#man just loves his family and wants to chill but things keep SHOWING UP
Philza is basically Odysseus cause like:
misses his wife
wants to go home
but this god has a petty vendetta against him
thankfully he is friends with this goddess
(said goddess is rivals with the god)
just a man
amazing archer
loves his wife
will do anything for his family
leads a crew of fools who like to piss off god
they fought a cyclops who hasnt forgotten them
known for his endurance
he just wants to go home
has either the worst or the best luck
likes clever cheaty ways but will just brute force
hospitable except for this large group of mfs
stuck on an island and cant leave
confused by the plot
he just wants to go home, man.
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privitivium · 3 months
Yan dilf... I love old men sm istg
yan dilf w domtop amab reader ramblings :3
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yan dilf realness. based. a different case than the uhhh,,, "prof dilf" thing. smth about a chubby middle aged dude fiending for ur attention and getting all giddy if he sees you making friends with his kid is so cute. i also had this one prompt about a dad - adult son yan duo, son getting curious as to why his dad is so happy and follows him to see you and him on a date then both r in love with you LMAO! i enjoy the dilf with an edgy reader/darling. him trying so hard to bond with you, his young coworker - inviting you out to local shows or gritty bars to see if that takes ur interest. i like an awkward yandere who doesnt know wtf do to with themselves bro its the best.
i understand all the suave sugar daddy yan dilfs but liek,,, a little pathetic sugar daddy yan dilf,,, like yeah this guys had tons of practice and honing his flirtation tactics to get whoever he wants - but when it comes to you he's all serious without intent - his tummy fluttering in lovesick nausea - having to look away because the sight of you makes his dick twitch. you make his dick come to life bro he can't not have you.
yan dilf who's a pathetic fucking freak who cant stand being around you because you constantly make him all fuzzy and hard n he thinks its sooo unprofessional in the workplace!!! hands notably shaking as he grabs the random stack of papers he needs to sign - did he need to the sign these? fuck he doesnt remember what you were saying... too busy wondering how big of a dildo he has to order to practice with as he catches sight of your soft bulge in your disgustingly tight khakis.
yan dilf whos all disturbingly awkward when it comes to you - but still, offering to take you out for drinks after coincidentally bumping into each other outside of work. yeah, haha, it's super weird how we keep meeting like this, i guess its fates way of telling us we should hangout, right? haha... it's a little pathetic, you observe with a smile - agreeing merrily. but it's so cute. he was so obvious - you'd seriously think a middle-aged man would have the smoothness to flirt, but it's clear he's lacking in that department. making you wonder if he makes up for it in another department. he was wondering the same about you... but instead, berating himself for being a disgusting old man, thinking dirty things about you.
or maybe its smth like you being a babysitter for this quietly rich guy,,, him being all intimidating, unsure of how to get you to see how cool and "chill" he is, rather an observer as he enjoys watching you take care of his tweens.
yan dilf who cannot get you out of his mind. at a family dinner, a private seating arrangement in an extravagant place losing himself in his thoughts as his children make animated conversation - simply wondering what you were eating at this lovely afternoon... wondering if you were eating ramen like that stereotype of broke college kids having nothing to eat. he'd have to... sneakly provide you money... he cant stand the thought of you not eating well - whats his problem‐?! he barely knows you yet he's stalking you through social media and your fucking windows - sneaking in and planting cameras now just to settle his paranoia about your wellbeing? he's just a poor obsessed manㅡtake pity on him, omg.
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ereawrites · 7 months
Hey gurl✨ I’m in my wife era rn so maybe some Shisui and/or Tobirama husband/jealous husband hcs?🫣 I loooovee your writing and tbh your thoughts are my thoughts so no pressure😩 If you not feeling it feel free to ignore me babe🧚🏻‍♀️
YOU HAVE FED ME SO GOOD MISS GIRL! under the cut for length
this isn't too relevant but I have to include it. it's too cute. I definitely see shisui getting married pretty young, like early 20s. if he finds his person he's going for it. probably gets a lot of shit for it from his family, but he doesn't care
loooong honeymoon period. in part because they're still a young couple but also... shisui is just a really devoted husband. he loves the married life. insists on kissing her goodbye every morning, eating together every night, stuff like that
LOVES DECORATING THEIR HOUSE are u kidding me. let's say they get a kinda shitty place right after they get married, and put a tonne of work into doing it up. he gets so into painting, building the furniture, even starts up a little herb garden in their kitchen
finds so many ways to drop his wife into conversation lol. he's down bad even after the honeymoon period ends, so he wants to show her off. his FAV is when she swings by his workplace to bring him his 'forgotten' lunch. he turns around to the rest of the guys like. yeah. that's my WIFE. isn't she hot.
very much a believer in keeping the romance alive. he wants to keep making the effort with her until the day he dies. veryyyy good at remembering anniversaries, scheduling regular date nights, etc. always makes sure she has fresh flowers in the house
obviously it isn't all perfect though. especially while they're young (and presumably both still active, high-ranking shinobi) their schedules keep them apart a lot. and this hits shisui really hard tbh. he hates coming back to an empty home after a long mission, knowing he might not even see his wife before he has to leave again
work is probably where most of their arguments stem from, actually. I don't see it being a regular thing, but it's easy for resentment to build in those kinds of situations. shisui is very torn between his love for his village, and his love for his wife, and the fact he can't prioritise both. thankfully shisui is a good communicator so they make things work.
in terms of jealousy... I don't see it being a common thing. maybe before they get married he tends towards it a bit more, but once she's his wife, why would he worry? she's his entire world and he knows she loves him just as much
the only way I rly see him getting jealous at all is if they're going through a bit of a rough patch for the reasons mentioned above. maybe they haven't seen each other in weeks, and they both get back from a mission on the same day. and there's some kind of event/function that evening that they have to attend
so they barely have a chance to acknowledge each other, before they're pulled apart again by the crowd. so if shisui sees some random guy getting a little too close and flirty with her, he gets more annoyed than he'd like to admit
even then though.. he's not necessarily jealous as much as he is upset. like goddamn just let this poor man have his beloved wife to himself for a night. in this situation he's more likely to behave more rashly than usual, and he might just make some excuses and take her home lol. he gets a little bit pouty until she gives him some attention
overall, though, he's very chill. he trusts her implicitly, and expects the same from her. they need to have a very honest, respectful relationship if he's going to wife her up
god okay and in old age they're so cute together. I bet they have a bunch of kids (probably accidentally tbh lol) so then they end up with a whole squadron of grandchildren. he's that fun grandpa who sneaks them sweets when the parents aren't looking. all the grandbabies want to sleep over at their house. and they LOVE it.
to sum up: very good husband. very relaxed, communicates well, makes her feel loved every day. why did he have to die I want to throw myself off a bridge.
first of all. good job to this woman. wrangling tobirama into marriage is not an easy job. he's so fucking ANNOYING. it probably takes him years to confess he even has feelings for her, let alone ask for her hand in marriage
but once he gets there. it's pretty cute. he doesn't really act very differently for the most part - he'd already decided his heart belonged to her well before they married, and wholly committed. so his behaviour doesn't change much, and there isn't much of a honeymoon period. sorry. he's like marriage is just a contractual agreement why would it change anything between us
he does make a few little indulgences though. he gets this smug little look every time he introduces her as his wife. he's actually just a lot more prone to 'showing her off' in general, and more likely to show some physical affection in public. for tobirama that's maybe a peck on the cheek lol. but it's progress
he's definitely a lot.... gentler?idk. with her once they're married as well. he makes an effort to be more patient and less snippy, and shows his appreciation for her in a lot of quiet little ways. for example, he'll be sure to leave work on time no matter how busy it is if he knows she's putting a lot of effort into dinner that night. or if she spends a second too long looking at a new dress in the store, he's buying it for her
on that note. tobirama is such a provider once they're married. he does have that traditional idea of providing for his wife. he'll probably ask her if she wants to become a stay at home wife tbh. if she says yes, he still expects her to get out in the community of course. he'd love if she did volunteering work, maybe at the hospital or with kids or something. but he's also equally happy for her to keep working. power couple vibes very strong
they have a nice, quiet little house away from the village where no one bothers then and they loooove it. especially tobirama, his wife and their home are his sanctuary. everyone else gtfo
other than that, not much is really different from before their marriage. they probably actually lead quite independent lives, to the point where people don't even know they're married until tobirama drops it into conversation a few months later. they're very private and lowkey.
unfortunately for her, tobirama's paranoia also persists. he's a bit delulu sometimes lol and she knows this going in. but it does inevitably cause some issues, especially if she's headstrong (which is definitely the type of woman he ends up with)
he trusts his wife more than anything. he would never doubt her for a second. but other men? the enemy. not to be trusted. they're all dogs. it drives him absolutely batshit crazy to watch them ogling her, or god forbid trying to flirt with her. which is actually kinda common bc they're such a lowkey couple, so people assume she's single
tobirama isn't one to make a scene per se, but this definitely leads to a few awkward situations in public, and she probably ends up embarrassed a few times. and there's 10000% arguments behind closed doors. I don't see either of them being good with this lol. he acts like she's his political enemy he's ridiculous
but because he loves her so much, and he actually really wants to put work into the longevity of their marriage, he'll come around. he's a lot softer and more willing to compromise when it comes to her. but she can't point that out because he's mortified
over time, he chills out a lot more. they're one of those couples that just get stronger and better with time. they grow a lot together, and although they probably continue to disagree a lot throughout their marriage, it's always in a way that leaves their relationship stronger. and he only gets softer for her. people (hashirama) even start to point out how devoted he is and he can't even deny it. cute
overall a kind of difficult husband, because he is an exceptionally difficult man, but my god he loves her so much. he would do anything to make her happy.
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dejwrld · 8 months
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— number 7 on paradis titans hockey team can get a little mean after he loses a game.
