#or comfortable. or just generally happy. he is a physically affectionate person
arcademgmt · 1 year
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park outing. the fashion dichotomy between these two is absurd
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Tall and muscled as he is, Alhaitham still does very much like being held and doted on. Guaranteed that if a partner or even a friend indulges him in it, they will quickly become a favorite person and be sought out frequently for affection.
#hc; alhaitham#//His favorite way is straddling them while they're lounging on the couch and burying his face in their chest or; more often; shoulder#//9/10 would end up dozing off right then and there; if not will talk to them via almost pouty-sounding mumbles#//Loves to do that esp after a particularly hectic day at the Akademiya; bonus if they pat his head or comb through his hair during#//WILL get a lil fussy & bratty if they try to pry him off 'too soon'. Like Miette; except it a 6'+ grown man clinging for dear life djrgdg#//He is ridiculously cute and affectionate sometimes; but you've gotta put the Work in to get his trust/comfort to that extent#//He is very favoring to headpats in general; tbh#//They make him feel so happy and accomplished#//Give him a headpat ONCE; and he WILL keep coming back for the affirmation after completing tasks#//Assuming the person is someone he's close/comfortable with or like. Nahida herself#//Just rolls up and Staaarres with Big ol' cat eyes & incline his head a bit; talking up all he got done#//Then after a bit say he would like compensation for his completed tasks. Will affirm he's serious is asked; then drop it if not conceded#//Very much disappointed; for certain. And it WILL show in his work ethic for the rest of the day#//Idk; rlly loving the idea of this big boi being so down bad for affection for smaller partners/friends#//Tenderly hold the tol man; he will adore you forever#//Tldr; Mans is just a big ol cat mdbgj#//He likes to reciprocate it too; the INSTANT he realizes his partner likes/needs physical affection; he WILL indulge every chance he gets
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babyleostuff · 11 months
i love love love the clingy fic. do you think you’d be open to making one for all the members?
seventeen being clingy with their s/o | ot13
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thank you so much for this request! I turned it into a headcanon, so I hope you won't mind it.
☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: blue hour by txt
side note: the length of each member's headcanon has nothing to do with who I like more or less
okay, we all know that Seungcheol is the president™ of clinginess 
hand holding, hugs, cuddles, kisses, head pats, you name it 
he would have no problem stopping whatever he was doing just to give you a hug 
btw, his hugs must be the best (silently crying in the corner)
they make you feel so safe and fluffy 
would sometimes tease you for your clinginess, but then you can just say “no cuddles tonight” and he’ll be apologizing on his knees
morning and goodnight kisses are mandatory, and there is a big chance he’ll get pouty and sulky if he doesn’t get one 
wouldn’t mind a clingy and affectionate significant other whatsoever 
and if you weren’t a person that liked physical touch, he would respect that 100%
nonetheless, would slowly but surely try to warm you up to the idea 
I think cuddling him would be one of the best ways to comfort him in any situation 
simply holding him tightly and stroking his hair 
he would love if you’d poke his dimples (it only makes him smile even wider) 
I think he’d love the idea of cuddling with you before sleep, but somehow would end up on the other side of the bed, in the weirdest position in the morning 
would also love when you’d fall asleep in his arms during a movie night, for example 
it makes him so so happy, and he thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world (because you are) 
another very cuddly and affectionate member 
I think he is more low key than Cheol though
he loves the quiet and intimate aspects of physical touch
definitely holds your hand in public, especially when there are a lot of people 
loves laying and napping on your lap, while you play with his hair 
there is a 90% chance that he has his head on your shoulder whenever you are sitting next to each other 
plays a lot with you hands too (you’re basically his fidget toy) 
loves the quiet nights when there is only the two of you, when he can you full out with his clinginess 
if you’re in the kitchen doing whatever you can bet he’ll stick to you and follow you everywhere 
has the biggest heart eyes and a soft smile whenever looking at you 
will definitely tease you from time to time, but we all know he loves when you smother him with love 
maybe not the BIGGEST fan of PDA, but would definitely not shy away from showing his affection around the boys
if they have a problem they can leave = Jeonghan’s mindset 
strives for forehead kisses, they make him so soft and appreciated 
just give him all the love he deserves 
so so so soft 
very low key with his affections, might not be all over you, but is always right by your side 
always has a hand around your waist when you’re at big gatherings and never lets you go in a big crowd of people 
the main hand holder in seventeen, and I’m going to stand by that 
sitting down? holding hands. waiting in a line? holding hands. going on a walk? holding hands. 
gives the softest, most reassuring hugs known to mankind 
generally, he’s very soft and his aura just radiates with love and reassurance, so there is not a single moment in your relationship where he lets you doubt yourself
head pats specialist - you can do the smallest, most insignificant thing and he’ll still pat your head lovingly with a soft smile 
even though he is not that into physical touch, he’ll never decline your hugs, kisses or cuddles 
I don’t think he would tease you that much, but sometimes might find it amusing how clingy you get (sometimes he jokingly avoids your kisses just to see you sulk until he doesn’t burst out laughing and give you tons of kisses in apologies) 
expresses his affection through actions, is always there for you
sometimes you don’t even have to ask him for help - he just knows and is there right by you in a second 
such a attentive listener, you could be rambling about the most random thing and he’ll still look at as if nothing else existed in the world 
everyone can see how in love he is, simply by the way he looks at you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ WEN JUNHUI 
on the first glance may not seem like it, but he gets clingy more often than you’d think 
he loves giving back hugs, just clinging onto you, while you do your thing 
nuzzling his head in your neck has become a big habit for him (and overall, a BIG fan of neck kisses)
now he’s a menace, so beware, he will tease you 
but it is all out of love, he would never seriously decline your affection
sometimes, he’d just come up to you and stand there waiting for kisses 
will lay in your lap after a tiring day, and not get up, no matter how badly you need to go to the bathroom 
would hug you for the longest time if he’d see you’re upset or anxious 
is very gentle, but sometimes underestimates his own strength, which ends up with you laying on the floor 
once, he lost you in a big crowd, and since then he has always an arm wrapped around you or at least is holding your hand 
tiger who? more like a koala 
will cling to you 24/7 
ESPECIALLY when he’s drunk, he will hold onto you for dear life
comes up with the most random, weird and cliche nicknames for you, and will use it in the presence of other people 
sometimes his love can get a bit aggressive, especially if he’s full of energy (but would never do anything to hurt you) 
can get super cheesy, to the point where you have to shut him up 
sometimes he’s just too cute for you too handle, so you’d have no other choice then give him kisses all over his face
which he likes A LOT 
sometimes, to tease you, he’d act like he doesn’t notice your affection and clinginess, just to tackle you in a hug a second later 
this man WILL BLUSH, and you use that fact a lot to your own advantage (usually when you’re with the boys, just to mess with him)
expects a good morning kiss, because he swears he’s days are always better when you kiss him in the morning 
pouts if you let go of his hand, and he will in fact let you know, that he’s upset 
(this man is going to be the death of me)
at first very very shy with affection, but as he gets more and more comfortable you’ll get to see a whole another side of him 
definitely not the biggest on PDA, even in front of the boys 
but I can guarantee you, he’ll always be touching in some way when you’re in public 
whether it’ll be linked pinkies, holding hands, a strong arm around your waist or just simply standing very very close to you
he’ll never kiss you around the boys, but he will not shy away from pecking your forehead or giving quick cheek kisses 
look like he hates when you cuddle into him, but on the inside he’s freaking out from how cute and adorable you are 
also whenever you show him any type of affection it makes him feel so loved and appreciated (so please give him all the affection he deserves) 
sometimes will come up from behind, give you a quick hug, and leave as if nothing just happened 
loves loves loves to cuddle when you’re reading, it’s usually him initiating the affection in situations like these 
it’s just his silent way of showing you his love
okay, I know that this is so basic and cliche, BUT 
cuddling him while he’s gaming (can you just imagine sitting in his lap, watching him doing what he loves, giving him kisses and cheering whenever he wins) 
I can already see his shy smile after you press a sweet kiss on his lips after he wins a battle or something 
sometimes if you’re being too clingy, he’ll just send you a side eye and sigh, but not stop you at all 
now, we know that this man is not a fan of physical touch 
and he still isn’t, except when the affection comes from you 
he has came to terms with the fact that you’ll never stop hugging him, simply accepting his destiny 
definitely will let you know if it gets too much, but he tries to be more open minded when it comes to you 
over the time spend with you, he’d notice the small acts of yours, that he’d miss when you weren't around, like gently holding his hand 
he’d notice, that from time to time he’d feel like something’s missing 
and it’d turn out that he just misses you holding his hand
will link pinkies in public, but that’s the furthest he will go (he’d never leave your side though, he’s always there to keep an eye on you) 
if he’s really tired, he will come up to you without saying a word and lay in your lap
gets so happy if you play with his hair then (would never admit this to you) 
is so grateful to you that you respect his boundaries 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ XU MINGHAO 
when it comes to Hao, I think he’s a bit similar to Wonwoo, in the sense that in the beginning of you relationship he would be more closed off and shy 
but as the time goes, he’d open more and more up
his affection would come in waves - he’d have days where he’d need to be left alone (always tells you this, as not to cause any miscommunication) and on others he’d smother you with love 
he is very gentle with giving and showing affection, will always hold you in a delicate way 
big fan of hand holding and head pats, as well as just simply being next to you 
your presence in general is very comforting and calming to him, you know each other so well, that sometimes no words are needed to know how the other person is feeling 
he always checks up on you during any parties or gatherings, if your having fun or if no one is making you uncomfortable (will fight if someone is mean to you) 
loves whenever you put your head on his shoulder, his heart will probably beat a little faster 
also loves when you cling to him in search of comfort, he’s the happiest knowing that he can be a safe place for you
not the biggest fan of cuddling while sleeping (he needs his space), but will always cuddle before, catching up on what he’d missed from your day 
sometimes, you’re just so cute to him that he can’t contain his giggles 
then you’re like (•ิ_•ิ) what did I do? 
but then, I’m the biggest believer in a tired, clingy Minghao (u cannot tell me that this man wouldn't cling to you like a koala, while being already half asleep)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ KIM MINGYU 
is there even a point of saying anything about this man? 
