#minecraft servers when everyone is an op
kragelundbooth60 · 11 months
Minecraft Free Download: Unlock the Power of Creativity
Alusky's Minecraft, the wildly popular sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of players worldwide. With its unique blend of exploration, creativity, and adventure, Minecraft offers a boundless world for players to discover and shape according to their imagination. The best part? Minecraft is available for free, allowing players to unlock the power of creativity without any financial barriers. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Minecraft Free Download and how it enables players to unleash their creative potential. - Endless Creative Possibilities: Minecraft is often described as a digital sandbox, and for a good reason. The game provides players with a vast, procedurally generated world that serves as a blank canvas for their creativity. From building towering structures to designing intricate landscapes, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. With the free download of Minecraft, you gain access to this limitless playground of creativity. - Building and Architecture: One of the core aspects of Minecraft is its building mechanics. With a variety of blocks at your disposal, you can construct impressive structures, from humble cottages to sprawling cities. The free version of Minecraft allows you to experiment with different architectural styles, materials, and layouts, honing your skills as a virtual builder. - Redstone Engineering: Minecraft's redstone system introduces basic circuitry and logic gates to the game, enabling players to create complex machines and contraptions. With the free version, you can dive into the world of redstone engineering, designing automated farms, elaborate mechanisms, and even functional computers within the game. This aspect of Minecraft encourages problem-solving and critical thinking, fostering a creative and logical mindset. - Customization and Resource Packs: Minecraft offers various customization options to tailor the game to your preferences. Resource packs allow you to change the game's textures, sounds, and even add custom models, transforming the visual experience. With the free download, you can explore a wide range of community-made resource packs, each offering a unique visual style or thematic overhaul. Customization allows you to express your creativity and make Minecraft truly your own. - Multiplayer Collaboration: While the free version of Minecraft does not support online multiplayer by default, it is still possible to connect and play with friends using LAN or local servers. This opens up opportunities for collaborative projects, where you and your friends can build together, embark on adventures, or engage in friendly competitions. Collaborative play encourages teamwork, communication, and shared creativity, enhancing the overall Minecraft experience. - Modding Community: Minecraft has a vibrant modding community that creates and shares modifications, or mods, that can enhance the game in countless ways. While the free version of Minecraft has limited modding capabilities compared to the Java Edition, it still allows you to explore a wide range of community-made modifications that introduce new gameplay mechanics, biomes, creatures, and more. Mods offer endless possibilities for expanding and customizing your Minecraft experience.
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bottlehawk · 1 year
hs kids' first day on the earth c minecraft survival server
jake: starts digging straight down as soon as he spawns. keeps digging. keeps digging. keeps digging. no one ever sees him again
jane: enters ready to get everyone organized. half the server immediately runs off doing their own thing. stops the remaining crew before they wander off so they can start building a base before it turns to night. gives everyone roles and then has to go afk because she was on her lunch break and is actually playing minecraft on her company computer. comes back hours later and finds the entire server on fire.
karkat: gets a stone hoe and some wheat seeds thrown at him and is told to set up a wheat farm. nods even though he's never played minecraft before and doesn't know how. clicks the ground with the hoe and it seems to do something so he does that for a while. dave comes over and asks him why he's been just plowing the ground in one really long straight line. tells him to fuck off so he does. wishes he hadn't when he realizes he could've asked him for help. figures out that if you click on the ground with the seed it plants it and decides he's actually a minecraft genius and doesn't need anybody's help at all. dusts his hands off proud of the work he's done and then goes to try to find kanaya.
kanaya: is given a stone axe and is told to chop down some wood for the houses. does and gives roxy some stacks and goes to chop down some more wood because she honestly finds it kind of therapeutic. ends up clearing an entire mountain. night comes and mobs start sprouting up and she chops them down too. is surrounded by fields of floating rotten flesh and bones and cursed armor when suddenly she sees flames in the distance near the base. starts marching down there with the grim resolution of an executioner, ready to now start chopping some necks.
terezi: learns how to craft a flint and steel and discovers the magic of fire. laughs maniacally as she starts burning cows she runs into and laughs even more when she discovers they drop cooked meat. wants to find more things to burn. finds a raider's base and the sound of the wood torching up into flames does something to her and she starts setting fire to the entire forest. stumbles across the base. sets fire to one of the buildings. karkat comes over and yells and asks what the fuck she's doing. sets karkat on fire. laughs as she watches him run in circles not knowing how to stop the flames. suddenly gets murked by kanaya who's sneaked up behind her, and continues being hunted down by her as she respawns for the rest of the night.
jade: wanders off and finds a cute little village. decides that she's adopting it now. places some flowers she's picked along the way around to make it look nice and pretty. tames and places some cats around the perimeter and puts some torches nearby to keep away mobs. builds a water fountain in the middle of the town square. waves goodbye to go find some wolves to tame and promises that she'll be back.
dave: builds elaborately detailed dirt penises all over the farm while karkat works and negs him. karkat tells him to fuck off and go do something useful. fucks off accordingly and finds jade's village. raids everything from the chests and all the crops. puts dirt dicks all over the place. kills the cats for string and free exp. kills some sheep and creates beds and pushes some of the villagers inside a shitty little acacia building he made with a sign on it saying "breeding pen". throws some potatoes at them and then blocks up the entrance. turns around and immediately gets blown up by a creeper.
calliope: is the only one given op privileges as she is the only one that everyone can trust to have it. decides she wants to build a big cool glass castle in the sky. has just finished building the base when jade types in chat that whoever destroyed her village is going to pay. types "oh no!!!" in the chat. gets a dm from dave asking her for sanctuary because jade is going to KILL him. remembers that he's made NFTs. sends jade screenshots of the exact incriminating parts in the server log and happily continues building her castle.
rose: has debug screen turned on. immediately crafts several stone axes. runs off to the nearby desert and finds a desert temple and raids it, crafting an iron bucket. fills it with water and goes to a lava pool and builds a nether portal. enters the nether. speed bridges over to a nether fortress and makes a wither skeleton farm and proceeds to grind for ~3-4 hours. collects enough wither skulls. readies her bow and summons the wither and starts using its detonating blasts to mine down for ancient debris.
