#now editing it and adding stupid tags FUCK YOU
okay yes toxic jake and chloe i love it. screaming yelling fighting, angry sex in bathroom stalls and school custodian closets and ruthlessly spreading rumors and absolutely hating each other for years but still ending up back together when it's dark and they're alone. jake and chloe who are shocked back into reality after the fire and squip and realize they're better off with other people yes yes endgame richjake endgame pinkberry or whatever other ship you want BUT also jake and chloe broken up but jake and chloe still in love with the idea of each other
jake and chloe in january after the fire when chloe comes out as lesbian and jake's so supportive in public but the second he's alone in his apartment he's in tears because I was supposed to marry her. It was over, he knew it was, but there was still some part of him that had his entire future revolving around coming back to her
Chloe with a girl, so much happier than she's ever been with Jake, but when things don't work out with that girl and she's single again she calls Jake with the intention of hooking up, of angry break up-make-up sex even though that break up was with someone else and it's only after he picks up that she realizes she doesn't want that anymore. He doesn't want that anymore. He still drives over and he still holds her but it's not like it was.
They don't forgive each other and they aren't friends but they've still got that time after the SATs in spring when jake took her out to lunch because he was finally stress-free and she can tell that they're there for a reason and she's scared it's going to be a I still love you, but then she's shocked with a "How'd you know?" "Know what?" "I mean. About. That. Girls. That you---" and he looks so flustered and scared and Chloe's trying to be better so instead of relishing in his discomfort she just talks him through everything and somehow it ends with him apologizing and her apologizing and they know they're never ever going to be what they once were---there's never even gonna be acquaintances, they'll see each other once a year when they come home for holiday breaks (if that, because does Jake really have a home to come back to?) but no matter what, she's going to be his first love and he'll be the only name she remembers from high school when she's old and has a life with new friends and a new personality that isn't just a manifestation of her own self-hatred
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holllandtrash · 1 year
6 to 1 | lando norris (part 11)
pairing: lando norris x leclerc!reader part 11 in the 6 to 1 series (read part 1 here)
dinner with charles and the rest of your family comes with high expectations and heavy disappointments. one thing's for certain, lando's not going anywhere and neither are you
word count: 7.2k tags/warnings: implied smut, literally the worst translated french ever if someone wants to fix it by all means pls help me out, some sad tugs on the heart strings, i think thats it, also poorly edited
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There were two sides to Lando Norris.
You already knew of the sweet and considerate side. The one that opened car doors for you, that took care of you even though you never asked to be cared for. This was the side of Lando that you fell hard for because he was all heart and cheeky grins and stupid eye rolls that had you blushing.
And then there was the side that you didn’t even know existed until you woke up to him leaving a trail of kisses down your body before slowly spreading your legs apart. The side that had you seeing stars and screaming his name before you could even register being awake. 
Lando was insatiable, to put it simply.
And you weren’t complaining.
How could you complain when he joined you in the shower and pressed his lips to your neck as he pinned you against the porcelain wall. Your cheek against the cold tile, the stream of hot water coming down from above, his cock so deep inside you that you relied on him to keep you upright. 
Yeah, you couldn’t complain.
Lando seemed to be on a mission to make you cum more times in twelve hours than you had in the last two years. He got so much pleasure from bringing you to the edge and watching as you spilled over.
You made sure to return the favour. Not even waiting until you were out of the bathroom before dropping down to your knees. Lando has one hand on the edge of the sink, the other hand tangled through your hair. Strings of expletives meshed so well with his encouraging words, telling you how fucking pretty you looked choking on his cock. 
And honestly, that first shower was a write-off. You eventually needed to push Lando out of the bathroom to give you the chance to actually get ready for the day.
It was hard for the two of you to keep your hands off each other and to be fair, you didn’t really try. Sure, you put on a show, but ten minutes in and you were by far more entertaining than whatever rom-com you had chosen.
The day got away from you, to say the least.
It wasn’t until Lando asked you what you wanted for dinner did you suddenly bolt upright on the couch, reaching for your phone to check the time.
Lando, who had his hand on the handle of the fridge, slowly backed away from it as he tried to gauge what was going through your head, “Okay, or we could order something?”
“No, no, I’m sorry,” you stood up as you rushed to answer Arthurs text. He was already at your maman’s place and you couldn’t multitask to save your life so you didn’t even try to explain yourself to Lando until you sent Pascale a text saying that you had accidentally fallen asleep and are headed there now. It was a lie, but it was better than the alternative which would undoubtedly give her a heart attack.
“What’s up?” Lando asked, heading back towards you, eyeing your phone. 
You dragged your fingers through your hair, “I forgot I promised to go to my maman’s house for dinner.” You turned and headed down the hall, “I need to change..can you- I don’t have any clothes here do I?”
Lando followed you, picking up the mini skirt you abandoned last night and the top that could have quite literally doubled as a bra. All day you had been lounging around in Lando’s clothes, having completely forgotten about your dinner plans.
“Just you and your mum?” Lando asked, he stepped into his closet but there was no way he had anything that was appropriate for dinner.
“Um, and Arthur and Enzo,” you added quietly, finding a brush on top of his dresser and running it through your hair. You kept Charles’ name out of your mouth, not feeling up to bringing him into the conversation.
Lando stepped back into his room, eyebrows raised at your frantic actions, “Did you want me to drive you? We can stop at your place on the way so you can change.”
You didn’t just want him to drive you, you wanted him to join you. But to throw this on him so last second wasn’t fair. 
You accepted the ride to dinner, but you kept the invite to yourself. 
Lando waited in the car as you ran in and changed, making yourself more presentable. It took under five minutes to put something appropriate on and get rid of any signs that you and Lando had been nothing but tangled limbs and heated kisses and desperate moans for the last 12 hours. 
You were thankful that Lando was careful. Any marks that bruised your skin overnight weren’t visible to anyone other than you two. Some were darker than others, but you didn’t let yourself think of Lando’s lips exploring every inch of you, not while he was currently idling outside and waiting for your return.
When you slid back into the passenger seat, Lando waited before putting the car into drive. He nodded his head towards the phone that rested on the dash, your phone, that you had left while you ran inside. 
Not only that, but you left it unlocked.
You had nothing to hide, but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was Arthur had texted you twice since you stepped out of the car.
Charles is here btw, seems to be in a fine mood Are you bringing Lando?
When you looked up at Lando, he just had a smug little smile on his face. He wasn’t mad that you hadn’t invited him to dinner, nor was he upset that Charles was there after you purposely avoided saying his name.
“You told your brother about me?” Lando asked, finding the whole thing endearing. It was one thing if the drivers knew you were together, telling your family was entirely different.
“To an extent,” you shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. “He knows we’ve been hanging out. I think a lot of people do.”
“Hanging out,” Lando repeated, mocking the naive term. 
“Well maybe if you asked me out I could tell him you’re my boyfriend.”
“Well maybe if you weren’t so picky about me planning a grand gesture,” Lando flipped the sarcasm on you and you playfully pressed your hand to his cheek, pushing his face away from yours. 
“I deserve a grand gesture,” you told him.
Lando nodded in agreement, “But nothing embarrassing?”
“Nothing embarrassing.”
“Anything for the Littlest Leclerc.”
You positioned yourself on the seat so your upper half was practically leaning over the centre console. Lando’s smile had yet to vanish as his gaze darted to every inch of your face, landing on your lips before he glanced up to meet your eyes. 
Out of nowhere, you felt giddy. You felt the excitement of butterflies in your stomach. You looked at Lando and suddenly you wanted him to come to dinner. You wanted your mother to see him as someone other than a driver. You wanted him to get to know your other brothers. You wanted to introduce him to the part of your life that no one had ever seen before.
“Come with me,” your quiet request echoed through the car. “To dinner.”
Lando’s eyebrows raised in response. He wasn’t against the idea, but he wasn’t tripping over his words to agree either. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. “You don’t think it’s too soon to meet your family?”
“Well you’ve already met my mother,” you pointed out, thinking of the few times they had interacted during race weekends.
Lando rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean.”
You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before smiling. Your nose nudged against his and again, those butterflies returned.
“I want you there,” you said.
“Then I want to be there.”
Two sides to Lando. 
And this was the side you were falling incredibly hard for. The side that made you want to show him off to everyone you knew. The side that made you forget why you were nervous to see Charles in the first place.
Lando kissed you once more before he pulled his eyes to the road. You sat back in your seat and your hand stayed connected with his for the remainder of the drive.
You opened the door to your maman’s place, reaching for Lando’s hand as you stepped inside. There was no one in the general area, but you could hear voices flooding in through the balcony. With it being such a beautiful day, you shouldn’t have been surprised to see that everyone was already outside.
Lando was looking around, undoubtedly feeling very out of his element as he stood in the childhood home of another driver. His eyes landed on some old photos and his usual bubbly personality was replaced with solemn and an expression so tense that it had you feeling uneasy in your mother’s own home.
“Hey,” you whispered, squeezing his hand as you stepped closer to him and the wall that held a variety of memories in frames. Lando nodded, acknowledging that he heard you, but his eyes were locked on a specific photo. 
It was Charles in a kart, probably about ten years old at the time. Next to him knelt Jules, the biggest smile on his face. 
Lando pointed at the young girl balancing on Jules’ knee, a bright red toy car between her fingers. His gaze then turned to you, eyebrows raised. 
“I was about five years old, I think,” you said, trying to think back to when exactly that picture was taken. You leaned your head against Lando’s arm as images of your childhood rushed back to you. Some were pure memories that belonged to, others were flashes of stories you had heard that your mind had tricked you into thinking you remembered. 
But this day, you remembered. 
“I wanted to race too,” a breath of laughter followed that admittance. “Or at least I thought I did. Jules would have never actually let me drive that thing, I was too young, but he put me in and I remember getting so scared. I kept thinking it would start and just take off and it was instant tears for me.”
Lando nudged your side, “Your dreams of being a driver were short lived.”
“Very much so,” you laughed. You tapped your finger against the mini you behind the glass. “Jules gave me a toy Ferrari to keep me distracted and it worked for the most part. But when Charles got in the kart I got scared for him. Jules had to hold me the entire time he was going around the track, assuring me that Charles was safe, that he-”
Lando noticed the way your voice caught in your throat. He slipped his hand out of yours to drape his arm around your shoulders instead, pulling you into his side so he could kiss your forehead.
You told yourself you were fine. You were fine, this was a happy memory, it was a good day. It was just one you hadn’t thought about in a while.
Lando didn’t want you to sit in your thoughts. He propped his finger under your chin, tilting your face up, “Do you think a toy Ferrari would still work to distract you?”
The corner of your lips curled upwards and you rolled your eyes at his attempt at bringing some humour into this conversation.
“No, but maybe a real Ferrari would.”
“Yeah I’m not buying you a Ferrari,” Lando scoffed, turning you both around and away from the photo wall. You glanced at it over your shoulder once more, but when the sliding door to the balcony opened, the pictures were yet again just a memory. 
You stepped out of Lando’s embrace when Pascale looked up and saw you. A grin spread across her cheeks and she was quick to put down the bottle of wine in her hands. You practically hopped across the kitchen floor to give her a hug, rocking side to side in her tight embrace.
“Bonjour, maman,” you sighed happily. It had been a few weeks since you had actually spent time with her. When you pulled back she started asking you about the wedding you attended, about London, about what you’ve been up to, but of course she was speaking in French. Lando, who stood quietly behind you, had absolutely no idea what was being said.
“Attends, maman,” Wait mom. You said, cutting her off before this conversation could go further. You glanced at Lando and ushered him over with just a head nod. “C’est Lando.” This is Lando.
Pascale looked at you like you were missing a few brain cells and honestly, you sort of felt like you were. Obviously she knew who Lando was. The question was what was he doing in her home. 
“Chérie, je sais qui c'est.” Sweetheart, I know who he is. 
Your maman knew Lando as a driver. Someone from a rival team, someone that Charles competed against. She probably didn’t think much of it that he was there, it wasn’t uncommon for Charles to invite another driver or two to a get-together. 
But when you reached for Lando’s hand and pulled him closer to you, Pascale’s eyes lit up. There was a faint gasp of surprise, but it was her heartwarming smile of approval that lifted the weight off your shoulders.
You had never brought someone home before, someone that you wanted to introduce to your family. And even though Lando didn’t need any introduction, it was clear that he wasn’t just a driver. Your fingers intertwined with his and your cheeks turned a light shade of pink when Pascale pointed between the two of you. 
As your mother, she wanted nothing but happiness for you. She didn’t care that Lando was a Formula 1 driver, all she saw was you clinging to a guy, something that she’s never seen before. There was an obvious connection, one that you hadn’t let yourself have before and Pascale could see that.
“I hope it’s okay that I invited him,” your voice was timid as you glanced towards the patio doors. All of your brothers were out there, none of them had noticed you yet.
“Of course!” she cheered, reaching forward to squeeze Lando’s arm lovingly. “Vous ne parlez pas le Français?”
“No,” you answered for him, feeling Lando tense up beside you as he tried to figure out what he was just asked. “No, he doesn’t speak French.”
“Oh that is not a problem,” Pascale brushed the language aside. She wanted to make Lando feel comfortable in her home, which was just another breath of fresh air for you. At least your maman was supportive, she would be inclusive towards Lando tonight.
Your brothers were another story.
The patio door slid open again and this time it was Enzo and Arthur who walked in. They greeted you from across the room, both in French, but their ‘bonjours’ and ‘ca va’s’ were cut off when they recognised Lando.
“C'est nouveau,” This is new. Enzo teased, his finger darting back and forth between you and Lando as he poured himself a glass of wine. 
Arthur glanced out to the patio where Charles remained, “Tu ne lui a pas dit a propos de Lando, pas vrai?” You didn’t tell him about Lando, did you?
Poor Lando, just staring at you waiting for a translation or for you to answer on his behalf. He genuinely couldn’t tell what your brothers were saying, but he hoped it wasn’t anything negative.
“English, boys,” Pascale clapped her hands together as she moved to stand between Arthur and Enzo. She wrapped her arms around both of them, squeezing gently as she smiled back at you and Lando. Both sons had quite a few inches on her but they let her pull them into her sides without any sort of fight. “Lando does not speak French. We will be good hosts, yes?”
“C’est lui qui vit à Monaco,” He’s the one who lives in Monaco. Enzo snorted, earning a smack upside the head from your maman. He held his hand up in defence, palm facing Lando, “Sorry, mate.”
“All good,” Lando chuckled, shaking his head. He didn’t want to put anyone out of place, but Pascale was notorious for making sure her guests were comfortable and respected. If that meant she had to learn another language, she probably would without question. 
“Lando, wine?” She offered, grabbing an empty glass from the cupboard. 
“Oh he’s not a wine drinker and-” you spoke up, inhaling a sharp breath through your teeth. You glanced up at Lando, “-and I don’t know why I’m speaking for you. You have a voice.”
Lando gave your hand a squeeze, but he didn’t seem offended that you answered on his behalf. If anything, he was a little surprised that you remembered that little detail about him. 
“Help yourself to anything in the fridge,” Pascale told him, still pouring a glass for you knowing that you sure as hell wouldn’t turn down wine. She had just stepped around the kitchen island to hand it to you when the patio door opened for the third time.
Charles didn’t even look at you. His eyes immediately went to Lando.
Lando waved awkwardly, “Hey, Charles.”
Completely disregarding him, he turned to Pascale, “Ce devait être un dîner de famille." It was supposed to be a family dinner.
Lando leaned towards you and whispered, “What did he say?”
You shook your head, he didn’t need to know that Charles was already choosing to let this evening turn sour. “Tu peux être poli au moins.” You can at least be polite. You told Charles, only to be met with an eye roll in response.
“So the eye rolls run in the family?” Lando asked. 
“Can you just-” you turned to him suddenly, but stopped yourself from being unintentionally rude. Lando was just trying to make a joke, that’s what he did in any given situation. It wasn’t his fault that Charles’ bad attitude was now affecting how you were acting. You placed your hand on his chest, playing with the string of his jumper, “Let’s go outside, yeah?”
Charles turned around as well but Pascale was quick to jab her finger against her son's chest before he could go anywhere, “Behave, Charles.”
It was a warning that held very little merit. Charles would mutter something under his breath in French about how Lando wasn’t actually invited as the group of you all made your way outside. Pascale stayed inside to finish up dinner and you offered to help but one look from her and you both knew you’d be needed outside with the men boys. 
The patio was large. The outdoor couch shaped like an ‘L’ was spacious enough to fit all five of you comfortably. But Charles still opted for one of the chairs, resting his leg over the other as he leaned back and watched as Lando made himself comfortable on the patio furniture, or at least tried to. 
The second that Lando put his hand on your thigh, Charles’ eyebrows twitched and Lando retracted his hand, leaving it in his own lap. 
This was awkward for everyone. 
Well, maybe not so much Arthur and Enzo whose heads were moving back and forth between you like they were watching a tennis match, just waiting to see what sort of moves any of you would make. 
You hadn't spoken to Charles since you left Silverstone. You weren’t there for him when he DNF’d near the end of the race. You weren’t there to tell him that he still had plenty of chances left this season to do work his way up the standings. 
Now was as good a time as any to bring it up, clear the air. 
“I’m sorry about your retirement last weekend,” you said, feeling unusually timid. Charles wasn’t someone who you often felt small around. You looked up to him, sure, but you never felt the need to be careful around him, until now. 
Charles sighed loudly, “Is this you taking responsibility for it?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Hmm,” Charles scratched the stubble that grew along his jaw. “You don’t think everything you told me minutes before I had to get in the car affected my race at all?”
Nevermind, you weren’t shy to speak what was on your mind. You were annoyed.
“You don’t think leaving your personal life outside the track is something you should probably do?” You retorted, with even more sarcasm than his tone carried. “I mean, you’ve done it before. Weren’t you the one who broke up with Cha literally days before a race weekend and still went on to get a podium?”
“That was different.”
“You’re right,” you scoffed, leaning back against the cushions as you crossed your arms over your chest. “You brought my life onto the track with you in Silverstone. I never asked you to do that.”
To your right, Arthur nudged your side, “Take it easy, Y/N.”
Charles moved on from the topic of the race as his glare narrowed in on Lando. “Vous êtes ensemble, c'est ça?” So, you two are dating?
Lando looked at you, hoping you would, again, either translate or answer for him. 
“You know he doesn’t speak French.”
“Toute la famille parle Français,” This whole family speaks french. Charles leaned forward, “You’re just going to show up at my mother’s house and demand everyone speak English for your convenience?”
Lando rapidly shook his head, “That didn’t-”
You promptly cut him off, “Don’t be an ass for the sake of just being an ass, Charles.”
