#or the bipolar
new fic rant because i binged all of A Full Guide To Gardening For Amateurs by @aphrsditea in one day
tbh i'm kind of worded-out rn, i used up all my words in comments and my own personal fic rant so i'm keeping this short and sweet but that doesn't mean i loved the fic any less because it was phenomenal
as a person with adhd, i found this fic really inspiring. i suppose it gave me hope for my own future in a way? both through james and through the author. as much as i love icotfs there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that my brain will lose interest and i'll have to let go of it but seeing that this series of fics was completed gives me new motivation and confidence in myself (don't worry i will not give up on icotfs, i will fight my brain tooth and nail)
as for james, yes, he's a mess, and he's accepted that. he knows it'll get bad again and he knows he can get through it together with regulus which just, are you fucking kidding me that's so cute. and also regulus is there to remind james to eat! idk that just made me happy, because i forget to eat or put it off. and finally, just reading this connected with my brain in the way not many other fics have because my brain works similarly to james'. i don't have bipolar so of course there's differences but the ranting and rambling is very relatable which honestly is probably why i read this so fast. it just makes sense to my brain.
regulus! regulus, my love. i love him, could you tell? this man fucking went through it. and he ended up with the best because he deserves absolutely nothing less. like he may have gone off the rails but andy and cissy were there to pick him back up and get him help! and he healed! and is he fully okay now? no, but that's okay, because he has his family and the love of his life and a cat.
my brain is beginning to shut off now so that's all but i fucking loved this so much and will be reading afgtsofsl next.
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worms-in-my-brain · 6 months
People with psychotic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with personality disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with substance abuse disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with tic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with bipolar disorder are neurodivergent too.
People with dissociative disorders are neurodivergent too.
Neurodivergence isn’t just ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression. (Plus those last two also get left out sometimes!) Neurodivergence is anything that affects your brain.
“Neurodivergent people hate loud noises” is actually just as valid as a statement as “neurodivergent people have delusions,” “neurodivergent people have tics,” or even “neurodivergent people have low empathy.”
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powerrangersystem · 1 year
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petewentzisblack1312 · 8 months
happy world mental health day to the psychos, the schizos, the bipolar and borderline bitches, the cluster b babes, the dissociative dolls including anyone whos plural, to the totally (and literally) ocd, to folks who are actually 'delulu', happy world mental health day to everyone with 'scary' mental illnesses. and a special shoutout to everyone whos ever been told with a straight face that theyre possessed by demons.
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positivelyqueer · 1 month
alright everyone, we’re picking ourselves up and going again. We’re putting ice on our split lips and busted knuckles. We’re doing our dishes and our laundry even if it stays hanging on the line for four days. We’re texting our friends back. We’re wiping the dust off our clothes. We’re booking and attending medical appointments. We’re taking the empty dishes out of our bedrooms. We’re sitting outside in the sunshine. We’re holding our heads up. We’re apologising to the people we’ve hurt. We’re forgiving ourselves.
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jewishranpo · 1 year
“the intrusive thoughts won” “that’s psychotic” “i’m so delusional haha” “narcissistic abuse” “the weather is so bipolar” SHUT UP!!!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
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the-suicide-effect · 9 months
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mariposas8494 · 7 months
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Fuck yeah it has
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insomniac-arrest · 2 years
Depression is such an effective tranquilizer that it creates a great opportunity for plot twists in your real life. I have a pretty consistent opinion of myself which is "low" and "never ending guilt and shame for reasons I don't understand."
Recently received feedback from two different editing clients that started with "Please pass along to your editor that she is phenomenal at her job" and "I was blown away by the evaluation I received."
You always hear about how depression (and anxiety) lies to you and distorts reality, but there is logically knowing that and then there is like, physical proof of it and you are suddenly Neo in the Matrix jumping out of the fucked up little tube machine.
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emhoover · 29 days
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This is my fan translation of Kairi Seidouitusei Shougai no Chiguhagu na Hibi by Tokin! I love this manga so much. It’s a wonderful autobiography about DID and a representation with a tone we don’t usually get in English. Tokin-sensei gave me permission to translate the prologue and share it with an English audience because I know so many people would want to read it! I am not going to translate the entire text, but I do really really want to encourage people to submit it in this month’s Seven Seas interest survey!! Please help support Tokin-sensei’s wonderful work!
(Submitting with the Japanese title I wrote above or a link to this post would be best for clarity, my English title is not a literal translation)
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
That "let the intrusive thoughts win" thing pisses me off like no other. Intrusive thoughts are literally intrusive because they are harmful and unwanted they are not things you want to or should do. Intrusive and impulsive thoughts are not the same thing.
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madpunks · 8 months
poor memory is a huge deal and i wish people wouldn't diminish it by saying "oh yeah i can't remember what i had for breakfast lol."
i can't remember the first 10 years of my life. i can't remember entire days, weeks, months at a time. i can't remember entire people, i can't remember names or faces. i can't remember when things are scheduled for, my calendar app on my phone is booked to the max with reminders and task checklists. i can't remember when i moved into what home when, i can't remember important milestone dates like when i got or lost certain jobs, or when i started a new hobby.
that's what i mean when i say i have poor memory. poor memory is so scary for the person who has it. it's not a quirky thing, everyone forgets small details. memory problems are scary because you can go through entire events or days with no memory, or plan for things in the future that you can't recall ever even looking into or scheduling. it's not a funny haha kind of thing, it's serious, and it affects a lot of people in very unavoidable ways.
not being able to plan for appointments or work schedules, not being able to remember people's names or faces, not being able to recall whether or not you were present for something or whether or not you met someone, not being able to keep track of what's happening on what dates and losing track of items because you can't remember where you put them are all very real problems, and anyone dealing with them deserves to be taken seriously, and not diminished when they choose to speak up about it.
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shit-im-bpd-too-now · 6 months
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imsadperiod · 2 years
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