roxy: tried to convince everybody at the beginning to download 727378282 mods to make the server "more FUN!!". was unsuccessful. gets told to make some houses and beds for the base so she does. looks for other things to do and finds karkat's wheat farm and is flabbergasted. why is it in one long straight line. there isn't even any water. where is the water? tells john to go get her some redstone while she fixes it up so she can automate it.
john: not sure what to do. roxy tells him to start mining for redstone ("its red and shiny lol you wont have to dig that far"). digs straight down into a cave. realizes he forgot to get wood but decides to go on anyway. uses up all his stone pickaxes mining copper because he doesn't know what it is and it looks cool. hits a slime and it divides into more slimes and he freaks out and runs away with two hearts. keeps running and finds a door in the side of the cave wall. opens it. wanders around in a cool maze and then enters a weird room with some yellow and green chest like boxes. suddenly gets attacked by a little bug making a screechy sound and panics and dies.
dirk: rounds up some animals into pens for the base and then busts out a boat and a fishing pole to try to get them a book of mending. is chilling in the middle of the ocean and then sees that dave gets blown up by a creeper in chat. asks if he's okay and if he needs someone to come over. sees that karkat got killed by terezi. sees that terezi got killed by kanaya. asks what is going on. is now rowing back towards base. jade types that her village has been destroyed. jane has logged on and is asking why the entire base is on fire. is crafting buckets and filling them with water. sees that rose got an achievement for summoning the wither. texts her "Dude did you just summon the Wither???". rose ominously replies "I've got it handled." sees john got killed by a silverfish and roxy asking when the hell john found the stronghold. jake gets a cheating death with a totem of undying achievement. proceeds to have a total aneurysm.
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hwaddist · 4 months
i gonna be so real and honest here and say that some of you do not know how to read:
QSMP2024 is still the same damn server with the same damn lore and they are STILL ON THE SAME DAMN ISLAND
Phil pointed out yesterday how they were 200k blocks away, today Luzu tried using the waystones but they were deactivated because the waystones in the og spawn and surrounding areas are still there, when Cucurucho was going around talking to the islanders he asked “how are you liking THIS PART of the island”
there wasnt no lore restart nor this is a new server, the lore is still there, but this is day TWO of this new era of fucking course theres no lore, bad even said that today on stream that “there could be lore at any point.” the eggs even have immunity!
yes! it was kinda shitty that Richas and Pomme went without Phil to rescue Cellbit and Baghera but maybe, just maybe, you guys should remember that this people have lives outside of the server and maybe phil couldn’t make it to the recording of the video!
Willy pointed out today that the reason he stopped logging in when he first joined the server was because everyone else was already way too OP with literal castles and armor so tough they would barely get scratched by mobs when he barely had diamond armor, so he got discouraged and didn’t logged on again. Now that everyone is back at being balanced he wants to log in again! Maybe even tell Vegetta to log in again!!
edit but also general minecraft knowledge: they probably traveled so far out to get new world generation because they jumped from 1.18 to 1.20 (from what i can see because the spawn wouldn’t generate stuff like deep dark don’t generate on already loaded chunks), so that is why they are 200k+ blocks out. also the create mod didnt got taken out, its just disabled at the moment because the admins probably dont want another tubchunk.
you guys SERIOUSLY need to stop doomposting and trust in the admins and in Quackity.
UPDATE: Baghera has talked about having planning issues and thats why they had to cancel the rescue mission with Phil!
and Fit said that his lore is STILL ONGOING
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honey-milk-depresso · 5 months
Batboys x reader who is a game/singer streamer
So I'm assuming that s/o is a singer + game streamer from what I can see soooo yeah! I think I went to focus on the gamer part than singer though. Also I could only do this for Dick, Jason and Tim because 😭 sorry ;-;;;
Batboys with a game (mostly) + singer s/o
Dick Grayson
Don’t even get me started on how hype Dick’s gonna be. You game??? And stream?????? Epic-
Dick has played video games with Tim before it’s just that he sucks at playing the modern one sometimes-, so he probably wants to do co-ops with you and maybe join your streams and play with you.
He sucks ASS though in Among Us because he’s bad at lying when he’s imposter and too trusting when he’s just a crew mate. He’s so funny though when you record him while playing with you and your other streamer friends.
“Awww, look at me and s/o walking together and building snowmen! We are so—”
Obviously, no, it’s just what you had to do as an imposter and you have to apologise to your sulky boyfriend.
Fun fact: bought your two of those matching cat ears headphones and he’s so sappy, dear god- he loves those earphones.
Also your voice?? IT’S SO GOOD??? You made your own songs and that’s so cool!! No wonder your fanbase is so big, damn-
And he’s obviously your biggest fan! <
Jason Todd
He’s trying, he really is. Because the last thing he played before he died were Game Boys and then he awoken to Wii Games, Nintendo Switches and whatever the fuck those online games are.
Those sus game ads he clicked randomly made him question what happened when he was still dead-
Jason thinks it’s pretty cool you stream gaming content and all, although don’t ask him to play any RPG with you because he’ll rage quit. He will go insane.
Jason keeps insisting on wanting to join your streams in Among Us but like come on- WE ALL KNOW HE’S GONNA START RAGING MORE-
When he gets killed, he calls the imposter a “Joker” 💀 Sometimes you have to calm him down and tell him it’s their role as imposter to do this. Also, when he gets imposter, he’ll kill everyone except you. Like he’s your bodyguard or something and everyone’s out to get you. You don’t even need to be imposter. If you did kill him before, he’ll kill you back though-
He’s okay if you let him play Minecraft together though, he finds it peaceful (on creative mode).
Listens to your songs on repeat while he’s repairing vehicles or hear it live on your stream when he’s reading. Wholesome supportive boyfriend stuff. <3
Tim Drake
Immediately follows all forms of social media you have, and give subs to every time you go live and stream. No hesitation.
