#peter parker x billy russo
her-soliloquies · 1 year
Not gonna lie I love it when my Instagram does this
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itsnotpsychosis · 2 years
AU: Billy finds out Peter is Spider-Man.
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murc0ck · 1 year
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
「 let's bake something yummy to celebrate 10k 」
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i can not believe i've hit this number... it's only two years ago that i began writing and sharing it online, so to think over that there is that may of you out there is truly unbelievable. in my head there is just enough to fit on my little couch here at home, but i don't think my couch is big enough for that many. thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for staying here with me, for reading my silly little stories and for always being so kind. i love you all.
this celebration will run from now till the 31 of march. anyone can participate and you can send in as many asks as you’d like, there is no limit.
if you need some prompts as Inspo for the request options, then try and click around on my sideblog @prompt-heaven where I keep a bunch of prompt lists very organised. 
navigation | masterlist | request guidelines
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cookie - games! (cast your mutuals, fuck marry kill, would you rather…)
muffin - come blabber with me! (it can be anything under the sun, from casual stuff to wip info about a certain fic of mine)
bread - tell me a random fact about yourself and I’ll say who I ship you with!
cake - i’ll give you a culinary-themed song that has your vibe!
bun - i’ll tell you which specific baked good has your vibe!
croissant - send me a sfw request! 
pie - send me a nsfw request! 
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moots: @oncasette @fightingdragonswithwho @fxllfaiiry @fettuccin-e @cosmal @creelteeth @inkluvs @inklore @reidslovely @spideyheart @ddejavvu @happyheidi @appocalipse @skullrock @starlit-moonlight @chvoswxtch @lanadelreyscokewhor3 @bruisedboys @midniteluv @bcyhoods @vhagarlovebot @bradshawed @mystcldydrms @katyswrites @strrawberrryjam @amorchai @venuslore @slvttyfied @ghostlyfleur @saraswritingtipps @cozhycottaghe @bunmurdock @chxrryhansen @fushic0re
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amhrosina · 2 years
MCU Men Finding Out You're Pregnant (Pregnancy Headcanons//Pt. 1)
Requests are open.
A/N: This is part 1 of a requested headcanon - I'm planning on expanding this into a headcanon series, where we follow reader through their pregnancy and relationships with the different characters! domesticated bucky/frank i'm coming for you. I hope you enjoy!
Link to Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Frank Castle:
You knew Frank would be happy about it, so you plan a little surprise to tell him. 
He gets home one night and you��re still up, sitting at the kitchen table. He’s confused because usually you’re asleep by the time he gets home. 
“I got you something.”  
“I told you to stop doing that, sweetheart.”  
He opens the small gift bag and pulls out a pair of tiny combat boots that match his favorite pair. 
“Well, I think they’re gonna be too small.” 
“They’re not for you, Frank.”
You slide a positive pregnancy test across the table. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. You’re ecstatic because this is probably the only time you’ll ever be able to really surprise Frank. 
His smile is so wide you think his cheeks must be hurting. 
“You pregnant, baby?” 
You answer with a smile. He scoops you into his arms, spinning you around.  
His face is wet with tears when he sets you down. He rests his forehead on yours. 
Frank says it’s going to be a girl. You hope it’s a boy so you can have a mini-Frank running around. 
You sway back and forth for hours, dancing around the kitchen as you plan the rest of your lives together.  
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Matt Murdock: 
You were up late one night, folding laundry when Matt scrambled through the window, scaring the shit out of you in the process. 
“Jesus, Matt. What’s wrong?” 
His helmet hits the ground, and he moves towards you; head tilted. He was listening to something, but you couldn’t tell what.  
You watch as he took a deep breath, enveloping you into his arms and cradling you against his chest.  
“Did something happen?” You mumble into his chest.  
“I think you need to take a pregnancy test, baby.” 
You rear back, looking into his smiling face. You had been trying to get pregnant for a few months, but you didn’t have the heart to take a test this month, expecting another negative. 
He follows you into the bathroom, reluctant to let go of your hand. 
“Matt, I’m gonna need both of my hands to do this.” 
You watch as the pregnancy test almost immediately turns positive. Matt picks up on your elevated heartrate.  
“How did you know?”  
“I can hear their tiny heartbeat. It’s soft, but it’s there. I heard it a couple blocks away.” 
He cradles your face, kissing you softly on the forehead. 
“You’re going to be a daddy, Matty.”  
He spends the night resting his head on your stomach, listening to the baby’s heartbeat and lovingly running a hand up and down your thigh.  
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Billy Russo: 
Your pregnancy is the result of a friends-with-benefits relationship with Billy. 
You’ve been avoiding Billy for two weeks, not knowing how to tell him.  
He shows up at your apartment one night, demanding an explanation for the radio silence. 
“I’m pregnant. It’s yours.”  
He goes stark white, color draining from his face. He immediately asks how you know it’s his. 
“Considering you’re the only man I’ve fucked for the last three months, Billy, I thought it’d be safe to assume that the baby is yours.” You say through gritted teeth. 
You watch him pace around your living room, anxious because you knew what was coming next. 
“Do you need money to get rid of it?” 
