#since she got up and came over to lay her body fully against my side
we don't deserve dogs i swear
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sukunastoy · 1 year
True Form Sukuna Comfort Fic
Just something short and sweet with TF Sukuna. ♥️
(This is a re submission, testing out my tags and things cause I was hidden/shadowbanned or something and seeing if the problem has been resolved yet. ✨)
"Oh god, h-he'll kill me!"
"He isn't going to kill you...I promise. This is not anything that would need such a violent reaction." You said calmly to the maid while helping her pick up the shattered pieces of a vase that had sat in the entrance of The King's estate.
Maybe once upon a time, that was something these maids needed to worry about, but ever since your arrival, it seemed to be a distant fear in the minds of most.
You had no say in the matter, being surrendered as a peace offering from your clan. Initially, you were assumed to be a sacrifice, killed upon your arrival for being the first and only daughter of your clan leader. But, to keep the King from laying waste to everyone, something precious and of value was demanded instead, and it happened to be you. He took you as his bride, but there wasn't any love involved. It was merely an insult to your sorcerer clan family.
There were no sons to take your father's place, and the bloodline would have continued with you; had you taken someone else's hand in marriage- but the King made sure to keep that from happening.
You accepted your new role with grace, the knowledge of keeping your clan safe being a stronghold in your emotions and reasonings. However, what happened after you got here was nothing you could have expected. The King wasn't prepared to put you on a spike or burn you alive to make a statement. He demanded you stay within his kingdom and serve him alongside the other maids and workers of his estate. You did your duty, being on your hands and knees scrubbing floors, tending the gardens, washing clothes in the river, and even doing other things the King hadn't mentioned you needed to do.
You had fresh flowers adorning the halls and rooms of his estate, making sure they were always vibrant and blossoming. You delegated some of the maids what tasks to do, and even took on some of the chores they struggled to accomplish out of fear. Someone had to help prepare the Kings meals, and it wasn't a secret what those meals sometimes consisted of...
It wasn't your business to ask where some of these meals came from, so you prepared them to the best of your ability. The King wouldn't dismiss you from the table until he was finished, but you remained at his side patiently. Despite working alongside other maids and servants, they still treated you with respect. You were still the Kings bride after all.
Once you finished helping the maid pick up all the pieces of the vase, someone caught her eye. You knew exactly who it was when she dropped her hands and knees in a subservient bow, body trembling in worry.
"M-my King, I-I deeply a-apologize for m-my careless actions!"
Turning to stand up fully in-front of the maid while looking at your husband, you smiled at him gently.
"It was a mistake, nothing that isn't fixable." You said softly while taking one of his large hands into yours. The number of lives his hands had claimed wasn't even alarming at this point. You could feel his muscles relax as you brought the warm palm to your cheek, kissing the heel of his thumb in the process.
"You intend to fix it yourself, then?" That deep, timbre voice; though terrifying to many- soothed your soul in a way you couldn't even begin to describe.
"Of course, my King." You promised, smiling up at him while placing your hand over his against your face. Knowing he could crush your entire skull with just a swift grip made this warm palm all the more comforting in an odd way.
And it was because you knew he wouldn't ever do such a thing...at least not to you. His intimidating gaze shifted from the maid to you, and watching those crimson hues give up on their anger made you caress his hand tenderly.
"Then that is what I expect." He commanded, the pad of his thumb ever so briefly smoothing under your eye before pulling away. You gave a slight bow of respect before his departure and then turned back to the maid, who was still trembling with her face pressed into the tatami mats.
"Come on; we'll fix it together."
Joining your King later in the evening at the hot springs near his home, you remained on the ground at the edge, massaging his massive shoulders as he relaxed.
"I hope the end of this day is finding you well, my King." You spoke gently as your smaller hands worked into the muscles to relax him. He hummed in response, leaning his head back into your lap. A smile tugged at your lips while you looked down at him, hesitantly moving one of your hands to cup his cheek.
"Join me."
He finally said before lifting his head and moving forward into the water more, turning to watch you obey his order. You slightly laughed while swinging your legs into the water but hugged yourself in embarrassment. "You know I can't swim."
"Oh, come now, it's not that deep."
"My King, you're also much taller." You pointed out through a giggle, slowly swishing your legs in the water, enjoying the warmth surrounding them. Taking a moment to survey the large rocks beneath the surface, you shifted into the water, carefully holding onto anything you could to keep your footing. Before you got too far, you turned your back to Sukuna, removing your petite robe to lay on the ground at the water's edge. Honestly, the two of you had never spent any intimate moments together, and you hadn't been uncovered in his presence. But you knew better than completely submerging yourself in the water with clothing. Wrapping an arm across your chest, you turned and ventured toward the center where your husband was waiting. The water started to engulf you, and it got up to your shoulders before stopping, still a reasonable distance from him.
"All the way." He chuckled, able to stand in the deepest area with his chest still out of the water. Then, one of those large hands reached out toward you, and for a moment, you felt your face flush with a warmth that wasn't from the heat of the springs.
Quickly judging the distance, you shoved off the rock, flopping forward into the water without grace. You scrambled for his hand with both of yours, clinging to him desperately as you no longer felt the stone bottom under your feet. A cat being tossed in the water looked more elegant than you had at that moment, and the blush across your face proved your embarrassment.
Sputtering through the water splashed onto your face, you laughed while keeping both arms wrapped around his. Your feet held together against his thigh to keep you above the water enough, so you didn't feel like you were sinking in too much.
He smirked in humor while wrapping an arm around our waist, helping you stay afloat while he sank to be face level with you.
"I'm happy you're in a good mood." You smiled at him softly, gently reaching out to cup his cheek. "It brings me joy when you're pleased, my King..."
"What other things bring you joy?"
"Oh, it's not a concern...just so long as you are-"
He halted your words with a soft kiss on your lips, catching you off guard. Your eyes widened in shock and nervousness when your gaze was locked with his, unable to look away from those intense eyes. He stepped back slowly, sitting down and resting you upon his lap to face him. Your knees pressed upon his thighs, and once his lips separated from yours, you tucked your face into his neck, hiding bashfully. He's never displayed any form of affection...and this was so sudden. At the moment, you weren't sure how you felt about it.
You had gotten so comfortable with him over the time you'd spent at his side, but mainly you served him just as any maid had done.
"Why are you hiding?" He asked quietly, one of those enormous hands caressing our back ever so gently. The tips of his claws glided carefully along your skin, making you shudder in amazement to know he could honestly do whatever he wanted to you at any given moment. Yet, he refrained...
"I just wasn't expecting such a thing." You murmured with honesty, leaning back to address your King correctly.
"I know we're married, but It isn't for usual reasons...So I never imagined anything happening." Then, feeling one of his hands cup your cheek so tenderly, you leaned into it through comfort.
"Are you opposed to being my wife?"
"No, of course not. I was offered, but I still accepted your hand willingly and with the highest honor. The King of Curses keeping me at his side? Even if for your amusement, you've been so generous and kind to me. I couldn't even envision returning home or going elsewhere..."
Kneeling upon the lap of the most feared being in the known world brought a feeling into your heart you couldn't explain. His hands never held you in place against your will, and you never winced in fear when he spoke. You've seen him kill, seen him dispose of disobeying servants without a second thought, and you've even prepared some of the grotesque delicacies he enjoyed on occasion. But, you had a warm bed, food in your belly, a safe home, and even enough respect from your King to talk him down from discarding a maid for something trivial. The estate felt brighter the longer you were here, and the maids and other servants became less tense with each passing day. You fixed minor blemishes throughout his home, happily applying any skill you could where needed. This was your husband's home, but it was also your home, and you took pride in the care of it.
When Sukuna relaxed in the courtyard, you would tend to the gardens. Any fruit in nearby trees would also be picked and offered to your King. In the moments you sat on his lap and relaxed, you had never felt safer. Being in the arms of such a disaster would inflict pure trauma upon most. But it only brought you peace...as if you were being spared.
As your King pulled your body against him in the water, you whimpered softly for him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he embraced you, and you smiled fondly at the closeness.
That was the first time the two of you shared such a tender moment, and you cherished it closely. Your husband wasn't a man of many words or emotions, and you accepted that fact quickly. When he did decide to display affection towards you, it was such an honorable gift. Most of the chores you used to do were banned from you now, as the wife of Sukuna shouldn't be cleaning floors or cooking meals.
You still gathered flowers and pampered your King when you could, enjoying the good mood he'd be in from your simple actions. The maids and other servants would enjoy moments with you, as well as you talked to them throughout the day. You were surprised to find that many of them came from worse places, which is why they do their best for the King. Though Sukuna could be a terrifying monster, so long as they did everything they were supposed to do, he more or less left them alone. The ones who disregarded his rules and expectations were disposed of without hesitation. You knew he was very strict when you arrived but seeing him relax and ease up over time was comforting. Were you melting that ice around his cold heart so quickly? It almost felt wrong to take credit for it...
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The Harshest Winters (18+!)
Part 3;
Pairing(s): Jacaerys x Reader x bookcanon Aemond;
Warnings: all of them tbh, it's Harshest Winters we're talking about;
Word Count: 10k+
Author's Note: IT'S FINALLY HERE!! I'm honestly overwhelmed by the love this fic got in the span of so little time 😭 I hope you guys enjoy this part as well! Thank you so much for being so patient with me <3
Also, this chapter is FILTHY. I'm talking actual smut for the first time in my life, which makes me both nervous and embarrassed to be posting this lol
I know that the people who read this particular series are already used to the graphic content ahead, but consider this your fair warning :"))
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As night swallows the world of Westeros, four beating hearts must get through the challenges that arise in the absence of sunlight.
Desire is the death of duty - fear pushes against the voice of reason.
Dreams really are the window to the soul sometimes.
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One… Two… Three… Four.
Aemond’s breathing came and went in slow and labored pants. Whatever the man was dreaming about must have had quite the effect on him, and the lady scoffed to herself, while pushing down a disdainful huff.
Slowly, yet surely, her head rolled to the side. She could still see him in her periphery - the deep creases that adorned his forehead, a permanent reminder of his relentless character; the way his chest heaved each exhale, as if constantly pained by an unknown affliction.
Good, she thought to herself, At least his dreams should torment him, if his psyche won't allow it.
In… And out. In… Out.
Three weeks had passed since her brazen attempt to escape with Cain. Three weeks, since she left the wounded knight in the cave: to rot or to crawl back by himself.
Back to where?
Back home? That much was impossible.
Back to the Saltpans? And from there on… what?
Three weeks. Three weeks had passed to account for her life back in Harrenhal. Three weeks of sleeping in the same bed as him, three weeks in which her only waking thought was to grab a pillow and smother him with it as he slept soundly by her side.
Goosebumps crawled over her skin, leaving the lady restless and aggravated. She’d twist and turn more times than she could count - she’d curse herself and her current situation: her weakness, her inability to kill Aemond then and there.
She had to live. She had promised Jace that much, and she would honor her word.
There would be a time for Aemond to meet his end. And it would be by her hand.
If he were here, he’d know what to do.
Her thoughts turned sporadic. For a few moments, the girl clenched her fists so hard that her knuckles turned white - squeezing harder as her anger built up. Each of her fingernails bit into the softness of her palm, and she could feel herself draw harsher breaths, in and out: all in a desperate attempt to calm herself down.
Her heart beat loudly, and her body trembled in unquenched rage.
She could still kill him now; Gods, how she wished nothing more adherently than that. And why not kill him - for his death would avenge Jacaerys, Luke… Cain.
Indeed, here she was, laying down next to the Kinslayer, one step away from wrapping her small fingers against his throat and pushing down with an unrivaled force and fury.
Before she could fully process her own actions, (Y/N) slowly rose from her resting place. The wide bed made a deep creaking sound, which echoed throughout the room for a couple of moments.
One, two, three seconds she allowed herself to wait.
The girl remained unmoving, as she took in a sharp breath, and held it in the back of her throat.
Her weary eyes skimmed over Aemond’s sleeping form, and her whole body stiffened in anticipation. When she noticed his lack of a reaction, a soft sigh parted from her rosy lips, and a deep scowl settled over her fair features.
Reason fought with ire and, eventually, the former succeeded in its quiet assertion.
Tears of frustration welled in her eyes, and the lady of Riverrun shut them tightly; it was Jacaerys’ voice that then rang in her ears.
‘You know what your only fault is?’ He let out a roaring laugh while engulfing her back with his stronger arms. She turned around to face him, abruptly so, and her hands came to rest over his broad and shaking chest. 'I remember a boy who once said I had no faults.' The lady laughed with him, whilst rubbing small circles in the cuff of his sparring vest.
He kissed the top of her head with a wistful smile, and glanced at her with a boyish glimmer in his hawk-like eyes. 'Please accept my humblest apologies, my darling love. I merely meant: do you know what the only thing that’s too good about you is?’
(Y/N) let out a soft giggle, mirroring Jace’s look of full, unadulterated love. She furrowed her brows comically, before tracing his jaw with her free hand. ‘Enlighten me, then, My Prince…’
Upon hearing his title cascade from her plump lips, the Prince of Dragonstone dived in to press his forehead onto hers. He took in a shaky breath, and gently cupped her cheek to kiss her. ‘You are far too loyal for your own good. You care too much for the people you let in. It makes you angry and brash - it makes you take too many risks.’
The threat of a sob was forming on her wobbly lip. (Y/N) bit it harshly, and sucked in another breath. Her tight hold replaced the tender meat of her inner palm, with the silky sheets of their shared bedding. A lone tear parted from her shut eye, rolling over her face, and staining her cotton nightdress.
‘It makes me quite jealous - your fearlessness and devotion.’ Jacaerys muttered against her ear, whilst pampering her with chaste, soft kisses. ‘When I make you my Queen, I might just make it so that you can only see and take care of me.’ He jested lightly, eliciting a chuckle from the laying girl.
Her hand reached for his soft, curly locks, and she twirled each strand against her slim fingers. ‘Should you make me your wife, Jace, I don’t think I’d ever part from you again.’
His eyes held a fire in them; the Velaryon prince reached for her tangled hand, and took it in his own, pressing it against his waiting mouth. ‘You will be my wife. My Princess.’ His voice was laced with naught but determination and love. ‘One day, we’ll both be crowned before the masses: and you will be the most beloved Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.’
‘When we marry, you will be mine, as I already am yours.’ He pledged with a final, delicate caress.
With each palpable reminder of him, her jaw clenched tighter and tighter. The suffering that erupted from deep within her chest both fueled and exhausted the lady and, soon enough, the girl found herself laying down again, wetting her pillow with endless rivers of tears.
The chastising fires of sleep licked at her conscious mind, and, although strained by her lover’s swift reminder, the woman fell into a deep sleep.
Oh, and how beautiful the dream was.
Although it wasn’t an exact replica of the way they first met, it more than made up for it with its stilling beauty.
He held his hand out to her, a polite smile plastered across his face. Her older brothers gave her a knowing look - there would be no higher honor for a Tully than to be singled out during the banquet of the Crown Prince's sixteenth name day.
Together, they danced not one, not two, not three… but seven dances during that blessed evening.
Her feet were aching and, with the redness of his cheeks and the lightness on his handsome face, the girl guessed she had at least had the same effect on the Prince, as he had on her.
They talked all throughout the night, sharing fond stares and quiet giggles that echoed and bounced off the hard stone walls.
“Why haven’t we met before, My Lady?” Jacaerys questioned with an upward quirk of his brow and a charming smile upon his lips.
“I’m afraid such questions will have to be taken up with my Grandfather, Your Grace.” As she mirrored his contagious grin, the young girl carried on, “I’ve… been at court while I was younger, and remained in the Red Keep for a couple of years, but the quiet of the Riverlands always suited me better.”
“We’re very similar, you and I, Lady Tully.” Jace let out in a long huff, straightening his back against the cold patio of the Royal Gardens. “I… I know that it is my duty, to confer with the other Lords and Ladies and make idle talk, but… I must admit that it can be quite…”
“Straining?” (Y/N) suggested with a quizzical quirk of her brow.
Jacaerys’ face broke into a beaming smile, and the Heir to the Iron Throne nodded affirmatively. “Exactly that, My Lady. I’m afraid, sometimes, that it shows on my face.” He joked half heartedly as he scrunched up his nose - though his posture remained upright and fair.
Her eyes widened in surprise, and the girl shook her head definitively. “I assure you, Your Grace, it couldn’t be further from the truth.”
“... I beg your pardon?”
“Friends and family just call me Jace.”
A knowing look was shared between them, and (Y/N) allowed her eyes to trail downwards, resting on the velvet flowers that adorned the well-kept garden. Her cheeks felt as though they caught on fire, and the lady was sure that her face held a comical rouge to it, thanks to Jacaerys’ insistent staring.
She knew well what came after that - she remembered how she hurried to allow Jace the same courtesy, of calling her by her given name, and how they both laughed at the other’s awkwardness.
And yet…
The Velaryon’s laughter turned into a painful cry. As if possessed, he started shaking his head. Then his limbs. Then his body.
“But dead men do not need names, do they, (Y/N)?”
Her head shot up - blood began pumping in her ears, and her heartbeat hammered against her chest.
“I am dead, I am dead, I am dead,” He wailed continuously, “Can’t you see it, my love? Can you not see?”
Strong arms came to hold her from behind - wrapped up in algae, with flesh half eaten by the haunting sea.
The air in her lungs filled with a putrid smell.
“Do you see me? Do you? Do you see me, (Y/N)? My face, my eyes, how do they look? Oh, (Y/N), I cannot see down here! It’s so dark!”
Wet and cold rivers of liquid ran down her spine, coming from his parted mouth - water or blood, she couldn’t distinguish. And she was far too scared to turn her head to look.
“I cannot breathe - help me! Why did you let me die?”
A violent shriek escaped her lips. The girl tried to spin and turn - escape his hold, and take him in her arms all the same.
Jacaerys was faster in his attempts; he took her face with his pruney fingers, and twisted her head around.
But instead of brown eyes, she was met with greying hues.
“Why did you let me die?” Cain’s voice echoed Jace’s sentence. “Why did you let me die, My Lady? How could you let me die?”
Blood was raining down on them: it filled her lungs, and painted her blue dress in a sickly purple. It stuck on her eyes and closed shut. It made her limbs impossible to move.
"No… no, no… this is not how it's supposed to go…!"
“(Y/N)! It's all your fault, all your fault…!”
A blood-curdling scream regurgitated from her dry throat.
Neither her drenched nightgown, nor the clogged air of the wide chambers managed to calm her down. While still in the limbo between dream and reality, (Y/N) brought a hand to her souring throat, and clawed at her collar for more stability.
Almost immediately after her first shaky sob, Aemond’s body bolted upright, and the One-Eyed Prince brushed off any remaining fragments of his torturous sleep.
With his right arm, he reached for her in an outstretched caress, eyes wide with wonder over her violent reaction - whilst his left instantly grabbed the dagger on the drawer closest to him.
One look about the room confirmed his pending suspicion: she had gone through a nightmare, and a very unpleasant one at that.
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Not all our dreams get to turn into nightmares - The dead of night can provide solace for some, as well as great agony for others.
Scattered desires, idle wants, and needs: all met under the velvety silence and gratifying darkness that eats one whole, and mends his subconscious to the most profane of fantasies.
In his dream, Aemond was engaging in a much kinder resolve than the lady next to him.
The echo of swift, hurried footsteps allowed a comforting sigh to wash over his parted lips.
The tedious company of his brother and father was long forgotten, the moment her familiar silhouette caught his eye, urging him to turn his head around.
There she stood, ever the vile temptress, wearing an emerald green dress that draped lowly over her shoulders, trailing over her tender bosom, and barely covering the perky mounds of flesh.
She was smiling at him, despite being attached to Jace's arm, and a soft bite over her lower lip was all it took for the young Prince to feel that familiar tightness form in his leather braies.
He couldn't tell who strutted towards who, or how they got to that point. But a tentative hand rose to his face, taking off his eye patch.
A hitch of pleasure escaped from her crimson lips. She took both his hands in hers and, before the masses, placed them right above her clothed, throbbing clit.
"Please…" She pleaded with him, writhing into his reluctant touch, "Kostilus. Kostilus, Aemond."
His hesitation and lack of movement caused a loud whimper to contort from deep within her throat. She gave him a sly smirk, and brought her own hands under her skirts, to lift them and show him her glistening cunt. The evidence of his arousal was obvious, what with his cock brushing against her thigh as they kissed. He took her by the neck with one hand, while resting the other on her cheek.
He let out a low groan, and pushed her hand away to cup her dripping sex. His calloused thumb flicked over her reddened pearl, and a long, slim finger went inside her tight hole.
Aemond clenched his jaw - almost painfully so - and his hips rutted into the air so desperately, that the man was sure her wanton gasps held some amused glimmer in them.
His lilac orb watched her face contort in pleasure. They were all alone now, hidden in the shadows of the Great Hall, belonging to the Red Keep.
… And there he was, seated on the Iron Throne, moving his hips lazily as his intended was bouncing up and down his clothed shaft, rubbing their bodies together with a renowned fever.
His name fell from her lips in a sickeningly sweet way - Aemond could feel his hardness twitch into the hot material, and the Targaryen Prince bit back a guttural moan.
"Fuck… fuck, fuck, fuck, that's it. Bona iksos issa sȳz riñītsos." He hissed through gritted teeth.
She was finally his.
His to love, his to cherish, his to fuck and to make love to.
The thought of possessing her fully, unapologetically, wildly, sent a deep shiver down to his unyielding loins.
Aemond was close. Oh so close to reaching his high. But he wanted to make her feel good.
Wordlessly, the One-Eyed Prince stopped her desperate bucking with one hand over her hip and the other, holding down onto the nape of her neck.
The girl was sobbing and shaking. Her voice came out as a meek whisper, and her glassy eyes met with his dilated pupil.
"No, no… please… kostilus, Aemond, don't stop…" She writhed inside his arms, bringing her hand out to caress his scarred cheek.
A knowing smile tugged at the corners of his bemused lips. Aemond hummed at her admission, and tenderly licked her lips.
"Shh," He soothed her gently, "Be still, byka hontes. Issa dōna, byka jorrāelagon."
While speaking, the Targaryen Prince pushed her dress to the side, sliding off her small clothes with an able hand and placing her flush onto the Iron Throne.
He bit the inside of her thigh, and rubbed small circles on the back of her hands.
Like the perfect lover, he entwined her palms with his, entangling their fingers together as he hushed her sweetly.
"Spread your legs for me, issa jorrāelagon. Let me see how wet you are."
The echo of a "Please" got caught in his throat. It was taking everything inside of him not to kneel before his lady and beg her to let him touch her.
Her wild blush and plush, swollen lips made Aemond let out a low curse. He gripped her fingers tighter, and took them in his mouth, to coat them with adorning kisses, one by one.
"You can do it for me, my sweet, pretty girl." He encouraged her through a shallow pant. "Don't you want me to make you feel good?"
A shy 'yes' bounced off the cold walls of the secluded Keep. Aemond hummed in approval, and lowered his head over her sensitive mound, sucking lightly.
With each new whimper, his strokes became more and more sporadic. The Prince aligned his nose over her throbbing clit, and eased his tongue into her sacred depths.
His eye shut tightly at the feeling of her sweet nectar - one of his hands came free from her tight grasp, and he parted her thighs even further apart.
"Good girl, good girl, good girl…" He chanted while latched onto her scorching heat, and, with one final push of his tongue inside her, he took the girl over the edge.
Her cries of bliss shook the very building to the core. Her wild pants brought Aemond close to orgasm, and the male had to bring down a hand to his aching bulge, and clench it tightly, in order to stop himself from spilling in his pants.
It wouldn't take long for his love to wiggle her hips again.
His mouth and chin gleamed with the evidence of her spilled arousal. Aemond let out a rumbled laugh and licked himself clean with the help of two nimble fingers.
"I won't waste a single drop. Not one, single drop of you."
His words made her eyes roll back, and her throat inch with a loud moan. His Lady kneeled before him, and rubbed her cheek over his clothed cock, kissing at its outlines faintly.
Insatiable little mynx.
His eye fluttered shut, groaning in agony at her sensual touch. Aemond swallowed thickly, and he let out a hurting whimper, as the kneeling woman dipped her hand in the tightness of his pants.
Slowly, teasingly, she tested the waters.
The woman brought her hand up to her lover, and parted his swollen lips with the slow stroke of her thumb. Silently, she urged him to coat her skin with the wet of his saliva. Aemond smirked, and licked one long stripe over her spreading palm.
Humming in approval, and never once breaking eye contact, she eased her way down his leather trousers, and freed his cock from the tightness of its cage.
Several beads of sweat streamed down his pleasured face. Droplets of precum rolled down his reddened tip, and Aemond hissed at the contact they made with the base of his shaft.
His lady looked at him with soft, doe-like eyes;
"Syz taoba." She praised him with a mischievous smile. Before he could register the whole of her movements, the woman's tongue darted out, and she licked a slow strip over his twitching manhood.
She laughed at his dazed expression, and began touching him with her silky palm.
"Yes…" He moaned into her hold, bucking his hips to meet her hand halfway. "Tighter. Grip it tighter…" He instructed her through labored breaths, and a harsh groan etched its way from his bitten lips. "Ah, ābrazyrys!"
With each palpable thrust, Aemond moaned louder and louder, until the licks of relief washed over him in a sudden wave of pleasure.
At once, his hips stilled their violent bucking, and he felt the first streaks of cum shoot over his heaving abdomen.
Aemond gasped at her unwavering touch, and a single tear of pure delight rolled down his pale cheek.
She smiled at him. A pure, innocent smile, as if what she'd just done did naught to shake her untouched innocence.
(Y/N) moaned at the sight of him, so ravished and spent by her hand - she licked her lips tentatively, and trailed her fingers over his lower stomach, coating each digit with his warm release.
The cum pooled on the base of her tongue, and she showed him the fullness in her mouth, before swallowing him whole.
Thinking him fully drained, the girl made haste to get up on her feet and press her forehead against his. She giggled excitedly, and kissed over his jaw and neck.
A primal glint swirled deep within him, and Aemond's eye darkened.
He wasn't done with her just yet.
His arms flipped her over, and the pair found themselves in the peace and quiet of his old Quarters. Her body was pushed against the silk bedding, laid in below Aemond's insistent licks and kisses.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard, until the only thing you can think of is me."
His voice was shaking with lust and need, and the curve of her waist and breasts did nothing to help his aggravated heart.
His love let out a stimulated groan. Her lips churned into a small pout, and she brought his hand out to her scorching heat, pressing down on it insistently.
His mouth lulled open - he could feel the heat emanating from her maidenhood, and the very scent that made his head swirl with need.
He gritted his teeth and lowered his body to press against hers. He could feel himself grow harder and harder by the second, twitching against her exposed thigh.
The girl let out a burst of snorting laughter, and her legs came to grip him over the bulk of his waist.
Effortlessly, she pushed him into the wide goose pillows, towering over him as she snapped her hips into his.
"I always wanted to mount a dragon. Tonight, I'm going to ride you as you ride Vhagar."
The intensity of her scream made the man bolt up in an instant. His thoughts surged with a singular instinct: to protect her.
A hand reached for his dagger. The other, for her shaking form.
"What happened?" His throaty groan echoed through the silent room.
At the sound of his smothering voice, the girl let out a startled scream. She would have fallen from the unmade bed, were it not for Aemond's hands, which caught her beforehand. … His face contorted in pain at her recoiling, at her lack of trust in him. His very presence was unnerving her.
Her numerous shrieks alerted the new guards, who, warned in advance of their master's disposition to anger, hastily opened the door to his chambers - swords unsheathed and shoulders tense.
But, upon glancing at the erratic woman, and the way her hands were pushing Aemond's chest away from her flush form, they assumed this was just another way of coupling, and the oldest of the two bowed his head in embarrassment, before grabbing his brethren by the cape and exiting the room.
Fucking assholes…! The Lady thought to herself. Upkeeping the realm and instigating order only when they see fit.
The pang of embarrassment took a hold of her jaded face. It didn't matter what they thought. But all the same, Cain's words echoed into her ears, slithering into her heart.
' - the walls talk in Harrenhal, my Lady. And they... well, forgive me for being so blunt - speak stories about how the Kinslayer loses sleep by visiting you in your chambers at night.'
Disgust painted its way over her distressed expression. A deep frown creased her forehead, and she clicked her tongue in irritation at Aemond's attempt to soothe her.
"N-Nothing happened." She strained herself to answer. "It doesn't matter. Now let me go."
But his hold didn't falter. His iron grip reigned over her, and (Y/N) could feel how her wrist started to ache from numbness.
Her eyes shot up in pure horror.
"Please, Prince Aemond." She tried once more, though this time sweeter. Her eyes trailed from his face to his clenched fists, and she tried to relax in his hold - at least slightly. Dread settled into the pits of her stomach, as she awaited his answer.
The One-Eyed Prince felt his heart hammer against his chest. A stinging pain ruled over any other voice of reason, and he felt lethal, succumbed to the endless lust and frenzy that he felt for the shaking girl.
And, although he didn’t let go of her bruising arm, he sat down the dagger in his left hand, in favor of touching her lax cheek with his rough fingertips.
Gods, he was still so painfully hard.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, as his grip over her body relaxed with each passing minute. The taste of abhorance was getting harder and harder to ignore - as did his raging hard-on, so adamantly pressed against her covered leg.
The woman darted her tongue out to wet her chapped lips; an action that wasn’t easily ignored by Aemond. His brows furrowed in lust and anger, and the coil in his lower stomach grew tighter by the second.
His hand ghosted over her twisted features, and he held his hand against her, with a fear akin to getting burnt. She scrunched her nose up as he scooted closer: her eye trailed downwards to his huge erection. Fear mixed with the knowledge of her situation, and her free hand came to grip the edge of the mirkwood bed.
“Hey,” She began to say, but took a pause to clench and unclench her jaw. “I think we should go back to sleep.”
Her eyes closed, if only for a second. Aemond’s deep breaths echoed through the quiet room, over her face, and the girl chastised herself for being so idiotic.
Some reply she gave him.
… But there is still a way to get a hold of that damned dagger.
Thoughts laced with uncertainty whirled inside her head. This wasn’t the first time Aemond had stared with hunger at her, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. It was simply the way their 'relationship' worked. Simply the way he did.
Before she could muster up to add anything else, the Kinslayer broke the silence. His voice was soft and hitched; His broad arms snaked around her again, and his single eye loomed over her, adorning an emotion that menged perfectly with caution and lust.
“Why do you have this effect on me?” He questioned no one but himself. “You have ruined me.” He uttered, as if her presence and innocence were the strongest of poisons.
“Nyke istan nykeā vala hen gaomilaksir se rigo gō nyke mazilībagon laesi va ao. Se ao… ao… ao mazverdagon issa aylik hae lo nyke daor…”
The last of his words came out strained and angry, the desire to possess her coming out in the roughness of his sentence in High Valyrian.
(Y/N) squinted at him, unsure of what to do and say, except to stay awfully quiet. His cock twitched in his pants at her confused expression, and the woman sat her eyes on the dagger before her.
May his Gods so help him if he tries to do anything to me, she dryly thought to herself.
“I never tried to hurt you in any way.” She spoke decidedly, trying her best to keep a level of strength in her hoarse voice. Her body tensed under his aggravating touch, and the Lady quietly cursed herself for her inability to move further away from him.
Aemond’s face broke into a tight smile, and the Targaryen Prince huffed out in a low breath.
“Quit playing your game with me. You know exactly what you did. Women like you have quite the breeding for it.”
At that moment, anger blinded her. Swift as an arrow, she rose her head up high, and attempted to slap him - hard. But the older man caught her hand within his skilled fingers, and lowered it to his aching heart, keeping it there.
“Ao taenor issa. Aōha elēni, aōha laesi, aōha relgos, aōha maelki - aōha olvie perhas iksos surokvis issa. Issi ao biare? Hmm? Issi ao biare rūsīr skoros ao gōntan naejot issa?”
He could see the tears in her eyes. He could feel the flesh of her skin burn with the roughness of his touch. He could feel her anger and building disdain, and all of it pushed him over the edge all the same.
Aemond grabbed her face with his free hand, and clasped her jaw tightly. He breathed in her warmth, and he cursed himself for it - for the weakness that she caused him, for how easy it was for her to calm him down. “Ao issi nykeā quptenka ābra qilōni insalvak nykeā dārys hen ānogar.” He hissed desperately, lowering himself closer and closer to her face. “I treat you with kindness, and this is how you think to repay me? Vile, spoiled cunt. Gevie līve, ny dōna byka rene.”
To his mind, he was but an animal, caught helplessly in a siren’s grasp - she had lured him in with her beauty, her heart, and he was drowning in her, in her essence, in her being.
All of the things he felt towards her welled up inside of him: the love, the longing, the obsession, the lust, the need, the want. It was all too much.
He breathed heavily into her ear, while stroking at her bottom lip, “Gaomagon ao ūndegon sepār skorkydoso kraj ao issi, issa jorrāelagon? Aemond Mēre-Laes, se kipagīros hen Vhagar sen se Dārys mīsio hen Westeros… aōhon. Isse prūmia, haevisis, se maelki."
His raining assault in High Valyrian aggravated her to no end. Although Jacaerys' knowledge on the language wasn't perfect, either, he had taught the girl enough to get by.
And enough it was, at the very least, to make out the hissed out "beautiful"s, "love"s, and "heart"s that Aemond spewed at her.
The Tully girl spat in his face, biting on the index finger, that was trying to pry open her mouth. “You promised me,” She asserted as she pried herself free of his sickly embrace, “You promised me you wouldn’t touch me until I expressively asked you to.”
Her (y/e/c) eyes clashed with his lone, lilac orb. The woman swallowed thickly, and a droplet of sweat fell over her pounding temple. “So back. Off.”
Half a second goes by - half a heartbeat and half a breath -, until Aemond finally lets go of her, and settles back down onto the cold side of his bed.
For a while, (Y/N) is stuck. She sees how the man she loathes turns his back around, how his shoulders fall back as he’s trying to relax. She focuses on his breathing, and how his erratic breaths quiet down.
“Go to sleep.” He commands her bitterly, “Before I give you a reason to be tired out.”
The ferocity of a thousand curses almost falls from her tightened lips. The woman takes in a deep breath, and lowers herself back onto the drenched sheets.
He had donned the dagger to his fucking waist.
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For almost two weeks, Cain had been falling in and out of consciousness.
His clash with Aemond left him weak and crippled - most of all, it left him ashamed.
Ashamed of his lack of diligence. Ashamed for having been unable to protect his Lady.
Finally, ashamed of his weakness and lack of thought, of reason.
If he were awake right now, he'd curse the Old Gods and the New for making him so - for giving him the wound that would incapacitate him forever. He'd have to fight the shivers that came with the rotting of his flesh, he'd have to clench his remaining fist in agony at the notion of the pools of blood he lost: the notion of his wound still going through the process healing, and all that came with it.
His once handsome face was still stained with his blood - dirt and sweat clung to it, like flies on dead meat.
His golden locks looked almost black, covered by the mold and mud that he'd crawled through once he reached outside the cave.
"You need to be swifter on your foot, lass!" Ser Allyn Swann instructed him, hitting the boy over the legs once, in taciturn aggression. "You're to be our Lady's sworn protector, are you not? You'll need to do better than that."
"I already am her sworn protector!" Cain yelled after the knight, rubbing a hand over his sweaty forehead. He took in a sharp breath, exhaustion seeping in his bones. Without waiting for an answer, he retook his wide stance and bowed down to his professor. "Again." He urged Ser Swann with a determined look.
The rains of spring had softened the ground, and both the knight and aspiring shield had to be mindful of their footsteps, so as to not land on their tired backs.
Allyn smiled, and shook his head. "Are you now, boy?" He obliged with a reply, "I think you're a seventeen-year-old blighter, who's bitten off more than he can chew."