He thinks it’s cool you stream games and all, something he wished to do but just doesn’t have much time to do so, and that he has no idea how to start up a fanbase anyways so-
Tim would join your streams every once in a while to play with you and he doesn’t mind any sort of games, he’s pretty good with the controller… well, maybe RPG. Because if he’s doing a multiplayer game like with Genshin needing to join servers and all, most of the time, people wouldn’t listen to his plans and end up dying and then he goes berserk. Only you listen s/o… wHY?? WHY DOES NOBODY LISTEN TO HIS STRATS????
Also, cat ears headphones?? He has one and he looks so cute in it and would ask if you want one too- he only wears those headphones in private though, or in front of you.
Anyways, Tim loves your singing too! Would listen it live or hear it on Spotify if it’s available. If you sing covers, it’s gonna ruin him. He can’t listen to the original track anymore because it’s just not the same-
Overall, gamer boyfriend you got here. <3
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cod-dump · 1 year
You know what I really liked the MP videogame ask so i want to try again
Multiplayer games and who's banned from them:
Cod zombies: gaz, horangi
Halo coop (campaign firefight spartan ops): roach
New Minecraft server: kronig, roach
Elden ring: ghost
Fallout 76: price, roach
Mario kart: soap
Battlefield: roach, kronig, ghost
For honor: kronig, horangi
Day z: price, gas
War thunder: nikolai, kamarov
Smash bros: laswell, mama mctavish
Horangi has abandoned Gaz and left him to fend for himself so many times while playing Zombies. But if Gaz does it to him he will physically fight him, and he doesn’t care who’s in between them. It’s only with Gaz, for some reason. He’ll help anyone else but Gaz. Gaz returns the favor. Horangi forces them to play Mob of the Dead then screams about it later. Gaz also picks the worst maps to get back at Horangi. They are no longer allowed to play together, especially after the Hell Hound Incident.
“Gaz… No-“
“It’s too late, Hong-Jin. There’s nothing I can do-“
“Goodbye, Hong-Jin. You won’t be missed.”
Horangi gets obliterated by hell hounds as Gaz watched. That marked the last time they played together.
It’s not that Roach tries to make them fail— He just sucks at the game. He’s not big on shooters and panics when the enemy swarm him. Thankfully there isn’t friendly fire because he has wasted so much ammo on teammates. He has shot Ghost so many times and then screams when the enemy show up. He’s been banned from playing now and cries about being excluded despite knowing he sucks ass at the game.
Ghost ignores him.
Loud sighing.
“Thank you-“
“Shut the fuck up.”
Once more, they allowed Roach to play Minecraft with everyone. No one has said anything about his past crimes so König is unaware of how Roach is when he plays. That’s okay. König is worse. Everyone got together and took over a village and made it their own… and König discovered a Ancient City under it. He had made a massive mine that allowed the Warden to get to the surface relatively easy. Everyone was screaming and discovered all of their loot was misplaced (stolen) and they all had to run and abandon the village. Now both König and Roach are banned from playing. That’s fine, they went a made a server together.
Don’t trust Ghost when he says he knows a place while playing Elden Ring because he does know a place. A place where you’ll die without a chance to defend yourself. If he dies to a boss he’ll lure the others to that same boss and watch them die. He has days on this game, way above everyone else, so if he dies to a boss they don’t even have a chance. They don’t play with him anymore.
Price enjoys attacking people on Fallout 76. He constantly has a bounty on him. Roach took after him quickly in this game because they both tried to kill each other and failed. Now they team up and hunt everyone else. Since Price has reached the SPECIAL cap and is now using his power for evil, the entire game turned into a manhunt. You can’t bribe either of them to leave you be. You can’t join them either. All you can do is run. Though Ghost has gotten the jump on Roach, he didn’t escape Price. Needless to say they don’t play with them anymore.
“I see you-“
Soap gets shot in the head. Roach did in fact see him.
Soap is a bitch at Mario Kart. Don’t try to play as Wario. Wario is reserved for Soap and Soap alone. He has a deadly aim with shells and always picks one person to target each game. He’s not even trying to win, he’s just trying to fuck over his chosen victim. He pisses off everyone when he does this and has actually been punched over it before. Only those who don’t know him play with him. The fools.
They were all excited for Battlefield 5. Then Roach, König, and Ghost reminded them all why they can’t have nice things. So much screaming and cussing and literal death threats. Roach always chases the closest person. He usually goes after König because he panics and can’t aim worth shit when he panics but sometimes he goes after Ghost… and immediately regrets it. If Roach or König get the drop on Ghost— They’re dead in real life. If the three are on the same team they spend the entire time fucking each other over. Soap hates playing with them because they don’t take the game as seriously as he does.
When playing For Honor, König is actually scary good at this game. At first he helped out Horangi but once Horangi showed a tiny bit of skill it was over. König insists that he targets Horangi because he just wants to help him improve. Everyone knows that’s a lie. It doesn’t matter if they’re on the same team or not, König goes after Horangi. He’s nice to everyone else but Horangi gets ‘special treatment’.
“FUCK YOU!” Horangi screams after König team kills him and then refuses to revive him.
“I love you~”
Horangi doesn’t feel loved.
Price and Gaz started playing Day Z to have something just for them. After they got a good footing in the game they decided to be nice and invite everyone else to play with them. They helped everyone get started. Helped them get okay gear and weapons… then the betrayal. Everyone was cussing and screaming as Price and Gaz killed them and took their gear.
“Execute Order 66,” muttered Price.
That would be their only warning before all went to hell.
War Thunder is normally only played by Nik and Kamarov. It’s their game and they usually play when no one else around, meaning no one had any clue to what they were like. Have you ever been sniped by a tank? No? Don’t worry, Nik will make sure you have a lovely experience. You won’t even see him and you’re dead. There’s a lot of Russian screaming, you have no idea what’s going on, and Kamarov just dived bomb you for the third time in a row. Nik and Kamarov are a deadly team. Price flipped his tank and Nik and Kamarov didn’t kill him but did keep everyone else from helping Price.