You angrily push him out of your apartment, slamming the door in his face.  
He begs you to open the door so you could figure out how to deal with it, but his question told you everything you needed to know. If you wanted to raise this baby, you’d have to do it alone.  
You spend the rest of the night crying in your bed, mourning your friendship with Billy. You vow to avoid him forever. 
He spends the next few weeks trying to corner you into talking to him. He shows up at your job, calls you non-stop, even has Frank try to convince you to talk to him, but you refuse. 
You accepted the fact that Billy would no longer be a part of your or your child’s life, but that didn’t keep you from missing him.
sorry not sorry, billy's hot but he'd react so terribly to this 
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Bucky Barnes: 
Let’s be honest: Bucky as a dad would be so fucking hot.  
Bucky and you had been trying to get pregnant for months before you asked the doctor to check your fertility. 
You and Bucky were heartbroken to hear that a pregnancy would be unlikely, but Bucky reassured you that he’s open to exploring other options. 
“We could adopt or try surrogacy. Or not. Whatever you’re comfortable with, doll.”  
You had long accepted the fact that you weren’t going to be able to carry Bucky’s children yourself when you started feeling the symptoms of morning sickness.  
Bucky was concerned, but you brushed it off, claiming it was a stomach bug. You didn’t want to get either of your hopes up. 
Currently, you were staring at the three positive pregnancy tests sitting on your bathroom counter.  
You could barely hold it together long enough to call Bucky into the room. Tears streamed down your face.  
He runs in, concern painted on his face. His eyes go wide when he sees the pregnancy tests. 
“Holy shit. Oh my GOD! We’re gonna be parents!” 
You jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He squeezes you (lightly lol he has to be careful with that vibranium arm), spinning in circles as tears leak out of his eyes. 
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Peter Parker (Tom Holland): 
This is post-No Way Home & MJxPeter was not a thing prior to this. Peter is a little naïve here, but he’s in college and what college aged man do you know that isn’t a little naïve?? 
Peter is shocked when he climbs through your window to find you sobbing into your hands. 
He crouches down in front of you, trying to figure out who he needed to kill for upsetting you. 
“Peter...I think I’m pregnant.” 
Peter and you had been seeing each other on and off for over a year, but you’d never spoken to each other about a future together. 
He sits in contemplation, watching the tears stream down your face. He gently grasps your hands in his own. 
“Baby, it’s okay. We’ll get through this, okay?” 
“Don’t tell me you’re happy about this. This is the worst thing that could’ve happened to us, and you know it.” 
Peter blinks, shaking his head. He knew what you were doing – trying to give him an out so that he wouldn’t feel tethered to you.  
“Is that what you think? That I wouldn’t be happy with you? I love you. Can’t you see that by now?” 
You squeeze his hands when he admits his love for you. It’s what you’ve wanted to hear for months, but you were never bold enough to admit that to him. 
You point out that you’re both still in college, and what little money you have saved won’t cover something as expensive as a baby. 
“We'll figure it out, okay? Our baby will be so loved. That’s what's important. The money and everything else we’ll figure out as we go, okay?” 
He lightly kisses your nose, rubbing his hand over your stomach. 
“Peter? Do you think our baby will get the spider stuff, too?” 
“I hope not. Could you imagine walking in to feed them in the middle of the night and finding them on the ceiling? Not fun.” 
End Note: This was requested and I had to make at least one of these angsty because let's be honest, billy russo would not handle this news well at first. Nonnie originally requested all of the Marvel men I write for, but I'm still working out how I'm planning on writing Marc/Steven & Druig, so I left them out of this one. Also, I picked Tom's Spider Man and just aged him up a little because I found that gif of Tom Holland that I just had to use. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! 
Tag List:
@alexxavicry @xleiaorgana @mukbee @dilfs5678 @soft-emo-enby @brookiecookiez0
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I know there’s other posts out there but I wanted to make a comprehensive post about being completely inclusive when writing reader inserts. Everyone has their own perspective and ideas so I wanted to share my thoughts and tips that I use myself when I’m writing. Of course I most likely forgot things as well so feel free to add on if you think of something I missed and I’ll add it to the list here!
Quicke note before we get to it: if you spot something on this list that you’ve done before, don’t beat yourself up about it. We all slip up and make mistakes. Just learn from it and keep it in mind for the future! As readers, we understand that it’s near impossible to include every single individual that could possibly read your work, but the point is to be as inclusive as possible with your writing.
Under a cut for length and to make sure you always see the most updated list when you click on it! Reblogs are very much appreciated too, especially if you’re a writer so we can all learn and grow and be better!
Labeling your reader (a guide to terminology)
Gender neutral (gn)- no pronouns, no gendered nicknames, no mentions of genitals
Assigned female at birth (afab)- no pronouns, no gendered nicknames, reader usually has a vagina
Assigned male at birth (amab)- no pronouns, no gendered nicknames, reader usually has a penis
Female/fem/f- she/her pronouns, traditionally femme nicknames, reader usually has a vagina
Male/m- he/him pronouns, traditionally masc nicknames, reader usually has a penis
Non-binary (nb)- usually they/them pronouns, reader can have either a vagina or a penis
Quick note: terminology changes often and as far as I know this is the most up to date on being inclusive with labeling readers. If it changes or if anyone has suggestions I’ll update this.
