the-daydreaming-show · 9 months
❝baby mine, don't you cry❞ — Richard “Dick” Grayson
jason's version
The arrival of your first child and the chaotic energy he brings into your life (which is saying a lot, why chaos is a part of you). So imagine the gray hair you obtained thanks to your First Joy.
People forget that as Dick was a troublesome little sh*t and he still is. We love him but he is the chaotic son and @igotmessymind agrees with me!!!
This story is part or the BATMOM SCARLET WITCH UNIVERSE that i have create. I hope you enjoy!!!
WARNINGS: Dick's parents die; a boy who is very angry with the world; a very stressed new mother (you); Bruce is there, but that's not what this story is about, but he is a good father in this world.
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Technically, the first time you met Dick was directly after his parents died, but he wouldn't remember that until he was an adult. And you never counted that as your first interaction with your boy because of the tragedy of the whole scenario.
You and Bruce had gone to the circus that day in the subtlest way a Wayne could go anywhere. It was a date night, one that both of you had recently defined as mandatory every week. First so that Bruce could have a break, and second because that way you guys started spending time together somewhere other than the batcave. Something that, according to Alfred, you both desperately needed as a couple.
You two were in the front row when Mary and John Grayson plummeted to their deaths in the middle of their circus act, leaving a horrified ten-year-old Dick. The boy's scream was something that, even years later, if you closed your eyes, you could still hear with terrifying clarity. Once the tent was evacuated and the crime scene isolated by the GCPD, the newly promoted Captain Jim Gordon arrived and, before you left, he very subtly approached you and your husband. He asked you if you could do something for the child. The forensics team will arrive at any moment now, and they will have to uncover the bodies. Nobody couldn't get Dick to move or to react in any way, and Jim wanted to spare the boy seeing his parents like this more than he already had.
Jim had been aware of your and your husband's identities for a while, so the request didn't surprise you. To the contrary, you quickly agreed. He took you back to the tent. Dick had been lowered from the platform, but he remained curled up in a ball on the floor, next to where the bodies of his parents were covered in white sheets, which were turning redder from day to day. Little with each passing moment. You approached him, with the most delicate step possible, and placed a hand on his hundred, entering his mind gently and gently guiding his consciousness out of the shock of the situation. It was superficial magic that didn't get you into the boy's mind very much, just enough to help him and not force him. In a few seconds the boy's head snapped up, and you let Jim quickly take control of the situation, allowing one of his detectives to guide you back out of the closed area, then back to your husband. 
You had to help your husband out of his own shock that same night, forcing him to stay home and not go out as Batman, without accepting any complaints. Alfred helped, agreeing with the idea immediately. The death of the Grayson's in front of his own son was something that came very close to Bruce's heart, too many buried memories that arose uncontrollably.
The first official meeting that both of you remember is almost two weeks later. After you and Bruce had decided to take care of little Dick into your own hands. All because you find out how the boy kept sneaking out of the houses where the state put him at least once a day since that fateful night.
“Dick, this is my beautiful wife, y/n Wayne” Bruce introduced them both that day when the boy arrived with his suitcase and his eyes wide open, surprised by all the luxury that Wayne Manor represents. Smile at yourself and look briefly at your husband in reproach for his choice of words. He just shrugged, not at all sorry for his words. It's the truth. You ARE beautiful, and you are MY wife, he thought in his defence, knowing you would listen. You rolled your eyes and returned your attention to the child between the two of you.
“It's a pleasure, Mr. Wayne” The boy said suspiciously, but politely, not believing how good the situation looked for him and not trusting you or your husband at all.
“It's nice to meet you too, Dick” you told him, smiling sweetly “No need to be so formal, just call me y/n, it's fine”
Dick's mind couldn't stop thinking about how pretty you were. The way you were sweet in that first meeting was bittersweet for him, because he reminded him of his own mother, of that affection that she used to give him and that he would never receive from her anymore.
“Lunch is almost done” you tell him as you lean a little more towards Bruce for support, “Are you hungry?. Alfred prepared a buffet just to welcome you” you explained trying to push those thoughts away for now, you desperately wanted him to feel good and comfortable there.
“Alfred?” the boy asked, confused.
“Our butler” Bruce explained 
“He's more like family than anything” you clarified, “Like a grumpy grandpa who won't let you touch the stove without breathing over your shoulder” you teased a bit.
“Did he say my name, Mistress y/n?” said the aforementioned, coming from the kitchen and looking at you accusingly.
“No, not at all” you denied it and Dick couldn't help but smile a little at the mischief, to which you winked at him and offered your hand.
“Come on, let me show you the dining room” you invited him and the boy left your hand dangling for a moment, thinking about his next move. But, since you didn't stop smiling or offering him your hand, Dick decided to take it last, mainly because he was hungry.
Dick let you guide him, serve him food. He talked to you a bit during the meal until Bruce had to go to Wayne Enterprises for a meeting, then you showed him the mansion and his room. You promised him that you would go shopping this week to decorate it to his liking so that he would feel more comfortable.
During that week was the honeymoon phase.
The social worker you and Bruce had meetings with before Dick arrived explained about the phase. It's when everything seems perfect and the child shares his best manners. Either out of fear of how you would react. Or hoping to see how long your stay in the house would last, if it's worth getting used to or not. But the act would end sooner or later.
And it was exactly one week later (a Tuesday to be exact), the day after Dick started attending his new school, that the boy act ended and the adjustment phase officially began.
“This stage is the most difficult, so I need you to be prepared for it, especially in a case like Richard's” the social worker explained to both of you with seriousness. You had taken every word she gave you with like it was the bible, but at the end you still weren't ready when it started and everything that happened hit you like a truck.
You were in your studio in downtown Gotham, having a meeting with the designers who work with you and discussing that winter's new clothing collection for the brand. When Nina, your personal assistant, enters the office after timidly knocking on the door with a worried face.
“Mrs. Wayne” she called out to you, to which you look at her, smiling kindly upon seeing her “I know that you asked me not to bother you unless it was an emergency” she said, remembering what you had told her, you frowned immediately worried, because Nina was extremely effective and if she was there it was because it was genuinely an emergency “Gotham Academy is on call, it's about your son” she told you, and you immediately called off the meeting before leaving on the phone.
It turned out that not only had the school called, but GCPD had called Bruce around the same time.  Dick, your only ten-year-old boy, had run away from school and ended up being found in Crime Alley by an officer who recognised him from the news.  The officer in turn informed Jim Gordon, knowing the proximity to the Wayne's, and he gave the order to bring the boy to his office in the centre of the city, to then call your husband.  You never knew what god to thank for Dick that would have been found by one of the few good cops in Gotham, but you did anyway.
“What is he thinking?” you asked worriedly while talking on the phone with Bruce, already on your way to the police station, with Alfred driving, “Anything could have happened to him.  If he didn't want to go to school he could have said, he insisted on starting this week, I don't understand!-” you stopped, passing your hand over your eyes and sighing heavily.
“That was probably the point, love” Bruce said softly. “He wanted you to leave him at school and not think about the matter anymore.  It is likely that his plan would have always been to escape, surely he would have done the same yesterday if he had not been assigned a partner for his first day” he explained to you, his voice accompanied by the movement of papers on the desk in his own office.
The day before, which had been Dick's first day of school since the death of his parents, the school had assigned one of its older students to guide him on that day, so he had been watched all day. But that day had been different, and your son had gotten up in the bathroom in the middle of the first class, and had not returned to the classroom. So the school had called you when they realised the boy was missing.  And Jim had called Bruce shortly after when the patrolman found him. And Dick had taken a cab to Crime Alley, of all the places.
“He's safe, you need to calm down, love” Bruce continued, getting up from his desk, to walk up to the large windows in his office and look out over the city, as if he could see you from the top of Wayne Tower “We'll talk to him when he gets home, before dinner, but upsetting you like that won't help” he advised you, even though he was just as worried about what had happened.
“Alright, alright” you whispered while taking a deep breath.
At the door of the police station you were met by a uniform who was waiting for Jim's orders, who took you to the captain's office where, sitting with his head down and his arms crossed tightly across his chest, you found Dick. 
“Richard Grayson” you started in a stern tone, walking towards him and crouching down in front of him, to check that he wasn't hurt. “¿What were you thinking?¿Why do you think of getting in Crime Alley alone?” you asked calmly but firmly, looking at me as the boy avoided returning the gesture “Dick, look at me” you insisted, looking for his gaze, but the boy continued to refuse, almost tempted to close his eyes to make his denial clear. 
“Mrs. Wayne” Captain Gordon called to you from his desk, where he had been watching the interaction, and you quickly stood up to greet him.
“Jim, you don't know how much I appreciate you for this. I almost had a heart attack when the school called me to say that Dick was missing” you told him as you shook his hand. 
“Don't worry, your boy was just taking a walk, a bit of a dangerous adventure, but he came out without a scratch” he reassured you while looking at the crestfallen boy sitting next to you, and he did not miss the way your hand trembled slightly “Gomez” the officer who had brought you to the door looked at his boss ready to receive his order “Why don't you take little Dick to get something to eat from the vending machine down the hall?” and his question didn't need an answer. Dick left with Officer Gomez without saying a word, as you watched his back walk away through the glass in the office door.
“Y/n, please, sit down” Jim asked as he approached one of the chairs on the guest side of his desk, sitting down across from you immediately after you did.
“I'm sorry, I just-” You tried to apologise for how upset you were, but the man stopped you with an understanding smile.
“Don't worry, y/n. I was close to an aneurysm the first time my Barbs ran away from school” he told you trying to calm you down, to which you giggled at the thought of the adorable red-haired little girl who was the only daughter of the Gordon family.
“They start younger and younger” you plead, with a mixture of amusement and concern looking at the older man.
“Well this is Gotham, our kids have to grow up faster than others” he explained to you, while he served a glass of water from the jug that he had on his desk “Your butler had the same reaction when I found your husband walking in the same place years ago, shortly after the death of Thomas and Martha” he remembered, offering you the glass, which you accepted with anguish.
“God, he already acts like Bruce, and he hasn't even been with us for two weeks” you lamented, to which Jim couldn't help but chuckle a bit at your concern.
“Welcome to parenthood, your heart gets used to it sooner or later” he comforted you, running his hand down your back reassuringly.
Things got worse before they got better. Dick started running away not only from school, but from home, and he started yelling at you at unexpected times. There was no way for you to figure out what was making him mad because it was different what you did or didn't do every time he started his tantrum.
That was the case for more than two months after the first incident. Alfred told you that Bruce had been the same for a full year after his parents died. Bruce told you it wasn't your fault, despite what the kid was yelling at YOU all the time. But you could do more than feel guilty. You didn't want to fix things with your magic. When you retired you decided that your life could not be what you did with your power, it was more than just your power, and it was time to start accepting it, enjoying it. But you don't know how to help him without that power, either, at least not in a very deep way. So you did the only thing you could think of, you kept offering your hand to little Dickie, even though half the time he seemed to want to bite his hand.
It all came to a head one afternoon after you brought a very angry Dick to Wayne Manor from school. Gotham Academy had called you to talk after he tried to escape again. They informed you that maybe it was time for you and Bruce to look for another school for the boy, since his behaviour was not appropriate for the establishment.
“Dick, we need to talk” you called out to the boy, seeing him run towards the stairs as soon as you closed the front door. Alfred was shopping for dinner and Bruce was at League HQ, so you were the only one to argue with the kid that day “Dick Grayson, come back here, we're going to have a talk about this sooner or later” you said, going after the boy with a calm step, but Dick heard you coming and ran to his room at the moment he made the second floor of the house, slamming the door shut before you managed to finish climbing the stairs.
You sighed heavily as you stopped at the sound of the door slamming. You wanted desperately to go into the room and demand that the boy tell you what was bothering him so much, you wanted desperately to fix whatever was bothering him so much. But you knew you couldn't really fix the source of his problems, even if you had the magical potential to do so. You learned long ago that death is something even you must let take its course, for the sake of the very existence of the whole. You also didn't want to enter the boy's mind with magic, it wouldn't be fair to him to do that, so your options were limited at the end of the day. So you stood there, helpless.
You were having a hard time, not because you didn't want the task of taking care of Dick, but because it was a mixture of situations that seemed unfair to you. First the poor boy lost his parents together in front of his eyes, and he did so after the death of the Scarlet Witch, after you decided it was better to start a life without the chaos magic that characterised you. If the boy had crossed your path a couple of years earlier, neither Mary nor John had fallen to their deaths that day, you would have stopped it right there in that tent of the circus without much thought. But it hadn't been.
Although, you didn't need to read his mind to know one thing: Dick hated you. Totally and intensely. He had made it clear to you on more than one occasion.
And yes, he did. Dick hated everything about you. He hated the way you made his room look like the ideal in his mind of what he wanted. How you personally prepared his lunches for school. How you wore it and personally attracted you everywhere. How you smile with affection, how you patiently accept every insult and scream. I also hated how you tried so hard that he wouldn't notice that Bruce wasn't there much. Or how you always found him when he got lost in the halls. Also, when you brought him cookies and hot chocolate when he couldn't sleep, even though sugar didn't really help him sleep at all. He only made him happy for a while.
Why couldn't you be like the wicked stepmothers of the stories? 
It would be easier for him.
He hated the way you loved him, because it made him want his mom back, and it made him remember that she was gone, it made him want to accept you and Bruce as his family too. But he didn't need a new family. He necessitated his family, his parents, and his circus friends. He wanted his life back.
He hated you. He hated you. He hated you.
Dick curled up on the bed, with the blankets you personally picked out with him, which were Superman, and hid his head on the pillow. There he remained. At eleven years old, Dick had never been the type to be capricious or suspicious. His parents had always taken pride in saying that his son was very well-behaved and fit in wherever they went with the show. But now he just wanted to hate and never stop doing it, he didn't want anything else because the world was cruel, and it didn't deserve more than his hate. You didn't deserve more than that for being so good that it made him want to feel like before, and it pulled his mind to a better place every time you caressed his hair lovingly and made him feel at home.
That night, after eating the sandwich that Alfred had kindly given him when he refused to come down for dinner, he went to sleep without expecting you to come and say good night, as you had done since he arrived at the mansion. Usually, he didn't go to sleep easily, but his desire to avoid you overcame the fear of his nightmares, so he quickly fell asleep.
You arrived after he began to snore softly, already sunk in sleep. You entered, opening the door as quietly as possible, to see him spread out on his bed, with his pyjamas on, and the sheets almost falling off the bed due to his movements. Likewise, you couldn't help but feel the tenderness warm your heart, thinking to yourself that this should be a good step on the right path, because the boy hadn't slept well since he arrived at the mansion and since before, according to the reports of the social worker. So that he was sleeping at that time was good. You took victory silently and closed the door to the room, using the surface of your powers to close the curtains that let the moonlight into the room before walking away. 
You went down to the cave after that, where Bruce was getting ready to go out for the night.
“How is he?” he asked while putting on his gloves, as soon as he heard you walking out of the elevator.
“He's asleep” you told him with a big smile, happy for the small victory.
“Really?” Bruce asked, pleasantly surprised.
“Yes” you answer, reaching her side, unable to contain the smile of happiness, for that reason “I know it's not much considering what happened today-” you started, but your husband stopped you by placing his hands on your cheeks affectionately.
“It's a good thing” he assured you, smiling at you, and you kissed his lips lightly “We still need to talk to him tomorrow though” Bruce said, gently breaking your bubble, to which you sighed.
“If it makes you feel any better, Mistress y/n” Alfred began from the chair in front of the batcomputer “I could make you a list of the number of private schools Master Bruce was expelled from before he finally calmed down” he offered to what Bruce rolled his eyes in amusement “It's including Gotham Academy, of course” he clarified with amusement.
The night passed as normally as it could. But around one in the morning you went upstairs to check on Dick, as you always did at night when you stayed in the cave. It was the third time you'd checked, and he'd been fine the first two times, having started snoring louder on each visit.
So you expected to hear the boy snoring when you reached the hallway of his room, instead, you were met with crying. You stopped in place for a moment, because it was the first time you had heard Dick cry since he had arrived at the mansion.
“Mama” the boy cried, half awake and half asleep, “Mama” kept calling between sobs that shook her little body violently.
The most instinctive part of you walked quickly towards the door with a soft step, but the same logic made you stop at the door before even touching the handle, apart from that he told you that the boy was calling for his mom, for Mary. Not for you, he didn't want you. And for a moment you decided that you would not go in, and we let him cry all he needed, and tomorrow you would try to get him to talk about it. It might be a good time to suggest therapy. Yes, that was the best option and the best way to handle the situation.
“Mom, mom” you heard. Now fully awake, Dick continued to sob with his broken heart, and he broke yours with the sound of his cracking voice. So the institute won.
You walked into the room ready to be yelled at almost immediately. But you did it anyway, sure-footed and ready to do whatever it took to make your precious boy stop suffering once and for all. You knew that that would never leave him, but you would still try.
“Dickie, baby” you said as you approached the bed, to sit on the edge of the mattress next to him, running a hand over his back as he continued to cry and sobbed loudly “My joy, it's okay, you're-” and then the force of the child colliding with your chest stopped you.
In the time Dick had been there, he had never allowed you or Bruce or Alfred to get any closer than to hold his hand or stroke his hair. So when the boy threw himself at you crying and hugging your waist as if his life depended on it, he surprised you. He was hugging you as if he was afraid that you would disappear from one second to the next (theoretically you could do that, it was part of your powers, but that wasn't what the boy was afraid of). He sobbed into your chest as his knuckles turned white from clinging to you.
“It's okay, my joy” you comforted him, hugging him back and kissing his hair “Everything will be alright” you promised him, not quite sure what else to say to make him feel better and hugging him tighter to match his strength, so he would understand that you won't be leaving soon
“I want my mum” the boy sobbed, not with an internal intention to hurt you, but as if asking you to do something. You were an adult, you could fix anything, that's what adults do, and the ten-year-old was practically begging you desperately for a solution as he felt.
“Oh, I know, Dickie. I know” you said hugging him tighter “I'm so sorry, baby” you apologised, feeling bad for having no more than words to handle the situation, knowing that nothing will bring that child back to his parents, no matter how much you want to make it happen for him.
You would do anything for that boy. You would destroy yourself, and you would build yourself up again. Not only that, but you would empty out entire universes and kill God himself if necessary. But for now, you just held him while he cried, while he called out to a mother who lay twenty feet under. You knew, at that moment, that there would never be anything you wouldn't do for that boy. And Dick decided that night that maybe you weren't so bad.
Dick Grayson couldn't believe he was standing in the Batcave. He also couldn't believe his adoptive father was Batman. Now he understood why he was always missing for so long, it wasn't that Bruce was ignoring him, it was that he was down there, being a hero for Gotham City. His mind was racing as he walked around the place asking your husband questions and inspecting every nook, artefact, and blemish he found in the place. You and Bruce watched him from a distance, grinning like fools at the uncontrollable excitement of the boy who had long felt like he was your own.
“This is AMAZING” Dick would say whenever something particularly struck him, which means he said it every few seconds.
“See, he told you he would be excited” you told your husband while you took his hand, he smiled at you and brought your clasped hands to his lips to kiss your knuckles affectionately. A silent way of telling you: You were right, love.
“WOW” exclaimed the boy, he was now standing on the platform where the different suits that your husband had used as Batman are displayed “With all due respect, Bruce, but it's good that you left behind the combination of purple and yellow, it was too much” the boy scoffed, pointing at the first suit on display behind him.
“It was the eighties” your husband defended himself with a grimace, rolling his eyes at how similar the comment was to the one you had made the first time you set foot in the cave several years ago. You just laughed as you looked at him, happily remembering that moment.
“Purple looks amazing on you, my love” you assured him, caressing his cheek with your free hand. “Very intimidating” you said, to which both you and Dick chuckled, while Bruce continued to regret his fashion decisions.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Master Dick” Alfred commented, joining the bandwagon of teasing Bruce about his old fashion decisions. “But he insisted,” he shrugged gracefully.
“Okay, I'm going to throw him out of my cave if you don't leave my purple suit alone” Bruce complained, to which you and Dick shared an amused look before the boy returned his attention to the suits on display. Alfred smiled as he watched you kiss your husband in compensation, earning me a goofy smile from him, the one the butler had seen a lot since you two got married.
“HOLY SHIT” Dick suddenly exclaimed, to which you and Bruce turned to look at him wearing it, your husband ready to spring into action at your son's exclamation “You've got the Scarlet Witch suit here!!” the boy exclaimed excitedly, looking at your husband in disbelief before running to stand in front of the glass where your old suit is on display. Well, the word suit was an understatement, because it was a red bodysuit, with a belt, the cape, and high boots. An outfit that was not the best choice for fighting, but you never question it too much, because you were always comfortable in yourself and in that outfit, too.
Bruce and you shared a look. It was time to drop the second bomb on the boy. Now you were the one worried about her reaction.
“How did you get it?” Dick asked excitedly, his nose glued to the glass, pawing it with his breath “I thought the Justice League couldn't get her body back from the Dimension of the Damned after she closed the portal to save us” he said, thinking aloud, while analysing the garment.
Up close, he could see the details of the fabric, the way the cloak had a texture and wasn't smooth as it seemed watching it from the television. It was as if magic was embedded in the fabric, and it moved even when she was still on the mannequin. The boy was fascinated, definitely marking this as the best day of his life.
“Well that's true. The League was unable to recover her body after she closed the portal” explained Bruce, as he hugged your waist, pressing his fingers against you at the memory of those events that still haunt him “But the suit is here for its protection, nothing more, it still belongs to its owner” Bruce finished, letting the boy think a little about his words.
“Wait,” Dick said, frowning and turning away from the video, to walk to the railing of the platform. And how do you have it, if she never left the Dimension of the Damned?” the boy frowned, thinking hard that how could it be that this was the original costume.
“It's more like early retirement than death” Dick jumped in place when you appeared next to him, speaking sweetly to him “But yes, the Scarlet Witch never made it out of the Dimension of the Damned” you explained to him, while you crouch in front of him, the boy turned to face you still confused by what he was saying “Dick, do you remember that we told you that we had to tell you a couple of things?” you asked him and the boy quickly nodded “Well first we wanted to tell you that Bruce is Batman, as you already deduced” you pointed to your husband on the lowest platform “And the other one is that I'm-” Before you could say more, Dick squealed with excitement again.
“YOU ARE THE SCARLET WITCH, HOLY FUCK!!” the boy yelled with his eyes as wide as his eyelids would allow.
“Language, Master Dick” Alfred scolded absently from below.
“OH-MY-GOD” The boy yelled again, looking at me as if you were hanging the stars from the sky, throwing himself on you, hugging you with his arms around your neck “I knew you weren't dead, I argued every day with my friends about this, it didn't make sense for YOU to die just like that, no amount of spawn could kill the Scarlet Witch, it's absurd-” The boy began to ramble as you picked him up in your arms, he hug your hips with his legs intuitively, and you walked down with him in your arms. Smiling softly at the boy's excitement, it was Bruce's turn to give you the Told you so look “This is the BEST day of my life” Dick finished his ramblings as you pulled up next to Bruce, with him still sitting on your hip, and proceeded to grab your husband's neck and hug you both tight. The pull made your husband laugh at the boy's sudden outburst. “My parents are the coolest people on the planet next to Superman, this is the best” the boy declared proudly, ignoring the surprised looks you and Bruce shared immediately after that.
It was the first time his parents had called you, and Dick didn't even think about it much longer, it came out of him so naturally that you two didn't say anything else either. You were mom after that and Bruce was dad, as if the boy had forgotten how to say his name from one moment to the next. And he did it with the greatest happiness in the world.
That night, after Bruce went out on patrol, and you dragged a still very excited Dick to bed, as you tucked him into bed, tucking the covers over him, your son's face suddenly scrunched up at a particular thought.
“What's up, Dikie?” you asked, as you ran your hand over her forehead, concerned at the sudden change in expression.
“Weren't Batman and the Scarlet Witch supposed to hate each other?” he asked you confused, looking down with his head tilted from his pillow.
You laughed, relieved and amused by the question.
“That, my boy, is a story for another day”
And that was it.
TAGLIST: If someone wants to be added or removed from this list, they can request it, is OPEN.
@some-lovely-day @simonsbluee @yuki-chan23 @miyakana @myst3batz @otchae @d3m0n8ch1ld @marsenbie @mynameisnotlaura @andieperrie18 @randomboostsofmotivation @totallynotme420 @igotmessymind @amarawayne @calsjack
1K notes · View notes
pawiie · 5 months
Y/N: Aww babe look at you being romantic with all these candle lights on. 🥰
Wanda: First of all, i’m going to sacrifice you.
646 notes · View notes
checkingoutforheroes · 8 months
Wanda: It's funny how the circumstances brought us together.
Y/n: I couldn't agree more. How are you holding up?
Wanda: I caused too much damage. I-
Y/n: I understand.
Wanda: Do you ever crave someone? Not for sex but for their voice, their touch. Even their presence makes you feel whole. Like you don't want anything else.
Y/n: You know that I do. We both do. I would do anything, just to bring her back. Given your power, I would do the same. Love makes us mad. I wish it was me. I don't blame Clint, though. It is what he was supposed to do. To bring everyone back. To bring you back.
Wanda: I tried to bring them back. I tried to bring Natasha back, but I can't. I can't find her soul to bring her back. I should do more, I'm sorry.
Y/n: Don't blame yourself. For years, I did blame myself, but this is what she wants. She went to Vormir with a mission and she did. So is Vision. Nothing can stop them, you know how stubborn they can be. *lightly smile.
Wanda, smiles: They are.
Y/n, smile: Look at us. Widows in the middle of nowhere trying to live in peace. You got me Wands, we get through whatever is together. You're not alone anymore, sis.
Wanda, hugs you: Thank you, for staying.
Y/n: Hey, you know what? Natasha have a little sister! Yelena.
Wanda: What.... Really? Have you met her?-
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128 notes · View notes
marvelseries19 · 1 year
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x GN!reader
Genre: Fluff/Comfort
Summary: Based on this request. A relaxing day with your girlfriend ends up with a surprise.
A/N: Here it is finally. I kind of rushed it a bit just to make sure it came out before I start with tests and stuff so, if there's any mistake on pronouns or something please let me know so I can edit it, also is the first time I have written for a gender neutral character so, have that in mind. Please enjoy.
Warnings: None that I'm aware of.
Word count: 1085
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[You don't have permission to repost or translate any of my stories or claim them as yours]
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(This picture is from Pinterest)
You loved your job. 
It was the one change you had to leave the environment you were born in and actually do something that mattered in your eyes. But, you were also tired, everyone was. Fury had the team working nonstop for weeks now and finally, he grew a conscience and gave you a week off. 
This brings you to now, laying on the couch with your girlfriend on top of you. She had a thing for resting her head on your chest, her ear being directly on top of your heart and you absolutely loved it. It gave you the perfect opportunity to thread your fingers through her hair. 
Moments like this made you love the fact that you kept your apartment away from the compound. You loved your found family but, they could be a lot, especially after weeks of being almost attached to the hip, and the added privacy was a plus. 
You had been dating for a few months now and you felt that you had met your whole life, and to be honest with the way you two acted with each other, the others thought so too. It only took a look before you both climbed into your car and went to your apartment. 
You and Wanda had a simple plan. 
Order takeout, put on some sitcoms, and then just cuddle until bedtime. It was the perfect plan for two introverts such as yourselves and it was doing wonders for both of your moods.
That was until Wanda’s phone started ringing. “Nooooo,” You said, hugging her, preventing her from reaching for it. 
“Baby, at least let me see who it is,” She said, to which you let her just take a pick at her screen. Once she saw who it was she realized she really needed to answer it. “Honey, I need to answer that. It’ll just be a minute, I promise” 
You huffed “Fine, but I’ll be waiting, I still haven’t reached my cuddles quota” The witch nodded and got up from you leaving a short peck on your lips. 
Unbeknownst to you, weeks ago Wanda had been looking to adopt a puppy for you, you had talked about it for a while having been told that it could help to maintain your anxiety at bay and secretly because you and Wanda didn’t have a chance to have one when you were little so, all in all, it was a win-win to get you one in the brunette’s eyes.
The call was about the lady at the adoption center telling her that she was parked outside with the puppy. As it turns out, Wanda had forgotten all about it since it had been a few very hectic weeks and her mind was on the missions. She just hoped you would enjoy the surprise. 
“Okay so… I have a surprise for you,” Your girlfriend said, going into the living room again.
"A surprise?" You replied confused, "Wait… did I forget something?" You got up in an instant at the thought of forgetting an important event.
"No, no, no. It's just something I wanted to do for you for a while and it’s finally here” She grabbed your keys from the coffee table where you had tossed them when you arrived. You gave her a confused look but ultimately decided to just let her be and eventually find out what this was all about. “I’ll be right back, baby” She gave you another peck and left the apartment.
A few minutes passed and you were starting to get nervous, debating whether you should go find her or not but before you could make any decision you heard the giggle of the keys. 
You watched intently toward the front door waiting to find out what she was doing and what the surprise was. Wanda walked in with her back turned to you, which you assume it’s to hide her hands and whatever she was holding. 
“Okay, I need you to close your eyes,” She said, looking at you from over her shoulder. You did as she said and patiently waited for whatever she meant to do. You heard her quiet steps getting closer and right before she was able to tell you to open your eyes you heard a cute little bark. You immediately opened your eyes at the intrusion to be face to face with a black and white husky puppy, looking at you with its big blue eyes. 