The one time Laswell was over for game night, Soap’s mom also happened to be there. To be nice they all picked a fun game that the two would be able to enjoy. A game that, normally, none of them rage over. Soap’s mom picked Kirby, gushing over how cute he was, while Laswell picked Toon Link. Soap had forgotten that his mom plays this game with his nieces and nephews and only mentioned it after she kicked everyone’s ass. Only Laswell stood a chance against her. Soap automatically cheered for his mom but quieted down after a murderous glare from Laswell. They all discovered Laswell’s competitive nature and that Soap’s mom was a sore loser that night. They swore to never play Smash Bros again.
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odusseus-xvi · 11 months
so team de lundi is just a group that plays games together sometimes? what games do they play? who’s part of it?
Pretty much yes. You know what I decided to make a resume of the "Team du Lundi" here as a post to explain everything to those who'd like to know. (I'll present the streamers part of it and maybe their part or quirks when they were on their smp. Also want to clarify that the server did not really have lore, an the fact that he players come from there is mostly headcanon, but the relations between the players could very much be considered some)
Team du Lundi (litterally "Team of Monday") is a group of friend streamers that streams games together every monday evening. They are quite a few though not all are here every monday depending on wants of each, motivation, and the game they decided to play. (Among the most common are : Antoine Daniel, JDG, AngleDroit (That I'll call Florence, because that's how most people call her), Mynthos, and Zerator.)
First the streamers who ARE on qsmp :
Baghera Jones : She is part of it, though not there every monday (but still often.) On the minecraft server she had a home she shared with HortyUnderscore (another streamer and her best friend IRL), and developped a rivalry with JDG, one upping each other in annoying pranks and constructions.
Etoiles : Not as often present, but still an important part of the group. He very much had the same role on their minecraft server as on the qsmp : Explore, get stuff for the others, and do rescue missions from time to time.
Antoine Daniel : The initiater of Team du Lundi, (he's the one who made the discord server that ultimately became the team.), the most staple, I would say ; He's the one that is there almost every monday. On the server he decided to build his base very quickly, and so he chose the easiest block to get early on : Dirt, but he also wanted to make his base the biggest it could be, and so the TDM (Tour de Merde : "Tower of Shit) was born. (He ended up working on it for the entire lifespan of the server)
Now the others, that I will go a bit more quickly on :
JDG (Joueur Du Grenier, Fred) : One of the streamers present the most often, also one of our oldest youtubers in france (both in how long he's been there and age, he's 40) The new theme Pomme's been playing on her flute is actually his youtube channel's intro song (it's very famous in france). His minecraft skin is just himself, and on the server he was known to be the op and creator, and tended to cheat from time to time (giving himself creative mode when frustrated on a construction)
Mynthos : Also a very present one, he's actually been referenced on qsmp by the french ccs there : He's the source of Mynthos Juice (a private joke). On the server he made different kind of farms for food and stuff for the others. His mc skin is way too cursed for me to describe.
Zerator : Often there, though not always because very busy, one of the biggest french streamers. He didn't spend a lot of time on the server. His mc skin is just himself.
Florence (AngleDroit) : She is one of the most present ones. Her time on the server was mostly trying not to die, and build her house in a tree. Her minecraft skin is of a dressed fox.
HortyUnderscore : She is there from time to time, and actually is Baghera's IRL best friend (fun fact Quackity actually asked her if she wanted to come on the server be she declined because of planning, and being too busy, Baghera explained all that) Her mc skin is of a personnalised dressed Squidward. (this is not a joke)
MisterMV : Is one of the ogs of Team du Lundi though, comes less often now due to being busy, still a close friend to everyone, and has his own TTRPG series : Games of Roles. He wasn't on the mc server, but still considered part of the team.
And then there is guests from time to time that I'll not enumerate here.
I think that's everyone.
(Aypierre's not part of it, but the guy has been streaming minecraft since launch so his backstory has a hundred possibilities)
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mageofcolors · 6 months
-Olive is the one who makes the server and invites all their friends. They love them all very much and give them all op.
-Olive is very much a builder. Their goal is to build a whole village with a big house for everyone to sleep over at. They don't do super HUGE bases like megabases or anything, they just collect a lot of small things they built over time in one area. They also have a free service of building the other server members a house for free. When Coco refused they got sad so they all ended up agreeing. In the end Olive builds a house for everyone (as well as a big sleepover house) whether they actually use it or not.
-Brownie and Patches enter a prank war that kept escalating until they accidentally exploded a piece of Olive's build and made them cry. They both also learned redstone for this purpose. In the end Olive had to take away their op privilages until they promised to be good dogs and and stop /killing each other
-Coco and Mitts have a competition for who can get the best gear and grind for netherite as well as the best enchants. They both have very good villager halls they put together with every book enchant and all the villagers zombie cured.
-At one point Olive felt bad for the villagers being trapped in Coco's village hall (they hadn't found Mitt's yet) and set them free. Coco was VERY angry because a chunk of her villagers died and threatened to burn down one of Olive's builds but they swore to protect their build with their life, which ended with Coco killing Olive. They play woth keep inventory on so it wasn't too much damage. yknow aside from the emotional damage of killing Olive. They were very sad. In the end the two came to an agreement that Coco is to provide the villagers with a proper living space and Coco reluctantly obliged.
-Mitt made sure to hide their villagers well from that point on.
-Sparky is a big elytra user! He likes to build elytra obstacle courses for people to practice their records on and he gives a prize for the winner within a certain time frame. Patches and Brownie regularly cheat on these courses by altering the times on the score board.
-Angel is a big book writer/hoarder. He likes to keep record of everything that's happening in books and keep them for his library. He also writes his own stories and a bit of poetry in them.
-Patches also writes his own books and Angel buys them from him for his collections.
Olive's favorite mob is the Enderman. They are super protective of them and get very upset if anyone hurts them. They think people should be respectful of their wishes and just not look them in the eyes >:(
-Olive is just REALLY good at not looking at the Endermen's eyes. Partly because they have a tendency to look down more often than up
-Patches was the first to collect all the cats in the game.
-Meanwhile Angel has an army of dogs. Like literally a hundred dogs. Each one of them has a name and he keeps a detailed family tree of them made of signs on a wall in his base
-Ginger is big on farming. She has a big farm she lets anyone use and she has a big santuary for different mobs, making sure they're all well cared for.
