#someone at work didn’t like my rainbow watch and now I’m taking it out on steddie
artiststarme · 1 year
The world is full of hate and homophobes... and Mike Wheeler
There’s hate everywhere. Whether it be hatred towards a specific person because of their personality or an entire group for something they couldn’t control, the world was full of ugly people who had to hate other people to love themselves. However, Eddie didn’t expect it to be in the Party.
Yet the first thing that anyone said after he and Steve had walked in the room holding hands was Mike exclaiming his disgust.
“You’re dating?! That’s disgusting, two guys can’t love each other. It’s unnatural,” he sneered in their direction before wildly gesticulating and looking at his friends for their agreement.
The rest of the kids though didn’t agree with him. Will had shrunk into himself, El was glancing from face to face in confusion, Lucas was frowning, and Max and Dustin were glaring at Mike venomously. Nancy and Jonathan were glaring at him with the most anger Eddie had ever seen from them. Poor Robin had turned a sickly shade of green and was itching closer and closer to the back door. Most importantly though, Steve dropped this hand like it was a dead fish. Like the mere act of holding his hand was an atrocious act.
“What the hell is your problem?!”
“They’re our friends, you’re supposed to support your friends!”
“Mike, that’s not cool bro.”
“What is wrong? They love each other. How is that disgusting?”
“Michael Wheeler, you don’t talk to anyone like that much less your family.”
Eddie distantly heard the rest of the Party screaming at Mike but all he could focus on was Steve trembling beside him. He’d had plenty of time to construct an armor against the hate the world could spew. But Steve hadn’t. Steve still saw everything through rose-tinted glasses. He saw the good in people and was continuously surprised at the bad.
“Stevie, it’s okay. It’s just Mike and we both know he’s a repressed little asshole. The rest of the Party accept us and that’s what matters,” Eddie comforted. “I’ll wring the little bastard’s neck later. Let’s go hang out by Robin.”
Steve nodded his head. A look of determination bloomed on his face and he smiled softly at Eddie. “You’ll wring his neck for me?”
“Of course, Stevie. I’m gonna drop kick him like a basketball.”
Soon, Mike’s comment didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was the sound of Steve’s booming laugh as he made fun of Eddie’s poor sports metaphors. Mike’s comment was forgotten in the face of Steve’s smile and Eddie’s look of loving awe.
There would always be hate but there was change too. The kids would scream and berate Mike until he stopped being such a homophobic prick and saw the error in his ways. He’d apologize to Steve, Eddie, and eventually Will. Things would be okay. And if Mike and Will got together years later, well, Eddie would say he told him so.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
So, I know you don't commonly really write for steddie, and you don't have to write this if you don't wanna. But what about Like, reader graduates hawkins high and goes of to college (eddie is probably still held back for his last year???) And when she left she was more on the quite side, soft color pallet, kinda stariotypical pastel sunshine character. And she comes back for the summer and she's like, more punk-ish??? Like a few more piercings, and same kinda quite personality but kinda different aesthetic?
I think you could do something similar with poly!marauders as well, where same thing happens but it's over the summer between years?
Idk, you dont even have to write it, I just have a stupid soft spot for this weird trope/character arc. Make sure to take care of yourself and have a lovely day!!!!!
I'm happy to write for any characters on my list, thanks for requesting gorgeous! Hope you're having a lovely day and taking care of yourself as well <3
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 637 words
Steve and Eddie are scanning the crowd for you up until the very moment you come up to them. Even then, it takes Eddie a second to recognize you. 
“Hey,” you say, tentative. 
“Hey,” Steve says, stepping forward. “Shit, honey, come here.” 
You grin, some of the apprehension easing from your features as you hug him. 
“Shit,” Eddie agrees, wrapping his arms around the both of you. “Almost didn’t recognize you, sunshine.” 
Sunshine might not even be the best nickname for you now. When you’d left for college last fall, you’d looked like the rainbow had befriended you personally. All pastels, colorful sweaters and flowy little skirts. Now, it’s like you’ve been plucked from a graphic novel. Your clothes are dark down to the shoes, with ripped black tights under your shorts and lace-up combat boots that, frankly, Eddie thinks might get a little hot in the Indiana summer. He wonders if you’d be amenable to him calling you his little bat. Or witchling, maybe? He’ll have to workshop it. 
“You look so different.” Steve sounds positively flabbergasted, stepping back to take you in more fully. “I mean, not a bad different, I just—wow, it’s really…” Eddie snickers. In his opinion, you look far less like someone Steve Harrington would ordinarily date (the girl next door, preppy style, Nancy Wheeler clone) and more like someone he would (cool as fuck). Luckily for you, they both love you down to your ooey gooey core no matter how you present yourself. 
“It’s a new look, babe, and it’s fucking sick,” Eddie summarizes. “Is this what college does to people? Maybe I should come visit.” 
You roll your eyes at him, flushing faintly. Another pro of your new style: the pink of your face stands out ever-so-much-more brilliantly against your new dark palate. 
“I’m serious, sweetheart,” Eddie goes on, delighting in watching your color change. “I need you to start coming to my shows so we can lure in your crowd. You’re too fucking cool for us now.” 
Your shoulders start to come up around your ears, but Steve saves you, tucking you under his arm with a kiss to the top of your head. “She was always too cool for us,” he says. It’s the truth, and Eddie sends you a wink to make sure you know he knows it. “You look amazing, really. God, we’ve missed you so—is that a tattoo?”
Eddie all but lunges for you. “Where?” 
“Here,” Steve says, stretching the collar of your shirt over your shoulder, where an inky design sits starkly against your skin. “Shit, this is so cool.” Eddie jostles for space, head squishing between yours and Steve’s to get a better look. “It really works for you.” 
You smile bashfully. “Thanks.” 
“Fuck me,” Eddie breathes, and you shiver pleasantly as his breath his your shoulder. “Actually, if I can get us to Steve’s in five minutes, would you top me right now? This is too fucking hot—oh, don’t look at me like that, Stevie boy. You know you like it too.” 
“I do,” Steve says, giving Eddie a look that’s probably aiming for stern but only hitting fond as he tries to coax your face from his chest. “It looks great honey, when did you get this?”
Your voice is characteristically quiet, but a bit proud, when you say, “That one’s from a couple months ago. I got my first last November, though.”
“Your first?” Eddie’s gobsmacked. “How many are there? Wait, no, don’t tell me.” He grabs you by the legs, hoisting you over his shoulder. “I wanna find ‘em.” 
“Eds, put me down!” You hiss in his ear, but your words are undercut by giggles. “Steve!”
“Sorry, but I’m kinda on board with this one,” Steve says with an apologetic shrug in your direction. He tosses Eddie the keys. 
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kekaki-cupcakes · 7 months
hi! hope you're well!
could you please do one where jason breaks up with Piper because he realises he's in love with reader since he was little?
like reader and jason are the bestest friends with mutual crushes but were too oblivious to do anything about it and the seven have to drop the fact that reader likes him back?
heya! I combined this ask with someone who was asking for a Jason x reader songfic with the song Bad Idea Right? by Olivia Rodrigo <3
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Romeo and Julieting---Jason Grace x reader [soundtrack: Olivia Rodrigo]
»»————- ★ ————-««
“It’s a bad idea, Pipes!”
Piper pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “You are going to go to their cabin, you are going to make them sit down, and you are going to tell them that you have a crush on them, okay? And then you can both have a cutesy little romantic moment or whatever you're supposed to do in a relationship, okay?” 
“What do you mean, ‘whatever you’re supposed to do in a relationship’?” Jason asked with a confused frown. He glanced up at Piper who was pacing back and forth as he sat cross legged on her bed, picking at her Olivia rodrigo doona cover. “We were in a relationship, like, five minutes ago.” 
Piper cocked her head at him with a raised eyebrow, “that didn’t count and you know it, now go kiss them!”
“Not with tongue though,” Leo added, slurping a juice box as he spun in circles on the chair by Piper’s desk. “At least not the first time, it’d be a bit over the top. I mean unless you’re into that I guess-” 
“What are you even doing here?” Jason asked him, not unkindly. 
Leo smirked and then became distracted by the make up box on Piper’s desk, pulling out a dark lipstick and uncapping it with wide eyes. He turned back to Jason, “oh I’m watching you fail at both of your relationships.”
Jason frowned, “I just got dumped, why are you making fun of me?” 
Leo twisted the base of the lipstick and then proceeded to lick it. He screwed up his face and put it away quickly. “You two forgot you were dating for an entire week, I had to remind you when you started drooling over a certain demigod that you already had a girlfriend.” 
“Okay, that’s fair,” Jason muttered. Piper chuckled and moved her things away from Leo’s curious grabby hands, quickly taking her eyeliner off before he tried to taste test that as well. “But… but I can’t just walk up to them and be like, ‘hey, you’re my best friend, wanna kiss?’”
Leo blinked. “Why not?”
Jason wasn’t sure how his friend was still alive, but then he remembered that Leo had died already anyway. Piper shrugged, “don’t blame him, he doesn’t know how romance or social situations work.”
“Hey!” Leo hissed, pointing at her with a contour brush he’d managed to find, “that’s homophobic!”
“How can I be homophobic?” Piper screeched, pointing to the rainbow flag pinned up lopsidedly above her bed, next to the hello kitty poster and the giant banner that read ‘i fucked your mum and all i got was this stupid flag’. 
Leo just stuck his tongue out at her. Then he turned to Jason. “If you don’t go romeo and juliet your way into a make out session, I will personally turn your stash of musk sticks into soot.”
Piper fiddled with her portable speaker, connecting it to the demigod proof phones Leo had managed to whip up in under three days after he discovered the Pokemon Go map reached CHB. “
“What do you mean Romeo and Juliet?” Jason asked.
“You gotta go up to their window and pretend it’s a balcony, Grace,” Piper said. SHe looked away from Olivia Rodrigo’s spotify and to the window. “It’s even raining outside. Perfect.”
Jason crossed his arms stubbornly, “I can think of a million ways it could go wrong.”
“Well I can’t,” Leo said as he started curling his eyelashes. The speaker next to him skipped a few beats and staticked it’ way through the music for a moment. Piper grinned. 
“It’s a bad idea! I’m not doing it!”
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason sucked in a breath and shut the Aphrodite cabin door behind him, hitching up his checked purple pajama pants and plodding through the dirt between the cabins lined up. 
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Even if he didn’t work up the courage to tell you how pretty he thought your eyes were when you smiled and how endearing it was that you wrapped and arm around his shoulders every time you were walking together and how that thing you did with your tongue on your lip drove him crazy, he’d still get to see you. So technically he was just visiting his best friend, what was wrong with that?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Maybe the fact that if said best friend asked to kiss him Jason wouldn’t even hesitate.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
»»————- ★ ————-««
You pulled your curtains shut and waited for your younger siblings to finish putting all of their teddies to bed before the lamps were clicked off. After a few minutes, only the snores of your cabin mates and the rain on the roof were audible.
Hypnos dragged away everyone else in your cabin quickly, but you lay awake staring at the roof, your doona pulled up to your chin. A few polaroids were stuck to the walls next to your head, and the axolotl Squishmellow Leo had bought you for your birthday was in bed with you. You hugged it to your chest and shuffled around, trying to get to sleep.  
You ignored the first tap at your window, which was probably just a Harpy checking everyone was tucked into their beds and not planning to sneak out. 
The second one however, roused you from the warmth of the blanket Annabeth had crocheted as she discovered her skills with weaving. You paused in front of the window, sitting cross legged on your pillow. Whoever it was outside tapped again, so you pulled back the curtains and peeked out with narrowed eyes. 
A grin spread across your face before you could help it, and you heaved the frame up, poking your head out into the night to whisper shout. “What are you doing dude? It’s pouring!”
Jason blinked up at you with soggy hair and muddy pajamas. He plodded through the puddles up to your window. Luckily he was tall enough that you were eye level when he hopped onto a little boulder. “Um…”
“Gimme a second,” you muttered, and crawled out of bed to the shoe rack by the door. Avoiding the floorboards you knew would creak, you hopped back into bed and slid the pink spotty umbrella through the window, opening it up above Jason. 
He smiled, the scar on his lip twisting. You restrained yourself from reaching out to touch it and instead held the umbrella for him. “Is there a reason you’re Romeo and Julieting?” 
Jason eyes were wide and pale blue, like the sky behind a thin veil of clouds. “How am i the only one who- never mind. Uhm… I need to tell you something. 
The rain made it hard for you to hear whatever your best friend was muttering, so you beckoned him closer with a confused smile, “yeah? Did you forget how to use the toaster again? Because honestly I don’t know why you’re opposed to Leo just-” 
“Because of hygiene, for one,” Jason started, “but that’s not why I’m here.”
You gave him a second to think, not used to the genuinely fearful look on his face dripping with rain you hoped wouldn’t turn to tears. You didn’t really know where this was going.
He took a deep breath, his fingers curling around your window sill. “If this goes wrong, please blame Leo and Piper.”
“I could blame them for anything, and I’d be right.” 
Jason ducked his head and spoke to the ground. “I kind of… really like you. I’ve liked you for a long time, actually. I didn’t realize for a while, but it’s sort of…Yeah. It’s you.” 
So it wouldn’t be Jason crying, you realized. It would be you. 
You took a second to try that deep breathing thing someone had told you about, and smoothed out the front of your mickey mouse pajama shirt, blinking rapidly. The reality hadn’t really set it, you were in a sort of shocked state, so you tried to talk before you burst into tears. 
“Uhm,” you said weakly. “I think you might’ve forgotten about your girlfriend again, Jase.”
He went pale. Then he started shaking his head like a wet dog, which he sort of was, really. “No, no not like that. I mean, yeah I like you like that, wait- okay. Piper broke up with me, like five minutes ago, and-”
You took another deep breath and then handed Jason the umbrella. He took it with a lost expression, and you shut your window quickly, breaths turning as shaky as your hands. You were your childhood crushes rebound. You sort of wished you hadn’t opened that window, actually.
Jason tapped again, a lot quicker this time, and urgent. 
Ignoring him was the obvious choice, but that felt too kind. You yanked open the curtains again and then the glass, sticking your head out with a sharp glare. “I will not be your rebound-”
“She broke up with me because of you.” Jason blurted as soon as he realized you could hear him. 
He paused then, and you took in the holy depressing sight that was Jason Grace in dirty pajamas standing outside your window in the middle of the night, rain and tears dripping down his cheeks. “Well, not completely. We never really liked each other, it was all because of Hera, really. We just, well… neither of us could be bothered to figure out our feelings so we stayed together.”
Jason looked down at the ugg boots covered in grass and soil he was wearing. You were pretty sure they were Drew’s. “Apparently she got sick of me pining over you, so she dumped me so that they could make me come here and well, yeah, tell you.”
You blinked in shock for probably too long.
“I don’t wanna make you do anything, and you don't have to say anything, ever, actually.” Jason said quickly, with only honesty on his cute face. “You don’t have to keep being my friend, if you don’t want to, but I won't be weird, I promise. We can pretend this didn’t actually happen. I just sort of wanted to tell you, so I didn't have to hide it forever, I guess.” 
“They?” You asked.
Jason glared in the direction of the Aphrodite cabin. He spoke in a hollow voice. “It was an ambush. There were no survivors.”
You grinned, and then reached out into the pouring rain and held the umbrella, your hand over his. Jason whipped around with red cheeks and a frozen expression. “Uh-”
“Jason,” you began softly. “Did you want to Romeo and Juliet me?”
He blinked. 
“That means come here so I can kiss you,” You muttered, and dragged the son of Jupiter closer by the front of his shirt. Jason’s eyes widened and he made a shocked little sound.
He hopped back onto the boulder and reached up to your window sill though. His eyes were that bit lower than your own in that way you knew exactly what he was thinking and of course you’d oblige. 
“Just c’mere,” you whispered, trying to hold in your smile. Jason leant forward eagerly, and you held the umbrella in one hand tightly, the other sliding up to cup his jaw. You’d wondered what the scar on Jason’s lip felt like. 
Turned out it was just as soft as the rest of him. 
You tilted your head as heat seemed to build in your veins, making your head light. You couldn’t help but pull him closer, if that was even possible, and kissed him firmly. He made another odd sound and opened his mouth slowly.
From what you’d heard from your older siblings, kissing was awesome. You’d always thought it sounded a bit gross though, I mean, someone elses mouth? Their tongue?
This badly timed badly worded fucking adorbale boy in front of you proved that theory wrong. Jason threaded his fingers through your own and you leaned further out the window, drawing him back in and pressing your mouth deeper into his own, lungs burning.  
“Oh my gods,” Jason croaked, opening his eyes a little when you finally pulled away, gasping for air and trying to straighten out your thoughts. 
“Oh my gods,” you agreed, slipping your hand around the back of his neck and holding him close, fingers fiddling with the baby hairs there. Jason grinned, his cheeks as red as his lips. 
“Oh my gods! Go Jason!”
You both turned to see Piper and Leo cheering from behind another cabin, holding a barbie umbrella between them. 
Jason blinked at them, and then turned to you, “I told you, it was an ambush.” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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scmg11 · 8 days
Maybe your heart isn’t made of plastic
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Summary: Y/N always considered high school an hellhole where you need to fight everyday to survive, especially when Kate Bishop ruled over everything and everyone adored her. Everyone except her. She hated her. So she just tried to lay low and mind her own business, but when a new student arrive at their school, madness follows.
After a revenge plan, everything falling apart and just overall chaos, Y/N hooked up with none other than Kate Bishop. And it just kept happening. The two started hooking up wherever they had the chance and old feelings start to resurface. But would things work out or they would fall apart eventually?
[I got inspired after watching the new Mean Girls movie and after writing a too long oneshot about an original story with Kate, so I decided to create a book.]
I am here with a brand new book for you! Someone may already know that I got inspired by the new Mean Girls movie and wrote a 27k long oneshot before deciding to create a book and split it into multiple chapters.
This first chapter just go through the movie to introduce chapters and a bit of the background story, but the real story will start in the next chapter, so- STAY TUNED!
I pretty much have the whole book already written so you guys don't have to wait too much for updates (even if I will be busy with updating my Hailee imagines book too).
As always, let me know what you guys think, it's really important your opinion to me ❤️
Oh I almost forgot, this book is pretty much all smut. So read at your own risk 😉.
Sending you guys love ❤️
Chapter 1
Y/N trudged to her locker on a too sunny Monday morning, almost dragging her feet across the school’s hallways with a big scowl on her face, "morning little flower- damn you are glowing today, sweety. Stop that or you’re gonna lit the whole school on fire."
"Very, very, very funny." Y/N turned around to face her best friend with an unimpressed face and found him wearing a teasing grin as he laid his shoulder on the locker beside hers and crossed his arms, "wow, today you’re screaming gay more than ever." Y/N stated after giving her best friend a once over, taking his rainbow t-shirt in and rolling her eyes, then focusing her attention back in her locker to grab her book for her first class.