“I guess someone was excited to meet you,” Wanda said petting the puppy’s head. “This is Atlas… your new companion” 
“You got me a puppy?” You were still shocked, never expecting Wanda to actually get you one. 
“Yeah… I hope that’s okay,” She shifted her weight on her leg. “It’s just… you told me you had been thinking about getting one and then I read about dogs being really helpful with stress and stuff,” 
You were seriously about to cry right now, no one in your life had ever put that much attention to you, they were just loose comments on a few conversations that you thought no one was paying attention and Wanda actually thinking about the positive impact that a pet could have on you were just one of many signs that she loved you and were having troubles expressing her much this meant to you.
“I love this… I don’t what to say” You ran to her and buried your face in her neck, being aware of little Atlas in between you. 
“Oh honey, you don’t have to say anything” Her free hand was gently caressing the back of your neck.
“I love you, Wanda,” You said under your breath, if you had been farther away she wouldn’t have been able to hear it. It was the first time you said it, any of you. You both clearly felt it but neither of you really said it, you just showed it with actions. 
“I love you too, Y/N” 
You both relished the newly said words, feeling the ease of it all. Petting Atlas and playing with him, making a list of the things you were going to have to get for him. It was the warmest place you had ever felt, this was home, this was everything you needed and had never even thought of, and more and all thanks to the young witch that held your heart.
Every day that passed you were becoming more sure about Wanda being your soulmate and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
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elliaze · 2 years
It was good movie but I think that I was expecting something more. It's a little disappointed that they show so much scene in promo spots.
I am a bit unsatisfied but there was a few things I really liked:
1. Strange, just him. His one of my favorite hero and this is defiently his story even with Wanda. I really like all of his alter from other universe.
2. 'Are you happy?'
3. Wanda was beautiful and her part was amazing. But after WV it was predictable.
4. Cameo was okey but the best part of it was their fight.
5. AMERICA. AMERICA. AMERICA. I am in love with her from now. I like her relation with Strange, her powers, the fact she's all alone but now she stays in Kamar-Taj.
6. Ending and first post credit scene - WTF, but I'm intresting about Clea.
I like Strange 2. It was good movie, defiently more darker then before, there was a moments when I felt like it's more a horror but I the end I don't regret to watch it and I know that soon I will watch it again.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem! Reader - Saving you from control
A/n: We're all slaves for Wanda lets be honest
*Vision does not exist within this universe! I don't know how age of ultron works than but we won't get into that!*
Summary: You're just living your life when the first splash of color comes into it, specifically a flash of red
Warnings: spicy (heavily making out), illusions to smut, manipulation, toxic, technically cheating, death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pov: second person] [Pairings: romantic/main! Wanda Maximoff x reader kinda romantic! nameless male character x reader parental! billy and tommy x reader] [Pronouns used: you/your but the reader is meant to be a girl]
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Your life seems to be dominated with blacks and whites, there's no color to reveal just a black and white wall of memories. Even you have to admit life is boring, you get up call whatever family member you're supposed to be calling, go to work in your tiny office job, and come back home to your boyfriend. Your boyfriend, who's also awfully boring, you want to think you love him, but you don't really think making up lies will give life to your boring life.
You won't break up with him though, he's safe, and your family loves him. Plus your family seems to be always on edge around you, you can't seem to figure out why though. It's like that piece of information was stripped from you.
It's also tied into the feeling that you were meant for something more, but alas there would be no world saving in your books.
Your in bed with your boyfriend when you see it for the first time.
It's nothing really, just a flash of red from behind you, but all the same you knew that flash's of red don't just happen out of no where. You shift your body more upwards to see if you could see anything.
Nothing there's nothing, of course it's nothing, it must have just been a trick of the light. Your eyes messing with you, or your brain having too much imagination. So you just go back to bed and take your sleeping boyfriend hand in yours and try to take comfort from it.
It happens twice more before something else happens.
After it happened twice more you were a bit paranoid, and on your way to the eye doctor to see if there was anything wrong with your eyesight.
You go to check your mirror and instead of cars you see a woman with red-orange hair with something that looks like devil horns placed as a crown on her forehead.
She was smiling at you.
Your car weavers to the right, you can hear cars honking in the distance, and CRASH! Echoes, as your ears ring and your car somersaults across the highway.
The next thing you know you're waking up in the hospital with that same woman beside you.
Gasping you grip onto the sheets and try to move, but a red mist keeps you down covering everything but your head.
"What the- Where's the doctor!"
She smiles down at you and laces her hand with your own and you can't help the feeling it gives you. It's different from when your boyfriend takes your hand, when he does you feel a small sort of happiness. When this random woman takes your hand the accelerating feeling you get is overwhelming from just a touch.
"Don't you worry your little head treasure, the doctor was just trying his best but I decided it would be better if I took over."
You looked down at yourself and saw no injuries nor did you feel any. Considering you got into a pretty nasty car accident you should be casted up to the brim, yet you weren't. Someone would call you crazy for thinking this but you're pretty sure the person crouching beside you, saved you.
(Your mind doesn't seem to remember very well how she might have just be the cause of the accident in the first place.)
"What's your name?" You manage to say as you gaze upon her beautiful figure.
Laughing she takes her other hand and places it under your cheek like a lover would. "Missy, I'm surprised you didn't recognize me! That's okay precious, they did insist on wiping your mind. It isn't your fault."
A new part of you is unlocked and her words must have triggered something because a flow of memories come back to you and tears surface to your eyes as you start to remember.
S.W.O.R.D had taken you from Wanda, they had said they were saving you, saving you from giving up complete control. Funny how the irony comes back at them considering they didn't give you a choice in the matter.
You remember your powers, similar to Wanda's but nearly the exact opposite of hers. While she had chaos magic, you had order magic, meaning you could place order back into things and see the future.
That's another thing S.W.O.R.D had taken from you.
Then you remember further, with all the little things with Wanda, to all the big things with her. That you had children with her (through both of your magic of course) and how they took you away from them. The things that balanced you and Wanda so well, chaos and order. Now that you had them back though...
"Wanda." You croak tears adorning your face and the red mist dissipates as a dark calming cyan covers the floor.
Standing up she pulls you into her as you sob into her chest.
"Oh, my princess how I've missed you."
"I- I didn't know that they were going to wipe my memories of you. And- and our children. When I started to realize they weren't doing what they told me they were doing I started to panic and I was so scared." You cry.
"Shh," You rubs your back as you shake in her arms. "Everything is alright now treasure, we're together again and no one is taking you away from me ever again."
You don't have the time to analyze her words further with your powers before her lips connect with yours and your mind explodes.
Wanda kisses you hungrily, like you're her last meal and you eagerly reciprocate the sentiment. As she bites on your bottom lip, it surprises you slightly as you feel like you haven't kissed her in centuries so you've forgotten how chaotic she can be. Nothing like your past boyfriend, who when he kissed you was bland and colorless.
Your mouth opens and you let her take dominance, she nearly always did in the past, it's just the way Wanda is.
Pinning you against the bed with her own body her lips start traveling down further and you feel her hand go underneath as they two go further down.
"Did he kiss you like this?" She mutters against your throat.
You blink and her civilian clothes from before are gone and come has the scarlet witch. The deviled horned crown embellished on her head.
You've transformed too though, a suit covers your body much like Wanda's but it has more blue and green under tones. There's a white diamond arched upon your chest and it has a purple point in the center with eight lines different shades of blue, and green.
You don't answer her you just let your head fall back as a halo falls around your head.
Stephen Strange doesn't expect to see you when Wanda finally has America at Wundagore, he thought your memory had been wiped. However you stood in front of him furious, and your mind fully intact.
The cyan magic enveloped America, you shouldn't have been doing this. You were order, you can see the truth if you wanted, if you saw it he's sure you would have been helping him.
So why haven't you?
"You can stop this Y/n!" He calls out to you voice strained. "Look for the truth with you're powers! You'll see that this is all wrong!"
Slowly you're head turns to face him and your eyes glow an unnatural dark teal.
"I already have."
Strange is astonished and terrified. The outcome in his brain that you already had looked into the truth didn't serve him. He didn't think it was possible, Wong even said it was impossible.
Improbable, it was improbable not impossible. Oh god, he's such a fool.
"The only thing that conflicted." You go on as you lift a hand on Miss America's face, stroking it like a mother would a child as Wanda's power envelopes him too.
"Is her."
You tilt your head and a flash of red goes through your eyes and suddenly Chavez is getting prepared for Wanda and the two of you trade off and you block Strange from getting to Wanda and Chavez and from seeing what's going to happen.
"This is you're endgame? You help Wanda and she gets the children? She'll throw you away the moment she gets them!"
Giggling you turn around and behind you is Wanda looking more powerful than ever with America Chavez's dead body behind her.
She pulls you in for a passionate kiss as her left hand flicks to make the portal to the other universe.
"We made our children together." You growl to Stephen right before the portal opens.
He had really underestimated how much the two of you love each other, and would do anything for one another. Everyone did.
Now they would have to pay the price.
Wanda is the one that goes in for the children, you know you'll have to go in later to save her from her own fate but you know that she still has to experience it first. She just needs to think she got over it on her own.
The children throw things at her and she snaps at them and as the next Wanda comes in she something to her and for a second Wanda looks like she's going to stop everything.
Then her eyes flash cyan and she kills the other (weak) Wanda and force the children in her arms into their rightful universe.
With the two of you.
They scream and cry but you crouch down to face them and you gently take both of them into your arms.
"Let's put some order into your minds shall we?" You whisper into their ears.
A dark teal mist covers their eyes and then in another second it's gone and they look up to you and abruptly hug you.
"Ma!" They cry.
You nod Wanda over (as she's now the one who has a hold of the sorcerer.)
Standing up you turn your boys around and when they see Wanda they yell out for their mom and cry into her neck.
Facing Strange you get close and place a hand next to his head.
"You know what I saw was the biggest threat to this universe was?"
You lean in so your lips are right next to the cuff of his ear.
Instead of saying anything else your hand next to his head begins to move as magic exhumes from it pulling his sorcery into you. Eventually the light fades from his eyes and his body falls to the ground.
Wanda may of been playing the long game with you - manipulating you and making your truth vision weak but so were you. You saw a threat to the universe long ago and back then you didn't want to believe it so you ignored it. Then Wanda came along and showed you something different, Wanda may have been weaken you and manipulated you but you also weakened and manipulated her.
Together though, together to the two of you are strongest thing in the universe.
So you turn back to your happy family, and pull Wanda into a kiss.
Words 1866
Marvel taglist: No one yet
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sl-ut · 1 year
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quick note: the last instalment to this series is one of the worst things i’ve ever written and i hate that i went ahead and published it anyways so we are just all gonna forget that it ever happened, kay? that’s all.
pairing: au!baker!wanda maximoff x fem!reader
description: it’s been a summer of bliss, but all good things come to an end. wanda fears that it’s over for her and y/n, while y/n is determined to make it work.
warnings: SMUT, strap-on use, spitting kink, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism, legal alcohol consumption, legal age gap (reader is early 20s, wanda is late 30s), talk of breaking up, mention of PH, fluff
words: 2.2K
date posted: 04/12/22
series masterlist
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“I can’t believe that it’s August already.”
Y/n hummed quietly, head lulled back against the smooth tiling behind her as a jet worked to relieve her of the knot that had grown in her back. One of the many perks of dating Wanda is that she was at a point in her life where she could afford to have nicer things, and that she had not spared much expense on the large bathtub in her ensuite. The room was mostly dim, the modest chandelier having been set to the lowest brightness in favour of the flickering glow of several eucalyptus scented candles.
Opposite her, Wanda watched in fondness as the girl visibly relaxed into the steaming water. Her eyes traced the shadows of her face, down the slope of her neck and shoulders, and over the small amount of her chest that was visible over the mountain of sweet smelling bubbles. She disguised the curve of her lips by taking a long sip of her zinfandel as her other hand settled beneath the water, fingers curling around the ankle of her lover as it rested next to her and massaged circled into the flesh with her thumb. 
“It’s my favourite month,” Y/n murmured, “Warm days, cooler nights. Perfect for a day at the beach and a campfire after dark. Not to mention that I get to have you all to myself for the next thirty days.”
“Is that so?” Wanda chuckled at her, “I will admit, it’s weird not having the boys around for so long, but there are definitely many benefits of them going to summer camp. Maybe I’ll have to start sending them away for a week or so once every couple of months.” 
Y/n peeked her eyes open, a small smirk crawling onto her own lips when she caught Wanda’s stare, “Isn’t that the point of school?”
Wanda shrugged, “Some days six hours just isn’t enough. Or maybe, we should go away once every few months, a little vacation?”
“There is nothing I’d like more. Maybe on my breaks?”
Wanda’s smile fell. She found certain moments where she would forget that her time with Y/n was not infinite. A few weeks from now, Y/n would be leaving to return to university, and though it was only an hour or so away, Wanda worried that their short-lived relationship might not do so well under the imminent stress of long-distance. 
“Hey,” Y/n squeezed her ankle gently under the water, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Wanda took another drink, “Just thinking.”
She shrugged, “Just that… It’s going to be strange with you so far away.”
Y/n smiled gently, “Wanda, I’m not leaving the country, I’ll be an hour away, tops. Plus, I’ll be back every couple of weekends, and it’s not like I’m in a dorm anymore so you’re more than welcome to come stay for a few nights, if you’d like.” 
“I know, but I know what it’s like to be in college. You’ll be out at bars, and parties, and there will be girls wanting to experiment or whatever–hell that’s what I did in college. But they’ll be your age, girls that you can bring out with you without being looked at and–”
“Wanda, if I was looking for meaningless hookups or someone to drag me around at parties, I would go find them. I’m not sure how many times I have to tell you before you get that into your pretty little head.”
“You mean that?”
“Yes, I do. Besides, what college chick can offer me this? Best I could get there is a freezing shower in the communal bathrooms. Here, I’ve got bubbles…” She lifted her own glass to her lips and downed the remaining liquid, “Wine… My favourite friendly neighbourhood MILF…”
Wanda pinched her foot beneath the bubbles, “I told you to stop calling me that!”
Y/n erupted with giggles, “What? You’ve seen my search history, you know that I like that about you as much as you like me being your little sugar baby.”
“Sugar baby?” The redhead raised a brow, “I wasn’t aware that that’s what this was. So now I know, you just like me for my bathtub, my booze, and the fact that I match your favourite search on PornHub.”
“The bathtub is a luxury, and you’re incredibly sexy. The booze, well you have an excellent taste in wine, I’ll admit.” She tapped her empty glass.
“I’m glad you like it.” Wanda mused, “Would you like a refill, then?”
Y/n tilted her head in consideration before she placed it back down on the side of the tub, “No thank you.” She pushed forward, grinning mischievously as she slid her way across the tub and settled in her lover’s lap, grasping the glass out of her hand and taking one long drink from it, “I’ll just share yours.”
Wanda smiled up at her, fingers finding solace in the plush flesh of her hips as she was finally able to admire her up-close, even if she had blatantly stolen her drink. Her fingers kneaded the slick skin, sliding up to grip her waist, then back down to her hips as Y/n settled down into her embrace. She set the glass aside, looping her arms around Wanda’s neck so that she could comfortably rest their foreheads together and bump noses. She moved forward, hoping to catch her lips with her own, though Wanda moved back suddenly, a sly smirk on her lips. Y/n pursed her own lips, lurching forward again to no avail.
“You admit to using me for all of my… luxuries, steal my drink, and expect to get your own way?” Wanda scoffed, reaching up to grasp her face and smirking as her lips puckered under the force, “You call yourself my sugar baby, maybe I should start treating you like one, heh?”
Y/n shifted, wiggling her hips enthusiastically.
“Would you like that, detka? I think you would.” Wanda removed her hand from Y/n’s hip, sliding it along the slick flesh to rest on her rib cage, watching as her chest rose and fell quicker under her touch. “Would you like a kiss?”
“Mhmm,” Y/n mumbled, unable to form words under Wanda’s grasp. 
Wanda grinned, fingers finally cupping her breast as she leaned forward to press a kiss to the swell of it, biting on the bulge of flesh gently before tracing her tongue over her erect nipple. Y/n sighed, shaking her face out of Wanda’s grip as she arched her back so that her chest was pressed closer to her face. The redhead released her grip on one breast before latching onto the other and offering it identical treatment. Once she deemed her attention to have brought one enough of a reaction, she relented, leaning back against the porcelain wall and reaching for her wine. She sipped it slowly, eyes never leaving those of her lover as she swallowed one large mouthful. 
“Come here, detka,” She nudged her closer, taking another sip of wine.
Y/n shifted nearer, being sure to drag her hips as closely to Wanda’s body as possible. Wanda grasped the underside of the younger woman’s jaw to draw her as close as possible, pressing their lips together in a quick peck. Y/n pulled back quickly, lowering herself and parting her lips as she awaited for Wanda to do the same. She let out a small squeal as she did, puckering her lips so that she could create a narrow stream of wine from her own mouth into Y/n’s. As the stream of wine became thinner and thinner, she rose up so that their lips met once again. 
“Thank you,” Y/n giggled playfully in between kisses, slowly rolling her hips against Wanda’s. 
She laughed along, nudging her throat with her nose as she grasped her hips and prompted her to stand, “Why don’t you run off to bed while I clean up, huh?”
Y/n pecked her once more, carefully stepping out onto the tiled floor and wrapping herself in a white fluffy towel and disappearing into the bedroom.
Wanda did very little to clean up, in truth. She drained the tub, but did not take the liberty to clear the bubbled from the bottom once the water had gone, and she simply moved the empty wine glasses next to the half-empty bottle, all of which had been abandoned on the vanity before she grabbed her own towel.
The redhead scoffed as she set foot in her bedroom, eyes catching sight of her girlfriend as she knelt on the bed, knees spread and chest puffed out, towel abandoned on the floor just next to the bed. 
“With the curtains open?” Wanda raised a brow, stalking past to slide the sheer drapes closed, “You truly are shameless, aren’t you, my love?”
“When it comes to you? Definitely,” Y/n grinned, leaning forward on her hands, “Besides, would it be so bad if someone were to see? Watch as I make you–oh!”
Y/n landed on her back suddenly, bouncing on the impact of Wanda’s shove, and even more so as the woman pounced on top of her. 
“Would you like that?” Her voice was husky, accent thicker than usual, “Someone to watch? Someone to see your face when I make you come, time and time again; to see this pretty pussy spread open for my tongue, my fingers, my cock.”
Y/n mewled underneath her, wriggling her hips excitedly as Wanda pressed down against her, thigh bumping her sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“You would, my sweet girl, wouldn’t you?”
Wanda chuckled, pushing herself up to round the bed, reaching into her bedside table for a familiar object, one that had quickly become a favourite of hers since meeting Y/n. The younger woman grinned at her, returning to her position on her knees as she watched the redhead slide into the garment, turning to face her lover as she slowly ran her fist up and down the length of the scarlet strap on. 
“Come, detka,” She beckoned her over to the edge of the bed, “You want my cock? Come get on your knees for me.”
Y/n wasted little time sliding off of the bed, dropping to her knees on the hardwood floor as she eagerly parted her lips, moaning as Wanda began to tap at her lips with the firm tip of it. She extended her tongue, allowing for the woman to drag the plastic cock up the length of her warm tongue before finally allowing her to take it into her mouth with ease.
“There you go, my beautiful girl,” Wanda purred as she began to bob her head, taking the toy further and further into her throat with each movement. She gripped the hair on the back of her head to aid her movements, offering slow thrusts of her hips as well. “You take me so well, my sweet.”
Y/n gagged lightly, tears welling at her waterline, though she paid no mind. Instead, she reached behind Wanda, gripping the flesh of her ass to take her even further. 
Wanda chuckled at her, “Look at you. How is it that you have a preference for women when you clearly love cock so much?”
Y/n pulled back just enough to respond, “Only yours.”
“Mine?” Wanda laughed, “You do, don’t you?”
She pulled her off, pushing her towards the bed. 
“On your hands and knees.”
Eager, Y/n obeyed her lover as she scrambled into position, perking her ass out further and spreading her legs so that Wanda could clearly see her dripping sex.
Wanda sighed, fingers running up the length of Y/n’s thighs, gliding through her folds gently and up over her puckered hole.
“How wet you are, my sweet.”
She gave no warning before dragging her tongue carefully over her clitoris and up so she could slide it into her weeping hole. Y/n gasped in surprise, pressing back into Wanda’s touch as her thighs began to tremble. 
“Fuck, Wanda,” She huffed, “Oh please.”
“Please what?” Wanda teased, “You want my cock?”
Y/n hummed, dropping her face into the soft duvet as she felt the plastic tip drag over her wetness. She gasped as it slowly pushed into her, pausing as she sheathed the toy into her to the hilt. Wanda took hold of her hips as she allowed her time to adjust, pushing her forward slightly before hauling her back to create a steady rhythm. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed around the room, accompanied by the pleasure sighs and moans of the woman being penetrated. 
Wanda circled her clit under her thumb, grinning wickedly as she heard the sounds growing higher in pitch, and much more frequent. It was clear to her that Y/n was not going to last very long, which was good, as Wanda wasn’t sure that she had too much patience for the night, considering that she had planned to draw many more from her lover before the night was finished. 
And many more she would receive.
tags: @lainjupi @vaeeeel @how-to-disappearrr @mellxa @wandanatvoid @d14n4ol @lorsstar1st @swiftdazer @aawake-atnight @fayhar @s1ut4nat @gimaximoff @3-02sth @battleg03 @splatashaizgay @r4nd0mgir1 @nicolesangel @inluvwithfictionalwomen @lizzieolsen89 @wildnightuniverse @wanda-is-my-joker @stormsluvr @keepingupwithwandanat @imlike-so-gaydude @exclusivitymajor
(tags that are crossed out could not be tagged)
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scarletwidowcandles · 2 years
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New book marks up on the shop!
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cazedmunds · 1 year
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More Magic and Mayhem on Xmas! Of course for that we turn to #DrStrange! ✨💥📚❤️ #DoctorStrange #Marvel #MarvelLove #Wolverine #SpiderMan #SpiderWoman #Hulk #Punisher #ScarletWitch #CJEdmunds #Author #Reader #Writer #Geek #Nerd #Bibliophile #GraphicNovel #AuthorsOfInstagram #ReadersOfInstagram #WritersOfInstagram #GeeksOfInstagram #NerdsOfInstagram #GeekReads #CazReads #CazReads2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmnl1Q6vYGF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Werewolf!Wanda x Reader
2,000th Follower Special
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It was a special type of season for werewolves. Mating season. But of course for werewolves there was a type of courtship ritual that had to be done.
Despite being Wanda's mate, you were not aware of this at all. You were walking down the halls of the Avengers compound when you felt a certain set of eyes on you. Thinking fast, you turned around and saw Wanda staring at you intently from the other end of the hall. Her gaze, it seemed unearthly, etheral, and driven madly by a mixture of love and lust.
"Come on" Pietro grabs you suddenly and hauls you into his room.
"Piet what's going on?" you found yourself questioning. His own tail was swishing mischievously.
"Wanda never told about this season?"
"Mating season." he snickers, "and my sestra has it terrible for you"
You found yourself blushing red as a beet. "How exactly is this supposed to work?"
"She is hunting for you right now. I just saved you" Pietro grabs his own cologne from his nightstand.
"H-hunting? What happens if she catches me?"
"Unclear." He shrugs his shoulders. "But if my sestra wants you this bad...you're gonna have to make her work for it."
He splashes his cologne all over you. "What the-?!"
"I'm masking your scent. Now all you need to do is-"
There's a scratching at his door, "Bratok! Release my detka to me NOW!!" Wanda's voice ends with a growl.
"Run!" he snickers, opening his window to you. "Go! Go! Go!!"
You jump out the window and break into a mad dash. A text rings on your phone from Pietro. Hide from her until sundown. Good luck.
Wanda breaks into Pietro's room. Her eyes were locked with lustful intent, a quick scan of the room revealed that you were not there.
"Where is my detka?!" she growls at her werewolf brother.
"You know how the rituals work" Pietro giggles, "I was giving your detka a chance."
"But I want my detka" little wolf whines escape her lips.
"Its just a game of hide and seek" Pietro says, "if you win, your detka is your slave. If your detka wins, well you know."
"I will find my detka first!" Wanda sniffs the air and locates your old scent, the window. Wanda pushes open the window and jumps out.
Wanda searched the grounds, every nook and cranny. She searched your cabin, the scents there were so confusing to her nostrils. She searched the kitchen. The living room. Stark's work station.
"Your little chew toy isn't here, Fifi" Tony laughs as Wanda simply growls. She continues her search.
Wanda searched the training room. Natasha could only roll her eyes at Wanda's desperate search.
It is dusk now. Wanda was tired and worn out. She collapses by the Compound's fountain. She looks around one last time, her tail slumping in defeat.
"I just want my detka" she bemoans, little tears streaming down her face. She didn't want you to be her slave, she just wanted you to be hers and only hers.
In her own grief, what Wanda failed to notice was you sneaking up behind her. You jump and wrap your arms around her, hugging her tightly.
"Gotcha!" you shout. Wanda jumps a little before relaxing into your arms.
"Detka!" she begins to laugh.
"Looks like I caught you first" you nuzzle her.
"You did." Wanda snuggles into your embrace, "so what are you gonna do with me?"
"I'm gonna treat you to a nice dinner and we'll go from there" you give her a gentle shake.
"Can we have cuddles too?"
"Always" you pick her up bridal style and carry her back to the compound. Pietro gives you an approving thumbs up.
Tags @aloneodi @supercorpdanbeau @lifespectator @scarletwitch-n7 @russianredassassin @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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Love, Lunacy, Time
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summary: In a startling twist of fate, you find yourself awakening not in your bedroom at the Avengers compound, but alongside the Moon Knight boys in the 1950s in a sitcom-like setting of the town of Westview. The shock intensifies as you realize that, somehow, you and the Moon Knight boys are married to each other, despite never having crossed paths before.
pairing: Moonknight x afab!ScarletWitch!reader
warning: 18+ content, Eventual smut, Unprotected sex, Violence, Blood, Age-Gap, Kidnapping, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, a sprinkle of Angst, Strangers to Married, Flirting, Scarlet Witch!reader, Chaos Magic, Not an accurate representation of D.I.D.
001. — Lost in Time's Embrace — [You find yourself preparing for a peaceful night's sleep in the familiar confines of the Avengers compound. However, your world is turned upside down when they wake up in the 1950s, alongside a man who oozes Chaos.]
002. — Unfamiliar Familiar Faces — [As the front door swings open, you are greeted by faces that stir a sense of recognition deep within you. Yet, something about their demeanor feels off, their behavior slightly peculiar. It's as if they are familiar, but not quite themselves.]
☼ Please note that I do not wish to have my work translated or published on any third-party reading websites. I claim the rights to my work.
☼ Where I don’t have any rights to the characters, many ideas and OC are my own creation. Please respect that.
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the-daydreaming-show · 2 months
❝never a tear, baby of mine❞ — Jason Todd
dick's version
Jason was a quiet kid. So quiet and calm that he didn't was totally a child, more was like a mini adult.
This is like REALLY late, because I had problems with my internet and the power on me going out, so I apologize for that.
As always, thanks to our beta reader: @igotmessymind.
And wiht no further ado, I hope you find wait worth it, I apologize again and that you for reading!!
This story is part or the BATMOM SCARLET WITCH UNIVERSE that I have create. I hope you enjoy!!!
WARNINGS: Mentions of child neglect; Jason (not his actual) mom death.
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Contrary to popular belief, Dick was always the son who kept you and Bruce on the edge of your seats. 
People were always surprised when you told them this. Probably, because with those blue eyes and adorable dimples, your eldest son knew how to fool people so easily. But the boy had grown up in the circus and had more energy than a thunderbolt. You couldn't count the times you found him hanging from the ceiling lamps, practicing his pirouettes. He was the reason there was a strict rule at Wayne Manor about not taking your feet off the ground without adult supervision.
Jason, your baby, he was easy. People were shocked at this statement as well.
People expected him to be a little savage whenever you guys made a public appearance, whether it was at a gala or going to the market.
Yes. You had to keep him from talking to the press, because he had a habit of being verbally deadly, but other than that he was always the calmest of kids. But other than that, he never left his calm character at all times when being in public and in private as well. 
This unfounded popular belief probably had something to do with the boy being taken off the streets by you and your husband. Literally.
Your husband kidnapped a child from an alley in Gotham on a given winter night.
Mmmh, maybe Bruce was your most chaotic boy and not Dick like you thought.
You weren't in the batcave that night, so Alfred was the one supervising the computer. But when it got particularly late, just before the sun began to rise, you woke up to find that your husband still wasn't sleeping clinging to your waist like he usually did. So you decided to go downstairs to see what was going on.
You meet Alfred, waiting with a tray with three cups of freshly brewed tea.
“Are we expecting someone, Alfred?”  you asked as you approached the man preparing everything with elegance.
“That's right, Miss” the man said, looking up with amused eyes “Master Bruce has found company on tonight's patrol” he gave you the look of a father disappointed but not surprised by his son's actions. But before you could say more or ask questions, the sound of the Batmobile in the distance made you approach the platform where the car typically parked.