-When they all went to fight the Ender Dragon Olive was adamantly against killing the dragon which resulted in their death multiple times. The rest were competing for who would get the achievement for killing the dragon. Ginger was the one to kill it in the end.
-Olive took the egg to keep it safe from everyone else. They hope it'll hatch someday.
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terezicaptor · 2 months
opened my minecraft screenshots folder and found a bunch of old tubnet screenshots back from back when it was in beta 🥺
screenshots under cut
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selfie at the tubnet photo-op thing
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some beautiful classic art
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an ender dragon skeleton
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my ass after stealing contraband and asking where the only enderchest was so i could keep it
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there was. a mild problem with people copy and pasting assets into the in-game chat
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some cool shit everyone tried to parkour on
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me checking out the slick-ass UI
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playing with my touys ft technoplush
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definitely didnt have a heart attack when i saw tubbo was in the server
and finally...
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anyway i miss tubnet
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shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Shield Hero Minecraft HCs
Requested & Prompted by the Discord Server :D
Naofumi usually takes hours or even days to find a place to make his base (he's very critical about it, and yet no one knows the criteria. It could be anywhere), yet he's always one of the first done with a proper one.
Motoyasu's fav biome is the desert.
Itsuki likes the jungles most because that's where it's easier to shoot people.
Ren likes Dark Oak Forests because he can sneak up on people more easily.
Therese's fav biomes are mountains.
L'Arc loves Mushroom Islands, and he refuses to elaborate.
Glass likes the Plains.
Kizuna loves Rivers anywhere. She gets to sit in her little boat and fish.
Naofumi can remember all the potion recipes.
Naofumi, together with his younger brother, decoded the Enchanted Book Text together and they refused to share it, saying "With great knowledge, comes great responsibility"
Motoyasu is a little too trigger-happy about TNT and is always the first to volunteer if something has to get blown up. He has a stupid amount of TNT. (Reason his fav biome is the Desert)
Therese has the most broken chance of finding diamonds. Someone else just discovered their first one and she already has a chest half full of stacks.
Glass has an interesting goal of getting at least one ghast with a saddle on each server she's on. Once, everyone has to go on a whole hunt for ghast tears, because Glass had named and saddled many of them, and no one wanted to be assassinated because they killed one of Glass's ghasts.
Naofumi is the local chicken farmer.
Itsuki is the one who trades with villagers the most and takes down the most Pillagers.
Everyone had started setting up alarms/traps because of the number of times Ren had come into their bases undetected. He didn't steal or break anything, he was just there and gave everyone a scare each time.
Alike Therese's Diamond Luck, Kizuna has a stupid chance of getting OP loot from fishing. She loves using fucking rods.
L'Arc is the best at organizing his items and chests.
L'Arc also loves buildings castles as bases.
You need food? Naofumi's got it. It does not matter how much he's given out, he's got more. Everyone had eaten all their own food, and he still got enough to give everyone half a stack of cooked meat continuously. No one sees him making it when he seemingly runs out, and the first few times he was accused of cheating, but he never did. He's just always got food on him.
Ren and Itsuki are the best PVPs when the group is playing Minecraft in VR, while Kizuna and Glass are best in normal gaming.
Naofumi annoyed everyone with how OP some of his Shields and Armor get because it's so OP it takes a stupid amount of time to kill him.
Filo is the best at using an Elytra but she prefers just messing around in creative mode.
Naofumi will sometimes let her onto a shared server and get her as many materials as possible or get her creative mode just to terrorize other players.
Kizuna likes making her bases look like comfy little fisher huts near a river or beach, only for there to be a gigantic underground base beneath it.
From the Discord Server:
Shared by @eli-elien and @small-spark-of-light :D
Itsuki likes to make those aesthetic soft-core fairy builds.
If Itsuki is playing with someone he doesn’t like he will deliberately be useless out of spite.
Naofumi does Redstone or other intricate machine stuff.
Ren kills so many mobs he’s the designated enchanter solely because of how much XP he has.
Motoyasu does PVP he's decent but not as good as ren tho.
Crack HC; Ren plays Bedwars and is painfully good at it.
Motoyasu is the most useless out of all of them in Minecraft
Filo has made so many worlds of just her messing around in creative mode everyone is a disaster
Raphtalia is a PVPer she has a rivalry with ren They are forever equally matched for humor's sake.
Motoyasu has many MC girlfriends
Naofumi is also crackheaded like Idk how to explain it other than perhaps he's similar to Philza Minecraft but likes not bc it's Philza Minecraft no compares to that man.
Naofumi is mainly responsible for getting materials, but he gets Ren to do mining with him
(In response to my TNT-Happy Motoyasu HC) Motoyasu has bombed the base many times
Honorary Mention: Myne is a leech but that’s not a HC
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exit-path · 1 year
Yes, I'm confirming it now, I did go to Stuyvesant High School.
hi guys, today's my brother's birthday, everyone wish him a happy birthday. anyways i really didn't have a reason to make this post, but here goes.
if you don't know what stuyvesant high school is, that's fine, you don't need to. if you do know what it is, then great, you'll know how prestigious it is. i already hinted at this in my aug 2022 post, but here's an official confirmation.
and i'm surprised no one realized sooner. the path traced out in this post perfectly lines up with the area around the school. and the photos in this post were literally taken from inside the school.
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one thing i valued really highly was my ability to balance both my school life and my tumblr blog (i'm surprised i managed to do so in hindsight). the 2020 pandemic definitely made it easier, as my 10th and 11th grade years were now spent in front of a screen where i could be online all day.
i graduated as a pretty average student academically, although the one thing i regret is not utilizing the available resources as well as i could've.
the reason i had a public meltdown on tumblr in jun 2022 is because i was scared to make much the same post you're reading right now. i was going to college and couldn't stay active online for much longer, and i wanted to do a face reveal and quit tumblr for good (the quote "you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" greatly informed my actions during this time).
but many months have passed since then, i've been allowed time to reflect, and i realized that– i'm not a two-dimensional character. i don't die at the peak of my fame. i'm still alive.
i still hold the value of an education in high regard, though that may sound cheap coming from someone who poured hours a day into an online fandom. it's just... my story is one you can learn from, not one to be replicated. stay in school.
will i be returning to using this blog regularly? probably not. i realize there's nothing here for me to have fun doing anymore, and mineblr is a shadow of its former glory—no matter now much i wish for it to be otherwise.
