#no not even the 'do my eyes decieve me or did i just see two inmates walk in [i forgot the rest 💀]' line lmao
4giorno · 8 months
haters will say if wrio is blind how can he see the bright glowing colorful water in a dimly lit room
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eclipsedrgn · 10 months
Left Behind (3)
Pair: Bayverse!Leo x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's been 6 months since coming back to New York. Will you forgive the Turtles for their mistake?
Warning: implied sex, mentions of sex
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A lot has changed since you came back from supposed death.
Splinter has explained to the turtles about your death and was furious, they didn't trust you much afterwards. Unlike the other three, Michelangelo tried his best to be around you even though became cold and disconnected. He misses his best friend, you coming back was the best thing that happened to him in a long time. So the fact you barely even acknowledge him or his brothers hurt him a lot.
The first three months were painful for you and for the four turtles, you all barely spoke to each other and only you visit the sewers to see Splinter and told him news about the Ancient One and why you've come back to New York.
The fourth month is when Raph let his anger out on you. You were coming by the lair to tell Splinter the news your team will be arriving in two months time, you wanted to ask him for permission to have Gojo and Geto over at the lair to discuss planning when you encountered Raphael leaning against the entrance of the lair. You gave him the cold shoulder and was about to go around when he yelled at you, telling you how much you've hurt his family.
Which ended up you telling him the truth, how they all thought you were weak and you didn't bring anything to the team, how depressed you got and the only way to live your life is to move on and away from them. Raph didn't know what came over him as he presses his rough lips against yours, sexually frustrated for a while now, you responded as you wrapped your arms around his neck and his hands placed on your ass lifting you from the ground.
That night you unintentionally slept with Raphael.
The next morning, Mikey found you sneaking out of the hothead's room holding your jeans in your hands as you borrowed his t-shirt. And that day, you had a talk with everyone.
About you.
You all gathered around the dining table eating pizza, their usual meal, Splinter sat at the head of the table as everyone ate silently.
"I believe (Y/n) has something to tell us" Splinter announces.
"About what?" Raph says walking in, he snatches a cup of coffee and drinking it.
"Why I faked my death and came back alive" you stated, glancing at Splinter who gave you a stern nod.
You take a deep breath. "So... you still think I'm weak?"
The turtles froze.
"Here" you said bringing out evidence of the Foot Clan you've been gathering for a month. "Still think I didn't bring enough to the table?"
"Or are we gonna pretend that I've been nothing but an ordinary girl sitting on the couch doing nothing"
The tension thickens as you stood from your stop slamming down your hand. "I fucking sacrificed a lot being your friend, I never took you for granted because I loved you guys and all you did was talk behind my back how I'm worth nothing"
"I didn't say anything..." Mikey frowns.
"No but Raphael did, Donatello oh let's not forget Leonardo. What happened then? The hothead complains so everyone joins in?" You spat.
"And you!" You pointed at Leo. "You were suppose to have my back. You decieved me"
Another silence fills the air.
No one knew how to respond, even Splinter who walked out knowingly this is his son's responsibility. You angrily wipe off the tears gathered in your eyes, you hated feeling weak and for the past two years and a half all you've done is prove to yourself that your tough. You can handle things. And if things got all tough, you'd be find because you know you can surpass it.
"I have another month to go before I leave to go back to Japan" you announced.
"You're leaving?" Mikey said sadly.
"You just arrived. I know we barely talked but is there anything we can do to make it up to you" Donnie begs.
"You know it was just banter" Raph spoke up, his voice gentle, totally different from the night before. "We didn't mean to hurt you badly"
"Banter or not, its not an excuse" Leo said, standing up as he takes you hand. "I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you, I'm sorry that I didn't look for more evidence you supposed killed you. I'm sorry"
You gave him a sad smile, "I... I've been wanting to hear that for the longest time. I'm sorry I caused you the pain. Especially..."
Especially you know you had to save me those five times.
Leonardo wrapped his arms around you, as you hugged him back tightly and willingly. The others joined in, hugging you as tight as possible. From Leo's shoulder, you looked up making eye contact with Raph. You both knew what happened the night before was a fluke and won't be happening again, and you both knew, that secret will end up biting you back on your asses.
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multicolour-ink · 4 months
More rough draft ideas for the Anastasia AU. This one is the bro's reunion, so if you don't want to spoil yourself for the story I have planned, maybe skip it! (tag will be #au spoilers)
~ also note that (due to memory loss) Mario goes by "Maurice" ~
* * *
They agreed to meet at the fire flower field.
"I'm sorry", Maurice began, softly. "I didn’t want to decieve you. I just...wanted to find out where I come from."
The Prince breathed in deeply, and then out through his nose like he was lifting a weight from his whole body.
"I'm just...so tired", he said weakly. "I'm tired of being tricked."
He raised a hand and aggressively wiped away tears that had already started spilling down his cheeks. Maurice, for reasons he could not fathom why, made to move forward, his hand reached out. However, he quickly drew back as he realised what he was about to do.
Prince Luigi looked back at him.
"You look so much like him. And you're so kind. That's what hurts the most."
Feeling more courage, Maurice gingerly stepped closer.
"Just, please tell me. Who am I?"
He clasped his music box to his chest. The Prince's eyes widened.
"Where did you get get that?"
Maurice looked at it, startled.
"I don't know. I've had it as long as I can remember. I think it's-"
But he stopped himself as he watched the Prince dig into his pocket, and bring out a music box of his own. This one was moon shaped, but the craftsmanship was very like Maurice's.
"Funny", said the Prince. "My music box is supposed to match with my brother's. A sun and a moon. A pair bound together. Would be funny, if you were an imposter, and you had just crafted a fake one just like his."
Maurice swallowed.
"I don't...know. Mine...could be fake. It has weird writing on the back. Might just be a signature or something."
He froze as some form of emotion went over the Prince's face.
"Can I see?"
Prince Luigi put his hand out. Maurice didn't miss the fact that it was trembling. He obeyed.
The Prince took his music box in the other hand, his pupils dilated, and he turned it so Maurice could see there was an inscription on the back.
, as long as we're together.
"My brother and I used to say that all the time to each other", the Prince said, his lip quivering. "We thought it would be fun to inscribe it on the back, so we carried a half each, and remember that we were never alone."
He held out the music boxes side by side. As Maurice looked, he saw that the inscriptions came together to form a full sentence.
Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together.
"And that's always true", Maurice found himself saying with no warning.
He stopped. Now he was the one trembling.
Prince Luigi then tapped the top of his own music box, and an oddly shaped disc popped out. Taking it, the Prince then inserted it into the front of Maurice's.
"I didn't even know that was there!", he said in awe.
"A secret compartment in each of the boxes", the Prince explained. "That could only be accessed by the other's key."
He then twisted the box. The bottom slid away, revealing a smaller compartment with a tightly folded piece of paper inside.
The Prince handed the box out to Maurice, his eyes begging the younger man to open the paper.
Maurice was not going to argue. Unfolding the paper in shaking hands, he found it was a photo of two little boys. Both exactly alike, but a little different at the same time. They were smiling, holding each other like there wasn't a care on the world.
Prince Luigi had opened up his own secret compartment. Inside was the same photo. A copy.
"So that you two will always carry a happy memory with you."
Maurice stared at the photos. This really was it. He wasn't feeling like this was strange anymore. This was real, and he knew who he was.
He looked back up at the Prince. Luigi was crying, a hand pressed to his mouth as silent tears spilled out, his expression looking like it was begging for this to be true.
"Hi bro", Mario smiled.
The tears were shed on each other's shoulders, as they held each other tight amongst the fire flowers...
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yannisrandomstuff · 1 year
What would happen if alternate gabriel caught angel gabriel cuddling up to his sleeping s/o at night?
LIKE alt Gabe just walks in and finds him there. Just like 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️
Sheesh world War about to begin BWHAHAHAHAHA
TW: Cussing , kinda OOC?(idk)
(Sorry this took so long and it's kinda corny)
Archangel Gabriel/toonbriel
Alternate Gabriel/Lucifer
You were asleep in this one, Like deepsleep doesn't give af about what's going on but you're asleep.
"Mhmm... you look lovely my dove~.." He whispers while tucking a hair behind your ear. "This is wrong but please let me hold you while I have a chance like this" He says to you he then closed his eyes and kisses your forehead and humming some kind of melody.He suddenly heard a noise coming from downstairs, he just brushed it off thinking it was just a cat that breaks in your house. That was his mistake.
There Gabriel stood eyes wide on what he was seeing. What the fuck?, what is he doing here holding you all-so-loveydovey like the two of you are some kind of married couple? He's pissed, this answer all of his questions on why your house seems to be much more brighter than usual. Are you aware that hes here?, are you cheating on him?, are you now aware that he's not who he really is??. He then appeared behind Archangel Gabriel , grabbing him by his hair and teleporting to the living room where you won't be bothered by them.
Archangel Gabriel's eyes went wide with pure shock in them on realizing who's in front of him, suddenly a fist coming to his face making him fall to the ground.
"Why are you here?!" Anger is visible to his voice
"You don't need to know anything Lucifer" He glared at him
"How dare you touch what's mine" his face is slowly melting revealing his disturbing looks
"How long are you going to pretend to be me? Decieving them?. Lying to them that you loved them?!, I know what your true intentions are satan."
"How dare you question my feelings towards them, How I feel about them is not fake. I know you have been watching them, did you see that j hurt them? Also Even if you know my intentions really is what can you possibly do?, I have all the power in my hands now ever since the day I overthroned father" Gabriel chuckled at his words
"You disgust me, you foul creature, atleast I am not a liar like you and I can prove to them by revealing who you really are and your wicked plans"
AltGabriel then grabbed ArchGabriel by his neck choking him
"Tell them I dare you and you won't be able to see the daylight ever again, you will once again end up in that tomb of sand. I'm warning you lay a finger on them again and your brand new wings will dissappear from your back" his face are now in full black only visible his wide eyes
"Just you wait. You and your plans will fall apart and I will tell them everything they need to know"
"I'd like to see you try Gabriel, I have already make them mine making them think that I will always be here for them but I never lied about my love and feelings towards them"
"You cannot lie nor hurt them! Not on my watch!"
" Pests like you should be executed immediately"
Alt Gabriel's grip on ArchGabriel neck tightened making for ArchGabriel have trouble on breathing.
"I-i'll be ba-ack ! For them, y-You will pay f-for all the thi-ings you- *cough* done l-lucifer!"
At that Archangel Dissappeard it took him a while to Dissappear since Alternate Gabriel's strength is much more stronger than his
"I hope you know that I love you very much my dearest" He kissed your forehead affectionately and sleeps with you
Wow sibling fight 👏 😍
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cumxfairy · 1 year
Late night fuck with Aki
Synopsis: aki comes home from a long, tiring shift and all he wants to do is use your pussy as a stress reliever
Warnings: lowkey aggressive aki, degradation, bondage (kinda), etc. this is my first smut so feel free to leave tips!
You were awakened by the loud slam of the front door. Ah yes, Aki's home. And it looks like he's in a shitty mood, which was understandable. He did have to stay at the office til' , you squinted your eyes at the digital clock on your bedside table, 1:25 am.
More slammings of cupboards and the fridge door were heard. Aki's probably having a glass of whiskey before coming up here, which gives you time to perfect your fake sleep. He can be a real asshole when he's in a bad mood and you didn't want none of that today.
About thirty minutes later, his slow footsteps grew louder by the second as he climbed the stairs to your shared bedroom. You made sure to keep a neutral sleep face, so that he wouldn't notice. He opened the door and stood there at the doorframe for a while.
Your heart was beating at a rapid pace at that moment. Why the fuck was he just standing there? This feels like a horror movie. You two remained like that for a couple more minutes before he finally started to slowly approach your 'sleeping' figure.
"You asleep, huh?" he said with a slight chuckle and mischief in his tone. With each second he was getting closer, your anxiety was getting worse. Did he see right through your act? Of course he did. Aki was a fucking genius. Every April fool's you'd try to prank him and yet you never succeed. Every year, he was ten steps ahead of you. He always found it humorous but right now he was not having it.
You gasped as you felt the duvet being snatched off your body. "Ah, there she is. My girl. Wide fucking awake." His voice was low and dangerous. You hesitantly raised your head to face him and instantly regretted doing so as you instantly spotted the look of hunger in his eyes.
"Aki, please..." Pathetic. That's how your voice sounded while pleading with your boyfriend, who simply stood there in his suit and slightly disheveled hair. The moonlight from the window shone directly on his face, showing the dirty smirk on his lips.
"You're smart enough to know not to try to decieve me like this. At least I thought you were." He shrugged off his suit jacket and loosened his tie, that smirk was now even more frightening. You slowly started to back off until your head met the headboard. Aki gripped your ankles and dragged you to the front of the bed.
"Now (Y/N), don't be a bad girl if you want me to go easy on you." He rasped with his big, veiny, right hand now tightly around your neck while the other one stroked your hard nipples through the fabric of your pink tank top. He could feel his cock grow harder as you released a shaky moan.
"Please Aki..." You begged again, this time with lust instead of fear. He grabbed your hand and lead it toward his abdomen, making you feel his sexy abs. "Please what darling?" He teased.
"Please don't be rough with me.." You pled even though your eyes were clearly telling him to fuck you as hard as he can right now. Aki released a dark chuckle as he undid his tie, wrapping it around his fist.
"That depends, you gonna be a good girl?" He knew exactly the answer to that question. You were always good for him. Wearing what he wanted, getting into his favourite positions, fulfilling his fantasies etc. and yet he always fucked you dumb. Nevertheless, you nodded with your doe eyes.
"Well then princess, you're gonna take that slutty little piece of fabric off and show me those sexy tits." He demanded and you instantly obliged, slipping off the straps of the top and eventually completely removing it. He licked his lips hungrily as he stared at your exposed breasts. You were now only in your panties.
He grabbed your hand and stuck your middle and index fingers into his mouth, maintaining heavy eye contact with you while doing so. "Now touch yourself the way I like it."
You watched him pull a chair in front of the bed and plopp himself on it, spreading his legs wide apart. Those wet fingers of yours first started at your breasts, where you first teased yourself by circling them. The moan that escaped your lips after your fingers grazed your nipple, made Aki's cock twitch in his pants.
"Can I touch my pussy sir?" You asked his permission and he silently nodded with a stern look in his gorgeous eyes. Your fingers slowly made their way towards your lower region, where you felt your thick, creamy arousal pile up. You were about to shove your hand into your panties when Aki's look became that of warning and you immediately pulled it out.
"Move them to the side like I always do." The authority in his voice was only turning you more on. You did as he said and pulled the panties to the side, feeling the cool air in the room hit your swollen clit.
"Mhm, now play with it. No fingering though." You nodded eagerly and instantly got to it, gently rubbing the sensitive bud and quietly whimpering while doing so. At first you slowly rubbed it in a circular motion, exactly like Aki always did. You picked up the pace as you felt your orgasm nearing and your walls become more sensitive.
"Oh Aki..." He palmed his hardened cock as he watched you play with your pussy and listened to your dirty moans. This was his favourite part of fucking you. Watching his girlfriend act like a total pornstar in front of him. He snapped back to reality as you released a loud, high pitched screech of pleasure, indicating that you've reached your high.
"Did I say you could cum?" Upon seeing the terrifying look of pure disapproval on his face, you felt your heart drop. How could you be so stupid? You forgot to ask for permission, knowing that it's the most important step when having sex with Aki.
"I'm sorry sir! Please forgive me-" With a simple raise of his hand, he was able to silence you. Your heart rate increased as he slowly got up and started walking towards you.
"You really think you can disobey me huh?" He undid his ponytail, letting his long, luscious hair flow, only adding to his Godlike appearance. You shook your head quickly and tried to defend yourself.
"Aki, I swear I didn't-"
"Shut your fucking mouth you stupid slut. I'm gonna remind you of your place." He harshly grabbed your jaw, staring deeply into your eyes, colored with fright.
"Open your mouth." You weren't able to move due to the shock, which made Aki tighten his grip on your jaw. You felt like it was gonna break. "I said open your fucking mouth, before I rip it open."
You slowly cooperated and opened it. He smirked and spit in your mouth. "Swallow." You did. "Good. Maybe there's still hope for you."
He then proceeded to turn you around with enough force to almost dislocate your shoulder. Your ass was facing him and your face was pushed against the mattress.
"By the time I'm done with you (Y/N)..." He unraveled the tie from his fist and used it to tie your wrists together. You just knew that the tightness of it would leave a very obvious mark. You let out a yelp as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you towards him, reaching to whisper in your ear.