If you do want to assign your reader character some type of label, please tag it appropriately. Lots of poc writers like to write black, Latine, Asian, etc readers for example. Or other examples are plus size reader, short reader, tall reader, nerdy reader, shy reader, sporty reader, etc.
Don’t be afraid to write a trans character too! Trans characters can have either the opposite genitalia from their birth assignment or the same, everyone is different! There’s a big lack in trans reader representation!
Please note too that just because reader is labeled one way does not necessarily mean they are cisgender. People can be non-binary and use she/her or he/him pronouns. There’s no need to label your reader as cis at all
And please don’t label your readers' sexuality as straight. Bi/pan/demi/queer people can be attracted to a male character but that does not mean they are exclusively into men. It alienates queer readers.
Inclusive with skin tones
Please do not use “blush” or “flush” or anything like that! I know that’s one of the top issues when being inclusive with skin tones. But those words have the connotation that the skin turns red or pink, and while everyone is capable of their skin warming, it doesn’t always show the same especially on darker skin. Instead, try something like “you felt your skin heat up” or “your palms felt sweaty” or “you felt flustered.” Focus more on the emotions and what reader is feeling or thinking or physically reacting rather than saying reader blushed.
Be careful when describing bruises or injuries. Not all bruises get bright red for example. Instead, try mentioning blood stain, swelling, or just use “discolored” or “beat up” or something like that.
Not everyone’s skin turns red when slapped so just avoid “your skin reddened” altogether.
Not everyone has pink nipples, just skip describing the color altogether
Or pink lips. Again just skip the color description
While all skin is able to get burned, not everyone’s skin turns red/pink from being in the sun. Instead use more feeling descriptors like “your skin felt hot from the sun” or even describing peeling would be ok.
Don’t say that reader looks like an established character.
“Knuckles turned white” doesn’t happen with everyone so just leave it out. Focus more on muscles straining or something instead.
Avoid the phrase “you look white as a ghost” when referring to reader.
If you want to mention makeup, just leave it general and don’t specify colors or shades or anything like that. Not all shades show up the same on all skin tones.
Overall, it’s best to just avoid skin tone indicators and anything describing color on the skin. That simple thing makes a world of difference in inclusivity. The more you do it, the easier and more natural it’ll feel until it’s second nature! Your readers will be extremely appreciative of it!
Inclusive with hair
Not everyone can run their fingers through their hair. Textured/curly hair gets caught or someone may not have hair long enough (or any hair) to run their fingers through.
Instead, try something like “fiddled with your fingers/ear/clothes”
Not everyone has hair long enough to tie up/back so it’s best to just not mention it at all. Your reader can just imagine how they want their hair for the scene.
If you want a more formal look, just “you styled yourself nicely” something like that is enough.
Some people enjoy hair pulling in sex, some don’t. Hair touching can be very upsetting for some people, especially people of color. If you want to include it, just make sure to add it in the tags/warnings so readers are aware before they get into it
Inclusive with language
Please don’t assume your reader doesn’t speak Spanish! (This is aimed mostly at those who write Latino characters because I see this a lot)
If a character is speaking Spanish, you can either use italics to indicate the language change or provide a translation right there. Avoid adding “you didn’t understand” with that.
Instead you can use something like “you didn’t hear” so your reader can interpret for themselves if it’s because they don’t understand or they simply didn’t hear.
Or use phrases like “he said X in Spanish” for either praises, curses, etc. it leaves it more open for all readers.
I know it’s tempting but please don’t use google translate to write in another language. It’s fine or a word or a phrase but when it goes into full sentences then it gets a little funky. Try consulting with a native speaker if you can!
When writing in Spanish, please note that n and ñ are not interchangeable!
Inclusive with body shape and size
Don’t assume your reader is thin or short and the character can easily pick them up or toss them around. If you want to specify a short reader, please tag it.
Also the opposite: done assume reader is taller than a character too!
If you want character to pick up reader, please include it in your warnings.
Limbs generally don’t weigh as much so something like “he hiked you leg over his shoulder” while laying down is more inclusive (I’m short and can pick up limbs from my clients at my day job so trust me your leg itself doesn’t weigh a lot)
Avoid “you got up on your tiptoes to kiss him” because not everyone is short. Instead just say “leaned over/in to kiss” or “angled yourself to kiss” something more generalized
Usually describing a hug/holding reader/cuddling is fine but don’t get overly specific on how much a character is able to wrap their arms around the reader and fit their arms fully around reader. Writing a tight embrace or an engulfing hug should still be fine since it can be a show of emotions.
Wearing a characters clothes. Not everyone can fit their fav’s size and not everyone will “drown in his shirt.”
Again the opposite is true too: not everyone has curves or thick thighs or big breasts or a big ass. Plus size and curvy readers are important to write too since representation is lacking, but just be sure to tag it properly!
Inclusive with background in general
For this section, the goal is more to be aware of certain things and to be sure to include proper tags and warnings more than avoiding things completely. Readers understand that there is the element of fantasy in reading fanfiction but sometimes a certain aspect can be triggering or upsetting or can knock the immersion out so it just important to be aware and have tags and warnings before your fic!