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maybe i'll reconsider when deltarune ch. 3 comes out. or if minecraft has a second renaissance. or if the GD community takes off here, or better yet, if update 2.2 comes out. or if the walten files ep. 4 comes out. could you imagine that?
anyways, i'll leave you with a few additional fun facts you might not have known:
the minecraft server from this reblog (OP is sketiana) and elaborated on in these posts was actually the Stuyvesant Minecraft Coalition server
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i appeared on my school website's home page one time, wearing my halloween costume.
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if you ever visit the school, you can find a poster i made on the 4th floor (on the wall behind the escalator). it has my sideblog sona on it
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one final request, please don't use my real name or do anything with my real face. also, please don't try anything that could jeopardize my real-life location. i know i'm operating on an honor system here, but i genuinely mean it. everything i willingly shared was because it was a story too important to pass up.
i hope i've tied up all loose ends. thank you, and i'll catch you on the flipside.
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finalfilms · 2 years
more random final destination headcanons because i love making them but this time it’s fd characters playing minecraft
alex - he’s a badass. he only plays hardcore. he is a CHAD (no donella) when it comes to minecraft, grinds the hell out of the game
clear - builds the most extreme, most creative xp grinders and mob farms. REFUSES to do anything that isn’t automated, red stone whiz
tod - will fuck around aimlessly. his house is dirt and will STAY dirt until he puts some slabs on it. has a pet wolf he named “bitch” cause he found it funny
george - actually TRIES to get everyone to beat the game. (they have a server btw) takes on challenges a lot and sets up an op villager trading hall
billy - just builds for fun. he tries to make one house for every type of wood. also the type of guy to get WAYYYY too attached to his minecraft pets.
carter - GRIEFER. blew up a whole mountain for fun, killed one of billy’s parrots (he surprisingly apologized), kills everyone else with some op sword for fun. man is insane.
terry - hermit. she has her own base far away from everyone else and does her own shit. makes a LOT of potions and cool crafting shit, has killed the wither at least five times, and does this while still having a cute base
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beangirl73047 · 1 year
Dsmp au idea
so it’s kind of an actor au plus a real minecraft au plus some other stuff.
So everything that was really bad in the dream smp was all acting and they had all planned it because they thought it would be fun, so like Wilbur’s death? Ghostbur was just Wilbur in a crap ton of makeup. The red festival and tubbo’s scars? All planned and Tubbo’s scars were from an accident at an earlier date, the festival was just where they took all the makeup off of tubbo that covered the scars and it helped him accept what he looked like with them. Ok, so here’s the thing, in this au, all of the dsmp people would come from bad situations that dream saved them from by offering them a spot on the server. So, all of the dsmp members think very highly of dream and think it’s the funniest thing ever that he plays the villain. Everyone on the server would throw hands for dream. Also, the minors are treated the opposite that they are in cannon, everyone adopted them, especially dream. They're like, community children, everyone shares parenting rights. Also, everyone is op as crud in this au. Like Sam is a creeper hybrid that is his cannonical height of 7′4″ and can blow up without dying or taking damage and is a genius and can use a trident best of anyone in the entire universe or something like that. Also all of the relationships are happy, karlnapity, foolsamponk, drunz or dnf (whichever you prefer), Niki and Puffy, (platonic) ranboo and tubbo, and any others that I'm forgetting. When the nuke comes down, that was really everyone just moving to a new server because they wanted to start fresh and they started up (or ended) the acting thing with that ending scene that we saw in the finale before ( the “wanna be friends?” scene) and everyone is just really happy
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anthosaidsmth · 2 years
Empires Season 2 Survey Part 2: Predictions
[Part 1]
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Thanks to y'all for filling in the survey. Some of you got the funniest responses 👍, this is fun.
Image ID under cut
[Image ID:
Image 1 the title reads "Any predictions?", with rows of entries, reading "*limps wrist*", "Everyone dies again /half joke", "The block men will be homosexuals", "women", "I will cry" "This is the homophobic season", which has a white arrow pointing out saying "diversity loss :(", and "Chaos and war [pride month edition]".
Image 2 the title reads "The Sheriff TM", with 2 images of Jimmy's minecraft character with his cowboy skin. There are rows of entries, reading "Jimmy gets his hat stolen", "Jimmy should go feral and shoot someone", "uh I don't know but they should give Jimmy a villain arc", "no one will respest Jimmy as The Sheriff :(".
Image 3 the title reads "Joel bullying zone", with an image of Joel's minecraft character in his Empires skin, the image is squished so Joel appears shorter. There are rows of entries, reading "the other empires make themselves canonically taller than 11 feet so they can be taller than Joel and he’s short again", "joel is short.", "We cannot allow Joel to be 11ft tall. Either we deny it completely or everyone else is just still taller :)", "joel gets shrunk and someone gets hatecrimed (for legal reasons thats a joke)".
Image 4 the title reads "Women (affectionate)", with rows of entries, reading "Gem's also either not actually a princess or not human and I can't tell which I like more", "The Gempire will thrive under the rule of its princess", "False gets assigned wings at fandom (ideally dragon) and that becomes the most popular portrayal of her. She notices bc she has Tumblr & gets a custom draconic elytra. I also think False should get the Tall treatment this season (like S1 Lizzie). Just a big old dragon False :3", "And also let gem have her villain arc".
Image 5 the title reads "Actual predictions", with rows of entries, reading "there’s GOTTA be something up with oli being on the server. like I’m pretty sure it was edited and blurred out when they realized like… something’s definitely fishy there. Maybe he’s responsible for the dragon not being there? (that could also just be explained by s1).", "Villain arc(s), Lizzie thinking no one knows she's not human when literally everyone does, the end being even more important than last season, and there being a reason behind Sausage being the only one to notice when people change skins (e.g the whole fWhip–blue sweater–goblin conversation)".