“Mate I don’t want to cause any trouble,” Lando chimed in. His hand went to your leg again and even when Charles eyed the point of contact with disapproval, Lando didn’t move it. “I just like hanging out with your sister. And for some reason she likes hanging out with me too.”
There was that term again. Hanging out. But this time when he said it, you knew Lando was only trying to downplay everything for Charles’ sake. Charles didn’t need to know any of the details of your relationship, he just needed to get it through his head that you were together.
The patio door opened and Pascale came out, holding the glass of wine you had forgotten to grab. You thanked her kindly and without exchanging a word, the mother-daughter bond you shared spoke volumes when you sent a glance across the patio towards Charles.
Pascale tsk’d, shaking her head at the Formula 1 driver, “I said behave, Charles.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Charles retorted. “He’s the one that shows up invited.”
“I invited him,” you snapped. 
Enzo leaned forward, directing his attention to Lando to try and steer this conversation elsewhere. He started asking the Brit about his family and Arthur gave you an encouraging nod. Maybe tonight just started off wrong, it had potential to get better.
But of course those were high expectations.
Dinner was horrible.
The glares sent across the table towards you and Lando were impossible to ignore. Charles purposely spoke French and even though Pascale reminded him four times that Lando didn’t understand, Charles only responded that it wasn't his problem.
He was being uncharacteristically rude, and Charles’ reputation was that he was one of the nicest drivers on the grid. That was a reputation you agreed with, up until now. 
He was trying to make Lando uncomfortable, trying to find any reason to exclude him, ensuring that Lando knew he didn’t approve of your relationship.
You tried to ignore it, really. You were there to talk to your maman, to catch up with Enzo, to introduce Lando to everyone else in the family.
But eventually you just grew tired of biting your tongue for the sake of keeping the peace.
“You’re insufferable, do you realise that?” You finally blurted out. Arthur and Enzo stifled their laughter and next to you, Lando dropped his hand to your leg. He had been respectful all dinner, keeping his hands on the table where everyone could see, but he knew that you needed the support in the form of a comforting squeeze.
“Big words for the person who pays for all of your trips. There's nothing insufferable about the private jets from Monaco to Spain to London, are there?" Charles barely looked up from his food, shoving his fork into his mouth and letting his words sink in.
“Oh you’ve been waiting to use that line haven’t you?”
Charles ignored you, glancing towards Lando, “You’ve got her trips covered now, yeah?”
“Charles,” Pascale warned. She had stayed quiet for the most part, not wanting to get involved, trying to believe that it was just siblings being siblings. 
But it was so much more than that.
“I don’t know why you think I’m so reliant on you, but I can assure you, I’m not,” you shot back, not giving Lando a chance to share his two cents. “But if I was really struggling, there’s about six other drivers on the grid I can call up to help me out. We all know they love my presence in the paddock more than yours.”
Again, Charles chose to ignore you. His stare remained on Lando, “You’re really going to let her talk about the other drivers right in front of you?”
You slammed your hand on the table, demanding that he give you his attention for once. Charles didn’t flinch, but everyone else did. Charles just leaned back in his chair, arrogance painted his face. 
“Pourquoi ça te dérange tant que je sois avec lui?” Why do you care so much that I’m with him?
“Pourquoi tu es avec lui? C'est ça la question.” Why are you with him? That’s the question.
You and Charles continued to raise your voices at each other across the table in French, saying anything and everything that came to mind, anything and everything that could hurt the other. Your brothers understood everything, your mother was waiting to see if she needed to intervene, and Lando had absolutely no idea what was happening, he didn’t speak French. 
But he understood some phrases.
“Va te faire enculer!” You practically screamed. Go fuck yourself. 
Lando was taken aback and he turned to you with wide eyes. You would have loved to excuse yourself from the table at this point, to take Lando and go back to his place, but your mother wasn’t about to let either of you get away with the bullshit that’s been happening all night.
Pascale snapped her fingers, calling for the attention of everyone in the room, but her gaze darted back and forth between you and Charles only. She pointed at you and then at him and then at the kitchen, “Dinner’s over. Both of you, you’re on clean up.”
It wasn’t uncommon in your youth for Pascale to split the household chores between the kids. She had four of them and like any typical mother, she taught her kids the importance of cleaning and pitching in around the house. 
But you didn’t even live there anymore. 
You would have volunteered to help regardless, but the fact that she was assigning you and Charles to dish duty now that you had finished eating was a telling sign that the two of you needed to work your shit out. 
Pascale pushed her chair away from the table and nodded towards the living room as her glare directed at her kids shifted to a warm gaze at Lando, “Come on, Lando, I’ve always wanted to show off baby pictures of Y/N. It’s a right of passage as her mother.”
“Maman, don’t, please,” you pleaded, but it was too late. Lando had practically jumped out of the chair and followed Pascale to the couch.
Arthur and Enzo stood up as well, they didn’t have any interest in reliving your childhood through the photo albums, but they also didn’t want to hang out in the kitchen and be uninvited witnesses to whatever you and Charles were undoubtedly going to argue about.
You stood up from your chair, collecting a few dishes from the table, “I wash, you dry.”
“You always wash.”
“Because everytime you wash you end up breaking plates in the sink and then it becomes a bigger mess for everyone.”
Charles had no comeback for that, he really couldn’t argue with facts. So reluctantly, he found himself standing elbow to elbow with you as you handed him the clean plates for him to dry and put away. 
Neither of you said a word.
Which was not Pascale’s intention. 
Hearing laughter behind you, you both glanced over your shoulders, catching each other's eyes momentarily before you stepped away from the sink to clear off some more dishes from the table. 
Your back was towards Charles when you looked up and saw Lando making his way towards you, a small wallet sized insert photo of you between his thumb and forefinger. You were maybe seven years old there, missing one of your front teeth just in time for picture day at school.
“This is adorable,” Lando told you, “Your mum said I can keep it.”
“You absolutely will not,” you rolled your eyes, stacking the glasses on top of each other. 
“You were such a cute kid,” Lando cooed, looking at the picture again. You already knew the question that was going to follow when he turned back towards you, “What happened?”
“Ha ha,” you mocked, flipping your middle finger up at him. 
Behind you, Charles cleared his throat. You turned and saw him standing with his back leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest with the empty drying rack behind him. 
“We can go after I finish cleaning,” you told Lando, sounding apologetic on behalf of how Charles had been treating him all night. 
Lando felt bad. He didn’t want you to rush out of there because Charles was making this uncomfortable for everyone. He liked getting to know Pascale and your brothers a bit better. Enzo and Arthur didn’t have a problem with Lando’s presence. 
It was just Charles.
“Why?” Lando asked, raising his voice slightly even though this was supposed to be more of a private conversation. He wanted Charles to hear. “I’ve got no plans tonight. We can stay as long as you want. Unless-” Lando looked over your shoulder towards Charles. “Do you want us to leave?”
“I want you to leave,” Charles mumbled and you all but slammed the glasses back on the dining room table as you turned around to face your asshole of a brother. 
“Okay, you know what?” you inhaled a heavy breath, hands clamming up in seconds as you suddenly felt very confined within the kitchen. “I have been nothing but supportive of you for your entire career. Is it possible, that for once, to just take a step back and be supportive of me?”
“Supportive of what?” Charles scoffed, gesturing towards Lando. “That you’re dating him? That’s not something I need to be supportive of. It’s not an achievement or a career, Y/N, you haven’t done anything! You slept with a driver, congratulations! Should I call up Pierre and Carlos and invite them over as well? Make it a whole affair?”
You weren’t sure when Lando stepped around the table to stand at your side but you’re thankful he did. He was there to put a loving hand on your arm, rubbing his thumb over your skin as Charles’ words hit you hard. It felt like someone was pressing all of their weight against your chest and you struggled to find your words as much as you fought to take a breath.
You could have screamed at him. You wanted to. 
Your brother couldn’t separate you, his sister, from you, his biggest fan. To him, those two things were supposed to coincide. 
And for so long, they did. 
But that wasn’t the case anymore.
“Okay,” you finally breathed out, voice trembling along with your hands. You were going to pretend like Charles’ words didn’t hurt you and you were going to remove yourself from this conversation before it could take any more difficult turns, before this got uglier. You looked up at Lando, “We’re leaving.”
This was when Pascale interjected again. She stood up from the couch, the painful look of disappointment plastered all over her features.
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval, apologise to your sister.”
“All the middle names,” Arthur whispered, but unfortunately for him the room was deafeningly silent and everyone heard his little comment. He cowered back into the couch, hoping that if he just stared at Charles long enough, the attention would go back to him.
And it did. Charles shook his head, “I’m not apologising for anything.”
Charles was a lost cause. It was a battle you didn’t have the energy to fight any more tonight. 
You reached for your maman, squeezing her hand before going in for a hug. She apologised, of course she did. The last thing she wanted was to see her kids fight.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” You told her and she nodded before moving in to give Lando a hug as well. She told him he was always welcome there when Lando thanked her for the dinner and for showing him the photo albums.
Lando said goodbye to Arthur and Enzo and then reached for your hand, tugging you into his side as you walked out of the house. You waved at Pascale as you made your way towards the car and you could see her expression shift into a glare as she turned around to give Charles a stern talking to before the door fully shut.
Like usual, Lando reached for the passenger door to open it for you, but he stopped you before you could get in by pulling you into his chest.
“Hey,” he whispered, his other hand finding your cheek to tilt your face up to meet his. “I’m sorry about tonight.”
A deep exhale passed through your lips, “You are the last person who should be apologising.”
“Yeah, well, the person who should be apologising isn’t going to,” Lando scoffed. “But you still deserve to hear it.”
Lando kissed your forehead, and then the tip of your nose and when you tilted your chin up just a little more, he pressed a final kiss to your lips before stepping back to let you get into the car.
He slid into the drivers side and had just started to reach for his seatbelt before he let it retract above his shoulder. 
“I left my wallet inside, I’ll be right back,” Leando leaned over to give you a kiss on the cheek, opening up the car door again. 
“I can go in and get it,” you offered, not wanting to have to subject Lando to Charles again.
“I’ll be two seconds, it’s fine.” He assured you, not leaving any room for discussion. He made his way up the walkway and you watched from the confinement of his car as he rapped his knuckles against the door.
It was Pascale who answered, obviously. She didn’t seem surprised to see Lando, moreso thankful if anything. 
“Lando, I’m so sorry,” Pascale said to him again, reaching for his arm to give it a squeeze. Pascale was a very touchy person, Lando came to realise, and you were cautious when it came to physical attention. Lando wondered where your closed off tendencies came from. He also wondered when that shift came between you two when you started to lean into his touches and being the one to reach for his hand first.
“You really have nothing to apologise for,” Lando said, his typical grin making another reappearance. He wasn’t going to let Pascale take responsibility for her son’s actions. He also wasn’t going to let it get to him the way Charles intended. 
She invited him inside, asking if he left anything and he told you that he did. But once inside, Charles shook his head and glanced around, “I actually just wanted to get a few more words with Charles quickly.”
Pascale nodded knowingly and pointed towards the balcony. Arthur sent him a smile that could have either read good luck or be careful, but Lando didn’t let himself think too much of it as he crossed the floor and slid the patio door open.
Charles glanced up from his phone and rolled his eyes when he saw who had joined him.
Lando much preferred your eye rolls. They were usually playful and teasing. You were never actually annoyed with him. He didn’t see your eye rolls and think of all of the exit routes like he was doing now as he stepped outside. 
Choosing to sit in the chair as opposed to joining Charles on the couch, Lando leaned forward and clasped his hands together atop of knees. 
This was strange for both of them.
Lando and Charles were friends. They got along well most of the time. They respected each other as people, as drivers. It wasn’t until Lando became more involved with you did Charles start to see the British driver in a different light. 
“You know I would never hurt her, right?” Lando started off by getting right to the point. The line that was drawn between them was you and Lando needed them both to be on the same side of this line, not vying for what they thought was best in their own opinions. 
“She’s not thinking about the consequences, Lando,” Charles took him by surprise, not coming back with attitude or with a bitter rebuttal, but with a voice of reason. “She’s happy, sure, but have either of you thought about the media presence in the paddock? What people might say? How might this affect your performance and mine? Formula 1 is hard enough as it is, mate. Racing aside, there are so many external factors that neither of you are considering.”
Lando nodded, piecing together what Charles was getting at, but he wasn’t someone who was easily persuaded. It took Lando weeks to work his way into your life, he wasn’t about to throw any of it away because Charles was sending him an intimidating glare.
“Charles, she’s spent her whole life considering those things,” Lando spoke calmly.
You made it clear you didn’t want a fight and he had your back, not wanting to start an argument either.
“Her own life takes a backseat to support you, to be your biggest fan. She, for the most part, has stayed out of trouble, stayed out of the spotlight so you could shine, so there would be no tarnishing of the Leclerc name. She’s been there for you during the best and the worst of times. All she’s ever wanted was to see you succeed.” Lando shook his head, as he recalled one of your first conversations. “When I took her out in Montreal, she was the one that told me she doesn’t date drivers. That wasn’t a rule you had set for her, that was something she decided for herself. Her fears controlled her, she didn’t want to have to worry about you and someone else during a race-”
“What, so now she’s just going to worry about you?” Charles cut him off and Lando could sense that he was growing more agitated with each passing second. 
“No, you idiot,” Lando had to tell himself to keep a straight face. “She’s not letting her fears control her anymore. She’s choosing to believe that what happens in the real world doesn’t affect what happens on the track. She doesn’t want to worry about either of us. She wants to cheer both of us on, and you’re selfishly putting her in a position where she has to choose.”
Lando pressed his palms against his legs and stood up from the chair, essentially ending the conversation there before Charles could think of something else to add, another reason as to why they shouldn’t date that would inevitably go in one ear and out the other.
When Lando reached for the handle of the patio door, he paused before sliding it open, “I’m not trying to take her from you, or from her family. I just want her to be happy and you should want that for her too."
“I do,” Charles agreed, but his words didn’t match the tone, like he was fighting with himself. 
Lando wasn’t going to offer any suggestions as to how Charles could stop getting in the way. It wasn’t up to Lando to remind Charles what his place was in your life, that was for him to figure out on his own. Lando simply nodded at the Monegasque driver and walked back inside. 
Pascale walked him to the front door, apologising one last time for her son's words and actions throughout the night, but Lando assured her that he still had a great time. She invited him back, telling Lando that she was happy to see her daughter look so at peace for once. 
All while Lando was inside your mother’s home, you sat in his car, adjusting the air conditioning and the angle of the seat. You flipped the radio on, but at this time of night there were only remixes and horrible cookie-cutter pop songs that you just couldn’t stand. 
You just wanted to distract yourself because Lando was taking a while. He said two seconds but you watched the digital clock on the screen slowly change and it had been at least two minutes since he shut the front door behind him.
You turned the radio off and opened up the glove box, hoping for an instruction manual on how to connect your phone to the bluetooth, but there was nothing in there. So you flipped open the middle compartment next.
There was no manual, but there was a wallet. 
Of course you picked it up to confirm it was in fact Lando’s, but then that just left you with the question, why did he go back inside the house?
The light from the front foyer caught your eye and you glanced up to see your mother giving Lando a hug. Apparently he had made quite the impression on her tonight.
You dropped the wallet back inside the compartment and closed it right before Lando reached the car. He slid into the driver's seat and looked at you with his usual cheeky smile, the one that gave him those faint lines around his lips and caused his eyes to squint. 
“Find it?” You asked.
Lando hesitated before nodding, “Yeah, was stuck in the couch cushions. Must have fallen out of my pocket.”
And you knew he was lying, but you didn’t question any further. Lando reached across the console to connect his hand with yours as he started to take off in the direction of his flat, jumping into a conversation about your baby photos and how sweet Pascale was, choosing to purposely disregard Charles and his behaviour.
Whatever reason Lando had to go back inside, you didn’t care to ask about it. 
You trusted Lando. You knew Lando was someone who would take care of you, even if you didn’t ask for it. His motives, his words, his stupid plan to move up your driver ranking, all of it was pure at heart with nothing but good intentions. 
He just wanted to be with you and in return, he hoped you would want to be with him as well. 
