#okay now i should...prep for my meetings whoops
fractallogic · 2 years
okay. i think now the smoke has cleared up and it might be a good time to let my computer charge and my brain reset by taking a little pokewalk outside. then i'm going to make some dinner, during which i will take my computer downstairs so that i can more easily convince myself to code as many errors as humanly possible and also to edit my presentation tomorrow before lab meeting, because lord knows that's not going to happen if i have to drag myself all the way upstairs (but it might if my computer's right there, and it needs to).
then i assume we'll check in tomorrow about this fucking paper, which i don't want to touch at all anymore tonight (or tomorrow tbh, but oh well, because I think we need to submit it tomorrow and I have citation- and reviewer-response-page-number-checking duties), and idk, maybe i'll be a good sport and see if Other Postdoc wants to take the lab meeting spot i abruptly traded her for last week (and they apparently didn't even have lab meeting last week lol whoops)
then AFTER lab meeting i should buckle down and do a bunch for class prep because I have a meeting first thing wednesday with my TA and I'd like her to look over a finalized version of the syllabus and assignments and ideally some lesson plans for classes.
then on wednesday after the meeting i should do the review i said i would do, which shouldn't be too onerous because it's the second review for this paper. then i'll go back to the experiment.
thursday i really need to get a set of job documents together for an application due on oct 3. afterward i can do more interesting things during the writing meeting (finalizing the poster??).
friday I can let be a blissful day of whatever for the textbook, which will be so nice.
on the weekend I can plan some classes. and also relax. that would be a good idea. also talk to scone sometime.
monday i have to get up at the asscrack of dawn to meet my students at 9 AM on campus, across campus from where my office is, but after that i think it would be so nice to just like. plan out the quarter and figure out everything I need to do.
i can do it! everything is fine. i will do everything because it is fine. and guess what, the second half of today HAS been better. it will truly only go up from here (because from now until tomorrow morning is walk, dinner, errors, TV-watching, and bed).
0 notes
dragons-bones · 4 years
White Vault 3.08 Reaction (spoilers ahoy)
This was typed up in a document while listening to the episode at my desk, then emailed to myself to post. Anyway.
“Lucas becomes unstable”
“Lucas becomes unstable”
*takes a very long, pointed sip of coffee*
Sure. Sure, Kaitlin, “Lucas becomes unstable.” Mmhmm. (Yes, I know the summary is phrased as such to minimize spoilers, but I also burst in hysterical, terrified laughter, so.)
I don’t think you heard Lucas, Eva. (Statue or shadow monster, either option is terrifying.)
and now Lucas is way too calm—LUCAS WHAT THE FUCK HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS.
the bugs don’t like him. I. I don’t know if that’s comforting.
Oh my god Lucas was hoping to be “chosen?!” WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK
“We protect was is to come.” o.o What. What does that mean?
….Do I want to know what that means?
(Yes. Yes, I do.)
But he knows all this because he’s…a part of the conspiracy? A member of the civilization that created these sites? A descendant, perhaps? Or just someone who was…inducted?
(I would like to take this time to give a huge shout out to Lucas’s VA, Danilo Battistini, on the excellent work making Lucas should so completely worshipful and deranged at the same time.)
No no no no no no no no no NOT SIMON NOT SIMON NOT SIMON
Bug carving *nervous laughter*
Jesus fuck that noise, Travis, what the HELL
Oh my fucking God the thing left evidence behind D:
(The shadow monsters are such sadistic fucks)
A statue is gone, of course one’s gone, C H R I S T those things scare me more than the goddamn shadow monster
Wh-what the fuck, Simon?!
“Just statues.” Honey.
(Aside: yeah, I’m about 99% certain Dr Liu is referring to the cartographers in Imperial when she says “the others,” as I don’t believe she was informed by the Toronto professor who sent her the Fristed glyphs about where they came from or the circumstances around them, if said professor knew the circumstances anyway.)
ANDEAN VULTURE FEATHER *nervous laughter*
Hoo boy, yeah, this is definitely like Fristed: active sacrificial site used for a very long period of time
(I want Dr Liu to survive, too, but if we get any survivors, it’s only going to be one…)
Okay someone who speaks Portuguese what the hell was Lucas saying
(It’s using Dr Ureta’s voice oh hell)
That. That tonal echo/growl/whatever is gonna haunt me forever.
Oh no Simon D: please live please live please live-
Oh no
That’s a heartbeat
19 notes · View notes
anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 13
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 7700+ (Whoops!)
Warnings: Fire, triggers, angst, fluff, trauma, arson, language
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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AN: Flashbacks in italics
“Okay, Team, we have a single-level house fire in a local suburb. A neighbor called it in but isn’t sure if anyone is home. The owners of the house are newly married, Ian Boothby and Darcy Lewis. He suspected the husband to be home since he saw him mowing the lawn earlier this morning. Now, when we get on scene, I want Steve to stay with the truck engine in case the ventilation team needs help on site. On ventilation I want...” Carol continued to give demands to the rest of the team. “As for Thor and Bucky, search the home.” Everyone agreed with Danver’s orders, and Steve nodded, looking out the window of the truck.
“Hey man, you alright?” Sam asked Steve through his headset, taking in his appearance, sitting across from him.
“Yeah, I’m good. Getting my head in the game.”
“Okay.” Sam narrowed his eyes, nodding but not believing him. “Let’s do this, boys and girls.”
At the scene, Bucky and Thor went to the hatch to grab their tanks and masks before running into the burning house in record time. 
“I’ll go left, and you go right,” Thor commanded over the walkie.
“Got it,” Bucky added. “First bedroom clear.” 
“Living room clear,” Thor voiced.
Steve went to talk with the ventilation team but noticed the house’s skylight on the roof was already broken, so the ladder truck wouldn’t be needed. He rushed back over to Danver’s to figure out the next game plan when Thor’s voice broke through the walkie.
“Found Ian in the kitchen, heading out now. Val, get the gurney ready.”
Steve watched Thor run out with Ian in his arms, coughing. He placed him on the gurney, and Val put an oxygen mask on him, but he immediately pulled it off. 
“My wife, Darcy,” he wheezed in a British accent. “She’s still in there. Please...please save her.” 
“Barnes, his wife is still in there somewhere,” Carol commanded into her walkie, but there was no reply. “Barnes.”
A second later, Bucky was running out of the burning house with Darcy in his arms. He laid her on the ground and tore off his mask, and shouted, “she’s not breathing.” Sam rushed to their side and started chest compressions. 
Ian jumped off the gurney and ran over to them. “Please...please help her. Don’t let her die,” Ian cried, holding onto Darcy’s hand. “I don’t know what I would do without her.”
Steve’s eyes stayed glued to the scene before him. His mouth went dry, and he started to hear his heartbeat in his ears. He tried to concentrate on breathing evenly, but it didn’t help. He turned away from the scene, stumbling to the side of the truck. He squeezed his eyes shut as flashes of Peggy drifted to the front of his mind: her smiling at him as they laid in bed together, her waving goodbye to him when he went off to work, and her lying motionless on the cold ground. He put a hand on the truck to hold himself steady, feeling his chin start to tremble and his chest start to tighten with every breath he took. 
Steve heard a cry of relief behind him, forcing his eyes to snap open. He glanced over his shoulder as all the oxygen left his lungs, seeing Darcy sitting up and hugging her husband. He turned back to the truck, closing his eyes, causing a few tears to slide down his cheeks. He shook his head, knowing he should be happy Darcy is alive, and we got to her in time, but his mind continued to drift back to the worst day of his life. 
“You okay, pal?” Bucky inquired in a soothing voice.
Steve’s eyes shot open, rubbing his hand on his cheeks before he turned around.  “Yeah.” He nodded his head a little too much, waving it off. “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure, pal, because you don’t look fine to me.”
“I will be--” he licked his lips “--how...how is she?”
“She’s breathing. They’re both on their way to the hospital now.”
“Good,” Steve swallowed, letting out a deep sigh of relief. “That’s good.” 
“Hey, I’m here if you need me.” Bucky patted him on the back before stepping away to help calm down the blaze. 
“You okay, Rogers?” Carol asked, and Steve snapped his head in her direction. 
“Yeah, Carol. I’m fine--” he leaned against the truck “--think I--I think I inhaled a little too much smoke. Heads a little fuzzy.”
“That makes total sense, considering you were nowhere near the smoke,” she recalled, earning a slight smirk from Steve.  He shook his head about to say something, but she beat him to it. “Hey, I get it.” He gulped, rubbing his lips together. “It’s always hard when you’re working a call, and something triggers a memory. Good, bad, or whatever, but it pulls you back to that day, making you feel something you wish you didn’t have to feel again.” She paused, shaking her head. “I know what you went through, but it’s one of the reasons I hired you to be a part of my team. I might sound like a terrible person for saying this, but you know what loss is, and sometimes if you experience it, you will do whatever it takes to make sure others don’t feel that way.”
Steve bit his lip, nodding at the ground. 
“You’re a great member to our team, Rogers. And I want you to know that there are counselors available to you in case you need to talk, or if you want to talk to the team, we’re all here for you.”
“Thanks, Ace, but I’ve gotten the whole run down before and talked to someone in Brooklyn after everything happened.”
“Take advantage of it here, too. It will help, or you can always talk to someone else,” she suggested with a half shrug.
“Thanks, I’ll consider it.” He nodded as she patted him on the shoulder and returned to the front line. 
You sat down on the couch, pulling a blanket over you, and switched on the tv. You browsed through the many streaming services you had, along with a few Loki paid for. The sound of the front gate buzzing forced you to let out a loud annoyed sigh. You crawled out from under your warm blanket and went to the digital screen to see who was at the front gate. Your eyes widened, realizing it was Steve. You haven’t talked to him since you ran out of his house like a crazy person, but what was he doing here? Thor and Steve were on the same shift tonight, and judging by the small screen, he was still wearing his fire station logo shirt.
“Fuck, something happened to Thor,” you mumbled, buzzing Steve in as you started pacing the front doorway. He knocked on the door, and you took in a sharp breath, opening the door. Steve was still a little dirty, but you could tell he tried to clean himself up. His ears and some of his neck still had smoke residue on them, but something in his blue eyes told you something was wrong. 
“Is everything okay, Steve? Did something happen to Thor?” 
“No, no, he's fine,” He looked down at his appearance. “I’m sorry. I wasn't thinking when I came straight here, but yeah, yes, your brother is fine.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. Everyone’s okay, that’s all that matters,” you replied, furrowing your brows together. “But...but are you okay? Here come in.” You opened the door for him and closed it behind him.
“It’s about the other night when you rushed out of my apartment after breaking the wine glass.”
“Oh, um, yeah. I’m sorry about that, again.” Your voice cracked, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault. No need to apologize for it.” He held up his hands to show he wasn’t going to hurt you. “I hope you know that it was an accident, and accidents happen all the time.” He shrugged, putting his hands in his front pockets.
“I know,” you whispered, rubbing your hands over your upper arms. 
“I got to thinking about how it might have triggered something like...like a memory with Billy.” He paused, licking his lips as he watched your eyes flash to his.  “I remember you mentioning a wine glass before, but I’m only asking because before I came here, I had a trigger. A memory of something I would rather forget and move on from, but I can’t.”
“What sort of memory?” You questioned, stepping a little closer to him. 
He stared at the ground, rubbing his scruff with his hand, and let out a deep breath, and his eyes connected with yours. “It reminded me of my wife and how I didn't get to her in time to save her.” 
Your eyes widened, and you didn't know what to say. “I’m so sorry, Steve. I had no idea.”
“Most people don’t,” he shrugged with his hands still in his pockets.
Steve crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the back of your couch, staring off into the distance. Steve was doing what you always did. Replaying the same scene over and over again, trying to come forth with a different solution, but it would always end the same way.
You stepped closer to Steve to see his eyes drift back up to you. You offer him your hand and lead him to the other side of the couch. 
“Thinking about her now feels like it all happened ages ago.” He stared at the coffee table, folding his hands together in front of him.
“Was her name Peggy?” His eyes shot to yours, and he nodded. “How did you two meet?”
Steve smirked to himself before looking over at you. “We met when I was a junior in high school. She was going to this fancy prep school for the elite, and I was in public school. I don’t know how I caught her attention…
Steve was in the public library, researching information for his english final. His cheek throbbed after getting into a fight earlier today that his mom would ground him for later, but right now, he needed to get this done. His family didn’t own a computer, and he always ended up using Bucky’s for projects but knew he could get it done if he spent enough time at the library. 
There was some commotion behind him, and from the reflection on the computer screen, it was a group of girls sitting down at a table. They were whispering about something, and Steve couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Libraries are quiet for a reason, so people can focus on what they came to do and leave when it's done. 
He sighed, glancing over his shoulders after hearing more loud whispers and a few giggles. They were from an elite school, judging by their uniforms. Three of them were looking at him and smiling, but the one had her head in a book. He couldn’t help but notice her brunette hair and the bright red lipstick on her lips that he couldn't help but feel drawn to. She looked up, and he nodded at them, slipping on his headphones and getting back to work. On the computer screen, he could see Red Lips staring at him every so often, and he couldn’t help but smirk. 
He was working on the conclusion when someone patted him on the back, and he looked over to see Bucky, narrowing his eyebrows at him.
“What’s up, man?” He asked, taking off his headphones.
“Whoa, pal, what happened to your face?”
“It will heal.” Steve shrugged, biting his bottom lip. “It was just a little fight. Not a big deal.”
“Why do you always have to pick on the big guy?”
“Usually, he's the jerk.”
“Right,” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. “Did you see those elite girls behind you? I mean, Wow!” Bucky winked in their direction, and they giggled.
“Yeah, hard to miss with all their giggles. I had to put my headphones on,” Steve added, looking over at them, immediately finding Red Lips. She rolled her eyes, but he didn’t miss the small subtle smirk on her lips that she was trying to hide. 
“Pal, I think they were trying to get your attention.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about women, do you?” Bucky grinned, putting his hands in his pockets and leaning against one of the computer chairs next to him.
“Like you do? We’re still in high school, Buck. We don’t really know anything about women.”
“Speak for yourself, champ.”
Steve rolled his eyes after saving everything to a flash drive and stood up. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Then, a week later, I saw her again, but she was alone this time. She sat at the same table, chewing on the tip of her pencil, reading through her textbook, and taking notes. She was still in her school uniform, and her lips were still the same shade of red…
“Not with your friends today?” Steve asked, taking off this backpack. 
She looked around her as if he was talking to someone else, but then her eyes connected with his. “I could say the same about your friend.” 
His eyes widened at hearing a British accent pass her lips. “I focus better when he’s not here. He can get pretty annoying.”
“I’ll have to agree with you there. All the excessive giggling isn’t a good focus aid either,” She smirked, shaking her head. “It’s nice to see your bruise is healing nicely on your cheek.”
“Oh ah, yeah,” Steve reached up to touch his cheek. “I’m Steve Rogers.” 
“Peggy Carter.”
“Every week, like clockwork, I would see her, and we ended up doing homework together. Not like we were learning the same things, but just to be in the same room together. It took me a while to finally get the nerve to ask her out. I still remember her response to this day--” he smiled to himself “--Wow, you really don’t know a bloody thing about women because you should’ve done this months ago,” Steve voiced in a British accent.
“She sounds like she knew how to put you in your place,” you smirked at him, and he nodded.
“She did.”
“What happened after high school?”
“I didn’t end up going to college much to my parent's disapproval, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So instead, I went straight into work while Peggy went to college. I worked a variety of different jobs, trying to find my niche. I ended up working in construction for a couple of years, realizing I like building homes and giving back to the community. It was a satisfying feeling, but I knew I wanted to do more, but I didn’t know how. Weird enough, Peggy was the one who mentioned joining the fire department.”
“Steve,” Peggy called, walking into their small studio apartment to find Steve making supper. 
“Hey, doll. How was class?”
“Dull, but it’s law school. And, Steven, don’t call me that I'm not made of porcelain.” She walked over, hitting him playfully on the shoulder and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, making his smile spread wider. “At least you won’t look like a choir boy once this grows in,” she joked, rubbing her thumb over his cheek feeling the scruff starting to grow on his face. “Oh, I saw something today on one of the many bulletin boards on campus.”
“What was that?”
“Joining the fire department.”
“To be a firefighter?”
“Yes, I grabbed the brochure.” She pulled it out of her purse and handed it to him. 
“I’ll look at it later,” he nodded, putting it on the counter behind him.
“I bet you’d love it, and seeing you in that uniform. Woooo!” Peggy fanned herself with her hand as she walked into the bathroom. “I would swoon dear, swoon.”
He chuckled to himself and picked up the brochure, reading parts of it out loud. “‘What fuels your fire?’ Interesting way to grab someone's attention, I guess. ‘We teach, we train, we serve together.’” He hummed, flipping open the brochure and reading it to himself. When he got to the last section, something stuck with him. “As a firefighter, you are a role model, and you will make a difference.”
“I think someone is sold on the idea,” Peggy smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist, and he put his arm around her, pulling her in closer to his side. “And, if you don’t like it, you can quit and find something else.”
“It might be worth a shot,” he grinned, leaning down and kissing Peggy. “Thanks for looking out for me, Peg.”
“Swoon, can I say I love her?” you commented, hearing him let out a soft chuckle. 
“Everyone did, and after she showed me that brochure, I went to do the 14-week program at the Fire Academy in New Jersey, and she was right, I loved it. Being able to work with a team and build a sense of camaraderie with each other. It was like having an extended family.” He paused, wringing his hands together. “When Peggy graduated law school, she was offered a prestigious position at a law firm in Manhattan, and I got recruited by one of the fire stations in Brooklyn. Then, I finally went out and bought Peggy a ring with the money I saved up working all those odd-end jobs… 
“Steve, what about this big one? It says, sorry boys, I’m taken when she’s at the office, and it’s enough to make her friends jealous,” Bucky commented, pointing at the rings in the case. 
Steve shook her head, “She’s not like that, Buck. She doesn’t want a big rock; she wants something practical enough to wear to work and put away the bad guys, but pretty enough that she can show it off.”
“Sounds like you are in a real debacle, pal.” 
Steve hummed, scanning over the many different styles of ring. He wasn’t an expert, but he knew what Peggy would like and not like.
“Hey, Steve. I am actually in a bit of a debacle myself.” Bucky confided, leaning against one of the ring cases.
“What about?”
“I got offered a position at one of the Los Angeles Fire Department stations.”
“You want to leave Brooklyn?” Steve questioned, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I don’t know, it sounds like a great opportunity. And, I kind of always felt like getting out of here, living somewhere else, and trying something new.” 
“I get it, and there isn’t much holding you here besides your friends and family. I mean, who cares about them, am I right?" Steve sighed, shrugging his shoulders in defeat as he continued to search for a ring.
“I've already talked with them about it, and they think I should do it.”
“Wait, really?" Steve's head snapped to Bucky, and he nodded. "To be honest, Buck, I will miss you and Peggy will, too, but if it’s an opportunity you don’t want to pass up, then I think you should do it.”
"Yeah," Steve smiled, and Bucky pulled him in for an abrupt hug. Steve patted Bucky on the back a few times before they separated. "You just have to promise me you won’t do anything stupid out there.”
"How can I? When I’m keeping all the stupid here with you.”
“Are you gentlemen looking for anything in particular?” Steve looked up at the guy behind the counter. This name tag read Broker, and he probably had the best eyebrows in the business.
“Um, yeah, an engagement ring that is stylish but still practical and pretty.”
“You got anything like that,” Bucky asked, crossing his arms.
“I might have a few; excuse me for a second,” Broker nodded, walking into the back room.
“So when you find this ring? How are you going to do it?”
“At the public library.”
“I’m sorry, that old place,” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. “I thought you would take her out to a romantic dinner and hide it in her dessert or in her wine glass."
“We met there, and it’s kind of symbolic in a way. And hiding the ring in dessert, do you know nothing about woman Bucky? Most women just want to eat their dessert, not make it a scavenger hunt and be a reason to break a tooth."
“Good point,” he agreed, pointing his finger at him. “I’m sure whatever you do, Peggy will love it.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Here we are, gentlemen. I found these three rings that are both elegant and practical.”
Steve stared down at them, and his eyes continued traveling to one. He picked it up with a small smirk on his lips and glanced over at Bucky.
“It’s perfect, pal.” Bucky grinned, patting him on the back.
“Did you end up proposing at the public library?” You couldn’t help the warm smile gracing your lips.
“Yes,” he nodded. “And she loved it. She said it was cheesy, but she loved it.”
“Any girl would.”
“Anyways, we got married at her family's estate. It was a small yet charming wedding. She wore this amazing dress, but my favorite part was the red lipstick she wore.” His face flushed at the memory, letting out a content sigh. “We ended up moving to Brooklyn after her parents helped us put a down payment on a small four-story home, and it was way better than any studio apartment we crammed into.”
“Steve, I don’t think I will ever get tired of this kitchen,” Peggy smiled, cutting some lettuce on one side of the island while Steve formed burgers on the other side. They were having a little housewarming slash Fourth of July Birthday bash for him. 
Steve smiled at her comment as his eyes wandered around the kitchen. The cabinets were teal with a stony black countertop. The ceiling had exposed wooden beams, giving it a rustic flair. Three lights hung down over a wooden oak island in the center of the kitchen. It was a kitchen you would see in a home magazine, but instead, it was their kitchen. It even had two sinks, but he didn’t understand the purpose of them both. Although, he did enjoy the huge fridge and the amount of space in the walk-in pantry. It was a professional kitchen for two amateur cooks. 
“If it wasn’t the kitchen that sold me on this house, then it was that huge bathtub in the master bathroom. No more all in one shower and bath.” She grinned, starting to cut the vegetables for the veggie plate. 
“My favorite is the rooftop deck.”
“Of course it is--” she shook her head “--it’s gonna turn into a man cave up there soon. I mean, I did buy you that new grill for your birthday today, but I wonder what else you and the guys are gonna drag up there.”
“It won’t be anything too crazy.”
“That’s what you say now,” she winked.
“It does sound like a kitchen you’d see in a magazine.”
“Yeah.” His calming smile drifted away, leaving a frown in its place. “Remember when you mentioned the Arson Artist, Aldrich Killian?” 
“Yeah, the guy that targeted first responder's families.” You nodded, not missing how Steve's jaw clenched at your statement.
“I wasn’t completely honest when I told you I knew some people that lost someone during his reign--” his eyes drifted to yours as he let out a deep breath “--my...my wife, Peggy, died in his last so-called masterpiece.”
You didn’t know what to say to him. His wife was killed, and a simple sorry wasn't going to bring her back or make him feel any better. Without hesitation, you reached out and grabbed a hold of his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. His eyes traveled down to your conjoined hands, and he interlocked his fingers between yours.
Steve remained silent, staring down at the coffee table. His elbow rested on his knee as his head rested in his other hand. Steve squeezed his eyes shut, lowering his head in his hand, resting it against his forehead. He let out a shaky breath, and you gave his hand another comforting squeeze. 
"Steve, you don't have to tell me this if it's going to upset you. I understand better than anyone when it comes to talking about the messy things in life. You don't owe me an explanation," you explained, placing your other hand on his forearm. He turned his head in his hand to you, seeing his tearful eyes looking back at you. He sat up, rubbing his hand down his face and scratching at his jaw. He sniffled, staring back at you.  
“I know that…but…um...I want to," He breathed, clearing his throat. “So..um...there’s this one day I kind of have engraved in my head, and as much as I try to forget what happened, I can’t. In my head, that day never changes and always has the same ending. The ending I hate reliving whenever I’m triggered…
Steve sighed, laying in his bed with Peggy asleep next to him. He looked over at her, noticing she was laying on her stomach with her head almost off her pillow, breathing heavily in and out. Her hair was sticking up in all directions and her mouth was slightly open. He loved waking up next to her and seeing this site before him. He smirked, reaching over to grab his phone, knowing he had a 24 hours shift starting in 5 hours. He wouldn’t get to wake up next to her pretty face tomorrow, so he decided to snap a picture to smile at tomorrow or to blackmail her with it later. He snapped the picture.
“You better delete that, or I will kill you, Steve Rogers.”
He chuckled. “Okay, yup, deleted.” He reached over, setting his phone back down on the end table.
“You’re a horrible liar." She looked up at the alarm clock and sighed, putting her head back on the pillow. 
“You know what would be fun to do this morning?”
“Making me breakfast.”
“I can do that after,” he scooted closer to Peggy. 
“Or you can do it now,” Peggy stated, not moving away from Steve's advances as Steve put his hand around her waist and flipped her over, so he was on top of her.
“I’m not going to see you for a full 24 hours.”
“I’m sure you have pictures.”
“Pictures don’t do you justice, Red Lips.” He leaned down, puckering his lips and waiting for her kiss. She rolled her eyes with a loud sigh, leaning up and giving in to his kiss. 