"You won't be a filthy little harlot anymore." The sound of his zipper being pulled down made you shiver. It was happening. Aki was about to mercilessly destroy your insides and you couldn't do anything about it.
He placed the tip of his hard dick in at the entrance of your soaked vagina, his grip on your hair remaining firm. You slightly moved your hips to make him enter you a bit. He released a dry laugh at your action.
"You want it bad don't you bitch?" He delivered a harsh smack to your ass before finally slamming himself into you. You felt your entire lower body shudder at this. His pace was inhumane and he had absolutely zero consideration for you as he used your pussy like a disposable sex toy.
"Don't you. ever- FUCK. try. to disrespect me. ever agai- AH. you. sad. pathetic. whore." He let out in between strokes. Your pussy only clenched harder at his words, that were so mean right now, they made you question his love for you.
"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK." He released your hair, undid the tie and flipped you over quickly switching the position to withhold both your and his orgasms. He gave you a quick, harsh slap on your cheek before reaching for your tits and ramming his huge cock inside you again.
"Aki...AKIII!" The neighbors will not be pleased by this but at this moment all you cared about was your boyfriend cumming inside you. You screeched when his fingers pinched your nipples. He slapped you again before increasing his speed again.
"AKIIIIIII!!!" Your orgasm neared as he relentlessly fucked you with no hesitation. At this rate, you won't be able to attend uni tomorrow. "FUCK! IM SO CLOSE SIR PLEASE!"
"SHIT!" You were almost there just one. more. stroke-
Before you were able to reach your climax, your boyfriend slowed down making you scream in frustration. "You gotta beg for it princess." He chuckled eve though it was evident, how bad he wanted to cum.
"Please sir, please let me be your cum dumpster!" The tears prickled your eyes as you begged with a whiney voice.
"That's my good girl." He picked up the pace again, this time keeping it until you both reach your high. "AHHHHH.."
"Fucking hell!" A warm feeling came over you as you were being filled with his seed. After a couple more strokes, Aki pulled out of you and collapsed next to you. The two of you laid there for about five minutes before you finally spoke up.
"Hey Aki?" You turned to face your boyfriend.
"Hm." His gaze fixated on the ceiling with his hands behind his head.
"You love me, right?" He slightly moved his eyes to look at you and chuckled.
"Because I fuck you like a slut, you think I don't love you anymore?" You remained silent with an unsure look in your eyes. Aki grabbed you by the waist and gently pulled you towards his body, placing a soft kiss on your cheek, where he had earlier slapped you.
"You'll always be my princess (Y/N). I love you to the moon and back."
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justhereformilgram · 1 month
Why yes I do find myself becoming enthralled with multimedia stories primarily told through songs and sometimes manga and other ways with characters labeled numbers one to ten who are all so complicated and deep <3
Under the cut is spoilers/speculation for the Kagerou Project and trial one and trial two of the MILGRAM project! If you’re a fan of one of these I recommend checking the other two out! Also discussion of suicide topics and general dark content considering these tragic characters
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Ok those up above are just paired by number (prison number and order of joining the mekkakushi dan) but here is how I’d pair them based on power/themes + explanations, maybe even if there was a crossover or au sort of thing. The ones with the blue squares are what I think definitely fit while the others I had to go back and forth on
prepare for a ton of yapping. Lol. Lmao.
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Kido and Haruka: Abandonment and attention issues + the power to conceal yourself so you don’t get noticed is really interesting to me… Kido is more confident and blunt than Haruka, and yet, I do think they match up fairly well.
Seto and Mahiru: I was debating on giving Seto’s power to Yuno or even Es since it’s like. I don’t know people pleasing/the whole motif of trying to see inside of people’s minds but Mahiru having mind reading powers compels me, since she’s so empathetic. It would also make her indirect murder so much more messy since she would have likely tried to show her love more if she could viscerally sense her boyfriend struggling, but ough.
Kano and Kazui: now this. This fits like a glove. They’re all about lies and pain baybeee… Yobanashi Decieve is such a perfect Kazui song it’s not even funny. (Using the Will Stetson Eng Lyrics but like. Come on)
“Act normal and all of that, but my heart’s still rushing fast so easily”
“I bit the fruit (apple motif!!) and the snake burrowed inside of me”
“But that’s only right, cause I’m a monster in kind”
“Listen closely to this coward’s beating heart, a selfish face that’s seeped in pain, the only me that remains”
“Though I say I’m really lonely, nothing’s ever gonna change”
Mary and Amane : Okay this is a more of a hear me out but hear me out. Both sheltered from the outside/real world, albeit for different reasons, Amane by her religious organization, Mary by her mom since she has Medusa blood. Petrification as a power would be helpful for amane in that murder and/or not getting hurt again, and/or punishing sinners. Also I think Amane would judge Mary since she’s all about stopping the natural cycle of death with all those timeloops
Muu and Momo: Simply they are both popular and that power of drawing eyes is so perfect for that. Less good for Muu once everyone turns on her but it still works.
Ene and Fuuta: This is so just because digital media like video games and twitter are so important to Fuuta like yes go into the computer buddy and cyberbully on another level. They also have similar outward prickliness <3
Shintaro and ES: this is really just about main characters and retaining eyes probably going to Es…? Wasn’t too sure of this one myself tbh
Hibiya and Mikoto (and John): Ok Focusing eyes I couldn’t really think of anyone since it’s very niche but ehh..? Graphic artist??? I do think a kagerou daze situation with Mikoto and John of John trying to save Mikoto in a death loop would fit them before the twist that oh no, sacrificing yourself just continues a different cycle…
Konoha and Kotoko: they can PUNCH. mostly did this one because kotoko would love to have the power to punch people to death and also. Well. Most inter-party kills. In konoha’s case due to possession but Kotoko would prob use hers for cold hard Justice
Hiyori and Shidou: ok this was Clearing Eyes since timeline shenanigans makes it so that Hiyori isn’t part of the group most loops. Maybe I should’ve put Kenjirou instead… well… welp. Shidou would go that far for his wife, that’s all I’ll say, and also the snake of knowledge fits him
Ayano and Yuno: Wasn’t sure about this one, since tbh Novel ES (the girl one) probably fits Ayano better, but Yuno having such a emotional power, able to express her feelings to another, while having everything she has going on could be interesting. Maybe Yuno matches Hiyori better I don’t know LOL Ayano is my favorite of the kagepro bunch though
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shotorozu · 3 years
you like their hands
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (1/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
post type : headcanons; accompanied with a small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice not nsfw]
note(s) : i was thinking about todo’s hands today— also i’ll be adding pictures of what i think their hand looks like so.. 😳
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todoroki shouto
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i’d like to believe that shouto’s hands would be long and pretty— kinda like how i’d imagine akaashi and kageyama’s hands
but have y’all seen that man’s hands in the anime and manga 😳 they’re not really what i’d call them “long”
so i had to find a mid point, kinda like a fusion of both.
his hands are either really pale, or the knuckles are just really red
moving on..
you have a weird infactuation with his hands, and you were gonna tell him! but you just didn’t know when
he didn’t really get it at first??
yes, he will respect and properly entertain your interests. but.. his hands? he doesn’t get that part yet
shouto can say he takes care of them well. washing his hands at least 3 times a day, and applying lotion on them with the slightest mint scent in it
and he takes care of his hands because he needs to rely on them everytime he uses his quirk.
speaking of quirk— his hands are either scorching to the touch, or cold.
so the first time he reaches out for your hand, you just.. freeze?? you were talking about something random while walking with him
then he just suddenly reached for your hand
seeing your reaction, he’s like.. “oh. my hand must be too cold for them. gotta switch.”
then he switches hands, holding your hand with his left. and you’re still the same, and it appears to be that switching didn’t really help
“what’s wrong, love?” he pulls you aside, staring at your expression— seeing that you became stiff when he reached for your touch.
you want to downplay the entire situation, really. but shouto doesn’t budge, that’s just who he is, and he’s still left wondering what’s wrong, and if he did something.
that is until you mention his hands, and that you like them
“your hands.. are really nice i guess,” you avert your gaze “i like them.” you say in almost a whisper like tone.
he sighs in relief. and he feels better that it’s not about the fact that you hate the temperature of his hands, since they’re either abnormally sahara desert hot or cold like fresh snow on a december morning.
his cheeks flare pink for a moment, in sudden realization “y-you like my hands?” shouto asks this as a confirmation, hoping that he actually heard it correctly.
but when you nod, he takes full advantage— entertaining your interest in his hands to his best abilities
he smiles when he sees your expression change when he brushes the back of your hand with his own. then, he finally holds your hand�� the coolness of his right hand is making you hyper aware
your heart only pounds faster against your chest, when he presses his lips to the back of your hand, maintaining eyecontact as he does soz
after dating you, he paints his nails with clear nail polish. it makes him feel better knowing that they’ll stay clean even with all the hectic training
to calm you down, he likes to rub his thumb against your cheek— his quirk slightly activating while he stares into your eyes
a little spicy; but whenever you eat your desert during a date, he will wipe the excess off the side of your lips, and ask you to lick it off.
is he teasing you? or is he serious? we will never know.
bakugou katsuki
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bakugou’s hands are big, and his veins are prominent— but not too veiny to the point it’s concerning.
he sometimes likes wearing rings but.. that’s just sometimes
his hands are strangely soft, especially the palms— but he could say there’s some rough spots here and there, but he’d guess it’s because of his quirk.
bakugou’s hands are always warm and sweaty, which he never actually cared about— until he started dating you
he’s kinda worried that you wouldn’t wanna hold his hand, but you can say it’s actually the opposite?
you really like his hands.. but you’re just scared of getting judged
so when he reaches for your hand, you try to pretend that he wasn’t? you turn your head away— trying to not look the slightest bit of dazed
“what’s up with you?” bakugou interrogates you, his ruby irises glaring into your eyes— his voice gruff
“what?” you question, the sudden action was out of the blue— and you hold in your breath when his hands cage you in, large hands pressed on the wall behind you
“HAH?” he yells, not amused by your sudden oblivion, “don’t act dumb,” he grits his teeth “spit it out, and tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothing’s wrong, suki— i don’t really follow?” you try to convince him that no, i’m totally not afixiated with something about you, even though you’re my boyfriend; i don’t wanna admit that. however— you’re not very slick.
“tch, fucking liar.” his eyes narrow, “if you hate my fuckin’ hands, then i prefer it if you were honest about it.”
“sorry, but what?” you blink, suddenly appalled by his words, “hate.. your hands?”
“because that’s what it is, huh?” he moves even closer to you, practically inches away; and you can only pray that he can’t hear the rather loud beating of your heart. “my hands are so sweaty that you don’t wanna touch em, is that it?”
you’re agitated by his misunderstanding, and you sigh; finally deciding to come clean. “fine! fine. i like your hands.”
you didn’t mean to make it sound that upfront.
bakugou blinks, the sudden tension releasing into thin air, his expression left almost as equally surprised as you.
“tch. so that’s how it is,” he smirks, and by the way it looks— you suddenly regret telling him that.
well.. not really?
he actually takes advantage of that, making sure you remember his hands nicely.
when he sits next to you on the couch, he’ll throw his beefy ass arm around your shoulders like usual. then, he’ll run his hand up and down, making sure you’re aware of his touch.
bakugou will be THAT BITCH that’ll gesture you to come over so he could kiss you,
and when you’re leaning in— he’ll pinch your cheek, a sly grin on his face.
a little spicy; but he’s the type to rest his hand on your neck when you guys kiss <3 ugh
but overall— he’s really glad you actually like his hands, and it wasn’t like you hated them at all
but GOSH he just wished you told him from the start >:T
midoriya izuku
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less veins, but.. DAMN THEY’RE KINDA THICK?? not too thick but.. have you seen his hands in the manga??
of course— his hands are rough, with a bunch of scars from his quirk. which he was kinda conscious about
but he tries hard to take care of them outside of combat things in fights; if they’re damaged then.. oh well
he definitely fiddles with pencils, and when he’s studying— the chance of him having a silver’s hand is likely (the thing where the graphite smeers on the back of your hand) he hates that shit
he definitely has a writer’s callus. PROVE ME WRONG!! that man writes a lot, and so do i so 😌 twinsies
but he tries to keep them clean, and he wants to make them feel less rough— so he will invest in some hand cream
compared to the other two, midoriya’s hands are normal in temperature.
but his grip is firm but he doesn’t really realize it sometimes.
you like his hands because.. the detail on his hands leave you mesmerized
but you don’t really wanna weird him out or make him uncomfortable. since he gets really flustered quick.
and you don’t want him to just stare at his hands and think about your fascination about them. no distractions
but he gets real pouty when you pull away
“hey Y/N, do you.. hate holding hands with me?” izuku asks one day, when you guys are studying in your room
“what?” you tilt your head, really surprised by his question— since you guys sat in silence for the last few minutes. you can feel the edge in your stomach grow when he mentions his hands.
“you always pull away when i try to hold your hand.” you gesture him to continue what he’s saying, and he continues “ but i get it though! my hands are.. scarred, rough. they’re kinda ugly compared to the rest of the guys.” he’s rambling, and you can’t help but feel really saddened.
“izuku, no.” you shake your head, “your hands aren’t ugly. yeah, they may be scarred and all— but they saved a lot of people, it saved eri, and it helped you get to where you are today.”
izuku’s cheeks flush with red, and he can’t say that you’re wrong. but; though he’s provided with reassurance, that’s not the answer he wanted
“but why won’t you hold my hand?”
“because i..” averting your eyes to the wall behind him, you’re looking for the right words. “i like your hands. i didn’t want to make you feel weird because of me.”
you look at his face after the confession, and it’s just ingulfed in a red shade.
on the contrary, this makes him like his hands more. everytime he looks at his hands, he’ll be motivated by your words.
but he’ll be a little shy with acting on it at first; especially in public
but fear not! izuku may seem innocent, but he also knows what he’s doing so.. don’t be decieved
when he’s studying, he’ll write with his right hand, and feed you little snacks with his left hand— urging you to open your mouth and take the snack
after sparring with you he’ll comment on how you did so good, also while placing his hands on your shoulder— massaging any sore parts
a little spicy, but when you guys are kissing, HIS HANDS WILL ROAM TO PLACES. pulling you closer as he attacks your lips
overall— he might be a little shy at first, but he can say he’s pretty accepting of your interest in his hands. it makes him feel better about the appearance of his hands.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i don’t profit off of my hobby.
do not reupload, translate, and use my work for any reading videos without my consent. do not plagiarize my work :))
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heartlesstala · 3 years
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title: sweet captive (season 1)
Warning ⚠ : mature content slight. drugs and cigarettes. cursed and inapproriate words.
Author's Note: no part of this fanfiction was based on real life. it was based on author's imagination and it may not be suitable for young readers.
Genre: angst, romance, nsfw
Theme Song: love me like you do by ellie goulding
Part I : got you on their hands!
it was so dark ... you couldn't see anything because they covered my eyes with a cloth. your hand was handcuffed to the back of the chair.
you heard the footsteps of shoes approaching behind you. two people are now walking. you can smell the expensive perfume just behind them.
"how is my darling?" a monotone voice whispered in your ear that raised a hair on your neck. you can feel his hot breath.
your heart is beating fast. you want to get out of handcuffs and run away there.
"let me go, fuckers!" you gritted your teeth.
smirked the man who whispered to me earlier.
"i will show you the beautiful view first." another man whispered to me. you felt the cloth slowly loosen from my eyes and you could gradually see where i was.
it was so dark around, you couldn't see anything except a light in front of me.
a man with pink hair and mullet style walked towards you causing you to swallow.
"i don't think that you should be punished... my heroine." he groaned as he approached your face so you averted your gaze and your jaw tightened.
you can smell the strange odor from his breath, as if it were like...
"i don't really care if you're going to punish me. who's fooling you if you're just going to use your damn filthy weapon?" you raise an eyebrow at him even though your system is already shaking.
he maniacally grinned, and you see two diamond scars near his mouth.
"so, are you afraid of weapons? what if it's just like this ..." he take his own seat and sit in front of you. he stares at you with a foolish reason to make your system even more angry.
"you make me hard, my dear." i gasped and i almost just slapped him if i hadn't just handcuffed my hands.
"fucking pervert! go suck your own dick so you could---" your speech was interrupted when someone spoke from behind.
"who's dick you're gonna suck, sugar?" your eyebrows furrowed as you turned to the man with violet and well brushed-up hair. he was the man who whispered to you the first time.
followed by a jellyfish haired man who also whispered to you.
"i was so really high so she want's to suck my dick." the mullet guy answered so you growled again.