Be careful when describing readers family because that can be hard for some readers. Not everyone has a good relationship with their family. Yes sometimes a backstory is needed for plot and people can pretend for the sake of the story. Just be sure to include in your warnings for the story, especially if it’s either a really good or really bad relationship.
If you’re making up family members for reader, be it siblings or kids, try to be aware of what their names are. Typically white names won’t fit every background so just be aware of that. Or try just using nicknames instead!
Religion. Just don’t mention it at all unless it’s properly tagged and warned for.
Around the holidays especially, Christmas fics are very popular but please be aware that not everyone celebrates the same holidays! Be sure to tag and warn for any holidays that they could be celebrating. And please don’t write Jewish characters celebrating Christmas.
Don’t make your reader biologically related to a white character. If you absolutely want to, there’s options like step family, adopted, childhood friends that are closer than family, etc.
Reader’s job is usually something you have more leeway with in order to fit your story but just be sure to tag it appropriately. Disabled readers for example can’t always imagine themselves in certain jobs so it’s just something to keep in mind.
When creating a backstory for reader, try to think outside your own experience and make sure it’s not something that poc readers can’t relate to or wouldn’t have had the same experience from. If you’re unsure just put it in the tags/notes beforehand.
This one is more aimed at Americans but please remember that not everyone reading lives in the US. Sometimes yes, a setting is necessary, but please be open to the fact that people from all over the world read fics. If it’s set in the US, especially when the canon setting is elsewhere, please note it beforehand.
There’s really no need to give your reader an age as it can alienate a lot of readers. Sometimes it can be inferred through context but I find that outright giving reader a specific age is very excluding. There are plenty of people in fandom who are not in their 20s so please don’t assume everyone reading is. And it sends a message to anyone in their 30s or older that they don’t belong when every other fic is a very young reader character. Obviously don’t write smut about minors too but that should go without saying.
If you’re at the point where your reader has a name, it’s no longer a reader insert but an original character. Nicknames or code names are totally fine, but please don’t give reader a name.
And if you are writing an oc, please keep it out of the reader tag. Use the oc tags.
Inclusive with art and moodboards
Please include poc when making moodboards for your fics!! I know from personal experience it can be hard to find the right pic you want, but I promise with some digging it’s possible.
Follow models of color pages here on tumblr, there’s unsplash, Pinterest (I know it’s not the best site but I have found a lot of poc pics there) and other sites too. Curate pictures to save for later when you can!
When it comes to art for reader insert fics, please don’t default to a white woman all the time. It’s disheartening to see white women used for “reader” in 90% of art or more. It makes poc feel like they aren’t welcome and that it isn’t meant for us. My personal opinion is that reader should be just a shadowy figure or outline or something vague like that. Or use a few different body types and skin tones.
General inclusive tips
These aren't specific to skin tone or anything but rather little things that can help your reader feel more immersed in your story in general. I know some writers have a specific image in mind when writing but these are little things I’ve noticed that can knock the fantasy out for me so I wanted to share some thoughts and pointers. These are lower pressure points and not as big a deal but I did want to include them anyway.
Instead of specifying food or drink, write something like “your favorite (whatever)” or don’t even mention what they make or eat. Just say they made something or they ate something, your readers can fill in for themselves that’s on the plate
If a character buys reader flowers or something, don’t specify the flower. Either leave it vague or use “your favorite flowers”
Instead of a specific outfit, leave it vague or don’t mention at all. Sometimes a certain kind of outfit is required for situations (like a formal event or ball or something), but even then you can use something like “a gown in your favorite color” or “a formal outfit that flattered you well.”
Adding on with the clothing point: please tag if you’re describing clothing in a fantasy type setting. While clothing itself has no gender, sometimes trans and nb people can get hit with dysphoria if you’ve got reader wearing a skirt or something like it with no warning. Either just leave it out, leave it vague, or warn for it!
In the case of an AU or a fantasy setting you have more wiggle room with clothing but still try to leave it more vague if possible.
Same with shoes. Not everyone likes/can wear heels so keep that in mind
To wrap up, please be aware when writing your reader inserts. It’ll get easier with practice the more you consciously do it! And please listen to poc writers/readers when we ask for inclusivity! And support writers of color too! Thank you for reading and taking it all in because I know this was a lot!
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k-illdarlings · 5 months
if any of you fanfic writers open for request pls lmk
Especially for river cartwright from slow horses y’all give my man a watch and some fluffy fics🥹
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rae-gar-targaryen · 1 year
Blurb Requests are OPEN!
Starting now through Monday, June 19, send me some prompts and I’ll write a five to ten sentence blurb based on it! Help me shake the rust off on my writing (and write for a few new characters!)
You can either: Send me any NSFW headcanon you have, and I’ll write a blurb. 
Or -- send me a prompt from THIS list, and I’ll write a five-sentence blurb. 
Or -- send me a word to build the blurb around. Any word you can think of. The more evocative the better!
Any super-cute scenario you like? Send it! (NSFW is OK, but not required!) 