His able taunting seemed to have worked.
No longer was Cain swinging his sword in circles, measuring his adversary with an aware look. Exactly like a dire wolf would after getting a whiff of fresh prey, the Waters bastard jumped into the leveling field, slashing his wooden blade directly at his opponent's head.
Allyn hummed in disapproval, and back-tracked to the right, faking a swing to his left side, before wiping Cain's feet off the ground with a wonky, but effective swipe.
"Again, Waters?" The knight asked with a click of his tongue. "This is the fifth time you fell for this exact same move. You may be as simple-minded as the Gods allow - but even a fool would learn from his mistakes once he swallowed mud once or twice."
As the boy lowered his gaze in undoubted guilt, his teacher offered him his hand, hoisting him off the field with a low grunt.
"Your mind is elsewhere, Cain. What is it that's bothering you?"
Eyes of the colour of steel clashed with Allyn's brilliant blues. A hoarse sigh left his parted lips, and Cain looked to the sky above them.
"I… I'm not ready." He admitted through gritted teeth. "Lady (Y/N) believes in me, but I'm not ready."
His simple sentence, his raw honesty, moved the greying knight.
He smiled tightly at the boy, resting a hand atop his heaving shoulder, and squeezed strongly.
"You are ready. You haven't the slightest idea of what you can do, should the situation call for it."
"Aye, I can fall straight on my ass. Maybe that'll distract my real opponents!"
"Cain." His professor interrupted him, "Long has it been since I last faced that eight-year-old boy who wanted nothing more than to prove himself."
Ser Swann's words brought a twisted smile to his lips, and (Y/N)'s protector mirrored his tired expression, as he huffed out a breath in disdain.
"I'm afraid I'll fail her." He muttered under his breath, looking in the general direction of his Lady's Quarters. "She believes in me, yes. But what if she's wrong?" A deep frown splits his forehead in three, wide creases. "Sometimes it feels like she must be."
"Only a real knight would ever admit to his weaknesses and less than stellar moments." Allyn encouraged him shortly. His eyes never once left Cain's, and the old Lord nodded his head briskly. "Lady Tully is not the only one who believes in you. Before her, Lord Hunter Redwyne believed in you."
A small chuckle broke Cain's reserved silence.
"If I remember correctly, he made you his steward exactly because he believed in you. After him, of course, went his sons and daughters. When the siege over Arbourtown took place, who was it that fought 100 men all by himself?"
"Hardly 100. It was 66 at best."
"Honesty. Another rare quality to find in a knight."
Cain's frustration welled in his eyes. "It's not honesty - it's a well-known truth!"
"Let me tell you something, Cain. It could have been a hundred men. Or it could have been thirty, or it could have been just one. The unrivaled truth remains: when everyone abandoned their post, you were the only one left standing in the West Wing of that castle."
A hefty silence settled off between the two.
"Plenty of people believed in you: plenty still do. And all of them were right to do so."
Cain's aching fists turned lax once Ser Allyn put an end to his trail of thought. "I…" He bit his cheek in an attempt to talk.
'Thank you.'
"I still have a lot to learn."
"That you do, boy. That you do." Allyn confirmed with a convinced jerk of his head. His eyes glimmered with pride, however, and, as he picked his sword back up, the man smiled at his driven apprentice.
"But I believe in you, and in the fact that you will make her proud."
"... It's nice to talk again like this."
Allyn's expression saddened for a moment, before it regained its familiar vigor.
"As I told you, lass. No matter how far you are, I'll always be somewhere with you. I'll be right here, at the tip of your sword, in your armor."
Ser Cain felt a tear run down his cheek, and the knight rose a hand to wipe it away from his face.
"I don't think I'll ever hold a sword again." He hummed painfully, but the older knight only shook his head.
"You haven't the slightest idea of what you can do, should the situation call for it." He repeated his words again. "Trust me, son. You will hold Faithkeeper again. … But now it's time for you to wake up."
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
"-- Are you waking up?!" The worried voice of a woman rang through the open field.
Cain felt his head jolting with pain - his limbs of a calming numbness, and his lips dried up.
He swallowed thickly, before opening his mouth to say, "Water… I need… water."
"Right on it, soldier." She amusedly said, bringing down her own flask to his waiting mouth.
He drank to his heart’s content, and only when the last droplets of the blessed liquid touched his throat, did Cain Waters stop to breathe.
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing he said, as the unknown woman checked her poach for any remains of the water. “I didn’t think about the practicality of leaving some for later. … Or about you needing a sip.”
The last of his words greatly perplexed the brown-haired woman - she let out a mirthled laugh, and gently shook her head to the side. “At ease, Commander. We have more where that came from. Drink as much as you need to.”
Her amber eyes trailed over his bandaged hand, and, as he followed her stare with his own, Cain sighed in wallowing dread. His gaze turned curious, however, as he glanced at his shoulder, and wasn’t immediately greeted with the ghastly sight of a chopped-off arm.
A shocked look adorned his features, and the knight brought his left hand to feel the borders of his forming scar.
A painful sting stopped him in his tracks.
“I’d be careful with touching that arm so soon,” She tutted over his brash enthusiasm, “Your stitches are far from being healed. … And it’s not all that good and grand.”
Her sharp eyes softened slightly, and she let out a hardened breath.
“I’m very sorry. But we still had to cut off some of the infected fingers. With time, though, I’m sure you’ll hold your sword again.”
‘You will hold Faithkeeper again.’
Cain hummed in a lowly tone, as his eyes traveled back to the strange woman before him. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, until he finally settled on the least invasive sentence.
“I’m very grateful for your help,” He began carefully, while nibbling at his lower lip. “But who are you? And why would you save me?”
The girl’s eyebrows raised in beguilement, and she jokingly brought her hand to her chest, bowing deeply.
“My name is Mira Florent, of Brightwater Keep. I was a ward not long ago, under the esteemed tutelage of Lady Caswell. For eleven years, I served in Bitterbridge.” Taking in his every reaction with a curious look, Mira quirked her head to the side, and offered the knight a half-earnest smile. “And who might you be?”
“You didn’t answer my other question.” Cain tensed visibly, and the woman raised her hands out in false surrender.
“Indeed, I have not. I’d like to know who it is I’m talking to, as well, before I should waste all my breath away.”
The knight’s deep gaze settled on her downturned nose and inviting smile. He took in a deep breath, and propped his body on his healthy elbow. “I asked my questions first, my Lady.”
“And I demanded for answers, second.” Her voice rang out with a beaming laugh, and the older woman showed him her portrait-perfect grin. “No one here is in any position to make demands. … But please. I am not a Lady. There’s no need for you to address me as such”
Her easy-going attitude and fun behavior were almost enough reason for Cain to return her gracious smiles - still, the royal knight remained impassive, while nodding his head in quiet agreement.
“My name is Cain Waters, m’lady.” A short pause ensued, during which both healer and patient exchanged a diverted look, “Until recently, I served in Riverrun; I answer to the Tullies, the lords of the Riverlands.”
“I knew it!” Mira’s gleeful exclamation set Ser Cain back on his back. “It was fairly obvious by the crest in your armor. The trout lost its head, but the house colors are still as clear as day.”
“Is that why you decided to save me?” The man asked her tentatively.
“Well, that’s why we kept carrying you with us after patching you up, I suppose. But we would have tried to heal you either way.”
“We?” The Waters bastard questioned once again. “There’s more than just you around?”
“You don’t think I carried you all the way here by myself, right?” Her sarcastic question jabbed at his intellect, but her placid smile told the knight to relax, and put an end to his sporadic trail of thought. “It’s just me and my travel partner - he’s the one that wanted us to leave you at a crossroads end, by the way.”
A bemused smirk tugged at the corners of Cain’s chapped lips. “Then you have my full gratitude, m’lady - I have to say, I appreciate you not letting me die. Pray tell, does your companion have a name?”
An arch of her bushy eyebrows was the only telltale sign of Mira’s pending curiosity over Cain's meddlesome nature. She jerked her head to point at a silhouette near the fireplace, and she leaned over on a tree’s bark end.
“He does.” The woman said simply, and her expression turned somber for just a moment. “You take your profiling seriously, Cain Waters - his name is Albar. Albar of nothing, who serves under no one. Albar Stone.”
Cain’s face brightened slowly, as if he’d just been reminded of an old joke.
‘Us bastards always find a way to help one another.’
A rumbling laughter shook him in his laying spot, and the man gingerly shook his head after a passing while. “Another brother. I’ve a feeling we’ll get along just fine.”
Mira’s only reply was to shrug her shoulders, keeping quiet for the first time since they’d met. Her auburn eyes went over Cain’s shoulder, and she took in a deep breath. “You fought the Kinslayer, haven’t you?” She asked whilst playing with a silver pendant.
“You’re wearing the Tully crest - a house that openly pledged for the Blacks. Despite your heavy armor, your wound was of a clean cut. Too clean for a normal blade.” The Florent Lady awaited no confirmation from the laying man, as she went on, “I’ve been well acquainted with the deadly swords forged from Valyrian Steel. And there are only two people who wield such feats of war. Of course, only one of them who terrorizes our home.”
“Aye, that is true.” Cain let out after a low curse. “I regret not being swifter on my foot that day. It would’ve saved us a lot of trouble to slay him then and there.”
“Opportunities arise. And I’ve a feeling there will be another time for you to face him again.”
Cain’s forehead puckered at the last of her words, and his able hand pointed at the empty flask that now rested on her lower hip. “Oh, I would drink to that.” He bitterly laughed in earnest.
Mira’s posture ambled away, and she edged closer to the man’s plodded body. Silently, she got a hold of the bridles of the nearest horse, and offered Cain a lackluster smile. “I’ll hoist you up this saddle and we’ll keep walking towards the Vale.”
The muscles in Cain’s face tightened. His immediate thought went to (Y/N), his Lady, no doubt still stuck with Aemond in Harrenhal - that Gods' forsaken place.
His fist brandished in a tight hold, his head aligned to Mira’s working hands, and the knight tried to stop her musings with a firm palm over her waist.
“Wait -” He tried to reason, “I cannot go there. My Lady is still waiting for me, I cannot just abandon her.”
"Abandon your Lady?" Mira's eyes widened once more. She jumped up from the ground, and straightened her back in disbelief. "You're Lady Tully's personal knight? Is that why you fought the Kinslayer? You're telling me she's still alive?!"
Through an exhale, the male nodded. He cleared his throat with a loud cough, and scrunched his nose up in frustration.
"Indeed, m'lady. So you must understand me - I cannot forsake her. Not when she's still in the jaws of that one-eyed fucker."
Mira wiped the dust off her cotton pants, and grunted in agreement. She let out a tired breath, and clicked her tongue at his persistence.
"Well… you could have returned to Harrenhall, limping on your feet and all, if only you awoken a week ago. But we're less than an hour away from the Eyrie, Ser Cain." His crushed expression and gritted teeth softened the lady's resolve. "I warmly recommend you stick with us. Our road leads to the Arryns: we can drop you off to your Lord and you can take a while to recover."
"You slept for a very long time, Ser Cain. Everything you knew has changed in these last couple of weeks. Getting acquainted to your new situation will do you well."
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Alys never dreamt. At least, she never once recalled what her dreams were about.
Such was the way of things for her, and she didn’t mind it - that was, until tonight.
Stilling images of her in his arms, of his soft lips upon the Tully's face made her shake with anger and betrayal well into the first callings of dawn.
Morning came and went, and the afternoon spent itself with her clasping her hands together, in the comfort of her room, thinking on what to do.
Her rattling worry wasn’t as much about her love for him, as it was for the frightening thought that if the Crown Prince didn’t want her anymore, she'd find her death by the sharp end of his sword.
The Rivers witch gulped thickly, and brought her hands over her neck and bump.
Aemond was capable of many things. But he wouldn't risk killing his child. Right?
The Tully girl had to go. The conclusion was a natural reach, and an expected one, at that: it was the only solution to her ticking problem.
A slight arch of her brow sent her thoughts adrift. How would she take care of it all? She gave the haughty Lady the chance to escape, and she failed - miserably. Now, she had no more allies left in Harrenhal, and no access to any amount of privacy.
The memory of Aemond's rage sent a cold shiver down her spine. Not once during her long life, did she witness a sight more fearful to behold, than the one of the One-Eyed Prince when angered. Hundreds died the day of her escape, and thousands more would keep on suffering, if ever she should break free again.
The Tully girl had to go. And then Aemond would be hers again.
Her prayers were answered when, sometime along the laid-in dusk, his footsteps echoed through the long hallway of her keep.
She waited for him in her small framed bed, eagerly aligning her hips to the side, to strike a more seductive pose.
… But when Aemond reached her doorstep, his eye carried a solemn, and resigned expression.
"The maids tell me she won't eat." He told her worriedly, opting for that instead of his usual greeting. He reached her bedside with two wide steps, and wordlessly took a seat while rubbing his temples. "She's punishing me."
Alys staggered a frustrated breath, and tried to calm herself back down. Her left leg moved to tease Aemond's crotch, and she chuckled appealingly.
"Must we worry about her all the time…? She'll eat when she gets really hungry." Alys dismissed his inquiry with a small caress, "In the meantime, I'm sure I could take your mind off things…"
Within a second, Aemond's hand was wrapped softly on her neck. "Stop that." He chastised her cruelly, "I'm not in the mood."
"You never are, as of late." She muttered dryly, but regretted her words instantly, when she felt his long fingers squeeze over her larynx tentatively. "I-I only meant to say that I missed you." She quickly intervened, while entangling her hand with his in a forlorn attempt to redeem herself.
Aemond hummed tiredly, and, as if he finally registered what he was doing, the man let go of her dainty neck.
Quietness washed over them, and Alys' eyes welled with the threat of tears, until Aemond spoke up.
"I want you to keep an eye on her. Become her friend, if you must."
The detachment with which he spoke wounded Alys' pride, but, as she massaged her neck, the woman only sighed. "Befriend her, Aemond?"
"Do whatever you think is right." He uttered once again. "Starting tomorrow, you'll be her maid - you'll make sure she eats when I'm not here; you'll make sure she doesn't think of a way to escape."
Her ears reddened from the deep wound laid upon her enlarged ego. Alys huffed in disbelief, and promptly shook her head. "What…?" She asked her lover. "So you want me to feed her and empty her chamber pot?"
"Don't act as if this work would be beneath you, love." Aemond tutted as he raised up from his taken seat. "I've already made up my mind: you will take care of her while I'm not around. And you will make her like it here."
The urgency in his words muffled out any other attempted protest. Alys' fists were clenched at her sides, and the older woman was biting down on her lower lip. "As you wish, Your Grace." She hissed past her tightened lips, while looking at him desperately.
As she noticed him turn around to leave, the Rivers witch shot up straight. "You won't stay?" She asked Aemond in a strangled tone.
"I have some business to attend to."
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Aemond prayed before his dinners. As if that would make them any better.
As if that would help him swallow his guilt, or scatter it over the ghosts that he himself created.
As if that would deter the Gods to forgive him for his sins.
The pair stood quietly at the polished oak table, surrounded by naught but fermented wine and copious amounts of meat. For a while, all seemed well.
The cutlery broke a sound every once in a while, and Aemond's deep breaths turned the room's atmosphere heavy.
Eventually, it all built up to be too much.
"Is the food not to your liking?" His velvety smooth voice asked the girl before his eye.
With her hands still in her lap, now gripping her fingers painfully, Lady Tully replied, "... It's nothing of the sort. I'm just not hungry right now."
Aemond stared blankly into her eyes, until his scorching orb settled on her lips instead. Lustful thoughts of what he dreamt the night before plagued his mind, but the Prince merely shook his head, whilst taking a sip of the wine.
"You haven't eaten anything today." He muttered through a raised eyebrow, and a ghost of a forced smile. "Surely you must be famished."
The muscles on (Y/N)'s face twitched in annoyance. She jerked her foot from under the table, and turned her eyes back to her untouched plate.
"... As I said, I'm not feeling very hungry." She leaned further away, and the firelight of the wide, lit room, danced across her face with glorious shades of red and amber.
"Very well." Aemond asserted quietly, after letting out a hoarse curse in High Valyrian. Soon, the Prince turned his attention back to the illuminated room, without sparing the girl another glance.
He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, and coughed in the back of his hand a couple of times.
Each time she heard his attempts to clear his throat, the girl clenched her jaw tighter and tighter.
Neither spoke anymore, until Aemond sighed deeply.
"Does…" He began, but closed his mouth once again. His face turned into a sour scowl, his pale cheeks reddened, and the man forced himself to keep going, despite the hardness with which such a question came to him. "Does your wrist hurt you at all?"
A quick reminder to the other night.
The lady's eyes snapped forward, unsure of whether or not she'd heard him correctly. Were she not in this unpleasant situation herself, the woman would have laughed at the Prince's awkwardness; no less his stupid question.
Instead of laughing, she took in a shaky breath, which she exhaled almost immediately, before replying curtly. "It doesn't hurt." Her eyes closed and her brows furrowed in concentration.
Distaste for him, for what she was about to say, filled her weary heart and mouth.
"... Thank you for the inquiry, My Prince, that was very kind of you."
She wanted to scream and shout the moment his daft fingers gripped her own, and the Kinslayer tried to caress her, despite his hand's deep callouses. Still, she remained poised.
She was all alone now, and she had to play it smart.
(Y/N)'s breath caught in her throat, and her shoulders tensed visibly from under her green dress. Slowly, yet surely, she wiggled her hand free from under his palm, and placed it above her thigh once more.
If her movement displeased Aemond, then the Prince didn’t show it. His hand twitched atop the table, and he clenched it momentarily. But just as soon as his action was executed, it was covered by the Targaryen's mellow voice.
"Try to eat something tonight. And whatever it is that you'd like on the morrow, you can tell your maid to bring you."
Confusion made its way across her face. And, not even waiting for her to ask that eager question, Aemond dipped his head lowly and replied.
"The days are hard and long - prisoner or not, My Lady. While in Harrenhal, you are still a royal, and will be treated as such."
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(Y/N) felt as if she could do nothing else but laugh. She envisioned her life in Harrenhal drift in a lot of different ways - though no thought of hers deterred her to believe she'd be taken care of by Aemond's older lover.
Of course, she jested lightly to herself. In the end, I am but a prisoner. And Aemond only has one eye.
Her hands were tied. And so were Alys Rivers', who looked none the happier to be rooted at her bedside table, judging by her tight expression.
"We don't have to play his game, you know." The girl hushed in her direction, as she kneeled down to help her change the ruined bed sheets.
Green eyes washed over her smaller form, holding an icy glimmer in them. But, despite her obvious discontent at her words, Alys remained quiet.
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"You've known Aemond for longer than I," She kept going in the afternoon. "But we can both agree he has a dangerous character." Her lack of cooperation irked the lady to no end.
She dreaded the silence she was greeted with.
Hopelessly, she watched Alys wipe the last corner of the room - the girl observed how she turned on her heel, bowing at her without sparing her a second glance, and made her way toward the doors of her chambers.
"What do you think will happen once I tell Aemond that you helped Cain plan my escape?" She asked in a neutral tone.
For the first time that day, the Rivers bastard whipped her head around, and kneeled to the floor to gather up the dropped cloth. Despite her neutral smile, her voice was shaking. "You're trying to blackmail me?"
"I'm trying to help myself. ... And help you."
The woman let out a roaring laugh. "I am carrying the child of the dragon, girl. He wouldn't dare hurt me."
"Are you that sure?" The hardened look on (Y/N)'s face let no emotion stand out. Still, her eyes remained honest, truthful in her questions, and the wood witch let out an ample sigh.
"I know you don't want me here." The Lady raised her head in bold admission, "Believe me, I am the last person to be happy with this arrangement. This is your home. This is supposed to be your room and your rightful bed. On that, you'll hear no argument from me."
As her speech came to an abrupt end, Alys furrowed her brows in unexpected shock. She was quick to collect herself, and shield her shaking body by crossing her arms.
"We're more similar than we'd allow ourselves to think, Alys. We both want me gone and far, far away from here."
With a tentative look in her eyes, the Lady of Riverrun approached Alys' heaving body. She took her hands in hers and squeezed them reassuringly.
A strained chuckle parted from the elder's lips. She jerked her hands away and shot her an unfeeling look. "What would you have me do?" She interfered with a cutting voice. "You forget yourself - and I. I'm just a woman in this Keep, the same as you. If you think I hold any power over anyone here, you'd be sorely mistaken."
(Y/N) shook her head, and allowed a crooked smile to grace her tired features. She quirked her eyebrow at the woman's words, and only hummed disprovingly.
"I may not know you, Alys Rivers. But I know you are a smart and conniving woman. You lived all your life in Harrenhal, or so I heard."
Her harsh tone cut through the deadly silence of the room.
"I'm sure you kept at least a secret passage to yourself, and away from Aemond. It's not like us to keep all our eggs in the same basket... So, I want you to teach me all you know about this castle.”
A jocund expression seeped into Alys' pores. She clicked her tongue at (Y/N)'s words, and huffed out a wired breath. “Foolish girl. If anything should go wrong, Aemond will kill us both.”
A small pause, followed by a muttered curse ensued after Alys’ warning. Once her eyes locked on the Lady again, she frowned as she nodded her head.
"You have yourself a deal."
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@bellameshipper @ohitsthemaster @kravitzwhore @virginslut08 @hiatuswhore @somemydayy
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"Bona iksos issa sȳz riñītsos" = That's my good little girl;
"Byka hontes" = Little dove;
"Issa jorrāelagon" = My love;
“Issa dōna, byka jorrāelagon” = My sweet, little love;
"Ābrazyrys" = Wife;
“Nyke istan nykeā vala hen gaomilaksir se rigo gō nyke mazilībagon laesi va ao. Se ao… ao… ao mazverdagon issa aylik hae lo nyke daor…” = I was a man of duty and honor before I set eyes on you. And you… You… You make me feel as if I am no longer…;
“Ao issi nykeā quptenka ābra qilōni insalvak nykeā dārys hen ānogar.” = You are a common woman who enslaved a prince of the blood;
“Ao taenor issa. Aōha elēni, aōha laesi, aōha relgos, aōha maelki - aōha olvie perhas iksos surokvis issa. Issi ao biare? Issi ao biare rūsīr skoros ao gōntan naejot issa?” = You tempted me. Your voice, your eyes, your lips, your soul - your very presence is seducing me. Are you happy? Are you happy with what you did to me?
"Gaomagon ao ūndegon sepār skorkydoso kraj ao issi, issa jorrāelagon? Aemond Mēre-Laes, se kipagīros hen Vhagar sen se Dārys mīsio hen Westeros… aōhon. Isse prūmia, haevisis, se maelki." = Do you see just how powerful you are, my love? Aemond One-Eye, the Rider of Vhagar and the Prince Protector of the Realm… yours. In heart, body, and soul.
"Gevie līve, ny dōna byka rene" = Beautiful witchling, my sweet little slut;
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ququb444hm · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 12 / how cute ☆
warning(s): possible typos (because it's 12 am and i don't feel like rereading everything right now) (also this is a repost)
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‘awkward. this is literally the optimum of awkwardness.’
instead of opening up the surprise appearance by apologizing and clearing up the inconvenient tension between the two friends, yn had blatantly brought up the chemistry project they were supposedly partnered up for. 
“a surprise seeing you here.” a half-lie. kozume expected tetsu to talk to yn about the situation but he didn’t expect yn to show up in front of his door. well…yn has always been hard to pinpoint so maybe expecting the unexpected is the best option when it comes to her.
“uhm your texts about chem? the project. i came for that.”
“oh. yeahhh, we got partnered up for it.” 
yn swayed back and forth awkwardly in her spot in front of kozume. “so can i come in?”
“shit yeah sorry,” kozume pushed himself off the side of his doorframe, fully opening the door for yn to enter. “it’s kinda messy, band practice has been on and off randomly so the guys just put their things wherever.”
“it's okay. also, i brought cheese.” yn walked over to the couch, took off her bag, and let cheese roam around the table in front of her. she looked over at the kitchen to see what looked like the makings of pasta. “were you making dinner?”
kozume hummed in response, picking up ginger and placing the kitten in the middle of him and yn as he sat down on the couch next to her. “he missed you. a lot.”
yn’s lips curled into a smile, watching as ginger pitter pattered onto her lap. “hi ginger,” she mumbled, stroking the kitten’s head. “i missed you too. more than a lot.”
her attention stayed glued to the snuggly friend but kenma’s attention was stuck on her.
before he could even begin his sentence, yn cut him off, now eager to do what she intended to do in the first place. “listen about the other night, it was an accident and i was drunk and you know how tetsu and i are when we drink. and yeah maybe i shouldn’t be drinking in the first place because of that but literally who cares! i just wanted to have fun before we maybe die and kill ourselves because of college and the growing pressure of society! and i didn’t know keiji would even be there- i mean i saw his car and i thought of the possibility of somehow seeing my ex who goes to the same school as me and lives in the same city as me be at the same place as me, but like who would’ve thought we would see each other at the same karaoke place on the same day and at the same fucking time for christ’s sake! i’m so over him by the way, i don’t even know why i threw up. maybe it’s because i broke up with him over the phone and never saw him since and confrontation isn’t my strongest suit so maybe that’s also why it took me a little over a week to see you face to face again to apologize which is what i am supposed to be doing now but i’m...just rambling,” yn groaned, her body falling backwards on the couch as she closed her eyes tightly before letting out a deep breath, “what i am trying to say is i’m sorry, kozume.”
yn prepared herself for whatever kozume’s reaction were to be, her body still laying flat against the couch with ginger on her chest. “hnnghh kozu-”
a chuckle.
a silly little chuckle.
then a fit of giggles.
then finally a full blown laugh.
“seriously yn,” kozume giggled out, pulling her body upright so that they could look at each other eye or eye, “you really didn’t need to apologize over that. it was an accident, i understand-”
“HUH? so why’d you let me say all that, you jerk!”
ignoring her outburst, kozume continued, “i get it, you saw something that caused your body to react. just y’know…not the way you expected it to. plus i know you’re over keiji and i know how you are when you drink- kind of. it was a fun night, just sucks you kept overthinking about the whole thing enough to ignore me for a whole week. it hurt, ms. green peas.”
"i know,” she whined, “i should’ve just talked to you the day right after-”
“especially since we’ve known each other since what? the second grade?”
“especially because of that.”
“so why didn’t you?”
“don’t act like you don’t already know, kozume.”
“i mean i do know, but i just like when you verbally overshare things.”
“because i like you.” yn stated, seeing as kozume’s playful demeanor disappeared to make way for his reddening cheeks. “and i like when you get all red. did i ever tell you how noticeable it is when you start blushing?”
“whatever.” the blond let out a groan, pushing yn back down to when she was flat against the couch before standing up and making his way over to the kitchen. “i’m gonna finish making dinner. don’t break anything. and i’m taking your mouse with me.”
yn waved him off, telling him to feed her little friend before turning her attention back to ginger. “oh and i’m sleeping over. i’m tired.”
“are you asking or...?”
“no, i’m telling you. you’re stuck with me, pooks.”
“how cute.”
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part 11 moral support <- | masterlist | -> part 13 blondie #1.5
note(s): help how does one make a taglist and who wants to be in the taglist since i have revived my seasonal tumblr era yippie ^.^ also im gonna make a filler n then fix some things n then sleep bc its 12 AM n i have summer school booo ): none of the pictures used are mine!!
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spitfire-of-the-sea · 2 years
Stowaway Part 2 - The Rescue
Apparently there's people out there who think this idea is as hilarious as I do. :D Which makes my little old heart very happy <3 @soleilnomoon @a-forgotten-universe @nie-moge-oddychac @aloeanemona27 - thank you for replying and pushing this idea to the next part :D
Laying the ground works here. From here on out everything is fair game. Hehehe.
Reader x Ace/Marco/Thatch interaction (SFW) 2.3k Pure silliness
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You had stayed clear of water ever since you had eaten that devil fruit, familiar with the well-known side-effect that came with the powers... You had known that you were basically an anchor now.
You hadn’t known, though.
Hadn’t known how the waves would crash over your head and push you under.
Hadn’t known how the strength would drain from your very bones, how your lungs would suddenly scream for air and panic would flood you.
Hadn’t known that no matter how desperately you kicked your feet, something was dragging you down, invisible hands that closed around you and pulled you down, down, down. Your struggles weaken with each second, the light of the surface slowly moving more and more out of reach.
It was then that the light momentarily vanished completely from your sight and you couldn’t help it, you gasped for air and all you got was salt on your tongue and fire trickling down your chest.
Then, suddenly, magically, something solid came around you, tightened, and you were pulled up. Your head broke the surface of the water and you desperately fought for air, coughing and sputtering and spitting out water and fear alike. Dazed you didn’t even fully comprehend what was happening, not until you were out of the water and pressed against a solid chest, big hands massaging your sides and many voices all around you, muttering and cursing.
“Did you get her in time?!”
“I thought cats can swim!”
“Quick, get Marco!”
“Look at the poor thing, shaking like a leaf!”
The only reason you didn’t change shape then and there was because you simply didn’t have enough functioning brain cells, not while you were fighting for air, not when you were coughing up water, the memory of something dragging you down fresh in your mind.
When finally you felt like you could breathe again, you realized that the chest you were pressed against was almost as hairy as you. The hands rub your sides insistently, coaxing even the last gulps of water out of your heaving chest.
Slowly and with considerable effort you pressed your paws against the man holding you, dizzy and nauseous. When you looked up, you saw the face of the guy with the pompadour from before – except now his long, auburn hair was wet and clung to his face. His eyes rested on you, worry written all over his face.
“What’d you that for, huh?” he murmured and Ace’s face appeared next to you.
Ace placed his hand on your head and gently turned it to look at him, his brows drawn together. His hand was so warm and you couldn’t help it, you leaned into it, following his body heat. “I think she’s fine, Thatch,” he murmured and rubbed your ear between his fingers. “Probably got scared. You shouldn’t let go of her, who knows, maybe she makes a run for it again.”
“She’s drenched, though,” the guy holding you up against his wide chest – Thatch? – answered. “Won’t stop shivering, either. Here, you take her, warm her up!”
You groaned in protest when his large hands scooped you up and you were handed over to Ace, who quickly took you and tugged you under his chin, his body impossibly warm against you. Before you could properly think about your actions, you melted into him and pressed yourself flush against him, desperate to soak up his heat.
“Ssssh… it’s all good, baby girl. We’ve got you,” he murmured against your head, and slowly, way too slowly, the full weight of the situation dawned on you. If only it wouldn’t feel so nice to snuggle into him and enjoy not being dead.
You were surrounded by pirates who seemed to be absolutely unaware that you were, in fact, only at most 50% cat and those were magical, for lack of a better word. Then there was the fact that you were currently in the arms of who you were pretty sure was Ace D. Portgas, commander of the 2nd division and… well…
You were also naked. Except for your fur. And that would help you very, very little once you returned to your human form or even hybrid form. There were a couple of things you didn’t necessarily want to flaunt in front of 50 or more pirates aboard their ship surrounded by the open sea. You had literally just proved with doubtless evidence that there was no way off this ship, at least not alive.
The extreme size difference between your human and cat form meant that you had to leave your clothes behind. Usually not a problem, you had stashes all over the island for exactly this purpose, after all. Thing was… you were no longer on your island.
Hesitantly you lifted your head to look around. Yeah. A couple of dozen pirates, all definitely too close and paying too much attention for you to just turn bare-assed and tits-out. You weren’t shy but even you had boundaries.
When you noticed them parting to make way for a new figure, you flattened your ears against your skull and watched with growing horror the tuft of blond, pineapple-like hair bobbing closer. Shit. Just what you needed. Marco The Phoenix, commander of the 1st division. The guy was worth over 1 billion berry.
Maybe if you got away you could hide somewhere…? You were small, after all…?!
You started to wiggle in Ace’s arms and twist in an attempt to get away but he only closed his hands tighter around you, pressing you close and making an escape impossible.
With growing dread, you saw Marco come to a stand next to you.  Yeah. You couldn’t reveal yourself. They’d throw you overboard. Or worse. They’d want to keep you. As entertainment! Or… or…! Worse! They’d make you become a pirate, too! Biting back any words that might have stumbled over your tongue, you pressed your face into Ace’s neck.
“She’s shivering even more now,” he murmured. “Marco, can you check her? If she’s really fine?”
There was a brief silence, then you heard Marco answer: “Sure. But does anybody want to tell me why we have a cat now-yoi?”
“Must have snuck on during the night.” This time it was Thatch’s voice. “She was in the mass hall in the morning, Ace found her.”
“Yeah, she was sleeping above the fireplace. Probably smelled the food. Look how scrawny she is! Just bones and skin!”
Annoyance bubbled up in you and it was an emotion you could work with much better than fear. You so latched onto it. Curling your tail around yourself you started to wriggle around again. Just bones and skin?! You were most decidedly not bones and skin! That’s just how you looked when you got wet…! Everybody only saw the fluff and thought that was your full volume. Once that volume was gone, well… WELL.
“We can give her some food later,” Thatch said and you almost perked up at that. You hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon and now that he mentioned it… you were hungry.
“Well, we can put her in the larder. There’s some mice there she can hunt,” somebody said and your ears twitched. Ewww. As if you’d ever do such a thing. You made a mental note to stay far away from the larder, you didn’t plan on catching fleas.
“Why do you keep calling it she? Has anybody even checked?” another guy asked and you tugged your tail closer around yourself. They were welcome to try. You’d scratch their eyes out first…
“She’s clearly a girl,” Ace snapped, completely exasperated.
You froze. Fuck. Had he… looked at you?! With horror you started to struggle with renewed force, holding curses back with the last shreds of your sanity.
“I mean, look at her! She’s way too tiny and fine-boned to be a guy!” he said then and you huffed a sigh of relief.
“That’s… that’s not how cats work, Ace.”
“Shut up, leave her alone!” he turned his back to the crowd, thereby taking you out of their sight and you could have kissed the man. He was so right. Leave her alone! Freedom to the cat! Take her back to that island back there!
“If you want me to check her, you’ll have to give her to me-yoi,” Marco said with a sigh and held out his hands.
“Ah, right, sorry! Be careful, though, she’s a flight risk! We don’t want her going overboard again!” Ace chuckled and once again you were picked up and handed over like luggage.  
Was this your life now?
“Well, first things first,” Marco said as you dangled between his hands and he looked you over. “Definitely a girl.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes locked and you felt your blood rush to your head, your heart pounding in your ears. With a growl worthy of a tiger – at least you thought so, the chuckles that broke out around you told a different story – you curled into yourself while swiping your claw at him, claws out.
It was a quick move, with good technique and wonderful flow.
Turned out, though, that your short little legs didn’t get anywhere close to Marco’s face and all you did was claw at the air in front of him with about as much chance of teaching him a lesson as a gust of wind had.
The bastard chuckled at your attempt. “And she’s not a happy girl-yoi.”
“Well, you’re holding her all wrong!” Ace said and sounded rather agitated. “Support her butt! Don’t just dangle her like that!”
You flinched when he did just that. Support your butt. You coughed, thoughts racing. You personally didn’t think your butt needed all that much support. You also came to the final conclusion that there was no way in hell that you’d turn into your human form after this. There was absolutely no way you’d survive the sheer embarrassment.
There wasn’t much you could do, really, your attempts to scoot off his hand were rather inefficient thanks to the way Marco was still holding you up and you slowly resigned yourself to your fate. Karma had finally caught up to you. You’d have to stay in your cat form until the next island and the chance to flee. You’d have to leave your dignity behind but at least you’d be alive.
Marco only chuckled and finally did as told, placing one hand below your butt – honestly, this was the weirdest day of your life; it was barely breakfast time and three men who were world-known criminals had touched your ass by now – and pulled you against his chest. Which, wouldn’t you know it: also naked. The shirt he wore was not even buttoned and you once again, your cheek smushed against warm, naked skin.  Less hairy than Thatch. More so than Ace. Definitely less warm than Ace but firmer than Thatch.