cuddles, kisses, hugs, hand holding, playing with each others’ hair, resting his arm on you, WITH THIS MAN YOU GET A WHOLE PACKAGE 
definitely one of the most clingy, cuddly and affectionate members (nothing knew) 
I mean, he would drop everything and run to cuddle with you 
never leaves your side, follows you around everywhere, and will DEFINITELY always be touching you in some way 
a hand holding yours, on your thigh, around your shoulder, around your waist, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS 
unsurprisingly his hugs would solve like 99 of your problems, it’s like they heave some kind of healing properties 
would confidently sulk and pout if you’d reject any of affections, acting like a five year old until you didn’t apologize with tons of kisses and at least an hour of cuddling him 
usually is the big spoon, loves the feeling of having you wrapped up in his strong arms
on occasions, especially when he’s having a hard time, he’ll want to be the little spoon and would not shy away from it 
sometimes you have to remind him that he’s like ten times bigger than you, so throwing himself at you is not a good idea
but, the thing with this menace is that he will tease you
there are times when you’re just so done with him and leave him alone on the couch (which is not that fun for him anymore) 
would do it 24/7 if he could, also loves it when you back hug him as well 
(If I don’t get a Kim Mingyu, I don’t want him) 
you become a giggly mess in each others’ presence 
sometimes, you’d do the annoying “couple stuff”, just to piss of others (insert: Seungkwan’s side eye)
He will return every affection that you give him - you kiss him? He kisses you back. You hug him? He hugs you back
you’re just going back and forth, never getting tired of each other 
when you’re out together, YOU’RE TOGETHER 
you two are connected by the hip, seeing you apart for more than five minutes is almost impossible 
likes to hold your hand, and sway it back and forth like a kid when you’re walking 
a fan of giving and receiving sweet kisses on the forehead (it makes him so smiley and warm inside, give him all the kisses) 
seeing you being so open with your affection towards him, makes him so happy - it’s a reassurance for him, that he’s being a good boyfriend 
now this drama queen 
in the beginning of your relationship he would scoff at you whenever you initiated any physical contact, which made you think that he didn’t like it 
after some time, when he asked you why you’d stopped hugging and kissing him, you explained how he’d react in those situations 
was so angry and disappointed with himself and since then he would never complain about any of your affection 
it’s not that he disliked it, on the contrary - he loved it, he was just being a dramatic ass and trying to be funny 
as your relationship progresses the drama in him doesn't stop though - if you let go of his hand or refuse a kiss, he’ll throw a tantrum and make it appear as if it was one of the biggest problems in his life 
he could be arguing with Soonyoung and screaming his head off, but the second he heard your voice he’d turn into the biggest softie 
in general, he is the biggest baby when he’s with you 
loves loves hugs, could hug you all day if he could 
also kisses (cheek kisses especially), makes him so incredibly soft and mushy ♥‿♥
gets shy in public, but never lets go of your hand (I think he needs you more, than you need him) 
also, has the biggest heart eyes for you, and you only 
gets so happy when you comfort and reassure him through physical touch, there is nothing better than a cuddle or a hug from the person you love the most 
(I’m so sorry, but the only thing I see when I think of Vernon is his NPC walk)
would just let you do whatever to him, and he wouldn’t even bat an eye 
although he is one of the least affectionate member, he wouldn’t mind your clinginess AT ALL 
it makes him so reassured that even though he’s not the best with expressing his love through physical touch, you don’t mind it at all 
the only time he’ll refuse your cuddles is when sleeping (WE ALL KNOW HOW HE SLEEPS, THERE IS NO WAY HE’D CUDDLE YOU) 
his way of showing you affection is calling you bro and dude 
sometimes you’re like (¬_¬) seriously? 
likes to be near you wherever you are - even if there is no more space on the couch, trust me, he’ll squeeze himself in there 
when he laughs, there is a big chance he’ll lean on you or even hide his face in your lap 
movie nights often ends up in cuddle sessions and since clingy Vernon is rare, those moments are even more special 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ LEE CHAN 
the softest, most precious human being out there 
loves all the affection, whatever it is, he’ll accept it with open arms
kiss him, hug him, cuddle him PLEASE, he adores all of it 
would not tease you that much, scared that accidentally you’ll think that it annoys him and you’ll stop, which is like the last thing he’d like 
we all know that he’d baby you, and would not be ashamed to do so 
for once he wants to feel like the strong man that he is, so please let him open the jars for you
will protect you 24/7 (we stan a short, but confident king) 
so sweet and careful with you
not afraid to hold your hand in public, sometimes when feeling bold will even peck your forehead
speaking of, I think it would send Chan into a coma anytime you’d peck his forehead or cheek 
gets all smiley when you hug him, especially from behind (overall, he can never seem to stop smiling when he’s with you) 
kisses with him are so playful and sweet 
I’m also sure when you’re alone he’d be all over you, cuddles during movie nights are A MUST, otherwise you’ll end up with a pouty boyfriend 
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pix3lplays · 4 months
While I can totally see the toxic side of a relationship with Aventurine, I'm so down bad and soft for him and in love with him that I want him endlessly happy so may I interest you in the healthy version of dating Aventurine...? 👀
I haven't seen anything of him past the conversation he has with Ratio in his hotel room but I HAVE had him spinning around in my head since his very first leaks so I have too many thoughts about him unfortunately.........
I feel like his main love language is physical touch. I can see him having all the love languages tbh but his main feels like physical touch. He just feels like such a physically affectionate person who'd wanna drape himself all over his partner or the other way around. But considering how shit his social life and life in general is, he most definitely hasn't had physical affection reciprocated like. Ever.
So a partner who initiates physical affection with him even prior to establishing a relationship would destroy him methinks. Thanking him for something and then you jump into his arms to hug him tightly... When's the last time he's been hugged? Especially in such an affectionate manner??? Never!!!!!! His brain would shut down, he wouldn't process that he should hug back and when he does it's too late, you've pulled back and he already misses the warmth.
A partner who holds his hand?? ESPECIALLY in public??? It's clear nobody likes him and his reputation precedes him and everybody is space racist to him, so a partner who's unafraid to show him off like he's the greatest prize they could have would also destroy him methinks. He'd definitely adore PDA, but again, single and sad lol. So if his partner is down for PDA, Aventurine is the happiest bc he gets to indulge in his partners affections 24/7 AND ALSO SHOW THEM OFF?? flex that even someone like him could be loved??? Absolutely!!! Your designated seat is always his lap and he always has an arm around your waist or your shoulders and he will always shamelessly kiss you anytime he wants and you return all of it back and make everyone within a 30k mile radius feel single as fuck.
I can imagine once he's entirely comfortable with his partner, he is SUCH a gentleman. Shoes untied? He's getting down on one knee to fix it for you, caressing your leg softly and planting a kiss near your knee before standing back up. No he doesn't care if he gets his precious white pants dirty. No he doesn't care if any camera caught that and there'll be an article with his name in bold next day. Tired?? Will carry you bridal style. Out shopping?? (and he'd definitely love taking you out on shopping sprees) will carry all your bags. Anything!!
He slowly finds himself turning into husband material even if he has not been an ideal husband type ever. He'll find himself wanting to cook a nice meal at home for the two of you, likes having you sitting on the counter looking all pretty while he works and giving him kisses as thanks every now and then, or likes surprising you with it when you come home.
Starts memorizing your orders at restaurants or cafes, will always automatically just go and order your favorites.
Begins to refer to most plans with 'we'. It just comes out naturally. "This is a difficult mission to manage, but we can find a way around it". We. Even if you're not involved in his work in the slightest. You two are intertwined entirely to him.
He never officially asks you to move in. All he knows is one night you slept over and then slowly it became a regular and his house is becoming filled with more and more of your items, starting with your toothbrush then your towels then some spare clothes and now you practically live there. And he's so happy at how natural and comfortable and not awkward it feels. Nothing forced.
Speaking of spending the night, the first time you two shared a bed was insane to him. Being held so tenderly, with so much love and care and warmth.. All things he's so unfamiliar with. He almost couldn't handle it. His favorite sleeping position is either burying his face in your back while spooning you or having his face buried in your chest. He likes your warmth, your heartbeat, your hands stroking his hair and the other wrapped around him, he doesn't care how much of a baby these positions make him look like. He's comfortable and he deserves it.
Showering together was something he wasn't keen about until one time it happened and you washed his hair and he almost cried. Gentle hands rubbing his scalp and stroking his hair and lathering the soap so calmly, he could have died right then and there. Then washing his body with equal amounts of care. He'd never been taken care of that way. He started wanting you there for every single shower, throwing excuses like "I can't reach my back I need you to wash me!" or "my hair felt softer when you did it I don't know how so you have to do it!"
His future is uncertain. But he finds himself looking at your ring finger and wondering what wedding ring cut would look the best on it. Sees you with kids and thinks it'd be nice to have that. But it's a step he's far too afraid to consider taking, with how dangerous his work is and how the rug could get pulled from under him at any second. He'd never want endanger you or a child. Those are things for an incredibly far future, but the thought of possibly dying and not ever having it saddens him.
As for his gambling, as predictable as it is... You're his lucky charm!!!!!! But also his self-control. You pull him out of it when he starts betting a little TOO much, and you switch his drink with water when he starts getting too drunk too. You manage him without suffocating or restricting him, he'd appreciate it.
If you ever visit him during work hours at the IPC, he'd be the happiest. Just an IPC secretary coming to tell him he has a visitor who claims to be his partner and he's almost flying out of his chair like "let them in let them in!!!". Poor anyone around, because you will not be spared from Aventurine's kisses. He doesn't care who's there. In fact, if Topaz or Dr. Ratio are there, it's even better. He'd like to silently rub it in. And If you made him lunch and had come to drop it off???? He may actually just ask to marry you,, being taken care of is something he loves. Something he could get used to.
His job requires things to get dirty often. He's told you the details but you still stay. He sometimes wonders if you'll eventually snap out of this daze and realize what you've gotten yourself into. See his true colors and hate him and leave him. He thinks the day he came back home covered in blood that wasn't his own would be the final straw. But it somehow wasn't. He came fully expecting you to scream, yell, get angry, get upset, break up with him and leave. But you didn't. You just gave him a sympathetic look before dragging him to the bathroom. You tended to any injury with love, took his clothes off with care. Put what can be washed in the washing machine and threw what couldn't be to the side. Got him in the shower and helped clean him up. Dried his hair afterwards and got him in bed. Told him he should rest, he must be tired. Why do you still love him?? He's no good. He took someone's life today and you're worried about whether or not he's tired??? He won't ever understand what you see in him. But he's so grateful, he'd want to keep repaying you for your love.
And his birthdays.... If you throw him a surprise party, he'll cry. For sure. Does this guy look like anybody remembers or celebrates his birthday? He probably spends them getting wasted in some bar after blowing a couple of millions on a gambling table. A cake, decorations, gifts... You'd make that day special. Like a birthday should be.
He'd feel more and more like a human with you. Not like an object that can be used and discarded when no longer useful. A person. With feelings.
He'd get jealous. Cry in your arms. Say "tell me I'm yours". Begging for reassurance.
"You don't belong to anyone. I love you" you'd answer. And he'd break.
He doesn't know what it's like to not be owned. A slave. He doesn't know what it's like to be loved. Unconditionally.
He thinks you deserve better. But he can't let anyone else have you. So he becomes better.
Sorry this is soooo incredibly long and self-indulgent but I've been so obsessed for MONTHS this is so much pent up thoughts.... I'm so Normal about him <3
Yes you may absolutely interest me in a healthy relationship with Aventurine and I think every Aventurine fan needs to read this immediately-
The part about him coming home after a ‘work related incident’ had me SCREAMING oh my gosh
Like yeah coming to terms with the fact that Aventurine hurts people would be REALLY hard but you love him enough to trust him???
He definitely strikes me as the type who literally cannot imagine receiving anything without giving so to have someone just openly show him so much kindness without expecting something in return is literally shaking his world??
And yes physical touch Aventurine is so real- I have another ask proposing touch-starved Aventurine and that. Yeah that makes sense. Him counteracting that by being So physically affectionate just makes sense to me haha. He’s very in denial that he’s touch-starved haha…
Thank you for the food, I ENJOYED IT A LOT💕💕
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7ndipity · 5 months
Their Ideal Types
Summary: What I believe the members ideal types would be.
Warnings: Swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Please bear in mind tho that these are just my personal opinions, based on what I’ve observed from their personalities and with some references to their astrology charts(if you’re not into that, just ignore those points on each list)
His Capricorn venus means that he’s a little old fashioned in his style of romance, which I think reflects in his statements in the past about being a classic hopeless romantic. He wants someone who he can sweep off their feet and eventually settle down with.
I don’t think he has a huge preference on age, I feel like he’d kinda want either a little older/younger rather than the same age tho.