( cw ) ⸻ modern au, sports au, profanity, mean dom!jean in 4k hd ultra, female anatomy, her/she pronouns, afab, established relationship (reader and jean are married with a child), reader implied to black, creampie, impact play, oral ( f.receiving), slight spit kink, spanking, breeding kink, pet name usage (good girl, babygirl) he's just a lil salty he lost a game, i promise i ain't showing favoritism to najma lmfao, this fic was second place for the poll i posted week ago, wc: 2.1k, minors dni ! repost from old account!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀dedicated jean baby mother aka @honeybleed
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When Jean lost a game, you always seemed to walk on eggshells. The nicely decorated home grows silent as a mouse when your family enters the mansion. Your son seemed to fall asleep during the long ride from the ice rink to the house, and you only tucked him in his bed after stripping him out of his clothes. Neatly folding up the hockey jersey with his father's number on it and placing it away, you placed a loving kiss on top of his sandy brown colored curls before exiting the room. You were sure to close the door behind you since you weren't sure how Jean would react due to losing the game.
When Jean's team lost, he grew quiet. A little too quiet. His interviews with ESPN and other sports outlets weren't as cheerful and confident. You could literally see the frustration and sadness in his light brown hues. The rides home are always silent, other than the questions your five-year-old would ask randomly. As a new wag (an obnoxious term for wives & girlfriends of sports players), you always ask the other partners how exactly they handle huge losses.
Eren's wife, Emilia would only shrug, mumbling about how Eren usually forgets about the loss after a day or two before he's back on the ice, perfecting any screw-ups he made during the game. Connie's girlfriend CJ would make a subtle joke about giving him head after the game to make him forget about the disappointing end of the hockey team's season.
You walked towards the master bedroom of your home, your body leaning against the door frame as you watched Jean tug off the Grey Nike sweatshirt he wore. He tossed it in the laundry hamper in the corner of your room, now only in a white wifebeater. His toned arm flexed with each movement he made as he shuffled around the room. Occasionally, his gold necklace with your initials and your son's initials moved with each quick motion he made.
"Do you want to talk about it? I know it was such an important game," Your tone was soft-spoken and came out as if you were whispering.
"Strip." was the only thing Jean uttered as he was undoing the string on his Nike jogger pants.
Your lip gloss-covered lips parted to speak, but in the back of your mind, you were just thinking about making Jean happy. He was going through some wild emotions at the moment, and who were you to object against them. They lost the opportunity to compete for the Stanley Cup, so you knew the man in front of you was seeing complete red at the moment.
"Keep my jersey on, though. Everything else off." He huffed.
You stepped further inside the room, your back backing into the door to close it so you wouldn't wake up your son. Your fingers begin to unbutton the jeans you were wearing, slowly tugging them off your smooth legs. Soon, your panties joined them as Jean's index finger motioned for you to come here. With each step you took, you could feel the cool breeze in your room hit your bare bottom, sending a chill down your spine.
When you were face to face with Jean, he didn't say much. However, you could feel how hot he was. How frustrated he was. One harsh push on your king-sized bed caused your lips to let out a gasp. Your body hit the bed like a fragile little doll Jean wanted to play with. He's grabbing a hold of your ankle that was decorated with the gold anklet with his name on it with a cursive font. His lips placed soft kisses on your ankle, causing you to squirm under his firm touch. You expected him to treat you like a fragile rag doll that had just been snitched up. But boy, was you wrong. In one motion, he had turned your body around so that you were lying on your stomach, mumbling about how he needed you so badly.
"Be a pretty wife and get on all fours, m'kay," He said lowly.
You did what you were told, getting on all fours. The oversized jersey that formally belonged to Jean raised just a bit to be able to see the cup of your ass. A low yelp tumbled out your mouth when you felt Jean's large hands slap at the flesh of your ass before you could feel his hand massage the stinging flesh. A sharp hiss came out of you when you felt another slap on the opposite cheek; Jean once again repeated the process of massaging your ass cheeks. He's teasingly letting a coo tumble off his lips as you can only stutter out his name like a broken record.
"Just want to taste you real quick," His words were soft yet intimidating. He angled your body provocatively so you felt like such a filthy woman. "Just stay like that for me, please," he says before his callous fingertips are traced alongside your puffy lips. The teasing action caused your skin to be littered with goosebumps.
Once again, you desperately coughed up a yelp when you felt him slap at your throbbing cunt that was aching for his attention. The similar motion he did with your asscheek, Jean's multimillion-dollar massage at your pussy. This time, your wetness coated his fingers ever so negligibly. "You like it when I do that, huh?" He asked.
He didn't wait for you to respond before kneeling to taste you. The flat of his tongue collided with your puffy lips to lick up your juices formed just by his spankings. A weak whimper came out of you as you seemed to relax in his touch as he was eating you out. When Jean wanted to taste, he wanted to taste every fiber of you. Practically burying his face in the messiness between your thighs caused your toes to curl.
"Jean." You moaned out as you felt him glide his tongue up your slit. The lewd sound of him slurping up the mess he was making bounced off the bedroom walls. You could feel the sharpness of his nose poking you from the back; the man practically was devouring you at the moment. You were so close to breaking the perfect arch, but you knew what consequences were to come.
"Fuck." You moaned before you reached out, clawing at his sandy brown hair. Your fingers grabbed his hair as you rocked backward upon his kitten licks. Your orgasm was right there; you were so close to the finish line while your knees were growing hazy.
But Jean soon pulled away, letting your body fall limp like a deflated balloon that's lost all its air. Your poor cunt felt like it was pulsing, your orgasm was snatched away from you, and the lump of pleasurable despair disappeared.
"I can't have you cummin' just yet, baby girl," Jean commented. The little facial hair he had was stained with your juices. His upper lip lingered with your scent, and his tongue tasted like you. Maybe that made the man in a complete trance all over again.
His grey sweatpants grew tight at the crotch area. His dick was screaming to be released from the tight compress of his sweats and boxers. Jean quickly pushed down his sweats and stepped out of them like an over-enthusiastic virgin that was about to get a spliff of pussy for the first time. His blood was fuming, and he was still a bit frustrated by the loss. Especially considering the number of penalties he racked up during the game. His cock bulged in the black-colored Ethika boxers (another sponsorship he received for singing a multimillion-dollar contract) before he tugged them down also. His thick cock tapped at his toned torso when his boxers came down also.
Once again, he's grabbing onto you like a doll, dragging your whithering body toward the end of the bed. His hand firmly pushed your lower back to ensure your arch was perfect. It was a wonderful sight to see his beautiful wife completely exposed like this to him. A lovely ass up face-down position just so he can have his way with him.
You were anticipating for Jean to shove his cock inside you. Despite it being the same dick you've ridden, sucked, choked on, and the list goes on, you still found yourself chewing your lower lip off at adjusting to his girth. He was a grower for sure, with a slight curve that could kiss at that spot that caused your pedicures toes to curl. Your favorite part of his dick was his tip. It was a splendid sight when you would climb under the covers to suck him off when he complained about morning wood. It was a nice mushroom shape with a slit that gushed out so much cum when he wanted to.
"You know if you relax. You'll get used to it quicker." Jean suggested. With his slender digits climbing up the jersey, you had on to undo the bra you were wearing.
With quickness, you're removing your bra tossing it to the side with ease. Your hips bucking to receive any form of friction between Jean and yourself, but you could only feel his tip tap at your sopping entrance. "Don't be so fuckin' rude, and wait," Jean uttered as he grabbed a hold of his cock. He rubbed his tip at your entrance. Teasing you bit by bit before he's pooling all of the spit in his mouth and letting it drop down on his cock. His hand stroked his dick quickly before he once again was poking at your entrance.
"You want to make me feel better after that horrible game, right?" Jean questioned.
You only nodded as you were on all fours, your fingers grasping at the sheets below you before your mouth gasped apart, feeling him stretch you out. He didn't even wait until you adjusted to his huge size before he was pushing himself inside you like a madman. His hands grasping at your asscheeks just to feel upon you a little more. His thrusts weren't the usual slow and passionate filled; they were harsher. He was genuinely fucking you like he hated you. It was your fault that the team was two points short of going to the play for the Stanley Cup. You could only let out poor pathetic moans, moaning out for Jean.
"That's a good fuckin' girl; you're taking my dick so well," Jean uttered as his hips bucked forward into the plush of your ass. His eyes glowed excitedly at the sight of your pretty pussy, swallowing him with each thrust. The mixture of your wetness and the spit he coated on his coat was imprinted on your thighs like a nasty masterpiece.
He had one hand holding your back down while the other was grasping at the hockey jersey with his last name on it. He gripped the jersey severely to have some form of control over his brass thrusts. Ignoring your whimpers for him to slow down, or you would cum.
"Don't cum." Jean uttered out.
His words were more like a command, a dangerous warning you wanted to poke at until he exploded.
"Please Jean..." You whined into the pillow, which at this point was stained with your own drool and tears.
"What did I say, hm?" He questioned. His right hand slapped at your ass cheek causing you to let out a whine.
"Don't...cum," You hiccupped between moans.
Jean would only hum in agreement. His hips irrationally bottomed inside your dripping cunt before he pinned your arms behind your back. His tight grip on you caused you to chew at your lip as if it were some chew toy. "We'll cum together like it's supposed to fuckin' be," He commented.
You felt so lightheaded at the intense amount of stimulation upon your body. Your limbs felt like they were screaming for you to relax, and the burning sensation that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach was ready to burst.
Jean's hold he had on your folded arms only grew tight with each shove forward into your pussy. He could feel his balls grow heavy each time he tapped at that one spot that caused your eyes to cruise in the back of your head. Jean's eyes were shifted closed as he was so pussy drunk, the harsh groan that grumbled off the back of his neck caused his Adam's apple to move. His thick white cum filled you up to the brim as you moaned through the sensation. Jean brought the ends of his wifebeater up to his teeth, nibbling at the ends as he rocked you on his cock slowly. He could feel your pussy pulsing around his cock, milking him of every droplet of his cum. His brown hues practically glistened at the creamy sight of a white ring around his cock with each slow thrust.
