#please don't cancel me I tried to be fair
raelle-writing · 3 months
Non is NOT a perfect victim
Or: The meta that will likely get me canceled lmao
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Disclaimer: I am not victim blaming Non. I'm not saying that he deserves what happened to him. I'm simply tired of everyone acting like he has no agency and has never done anything wrong. Non was written to be a gray character the same as the others.
I think a lot of people write off the bad ways that Non acted, either because they view the ways he harms others as "not that bad"... or view his actions as being fair or just because of the people they impact. But regardless, the writers clearly wrote Non to make mistakes, hurt the people around him, and not be a perfect victim.
Getting his "friends" involved in money laundering
It would be easy to say that Non didn't know what he was doing was illegal. But he definitely did. Tee brought Non to an illegal casino, hidden behind a restaurant.
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Gambling is illegal in Thailand. Non knows in that moment that what he's doing is wrong, and he jumps into the deep end anyway. I'm not making a judgement on him choosing to work with Tee for money - I understand why he did it.
The thing is, Tee basically told Non what he was getting into. Taking him to the illegal casino, laying it all out what they were doing. Non knew he was getting involved in something illegal when he started working with Tee. Non more than likely felt like he had no choice, since he couldn't ask his parents for help, of course.
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But Non doesn't do that when he recruits his friends. He blatantly lies to them, telling them it's all for filming, and then uses the accounts they opened for money laundering.
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Then, because of the way that Non and the mafia are using the accounts, Jin, Fluke, and Por all got pulled in by the police and questioned. And I know people hate the bullies - but those three aren't the ones that deserved to get arrested at this point in the narrative.
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Non covers for them and says it was all on him (truthfully) but it's also out of self-preservation since Tee warned him that he'd be killed if he told the truth.
Lying to and gaslighting his boyfriend
Then we get to the introduction of Phee as Non's boyfriend. And on the surface, they have a happy, cute relationship. But then we go below the surface, and we discover they have issues. Phee is always pushing Non and trying to help him, despite the fact that Non hasn't asked for his help, and doesn't want it. And in return, Non repeatedly lies to Phee.
He starts episode 7 by promising he won't do that, promising he won't lie to Phee.
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And within the same episode, Non does exactly that. He lies to Phee's face after Phee catches him with Keng. There's debate on whether or not Non slept with Keng here (I'm personally under the impression that he did, since his shirt is untucked, but we don't know for sure). But regardless, Phee asks Non what was going on, and Non lied to him.
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Phee calls him on the pieces of his lie (and yes, I've seen people saying "Phee didn't trust Non!" and yeah, he doesn't, because clearly they have a history of Non lying to Phee). And Non proceeds to turn the entire thing around on Phee, making it about Phee having trust issues and not trusting him.
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This is gaslighting. Non flips the script and turns the accusation back to Phee, making Phee the one who is in the wrong because he doesn't trust Non, despite catching Non doing something wrong and suspecting that he's lying.
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"(Gaslighting is the) psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator." Definition, Merriam Webster
While gaslighting is usually chronic, that doesn't mean there can't be individual cases. And given the ease with which Non lies to Phee, and the way Phee knows in the past that Non withholds things and makes him promise not to lie, we can tell that Non's lying is a chronic problem in their relationship.
I want to point out here that a lot of Non's actions are signs of hyper-independence which is a trauma response. It's clear that Non has been abused and isolated his entire life and has no framework to know how to ask for help. He "knows" (because of his upbringing) that he can't rely on the people around him, and that help never comes without a price. I don't want to paint him as a villain, he's not just yanking Phee around for the fun of it. But people who are hurt, abused, and in bad situations can and do still hurt other people. Non's hurt doesn't erase the wrong he does to Phee.
Further manipulation of Phee
Non shows further manipulative signs when Phee catches him with Keng. (I will address the cheating thing later but for the purpose of this section - Non was coerced into sex so we as the audience shouldn't label it as cheating, however from Phee's point of view that's clearly what it was).
When Phee catches Non with Keng, the first thing that Non does is apologize, which is good. However, he immediately follows that up by telling Phee to calm down, and telling him that he loves him.
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Telling Phee to "stop being upset" implies that Phee is too upset, and that he's not acting rationally. Following that up with "I love you" is designed to slide through the weak spot in Phee's armor. This exchange shoves Phee's emotions to the sidelines and centers Non's instead.
This manipulation is much lighter than the gaslighting earlier, but still made me wince when I saw it. Non is belittling Phee's emotions and trying to recenter it all on Non's love for Phee, because that matters "more" than the hurt and pain that Phee is experiencing. Non is working in CYOA mode - that's another trauma response. He's used to being the target when people are angry, so he's trying to deflect it and make himself the victim. It's a trauma response, but it's still a manipulation.
Planning to murder his friends
This is one of the ones that I point to as "I think people gloss over this because they think the bullies deserve it." But I want to point out that pre-meditating to murder people is still a bad thing to do. Non made a plan, brought a weapon into the woods, and then proceeded to try and kill everyone there.
We can debate whether he could've actually gone through with it - he cuts Top and tries to kill Tee, but then when Jin jumps forward to apologize, Non calms and doesn't swing at Jin. That may very well be because he doesn't know what Jin has done - but despite not knowing those things, Non still crossed out Jin's face and planned his death in the script.
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I don't know if, when push came to shove, Non could've actually killed any of them. But regardless of that, he planned to, and hurt some of them.
Again, does that mean he deserves to be sold off to the mafia? NO. Of course not! I just want to point out that premeditated murder is bad.
A note on "cheating"
I mentioned this above, but I want to linger on the point about cheating. Because while I stand by that Non was coerced and assaulted, and therefore we as the audience shouldn't label it as cheating, I still feel like it's important to point out that everyone in the narrative treats it as cheating.
No one - Jin, Phee, Non's parents, etc. treat Non sleeping with Keng as if it's assault. Non doesn't seem to understand he was assaulted either (which is normal for victims of grooming).
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Phee and Jin in particular react to Non as if he was cheating on Phee. Their actions are shaped by that assumption.
Should they have seen what happened and known it was wrong? Maybe. But I also did some research onto the laws in Thailand and I'm not actually certain that Keng did anything illegal, since Thailand's age of consent is 15 and there's some murky language in their coercion laws (big ass disclaimer that I'm only able to read things in English and so I'm not reasonably certain it's accurate, but it's the only information that I have access to).
I am reasonably certain that the only person who could've brought charges against Keng was Non, but I'm not certain that he would've had a case (again, because of some murky language).
Obviously that regardless of legality, Keng's actions are still morally wrong. I just want to lend some perspective on why people may have reacted the way they did to the event.
In conclusion: Non is a victim, but not a perfect one
Non is still the ultimate victim in the narrative of the show. He's still the one whose life was destroyed, who was victimized repeatedly by the people around him. But I don't want people to forget that he also made mistakes of his own. Because I'm kind of tired of people acting like anyone who sympathizes with a character other than Non is "missing the point."
Non was written to be a gray character, just like Tee, Jin, Por, Phee, and the others. All of the characters have made mistakes. Have acted selfishly, have hurt the people around them, have done illegal things, etc. The difference is that Non's life is the only one who got ruined. Until the present, of course...
Disclaimer that I'm not saying that all of the characters are the same level of gray, there's obviously a bit of a sliding scale there!
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
don't go away mad |dom!eddie x brat!reader|
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prompt: your built up frustrations mixed with eddie cancelling date night leads to an issue- for the both of you.
contains: language, drinking, reader is a little mean and hateful, brat tamer! eddie, everything they do is pre-consented promise, little bit of angst/fighting, spanking with hand, fingering, hair pulling, mean!dom!eddie, rough mean sex, squirting, a little cum play maybe??? aftercare!!! MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY
You huffed, slamming the phone down on the receiver. You know it wasn't fair, that you should've tried to hear him out at least, but you were furious, fuming.
Eddie hated to not be doing something at any and all times. He was hyper, had been since he was a child, and had yet to slow down. Days where the two of you took it slow were rare, and even then, it usually ended with you tied to his bed while he fucked you relentlessly.
Eddie hated to not be doing something at any and all times. He was hyper, had been since he was a child, and had yet to slow down. Days where the two of you took it slow were rare, and even then, it usually ended with you tied to his bed while he fucked you relentlessly.
You had never minded, especially at the beginning of your relationship. Eddie was always taking you places, doing things with you, content to be by your side twenty-four-seven. Now, since you and Eddie had been together a little over two years, it felt like more of a fight for his attention. If you didn't get to him first, he was gone doing a million other things- band practice with Jeff and Gareth, going to this slasher film with Robin, helping Steve with his broken window.
There was always an invitation for you. Eddie wasn't mean, he always wanted you with him still, but sometimes you just wanted him- just him.
You'd had plans to go out, some bar in the next town over was playing a show. A new 90's type grunge, metal that you thought Eddie would enjoy. Plus, it would be just the two of you.
Until he called.
You knew instantly, from the lilt in his voice, soft and careful like he was approaching a roaring beast. He was cancelling.
"Baby, I got a gig at the Hideout." Eddie said softly. "Can't we go another night to see the band? You know how rare it is for us to get the Saturday night slot. Joey isn't even making us pay more, he just needs someone to fill in."
You were clenching the phone receiver, halfway through your hair for the night. Your lips pressed together, fuming. "Sweetheart, please? I'll make it up to you. Don't be mad at me, please?" Eddie's tone was pleading, nearly pitiful. It would've won you over if you weren't so angry.
It was when he said the phrase, "You can come too, if you want." that sent you over the edge.
You slammed your hand down on the coffee table where your phone rested. "Oh no, I don't want to crash your night, Eddie." You snapped, sarcastically.
Eddie sighed. "Babe-"
"No, Eddie. I forgot it's always what you want to fuckin' do." You hissed. "Don't worry about me. I'll figure tonight out on my own."
You slammed the phone before you could hear his response, livid. Your blood was boiling, not only at the cancellation, but so close to when you were supposed to leave. You bristled, thinking for a moment before picking up your phone, dialing your friend's number.
You ignored the busy signal, knowing it was Eddie trying to get through. "Hey," You greeted, as lightly and kind as you could when she answered. "Wanna go out tonight?"
You stumbled back into your apartment close to four am. Your dress was slipping off your shoulders, shoes in hand, and hair and makeup messed from the sweat of dancing all night.
You struggled to put your key in the door, swaying and fumbling until you finally turned the lock, practically falling into your entryway. "Whoopsies." You mumbled, drunk and giggly.
You crawled towards the door, shutting it and locking it, before leaning your head against the cool wood, trying to stop your spinning head.
"Are you fuckin' serious?" The voice behind you made you jump, stomach lurching in fear until you turned.
Eddie stood over you, forehead creased and angry, eyes wild and bulged. The light from the hallway illuminated his frizzy curls, finally drying from the sweat of the show.
You giggled, nasally and low. "Well, hello there, stranger." You winked, still leaning against the door. Your head lolled to the side, drunkenly, cheeks flushed and eyes glassy.
Eddie didn't smile back, eyes rolling down your figure and hardening. "You're serious?" He growled. You blinked. "You wore that fuckin' dress out? Without me around?"
You looked down at your outfit, a tight leather dress that was a bit too short and hugged every curve and slope just right. It drove Eddie wild when you wore it, but not tonight.
You shrugged, blowing air out of your lips dramatically. "I was gonna wear it with you around." You slurred, mocking him. "I wore this dress for you, but-but you didn't even show up, Eddie." You pouted at him, brows creasing comically.
Eddie's jaw grit. "Yeah, I had a show, baby, I told you." He snapped. "You coulda came tonight too instead of going and seeing some other band. Or at least called and let me know you went."
You smirked, lazy. "Yeah? Why would I do that, huh?" You snipped, teeth baring. You'd had bourbon, he could tell. Anytime you drank dark liquor, you got a touch too sloppy, too mean.
"Who'd you go with tonight?" Eddie asked, arms crossing. You shrugged dramatically, giggling when he crouched in front of you. "Hey, 'm not kidding' around with you anymore, alright? Who'd you go with?"
You smirked, giggling as you leaned in towards him, your lips practically brushing. "Just my friends." You purred, swaying so your nose bumped into his. "You know I have my own friends, right? I never get to see them 'cause-hic!-'cause I'm always doin' whatever you want. Isn't that right?" You glared at him, challenging even through your starry eyes. "Always what you fuckin' want."
Eddie felt his chest squeeze with guilt, mixing with the anger and the fear he'd felt through the night. He'd played like shit when he didn't see you in the crowd, head swirling with 'what ifs' and horrible scenarios. It only worsened when he left the Hideout, immediately after the set, not even bothering for the usually after set drink with the guys. He'd sped through the backroads of Hawkins towards your apartment, body vibrating. His heart sunk when he got to your apartment and you weren't there. Your car was, but you were nowhere to be found.