Image 6 is a continuation of image 5, reading "False's pov ends with her waking up in another world, whether it's her old world or a new one, it's far away from the people she called friend. Cut to black, end of season 2", "What if…the main bad guy was (the friends we made along the way or) made by each member accidentally pissing them off in some way. (Ex. Scott ”collects” something that belongs to the bad guy, Pixl finds the main hideout of the bad guy, Shelby finds a spell that hurts said bad guy, etc.)", "scott's or false's character has something to do with the end and the missing dragon pixlriffs will build something reminiscent of one of the empires for season 1".
Image 7 the title reads "Hall of fame", with sparkles drawn by the title. The rows of entries read "The reason why the ender dragon is missing is because there's actually a 13th empire in the end and it's the empire of the Orb. That's right, it's oli time ", "I have hopes for things but i am almost certain none of them will come true :(", "Angst that’s it we are all gonna sob and honestly can’t wait for that.", "I just want you to know I started with empires s1 entirely from Joel’s perspective, so when I started on Pearl’s…boy howdy".
Image 8 is a continuation of image 7, reading "I want pixl to be appreciated more. He is so good and i love him." with a small drawing of OP's character hugging a Tumblr anon icon, "same anon same..." is written beside the drawing. "Another sibling relationship also I know I'm mentally ill you don't have to tell me from my answers", "until we figure out what’s up w/ the end, im choosing to believe the empires crew accidentally showed up on someone’s completed speed run world. that’s why the dragons dead, but there’s no one who did it/the worlds empty", "lizzie and joel are gonna get married again. it might not be an Event like last season but they will get married again and it will be cute. (and hilarious. this time LIZZIE is the connecticut clark of the two)".
Image 9 the title reads "And the one with the most derp is... Me!", it shows the OP's Tumblr profile picture with a "DUM" sticky note from Among Us drawn on top of the image. The text under the image reads "For forgetting various options and also for accidentally leaving one of the optional question as required when I first posted the survey."
/End ID]
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solaria-writes · 2 years
NXX + Darius as Minecraft players!
Rosa - Resource Horder/Professional prankster
Chest monster up on chest monster, Rosa will go to the mines and come back with so much resources that she will just put them there. She likes to share them with the rest of the people as she always gets more and more. Shulkers are her favorite item in the game as they can just store so much in so little space. Fortunately her chest monster is color coded, so it isn't too much of a disaster as it might seem at first. Artem and Luke will probably volunteer to create a sorting system for her, but she will drop it like 15 minutes later. Chest monsters are cool! 
She is also a professional prankster, and will dedicate her life to the bit. Like the time she moved Marius' base upside down, or the time she covered the spawn hub in obsidian. Sometimes her pranks will backfire, but she is always ready to help her victims recover from the loss, like the time she accidentally burned Artem's OP pickaxe, but got him a new one in less than 15 minutes.  Rosa is in general a jack of all trades. Probably has a zoo, and like 15 cats + a dog army.   
Artem - Miner/Redstoner
This man takes the Mine part of the game very seriously. He spawns in a world, punches a tree, gets some food, and bye bye. No Artem Wing is seen again until he emerges with a full inventory of resources, ores and various other things. 
He will branch mine like crazy and his mines will usually expand themselves for long distances. He doesn't set up a base until he is sure, 100% sure he has all the materials. 
That being said, he is not a very good builder. He is an ok builder, but a trait that will compensate for his skills in redstoning. Nothing as big as Luke who will literally run Doom on Minecraft, but he will proudly exhibit his 10x10 piston door. 
Artem was reluctant at first to provide resources for Marius and Vyn in their building adventures, but eventually gave in. He is probably the one that holds more IOU's from the server. 
The first time Darius speedrun the server (he has done it several times as they get a new seed with every upgrade), was from Artem's account, and Vyn tried to convince Luke to ban him.
Addition: he probably still uses the Steve skin. Marius has tried to get him to change it, even offering to do a new one, but he refuses.
Vyn - Farmer/Miner
Vyn plays surprisingly well even if it's his first time playing Minecraft. And of course he does! He did his research before playing, so he knows almost all the crafting recipes, the potion recipes, and all that he has to know about the game. 
He won't go very far from spawn at first, probably being the one constructing a spawn hub, and getting food for everyone in the server. He goes mining, but just for the necessary and will be pissed when he encounters the strip mines of Artem. 
He is very average at the game, and not in a bad sense. He can easily do anything except redstone. That's a no for him.
After getting to the Nether he will build roads, and is probably the first to get to the top of it to link all the portals he is asked too.
He is probably the second to get an enchanter, and since his draws are always perfect he is probably the first to get an OP armor and tools. The rest of the team will ask him to enchant their items for them. 
Luke - Technical player/Adventurer
From one engineer to another, he scares me. Luke will twist the game at his will. Call it shadowing items, duping glitches or just simply doing the most enormous farms ever, he can do it. 
He is of course more experienced with redstone than Artem, but the things they do are just different. Artem will automate everything in his base, whereas Luke will try to build a CPU in minecraft. 
Despite all of that, Luke doesn't really like modding, and he plays the game in the most vanilla way possible. He will immediately spawn, get a bed and cross all the map just to find the perfect landscape. His bases are usually located underground, being authentic cities full of sorting systems and redstone displays. 
Luke's ability to find pretty places comes in handy to Marius who will just follow him for far at first but then join in the adventure. They will probably share their bases, Marius living on top of Luke's base.
He is also the server admin. 
Marius - Builder/Pixel artist
His best friend in Minecraft is a Silk touch/Mending Netherite Hoe. He likes the greenery in his builds and will give them a level of detail that makes them feel alive. 
He has tried at least once to recreate his paintings in Minecraft with awesome results. Marius stealed at first the resources for his buildings, but after quite some time he got into an Agreement with Rosa and Artem who are now the official providers for his builds. 
He is not that good at the survival part of Minecraft, and has the worst luck of all of them. His elytra will break in the most inconvenient times, and he will probably die in the void. He is at the top of the dying counter, but that's just how it is. 