9 out of 10 stars. Would recommend.
You hiccupped a slightly hysterical laugh and barely swallowed it down before it grew too loud, feeling the intent gazes of all three commanders on you, all of them quiet now. Shit. Shit. Shiiiit.
Oh well.
“Mew,” you uttered and fucking hated yourself for it.
Then, because they were still staring: “Meeeeeeew.”
“She sounds weird,” Thatch muttered.
“You sound weird!” Ace flared up immediately.
It was then you decided that you had a clear favorite so far. Thatch had saved you from drowning, though, so you would let it slide. Your cat game was top-notch!
For added effect, you lifted a paw to your mouth and gave it a tentative lick. And then, because you were an idiot who had ignored the events of the past ten or so minutes, you gagged at the taste of salt on your tongue and almost hurled. Again.
Thatch chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, momentarily distracting you. Shit. He was actually pretty attractive when his pompadour wasn’t distracting from the rest of him. He had a much brawnier build than the other two commanders, his upper arms thick and his chest wide. His chest was covered in auburn curls and you could spot several tattoos on his upper body.
Apparently, you were momentarily distracted enough to miss something vital happening. Or very least you had to assume as much when you were suddenly covered in blue flames!
That was probably the moment when you lost another one of your 9 lives, or at the very least it sure felt so. Your heart was in your throat and your whole body convulsed when the realization slowly hit you – blue flames were dancing over your body, along your paws, and your tail…! You kicked and scrambled, painting bloody lines all over Marco’s chest, but his iron grip didn’t even loosen a tiny bit.
“Oi! You should have warned her! Now you scared her again!” Ace protested.
“You think I should have sat this cat down and explained to her how my devil fruit powers work so she wouldn’t panic when she sees fire-yoi?” Marco asked dryly. “Tell her how it’s healing flames that will not harm her in the least? Yeah. I’m sure she’d have understood.”
You’d been only half-listening in your struggles but when you saw the scratches you had inflicted upon him just vanish under your paws, your eyes went saucer-shaped and after another moment you realized… the flames indeed didn’t burn you. They felt cool, almost pleasant. Your tail twitched. What the actual fuck…?
“She’s fine. Swallowed a bit of seawater but she’s coughed it all up,” Marco finally said and the flames died down again, leaving you sitting there utterly dumbstruck and frozen, thoughts racing. Devil fruit powers, huh? So he had… healed you somewhat?
“She’s still drenched, though, if we let her dry like this she’ll have salt in her fur and if she tries to clean it, she might consume too much salt and get sick.” You looked up. Well, you were completely wet, he was right, and you didn’t exactly care for licking yourself clean. Even without the added taste of salt. Ew.
“I guess we’ll have to give her a bath, huh?” Ace concluded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Wait. What.
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Let me know in the comments who of the guys should do the honors. Hehe. <3
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brutal-nemesis · 8 months
Goretober IV: Bones to Pick (or Chisel)
I've done this before and yeah I'll do it again. What are you gonna do. Flashing my @coyotehusk goretober badge i have permission
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: bone carving using some tools, broken bones, vivysection <3, i talk about organs, whumper is a lil intimate but still in an unsexy way
Castys wished he wasn’t so used to looking at the inside of his chest cavity.
Kuro had sliced him open and peeled the sides back before just cutting them off entirely, leaving his ribcage very exposed. She hadn’t strapped his forehead to the table this time, so at least he didn’t really have to look. The sight didn’t exactly bother him that much, but he’d just rather not at the moment. Instead, he watched Kuro come over, and today’s weapon of choice was a hammer and chisel. Delightful.
“Are we carving marble in class today, Professor?”
“Close! It’s something else that’s white. Got any other guesses?” She climbed on top of the table, straddling his waist. 
Castys cocked his head, thinking. “Hmm…ice?” 
Kuro laughed, stroking one of his ribs. “I think you know the answer. I just thought it’d be fun to try it out.” Castys just sighed as she readied her tools, the chisel resting against bone. The hammer came down, but Castys didn’t hear whatever sound it made since his body decided he needed to let out a little yell, because that was a lot more painful than he was expecting. He’d sort of hoped he wouldn’t be able to feel it at all, but alas, there was only suffering.
Kuro tapped the hammer steadily, and all Castys could do was clench his teeth and squirm under the tight straps as the pain grew worse and worse, each chip broken off a fresh spark of agony. From time to time, Kuro would stop and consider her work, giving Castys a little break where there was no new pain, which was all he could get at the moment. It was annoying how he wasn’t dying from blood loss or something thanks to the wonders of cauterization, and he’d gotten too used to The Horrors for shock to set in and take him. Unless it didn’t work that way; he wasn’t exactly sure.
One thing he was sure of is that having someone you very much dislike basically laying on top of you while you’re strapped down and vivisected was the worst. If it was just pain, fine, whatever, he’d felt many a pain, but the added intimacy bullshit just really drove this over the top, what with Kuro stroking his organs or petting his face with her tentacles as she worked with her hands. 
Finally satisfied, she sat up fully, staring down at whatever she’d carved into his ribs. “There we go. I know these probably won’t still be here after you die, but it was still fun. Do you want to see?”
“Maybe later. I’m not in an art appreciation mood.” Why did he bother, he wasn’t sure, because a moment later Kuro had yanked his head up by the hair, practically choking him on the strap over his neck, forcing him to look down and his fucked up ribs. She’d carved some letters into one of them, probably her name from what he could tell looking at it upside-down, and then some…blob looking thing. “What the fuck is that supposed to be?” he sputtered after she let go of his hair, his head thunking back on the table.
“It’s my na-”
“No, the fucki-”
“Oh. That’s a bird!” Kuro’s eyes narrowed, one of the few expressions he could actually see. “I’m not sure why I carved one, I just…felt like it?” 
“Riveting. Could you slit my throat or something now?”
“Aw, come on, Castys.” She fully laid down on top of him, crossing her arms on top of his chest. “Where’s the fun in that?” Before he could say anything, one of her tentacles slammed the hammer into one of his ribs, most definitely breaking it. All he could do was bite back screams as she did it again, breaking the rib off completely. “This’ll be quick, too, watch.” She grabbed the jagged piece of bone and he swore he could feel her smiling as she drove it into the spongy flesh of his lungs, puncturing them. 
And, hey, she was right, it was quick.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi, Lana. If you don't mind, I would like to request the following prompt: reader can get over her father's death and thinks about him coming back home, but she knows he won't and starts crying loud in the middle of the night. Joseph's in the living room and though his wife was sleeping, but then he hears her screaming and runs to comfort her to sleep.
I lost my dad due skin cancer a year ago and I'm fighting depression due that, I wish he came back home, but I know he won't and I wish I had Joseph here to comfort me as I live a messy and sad life rn 😢
Hope you can make my little wish come true ✨
Hello, oh my goodness, poor angel, well to start I'm so sorry for your loss, I know you're not okay and I know he'll never be replaced but I hope this little imagine brings you some solace. I really hope you're okay with me writing something so personal, the fact you're trusting me with it is so endearing. ❤ much love to you.
Thank you for your request @erinthelfdoll x
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It usually starts off with a nightmare or a sudden deep intrusive thought you cannot escape from, your mind goes into overdrive, followed by your body and then you cannot help the screams that fall out of your lips when you wake or the tears that fall from your eyes, the panic attacks that occur when you're in that moment.
One particular night you were struggling, that being today marking one year since you'd lost your dad, the nightmares were in full force. You'd gone to bed early because you just didn't want to spend another waking hour of this tragic date awake. You tossed and turned, seeing your dad laying there in the hospital bed very much breathing, like the reoccurring nightmare you constantly had, he'd be there staring into thin air, and you were stood at the side of him calling his name, holding his hand but he was never responsive to you.
Joe burst into the room from the living area as soon as he heard the screams, but this time you were still sleeping. Tears were running down your face and you were shouting and weeping for your father. Joe edged into bed beside you, stroking your head. "Sshh baby, come back to me. You're having a nightmare."
You bolted up from where you laid, shooting up straight, heaving your breaths in and out, your chest going ten to the dozen in speed. "Breathe Y/N, come on. You've got this." You wiped your tears from your eyes as you regained your composure, instantly feeling the palm of Joe's hand rubbing your back, slowly turning into his fingers slowly treading up and down your spine. You lifted your knees to bury your face away.
"I came as soon as I heard you. I know you told me to leave you alone so you could sleep but I couldn't-"
"I'm glad you're here, Joey."
Joe leaned over so he was kneeling on the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you so his hands cupped beneath your chin and just above your chest. "There's no place I'd rather be, my love. Close your eyes for a second" You did as he said, and Joe turned the lamp on the bedside table on so he could get a better look in.
You instantly swerved round and at once, Joe opened his arms out to you inviting you into your safe place, him. You pressed your face into Joe's chest, the tears resuming. "I hate these nightmares; they always feel so damn real." Joe's arms were back fully wrapped around your body, holding you as close and tight to him as he possibly could. "I can't even begin to imagine it Y/N, you've been through so much and yet you're so strong."
You tightened your hold on his baggy t-shirt, wiping your tears away on them and sniffing the ugliest amount of snot back up your nose, kissing the top of your head and resting his cheek down against it, he swayed you from side to side delicately. "I just miss him so much, I wish he'd come back, I wish he was still here, if I could swap-."
"Don't you even finish that bloody sentence Y/N. Your dad wouldn't want you wallowing over him like this now, would he? He loved you so much and he'll always be there in your heart and memory. He'll always watch over you. Plus, he'll forever know that you've got a man who loves you just as much as he did and will protect you and be there for you through any pain or anguish"
A little smile crept onto your face; Joe had a certain way with words, and it showed. You leaned back up to take a look into your man's doe eyes, you were still in his grip, your heart rate had slowed, and you felt yourself starting to feel calmer for the first time in the last couple of days. "You're absolutely right, he'd have told me to stop being an idiot." Joe pulled a hand back to cup your cheek as you both chuckled, you leaned into the warmth of it as his thumb lightly caressed you. "And I know for a fact he loved you from the second he met you; he had no uncertainty that you wouldn't take care of me forever, especially once he'd... gone." you confirmed back to your husband.
"I know what will take these shitty nightmares away, at least for tonight." One thing you loved about your Joe was that he was always so real about things; he knew they wouldn't go for good, but he'd tried to postpone their arrival for as long he possibly could.
"What's that?" You asked.
"If your big spoon holds onto you all night, those little nightmare devils can't get to you." He let go of you, putting devil horns either side of his head, his gentle smile making you laugh out loud.
"I think little spoon likes the idea of that."
"Then she will get her wish."
You shared the sweetest, loving peck on the lips before he patted down onto your pillow. "Get comfy, I'll see to outside and I'll be right with you, my lady." Joe got up to leave the room as you laid down turning to your side watching him.
"Yes, my darling wife?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For dealing with my shit and healing my heart bit by bit."
Joe shook his head; his soft eyes bore into yours. "There's no one's 'shit' I'd rather help with, and I won't give up till your hearts fully mended. You'll never forget what happened, I'd never expect you to fully get over it, but it will get easier, there's no doubt about that."
You nodded, you knew it would get easier eventually and years down the line it wouldn't hurt so much anymore but for this particular moment you were to have your Joseph by your side to save you, and you had no doubt in your mind that he always would, everytime.
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headstrongblake · 18 days
[ CONSUMED ]  receiver needs to feed on human blood,  sender makes cuts in their skin for them to feed off of. / kassy & nicklas + octavia / @thewholecrew
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to complete the transition, he has to feed. but every single sense is heightened, so while he tries to focus on kassy, on her soft fingers that trail his cheek to keep his eyes focused, all he can hear is the flood of heartbeats coming from downstairs. he gulps, swallowing back this unquenchable thirst that’s settled in since he’d awoken a new vampire. hues follow kassy as she leaves his direct side on the couch, but an insatiable scent catches his attention before he can wonder where she is going, leaving him overwhelmed.
eyes snap toward octavia as she comes into view. her arm curls around kassy, octavia affectionately nuzzling into kassy as the pair sauntered back to him. his jaw clenched tightly, but the ache in his mouth radiated from his gums. the closer octavia got to him, the harder it was to control any thought beyond sinking his new fangs into her skin, eager for a taste of her blood. “i don’t know ‘bout this…” nick hesitated, eyes shifting to grant as the man offered his own blood if nick were worried about feeding on octavia. the problem is…in his state, he’s very much aware of both their blood pumping through their veins. can hear their quickened heartbeats as his eyes dart between the two of them.
“he’s fine, right, nick?” octavia finally spoke as she came to stand just in front of where he sat. “you won’t hurt me, or any of us,” she assured just as kassy did, promising him that she’ll be with him through every moment, guiding him. that if he were to feel a loss of control, she’s there to prevent anything he might regret.
with a slow nod of agreement, nick closely watched octavia as she lowered herself into his lap like she’d done dozens of times. but tonight, every single muscle in his body tenses with her close proximity. the desire for her blood was overwhelmingly strong as he turned his attention back to kassy, who sat back down beside him, facing him as her front pressed against octavia’s back. as kassy brushed back strands of octavia’s hair from her shoulder, sweeping them away from her neck, a groan rumbled in nick’s throat as octavia’s scent flooded his senses powerfully. “how do you resist this every day?” he asked nearly frustratedly. octavia laughed playfully, “who says she does?” she grinned cheekily, glancing over her shoulder at kassy with a mischievous glint in her eye.
centuries of practice, my sweet boy— you’ll have just as many to practice patience. now, you must remember, grant and octavia’s blood is…enhanced. again, octavia grinned brightly, eyes flashing toward grant with a pleased look as if their desirable blood somehow made them special. we'll start slow, kassy's words brought a shiver up octavia's spine as her breath ghosted near her ear, watching nicklas fully as he struggled to keep his new born habits in check. her brows furrowed with a bit of disappointment, however, feeling the loss of kassy behind her. but it's quickly replaced with adoration as her girl rounded to the other side of nick, her small golden knife shinning in her hand as she offered her palm out for octavia, your hand my girl, kassy asked for, and octavia happily obliged, laying her wrist in kassy's delicate touch.
it won't take much, her blood will give you a nice healthy fill, kassy explained as nick's palm flexed against octavia's hip, imagining the enticing taste. "and you'll stop me before i hurt her..." he repeated despite kassy's comforting gaze and the trust octavia appears to have in him as her emerald hues trace over his face. "no one is getting hurt," octavia promised just as she let out a small gasp behind her brightened features as kassy's sharp blade left a small knick along her wrist. "it's okay nick, i trust you," she said, blood beginning to bloom along the cut in her skin while kassy carefully offered octavia's wrist to nick.
a pained expression marred his features the second kassy's knife slid along octavia's skin, exposing her insatiable blood to him. instantly, his fangs moved from uncomfortable to excruciating as they extended down from his gums, mouth watering as her wrist inched closer to his face. control. he tried to breathe properly, tried to gain some semblance of control over himself but every sense explodes inside of him. gently his hand wrapped around octavia's forearm, breathing in the incredible scent as kassy encouraged him to drink.
finally, as his mouth closed over octavia's wrist, his tongue swept across the small cut, testing the taste as she flooded every inch of him. a pleased groan vibrated against her skin, kassy encouraging with a gentle, that's it, you're both doing so good. his grip around octavia's arm tightened as he began to suck along the cut, drawing more and more of her blood into his mouth. god, kassy's right. their blood is intoxicating. the more he has, the more he craves. it's all he can focus on as his eyes fell closed, greedily sucking harder against her skin until he can't help himself, can't hold himself back from sinking his fangs into her wrist.
a soft whine of pain left her lips at the initial bite as his fangs pierced her skin before a sweet moan filled the space. pleasure and his pain mixing together. "mmm, it's okay, he's okay." octavia promised kassy, her free hand gently petting through nick's hair as he continued to feed, sucking harder and more greedily while her head floated in a pleased daze.
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
Dom!sevika xsub!Reader with a penis and she rides them while holding a knife to their neck and tells them of they squirm at all she will slit their throat (consensually ofc the reader is into it also not necessarily Male reader they just have a penis)
Yea I mean I'm a whore so yes. Don't at me tho.
18+ MDNI - NSFW: knifeplay, fear play, Threatening, sadism/Masochism: PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION. (Gn reader w/ a dick)
Notes: butch brain has been thinking about busting in sevika so here, sorry it's so late.
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✖ Sevika had started the night of walking in annoyed from work so you did what you'd usually do and try to help her relax no matter what she needed usually it was a drink and a distraction she wants to lay her head on you and listen to you talk.
✖ Thinking about you. How you get distracted and are always happy to see her even if she can't be fully present.
✖ You guys usually had some wild nights so when Sevika had suggested more fear play you'd asked her more about it clearly interested. I mean sevika is the scary lady after all. One of the reasons you adored her.
✖ She had mentioned that knives were a turn on previously so you were set with that but she talked about using threats you assumed she'd gotten a bit tipsy since she was being so open with you, it didn't seem like her. But you weren't against it.
✖ She had your arms tied up to the head board and legs trembling, she'd been running the flat side of the blade along your chest cool metal running over your nipples she never cut only pressed enough to leave a line of color.
✖ "Good youre such such slut baby, look at you."
✖ but at this point your heart was drumming like a jackhammer, the cool blade to pressing into you, until you felt a sting against your neck. The jagged blade was unfeeling, as her hot breath met your neck.
✖ "I'm gonna fuck you, and youre gonna lay there like good doll, aren't you?"
✖ "Vika" you let out a breathy moan as she pressed the blade deeper "Yes or no, you have three seconds or I'm gonna slit your pretty fucking throat" her grey eyes bore into you as you mumbled a defeated "yes sir" folliwed by the moving to your cheek grazing the flat side against you cheek bone "that's my good toy"
✖ her thighs, straddled yours, her pussy sliding down your cock, already wet. "Fuck" her eyes rolled back and you almost missed the feeling as she took the knife off your skin.
✖ she moved up and down, thick muscles flexing all just for you, and you were entranced. The way she moved was hypnotic
✖ Her blade came back, as did her attention, her moment of beautiful undivided bliss was interrupted and her focus was back on you, her body still bouncing on yours. The metal lifted your chin forcing you to look into her eyes. "If you fucking squirm, Im gonna hurt you, if you touch I'm gonna cut you, and she paused her good hand holding your chin so your eyes met.
✖ "if you squirm, I'll fucking kill you" you let out a soft moan, fear glistening behind the bliss in your eyes. And that got to her, the way you looked so helpless, so pathetic with a knife to your throat had her weak in the knees. Both of you already threatened to burst, her pussy clenched as she went slower her knife dragging across your chest, thin lines of red escaped your skin. Curses and slurs escaped you both as she rid you, her muscles were tense, and her so close that her pussy was basically milking you.
✖ "I'm gonna cum sev" you let out your desperate confession, her eyes darted towards you. "Fucking beg" you nodded your head eyes clenched begging her to let you cum, blade pushing uncomfortably into the skin of your stomach begging her like the depraved whore she knew you were as she allowed you to fill her up.
✖ She didn't last too much longer her hands reached your face as she pushed it sideways into the mattress riding you harder than before lewd groans and heavy breaths escaped her before she finally leaked all over your cock and fell exhausted onto the bed beside you.
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Seeing Stars Part 8
Characters: Eddie Munson x OFC Star
Summary: Suspicions rise at the lunch table as they both showed up to school (the night after the first time they had sex) late and disheveled. The youngest trio (Lucas, Mike, and Dustin) of the Hellfire Club start scheming to find out what's going on between Eddie and Star when they see Eddie very obviously flirting with her. The small group goes to the drive-in together where the sexual tension between Star and Eddie is hidden in the shadows and the parental energy they share towards the boys is out in the open. Eddie and Star are finally alone after a long night of babysitting and almost ruin Eddie's couch.
Comment & Reblog to let me know you like it and want more Eddie content!
Part 1 if you missed it!
Warnings/Triggers: NSFW. Sex, P in V. Lots of dirty talk and teasing. PDA. Semi-pubic teasing. Choking. Face Sitting. Oral M and F Receiving. Spanking. Spitting. Use of the pet name puppy/dog during sex. Almost caught. Same FLUFF as usual. Smooth Eddie and also awkward bean Eddie.
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The warm tone of early day sunlight had lit up Eddie’s bedroom since she’d last opened her eyes. During the night they’d managed to shift and Eddie was now on her back, one long arm was thrown over her. He was quietly snoring, face shoved into the back of her head. As soon as she shifted and stretched it disrupted him and woke him up too. He let out a muffled grunt and nestled his body snuggly against hers. Star smiled, feeling him hard against her backside.
“Good morning.” Star rasped out and cleared her throat. She scoots back against him, purposely rutting her ass against his morning wood.
“Mornin'” came grumbled out, barely a spoken word.
“You having a good dream you’d like to share?”
“That’s not what your dick says.” She chuckled.
“It’s always hard in the morning. Don’t flatter yourself.” He croaked out and slapped his hand that lay around her chest.
“Ouch.” She picked him up by his wrist and lifted it off her. He hummed and threw his arm back over her, snaking his other one underneath her and caging her in with his legs.
“M’Sorry.” He kissed her head. “Didn't mean it.” He said in an exhale as his hands started moving over her body. “Can’t help being hard with you naked next to me. I’m only a man.” They spoke softly and quietly and close to one another. She had a smug smile from his lack of a filter of sweetness when he wasn’t fully awake.
“Now you’re sucking up.” She bumped back into him with a shove of her hips.
“Mmm sucking.” He let himself have a little stretch and then grabbed her chest with both hands. “Sounds like a good idea.” She fully cooperated with moving her to her back as he looked over her top half. She ran her hand through his messy and lop-sided hair, revealing his sleepy eyes as he began to squeeze and shake one of her breasts.
“You going to school today Eddie? You okay?” The voice of Wayne, Eddie’s uncle surprised them both and they jumped, Star immediately pulled the covers over her head.
“Yeah.” His voice cracked when he tries to project it and he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“I’d say.” Star said with the covers lowered to just under her eyes and they sparkled with a grin up at Eddie.
“It’s 15 til.”
“Shit.” Star and Eddie both say in unison.
“My alarm didn’t go off. Thanks! I’m up!” He ran a hand through his hair and the rush to get ready began. There was no time to admire their naked forms as they lept from bed and began tossing items of clothing to find their own. Star got her shirt from the night before.
“I can’t wear this.” She whispered, eyes a bit desperate looking at Eddie.
“Why not?”
“If I saw up in the same clothes as last night the guys are gonna know something's up.”
“Shit. Right.” His eyes darted around the room, yanking a t-shirt over his head. “Here.” He tossed her a Hellfire Club t-shirt. “You needed one anyway right?”
“I did.” She smiles and happily yanked it from his hands.
Much to the embarrassment of Star, Wayne is still in the living room when they walk out.
“Oh hello, Star!” He said with no judgment and she sighed with relief.
“Morning.” She smiled sweetly. “Can’t stay but I’ll make you boys some breakfast next time I stay over.” She extends as a peace offering.
“You know you’re welcome anytime.” He says with a tone that he’s said before when she’s made similar apologetic statements.
“Have a good day!” She calls out as she bounds out the door while throwing on her crossbody.
“See ya later!” Eddies Fast behind her.
“Eddie.” He calls as he catches his nephew's attention, his hand on the doorknob.
“Yeah?” His wild hair flops as he turns his head.
“You and Star…?” he says quietly so she can’t overhear as he raises his brows and tilts his head in her direction outside. Eddie answers with a broad grin he doesn’t have to hide from his uncle.
“I’ll talk to you before you leave for work.” He grins and dips out.
Star brushes back her hair with her fingers, clipping it up with a claw and pulling some pieces down so it looked less rushed. She moved to smell her armpits and flinched.
“You have like, deodorant or anything in here?” she asked of Eddie who was looking pretty much the same as he always did despite the rush. ‘I’ve got perfume oil in here somewhere.” she dug through her purse.
He reached over to pop the glove box open.
“I’ll check, you drive.” she smacked his hand and found a stick and put it on.
“You’re gonna smell like a guy.” he chuckled.
“Better than stinking.” she tossed it his way and he awkwardly managed to put it on while he drove. She dabbed on a little more of her oil than usual, putting some between her boobs for good measure.
Eddie sat to the left of Star in history. He could tell she was miles away in her mind from the glazed stare she was trying to keep on the teacher. He watched her, not hiding his doing so, turned in his chair and face attentively to her. Normally she would be reached over and slapped his leg for him to pay attention, or snatched his pencil from him when he kept tapping it on the edge of the desk. He tried all his usual annoyances and none broke her. He could read her fairly well he liked to think. He watched her body shift and her nose twitch. She fidgeted a bit more than usual. She tugged at the high waist of her jeans, pulling them up and her lips pursed. She ran a hand down her backside to slide into the pocket on the ass of her jeans and winced. Eddie’s face was soon plastered with a knowing smug smile.
She sat back to pick at her nails, seeing her tits pushed up and hard nipples pushing through the white shirt. His white shirt. He knew he hadn't washed it since he’d last worn it. He knew she’d be smelling him all day. He also had a theory she liked how he smelled. The thought of her getting flashes of the night before makes a heat flutter in his cheeks. It was a hard fact to ignore that she was in HIS shirt. After sleeping with her it wasn’t unlikely Eddie, the sentimental fool he could be, was feeling a bit needy and territorial. Passing thoughts of her wearing his vest, his jacket, and his flannel danced dreamily across his imagination. Maybe a guitar pick necklace like his to join the layered ones around her neck, or a heavy metal ring to toughen up her bejeweled collection on her fingers. The thought of people knowing they were his things she was wearing awoke something in him. What if people knew? What if they knew this stacked, mean hottie was moaning his name at night? That out of all the guys that had tried, he was the one she chose to spend her time with. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat as he watched her chew her lip. He wondered if she had considered anything similar.
He scribbled down on his paper. Curling it into a ball after a stealthy rip before he tossed it at her. It hit her in the face and she jumped, face straining inward to frown at the balled-up notebook paper in front of her. She side-eyed Eddie who was waiting for her to look, his chin perched on his hand supported by an elbow on the desktop. She saw the smile that cause his smile lines to deepen and his eyes to crinkle at the corners. He watched her bring it below the desk and slowly, quietly unfold it. She held in a chuckle as an almost shy smile crossed her face. She shook her head just enough for him to see and shoved the paper into her purse. Her movements gave her away as she tucked her hair behind her ear and settled back in her seat again, crossing her arms under her chest and bringing up her thumb to gently place the nail between her teeth. She continued to ignore him but the amused grin he’d caused told him he’d been right. He felt a surge of confidence and horiness pass over him.
"I can’t stop thinking about it either." the note had read.
Star and Eddie were scarfing down their lunch with equal enthusiasm as the table stared at them.
“What?” Eddie finally asked. Star caught on and looked up, mid-bite of her lunchroom quality burger.
“Should’ve just gotten a trough and you could’ve shared with the way you’re eating.”
“I’m starving.” Star frowned.
“Yeah, can’t we be hungry?”
“I skipped breakfast like an idiot.” Star says in defense of herself.
“Uh-huh.” Gareth says with distrustful eyes. “What’s your excuse, Eddie?”
“I overslept.” his eyes narrowed back at Gareth.
“We don’t have Hellfire tonight do we?” Dustin asked.
“No?” Eddie moved his attention.
“Okay.” he paused. “I was wondering since we only wear the shirts on Club days why Star was wearing one.”
“Eddie gave it to me last night.” she says between bites.
“I bet he did.” Gareth muttered under his breath and Eddie kicked him in the shin under the table. He grumbled and bent over.
“Since I finally got one I wanted to wear it. I didn’t know it was some unspoken rule.”
“I guess it’s not.” Dustin shrugged.
“I’ll only wear it on club days. My bad.” she shook her head.
“It’s fine.” Dustin shook his head supportively.
“You oversleep too?” Gareth looked to Star with a grin that was full of assumptions.
“No more than usual.” she sneered back.
“It’s a little suspicious,” he says with his arms crossed.
“You wanna say something so bad just say it.” Eddie snapped at him.
“I wanna know if you two are fucking.” he loudly whispered and everyone at the table froze. “You were straddling him when we showed up. You're both late this morning and you showed up together.”
“She was WHAT?” Dustin chokes.
“I was putting his eyeliner on and had to hold his head still.” Star sighs out an explanation to the two boys that that’s been there. “He was sitting in a chair, fully clothed, it’s not like we were laying down or anything.” she turned her attention back to the accuser.
“Not to mention she was hooking up with Steve just a few weeks ago.” Dustin tried to help her defense as he saw Hareth wasn’t buying it.
“Dustin!” She hissed at him and shot him a look that made him immediately regret his decision.
“STEVE?!” Jeff choked out.
“I thought him and that blonde girl were a thing?”
“Robin? Nope.” Dustin shook his head.
“So you and Harrington?” Gareth cocked his head to the side.
“No there is no Steve and me. We went out and yes we… made out and stuff but there’s no combining me and Steve together as a single unit.”
“You made out with Steve?” Jeff said equally surprised as she leaned over the table to slap his arm.
“I don’t think they heard you in the east wing, you idiot. Lower your voice!” She angry whispered. “My sex life is not up for discussion! I know you’ll gossip like someone’s aunts at bridge club when I’m not around. But when I’m here, if you could not that’d be great.” She helped her hands out, and spread her fingers on the tabletop as she tried to ground herself. “What I do or who I do, Eddie or anyone else isn’t any of your business.”
“If you’re fucking me that’s kinda my business,” Eddie smirked and she stomped on his foot under the table. “Shit. Ow!” he whined.
“I notice you only said Eddie.” Gareth smirked.
“That's because I’m being accused. I wouldn’t fuck you because you start shit like this and you two are in love with Sarah and Abigail!”
“How did you-?” Jeff’s eyes went wide.
“A blind man could see it. You stare and pine and it’s obvious to anyone who’s paying attention.” She explained with a lively hand. “And these two are underage. So that’s a no-go.” She motioned to Dustin and Mike. “So there’s your fucking dissertation about where everyone stands in regards to my vagina. Are you happy? Do you have anyone sexist shit you want me to divulge to a group of guys where I’m the only girl?” Gareth is shocked to silence.
“So to be clear… if I were 18…?” Dustin smirks and Eddie threw a fry at him.
“Henderson. Don’t. Read the room.”
“I was just trying to lighten the mood.”
“It’s fine.” Star put a hand on Eddie and Dustin’s arms. “Yes, that is funny Dustin. And thanks for trying to keep me from having a nuclear meltdown.” She turned her face to Eddie.
“Someone has to since Gareths being a jealous dick.” Eddie snapped.
“I didn’t say I was jealous!”
“You didn’t have to.” Eddie snarled back.
“If nothing happened what do I have to be jealous about?”
“She said you didn’t even have a chance because you're being an asshole.” Eddie stated with a very certain tone. A smug look on his face he often used when he DM’d.
“Can you compare your dicks at some other time? Ugh.” Star groaned and slumped, shoving more fries into her mouth. “Don’t act like them when you get their age.” She motioned to the two glaring young men while looking at Mike and Dustin.
“Didn't plan on it.” Dustin said with a judgemental tone.
“That’s why you’re my favorite.” She grinned.
Star was leaning against her freshly waxed car. The increasing amount of dark clouds was threatening all of her and Robbie’s hard work. Eddie had her pinned between him and her open car door, catching up to her before she drove off for the day. He’d taken to parking next to her when he could, and they were hidden away by his large van.
“It’s gonna start pissing rain any minute now Eddie, what’s so important you had to stretch my sweater?” He’d grabbed her sweater to catch her attention before she slipped into her car.
“I really like this sweater. Did I ever mention that?” He caught his breath and ran his hand through his hair.
“You have.” She smiles and nodded.
“What is it, Eddie?” She let out a laugh and shook her head at his hesitant behavior.
“You wanna go out with me Friday?” He says quickly.
“What’d you have in mind?” He was surprised at her lack of protest.
“The drive-in has horror movies playing for Halloween.” He bobbed his head as he spoke, a sure sign of nervousness. “I thought you might wanna go see one.”
“So I can fall asleep in your van instead of on your couch or my bed?” She grinned.
“You’ve never tried sleeping in my van before you might love it.” He shrugged and gave her the same playful energy back.
“You know what’s playing?
“Evil Dead for the late showing on Friday.”
“Mmm my favorite heroine Ashley.” She stuck out her tongue.
“Yeah, I know you think he’s hot.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Seems I have a type after all.” She tilted her head and gave him a flirtatious smile. “Pretty boys with big brown eyes and wild dark hair.” she leaned a little closer with a quiet giggle.
“Lucky me.” His eyes looked down to her lips as he licked his own.
“You’re not covered in blood though. I’ll have to deduct points for that.”
“Well you said you were on your period didn’t you?” He smirked and he watched her let out the biggest laugh he’d ever seen from her. She laughed so hard she snorted, holding her stomach and a hand over her mouth. Eddie was beaming with pride.
“Oh, shit.” She gasped out, catching her breath and wiping the corner of her eyes. “You’re my favorite person, have I told you that lately? You nasty boy.” She lightly smacked his cheek for the brazen suggestion.
“I’m just putting it out there, I never know with you.” His eyes sparkled as he watched her face bright with a smile he caused.
“Don’t know unless you ask.” She nodded in support. “You into that?” she tilted her head, a hand on her hip.
“Never done it before.” He admitted. “But from my taste in movies, you can probably guess I'd be willing to try.”
“You are a freak, Munson.” She scrunched her nose and bit her tongue at him, leaning towards him for a fleeting moment and giving his nose an affectionate tap. “You’re into… blood and guts and gore?”
“Yeah, but I’m more into fu-“ He was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Dustin with Mike and Lucas close behind appearing around the corner of his van.
“Have you seen the Prowler? If you’re into that you’d love it!” Dustin’s innocent face made Star switch modes immediately. She gave him a smile despite the fact he cut Eddie off and kept her from getting to hear the low, gravelly tone he used when he’d say very sexually forward, flirtatious things to her.
“I have not seen it. But I would like to.” She gives him a nod.
“What about Maniac?” Lucas added.
“Any Savini films?” Mike asked with disappointment in his voice.
“Don’t sound so disappointed.” Star laughed. “I’ve seen Friday the 13th, Dawn of the Dead. You know, the essentials.”
“Why are you all here?” Eddie frowned.
“You said you’d drive us home if it stormed.” Dustin’s said obviously, rolling his eyes.
“They were looking for you and I was helping.” Gareth added as he too appeared around the corner.
“Eddie we need to show her better movies.” Dustin was insistent.
“Yeah, I was tryin’ to.” He rubbed the back of his neck, hiding his annoyance at being interrupted.
“Why don’t we get the family together and go watch one?” Gareth wore a smirk.
“We were thinking about seeing something Friday,” Star said without her usual confidence behind it. She saw Eddie’s previous joyousness retreat. “I’m also off Sunday night.” she quickly added, trying to save what was apparently more of an adults-only affair that Eddie was hoping for.
“Evil Dead is playing!” Dustin nodded excitedly.
“That’s what I’ve heard.” Star gave a grimaced smile. She wanted to reach out and hold Eddie’s hand.
“Me and Star were gonna go.” Eddie mutters out.
“You wouldn’t mind the guys tagging along, right?” Eddie glared at Gareth with a tight smile that was anything but nice.
“Right.” is all Eddie could grit out. The three younger boys were already excitedly chattering. “I guess…” he took a deep breath “We’re all going.” he nodded and looked at the ground then to Star who was giving him an apologetic closed-mouth smile.
“It’s about the start raining, get your bikes in the back,” Star said loudly to get their attention and they moved as a flock to open the doors and do just that. She took Eddie’s hand and pulled him in before he walked off as the boys were blocked from seeing them by the van's back door. “Sorry if you were hoping for something a little more… intimate.” she frowned and moved quickly to kiss his cheek.