"That's not true." Eddie said defensively, your snarl and angry eyes starting to make him fluster.
"Oh?" You challenged. Even on the brink of a blackout you were quick, witty- like a lurking predator about to strike. "When was the last time we did something I wanted? Not with your little friends. When's the last time we had a date? A real date and not just a night where you order food and fuck me, huh?"
Weeks of pent up frustration was spilling out with the help of the countless Old Fashioned's you drank tonight. Eddie felt his chest constrict, trying to steel himself. You were drunk, and apart of him knew you were telling the truth, no matter how harsh the delivery.
"I ask for one night, and you can't give that to me." You snapped. "So I went out, and I had fun on my own. Me and all my friends. Just like old times."
"Hey, that's enough." Eddie snapped, pointing a finger at you. His heart was hammering, hands shaking and itching for his Camels. His head was swimming with the worst possibilities of what you did tonight.
You raised your brows, snickering at him. "Oh, tough guy, huh?" You cackled. "What're you gonna do to me, huh? Spank me and tell me I'm a bad girl." You purred, leaning forward to bite at his lip.
Eddie moved back, hands on your shoulder lightly to keep you in place. He wasn't in the mood, and he'd never play or do anything with you drunk like this. "I think you'd like that too much." Eddie muttered, standing and hoisting you up.
He helped you into your bedroom, laying you on your bed while you giggled, fighting him while he tried to get you changed, wipe your makeup off. Eddie came back from the shower, finding you asleep, on your stomach like he'd left you, out cold. You looked angelic, lips puffed out and snoring, cheeks flushed. It made Eddie's heart ache.
Eddie slid his boxers on, climbing in behind you. He knew you'd be sick in the morning. He ran a hand down your back, watching as you squirmed slightly into his touch, before turning towards the wall. Normally, he'd be clinging to you, spooning you until he was practically covering you to be so close. But not tonight.
You woke with a lurch, flinging the duvet and scampering clumsily towards the bathroom. You heaved into the porcelain, eyes swimming with tears and throat burning. Your head spun, pounded, and eyes blinked blearily into the mirror, cupping cool water from the faucet to rinse your mouth out.
You gripped the counter, squinting in the light of the morning- or well, afternoon. Your hair was sticky with sweat and hairspray, but your makeup had been taken off- Eddie had been there.
You had a brief, hazy memory of seeing Eddie last night, but you were too far gone to really register it. You opened your mirror, finding your Tylenol and downing two, desperate to stop the ringing in your head.
You shuffled into the living room, the sound of MTV filling the apartment. Eddie sat on the couch, remote in hand, watching the screen. He looked at you, hesitant. "Mornin'." He muttered. No 'how'd you sleep, baby?' or giggly good morning kisses.
You felt your irritation with him from the night before creep back into your bones. "Morning." You grumbled, shuffling towards the coffee pot.
Eddie watched you like he was studying you. Your little grunts, the way your brows furrowed, your lips pursed and downturned even after you drank from your steaming cup. The way you looked at him. The way you didn't look at him.
You sat in your arm chair by the window, legs curled underneath you, hand massaging your temples. Eddie's heart sank. You always sat next to him. Sometimes right next to him, head on his chest. Other times on the other end, back against the arm of the chair, toes in his lap wiggling and tracing over him.
"Um, you feel ok?" Eddie asked, fingers tapping nervously on the remote.
You looked at him with an unamused glare. "Wonderful." You said, sarcastically, eyes rolling so hard you winced. "When did you come over?" You muttered.
Eddie's jaw tightened. "Last night." He said, eyes looking at the TV and avoiding you. "You didn't answer my calls."
"Didn't want to talk to you." You snapped.
Eddie huffed. "Yeah? How 'bout now?" He asked, eyes flicking to yours. "Wanna talk to me now? Because we need to talk."
You rolled your eyes, again. Eddie ground his jaw. Normally he'd give you a look of warning and you'd straighten up, the lingering threat of what would happen if you didn't between you two. Not now.
"About what?" You sighed, annoyed.
Eddie blinked at you. "You can't just..." He shook his head. "Baby, you can't just ignore me all night and not tell me where you're going or-"
"You knew where I was going." You snapped, venom dripping in your tone. "You're just mad I didn't cancel my plans for you. I don't do that, Eddie. When I say I'm going to do something, I actually do it."
"Oh?" Eddie's eyes shot up in feigned surprise. "Really? Because I remember you saying you would always call me before you went somewhere, so I would know where you were if something happened, right?" Eddie challenged. You shrunk slightly under his gaze, cheeks flaming. "Told me that... what? Almost two years ago?"
Your chest bubbled in anger, setting your coffee mug down so hard you were surprised it didn't shatter. "Like I said," You snarled. "You knew where I was going, when I was going, because you were supposed to go." You bit, watching his face fall slightly. "Before you got a better offer." You added.
Eddie's knee bounced. "Baby, I told you I was sorry-"
"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes again. "You always say you're sorry, and you'll make it up to me. Guess what, Eddie? Sex isn't always making it up to me. Sometimes I want to go out and just be us."
Eddie sighed. "Why haven't you said anything?" He asked, throwing his hands out.
"Why do I have to?" You shrilled, ignoring the throbbing in your head. "Why do I have to tell you I want to spend time with you?"
"I thought we were spending time together-"
"No, Eddie, God-" You huff, irritated. "All you ever do is hang out with your friends, and I have to tag along."
"What?" Eddie asked, defensively. "You don't like my friends? I thought you liked them!"
You gaped at him, blinking in disbelief. "You're such a fuckin' idiot, sometimes." You snapped, standing and stomping towards your room.
Eddie winced, heart sinking at your words. You were never mean like this, ever. Especially not to him.
"Hey," Eddie called, following you down the hall. You slammed the door in his face, satisfied with the way it rattled the walls. Eddie took a deep breath through his nose, opening the door. "You can't just walk away-"
"The fuck I can't." You hissed.
"Can you just talk to me like a normal person for a second?" Eddie huffed.
"I don't wanna talk to you." You spat, though it came out more petulant and pouty than you meant it to.
"Real mature." Eddie's eyes narrowed. "I'm trying to fix this, babydoll, and you actin' like a child isn't helping it."
"'M not actin' like a child." You muttered, blushing furiously down at your duvet.
You were so overwhelmed, angry, hurt from the night before. You didn't want to talk, especially when Eddie was talking to you like that. Chastising you like a baby, you hated it. You hated how it made you throb even more.
"You're not?" Eddie challenged, stepping closer to you. You shook your head, refusing to look at him. "Really? Because adults don't pout and throw a fit when they don't get their way. They talk and are civil."
"Oh, fuck off." You huffed, pushing his hand that was moving to grab your chin away. "You're such an asshole."
Eddie looked at you, scoffing slightly. "Fine, you know what, I can tell you're not gonna cooperate." He huffed, sitting on the bed beside you. "You don't want to talk like adults? Tell me your feelings without being mean and bratty? Fine." His large hands wrapped over your wrists.
Your eyes widened for a second, pulling back just slightly. "Wait-"
Eddie pulled you in one swift movement, face first over his lap, legs trapping yours. You gasped, your nose brushing with the duvet. "You wanna act like a child? I'll treat you like one." He pushed your t-shirt up, revealing your panties you'd slept in. Cheeky and high cut, pink cotton that had him drooling.
"Eddie, wait-"
You felt his palm crack down on your left cheek, stinging and hard. You yelped, back arching up, and hands pushing against the mattress when the second one hit.
"Don't you dare." Eddie growled, pulling you by your waist back onto his lap. He landed each searing swat onto your wriggling bottom, eyes trained on the way the flesh reddened, jiggling even as you clenched.
"Stop," You cried through grit teeth. You weren't going to give him the satisfaction of making you cry so easily. You wiggled against his lap, his legs trapping yours, and you knew if you reached back he'd find something to tie your hands with.
"Eddie, stop!" You huffed, face pinching as the burn on your backside built, hotter and hotter, more uncomfortable. You could feel yourself getting wetter, too, and you hoped he wouldn't see.
Then again, his erection had been building on your tummy since the first spank.
"You ready to talk now, huh?" Eddie snapped, two thundering swats to the curve of your ass making you cry out. "Ready to stop being such a little brat? Stop being so mean?"
"Yes." You whined, hips wiggling when he hit close to your center. Your thighs clenched, cry strangled in your throat. He hit the same spot two more times, tears beginning to leak out of your eyes.
"You've been awfully mean today." Eddie tutted, yanking your panties up to expose your cheeks more. He saw the wet patch in your center. "Mean to me yesterday. And I still took care of you. Didn't I?"
Your lip wobbled, sniffling. Eddie pushed your arch of your back down, making your ass raise. He alternated his hand in quick successions that left you gasping, tears running down you cheeks.
"Ungrateful, little brat. Spoiled brat." Eddie snapped. You cried out, lurching forward, propped on your forearms on the duvet. "So spoiled, aren't you? Just a little spoiled brat."
You sobbed, face falling into your arms, rubbing your nose against them to soothe the burn. Eddie smirked, he got you where he wanted now. Now that you were crying and releasing your emotions in a way that wasn't hurling insults at him.
Eddie resorted to softer and softer smacks while you cried, deep sobs that left you limp across his lap. He stopped when you calmed, your hand lifting to meet his soft smacks against your ass, wiggling your hips so they were directed towards your center.
"Feel better now, don't you baby?" Eddie cooed mockingly. "Now that you've gotten it all out, aw."
You wanted to snap at him, but you were too far gone to care, grinding down onto his zipper for friction.
Eddie tsked, finger hooking around your panties and pulling them to the side. "Now, look at this." He hummed in feigned disappointment. His fingers ran through your sopping folds, little clicks filling the room. "I don't think you learned your lesson, baby."
You sniffled, eyes still watery, but you tilted your head back when he worked through your folds, fingertips barely grazing your clit. "I did..." You said breathlessly, voice high and whiny. "I promise."
"Hm," Eddie hummed, calloused fingers, still rough from playing the night before, sinking into your sopping hole. You moaned, arching in his lap. "I hope so." His hand soothed the hot skin of your abused ass, relishing in the little bruises and handprint marks that were raised.
"Otherwise, I'll have to do this," He smacked your ass hard, sharp, leaving you gasping. "Again."
You whimpered, hips grinding into his hand. Eddie smirked. "But I don't think that'll stop you, will it?" He asked, leaning towards your ear. "Think you like it too much, don't ya?"
You nodded, eyes fluttering shut at his pace. He could feel you clench, mewls and whines getting louder until you were clamping around him, shaking and gasping.
Eddie didn't give you time to recover, pushing you off his lap. He pulled down his jeans furiously, tossing his shirt over his head. "All fours, now." Eddie barked.
You scrambled in front of him, easing onto your hands and knees on shaky limbs. Eddie slapped your ass hard, reigniting the fire on your skin. "Ass up, baby, you know how I like it."
You dropped, presenting yourself to him the way he liked, back curving and arching in just the right way that made him crazy.
Eddie didn't warn you, pushing himself in all at once. You gasped, clawing the sheets at the stretch. Eddie didn't't give you time to adjust, pulling out and slamming into you, making you gasp, lurching forward into the sheets.
Eddie fucked you with an animalistic vigor, hands gripping your waist so hard you knew he'd leave bruises. Your breath was caught in your throat, every harsh stroke of him inside you was painfully pleasurable. He was abusing your g-spot, the squelches from your pussy mixed with the smacking of his balls against you filled the room.
"This all you needed, huh, brat?" Eddie grit, teeth ground as he drilled into you at the same punishing pace. "Needed me to- ah shit- fuck you to get you to be a good girl?"
You groaned, breathlessly and stuttering, eyes rolling back and legs shaking. You felt the pressure build deep in your belly, so close from your first orgasm.
Eddie thrusted in particularly hard, upwards in an angle that had you crying out, gripping the sheets. If he wouldn't have been holding you, you were sure you would've fallen over, legs wobbly and weak.
"You gonna cum?" Eddie asked, wrapping his hand around your hair. You moaned out in response. Eddie yanked your hair up, pulling you so you were flat against his chest, arm wrapping around your torso to keep you in place. "I asked you a question."
"Please, 'm gonna- oh!- 'm gonna cum..." You rambled, eyes rolling back as you teetered closer and closer.
Eddie snaked his hand down, thumb pressing into your throbbing clit. You cried out, legs shaking and giving out as you clenched around him, leaving a puddle underneath you.
Eddie sucked a deep breath in, jagged and controlled as you came down, letting you go so you fell into the soaked sheets. He put a hand on your back, other fisting himself furiously. "Stay right there," He groaned, head rolling back. "Fuck, gonna paint your little ass with my load. Fuck."
Hot spurts fell onto your abused ass, long ropes of cum landing on the two globes, even some shooting onto your lower back. Eddie groaned, muttering non-sense to himself while he released, toes curling and skin slapping with pleasure.
