your receptionists?" You asked quietly, you could feel his fingers brushing up and down your side as he looked at you "Do you lie and fuck all of your bosses?" He challenged, you raised your eyebrows slapping his chest "ow! I'm kidding!" He laughed "No...I don't..I'm stoned, but, I know you're a sweet woman, who is already amazing at a job she was never qualified for" He stated, you studied his face, watching his breathing. He was truly the most Handsome man you've ever seen.
"Am I fired?" You asked playing with his hair slowly "No...I like you too much to let you go, and it's hard to find a lady to boss me around while also following my orders" He stated kissing your forehead before you tucked your head against his chest dozing off.
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bagerfluff · 4 months
I Notice You
Nico di Angelo x Half-Blood Male Reader
Prompt - "I notice you all the time"
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You were sitting on a log in front of the fire.
The fire was blazing a bright orange mixed with yellow because everyone was happy. Apollo kids played instruments while people sang from the top of their lungs. The people that weren’t singing were sitting with friends and family talking while having a laugh.
Make the fire blaze bright and hot. It got so hot that people had to move their marshmallows away from the fire or else they would turn black and brown. You tried to do that but unfortunately you didn’t and you lost your marshmallow.
But you were still having a nice time.
You were talking to your siblings and friends as you all talked about your day. You happily talked to your friends and family but you couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching you. You first played it off as just being near so many people. Being near lots of people can make you feel like at least someone was watching you.
But you felt it the whole night.
You looked around multiple times but saw nothing. No camper or anything else looking at you. It made you feel a bit weird but after a few more minutes you had an idea of who was watching you. But you didn’t say anything. You kept talking and hanging out with everyone till it was time to go to bed.
You bid everyone a good night's sleep but you didn’t go to bed. You didn’t enter your cabin with the rest of your siblings. Instead you walked over to a secluded part of the camp and walked over to a tree. The sun was almost fully set, meaning that it was getting hard to see. Everything seemed to have a dark, almost evil look to it
But this tree seemed to have a darker look to it. Like the wood was a dark brown and there was no light. You looked into the darkness and it almost seemed like it was looking back at you. You smiled, “Hey Nico”, after speaking a boy appeared out of the shadows. He had black hair, brown eyes and pale skin.
He wore black pants, and an aviator jacket with a black shirt with a skull on it under. “Hey Y/n”. Nico greeted. You smiled at him “If you wanted to hang out with me or speak with me you could have asked instead of staring at me?” You said, your friendly smile now turning into a cocky one.
You swore that you saw Nico blush but he turned around and it was dark. The sun still setting in the background. “How did you even notice me?” Nico asked, completely ignoring your question.
“I notice you all the time” you responded, and it was true.
You always noticed Nico, no matter what.
Even when he was off in the shadows, you still knew he was there. It was because you cared about Nico, more than anyone. Nobody knew about your crush on the pale boy but you wanted that. You didn’t need your siblings or anyone teasing you, plus, you didn’t even know if Nico liked you back.
It was really hard sometimes to tell what he was thinking or feeling. You had gotten better at it since you first knew him but it was still hard. Nico blushed a bit harder at that but you didn’t notice. “So, are you going to answer my question?” You asked, looking over at the sea.
You saw that the sin had fully set and that it would be dangerous to set out this late, even with the Ghost King. “Actually. It’s getting late, you can tell me tomorrow”, you smiled at Nico before walking away, waving to him as you walked towards your cabin.
Nico slightly waved as you left but you didn’t see it and Nico was glad, if you saw him waving then you might have seen the fact that Nico’s face had turned a light pink. Nico sighed, he sat down and leaned on the tree where he was hiding.
Nico knew the reason he was watching you, he just didn’t want to admit it. Admitting it would make it more real, it would make his feelings more real. Nico had liked you since he first arrived at Camp Half-Blood. You were only a few months older than him and one of the only people who didn’t ignore him.
He didn’t know what it was back then but knew that he did. Nico didn’t even know if you liked guys. He’s seen girls flirt with you before but you never seemed to reciprocate it. Plus if you did like guys why would you like Nico.
Nico kind of wanted to not know.
His life was hard enough, he didn’t need to worry about this too. Nico tried to ignore it and Nico thought he was doing a good job. But these feelings were getting a bit too hard to ignore. So Nico tried to ignore you, but you always found him.
It’s like you told him, You always noticed him. Nico hated and loved that about you. Nico sighed and leaned his head back against the tree. What was Nico going to tell you?
You were expecting an answer but Nico wasn’t sure what he could tell you. Should he just admit that he had a crush on you, or lie?
Nico would have to think about this.
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 You were woken up by the sun shining into your cabin and right in your face. You cursed Apollo, which you were probably going to regret, and your past self for not closing the blinds last night. You sat up and looked outside the window.
You saw that the sun was just starting to rise and that no one was outside. You groaned, and tried to go back to sleep. But apparently Hypnos decided that you stay up for some reason so you couldn’t go back to sleep.
You were smart enough to not curse Hypnos but you were still mad.
You rubbed your eyes and yawned as you removed your blanket and placed your feet on the floor. You shivered at your bare feet touching the ground but got up anyway. In between yawning and cursing Gods you got dressed and out of your cabin.
Since you didn’t feel like laying in your cabin and breakfast wasn’t going to be served you decided that you should get things ready for the day. You were tasked with training some demigods in archery so you needed to get that ready.
It wasn’t hard and it felt nice to slowly feel and watch the sun rise into the sky. The sounds of birds and satyrs calmed you. After doing that you looked around, no one was outside yet but you were sure that at least some people were awake. But as you were looking around something caught your eye. Over by a tree a boy was leaning against it.