And against all odds, you were going to make this work.
masterlist here (side note - part 12 (the next chapter) will be the final part)
taglist: @moneymasnn@thotd-f1 @masonspulisic @mcmuppet@f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @themisric @happydazzz123 @moonxblossom @norrisleclercf1 @scarlettisconfused @sbgal @e-lisa-bettan @harrysdimple05 @ophcelia @alesainz @fandomxs1 @majx00 @sbgal @mehrmonga @themockingjayreader @f1mockingjay @topguncultleader @lclrnelliluvs @moonxblossom @dr3lover @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @tsarinablogs @noescapricho-essentimiento @f1mockingjay @xqueenslytherinx if i missed someone im so sorry
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euno11a · 4 months
Tattooed Hearts V
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Genre: No one to someone Tattoo artist! Jungkook X Reader
Summary: What happened to us? Why did we end up like this? It was only a one time thing. Now it’s ruined us both.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, mentions of hookups, insults, arguing, blood, mentions of period, insecurities
Edit: If you’d like to be added to the tag list, feel free to message me or send it to my inbox :)
Pt I • Pt II • Pt III • Pt IV *** Why did you think he’d change? Just because he was nice to you in the flower shop? How naive could you be? You’d walked into the tattoo parlour, it being unusually empty. Walking around a little, you tried to find someone, a customer, RM, V, anyone. But all you were met with, was Jungkook fucking some woman in the break room. You froze, staring at the girl being pounded into. She looked at you, exaggerating her moans even more when she saw you. You clenched your jaw and walked out, not wanting to deal with this today. Not knowing where to go, you wandered around Main Street, trying to get the image of him and the woman out of your head. Your face was wet…why was it wet? Oh god, you were crying over him again. Lock him out, keep him locked out, never let him in again. *** Laying on the couch in your apartment, you stared at the ceiling. You felt numb, curious on why he had such an effect on you. The voice in your head was calling you an idiot for letting him in again. Who did she think she was? Jesus Howard Christ, you were a stupid little girl that got jealous over a player! Why were you so rung up about some stupid guy that can’t keep it in his pants-! Your doorbell…who the hell was ringing your doorbell at 9:30 at night? You stood up, pulling your pj shirt down, looking through the peephole on your door. Oddly, no one was there…you opened your door, feeling and hearing a loud thud onto your floor. “Jungkook?!” You yelled, seeing the man lying on your floor, eyes half-opened. “Hey, pretty girl…” He mumbled out, running a hand through his hair. He sat up, leaning on your doorway. “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked, confused, angry and possibly even a little happy. Jungkook tilted his head up to look at you, giving you a hazy and drink smile. “M’missed you…you looked s-so good in that long thing you were wearing in the flower home…” He missed you…? No, stop it, he’s just drunk. “My long thing…? My dress? What…? Jungkook, why are you here?” You used your foot to move his legs so you could close your apartment door. He laughed, gently grabbing your leg, resting his head on it, “Missed you…needed…needed to see you…” Jungkook nuzzled your leg with his head, pressing his lips to it. “Jungkook, you’re drunk…possibly high. You don’t know what you’re saying. How’d you even get here? It’s too long of a walk from here to your place.” Okay, maybe you remembered how to get to his place from that one time he called you in the middle of the night, looking for a quick fuck. “Baby, I know what I’m saying…miss you…miss your pussy…miss your love…” He mumbled against your leg. Why hadn’t you pulled him off yet? Why hadn’t you kicked him out? Was it because you get bad? God, he looked adorable right now…but what were you gonna do with him? He can’t stay the night! But you have no way of getting him home. Fuck, why was your life so hard all of a second? “Okay, get up. Let-…no, let go of my leg!” You tried to pry him off of your leg, causing you to almost fall. Use your legs, that was the one thing you learned from the gym when lifting things. Struggling, you looped your arms around his waist, trying to pull him up to stand, but he was stronger and he pulled you down. He pulled you down into his lap. “You smell so good, baby…always so sweet…” Placing his head on your shoulder, he closed his eyes. “No! No! Open your eyes! You are not sleeping on my floor!” You wiggled yourself out of his lap, grabbing his arm, dragging him across the floor. At first glance, he didn’t look heavy, but I guess having all those muscles adds to it. Groaning, Jungkook tried to move your hands away, not liking the feeling of being dragged across the floor. “Ow, hurts….m’into that.” He smirks up at you. You drop his arms instantly, “ Stand up, Jungkook. I can’t drag you to my room.” Holding your hands out for him to grab. “Ooo, taking me to your room already?” He smiled drunkly, wiggling his eyebrows at you. He grabbed your hands, pulling himself
to stand up, stumbling into you. “You could at least wine and dine me first.” You’ve already done that to me. You sighed, taking his hand and leading him to your room. He threw himself onto your bed, cuddling up with your pillows. He fell asleep pretty quickly, most likely unaware of his surroundings. You sat down on the floor, looking up at his sleeping form on your bed. Why’d you come? Why didn’t you go to the other girl? Staring at him made tears well up into your eyes, you never should’ve looked at him. He was bad for you, like a parasite you couldn’t get rid of. Something that kept infecting you and burning you to the floor. You shouldn’t have even let him in tonight. “So pretty…su..such a good girl…my baby…” He mumbled in his sleep, you stood up, walking out of your room. Even in his sleep he talks about the other woman. Why try to be friendly when all he does is play you? Just shut up, keep your pretty poison lips shut. You’ve poisoned me enough. *** Rubbing your temples, you stared at the TV in front of you, listening to Lindsay ramble on and on. “He’s in your bed?! Like, right now he’s laying, in YOUR bed?? Oh my god, Y/N, did you sleep with him? Girl, I told you to find other dick! You can do so much better!” You shushed her, “Keep your voice down. I didn’t sleep with him, he showed up drunk last night at my door. He wouldn’t leave. So I let him in and put him in my bed.” You were running off of caffeine, two hours of sleep and a full season of Gilmore Girls. “How does he even know where you live?” She asked sceptically, placing her hands on her hips and looking you up and down. “One of the nights we were drunk and horny, my place was the closest. We came here.” Looking up at her, it posed a question, why did he still remember where you lived? “And he still remembers? Girl, I don’t know if that’s cute or stalker-ish.” “I don’t even want to think about it.” You rubbed at your eyes, the lack of sleep was making it hard to think about the fact you had Jungkook in your bed. The door creaked open, revealing a sleepy looking Jungkook. He walked out and paused, looking between you and Lindsay, then at his surroundings. Lindsay cleared her throat, pointing towards the door, “I’m gonna head out…I’ll see you later, Y/N.” With that, she escaped the situation. Why was god always on her side? Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, looking towards you. He cleared his throat, “Morning…” holy fuck, his voice was deep and sultry. That alone was enough to make your panties damp. “Can you get out of my house now?” You more so told him than asked, standing to motion towards the front door. “Sure, but don’t you want me to stay a little longer? Maybe some head would get you out of this sour mood.” He quipped, smirking slightly. “Sour mood? Sour mood?! You came to my house at 10 last night, drunk as a pig! Pushing yourself into my house, pleading you missed me and needed me! I dragged your sorry ass from the front to my bedroom, allowing you to sleep in my bed and stay the night, and you’re telling me I’m being sour? You’re lucky I let you in! I could’ve shut you out and called the police, telling them some drunk showed up at my apartment! It’s weird enough you remember where I live, I don’t need you coming into my home! You could’ve gone to that other woman’s house, but nooo, you came here! So quit telling me I’m sour, when I’m the one that let you in even after all the shit you’ve done to me!” Your ramble left him stunned, staring at you with utter shock. He wanted to say things, apologize, talk it out, but no words came out. You scoffed, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door, opening it and pushing him out. “Stop coming to me when you’re high.”
Taglist: @talyaaas-blog @cassies-cookies
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
From the prompt list: “Because every time I see you, all I can think about is kissing you and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.” with Steven Grant please.
Since I already did this prompt with Jake I decided to approach this a little differently. And it turned out much longer than I had planned. I still hope you'll like it, anon 💙
Stupid Sexy Steven
tags: friends to lovers | kissing | cursing | Steven being effortlessly adorable and sexy | gn!reader
ships: Steven Grant/Reader
Edit: added AO3 link
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“Because every time I see you, all I can think about is kissing you and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.”
You've been avoiding Steven. It's not the bravest thing to do and you're not exactly proud of it but you don't know what else to do. 
You need the space to figure out how to deal with your emotions. It's not an everyday thing you realize you're in love with your best friend. So avoiding it is. 
You know you'll have to say something at some point, you just didn't know how to say it. It's like your brain just shuts off when you look at him nowadays. He's just so genuinely kind and loving, and that goofy little grin he makes when he gets excited, and the way his brows furrow when he focuses on something-
Focus. Don't get distracted. 
So yeah, you get a little silly around him since you figured out that you have a crush on him. It happens. But also you don't want to make a total fool of yourself so some distance was in order. 
You just didn't account for Steven to just not let that happen. 
It's your day off when the inevitable happens. You were just getting ready to catch up on a TV show you had on your watchlist for a while when your doorbell rings. You get up, confused because you didn't expect any visitor or delivery, and walk over to your door. You open it to find the one man you didn’t plan on seeing. 
Steven smiles at you, standing there in your doorway like an excited puppy. 
"Hello! I hope I'm not disturbing you but we haven't seen eachother in a while and I wanted to check up on you."
Curse him and his puppy dog eyes. How could you turn him away like this? 
You clear your throat awkwardly and step aside to let him in. 
"Hi Steven. Yeah it's been a while. I didn't want to worry you."
He steps inside and you lead him into your living room. 
"You've been busy then, yeah?", he sits down in front of your TV and you join him, "I mean you didn't answer my calls or texts either so I thought maybe you weren't feeling well."
It's only now that you see the little container he's holding. Your heart squeezes in your chest. 
He got you soup because he thought you were sick. 
And all the while you had muted him in your contacts so you wouldn't be tempted. You were the worst human being on the planet. 
You take the offered soup, thanking him profusely. Quickly you carry it into your kitchen and return with some water for Steven. 
"You really didn't have to do this. See, I'm fine."
You smile at him as you place his water on the table. Steven returns your smile before his face turns thoughtful. 
Fuck, he looked so pretty even like this. His mouth twists into this little pout and you are once again wondering what it would feel like to press your lips against his, what sounds he would make as you lean in to kiss him, how he-
"-so it was either that or you were avoiding me."
You didn't even notice Steven was talking again. Curse Steven and his stupid, kissable mouth. 
"I- well…", you stammer. You couldn't lie to his face, you had to say the truth. "I was kind of avoiding you."
You regret it immediately. Steven looks at you like a kicked puppy. "Why?", he asks and just with that one word your heart breaks for him. 
It's too much, the guilt and the still lingering thoughts of Steven's lips on yours destroyed any brain-to-mouth filter you've ever had. 
“Because every time I see you, all I can think about is kissing you and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.”
You slap your hand over your mouth, a desperate attempt to stop the words that have already left your lips. Steven stares at you, mouth agape and cheeks flushing. He starts stuttering and you can’t really make out what he's saying. 
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to just dump this on you. I swear I had a plan and everything.", you groan, annoyed at yourself and hide your face behind your hands. 
Cautiously, softly, Steven asks: "Do you really want to kiss me?" 
He sounds like he doesn't believe it, that you couldn't possibly want that. And that could not stand. 
You take your hands off of your face and look directly into his eyes. 
"Steven Grant, I have been thinking about nothing else for the past weeks than how badly I want to kiss you. So believe me when I say that yes, I really really want to kiss you."
The noise that leaves Steven's mouth is the sweetest sound you've ever heard, something between a whine and a moan. You can't believe that he doesn't know what an effect he has on people. But you're happy to show him. 
"Would you- Do you want to- now?", he stumbles over his words, nerves overtaking him as he looks at you with such need in his eyes it almost leaves you breathless. 
Not a moment later you are on him, lips locked with his in a desperate first kiss. You swear you can see fireworks behind your eyelids as your lips connect. Steven whimpers into your mouth and his trembling hands hold onto you for support. In your rush you push Steven into the couch, all but laying on top of him as the two of you kiss to your heart's content. 
You force yourself to break apart from him with a gasp, forcing as much air into your lungs as possible. Steven looks up at you with dreamy eyes and a far away look, his face even more red than before. 
"Could we- Can you do that again?", he all but begs and with a laugh you nod. 
"Yes, Steven. As much as you want, whenever you want."
Immediately he pulls you back on top of him and seals your lips together again in another heedy kiss. 
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theotherbuckley · 4 months
WIP Wednesday 💜
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 💗 I have an exam later today and then it’s my birthday tomorrow heh anyway here’s some healing fic and guess what! Buck is actually healing :D
TW: mentions of SH scars
Bobby knocks on the door again. “I’m starting dinner now. It will be ready in about an hour, okay?”
Buck doesn’t say anything.
“Buck?” He hears again. Fuck, Bobby thinks something’s happened to him, he’s so stupid he should just respond. Just say okay.
“Buck, are you okay in there?”
He puts on his short-sleeve shirt and opens the door. “I—I’ll help. If you—If you want.” If you still want me here. If you can look at me after this.
Bobby stands frozen, surprise written on his face. And then he smiles. There are tears in his eyes, but he’s smiling nonetheless. He draws Buck into his arms and gives him the biggest hug.
He knows how he looks — arms battered and beaten with a blade and his own mind as the weapon. It’s not a pretty sight. Yet here is Bobby, holding him like he might disappear if he lets go, loving him in spite of his flaws.
This is all Buck ever wanted. To be loved anyway.
“Oh, my sweet boy,” Athena says before joining in and wrapping her arms around Buck.
He has a family.
He is not alone.
Maybe, maybe he can get through this.
When they break apart, tears streaming down all of their faces, Bobby says “I’d love some help.” And that’s that.
He helps with dinner the best he can. Bobby doesn’t let him use the knives, which he understands to an extent, but also, he’d never do that in front of them, he wouldn’t subject them to that. Regardless, he helps add the spices, get some herbs from the garden, and dress the salad. He still feels better than he has in weeks, even with Bobby looking at him every 5 seconds like he’s checking he’s still there. It’s nice to know that someone cares enough to check.
“We love you so much,” Athena says at one point. “I just want to remind you. We love you no matter what.”
Buck looks at her, with glistening eyes, and says, “I love you, too. Thank you.” He doesn’t know what else he can say to convey just how grateful he is for their existence. For taking him in and loving him even when he’s at his worst. For loving him like he’s theirs. Which he is, he supposes, they’re family afterall.
Tagging the usual moots <3 @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @evanbegins @diazsdimples @wikiangela @bucksbirthmark  @underwater-ninja-13 @daffi-990 @fionaswhvre @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @tizniz @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley @buckaroosheart @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @buckdefencesquad @actualalligator let me know if you’d like to be added or removed <3
(Edit: i accidentally posted this at 12am Wednesday instead of 12pm ajidksksk my bad guys)
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teamaerialcombo · 2 months
alright ultrakill community i had a big dilemma last night and now i need to know something
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desmond69miles · 1 year
Blood Letting
A Human! Huggy wuggy, Bendy, and Freddy Fazbear x Fem! Reader smut
this is... this is from my old blog and shit is it bad. I thought I should actually finish it before letting it simmer in shame in my drafts.
Edit in 2024: I haven't read this since I wrote it and I REFUSE to read it. Looking back on this it makes me cringe (?) for lack of a better term. I... apologize for this.
warnings: blowjobs, cunnilingus, DP, DP in one hole, non-realistic smut, fingering, cussing, demonic summoning, sir kink, daddy kink, breeding, suit kink, voice kink, hand kink, glove kink, light breathplay, size kink, all three of them are TALL ass motherfuckers, neck kissing, freddy has a dad bod, biting, hair pulling, marking, scratching, ink cum????
I had to read A LOT of f/m/m/m fanfictions for this. I got the initial part done, but had no idea of any of the dynamics so hopefully this isn’t shit. 
You were a vampire
And baby, I’m the walking dead
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(hes judging you for your decisions)
You sat there, pentagram circled around your body.
The weird lady who had owned the occult shop down the street from your house had given you a strange book after a ten-minute questioning about your sex life, telling you to turn to page forty-six and do the spell. After paying, you waited until dark. Now, it was late at night: all of your neighbors in your shitty apartment complex were asleep. The red candles you bought at target circled around your body, lit with fire. You honestly had no clue what you were doing, mind still distracted with a fanfiction you were reading, an AU where three of your favorite games were mashed up. Sighing, you looked down at the dusty book and flipped to the page, thick black letters reading “INCUBUS SUMMONING.” Your eyes squinted as your lips tightened, did this old lady who you knew got no dick give you a book to summon a fucking sex demon? You paused, looking back towards your bedroom door, the vibrator still laying on the ground next to your bed. “God dammit.” You cursed, adjusting yourself so you were now kneeling against your heels. 
You glazed the page over, swallowing dryly. You tapped your fingers over the Latin words, running the pads over the raised letters. Your mind tingled with a curious intent as you spoke the words, stumbling over a few in trying to pronounce them. As you spoke, you felt your tongue get heavy, fingers now more harshly gripping the book. Soon, the words stopped, your ears listening in for anything. After a few seconds passed, you cussed again and slapped the book shut, grabbing your phone off the side and standing up. “Time to go read some smut, that fucking dick lady.” You huffed, feeling stupid enough to believe that demons were real and that the book wasn’t some goth's doing. You walked into your bedroom and flopped down on the bed, your nipples gently budding in the cold air. Unlocking your phone, you went to safari and quickly flipped to the tab that was AO3, searching up 'Five Nights At Freddys' and adding reader as a tag, flipping the rating to explicit. Nothing some good ol' (fictional) animatronic dick couldn't fix. 
After a good thirty minutes of browsing and flipping through pages, you turned off your phone and slapped it to the side, your glossy eyes staring up at the popcorn ceiling. Your mind pondered about Bendy and the Dark Revival, and if there was going to be another FNAF game, or how you still needed to buy Poppys Playtime. After a while, your eyes began to close, your body bringing you to the brink of sleep. Cold air comforted your skin, breathing deep an-
You jumped up, skittering off the bed in the process. Something big had fallen from the kitchen, it sounded like the shelf you had all of your pans on had crashed down into the floor. You felt your stomach begin to climb up your throat, quickly swallowing it down and looking around for a weapon. Nothing but your "trusty" vibrator was seen. 'Why is it always the horny girls that die first?' You quietly thought to yourself as you crept towards your door, peering through the crack. Some laughter was heard from the kitchen. 'Three men, great. This is what I get for not taking those self-defense classes.' You cringed as you heard more talking, then heavy footsteps, a shadow appearing in the doorway leaving the kitchen. Yeah, that definitely wasn't your roommate. You mouthed the words 'oh shit', but instead of closing the door and hiding like a rational person, you continued to peer out into the messy living room. You were not rational, nor sane. If you died here, you prayed the police wouldn't find your toy collection.
Slowly, you opened your bedroom door just enough to slip past. You didn't care enough to close it behind you, too high off of fear. Slowly creeping past your living room in an awkward stance, shoulders raised up and hands gripped tight. Once you reached the kitchen, you carefully peered around the corner, cursing when you saw that there was no one there, just a large mess. You bit your lip, fingers roughly gripping the doorway. Suddenly, a cold hand was placed on your shoulder, your body quickly spinning around and tripping over someone's feet, falling backward and landing harshly on your ass. Your hands shot up to smack against your mouth to cover an incoming scream, hands soon lowering as your jaw dropped.
The spell had worked, but not in the way you intended it to. Instead of one demonic-looking incubus coming to have sex with you in offer for your soul, three people stood there, their designs all too familiar. Standing in front of you were three men, three men who have wanted to see in real life for oh-so-long. A confused look was plastered on the now-human Freddy, and the other two (now-human) Bendy and Huggy looking around your messy apartment. "Uhh... Buh-But i-uh.. huh?" Confused, you placed a shaking hand over your chest to try and calm your racing heart. With a tilt of his head and a snarky smile, Freddy spoke, "Why do you look so frightened, kiddo? We don't bite." His voice was smooth and deep, like a fine whiskey. It made you blush. He looked fancy, dressed properly in a cream-colored button up with a brown vest, a black bow-tie and tophat accompanying his suit. Little bear ears poked out from his hair thick with messy brown hair. 
Bendy was similarly dressed to Freddy, expect in a black vest with a gray-button up and a white bowtie. His black hair was messy and tangled up, horns poking out from the top of his head. He was wandering off from the other two, touching and exploring around your apartment. Huggy Wuggy was less formally dressed, and instead only in a blue button-up shirt with dark blue jeans, with a clean white bow-tie. His hear was matted into horns, two red hairclips keeping his bangs out from one side of his face. He had red face paint drawn around his lips to mimic that of his game design. He aswell was looking around, but had preferred to keep his hands to himself. All three men had towered above you, all at least a good six foot three. It was honestly kind of exilerating, making your panties wet. 