You could feel his labored breathing behind you, still trying to catch your own breath, thighs trebling and shaking. Eddie's chest heaved, reaching over to smear his cum into your reddened ass, delivering a final slap that had you yelping when he connected with the sensitive skin.
You could feel the wetness of the sheets under you, but you couldn't move, too far gone to care. Eddie ran a hand down your back, your hair, comforting even after such a rough scene. You heard him pad away to the bathroom, your face half in the duvet, mind a million miles away.
You weren't sure how long Eddie was gone before he returned, pulling you up gently, walking against him towards the bathroom, one hand protectively on your hip, the other rubbing your shoulder lightly.
He got into the bath first, helping you in after him. You hisses when the warm water touched your flaming ass, Eddie whispering apologies when you sank down in front of him. He pulled you into his chest, gently rubbing your muscles until you were more aware, eyes less glazed and distant.
"Hi, pretty baby," Eddie muttered into your sweat soaked hair, feeling you melt into his touch.
"Hi," You croaked, eyes closing when you nuzzled back into him, head on his shoulder.
He tilted your chin so you'd look back at him, wet hands stroking your cheek. Then he kissed you, long and deep and loving. The kind of kiss that left you feeling gooey and warm, heart spilling over.
"You feelin' ok?" Eddie asked, stroking a hand down your arm. "I didn't... I didn't go to hard did I?"
You shook your head. "No, baby, I promise." You muttered, tucking yourself into the crook of his neck. There was a moment, a pause that passed between the two of you. Guilt from this morning and last night flooded back into your chest. "'M really sorry." You muttered, eyes rounding when you looked up at him.
Eddie looked down at you. "For what?" He pressed.
You pouted slightly, nervously trailing your hands down his inked chest, tracing the tattoo on his pec with your finger. "For... For throwin' a fit last night and today." You admitted. "For being mean and-and not telling you how I felt."
Eddie's arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him in the tiny bath tub. "I just was worried about you, baby." Eddie admitted. "I don't want you to feel like I don't care about you or I don't want to spend time with you. I would be with you all the time if I could." He pressed his nose to yours, a small giggle falling from your lips.
You stayed close to him, looking up at him through half lidded eyes, hearing his heart beat in your ear, his hands on your waist. "Next time, just tell me, baby." Eddie said. "Tell me if you just want it to be us." He paused. "And I am sorry for cancelling on you. I-I should've-"
"Eddie, you couldn't turn that down. That was a big deal." You said softly. "I was just... I was frustrated and upset." You sighed. "I went with Nadia and Jordie anyways last night. They took care of me, but I should've let you know. I'm really sorry."
Eddie pressed a kiss into you, wet hand cupping the back of your head, you could feel water droplets falling down your back. "We're good, sweet girl, we're alright." Eddie said, and you felt yourself melt against him. "We'll do both better. I know we will."
You smiled, pressing soft, sweet kisses into his neck, nuzzling into his flushed skin. "And I'm gonna take you out tomorrow." Eddie muttered into your hair. "A real date. Me and you."
You hummed. "That'd be nice."
"Not just ordering food and fucking." Eddie smirked, looking down at you.
You cringed slightly, laughing against him. "I mean, I just said that in the moment." You grinned. "I would still like to go out, but... we should definitely fuck afterwards. I won't be opposed to that. If you wine and dine me properly beforehand. That's the only way I'll give it up." You teased with a little wink.
Eddie blushed, twisting his lips dramatically. "Hm, so I'll take you to the arcade and get you pizza there, and you'll let me fuck you in the van?" He said playfully. You laughed, vibrating against his chest making him grin. "Sounds like a date."
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Love from afar
pairing: rockstardad!bucky x fpregnatmom!reader
summary: bucky is away on tour and you're catching up via face time.
a/n: new pictures of Sebastian got me feeling some type of way. also don't mind the kid names I don't know duhshd
-if you'd like to be tagged please let me know! tag list is open! so are my asks
warnings : sexual content / pregnancy / almost mas*uba*on / dirty talk
bucky masterlist
rockstardad!bucky [extra content]
18+ only
Minors please don't interact
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Having two kids, one of them being a toddler, does not make life easy, especially when your husband is across the globe.
You're proud of Bucky for achieving his dreams and going on a world tour with his band. However, he didn't have to get you pregnant before leaving for 6 months. To be fair, the tour was scheduled months before you even got pregnant.
Bucky and you talked about trying for another baby when he came back, but by the time he comes back, you will be well into your seventh month.
When you found out you were expecting, Bucky almost cancelled the tour because he straight up refused to leave you. It took a lot of conversation and favours to make Bucky change his mind about cancelling the tour.
Buckys sister Rebecca was a huge part of this working out, she's been incredibly helpful and you couldn't thank her enough.
Today, though, you were alone with the kids. Luckily, your kids are very well-behaved, and you stopped minding the absolute mess your house has been since having kids.
Lately, you've been missing Bucky, he's been a huge part of both your pregnancies. He was and is such a hands-on father and husband, so going through this without him is scary. Bucky calls every day no matter the time zone he's in at the time of breakfast - the most chaotic time of the day aside from bed time.
You smile, seeing his name pop on your phone screen, you swipe, and are met with his beautiful blue eyes.
"Good morning, doll. Looking as gorgeous as always. How are you doing? And little one? And our little trouble makers?" Bucky asks, he's literally a second away from buying plane tickets every single time you send him a picture of you or your kids or you three together.
He looks so good, that you don't know if it's the hormones making you horny or it's just the regular horny you get when you see him.
It's been a while since he had let his hair grow out, mostly because the kids have been obsessed with pulling it, and worst of all, they tried to consume it. Now, being on tour, he let it grow since no one tried to eat it yet.
Bucky didn't visit since he knew that he wouldn't be able to leave again, so he called as much as he could. He missed you more than his heart could take, but this years tour has been the biggest one they ever went to.
You can't help but look at your husband with hunger and love in your eyes, the hair tie on his wrist making you hot all over.
"We're good. Missing you lots, but we're okay. Leo and Theo are trouble as always, but they're good." Bucky smiles at the names of his two boys. He loves them more than anything, but he's secretly hoping that the third would be a girl. He's been dreaming of being a little girls dad. She would be his princess, and he would spoil her endlessly. Not that he doesn't spoil each and every one of you already, but he would be unstoppable.
"Lemme see you, give me a turn doll." You roll your eyes but do it nonetheless. You set the phone on the kitchen counter and lean it on the bottle of water. Bucky smiles wide when he sees your bump, he wishies he could be there and talk to it and give it kisses like he had done other two times.
"Looking good, Mamma, wish I was there with you, miss you a lot." he without fail manages to make you blush even after twenty years of being together. You turn to the side and lift your shirt to give him a better view. Bucky turns into a human heart eye emoji when he looks at his wife and not only are his band members teasing him about it but so are his fans.
"Damn, look at you. Shit I'd do anything to have be there, I would have you naked in our bed, you're so sensitive right now and I'm not there to enjoy it. You're killing me doll."
You whimper quietly, he's the one that's killing you. The two of you enjoyed pregnancy sex way too much, and he's right you're extra sensitive right now.
"Lemme see them beauties, bet they're so swollen, so delicious just for me."
You lift your shirt slowly, teasingly releasing your very much swollen and full breasts, Bucky is a very dirty man and you'd lie if you two didn't explore some fun kinks.
"Gorgeous, my pretty wife, looking so beautiful carrying my baby. All mine."
You're about to reach under your underwear, Buckys hand already wrapped around his cock.
You straighten up, and pull your shirt down quickly, your 5 year old bursts through the kitchen door. You don't know how he knew you were even talking to Bucky but oh well. There goes mommy and daddy time.
"Good morning, baby boy. Is it just me, or every time I call, you get a bit bigger?" Theo squeals from excitement and then goes on a rant about something that happened in one of the shows he's watching.
While they talk you go and wake up Leo, your currently youngest kid.
You get him up and carry him in your arms to the kitchen, he leans on your shoulder still half asleep.
"Baby, gimme the phone for a second." Theo immediately gives you the phone and follows you to the kitchen island where you sat.
"There's my other baby. Still sleepy, mommy woke you up, huh? What are we gonna do about it?"
It was a perfectly reasonable time to wake up....
Your son picks his head up at his father's voice and smiles, reaching for the phone. You put Leo down on the carpet not far from you, so you can still see him and Theo, while you make breakfast.
"Mommy!!!" Theo yells and you look up from the fruit you're currently cutting.
"Honey you don't have to yell I'm right here." you put away the knife, when he comes closer, Theo recently took a liking to yelling and dangerous objects.
"Daddy wants to talk to you!" Theo yells and you cringe at the volume, you love him more than anything but how can such a small child be so loud.
"Doll, I gotta go, we got soundcheck in about twenty minutes, kiss the boys for me, okay? Love you."
"Love you more, and good luck! I know you'll be great! Oh, and don't you dare cut your hair before you come home. I'm going to divorce you."
Bucky chuckles and says love you again before hanging up.
"Theo what do you have there?"
I think this might be my favorite thing I've written so far.....
likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
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Heyo! ( not me having to look up eastern time cause I'm not in that ) (((if I sent this at the wrong time just ignore I'm so sorry)))
Okie (also sorry if I don't format this completely correctly) May I request Sebek with the prompt rainy night? (Romantic please, and for emojis maybe 🍁✨️, and if possible fluff) and for backup characters ummm Vil with prompt 1 and Epel with prompt 7.
Gosh I hope I did that right. Anyways thank you Dove! I hope that you have a great rest of your day. Also, make sure to be taking breaks and time for yourself! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Rainy Night; Sebek Zigvolt
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; No need to worry, everything looks great, Faye! I completely forgot about the emojis, but I tried my best to fit them in. Enjoy some Becky content! WOE, CROCODILE BE UPON THEE!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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So much for a perfect seaside getaway, but Sebek could not account for a freak storm, so the two of you were stuck inside for the night, and reservations at the restaurant were cancelled due to the downpour. So, he was in a bit of a sour mood, hanging above him much like the dark storm clouds in the sky. Yet you weren’t in such a dire mood, and that helped take his mind off of things… somewhat.
“Aren’t you upset that our reservation was cancelled,” he huffed, turning his glare to the storm outside which seemed to mock him, slapping large leaves against the glass, which was like the storm slapping him in the face. “You were looking forward to it more than me.”
You looked over your shoulder, taking in the rare sight of Sebek in comfy clothes. To be fair the only reason he was wearing the fluffy pyjama pants and a white tank top was because you had gifted them to him. Even though it was something as simple as sleep clothes, Sebek treasured them.
“We can always go another night, sweetie,” you hummed, “besides, I would rather eat your cooking any night.” 
Sebek grumbled but didn’t argue with you, knowing full well that you would just shower him with sweet yet incredibly embarrassing praise for what he deemed as mediocre cooking at best. To be fair, you did call him your ‘pookie-bear’ in front of Malleus and Lilia — yeah, he nearly died that day, and Silver brings it up every now and then. 
“Besides,” you blew off the dust from a book, “I would rather read with you!” 
So that’s what you were searching for? A book? Sebek raised an eyebrow. You would rather read a book with him? And Sebek felt his face heating up. The two of you had been together for quite some time now, but Sebek always went warm when you did something simple, small, yet sweet. Those would leave him more pink and more warm than any grand gesture, because they weren’t planned. They were just something you naturally did, and that flustered him like nothing else.
Sebek cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. “And what has caught your attention, love?” Even with his terms of endearment, he was formal, respectful.
You waddled over, and showed him the cover. “Crocodile Knight!” 
“A children’s picture book?” Sebek hadn’t seen that book since he was a kid, and it did bring back some fond memories for him, but he still wondered why you looked so excited.
“Mhm!” You plopped next to Sebek on the couch, worming yourself next to his side until you were practically trying to merge with him. “Plus you’re my knight, and a crocodile, seems fitting! So, can you read it to me? Pretty pleaseeeeeee? My big, strong, scaly, knight?”
Sebek felt himself grow warm in the face and knew his ears must have been glowing from your giggling. He knew that he should have saved showing you the itty bitty scales that he had until later, but you had insisted on seeing them. “I-I guess I can read you a bit,” he surrendered, knowing that you would win this one.
He started reading, his voice steady and strong, only wavering when he felt you shift beside him. But he stopped reading when he felt your head rest against his shoulder. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye, he made direct eye contact with you; you were looking at him and not the book.
“I thought you wanted me to read this to you,” Sebek restrained himself from letting his loud nature win, making his voice crack a bit. “But you’re looking at me instead of the book?!”
You sighed, and placed a kiss to his jaw, which made him get quiet real fast. “Because you’re my crocodile knight, my beautiful crocodile knight,” you murmured.