"you're brain was filled with that lustful of yours. i hope your dick gets cut off from what you're saying!" you catch your breath because my voice echoes inside. none of them spoke because of your shout.
"why did i hear some shout from here?" another man you could see from afar. he has a scar left eye and raven colored hair.
"yow, kaku... this is probably the worst day today. we have caught the spy of bonten." the mullet guy groaned as he looked at you with decieving and lustful eyes.
"sanzu was high as fuck again." the jellyfish hair shrugged.
the man looked at you so you looked at him too.
"why did you spy us? don't you know who we are?" he directly said. he seems to be the only sober one there apart from the three men you face today with sugarcoating and endearment when speaking.
"you doesn't care, do you? you are evil in society and you do crime." you said blankly as you stare in the raven haired guy.
"if you judge us as if you doesn't killed either." you were not surprised, instead the edge of your lip lifted.
"you're really a good stalker, huh?"
"we're not the tracker here..." said the raven haired guy again and another man came out, long hair and white ... lots of jewelry on his neck and hand. smelling money.
"what's the problem of being a stalker, huh?" you are uplifted with the bonten to him. he was holding big bucks in his hands.
"koko, could you give me your black card?" the mullet guy still smirked.
"sanzu you jackass! do you want to be punished by boss again?!" the named koko frowned at sanzu so he just rolled his eyes.
"it's just for our only capture now ..." he touched my chin causing you to pull away and stare at him so badly.
"so is this it?" koko walks towards you and squat to keep your gaze straight at him.
"what an angel..." he grinned and clicked his tongue.
"kokonoi, don't just literally fall on her, remember. she's just a spy and you could be damned to her." the raven haired guy defended his friend.
"as if..." he grinned when he caress your hair. you just remained blank. this place is the hideouts of shits, but you didn't know what can they do to you.
two more men came. you could smell the smoky smell of cigarettes. a man with a straight scar on the side of his right eye and next to him was a rather middle-aged man with a beard.
"ya'll takeomi and mochi, how was your trip?" the guy with a well brushed-up hair greeted them.
"not too tiring, ran." takeomi said to the guy. you found out that that guy and the jellfish hair was siblings.
"the boss is coming to check on our captive."
it was like a flip of yours when you heard what takeomi said so you struggled with them.
"you, filthy shits!" you look around at your handcuffed hand and try to release your hand there but your hand turns red because of the force.
you were just surprised when someone grabbed your chin and presented you on front.
"it all seems like a mistake." a man in front of you now, not tall, thin, seemingly sleepless and white blonde undercut hair. but the good looks still remained and the frightening presence of his presence in you increased his black and blank eyes.
you just asked yourself ...
is this really their boss?
Part II : satisfy
your anger at them subsided just because of their boss.
"boss, what are we going to do with her?" sanzu asked. you just looked up at the two of them while their boss was staring at you while his hands are on his pocket.
you can't breathe because of what's around you. add more cigarette smoke that will irritate your throat.
"let me go! you are mistaken! i'm not the spy in your group!" you shout. it is true that you are not the spy in bonten. the real spy really is your agent friend.
you were almost stuck in the chair when their boss brought his face close to yours. he took something out of his pocket.
it's a taiyaki.
"prove it to us. satisfy us." he said and ate the taiyaki.
the bonten executives groaned. especially sanzu who is taking his drugs pill again.
you suddenly paled, trembling, you are dumbfounded at what you have heard.
"ahhh! this is getting better and better!" sanzu groaned as he exhales smoke from his drugs. it's like he's starting to get high again.
"shut up! i will never give you what you want! i don't want to lose my dignity!" rindou just hissed when you shouted.
their boss approached and you were surprised when he went behind you. you were confused but when you felt your handcuffs move loosely you quickly removed your hand there and stood up to run away there.
but you would have run when someone grabbed your waist.
"let's have a bath with bonten, miss y/n. today you start to satisfy us." your jaw dropped. you looked at their boss but he disappeared with sanzu and takeomi.
"w-what?! no!" you were going to punch ran in the stomach but before that a handkerchief covered your nose and mouth. the smell is too strong and you feel dizzy.
before your eyes darkened ran whispered something in your ear that make you tear up.
"we will not hurt you, y/n."
Part III : the sauna bath
you slowly open your eyes. i felt something massaging my hand. you flinched when you saw who was massaging your hand.
"miss me, heroine?" it was sanzu. he was wearing a robe. you just realized now that your also wearing a robe, but you still have undergarments inside but wait ...
"who dressed this?" you asked while looking at him. don't let him say that ...
"there are women who fix you. i wish it was me but the boss doesn't want it. tsk." he hissed so your mouth agape.
it's true that you heard the news that bonten is different, they are attracted to women.
before you could react someone had lifted you up which made you startled.
"hey! let me go, you brat!" you punch his chest but he doesn't respond instead he holds you even tighter.
"we will go to where they are. so don’t be naughty and you might fall." his warm breath on your neck caused the hair on your skin to stand on end.
you can't help but tear up why you ended up in this situation.
"please don't cry, i don't want to hurt you. i'm sorry." he spoke softly when he saw you crying and wiped your tears with his hand.
"i'm really sorry, heroine. even if you are a spy of bonten we have no intention of hurting you because we know you didn't do it." you gasped and immediately looked at him.
"w-what do you mean?" your voice trembled.
he looked away while you were still on his arms.
"hey! how long is your honeymoon ?!" you two looked away when you saw the big sauna bath not far away and there, you saw the bonten excecutives in the water.
they are all topless which your jaw dropped.
sanzu slowly walked closer to the water but he stopped and spoke to you.
"you have to take off your robe because that will get wet." his face became serious but you frowned and covered yourself with both hands.
you didn't do anything in the end because sanzu removed the lace of your robe causing your body to be exposed in front of them.
they all groaned except for kakucho who looked away.
your feet were shaking when sanzu lowered you. you are only wearing a two-piece swimsuit now so you covered your body.
"it's okay, darling. nothing bad will happen to you." ran stood up and held your hand and waist to guide you closer to them.
you just looked at them. your heart is beating fast. you never thought you could meet these kinds of men in japan in a sauna bath.
when you slowly sat down that gave relief to your body when you felt the warm water onto your skin.
you see sanzu walking back outside. his aura was very different, his eyes seemed serious and a gleam of sadness.
"hey miss! wanna ride?" kokonoi asked seductively but ran scolded him.
"hey horny people! do not commit something! the boss told us that no one will do anything bad to y/n!" you stare at ran, as you stared at him for a long time, you thought that they looked handsome so that many women were also obsessed with them.
when he looked at you, you immediately looked away.
you felt a hand on your shoulder so you looked there. "don't be afraid y/n. i'll take care of you, and I'm sorry for what happened earlier." ran's monotone voice made you shivers.
"i-it's okay." you try not to stuttered but but your heartbeat prevails.
they talk about women and how they make you happy so you just listen to them. while rindou is talking to you.
"where do you work?" he asked.
"i'm a part-timer on a starbucks cafe. the salary not so s-small but it's okay for daily living." you siad. you become comfortable with them but there is still a part of your heart that is afraid because they are criminals.
"if i'm with you, miss. be mine! i'm free to spend every day in exchange for--fuck!" kokonoi shouted when ran hit him in the back.
you chuckled for a bit but they all immediately turned their attention to you.
"u-uhh... hehe... sorry." you gave a peace sign to them but you we're surprised when they laugh.
"yo, bitches. what are you doing there?" you look at who came again. it was sanzu. he was topless and he was only wearing a boxer shorts. he slowly descended into the water approaching us.
sanzu sprinkled water on ran and kokonoi while they were playing. they are like children to say the least.
"hey! fucking stop!" now they are working with sanzu again. sanzu backs away until he bumps into you.
"oops! sorry!" he helped you because you would have stood up earlier but when he hit you you immediately sat down.
"hey! won't you stop? boss says just relax here in the bath! you are no longer children! dickheads!" takeomi shouted at them.
their bodies were soaking wet from the water and their growing abs were obvious.
"y/n ..."
you are all distracted to come. your heart will hardly feel sorry for you when you see him again and even worse, he is just staring at you and your body.
"get dressed." his authoritative words gave shivers down your spine.
you slowly left there and took off your robe to cover your body. you tremble as you tie it because they are all looking at you.
"boss mikey, can't she be here first ---" kakucho's speech was interrupted when mikey spoke.
"no." he said and then went out but before that he turned to you and told you to follow him.
it was as if your system was shaking and your leg trembled. you look at the bonten executives and they seem to be worried but they can't do anything because that's their boss's command.
it seems like just a bad dream to get into a hideout of criminals and worst of all, everyone is men.
how can you solve it and how can you get away with it?
Disclaimer:do not steal this story without my permission.
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iwadori · 3 years
hii i saw ur taking requests and I wanted to ask if you could do a fic with the miya twins,suna and iwa comforting their s/o after they have a dream of them cheating on her? tysm!
Cheating Misunderstandings with the haikyu boys (Osamu,Atsumu)
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Word Count:1.8K
AN: This was kind of on the lines of what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it. Also you guys will see an ‘Empress appearance’ in this work....so don’t kill me.
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You were walking to miya onigiri ready to pick up Samu to go home
But when you got to the front door you see Osamu in the shop winding touching another girl
You couldn’t see the girl or Osamu properly because of the angle you were at
But you wouldn’t say your eyes were decieving you, so you did what you should do turn on your heel and get out of there.
You were back at your apartment and you were fuming, you were at your desk and decided that distracting yourself with your mountainous amount of paperwork that you had for your job would be better than sitting down and stewing over watching your boyfriend cheat on you.
‘How long has this been going on,’ you thought to yourself ‘Who even is she? She can’t be a worker’ since you knew everyone that worked there and the manager Empress would definitely not let a worker get with Osamu since you were besties after all.
Distracting yourself, obviously didn’t work and you sent yourself into a spiral of social stalking, trying to find this girl. Which didn’t work, as you only saw her hair and her height which was around a foot shorter than Osamu’s. ‘Stupid Osamu’ you thought, how could he do this? Why would you do this?
You wanted to cry, you were going to cry. Outside you heard a car door shut, and looking out your window you saw Osamu walking out the car with his keys in his mouth and bags (presumably food) in his hand.  
You heard some knocking, well kicking at your front door and a light shout of “Babe, can you open the door my arms our pretty full here.” You didn’t answer, you didn’t even move cause you knew if you saw his face it’ll most likely be him saying ‘Y/N im sorry, but theres someone else’ the thought alone made you cringe. You were knocked out of your thoughts with again the kicking of the door and Osamu saying with a laugh “C’mon babe all you really gonna leave a guy stranded out here, ive got your favourite too and its going to get cold”
You reluctantly opened the door, not actually greeting Osamu and just going back to your room to pack away your paper work and close your laptop. To your surprise Osamu was behind you and gave you a quick kiss to your cheek, which you would usually smile and ease into but today you cringed and quickly moved. Making Osamu look at you with a side eye.
By time he was setteled in you were sitting down at the dinner table eating, with the sound of Gordon Ramsey’s Hell Kitchen filling your awkward silence. Osamu did try to speak to you but you always just responded with “yeah,” “sure,” or “maybe.” Short simple answers that Osamu definitely didn’t like.
When dinner was over and it was the time when you two usually watched a shitty reality tv show together, you decided to go to bed early to avoid any more awkward conversation with Osamu. But before you could clamber into bed, Osamu grabs your arm saying “Y/N, what’s wrong with you?”
“What do you mean Samu?” you say with a forced smile on your face even though he couldn’t see it, you just did so he didn’t see you start to tear up “nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Are you Y/N?”
“mhm” you murmured trying to shrug off his hold, you sniffled a bit (attempting to do it quietly) but he heard it.
“No y/n, what’s wrong can’t you just turn around.” The force of you pulling away and he pulling you close, left you falling onto your bed and the tears just started to fall. Osamu immediately crouched down to your eye line “whats wrong love?” he said with a tender voice.
You shook your head in response, “what’s wrong?? Please tell me Y/N.”
“Why would you do that to me?” you say your voice breaking as the tears streamed your face. Osamu started to panick seeing you cry.
“Do what Y/N, what do you mean?”
“You cheated on me? Was I not enough for you? Don’t you love me anymore.”
“Who Y/N!Who.?”
“You touched her, I saw you. I can’t believe you would do that. In public as well” you accused “How could you do that to me.”
“Y/N, baby listen I don’t know what you mean?”
“Don’t call me that Miya, you’re such a fucking liar oh my god.”
“Can you please explain to me what you’re talking about?”
“You. In the shop. I saw you, touching her” you say scowling saying the last line as if It was poisonous.
“In the shop? What do you-” a spark flashed in Osamus eyes before he stood up and started pulling you out the room “You need to come with me.”
“Miya, what are you doing? I’m not going anywhere with you.” you groaned
“Yes you are, and stopped calling me that.”  
He dragged you outside to his car and opened the door for you, standing expectedly waiting for you to get in. “Im not getting in,” you say folding your arms
“Oh yes you are. Just get in the car.”
“But im in my roblox pyjamas” you groaned again feeling like a child.
“And you still hot babe don’t worry” he said winking at you ushering you into the car “Just get in it’ll be a quick ride anyways.”
You pulled outside of onigiri miya and Osamu begin to drag you out again taken you to the office where the security cameras are. He did something on the community and pulled up a date and time which was the time you were at the store earlier.
Playing on the screen was the recording and the incident which you saw before, but this one was a differnet angle. You saw a girl walking one way and Osamu walking the over with a drink in his hand, him spilling the drink on her and cleaning her off with a paper towel. Which you thought was him groping and touching her.
Your cheeks heated up hard in embarrasment, as you realised how you acted and how you got it all wrong. You saw Osamu with a glint in his eye and smirk on his face and before he could say anything you said “Dont. Let’s get back to the car.”  
All was forgotten on your car ride home and you decided to discuss eachothers days (skipping out the ‘cheating’ part.) However after you watched you shows and finally gotten into bed, when Osamu was holding you right against his chest (so close where you could hear his heartbeat) he said, “Y/N, although we agreed to not talk about this incident...even though I will definitely be telling Empress, I just want to let you know that I will never even think about cheating on you let alone actually doing it, I love you so much that the idea of cheating is so uncomprehendable I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Love you ‘Samu, and I'm sorry for making this into a big old thing when I could’ve just asked you about it.” you say in response
“It’s okay babe,” he said kissing your forehead “It’s okay.”
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You and Atsumu have been dating fairly recently meeting in your through your friend Empress who was the manager at Atsumu’s brother Osamu’s shop Onigiri Miya.
You’ve only been together 6 months and you’re ready to tell him that you love him
However you being the perfectionist that you are, wanted it to be perfect so of course you had to practice on friend, Empress’ boyfriend Hajime.
“Okay so go.”
“Atsumu, I think you’re a stand-up guy and you’re pretty cute can I love ya.” you said punching Iwa on the arm.
“Y/N, you can’t say that.” Empress said face palming.
“Okay, Atsumu I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up?”
“No dad jokes Y/N.” Hajime said shaking his head
“Why theyre soo funny, what about Atsumu you’re a pain in my ass.” you said winking at Empress.
“Gosh Y/N! Take this seriously for once.” Hajime said blushing at your obvious innuendo.
“Well how did you two confess you undying love to eachother?” you asked and smiled at both their reactions, knowing that they definitely haven’t done that.
“Just say your confession Y/N,” Empress said rolling her eyes
“Okay Atsumu,” you said taking a deep breath “Ever since I met you after your brother spilt a drink on me at his shop and you tried to cheer me up with your terrible jokes I knew that you were the one for me. I love your passion, your drive your determination to make me feel better all the time even when I don’t need you too. I love being with you and I...”
Hajime looked at you expectedly, “I love you,” you said smiling “There I said it I love you!”
“Oh my gosh Y/N! That was so cute you should definitely sa-”
“What the fuck Y/N!” exclaimed a voice next to you “You love this clown.”
“Who are you calling a clown,” said Iwa squaring up to Atsumu making both you and Empress roll your eyes at the heeping testoterone filling the area.  
“Haji let’s go,” said Empress dragging her boyfriend away “and Y/N I'm pretty sure you two need to talk.”
When Hajime and Empress were an ear shot away, Atsumu looked at you with a glare. “So Y/N, is this what you’re doing now slu-”
“Don’t even go there ‘tsumu, you’re such an ass sometimes.” You say walking away “And by the way I was practicing with Iwa to say I fucking love you, you asshole.”
You already stormed off before Atsumu yelled, “Wait! You love me?”
“Of course I do you ass.” you say scowling.
Atsumu jogs over to you and says, “I love you too Y/N” he picks you up and tosses you about in the air, practically doing sommersaults, “Im so happy! Wait till I tell Osamu bout this he’s probably hasn’t told his girlfriend about this.”