“More of those would help.” He grinned, his eyes softening for her.
“I am off Sunday night. I was going to work on my art project but if you wanna come over you’re welcome to.”
“We’ll see how this goes.” He nods his head in the direction of the bickering boys. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll bail and I’ll get you all to myself.” He whispered.
“Doubtful but I like the optimism.”
“Maybe you can stay late Friday? We take the kids out and have our own little movie night?”
“We won’t be getting back until after midnight.” She grinned. “You know I’ll fall asleep if you put on a movie that late.”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I didn’t plan on watching a movie.” She gasped with faux shock and he laughed. “You been missing some Star?” She whispered playfully.
“Like a cloudy night.” He looks down at her with his charming crooked grin.
Dustin slaps the passenger side window from the inside behind Eddie and Star snorts out a laugh.
“C’mon! Quit flirting and take me home! I gotta feed the cat!” He shouted.
“He’s got you there.” She shrugged.
“Funny. I’m trying to feed a cat too.” He leaned in close to her ear and spoke quietly. It made Star expel a high-pitched amused sound and shove his shoulder away.
“Why don’t you kiss already?” Dustin says and kisses the glass.
“Oh Star!” Mike says in a high-pitched voice, leaning over Dustin and rubbing his arms to mock making out. “I love it when you seduce the enemies.” He mocked Eddie’s regretful compliment during a session. Even if that wasn’t a direct quote.
“PACK IT IN WHEELER!” Eddie slapped the side of his van as he trotted to the other side.
Star stood on the foothold of the van and pressed her face to the glass. She contorted her nose and blew raspberries to the window.
“Still wanna kiss me, Munson?” She laughed and drug her mushed nose down the glass.
“Don’t use that language in front of the children, dear.” Eddie grinned. Dustin was cackling in the passenger seat inches away from her distorted face.
“Seatbelts boys! You know your father drives like a maniac.” She pressed a kiss to the glass before stepping back to let them pull out.
“You DO like her don't you?” Dustin asked.
“Shut up Henderson.”
“Eddie and Star sitting in a tree!” Mike mocked. Eddie tried to reach back to slap him but missed.
“What are you 8 years old?” Eddie griped.
“Except it's F-U-C-K-I-N-G.” Dustin cackled.
“When did you learn how to spell?” he looks shocked at Dustin.
“When did you start flirting with Star like that?”
“I’m driving you all home I KNOW where you live and you STILL wanna say all this shit?”
“Oh come on!” Dustin whines. “You give me shit about Suzie. It’s cute.”
“Nothing about me is CUTE.” Eddie firmly corrected.
“I bet Star disagrees!” Lucas lilted.
“You should ask her out.” Mike boldly stated.
“Yeah, why are we the only ones with girls were into? You’re like 30, shouldn’t you be married?”
“Ouch, Sinclair. “ Eddie retorted. “I am 19 you little pricks. Teenager. Same as you.” He asserted.
“You need a girlfriend so you aren’t so grouchy all the time.” Mike adds.
“I’m grouchy because of dealing with this shit from you guys.” Eddie dramatically hit his forehead on the steering wheel.
“Ask her out and we won’t give you shit.”
“If I was dating her you still would.” Dustin shrugged and made a noise that told him he was right. “Maybe I already did.” Eddie offered with a wave of his hand.
“So you’re dating her?”
“She said no? Shit.”
“Why? It’s obvious they like each other.”
“She didn’t say no.” Eddie shared.
“And she didn’t say yes?”
“It’s complicated.” he muttered.
“You know she turned down Steve right?” Dustin added.
“Shit, really?” Lucas chimed in surprised.
“I did not but that wasn’t the hangup.”
“Then what is?” They ask.
“I know I’m older and supposed to know things and give advice but I don’t have anything enlightening to say. Things get complicated the older you get. You can’t just do things because you want to. You don’t get things just because you want them.”
“So what I’m hearing is you want to but there’s something up with her?” Dustin asks with weighing hands
“I’m not talking about my love life with you.”
“SEE! He DOES like her!”
“Of course I do! We all do!” Eddie screeches.
“You know that’s not what we mean.”
“I stand by it. She’s attractive. She’s funny. She likes our nerdy shit. We all LIKE her.”
“But only one of us has a chance.” Dustin says with a closed-mouth smile.
“It’s…” Eddie sighs.
“Complicated we know.” Lucas sounded exasperated.
“Doesn’t make it any less true,” Eddie complained. “Look, heckle me if you have to but don’t give her shit about it okay? Or when she’s around don’t bother me about it.”
“She seemed like she didn’t mind earlier.”
“She’s very good at that.” Eddie sighed.
“I can usually tell when she’s upset at lunch.”
“Maybe you care more about the jokes than her?” Mike added insightfully.
“I’m the one that’s talked to her. I’m pretty sure I’d know more about it than you would.” Eddie retaliated.
“All we're saying is it’s obvious you’re into each other. Yes in that way. And she said you were the only one that she’d…” Mike chews his cheek while Eddie shoots daggers at him From the rearview mirror. “Be with.”
“See? Be with and date are two very different things.” Eddie wagged his finger.
“Are they though?” Mike pursed
“Remember how I said things got more complicated when you got older? This is one of those things.” Eddie explained and there was a beat of contemplation among them. They weren’t dumb kids, but they were inexperienced.
“Does she have a secret boyfriend?” Lucas asked after tapping his chin in thought.
“Nah, Steve asked.” Dustin added in.
“Can we drop it?” Eddie sighed.
“I'm trying to help man. I'm invested in this now. I wanna know what’s up with her.”
“Nothing is up with her.” Eddie persisted. “Don’t put your nose where it doesn’t belong. I’ll handle my shit and you handle yours. Kay?”
“Whatever you say, captain.” Dustin saluted but rolled his eyes.
Star’s house was Eddie’s first stop to pick everyone up and haul them to the movies. He could hear music playing as he walked up. He gave a single knock and opened the door without missing a beat. It felt natural to invite himself in at this point, something Star had noticed and had taken comfort in.
“Tears for Fears again?” he asked as she was making her way to turn the stereo off upon his arrival. “You don’t have to turn it off because of me.” he shook his head.
“You don’t mind it?”
“Nah. They’re not bad. Depressing but not in a bad way. Very… gloomy and moody.”
“Much like myself.” she chuckled. “We need to head out anyway. Don't want to eat up the power bill.” she leaned to turn off her space heater. She was in a sweater she’d made, yellow stars on the elbows and the hem hitting beneath her hips. “I’ve got blankets over there. We can take pillows too if you think that’d be a good idea.”
“Are we having a slumber party?”
“No, but I’d like to be comfortable. It’s late and it’s cold. The van’s only gonna protect us so much from the cold.”
“You’re right.” he looked down and his eyes wandered.
“What?” she demanded from him, standing against her counter.
“I would’ve worn something warmer if I’d been thinking about it.”
“I’ve got something that will help with that.” she perked up.
“In front of the children?” he teased. “If you insist.” he grinned and reached for her waist.
“Not that.” she snorted as he pulled her to his chest. “I’ve got blankets and I also might have a little something for you.”
“Did it shrink?” he moved his hand to her back pocket and squeezed. “Nope. Not little.” he cheesed.
“Unhand me you brute.” she laughed and wiggled out of his grasp.
“I’ve got to get in something to hold me over.” he pouted as she moved away.
Prettyboy feeling needy?” she teased as she pulled a ball of knitting from her trunk.
“No this man is feeling horny.” he clarified.
“My mistake.” she grinned and shook out what was in her arms. “If you don’t like it you can tell me. I’ll cry but I’d rather you be honest.” she nervously chuckled.
“It's a sweater.” he states plainly.
“It’s your sweater. I made you one. You don’t have anything super warm. You can layer on flannels and jackets but a thick sweater will keep you warm best.”
“You made me a sweater?” his voice went softer, the gritty sexual nature of it faded.
“I’ve been starting a few projects for Christmas for gifts and stuff, you know? But I’d been working on this one for a while. I put red around the edges, see? There are patches on the elbows because you’re so damn rough on your clothes.” she showed off the black and red sweater with a bouncy disposition.
“How long did that take?”
“Eh, a few weeks? I worked on it in my free time.” she says so casually he’s taken back.
“You didn’t have to-”
“Shut up I know I didn’t.” she rolled her eyes and handed it to him. “You don’t have to wear it but would you mind seeing if it fits? I think I guessed the measurements pretty well. “
“Yeah.” he said quickly, long arms impatiently pulling off his layers of leather denim and flannel. He unbuttoned his red and black flannel that has served as a means of color inspiration for the sweater. Star swallows as she sees the tight, short shirt he had on underneath everything.
“You take one of my shirts?” she joked with a breathy chuckle.
“Oh.” he gave a shy snort. “It’s an old shirt. Bought it before my last growth spurt.”
“I like it.” she says without thinking.
“Huh? I wore it under everything because I didn’t think anyone would see it.” he curiously watched her as his hand drifted across his bare lower stomach. His fitted jeans hugged his slender frame with the tight elastic band of his boxers peeking out just above their waist. The almost cropped top made Star feel a bit feral, the bare midriff and the happy trail on display were a very pleasant surprise. She made no effort to hide her line of sight and he felt a slight flush of warmth on his face from her expression of half-lidded eyes and a bitten lip. “You still want me to try this on or have you changed your mind?” he smirked. Her eyes didn't move immediately, but they did eventually float their way up to meet his flirtatious judging stare.
“Mmm Hmm.” she nodded with a sigh.
“That means all this is gonna go away.” he motioned to his bare stomach and she broke out in a smile.
“I can see it again later.” she shrugged one shoulder.
“Can you?” he pulled his shirt down and shied away making her smile.
“You’re the one that said you were horny. I could talk you out of your clothes if I wanted.” she tilted her head and gave a cocky smile.
“I could say the same thing about you.” he grins and pulls the sweater over his head.
“You think you could, huh?”
“You’re probably wet just thinking about me dirty talking.” he looked down at her pinching the sides of the sweater to make sure he had enough room in it.
“Why did I sleep with you? You’ve gotten entirely too cocky.” she tuts him.
“Because you like me.” he stood up straight and gave her the goofiest grin.
“And the big dick.” she mumbled.
“And a filthy mouth.” he adds, turning under the direction of her hands. “Which is why I know I can talk you out of your clothes.”
“I think it fits well. You wanna wear it or wait?”
“It’s too nice to wear to this tonight. I’ll use you and the blankets to keep warm.” She ignored his grin for a moment before she nodded and tugged the sweater off at her discretion.
“Didn’t take you to be a tease.”
“I’ve teased you since the first day we met. Making fun of each other is how we became friends in the first place.”
“Not that kind of teasing.”
“I know, but what makes you think I wouldn’t wanna mess with you any other way?” he looked down at her and gave her a condescending glance.
“Fair point.” she hung the sweater up. She turned to see him still in his too-small shirt. “You gonna put some clothes on so we can go?”
“I don’t know, maybe I wanna see you in a shirt that’s too small.” he smirked.
“You are incorrigible tonight.”
“Does that word mean I’m gonna get laid?” he grinned.
“It means you’re hopeless. I can’t change you. You’re beyond saving.” she elaborates. “You're being a bit more naughty tonight than usual.” as she approached he wrapped his arms around her.
“Every since we had sex it’s like I’m so aware of how much I want it. And it’s been a… week? A little over a week?”
“10 days.”
“See! You’re counting the days too.” he leaned down to bump his forehead to hers.
“Girls have to count the days. So naughty boys like you don’t put babies in them.” she poked his chest.
“Oh c’mon this isn’t medieval times you’re on the pill.” he snorted out a laugh. “Plus you just had your period. I know because you cried during that movie.” he teases and she looks away to blush slightly.
“Tell anyone and I’ll kill you.”
“You had a good time with me, right?” his voice is quieter, his neck bent to keep his face close to hers.
“I did.” she nodded and met his gaze.
“I don’t wanna seem pushy.” he began.
“You’re not, honey.” she reached up to put her hand on his cheek.
“I just… think about it a lot. About you… and me. A lot.” his eyes were a bit soft, extra round as the deep brown looked into hers.
“Look at you. Sweet boy.” she matched her other hand to his face. “Those big beautiful puppy dog eyes.” she smiled and finally gave him a soft, short kiss. “You big pup.” she cooed and pat his face gently. “I’ll tell you if your advances aren’t wanted. Don’t worry. I think about that night a lot too. If I’d known that’s what you’d had in mind with tonight I wouldn’t have mentioned it to the boys.”
“I know.” he nodded. “I was getting to that point but got interrupted,” he muttered and wiggled his brows.
“If we get back too late tonight I’d like to get together Sunday night. Because I do want to fuck you again.” she watches the corner of his mouth turn up in a dopey smile at her saying it out loud. “It may be a surprise but I’m just as horny as you are.” she chuckled. “Girls are better at hiding it I think.”
“Sometimes you are.” he offers with a tilt of his head. “Other times I swear I could smell when you’re turned on.”
“You are a pup.” she scrunched her nose at him affectionately.
“Like when I get real close…” he leaned into her ear, pushing her hair back off her shoulder. “And speak all deep right into your ear.” He did just that and she felt herself shiver. “I see your nipples get hard under your shirt.” One of his hands reached up to graze over her breast. “And you move your arms to hide it and wiggle your ass around in your seat. Or I see your thighs rub together.” he sighs and runs the tip of his nose over the shell of her ear. He let a little hum of appreciation leave his throat. Wetting his lips he kissed her ear, knowing she could hear his breathing as her eyes fluttered shut. “Seeing something I do have an effect on gets me hard,” he grumbles and kisses the bend of her neck under her ear. “Knowing that I'm the only one that knows what turns you on...” He placed another more lingering kiss on her neck as she let in a little stuttered inhale. “It makes me feel a little crazy.” she felt the huff of air from a laugh traveling across her throat. His hand took a rougher handful of her chest. “Wanting someone as bad as I want you…” she felt him shake his head as he squoze her, his words achingly honest and his voice light and desperate. “Knowing that I’m the reason you’re getting wet.” he moaned and sucked on her neck as he felt her do exactly as he said and rubbed her thighs together. His thumb found her hard nipple under her sweater and gave it a pinch. “Always wondering if you’re wearing any panties and if I could get away with teasing you enough to see a dark spot appear on those tight jeans you’ve started wearing.” He kisses between words and coos into her ear, feeling her breath picking up. “Like right now.” he traveled his hand down her front to cup over the middle seam of her jeans. “You think I could get you off like this?” he asked, nose trailing up her jaw as his fingers pressed into her softness. “Or would you break before I could and make me fuck you?” Eddie had forgotten about anything else except how good she smelled with his face buried in her, and how badly he wanted her. He wasn’t planning what would come out of his mouth, he was letting the things he thought about while he touched himself slip out of his mouth. He landed a few more tender kisses on her cheek before she turned her head to kiss him. It began heated, his hands holding her face on impact.
“Okay you can talk me out of my clothes, fuck.” she panted out between rounds of grasping lips. He stopped and laughed, kissing the corners of her mouth as she looked at him with lust-filled eyes.
“Told you.” he grinned and kissed her again, softer this time. She made the tiniest little sound that made his eyes roll back behind his closed lids.
“Ugh,” she grumbled and adjusted her clothes. “Good thing I’ve already seen this movie because I’m gonna be distracted the whole time.” she pouted as she pulled away and fanned her face for a moment.
“We better leave now before we get sidetracked again.” he shook his legs out and adjust his waistband before reaching for his flannel.
“Just one more look.” she puts her hands on his stomach and leaned to kiss it. “I’ll miss you.” she nuzzled his happy trail and it made him giggle from being slightly ticklish. “Okay.’ she nodded and reached for her purse. “Now we can go.”
The three youngest Hellfire members sat on the curb outside Dustin's house. They’d expected to be picked up already.
“You think they left us and went out themselves?”
“Nah, Star wouldn’t do that.” Dustin countered.
“I do kinda feel like we’re third-wheeling on them.” Lucas added.
“I didn’t know they were actually like… a thing.” Dustin complained.
“Not a thing if you ask Eddie” Mike rolled his eyes.
“They were going out to the drive-in together. That could be a date or not a date to be fair.”
“A guy and a girl going to the drive-in? That’s a date.”
“Friends can go to the drive-in.” Dustin countered. “Me and Mike or you and me could go together and we wouldn’t think it’s a date. They’re friends.”
“You saw the way they were flirting behind the van.”
“I’ve never seen them flirt like that before. I knew they were hanging out a lot.”
“They are?”
“Yeah he goes over to her place and she makes dinner. Or she goes over to his and he teaches her D and D stuff.”
“There sure sounds like code for something.”
“Also girls don’t make Dinner for guys they don’t like.” Mike said.
“Your mom makes us dinner Mike.” Lucas wiggles his eyebrows.
“Ew! She’s not a girl she’s my mom!” Mike whined.
“She takes care of us, maybe she’s just… motherly. You know Edie doesn’t eat right. Maybe she’s just trying to make sure he doesn’t die of scurvy or something.” Dustin shrugged.
“Scurvy? What is he a pirate?” Lucas rolled his eyes.
“It’s the first thing that popped into my head!”
“She did bring food to Hellfire.” Mike added. “Maybe you’re right.”
“All I know is not much shakes Eddie. And he gets a little different when she’s around. Haven’t you noticed? I can see it when she sits with you at lunch.” Lucas pointed out.
“Maybe it’s the face he makes when he’s trying not to fart in front of her.” Mike laughed.
“she won’t date Steve. She won’t date Eddie.” Dustin tapped his chin in thought.
“We don’t know she won’t date Eddie. He never gave us a straight answer.”
“What happened with her and Steve? Does that hint to anything?”
“She said he wasn’t her type. That she’d like to be friends bc she liked him but they weren’t long-term material.” He raised his fingers quotes. “She went to a party of his and he won’t tell me what happened but shortly after that he told me she’d said no.”
“Weird.” Mike narrowed his eyes.
“Very.” Lucas also looks suspicious
“We could try to get them together?” Mike shrugged. “We could just ask Star?”
“Eddie told us not to get involved.” Lucas sighed.
“We don’t have to be obvious about it. Maybe give them a little room. We tell them when the other says something good about them. We can gently push them toward each other.” Dustin motioned with his hands. “It’ll be a covert mission. Lucas, you can observe from a distance and listen for rumors. Mike and I will get in the trenches.”
“We’re trying to figure out what’s going on with two people we're not fighting a war.”
“No, but it’ll be a long job. I have a feeling this is complicated.”
“Eddie saying that 20 times wasn’t a hint?”
“We will gently guide them toward each other.”
“While pretending like we’re not doing anything?”
“Exactly.” Dustin nodded.
“This is going to take forever.”
The three boys were already fighting with the pillows Star had put in the back of the van.
“Have you all eaten? Are you hungry?” She asks, turning in her seat to look back at them as they headed into town.
“Yeah, mom they’re fine.” Eddie chuckled.
“I’m a little hungry I thought they might be.”
“We’re always hungry.”
“Could you run by a drive-thru, Eddie? I’ll buy.”
“No, they don’t need anything they’re just trying to get free food.”
“C’mon dad!” Dustin laughed. “Mom said we could have McDonald’s!”
“Yeah, mom said.” Star laughed. “You can get the tickets and I’ll buy us all snacks. Get something for yourself too.” She lightly kicked his thigh with her foot.
“You sure? Tickets are a hell of a lot cheaper than feeding these goblins.”
“I got paid this week, it’s fine. Only the best for my children right?” Star made kissy faces at the boys.
“We aren’t babies.” Mike protested.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about I’m getting free cheeseburgers. I’ll be a baby.” Dustin proudly announced.
“You wanna get a job and buy your own cheeseburgers, Mike?” Eddie asked, looking into the rearview mirror.
“This listen to your mother.” He said with a straight face.
“Mother and Father Hellfire.” Lucas grinned.
“You do feed us.” Dustin pointed to Star. “And you discipline us.” He motioned to Eddie. “Yeah, that checks out.”
“Look at our three beautiful boys Edward.” Star laughed as they leaned into the front cabin of the van and cheesed for Eddie.
“I will drive us off a bridge, never call me that.” Eddie loudly protests.
“Alright, Mr. Munson.”
“That’s…somehow worse.” He fake gagged.
“Alright ya fuckin asshole.” Star tried again.
“Much better. Thank you.” He nodded like he was exasperated.
“Hey, asshole.” Dustin grinned. “Can you turn up the heat? It’s freezing back here.” Star laughed and did as requested.
“You’re gonna spoil them.” Eddie complained.
“They’re good boys. They deserve it.”
“Okay, this is getting weird.” Mike chimes in.
“I kinda like it. It’s good cop bad cop.” Dustin explained.
“Never call your father or me a cop. That’s where I draw the line.”
“I didn’t raise a bunch of narcs!” Eddie puffed out his chest and put on a deeper fake dad's voice. “In my day we said fuck those pigs!”
“We’re raising anarchists not boot lickers dear.” she shook her head and used a fake mothering voice.
“You guys would make good parents.” Dustin grinned.
Mike and Lucas both jabbed him in his sides. Star tilted her head confused at them.
“What? They would! The kid would be a menace to society but I think that’s the point.”
“Henderson you’re smarter than I give you credit for. You're starting to catch on.”
“That you two should have a kid?” Dustin asks confused.
Stars cheeks turned pink and it wasn’t from the cold October night air. She and Eddie shot a bewildered look at one another.
“What the hell man?” Mike whispered to him. Lucas was rubbing his face in disbelief.
“Are you okay?” Star chuckled and put the back of her hand to his forehead. “You’re being weird my guy” she nodded with high brows. “I don’t think two high schoolers having a baby is a good idea.”
“Well, I didn’t mean right now!” Dustin shouted that should have been obvious.
“Oh well in that case” Star threw her arms up and laughed. “Look, I might have a cancer moon and Venus but I don’t want to be a mom anytime soon. No offense Eddie.”
“None fuckin' taken.” He laughed.
“Cancer? What?”
“Oh don’t get her started.” Eddie sighed.
“Horoscopes?” Mike contributed.
“That’s part of it yeah.”
“What’s a cancer moon?” Dustin asked and Eddie groaned. Star tries to explain what signs are and each guy discovered his zodiac sign by the time they made it to the drive-in.
Eddie had haphazardly backed into a spot so the back of the van was facing the screen. With it propped open the boys took to hooking the speakers up on the van doors. Star put down blankets and pillows, making a little nest behind the boys so she could sit up and watch. They started the movie with the boys in a line, eating with the speakers blaring in their faces. She and Eddie shared a big milkshake and fries and a burger each.
“I think they’re sharing food.” Mike whispered to Dustin.
“Too bad they can’t Lady and the Tramp a milkshake.” Dustin snickered. Lucas stretched to spy. All the boys were on their stomachs and face out to the screen.
“They’re throwing fries in each other's mouths.” he grinned and settled back in.
“Keep your eyes ahead. Give em some privacy.” Dustin commanded.
They’d gotten a blanket each, but Eddie threw another over them both after everyone had settled.
“C’mon,” he whispered, leaning in tight to her ear before moving back and nodding his head for her to come closer. He held his arm out and she shifted her eyes to the boys then back to his obviously. “It’s fine.” he assured her with a confident expression. They scooted closer together, now he had his arm over her shoulders.
“It’s colder than I thought.” she said rubbing her nose.
“‘Mere.” he searched for her hands and took them into his. He lowered his head and breathed into the hold. She gave him a cautious but grateful smile. “Want me to breathe on your nose too?” he grinned.
“No, I don't want your burger breath up my nose.” she hushed a laugh.
“You could put it somewhere else and keep it warm.” he leaned in, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows, looking down to his crotch. She smacked his leg and bit back a laugh.
“Stop.” she mouthed, leaning in almost nose to nose.
“Psst. Dustin.” Eddie whispered. No response. “See? They can’t hear us.” His brown eyes were reflecting the bright light from the projector as he looked down at her reassuringly.
“Still.” she pursed her lips “Stop asking me to put my face in your junk.” she silently laughed.
“I only ask because I know you wouldn’t.” he subtly shakes his head down at her. His hair tickled her cheek and gave her the faint smell of his shampoo. “Tease.” he points to his chest. “Remember?”
“You won’t let me forget.” she lightly pinched his side and he silently acted as if she’d grievously injured him.
“Well that’s for a good reason.” he gives a slow nod, pulling her in snug against him, his hand on the arm around her shoulder pulling her hair back from her face. “I’ve still got to take you home tonight.”
“I miss when you were more scared of me,” she smirked and his face scrunched up into a silent laugh. “I liked awkward and unsure Eddie.” she tilted her face up to his. “Now you’re just another handsome asshole trying to get in my pants.” she grinned.
“You are giving me entirely too much credit.” he rolled his eyes. “Thank you. But you’re wrong.” he smiled a more genuine smile and looked to the screen. “I have no clue what I’m doing.” he looked back at her shaking his head. “Ever.”
“I don’t know. You seem to know what you’re doing with your hands.” she gave him a bright smile then lowered her head.
“Now who’s being bad?” he said with his lips millimeters away from her ear.
“Not my fault.” She pouted.
“How so?”
“How am I supposed to think about anything else after what you did before we left my place? You gave me lady blue balls.” She said defiantly but with the way they were whispering into each other’s ears it was an oxymoron of an experience.
“Well I have actual ones so…” he shrugged.
“We’re over halfway done with the movie.” She pats his thigh in more of an attempt to comfort than seduce.
“I’ve never wanted this movie to be over before.” His voice was deep and calm, nose to her hair as he talked. “But the alternative is just so much more appealing isn’t it?” He nuzzles his nose up her jaw and cheek. “Have you been thinking about what you wanna do?”
“Maybe.” She tried to ignore him and watch the screen.
“Is it the same stuff you think about when you’re using that little buzzy friend you keep beside your bed?” He had a triumphant grin as she looked down and away from the screen.
“What do you think about in bed alone at night? Or in the shower? I bet you do it in the shower don’t you?”
“You’re welcome to find out.”
“You wanna shower together?” She huffed out a laugh.
“I wouldn’t say no.”
“Is this your way of telling me I stink?” She joked.
“Thank god you finally caught on.” He says exasperated. “You smell Star. I’m sorry to have to tell you.”
“Everyone smells. Do I smell good?” She pushed her hair into his face and nuzzled in like a cat to make him inhale her scent of incense of patchouli.
“Ugh. Yeah.” He rasped. “I can’t even pretend like you don’t.” He sniffed her outright and made her lightly slap his chest in a weak retaliation. “Smells like sunshine and hippie girls with big tits and no bra.” She stifled a laugh as his hand moves to her head to hold her there. “Or girls who smoke you out and then turn into a succubus and suck your soul out of your-“ she pinched his belly and his hand let go and rubbed the soft spot.
“Hush!” Her face was bright and happy, putting her fingers over his mouth. Eddie then proceeded to chomp her fingers into his mouth with no hesitation and he moves his hand quickly to Star's mouth to keep her from shouting and laughing. She gawked for a moment with wide eyes as she felt his tongue against the sensitive cushion of her fingers. She withdrew slower than he expected and wiped her fingers on his jacket and moved his hand away from her mouth.
“Of all the times to put my fingers in your mouth?” He could see sure signs of her being turned on. She flushed a bit, her breathing picking up. Her eyes dilated and she left her mouth open in a tiny o.
“Oh right.” He smirked and took her hand again. “You did put those in my mouth last time didn’t you?” He holds her smaller hand easily in his own, the projector light highlighting his heavy rings. She could feel the guitar-calloused hands rough against her soft skin. Her eyes followed every minute movement of his hand as he began lifting it to kiss a single fingertip. “You into this?” With a cocked-up brow, he kissed the pads of her fingers.
Star managed a nod as she watched him, captivated. They might’ve shared an oral fixation with their smoking but Star distinctly enjoyed watching people's mouths. Especially when they were as plush as Eddie’s was. She watched her fingertip disappear behind those pillowy pink lips as he sucked her finger into his mouth. Her teeth chattered as she shuddered, eyes quickly going half-lidded as she was enraptured by his forward flirting.
“Here I’ve been trying to up my talking game and all I had to do was take this jeweled little hand the whole time.” He spoke with mashed lips against her skin as he kissed and licked her fingers. She took in a sharp breath and took her trembling hand away from his delectable mouth.
“Not here.” She rasped out with an almost heaving chest.
“Shit that really did work.” He sounded dumbfounded as she moved her eyes forward to his chest and audibly swallowed. “You look so pretty when you get flustered like that.” He leaned into her in the shadows. “Makes me want to get other parts of you in my mouth.” His hand moves stealthily, reaching down from her shoulder. “I’m willing to bet that got those rosy nipples of yours hard as hell.” She grabbed his hand before he could get in a sneaky grope.
“They’re not the only thing.” She switched her grip and took the hand that had been lazily resting on her thigh. She took it under the covers slowly and put his hand between her legs. His eyes went wide before swearing under his breath. She put her lips to his ear, just as he had been doing all night, and hid her face in shadow. “I can feel my pulse in my pussy because of you.” Eddie clenched his teeth to not make a sound. His nostrils flared and he closed his eyes. “My clit is so hard right now. Can you feel her?” She rubbed his fingertips up and down her center and she watched his shoulders shudder.
“Star.” His voice sounded far less confident. She removed his hand and put it back between them.
“The movie’ll be over soon, Eddie. Remember you started this. You wanted me wet and aching for you didn’t you?” She ghosted her lips to his cheek as she spoke. He nodded and licked his lips, eyes fluttering shut. “You got what you wanted.” She moved away slightly, a close nose-to-nose silhouette.
“Not yet.” He admitted with big puppy eyes, staring down her lips. “Not until I’ve had you, I haven’t.”
“Soon, puppy.” She whispered and pet his cheek with a soft caress. “Soon.” She ghosted her lips to his and kissed his cheek. She turned his head back to the screen and settled back against him. She entwined her hand into his and put a blanket over them. A simple back and forth of his fingers against her hand, stroking and caressing as they waited had never felt so vulgar and heated before.
Eddie and Star compartmentalized the part of them that was ready to tear each other’s clothes off. The debate about what each person would do if they somehow got the Necronomicon was engaging at least. They let the boys out at Dustin’s house and Star was the one that opened the back. She waved to his mother and told her goodnight, Eddie did the same. Then they were left alone.
“You know, if you weren’t such an insane driver I might consider giving you road head.”
“Wh-huh?” His head shook and went fast between her and the road.
“On nights like tonight. When we’re both all horned up and ready to fuck. It’d be fun to suck your cock on the drive home.”
“You-are you serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“Funny you mention that because I might have one if you did that.”
“You don’t have to be into it. Figured I’d ask.” She shrugged and looked back out the window.
“I didn’t say no.” He saw a smile come across her face. “If… if I didn’t have bucket seats and had a big bench like you do in your car… I’d touch you while I drove.”
“You barely drive with both hands on the wheel anyway.” She grinned. “That’d be nice, wouldn’t it? I could have you filling my mouth full of cock while your fingers reach over and fill up my pussy.”
“Star I will pull over and fuck you in this van.” He pulls his shirt to fan himself.
“You don’t want me to touch myself over here then?” She pouted and ran her hands down her body.”
“No! I would fuckin LOVE that but I also don’t want to total this van.”
“Then I won't.” She said sweetly. “But I think I wanna go to your place.”
“Yeah. I think Robbie's home. I know he doesn’t care if we fuck around but I think I might get loud tonight and I’d rather not keep him up.”
“Yeah, no one should know what their sister sounds like when they’re getting plowed.” He said it so seriously Star laughed.
“Plus you have a couch. I don't.”
“I also have a bed?” He tilted his head and looked her way.
“I know but I wanna ride you on the couch.”
“Sweetheart you know I’d fuck you in the front yard if you wanted.” He laughed out. “Your wish is my command milady. Don’t have to ask twice.”
“To be a dungeon master you’re awfully accommodating.” She teased.
“D and D roles do not automatically apply to the bedroom.” He said with a wagging finger. “Plus if you were me getting to fuck you? You’d do whatever you wanted to too.”
“You make me sound like some goddess. I’m into it.”
“I know you’ve never had the distinct pleasure of getting to fuck you. So you don’t get it. But for some loser freak like me to even get to look at you? Shit. You’ve got a higher chance of rolling a nat 20.”
“Okay. First. If you ever call yourself a loser freak again I’ll put your balls in a vice. Not in a fun way.”
“There’s a fun way?”
“Two, only I get to call you a freak because you know it’s said with love. And three my favorite thing about you is that you’re a freak.”
“I-thanks?” He chuckled nervously.
“You are most certainly NOT a loser. I don’t fuck losers. Anymore.” She snorted at herself. “You are a freak but in the best way. It’s like I said before, people try to fit in and don’t know themselves. But you? You know yourself. You know what you’re about. You’re weird and interesting and loud and crude and those parts you insult about yourself are the best things about you! Or at least they’re some of my favorite parts!” She exclaimed wholeheartedly with her hands. “It makes me sad when you put yourself down like that.”
“One of my favorite things about you is how you’re actually a total sweetheart and no one knows but me.” He grins back, eyes full of adoration.
“Keep it that way.” She gives him an exaggerated head nod.
“I plan on it. I need all I can get.”
“And here I thought you liked me being a little mean to you?”
“When I’m inside you yeah.” They both chuckled. “Speaking of.” He wiggles his brows as they pull off the road and into the trailer park.
“We can take turns freshening up, bring a pillow on the couch. You can put the tv on if you want. Or play music. But we aren’t gonna pay attention to it.” she announces as she follows him up his short set of stairs to his door where he ushered her in with a wide sweeping arm.
“Milady.” he bows.
“Cornball.” She lightly slaps his cheek as she passes.
Star was in the bathroom and Eddie was scrolling through a roll-a-dex in his brain of things he should do. He set out sodas. Pillow? Check. Music on. He hummed and ran to his room for a bandana to throw over the lamp shade to make the light less harsh. Now there was enough light to see but not to make things feel too harsh. He chewed his nails as he looked around and wondered if it was too much. He was overthinking again. He chugged back some soda, laughing to himself when it made him burp loudly and he waved his arms wildly in the air to dissipate.
Star appeared from the bathroom, sweater over her arm and only a tiny tank top left with the jeans on she knew drove him a little wild. She hadn’t been much of a denim person until moving and meeting Eddie, now she had two different pairs.
Eddie blinked and stared for a moment then moved quickly and sloppily to take off his upper body layers except for the shirt that’d made her drool a little earlier.
“Good boy.” She smiled and gave his chin a pinch as she passed to the couch.
“I’m gonna uh-“ he side-stepped towards the bathroom.
“Don’t make me wait too long. I’ll get cold out here all alone.” She pouted playfully and put her sweater on a stool by the kitchen bar.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He almost trips over his own feet shuffling in the bathroom. “Left you a soda on the table!” He shouted from behind the door.
“He’s smarter than I give him credit for.” She muttered to herself knowing she needed the caffeine. She took a few big swigs and looked around the comfy little scene he’d set. She shook her head, smiling to herself at how cute he was when he got in his head about things. Taking off her jeans, she placed them in the same spot as her sweater, taking the time to smoke a cigarette while she waited. With her elbows on the kitchen bar, half bent and ashing into one of many ashtrays scattered around the apartment.
He didn’t stay as long in the bathroom as she had, having far less to concern himself with than she did. He hurriedly checked himself out, then his breath, and brushed his teeth. Then a sniff test down his pants checked out. He took a deep breath, staring into his own eyes in his reflection, and nodded to hype himself up a bit. Why did he get so nervous? She was talking about wanting this all night.