Bruce jumped out of the car, in his Batman suit, without any injuries that you could see, then leaned over to help a small body out of the vehicle. He was a boy, skinny to the bone, in your eyes, dressed inappropriately for the weather, and looking around with startled eyes. You looked at your husband in confusion, Bruce could practically see the question mark on your forehead. So he walked over to you, while the boy was too gawking at the cave to notice that you guys were talking to the side.
“¿Did you kidnap a child again?” you asked in a worried whisper.
“No” Bruce defended himself, pulling off the hood of his suit so that you could see all of his beautiful face in front of you. “His name is Jason” he explained to you while they both looked at the boy for a moment. Jason had stepped away from the Batmobile to look down at the edge of the platform at the void below you, his cheeks against the metal of the railings. (You were mentally grateful to have convinced Bruce to put those railings all over the cave, after that Dick started spending more time there years ago). “And I found him trying to steal the tires from the Batmobile. He was alone, and he told me that he intended to sell it to buy food” he told you, and you instinctively looked at said car.
That beastly car had almost been desecrated by the little hands of a hungry child, who didn't seem at all affected by the idea of almost robbing THE Batman. You found the situation amusing.
“Really?”, you asked your husband, smiling amused. 
All while Jason was looking fascinated at the ceiling of the cave and wondering: ¿Where did the lights hang from?. He couldn't see the roof of the place.
“Yeah. And he almost got away with it.” Bruce seemed almost proud of the boy's actions, and you couldn't feel the same way. Press your lips together in an attempt not to laugh out loud. 
“¿And how does all that explain your kidnapping him?” you asked teasingly, to which Bruce rolled his eyes in exoneration and giggled impishly at it.
“You are Bruce Wayne's wife” the boy's voice made them both look at him, but the boy was not intimidated and kept talking. “Which makes sense, because if Bruce Wayne is Batman, obviously his wife will know.” he said, more like a thought out loud than a conversation with you. “My mom used to say that she would die from one of the shoes you put up and that they showed on TV, but in the end she died from the drugs, not your shoes” he explained naturally. To which you threw your head back a bit in surprise at such a natural statement about something that must have been very sad. Looking at your husband and his eyes told you it was the first time he heard about this. “I hope you don't mind, Mrs. Wayne.” the boy apologized quickly, suddenly very aware that he was talking to two of the richest people in Gotham (and the world as well) “B told me I could spend the night here. But don't worry tomorrow, in the morning I'll leave without causing any problems” he quickly explained to you.
You looked at your husband again, and he left a memory in his mind for you to see as an explanation. He showed you how he had found the boy, how Bruce had talked him into agreeing to let him buy something to eat and then offered him a place to sleep, because the boy admitted that he was all alone. With a dead mother and a father who was in prison, the boy lived on the streets of Gotham, surviving as best he could. Jason hadn't trusted him at first, which was understandable. Who knew what he had seen living on the streets of a city like Gotham. So Bruce did the only thing he could think of to gain the boy's trust, so he could get him to safety, as he took off his mask. And Jason, faced with such a show of honesty, agreed to get on the Batmobile to return with Bruce to the cave. (Or, Bruce put the boy in the car before he could get over the shock of the news. It depends on how you look at it.)
“Oh honey. Don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all, we have plenty of space available” you assured him with a sweet smile to which the boy smiled back. It was true, since Dick had moved in with the Titans, there was too much empty space for your liking. “Come, sit down and have some tea, it will help with the cold” you said, pointing up the stairs to the main platform of the cave.
“Cool!” the boy exclaimed as they started walking. Bruce instinctively reached for your hand, not wanting you to stray too far from him, just because.
Then Jason ate a dozen of Alfred's cookies, drank all his tea, and at the end, Bruce let him touch the batcomputer, watching the boy's fascination with all the buttons. (Of course, the latter was under your and Bruce's watch. You didn't want the boy to activate some self-destruct protocol or something). He played with the satellite map for a while, showing you the places he had been and the school he used to go to before his mother died. Then he started to yawn, and you were sure the sun should have risen outside by that point.
“Well, it's time to go up” you said when you saw him yawn widely for the third time. “Come on” you stood up from your seat next to him to offer him your hand. The boy frowned at you, severely confused.
“¿Up where?” he asked, looking at your hand suspiciously, but rising to take it and follow you nonetheless. You had that effect on him. You were so pretty, and warm, and kind that he thought to himself, there was no way you were real, surely all of this must be a cruel hallucination of some kind.
“Up home, Jay” you told her as you turned to be greeted by a Bruce who had already come out of his suit and was waiting for them both on the stairs to the elevator. “We're below Wayne Manor” you explained, thinking that he was confused as to what was above your heads and why they would go there.
“Will you let me sleep in your mansion?!” the surprised boy asked. There was definitely something wrong there, there was no way two of the richest people in the city would let him sleep in his house, in one of his beds, with expensive mattresses and even more expensive sheets. Impossible.
“Of course” you said with a sweet smile, “We have many empty rooms and now one of them is yours”
“Your room is ready, young Jason.” Alfred told him, joining the walk to the elevator. “Though maybe an extra cookie or two was left in the room by accident. I hope that's not a problem for you” he said, smiling complacently, at which the boy laughed mischievously. You gave him a look that Alfred pretended not to catch, and they all went on their way while.
“I didn't think you would let me sleep at your house.” the boy admitted shyly, looking at his shoes, once again thinking aloud.
It took you a second to realize that Jason had thought she'd leave him sleeping in the cave, like a stray dog, and it broke your heart. You promised yourself to do everything you could to make that little boy feel like he deserved nothing less than the best in the world.
Jason didn't leave the mansion after that day. 
Social Services didn't put up much resistance to the adoption, for two reasons. Firstly, you and Bruce already had a pretty good record of adopting and raising Dick. And second, stirring up the issue too much would show how they hadn't looked for Jason after he had run away from his last home. From what you've seen, his file only contains basic information leading up to the fact that he was supposed to be in foster care with 10-15 other kids, but clearly they've been on the streets for quite some time. And Jason seemed to have adjusted quickly when the caseworker came to visit for the first few weeks, at least to her standards. But in your eyes, the child was far from having adapted to the idea of being part of the family.
Jason gets up early, before everyone else in the house.
You had learned from the experience with Dick that establishing a strict bedtime schedule was important in the long run. So you knew he was sleeping because you watched him before you went to sleep yourself. So the boy sleeps well and you could confirm it. He had admitted to you that it had been difficult in the early days to sleep at night because he could never really be asleep while living on the streets. Something about the heavy blankets over him made him fall asleep peacefully. His lights went out before he could even finish laying his head on the pillow. Of course, this one you had invested a lot of money in more blankets for the child, which was the only thing that Jason had allowed to be bought for his room.
He assured you that the room was fine as is, and it did not need to be changed. What you'd called bullshit all along, because there was no way a kid would like a room that was the closest thing to a blank page. But you hadn't pushed him, waited until he was more comfortable in the new  environment. 
So the boy was sleeping in a guest room he didn't want to make entirely his own. He was up before anyone else in the house, even Alfred. He would get ready and go down to breakfast alone. He got what he needed by scaling the counter and cabinets if necessary, leaving Alfred to clean up the marks on his slippers. This until Jason overheard him, after which he started taking off his sneakers before climbing up to find the cereal. He ate breakfast in silence, looking out the kitchen window at the patio, then washed everything he had used by hand, even though there is a state-of-the-art dishwasher in the kitchen. He then left the kitchen and got lost in the mansion. 
Bruce found him in the mansion's library a couple of times. Jason said that he was trying to practice his reading, since he hadn't been to school since before her mom died because he had to take care of her when her dad was arrested. Your husband offered his help, but the boy refused. And since Jay realized that his hideout had been discovered, he began to roam the mansion, picking random rooms to hide in during the day when you and Bruce began to keep him company in the library. 
The child hides and avoids both of you. You at first thought that was a repeat of Dick's first few months, that Jason was mad at the world. Consequently, you would expect anger and yelling anytime you ran into Jason around the mansion. You mentally braced yourself for the thought of all that chaos again, how he would sneak out of school when he started once the holidays were over and the whole package was over. 
This time, you were ready and prepared to help him with that rage. You won't let it consume you like Dick did for a long time because you didn't know how to handle it. This time you will do well.
But Jason's eyes would light up when you or your husband greeted him in the mornings after meeting him at the house. He clung to the hands of one or both of you every time you went out into the street. He would hug your waist when you hid him from the paparazzi in the park. (You had a no-photos rule for your kids, only official photos approved by you and your husband, so you and the paparazzi didn't have the best relationship in the world.) He let you guys hug him and look at him without problem. He never initiates affection, but he clung to it when it was given to him, both from you and from Bruce, or Alfred even.
So you were confused, to say the least.
However, you had learned your lesson with Dick. There were situations in which you had to be active and aggressive to help your children. So you talked to Bruce and you both decided it was time to talk to Jason about this peculiar pattern.
Then Alfred told you that if they both faced him at the same time, it would be too intimidating for the boy, causing him to shut down more than help.
Blessings be Alfred. He has always been the smartest in the house (don't tell that to Bruce).
Like every night, Jason had already gotten ready and tucked themselves into bed. Also, he had offered to help Alfred with the cleaning like every day, but the butler had refused as he did a lot lately. So he decided to do the whole night routine without bothering you: he brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas, got into bed and read a book, like you usually offer to do. It cost him less than before, but still some words were complicated. 
You arrived shortly after he had finished reading his fourth story of the night and had accidentally gotten hooked on reading another one. You knocked on the door softly as you opened it.
“Oh, you're already in bed,” you commented, surprised that the boy had done everything himself. Usually, he lets you help with all of this without a problem, so you're disappointed that he won't let you help him.
“Yes, and I just read one story,” he said, quickly trying to hide that he had disobeyed the one-story rule. Jason didn't want you to be angry. He knew you wouldn't hurt him, but he feared your disappointment more than your fury.
“Really?”, you asked excitedly. You knew how hard he had worked to improve his reading these past few weeks to prepare for school. “That's amazing, honey,” you told him as you closed the door softly and walked to sit next to him. Jason smiled happily at your tone of pure joy and pride in his accomplishment.
“Yes,” Jason said as he closed the book and left it on the nightstand, excited to tell you about his progress, “I still have a hard time with some words. But I will fix it before school starts.” He made it clear to you right away, so don't worry.
The truth is that Jason didn't want to bother. Not you, not Alfred, not Bruce. In his mind, that was the way to be a good son. That was what his parents had taught him.
Willis Todd hated it when Jason was in the way. He always ran into him around the house (although that was probably beer-related), and that ended badly for Jason. So Jason learned quickly to stay out of the way so as not to be in the way, not in the sight of his parents, because that was good. His mother never said anything against that arrangement, so he always assumed she agreed.
When his dad left, disappearing without any notice (Jason eventually found out on the streets that he had been arrested and sent to prison), it became difficult for his mom not to see him since she had to do everything. But she was too high to notice half the time. And the other half, when she was aware of him, she wasn't aggressive towards him, she went from hugging him lovingly to crying on her shoulder. As if Catherine were the child and Jason was the father, she was comforting. Then she didn't get up after one dose, and the police came after he called an elderly woman who lived next door to her to ask her to call an ambulance. Then they put him in a couple of foster homes. But no one paid much attention to him, and it wasn't worth putting up with the other children, especially the older ones, who enjoyed tormenting him for being smaller. So he ended up on the street, taking care of himself. It was more natural for him to depend on himself alone than to let them take care of him.
“Well,” you said, settling next to him against the headboard, “but there's no need for that. That's why you're going to school — to learn,” you explained as you ran your hand through his curls. “It's okay if you don't know everything before that.”
“But I don't want to be behind the rest of my classmates, they surely already know how to read very well,” he explained regretfully, somewhat embarrassed.
Only once had his parents been called to the school he had gone to in Park Row. The teacher meant well, for sure. But telling her father that Jason seemed to need a little more help than usual with his reading and that it would be a good idea to move him to a school with a special program for kids like him only made her father see it. And that was never something good. He didn't want you to feel upset with him for that, either. 
“It doesn't matter what other children know or don't know, Jason,” you assured him lovingly. “It matters that you learn without fear of not knowing. It's not a bad thing to not know how to do something that's hard for you to do, sometimes,” you tried to explain, and the boy nodded slowly, processing the information you had given him.
Jason thought for a moment, absorbing what you said, but he was not sure how to respond in a way that would make you happy but not be a nuisance to your daily life. But you didn't let him get to a question because you asked him one in return.
“Jason, my dear,” you called, breaking the boy from his thoughts, who looked at you with big, blue eyes. So precious your baby was. “I have a very important question for you, and I need you to answer me honestly,” you asked him seriously, to which the boy adjusted himself with a worried frown to face you more.
It reminded you of Bruce, who made the same gestures when you talked to him seriously.
Your heart tightened with pride at how your two boys, Dick and Jason, were beginning to imitate Bruce so soon after meeting him. Despite all of his doubts, he was someone the kids immediately looked to as an example. You reminded him repeatedly, despite his complaints, because he needed to be reminded that being Batman wasn't the only way he could make a difference to people. He did it every day in his home, with your children, and with you.
“Yes, Mrs. Wayne - Sorry, y/n,” he corrected himself quickly, but you thought nothing of it despite the way he cringed in place at his own mistake.
“Jay, do you like being here with me, with Bruce, and with Alfred? Are you happy being part of this family?” you asked a little fearfully, sounding as soft as possible so that it didn't feel like an interrogation.
Jason was stunned. His blue eyes looked at you in confusion: Why would you ask such a question? Of course, he was happy, Jason had everything he could need to survive and the company of you and Bruce. Why would you think he wasn't happy with you?
You saw the confusion painted on his face the moment you asked, so you decided to elaborate a little more on the situation.
“You see, Bruce and I have noticed that you don't seem to be around the house much even though you're here. You even get up to have breakfast alone. It seems like you are hiding from us, Jay. Which is why Bruce and I are worried” you began to explain in a soft tone, “Did something happen? Is there something bothering you?
“No, there's nothing that bothers me,” Jason assured quickly, so worried about the situation. “I just don't want to be in the middle,” the boy explained, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Which made your heart break, and you wondered why he would believe that.
Would there have been any comments from you or Bruce?
Or something you guys did that gave Jason that impression?
Whatever it was, it needed a solution because it couldn't be further from the truth. Personally, you had missed having a child in the house, and so had Bruce, despite his attempt to pretend that Dick's departure hadn't bothered him.
Your husband and eldest son had a very ugly fight before he went to live in the Teen Titans Tower. He had arranged for you and Alfred to serve as intermediates. But that didn't change your oldest son's decision to move out of the house. A lot of his stuff was still at Wayne Manor, but he wasn't, which made it a little depressing for you.
“Why do you think you're in the middle?” you asked sadly.
“Well, I know it bothers adults when kids are all over them needing things and asking questions. So I try not to be too intense with you because I am very grateful because now I am part of the family.” Jason shrugged as he looked at his hands, trying to remove his cuticles. A nervous habit that you had noticed.
Unsure of what to do, you played it safe and hugged Jason over the shoulder with one arm, holding him close to you, while with your other free hand, you stopped the suggestion of pinching your cuticles by taking his hand and caressing his plasma instead.
You thought for a moment about how you could handle the whole situation without the need to abruptly destroy the belief system and give it a crisis. You also didn't want all of this to sound like a reprimand for believing something that couldn't be further from the truth, because it wasn't his fault. But you weren't going to leave things like that.
“You know, Jay. Bruce and I are not like other adults," you started feeling a little like Mean Girls' mom and her 'I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom', which made you want to roll your eyes, but you kept going. “We love having you around. Dick got us used to that, you know, so we’d love for you to get in the middle as much as you like Jay,” you explained, and the boy looked at you with wide eyes, a gleam of hope in them.
“Really?” he asked doubtfully.
“Really serious,” you assured him with a smile, which Jason couldn’t help but quickly spread. “Besides, you can always know without a doubt that as long as you are in the middle of your father and mine, you will never have to worry about anything. Because you will be safe and sound,” you assured him gently, moving a hair from his forehead and then kissing the area lovingly.
“I like that,” Jason whispered, as if the thought had escaped him, looking at you with stars in his eyes. He really liked that idea.
Jason ran down the stairs while you calmly entered the house with bags of clothes in hand. Alfred was behind you with more bags and resigned to the fact that you had once again bought extra clothes for the whole family. Yes, you also bought him a couple of new sweaters, the kind he liked, but he insisted they were too expensive.
You didn't finish passing through the living room towards the stairs when Jason ran up and hugged your waist without thinking twice. Now, at thirteen years old, it would probably be time for you to start asking him to take care of the force with which he threw himself into his arms whenever he saw you. But the truth is that you didn't want him to. If you two fell, so be it, but you would never ask Jason to walk away. Not after what it was like the first time your son was in the house.
“Hello, sweet boy,” you said to Jason while hugging as best you could with the bags in your arms. “I got you another one of those hoodies that you said you liked. I got it in red, I thought that color would look good on you”.
Jason didn't stop hugging your waist as the three of you went upstairs to leave the bags so he could try on what you had bought him. Nor when, after trying everything on and being satisfied with his new clothes, you went back downstairs to have tea and eat cookies in the library. Not even when the two of them left there to greet Bruce when he arrived late from the Wayne Enterprise, and he received the same hug, but with more balance than you. Dick arrived, and Jason was still clinging to your waist until all sat down to eat dinner.
“Was I like that?” Dick asked in a mocking whisper to Alfred.
“Was?” mocked back the butler “Master Dick, you are still exactly like that”
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @some-lovely-day @simonsbluee @yuki-chan23 @miyakana @myst3batz @otchae @d3m0n8ch1ld @marsenbie @mynameisnotlaura @andieperrie18 @igotmessymind @amarawayne @kodzukenmaaa @mellowdiy @noah-uhhh-what @blarba-girl @dead-sane-stuff @huhuhhuhh @kimmis-stuff @undecided-shipper @poppyalice2001 @lafrone @voodoo-writer @lilvampirina @astrial @maliagurl @kazhaelfuhghi @poppyalice2001 @totallynotme420 @calsjack @igotmessymind @pato-spoiler-27 @urminebutidontwantyou @cluelessteam
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lottiembae · 1 month
shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: shauna needed to stay to finish an important project while there is a big halloween party where her friends, and girlfriend, are going.
Warnings: harassment, angst, fluff. scarletwitch!shauna.
Note: English is not my first language.
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"Alright, I finished! How do I look?" Y/N opened the door to Shauna's bedroom, seeing her sitting in her desk chair and turning around to see her.
Shauna holds her breath, speechless. Y/N looks beautiful in that ridiculous costume she is wearing for that stupid halloween party. She licked her chapped lips, standing up and walking slowly towards Y/N, admiring her in a dreamy way.
Y/N frown a little when saw her serious expression, but relaxed when saw a small smile gracing her features the moment she approached her. "You look stunning." Shauna says in a low voice, both hands finding her way to Y/N's hips, caressing the exposed skin with her cold hands, feeling the goosebumps she makes her feel.
"You scared me with your expressionless face." Y/N whines, giving a soft slap on her shoulder, but wrapping her arms around her neck.
"Sorry," Shauna murmurs on her mouth with a smirk, depositing her lips on the corner of her mouth. "I want to go with you..." It's her turn to whine, bringing her closer and hiding her head on her neck.
Y/N laugh. "No, you don't." She said knowingly. "You only want to come to keep an eye on me."
Shauna raised her head to look at her, seeing her with a raised brow and a knowing smirk. "You are right, but can you blame me...?" She stepped back and grabbed her hands, her eyes falling to her body.
"Well, bad luck for them. I chose you." Y/N comments, shrugging her shoulders when the brown eyes meet her face.
"Damn, that's true." Shauna muttered, smirking and hugging her once again, closing the gap and smashing her lips on hers. She could feel how Y/N smiled during the kiss and she take advantage of it and slipped her tongue in, humming contents when their tongues meet.
"Y/N we need to go! Lottie is waiting for us outside!" Jackie said, her steps stopping on the door and a disgusting face took her features when saw the scene. "Argh! Finish it quickly please." The blonde whined, resuming her walk to the small living room.
Shauna broke the kiss with a petulant smile on her face, her hands finding her way to Y/N's ass and squeeze it, hard.
"Shauna!" Y/N hissed, pushing her chest back. The brunette laughed quietly, moving her hands to where it was before.
"I can't resist myself." Shauna said, giving her a chaste kiss and gazing at her with loving eyes. "You are beautiful my love." She complimented her sincerely, taking her hands to her mouth and kissing her knuckles.
Y/N gifted her an appreciative smile, her cheeks red. "Thanks, Shaunie." She leaned and peck on her lips, hearing the small groan her girlfriend let out when she called her. "Don't stay too late studying, okay?" She caresses her cheek with her thumb, admiring how pretty she looks with her hair in a messy bun, strands of hair framing her face.
"And you be careful, okay? If anything happens, call me." Shauna warns in a soft tone, hugging her and kissing her lips repeatedly.
"CAN WE PLEASE GO?" Jackie shouted, a hint of frustration on her voice.
Y/N separate from the kiss giggling, removing her hands to the flannel's collar. "I think that's my cue." She whispered, kissing one last time on her lips, walking out with Shauna behind.
Shauna rolls her eyes once she sees Jackie's costume, but she remains quiet. "Have fun and be careful." She wished at them, seeing them grab their coats and purses and going to the front door.
"Yes, mom. I made coffee." Jackie told her, kissing her cheek, stepping out of the apartment, the heels echoing in the hall.
Y/N grabs her chin and smiled. "Have fun too." She chuckled quietly when Shauna gave her a pointed look. "Love you." She whispers in her mouth, not resisting herself and closes the distance.
"Love you." She said back once they separated, seeing after how Y/N follow Jackie's way while she leaned on the frame door until her best friend and girlfriend disappeared into the lift.
Shauna goes inside of the apartment and closes the door, sighing.
"Where is your bodyguard!?" Van asks once the three friends approached her vision.
Y/N rolls her eyes, a red cup in a hand and surrounded by a lot of people around them. "I can ask you the same!" She teases her friend back, leaning towards the redhead to hear her better.
Van flashed her a smirk, laughing and hugging Y/N. "You look stunning, my friend! But my costume is the best, baby!" She said proudly.
"Yeah, a slasher from that movie. That nobody wears." Y/N smugly said, laughing quietly when Van looks at her with an offended look. "But you wear it better than them." She tried to make her feel better, seeing how slowly a smile creeped on her face, making Y/N sigh relieve.
"Nat is wearing a dead student costume." Van comments, indicating their friend with her head. Y/N turns to look at the dyed blonde talking with Kevyn Tan, and wearing a yellow and blue jacket with fake blood on it, on the back you could read yellowjackets.
"Well, knowing her is a great effort from her." Y/N murmurs, waving with a hand towards Natalie when their gazes collided, smiling when she points with a finger at her mouthing, you look hot.
"Yeah... I'm going to refill it to stay here longer." Van said, giving her a sarcastic smile and went to the table full of drinks, letting an amused Y/N behind.
She started to dance to the beat of the song, closing her eyes. She can hear Jackie talking animatedly with someone, but she focused on the song and loosened it, dancing without worry. Until she felt someone behind her, making Y/N open her eyes and look to the person in question.
"Hey, I'm Jay." The muscular guy introduced himself with a flirty smirk.
Y/N swallowed, giving her a forced smile. "I'm Y/N."
Jay leaned a little on her, not too much but enough to let himself be heard by her. "Sorry if I bother you... But I can resist myself to introduce myself. You look beautiful, I think it is the best costume here." He complimented, laughing quietly while he leaned back again, sipping from his cup.
"Thanks. I love the Spice Girls." Y/N relaxed a little, thanking him. "You look great too, very popular on the other side."
"I know that there are a lot of them wearing it, but in my defence I don't care, actually. I just needed a costume." He said, shrugging and making Y/N laugh by his honesty. "Are you alone?" He asks, copying Y/N and starting dance, but with slow movements.
"No! I came with some friends." She replied, asking him the same. "Well, they are having fun." She comments when he points out where his friends are.
Jay chuckles. "They are. Sorry that I asked it... Are you a yellowjacket? Don't mind me, your face sounds to me, that's all."
"Yes, I was..." Y/N chuckles, sipping from her cup. "Good memories."
"And a good team. You all beat almost every match." He compliments her with a cheeky smile. "I don't understand the sport, but hey, I support every win."
Y/N laugh. "You aren't the first to say that."
"Everyone was crazy about you all, including myself." He leaned and whispered, putting an index finger on his lips, signaling that it is a secret.
The yellowjacket shakes her head with a smile. "I was too." She said too like a secret, making him laugh.
They talked more, finding out he was in the basketball team. It's nice to find other people from the same high school and criticise the teachers and some other stupid things. Then, Jackie came with a worried look on her eyes and leaning on her ear, she warned her about him.
"Why?" She looks at her, frowning.
Jackie sigh. "I don't trust him." She hides her face from him. "Something about him makes me feel nervous. Be careful." She warns her, walking back to where she was, thankfully near her.
Jay laughed confused. "Everything okay?" He asks kindly, seeing Y/N's expression.
"Yeah, she commented on something about a friend." She lied, giving him a lipped smile.
"Alright. I finished my drink, do you want to refill? I can go." He offered. Y/N look her cup and saw it is almost empty, so she nods. "I'll come back." He smiled at her and went to refill their cups.
Y/N get rid off what Jackie told her, the guy seems kind, at least what they talked. So she started to dance, singing the song quietly.
"Here you go!" He came back, moving in the air the cup in front of her when she opened her eyes.
"Thanks." She said, grabbing it and giving it a long sip, thirsty.
Minutes passed and they kept talking animatedly, but Y/N started to feel a little dizzy, taking a hand to her head and blinking repeatedly.
"Are you okay?" He asks, worried.
Y/N nods slow. "I think so..." Then, her legs give up and Jay wraps an arm around her hips, holding her. "Thanks, I don't know what happened."
Jay chuckles. "Don't worry. I can take you to a quiet place if you want or call some of your friends." He offers.
She thinks about it. She doesn't want to worry them, maybe it's momentarily and soon it will pass. "A quiet place, please." She murmurs, her tongue feeling heavy, just like her eyelids.
Y/N couldn't to think anymore at this time, she feels very tired and all her body heavy.
"I can take care of you..." It's the last thing she heard before her mind went blank.
Her eyes move for the lines rapidly, her mouth moving repeating the words. She groans when she mistakes it with the same sentence, throwing the pencil on the book and leaning her back backwards.
She grabbed her coffee cup, now it's cold, and gives a sip. She heard a distant sound, making her frown and holding her breath to hear better, until she noticed it was the phone.
"Hello?" Shauna answered, looking at the clock on the wall.
"Shauna, you need to come here." Jackie said in a rush, the loud music was blasting. "It's Y/N." She said in a weak tone.
Shauna freezes, her heart stopping. "What happened to her?" She demands, her gaze turning dark.
"She was talking with a guy, I was close I promise! But then, Lottie called me to help her and when I came back she wasn't where she was. We searched for her but we didn't find her." She explains out of breath.
"Keep searching for her, I don't take too long to get there." Shauna said in a dark tone, hanging the phone and running to her bedroom, putting on her shoes and grabbing her keys.
She felt furious, driving to the house fastly. Her mind goes to a mile per hour, her breath shaking. Some tears escaped from her eyes, she repeated herself that maybe Y/N find with an old friend and they couldn't find her for that. Shauna closed the door with a loud slam, the music getting louder with every step she takes, seeing a small group on the entry.
"Where is she?" She demands them.
They all turned to look at the friend with worried and shaking expressions. "We split to search for her and meet here. We are waiting for Jackie." Lottie informed her carefully, hugging herself. Shauna could see tears on her cheeks.
Shauna didn't say anything, she just stepped in and soon was surrounded by a lot of bodies around her. She decides to go upstairs since the staircase is near the entry, sorting bodies in her way.
"Y/N!" She calls when she is there, ignoring the few people that look at her. "Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
"Shauna here!" It's not Y/N who answered, it's Jackie.
The brunette couldn't see her so she just walked the way that the voice came. She walked through a long hall and found that her blonde friend was in front of a lock door, banging on it and with a hand on the knob.
"Is she there?" Shauna asks, hope on her eyes.
Jackie looks at her. "I think she is here. It doesn't make sense it's the only door locked." She muttered, banging on the door once again.
"Move." Shauna ordered, pushing her softly aside.
"What would you do?" Jackie asks from behind, her question answers the moment Shauna strongly kicks the door with her foot, the door opens with a loud sound.
Then, they step in the room illuminated by a dim light. Shauna stopped on her tracks when saw a guy jumping out of the bed, naked.
"It's locked for something! Do you know what intimacy means?" He asks in a rhetorical way, pointing with his hand at them indicating to go out.
Shauna's jaw clenched when saw the person laying on the bed, half naked and clearly unconscious. She could hear how Jackie gasped when stepped next to her.
"OUT!" He yells. However he went back when saw Shauna's eyes.
The brunette walks in a slow motion, letting him trapped between the window and the broken door. Shauna wasn't thinking anymore and pushed him hard, he flew out the window screaming.
"SHAUNA!" Jackie calls surprise.
But Shauna went towards the bed, with shaking hands covering Y/N's body. "I need you here, Jackie." She calls for her friend without looking.
