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Draw your characters like this
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dax-enfinity · 6 months
i hate that ship where you have to give the characters a complete 180 for them to even work on paper, and then you don’t even recognize those characters anymore because the shippers just make the ship the characters only existing trait.
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darklinaforever · 11 days
Becho and Maiko are definitely NOTP for me.
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Bellarke and Zutara should have been endgame that all.
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plutonium-rats · 8 months
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entry for @bootleggreely and @counterfeitphantoms night of the phantoms art contest // phantom masterpiece i did :P gonna post on instagram tomorrow- and if u don’t know my insta it’s wingedpluto & wingedpluto.aj (gonna be a collab post) :P
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grayluforever · 4 months
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Honestly, there's something that bothered me about the episode, and it was this scene. I mean, Charlie just put a blindfold on her and Vaggie automatically falls in love with her? what the hell? What a poor argument.
If before I said that there was no chemistry, now I say that her “falling in love” is a disappointment, the first thing I would think is that Vaggie would show fear when she saw Charlie, but no… she magically fell in love. Why did he see her? God...
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shinsources · 1 year
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
I saw your rasey post and oohhh I agree with you so much I’m aroace so the whole people pushing platonic dynamics into romantic ones has always made me rlly uncomfortable I’m kinda glad I found someone with the same option!! I especially hate the 2k3 ver of the pairing cause Casey’s 23 in that series….while Raph’s 15 and it’s just ew throw it into a fire please….burn it!! But I think as a whole stuff like r(a)sey kinda plays into a bigger issue of some people not being able to invest in characters relationships unless they involve some form of shipping
I don’t care if people ship r@sey (03 tho I’m calling the cops on u cause that’s a no no) everyone got their opinions and I’ll respect that, HOWEVER I heavily dislike the ship and I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. It’s on my block tagged list for a reason.
Like I’m all for shipping, I’m a shipper at heart, but NOT EVERY SINGLE FRIENDSHIP NEEDS TO TURN ROMANTIC. Raph and Casey friendship is and has always been special to me. So people shipping them just shows that some people just can’t comprehend two people just being friends without making it weird. Raph and Casey friendship is one of the most iconic things in TMNT! So shipping them together just ruins it (for me personally) and it’s really annoying seeing fans be like “oh! In the new show Tales of the TMNT I hope they add Casey so Raph can crush on him!” Umm, how about NO??? We already got one Turtle crushing on April we DO NOT need the Turtles crushing on every single human friend they make in this franchise! 🤦‍♀️ Just give MM Raph his Mona Lisa god dammit
Another TMNT ship that comes to mine regarding this topic is April x Donnie in Rottmnt. Yes, I used to ship them but I realized that doing that and hoping for them to be a couple just ruins the special bond that they have! Platonic rise Apritello is better than romantic rise Apritello. I stand by that. Plus I ship Donnie with Kendra so-
Honestly if I had to ship Casey with ANY of the Turtles, it would be Leo. Raph and Donnie is too predictable, overrated and, well, dumb. Also Mikey is a character who has one too many love interests already. Leo x Casey would be far more interesting to see happen in any future TMNT project.
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protemporescitor · 2 months
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Romanticized abuse and nothing more. Utterly demeaning and disgusting.
While I try to get along with most fans and shippers, this segment of the fandom can get Thanos-snapped out of existence for all I care.
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picrewocs · 1 year
My Haikyuu Ship Tier List
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My only true NOTPs in Haikyuu are Atsumu x Osamu (or any incest), and anything underage (not 18 and 16, but like coach and student, for example)
AranKita would've been in the first category, but they weren't an option 🤨
I should've edited the text in the first tier, because I don't see SakuAtsu as soulmates at all. Rather, my HC is that they tried their best to NOT fall for each other, yet failed miserably. I think they both have moments where they're like "I ended up with this guy??" yet they can't imagine being with anyone else.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Hiiiiiii I just saw the character ask thing :))))
Can you tell me about your NOTP, random headcanon and unpopular opinion about Helen of Sparta?