“There's no reason to be nervous,” he mumbled to himself, hands on the countertop. “It’s just Star.” he smirked at himself as soon as the words came out. He swore his reflection rolled its eyes at him as he rubbed his face hard. JUST Star? He shook his head. The one girl that’s haunted his dreams ever since he laid eyes on her. JUST her? He smacked himself in the forehead. He stood up straight and tried to admire his stomach like she had with a little turn of his body in the mirror. He shrugged and decided it didn’t much matter if he liked it if she did. As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, his confidence faltered and his feet became heavy at the sight of her. She was blowing smoke out of two tinted pink lips, her ass curved perfectly, reminding him of a geometry equation he’d gotten wrong on his last test. Once it registered she wasn’t wearing any pants he had a knee-jerk reaction and bumbled taking his off and throwing them towards his bedroom doorway.
She went from relaxed in her take me from behind stance to posed as she turned to face him in nothing but a cropped shirt and panties with an amused breathy laugh.
“You’re adorable.” she cooed as he approached.
“And you’re sexy as hell.” he pushed his chin into his neck to emphasize with a distracted and goofy smile.
She’d never been with a guy like Eddie before. One that openly got nervous and shared it. That blurted out things as they popped into his brain. He never said anything he didn’t mean. There was trustworthiness there he didn’t even have to try to have. He could be that sexy, confident version of himself when he finally stopped overthinking and let himself get lost in the moment. But mostly, he was a smidge awkward and impressively clever. She didn’t miss the try-hards who smoldered and thought they were god’s gift to women for a second.
“That answers my question about if you wore panties or not.” he openly stared at her, mouth slightly open as he approached.
“I do in the winter. It’s cold. Gotta protect her.” she had such relaxed body language he felt jealous. She pats the fluff of hair covered in baby blue cotton between her legs.
“At all costs.” he laughed through a wide smile as he tentatively reached out to skim her hip.
“Now there’s an idea for a campaign.” she watched his shoulders shake and his eyes brighten at the mention of it.
“I don’t think I’d want anyone else involved if I did that.” he shook his head and she offered him her cigarette. She held it between her fingers and let him inhale before placing it back on her lips.
“A single-player game? Just the Dungeon Master and me?”
“First time for everything.” he subtly shrugged, eyes taking in her body.
“Speaking of, has anyone ever sat on that pretty face before?” she asked so casually his chin jutted forward and his eyes opened wide.
“Has?” he let out a nervous chuckle. ”Uh, yeah.” he felt heat move to his face. “There was uh-.” he looked down bashfully. “Yeah I have.” he finally met her eyes.
“Go on!” she said excitedly, raising to her toes to get closer to his face. “You don’t get to start a story and not finish it.”
“You wanna know about that kinda stuff?”
“I wanna know everything.” she grinned and patted his chest, leaning into him.
“I was at a bar in Indianapolis for a show and there was this older woman.”
“Oh I bet she ate you UP!” she giggled.
“That was almost exactly what she said.” his nose scrunched and his eyes wandered as he recalled. “Said she wanted to eat me up. Who was I to say no?” he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“And she took you home and sat on your face?”
“Basically. She did a lot. I was there all night. Tied me up and… lots of things.” he snickered and blushed slightly.
“Well color me green, I’m jealous.”
“Why?” he shook his head confused.
“The idea of being the older woman and finding some cute young thing to take home and use is something I’m really looking forward to in my future,” she said seriously with a mischievous smile. “I would love to find you in a bar somewhere and absolutely ruin you.” she held him by the chin and gave him a little shake.
“You could ruin me now.” his smile lines deepened, her fingers sinking into his cheeks as he looked down with affected, half-lidded eyes. She pulled his face down to her level, looking him over with a content sigh.
“You want me to?” her voice was too sweet for what she was talking about.
“You can do whatever you want to me.” He licked his lips and sleepy-looking eyes watched her gaze up at him. She kissed him once, innocently enough then released his chin. She slinked away, hips swaying as she walked the short distance to the couch. He watched her intently, slowly moving towards her as he did so.
“As much as I like it, I want that shirt off.” she motioned with her hand towards him, fluffing the pillow and placing it on the couch. He watched her sit on her knees, spacing out her placement in her mind before standing back up. She held her hand out to a patiently waiting Eddie. “I think you’ll do just fine right here.” She pats the pillow and steps back. “Lay down.” she gave him a nod of her head.
With wide eyes he did as he was told, laying with his hair fanned out on the pillow in only his boxers. His knee bent up as he was too tall to stretch out completely. He bit his lip as he watched her hook her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She tossed them at his face with a smile. He snatched them quickly and bit down on the fabric and pulled much like a dog with a chew toy. Her real smile appeared, scrunched nose and tongue between her teeth at him as she settled one knee between his head and the back of the couch.
“I’ve got something better to put in your mouth.” she hummed and hovered over him. He turned his head and spit the panties out dramatically into the floor. One of his hands was already running up the leg that was left standing. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Something she’d seen him do a hundred times. It was his go-to way to spook people. “This why you’re always sticking out your tongue?” she smirked, her fingers delving between her lips, inches from his face.
“It can be.” he offered and turned his head to kiss her inner thigh. “When I wanna eat you out you want me to?” she saw his grin despite his face pressing into the soft fleshy surface of her thigh.
“You like it that much? You do seem to enjoy yourself.” she moved to settle her other knee onto the couch, now barely hovering over his mouth.
“I love it.” he hummed and stretched his neck to lap into her soft pleated center. “Anything that'll make you cum, I love it.” his voice deepened, hands kneading her add rougher as he gave over to the moment. “You keep calling me a puppy, shouldn’t I walk around with my tongue out panting like a dog?” he grinned and licked his lips, his hands exploring her lower body. She hummed in delight and dipped herself down onto his mouth and let out a quiet moan.
“Fuck that really does it for me.” she opened her eyes surprised. “I think you’ve discovered a kink for me, puppy.” she ran her hand through his hair, pushing his bangs back and holding him at the crown. He let out a bark before nuzzling between her soft lips and narrowing in on her clit. Her laugh turned into a gasp. He watched her slowly give over to how he was making her feel. She peeled off her shirt, her hands wandering her own body, hands through her hair as she shifted her hips against him. Her face shifted from the soft euphoric o-shaped mouth and lusty hair tosses to a hardened brow. Her light breaths and swears morphed into deeper more desperate groans with snarled lips. She reached down to hold his face, seeing his eyes closed and a content, hard-working face between her legs. She heard him pant, opening his eyes as he felt her watching him. He uses his pointed tongue to flick and circle her clit making her hips stutter.
“I’ve been thinking about this for days,” she whispered, his eyes fluttering up to meet hers and she held his hair and made him grunt. “Wanted to smother you with my pussy and have you make me cum.” His eyes rolled back and he sucked on her clit directly as her hips started to move again. “Wanted to watch those big brown eyes roll back and you have your tongue out like a dog.” her nose twitched, a little snarl of lip as pecked away at her clit. “Fuck Eddie.” she swooned and fisted his hair, causing a moan to escape him. “Good to know your mouth isn’t only good at talking shit.” He ran his open palms against her ass in sweeping circles before landing a double slap. She squealed happily and pushed her weight down on him, a single hand holding his crown and the other to the back of the couch to steady herself. She held his head in place and began to rock back and forth from his chin to his nose. He huffed and grunted, lips trying to catch her clit as she ground down on him. “Gonna ride this pretty face every time I wanna shut you up.” she mewled, a loud yelp as he spanked her again. “You got me so fucking worked today.” a whine turned into a growl. “Will a mouthful of pussy shut you up puppy? Huh?” she mewled, her hips bouncing on his face, the grinding stopping and making it harder for him to reach her. He was feeling a bit empowered and greedy by her moaned-out claims.
“Stop fucking moving.” he demanded with a gravel-filled rasp, “Wanna make you cum.” he grunted into her. He succeeded in getting her attention with her wide eyes and heaving chest. He wrapped his arms around her hips to hold her to him and he latched onto her clit and shook his head back and forth furiously.
“Oh shit.” her eyes rolled back and she had to steady herself on the couch, letting go of his hair to clasp her thigh at her balance being thrown off. The noises she reveled in began; the deep masculine groans and grunts, the loud licking and sucking mouth noise as he sucked her clit and popped off of it over and over. “Fuck that’s it. That’s a good boy.” her head fell back, her hand holding her up, slapping his torso to lean back and let him take her. He yanked her forward to his mouth and she yipped, her thighs starting to shake. Every exhale was a needful sound from her, her hands white-knuckled onto him and the couch. She let out a choked sob, “Yes.” she mewled, her mouth falling open. A hungry cry was her answer. “Suck. Suck my clit like-” she began with a needy tone that morphed and he bobbed his head and noisily sucked and reattached to her clit. “Fuck. Yes, Eddie.Yes.” she whined loudly. She whimpered and reach for his hair again, steadying herself and getting a half-broken moan between sucks from him still ravenous between her legs. He felt her muscles start to quiver, then the grip on his hair returned with a vengeance as he locked his arms in place to hold her now involuntarily moving hips. Muffled words of encouraged fell on ringing ears as she clenched her teeth and came hard. Her breathy moans turned to broken cries as she tensed and shook, his head clenched between her forceful thighs. She let out a loud gasp, her mind finally able to concentrate on breathing again. He let her hips go as she put her hands on the armrest and shook. He felt up her hips, his tongue only grazing her clit to hear her whimper before diving back down to taste her deeply. He could feel her legs quiver when she tried to rise. She looked down through her arms at his tiled head, kissing away at her and waiting.
“I’ll help.” he grinned and gave a noisy smooch to her thigh before wiggling out from under her and sitting on the couch.
She stretched and sat back, her hand to her lower back to pop it before a feminine moan left her and she regained normal functioning. She didn’t waste any time, a sly grin as she turned her head, her hair flipping over her shoulder and quickly twisting to her feet and slapping his thighs.
“You have no business making me cum that hard.” she giggled and pulled the waistband of his boxers down.
“I can make it harder.” he smirked, raising his hips and letting her strip him down.
“Mmm.” she hummed and got on her knees, hands around his rapidly growing cock. “I’ve been told I can do that too.” she smiled before taking him into her mouth. She’s met with a groan and a hand to her head.
“Fuck yes you can.” he let his head falls back onto the couch, a puff of wild hair behind him. He shut his eyes and let her work away at him. One hand cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze and fondle. The other covered the lower section of his cock she struggled to take in. She stroked while she sucked, making him sloppy and wet to help her take him once she got on top of him. She ran her nails over his balls and felt his thighs tremble.
“You like that?” she grinned, sucking his tip.
A nod and a hardened brow met her in answer.
She then kept her hand moving but dipped her head to drag her tongue up the heavy weight of his balls.
“God fucking dammit.” his voice cracked. His mouth opened wide, eyes rolling open to watch her. She giggled and shimmied her hips, making a muffled sound as she took a ball at a time into her mouth before lapping them up, eventually making her way back to his cock. “Fuuuck.” he grumbled and his head hung low, a quickening rise and fall of his chest.
“You’re more than ready for me to ride you aren’t you?” she squoze him at his base and he whimpered. She bit her lip and watched him twitch in her hand. “You look so fucking good all pink and leaking and soaking wet like this.” she exhaled and stood, stroking him for a few beats before letting a string of spit fall onto his cock. She smirked as his eyes lazily moved up to meet hers after grunting at the sight. He moved fast, grabbing her hip.
“Get on my cock.” he moaned as he pulled her forward to straddle him. He took her face and caught her in a kiss. She shook her ass a bit, feeling him out, getting her legs where they worked best. Reaching between them she notched him between her lips and sank on him without a fight from her body. “Ugh, you took me so fucking good this time.”
“I needed it,” she whispered against his lips as he held her face with both hands and kissed her intently. Arching her back she wrapped her arms around his neck. She rose and settled again with a satisfied hum. “Fuck I needed it so bad.” she whined into his mouth. He captured her close, arms wrapping around her waist, and a pleading tongue that searched for her own.
She gradually started rising and falling faster, his hands to the heft of her ass to not only help her up but to feel her weight hands his hands when she bounced. She pulled away as he started to pant, hands to the back of the couch on either side of his head. She started to move, a flex of her hips to take him in and out, her body and his riding the curves of one another. Her eyes refused to focus as she leaned back to bounce her weight against him, a slap of skin to skin to the beat of the music faint in the background.
She seized him by the hair again, his head pulled back so she could kiss his throat, feeling the throb of his pulse under her tongue and inside her. He made the most delicious helpless sounds, light and airy, so soft and desperate for her that she felt herself get wetter around him.
“I love it when you sound so desperate for me. You look so fucking good when you’re stoned off my pussy.” she moaned and kissed up his jaw to capture him in another needy, sloppy kiss.
“What else am I supposed to do?” he groaned as she bit and tugged on his lower lip. He slaps his hands on her hips. A tight grasp that encouraged her to move faster “This pussy is magic Star. You feel so god damned good.” The sweat was starting to sheen on their skin, chests heaving against one another. He lowers his head, hands moving up her body to grab her chest. “Give me these tits.” he panted and bolted his mouth to her nipple. He let out a deep laugh against her. “I felt your pussy get tight as soon as I put my mouth on you.” he nuzzled into the weight of her chest and whined. His dark lashes fanned out with his shut eyes, as she held his head to her and felt her body taking over, her hips started to snake and grind against him.
“Because I love it when you’re mouths on me, Eddie.” she held a tight grip on his hair, her head falling back and letting him feast on her tits. His hips bucked at her words.
“Fuck. Ride me faster,” he asked as his hand traveled back to her hips, her thighs bobbing back and forth against his smaller ones. “I want that pussy Star, give it to me.” he moaned and shook his face between her, in his opinion, perfect tear-drop breasts.
She did as he asked, swearing and whimpering as her breathing picked up.
“Fuck you feel so good.” she shivered. He held her down to his hips and she whined with need. He scooted down the couch, feet now firmly planted to the floor as he started using his hips to fuck up into her. “Eddie!” she yelped and jumped. “No fuck, keep going.” she shook her head before he could ask. The appearance of his wide questioning eyes from the home they’d found in her tits made her blurt out the answer.
“You want it rougher sweetheart?” he lapped up a line of forming sweat between her tits.
“Yes.” she nodded and pressed her eyes shut. She moaned just at the feeling of his hands powerful against her hip bones. Then he started to pound away at her from beneath. She couldn’t do anything but hold herself and take it.
“This what you wanted?” he grunted as her hands slid to his chest from the couch. He could feel the tremble in them and it only egged him on.
“Yes!” she choked out. “Wanted this so bad.” she whined, her usual confident demeanor vanishing more with every slap against her.
“You didn’t wanna ride my cock you wanted fucked.” he gritted out. She mewled a drunken smile and bit her lip. “This what you think about after I leave?” he asked almost softly, his hand moving to cup her cheek and have her look at him. “You think about me pounding this…” he whined. “ perfect pussy when you touch yourself?” She nodded and her bottom lip quivered.
“I-I think about it. I do.” she sighed out, voice deepening and knowing she was getting closer.
“Fuck, I think about it too.” he growled and pulled her down to him for a messy kiss. Between trying to breathe they barely locked lips. Two open mouths sharing breaths and wordlessly pleading with the other for more.
“Eddie don’t stop.” she cried, her hands grasping at nothing on his chest.
“Never.” he moaned as his eyes rolled back feeling her tighten around him. “You’re so fucking close, you’re getting so tight.” he grimaced.
“Eddie.” she cried into his mouth and in response, he licked up her throat. “Eddie make me cum. Make me cum.” she begged with tears forming in her eyes.
He released his grip on her hip to her get his hand around her throat and her whole body shook. He was holding a splayed hand to her lower back and working his hips with every ounce of strength he had.
“Fuck yes.” she rasped out.
“Eddie knows what you want, sweetheart. He’ll give it to you, won’t he? You know Eddie’s gonna give you want you need.” For a moment she had a brief flash of awareness in her eyes as she nodded against the tight grip of his ringed hand.
“Eddie.” she croaked. Her hand to his wrist around her throat. “Please.” she softly begged with a pink face.
“Fuck.” He shouted through clenched teeth as her neck went limp and shouted as her body shook. Her begging tone was enough to make him talk without thinking, promising her anything to hear it again. But the word please ripped his chest open for her.
She was trying to say yes, or more or beg him to never stop fucking her but she couldn’t form words. He released her throat and she gasped, her hands shaking on his chest and her heart pouring out of her eyes into his. It felt too good to worry about consequences. All that was left to enjoy the divine feeling of him fucking her through her orgasm. So she did just that.
“Holy shit Star.” he cried out, pulling her chest to his and kissing her. “You did so fucking good.” he kissed her cheek and buried himself in her neck. “That’s a good girl.“ He cooed into her ear and rubbed her back, his hips slowing as she whimpered and kissed his shoulder where she’d collapsed. “Fuck you’re still going.” he groaned, feeling her pulse around him.
“Eddie.” the tiniest voice called out to him. He turned his head to hers, nuzzling against it.
“You need me to stop?” he held his hand to her hair and her back to cradle her, expecting her to say it was too much and she was too sensitive.
“Need you to cum.” she said in a breathy exhale. She grunted and flexed her hips, a little sound of struggle before she lifted herself, hands on his chest, and started bouncing her ass against him. It was a technique she used when dancing up on someone. Isolating her hips and riding them in fast sweeping strokes.
“Never count you out, huh?” he grinned and she laughed, running her hands through her hair as he let his arms fall back a moment and enjoy the show.
“I’m not happy unless you finish too.” she shook her head and ran her hands down his slick arms, taking his hands and putting them to her chest. “Plus your cock still feels amazing.” she smiled and sighed. “You like it fast or slow?”
“Fast.” he nodded and relaxed, letting her kiss his face. “But take me in deep.” his hand moved lightly to her hips to feel her body move.
“You like some cock warming pretty boy?” she spoke softly in his ear and kissed his temple. “Keep that fat head right up against my cervix? You like feeling it bottom out inside me?”
“Ugh, it’s so good.” he sighed and ran his hands up her back to hold her close. “You taking all of me if so fuckin’ hot.” he grunted as she ground against him.
“This pussy couldn’t possibly take any more of you big boy.” she nuzzled her nose to his ear. “If you came inside me and I kept you so tight and snug I bet your cum wouldn’t even leak out until I took your big dick out of me. It’s so tight around you isn’t it?” she whispered and peppered his throat with kisses, squeezing herself around him.
“Fuck.” he groaned. “You talking about that is… shit… it’s good.” he winced and moved his hands back to her hips.
“You dirty puppy.” she hissed. “Thinking about filling me up makes you wanna cum?”
“Your filthy mouth and tight pussy are going to make me cum, yeah.” he grinned and let his head fall back again.
“Use those strong hips and fuck up into me Eddie. Take this pussy.” his nose twitched and he raised his head to look at her with a glare. “Hold my hips and use me to get off.”
“I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I like it when you hurt me.” she whispered in his ear and he spanked her hard.
“Like that?”
“Mmm Hmm.” she squealed with a smile. Another set of slaps then a death grip on her hips. “That’s a good boy. Fuck me.” she ran her tongue up his ear and he shuddered. He didn’t have to worry about holding back now, he let his hips stutter and pound into her again, her noises growing from teasing to pleasurable as he continued. “Make a fucking mess out of this pussy. I want to feel your balls slapping against my ass. That’s it.” she gritted out and moaned, getting a good yank of his hair at the back of his neck. “Let me hear you, Eddie. Say my name when you cum. This cocks so good it makes me say yours. Isn't this pussy so good you wanna cry out mine?” she pressed her forehead to his and held his head back by his hair. She licked his lips as the desperate sounds came tumbling out. Mostly half words, swears, and attempts at banter failed as he let go.
“Fuck me, Star. I’m gonna cum.”
She put her hand to his neck lightly, demanding into his mouth that he cum for her.
“You and your filthy fucking mouth, Star. I swear to fucking CHRIST.” He gritted out through clenched teeth. “Dirty girl.” he spanked her hard as his mouth fell open and his hips jerked forward. “Fuckin’ tight ass pussy.” Another slap. “M’gonna fill you up so fuckin’ good you’ll be feeling me in there for days.” He nearly howled with his mouth open and head back, throat pulsing on beautiful display as she felt the veins throb under her fingertips.
“You are so fucking gorgeous,” she growled against his cheek and dipped her fingers into his mouth. He sucked them up greedily, panting and making a mess. His nails marked into her skin bringing a moan from her as he let his final slams make a statement against her insides. “Oh fuck I can feel it.” she swooned and bit his jaw. “You needed to empty those heavy balls didn’t you puppy? I don’t know who needed it more, me or you.” She slithered her fingers away from his kiss swollen lips and met them with hers. She whispered and he grabbed her up, finally able to meet her back in fervor with his kiss. “So god damn hot when you cum.” she sighed as he stayed inside her. She kept moving her hips in a slow grind against him. Humming and sighing contently into his mouth.
“You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen when I make you cum.” he confesses with another deep kiss, his hand to the back of her head to hold her close. “So fucking hot.” he whimpered out and ran his other hand along her curves. “Your body is…ugh.” he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. "Built like a damn Frazetta woman."
“He’s so nice to me after he cums.” she giggled.
“I’m always nice to you.” he grinned, smacking her ass before kissing her as she laughed.
“We both know that’s a lie.” she sighed into a soft kiss as their bodies finally relaxed against one another. “You’re a dick.” she snickered. He opens his mouth in dramatic offense. “BUT I like it when you’re a dick.” she laughed and noisily kiss his cheek. He shut his eyes and hummed into the affection.
“To be clear. You like MY dick or you like it when I act like a dick?” he looked at her dilated adoring eyes, a dopey smile plastered to his face as she swung her hair and caressed his cheek.
“Both.” she nodded and kissed his nose.
“Glad we got that cleared up.” Another small slap to her ass made him chuckle.
She shivered suddenly, goosebumps breaking out over her skin. “It’s getting cold in here now that I’m not distracted.” he planted a kiss on her neck.
“You want distracted?” he smirked.
“I do but I also want to be able to walk tomorrow.”
“You know what? That’s fair.” he nodded and let his head rest on the couch. “Can you walk now?”
“I think so.” she began to sit up but he yanked her closer.
“What’s that? I fucked you so good your legs don’t work?” she started to laugh again. “Don’t worry Milady, I’ll simply sweep you off your feet and carry you to bed.”
“Eddie you can’t carry my f- EDDIE!” she screeched and wrapped her arms around his neck first as he began to stand. “I”m too heavy! You'll drop me!” she shouted, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“You underestimate me and overestimate how heavy you are sweetheart.” he kissed her cheek. With a grunt, he bounced her to get a better grip, an arm under her ass and another around her waist. “I’ve carried you before.”
“You did?”
“When you were drunk. Down two flights of stairs.”
“Holy shit are you serious?”
“Mmm Hmm”
“Well fuck. I did underestimate you.”
“I know. That's why I said it.” he laughed carrying her to his bedroom.
“Oh Eddie you big strong man!” she shook her head dramatically and kissed his cheek. “How can I ever thank you for saving my drunk ass and giving me that good dick?” she cackled and squoze herself tightly to him as he kicked open the door with his foot.
“Staying the night is a good start.” He kissed her cheek back. “Down girl.” he let her plop knot the bed with a bounce.
“You want me to stay?” her eyes were big and happy looking up at him in the dark room, only the light from the living room filtering through.
“Always.” he gave her a peck. “I sleep like the dead when you’re here.”
“I can stay.” she nodded happily. “Imma go pee and clean up and you can get the light?”
“Deal.” he slapped her ass as she trotted out of the room.
“Don’t forget my clothes! I don’t want Wayne walking in to my panties on the floor!” she shouted from behind the bathroom door.
“Don’t worry.” He snatched her panties off the floor. “He won’t.” he tossed her clothes onto his desk chair and smirked at the panties with the wet spot on them in his hand. “And you…” he spoke to himself. He put the panties in his bedside table. “Are gonna stay right here.” he smirked.
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erisismywaifu25 · 2 years
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Before we start, the regular bulletpoint facts to get out of the way:
•Jake and Bella are the same age (Bella still older) and Seth and A.J. are a year younger than them
•In this Twilight fanfic universe, vamps and wolves who were changed before they turned 18 continue to age until they reach 18 cause I said so (but for plot/character sake, let’s say, Jane and Alec still look young)
•Jasper served in the Union
•Proofread but not perfect
This is a Seth Clearwater x OC (?) Cullen story based off my friend who requested this slowburn fic, since there are almost no Seth fanfics (the disrespect😤🤚🏻). All chapters are named after Florence+the Machine songs cause me and my bestie love her stuff
Word Count: 7754
(also I'm better with dialogue so I apologize for my less-than-perfect description skillz…and I apologize for the two-month wait…)
Without further ado…Chapter Two of Shake It Out
The first two months A.J. spent as a newborn were perhaps the worst two months of her entire life. It was bad enough she had been jumped by a ‘serial sucker’; but then waking up in a cabin where two strange, porcelain-like adults were watching over her, telling her things about being changed into some monstrosity previously thought to be nothing but a myth… yeah-that was the icing on her burnt cake.
Her ruby eyes peeled open, a dull yellow light illuminating the bedroom where she resided. The mattress A.J. was lying upon creaked as she shifted while her deep-set eyes adjusted to the lamplight on the bedstand next to her. A chilled breeze blew across her face from an old window to her right, not nearly as cold as her skin felt, but enough to let her know it was still around May.
After a few moments, once her eyes had adjusted to the abnormally bright light, she willed them to fully open.
“Shit!” she swore quietly.
A.J.’s eyes snapped shut after they involuntarily zoomed in on the log wall across from her bed. In a blink, she sat upright, cold hands rubbing her eyes in an attempt to soothe the strange feeling of enhanced sight. Her left hand dropped from where it was and went to grip the soft blanket that lay over her. Much to A.J.’s dismay, when she threw the blanket off, a loud tearing sound filled the quiet room as the blanket ripped apart.
“Shit,” she swore a second time while carefully sliding her right leg off of the blanket.
The blanket came off easily after A.J.’s leg no longer weighed it down, though it was now only held together by a thread. Her strong legs fell off the side of the bed, her bare feet resting on the floor. A sudden spike of fear dropped in her stomach as memories slowly filled her mind.
A park.
A man… with red eyes.
Had she died?
“No, I couldn’t have,” A.J. thought to herself, “Right?”
Just as she was about to inspect herself further, hushed voices caught her attention.
“We should give her a few minutes, give her some time to think.” the soft, male voice said.
“The poor thing is probably confused and scared, Carlisle.” a female voice replied.
A sigh escaped the man. “You’re right. I suppose it's best not to leave her unattended for too long.”
At that, A.J.’s eyes widen in fear. Her eyes scanned the room for anything that could be used as a weapon, deciding she wasn’t going down without a fight. Upon finding nothing outwardly weapon-like and the footsteps getting closer, A.J. snatched the blue bedside lamp up; causing the cord to be ripped from the socket.
The footsteps stopped in front of her door as she zipped against the wall perpendicular to the door. Her body froze at the realization of how fast she had just moved. Fear rippled through her once again. The lamp lowered ever so slightly as she got lost in thought until the handle of the door turned and gradually creaked open.
A roar erupted from her hoarse throat as A.J. spun around the corner and pummeled the lamp at her… whatever they were… all she knew was that she was alone with possible murderers. Luckily for the intruding pair, the lamp flew through the door and into the wall behind it with a loud clatter.
Cautiously, Carlisle peeked his head in with a soft smile on his porcelain face.
“Hello, Angel,” he spoke to the rabid-looking girl, “Please, allow us to explain-,”
Before he could finish, however, A.J.’s fist collided with his face, sending him to the now broken floorboards. Esme’s topaz eyes widen at the scene before her, before kneeling in her green ensemble to help Carlisle up. A small nod of gratitude was sent Esme’s way as Carlisle allowed her to help him. His face cracked along the jaw and cheekbone, making him appear to A.J. as a broken statue… which certainly didn’t help his case.
On his way up, Carlisle grabbed the styrofoam cup that had fallen from his hands, “Well, I suppose Alice couldn’t warn us about everything.” he joked in the hope of lightening the atmosphere.
A.J. squared her body, ready to swing again at a moment's notice, should they decide to try anything.
“I don’t kn-,” A.J.’s voice abruptly stopped as she rasped out as much as it would allow her.
Her hand came to her throat as the dryness became more apparent, especially after the adrenaline-filled roar.
Carlisle and Esme stood to their full heights again, Carlisle’s face having smoothed back.
“Please,” Esme pleaded softly, “Sit, make yourself comfortable, and allow us to explain.”
A.J. hesitated, too frightened to relax in front of them-too confused to not find out what was happening to her. After a moment of contemplation and encouraging smiles from the two unnatural-looking adults, she slowly trailed to the side of the bed closest to a window, red eyes not daring to leave the couple.
Carlisle slowly approached her first, Esme trailing behind him, his hand outstretched toward A.J., holding the covered cup.
A strong aroma of fresh blood filled A.J.’s nostrils, awakening a deep yearning inside of her that she didn’t even know she had.
Carlisle had a knowing look on his face. “Here, please, take it. It’ll soothe your throat.” he shook the cup in his hand as if silently convincing her to take it.
A.J. glanced between him and the straw sticking out of the cup. Her nose twitched at the scent of it, disgust running through her, but the insatiable hunger proved valiant at that moment as she snatched the cup from his pale hand and eagerly drank it.
Esme slowly stepped to Carlisle’s side as they watched the young girl drain every last drop of animal blood from the cup, back hunched and eyes flickering around her surroundings like a wild animal devouring its freshly hunted prey. After less than a minute, A.J. lowered the cup from her bloody mouth, taking in an unnecessary breath. Leisurely, her red teeth were licked by her even more red tongue as she glimpsed at the couple in the corner of her eyes.
One more gulp later, A.J. sat up straight and wiped the corners of her mouth with her thumb.
“What happened to me?”
8 days after Alice had her vision of A.J.’s attack by a nomadic vampire, Jasper was instructed to travel to the Denali coven in Alaska. While he was heading up there, Esme and Carlisle traveled down to Bastrop, Texas, and arrived the night of her attack where she was found bleeding and face down in the pond of the park.
After picking up the deceased girl, the strange group traveled to a spacious and secluded log cabin in southern Oklahoma. For two weeks they stayed there, A.J. waking up two days after until they decided it was safe to take a conscious A.J. across the country. When the time came around, Esme drove back to Forks while Carlisle and A.J. drove up to the Denali coven’s home, where Jasper was waiting.
Fresh footprints formed in the packed snow as Carlisle led A.J. toward the five Denalis and Jasper. The teenager's red eyes bore into each of them, still apprehensive about all of this. Though she had grown to trust Carlisle and Esme, at least, as much as one could in two weeks. A gust of wind came from beyond the Denali’s house, which was a few yards in front of her. Her short hair blew behind her as the wind passed by her and Carlisle. A wave of sadness fell upon A.J. as she noticed the chilled wind felt no different from her practically frozen skin.
While walking, a stoic man, with an inhumanly perfect posture that stood to the side of the Denalis, caught A.J.’s attention.
“What’s wrong with him?” she thought to herself as she studied his frowning face.
Failing to realize Carlisle had stopped walking, A.J. stumbled into him. As if on autopilot, A.J.’s strong left hand swung up and gripped Carlisle’s arm through the soft sweater he was wearing and kicked his legs out from under him, then swung her right arm around his neck. His knees dropped in the snow, as A.J. positioned him in a potentially deadly headlock, not realizing her actions until after it had been done.
Jasper immediately started forward as the Denali coven straightened themselves, not quite sure what was about to happen or what to do.
Carlisle forced a smile, despite his tire for this… reactive behavior and the snow wetting his fortunately worn-down jeans; which had been chosen as a precautionary for this exact situation.
“No-no, it’s alright,” Carlisle dismissed their worry, “This is something I hope you can help with,” he said towards the dark-haired man standing with the Denalis.
Jasper stopped in his tracks and watched along with the Denalis as A.J. released her grip with an apologetic look on her face. Sensing A.J.’s distress rapidly heightening, Jasper decided to send a wave of calm over the tall girl and watched as it gradually overcame her. Her posture relaxed, and her frown straightened out before confusion overtook her.
Speculating eyes from A.J. trailed over to Jasper as Carlisle took her hand to stand up. When Jasper’s topaz eyes met her alert red ones, he consciously relaxed his posture, forcing his shoulders to slouch and hands to rest by his side. Unfortunately for Jasper, his ‘relaxed’ stance only made A.J. more on edge due to its blatant, forced nature.
“I’m sorry,” she brought her eyes back to Carlisle while helping him up, “I really didn’t mean to-it-it just happened. I'm sorry.”
“Yes,” a man with short, dark hair, who A.J. assumed was Eleazar based on Carlisle’s description, stepped away from his coven.
He spoke again, “It seems you possess abnormally high agility, even for a newborn. Forgive me, I’m Eleazar and this is my wife, Carmen.” Eleazar outstretched his hand for a woman with pale, olive skin to join him.
A.J. watched closely as Carmen stepped forward with a warm smile that matched her husband’s, gracing her squared face.
Carlisle made eye contact with A.J. as he placed his hands on her shoulders, “This is Angel Dane-,”
“A.J.,” the apprehensive newborn corrected the elder vampire, “I go by A.J.”
“Right, forgive me.” Carlisle smiled apologetically at her.
The chilled air that blew around seem to be amplified by the tense atmosphere created by A.J. The eyes of so many people used to aid her volleyball or softball performance, but it felt different now...unnatural now. Though it was a minuscule crowd in comparison; with the five Denalis standing in front of their house ready to welcome her, Jasper standing off to the side with perfect posture, and Carlisle on his feet directly next to A.J.
“I’m Carmen,” A.J. hesitantly shook her hand, “It’s wonderful to meet you, A.J. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us.”
A.J. gave her a tight-lipped nod. “I hope so too.”
Jasper frowned once again at A.J.’s state, a knowing look in his eyes as his own memories flooded his head. Though he felt A.J.’s demeanor lighten, there was still that underlying feeling of fear encasing her. So, the tall, blonde man stepped the rest of the way to the others. His wavy hair bounced as he approached the guarded girl, his brown boots tucked under his dark jeans tracked in the fresh snow. He wore a pewter sweater over a white button-up with the collar peaking out, in spite of the fact he had no need to dress warmly.
Jasper paused in front of A.J. and took his left hand out while the other stayed put behind his back. “I’m Jasper.”
A.J. met his topaz eyes and shook his cold hand. A small smile was sent her way by Jasper as a wave of peace washed over her, much larger than last time.
A.J.’s thick, arched brows furrowed as she greeted him. “Cullen, right?”
“Technically Whitlock, technically Hale, but, yes, a Cullen,” Jasper answered with a teasing smirk.
The corners of A.J.’s mouth curved up ever so slightly at his remark, Jasper and Carlisle both noticing and were quite relieved at the sight.
During this small transaction; the last of three Denalis, who A.J. was told were Irina, Tanya, and Katrina-or Kate-as she was called, stepped forward to meet the other vampires.
The shortest one with curled hair introduced herself first, which A.J. guessed was Tanya.
“I’m Tanya-”
“Yes!” A.J. silently congratulated herself for that small victory.
“We’re happy to have you here.” Tanya shook A.J.’s cold hand.
“Happy to be here,” A.J. replied.
Tanya’s taller, wavy-haired sister introduced herself next-who A.J. guessed was Kate.
They both stuck their hand out, “I’m Irina-“
“Damn it.” A.J. cursed herself.
The last of the blondes stepped forward.
“Now this is Kate,” A.J. stated to herself, knowing for sure the other two weren’t.
“I’m Kate,” the woman smirked while shaking hands with A.J., “It’ll be fun helping learn to control your ability.”
A.J. snorted, “I don’t know. It’s kinda a pain in the ass.”
Eleazar smiled in amusement. “Yes, your ‘ballistic’-like scream will prove to be quite a challenge.”
Carlisle’s smile faltered before he fixed it. “Her what?”
So once the third month of her second life came around in August, the three Cullens traveled back to Forks, Washington, where A.J. would officially meet the rest of her newfound family.