"Uh-uh, who the hell peed in your Cheerios this morning?"
"Kate Bishop." Y/N growled under her breath after grabbing her book and accentuated her anger by slamming her locker close harshly. "Speaking of the Devil." Y/N rolled her eyes when she saw Kate Bishop strolling down the hallway alongside her friends with her signature smirk on her lips, catching everyone’s attention as their eyes followed them, including Y/N’s ones.
"Oh hey, Y/N. I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t see you there." Kate spoke with a clearly, fake apologizing tone and didn’t bother to listen to Y/N’s comeback before resuming her walk to presumably her first class, giggling alongside her friends.
"What a fucking bitch." Y/N shook her head while eyeing the back of Kate’s head, not realizing her best friend was giving her a pitying gaze.
"What did she do, now?"
"She almost ran me over with her car." Y/N turned around to face her best friend with anger boiling under her skin, her hands clenching around her book as she hugged it hard to her chest.
"What a fucking bitch." Y/N laughed when her best friend repeated her words and shook her head, relaxing right away and bumping her shoulder with the side of his bicep. She was too short to aim for his shoulder.
"Thank you Buck. You always know what to say to cheer me up."
"Oh honey, you know I do."
"Good morning, I would like to introduce you to our new student. She is moving from Slovenia-."
"Sokovia." The red haired girl corrected the principal with a shy smile, her awkward smile settling back on the class staring at her bored.
"Sokovia. Right, hm- welcome Wendy!"
"Oh, it’s Wanda."
"My apologies, Wanda." The redhead nodded once at the apologetic man before meeting everyone’s eyes with an anxious grimace on her lips, but luckily her new teacher pulled her out of her mercy when no one said a thing for a few moments.
"Okay, Wanda take your seat, let’s start the lesson." The blonde pointed to the only empty seat in the room and the girl immediately sauntered to it to sit down.
"Hey." The redhead smiled politely to two of her classmates staring at her with wide smiles, a little bit uncomfortable with their unrelenting gazes giving her a once over.
"Hello, fresh meat." Bucky was the first to speak up, sending Wanda a friendly wave before the other girl, with green ends on her hair did the same.
"Hey Wendy. Welcome to the jungle that is our school."
"Hey- HEY! Are you even listening to me?" Bucky punched Y/N’s shoulder when he noticed the girl was trying to balance a chicken nugget on her nose instead of focusing on him rambling about whatever he was telling her, making the nugget fall onto the ground and finally catching Y/N’s attention.
"Yeah, yeah sure. You were talking about something extremely important." Y/N nodded seriously and completely ignored the nugget falling on the ground and sliding a few feet away from their table, moving her attention on a frowning Bucky instead and pretended to not notice a guy stepping on it.
"I was trying to ask you- have you seen the new girl? She ran away."
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, stabbing some pasta on her fork and chewing on it, all the while Bucky’s eyes never moved from her, staring at her intently. She bit down on her bottom lip at her stomach churning with pity for the new girl and sighed out with an excessive roll of her eyes when her eyes caught Bucky’s pleading ones, already sitting up from the bench, "alright, let’s go rescue her."
Y/N totally ignored Bucky celebrating with a soft squeal and walked out of the room, knowing he was following her. She flipped some dude off that slammed into her on his way to the cafeteria before making her way towards the bathrooms, where she knew the girl was hiding. They smiled politely at a girl walking out and fled in the bathrooms, Y/N crouching down to look under the stalls to locate the redhead and finding her in the middle one, silently pointing at Bucky with her head, who nodded and knocked gently on the door, "hey- everything okay?" She asked with a slightly worried tone and leaned on the first stall’s frame, waiting for the girl to answer. She took a glance at Bucky and found him checking himself out in the mirror and rolled her eyes good-naturedly with a fond, exasperated smile on her lips.
"Yeah." The stall door opened a few moments later and Wanda, with her tray in her hands, appeared, looking a bit uncomfortable and confused but smiled awkwardly at the two best friends nonetheless.
"Rough first day?"
"I don’t know, should it be? I am not used to this."
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked as she grabbed Wanda’s empty tray and threw it in the trash can, waving Bucky off when he looked at her outraged at her gesture, before crossing her arms and lying her butt on the sink behind her, staring at Wanda curiously.
"I was homeschooled."
"Oh that’s so cool!" Bucky exclaimed with an envy, dreamy glint in his eyes as he stared at Wanda, but when Y/N slapped his arm gently he came back to his senses, "so this means you need two guides to help you deal with this shit hole."
"I guess?" Wanda asked more than stated and Y/N already started to like her. She seemed so naive.
"Let’s go. Your first lesson starts now." Y/N signaled for Wanda to follow her as she was already halfway out of the bathroom, Bucky pushing the redhead to move and then followed the two girls out of the bathroom, strolling back into the cafeteria. "Alright- hm, high school is essentially a jungle where if you don’t know how to survive you will be eat alive for sure. That’s why finding a place to belong to is vital. You can choose from the bitchy theater guys, the horny musicians, the dumb jocks, the stoners and the nerdy science guys. Do you feel like you already belong to one of these groups?" Y/N looked at Wanda expectantly after pointing to all the groups sat in the cafeteria, grimacing when her eyes fell on a nerd picking his nose nonchalantly.
"Not really." Wanda shook her head, her face scrunching up in distress as she assessed all the people in the room before looking at Y/N expectantly, "hey, I can hung out with you guys."
Y/N and Bucky shared a quick glance with wide smiles on their lips and nodded eagerly, "it’s fine by us." Bucky shrugged with a wide, excited smile, patting Wanda’s shoulder gently.
"But we need to warn you, we are too cool for this school. Are you sure you can handle all this popularity?" Y/N joked and was glad Wanda caught on it too as she giggled and nodded. Suddenly the chatter in the cafeteria stopped as its doors opened and three girls entered the room.
"Who are they?"
"Oh no, no, no." Y/N shook her head and turned around, pushing Wanda to do the same.
"Do not look them in their eyes!" Bucky whisper-yelled as he covered his eyes dramatically, but Wanda felt like she was frozen in her spot as she watched the trio stroll to the only empty table in the room.
"They are what we like to call them, the plastics. ‘Cause they’re shiny, fake and hard." Y/N explained, finishing with a scoff and a roll of her eyes. "The one on the left is Cassie Lang, she knows everything about everyone. The one on the right is Natasha Romanoff, her parents are famous scientists. She is so good in martial arts I think she might be a spy or something. And the one in the middle is Kate Bishop. Lacrosse team captain and a state archery champion. She is the Queen Bee. She controls the whole school. Everyone is afraid of her." When Y/N noticed Wanda kept staring at the trio now sitting down, Y/N slapped her gently on her shoulder and whispered, "Wanda, do not look or-."
"Hey, you." A voice echoed around the room as chatter slowly started again, Wanda furrowing her eyebrows and pointing at herself confusedly, "yeah, you. Come here."
"No, Wanda!" Y/N tried to grab Wanda’s arm and stop her from walking towards the black haired girl, but she slipped out of her reach and Y/N cursed under her breath as she watched the redhead walk towards the plastics. "Shit."
"What did they tell you?" Y/N asked as soon as Wanda joined them at the cafeteria entrance, the three of them walking down the stairs to go to their shared class after lunch time finished.
"They seem nice. They asked me to sit down with them this week."
"Are you serious?" Y/N asked confused, furrowing her eyebrows and looking at Wanda curiously, stopping in her tracks before she could walk down the stairs.
"Yeah. I don’t know why you two hate them. Kate seems so cool."
"What? No, no, no. Wanda- Kate Bishop is not cool. Kate Bishop is a scum-sucking life ruiner. She is heartless and a master bitch." Y/N nodded firmly when Bucky did the same to her.
"Yeah, Wan. In middle school, Kate told everyone Y/N is-."
"BUCK! Please, let’s move on. I have a plan. You are going to hung out with the plastics and then you’re gonna tell us all the stupid things they say."
"What? You mean spy on them?"
"No. It’s not spying. It’ll be fun!"
"Are you sure? I don’t-." Y/N sighed out imperceptibly and smiled widely at Wanda, leaning her arms on the handrail and then placing her head on them, batting her puppy dog eyes at the redhead.
"You won’t spy on them, we are only going to have fun too." Y/N pushed on and broadened her smile even more, hoping Wanda would give in, which she did a few moments later.
"Okay. I will."
"Yes!" Y/N and Bucky let out in unison to celebrate, before both lifted their hands up to high-five a laughing Wanda. They resumed their walk down the stairs but after a few steps Wanda stopped her friends with worry in her eyes.
"Do you guys have anything with pink I can borrow from you?"
Y/N scoffed outrageously at Wanda and looked at her like she just asked her the most offensive thing in her world, "no."
"Yeah! What shade?" Y/N couldn’t help herself and emit a small snort at Bucky’s enthusiasm, opening their Biology class door and walking in.
"And I’m telling you- Miss Harkness has a big stick up her ass." Bucky scoffed and grunted, closing his locker forcefully, eliciting a soft chuckle for his best friend.
"She does not. I find her funny."
"Just because you have a bigger stick up your ass." Y/N laughed heartily at Bucky’s comeback, leaning her back and head on the lockers before getting ready to deliver a witty counter back, that, sadly, never left her mouth.
"Why don’t you try to take it out? We won’t have to worry about things catching fire all the time." Kate walked by the two best friends with Cassie and Natasha on her trail, laughing at her own joke and subsequently making Cassie and Natasha join her with loud cackles too.
"Oh yeah. Hold on- do you want me to take yours out first?" Y/N smiled politely at Kate, leveling her with a challenging look and lifting her right eyebrow up a moment later, but the plastic just scoffed and walked away. "Bitch." Y/N murmured as she closed her eyes to calm herself down, but her peace was short lived when Wanda came sauntering towards them with a big smile on her face. "Oh no, too much happiness for this hellish environment."
"Sorry, I just- I met a guy in my Calculus class."
"Wow, calculus. You’re smart." Y/N nodded at Y/N in surprise, lifting herself off the lockers to walk out of school.
"Why are you taking that class? Are you trying to punish yourself for something bad you did?" Bucky asked alarmed, eyeing Wanda like she just grew two heads.
"No, I’m pretty good at math."
"Oh, honey, I’m so sorry for you." Wanda shook her head with a small smile at Bucky and shrugged, "anyway, let’s talk about the juicy stuff- who is he?"
"Travis Jarvis."
"What?! No, that’s a big no." Y/N shook her head alarmed, stopping Wanda before she could keep walking and looking into her eyes in warning. "You need to stay away from him."
"He is Kate’s ex boyfriend." Bucky clarified and Y/N nodded in affirmation, Wanda’s frown only deepening.
"Okay? They broke up, right? I can-."
"No. You can’t do anything. He was her property and you can’t touch what was hers."
"No, honey. She will eat you alive. You are the prey and she is the predator."
"The apex predator." Y/N clarified, eyeing Kate talking with Cassie and Natasha in the parking lot.
"You guys are just exaggerating."
"Oh no, we’re not." Bucky shook her head with widened eyes, fear glinting into his irises.
"Someone touched Kate’s lacrosse stick in the locker room last year. That poor girl got transferred. To Europe." Y/N watched Wanda swallow visibly and tried to reassure her, feeling pity at her frightened expression, "if you really want to do this, we will support you, but Kate won’t have to find out." They resumed their walk out of the school but before they reached the big doors, they parted ways to not rise suspicions from the plastics.
"And they have this book, this ‘Burn Book’, where they write mean things about all the girls in our school."
"Wait- ooh- ooh- what does it say about me?"
"You- you’re not in it." Wanda lied and looked down at her hands.
"What? Those bitches." Y/N exclaimed outraged, Bucky chuckling from the couch in Y/N’s garage.
"She gave me a pair of shoes for me to wear."
"Oh, show me!" Bucky got up from the couch in a second and pushed Y/N out of the way as he run towards Wanda, making her fall on the couch with a fond, exasperated chuckle.
"Hey guys, what are you gonna wear to the Halloween party this Friday?" Wanda asked curiously, catching her two friend’s attention from their textbooks. Like every other Wednesday afternoon, they were studying at Y/N’s house, the only day Wanda would hung out with them since Kate had her archery practice, but that question plagued her mind and prevented her to focus on her homework.
"Nothing. We’re not going." Y/N stated simply, focusing her attention back on her textbook.
"Why?" Y/N sighed quietly under her breath at the question and gave up doing her homework for now.
"Because we’re not invited. The plastics never invite us to parties."
"But screw them, we have so many funny activities Friday night." Bucky smiled and nodded at Y/N, who smirked back at her friend knowingly.
"Don’t look at us that way. We’re not sneaking in their parties. A nerd from the science group sneaked into one of their party once. We don’t actually know what the plastics did to him, but he didn’t show up at school for a month and he refused to tell what happened that night." Y/N shrugged and flipped a page over on her book.
"I claim that he got tied to a chair in Kate’s garage and they frightened him for life." Bucky butted in and lifted his hand up, but then placed it on his chest and looked at Wanda in sympathy, thinking back to that guy.
"But it’s fine. Go to that stupid party. You will tell us what happened on Monday."
Y/N and Bucky were in the middle of their scary movies marathon, watching a scary movie they hadn’t had the chance to see yet and chewing on popcorn from time to time. "He is gonna catch her, you see." Y/N stated with a knowing voice as she grabbed a few kettle corns to eat.
"Shhh." Y/N and Bucky had their eyes glued on the screen, waiting for the jump scare to happen but they relaxed as soon the woman in the movie did too, as nothing happened. About 3 seconds passed before the two best friends jumped up in fright when the monster caught the woman in the movie a moment later, before jumping up from the couch again in fear a second later while screaming at the top of their lungs when someone opened abruptly Y/N’s garage door, making Y/N threw the popcorn at them.
"Holy fucking shit! Wanda!"
"Sorry." The redhead closed the garage door and trudged into the room with tears running down her face, sniffling under her breath and looking at her friends in sorrow.
"What happened?" Bucky immediately sat up and guided Wanda, with her makeup now ruined by her tears, on the couch.
"She kissed him. In front of me. She told me she was gonna talk to him for me but then she kissed him." Wanda explained after she calmed down from the hiccups, a few tears escaping her eyes again as she explained to Y/N and Bucky, making the two best friends look at her pitifully.
"That’s who Kate Bishop really is. A fucking egocentric cunt." Y/N stated after Wanda finished speaking, looking in the distance with an anger glint burning behind her eyes.
"Now I see why you hate her so much." Wanda lifted her head up and looked at Y/N in her eyes.
"Because that’s what she always does. When we were in middle school, she told everyone Y/N is-."
"BUCK! Not now."
"No, I know the story. You were in love with Kate and you burned her backpack when she didn’t feel the way." Wanda explained as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand, smiling gratefully at Y/N when she offered her a Kleenex. "Thank you."
"That’s what she said? Really?" Y/N asked outraged with fire burning behind her eyes, scoffing and lifting her legs up on the couch to hug them closely when Wanda nodded tentatively.
"That’s not what happened. Let me explain it to you." Bucky sat up and grabbed a box under a drawer and placed it on the coffee table. "With dolls."
"Ugh, Buck, can you not?"
"She deserves to know the truth!" Bucky countered back to Y/N sternly, eyeing Y/N hard and lifted the top of the box only when Y/N sighed out dejected and hugged her knees closer, resigned to listening to Bucky explain the story, "Y/N and Kate used to be best friends in middle school."
"I know, right? Shocking! Anyway, they were inseparable. One day, they gave each other these friendship pets and Y/N put this pin on hers to come out to Kate." Bucky pointed to the rainbow pin on the fluffy pet, "Kate was happy Y/N came out to her and put the same pin on hers for support, because- she used to be human." Bucky stated, making Y/N smile at his joke, "a few days later, Kate confessed to Y/N she liked a boy in their class named Kyle. Y/N, of course, supported her- they were best friends. They went to a party and when it was time for the spin the bottle game, Kate was afraid Kyle liked Y/N more, so when he spun the bottle and it landed on Y/N, Kate kissed Y/N in front of everyone abruptly and then brushed it off saying things like ‘I knew she would let me kiss her, because she is a dyke and completely obsessed with me’." Y/N rolled her eyes when Bucky tried to imitate Kate and making the two dolls he had in his hands kiss, but didn’t interrupt him, eyeing Wanda quickly and finding her completely focused on Bucky, "they had a really bad fight and stopped talking. But Kate, the bitch that she is, brought that pet everywhere she went. Y/N heard her making everyone say hi to the pet and call it Sissy Liz, that was a code name for ‘obsessed lesbian’. She was basically making fun of Y/N and everyone knew except Y/N. So during chemistry class she lit that pet on fire to get rid of it. Kate’s backpack caught slightly on fire and Y/N got expelled."
"So when you got home you couldn’t explain why." Wanda finished with a pensive tone, already looking at Y/N in sympathy as all the pieces of the story fell onto place.
"Yeah. And Kate got away with it." Bucky finished with his story and placed everything back in the box, scoffing under his breath.
"I’m so sorry you went through all of that."
"It’s in the past now, Wan. But now you see Kate for who she really is. Now you know she is not your friend. We are your friends. And we’re gonna make her pay."
"That bitch deserves a lesson." Bucky butted in and high-fived Y/N, while Wanda looked at the two confused.
"Yeah, do you want your happy ending with Vis?" Wanda nodded, her eyes already filling up with tears as the image of Kate kissing him in front of her appeared in her mind, "then we’re gonna have a fucking revenge party." Y/N smirked widely at her friends before sprinting to her laptop to start working, while Wanda and Bucky decided to watch a movie. About an hour later she hung a white sheet on the wall, turned on her projector and cleared her throat to grab her friend’s attention. Bucky stopped the movie and both Bucky and Wanda looked over at Y/N’s presentation while Y/N stood beside it with a focused frown on, "so, here’s the plan. We need to take Kate from off her throne. Targeting all the things around her she cares the most. First thing first. Her perfect body." Y/N pointed to the first point on her PowerPoint projection, making both Wanda and Bucky look at her weirdly for how much effort she put on that presentation.
"Wow, talk about dedication." Bucky joked but Y/N waved him off and continued.
"Then putting her best friends against her. And last but not less important, making Vis dump her. Questions?" Y/N looked at her small audience and lifted her right eyebrow up in question, pointing at Bucky, who lifted his hand up.
"You remind me of my first grade teacher. She looked like Satan." Bucky snickered at his own joke and at Y/N staring at him unamused. A few seconds later Y/N grabbed the first thing she had within her reach and threw it at him. "Ohw! Throwing your tubes of paint at me is not nice."