Who I’ll write for: 
TASM!Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Any of the TGM characters (Rooster, Fanboy, Javy, Phoenix, Hangman, Payback, and Bob)
Fanboy x Cielo specific requests
Kendall Roy, Stewy Hosseini (Succession)
EZ Reyes, Angel Reyes, or Coco Cruz (Mayans MC) 
Jamie Tartt, Dani Rojas, or Roy Kent (Ted Lasso) 
Any Danny Ramirez character (Fanboy, Joaquin Torres, Ash, Gabe, etc.) 
Any Ben Barnes character (The Darkling, Billy Russo, etc.) 
Joel Miller and Tommy Miller (TLOU) 
Cassian Andor (SW)
John Wick
Don’t see your fav up here? Just ask! If I can write it, I’ll give it a go! 
Tagging some lovelies: @withahappyrefrain @joaquinwhorres @mxgyver @mortwig @joannasteez @inklore @gretagerwigsmuse @arctvrvs @spiderispunk @bobfloydsbabe @ryebecca @petcr3 @its-gita-time   @drew-garfi @phoenixhalliwell @ohmagawd-life @flightlessangelwings
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lexxierave · 3 months
Well the poll is closed and the results are in!
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Which means today you lucky ducks get the update of "I Don't Need You" and if I have the free time possibly "When Fate Intervenes" will be next today....
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marcelllyn · 5 days
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
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This month's prompt was a song of our own choice and then use it as inspiration for our fics ❤️
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It ain't no by @itwasthereaminuteago
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Wrong by @mattmurdocksscars
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Love her by @e-dubbc11
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'Til Kingsom Come by @pedrito-friskito
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We could call it even by @she-likesorchids
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Loving you easy by @munsonownsmyass
And here's the playlist of all the songs 🎵
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her-soliloquies · 2 years
Chapter 5 is here!
Chapter: 5/?
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), The Punisher (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Peter Parker/Billy Russo
Characters: Peter Parker, Billy Russo, May Parker, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Karen Page, Dinah Madani, J. Jonah Jameson, Joseph "Robbie" Robertson, Mary Jane Watson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, BAMF Peter Parker, Peter Parker Gets a Hug, Guilt, everything Peter Parker?, Billy Russo is confused, Billy Russo is bad at feelings, Soft Billy Russo, Billy Russo being an asshole, sometimes, Dark(ish) Billy Russo, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Kind of a fix-it, Andrew!Peter - Freeform, I Tried, Post- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Webb), The Punisher (TV) Season 1, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, POV Peter Parker, Peter Parker's broken moral compass
Stuck at a job he doesn't even like, Peter struggles as a journalist by day, Spider-Man by night. He feels lost and guilt is the ever present constant of his life.
That is until he is told to write an article about Frank Castle which drops him deep in to a situation he has never been before. He knows he is way in over his head.
Or: Peter Parker meets Billy Russo and everything changes.
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itsnotpsychosis · 2 years
The place they have in my heart... :')
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depressedbagpipe · 2 years
Bagpipe's Masterlist
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Welcome to the weird world of a 23-year-old with ADHD and too little time on her hands!
Started: 07/23/2022 Last updated: 03/08/2024
If you wish to be added to the General Taglist, interact with this post. If you wish to be added to any specific Taglist, just ask :)
ao3, wattpad, about me
Rants Requests [open atm]
Current Works:
"Blackbird to Robin, do you copy?" (Billy Russo x original female character) [The Punisher AU]
Ka-Chaow (Charles Leclerc x fem!reader) [F1]
Golden (King Caspian x fem!reader) [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader] [Part II of Silver]
A Heartrender's Fire (Tolya Yul-Bataar x ofc) [Shadow and Bone: Season 2]
Finished Works:
Silver (Prince Caspian x fem!reader) [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian]
Enchanted (Prince Caspian x you) [The Chronicles of Narnia AU] <short story>
The Freak and the Jedi (Eddie Munson x fem!Henderson!reader) [Stranger Things: Season 4]
Future Works:
That's Sir Gwaine to you (Sir Gwaine x fem!Pendragon!reader) [BBC Merlin] Webbed Hearts (Peter Parker x fem!reader) [Spider-Man Universe]
General Taglist: @angiewhoohooo, @azaleaniath, @mishaandthebrits, @celestialcharles, @idohknow
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kimoralov3 · 1 year
Request Form
Deciding to post the link to the new request form separately so more people can find it!!!
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amhrosina · 2 years
MCU Men Raising Kids With You (Pregnancy Headcanons//Pt.5)
A/N: This is the 5th and final part of this mini-series. I have loved writing these and even got some ideas for more headcanons! If you have any headcanons/characters in mind, send me a message! I hope you enjoy!
Link to Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Frank Castle:
A year after you have Lucy, you find out you’re pregnant again. 
Frank is over the moon when you find out it’s another girl. 
Frank as a girl dad oh my GOD the thought of it makes me cry 
You give birth to Lila Castle a few months before Lucy turns two. Frank cries just as hard the second time around. 
You eventually end up buying a house a little outside of the city, just far enough for the schools to be better, but not so far that you can’t get there on a short train ride.  