After an energetic morning he made Peggy her favorite breakfast before taking a quick shower and getting dressed in his uniform. He came downstairs to see Peggy waiting for him by the door.
“If you didn’t have to go to work right now, I would take you upstairs for round 3,” she winked, giving him a quick kiss.
“I will definitely take you up on that offer if you’re up for it, Peg.” He wiggled his eyebrows, forcing her to laugh as he wrapped his arms around her. “Love you.” He leaned down and kissed her again.
“Love you, too, Steven.” She hugged him close. 
“Stay safe.”
“I will.”
“The day started out like any other day, and there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. A few calls came in about car accidents, heart attacks, and a grease fire at a local restaurant. And things were looking up with the Arson Artist case because the FBI brought in Anvil to help with the investigation. Around six that night, we got dispatched to a house fire in Brooklyn….”
“Alright boys, you know the drill,” Captain Phillips stated over their headphones. “It could be a house fire, but keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks suspicious.”
Steve looked out the window of the engine, and he realized this was the main road he took to work. His heart started to beat rapidly against his chest as he looked out the front window to see what street they were going to turn down. When they turned down his street, all the air left his lungs; his home was on fire. 
The truck didn’t even come to a complete stop, and he was out of the truck engine. He sprinted towards his front door, tossing on his jacket and his helmet as he heard his Captain yelling his name, but he ignored it. He skipped up the steps he so casually walked down earlier that morning.
When he kicked the front door in, all he saw was flames. “PEGGY,” he shouted, coughing into his sleeve. “PEGGY.” He hid his face with the sleeve of his jacket, running inside. He squinted his eyes against the smoke, not seeing anything, but something dark in the kitchen caught his eye. He stepped over to the kitchen, coughing as his eyes watered from the excessive amount of smoke in the air. When he reached the kitchen, he saw her tied to a chair with her head hanging down on her chest. 
His heart broke, putting her chin in his hands. “Peggy,” he cried, feeling his eyes start to fill with real tears. 
Dum Dum came in and grabbed ahold of Steve, pushing him towards the front door, and Gabe cut Peggy free from the restraints, carrying her in his arms. Once Steve was outside, he ran to Peggy seeing her body weak, barely clinging to life. Gabe laid her on the ground, and Jim felt for a heartbeat. 
“Starting compressions,” Jim stated. 
“Please, please help her,” Steve cried, leaning down next to her. “Come on, Peggy.”
“Checking for a pulse, nothing. Starting compressions again.”
“Come on, Pegs. Please.”
“I got a pulse, but it’s faint. Let’s get her on the gurney and to the hospital, stat.” Jim and Dum Dum lifted her body onto the gurney and slid it into the back of the ambulance.
“Steve, go,” Dum Dum commanded. “We’ll do all we can here.”
He nodded, hopping into the back of the ambulance, grabbing a hold of Peggy’s hand. He brought her hand to his lips, and he cried, staring down at her. “I’m so sorry, Pegs.” Jim put an oxygen mask on her and a heart rate monitor clip on her finger. 
“Man, it’s not your fault it was the Arson Artist,” Jim replied, and Steve shot him a quick nod.
He clutched onto her hand, not wanting to let go. He couldn’t lose her. They were just starting their lives together, and he didn’t know what he would do without her. They had so many things they still wanted to do: get weird hobbies, travel the world, start a family. She’ll pull through this; she has to. 
“Almost there, Stevie.” Jim squeezed his shoulder, but he couldn’t remove his eyes from Peggy’s form. 
He squeezed his eyes shut, realizing Peggy was going to be okay. They were going to get to the hospital, and she was going to make it, and he wouldn’t have to say goodbye.
Peggy’s heart rate monitor flatlined, and Steve’s eyes shot open. Jim went to the side of the gurney, pushing Steve out of the way, and administered CPR again. Steve’s eyes started to fill with tears once he realized his worst fear was becoming a reality. 
The back of the ambulance doors flung open, and Jim shook his head. Steve grabbed ahold of Peggy’s hand once more and removed her oxygen mask. He cradled her face with one hand, holding on tight to her hand with the other. He stared at her, thinking it was all a dream and he would wake up to her smacking him with a pillow. He could feel his heartache with every shaky breath he took. He gulped, letting out a sob, running his thumb across her bottom lip. He leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Peg.”
Your heart broke as a stray tear slid down your cheek, and you wiped it away. “Steve, I’m ahh…”
“I know." His tear-filled eyes flashed to yours, and he blinked them away, not giving them a chance to fall. 
Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. He was tense at first but then relaxed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You heard him let out a sniffle, forcing you to squeeze him a little tighter. You rubbed his back, trying to keep your tears at bay but having little success. “Please tell me you still have that picture of her sleeping.” You could feel Steve let out a soft chuckle as he loosened his grip and pulled away from you. 
“I do,” he sniffled, clearing his throat. 
You eyed him, noticing the reminisce of tears on his cheeks. You grabbed the box of tissues sitting on the coffee table, taking a few, and handing them to Steve. He sighed, wiping the tears away, leaning back against the couch. He ran his hands down his face and tried to refocus.
“After everything happened, I was a mess. I didn’t want to believe she was gone. I hoped it was all a dream, but it wasn’t, and I blamed myself for not getting to her in time.” He paused, clearing his throat. “I was constantly thinking about the what if’s and the if onlys of what I could’ve done differently. Not like it mattered much because she wasn’t coming back,” he breathed, blinking away tears that started to form in the corner of his eyes. 
“But it wasn’t your fault.”
“You’re right to someone else looking in, it wasn’t my fault, it was Killians, but I didn’t want to see it that way. I thought if I stayed mad at myself, it would somehow fix it, but I wasn’t in my right mind. I was hurting and pushing those who cared about me away. I was depressed but was too stubborn to admit it.
When I returned to work after my leave, my captain, Captain Phillips, declared me unstable and took me off active duty. He thought it was safer for me and everyone else if he put me behind a desk. I know he was looking out for me and wanted me to get better, but all I had left was my job, and he took it away from me.” Steve shrugged, running a hand through his hair. 
“After about eight months, Phillips gave me an ultimatum. The only way I would be reinstated to active duty is if I talked to one of the department's assigned therapists at Ancient One and Associates.” He let out a deep breath. “It wasn’t so much an option as it was an order. I wasn’t myself, and I haven’t been. He wasn’t the only one who saw it, but my squad did too. Whether it was from seeing the bags under my eyes due to the lack of sleep or from my pants getting looser from skipping meals.  I was numb, lonely, and my family and friends didn’t know what to say to me. I shut them out, even the ones who reached out and tried to help me. I didn’t know how to talk about it, I didn’t want to talk about it, and I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want this to be my new reality. I knew there was no other way for me to get around this by myself, so I decided to go to therapy.”
You remained silent as he paused, biting his lip, trying to figure out what to say next. He stared at the coffee table, and you couldn’t help but admire him. Steve’s been through so much, and you never would’ve suspected any of this with the way he carries himself. He seems so sure of himself and always has his feelings in check, but deep down, he has been through hell and back. 
“When I first went to therapy, I thought it wouldn’t help me. On the first day, the Ancient One called me out on it, saying heroes are the ones who don’t think they need help, but sometimes they need it the most and are simply ashamed to admit it. She was right,” Steve mumbled with a half shrug. 
“With everything that happened, I had a hard time accepting the truth and forgiving myself because I didn’t want to forget her. Peggy was so special to me, and I didn’t want to push her aside as if I didn’t love her anymore. I still did, and a part of me still does.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and wringing his hands together in front of him. “The Ancient One helped me see things from a different perspective, and in ways, I never thought possible. There was one point when she reversed our roles, asking how Peggy would have responded if I was the one who died. To be honest, I never thought of it like that because I always wished I died with her, but when I thought about it, I know Peggy would’ve accepted it sooner than I did. Sure, she would’ve been emotional that I was gone, but I know she would’ve been strong for everyone else, and when she’d go home alone, she would grieve. Then, if Peggy ever found someone new, who cared for her like I did or more, I’d want her to get remarried. All I would want is for her to be happy.
After realizing this new perspective, I knew Peggy would’ve wanted the same for me. To be able to move on and be happy. So, I focused on getting better and going to therapy, which then got me reinstated to active duty. Things were looking up for the better, and I knew Peggy would be happy for me. 
I even started reaching out to a few friends I shut out, one of them being Bucky. I hadn’t spoken to him since Peggy’s funeral, but I hoped he’d answer and accept my apology. We ended up talking at least once a week, and then he mentioned a job opening at his station in L.A. I saw it as a chance to start over, so I took it.” He let out a deep breath. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved Brooklyn, but it felt off after Peggy died, and then my mom passed away, which was inevitable because she had been sick for a while. But with all that happened, Brooklyn didn’t feel like home, it was just a city filled with traffic, noise, and crowds. I felt alone in a city filled with people,” he sighed, shaking his head, looking over at you.
“You make moving on sound so easy.”
“It’s not. It’s probably one of the hardest things to do; it takes time, and it’s about moving on from the past and living in the now. Before I came out here, I talked about everything and made amends with my coworkers, apologized to my friends for being so selfish, and said goodbye to my parents and Peggy. It took me a while to get to that point, but I’m happy to be where I am today.” Steve nodded, shooting you a closed-mouth smile.
“What do you think she thinks about you moving to LA and leaving Brooklyn?”
“She’d understand, and I know she’d want me to be happy and to try to move on from her. I know she’d be proud to see how far I’ve come, but she knows I’ll never forget her.” You reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He smirked, his eyes drifting to yours.  “To be honest, I don’t think I’ve talked about Peggy with anyone I wasn’t paying.”
“Remind me to send you the bill,” you said, removing your hand from his and pointing at him.
He chuckled, “I’ll look for it, but mail does get lost quite a bit.”
“Can I ask what triggered you to tell me all this?” You asked, earning a quick nod from Steve.
“Today, I saw a husband watch his wife get carried out of their burning home. He cried, begging us to bring her back, not wanting to lose the other half of himself. He didn’t, but to me, it brought back the worst day of my life.” He turned towards you, staring into your eyes. “There is always going to be a trigger. It can either be a good memory or a bad one, but whatever happens, it’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.”
Your eyes flashed to his, and you gulped, knowing he was referring to the wine glass incident. You nodded, “It's just every once in a while I see something or feel something that reminds me of him, and it triggers something in me, and I can't be pulled back.”
“I get it. You always hear time heals things, but the truth is ignoring it and not talking about it only compounds the damage and makes it worse. You’re hoping it fades away, but it’s always in the back of your mind, haunting you and reminding you of everything that happened. The Ancient One told me it is better to allow yourself to feel what you went through because pretending you’re not hurt is not the same thing as healing; it just prolongs it. We may have experienced a different kind of loss. I lost my wife, and you lost yourself. It’s a different scenario, but the advice is the same.”
“How are you so full of wise words?”
“Therapy helps and life experiences,” Steve nodded with a soft chuckle. “Is that cliche?”
“A little,” you smiled. “Both our lives have been pretty messed up, huh?”
“Maybe it's fate’s way of giving us a second chance.”
“If you believe in that spiritual mumbo jumbo sort of thing,” you snorted, making him roll his eyes. “Why did you decide to tell me about Peggy?”
“You see, there is this girl I like, and I felt like I owed it to myself and her to be honest about it since she shared her story with me. I wanted her to get to know the side I don’t share with many people,” he smirked with a tint of pink hitting his cheeks. He reached up, rubbing the back of his neck.  
A sweet smile graced your lips, feeling a rush of heat to your face. “Well, she appreciates you telling her, and I can inform you that she feels the same way about you.” 
“That’s good,” he cracked a smile, looking over at you with his blue eyes sparkling. “At least now I know I didn’t make a complete fool of myself.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” you chuckled, feeling his body vibrate at your side with a silent snicker. “Are you going to be okay with going back to work?”
“Yeah, I have a good support system there, and I know my team has my back. It’s like one big messy extended family,” he smirked, nodding your head in agreement. “Speaking of work, I should probably get back to my shift before another call comes in, and Carol wonders why this detour is taking me so long.” He winked, pushing himself off the couch.  
“Yeah, you don’t want to get on her bad side.” You joked, standing up off the couch and following him to the door. 
“Are you going to be okay?” Steve asked, opening the door and turning to face you. He furrowed his brows together, forming a small crease between them. “Are we going to be okay?” 
“Yeah, we’re okay.” You nodded, your eyes drifting to the ground. “I’m getting a little better every day--” you shrugged, not wanting to talk about it “-- it just takes time, right?” 
His hand lifted your chin and your eyes flashed to his. “I know you’ll get there.” He shot you a shy smile, brushing his thumb along your cheek, sending a rush of heat to your face. He dropped his hand, grabbing a hold of yours.  “Remember, if you need someone to listen and is full of wisdom, I’m here for you. And don’t be ashamed to give therapy a chance; trust me, it will help more than you think.”
“Okay, hot stuff. I get it, “ you scoffed, shaking your head. “Stay safe out there.”
“I will. Have a good night, YN.” He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it, letting it go. You rolled your eyes at his gesture, but you couldn’t stop the smile inching its way across your face.
You watched him walk down the sidewalk to your front gate, and he turned around one more time, waving goodbye. You waved back before he opened the gate and it clicked shut behind him. You closed your front door and leaned against it, covering your face in your hands, and let out a loud sigh. Steve seemed ready to take the next step, but were you? 
You walked back over to the couch, returning to your blanket and switching the tv back on. You picked out a random movie to watch, but soon it became white noise in the background. You haven’t been in a relationship since Billy, and to be frank, you were scared to give the whole relationship thing another shot. You and Steve joked about it, but you never thought it would actually happen. Even though Steve and Billy are two very different people, you couldn’t help but be reminded of all the negatives that could come with it. Were you even ready? Should you have even been hanging out with Steve?  Were you leading him on? What if he did the same thing Billy did? With all the negatives that came to your mind, maybe Steve was right, maybe it was time to give therapy a chance.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 13! If you haven't noticed yet, I'm all for angst, I don't like feeling it, but I like writing it!! This is probably one of my favorite chapters in this series because it's both emotional and tragic. I'm really hoping that while reading this part you fell in love with Peggy. Her part wasn't huge huge, but I hope it made you realize what Steve lost and how much she meant to him. Emotions, am I right!!  Also, I felt doing the whole flashback thing for Steve would show the different relationship dynamic that Peggy and Steve had versus her and Billy's. Huge difference obviously, and I felt like it would be better to show how they communicated and acted towards each other rather then just talking about it. It's also why I went into a little more detail in the last chapter with Laura and Clint's relationship...again, showing the relationship dynamic. Sorry for that unnecessary ramble! 😂😂  Anyways, do you think she is gonna give therapy a chance? What did you think about Steves backstory? And do you think this slow burn will finally end, and they will finally get together or will it be just a little longer?! 😂 Comments always welcome, and until next week, thanks again! 
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jubesy · 3 years
Your matchablossom stuff is so cute! Also I love the way you write. I was hoping to see how you might handle a more angsty or dramatic situation. Maybe with 15 or 1 for matchablossom. Of course if you take it a lighter direction, I’m sure it will still be amazing.
Hello, dear anon! Thank you so much!! Sorry it took me a bit to respond~ I was taking a break from writing for a couple days. But I’m back!
I do hope you like what I did with this. It takes place after Episode 9, so it’s mostly the comfort following the hurt. I hope that’s okay! This, uh, also went a bit long. Whoops?
Matcha Blossom #15 “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Also available on Ao3.
Link to my master list of Matcha Blossom drabbles
Joe sighed and cracked his neck as he finished locking up for the night. The trash had been put out, the prep was done for the following day, and he had a very special to-go order he needed to bring upstairs.
It had been several days since Cherry had conked out on his bartop. After which, Joe had brought him upstairs, deciding it would be for the best if Cherry stayed with him. Just until he was back on his feet.
Cherry had argued with him the following morning. But eventually agreed. It wasn’t like he had any meetings or deadlines coming up, so he could afford to take the time off and heal. And Joe was more than happy to help him with anything he might need.
However...Cherry was not the best house guest. 
“Kaoru!” Joe called as he opened the door to his apartment. “Dinner!” he tried when he received no response. 
“On the couch,” Cherry finally answered. Joe shook his head and removed his shoes before walking the rest of the way inside and shutting the door behind him. 
He found Cherry exactly where he said he’d be, lounging on the couch, watching some French drama. The coffee table was still littered with boxes from the lunch Joe had brought him and the bottle of wine he’d opened earlier was on its side. Empty. Oh, if only his fancy pants clients could see him now. Sakurayashiki Kaoru: The Ultimate Slob.
“Did you finish closing?” Cherry asked, his gaze still on the television. The images on the screen reflected off of his glasses.
“Just did. Yeah,” Joe replied, pushing the empty containers out of the way to make room for Cherry’s dinner. He really needed to tidy up. “I saved the last order of the special for you,” Joe said as he began picking up the trash and bringing it to the kitchen garbage. “I had to deny one of my regulars.”
Cherry snorted and finally looked at Joe properly. “Is that so?” 
“Mhm,” Joe answered, placing his hands on the back of the couch and leaning down to kiss the top of Cherry’s head. “Ugh,” he groaned. “All right. That’s it, Stinky. You’re getting a bath tonight.” 
And Cherry, who’d already leaned forward and opened his to-go box, turned to glare up at him. “I don’t stink.” He frowned.
“You haven’t bathed in five days,” Joe returned, standing up to his full height and crossing his arms over his chest. “And those little sponge baths don’t count,” he threw in before Cherry could argue. He received a groan in response. “C’mon, Kaoru. I’ll even wash your back.” 
There was a brief pause. “Ugh, fine,” Cherry surrendered with a sigh. Then he grew serious. “But after dinner. And you have to wash my hair.” He held up his bandaged wrist. “And rewrap everything after.” 
Joe grinned. “Yessir.” 
Once Cherry finished eating, Joe cleared it away and helped him to his feet. He was hobbling around a bit better now. In fact, he’d be back to skating shape in a week or so, according to Carla’s calculations -- If he continued resting properly and icing his sprain.
“I can’t believe this,” Cherry complained as Joe escorted him down the hallway to the bathroom. “It’s been days and I still feel like I was hit by a truck.” 
Joe chuckled. “We’re not as young as we were back then,” he supplied. “We can’t bounce back like we used to.” 
“Not as young…” Cherry echoed with a glare. “I know you’re not implying that I’m old.” 
“Not old,” Joe answered. “Just aged to perfection,” he teased. “Besides, it’s not just you. I’m only three months younger.” 
“And yet you look so much older,” Cherry noted. 
“Says the man who dresses like it’s the Edo Period,” Joe scoffed as he helped Cherry over the threshold.
“This coming from the man who has a closet full of bad Dad Shirts,” Cherry shot back.
The next insult was on the tip of his tongue, when Joe thought better of it. “Let’s just get you clean,” he paused, “Stinky.” 
Joe had gotten pretty used to getting Cherry in and out of his clothes over the past few days -- despite protests from someone who could apparently ‘handle it on his own’ -- and he’d even figured out how to wrap Cherry’s wounds properly. A big step up from putting plasters on each other’s knees when they were kids.
“I’m going to fill the tub,” Joe said, leaving Cherry seated on the stool by the shower. 
“You don’t have to narrate every single thing,” Cherry replied, lifting his good arm to rub at the other. “It’s freezing in here.” 
“You’ll be in the bath soon enough, you big baby.” Joe shook his head and turned on the tap. Once it was warm enough, he plugged the drain and turned his attention back on Cherry. “All right--” 
“Don’t announce it.” Cherry let his eyes slip closed. “Just do it.” 
Joe took a deep breath and grabbed the shower head. “Hold this.” He thrust it into Cherry’s good hand and then went about lathering up a washcloth. He was careful as he ran the cloth up and down Cherry’s back, just as he’d been over the last few days.
“You don’t have to be so cautious,” Cherry said. “It doesn’t really hurt anymore.” 
There was a nasty bruise that spread between his shoulders. Of course, his back had taken the brunt of the fall. Joe knew from experience that bruises tended to look worse as they got better. But even so…
“Yeah?” he asked, moving to soap Cherry’s arms. Then he took the showerhead and turned it on, washing the suds away. “You good to get the rest? Or do you need help?” 
“I’m perfectly capable,” Cherry answered, snatching the washcloth from Joe’s hand and lathering up his chest. Then he paused. “Thank you.” It was quiet, but Joe heard it. Still, he wouldn’t embarrass him by saying something as thoughtless as, ‘You’re welcome.’
Once Cherry was clean, Joe helped him into the bath and then turned off of the faucet. Cherry sighed, sliding down and resting his head on the tub’s rim. “And you wanted to put this off,” Joe said, watching as Cherry’s relaxed expression changed into a glare directed up at him.
“I was comfortable on the couch,” he said simply. “And now I’m comfortable here.” 
Joe hummed. “And when I try to move you to somewhere else comfortable, are you going to complain then?” 
Cherry closed his eyes again. “I’m not sure. I’ll decide later.” He shrugged.
“Well, let me know when you’ve come to a decision,” Joe said, standing back up and heading toward the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Cherry asked, cracking one eye open. “You promised you’d wash my hair.”
Joe swallowed. If he was honest, he was a bit concerned about that. Cherry had hurt his head. And even though Carla had informed him that a suitable amount of time had passed and it was safe to wash. Joe was still worried. 
“Wouldn’t you rather wash it yourself?” he asked.
Cherry sighed and held up his good hand, wiggling his fingers. “It’s a bit difficult, given my condition.” He said it the way Joe had been saying over the past five days. ‘Should you be doing that in your condition?’ ‘Why would you think to get up and walk around in your condition?’ And so on.
Joe wanted to eat those words. It wasn’t his fault he was the mother hen of their little group. Someone had to be. 
“All right,” he said finally. 
“I don’t know what you’re so nervous about,” Cherry said. “You’ve changed my bandages for me.” 
Joe scoffed. “I’m not nervous,” he replied, making quick work of removing the old bandage. It came away clean. That was a good sign. 
“Then why are your hands shaking?” Cherry asked. Joe stilled. Were they? And Cherry took the opportunity to move slightly in the tub, the water sloshing as he turned to face him. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “I know it’s been a few days, but my hair isn’t completely--”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Joe admitted, cutting him off. And it was true.
Cherry raised his eyebrows. “You?” He blinked. “I know I’ve called you a clumsy oaf in the past--”
“Earlier today,” Joe corrected.
“--but you’ve been more of a gentle giant lately,” he said. “Too gentle, sometimes,” he added with a smirk. “So, there’s no reason to worry.” Cherry faced away again, situating himself so he could rest his neck on the rim of the tub. He closed his eyes. “I trust you.”
Joe found the corners of his lips curving up in a fond smile. His Kaoru was something else. 
So, he reached for the showerhead and shampoo and carefully rinsed Cherry’s hair. “Wow, Kaoru,” he faked a gasp.
“I think you’ve got a family of raccoons living in here.” He only laughed harder when Cherry tried to splash him. In hindsight, maybe he should have changed out of his work clothes instead of just rolling up his sleeves. “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” He gently ran his fingers through the damp strands. “Does it hurt anywhere?” 
Cherry shook his head. “Just a little sore and kind of itchy on the back.” 
Joe hummed again and got to work. It was a bit of a mess, but didn’t let Cherry know. And, honestly, he was glad he was doing this for him. It wouldn’t have been easy -- what with his condition and all -- And once the water ran clear again, Joe grabbed the bottle of shampoo. 
“That smells nice,” Cherry said as Joe worked it up into a lather. “That’s not the one you use.” 
“Are you saying my shampoo doesn’t smell nice?” Joe replied, rubbing soothing circles into Cherry’s scalp. 
“Yes,” he answered and Joe had a sudden urge to spray him right in the face. But Cherry’s eyes were still closed and he looked so relaxed. So peaceful. Joe couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
“If you must know,” Joe said, washing off his hands and moving to rinse Cherry’s hair. “I went out and bought this for you. Since you’ve been living on my couch for a week.”
“It hasn’t been that long,” Cherry retorted. And then, a beat later, he smiled. “Who helped you pick it out?”
Joe pursed his lips, the urge to change the angle of the showerhead’s spray rising before he tamped it back down. “The lady who runs the store,” he said. “I told her my girlfriend moved in and that she has very fine, temperamental hair.” He snickered.
Cherry finally opened his eyes again, shooting Joe a glare. “My hair is not temperamental.” 
Joe snorted. “That’s your only objection?” He shook his head. “Okay, all done.” 
“You’re not going to condition it?” Cherry asked, craning his neck. 
“No?” Joe replied. He picked up the bottle again. “It says it’s two-in-one.” 
Cherry groaned and slid further down into the water. 
“What?” Joe furrowed his brow. 
“Nothing,” Cherry answered. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to soak for a while.” 
Joe regarded him for a moment before standing up. “All right. I’m gonna get changed.” He paused in the doorway. “Don’t fall asleep in there.”