“Babe, they’ve been dating for years” You said with a laugh “But go ahead ‘tsumu tell the world.”
“I’m sorry for misunderstanding things.”
“And I'm sorry for calling Iwa a clown, knowing he would definitely beat my ass.”
“And I'm sorry for being an ass.” he said with his head down.
“You are an ass Atsumu,” you said with a smile “But you’re my favourite pain in the ass.” You said winking at him making him burst out with laughter at your stupid innuedo.
Whenever Atsumu sees Osamu he tells him about how much you both love eachother, which always leads them into an argument about who has the better girlfriend and who loves their girlfriend more which always has you laughing.
AN: do you guys see the connection between the two?? Cause if you see the connection I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER :3 Hope you guys enjoyed it, what do you guys think?
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
You're a tired traveler. Someone who just quit an awful job and got a ticket to travel different countries in search of happiness. Somehow you got lost in a snowy mountain (you're not really a clever person) and are in desperate need of sleep and warmth.
On the distance you spot a building, kinda victorian style which honestly you love. Your last functioning braincell tells you its a good place to look for help and so you comply.
The building is old, you notice, but you can see light coming from the inside and you knock. Nobody answers but the door opens by itself. 'Nice' you think.
When you enter you call for the owner but no one comes. You look around and find the dining room, where a table is ready with served plates of many different dishes. You hesitate. You're hungry, but your mom taught you that it's rude to grab food from another if it's not offered, and to do so in their own roof, well... You decide not to grab anything.
Trying to be respectful you stop on the living room and refrain from snooping around, waiting instead patiently for the owner to arrive, hoping that you weren't intruding too much.
It's then when you notice something odd. There are parts of dolls hanging from the ceiling here and there. Even some other complete dolls are scattered around the room. You think it's weird, but shrug it off in the end. You had an obsession with round rocks when you were a kid, to the point of filling the shelves on your room with a variety of pretty rocks, so you wouldn't judge the owner for having dolls all over their house.
You wait and wait, until hours pass by and still no one shows up. You're starting to get sleepy, and so you curl on the couch, your body begging you to get some shut eye.
You can feel your consciousness slipping away and even though you fight it soon you fall into a deep slumber.
It's cold when you wake up. It's dark.
Only the moonlight coming from the outside provides a bit of visibility. The place looks different without the warm light of the candles and the shadows decieve you.
You're still groggy with sleep and don't really think too much about it, but when you look down you see an old, slender doll, ratty but with a beautiful, if a little dirty, white dress. You think it's a pretty doll, despite having a face that would creep many people out. But not you. No, you actually like her. You don't hesitate in picking her up and holding it close to your chest, snuggling her while drifting back to sleep.
The doll feels warm in your arms and you sigh in content before everything goes black again.
You definitely don't notice the illusion breaking, revealing a very flustered Donna Beneviento laying beside you. She tries to wiggle her way out but your hold on her is strong and in your dreaming state you squeeze her softly, closer to you. Donna's heart is racing and her mind is reeling.
What in the world were you doing? How was it that you weren't afraid of Angie when most people screamed in terror at the sight of her? Why were you holding her? And why in hell did she feel so comfortable and safe in your arms?
It wasn't right.
She had tried to play cat and mouse with you, just like with every other unfortunate person that happened to pass by her lair, awful people who always tried to take something of value from her home, people who looked at her dolls with a grossed out expression on their faces, or people who simply wouldn't respect anything. But you... surely there must be something wrong with you.
There must something wrong with her.
Donna is enjoying herself too much in your arms, and she knows she shouldn't. She takes a deep breath but soon realize it's a mistake when she inhales your scent. To her you smell sweet, just like the fruits she likes, though with a tint of something spicy that she cannot place.
It frightens her, that she feels like this with you. She doesn't even know your name, for goodness sake! But... there's something.
It's been around two hours now and Donna doesn't think she'll be able to go through the whole night. She wants you to wake up. She wants to talk to you, get to know you. But at the same time she's pretty comfortable where she is. It's been ages since she was last held like this, with care, because even in your slumber you are so tender, gentle. Your touch on her is caring and you don't notice but unconsciously your thumb is rubbing circles on her back.
Your phone rings and you stir, starting to wake up. Donna is debating if she should conjure another illusion or if she should let you see her, but it's too late and you're face to face.
You're reaction is immediate. You jump away from her with a scream, dropping the phone on the floor.
The candles lit again, seemingly out of nowhere.
Donna won't admit it, but she's hurt by your reaction. She knows she shouldn't. You're nothing to her, she doesn't even know you. You're just another useless bag of flesh and bones and–
"... mean to, I'm sorry..."
Wait, what?
"...and i fell asleep and- and... Oh god, im really sorry i didn't know i was holding you. You must think I'm so rude. I'm sorry for intruding too. I waited for somebody to come but i was tired and i fell asleep, im sorry." You apologize to the woman. She is wearing a veil and you can't see her face, but the way she breaths makes you think she's mad, or at least offended by you. "I could have swore i was holding i doll. Haven't you seen a doll this size? It was a cute doll, but maybe i was dreaming."
Donna doesn't know what to do. Her heart is hammering in her chest and her breathing is ragged. You are so much more cute than she thought...
She let out a relieved sigh, for a moment she thought you were frightened by her, just like the others before you, but you were only startled and surprised to see her laying in your arms. And when you called Angie cute her heart skipped a beat, no one besides her had ever said Angie was cute and she was surprised you thought so. Donna wanted to laugh when you apologized for holding her when it was her who caused all the mess. She found your rambling cute but she wouldn't tell you. She wanted to ask so many questions, but she couldn't. She was so used to speak through Angie that the thought of speaking by herself made her nervous.
Angie is on another room and while Donna could call her she decides she would like to use her own voice this time. There's something about you that screams to her, that pulls her in.
And so she does...
To you her voice is gorgeous, a little raspy, but soft nonetheless.
"Would you like some tea?"
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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chocominnie · 3 years
Desperado — 09 (M) | JJK
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Pairing: Badboy!Jungkook X Reader
Summary : A messy situationship at it’s finest. You don’t even know whats headed your way, just even engaging in the slightest within him. See, he has an assignment to complete. A mission granted by his father thats do or die. You just so happen to be a major pawn in that assignment. He didn’t mean to take an interest in you. Surely it was an accident right? Only except. you hold much value in this game that he’ll do anything to complete it. Oblivious is what you are. Poor thing. Poor.. Poor thing.
Genre: Mature/ Mafia!Jungkook
Trailer: xxxxx  preview 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Word Count : 7.3k
Warnings : This honestly isn’t for the light hearted and the weak…High angst, usage of drugs, drug mentions, mental illness, switch!jungkook, Brat reader, possible stockholm syndrom, kidnapping, assault, death of side characters, murder, weapons, usage of weapons, masturbation, physical violence, blood, alcohol, weed, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, honestly its a lot of aruging…
Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
TW : Suicide, Body Hanging for display.
Her hair moves so flawlessly and the her breasts spill over the mini triangle bra with each sensual move she makes. The way her waist and body whines against the pole could leave absolutely anyone in a trance.The rhythm of the music blasts in the air and she’s directly on beat to it, not missing anything through the song playing. 
The led lights are dimmed low enough in a red color, but enough for everyone to see. Shes uncaring at the men in the room sizing her up in her designer high waisted thong that hugs her hips very well, showing off her round, plump ass. That was what she wanted, the attention all on her while they throw hundred dollar bills for her. 
“ Who knew someone could get down and dirty like that.”
To no suprise, Jimin, the ladies man but heartbreaker for sure, enters the private room and closing the door beind him. He throws a stack of money towards her, as he was the seemingly late one to the meet-up. 
“ Jungkook is late, he’s never late. What’s taking him so long?” A grumpy Namjoon says, looking down at his apple-watch. It’s half past 10 pm and usually he’s the first one here.
“ He’s probably sucking up to yn-”
The girl turns her head sharply towards the boys, overhearing what they said. She furrows her eyebrows at them, “ Why would he be doing that..”
Taehyung lets out a small groan. “ Because Mr. Lover boy has gotten himself a crush. The worst part is, she’s his target for this mission.”
“ Shut the fuck up. I don’t have a crush on her, i’m just doing my job.” A semi-loud voice roars through the doors. Everyone stops to look at the sudden intruder and to relief it’s him, Jungkook. 
Of course he has to lie about that. He knew for sure he caught himself up with you and the feelings were strong. Though the big bad mafia boy catching feelings for his target is highly uncommon, and Jungkook doesn’t know the consequences.
“ Jungkook..” The girl says, frowning at him with her hand on her hips. He takes a seat on the couch and tilts his head at her to go on. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the young boy. “ You fell for her.. so what about us?”
It isn’t hard to say that he doesn’t have any more feelings left for the girl. She and him both knew what they agreed upon. The pair had history together, sexual to be exact. Romance was hardly there if he were to be honest. She’d began actually working for Won-Shik, under this club they’re in now which is owned by him, a year ago. Jungkook had entered the club once when he was considered a minor, but that was to pass a message along to the girl from his father. He was told to go straight in and straight out. Of course, he did the exact opposite. Sat around looking at all the half naked women that night as the music blared loud. 
It wasn’t until his phone rang and it was Casper telling him to hurry up and come back to the car, is when he finally decided to get up and look for the girl. When he did find her, it was over with for him. The girl was, and still is, stunning. One of the many foreign girls in the club but she’s the one that stood out of all. She wore nothing but a small outfit as she danced on the pole. Her beauty mesmorized Jungkook that night as he watched her dance in awe. Soon enough she came to him showing her her dimply smile and perfect teeth.
He was stunned alright. She knew he looked to be too young for the club so she asked him his age. He told her, and thats when she nearly called security on him until he told her who he was and affiliated with. The message was passed along accordingly to her, she got the memo. Jungkook though, kept coming back to that club and always going to where she was, following her around the club like a lost puppy. She enjoyed his time, as all she did was sit and talk with him and that turned out to not be enough for him. He wanted her, and she insisted that he was too young for her. 
So Jungkook did what any other person would do when feeling rejected, he started to present himself like a true man and mafia boy. The gym was his favorite place after that and he buffed up very well. That jawline of his got sharper and his personality gained more confidence and dominant by the time he turned nineteen. He of course kept going at her, shooting his shot anytime he could and yet kept getting denied. It wasn’t until his nineteenth birthday is when he begged her telling her how bad he wanted her, and that lap dance he kept suggesting months before. Since it was his birthday and he was legal, she gave him what he wanted but that still wasn’t enough for him. He wanted her underneath him bad. The slight age gap between them didn’t phase Jungkook at all. What he wants, is what he gets. 
And he did.
And kept getting it, and getting it, and getting it since then. 
“ Relax baby, I’ll still be coming around you know that.” His voice is smooth, smirking at her.  He wasn’t going to be coming around as much, but he knew that would disappoint her. 
She purses her lips and begins walking towards him and sits directly on his lap, straddling him. Jungkook can’t push her off the way he wants to because it would confirm the crush rumors from the boys about you. So he lets her sit there, uncomfortable as hell for him. 
Namjoon clears his throat to get the rest of the group attention. It’s nearly 11 pm and Crystal has been blowing up his phone ever since he stepped foot in the club. He told her beforehand about the meeting, but she wanted him at her apartment by at least 1 am. 
“ We all know you love yn, but remember who you are Jungkook.” Namjoon says, glaring at the boy who returns the glare back at him. “ Fuck you. Like I said, im just doing my job.”
“ If you were doing your job Jungkook, there’s no way in the hell that it should take you this long. “ Jin retaliates. He knows hes right.
By this time, Jimin had finished preparing seven perfectly rolled blunts filled with the most finest imported weed. He places them onto the tray, taking his own and then passing the tray to Yoongi. Each of the boys take their own until it reaches down to Jungkook who takes his and puts the tray back onto the table. 
“ Enough about her. I was summoned to go over the details for the next seven days. “ Jungkook groans, sparking his blunt and inhaling. He passes it Melanie, who takes it to inhale as well. 
A malicious smile comes upon Yoongi’s face as he exhales the smoke into the already fogged up air. One thing he loves to talk about is torture. One of bangtan’s best walking torture device to be known.
“ Tonight we are starting.. I say you let me go first.” Yoongi pauses, taking a long inhale of his blunt. “ I’m coming for their trade transaction place. Arson, let me burn the bitch down and then fuck around with their father.”
It’s a good idea. Sending a message after burning it down straight to it’s opponent. Fire is Yoongi’s thing, and that’s his signature marking in the Bangtan Boys. The father of the shooter was one of their dealers, until the shooter’s father fucked up by taking money out of bangtan’s cut little by little. The boys knew about it, they waited for the perfect time back then to take action. Of course, giving them a mission to complete.. or so he thought. The mission was a false one. Created by Jungkook to catch him off guard. Jungkook used some of the mafia men on Won-Shik’s side to set up a trade off of drugs, decieving the shooter’s father by thinking they were just setting up a regular mafia trade from another gang. The trade was complete, but their protection was no more. Needless to say, the men didn’t even make it back to their cars. It was a bloodshed war between Jungkook’s assigned men and their men. The point was to send a memo that the Bangtan Boys were coming for them, and coming hard. 
Everynight for two weeks unimaginable signs were sent to their family. Ranging all the way from several gunshot bullets going through their home, to severed heads of previous betrayers of the bangtan boys, sitting right on their porch. By now, all the other gangs in Korea knew not to have any business with them. 
“ Day 2 I want it. I’m going for the mother. That scamming bitch and her precious flower shop? I’m shooting it up. Whoever lives, lives. Whoever dies, dies.” Jimin shrugs, smirking as he leans back in his spot.
“ Day 3, for me I’m sending another message. One of their men is gonna die in my god damn hands. I’ll be sure to take a selfie and send it to the father. The body will lay hanging on that pretty little oak tree in their yard.” Taehyung says. The boys are roar with shock that he’s said that. Normally he doesn’t like touching a dead body, so it’s a change for him.
The boys continue listing off the days and assigned tasks for the rest of the night into the wee early morning. Namjoon left after his, of course going straight to his girls apartment. They don’t judge him, seeing as though the boy really is in love and knows when and how to handle it. He definately doesn’t mix business and his love life together, unlike his other hyung.  Soon enough the banter and socializing ends and it’s time for Yoongi first. 
Night 1
It doesn’t take long for Yoongi to find the place. The empty steets of Seoul have soon faded into just dirt roads with the city left behind. The humming of his porsche echos through the night time air. Yoongi takes one final turn, making sure to pull into the place slowly like a true hunter keeping it’s eye on its prey. It’s not a full house tonight, even better. 
Taking the jug of gasoline out his car, he carries it with ease up to the empty warehouse. The wildlife outside don’t make a noise. As if they know who’s approaching and just shut right up. Forty degrees fahrenheit outside and lastnight’s snowfall piled all around.The darkness outside is haunting, anything could pop out at any second to kill the man. That doesn’t scare him at all. Darkness is always what he crave. Inside and out. 
“ Sir.. do you want us to go in with you?” 
Yoongi stops dead in his tracks. He’d almost forgotten about the back-up men Jungkook ordered for him. It’s not like he needed them anyways, but since Jungkook can’t be there with Yoongi, that was the next best choice. 
Rolling his eyes without turning around,“ No. Wait in your cars. I’ll handle it on my own.”
Just like that. The boys are off like lightening. Yoongi takes one final step towards the two double doors, and begins to pour the gasoline at it’s starting point. Usually, he’d go from the inside out, but seeing as though he wanted them to scurry out fearing for their lives, this is the next option as well. Soon enough, the enire jug is empty and he’s now poured all of it around the outside of the warehouse. Leaves crunch with every step he makes back to the starting point. Part of him hopes they can’t hear him from the outside. It’ll ruin the plans. 
The lighter in his pocket feels so smoothe against his palms as he reaches for it. It’s one of his signature ones with his initials on it. An andrenaline rush runs through his veins as flicks the ignition with his thumb. The flame all bright and orange as he stands there infront of the building. It’s going to be a damn good night.
Without hesitating, Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair and throws the lighter right onto the gasoline puddles. The way the whole ring of fire lights up infront of his eyes makes him laugh hysterically while watching the whole building go into flames. The loud crackling sounds of the now decomposing warehouse jumps him back into reality. 
He heads right towards the big tree next to the right of the warehouse, leaning on it with one foot up against it with his hands crossed. That sinister smile doesn’t leave his face. He enjoys the view of the men from the inside running out as fast as they can. Some falling in the ring of fire in the process. The fire is no match for any human as they try to stop drop and roll. Ha, as if that would work with a 15 foot fire consuming the warehouse. The dead bodies pile up on their own, just burning in the fire over their simple mistakes of falling and thinking they would survive the fire.