Snapping out of your transe, you peered into Freddy's brown eyes. "Uhm.? Hi?" You didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but in your nervous delirium, it had. Maybe you were sleeping, and actually dreaming peacefully in your bed? You hoped, scorching back a few inches, but running into someones legs. When you looked up, you were met with the smiling face of Bendy, his head tilted to the side. "Hello, darling!" He piped, hands reaching down to squeeze your shoulders. His pants were soft, connecting to your skin through your thin tank top. He walked away soon after, going to dIsturb more of your precious items. Huggy soon snapped his attention towards you, placing an arm around Freddy's shoulder and leaning onto him. "Ain't she a bit beautiful, don'tcha think?" The blue-haired male said, gazing at you through pretty yellow eyes. His voice alone made your pussy throb. "Yeah, they remind me of a little mouse, huh? Small and quiet, adorable." Freddy responded, an untamed blush resting on your cheeks, reaching towards the tips of your ears. 
From your bedroom, you heard Bendy call out, "Whats this thing?" And soon after, a low vibrating hum and a small thump was heard, eyes widening as you jumped up, scowering towards your bedroom. "Don't touch that!" You hissed, picking up your vibrator and turning it off, pulling open your nightstand drawer and dropping it in, slamming it shut. Bendy's eyes were widened, smile still present on his face. Embarressment filled you, why did he have to go into your bedroom and find that? From your view, Bendy was towering above your chubby form, hands fiddling with your sweatpants string. You watched as Bendy's hands slid down and into his pocket. "Don't touch my things, alright? Or... Or I'll do something." You chalked up, crossing your arms and backing up a bit from bendy.
The dancing demon had seemed somewhat offended by your words, a look of confusion on his face. "'What?" He tempted, and when you had tried to walk back to the main room, someone pressed up against you. When you looked back, Freddy was standing behind you, his gloved hands moving down your arms and grasping your wrists. Huggy soon joined in on capturing you, sliding up next to Freddy as Bendy stalked closer towards you, lowering his face so it was only a few inches from you. You could feel his warm breath fan across your face, and you inhaled his scent. Bitter, like ink, but comforting, like firewood. A small whimper left your lips at the feel of Bendy's hands run across your waist, landing on your hips. "Trying to make threats are we, pet?" Bendy growled, pressing his chest into yours, boobs smashing up against him. You were sure he could feel your nipples poking through your tanktop. Heat radiated from all around you, skin aflame. A small chuckle was given from Huggy, his arms coming to wrap around your waist, above Bendy's and in between Freddys. Were you uncomfortable? Sort of. Was it all moving too fast? No. How many fantasies have you had of being railed by these men? And I mean, you kinda caused it on yourself.
Another whimper left your lips as you felt one of Bendy's hands come up and ghost over one of your breasts, gently circling your clothed nipple. "So fucking,, cute." Bendy whispered, you felt Huggy slip his hand down and onto your butt, gently squeezing. Freddy nuzzled his head into the nick of your shoulder, starting to make small hickies and love bites across the skin. A firework of arousal shot off inside of you, a squeal leaving your mouth as you felt Freddy lick around you, the other two men gently caressing your body. Bendy moved forward, meeting your lips in a soft kiss. His lips were soft, a faint taste of bitter ink on them. Huggy hummed, leaning back and watching you whimper and whine, his dick twitching in anticipation. 
Hands still trapped by Freddy's bigger ones, you shuffled them back to grip against Freddys vest. You felt Huggys arms slip off of you, and Bendy's lips being ripped from yours. Huggy had gripped Bendy's hair and pulled him away, taking his place and roughly kissing you soon after. Freddy's hands moved from your wrists and to your breasts, gently needing the soft flesh in between his thick fingers, the pads of his fingers occasionally brushing against your nipples. Something, two somethings, were pressed against you, and a bit awkwardly, you reached forward and palmed Huggy in his jeans, a rough moan leaving his lips, the sound getting caught in your mouth. Bendy hissed, soon ripping both men from you and throwing you down onto the bed. You watched as Huggy narrowed his eyes at the Ink Demon, fists balling up. "Jelous, idiot?" Huggy hissed, brushing Bendy to the side as he pushed you down onto the bed, Freddy walking around to the other side, and Bendy joining beside Huggy. 
"Now, are you going to be good for us, and let us use you?" Freddy cooed, hand on your shoulder and gently pulling you back so you were now laying back. Your head was hanging off the side of the bed, your hips on the edge. You felt Huggy guide your legs up so he could pull your sweatpants along with your panties down, the cold hair hitting your crotch, you shivered. You knew you were wet, inner thighs slicked and hole eager, fluttering. "Yeah, I'll be good." You purred, smiling at Freddy as he gently stroked the side of your face. Bendy and Huggy were quietly bickering, but soon stopped as your legs fell open, adjusting themselves so they were now propped up on the edge of the bed, knees bent. Quickly, you felt Bendy shove Huggy to the side as the ink demon took the place in between your legs. Huggy grunted, pulling himself ontop of the bed and to the side of you. You watched as Freddy unzipped his pants, pulling them down enough so his cock could spring out. He was thick, tip drooling with salty pre-cum. Knowing what to expect and what to do, your mouth fell open, inviting Freddy in. He smiled, you watched as the ears ontop of his head twitched in excitement. 
At the same time that Freddy had entered your mouth, Bendy had started to kiss along your inner thighs, licking up your juices as he inhaled you. Freddy took his cock out, smearing the tip around your lips, and then reaching down to take your tank-top off. Instead of taking it off like a normal being, Freddy had gripped the top of the tanktop tightly and ripped it, stopping about mid stomach, just enough so your breasts were exposed to the three men. Huggy hummed, now unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down aswell, boxers going along with the pants. Huggy watched as your hand reached out to him, to gently stroke him, rubbing the tip against the tip of your finger. The blue-haired man watched your soft thighs flex and gently giggle with occasional jerks of pleasure, watching how your soft tummy was littered with stretchmarks. It was so pretty, knowing you were well-fed and knowing you'd be a good carrier for a baby. 
Huggy was tired of Bendy still teasing, so he grabbed his hair, and mushed his mouth with your pussy, a loud cry of pleasure leaving your mouth at his actions. You felt Bendy roughly grip your thighs, pointy nails digging through his gloves. "Be gentle, she brought us here. Show her some compassion you dimwits." Freddy complained, gently rocking himself in and out of your mouth. Huggy groaned, Bendy whimpered. "You taste, you smell... So good." He dragged out the 'so', a gloved finger coming up to rub against your clit, the fabric feel making your stomach clench. Huggys hand came down to play with one of your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh. Your hand came up to Freddy's hip, gently squeezing his soft, tan-toned flesh, encouraging him to be rougher. He had took the message, and brought his hand down to your neck, squeezing around your throat. His pace had also sped up, a wet squelching sound coming from your mouth every time he moved, followed by a small gag.
Soon, Freddy removed himself from your mouth, hand coming to wipe away tears and drool that spread across your face. Now without your throat being blocked, you openly moaned at Bendy's actions, feeling his tongue flick restlessly against your clit, one of his clothed fingers coming to rub against your slit. The dip of his first knuckle into your hole was enough for you to cry loudly, hole fluttering as you came for the first time that night. Bendy let you ride out your orgasm by grinding on his face before pulling away, delivering a soft kiss to the side of your thigh before he stood up, pressing his hard-on into your sensitive cunt. You shuddered, bringing your hand away from Huggy and instead squeezing your chest. 
"Let me use her mouth," Huggy said, sliding off the bed and pushing Freddy to the side, the bear giving him a nod as he walked towards bendy. Your cunt throbbed, hands shakey with your previous orgasm. "Isn't she just so pretty, still shaking from my mouth?" Bendy said, humming towards Freddy as he ran a finger through your puffy lips. "She really is, so delectable." Freddy responded, Huggy joining in on the conversation, "I wonder if we get to keep her for ourselves once were done, then we could ruin her every day..." 
"Stand up for a second, love." Freddy said, scootching you off to the side as he laid down, and then pulled you back ontop of his chest. You husked when Freddy's cock slapped against you, and when you felt Bendy's join the mixture, you moaned. Huggy had pulled your head back, hanging off off Freddy's shoulder, and stroked your cheek affectionately. You moved a hand to your mouth, wiping away stray drool, moving your head so it was leaning against Freddy's. "Are you ready, superstar?" You giggled at his nickname, rolling your hips against the boys, nodding. Bendy was the first to enter you, quickly and with ease. The air left your body when you felt the tip of his cock butt against your cervix. Soon after, Huggy gently slapped the tip of his dick against your lips, making you open your mouth wide. He easily slipped in, moaning at the feeling of your slick saliva coat his cock. 
Freddy kissed your cheek, hand going down to guide his penis into you. "W-Wai--AH!" Instead of what you thought he was going to do, he pushed inside of your vagina, his cock snug against Bendys. You groaned loudly, head lolling back, the tip of Huggys cock meeting with the back of your throat. "Thats a good, good girl. Being so obident for your sirs." Bendy keened, hand coming down to wipe some tears away from your face. "I'm gonna move now, ok, my darling?" You hummed in response, nearly cumming then and there when you felt Bendy move his hips back, then slowly forward. Freddy groaned, his hands roughly gripping your hips. You were sure you were going to have bruises there in the morning. 
While Freddy wasn't moving his hips, his fingers danced around your breasts, flicking and playing with your budding nipples. It took your might to not accidentally bite down, gagging on Huggys cock. Your hands gripped Freddys wrists for support, hips dancing in an attempt to get closer to that oh so tempting edge. Tenderly, Huggy ran his hands around your neck, giving you a tight squeeze. You groaned, muffled. Huggy's thrusts had turned frantic and he lost control, hands gripping tightly around your throat. Your vision had started to blur around the edges, hands squeezing impossibly tight around clothed wrists. 
With a few more thrusts, Huggy had pulled out, stroking himself quickly and throwing his head back with a shout as he came all over your face. He had tried to aim for your mouth, but in an horny daze, he more so got it all over your chin and cheeks. It didn't take long for you to reach that edge either, cumming with a long moan as you squirmed. You were burning, hips rolling in waves as it felt you'd just been dumped into a pull full of aphrodisiacs. Bendy had came next, crashing down with a grunt as he spilled inside and on Freddy, the bear soon following after. For a good few minutes, you all breathed as one big human-ball, catching your breath as you tremored. 
"Good job, you did so well. Your such a good girl." Freddy said, giving you a smooch on the side of your face. 
now to ruin the mood
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juney-blues · 1 year
ever since i made THIS POST a lot of people have been asking for a tutorial, even though in pretty much all of the screenshots i included the specific part of inspect element showing exactly what i edited.
so buckle the fuck up I guess because the tumblr userbase want to find out how to make html pages unusable and who am I to deny you.
get ready for Baby's First HTML and CSS tutorial lmao
ok so first things first we need to go over BASIC HTML
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html is made up of these things called "tags" which specify certain parts of the web page, such as
HEADERS (<h1> through <h6> in terms of importance)
PARAGRAPHS (<p>paragraph here</p>)
LINKS (<a href="linkhere"></a>)
BOLDED SECTIONS OF TEXT(<b>bold here</b>)
and a bunch of other stuff,
by default however, specifying all of this just gives us a plain white page with plain black text of varying sizes
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that's of course, no fucking good, and sucks shit, so the arbiters of html decided to let us STYLE certain elements, by adding a STYLE parameter to the tag
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this can change any number of elements about how things are formatted.
text colour, page colour, font, size, spacing between elements, text alignment, you name it? you can change it!
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you might've noticed that, certain elements are nested in other elements
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and that any changes that apply to one element, apply to everything included under that element!
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how convenient!
anyway this method of styling things by adding a style=" " to their tags is called "in-line style"
i think because the "style" goes "in" the "line"
it's generally ALSO a pain in the ass to style an entire website like this and should be exclusively reserved for small changes that you only want to apply to specific parts of the page.
for any real change in style you want to create a <style> section in your page's header!
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this can be used to make changes to how all elements of a type in your page are displayed
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or even add new elements with whatever wacky styling you want that can be used with the <div> tag!
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wow! isn't css just dandy!
and hell you can even use External CSS™ if you're making multiple pages and want them all to have a consistent theme, by pointing to a .CSS file (which is basically just a <style> header without the <style> tags lmao
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ok this is all well and good and very interesting if, say, you're making your own website
but you came here because you want to FUCK UP A WEBSITE and make it look STUPID!!
so this is where the transform css property comes in~
you can read up on it HERE if you want the details but basically it allows you to apply mathematical transformations to any html element you want,
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all of these fun bastards,
they can be really useful if you're doing some complicated stupid bullshit like me
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OR for having fun >:)
if you'll remember, earlier i said that css properties apply to literally everything nested in an element,
and you MIGHT notice, that literally everything in pretty much all html files, is nested in an <html> tag
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you can use style=" " or regular css on pretty much ANY html tag,
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ok ok that was a lot of buildup for something that i could've explained in one or two lines, but i gave you all this fundamental knowledge for a reason,
well, two reasons, go make a neocities
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and then make a class, which calls that animation...
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and then assign that class. to your html tag.
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and then vomit forever
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we can do it in 3d too,
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the only limit is your imagination... (and how many parameters you want to look up on w3schools and mozilla mdn web docs)
ok now the fun thing about all of this, is you can apply it to your blog theme, literally right now
like literally RIGHT now
like step one, make sure you have a custom blog theme enabled in your settings, because that's turned off by default for some reason
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step 2: edit theme
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step 3: edit html:
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step 4: apply knowledge in practice >:)
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rainbowgod666 · 4 months
Really fucking stupid patch notes, wizardposting edition
Fixed a bug where @the-gnomish-bastard could NOT turn back into a normal gnome when using "Become Lead Statue" in some cases. This somehow applied to every "Become Statue" spell but the Lead one was the most broken one
Fixed a bug where Meme Summons straight up couldnt work if you had more mana than usual. No, we have no idea what the fuck happened
Fixed interactions with every variant of @the-wizard-council-blog, including the Illegal one, the NSFW one, The worse one, The better one, and all other iterations
Fixed a bug where the stew arcanum was straight up uncraftable because all the data was gibberish. This was fixed a few versions ago and now you only need 3 high-tier gods to make it. Also you need Meme-Infused Magic Spellwood Bowls to hold this post-post endgame item. Yes, its still too much stew but we kept it like that because its unironically funny
Speaking of magical trees: fixed a bug where some types of trees straight up Did Not Grow unless some form of "chunk loading" was enabled. In other words, what the fuck.
Fixed a bug where stacking too many attack ups made the damage 0 on any "explosive" spell. @official-megumin can now deal 9 quintillion damage (as long as its not over the positive 64-bit integer limit, because then the bug stays) (also the code is less fucked)
Fixed a bug where some unusual but valid items for wands and staves (such as LITERALLY EVERY NUCLEAR METAL and some fantasy ones like orichalcum and australium) straight up couldnt exist.
Added more items to mythril, but this time everything you can do with mythril can be done with other materials, so now you can choose between mythril orichalcum AND adamantine depending on the color
Adamantium crafting now doesnt require a bordering-on-hyperbole amount of adamantine. Also you now need industrial steel instead of normal one.
Fixed a bug where "Triple Summon of Meth Berserk Chimps" not only was unobtainable, but required over 2.14 billion mana. Granted it was unreleased back then but then it was released and it still was in its testing stage
Fixed a bug with many spider-themed spells not really being "spidery", this one goes out for our boy @autism--wizard, may you find many cute spooders in ur life :3
Fixed a bug where "induce memetic stroke" accidentally... told people about the meme. Whoops.
"TACO BELL TACOSPELL OF INTESTINAL IMPLOSION" fixed to deal less damage than the psychological damage. We know its a forbidden spell but fuck you we are not sending people to the therapist because omega diharrea
Speaking of: fixed a bug where "steal item" could work on vital organs. Youre gonna learn "Spell Of True Thievery" and youre gonna shut the fuck up about it
Fixed a bug where non-sentient kobolds could be... "milked". Yes mr gnome. KILK existed and it was kobold sperm this entire time. This is why you said it didnt exist, CAUSE THAT SHIT WASNT MILK CHIEF! Anyways now KILK actually doesnt exist so y'all better shut the fuck up or FIND A MILKABLE SOMETHING WITH A K IN ITS NAME
Fixed a bug where familiars didnt familiar. Yes it was terrifying in every way ever, so thank @familiar-union for this. Yes thwy cant be tagged by us idfk why
Fixed mithril tools being literal reskins of their steel equivalents. Whoops!
Fixed a bug where that one April Fools joke of "summon cock" actually summoning a penis. Now it actually summons a rooster (and a really big one)
Speaking of that, Summon Rooster has been fixed and now its a better version of the aforementioned spell
Fixed the interaction between A LOT of spells. Turns out that 99% of harry potter being trash doesnt stop people from doing Dragonball Beam Struggles with their spells. Also yes, elements apply
Fixed a few lines of code so that now the "use pokemon typings" option doesnt disintegrate the UI. Over 120k spells and each and every single one of them now has functioning typing. Now shut the fuck up wE DID IT
Fixed retrocompatibility issues. Now runescape can scape the runes! (HR is fully aware that the joke is shit) (but fuck it, it was funny)
Fixed a bug where any "Robot" something would bug up and change colors. Considering that people somehow managed to make trans flags with this, we added a transgender flag skin for every "robot", "wulfrum", and similar tech spells.
Greatrererest Blahaj Blast Barrage now has a hitbox AND a cost. It can be set as your ult and we already have the Gold, Platinum, Uranium and other skins ready. Yes the transgender skin is unlocked by default if you already have the spell, and if you dont- Magical Battlepass has it at levels 10, 32, and 69 (otherwise you get materials and xp) Because the one battlepass that works without FOMO and Whaling had to be the magical one
Fixed a bug where "draconic" items were only easily obtainable by dupe glitches. We may not have fixed those but we upped the drop rates so you dont have to exterminate dragons for one singular heart. Now it takes 3 dragons at most! (Yeah so it turns out the drop rates were HELLA WRONG. Whoopsie daisy!)
Speaking of that: Draconic Evolution Backporting works now! Now when you use a staff of power, people wont think its an euphemism for your di-
Magical swords now can be made woth higher tier elements. No idea why would you need an Entropic Steel Magic Sword but fuck it. You deserve to put some sparkles on that Alien X looking ass blade
The Throngler's Gold Skin now doesnt make it a mess of metal and gold. Now its actually good
Fixed a bug where bad connection made the online version of "the potion seller's strongest potion" unplayable because some elements were only obtainable in multiplayer. Fuck you and your theories about thwnpotion seller being an eldritch dragon eater. LoL. KeK even
The Augur Dragon now doesnt get stuck flying in circles above the Forbidden Volcano Arena. Now it actually CAN hit you from 10000ft in the air!
The marble wyvern boss (and therefore all other marble wyverns) actually drop the dragon marble builders want
Added tier XVII to the Magical Engine. Also recipes for Tier Ascension were fixed.