“No promises.”  
“Kaoru!” He ran a hand down his face and hurried to his bedroom. If he got dressed quickly enough, he could stop his idiot childhood friend from accidentally drowning himself.
Request a drabble here!
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the-record · 3 years
The City of Romance (Part 4)
Summary: On Spencer’s mandatory leave, he plans a trip to Paris, France where he meets an unforgettable face.
Part 4 summary: It’s Christmas!
Italics: Translation French to English. Bold: Song lyrics
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Non-BAU!Fem!Reader
A/N: Ahh yes the beloved fluff. There will be angst (as there is in any relationship) and some other things but we all know how much I love love. Like it’s sickening. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Check out my masterlist here!
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“Spence! You ready?” 
At 6 months, Spencer asked you to move in with him. You spent a lot of time at his place already so you of course said yes. His place already kind of felt like yours so you had a natural routine down. Today was different. To most it was you average Friday. Last day of the week before the notorious and anticipated winter break. For you? For you, it was the day your class was going to meet Spencer. They had been begging you after seeing a polaroid of the two of you in your phone case. So, you asked him to come in and read to the class. 
“Yeah, one second!” You were putting on your coat and boots when Spencer came out. He was wearing the usual white button up and cardigan with dress pants and converse. The best part of that day’s outfit, was his tie. It was white with navy blue, to match the cardigan, silhouettes of dinosaurs on it. They were something your kids had an infatuation with. You giggled softly when you saw it.
“Nice tie. Boy genius is starting to seem like fitting nickname.” You winked at him before throwing his coat at him. He miraculously managed to catch it from across the room.
“Shut up. You’re literally wearing a 1950′s style Christmas dress with mistletoe in your ponytail.” You gaped at him and scoffed.
“It’s for teaching!” He raised his eyebrows. “The kids love history and I thought this would be perfect. My lesson plan has us teaching them about Christmas throughout the decades.” You took out the small plant from your hair and held it over the both of your heads. “And this... This is for you.” You leaned into him, on your tiptoes, placing a kiss on his lips before pulling away and putting the branch into your hair again. You gripped his hand in yours. “Now, come one before I am late.”
He followed your lead, walking behind you out of the apartment before heading to school on the metro. School was never kind to him, but if you were there everything would be okay. You were practically buzzing from excitement. Like his team was his family, these kids started to feel like yours. You couldn’t tell them things that you could tell adults, but they were the most understanding people in the world and you would do absolutely anything for them. When you arrived outside the school, hand in hand with Spencer, her thought you might just run all the way down and speed up time so the children got there quicker. If you could do that, you would’ve. Instead you walked with Spencer and prepped the room for teaching. You set out cards for every kid and set up the party later today. You printed and got worksheets prepared while Spencer chose what he was going to read. Finally the day was set and ready and the kids were set to arrive soon. Spencer sat in the back reading so he didn’t disturb the usual morning routine.
Kids began to line up at the door where you stood. “Good morning class! I know we are so excited about our guest and the party today but we still have lots of learning to do!” You called out, standing in front of the line. “At each of your spots is your morning work along with a coloring page for when you finish. Hang up your coats and bag and do those while we wait for all of our friends to arrive!” You walked inside the classroom with little boys and girls following you in. You sat in the front, correcting if a child ran or didn’t put away their stuff the right way. Spencer watched in awe as you interacted with every single human in the room. He watched as you helped kids with the math or reading they had been assigned.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” You looked up from the paper you were looking at to the voice you heard. It was a little girl named Charlotte. 
“Yes Charlotte?” You made eye contact with the small girl, something you had established was good for making conversations.
“Is that your prince in the back of the room?” Your face flushed as a smile made it’s way on your face. The same giggle from this morning erupted from your lips.
“Yes sweetheart. That is my prince.” You winked at Spencer from the front of the room. “Okay kiddos, today is very exciting. Last day of school before winter break and a party! However, we have lots of learning to do. That starts with fixing our calendar!” 
The day went smoothly and everything was fun and exciting for the kids. You were so grateful for Spencer being there because if it wasn’t for him, you would have never even made it to lunch time. 
“Alright, when the kids get back we have social studies, then story time, and wrap up the day with the party. You my good prince, are going to be helping Ms. Y/L/N the rest of the day.” You told him. He and you had stayed in the classroom to eat pizza the secretary had ordered for all teachers.
“Okay, I have to ask. Why am I the prince?” You smiled and covered your full mouth with your hand before telling him the story.
“The girl ran down the stairs, leaving only a glass slipper. She had to get out before the clock struck midnight.” Your phone buzzed in your jean pocket. It was Spencer. He never called you in the day and he was supposed to be on a case right now. You sat the book down making sure not to lose the page. “Sorry kiddos. Everyone stay here and chat while I take this.” You left the gabbing children to answer the call in the hallway. “Spencer? Are you ok?”
“Hey, yeah I’m okay. We got the unsub and I’m heading home early...” He trailed off. 
“What’re you not telling me?”
“It’s nothing, it’s just- I wanted to check on you. Something really big happened today and I can’t explain it but I just needed to know you were okay.” You smiled.
“I’m okay.” You peered back into your classroom. “School is almost done, I have to get back but I’ll see you when you at home, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go teach some kids for me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You hung up the phone and walked back in, still checking your phone.
“Ms. Y/L/N? Who is that in the picture with you on your phone?” You scrunched your eyebrows together, flipping the rectangle in your hand to look at the back. Your face relaxed when you saw the picture of you and him. Penelope had taken it when you were dancing with him to You Belong with Me in David’s backyard.
“That’s... That’s my bestfriend.” You spoke in a hushed tone.
“Is he your prince?” You let out a laugh through your nose.
“Yes. Yes, he is my prince.”
“Wow. That is adorable and now I have a favorite kid.” You smiled and looked at the time. The kids would be getting back in a minute so the both of you quickly cleaned up. You sat for a moment, nursing a Dr. Pepper while you waited for the sound of tiny feet rushing to the door. When you did you quickly stood up to open the door. The people outside the door quickly filled the room as you got ready to teach. 
“Was your guys’ lunch good?” There were yeses around the room. “Well that is absolutely magnificent.” You turned to the front of the room to start teaching. “Should we get started on social studies now?”
“Alrighty ighty, that is all we have left today. Who knows what time it is?” Every kid from every table raised their hand in excitement. “Dominic.”
“Story time!” You smiled.
“That’s right! Now i want everyone to welcome our guest!” You grabbed Spencer’s hand and pulled him to the front of the classroom. He sat down in the chair you had pulled up. “This is my very good friend Mr. Reid. And Mr. Reid does really good story time voices so I need you all to listen,” You pointed to your ears with both hands. “Watch,” Your fingers moved to point at your eyes. “And think,” You moved your hands one last time to point at your head. “About the the story!” You winked at Spencer, signaling for him to get started.
“Hey kids!” There was an abundance of hellos and heys from around the room. “My name is Mr. Reid but you can call me Spencer. Today we are reading one of my all time favorite books!” He pulled out a book from behind his back. It was one that your father gave you many many years ago. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” He opened the book and began to read. “Every Who down in Who-Ville like Christmas a lot. But the Grinch who lived just north of Who-Ville did not!” Each voice differed from the other. His Grinch voice was hearty and deep making the children giggle, while his Who voice was higher and peppy. You sat next to the children, watching in awe just as they did. You didn’t look away not for a second. You didn’t have to. They were all entranced by his magical voices. No one talked and no one dared to move. The story was too compelling.
“And the minute his heart didn’t feel quite so tight, he whizzed with his load through the bright morning light, and brought back the toys! And the food for the feast! And he... He himself! The Grinch carved the roast beef.” He closed the book, soaking in the claps and whoops from the children. From you... 
“Well Spencer that was absolutely fantastic! Do you guys agree?” Claps and screams floated around the room, bouncing off the walls to his ears. “Alright settle down, settle down. I know we are all very excited about the amazing story we just heard but we must get ready for our party!” You walked to front of the room and flicked on the lights that were off. “Okie dokie. I need everyone, when I say go, to walk to their cubbies and grab their coats and bags. Then I want everyone to walk back to their seats and place their belongings on the back of their chair before walking to get in line. I want no talking until we get in line so we can hurry and get down to the gym for the party! Ça sonne bien?” “Sound good?”
“Sounds good!” They all announced loudly.
“Alrighty, go!” They all rushed to stand up but walked careful around, packing up their bags and coats. “Your voices really are fantastic Mr. Reid. I think I might need you to come and read more often.” He blushed at your words.
“Well thank you Ms. Y/L/N. If we weren’t standing in a room filled with kindergarteners right now, I would totally kiss you.” You giggled and look down at your hands trying to hide the blush rising to your cheeks. “They really adore you ya’ know.”
“Not as much as they adore you Spence. I’ve never seen them so interested in a book before.” You looked around to see the little humans were all in line staring at you in silence. “Well...” You cleared your throat. “I heard that moms and dads are setting up right now, so I want everyone to be quiet and walk down the hallway single file. Can you do that for me?” They all nodded and you started walking down with them behind you to the gym. “Everyone go in and listen to Mrs. Jenkins so she can tell you what to do! I’ll be down to take outside for dismissal in a little! Be good for Mrs. Jenkins!” They all walked in their quickly leaving you and Spencer in the hallway. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back to your classroom. “Come on, I have something I want to show you.” You and him ran down the hallway to your room where you shut the door and walked to your desk. You pulled out a box wrapped in brown wrapping paper. You held it out. “Open it.”
He took the box carefully and slowly undid it. He opened the large purple box under the wrapping to the reveal a picture frame. It had a picture of you and him. It was from one of the dinners you went to. You had asked the waitress to take a photo while he wasn’t looking. You and him were laughing about something. 
“Turn it over.” He did just that to see a note from you and the lyrics to You Belong with Me.  As he read it you saw his eyes fill with tears. He set it down gently, careful not to break it before pulling you into a sweet kiss. 
“Thank you Y/N/N. I love it, so so much.” You smiled. “I love you, so so much.”
“I love you too.” Your arms fell around your torso and his around your shoulders in a hug. He kissed your head before resting his chin on the same spot. You could stay this way for the rest of your life.
You were woken up by the sun peeking through the blinds. You were cuddled up next to Spencer’s half clothed body. He was combing through your hair with his fingers. 
“Mmm, good morning prince.” Your voice was thick with sleep.
“Good morning princess. Merry Christmas eve.” You smiled realizing what day it was.
“Merry Christmas eve.” You pulled yourself closer to him. “When did you get back last night?”
“Very late. I didn’t wanna wake you so I just got in bed and you cuddled close to me. I figured that would do until I saw you in the morning.” You chuckled lowly on his chest.
“I’m glad you’re back. I was nervous you would miss Christmas.” He placed a kiss on your head.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world sweet girl. I wouldn’t even dream of it.” You pulled the sheets higher up to keep warm. “You excited for dinner tonight?” Your heart dropped when you remembered. You didn’t answer. Instead, you looked at your hands which were drawing shapes on Spencer’s stomach. “Baby? What’s wrong?”
“My dad. It’s my second Christmas without him. These dinner’s were his idea.” A  lone tear rolled down your cheek and onto Spencer.
“Oh baby. I’m sorry. I know this may not be what you want to hear, but it gets better. I mean I speak from experience. I know our situations are a little different, but my dad may as well be dead. We don’t have to go if you don’t want either. I can only imagine how hard this all is for you.” You shook your head.
“I have to go. It’s to honor him really. Thank you.” He nodded and pressed another kiss on your head before getting up. “Prince, what are you doing?” He grabbed your hands and pulled you up.
“I am taking my amazing, beautiful, sweet, kind, fantastic girlfriend to our kitchen to make her coffee and breakfast.” You smiled and leaned into him.
“You might have to carry me.” So he did just that. He picked you up and carried you to the kitchen, placing you on the cold counter tops. “Jesus christ!” He looked at you with concern in his eyes.
“I’m in a shirt and my underwear. This counter is fucking freezing.” He smiled and shook his head.
“Just sit still and look pretty while I make you coffee.” You rolled your eyes and put your hands under your thighs to try and keep them off the cold slab of rock. Not much later Spencer handed you a sweet cup of coffee. You had grown to like his overly sweetened coffee and now requested it. You sipped on the mug as Spencer rubbed his hands over your legs. They inched closer and closer to the inside of your thighs. You set down the mug and took his hands in yours.
“Baby.” He whined at your actions and snuck his hands out from yours, getting back to what he was doing. “I’m gonna be late to set up if you don’t quit it.” He smiled even more.
“You better call Rossi, and don’t even think about making a noise.”
“I am going to kill you Spencer Reid! We are so late right now!” You ran around the bathroom putting in jewelry. 
“That’s not what you said earlier!” You reminded you.
“Well earlier I was happy and now I am stressed because we are going to be late! Are you ready?” You looked from the bathroom doorway to see him sitting on the bed, completely ready.
“Waiting on you princess.”
“Save it.” You grabbed the presents from beside your bed. “Let’s go.” 
The door opened to a very cheery Penelope. “Y/N! Oh my goodness you look absolutely gorgeous! Wow, you are just-”
“Penelope, let them in it’s cold outside.” You silently thanked JJ.
“Yes, sorry.” She opened the door to let the both of you inside. He took your coat to hang up while you went in to see your friends.
“JJ!” The girl pulled you into a hug. “I missed you.” She pulled away.
“I missed you too. I think your uncle did too.” 
“Oh shit.” Your hand quickly covered your gaping mouth. “Something... let’s just go with something came up.” You felt an arm around your waist. 
“Something most definitely came up.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hey pretty boy finally decided to show up. Y/N, how are you?” 
“Very tired and ready to go to sleep. How are you D?”
“I could say the same. However none of us will ever say no to a meal from Rossi.”
“You can say that again!” You turned to see Penelope now in the living room reaching out a glass of wine to you. You graciously accepted.
“Thanks Pen. Speaking of, where is David?” You looked around the room and didn’t see him. “And Aaron?”
“I don’t actually know. Now, come on we have been waiting on your both to start eating and I am sure the boys are getting antsy.” You held Spencer’s hand as you walked into the dining room. 
“Y/N!” You looked to see both little boys running at you. You didn’t even have a chance to know what was happening before they pummeled into you. You ended up falling backwards right onto your ass thanks to your decision to wear heels. 
“Boys!” JJ quickly came and swept them up. “Y/N I am so sorry about that. Are you ok?” She reached out a hand to help you up while Spencer gripped your arm for extra support. They both helped you up and back to your feet.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You smoothed out your dress. “I’m going to go get David and Aaron. I can only assume they are in his office talking about work.”
“Wait!” You turned to see Spencer grabbing your wrist. “I got it, go sit down.”
“Spence, I got it.”
“No, Y/N really. Let me.” He bit the inside of his cheek, a nervous habit.
“What is going on, why are you being so weird?” You folded your arms in front of your chest.
“Baby it’s nothing, just let me. Please.”
“Fine. Whatever, I’m gonna go sit then I guess.” You walked away without another word. The team could read you like a book. You were annoyed. Bothered. Upset. Confused even. 
“Pretty girl, you ok?” You didn’t even look up to talk to Derek while you sat down.
“Fine.” You took a sip of your wine. “Why is Spencer being so weird? Like why couldn’t I just go get them? I mean David is my uncle not his. What is up with him? Was it me? Did I do something wrong?” You dropped your head into your hands. “Does he really just want to get away from me for a moment? Am I just overbearing?”
“Y/N.” You looked up at Emily. “He’s fine. Just... just trust us okay?” She could see you were still concerned but you agreed.
“Yeah. yeah, okay.” You took a large swig of wine and quickly refilled the glass. 
You were awkward and cautious the rest of the night. You made sure not to be touchy, not to bring much up, not to talk to much really. You just tried to be in the background. This didn’t go unnoticed. Everyone noted how you would almost touch Spencer but pull yourself back. Or how you would open your mouth but close just as quickly as you opened it. They all noticed how closed off you became. Especially Spencer. He knew why but he wasn’t ready just yet. He had to go get the present from Rossi who had ordered it for him because he wasn’t very tech savvy. 
“Present time!” Garcia announced. They had thought about just doing secret Santa, but you and Penelope had insisted on buying everyone gifts so you all had decided to just do presents. You all passed them around. JJ and her family were the first to open. Then Penelope, Derek, Emily, Rossi, Hotch and Jack, Spencer, and finally it was your turn.
The Jareau-LaMontagne’s had gotten you a blanket and spa day kit. They knew how kids were, having one, and thought that you might need something about having to be around them for hours 5 days a week. Penelope got you stuff for teaching. Derek got you a gift card for your favorite store. Emily got a necklace you had told her about months before. David got you lots of candles and your favorite snacks. Aaron got you and Spencer some useful household things. Spencer got you a cardigan to match one of your favorites of his.
“Thank you guys, I really loved it all.” You smiled at all of your friends.
“Actually, I have one more thing for you.” You turned to look at Spencer with scrunched eyebrows. He pulled out a small black box and you thought you might throw up. “Don’t worry. It’s not what you think, I’m not proposing.” You let out a breath of relief. He opened the small box to reveal 2 rings. One was a thicker ring with the cut out of a dinosaur and the other, a dainty ring with the dinosaur cut out attached. Your eyes welled up with tears. 
“Baby...” He the smaller one out and placed it on your left ring finger.
“It’s a promise ring. A promise of my love for you.” You pulled him in for a kiss not even caring for the audience around you. When you pulled away you buried  your face in his neck and hugged him as he pulled you into his lap. “I love you sweet girl. Don’t forget it.” All of your worries floated away as he said those words. He loved you and that is all you ever needed.
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emilx311 · 3 years
Life Update
Hey all, so I pretty much vanished off the internet for the past few months (whoops sorry about that) but things have been crazy irl! Here’s a bit of a summary for those who were wondering what happened to me:
So, for context sake a few fun facts about me. I work as a night auditor at a hotel and have done so since August 2019, I graduated Uni with a degree in Justice Studies in 2018, and I have several minor but chronic health issues that lead to me being very low energy-ie having less spoons than a normal person and needing more sleep.
Aside from the issues already inherent with 2020′s....everything we had several more personal issues at my (I say my because I work there) motel. Mainly around staffing, and especially around night audit staffing.
Since I was hired we’ve gone through 5 or 6 other night auditors (I think? maybe more). And they often.....quit with barely any notice. So, being our only consistent night auditor I’ve been called in last minute several times over the past year leading to 6 or even 7 day weeks. (Not Fun!)
Even when we have had another trained night auditor with us they often also do day shifts since we only need them for 2 nights a week. Turn over for day-shift people has been barely lower than turn over for night shift, which has led to them having to be called in last minute to cover day shifts when people left which means I also had to be called in last minute to cover the night shifts they were no longer able to do, leading to us all working 6 or even 7 day weeks (Super Not Fun!)
In summary: I’ve worked more overtime days than I have had vacation days in this last year. Heck, the last time I tried to go on vacation for like 5 days I got called in every other day and my boss (our regional manager) paid me double for the shifts I worked and refused to touch my vacation pay because even he acknowledged that was in no way a real vacation at that point (this was at the beginning of September btw...)
This was all compounded when our general manager (gm) left in late July. Her reason for leaving was super fair since she got a better job offer, similar pay to what she was making, less work since she would no longer have to do all the duties our boss should have been doing but was instead pushing off unto her. Super sad to see her go but wished her the best (still miss her) :(
This left our under manager (gsm) and me as the main people in the hotel (ie those who have been there the longest, only the gsm and housekeepers had been there longer than I had at that point-and I had not even reached my 1 year yet). Which, not super great, but the other people we had were okay so we would manage. So the gsm and I held things together and started basically running the hotel (shout out to the gsm here because I love her and she is actually like 5 years younger than me but has accomplished so much more, I am in constant awe of her tbh). Our boss (who is....kind of dumb sometimes) realized this. We became his golden girls (he plays favorites hard).
It is at that point that someone above our boss’s level in the company (he’s in charge locally, but we do belong to a large corporation, ah capitalism) hired disaster #1 as our first new gm. Disaster #1 was creepily cheerful and utterly dismayed to find out his job actually involved him doing work! Like working at the front desk during his shifts and doing manager stuff instead of it just being him sitting in the back looking important and giving us encouragement occasionally. He payed no attention to his training. He did very little of his basic work let alone the manager stuff. He took credit and praised “the team” whenever something went right and pushed blame off him unto everyone else as hard as he could when something went wrong (I once pointed out he forgot to do something and he legit said to me “can you prove it was me?” I said “yes” very firmly.)
Now, as the auditor my job is to spot, point out, and fix errors. He hated coming in to to work after me because I spotted and pointed out everything he missed or did incorrectly. At first just because I happened to notice them. Then it became personal, he cornered me one morning at shift change and told me that he dreaded coming in to work after me because I was always so critical, and he had so much to do during his shifts other than just front desk stuff (he did not, most of the “manager” stuff he was even trained in doing at this point he shoved off unto the gsm) he then disparaged the gsm. I was done, I was pissed (you do not say mean things about my gsm, nope, not okay, I will cut and slab you*) and kind of hurt (why are you taking my corrections as personal attacks? Why are you saying I’m mean for doing my job?) So, if he wanted to make it personal I decided to make it personal and made it my mission to find and point out everything he did wrong, no more overlooking small things as I had been. The pressure of actually having to work made him quit (shocking, not!).
It was also around this time that I signed up for an LSAT prep course. Because I hate myself and now that I’ve been working for a couple years and have some money saved up I want to follow through on my plan to get either a Law Degree or a Masters Degree and so am working on taking the LSAT and applying to law schools. No, studying has not been going well, time and energy have also been preventing that.
Fast forward a couple months and 2 of our best employees went on holiday (one they had scheduled months before). It’s the start of January, they will be gone for two months. In that time our boss had hired our next gm, idiot #2. Just as these two leave the other front desk person we’d been training quits with no notice. We are short staffed....again (yay more 6 and 7 day weeks, ack). To fill in this gap our boss brings in idiot #3 from one of the other 2 hotels in the area our company owns.
Idiot #2 is semi okay, he is not manager material, even months after he was hired to be gm he does not have the training and is basically just a front desk agent. He is bad about doing things himself unless you specifically direct him to with very clear instructions, but he can do the minimum (although he failed the coffee test. After idiot #1 I wrote out very, VERY specific instructions for how to clean our coffee station....he is not able to follow them. The gsm and I joked about the coffee test after I first wrote the instructions, that someone actually failed it....we despair). So, he does not think ahead, do any extra, or solve many problems but at least he rarely creates problems.
This brings us to idiot #3. I do not know what goes on in his head (very little likely) but man oh man. Some examples: the time he-after being asked like 4 times-actually sign off on the checklist after cleaning the laundry room (as everyone is supposed to once a shift) but did so in sharpie instead of one of the many dry-erase markers left around the front desk for no other reason than the clearly laminated sign off sheet. Or the time he decided on his own to give someone a satisfaction refund, far larger than it should have been (which only managers and those with special permission can do in any of the hotels, so he should know better but somehow....)
We have a book for front desk to write messages on about issues for the next people. Usually we have a note or two on any given day. Pretty much every day he worked it was full and even going onto the next page. Idk how, it’s like he touched something and issues sprung up. and Guess who got to be the one to fix all of them (woooo).
For the past few weeks I have had 2 days a week where the only people who worked were me and idiots #2 and #3. It’s been horrible. In addition, my days off were changed for these months so I haven’t been able to meet my one bubble inclusive friend to vent like we usually do once a week, because that time no longer fit in my schedule. I have been living in exhaustive hell for the past couple months, and even before that as I tried to lighten the gsm’s load as much as I could as she took on a lot of the gm stuff. My house is a mess, tbh my life is a mess because work has left me so tired and stressed that I basically get home, shower, collapse onto bed, read a bit, sleep, wake-up, find some sort of food, get ready for work, go to work, and repeat. Even on my days off I’m sleeping 75% of the time and resting to try and shore up my spoons (of which I already have fewer than most people) to get through the work week.
tl;dr Due to ridiculousness I ended up unofficially co-running a hotel and it’s sucked up so much of my energy that all my free time is pretty much spent sleeping just to ensure I’m able to get through my work weeks semi-functionally. Everything about my life has been a mess, to the point where I’m legit not sure how I’ve been keeping myself fed, clean, on meds and just generally....alive.