Until the golden egg comes out. He’s furious as runs out perfectly, as if he’s been through this, without managing to catch on fire. Yoongi chuckles, leaning off the tree. “ Kang Dong-Woo.”
Usually Yoongi would use the honorfics to people who were much older than him. In this case though, he doesn’t deserve honorifics. 
“ Min Yoongi.” He says, harshness laced within his voice. Dongwoo frowns when nearing the man. He knows what Yoongi is capable of, and that’s what sets his fight for flight into action.
“ Let’s get straight to it. Your daughter is after our leader. She seems to be doing the dirty work for you yeah? Did you not train her enough? Of course you know she wont be able to live after this right?”
Dongwoo laughs right into Yoongi’s face as if he was joking. It angers Yoongi, so he grabs Dongwoo by the shirt and drags the man over to the fire where he kicks the back of his legs to where he’s kneeling inches away from it. 
“ I don’t think this is a laughing matter, Dongwoo.” He growls, tightening his grip around Dongwoo’s arms that are behind his back. “ You want to die?”
“ She’s gonna fuck you all over.” He growls.” You may think she’s not capable of finishing off you guys one by one, but she is. I raised and trained her since a kid. She’s stronger with more energy than me. She’ll kill you all when you least expect it.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at him.” The dumb bitch can’t even shoot right. Going for someone else knowing Jungkook would save them is an ameteur move. Should’ve went straight for his damn head.”
“ I’ll make sure she’ll bring you guys hell Min Yoongi. All of you. Tell that shit to Jungkook and his daddy for me alright?” He mocks, laughing again at the boy to taunt him.
Yoongi doesn’t care for it. He’s had enough of this foolish talk. With one swift move he kicks the man’s back making him fall down to the left side, away from the fire. He’s lost it. He’s totally lost it at this point and there is no going back. Kick after kick after kick, he doesn’t stop. No. Not until the Dongwoo is sure to cough up blood. The crimson liquid poors from his mouth as he lays there. No remorse is felt.
Besides, the bastard bitch needed to get the message. Consider it message recieved. 
Night 2
The flower shop is full, but not full to its entirety. There's tons of different bouquets and arrangements set around the pretty shop, from what he can see from the outside. It’s almost closing time, an hour left. Jimin’s fingertips grip on the steering wheel, anxious but patient to make his move. He’s running off of pure adrenaline and 2 cans of monster that are crushed and sitting in the passenger seat. Waiting isn’t his forte and he’d honestly like to get this show on the road now.
The moon is out and shining bright tonight. A sigh escapes his lips when he glances again at the shop. The only reason he’s not done it yet is due to the fact that there is a child and his mother inside. Rule number 2 of Bangtan, injure no child. The price to pay if you were to break the rule? Simply it would cost you your own damn life.
As if time would of went any slower for the boy, the child and his mother finally made their transaction and made it out of the store, heading across the street to continue their journey of shopping. It’s go time.
He knew to come prepared with his bulletproof vest and full face ski mask, long Sleeve black shirt to cover all the markings he has and also the two tattoos on each of his arms. He knew that the little lady wouldn’t be so dumb to not carry, or at-least have someone inside that would be her undercover security. Considering who her husband is, there’s no way she won’t be protected.
Oh how innocent the people look to not know what’s coming next. Jimin loads his Glock 19 with golden bullets that have Bangtan Boys initials and symbols on it just before pulling his mask down and getting out the car. He makes sure to signal his back-up men to create a distraction so he could make his entrance. Sure enough, a loud boom in the near distance of what sounds like some type of construction falling, echos loudly. It turns heads from all around to look where the sound came from, making it easy for Jimin to slide into the flower-shop.
Not a sound made by him. He draws his gun and pulls the safety off the trigger, then cocks it. Eyes are all on him as his eyes shift around the room looking for his target. There she is, eyes wide in the middle of a transaction for two middle aged couple. His eyes set into hers, lowly smiling and pointing it at her. The way everyone frantically screams and cries out doesn’t phase Jimin, no. It just encourages him even more as he starts firing shots mid air, shooting any and every person in sight for the hell of it. Bodies drop to the ground, and the bloodbath begins.
Jimin doesn’t hesitate to step over everybody, eyes still set on his target. The middle aged couple’s shrieks were cut short by their bodies dropping to the ground with three shots each to their hearts.
“ Park J-” He cuts her crying off with a finger to his lips, daring her to say his name in public. She gets the memo. “ I wouldn’t if I were you.”
The barrel is pressed against her temple as she trembles with fear. He cocks his head to the side, smiling at her when he taps the gun against her head harshly, repeatedly. “ You know why I’m here.”
“ You kill me and she will murder you all.”
Jimin chuckles, “ That’s what you guys think. We don’t have time for your gimmicks. It was you guys who stole money from us. Why did you think you’d still be protected from the law from us? Getting your daughter to go for the leader first is dumb, like the rest of you.”
“ We almost went to prison for you guys, remember that? We needed that cut money from you guys to pay off our legal fees. Thats why we stole. We completed your dirty work while trying to pay off the fees, its the least you guys could of did as a reward.”
“ That’s not how it would’ve worked. You fucked up. All of you.”
With two shots to the leg, she falls into Jimins arms. He rolls his eyes and throws his body off of him and onto the floor. It’s going to be a headache trying to explain to the dry cleaners why there is blood stains on his designer ripped jeans.
Night 3
It was too easy, way too easy. It took nothing to lure that man right into Taehyung’s trap. Nothing but a simple few slick comments made to him for him to get a riled up at the wrong person. Taehyung had spotted the man prior heading into the park with a small duffle bag. He assumed it was for a night trade off for some other person who had delivered drugs for him. Nontheless, it was merely too easy to pose as the alleged person who completed the mission. 
A rookie. That guy must’ve been a rookie. 
When the money was handed off to Taehyung, he tossed it to the side and struck the man down. The two did fight on the concrete floor for a bit but the man was no match for Taehyung’s quick moves. Taehyung’s pocket knife dances around the man’s throat as his body is pinned to the ground. 
“ Rookie mistake not verifying if I’m the real one.” He chuckles, pressing the blade against the mans neck. The man pleads for his life but it’s no use. Message must be sent, that it’s no way you’ll fuck around with Bangtan and escape.
“ You know, I would’ve trained you more than Dongwoo. Letting the weakest link go run an errand? Ha. Your boss set you up for that one.” 
Although the man is merely innocent, it doesn’t stop Taehyung from slicing into the man’s neck. A blood curdling scream comes out, but soon hushed over as his will of breathing and screaming is cut. It’s music to Tae’s ears. 
The body is transfered per request of Taehyung to his back-up men. It’s not like him to touch a bloody dead body. So they take him into the back of their car and follow Taehyung to the residential house of the shooter. Nothing more than 10 minutes away. 
The lights are cut off in the neighborhood. Not a sound made other than the two cars coming down the street. Everyone seems to be at peace and quiet in their homes. Sleeping to say the least. Upon arrival, Taehyung parks his car right infront of the house. The back-up men drag the bloody body out the car and onto their lawn, placing it right under the oak tree. 
Taehyung takes the rope be brought along with him, and begins to tie multiple knots around a sturdy branch from the tree. When done, he wraps some of the rope around the dead boy’s neck, tying it into a slipknot and hoists him up high into the air. 
The body dangles from the tree like a flag waving in the sky proud and high. He signals for the boys that the assignment is done and that they’re free to leave. Taehyung though, he just sits back in admiration of his work. It’s been a while sinice he felt this way. So he stands there soaking it all in. 
Message recieved. 
Since it’s been three entire days of hell, Jungkook knew his day will be approaching faster than ever. If only it could get here faster though. Truth is, Won-Shik isn’t too happy about Jungkook’s plan still not being complete. At this point, the father is going against him any chance he gets to just get this over with. 
Luckily, tonight he’d be able to meet with his father again with some good news. It hasn’t been brought to his attention yet about your father being in Taiwan. With the technology of Won-Shik’s men, your father could be brought here within 12 hours tops. 
“ Father.” Jungkook says, entering his office doors. The boy fixes his leather jacket upon entering and places his hands back into his pockets. “ I have news.”
Won-Shik is one to not play around with. Interupting his office time is a big, big deal. One is to not enter without it being urgency. That rule still applies to the heir of the company. “ It better be damn good because your plan isn’t getting anywhere Jeon Jungkook.”
Won-Shik takes his glasses off and sets them to the side on his desk. Its full of papers and photos of himself and Jungkook when he was a child. His favorite one right in the middle, where Jungkook had just ate some cherry flavored ice cream and his lips were all red as he smiled for the camera showing his two front teeth. It reminded him of when Jungkook was easier to manage rather as to now where he’s a damn menace.
“ Taiwan. Her father is in Taiwan. I don’t think it’s Taipei though.. he’s hiding so a city wouldn’t be ideal. I say search the mountains first, then the city.”
Bringing this proposal to the table meant that Jungkook wanted to atleast gain his father’s trust back. Hell, he wanted all this to be over with by now because you were driving him crazy to the point where he’s beginning to actually forget who the hell he was and why he was assigned this mission. The plan was not to fall, but to complete. He’d be lying if he wasn’t knee deep in love with you right now. It all comes down to him protecting you from his father at this point. 
“ So your little plan is suddenly working huh.. still doesn’t mean she gets to run free Jungkook.” He says, smirking at the boy to challange him. Jungkook knew that. Once it’s proven that your father is the snitch, all of the family dies.
You’re innocent. Too innocent to know that or to be even tangled in that mafia mess of his. Part of him wishes he never met you and never had been assigned this mission. Then everything would be so damn different and emotions wouldn’t be caught up in this. From the moment he met you, he knew it would be hard. You have always held a special part in his heart. Only because you acted just like his mother. Sweet, but sassy and it hurt him a lot on how you remind him of her. You even word your words just like her, even when upset. Everything about you, is just like her. 
It was hard to not get attached to wanting to get to know you more. Somehow he thought that if he got to know you, he’d somehow fill that hole inside him of his mother’s disappearance. As if you were going to be his new replica as you would be the one to put a band-aid on that hole to patch it up. 
Here you are, not knowing you could die any moment and it will all be thanks to Jeon Jungkook, who couldn’t save you fast enough. 
“ I know. But she’s innocent. She doesn’t even know her dad worked with us. I swear she doesn’t.”  Jungkook bites his lip in hopes that there could be someway to save you by the hands of your father.
 “ I dont care!” He roars, jumping out his seat. Jungkook flinches, backing up a bit from the sudden outburst. “ You know not to mix business and pleasure. You reap what you sew. You get to pay the consequences.”
Jungkook knew that though. 
“ Father-”
“ Nothing more. I’ll have my team start the search right now. You on the other hand, get you god-damn shit together Jungkook. You’re the heir, not a damn lover-boy. Got it?”
It is no use of arguing with him. Jungkook looks down at the ground and nods his head yes just before Won-Shik dismisses him. It’s going to hurt. Seeing you dead. He hopes for a miracle can happen, that your father will not be the snitch. That you and him could live happily ever after. There will no be any happily ever after about this situation though. One will die. Just a matter of who it will be. 
The vibrating sensation in his pocket snaps him out of his trance. An incoming call from Namjoon. It’s alarming since today is Namjoon’s day of hell, and only one thing could be happening right now if he’s calling for Jungkook. 
There’s been a mistake.
“ What is it Namjoon.” 
“ She fucking outsmarted me. The bitch caught on to where my location would be for the next kill. I don’t know where the fuck she is Jungkook.. this is bad.”
Jungkook sighs heavily, closing his eyes while letting out strings of curses come from his mouth. Shit couldn’t get possibly worse than this right now. Namjoon said he’d wanted to go straight for the killer and bust her up a bit. Give her some words and a branding on her. He had wanted to do it with a knife, carving the initals of Bangtan Boys into her upper hip. Namjoon had zero problem tracking her next location down, as he had been keeping an eye on her all day. To him, it seemed as if she would be heading to an orchestra shop in the city. Every step she took, Namjoon took it too. 
Until she rounded the corner to go inside the shop and she wasn’t there. There wasn’t any outlet. The shop was on a dead end street surrounded by other shops that they both had passed. There was no way she didn’t go back, he would of saw it. He saw her go into the store, so she had to be there right?
Wrong. You see she knew all this time that Namjoon was followering her while in disguise. The orchestra shop where she led him to, she knew the owner. They were good friends. She had spoken to him asking if that she could use his upstairs office to read over some of the newest edition of music pieces for her to practice. He obliged, and she made up there in time before Namjoon came inside.
Up there, she’d be lying if she wasn’t scared to death. All this week the boys had definately given her hell. Each day with zero remorse. It was taking a toll on her for sure. Taking up this assignment by herself wasn’t something easy but she wanted to prove to him that she can be just like him. That she wanted to work with him too to take down Bangtan for decieving them and leaving them in the dust. 
She can’t do it. The boys are to expierenced for her. It’s a bad mistake that she cannot come back from. You see, she thought it would be easy to befriend you and become close to you after you’d laid eyes upon Jungkook your first day here. She knew you’d soon fall for him, like any other girl did, and that would be her easy acess to him from you. It was all planned beforehand. To be quiet and observe you and your moves with him. In her mind, Jungkook needed to die first. The boys can’t function all that well without him, so that would be the weak spot to take advantage of if he would’ve died when she knew he’d take the bullet for you. She coudn’t shoot him first, it’d be too straightforward and blunt. 
It was going all well. Deep in the inside she was jealous of you as well. Sungmin had been her crush for years, they even almost dated. Until you came along and he left her in the dust for you. Sungmin is everything she wanted in a boy, but you took that away from her. Her chances to date him ruined by you. It hurt everyday to see him head over heels in love with you, when that was just her at one point before you came along. Not only that, but she seen the way you play with Sungmin’s emotions. It made her upset that you do that. Sungmin’s love is a drug, whether it be friendship love or romantic, nobody can get enough of it. 
All this stressed her out to her max. Her family being hurt because of her, her mom unable to walk for the next few weeks is all because of her. Only cause she cannot complete this task she brought onto herself. As if being in danger because of Won-Shik and Bangtan wasn’t enough beforehand, she just made things worse all in all. There is no way out of this for her and her family. So it’s time to just accept it and say goodbye to it all and start a new life. 
“ I’ll find her. You wait at the base and I’ll report back to you guys after I find her. When I do, you will come and finish your damn task Namjoon. Do you hear me?” Jungkook’s beyond pissed at this point. If it wasn’t for him, the boys would be lost as fuck without him.
He shoots Casper a text, letting him know that he is to follow him closely as he searches for her. To his luck, Casper was already outside his apartment building in his car. Not long after he pops those contacts in and changes his outfit again, he’s cruising the streets of Seoul in his midnight purple lamborghini. 
The pain in his shoulder throbs with each turn he has to make with the wheel of his car. A little pain medicine would of helped beforehand, but rushing to get this shit over with was more important. This bitch definately has it coming. It’s been taking Jungkook these past few days to not just up and kill her. No that would just be too easy. Torture and marinating her to lose her shit at the last minute is something so satisfying to him. 
The streets of Seoul soon end behind him and the Mappo Bridge comes into view. It had been an a whole hour searching around the areas of where she could’ve been, including where she was last seen. No sights of her at all. She’s good at this for sure. Text messages are sent back and forth between the boys and Jungkook. They’re all on edge, tired, and frustrated at this chasing game that they’re all playing.
He’d almost missed it. The body walking alongside the side-walk of the bridge with their head hanging low and hoodie on. It’s the hoodie of his school, but most importantly it has their class graduation year on it. It has to be her. Jungkook flashes his hazard lights on, letting Casper know to pull over with him. 
It’s now or never.
After sending the text to Namjoon, he’s out the car and jogging towards the suspect. Height, body type, and shoes match the alleged identity. It seems she’s too into something to notice the extra footsteps behind her. He can’t do anything to her though, it’s not his night. 
“ Kang Minlee.”
She stops dead in her tracks as if a ghost had called her name. Frozen, she stands there contemplating on running or staying. If she runs, she’s dead. If she stays, shes dead. 
“ You think..” He pauses, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face him. Her face is red from crying and her glasses all fogged up from underneath her mask. For a split second, Jungkook does feel regret. 
Killing a classmate of his wasn’t something he’d ideally let happen. But it’s far too late to not have her killed off. “ You think that running away is the best option?”