"You should be glad it wasn’t an hammer." Y/N deadpanned with an hard stare directed at Bucky and lifted an eyebrow up defiantly. A few seconds of silence wrapped around them into the garage before the three of them let out loud cackles.
"I have a question." Wanda lifted her hand up after she calmed down and waited for Y/N’s full attention, who nodded after wiping away a few tears that escaped her eyes, "do we have to do these things in succession or-."
"Not really. But I think destroying her perfect image would be the logical thing to do first." Y/N shrugged, turning her head around and staring at the words projected on the sheet as a pensive frown rolled over her features.
"It would definitely make her go mad. Turning her friends against her would definitely come subsequently." Bucky added with a small nod as he leaned back on the couch and stretched his arms over the top of it.
"But how can we do that?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows pensively and stroked her chin gently, wracking her brain for a good idea to start with their plan. The three teenagers spent about 5 minutes thinking in silence, all staring into space and humming from time to time as they discarded a few ideas. Suddenly Y/N sat up from the coffee table and lifted her hand up in victory. "I got it. Okay- this Thursday we have that stupid celebration for her win as the Spring Fling Queen last year. We can start with that."
"Where is the celebration?" Wanda asked, still getting used to all these school activities.
"On the football field." Bucky explained to Wanda when Y/N didn’t answer right away as she stared at the ground, thinking over a plan of action.
"Oh I got it! Oh this will be amazing- we are gonna fucking hit her with hydrants and drench her in front of the whole school. She will be furious." Y/N explained out loud happily, proud for coming up with that idea.
"Oh I would definitely cry in front of everyone." Bucky nodded with fear in his eyes, looking into space as he probably imagined the scene, and Y/N rolled her eyes good-naturedly at her friend.
"How the fuck is that possible? We splashed water into her fucking face and she transformed into a model? I had my feed full of Kate stroking her boobs with that stupid sexy face. And she even created a new trend. Are you fucking kidding me? Ugh." Y/N punched Bucky’s locker in frustration before leaning her forehead on it, making her best friend gasp at her.
"Hey! Don’t hate on my locker."
"I’m sorry. But our plan had a really shit start. We only made her more popular." Y/N lifted her head up to stare at her best friend in apology before leaning her forehead back on the cold surface with another frustrated groan and closing her eyes to calm her nerves but a rustling sound of paper beside her ear made her lift her head back up and meet Wanda’s eyes instead, eyeing the bar she was eating. "What’s that?"
"Oh, that’s actually my lunch. I need to study before my test, that will be after lunch. I don’t have time to eat so I’m using this bar that my mom used to give to people in need in Sokovia. It helps you ingest all kind of nutrients and vitamins. She gave it to people starving to help them gain weight fast." Y/N was certain that if she was in a cartoon a lightbulb would’ve appeared on top of her head and lighted up as a devilish idea popped into her head.
"Wan, I think you gave us inspiration for step 2 of our plan." Wanda stared at Y/N’s face erupting in a big, mischievous grin and stared at her in confusion, waiting for her to clarify. "You’re gonna make Kate believe these things are used to loose weight in Sokovia instead. In no time she will have to say goodbye to her perfect body."
"Damn girl, I love when you’re such a dick." Bucky chuckled and bumped his shoulder with Y/N’s one, who just shrugged with a fake humble smile before chuckling evilly under her breath.
"Holy shit! Kate just bumped into me on her way to class. I was so shocked I didn’t even register her calling me an idiot. Shit- those bars are starting to work." Y/N sat down in her chair in class and sighed when it luckily didn’t start yet, meeting Wanda’s and Bucky’s eyes with her own widened in bewilderment.
"Yeah, I noticed it too this morning in the parking lot." Bucky nodded with a proud smile, winking at Y/N mischievously.
"Yeah. Yesterday she was so pissed-off she yelled at Natasha and Cassie all the time. Cassie is afraid she hadn’t ‘crapped’ in two weeks." Wanda grimaced in worry and recalled how brutal Kate was being with her best friends the days prior.
"Perfect. That’s just perfect. She is starting to crumble!"
"Buck stop trying to set me up with that girl in your class. I’m not interested." Y/N repeated for the umpteenth time to her best friend as she closed her locker, groaning in frustration when he tried to protest, again.
"I would be surprised if she is interested in you." Kate scoffed as appeared from behind Y/N and snickered at her own joke, making her three friends that followed her around do the same. Y/N fleetingly met Wanda’s eyes over Cassie’s shoulder before moving her eyes onto Kate, staring at her proudly of her insult. She took a deep breath to calm herself down.
"Well, I guess you definitely need to pull a surprised face. I like to people. You’re not the only one good with her mouth in our school." Y/N countered back cheekily, lifting her eyebrow up in challenge as an evil smirk appeared on her lips. She could swear she saw Kate blush, but her angry brain was definitely pulling jokes on her.
"Pft, bullshit."
"Wanna test it out?" Kate imperceptibly faltered in her stance as she swallowed quickly, but Y/N didn’t notice it.
"Y’know what I think? I think you only like to show off with your mouth. I think you only use it for selling bullshit." And with that Kate walked away, purposefully slamming into Y/N and making her hit her back on the lockers behind her, as her friends followed behind her. Wanda sent an apologetic smile at Y/N as she passed by her before stopping abruptly to prevent to fall into Natasha. The plastics suddenly stopped and Wanda lifted her head up to look what was happening and her heart fell down at her feet when she watched Kate and Travis kiss in front of her. "Hm, hey babe. You should push your hair back like this." Wanda watched as Kate slipped her fingers in Travis’ hair and pulled them back, a gesture that Wanda was sure was overly sexual to spite her, "Wanda, tell him her looks better with his hair pushed back."
Wanda swallowed the jealousy she felt bubbling up in her throat and, after taking a calming breath, spoke up with a blank stare, "you look better with your hair pushed back."
With that Kate walked with Travis, Natasha and Cassie out of the school, while Wanda stayed back to catch up with Y/N and Bucky. "What a fucking cunt." Y/N exclaimed, pulling Wanda’s eyes away from the door Kate and Travis just walked out and nod at her in agreement.
"She’s such an asshole."
"We need to hit harder. Cassie is the next one. We need to put her best friends against her."
"I can’t. She is too fragile." Wanda countered back with a sad expression on her face and Y/N sighed out disappointed.
"Dude, she just forced you to compliment Travis when she knows you like him. We need to hit hard. You will end up with Travis as soon as she is off her throne."
"I’ll end up with Travis as soon as she is off her throne." Wanda repeated with a dreamy expression and Y/N grinned widely at her as she started to give in.
"Yes bitch."
"Okay, let’s do it."
"Guys, it worked. Cassie told me a lot of Kate’s secrets. Did you know last year she convinced a girl from the opposite team to not wear her underwear during a game and while they were playing she pushed her pants down and made her flash her intimate parts to thousands of people just to score?"
"That would be something Kate would do, yeah." Bucky nodded after imagining it in his mind, sipping on his tea gently.
"As much as despicable that was, we don’t need it. Anything else we can use against her?"
"She is cheating on Travis. With Ryan Perrick. Every Tuesday and Thursday in the janitor’s closet." Wanda spoke right away, not even thinking about anything else Cassie told her in the school’s bathrooms.
"What? Holy shit, that’s perfect! This way our plan will be over. You’ll see." Y/N grinned mischievously at Wanda as she clicked her cup with Bucky’s one.
"Oh and she also told me Kate is trying a new Japanese or something technique to have perfect skin. I thought it would’ve been useful."
"Yeah, it will definitely will. Buck go get that lard jar in my kitchen. We’re gonna give Kate some new, expensive Italian facial cream." Y/N spoke with a too sweet tone as her eyes lighted up enthusiastically, her best friend running into the kitchen as a snicker left his lips.
"The Queen Bee just got dethroned." Y/N stated with a delighted sigh after taking a seat in her History class, looking at Bucky with the same facial expression.
"That’s what I call a perfect plan. Kate lost all her power." Y/N high-fived Bucky enthusiastically before eyeing Wanda weirdly as she applied lip gloss on her lips. She shrugged it off and smiled once again at the girl, "hey, are you free this weekend? My art exhibition is this Friday."
"This Friday? Oh no, I can’t. I have this thing with my family. We already have tickets. I’m so sorry." Wanda looked remorseful at Y/N for just a moment before she turned back around and continued touching up her makeup happily, looking herself through the small mirror in her hand.
"Yeah, you really look sorry." Y/N eyed Wanda and scoffed, shaking it off and looking at Bucky, who shrugged at her.
"Do you want to watch a movie tonight? We are watching another scary movie. I love watching Y/N pee herself from the fright." Y/N turned around in her seat and punched Bucky on his shoulder, who chuckled happily at his mocking, but Wanda kept staring at herself in her mirror, not looking at their friends once.
"Oh, I can’t tonight. I have plans with Cassie and Nat."
"But the plan is over." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows confused, but Wanda just shrugged as she sat up, Y/N and Bucky looking at her confused.
"I know, but I want to have fun with one last strike. I’ll see you tomorrow. Kisses."
Y/N and Bucky stared at Wanda appalled and watched her walk away, Bucky waving unconvinced at her before shrugging at each other as their professor showed up a moment later.
"Oh God."
"You dirty, little liar." Y/N exclaimed as she walked towards Wanda with fury burning behind her eyes.
"I’m sorry! I can explain."
"Explain what? That you forgot to invite us to your party?"
"You know I couldn’t invite you. I had to pretend to be a plastic."
"Hey, hon, this is not pretending anymore. You became a plastic too. Cold, shiny, hard plastic." Y/N scoffed with a roll of her eyes and went to walk away to join Bucky, waiting on his bike, but stopped and turned around to send a withering glare to Wanda, clearly not over with the conversation yet. "Did you have fun with your new awesome friends? Had some fantastic shots and just had a great overall time with each other’s awesomeness?" Y/N mocked Wanda with an overly sweet tone, watching as a frown appeared on her face, but she couldn’t care less if she hurt her. She was done with her shit.
"Y’know what? You made me do this shit for your own 8th grade personal revenge, do not blame me."
"Ah shit, at least me and Kate know we are mean. You only like to play the victim for your own good."
"You know what?! It’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something." Bucky gasped loudly as he put his hand on his chest while Y/N froze on her spot with an annoyed expression on her face.
"Oh no, she did not."
"What?! You see, this is the problem with you plastics. You think everyone is in love with you when news flash baby, everyone HATES you. Including Vis, that after dumping Kate, he still doesn’t want you. You are a mean girl, just like Kate. Here." Y/N threw a rolled up paper to Wanda and walked away with a loud scoff, "you can have this. It won a prize."
"And I want my pink shirt back!"
The next day Y/N and Bucky strolled into what they couldn’t call a school anymore. People were fighting with papers scattered all over the floor and on the walls. They eyed in disbelief what was unfolding in front of them and dodged a few girls pulling at their hair as they finally arrived at Y/N’s locker, where a paper with a picture with her and Bucky was attached on it. Y/N picked it up with her eyebrows furrowed curiously before anger boiled under her skin at the words written under the picture, "Y/N, the pyro-lez?!"
"Bucky is too gay to function." Bucky read out loud and Y/N gasped outraged.
"Hey! I only can say that." Y/N slammed her hand with the paper on her thigh and assessed the caos that was still taking place in the hallway. Girls in the whole school were fighting. Two of them were slamming another one on the lockers on their right, other two were trying to punch another one in the face, one was trying to bite another girl on her ear. It was a mess. Bucky screeched loudly when a girl got thrown right beside him and he cowered behind Y/N, who rolled her eyes somewhat amused at his behavior. "There she is. The new Queen Bee." Y/N spoke purposefully out loud when Wanda walked beside her and both stared at Wanda hard, narrowing their eyes at her when she tried to wave at them, but the principal’s voice booming over the hallways interrupted her. Y/N noticed a smug Kate Bishop standing beside him with her arms crossed and she instantly knew this was all her fault.
"Every girl in the gym. NOW!"
"Okay, who’s next? Oh Y/N, go on." Y/N smiled at her teacher and walked up the makeshift stage, looking one more time at the paper with the apology she wrote on it and prepared to speak up.
"Oh this will be awesome. Maybe she will lit something on fire." Kate spoke up from the crowd, making everyone laugh at her joke, while Y/N bit the inside of her cheek and balled her paper up, throwing it on the ground.
"Okay, I have some apologies to make I guess. I have a new friend, she is a new student. And I convinced her it would’ve been fun messing up with Kate Bishop’s life. I had her pretend to be friends with her and then she would come to my house after so we could laugh about all the dumb things Kate said. Oh and we gave her some bars that would make her gain weight and then we turned her best friends against her. What else- oh yeah- and then Wanda- oh you know my friend Wanda, right?" Y/N pointed to the redhead on her left, making everyone stare at her a few moments before focusing her attention back on herself, "she told him Kate was cheating on him and then she convinced him to break up with her." The anger appearing on Kate’s face was the peak of Y/N’s week, but she kept going with a proud smirk on her lips, "oh and we switched lard for her face cream." Y/N chuckled softly under her breath, "but then it all went to shit because apparently Wanda is just like Kate Bishop. So the apologies are for me." Y/N flipped the bird to Kate and instead of falling into the crowd like everyone did before her, she hopped down the makeshift stage and walked out of the gym and out of the school, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion when she turned around and noticed everyone else was following her. Well not exactly her, but apparently Kate and Wanda fighting a few feet from her, also walking out of the school. She then exited the school and crossed the road to go to Bucky’s bike and wait for him there. She leaned her butt on his friend’s bike and watched Kate standing in the middle of the street fighting badly with Wanda but after a few moments everyone gasped loudly when they saw some stupid student run Kate over with his car.
Luckily Kate only suffered from a back and neck injury, but she was overly fine. Despite that, Y/N had to fight against her guilty feelings. If she didn’t let her hatred for what Kate did to her take over her, Kate wouldn’t have been run over by a car. She knew it was stupid thinking that, but she couldn’t help it. After a long chat with Bucky, he convinced her it wasn’t her fault. None of that was her fault. And luckily Kate was okay. They also stopped talking to Wanda, who went back to being ignored and eat in the bathroom, but the two best friends didn’t gave a shit about her. She was a bitch to them and she deserved it all. After a strangely calm month, the Spring Fling finally rolled over. Y/N had to endure a lot of convincing from Bucky, but after trying for the umpteenth time, she finally gave in and went with him as his plus one. She chose a purple suit that, as Bucky stated ‘hugged her in all the right places’, while Bucky chose a classic black one. "Damn Buck, you almost look straight tonight."
"Bitch, you know I will never be. Here put the flower you so nicely gifted me in my pocket."
"You are supposed to do it to me, not the way around, dude." Y/N reasoned with a chuckle but grabbed the white rose from Bucky’s hands nonetheless and did what he asked her to, before smiling widely when he pulled another white rose from behind his back and placed it in her suit pocket too.
"Let‘s go break some hearts." Y/N laughed heartily at Bucky’s joke and let him pull her out of his house and into his car, jamming to loud songs as they drove towards their school.
"Holy shit."
The party was already in full swing when they entered the gym, now all decorated for the Spring Fling, and Y/N and Bucky stopped at the entrance to take over the room, their eyes watching people dancing on the floor, drinking at the tables or smoking under the bleachers. "Do you want something to drink?"
"Are you kidding me? There’s no way I’m going through this hell without being drunk." Y/N deadpanned with a serious, almost scared face, causing a small laugh to escape Bucky’s lips before he shook his head and pushed her towards the table where punch was on.
Wanda, after making up with Bucky, let him lead her to Y/N, finding her dancing with a few guys and girls from the A.V. Club. She watched her a few moments before taking a big, grounding breath and then tapped on Y/N’s shoulder, watching her turn around and noticing she still had the piece of crown she threw at her after winning in her hand, and with an hopeful tone she asked, "so- friends?" She batted her big doe eyes at Y/N and patiently waited for Y/N’s answer.
"I don’t know, are you still a bitch?"
"No." Wanda smiled softly at the girl and immediately shook her head, her gesture making a small grin grow on Y/N’s stoic face too, instantly calming her nerves down.
"Then we’re cool. C’mere." Y/N chuckled and circled her arms around Wanda, hugging her close for a few moments.
"I don’t know how is that possible, but Kate apologized too, in some twisted and confused way in the bathroom." Wanda told Y/N with a still perplexed expression, her mind still reeling from that moment.
"Oh really? I would’ve loved to witness it. Where is Vis?"
"It didn’t workout. He is with a girl from his science class now." Wanda told Y/N with a resigned shrug and Y/N caressed her shoulder gently in apology.
"Oh I’m so sorry." Bucky butted in, caressing Wanda’s shoulder too, who smiled at her friends gratefully.
"It doesn’t matter."
"We can always make up a plan to make him pay." Y/N joked, giggling at Wanda when she widened her eyes and shook her head furiously.
"No, no, no, no. I’m done with revenge."
"That’s fair." Y/N nodded still giggling and circled her arm around Wanda’s shoulders, Bucky hugging her torso from the other side.
"Besides, I already forgot about him. I just want to have fun with my friends tonight."
"That‘s it, bitch. Let’s go have another drink." Y/N smiled widely and pushed them to the table where all the drinks were, but Bucky stopped her and pulled her and Wanda to the dance floor instead.
"It can wait. Let’s go dance now, bitches!"
"No! I need to drink. Wanda is your dancing buddy from now on." Y/N chuckled as successfully sneaked away from Bucky’s hands and waved through the sea of people to finally walk towards the table where the spiked punch was, grabbed a red cup to fill and took a sip of the strong drink as she leaned her ass on a random table to catch some breath, not noticing she stopped at the table where Kate was sat in. "Hey." Y/N smiled awkwardly at the black haired girl staring at her just a few feet from her and waved at her with her free hand.
"Oh, hey Y/N!" Kate was definitely high from medications if her hooded eyes were anything to go by, and Y/N still smiled awkwardly at the plastic, watching as she blinked a few times into space before struggling to grab her fancy cup and trying to drink from it, only to huff out in frustration when her collar prevented her to.
Y/N sighed out loud and debated with herself for a few moments if she should help Kate or not. A few moments later she made up her mind. She wasn’t a monster. "Fuck it." Y/N whispered under her breath and sat up, walking over Kate and placing her red cup on the table before grabbing Kate’s glass from her hands and sliding gently between Kate’s slightly open legs to let her drink easily and prevent it to spill on Kate’s dress, "here, let me help you."
Kate stared at Y/N gratefully and drank softly from the cup, never moving her eyes away from Y/N. Y/N suppressed an entertained smile by biting on her bottom lip at Kate rolling her eyes slightly back in delight as she drank, "thank you."