Sebek closed the book, putting a bookmark in place so the two of you could revisit it at a later time. There was no chance that he could focus on reading when you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes.
So, instead, the two of you got into a comfortable cuddling position, got cozy under some blankets, and fell asleep in each other’s arms with the sound of rain and thunder aiding you to sleep.
Tags; @xxoomiii @twistwonderlanddevotee @savanaclaw1996 @ryker-writes [come get ur mans]
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jenniferjareauwife · 2 months
Maybe you could do wanda maximoff x daughter reader. And like its Wanda and Vision’s anniversary. Y/N’s feeling nervous but she doesn’t tell Wanda because she knows Wanda would just cancel and stay home with her if she told her. Except y/n’s separation anixety gets too bad and Wanda and Vis have to come home early. Y/N feels so bad but Mama Wanda comforts her <3
Need You
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pairing: wanda maximoff x daughter reader
category: fluff, hurt/comfirt
warnings: anxiety
word count: 661
age: 14
summary: you get too anxious so you call your mom and she races back to comfort you
"Bye honey, we'll be back in a couple hours, ok?" My mom kissed my forehead before heading out the front door. I felt my heart beat out my chest once she left. I wanted to tell her not to go, that I didn't want to be alone right now and I knew she would stay if I asked but that wasn't fair to her, it my their anniversary they should spend sometime together without their daughter.
About half an hour later I didn't know how much longer I was gonna last. I needed my mom. Being away from her was making me so anxious and nothing was making it better, none of my breathing exercises were working and meditation never worked for me.
My thumb hovered over the call button for a few seconds, debating on whether or not to call her. "Hey honey, is everything ok?" I heard my mom's sweet voice and I was filled with relief.
"I miss you."
"I miss you too honey. But are you ok?" I didn't answer for a few seconds.
"I just...I miss you a lot. I need you mom." My voice broke a bit.
"Ok. Ok hon, I'll be there soon, ok?" Her voice softened, immediately knowing what was wrong. "I'll be back and we can talk, we can cuddle, just...whatever you want honey, ok?"
"Mhm." My heart was beating fast still but it was calming down from the sound of her voice. "Mom...can you stay on call please? I need to hear your voice."
"Of course baby." I heard the car start and I let out a sigh of relief, she would be home i fifteen minutes. "Can you breathe for me? In two-"
"I already tried but it didn't work."
"Ok. Did you try to take a cold shower? That can help relieve anxiety."
"You're coming home right? So it'll help. I don't need a cold shower." I hated cold showers.
"Yeah I'm coming home. Just hang in there hon."
"Ok." I frowned a bit, hoping that time would just hurry up.
She got home ten minutes later, immediately pulling me into her arms. Vision was right behind her, looking worried but I just wanted my mom right now. She cradled my head against her chest, stroking my hair. "Can we go upstairs?" I asked, my voice shaking a bit.
"Of course." She led me upstairs to my room, sitting me down on the bed and kneeling down in front of me. "What's wrong sweetheart?"
"Just needed you." I wiped a few tears off of my face, not even realizing they were there until now.
"Why'd you need me?" She gently rubbed my thighs, looking up at me with love and care.
"I missed you. I was anxious and I really needed you." I sniffled, starting to cry again so she stood up between my legs so I rested my head against her stomach. She stroked my hair while rubbing my back.
"It's ok, I'm here now baby. Do you want dad to come in here?"
"No. Just want you." I looked up at her and she held my face in her hands, wiping away my tears.
"What do you need?"
"But what do you need from me hon?"
"Hug? Actually can we cuddle please. It helps calm me down." She nodded.
"Of course." She got into bed next to me and spooned me from behind. "Just let me know if you need anything else, ok? I've got you." She kissed the back of my head, slipping her hand under my shirt so she could caress my stomach.
"Can you hold me tighter?"
"Mhm." She held me tighter, so close to me that I could feel her whole front against my back, calming me down immensely. "I love you hon, ok?"
"I love you too." I took in one last shaky breath before relaxing completely.
"I'm always gonna be here for you whenever you need me. Never forget that."
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itsmattchou · 9 months
we are diamonds shining today !
pairing: kim gyuvin x gn!reader warnings: reader implied to be shorter than gyuvin (and being cute and adorable), worrying about exams, mentions of food, scary place wah, gyuvin is s t u p i d, yujin is anti love!!!, implied suggestive something idk, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, crack synopsis: 5 "first times" with kim gyuvin. notes: LATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GYUVIN!! pls dont flop pls dont flop
the first time he kissed top of your head. it was a rainy wednesday, barely a month into your relationship with gyuvin. like always the two of you spent the lunch break together, just the two of you at your secret spot. while gyuvin was munching on carrots bugs bunny style, you confided in him about you being scared of the exam that was going to be written in a few- the bell rang- the exam that was going to be written now. you stood up and told gyuvin to please bury you once the exam was done, but he just shook his head and moved to stand in front of you, his hands placed on your shoulders rubbing soothing circles.
"you're going to do well, don't worry about it. i believe that you can nail it." he then placed a delicate kiss to the top of your head, succeeding in cheering you up.
the first time he tried sacrificing you. gyuvin was known for being a scaredy cat and hater of everything scary. he despised horror movies with a passion, whenever he sees someone playing a video game he exits as fast as possible, and he would hate halloween too if it weren't for the sweets making up for it. but you being his cute and adorable partner, managed to drag him into a horror house at the fair. it only took you half an hour of talking into him, a teddy bear and a months supply of cotton candy! but once you entered the building, the 6 foot man named gyuvin hid behind you as if he was a little child, only occasionally peeking over your shoulder.
suddenly, skeleton shot out from behind a corner, startling you and gyuvin. but your boyfriend wasted no time in screaming, "take them! take them instead! i'm too young to die!"
the first time he canceled a date. going on dates with gyuvin was one of your favorite activities. i mean, obviously, who wouldn't enjoy spending even more time with that boy? you two always took turns planning the dates, and the date you were supposed to go on tomorrow was planned by gyuvin. but in the evening your boyfriend called you and apologized to you a billion times before he confessed that he had to cancel it. of course you weren't pleased, asking him for the reason- but what he explained to you bummed you out. gyuvin liked to gift you flowers, mostly on dates, sometimes even for no occasion at all. turns out he never got those flowers from a flower shop, but his mothers garden instead. mrs kim, busy as ever, only that day had the time to finally take care of her garden again, only to find the mess gyuvin left behind when he straight up dug the flowers out of the flowerbeds to gift them to you.
"she grounded me! can you believe this?!" gyuvin complained on the one end of the line, while you were speechless on the other end trying to figure out how to slap gyuvin per telephone.
the first time he said "i love you". you going out with gyuvins friends wasn't unusual. matter of fact, spending time with his best friends was incredibly fun. sometimes, when you were having another playful fight with gyuvin, you'd just tell him that you liked spending time with ricky, gunwook and yujin more than spending time with gyuvin, resulting in gyuvin falling to the ground and rolling around dramatically, screeching something about you killing him in a ruthless way. it was another day of spending time with your boyfriend and your boyfriends boy friends and you five went to the arcade together. after hours of competing against gyuvin in multiple games (you won of course), you two went to buy some drinks as he asked you in a joking manner if you still preferred to spend time with his friends, and you told him the truth. of course you loved spending time with him more than anything and you'd choose him over ricky, yujin or gunwook any and every day.
gyuvin softly smiled at you before he blurted out an "i love you". it would've been a really emotional and romantic moment between the two of you if it weren't for yujin who suddenly popped out behind some corner, making gagging noises.
the first time he let you do his hair. it was another rainy day, a saturday this time though, and gyuvin was going to spend the night at your place tonight- leaving the door to your room open just a crack for the sake of your mothers sanity and wellbeing. you two were watching some silly romance movie gyuvin picked for you to watch, cuddled up on your bed with gyuvins head on your chest and his arms around your waist, and your hands in his hair, playing with it. you really liked gyuvins hair- he'd sometimes even accuse you of only dating him for it- and playing with it was a habit, even a must at this point. you weren't really paying attention to the movie, rather admiring your boyfriend, as suddenly a scene in the movie piqued your interest. the girl was styling her boyfriends hair in silly ways, while the boy was mumbling about not deserving that kind of punishment- only to be upset the second she offered to leave his hair in peace. with a grin on your face you called out your boyfriends name who only sighed dramatically loud in response, already knowing what you were gonna ask for. but of course you ended up convincing gyuvin to let you do it too, he just loved you too much to say no.
"please don't make me end up bald!" gyuvin whined while you were braiding his hair. you scoffed and told him to just keep on watching the movie without paying any mind to you, promising him to not cut his hair off (even with no scissors or razors in reach).
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
hello would u please do an adhd! reader x wanda maximoff and her comforting them after a long day at work
Rough Day
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x ADHD! Reader
Summary: After a long day at work, Wanda greets you with open arms. 
Comfort | Fluff | No Warnings | 0.7K | 
AC: Please note that I do not have ADHD and I tried my best to hopefully do this justice for you. If I have said anything in this fic that isn’t correct, I’m sorry and I’d be happy to fix it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!! 
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Wanda knew the moment you walked through the front door that today was a long and tiring day. The exhausting look on your face spoke a thousand words and all she wanted was to take your mind off of all of it. "Hi honey" Wanda smiled softly as she welcomed you with open arms, "how was work?" she asked hugging you tightly. 
"Long" you sighed as she released you from her arms so you could kick your shoes off. "It looks like you've had a long day, do you want to talk about it?" she asked while looking at you with worry. "It was just a stressful and long day. I couldn't keep my focus, everything just had me so distracted" you explained as you placed your coat on the hanger and threw yourself on the sofa with another sigh. 
Wanda sat beside you and gently pulled you closer to her, allowing you to rest your head on her lap as she gently played with your hair. "It's okay love, your boss understands that some days are harder than others" she assured you but still let you unload all your stress and worries of the day.
 "A few meetings were cancelled, and I wasn't really prepared for that and things just seemed overall a lot busier than normal so I had to step outside a fair bit and I could tell my supervisor was getting annoyed with me leaving every few minutes" you looked up at Wanda with your tired eyes, your mind slowly becoming at ease with the way Wanda ran her fingers through your hair before moving her hands to your shoulders to massage gently. 
"I spoke to her after work and apologised but I feel it wasn't enough. I have so much order overdue because of today's setbacks that I may have promised to try and get some of it done tonight" you added as you allowed yourself to almost melt into Wanda's touch. "Well, how about after dinner I sit down and help you with some of it then after I can run you're a nice shower or bath then we can do whatever you feel up to doing" Wanda offered with a soft kiss on your forehead. 
"That sounds like a good idea" you smiled softly. 
For the next few minutes, you let Wanda's hands work their magic and help you relax before you both got up from the sofa. You helped Wanda make dinner, something you always looked forward to doing after work and of course she wanted to make your favorite and even got out the good China just because she felt like it. 
Just like Wanda mentioned, she ran you a warm shower and made sure your pjs were ready on the bed for you to slip into. Then the two of you sat down at the dining table and did some of the overdue work tasks you had, whenever your mind started to wonder, Wanda knew it was time for a break and used that time to make you both some hot chocolates. 
"Thank you love for doing all this" you thanked her once you closed the lid of your laptop. "You don't have to thank me darling; I've got your back just you have mine" she smiled softly at you, "I was thinking I would come down to your work tomorrow and we could get lunch?" she added. "I'd love that" you replied with a smile of your own before leaning over and kissing her softly, "I'm really tired do you mind if we head to bed?" you asked. 
"Of course, baby" Wanda brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, "you've done an amazing job today" she added with another soft kiss on your lips. 
Just hearing those words come out of Wanda's mouth was enough to make you feel better about your long day and by morning you were woken up to Wanda gently kissing your lips and breakfast in bed. "You're amazing, have I ever said that?" you smiled as you sat up so Wanda could place the tray of breakfast over your lap. "Maybe once or twice" she chuckled and kissed your forehead, "you've got an hour and a half before work so eat up and your work clothes are in the tumble dryer, I'll have them ready on the bed for when you're out of the shower" Wanda added. 
"Okay, honestly, you're amazing. Thank you my love" you replied before gently pulling her closer to you once again to kiss her, "I love you" you whispered against her lips.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz  | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @lizzieslcver | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @maria-403 | 
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pokemenlovingmen · 7 months
Could I request some headcannons of the ScarVi boys with an agender s/o who struggles a lot with dissociation and stuff? Like maybe how they’d comfort them. Preferably it/its and nym/nyms pronouns please. I personally don’t like being seen as super human due to how often I dissociate if that gives any ideas for writing.