Minlee trembles underneath his grip, “ I made a mistake. Please just let me go. Let me and my family go and we’ll leave you alone forever.” She breaks down into tears, placing her hand over his in attempt to let her go. 
It didn’t hurt Jungkook to see her like this. All in all it just feels weird to him. Weird to have one of his classmates begging for her life to be spared from the gruesome events to come. 
“ You know I can’t do that.” It honestly can’t be an option at this point. It’d be better to just continue out her days of hell with her family. “ You came for me, that means you die.”
Finally she jerks her arm back from his still in tears as she starts to back away slowly. Jungkook knew that she wouldn’t run. Not in this case. Letting her cry it out was the best way, hell it’s the only way because Namjoon would be here any minute to brand her. It would mean she belonged to Bangtan after that, and she’d have to keep quiet as they planned out her death.
Her sudden movement from the ground to climbing up the railing of the bridge alarms Jungkook. She cries louder when Jungkook comes closer to getting her down so he stops. Suicide? Right now? What happened to being all big and bold? It confuses Jungkook as to why she would take her own life right now. Either way she’d still end up dead and unhappy if Bangtan would kill her or she’d kill herself. 
“ Jungkook!” She semi-yells, pointing to the direction behind him as another guy approaches them. Just in time, the sound of Namjoon’s car can be heard from afar. He’s getting close.
The guy she’s pointed to is Casper, who’s also alarmed at the fact that she’s close to the edge right now. Jungkook holds his hand up at Casper for him to stop right there and shakes his head, meaning that it’s too risky for Casper to step in right now. Casper nods and Jungkooks turns back to the scene. 
“ Don’t you think that I’ve suffered enough? Everyday you guys give me hell. My mom can’t walk because of you guys, and my dad has health issues. You left us in the dust when we needed your support the most! I was almost put up for adoption a year ago because of you!” She sobs, wiping her never ending tears with her hoodie sleeves. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say, or do. It’s not like him to have sympathy over a rival. It’s just not in him at this very moment. 
Minlee continues on, “ Yn? She took what’s mine. My Sungmin. She plays with his heart and it hurts him a lot. I wouldn’t have did that. But no, he’s head over heels in love with him. I got left in the dust when she came along and it looks like everyone loves her, including you Jungkook. My friendgroup does anything and everything she wants because she’s just oh so little miss perfect. That was supposed to be me!”
There it is. The jealousy. Jungkook would have never known it. It’s all news and shock to him. Sungmin and Minlee? Didn’t seem like a match to begin with. 
Her dramatic meltdown continues on, but Jungkook allows it. Namjoon will be here any minute to sneakily get her down. Where is he and why the hell is he taking so long?
As if on cue, Namjoon pulls up to the scene and immediately gets out his car running towards the girl. Jungkook waves his hands for him to stop, eyes wide with a finger to his lips. The last thing he wanted was for the girl to jump. A death from their school? Surely was to be put on him and his boys. 
Namjoon stops infront of Jungkook’s car, confused as to what’s going on. Jungkook mouthes to him the words suicide attempt. That’s when Namjoon gets it and decides to let him handle getting her down. 
“ Yeah it was meant to be you. But I plan to take Yn away anyways. Then you and Sungmin could come together again.” Jungkook’s convincing isn’t convincing enough, she doesn’t buy it at all.
“ If I get down I’m going to die. There is no escaping that within the next few days i’d be dead in your hands. I made a mistake and there is no going back. Spare my parents. Let them live. I’m the one that started this. I’ll be the one to finish it.”
The girl lifts one foot off the railing and leans backwards. Jungkook’s breath hitches along with Namjoons. No. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. 
“ Kang Minlee!” They both scream, running towards her. It’s too late though. Her body falls gracefully down as all three of them watch over the railing. She looks peaceful, a smile on her face while her body is sprawled out in the air.
Inches before she hits the water, the three of the boys look away with only the sound of dense water splashing to fill their ears. Namjoon sighs, putting his hands against his head. Jungkook stands there in complete shock. Casper, well Casper just shakes his head knowing the two boys weren’t prepared for that.
“ We fucked up Jungkook.”
“ I fucking know that Namjoon.” His voice cracks. It isn’t like Jungkook to cry. No not at all. Especially for a target like that. At the end of the day she was human and she did what any daughter would do for her family.
 She was also your friend.
You hadn’t heard about her death yet the next day. It’s a normal saturday morning for you. This time you’d decided to go to the cafe with your laptop and write your essay for your Psychology class. The cafe is nice, it’s cat themed and has some pretty kittens running around the outside of the kitchen and customer service area. 
As soon as you order and sit down with your Caramel frappe you spot a white kitten laying near you on the floor. A smile comes upon your face when it comes to you when you call for it. They don’t have these in Canada. Cat Cafes. The kitten lets out his purrs when you rub his back as he lays across your lap. The nametag says Mochi, a cute name for a cute kitten. 
Minutes seem to pass by without your knowledge. You’d been too into typing to hear the news on the tv being broadcasted live. It wasn’t until you heard suicide of a teenage student on Mappo Bridge. That got your attention.
You listen carefully as the news reporter goes into detail of how the body was found. It had gotten caught on a rock as the stream moved it around. A mother had found it with her kid as they walked across the bridge that early morning to look at beautiful water. It saddens you to know someone took their life. Maybe if that person had access to getting help, they’d live to see many more days. 
When they announce the name and show a school picture of the student, the look on your face drops. 
Minlee. It’s Minlee on the screen. Its all too much for you right now. Your stomach twists and turns along with your hands that begin fidgeting. She seemed so healthy and happy these past few days when you saw her. It didn’t add up. It wasn’t going to ever add up to you that you had just lost one of your new friends.
Packing your things up in a hurry, your phone begins to go off with a bunch of text messages at a time. You know it could be the groupchat. What you wanted to the most right now, is to go home to cry and calm down. You shove everything in your backpack and place the kitten back on the floor nicely before taking off towards the door. You bump into somebody on the way out, causing them to drop a picture in their hand. The two of you both reach to pick it up, but they pick it up first before you.
“ I’m sorr-”
You’ve seen her before. Long curled hair, big dimple on her left cheek, and bangs. 
There’s no fucking way. 
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lumothespadesman · 2 years
Chapter 3
Here we are again! Thank yall sm for the support once more!! Im really happy people like this idea :]
I finished this at 5am, this is a cry for help <3
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As they made their way over to the library, Charlie began to devise a plan in his head.
He had to get out of here. Condi and Bizly are likely not heard of here, as Fundy didnt seem to recognize them. But then why is he known? Did he have a life here that he couldnt remember?
His mental rambling was cut short when Fundy put a hand on his shoulder. "Now listen here," he muttered. "Whatever you told me about not knowing anything, you cant tell all that to him. Hes been in a really bad place since you went missing." The fox calmly explained. "And thats why I want you to just,, please play along. It cant be that hard, can it?"
Charlie rubbed the back of his head, furrowing his brows at him. "But... you said I acted differently. If were gonna make this convincing, what the hell am I supposed to do?" He remembered something along the lines of him digging himself into a hole, but... hes sure that wasnt all of it.
Fundy let out a long, silent groan as he tried to think of something. "You.... uhhh,, you always called him Quackity from Las Nevadas. Yeah! Thats the key thing. You need to call him that."
The two men were now standing at the door. But before they could finish up their plan, the door opened.
"Fundy I swear to god, who the fuck did you invite h-" a raven-haired guy stepped out his eyes immediately widening in shock as he looked up from the book he was reading. Fundy let out a yelp of surprise. "Oh- Quackity! Uh.." his brown eyes drifted from a surprised Charlie to the frozen man infront of them.
Quackity dropped the book he was holding. "S.....Slime?" He breathlessly whispered. Charlie looked down at the book. "Well,, thats a reasonable reaction." He felt a jab in his arm from Fundy as he said that.
Not even waiting a second, the short stranger sprinted forward, and tackled the God with a hug. "Oh my fucking god...." Quackitys voice cracked. "Youre,, youre back! Youre actually back!"
Charlie remaimed still, blinking. The last time he was hugged... god, it felt ages ago. "Its-" He looked back at the fox, who was furiously nodding. "Its good to see you again, Quackity from uh... Las Nevadas!" He was all for being a good actor, but when Its to decieve someone.. his skills start to lack a bit in that aspect.
"Im- Im sorry for not being able to save you back then." Quackity let go, wiping away a tear from his functional eye. "Those days were a fucking torture on me. And when I saw what you left behind, I thought I'll never see you again.."
The latter struggled to respond, confused by the new info. "Its,, okay..? Im not dead!" He actually died? What the hell did he leave behind?
"Fundy, where'd you find him?" The man now turned to the fox, who had his arms crossed the entire time. "Oh!" He started wagging his tail. "Well I was going to the forest to fish and stuff yknow, and I guess he just found me! He recognized me, so I took him here, knowing how happy you will be." He explained it proudly.
However, Charlie was frowning as the explanation went on. Hes,, making up half of the story. He also left out how they actually met. Though looking back at Quackity, he formed a genuine-like smile. "Thank you so much, dude." He simply said, turning back to the God.
"Welcome home, Slime."
After spending some time around Quackity, they were now carrying stuff to a restaurant apparently? He had no idea why. "Jesus, so many things have happened since you were gone!" The raven-haired man rambled. "I exiled Purpled from here because of what he did, I renovated some buildings and Im already making more! I've also built more gambling machines after a while, youre going to love them!"
Charlies expression got more and more tense as time went on. He didnt want to lie to this man, he wanted to tell him everything that Fundy didnt.
And so he did. "Quackity," he called, making the latter stop talking. He looked back at him, with slightly widened eyes. "...yeah?"
"I have to tell you something." He bluntly continued, adjusting his glasses. "Im... not who you think I am, actually." He settled the boxes down, since they arrived to the restaurant. "....what do you mean?" The smile still hasnt washed off Quackity, as he did the same thing.
"I mean that Im not,, I dont remember ever meeting you, or being here-" Charlie swung his arm around, to show what he means. "My memories come from a completely place and time."
The shorter man didnt look convinced. "Wha- haha, what are you saying? You were completely fine until now!" This response only frustrated the latter further. "I was acting! Fundy told me to. He fabricated the story of how he found me. We actually had an awkward mishap before he brought me here." He stepped closer, putting his hands together. "Please, believe me. Im not the Slime you know, and I need to find my friends." Charlie pleaded.
Quackitys smile slowly faded. ".....oooookay, I think you need to get some sleep after everything that happened today." He grabbed the Gods arm, alerting him. "What?! No, you have to believe me! Im not Slime!" He exclaimed, trying to break free of the others grasp.
"The immobile state you were in definitely fucked you up, Slime-"
Finally, Charlie wriggled out from the grip, and took a few steps back. "Dammit Quackity, Im not Slime!" He snapped, immediately realizing his tone and brought a hand to his mouth. When... was the last time he snapped like that? Was it when Grizzly made the pickaxe squeaky?
However, his gut said to keep going, so he did. "Im literally a GOD trapped inside my... my own body for some fucking reason?? Im just really confused, okay?!" The man said all that in one breath, letting out a big exhale afterwards. To this, Quackitys motherly demeanor cracked. "Wait... really?" He narrowed his eyes at Charlie.
He couldnt utter a word by the way he was staring at him, so he simply nodded. The shorter man looked back at the boxes, pushing it to a better spot. "Okay, hold on a minute. Hold here for just a fucking second." He muttered, rushing past Charlie. "I gotta talk to Fundy." The latter heard him add.
"Wait- wait, no! Dont tell Fundy anything about-.." he rapidly turned around, but to his dismay, Quackity already left the scene. "About,, all that...." he quietly finished his futile sentence.
Well shit, what was he gonna do now? He just revealed what he actually was to a guy he barely knows, and now Its gonna spread like wildfire! Charlie put his hands on his face, trying to not knock off his glasses, and let out a sigh. He looked back at the restaurant they stopped at. Perhaps he can chill out there for a bit?
The god made his way inside after putting the box he was carrying next to the other one. Unfortunately, he wasnt alone. Another figure sat right at the first table, pretty close to the door. "So, I heard your conversation." The stranger spoke.
"Wh- really..?" Charlie widened his eyes. "Yeah, the door was a bit open, didnt you notice?" The other guy replied. Its true, the door was slightly open when he came in.
"Thats besides the point though." The stranger spoke once more, standing up from the table. Wow, he was... actually taller than expected. "I know who you are," he pulled his shark hood down, turning around to face the latter.
"..Charlie Slimecicle, was it?"
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Hi hi! i think you said asks were open in your newest post? If not feel free to ignore this lol
I would love to see headcannons of an MC who, though acting brave, gets very scared of the brothers
example after lucifer and the grimoire and such? like MC slowly becomes MORE scared of them, and tries to hide it, but it's getting obvious that theyre scared if that makes sense lol 💖
Ahhhhh, sorry this took longer than it necessarily should have! I feel like I was much closer to what you wanted with this request than the other, so hopefully you'll enjoy it too ❤️
Living with demons is hard, especially when they're the rulers of hell, err, the Devildom.
Sure, there's the implication they're not supposed to hurt or do anything harmful to you, as you have the safety of being an exchange student, but that veil of ignorance was quickly lifted before even the two week mark of living with these brothers.
You've tried getting along with them, and for the most part you've been successful, but a few circumstances have arisen that have reminded you that these boys are dangerous demons... and you're the human that keeps poking the three-headed dog while it sleeps.
You're not so much scared of what Mammon could physically do, but you're paranoid that he goes into your room and rummages in your belongings and personal keepsakes. Your room is the only thing you have that you can claim as your own, and it's your sanctuary, despite it being in the brothers' house.
Of course, the brothers will periodically just barge in without alerting you by asking or knocking, but you've grown okay with that. You're at least in your room and able to see what they do in there. There are a few occasions Levi or Satan might mention going into your bedroom to retrieve a video game or book they had loaned you, but you make sure to put their item on the dresser by the entrance, so they don't have to venture too far in. You're okay with that.
You're not okay, however, with Mammon when he goes into your room unannounced. Hell, you're not totally comfortable with him being in your room unattended if he does give you a heads-up.
You know how kleptomaniac Mammon can be. You've heard enough complaints and stories to know how relentless Mammon can be in his search for anything that could give him a few Grimm from his brothers. You've talked with this greedy demon about items he's stolen, witnessed thefts a few times too.
So, you feel something akin to victimized when Mammon goes into your room without your permission or you being there. Your room emits this vibe of disturbance, and it bothers you because you don't know what might be missing or "borrowed". It troubles you more because now your room feels foreign again, like the atmosphere was plagued by essences that you know aren't yours. Your anxiety swells with paranoia, fear, and mistrust again.
Oh, for the most part, you don't have much conflict with Levi anymore. Once you made a pact with the otaku demon he relaxed a lot more and invited you to hang out in his room to play games or fuss about animation qualities in animes or gush about his favorite manga characters.
It's just that after that contest of who was the bigger TSL fan and Levi, enveloped by jealousy and fury, came at you with the intent to seriously harm you, you've had this overly-suspicious fear in the back of your mind, itching your paranoia that it could happen again.
You've learned that Levi's demon form is easily triggered by extreme feelings, rather that's excitement, irritability, or the emotion he avatars over, and you can't help be irritationally cautious when that happens. It's a reflex from the panic that engraved itself into your psyche for self-preservation.
If you weren't so anxious about another envy-fueled incident involving your life you might find Levi's excitement for the stuff he loves more endearing and cute.
If you hadn't seen how destructive Beel's tantrums over food firsthand could be you might find it hard to believe this relaxed and mostly uninvolved brother would have such a temper... but you did experience it, so you do believe it.
It was a custard! They're so easy to get more of, but Beel immediately flew off the handle and wouldn't see reasoning, lashing out and destroying the kitchen. If Mammon hadn't pulled you down with him to the floor as Beel started his outraged tantrum you're positive you would have been collateral damage too, like your poor room that was unfortunately placed on the other side of the kitchen wall.
It was a terrifying sight to behold, seeing the kitchen torn asunder and reduced to broken walls, obliterated cabinets, and smashed counters, with kitchen utensils and ruined cookware being sent into flight and raining down, razor-sharp and shattered into broken edges that could easily pierce flesh.
That moment of destruction lingers, along with the intense emotion of fright, triggered whenever Beel complains about being hungry or when he meets your gaze at the table during times to eat. You immediately offer your unfinished plate to him, which he happily accepts and consumes in seconds, to appease the Avatar of Gluttony's temper.
Asmo's promiscuity and salaciousness are what unnerve you the most. He's the Avatar of Lust, so obviously you were already on your defense, but you've seen glimpses beyond the surface level to what Asmo can be like. That's what intrigues you about him, and you try to focus on those bits that slip past his perfectionistic lifestyle and narcissistic personality. At the same time, however, this is the cause of your near downfalls when Asmo tries to allure you with his physical prowess.