Y/N nodded with a soft smile and stared into Kate’s blue eyes for just a moment then started to move away from her, but she just had the time to move to the side from Kate’s slightly open legs before two hands grabbed her waist and pushed her down, making her sit on Kate’s lap. "O-kay."
Y/N smiled awkwardly down at Kate, who stared back at her with a dopey smile while her arms circled around Y/N’s waist, making her gasp softly under her breath at the sudden gesture. "Hm, you smell nice."
Y/N tapped with the palm of her hand the top of Kate’s glass before moving it on top of Kate’s head and tapped her hair gently when Kate leaned her head as much as her collar allowed her to into Y/N’s neck and breathe her perfume in, an awkward smile stretching over Y/N’s lips, "thanks, I guess?"
"You look nice too. I love purple." Kate leaned her head slightly more into Y/N’s neck and hummed softly as she hugged her tightly.
"Kate, what is this?" Y/N couldn’t help but ask after staying awkwardly into Kate’s arms for a few seconds, staring at her seriously and almost regretted using an harsh tone when she noticed the vulnerability swirling into Kate’s blue eyes when she pulled away to stare into her own Y/E/C irises.
"It’s me missing my best friend. I’m sorry I treated you like shit. I really liked spending time with you."
"Kate, you’re high." Y/N shook her head to prevent her brain to fall for the girl’s games again, putting a metaphorical space between them. She wasn’t going to let Kate fuck her up again.
"Maybe. My pills make me like everyone. Can you believe I said I liked Lili’s dress? And she is wearing orange! Who the fuck likes orange?"
Y/N shook her head and breathed out a small laugh. Kate didn’t change so much. And she somehow loved it. "Are you okay?"
"My back hurts a bit, but with you here with me, I feel better."
"Okay, you are definitely so fucking high." Y/N stated with an amused laugh and looked at Kate when she pulled away to observe people dance distractedly. She found herself getting lost in taking Kate in, from her perfectly styled hair, to her light make up, then moving her eyes down her green dress and appreciating it hugging her body as it was starting to become lean and muscular again. Luckily, before she started ogling at her exposed chest, Kate’s voice pulled her out of her inappropriate daze.
"I wanna dance." Y/N sighed out happily when she moved her eyes away from Kate’s chest a moment before she met her eyes and smiled innocently at her, nodding slightly at her.
"Are you sure you can with-?" Y/N waved her hand around her head and neck to point to Kate’s collar situation, but the black haired girl just nodded slightly at her with the same dopey smile.
"Yeah, dummy. It’s here for a reason." Kate laughed loudly at her own joke that Y/N clearly missed but laughed unconvinced alongside her before widening her eyes comically when Kate patted her butt a few times, "get up, we’re dancing." Y/N sat up slowly as her mind still reeled for Kate’s gesture, so much lost in her head she just let Kate grab her hand and pull her towards the dance floor where Bucky and Wanda were still dancing. What the fuck?
"Look who finally decided to join us again! And she brought fresh meat!" Bucky exclaimed, screeching loudly when Kate went towards him and took his hand to dance. Y/N watched Bucky carefully spun her around before the two started dancing back to back in a someway funny way. It was weird watching Kate so care-free but Y/N liked it nonetheless.
"Y/N! C’mere!" Y/N widened her eyes comically when Kate pulled on her hand and turned her around quickly, making her slam her back on Kate’s front as her arms circled her waist.
"Kate- are you-?"
"Shut up and dance." Y/N swallowed the rest of her question as nodded, before swallowing once again at Kate moving her hips to the rhythm and occasionally hitting Y/N’s butt. Was she really grinding on her?
"Oh fuck it." Y/N exclaimed under her breath at her mind reeling and let herself go on the dance floor for once, thanking the alcohol in her system for that. After a few beats of dancing seductively with Kate, she grabbed Wanda’s hand when she stood in front of her and danced care-freely to the EDM music blasting loudly through the speakers in their gym.
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Someone to Take Care of — Wally Darling x gn! reader
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summery: Reader gets injured! Don't worry, Wally's there to help you feel better.
tw: Getting hit (by a ball)
a/n: First Welcome Home fic. I feel pretty good about this one! Didn't really knew how to end it tho so oops.
wc: 0.9k
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Sitting on my porch, I crocheted a blanket I’ve been meaning to make for awhile now. It was a beautiful sunny day, bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds rolled overhead. How could I not sit outside? I’d look up from time to time, spotting a fluttering butterfly or bumbling bee. Taking a deep breath, the smell of freshly cut grass filled my lungs. I could hear the faint sounds of Julie laughing and Frank grumbling. A nice day indeed. 
“Well howdy, neighbor,” A familiar voice greeted me. I looked up in surprise, not having heard Wally walk up to me. I met his half lidded gaze with a small smile. He adorned his usual white button up and blue cardigan, and not to mention his iconic rainbow pants. 
“Hey, Wally,” I greeted back, resting my unfinished blanket in my lap. A warm breeze swept through and I felt myself relax at the feeling. “How are you doing?”
“Doing better now that I’m with you,” He replied smoothly, his lazy grin seeming to grow a bit. “How about you?”
“Doing great,” I replied, drawing my gaze over his shoulder, the immense eyecontact making me feel a bit uncomfortable. His head tilted a tiny bit, but he didn’t change his expression. 
“That’s good to hear,” He hummed, his monotonous voice somewhat comforting. “I see you’re working on something, mind if I join you?” I met his gaze once more, and noticed that he seemed to be carrying his art supplies. 
“Oh!” I exclaimed, feeling a bit dumb for not noticing sooner. “Of course! It’s nice to have some company.”
Wally hummed in agreement and sat on my other porch chair. He set up his easel and supplies and I continued on my blanket. The content feeling I had before only grew as now I was in the company of a friend. It was refreshing. It was like that for a while, a comfortable silence settled over us, only the humming of bugs and laughter of friends nearby breaking it. Though for some reason, the feeling of someone watching me made me tense a bit. I glanced over at Wally from the corner of my eye. He seemed to be in his own world, painting whatever it was on his canvas. I couldn’t help but feel curious. 
“(Y/n)!” I snapped my gaze up at Julie as she yelled. She had a worried look and waved her arms erratically. “Watch out!”
I didn’t realize what was wrong until it was too late. I cried out in pain as a ball hit the side of my head. In reflex, I held my head, squeezing my eyes shut. Ow, it hurt real bad, but I’ve been hurt worse. The sound of rushing feet surrounded me as I heard the worried voices of my friends.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n),” Julie cried, sniffling slightly.
“Are you alright?” The low voice of Barnaby asked.
“I told you to be careful,” Frank scolded, what I’m assuming was Julie and Barnaby. 
“Now now,” The calm voice of Wally spoke up. “Let’s not crowd them. Don’t worry everyone, I’ll make sure they’re okay.”
I opened my eyes, rubbing at the spot I was hit. My heart crumbled at Julie’s teary eyed expression. Barnaby still looked worried and I could see Frank seemed slightly worried as well.
“I’ll be fine,” I forcibly smiled, trying to ease their feelings. “Just need some ice and I’ll be right as rain.” 
Julie gave me a quick hug, and I hugged her back. They all waved as they walked off, ball laying forgotten at the bottom of my porch. I’ll have to return that at a later time. 
“C’mon neighbor,” Wally coaxed, hand out towards me. “Let’s get you some ice and a treat for being so brave.”
“I’m not a kid, Wally,” I replied with a small smile, accepting his hand and allowing him to pull me up from my seat. “...but a cookie does sound good right now…”
“Ha ha ha,” Wally laughed, his somewhat unnerving but oddly endearing laugh. “I’m sure Poppy would love to give you some as a get well soon gift.” 
Wally led me into my house, and I was hyper aware of the fact that he hasn’t let go of my hand yet. Having me sit on my couch, Wally leaned down and pressed his mouth to my forehead, his way of giving me a forehead kiss. I felt my stomach flutter as he slowly let go of my hand and made his way into my kitchen. I stared down at my hands in my lap, many feelings overwhelming me. I could still feel the imprint of where his mouth once laid. Do I like him…more than a friend? No, no I couldn’t. Wally’s just being a good friend and taking care of me after I got hurt. I’m just not used to being taken care of. That’s all. That’s what these weird feelings are. 
Wally quickly re-entered the living room, pressing the ice pack gently where I was hit. I still felt a bit shy, glancing up at him from time to time in the corner of my eye. Whenever our eyes met, I felt myself fluster and looked back down at my lap.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Wally asked. 
I nodded the best I could with the ice pack pressed to my head, “I’m just not used to being taken care of.”
Wally’s gaze seemed to soften, a seemingly lovesick expression if I didn’t know any better, “It’s nice to know that people care. I care about you, neighbor.” 
I felt my chest tighten, the moment seeming more intimate. I wasn’t sure how to reply. I tried to bite down the smile threatening to overtake me but I didn’t do too well in that effort. 
“I care about you too,” I reflect. Wally only smiled, and I smiled back. I suppose getting hurt isn’t so bad if this is the outcome.
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ssho197 · 9 months
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period started, now what about bf xiao caring for you?
pls send help my stomach hurts real bad god sleeping at night is going to be hell. hoping my pad keeps my bed safe from everything
so…….. have you guys heard of a rainbow kiss before………….. yeah me neither…………….
boyfriend xiao who definitely didn’t understand periods at all and just never asked questions, until a conversation like this went down. “hey xiao i’m gonna go to the store to get some pads do you need anything?” x: “no im alright. also what are pads for?” then you had to sit down with him and have the talk. clearly zhongli didn’t educate his son on sex ed
boyfriend xiao who probably made “it’s that time of the month again” jokes until once you cried bc of how messy emotions feel before it hits (idk abt anyone else but that’s how it is for me, i feel so agitated all the time before it hits 😭)
boyfriend xiao who would lay in your lap and keep his hand on your stomach or hold a hot water bottle to your stomach while you’d watch a movie or smth together. even though you’d say, “xiao.. it doesn’t smell that good down there.. you sure you want to lay there?” he’d probs just give a nod and keep watching the show
boyfriend xiao who would take all the behavioural signs that you’re letting off so he can tell where you are in your cycle and whatever, yk oval week bleeding week and whatever else there is idfk.
boyfriend xiao who would either be super close with you or super far away from you during your period, he’d prepare hot tea and hot water bottles for you, he’d buy chocolate for you and cook whatever you’re craving (not that he can cook but you’re too tired to get up and make anything better)
boyfriend xiao who would MAKE his own chocolate for you (idk i just see xiao i’m the kitchen OMFG ITS VISIBLES CHEF XIAO SERIES AGAIN OMFG EBERYTHING HAS BECOME FULL CIRCLE)
boyfriend xiao who would not understand how oval week works and think that someone drugged you to make to behave this way in front of him, then you had to have another sit down talk with him.
boyfriend xiao who would make sure the bathroom is always stocked with pads OR TAMPONS (I TOTALLY FORGOT ABT TAMPONS) omfg wait there’s other menstrual products too 💀 forgot abt them. just imagine xiao keeps the bathroom stocked up mkay
boyfriend xiao who would still want to have happy banging time but doesn’t want to hurt you so you decide to just rub one out for him (i giggled at this 💀)
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Royal Pain Part 25
I make two promises about the end of this chapter. It's not what it looks likes, and that it WILL be fixed in the next chapter.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24
Steve was keeping busy. He was! Running a shop full time and his apprentices were only half way through their training, he didn’t have time to moon over Eddie.
But as much as he wanted to lie to himself he knew that there were too many times that he spent checking his phone for text messages, voicemails, and IG DMs. It was lame. And worse?
He had to watch this.
Vickie walked up to Robin. “Hey, babe. Can you show me how to do the multiple scheduling again? The time I tried, I accidentally scheduled all the way out to the year 3025. Which really, really shouldn’t be possible.”
Robin giggled. “I think they had to put in an end date and went as obscene as possible thinking that they wouldn’t have to update it in their life time.”
Vickie blushed and ran her hand up and down Robin’s arm. “Thanks for showing me again.”
Robin nearly fell out of the chair. Vickie quickly grabbed her and barely managed to prevent her from taking a nosedive.
“Right,” Robin said, ducking her head to hide her flush of embarrassment, she showed Vickie how to do the scheduling again.
He turned to Chrissy. “Please save me from this disaster, Duchess. It’s killing me.”
“You wish is my command, my liege,” she purred and stalked toward the reception desk.
Her outfit was barely this side of professional, but considering what other artist wore in their shops, he couldn’t call her out on it. It was pretty much the preppy pastel version of those other shops. Tight, light blue, skinny jeans with a baby blue tank top and white suede jacket, draped artfully on her elbows to show off her tattoos.
She leaned over the desk giving Robin and Vickie an eyeful of her perky breasts. She reached over and curled one of Robin’s loose strands of hair around her finger. Robin turned absolutely red.
‘You coming to Club Rainbow tonight?” Chrissy simpered, using the easier to say nickname for the Rainbow High Club.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” she said, glancing over at Steve and then back to her. “With E–with it being so quiet lately, I figured we weren’t going.”
Chrissy smiled. “I’m always down for bright lights, pumping music, free flowing booze, and...” she leaned closer, “pretty girls.”
If Robin had been red before she positively scarlet now.
Chrissy twisted so she was leaning back on the desk. She flicked a long nailed finger under Vickie’s chin. “How about you, green-eyed girl? You coming, too?”
Everyone’s jaws dropped.
But it worked.
Suddenly Robin was tripping over her feet to say that of course she was going clubbing tonight, that of course she was. And that she was clearly out of her head to even think to stay home.
“Good,” she said, tilting her head back to look at Robin upside down. “Now convince your boy over there to join us.”
Steve gasped. “Traitor!”
Chrissy laughed. “Come on, Steve, you need to get out and feel the earth move under your feet for a night!”
His phone rang and suddenly his was on his feet in an instant.
“Hey, Eds...”
“Baby,” Eddie breathed into the phone. “You sound tired, you okay?”
“No, I’m good.”
“That’s good to hear, sweetheart,” Eddie said softly. “You doing anything fun this weekend?”
“We were thinking of going to the club tonight,” he murmured. “It won’t be the same without you.”
“Go, have fun, babe,” Eddie said. “You deserve it.”
“I guess.”
“Hey, while I’m thinking about it,” Eddie said nervously. “Did you find someone to fill my tattoo slot?”
“Oh, no. I didn’t,” Steve replied, pained. “I wouldn’t just have someone come in and fill your spot, Eds. That’s your three hour block of time, because you’re coming back, right?”
“Of course, I am, Stevie,” Eddie said gently. “I just worry about you losing money you could be making.”
“I know it’s twelve hours I could be making more money, I know that. It’s just–”
“Hey, babe,” Eddie said. “I’m being rushed out the door. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“No, of course. Miss you lots.”
“Miss you more.”
He hung up feeling worse than before he got the call. It had only been three days, but he felt his heart had been ripped out of his chest.
He walked back to the reception area, rubbing the end of his nose. He cleared his throat. “You guys go on ahead without me tonight. I don’t feel so good.”
The three girls shared glances but nodded.
Argyle took a deep breath. “Why don’t Jonathan and I come over with pizza while the girls go to the club?”
Erica came out her room with a grin. “Did someone say club?”
Chrissy cheered. “Hell yeah, girlie. We are going to have so much fun.”
Steve thought about the offer while the girls made plans, then nodded. It was better than being alone and he was really starting to like Jonathan now that he had broken it off with Nancy.
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The entire shop breathed a sigh of relief.
The club would have been better with its loud music, lots of people, and free flowing beer, but pizza night with the guys was good, too.
“Wait!” Steve said, his brain catching up through his fog of misery. “Erica is only eighteen!”
Sunday was awful. Dustin and Suzy kept gushing about how cool it was that they knew someone who was playing with Metallica.
He was thankful when his phone rang. He walked out to the front porch to answer it.
“Hey, kid,” came the warm voice on the other end of the line.
“Wayne?” Steve looked at the time on his phone. It was a little after seven.
“I figured since we were both missing our boy, I’d give you a call.”
“I didn’t really think about it,” Steve murmured, pinching the bridge of his nose, “but yeah I guess he can’t call you if he’s on stage.”
“This is alright, yeah?”
“No, course it’s okay, I appreciate you thinking about me.”
“How have you been holding up?”
“It’s only been four fucking days and it’s liking I’m missing a limb. I can’t imagine what you felt when he moved to Indy.”
“That’s different,” Wayne murmured, “I knew it was coming. This was sprung on ya, it was bound to feel like shit. What’s eating ya?”
“God, I don’t even know. It’s just when we were finding our feet, the rug got pulled out from under us and I feel like I’m the only one that fell on my ass. And I know that’s not fair to Eddie. I get to live my dream, but he’s not allowed to live his? What kind of shit boyfriend would I be?”
“A hurt one,” Wayne muttered. “I always tell Ed when he gets like this he has two choices with me. You do all the talking and I listen. Or I do all the talking and you let my voice wash over you like a warm, comforting blanket.”
Tears slipped down his cheeks and he hurried to scrub them away.
“You talk, I just need a kind voice on the end of the line.”
Steve listened to him talk about the book club and a used car he bought recently when his truck finally gave up the ghost. He let the warm slow Southern drawl just wash over him and soothe his soul.
Finally Wayne ran out of things to talk about, but by then Steve was feeling better and they said their goodbyes.
And somewhere in Hawkins Wayne stood his kitchen with tears of his own streaming down his face, missing both of his boys.
Steve’s heart leapt every time he got a call, a text, a voicemail. He tried not to sound disappointed when it wasn’t Eddie. He made doubly sure he didn’t sound like that when Wayne called. They were both missing Eddie and he wasn’t about to take it out on him.
Robin was getting more and more concerned. She knew that he wasn’t sleeping, that he was barely eating enough to function and was pretty much living off Monsters and coffees too large to be sane.
She really got concerned when he ordered a six shot espresso and downed it in one gulp.
“Steve...” she said warningly.
“I took it slow like everyone wanted,” he spat out bitterly. “I respected his space and his pace. I rescued him from his evil ex. I dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts and I’m stuck here wondering if he’s going to find someone better than me. Someone who likes metal, not just go to his concert because he’s the playing. That he’ll find another tattoo artist. A better one. One that will really let him fly. That he’ll pack up and move to LA and I’ll be here with a broken heart and shop I will learn to resent.”
“Oh.” Because what else could she even say to that. Because sure, he could do what Max did and just follow Eddie to LA, but he couldn’t do it immediately. He still had at least four months mentoring Chrissy and Argyle. Eight months on the outside. And by then what would be the point of moving out there.
If Steve was like this after a week, six months would kill him.
“You don’t know what’s going to happen,” Robin said. “You just have to trust him to talk to you and do what’s best for both you. How has he sounded when he calls?”