The blonde takes a while to go there, her movements coming to a halt when saw Shauna's face. "Shauna."
"No now Jackie." Shauna said in a harsh tone.
"Your eyes." The hazel eyed girl said in a low voice, clearing her throat and helping her to put on the underwear to Y/N.
Shauna blinked a few times, trying to calm herself. "I'm going to wake her up." She informs Jackie, this time looking at her frightened friend.
The blonde nods confused, but didn't say anything. She saw how Shauna looks Y/N and raising her right hand in front of her face, a misty red light come out from her fingers. Jackie opened her mouth, speechless.
Soon, Y/N opened her eyes slowly and looking around her confused. "Where am I?"
Shauna put down her hand, a weak smile on her face. "With me and Jackie."
Y/N looks at her girlfriend still with the same confusion. "What are you doing here?" She asks in a hoarse voice.
But before Shauna could reply, footsteps were heard. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Natalie said once she is in. She looks pallid, more if that is possible. Behind them started to approach their other friends.
"What happened?" Y/N asks really confuse. She took a hand to her head, her vision getting better than last time she remembers.
Shauna looks at her friend, Jackie who was looking at the wall in front of her with a hurt expression and then, Shauna looks at Y/N. "What is the last thing you remember?" She asks softly, her hand grabbing the one laying by her side.
Y/N makes a thinking face. "I was with Jay, he brought me a drink and started to talk again, then I started to feel awful." She said, her eyes on the ceiling and trying to remember more.
"I take you with me." Shauna states in a sweet smile, offering her hands at her while she stands up. She can feel their gaze on her, but Shauna prefers tell Y/N what happened alone. "We can watch your favourite film and I'll do chocolate, how does that sound?"
"It's a tentative offer...," her eyes fell on her friends, a guilty expression on her face. "Is it okay if I go with Shauna? I don't feel very good. We can meet up tomorrow! Lottie's house and I will cook, how does that sound?" She knew that her friends couldn't be mad at her, and less with her culinary qualities.
They all look between them and force smiles, they tell her that it is okay. "I could stay with Lottie tonight." Jackie says, removing strands of hair from Y/N's face.
Y/N isn't a fool, not when Jackie didn't know how to lie and her friends is acting weirdly. "Alright, you all are acting weird. Spill it out." She leaned forward on the bed and crossed her arms about her chest, her eyes fixed on Jackie.
However the blonde avoided her gaze, looking everywhere and opened when saw the red colour on Y/N's thigh and part of the white costume. Y/N noticed the way of her eyes opening when they fall on the bed, so she follows her gaze and imitate her.
Why did she have blood on her leg? And clothes?
"Let's go." Shauna rushed her, not waiting and uncrossing Y/N's arms she grabbed her hand and help her to stand up.
"Wait, Shau-." Y/N couldn't finish because Shauna drag her out, the grip on her hand tightening.
They stepped downstairs, the music was turned off and the people were crowding on the entry, chatting quietly between them. Shauna pushed them with apologies. With teary eyes, holding the anger plus the image she just watched a few moments, Shauna wanted to scream.
Y/N gasped when saw the body in the middle of the road. Some people were around them, a piece of clothes covering part of their body. Y/N held her breath when she recognised the face, pushing Shauna's hand repeatedly towards hers.
"I know him." She whispers when Shauna is obliged to stop.
Shauna's jaw tightened more, her doe eyes avoiding to look too much at him. "He doesn't matter." She spat, codly.
"Shauna!" Y/N scold her. "You don't know him. He took care of me."
Shauna bit her lip hard, an ironic smile approaching on her face. "That piece of shit almost rape you." She lowly hissed, her hardened eyes softening the moment she saw Y/N's face.
"YOU! YOU WAS WITH HIM. WHAT HAPPENED!?" A guy came towards them, his slender finder pointing Y/N with an accusatory tone.
Shauna put herself in front of Y/N. "She didn't do anything. I did." She said calmly, challenging him with her eyes. A chorus of gaps were heard. The brunette could hear Y/N calling her in a whisper.
"AND YOU ARE SO FUCKING CALM!" He shouted, approaching her threatening.
"I defend my girlfriend for being rape by him. It could be worse." Shauna said, her emotions are coming out and without restrict anymore, she let them freely. "I would kill him if that happened." She walked towards him and whispered only to him to listen.
He pallid, seeing the brown of her eyes vanishing and changing to a red colour. He backed up, a scary expression replaced his sceptical one. But Shauna steps towards him, grabbing his collar with a hand and approaching his face in front of her.
"The police are coming. I suggest you cover the story, because if I talk I would say the truth. But you don't want that, right?" She asks ironically, her red eyes fixing on his face. "You all don't want them to know the game you have... Because it's not the first time, isn't it?" Shauna paused, and didn't speak again until he nodded with his head weakly. "Then, explain to them why he is naked." She just said, pushing him to the floor with force.
She walks back towards Y/N and gently, she holds her hand again. Y/N noticed the difference immediately on her girlfriend, even if Shauna is giving her the same love, affection and tenderness on her brown orbs, it's not only the change of colour. It's all her demeanor.
"What did y-you do?" Y/N asks in a thread of voice, some tears falling from her eyes.
It's like a stab to Shauna heard Y/N's words. She licked her lips, bringing both hands to her cheeks and wiping the tears. "Anything that makes you in danger. I'll do it again, baby. You..." Shauna let out a sigh, feeling the air stuck on her lungs. "I need to do it." She finishes to say in a low voice, letting go of her face and looking down.
"Take me home." Y/N said in shock, grabbing her hand now and leading her away from the commotion.
Shauna opened the front door and let Y/N to enter first, going behind her and closing the door. She noticed she let the lights on, everything like it was before.
"Do you want something?" Shauna asks to watch her quit off the heels on the couch.
Y/N shakes her head, heavy eyes and her heart pounding. She stands up again to pull off the dress, trying to unzip but failing because she can't reach it. She huffed.
"Let me help you." Shauna said quietly, stepping towards her and replacing her hand with hers, pulling it off. "Now, you can pull it off." She said moving aside, sitting on the armrest.
"I'm going to take a quick shower, if that's okay." Y/N says, letting the dress on the floor and walking with quick steps towards the bathroom.
Shauna gazes at her until she disappears in the bathroom. She sighs and looks at the dress laying on the floor, seeing the red mark in a side of it. She leans down and grabs it, a firm grip on it while she goes to the kitchen, not knowing very well what to do. Well, she knows, but she didn't know what Y/N wants to do, so Shauna let it in the washing machine.
Walking towards her bedroom while pulling off the jacket and shoes, letting her on her flannel and sweatpants, she sits down on the chair, a blank expression looking at the notebook in front of her.
A tap on her shoulder woke her up, blinking and looking at the side. Y/N points at her, not talking. Shauna frowns until she points her again and follows the finger. She pulls off the flannel and tends it at Y/N, her heart hammering on her chest like every time she asked at her to wear the piece of clothes.
"Can you come, please?" Y/N said once she is the bed, her voice muffle by bed sheets.
Shauna stood up and crawled the bed, laying when she reached her side. She wraps her arms around her body the moment Y/N lays her head on her chest.
"How are you?" Shauna says in a soft tone, removing the hair on Y/N's face.
A few moments of silence passed before Y/N talk. "Jackie warned me about him... But I didn't listen. I thought she exaggerated, he seems like a good guy..." She trailed off, snuggling her face into Shauna's neck.
She can feel the wetness on her cheeks. "Don't blame yourself. In a million years you couldn't imagine what he truly intentions are."
"T-Thank you Shauna..." Y/N said between sobs, hugging her closer. Shauna's heart shattered seeing her like this. "If you don't come sooner..."
"Hey! I did. You are safe now." Shauna whispered, kissing her head lovingly. "I can help calm your mind..." Shauna says a little shy, bringing her power for the first time.
Y/N raised her head slowly, puffy and bloodshot eyes looking at her confused. "H-How?"
Shauna swallowed and put a hand in the air, a red light running between her fingers. "I wouldn't hurt you, it only makes you relax and forget, momentarily. Only if you want." She explains.
"I have a lot of questions." Y/N said, her eyes fixing on the hand in the air until Shauna put it down. "But you are so weird that it didn't surprise me you have powers." She murmurs, a small smile playing on her lips when saw the look on Shauna's.
The brunette gave her a fake stern look, inside she is a little content to see a smile right now, even if she is the teased one.
"I could answer them when you want." Shauna said sincerely, removing a strand of hair from Y/N's forehead.
Y/N hummed. "Okay. Help me, please."
"I love you." Shauna said before Y/N close her eyes, a tiny smile on her chapped lips.
"Love you more, Shaunie." She pecked her lips and nod with her head, soon her breath became slow with her features relaxed.
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checkingoutforheroes · 10 months
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Natasha finally found you sleeping on sofa in common room while waiting for her meeting to end and go training: Huh, such a puppy. * Snap a picture and smile.
Clint didn't see Y/n: Hey, where's Y/n? Shouldn't we go training?
Natasha: I don't know. Let's go.
Wanda, come out of nowhere, put the blanket on you: Look at how comfy you are :)
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195 notes · View notes
thera-daydreams · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀᴅʏ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ
ᗢ jujutsu kaisen x scarletwitch!reader ᗢ
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13. madness
Chapter Index & Synopsis
warning: will contain spoilers from the jjk manga and the latest mcu movies/comics/shows (particularly wandavision, loki, spiderman: nwh, as well as content from doctor strange in the multiverse of madness). once again, this will contain heavy spoilers—you have been warned. angst, cussing, cursing, murder, disturbing themes, & swear words will be here, too. trigger warning as well for wanda's depression and suicidal behavior. so... hi, all! it's been what, 6 months? before i say anything more, here's an ultra-mega-super-duper-long-almost-25k-words chapter—practically a whole story in itself—to make up for my long absence and silence here on tumblr. this was weeeeeks in the making and i'm brain fried as i publish this. honestly, i may never edit or beta this because of how ridiculously long it is, lol. anyways, enjoy! 🥰
(word count: 24,958)
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(previous chapter)
The rumbling and shaking continued in the darkness the eight jujutsu sorcerers were in, throwing them off balance. Before they knew it, the darkness ripped open into a... well, it looked like they were somewhere in outer space? But there were pillars and pieces of debris floating around, some objects defying the laws of gravity.
Suddenly, a roar resounded from behind them. Their heads snapped to the direction of the sound, where they found... a ribbon-like monster chasing a young girl wearing a denim jacket and... Dr. Strange in a ponytail?
Just like before, when they were watching and then got sucked into the TV (particularly into the last two episodes of WandaVision), everything felt real. Like a 3D—no, a 4D film. Maybe 6D, even. Yet it was only a glimpse into the past, thus they were still physically unaffected by the events despite them being able to feel and experience it realistically with their five senses.
It was different from the holograms they watched with Loki and Dr. Strange with Spiderman—other pivotal events of your universe that didn't include you.
"Strange looks... strange... doesn't he?" Geto blinked, confused as the duo got closer to their point of view. The Ribboned Creature was destroying everything in its path as it attempted to attack weird-looking Strange and the girl with him. The two individuals being chased went through them like they were ghosts, and so did the angry Ribboned Creature.
"And who's the new kid?" Toji raised one fine, curious eyebrow. The others shrugged.
"Dunno, Toji-san," Yuuji replied. "But that ribbon monster seems to want to get her."
"We should probably follow them," Nanami logically suggested as the Ribboned Creature, Strange-with-a-ponytail, and New Girl got farther away in the distance.
The other seven males nodded, running after the monster and the duo it was chasing (albeit, with some difficulty due to the lack of gravity, the floating debris, and the mess of space-time in the Gap Junction). They jumped and ran, momentarily stopping when Ponytail Strange and New Girl stopped.
"Hey, are they speaking Spanish?" Yuuji asked out loud, overhearing the conversation between them. Choso, beside him, had question marks all over his head.
"... What is... Spanish...?" the cursed spirit thought to himself quietly.
"Uh-huh," Megumi muttered to Yuuji, looking back-and-forth warily between the relentless Ribboned Creature and its victims.
"Well, anyone of you know what they're talking about!?" Toji huffed out, crossing his arms. "'Cause I don't."
"Hehe. Sorry. The only Spanish I know are pick-up lines for the ladies!" Gojo nervously laughed, scratching the back of his head. Geto mimicked the exact same action with a guilty look and a grin.
"... Yeaaaaaah, uhhhh, I didn't really listen during second-year Spanish class with Yaga either. Oops," the long-haired male admitted.
Megumi and Yuuji sighed loudly at that. Best friends, indeed. Gojo and Geto were probably slacking off together that time in their highschool days.
Eventually, all heads turned towards the only reliable person in the room (... or space, since they weren't exactly in a room).
A vein popped on Nanami's temple as all eyes slowly turned to him hopefully (Gojo's and Yuuji's eyes were practically sparkling). The blonde exhaled loudly in exasperation as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "You expect me to know Spanish?"
"We knooooow you do, Nanaaaamin," Gojo stated in a sing-song voice.
Another vein popped up on the blonde's temple. "Stop calling me that."
"You know, you were the only one who got perfect marks under Yaga's Spanish class when you were in second year," Geto chuckled, feeling nostalgic for a second. "You were a damn miracle. That man couldn't teach Spanish for his life."
Relenting, he sighed, "... Fine. I'll translate."
Ah, Nanami Kento. Always so reliable and competent. "Thank you, Nanamin!" Yuuji danced around beside him.
They watched (while simultaneously continuing to run and follow the duo) as Ponytail Strange's powers glowed an icy blue as he fired shots at the Ribboned Creature.
"Weren't his powers, like, orange...? Or am I colorblind now?" Gojo yelled, beginning to doubt his Six Eyes after everything he's seen about your Multiverse.
"This guy must be like those other versions of Spiderman. Like that Sivan—Syra—the hell was her name again... the other self that Loki smooched..." Toji muttered to himself.
"Sylvie. The blonde female variant of that Loki guy," Megumi finished for him. "You're getting old with all those memory lapses, old man." Toji rolled his eyes at his son, pinching the boy's ear as they ran.
"So this Ponytail Strange is a variant of the Dr. Strange we've seen before?" Yuuji tilted his head in question.
"Probably," Geto and Gojo chorused.
"What are they saying now?" Choso curiously asked as Ponytail Strange and New Girl conversed in rapid-fire Spanish. Ponytail Strange pointed at something far ahead.
"He's saying that it's that book that will kill the monster," Kento translated from Spanish to Japanese for the other men. Multilingual King.
"Book?" the others questioned.
"The Book of Vishanti!" New Girl shouted, as if answering the spectators watching them, when she recognized the mystical item from afar.
"Jump!" Ponytail Strange shouted as they encountered a gap in the floating concrete. With that, the eight jujutsu sorcerers also jumped high, too, roughly landing on the sloped piece of floating concrete. "Hold on!" Ponytail Strange told his female companion.
"Shit, this feels like a fight but we're not technically a part of it?" Geto muttered to himself as he slid and landed on solid ground. Ponytail Strange and New Girl did the same, too. Unfortunately, seconds after, the Ribboned Creature caught up to them, roaring in anger as it pierced the new Strange's thigh with its sharpened ribbons. Ponytail Strange was able to encapsulate it and restrict it with some concrete and magic, yet only for mere moments as his injury spread further through his leg.
"Sheesh. That looks nasty," Gojo cringed, taking a glimpse of the Sorcerer Supreme's wound.
"Real nasty," Yuuji followed with a disgusted face. "Must hurt a lot. Poor guy."
Megumi's eyes were stuck to the Ribboned Creature. "It's gonna get out," he mumbled, a foreboding feeling running through his veins. "They can't win this, can they?"
"... Unlikely," Nanami answered back, not very optimistic. Just as he said that, Ponytail Strange yelped out. His wound was getting infected by dark magic.
"It's too strong! I can't hold it!" Strange yelled, shaking as he attempted to keep the monster in the magical circular cage he made. All of them gazed in horror as the monster began breaking its way out.
As he came to this realization, Sorcerer Supreme Strange slowly turned to the new girl—whose name was America Chavez. The gazes of the eight jujutsu sorcerers watching them skimmed over to America, too.
"What's this dude planning?" Toji raised a brow.
"... I don't think it's gonna be anything good," Choso's lips pursed. Indeed, the Cursed Spirit was right.
"I'm so sorry," Sorcerer Supreme Strange began, hesitant. "But this is the only way." With that, the man began extracting the young girl's power for himself. The jujutsu sorcerers were surprised.
"Oh no, why... why would he..." Yuuji felt sympathetic for the girl. She looked to be just around his age. Maybe even younger. Megumi felt the same, too.
"Wh—What are you doing!?" America shrieked as she was lifted up into the air. Slowly, her powers were siphoned out of her.
"I can't let that thing take your power. You can't control it," Stephen told her, trembling as he took the girl's abilities while simultaneously holding the monster back. "But I can."
"But we're friends!" America cried out. "You're killing me!"
"I know." Stephen shut his eyes tight. "But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your—"
One of the creature's ribbons went through Ponytail Strange's heart.
"Damn," Toji commented, arms crossed. "I guess he kind of deserves that, though?"
Ponytail Strange fell to the ground, almosr lifeless. America, now free, set her eyes on the Book of Vishanti. She quickly ran towards it, hopping over multiple pieces of floating debris to get to her destination. Behind her, the jujutsu sorcerers followed. Right before she could obtain it, however, the Ribboned Creature got a hold of her four limbs. The jujutsu sorcerers stopped in their tracks.
"Crap," Yuuji's eyes looked frantically around them. "Is there really nothing we can do to help her!?" Beside him, Megumi was thinking the same, but didn't let his nervousness surface visibly to his face.
Nanami shook his head, "... Unfortunately, no. Like everything we've witnessed, this is the past, remember?"
"It's already happened and we can do nothing to stop it," Geto added. Before he could say anything else, the creature roared, scaring America. Out of instinct, her powers activated. Eyes glowing bright blue, a star-shaped portal appeared around her, acting like a vaccuum—sucking everything around them into it. With his dying breath and remaining magic, Ponytail Strange sent out four spinning blasts to cut away America's restrictions. America (and the monster) were thrown into the portal. Ponytail Strange was sucked into it, too.
And as much as they hated it and tried to avoid it, the jujutsu sorcerers watching were thrown into the portal as well—spinning and spinning as they fell.
"Oh shiiiiiiii—" Gojo shouted, voice echoing through the portal.
Before they knew it, they all awoke on the floor of... a bedroom in the New York Sanctum? And they were in a pile on the ground, too (with Toji, unfortunately, on the very bottom with Gojo being on the top, squishing everyone else in-between).
A tick mark appeared on Toji's jaw at the weight on his back, "Get. Off. Now." The men scrambled to their feet. Then they heard wheezing and huffing from the bed in the room. Their eyes widened.
"Whoa. That's the Strange we know... right?" Megumi pointed out. His eye then twitched as he turned away. "He sleeps naked?"
"Who doesn't?" Gojo, Geto, and Toji chorused.
"... I did not need those images in my head," Nanami rubbed his temples, disgusted at the visuals involuntarily implanted into his brain.
"Perhaps he just does not sleep with a shirt on," Choso offered, head tilted. "But were we... watching his dream?"
"Uh-huh, looks like it," Yuuji deduced. He then whistled. "You know, I never realized Dr. Strange was that fit and built." The pink-haired boy glanced at his teacher. "He could give you a run for your money with those biceps, Gojo-sensei."
The Strongest looked offended. "I look much better than this guy, excuse you!"
"Heh. Dunno, Satoru. With those grey streaks in his hair and that awesome beard? Kinda gives me silver fox vibes," Suguru teased his best friend.
"Have you seen my hair!? It's all practically white—" Gojo protested, running his hands through his hair wildly. "I am the epitome of a silver fox!"
"Nah, without a good beard, you're not," Toji scoffed in the corner. Suddenly, a mouth popped out on Yuuji's cheek as they all watched Strange grab his broken watch and get dressed for a wedding.
"Where the hell is Granny." It was a statement, not a question from the King of Curses.
"Dunno. We haven't really seen mom since... that scene of her in her isolated cabin in the woods..." Yuuji frowned. "I wonder how she's doing here in her past. And in the real world. I've almost forgotten what she was doing since we last saw her in our world."
"Getting groceries," his older brother reminded him.
"In the middle of an incoming snowstorm," Kento sighed out heavily.
It was silent as they waited for Strange do to whatever he needed to do. The Master of the Mystic Arts walked for a few blocks, constantly fidgeting with his cufflinks. It was only when they were inside the chapel, familiar names scrawled on a fancy calligraphy canvas outside the large wooden doors of the entrance, that they realized what exactly Strange was there for.
"Oh my god, is he attending his ex-girlfriend's wedding!?" Gojo exclaimed dramatically.
"Well, this ought to be a sight," the Zenin clan deserter snorted. "What was that woman's name again?"
"Christine...?" Megumi answered his dad, unsure. "Forgot her last name though."
"Oof, this is gonna be awkward," Geto cringed beside his best friend. "Brilliant neurosurgeon and awesome superhero but doesn't get a love life."
"He did have to make sacrifices for his... lifestyle," Nanami quietly commented. Of course, as a jujutsu sorcerer, he could relate. At the blonde's remark, everyone else—at least, the adults of the group—sobered. The life of a jujutsu sorcerer was not forgiving. Time would be spent either fighting, recovering, teaching, exorcising, and the like. Romance? You were lucky if you had a partner that knew, believed, and accepted the life of having a jujutsu sorcerer as their lover. You were even luckier if you were able to sustain a long-term relationship, get married, have kids, and grow old.
Normally, that was not in the books of being a jujutsu sorcerer. Death rates and chances of injury were always high. It was always a gamble as you could die at any moment.
They watched the entire wedding silently.
"Look. Truly, I'm just glad that you're happy," Stephen finished, congratulating Christine on her wedding day.
"I am. I really, really am," Christine brightly smiled at him, looking angelic in her simple yet classic, white wedding dress.
"Good," Stepehen nodded, doing his best to hold back his own tears. Right person, wrong time, indeed. Perhaps in another life... in another universe, it would have worked out between them.
"Are you?" Christine asked.
"I'm happy."
"Good. You deserve it."
With that, Christine left Stephen to his own devices.
"... What a load of bullshit." It was Toji who spoke and it was the first time any of them spoke since the wedding proper an hour earlier. His arms were, again, folded against his chest.
"Tell me about it," Geto snorted. "Clearly, he is not happy."
"He's heartbroken as hell. Anyone can see that," Gojo snickered.
Before more jabs at the ex-neurosurgeon could be made, screams and crashes were suddenly heard from outside the building they were in. Strange, plus the jujutsu sorcerers, ran out to the open balcony on... whatever floor they were... to see cars and street poles being thrown everywhere by... whatever invisible threat there was.
"Finally, some action," Sukuna popped up on Yuuji's cheek once more as Strange flew down. The rest of them jumped down the building, too. Thankfully, despite not having their cursed energy, they landed without a hitch.
"Yo... isn't that the girl from Strange's dream earlier?" Yuuji pointed out as Strange used a spell to make the invisible monster... well, visible.
"It was invisible to the naked eye...?" Choso thought out loud. "A cursed spirit?"
"Perhaps," Nanami observed. It was a huge, slimy, tentacled monster bigger than any cursed spirit he's ever encountered, though (well, maybe except for that one giant cursed spirit Aoi Todo fought during the Night Parade of Demons). It had one big eye, too, scanning its surroundings for its target. The girl.
America Chavez.
Strange—and Wong, later on—finished off the monster by stabbing out its single, huge eyeball from on top of one of New York's buildings.
"Giant monsters, I can clearly handle," Strange stared at Chavez closely. "But what bothers me is that last night, you were in my dream."
"That... wasn't a dream," America explained. "It was another universe."
The eight jujutsu sorcerers spectating stilled at her answer. They followed Wong, Strange, and America into a nearby pizza place, wanting to hear more of this girl's explanation.
Stephen huffed, tired of all the questions being directed to him and the lack of answers he was getting. "Now why was that octopus trying to eat you?"
"That thing was trying to kidnap me," America cut in. At their questioning looks, she let out a deep exhale. "It's like a henchman who works for a demon. All we knew is that they wanted to take my power for themselves."
"What power?" Strange's brows furrowed.
America paused, "I can... travel the Multiverse."
"Prove it," Strange challenged.
"That's neat," Geto nodded to himself. All of a sudden, the scene shifted to all of them being on a rooftop. America, Wong, and Strange knelt down, with America uncovering a dead body.
Strange's dead body. Or at least, the variant of him who was Sorcerer Supreme and had a ponytail. The one who died before their very eyes.
"It wasn't a dream," Wong breathed out in shock at seeing the decaying corpse. "That means..."
"Dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal selves," Strange concluded, wide-eyed.
"Holy shit," Gojo blinked at the declaration. "Does that... apply to our universe, too?"
"... Maybe. Probably?" Geto's eyes were wide, as well. "But that's... it's outrageous. Crazy."
"That was his theory," America gestured to the dead Ponytail Strange.
"So that recurring nightmare where I'm running naked from a clown..." Wong trailed off.
America shrugged, "Somewhere out there, it's real."
"That's sick," Yuuji gaped, both awed and terrified. "I had a dream I got married to Jennifer Lawrence on a beach a few years ago. Megan Thee Stallion was the Maid of Honor! That's true in another universe?" He ran a hand down his face. "Man, that me is living the life, sheesh!"
The rest of them were speechless.
"There could be more creatures coming after her," Wong whispered to Strange.
"The power is dangerous enough in the hands of a kid," Strange replied in a hushed tone. "Imagine if a real threat acquired it."
At their words, the young girl with them became nervous, beginning to back away. Noticing this, Wong assured her. "It occurs to me, young one, that we don't know your name."
"... America Chavez," she answered reluctantly.
"Miss Chavez, will you come with us to Kamar-Taj? You'll be safe there," Wong formally offered as the reigning Sorcerer Supreme.
The jujutsu sorcerers watched as Strange buried the dead Strange with a ponytail... under a bunch of rocks and bricks on the rooftop apartment.
"Won't that, like, smell?" Megumi's face was contorted in disgust.
"Or attract some cursed spirits or something...?" Yuuji scratched his head. "But then again, they don't have cursed spirits in their world..."
"They have terrifying monsters which could be considered as curses, though," Toji remarked. "A ribboned monster? An octopus with one giant eyeball? Hm."
"The creature that killed him," Wong asked, referring to Strange's alternate self. "Did it have the same markings as the octopus?"
"Runes," Stephen stated. At the familiar term, the jujutsu sorcerers' ears perked up.
"Like what Mom and Agatha used?" Yuuji clarified to the other older men, who all nodded.
At Strange's reply, Wong exhaled. "This isn't sorcery."
Stephen's eyes widened slightly in realization. "It's witchcraft."
"Do we know anyone who's faced such a thing?" Wong inquired to his friend.
Stephen paused. One familiar person came to his mind. One he'd fought alongside long ago in the battle against Thanos along with other notable superheroes. "... I think I might."
The jujutsu sorcerers stilled. It was so very faint, but they swore they heard a chime mimicking the theme song of WandaVision in their minds.
Right as Strange finished saying his sentence, they felt the scene before them shift. Suddenly, they saw a familiar-looking woman whose back was turned to them. She was softly humming a song, mixing up ingredients in the metal bowl with a large, wooden spoon.
"Mom...?" Yuuji gasped out first.
You turned around with a smile as you grabbed some baking soda from a nearby cabinet, but did not hear them. You were dressed in a simple outfit—a plain, long-sleeved white top, some faded jeans, and a navy blue cardigan with some flour smudges here and there.
"Y/N..." the older jujutsu sorcerers (ahem, Geto, Gojo, Nanami, Toji, and Choso) breathed out, as if in relief at finally seeing you once more.
"Finally!" Sukuna exclaimed loudly, making Yuuji wince at the volume of his voice. "It's been too damn long!"
You looked you, but...
"She looks a bit different, don't ya think?" Gojo tilted his head, rubbing his chin as he tried to pinpoint what exactly was different.
"Maybe it's the hair color?" Geto pointed out.
"... Happier." It was Nanami who spoke out loud. All eyes glanced at the ex-salaryman. "She's happier. You can see it in her eyes."
They, again, grew silent as they watched you smoothly glide around the kitchen with experienced movements—similar to how you would in their world. In the bakery-café you owned.
"You're right," Toji hmphed. "I wonder why."
They got their answer in the form of two young boys running into the kitchen and dipping their hands in the chocolate mixture you were stirring.
"Chocolate!" Billy yelled happily.
"Hey! What did I say?" you teasingly scolded.
Tommy pouted, "But we couldn't wait."
You raised a playful brow at your children, "Buuuut, what did I say?" At your reply, your twins rebelliously ate the chocolate mix that they managed to sneak on their fingers. Your eyes widened as you laughed, "Oh?" With a loving pinch of their naughty faces, you ushered your kids to the sink. "Go wash your hands!"
"Aren't those two... dead?" Choso asked out loud, referring to Billy and Tommy.
"Supposedly," Nanami answered him. He looked around closely. "And supposedly, this place is gone. Vision Residence disappeared when the Hex disappeared."
They all blinked.
"You're right, Nanamin!" Yuuji blinked. "Whoa, you're so observant!"
"It's part of my job. And my Cursed Technique," Nanami bluntly replied, adjusting his glasses (just like any cool and badass anime character).