N2O Blast was fixed to deal hellfire instead of fire. And also being blue. It was easier than you believe
Using "Golden Shower (Metal) actually rains coins instead of being "golden shower but identical and deals steel damage"
Sniler's quests now update in 1 hour instead of 24, and the quests are better. During multiplayer, there are 5 quests avaiable instead of 3
Ghastly Mist now actually blinds opponents instead of being really dense
"F.I.S.T." can no longer be boosted by attack boosts, but nOW its damage is "(999 × your level + (your attack stat × 2)) × 2", and its cast cost went from 1000 mana to 1200.
More scroll duplication bugs were fixed, but the "use Grant Spell Usage onto a low level non-magic enemy so they have a spell that they cant use and then using Turn Into Scroll" has been made into an ACTUAL feature. Go ahead and make a billion "Scroll of Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple"!
"Starlight Thunderstorm" now has 1% paralysis
Removed the "domain expansion" function until we figure out how THAT works. Theres still the tab, and when it will be implemented just send screenshots of what "domain expansion customizations" and then youre getting them once we implement them
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hardboiledleggs · 1 year
Sneeze Hairybuns the Bard
Quick Steddie oneshot based on this post by @sharpbutsoft - Fair warning this probably won't be accurate to the D&D version they play in the show because I have the most experience with 5e and can't be bothered to look up the other editions for a tiny little ficlet like this lol. Also the poem Steve reads is "To Live Of Love" by St. Therese of Lisieux. Let me know if you'd like to be added to my permanent Steddie fic tag list :)
"D&D is Eddie's love language, Steve. You can't just Farrah Fawcett your way into his heart like you're used to doing."
Steve frowns at Dustin, causing his eyebrows to pull together.
"First off, the Fawcett Method is tried and true, don't you dare knock it. Secondly, I have literally never touched that game, how am I supposed to woo him with something I suck at?" His fingers are twisting furiously in his hair as he paces around his friend.
"Then we'll pick something you won't suck at," Dustin crows, wiggling his eyebrows. "You, Steve Harrington, will play a bard!"
"You know I don't know what that is," Steve grumbles in a flat tone. He wants to kick himself for ever having started this conversation in the first place, but even if this is a total dead-end, at least Dustin will stop trying to get him to confess his undying love for Robin.
Dustin is already rummaging through his unbelievably cluttered desk and emerges with several sheets of paper and a pencil that he has absolutely chewed the eraser off of.
"Dude, I am not fucking using your snack pencil! What the fuck did you do to that thing?"
The younger boy rolls his eyes and finds a different pencil, thankfully unchewed, and Steve grabs everything and sits on the floor with a huff.
"Fine, tell me what to do. You better not make me look stupid, Henderson. I still have that baseball bat in my car."
Steve jumps to his feet when he hears a car door slam outside. He has spent the last hour sitting on his couch and picking a nervous hole through one of the couch cushions. He makes a mental note to flip that cushion over before his parents come home next and opens his front door, bowing extravagantly to Eddie and the rest of the Party.
"Alright nerds, let's get this shit started!" Eddie squawks as he bounces through the door and shoves past Steve. "Remember kiddos, piss now because you lose two hit points every time you take a bathroom break!"
The kids file in behind him with El and Max bringing up the rear. Steve grins at the two of them.
"Don't you worry, ladies, I made snacks."
"They better not be pretzels again," Max sniffs as she drags El into the kitchen, El waving at Steve as they pass. He shuts the door and takes a deep breath, shuffling his feet on the tiled floor before following the boys into the living room where he had set up a passable D&D table.
Steve picks his way between the chairs and sweaty teenage boys to take a seat on Eddie's right, directly across from Dustin. He peers at Eddie from under his eyelashes as the Dungeon Master shuffles through his papers and jots down a few last-minute notes. Steve tries (and fails) to ignore the way Eddie's shirt is riding up and exposing his hipbones. Dustin coughs, but it sounds suspiciously like the word "Slut!" and Steve glares at him before letting his gaze fall to the character sheet he and Dustin had worked on last week.
"Alright, are we all ready?" Eddie asks as everyone files in and takes their seats. A general murmur of assent filters through the room, and Steve fights down the nausea that has suddenly crawled into his throat.
"Weary travelers! We have a new face amongst our number," Eddie begins with vigor. "Steve here will be playing..." He nudges Steve with an elbow and he jumps.
"Oh, uh, I am an elven bard named Sneeze Hairybuns." Steve fights the urge to glare at Dustin, who is giggling with Lucas across the table. "I was orphaned when I was ten and lived off the streets with just a guitar to try to make money."
"Excellent!" Eddie says, ignoring Dustin. "Let us begin."
Eddie begins to paint a picture with just his words. Steve finds himself utterly entranced with him: the way his eyes sparkle, the curve of his mouth around the word "dragon," and how sinful his hands looked as he drummed his fingers restlessly on the table and fidgeted with his dice. He's pretty sure his mouth is gaping like a damn fish when Eddie turns to him, and he snaps it shut quickly.
"Sneeze, what do you want to do? You can talk to anyone in the tavern, investigate anything you think is suspicious, or anything else you can think of."
Steve makes eye contact with Dustin, who nods, and turns back to Eddie. "I go up to the bartender to talk to him."
"Hello, young traveler. Can I offer you a strong glass of mead? We just did our monthly washing of the glasses so it should taste better than usual," Eddie barks in a gruff voice very different from his own. Steve tamps down on his anxious butterflies and leans casually against the table as if it was a bartop.
"Hiya, handsome. I think I can think of someone that sounds a little better than mead. Care to give me a taste?" Steve purrs in a sultry tone, puncturing his words with a rather gratuitous wink.
There is a chorus of whoops and "GROSS, Steve!" from around the table, but Steve keeps his eyes on Eddie. His face is rapidly changing colors, going from a pale pink to a deep almost-burgundy in less than five seconds as he chokes on the Coke he'd been in the middle of sipping from. Dustin stands up to give him a few thwacks on his back, shooting Steve a wink as he does so and mouthing "Exactly like that!" behind Eddie's back.
Eddie sucks in a deep breath with his eyes resolutely fixed on the table in front of him. His voice sounds much more like the usual Eddie as he replies, "Flattery will get you nowhere with me, traveler. What brings you and your companions to my tavern?"
"We're looking for information on the dragon that is terrorizing your village," Mike interrupts, scooting his minifigure toward the bar on Eddie's map. Eddie turns to him in relief and regales their group with tales of a monstrous beast that has been killing their livestock and kidnapping their children, and Steve shoots an anxious glance at Dustin. The younger boy shoots him a subtle thumbs up and turns back to Eddie.
Much of the game continues in this fashion. After the third or fourth time Steve opens the Party's dialogue with an NPC with a disgustingly-cheesy line about getting lost in their eyes or attempting to roll to seduce them, Erica throws her hands up and cries, "My gods, Sneeze, you can't flirt your way through a dragon fight!"
Dustin cackled, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from Max, who was observing while she devoured the bowl of popcorn she and El were passing back and forth.
"Says you, Sinclair. Our Dungeon Master hasn't stopped me yet. Speaking of, I believe I still have an action this turn?" Steve turns to Eddie, whose face has remained bright red throughout most of the campaign. Eddie nods once without looking at him.
"In that case, I would like to perform a poem I wrote for the Light Fairy." He clears his throat.
"To live of love, it is to know no fear. No memory of past faults can I recall. No imprint of my sins remaineth here. The fire of love divine effaces all. O sacred flames! O furnace of delight! I sing my safe sweet happiness to prove, in these mild fires I dwell by day, by night. I live of love!"
Steve, of course, hadn't actually written any poetry for this, but he'd read this poem in an English textbook his senior year and had liked it enough to tear it out and keep it. Mike wolf-whistles, and Dustin shoots another conspicuous wink toward Steve, but Steve hardly notices. Their Dungeon Master looks like his head might just spontaneously combust.
"Bathroom break!" Eddie's voice cracks through an entire octave as he shoots out of his seat and shuffles toward the stairs. His footsteps thump above their heads as he takes the steps three at a time.
"Maybe I'd better..." Steve trails off as he hops up and follows him. "Don't break anything or pee on the walls while I'm gone, please."
Ignoring the scuffle that immediately breaks out behind him, Steve jogs up the stairs and stops in front of the closed bathroom door. He can hear the water running inside, but not much else. Steeling himself, he knocks once and murmurs, "Hey, Eds? You alright?"
A hasty shuffling sound escapes under the door before it opens slightly, revealing a very pink-faced and ruffled Eddie Munson. Steve, mentally cursing whatever gods allowed him to think Dustin's plan wouldn't be a complete disaster, rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Why are you doing this to me? Did Little Sinclair put you up to this? Because whatever she told you, it isn't true, and honestly this is just the tiniest bit cruel because I don't ev-hhrmmMPH!"
Whatever Eddie was planning on saying is lost as Steve grabs him by the hips and shoves him backward against the ugly yellow sink before pressing their mouths together. Eddie's hands flutter uselessly against Steve's chest before finally winding their way into his ridiculous, puffy hair with a broken moan that Steve swallows greedily into his own mouth. Steve presses him further back into the counter, needing to be closer, needing to feel Eddie, and peppers his lips and his throat with kisses and bites and little licks that are driving both of them insane.
Steve gathers a handful of Eddie's curly hair and yanks his head back, giving him uninterrupted access to Eddie's throat and collarbones, which he wastes no time in completely covering with purpling lovebites. Eddie is grinding against him, hands still in Steve's hair, making the most obscene noises Steve has ever heard in his life. Neither can slow down long enough to catch their breath, and their needy pants and gasps of air are filling the room with heat.
It's only when Eddie registers the sound of footsteps on the stairs that the two men break apart in a panic. Eddie is trying desperately to arrange his curls to cover his neck and Steve is still adjusting the collar of his shirt when Will rounds the corner. He looks at them for one beat, two beats, then turns on his heel and walks back down the stairs, shouting to the rest of the group that it'll just be another second.
Breathing hard, they just stare at each other for a few seconds. Eddie is, for once, completely speechless, and Steve is just too dumbfounded that Henderson's stupid plan had worked to form a coherent thought. Eddie is the one to break the silence.
"Right-o. Cool. I'll just head back to the game, shall I?"
Steve stares after him completely dumbfounded. He gives himself another few seconds to will his traitorous body into submission before following. It takes about 10 seconds after he sits down for Dustin to make eye contact with him, and Steve tries his best to keep his face neutral, but-
"I KNEW IT! You owe me BIG, Harrington!"
"I knew it, too, you dweeb! I told Eddie like, two entire months ago to make his move. You're not special, Dustybuns," Erica snorts.
Steve sighs and puts his head in his hands, but he still locks his ankle around Eddie's under the table as he tries halfheartedly to fight the secret, pleased smile that's making its way to his face. He can't see it, but Eddie wears the exact same smile.
Tag list - @aghostcup @ask-canon-and-fanon-personified @brassreign (you said you wanted to see anything of mine that was Steddie so no take-backs)
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
babygirl bo <3 I have some Qs to which I beg you provide some As (I need me some of that deep bo lore)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
babygirl lumi i love you so much. you're welcome to any lore you want
🍄 does puppy play count as a hc? because i write ghost calling soap "pup" as a kink thing but i also very much so think he'd just Do that.
if that doesn't count, then i'll say that one hc i swear by is that ghost is a freak but soap is 10x freakier and he's into literally every conceivable abuse ghost tries to commit agaisnt him.
also i think soap is suuuper smart but in a really specific way - can't spell for shit, but that man can rattle off college level math like it's nothing
🥤 is SUCH a good ask because now i can rec my fav cod x readers <3 (i know it says fic or author singular but you're getting multiple fics in place of me trying to tag authors and inevitably forgetting someone)
cod fics (but not the people i usually link because this post is already too long):
Baby Blue by kechiwrites (ghost x reader)
Taste by Sweet Deciet (ghost x soap x reader)
The Hand That Feeds by anonymous (ghost x soap)
Hypnotized (Fuck It) by ANTchan (ghost x soap)
Where Moonlight Meets the Sea by MildLimerence (ghost x soap)
Not More Than Once by WhisperedWords12 (ghost x soap)
NOT cod fics, but one for a few fandoms i love:
Declensions by dustorange is THE dick grayson origin fic. if there's one fanfic i wish i had written, it would be this
the first step of kintsugi by thepolysyndetonaddictsupportgroup is a peter parker & frank castle fic and im not sure it'll ever be finished but it is just. god it is perfect and probably my favorite fic of all time
anything by cupcakemolotov is gonna hit like no other for klaus mikaelson/caroline forbes. i love her so so much like she is my IDOL
ALL MOUTH. by themilkteeth is like the epitome of what a good darklina fic is. it's soooooosososo good i want it injected into my veins
the Blood Apron series by sciencefictioness is a great overwatch fic, but you really don't need to know the characters to enjoy the story! another one that'll never get added to, but i love it a lot
🥐 i don't like the lotr movies but there's a moment in the first (?) one where aragorn (?) is singing to himself and frodo (?) asks "who is this lady you sing of?" and for some reason i literally cannot watch it without keeling over in laughter. it's so fucking stupid
🪲 ohhhh we have beef for this one. i hate you a teeny tiny bit for making me write (/j). added it below the cut!
ok quick edit here but. i thought that said 500 words so uh. sorry but there's 500 words here instead of 50 lmfao. im a fool!!!!!
ghost x soap (cw for (legal) age gap)
He takes another look at the kid, now that he’s not planning on throwing him off the property. He’s got a bit of bulk, probably just recently started working out, and there’s a cocky energy coming off of him. Ghost would bet this is far from the first time he’s robbed someone with this little ruse, probably thinks he’s the smartest burglar in town. Too bad he chose the wrong man to try and trick this time.
Ghost straightens from the doorway, rolling back his shoulders and standing tall. The kid isn’t short by any means, but compared to Simon he’s practically little. Odds are he’s still got some growing to do, but for now Simon gets to enjoy the way he can loom over the teenager.
“No one ever taught you to respect your elders, boy?”
Oh, the kid doesn’t like that one. If he were a dog, his hackles would be fully raised, but he’s left settling for curling his lip back in a snarl. “You think just cause you’re old I have to respect you?”
“I think you’ll respect me because you’re on my property. That and I don’t think you’ll like what happens if you keep the attitude up.”
The kid flushes, either from rage or the innuendo. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You think just because we’re out here alone you can say whatever you want to me?”
“Of course not. We’re out here all alone, which means I can do whatever I want to you. And I will, if you don’t get off my property.”
The kid looks him up and down, then visibly steels himself. Ghost bites back a smirk. He’s not used to being underestimated, but he finds he doesn’t mind when it means getting to see the kid play at being his equal.
“What do you think you’ll do if I don’t go?”
Oh, Ghost can’t wait to beat the attitude out of the little brat.
He doesn’t let the kid see how much the rudeness is getting to him, intentionally keeping his face flat and unimpressed. “What’s your name, kid?”
That permanent scowl doesn’t shift, even as a flash of confusion crosses his face. “...John.”
Ghost nods. “Alright, Johnny, if you don’t get off my property, I’ll take you over my knee and teach you what your daddy should’ve.”
It’s nearly impossible to keep from grinning when Johnny’s mouth pops open in surprise, the flush creeping further up his neck. “You- you’ll- who do you think- you can’t-”
Ghost reaches out like he might slap Johnny, instead snaps right in front of his nose, sharp and loud. “Spit it out, boy. I don’t feel like listening to a kid learn how to speak all night.”
Johnny’s letting himself get worked up, and not doing a good job of hiding it. His teeth grind and he shifts from foot to foot, like he’d like to try and attack Ghost. He’s apparently smart enough to know how idiotic that would be, and Simon finds he’s almost disappointed.
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(i've been waiting forever to do this ahahahahahahahaha). Author's notes: The radcliffemobile is remy's car,it's a red truck car with many seats. Edit: Added the series title,and the chapter title n' number. And the "the radcliffes series" tag.
The radcliffes series
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: Japan flights and dragon bites
The entire radcliffe family are getting chased by a golden dragon while they're riding the radcliffemobile on a steep mountain,remy is driving and mars is desperately holding onto the car seat as the family is going through the rocky mountain road. The golden dragon then bites the back of the car off which causes the kids at the back to almost get flinged off but they quickly hold onto the seats in front of them before they do. "How the hell did this happen?!." remy yells to mars while still driving like his life depended on it,because it does. "Well SOMEONE decided to touch a statue that very clearly said 'do not touch' and look where it got us!." mars replies as they make a face of disappointment from remy's stupid decision. Remy then swerves to a different part of the mountain trail and opens his mouth to speak. "I didn't know that it was a MAGIC statue!." remy remarks to mars. "Whatever we'll talk about this later just keep driving or else we're all gonna die!." mars exclaims to remy and then they scream from the golden dragon almost biting them but then sigh in relief after it doesn't. The family keep riding along the mountain in hopes that the dragon would eventually stop,but it never did and it's been four hours since they started driving away from it. "What the fuck does the damn giant lizard want anyway?!." momo asks remy,annoyed that everyone is getting chased by a dragon instead of enjoying their family trip in japan. "I don't know but maybe we woke it up and now it's pissed!- AAAHHHHH!." remy screams along with everyone else as the car falls into a cliff while the family is still inside. The car suffers various forms of damage from the fall such a broken roof shattered windows and missing tires but the family luckily survives despite their car being absolutely wrecked. The golden dragon then proceeds to corner the family after it catches up to them with everyone shaking from fear. "P-Please don't eat us. We just wanted to have a fun family trip." rocket says while crying and sweating profusely. The dragon then sits down in front of the family and opens it's mouth to speak. "Eat you all?. No no no no that's not what i was going to do." the dragon says to the family. "Wait really?. Then why were you chasing us?." jojo asks the dragon. "Well after your father woke me up from my well deserved slumber,i saw that he left an orange cat plushie beside my leg so i decided to run after your family car to give it back. It's been hiding underneath my tongue the whole time. Also where are my manners?,my name is aurelius,nice to meet you all." aurelius the golden dragon says to the family as he grabs the the orange cat plushie from his tongue which he gives to remy who gives it to fox as it's her plushie. "Thank you aurelius. I'm glad that you're not pissed from me waking you up and that it's all just a misunderstanding since you were chasing us to give cunning back to fox." remy says to aurelius. "You're welcome and don't worry i was just annoyed about that. Well i shall take my leave,goodbye radcliffes." aurelius the dragon says to the family as he flies away to his place in the center of tokyo. Rocket fox mars as well as the others wave goodbye to the dragon as they all feel a wave of relief wash over them from knowing that the dragon wasn't trying to kill them. Remy then looks at the car and then he yells at aurelius,pointing at the shattered car which aurelius realizes is still broken and so he offers to let everyone ride on his back in order to get back to yokohama,everyone gets on aurelius' back and then the dragon flies them to yokohama,with everyone bidding the dragon a final farewell upon reaching their destination. 'What a fascinating turn of events.' remy thinks to himself as he enters a gift shop along with his family.