Steve frowned for a moment. “I guess like me, happy to hear my voice, sad that we’re apart. But there is this tiredness underneath and a hint of anger.”
“At you?” she asked, putting her arm around him.
He shrugged. “I don’t think so, but he won’t talk to me about it.”
“He probably doesn’t know how to say it,” she said wisely. “Just give him time.”
Steve nodded.
Steve made the first impulsive decision he’d made since deciding to be Hop’s apprentice.
He was going to get a tattoo. He made the appointment with Hop and calmly explained what he wanted and where.
Hop leveled him with a glare. “You sure you want this? You’re an artist yourself, Steve. You know how hard it is cover up a mistake. If I do this there is no going back.”
Steve nodded. “I want it because even if it doesn’t work out, even if we go our separate ways, I want something to remember him by.”
Hop took a deep breath and started his work. It didn’t take long. It was a small tattoo, simple enough in its design. He would have done it himself if Robin hadn’t stopped him.
Soon it was done and Hop scooted back on his chair. He cleaned Steve up, bandaged it, and wrapped it in plastic wrap.
“There you go, kid,” Hop said. “I hope it’s what you wanted.”
Steve nodded. “It is. I promise I won’t regret getting it.”
Hop sighed and got to his feet. “You’re smart man, Steve. A good tattoo artist, too. You’ve been through so much in such a short time. I think you need to take a break and just think. About the shop, your apprentices, your employees, friends, Eddie. Decide what you want and then go for it okay?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. It’s just I’m the only full artist at my shop, I can’t take time off without closing it.”
Hop nodded back. “I’ve been there. I just worry about you.”
Steve sighed. “I worry about me too.”
Steve was vibrating out of his skin. The band was coming home today. He was going to see Eddie today.
But when the bus pulled up to the depot and they all filed out, there were only three of them.
Miranda and Jeff were hugging and kissing, Brian and Cecil were hugging. Even Gareth was getting swamped with hugs from his twin and mom.
“Where’s Eddie?” Robin asked first. And Steve was grateful that she was there.
The other three members of the band looked at the ground, around them, anywhere but at Steve.
“He made us stop in Hawkins,” Jeff murmured and even Miranda was starting to look concerned.
“He wanted to spend a couple days with his Uncle Wayne,” Gareth said.
Steve heart plummeted to his stomach. “He’s not coming home?”
“It’s just for a couple of days,” Brian hurried to explain. “The tour just gave him a lot of things to think about.”
Steve turned on his heel and ran out of the depot, shouts of his name following him out.
Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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Walking on Sunshine 1
Sister series to Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows
Warnings: non/dubcon, antisocial behaviour, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: God The Bounty Hunter x reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You hum as you enter the break room. The aroma of dark roast tickles your nose as your eyes narrow in on the kettle. You’re not much of a coffee drinker, you're one of the few in the office who enjoy the packets of hot cocoa they keep in the big glass jar. You keep a stash of your own special flavours in your desk for particularly dull days.
As you cross the room, you slip and throw out your arm to keep from landing on your butt. You set your feet straight, gripping your mug tight as you’re near-shatter experience courses through you icily. That was too close.
You look down at your feet and the small puddle of coffee there. How irresponsible. Someone spilled and didn’t even clean it up. You could’ve been really hurt. In fact, you think you pulled something.
You take careful steps and trade your mug for the roll of paper towel. You set to cleaning up the mess, sopping it up with the cheap two-ply. You take a handful of soaked paper towels and dump them in the bin. You rinse your hands and flip on the kettle, shaking off the last of your adrenaline.
You tap your fingers on the counter top as you wait for the water to boil. You take one of the cardboard stir sticks and keep the rhythm against the brim of your cup. The apple-shaped mug is one of your favourites, though a bit more teacherly than office dweller.
You tear open a packet as the kettle begins to tremble. You let out a few lyrics without thinking as the dang earworm won’t leave your head. “I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby, I’m su-u-ure…’ You’re not much of a singer and it’s terribly off key but you could dance right there.
You pour the powder into your cup and add the hot water. You switch between singing and humming the words you don’t know. The chocolatey smell tugs at your empty stomach and you lift up your mug happily, turning on your heel only to stop short.
Your lyrics almost turn to a scream as you find someone watching you. You’re embarrassed to think they witnessed your little karaoke session. You give a sheepish smile and adjust your grip on the mug handle.
“Uh, hi, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear… I didn’t think anyone else was around,” you eke out, swallowing a giggle at yourself.
The man just stares. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t move. You’re choked by his stagnant silence. Your cheeks twitch as you fight to hold your smile in the wilting tension.
“Anyway…” your voice quakes, “it’s all yours, I’m just going to go back to my desk.”
You slowly cross the floor, watching him as his eyes follow you. There’s no expression around his alert eyes. He’s just staring. At you. Gaze following you diligently to the door. You smile a bit bigger before you dip out into the hallway.
His blue irises are stamped into your mind. Brilliant and bold. Eyes that say much more than he did.
You think you recognize him but don’t think much about it. The office is big and it feels like you see new faces every day and forget just as many. You’ve never been very good with names either.
You finally catch your breath as you get back to your cubicle. The unusual encounter flits away as you refocus on your work. You wiggle your foot and fidget in your chair, the squeaking of the old wheels drawing the agitated sighs of your neighbour. You still and glance over as a streak of colour distracts you.
That girl again. The one in the bright sweater. Her clothes are so cute. Your own style is eclectic in a different way; thrift store chic, you call it. You smile as her bubbly gait bobs a few rows down from you and she disappears back into the corporate zoo. 
You haven’t made any work friends, people just seem to tolerate you but she seems cool. You’re a bit too shy to introduce yourself as you think you have a few years on her. You don’t want to come off desperate or anything.
You exhale wistfully and make yourself go back to your emails. You really need to stop getting so easily off track. You can’t handle another poor performance review. 
You swivel back and as you go to rest your chin in your hand, you nearly yipe. Your eyes round and you sit up straight. That man! He’s watching you again. He sips from a gray mug as your lips part cluelessly. Why is he doing that?
You look over your shoulders, checking if perhaps he is looking at someone or something else. There’s nothing but a cubicle wall. You turn back and he’s gone. Huh?
You’re thinking too much. He probably just saw something else. Besides, people don’t notice you. Only when you do something wrong.
You swallow and look down at your hot chocolate. You lift it and blow over the top, tentatively sipping from the hot porcelain. Mmm, it always makes everything better. 
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saltofmercury · 6 months
Christmas Decorations
Pairing: König x f reader
A/N: I love decorating. I'm so excited it's December! I wrote a small blurb :) hope you enjoy!
"Christmas Decorations"
There’s a little hesitation around the holidays.
Every year since you could remember, your apartment had been blown up with small twinkle lights, small trinkets of Santa, pine trees, and gifts. Your Christmas tree went up on December 1st, with a few gifts you had bought for König.
König’s house however was different. It was blank, it was dull, there was no Christmas or Hanukkah festivities. 
This year however you had moved in with him, and began planning out your decorations in his house. You had been in the garage taking out the boxes when you heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall.
“What are you doing? I thought it was the raccoon again.”
You had made a big mess deciding on what ornaments to use, which garlands to hang, and what trinkets to place around his living room.
“Looks like Santa threw up in my garage schatz..” König had wide eyes peering around the garage.
You had only looked up once before you put him to work.
“I need you to take these boxes and place them carefully next to the couch.”
He had obeyed with a worried look on his face. Once he had settled his boxes near the couch, he saw you pushing a big box towards him.
He smiled softly, watching you push the box with so much concentration.
He was usually deployed around holidays, something he had agreed on with his superiors and wrote in one of his contracts. This year however Horangi had begged him to just take time off and enjoy it with you.
His own friend could see how in love he was with you but was stubborn about taking time off and spending the holidays with you. 
He seemed skittish at first, but now was so glad he had been given this year off. 
You had been fidgeting with the remote to find a random christmas movie, then took a look around the room. 
You started with garlands, hanging around door frames and above the fireplace he had. You then took out your fake tree and got to work assembling it. You looked at König, who had been watching you work on the tree and get distracted with the movie you had put on.
Your heart dropped, this was the first Christmas you guys were having together and you had been so busy reimagining your winter wonderland.
“Do you mind picking out the ornaments you want on the tree?” you asked him.
He looked back at you softly, suddenly nervous.
“You can pick out any from this box. I’ve bought and received so many throughout the years, it’s hard to pick.”
He smiled and began pulling out ornaments from the box.
You had collected so many, some from your childhood, others from gifts, some you bought, and random ones that you had found online. 
It ranged from baby pictures of you, to pictures of König sleeping, one was a hotdog, a pink santa, a pickle, a menorah, a disco ball, and even one that was a big crystal.
He had dug through the box smiling to himself setting aside his favorites. 
Once the tree had been assembled with lights, you turned to face him.
His face had been pink, he was smiling so big at the random ornaments you had in this big box. How Christmas meant so much to you.
The menorah had been in his lap.
“I got that one for you, you know.” you said quietly.
“Did you really?” he peered up at you.
“I did. I remember you saying you had split christmas and celebrated hanukkah with your dad.”
“You bought an ornament for me?”
“Well I was hoping you would stay for the holidays, but you always would leave. So I kept it, as a little reminder of you.”
His heart had sank to his stomach. 
He had been running away. He hated celebrating the holidays. Even with you, someone he had connected with and started to have a relationship with, didn’t stop him from staying here.
“I’m sorry I’ve been absent.” he says quietly. 
“It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re here now.”
He quietly got up and moved over to the tree.
The twinkle of the rainbow lights, the garlands around the frames and fireplace, mistletoe hung around, bursts of orange, green, and red everywhere.
He had asked you where he should hang them on the tree.
The two of you finished decorating the house and tree until 11pm.
You let König put the star on the tree, clapping with excitement that you didn't need a step stool for it, then hopped in the shower to get ready for bed.
König stood by the hallway, taking everything in.
It was the Christmas he had always pictured. Decorations hung around the house by someone he loved. Actually spending the holidays with you. One day possibly with kids running around.
Once in bed he had grabbed and kissed you deeply. 
As he let you go, buried himself in the crook of your neck.
“I’m really sorry I've been absent for the holidays.”
He rubbed your back, taking deep breaths trying not to cry.
“I won’t be absent anymore.” he whispered against your skin.
You pulled away, smiling down at him.
“I’m not mad, I understand your job. I'm just glad you're here now.”
Sometimes he wondered how he got someone like you. So understanding and caring. 
As he got up before the sun rose, he peered around his living room again. Genuine happiness surrounded him. Maybe he would buy an advent calendar on the way home.
He packed his bags to go to the gym, as he walked out, a small iridescent glow peeked out at him. It was a small white light twinkling against the crystal ornament. 
König saw the radiant reflection against the fake crystal ornament. How it glowed and twinkled bright. It reflected small rainbows around the tree and wood floors.
Maybe it was a sign.  
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sumaneun-stars · 7 months
'And Suddenly, We Were Strangers'
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Pairing. Bf!Heeseung X fem!reader
Genre. Established relationship 
Warnings. Angst, and just depressing stuff fr
Synopsis. You saw this coming… but you ignored it.
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'I broke my own heart waiting for something I didn’t deserve'
“May I take your order, ma’am?”  
The waiter asked you for the nth time tonight. You check the watch on your wrist and sigh in disappointment. You’ve been stood up… again.
“No thank you, I’m leaving” You smiled at the waiter as you made your way outside.
The night breeze greeted you coldly the moment you opened the glass doors. This wasn’t new to you… being stood up by Heeseung was almost like brushing your teeth in the morning, Like a routine.
'10 pm… 3 hours this time' you said to yourself.
3 hours… Every date he became a little more late than the previous one. For some nights the restaurant would even close. Heeseung would always show up panting- and sometimes frustrated. He had been more distant lately because of work and that bothered you. He would leave earlier than usual in the morning and arrive late in the night, eating had become unnecessary. It was like we didn't live with you at all. Being a nobleman wasn't easy at all.
You smile sadly at the thought about your past with Heeseung. It wasn’t all bad. The both of you met in business school 2 years ago, ever since then your life had been so beautiful. It felt like a dream. After graduation, Heeseung followed in his fathers steps and it led him to the CEO position. Heeseung was happy and so were you, but then things started to change. The time he spent with you was cut short. Your work schedule clashed with his, some nights Heeseung wouldn’t even come home. You wanted to see him tonight.
“Excuse me sir, please make a turn from here” you tell the driver.
You were greeted by the security as you entered Heeseung’s company. You watched as the floors in the elevator increased, with every floor your heart pounded. The doors opened and you walked to his office. And as you made your way closer to his office, you heard sounds of laughing. With every step you took- the voices grew louder. You kept denying the familiar laugh, the melody that once made you smile and comforted you was now passed down to the next.
Tears ran down your cheek to the sight of Heeseung laughing for someone else. Deep down you expected this, but why did it hurt so bad? You stood from outside his office, and the goosebumps on your skin rose to the sound which filled the room. The way his eyes pressed into rainbows and his teeth showed out of pure happiness killed you inside.
It had been so long since he laughed like that, and weirdly you felt happy and satisfied. You watched a little longer as Heeseung found happiness in someone new, your chest hurt painfully. But the more you watched, you realized he was never yours to keep. If someone new could make him laugh like that and keep him safe, then you were happy.
You wipe the stains of the dried up tears and call him. You watched his face change as he  answered the phone.
“Y/n!” His concerned voice made your heart flutter. Even in the very last moment, he made you feel loved.
 "I- I’m so- sorry- Where are you? I’ll-” you cried silently as he asked endless questions, not listening to anything but his honey-like voice. He spoke into the phone worriedly as he paced around the office.
“Where are you love? I-  please tell me” Heeseung's eyes teared up at your silence.
“I’ll come to you,” he said slowly.
“No… stay where you are” you stopped him when you saw him take his coat.
“Y/n…" he spoke slowly.
He stood in front of the tinted glass wall near the door, with his hand supporting him. The concerned expression he wore caused the pain in your chest to grow even more. His eyes were teary and so were yours. You smiled as you touched his hand through the barrier between the both of you.
“We had a good run, didn’t we?” you sniffled.
“Wh- what do you mean?" his voice lower than a broken whisper.
“You know what i mean Heeseung” you smiled as he hung his head sadly.
“Y/n… I’m sorry. I should have been-” 
“Don’t… we both made our mistakes” you chuckled slowly and so did he.
“Let’s not make them again… with our next” you sobbed but covered it up with a small laugh.
“Yeah… thank you y/n, for every happy memory you gave me” he spoke in a voice full of love and gratitude.
“Me too… you were the best first to exist” you smiled sadly.
“So were you” Your heart shattered to pieces when Heeseung fell to the floor and covered his mouth to suppress his cries.
“Thank you Y/n… I hope you find someone who will love you better than I did” 
“You too. Goodbye Hee” you took a step away when you saw the girl come closer to Heeseung and patted his shoulder.
“Goodbye, Y/n” and just like that, your first ended.
'My arms ached,
Outstretched for too long,
Wrapped around a lover… Who i didn’t deserve'
A/n: my mental state right now is questionable ._.
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pinejayy · 1 year
Is there a possibility of a Wally x detective reader, looking for a criminal only to be revealed that the criminal was them all along?
Sure thing!!!
This is my final request from my inbox!! After this I’m going to work on Part Two for Goodbye Mr.Darling and do a request for a pal!! uwu
And after that I’m gonna open by my inbox so y’all could send in some requests!! uwu
Criminal (Wally Darling x Reader)
Trigger warnings: Character Death Mention, Gun, Blood, Curse Words
Wally Darling Masterlist
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Police lights and sirens were all over the neighborhood, the neighbors were crying and freaking out. Why you may ask you were called in to investigate a crime, after all you were the lead detective. You were looking at the poor body who came across death. The poor body was headless, and it seemed as if they were missing patches of fur around their body. As you walk around the crime scene which was their house you couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor person. The body was laying on a pool of their own blood.
“Ms./Mr. Y/N the body was someone called Barnaby B. Beagle. And I looked around and the sick person who did this left no trace. And for the head I couldn’t find anywhere.” One of your detectives said. “I don’t know who would do this.”
“How interesting…and don’t worry I’m going to get to the bottom of this, but for now your dismissed just make sure they take the body away the poor suckers from here are freaking out.” You said and with that you walked away.
As you walk out of the house, you saw the other neighbors huddled in a group asking the cops questions. You walk to them “I’m sorry about your friend but my men are trying to there job so I would appreciate if you guys would back off.” You said, yea you felt bad but they were preventing them from doing their job. “Don’t worry guys, I’m going to get to the bottom of this. I prom-.”
You were cut off with a scream. “AHHH!” Two of neighbors yelled out. It was the one with blonde hair and a other one who looked like a star? Sun?
Looking over you saw that a few of your men had the body on a stretcher covered with a white blanket. “Okay guys, I really need you to back up now!” You say. “Like I said I’ll get to the bottom of this.”
As time passed by everyone left. Leaving you alone in this neighborhood. You sigh, such a small neighborhood. Why would anyone do this?
You walked around the place and looked around, this place was colorful that’s for sure. Having a feeling that someone was watching you. You had your notebook and pen. As you walked you were too busy writing notes on your notebook you bumped into someone. Falling to the ground and onto your butt. “Ow!”
“Oh? I’m truly sorry about that! Here let me help you up.”
Looking up you saw a yellow man. Wow what a colorful outfit. It looked like a rainbow threw up on him. He held a hand out for you, taking it. He helped you out. “Sorry about that Mister. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“It’s prefectly fine! So you’re the one investigating for Barnaby?” He asked you.
“Yes I am. I’m Y/N L/N the lead detective.”
“It’s so nice of you to help out the neighborhood with this! I’m Wally Darling!”
“I’m sure your neighbors would like to know who did this, but it’s nice to meet you Mr. Darling. But if you don’t mind me asking a few questions?”
“Not at all Neighbor- I mean Y/N.” He said, he looked at you. He honestly gave you the creeps. You just nodded and look at him, as you grab your pen and notebook. “So Mr. Darling. Did you know Barnaby and if so what was your relationship with him?”
“Oh yes, he was my best friend and it’s a shame that someone killed him.” He said, looking at you. Wow he couldn’t help but smile to himself. You sure would make a great neighbor. “And it’s such a shame that he was headless.”
You quickly looked at him. You didn’t tell him that his friend was headless. He quickly looked at you and smiled. “How did you know he was headless?”
“Oh while everyone was crying I was looking as your men was loading the body and I noticed that he had no head…no need to get suspicious.”
You look at him, quickly writing in your notebook, Wally looked at you. He had a creepy smile across his face. “Uh huh. Well don’t worry about your friend. I’ll get to the bottom of this. But for now have a nice day. Mr. Darling.”