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cbangluvv · 4 years
Tumblr media
warnings: unprotected :/, soft sex (is this even a warning lmaooo) praise, a littleeeee talk about rough sex & established relationship its fluff mostly heh
you heard the familiar beep that signaled your boyfriend was home, poking your head around the corner of the kitchen to greet him. “hey~” you said, sing songy enough for him to quirk an eyebrow and smile slightly at you, putting down his bags he walked over to the kitchen leaning against the door as he watched you cook. “whats got you so happy?” a asked, a smile hinting at his lips. “ohhhh nothing, i’m just glad to see you” you said, wiping your hands off on a towel before wrapping them around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.
he made the move to attempt to take it further but you cut him off “eh- i’ve still got to cook you know” you scolded him light heartedly, he laughed slightly and walked his way round the island “need any help?” you knew he only had good intentions but you couldn’t help the laugh that fell past your lips “you? cook? i don’t know....i like this apartment i don’t really want to see it burnt to the ground” you beemed up at him, “ha ha” he replied dryly, taking a seat across from you working on dinner.
you turned off your show for the rest of meal prep and just listened to tsukishima talk about his day, a group of kids who visited the museum with their school and loved hearing about the dinosaurs, you also credited that to the reason he was a little lighter on his feet today. because he loved talking about them. once dinner was ready the two of you sat and ate at the couch, something you both always said you shouldn’t do, but you both enjoyed watching tv while eating. few words were exchanged while you both ate, both peaceful in each other’s company. once you were finished he left to clean the dishes, something you valued so much about tsukishima was his acts of love, he rarely expressed it through his words, but even the simple task of dishes was exhausting to most especially after a long day at work. nevertheless he done it without complaint everyday without even having to ask, because he loved you.
it probably wasn’t as deep as you were making it out to be, but watching your boyfriend tower over the sink, hand washing dishes, his sleeves rolled up and the front of his shirt a little damp. you almost melted. domestic moments like this always made your heart swell and the future between you and tsukishima burn bright in your mind. “i love you so much” you stated, you really didn’t mean for it to sound so assertive, he looked at you through wide eyes for a moment before setteling, “what’s all this about-“ he walked up to you, taking your face in his hands “why are you getting all mushy? huh?” his face was flat, but you could notice the shine behind his eyes that said i’m about to annoy the shit out of you, “ugh forget it” you sighed, moving your arm up to take his hands off your face. he didn’t budge.
now smooshing your face together and puckering your lips he leaned down and placed a small peck, “i love you too” his hands let go of their hold on your face, now just sitting behind your neck. hand still grasping his arm you pulled him down to kiss you further, deepening the kiss, you groaned as your back hit the frame of the door. “bedroom.” kei’s voice was now a little deeper and his eyes much darker, you stampeded along to your shared bedroom and before the door could close fully he had your shirt over your head and was working your trousers off. “hey, hey hey-“ you said guiding his eyes to meet yours “do you think we can go slow? be gentle? just tonight” you asked up through your lashes, at that point there wasn’t anything you could ask him and he wouldn’t say yes. so he nodded along, before trailing his lips down the nape of your neck, slowly.
you never really got the chance to just make out with kei anymore, it was always one extreme or the other. a peck or just full blown railing. you savoured the way his hands trailed up your sides, in contrast to the hard hold he would usually have on you. “i love you” your voice came out as almost a whisper, your breathing being made raspy by his kisses. he stopped his actions to look at you and cup your face once again. “jesus- me too, i love you” he smiled, kissing your forehead. kei was never this affectionate, so caring and loving. it was euphoric. “fuck baby- i- i wanna work you up more but” he gestured down to his pants, his cock strained against their confines. “it’s fine, i’m ready for you” you smiled, kissing him again before reaching down and removing his trousers as he removed his shirt.
“lie down baby” baby that was something you didn’t hear often out of tsukishimas mouth. his favourite things to call you usually involved the words dirty or slut which usually, you would be all for. but tonight was just about showing how much you loved each other. you lay down on your back, tsuki looping his slender fingers in your belt loops and pulling them off of you. despite his haste to begin earlier, he took his time in removing your underwear, licking a strip through your folds before blowing hot air onto it. “tsukki i cant take it, please” you whined writhing against the sheets. “god, you look-“ he paused, unsure of what to say. no. unsure if he should say what he wants to say “-you look gorgeous” you were unsure more heat ran to your cheeks or your abdomen but you were sure you were bright red.
“please tsukki, i need you” he complied quickly, pumping himself a few times before lining himself up with your heat, nodding at you and waiting for your signal before continuing. as he pushed into you, you felt the stretch that reminded you about your lack of preparation. “shit are you okay” kei asked, stalling inside of you even though obviously difficult for him, this was not the usual pace you two went at. “yeah no, i’m fine, you feel amazing please keep going” he groaned at your words, pushing the rest of himself in, his pubic bone right up against your clit, making you all the more riled up. “can i- fuck! baby, please can i move?” he asked, one of his hands intertwined with yours and the other grasping at the bed sheets. you had never heard kei sound so vulnerable before; especially not during sex. starting to adjust a little easier to him now you nodded “yes, kei please, i need it please”
he only pulled out half way before rutting back into you, both of you letting out a moan at the feeling. his thrusts were uneasy at first, before finding a pace that suited you both, you were making sounds kei had never heard from you before, he loved it so much. “does it feel good, gorgeous?” gorgeous? gorgeous! oh my god you were literally basking in his words, them bringing you closer and closer to the edge. “yes kei! please your so good to me, i’m so close” kei would never admit it but he loved praise, hearing you tell him how good of a job he was doing, being able to actually see how he was making you feel sent him mad. “fuck, i’m gonna cum soon” he grunted, the arm that was supporting him fell, leaving him pressed right against your chest, you literally could not be closer together if you tried.
as both of you were nearing your edge he burrowed his head in your neck, not even bothering to hold himself up, putting all his energy into his thrusts. as you both came you wrapped your legs around him, keeping him inside you as he painted your insides white. the two of you stayed like that for a while, catching your breathes. you found it hard because of the 6’3 former volleyball player laying on top of you but as he went to roll off you all you could think is that you didn’t want to be away from him. moving with him and being careful so he didn’t slip out. when he looked at you with a quirked eyebrow you smiled sheepishly “can we just stay like this for a little bit?” a smile tugged at his lips “of course we can gorgeous” he said, pecking your forehead and tangling your legs together.
this isn’t proof read whoops i’m just a whore for domestic tsukki
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
Haikyuu But They Don’t Play Volleyball (Captains Edition)
Notes:  I would like to preface this by saying that I haven’t played sportball since middle school and that was uhhhh??? 6 years ago.  I don’t know sports but here we are.
Sawamura Daichi: American Football
He’s the wide receiver.  So, he’s running off down the field to catch passes from the quarterback  At least that’s what Google said idk i hate football
Daichi’s a pretty decent hunk of dude, but he’s not super big either, so offensive where speed and coordination are more important is the better fit for him
But, he’s not the stereotypical dumb jock that everyone associates with football players
He’s super sweet and gets really good grades, likely taking a few honors classes, but not over-working himself.  The boy knows what he can handle academically.
I promise, if you ask him if you can wear his other jersey on Friday to school and to the game?  Oh, he’s a flustered mess.  He doesn’t understand why’d you want to wear it.
I mean, they’re not comfortable and no matter how much you wash them, they always kind of smell like sweat?  But, he likes how you look in it and you always look really happy when you get to wear his jersey.
It looks kind of goofy on you because they weren’t designed for people with, you know, tiddies, and the shoulders don’t fit right either.
But, you don’t care.
You always go get him his favorite snacks and make him a little treat bag every Friday.  He’s a WEENIE for it.  Daichi low-key feels bad because he never gets you anything?  But, sometimes he’ll offer to take you for burgers after the game. football makes him hongry okay
Idk man.  Daichi in football pants definitely hits different in my head.
Oikawa Tooru: Tennis
He’s got some incredible power and would probably be really good at sending the ball where he knows his opponent can’t get to it
Just like in volleyball, Oikawa’s tennis serve is feared.  It’s stupidly fast and he has impeccable aim
Oikawa is definitely behaving just how you would imagine a tennis player to behave.  He’s a little full of himself and probably in the ‘prep’ clique.
He’s not always like that, though, I swear.  It’s more of an act than anything else.  
In the classroom, he’s really studious and always provides insightful answers that most of the others never thought of.
As a boyfriend?  He loves having you at his matches, but Oikawa knows that you find them boring, so he never expects you to show up.
But when you do?  This boy is on his best game just to show you that you’re not here for nothing.
Oikawa will try to teach you how to play and he, honestly, is a pretty good teacher.  He’ll loan you one of his old rackets and just start by lightly hitting the ball back and forth.
Once you get the hang of it?  Tennis dates.
Expect to go with him to the courts at least once a week to play together.  If he can convince some of his teammates, you guys will play doubles.
You two usually lose, but it’s really only because he’s trying to make sure that you’re having fun, so he’ll get to goofing off and completely miss a ball that was coming right to him.
I really just want this boy in white shorts and a teal polo sorry
Kuroo Tetsurou: Basketball
Am I saying this because he’s stupidly long?  Yes, but also, he has really good reflexes as he is, like, the defense king
He plays power forward, so he’s the most versatile tall person on the court.  He’s responsible for rebounding, playing defense, and also racking up easy points.
Kuroo’s really good at zone defenses though.  He’s got long limbs so he covers a lot of space and makes it really hard to get past him has absolutely practically cornered someone against the out-of-bounds line all by himself
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Kuroo Tetsurou is a nerd, a dork, a geek, whatever you want to call it.  He’s tutoring the others on the team so they can have a full bench come game time.
During games, he’s so focused that it’s really rare if he actually notices that you’re even there.  
brb gotta simp over the thought of sweaty Kuroo, wiping his face on his jersey as he waits for someone to shoot their free throws 
But, after the game, you’re usually the first person he’s looking for.  Kuroo probably asked that you didn’t hug him, because he was all sweaty and definitely smelled, but when you told him it didn’t matter to you and latched onto him anyway?
The two of you will shoot hoops at his house once you’re both done with homework.  He thinks it’s really funny, watching you squeal and struggle to shoot over him as he tries to block you i promise you tried to shoot a basket and he just CAUGHT it
Bokuto Koutarou: Baseball
No, it is not just because I want to see him in baseball pants.  okay maybe just a little
He’s the pitcher and usually mixes between a curve and a fast ball.  
Bokuto is also a really good batter?  Like, he’s got a lot of power and it’s really common for him to hit doubles and triples.
He’s one of the more cool athletes in school.  I wouldn’t necessarily say that he’s popular, but people definitely know who is.  He’s more approachable than a lot of the guys on his team, so people tend to like him more
Sit behind home plate at all of his games, if you can.  It makes baby so happy, seeing your face light up when he strikes out a batter.
He also tries really hard to have good batting form if he knows that you’re watching him idk he thinks he looks good and that his top-notch form will impress you
it all looks the same to you whoops
You have no choice but to hug him after games.  He could be covered in dirt and sweat, but please, please jump into his arms and pepper his face with kisses.
The two of you will be taking a picture and he will be posting it to Instagram and Twitter so the entire world gets to see that his beautiful girl came to support him at his game.
He probably got you a bunch of shirts with his name and number on the back for you to wear.
Always tries really hard to show off for you during games and it makes his coach kind of mad, because he’s gotten out more than once because of it
but he also hits a lot of runners in to score, so it’s a struggle on whether or not bokuto should be made to run poles after the game 
Ushijima Wakatoshi: American Football
He’s a linebacker and a really good one too.
The other schools fear him.  He’s so intense and will take his opponent down without much of a struggle.
But, he’s really quiet off and on the field, which, arguably, makes him scarier.  Like, most of the other guys are talking shit, but then there’s Ushijima and he’s just silent
He doesn’t understand the whole thing about wearing your boyfriend’s football jersey.  “Y/N, it’s not going to fit you.” “’Toshi, please?”
He told you that he didn’t care either way.  You had a couple of sweatshirts with his name on it, so he didn’t understand why you’d want to wear something that was itchy and big, when you could be comfy
But, then he saw it on you and oh. He gets it now. You looked so good walking into school on Friday with his jersey tucked into your jeans.
He’s not one to love PDA, but he’d probably go to meet you when he sees you, just to give you a kiss on the cheek and hold your hand.  
wait oh my god i just got the mental picture of ushi in a football jersey and some dark blue jeans hang on i need water to quench this thirst
Ushijima also doesn’t get why you’re so excited to see him after games, but he’s not going to complain.  He’s absolutely smitten when you pretty much lunge into his arms, telling him how well he played
He’ll thank you and probably start rambling about football things and you have no idea what the hell he’s talking about, but you just stare up at him, nodding occasionally as if you know comprehend what he’s saying.
The two of you will probably sit in the parking lot together for hours, just hanging out in the bed of his truck ushi drives a pick-up truck and I will not believe otherwise
or a prius idk why.  but it’s either a pick-up truck or a prius
Anyway.  I don’t usually simp for Ushi, but uhhhhhh I’m a simp for Ushijima in jeans and a football jersey
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imastrangeone98 · 4 years
Inevitable Confrontation
(A/N: Carlos is a baby. I just realized that all over again. He's an adorable man-child)
Warning: some canon deviancy here, all for the sake of adding drama ^_^ strap on your big boy pants- this is gonna be a long one! Horribly written fight scene ahead!!
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Emma felt like her body had been set on fire. Maybe it was. God, she was in so much pain... Her ribs felt awful, as if they were about to pierce her from the inside.
She just wanted to sleep...
So tired...
A harsh slap to the face forced her to open her eyes. She sat up with a jolt, wincing at the stabbing pain in her side. "What the hell...?"
"Oh, thank God!"
She was suddenly swept up in a bone crushing hug by Jill, who looked about as bad as she felt. "...What happened?"
She slowly pulled away, giving her a sad look. "The train got blasted from course. I think... I think we're the only survivors."
Emma suddenly thought of the small group of civilians in the back car. Of the platoon leader, Mikhail.
"They're... they're dead?" she choked out, gripping tightly at Jill's shoulders as her friend pulled her up. "All... all of them?"
She was given a weak nod. "Yeah. That fucking monster just won't die."
Emma nearly growled. "That's it. Next time I see that thing, I'm blasting its head open."
"You and me both, partner," Jill agreed, and they grasped each others' hands. "But in the meantime, let's get out of here. I don't think this place is safe."
As quickly as they dared, they made their way through the sewers, making occasional stops to try and contact Carlos through the small walkie-talkie.
His face. His deep eyes. His bright smile.
What was he doing now? Emma knew he was on some important job- at least, that was what her friend told her- but she still wondered if he was safe.
And to think for even a moment that I'd be able to never think about him again...
The two women flinched, glancing behind them at the empty, pitch-black hallways.
"C'mon," Jill whispered, yanking at her partner's shirt. "Climb!"
She obeyed, scrambling up the rungs of the ladder and hauling her body onto solid ground. Her friend emerged quickly after, only for the two to nearly jump at another howl from below.
"That fucker's still alive," she muttered. "We can't stay here."
So they kept moving, hoping to find some sense of higher ground on the bridge. Jill immediately began to try reestablishing contact with Carlos while Emma sat heavily on a bench.
"Carlos? Respond!" she tried once more.
A crackle on the radio, then, "Yeah, what's up?"
She nearly breathed a sigh of relief before responding. "We didn't make it. The train derailed."
Emma listened to them closely, feeling the comfort at hearing his voice.
But it immediately sank when the water beneath them began to bubble.
She stood up and began pushing at Jill. "We have to go!"
"What do you mean- What the fuck?!"
The bridge groaned and shook with the sudden weight of the monster as it slammed onto the surface. Water sluiced off of its grotesque limbs as it snarled at them, not unlike a rabid beast.
"It's back!" she screamed, tackling the other to the ground when it swiped at them. She yanked Emma up and pulled her along, sprinting as fast as they could.
"Keep running!" Emma called out, pushing her friend forward before pulling down pieces of metal in the faint hopes it would slow the creature down. Without stopping to see if it worked, she jumped across the sudden gap in the bridge, grabbing her partner's outstretched hand.
They dropped in front of the clock tower, where the monster slammed down in front of them, releasing another bloodcurdling roar.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Jill shouted at the thing as she prepped her grendade launcher.
Emma sighed, snatching up her dual pistols in both hands and firing them at the monster's potential weak points, expertly avoiding any swipes from its tentacles. Her partner used everything she had- shotgun, pistol, grenade launcher- while she chased after the tyrant, muttering profanities under her breath.
She did her best to keep up. Emma used every grenade she kept stored and nearly ran out of bullets with how frequently she was shooting.
But it was working. Bit by bit, the monster began to slow.
"Jill! It's now or never!"
"Alright," she replied, turning to the growling tyrant. "Let's do this. Suck it!"
Grenades exploded against the monster, over and over. Bits of skin, rubble, and ash flew everywhere. It stumbled, then collapsed, nearly jolting the two women into the air.
Emma groaned, clutching her abdomen. "Hopefully we don't have to do that again."
"Yeah." Jill sighed, rubbing her neck. She grabbed the small radio. "Carlos? You still there?"
No response- just white noise.
"Oh, come on!" she hissed at the machine. "You're gonna crap out on me now? Goddammit." She briskly moved to the other woman's side, helping her get an arm around her shoulders. "We should get moving, find someplace safe."
"Sounds like a plan," Emma wheezed with a pained grin.
They passed through the gate, carefully stepping over the tyrant's massive hand before continuing down the passageway-
And she was suddenly pulled to the floor. Her skin burned as it was dragged against the stone.
"Emma!" Jill cried. Burning with fury, her eyes locked onto the small chain above the gate. She shot it, and the whole thing came crashing down atop the thing's arm.
Blood oozed from the wound. Emma scooted away from it. Shivers ran down her entire body. "Oh God... Oh God..."
"It's okay," she comforted her friend, helping the smaller one to her feet. "Let's keep moving."
They turned their backs on the wounded thing.
A horrible mistake.
Without either one noticing, it released a sharp spike straight into Emma's arm before collapsing once more.
She yelped at the sudden pain radiating through her, and pulled out the spike. A sense of dread overcame her. Then weakness. Then-
Jill had the pistol aimed at her friend's head.
She knew what she had to do.
After the Arklay incident, the two had made a promise that if something like it ever occurred again, and one of them got infected, the other would shoot them. No guilt, no pain- just the relief that they would not end up becoming one of those monsters.
Jill would keep her end of the bargain. She had to. She promised.
"No matter what happens, I'll always have your back," the rookie promised with a sweet smile.
"You know what? We should go snowboarding," she mused over donuts.
"There's a hundred things I could do, and I'd choose being your friend above all of it."
Tears slipped down her cheeks. The muzzle slowly met the ground. Gently, she adjusted her friend so her head rested on her lap.
"I'm sorry," she choked out. The taste of salt and regret were heavy on her tongue.
She could not keep her promise after all.
[Half a Day Later...]
Carlos was exhausted.
Ever since the haunting call with Jill, he had absolutely no idea what happened to the two women. Were they injured? Were they-
His feet skittered on the pavement. His hands felt clammy. Air refused to enter his lungs.
On the ground, pale as death... was Emma.
He couldn't lie and say he didn't get tunnel vision. He sprinted to her, rifle clattering to the ground as he scooped her into his arms.
"Emma?" he croaked, lightly shaking her body. "Amor? What happened to you?" He turned to the second woman. Anger blazed in his eyes. "What the fuck happened to her?!"
The sobs continuing to wrack her body, but she managed to get out the words "tyrant" and "some kind of infection."
A chill ran down his spine.
Infected. She was infected.
His hands curled into fists. He stared at the cracks in the pavement. Some dark, monstrous part of himself whispered that it should have been Jill who got infected.
He forced it down. This wasn't the time for blame. Logically, he knew that it was something beyond either of their control.
...But there was something within his.
"Tyrell, do you copy?" he nearly screamed into the comlink.
"What's goin' on?"
"Emma's been infected. I..." Tears threatened to clog his throat; he swallowed. "I'm taking her to the hospital. Maybe Dr. Bard can save her."
"Alright. I'll meet you there."
With that accomplished, he turned to Jill. "I'm gonna carry her, but I'm useless with my gun."
She nodded, a glint of her usual determination shining through once again. "You can count on me."
With a nod, he lifted her into the air. She looked so pale... so helpless...
"Hang in there, baby," he murmured, pulling her closer to his chest. "Stay with me. Be strong."
A/N: so yea- Emma ended up being the infected rather than Jill but yes drama
Blehhh XD
This ended up being much longer than I expected or hoped. Maybe I should've broken it down into pieces.... whoops 😅
Edit: read the sequel! :D
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lemonpeter · 4 years
Hey so um 👉🏻👈🏻 I was wondering if u would write spidershield or winterspidershield laughing during sex?
I went totally overboard with this, should I say sorry? Lol I hope you enjoy! Full disclosure, I wasn’t 100% sure how to write this, but I tried my best (just having it be light, slightly silly sex)
I wrote this without much editing, please don’t hate if I spelled something wrong or made a dumb mistake lol
Warnings: virgin Steve, all the awkward things that come with first times, age difference, size difference (whoowhee), unprotected sex, power bottom Peter, very nff
It was no secret that Steve was a virgin. It’s not like anyone wanted him before the serum, and after he got it there wasn’t much time for such activities.
So he had never been with anyone in that way.
But he had been seeing Peter for nearly six months and they were both amazingly patient. Steve didn’t want to take things too fast, and Peter was just willing to wait for when Steve was comfortable.
Maybe he should have had a sexier way to tell the younger man.
Instead he got giggles when he presented Peter with the foil package of a condom and flushed cheeks.
“Is it okay? I don’t want to rush or anything, and I know this isn’t exactly smooth, but-“
Peter cut off Steve’s rambling with a soft kiss, pulling away after a moment to meet his eyes. “I think it was cute. And you aren’t rushing anything, I’ve just been waiting for you to say something.”
Steve tried not to grin, scooping the man off of the couch and carrying him to the bedroom they had come to share. He set Peter down gently, hands on his thighs as he kissed him. Then he paused, going back out to the living room to grab the condom. “Whoops. Might need this.”
Peter laughed softly, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side before laying back on the bed. His arms were stretched above his head, showing off every inch of pale, freckled skin. “It’s not like we’ll need it. I’m clean. You’re...probably incapable of getting anything, but also clean,” he pointed out.
“Are you saying...you don’t want to use it?” Steve asked him, eyes wide.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Peter confirmed, sitting up and pulling the older man onto the bed by his beltloops. “But protection doesn’t even matter if we’re still dressed. So...”
Steve nodded quickly, pulling his shirt off quickly- and too enthusiastically- and ripping it in multiple places. He set it to the side, face burning as he moved to his jeans next, awkwardly flopping on the bed as he worked to kick them off. Damn his thick thighs.
The younger man smiled fondly at him, licking his lips quickly as he watched his boyfriend strip to nothing but boxers. “There’s my man. Now get over here and undress me,” he ordered gently, laying back down and lifting his hips to make it easier.
The blonde instantly had his hands on the narrow hips, tugging down the sweatpants that were keeping him from the rest of his boyfriend. Suddenly he felt as though he would die without the sight of Peter’s thighs and how his cock hung between them. So he pulled the tight boxer briefs down as well, moaning softly as he trailed his eyes over Peter.
“You’re looking at me like you want to eat me,” Peter mumbled, blushing until the color bled all the way to his chest.
Another moan left Steve at the comment. His cock twitched from the confines of his boxers, a movement that Peter tracked with his eyes.
“Is all that for me?” Peter teased, flipping them over so that he was on top, only able to do so because of his enhanced strength. He positioned himself on the soldier’s abs, grinding down for just a moment. He made a satisfied noise before shifting his position to complete the act of actually getting his boyfriend naked.
Once he was done with that, he grabbed the bottle of lube that he had thought to set on the bed. Good thinking, five minutes ago Peter. His eyes found Steve’s cock, not that it was easy to miss. The thing was huge, at least eight inches long and three and a half inches thick. Jesus.
Steve nervously watched the smaller man, biting his lip. “I don’t want to hurt you. We don’t have to-“
“No.” Peter said firmly. “I’m taking this. I’m making you feel good. I’ll just...be extremely sore tomorrow,” he mumbled.
Steve didn’t look sure, but slowly nodded. “I can prep you....”
Peter had to take four of his own fingers before deciding that definitely wouldn’t be enough, then having Steve fuck him on three of his larger fingers. Then he finally felt like he would be able to take the whole length without tearing.
He slicked up Steve’s cock liberally, wanting to make sure that things would stay nice and wet. Then he slowly started sinking down onto the length, a weak sound pulling itself from his throat before he was even halfway. He felt like his insides were being rearranged, moving to accommodate the intrusion.
Steve whimpered, head dropping back from the pleasure he was already getting from the tight hole squeezing around him. “You’re sure you won’t be hurt?”
The younger man laughed softly before the sound was cut off by a moan, but he nodded. “I might be a little sore, but nothing I can’t handle. It’ll be so worth it...”
He sunk the rest of the way down, pausing for a moment to catch his breath as he clenched around Steve. “You really are fucking huge,” he mumbled, chuckling to himself.