He’s said once that he wanted someone a little on the chubby side(granted, this was years ago, so I don’t know if that’s still true), he also strikes me as someone who would be drawn more to the classic ‘girly’ vibe(pastel colors, flowy layers, fluffy sweaters, etc) but I think the main vibe he’d look for in a partner is comfort. I don’t quite know how else to describe it other than ‘Ghibli vibes’ if that makes sense?
He would want someone with a classy/graceful air, who’s confident in themselves and not afraid to take the lead sometimes and stand up for themselves.
Someone mature, but not too serious, with a good sense of humor and who’s not afraid to be silly sometimes. Someone affectionate, but not overly clingy.
Someone patient and understanding, who makes it easy for him to open up and be vulnerable.
Pisces are already very deep feeling signs, but coupled with his Venus in Aries, Yoongi can sometimes come off rather intense in regards to relationships. He’s very matter of fact about his feelings sometimes, and I think he wants someone who can match his frankness. He doesn’t have patience for mind games, if you’re into him, fucking say it.
He’s said before that he doesn’t really have a type, at least when it comes to physical appearances or styles. Imo tho, I feel like he would be into someone with a casual, more tomboyish style(oversized hoodies/sweaters, layered shirts, sneakers, shorter hair)
Doesn’t really have a preference on age either.
He’s said before that he wanted someone similar to himself, with a deep passion for music and creating. Obviously, that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional artist/musician(I actually think he would prefer someone outside the industry, or at least outside the Idol/Kpop sphere), but he definitely needs someone who’s a fellow creative type who can understand that side of him.
Someone patient and warm, with an infectious energy that can help bring his mood up(kinda like Hobi), with a sharp sense of humor like his own.
I think he would like someone who’s somewhat independent, who knows what they want and isn’t willing to take shit from anyone.
His Pisces Venus means he’s very go with the flow when it comes to relationships, so he would want something very relaxed, without any chase or mind games, or anything too rushed either. He wants someone he can just ‘be’ with.
I think he’d prefer someone slightly younger, not significantly tho, just a couple years or so.
I think he’d be into someone ‘cute’, though maybe not necessarily in fashion sense, moreso just their general energy. Style-wise, I think he’d like someone who similar taste as him, more streetwear type clothes.
Someone bright and easygoing, who’s equally happy with going out or staying at home and doing nothing. Someone energetic, who not afraid to be silly at times.
Someone very sweet, kind and gracious(lowkey think he would be into the “mom friend” personality)
He’s said before he wanted to feel cherished in a relationship, so I think he would want someone he can take care of, big fan of skinship(bordering on a little clingy). Someone who makes him feel needed/wanted, who dotes on him over little things.
Namjoon is like a textbook Virgo, very grounded and practical. However, his Venus in Scorpio means he’s quite intense emotionally and sexually, so he would want a partner that can balance or match his intensity.
I think he would prefer someone his age or slightly younger.
I remember Jk saying once that Joon was into the ‘cute but sexy’ vibe, and I think that’s still true to an extent, he finds people with range very attractive. I don’t know that he really has a preferred style, maybe something more simplistic like his?
He would definitely like someone confident and independent, who can hold their own in a conversation or argument, but still polite and open minded. Someone that can challenge him and his own perceptions.
Someone intelligent, career/goal driven, and creatively minded, someone who he can go to museums/art exhibits with.
I think he would also really like someone who’s into fitness and working out like he is(lowkey loves the idea of gym dates), but it’s not a necessity for him.
He’s a classic Libra to his core(which I love abt him but it also drives me crazy). As much as he loves to tease, he doesn’t have the patience for too much chase or playing hard to get. He wants someone who’ll be honest about their feelings.
I think he would want someone close to his age, a little older/younger doesn’t make much difference to him.
He said before that he tends to prefer cuter appearance/vibes, but with his Venus in Scorpio, I think he would be drawn to someone with a bit of a darker, sensual contrast in their personality or looks, kinda like him.
He’s a hopeless romantic,(his favorite movies are the Notebook and Like Crazy, he’s a major softie) wants someone he can fall with and yeah, be a bit melodramatic with.
Someone warm, but slightly introverted, maybe even a little shy. Someone kind, open minded, and patient, but willing to stand up and speak their mind when they need to.
Someone who makes him feel needed(another Libra trait) Someone who can keep up with, or even match, his flirty nature.
As an Aquarius Venus, he tends to be drawn towards people with unique, unconventional beauty/style. He wants someone who’s not afraid to go against the norm to be themselves(tho he would love it if you have similar love for vintage aesthetic like him)
Idk why, but he gives me “When Harry met Sally” vibes. Like, despite his fascination with romanticism as an aesthetic, I think he really prefers to go the friends to lovers route. He wants someone he feels comfortable with first and foremost. He falls slowly and then all at once.
I don’t think he has much preference on age, but he’d probably like someone his age or maybe slightly older.
I think he’d kinda be into the “mom friend” personality. I’ve said it before, he really likes being taken care of, even if it’s just in little ways like fixing his hair or buttoning his coat before he leaves in the morning.
Someone slightly more extroverted, who makes friends easily, likes kids and animals.
Someone sensitive and mature, but who he can still be goofy and random with, who’ll play along with his skits and tangents(like jimin does)
Although he seems more drawn towards classic feminine style, I think he’d actually find someone with a similar style to his really attractive, even if it’s just in color palette. I don’t think he really has a type stylistically tho.
Despite Libra Venus’ tendency to look for partners that they have an immediate connection with, they actually prefer the ‘friends to lovers’ route, and I think that’s very accurate for him.
He’s kinda into the chase(literally the entire Seven video like👀), so he likes a partner that plays a little hard to get and teases/challenges him sometimes, but only sometimes.
I think he’d prefer someone his age, or maybe even a little older(He has a noona/hyung kink, I will die on this hill)
Like Joon, I think he’d really appreciate who’s into fitness/working out/boxing(lowkey, if you can hold your own wrestling with him, he’s got heart eyes)
Someone confident, independant, and artistic with a good sense of humor. Someone well mannered and patient(rudeness is an instant turnoff for him). Someone who can challenge him, but in a gentle, non-critical manner.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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deerspherestudios · 4 months
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This masterlist covers Mychael's abilities, reactions, romantic/yandere traits and his opinion on kids.
For part 2, it's [HERE].
What are Mychael's abilities❔
Everyone's familiar with his hypnosis from the game, but here's tidbits about what he can and can't do.
He can purr.
He can hunt.
He's knowledgeable about DIY and crafting.
He can read.
He has his own language.
He can swim.
He knows about the mushrooms. Yeah, those mushrooms.
He can't dance.
He's self-taught with most of his skills.
He can still use his hypnosis without direct eye contact.
His ability is boosted by eyes locking, however a blind person can still be influenced.
He doesn't know sign language.
He can't kill someone with his hypnosis, but he can warp perception/senses very effectively.
He's clueless about technology.
He's baked cookies before (choc chip is his favorite).
He's pretty flexible.
He's clueless about human psychology and neurodivergency.
He's clueless about human reproduction + biology in general.
He can't navigate by stars and boats. He's familiar with his forest, however.
He has fast reflexes and high stamina.
How would Mychael react to...❔
MC stealing and wearing his sweaters.
MC asking him to teach them how to knit.
MC asking to style his hair.
MC who's a LOT shorter.
MC who presents as a femboy.
MC already in a relationship.
MC feeding him while he knits.
MC 'sandwiching' him.
MC celebrating his birthday/the day they met.
MC that snores.
MC that asks to research about his kind.
MC introducing him to a friend.
MC getting sick.
MC being physically affectionate (as of Day 1).
MC taking care of him when he's sick.
MC hugging him when he's sick.
MC having pretty acrylic nails.
MC leaving and not returning by midnight.
MC having piercings and tattoos (same post as above)
MC wanting to stay with him.
MC needing daily meds. + dev ramble under cut
MC with ADHD. + his thoughts on it
MC accurately reading his past from a tarot.
MC baking him a (terrible) apple pie.
MC dressing him up and putting makeup on him.
MC that self harms (TW: mentions of self-harm).
MC that sleepwalks.
MC who's very curious about him. A little too curious.
MC with a comfort plush they bring everywhere.
MC going through their menstrual cycle.
MC who doesn't do eye contact.
MC touching his horns out of nowhere.
MC gifting him anything (yes, anything).
MC brought a kid with them (or pregnant).
MC falling for him first (as of Day 2).
Mychael's romantic/yandere traits...❔
Does he get jealous?
Does he get clingy? + dev rambles under cut.
Does he have a gender preference?
Does he get violent?
What's his 'ideal' type?
What would he like to see MC wearing?
Did he mean to send us home in Day 2?
He would have gifted you a forget-me-not flower crown in Day 2.
He only uses 'firefly' on MC.
He'd be happy just to be around you (for now).
He was always intended to be playful, just shy in Day 1.
He refrains from violence, but he might use physical force.
What would be the best gift for him?
He doesn't lust after MC (he's asexual).
He will get worse (as of Day 2 release).
He prefers being called by his full name and loves platonic/romantic terms of endearment.
How does Mychael feel about kids❔
It's already been stated in-game he's not much for family, but here are asks involving kids/family.
Does he want kids?
If Mychael found a child instead of MC?
Is it okay to draw him as a parent?
Can Mychael have kids? Would he adopt?
Familial adoption (as a brother)?
How good is he with kids?
Lastly, can I eat Mychael❔
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
May we get some general dating headcanons with Ticci Toby Masky and Hoodie please :)?
Dating the proxies
I'm more than sure that I've written these hcs for masky and hoodie before like way back when this blog was first made but ykw imma make new ones.. or not, idk I'm not rereading my old posts LMAO
Characters: Masky, Hoodie, and Toby
Notes: reader is GN
CWs: None
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Semi verbal- he talks every now and then but like hoodie hes more of a listener than anything
Hovers around you when hes home, let's you ramble about what you've been up to because theres no way in hell hes going to tell you what hes done- at least overtime he learns to give you a headsup before he vanishes
It's almost like having a cat tbh...
Very defensive about the mask, he'll pull it up when hes ready..
Actually wait he really is like a cat because it's best to let him seek out touch and affection- he does lean into it if you show signs, though..
Acts of service and quality time, he may be absent for a few days at a time every now and then but he does try to make up for it
Jealous, but not as much as toby- VERY possessive though.. it's almost like a 6th sense when you're in danger or when someone tries to make moves on you.. he almost just.. spawns/hj
Gentle and sweet with you, but very firm when setting boundaries and honors them
More of a listener than a talker, however he does engage in conversations via sign
Speaking of, he's more than willing to teach you so you can better communicate with him instead of having to rely off of writing
Loooves stealing a kiss from you before he has to head out to do something, you usually only ever see the lower half of his face though
Compared to masky hes more likely to take the mask off, though
Very warm! Great for snuggling up to him when its colder out!
Very physically affectionate, loves holding you.. will linger or graze his hands on you as he passes by.. also acts of service- that's another thing he does to show his love!
The least jealous out of the three
You're definitely his first partner. The nature of his work doesnt exactly leave him much room to interact with many people, and before that he didnt have that large of a social circle
I bring this up to stress that he is very new to this, this is a learning experience for him and.. actually all things considered hes not doing that bad!