When he pulled out slowly, letting the hold he had on you go and watching you collapse breathlessly on your stomach. His fingers combed through his hair, which seemed to stick to his forehead due to the intense workout.
"I feel much better now, baby, thank you."
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lunajay33 · 20 days
Taste for Older Men
Summary: Growing up with you never had much interest in boys your age but when your dads best friends stuck around more everything changed
Pairing: Cowboy Negan x f!reader
Warnings: age gap, evil boyfriend
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Song Recommendation: White Mustang-Lana Del Rey
Growing up I never understood all my friends having crushes on guys in our class, I mean they were so immature and not even cute so I never had a reason to try things out and explore like so many people my age, because I knew what I liked……and that is older men, I never realized until my dads best friend moved to town and started coming over more and more, I never acted on it because obviously it’s inappropriate but god did I want to
I graduated school and went to college online so I could work on my dads farm to help out and save up some money, it just made everything easier, then I graduate college and Negan lost his farm hand so dad got me to help him out and get my sister to work on our family farm instead
I’ve only been working with Negan for a month and it’s been killing me, every glance, everytime he’d wrap his arms around me to show me the “proper” way to do something, had me wanting more than just a farm hand, I want to feel loved, I tried to get over Negan with a guy from town, he was sweet when we first started dating, the flowers before dates and opening doors and the good mornings texts but in all honesty it always felt like he was just a friend a really close guy friend but I guess this I how it’s suppose to feel right?
But now he’s mean, always calls drunk and when we’re out at gatherings he treats me like a toy to parade around but I don’t know how to leave him and god do I want to so badly
That leads to today Negan was coming over to our house for a barbecue so it’s a perfect chance to doll myself up compared to farming clothes, I finished off my makeup and pulled on a a ivory sundress, I made my way downstairs seeing my mom finishing off some salads as dad was out setting up everything
“Well don’t you look like a fresh flower in spring! Are you all dolled up for Mark?” My heart dropped
“What……what do you mean I’m staying here for supper!”
“Well dad said he ran into Mark today at the garage and invited him over, Negans never met him so why not introduce them it’ll be fun!” I tried to keep a chipper expression but I felt like screaming inside, the door bell rang alerting someone was here
“Could you get that dear I’m still finishing up here”
I walked over to the door relieved to see Negan standing there instead of Mark, I let out a breathe he obviously noticed
“You alright darling?”
“What? Oh yeah I’m finally just…..never mind please come in” I said nervously stepping to the side to clear the door way
“Old man said you’re boyfriends coming around tonight” he said with a hint of displease
“Does that man talk to everyone god” I groan
“What don’t want me meeting the guy who’s got my girl all worried” my heart did a flip at the words ‘my girl’ but I couldn’t think on it too long when a knock came from the door and my mood plummeted
With a shaky hand I open the door and there stood my walking nightmare that fake smile plastered on his smug face
“Hey babe thanks for the invite, had to hear from you old man” he says as he pulled me close by my hip a hint of anger in his voice
“I’m sorry it……it just slipped my mind” my voice wavered as he squeezed my hip, Negan cleared his throat
“Oh mark this is Negan, Negan this is Mark”
“So this is the Negan that always takes up all your time on that damn farm”
“Mark you know it’s my job and I love working there…….please you just got here” I whisper the last part, looking at Negan who had a shocked look on his face, definitely not expecting this to be my boyfriend
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We all were sitting out on the back porch with the lowering sun basking us in golden light, a slight breeze in the air making a chill running down my spine, as dad laid the food on the table for everyone
“Here take my plaid you gotta be freezing” Negan said draping his brown and green longsleeve plaid over my shoulders, his cologne surrounding my senses
“I’m right here man” Mark barked from my other side
“Mark he was just being nice it’s fine”
“That’s what you always say”
“And what’s that suppose to mean?”
“Always going on and on about him and brushing me off like I’m some psycho boyfriend when I’m sick of hearing about him”
“Mark……” my dad groans as a warning
Everything seemed to come crashing down and I couldn’t keep it all in anymore
“You’re the one that comes home late stinking of booze and cheap perfume thinking I don’t see the lipstick stains on your shirt collar, or when you make me feel like a piece of meat infront of all you friends I’m sick of it Mark” at my words he shot up in his chair clearly enraged as he towered over me
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to” the chair behind me screeched back Negan now towering over me too with the angriest look I’ve never seen before
“Get the hell outta here before you regret it” mark was angry but he was also a hell of a coward, especially faced with a big strong man like Negan
He huffed as he stomped down the porch, hearing his truck start up and rush off down the dirt road, I slumped down in my chair completely embarrassed but also that relief that I’ll never have to deal with that ass again
“Please excuse me” I sigh as I get up from the table and head up to my room for a moment of peace, I sat down on my reading ledge by my window going through all the times he mistreated me and how much he ruined my first…..well my first everything
“Hey darlin mind if I sit with ya?” Negan asks from my doorway, I simply nodded hearing him cross my room and sit next to me, I look up at him and feel my lip tremble
“He ruined everything” I finally break down when he holds me close to his chest
“He took my first kiss, felt like nothing, took my virginity even though I didn’t feel anything like that for him, he took my happiness”
“Baby look at me” he says as he leans me back tilting my head up to wipe my tears away
“If I could I’d take all your pain away, replace all those firsts with happy memories but I know one thing……”
“You’ll be happy again, even if I gotta kill him to see you smile again I’ll do it because it kills me to see you like this”
“It’s not like I’m sad he’s gone, I’m relieved really but he’s never what I wanted” I say placing my hand ontop of his that was still against my cheek
“And what is it you want darlin?”
“I’ve always wanted you, I know I shouldn’t you’re my dads best friend but all my secrets are coming out today” I pity laugh
“I want you too, when you started working on my farm, you working around the farm and treating my animals like your own, making me feel like I wasn’t some old man out there alone, I want you by my side more than you know”
My world in one day went from hell back to heaven all because of the man I craved the most in this world
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Part 2
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Baby Momma | 2
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
PART 1 | Rest of series here
Summary: You and Ellie introduce baby Sarah to Joel, Tommy, Maria, Dina, and Jesse.
Pairing: Ellie Williams X Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 778
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to @stqrfishluvr for proofreading ily bff. Also!! I kinda wanna make this into a little series so.. send in some requests for this universe for like little moments throughout Sarah’s life and mayyyybe I’ll write them 👀
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This time, you drove to Jackson. Ellie held baby Sarah in her arms and pointed out things in the window as you passed them. It was honestly the cutest thing ever. When you arrive at Jackson, at around lunch time, you go straight to Joel’s house.
“I thought y’all left yesterd— is that a baby?” You laughed a bit at his puzzled expression.
“Can we come in please?” Ellie asks. Joel nods, still not tearing his eyes away from the baby, he moves to let you in. You walk over to the couch and sit down.
“Where’d you find a baby?”
“On our way back home yesterday the car ran out of coolant and when we got to that gas station down the road there was a woman—“
“Alice. She had been bitten and she asked me to take care of the baby.” You cut in. Ellie walks over to you and hands you Sarah.
“Um— okay.. are.. uh..you keeping it?” You grin and nod.
“Guess you really are a grandpa, huh?” Your girlfriend says patting Joel’s shoulder with a chuckle at her own joke. Joel glares at her.
“Careful there, you’re getting old too.” Ellie’s jaw drops.
“Fuck you!”
“Ellie! There’s a baby present!” You chastise.
“She can’t speak yet!” You glare at her and she raises her hands in defeat.
“So what’s her name?” Joel sits down next to you slowly. You hand him the baby and glance up at Ellie. Joel coos at the baby in his arms.
“Her name is Sarah.” Ellie says, the graying man looked up at Ellie and you could see tears forming in his eyes.
“That’s.. that’s nice.” You smile at him. He looks back down at Sarah and softly smiles at her.
“We didn’t name her that, it was—“ Ellie starts, her nervousness showing through her voice.
“I said it’s nice. Suits her.” Ellie walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. You grab onto it. “She’s beautiful, you two.”
“I know right? She’s the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. Sorry JJ.” You say with a chuckle. A knock at the door tears you away from the moment. Ellie walks over to answer, before she can say a word, Tommy barges in and rushes to where you are.
“Oh my god!” He says. “A baby!” He sits on the other side of Joel and takes Sarah from him. Maria, Dina, and Jesse walk in, all of their jaws dropped.
“Tony said that y’all weren’t alone when you came in— but—“ Maria starts, skeptically.
“Who’s baby is that?” Dina cuts in.
“Ours.” You say with a grin.
“We found her yesterday on our way back home.” Ellie walks over to you and sits on the arm of the couch. You intertwine your hands. Dina hands JJ to Jesse and walks over to Sarah.
“What’s her name, oh my god she’s fucking adorable.” She gushes.
“Her name is Sarah. Uhm— her Mom was still breathing when we found her.. she was bitten though.” Ellie scratches the back of her neck. You rub circles into the back of her hand with your thumb.
“Hey, little Sarah!” Tommy exclaims, bouncing Sarah on his knee. You thought his face was going to rip when he smiled wider due to Sarah giggling. “Oh aren’t you just the cutest thing? You love your Uncle Tommy, don’t you?”
“Tommy, don't be a baby hog.” Dina growls, making grabby hands at Sarah. Tommy glares at her and dodges her advances.
“You have your own!” You stifle a laugh. “Back off.”
“You can have him whenever you want, let me see Sarah!”
“Bite me!” Dina grabs Tommy’s arm and goes to actually bite his shoulder.
“Woah okay! Chill out!” You say, taking Sarah out of Tommy’s arms. “Take turns, she’ll be here all day.” They both turn to you and look at you as if you’ve just murdered their families.