He seemed to be asleep.
You placed the bow you were holding on the ground and started to walk over to the boy. At first you had no idea who it was but as you got closer you realized who it was. It was Nico, he fell asleep against the tree where you guys had your talk. Did he really fall asleep here? Why didn’t he go to his cabin?
You sat down in front of Nico and looked at him. Nico’s head was leaning on his right shoulder and his legs were up to his chest. But they were also leaning to the right.
You smiled, Nico looked cute.
He looked relaxed like this, almost like there was nothing to worry about. It made you feel like there was also nothing to worry about. These nice thoughts were interrupted by not so nice ones. You still didn’t know why Nico decided to stare at you last night.
Was everything okay?
Was Nico okay?
These thoughts worried you, you cared about Nico. He was one of your only friends. Plus, you might have a slight crush on him. You kept thinking about what might be wrong, you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t realize that Nico had woken up.
He had snapped his fingers in your face to get your attention and he had to do it four times to get your attention. “Good morning Neeks” you said with a smile. “Morning,” Nico said, rubbing his eyes. Nico then looked around, before looking back at you.
“What time is it?” He asked, pushing himself off the ground. You looked towards the sun, “I don’t know, but I say we only have about half an hour before everybody else starts coming out of their cabins”.
You noted.
Nico nodded and started to walk away but you grabbed his wrist before he could leave. “Hold on there Death Boy. You still need to answer my question”, Nico slightly flinched. He had hoped that you forgot that.
But it seems that you didn’t.
Nico turned back around and you dropped his wrist. Nico looked at you and tried to speak but nothing came out. He was scared again. He hated this. He hated being a half-blood, he hated his feelings, he hated you.
There was so much he had to worry about already. He was a child of The Big Three. Life was already harder for him than normal. But these feelings make it worse. But he really likes you. He wants to be around you, he feels better when he’s around you. But it also scares him.
Why do feelings have to be so complicated?
You and Nico stood in the trees for what seemed like hours. You stayed silent and tried to show Nico that he could take all the time he needed but time was running out. Nico didn’t know what to say but you did have stuff you wanted to say.
You could see that Nico was struggling with something and you wanted to help him, but you couldn’t help him if he wouldn’t tell you. You heard something behind you and saw that everyone was getting ready for breakfast.
You sighed, “Whenever your ready you can come talk to me Nico”, You smiled before starting to speak again, “And next time why don’t you join me at the camp fire instead of looking like a stalker. See you later, Neeks!” You yelled as you made your way to the Mess Hall.
Leaving Nico by the tree, wondering what to do about his feelings.
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For the entire day you couldn’t stop thinking about Nico, no matter what you did. During breakfast, you didn’t see him at his table so you assumed that he left to eat somewhere else. When you were teaching the younger campers archery. When you had lunch, and when you were training.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him.
You still wondered what was wrong and why Nico wouldn’t tell you. You wondered if Nico didn’t trust you, that hurt more than when you fell on the ground during sword practice. You had tried to be friends with him and show him that you were his friend but what if he didn’t see you as his friend.
Nico was really closed off and didn’t really talk to anyone besides you. These types of thoughts kept appearing in your head no matter what. And you were getting sick of them. But about half way through the day you noticed something.
A feeling.
A feeling like someone was watching you. You knew who it was. It was the same feeling you felt by the fire last night. But why was Nico watching you? Could he not get you out of his mind? It got a bit annoying because every time you tried to get closer to Nico he just shadow travels away.
You stopped after the third time, you were sure that much shadow traveling couldn’t be good for someone. You wished that Nico would show himself during dinner, taking advantage of what you said and joining you but he didn’t. That made you sad and you didn’t really talk to anyone during dinner.
Your friends and family noticed but you didn’t tell them what was wrong. You didn’t feel like talking about it. You didn’t feel any better when you knew that Nico was watching you. You only saw Nico again when you were walking through the strawberry fields.
The smell of the berries and the sound of the satyrs calmed you and took your mind off everything. But after you wandered a bit too far into the forest you saw Nico waiting for you. You walked up to him, wanting to ask him what the fuck was going on but he held up his hand
“Wait. Before you say anything just let me speak” Nico said and you did just that.
You waited.
Once Nico realized that you weren’t going to speak he started talking. Nico had been thinking about what had happened and he felt sorry. He felt sorry that he didn’t tell you anything. He had been watching you and he saw how you were affected by what happened.
He wanted nothing more than to apologize when he first saw you. But he wanted to wait till you two were alone. Nico had an idea of what to say. He was going to confess to you, get these feelings out of the way. He had enough to worry about and he had to get these out of the way.
If you didn’t like him back then he could focus on other things and never come back here again. Nico started to talk but nothing came out again. Nico really meant to say something but nothing came out again. Why was this so hard? You got annoyed again.
How many times was this going to happen?
You rolled your eyes and started to walk away. “I love you”, Nico said, just loud enough that you heard him. You whipped your head around and stared at him. You heard what he said, he confessed his love for you.
At first you didn’t know what to do, he loved you back. Was that why he watched you during the fire? Was that why he had such a hard time telling what was wrong? After your confusion wore off you were happy.
Joy filled your heart and you smiled.
But Nico took your silence as you rejecting him and he moved to shadow travel away. But you caught his hand just before he left and pulled him closer to you.
“I think you’ve done enough shadow traveling for today”, you said before kissing him. The kiss wasn’t perfect. This was yours and Nico’s first kiss. But the two of you wouldn’t have it any other way. So you two spent the rest of the night together.
Kissing under the moonlight. 
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