He can be a bit of an asshole every now and then, but ultimately hes so hyper focused to make sure you feel comfortable and happy around him, subconsciously he doesnt want you to feel like how he did when he was surrounded by the people in his old life
Very clingy, but he does his best to try to mind your personal space and boundaries, as well as this he tends to be jealous- overtime you do get him to talk about it rather than react or isolate
Hes soft for you, absolutely spoils you and anything ever happened to you he would scorch the earth if it meant making it right
Let's you borrow his jackets, sometimes to his detriment due to not being able to appropriately gauge how cold it is out- though hes naturally a physically cold person in general..
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
harveston's warmth
Characters: Jade, Idia, Sebek, Epel, Jamil
Synopsis: Your lover notices you're cold while looking around in the Harveston market, how does he help warm you up?
Tags: spoilers for Harveston Event, warming up, fluff
Word count: 901
Notes: i was craving warming up scenarios the whole time i was reading the event, so here's our Harveston bois being super fluffy!
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Jade's like a child in a candy store running around from stall to stall looking at what interesting plants they have
once he notices you're shivering though, he drops everything and makes you his first priority
he's a bit frustrated at himself given his low body temperature can't warm you up
his touch would be ice cold, so he's careful to not accidentally chill you
he can't physically warm you, but his affection does wonders
gets you warm drinks and the mushroom soup to help maintain your body warmth
takes off some of his outer layers to give you more insulation
analyses your every move to see if you're improving
definitely goes and learns warming spells after the trip to make sure he's well equipped to take care you next time
might also tease you by placing a cold hand on your neck haha
Jade's eyes narrow as he notices your shivering, before quickly springing into action. "My pearl, I can see you're feeling cold," he says with concern. "Come, let's get you warmed up. Just hold on a little longer, and I'll make sure you're cozy in no time," his cold lips press against your forehead, but the heat that rises to your cheeks warms your heart.
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Idia is a bit sensitive to the cold, but with enough cold gear he's fine
i mean his hair is fire, he's not that cold
he's imprinting every single detail of the market to memory and noting what similarities there are between the anime and real life
when he sees you shivering, he gets a bit worried
temperature causes health damage after all
quietly buys you apple ginger tea, the statistically most efficient drink for warming up
and might just stand closer to you and radiate his hair body heat for you
he's too shy to be openly affectionate in public so cut him some slack
the next day, he's giving you a small portable heater he built from scraps he found
you can't freeze to death on him now, okay?
"Hey... uh, it looks like your temperature bar is dropping," Idia mutters with a concerned look. "Let's quickly buff up your warmth stat and get you back in the comfort zone ASAP before you take health damage!"
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he's also freezing
distracting himself from the cold by thinking about malleus
then he notices you're also cold
he has an excuse now
takes you to the bonfire for you to warm up, but it's just the two of you, side by side, gloves off, hands in the air trying to get some warmth from the flames
it's kind of endearing really
inches closer to you to try and offer his own body heat
if you get him to rant about malleus, his face will get warm from how passioned he is trust me
gets you a hot drink but only because he was already getting one, okay human?
might hold hands blushingly hehe
or if he's feeling bold, hugsss
would also suggest going on brisk walks to generate body heat
"No one can warm you up better than me, human!" Sebek exclaims, his chest puffed with pride. "It's my duty as your lover to keep you comfortable." There's that smug glint in his eyes that always makes you smile.
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he's so excited to show off harveston to you!
his favourite person in the world, at his hometown, his favourite place in the world
as the tour guide, he notices you're cold rather quickly
takes you to a good spot to sit by the bonfire
once your comfortable, he'll go and get any warm drinks you want
definitely huddles closer to you, wrapping his arms around you to share his body warmth
takes off his gloves and slides his hand into your glove!!!
many tricks to get warm from him, given he had to grow used to it
uses this as an opportunity for you to try all sorts of harveston cuisine
he's so so happy to be able to take care and provide for you
"Aw shucks, looks like ya need some warmth, sugar cube!" Epel says with a gentle smile. "Lemme fetch ya a hot cuppa cocoa or some warm soup. I'll make sure ya stay warm and toasty, no matter what it takes. You can count on me!"
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Jamil is a bit sensitive to the cold, but he's used to it given the chilly nights of the scalding sands
so he's doing okay in the harveston cold, not entirely warm, but not uncomfortably cold
and the excitement of travelling has him more excited and energised anyways
with how observant he is, he notices how you've become all quite and how you're shivering slightly
he can't give you some of his layers, so he'll drag you into the market to get some warm drinks
also just walking in crowds can heat you up with a bit
gets you apple ginger tea because he knows the medicinal properties ginger has to warm up
very very attentive and blows at your drink to make sure you won't burn your tongue
really, he's not fairing very well himself, but he's putting in a lot of effort to make sure you're comfortable
"You really should speak up when you're not feeling too well, you know?" Jamil sighs, smiling wryly. He extends his hand toward you. "Follow me, I know just the thing to get you warmed up."
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dutiful-wildcraft · 5 months
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Pack 141 - Sphinx!Gaz Headcanons
Tags: monster au, sphinx shifter! gaz, poly 141, cuddling, snuggling, generally just sweet vibes, a/b/o dynamics sort of??
-Despite popular belief, he is not a riddle teller, so much as a riddle solver. Gaz is a sharp man, intuitive and observant.  Even if he hadn't come from a long line of notoriously clever shifters, little would stump him to begin with. Man loves a good puzzle, which mostly extends to puzzle games or toys. In addition to a serious love of mystery movies (Benoit Blanc better watch his ass). He does keep a handful of different apps on his phone, just to keep from getting bored, and often finds himself in wikipedia rabbit holes researching anything and everything. All this being said, he will break out a cheesy riddle on occasion, just to be a big smartass.
-Gaz is very physically affectionate with his pack. Fondly pressing his head to Ghost’s shoulder or chest after a particularly lame joke. Chuckling into his shirt. Grabbing Soap by his jaw during an embrace, pressing their cheeks or temples together. Nipping his ear playfully. Gently ramming his forehead to Price’s at the evac point, a silent check in after a grueling mission. 
- A notorious biter, nothing rough unless you ask of course, but the pack are certainly his chew toys.  Leaning over to chomp playfully at Soap’s shoulder when he isn’t paying attention to him. Nipping at the plush pectorals of Ghost’s chest when he is ready to quit napping with him. Chasing and nibbling at Price’s fingers as he tries to patch up his face.  
- Also say goodbye to your personal space, as he regularly, unceremoniously lounges on other members of his pack like they're furniture, sprawling himself over his mates. He tucks himself neatly against the soft fat of Ghost’s stomach and chest, his toes buried underneath Soap’s thigh. 
-Is also very content to let other pack members drape themselves over him. Rumbling happily at a conked out Soap draped over him like a weighted blanket. If one or more are napping around him, be prepared for a cuddle puddle. Gaz craves the physical contact.
- Sphinx commonly communicate with subtle sounds or facial expressions. This being said he is expressive, his feelings written in the lines of his face. (Leading to some mad RBF at times). He also has a tendency to reply in soft hums or huffs. A fair amount of communication with his family was non-verbal. He has been warned more than once to use his words when displeased. 
-Let’s not forget purring, and boy does he purr. Price was positively chuffed when he first heard it, a low rumble that he could barely make out above the mechanical roar of the helo. The op had been exhausting, and Gaz and slumped against his shoulder within the first 5 minutes of their trek home. Safe. Gaz felt safe. Safe enough to rest openly against his captain. It made his heart swell. Price settled in, adjusting the younger sergeant more comfortably before crossing his arms and relaxing himself. Letting the soft rumble lull him.  
-Gaz also possesses a deafening roar. His harmonics can paralyze and injure most in proximity, even deafen. And if you're small enough, completely knock you over with the force of it.
-there is an inherent magic to felids, and this extends to Gaz, who has the ability to see (or at minimum sense) most spirits and spells.  We've all seen cats stare into empty corners…well, they're not staring at nothing.
-yes the purring is indicative of a safe and happy sphinx, but there is a subtle magic to this as well. The resonant purr having a calming effect on those around him, he has lulled more than one pack member into resting with it. Sit with him long enough and you will be handed one ticket to sleepy town junction, whether you like it or not.  No one is immune. 
-Gaz has the sharpest eyes out of all the pack, making him an invaluable sniper. He also shares enhanced hearing, smell, strength and an improved healing factor. 
-There are differing species of sphinx, with their own unique shapes and dispositions. Gaz, even in a full humanoid form still possesses visible characteristics of his species (androsphinx), slitted pupils, long tufted tail, and most notably large wings.  
-Gaz’s wings are bulky, and not designed for extended periods of true flight. While possible, it takes a great deal of energy. It’s something he has to prepare for. They serve him better as enhancements to movement, such as gliding, covering large distances or scaling great heights.
Gaz’s wings can also produce a tremendous gust of wind, and act as a shield for certain types of damage.  
-Gaz, similarly to Price can control his shift, able to alter his body in varying degrees of change. Though some things cannot be completely deteriorated, such as his eyes, wings and tail. Most sphinxes are gifted a unique article as children, usually a piece of jewelry with a glamour charm. In Gaz’s case, this a small  paracord bracelet, its subtle and durable, ideal for his line of work. Other charms can be made, though the charm is tedious to apply. His hat, as well as charming gold earring, all have the same charm applied. 
-Unlike Price and Simon, Gaz’s nature leans less towards possessiveness (though it’s still present), but rather a fierce protectiveness for his pack. He is the peace keeper, a pillar of emotional stability and comfort for his mates. Who he serves not only physically, but emotionally as well. Any slight towards his mates is unacceptable, and while they may forget or forgive, Gaz will not. He will protect them viciously. If not with the gun in his hands then with teeth and claws. 
-Sphinx are territorial. While most are able to tell the difference between deliberate intrusion and accidental trespass. Gaz still gets antsy about the 141's barracks. That he has self declared as exclusively his territory. Like a guard dog who wasn't given permission to bite (yet), he follows any perceived intruder around at a distance, watching around corners in case they try to touch anything. 
-Perhaps even more serious to him than the barracks? His room. A den he calls it, but it's really a nest. His nest is well guarded and maintained, his sanctuary of safety and comfort in a profession full of bloodshed and adrenaline. As social as sphinx are it can be a difficult thing to be away from his pack, and so he keeps articles of clothing from his lovers, weaves them into his nest so the scents weave and surround him like a warm blanket.
-Gaz, thinking himself a rather clever shit, had taken to stealing the items at first. Well not stealing per se, borrowing really. He gives them all back…at some point. In the beginning, while the pack had gotten close, his nest was sorely void of real comfort. It was childish by sphinx standards, to still need a nest after one had left home in their solitary journey. Too embarrassed to outright ask, he took to snagging clothes from the laundry room, washed, but his pack mates scent lingered just enough to tie him over. Only to be replaced with something else when the scent faded completely. 
-Ghost, of course, was the first to notice. Being forgetful was something Ghost was not. And he knew when his favorite hoodie was missing god damn it, only to mystically appear when he pulled his clothes from the dryer, just for another favorite, an old soft band t-shirt, to come up missing next. Ghost clocked him soon afterward, catching the little thief by the familiar scents that clung to Gaz when he shuffled into the kitchen that morning. 
-After a stern conversation with his Lieutenant, Gaz explained himself with burning cheeks. Ghost hadn't said a word, only yanked his current sweatshirt off his shoulders, shoving it into Gaz's hands. “Go on then, and bring me my other one back" he grunted.