“Oh call me Wally…” He said. “You’ll need to get used to it since you’ll be my new favorite neighbor.” But that last part was him mumbling to himself.
“I’ll see you around Mr. Darling.” And with that you just walked away leaving him alone. As you were walking around you came across a build. It was called Howdy’s place. You decided to go in and look for the owner.
Soon after you came across a Tall man. He had four arms and four legs. “Hello Mister, could I ask you a few questions?” You said.
He looked at you and just nodded. “You must be that detective. I must thank you for doing this, this means a lot to the other neighbors.”
“Glad to hear. I’m Y/N L/N.”
“And I’m Howdy. How can I be in service for you?”
He lead you to a back room, where you two could be alone. “I wanted to ask you, what was your relationship between Barnaby?”
Howdy looked down and sighed. “He was a good friend of mine, he would always help me out around here. Like for example he would help me with the heavy lifting and also help me with stocking items.”
You just nodded, and wrote on your notebook. About 45 minutes have passed by and you kept on asking him questions and he politely answered them. “I just have one final question for you Mr. Howdy Sir. By any chance did you see how the body looked like?”
“I did not.” He said.
“Could you identify his body when he was under the blanket?”
He just shook his head, telling you he saw nothing. He was confused but didn’t ask why. “Okay thank you very much, I appreciate your time.” As he lead you out of the back room and back to the front.
“Of course anytime! And here please take this.” He handed you a few fruits. “I know this hard work and you could use this. It’s on the house.” You smile and take them. Thanking him, and then you walked off. This was going to be a long day for you.
You spent all day walking around the neighborhood, and asking the other neighbors questions about Barnaby. And everyone seemed to have the same answers. Everyone seemed to tell you that he was a good friend. Also everyone seemed kinda nervous, I mean I wouldn’t blame them. A friend of theirs was killed. But was odd was that you asked everyone the same question. “If they could identify his body. Even under the blanket.” And everyone told you no. Wally was the only one who told you that he was headless.
Was he really that stupid that he threw himself under the bus? You needed to have a talk with him. As you walk towards the final house which you assume was his you couldn’t help but jump slightly as you notice the house having eyes. Yup that’s a red flag.
You knock the door “Open up Mr. Darling I need to ask you some more questions.”
The door slowly opened and there he stood . He was smiling at you. “Hello again! Is there something I can do for you.”
“I would like to ask you more questions Sir.”
Wally just smiled and giggled, he stepped to the side. “Please come in.” He said. You narrow your eyes. You walk in and look at him. “I’ll get you something to drink please wait here.”
“Wait no-.” You say, but he was gone. He left, leaving you alone. You sigh and sat down on a color couch, your nose slightly scrunched up as you were getting an odd smell. Looking around the room so see what it was but didn’t find anything until your eyes laid on the couch you were sitting on early.
A blue patch? With spots? That looks awfully familiar… wait Barnaby?! You have to be kidding me? This sick fuck made his best friend into furniture.
“Oh I see that your admiring my little couch, isn’t cute? My Best Friend Barnaby helped me make it.” Hearing giggling behind you. Wally looked at you, his pupils getting bigger.
You quickly turned around and saw Wally standing there holding a glass of water? As you were about to pull up your gun Wally quickly dropped the cup, and ran towards you. His speed was scary fast. He grabbed your wrist quite hard. “Oh no no we wouldn’t do that…unless you want to end up like Barnaby.”
“You sick fuck! Let go of me!” You say, as you struggle against his grip. He just smiled and shook his head.
“Please don’t do anything you’ll regret. I mean look at what happened to Barnaby. I’ll miss him he was my best friend! Oh well…” Wally began saying, as he smiled even more. His grip tighten against your wrist even more making you whimper. “You’ll be my new best friend!”
“Why would you kill your best friend you sick freak.” You say, and shook your head at what he said. You didn’t want a psychopath as a friend. “And I’m not going to be your best friend..you’re crazy!”
Wally just chuckled as he looked at you. He couldn’t but admire you. Not only you’re going to be his new best friend you might as well be his new lover!! He does get lonely. “Why I killed him? Well it’s simple! He was getting out of place, he found out something that I was keeping hiding and I didn’t want the word to spread. So I had to do the only thing I could.” He said, as he let go of you giving you a warning look. “But on the bright side is that I got a cool looking couch!”
You just stood there, should you even reach out for your gun again. As you just stood there thinking all of the sudden Wally was laughing.
“Oh you won’t be needing this!” He said, holding up your gun. Wait!? How did he even get that! “Don’t ask questions, I’ll make you regret it new neighbor.”
“New Neighbor?” You asked, looking at him confused. He just giggled at your reaction.
“Don’t be silly! You’re going to be my new Neighbor! I mean there is a house that no one lives in…anymore.” He said, he held onto the gun still and he started to walk towards you. You started to back up, you backed up until your back hit a wall.
“You’ll make a prefect addition to the neighborhood!” He said, he was standing in front of you. “But first I need to fix you.” And with that you blacked out. Wally brought the gun up and smacked you across the head.
He let out a small sigh. Throwing the gun across the room. He picked you up and smiled.
“Don’t worry new neighbor! I’ll fix you! I’ll fix you so you can fit into my neighborhood!”
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elisysd · 2 months
10. If you fall, I will catch you, I’ll be waiting
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Time After Time - Cindy Lauper  
You spent the next few days in a happy bliss, far away from your daily worries which seemed to have faded away whenever you would end up in Charles’ arms. He was taking you to work in the mornings and was driving you back home when your shift was over. Sometimes, he was even staying at your place when you were working from home. The demand came from you, to his surprise, but never would he dare to deny it to you. You were living in your own little bubble and when he finally had to leave, it felt weird. You had been so used to having him around. He fitted in your world, as much as you fitted in his. 
“We’ll see each other in Canada, right? It will happen fast, I promise. I wish I could stay longer but duty called… I can’t stay far away from them even if I would love to be there with you.” he said, as your head was buried in his chest, his arms protectively around your shoulders and his lips against the top of your head. 
“I’m going to miss you.” you mumbled.
“Yeah, me too. I became used to you so quickly it’s concerning. But hey, maybe we can sneak away in Montreal. Living dangerously, it’s going to be thrilling. I kinda like that.” he smiled as you looked at him.
“About that… I won’t be able to make it. I can miss one race a year and I chose Canada but it was weeks ago, when I didn’t even like you.” you explained, feeling suddenly very guilty and even more when you noticed him frowning, visibly disappointed. “And maybe it’s good? We’ve been glued to each other lately. Putting a little distance between us.”
“Maybe. I don’t like that. I just want to be with you. But I suppose you’re right. I’ll call you. And text you. I’m going to be very annoying now that I know you won’t be next to me.”
“Are you sure you will have time for that?” you asked.
“For you? Always. 
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In fact, he didn’t have as much time as he hoped he would, resulting in barely a few texts and even less calls. You were both way too busy and with the different time zones, synchronizing your schedules was just way too hard. The whole situation made Charles more on edge than usual. He was missing you more than what he expected and what he had ever felt before. But he wasn’t resenting you for it. You were working on the Alpine’s documentary which you were voicing over and it was taking every bit of your time. Still he was brooding and being an easily readable man, everyone in the paddock and in Ferrari knew it was better to leave him alone. Everyone but Pierre, who had made it his mission to find out what was annoying his best friend. 
“ Come on! What is wrong with you? The car is shittier than usual? Carlos is being an ass? The tabloids took pictures of you with someone you shouldn’t see? Or maybe it’s the weather. You know you’re too water sensitive for your own good.”
“Shut up, Gasly. Go bother someone else.”
“Or maybe you’re in love and she rejected you?” This earned him a glare from the monegasque. “Oh shit. You’re in love. Damn… I didn’t see that coming. This is gold. Who is she? Do I know her? Is she a model? An actress? The daughter of a sponsor? I strongly advise you against that option, nothing good ever comes from that kind of situation and…”
“Y/N.” Charles finally snapped, before blushing furiously and watching around him, scared someone might have heard him.
“Y/N? The journalist? The one who is shooting a documentary about my team? That Y/N?” repeated Pierre, not believing it.
“Because you know other Y/N?”
“ I didn’t see that coming… Wasn’t she supposed to hate your guts?”
And Charles proceeded to explain everything to him, without telling him too many details about your life, knowing you wouldn’t appreciate it. But he talked about how much he liked you, what he felt for you and how you were a welcoming rainbow in a cloudy season. You were his escape.  He didn’t know how long he talked about you but it must have been very long if Pierre was checking his watch from time to time.
“You’re down bad. Really bad. Some might say you’re in love.”
“It’s too soon to talk about love. We are just getting to know each other. But… Pierre, she is perfect. She is everything I’ve ever wanted, I swear.”
“Okay, Romeo. Just be careful. You are a big romantic and everything and you’re cute, but hold your horses. Take it slow, see where it goes and don’t be too much.”
“Pierre.. don’t say anything to anyone. We are not public. Not yet, at least. It’s a tough situation with her work, she needs to sort everything out and she needs time.”
“I might love gossiping but I would never gossip over something so big it could ruin careers. I’m not cruel.”
Charles spent the weekend giving his all, trying to make the best out of the car he had and for once he felt like it paid off. It wasn’t anywhere near where he wanted to be, but a good strategy, a bit opportunistic from Ferrari, had earned him a good place at the end of the race. He was happy and a bit hopeful for the future even if a tremendous amount of work still needed to be done. 
When he came back to his hotel room, his first thought was directed to you. He knew you had watched the race and he wanted to share his happiness and pride with you. He laid down on his bed and took his phone, scrolling to find your number. He ignored his family words of congratulations, thinking he would answer later, and called you. You were quick to answer which made him think that you were waiting for his call. 
“I’m so happy for you Charles, I was rooting for you so hard! Thankfully I was home.” he could hear the emotion and pride in your voice and it made him melt. “ You deserve it. You were amazing.”
“Yeah? You think?”
“Of course I do. You made me happy for a little moment.” you said and he could hear something was off in your voice. He didn’t like it and pressed you for an answer. You sighed and the line fell in silence for a few seconds before you started to talk again. “My dad’s birthday is right around the corner. I got a text from my mom asking me if I intended to come. It’s not an invitation, she expects me to be here.”
“ And what are you going to do?”
“ I don't want to go but if I don’t, it will only make everything worse.” you were on the verge of crying.
“I’ll be there for you. When is it?” he said, out of the blue, surprising you and himself.
“It’s after Silverstone but Charles… you… you’re not serious, right? You are not seriously saying you’re coming with me?” you nervously laughed. 
“I’m completely serious. You don’t want to go there, I’m offering you support.”
“And what am I going to say to them?”
“Easy. That I’m your boyfriend.” he shrugged.
When he didn’t hear you reply he was scared for a minute that you hung up. He knew he was overstepping, you still had not talked about labeling your relationship, it was too early. But at the same time, he was serious about you and he wanted to know he wasn’t taking your relationship lightly. And that was exactly what he told you, determined. You needed reassurance and you needed him to show how much he cared and he wanted nothing more than to prove it to you. 
“Thank you for being honest. And for taking things slow with me. I know I’m hard to handle.” you barely whispered. 
“First of all, you’re not hard to handle, whatever that means. And it ‘s nice to take things slow. I’m used to going fast all the time, going slow spices up my daily life.” he laughed, hoping his joke attempt would at least make you smile. 
“Well, then, in that case, I guess I need to tell my mom that I’m bringing a guest.”
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Coming back from Montreal, Charles first thought was to head straight to Paris. More than just a want, it was a need to see you that led him to your door by the evening, his suitcases by his side. He knocked on your door but not hearing a word or a sound from the inside made him think that you were not there. It was fine, when it came to you patience was not his worst flaw. He could wait. He sat down on the greenish rug of the corridor and scrolled down on his phone, going through fan reactions, race recaps and articles for a good hour until he heard heels walking in his direction. He looked up and saw your surprised face, two bags full of groceries in your hands. He stood up and took them away from you, letting the bags rest on the floor before taking you in his arms and kissed you like he had never kissed you. You couldn’t help but melt in his embrace. You missed him more than you had initially thought. 
“I thought you would be back in Maranello or in Monaco.” you said when you finally let go of each other. 
“I have to, yes. But I needed to see you and to kiss you first. They don’t need me before three days. I missed you so much.”
You smiled as you kissed him again, letting him feel how much you had missed him too. 
“Let’s not stay here. Come inside. Have you eaten anything? Do you want a drink?”
“I only want you.” he simply said as he put down his coat on your sofa as he instantly gazed at you. The mood shifted and you were suddenly feeling very hot. Slowly he walked to you and trapped you against the counter looking down on your parted lips. “ I want to kiss you and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop myself from going further.” he admitted, his voice raspier than usual.
You gulped and threw an arm around his neck, bringing him even closer to you. 
“What if I don’t want to stop you?”
He didn’t need more to kiss you one last time before making you jump into his arms and carry you to your bedroom. 
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Austria went on in a blink of an eye. You had not been this excited for a race in a very long time, if not ever. It was the first time you were there as Charles’ girlfriend and you had to admit that sneaking away to spend some time together here and there was making the whole experience thrilling. You would hide every chance you would get for a quick kiss. Flirty jokes were told whenever you would cross paths and you would even dare to brush slightly your fingers with his. His post qualifying interview was a mix of professionalism and subtle flirt attempts that made you blush and you blessed everything that you could think of that your face wasn’t shown on camera or it would have caught you blushing. And when he finally came back to you after the race and after a wonderful P2, it was almost like he wasn’t giving a fuck about being subtle anymore which earned him a glare from your side as he was leaving you with a wink. Walking out of the media pen, you quickly texted him. 
No reward for you mister. 
And you made your way out of the paddock and to your hotel. It had been a hell of a weekend and all you were thinking about was a good bath, with a book and classical music playing in the background. When you were done, feeling fresh and relaxed, you started to pack your bags and clean your stuff as you had a plane to catch early the next day. You replayed the interviews you had done the whole weekend to try to see if there was any way you could improve for the next race and paused them when needed while you were sometimes taking notes. You didn’t hear at first the knock on your door and it only startled you as it got louder. Annoyed, you went to open it and barely had time to recognise your boyfriend as his hands circled your waist and his lips found yours. It was urgent and feverish. Nothing slow or romantic, he wasn’t there to talk. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked but was quickly reduced to silence as he threw you on the bed and soon joined you, his interview realized a few hours earlier still playing. 
When you woke up the next day, he was already up, tenderly looking at you, carefully drawing patterns on your arms from the tip of his fingers, making you shiver. He was far from the devilishly handsome act he had played for you the previous night. He brushed a strand of hair falling down on your face and kissed your forehead as you got closer, resting your head on his bare chest and your hand where his heart was beating loudly. 
“You know what you are to me?” he whispered.
“Your girlfriend?”
“You’re my sweet escape. My little piece of heaven away from the mess which is this season.”
You felt yourself melting at his words. 
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Silverstone was not as joyful as Austria, unfortunately. Even if Charles wanted to perform, he knew it would be tough. He was stressing out, pacing around his room, trying to find a sense of peace he knew he could only find if you were around, which was not the case. You were busy, probably the busiest you had ever been since the beginning of the season and didn’t have time for him. He was annoyed. You were so close yet so far away from him. It only made his bad mood worse. Bad mood which was accentuated after he ended up P9 after the race. He was more than just disappointed and not even seeing you waiting for him, a pitying smile on your face, could help making him feel better. 
“Charles, what a disappointing race today after your P2 in Austria. Do you feel like it is a step back?”
Your question almost made him snap but he could see in your eyes how much it pained you to ask. He tried to stay professional and answered the best he could. He was relieved when you were done. For the first time in his life, he didn’t only want to perform well for his team and his family, he wanted to see your eyes shimmer too when he would step in the media pen. He didn’t want to see sadness in them and more than anything, he didn’t want to be the reason why. He met you in an empty area, where the garbage from the food court was displayed and thought to himself how shady your meeting place was. But his worries soon faded away as he saw you running to him and took his face into your palms to kiss him. 
“I’m so, so sorry about the race, Charles. I swear my heart was beating so fast, I was so frustrated. And I wanted nothing more but to be there for you.”
“It’s like this… And you’re here now. That’s all that matters.Let’s go back to the hotel. Mine. I don’t want to let go of you tonight.”
“I’ll meet you there. I have to go to the post race debrief first. And I still have an interview linked up in an hour with an Aston engineer. This weekend is never ending, I swear.”
“It’s okay. Go. I’ll wait for you there.”
You kissed him one last time before leaving. 
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He waited for you in the lobby of the hotel, watching people and clients passing by without a care in the world. He was replaying the race in his head, overthinking what he could’ve, would’ve, should’ve done better but was interrupted by your arrival. 
“I got lost on the way. It took longer than what I expected, I’m sorry.” you apologized. 
“I don’t care. I’m just glad you made it. I was starting to think you got cold feet.”
“When it comes to you? Never, Leclerc. You have me now and I’m all in.”
He smiled, took your hand in his and guided you towards the elevator barely able to keep his hands to himself, making you laugh. You both acted careless and when he saw you froze, like a doe caught in the middle of headlights, he didn’t understand why. But when Pierre emerged from a dark corner, a teasing smile on his lips, he got it. He had forgotten to tell you that the Alpine’s driver knew about your relationship. He felt a wave of panic washing over you and making you stutter. 
“Relax, Y/N. I promised Charles I wouldn’t say a word and I intend to keep that promise.”
You turned towards Charles. 
“You told him?”
“I… It wasn’t planned… it just happened. I’m sorry.”
“I’m happy for you. Both. And I’m glad Charlie boy finally made his move on you, it was painful to watch him be so jealous. A bit pathetic too.” Pierre shrugged. 
“What do you mean, finally? you asked Charles as Pierre was leaving, laughing. 
Once in his room, Charles was very determined to make you forget about your encounter with Pierre. But as soon as the door closed behind him, he felt you being everywhere but with him.
“Y/N? Are you alright?”
“I realized something today.” you said, making him curious. “It’s getting harder and harder to interview you. Especially when I can see how a bad race is affecting you and all I want is to drop the mic and take you in my arms and hold you tight. At that moment, when you stepped in the media pen, I wanted to be everything but a journalist. The line between my work ethic and my personal life is getting blurrier by the minute. It’s scary, Charles.”
“I don’t want to be an obstacle to your job… or a chore.” 
“You’re not.” you quickly reassured him and not wanting him to get your confession in the wrong way. “ I just have to find the right balance. But, I suppose it was bound to happen, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m falling for you. Hard and fast, Charles.”
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Author's note: She finally admitted it! Still a fluffly chapter... for now. Not sure it will stay that way heheh. Enjoy it while you can.