"But he's right... this is the Vision Residence... exactly like it, except for a few extra knick-knacks here and there," Geto murmured, touching the kitchen counter.
The scene before them slowly changed to night time, with the twins dressed in their pajamas and getting into bed. It was an extremely familiar scene, making them feel déjà vu as they watched it.
"A family is forever," you spoke to Billy and Tommy gently. "We could never truly leave each other even if we tried." You stroked their heads.
"Hasn't this happened already?" Yuuji scratched his head in confusion, hearing the dialogue and your conversation with your kids. "Like, in WandaVision? I feel like I've watched this already in the finale."
"Hm," Gojo hummed, his head tilted as he watched you tuck the boys in snugly. "Except that Y/N's in her single mom era here. For some reason."
"Where the hell is that robot?" Sukuna asked, very loudly.
"No idea," Choso answered his fellow curse being.
You sweetly give your children a goodnight kiss on their foreheads, whispering, "Love you." They giggled at the sensation, making you smile. The sorcerers smiled, too, seeing you happy. You were about to say something else when the scene cut abruptly. So abruptly.
Your eyes snapped open, the smile on your face slowly fading as you realized that it was just a dream. Again. The jujutsu sorcerers, too, realized that you had been dreaming. You slowly sat up from your bed, the silence in your new home almost deafening except for the soft chirping of birds outside. In your bedroom, you were alone. Somehow, despite the warm sunlight filtering through the curtains on your windows, the air was chillier. The colors around them seemed a little greyer... duller than it was in that vibrant, joyful dream. You tightened your flannel robe along your torso, adjusting a stray strand of your hair behind your ears.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Oh, you were still alive. And awake. You placed a hand over your beating heart, exhaling.
The jujutsu sorcerers realized that this woman—the lonely woman who woke up from the dream and not the happy mother in that dream—was you. The one they knew. The version that they had watched over the past couple of... hours? Days? Weeks? How long has it been? They didn't know.
"Mom..." Yuuji sadly whispered. "So it wasn't real? Mom was just dreaming about Billy and Tommy?"
"So it seems," Megumi replied, feeling pity for you (for what probably felt like the hundredth time). You didn't deserve this pain at all. "It's never gotten easier for Y/N-san, huh?"
Now, they were transported to a lovely apple orchard, with countless, fragrant trees spaced out almost evenly. Not so far away was the new humble home you'd made for yourself after self-isolating, with a dozen or so sheep running past the jujutsu sorcerers.
"Sheep...?" Gojo blinked, seeing you quietly herd them away to some wooden fences. "Neat... I guess? Didn't think she'd be the type who's into sheperding."
"She's taken up gardening, too. So this is where it began," Toji observed as you diligently snipped away at some overgrown tree branches. He and the others were aware that gardening was one of your hobbies (and why Charmed Coffee & Confectionaries had such a gorgeous display of healthy plants all over the area and outside the shop—heck, the mini-garden you had on the rooftop of your building was a tourist spot itself; Geto could recall Mimiko and Nanako taking a lot of selfies there during that time they first came looking for him after you saved him).
"Apples?" You—and the jujutsu sorcerers—turned around at hearing Strange's voice. Hands in his tailored trouser pockets and a friendly smile on his handsome face, he almost looked like he was about to ask you for a date at the park in this very place.
"... Eventually," you replied, straightening yourself. The jujutsu sorcerers watched as you handed him the small branch you'd snipped off. He sniffed it, nodding and impressed.
"It smells—" He began, only for you to subtly cut in.
"I was gonna say real," Stephen chuckled. Your lips curved at his remark as you took the branch from him and tossed it away to the pile of branches on a picket box on the grass.
"Oh, it's all very real. Thanks." Then your smile disappeared, replaced by a sad and remorseful look. "I knew sooner or later you'd show up, wanting to talk about..." You paused. "Westview." It was a word you hadn't said in so long. The spectators also felt like it's been forever since then after they'd seen the other things that happened in your universe—Loki, Spiderman, and more. You breathed out deeply, pocketing your hands in your jacket. "I made mistakes. And people were hurt—"
"But you put things right in the end, and that was never in doubt," he assured. "I'm not here to talk about Westview," Strange informed you. This alarmed some of the jujutsu sorcerers.
"Hey. Wait, wait. Hold up." Geto crossed his arms, glowering at the Master of the Mystic Arts. "You mean to tell me this guy knew about Y/N and what happened to Westview? And didn't bother to show up or do anything about it? Like, help her? Against that nosy Salem witch with the crazy get-up?"
"Same thoughts," Gojo huffed. "The nerve of this guy! The audacity!"
"Then what are you here for?" you inquired, appearing confused.
"We need your help," Stephen quickly answered. You gave it a few moments of thought, walking to make your decision. Strange followed behind you, hands pocketed from the air, as well.
"Oh, so now he asks for her help?" Gojo and Geto chorused, rolling their eyes in annoyance with Strange.
"... No one was there for her when she needed them the most," Choso quietly added.
"Yeah," Yuuji frowned in disapproval.
"With what?" you finally responded, strolling along your orchard with Strange beside you.
"What do know about the Multiverse?"
Your eyes slightly widened as you shared to Stephen what you knew, "The Multiverse... Viz had his theories." Ah, finally a mention of your late synthezoid husband. "He believed it was real. And dangerous."
"Well, he was right about both," Strange disclosed. "We found a girl who can somehow travel across it. But she's being pursued."
Your head turned to him seriously, worriedly, "Pursued by who?"
"Some kind of demon. One that covets her power for itself," Strange answered in a grave tone. "We've taken her to Kamar-Taj, and we've got our defenses. But we could use an Avenger."
Avenger. Huh. That was a title you weren't called ever since... what, the Lagos Incident? The fight against Thanos? Both good and bad memories were associated with it. "There are other Avengers," you reminded him, raising a skeptical brow.
"Yeah, but given the choice of the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fighters..." You chuckled, amused at his joke. "Or, one of the most powerful magic-wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Come to Kamar-Taj." His eyes gave such a pleading look. Strange then smirked, "We'll get you back on the lunchbox."
"He's using aaaaaall his mystical silver fox charms to sway her, isn't he?" Gojo pouted, like a child stomping his feet because his mother didn't give him candy.
"You forget that he was a very respected genius neurosurgeon who was probably extremely wealthy and, for the record, attractive," Nanami deadpanned, also inwardly irked at the fact that Strange knew about Westview all along. "I get the feel that this perhaps isn't the first time he's persuading a woman to get what he wants from her. He's got an ego that rivals Stark."
"Not gonna lie, used to do that to women, too," Toji commented, making Megumi quietly groan.
However, it was your next remark that made all of them—except Yuuji, who didn't catch on, at first—that made them freeze in their tracks.
"What if you brought America here?"
The jujutsu sorcerers saw that Strange had noticed your words, too. He was almost rendered speechless. But he played along with it, "... Here?"
"Yeah," you shrugged. "I know what's it's like... to be on your own... hunted for abilities you never wanted," you suggested, continuing to stride forward. You really did relate to the girl. The question was...
"How does she know so much about... America?" Megumi's eyes were wide. The rest of the guys had the same expression. Their hearts pumped blood faster through their bodies, adrenaline rushing in their veins.
They couldn't believe it. No. It wasn't possible.
"She could have just read his mind... right?" Gojo murmured, refusing to believe it. "... Right?"
"But she said she put the magic behind her already," Nanami cut in, hazel eyes narrowing at you as you didn't face them or Strange. He continued to reason out, "And I'm pretty sure the Master of the Mystic Arts wouldn't appreciate anyone prodding around his mind and reading it. It's likely he has defenses for that in place."
Toji, Geto, Choso, and Sukuna (the only deranged one who was getting excited about the whole ordeal) chose to be silent, just watching.
"What? Huh? What's happening?" Yuuji's gaze frantically moved from person to person. He didn't understand. But the rest of the jujutsu sorcerers had no words to say as they stared at the scene unfolding before them. "What's wrong?"
Strange stopped walking.
"I can protect her," you promised, only to notice that Strange was no longer beside you and that he had the most disappointed and regretful expression on his face.
Ah, you realized.
You made a slip of the tongue. Oh well. At least you tried. It would've been too easy if Strange was just able to hand you America right then and there. The predator got too excited there, losing the chance to seize their prey in a one-shot kill. Now, the thrilling chase was just starting.
"... You never told me her name, did y—"
His voice was far colder now, and he answered instantaneously. Harshly. "No, I didn't." He was about to leave, only for you to speak again, back turned towards him (and the viewers). Antsy and nervous, the jujutsu sorcerers waited for what was going to happen next.
There was an ominous feeling in their gut, something they usually felt when they were dealing with extremely difficult cursed spirits or powerful enemies. The fact that you were the reason why they were feeling like this was... unnerving.
They didn't realize that unintentionally, they were holding their breaths.
"You know, the Hex was the easy part," you divulged quietly, slowly lifting your right hand from your pocket. "The lying... not so much."
With a small wave of your hand, the peaceful illusion of the apple orchard dissolved as the reddish-black fog of your Chaos Magic seeped through your fingertips once more, revealing a desolate wasteland with lifeless trees and scarlet skies. No traces of life were present—not one sheep, not one bird, not even a single ant was alive. In just a blink of an eye, everything down to the molecular level had been altered.
Then, Stephen Strange and the jujutsu sorcerers turned around to see you. Their gaze moved from head to toe, your once-regal and superhero-like Scarlet Witch robes visibly darkened—now a gradient alternating from black to red—and corroded... corrupted, glass-like cracks on the tight bodice originating from where your heart was located, like a metaphor for all the heartbreak you'd been through in this lifetime. Your tiara, too, looked different from the last time they saw it—its two tips pointier and its composition much more hollow. Your half-arm gloves from before had turned into full-on, darkened sleeves which extended to your fingers, which they noted had been stained an inky black. Just like Agatha's before.
The Darkhold floating beside you explained everything.
Even the way you physically appeared had changed. Your hair was longer than when they last saw you, your eyes and cheekbones sharper, lips and lids painted darker, and even the way you held yourself in poise and manner oozed confidence.
You looked downright evil, yet also hypnotizingly and irresistibly a hundred times more attractive.
"Oh, fuck yeah!" Sukuna suddenly cackled, ogling you shamelessly through eyes and a mouth on Yuuji's cheek. On the other hand, Yuuji had the opposite reaction, his face the epitome of horrified and betrayed.
"N-No... it can't be," the pink-haired boy stammered in realization. "Mom's... the demon chasing America? She's the one w-who... killed that other Strange?"
"Yuuji," Nanami placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder. "... Don't... overthink it. Remember, this already happened in the past." However, the blonde was unable to take his gaze off of you. Like the others, his eyes were trained on you. Even he couldn't believe what was happening.
"The Darkhold," Strange's eyes widened at seeing the book.
"You're familiar with the Darkhold?" you asked curiously.
"I know it's the Book of the Damned," Strange coldly replied. "And that it corrupts everything and everyone that it touches." He gestured with his head to your surroundings. Your territory and domain. "I wonder what it's done to you."
"The Darkhold only showed me the truth," you countered as if nothing was wrong. "Everything that I lost can be mine again." You sounded like you truly believed what you were saying.
"What do you want with America?" Stephen's brows furrowed. "What do you want with the Multiverse?"
"I'm going to leave this reality... and go to one where I can be with my children," you announced calmly.
"Wanda, your children aren't real!" Strange attempted to convince you but to no avail. "You created them using magic."
"... That was a fucking awesome way to say it," Toji scoffed sarcastically, still stunned at what was occuring. "Like she's gonna change her mind at this point."
You knowingly and coyly smiled at him, intentionally twisting his words, a sly glint in your eye, "That's what every mother does."
Were they frightened or aroused hearing and seeing you act like such an enchantress? They had no idea.
"By magic, does she mean that episode in WandaVision with the bed and her and Vision having s—" Gojo began, only to be interrupted by his best friend.
"Yes. Yes, she does, Satoru," Geto sighed out. But he wouldn't lie, he could see himself in this darker side of you. It was jarring him. The déjà vu was real.
You clasped your hands together, beginning to circle Strange, "If you knew there was a universe where you were happy, wouldn't you want to go there?" You stared up at him, almost tempting him. But Strange was a man of steel will.
"I am happy," he said, making you raise a fine brow in bemusement. Strange was a man of steel will, but like in Toji's words, he often said a load of bullshit. Obvious lies, duh.
"I know better than most what self-deception looks like," you hummed playfully, aware that he was lying to not only you, but himself. The way you were looking at him had Strange sweating and nervous (so were the jujutsu sorcerers who had a big fat crush on you).
"... Honestly, I would've folded if she looked at me like that," Satoru tilted his head towards you as he addressed his fellow sorcerers. "And I'd instantly marry her. We'd be a hot couple, eh?"
"No thanks," the others replied, instantly shutting him down. Yuuji was a bit kinder, though, but still savage.
"I really admire you, sensei, but I don't want you to be my stepdad," the pink-haired boy awkwardly grinned out, scratching his head.
"I'd be the awesomest stepdad, excuse you!" Gojo cried out, only for Strange to speak again.
"Wanda, what you're doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law and if you take that child's power, she won't survive!" Strange nearly shouted to you in anger.
Instantly, the smile on your face vanished. "I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen." Then suddenly, you shrugged. "But she's not a child!" you scoffed without a care in the world, both eyebrows high on your forehead as you gave your excuses to Strange. "She's a supernatural being! Such raw power could wreak havoc on this and other worlds! Her sacrifice would be for the... better good." You shrugged offhandedly.
Your words made the jujutsu sorcerers somewhat... sick. They realized that they'd heard this conversation before, with Stark and Cap after the Lagos Incident and during the Sokovia Accords dispute all those years ago. And in America's place, it was you, instead.
To Cap, you were a kid.
To Stark, you were a so-called weapon of mass destruction.
Maybe Iron Man had a point. Not a hundred percent on the dot and definitely not in how he chose to go about it—confining you and putting you in solitary internment—but he knew what you were capable of.
You were dangerous.
And he was absolutely right.
"Well, you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye because that's exactly the kind of justification our enemies use!" Strange argued, making you inwardly snort. Intimidatingly, you stepped closer to him, staring him straight in the eye—daring him to make the first move.
"Is it the one that you used? When you gave Thanos the Time Stone?" you calmly yet bitterly challenged back at his remark. You knew that he knew what he did to you. What he did to Vision. The memory was painfully fresh in your mind, Thanos ripping out the Mind Stone from the head of the person you loved the most after he used the Time Stone to easily reverse your sacrifice.
"Oh shit," Geto muttered, shocked. "Didn't expect that from her."
Clearly, Strange's face showed his guilt, "... That was a war. And I did what I had to do."
You were not convinced by his reasoning. Actually, you were unimpressed. "You break the rules and become the hero," you mocked, knowing about what happened with him and Spiderman, erasing memories and all with the Runes of Kof-Kol he was told not to use. You were merely rubbing salt in the wound; he was oh-so self-righteous wasn't he? "I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair."
"Mom's... she's... she's gone psycho," Yuuji whispered, wide-eyed at your attitude and demeanor. "But... Dr. Strange did break a hella lot of rules... especially with erasing people's memories of Peter Parker... but Mom..." Yuuji's eyes became downcast. "I never thought she'd say something like that."
The others looked at the boy with pity. After all, he had always seen you as his strong, powerful, yet kind mother. For that image of you to be crushed... it must have definitely hurt a lot.
"What happens now?"
"Return to Kamar-Taj and prepare to hand over America Chavez by sundown. Peacefully," you stated your terms firmly. You then gave him a tiny smile. It didn't give them any reassurance, though. This smile of yours was darkly mischievous and triumphant, not the smile they loved to see. "After that, you will never see me again." You turned to leave, using your magic to store the Darkhold safely away from view, only for Strange to speak again.
"And if we don't?"
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at him one more time. "Then it won't be Wanda who comes for her. It will be the Scarlet Witch." It was not a threat. It was a promise.
"Hohoho, this is getting interesting," Sukuna almost giggled. Giggled. Out of excitement. If the King of Curses was this happy, it was an omen that bad things were to come.
The scene morphed to all of them being in Kamar-Taj, with Wong—the current presiding Sorcerer Supreme—pacing the room quickly as an urgent meeting was held between various master sorcerers.
"The Scarlet Witch..." Wong murmured to himself anxiously, before declaring to the others. "The Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesized to either rule or annihilate the cosmos."
"Wait, what?" Yuuji exclaimed.
"Rule or annihilate, hm?" Sukuna chuckled darkly. "Interesting. Very interesting. More... more! I want to see mo—" Itadori slapped the noisy mouth on his cheek.
"Now is not the freaking time, Sukuna!" he huffed.
"Then what Agatha said before was true," Nanami pointed out, tense. "That her power exceeds the Sorcerer Supreme and that—"
"—It's her destiny to destroy the world," Toji finished grimly. "Well, goddamn."
"Suspend all teaching at once!" Wong ordered. "Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress!"
The jujutsu sorcerers then watched in surprise as the entirety of the temple and its dozens of residents swiftly prepared for battle, gathering weapons and artillery, even summoning the masters from the other two sanctums of the world: Hong Kong and London.
"... That's... an entire army," Megumi spoke out, breathless.
"Isn't an army of fifty or more wizards, like, too much for one person?" Choso wondered, scratching his head. "Overkill, that's the word, right?"
"We've seen what she did to Hayward's soldiers before," Toji reminded the other man. His green eyes narrowed, though. "But they are sorcerers, too, so we could give 'em some credit, at least. Maybe Strange can talk his way outta this and Y/N will agree. Maybe. And that Chavez girl will be fine."
Gojo rubbed his face with his hand tiredly, "God, you know what? This is reminding me of that time when your smartass declared war on all of us, trying to get Yuuta for Rika." The silver-haired sorcerer glared at his best friend, who only scowled at the memory of the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. Geto didn't verbally reply, inwardly still trying to... not be so hateful of... monkeys... damn, he really should stop calling non-sorcerers monkeys.
When all preparations and precautions had been made, the small army of Eldritch magic sorcerers the stood guard on Kamar-Taj. No space was left unprotected outside. The jujutsu sorcerers were also waiting for your appearance.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock!
Exactly at sunset, just as you had vowed, dark, billowing clouds appeared from the distance, slowly engulfing the entirety of Kamar-Taj and hushing the surroundings into silence. It was as if the sun had been dimmed and the area had been separated from the rest of the world. It was eerily silent, yet it felt like they were hearing ghostly whispers around them, too.
Yuuji shivered, even in his hoodie. "This is... kinda creepy."
"Reminds me of Coppola's film when Dracula signaled his arrival to London in a ship," Nanami murmured, eyes scanning the clouds to check for any sign of you. The others were doing the same, too.
"You mean the one with Winona Ryder? You always did like her in highschool, you emo," Gojo turned to him, momentarily distracted by his remark. Nanami only quietly sighed, mentally calming himself down and choosing to ignore the older man.
Suddenly, a red light appeared from the foggy clouds, making way to show you floating. Waiting. But surely you didn't think they'd so easily hand over America, right?
"Choose you words wisely," Wong whispered to Strange. "The fate of the Multiverse might depend on it."
Strange, beside him, felt like his shoulders became a ton heavier. "Right." He nodded. "But no pressure, right?" Wong only gave a nod.
As Stephen used the Cloak of Levitation to move towards you, the jujutsu sorcerers felt a pull to him, too. Soon enough, they found themselves floating nearby you and Strange in the sky, too. For Gojo, it wasn't weird since it felt similar to when he used his Infinity. For the others? It was startling to be in the air.
"Bruh, I'm flying?" Yuuji was in awe, then he grew solemn again, seeing your serious face. "This would've been fun if Mom was... Mom."
"All this for a child you met yesterday?" you thundered, glaring at Stephen.
"Wanda, you are justifiably angry," Strange began, trying to calm you. "You had to make terrible sacrifices—"
"I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved," you sharply interrupted, a hint of your past pains showing through. Your tone nearly made the jujutsu sorcerers wince as the image of your crying visage destroying the Mind Stone reappeared in their heads. "And it meant... nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange," you criticized spitefully. Then, your gaze grew softer as you moved towards Strange, leaning... closer, closer, and closer, until you both were face-to-face like that time in the apple orchard.
It was a fuming Satoru who immediately made a childish comment. "Are they gonna kiss or something? Why's she standing—er, floating so close to him!?"
"Shhh," Geto elbowed him. "Just listen, Satoru." But even the long-haired man (and a few others) was a teeny bit envious of how comfortable you seemed being so close to the Master of the Mystic Arts. That tiny green monster of jealousy in them grew even more when your gaze at Strange became tempting. Seductive, almost. Just like how Agatha had attempted to entice you to voluntarily surrender to her your powers back in Westview.
"If you give me the girl," you purred to Strange much like a beguiling siren would. The man visibly became much more still as he retained his composure. Whatever the Darkhold had done to you, your entire being and behavior were the epitome of alluring and captivating. Right before their very eyes, you were literally bewitching a man (... or six men, specifically, whose Adam's apples were bobbing as they swallowed at the sight of you). "I'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine," you offered, knowing exactly which buttons to press.
"... She's giving iconic Disney villains a run for their money," Gojo cleared his throat, pulling his collar and trying to cool himself down. "Or better yet, Satan himself, making deals like this and everything."
"Intelligent and beautiful, yet also powerful and manipulative," Geto thought to himself, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to distract himself from the memory of you being so... villainous and obsessed with your motives. The passion you exhibited was quite exhilarating, especially to that side of him who used to want to change the world. Perhaps you two weren't that different, after all. Was he terrified of you? Yes, quite. Was he also attracted? Very much, yes. As strange a combination that was. (Ryomen Sukuna, inside Yuuji, was fully embracing that feeling the five other grown jujutsu sorcerers were silently experiencing).
"... Kinda hot, can't lie," Toji hummed out making Megumi beside him cringe.
"Ew, Dad," the younger Fushiguro almost gagged.
Strange did not falter, though, declaring, "The full might of Kamar-Taj stands against you. Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds!" The jujutsu sorcerers had to give it to Dr. Strange, mentally applauding them for being able to resist you. If it were them in his place... well, that would be another story.
"Defensive positions!" the Sorcerer Supreme had commanded to his army from below.
At his defiant words, your shortened temper flared. "You have no idea just how reasonable I've been," you gritted out, all traces of your enchanting persona gone.
Stephen scoffed, retorting, "Book of the Damned, calling yourself a witch, conjuring up creatures to abduct a kid, I don't exactly call that being reasonable!"
"Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy," you reproached, the glowing red balls of energy keeping you in flight flashing brighter with your aggravation. "And in spite of your... hypocrisies and insults," you condemned him harshly. "I have begged you to safely... Get. Out. Of. My. Way." Strange had a bad feeling about where this was about to go.
He definitely did not choose his words wisely, did he?
Geto was really getting déjà vu of himself at hearing you. Sukuna was even more thrilled. Toji, honestly, was impressed. Gojo was just stunned. Nanami and Choso, too, were simply speechless. Megumi and Yuuji only looked horrified. This was the same woman that gave them free food and dessert in her cute little shop? The same woman who would draw cute squiggles and chibi characters on cookies? The same woman who would patch them up when they were wounded? The same woman who gave almost all of them a second chance at life?
They couldn't believe it.
You continued your monologue, anger simmering as your voice turned lower in volume," You have exhausted my patience. But I do hope you understand that even now, what's about to happen...." You gave Strange a hateful, you-made-me-do-this-stare. "This is me being... reasonable."
Your words sent chills down their spines.
With that, you fired a blast of Chaos Magic at him, only for it to be blocked by a now-visible protective magic barrier spanning the area of Kamar-Taj. As Strange flew back down, the jujutsu sorcerers landed on solid ground once more. They stared back up at you outside the barrier.
And even in the distance, they saw that you had become very, very, very pissed off. Seething through your teeth.
"Uh-oh," Gojo exhaled out anxiously as he stared up into the sky. "She's angry."
"No shit, Sherlock," Geto scoffed beside him. "She's fucking livid." Despite not being in the actual battle itself, they could practically feel everything else, including the terror in their hearts as you charged towards Kamar-Taj once more, blasting the shield in different areas with multiple hexes simultaneously (something new they had noticed).
"Reinforce the shield!" Wong yelled out. Even as more sorcerers came to strengthen the barrier, the jujutsu sorcerers could still feel the quaking of the fortress at your blasts. The impacts had grown to be that powerful.
"Whoa, whoa," Yuuji balanced himself with the help of Nanami. The foundation of the building continued to shake.
Realizing that physical attacks were useless, you stopped, instead changing your strategy. Strange immediately noticed this as he saw you scanning the army of sorcerers.
"She's trying to get into their heads," Stephen told Wong, who grumbled.
"Sorcerers, fortify your minds!" he shouted. Honestly, the jujutsu sorcerers felt like they were also being reminded, too. They were getting a bit too distracted by your... change in demeanor. Still, you continued to look for an unfortunate victim. Surely, there had to be one newbie, right?
And you were right.
There was one, indeed, still so apprehensive and vulnerable. There he was. And he knew you were looking at him. You were locking eyes with your helpless target.
Wide-eyed, the jujutsu sorcerers watched as your astral form appeared right behind one of the younger sorcerers, like the Devil tempting to consume the Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Your physical body, effortlessly awake, floated outside the shield, smirking wide. You astral form only had to whisper one thing for everything to crumble down into pieces.
Goosebumps arose on their skins as your prey grew rattled, sprinting away in fear and creating a hole sufficient enough for you to breach in. He had bumped into multiple other sorcerers on the way, too, further weakening the shield. That was when you started channeling more of your Chaos Magic to create another blast.
"Oh fuck, should we run, too?" Gojo asked, yet his legs were already beginning to move. After all, he didn't have his Infinity or his Limitless with him. Right now. And even if this was the past, this was literally, like, a 6D experience.
The blast you shot hit the ground beside them before they could react, knocking them off their feet like the many Eldritch magic sorcerers nearby.
"Oh shit, shit, shit! Get up, Satoru!" Geto grabbed his best friend's shirt as he himself got up from the ground. Toji had Megumi tossed over his shoulder, with Choso doing the same for Yuuji (who had somehow lost his left shoe). Nanami was holding said missing left shoe as he urged the others to run behind Strange near the entrance of Kamar-Taj.
Their reflexes and battle instinct from all their years living in the world of jujutsu had kicked in. But this time, the enemy was you. At least, it felt like it. When they were all near Strange, they took a glimpse of you.
Mercilessly shooting down sorcerers as you charged towards Kamar-Taj, swatting them away like flies with your psionic energy, toppling structures and towers, tossing stone and huge debris everywhere—all while simultaneously defending yourself with an energy shield. You were multitasking offense and defense like it was nothing, reducing Kamar-Taj to ruins in no less than five minutes since the shield was down.
It was chaos.
"Magic on autopilot," Yuuji's eyes were wide.
Right at the entrance, their memory of you as they ran with Wong and Strange was you landing down onto the ground, creating a pulsating wave of energy that decimated any remaining survivors. There was one—screaming and bawling as he crawled on the ground. Without even batting an eye, you waved your hand—literally erasing him from existence with Chaos Magic.
"Holy crap," Yuuji was terrorized. Utterly terrorized. "Did she just... delete that guy out of existence...?"
The others were stunned, as well. But Sukuna? Sukuna was having the time of his life watching you being so cruel and heartless. They didn't even bother telling him off as he openly roared with laughter. It seemed fitting that the King of Curses would laugh so jubilantly, with several fires raging around them, burning bodies into ash and crisp, nothing but sheer blood and destruction at the hands of the Scarlet Witch.
However, much to your surprise, ten Masters of the Mystic Arts bravely... or foolishly... appeared before you through their signature yellow-orange ring portals, poised with their swords; ready to fight. Ah, yes. These were probably the best of the best they had aside from Stephen Strange.
But their best would never be a match for you.
"You dare go against me, sorcerers?" you declared in a booming voice, one fine brow raised and one hand glowing red.
Already highly perturbed at the slaughter you had just executed, the other jujutsu sorcerers could say nothing. As you spoke to the Masters of the Mystic Arts, it felt like you were addressing them, too.
What had become of the sweet woman they knew?
"You are a threat to this world, Scarlet Witch," one of the Masters answered spitefully. "Therefore, we must eliminate you!"
For a few seconds, you were silent. They—including the jujutsu sorcerers—anticipated your reply. Suddenly, you chuckled. Darkly. With it, a matching smirk.
"You are more than welcome to try." It wasn't a threat. It was a taunt. A promise, even.
With that, the Masters of the Mystic Arts charged at you with their swords and magic, only for you to forcefully toss them into the air and slam their bodies into the broken ground. This time, instead of using pure magic to kill them, you even incorporated your magic into skillful hand-to-hand combat, something they hadn't fully seen since what, that time you fought Proxima Midnight in Scotland?
In even more shock and horror, the jujutsu sorcerers watched you move swiftly and fiercely, slicing the Masters with their own swords. With one, you even mind-controlled to slice his own head with his own weapon. The red psionics wrapped around the decapitated body—with you using it as a shield against the other Masters. It was an... effective technique, as grotesque as it was. The corpse had two swords in its abdomen, puppeteering it to kill the other Masters even as it was spurting out fresh blood from its severed neck. As you discarded the body, you expertly dodged and evaded the other Masters charging towards you, snapping their necks or manipulating their bodies to destroy one another.