“Take turns?” They both spit.
“What are we? Six years old?” Tommy sputters out, throwing his hands in the air.
“Well.. you’re sorta actin’ like it right now..” Joel says.
“You keep actin’ like this and you won’t get any turns.” You say, glaring at Tommy and Dina. They both shrink in their chairs. “Are you gonna act like adults?” They nod. “Okay then, Dina, you get ten minutes.” Dina grins as you hand her Sarah.
“What? I didn’t get ten minutes!” Tommy crosses his arms.
“Tommy you’re actin’ like a child.” Maria chastises. He huffs.
“Wanna hold JJ?” Jesse asks, the younger Miller brother sits up straight and nods.
“I get to hold Sarah next!” Jesse yells. Tommy gapes at him.
“You tricked me!”
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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devildom-moss · 4 months
Can we get some headcaons for the dateables with a MC who was really aggressive during their highschool years but has completely mellowed out and the only way that they find out is when a family member or friend of MC just brings up as random moment where they just broke someone’s leg cuz they were bullying someone, or something along the lines of that? ^O^
Thanks for the request and about 3 months later, I hope you'll like it, anon. Also I read it as MC breaking someone's leg because that someone was the one bullying (so a kind of righteous violence), so I added that in there. I went ahead and added Luke since this can be a pretty platonic ask.
Finding out chill MC used to be aggressive headcanons (the dateables + Luke)
(a little suggestive for Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon)
Word Count: +1,200
Laughs because he can’t imagine you doing that now, but also because you’re full of surprises. That’s new information, and he’s delighted by it. “You’ve changed so much since then, haven’t you? Haha. How amusing. Tell me more.”
He’ll try to get every little detail he can squeeze out, chatting with your friend or family member for hours if you allow him to. He just wants to learn more about your past.
He might not be as entertained if you hurt someone much weaker than you, though. Part of the appeal of the act is your ability to dominate and overcome. Still, he’s not preoccupied by the morality of you hurting another person – especially if you felt justified doing it.
He finds it so endearing, thinking about younger you picking fights. Even if you broke someone’s bones, which he wouldn’t normally condone, he finds it oddly adorable. A feisty human willing to fight for something, what’s not to love?
This man crushes on Lucifer – and that includes his angel era. I think it’s safe to say he has a thing for an aggressive streak.
Again, let’s be real. The thought of your aggression is a bit of a turn on, and he wouldn’t mind experiencing that side of you. When he gets you alone, he might try to tease and provoke you. “Should I be grateful you don’t ever try to punish me?” / “Would you mind showing me a bit more of that defiance? That is, maybe you could rough me up a bit. I know you’ve changed, but come on, indulge me. I’m the prince of the Devildom, I’ll be fine. Please?”
His face will change for a brief second – so brief that you might miss it if you aren’t watching him. A polite smile will return to his lips, and he’ll ask you calmly for confirmation. “Oh? Is that true?”
Honestly, he’s more surprised – well, actually, impressed – that it never popped up on your records than he is about discovering that information. Suddenly, you appear all the more interesting.
Barbatos would pet your head gently, as if he’s trying to praise you for learning to mellow out. He’ll tease, “Should I be keeping a closer eye on you?”
I wouldn’t put it past him to bring it up every once in a while, when you inevitably get a bit angry – just because he finds it amusing. “Feeling fiery today?” / “Hmm? So, you do have a bit of aggression left in you.” / “Shall I help calm that temper of yours?” He’ll probably run his fingertips along your face and neck with a soft, expecting smile.
He’s definitely trying to get you riled up so that you might take any suppressed hostility out on him. He’ll be so good for you – even if you bring out the whip. He likes seeing a different side of you.
However, he won’t tease you if it seems that you’re ashamed of your past aggression. He understands being ashamed of parts of his past, so he wouldn’t want to hurt you by bringing it up again.
He’s worried and completely blindsided.
What do you mean his supplemental parent best friend used to get in fights? He’ll probably accuse your friend or family member of lying to him because he just can’t imagine you hurting someone. You’ll have to admit it for him to believe them. “Really? MC, how could you break someone’s leg?! That’s terrible!”
He’s the only one who finds no amusement in this at all. Even if you hurt someone for a reason you believed in, he still has trouble accepting it. It doesn’t matter if you were young and hasty. There’s a naïve part of him that doesn’t want to condone violence in any manner.
It takes him a while to come to terms with it, and in the meantime, he acts a bit weird and probably avoids you. Inevitably, it takes him thinking about what he might do if someone tried to hurt his loved ones to understand that part of your past. He argues with demons all the time on behalf of his values and loved ones – and maybe if he was stronger, he would get into physical fights, too.
He’ll probably run to find you once that realization hits him and apologize for not understanding. He’ll hug you. “I’m sorry, MC. I think I get it now. I know you’re a good person. I’m happy that you are who you are.”
His brows furrow, he shuts his eyes, and he brings the back of his finger to his lips. He’s trying to imagine it – drawing on every time he ever saw you get irritated or angry.
He just tilts his head and nods. He’s surprised to hear it, but it’s not especially shocking. “Yes, I suppose that tracks.” Aggression can mellow, but sparks of it don’t completely disappear – small signs of a steady flame leftover from a raging fire long extinguished.
He doesn’t pry too much, but if you felt that what you did was right at the time, he won’t judge you for it. And let’s be honest, he would accept that part of you even if you regret your past haste to quarrel and get physical. The shift away from fighting – is proof enough that you’ve learned and grown.
A part of him deeply respects your ability to fight for something you believe in. (Not to get too angsty, but) Simeon sometimes wishes he had that kind of strength, especially back then.
Learning about this side of you makes Simeon more curious about your past. He’ll wait until he gets you alone and take your hands. “There’s a lot we don’t know about each other. Perhaps it’s selfish, but I’d like to learn everything about you.”
He wants to know every iteration of you, unpack every layer. He wants to appreciate your transformation into the person you are now. He wants his affection to encompass your whole existence. For that, he would be willing to be completely understood in return.
Thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world. He’ll immediately laugh and ask all about it. He won’t even ask you; he’ll ask the friend or family member. If you’re all in the same room, he’ll turn to them and practically beg them to give him every detail. If you’re talking on a call or something, he’ll interrupt your call just to ask. He needs to know everything.  
While he’s at it, he might as well prod them for any other juicy information he can get about your past. There’s a part of him that falls to pieces thinking about how someone else saw sides of you that he will never see for himself. He knows that’s foolish, but he’s still going to get whatever information he can from that friend/family member.  
Honestly, he strikes me as someone who likes seeing people get a little angry and fierce – especially aggression for a just cause. He thinks it’s kinda hot.
“I could show you how to handle some of those violent urges.” He’d seductively stress the words “handle” and “urges.” Yes, he’s trying to flirt, but he’s also serious. You think this man hasn’t developed a multitude of ways to cope with his anger and aggression? I think Solomon has spent decades in his past constantly seething. Like Simeon, he understands that it can come back – that as much as you mellow out, the passion that causes that kind of aggression remains. If you ever need it, he’s willing to help you channel it.
“If you’re ever in an aggressive mood again, you could always take it out on me.” Shameless.
A/N: Don't forget that the February poll will still be up for a few days. Vote and/or add your input if you want. (And check out that depraved poll fic from January if you haven't yet.)
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blitzwhore · 2 months
I really really hope we get to see how Blitz and Millie met.
She's always so lenient with him when he oversteps her and Moxxie's boundaries, always so chill around Blitz no matter how unhinged he gets. And the more I rewatch the show, the more I feel like the reason she's so chill might be she knows things about Blitz the others (and maybe even we the audience) don't.
It makes sense that the way they met affects how she sees him, too, because we already know how the way Moxxie and Loona met Blitz impacted their relationships. Moxxie was at his lowest point in life, with no friends, family or partner he could trust; a victim of abuse and a member of a mafia he knew nobody outside of. And in prison, on top of it all. And just when he was about to give into despair, Blitz showed him sympathy and took him under his wing. So now, even though they bicker and get on each other's nerves, Moxxie does show that he appreciates Blitz (for example, in Truth Seekers after their bad trips). The same is true for Loona, who everyone had given up on, but who Blitz took in as well. Even if she complains about his displays of affection, she constantly gives him small smiles and softens around him, and takes care of him, like after Bee's party.
From what we know, Millie had a pretty good family life before she joined IMP. Unlike the rest of the IMP crew, she doesn't seem to have a horribly traumatic past. So, while there could be more that we don't know, it doesn't seem likely that her appreciation toward Blitz comes from him taking her under his wing when she was at a low point, the way he did Loona and Moxxie.
So I can't help but wonder if the opposite could be true. If maybe she met Blitz at a low point in his life—low enough that he couldn't keep his facade around her. There are theories going around that Millie could've been Loona's babysitter (the one Blitz mentions when he meets Moxxie). I don't know if it'll turn out that way, but I do like the mental image of Millie meeting Blitz at the very beginning of his parenting journey, desperate to fight for the humanity and the well-being of this extremely violent and unhinged 18-year-old girl. Desperate enough to hire a babysitter for an 18-year-old. I wonder if, maybe, one of the first things Millie learned about Blitz was just how desperately he wanted to be the adult role model and caregiver that Loona needed. I wonder if she saw him taking Loona's violence over and over, and still not giving up on her; not just that, but giving Loona the only bedroom in his flat and sleeping on the sofa every night just so she could have her space to decompress and feel safe. I wonder if, at some point, Blitz broke down and told Millie how scared he was of being a bad dad, or of Loona deserving someone better than him.
I just love the idea of Millie being this completely chill and functional young adult, and Blitz being this struggling 30-year-old dude who clearly cares so deeply and feels so inadequate that his whole life is a massive trainwreck.