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retrieve-the-kraken · 9 months
Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
It can’t be over! It can’t be! How long will it be before my next dose of serotonin? Although rewatching helps, absolutely, but my god, that cliffhanger! Those last moments of the episode just leave you yearning for more. More Paris Squad, more in-depth looks into their individual stories, more Nick & Charlie, more more MORE!
I’m glad that Alice Oseman is already hard at work on the season 3 script. I hope they’re as inspired as ever.
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- Baby Queen’s “Colours of you” makes an appearance/comeback. I don’t know, but I feel like a lot of people said that it was about how Nick makes Charlie feel, how his world is black and white until Nick comes into his life (I don’t know if maybe Baby Queen said that), but to me it was always more the other way around: that Nick’s life was very black and white until he met Charlie, because not only did he realize he liked Charlie, but he also realized this whole other part of himself, in the form of the colors of the rainbow (queer pride).
- Comments to Nick’s post coming out as bi are a a mix of joyful and shocked but a few awful people just taking up space too.
- Charlie saying that his life is perfect right now and that everything’s perfect, whilst Nick knows it’s not, because Charlie still has an eating disorder, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
- “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” “Is that a serious question?” Love them.
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- Tara and Sahar, I hope you’ve learned your lesson: never ever take part in an organization committee.
- I was weirded out by the fact that they included prom in the show, since I thought there was no high school prom in the UK. It just seems like such an American/gringo thing (we have prom in my country, but it’s nothing like the gringo prom… mine was so weird and lame). But it turns out that they do have it in the UK now, likely made popular by all the classic teen dramas and rom coms that take place in high schools from the United States. But since it wasn’t in the comic either, I still thought it was a strange addition at first. However, the whole group dynamic made it work.
- Coach Singh coaxing Mr Ajayi to text Mr Farouk… that whole interaction was so precious…
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- People just openly coming up to Nick and Charlie to ask if it’s true that they’re dating. Children, it’s none of your business, you don’t even know them…
- The conversation between Tao and Nick, Tao’s face as Nick mentions that Charlie is still affected by the bullying… poor Tao, he really didn’t mean for that to happen, that’s why he’s so protective of Charlie. And Nick’s face when Tao mentions his dad dying, like he’s really surprised that Tao is opening up to him. “Didn’t know about your dad…” “Don’t be weird about it.” “I’ll try.” “Good.”
- And their faces when they both realize that neither knows how bad the bullying was, because Charlie hasn’t opened up to either of them completely about it.
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- And Nick and Charlie both looking so handsome in their suits, and being so gaga for each other. “I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend…” “You look… sooo… goooood! YOU LOOK SOOOO GOOD!” My favorite thing about this new season is that I’ve lost count of how many times Nick can’t resist the urge to pick up Charlie. I’m making a montage.
- “And a big public appearance as a couple… that’s definitely what we want?” Nick knows how much the attention might overwhelm Charlie. But Charlie’s not thinking about that, he’s trying to focus on the good part, the fact that he has an amazing boyfriend, that they can be together without hiding now.
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- Darcy watching sourly as a mother picks up and comforts her small child, indicating that her bad relationship with her mother is not a new thing, her mother has never been nurturing or comforting or loving. And of course, how is Darcy supposed to know how to love someone if she has never been shown love in her entire life?
- Best scene ever: Elle’s dad being a ten feet tall burly man, pretending to be intimidating but then laughing it off. Will Gao’s awkward nervous laugh sends me.
- His reaction to Elle’s whole look. “You look… you… you’re so… Hello…” He’s so smitten.
- Seriously, Tao and Elle being the hottest, most stylish couple at the prom. Tara’s dress, though, is my absolute favorite.
- Tao and Elle being silly and cute for photos, and the four original friends taking a cheesy studio photo together. Love them.
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- “I can’t believe Nick’s showing off his boyfriend, but none of you managed to bring a girl!” How does Harry manage to say something ‘nice’ and still make it sound like bullying? AAAND you didn’t bring a girl either, Harry, so what’s your deal??? He’s just loudly seeking attention. Where’s Tao when you need him to shut Harry down with a snarky comeback??
- The boys teasing Nick about being the first one in a relationship, like it’s no big deal. But my favorite was Christian going “I could get a girlfriend, how about Tara Jones?” Awww, has he genuinely liked Tara this whole time, or was she the first one that came to his mind? (I think he genuinely didn’t remember she’s a lesbian).
- Tara’s “How do you talk to someone about something they don’t want to talk about?” And Nick realizing that that’s what’s happening with Charlie. “Maybe you just have to try, even if it doesn’t work”. They both have to go for it. I love their friendship.
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- Baby Queen‼!
- The dance routine, Elle and Tao living their best movie sequence.
- The little neon butterflies as Elle tells Tao she wants to go to Lambert, and he tells her that he knows. Yes he knows, and he knows that it will make him happy to see Elle happy, even if that means letting her go. He has to overcome his fear of abandonment. He’s not being abandoned, they’re just growing up.
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- THE ACE BOOK. Give it to mee‼! Isaac is looking for an identity. And I love that it cuts to James enjoying himself too, and Tori being content by herself at a table. I hope we get more of Tori’s story in future Heartstopper seasons (and the comic too).
- And the teachers are going on an actual date!
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- I don’t know what that meant, Imogen getting sort of misty-eyed looking up at Sahar playing. Maybe she’s realizing that she might have feelings for her, but my interpretation is that, since Imogen claimed that she needed to focus on herself, and since the whole season she has seemed pretty lonely, and we find out that she and Sahar used to be friends until Imogen got a boyfriend and they stopped talking to each other (regardless of who stopped first), and because Sahar revealed that she was bi and Imogen got caught unawares and thought maybe she should have known that, that Imogen’s reaction was more of a wanting to rekindle that friendship. As we saw with Tao and Charlie, and maybe now even Nick and Tao, friendships and platonic relationships are given the same importance in Heartstopper as romantic ones. Not all stares mean romance. And Imogen is looking for friends right now. (Although if it does lead to romance, I wouldn’t be mad about it… and who can deny the Lesbian Lighting??? Maybe Imogen IS into girls after all…) “Youuu, soft and lonely…”
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- Isaac getting his heartstopper moment when he holds the book to his chest. YES ISAAC!
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- Charlie asserting himself and asking Nick if they can leave, because he’s tired and uncomfortable of people staring and pointing. Everyone’s been so nice to their face about them coming out as a couple, but that doesn’t mean that Charlie’s not going to be worried about someone saying something nasty to either him or Nick, and it doesn’t mean that he’s not possibly going to have horrible flashbacks to being bullied. And Nick once again realizing that he doesn’t care about parties, he just wants to be with Charlie.
- Seriously, Sarah needs to adopt Darcy, replace David.
- Why would Darcy’s mum see Tara in her dress and think “oh no, a door-to-door salesperson?” She clearly doesn’t want to deal with anyone, but maybe even worse, she just wants to quickly get rid of a black girl standing at her doorstep.
- “She had another one of her tantrums last night.” Like this is typical and so it’s not a big deal that she has no idea where her daughter is…
- Group hug to heal my soul.
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- “I wanted to be that person for you…” My heart. Tara and Darcy finally talking. “You’ve only seen half of my life.” “And now i’ve seen the other half, and I still love you.” “Are you sure? Because I’m a literal disaster.” “Oh I know.” That is so sweet. And Darcy practicing saying I love you until it feels normal and natural. So joyful.
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- By the way, only Heartstopper can get me to listen to Taylor Swift. No offense to all the Swifties (including Patrick Watson), I love your love for Taylor, but I really don’t get it, her music just doesn’t get to me. Admittedly that song was nice for this moment. But that’s about it. But anyway… don’t come at me. I just prefer Baby Queen and Orla Gartland and beabadobee and Carly Rae Jepsen and Gabrielle Aplin and Wolf Alice and Carmody and girl in red much more in this soundtrack. AND THAT WASIA PROJECT SONG‼ Weeping‼
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- I love how warm and sweet everyone in the group is to each other. Look at Tao and Nick hugging! Look at how Nick and Tara and Darcy are as much a part of the group as if they had been there for as long as the other four have been tight. Everyone deserves a friend group like that.
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- I love that they included that bit from the little comic answering fan questions, where Nick realizes that maybe he’s had a crush on a boy before.
- “Now your turn”. Nick really wants Charlie to be able to open up to him, about anything. Charlie deflects, as always, and says that they don’t need to talk about it because everything’s fine, but the truth is he doesn’t want to talk about it, he doesn’t want to deal with those feelings. But if he never does, he’s just never going to move past that. And Nick wants to help him, even if it’s hard, even if it’s painful, he wants to understand. “You don’t have to be perfect with me.” Charlie just shrinking into himself…
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- That whole conversation, it was an impeccable performance from Joe and Kit, and I’m crying again… Nick can’t even fathom that anyone would call this beautiful boy disgusting, and he can’t even fathom the pain that would cause Charlie to hurt himself, he doesn’t even know what to do… but he’s there, he’ll be there, and he wants Charlie to know how much he cares about him. It’s so soft, the hugs, the soft voices, the kiss on the forehead, the tearful kiss, and telling him how much he loves everything about him…
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- Serial hoodie thief.
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- That deep sigh… that terrified look…
- Spoiler alert: Charlie doesn’t send the text… of course not… he quickly realizes that he wouldn’t just say that for the first time over text… he wants to really mean it.
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This episode is brought to you by TIPTOE KISSES™.
Looking forward to next season:
- Sara and Nick’s talk at the beach in Menorca. It will destroy me, but it will be worth it.
- The ‘I love you’ shower scene, and subsequent street chase.
- The beach, and Nick and Charlie both blushing when Charlie’s putting sunscreen on Nick’s back.
- More from The Teachers™ ‼
- I’m not ready for Charlie writing the note to read to his parents… I’ll never be ready… I’ll weep until I’m out of tears…
- Charlie possibly speaking Spanish… listen Joe, Kit had to learn French, Spanish is NOTHING compared to that, you’ll be fine.
- In the comic, after Charlie faints, there’s that funny moment when Nick says “Charlie, I’m not gonna start acting like I’m your doctor and you’re my patient… *seductive smirk* *eyebrow wiggle* unless you’re into that…” “SHUT UP!” I need this moment, I need it so bad…
- More about Elle’s family, please. I already love her parents. More about all the families, really.
- More Tori, hopefully.
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ilgaksu · 1 year
my Fandom Trumps Hate auction page is live: DMBJ, AFTG/TFC and TGCF
I’m taking part in my first Fandom Trumps Hate auction this year and the browsing period has just opened, including my page.  I am actually the only writer offering DMBJ/Grave Robber’s Chronicles AT ALL this year, but I’m also down for AFTG/TFC and TGCF/Heaven’s Official Blessing. This auction means a lot to me since it’s giving me a way to pay forward the access to literally life-saving medical treatment fandom helped me get in 2021-2022, so if you’ve ever liked my work, please do me a favour and reblog - and have a look if you’re so inclined. 
I’ve copy-pasted the relevant info below, but please don’t forget you need to go to this page to get the bidding information, and actually, uh, you know, bid. Any other questions you can message me directly here on Tumblr. 
Organizations this auction benefits: Rainbow Railroad *, Sherlock's Homes Foundation, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund *, Any/all abortion funds (See full list.)
Type of fanwork: Written Subtype(s): Fanfic Fandom(s): DMBJ/Grave Robber's Chronicles , All for the Game, Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) Highest rating: E (Explicit) Length/scope: Less than 5k words
Especially interested in: Big love for a Weird Gender Thesis, historical AU, media pastiches, and art history as metaphor. I'm clearly currently obsessed with HeiHua (DMBJ) but I love to return to a fandom (so: AFTG), and would be thrilled to try out TGCF for the first time as a writer. Happy to finish a chapter of a work if you always wanted to see something finished and I didn't return to it. Smut-wise, I will absolutely write kink and I'm willing to negotiate on those. 
I am open to various pairings I haven't written before in any winning fandom, pending discussion.
Unwilling to address: I'm not going to write Xiao Hua as cisgender if a winning bid decides on DMBJ as their fandom. Rape/non-con is out for me, even in a consensual non-consent kink scene, as is torture, abuse in relationships, kink I do not feel equipped to write (sorry furries/kink involving bodily fluids/knifeplay, and so on), suicide/suicidality and related topics, pregnancy/kidfic, or medical settings (including psychiatric). I'm also not your best bet for a break up fic. If you're unsure ahead of time please message me on Tumblr!
Notes: Anyone bidding on this is going to have to be willing to negotiate with me around their idea, as I'll be honest with you - I'm drawing a blank on other Nos and this is my first auction, so I'd appreciate someone with flexibility on that front. I also wouldn't be able to get started until the end of April, so if you are burning for a quick turnaround, I'm probably not for you on this occasion. I do love technical challenges and, again, pastiches, i.e. from a favourite film of yours and so on, and I'm happy to negotiate watching a film so I can do this - I don't have to have seen it before. Thanks for reading!
Special Interests: Trans or nonbinary interpretations of canon characters, Ambiguous endings
Minimum Bid: $10
Auctions run from 8:00AM EST, 1 March 2023, to 8:00PM EST, 5 March 2023.
(And here’s the link to go bid one more time, with feeling. I’ll stop now.) 
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
this is for Dandy, yet again. i think i’m becoming obsessed with him..ANYWAYS.
Dandy with fem reader or gn reader. what im thinking is that the reader is a new hire in Dandy’s favorite shop. the shop could be anything you’d think would suit him best, in my opinion it’s a candy shop. Dandy gets a little irritated because the reader isn’t fast enough like the other because she/they are new. as time goes on, he starts to look forward to seeing her/them almost everyday.
side note: i feel that Dandy’s demeanor would change from annoyed and whiny to more shy and cautious. he would smile more as time goes on and would act more gentle towards the reader.
another side note: i believe that Dandy is capable of having a mature relationship. i see a lot of people making him way too whiny and childish when you can see he’s smart enough to know things and clever enough to execute a mass murder.
that’s it, i hope it’s detailed enough but not too much that u can’t add your own twist or dazzle to it!
i’ll take you to the candy shop//dandy mott
pairings; dandy mott, female reader
rating; pg!!
warnings; slight harsh language
a/n; don’t blame me for taking a quick look at the lyrics from ‘candy shop’ by 50 cent lol. also, i fucking LOVE this idea.
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You’re first day on the job. Great. Now, you hadn’t really fully thought about working here when you saw this place. Right enough, it was one of very few places that someone like you, a young adult, could be reminded of their childhood and think about the wonderful memories they had when they were a kid.
Candy Land Central. That was the name of this glorious place you now found yourself working in. It was full of the town’s most delicious (and expensive) candy, sweet treats, everything to satisfy a person’s tastebuds. It wasn’t everyday people got the opportunity to take a job in a store like this. But you decided to roll with it, and gladly chose to begin you’re service here.
It didn’t seem too hard. You’re boss, Larry, seemed nice enough. He ran you through some small things on what not to do but it wasn’t a lot. Don’t give out free candy, don’t let any kids past the till, make sure customers are asked if they have any allergies, etc, etc.
You could handle it. Perhaps it would be a little hard finding different candy, seeing as everything was all just scattered around in random areas, but you’d manage. Surely the customers wouldn’t be that much of a handful… right?
You were currently serving a little girl about seven or eight-ish. She had her dark brown hair tied up in pigtails accompanied with bright red ribbons. She was a tiny little thing who could barely reach the top of the counter. She smiled brightly at you as she requested two bags of fizzy cola bottles, handing you a dollar and peering at all the rainbow coloured candies behind you. Just as you gave her what she’d payed for, a young man walked in.
He looked about you’re age. He looked around the place in amazement, a rather large grin began to creep onto his face. You waved the little girl you’d just served goodbye as she skipped past the man, chewing on her gummies. The man gave a soft smile at her excitement before stepping up to the counter and staring right at you.
His attitude quickly changed when he laid his eyes upon you. He raised a brow, skeptically looking you up and down. He cleared his throat and looked away for a second.
“Uh, hi there. I’ll take three bags of blueberry bon bons, two bars of Mr Lockheart’s coated caramel chocolate, and a packet of bubbalicious please.” You nodded at his request and began searching around the place.
He was quick to notice the samples of fudge chocolate chunks you were handing out to kids. You turned around just in time to see him helping himself to a few.
“Oh, sorry sir.. those are for the kids only..” You politely told him. He watched as you put the box of the chocolate chunks further behind the counter.
You looked at him again and the two of you had a sort of awkward, staring moment. He just blinked, confused.
“What kind of bon bons did you want again?” You asked. He scoffed lightly and looked away from you.
“I won’t be repeating myself.” The young man huffed. Before you tried to remember what he’d asked for again, a few kids walked in.
“Bubbalicious!! I love bubbalicious!!” One of the little boys that came in screamed. You laughed wholeheartedly at how all the kids faces lit up when they entered the store. And the man you were serving scowled even further.
“Sorry guys, i’ve only got one packet left.” You frowned. You watched as the same little boy who came in ecstatic began to look quite upset.
“Cmon Jerry, we’ll just get em next time.” Another boy said, putting a hand on the smaller one’s shoulder.
“Hold on a little second there guys! Sir, would you mind if I give this last pack to that boy.. you can come back tomorrow and i’ll give you a freebie if you’d like?” You whispered to him. He looked back at the little boy and had a look of sympathy on his face. Though, not exactly any ordinary sympathy. Mock sympathy..
And as you prayed the young man would give the gum to you’re other little customer, he slammed his money on the counter and smirked wickedly.
You looked at him in shock. He took his other items before leaving and smugly waved the pack of bubblegum in front of the now crying child.
You were in the middle of closing up when you’re boss sneakily popped up behind you.
“Y/n! Hey!” Larry said cheerfully. You calmed yourself after getting a fright from his sudden appearance in the room.
“Christ Larry, don’t do that!” You giggled. He grinned before plopping a gummy strawberry into his mouth.
“Ah, relax. You’ll get used to me playing the old tricks on ya!” Larry laughed.
“Hm. I suppose you do tend to do that often. Julie says you were quite the prankster around here..” You giggled again. Julie, who was you’re co-worker, had also had the chance to meet you. She was nice, yet you both had barely any shifts together on the same days.
“So, how was you’re first day?” Larry asked, biting into a delicious piece of creamy fudge. The best of the best, might I add.
“Yeah, it was alright. I’m still trying to work my way around. The kids were good though. Hey uh.. can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,” Larry said, slightly wondering if you were maybe going to quit soon. It would be sad if you left. He thought you were a rather lovely young woman. And he certainly wouldn’t mind becoming good friends with you.
“This guy came in earlier. Looked about 6’0, brunette, hair in a perfect middle shed, really nice looking guy but he appeared to be quite rich if you’d ask me. Anyway, he was a bit of a dick to one of the kids. Seemed more like a kid himself to be honest.” You sighed. Larry tutted before offering you a bit of fudge.