Hello~ so sorry for how long this took. Life has been. A lot. I don't know how much use of pronouns I'll have since I generally write in the second person but I'll do my best! I also have issues with dissociation, but not a lot, so I hope I represent things as best as I can for you. I know everyone's dissocciation manifests differently as well as what helps, some folks need to be put into a lot of activity while others need isolation for a bit, at least from my experience, so I just want to represent all I can. :)
Also if I left anyone out you were looking for please let me know! There's a lotta guys so I left out a few, you said "boys" so I went with the academy guys.
ScarVio Boys x Agender S/O Who Dissocciates!
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🥪 - Arven is definitely a little confused when you first dissocciate around him. First he's worried it's something he did. Then he's worried you're sick or something. So he doesn't handle it super well the first time it happens. But once he realizes what's going on he falls into a rhythm.
🥪 - He's always incredibly communicative but tries to keep himself from grilling you with questions. He handles things with a fair bit of caution as he gradually gets a feel of what dissocciating looks like for you and what you need.
🥪 - Arven always has your back when it comes to your needs. He makes sure you're well-fed and hydrated. If you can't bring yourself to cook for yourself, of course he's going to be doing it for you. (And speaking from personal experience god wouldn't that be the best)
🥪 - Mabosstiff is always hanging out with you too. Sometimes Arven will help guide your hands through the Pokemon's long, coarse fur as a grounding device. Or if you need a lot of sensory input to help, he can also totally just let Mabosstiff jump on you and lick you half to death.
🥪 - He gets restless when there's not something he can do for you at all times and he needs to take time to learn sometimes the best thing he can do to help is just sit with you in silence. Though, occasionally, he'll ask if you'd feel better if he talks. He'd talk for hours if it meant helping bring you down to Earth.
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🔈 - Music is one of the best grounding tools and you can bet your ass Giacomo is using every last bit of his musical knowledge and gear to help you.
🔈 - He gets you your own pair of custom headphones, whatever kind you want, one of those types that have noise cancelling you can switch on and off if you're dissocciating for reasons of being overwhelmed.
🔈 - He puts together all the very playlists of all your favorite songs, organized by vibe ofc.
🔈 - And if you need it he'd be happy to share an earbud with you if you need the one-on-one connection of listening to music together.
🔈 - If you're in a public space he's also very swift and on the spot with getting you somewhere calm to decompress.
🔈 - He doesn't really have many words for you, but he'll squeeze your hand and remind you with gentle touches that you're here, and so is he.
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🧵 - If talking helps guide you through dissocciation, he's probably the one for you. You ask, and he'll just sit next to you and wax poetry for hours. It can help if you're someone who just needs words or conversation, it doesn't matter what the content is.
🧵 - If what you need is a quiet place to come back down to earth he'll whisk you to the very best right away. He has some good spots he finds ideal for meditation that he finds would be ideal.
🧵 - Atticus has lots of little one-on-one activities he offers to do with you. He'll paint your nails, let you try things on or model for him, even just hold up a sleeve of one of his current projects for him to stitch.
🧵 - Or if you need him to just sit next to you in silence, he can do that too. Or if you need him completely gone he'll leave you alone for as long as you need. I think Atticus understands better than most what you might need and to be patient with you, and he never takes your distance personally if it needs to happen.
🧵 - He can also put together some kind of garment like a sweater or hoodie that's sensory-friendly and he will take every last one in your preferences into account. Colors, weight, length, especially material, if you ever make a request expect it to be followed to a T.
🧵 - No matter what it is, if there's one thing you can be sure of it's that Atticus will be patient.
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luveline · 9 months
hi jade i hope life is treating you well <33 would you please write something for the asf universe maybe where fred invites ghost to come with him to something that he has to go to, and ghost doesn’t know how to say no so she tries to drag herself there despite how exhausted and sad she is, thank you for everything, take care of yourself <33
thank you for your request lovely! fem!reader, 2k
cw for mental health issues
Eyes dry as sand, you lean down in the hallway of Lee's flat to retie your shoelace. You'd done them haphazard, late to get ready. Fred doesn't notice you've stopped, swinging around the corner, each part of him beside his fingers on the doorway disappearing from view. 
"Hey, guys. Alicia, what have you done to your hair?"
"I've dyed it."
"I can see that. Feeling morose, were you?" He pauses. You look up in anticipation of his confused gaze. "Love?" he asks. 
You spring up with your shoelace half tied again to meet him in the doorway. Easy, Fred wraps his arm around your shoulders. He is, unquestionably, showing you off to his friends. "Hi guys," you say. 
You don't mind talking to them —they're not the problem, his merry band of twenty-somethings, reminiscent of their school selves but with enough piercings, tattoos, and bold haircuts to tell the difference. You're different enough that half of them didn't recognise you the first time they saw you again after leaving school, Lee Jordan's ill-fated birthday party, Freddie and a handful of bruised knuckles. You're the girl Fred defended unshakingly. It bought you a lot of street cred. 
What's so special about her that Fred would bother making such a mess? they must think. You honestly don't have a clue. It has more to do with Fred's big heart than your deserving, probably. 
"Hey," Angelina says, knees up at the table, a coke sweating down her arm. "Thank god you're here, George hasn't shut about you both since you cancelled on him." 
"I had salmonella," Fred says, arm steadfast behind you as he guides you into the kitchen. He encourages you into an empty chair by Angelina, likely George's considering the familiar worn wallet laid out by an empty coke. "Couldn't really de-salmonella myself." 
"Freddie!" Lee says, bottles clinking together in his hand. 
"Alright?" Fred asks. 
"Man, I'm glad you got here early. I wanted to talk to you about Melena before her lot come over at seven. Her gran just died so now she has a lot of money and nothing to do with it." 
"I don't like being responsible for other people's money," Fred says, his hand toying with the back of your shirt as he talks. Totally distracted, doting on you anyhow. 
"I thought you'd say that." 
You pick George's wallet up, unthinking. Neither of the twins has ever felt much possession of their possessions, nor have they ever withheld anything from you, and so you've a lack of manners all their blame. You run your thumb over the plastic window where a photo of Molly holding a smaller, younger Ginny on her knee takes centre stage. 
"Hello," George says, his reappearance surprising you enough to lose your grip on the wallet. His arms cleave you from Fred's grasp, all guy smells and squeezes as he hugs you roughly. "Things aren't so dire as to pickpocket me, surely." 
Fred is your very best friend on the whole planet. George is an extremely close second. You smile at the fierce pressure of his arms and pat him on the wrist. 
"Sorry, I was being nosey." 
"Wait, I've forgotten I was mad at you." 
"For what?" you ask, though you know.
"You didn't come to game night! What the fuck, ghost? Fred had salmonella, whatever, but you weren't sick. I missed you." 
I didn't feel well enough to come without Fred, you almost say, but it's still not fair. George really is a best friend. "I should've come. I'm sorry," you say. 
"That's okay. Come to the next one, yeah?" He stands up, giving your back a whack and a half. "You okay?" 
Honestly? No. You're tired. You don't feel like a very good person, and being with your friends makes it worse. You would've said no to coming tonight, but it's not as easy as it is with George to say no to Fred. Fred asks you for things, hand on your hand or your elbow or your knee, and you can't entertain letting him down.
"We've been invited to Lee Jordan's for drinks next Friday," he'd said. At that moment your shins were over his lap, his new phone precariously held in his long fingers, "you'll come, won't you? It was rubbish without you last time." 
"Yeah," you'd said immediately. "Course." 
Why? you think now, a sharp knife of dread sliding beneath your ribs. What a stupid idea. Your hands are clammy where you wipe them in the knees of your jeans, your mouth uncooperative as you answer George's inquiry. "I'm okay. How are you? Did you get your new sofa yet?" 
The night pulls on in dribs and drabs. You're better at hiding how you feel now you've reason to hide it, someone who loves you enough to pay attention, but it always shines through. Like grease on silk held up to the light, the pervasive oiliness of how you feel seeping, seeping. You jump from room to room, bump shoulders with people you know and strangers alike, swap a coke for a vodka and, at Fred's proud production, an ice cold mimosa with a fresh orange slice hooked on the rim. 
"A mimosa? At 9PM?" you ask, taking it anyway. 
"Vitamin D, doll. It's good for you." Kiss to the top of your head. Fred is stolen away again by an old friend. You sit in the pit of a deep chair, the comfiest, softest seat in the house, a fresh drink in hand, music you like playing to the left and a shouted promise of pizza and potato wedges called from the kitchen. 
Everybody cheers. You take a sip of your drink and decide to go home. You can sidle up to George and tell him you're not feeling well, he can tell Fred when your boyfriend notices you're gone. No one will panic, and there will be no need for him to go home. 
But Fred doesn't work that way. Doesn't trust you to tell the truth about how you're feeling; you're a liar, and he knows you'll undersell the weight of whatever it is that's wrong. 
When George pops by to steal your drink, you don't spin a lie about headaches or cramps. 
You're loved into telling the truth. 
Fred wanders back your way eventually. He sees it on your face (he must), the disconnect between your eyes and your surroundings. It isn't everything about you —you see him approaching and you smile, opening an eager hand to his arm— but he's well read in your feelings. He hips you along the big chair and sits back, pulling you with him, his arm again protectively held over your shoulders as he tucks you into his neck.
"You look tired, lovely girl," he says, his voice weak in the quiet.
"I'm trying not to be." 
"I don't think it's something you can try your way out of." Stronger, fonder, he's reassured by your smile, but he knows you better than anyone. "You've drunk your mimosa!" 
"George," you correct.
"Ah. Did you like it at all?" he asks. 
Things don't always taste right to you. "The fizzing was making my nose hurt." 
Fred turns your face to his. "Not your gorgeous nose," he laments, lips barely parted. He strokes you cheek with the soft pad of his thumb like he's trying to smooth away a line, eyes pinching into a squint. Handsome squint on a handsome boy. 
"I'm okay." You answer before he can ask.
"I know. Wish you'd said something earlier, is all." 
"I can't… ruin your fun. Every night." 
"Every night," he repeats. He tips your chin up to kiss you. "That's ridiculous," he says when he leans back. "You don't ruin any fun, ghost. You make it fun." 
"Make what fun?" you ask, sounding more and more tired with each word. You mumble into his shirt. "This should be fun… don't know what's wrong with me."
Fred goes soft like butter in the sun, though what's warming about your limp disposition is anyone's guess. "You're sick of hearing me say this," he begins, words slow, "but you have no reason to… feel so disgusted with yourself. I can hear it, sometimes… in your voice. You don't have to know what's wrong with you, you don't have to force yourself to have fun, you don't have to be so angry. Not with my girl, she doesn't deserve it." He kisses your cheek, a sudden cheerful punctuation to his serious moments. "You feel rubbish, you don't know why. It doesn't matter, so long as you can feel better in the end." 
"I'm just tired," you say, as you've said a hundred times before. 
"You're always tired." 
It makes your throat ache, that simple acknowledgement. 
"You can kip on me if you want to," he says. 
"Here?" you ask. 
He shrugs, jostling your shoulder. "Don't see why not. Unless you want to go home. We can go home, sweetheart."
It's unsaid. Staying here, even when you don't feel good, will mitigate the guilt you'd feel if you dragged him home. He doesn't care, he'd never hold it against you, but you're paranoid anyways, and self-hating to a fault. There's no need to add fuel to that fire, so you can stay. But if you really can't manage it, Fred will take you home. 
"Maybe I'll just lean on you, for a bit." You meet his eyes fully, brown and big and looking down at you with a shiny kind of love. "If that's okay." 
Fred drops his arm to the small of your back and wraps it around, his thumb searching for your Jean pocket. He hooks it there, his chin rubbing a short line into your temple. "Oh no, my beautiful girlfriend wants to snuggle. Whatever will I do." 
"You don't have to, Freddie. You can enjoy your party. I could just go home." 
"I don't want you to go home," he whispers, a secret. "I want to be where you are. I like parties, but I like you more." 
"Are you sure?" you ask. 
Fred lays back with the affect of a gluttonous Prince, as though he has everything he wants right there at his disposal. You can't imagine being the pretty girl under his arm, and yet you are. No matter how awful your head hurts, he makes you feel like you've nothing to be ashamed of. It's the kindest thing he can do. 
"Take a breather," he says. "Let's have fifteen minutes. If you feel worse, we'll go home. 'Kay?" 
You look at his lap, curling your fingers into the hem of his pressed button down. "Okay. Thanks, baby." 
He sounds pleased at the pet name. "Melena's coming over here. Quick, pretend to be sleeping. I'll stroke the back of your neck if you promise not to laugh." 
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tarotoftheendless · 7 months
Tom Sturridge: A Review
Disclaimer: I have ADHD, so, please forgive me if I jump around and go on tangents... I have lots of thoughts about this man and his projects, so....
At this point I have seen almost everything the man has been in. And I have thoughts about most of his work. I may have to do this review in parts as some of his work I need to re-watch in order to get my true thoughts out on it.