So now, whenever Millie witnesses Blitz being overbearing and obnoxious and over-the-top, she immediately recognises it as an act, and understands that it's his way of communicating appreciation and seeking connection, which he can't do in other ways because he doesn't think he deserves those things.
Idk man. I just hope we get to see more of Blitz and Millie. I just think their interactions are neat.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 months
Guzma Fluff Alphabet
first piece of the year ignore that it's feb
thanks for the anon who requested this! gn! reader, some mild angst and insecurity. not proofread lol
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
He LOVES a lazy morning together, just snuggling and goofing off in bed, drifting in-and-out of sleep in each other’s arms. He loves to make you laugh and fluster by blowing raspberries on your tummy or kissing your neck. Your slightly raspy voice and bleary eyes and bedhead… it’s just his favourite image in the world
He’s also a capital G Ganer (well actually he just plays whatever the Pokémon world’s equivalent to CoD is) so he likes playing with you or just having you watch him play how riveting. Of course, he’s up for playing sone of the games you like, your Pokémon Crossing island is so cute!!
Guzma is a bit of a homebody when it comes to hanging out with his boo, so things like just snuggling together while you binge a show or movie, or while you show each other asinine Tiktoks, are totally up his alley. It’s just a no-pressure way of spending time with you.
Also, living on the beautiful Ula’Ula island, you visit the beach ALL the time (plus it’s free!)
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
You are just so… kind. So kind. Not just to him, but to everyone. He’s the big bad bug man, a bully, a (reformed) petty criminal and yet you treat him so well. You’re kind to his scary bug Pokémon too, kind to the grunts. You’re just a wonderful person, too pure for this world.
Plus, you’re cute as fuck AND you got a nice booty. The total package.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
Guzma…. he’s not great with words. He really doesn’t know what to say when you’re not feeling great, doesn’t know what words will help comfort you. But he can give you a hug, take you into his big arms, hold you to his warn chest, and gently stroke your back with his large hand. He’ll let you wet his shirt with your tears if you need to, he’ll hold you anyways if you don’t.
And when you’re ready, he’ll make a corny joke to break the tension and make you smile again, he LOVES your smile :)
Unsurprisingly, he hates feeling vulnerable. He’s the big, bad, boss, he shouldn’t be crying. He’s ashamed of this “weak” side of himself, so he tends to lock himself away, distance himself from you. He doesn’t want you to see him like this. Of course, because you’re concerned for his wellbeing, you weedle your way into his room, and let him bury his face in your stomach and hold him.
Just talk, about anything. Distract him with stories from your work/school, funny tales from your childhood, that one Togedemaru that keeps invading your garden. Play with his hair. Make him forget.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
Before he met you, he kinda stopped having dreams…. he failed his trials, wasn’t talking with his family, was just stuck in that ol’ Pokémon-evil-team shtick.
And then you came into his life, and suddenly, he’s thinking about getting a job, one that’ll probably be minimum wage and gruelling, but he’ll work himself half to death if it means he’ll be worthy of you. Maybe he’ll even go to college.
He just wants to be the kind of man you want to spend your life with, that you can give proud toasts about at your milestone anniversaries. Whether said life involves you two getting married and/or having a couple kiddos or not, he doesn’t mind either way.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Despite him being the big boss and all, he’s actually the more passive one. Honestly, he’s more into being chill and casual and cosy with you. So, you have to be the one to drag him out of the house to do something. You’re the one who suggests activities and food choices and all sorts.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
Unsurprisingly, Guzma has a bit a lot of a temper. So, it means he’s quick to anger, and he’ll get quite thick. A lot of it is due to his insecurities, so seemingly innocuous things can set him off.
He’s very accusatory in fights, loud and in-your-face. Even a little mean :( (but he will immediately crumple if you start to cry)
He’s been working on himself though, so he will own up to his mistake. He’ll slink over to you, hunched over, hands buried in his pockets, gaze tilted downwards as he mumbles a “Sorry baby…”
He’s not embarrassed to say sorry, he’s embarrassed he got so emotional and angry in the first place. He NEVER wants to make you feel upset or unloved by him.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
SNACKS. snacks. s n a c k s.
You will NEVER go hungry dating Guzma! Every time you see him, he’s at least got your favourite candy bar or fruit slices on him. He’s got a little basket in his room full of crispy corn snacks and chips for you two to munch on while you’re hanging out. When you tell him you’ve had a bad day, he WILL buy you a pint of ice cream for you to cry into.
Other gifts he likes to give you tend to be cute but small. Little plushes and keyrings and knickknacks. He likes picking out quirky things that he thinks suits you from thrift shops and markets and such.
For birthdays and such, he’s more likely to do a little collection of smaller gifts than one big gift. He’s always way more into giving you a memorable experience than anything else.
He’d really love to spoil you with diamonds and designer goods, but he ain’t got the money for that.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
Guzma is so. fucking. happy. Like, genuinely on cloud nine. He’s sure of himself, cockier than usual, always having this smug grin on his face because he knows he’s caught a baddie.
The real question is, when is he not bragging about you?? He’s already boastful as is, so with you in his life. It’s practically comical how much he brags about you.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
Typically, when Guzma sees someone he’s attracted to, it’s all horniness on his part – but with you, it was different. You were just so beautiful, cute and pretty and kind and lovely. He was in awe.
He, of course, still thought you were incredibly hot and sexy, but he was feeling more than that for you, even at first sight.
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
Very jealous. As cocky as he is, he’s deeply insecure, and is convinced he doesn’t deserve you… but that manifests as possessiveness. He’s terrified of losing you, especially to someone else.
When a love rival is about, he has an arm around you, using his large frame to shield you from whoever he’s worried about (whether it’s warranted or not). He’s all over you too, kissing you, touching you, making it obvious to everyone that you’re his.
And if anyone does try make a move on you? It’s gonna be a battle and not necessarily a pokemon one
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
Oh, Guzma loves to kiss! He’s a playful, but passionate kisser, who loves making you smile with his smooches. He also can’t just give you one kiss, it has to be a flurry of kisses. He just loves having his lips on you.
His favourite place to kiss, other than your lips and neck, is your tummy! It makes you all giggly and squirmy and it warms his heart. He really likes your abdomen and he thinks it deserves all the attention!
more guzma kissing headcanons here!
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
omg when you hit him with that cute little smile of yours? His heart melts. And if you giggle too? Something get this man into heart surgery, his heart can’t TAKE the cuteness!
He loves your hands too, they’re so small compared to his, so delicate. He loves the way they fit in his hands, he treats them as if they’re delicate (which he has never done with anything before)
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
Guzma would die if he got the chance to be your hubby. Spending the rest of his life with his boo, your love cemented and recognised by all AND a sick-ass party with CAKE? he’s sold.
Well, he would be, if it weren’t for his pesky insecurities getting in the way. He’s not good enough for you, he tells himself, you deserve better. You deserve the big white wedding and the stability other men can provide.
Of course, you knock him upside the head with the biggest reality-check of his life, and he finally comes to realisation he needs to marry you
Saves up to buy you a nice ring, and to take you out on a real night on the town (well mainly, that really nice Paldean place you wanted to try, and some ice cream afterwards). He takes you to the beach then, to watch the sunset. He���s sweating buckets the whole time, and when he finally gets down on one knee, he fucking forgets his whole speech and after a whole minute of awkward silence he eventually just says;  “..Marry me?”
You say yes of course, and later that year you tie the knot at that very beach. It’s cute and a little casual, there’s a buffet, one of the grunts are DJ-ing (your relatives are requesting 80s classics he’s never heard of). It’s genuinely just a really fun, amazing night, made even better by the fact that YOU’RE MARRIED TO GUZMA!!!
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
Does he ever even call you by your actual name? In sincere, raw moments maybe. But most of the time, he’s calling you “boo” (his personal fave), “Babe/baby”, “cutie”, “cutiebug” (don’t let the grunts hear him call you that, he’ll never live it down) or some play on your name.
He even hits you with the “bro” sometimes.
You call him things like “Guz” or “Big guy” (He likes that one, makes him feel big and protective). Occasionally you’ll call him “Ma” which gets a chuckle outta everyone.
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
Guzma puts on the big bad boss front a lot, it’s to protect himself. He is deeply insecure in himself – but he doesn’t want anyone to know that, let alone you, the person he loves so much.
But he can’t hide it forever, and as you become more and more serious about each other, those walls are chipped away by your kindness and your understanding nature. You start getting glimpses into his vulnerable side, into parts of his past that he’s not fond of. Soon enough, you’ve pulled away all that chitinous armour, and found the insecure boy beneath, who you love with all your heart nonetheless.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
Guzma’s not bad at all… he just needs a little more practise, and a little more variety. He tends not to cook for himself, mostly eating takeout and ready meals. Sometimes he just has an energy drink instead of breakfast. He does cook for you though, because he wants to treat you right (and also because he doesn’t want you to think he’s a slob)
He can make a standard pasta sauce, a curry sauce, a toasty, pancakes and a chilli. As the two of you continue to date, he starts to up his culinary catalogue (sometimes to disastrous effect oops)
Sometimes you two are lazy, or just have cravings, and he’ll buy you takeout too. He tends to stick to pizza, but you can convince him to expand his horizons (he ended up really enjoying sushi!)
When bringing you for a night on the town, he mainly just brings you to fast-food places – he’s broke – but every now and then he’ll bring you to a nice restaurant to wine and dine you.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
You have scary dog or scary mon?  privileges. Absolutely nobody is gonna mess with you when you’re out with the big, bad bug man.
also you two lovingly recreate the “he asked for no pickles” meme all the time
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Guzma is surprisingly romantic. He thinks you deserve the world, and while he doesn’t think he can give it to you, he tries his best. He likes to get you flowers when he can or take you on cute (but cheap) dates.
He’s bad with words, he’d love to wax poetic about your beauty and the love he has for you, but it never really comes out how he’d like. You get the sentiment though.