"Holy mother of..." Gojo gulped, flinching as you crushed a man's skull with your magic. The blood splattered on your face, yet you were unfazed. Behind you, the last Master attempted to inflict some damage, only for him to die the most gruesome death of them all with Chaos Magic as you snapped your gaze to him.
Bones and limbs twisted and broken, screaming in agony, until he was nothing but a mangled mess that exploded into nothing but blood.
"Shit, that's..." Geto's eyes were wide open. Now he was really wondering what would have happened if you got involved with the jujutsu world before Yuuji came along. If you... no, if the Scarlet Witch interfered when he was alive... with you siding with Yuuta and Rika, the Queen of Curses...
He would have been fucked. Kenjaku wouldn't have even had the chance to steal his body because after all this, he realized that you could just delete him out of existence. On a whim. That was how great your power was and you weren't even a jujutsu sorcerer.
You were so unassuming and "normal" on the outside that he would have deemed you a monkey. He would've deemed you a scum of the earth... if he had met you before you met him in that fateful day in your shop. And he would've been so stupid because of that because even without cursed energy, you possessed and mastered something that the Multiverse itself was in danger from.
Chaos Magic.
Yeah. It dawned onto Geto that he would have been really doomed.
And despite all of Masters you sent to their deaths, you looked remorseless. Your eyes lacked the soul and warmth and shine that the jujutsu sorcerers adored. Instead, you were a mindless killing machine with only one mission in mind: to make your children yours again.
"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful," Sukuna nearly purred and groaned as you mindlessly magicked away the blood splatters on your face. "Fit to be my queen, to rule the world alongside me..."
The others couldn't look more disturbed at what you had just done. Was this how... bad the Darkhold's influence on you was?
As if nothing had happened, you stepped towards the main entrance of Kamar-Taj, using the witch's eye to locate your target. America Chavez. The jujutsu sorcerers momentarily found themselves with the girl, and with her, they could hear unearthly whispers—in Sokovian—as you taunted her. Scaring her. You knew exactly where she was. And you were going to get her.
Hide-and-seek was over. It was time for the chase.
Then your intimidation tactics abruptly stopped as you opened your eyes, and the jujutsu sorcerers were now darting their gaze between you and Strange. You gave them man an unamused look, questioning him silently. Daring him.
"You want the girl, you'll have to go through me," he boldly declared.
You accepted his challenge. "Fine."
What you didn't expect was for you to be lured into a trap. Right as you stepped on a button on the floor, your surroundings morphed into kaleidoscopes and countless distorted reflections of space. The jujutsu sorcerers had also become trapped with you, watching as you stared at the infinite reflections of yourself in the Mirror Dimension.
".... Why is a creepy lullaby playing in the background?" Yuuji frowned. "Horror vibes."
"Yo, this is... well, this is reminding me of my time in the Prison Realm," Gojo gasped out. "But this is pretty spacious, isn't it? Prison Realm's pretty cramped."
All of a sudden, gigantic glass spikes shot out from around you, making you raise your arms to instinctively cover your body. Around them, too, but it was nowhere near the size of the shards trapping you.
"Shit, that scared me," Gojo exhaled, a hand over his rapidly beating heart. "And I stand corrected. It's very cramped in here now."
"And sharp," Geto added. "Watch out."
"Ya know, I'm kinda torn between rooting for Strange or Y/N," Toji commented, crossing his arms as he exaimined the glass. "Maybe I'm biased."
"All of us are," Choso pointed out. "It's Y/N, after all. And mind you, a lot of us aren't blameless either." By that, he was referring to himself, Toji, Geto, and Sukuna, specifically. "Technically, aren't we all killers here?"
"... He's got a point," Nanami replied coolly. "None of us are blameless." With that, it was silent amongst them, with only your slightly labored breathing to be heard as you tried to figure out how to get out.
You attempted to break free by firing a bolt of energy at the glass, only for it to continuously ricochet and nearly hit you. Changing your strategy, they watched as you stared at the broken reflection of your face and reached in-between.
Escaping just needed a bit of creativity and imagination.
And, of course, magic.
The scene cut to Strange trying to teleport America with a Sling Ring, only for it to break off and vanish into thin air. The jujutsu sorcerers flinched as they felt an unseen malevolent presence appear in the room, slamming doors shut like a vengeful spirit out for blood. Then suddenly, the guards protecting America were dragged down into puddles of water by a pair of very familiar arms.
"... The fuck?" Toji blinked, baffled.
"Reflections," Strange deduced, warning Wong and Chavez. "She's using the reflections! Cover them!"
The trio proceeded to grab blankets and cloths from around them, quickly covering puddles that remained from an earlier rain last night.
"Makes sense," Geto murmured, deep in thought. "Like in our world, reflections... or mirrors... can be portals to other dimensions. To domains."
They watched as America was about to cover another tiny puddle of water, but as she stared at it too long, an eye appeared.
"Ahhhhhhh!" America and Yuuji screamed at the same time.
Then, a bent arm with crooked, broken fingers suddenly shot out from behind her, like a zombie who had risen from the dead and from its rotten grave underground. This time, it wasn't only America and Yuuji who had screamed (or at the very least, yelped).
You emerged from the golden gong like something out of The Ring, indisputably twisted and deformed, skin split open in multiple places, limbs and neck snapped the wrong directions, and crawling on-fours and on your back as your disfigured bones popped back into place through the Chaos Magic running through your veins like blood.
It was at that very moment that the several jujutsu sorcerers present realized that the Scarlet Witch was a thousand times more terrorizing than any cursed spirit that they would ever face in their lifetime.
"Oh my God!" Yuuji exclaimed. "Ohhhhhhh my God!"
"The fuck is that?" Sukuna and Toji chorused out, watching your body be literally put back together again hideously.
"... I think... I think I'm gonna be sick," a pale, severely-disturbed Megumi unwillingly blurted out as he retched.
"That is... I have no words," Gojo stuttered. Was he disgusted at seeing the insides of your body all jagged up from breaking the shards of the Mirror Dimension? Was he terrified at seeing you come out of the gong like you were that girl from The Grudge? Was he shocked at seeing you reassemble your entire body so repulsively? Yes, yes, and yes. All of them were.
"Never really liked Pennywise anyway," Geto mumbled. He would definitely not be able to erase that image from his head. And he's seen his fair share of revolting curses. "What the actual fuck did Y/N just do to herself?"
"Well shit," Toji was unable to remove his eyes from you as you regenerated. He didn't exactly know what to feel.
The rest were too stunned to speak.
"You gave all those lives just to keep my from my children," you mocked Dr. Strange, walking towards him and his allies like you didn't just break all the bones in your body and fix it. You would've preferred to emerge out of one of the puddles so that you wouldn't come out so distorted, but they'd covered them all or weren't big enough for you to get out. So, the gong was the only option you had—even with how imperfect its reflection was.
"You took those lives!" Stephen yelled back, protectively putting America behind him. "You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse."
"I'm not a monster, Stephen," you defended yourself.
"... Uh, wouldn't be so sure about that," Gojo scratched his head at your remark.
"I'm a mother," you added, stopping a few meters in front of America, Wong, and Stephen.
"Wanda, you have no children!" Strange argued, frustrated by your useless quest for your kids. "They don't exist!"
"Oh, but they do. In every other universe," you enunciated firmly. "I know they do. Because I dream of them. Every. Night." With that, you made a series of hypnotizing hand motions that summoned the Darkhold in front of you. From the Book of the Damned emerged a red mist of your Chaos Magic, and it showed everyone the multiple universes—countless—all containing you and your happy, peaceful family. "I dream of my boys," you whispered, eyes glazing with tears as you watched them grow up with you. "Of our... life together."
The jujutsu sorcerers gazed sadly, suddenly feeling sorry for you as they saw all the other universes that had you and your loved ones as a complete family. The highlights of the alternate universes were mostly Billy and Tommy.
In one universe, they saw you holding the newborn twins in your arms, singing softly a Sokovian lullaby as you rocked them to sleep. In another universe, they saw you clapping happily as you taught the twins how to walk, with them taking their wobbly first steps towards you. There was even another universe where you were simply helping the preschool-aged kids do some arts-and-crafts activities. There was one when they were in the last age they remembered, still kids, almost teens, but you three were running in the field and playing catch with them. In another, you were with the older, teenaged twins as they embraced you, telling you they loved you.
It felt like watching WandaVision all over again, but this time, a version of if it had kept playing until you and Vision grew old with Billy and Tommy. They also noted that in these alternate universes, sometimes Vision was there, sometimes other men were the twins' father, or you were a single mom. Either way, the you of every other universe was far more content and happy with her life. None of them had hurt and experienced so much pain that they were forged into the Scarlet Witch.
None of them. Only you. And God, wasn't that unfair?
"Mom..." Yuuji whispered, seeing tears form in your eyes. "So, all the other variants of her except... her... are happy?"
"Fate really is cruel, huh?" Geto remarked with a tone of pity for you. He frowned.
"If we were in her place, wouldn't we go crazy, too?" Toji muttered. He knew he would go crazy if he found out that in all the infinite universes, it was only in his universe that his life sucked before his first wife saved him and made him truly happy. What if... in other lives, he got to grow old with the love of his life?
Choso silently agreed. What if it was only in his universe that his brothers met their end? That he wouldn't be able to be with them? He'd be pissed, too. But that was a what-if he would never be able to answer.
Nanami was thinking how it would be if he found out that it was only himself that lost Haibara. What if all the other Nanami in other universes had a different destiny? What if Haibara survived? What if... what if...
"Every night, the same dream," you breathed. Then, right as you shut the Darkhold, a single tear dropped down you cheek. It was dark again, with no glowing red magic to illuminate the room. "And every morning, the same... nightmare."
America's eyes showed sympathy; she knew what it felt like to yearn for her family. Her mothers, specifically. Even Strange felt pity for you after seeing what you had just shown him. It truly was unfair. And he felt like he needed to apologize for you for his insensitive comment about you having no children because, it turns out, you did. Just not in this universe. But that didn't change the massacre you had just committed minutes ago. "... What if you reach them? What happens to the other you? What happens to their mother?" he asked, an ominous feeling in his gut for your answer.
Your expression darkened. Slowly, a miniscule yet sinister smirk curved your lip up, only implying one thing. Immediately, they knew your answer through your silence.
The next few minutes were but a blur, with a short-lived fight between you and Wong. The jujutsu sorcerers watched, once more in horror, as you restricted America and began siphoning her powers from her. In her fear, portals to the Multiverse were involuntarily opened.
Strange, in an attempt to save Chavez, flew towards her. You shot a single blast at him to deter him, however, something else happened.
He aimed wrong, still dragging America with him, but this time, into the multiple portals across the Multiverse.
And this time, the jujutsu sorcerers had been dragged along with them.
"Ooooohhhhh, shiiiiii—" Gojo's, Toji's, Geto's, and Yuuji's voices echoed as they got the full experience of travelling the Multiverse. From Kamar-Taj, they were literally flying into worlds with the Living Tribunal, outer space, an icy planet, quantum particles, an underwater space, a world where Stark Technology was prominent, hell itself, a jungle full of dinosaurs, a planet ruled by bees, a place where everything was cartoons and comics, another dimension where they were literally turned into blocks, then another were they became splashes of color, then a world where HYDRA succeeded, and a whole lot more they couldn't process in a blink of an eye because suddenly, they were on a rooftop in a random universe where a lot of things seemed more advanced in New York.
While Strange and Chavez conversed, the others were not too happy.
"Holy. Fucking. Shit." Geto held his aching, spinning head. The others also landed face first into the floor.
"We just travelled the Multiverse," Gojo gawked, then pointed to himself in realization, bewildered and shaken to the core. "I just travelled the Multiverse. Oh God, that felt like being in my own Infinite Void but worse somehow. Much worse."
"Ow," Choso groaned, rubbing the bump on his head (he had been protecting Yuuji's head, in turn, preventing him from holding his own head from the impact).
A grimacing Toji had done the same for Megumi's head, but his son was already in a corner puking his guts out in whatever pail he could find, just like Strange who was also retching from the motion sickness. Nanami, whose glasses were still miraculously on his face, was patting Megumi's back. Still, Kento himself seemed as if he was in a daze after the entire ordeal.
Yuuji was laid flat on the ground, eyes staring into the sky tiredly. "... I wanna go home really bad," he mumbled, dizzy from Multiverse hopping. "I want Mom back. The nice one. The one that gives me rice bowls and dessert out of nowhere and hugs me. I don't wanna be in her past. I just want the present... her. I don't care. I just want my mom."
"Me, too, kiddo," Satoru pulled him up, frowning. "Oi! Megumi-chan! You good? We gotta follow the girl and Strange!"
Nanami offered Megumi a yellow-and-black-dotted handkerchief from his pocket, which the spiky-haired boy gratefully accepted to wipe his mouth. "Y-Yeah. I'm good. I think. Blegh," he cringed at the taste of acid and vomit in his mouth.
The jujutsu sorcerers tagged along with Strange and America as they searched for the variant of Dr. Strange who guarded this universe's New York Sanctum, stopping by for some stolen pizza balls, crossing the road on a red light (also weird for the jujutsu sorcerers), and stumbling upon a Memory Lane free trial—which felt really meta with how they were practically experiencing your Memory Lane—only for all of them to stop in front of a huge statue made in memory of that universe's Dr. Strange. America asked the question they all had in their heads.
"If other you's dead, who's master of the Sanctum?"
With the way things were going, it appeared that the Karl Mordo of this universe was about to fight them, only for him to introduce himself and laugh, hugging Strange. "My brother! Come in! And tell me about your universe!"
Stunned, Strange awkwardly laughed, ushering America to follow the man into the Sanctum. After some quick pleasantries, Strange got straight to the point, mentioning you as they discussed current events through tea. Instantly, the jujutsu sorcerers' ears perked up.
"Our Wanda has the ability to conjure demons and monsters to attack America in other universes," Strange warned Mordo.
"So she has the Darkhold?" Mordo inquired, slightly leaning towards Stephen in question.
"You know of the Darkhold?" Strange asked.
"Oh yes. We have a Darkhold in this universe, too. I guard it here in this Sanctum," Mordo disclosed. "We would never risk a weapon that dangerous falling into the wrong hands."
"Damn right," Strange muttered.
"But if your Darkhold is anything like ours, I'm afraid she can do far worse than just summon monsters to come after you here," Mordo advised.
"Far worse? Hasn't she done the worst already in Kamar-Taj?" Nanami wondered out loud, the chilling memory of you crawling out of that gong sending shivers down his spine, like insects crawling on his skin. It was... extremely... disturbing.
"Who knows? If Y/N did some IT and The Grudge kind of shit, maybe she's gonna go The Exorcist this time. Or The Conjuring," Toji huffed out. "Maybe even Final Destination or something."
Funnily enough, the infamous Sorcerer Killer had no idea how right he was with his offhanded comment.
"What do you mean?" America nervously asked.
"There is a... spell contained within those pages," Mordo revealed in a hushed tone. "Corrosive to the soul. A desecration of reality itself." Whether it was for effect or if it was forbidden to speak about, the multiple candles in the room were suddenly blown out by a wind that came out of nowhere.
"Uh-oh..." Yuuji's eyes darted around. "I've got a bad, bad feeling about this."
"Dreamwalking," Mordo spoke out. "A dreamwalking sorcerer projects their own consciousness from their universe into another, possessing the body of an alternate self."
The jujutsu sorcerers froze at his statement. Gojo spoke out first, pointing at his ear with a befuddled expression, "Wait, wait, did I just hear this guy right? Possessing the body of an alternate self?"
"Dreamwalking...?" Geto quietly repeated to himself in shock. Nanami, who was beside Toji, sighed out.
"Turns out you were pretty accurate with your prediction," the blonde spoke to the ex-assassin, whose eyes were as wide as saucers.
Mordo continued, "They may puppeteer this unholy doppelganger and pursue their enemies from afar."
"That's scary," Yuuji exhaled, running a hand through his pink locks. "So what, Mom's really gonna go even batshit crazier?"
"Sounds like it," Choso answered back, listening intently.
"The possession is not a permanent link between realities. But in the fleeting time they dreamwalk, they can do irreparable damage to the universe they invade," Mordo divulged. "So it may not be a demon you face. It may be the Scarlet Witch."
"Why didn't she do that in the first place?" America asked, confused.
"Because that was her being reasonable," Stephen replied tensely, turning to Mordo as your warnings echoed in his ear. "What do you know about the Book of Vishanti?"
"The Darkhold's antithesis?" Mordo seemed unsurprised and calm. "It can give a sorcerer whatever power they need to vanquish their enemy."
"I need your help to get me to it," Strange requested, only to start feeling queasy. Very, very queasy. His brows furrowed as his vision spun, blurring.
Meanwhile, the jujutsu sorcerers grew bewildered as the scene in front of them began flickering back and forth. Now, they were seeing you restrain Wong with your magic in bits and pieces. Yet, at the same time, they were seeing America and Strange, as well.
"I'm sorry, Stephen." Mordo stood up, walking towards the staggering Strange, "But I hope you, of all people, understand that it is not Wanda Maximoff who threatens our reality. It's the two of you."
"Oh, God," Chavez whispered, losing consciousness.
"What was in that tea?" Strange stumbled, falling to the floor and dropping his teacup. "You son of a—" He tried standing up, but to no avail, seeing the teapot on the floor which glowed green. "The Sands of Nisanti..." he realized. No wonder he was so drowsy.
"What's happening? We didn't even have any of his tea!" Yuuji exclaimed, the scene still flickering between you with an unconscious Wong in Kamar-Taj and Strange with Chavez in the unknown universe.
"Please don't let us be thrown in the Multiverse again," Megumi prayed to whatever gods were there, knowing he might puke again. "Please, please, please."
"I'm only acting as you would," Mordo said, leaving. Strange closed his eyes, whispering one last thing.
"She's coming."
Before they knew it, the flitting scene fully morphed to you in Kamar-Taj, standing in the middle of multiple, brightly-lit candles forming a circle. You were performing some sort of witchy ritual, your hands gracefully executing a series of hand gestures which brought forth the Book of the Damned. Your hands glowed the misty, reddish-black fog of your Chaos Magic. All of them were mesmerized—like they were in a trance—as they observed such a... blaphemous ceremony.
"Hmm. This is quite entertaining," Sukuna finally spoke out once more, chuckling to himself as he watched you cross your legs, floating in mid-air with you eyes closed and your blackened fingers resting on your lap.
"Oh God, she really is a witch," Geto breathed out at the sight.
Countless glowing balls of reddish-black energy materialized behind you, connecting you to the entire Multiverse as you searched your variants one by one, trying to see which matched America's whereabouts. When you finally found it, you projected your soul to your target variant, traversing the Multiverse. The jujutsu sorcerers, too, watched with their very eyes as your soul traveled the neuron-like network of universes. They were transported inside the house—the Vision Residence—of your variant, arriving with a faint, echoing scream in the background. Now, they were right behind your variant, who was cleaning up for the night.
"Boys, it's time for bed," the variant of you reminded her kids as she took away the dishes.
"Can we have a little more ice cream? Please, please, please?" the twins begged. "A little more, please?" Alternate you shook her head.
"Hey, don't make Mom out to be the bad guy," other you gently chastised, making them pout.
"Awww, okay, Mom." Thankfully, Billy and Tommy were easily distracted by a game, allowing you to clean up in peace.
Or so you thought.
Alternate you stopped in her tracks around the same time the jujutsu sorcerers' heads snapped towards the empty staircase in her residence. It felt like somebody was watching them. Her. As jujutsu sorcerers and trained killers, they knew better than to underestimate the invisible.
"... Y/N is here, isn't she?" Nanami murmured, eyes trained on the staircase. Nothing appeared to there, but the air... it was unsettling. Like a silent monster hiding under the bed. Or in the closet.
"Even without my Six Eyes, she is seriously giving off crazy cursed spirit behavior," Gojo muttered with a shiver, then turned to one of the men with him. "No offense, Choso."
The cursed spirit just blinked at him, then shrugged wordlessly, as if telling the other man, "None taken."
They observed as alternate you mulled over the sudden, nerve-wracking atmosphere. She knew something was wrong. There was an unseen, foreboding presence with her. She hasn't used her powers in a while, yet even then, something primal in her was telling her she was being watched. Deciding not to think much of it—perhaps it was just an owl outside—she hesitantly stepped towards the kitchen.
As she did it, the sound of crickets outside faded away. The warm lights in the room started flickering strangely.
On. Off. On. Off.
She took a glance at her kids, who seemed to be unaware of what was happening. Dread filled her entire being. Was she going insane? Was she seeing things? As she headed to the sink, the lampshade installed above the dining table began swinging wildly by itself as it kept flickering on and off, its creaks and screeches amplified like nails on a chalkboard. Its angry flickers were making other you feel quite lightheaded, too.
Behind her, the jujutsu sorcerers were seeing and feeling—experiencing the whole thing—unable to describe what they were going through. What alternate you was going through.
When she turned to the other direction to try and ground herself, she saw herself in her own picture frame move. No, it didn't just move. Its head turned and the smile on its face vanished as it glared directly at her.
"What... the fuck...?" Toji said what everyone was thinking, bewildered.
"I've seen a hella lot of cursed spirits but this is just plain creepy," Gojo muttered, feeling cold.
"Damn right," Geto replied, covering his ears in irritation at the scratching sound of the lampshade creaking. "Ugh. That makes me want to claw my ears out."
Breathe. Breathe.
Alternate you was starting to hyperventilate in panic, a random burst of wind making Billy's and Tommy's bowls fall... sideways? Not vertically to the ground due to normal gravity, but horizontally to the counter, defying the laws of physics. She was hearing haunting, evanescent whispers in Sokovian, too.
All of which she understood fully.
As her vision began to tilt, she ran towards the sink to hold herself—to stabilize herself before she fell. However, her eyes caught movement on one of the dirty plates beside the sink. The peas on Tommy's used plate were rolling around on their own, sounding awfully like hard mables on stone.
Rrrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrr.
Her head whipped to the right, hearing... ocean waves? In the unfinished cup of tea, she was seeing... roaring tides crashing against each other? Terror froze the blood in her veins.
Shhhhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhh. Shhhhhh.
Something was very wrong.
When she lifted her head, instead of seeing her normal reflection, she was met with you—her evil, deranged doppelganger. Your glowing, scarlet irises stared daggers into her entire being. Not even giving her another second to react, you entered her body—stealing its place and locking her soul away. She struggled against the invasion of her own body, writhing and screaming, eyes widened and limbs taut, but you were the stronger soul.
You'll take her place from inside her.
The jujutsu sorcerers could only watch in muted horror as the depraved, demonic-like spiritual possession took place. Finishing up the possession, your eyes glowed a brighter red before dimming back to its regular shade. You let out a small breath of relief, subtly wiggling your shoulders—as if testing out your new body. Strangely enough, it felt comfortable. Snug and fit—except for the wails of your alternate self in her own mind.
You'd shut her up soon enough.
Suddenly, your eyes met theirs for the first time, making the spectators watching the whole scene visibly flinch and hold their breaths unconsciously. A tiny smirk appeared on your lips as you turned away.
"Oh?" Sukuna, as a mouth on his vessel's face, sounded out in interest. He was the only one finding a sick sense of enjoyment in all of this.
"Did... Did she just... see us?" Yuuji cowered in fear, hiding behind Nanami and Choso. The other men couldn't answer him, also stunned.
"This... is very different... from her interview from that one Modern Family-themed WandaVision episode..." Gojo swallowed, traumatized at you breaking the fourth wall of whatever spell or illusion they were thrown into.
They may exorcise cursed spirits for a living, but the Scarlet Witch introduced to them a sense of dread that was unmatched. You were the stuff nightmares were made out of.
You halted in your steps, hearing the two voices you've longed to hear for so long. But now was not the time. You couldn't face them now, could you? You had to look for America first. Still, your heart couldn't resist. "... Yes, sweetheart?" you shakily replied, unable to keep the emotion out of your voice. Suddenly, the fear in the jujutsu sorcerers' hearts turned into pity. In this moment, they suddenly wanted to give their condolences to you, now fully knowing how much you'd lost.
You were going to meet your children once again.
"Where are you going?"
Your heart clenched. "Just... to take out the trash," you lied, stammering. However, as they rushed and urge you to come to them, saying they'd show you something. You slowly turned on your heels as the boys asked you to hurry up, your eyes welling with tears as you finally saw them again.
Billy and Tommy.
Your twins. Your babies. The two beings whom you loved more than life itself aside from your late husband. The very beings which were perfectly half you and half the love of your life.
The began arguing on who would start, only for you to cut in, voice trembling with emotion, "Why... don't you both... start... it... whatever it is... together?"
"Okay!" your kids chirped, counting down.
"I wonder what they're gonna do," Yuuji asked, only to sweatdrop at what happened next.
"We like ice cream, like every child should!" the twins sang, off-key. You didn't mind (but some of the jujutsu sorcerers did). "And if you give us ice cream, we promise to be good!"
"Ugh," Sukuna and Toji groaned simultaneously in irritation.
"Definitely not singers," Gojo snorted, trying to push the horrifying memory of you possessing your alternate self into the back of his mind, only for Geto to elbow him.
"I think it's cute, so don't be rude," his best friend chided, his soft dad side coming out. "Mimiko and Nanako did something similar when they wanted candy."
"... Mom's crying," Yuuji suddenly pointed out sadly. Tears were flowing down your cheeks as you cupped the twins' faces gently, like you were touching them as newborns again.
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to stay here with them. Just for a little while. You'd give them ice cream and talk with them. Yeah. That seemed like a good plan. Everything else could wait.
Then, the scene changed once more as they were brought back to the original universe you were in, where your original body was floating in the middle of the circle of candles. They saw Wong's limbs restrained by your magic. However, one of the survivors, Sara, came up to him.
"You're alive," Wong breathed out. Sara nodded solemnly.
"Yes. But so many others were lost," Sara murmured regretfully. Wong then turned to your dreamwalking, vulnerable form.
"Set me free. I need to destroy the book," he stated, only for the woman beside him to shake her head, placing a reassuring hand on his cheek.
"No. It cannot be you." With that, Sara took out a dagger from her robes, tackling the Darkhold and stabbing it.
"Sara! No!" Wong cried out.
The jujutsu sorcerers watched, for the nth time, in horror as destroying the Darkhold burned Sara into ash, a sole tear the only evidence of her life. From the other universe, the scene before them flickered once more, between your possessed alternate self and your dreamwalking state. With the Darkhold destroyed, the connection severed and the spell reversed.
You roughly fell to the floor, dropping the porcelain plates and utensils you were going to use for Billy's and Tommy's ice cream. At the same time, they saw your once-dreamwalking body get blasted down to the ground in your original universe.
Hearing the crash from the kitchen, the twins came running to you. "Mom!"
"What happened!?"
Still, they saw you frantically get up, kneeling in front of the twins, flickering from one universe to another and attempting to sustain the possession... trying to stay with your boys.
Flicker. Flicker.
"Are you okay!?" they asked worriedly, helping you get up.
Flicker... Flicker... Flicker... Nothing.
"Billy... Tommy..." you panted, their concerned faces disappearing from your field of vision as you unwillingly returned back to your original universe.
"Y/N..." the sorcerers murmured, again sympathetic of your situation, no matter how twisted and fucked up it was. In a frenzy, you scampered towards the remains of the Darkhold, whimpering at its sorry state.
"No, no, no, no," you whispered miserably, holding the book up. It was gone. Dismayed, your lips wobbled as you became hopeless. The jujutsu sorcerers thought that this would be it. Your corruption would stop. The ink on your fingers grew fainter already, only tinges and traces of it left.
Suddenly, you glowered darkly.
And they stilled in fear once again as you slowly swivelled around to Wong. Before they could react, you had already thrown him to the ruins of Kamar-Taj, striding menacingly towards him.
"I need the Darkhold's spells," you demanded impatiently, playing no games and getting straight to the point. "You are the Sorcerer Supreme. Tell me what you know!"
"You'll have to kill me first, witch," Wong spat out spitefully.
Your eyes narrowed as his defiance, something Sukuna was very much liking. He chuckled once more before Yuuji slapped a hand over him again. The others were watching the scene anxiously, not knowing what you'd do next (because honestly, you were being unbelievably unpredictable in this obsessed state of yours). "Not you," you spoke out, raising one hand. "Them."
From behind Wong, four survivors were swept into the air, your Chaos Magic physically tormenting them and twisting their bodies painfully. Even their cries and wails of pain weren't enough to deter you. You would get what you want. No matter what it takes. You didn't care.
"Wanda, stop!" Wong pleaded, unable to see his students tortured. You didn't stop, cracking and popping your fingers even more to strengthen the pain they were feeling. "Wanda, please!"
"Goddamn, she's crueler here than with Kenjaku," Toji stated. He wouldn't be messing with you anytime soon after this. Not that he would. Ever.
"The Darkhold's clouded her reason so much," Nanami frowned. This wasn't you. You were taking out your pain and rage on these innocent wizards.
"... The Darkhold was a copy!" Wong relented. Instantly, with a wave of your hand, the torture and screams stopped.
"A copy?"