Thank you so much!!!
I'll save the one that'll get me crucified last! 👍
Random headcanon: Both Odysseus and Penelope were given a "photographic memory" by Athena. When Athena had "forsaken" Odysseus it was taken away. Makes it nice because a lot of the more fucked up parts of the Odyssey are a bit more "fuzzy" for him. And he hates feeling "so out of sorts". He gets it back though.
Also Athena technically took Penelope under her "wing" like, one month before Odysseus.
Unpopular Helen Opinion: In MY FICS, (It's okay if you don't agree!) She is built like Rose Quartz from Steven Universe. She doesn't have a perfect "hourglass figure". She's got some pudge on her tummy. Girl is TALL (Demigod) and CHUBBY. One of the important components of Helen and Menelaus' relationship is that they are both strong enough to lift each other. Also she's the most beautiful woman in the world and chubby women are hot af lskdjf She also SUCKS at singing. She's good at wrestling and spear work. (Sparta. I also love athletic women. Plenty of chubby women are also athletic af. If you think otherwise, literally look up women's Olympic sports participants.)
Homies, know that my NOTP can be YOUR OTP and that's okay! We can still love each other and be friends! Ignore the rest if you just don't want to see that, but know that while it kind of will be in my fics, it's probably not in the way you want it to be.
Please don't hate me and know I don't hate you or think I'm "correct"!
It's OdyDio. Heads up but in my fics, know that they had a weird "middle school romance" that ended badly (Odysseus randomly decided to bite Diomedes while they were kissing and then ran away when they were around 15-17. It was Odysseus' first relationship and he freaked out and got embarrassed and now Odysseus makes it everyone else's problem. It's canon to me. It's fucking funny) and now they're weird exes who are the fucking WORST to each other and compete to be "Athena's best boy".
These are the reasons why so avoid them if you don't want to read that! :'D This is the only time I will ever be on the "Odysseus hate train" because he's such an asshole to Diomedes.
I feel so bad about it. 😭 I'm a freak who likes Odysseus/Menelaus (probably having a BROTP or a QPP going on) I think it's because Odysseus is just... SO MEAN to Diomedes. And when he's not mean, he's just neutral. There is not really any "Diomedes, you're the best guy!". Especially when have Sthenelus and Diomedes saying I love you to each other To ME, they are like co-workers who work GREAT together on the battlefield and on missions, but never do anything outside of that.
When Diomedes asks for help, Odysseus sprints away from battle. When Diomedes compliments him before the night raid, Odysseus literally is like "Dude, you're not the only person who knows I'm good at stealing. Let's go."
Odysseus, that long-suffering, godlike man, replied: “Son of Tydeus, don’t over-praise me, or censure me. You’re speaking to the Argives,                           who know everything about me. Let’s go. Night is passing quickly. Dawn approaches. The stars have shifted forward. Most of the night                   has passed, two thirds of it, with one third left.”
(Ian Johnston, Book 10)
Odysseus is an asshole but he's still so mean to Diomedes! 😭 ESPECIALLY WHEN DIOMEDES IS SO FUCKING NICE TO ODYSSEUS!!! I know that's what probably makes them so compelling to so many lovely folks but I love fluff BECAUSE I'm so tired of toxic relationships irl. I don't...I don't see how I can make OdyDio fluffy 😥 With OdyDio, I feel like I'm watching my bestie (Diomedes) get back with their toxic ex who mistreats them (Odysseus). Diomedes is actually quite polite to the others. Even when Agamemnon scolds him, he tells Sthenelus to think nothing of it. He compliments Odysseus! He listens to the gods when they tell him "Hey stop fighting!" and listens to Athena! Like he's violent and a killing machine but he's respectful! He's a traumatized, respectful, killing machine! He bitches at Paris but everyone has done that! That's something everyone partakes in /j
It bothers me even more because when Odysseus is with Penelope, he's so wonderful and loving? And that the Odyssey barely mentions Diomedes? And since Odysseus runs away from Diomedes when he asks for help, it boggles my mind that books earlier, he goes into a rage when his friend gets killed!