Meeting the remaining four ‘children’ went much smoother than meeting Carlisle and Esme or the Denalis. Carlisle, in particular, was very thankful for this. The conversation flowed well. There was no awkward silence this time, at least on A.J.’s part, and no physical aggression if one disregards that small bit caused by Emmett.
A.J. sat down on the cotton-blend purple couch that resided in her new bedroom. As her eyes trailed around the room, she concluded that it would need some work before it would feel like her room. All the plain, white, and purple/blue decor wasn’t exactly her style; but she could see how Alice and Rosalie had tried their best to make it a room a teenage girl would like, despite how long it had been since they were mentally at such an age.
The newborn had just finished meeting the rest of the Cullens and was told to go make herself at home while they grabbed what few things of hers she was able to keep from her old life. She had good impressions of the rest of the Cullens, or her new siblings, as Alice had introduced them; though she did not like the major invasion of privacy ‘powers’ three of them had, but-hey-what are you going to do?
After a moment of taking in her surroundings, A.J. remembered Rosalie and Alice telling her they had stocked her closet with a few things for her to start with. She glanced down at her current attire, which happened to be an outfit she had smuggled from old belongings; a sky blue sleeveless turtle neck with a pair of low-waisted blue jeans and black combat boots over novelty socks, not that the socks could be seen.
A.J. leaned forward and stood up, a little faster than she had meant to, without her left knee creaking. A snort left her when she had momentarily forgotten about the ‘perfect body’ part of vampirism. She no longer had to worry about that bad knee of hers from a softball injury when she was 12.
For a brief moment, A.J. felt a small tremor of sadness in her chest upon realizing she wouldn’t feel any human characteristic like that again. She understood how most would jump at the opportunity to no longer have sore limbs, perfect skin, or not have to worry about ever being sick; but it was your imperfections that made you human, after all.
A creak made A.J. snap her head up at her open door in the far left corner of her room. Her eyes landed on a big, burly, smiling man with a small box of A.J.’s things… the only box of A.J.’s things. His dark, curly hair was cut short against his head which showcased his sharp features. A blue cotton t-shirt covered his torso and black jeans paired with converse on his bottom half. The chain attached to his belt loops jingled when he moved about and added an edgy flair to his ensemble.
“May I?” he asked to enter her room with a slight tilt of his head.
A.J. nodded, “Yeah, sure, I do kinda need that box.” a small teasing smile spread across her face.
“You better,” Emmett continued as he walked in, “‘Cause this thing is heavy.”
A.J. chuckled at his joke as he set the box down on the desk, a few feet in front of the door, in an exasperated manner.
Emmett turned back to her. “So, what was up with you staring longingly at your knee? I mean, it’s been a while since I was a newborn, but I don’t remember falling in love with my elbow.”
“I ain’t falling in love with my knee,” A.J.’s lips formed a straight line, contrary to her amusement.
“Ain't? Oh great, another Jasper!” Emmett groaned dramatically, clearly attempting to jab at his new sister.
A.J. squinted her eyes. “I thought you were from Tennessee? You telling me they don't say 'ain't' there?” she inquired, an eyebrow quirked up for effect.
“Oh, we do, trust me. At least when I lived there, don't think it’s changed much though.” Emmett scratched his head as he answered.
“Then what are you on my ass for?” A.J. sassed back as her voice slipped into a valley girl accent.
Emmett laughed, “All right, you got me,” he raised his arms in defeat, “Now what was with you falling in love with your knee?”
“I was reminiscing about an injury,” A.J. answered and shifted her weight to her right leg.
Emmett furrowed his brows and crossed his arms casually. “Reminiscing about an injury? Must’ve been a good one.”
A.J. grinned widely at the memory of it happening.
“Oh, it was,” she started as she turned to face Emmett completely, “A pitching machine sent a ninety-mile-per-hour softball flying at my knee when I was 12.”
Emmett winced. “Damn, sounds rough.”
A.J. nodded, “Damn straight-thing had me out of it for nearly a year. Worst year of my life-well-until now. No offense to y’all, just not exactly how I envisioned my life going.” she added quickly in fear of offending the people who were kind enough to give her a home.
“None taken.” Emmett shook it off, not personally knowing how frightening her current situation is, but going off context clues and Rosalie, was able to understand.
The two continued talking as Emmett gave her the ‘down low’ on everyone, much more dirt being dished in his than the one Carlisle gave-not that A.J. was complaining-on the contrary, she was thoroughly enjoying it. The whole conversation gave her a sense of normalcy. It felt real... raw, like she was in the presence of a normal, American family she had always dreamed of, and in a sense, she supposed she was.
“And, yeah, that’s Eddie for you.” Emmett finished his spiel as A.J. listened intently.
Her thick eyebrows shot up in a look of mirth. “Dang, you know, I did kinda get that vibe from him.”
Emmett snickered at her remark, “Hey, do you have a volleyball? You played, right?” he jumped to a different topic.
A.J.’s face immediately brightened, a look Emmett had not seen yet, but would soon be accustomed to.
“Yeah, it should be in my one box that contains everything I own,” A.J. answered with a hint of sarcasm, “Sorry when I say stuff like that. I swear I don't mean it in a rude way.”
Emmett shrugged her off as he opened the cardboard box and picked the volleyball off the top of her belongings.
“Emmett!” Carlisle’s voice called out to Emmett from downstairs.
Emmett ignored his adopted father. “Don’t worry, you’ll fit right in, Aje,” he spoke before spinning back to her, “Think fast!”
Dipping into his vampiric abilities, Emmett chucked the volleyball with one hand at the unprepared A.J. The newborn reacted fast, with the ball coming full force at her face, and caught it with her right hand. The force which it was sent and caught with caused her arm to roll back in a circular before the ball was flung back at Emmett with more force than he had thrown it with.
Just as Carlisle, Alice, and Rosalie had arrived in front of A.J.’s door, Emmett was sent into the white wall behind him, the wall cracking from the force of his weight.
“That’s… what we came up here for,” Carlisle explained.
A.J.’s eyes went wide as she rushed over to help him up. “Ah, geez, I'm sar’y! I ‘idn't mean to-it just-I did it again,” her accent grew thicker as she explained.
Emmett groaned as he stood up. “Damn, Aje, you’re one strong lil’ newborn.”
Rosalie strolled past Carlisle through the doorway to reach her husband and gripped his hand with hers. As she pulled him up, her opposite hand came to rest on his shoulder to steady him as he stood fully.
“A little too strong, I think,” A.J. spoke to herself with a grimace at the scene of the damage she caused.
Carlisle turned his head to her, a sympathetic smile on his face for his daughter.
Carlisle opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Alice.
“Oh, don’t worry,” she floated passed Carlisle and held A.J.’s wrists with her dainty hands, “You master your powers in practically no time.” a bright smile was plastered on Alice’s face as she spoke.
At her reassuring words, and blind faith that Alice actually saw that happening, the corners of A.J.’s mouth quirked up.
“I hope so,” A.J. responded.
Alice glanced behind her back at Carlisle, who gave her a small appreciative nod for her actions.
In a blink, Jasper and Edward appeared behind Carlisle, both with mischievous smirks on their face.
“We heard a commotion,” Edward stated, peering around the door to see the large hole in the wall.
Jasper’s smirk seemed to grow at the sight of Rosalie rubbing Emmett’s ‘injured’ back.
“Did Emmett get his ass kicked,” he teased, glancing over at Alice spinning around next to A.J. to watch the brothers banter.
Emmett glared at him with his honey-gold eyes. “No, I didn’t get my ass handed to me. I was just caught off guard.”
Edward smiled, “So you got your ass kicked,” he chuckled.
“Alright,” Emmett gently pushed past Rosalie, who ‘playfully’ rolled her eyes at them, “Why don’t I show you two the force she threw that ball with?”
“Oh, please do,” Jasper egged on as Carlisle stood between the three men, “If yer’ even strong enough to do such a thang’.”
Emmett huffed as a grin spread across his face. “Oh, I think I’m-,”
“What happened?” Esme appeared behind the four men in the doorway.
Carlisle stepped to the side to let her in. “Just a small mishap. Nothing we can’t fix,” he answered as he wrapped a sleeve-covered arm around Esme’s waist.
Esme looked past Rosalie as she moved out of the way towards A.J. The large hole in the wall caused her to widen her eyes in shock, not quite expecting that to happen today. Her eyes trailed over to where the girls stood in front of the windows as she laid a hand on Carlisle’s chest.
“Well, I’m sure you wanted to choose a new color for your room anyway,” Esme smiled at A.J., “And I always enjoy a little renovating.”
About a month after some home renovation and gaining more control of A.J.’s abilities, all was going well in the Cullen coven. Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie became her primary teachers for learning to control her enhanced agility, and the others tried their best to help with her ballistic scream. Unfortunately for the Cullens, Kate of the Denali coven was most equipped for teaching A.J. to gain control over her scream and had since taught her the most in A.J.’s short stay with the Denali’s. Though her scream was most difficult to learn to control, especially during board games where she was winning, her family was teaching her and she was still learning.
A.J. was enjoying her new life peacefully, as were the Cullens, until a letter Alice had a vision of was delivered on a Monday afternoon.
A.J. walked alongside Carlisle and Esme, practically squished between the two of them as they were led through the stone walls of the Volturi’s headquarters. The first night she had woken up after being transformed into a vampire, Carlisle and Esme had explained to her the Volturi, their ways, their laws, and their history, after explaining what had happened to her.
When the letter arrived at the Cullen’s house, she remembered Rosalie seeming the most distressed, though she couldn’t pry the reason out of her, only a short-
“The Volturi are powerful vampires. Follow their rules, and you’ll be fine, Angel.”
Everyone told her something similar to that; Carlisle, Eleazar, and Edward being the only exception. Late at night, after a heated game of Uno that ended in Edward winning and Emmett and A.J. claiming he cheated; Carlisle, A.J. and Edward ventured to Carlisle’s study where the patriarch of the Cullen’s thoroughly explained his history with the Volturi.
He spoke of venturing to Italy for his studies, where there he came across a group of vampires that, unlike the ones he met in the sewers, were refined and sophisticated. He explained how the Volturi invited him to stay with them, and which took up their offer for a few decades, before deciding to leave as a result of incompatible feeding styles.
Edward added his own knowledge and scarce personal experience with the Volturi after hearing A.J.’s silent questions. He described each of the leaders' abilities, if they possessed one, along with their higher-up guards. A.J. was warned to avoid angering the blonde co-leader, as it was ‘detrimental’ to her safety, and to only speak if they talk to her explicitly.
A.J. shook her head at the memories, grounding herself back in the present moment. The thought of ‘these dudes must be pompous assholes’ crossed her mind before she quickly drowned it with a Yellowcard song, in fear of someone sharing Edward's ability when she received a dark look from a passing vampire. She flashed an innocent smile like the one she used to in volleyball when a teammate would tell her to shut up after accidentally blowing their ear drum out when A.J. was simply trying to call out a foul play.
The four vampires finally came to a halt after the woman escorting them stopped in front of a large wooden door. The door by itself was intimidating to A.J., let alone the three powerful vampires who could decide to kill her in an instant, and not even Carlisle or Esme could stop them.
As the doors were pushed open, the first thing that caught A.J.’s eyes were the three pale men sitting adjacent to each other on black thrones garnished with gold trimming, which resided upon a short plateau. Their all-black attire and cream-colored marble walls only enhanced their luminescent skin, and their red eyes shined like garnets in the sun from the low lighting in the room. Guards lined the surrounding marble pillars of the room in various dark grey cloaks with perfect posture, almost as if they were daring A.J. or her parents to try something.
A.J. felt a soft, cold hand grip her equally cold right one. She looked over at the culprit and met eyes with Esme, who held an encouraging smile on her face. A.J. returned the smile, thankful for the mother she was finally blessed with.
The group continued walking as the tall, dark woman led them to stand a few feet away from the Volturi. The one with slicked-back black hair whose throne sat closest to them slowly grinned at the three Cullens as the woman left them. A.J. stared at him, quite uneasy from his strangely enthusiastic smile.
“Edward was right about his freaky grin,” A.J. thought to herself about Aro before quickly overpowering it with another thought.
“Ah, Carlisle,” Aro started while bringing his fingertips to rest against each other, “Yet another child joins your coven.”
The blonde vampire with a scowl on his face to Aro’s right spoke up, “The Cullens continue to grow an army to overthrow us,” he spat prematurely.
Aro flicked his stubby hand up. “Enough, Caius. They’ve done nothing wrong. At least, not yet.”
Carlisle smiled kindly at Aro and placed his right arm on A.J.’s back, “This is Angel Hale. She joined us four months ago, and I assure you, we would never think to attempt any sort of mutiny.”
A.J. turned her head from looking at Carlisle as he spoke, back to meet Aro’s cloudy eyes.
“I go by A.J., though,” she spoke, noticing the slight squeeze Esme gave her hand.
Aro’s grin leisurely fell, “Oh, what a shame. Angel is such a beautiful name.”
A.J. watched with apprehensive eyes as Aro gradually stood to his full height, which wasn’t much taller than herself. He ambled down the few stairs that separated him from the rest of the room, his back straight as his hair. Carlisle tenderly rubbed A.J.’s upper back before Esme pulled her to the side to give Aro room for his gift.
The Volturi leader stopped in front of Carlisle, standing on the last step above the Cullen patriarch; a subtle reminder of who holds the power here. A stout hand floated up and paused near Carlisle’s light blue button-up. Having previous experience with Aro’s ability, Carlisle promptly placed his left hand on top of his before Aro raised his opposite hand and encased Carlisle’s with his chalky hands.
A.J. observed the ordeal with much intrigue, her red eyes squinting ever so slightly. She watched as Aro grinned at Carlisle while he ‘experienced all the said man experiences’, based on Edward’s explanation, and confirmed that Carlisle was the one who turned A.J. After a moment, Aro retracted his hands, deciding he had seen enough and stepped toward the youngest Cullen.
Esme gave A.J.’s hand a squeeze before untangling it from A.J.’s but staying near her side; close enough to jump into action in case something were to go wrong, but far enough to be ‘respectful’ to Aro.
The girl’s eyes followed Esme’s form until Aro paused in front of her, looming over her with a smile and his hand outstretched. A.J. glanced at his hand and then back up to his eyes, remembering what Carlisle and Edward told her about his ability.
“Come now,” Aro encouraged, “There’s nothing to fear, Angel.”
A.J. internally cringed at him using her first name, realizing she had no power here. She silently shook her disgust off and lifted her right hand before gently placing it in Aro’s. In this moment, she was thankful for being ‘undead’ and not capable of producing sweat, in fear of palms being like pools; but then again, if she was still human, she wouldn't even be here.
Grinning excitedly, Aro placed his unused hand over hers, encasing her hand entirely. A.J. glimpsed over at Carlisle, who could only give her a reassuring smile and nod of his head, silently comforting her.
As Aro activated his gift, he saw the entirety of A.J.’s past; from her birth to her being abandoned by her birth parents at a young age, to her time in the foster care system, the time she tore her ACL, the night she was murdered, waking up and meeting Carlisle and Esme, learning to control her gifts, meeting her siblings and the Denali’s, all the way to today.
By the end of the ordeal, Aro was beaming madly. A giggle escaped his lips as he retracted his hands from A.J.’s and pressed his hands together in front of his chest.
“Such an intriguing newborn,” Aro vocalized. “She has not one, but two gifts.”
The man sitting on the throne to Aro’s left, Marcus, and Caius, both sat straighter.
Caius sprung up from his seat. “We can not allow the Cullens to possess such an asset… an advantage.”
A.J.’s red eyes widen in shock and disgust. The thought of ‘What did he mean by ‘possess’ flicked through her mind as Esme instinctively stepped back to A.J.’s side. Carlisle stepped back to A.J.’s side, as well, sharing the same fear as his wife, but still intending to remain civil.
Aro craned his head to face his presumptuous friend, clearly getting annoyed by his accusations.
“Caius, my friend, none of you even know what gifts she possesses,” Aro chastised him. “Perhaps she would be willing to display them.’
A.J. watched as Aro turned back to look at her with the same slimy grin spread across his onion skin-like face as before. A million thoughts raced through her head.
“Would they kill me?”
“Are they gonna kidnap me?”
“Am I gonna be forced to stay here?”
“I don't wanna leave my family!”
A.J. was snapped back to reality as Carlisle opened his mouth to speak. “We’re still teaching her to control her abilities. It may be unwise for everyone’s safety for her to use them.”
A.J. nodded furiously, silently attempting to convince them of the danger. Aro paid no mind to either’s heeding as he motioned for a clean-cut man with a physique similar to Emmett’s, only taller, to come forward from next to the entrance. An arrogant smirk was sketched on his rectangular face, chalky forehead covered by his tamed brunette hair. The grey coat he donned stayed formed to his torso as he sauntered over with purposeful steps. A rumble shook through A.J.'s chest as the man's, Felix, polished black boots pounded on the marble flooring in the process of approaching her from behind.
“Then this proves to be a perfect opportunity for her to learn from more capable teachers,” Aro explained while stepping back up to his throne and eventually perching himself upon it.
“Aro, with all due respect-,” Esme was cut off by Aro motioning for two guards to guide the heads of Cullen coven away.
A.J.’s posture slouched to a readying stance, not quite sure what was happening or what to anticipate. She watched in alarm as her adoptive parents were pulled to opposite sides of the plateau, as the surrounding vampires observed her like she was a rabid dog in a fighting ring.
“No harm will be done to her,” Aro attempted to soothe the worrisome Cullens. “That is… as long as her gifts prove as competent as I saw.”
Before Carlisle could convince the Volturi against this, the burly man from before, Felix, launched himself at the anticipating A.J. from behind. Just as quickly as he came forward, A.J. seized his arm while springing to the right. She twisted his arm back before Felix spun around to land a hit on A.J. Fortunately for herself, her body moved before her mind could think and swiftly dodged him. Hit after hit and grab after grab, Felix continued his assault on the agile newborn, but each time A.J. was one step ahead of him as she rapidly dodged whatever was thrown at her. With each swift dodge, Felix only grew more annoyed at the fact someone was more skilled than him, which all spectators could tell from the force of his strikes becoming heavier. Right now, all A.J. was focusing on was avoiding harming a Volturi member, hoping that if she evades him, Aro or one of his co-leaders would call Felix off of her. Though A.J.’s mind altered once she caught the looks on Esme and Carlisle’s faces; the panic and guilt on their faces caused a pang of guilt in A.J. She didn’t want to be the cause of pain in there in immortal lives.
A.J. wondered to herself, “Maybe if I take this douche down, they’ll let them go and I’ll just stay here.”
While leaping back to dodge, Felix slammed his fists onto her head, she realized how absurd her last thought was. Why would she ever want to join these people… or vampires? She finally has a family and she won’t give that up.
Deciding to finally end this, A.J. led Felix to where she would be cornered by him and the wall nearest the back exit. A smirk spread across Felix’s chalky lips as he expected to irrevocably take her down, so he reeled his left arm back and thrust his large hand toward her throat. A.J. heard both of her parents cry out as most in the room anticipated her death, right then and there, but if Jasper taught her anything, it was to ‘always keep ‘em guessing’. Just as Felix’s hand should’ve torn through her throat, the newborn ducked down and collided with Felix’s midsection. She tackled him to the floor, it cracking beneath them, and her hands flew up to wrap around his head; but before she could do anything else, Marcus spoke up.
“Enough of this, Aro,” Marcus meekly called out, “We have seen the power she possesses; let us move on.”
A.J. kept her hands on Felix’s head, staring him down, waiting to move until Aro ordered the dangerous vampire to stop.
Aro nodded and flicked his hands out, “Very well, Marcus; I am satisfied with what I have seen. I presume Caius is as well.”
A.J. stared at Felix for a second longer as a precautionary, only to watch as his eyes glinted and a soft smirk spread across his pallid face. Her hands instantly retracted from his brown hair and she flashed back to a standing position before offering him a hand to help him up. Felix took it and rose to his feet with the help of A.J. He shared one last look with her before plodding over to stand where he once was.
“For now,” Caius answered, “Though I’m not yet convinced she should reside with the Cullens.”
With another flick of Aro’s hand, Carlisle and Esme were released from the guards' grip. Esme, who was already next to A.J., immediately embraced her; the older woman’s dominant coming to caress the girl’s wavy hair in a motherly manner. The manner in which Esme treated A.J. was something she always longed for. The four foster parents she’d gone through before being turned were usually kind to her, but none seemed capable of supplying her with the parental needs she craved. That’s something all the Cullens, and even the Denalis, gave her, was love… a sense of belonging… like she was truly cared for.
“I assure you, Caius, we aim to live a peaceful life. Simply blend in with our surroundings.” Carlisle prompted, having already made his way back to stand tall in front of the three leaders.
Esme proceeded to guide A.J. to meet Carlisle in front of the plateau and sandwiched the young girl between them. Strong arms were glued around A.J. as she listened intently to Carlisle’s conversation with the Volturi patriarchs. Though she was very interested in being sure she wasn’t about to be murdered for a second time, A.J. couldn’t help the thoughts that drifted into her mind. Remembrance of a time when she only dreamed of traveling abroad hanging out with awesome friends, partying after epic softball games, eating authentic cuisine, and playing volleyball at the Olympic games… ironically enough. These definitely were not the circumstances she expected or hoped for; but, hey, at least she didn't die not leaving America… oh wait.
Her name being called snapped A.J. back to reality, the sight of Aro grinning expectantly at her creating the uneasy pit in her stomach again. A.J.’s eyes flitted between Aro and her parents, clearly missing a vital piece of information while previously deep in thought.
“Well,” Aro prompted with his almost translucent palms pressed together, “What do you say about displaying your second gift?”
A.J. squinted at that.
“What was this dude’s fascination with her? Kinda pervy,” she silently spoke.
Remembering she was being spectated, A.J. answered, “I don't really like using that… ability of mine. Still gainin’ control of it, ya know.”
Aro’s face dropped. “Yes, that is what your creator said.” he gradually stepped down the steps to lean into A.J.’s face.
The newborn instinctively tilted back and away from Aro’s uncomfortable proximity. She cursed her enhanced senses for being able to smell the stale aroma that wafted from his clothing. Aro paid no mind to A.J. body language and leered into her ever-changing eyes.
“I’m afraid if you do not willingly present your gift, we have ways of making you,” he spoke softly to her, though everyone in the room could still hear.
Esme and Carlisle immediately snapped their heads up to make eye contact with each other, fearful looks on their near-perfect faces. A.J. did not notice this interaction, as all she could focus on was the scent of fresh human blood coming from Aro’s mouth when he spoke to her. She felt sick for another reason than her adoptive parents; the delicious aroma filled her senses to the brim, and A.J. felt herself wanting to lose control. ‘A brief moment of weakness can ruin everything’, is what she had to remind herself as she allowed the goriest of thoughts to flood her scrambling mind. If she could throw up, she very well might have at that moment; whether, from nerves or repugnance, she didn't know.
“Aro,” Carlisle pleaded, “I ask you to please reconsider this. You have already seen her scream, and if it’s really necessary, perhaps we could travel back at some point in the future when she has better control.”
“Exactly as you said, Carlisle, my friend,” Aro strolled back up the steps to the left where a boy and a girl stood in ebony cloaks, “I have seen it, not witnessed it.”
The blonde newborn observed as Aro sent a look toward the compact girl whose honey-blonde hair was slicked back into a bun that showcased her soft features and contrasting red eyes. A child-like smile graced the girl’s lips while she stared innocently into A.J.’s confused gaze.
“Aro, please-,”
As soon as Esme’s grip left A.J.’s shoulders, the girl who looked to be a bit younger than A.J. uttered the word ‘pain’.
In an instant, A.J. was enveloped in a feeling she assumed was similar to being burned at the stake. What she thought was the most painful night of her life was instantly outranked, as what she was experiencing at this moment was exponentially more torturous than the night she had been attacked. In every crevice-every vein of hers was coated in hellfire; it seemed as though her bones were being gnawed and slowly torn apart bit by bit. She couldn't think of anything else other than the crippling pain she was experiencing as her knees collided with the cold stone floor.
Everyone around her was filled with anticipation or horror, the culprit of A.J.’s torture being filled with sadistic glee as she continued her assault on A.J. Groans, and choked shouts fell from A.J.’s mouth as her strong hands dug into the stone beneath her. The stone floor cracked as A.J.’s fingers penetrated it while her back stayed hunched over; it look as if she would snap in half if her body contorted anymore.
Just as Aro was going to instruct Jane to stop, A.J. gradually started to shout louder. Everyone around listened as her shouts turned into screams and within a few seconds, one prolonged scream. The scream that came from her quickly switched from loud to ear-piercing into shattering. The walls that encased them cracked in some places, and every vampire in the room instinctively covered their ears with their hands. The sadistic and determined Volturi girl stayed vigilant despite her and others' skin beginning to crack.
“Aro,” Carlisle shouted over A.J.’s ballistic scream, "Please, stop this.”
“Jane,” Aro screeched at the blonde girl.
Jane immediately ceased and as a result, so did A.J.’s screaming. Despite their disheveled appearance and cracked porcelain-like skin, Esme and Carlisle rushed to aid A.J. in regaining her strength.
A contrasting wide grin, as to everyone else’s face, appeared on Aro’s. He giggled excitedly and rose to his feet before scrambling over to where A.J. now stood with the support of the leaders of the Cullens.
“Magnifico,” he exclaimed, completely oblivious to A.J.’s tired appearance, “My dear sweet child, you must join us if you are willing.”
A.J.’s tired eyes trailed back up to him with a look that questioned his sanity.
“She won’t,” Marcus called out from behind Aro.
Aro ‘tsked’ his fellow coven member, “Now that is completely up to her; and regardless, rest assured that the nomad will pay for his crimes.”
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sukunastoy · 2 years
I just wanted to write some quick, soft comfort...Short and sweet. Needed some fluff. Pairing: Historic Sukuna x reader WC: ~1.9k Rating: SFW
"Oh god, h-he'll kill me!" "He isn't going to kill you...I promise. This is not anything that would need such a violent reaction." You said calmly to the maid while helping her pick up the shattered pieces of a vase that had sat in the entrance of The King's estate. Maybe once upon a time, that was something these maids needed to worry about, but ever since your arrival, it seemed to be a distant fear in the minds of most. You had no say in the matter, being surrendered as a peace offering from your clan. Initially, you were assumed to be a sacrifice, killed upon your arrival for being the first and only daughter of your clan leader. But, to keep the King from laying waste to everyone, something precious and of value was demanded instead, and it happened to be you. He took you as his bride, but there wasn't any love involved. It was merely an insult to your sorcerer clan family. There were no sons to take your father's place, and the bloodline would have continued with you; had you taken someone else's hand in marriage- but the King made sure to keep that from happening. You accepted your new role with grace, the knowledge of keeping your clan safe being a stronghold in your emotions and reasonings. However, what happened after you got here was nothing you could have expected. The King wasn't prepared to put you on a spike or burn you alive to make a statement. He demanded you stay within his kingdom and serve him alongside the other maids and workers of his estate. You did your duty, being on your hands and knees scrubbing floors, tending the gardens, washing clothes in the river, and even doing other things the King hadn't mentioned you needed to do. You had fresh flowers adorning the halls and rooms of his estate, making sure they were always vibrant and blossoming. You delegated some of the maids what tasks to do, and even took on some of the chores they struggled to accomplish out of fear. Someone had to help prepare the Kings meals, and it wasn't a secret what those meals sometimes consisted of... It wasn't your business to ask where some of these meals came from, so you prepared them to the best of your ability. The King wouldn't dismiss you from the table until he was finished, but you remained at his side patiently. Despite working alongside other maids and servants, they still treated you with respect. You were still the Kings bride after all.
Once you finished helping the maid pick up all the pieces of the vase, someone caught her eye. You knew exactly who it was when she dropped her hands and knees in a subservient bow, body trembling in worry. "M-my King, I-I deeply a-apologize for m-my careless actions!" Turning to stand up fully in-front of the maid while looking at your husband, you smiled at him gently. "It was a mistake, nothing that isn't fixable." You said softly while taking one of his large hands into yours. The number of lives his hands had claimed wasn't even alarming at this point. You could feel his muscles relax as you brought the warm palm to your cheek, kissing the heel of his thumb in the process. "You intend to fix it yourself, then?" That deep, timbre voice; though terrifying to many- soothed your soul in a way you couldn't even begin to describe. "Of course, my King." You promised, smiling up at him while placing your hand over his against your face. Knowing he could crush your entire skull with just a swift grip made this warm palm all the more comforting in an odd way. And it was because you knew he wouldn't ever do such a thing...at least not to you. His intimidating gaze shifted from the maid to you, and watching those crimson hues give up on their anger made you caress his hand tenderly. "Then that is what I expect." He commanded, the pad of his thumb ever so briefly smoothing under your eye before pulling away. You gave a slight bow of respect before his departure and then turned back to the maid, who was still trembling with her face pressed into the tatami mats. "Come on; we'll fix it together."
Joining your King later in the evening at the hot springs near his home, you remained on the ground at the edge, massaging his massive shoulders as he relaxed. "I hope the end of this day is finding you well, my King." You spoke gently as your smaller hands worked into the muscles to relax him. He hummed in response, leaning his head back into your lap. A smile tugged at your lips while you looked down at him, hesitantly moving one of your hands to cup his cheek. "Join me." He finally said before lifting his head and moving forward into the water more, turning to watch you obey his order. You slightly laughed while swinging your legs into the water but hugged yourself in embarrassment. "You know I can't swim." "Oh, come now, it's not that deep." "My King, you're also much taller." You pointed out through a giggle, slowly swishing your legs in the water, enjoying the warmth surrounding them. Taking a moment to survey the large rocks beneath the surface, you shifted into the water, carefully holding onto anything you could to keep your footing. Before you got too far, you turned your back to Sukuna, removing your petite robe to lay on the ground at the water's edge. Honestly, the two of you had never spent any intimate moments together, and you hadn't been uncovered in his presence. But you knew better than completely submerging yourself in the water with clothing. Wrapping an arm across your chest, you turned and ventured toward the center where your husband was waiting. The water started to engulf you, and it got up to your shoulders before stopping, still a reasonable distance from him. "All the way." He chuckled, able to stand in the deepest area with his chest still out of the water. Then, one of those large hands reached out toward you, and for a moment, you felt your face flush with a warmth that wasn't from the heat of the springs. Quickly judging the distance, you shoved off the rock, flopping forward into the water without grace. You scrambled for his hand with both of yours, clinging to him desperately as you no longer felt the stone bottom under your feet. A cat being tossed in the water looked more elegant than you had at that moment, and the blush across your face proved your embarrassment.
Sputtering through the water splashed onto your face, you laughed while keeping both arms wrapped around his. Your feet held together against his thigh to keep you above the water enough, so you didn't feel like you were sinking in too much. He smirked in humor while wrapping an arm around our waist, helping you stay afloat while he sank to be face level with you. "I'm happy you're in a good mood." You smiled at him softly, gently reaching out to cup his cheek. "It brings me joy when you're pleased, my King..." "What other things bring you joy?" "Oh, it's not a concern...just so long as you are-" He halted your words with a soft kiss on your lips, catching you off guard. Your eyes widened in shock and nervousness when your gaze was locked with his, unable to look away from those intense eyes. He stepped back slowly, sitting down and resting you upon his lap to face him. Your knees pressed upon his thighs, and once his lips separated from yours, you tucked your face into his neck, hiding bashfully. He's never displayed any form of affection...and this was so sudden. At the moment, you weren't sure how you felt about it. You had gotten so comfortable with him over the time you'd spent at his side, but mainly you served him just as any maid had done. "Why are you hiding?" He asked quietly, one of those enormous hands caressing our back ever so gently. The tips of his claws glided carefully along your skin, making you shudder in amazement to know he could honestly do whatever he wanted to you at any given moment. Yet, he refrained... "I just wasn't expecting such a thing." You murmured with honesty, leaning back to address your King correctly. "I know we're married, but It isn't for usual reasons...So I never imagined anything happening." Then, feeling one of his hands cup your cheek so tenderly, you leaned into it through comfort. "Are you opposed to being my wife?" "No, of course not. I was offered, but I still accepted your hand willingly and with the highest honor. The King of Curses keeping me at his side? Even if for your amusement, you've been so generous and kind to me. I couldn't even envision returning home or going elsewhere..." Kneeling upon the lap of the most feared being in the known world brought a feeling into your heart you couldn't explain. His hands never held you in place against your will, and you never winced in fear when he spoke. You've seen him kill, seen him dispose of disobeying servants without a second thought, and you've even prepared some of the grotesque delicacies he enjoyed on occasion. But, you had a warm bed, food in your belly, a safe home, and even enough respect from your King to talk him down from discarding a maid for something trivial. The estate felt brighter the longer you were here, and the maids and other servants became less tense with each passing day. You fixed minor blemishes throughout his home, happily applying any skill you could where needed. This was your husband's home, but it was also your home, and you took pride in the care of it. When Sukuna relaxed in the courtyard, you would tend to the gardens. Any fruit in nearby trees would also be picked and offered to your King. In the moments you sat on his lap and relaxed, you had never felt safer. Being in the arms of such a disaster would inflict pure trauma upon most. But it only brought you peace...as if you were being spared.
As your King pulled your body against him in the water, you whimpered softly for him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he embraced you, and you smiled fondly at the closeness. That was the first time the two of you shared such a tender moment, and you cherished it closely. Your husband wasn't a man of many words or emotions, and you accepted that fact quickly. When he did decide to display affection towards you, it was such an honorable gift. Most of the chores you used to do were banned from you now, as the wife of Sukuna shouldn't be cleaning floors or cooking meals.
You still gathered flowers and pampered your King when you could, enjoying the good mood he'd be in from your simple actions. The maids and other servants would enjoy moments with you, as well as you talked to them throughout the day. You were surprised to find that many of them came from worse places, which is why they do their best for the King. Though Sukuna could be a terrifying monster, so long as they did everything they were supposed to do, he more or less left them alone. The ones who disregarded his rules and expectations were disposed of without hesitation. You knew he was very strict when you arrived but seeing him relax and ease up over time was comforting. Were you melting that ice around his cold heart so quickly? It almost felt wrong to take credit for it...
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sparklefics · 2 years
Cuddles & Cocoa
For Kathie’s @pellucid-constellations writing challenge. #loveletterswritingchallenge
Chubby!College!Bucky & F!Reader
WC: 5.7 ish
Warnings: Hurt comfort, loss, grief, depression, overall sadness, therapy.
A/N: Happy Valentine's enjoy the most self indulgent piece I've ever written. It got a bit out of hand. What can I say, I was inspired.
Prompts were: "I take it you’re here cause you read my letter." & "I'm sitting here, with this stupid pen in my hand, and damn I can't believe you have me writing right now."
Part 2 ➡ because I have no self control.
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"So, you're back early. How'd it go with Sweets? Isn't she great?" Steve asks as Bucky walks through the door of their shared apartment.
Steve tried to set up Bucky with you. Bucky was fresh out of a failed relationship.
"She's nice." Bucky says with a grimace already expecting Steve's reaction.
"Hmm, so when are you going out with her?"
"I'm not...I didn't ask her out."
"WHY NOT? She's perfect for you. She's sweet and nice, and smart which is a step up for your usual type."
"I can tell from just two hours of knowing her. That girl gives off wifey and best friends vibes, that shit is rare. She's not rebound material, she's the type of girl you bring home to meet your ma."
"Hey, Buck." Your sweet voice brings him out of his thoughts about you. "Mind if I join you?"
It's way past midnight and Bucky had tossed and turned in bed for the past two hours, he eventually gave up and decided to sit by the fireplace in the living room. He'd rented out this cabin to enjoy one last holiday break with his friends in their last year of school. It'd be their last hoorah before fully going off into adulthood.