-From then on, like clockwork, Gaz retrieves his treasures. Swapping out clothes for new pieces, warm and scent heavy.  Price is sure to drop off extra when he anticipates being on longer missions. Soft cotton sweatshirts soaked in his honey-tobacco scent.  Why no he did not shift and then wallow on these clothes like a chinchilla to make sure his scent sticks…ignore all the dog hair. 
-It would only get better once his pack began to tumble in bed with him, their scents mingling, soaking into his plush blankets. Now, Gaz sleeps soundly, purring serenely against the skin of one or more of his mates.
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kavvehs · 2 years
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requested by @allovertheplace-writing
✗ — summary : headcanons of how the leader of the phantom thieves, ren amamiya, showers his partner in affection.
✗ — themes : fluff, gender neutral reader, intentional use of lowercase, slight spoilers at the end, mentions of healing bruises, cut for length.
✗ — taglist : @g-ghostic-basil​
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for all that he does to maintain his ruse to the general public that he’s merely an unassuming person, ren amamiya is a trickster at heart and soul and that translates in his relationships.
ren doesn’t hide the fact that he’s committed to you, but it’s not immediately apparent to the same masses who willingly blind themselves. it’s his confidants, those who know him best, that catch onto the little gestures and glimpses that anyone else would have chalked up to one thing or another. the thieves see the way he looks at you like you’re his whole world he’d do anything to protect it; the way his eyes soften in your presence and linger on you for a few seconds longer. don’t get him wrong, he’s an affectionate person when he wants to be and doesn’t want you to feel as if he’s trying to be sneaky about his relationship. he’s on the down-low about it in public out of habit so please don’t take it personally. when it’s in the company of those he trusts or just the two of you, however, there’s this mischievous twinkle in his eyes that doesn’t go unnoticed.
ren prefers to reveal his adoration and love for you through his actions, but can and will use his words to express that if you’re not someone who’s comfortable or interested in the physical aspects. your comfort and happiness means the world to him, after all. he’s not someone to ramble on, but each and every word of affirmation and confession is so unabashedly genuine and wholehearted that it treads on vulnerable. you’ll get to see the rare flush across his cheeks and the burning of his ears behind shaggy strands of black, rubbing the back of his neck as he tries not to look away and inevitably does. even when he’s (regrettably) unable to be by your side he’ll send you a sweet text message whenever he gets the chance to, and it’s not unusual to find handwritten notes meant for your eyes only in your bag or on your desk delivered by morgana.
ren would prefer not to draw attention to himself, but he can’t help himself from taking your hand in his when the two of you are walking someplace together. it could be down the sidewalk, through shujin academy’s hallways, you name it. at first it’s the back of his fingers brushing against yours that’s a little too frequent to be coincidental, then it’s his fingers wrapped around yours before you know it. he eventually commits to it and smoothly knits his hand together with yours with a practiced elegance, standing a little closer than before so his shoulders brush yours. it’s a bit rare because of how intimate he finds it, but ren will drape an arm around you to keep you close to his side—your shoulders, your waist or hips, wherever you’re comfortable with. he’ll lean some of his weight onto you, head resting on top of yours, and continue on his way.
ren is a pretty evasive person and takes advantage of that, frequently appearing behind you out of seemingly nowhere and pulling you towards him until your back is to his chest. even if you’re taller than him, he’ll still come up from behind and keep you close. he’s kind of a menace in that regard because so long as you turn your back and aren’t trying to focus on anything serious, you’ll never know when he’ll strike next. his arms are snugly wrapped around you and his cheek settles on top of your head until he’s comfortable enough that you’re sure he could fall asleep then and there. ren takes a bit of amusement if he leaves you flustered by the upward twitch of his lips into a grin that teeters on a smirk, but he leaves you questioning if you ever saw it at all by how quickly he conceals it.
regardless of what you have your name set as in the messenger, ren sets your nickname as treasure with the red exclamation heart beside it. captioned with the message “thought of you” and a smiley face, your phantom thief sends photos of things that remind him of you whenever the two of you are apart during his daily travels around the city. sights, cuisine, movies, games, anything and everything. you’ve impacted his life so much that it’s part of his daily life to connect the two dots. ren will text you at the most ungodly hours of of the night / morning after returning from a palace or working on infiltration tools, wishing you sweet dreams and hoping you have a good day later. he’ll always send one wishing you good luck if you have an important or exciting upcoming event to show his support if he can’t make it, which is a rarity in itself.
ren’s kisses are all super sweet and gentle, and it’s a wonder how someone’s lips could be so soft in the first place. he alternates between the playful and quick pecks to the impossibly tender ones that linger against your skin and leaves you breathless. it’s not uncommon that they trail from your face, down your neck, and end at your shoulders. if you’re lucky enough, he’ll sometimes grace your palms, the back of your hand, or cheeks with wet smooches all so he can hear your laughter and see your captivating smile. if he pulls you close (and he will, don’t ever doubt that), you’ll find that it’s just as hard for you to move away as it is for him before he goes in for the kiss. his more intimate kisses are reserved for behind closed doors out of preference, but he’ll happily exchange them before you board the train or he has depart to get to class.
within the metaverse, as dramatic as he may be, it’s not a place the phantom thieves can just mess around in. still, that doesn’t mean ren is a boring and strict leader or he’s just going to toss that playful part of himself behind. he’ll happily help you up if you need the assistance form jumping between platform to platform, a gloved hand curled around yours for just a few seconds longer than necessary before he returns to taking the lead. his showtime with you undoubtedly has some romantic elements to it, such as holding you close or a kiss-tease. and him pulling you to his chest when he uses his grappling hook, his hand lingering on your back to “make sure you can regain your balance” after all of the twirling and spinning. never forget him checking in on you a couple times over while in the safe rooms, especially worried if you were ambushed or hurt in battle.
once he is released from prison and arrived at leblanc, ren is understandably relieved to see everyone again just as they are to see him. he had faith in this plan despite its risks, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t miss everyone and that it was a pleasant time. however, he can’t stop himself from letting his gaze wander to you despite his best intentions of maintain conversation with the others. when they’re all gone and it’s just the two of you upstairs, he pulls you close and leans some of his weight onto you. his breath trembles and so does his hands that keep you pressed against him, fingers bruised and knuckles battered. his skin takes on a grotesque yellow-green, remnants of gnarly bruises that he tries to hide with his clothing and hair but can’t from you. before he falls asleep, ren briefly muses that he’s back home in your arms.
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© EPIIMENIDES — do not edit, translate, or repost my work on any platform.
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
could i have some angsty/comfort-ish headcanons about a gn reader who doesn’t feel like they deserve praise or affection, and tfp ratchet, knockout + breakdown (poly, if that’s okay), and starscream comforting them?
[ human!reader post includes: TFP Ratchet, Knockout+Breakdown, and Starscream
hii thanks for the request. this might be OOC and a little...idk, I'm not that good with emotions so I generally went with some things that might fit them, hopefully
TFP Ratchet
He's not a bot that's usually too affectionate, so when you express the way you're feeling he may think it's because of him. Very much in disbelief though, how can you feel unworthy of something you very much deserve?
Either way, he understands you need support when you have those moments of self-doubt
Really encourages you to talk about it if you want to, despite his gruff attitude on the exterior, with you, he patiently listens and tries to help you see your strengths and accomplishments
I mean come on, you're unlike anyone he's ever met and his favorite human + his significant other!!
Will pause anything he was doing to spend more time with you and give you the support you need. Preferably holding you near his chest, close to his spark or near his face. Generally lets you just curl up next to him
His reassuring isn't super lovey dovey but it's genuine
TFP Knockout + Breakdown
You get showered in compliments as soon as you're feeling down
Knockout is more direct and might scoff, don't be silly darling?? You're wonderful and both Breakdown and I love you,,
Breakdown agrees and gently picks you up to emphasize their point. He says you're stuck with the both of them and he wouldn't have it any other way
I feel like both of their love languages are pretty much physical affection, whether it's smothering you in robot hugs or simply vibing with you on their shoulder. To hear that you think you don't deserve it, they're in disbelief
Knockout is the busier one, constantly repairing bots in the medbay and such. Breakdown gets sent on missions too, however, they both make time out of their day to spend it with you. Not that they didn't, but they pay extra attention to their actions and make sure you're happy and secure. Insists that they'll do this for you ANYTIME!!
if someone on the Nemesis is making you feel this way, Knockout will make sure they don't wake up from their next appointment will keep you a safe distance away from them with the help of Breakdown
TFP Starscream
Not the most empathetic but he definitely gets how you feel. He probably feels the same way tbh. These are the few times where he actually acts sincere, or at least as much as he can
If you bring it up to him, he'll stay quiet and listen. Honestly, he understands how vulnerable this moment can be and will keep his comments to himself
Insists how you've not only earned his respect, but he's literally in love with you and that means so much already (he actually thinks you're great, brave and so kind to him...pls he thinks does not deserve you)
"You.. deserve all the affection I give you. And I'll make sure you get it, whether you think you deserve it or not." (he does that little awkward smile he did with knockout in that one episode idk)
Certainly isn't the most...graceful with his words but can occasionally say something genuinely sweet ^
Depending on how long you've been together, his physical affection may seem a little awkward or either very intimate. He's either barely figuring out how to hold you close or holds you up to his faceplates, servos carefully shielding you from falling somehow.
Personally he knows these things take time to get over so he reminds you that you're loved and appreciated..in his own ways
Also if these emotions/thoughts stem from someone else's faults...the revenge has already been plotted and is currently in progress
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outro-jo · 10 months
nct 127 and their black cat partner
pairing: nct members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
not taking requests at this time/cleaning out my inbox
masterlist | info
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taeyong- god he’s in love with you. like simp doesn’t even begin to cover it. you eventually become his protector since he’s so sweet and pure, you must fight anyone that hurts him. the best thing in the world is when you’re in your head and to everyone else it just seems like your brooding or annoyed or something, but taeyong sees right through that. he just comes over, kisses your face and hands you a switch like, “let’s play some animal crossing” 🥰
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taeil- he’s like the brighter version of you in that you’re both really lowkey and don’t say much but he has like a happier energy. like you’re there to spread negativity and he kinda cancels it out. like black cat and brown cat vibes. he just generally finds you amusing. like all these people in the room and the only thing he really cares about it you. as much as he loves how protective you are of him, he does have to keep you reigned in a bit bc you are a bit of a “feral cat”. he still loves you all the same.
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johnny- he’s lowkey your golden retriever bf. he’s like bouncing around and has all this energy and you’re sitting there like 😐. he makes you do more things than you really wanna do bc he’s an adventurer and you’re an indoor cat fr. “fine i’ll go but i’m not gonna be happy about it.” “yes!!!” he’s just happy to have you around and eventually you do kinda like wherever it is he’s brought you to. he brings you out of your comfort zone and you ground him.
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yuta- my god does he love you. you’re the only one that can keep up with him. he’s mean but it’s in a flirty way and you’re mean in a “jokey” way but he loves it sm. sarcasm is y’all’s love language fr. he would quite literally d!3 for you if necessary but a big ol’ uno reverse card on that one. you’re just as fiercely protective of him and god, does he love it. one time you nearly got into blows with a “fan” who was harassing him. the smirk on her face when she went running, PLEASE!
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doyoung- you’re his angel… fallen angel but an angel nonetheless. he LOVES teasing you in a playful way just to have you stare at him like 😒. he’s also super affectionate with you which you’re mostly indifferent about but he’s amused by your lack of amusement. his favorite thing is the way you show love bc it’s v cat like. you find little things to gift him like his favorite snack you picked up while you were out or a crystal you think he needs or something he said in passing that he needs or wants. you’re also great a quality time. just sitting with him reading a book or playing your switch while he’s doing something for work or himself. you’re just his favorite person to be around.