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
Hi there. Could you do the prompt “Because I don’t want to do anything I’d end up regretting because I couldn’t control myself…” w/ Jake Lockley?
Oooh that prompt is just so good for Jake 😏 So yes absolutely. I got you, anon 👍
Where To?
tags: friends to lovers | sexual tension | Jake is a little shit | slight teasing | gn!reader
ships: Jake Lockley/Reader
Edit: added AO3 link
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“Because I don’t want to do anything I’d end up regretting because I couldn’t control myself…”
"Alright, you bastard. We gotta talk."
You don't give him any time to react as you slide into the passenger seat of his cab. Jake just looks at you with his trademark grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Couldn't stay away, could you?"
You have the urge to slap his stupid, handsome face. Instead you groan at his antics.
"Oh, you wish! You've been avoiding me for weeks now. And I want an explanation, Lockley!"
He seems nonplussed by the righteous anger burning inside of you. As if on autopilot he starts the car and turns towards the road.
"Where to?"
He's not really asking you that, is he? How dare he treat you like just another customer after ignoring you for fucking weeks.
"You fucking asshole. I don't want you to drive me anywhere, I want to talk!"
You push his shoulder without much energy behind it. When he doesn't react you sigh, all your anger and frustration turning to desperation.
"Come on! We've known each other for so long. Don't I deserve an explanation at least?"
You can't look at him, instead you turn your gaze towards your hands which have found their rest in your lap.
There is only the sound of the car engine for a long time. You're about to get out of the cab again when you hear his voice again.
"I'm sorry."
Your hand hovers over the car door, too afraid to make any more movements lest he stop talking.
"If you’re so sorry, then why did you try to avoid me so much?"
“Because I don’t want to do anything I’d end up regretting because I couldn’t control myself…”
With furrowed eyebrows you turn back to him. He looks at you with such heat in his eyes you feel like you're going to melt under his gaze.
He places his hand on your knee and even through his gloves and the fabric of your clothes you can feel the warmth radiating off of him. You gasp at the contact.
Jake leans over to you, his face so close to yours now that you swear you can feel his breath against your skin.
"I can't just be around you like this. This friendly flirting thing we have going on? Yeah, that doesn't cut it anymore."
His gloved hand slowly travels further up your thigh and you feel desire spark in your abdomen.
"Not when all I can think about is how much I want to bend you over the hood of my car and fuck you until you can't walk anymore."
Your breath hitches and you can feel your face heating up. It's not like you weren't attracted to Jake for a long time. You just didn't think he liked you that way too; you had already made peace with that. Until now.
His eyes turn dark as he watches your reactions. With a pleased hum his thumb draws lazy circles into the inside of your thigh.
"I thought you didn't want that, so I stepped away. Maybe I was wrong about that."
He grins at you, like the cat that got the canary. Jake leans forward even further, your lips just barely touching, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
"Tell me you want this. Just one word and I am yours."
"Yes", you murmur into his lips before you kiss him. It's heedy, mind-melting and way too short.
He breaks away from you and you're embarrassed by the whine that escapes you at the loss.
Jake's grin just spreads wider, just a hint of teeth showing.
"As much as I want to fuck you in my cab, you deserve better than that for our first time."
First time. Which means he planned on there being multiple times. Good, because you already know once would not be enough after years of sexual tension.
He turns back to the road and licks his lips.
"Where to, mi vida? My place or yours?"
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jinchuls-moved · 6 months
hi, important lil note
pseud change, jinx -> echo
you don’t have to read but there’s a not so thought out ramble of all the thoughts in my head rn under the cut. i feel like ive been tricking people and i want to explain myself
okay so, i moved blogs when i was in a very negative space. i only stayed away for about a month, i missed tumblr and i missed writing even if it took me a hot minute to feel good enough to even be semi active on here.
tumblr can fucking suck. i left because there was drama with a few people that left me a mess honestly, those people have since been blocked and i started to feel a little bit better. i also noticed a number of people breaking mutual with me, which i completely understand curate your space as you need i’ve done it a few times myself, but the amount of people that did in a short time (as far as i noticed) gave me a terrible feeling and i needed to leave. i felt unwelcome and like i had done something wrong to people i had only interacted with a few times. this was on top of a lot of stuff i had going on irl, i felt so fucking alone in every aspect on my life regardless of my friends that made it so obvious they were there for me. i hated how i was at the time, and i appreciate every single person that stuck by me.
so i made this blog for a fresh start. i thought a new pseud and a new blog would make me feel better. and it did, for a while. my friends knew and they listened to my request to change tags, not refer to me as any previous nicknames and essentially not make it too obvious it was me. although i don’t think it was entirely impossible to tell. but now i miss all those things, i miss being stupid with my friends, i miss getting to call my best friend my wife on dash, i miss getting to miss astrology aims and mother nesi nesi, i miss the mutuals i used to have that i didn’t tell about the move because i was scared they were going to think i was stupid. i miss the url i kept going back to bc i loved it (possibly the most silly reason but still ukaishin holds a special place in my heart)
and it just doesn’t feel right. everyone has been so nice to me so far and it feels wrong knowing that wasn’t how echo ended, it makes me wonder what was wrong with me then that wasn’t now? but reality is, it’s nothing. shit happens, i needed time to get over a lot of things and it took time. even quite recently i had a terrible evening because of an old mutual. as in i had a mental breakdown because they added one stupid word to an ask that made me feel pathetic for sitting there the night before crying about how much i was missing them to aims.
getting called jinx in dms throws me off, i appreciate those that knew me first as echo using the new pseud, but it never took. it was never a name i was happy with (except for the first couple weeks on this blog) and im sorry for any confusion and having to switch pseuds again. i just don’t want to move blogs, i don’t want to have a whole thing i just want tumblr to be the happy place it was for me for almost 2 years. it got me through uni, being on here with the friends i’d made, i spend my final year of school in a constant mental breakdown, crying on the phone to my mum almost everyday and it was kaze that kept me going, motivating me to get my degree. it was kaze that flew to england to meet me and attend my graduation. it was aims that was the first person to reach out to me and give me the type of friendship i needed. it was everyone in our silly delululand server that made me laugh and reminded me that no matter how shit people were there were good ones. and it’s the good that’s made me feel better. and the good that makes me want to try one more time to maintain that happy place i had 2 years ago
that got too sappy but i refuse to edit <3
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callsignspark · 1 year
anything for you | part one
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pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Rebecca Hermann (fem!OC)
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, implied violence against women/children, discussions of murder (nothing explicit/gory), inaccuracies about hotel ownership, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed 
word count: 4.7k
series masterlist | main masterlist
note: I wrote and edited this in about eight hours on Tuesday last week and then got my appendix out on Wednesday, so it's a bit later than I said it would be. Some friends and moots are tagged at the end, have a good weekend!
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Friday, February 10, 2023 | San Diego, CA | 2100 PST
It was late. Later than she ever worked. But the project was done, the week was over, and now the weekend could be enjoyed. Daydreams of a hot bath and chocolate are interrupted by an alert from her security system.
Someone is in her house.
A quick review of the cameras told her it was one of the idiots that hung around her father – the insignia on his jacket sleeve a dead giveaway – and her heart rate slightly slowed. She would have to find out the identity of the man in her home once she got there. Whoever it was, he was lucky enough to avoid facing the cameras but apparently not smart enough to realize they were there. Maybe she’d introduce him to the baseball bat that had a permanent home in her trunk. Pedal to the floor, she stewed in her anger on the drive home and created a simple six-step plan:
1. Park around the corner to avoid detection. 2. Sneak through Mrs. Klempner's backyard. (Do not destroy the roses.) 3. Review live footage and determine best entry point. 4a. If identity of man is unknown – subdue with baseball bat. 4b. If identity of man is known... subdue with baseball bat anyway. 5. Deal with idiot once consciousness is regained. 6. Suffer consequences from dipshit father at a later time.
As she slips through the gate of her back fence, arms covered in scratches from rose bushes and rage simmering in her chest, she reminds herself to be grateful that her neighbor's overgrown rat of a dog (and her mortal enemy) is already inside. A normal day would find Rufus barking from sunrise to whenever the elderly Mrs. Klempner remembered to let him back in the house. Taking his unnaturally high anger level out at anything and everything from the mailman (who agreed the obese Jack Russell terrier was a spawn of the devil himself) to a leaf that dared to fall within a 50-foot radius of his dog house.
"Never barks at anything actually important, though, stupid four-legged ball of blubber." She mutters to herself as she hides under the dining room window. "Okay, fuck head, let's see where you are."
Flicking through the feeds, she finds the man standing in her kitchen with his back still to the camera, drinking from one of the nice crystal glasses gifted to her by her mother. The nerve of this man!
Stashing her phone away, she peeks through the dining room window, only to find her mystery guest rummaging through her freshly stocked fridge. Her mouth drops when he comes back out with one of the peanut butter hearts she had bought herself as a Valentine's Day treat. I haven’t even had one of those yet! 
She doesn’t recognize the blonde man just from his ridiculously wide shoulders, but she does notice the flex of his arms as he unwraps the stolen sweet. None of the guys in her father’s crew are that broad. That means it’s someone from the Daggers. Which can only mean bad news. Or maybe she’ll get lucky, and the intruder will have news that her father is dead. Then he turns, she can feel the blood drain from her face as nausea creeps up her throat – luck was not on her side tonight. She knows the man standing in her kitchen.
Jacob Seresin. The Hangman.
Using the shadows of her house as cover, she slowly begins to move back toward the fence gate, trying to give her scrambling brain time to think of a new plan.
1. Slowly, quietly move to the gate – keep eyes on the house the whole time. 2. Sprint back to the car. Hit the highway. Head south. 3. At the first rest stop, pull as much cash from the ATM as possible. 4. Buy gas, scissors, hair dye, and as much non-perishable food as possible on a credit card. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times. Create a paper trail. Keep moving south. 6. At the third stop: ditch cards, phone, and ID in the garbage on the way out. 7. Continue south for another 10 miles, then swing back to the north. 8. Head for Canada. Drive safe. Don't get pulled over – remember, no ID. 9. Once in Seattle, contact Vinnie for help crossing the-
"Where do you think you're going?"
The next ninety seconds happen fast. In just a few moments, the bat is swiped from her hand, and her mouth is bound with what she can only hope is a clean cloth. Two sets of hands restrain her arms, and a third her ankles. But only after she makes contact with someone’s family jewels. The satisfaction at the sound of his grunt and the thump of him dropping to his knees doesn’t last long as she’s dragged toward her own home. All of her attempts to break free or scream for help are woefully unsuccessful.
The back door opens, the silhouette of The Hangman filling the frame. "Will you get her inside already?"
"Something isn't right, Jake." The tall, bespectacled man on her left grunts, struggling to get the wiggling woman into the house without hurting her.
"She's been fighting us the entire way! Bob, let go; I’m just gonna carry her in." The even taller brunette on her right throws her into a fireman's carry and brings her into the house. "I don't think she knows what's going on."
"Ya fucking think, Bradshaw? Just get her in a chair and make sure she can't move. Where the fuck is Javy?"
A man with a thick mustache chokes back laughter. "Oh man, he took the bat out of her hands, and she got him right in the balls. Direct hit. Took him right down to his fucking knees. He's still out there trying to catch his breath."
"Someone, please go get him." The exasperation is clear in his voice, and even as she fights getting tied to a dining room chair, she can't help but think that the most feared man in the city looks exhausted.
"You don't know why I'm here, do you?"
The question catches her by surprise, allowing the men to finish securing her feet. She hadn't been directly addressed since being grabbed in the backyard. She stares at him, hoping her expression properly conveys the "I can't speak because your fucking goons gagged me, you idiot" that she's trying to project.
"I'm not here to hurt you."
She knows her "yeah fucking right" comes through clearly because he huffs a laugh.
"I'm not. And clearly, your father didn't tell you I would be here tonight, or you wouldn't be tied to a chair right now." The room’s attention is stolen by movement at the back door, "You alright, Machado?"
"I'm fine.”
“Man, she got you good!” A curly-haired man crows at him.
“Garcia! Shut up, all of you!” He hisses at the men trying not to laugh before nodding at his boss. “I'll be okay."
"Good. Would hate for your lovely wife to not get those children she so dearly wants." He crouches in front of her, "Now, back to you. I'm not here to hurt you, so I'm going to take this off, explain why we're here, and you're not going to scream. Do you understand?"
She takes a second before nodding, only agreeing because the cloth in her mouth is starting to make her gag reflex act up. "Alright, lean forward a little bit."
She does as she's told, slightly shaking as his hands come uncomfortably close to her neck. She knows what damage those hands could do; what damage they have done. She closes her eyes, and next week’s headlines light up her eyelids like a Broadway marquee.
Local woman found strangled in her San Diego home. 
Local woman with ties to organized crime found tied to dining room chair. 
Local woman unfairly paying for the crimes of her idiot father at the hands of his boss, city's wealthiest entrepreneur.
“Hey, open your eyes. Look at me, Rebecca.” The command is given gently but firmly. She obeys, not wanting to upset him now that she has no hope of escape. “There we go. Oh shit. Please don’t cry; I’m not here to hurt you. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already.”
“Forgive me, but you’ll have to excuse me for not believing you.” She sniffles, tears escaping without permission, voice shaking even as she snarks at him. “Especially since you mentioned my father.”
“You’re like he said you would be. You know who I am, then?” Amusement dances in his eyes and his smile sharpens when she nods. “Who am I?”
“Jacob Seresin: CEO and chairman of Eagle Hotels and Resorts. But better known around the city as “The Hangman” – head of the Daggers.” Her resolve strengthens, and she vows not to show any more weakness. “How did you get in my house?”
“Very good. You can call me Jake.” His smug, condescending tone brings her blood back up to boil.
“Okay, Jake.” She spits his name back at him. “Why are you here? What did my father do?”
“When was the last time you spoke to him?”
“Six months ago, on my sister’s birthday. How did you-”
“Delilah, right?” He interrupts, waiting for her confirmation. “I’ve met her a few times. She seems like a good kid.”
“She is.” Her words are almost silent, heart pounding from the terrifying knowledge that this man knows who her sister is. “Why are you here?”
He doesn’t reply; instead stands and grabs a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge, “Got any straws?”
“Why are you here?” Her voice is stronger again, more concerned with why her baby sister is part of the conversation than the beverage needs of the dangerous man shuffling through her kitchen drawers.
He tuts at her, “One thing at a time. Where are your straws?”
“Why are you-” She cuts herself off, sighing when it becomes clear that he’s not going to stop until she answers his question. “Drawer to the right of the stove, clear container.”
“Oh, reusable kinda gal, huh? Save the turtles and all that? Rock on.” He grabs a chair and sits across from her, so close that their knees touch, before cracking the bottle and plopping the straw in. “Take a sip. I’m sure your throat is sore from all the screaming.”
She shifts forward, hesitant but willing to drink it since she saw him open it. She thanks him, the manners her mother instilled in her automatically coming out, and immediately scolds herself for being kind to the monstrous man in front of her.
“You’re welcome.” He sets the bottle on the table and leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his broad chest. “What do you know about the Daggers?”
“Not much. Why are you here?”
“You’re very stubborn; has anyone ever told you that? Explain how much “not much” is, and I’ll answer your questions.”
“I know how the Dagger Organization was formed. I know you’re the head of the Daggers, a position you inherited from your father, who inherited it from his father, and so on. You have a large group of advisors made up of two smaller groups. One group you trust because they’re your people. I’m guessing the men in my kitchen are part of that group.” She takes a beat, glancing at the five men around her island, pretending not to listen. “The other group, not so much. They were your father’s advisors, and more than one of them is rumored to be the reason you inherited your position. My father is part of that group, and likely the one you trust the least, given how he was your father’s right-hand man at the time of his death. Not to mention the fact that he’s a huge idiot. That’s all I know; I don’t understand how the hierarchy works or anything like that. Why are you here?”
His eyebrows raise – surprised or impressed, she can’t tell. “You know more than I thought you would by your “not much” response.”
“Yeah, well, gotta know your family history, right?” He stifles a laugh at her sarcastic tone. Her father warned of an attitude, but he didn’t mention her sense of humor. “How did you get in?”
“If I untie you, you gonna try to run?” He avoids the question, lips quirking when she squirms at his eyes running up and down her body, trying to assess if she’ll fight him when she’s untied. “Or kick Javy in the crotch again? His wife really is hoping to get a few kids out of him.”
“I won’t run.” She confirms, then mutters to herself, “It’s not like I would get very far anyway…”
He hums in agreement as he moves to free her legs first. “You’re a smart one.”
“I do alright.”
“Rebecca, I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. A bachelor’s degree in mathematics and two master's degrees? Seem pretty damn smart to me.” He moves behind her chair to unite her hands. “How are your wrists, sweetheart? Did Bradshaw do it too tight? I’ll let you take a shot at him if it was too much.”
She forces herself to ignore how her stomach flips at the term of endearment and the way his hand gently rubs her shoulder on his way back to his chair. She examines her wrists and rotates them to check for injury, reminding herself of the games men like him play. It’s not real. He brought up Delilah as a threat. It’s not real. He’s being kind, so you’ll trust him, and that’s when bad things happen. It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not- 
“Do your wrists hurt?”
“They’re fine, thank you.” Her voice sharper than she means it to be. Calm down. Don’t give him a reason to make them hurt. 
“You sure? They look a little red.”
“It’s fine; I’m sure it’ll go away soon.” His eyebrows lift in doubt as she rubs her wrists, trying to soothe the slight rope burn she got from struggling.
Play him back, don’t give him the upper hand. “I was sorry to hear about your dad; he was always kind to me.”
“Drink some more Gatorade.” His voice is stiffer than before.
She looks up from her wrists, eyes darting between the orange liquid and the man opposite her. When she doesn’t move, he nods at the bottle, a silent order to drink. He continues on after she complies, looking pleased. “What do you know about the Tomcat arrangement?”
She shakes her head. “I know it exists. I heard my father mention it once or twice in passing; when I still lived at his house, but I don’t know what it is. You still haven’t answered my questions.”
“When my great-great-grandfather created the Daggers, he did it with three other families.”
“The Bradshaws, the Kazanskys, and the Hermanns.”