[...]but hit Leucus, a brave companion of Odysseus, in the groin,                                           as he was dragging Simoeisius away. His hands let go. He fell down on the corpse. Enraged at Leucus’ slaughter, Odysseus strode up, through the front ranks, armed in gleaming bronze. Going in close, he took his stand. Looking round, he hurled his glittering spear. As he threw, Trojans moved back, but the spear found a mark. It hit Democoön, Priam’s bastard son, who had come from Abydos, where he bred horses for their speed.                                    Angry for his friend, Odysseus speared him in the temple.
(Ian Johnston, Book 4)
Odysseus, you prick!!! You go on a rampage when your buddy gets killed but sprint away when your STILL ALIVE BUDDY asks you for help?! ASSHOLE
I DO plan on Diomedes going to visit Ithaca with Sthenelus while Odysseus is still gone. They ARE kind of friends/frenemies during the end of the war but it's a weird thing where Diomedes cares about Odysseus but Odysseus tolerates him. Like he left him to die. I love Odysseus. He's my special little guy but he treats Diomedes, another special little guy, like shit 😞
Also just...Most of anything about OdyDio (fanart/fanfic/etc.) it's of them fighting or bickering or betraying each other or being very sexual. I already plan to write Odysseus (and Penelope) as Aspec CODED and so I...just really don't care for that??? There's barely ANYTHING of them being soft. BECAUSE THEM TWO TOGETHER just aren't soft... I personally don't like couples that are mean to each other 😭 (I'm not even including the whole "betrayal with the Pallidium" because it makes me sad to think about. I don't consider it canon.)
Menelaus though?
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I have plans 😌 These two bring me comfort and are a special brotp
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Chengxian? OMFG NO
Just no!
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Draw your characters like this
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
There is nothing more heartbreaking than following a blog because you loved the art they made of one of your OTPs and then seeing that they hardcore ship your NOTP
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kittycity · 18 hours
Man, call me cringe or a hater or whatever, but there really are some much hated ships of mine that my grandkids will mention just to fuck with me. They'll be like "oh, Grammy, what was (ship) again?" And I'll have to stop in my goddamn rocking chair just to be like "do not .. fucking.... Get me started on that shit..."
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this-geek · 17 days
asking you those fandom asks! <3
3, 12, and 13 ❤️
Thank you so much for asking about these questions. I love talking fanfiction.
3. NoTP?
It's probably Janeway x 7 (or C/7 for that matter lol), I know it's popular, but I just don't get it. I'll never stand in the way of people who do, but it's not for me.
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
If I'm going with published works only. It's gotta be the AU where I made Kate Stewart (Doctor Who) the twin sister of Bernie Wolfe (Holby City). I thought it was a fun idea, but fanfic dot net did not lol so I never bothered migrating it over to ao3.
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
I have 2 answers. Mirandy and Spaceparents. The former I have never published for (all my ideas end up being multi chapter epics that get abandoned 3 days after starting) and the latter, I've only once done something but it is now lost to the ether. I think I want to read more of them before I write for them.
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grayluforever · 3 months
not only was it forced, vaggie didn't even apologise properly to her 🤣 both rosie and carmilla fixed their relationship and neither charlie or vaggie really had any time to talk about it which is so bad for a "healthy" relationship. charlie just forgave her for mass genocide of her people she claims to care for her so much. whenever I bring this up chaggies love to fight back with "vaggie was scared of losing charlie when she's all she had in hell, of course she lied to her for 3 years!" but this means vaggie didn't trust charlie enough to listen to her 💀 awful writing
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