Firstly, Tom seems to enjoy choosing projects that are obscure, which I can appreciate. It fits in line with him not wanting to be in the spotlight and kind of live a more private life. In fact, The Sandman is both in line with the sentiment and yet isn't at the same time.
It kind of reminds me of Adam Driver and his filmography... and then Star Wars happened. Granted, Adam Driver has since been in the spotlight more, but he sure was uncomfortable with the attention when he was in Star Wars.
And I think Tom is the same. Not only does Tom come off as neurodivergent (it is just a speculation, not confirmed... I have observed his mannerisms and the way he speaks from many video interviews...), but he is introverted, doesn't have social media (though he might have at one point, though I think he got rid of all of it when his daughter was very young). There is something about him that screams "Don't perceive me" even with all the modeling he has done and him serving cunt on the Red Carpet. He does acting for the art not the fame, and I think he is handling The Sandman the same way. He always seems so uncomfortable at Cons... actually, it reminds me of how Jensen Ackles used to be at Supernatural Cons...
Anyway, I am sure I could go on and on about Tom himself, but I have thoughts about his films and shows. I will not be review The Sandman though... it's been done to death and I really don't feel like weighing in on it right now. But I would love to discuss in the comments about Tom himself with other Tom lovers if ya'll have something that you feel should be brought up about him.
I have seen the following projects of Tom's:
The Sandman - Dream/Dream of the Endless/Morpheus
2. Sweetbitter - Jake
3. Irma Vep - Eamonn - this was basically just a glorified cameo
4. Skin - Nathan
5. Velvet Buzzsaw - Jon Dondon - almost another glorified cameo
6. 3 Way Junction - Carl
7. Hello Apartment - Adam - basically a cameo... a sexy cameo...
8. Mary Shelley - Lord Byron
9. Double Date - John - a goth pretentious musician cameo
10. Remainder - Tom
11. Far From a Maddening Crowd - Sergeant Francis Troy
12. Effie Gray - John Everett Millais
13. On The Road - Carlo Marx
14. Junkhearts - Danny
15. Waiting for Forever - Will Donner
16. The Boat The Rocked/Pirate Radio - young Carl
17. Like Minds/Murderous Intent - Nigel Colbie
18. FairyTale: A True Story - Hob (A Fair) - cameo
I tried watching Journey's End and it was slow and depressing, so I never finished it... and I plan on watching Hollow Crown... but those episodes are basically films in themselves, so, that'll take forever... and I can't find a way to watch A Waste of Shame...
I have thoughts on many of these shows/films, so I will go though them in no particular order. And I might not have much to say about all of them because either there isn't much to say or I need to watch them again to fully be able to give my thoughts on them.
Jake is a traumatized 30 something bartender that hides behind sex, drugs, and alcohol... and he has no idea how traumatized he really is because the one person that has continued the trauma for him has also been his savior, according to him... and he has to believe that in order to cope with his life, his choices and what actually happened to him. He was absolutely groomed by Simone, and before the show got cancelled I really think they were gonna go there with his character.
I love Jake. I both love his bad boy tendencies, but what makes me love him more is who he is beyond that, beneath that. The episode where is really opens up with Sasha was really eye-opening. He is struggling, and he has to believe that Simone is his lifeline because otherwise his whole life has been based on a lie, "No one knows you like I do", which is word for word what domestic violence abusers say to their victims. He truly believes that Simone fixes things, he has to believe that otherwise he'll fall apart. Much like Frodo has to believe that there is good in Gollum, Jake has to believe that Simone is actually his protector. Everything falls apart if Jake faces reality, hence drowning in the sex, drugs and alcohol. The lies are better than the truth.
He hates himself and doesn't believe that he deserves love, so he believes Simone's narrative of being damaged and dangerous because it is easier than really breaking away from her control and standing on his own two feet.
It makes me sad that we will never get a season 3 of Sweetbitter because Jake was such a beautiful and fascinating character, far more than Tess. I don't think I would have wanted Jake to actually be with Tess in the long run, I think Tess was also wanting Jake to fill a role so Tess herself could grow and use him a stepping-stone forward, a "been there, done that" sort of thing. Tess liked the bad boy, and she tried to make it seem like she wanted to help him but I still think it was for her own gain rather than actually wanting to help Jake, and that is why she would have ultimately lost him. He would run to what he has always known; Simone. Jake needs someone that gives him space to breathe for once. Someone that sees him and hears him and helps him see the truth without wanting anything from him in return. He needs permission to live, truly, for himself rather than for others that always want something from him. He needs therapy and better coping skills... cuz yeah not being sober and burying his dick in everything he can is not helping him at all.
So, really, that's review of the character... and I think Tom did a great job playing an aloof yet interested character that is a bad boy. The song 'Hot n Cold' by Katy Perry fits him quite nicely, I think.
The Boat That Rocked/Pirate Radio
So, I saw this film years ago, probably around 2018/2019, before I had any idea who the fuck Tom Sturridge was. I remember liking it.
Then I watched again after seeing The Sandman and I have grown a lot in my leftist views... and oh boy... this film is so sexist, homophobic and really super okay with SA it is scary... Tom has gone on record saying he would never do the 'Switch' in real life, but holy fuck that is some toxic shit.
As far as young Carl goes, I don't think casting a 23 year old Tom Sturridge was the right move if they wanted the audience to believe he was a virgin. Tom has always been gorgeous, and this film is no exception. And he got expelled for smoking, cigarettes and weed if the implications the film made are correct, making him a bad boy sort of. Girls and guys alike would have gone feral for him. As awkward as he is, it is more charming than anything else.
He should not have forgiven Marianne and he absolutely shouldn't have forgiven Dave. He also shouldn't have been okay with SA of a woman that would've had seemingly no idea that someone else was having sex with her other than the person she wanted to have sex with. I know that we all love young Carl, and I still do and will, but he really shouldn't be let off the hook for considering and almost going through with an SA all because he didn't want to be a virgin anymore.
All in all, I don't believe young Carl would've actually been a virgin because of Tom Sturridge portraying him, but also, the toxic shit that he goes along with shouldn't be over-looked either.
I love this film and Tom's character, but yeah, 2009 was a different time...
Waiting for Forever
So, this film is basically unwatchable... except for Tom's Will Donner... and even then, we have got to talk about the toxicity of this film.
Will Donner is basically a Manic Pixie Dream Boy... and his mental health issues are not only not named but they are handled poorly and without care. AND STALKING IS NOT CUTE OR ROMANTIC. Period. He should not have gotten the girl in the end. That gives the wrong message... like oh yes, we need more incels thinking they can just try and try and follow women and be quirky and then they will wear us down enough for us to see how romantic it was all along.
Now, that being said, I do think that Will is neurodivergent, ADHD and autistic specifically, with PTSD/C-PTSD as well as some sort of delusional disorder that has him speaking to people/ghosts that aren't really there... not schizophrenia exactly, but close to it. And I really think that he had no idea that what he was doing with the stalking because of his mental health issues. He didn't know any better... still that is no excuse and Emma should not have chosen him in the end.
Will Donner has no idea who Emma is. He has an idea of who he thinks she is in his head and that is who he is in love with. It was 2011 and men in films often were rewarded for being in love with a woman even if he has no idea who she really is... and that is a problem. Will, as precious and charming as he is, should not have been rewarded for loving his idea of who Emma is... and he really should not have been rewarded for his stalking... I love Will, he is a cinnamon roll of a man, and I get he has mental health issues, I too have ADHD and autism, but he should have had to work through his own toxicity before Emma would ever consider him... but I really don't think Emma should have ever chosen him.
And that brings me to Emma... as toxic as Will is, Emma never deserved his love. She does not deserve him at all. Will was a last resort to her. She had to loose her father and find out her ex was a murderer before even considering Will as an option. And she is a cheater... Will does not come off as the type that would be open to anything other than complete loyalty and monogamy... at least if he is with Emma. I would think trust issues would be abundant in their relationship, which is a shit foundation for any relationship.
As far as the film goes... I am sorry, but it is not good. If we followed Will only, maybe it would have been better, but all the B-plots with Emma and her family and everything really tanked the film. Will and Emma have no chemistry... yeah, I love Tom and he played the character well, but yeah... not his finest choice in film. I would watch his character literally in anything else other than the film we got.
I also wanted to punch Will's brother in the throat. 2011 really had a fuck ton of stigmas towards neurodivergent folks and this film just reiterated that.
Like Minds/Murderous Intent
So, I watched this after The Sandman hype... and oh boy...
This film came out in 2006 and in Hollywood the only way you could be gay is if you were a villain... or magic... and Nigel nor Alex were not magic... so...
This film is so homoerotic that it hurts... I think if they had just kissed... or better yet, fucked, that would have solved everything. No murder... no incest... no necrophilia... just gay butt fucking.
But Nigel is a psychopath. And I am not sure if it started with Alex or not... Nigel seems to think that Alex was the one that was fucked up and then they had a mind-meld... and Nigel just was more okay with going with it than Alex was? Honestly, this film is confusing... because the narrator is unreliable. Who knows what the truth really was. Maybe Alex was right, maybe Nigel was... maybe both... either way, Alex ends up accepting it and being a toxic evil fucker too, so...
Also, Nigel and Dream are not the same at all... I am weirded out by everyone relating the two characters together. Nigel is a psychopath... Dream is just dark... and toxic sometimes, but Dream is not a psychopath. Ugh. They are not the same, fucking hell.
So... Tom's character in this is almost worse than Nigel... Danny is fucked up. Not only is he having sex with a minor, but yeah, the drugs and taking advantage of a vet was beyond fucked up. I am glad that Tom said that he took the role because Danny was so different from himself... which thank fuck that's the case because Danny is a nightmare. Though gurl.... that sex scene? Jesus... if Jake had you blushing with all his sex scenes, Danny has you dripping... and you know what the fuck I mean. Damn. I was watching this film with my partner and yeah, I had to take a moment afterwards to try to stop having my cheeks so red. It made me feel things I didn't exactly want to feel...
But yeah, fuck Danny... I don't think he should've been murdered in the end, but he was a terrible character.
I am not sure if this film was great... or even if Danny was necessary to tell the story, but yeah... maybe I will have to watch this film again to have more to say about it later.
Irma Vep
Ugh. I was kinda pissed that I had to watch 8 hours of this show and we only got Tom for about what, 15 minutes? Ugh! And he is hot... and toxic. A cheater and a liar. And him and Kristen Stewart? I want to know the history there so bad, because we all know that Tom and Robert Pattinson are besties... and then Tom has worked with Kris on the film On The Road too... and then he is taking her pants off and kissing her like that in this show? Fucking hell... makes me think Tom and her may have... idk, history beyond Kris dating Rob? There have been rumors... but idk how much of it is true... and old social media profiles have been abandoned and I am unsure if they are real or not, but there might be history... and this show, with Tom's 15 minute glorified cameo raised some questions about that.
This short film really moved the fuck out of me. I was balling my eyes out by the end of it and I had to sit with it for about an hour after I watched it. Tom's acting ability really shines through in just 11 minutes and it is just him, an Alexa-type voiceover and flashbacks with him and his husband. In 11 minutes. I was blown away by this short film and Tom and if you haven't seen it, you need to. All of the trigger warnings though; death of a loved one, grief, alcoholism, self-harm, suicidal ideation, bulimia-like actions... it's rough and very raw and real. But it is amazing and really shows how amazing Tom really is as an actor. You will cry and be in utter awe at the same time.
Velvet Buzzsaw
This film could have used more Jon Dondon... I do want to watch this again and give a more in depth review of this film and Tom's character in it, but yeah, I loved his South African accent and his pretentious ditzy character. He is funny, sexy and charming. It is a shame that they had to kill off his character.
3 Way Junction
So... this film felt like two films smashed into one and it was weird. Tom was brilliant in it, but I am not sure what the writer(s) was to say... also he would have died... 2 weeks in those conditions and not figuring out how to survive quickly? Yeah, he would have died. No one can survive 2 weeks like that. I do think I need to see this film again to give a better more detailed review on it and Tom's character.
Mary Shelley
I do need to see this film again... but I remember Tom's Lord Byron being sexy and amazing and well worth the re-watch for all Tom Sturridge lovers.
Effie Gray
The film is kinda boring, I'll be honest. But I do love Tom in this film. He plays a hopeless romantic well. It fits him quite well. I don't have much else to say about it than that. I did see this film for the first time before I knew who Tom Sturridge was, I love period piece films, so yeah. Watched it again recently, and I loved him in it, but yeah, the film itself is kinda boring.
Far From a Maddening Crowd
OMG! I wanted to flip a table when I realized he faked his own death. And then he comes back because he wants money? Bitch! He deserved a shot gun to the chest, damn. What a bitch. A hot sexy bitch that kisses women and grabs 'em by the pussy and then leaves, but a little bitch nonetheless. Tom, coming in and serving cunt and then dying. Goddamn.