He's tried a few times to charm you, and you feel this invasive power trying to persuade you to give into your raw and sexual temptations, or this tugging sensation that tries to attract you beyond what you feel is comfortable. The repulsed response is usually what repels you from the power Asmo tries to flaunt over you.
He usually huffs after his failed attempt but quickly rebounds by placing his hands around you and trying to embrace you himself, which Mammon, prompted by his denied feelings and jealousy, usually intercepts in your honor.
There's a few times you've worried yourself nauseous Asmo will corner you, and you won't be able to save yourself from his lustful persuasion. There's also the couple of times he's mentioned eating your heart, so that's also worrisome.
There's no questions that you secretly fear Satan, more specifically his wrath. You slighted him once before, and the threat he imposed upon you while you were trapped between his demonic form and an over-stuffed bookcase was enough to brand itself to your soul as a reminder.
As docile as Satan may appear with his affection for cats, deep interest for detective shows, and shared affinity of books he could and, possibly, would rip you apart and lavish in the blood that wept from your lacerated flesh and tension of your bones rebelling before snapping satisfactory in halves and thirds.
Other than that, Satan is much easier to hang out with compared to his brothers, except when he gets that cruel temperament to torment Lucifer, which you exempt yourself from if the pranks are too excessive.
Terror has never seeped into your soul like this before. Your anxiety spikes to levels you've never experienced before when Belphie plops down next to you on the couch or tries to start up a conversation. Your fight, flight, freeze, or fawn system goes haywire, and you become petrified, unable to respond properly.
You either stay away from Belphie altogether or stay glued to one of the other brothers, Mammon or Beel preferably. Just in case.
Just in case Belphie's lament arises again in the form of murderous hate, gleeful contempt clouding his eyes, as his hands find their way to your neck that remembers the tight embrace his fingers engraved into the nerves of your throat, the ghostly suffocating that chokes you up sometimes if you become too immersed in the memory of a body that hadn't belonged to you.
You're also sure you remember an aching in your ribs and spine that causes you to shiver sometimes, but you're not sure if you experienced that in a dream or illusion of the timeline merging. It still bothers you all the same.
For such a sweet face and quiet voice, Belphie is a demon that decieves, and you're better off staying away from him until you're over your PTSD. If that's possible.
How many times has he almost killed you? Twice or three times? Enough to be too many and to penetrate your core with panic and trepidation whenever you see that sly smile that forms on his lips. It doesn't have to be directed at you, but it's enough to launch you into a panic attack that you barely keep under control.
That safety guard of being a representative from the human world and exchange student mean nothing when you test it by being a busybody in affairs that definitely don't involve you over and over again, especially when it's the pride and dignity of Lucifer being tested.
You hear your lesson but never learn, and unconsciously you must be masochistic for how many times you've brushed death with Lucifer's anger, but you keep pushing the limits.
You can't help going to Mammon's defense when you feel Lucifer is only targeting him for personal reasons or standing up to his ego when you feel he's going over his limits. Your bravery is stupidity though, and you feel your courageous backbone turn into a central nerve system of adrenaline and fear. You're just too stubborn and self-righteous to let Lucifer do as he pleases, but that doesn't mean you're not scared out of your wits.
You've gained an intuition for when Lucifer is approaching or silently comes up from behind you, and it sends a shiver down your back almost every time you're alone together.
If you have any headcanons that you want me to write, please send them my way! I enjoy writing these out. NSFW is okay, but please know I might not do it if I don’t like it. ❤️
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Prompt: Inspired by the song Things You Make Me Do by Devil Doll
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, angst, heart break, manipulation
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This song is amazing, this band is amazing and I missed my main man, so enjoy lol ❤️ If you’d like to check out my other works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
I've got a secret plan to love you and I do so night and day
And I always stand right by you, have your back in every way
And you wish that I could save you and I wish that I could too
But if you cause too much pain for me I'll leave if I have to
He stood up from the hotel bed and began to get dressed, and as she stared at his figure, she wondered until when was she going to put up with this
But I think about you constantly all through the night and day
And I toss and turn in bed at night and hope it goes away
But it never does and when I wake and you're not next to me
I remember where you are, I hope your girl forgives me
“Are you leaving already?” She asked
“You know I have to” He looked at her “We can’t have people suspecting this” He motioned to the space between them “I would be fucked if they did” He scoffed
“Excuse me?” She asked, hurt by his lack of emotion “What do you mean by that?” She couldn’t have felt more offended, even if she chose to
“What, Y/N? Look, we fuck every once in a while, we have a good time but that’s it!” He chuckled, as he tied up his sneakers “Don’t try to turn this into something that it isn’t” He stood up
“Like what?” She asked angrily
“You know what? I’ll see you later” He winked, and walked out the door of her hotel room
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Y/N was walking down one of the dark arena hallways, when a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind, pushing her inside of one of the locker rooms
“Aren’t you gonna talk to me?” He asked, with his lips glued to her ear
“No, and let me go! I have work to do”
“You’ve been ignoring me for three days straight! Why is that, baby?” As his lips made contact with her skin, trailing down her neck
“Roman, just let me go. This is not the place and DEFINITELY not the time”
“I miss you” He whispered “Y/N, baby, you hurt my feelings when you treat me like this” He buried his face in her hair and caressed her body softly
She scoffed “As if you had any”
“Hey” He turned her around so she could face him “What’s the attitude about?” He looked into her eyes, and saw the resentment they held
“Is this because of what I said in your hotel room?” He sighed
“If you know, then why play dumb?” She spat
“C’mon Y/N, I’m sorry, ok?” He hugged her waist “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m an asshole! Please forgive me?” He pouted “Please, baby? I hate when you get mad at me” He begged with his eyes
“You don’t deserve it, you know” She crossed her arms in front of her chest
“Don’t be such a bitter bitch...It’s hotter when you’re MY bitch” He teased
When she tried to hold back a cackle, he knew he had won again
I should know better than to follow your lead wherever you go
Through the raging rivers, stones and alley ways we go
Sometimes I wonder if you really know where you take me to
But your radio is on so loud I can't get through to you
But if everything's ok with you then it's ok with me
You are such a little boy with you're big philosophy
But I'm not a little girl, I am a woman, don't you know?
I'm packing up my toys, I don't want to play anymore
“I don’t want to do this anymore” She said, watching him turn around and get dressed again - as he did every time.
“What are you talking about?” He frowned, as he looked for his shirt
“I don’t want to see you anymore, I’m done with this bullshit”
“You’re breaking up with me?” He laughed, in disbelief
“Well technically, in order to break up with someone you need to be with them in the first place”
“Not this again” He rolled his eyes in annoyance “Why do you always have to get feelings involved, huh? For fucks sake, can’t you ENJOY a one night stand like everybody else?” He threw his hands up in the air
“One night stand?” She widened her eyes in surprise “Do you call fucking almost every night for two years straight a ‘one night stand’ ?”
“Sexually speaking, we couldn't be any more compatible if we tried - so what the fuck do you want me to do? You’re a good fuck to me and I’m a good fuck to you! Why would I search in clubs and bars for something I have next door?” He tugged on his hair out of frustration “I don’t have to date you to like you, Y/N” He sat down beside her on the bed, and caressed her face delicately “You know I like you, don’t you, baby?”
“Yeah I know” She slapped his hand away “You like me when your dick is inside of me”
“Y/N” He sighed
“Get the fuck out” She kicked him on his lower back, in a repeated attempt to shove him out of the bed “Get out!”
“I’m leaving!” He said, grabbing his jacket
“Out!” She threw one of her heels at him, and her aim made it so it nailed him sharply in the hip
“I said I’m fucking leaving” He grabbed the door handle “Crazy bitch!” He said loudly enough for her to hear as he left
But what he didn’t hear were her sobs, which lasted the entire weekend
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Six months had passed. Y/N had transferred to Smackdown, leaving Roman and all of their bitter memories together with Monday Night Raw, and for once in her life, is truly happy. That night, as she approached her car in the parking lot, she spotted none other than Roman himself leaning against the drivers’ door of her vehicle
And how can you smile at me when you know just what you can do
And it's not fair to me cause you know that I can never have you
How can you make me feel so good but then you make me feel so bad
You know that you are the baddest love that I've never had
“Hi, baby” He smiled sheepishly “I missed you” He tried to hug her, but she dismissed him
*It’s not going to be as easy as I thought* He mentally said to himself
“Can I talk to you for a minute? I wanted to apolog-”
“What are you doing here, Roman?” She asked sharply
“I got transferred to Smackdown”
“Good for you” She nodded once and continued “Now, if you excuse me, I’m really tired” She pointed towards her car
“Y/N” He cupped her cheek “Please, just hear me out? I regret everything I did, baby. I mean it! I should have never treated you like that, you don’t deserve it! You’re a beautiful, smart, sexy woman and it was a huge mistake to take you for granted” He brushed his lips softly against hers “Tell me you forgive me, I beg you, please, baby”
“I forgive you and then what? Everything goes back to what it used to be? You treating me like shit? No, Roman. This is not fair to me” She shook her head
“And you’re absolutely right! That will NEVER happen again! I give you my word, baby. Just give me one more chance and I promise I’ll make it up to you” His long fingers stroked the back of her neck lightly, making her miss what they once had.
That was until her phone rang, and the first chords of the Davy Jones Locket song echoed through the parking lot, remembering her of what she had now.
She smiled, as the song continued “No, I have to go” She took his hand off her face and entered the car to go meet the owner of that ringtone.
I've got my own man now, he treats me the way that you never could
And now you're all like "I should’ve, could’ve, would..."
But I'm afraid you've missed the train, you were too busy playing games
And now our story comes to an end, you ain't my lover or my friend
And when I am walking down the aisle oh so happily
Then you'll be saying "it could’ve, should’ve been me."
“Rumor has it, you’re getting married” Roman said, leaning against her office’s door
“Wow, news travels fast in this business, huh?” She answered, not paying too
much attention to him
“Can I see the ring?”
“Why? Want to buy a new one for your wife?” She scoffed
He decided to ignore her tone “Can I know who the lucky guy is?”
“Will it change anything if you do?” She continued to read her papers
“Can you stop answering my questions with other questions?”
“Will you stop asking me personal questions then?”
He chuckled softly “I missed that acid humor of yours”
“What do you want Roman?” She glared at him
“Your happiness” But this time, he meant it
“Now, that’s a bad taste joke” She laughed bitterly
“I know you don’t believe me, but I do”
“Right” She said dismissively
“Can you tell me who it is?”
“I figure, if you know I’m getting married then you also know who the groom is. Why hear old news again?”
“It’s Drew, isn’t it?” He asked defeatedly
She sighed “Yes, Roman. It’s Drew, are you happy now?”
“When is the wedding?”
“October. Why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?”
“I need to know how much time I have to kidnap you before you commit the biggest mistake of your life” He joked, but deep down, he meant it
“I’m pretty sure I’ve already committed that one” She said, intentionally making eye contact with him
“I love you, Y/N. Always have”
“You have a funny way of showing it” She murmured
“I’m sorry, babe...but I felt trapped. I didn’t knew how to express what I was feeling and I was so confused” He locked his gaze with hers “I would do everything different now, I swear I would”
She ignored his pleading eyes, and returned her gaze to her paperwork “I’m afraid that time is gone, Roman...There’s nothing left to do”
If you need me, I will not hear thee
Stay away from me, trying to decieve me
Oh, oh, ohhh the things you make me do
Oh the things you'll never make me do
Oh the things you’ll never make me do
Roses are red, violets are blue and so are you
One year later, Y/N is gathering her personal belongings from her office, her pregnancy doesn’t allow her to travel with the company any more, so she’s going to be working only from her home office for the foreseeable future. A knock on her door made her look up
“I heard the stork will be visiting you soon” Roman said
“Yeah, apparently she will”
“How far along are you?” He approached her carefully
“Just turned four months”
“Baby is popping out of nowhere, huh? Until a week ago you had no bump at all, and now” He reached his hand to touch her belly, but stopped midway
“It’s okay, Ro, you can touch it” She encouraged him
He smiled widely and rested his big hand against her tiny bump
“Do you know what you’re having?” He asked softly
“Girl” She smiled brightly “Regan”
“Even got her a name already? Damn baby, you’re fast- Sorry I shouldn’t have called you that” He said weakly
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it” She tried to hide the nostalgia the pet name brought to her
“I wish...” He trailed off
“Don’t. Don’t go there, please”
“You can still run away with me, you know?” He smirked, teasingly
“I’m sure you would look great holding a female version of Drew” She tried to joke
“As long as you birth it, I don’t care who made it. Although I wish it was me” He tried, one last time
“Maybe in another life, Ro” She smirked sadly, as she reached the door
“Do you promise?” He asked
“I’ll see you around” Smiling widely, she made her way out the arena doors, leaving him behind, for the second time (in that life).
But who knows what can happen in the next one?...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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naomana · 2 years
can we get a carlo/eddie ship (a bit smutty hehe) with either "Do your fucking job before I smack you again" or "What the fuck did you just say to me?” (feel sorry for Eddie but the power inequality would be hot :3)
Full prompt list here and here
"Do your fucking job before I smack you again"
"What the fuck did you just say to me?” Carlo/Eddie
I used both. You asked for bit smutty I deliver MORE smutty
TW: abuse (mental and physical)
Everything was crumbling under his fucking feet. Everything he worked for over the years, just burning up in flames in front of his eyes. And he had to deal with the mess, trusting absolutely nobody at that point.
If his wife would point gun to his head, he wouldn't even be surprised. Just rat, after rat, after rat. Even his old friend, the one that was supposed to stick up for him, had doubts written all over his face, despite his best efforts to hide it.
Knowing how he took over the family, there was never doubt on his mind one day he'll become the next Moretti. Eyesore to the people underneath him, to dispose of him at the first opportunity given. And it might have come to the point and he had to deal with it, again.
Sitting at his office, sipping on the nicest whiskey anybody could afford, staring out of the window. Fucking war at the brink, because Eddie was so fucking easy to decieve. Bringing rat into the family. Twice.
He was willing to move past it the first time, only because they were friends. But this time, there was nothing else left for them. He'd just keep making the same mistakes and he would be the one paying the price. And he couldn't fucking afford that.
"Carlo! I'm so fucking glad you are alright!" Eddie's voice fell into the room heavier than the atmosphere surrounding them. Just by looking at him he could tell he was drunk. Not to the point that he was unable to do his work, but in state where he had no filter and argued back, making him even angrier.
"Never been better. Why the fuck shouldn't I, right?" He asked snarkly, placing his glass on the wooden desk harsly, watching his friend slowly realising his anger.
Yes, he was angry with him too. And he should fucking know that. "The whole town is upside down.." He stood up, feeling relieved he had somebody to take his anger on. "..Vinci's kidnapping and torturing our men.." Walking around his sturdy desk, hands disappearing in his pockets. "..and you show up drunk."
"I-I'm not drunk. I barely had a couple.."
Carlo interrupted him with raised hand, gesture so simple yet so effective on Eddie. Carry on talking, give me reason to snap.
"I can tell the difference Eddie. Known you for years." Feeling hot in his own skin, he loosened his tie a little, unbuttoning his suit jacket. Seeing Eddie's eyes stripping him further only added fuel to already dangerously out of control flames of his anger.
"What are you looking at?" His eyes stabbed him like two daggers, making Eddie look down and mutter something. Carlo walked over to him, leaning closer so he could hear that pathetic piece of man better. "What did you say?"
Quiet. Only interrupted by occasional tapping on the window, as the skies finally broke open and rain started falling to the ground, making everything unbearable.
"I said, what the fuck did you just say to me?" His patience was at it's brink and Eddie knew it. "I'm sorry Carlo." He was still looking down, making him even angrier. Just put head down and take it, no matter what is being served. Pathetic.
"You are pathetic. Excuse for a man. Always have been, always will be. You are the reason we are in this mess now."
"I'll fix it. I will!" Eddie said quickly, finally looking up at him. "How? The feds are on my neck like bunch of hounds and don't even get me started on the Triads." Pinching the bridge of his nose, irritated to fuck.
"Because you brought another rat into the family."
"I know. It was a fucking mistake. He was very conv.." That was the last straw Carlo was waiting for and he snapped, slapping Eddie across his cheek rather brutally, giving it all the strenght he had. And he had a lot of it.
Eddie stumbled back, barely keeping his balance and placed his hand on the spot he was hit seconds ago, tears fighting to get out. He had to blink couple of times to get rid of them. Crying in front of furious Carlo was like passing him whip for another hit.