Steve blushed, hips rocking up slightly. He whined softly, heat flooding his body as he listened to himself. He sounded ridiculous. And needy. He laughed at his own neediness, bringing one hand up to cover his face, while the other stayed on Peter’s hip. “I had no idea that it could feel this good,” he admitted softly.
Peter grinned down at him, giggling softly as he slowly began to move up and down. “It’s about to feel so much better, just...wait...”
He couldn’t even bring himself all the way off of it with each thrust, the flared head catching on his rim before he could move all the way off. So he just stopped there before sliding back down, his ass meeting Steve’s skin again.
They went for a few minutes, pleasured noises leaving the both of them before Steve gasped sharply. “Wait, wait, wait-“ he said quickly.
Peter stilled, but it wasn’t quite fast enough.
Steve moaned loudly as he came, orgasm ripping through his body and causing him to tremble. “Oh, Peter...doll...”
The younger man just smiled a bit, slowly moving again to help him ride it out. He really did want to make his man feel good, even if it was a little faster than anticipated.
Once he had come down from his high and registered what happened, Steve was babbling an apology. “I didn’t mean to- so fast- I’ll make it up to you.”
Peter just giggled, leaning down and kissing the blonde man’s chest. He hummed softly, feeling stuffed full with both the cock and huge load filling him up. “It’s okay, Stevie. I’m pretty happy with this outcome.” He smiled softly. “Next time we’ll work on making it longer.”
Steve laughed softly, cheeks burning pink at the words. “Yeah. N-next time.”
Next time was something neither of them could wait for.
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sheilarice1 · 4 years
Silver Death - Part 18
Cooper and Lila:
About an hour into the drive and neither of us have spoken. We don't have the radio on, and it's beginning to be dusk.
"Widow would you mind turning on the radio?"
She glances at me and turns it on. Country music fills the vehicle speakers.
The next hour we don't talk, but we sing along to the songs we know. I am surprised when Widow sings one of my favourite songs.
About halfway through the song I had joined in but once it ended I was silent again. We reach Winnipeg city limits and find the hotel I booked rooms in.
Walking into the lobby I talk with the woman at the front desk and get our key cards. While I'm the elevator I hand Widow her key card. "Your in 520."
"Did you get us separate rooms?"
"Kinda. They are joined but separate if we shut the doors between them."
"Okay. Your in 522?"
"Yes I am." Reaching the doors we step into our rooms. Setting my bag on the floor near the front door I open my side door that leads to Widows room. If she wants to open hers and come into my room that's fine.
I wait a few minutes before going for a shower because driving for four hours tends to make me feel weird. Especially if I have someone in the vehicle with me.
Turning to see Natasha leaning in the doorway I respond "yes Natasha?"
"I'm going to bed. What time should I get up for?"
"The plane comes at ten. The airport is about a half hour from here. So just try to be up for half past eight please. So we have time for breakfast."
"Alright. Do you want the door shut?"
"Whatever feels best for you."
She nods and turns to her bed, not shutting the door.
I shrug and climb into my own bed set an alarm for seven in the morning and lay down.
It only takes an hour for me to fall asleep. But a memory disguised as a dream consumes my peaceful sleep.
"Now Jessica don't worry, this won't hurt a bit."
"Look mister. I ain't some dumb little seven year old. I know that whatever is in those needles is gonna make me feel a whole lot of pain."
The doctor that was in charge of my experiments back hands me across the left cheek. "That should teach you not to back talk your superiors."
"Even though I continue to back talk after all the times you've done it before?"
"Ungrateful child."
"That I am." He just glares at me. "So you gonna start or should I leave?"
He grunts and grabs the needle that's first in the line of ten.
By the fourth needle my arm starts to hurt. By the eighth needle I want to pass out. As the tenth needle comes from my arm a second scientist dude walks in followed by Zemo and Winter.
My eyes shut against my will as Winter picks me up and carries me from the room.
I wake up in the cell I shared with Winter. He's not here. Walking to the door I start beating on it trying to alert someone I was awake.
After a few moments the door is opened and the guards face is pure confusion.
"Wer bist du!" Who are you!
"Wer bist du!"
"Oh German. Whoops."
He raises his gun to his shoulder getting ready to shoot me.
"beruhigen. Die Leute hier nennen mich immer wieder einen kleinen Mörder." Calm down. People here keep calling me small killer.
The guard yells for Zemo.
I just stand in the doorway with a gun pointed at me, waiting for Zemo to come see me.
When he finally comes he has Winter in tow. Winter looks at me like I am a stranger while Z man looks happy.
"Ah, mein Lieber. Ich sehe, dass das Serum bei Ihnen gut funktioniert hat." Ah my dear. I see that the serum worked well on you."
"Yup. I don't like speaking German. It hurts my throat so I'm gonna go with English."
"Who else would it be Winter?"
"You look like your mother."
"Okay. So Doc what did the serum do?"
"You can alter you appearance. That will be great for your missions."
I pull my hair in front of my face. I expect to see my normal frizzy brown hair but instead I see blonde straight and shiny locks.
"Jess can you change it back?"
Cocking my head and concentrate and watch my hair change back to brown. It doesn't go as dark as it normally is but it works. "Better?"
"Yes it is."
The guards shove us into the cell and shut the door with a loud bang that manages to wake me up.
I woke up at 6:55am. Five minutes before my alarm clock was set to go off. Figures.
Waiting the five minutes for my alarm to go off before getting out of bed I look at the ceiling, questioning if that was a dream, or was it a memory?
I get up after turning off my alarm and go for a shower and get dressed in a grey zip-up hoodie, a black tank top, dark jeans and leather heeled boots.
When I walk out of the bathroom with a towel covering my now black hair I wait for Widow.
Ten minutes later the door opens and she comes in. "Tony phoned. He says that Bucky needs to talk to you as soon as we get back."
"Okay. Ready to go get breakfast?"
"Yah. Just gotta make sure I didn't forget anything."
"Okay. I'm going down to the lobby. Meet you there?"
"Yah check out for us while there please."
"For sure."
I walk to the elevator and head to the lobby wondering what Winter needs to talk about. Maybe he got a memory back?
By the time I finish checking out Widow is seated by the front doors waiting for me. When I approach her she stands and follows me out the door.
We decided on getting breakfast wraps and fruit salads at a restaurant that does take out.
After checking the airports schedule we see that the plane is running ten minutes ahead. A rare thing for a plane to do. We arrive at the airport and wait for a few minutes before I go in. Taking down my hood so Widow can see my hair for the first time today she looks at it strangely.
"Did you dye your hair?"
"No. I can change my appearance. Winter told me that I was given powers but they were suppressed. I haven't gotten the suppressant for awhile so it's warring off."
"Strange. Did you get any other powers?"
"Yes. But I would rather not tell you."
"Alright. Better get going."
I nod and head into the airport building. When flight 699 from Janesville comes in and starts to unload. Watching for the face of Laura I spot her and the kids and wait for them to come through the doors from the plane.
I walk up to her and lean down in front of the little boy. "Hi, my name is Silver, but if you want to you can call me Jessica. I got sent to take you and you family to see your Auntie Nat."
He doesn't respond only smile really big. Standing up I smile at Laura. "Hello Silver. It is nice to meet and speak to you I person."
"Same to you. And sorry for the rudeness in some of my emails."
"That's alright."
"Shall we get your bags?"
"That's a good idea."
We walk towards the baggage trolly and as we are walking I can feel a little hand grab hold of mine. "My name is Cooper. How do you know Aunt Nat?"
"We met by accident actually. But now we are friends."
He nods and stays quiet. Reaching the trolly I grab the bags and point towards the right doors. The kids are obviously tired.
"Cooper, Lila come here for a second please."
Laura gives me a confused expression when I lift the kids so that they are sitting on the luggage that has wheels but smiles when I start pulling them along.
We walk out the front doors and to the vehicle. The kids hop into the far back seat while Laura takes the middle bench seat.
I had prepped the back for kids, car seats and a little T.V. for movies to be played on. There were foam noodles for sword fights if they wanted and snacks.
Natasha and Laura talked while the kids yelled in the back.
About an hour into the trip the kids began to nod off. Laura and Natasha were still talking but Natasha had moved seats to sit in the back.
Everyone was occupied and it was semi-quiet.
11 notes · View notes
myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                              [door bell chime]
Hallie Thomas: Gabriela. 
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Hallie Thomas: Thank you for meeting me.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, of course. 
Hallie Thomas: I hope it wasn’t an inconvenience. 
Gabby Dawson: No, no, no, no. Not at all.
Hallie Thomas: I know you and Matt are close.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, uh…
Waitress: Can I get you something to drink?
Hallie Thomas: Uh, coffee’s fine, thank you.
                           I didn’t want to go to the Chief about this 
                           God, I’m so sorry.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, it’s okay. What’s… what’s wrong?
Hallie Thomas: It’s the Detective Voight thing. I didn’t, um…
                          I know your brother’s been trying to help.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, that’s right.
Hallie Thomas: It’s just I have never seen Matt like this, and I have
                          a feeling that something bad is gonna happen.
Gabby Dawson: I’m really sorry for everything you’re going  
                            through, Hallie, I am, but I’m not sure what I can 
Hallie Thomas: Matt’s deposition is scheduled after his shift.  
                          Once he testifies against Voight’s son, it’s…it’s not
                          worth it anymore just to prove a point. 
                          And I’m thinking more and more that Matt  
                          shouldn’t go through with it.
Gabby Dawson: You should tell Matt.
Hallie Thomas: I did. Last night.
                          He wouldn’t listen. 
                          But I think he would if it came from you.
                                           [motor humming]
                                  [metal creaking & shaking]
Kelly Severide: Hey, hold still. Just relax.
Tagger: I-I didn’t do that!
Kelly Severide: Of course not.
                          Look, this is as far as I can go. You gotta come the  
                          rest of the way.
Tagger: You mean drop?
Kelly Severide: That’s right.
Otis Zvonecek: Zito…big-time tagger.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve seen his name around.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah? He’s hit every “L” train, bus stop, and 
                           mailbox in Chicago.
Christopher Herrmann: You president of his fan club?
Otis Zvonecek: No. There’s a street art exhibition at the MCA.
Christopher Herrmann: This clown’s in the museum?
Otis Zvonecek: What a country. Right?
Kelly Severide: Just slide on down nice and easy. I got you.
Tagger (Zito): You called the cops!
Kelly Sevride: Hey!
Tagger (Zito): [struggling]
Kelly Severide: All right, now! Just drop!
                         (into radio) Coming down.
Matt Casey: (over radio) Copy. All clear.
Chief Boden: All good?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah. Graffiti artist got stuck up there, Chief.
                                           [dramatic music]
                                            [car door shuts]
Chief Boden: Kelly.
                       You got no reason to be here.
Hank Voight: Oh, collecting gang intel, Chief.
                       Big new tag like that… gotta make sure it doesn’t 
                       spark a turf war.
Chief Boden: You’ve seen it. Now leave.
Hank Voight: You might want to take a step back there. I don’t want
                       to charge you or one of your men with interfering  
                       with a police investigation.
Chief Boden: Yeah.
                        Pack it up. We’re outta here.
Hank Voight: Oh, hey, Casey. You got your deposition tomorrow.
Kelly Severide: Come on, let’s go. Come on.
Hank Voight: Let me ask you, is that cute little fiancée of yours 
                       gonna be there too? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, the  
                       other night, when we were talking, she seemed  
                       kinda, I don’t know, uh, shut down. But by the 
                       end, she really started to open up.
Kelly Severide: Hey! Hey! Come on.
Matt Casey: Your day’s coming. Your day’s coming, Voight!
                                           - Title Screen -
                                           [knocks on door]
Chief Boden: Close the door.
                                               [door shuts]
Chief Boden: You all right? 
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Chief Boden: What do you want to do?
Matt Casey: About? 
Chief Boden: You.
                       You want to go out on calls, stay here in the house,  
                       take some time off?
Matt Casey: Go out on calls.
Chief Boden: Then you have to do it right.
Matt Casey: I have been.
Chief Boden: You’ve heard me say this a million times. 
                        In this job, regardless of what’s going on in your life,  
                        you take your eye off it for one second, people can 
Matt Casey: You’re right. I have heard you say that, and we’re in 
Chief Boden: I wish I could do more to fix this, but right now, it is  
                      just a matter of trusting the system.
                      Look, Matt, there won’t be another warning.
                                         [background chatter]
Kelly Severide: Hey. 
                          Hey, look…
                          Look, man, you wanna hit somebody, my buddy   
                          has got a boxing gym over in Bucktown. You get  
                          a trainer, you glove up, you hit mitts. 5 bucks a   
                          round. We could head over there after shift.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I’ll-I’ll think about it. Thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: Not to sound like my father-in-law, but  
                                        this is what’s wrong with America.
Otis Zvonecek: What’s wrong with America or what’s great about 
Christopher Herrmann: Are you kidding me? 3,000 clams for that, 
                                       and I’m out there doing side jobs for 20 
                                       dollars an hour?
Joe Cruz: Hey, Mouch is looking for you.
Christopher Herrmann: Do you know how much the taxpayers of  
                                        this city pay for graffiti removal? 50 million 
                                        a year.
Peter Mills: Uh, that… that sounds high.
Christopher Herrmann: Look it up.
                                         All right, stop. All right, so it’s more like  
                                         25 million or something. 
Christopher Herrmann: Either way, it’s a lot of money.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Christopher Herrmann: And then this little wannabe hood rat…
Leslie Shay: Herrmann… it’s bold. It’s provocative.
Christopher Herrmann: Hahaha. You’re just trying to get a rise.
                                        And look at these high society douche  
                                        bags lapping it up.
                                        You see, this is why, when my kids get out  
                                        of high school, Cindy and me, we’re  
                                        moving to Chain O’Lakes ‘cause… I can’t 
                                        deal with this insanity.
Gabby Dawson: How long am I looking at? Realistically.
Mouch: Somewhere between 0 and 100 days.
Gabby Dawson: Oh…do you understand [chuckles] the definition  
                            of ‘realistically’?
Mouch: There’s a lot of moving parts to this.
Gabby Dawson: They’re on your head.
Mouch: Ah.
Gabby Dawson: Have you ever even been to a suspension hearing 
Mouch: Of course.
              Your case [Gabby sighs] is a two-demerit issue, and so  
              we’re gonna keep it friendly. And the more aggressive  
              you come across, the more guilty you’ll look. Keep 
              your responses short and to the point.
Gabby Dawson: All right, cool. So you’re saying you got this, 
                            right Mouch?
Mouch: Yeah, but we still gotta prep. Where you going?
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Matt Casey: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: [nervous chuckle] Sorry, just what you needed,  
                            right? One more person asking how you’re 
Matt Casey: Better than nobody giving a rat’s ass, I guess.
Gabby Dawson: So… how are you holding up?
Matt Casey: I’m just hoping that luck’s on my side because in  
                     terms of me being able to control the situation. It 
                     hasn’t worked out so well.
Gabby Dawson: Uh… but I guess there… there is one more thing  
                            you could do to end this whole thing, right?
                            Have you thought about retracting your statement?
Matt Casey: Would you?
Gabby Dawson: I would think about it.
Matt Casey: Okay. Now that you have…
Gabby Dawson: [sighs]
Matt Casey: Why would you advise me to do something you 
Gabby Dawson: I…
                                    [alarm whooping, PA buzzing]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, Truck 81, gunshot victim. 25 East 
                 Halsted Street.
                                                 [siren blares]
                                                 [horns honk]
                           [cars honking, indistinct chatter & shouting]
                                             [truck door shuts]
Lady 1: C’mon!
Matt Casey: Wait! 
Leslie Shay: Where’s the victim?
CTA Driver: In the back.
Matt Casey: Shooter?
CTA Driver: Gone. I swerved when I heard the shots.
Matt Casey: Cruz, Mills, in the bus.
                     Cones and flares; get these cars moving.
                                      [car horns beeping & honking]
Leslie Shay: Shot to the neck. Not breathing. Weak pulse.
Gabby Dawson: We need your help.
Leslie Shay: Alright, get him down here.
                     Down here’s good. Watch his head. Watch his head.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, you gotta get an open airway or we’re gonna
                            lose him right now.
                            Here, open this.
Leslie Shay: We can’t tube him; too much mouth trauma.
Gabby Dawson: All right, surgical cric. 
Leslie Shay: Not approved in the field, Dawson.
Gabby Dawson: Excuse me, sir, does that really matter to you  
                            right now? No? Oh, okay, good.
Leslie Shay: Give it to me.
Gabby Dawson: I got it.
Leslie Shay: Dawson, give it to me. Now!
                      Alright, give me the tube. 
Joe Cruz: We’ll get the backboard and stretcher.
                                           [car door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: Chief.
                                        [whistles] Hey, keep it moving! 
                                        Let’s go, let’s go.
Chief Boden: Surgical cric?
Gabby Dawson: We could’ve waited for approval, but then he 
                            would have been D.O.A.
Leslie Shay: It was my call, Chief. I’ll take the hit.
                                      [tires screech, horns honk]
Matt Casey: What was that?
Man 1: What are you doing?
Matt Casey: Huh? No, you’re gotta wait.
                      Oh, you’re gonna do that? Go on.
                                              [tires screeching]
Chief Boden: Casey! 
                        Your shift is over.
Matt Casey: Oh, come on Chief!
Chief Boden: No, no, no, no. Go home. Head for the house.  
                       Whatever you want but you are done for 
                                              [radio chatter]
                                           [truck door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Where’s Casey?
Chief Boden: I’m not taking any more chances.
Kelly Severide: He’s doing the right thing. He’s getting his ass 
                          kicked for it.
Chief Boden: You don’t think I know that?
Kelly Severide: Then he needs to be here where we can keep an 
                           eye on him.
Chief Boden: Kelly, I tried that already.
Kelly Severide: So he’s better off out there by himself, pissed off,  
                           not thinking straight…
Chief Boden: This is a firehouse…
                        Not some of the time, not for some of the calls.  
                        Any man who walks through that door, he gotta be 
                        ready. If he isn’t, he’s gonna be walking in the 
                        other direction.
                        ‘Cause I am a chief first and I am a friend second. 
                         Casey’s just gonna have to find his own way from 
                         now on.
Leslie Shay: Saline?
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Two.
Leslie Shay: Ambo bag?
Gabby Dawson: One. Do you also want me to tell you how much  
                            gas we have left in the ambo tank ‘cause  
                            apparently, all I’m good for is inventory and 
                            driving now.
Leslie Shay: Listen, one more black mark on your record between  
                     now and Friday…
Gabby Dawson: Why even go to the hearing if you’re already 
                            suspending me?
Leslie Shay: Maybe I don’t want to ride around with half-assed 
                      relievers for three months. Ever thought of that?
                      Listen, Chief did the right thing. Gave him some time 
                      to cool off. 
                      He’s gonna be fine.
Otis Zvonecek: We should eat, huh?
Peter Mills: Make a sandwich.
Otis Zvonecek: [munching]
Peter Mills: So… Casey’s out for how long?
Christopher Herrmann: Chief knows that, not me.
Mouch: I got a suspension hearing to prepare for. 
              Send Dawson in, if you see her.
Joe Cruz: [slams fists down on table] Yo I feel like we’re sitting 
                 around like a bunch of pussies while we let Voight 
                 push our boy around. Why can’t we take the ball 
                 game to him?
Christopher Herrmann: I got a wife and four kids who don’t need  
                                        their dad fired or locked up.
Joe Cruz: How ‘bout you, Mills?
Otis Zvonecek: Why aren’t you asking me?
Joe Cruz: Because I’m not talking about toilet papering Voight’s 
                 house, O.
                 How ‘bout it, Mills?
Peter Mills: I’m down.
Christopher Herrmann: Okay, the both of you shut up.  
                                         Nobody’s gonna do nothin’.
Joe Cruz: So we just sit by?
Christopher Herrmann: Then go! Put on a ski mask and take on a 
                                         dirty cop, and see how far that gets you.
                                                 [door shuts]
                                           [cell phone buzzes]
Gabby Dawson: What’s the latest?
Antonio Dawson: Nothing yet.
Gabby Dawson: What are you say…what, we’re still at zero?  
                            Score one? What do you mean nothing?
Antonio Dawson: I’ve been doing plenty. But if you’re asking if I  
                              have anything conclusive at this moment, the 
                              answer’s no.
Gabby Dawson: Well, what have you been doing, Antonio? 
Antonio Dawson: [scoffs]
Gabby Dawson: I would love to know, because this whole thing is 
                            unravelling for Casey.
Antonio Dawson: Voight’s put the word out on the street… 
                              we know that. So we’re looking for someone to
                              wear a wire. Yesterday, we busted a kid for  
                              possession. He’s in a gang with ties to Voight. 
                              I offered him a deal if he’d flip. Had him this 
                              close, but he wouldn’t go.
Gabby Dawson: So offer him something else.
Antonio Dawson: [scoffs] It don’t work like that. 
                               As long as Casey doesn’t take the bait, this  
                              thing’s gonna play out the way we want. 
                              So sit tight. Have a little faith in your brother.
Hallie Thomas: Why don’t we just leave? We both have vacation  
                           time built up. We could even go longer, I’m sure 
                            they would give you a leave of absence.
Matt Casey: When we get back… Voight will have forgotten all 
                      about it?
Hallie Thomas: We go where he can’t find us, and we give the   
                           cops enough time to bust him. 
                           Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here. 
                           Let’s regroup. 
                                              [knocks on door]
Matt Casey: Just…
                                          [indistinct radio chatter]
Officer Bell: Matthew Casey?
Matt Casey: Yeah?
Officer Bell: We have a warrant to search your home.
Matt Casey: What?
Officer Bell: We got a tip says you’re in possession of cocaine.  
                     Either we can search your house, or you can  
                     produce the cocaine and your cooperation will be 
                     taken into consideration.
Matt Casey: Voight. Detective Voight, he put you up to this?
Officer Bell: No, I don’t know any Voight. 
                     I just know we’re coming in.
                     The warrant allows us to search the entire house, and 
                     you’re allowed, by law, to stay in the house if you 
                     remain cooperative.
Matt Casey: I’m a firefighter, Station 51. My fiancée is a doctor at  
                     Lakeshore. Do we really look like cocaine users to 
Officer Bell: If you could please both go wait in the front room.
Matt Casey: Antonio Dawson. He’s a Detective in Vice. He’ll tell you 
                     we’re being harassed by this cop. I have Antonio’s 
                     number on my cell. Will you please just take a second 
                     and talk to him? 
Officer Madden: Yeah, this is Officer Madden. 
                             Yeah, we have a search warrant for 
                              Matthew Casey…
                                     [continues indistinctly]
Matt Casey: It’s all right, baby. It’s gonna be alright. 
                                       [suspenseful music]
Officer Madden: He says they’re clean.
Officer Bell: If I ever have to come back here again, no favour is  
                     gonna get you out of it. 
                                [police radio chatter in background]
                                                 [door closes]
Hallie Thomas: It was under the table.
                          Oh my God.
Matt Casey: That’s 15 years right there.
Hallie Thomas: Call Antonio back.
Matt Casey: Flush it down the toilet.
Hallie Thomas: Baby… 
Matt Casey: Flush it down the toilet!
                                                [toilet flushes]
Hallie Thomas: Matt!
                                             [tires screeching]
                                               [raps on door]
Hank Voight: [grunts]
Matt Casey: [heavy breathing]
Hank Voight: You just committed a couple felonies. 
Matt Casey: I’m ready to commit a few more. Because I’m telling  
                     you, it ends now, or you’re the one that’s gonna 
                                                [gun cocks]
Hank Voight: Yeah, I can respect that. 
                       Go ahead. Use it.
                       You retract that statement against my son… or you  
                        pull that trigger. 
                        Because that’s the only thing that’s gonna stop me.
                                              [car door shuts]
Matt Casey: [heavy breathing]
                      [grunts & pants]
Gabby Dawson: Muffled heart sounds. It was clearly Beck’s triad. 
                            She had a sternal fracture, a large  
                            hemopericardium and mediastinal haemorrhage,  
                            all of which indicates that a pericardiocentesis is 
Mouch: You’re already talking too much. The question was what did 
              you see?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I saw a young girl in danger of dying and so I  
                            felt it was necessary…
Mouch: Feelings… no feelings. Thoughts. Convictions. 
Gabby Dawson: Okay, fine. I thought that… I knew that I had to do 
                            something immediately, and that something was 
Mouch: Just answer the question posed to you. Don’t elaborate. 
              And smile. 
Gabby Dawson: Fine.
Mouch: Go ahead.
Gabby Dawson: What? 
Mouch: Smile. Let me see it.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, Mouch, come on.
Mouch: Let me see it.
Gabby Dawson: I can smile
Mouch: Come on. Contrite, not smug.
              Welcoming and innocent. 
              We’re gonna work on that.
Tony: [sighs] I’m hitting the rack, boys.
Hadley: Yeah [chuckles] ‘Cause you’re getting buried.