"Legend speaks of a mountain with the wretched spells you seek carved into its walls," Wong shut his eyes. He shouldn't he telling you this, but he had to. The guilt of so many lives lost were already weighing down on him. "It's there the Darkhold was transcribed. Mount Wundagore."
You paused. It was a vaguely familiar place to you. It was near Sokovia, and briefly, you could remember old folktales and legends there from your childhood. "Mount Wundagore?" you repeated to confirm.
"No one has survived the journey," Wong disclosed as you set the four survivors down—astonishingly, in a gentler manner—to the ground. But, from one of the corpses, you used your magic to throw an extra Sling Ring to Wong.
Mount Wundagore was your next destination.
"Perhaps we will be the exception," you stated darkly, accent thicker as you set your goal to the mountain.
Suddenly, the jujutsu sorcerers were teleported to where Strange and America were contained in an advanced research facility. They met 838-Christine... who consequently told Strange that he was 616-Strange... which led to them to wonder.
"What number is our universe?" Choso questioned out loud.
"I wonder that, too..." Yuuji eeplied, scratching his head. "All this Multiverse stuff is making my head hurt."
"Someone from my universe wants that girl," Strange warned 838-Christine, who refused to let him and America go. "And she's going to rip this place apart atom-by-atom until she gets what she wants."
"... That's one way to describe Y/N," Toji shrugged, turning to Yuuji... or the curse inside him. "She did beat ya up in your domain that time ya ripped Itadori's heart, didn't ya?"
"Tch!" Sukuna snarled, but didn't deny it. The other sorcerers and Yuuji himself were surprised, not knowing about the event.
"She beat Sukuna up in his domain?" Gojo questioned, hearing the juicy gossip. "Heeeey, when did that happen?"
"Sometime after ya told her that Sukuna ripped this kid's heart before he got resurrected," Toji shared, smirking at the memory, glancing at Geto and Choso. "Ya two weren't there yet, so it was just the two of us. But I'll tell ya what, seeing an old woman in a dark room with glowing red eyes and floating knives is something ya wouldn't wanna see. No wonder she came back in a good mood after beating the shit outta ya."
"She did not beat shit outta me, bastard!" Sukuna protested, growling. He refused to be humiliated by a man who didn't even use jujutsu!
Funnily enough, after everything that's happened, they could vividly imagine what Toji was describing.
They heard Strange continue talking, "So I don't care if you're from the Avengers or SHIELD—"
"We're neither," a voice interrupted from behind Christine. It was 838-Mordo, with...
"Are those a bunch of Ultron bots behind him?" Nanami recognized. "Like those Stark created when we saw the younger Y/N and Pietro."
"Seems like it," Megumi agreed.
"Well, what then? HYDRA?" Strange shouted. That was a word the jujutsu sorcerers hadn't heard since what? Civil War? WandaVision? They were getting really familiar with the history of your universe... or Earth-616, specifically.
"The Illuminati will see you now," Mordo announced.
"The Illumi-what-y?" Strange (and hilariously, Gojo and Yuuji) said out loud in confusion.
Before more explanations could be made, they were suddenly on top of a freezing, snowy mountain. Unfortunately for them, despite the upcoming snowstorm—actually, beknownst to them, ongoing snowstorm—in their world, they had removed their jackets, coats, scarves, and layers back in your home. Now, they were left helpless to the powers of nature, the icyness nipping at their skin.
"W-W-W-Where a-are w-we?" Yuuji chattered, hands by his shoulders. The other sorcerers were chattering, too, in the middle of the frosty temperature.
"I-I-I t-t-think this i-is M-Mount W-Wundag-gore?" Gojo replied, unsure and shaking. "F-Fuck, i-it's f-f-freezing o-out h-h-here!"
"W-W-We r-r-really sh-shouldn't h-have re-removed o-o-o-our c-c-c-coats," Geto sputtered, visible puffs of air coming from his mouth. No matter what they did, the strong winds were throwing snow in their faces.
That was when a golden-orange portal appeared before them, with you and Wong emerging from it, trekking the mountain shortly. When you arrived, you squinted, spotting a structure hidden by the fog up ahead. God, it was cold.
"You couldn't portal us up there!?" you exclaimed, skin flushing from how frosty it was. Still, the jujutsu sorcerers were surprised by the fact that your teeth weren't chattering like theirs.
"My magic can only take us so far," Wong huffed. "Masters of the Mystic Arts weren't meant to tread upon the forbidden grounds of Wundagore." You had no idea if he was just stalling or telling the truth, but you made up your mind. With a determined gaze, you used your magic to fly to the entrance of ruined castle, dragging Wong (and the jujutsu sorcerers) behind you.
"Aaaaaaand, we're flying again," Megumi muttered to himself, not looking at the steep height below them.
"Weeeee!" Gojo exclaimed. Damn. He really missed flying with his powers, too.
"That's one huge-ass castle," Toji commented as they flew closer to the decrepit stronghold.
"Seriously giving me Coppola's Dracula vibes," Geto remarked, staring up at the impressively foreboding Darkhold Castle.
You landed on the entrance of the former fortress, examining the many broken stone pillars and dust and snow that had accumulated.
"Eons ago, the first demon, Chthon, carved his Dark Magic into this tomb," Wong explained, swallowing nervously. You (and the jujutsu sorcerers) stared at the Satanic inscriptions glowing red on the walls—very similar to your Chaos Magic, which you were currently using as an alternative torch.
You lightly gasped in surprise. Their heads quickly snapped behind them, seeing some rocks fall down from above. Nothing was there. False alarm. You all continued to roam the area as Wong spoke.
"There's no telling what soulless monstrosities lie within." He was looking up at a dark, hooded skeleton which had its arms and talons crossed like a mummy. Using your magic, you lit up four large cauldrons, which surrounded what appeared to be a...
"Is that... a sacrificial altar?" Geto asked out loud. "Whoa. Damn." Even his former cult didn't have anything as nefarious as that.
All of a sudden, roars resounded from behind them. From the shadows emerged monstrous, red-eyed, demonic creatures, the Knights of Wundagore. Prepared to defend yourselves, you flew on top of the altar for battle whereas Wong's Eldritch magic circles appeared on his hands.
"The fuck are those things?" Toji asked.
"No idea," the others chorused.
That was when each of the knights formed their claws into fists, resting it on their chests as they respectfully knelt down before you—pledging their allegiance to the prophesized Scarlet Witch.
"They've been waiting for me," you exhaled out, stunned.
"Look," Nanami pointed behind you in awe. The jujustu sorcerers turned around. At the same time, you did, too. And you came to a startling realization.
The chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold was real. The prophecy of the Scarlet Witch. There was a magnificent statue... of you. Old and ancient, but true. Made by worshippers of the Elder God, Chthon.
"This isn't a tomb," you concluded, chin raised higher this time at the demons kneeling in front of you. "It's a throne."
"... A throne?" Sukuna intoned, mind clouded with hunger and passion. Second by second, he was getting even antsier to meet you again. To claim you as his. For you to become his Queen. After a thousand years, he's finally found someone worthy enough to become his partner.
But he knew he had competition. The five other men with him, although he saw them as insignificant sow, held affections for you as well. Gojo Satoru. Nanami Kento. Fushiguro Toji. Geto Suguru. Kamo Choso.
Ryomen Sukuna was eager to win among all of them.
The scene changed from the Darkhold Castle back to where Strange was. He was being escorted by Ultron sentient bots to in front of what looked to be a council.
838-Mordo decreed, "Stephen Strange. You are now called before the Illuminati. I, Baron Karl Mordo, the Sorcerer Supreme, do hereby—"
"Wait, wait. Karl?" Stephen laughed at his enemy, only for a vibranium shield to be thrown beside him. It boomeranged back to a woman. A very, very familiar looking woman. Peggy Carter?
"Isn't that Cap's ex?" Gojo whispered to the others. "Why's she Captain America?"
"She did sound pretty badass when Cap talked about her with Mom back then," Yuuji said, remembering the events right after the Lagos Incident.
"Captain Carter. The First Avenger," Mordo introduced.
"Blackagar Boltagon. Keeper of the Terrigen Mists. The Inhuman King."
"Blackagar Boltagard?" Strange repeated as a jab. "Hidigy hidithere!"
"Pshh. What is this, Game of Thrones?" Geto snickered. Even he found it amusing.
"Captain Marvel. Defender of the Cosmos." Instead of it being Carol Danvers, it was Maria Rambeau, Monica's mother.
"And the smartest man alive, Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four," Mordo finished.
"Fantastic Four?" Strange was incredulous. "Didn't you guys chart in the sixties?"
"... Wasn't that the Beatles?" Megumi thought to himself.
"I'm sorry, is this a joke to you?" Maria asked, insulted.
"Well, there's a guy over there with a fork on his head," Strange pointedly looked at Black Bolt. "So, yeah, a little bit." Said man raised a finger over his lips, signalling Stephen to basically zip his mouth.
"Be grateful Black Bolt doesn't engage you in conversation," Peggy advised.
"Why, does he have bad breath?" Strange taunted.
"Huh. Sounds like something you and I would say," Gojo turned to Geto, who was impressed with Strange.
"Definitely. How... strange," Geto replied, making himself and Gojo laugh at their own jokes.
"You two are corny as hell," Toji shook his head. But he wouldn't lie. If he were in Strange's position, he'd say the same things, too. Heck, he used to do that with the Zenin Clan elders when he was younger.
They all listened as Reed explained to Strange the dangers of him in the Multiverse, telling him what incursions were and what their consequences were. Strange, however, had another priority.
"If it's incursions you're worried about, do you seriously think I'm a bigger threat than the Scarlet Witch?!" Strange asked quizzically, trying to convince them of the threat you posed.
"Oh, we can handle your little witch if she decides to dreamwalk," Maria arrogantly countered.
Gojo clicked his tongue disapprovingly, "Wouldn't be so sure about that, Captain Marvel."
"No. No, you cannot," Strange responded. "Not unless you give me the Book of Vishanti."
However, the members of the Illuminati disclosed that it wasn't the Scarlet Witch who was the greatest threat to their reality—or so they thought. That was when a man in a fancy wheelchair entered the room.
"Our final member. Professor Charles Xavier. One of the greatest telepaths alive."
Then, they were in the Darkhold Castle again. You were looking at a statue of a boy, touching it nostalgically. Somehow, it looked like one of your boys. Billy. But older.
"All these scene changes are seriously making me nauseous," Megumi quietly complained. He still hadn't recovered from being thrown across the Multiverse.
"You're wondering what happens now," you addressed Wong.
"No. That, I've already accepted," the Sorcerer Supreme replied. "But I do wonder, when you could force America to send you to any universe you want, why take her power for your own? You know it will kill her."
"For Billy and Tommy. To protect them," you instantly answered, as if it were that simple. You walked towards them. "In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness. A solution to every problem," you justified. "I won't lose them again."
"The Darkhold's really clouded her reason," Nanami sighed. "There's no turning back."
"Why's Mom so... good in our world, then?" Yuuji inquired, not understanding.
"I don't know. But more things will happen for sure," Kento replied.
"Try as you might, Wanda, you cannot control everything!" Wong stated. Despite what you've done, perhaps there was a way for you to still see reason. To realize what you were doing was wrong.
"But I can!" you shot back, gesturing to the castle. "Look around you! It's carved. In stone. I was meant to rule everything." You eyed the grandiose statue that imitated your likeness. You were praised and adored even before you were born into this world.
"... Rule everything, huh?" Geto mumbled. "Interesting, indeed." He recalled wanting to do that once by eliminating all the monke—non-sorcerers.
"We can rule everything together," Sukuna cut in. Everyone else rolled their eyes.
"Not gonna happen, sicko," Gojo answered back, making the King of Curses scoff at him.
You shook your head dejectedly, "But that's not what I want. I just want my boys."
"At the cost of a child's life!?" Wong argued, voice raising. "Is there no peace in knowing that even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together?!"
His remark hit the jujutsu sorcerers right on the nail. After all, in their field, they'd lost so many. But it was comforting to think that maybe in another universe, they were alive and well. You, however, grew enraged at his remark.
"Is that not enough!?" he shouted.
You lifted your hand and raised him in the air, whispering angrily, "No." You then proceeded to throw him off the castle without a second thought, startling the sorcerers.
You were gonna do it your way.
"Oh shit," Toji, Geto, and Gojo cussed.
"She threw him off," Choso gawped.
The next thing they knew, you were repeating the dreamwalking ritual once more and commencing the spell. This time, you had four loyal Knights of Wundagore to stand guard around you should something happen.
Now they were back in Earth-838's Vision Residence. They watched in terror as you possessed you other self again. You kissed your sleeping twins' foreheads and this time, you wasted no time, using your powers to fly off to where America Chavez was.
Meanwhile, Strange and the Illuminati were still speaking. Xavier showed Strange, and consequently the jujutsu sorcerers with them, a memory of 838-Strange's fate. They were on planet Titan, Thanos's home planet and where the original battle also took place in Universe-616. However, this time, a dead Thanos was in the corner, his own sword through his chest. Kneeling before the Illuminati was a repetant 838-Strange, his fingers stained black with the repeated use of the Darkhold.
"I shall miss you, my friend," Xavier bid him goodbye goodheartedly.
838-Strange nodded, forlorn yet ultimately accepting his fate. "... I'm ready."
It was how he died that surprised the jujutsu sorcerers.
A regretful-looking Black Bolt stepped forward, saying two words which eliminated Strange on the spot, "... I'm sorry." It echoed and echoed until the man was gone.
"Cursed Speech?" Megumi said out loud, stunned. "Like Inumaki-senpai?"
Gojo had already removed his blindfold, studying closely how 838-Strange had just... disintegrated. He shook his head at Megumi's comment, "It's similar to Toge-kun's ability, but also very different. Both are extremely powerful in their own rights, but Toge-kun's Cursed Speech... it also relies on the ability to command. This guy?" He pointed a thumb at Black Bolt. "This guy's voice is just plain destruction no matter what he says, it seems."
"Yeah. Even making a sound or grunting looks dangerous," Geto scrutinized, his eyes squinting.
"Thankfully, Inumaki-senpai can still speak in sushi ingredients, at least," Yuuji realized.
That was when multiple alarms began blaring outside. Loudly.
"The building's been breached," Reed stated the obvious, making Strange roll his eyes. All this useless talk made them lose precious time.
Now? You were coming.
"No shit, genius," the former neurosurgeon replied snarkily.
"Uh-oh," Yuuji felt shivers creep up his spine. "Mom... she must be here already."
"Status report on sentries!" Peggy ordered. Before them, several holograms displayed security footage at multiple angles of you, in your other self's body, breaking into the secure headquarters—practically multitasking with how many Ultron bots you were fighting and destroying in all directions. Oil covered you from head to toe, looking an awful lot like blood at first sight. The fact that it was only oil splattered across your face and clothes didn't make you any less terrifying.
"Stop where you are! Stop where you—"
The Ultron bot was smashed.
"That is... wow," Gojo blinked, blindfold permanently removed and hanging on his neck now. He was gonna enjoy the feeling of not having oversensitive eyes since he didn't have his powers in this... memory realm of yours. "That is absolutely fucking terrifying and giving me Carrie vibes."
"Uh-huh. She's got Dracula, The Grudge, The Possession, and Carrie crossed off her list," Toji snorted, muscular arms crossed against his built chest. "Up next is what, Final Destination? The Conjuring? Evil Dead? I bet ya five thousand yen it's one of those and that a whole buncha' people are gonna die."
"... I bet you fifteen thousand yen it's all of those." It was Nanami, surprisingly, who made the remark. Everyone stared at the blonde ex-salaryman in shock. A huge grin appeared on the Sorcerer Killer's lips.
"Heh," Toji smirked. "Deal."
Gambling was always one of his vices no matter how unlucky he was.
Again, the jujutsu sorcerers got a good look at how well you actually incorporated physical combat with your magic. Hell, you even destroyed multiple bots in one go. Their last sight of you on footage was you with your arm outstretched with psionics, staring warningly into the eyes of an Ultron bot before crushing its head—losing all contact and sight of you once it did. The fact that they were Ultron bots, of all people, made you even more bitter. You only had terrible memories associated with the name. Terrible, terrible memories.
Perhaps it was why you were so vicious in tearing them apart.
Which was, ironically, what Ultron himself said that you would do to the Avengers of Earth-616. Look who's talking now.
"She's heading for the child," Maria said.
"Watch him. We'll vote on our return," Carter declared, she and the others immediately running out of the council room to give you a greeting. Only Mordo and Xavier were left with an exasperated Strange. He knew the Illuminati would be no match for you. Not without the Book of Vishanti.
"Stephen, should you manage to escape this chamber, you must guide America Chavez," Xavier suddenly declared when his fellow councilmen left. Hearing this, Mordo beside him was stunned.
"What the hell are you saying?"
"Save the girl and get to the Book of Vishanti," Professor X spoke.
"What? You have the book here?" Strange clarified.
"Yes, you built a waypoint," Charles answered kindly.
"Charles, we cannot trust him!" he exclaimed.
"I believe we can," Xavier smiled. Strange appreciated it. "Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever."
At his statement, Gojo took a glance at the three men who exactly embodied what Professor X was describing.
Fushiguro Toji.
Geto Suguru.
Kamo Choso.
... You.
They didn't know how all this madness of yours was going to end, but they knew that whatever happened, it had consequently rippled down into a domino effect of you saving their lives and saving their world from the Culling Game.
"We will see what kind of Dr. Strange you are," Charles smiled, making Stephen nod appreciatively.
"Thank you."
Now the jujutsu sorcerers were looking at America and 838-Christine. Countless alarms were blaring in their ears, with more Ultron bots racing towards your location as explosions shook the building.
"Perimeter breakdown. All sentries engage. Intruder approaching," the bots repeated.
"Everybody out! Now!" Christine ordered to her colleagues and workers.
"It's Wanda," America realized in terror. You weren't gonna stop until you got her, huh? Immediately, Christine ran over to manually override America's biochamber restrictions. However, you seemed to already sense this, using your psionic energy to disrupt the communication technologies in the entire building.
"Ultron commands you to halt! Ultron commands you to halt!"
In the distance, they saw an Ultron sentry running into the explosion, only for its head to roll down the floor right after. You emerged from between two pillars, pulverizing the head with your powers without even looking at it.
"Shit, that one was personal against Ultron himself," Gojo whistled.
"Wait, has Mom been... barefoot all this time?" Yuuji blinked as you calmly marched your way into where America was.
"Hurry, hurry, hurry! She's coming!" America cried out, utterly scared for her life as she slammed her hands on the bulletproof glass. Your face was emotionless—you were here for one thing only and nothing was going to stop you.
Even if these people tried to.
A woman landed in front of you with her jetpack and... vibranium shield? They saw your head tilt slightly in curiosity and slight familiarity. Instead of the typical white star on it, it was the Union Flag on it... and the woman wielding it... she was that woman on Cap's compass... Steve's first love. What was her name again? Ah, yes. Peggy. Peggy Carter.
After her was a man in a black suit and... was that a fork on his head? You didn't have a clue who he was but you were pretty sure he would be a hindrance to your plans.
The next one who flew down from the ground. She was very much like that woman you fought alongside with against Thanos, based on her uniform and powers. Captain Marvel. But... she looked familiar, too. Somehow. She resembled... what was her name? The last woman you spoke to in Westview and helped you... Geraldine. No, Monica. Your briefly wondered who exactly the Captain Marvel in front of you was before pushing the thought to the back of your head.
You didn't care. All you needed were your boys.
The last man was a man dressed in tight, blue and black suit and a number four emblem on his chest. He appeared to be the leader, based on how he was positioned in front of everyone—looking like he was about to negotiate with you. Impatiently, you kept glaring at all of them.
"Wanda, stop," Reed appealed, voice level—calming and nice. "You've possessed an innocent woman but you can still do the right thing. Let her go." He stepped forward slowly, a hand subtly raising up. Suddenly, you felt like a dog or a bull that was to be tamed by its owner. It annoyed you. "Please. I have children of my own. I can understand your pain," he pled, not wishing for a fight.
The jujutsu sorcerers observed you, who seemed to be in deep thought. Your face was blank, void of any emotion that signaled what you were about to do. Then, you spoke words that made the blood freeze in their veins. "Is their mother still alive?" you asked in a hushed, low volume.
"... Yes," Reed replied. He felt that he was finally getting you to reason. That you would stop this madness.
He was wrong.
"Good. There will be someone left to raise them," you added chillingly, the neutral expression on your face making you even scarier.
"... Oh, shit," Suguru cursed, hearing your statement. He briefly wondered if it was him in Reed's place, telling you about his own daughters, then you just brushing off his condolences like that.
Reed sighed, then turned to his teammate. "Wanda. Black Bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth." Right as he said it, the Inhuman King opened his mouth—no sounds, just a warning.
You only stared at him, unfazed. "... What mouth?"
And just like that, it was gone.
Like his mouth had never existed in the first place, only plain skin replacing where it used to be. They didn't even blink once—there were no mind tricks here. His mouth had vanished at your will. They gasped.
"Mmmph!" Panicking, Black Bolt touched his face, trying to feel his mouth—the greatest weapon he's ever possessed. He screamed, only for it to be muffled within him and consequently, explode his brains inside out. His head grotesquely deflated. Blood dripped from his nostrils as he crashed to the floor.
The jujutsu sorcerers who had seen the entire ordeal were frozen to their feet, flabbergasted and frightened. They couldn't understand it. Their brains couldn't even comprehend it.
"Wha—" Gojo's mouth was agape. So were the others. "She just—"
"She... She..." Geto pinched himself. Was he dreaming? No? What?
"... The actual fuck?" Toji cussed in disbelief.
You just made someone's mouth disappear, on a whim, right before their very eyes. Even in the jujutsu world, no one—or not anyone they knew of—could just... do that unless it was an illusion.
This was real. This was your reality-warping in action once again.
Next was Reed, who tried to attack you. But you ripped Mister Fantastic into shreds, using his stretchy abilities against him and tearing him apart until his head ballooned and popped. You didn't even look affected as you killed two of this Earth's so-called mightiest heroes in less than ten seconds. Without breaking so much of a sweat.
"Y/N just turned him into string cheese!" Gojo exclaimed. "What the hell?!"
"... I now wonder if this is even her true potential," Nanami murmured. The other sorcerers looked at him in question.
"What do you mean?" Geto asked.
"Since she's only dreamwalking and she's not in her own body," Kento explained his thought process. "It would make sense if there's some sort of restriction on her. A limitation."
"You mean to say that she's not at her full power yet? After doing all that?" Toji's eyes widened.
"Maybe. Just maybe," Nanami replied, turning back to your fight against the female members of thr Illuminati. "It's just my thoughts."
Your eyes flared red as Captain Marvel and Captain Carter engaged you ina 2v1 battle. One was throwing energy blasts at you while the other was throwing a vibranium shield. Debris and concrete were flying everywhere as you tossed statues at your opponents. However, as a result, dust had flown up into the air around you, obstructing your vision. Peggy used this as a window to tackle you down.
But you had also been trained by two of your world's fighters. Black Widow and Captain America—with your late best friend slash sister being much more ruthless than the latter, practically handing over the training she got from the Red Room to you.
(Perhaps you could be an honorary Black Widow at this point. Hell, technically, you were already a widow after Viz died, weren't you?)
You were able to swiftly roll back from being tackled, glaring at Captain Carter.
"Haven't you had enough?" you grit out to the woman.
"Oh, I could do this all day," Peggy replied confidently, spitting out blood from her mouth. Her reply made you recall the blonde friend you once had. Wherever he was now.
But right now you couldn't care less about them. None of them mattered. Only Billy and Tommy. With that, the jujutsu sorcerers watched you imbue your magic and psionics in your hand-to-hand combat, reminding them of that time you fought Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. Yet this time, you weren't on the defensive.
This time, you were very much on the offensive.
"... Damn," Toji nodded, impressed as he observed your movements as you threw Captain Carter across the room. You had astounding reflexes and agility. "That was pretty badass."
Captain Carter threw her vibranium shield to you. With your psionics, you easily caught it and prevented its impact, instead swinging it back to her with much more force than she did.
It sliced her cleanly in half, exactly where her midsection was. She could only let out one small gasp of shock, her upper body and lower body falling to the floor—blood and organs spilling out. The light in her eyes instantly dimmed, crimson gurgling from her dead mouth. Her bloody, stained shield implanted itself to the wall behind her. You? You only stared at the body, eyebrows ever so slightly furrowed—the only mixed reaction you've given to all the slaughter you caused.
For a moment, you thought about Steve. Just for a moment. It disappeared very quickly, the Darkhold's whispers of encouragement in your ear. You were very close to getting your children. Just a little more.
"... Holy shit," Gojo stared at the bifurcated cadaver in front of them, still so fresh. "She cut this lady in half with her own shield. Half! Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit."
"Fucking brutal," Toji muttered. "But I'm not one to judge." Sure, he's an assassin, but that was one real clean cut there and admittedly, one of the most savage methods to murder someone. Very... Final Destination.
"... I'd rather not stare at it," Nanami inwardly shuddered, turning to look at your thinking face, instead. He was already hiding a sick-looking Megumi behind him and a frightened Yuuji, too.
Your other enemy, Captain Marvel, emerged from the wall you'd tossed her in, blasting extremely concentrated energy at you. For a moment, they saw you in your original body, hair flying around and your face scrunched up in concentration as you released even more of your power in your alternate self's body. As a result, you began sucking in Captain Marvel's energy blast and her power, too, her uniform breaking and fading away.
"Raaaagh!" you yelled as you overpowered her, blowing her away to a large statue. You quickly used your psionics to wrap around the statue, pulling it down until it crashed onto Captain Marvel, appearing to kill her. You'd taken a lot of her power, after all. Maybe you'd rendered her useless, just like a normal human. Again, you didn't care. Not your priority.
"She's just slaughtering everyone who comes in her way," Choso spoke out, more and more shocked at getting to know the seemingly sweet woman he's known.
Meanwhile, Strange was purposefully riling up 838-Mordo, cunningly using the latter's anger to fight and get out of his restraints. (Honestly, it reminded them of how Gojo would piss enemies off, too. What was it with smartass genius sorcerers and their overly huge ego?)
Finally, you had arrived right behind where America was contained. She had punched a small hole into it, amazing Christine, but it wasn't enough to set her free. They gazed at you—barefoot, limping, bruised, bloodied, and covered in oil—in horror for what you were about to do next.
"Enough!" a voice called out.
You snarled, your hand glowing red once more at the person who dared interrupt your goals again. It was a bald man in a wheelchair. He raised his right hand to his temple and his left hand towards you.
Suddenly, it transported all of them—including the jujutsu sorcerers—into the mind of 838-Wanda. 838-You. They winced, seeing glimpses of you, the original one. You were screaming in pain, for the first time since Agatha, getting your mind forcefully invaded and broken in. It was shaking the dreamwalking connection, making you feel nauseous. Like a huge migraine or headache pummeling your head.
"Aaaaagh!" you wailed, eyes still shut.
"Mom! She's—" Yuuji gulped, looking at you in concern. The others had the same look, too. "She's in pain." Despite what he'd just seen you do, seeing your pained, crying face still hurt him. A lot. It always would.
Then, your original self vanished from view. And they found themselves in... somewhere. It was all white everywhere, except for a broken concrete structure and a single, standing door in the middle. It was completely silent, except for Charles's footsteps. The door creaked open. He entered it, the jujutsu sorcerers following curiously behind him. In front of them were a bunch of fallen debris, with some random knick-knacks here and there. On the bottom center was a pitch black hole.
"... Is that WandaVision playing on that TV over there?" Nanami asked, pointing.
"Oh. You're right. It is WandaVision," Gojo answered in wonder. "That 1950s-themed one in black and white, yeah? Where she was in a wedding dress?"
"Uh-huh," Megumi said, frowning. "I don't like this place. Really damn creepy."
"Creepier than any of your missions?" Geto asked.
Right as he answered, a hand shot out from the pitch black hole, making all of them flinch along with Charles.
"Shit. Thought it was going to be the Grudge Mirror Dimension all over again," Geto placed a hand over his beating heart.
"This is not good for my blood pressure," Toji scowled, cracking his neck.
"... Never knew you were such an old man," Gojo snickered, only for the black-haired middle-aged man to give him the finger in response.
"Help me. Please," 838-You whispered, trying to reach her hand out more from where she was stuck.
"Wanda Maximoff. Your mind is being held hostage by your alternate self," Professor X explained. At that moment, the debris over her began to teeter over, trapping 838-Wanda even further below.
"Uh-oh... again..." Yuuji said, concerned as sirens began ringing in the background.
"Grab my hand!" Charles ordered. "Perhaps, if I can pull you from under the rubble, the spell will break!" Panting, your other self was able to slightly squeeze her head out, but only until her shoulders. The rest of her body was still trapped.
"Hey... look," Megumi pointed behind them with wide eyes. They all pivoted backwards, seeing an ill-boding, crimson fog approaching them. Professor X froze. The blaring sirens turned into hushed, feminine whispers in Sokovian, chanting, echoing in their ears.
They saw a flash of your original body back in the Darkhold Castle, cold sweat on your forehead, with you looking... less lively than before while you regained control over your other self's mind.
838-You was terrifyingly pulled back into the darkness, like she was being dragged down to the pits of hell once more.
Then, they all flinched as a pair of elongated, sharp talons with blackened tips wrapped around Charles's entire face. A monster with cracked, chalky skin, bloody red eyes and decayed, pointed teeth throughly ripped it open in two different directions.