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jaehyun- he just has this permanent smirk on his face watching you. like you’re 1000% in full gremlin mode, eating peanut butter from the jar, messy hair, in a hoodie that hasn’t been washed in a while, but he’s just like obsessed with you. he LOVES how sassy you are with people and the comebacks you have are god-tier. he loves to spoil you bc you kinda sit there and just stare at the thing for a few mins trying to process why he would spend money on you but 1) you’re his whole world and 2) he likes your reactions. it’s funny and cute to him.
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jungwoo- so this man is so baby girl it hurts. some days you don’t even know how or why you’re with him or why he likes you but you learn just not to question it. but you’ve gotten attached to him and anyone that hurts him 😈👹 must d!3 👹😈. you’re the only one that can “be mean” to him but he has a degradation k!nk so he loves it. he’s pretty respectful of your space but every once in a while he needs a cuddle.
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mark- another beast boy and raven duo (see my skz one) but y’all are so chill with each other but mark is chill… in a doofus (lovingly) way. i can also see kinda april and andy vibes. “someone will d!3…” “of fun?!” he’s a little scared of you but also a little turned on by you. but he’s always down to invoke the powers of darkness with you as long as you go get food together.
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haechan- he’s intimidated by you in like a simp way. normally with everyone else he’s a little shit but you’re so hot and intimidating that he can’t help but 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️ sometimes all you have to do is give him a look and he 😐. but he loves you so fucking much. if you aren’t a cuddly or affectionate person, you will be by the time he’s done with you. he gets real excited when your feral streak kicks in and y’all are lowkey manic together. the way this man hypes you up in a fight, if you ever get that far 😂
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vrisrezis · 9 months
Guys this is au where suguru isn’t insane cuz in my mind he deserves eternal happiness and to be surrounded by people that love him and to live a long life and- yea anyways basically au where that didn’t happen and kuroi and Riko r actually fine
Also reader is considered to be on equal footing with geto and gojo, fellow “strongest” if you will :p
Also this was originally short hcs on how geto woos his stoic crush but I got carried away
Not proof read made this at like 3 am alr I’m so tired and sick and insane and this is probably terrible
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I am under the believe suguru doesn’t even have to try to woo you, no matter how cold blooded and closed off you can be. Suguru is such a sweet man that it’s hard not to fall in love. No matter how much you try to reject it, it will happen one way or another. That doesn’t mean he knows it, but he will still have that power over you regardless. He has such a sickly sweet laugh, it’s impossible to not stare and admire. It’s impossible to not make your heart race, to not feel that sudden heat on your cheeks that thankfully isn’t noticeable. His genuine smile has you on cloud nine, but your favorite is when he shyly looks away from your hard gaze that never softens, despite how the male makes you feel deep within your very soul. The world will never know how bad you have it for him. Suguru is rather closed off about his affections towards you himself, though not nearly as much. Besides he makes it pretty obvious to you anyway, as you are somebody who has mastered the art of hiding how you truly feel. It’s in your blood to read through any facade, especially somebody you pay such close attention to.
Suguru, at first, is overly polite with a shy smile. The attempts in becoming a friend are certainly there, but he’s not as bold as his best friend is, so it’s a rather slow progression. And honestly, without gojos help, he wouldn’t have been able to form such a close bond with you over time thanks to how extroverted the white haired male can be. Regardless, over time as he grows more comfortable with being your friend, he teases you, he even shows subtle ways of being affectionate, typically through casual, physical touch. A hand or elbow on your shoulder, fixing your hair, etc. though he could be bolder, your general personality drives him away from closer and more intimate touches. He still gets rather shy around you, and when you grow comfortable enough to be in close proximity of him, his cheeks get all red. Which you secretly think is adorable. His general shyness around you indicates his affections towards you as well, he’s constantly left wondering if you can just feel how much his heart constantly pounds around you. Or if you feel his gaze on you during class. He wonders if you appreciate his kind gestures, constantly trying to take you out and buy you food or simply buying you things you’ve learnt to open up to him about enjoying. He wonders if you know how grateful he is and how special he feels, knowing you of all people trust him with things you wouldn’t trust just anybody with, even if it’s something as small as admitting to the games you like playing.
You’re both smitten for eachother, one way or the other. You’re not completely clueless to it like he is, but you’re scared. You’re scared of vulnerability, you’re scared to love another human being. Because that means admitting to weakness. It means admitting that you’ve let another person get the best of you, when you’ve worked you’re entire life trying to be as strong as you possibly could be, to not let a single person in, to only be able to rely on yourself, because you’re the only one that’s trustworthy, letting people in gets you hurt, leaves you broken. All that time, building up those walls, all the pain and abuse and torture you went through, was all broken by some pretty boy in the matter of seconds. And for some god damn reason you welcomed it with open arms. And for some god damn reason, you don’t regret it. You feel the happiest you ever felt. It’s strange, cause before him you think you didn’t even know what happiness really felt like. All you knew was pain, all you knew was people would hurt you if you got too close. A part of you thinks, you were happy because you finally learnt how to love another, and you finally learnt what it felt like to have another love you. You know he loves you for you, not in spite of you. But a part of you, just can’t believe it was so easy, so effortless. Not only to love him, but to be loved. You chased endlessly after your family, to pay attention and to give a damn and for them to show some sign they cared. The day never came. But now you know, that love isn’t something you should bend yourself over backwards for. Love isn’t forced, it is natural. And yet, you felt yourself trying to go back to your old ways, in fear of history repeating itself.
You tried pushing him away, again. After everything that happened with toji, you realized you could lose geto in an entirely new way and you were not willing to go through that again. You needed him away from you, out of your life. You needed to focus on being a jujutsu sorcerer, that was what was most important.
You were exhausted. And it’s no question why.
Once again you are training at a rather late hour, something you seem to have been doing nonstop since you “failed” to deal with toji in time before your two boys nearly died in the process. You were always very hard on yourself for things like these, one of the few things you were pretty open about was your personal failures. Doesn’t matter to you that you were stabbed in the stomach, that you shouldn’t be training, you didn’t care. Things like this never stopped you, why should it now? Besides, you’ve been through worse.
Suguru had tried countless times to get you to stop, this included gojo and even shoko, too. But you didn’t listen. You never listened to them anyway.
But the moment he sees this going on for officially five days straight, he’s had enough.
“Still at it, huh?” he says, but you don’t even bother to stop and look at him. It’s become routine at this point for him to come and try to get you out of this motion you’ve been stuck in. Besides that, you’ve been trying to keep him at arms length. You don’t bother saying anything, putting both your fists out to have your hands let out a particularly smaller fire than what you normally would’ve made. You stop for a brief moment, huffing at the lack of results.
“Maybe some sleep will do you good?” he suggests, but you don’t bother to look at him as you continue your training, seemingly ignoring him. He lets out a sigh, suguru is not one to be stern with you. Out of the two of you, you’re the one that does the scolding, though it’s typically towards gojo, it’s been towards the raven haired male on several occasions, due to his overconfidence in a lot of the situations he’s constantly being put in.
“Don’t push everyone away, y/n.” he says, his voice being the most stable you’ve ever heard it. His voice is firm, rigid, even. “Don’t push me away.”
There’s a moment where you stop, a brief moment, but it’s enough for him to quickly put a hand on your shoulder. You look down, your back facing him. Your hands are clenched in fists in a feeble attempt to make yourself seem strong, to make yourself seem unfazed, unavailable. You don’t need anyone. You don’t need him, either. Why have you suddenly convinced yourself you do? You’ve lived your entire life without him. Why does it suddenly feel like you need him? It’s not fair.
You grit your teeth, but you finally allow him to turn you around.
He finally gets a real good look at you, for the first time in a couple days. He noticed you were losing weight, sleep too, but he didn’t think it got this bad. He lets out a guilty sigh at the pure sight of you, and you hate how it sounds. Like he’s pitying you. But honestly, how can you blame him? You are a pitiful sight. It’s a disgrace to consider yourself one of the strongest.
“Whens the last time you ate?” he finally manages to ask you, “slept?” his voice is laced with concern, but you don’t meet his worried gaze. “Who knows..” you shrug, stuffing your hands in your pockets. “Are you done worrying about me, cuz I have shit to do.” you say, in your usual nonchalant manner. Trying to pull off this facade this late has you exhausted.
You two haven’t been very intimate with one another, but suguru finds his soft hand on your cheek anyway, causing you to look up at the male in front of you. He strokes your cheek with his thumb, “don’t hide from me, please?” he says, “this has been hard for me and satoru too but… even we are learning that we’re okay, what’s got you so messed up over this?”
You look up at him, you don’t push himself way anymore. You accept him with open arms.
“I feel like I failed you all.” you admit. “I feel as though there’s something I could’ve done. The mistakes I made on that mission nearly cost kuroi and rikos lives, I wasn’t good enough. I cannot forgive myself for that.”
He pulls his hand away from your face, you almost want to glare at him for the lack of touch, but he grabs your hands instead. “Jeez..” he says, sounding pretty tired himself. “You’re always too hard on yourself y/n. It was me that practically failed to protect them, you’re the one that saved them, you know. And, if it weren’t for you, that fushiguro wouldn’t even be dead right now. If you’re really beating yourself up over that, please don’t.”
You sigh, looks away from him, “I just don’t … want to fail again. More than anything I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Suguru seems to take in your words, as if something was finally clicking with him.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?” he asks, and you almost want to cringe at his words. You quietly nod.
“Y/n, Cmon. You could never lose me. One of the strongest, remember?” he says, a soft smile peaking through, but you shake your head, taking your arms away from his. He frowns, seeing you retract again. “Yeah well, I almost did. I almost wasn’t enough to stop you from dying. I was almost the reason you died.” you say, and honestly it’s the first time since you were a young child you let anger drip from your voice. He almost hates it’s directed towards him. But a part of him knows he need to let it out somehow, someway, after everything you seem to constantly bottle up.
“There was a time in my life I had nothing, suguru. And now I have everything. I have you. I am not willing to lose that. Anytime I form a connection with anyone, I lose them. That cannot happen to me again.”
You feel arms wrap around you. It’s sudden, “tch- do you not listen to me when I talk? Yknow, I should really kill you.” you threaten, but as his hand comes in contact with the back of your head to stroke your hair, you fall silent. “I love you.” he admits, quietly.
“I don’t care how you feel about me,” he continued, “but no matter what, I want to be there for you. You won’t lose me, you know? I’ll always come back to you. Cause my love for you is so strong, it’s enough for me to change fate itself, to escape even the clutches of death. I love you so much, I would do absolutely anything to make sure you wouldn’t lose me. It’s okay to let me in, fully and unapologetically.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t regret opening up to me.”
It takes you a minute, but you finally allow him in. You wrap your arms around him, you let yourself cry for the first time since you were a child, for the first time in front of anyone since you were an infant, you allow yourself to finally grieve, to cry, to feel.
And you welcome it, with open arms.