"You are too easy Eddie. Because you drink too much." Carlo placed his hand on Eddie's shoulder, gripping on it tightly, pushing him down to his knees.
Eddie was staring at him, saying absolutely nothing. Then his hands finally moved, unbuckling the belt before slidding the zipper down, like a pathetic manwhore he was. Good for nothing cocksucking alcoholic.
"Carlo." Hesitant. Handprint on his cheek was glowing red, more and more visible with every second. "Do your fucking job before I smack you again." Carlo threaten with growl, closing his eyes so he could imagine anybody else in his place, because he couldn't get it hard for him otherwise.
Eddie slowly grabbed his dick, stroking it couple of times before it was fully erected. Closing his eyes, pulling the skin back before placing the tip between his lips, moving his tongue around it. He knew better than just shove it down his throat without any kind of foreplay.
Fingers running threw his hair, before strong grip informed him it was time to relax his muscles and take it, without single word of protest.
Grabbing his hair painfully, Carlo thrusted his hips roughly, making his whole dick disappear in his mouth, knowing he could take it. Because he sucked a lot of cocks in prison. Completely ignoring muffled groans, closing his eyes and just feeling. Imagining his wife in his place, knowing she'd never take him so deep, because he wasn't small in size. Thrusting his hips while holding his head in place, basically facefucking him at that point. Taking no consideration to his choking caugh, prefering it that way in all honestly, because his throat kept squeezing him, shivering around his dick, making him cum quicker than he could empty a bottle.
He pulled away, watching the filthy fuck swallow everything, wipping off whatever escaped on his chin. He pulled out his hankerchief to clean himself off, before putting his soften dick back into his pants, pulling the zipper up and fixing his belt. Eddie was still on his knees, quiet as a mouse. He couldn't say anything even if he'd want to. His voice would give up, like all the times before.
"Get the fuck out of here. I will call you when you are needed again." He said coldly, sitting back down behind his desk to look out of the window. It was raining heavily, making the whole room dim despite it being only morning.
Eddie picked up his sorry ass and headed for the door, looking at Carlo one last time before he quietly left his office.
Both knowing there was nothing left to fix, both knowing one will have to die in order for the second to survive. Both of them knowing they won't be the one to give up so easily. Carlo already sending his people after Eddie, Eddie already making the damned phone call to Vinci and his hounds.
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melissa-s23 · 4 years
Private lesson
Sumarry: Janus try to decieve himself into a timeline where he can save his friends. He does not expect reality to offer him an opportunity to prove himself.
Word count: 3127
Characters: Janus Sanders, King creativity Sanders
Warnings: Sword fighting?? Idk please tell me if you think something else should be added here.
Author’s note: MY FIRST ONESHOT EVER COMPLETED! Yes! And the honor goes to @rondoel ‘s King!AU! ( @kingcreativityau ) :D Now: are the characters OOC in this? Most probably. Do I really care about it? Only a tiny bit. I only started to post Sanders Sides content here recently, but I’ve been a fan of the series for a few months now so I had time to read a lot of fic... however I’m still not sure on what I got wrong so if you have any criticism, positive or negative, please let me know! Lastly, this was at first supposed to be an animatic (on the song called ‘This is war’) but I have NO TIME to draw and lot of time to write so enjoy! When I do get time, I might try to animate a certain part of it that I don’t think I nailed that well in the fic. Anyway, I’ve been rambling for long enough. ENJOY!!!
Janus stood there, in the empty training room. Since King's return, he felt very conflicted, and he hated himself for it.
The king was merciless, he cursed Patton to make him look like a toddler, he removed Logan's vocal cords, he cursed Virgil into torturing himself into deadly downward spirals, and...
And he was very spiteful, he was angry... because he'd betrayed him.
Janus clenged his fist. He couldn't help but remember the look of betray and rage that his King gave him when he discovered his team-up with Logan. Those orange eyes that could burn him down on the spot. Those oh so intense eyes... Damn it, he was back at it again. This is over now. His king was gone. Now it was the King. The tyrant. The side who hurt his friends.
He was standing in the empty room, looking at his reflection by the mural mirror. His now half-half face looked so tired. Was he really this tired ? He was probably very very tired... but he'll rest later, as the memory of his most recent wound was still fresh in his head, replaying this utter humiliation, he just couldn’t sleep. Anger soon filled him up.
He could have tried to stop him. He could have tried to save his friends, and instead he just... froze. He just let it happen like he couldn't do anything. And he knew how to fight ! He knew how to defent himself for crying out loud ! He could've done something, and instead... Nothing ! He recalled the scene, bit by bit. How Logan stood at his left, how virgil was just behind, how the king was looming over them, despite being 10 feet away from them. He remembered every movement, every word, and every second of that moment like it was written in his metaphysical blood.
And in a second, it was like he was dragged back to this hell again.
And he would not let it happen a second time.
He summoned his cane and raised it up at the memory of King. His mind wandered off now. He had to imagine how he would've react. Would he summon his sword or take full creative control to just trap him ? He wanted to think he had a chance, so he chose the sword scenario.
And just like that, the imaginary fight was on. Step forward. Left. Right. Dodge. Go protect them. Put up a fight. He would have rushed toward the tyrant and aimed for the head, the sword would've get in the way and he could uses the top of his cane to project himself back to the group. Go. Dodge. Pare. Block and Dodge and Move fast and Dodge again and Block and pare and send it back. The world was spinning around him and the fight got more and more intense. He may have his eyes closed, but he knew perfectly where he was in the room, and he was completely in his daydream. Left and Right and Block again and Forward and Left and Block and backward and spin and swing the cane for it to stop only an inch away from the face of his enemy. He would have been a threat, and he would have been able to save his friends from the King.
He didn't expect, however, to be met with the actual King in front of him when he opened his eyes.
Janus' eyes widened and he immediately cursed himself for backing up. Great. He was all about putting up a fight and a second later, he was cowering. ‘Talk about blowing smokes.’ He at the very least kept his glare from fading away. He couldn't be scared of him. He couldn't show it. He was simply surprised... He had to make that a challenge for him, Deceit was not a side you could see right through, after all.
« You seem to have a quite... Interesting dancing style » King spoke, an almost mocking grin showing as he looked down at Janus. Crap. Did he knew ? Was he there the whole time ?
As the tyrant lift his hand, Janus snaps back into reality, setting his guard up and putting a stronger grasp on his cane. Only for the object to sudenly float in the air, shining with bright light and transforms into a sword that Janus grabbed back before it falls on the floor. This left only more confusion in the half-snake, confusion which turns into alert when he lifts his gaze back at the King only to be met with another blade. He jumps back.
« W... What ? » Janus was lost.
« Wouldn't you try and learn an acutal fighting technique ... » King's voice was composed, but also slightly amused at Deceit's confusion.
«... instead of the poor travesty I just witnessed ? » until it all vanished in favor of annoyance.
Janus tried to process the words as King switched his position for a dueling one. His sword in front of him, his torso on the side and his feet dug on the ground. Was he.... what ? What was happening ?? One thing sure was that he invited Janus to mirror his behaviour. And so he did, taking a deep breath, and standing still while carrying his sword to cross the others. And before he figured out what to do next, King took three blows and sent Janus' sword flying through the air and crashing on the ground.
« Whoa wHoa WHOA ! Hold on ! » Janus lifted his hands in defense and gulped as the blade of his enemy got dangerously close to his throat.
He then heard a chuckle, and the blade finally got away from his neck. « It was just too tempting. » He snapped his finger and the sword flew right back to Janus' hand, who was still confused.
« Alright, for real this time, I let you give the first blow. »
Janus hesitated, still not sure if the scene before him was really happening, but quickly composed himself. He came back to mirroring King's posture and came with a serious expression. He quickly analysed how he could start and how he could win the fastest. When he assumed to find a way to win quickly, he lifts his sword up and went for it.
Boy, was his assumption wrong.
He thought he'd move faster, but the moment the sword swingged on the left, King's weapon caught him off guard, and it only took two quick slays for Janus' to fly in the air again. He felt baffled and humiliated. And the amused smile from his opponent didn't boost his ego at the moment.
« How ? » He didn't understand. Even his instincts weren't nearly as fast as the King, and the tyrant didn't get the chance to train in years !
He only got an arrogant giggle in response before the sword flew back to Deceit's hand. Janus frowned deeper and dug his feet in the ground, ready to jump. King did not miss, nor cared for deceit's threat.
« Again. » He simply ordered. He only had to move his arm to be back to his initial position. Was there a point to it ? Or did his tyrant just liked to put him through this childish show of superiority ?
For some reason, Janus obeyed.
And lost.
« Try again. » the King ordered.
The other obliged.
After the 4th time the sword flew back into the yellow side, he had to face it : This was happening. King was training him to sword fight. And he just... accepted it ??? What ?? How was this happening ? Usually, he would try to bite back, make some remark, try to hurt him, but here he just... went along with it. And King seemed pleased with that. He looked...content. He looked satisfied with giving Janus private lesson. This moment...  against all odds... felt... not as bad as he expected.
The more they fought, the less cold the tyrant was, and the less tense they both get. King stopped trying to bring him to his knees and instead looked like he a professor, excited to give his student something to work on.
Of course, he would never admit it, but in this instant, in this moment of intimacy and challenge devoted from any animosity... It was calming, it was like a fresh wind coming after a heat wave of chaos, and the adrenaline that came from the fight was giving him enough energy to savour every second of it.
No no no no no.
He wasn't enjoying it. He wasn't enjoying it at all. He could not appreciate what was happening : the sadistic bastard was bellitling him and humiliating him right now ! And worst part is ? He couldn't even do anything about it ! Because King is so freacking good at sword fighting and Janus' main weapon has been turnd into a sword for crying out loud. There was no time to lust over past relationship !
And another game lost.
« I told you to pay attention to what was happening high up. Looking at my chest is not going to do much if you want to predict where or when I'm going to hit next. I thought you'd know that. »
« I was simply lost in another train of thought, I hope you could forg- »
'You be submissive, god dammnit.' He thought to himself before clearing his throat and returning to his cunning voice. He had to keep his distance.
« I don't need you to tell me that. I was simply lost in thought. Do you really I am this much of an idiot ? »
« Well, you didn't prove me otherwise yet so. » He chuckled low and got ready for yet another one. « En garde. »
Even though he couldn't hide the joy he was feeling at the moment, he could mask it behind his usual calm appearance.
« And how many times are we going to do this ? » He asked, his tone playing between teasing and bored
«Until you get some actual fighting skills. » King answered, playing along.
« Ouch. I think I prefer the wounds caused by your sword. »
« Well then hurry up and grab your weapon. » Damn it. Why did they seem to get along of all sudden ?
« As you wish. This was merely a warm up. » he lied
« I do not doubt it any second. »
And just like that, the conversation became non-verbal again.
Truth be told, neither knew how long they've been fighting. Was it an hour ? Three hours ? 20 minutes ?
Truth be told, neither cared.
All janus knew is that he was getting better and better, almost becoming a challenge to the King , and the other side seemed glad to step up and fight with more intensity.
And both completely forgot to hide their excitement.
Janus started to tease king, even when he was clearly losing, and the other responded with as much sarcasm and complicity. The two glared at each other with malice and playfulness the whole time. And both couldn't help but smile.
And just like that, it felt as if they never left each other.
When he was younger, Janus and his king would play around with wooden swords, roleplaying like two ennemy seeking vengence in the most childish way. Janus sometimes would fake losing so he could see his king's proud smile which was worth losing 10 times again. His king would sometimes lose and janus would feel a feeling of acomplishment that was very strange to him, in a pleasant way. And at the end, they would most of the time lay down on the green grass and just talk about everything and anything.
And right now, he felt like he was playing with his king. Only the swords weren't made of wood anymore, and it was more professional. But still, it felt the same.
And it felt ...pleasant.
He could hear himself laugh just like when he was younger, and if he listened closely, he could feel king chuckle just like his king.
And it felt … nice.
From the talk, to the movement, both were on edge, calculating every move and waiting for an opportinity to strike. It was an amazing strategy game combined with pure raw strenght. And King's fighting style was both very classical and yet creative. He was very crafty and Janus only had to rival with his own tricks. They were in the moment, living fully the present.
And it felt...
And dear lord, it felt so, so good.
He could feel himself fly as he dodged, he could feel fire in his vein when he was about to strike down, he felt his head spinning, yet everything around him was so crystal clear, it was like a dance. A disturbing, aggressive, cold and passionate dance.
A dance...
They used to dance before.
His king and himself.
Most of the time, when they were done fighting, they would lay down on the grass. Most of the time.
Sometimes, he could have the biggest honor of all.
'Now, my dear, would you enjoy a waltz with me ?' his king offered his hand
-'I don't want to step on your foot again'
-'I told you you didn't hurt me ! Come now, it's not your job to be scared.'
despite his defensive approach, he adored those dances.
-'Alright, I'll dance with you. '
How did it go again ?
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.
Left, right, right, wait no, was it left again ?
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
step up, forward, step back, and one turn and another. His king would have his hand on Janus' shoulder and Janus would have his hand on his king's waist. And they would dance, and the music filled the air, and his king would have made a room just for them to dance.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
Turn around, then left then back up.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
Then caught in their trance
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
They would just spin around, and turn and spin and spin again and everything was  spinning around them and they could only see each other and the whole world was spinning and it was just them. Just the two of them.
And they would smile and they would laugh and everything was still spinning around them and it was blissfull, passionate, affectionnate and in they would join their hands once more and their finger would interlace and once their hands was only one thing, they would lift it in the air with bravery as a victory for their hapiness.
And he would lift his hand in the air, with his king.
And they would lift their hands, hold together, in the air.
And they would yell a victory choir.
King's sword fell on the ground.
And he had his hand on King's chest.
Oh lord, he was too close to King.
Their faces were only two inches apart.
And Janus visibly forgot how to breath.
King was staring with wide eyes, clearly not expecting Janus to send his sword flying nor getting this close. None of them dared move an inch, and none of them could breath.
What... what just happened ?
How could Janus get so caught up in his dreams that he erased whatever was happening in front of him ? And how did this stupid dance from years ago helped him beat the King to his game ? And how could he, despite everything,  try to search for his king's eyes in the tyrant that stood in front of him ?
Right now, the King's red and green eyes were  flickering into orange glimps and his look was just tearing Janus up from the inside. He looked ready to cut his throat open if he had his sword in hand.
And yet …
For only a moment, only for a single instant, did Janus find his King shining through the side in front of him.
Sadly, this bloom inside of Janus' heart got cut fast as thorns grapped him and pulled him far away from his The King, and before he realized what was happening, the thons just gripped tighter and tighter, making Janus unable to hide the jolt of pain.
He struggled, trying to get away from the grasp, but they only tightened and eventually, he stopped, gasping for air. He tried to look back at the tyrant, who was simply observing with a serious expression, the joy of the past moments seemingly dissapeared the moment Janus got too close. And now, he was back to being a threat. Without looking away, he move forward, with slow steps. Janus tried to manage a sentence but the pain was too high for him to form anthing coherent. Eventually, The King was in front of Janus, and the yellow side swore he was about to get killed right on the spot, but instead he just kneeled down, grapping back the sword that flew away.
He got up and, with the other hand, brushed over the blade. Without looking away from it, he spoke : « You fought well. » He lift his eyes to meet Janus, struggling not to faint, and determined to look at him with rage. The corner of his lips twiched into the smallest of smirk and he turned back, opening the gap between the two.
And as the King took his steps, Janus' eyes widened, realizing what King was about to do.
'No. Not again.'
'Don't leave. '
'Don't leave me again. '
He turned into a snake to got away from the thorns and rushed towards him, ready to grip his cape. Anything. Anything but that. He was so close...
But the thorns got Janus back before he could make it.
He couldn't even hear his own grunts of pain. All he could listen to was the sound of footsteps, and a windblow that made King dissapear. Janus froze in place.
And the silence that grew in the room was deafening.
After what felt like an enernity, the thorns let go of Janus, who simply fell on his knees shaking. He hugged himself as hard as he could, and curled on himself.
He tried to fight back tears that wouldn't stop to threaten to fall.
And none of them ever left his eyes. Just like no wound ever left his heart.
------------------------- WHOOOOOO What a ride! This was really fun to write and the challenge of putting words on the visuals your head come up with is certainly something. Now, I hope you didn’t expect things for them to get better just like that, huh? ;) There is too much they need to discuss before being close to make peace, so that’ll have to wait! I have other ideas for those two so I’ll see if I get motivated to write it out. Hope you liked it!! :D
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