                                          [truck door shuts]
Capp: Uh, oh.
Kelly Severide: Nah, all good. 
Hadley: How do you know?
Kelly Severide: That’s an ‘I’m with the program’ kind of walk.
                                              [cards shuffling]
                                             [knocks on door]
Matt Casey: [sighs] You were right. Voight had me spun out. I let it  
                      get to me. Won’t let it again. I need to work. I’m willing 
                      to trust the system. 
                      So I’d like to resume my duties, Chief.
Chief Boden: Welcome back.
Mouch: Hey!
                                        [laughing & cheering]
Joe Cruz: Yeah, there he is, huh?
Christopher Herrmann: Alright, alright, alright, alright. Don’t turn it  
                                        into a Greek wedding. Come on, 
                                        everybody, normal day. Everybody go 
                                        about your business. Let’s go.
                                     [siren blares, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.  
                  Building fire, Indiana and 28th Place.
                                            [doors shuts]
                                           [engine starts]
                                           [sirens blaring]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Chief. Dumpster fire. Nobody called   
                                        it in. Flames went up the service elevator  
                                        shaft, spread out on the fifth.
                                     [indistinctive chatter]
Chief Boden: Find me the super. I need occupancy numbers.
                       What about the main elevator?
Christopher Herrmann: Otis just cleared it. He’s coming out with a  
                                         few more tenants.
                                              [radio chatter]
Chief Boden: Five more ambos, and Chief Hatcher’s on the way.
Leslie Shay: We’re gonna need ‘em. Anticipate at least five reds in 
            ��         there.
Gabby Dawson: We can’t wait for Hatcher with this many 
                            We gotta set up triage.
Chief Boden: Do it. You’re in charge here.
Gabby Dawson: All right.
                            (into radio) This is Ambulance 61. Give me an 
                            EMS plan one...[continues indistinctly]
Leslie Shay: Hey, Chief?
Chief Boden: She’ll be fine.
Leslie Shay: I know. But where are all the people? 
                     No one’s coming out of the other side of the building. 
Chief Boden: (into radio) Squad 3, check out the West Side fire 
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Already on three. Must be a blockage. 
                           Capp and Hadley have the east.
Chief Boden: (over radio) I’m sending you Casey, Cruz, and Mills. 
                       We need to check out those upper floors.
Matt Casey: On it.
Kelly Severide: You’re kidding me.
Matt Casey: You alright? 
Joe Cruz: Yeah.
Matt Casey: Severide! 
Kelly Severide: Hey, I’m clearing a path.
                          Hey, is there anybody back there?
Victim 1 (lady): They… They can’t breathe. It’s pitch black in there. 
                          There’s people in the hall.
Kelly Severide: If you’re mobile, keep walking.
                         Slow and steady. There’s paramedics waiting.
                         Hey, I’ll take this.
Matt Casey: I’m going up further.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
                                           [signal clicking]
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Got at least four reds heading to triage.
Gabby Dawson: Alright, we got another red. 
                           Shay, this one’s yours. 
Leslie Shay: Yeah, got it.
Gabby Dawson: Alright. 
Kelly Severide: There’s three more up on six.
Gabby Dawson: Any burns?
Kelly Severide: Not on six. But Casey, Cruz and Mills went higher.
Gabby Dawson: All right.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Capp, Hadley, meet us in the west 
Hadley: (over radio) Copy. 
Boy 1: You’re going in there?
Chief Boden: You need to get back behind the lines. Mouch, get 
                        this kid safe.
Mouch: Come here, pal.
Leslie Shay: You gotta get that tube down her throat. 
Paramedic: I can’t. There’s too much swelling. 
Leslie Shay: Then cric her.
Paramedic: I’ve never done it.
Leslie Shay: Dawson, you’ve gotta cric this woman, or she’s a 
Gabby Dawson: Alright, hand me a scalpel. 
Chief Hatcher: Who’s the lead here?
Gabby Dawson: You’re looking at her.
                            You may as well keep looking over my shoulder,  
                            ‘cause this is definitely gonna be an infraction.
                            Hand me a size five tube.
                            All right, bag her. 
                            Lungs are good. Get me the fastest driver we’ve 
Chief Hatcher: (into radio) Next available ambulance, now!
Dispatcher: (over radio) Copy that. Car 816, respond to triage.
Joe Cruz: Seven is clear.
Peter Mills: Casey is on eight.
Chief Boden: I got it. I’m on my way up.
Matt Casey: Fire department! Call out!
                                         [door busting open]
                                          [people coughing]
Matt Casey: Come on!
                     Come on. 
Victim 2 (man): [grunts]
Chief Boden: No. Casey, retreat. Go back. You won’t make it.
                       Retreat. You won’t make it!
                       Get back in the apartment. 
Chief Boden: Casey, go back!
                                           [door shuts]
Matt Casey: Get down.
Chief Boden: [into radio] Casey plus two on eight. East corner unit.  
                       Move that ladder now!
                                        [glass shatters]
Matt Casey: (into radio) Mayday! 
                     (over radio) Mayday! Not sure how long I can hold it 
                                     [indistinctive chatter]
Joe Cruz: Eight is a reach. 
Kelly Severide: No choice.
                          Get that ladder as close as you can. Hug that  
                          building if you have to, Capp and I will climb.
Joe Cruz: I need a clear path to the East Corner. 
Matt Casey: What’s your name?
Victim 2 (man): [coughing] Curtis.
Matt Casey: Okay, Curtis, you’re gonna put that on her. Make sure 
                      it’s tight around her face.
Victim 2 (man) (Curtis): [coughing] 
Matt Casey: Good, now I want you to open the window. 
Victim 2 (man) (Curtis): We ain’t gonna make it.
Matt Casey: Open it!
Victim 2 (man) (Curtis): [coughing]
Christopher Herrmann: (into radio) We’re gonna have three  
                                         coming down from eight. I need   
                                         two ambulance crews ready at the 
                                         base of Truck 81.
Dispatcher: (over radio) Copy that. Truck 81, we’ll have you two 
                     ambos…[continued indistinctly]
Kelly Severide: (into radio) We’re coming for you, Casey.
Matt Casey: (over radio) Better make it fast! 
                     (into radio) It’s getting hot in here!
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Alright, tell ‘em to stand in three, two…
Matt Casey: Alright, Curtis, get your mom up!
Victim 2 (man) (Curtis): Come on, you go first.
Kelly Severide: Okay. Come on out. 
                          Turn around.
Victim 2 (man) (Curtis): [coughing]
Kelly Severide: Capp, take her!
                          Hang on.
                          All right. Here.
Capp: Slow step backwards.
Kelly Severide: Come on!
Matt Casey: Not until he’s out!
Kelly Severide: Let’s go. 
Matt Casey: Aah!
Kelly Severide: Come on.
                           All right, your turn!
Matt Casey: No way! Not until you’re out of range!
Kelly Severide: Not moving! Let go now!
Matt Casey: All right, here I come!
Kelly Severide: All right, hang on, keep your head down.
Matt Casey: [grunts]
Matt Casey: Can’t… Can’t get up.
Kelly Severide: Hey! 
Matt Casey: [grunting]
Kelly Severide: Grab my…grab my arm.
                           Come on, I got you.
Matt Casey: [grunts]
Severide & Casey: [pants]
                                        [radio chatter]
Chief Boden: Capp.
Capp: Thanks, Chief.
Chief Boden: Hadley.
Hadley: Chief.
Chief Boden: Good job.
Christopher Herrmann: Chief.
Gabby Dawson: That was pretty close, huh?
Matt Casey: Plenty of time.
Gabby Dawson: [scoffs] Really?
Matt Casey: Listen, if you see Hallie at the hospital, don’t tell her  
                     about this, okay? I’ve given her enough to worry 
                     about lately.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Peter Mills: Hey… Chief says you should hit it so you can make it  
                    to your hearing.
Gabby Dawson: Who’s gonna cover?
Peter Mills: EMT certified. Good luck.
Matt Casey: Yeah, good luck.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah. Okay. 
Matt Casey: Take care of your mom, okay?
                                             [siren wailing]
Curtis: Hey, you Casey?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Curtis: You’re the one got the problem with Detective Voight, right?
Matt Casey: Yeah, that’s right.
Curtis: Man, I can help you out.
Antonio Dawson: Curtis is gonna do it. 
Chief Boden: When? Where?
Antonio Dawson: Now. He already put in a call to Voight for a 
                              I’m gonna prep him while my techs wire him up.  
                              Then we’re good to go.
                              Now, we got one shot at this. There’s about a  
                              dozen things that could flush it down the drain,  
                              so don’t say anything to anyone. Don’t even  
                              mention his name out loud, ‘cause Voight’s got 
                              ears all over this city.
                              I’ll let you know once it goes down.
Matt Casey: I want to be there.
Antonio Dawson: [sighs] 
                              Fine. Let’s go.
Hearing Officer: The charges you face, Miss Dawson, are both very 
                             serious and very troubling.
Mouch: We disagree whole heartedly, Sir.
Hearing Officer: Miss Dawson chose to perform a procedure that 
                            was clearly outside of her jurisdiction, and that  
                            could have mortally injured the patient in her 
Gabby Dawson: I…
Mouch: J… To refresh my memory, could you please read the full  
              charges out loud? I believe we have that right.
Hearing Officer: Gabriela Dawson is charged with wilful neglect of  
                            protocol, and of practising a medical procedure  
                            that she was neither trained nor certified…
Gabby Dawson: No, I have been trained in that procedure, and I 
                            knew exactly what I was doing, and how much 
                            time we didn’t have. I’m also currently taking  
                            pre-med classes, where I’ve re-studied every 
Mouch: I’m sorry.
Hearing Officer: And I am studying for my pilot’s license, 
                            Miss Dawson, but that does not mean I 
                            can land a 747 in a blizzard.
Gabby Dawson: But you’d sure as hell try if you were about to 
Hearing Officer: You are lucky that girl is alive, or there would be  
                            criminal charges pending against you. 
Gabby Dawson: If saving a kid’s life is now a criminal offense, then 
                            maybe it’s your damn protocol that’s out of   
                            whack, and the wrong people are making the 
Mouch: Ten-minute break?
Hearing Officer: Five.
Gabby Dawson: You didn’t even remember the charges.
Mouch: I was stalling for time.
Gabby Dawson: What? Why?
Hearing Officer: We’re ready.
Mouch: Ah…
Gabby Dawson: Hey Madeline.  
Lady 2 (Madeline’s mother): I’m sorry. Are we too late?
Gabby Dawson: Hi.
Mouch: Uh, please enter into the record witnesses number two, 
             three, and four.
             There’s a reason sky divers pack two parachutes.
                                          [cat meowing]
Antonio Dawson: Here we go.
                                          [car door shuts]
Hank Voight: What’s happening, young blood?
Curtis: What’s up with you, V?
            Deshawn said there’s money to be made on the firefighter.  
            I want his deal.
Hank Voight: He tell you who it is?
Curtis: Yeah, but I wasn’t really paying attention till he said 
             something about the money.
Hank Voight: His name is Casey.
Curtis: How much?
Hank Voight: Depends on services rendered.
Curtis: Well, Deshawn said his boys got 5 for jumping him. I figure I  
             could do a lot worse for a grand.
Hank Voight: Bro, you stop him for good, I’ll give you 2.
Antonio Dawson: We got it?
                              (into radio) Move it in.
                                          [siren whoops]
Curtis: They ain’t here for me, bro.
Police Officers: Let’s see your hands!
                           Don’t move!
                           Come on, get ‘em up!
Hank Voight: Yeah, look at me.
Antonio Dawson: I got him, I got him. 
Hank Voight: Enjoy it while you can. This is entrapment.
Antonio Dawson: You’re cooked, young blood. 
                              Get in.
                                             [door shuts]
Otis Zvonecek: Got it. 
                           Oh, that’s great.That’s great to hear.
                           Oh yeah, okay. See you at the shindig. Bye.
                           That was Mouch. Dawson got a three-shift  
                            suspension, but we’ll be throwing her a 
                            suspension party tomorrow night. 
Joe Cruz: So how much money does she lose, like, 2 grand?
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] A little bit more but if we all chip in   
                           20 bucks, we might be able to put a dent in 
Christopher Herrmann: Or…[sighs]
Otis Zvonecek: It’s got that signature wild style of his and it has   
                           this lovely unfinished quality to it. He almost fell   
                           to his death while finishing the ‘O’.
Christopher Herrmann: Unbelievable.
Otis Zvonecek: Can you hold on one second? 
                           Thanks, pal. Hello?
                           Hey Serg, how are you?
                           Listen, I’m gonna have to give you a call back. 
                           I’m on the other line with a different buyer. But if
                           he starts dragging his  feet, it’s all yours buddy.
                           All right [chuckles], thanks, pal. Hello? 
                           Alright, 2,000.
                           You gonna slap me in the face like that? You 
                            gonna   slap me in the face with 1,000? 
                            You…[laughs] I’ll take it.
Peter Mills: There we go
Mouch: What’s this?
Peter Mills: Just drink it.
                    Congrats to Dawson. Could have been worse.
Gabby Dawson: Thank you. 
Mills & Mouch: Cheers
All: Oh!
Mouch: Shiver me timbers.
Gabby Dawson: [chokes & laughs]
                                               [kissing sound]
Gabby Dawson: Thank you so much for your help, Mouch.  
                             You really pulled it out.
Mouch: You weren’t… worried about me, were you?
Gabby Dawson: Oh no. Never.
Christopher Herrmann: [sighs] Thomas Kincade? Okay, I get that.
                                        You look at his paintings…God rest his 
                                        soul…But yeah, that’s art. That’s worth 
                                        money. But this?
                                        The scourge of a civilised society, man.
                                        Chain O’Lakes, guys. Chain O’Lakes.  
                                        That’s where you’ll find me.
                                                [cell phone rings]
Otis Zvonecek: Yello?
                           Okay, great. We’ll bring it right out.
                           It’s the buyer. He’s here. Grab an end. 
Christopher Herrmann: I’m not touching it.
Otis Zvonecek: Chain O’Lakes.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, guys, I’ll help you.
Otis Zvonecek: Hey, thanks Dawson.
                                               [door bell chimes]
Someone: Thanks. D.
Matt Casey: I’m not gonna ask. I didn’t see it. I didn’t see it.
                     I’d have thrown the book at you.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] 
Matt Casey: [laughs]
Gabby Dawson: Hi.
Matt Casey: Hi.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Antonio Dawson: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: I heard about Voight. He got it worse than me, 
Matt Casey: Rear view mirror, baby. Rear view mirror.
Gabby Dawson: [giggles] Well, then, you come to the right place.  
                            You can see my friend Peter Mills at the bar 
                            over there.
                            Oh, yeah, you did an okay job.
Antonio Dawson: Oh, thanks. What a ball-breaker, huh?
Gabby Dawson: You can handle it.
                             Any chance Voight beats this?
Antonio Dawson: No shot.
                              Speaking of shots, where are they?
Gabby Dawson: Over there.
                            Where’s Hallie?
Matt Casey: Meeting me here.
Gabby Dawson: I’m really happy for you.
Matt Casey: Me too.
Chief Boden: Hey. Come here.
Matt Casey: [muffled] Hey.
Chief Boden: I am glad it is over.
Matt Casey: It is. Thanks for everything, Chief.
Chief Boden: [scoffs]
Matt Casey: Are you… drunk… Chief?
Chief Boden: Yeah, a little.
Matt Casey: I’ll be joining you momentarily.
Chief Boden: Good. Glad to hear it.
Kelly Severide: Just ask him.
Leslie Shay: You. 
Kelly Severide: He’ll think I’m sniffing around.
Leslie Shay: How do you think I’m gonna come across?
Kelly Severide: Here he comes.
Leslie Shay: He thinks I’m a curmudgeon.
Kelly Severide: Would you just do it for me?
Leslie Shay: Peter Mills.
Peter Mills: Hey. Lieutenant. 
Kelly Severide: What’s up?
Leslie Shay: Great party. Thank you for hosting it.
Peter Mills: Yeah, no sweat.
Leslie Shay: And it’s a really cool space.
                     And what kind of food do you guys serve?
Peter Mills: Well, it’s a diner, so diner food.
Leslie Shay: Oh, hey, um, is your sister Elise here… tonight?
Peter Mills: No, she’s out with some friends.
Leslie Shay: Oh, alright. 
Kelly Severide: Thanks.  
Gabby Dawson: Cheers.
                                             [glass clinking]
Matt Casey: Cheers.
                                          [door bell chimes]
Gabby Dawson: Oh, Hallie’s here.
Hallie Thomas: Hi.
                                            [kissing sound]
Matt Casey: Hi. It’s over. We’re all right now. 
                     [whispers] We’re all right.
                                                - end -
MCA = Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago)
Surgical cric = A cricothyrotomy is an incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to establish a patent airway during certain life-threatening situations, such as airway obstruction by a foreign body, angioedema (swelling of the lower layer of skin and tissue just under the skin or mucous membranes. The swelling may occur in the face, tongue, larynx/voice box, abdomen or arms and legs) or massive facial trauma. It is nearly always performed as a last resort in cases where orotracheal (placement of a flexible plastic tube into the windpipe/trachea to maintain an open airway to serve as a conduit through which to administer certain drugs. It is frequently performed in critically injured, ill, or anesthetised patients to facilitate ventilation of the lungs. The endotracheal tube – the catheter – is passed through the mouth and vocal apparatus into the trachea) and nasotracheal (an endotracheal tube is passed through the nose and vocal apparatus into the trachea) intubation are impossible or contraindicated
D.O.A = Dead on arrival
Beck’s triad = Collection of three medical signs, associated with acute cardiac tamponade, a medical emergency when excessive fluid accumulates in the pericardial sac around the heart and impairs its ability to pump blood. The signs are low arterial blood pressure, distended neck veins, and distant, muffled heart sounds.
Sternal fracture = Fracture of the sternum (breast bone), located in the centre of the chest.
Hemopericardium = Refers to blood in the pericardial sac of the heart.
Mediastinal haemorrhage = Blunt chest trauma. It is caused by aortic injury, by mediastinal vascular injury such as aortic injury, and by fractures of the sternum and vertebral column
Pericardiocentesis = Procedure done to remove fluid that has built up in the sac around the heart.
EMS Plan One = 5 ambulances, 1 paramedic in charge, 1 assistant paramedic, 1 engine company or truck company, 1 battalion chief.
Curmudgeon = A bad tempered person, especially an old one.
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wickedlyqueer · 4 years
Wherever the wind may carry us
Nearing their graduation at Shiz, Glinda prepares for her final event as president of the university’s LGBT+ Network. Completely unaware that Elphaba has a surprise for her planned...
(Final one-shot in the Dutch High School Universe. Can be read separately).
Glinda woke up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the oven. It had only been a couple of months since she and Elphaba had found an affordable apartment, but the long wait had been worth it—no matter how many times her old roommates had set off the fire alarm. Not that Glinda had exactly deserved a ‘best roommate award’, being the girl who always had her partner over and was prone to leave her pile of dishes out for days.
But none of that mattered anymore. After a year long search they finally managed to snatch an one-bedroom apartment in the centre of Shiz. It was all they could afford for now, and though the space was a bit crammed, Glinda thought it suitable. They were just starting out after all! Only last week had Glinda gotten her final grade for her thesis and officially gotten enough credit to graduate. Meanwhile, Elphaba had been accepted as a PhD candidate at the university and would be working alongside researchers like Dr. Dillamond. Glinda had never seen them beaming as much as when they received the news.
A soft knock came from the door and Elphaba peeked their head around. “Oh good, you’re awake. Breakfast’s ready.”
“I noticed,” Glinda smiled and nestled deeper into her blankets. “Hmm, so is there a special occassion or am I just lucky?”
“Well, it’s your last day as president. I thought you deserved something nice,” Elphaba said and crouched down next to her to give her a kiss. “Morning, by the way. Did you sleep well?”
“I did. You?”
“Oh you know me,” Elphaba said as they played with Glinda’s messy and curly hair. “I fall asleep at three and wake up at seven and somehow that’s enough fuel for me to get through the day.”
“How you do it is beyond me.”
Elphaba chuckled. “Well, if you’re ready to leave your comfortable cocoon, I made us a fancy breakfast. Got freshly squeezed orange juice and warm, tiny breads waiting for you.”
“Oz, that sounds good. I’ll be there in a few, okay?”
After Elphaba left the room she checked her messages on her phone and then put on her slippers and Elphaba’s comfortable sweater that was too big for her. In the kitchen, Elphaba was still prepping some food.
“Need help?”
“Nah, I got it.”
“Probably for the best,” Glinda joked and Elphaba let out a laugh. It was no secret that her cooking skills were abysmal.
A bit of free counter space was left and Glinda decided to hop on it. Elphaba was rolling up slices of cheese and put them on a plate and added a cut stem of parsley as decoration.
“Oh, it’s a fancy fancy breakfast. You’re really going out of your way here.”
Elphaba looked up to her and smiled. “Anything for my girl. I actually thought I’d pamper you this entire day, since it's the closing of a big chapter.”
“That’s true.”
Though her initial hesitation stopped her from going to any LGBT+ meetings the first semester at Shiz, after her gender reassignment surgery, Elphaba had persuaded her to go to one of their lectures about the differences in trans identities across the globe. It had been so fascinating that Glinda kept going to every lecture or borrel she could attend. In her second year, she became part of the board and was in charge of organizing the events. She continued this during her final year of her bachelor, and when applying for a master’s programme, she got asked to become president.
“I can’t believe this is my final day with the Network.”
“Hey.” Elphaba stopped what they were doing and placed their hand against her cheek. “Don’t forget the amount of good you’ve put into the world. You created this welcoming space for every queer person on campus. You’ll go down in the books as a great president.”
“And the first trans woman,” Glinda was quick to add.
“That too,” Elphaba grinned and went back to cutting little cubes of cheese. “Oz, can you even imagine what high school Glinda would think of you?”
“She’d freak out and run back into the closet.”
Elphaba laughed. “Oh yeah, she would. You used to be so terrified of coming out and look at you now. Here, try this,” they said and fed her a cube of cheese.
“Hm, this is good.”
“Yeah? It’s added with buttermilk and some cumin seeds.”
“Nice. Also, what was that about pampering me all day?”
A dark blush spread across their cheeks and Elphaba busied themself with whatever was on the cutting board. “Well, I thought we ought to celebrate today. So after the meeting I reserved us a table at Peach and Kidney’s. Maybe go for a walk afterwards, watch the sun go down at that little park you like.”
Glinda was touched. “Really? That’s so sweet!”
“I thought so too. This day is all about you. I still need to go to the lab for a bit, but I should be in time for the event.”
“Dr. Dillamond called you in?”
“Yeah, he messaged me if I could come down for an hour or two.” Their eyes glazed, but it was for such a brief moment, Glinda thought she must have imagined it.
“As long as you can make it to my final event as president. I may or may not mention you in my goodbye speech.”
Elphaba smirked. “Uh oh. Should I be scared?”
Glinda hoped off the counter and drabbed her arms around their neck. She left a lingering kiss on their lips. “Never.”
That afternoon, Elphaba sprinted into the humanities faculty building, out of breath. They located the lecture hall where the event would take place and saw the doors were still open.
“Oh, thank Oz,” they breathed out heavily. They promised Glinda to meet her beforehand and almost didn’t make it in time. The lecture hall was already packed and a few students were still searching for a seat. Next to the lectern, Glinda was in light conversation with the vice president of the LGBT+ Network. Elphaba took two flight of steps at a time as they rushed down the stairs. Before they were down, Glinda had already spotted them and let out a sigh of relieve.
“Hey,” Elphaba said and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Sorry I’m late.”
“That’s okay, we’re running a bit late ourselves. You got hold up at the lab?”
“I did, yes,” they agreed, knowing they wouldn’t come up with a more convincing lie themself.
“Okay, well, you better go grab a seat. I don’t think many more will be coming.”
Elphaba nodded. “Sure, and hey—you got this.”
“Thanks babe,” Glinda smiled.
They quickly took a seat in the second row and nervously patted their pocket to feel if it was still there. Not long after, the doors closed and the room quieted down as Glinda stepped towards the lectern.
“Thank you all for coming to our last event of this school year. Before I’ll introduce our guest speaker for today, I’d like to take a moment to say a few words. As some of you may know, this will be my last day as president of the LGBT+ Network. After this event, Jeremy will take my place, and I’m certain he’ll be able to lead this wonderful network with much care and great enthusiasm.”
She looked away from her notes and gave Jeremy a smile. “Upon meeting me, most people have reacted surprised that I am president of the LGBT+ Network. As a trans woman, I cannot help but feel flattered by this. It means I pass, it means I can live my life unnoticed,” Glinda took a breath. “But I’ve learnt more than once that this right of passing can be stripped away from you the moment people find out. This is how I got taught to hide myself and be quiet. I never took pride in my identity. It felt like a dirty secret. I was a dirty secret.”