“Yes, as you know, Albert Hermann – your great-great-grandfather – was one of the four founding members. What started as equal power between the four families changed over time. My family ended up as the leaders, and an agreement was made during our great-grandfather’s time. First, so long as there is a male heir to lead the next generation, the Seresins stay as the lead family. The other three families remain at the top of the chain of command. The leader taking their advice and counsel. His most trusted allies. The second part of the agreement is that whenever possible, the heir – the future leader – will marry a daughter of one of the other families. To keep the power balanced as much as possible between the families. As a way of ensuring that the Seresins don’t end up with too much power. And now that I’ve taken over my father, it’s time for me to get married.”
She stays quiet, stomach twisting at the information. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Rebecca, your family is the only family with the right lineage and daughters suitable enough to satisfy the Tomcat arrangement.”
“Daughters? Daughters! My sister is being considered?!” She lunges at him. “She’s eighteen! You vile, disgusting pig! You fucking piece of shit!”
“Will you stop it?” He easily stops her attack, her five-and-a-half-foot frame no match against his six-foot-two body. She struggles against his hold on her wrists, unwilling to stop fighting until she gets a decent hit. “If you don’t knock it off, I’m going to tie you back up.”
When she doesn’t listen, he flips her around, gathers both wrists behind her back, bends her over the dining room table, and uses his weight to keep her in place, “Enough.” 
It kills the fight in her. “She’s only eighteen! She’s just a baby! I was trying to get her out of there. I was supposed to get her out of there! I promised! I promised I would. I promised…” Sobs wrack her body, choking the words in her throat.
The house is silent except for her crying, the sound amplified from where her face is pressed against the table.
“Stop crying. Please stop crying. Jesus, your fucking father was supposed to have explained this to you already.” Jake sighs, resting his head against her shoulder blade. Nothing had gone in his favor today. “I don’t want to marry your sister.”
Her heart skips a beat, and her voice is thick with tears when she asks, “...what?”
“I don’t want to marry her. She’s practically a child. C’mon, take a drink.” He lets her up and grabs a tissue from the sideboard in her dining room. “Per the Tomcat agreement, after taking control, if I’m not already married, I have six months to get engaged to a woman who meets the requirements of the agreement. And then a year to marry her. My advisors reminded me today that I only have two months left to get engaged. Your father ever so kindly reminded me that your family is the only one with women that meet the Tomcat terms. He was quick to offer your sister to me, who I refused even quicker. She’s young enough I could practically be her father. It has to be you.”
“No.” Her answer comes swift and firm. No more playing into her father’s hand.
“If you refuse, he’ll kill you – he’ll do it himself if he has to – and then he’ll force your sister to marry me. And I won’t be able to stop it.”
She scoffed as she wiped at her nose, “You are the most powerful man in the city, probably the fucking state. To say you couldn’t stop it is absolutely ridiculous!”
“I wish that were true, but there’s still too many of the old guard, too many stuck in the ways of our fathers and grandfathers. I refuse, they’ll kill me, and your sister will be forced to marry one of my uncles – for the sake of keeping the Seresin name in power. Or worse, your father will try to take control, and god knows what will happen if he gets a taste of any real power.” He takes a breath, trying to gauge the reaction of his future bride. “I know this isn’t what you want. It’s not what I want either, having these archaic rules forced on us. But if we don’t play along, things will get much worse.”
“I- I… is this really the only way my sister stays safe?”
He didn’t think he had ever seen such sadness before and tried to answer as gently as possible. “I’m sorry, Rebecca, but it is.”
“Can you guarantee that?”
“I guarantee she’ll be safe from harm of the Daggers. You know I can’t promise anything more than that.”
She nods, eyes distant as she thinks before she straightens and looks him in the eye. “I have conditions.”
“I really don’t think you’re in a position to be making demands.”
“I think I am, actually. Sure, if I refuse, I end up dead. But so do you. And my father will make your family’s life a living hell, I have no doubt. If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s being a bastard to women. Besides, they’re not demands; they’re… conditions – compromises, really – and quite simple ones at that.”
He grits his teeth, knowing she’s right and wishing she wasn’t quite so smart. “Fine. What are your conditions?”
“My sister is allowed to do whatever she wants. And we’ll pay for it, whatever it is. If she wants to go to college, her tuition is fully funded. If she wants to stay in San Diego, volunteering at animal shelters and surfing all day long, we’ll buy an apartment for her. I don’t care what she does, as long as it’s her choice, and she doesn’t have to live with my father anymore.”
“Agreed. We’ll get her out of there as soon as the wedding is over. What else?”
“She can’t know the circumstances of my agreement. She’ll obviously know why I’m the one you’re marrying – why we’re getting married in the first place, she’s not an idiot – but she can’t know that she was the one offered up by my father and I’m only doing this to save her.”
“Done. What else?”
“I know we’ll have to announce our engagement, but I need a month before we take it public. That’s how long I need to give my notice at work and do a proper turnover so I don’t screw my team over.”
“You don’t have to quit, you know? You can keep working if you want to.”
“I know, but let’s face it, as the wife of one of California’s most widely known men – in good ways and bad – it’d be hard to keep working like I do now. And with your reputation, there would be cries of corruption and protests. I’d end up constantly harassed by press and, honestly, probably my coworkers. They’re not exacting your biggest fans. But I do want to keep working. I can’t be someone who sits at home all day, not having anything to do. I’ll go crazy.”
“We’ll find you something at Eagle. Anything you want – the business side, the volunteer and charity team, anything. Or you can start something of your own. We’ll figure it out, Rebecca.”
She breaks eye contact for a second, feeling flustered under the intensity of his attention.“I assume I’ll be moving in with you?”
He nods, “I’d actually like you to do that as soon as possible. You’ve always had a target on you because of your father, but being with me just makes it grow a hundred times. I want one of my people with you wherever you go out in public. Not only will our rivals be a problem, but I’m not counting your father out either.”
“My sister gets a guard too. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I would do anything to protect her. She is my- our biggest vulnerability.”
“Done. What else?”
“If I’m moving in with you, I’d like to sell this house. And the money from the sale will be mine.”
“You don’t have to worry about money. You’ll have full access to all of my accounts.”
“The money will go into my account that you will not have access to.”
“I’m not going to steal from you.”
“I’m not worried about you stealing. It’s to protect myself… just in case.”
His face softens in understanding. “The money will go into your account, which I will not have access to. I will pay for the realtor and any fees associated with the sale; you’ll get to keep as much as possible.”
“That’s not necessary; I can pay for-”
“I’m sure you can. But I’m going to anyway.” He holds up his hand when she attempts to protest. “You’re not going to win this one, so save it for another fight. What else?”
“Fine.” She huffs an annoyed breath out of her nose. “I’ll need to update my will to account for all of these changes.”
“I was already planning on bringing in the lawyers; we’ll get everything set before the engagement announcement.”
“I’d like my own lawyer to review everything.”
“You have a lawyer? Why?”
“Does it matter?” Her voice is sharp again, but it’s different this time – the word defensive flashes in his mind.
“No, I’m just surprised. Who is it? We’ll get them on retainer, but their office will be solely dedicated to you.”
“Peter Spartz of the Spartz Brothers.”
“Really? He’s good. I’ll have the legal team set up a meeting to get everything in place. What else?”
“I want to manage the size of the wedding. I know between Eagle and the Daggers, you have an obligation to invite a ridiculous amount of people, and they are all welcome to come to the reception. But I want the ceremony itself to be as small as possible. I don’t want to get up there and vow myself to you in front of a thousand of your closest business associates if I don’t have to.”
“We can do that. What else do you want for the wedding?”
“What do you mean?”
Her confusion confuses him. “What do you mean “what do I mean”? What do you want the wedding to look like? Flowers? Your dress?”
“Oh, I guess we actually have to plan a wedding. Fuck.” She looked annoyed at the prospect of having to plan their nuptials. “I really don’t care what we do.”
“You don’t care what your wedding looks like?”
“I- no? Should I? It’s not like we’re doing this because we love each other. Or even like each other. We’re fulfilling an obligation our grandfathers put in place a million years ago so that we don’t end up in shallow graves in the middle of the Mojave. Besides, I don’t know how you would even begin to plan a wedding…” Her voice trails off, slightly embarrassed that she isn’t prepared with this information already.
“That’s fine. We can get a wedding planner. My mom can help, our sisters can too. I’m sure whatever you decide will be fine.”
“You’re not going to help?”
“Oh, I’ll be giving input on the important things. Cake flavor, what’s being served for dinner, of course, the booze, and the honeymoon… But the only thing that matters to me is that we're legally married by the end of the night. I don’t care what it looks like to get us there, just as long as you like it.”
Her face twists deeper, unhappy at the thought of having to make all the decisions by herself. “So, if I make our colors Barbie pink and vomit yellow, force you to wear a kilt that’s five inches long – even though you’re not Scottish – and insist that we decorate with nothing but rare and expensive orchids that you’re extremely allergic to, you’re going to be good with that?”
“I’m fine with all of that.” He smirks at the surprise and annoyance on her face. “Oh, don’t be shocked, sweetheart. Like I said, whatever you want. Happy wife, happy life, and all that. Anything else before I propose, you say yes, and we live mildly ever after?”
“One more thing.”
“Anything for you, my dear.” His teasing tone makes her smile briefly, but it disappears as quickly as it came, her expression hardening.
“This one stays between us,” she nods towards the kitchen.
“Out, now.” His men move immediately, the soon-to-be-married couple watching them file out the back door.
She turns to him once it clicks shut, face made of stone and eyes full of fire. “I don’t care how it gets done. If you do it yourself, if you have someone else do it, it can be messy, or you can make it look like an accident – maybe it looks like a heart attack. I don’t care. But the first time the opportunity presents itself: you kill my father.”
The Hangman appears before her very eyes, his smile sending chills down her spine and making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. For the first time all evening, she truly sees the blonde in front of her as the ruthless, cold-blooded man he’s known to be.
“Anything for you, my dear.” 
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@bussyslayer333 | @callsignvalley | @gretagerwigsmuse | @hangmanapologist | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @mouseymagines | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @ryebecca | @theharddeck | @withahappyrefrain
credit for dividers here
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Nobody Else
Eddie x fem!reader, 18+ smut, 6.1k words Inspired by a few lyrics from Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Group (they’re bolded in the fic)
CW: one-sided pining, smoking, grinding, protected sex, p in v, aftercare, mention of unprotected cockwarming, fingering and cunnilingus, edging, crying, possessive!Eddie, slight dom!Eddie, overstimulation, dry humping (Eddie to the bed), praise kink, fluff at the end
Tags: @hawkinsroyaloutcast​ @eddiemunsonfuxks​ 
Idk how but after editing it got 150 words longer...pls lemme know if you like it! This is the longest one shot I’ve ever written 🥵
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You had a minor crush on Eddie Munson for a while—one that you were determined to get rid of because you knew he’d never go for you—before he suggested being friends with benefits, which you immediately said yes to but in a cool way.
“Hey y/n!” Eddie called from the doorframe across the hallway. Your head turned at the familiar voice. You and Eddie have had a few classes together and were paired up for most of the group projects in those classes so you were not quite friends but not quite strangers. You were acquaintances who would do class work and then smoke together, but Eddie was cool and you liked a lot of the same stuff so you wanted to actually be his friend.
You finished grabbing your books out of your locker and walk towards Eddie, “What’s up Munson?”
“I’ve got a question for ya,” he mused. “Don’t take it the wrong way alright, you’re hot and pretty cool, and you get along with the band and we always have fun when we smoke so I wanted to ask-“
“Oh my god, just spit it out Munson I have to get to Spanish,” you said, adding a breathless laugh on the end.
“Alright alright, Christ,” he responds, hand going up to rub the back of his neck. “Do you wanna be friends,” he pauses. “With benefits?”
Your brain stuttered and you paused for a little longer than you probably should have, but to have the guy you’ve been crushing on and been teetering on the edge of friends with ask you to casually have sex on a regular-ish basis? That was totally unexpected.
While your brain had been restarting, Eddie’s eyes searched your face for any inkling of a response before he huffed and said, “forget about it. Just forget that I said anything, it was stupid.”
He started to walk away but you quickly shifted your books to one arm and grabbed his wrist with your now free hand, “Eddie wait, wait.”
He paused and looked back at you, a mix of hurt and annoyance graced his usually happy features. “Yeah,” you breathed. “Let’s do it, why the fuck not.”
That had brought the biggest smile on his face, but he quickly hid it with his signature smirk. “Cool, meet me at my van after school yeah?”
You nodded and went your separate ways to class.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie after that. Payed no attention in any of your classes, all you could think about was the fact that soon Eddie’s hands would be all over you. His lips would be all over you, his dick would be in you. And because of the not-so-pure thoughts that ran through your head you were getting turned on in the middle of English class talking about Of Mice and Men.
After that class you kinda rushed to your locker and swapped the books you had in your bag for the books you needed for homework—though you probably wouldn’t be getting any done tonight—and then walked outside while steadying your breathing. You saw Eddie in the left corner of the parking lot. He leaned against the passenger side of his van, cigarette in hand, talking to Gareth and Jeff. It’s like he felt your eyes on him because his flitted to yours and he smirked.
“Hey guys!” You said to Gareth and Jeff when you reached the van.
“Hey, y/n! How are you?” Gareth said with a hug.
“Hey y/n,” Jeff smiled.
“I’m good, thanks! Eddie and I are gonna have a smoke session while we work on the history project otherwise we’d invite you guys to hang out tonight.”
“Ah that’s alright, I’ve got family dinner and Jeff has a date tonight so it works out,” Gareth smiled. “We gotta do another smoke sesh with all of us though! I miss hanging out with you, 
y/n, Eddie needs to bring you around more often!” He half-yelled as he and Jeff started the walk back to their cars.
“Smoke session and history project, huh?” Eddie said, after he took a drag from his cigarette. “Nothing else? No other plans?”
“Shut up, Munson. I didn’t think you’d wanna let the world know we’re gonna be fuck buddies, plus we do need to work on the history project.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I think smoke and sex tonight, history project in the morning. It’s Friday anyway, no one should be doing homework on a Friday.”
He flicks away the butt of his cigarette and opens the passenger side door for you, helping you in to his van.
“It’s only 4 pm Eds, you really think we can’t work on the history project even a little bit?” You asked when he got into the driver’s seat.
“Nope, we’re smoking and then having takeout and seeing where the night takes us,” he looked over at you and gave you a toothy grin.
And that’s exactly what happened that night. You smoked, ordered Chinese food when the munchies hit and then smoked some more.
By 8 pm you were fed and high as a kite and still so horny from thinking about Eddie in class so you took the first step. You shifted from where you were sitting next to Eddie on the couch, getting up and standing in front of him. His legs were spread, one arm on the edge of the couch that was previously by your head, the other held an almost finished joint to his mouth.
He removed the joint from his lips as you straddled his lap, rubbing your needy cunt on his crotch as you got comfortable. Eddie smiled from where he sat below you. Wrapping his free arm around you he held you to him as he leaned forward to put the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the coffee table. He pressed a quick kiss to your clothed shoulder as he dropped the butt in the ashtray and leaned back into the couch.
His hands ran down your sides, your hips, your thighs and stopped at your knees, where he drew lines at the junction of your knees and thighs. He looked up at you, pupils blown from a mix of weed and lust, and you both stayed silent as his eyes followed your movements.
You crossed your arms reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, tossing it to the couch beside Eddie. His hands still ran up and down your thighs, drew circles by your knees. His eyes bore into your chest as you reached behind to unclasp your bra, finding its way to the ever-growing pile on the couch. 
His hands went wide, gripping your thighs tightly as his eyes raked over your half naked body. He followed suit, ridding himself of his shirt. You both looked at each other, marveling at the newly exposed parts of you both that neither of you had seen before.
“Y/N, we only have to do this if you’re comfortable,” Eddie said, eyes trailing from yours down your torso. HIs hands were still splayed on your covered thighs.
“Eddie,” you sighed. You rolled your hips against his jean-clad hard-on, eliciting a moan from his soft, pink lips. “Touch me, please.”
He met your eyes and slowly, agonizingly slowly, trailed his hands up to your hips, thumbs finally meeting skin. His hands were calloused and rough but his touches were delicate as his hands traced your figure. When his thumbs caressed the underside of your breasts you let out a shaky breath, hips moving of their own accord to create friction on the blossoming heat between your thighs. Thumbs trailed over your nipples and you arched into him. When he took your hardened buds between his thumb and pointer fingers and tweaked them you moaned and Eddie’s eyes went wide. He tried to readjust himself below you but instead dragged gasps from both of your throats as his throbbing, clothed cock met your warm, clothed core in a slow stroke.
“Kiss me,” you practically begged, and he happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around you, sitting up to meet you halfway and pulling your bare chests together as he took kissed your lips with fervor. It was a sloppy kiss, full of tongues and bites and open mouthed moans as you rocked against each other, chests together creating tantalizing friction on your sensitive nipples. You pulled back, a line of spit connecting your lips to his, and wrapped your arms around his neck as he stood and walked you backwards to his bedroom.
He settled you on his bed tenderly, kneeling between your open legs. He trailed kisses down your neck and chest. He took your right nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around it he suckled and let go with a pop. When he blew cool air on its slickness, your back to arched towards him. He lavished your left with the same treatment before kissing down your stomach.
“Can I take these off?” He asked, hands on your hips. You nodded and he made quick work of your jeans, pulling them down and tossing them into a new pile to be made on his bedroom floor. He looked to you again for confirmation before dragging your panties down and tossing them to the floor with your jeans.
You sat up, hands reaching for his belt. Eddie pulled you in to a kiss, hands on your cheeks, as you worked down his jeans and boxers. When his cock sprung free from its confines he groaned into the kiss. He released your mouth as soon as your hand grasped him, his hips bucking into your fist.
“Bedside table,” he breathed, one of your hands still pumping his cock while the other reached for the condom.
He took the condom from you and gently pushed your shoulders down to the bed. You looked down at him between your legs and watched as he rolled the condom on his aching dick, your own fingers dipping into your needy cunt to prepare yourself for how big he is. Eddie watched your fingers sink into your wet pussy as he pumped his cock a few more times before lining himself up with your weeping hole.
“Ready?” He asked, eyes meeting yours again. Your yes turned into a moan as Eddie pushed himself into you slowly. Your walls stretched around him, back arching into his chest, knot in your lower stomach starting to form. His arms held him above you as he watched your face change with pleasure, your mouth dropping open in a silent oh, and your eyes rolling back. It was a sight that would never leave his memory.
He inched himself into you, reveling at the feeling of your walls pulsing and fluttering around his cock. As soon as he was buried to the hilt your cunt squeezed around him eliciting beautiful noises from his kiss-bitten lips. 