I had no idea that Tom kisses a man in this film... I just watched it because it had Tom as the main character... and then that kiss happened... probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Fuck. I do need to watch this film over again to really get a feel for... well all of it... more. This film was confusing as fuck and it deserves a re-watch for a better understanding of the story and Tom's character...Tom...
There other films on the list of stuff I've watched but not all of them really need a review... at least not right now.
Does anyone else have any thoughts or comments of these films and or shows? What about Tom in general? I kinda just want to gush with Tom Sturridge lovers about his roles and just him in general. I know I could have gone more in depth on some of his roles, but I think some of his roles have stood out more than others.
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starriwonderland · 2 years
Hello my dear! I end up seeing your new blog and I truly hope you have sucess on Tumblr! Anyways, I would like to know if I could request headcanons of Cater, Vil and Trey conforting a male!S/O who is just so burned out from the school? Bonus points if there is some cuddling envolved!
I wish the best for you, sweetie! I am so happy to see more writers around here! 💜
Genre(s): Comfort, fluff, romance
Reader: Male
Warnings: mentions of burnout and breakdown.
Thank you so much! I still have a long way to go as a writer but I hope these headcanons even though it kinda turned into scenarios (sorry I couldn't help it) are tailored to your liking. Sorry it took so long I struggled writing Cater as I didn't want to portray him in a shallow way. Also I know my writing style is kinda wonky, since I keep accidentally switching between first and third person :,)
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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• I can imagine Cater has had his fair share of burnouts
• The way Cater would deal with this depends on how close you guys are in a relationship
• If you guys aren't deep in the relationship he might either let someone else deal with the matter and stand to the side Cater how could you?!
• On the other hand if you guys are in a close relationship he will listen to his boyfriend vent and even offer solutions to the problem
• You and Cater would have cuddle-to-de-stress sessions and it does BOTH of you good.
• Does his best to help with your studies but I can assure you he's not getting tangled in Ace and Deuce's shenanigans. (unless it makes for a great Magicam video.)
• Does check up on you from time to time and reminds you to take breaks. He doesn't like seeing you overwork yourself
"Come on Y/n!" One of Cater's clones grabbed your hand "We're supposed make sure that you aren't overworking yourself again." the h/c male would've protested, but the clones had taken care of everything before he could even lift a finger. Even though Cater's unique magic used quite an amount of power, he was willing to lighten Y/n's burden from to time. "Cater?" Y/n mumbled sleepily "What's up?" Cater rolled over to look at him. "Thank you" his voice trailed off at the end and soft snores could be heard. An affectionate smile adorned the orange haired man as he caressed his boyfriend's face. Yes it was worth it.
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• Honestly at first Vil thinks that you've been staying up all night when he sees the bags under your eyes.
• Probably lectured you on why a full 8 hours of sleep was important for your well being
• The headmaster had been very demanding of you lately asking you to complete tasks that were next to impossible because "he's so kind".
• This wasn't the first time You had to call Vil to cancel your date because of attempting some other impossible duty to earn your stay in Twisted Wonderland. Vil was frustrated because he really tries to make time in his schedule for you two to bond.
Y/n was sitting on the chaise lounge in Vil's room with his head down as Vil stood in front of him. "Please look at me when I'm talking to you," Vil was the first to break the silence. The smaller male slowly lifted his head. Vil's tone didn't sound like one filled with anger but rather hurt. "Is there a reason why you've been avoiding me?" He sighed and waited for a response but all y/n could do was repeatedly open their mouth while no sound came out. Vil was about to say something else when y/n they finally broke-down about everything. Vil was slightly taken a back by this reaction, but he did understand. It must've been stressful having to handle so many responsibilities that should be handled by the headmaster. "Come here potato," Vil pulled his boyfriend into a hug and dried Y/n's tears. Hugs from Vil are special since he rarely initiates physical contact. "I don't want you to feel like you have to shoulder everything alone." Vil watched y/n fall into a peaceful sleep while he were laying on his bed. He was gonna have a word or two with that crow in the morning.
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• Trey would be the quickest to realize
• Lately you seemed tired and more busy than usual.
• There where upcoming tests for the semester, and the one braincell duo's antics weren't making things any easier.
• Regardless you couldn't find the motivation put anymore effort in.
• Trey took notice of this and pulled you aside to ask if everything was okay
• Magicless human or not he's not making the same mistake he did that contributed to Riddle's overblot.
• Trey listened as you told him you were feeling stressed and burned out from all that was going on in school.
"Alright," Trey said when you were finished speaking "I'll speak to Ace and Deuce next time I see them. As for your studies, we can hold study sessions. I think it would benefit the dorm." Trey got up from his seat and was headed to the kitchen, "But for now," he turned to y/n, "I'll make you you're favorite dessert!" Trey knew exactly how to cheer you up when you needed it the most. As Y/n was embraced in Trey's arms, he knew that even though everything wasn't perfect at the moment, he could rest assured it would get better.
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Hi, do you know of any fics where someone other than Crowley is interested in Aziraphale and Crowley is jealous or protective?
Hello. Please check out our #jealous crowley tag! I have a few more fics to add to the collection...
Mine by Zakani_Donovan (T)
Crowley is a bit protective. And jealous. Always has been, always will be. Aziraphale had liked it, to a certain extent. This time, however, she found it a bit ridiculous. Once she caught on, that is.
I’d Rather Be by Arielavader (T)
Crowley needs to blow off some demonic steam but has to cancel plans with Aziraphale to do so. Misunderstandings follow because of course they do.
Looking Good, Mr. Fell by CopperBeech (M)
After the Notapocalypse, Aziraphale's almost a different angel. He's happy. He's relaxed. He's confident. People notice.
Crowley notices them noticing, and he's not happy about it.
Le Morte D’Aziraphale by Ultramarine316 (T)
During his time with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Aziraphale winds up in an awkward situation and asks for Crowley’s help extricating himself, but the other Knights don’t respond well to The Black Knight suddenly appearing and carrying off their (Fair Damsel) Sir Aziraphale. Hijinks ensue.
Pieces Of My Heart by NaroMoreau (E)
From that reddit: Straight guy worries he’s being homophobic to gay roommate, realizes he’s fallen in love with him.
Or: It turns out I don't have any problems with Aziraphale kissing guys, says Crowley, if it's me he's kissing.
Love is a Temporary Madness by Beckers522 (T)
"They'll leave us alone, for a bit. If you ask me, both sides are going to use this as breathing space, before the big one." "I thought that was the big one." "No. For my money, the really big one is going to be all of us against all of them." "What? Heaven and Hell against...humanity?"
The Apocalypse has come and gone, but Heaven and Hell aren't satisfied. They'd tried and failed to enact their revenge once. Perhaps it is time to try a different strategy.
- Mod D
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Applied Theory - Backhand
There were few things worse than being wrong, in Remus' opinion, but one of them was the mortifying ordeal of having to say "I don't know."
Why did he have a Howler following him around? Someone's cruel idea of a joke, probably. Why did it keep shouting in French? Because the person who sent it was French, obviously, now please turn to page fifteen. What was it saying? Well, aside from spewing insults, it was giving a spirited lecture on defensive theory and charms mechanics -- would you like me to translate? Because I could do the whole thing in my sleep, if it would let me -- no? Then please, for the love of Merlin, turn to page fifteen.
He'd scarcely slept since Sunday and had a splitting migraine he couldn't shake, so naturally his fifth years were being particularly nosy curious today, culminating in him snapping "I don't know how it works, Hermione!" following the girl's hundred and eighth question about how the cursed Howler was still functioning after a week.
And if (key word) he had more than two functioning brain cells left he might have better appreciated Black's handiwork, but as he did not, he was left rubbing his temples and mumbling out an apology as his forehead hit his desk.
"... A-are you alright, Professor?"
(Hermione again, sounding like he'd kicked her puppy.)
"Never better."
"Do you need the hospital wing? We could always cancel class."
Remus lifted his head with an unimpressed glare.
"No, but nice try Seamus."
The boy shrugged and sat back in his seat, and Remus let his gaze slide down the row to Harry, who was watching the Howler circling around the blackboard with a scholar's interest.
"What have you tried to get rid of it?" Harry asked lightly, and despite the impulse to shout fucking everything, he recognised that his godson was attempting to give him a reprieve in the form of a new lesson plan.
Good lad. Clever lad. Remus supposed he could conveniently "misplace" the detention schedule for the following week in thanks.
"The usual battery," he admitted tiredly. "Finite, Silencio, Evanesco, Inflamare--"
"You tried to set it on fire?"
"'Tried' being the operative term, obviously," Remus sighed. "It ended up duplicating and started shouting at me in a round. Lasted about an hour."
Hermione frowned. "What happened when you tried to Silence it?"
"Oh, I can just show you that one." He drew his wand lazily, pointing it at the still-shouting envelope. "Silencio!"
The Howler sputtered furiously, flapping about his head like an enraged bird. "Comment oses-tu essayer de me faire taire?" it shrieked. "Je n'ai jamais été aussi insulté de toute ma vie! Tu as eu ton tour de parole, espèce d'âne! Maintenant, c'est mon tour!"
It returned to its position floating behind him, gave an imperious little sniff, and returned to lecturing at top volume.
"As you can see, it does not take kindly to interruptions." Remus looked out over the room of students, taking in their conflicted expressions. "It's quite alright to laugh; I'm fully aware it's ridiculous."
A spattering of uncomfortable giggles rippled through the class; Hermione, however, was eyeing the Howler speculatively, mouthing something to herself.
Neville raised his hand. "Have you tried throwing a blanket over it? I know that usually works for my gran's birds."
"I have; it vanished the blanket."
"Shut it outside?" suggested Susan.
"You know I actually tried that one several different times." Remus began counting off on his fingers: "It's come back through the floo, using the school owls, and once even smuggled itself in using Hagrid's beard... which was rather upsetting for both of us, come to think of it."
"Is there a password, you think?" Ron asked. "Like, maybe there's a specific thing you need to say."
Like the map, he meant. It was a good idea, but Remus shook his head. "I've tried a few things of that sort -- even told it that it was right -- but nothing seems to faze it."
"Professor," Hermione ventured slowly, "the caster is French, yes?"
"He is, yes."
"I realise you've probably already tried this, but... have you attempted the Gallic variations of any of the spells? Or only the Romance?"
Remus blinked.
"I've... tried Goidelic, Brythonic, and Romance," he admitted slowly, "but I must confess I'm not... particularly well-versed in Gallic spellwork, specifically. Could you give us an example?"
Hermione pinked. "Well, I suppose it's technically a sub-family of Romance," she explained hastily, "but Gallic variants are commonplace all throughout France and Spain. It's not something we'd typically run into anywhere in the United Kingdom, so it's not like... well, erm... anyway--" she raised her wand. "Silencio."
The Howler paused, quivering in the air, and then--
Remus clutched the back of his head as the cursed letter continued haranguing him:
"Hah! Il semble que cette petite fille ait plus de bon sens que toi, même si elle reste une anglaise mal élevée. Peut-être qu'elle appréciera mes leçons."
Hermione wrung her hands, tears springing to her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Professor! I was so sure that might work!"
"It is acting differently, though!" Hannah assured her. "I mean... isn't it?"
"What's it matter?" Zacharias whinged. "It's still giving me a bloody headache!"
The students began bickering amongst themselves, and Remus was dimly aware that he should stop them, to try to restore some semblance of order to his classroom -- at least before Harry leapt over his desk and punched Smith in the nose on principle. (Or maybe not; Smith was a bit of a twat.)
But all he could think about was Hermione's wand movement: normally, the Silencing Charm was performed with a swish and a downward slash, directed inward, but Hermione had instead ended with an outward slash, making an X.
Goidelic and Brythonic spellwork was historically wandless, or else utilising either more ritual elements or larger external foci, and frequently lengthy incantations. Because of that, it had never occurred to him to look for other ways to cast the same spells he'd been taught throughout his formal education. They were the standard. Wand movements were what they were: you couldn't just... change them, could you?
But then... what was magic but another language? Sure, there was physics and geometry and whatever else involved, but it was still a manner of communicating one's will to the cosmic energy that made up the... well, the everything. So why couldn't there be dialects, so to speak? And if there were dialects, then...
Remus let out a sharp whistle, quieting the class (and pretending not to notice that Ron had Smith in a headlock.) "Hermione. Do you by any chance happen to know if there is a Gallic variant of the Shield Charm?"
And miracle of miracles, the girl nodded, demonstrating a flawless Protego. It was just as he suspected: her wand began in the overhand position, rather than the underhand position, changing the starting angles of both her wand arm and the wand itself significantly. The formulas he used would have to be adjusted to account for... shit.
"Bugger me..." he muttered, slumping into his seat. "He was right."
At this, the Howler quieted and burst into flames, shredding itself.