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
It really depends, sometimes he hits the pillow and he’s out like a light, other times he likes to stay up and watch your cute face as you drift off.
Whenever you sleep in the same bed, you always end up with your limbs tangled in his, or with him enveloping you as the big spoon. You’re his teddy bewear, through and through. He needs to snuggle you to get a good night’s sleep
He snores SO LOUD and drools
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
Personally, he’d prefer to just be chill and hang out – but he doesn’t want to bore you, or make you think he doesn’t care, so he does try and bring you on new and fun experiences, even ones he totally doesn’t have interest in, just because he thinks you’d like them. In the early stages, he brought you to things that neither of you enjoy, just because they were popular, and he was afraid he’d look like a bad boyfriend if he didn’t bring you there. He grew out of this once he became more secure in himself and in your relationship.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
The introduction of you in his life is like a pivotal branching point in the timeline. From day one he wanted to be the kind of man you deserve, and he starts to fill that role little by little. If you’d ask him today, he’d still say you’re too good for him, but both of you can see the metamorphosis he’s gone through. He’s kinder, gentler, more patient, more understanding, more generous, and more confident in himself.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
You are Guzma’s number one priority. Nothing has mattered nor will EVER matter more to him than you. If you asked, he’d steal the moon for you. Your smile is the most precious thing to him in the world, he’d do anything to keep it.
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Totally up for getting matching tattoos or piercings… or even just getting the ink by himself to honour you!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
The real question is… when is he not touching you?
He always has a hand on you, holding your hand, stroking your back, smacking dat ass… in public, in private. There is absolutely zero ambiguity whether you two are dating, because his displays of affection do not dwindle under the eyes of others.
Sure, he loves to cop a feel, but he’s also really big on hugs and kisses and cuddles. Having you in his arms just makes him feel whole, y’know?
Naturally, due to his body type, he is an AMAZING hugger.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
Guzma does NOT take your absence well. You are his sunshine after all, his cinnamon applin, the cream in his coffee, the chocolate sauce on his ice cream. A day without you is a lifetime of misery for him.
When you’re apart you text all the time, and facetime in the evenings. Not being able to feel you physically hurts him, but being able to see your cute face and listen to your sweet voice definitely lessens it somewhat. You fall asleep on facetime with each other often.
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs. So many bugs! Small ones, big ones, cute ones, scaey ones… all the bugs!
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oct0bra1ns · 5 months
Just did my nails and in the hour it took I thought of this so do with it as u please
I don’t know if you’ve ever done anything like this
But like any type of yandere monster recreating your house/ room perfectly and then bringing you there and their super happy bout it and like ‘look what I made! Don’t you just love it? 😊😊”
like a demon? Omgmgmg or some hot vers of boogie man
idk tbh I have a lot of ideas I’m just trying to give u som of my mind
like summoning a demon bc why not? A bitch was bored 🌝 and it’s all scary and shit and you’re just totally chill, “hey man, didn’t mean to summon you- you wanna just like? I don’t know…go back to hell?” And the demon is obv offended
so it follows u around menacingly and yeah
ur his now ❤️
anyways do with this as u please 💕💕 I love ur writing sm btw, I hope the food u eat always taste good and yr pillows are cold on both sides!
Pairing: Yandere Monster x reader Tw: manipulation, mentions of bringing harm to others , yanderes, notes: big brain, the best ideas always come when you're doing your nails tbh and THANK YOU, I HOPE THE YEAR GOES AMAZING FOR YOU. reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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CONSIDER, the monster had already been admiring you for a while now, taking note of the style you wear, the food you eat, and trying to find what kind of house you'd like so all these things could add up as a plus point when you finally summon him.
Yandere monster who wastes no time in trying to get you to come home with him but the moment you ask him to go back sheepishly, he gives you such an offended looking, asking you what he lacks for you to try to send him away.
Eventually, he gets you to let him stay, allowing to choose whether you want to stay here or go back with him, either way, he'd making sure you lack nothing and are well looked after. He takes pride in knowing your tastes and admires the way your face lights up when you see what he's done for you.
If you choose to stay here, he changes his appearance to fit the standards of the humans whenever outside but in the house, he has no problem flaunting the markings on his skin and horns. To fit in, he uses his influence and power to build up a company from the ground, one where signing a contract with him means selling your soul for success.
He isn't concerned with competition, all he cares about his making sure you're well taken care of but do not mistake this for him being laid back, he's always at your side at parties or anyplace you go to keep other pests away from you, any idiot who dares to approach you will become bankrupt and deal with many things they've been trying to hide or they will be caught in an unfortunate accident.
If you choose to go back to his realm, the way your spoiled only amps up, being from one of the most influential families back home, you've basically become royalty. Of course, his people are not so accepting at first but seeing as he ranks way over them, they keep quiet, his family on the other hand will adore you, admiring the chaos you bring along with being their son's partner.
Always at his side in every event, not as an object to be admired but as his partner and equal and anyone who tries to approach him about how you make an excellent pet will be made an example of what not to do.
Loves picking out clothes for you that are from his realm, tailoring them to fit you perfectly and making sure that above anything else, you love the way it looks.
Any freedom you had back in the world is basically gone in his world, the people here are horrible, you never know when they'll decide to change their mind and try to show off.
octo notes:hmm, thinking of naming him deimos :p
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
Thank you for the blurb! I enjoyed reading it. Is it possible to explore his praise kink and orgasm denial with the inexperienced OC? Bonus points if they do in his childhood room or somewhere in Sweden? #SlutsforPresidentNylander
Always love a good blurb, but I also love writing out a story 😉 And naturally we can explore things further, darling 🤍
And Willy's childhood room in Sweden? Oh yes! 😍
[Anyway, I have no idea what the boys' schedule looked like when they were in Sweden - but hey, my story, my rules 😉 Just tried to have it make a little sense😅]
Warnings; 18+ smut; teasing/edging, fingering; unprotected sex; praise kink;
Word count: 3.9K
[Inexperienced!reader x Willy]
・✶ 。゚
Please note: I’ll try and stick to only posting on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays in order to help myself keep up with my schedule 🤍 thank you
・✶ 。゚
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt ||| I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️
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"See you soon! Sleep well," you waved goodbye to the Swedish family after the Leafs had won the last Global Series hockey match against the Wilds.
And it hadn’t just been a win for the Leafs; your boyfriend, William Nylander, had scored the game-winning overtime goal in front of the Stockholm crowd and his entire family.
"See you tomorrow!"
And the night had been nothing short of brilliant.
You had had the fantastic chance to stand by William's side, cheering him on from the side lines as he experienced this unforgettable once in a lifetime moment.
And furthermore, William had been attracting more attention than ever. With the NHL buzzing about him and playing in his other hometown, he really made a name for himself. Not that he wasn't already well-known, but it seemed like things had cranked up a notch.
The talk show with Bianca and the Vogue photoshoot, especially, were something new. And you were nothing but proud of him. He handled it all effortlessly, like a natural.
Yet, he was worn out.
And as you both headed to the hotel room for the night, following a packed weekend of hockey games, meeting the Nylanders, and William constantly in the spotlight, you were both drained and flopped onto the bed immediately.
Hardly bothering with pyjamas, you just stripped off your clothes, tossing them aside, and snuggled under the covers.
"Hey," William then spoke softly in the dark, making you turn in his arms and gaze at him, barely able to discern his familiar features. "Are you okay, älskling?"
His Swedish pet name was something he'd started using during the trip, inspired by his father calling his mum by it. He found it cute, and it seemed to suit you perfectly.
"I'm great, Willy. Why do you ask?" you gave him a sweet smile, trying to convey it through the darkness with your soft tone of voice.
"Just want to make sure... you know, since I dragged you along, and we've hardly had any time together. I've just been working and feeling tired all the time..."
"Don't worry, I knew it would be like this – besides, I've managed to get a lot of work done, and now we can finally chill for a few days before heading back," you whispered gently, playing with his hair as he held you close.
"Yeah, and I'm just so glad you're here... you have no idea how much it means to me," he said, planting a soft kiss on your lips.
"Me too, Willy."
There was a brief moment of silence as you both rested and locked eyes, tenderly caressing each other. Then, William let out a deep sigh and a soft grunt.
“What’s wrong?” you chuckled, hearing William's peculiar sounds and unclear breaths.
“What… I'm just, relaxing…”
“Baby, I think you're more than relaxing…” you let out a soft laugh as you felt his finger slowly tracing the hem of your panties under the covers.
“Hmm, maybe…”
“Willy, you need to get some sleep,” you tried to keep him in check, although you secretly desired nothing more than to be touched by your man.
“I’m just a little horny,” he whined, but you both knew it was time to get some rest if you wanted any energy left.
“We can save it for tomorrow,” you gently suggested, earning another sigh from him.
“Great… now I’m hard,” William chuckled lightly, and you didn't doubt it as you softly pressed your thigh against his groin.
“You got a hard on from just that?”
“Yeah… What can I say, baby? You turn me on like nothing else - plus, I have so many ideas of what I’d like to do with you,” he murmured before placing a small kiss on your jawline, making one last attempt to sway you.
But you stayed resolute, mostly because you were genuinely tired, and having sex with William often required a certain level of energy.
“Babe, tomorrow, when we have more energy and can do it good,” you said, trying not to let out a soft moan as his lips softly pressed against your skin.
“Oh, you better be good, älskling… you’re giving me blue balls here,” he whispered dark and seductively, still playing with the hem of your underwear as he nipped the sensitive skin of your neck. “Let’s see how you’ll feel when I won’t give you what you want then.”
And with those husky words, William withdrew and turned to lie on his back. Fully aware of how he left you in an eager state of mind, his words sparking thoughts in your head. You couldn't wait for tomorrow now, yet exhaustion quickly took over, and you both drifted off to sleep.