On Lucy’s first day of school, you and Frank put on a brave face for the drop-off, but as soon as you get back to the car, you’re both holding each other and crying on the other’s shoulder. They just grow up so darn fast. 
The next year, when Lila’s first day comes around, you’re both expecting it to be a little easier. You’re both wrong. 
Lila has always been the more independent one out of your two kids, so when you go to walk her to her classroom, she slips her hand out of yours and walks towards her teacher without any prompting from you. She doesn’t even look back, just waves her hand and walks into the classroom. 
You don’t even make it to the car before you’re ugly crying into Frank’s chest. 
Lucy is more like you – affectionate, giving, and quiet. Her favorite movie is Soul, and her favorite thing to do, besides reading of course, is watch her dad play guitar.  
Lila is like her dad – stoic, charming, and never afraid to speak her mind. She’s sassy, but she’s still young enough for it to be cute. Frank swears up and down she gets that from you, but you’ve heard Frank in tough situations before, and Lila’s attitude is all Frank. 
When the girls are old enough, Frank tells them about Lisa and Frank Jr. They ask a lot of questions, even random ones like “What were their favorite colors?” but end up cuddling their dad for hours after.  
When Frank comes to bed, he’s sentimental and a little teary-eyed still. You hold him and kiss him throughout the night. 
When the girls get a little older, you and Frank have to ride the wave of living with two pre-teen girls under one roof. 
Frank spends entirely too long trying to reason with them when they’re fighting with each other, but eventually just huffs and cuddles up next to you. 
“I think you’re the only person in this house that likes me right now.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
When Lucy has her first date, Frank is wound up like you’ve never seen before. 
“Frank, she’s 16. She’s allowed to go to the movies with a boy. Don’t worry about it, okay? If he gets handsy, she knows where to aim her fist. We have to give her a little freedom.” 
Frank spends the entire time she’s gone pacing around the house, flicking on light switches and then flicking them off again. You watch him watch the clock as it ticks closer to Lucy’s curfew. 
When she gets home, the tears in her eyes have both you and Frank very concerned. 
When she reveals the boy got mad at her for not wanting to kiss him, Frank looks capable of murder. Frank’s Punisher days are long behind him, but in that moment, you swear you see a sliver of the Frank you had met all those years ago. 
You’re the one that talks him off the ledge after Lucy goes to bed.  
“Frank, we cannot murder a teenager. That’s a line we’re not crossing.” 
You’re half joking, because obviously you and Frank will not be murdering anyone, but the look in Frank’s eyes is a little too familiar from the wild nights you shared in Hell’s Kitchen. 
“We? Who’s we?” 
“You really think I’d let you go after the boy that made our daughter cry by yourself? Hell no. I’m the first in line. Now, go to bed you angry beautiful man. We’ll deal with this in the morning.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Lucy and Lila end up becoming best friends once they reach their junior and senior years in high school. You think it’s because Lila’s going to miss Lucy when she goes off to college next year, but Frank says it’s because they know how important family is. You decide you’re both probably right. 
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Matt Murdock:
Matty loves being a dad sOoOoOoOo much. 
He always finds ways of working them into his conversations, even if it’s with potential clients or the guy working the hot dog stand on the corner.  
He bets you $50 that Elias will be the first one to walk, but Rosalie puts his $50 to shame when she gets up and wobbles over to meet him after he gets home from work. 
Matt literally melts into the floor, like he is so proud of her. Elias soon follows, and then your lives get harder because two mini humans just got a lot more mobile.  
The twins have Matt’s stubbornness, but your tranquility. They will refuse to eat anything that remotely resembles a vegetable, but they won’t throw fits about it. They’ll just sit there, arms crossed, and lips pressed together, shaking their heads. 
Elias’ first word is “Foggy”, and Foggy hasn’t shut up about it since it happened. 
When Rosalie shows an interest in martial arts, Matt is overjoyed. He takes her to every single practice and even coaches her on the weekends.  
Elias has the athleticism of his father, so he eventually ends up in both soccer and baseball. Matt makes sure he’s at every practice, even forcing a client to meet him on the soccer field one time. Call this man Mr. Soccer Mom. He’s got a hat and everything. 
When Rosalie lets her curiosity get the best of her and she stumbles upon Matt’s Daredevil costume, Matt has to have a very long and difficult conversation with the twins. 
Matt doesn’t patrol all that much anymore, but he’s Matt, so of course he manages to find himself in the middle of trouble all the time. 
He hasn’t come home battered or bloody in ages, but you still wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and find him perched on the edge of the bed, listening. 
“Matty, is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, sweetheart, ‘m fine. It’s not so much the sirens anymore. Sometimes I just listen to the twins breathing to make sure they’re safe.” 
You know hearing the rhythmic sound of his family’s heartbeats puts the devil inside Matt at bay, so you coax him back into bed and pull his head to your chest. 
We all know Matt is a certified soft!boy, but when it comes to his kids, he’s straight up mush. 
Rosalie brings her “What I Want to be When I Grow Up” project home and when Matt sees that her answer is lawyer, because she wants to help people like her dad, he’s reduced to tears. 
Foggy showing up to Elias’ games with a giant cardboard cutout of Elias’ head. 