Her gaze fell upon Elphaba and a soft smile tugged at her lips. “If not for my rock, my datemate Elphaba, I would still feel the need to hide. If they had not pushed me to go to one of these events in my first year, I would not be standing here in front of you. They taught me that, yes, queer acceptance still has a long way to go. But that spaces such as these help us be ourselves. And they were right, because it helped me become myself.”
Her voice started to crack, and Glinda paused for a moment before pushing through. “So to Elphaba, to all the wonderful board members of this network, and to each and every person who has come to these events, I want to thank you for creating this safe space for me. I hope in my two years as president, I have been able to return that favour.”
Applause rung through the audience. Elphaba whooped in support and Glinda’s cheeks coloured with embarrassment. Not that she minded, Elphaba knew that too. And why wouldn't they show how proud they are of her? If Glinda could make them turn into a pile of mush, then the least they could do was do the same for her.
“Okay, sentimental stuff out of the way,” Glinda laughed nervously as the applause died down. She switched to a different piece of paper. “Now, it is my absolutely honour to introduce professor Wertl who visits us from Qhoyre University. Her research in…”
Everything but Glinda faded to the background. It took all of Elphaba's willpower not to jump out of their seat and declare the love that was bursting out of them right in front of all these people. They dug their hand in their pocket and smiled as they felt the little box against their hand. A chapter would be closing today, that much was certain, but Elphaba was not done with their story yet.
Dr. Dillamond hadn’t asked them to come to the lab at all. Elphaba had to come up with a white lie, so they could run across town and pick up the ring they’d chosen out for Glinda weeks ago. Tonight, as they’d sit at a park bench while the sun would be dipping under the horizon, they’d ask the question they always knew they’d ask one day.
Nearly five years ago, they had been sitting on a different bench and told her they could not imagine spending the rest of their life without her. Those words had stuck true all these years through college, and now, at the verge of a brand new adventure, it was time to commit to that promise.
Life had thrown its fair share of curveballs at Elphaba, and they were sure many more were to come. But they knew they’d be strong enough to smash them right back with Glinda on their team. Nothing in life had been easier than loving Glinda. And with the ring hiding in their pocket, Elphaba would ask her if they could continue to love her. Today, and for the rest of their life.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p.2)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
Saturday 12:09 PM
you know what might be worse than pyramid schemes?
bridal showers
this is horrendous 
Same woman you were drinking in solidarity to?
obviously, I have like four friends 
I thought teachers were like outgoing and bubbly?
oh hell no, socializing is not my cup of tea
one of the other bridesmaids just asked who i was texting so I told her jack the ripper
Oh you couldn’t even give me a good one
i’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that 
My day off and the weekend finally coincide, which means I’m not leaving my couch all day. 
I wish I were you this shower is gonna kill me 
teachers on the weekend are a fun sight to see
You’re not partaking this time?
no i’m DD
it’s for the best, I did throw up on my shoes last weekend 
How crazy is a bridal shower that you need a DD?
there’s a mimosa bar and they’re already playing never have I ever
the mother of the groom is starting something with the mother of the bride
I gotta deal with this 
  Saturday 3:11 PM
I deserve bottle of wine for all of the shit I dealt with today
I never wanna be a maid of honor ever again
Maybe we should rename you Maid of Dishonor?
I throw up on my shoes ONE TIME
How’d the battle of the mothers go?
oh it was horrendous 
groom is from a rich family and bride grew up on a farm… you know how it goes 
Doesn’t sound fun. Glad you made it out. 
how’s your day off going
Amazing. I get to watch baseball and sit on the couch with a bag of chips and a beer. I’m living the dream. 
I envy you
they’re making us go out again
Do you get to drink during this escapade?
yes thank god
manhattan or moscow mule?
A whiskey drinker? You might be the perfect woman. 
don’t try to butter me up, i’ve never even met you in person
We can change that. 
  Saturday 6:14 PM
Do you think birds have dreams?
I thought I was supposed to get drunk
You were talking too long. And I’m not drunk. 
I can’t think of another reason why you’d ask me about bird dreams
You’re a teacher. I was curios. 
i’m not a bird specialist
personally I do not think that birds can dream
I’m telling them you said that. 
the birds?
Yes. They deserve to know the truth. 
have you just been sitting on the couch drinking beer all day?
did you even eat
Yeah I had pizza for lunch 
what about dinner?
It’s not dinner time yet. 
dude it’s 6
Oh shit really?
Hahaha that explains it 
psh and you said I was bad when I was drunk
you’re freaking Snow White 
Is this ebcause I asked about the birds 
yes it is
I gotta go, Maggie says i’m not netting the quota for fun
Maggie sounds like a buzzkill
she’s the assistant principal, i’m scared she’ll fire me if I don’t listen
jk… kinda 
  Saturday 12:32 AM
Incoming Voice Call
  “Jo! Put the phone down! You should not be calling anyone right now!”
“Doctor Evil Spawn! I’m so glad you picked up.”
“Are you drunk now?”
“Noooo….. maybe. I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi princess.”
“Your voice is nice. It’s a good voice, it’s sexy and I like it.”
“You’re kinda crazy, you know that?”
“Josephine Wilson! Give me the phone!”
“Woah who full named you? They sound angry.”
“That’s Maggie, she’s trying to get me to go home. I can’t go home Maggie, I’m talking to a hot doctor! And he has a sexy voice!”
“You’ve never even seen me, you don’t know if I’m hot.”
“I’m judging off your sexy voice and what few characteristics I know about you. I’d be shocked if you weren’t hot.”
“You have too much faith in me.”
“I have to go, Maggie is dragging me out of the bar. Byeeee hot doctor!”
“Goodnight princess, don’t throw up on your shoes this time.” 
  Sunday 9:58 AM
How’re your shoes looking?
  Sunday 11:22 AM
You’re still dead? I mean you did call me half past midnight… but I thought you’d be up by now.
  Sunday 1:46 PM
Are you embarrassed because of what you said on the phone? Frankly I found it endearing. 
  Sunday 3:18 PM
As a doctor, I’m advising you to drink more fluids and get food in your system. Maybe a banana. It’ll make you feel less shitty, trust me.
  Sunday 6:17 PM
Hope you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere. 
  Monday 7:23 AM
oh my god I am so sorry
I dropped my phone in Maggie’s car and I just got it back
wait you were worried about me weren’t you
Well you fell off the face of the earth… so yeah. 
awwww well it’s nice to know that someone would notice if I was kidnapped and murdered 
Didn’t you say I was the one that would kidnap and murder you? 
yes but i’m having a change of heart
Is it because of my sexy voice?
I was kinda hoping I didn’t say that out loud
I told you I found it endearing. 
flattery will get you everywhere
gotta go, class is lining up and they’re already screaming
I’ll pray for you. 
  Monday 8:08 PM
dude the thai place on 7th across from old navy?
i’m in heaven
Oh so we’ve reached the stage of giving each other food recommendations?
this is a serious relationship 
Chinese place across from Joe’s Bar has the best egg rolls. Perfect drunchies. 
i’ve never been to joe’s 
I live right around the corner from there
So we’re neighbors then? I’m off of Fullerton. 
I guess we are
that’s exciting, i bet i’ve seen you at the grocery store 
Bold of you to assume I make it to the grocery store. 
honestly same
I usually guilt steph or izzie into it
You’re the chaotic good of the group aren’t you?
I keep things balanced 
what’re you doing?
On a break, almost done for the night. I have to round on post ops and then I’m done. 
nice!!! did you get anything fun today?
Not really just surgeries I could do in my sleep. 
typical monday’s
I have to go, we have a field trip tomorrow and i’m not emotionally prepared
Oof. Have fun, don’t die. 
who the hell ends texts like that?
A doctor. Obviously. Night princess. 
goodnight Snow White
  Tuesday 12:18 PM
whoever decided to bring 42 fourth graders to the science discovery museum should be fired 
Isn’t that you?
maybe not
It was totally you. How about a deal?
deal with an internet stranger? 
fine but if I die i’m gonna be pissed
How about I drop off a bottle of wine on your porch on my way to work? I work the night shift again. 
hmmmm I don’t think i’m supposed to give my address to strangers
but i’m pretty sure if you were going to kill me you would’ve done it by now
See you’re getting the hang of it. 
okay i’ll give you my address
but if there’s a bomb we’re going to have words
If there’s a bomb you’ll be dead. 
  Tuesday 4:54 PM
red wine AND egg rolls?
if I didn’t know better i’d think you’re trying to woo me
I think I need to meet you before we can say that. 
thank you!!! 
my roomies are teasing me about taking wine from a stranger
You’re welcome. And I’m not a stranger. I know your name and where you live. 
aaaaand way to make things creepy
BTW your blonde roommate was checking out my ass. 
hahahahaha that’s izzie for you
she has a boyfriend don’t worry 
I wasn’t too concerned about her, just thought you might want to beat her up or something. 
intentionally trying to start a cat fight? classy
she says you’re “super dreamy” so that’s a plus
Glad to know I passed the checkpoint. Does this mean I get to meet you now?
maybe maybe not
we have learned one good thing though
And what’s that?
even if you are a serial killer, you have a good taste in wine and your attractive
i’ll die happy
  Tuesday 7:32 AM
If I never work another overnight again it’ll be too soon. 
yeah you’ve been working a lot of those 
wtf is up with that
I lost a bet with Arizona. 
oof that doesn’t sound fun
at least I have nice stable working hours
summers off
i’m living the dream
Why do you do that?
do what?
Send forty texts. There’s a button to put in a period and start a new sentence. In the same text. 
you really do text like a 60 year old
I’m sophisticated, obviously. 
I know we’ve never met but I need a favor
Oof. After I dropped off wine for you?
the favor includes free food and alcohol
I’m listening… 
that wedding i’m in is next weekend
and I don’t have a date :-)
I wish I could, I’m going out of town. 
it’s okay, after i’m done being a brides bitch my weekend will open up
i’ll also be done with school for year
So I can take you out on a proper date? Instead of texting you all day? 
you do realize that you’re texting a girl who found your number at 11 pm while shit faced in a bar right
That’s always how I pictured meeting the woman of my dreams. 
oh shut up
I suppose i’ll go on a date with you, man I know nothing about 
I’m Alex, I’m 27 and I don’t think pineapple belongs on pizza
deal breaker sorry
pineapple + pizza = deliciousness 
Well at least you know more about me. 
that I do
jo, 25, who’s favorite color is purple and eats cinnamon toast for breakfast everyday, has to go educate the tiny humans
talk to you later old man
Oh come on you’re two years younger!
  Tuesday 1:26 PM
have you ever had to hot glue rhinestones to candle votives 
because I am
and I hate it
WTF is a votive?
those tiny little glass things you put a candle into
Oh. Why are you bedazzling them? 
wedding prep
today is a half day so bridezilla has us crafting for her 
Are all of you brides bitches teachers?
it’s hell
you try to talk about your class and all you hear about is peonies and roses and baby’s breath
I’m glad I’m a dude then. 
ha! you better be 
oh my god, she’s gone psycho
if I don’t text she took my phone
Don’t die, I’m looking forward to our date. 
  Tuesday 7:17 PM
RIP Jo, Avid Cinnamon Toast Eater 
Killed by Her Insane Bride Friend  
I made it out!!!!
Nice, I’ve heard a rabid bridezilla is hard to escape. 
it was the worst 
but she let me go when I told her I had to finish putting in grades for the year
(I finished last night)
I for one am proud of you. That’s badass. 
lol i’ll keep that in mind 
thursday is our last day before freedom
I think I might get shit faced as soon as I leave work
I support it wholeheartedly. 
good because you’ll probably get more bar princess texts
Or if I’m lucky a phone call where you call me sexy again. 
hey hey I didn’t call you sexy
I called your voice sexy
there’s a difference 
Oh sorry, I don’t know how I overlooked that. 
mhm sure 
tomorrow is crazy hair day 
Does this mean I get to see a picture of you? Because I’m definitely interested in seeing what you do with this spirit day thing. 
i’ll save it for when we meet
I’m determined not to see you until our date
Suit yourself. Gotta go remove stitches. 
oooohh how exhilarating!! 
  Wednesday 9:42 AM
How goes the crazy hair?
oh just dandy 
half my hair is pink 
You seem like the type to be able to pull of pink hair. Plus it’s pretty rad. 
you’re too kind 
I bribed the kids with cookies and a movie 
i’m totally winning today
I just took out an appendix, I think I win. 
just saying I don’t think that our jobs are comparable 
but taking out an appendix sounds cool
Not as cool as cookies though. 
I have a bunch left over
should I drop them on your doorstep? 
Only if you want to. I wouldn’t say no to a good cookie. I’m here till 5. 
i’ll stop by after work!! 
we have another half day
Sweet. I’m glad you’re the one that found my number. 
  Wednesday 12:56 PM
Dude. George says you look like an adorable preschooler. 
he was very understanding 
Rave reviews on your “kindness and beautiful eyes” 
oh my god 
I have to die now 
He might’ve mentioned your ass too. I’m painting a beautiful mental picture. 
oh lord
brb gotta wash out this stupid hair dye 
maybe bang my head against the shower wall
Oooh tell me more. I love a dirty shower fantasy. 
oh booo
you’re not even trying anymore 
  Wednesday 5:55 PM
remember the titans is on tv
and it’s really good 
in case you didn’t know 
That movie is 20 years old, of course I know it’s good. 
well clearly I didn’t 
i didn’t have cable growing up 
Oh neither did I, I just stole it from the neighbors. 
that’s pretty bad ass for a kid 
Had to keep my siblings entertained. You know how it is. 
nope i’m an only child
That sounds like a dream. I have two younger siblings and they’re both a pain in the ass. 
if you knew the half of it you’d be begging to trade places with me 
I’m looking forward to hearing all of it. 
  Thursday 11:53 AM
I’m assuming school is out?
$20 says I can sneak out of here without bridezilla roping me into a stupid arts and crafts project 
I hope so, I’m enjoying talking to you today. 
aren’t you at work??
Nope. Today is my day off. 
and you’re not watching baseball and drinking beer?
It’s not even noon yet. 
time is an illusion
it’s shots o clock somewhere or whatever they say
I’m now learning that the only cultural education you have is the Backstreet Boys. I think our second date will have to be a movie marathon. 
already planning our second date?
I like it
My conversation is fairly limited if I can’t drop a pop culture reference or two during the day. 
I can see your points and i’m willing to sit myself down and watch the classics
okay gotta sneak past bridezilla… wish me luck
Good luck 
  Thursday 4:35 PM
Pork shoulder, corn, and potatoes all on the grill. 
i’m jealous
I can’t cook to save my life 
thank god we’re going out tonight
To celebrate finally breaking free for the summer?
exactly!! steph and izzie decided we needed to go to a club after dinner
i’ve never been to one before 
Overpriced drinks and random guys grinding up on you all night. Not the best experience. 
oh so random guys grind on you when you go out?
Shut up. 
I’ve never even been to a club before. Not my scene. I just live with women so I know these things. 
well i’ll update you on the happenings
let you know if I have to pay $20 for a drink
who’s grinding on my ass
you know normal everyday things
Woah woah woah. 
are you jealous??
I’m just saying if you’re gonna be shaking your ass, you might as well get random guys to buy you overpriced drinks. 
you’re making some very good points 
Of course I am. By the way, George wants me to tell you that you have a very shakeable ass so you should be taking in free drinks. 
great I have to go die again 
  Thursday 10:38 PM
good news
i’ve secured three free drinks and a round of shots for all six of us
this ass is making money baby
I’ve created a monster. Who else is there?
steph, izzie, april, maggie, and levi
You brought the whole staff out didn’t you?
yes and I’m quite skilled at getting them drunk
You’re three drinks in and still texting correctly?
I think I danced it all off
need more fireball
And that’s another thing. Who willingly shoots Fireball?
me bitch
Ohh I love it when you call me names. 
mmm i’m sure you do
okay i’m gonna go get more drinks
wish me luck
Good luck, I’m sure your ass will take in more than enough. 
  Thursday 11:57 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hi, it’s me.”
“I can afford caller ID, I knew it was you.”
“Were you sleeping?”
“No, I was about to head upstairs but I’m not tired.”
“Oh good. I just got home.”
“You sound tired. Did you have fun?”
“It was nice, Steph went home with some guy she met and Izzie went to her boyfriends so I’m home alone.”
“So you decided to call me?”
“I missed your voice, I told you that you have a nice voice.”
“You said that I have a sexy voice.”
“Oh shut up. I wanted to call before I went to sleep.”
“You’ve grown fond of me haven't you?”
“If you’re gonna say it like a weirdo then yes… I have grown fond of you, Snow White.”
“I guess I can say the same about you Bar Princess. Are you yawning over there?”
“Just a little bit, but I like talking to you.”
“It’s midnight, I wouldn’t blame you for falling asleep.”
“I don’t wanna fall asleep, I wanna keep talking to you.”
“How about I tell you the story of the time I was bridesman and I had to go to a bachelorette party?”
“Okay I’m listening…”
  Friday 10:15 AM
I feel like a teenager 
who the hell falls asleep on the phone
i’m in a bad rom com aren't I 
Your snoring is really cute. 
oh christ
well at least I didn’t take body shots off a male stripper
I was really hoping you’d be asleep before I got to that part. 
oh nooo I remember that very clearly 
i’ll be filing that away for blackmail
Rude. I guess I’ll save your snoring in that file too. 
touché, I like the way you play the game
I’m an experienced player. Gotta go scrub in on a fundoplication. 
have fun!!!
  Friday 2:41 PM
I got bored and googled a fundoplication
that’s some crazy stuff, you’re kind of a badass
Easy peasy, all in a day's work. 
nooo that’s amazing stuff!! 
i’m in my classroom scraping gum and glitter off of the desks
Well you’re the reason people become doctors so I'd say you’re pretty important too. 
awww you’re still trying to impress me
it’s a good look on you
I’m trying to be a gentleman. Maybe I’ll bring up your puke shoes just to be an asshole. 
you know what even the mention of that can’t bring down my good mood
do you think I could get in trouble for drinking wine in my classroom?
Well there’s no kids around so… no. But I like the rebellious attitude you have towards the situation. 
if i’m gonna sit in a classroom with no AC and scrape boogers off desks all day then I deserve some damn wine
You’re right and you should say it. 
oh shit maggie is outside i’m so fired
Hey you got her free shots last night, she should be thankful. 
you know what you’re right
oh shit it’s bridezilla
forgot we have our final dress fitting tomorrow
i’m not dead yet
Oh good. I kinda don’t want the first time I see you to be your funeral. 
hahaha very funny
gotta go, we have to do this stupid year end meeting
I hate it here
Have fun, and remember don’t stab yourself with a pen!
  Saturday 8:13 AM
I wanna die 
bridezilla is making us jog
and she took away my donuts
  Saturday 9:53 AM
Jesus Christ. You need new friends. 
honestly she’s not that bad when she’s not stressing over this wedding 
she’s crying because she has a pimple
Oof that’s a tough run. Unfortunately, I have to spend the day out on a boat. 
boohoo I don’t not feel bad for you
unless like… you have some childhood trauma from a boat
Nope. I get to relax and drink beer all day long. 
yeah well then screw you
I have to try my stupid dress on and go to a stupid lunch and I CAN’T EVEN HAVE DONUTS
Aren’t you at home?
yes, steph invited everyone here since we have the space
Check your porch. 
you’re my favorite
thank you thank you thank you 
You’re welcome, I’m happy to be of service. 
ohhhh I might just kiss you when we finally meet 
I wouldn’t say no to that. 
okay I gotta go hide in the closet and eat my donuts 
thank you for thinking of me!!
It’s all I ever do. 
  Saturday 2:16 PM
How goes the dress trying on?
it was good!! mine fits and we have a beautiful bride on our hands 
Good. I’m glad your day is getting better. I think I’m getting a sunburn. 
you better not
that shit is dangerous 
go find sunscreen 
Now you’re concerned about me huh?
did you put the sunscreen on
Yes because I knew you’d spontaneously implode if I didn’t. 
I didn’t want to you to burst into flames sitting in the sun
As a doctor, I can tell you that most likely would not be what happened.
now we have to sit through a boring ass lunch
it’s what the mother of the groom insists on
Is she paying for it though? …. yes
Well then stop complaining.
okay okay fine
hey quick question
which fork do i stab myself with
Go order a steak and drink an expensive glass of wine.
  Saturday 10:39 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Well well well, how the tables have turned.” “Bar Priiiiiincessss.” “Oh my god. This is so going in the blackmail file.”
“No don’t do that. If Jo finds out I was singing to another girl she’ll be mad.” “And why don’t you want Jo to be mad at you?” “Because I want to kiss her. And hug her. And see her face.”
“Well do I have a surprise for you.” “Oh I love surprises!”
“Jo and Bar Princess are the same person. I’m Jo.” “Holy crap! NO way!”
“Yes way, isn’t that crazy?”
“Can you tell Jo that she’s the nicest person I’ve ever met.” “I will relay the message. Jo is going to bed now though. Goodnight Alex.” “Good night Bar Princess, I miss you!”
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losingmymindtonight · 5 years
Trope: Sleepy
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There were a lot of perks that came with being a billionaire, but the ones Tony Stark ended up appreciating the most were nearly always the things other people wouldn’t even consider.
Sure, he liked being able to leave large tips on small checks. He liked being able to buy clothes without checking the price tag. He liked knowing that no matter what college Peter chose, the tuition wouldn’t be an issue.
But the thing that he was grateful for now was the fact that since the MedBay was his, and because he employed everyone in it, he got a lot more leeway that he would’ve in a general hospital.
For one, he’d been able to hire the best pediatric dental surgeon in the country to do Peter’s wisdom teeth surgery. He’d also been able to demand that Helen Cho worked beside him. She was partly there to advise him on Peter’s enhancements, and partly there because there were very few people Tony trusted with Peter’s safety, and she was one of them.
He was also allowed to stay right beside Peter as they prepped him for the surgery, and had Helen’s distinct promise that she’d fetch him the second they were done. He could’ve stayed for the whole procedure, even, but Peter had scrunched up his face at the suggestion, murmured a lazy ew, and made Helen promise to kick Tony out before they started.
Now, though, as Cho and the anesthesiologist bustled around his hospital bed, Tony could see that the kid was shamelessly grateful for his steady presence at his side.
“Are you even sure I need the IV?” Peter asked, eyes darting between the elastic tourniquet the anesthesiologist was fastening around his bicep and the needle on the tray beside her. “Can’t you just, I don’t know, wack me over the head?”
Tony snorted. “You’ve got a thick head, kid. Wouldn’t work.”
Cho joined in his amusement, patting Peter’s other arm gently. “It’ll be alright, Peter. I even brought out the numbing cream we usually use with little kids. You don’t feel a thing.”
Peter cringed away when he saw the anesthesiologist prep the needle, and Tony gently tipped his chin up and away, forcing the kid’s gaze onto his face rather than the imminent poke to the back of his hand.
“Why is it,” Peter murmured, “that the older we get, the more pain people think we’re cool to tolerate? Like, shouldn’t everyone get the numbing cream? Is suffering, like, a right of passage or something? I don’t get it.”
“Hm.” Tony entertained the rambling partly because he adored the kid, and partly because it was a fantastic distraction. “You make a solid argument, squirt. Maybe you should grow up and be a doctor like Cho, here.”
“Technically, Tony, I’m a geneticist.”
“You’re also a doctor.”
“In my spare time.”
Peter gave her a lopsided smile, Tony’s hand still pressed against the side of his face. “Well, I think you’re a great doctor.”
Cho smiled back. “That’s just because I stitch you back together again after you’ve done doing something foolhardy.”
“Isn’t that a valid reason?”
“All done!” The anesthesiologist declared, taping down the kid’s cannula. “Everyone ready to get started?”
Peter started twitching nervously. Even when Tony let go of his chin, his eyes stayed locked on his face. “I, uh, this is gonna suck, right?”
“No,” he reassured, keeping his voice calm despite his own nervousness. “You heal quickly, and I made opioids that work on you for a reason. You’ll be fine.”
“It’s a very easy procedure, son.” Tony bristled at the way the dental surgeon (Doctor Rhine, maybe? He hadn’t really been paying much attention during the introductions) addressed the kid, despite knowing that it was all done in kindness. “And you won’t remember a bit of it.”
Tony shifted a little, trying to relieve some of the stress on his back from perching awkwardly on the edge of the kid’s bed. Peter’s IV-free hand shot out and latched around his wrist.
“Wait, don’t go,” he was blushing, but didn’t let go, “not, uh, not yet. Please?”
“Easy, I’m not leaving until you’re too drugged to notice.” He patted the kid’s shoulder gently. “We talked about this, remember?”
Slowly, Peter’s grip eased. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“Hey, no apologies. Just relax.”