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 9 months
That skz x crush!reader headcanons was absolutely adorable🥺
And it gave me an idea too. So if it is possible for you could you do skz with their crush/s/o before and after they start their relationship where reader is very introverted and/or shy, heck maybe they look intimidating even that actually is really clingy. Like when reader finally opend up to them they became very affectionate and especially physicaly, they became very flirty and bold around them, they opend up about their struggles and problems, kissing them alot, cuddling, petting, holding hands rubbing and squizing them and ect.., getting more and more confident around them while getting weirder and weirder, like skz are literally the first people reader opend up to that way aside from family because they were afraid they would judge them and wouldn't want to talk to them anymore. Sooo ye❤️
i’m obsessed with this idea!!
literally this is something that like I personally relate with omggg
thank you for the request 🥰
all the love ~ lunar
SKZ s/o Breaks Out of Their Shell
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scenario: stray kids have always known the shy, quiet, soft side of you. even after you started dating one of the members, you still have a hard time breaking out of your shell. the only people who have seen your true self is your family and your closest friends. deep down, you are a very affectionate person. you love cuddles, kisses, holding hands, and honestly just skinship in general. you are also a rather confident person, once you let your guard down, though of course you still have insecurities like everyone. the more you spend time with stray kids, experiencing their chaos of their daily life and even just hanging out, you start to find yourself letting your guard down with each time you see them. with the group as a whole, but even more so with your boyfriend.
Bang Chan
when Chan notices that you are becoming more affectionate with him, he is over the moon happy !!
he is also a very physically affectionate person, and until now he has been holding back because he doesn’t want to intimidate you
but when he finds out you like physical affection, he is so unbelievably happy
he’s a little surprised the first time you run up and hug him so openly, but he thinks its the cutest thing in the world
he would turn into a blushing mess every time you show him affection
loves the way you give him back hugs, and when you run into his arms when you get to see him
he always has an arm around your shoulder when he finds out you like physical affection
once you start to let your goofy side show, he is in complete awe of you
never ever makes you feel judged
honestly he probably would record your goofy antics, especially if its with one of the other boys, so that he can look back when he is away on tour
everything about you makes him so happy
once he sees your true self, i could see him taking you on a date, and like starts a conversation, and just tells you how happy he feels that you are so comfortable with him, and that you can be yourself around him, practically on the verge of tears from happiness
once you are comfortable enough, the two of you have the most lovable and goofy relationship, and both of you are comfortable being your most authentic selves
Lee Know
Lee Know would be rather confused at first
like “i thought you were quiet and shy, what happened?” is what he’s thinking while blinking in confusion
he wont make a big deal out of anything though, cause honestly, he loves that you are letting your guard down for him
most of the skinship the two of you have is not public
still, he would love something as simple as holding your hand
the way that your little hand fits so well in his makes his heart sparkle !!
he wont show it all the time, but he loves when you give him back hugs
theres something about it that just feels so domestic to him
he loves your goofy side too
he’d definitely tease you for your goofiness, though he makes sure you know its a joke, and that he loves when you are goofy
sometimes his jokes bring you back into your shell a little, and when he sees that, he’s instantly jumping in and joining you being goofy
if he has the slightest inclination that someone is making you uncomfortable, he is staring them down like he’s going to break their nose
if you’re sitting on a couch he likes to sit on the floor with between your legs (not in a sexual way in a cute way lol)
loves when you play with his hair, even lets out a little hum of content (inner kitten released)
honestly, he loves when he knows that you are comfortable enough with him to let your guard down, but he’s not gonna make a big deal about it, because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way
ohhhhh goodness, watch out, this baby is in heaven
he adores that you love physical affection, is his main love language
he’s been holding back so that he doesn’t make you uncomfortable, though he fails miserably
i think his physical affection would be what would bring you out of your physical affection side too
like seeing it from him would make you more comfortable in returning the energy
and when he finds out you have a goofy personality ??
he’s on his knees ready to propose
you’re literally his dream partner
the two of you would have such a carefree, loving relationship
like yall would have so much fun together literally all the time
i think he would feed off of your goofy energy, and the two of you would be like personal entertainment to the rest of the group (in the best way possible)
cuddles you constantly
literally always has to be touching you in some way
whether its his arm around your shoulder, on the small of your back, holding your hand, even holding pinkies, he just wants to feel you next to him
if he wasn’t fully in love with you before, he sure is now… honestly i think he would thrive with a partner that is goofy and outgoing with physical affection, so yall would literally have the most comfortable relationship ever !!
when Hyunjin sees your goofy side, he is nothing but smiles
literally in awe of your ability to let out your inner child, and just have a good time
thinks you are the most precious thing in the world
he would absolutely join in on your goofy vibes and yall would have so much fun together !!
when it comes to physical affection, Hyunjin is already rather reserved with it, but he does still show it to you
and when you start to show him physical affection, he might be a little conflicted…
he’s not much of a skinship guy, but when it comes to you, he lets it happen
he doesn’t mind when you give him back hugs, or when you link your arm with his, honestly he thinks its cute :)
with him showing physical affection, i see him doing something subtle like a pinky hold… something intimate, yet not overbearing to him
takes photo’s of you simply enjoying life wherever you are, and has a sketchbook drawn of the photos, like thats what he does when he gets bored
he does show more physical affection when its just the two of you
there is nothing he loves more than seeing you after a hard day, and simply laying with his head in your lap, while you play with his hair
he loves everything about you, and seeing the dualities of your personality make his heart genuinely so happy
and he loves that he is the one who gets to be that comfort person for you
he’s a little shocked and nervous that if he shows his goofy side that you wont want to stay with him, so he might take longer to let his guard down (but how could anyone leave such a perfect person🥺)
you are his muse, he loved you before you let your guard down, but now that you have fully let him into your heart, he considers himself to be the luckiest man in the world
when Han finds out you are a physical affection kind of person, he is a little shocked
like not in a bad way, just that he hasn’t seen this side of you before
don’t get me wrong, he would be over the moon happy that you are so comfortable with him, but I could see his brain malfunctioning the first few times until he gets used to it
once he is used to it though, you are in for an adventure
he already has a very goofy personality, and I think the two of you would just feed off of each others energy
ride or die relationship, and i will stand by that forever
he would love a goofy significant other, because that would allow him to also let his guard down
i think he is more similar to Hyunjin when it comes to physical affection, like he would show it more when its just the two of you
but I also think that he would show more physical affection in public
he would adore simply holding your hand, or having your arm linked with his
he loves that he can feel like he is your protector in public, and your best friend when its just the two of you, or with the rest of the guys
any crazy ideas you have, he is 100% joining you
spontaneous eating challenge? yes. random karaoke? he’s already got a list of songs. late night dance party? let him be DJ
simply loves living life with you, especially when you let your true self show
overall, Han would treat your relationship as best friends when the two of you are being goofy, and very intimate when the two of you are in your quiet vibes. he would adore everything about you, and your free spirit, and he would think you are the cutest thing in the world when you are showing him physical affection
omg our favorite cuddle bug would be in heaven
he does his best to hold off on physical affection until you are comfortable
but the first time you surprise him with a back hug, he’s immediately turning around and hugging you in the warmest embrace
Felix thrives on physical affection, giving and receiving, so when you are finally comfortable with giving that to him, he is glued to your side at all times
the two of you literally have a designated chair when you hang out with the group, because ya’ll are gonna be cuddling anyways, and the other guys don’t wanna sit on the floor
sometimes he is holding you, and sometimes you are holding him, regardless, the two of you are connected at the hip
when he sees how goofy you are, he just simply watches you and your antics
never makes you feel uncomfortable, and if you are, he’s right there with open arms waiting to comfort you
the most loving and comforting relationship omggg
there is noting he loves more than simply laying on the couch with you, either watching a movie, or just talking about literally anything and everything
he loves quality time with you, and when you get random bursts of energy, he is all in with you
he feels so honored that he is the person who was able to bring you out of your shell, and he loves that he can be that source of comfort for you
does everything in his power to make you feel comfortable at all times, no matter where you are
loves you unconditionally, honestly he is so happy when you let your guard down to him and he really thinks that he is the luckiest person in the world
Seungmin is completely thrown off when you let your guard down for him
like he thought he was dating someone who is quiet and shy
and honestly, as much as he won’t show it, HE LOVES IT
he loves that you can have times being quiet and reserved, but also have times that are chaotic and exciting
he would probably look like he doesn’t like it on the outside
but he joins your chaos every time, and that gives you the confidence to really let your true self shine
he’s not much of a physical affection person in public
and even in private, he’s still a little reserved with it
but deep down there is nothing he loves more than holding you in his arms
something about it just keeps him grounded and calm
so when you run up and hug him, even if it’s in public, he’s on cloud nine
he really loves that you are so comfortable with him, especially knowing that you only really open up to certain people
he feels the need to protect you and your heart of gold, which he does so well
honestly this relationship would be very comforting and protective in the best way <3
i feel like innie would mostly be indifferent to this
being the youngest member of stray kids, he sees chaos literally everyday with his hyungs
but when it comes to you opening up to him, he simply smiles at you constantly (as if he didn’t already)
he’s so happy whenever you show him physical affection, and you’re the only person he openly accepts it from
it makes the rest of skz jealous, but come on, you’re his baby, how could he not love you🥺
becomes obsessed with the back scratches you give him after a long, stressful day
even more, the massages you give him after a performance, this man is in heaven
when you are goofy around him, he’s either gonna join you, or sit there smiling like an idiot cause he just thinks you’re so adorable
loves when you ask to go on spontaneous dates
really loves that you keep him on his toes
like he has that with skz, but with you, it just feels so different to him, and he loves it !!