The twins are inseparable throughout high school, but they do have their own groups of friends, which you’re eternally grateful for. 
Matt loves it when they bring their friends over because he wants the twins to have the “cool dad” of the friend group. 
Rosalie ends up being her class Valedictorian, and she gives her graduation speech on overcoming adversity. She recounts stories about her dad, the blind lawyer who did everything people said he couldn’t, and Matt is, I kid you not, crying so hard behind those red glasses that you have to keep handing him new tissues every 30 seconds. 
Foggy is a blubbering mess throughout the entire ceremony. 
On your last night before the twins head off to different colleges, you host a big family dinner (Foggy & Karen included). Matt spends the evening clutching your hand like it’s a lifeline. 
You all end up falling asleep on the couches in the living room watching a movie and cuddled together as a family.
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Billy Russo:
Billy never really had any parental figures in his life, so becoming a parent to Theo is something he really wants to get right. 
Billy’s main focus shifts from work to his family, and he continues to follow through on the promise he made you when you were pregnant with Theo. 
He always puts his family first, above everything else in his life, but you assure him that he’s allowed to be passionate about his work too. 
Theo is about the sweetest toddler you’ve ever seen, constantly looking for affection from both you and Billy. 
He’ll latch onto Billy’s leg as soon as Billy gets home from work and crawl into your lap anytime you sit down for longer than 30 seconds. 
Theo loves going to work with Billy, and one time you even see Theo mimicking Billy running his hands through his hair in frustration over a work invoice. 
Theo might have Billy’s personality, but he looks like your little mini-me. 
Billy and you spend your 5-year wedding anniversary with Theo at Disney World. 
Billy looks adorable in the Mickey Mouse ears. 
You and Billy both decide that your family of three is perfect, so you don’t try to have any more kids, but that doesn’t stop Billy from worshipping you every night after Theo goes to bed. 
He thanks you all the time for giving him a second chance to be a father to Theo and husband to you. 
When Theo starts fifth grade, he tells you he wants to try football. 
Billy is so enthusiastic about it that it becomes a tradition for him and Theo to get up early on Saturday and practice for a couple hours. 
Theo is good at football, but his real talent lies in his art. Throughout middle school, you watch his skills go above and beyond what any 12-year-old should be capable of. 
Your favorite drawing of his ends up being a sketch of you and Billy sitting on the roof of your building, watching the sunrise. Your head is resting on Billy’s shoulder, and Billy’s head is resting on top of yours. A blanket is wrapped around both of you. You didn’t even know Theo was awake and sketching the scene until you turn around to leave and very nearly fall on your ass out of terror. 
The drawing is framed and hanging in your foyer. 
Theo’s sweet disposition follows him as he gets older. By the time he’s a sophomore, he swears his favorite thing to do is make homemade pizza with you and his dad every Friday night.  
You know Theo has friends because he hangs out with them and brings them around all the time, but you refuse to mention them on Fridays when all Theo wants to do is cook together as a family. 
Billy doesn’t know how he managed to raise such a sweet kid, but you remind him that he’s a sweet guy, and Theo looks at him like he hung the moon, so it shouldn’t be that surprising. 
When Theo finds out he got into a great art school, you and Billy pull him into a group hug and jump around your kitchen in excitement.  
On the day Theo is set to move into his dorm, Billy tries his best to hold in his tears on the drive there, but once you both hug him goodbye and make it back to the car, you’re both crying so hard that you have to sit in the parking lot for an hour before one of you can drive home. 
The train ride to see him is only an hour, so you and Billy make trips out to that side of the city all the time. 
Billy reveals that he never thought about what kind of family he’d have one day because he never thought he’d have one, but he’s so grateful that you and Theo showed him what family is supposed to be. 
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Bucky Barnes:
Bucky is daddy in every sense of the word. 
If he could wear a “Proud Dad” shirt everywhere, he would. 
Jessie’s first Christmas is an emotional affair for everyone involved. Before Jessie, you and Bucky acknowledged Christmas a holiday, but never really celebrated it. When Jessie was born, though, you both wanted to make it something special for your family. 
Getting a visual of Bucky hauling a big ass christmas tree across the tree lot with the metal arm. 
Even though Jessie won’t be old enough to remember any of the details, you still wrap his presents and address them to Jessie, from Santa. 
You get Bucky a pair of socks that say “Grumpy Old Man” on the sides of them and laugh so hard when you’re trying to wrap them that Bucky is very concerned about what could be hidden in the wrapping paper. 
Your first Christmas with Jessie is so magical, and you both promise to make every year afterwards as special as possible. 
Around Jessie’s third birthday, Bucky and you discuss having another kid, but quickly do away with the idea when Bucky recounts how terrified he was during your pregnancy. You’re both happy with Jessie and have enough time to change your minds if that’s what you want to do. 
Jessie’s first day of school is a little hysterical, if you’re honest. Bucky and you walk Jessie to his classroom and introduce yourself to the teacher, like normal, but as soon as the moms in the room lay their eyes on Bucky, it’s game over. 