Back in the research facility, Professor X's actual body slumped down lifelessly, blood dripping from his eyes. Your eyes dimmed down into their normal color as you stared coldly at the man's corpse. However, you then saw that Chavez and 838-Christine were gone. As they reunited with Dr. Strange, the jujutsu sorcerers stared at one another. Sukuna was the only one chuckling in amusement.
"Heh. This oughta be the best thing I've ever seen," the mouth on Yuuji's face grinned wide. "Heh!" It was confirmed in his head now. Ryomen Sukuna, King of Curses, saw you as his partner. His equal.
"... That... monster... was Mom, wasn't she?" Yuuji quietly asked, spooked as his eyes darted around skittishly.
"Yeah," Nanami answered somberly. This time, you did look like an actual cursed spirit—eyes, skin, teeth and claws. It only happened for what, five seconds? But the appalling image was imprinted in their heads.
"She snapped his neck?" Megumi clarified. His father shook his head, eyes narrowed.
"No. It looked like she did, but she didn't." He glanced at Megumi. "She ripped it open with her bare hands."
"Damn," Choso muttered.
Funnily enough, they were only speed-walking behind America, Stephen, and Christine as they searched for the waypoint to the Book of Vishanti. But when you—looking like a zombie—forcefully opened the metal doors that the trio had closed, angry red eyes staring into them, something inside them told them to run, too, even if this was the past.
It was a 6D experience, after all.
So when you blasted the storage room with your powers and a stray computer screen knocked Gojo over the head, they were shocked. They were lucky enough to not be harmed during the Battle of Kamar-Taj, but that was proof that anything happening here—in spite of it being in the past—could physically affect them.
"Oh shit! Satoru!" Geto cussed, dragging his best friend out of the way.
"What—" Gojo was shocked. Yes, he didn't have his powers, but he was affected.
"Sensei! Did it actually hit you!?" Yuuji exclaimed.
"Y-Yeah, holy crap..." Gojo blinked, rubbing his head as he processed what was happening. "Ow? That hurt. A lot." A rapidly-forming bruise on his skin was evidence that he had been hit.
"Then I think we should all run, too! Now!" Nanami shouted—for once, raising his voice in alarm as they stared at your terrifying form in the doorway. Right as he said that, Strange was warning America and Christine.
"Go! Go, go, go, go!" Stephen urgently yelled. The jujutsu sorcerers followed after them, running as fast as they could from you—even overtaking Chavez, Strange, and Christine.
When they looked behind their shoulders, you were there—bloodied, limping on one leg, stepping on broken glass shards and debris with no shoes, blasting away doors and blockages.
"I feel like I'm in a horror movie!" Yuuji cried out as he ran. "You know, being chased by a crazy killer in a stinky tunnel! I love Mom but crap, I really wanna pee right now!"
"Me too! Holy shit!" Gojo yelled. "I've seen too many fucking jumpscares today from Y/N!"
Christine was able to close a door before you could pass, though. They staggered to a stop, hearing only the drops of water from the river above them.
Drop. Drop. Drop.
"Why the fuck did we stop?" Toji whispered harshly. "Shouldn't we continue running?"
"Same thoughts," Geto muttered, listening intently for any sign of you.
"She's here. Somewhere. Probably gonna pop out of nowhere," Gojo said with a nervous frown. "So just keep your eyes peeled. She won't lose America so easily."
Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.
"Where did she go?" America whispered, scared.
You came out out of the shadows, the dim, flickering lights of the tunnel blinking over your red eyes.
"I swear, for a fucking moment, I saw that monster in her face," Gojo rubbed his eyes. "Not kidding. She looked a hella lot like Valak just now."
"... I saw it, too," Megumi swallowed quietly. "Her face... it was all cracked and decayed... and her teeth..."
"It was pointy. All of them," Choso murmured, watching you approach America.
"... So her appearance right now, it might be an illusion, too," Nanami deduced, moving back slowly with the others. "Her face might not be... well, as nice as we know it to be."
"The Darkhold's taken Y/N's pretty face, too? Well, shit," Geto snorted. However, when they looked at you now, it looks like you'd "fixed" your face to be normal again. "Thank God she destroyed the last one last time."
No wonder you were so good at fooling them you were an old woman when they first knew you. You could fix up your face, body, and surroundings any way you wanted.
"I warned you," you told Strange lowly.
"Other Wanda, if you're in there," Strange's hands lit up orange. "Hold your breath." He then proceeded to make river waters crash down on you, giving them time to run to the waypoint.
Fortunately, 616-Strange was able to open it. And it took them back to where Supreme Strange and America were first running from the Ribboned Creature. In the center was the shining Book of Vishanti. They all jumped down into the Gap Junction, the Space Between Universes.
"Really shiny up close, isn't it?" Gojo whispered in awe.
"Yeah," Geto and the others exhaled.
"Give me what I need," Strange murmured, taking the Book of Vishanti carefully from its seat.
"I think we're forgetting something," Yuuji scratched his head.
Their eyes widened. "They didn't close the damn door!" Nanami yelled and turned around, only for America to be literally dragged by the hair with red magic.
"It wouldn't have made much of a difference!" Gojo argued, eyes wide. "She can blast it open anyway!"
You were extremely pissed from being drenched in river water. This had to end now.
Christine cried out, running to America, only for Strange to stop her and protectively place a hand in front of her. Strange fired a blast of Eldritch magic at you, only for you to absorb it with your free hand and deflect it back to him and Christine, sweeping them off their feets. Tragically, the backlash also hit the Book of Vishanti, burning it to ash.
"Shit!" the jujutsu sorcerers cussed, ducking to avoid the violent blast.
You lifted America's struggling form from the ground with one hand, annoyed. Instantly, you took over her mind—as evidenced by her eyes glowing blue and her going limp. You manipulated it to open a random dimension in the Multiverse, using your magic to restrict Christine and Strange then toss them into the portal.
Wasting no time, you once more controlled America's mind to open a portal to your original universe. And there it was. Your own body, sitting cross-legged in the air, surrounded by sanguine wisps allowing you to dreamwalk. With a dark smile on your face—now that you were finally getting what you wanted—you tossed America into the portal. Then, in your original body, you opened your eyes—ceasing the dreamwalking spell.
As the portal slowly closed, the jujutsu sorcerers ran to the other side where original you was. And their last vision was 838-Wanda falling to her knees tiredly, finally in control of her own body, no matter how battered you caused it to be.
"My boys..." 838-You mumbled worriedly, levitating back to the entrance of the waypoint to the Gap Junction.
Behind the terrified America, the anxious jujutsu sorcerers watched as you wordlessly stared at the girl as you stepped closer, like you were wondering what to do next.
"... She looks different," Megumi pointed out, squinting. "The same, but really different?"
"Mom looks... sick," Yuuji frowned. He's frowned probably more than a hundred times today, seeing how your life played out.
"Yeah. It's the crazy look in her eyes," Gojo answered quietly, noticing the darkened bags around your eyes and that your skin tone had become ashier—like the Darkhold was physically (and mentally) making you ill. Your hair was wilder, messier.
You truly did look insane. Even the way you were staring at America, like she was some sort of prey; it wasn't like the normal you.
"The isn't what your children would want!" America weakly told you, only for you to ruthlessly throw her onto the sacrificial altar of the Darkhold Castle and pin her down. You circled her like a predator, the jujutsu sorcerers watching uneasily. You stopped right behind America's head, your blackened fingers mindlessly stroking the cool stone of the altar. You gave America an emotionless smile.
"They'll never know," you replied offhandedly, sending chills down their spines.
"Maybe not," America shot back. "But you will."
For a few seconds, you appeared to contemplate your whole decision. Like a glimpse of your kinder, uncorrupted self had shone through. Then, the scene rapidly changed to Strange and Christine, who had become stuck in a bleak universe where an Incursion had happened. They met... other, other Strange... who seemed a lot more sinister than all the other Strange variants they'd met. He had a longer beard, and his skin—ashy and pale, almost lifeless, like yours. This... Sinister Strange possessed a Darkhold.
"Careful. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll," Sinister Strange declared, refusing to give 616-Strange the Book of the Damned. His words resonated through the jujutsu sorcerers, remembering how much you had changed. "Not just on its reality, but on its reader."
Eventually, the whole conversation took a dark turn, with a third eye ominously appearing on Sinister Strange's forehead.
"Ew. Reminds me of that damned Prison Realm," Gojo cringed as the two Stephens broke out into a fight made out of musical notes. It ended with Sinister Strange falling off the Sanctum, dying when he fell through the pointed entrance gates.
Then, they were momentarily back at the Darkhold Castle, seeing Wong suprisingly alive and trying to climb up. On the other hand, you had spread your arms to the side, beginning to siphon America's powers from her body. She screamed in agony as your hands and the sacrificial altar below her glowed crimson.
Strange, now holding the Darkhold, was attempting to execute the dreamwalking spell with the help of Christine.
"While I'm under, I need you to protect my body in case they attack me for trespassing," Stephen disclosed.
"Who's they?" Christine and the jujutsu sorcerers chorused.
"The souls of the damned." With that, Stephen summoned multiple candles from around the Sanctum, beginning to dreamwalk.
"Okay...? But doesn't a version of you have to live in that universe so that you can dreamwalk into them?" 838-Christine asked, confused.
Stephen peeked an eye open, "Who said they had to be living?"
That was when the jujutsu sorcerers found themselves where Supreme Strange was buried. Thunder rumbled from around them. His hand shot out as he rose from the ground, bones cracking as he opened a portal to Mount Wundagore. This time, it was Geto who was severely disturbed.
"I don't... like this," he muttered, looking away instead as he briefly recalled what Kenjaku had done to him. Up to this day, he still felt violated. Possessing a dead man's body? Yeah. He didn't have the greatest experience with that.
And the jujutsu sorcerers were back in Mount Wundagore, shivering in the icy cold. However, from Supreme Strange's corpse emerged dark, skeleton-like spirits.
"Stephen Strange!" they snarled, attacking him. "Possessing a dead body is forbidden!"
"Trespasser! Trespasser! Trespasser!"
"Cease your dreamwalk, or face the eternal consequences!"
Weirdly enough, three of the spirits turned to them, making the hairs on their skins rise. The three approached them, hissing. "Trespassers! Trespassers!"
"Into the wretched memories of the Scarlet Witch!"
"How shameful!"
"How deplorable!"
"Sinners, sinners, sinners! All of you, who destroy the cursed!"
They were stunned. No beings in your memories had ever interacted with them. Yes, they experienced everything with their senses, but this? This was new. And were they... talking about cursed spirits? Were the souls of the damned cursed spirits, too? Vengeful ones?
Thankfully, before the souls of the damned could do any harm, Stephen was able to overpower them with Christine's help, using them as makeshift wings. They were all transported to the Darkhold Castle. Your head snapped towards Strange, stopping the ritual to get America's power.
"Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!" you screamed. Scornfully, you threw a blast of Chaos Magic at him, only for the souls of the damned to eat it up like dinner. You threw another blast at him, but he dodged it, directing the souls to you. They swarmed at you like bees, chanting and cackling. And for once, it was you who was frightened and wide-eyed, caught like a deer in headlights.
"Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!"
"Those things are scary," Yuuji winced, seeing as Wong restricted you in another magical ball along with the souls of the damned. "Kinda feel sorry for Mom."
Strange set America free, encouraging her that there was only one way to defeat you. At that same moment, you released a powerful blast of energy, escaping the souls and the magic restriction you were in. You paced towards Strange, throwing a ball of Chaos Magic at him, which dissolved his dead body like acid.
Well, at least until a roaring America Chavez landed a solid punch at you, creating shockwaves all over Mount Wundagore.
"Damn, that kid packs a punch," Gojo and the others were impressed.
"I'm even more shocked Y/N's still standing after that," Toji added. "Her durability's out of this world."
America stared at her fist in shock, then looked up at you confidently, "Uh-huh."
You were cradling your jaw, mania in your eyes as you madly smiled back, panting, "Mmmhmm—agh!"
America landed three more punches and a kick to your stomach, opening a portal that nearly made you fall into the boiling, lava-filled pits of Hel. Yes, Hel.
"I'm amazed by how durable she is but now Y/N really looks like she escaped from a mental asylum," Geto commented, arms crossed. "She looks insane! And not in a good way!"
"... Huh. It looks like Vecna's lair behind her," Yuuji pointed to the portal, shrugging. "Just saying."
Balancing yourself once more, you slowly—terrifyingly—turned back to America, a murderous glare in your eyes as you stopped being the punching bag. If looks could kill, America would've been dead long ago. You overpowered the girl, blocking her punch with your magic. The portal to Hel closed.
"I can't beat you," America realized, then closing her hand into a fist. "So I'll give you what you want." With that, she landed another strong punch at you, opening a portal. The jujutsu sorcerers watched, aghast as you lifted America by the neck with one hand, strangling her.
Just like what Agatha did to your Billy and Tommy.
Just like what Thanos did to Vision.
Unbeknowst to you, you had become the very thing you hated. The very person you despised.
The jujutsu sorcerers, on the other hand, witnessed your downfall. All of it.
"What was the saying?" Gojo murmured, remembering how you faded into dust during The Snap. "You either die a hero..."
"... Or live long enough to become the villain," Geto finished, looking at his surroundings. At the same time, you realized where you were. And you saw your boys, sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating popcorn peacefully.
"Billy... Tommy..." you breathed, only for them to scream in fear at the sight of you.
"Mommy! It's the witch!" the twins screamed, dropping their bowl of popcorn and running over the sofa.
"What. Have. You. Done," you hissed to America, tightening your hold on her neck as your hair flew wildly around your head.
"Damn, Y/N, this isn't you," Gojo muttered, shaking his head.
"Mom!" the twins shouted as your other self came running down the stairs, all washed up and changed into new clothes, but still scratched and bruised. She moved in front of the twins protectively, one hand glowing red, but it was clear she hadn't mastered her powers and didn't use them very much, judging by the terror and apprehension painted on her face. Her powers were primitive in comparison to yours.
"Wait! Boys!" you cried out desperately.
"It's okay, it's okay," 838-You assured them.
"I'M YOUR MOTHER!" you asserted viciously, chucking the couch to the wall. "Get away from them!" You then proceeded to fling your other self to the corner, making the jujutsu sorcerers wince at your cruelty. Other you screamed as she was thrown into a cabinet of books. She fell roughly to the floor.
"... That's how delusional she's become from the Darkhold?" Choso blinked, feeling pity for your variant. She's been through much over the past day.
Seeing what you did to their mom, 838-Billy and 838-Tommy ran down the stairs, hurling toys and multiple items at you. "Mommy! Get away from our mom!"
You blocked their throws with your arms, trying to appease and calm them with a gentler tone, "Hey—boys—stop!"
"You're not our real mom!"
"Get out of our house!"
"Wait, boys, stop it—"
"You're not our mom! Get out! Go away!"
It was when they threw a whole scooter at you that your patience snapped.
"STOP IT!" you screeched in a shrill, earsplitting volume, eyes hysterical. They all flinched in fear. Even the jujutsu sorcerers grew silent. They'd never seen you scream like that before.
Afraid, the twins retreated to the opposite side of the staircase. Slowly, with a joyful smile, you approached them, reaching out to touch their faces with your very hands after so, so long.
"Please don't hurt us," Tommy begged.
"Please," Billy sniffled, scared for himself and his brother.
Their words made you freeze in your spot. "... I would never hurt you," you assured them in a whisper, shaking your head. "Never." A single tear dropped to your cheek. "I would never hurt anyone. I'm not a monster."
Slowly, their young, terrified eyes peeked behind you, looking at their beaten, whimpering mother. Their eyes turned back to you, telling you it was a lie.
It was all a lie.
And everything came crashing down to you in realization, their gazes harsh as you slowly detached yourself from the influence of the Darkhold.
Murderer. That was what the souls of the damned labeled you as.
Monster. That was what these children saw you as.
And they were right.
"I'm—" you stammered, stepping back from Billy and Tommy. The jujutsu sorcerers watched as your pale, chapped lips began to tremble, more tears falling down your cheeks.
Oh, God. What have you done?
"... I-I'm sorry," you barely choked out, shaking as you placed a hand over your mouth. Other you tried to get up, only for her to stumble down helplessly. She was too injured and exhausted.
"Mom!" Billy and Tommy ran to her. Not you. "Are you okay!?"
"Hi! Hi!" she breathed out, touching their faces. "I'm okay. I'm okay."
Those were the exact same words you told your Billy and Tommy when they were running to you when you closed the hole in Westview during the fight against Agatha. To save them. And their father.
Seeing this, you sobbed, a hand over your stomach. Empty. Void of your children. Your twins. Your babies. To everyone else, it wasn't real. But to you? It was real. It was real to you.
The jujutsu sorcerers watched as you fell to your knees, crying at the familiar yet different sight.
"How long has it been since WandaVision?" Geto asked the others, crestfallen seeing you.
"A few months, perhaps? Maybe a year?" Nanami answered mournfully.
"You think... you think that maybe, Y/N had postpartum depression?" Suguru murmured.
"... Yeah. Likely," Toji replied, gazing at your kneeling form, clutching your stomach.
"Then she's no different to all the mothers in Japan who've lost a child," Nanami said. "And out of grief, brought to life cursed spirits." It wasn't uncommon. They'd exorcised many cursed spirits like that. Miscarriages, stillbirths... a mother's pain and suffering was unlike any other.
"... What is grief, if not love persevering?" Choso repeated to himself the words your late husband said to you.
"Unfortunately, love is the most twisted curse of them all, neh, Gojo-sensei?" Yuuji wiped his tears, sniffing at seeing you cry.
Gojo was quiet for a few moments, "... Yeah. It is."
All this madness and chaos, born out of your love. You had so much of it to share and spare, yet received none because all your loved ones were gone. The Scarlet Witch, born and forged, was just like a cursed spirit.
And your curse? It was love.
Your alternate self stood up, cautiously approaching you. The twins tried to stop her, but she assured them it was fine. You couldn't find it in yourself to look at her out of guilt and shame. You'd wrecked her world, her home, and her own body. It was unforgivable.
Then, she reached out to you, touching your cheek. Who else was there to comfort you... but you?
"It's okay," the jujutsu sorcerers heard from around them. It was your voice—no, it was your variant speaking to you. Telepathically. "I've had nightmares... over past few weeks... but they're not nightmares, are they?"
You slowly opened your teary eyes to look at your other self, so same, yet so different.
"They were your life. What you'd lived. What you've gone through," she told you mentally. Mirthlessly. "And while I was having those nightmares, you were having dreams. Dreams of my life. What I've lived. And all the happiness that was unfairly stolen from you. While you were possessing me, I also saw what you've seen from our other alternate selves. Their happy lives, too. I can't imagine how much pain you're in, being the only one who's gone through so much. The only one who's been deprived of a loving life."
You were silent, staring at her sadly.
"I'm sorry. For everything you've had to endure alone—" she murmured in your mind, her warm hand calming you. "Mother. Father. Pietro. Vision. Billy. Tommy."
You pursed your lips, tears welling in your eyes once more.
"I forgive you," she whispered. You stared at her—so good and kind. Capable of forgiveness. What you once were before you became... this. Then, finally, she spoke out loud as she removed her hand from your cheek. "Know that they'll be loved," she announced, reading your mind. Your only question to her. Your only wish—telling her to take care of them.
From the sidelines, listening and watching, some of them had silent tears fall down their faces. It was a painful goodbye, just like the one you had with Vision and your children. This time, you had to let go. Again. America closed the portal, bringing you back to the Darkhold Castle. You cried, knowing what you had to do next. You levitated towarda the sacrificial altar, kneeling down, hands glowing a misty, reddish-black. This time, you would be the sacrifice. Then, they saw in your face, the same exact expression you had when Thanos snapped his fingers.
Staring up at the sky hopelessly, waiting for death to come and take you once and for more. But as much as you wanted to, your Chaos Magic wouldn't allow you to die.
Not when you were the Scarlet Witch.
The Darkhold Castle began shaking. You allowed America and Wong to return to Kamar-Taj, leaving you alone with Stephen, who was still dreamwalking in his other self's corpse. They saw you slowly turn to him, repentant. This time, it was sincere, unlike that time in the apple orchard.
"I opened the Darkhold," you whispered regretfully. "I have to close it. No one will ever be tempted by the Darkhold again."
Strange slowly nodded at you. And inwardly, he was right about you. He knew that deep inside, you were a good person. Just hurt and lonely. He knew that as always, you would set things right in the end. And he never doubted that. Just because one has stumbled and lost his way doesn't mean that they're lost forever. Professor X told him that. And it looks like you were able to read his mind.
With your powers, you made the Darkhold fall, taking it down with you in it. Before they could be hit, the jujutsu sorcerers were suddenly teleported afar to a cliff overlooking the crumbling castle, their last sight of you being a blast of red.
"Mom—" Yuuji whispered worriedly. Suddenly, they were with 838-Christine and Strange. The former neurosurgeon woke the unconscious woman up.
"... Is it over?" she asked, concerned.
"Yeah," he answered.
"Is America okay?"
"She's on her way to get us."
Christine swallowed, "... Wanda?"
The jujutsu sorcerers' ears perked up. Strange, sadly, shook his head. "No." At that moment, though, the Darkhold beside them burned into ash from red flames.
"So she destroyed the Darkhold in every universe," Strange realized.
"She did the right thing," Christine smiled.
"Yes. She did." Strange smiled back.
The consequent scenes they were seeing now all seemed glitchy, but then they saw you—in another universe—destroy the knowledge and contents of the Darkhold. You absorbed the entity chained in the main Darkhold: Chthon, the primordial god of chaos. Somewhat like Cthulhu. A Lovecraftian beast.
"You do not possess me, Chthon," they heard your voice declare as you absorbed the god. "I possess you."
None of them knew that something was chained and sealed within you—something that that ancient and dangerous. It was almost ironic: like mother, like son. Chthon was sealed within you while Sukuna was stuck inside Yuuji.
Then they saw snippets of you with Agatha... then Loki... and other individuals. The glitchy flashbacks with you ended when a hole appeared in the now-empty space they were in... and a feminine hand dragged them out one by one.
Thankfully, it didn't have talons or crooked fingers. They knew it was you who'd come to save them.
The sorcerers were back in their world; in your living room, specifically. You—the present you they knew as Y/N L/N—were staring at them with an unreadable expression. Were you angry? Were you pissed? Were you sad?
"... I'm not angry," you told them all quietly, reading their thoughts and everything they'd seen. "You've seen it all. What I've done." You chewed your lips, suddenly averting your gaze. "But what matters is that you're all okay and in one piece. Whatever... spell Agatha put in that flash drive had gone bonkers and dragged you all into it." They were silent as they stared at you, still processing those last few scenes of you they were able to see. "I'm sorry—"
Ding dong!
Your doorbell rang. Sighing, you walked away from the jujutsu sorcerers and opened the doors (thankfully, you'd magicked up the heater and everything else in the house before dragging the boys out of the television screen). You blinked at the person at the door, wrapped in lots of thick layers but still shivering from the blizzard outside. Did he... travel all the way from the grocery shop to here?
"You... uh... d-dropped y-y-your keys," Higuruma stammered from how freezing it was outside. He handed you your keys. Wide-eyed, you immediately let him in, worried about how long he's been in the cold.
That was when he saw the guys in your living room, all scrutinizing him and wondering who he was and how he knew you.
"Who the hell are you?" It was Sukuna who spoke... as a mouth... on Yuuji's cheek. He wasn't supposed to hear or see anything since he wasn't a sorcerer, but the jujutsu sorcerers were only shocked when he tilted his head at Yuuji in question.
"Attorney Higuruma Hiromi," he introduced himself, unintimidated by all these men glaring at him. He's had worse, facing criminals and all. And right, he also sees those weird spirit thingies. He always has since he was a kid. In the corner, you sighed, leading Higuruma to the kitchen to offer him something warm to drink. You popped your head back into the living room, eyes boring into the speechless jujutsu sorcerers.
"I'll talk to you boys later."
At least they were back home again...?
(to be continued)
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Author's Note: Hi, everyone! It's been a while! Sorry for being gone for so long and being inactive, even in answering my asks. Thank you also for your patience. After my very draining and somewhat hectic slash traumatic semester last June, my body basically took a break. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. All I did was rest, do nothing, and catch up on sleep for a month or so. I also went home to visit my dad, spending time with my family and looking for other ways to earn extra income from other gigs because I need to save up on allowance. Then... after that and currently, I'm working on my thesis because dang, I'm halfway through college now! Wow! Still, I tried my best to really write the entire DSMOM2 accurately inbetween my short breaks—so that was almost 2 hours of dialogue plus brainstorming for the JJK men's reactions. I hope you understand! And thank you all so much for your overwhelming support! I can't promise when the next updates will be, because time flies so fast and I'll have to move away from home, into a dorm, in less than a month since my 3rd year of uni begins again. It's hella stressful, but I'm 2 years away from graduating as a speech-language therapist! 🙏🥰
[TL ; DR: Got burnt out from school, took a vacation and mental health break + social media detox, gonna become a junior college student soon, could really use some extra money from writing these fics. I love writing and it's emotionally fulfilling, but physically and time-wise, really exhausting. 😅]
If you can and wish to, please support me on my Ko-Fi here! Thank you so much to whoever would like to help me out more even if writing is just my hobby! I'd appreciate it a lot. ☕️
Reblogs, comments, hearts, constructive criticism, and any kind of interaction are much welcome! Thank you for 1100+ notes on this fic. I've never imagined it would get so far. I'm hoping to publish it on AO3 if I find time. Also, I would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter and even just the DSMOM2 film! See you next time! And please don't spam my inbox about when the next chapter will come out. You can ask, but a reminder to please ask nicely and don't be demanding! 🤨‼️
(For the taglist, I'll try to keep up with all the requests to be added but I've kinda lost track, hehe. Just comment in this chapter if I forgot to add you or you would want to be added or if you've updated your name/URL. 💗)
taglist: @vampireindistress @sparklingmallow @gummy-dummy @haleypearce @artemishunter18 @torasshu-sama @thewordfae @nanamin-pointo @whoreuc @simpinsimpleton @sache41 @osiris1rhi @crzyinluve @dame-sunflowers @thirstyfangirl @yuh-tears @vespertio @butyfigers @fiona782 @t-misaki @jihaegguk @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @beeframon @simpforporcoandlevi @unkn0wn2024 @dibhachu @todaywasafairytale07 @vishousmate @tangoogle @lyralibra @fleurwritesitsblossom @deviljoonie @pearlstiare @moss-murin @surhii @senjuasuna @njisano @marbleii @sheitsme @kiyosato @moonchild-artemisdaughter @shadowyknightbeargoth @yuki-chan23 @akuri-shinsou @tellatoast @nako-ley @depresso-404error @siriusblackrunmeover17 @lovely-maryj
@tojidilfs @ikisstoga @sleepydang @fall-myriad @friedtyrantthing @bl6o6dy @fandomfangirl006 @lovely-maryj @marycarabell @bealiz13 @lowilaufeyson @eva-616
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Yan!ScarletWitch, Yan!Polaris and Yan!Quicksilver with reader who's like a father figure for them. Reader just saw how Magneto treats his children and decided "You are my kids now. Let's go get some ice cream"
I love the thought of Father!figure!Reader being just a normal guy with no mutation or powers, just an average Joe who sees these kids (literal adults) with daddy issues and is like, “I’m adopting all of you and giving you what you really need”.
I think Wanda, Pietro and Lorna would absolutely adore the hell out of Father!figure!Reader. I could see them indulging in the Reader and the fact that he wants to give them a fatherly relationship that they haven’t really experienced from Erik, or at the very least wasn’t due to some kind of ulterior motive/benefit for Erik’s cause regarding mutant kind. At first, the kids may go into it and accept this new father figure into their life to assert some kind of reaction from their real father, basically make him jealous and react in some way to fight for his kids back.
When that doesn’t happen though and the kids have actually really taken to the Reader and playing house like this, they don’t want anything to mess it up for them. The Reader actually takes an interest them as individuals, completely not caring whether they are mutants or not, or wanting to use their powers for his own endeavors. This man just wants to give them something they haven’t really had and that speaks volumes.
If the Reader was human and had no powers or mutation, Wanda, Pietro and Lorna would all be so fiercely overprotective of him. Especially if Erik were to try and do something, whether to get his kids to come back to his side or just due to the Reader not being a mutant whatsoever. The kids aren’t going to let anything happen to the person who has done so much for them in the small amount of knowing them than their own father has as long as they’ve been around.
Given that Wanda’s powers can allow her to do some pretty off the walls stuff, whose to say she didn’t create the Reader out of her overwhelming want for a normal and loving family dynamic. Maybe she brought someone into their lives who was the epitome of what she has dreamed of in having as a father.
I can’t help but imagine Pietro playing catch with Mutant/Powered!Father!figure!Reader, similar to how Mark and Nolan Grayson play catch in that one episode of Invincible. Only, both Pietro and Reader are in a backyard or park somewhere, then Reader throws the baseball with such force and velocity that it has Pietro running halfway across the world to catch it, and he absolutely loves it. When Pietro makes his way back to his new father, he holds up the ball he caught with such pride and exhilaration. What makes it all even better is when the Reader ruffles his hair and tells him how good he did.
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