"Not at all." Bucky smiles and pats the space beside him for you to join him. "Couldn't sleep?" he asks when you curl up in between his legs and lay against his chest, turning your face towards the fireplace.
"Nope. Nat and Lillian were making out and doing some heavy petting, they think they're quiet but they're really not."
Bucky chuckles and brings the blanket higher up on your body until it rests at your shoulders along with his big arms. You tilt your head to the side and a shiny piece of metal catches your eye. "Oh hey, what's this?" You bring it closer for inspection. James Barnes
"They were Grandpa's dog tags."
Bucky had a hard time dealing with his grandpa's passing earlier that year. His grandfather James had been sick for a long time, his illness had taken its natural course and earlier this year passed away in his sleep. At least it was peaceful, but that doesn't make it hurt any less to Bucky.
"What about you, why are you still up?" you gently squeeze his bicep.
"I don't know. Couldn't get comfortable enough I guess." he sighs.
"How about cuddles and cocoa?"
Cuddles and cocoa were your thing. It was a totally normal occurrence between the two of you.
It all started when you got ghosted by your date in your sophmore year. Bucky came to the rescue and met you at the cafe you were supposed to have a date but got stood up instead. He got you hot cocoa and cuddled up with you in the reading nook by the back of the cafe. A couple of weeks later, when Bucky failed a calculus test you showed up to his and Steve's apartment with hot cocoa and your old notes from when you took the class. You drank the cocoa, cuddled and then tutored him. He aced his next test. Ever since whenever either of you had a bad day you'd treat each other to hot cocoa and cuddles.
You were truly the best of friends, always in tune with each other's needs.
Bucky smiled and bopped your nose. "Yeah, cuddles might help."
"You stay right here, I'll be right back." You get up and tuck the blanket around him, dropping a quick kiss on his forehead before dashing to the kitchen to prepare the hot cocoa.
It hurts to see him still hurting like this. He's put himself on the back burner for so long.
After his grandpa passed Bucky stopped going to the gym, stopped going out with the guys and started over eating, missing classes. It was starting to become a problem, Sam and Steve didn't know how to talk to him without it sounding like an intervention or like they were judging him. So Steve asked you to do something, when you showed up with a loaded cardboard cup holder from your favorite cafe and a box of pastries he protested.
"No,Sweets, come on. I just got him to stop eating pancakes for dinner. We're trying to help him here--"
You cut him off. "Steven, just let me do my thing. He doesn't need to be told what he can or cannot do, what he can or cannot eat, or when he can or cannot eat. What Bucky needs is comfort. Now, get the door for me, please."
Steve knocked on Bucky's door before opening it and announcing your presence. Bucky just grunted in acknowledgement, you stepped into his dark room. Dirty laundry laid on the floor, old stale food on his bedside table, you took note of everything around you, cluing you into his state of mind.
You remind yourself that you are not there to judge but to help.
"I can't believe Steve called you in."
You move to open the curtains and Bucky winces when the sunlight burns his eyes. You get a good look at him, pale face, dark circles around his eyes, a hint of a shadow where a beard used to be-- apparently Steve got him to shave at some point. Bucky wore sweatpants and a big sweater, it was all he wore since he started gaining weight. His hair had gotten longer and began curling at the base of his neck, a side effect of not going out- not even to get a haircut. Objectively speaking Bucky looked bad,of course he was still handsome, but the guy laying in bed was merely a shell of your best friend.
"Get up. Shower, wash your hair," You instruct. "And be quick, I don't want our hot cocoa to get cold."
At the mention of cocoa Bucky perked up and disappeared into the bathroom. While he showered you decided to clean up around his room, picked up his clothes and threw them in the hamper. You took out the trash, tidied up his desk, and even changed the sheets of his bed. Steve was impressed when you asked him for clean sheets.
When Bucky came out of the shower in a clean set of sweats, you noticed he'd shaved which you didn't ask him to. He did that all on his own. You smiled at him and patted the spot next to you on his bed. "C'mere. It's cuddles and cocoa time."
Bucky takes the cup of cocoa and the box of pastries.
That's another thing that's developed. Bucky is so quiet now, the total opposite of him. You're used to him being loud, the life of the party, the glue that keeps the friend group together. He's so withdrawn and monosilabic it's very sad to see him this way. There's really only so much you can do for him, which is being here. That's why Steve called you.
"How are you, Buck? Like really."
"I'm okay."
"Jamie…" You go in for a hug but he pulls back from your touch. That hurts.
"Please, don't call me that." He begs quietly on the brink of tears.
You want to take it back but it's too late. "Jame-Bucky, please, I just want to help you. Just tell me how."
He whispers 'shut the blinds' so quietly you almost miss it.
It's all he says, he's already met you halfway and now it's your turn. He showered like you asked so you shut the blinds like he asked. The room goes back to darkness and Bucky exhales loudly. You go back to the bed in the dark and immediately Bucky takes a hold of your hand. You don't say anything, neither does him. For a while you sit there holding his hand and drinking cocoa, you pass him the box of pastries and he takes an apple turnover, it's not his favorite but he can't tell the pastries apart in the dark.
"Buck, Steve told me you haven't been going to class."
"Why not? Do you want to drop your classes? It's okay if you do."
"No, I just don't feel like being around people."
"Well, why don't you switch to online courses?"
"I can do that?"
"Yep! I can set up an appointment with the counselor if you'd like."
Bucky stays silent for a minute pondering about it. "Would you go with me? I don't wanna back out…if you go then I can't not show up. I could never let you down."
"Aww that's sweet, Bucky. Of course I'll go with you, I just have one condition."
"I guess that's fair. What is it?"
Bucky has gone through an emotional rollercoaster since his grandpa died. After the funeral Bucky retreated into himself, which you expected since he was depressed. When Steve started to worry alarms went off in your head, you got closer to Bucky just to be sure that he knew he wasn't alone, that he could count on his friends for support.
When your own father died you had no one to turn to, no one understood your pain. But for Bucky it is different, you understand his pain and thankfully he lets you be there for him.
You were there to help him cope, whether it was with cuddles and cocoa or just sitting with him in his dark bedroom holding his hand.
Eventually the cuddles and cocoa turned into cuddles and cocoa and talk.
With a belly full of warmth, and his arms full of you Bucky feels talkative and once he starts, he can't shut up. "...it's pathetic. It's almost been a year, everyone has moved on but me. Now I'm almost done with school, no future job lined up after graduation, fat, single and miserable."
"Uh-huh. Right. Pity party for one." You jab his ribs with your elbow.
You're both lounging on the pillow fort Bucky made while you prepared the cocoa. You are wrapped up with Bucky in between some thick blankets, your arms bound around his torso and one of his arms around your shoulders while the other trails up and down your spine.
"I'm not having a pity party, I'm being a realist."
"Well if we're being realistic, you still have months until graduation, plenty of time for you to line up a job. Second, you're not fat, there's just more of you to love." You move your hands to squish his cheeks in that adorable way that makes his lips pout. "Third, you're single and miserable by choice, I know a lot of girls who would love to date you."
"I don't want a lot of girls, just one in particular."
"That's good, Buck. See? You are moving on, setting goals for yourself. What's that thing your therapist says?"
"Celebrate the small victories." Bucky mumbles.
So you remind him that he has made progress. Bucky goes to therapy now, which has helped him out a lot. He no longer avoids his friends, or his family. He also switched back from online classes to in person for the fall semester, and then he planned this whole holiday getaway. He's very different from the sloppy, sad guy from months ago.
So what if he doesn't have his future figured out? It's no big deal.
"Grief is not a one size fits all type of situation. Not everyone has their futures figured out."
"You say that because you have that sweet job at Stark Industries lined up." Bucky trails his fingertips up your spine stopping at the side of your neck to tickle you.
"No, I say that because the future is uncertain, there are no guarantees. Like what does it matter that I have a job lined up, who says I'll even like the job?" In return for the tickling you wet your pinky finger and bring it up to his ear.
"Ew! Okay! Okay!" He swats your hands away. "I see your point."
You laugh and lay your head on his chest and hug him tightly. Bucky kisses your cheek, "Good night, Sweets."
"Good night, Bucky."
You startle awake with the sound of your friends shouting. Bucky's arms are still around you and his legs are tangled with yours, his chest vibrating with laughter.
It's a holiday miracle!
You get to witness Bucky laughing, really laughing like he used to. His eyes are closed, mouth wide with his pearly white teeth showing, his nose doing that signature scrunch along with the crinkle around his eyes. You feel your eyes start to water, vision becomes blurry, you're so happy to see him back. Bucky, your Bucky is smiling like he used to, so carefree and genuine.
Merry Christmas indeed.
You smile and quickly wipe the tears from your eyes before anyone notices you, and get up and wish your friends a Merry Christmas then go get ready for the day.
Immediately after you leave for the bathroom, Steve and Sam ambush Bucky asking if he'd finally confessed his love for you.
"Not this again. Drop it." Bucky's friends really know how to damper his mood.
"You wait around any longer and you're gonna lose her, Buck." Steve warns.
"I'm telling you she's not interested." Bucky replies.
"Yeah, right cause she's been single for two years. Two years, Buck. Not a single date in two years. That's not suspicious at all." Sam argues. "Do you know what that's like? Don't answer that, it was rhetorical. You know cause you've been single since you met her!"
Bucky chose to ignore Sam's point, afraid he might be right.
Since the moment he met you, Bucky recognized exactly the kind of girl you are. And as he's gotten to know you and become your friend, he's realized you are his dream girl. You are all he's ever wanted and more. It's been too long, he knows he missed his shot with you. You two are too good of friends to actually be more. Yes, he has wanted you all this time and now he's afraid that you only see him as a friend.
But...then again...
Facts are facts though, and Sam does have a point. What are the odds you've both been single all this time? Could it be that you feel the same way about him as he does about you?
Or were you just projecting your daddy issues onto him? Did you just want to 'fix' him?
Bucky has a lot of questions and a lot to think about. He wonders what his therapist would tell him. He knows Dr. Raynor would point out that you might be projecting but that wouldn't be a bad thing, it would just mean that Bucky means as much to you as your father.
Bucky had a lot to dissect through.
Bucky remembers that summer night in his room when the two of you were cuddling. You thought he was asleep when you couldn’t hold your tears any longer.
Bucky was disappearing right in front of your eyes. Reflecting on how it felt to lose your father and how he withered away to nothing in front of you.
Bucky may not be dying but it feels like he is.
Bucky felt you shaky breaths, heard your whimpers and sniffles. “Sweets. Are you-- What's going on?” He turns you over to face him, a soft caressing hand on your cheek.
You can’t look at him. It hurts so much. The Bucky you knew was fading away and you couldn’t do anything about it. His eyes didn't hold that sparkle anymore. “Jamie. Jamie, come back to me.”
Bucky dry swallows, he's never seen you like this. You're an emotional person but he's never seen you this affected. "I'm right here. What are you talking about? Did you have a nightmare or something?"
"No. This is the nightmare." Your sobs make you hiccup, Bucky hugs you to his chest. He holds you tightly until you calm down a bit.
"Sweets, you're scaring me."
You bury your face into his neck and hold on to him for dear life. “I’m gonna tell you something, but please don’t hate me for it.”
“You can tell me anything.”
“You need help, Bucky. Real help, there’s only so much I can do. Cuddles and Cocoa is not enough.” You choke on a sob, but continue on. “I don’t want you to keep fading away.”
“I’m not going anywhere." Oh, it dawns on him that your tears are for him, because of him. "I have an appointment with a therapist next week.”
The relief that washes over you is unexplainable. You know it’s not a quick fix but it’s a start. It’s hope and that’s all you need.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to figure things out. I’m not going anywhere. I promise."
"I know. Can I go with you?"
"That'd be great. I'm actually terrified..."
"Of what?" you ask, still sniffling, gently running your fingers through his hair.
"That I'll never feel whole again." A tear slips from his eyes, his voice cracks.
Bucky's words shatter your heart into a million pieces. You know that feeling, you understand it well. It takes you a while to find your words so in the meantime you hold him.
"From my experience, in our lives we give pieces of our hearts to those we love. So when we lose them it feels just like you said, like we'll never be whole again. But I choose to see it this way: in your case, your grandpa moved on to another journey, to another life or whatever you want to believe in-- the point is he took pieces of love with him. Your grandpa took a bit of love from you, your grandma, your whole family."
"When I lost my dad...Bucky, I too felt like that. It took me a fucking long time to realize that the hole in my heart, the bit he took, it wasn't empty or incomplete. It's still there, it's a bit of his heart now in its place. My dad took a piece of my heart with him and left me a piece of his instead. So I can tell you, from experience, that I know it sucks and I hate that there's no way to fix it. That this feeling will sit with you until you deal with it. And sadly, that fucking line that time heals all wounds, I hate to say it but it's true."
1 Week later // New Years //
You and Bucky were drinking the last bottle of champagne and eating the remaining grapes. It was 2 am and everyone had already either passed out or gone to bed.
Naturally you and Bucky settled in by the fire pit on the deck at the back of the cabin. It wasn't that cold outside so you could sit comfortably by the fire with a blanket and be fine.
You two get to talking about your expectations for this year, both academically and personally. Bucky admits he's excited to graduate but nervous about his little sister Rebecca who will be graduating high school and then going to you guys' school in the fall. "I wanted to look out for her, bust her balls too."
"You can if you stay in the city."
"I think I might."
"This might sound corny or stupid, or both, but I think this is gonna be great year." You take his hand and entwine your fingers, never looking at him just staring off at the flames of the fire pit.
"It's not stupid or corny, I know what you mean." He squeezes your hand and you look up at him. He smiles down at you. "Beginnings...they're special." You hum in agreement and Bucky continues. "And speaking of special, I wanted to thank you. This year, well past year was by far my worst one, but looking back at it...it had it's nice moments too." With the way his eyes bore at you, you know he's actually referring to you. "I want to start off the year on a positive note, set the tone, you know."
"Thank you for letting me be there for you. This will be your year Bucky Barnes. You fucking deserve to be happy."
Bucky smiles at you. He smiles at you a little too long. You start to imagine the way he leans into you.
Your heart leaps to your throat as he gets close. His warm lips press to your forehead. The prickly sensation of his beard against your skin makes you giggle. "Your beard tickles."
He leans back and runs a hand down his chin. "Been thinking it might be time to shave it off."
"No!" You protest. "You can't shave it off. It completes your look."
"It completes my look?" he asked amused.
"Yeah, the big burly, long haired, bearded look. It's really sexy in a lumberjack kinda way."
Bucky had noticed you had never complimented him on his looks, not even before he gained 30 pounds. So the fact that you were complimenting him when he was at his 'worst' did wonders for his self esteem, in fact his face was burning red. "Thanks? I guess."
That night Bucky got an answer to one of his many questions regarding you: Did he even have a shot with you? Yes.
After finishing the bottle of champagne you head inside, he follows you, unsurprised when you head straight for his room. You're already in sweatpants and a sweater he recognizes as his. It was a gift from Rebecca, it read 'It's okay if you don't like me. Not everyone has good taste.'. It didn't fit anymore. He gave it to you when you stayed over at his apartment after getting locked out of yours. He didn't ask for it back but he also didn't think you'd keep it.
You settled in the left side of the bed, taking your time fluffing your pillow. Once you settled in, Bucky slipped into bed beside you. Before turning off the bedside table lamp, he turned to check on you. "You good? Comfy?"
With the comforter up to your neck you nodded your head. "Yep. Good night, Buck."
Bucky turned off the lamp and got comfortable on the bed. He felt you roll over on your side to face him and smiled when you pressed your face to his shoulder. He extended his arm and pulled you to his chest. "Good night, Sweets."
Bucky could barely keep his eyes closed, every single ruffle of the bed set him off. You turned your back to him, and he thought he might finally get some sleep, but then you grunted. "Cuddlebug, you're so far away." You reached a hand blindly to grab him and pull him to you.
Bucky grabs your hand and your fingers find their place in between his. He pulls you back to the center of the bed, molding his body to yours. "You keep rolling off, sweetheart." He murmurs at the back of your neck before pressing his lips there.
A couple of days later you all head back to the city and settle back into your daily routines, back to school. The semester starts off with a bang and a lot of work. Weeks pass by so fast you barely have time to meet up with Bucky. He’s been pretty busy too, but he always makes time to text you and check in on you.
And even though he texts and calls, you miss him.
You feel off, like something is missing. When you go to bed and toss and turn you realize that what you're missing is Bucky. You miss sleeping with him, just being around him brightens up your day.
And then it happens. Your old lab partner Peter Parker asks you out on a date. It feels weird being asked out on a date. Your immediate response was to say no, but before you can answer he tells you to think about it and let him know. No pressure.
Just then you see a smiling Bucky approaching with to-go cups that you're sure are hot cocoa. Your reaction is a pure knee-jerk, it happens without conscious thought, you squeal with delight. “Bucky!!”
Peter Parker, still standing before you, gives a tiny wave with his hand, “See you around, Y/N.”
“Bye, Pete.”
Hours later, Peter texts you. Peter: I'm sorry about today. I didn’t know you were spoken for. My bad 🥴
You stare at the text for like an hour. That’s how Nat finds you, sitting in the living room staring at your phone.
“Y/n? You’ve got thinky face.”
You give her your phone instead of explaining. Nat takes a seat and takes your phone.
“I don’t get it.”
“Peter asked me out and I didn’t know what to say, then Bucky showed up and now he thinks I’m not interested. He thinks Bucky is my boyfriend.”
“Understandable.” Nat sighs and fails to muffle her laughs.
“Why on earth would he think that?”
“Jesus, I thought you were in denial but you really don't see it.”
“Nat, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Sweetie, come on." She gives you her signature smirk, "When Bucky is around you act like no one else exists. Don’t even get me started on the way you look at each other and your grossly cute cuddles and cocoa thing. You two act like a couple.”
“We do?"
"Yes! I cannot believe this...I'm gonna try something. I will ask you a series of questions, and you will answer rapid fire. Okay?"
"Okay but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Just answer the questions, trust the process. Okay, here we go. How long have you known Bucky?"
"Almost three years."
Nat keeps asking questions, varying topics, it's hard to find a pattern or what kind of information she's trying to pull out of you. About three minutes in she asks, "Do you want to date Peter?"
"No." You kind of already knew that.
She shits topics again to food and colors, and up and down. Then she asks, "You're in love with Bucky, aren't you?"
You gasp and Nat laughs so hard she tears up. "Don't say I never did anything for you."
You sit there and ponder what to do with this piece of information. Should you tell Bucky how you feel? Would that weird him out? Or would he feel the same way? It's safe to say you don't sleep well that night.
Three days later, Natasha comes home with the mail. She got a care package from home, full of goodies and Russian candies, pictures and letters from her family. Her sister sent her a vest she saw and thought Natasha would love it, it had a lot of pockets. "Oh, hey, here." She hands you an envelope, "almost forgot. You got a letter."
You take the envelope in your hands to examine, your eyes nearly pop out when you read the name of the sender.
James B. Barnes
You tear open the envelope and take out two handwritten papers.
My dearest, Y/N
Did you know people still write letters?
I just got one from my grandma. She sent me some pictures of my grandpa and Steve’s. I’ll share them with you someday soon.
The other day I was on the phone with my grandma and I was telling her about you. She really wants to meet you. Something she said got me thinking. 'All the what-ifs, you're missing out on what is.'
She meant for me to live in the moment and in the spirit of that, that’s why I’m sitting here, with this stupid pen in my hand, and damn I can’t believe you have me writing right now.
Here's a wild thought: Maybe we're missing out on the what-if...
I’ll start at the beginning. It'll hopefully make sense by the end of this letter.
From the moment I met you, I knew exactly the kind of woman you are. And in case you didn't already know that was Steve's poor attempt at setting us up, there was no pressing matter he had to tend to that day. When I got home he was waiting for me, already asking if I had asked you out on a date.
I'd just gotten out of a relationship and was not looking forward to getting my heart broken yet again. But then I met you...and that's it. I was sold.
I know you're probably confused at this point. What is this idiot saying?
I WANT TO DATE YOU!! is what I'm saying.
You might think then why didn't this idiot ask me out if we were being set up by Steve?
I didn't want you to be my rebound girl...which is stupid now that I think about it, cause I've been single since I met you… for almost three years I've avoided dating altogether because after only two hours of knowing you, I couldn't picture myself on a date with another girl that wasn't you.
So I figured I'd take my time to get to know you instead of just jumping to the deep end. You are so special and wonderful. There aren't enough words in the English language that can fully describe you.
You are incredible.
You are perfect.
I could not have even dreamt you up.
I'm so happy I got to know you and become your friend. Being your friend has brought my life a whole new perspective, you have shown me kindness, love and compassion. Everyday you continue to blow me away, you are honestly the strongest person I know. I admire you so much. I am thankful to have you in my life.
You’ve been everything I’ve needed, a friend, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, but you’re also all I’ve ever wanted.
I’m taking a risk here writing you this letter— and no pressure, I cannot stress this enough. I would love to take you out on a date. We have an awesome friendship and I would understand and respect if that’s all you want this to be.
I thought since Valentine’s Day is a holiday based on love and friendship (and we’ve already got that part down) it’d be a good day to test out the waters.
I’d love to have more with you.
I don’t want to have any regrets, especially when it comes to you.
So if you‘d grant me the honor—nay, the privilege to take you out on a date,
again no pressure if you don’t. Meet me at the cafe this Valentine’s at 7pm.
Your Cuddlebug,
P.S. I really mean no pressure.
Between you and the therapy I've become a sap! You have no idea how long this letter originally was...but I'll tell you it was giving Rachel's letter to Ross a run for its money. Ha! Another reference I get to make because of you introducing me to that show.
I will stop writing now. :)
You are speechless.
This is the absolute last thing you expected. A handwritten letter from Bucky asking you out on a date.
There’s no doubt you want him too.
Bucky Barnes does not get to be the only one to get cheesy and romantic over Valentine’s Day. You write down a response to hand deliver when you meet him at the cafe.
Natasha helped you out picking out a dress and getting ready for your date.
Walking into the cafe you realize that for the first time you're actually nervous about meeting up with Bucky, which is stupid because you already know that he wants to date you. You two have nothing to be nervous about. You've basically been on tons of dates already. The girl working the cash register notices you waiting, looking around, looking for someone. "Excuse me, are you Y/N?"
"Yep, that'd be me. I'm meeting someone here."
"Eeep! You're blue eyes' hot date!" She smiles and sighs, "He's waiting for you at the reading nook."
The reading nook! The very same were you shared your first cuddles and cocoa.
You turn around and go back to the counter and ask the girl for two hot cocoas.
You walk back to the reading nook with one hot chocolate in each hand, your clutch tucked beneath your arm. You almost drop everything when Bucky comes into view.
There he is. Bucky in a navy blue suit, black dress shirt. You do a double take because, yes he did, Bucky shaved his beard. Yet he still looks as handsome as ever, if anything it makes his eyes pop even more. And the smile that takes over his face when he sees you is absolut magic, it makes you want to melt.
"I take it you’re here cause you read my letter." Bucky says as you place the cups of cocoa on the table, along with your clutch.
"I did." You hug him. "I brought my reply." When you pull away from the hug you look up at him and smile, he smiles back. You can't hold on any longer, you pull his face down and quickly press your lips to his. It was a quick peck that lasted about a second but it left Bucky dizzy.
Bucky arranged for food to be brought to your table, a couple of Montecristos and other goodies like bonbons, macarons and those apples turnovers you love. As soon as you get to talking the nerves wear off and it feels like any other time you’ve hung out with Bucky. The only difference is that he holds your hand and tells you how beautiful you look. You live for that adorable way he looks at you while dropping kisses to the back of your hand.
By the end of the night he confesses he wished he would’ve asked you out sooner.
He walks you back to your apartment and you invite him in, he seems surprised. "Oh, did you seriously think we'd have our first date and not have cuddles? It's us, cuddles are our thing."
"I like the sound of that."
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solarwonux · 3 years
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59.  “I’m still sore from last night.”
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single dad!jungkook x f!reader
w.c: 2.3k
warnings: fluff, non-penetrative unprotected sex. Jungkook thinks too much lol.
note: hello, first and foremost, THANK YOU FOR 1K. I’m over the moon honestly, I found out while I was on my mini vacation and it just made it 10x better so thank you so much. Anyway, I hope you like this one, it was so much fun to write, let me know your thoughts. Send me a prompt or two if you’d like. hehe <3
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The single ray of light peeked through the slit of Jungkook’s dark curtains, making his eyelids flutter open in discomfort. He sat up on his elbows, looking over at your splayed-out body occupying the usual empty spot next to him. Arm lying lazily around his midriff and leg wrapped around his waist. In a poor attempt to hold him hostage. He could easily slip out without waking you up, but this was a rare sight for him. You in his bed, hair messily fanning out against his dark pillows, and his sheets hanging off your naked body. Your skin glowing under the peeking sun rays of the morning sun, painting tiny sunspots all over your body. 
It was a rare sight for him because you rarely stayed over, and he wanted to revel in the quiet and still moment as much as he could. As much as you allowed him to do so. Before you woke up panicking peeling your limbs away from his body in a frantic sleepy search for your clothes that occupied every inch of his one-bedroom loft.
He was outgrowing it in every sense of the word. Last week he had to replace the crib in the far with a twin-sized bed, leaving little room to comfortably move around it. It had been proven to him last night when you accidentally bumped your knee into the corner of his daughter’s bed while you helped him clean up his place, while she was away at her grandparents for the weekend. 
It was why you had shamelessly decided to stay over. It was why he was able to wake up next to you. Why he was contemplating on waking you up so the two of you could hunt for apartments together. Why he had been turning the same sentences over in his head, looking for the right way to ask you to move in with him. To marry him. Would asking the two questions side by side be too overwhelming, or will knocking two birds with one stone be the right thing to do?
He didn’t know, this was all new to him. Haneul’s mother didn’t want her, didn’t love her and left her to him before disappearing without a trace. You were the first person he called when he arrived at the hospital to pick her up. Having his daughter in his arms, a daughter he had no idea he had until that morning, was terrifying and in the midst of his breakdown, he dialed your number. You were his best friend back then, now you were his girlfriend and the only mother Haneul had ever and will ever know. He wanted everything to be official but he didn’t know how or if he should.
Frustrated, he lays down again, running his hand down his torso until it reaches your hand. He walks his fingers up your arm in a ghostlike matter, while humming quietly, contemplating the ever-present questions that he always found himself swallowing. It was never the right time, but the right time never seemed to come, so maybe he should just blurt it out and then hide away. 
“Good morning,” you croak, sleep still present in your voice. A smile creeps onto Jungkook’s face, his thoughts fleeting to hide in the back of his mind again. He turns to face you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. 
“Good morning my beautiful girlfriend.” He hums leaving a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose before burying his head in your neck. You smelled like green tea and white sage; the scent of your body lotion and him. It made him feel calm. Though if he were to ever express that thought out loud you would just say that it was the work of your stress-free body lotion. But no, you smelled, felt like home to him and it made him feel calm. 
You twinkle your fingers down his bare back, the gnawing emptiness in the pit of your stomach returns. Your alone time with him was coming to an end and you hated it. “I have to get up, I have to go.” You whisper, planting a gentle kiss on the crown of his head. 
Jungkook makes a disappointed sound, tightening his hold around you. “No five more minutes.” He whines kissing down your neck and lifts his head. A smug smile painting his beautiful features. “I can convince you to stay.” He quirks a brow, rolling his hips into yours. 
“Babe.” You place a hand on his chest, your head hitting his pillow again, as the pleasure overtakes your body. “I-I can’t, I’m still sore from last night.” You breathe out as he grinds his half-hard cock against you. 
He hums, chest swelling up in disgusting testosterone-filled pride. He knows he rocked your world a few times last night. Still remembers how he had you screaming louder than usual underneath him, enough to have his neighbors banging furiously against his wall. “We don’t have to go all the way, we can just stay like this.” He whispers, kissing your temple, grinding his hips against yours experimentally. It was slow and careful. He didn’t want to work himself up to full mast without your verbal agreement. Jungkook always respected your boundaries and he knew your body better than anyone you had allowed to touch you in the past. So, if you were to tell him no as much as he wanted you not to he would stop without a complaint ever leaving his lips. 
You smile and push him down, straddling him. “Okay but relax, I could literally hear you thinking while I was still sleeping.” You roll your hips, your clit brushing against the tip of his fired-up cock.
He lets out a pleasure-filled sigh, resting his hands on your ass, “I got a lot to think about.” He winks before moving up his bed resting his back against the headboard of his bed, your chest now against his. “Keep going, I want to paint your pretty lips with my cum.” He mumbles kissing your cheek. 
“For a dad, you’re always horny. I thought having a kid would kill your sexual prowess.” You sigh running your wet pussy over his cock harder, your lips fluttering around him, ready to take him in fully. 
He laughs, bucking his hips against yours, a whimper falling out of your lips. “It did at first, remember?” He hisses when your clit brushes up against his angry head again. He wants to be inside you so badly, but he knows he’s already pushing it just with this, though, he can’t complain. When it comes to you, everything was euphoric. 
You nod, looking down at him with hooded lust-filled eyes, resting your palms against his shoulders to use him as leverage to go faster. “Y-Yeah, you couldn’t get it up for the longest time, now I swear, f-fuck, it doesn’t stay down.” You rest your forehead against his. 
Jungkook moves his hand between your bodies, his thumb on your clit, rubbing slow careful circles, making you jolt. “I can’t help it, you’re so sexy, everything you do is sexy.” 
“Mmm, don’t stop please.” You arch your back, your hard nipples brushing against his. The bars decorating them still catch you off guard. They had been an on the whim decision back in college during a particularly stressful finals week. You had held his hand throughout the entire piercing process and wiped away his tears as he made you swear not to tell anyone he cried in pain and came in his pants all at the same time. You did and have kept his secret ever since. Now using the ladder against him during sex.
He rubbed your clit fast, his cock trapped between the wet lips of your pussy, quiet pants falling out of chapped lips. The pleasure was building fast against the pit of your stomach, “I’m close baby, are you?” 
Jungkook hummed, grabbing hold of your hips and rolling them against him. The change of rhythm was much more intimate and arousing. There was no space between the two of you, your clit was brushing against the short course hairs against his mound, and it was driving you insane.
“Yes, baby, do you want me to pull away?” 
“No, no want to feel you close Kook.” You threw your head back, pulling on his hair, letting your desperate need take over your body. 
Jungkook moaned your name silently, moving your hips faster chasing both of your highs, “Gonna let me cum on you my sweet girl, gonna let me paint you with my cum. God, I wish I could fuck it into you after, but we can stop here, just let go please.” He bit down on your neck, making you arch your back. 
“Oh my-, I’m cumming Jungkook f-fuck.” You whimpered, letting your orgasm take over, moving your pussy harder against his cock, riding out your high. You looked so beautiful and fucked out, the image burning brightly inside the corner of his brain that kept all the dirty versions of you. Your swollen clit rubs over him one last time before he’s cumming. Hot sputters of his sticky white essence coating your cunt and his abdomen, your eyes wide as you watch him spill himself all over you, the immorality of it all, enough to get you going again if you could. 
“That was sexy.” Jungkook pants, making you roll your eyes. He leaves a delicate kiss against your collar bone before looking at you with soft doe pleading eyes. You never understood how he could have the dirtiest things spewing out of his mouth one second and the next he’s looking at you the same way Haneul does whenever she wants a chocolate bar before dinner. “Did I convince you to stay longer?” 
“Yes, but I might consider it more if you tell me what’s been bothering you since yesterday.” You tilt your head and stand up. Jungkook blushes when he truly assesses the mess the two of you had made, making his cock twitch at the sight. “Join me in the shower?” 
“Wait.” He wraps his fingers around your wrist and pulls you down on his lap again. “Not yet, wait a while please.” 
“Jungkook as much as I wanted to be covered in your cum, it’s a little gross to just stay here cuddling.” You pout, running your hands through his hair pushing his dark bangs back. 
“I know but,” he chews on his bottom lip, the questions from earlier return and he wonders if this is the right time. You sitting on his lap covered in his cum, or if he should wait until after the two of you have showered. This was truly driving him crazy and there was no way to hide from you because you knew him better than anyone else in this entire world.
“Babe, you're thinking again and loud. What’s wrong?” You run your index finger down the side of his, tracing the tiny minuscule freckles on his cheek connecting them. 
“This is so hard, I don’t know how to just ask you to marry me and move in with me. It’s been driving me up the wall for like two weeks now. And like I don’t even have the ring yet, because it’s still being made, but they told me it would take only two weeks and it’s been a month because they’re backed up but that’s okay because they're short on staff. But I wish I had everything with me because I want everything to be perfect, you deserve perfect always and fuck, I-I just want you here forever by my side. By Haneul’s side because you make us complete and god, I don’t know how to ask you.”
There was a brief silence before you’re bending over laughing against his chest. Jungkook is left there sitting dazed and confused holding you as you laughed against him. Did he say something funny?
“Jungkook, I think you just asked me?” You lift your head, placing a hand against your chest trying to calm your nervous laughter and the pounding over your heart. 
“Fuck,” he hits the palm of his hand with his forehead, his neck flushing red from embarrassment. “I didn’t want to ask you like that please, just forget about it.” He pleads sadly, tears brimming in the corner of his eyes. He wants the ground to swallow him whole. 
“I don’t want you to.” You say stubbornly wrapping your arms around his neck, “and I want to say yes I will move in and marry you, will you let me?” Your fingers play with the hair resting on the back of his neck making him shiver. 
He’s looking at you wide-eyed and in shock, “are you sure? We can forget about it and I can ask you when we’re not covered in cum and I have everything. I’ll even write a speech.” He says fast, his heart beating hard against his chest, threatening to fall out. The only other time he’s felt this way was when he held Haneul in his arms for the first time ever. 
You shake your head, pecking his lips softly, scrunching your nose, remembering that two of you still hadn’t brushed your teeth yet. “I don’t want a do-over, this was perfect, I mean I still want my ring so I can show it off, but this was perfect. It was us.”  
He lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulders falling forward, letting the tension leave his body. He was stressed out for no reason. “I love you so much,” 
“I love you, now can we shower?” 
“Yes, and then we can get breakfast and pick up Haneul together?” 
“Sounds like a dream come true.”
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cognacdelights · 2 years
moonlight rendezvous
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summary: it’s jj and indie’s first date night together since the arrival of their daughter and indie is feeling less than herself. however, a romantic walk along the beach after dinner soon has her reassured of just how much jj loves her. 
warnings: swearing. dirty talk. sexual content. unprotected sex. exhibitionism. 
author’s note: this is soooo sickeningly sweet i apologise for that. as always, feel free to leave a reblog or a comment with your thoughts on the chapter! or come talk to me in my ask box! i always love hearing from you guys about your thoughts and all your little headcanons!
It was a big day for the Maybank-Routledge household; both Indie and Tilly had had their six-week health check-up appointments with the doctor. Tilly, whilst still a little sniffly in the tail end of her dramatic cold-like sniffles, had passed with flying colours. She had endured a long list of thorough health checks during an intense appointment — including being weighed and measured, hearing and eyesight tests, heart and lung tests, and a multitude of reflex tests — and had been given the all clear; she was developing within the average rates for babies of her age and prematurity categories. Indie, similarly, received an in-depth check-up and had been given the much-anticipated news that she had fully healed from Tilly’s birth. The brunette siren was back in action, and boy was she about to take full advantage of that fact.
However, all the good news shared aside, it was an even bigger night for Indie and JJ. Tonight, was the very first night in which Tilly would be left with someone other than Indie or JJ — albeit only for a couple of hours and with trusted and self-proclaimed favourite uncle John B and his long-term girlfriend, Madi. It was, nevertheless, a huge step in their parenting journey. In celebration of Indie getting the all clear to return to their very active and flavourful sex life, JJ had had made reservations at one of the romantic restaurants over in Figure Eight. The pair of them were very much in need of an intimate date night with one another; whilst they were both in love with their sweet, little baby and had somewhat adjusted to becoming new parents, with Tilly being an especially clingy koala bear in her sickness, they had very little time solely for themselves and had lacked that fervent spark that had previously fuelled their romance.