You watch as he is bombarded with introductions from the moms, who are so interested in his metal arm. You can’t even find it in yourself to get jealous, because you’ve never seen Bucky so nervous in your life. Gone was the charming, flirty Bucky you had met and fallen in love with. The man in front of you was a terrified kitten surrounded by hungry alligators. 
You laugh about it the entire way home, much to Bucky’s chagrin, who is grumpy for the rest of the morning. 
Needless to say, he stuck directly to your side when he had to make classroom appearances after that. 
When Jessie comes home one day in middle school and asks his dad to come talk to his class about being a Veteran, Bucky is a little taken aback. Being a Veteran is not something he talks about often, but Jessie thinks it’s very honorable and cool, so Bucky shows up and gives a talk. 
One of the students asks how strong his metal arm is, and Bucky shows them in the most Bucky way possible, by asking as many as can fit to hang off of his arm. 
Jessie is officially the coolest guy in school by the end of the day. 
Bucky still isn’t used to the PTA moms and their advances, but he’s learned how to avoid them 95% of the time. 
Jessie gets really into baseball when he reaches high school age, so Bucky takes him out to the field every weekend and teaches him how to play. 
Jessie’s not the best on the team, but he makes great friends and loves playing, so you and Bucky are very supportive. 
Bucky loves seeing the jersey with “Barnes” on the back of it.  
“It’s the American Dream, baby. Nothin’ better than a game of baseball.” 
You and Bucky are lucky enough to be able to travel with the team when they have away games, so every other week you’re in another city cheering Jessie and his team on. 
You and Bucky call baseball night “date night” because you both love it so much. 
In Jessie’s final game his senior year, Bucky is in tears as Jessie hits the game winning ball over the back fence. 
The life you and Bucky built together is unconventional, and maybe strange to other people, but you wouldn’t trade it, or him, for the world. 
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Peter Parker (Tom Holland):
Peter and you both eventually graduate college around May’s 4th birthday. The struggle for money was present the whole time, but Peter’s genius brain ends up landing him a great job in a lab, where he gets to study and create all day long and then bring home a pretty hefty paycheck. 
You end up taking a job teaching at a gifted school in Manhattan, where they offer daycare services to the staff for free. 
As soon as the money starts coming in, the pressure on both of your shoulders start to lift. You can afford a bigger apartment now, (plenty of room for growth lol), and May likes that it’s so close to the park. 
May’s favorite super-hero happens to be Spider-Man, even though she has no idea that her own dad is the guy in the suit. 
Peter definitely lets this fact go to his head. 
May is a very social child – she'll say hi to everyone out in public and get frustrated when they don’t say it back. 
Around May’s 5th birthday, you and Peter decide you’d be okay with another child, but it’s not something you’re actively trying for. If it happens, it happens, ya know? 
Two months later your period is late, and you immediately know you’re pregnant again. 
When you find out it’s a boy, Peter is so excited that he goes out a buys another spiderman onesie for the new baby.  
May is so so excited to be a big sister and even suggests the name Leo, which is the name you and Peter end up going with. 
Raising two kids is somehow a little easier than raising just one, but you think it’s mainly because you both have decent paychecks and you’ve already done the whole baby thing before. 
May joins theater in middle school and Peter is so into the plays that he starts coaching her on her monologues, even though he’s never acted in a play before. 
Leo is the eternal baby of the family, which frustrates May to no end. You and Peter treat both kids fairly, but that doesn’t keep the two of them from arguing over everything.  
At one point, Peter moves the living room gaming console into your bedroom because the kids won’t stop fighting over it. You and him accidentally end up playing Mario Kart until 4 o’clock in the morning. You’re both exhausted the next day, but it was so fun that you don’t regret it for a second. 
Eventually, the kids suspect something is up with their dad, who has gotten sort of lazy about hiding his super-hero identity from them. 
When Leo finds a tube of web fluid in your bathroom, Peter has to come clean to the kids about who he is and what he does. 
May thinks it is the absolute coolest thing ever about her dad. 
Peter has to have a heart-to-heart with her about keeping the secret, even from her closest friends. She crosses her heart and promises to never tell a soul. 
That doesn’t stop her and Leo from talking about it. You overhear them one night, up way past their bedtimes, wondering which building is the highest one Spider-Man has swung off of. 
Peter and the kids sometimes sneak off to play their own version of tag which involves using web shooters. 
Peter’s had to call you more than once to have you bring web dissolving fluid after they run out of it and Leo’s leg is still suck to a wall. 
When May graduates high school, it’s a big adjustment for everyone in the house. She moves into an apartment with her friends, closer to her city job, and Peter definitely takes it the hardest. 
When Leo graduates, the empty nest syndrome hits you and Peter hard, but at least you have each other and the life you’ve built together. 
End Note: This document ended up being seven pages long, which is like three more pages than usual for this series. I really hope the people who have read all of them loved and enjoyed watching these families grow like I did! Keep an eye out for more!! I love writing these.
Tag List:
@purple-amaranthe  @raajali3 @kokoterainonago666 @minervadashwood  @emiemiemiii  @h4rrys @mylifeispainandiloveit  @alexxavicry  @hallecarey1  @km-ffluv @mossexe @knight-core @alina02 @fightmilk @spikedhe4rt
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