“He’s sort of a regular here. I haven’t personally spoken to him but by what i’ve heard, he probably wouldn’t be up for a conversation with me anyhow.” Larry lit a cigarette and you thought about the situation deeper.
“He was fine when he came in. He almost seemed happy watching the kids enjoying their treats. But he switched up so fast.. almost as though he was like, I don’t know.. distracted.. You trailed off, glancing at you’re watch and signalling to Larry that it was time for you to leave.
“See ya later kiddo!”
After a good night’s sleep, you were ready to go back to work. It was early doors but people still came in around at this time.
When the first customer arrived, you didn’t really know how to react when you saw who it was.
The same young man from yesterday returned to the store, looking much more cheerful from what he looked the last time he came in.
He walked over to you with a bright smile on his face, you returned it for the sake of you’re job.
“Hello there, again..” He spoke softly. You lifted a few of you’re fingers up that were resting on top of the counter, doing a slight half assed wave.
“I’m terribly sorry for yesterday. I behaved like an absolute.. um, jackass to that little boy..” He admitted. You looked at him with compassion. You hated yourself for things like this. You’d always been so damn nice, and for what?
Though truth is, this man never had any intention of apologising. If someone wanted a matter resolved with him, they should be the one to apologise first. That was just how it worked with this particular young man.
Yesterday, 6:55pm:
“Darling, if you have any interest in this girl, you’ll have to show much more maturity. Perhaps she’s quite into a gentleman who has a heart for young children rather than disturbing them.” Mrs Mott explained to her only son, Dandy. He was stomping all over the place in the dining room and looked rather unsettled.
“Why should I say sorry!!! I was the one who asked for the damn bubblegum in the first place!” Dandy yelled back, taking out the packet he had in his pocket before flaunting it and chucking it to wherever the hell it went in the room.
“Language dear. Most women love nothing more than a kind, gentle, caring man. Someone who looks out for not just them, but others. Show her you’re soft side Dandy. Pull her in with affection. Not showing off..”
“Here,” Dandy said, taking a few dollars from his wallet as he tucked them safely in you’re hand. “Give this to the boy from yesterday. Make sure he gets whatever he’d like with them.”
“Oh sir.. I really don’t think that’s necessary…” You told him, astonished.
“No, no! Please, I insist. Even get a little something for yourself…” Dandy grinned, placing even more money in you’re hands.
“My god.. why thank you so much!” You beamed. He lit up at you’re facial expression and looked as happy as you were.
“I’m Y/n by the way!” You giggled, shaking his hand.
“Very nice to meet you, Y/n. I’m Dandy Mott.”
“Would you like the same as yesterday, Dandy?” You smiled. He looked at you, slowly tilting his head.
“You remembered?” He chuckled. You nodded excitedly and felt the heat burning in you’re cheeks.
“Go ahead then, same as yesterday.” Dandy winked. You quickly rushed all over the place to collect what he wanted.
“Here you are! And uh, please…take it free of charge.”
Dandy smiled sweetly at you before nodding and gathering his things.
“Well, I hope to be seeing you around, Y/n. Ta, ta for now!” He called out. You yelled back a quick goodbye before sighing happily.
You were certain you’d be seeing more of Dandy. And now, you sure as hell knew that you weren’t gonna mind.
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fluttering-lillies · 3 months
Afterparty Chapter 4: Sunset
Words: 3,226
Pairing: SunDash
Rating: T
Warnings: Talk of excessive drinking, mentions of sex
With twenty minutes to work with, Sunset had just enough time to grab milkshakes from Sugar Cube Corner and make it in time to watch Twilight step out of the statue’s base. They didn’t say anything at first, didn’t even greet each other. Sunset just handed Twilight her vanilla shake and they both sat on the stairs leading up to Canterlot High, each of them sipping silently.
Sunset got through half of her shake before Twilight finally spoke. “So, Rainbow Dash huh?”
“Yep.” Sunset had a million questions running through her head, but could only manage that one word. This was already so awkward and she was sure that anything she said would only make it worse.
Twilight seemed to be stuck in her head too. She had that scrunched up look she’d often get when she’d been trying to write the musical counter-spell during the whole battle of the bands fiasco. Sunset couldn’t help but smile at it. She’d missed the princess, and more than that, was grateful she was taking this so seriously.
She rose out of her thinking haze suddenly, back straightening and voice taking on a strict, teacher-like tone. The voice she usually used when lecturing someone. Sunset remembered it vividly from her first encounter with Twilight. “So!” She raised a hand and a finger along with it. What was this? Super lecture mode? “I do have some experience with friendships… uh developing like this. Into romantic relationships. You’d still do better talking to Cadance of course but I’ll-“
“Wait, you do?” Sunset cringed into herself. One of her most insistently poking questions burst out of her. “Please tell me you aren’t dating your Rainbow Dash and this isn’t… super awkward.”
Twilight gaped for a second, rapid blinking completing the dumbfounded look. “Rainbow Dash and me?” She recoiled a little where she sat. “Inconceivable really. We’re great friends but I think our way of communicating wouldn’t work in a romantic context.” She finally seemed to relax a little and Sunset watched a blush creep up her face. “No uh… Rarity and I haven’t told many ponies but… we’ve been together for about a month now? Really only you and Fluttershy know. She… noticed before anyone else did and I’m only telling you because well, it’s rather pertinent to this situation.”
“You haven‘t told any of your other friends?”
Twilight shrunk into herself, looking guilty now, suddenly finding the straw of her milkshake very interesting. “I want to, of course. Rarity told me she wants to as well. It’s just... complicated.”
Sunset‘s face twisted up in confusion. “I haven’t been to Equestria in a bit, but last time I checked ponies were pretty comfortable with the whole same sex relationship idea. More than here anyway.”
“It’s nothing like that.” Twilight leaned back on the stair behind her, propping herself up with both her elbows, and tilting her head toward the blue early summer sky. “If I were still just Celestia’s student it wouldn’t matter. Maybe I’d get a few questions, but Rarity and I would just be two mares who happen to be in a relationship. Nopony would bat an eye. But now that I’m a princess…” She lifted her shake to her mouth and drank for a moment, then two, before letting it drop from her lips.
“Well, there are some ponies, I won’t name names, who already question how much preferential treatment I should be giving my friends. Rainbow got into the Wonderbolts a little while ago and there were stories made up about me using my influence to get her in faster. Somepony even said she would have never had the flight skills to get in by herself if I hadn’t ‘helped’ her! Which is just! Rainbow became a Wonderbolt entirely on her own merits. I helped her study I guess, but all of the recruitment tests are either skill based or involve publicly available information. More than that, you know who taught me how to fly when I became an alicorn?” She waved her drink around as she spoke, using it to emphasize certain exclamations.
“Rainbow Dash?” Sunset said mildly. The answer was a little obvious but she wasn’t about to interrupt a ranting Twilight.
“That’s right. Rainbow Dash. And she’s just a friend. I don’t know what ponies will say when they find out about Rarity and me. She doesn’t either. All her sewing skills, networking, and business sense have gotten her so far. I don’t want to steal credit from her like that.” She seemed to relax a little after getting that off her chest. “And while I know my friends wouldn’t run to the papers or anything, everypony makes mistakes. Says something to the wrong pony. Or just can’t keep a secret when asked directly. What kind of friend would I be if I asked them to lie for me anyway?”
Sunset frowned. She couldn’t really imagine dealing with all that pressure, all those eyes on her, and having that spread to her closest friends too. She didn’t envy Twilight’s crown.
That thought made her freeze, then let out a weird sort of half snort.
“Huh?” Twilight looked over at her. “Are you… laughing?” She sounded shocked and maybe even a little hurt.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Sunset half said, half giggled. “Not at you. It’s just. Just…” She covered up another chuckle, and stuffed down the amusement until she could explain. “I… when I was Celestia’s student all I wanted was to be a princess. I yearned for it, strived for it. The six or so months before I stumbled into this world it was all I could think about. I was obsessed. But now… sorry, but it kind of sounds like it sucks?”
Twilight looked aghast at first, like she couldn’t believe Sunset would even say that, then she relaxed and smiled. “It’s not all bad, but yeah, this one part? Does suck.”
Sunset smiled back, looking hopefully more sympathetic than amused now. “I’m sorry Twi. But hey you’ve still got great friends to support you. And… a marefriend now too, right?” Sunset nudged her a bit with an elbow.
Twilight blushed, but her laughter made it clear she didn’t mind the ribbing. “Yeah, Rarity’s been amazing. She always knows how to say the right thing and pull me back down when I start to spiral. I don’t really know where I’d be without her. She definitely makes what might come in the future worth it, even if it’s bad or invasive.”
“Well, I know this world’s Rarity, and if they're as alike as you say then you’re a lucky mare Twilight.” Sunset nudged her gently again, and this time when Twilight smiled back there was no hint of blush, no hint of embarrassment.
“Yeah. I really am.”
Sunset was caught off guard by that smile, by the shimmering brightness of it. There was something that throbbed in her chest, some twitch of something old finally being let go. Twilight was happy, beautifully so, and that was amazing.
“So, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said with a bit of her princessly authority. Whatever part of Sunset’s heart that had just collapsed into defeated relief shifted, revealing a new, strange, flickering ember.
“Rainbow Dash.” Sunset sighed.
“How… was she?” Twilight ventured cautiously.
“A-Are you curious?” Sunset stuttered out, cheeks heating up. She hadn’t expected such forwardness. Not from Twilight.
“N-no! I mean yes? Not like that though! I’m very happy with Rarity, she really knows what— Well… I mean… ugh! My point was, how…” Twlight grasped at the air in front of her like it would magically produce the word she was looking for. “How were… how did she make you feel? Did you have fun? Did you feel good? Or were you bored? Was there… anything… there?” Twilight had lost all of her authoritative tone and just looked frazzled now.
“Oh. Right.” Sunset said simply. “I don’t remember.”
“You don’t… remember?”
“I was drunk. She was too.”
Twilight stared at her for several moments. “I thought humans weren’t allowed to drink here until they’d turned twenty-one.”
Sunset didn’t say anything, just gave her a look.
“I see.” Twilight steepled her hands together. “And you got so drunk while drinking illegally that you do not remember what you did last night?”
“Correct. Before Pinkie said anything we weren’t even sure we uh… did… that.” Sunset answered lamely.
Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Honestly I think what we should do first is have a conversation about responsibility but considering we’re past that…”
“And that I didn’t ask you here to tell me to drink responsibly?” Sunset said with a smirk.
Twilight glared at her for a moment.
“You drank at this little get together too. Well not you. The other you.”
Twilight looked absolutely horrified, eyes wide and mouth agape. “She did not!”
Sunset nodded through a fit of giggles, then her hands as she tried to stifle the laughter.
Apparently sensing a losing battle, Twilight shook her head, sighed, and asked, “So you don’t remember, but how about now? What are your thoughts on last night? Not actual events but the fact that it happened at all.”
Sunset’s smirk dropped into a confused frown. “I mean… does that even matter?”
Twilight’s eyes widened. She blinked once, then twice. “What do you mean does that even matter? Of course it matters!” She spluttered. “Your feelings and thoughts are what will determine how you proceed and how you want your relationship with Rainbow Dash to change or stay the same. That and the key to any relationship, friendship or otherwise, is communication. If you don’t care to know how you feel, how can you communicate with Rainbow?”
“I…” Sunset slumped, resting her chin on her knees and hugging her legs with both arms. “I understand that, I do but… I don’t know the first thing about relationships Twilight. The only guy I’ve ever dated was a tool to me. A means to an end. The last person I loved sent me away because I ruined our relationship so much it couldn’t be repaired. I want… I called you here to get advice on how not to let this ruin everything. Again. I just…” Sunset gripped the sleeves of her leather biker jacket. “I don’t need her to love me. I just want her to not hate me. How do I do that?”
Twilight slumped too. “Sunset…”
That sad, cloying voice made Sunset want to huddle up even more. She didn’t want Twilight’s pity, Twilight’s care, especially now that she knew it wasn’t really hers to take. She wanted to hide inside her spiky impenetrable walls long enough so she could calculate how badly she’d fucked up and fix it logically.
Twilight didn’t say anything. She just reached over and touched Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset turned slowly and saw carefully measured comfort in the princess’ eyes. She watched Twilight’s small smile, felt her sure grip.
She wanted so badly to clamp shut, cut the tether, the hand gripping her, off. But she knew that was how she’d ended up bitter and angry before. She’d stubbornly gone it alone, trudging forward no matter how much she needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. So she let her shoulders drop, let her crossed arms open. “I’m… I’m scared. I’m scared I’ll hurt her. Scared I already have.”
Twilight sighed heavily again and shook her head. “You know you’re not that person anymore.”
“I know but— But sometimes it feels so easy to slip back. Someone says something that makes me angry and my first response is lash out. To yell. To hurt. I have to step back and… rewire myself to not just blow up.” She gripped the concrete stairs, doing her best to not just close in and up again. “It’s easier with the girls, they’re so nice, forgiving, but even they snap sometimes and I have to try so hard to not snap back.”
“And that’s the difference, Sunset. That’s what changed. Do you think you would have hesitated before? Do you think you would have cared?” Twilight grabbed her other shoulder, applying light pressure until they were staring each other in the eyes. “Friends fight. AJ and Rarity bicker all the time. Sometimes Dash doesn’t take Fluttershy’s feelings into account. Pinkie is too much for me every once in a while. It happens. It doesn’t make us bad friends or bad ponies.”
“And… marefriends?”
Twilight grinned and nodded, amusement dancing in her eyes. Then she pulled her hands away before launching into a story, switching her princessly lecture voice back on as she did. “Years ago, before I became a princess, Rarity made us all dresses for the grand galloping gala.”
Sunset hadn’t heard about the gala in years, but remembered it vaguely from the time she was Celestia’s student. She always thought it was too stuffy, full of ponies who only cared about money and social status. Not important things. Like magic and power.
“They were all gorgeous of course. Rarity’s only gotten better over time but she’s always been a fashion genius. All of us had our… own ideas about what made a good dress though. I wanted an accurate star map on the skirt because back then I was… very persnickety about accuracy, about how important that was. I still enjoy when things are perfectly in place, perfectly correct, but I know now that a friend’s happiness is more important than things being just so. Rarity was different back then too, not as confident in her design sense and desperate to make us all happy. So she followed our crazy instructions, making change after change to our gowns and when it was all said and done… she almost got booted from the fashion scene when she showed our designs off.” Twilight said the last part in a rush, cringing slightly.
Sunset gasped. She didn’t know pony Rarity, but her world’s Rarity was always looking for opportunities to get her foot in the door as a fashion designer. Apprenticeships, projects, even small boutique jobs. If Rarity was black booked or something, Sunset couldn’t even imagine how much that would hurt her.
“It was a long time ago and it all worked out in the end.” Twilight continued quickly when she saw Sunset’s wide eyes. “She never held it against us either, but… well… having an accurate, portable star map is really useful.” Twilight was playing with her straw again.
“You kept it?” Sunset exclaimed.
“Yes, I kept it! Do you know how much getting a perfectly accurate star map costs? Let alone doing it in fabric? I couldn’t just throw it away, especially when my friend turned marefriend made it for me. I get it now of course, but at the time it seemed harmless. Honestly, the obvious choice to me was to keep it.”
Sunset slowly absorbed that, lips pursed. “Soooo… she found out… when exactly?” Twilight wasn’t avoiding her marefriend as they spoke, was she?
“Last week. She was pretty upset, asked me to throw it away, said she had never wanted to see it again. Gave me the silent treatment when I explained how much getting something like it would cost, how valuable it was. After that I took the time to think it through and I gained the understanding I’d been lacking. I’m not an artist, but I can understand not wanting to look at your previous work. I thought I was so magically astute when I was younger. I didn’t boast but I knew I was good. Now those spells seem like foal’s play.” Twilight smiled a little at some unknown memory. “I almost got rid of it. It was worth a lot of bits, but not her being angry and hurt. Before I could, Rarity… decided to stop sulking? No, that sounds mean. She’d thought it over too. Was still… grumpy, but she realized something I didn’t even see.”
“And that was?”
“It was the first thing she ever made for me.” Twilight smiled softly, her eyes looked a little wet. “More than that it was, well… me. A completely accurate star map skirt with a royal flowing train? She said there was nothing in existence that was more Twilight Sparkle. It became… sentimental because of our love. A little piece of our history. We compromised on it too. I could keep it, could use it, could even display it in the castle’s astronomy tower, so long as no one ever knew she’d made it.”
Sunset burst out laughing, then quickly covered her mouth. “Sorry sorry!”
“No, you're fine. I thought it was kind of funny too. I mean I agreed! Of course. Because why wouldn’t I? But she was so insistent, so grumbly about it. It was cute. We ended up putting it up together in the tower and I showed her the stars that night. She loved that, the hopeless romantic.”
“Awww that’s… tooth rotting kinds of sweet.” Sunset smiled at the image Twilight’s words and smile conjured in her mind. Then she frowned a little. “But that… was just a dress right? I mean it can’t all be that easy.”
Twilight shrugged. “I guess so, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t hurt her feelings, Sunset. She was so mortified, so upset when she first found the thing. But in the end we talked, we compromised, and came out the other end better for it. Stronger for it, both individually and together.”
Sunset rubbed at her leather sleeves, played with the little strings that were fraying at the stitched shoulder seams. Twilight didn’t touch her this time. Just asked gently, “Sunset. Look at me?”
She did, staring into the deep amethyst of Twilight’s eyes. “You are going to hurt Rainbow Dash. Whether you stay friends or start dating. It’s inevitable. Friendship and love means being vulnerable, means opening yourself up to disappointment and hurt and even betrayal. That’s the magic of it. That’s what makes it special. The fact that we can give ourselves to another person, that we can rely on them, that we can be that close. That trust is what makes a bond like that strong, and repairing it, linking all those threads back together through communication and understanding after they’ve frayed or broken. That just makes them stronger.”
Sunset felt warm wetness in her eyes and Twilight blurred a little. “And if she doesn’t want to repair them with me?” She was still so scared, still so prepared for the day Celestia had, Rainbow would, they all would realize she was too fucked up to salvage, and cut her loose.
Twilight took her hands. “Sunset Shimmer.” She said the words with a steady, heavy, sure rhythm. “You are preparing for a catastrophe, a future, that doesn’t exist. Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty. She won’t abandon you. Not unless you ask her to go away. And even then she might be too stubborn to listen. So long as you meet her half way and work with her, she will always be willing to fix things, okay?”
“Okay.” The word came out choked, but laced with a smile.
“Now, how do you feel? What do you think about last night?”
“I think…” Sunset sniffled. Then reached into her pocket, and pulled out her phone. “I think I want to talk to her.”
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