As you both woke up to the chime of your alarm the next morning, you were still groggy and in desperate need of more sleep. Yet, despite the fatigue, there was an undeniable excitement about the day ahead.
It was one of those rare occasions when William had a full day off, and with all the media work already wrapped up, it was a much-needed break for both of you.
So, as you slipped out of the covers and headed to the bathroom, a smile graced your lips as you turned on the hot water. You let it cascade down your naked body, closing your eyes, and allowing the warmth to relax your mind and soul.
And just as you felt every tense muscle finding its peace, a voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Well, good morning, babe,” William's husky morning voice pulled you out of your relaxed state, and you opened your eyes to meet his with a broad grin.
“Morning… care to join?” you teased with a soft smirk, and you didn't need to convince him further as he quickly shed his boxers and joined you under the hot water.
William's hands then began to caress your body as he pressed his torso against your back, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. Meanwhile, his lips found your neck, placing soft butterfly kisses, and your mind returned to its blissful state as you closed your eyes again, resting your head against William’s broad chest.
It was gentle. His fingers trailed your smooth skin, gliding over your breasts and nipples before slowly moving further down. Down your tummy and past your belly button, where he then, as sly as ever, found the top of your sensitive area.
“Willy,” you murmured softly, a small plea for more, a sign of how good his touch felt. Even if it hadn't turned sexual yet, the sensual behaviour was slowly turning you on, and the gentle tease had you yearning for more.
You felt his fingertips gently gliding through your folds, sliding over your clit a few times before moving further down to tease the entirety of your entrance. Yet, it didn't go in. Nor did his finger linger when he circled your clit a few times, sending that familiar wave of pleasure through your body. But it was fleeting.
As you arched your back against William, a clear sign that you were desperately craving more, he didn't provide the touch needed to reach that intense peak.
“Willy, please,” you moaned, your hands uncertain, one reaching back to try to reach his neck, while the other desperately tried to hold onto his wrist, preventing him from moving away.
But your strength was no match for his. His strong arms held you close, and his hand did as he pleased - denying you the satisfaction you so desired.
You felt your legs trembling, slowly turning to jelly as your mind blurred with every teasing touch. Small cries escaped your lips, your brow furrowing as you approached the edge of an orgasm. Yet, just as you signalled that you were on the brink, William denied you the climax.
“Fuck,” you whimpered as William once again withdrew his fingers from where they could have easily brought you to an orgasm. “Please, Willy, please…”
But you felt his confident smirk against the crook of your neck, and as you tried once more to push yourself over the edge, your boyfriend withdrew his touch, leaving your body in a complete state of frustration.
“You didn’t like that, did you?” he chuckled into the back of your head, while you panted in disappointment, not having reached the climax you were so close to but yet so far.
“You’re a teasing devil, Nylander…” you breathed out heavily, turning your trembling body around to lock eyes with his, your hands finding his neck to support you against his body.
“I know… should've let me take care of you yesterday, huh?” he grinned, overly satisfied as his hands rested on your lower back, and his lips gently touched yours. “You should've been a good girl for me.”
“Hm, maybe I should have… how about we finish it now then?” you tried to look up at him and bat your eyes in your sweetest manner. But William had other plans.
“Not right now, älskling, we have to go soon.”
Although his hard cock spoke louder than his words, also in dire need of release, William chose not to take care of it. Instead, with a dark grin, he pulled away from you, leaving you feeling completely used and denied, utterly sexually frustrated.
And as you finished up the shower by yourself, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
You knew William wasn’t just teasing you from last night. No, this enjoyment went beyond that.
As you had experienced from the very beginning of your relationship with William, he had shown you multiple ways to experience pleasure. From fingering you in the car on the way back to his condo, where he also denied you an orgasm, to later fucking you senseless on his dining table, he had a knack for playful teasing and savouring the anticipation.
It was simply one of his kinks.
The way he relished being in complete control, sexually frustrating you and leaving you desperate for more, turned him on to no end. So much so that he could restrain his own need for climax.
And as you got dressed and ready for the day, your cunt still pulsating in your panties as you exited the hotel, you headed to the car, took your usual seats, and William drove off to meet his family.
They had all planned to spend the day like a normal family, or as normal as a hockey-centric family could be.
But most importantly, you drove up to the family house just 50km outside of Stockholm, where you'd spend one night before heading back to your daily lives in Toronto, while the team had another day in the Swedish capital.
But before William would reunite with them in a few days, you had him by your side, and he did not leave it. With a firm hand on your thigh during the ride, teasingly making its way further up under your skirt before he pulled away, claiming he needed to "turn the wheel” - which you knew well enough he could manage with just one hand - and then it was back on your thigh.
He was a teasing master, and he revelled in it.
Upon arrival and reuniting with the family, you all gathered and spent the day in the best Nylander manner. Board games, food, hockey games - whether outside or on video - conversations, and more food. It was the perfect day, allowing you to get to know this side of William. There was not a moment during the day without laughter, and his grandmother? Probably the sweetest lady you'd ever met.
They were all incredibly sweet, making you feel like a part of the family already. Despite the language barrier, they did everything they could to make you feel comfortable and included.
And William was thrilled, his eyes constantly following your every move. The way you laughed along and participated in everything had him beyond excited. His family meant the world to him, and now you were a part of it.
Then, as the night slowly wore on, everyone found their respective rooms to spend the night. With the Nylander clan being rather extended, it was natural for them to share a big house.
Yet what truly left you in awe was when you stepped into the room where a young William Nylander had spent many summers - watching hockey, playing video games, probably masturbating to different kinds of porn, and now you were here with him.
“This is a nice room,” you commented with a soft smile, tracing your fingers over the shelf filled with medals and trophies from his younger hockey days.
“Just a typical guy’s room, I suppose,” he spoke softly, coming to hug you from behind. His lips quickly found your neck as he returned to his game, which he'd been playing all day, and you could almost feel his mischievous grin against your sensitive skin.
Once again, your body instinctively melted into his touch. It was like a reflex – leaning into him, desperately in need of more this time.
“Please, no more teasing,” you found yourself pleading, your tone whinier than intended. All day, he had been playing with you, his touches mere torture. Now, finally alone, he could give you what you craved.
Well, to some extent. His family was just down the hall, but the tingling in your body didn't give much thought to that in that particular moment.
“You want me to… touch you?” his dark voice echoed in your ear as his hand slid up under your skirt, teasingly rubbing you between your legs on the outside of your tights.
“Yes, Willy… I do,” you almost panted.
“Here? With my family around?”
“Then you’ll have to be a good girl for me… can you be quiet?”
But you knew as well as him that a straight-up 'no' was the honest answer. Yet, the touch of his hand had you replying with the only answer that mattered.
“Yes… I can be quiet.”
With a wide grin, William turned you around in his arms. His lips crashed onto yours, his tongue hungrily exploring yours before pulling apart. Both of you gasped for air as you ran your hands under his shirt, showing him just how desperately you wanted him naked.
And swiftly, he gave you what you wanted.
After discarding his shirt and sweats, William turned his attention to you. He pulled your shirt over your head, snapped your bra open, and tossed it aside. Then, with his muscular arms wrapped around you, he effortlessly tossed you onto his medium-sized bed – slightly smaller than his huge king-size back in Toronto.
Leaning over your body, his mouth found yours once again, sharing a hungry and eager kiss, before he traced your jawline. William moaned seductively as he moved further down, massaging each of your breasts and sucking on your nipples one at a time.
Throughout the day, impatience had grown within you, and you arched your back, pressing your chest against his as William's mouth travelled further down your bare torso to the hem of your skirt.
“So needy, baby,” William murmured into your skin, glancing up at you as he snuck two fingers under the fabric. He then swiftly pulled down your skirt along with your tights and panties in one go. 
“Yes… I need you,” you moaned softly, lying naked on the bed before him, your eyes locked with William's as he sat back on his knees and calves, gently stroking his growing member through his boxers.
“God… all the things I wanna do to you, baby…” he moaned softly, slightly surprised by how turned on you made him by just lying there in front of him.
“Touch me, Willy… please,” your soft cries were like sweet music to him. Though growing impatient himself, he still wanted to savour your body a little more first.
William then stuck two fingers in his mouth, coating them with his saliva before tracing them up your folds, earning small moans to escape your lips as he teased your sensitive flesh. Your hands found the sheets on each side of you as he then slowly eased his two digits inside your heat, his eyes still focused on yours as he felt the embrace and warmth of your walls.
And as you kept pleading, William slowly increased his soft pumps, scissoring your insides as he gently stretched you, preparing your tight hole for his throbbing cock. It felt like another round of his teasing game, giving you a taste of pleasure but only enough for you to crave more. As you began to feel the familiar excitement build up and course through your body, you couldn’t help but grip tighter with your hands, your eyes shutting close as you pushed your hips against his hand. And your moans grew louder as the orgasm was just within reach.
A wide smile formed across William’s lips as he felt your walls pulsating, eager to reach the much-needed climax. He kept pumping his thick digits, his other thumb finding your clit as he knew he could bring you to the edge within shortly.
The circling of your little pea of nerves, coupled with his pumping fingers, brought you mere nanoseconds from your orgasm. Your breaths grew deep and heavy as you frowned your eyes, trying your best to focus on reaching that impending high.
“Yes, Willy…” you whimpered under his touch. 
But just as you were about to let out a loud, satisfied moan, William denied you the intense orgasm. Instead, he retreated his fingers, hovering over you, and slapped a hand across your mouth, causing you to almost shout out in a disappointed cry.
“Shhh, baby,” William hushed you with an overly satisfied smirk. “Thought you'd be a good girl and be quiet.”
He knew you couldn’t stay completely silent as he fingered you, deliberately bringing you close to the edge only to deny what you desired most. A devilish game.
But, despite how much William enjoyed the teasing and denying, he also craved bringing you pleasure, satisfying your desires, and being the one to take you to that intense high.