Darius - Speedrunner/PVPer
Almost the same approach that Artem has. He will spawn, punch a tree and go DUDUDUDUDUDU. He is the first to get diamonds, the first to get to the Nether, the first to kill the dragon, etc etc. He can get to the nerves of Vyn who is hoping for a more relaxed approach to the game, and thus doesn't like when the constant messages pop in the chat like:
CapMorgan has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
CapMorgan has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper]
Apart from that, Darius will just pvp whatever the hell is in front of him. A Wither, a Ravager, the Dragon are no competition to him. Darius will use the Wither skulls at a much faster pace than Luke can provide them. An axe, a shield and a totem of undying are his best friends. 
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
my friend keeps getting lost on our minecraft realm and tells me i should give him op so he can tp back when he needs . i don’t like giving out op bc it makes everyone else want it . pls give me more reasons why letting servers members being op is bad i’m begging u
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kragfischer · 2 years
Minecraft no Anti-cheat Servers
Welcome to SurvivalMP! Survival raiding and griefing without any claims! One world with helpful plugins like /home, and many more. 1.19.2 16 of 75 4.0 1
1.19.2 PE 1.19.2 18 out of 40 4.1 0 4
1.19.1 19 of 100 4.7.0 5 United Factions
United Factions is the server to go to if you want to play Minecraft factions. Free of loot boxes and pay-to-win components, Un 1.19 4 out of 100 4.8 6 Vanilla Playground Starlight
No resets 1.19 25, out of 35 4.4,0 7
1.19.2 566 4.0 8 PhoenixAnarchy
PhoenixAnarchy is a 1.18.1 Anarchy Server like 2b2t. It is the fastest growing 1.18.1 Anarchy Server 1.19 20 out of 100 4.4 0 . 9 AnarchyCX.
AnarchyCX We run the most recent version of Minecraft Java. No admins. No Bans. No rules. 1.19 PE 1.18 3 of 50 4.4 10 YachtClubMC
17+ Server for Cool Cats in College and Beyond Gamemodes Survival, Creative 1.19 PE 0.01 1 out 20 4.1 0 11
1.18 4 of 100 3.8 1 12
1.18 2 out of 750 3.9 0. 13 DiamondFire
1.19.1 10505 3.8 0 14
1.19 0 out of 100 4.0 1 15
1.16 1060 of 4500 3.7 1 16 KC International
KC/int/ Official 1.17.1 2 out of 100 0 17
MCParks: Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Universal Orlando Resort, Tokyo Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris, and more in Minecraft!
1.19 48 out of 1971 4.1 0 18 daf4ever
Every Sunday, a huge weekly event! Survival, Towny and Land Protection, PVP/PVE Teleports, Economy Minigames, Shops for Players and PVP/PVE Teleports. 1.16.5 0.0.0 of 100 4.1.0 19
The Original Xrun! !
1.15 9 out of 1000 3.5 0 20
Thunderstorm PvP
1.19.1 48 out of 150 3.9 0 21 DieMeesMC
Kingdoms server NL/BE/ENG 1.19 out of 30 22 TynPlay
TynPlay BEST Project 2020 Everyone is Welcome 1.19.2PE 1.19 136 of 666 4.4.0 23
MCRaspi, kleiner Deutscher Survival-Langzeitserver, wenige Plugins mehr Survival :)
1.19.2 3 out of 25 0 24 2B2T uk
Anarchy server created because waiting in a long line for more than 48 hours isn't fun. There are no rules. You can do what you like. There is a Discord 1.19 PE 1.19 0 out of 200 0 25
1.19.1 3113 of 3114 0 26
Elitecraft Survival Community
1.19 0.19 27 GeoCraft
Alle gebouwen, wegen en rivieren staan in GeoCraft. Loop door Amsterdam, Rotterdam of bijvoorbeeld Utrecht. 1.18.2 1 of 1000 128
ShadowBlade is an economy-based co-operative survival server. It was founded in 2011.
1.19.1 1 out of 66 4.0 0 29 Rubingrube
Eine kreative Survival Community! 1.19 0.24 of 24 0 30
Earth | VanillaMc
Old-fashioned Minecraft Join our community today.
1.19.2 PE 1.20 2 Out of 100000 Lasergurkenland
A small vanilla anarchy server. There are no administrators. No rules. No world resets. Version up to date. Cranialcavity Pure vanilla. Cheats are allowed. 1.19 1 out of 32 3.9 32 OberCraftDE
OberCraftDE Community Server 1.19.2 0. out of 500 0 33 Megido Abyss
Soulslike, RPG Metroidvania, Roleplay, PvE + PvP, Bosses Spells, and more! Gaming
The best way to enhance your medieval conquer 1.19.1 1 out of 500 35 Ketchup Anarchy
A hard vanilla server that has rules or ops. 1.19.2 0 out of 20 36
Schway Hub
Earn money when you win Bedwars rounds
1.8.8 0.98 out of 100. 37
Cute SMP server. Choose a species to be! . Custom-Made . Custom resource pack It's a blast with tons of activities!
1.19.1 561 of 30000 0 38 OPBlocks
1.19.1 3907 out of 3908 0 39
MythoCraft Network
Survival 1.16.5 - 1.18.2 RPG, Eventos y MiniEventos, para disfrutar con quien tu quieras. Cada temporada continua la historia.
1.19 2 of 50 0 40 Fun
A fun and friendly survival community! 1.18.2 4 of 40 4.10 41 5b5t
5b5t Anarchy Server 1.12.2 1.19 34 out of 250 3.9 0 42
Maelk - siden 2012
Faellesskabet du aldrig glemmer!
1.19 18 out of 2022 0 43
Pure Vanilla | No-log policy | Anarchy
1.19 0.19 44 BlocksMC
1.19 1887 of 10000 3.9.0 45 Woodyrun
Woodyrun is a community that is dedicated to the recreation of Speedrun - an original Minecraft Parkour Gamemode first created by Woodycraft. 1.19 0.1% 0 46
1.16 615 of 5000 3.6 0 47 hu3
Survival 1.16.5 0.50 of 50 0 48 Blaise
1.19.1 0.49 TonyV
1.19.1 0 0 50 Antarctic
1.19.1 0 0
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