“Alright,” Cho gave the anesthesiologist a quick nod, “you ready, Tony?”
“Mhm.” He cupped the side of Peter’s neck, firm and steadying. Part of him wanted to crack a joke about filming the kid and uploading it to YouTube later, but he held back. He knew the kid was nervous about the whole thing, and he doubted it’d help. Instead, he just swiped a thumb over his cheek and smiled encouragingly. “Hey, what’d you do on patrol last night?”
“Um, I stopped a robbery on 77th. Then I helped out with a fender bender a few blocks down. On 150th, I think? ‘N then I went to, uh, to, uh... to Delmar’s.” Peter blinked rapidly. “Whoa.”
“Strong, isn’t it?” Cho touched the small of Tony’s back, out of view of Peter. A barely-there reassurance.
“Yeah. Whoa.” The kid’s eyes wandered up to meet his. “Mis’er Stark?”
“Hey, buddy. You’re alright, just let the drugs to their thing.”
He brushed his fingers through the kid’s bangs softly as he dozed off, heart warming at the fact that he never once looked away from Tony’s face, even as his gaze got glassy and unfocused.
“You can go now, Tony.” Cho patted his arm. “He won’t remember any of this.”
“Yeah, of course.” He made sure Peter’s head wouldn’t roll uncomfortably when he relinquished his hold on his face, then rubbed his cheek to catch his admittedly drowsy attention. “Hey, kid. I’m gonna let them do their thing. You alright if I go for a bit? I’ll be right back as soon as they’re done. You won’t even notice I left.”
Peter just let his eyelids droop shut. “M’kay.”
“Good boy.” He didn’t know why the kid’s easy acceptance of him leaving made him feel just the tiniest hint of rejection. After all, the whole point of the drugs were to chill him out. Tony had helped design them with that in mind. But... still. A part of him wanted the kid to ask him to stay. “I’ll see you in a bit, alright?”
He didn’t get a response. Peter's eyes were closed, breaths deep and slow.
“He’ll probably just nap now.” Cho pulled him away and pushed him towards the door. “Go on, Tony. The sooner we can start, the sooner you can help him wake up.”
Back in the waiting room, he found himself envying the kid the drugs. He’d have given just about anything to get to check out during the hour and a bit he spent loitering in the halls. He drank three cups of coffee, ate a bagel, counted every ceiling and floor tile in sight. All the while, he had to force himself to studiously ignore the fact that just a few rooms away, someone was pulling his kid’s teeth out of his skull.
And, okay, logically he knew he was being a drama queen. Peter was fine. Wisdom teeth extractions were, like, the most mundane procedure of all time. Nearly everyone had it. Hell, he had had it, far enough back that Jarvis, the human Jarvis, had been the one taking care of him in the aftermath. He knew that his parents must’ve been alive, but they hadn’t been there. He remembered that, even through the haze of painkillers.
Peter wouldn’t experience that, at least. He’d come back to himself with Tony at his side, and it would only be a few hours before May arrived. Peter had adamantly declared that he’d rather have her see him once he was fully conscious and recovered, and nobody had argued with him.
Tony felt a little touched that the kid had been fine with him seeing him drugged off his ass. Then again, they’d been through this kind of thing before, with countless broken bones and gushing lacerations, courtesy of reckless patrols.
The doors to Peter’s room opened, and Cho and the dental surgeon walked out. Cho was already giving him a thumbs up before she’d fully emerged, aware of his tendency to work himself up during waits.
Bless her.
“All good, Tony.” She smiled, coming to a stop in front of him. “Textbook surgery, not a single complication. Two of them were impacted, which we already knew, but they weren’t difficult to remove once we got in there. He was perfect, too. A real trooper.”
“So he’s alright?” He felt a little ridiculous for needing the extra reassurance, but not ridiculous enough to avoid asking. “You’re sure?”
Doctor Rhine (Tony decided he was sticking with it) glanced at Cho briefly before nodding. “As Doctor Cho said before, Mister Stark, he’s perfectly alright. A little out of it, but nothing you wouldn’t expect after a wisdom tooth extraction.”
“He slept through most of it, which is what I was hoping for,” Cho added. “He woke up a little near the end, when we were inserting the gauze.” She grinned. “He asked for you.”
His heart clenched. “Was he upset I left?”
“No, no. He wasn’t distressed. He just asked where you went, and then said he wanted you to come back.” She nodded behind her, in the general direction of the kid’s room. “And on that note: you’re welcome to go grant him his wish. Just because we’re not sure how his system is going to react to the painkillers you synthesized, I’d like to keep him in there for his first dose. As long as he doesn’t have a reaction to that, we’ll just wait until he’s awake enough to head up to the penthouse. There’s a nurse in with him now, but you’re welcome to take over.”
The idea of Peter asking for him soothed the piece of him that was still chafing over the kid’s easy acceptance of him leaving earlier.
“Yeah, right.” He made a beeline for Peter’s door, barely pausing to turn back. “Thanks, Helen. Thanks, Rhine.”
He hoped he got the man’s name right.
If not, whoops.
The kid was exactly where he’d left him, although someone had removed most of the monitors and other equipment. The IV was still in the back of his hand, probably for easy administration of pain meds later, but nothing was attached to it. He looked asleep, face peaceful and eyelashes brushing his cheeks. A curly-haired nurse was standing at the kid’s shoulder, talking to him gently. She looked up when Tony stepped in, smiling.
“Hey, sweetheart, look. Dad’s here. See? I told you he was on his way.”
He thought about correcting her, then didn’t bother. He kept most of the details about Peter confidential, even from the medical staff, but he knew that they extrapolated, made assumptions. He didn’t even blame them. It was just human nature.
It would take to long to explain the truth at this point. And right now, he just wanted his kid.
“Hey, Pete.” He kept his voice hushed, setting his palm over the kid’s forehead in greeting. “How’re you feeling?”
Peter’s head lolled slightly in his direct, lazy smile forming around the cotton in his mouth even as his eyes stayed shut. “Mis’er S’rk.”
“That’s me.” He glanced up to the nurse, who was watching him with a knowing smile. “How’s he doing?”
“Perfectly.” She matched his quiet volume, and he made a mental note to give her a raise. “He’s been waking up a little these past few minutes. He tried to sit up a few times, which went about as well as you can imagine. He should settle down now that you’re here, though. Most kids do once their parents are in the room.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth around the gauze lazily, eyes cracking open just a sliver. “Di’ you leave me?”
Tony forced himself not to flinch. Man, this kid really knew his soft spot.
“Just for a bit, squirt.” He used his sleeve to wipe a bit of drool off of Peter’s chin, careful not to jostle his jaw. “They had to do the surgery. I was right outside, though.”
Peter’s face scrunched up in thought. “I… I don’ remember that.”
“Good.” It was good, too. He’d been having nightmares about the kid remembering the surgery for weeks. Sure, it wasn’t the same as having a metal reactor screwed into your chest, but Tony’s brain didn’t make the distinction. “You’re not supposed to.”
“W’s I sleepin’?”
“Kinda, yeah.”
Peter hummed in response, turning his face into the palm Tony pressed against his cheek.
The nurse nudged his arm to catch his attention. Man, he’d forgotten she was even there.
“I’ll step out, now. Doctor Cho’ll be back in a bit to check on him and see if he’s ready for some pain relief. Don’t be concerned if he falls back asleep, that’s very normal. Most kids are happy to nap once they realize that they’re with someone they trust.” She paused. “If you need to leave to do anything else, just hit the call button and I can sit with him for you.”
“No, I’ll stay. But thank you.”
“Of course.”
Once they were alone, he hopped up onto the bed, tapping Peter’s ear until he recognized the change of positions and started a series of clumsy attempts at octopusing his way into Tony’s arms. He helped him along, eventually settling the kid against his chest. He rubbed soothing circles over Peter’s back as he grew loose and heavy against him.
He was glad that the bed had already been raised into a semi-reclining position, because he wouldn’t have been able to fumble with the controls and also keep cradling his armful of limp teenager. After a little shifting, he found himself decently comfortable, and settled in for the long haul.
Cho came in about a half an hour later, took one look at his position, and started laughing quietly into her sleeve.
“Yeah, yeah,” he massaged the back of Peter’s neck as an apology for the noise, although the kid slept on, oblivious, “we’re very cute. Just take the picture for blackmail and move on.”
“I would never.” To be fair, he believed her. “Has he been sleeping since you came in?”
“He was awake at first, but then he conked right out on me. Nurse said that was normal.”
“It is. He’s still got the sedation in his system, and his body is probably trying to heal.” She moved to their bedside, checked Peter’s pulse on his wrist. “Do you think you could get him to wake up for me? I want to see how coherent he is, and ask if he’s in any pain.”
“Yeah, sure.” He shook Peter’s shoulder. “Hey, Pete. Wake up, buddy.”
“Hm.” The kid’s brow furrowed in displeasure. “Don’ wanna.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I know. Just for a bit though, squirt. Cho wants to talk to you.”
“Hey there, Peter.” Cho bent to look at his face. “How are you feeling?”
The kid dragged his eyelids open, blinking rapidly to try to orient himself. “Tired.”
“Are you in any pain?”
“Hm. Yeah. Ow.” Peter fumbled up a hand to poke at his cheek, but Tony caught it before he could. “Ow. M’ face hurts.”
Tony’s gaze snapped to Cho, and she was waving off his concern before he could even voice it. “Relax, Tony. The sedation is pretty limited in the analgesic department, and I guessed he’d go through the lidocaine quickly.” She held up a syringe. “I came prepared.”
He let out a genuine sigh of relief. There was nothing he hated more than Peter in pain. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” She injected the painkillers into Peter’s IV port. “The pain should be better in a second, Peter. You just keep cuddling with Tony.”
“Oi,” he glared, “we’re not cuddling.”
“Looks like cuddling to me.”
“Well, it isn’t.”
“What is it, then?”
“It’s... physical reassurance.”
“It’s cuddling.”
“Shut up.”
She laughed, turning her attention back to the kid. “Do you feel better now, Peter?”
“Mhm. Does Mis’er Stark have t’ leave now?”
“No, buddy,” Tony rubbed his back, “Mister Stark’s staying right here.”
“F’r the surgery?”
“You already had the surgery, kiddie. You’re all done.”
“Oh. Di’ I do good?”
“So good. A model patient, I hear.”
Cho walked towards the door with a smile on her lips, waving goodbye before slipping out silently.
“Mis’er Stark?” 
Peter blinked up at him heavily, little grin on his face. Some of the gauze had come loose, and Tony pushed it back into place carefully. Once he was done, he smoothed a few curls away from the kid’s forehead, soft grin coming unbidden. “Yes, Mister Parker?”
“D’you... D’you know h’w much I love you?”
His heart stilled. No, seriously, he swore he could feel it falter.
“No, bud.” The words felt numb in his mouth. “I... I guess I don’t.”
Do you love me? He thought. Do you really? Do I even deserve that?
“I... I love you... uh...” He watched Peter struggle for a unit that made sense, and some of his shock was swept away by the wildfire of his own love raging through every inch of his chest. “I love you ‘s far ‘s I c’n reach.”
There were times when Tony was struck by how young Peter was, how much the kid was still very much immersed in childhood, even if he liked to play at being an adult. This was one of those times, and it hit him out of nowhere with the full force of a speeding train.
He hugged him closer, voice rough. “I’m taller than you, kid. I can reach higher.”
“‘S not a... a compe-competi-comp’tition.”
Tony physically held back the laugh that rose at Peter’s absolute butchering of competition. “Of course it’s not,” he soothed.
Peter seemed to ignore his own declaration, trying at another clumsy metaphor before Tony could even finish. “I-I love you ‘s high ‘s Spider-Man c’n climb, Mis’er Stark. ‘S... ‘S really high, y’know.”
Peter’s head slipped forward a little as he spoke, so Tony gently repositioned him so it was resting on his collarbone and brushed the bangs out of the kid’s face. “The suit can go to space, kiddo. Got you there again.”
If he was being honest, he’d expected the kid to have lost his train of thought long before now, but he was determined, it seemed. “I love you to... to...” He blinked slowly. “Love you to... Antarctica. ‘N the North Pole.”
“The South Pole’s in Antarctica, kid.” The whole conversation was ridiculous, and it was making him feel gushy and gross, but in a way that was actually kind of nice. “Santa’s on the other side of the world.”
“‘S... ‘S not.”
He smirked at the kid’s drowsy stubbornness. “Australia’s farther than Antarctica. So I win once again.”
Peter twisted himself so he could slide further down Tony’s chest and gaze up at his face. He rushed to support him.
The kid shot him a dopey grin. “‘M gonna win. I got one.”
Tony ran a finger over his temple, right along the hairline. “Oh?”
“Mhm.” Peter’s eyes closed, then opened. His stubborn determination to finish their little game seemed to be just about the only thing keeping him conscious. “I love you t’ the Kuiper Belt ‘n back.”
If this went on for any longer, Tony was going to end up crying.
“Well,” he swallowed back a wave of emotion, “that is a really long way, huh?”
“Mhm. I win. D’... D’d I win?”
Tony dropped his voice to a whisper, smiled softly. Screw his reputation. It’s not like anyone could see this, anyway. “Yeah, buddy. You won.”
Peter seemed contented by the words, and Tony waited for the kid to relax against him before dropping his forehead against the crown of his head and letting the final layers of his armor shed, leaving him exposed and vulnerable and frighteningly adoring.
“You know, kiddo,” he breathed slowly, fully aware that this was the cheesiest thing he’d ever done and not caring in the slightest, “I love you to the edge of the universe and back. And just for reference, there is no end of the universe.” He shifted his precious bundle closer to his chest. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anybody.”
Peter stretched, fingers tangling in the hem of his shirt and voice barely audible. “Mm. M’kay. You win.”
He’d expected to be more horrified that the kid had heard him. Instead, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction, like he’d just fulfilled an innate need without even recognizing it. 
“You know,” he whispered, “I hope you remember this.”
“‘Course I will,” Peter mumbled back, “‘M... ‘M Spider-Man. Spider-Man ‘members important stuff.”
He chuckled. “Yeah? Well, good. ‘Cause this is very important.”
And so are you, he thought, smiling like the world was in his arms.
(And, in a way, it was.)
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
9 and 10, shiro ship or voltron ship of your choice :D
trope mash-up prompts
this is pure silliness tbh
9 & 10 — Dance AU + Airport/Travel AU with Shallureith
A twelve-hour layover on paper didn’t seem that bad. They were all together so they could take turns taking naps, and there was a nice reprieve in being stuck in an airport. It was like a break from reality, an excuse to eat doughnuts cross-legged on the floor and watch Netflix at 3 PM. Or at least that’s what Allura kept telling herself. By hour nine, though, it was becoming apparent that her theory didn’t work so well off paper. 
Shiro was working through his series of physical therapy stretches, less because he actually needed to and more because he’d finished the book he was reading. Keith, meanwhile, had been pacing for the last fifteen minutes because he’d sat still for a grand total of thirty. Propping herself up from where she’d been laying back on the floor, Allura huffed out an exhale and eyed the both of them. As if following some unspoken cue, Keith paused in his pacing to meet her eye, and Shiro lifted an eyebrow in question.
“We could play a card game,” she offered. Canting his head, Shiro seemed to consider it, but Keith’s nose wrinkled in distaste. Despite being the one to offer it, Allura sympathized; her legs itched with restless energy, a need to move, and not just sit and occupy her mind. “I have an idea,” Shiro said, “but uh…it’s dumb.” Naturally, that seemed to pique Keith’s curiosity, and he inched closer. Allura stifled her laughter but inclined her head. “I’m okay with dumb,” she said. “It’s midnight and we’ve run out of snacks.” Their backpacks got stashed under the seats, and within five minutes, they were on the moving sidewalk. Shiro, as the one with the idea, got to lead, and Allura had to fight back giggles as he directed them into plies. It was the same combination he always fell into when he was warming up or teaching a class on the fly, and they were synchronized as they sunk into a grand plié in fifth. At the end of the track, Keith took over and they move onto fondus on the one rolling the opposite way.The airport was quiet by now, but the few people who passed by paused and squinted at them a moment before hurrying on their way. A couple of the younger ones stopped long enough to take a picture or video, grinning as they turned away to carry on to their gate.They skipped some steps, trading tendus and degages for pas de cheval and piqués. Anything that didn’t work well on moving rubber tracks while they were wearing tennis shoes was thrown off; this was just for fun, after all, not a real class. They stretched with ankles resting on the railing, and developped on an angle to keep from blocking the one or two other passengers trying to get one way or the other.Jumps were skipped for safety reasons, as well as turns, but that didn’t stop them from going into lifts like they’d had a whole class to warm up. Shiro pressed her up over his head like they were standing on steady ground, and she couldn’t help a grin breaking over her lips that was half nerves and half delight. There was always something exhilarating about big lifts, about soaring through the air with the floor eight feet below. She could hear the announcement as a plane deboarded, and a new rush of passengers started trickling through the terminal. Oh no, she thought, holding in some cross between a giggle and groan as she held up her arabesque. They’d started this as a silly distraction while the terminal was occupied only by sleeping passengers, but now they were getting something like a crowd. People stopped, first just a couple, then a whole cluster along the railing.As Shiro stepped carefully from the track and settled her on her feet, there was a round of muted applause — not too loud, as if mindful of those still sleeping on the floor and across the bench seats. “Maybe we should call that enough,” she said.Before Shiro could answer, though, there was a burst of startled laughter and applause, more raucous than before, and looking over, she covered her mouth with her hand. Keith had unfolded into a handstand, body perfectly perpendicular as he trundled down the moving walkway. Shiro bleated out a strangled laugh as Keith shifted to full splits, still inverted, completely ignoring the couple who now rode behind him and stared blearily at his antics.“Shall we?” Shiro asked, grinning, and offering out his hand.“Will you be my Romeo?” she replied.It had been their last performance this season, and the pas de deux was still fresh in her mind and body. Shiro broke into a grin at the challenge and accepted immediately. Onstage, the process of getting into the lift was simple, graceful; on the walkway, it was a little more utilitarian. Shiro knelt, reaching up his arm, and Allura laid out on his shoulders in the same motion. He took a step onto the walkway as he rose, in time for her to extend her leg to the ceiling and let her arm drape down across his chest.“Holy shit,” someone gasped in their little audience, and Allura grinned. Shiro turned in a tight circle rather than the usual steps and swung her legs down so that she hovered as if en pointe in thin air, chest arched to the sky. Lifting her back up, he braced himself for the second developpe, higher this time so she nearly unfurled into the splits still draped over his shoulders. He stepped onto firm ground, settling her lightly on her feet, and the crowd broke into a round of true applause. Laughing, Allura dipped in a curtsy, extending the hoodie around her waist like a skirt.“Now that’s just cheating,” Keith laughed, coming up behind them. “How’m I supposed to top it?”“Well, you could always lift me,” Shiro replied, jostling Keith’s elbow with his.Catching the light in Keith’s eyes, Allura laughed.“You two figure that out, I’ll buy some time with our audience,” she said.Trading classical for modern, she stepped onto the walkway to toss her leg up into a full tilt, fingers placed delicately under her chin. She’d been hired for a music video over the summer, her first big commercial contract, and as she pivoted into an illusion, leg fanning in a great circle behind her, she heard a murmur of recognition.“Hey, wait,” someone started as popped a hip and flicked her long white braid over her shoulder, “she was in Leon!”She shot a wink in the general direction of the speaker and, as the walkway rolled to an end, dropped into an inverted cabriole before springing up and into a messy pirouette. Carpet and sneakers didn’t make for a good turning combination, but she got a whistle as she stepped out of it, laughing.On the other end of the walkway, Keith and Shiro were already starting, and she stole glances as she hurried down the length back to their starting point. It wasn’t that different from peeking from the wings during a crossover, only she was usually in a skirt and stage makeup for that rather than her worn-in leggings and airport-bathroom face wash.The prep into this one was deceptively simple: Keith crouched as Shiro tossed his weight onto his shoulder, flopping like a particularly bulky sack. There was a smattering of confused laughter, as if the audience thought they’d traded dance for a farce, and Allura grinned. She knew this step, remembered this piece. It was an older one — a pas de deux about the homoeroticism of trench warfare created by a guest artist on Keith and Shiro back when they were still students. The lift was, admittedly, a little more effective with the achingly intimate cello solo that normally accompanied it, but she could already feel anticipation tingling under her skin at what came next.From his limp drape over Keith’s shoulder, Shiro straightened up into a handstand, arms tight around Keith’s waist and feet pointed to the ceiling. The laughter shifted into quiet gasps. Keith’s hands hooked around the back of Shiro’s thighs, guiding them in a motion almost like an upside-down cartwheel. As his legs came around, though, Shiro didn’t neatly step off but froze, body perpendicular to the ground. Keith’s wiry arms shifted, lean muscle straining under his t-shirt. A few steps from the end of the walkway, Allura froze. That lift was supposed to swing around, Shiro rotating across Keith’s waist — but there were glass walls cutting their path off. Swinging him forward was bound to leave Shiro with a concussion and knock both of them on their asses on the walkway. Her hands tightened, involuntary, with worry.As she watched, Keith bent, shifting so that Shiro was nearly diagonal to the ground as his legs came around, slicing a breath above the rail. She gasped, startled despite herself by the fluidity as the two of them shifted, reoriented the choreography and brought Shiro neatly into an inversion before stepping off to a chorus of whooping and claps from their transient audience. Looking out over the little crowd, she could spot half a dozen cellphones lifted up, filming, and she held back a laugh. Coran was going to have a fit.A boarding call came over the PA as Keith and Shiro reached her, both breathing a little hard, and the crowd started to disband. Drawing her bottom lip in under her teeth, Allura rested her hands on her hips.“I think it’s time for our finale,” she declared.“That didn’t count?” Shiro breathed out, laughing.“Nah,” she said. “Hey, remember that character class we took with Nikola Kaminski?”Shiro’s eyebrows rose, but Keith’s lips turned up in a grin, and he started nodding before he even replied.“Oh hell yes.”She wouldn’t have been able to do it with Shiro, not with their height difference, but Keith was the same height as her if she didn’t wax down her hair. They took the walkway grinning, two steps apart and bouncing slightly in rhythm with each other. The dispersing crowd paused, lingering to see what was going on, and Shiro stalled with the first steps of Nutcracker’s Russian. Allura laughed, shoulders shaking, but gave Keith a firm nod as they approached the center of the walkway. He took one chasse, throwing himself up into her arms. She heaved, pushing off with her thighs, and flipped him up so one leg extended to the sky. Suspended there for a moment, he flicked one hand up to salute the audience before she swung him back down and they pranced off their impromptu stage. Despite the hour, their tiny crowd burst into cheers and applause. They’d accumulated more than she’d realized during the mini performance, and Allura laughed as they took bows from either end of the walkway. Drawn away at last either by boarding calls or by the sense of the performance ending, the crowd trickled away and Keith and Allura wandered down to where Shiro waited for them. Her heart raced under her t-shirt, cheeks flushed with adrenaline and endorphins. Keith’s cheeks were as pink as hers felt, and Shiro’s bangs stuck to his forehead. Reaching up, she combed them back, and he laughed.“Well, that is a new stage for me,” he remarked.“Your dumb idea was pretty great,” Keith said, looping an arm around Shiro’s waist. Shiro grinned, and Allura pressed a kiss to his cheek before tangling her fingers with Keith’s. “I honestly thought you two were going to get concussions doing that Huntsman lift,” she admitted as they turned back to their waiting bags. Keith shrugged his near shoulder, as if unbothered. “Keith had me,” Shiro said. “I wasn’t worried. Did you hear them during your Leon solo?” Laughing, Allura dropped into her seat, twisting around to drape her legs over Keith’s lap. Now that the adrenaline was starting to fade, she was finally almost sleepy. “I wondered if anyone would recognize it,” she admitted, leaning her head against her hand. “Too bad you didn’t have the costume,” Keith remarked, dropping his arm over her shins. Shiro snorted and Allura reached over to pinch his arm. The costume in question had been little more than a white bralette and shorts — and an entire bucket of red and black paint. Keith only grinned, unrepentant. “Next time I do a bikini dance, you guys are doing it shirtless,” she declared.
Glancing over to meet Shiro’s eye, Keith lifted his eyebrows and shrugged. “Deal,” he said. “I assume that’s our first summer layoff project,” Shiro agreed. Allura laughed, settling more fully into her seat. The metal arm rest pressed into her back persistently, but if she leaned in toward Keith and shifted most her weight into the pleather back, it wasn’t so bad. “Perfect,” she said, eyes slipping shut. “You two come up with some choreography and I’ll run final edits.” Already sleepiness curled around her, lulling her off. Distantly, she could hear a quiet chuckle and feel the gentle warmth of Keith giving her leg a light squeeze. The last thing she heard as she drifted off was Shiro: “Sweet dreams, Princess.”
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