Remus stared at the pile of ash, utterly appalled. That... absolute bastard.
"I thought you said you'd tried that already," Ron accused, and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, but he didn't mean it."
Remus took a deep (calming) breath and stood, brushing himself off. It didn't matter. "Precisely, Harry. An excellent example of one of the core tenets of spell theory," he said wryly. "Intent is everything. Hermione, ten points to Gryffindor for thinking outside the box -- and for saving us all further headache."
It provided a remarkably smooth transition into his lesson plan (foundations of non-verbal casting) and so the rest of the class went off without a hitch (other than Smith's suspiciously rumpled appearance) and he was able to dismiss the class for supper feeling at least moderately accomplished for the day.
A mortifying ordeal, perhaps... but also enlightening.
He would need to revisit his notes and make the necessary adjustments, call his team in for more testing, which they'd hate -- maybe some of his NEWT students would be interested if he offered extra credit, or in exchange for a free pass on an essay; no one liked essays. And perhaps he could see if Hermione was interested in some observation hours, given that this was only possible due to her contribution (and would be credited as such; he was proud and perhaps even a little arrogant, but he was not a thief.)
But first... well, first he was going to take a fucking nap, but after that, he was going to make his own modified Howler. With... like... timed releases or something. Make Black think it was over and then BAM! Shouting at him in the loo in like... fuckin' Welsh or something. Maybe not Welsh, no one knew Welsh. German, maybe -- his German was pretty good... if he wanted to ask where the library was, anyway. And with his luck, Black probably knew German, and wouldn't be cowed by a fuckin... like... paper crane screaming "WO IST DIE BIBLIOTHEK?" at top volume. Actually, the paper crane wasn't a bad idea... Lily had a book on origami, he could ask her.
... After his nap, anyway.
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instantartific · 1 year
For the lovesick event, could we get Nova with "Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?" Feels very him tbh lol
|ও DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVA: "Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
587 words |
contains heavy themes of manipulation, themes that can be read as gaslighting, themes that can be read as coercion, heavy themes of forced isolation. |
Going for my heart with the first request being Nova. Anyways, I like the thought of a Nova that tries to guilt-trip you into only ever thinking about him and this would be part of the descent into that. Hope you enjoy! |
It starts sweeter this time.
A better word may be gentle.
Soft phrases, words close to hushed pleas, fluttering across the room. They take so, so much care in delivering each vowel in dowries laced with silk. It's difficult to resist.
"While it grates me to no end to sound childish, it really doesn't seem fair for you to do this to me."
But you know him.
You know this changes, in late-night calls like this, where he only wanted a sliver more of your time.
As sleep tinges your senses with an off numbing hue, the words grow oh so colder. They grow oh so thin. They truly give his name such an apt meaning.
And he's only being patient.
"When I do try to make enough time for us to make plans, you want to cancel. Because of—what? What is it this time?"
You also know it wouldn't have mattered what you said.
Friends are irrelevant, you can simply reschedule for some other time that isn't already his. Which is understandable. It's wrong to promise someone your time when... you could've sworn you had no plans that day. He's chided you more than once for being oblivious to your own schedule.
Work is really quite trivial when someone with his degree of prestige offers to cover about any expense you wish, with minimal exceptions. He's mentioned in the past that housing falls right within his capabilities. It's truly a wonderful offer.
Family are clearly important to most, but don't they become too overbearing over time? You're not a child anymore. You don't need to be checked up on every interval they please. Besides, some get-togethers would really go better over the phone rather than going through all that trouble, wouldn't they? And at that, while it is a sad reality, certain relatives really only care about the status you have as their, well—relative. They don't even know you anymore, do they? You aren't the little one you used to be or the one they want you to be, and if they cannot accept that, then perhaps some distance is necessary.
So there really should be no excuse unless you don't want to spend time with him.
And you think that's the case, he cannot—he will not allow you to continue to socialize with whoever keeps poisoning your mind.
"I'll make this as easy as possible. You are going to arrive here in the next..." A slow, dragging sigh echoes through the reciever. He muttered bitter nothings too low to hear. But you can tell what they meant: you've made another mistake. "Two hours should be sufficient time for you to get your belongings together, should it not?"
Your final mistake.
"Don't act like you don't understand. You're smart enough to know that both in- and improper- action has as much consequence as action would. However, you're simultaneously distracted enough to continuously fail to manage your time and efforts properly. I'm giving you the opportunity to be distracted no longer. I'm sure you realize that, don't you?"
... As heavy as the lack of sleep weighs on your mind, perhaps this would be best. Less awkward reservations. Less irritating work hours. Less people who don't know you.
He's being generous. He's only worrying.
You know that, too.
So much so that it's difficult to refuse as his voice lulls into that near-heavenly tune, and he helps walk you through the most logical way to pack your things.
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k0kichiimagines · 1 year
Hello! Can I request ray/saeran being in love with MC while she is with 7?
yes yes! i took some inspiration from the bad ending where ray starts questioning if you've been playing 'his version' of the game,
also first fan fiction post of the year hehe happy new year everyone <3
ray x reader / seven x reader
[Heat lightening]
"there's nothing i can do, not much i can change. i give it up to you. i surrender"
cws : none; angst no happy ending / one sided love
"Why does it always crash when Seven's around?" your voice is frustrated - you'd taken a fondness to hacker, regardless of Ray's attempt to warn you his route would only hurt you. You'd be prepared to face the angst even for just a moment more of his sweet words - but it seemed the game would glitch and freeze, or Ray would conveniently have to come to do reports mid conversation. Were the warnings just covers for the route not being complete?
"Does it? It must be because that AI is the worst of the lot, he's filled with so many bugs he's caused nothing but trouble for me... of course you can chose who you'd want, but I'd advise a different route."
"Hmm... but I like Seven, it'd be a shame to give up just over a few bugs, don't you think?" He seemed to stiffen at your words, searching for something to say.
See, his excuses had worked, they'd all made sense even if they were a bit suspicious - but upon learning the AIs were in fact actual people, and this was an actual party you were planning, and you were also now surprise kidnapped by a cult, the excuses didn't work anymore. All he'd say was 'Seven is a traitor' ,'He's a liar' and 'He's a danger to the Mint Eye.'
From what you'd gathered... what you'd suspected... was Ray was being manipulated, controlled, hurt buy the 'saviour' of this nightmare. And if that was the case, then surely that only meant Seven wasn't the heartless evil you'd been told. Surely it meant... his words were true? You cared for Ray, perhaps not in the way you suspected he was starting to care for you, you didn't blush around him, your thoughts were platonic - but that doesn't mean you love him any less. Just different. You still want him free. But how could accomplish such a task? V was trying... what could you do that was any more? The man seemed too focused on desperately trying to get you to love him not Seven, love him, love anyone not Seven, please not Seven. Ray was crying, pleading, calm only when your hands were soft on his shoulders - only for his heart to shatter over and over again whenever you called him nothing more then a friend.
And he'd come night after night as though one day you'd change your mind, fall into his arm with the sparkle in your eyes he only saw when he was mentioned. Your words about escaping fell on deaf ears, went through a man who couldn't care less what he went through if he could only hold you once. He was sorry, sorry he lied, sorry he wasn't enough - he'll change everything, anything, please, please, please.
Saeran wasn't as kind. He shut down the messenger the second the party was cancelled - you didn't need to speak to them anymore. Seven was frantically trying to get through to you, setting up rooms after rooms that he tried to hide from Saeran's merciless attacks - never getting more then a few words out before Saeran shut it down, teasingly letting you both think that just for a second it would work.
"He took everything from me, he was always better then me. It's not fair, it's not fair! You're my toy! Mine! Mine, mine, mine!"
Day after day passed, nothing more then a blur of events. Had it been a week? Three days? A few minutes? Time meant nothing to you anymore.
707: ive found a way to send a message he can't see... but only one!! pls follow the link!! trust me and download it!! pls pls pls!!
And then you had a chatroom again. Well... it was just the two of you. He could add the rest... but... wasn't it nice to have the online equivalent of some alone time? He'd pass your messages on the others if you had any.
Oh? Was that your selfie? He thought you were even cuter then he'd pictured you. Are you embarrassed? Gahh, he can't handle it.
All the teasing from the members came to your mind, all the 'ohhh Seven likes you!!' from Yoosung, 'he's a man!! be careful!! from Zen.
707: imma dangerous guy... you shouldn't fall for someone like me lol
(name): im already in a dangerous situation, arent it?
707: lololol
707: true...
707: do i need to be ur prince in shining armour to come save u?
(name): saved with a true loves kiss!
707: ki
707: kiss?!
(name): its the only way to truly save me
707: ah, then i'll have to do it. you know. to save you.
Your mood rose, Saeran hated it and snatched your phone again and again, unaware Seven was sure to keep the app hidden unless he activated it, calling you before hand and with a whole system to shut it off in a second if Saeran came barging in - code words, secret clues, it was all hidden and neat,
But then he slipped up.
You two were never at pet names. Not seriously. The sudden accidental 'Darling' in one of his what Saeran now understood as fake attempts at contacting you felt like a slap to the face. Could it have been a joke? But in such a seemingly serious message... He looked back, he saw the switch, the one night he hadn't noticed anything and suddenly you were happier and Seven was trying less.
Saeran: You two think you're so clever, huh?! Using private chatrooms.
Saeran: just you wait...
Saeran: i'll take your phone myself.
Saeran: sit lonely in that room and do nothing but wait for me. i'll even install a speaker system, you can talk to me through that hehehe
Saeran: say goodbye to your lover boy.
He through his phone after sending that last message, ignoring the cracking of the screen as he yelled into the palms of his hands. He couldn't admit why this angered him so much, if he thought he would have to admit - so he didn't think. He sat there in silence, no sound beyond his shaken breaths.
If he were to head to your room he'd break down again, he'd yell and fall crying at your feet, he'd forget the phone and run, it would the catalyst to you leaving. To him having to accept the one simple fact : you didn't romantically love him.
Perhaps he knew this. Subconsciously. Perhaps consciously.
Perhaps he went to you anyway,
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thetreefairy · 2 years
Hello how are you? can i ask you for an imagine or headcanons please with Aizawa (and Hawks if you don't mind) where his girlfriend Y/N who is a pro hero (top 10 and with a strong quirk) got in the way during the fight with Stain and the students of UA and was found injured
Hi! I am kinda dazy these past weeks. But otherwise well!
they/them afab reader
TW: injuries, talk about death, locking up, imprisonment, swearing
Quirk explanation:
Basically Katara, they can also use blood-bending, but if they lose blood, their blood flows way faster then by other person, meaning they bleed out faster.
They will become paralyzed from the waist down if they overuse their quirk too much. Basically reader being strong and weak at the same time.
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Aizawa Shota (Eraserhead)
Yeah Shota is scolding the shit out of you when you get out of their coma
Yes, reader got into a coma, due to their quirk
Midoriya, Shoto and Iida of course felt guilty as fuck and tried to apologize a lot when they woke up.
"I am so sorry, Tefnut!" Iida shouted. "Due to my recklessness you lost-"
"It's a downside of my quirk, my dear. You must not worry, your friends and yourself are the reason I am still alive." Midoriya started to shake his head. And Todoroki agreed. Aizawa was hugging Reader close. "Reader is correct, they have gotten worse."
"Ha?" reader was confused. "Your health kitten."
"Yeah fair."
When they got out of the hospital, Eraserhead convinced Reader to quit as a hero. Giving this statement: "My quirk has taken a toll on my body, if I overuse my quirk one more time I will become paralyzed'
Which was a lie
When Reader stopped their career, they noticed their yandere tendencies.
Being coddled, not even allowed to use their quirk to heal Shota.
And when they get caught using their quirk they will punished heavily
The more the days passed the more Shota acted like they were paralyzed from the waist down.
It made Reader want to runaway to their family.
But the family was killed in a villain attack
*cough* by aizawa
And the trio from the Stain incident? They are little platonic yandere's that will help you from being lonely but won't help you get out of Aizawa's strings.
In other words, Reader becomes Aizawa little doll whos controled by his strings.
And the top 10 thing? Reader obviously can't handle that weight.
Tamaki Keigo (Hawks)
Keigo? His quirk makes him overly protective.
Due to his feral hawk side-
So when he finds out that you overused your quirk for the third times, he's fucking pissed
he forces you to quit your job, won't even try to gaslight Reader like Aizawa. And if you refuse?
Locked up all alone without any interaction from him
So yeah that broke Reader lol
The top 10 thing? HA! Keigo doesn't give a shit, he's the second ranking pro-hero, he knows better.
And he won't take any chances with your quirk, he'll get quirk cancelling cuffs straight away.
Now Reader all does is being tied down with chains to a nest like bed
And of course a feather is always around them in a necklace form
I hope you like it lol, I found this one a bit difficult so if you have tips please do tell me!
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