also loves that he can let is own goofy side show with you
when it’s just the two of you, i could low key see him latching to you since you’re the only one he likes physical affection from
honestly, it could come off the wrong way with innie at first, but once he is used to it, he’s so loving and gentle with you
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Danganronpa Love Languages (SDR2)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Hajime Hinata - Words of Affirmation
No matter your Ultimate, no matter your gender identity, no matter your personality, Hajime is open with how much he likes you. He adores you and isn't afraid to show it. At the start he was much more awkward but slowly opened up and got more confident. Now, he won't be doing these drastic public displays of affection or anything, that isn't his deal. But he will hold hands and openly refer to you as his partner. Hajime sees no need to hide or deny your relationship, if people don't like it that's their problem. The most obvious way he shows his affection is his words, being incredibly direct and honest. He shows a ton of respect for your Ultimate no matter what it is. Hajime loves to ask you questions about it and learn about your life
Akane Owari - Physical Touch
Akane, as we know, had a tough life growing up. Besides her clear desperation for food, she also had a tough time being sexualized. Most men just kinda saw her as a hot piece of meat and treated her like shit. So when you asked her out, she just kinda assumed you wanted to fuck her, and offered herself. When you quickly shut that down and told her you wanted to be in a genuine relationship, she kinda froze up. It was an odd feeling, but it was almost relieving to her. Throughout the relationship she felt more and more comfortable touching you. She knew you wouldn't take advantage of her, and thus appreciated it when you hugged and kissed her. It could get aggressive at times if she was in a hyper mood but she really enjoys just some wholesome times. Cuddling is a must for her, especially after big meals. Just laying down and falling into a food coma together is pure bliss
Byakuya Twogami - Words of Affirmation
When you got together Twogami kept their sort of Byakuya impression and tried to be aloof, but it was clear that wasn't their real personality. They constantly compliment you and openly shows their affection. At least when they are in a disguise. When you eventually managed to make them take down the facade, they really softened more and you got to see them for who they are. Imposter is soft spoken and much more bashful than you expected. Instead of being confident, when they compliment you like this, they have a much harder time getting the words out. Imposter doesn't see themself as someone with any identity, so seeing how unique you are gives them inspiration and admiration for you. It may be hard for them to say, but you will definitely hear it
Chiaki Nanami - Quality Time
Chiaki is a simple girl, she likes to take life as it comes and just kinda go with the flow. And she appreciates a partner that can do the same. She doesn't really like going on dates, they just aren't her scene. She'd honestly rather stay home eating snacks and playing video games with you. To be honest, Chiaki just likes being with you in general. It doesn't have to be a big deal, often you guys will just cuddle and relax or play games together. Even if you don't feel like talking Chiaki is happy to just be with you in comfortable silence. Since she tends to be sleepy throughout the day, she often will end up falling asleep at your place. If you decide to lay down with her, when she wakes up and notices you, she'll smile lovingly and give you a quick cheek kiss (before falling right back asleep)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Quality Time
Being a literal mob boss doesn't give you much personal time. Him and Peko are often super busy throughout the day, with Fuyuhiko getting frustrated an apologizing everytime, despite your insistance that it's okay. The days he does have off he likes to spend with you. He isn't really used to being vulnerable and affectionate, so whenever you try to be romantic he will initially push back. Understand it isn't that he doesn't like you, it's just unusual to him, he'll eventually accept the affection and reciprocate. When he is comfortable enough he likes to take you to all kinds of places for date nights. He doesn't care how dumb it is or how he has to make it happen, you want to go to that pickle museum? You are GOING to that pickle museum god dammit! Oh and fun fact. Neither of you know this, but more than half the days Fuyuhiko gets off are actually cause of Peko stepping in. She wants to see her Young Master happy! She has no issues pulling some strings here or there
Gundam Tanaka - Physical Touch
This man lives off of drama and theatrics, do you really think he's gonna hold back in your relationship? Hell nah, you are his dark deity who is destined to rule with him. Anyone who questions will have a curse instantly fall upon them. He is PROUD to let the world know of your relationship and feels no embarrassment! ...Kinda. When he brags in public, 80% of it is all show and overcompensation. He is actually trying to keep his dark lord image up to keep the mortals intimidated. In reality, your relationship makes him weak in the knees. He adores you to his core. Gundam becomes incredibly soft with you and surprisingly bashful. In fact, physical contact is a quick way to turn him into a blushing mess. Everytime you even graze his hand Gundam's heart skips a beat. And when you kiss? Instantly hiding in his scarf afterwards. He doesn't quite understand why it affects him so deeply, it had to be some dark forces in the universe. No matter what it was, Gundam loves it, and shows his appreciation in his own unique way
Hiyoko Saionji - Physical Touch
Jesus christ this girl is a handful. Pretty much from your first interaction she was hostile and condesending. But strangly you both ended up in a relationship somehow, with no complaints on either side. After you started showing more kindness and helped her, she saw you in a more positive light. You weren't as useless or untrustworthy as she thought. Hiyoko still lowkey bullies and teases you, but it's turned more playful and lighthearted. And she's also gotten more physically affectionate, openly clinging to you and leading you by the hand all over the place. She pretty much hangs by you as much as possible, and can get pretty protective. Not to mention really jealous whenever anyone tries to sweet talk you
Ibuki Mioda - Physical Touch
BRUH, this is I-BU-KI MI-O-DA! She is all OVER you 24/7! Pretty much every time she sees you she tackles you with a hug. She adores hugging you and holding hands and jumping into your arms etc etc etc. Sometimes you'll have to use a crowbar to pry her off of you. And don't get me started on the kisses. Ibuki is a kiss machine and loves to just pepper your face with kisses. You're just so damn cute, she can't help herself! It doesn't matter where you are, you gonna get smooched. Funnily enough, when you reciprocate she gets kinda bashful somehow. Ibuki tends to blush hard and stammer, giggling like crazy. Just expect a lot of affection in this relationship
Kazuichi Souda - Words of Affirmation
You saw how he was with Sonia. When he met and fell in love with you he fell HARD. And the fact that you actually gave him the time of day and even liked him back??? He is gonna worship the ground you stand on. Kazuichi adores everything about you and lets you know it everyday. How cute you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, in his eyes you are near perfect. Even when you get into arguments he doesn't stay mad long and tends to apologize first. To most it seems like overcompensation and dramatic, but his feelings are genuine. It's just... Kazuichi really appreciates how much you care for him, you make him feel special and worth something. So god dammit he is gonna make you know he feels the same! (Make sure to tell him to cool it sometimes, he really shouldn't be gushing about you during a funeral)
Mahiru Koizumi - Gift Giving
Being expected to take care of everyone around her can be stressful, it's a lot of pressure. Thankfully with you it's nice cause you're appreciative and don't expect it from her. Mahiru does it out of love rather than obligation. But she doesn't see her deeds as romantic really, instead she loves to give you gifts that memorialize moments in your relationship. The moment you met, your first date, for your one year anniversary she even made a collage of pictures taken on every date you've been on! For the longest time she was hiding a secret, but one day when you were feeling very depressed she revealed it. Mahiru had been keeping a photo album of pictures of you smiling. Some you knew of and remembered, but some of them were secret shots she took when you were distracted. She apologized if it was creepy, but to you it was sweet. Whenever you get self-conscious or sad she loves to bring it out and remind you of the good times you've had together
Mikan Tsumiki - Acts of Service
Mikan is a girl of little self-respect. Years of bullying, abuse, and sexual harassment has really broken her emotionally. So when you asked her out she thought it was a prank. After being reassured she then got the idea that you just wanted her body. It took a long time for her to understand your true intentions, but when she did it all changed. Throughout your relationship she is greatful for your kindness and support, and wants to do the same for you. Being one of the best nurse's in Japan means Mikan can treat you for almost anything. Whether it's a physical injury or a virus she knows what to do. She is a pure blessing when you're sick. She also tries to do other things like cook you dinner and clean the house, but often just ends up fucking it up and somehow (you appreciate it all the same though!)
Nagito Komaeda - Words of Affirmation
Let's get this straight, he considers himself to be pure garbage, and you to be a ray of hope (uh oh). Nagito always wonders why you ever got together with him, let alone loved him. He feels incredibly inferior. Whenever you do anything nice for him he is eternally grateful and thanks you profusely. Nothing you do will ever be taken for granted. He is also very open about how highly he thinks of you, so when you start to feel self-doubt he is quick to shoot that down. Nagito is positive about you, but you'll have to get used to his self deprecation. He constantly says you deserve better than him, sometimes ruining sweet moments on dates. If you get upset he'll apologize though and make up for it
Nekomaru Nidai - Words of Affirmation
Nekomaru is your number one fan, he is your ROCK. And not just cause he's built like one! He is a natural at motivation and uses that constantly with you. You'll never feel like you can't do something, cause he will be by your side encouraging you and cheering you on. He truly believes in you and knows you can do anything if you try hard enough. And if you happen to need a helping hand he is happy to assist, no hesitation! Now in public he is a bit too much of an open book sometimes. He isn't afraid to talk about your relationship, but sometimes that includes some... personal details that you wouldn't want most people to know casually. Trust me though, he has absolutely no intention of embarrassing you, and quickly apologizes when he notices your uncomfortable face. And don't worry about any of that information spreading, a simple crack of his knuckles scares anyone into silence
Peko Pekoyama - Acts of Service
With Fuyuhiko, Peko sees herself as a tool. And with you it was no different. It was kind of like her being a bodyguard who also goes on dates with you. But know that it comes from love, not obligation. She genuinely feels that you are special and important to her. Her heart is dead set on keeping you safe and happy no matter what. She knows she isn't very good with words, it's hard for her to express her feelings without being serious and precise. So instead Peko shows her love by being protective of you in all manners. Of course no one would dare lay a finger on you, but even people bully or insult you are gonna meet the end of her sword. She can't stand it when people disrespect you. Although most of the time she is very serious and stoic, sometimes you can gently get through her barrier and make her bashful. Holding her hand staring into her eyes easily sends her into a blushing mess. You being so precious just fuels her to always be there for you no matter what
Sonia Nevermind - Gift Giving
Sonia is a sweetie, let me tell you. She knows about relationships and has been in a few, but somehow it's still very foreign to her. To be fair though they were not ideal relationships. A lot of them were just potential princes that wanted power, not love. Thankfully she got out of those quickly, and with you it was so refreshing how healthy it was! You don't nitpick her when she says a phrase wrong or mock her for misunderstanding certain cultures. Instead when you laugh, she feels the playfulness and laughs with you. To show her appreciation she gets good use out of her royalty funds. Sonia buys you whatever you want whenever you want. Especially when you get into a new hobby, she loves to buy you a shit ton of related stuff (200 colors of yarn for knitting, antique books that are out of print, a football stadium, it's all for you baby). Nothing is too expensive for you!
Teruteru Hanamura - Acts of Service
We all know he loves some touchy touchy action. It don't matter what parts you got or your body type, he is IN 10000%. He makes it clear by constantly flirting with you and trying to initate any sort of sexual activites (it's fun to see him sulk when you turn him down). But strangely enough, Teruteru actually shows love by cooking for you. Yeah, your hot bod is a big bonus. But that smile on your face when you taste his food? Absolutely priceless. He loves to cook all your meals, and often uses his Mom's special recipes. When one day you asked him to teach you how to cook, his heart soared. He immedietly gave you an apron and pulled out a recipe book so you could choose one to try. Never worry if you make mistakes or completely fail, Teruteru doesn't mind! You gotta start somewhere, and as long as you use the ingredients you have and don't purposly waste them it's all good. But know that even though he doesn't get angry, he will mock you if you're a mess, and can be a little condescending. Just roll with it, he'll eventually humble himself and compliment your efforts
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shovelbug · 10 months
Amethio x Reader General HCs
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First of all, you’re really something special if you’re Amethio’s partner. He’s fairly closed-off, albeit not rude. You’re probably the one person he trusts the most if he’s allowing you to be this close.
At first, he can seem pretty stiff. He means well, but he’s not at all accustomed to these feelings. And he may not admit it, but he’s actually nervous he could mess this up. He wants to do things right.
That being said, he’s definitely not the most outwardly affectionate, and he’s not super big on PDA.
Prefers to show his care for you with actions rather than words. His love language is definitely acts of service and quality time. Working for the Explorers means he’s often running wherever he’s ordered to, so spending time with you can sometimes be a luxury.
Will help care for your pokemon, taking great care to memorize their preferences and individual needs; they’re important companions to you, a sentiment he shares regarding his own pokemon, so of course he wants to care for them, too.
Partially because he wants them to like him to win you over!
His Corviknight and Ceruledge both definitely like you! Pokemon tend to have a sense for these sort of things, and they know how happy you make Amethio.
As far as physical affection goes he isn’t the biggest fan of PDA, like mentioned above, but that doesn’t mean he’s totally averse to it!
At first, if you were to hold his hand, he would totally stiffen up. It’s very sweet, but as he gets more used to it, holding hands is probably a favorite for him. Will slip his gloves off to feel your hand in his.
Holding hands is also perfect for him because it’s a way to wordlessly convey his feelings; he’ll often give your hand a gentle reassuring squeeze if you’re nervous or will mindlessly rub his thumb over the back of your hand when he gets more comfortable.
Later down the line when you have spent more time together, he’ll sink into your arms after having returned for a mission. He melts into you and feels like he can just breathe again, when he’s around you. You might hear him angrily mumble about his coworkers or the mission he was on, if you listen carefully.
Run your fingers through his hair and he'll fall asleep instantly.
If you’re a pokemon trainer, expect a bit of a lighthearted rivalry. Amethio can get competitive when it comes to battles, so having someone who can keep up is great for him.
If not, well, Amethio is strong enough to protect you, if the need arises.
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