“Ind—” JJ called up the wooden staircase ­— one tattooed hand placed atop the varnished banister as the other lay comfortably beneath his daughter’s body, supporting her weight as she curled into the warmth of his chest, “—we’re gonna be late for our reservation. Come on.” His attention swiftly landed back on his darling, doe-eyed daughter as the ever so tiny tips of her fingers tickled against the tattooed skin of his chest — reaching through the open buttons of his garishly patterned, blue shirt and toying with his silver cross necklace.
A dismissive half-yell came floating down the staircase in response from Indie, however the exact words didn’t quite reach his ears and he was left with more of an incoherent mumble.
John B, who had arrived around five minutes earlier, was pre-occupied with his bubbly niece. A wide, animated grin had etched itself into has tanned complexion as he ever so gently tickled Tilly’s sides. “Are you gonna smile for Uncle John B?” he cooed in his sweet baby voice as he attempted to coax a toothless smile from the wide-eyed baby. “Come on, trouble, smile for Uncle John B. You know you want to.” Playfully, he hooked his ring-cladded forefinger into the hook of her pacifier and gently pulled it from her mouth. “I got your binky,” he cheerfully teased, until he noticed the saddened crinkles of her forehead and the wrinkling of her tiny, button nose. “Oh, no—” he swiftly but carefully pushed it back inside her mouth, “—don’t do that. No crying for Uncle John B.”
A low, rasping chuckle vibrated through JJ’s chest as he lightly bounced his daughter against his chest. He placed a soft, loving kiss into the dark, chestnut hair that covered her head before speaking in a mellow tone, “you gonna smile for Daddy?” He watched expectantly, gently pinching at her chubby cheeks as her rosy lips twitched upwards into something that resembled an amused grin as her mahogany doe eyes glittered under the orange-hued lights. Immediately, a pleased-with-himself smirk upturned his stubble-lined features as he lifted his head to meet eyes with John B. “She’s a daddy’s girl through and through.”
“What’s this about Tilly crying?” Indie’s concerned voice wafted down the wooden staircase as she slowly descended — the heavy clomping of her black, suede heels echoing throughout the house, “you better not be making my baby cry.” Reaching the very bottom of the staircase, she took the final step down onto the more comfortable wooden floor of the living room and straightened out the short hemline of her black, fitted dress that had slowly ridden up her tanned thighs.
“He dared to touch binky,” JJ jested.
Indie turned to face her much taller brother and blinked — her face remaining completely straight and radiating seriousness, “never touch binky. Ever. She’ll scream the entire house down if you take binky from her. Binky and teddy stay in sight at all times, do you hear me? In fact, make sure you have at least three binkies in grabbing distance at all times ready to plug her up. Be on the look out for if she spits binky out too because that is the end of the world. She goes into meltdown mode if that happens. She hasn’t quite learnt to just not spit binky out yet.”
“You gotta make a quick swap with binky and the bottle too,” JJ added, continuing to gently bounce Tilly in his arms.
“There’s two bottles prepared in the fridge. Take them out about half an hour before feeding to get them up to room temperature because she doesn’t like cold milk. If for some reason you need more, there’s some frozen in the bottom drawer of the freezer; take the bag out and run it under the hot water tap until it defrosts. Do not put it in the microwave. It’s too hot for her and will burn her mouth,” Indie continued to instruct as she fiddled around with the miscellaneous items that cluttered up her clutch-bag purse — organising them into the various compartments. For a fleeting moment, she peered upwards and stared into John B’s umber eyes. “She’ll want feeding around eight and will probably take the whole bottle, and maybe again around ten before she goes to bed.”
“Okay,” John B nodded, taking in all of the quick=paced information that Indie was throwing towards him, “bottles at eight and ten. Got it.”
Indie continued once again, “I’ve laid some pyjamas out for you. Obviously change her diaper before you get her ready for bed, and don’t forget to put some cream on. She’s got a little rash.”
“I love the giraffes, but I don’t think those pyjamas are gonna fit me,” he responded jokingly.
“John B—” she snapped harshly, unamused by his playful comments, “—shut up. That’s my baby. And I’m leaving her with you. This isn’t a joke. I won’t hesitate to remove your head from your body if there’s so much as a hair out of place.”
“Alright, Mama Bear,” JJ teased light-heartedly as he snaked one of his toned muscular arms around Indie’s slender waistline — his thumb rubbing a soothing pattern against the thin material of her dress as he played the role of the mediator, “we talked about this. You can’t threaten the babysitters, otherwise they’re gonna give us a bad review on the apps.” With a light nudge, he pulled her dainty silhouette into the warmth of the side of his body and allowed her to nestle herself into his welcoming embrace. “She will be fine with your brother. If anyone’s going to take good care of her, it’s going to be him.”
Indie took a deep inhale, allowing the oxygen to fill her lungs to capacity before exhaling — letting the breath take all of her worries away alongside it. “You’re right. I know. It’s just…” she paused wistfully for a brief moment, “this is the first time. We’ve never left her alone before. She’s always been with one of us. I’m just— what if something happens? What if she needs us and we’re not here?”
“Babe, we’re twenty minutes away if anything happens. Fifteen if there aren’t any cops around. But we don’t need to worry about any of that because she’s going to be fine,” JJ reassured his dark-eyed fiancé, rubbing tender, cursive patterns against her protruding hipbone. He gave her an encouraging squeeze before continuing in his soft tone, “she’ll fall asleep after her bottle and won’t even know that we’re not here. I promise you. We won’t be long, just a couple of hours. That’s all.”
With another anxiety-ridding, deep breath, Indie conceded, “you’re right. We just need to rip the band aid off and get me out of here before I change my mind.”
“Mhmm,” JJ hummed softly in agreement, “say goodbye to little lady, then we’ll get out of here.”
Turning her head to face her content, little baby, she stared into the familiar, mahogany orbs with her own glazed-over doe eyes. She watched Tilly for a drawn-out moment, a sweet smile curling the very corners of her plump, lipstick-coated lips upwards into a proud smile as her daughter gazed back obliviously — sucking purposefully on the princess-themed pacifier. “Mama’s gonna miss you, baby girl,” she cooed with a dulcet tone as she nonchalantly reached over and tickled beneath her chin delicately with her forefinger, “but she won’t be long. You won’t even notice that me and Daddy are gone. And then when we get back, you’ll get big, big snuggles and lots and lots of kisses.” She placed a loving kiss against her warm forehead before reluctantly pulling herself from her fiancé’s comforting embrace. “Bye bye, baby. Mama loves you.”
JJ, however, was much less emotional in his farewell. Once again gently bouncing his chubby baby with a cheeky, upturned smile, he carefully handed her over into the welcoming arms of John B. He watched with a proud grin as she curled her tiny arms and legs up into a ball and nuzzled her head into the warmth of his brawny chest — still intently sucking on her favourite pacifier. With his ring-cladded finger pointed, he half-jested, “you better be on your best behaviour for Uncle John B, mini madam, or Daddy won’t be happy. This is his night with mama tonight.”
A low, grating laugh rippled through John B’s vocal cords as he rolled his darkened eyes, half in disgust and half in disbelief at his best friend’s brazenness. “That reminds me—” whilst supporting his niece with one, sturdy hand, he delved into the unzipped pocket of his dark-green, denim jacket with the other and retrieved a plastic-wrapped box before proceeding to launch it in JJ’s general direction, “—got you a present.”
His quick reflexes meant that JJ managed to catch the small, cardboard box in his cradle-shaped hands. He peered down instantly; his curiosity was piqued as he scrambled to turn the plastic-wrapped box the right way up. Immediately, he let out a loud, amused snort as he read the colourful label — extra small condoms. “Extra small?” he chuckled light-heartedly, shrugging the harmless joke off lackadaisically, “it’s scary how well you know me, man.”
“Just looking out for you,” John B continued to jest, “don’t want any more accidents— I mean babies, do we?”
“What would we do without you?” JJ teased, “we only managed six years before Tilly.”
Rolling her heavily made-up eyes, Indie sneered in response, “if you meant that, you would have bought him the name brand ones instead of the store brand ones, cheapskate.” With one swift motion, she snatched the small box from her fiancé’s hand and proceeded to send them flying back in the direction they had originated from. They only narrowly missed a smirking John B — landing with a small thud against the cream cushions of the chair.
“Hey, a rubber’s a rubber, kid. You’d know that if you actually used them.”
Indie sent her brother a glowering death stare, before forcefully grabbing JJ’s paw-like hand with her own and lacing their fingers together. “We’re leaving now.”
The shaggy-haired blonde merely let out another, entertained chuckle before saying with a serious tone of voice and pointed forefinger, “look after my baby.”
John B mirrored his actions with a taunting twinkle illuminating his otherwise darkened, amber eyes. “Don’t impregnate my sister.”
“No promises,” JJ laughed in response, a wide, mischievous grin painting itself across his freshly shaven features as he gave his life-long best friend one final, devilish glance as flood of excitement glazed over his cerulean eyes. He followed Indie’s lead, turning on the heals of his polished court shoes, and making his way out of the front door. His tattoo-covered arm slipped subconsciously around his cinnamon-haired siren’s waist — resting wickedly on the top of her concave waistline as they very tips of his fingers tickled against her exposed thigh.
“Have her home by ten, or else,” John B’s taunting, yet authoritative, tone bellowed from the doorway.
He was simply met with a very distinctive and evident, middle-fingered salute from JJ.
“What happened to the blue dress?” JJ questioned out of sheer curiosity as they descended down the wooden porch steps, “I thought we were going to match tonight?”
A heavy, slightly frustrated sigh left her gloss-glazed lips before she spoke with a deflated note to her voice, “I put it on, then my boobs started leaking and stained the front of the dress. So, this one it is. Not my first choice. It’s a little tight.” Her dainty shoulders were ever so subtly slumped as she carefully made her way towards the parked pick-up truck — taking cautious steps as not to off centre her balance; It was overtly evident that Indie wasn’t entirely comfortable with the long-lasting changes pregnancy had left her body with; her figure — whilst still slender — wasn’t quite the trim and toned physique that she had once had, her tanned skin was painted with stretch marks, and her boobs were ever so noticeably uneven from the breastfeeding.
Sensing her discomfort, the tousle-haired blonde gave her an encouraging nudge, “well, I like this dress better anyway. You look fucking amazing. Your tits look fine as fuck, and your ass? Fuck, I’m already hard and we’ve not even got to the restaurant yet.” His devilish fingers squeezed her rounded ass flirtatiously before casually opening the passenger side door.
Indie sent him an appreciative and thankful half-smile as she tentatively climbed up onto the leather seats of the cab. “Thanks,” she uttered quietly, not entirely convinced by his words.
“Anytime, pretty mama,” he chirped enthusiastically — slapping the exposed skin of the underside of her ass as she climbed into the cab.
Surprisingly for Indie, their romantic dinner in Figure Eight went surprisingly well; as the conversation began to drift from mundane work talk towards the prospects of their wedding plans — and coupled with the steady flow of updates John B has been sending throughout the evening, she felt at ease. She actually started to enjoy the evening, rather than feeling a constant, heavy weight of dread weighing down on her shoulders. It was, actually, rather refreshing to spend time with one another without a sniffling, koala-like baby stuck to their chests; it almost felt as though nothing had changed between them and Indie allowed herself to relish in that unique feeling. There was a sort of relief-like feeling that washed over her when those same, old sparks that they had once felt burning fervently between one another began to flare. There may have been an alcoholic helping hand but, nevertheless, they were most definitely there.
As she leant across the secluded, candle-lit table towards the opened bottle of red wine, she cocked her head ever so mischievously to the side. A slight grin upturned the corners of her crimson-painted lips as she traced the rim of her half-empty wine glass with the very tip of her forefinger in slow, seductive circles — the ecstasy-like heat of JJ’s dauntless fingertips tracing cursive patterns against the delicate skin of her inner thigh beneath the cover of the draped, ivory tablecloth igniting something deep and carnal within her; she felt a rush of desire flood throughout her once more, something which she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
“And what’s wrong with wanting to get married in a church?” she questioned, peering upwards at her hazy-eyed fiancé through thick, dark eyelashes. Lackadaisically, she pressed her plump lips into a subtle pout and fluttered her false eyelashes in an almost angelic fashion. “I think it would be quite sweet. The little, stone church up by the lighthouse on Bodie Island would be perfect for a nice, intimate ceremony. Classy and traditional.”
A deep, sarcastic laugh echoed throughout their close proximity as an amused grin etched itself into his chiselled features. “There’s just one problem with that, my sweet girl—“ he leaned further into her, his wine-laced breath fanning against her pouting features, “—neither of us are religious. And I don’t think anybody’s going to buy into the whole virginal, traditional, white wedding when our daughter comes strutting down the aisle, throwing flowers at everyone. Do you?” Taking a quick swig of his refreshing, yet overpriced, beer, JJ continued, “and classy and traditional are two things we most definitely ain’t. Let’s be real here.”
“So—” Indie rolled her dark, smoky eyes before arching her neat brow questioningly, “—what do you want for our wedding?”
“Honestly, Ind, if it were up to me, I’d be happy with a quick backyard ceremony then getting drunk as fuck before we go off on honeymoon,” he spoke with a casualness to his tone as his dauntless fingers proceeded higher along her inner thigh.
“Fine,” Indie began, taking an indulgent sip of her expensive red wine, “I can compromise on the venue. I’ll give up my church venue wedding for something a little more lowkey, but we’re not having a backyard wedding. I’ve spent the better half of nearly seven years planning this out, Jesse James, I’m not doing things by half measures. I, at least, want a venue.”
JJ’s hazy, cerulean eyes watched her scarlet lips intently as she spoke — the desire to kiss them growing ever stronger; there was just something about discussing their impending nuptials that filled his stomach with a burning fire of emotions, and coupled with the romantic intimacy of the moment, all he wanted to do was show his beautiful fiancé exactly just how much he loved her. Of course — he knew as well as anyone — that he would give Indie whatever he could to make her happy on their special day, but he also appreciated that she cared enough to make him feel part of the extensive planning. The final decisions were most definitely down to the pair of them, but all it would take for JJ to agree was for it to bring that familiar, incandescent smile to his soon-to-be wife’s face.
“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded in understanding, a small yet content smile curling the very corners of his stubble-lined lips upwards as his gaze once again wandered to her luscious, plump lips, “anything for you.”
“There’s a couple of wedding fayres this month. One at Deux Croix and another at The High Tide Inn. I think we should go, even if it’s just to get some inspiration for what we want.”
“Sounds good to me,” he whispered softly — his beer-stained lips hovering just millimetres from her own. His breath was hot as it fanned against her crimson-painted lips and that same, old, electric spark ignited between them once more. JJ pressed his lips to hers in a tender and loving embrace, as the palm of his hand laid flat against the very top of her exposed thigh — the delicate pad of his thumb rubbing teasing circles against her skin.
The kiss was brief, but sweet as Indie pulled back ever so slightly. “You want me to shut up,” she sighed quietly, pressing her lipstick-coated lips into a thin line, slightly embarrassed that she had gotten so deep into the conversation regarding their wedding plans in that very moment, “am I being a bore talking about all this wedding stuff?” She couldn’t help herself; she was just so, unbelievably excited to marry the love of her life that she often got wrapped up in the wedding talk — discussing the tiniest of details.
“Not in the slightest,” JJ answered immediately — placing yet another adoration-filled kiss against her lips, his teeth gently nipping against the soft flesh of her bottom lip as he retreated subtly, “it gets me going. I love how excited you are about getting to plan our wedding.” The warm hand that he had placed atop her bare thigh tightened it’s grip as he leaned himself forwards, peppering affectionate kisses along her jawline. His deep voice was barely above a whisper as he continued to rasp, “Indie Routledge, you are the most amazing woman. You’re the most beautiful—” Kiss. “Loving.” Kiss. “Sexy.” Kiss. “Smart.” Kiss. “Patient.” Kiss. “Funny.” Kiss. “—woman that I have ever met.” Kiss. “And the most amazing mother to our little girl.” Kiss. “I know the last six — eight — weeks have been difficult.” Kiss. “But I appreciate you.” Kiss. “And I sure as hell can’t wait to make you my wife.” His gentle lips found hers once more, kissing her with every ounce of emotion he could find within himself.
It was a sensuously slow kiss — after all, they were still seated in a quiet the corner of the terrace of the Italian restaurant. His ring-cladded fingers remained stroking back and forth motions against the sensitive skin of her upper, inner thigh. Her manicured fingertips tugged ever so lightly on the silver cross of his necklace, pulling him further into her proximity. A low growl of satisfaction erupted between them as his tongue began to explore her own — the very tips of his fingers grazing against the black, patterned lace that covered her folds.
It took them a pro-longed moment to realise just exactly where they were and eventually retreat back from their rapidly escalating embrace. JJ, with a grating cough, cleared his throat before suggesting, “why don’t we get the bill and take a walk along the beach?” A small, mischievous smirk tugged at the corners of his thin lips as a playful twinkle illuminated his teal eyes. He then winked — as flirtatiously as ever — as his audacious fingertips traced slow and steady circles against her clit through her slightly dampened panties.
Indie nodded her head, a suggestive smile creeping across her blush-tinged features.
Not five minutes later, they had paid their outstanding bill and were stood at the very edge of the concrete parking lot — halted just before the ivory mounds of sand. JJ was stood casually, tattooed hands shoved into the depths of his tapered, skinny-shit black pants observing his brunette fiancé attentively. Indie, on the other hand, was discretely bent over — unfastening the long, lace-like straps of her black heels with one hand as the other reached upwards, gripping tightly onto his muscular shoulder for balance support.
“You good there, babe?” he questioned with a slight chuckle, as he nonchalantly pulled a hand from the depths of his pocket and gently tugged the hemline of her black, fitted dress back down over her rounded ass to cover her modesty.
Peering upwards through her dark, mascara-coated lashes, Indie sent him a reassuring smile — her dainty stature wobbling ever so slightly. Of course, this was the first occasion in which she had touched a drop of alcohol in almost a year, so her tolerance was at the lowest it had ever been. A melody of dulcet giggles harmonised with the distant sound of the calm waves breaking against the ivory sands as she straightened a posture. “I’m good,” she confirmed with a sweet tone of voice as she swiftly handed her unlaced heels over to her fiancé.
Of course, he dutifully took them — hooking his ring-cladded fingers through the doubled-up loops of the straps. He then slinked his burly arm around her waist and rested his eager fingertips atop her protruding hipbone. Allowing herself to nestle into the warmth of his body, she tucked herself beneath his arm as they stepped onto the warm sands. Her bare feet slipped ever so slightly beneath the unstable sands, but she managed to follow JJ’s lead down the quiet, desolate shoreline.
They walked close to the water, yet just out of it’s cool reach — wanting to remain dry. It was a beautiful night; the dark, onyx heavens above were sprinkled with glittering stars as a gentle, tepid breeze blew occasionally in cadence with the waves. The slow and steady tide crawled lackadaisically along the ivory sands as they continued down the scenic stretch, offering a hushed background noise. The luscious, green leaves swayed gently under the mellow wind, adding to the romantic atmosphere of the moment.
It wasn’t long before the loved-up pair reached a rather secluded cove, almost hidden away from the rest of the island by overgrown trees and bushes. It was a beautiful, unique spot; the shoreline was littered with shallow rock pools, and the placid waves were a glorious, crystal colour. Not to mention, it was oh so quiet and out of the way of the influx of tourists. Both Indie and JJ had found themselves in a rather intimate position, in the very middle of this secluded cove. JJ was sat atop the dry sand — his large, paw-like palms pressed into the ivory sand as they supported his weight. Indie, on the other hand, was perched atop his welcoming lap, knees dug into the sand as she straddled him.
It was JJ’s turn to peer upwards, a pleasant smile curling his stubble-lined lips upwards as he reached a hand upwards — lovingly tucking the stray wisps of her chestnut locks behind her ear. Indie truly looked so, exceptionally beautiful as the wavy ends of her hair fluttered lightly in the tepid wind; if there was one thing about Indie, it was that she hadn’t changed much in the nearly seven years since they had finally gotten together. She still had such a youthful glow to her golden complexion, and a mischievous glint occupying the amber speckles of her eyes. An innocently wicked smile was plastered wide across her doll-like features — and, in that very moment, he recognised the young, carefree wild child that he fell in love with all of them years ago. She may have grown older, matured into the amazing woman that he had every faith that she could be, but she hadn’t changed. She was, and will always be, his little Indie Routledge with the enticing eyes and devilish smile.
“You’re so gorgeous,” he complimented with a soft tone, tenderly combing his fingertips through her unkempt waves. The warm palm of his hand cupped her cheek in a loving hold as he carefully guided her face ever closer to his own — eventually pressing his thin lips to hers with a passionate kiss. He felt the endearing warmth of her dainty hands as they pressed against his rigid shoulders, her manicured nails scratching ever so lightly against the thin cotton of his patterned shirt. The tickling sensation sent invigorating pulses throughout his body, and his hardened length pressed uncomfortably against the fastened zipper of his pants.
The palms of his hands found their rightful place atop the curvatures of her voluptuous hips — his ring-cladded fingers gripping onto them ever so tightly and guiding them in a slow and salacious rhythm. A low, gravelly groan slipped from between his lips and into her open mouth, sending a rush of adrenaline throughout her dainty silhouette. Indie responded with a similar, throaty whine as she felt the familiar heat of desire burning between her sunkissed thighs. Her smudged, crimson lips pulled back ever so slightly as she let out yet another high-pitched, breathy moan, her curvaceous hips rolling effortlessly in synch with JJ’s and the sweetness of her breath teasing his eager tongue.
In one quick but sensual motion, he flipped the pair of them over so that his shirt-clad body was hovering over her slender silhouette. The palms of his hands imprinted deep within the soft mounds of sand either side of her shoulders as he easily supported his own hefty body weight — his thick erection pressing against her inner thigh as his silver cross necklace dangled over her perky chest and swayed towards her doll-like face. Everything in that very moment was hot, lustrous, and intense as his eager lips trailed sloppy kisses from the very edge of her wine-stained lips, down to the exposed cleavage of her breasts. His tongue licked, flicked, and sucked as he descended downwards — his pointed teeth nipping ever so gently out of excitement on occasion.
“JJ?” Indie’s timid voice rose above the hushed gentle waves. Her dark, mahogany eyes peered upwards over the peaks of her full breasts as she leant back against her elbows — her upper body lifted ever so slightly off the warm sand. She bit down on her lip, a very recognisable flurry of anxiousness surging through her; it could only be likened to losing her virginity all them many moons ago. She had placed such an importance on this night together, away from their daughter, and the expectation that they would finally get to have the crazy, mind-blowing sex that they were so used to had really begun to cloud the romance of the moment for her.
“Mhmm?” His authoritative fingertips gripped onto the tanned skin of her thighs roughly as he pried them apart — his freshly-trimmed stubble grazing against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh as he proceeded to trail hungry kisses along. His pearly teeth once again nipped tauntingly at the delicate skin — sending an invigorating rush of pleasure through her arched body. Her bare nipples hardened with each playful nick and brushed against the thin fabric of her dress, as a quiet gasp surpassed her swollen lips.
“Can you—” her voice was tentative and quiet, almost embarrassed, “—be gentle with me?” Her chestnut eyes abruptly avoided his gaze, diverting downwards to an insignificant mound of sand beside their entangled bodies. “It’s the first time since giving birth and… you know… I’m still kind of sensitive down there.”
Tenderly placing a finger beneath her chin, he forced her to look at him — his soft, indigo eyes peering directly into hers. “Are you sure that you want to do this?” JJ questioned sincerely. His tone was mellow and understanding — yet demanded an honest answer without placing any kind of expectation on her. He was calm and patient as he silently awaited an answer, his loving gaze remaining fixed upon his exquisite fiancé and her glimmering, umber eyes.
“Yes,” Indie responded assuredly, “I do. I want this. I just need you to be gentle with me. I don’t know how it’s going to feel, or whether I’m physically ready for it. Mentally and emotionally, fuck yeah. I’m so ready for this. I’ve missed being intimate with you, I’ve missed having sex with you so much. I’ve missed doing crazy shit like this with you. It’s just… I pushed a whole ass baby out of there. I had stitches. I know the doctor gave me the go ahead, but I’m just a little scared. I don’t know what’s normal in this situation.”
“Ind—” he placed an affectionate kiss against her velvet-like lips, “—there’s no expectations. If you want to do this — okay, great. We’ll do it. If you need me to be gentle, that’s okay too. I am more than capable of doing that. But I don’t want to do this if you’re not going to enjoy it or I’m going to hurt you. I don’t want you to do this just because you think I want to. I do want to — more than anything — but not if you aren’t ready for it. You’re in control of this.”
“I want to,” she whispered against his lips, pulling him into a tender embrace once more.
It was a sweetly passionate kiss with lustful undertones. JJ was very much gentle and affectionate with every touch, every delicate kiss, and every movement that had made. He was slow and steady, leisurely inching his fingertips along the plains of her thighs towards the hemline of her short dress — as not to apply any kind of pressure to her. He muttered sweet nothings and comforting words into their embrace as his fingers gently hooked themselves into the waistband of her patterned, lace thong and carefully guided it down the long lengths of her legs. Slipping the damp fabric off, he swiftly stuffed them into the deep pocket of his black, dress pants.
His masterful lips found her inner thighs once more and began to leave indulgent and appreciative kisses as he ascended towards her now unclothed heat. Spurred on by the low purrs pouring from between her smudged lips, he continued — his teasing tongue trailing a painstakingly slow stripe along the very edges of her folds. However, he couldn’t help himself; it was only a matter of seconds before the tip of his tongue found her clit. He began with gentle, leisurely motions, swirling clockwise against her most sensitive of nerves and gradually quickening his pace.
Breathy, lascivious whines trickled out from between her lips as her back arched ever so slightly — pressing her heated core ever further into his defined features. He lapped every inch of her sweet pussy up, ensuring to take his time as he took long and indulgent strokes of his tongue along her neglected folds and taunting her sopping entrance with the very tip before returning his focused attention back to her swollen clit. Once again, he licked, flicked and sucked against her most intimate of nerves as Indie proudly sang his praises with a lustrous melody of moans, her high-pitched tones filling the otherwise silence of the desolate cove. The anxiety-filled dread of their first time was merely nothing but a distant memory as her seductive hips took on a mind of their own — rolling steadily against his masterful tongue in a pleasureful rhythm.
Then, as the metaphorical rope that had leisurely tangled itself into one, big, ecstasy-filled knot in the depths of the very pit of her stomach pulled ever tighter — her body teetering on the edge of a breath-taking orgasm — everything stopped; the exhilarating warmth of his beer-stained breath against her cunt ceased, the indulgent, fast-paced swirling of his tongue against her swollen bundle of nerves halted, and the domineering hold the clammy palms of his hands had against her hickey-littered inner thighs as he pried them apart disappeared. In her half-lucid state, she peered downwards — a slightly frustrated expression contorting her sunkissed features. “Don’t stop,” she breathed out heavily, a subtle whine to her tone.
A low chuckle erupted from the very depths of the back of JJ’s throat, “easy, darlin’. I know you’re fucking gagging to get off, but if you’re gonna have an orgasm for the first time in months, then it’s gonna be around my fucking cock. Understand?” Unzipping is black, slim-fit dress pants and swiftly pushing them out the way, he revealed the thick hard-on that had been pressing against the rigid confines of his zipper for the majority of the night. “I’m a patient man—” he continued in his deep, rasping tone as he slipped his hand inside his boxers — stroking his length, “but fuck me. I’m cockteasing myself here. I wanna be inside you so fucking bad.”
“Then get inside me,” Indie demanded with a quick tongue — yearning oozing from each and every syllable that rolled off her salacious tongue.
A deep growl rumbled throughout his burly chest as his overcast, teal eyes rolled towards the very back of his head — his ring-cladded hand continuing to stroke rough lengths along his hardened dick. He allowed himself a moment of indulgence, the sound of her needy and demanding tone an evident turn on to him. Then, his eyes found hers once more and flooded with concern. “Are you sure that you’re ready for this, Ind?” JJ questioned, his gruff voice serious as he stared deep into her lust-laced orbs.
“I’m sure,” she confirmed with a significantly softer tone, before returning to her previous, brattish orders, “now fuck me, for fuck sake.” She held his gaze for a pro-long moment longer, before adding quickly, “but gently though.”
“As you wish, my sweet girl.”
Pushing his boxers down, he freed his rigid length before aligning the tip with her entrance. JJ hovered over her dainty silhouette — the cool metal of his silver cross necklace bouncing gently against her perky chest as his lips found hers once more. He kissed her softly, sweetly, and lovingly; it was a beautiful moment, bursting with complete and utter love for one another as he slowly pushed himself inside of her and kissed her passionately. Of course, he stayed true to his promise and remained gentle, thrusting himself in and out of her at a leisurely pace and carefully inching himself deeper inside. It was nothing more than tender and romantic as she allowed herself to relax under his comforting touch, allowing herself to enjoy the moment.
Soft, breathy moans spiled from between her crimson-painted lips and into his own mouth as they remained locked in their affectionate embrace. Her voluptuous hips rolled enthusiastically beneath him, synchronising with his steady thrusts. Indie truly felt amazing; she felt as though she was floating on air as the surges of adrenaline coursed through her veins — filling her with confidence. God, how she’d missed sex; the last several weeks of her pregnancy and the trauma her body had sustained during the birth had meant that sex was an unequivocal no-go, and that was something which both her and JJ weren’t quite accustomed to. As openly sexual individuals with a fervent flame between them, they had a particularly active sex life prior to the arrival of their daughter — especially during the hormone-filled period of Indie’s pregnancy. Going without sex for both Indie and JJ was a real struggle, especially when they both deeply craved that kind of close intimacy within their relationship.
JJ’s wandering hands trailing along the concaved sides of her body pulled her from her slight trance-like state. His appreciative touch spanned the very lengths of her new, “mom” silhouette — leaving not even so much as a millimetre unloved by his tender fingertips. As the pads of his thumbs brushed against her cloth-covered nipples, he mumbled meaningfully into their kiss, “you’re so fucking beautiful.” His dauntless hands proceeded to appreciate her full and perky breasts, massaging them ever so gently through the thin material of her skin-tight dress. “So fucking sexy…” JJ mumbled once more, his words slightly less coherent as he deepened their intimate kiss, still thrusting himself inside of her at a gentle rhythm.
His thoughtful gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Indie. “I love you,” she proclaimed with a half-moan half-whine as her manicured fingers combed gently through his sandy locks. Ever so subtly, she tugged on the very ends of his tousled waves, pulling a deep, grunting groan in response.
“I love you too,” he re-affirmed his love.
Then, after what had felt like an eternity of intimate love making beneath the silver streaks of moonlight, it all came to an end. A symphony of emphatic, high-pitched moans saw her coming undone beneath his toned and muscular frame — her walls pulsing around his painfully erect dick as she rode through her exhilarating climax. It spurred his own orgasm to erupt from the very depths of the pit of his stomach. His deep, pleasure-filled groans reached a similar volume to Indie’s ecstatic whines as he thrust himself ever so slightly harder into her pussy, shooting his hot, pearly load inside of her with each buck of his hips.
With a heavy, breathless grunt, he collapsed on top of her — his stubble-lined features falling into the crook of her neck. The sweet smell of her vanilla-scented perfume and the faint hints of red wine consumed his nostrils as he peppered loving, appreciative kisses along her the line of her neck.
Several moments of bliss passed before he eventually filled the comforting silence. “We should get back home…” JJ trailed off — his words disappearing in the delicate, little kisses he left along her sun-soaked skin, “—Tils’ is probably running John B rugged right now.”
“Mhmm,” Indie agreed with a quiet hum, allowing herself to relish under his tender lips, “she definitely is.”
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smartycvnt · 2 years
The Roll Up
pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader
prompt: 11. "I bet you think you're real cute letting them put their hands all over you. We'll see how cute you look later when I get you home."
warnings: smut
You walked out of the ring absolutely pissed. The match was scripted for you to win. It was supposed to be your opportunity to show how much you'd improved since your lackluster debut. Then, last minute, and without telling you, Vince changed the plan. You seemed to be his favorite jobber these days, not even good enough for the 24/7 Title. To make matters even worse, Rhea looked livid when she saw you backstage.
"What the fuck was that about?" Rhea asked. For a moment, you thought that she was angry about you losing. It made you a little happier, but then she opened her mouth again and ruined it. "Nobody, and I mean nobody has permission to touch you like that other than me."
"Rhea, she pinned me. You do that to girls all the time, you don't see me getting my panties in a bunch over it," you pointed out. It wasn't the most tactful statement, but you were over trying to use tact with her. If Rhea wanted to be jealous about Dana Brooke pinning you like that, you'd let her.
"I bet you think you're real cute letting her put her hands all over you like that. We'll see how cute you look later when I get you home." It was a promise, one that told you that you were definitely in trouble. For the rest of the night, you stayed quietly by Rhea's side backstage, hoping that she wouldn't be too rough with you whenever the two of you got home. You were pretty bruised from your match, and that soreness as starting to settle in already.
Rhea let you discreetly cuddle up against her for the most part. After all, it was much easier for her to tease you if you were close to her. Rhea knew how to get to you, not that you minded all that much. The initial anger that Rhea had exhibited when you came back from your match told you that the usual foreplay was not at the forefront of her mind. These little touches and kisses would suffice until she got you back to the bedroom to do whatever it was that she wanted to.
"On the bed," Rhea commanded. You started to move, but she grabbed your elbow to stop you before you got too far. "Take your clothes off for me first. You won't need them anymore tonight."
"Not even after?" you asked. Rhea shook her head, very confident in her ability to keep you warm later in the night. The two of you made your way to the bedroom, Rhea following the trail of clothing that you left behind. Inside the bedroom, she stood in front of you fully clothed. It made your pulse race a little, but not in a nervous way. There wasn't any room to be nervous with Rhea looking at you the way she was.
"Lay down," Rhea told you. Wordlessly, you complied and laid yourself down on the bed for her. Rhea pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it behind her. You could see the subtle way her chest moved as she breathed. Silently, you counted the breaths she took until Rhea distracted you. "Hey, it's okay. You can trust me. It's not you I was ever angry with."
"And if you were, we wouldn't be doing this. I know everything's okay," you told her. Rhea pressed a couple of gentle kisses to your lips as she ran her hands up your legs. Your breath hitched a little, but caught fully in your throat when she pushed your thighs up, effectively putting you in her pin position.
"It's so easy to just slip my fingers inside of you like this. And I bet that when she had you like that, she was thinking the same thing. Nobody gets to touch you like this except for me, right?" Rhea wasn't usually so possessive, but you could see the insecurity in her eyes. It was hidden, but with enough searching you had found it.
"Nobody except for you," you promised. Rhea's lips met yours in a passionate kiss as her fingers curled inside of you. You clung to Rhea the best you could in your position as she thrust her fingers in and out of you. You could feel your body begin to cramp up, but you were enjoying the closeness of Rhea's body to yours too much to do anything about it. All you cared to do was close your eyes and let yourself relax as Rhea worked to make you cum. "Ugh, fuck."
"Um, I'm sorry?" Rhea's head whipped around as you stretched yourself out.
"No, it's not what you did. Just, next time, let's make sure I'm a lot closer than that before you fold me in half and lay on me. It was sort of nice though, having you so close," you said. Rhea yawned and nodded, deciding that sounded like a good idea. Obviously, she hadn't thought about the position being overly uncomfortable before she had made the decision. You were glad that Rhea had followed through and held you the whole time.
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