“Jesus H Christ, Y/L/N, fuck me,” he breathed. “If I’d known how greedy your pussy was—swallowing me so well—I would’ve asked to be fuck buddies a while ago,” he teased with a smile.
“Shut up, Munson,” you met his eyes with a half-laugh. “And move, please,” you asked, nails digging into his shoulders.
He loved that he had you begging already. He knew after this—after getting to feel your hot, wet cunt—that he was going to sit you down and talk all things sex and kinks so you both could get the most out of this friends with benefits relationship.
He kissed up your chest as he pulled back slowly, meeting your lips and swallowing your moan as he pushed back in to the hilt.
“More,” you begged. “Faster, Eddie.”
And he was happy to oblige. His kiss became more demanding as his thrusts became more forceful. The sound of slapping skin and muffled moans and the scent of sex filled the room. He held himself up with one hand and led one of your legs around his waist, your other one following soon after. At this angle his tip was hitting that sweet, spongey spot inside you that had the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter.
“Right there! Fuck, right there,” you whined. He dipped his head to yours, taking your lips in another heady kiss as he continued his assault on your pussy. One of Eddie’s hands trailed down your hips towards your center and traced rough circles onto your clit, drawing a moan from you.
Without warning, the coil in your stomach snapped, and your walls fluttered and squeezed around Eddie’s cock as you came. He let out a soft fuck at the way your pussy gripped his cock, your slick leaking down your thighs and ass as he continued to fuck you through your climax. A few more thrusts into your wet cunt had Eddie’s dick twitch before filling the condom with his seed, the sound that left his throat as he came was animalistic and raw. He continued to piston into your heat as his cock softened and your pussy fluttered around him before he pulled himself out and rid himself of the used condom.
Eddie slid off the bed and lifted you into his arms as he walked into his bathroom. He set you on he toilet so you could pee while he grabbed a towel from the sink and wiped your slick from his thighs and the base of his dick. He tossed the used towel into his hamper and helped you climb back into bed, pulling the sheet over your naked bodies. You were confused but thankful when Eddie wrapped his arms around you and laid your head on his chest.
“Do you need anything? Water, a snack? Cuddles, a movie? Sleep?”
“Eddie,” you said questioningly. “We’re friends with benefits. Isn’t now the point where I put my clothes back on and do the walk of shame home?”
His laugh reverberated in his chest. “Just because we’re friends with benefits doesn’t mean we won’t do aftercare or hang out after we fuck.”
He pulled back to look at you, “don’t tell me your asshole exes never gave you aftercare.” Your silence was loud in his ears. “Jesus, okay so aftercare is what we need after sex. Sex can take a lot out of you mentally, emotionally and physically and aftercare is supposed to supplement the missing parts of those after, hence after care. Like for me, this right now, this cuddling and a little hanging out is what I need after sex.”
“Okay, um I think cuddling and hanging out will be good for me but also maybe talking? About what we did and then also maybe just in general? My ‘asshole exes’ never really talked about what they liked or didn’t like or ask what I liked or didn’t like and usually just went to bed or played their video games after.”
“We can definitely do that,” Eddie smiled at you. “Cuddling, hanging out and talking. That’s a good start.”
“And maybe some reassurance that this isn’t going to change our friendship at all,” you laughed.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” He chuckled, “don’t worry Y/N, nothing is going to change.
So the rest of the night consisted of cuddling, a movie, and talking through the good parts and not-so-good parts (of which there weren’t many) of the evening as well as just talking in general. Before you knew it, both of you were asleep in Eddie’s bed.
That was the first time you stayed the night at Eddie’s and nowhere near the last.
That was six months ago. And since then you talked kinks, hard limits and soft limits, and everything in between. You explored each other’s bodies at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a week, and usually ended up spending weekends in the Munson trailer. Eddie opened you up enough to start exploring your sexuality more, he made you comfortable enough to talk to him about what you’ve done, what you want to do and what is a little scary but a little interesting to you. He talked through what he’s done, what he wants to do and what he’ll be happy to help you test out.
You know some of the gang is getting a little suspicious—there were only so many projects you could blame your extended periods of time together on—but neither of you really care. You’re both content with learning about each other and through each other.
There are also times where one or both of you aren’t up for sex on one of the nights when you hang out. Instead, you’d go to the movies or get dinner or just smoke and plan the next DND campaign together. It was nice. It is nice.
And your crush you swore to get rid of? It’s still there, and you still try to snuff it out so you don’t ruin the good thing you have going with Eddie.
It’s Friday and Eddie has been a tad more touchy than usual at school recently. Even going so far as to hold your hand under the cafeteria table at lunch today, his thumb rubbing circles into the back of your hand.
When the bell rings he says by to the boys and walks you to your locker.
“My place after school?” He asks, shoulder blocking you from the rest of the hallway.
“Yeah,” you smile at him. “What plans do you have for us tonight?”
“That, my dear Y/N is a secret. But I think you’ll enjoy it,” he smirks, a lustful glint in his brown eyes. You scoff and close your locker.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“And what? You didn’t like warming my raw cock in your wet little pussy and not being allowed to fuck yourself on it? I, personally, loved how needy you got after a while and how much you clenched around me.”
“Eddie!” You half-laugh, half-scold him, smacking his arm softly with your textbook. “I’ll meet you at the van after last period.”
“See you then, sweetheart.”
Classes went by quickly and you’re buzzing with excitement about what Eddie has in store for you at his trailer all through last period. When the bell rings you get up and head to your locker to switch out your books and pick up your homework for the weekend. Walking outside, Eddie and the van aren’t in their usual spot at the corner of the lot. Instead he’s right out front, leaning against the passenger door with a cigarette like the first Friday night you fucked. 
“Hi, Y/L/N, ready to go?” He asks with a smile and open arms.
“Well this is different, and more out in the open,” you laugh, accepting his hug. You part from each other and he opens the passenger door for you.
“Oh such a gentleman,” you tease hopping in.
“Enjoy it because I won’t be a gentleman when we get home,” he smirks at you when he gets in the drivers side. You shiver with anticipation and he starts the van starting the drive to his place.
The drive is comfortable, constant conversation flows between you as you talk about school and life and sex.
“Can I get a hint, pleaseeeeeeeee?”
“No ma’am,” Eddie says with a laugh as you turn onto his street. “My lips are sealed.”
“Ugh fine,” you huff.
“Have patience, sweetheart. I promise you’ll like it.”
He pulls into the driveway and you both get out of the van and walk to the trailer door. Once inside you both put your backpacks by door and stand in the doorway looking at each other.
“So,” you pause. “Are we smoking and doing takeout like usual or?”
“No smoking. I want you to be present for what we do tonight, I want both of us present,” he smiles slowly, eyes raking over your body. “Up to you if you want to eat before or after. It might be a while.”
“Food after,” you say a little too quickly. You’re too excited to think of anything other than Eddie and his plans.
Eddie smiles and holds his hand out, palm up. You place yours in his gingerly and he walks you to his bedroom. Once inside his room, the door closed, Eddie put on music at a low volume and met you in the middle of the room.
“Can I-“
Eddie shakes his head and kisses you quiet. It’s a soft kiss, and when he pulls back he starts first. He rids himself of his shirt, toes of his shoes and takes off his jeans, standing before you in just his black boxers. You’re yes go wide as Eddie kneels and helps you take off your shoes. He moves his hands to the top of your shorts and with a nod of your head shimmies them down your hips, placing a kiss on your newly exposed thigh. He stands and removes your shirt with another nod of your head.
You stand together in the center of his room. Eyes taking in bodies. The air between you is charged, but something feels different this time. Eddie snaps out of whatever haze he was in when you ask shyly, “do I get to know what’s on todays agenda now?”
He smirks, “I want to see how long you can last.”
You rack your brain trying to understand. Then it hits you, “edging?!”
“Yes,” he says with a nod. “I know it was an interest for you and I think we should try it today.”
You stay silent.
“What are you thinking? Talk to me Y/N.”
“I-“ you pause. “How? I mean, with what?”
“Just my hands,” he smiles at your sudden shyness. His eyes trained on your lips as you pull your lower one between your teeth.
“Yes? I need a solid yes or no, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Eddie.”
He smiles and settles himself in his bed, on his side with one hand propping his head up and his back to the wall. “Come here,” he says patting the open space beside him. “But take off your underwear and bra first.”
You do as he says and lie down beside him, flat on your back with your face turned toward him. Your eyes meeting his sweet brown ones.
“You know your limits. We’re going to use lights for this okay. What are they?”
“Green means keep going, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”
“Good girl,” he coos. “How are you right now? What color?”
You breathe deeply, thankful for the addition of praise. You talked about that a few weeks in to this. “Green,” you say lightly.
“Talk to me okay? Tell me how you’re feeling.”
All you can do is nod your head. Anticipation and nerves running high, your body erupts in goosebumps as soon as Eddies warm hand runs over your stomach. He lazily runs his fingertips across your tum, and down towards your core. Your thighs open wider for him.
“Green,” you let out with a breath.
“That’s my girl.”
His hand dips between your thighs, middle and pointer finger running through your wet folds.
“So wet for me already? What has you dripping like this?”
“You,” you sigh as his fingers stroke through your folds again, teasing at your weeping hole. “You, Eddie.”
Eddie groans and his dick twitches in his boxers. He’s growing hard from your admission and how vulnerable you’re willing to be for him. He hopes he can hold out long enough to see this through.
“Babygirl, you’re so good to me.”
At the pet name, your hole clenches around nothing, his fingers beginning to work at your engorged clit. Eddie rubs slow and fast circles over your sensitive bud as he watches your face change in pleasure. You feel a tightness start in your lower stomach.
He kisses your bare shoulder, “look at me Y/N.”
You struggle, the pleasure shooting through you overwhelming your senses, but you open your eyes to look at him.
“Play with your tits while I touch you.”
Your eyes go wide but you nod. Bringing your hands up to squeeze and knead at your breasts. As you move to tweak your nipples, Eddie moves his fingers from your clit and slips one inside your cunt.
The gasp that falls from your lips is music to his ears. He continues to watch as you pinch and roll your hardened nipples, reveling in how your pussy clenches around him with every pinch of your sensitive buds.
He thrusts his finger into you at a slow pace, reaching that sweet spot but barely caressing it with the tip of his finger. “How are you?”
You don’t respond, head still turned towards him, eyes closed in ecstasy. He removes his hand at your lack of communication and you whine at the loss, cold air hitting your pussy where his hand was keeping you warm, walls clenching around nothing.
“Eddie,” you breath out.
“What color, Y/N?” “Green, so so green.”
He laughs lightly and palms your warm cunt before slipping two fingers in this time. You let out a soft fuck and arch your back. Your hands go back to kneading and giving attention to your sore tits. Eddie works his fingers in and out of you at a faster, more eager pace, thumb coming to rest on and rub at your clit.
The coil in your belly tightens all the more. Eddie feels the flutter of your walls and he pulls his fingers from you.
You mewl, and nudge the arm his head is resting on with your nose. “Eddie.”
“I know honey, I know you were close,” he pulls his fingers to his lips and sucks them into his mouth. Tasting your sweetness for the first time today, he groans. “Always so fucking sweet.”
You watch him as he licks his fingers that were just inside you and your legs move to close and create pressure where you need it.
“Ah ah ah,” he tuts, hooking his top leg over the thigh closest to him and keeping you open. You whine again but he swallows it with a kiss. He pulls back and your lips chase his. He trails wet kisses down your neck and shoulder, leaning over enough to lick a stripe over your breast and take a nipple into his mouth. You gasp, hands moving to his hair to keep him close to your chest. He moves from your nipple to the top of your breast, kissing as he moves but stopping to nip and bite and mark you.
When he notices your breathing level out again, his hand trails back down to your core, repeating his ministrations from the first round until you’re writhing under him. Walls fluttering around his fingers, he pulls away. This time you cry out, hips bucking up trying to chase his touch.
“Color, Y/N.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, I just want you, please.” Your head is getting fuzzy with need and you can’t think straight. You just want Eddie’s hands on you, fingers in you, mouth on you, cock in you, something.
“Baby, you know what you need to do to get my touch.”
“Green,” you huff. He can tell you’re getting antsy, chasing a high he won’t let you have, but he also knows when you’re truly done. When you’re really overstimulated and recoiling from his touch instead of chasing it.
“Good girl.”
After heady kisses, trails of hickeys and hands on tits, his hand moves to your cunt again. Fingers pumping faster, hitting the spot that has you squirming and trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. Bringing you just to the precipice, before removing his hand for the third time that evening. It feels like you’ve been here for hours, begging for his touch, for release.
There are tears in your eyes as you let out a breathy, “green. Please.”
He kisses your tears away before meeting your lips with his. You open to him, all tongue and teeth. When you pull away to breathe again you meet his brown eyes, soft and full of lust. Both of you are looking at each other with so much desire and reverence as he runs his hand up and down your body, from your stomach to your collarbone that’s now littered with hickeys from his last attack to your lips and neck. Your breathing alines with his and he lets his hand trail lower.
“You’re doing so good for me sweetheart. So so good,” he moves his fingers slowly through your folds with his praise. Fingers moving first to your clit, puffy and sensitive and begging for a release. Eddie rubs circles into your nub before pinching it which elicits a mixture of a moan and scream from your throat. He groans and says what he’s been thinking for the last few months, “I don't want anybody else touching you like I do.”
You can hear him but can’t respond, throat closed in pleasure.
“Is it okay? That I don't want anybody else touching you like I do? Tell me that nobody else touches you like I do. Tell me that nobody else touches you like me.”
He continues to rub and tweak your clit faster and harder until you move to push his hand away. He pulls back entirely. “Color?” He asks before looking to your face. You’re actively crying from the overstimulation and edging. “Baby? Y/N?”
“I-I can’t do it anymore, I can’t go any further. Red.”
His heart squeezes. He hates to see you in any sort of pain, even if it was from too much pleasure. “Okay baby, that’s okay.”
He pulls your body closer to him and strokes your hair to try and calm you down.
You’re overwhelmed. From his hands, from the edging, from his confession. Your breathing slows as Eddie kisses your forehead.
You meet his eyes.
“Can I help you get what you need? Can I help you finish?” He asks with so much sincerity and care.
You nod, “please.” Eyes going watery again from the build-up of pressure in your belly. It’s withered but still lingers, an ache you know won’t go away until you cum.
He smiles softly at you, “I know we haven’t done it yet, but can I use my mouth?” He asks eagerly. “It’ll be the softest way to get you there.”
“You want to-to eat me out?” You question. He knows no-one has ever gone down on you before. You mentioned it months ago after you gave him a blowjob that he said ‘was so amazing, lemme return the favor.’
He nods, “please, baby. I want you to finish on my tongue.”
You nod and his smile grows wide. He moves down the bed from his position beside you, settling himself on his stomach between your thighs. You feel his warm breath fan over your wet, aching cunt and hiss at the feeling, your puffy lips so sensitive from Eddies earlier onslaught of pleasure.
“Green, Eddie, please make me cum. I need it.” You whine.
With that, Eddie dips his head to your pussy. He flattens his tongue against you licks up your folds. You moan and your hands find leverage in his hair. You pull him against you to keep him close to your core, overwhelmed by the pleasure and new feeling of his mouth on your most intimate parts.
His soft, wet, warm tongue catches your throbbing clit, running circles around it until he sucks on it. You arch your back at the pleasure, hands pulling him closer to your cunt, smothering him in your wet folds.
He continues his assault on your clit before kissing his way down to your weeping hole. You clench around his tongue as he thrusts it into your pussy. Eddies hips move of their own accord, humping the bedsheets below him at the same pace he moves his tongue in and out of you. He pulls out his tongue and circles your hole before pushing back in you pull on his hair at the sensation. He moans into you and you feel it everywhere. It reverberates through your entire body, nipples hardening, toes curling, heart racing.
His nose puts pressure on your clit as he continues to eat you out, tongue thrusting into your cunt at a ruthless pace until your walls start to flutter around the wet muscle. It hits you like a freight train. The coil snaps and all the built-up pressure releases.
“Eddie!” You scream his name and close your thighs around his head as you cum in spurts onto his tongue. Your legs shake around his head as more and more of your slick coats Eddies tongue, lips, and chin with the shockwaves that continue to hit you.
Eddie keeps eating you out through your prolonged orgasm, reveling in how much you’ve given him. Your legs drop open and the hands in his hair push him away from your aching cunt. He kisses his way up your stomach and chest before moving beside you.
You reach your hand towards Eddies clothed cock wanting to help satisfy him like he did you. Squeezing him through his boxers you sigh when you feel the wetness on his front. “You came?”
“Same time as you actually. I told you before that I can get off on just eating pussy,” he lets out a breathy laugh. “How are you feeling?”
He smiles, “understandable. Bath or a shower?”
“Bath, I don’t think I can stand right now,” you laugh.
“Your wish is my command.”
Eddie removes himself from the bed and take off his soiled boxers on his way to his bathroom. You hear the water start running and a few minutes later hear it stop. Eddie comes back into the room, and picks you up bridal style out of bed. He walks you to the bathroom and sits you in the tub first before climbing in behind you.
Pulling you back into his chest you lay together in the tub in silence for a bit. Eddie’s hands run softly over your arms and stomach as he peppers kisses to the back of your neck and shoulders.
You’re the one to break the silence.
“Did you mean it?”
Eddie stopped his motions, “mean what?”
“What you said before I called red. About not wanting-,” you pause, nervous that it was said in the heat of the moment and not intentionally. “About not wanting anyone else to touch me?”
He’s silent for a bit, his hands finding a resting place on your stomach. “Is that something you want?”
“Eddie, please answer me,” you say, tears threatening to fall for the second time that night. “I can’t-I-”
“Hey hey hey, Y/N, Y/N don’t cry please, I’m sorry,” Eddie says frantically hands finding and squeezing yours under the bath water. “Yes, I meant it. I don’t want anyone else touching you like I do, I want you to myself.”
“Really?” You let out with a hiccup.
Eddie puts his hand under your chin to turn you around and face him. “Yes, Y/N. I’ve wanted to say that for months now. I just didn’t know how you would take it. If you would want it too.” His eyes search yours for an answer to his worry.
“Eddie,” you coo, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Truth be told, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. I don’t think I could ever find anyone that touches me like you. I don’t want to find someone to touch me like you. I want you.” 
“You’re so perfect, how did I not realize I needed you sooner? How were you under my nose the whole time but it took a stupid idea from my horny brain to make me see that?”
He hugs you closer to him in the water and you sit together in the bath until your fingers and toes are get pruny. You get out and dry each other off and Eddie brings you a t-shirt to wear to bed. Your legs are still weak and wobbly, so he picks you up and places you in bed. Eddie crawls in beside you in just boxers and you fall asleep in his arms, happy.
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