And as you squirmed a little under him, he shifted his position, discarding his boxers and reaching down to find your damp knickers.
“Open up, baby,” you spoke darkly as he turned to hover over you once again. “We need to make sure you won’t wake everyone up.”
And you simply complied, opening your mouth for him to stick your underwear into, providing a makeshift gag for you to bite on and moan into.
It was rather hot, you thought. The way he looked at you intensely, contemplating how he'd fuck you and bring you both to climax.
Then, as you tried to flash him a sweet smile with the piece of fabric in your mouth, William's hard member found your entrance and pushed itself in.
In this moment, you were a little glad that you could let out moans, though the panties didn’t cover all the noise. Your fingers found William’s hair as his hips began rocking, finding a pace to stimulate your walls.
He felt so incredibly good inside you. His length filled you up completely as he thrusted, his pace quickening, and his force hardening with every pound. William had to grip down the sheets on each side of your head to hold himself back from moaning, feeling the climax build up.
And he struggled.
You were so tight around him, and though he had been the one teasing you and denying your orgasms, he too had become more and more turned on. And now he realised just how much he had been torturing himself as well.
With every thrust, he felt you clenching more around his cock, your small whimpers only stopped by the knickers in your mouth. Your hand shifted from his hair to his shoulders, where he could feel your nails digging into his skin.
It was all so intense. And he knew you were once again just about to reach your climax. 
“Don’t come, baby,” he whispered in between the sound of his skin slapping against yours, causing your eyes to widen as you couldn't believe he was again telling you not to come. “I want you to come with me…”
And you knew you looked like nothing but a mess for him as you felt a tear running down your eye and your thighs trembling, your heels digging into the mattress as you tried to hold back.
Fortunately, William's own release was just about to peak.
“Yes, baby, you’re such a good girl,” he praised you darkly as his thrusts became so forceful that you were sure you'd be red and sore between your thighs later.
And finally, he spoke the magical words.
“Come with me…”
With a louder moan than intended, you cried out as you let the intense orgasm rush over and course through your body, your walls pulsating around William’s cock as he pumped a few more times and then shot his load into your depths. A deep groan escaped his mouth, though he tried his best to fight any loud noises.
But it was all too much for both of you to handle. Pearls of sweat formed on your bodies as friction created warmth between you, heavy breaths filling the room as William took out the piece of clothing from your mouth.
“Shit…” you panted as he lay on top of you, his arms still supporting him so he wouldn't collapse. And you felt yourself completely out of air and in a hazy state of mind.
“Yeah, baby… that was… amazing,” William breathed out as he slowly withdrew himself, repositioning back onto his knees and sweeping the sweat off his forehead.
Your body before him glistened in the dimmed light of the bedroom, and he couldn’t help but simply admire you.
It was incredible how you had started as this almost innocent, sweet girl, inexperienced in many areas involving sex. And here you were, his girlfriend, able to bring him to climax without even doing much. It had turned him on insanely how curious you'd been to explore things with him. And he couldn’t deny that the fact that you were his had blown his mind.
“Fuck, I’m dripping… I’ll be right back, älskling,” William whispered before making his way to the bathroom as discreetly as possible.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you regained control of your breath and calmed down from your high. As much as you hated William for denying you every potential orgasm for the entire day, you loved him equally for pushing the limits and testing you.
You had been curious for so long to explore new territories, and he had been nothing but patient and considerate. Always concerned about your needs and making sure you felt comfortable when trying new things.
And as William returned to the bedroom, he tossed you one of his t-shirts to sleep in. Then turning off the light, you tucked in under the covers and wrapped up for a cuddle.
“You were such a good girl for me,” he gently whispered, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Always am…” you chuckled lightly as your eyes locked with his in the dark, only the moonshine from outside peeking through the curtain.
“Yeah, you are…”
“Do you think I was quiet enough?” you then asked in a slightly nervous whisper.
“Definitely not, baby… but I just love you for it,” William chuckled in return before pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Shit… well, then I guess I really made an impression on your family.”
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
remember when i said this was gonna be 5 parts? psych! it’s gonna be six parts of the secret-dolly-parton-fan eddie munson saga (thanks again for all the love on this fic & a special thanks to @gothbat99 and @legitcookie for listening to my rambling about this part 🥰)
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5] [part 6 + complete on ao3]
part 4: i will always love you
Eddie never thought himself to be an overthinker. 
In fact, during the majority of his life a lot of people assumed he didn't think at all considering the way he flunked senior year twice (He got there in the end, though). But lately - well, actually ever since Pat swore up and down Steve isn’t as straight as Eddie originally thought - Eddie’s brain has been running at a hundred miles an hour.
More specifically, Pat’s words have been echoing through his mind, haunting him, torturing him, every time he hangs out with Steve.
“Hey man, that shirt looks really great on you.” Steve says one day when Eddie shows up at Family Video wearing a red henley. It’s an old shirt he found earlier that week when Wayne forced him to clean out his closet, a little tight but it still fit so Eddie decided to keep it.
“What, this old thing?” Eddie scoffs, playing with the frayed hem of the shirt.
“Yeah, it’s… it suits you. Looks nice.” Steve smiles. 
“Thanks.” Eddie replies. His smile is tight, in the hopes that he doesn’t give away the swarm of butterflies currently residing in his stomach.
But are ya sure that boy’s straight?
“Wait, what’s happening again?” Steve asks one night during Will’s latest Hellfire campaign. 
It’s the first time in literal years that Eddie’s been playing a character instead of DM’ing and so far, he’s been very impressed with Will replacing him. Though his story lines can be a little too detailed at times, which makes it hard for Steve - who hasn’t been there during every D&D night - to keep up. 
So, Eddie explains it to him. He’s patient, keeping his voice low so the others won’t overhear and carefully watches Steve connect the dots. Watches how that cute little frown in between his eyebrows slowly fades away and is replaced with a soft smile. 
“Which brings us here, to the Rotting Grove and now we gotta wait until Dustin’s character makes a decision.” Eddie says finally, but Steve stays quiet. He’s still looking at Eddie, eyes wide with wonder, maybe he still doesn’t understand the plot just yet. “Sorry, did I go too fast? You want me to start again?”
“No, no, I got it.” Steve shakes his head, smiling. “Thanks for explaining it, though. You’re a great story teller, Eddie.” He says, bumping their shoulders together but never pulling away.
Steve stays glued to Eddie’s side throughout the rest of the night, whispering the occasional question or snarky comment in his ear, sending a chill down Eddie’s spine every time he feels Steve’s lips brush against his skin.
But are ya sure that boy’s straight?
“You really gotta be more careful.” Steve says sternly one afternoon, after Eddie has fallen face-first onto the ground during one of Max’ skateboarding lessons, leaving him with a nasty graze on his cheek. 
“I was being- fucking Christ, Steve.” Eddie hisses as Steve dabs a washcloth against Eddie’s bloodied cheek. “Will you stop that? That hurts like hell.”
Steve ignores his protests, rolling his eyes. “An infection hurts even more, so just stay still, will you?”
His hand, big and warm, finds Eddie’s hip, holding him still against the bathroom counter, as Eddie tries to think of literally anything that’ll stop his blood from going south because this not the place or time to pop a boner right now. Which somehow results in him being particularly mopey to Steve.
“I can take care of myself y’know? Been doin’ it all my life.” He grunts when Steve slowly removes the washcloth. 
“I know you can.” Steve replies softly. “But sometimes it’s nice to have someone taking care of you for a change.”
He runs his thumb over Eddie’s cheek, wiping away the last of the blood before placing his his hand on Eddie’s jaw, turning his face to see if there are any wounds to be taken care of. When Steve nods, obviously proud of his work, Eddie almost wants to go out there and trip another time, just to feel Steve’s hands on his skin again. 
“Besides, you need someone around here who actually knows first aid. God forbid something happens to that pretty face of yours.” Steve smirks, before patting Eddie’s chest and walking out of the bathroom, leaving Eddie speechless for the first time in his life.
But are ya sure that boy’s straight?
Pat’s words keep getting louder and louder in his mind to the point that it’s the only thing Eddie can think about. He overanalyzes every single one of Steve’s movements, every word that rolls off his tongue, every glance sent his way, to the point that he swears he’s going insane.
Because the more he starts thinking about it, the more Pat might actually be right and isn’t that the most terrifying thing in the wold?
“Dude, will you stop that?”
Eddie looks up from where he was mindlessly staring out the window and glares at Dustin, who glares right back at him. “What?”
“Your leg.” Dustin pokes him in said leg, the one that’s been bouncing uncontrollably for the past few minutes. “It’s fucking annoying.”
Dustin’s been at the Munson trailer since early afternoon, figuring out the perfect songs to  put on the mixtape he’s mailing Suzie for their anniversary. Eddie had felt honored that Dustin came to him, rather than the so-called leading expert on romance (Steve) but now his patience is wearing thin. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves the squirt with all his heart, but Dustin’s been contemplating between two very similar songs for thirty minutes now and his indecisiveness is starting to get on Eddie’s nerves.
“Maybe if you hurried the fuck up, my leg wouldn’t be shakin’ Henderson.” Eddie retorts. “C’mon, hurry up, will ya? I got places to go, people to meet.”
Dustin snorts. “Really?”
“Yeah, really.”
“You know, going out to the woods to deal doesn’t exactly count as Friday evening plans.” Dustin says.
“Hey!” Eddie protests. “You know I don’t do that shit anymore, not with those shady government assholes watching my every move.” He sighs, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. “But if you must know, me and Steve are having a movie night at his place and you know how huffy he gets when I’m late.”
That’s not entirely true. Sure, Eddie’s going over to the Harrington house tonight and sure they’re gonna watch a movie, but it’s also the night that Eddie decided to finally make a move on Steve. And maybe, if everything goes right, tonight will be the night that he finds the guts to Steve how he feels.
Which is why Dustin needs to get a move on because he really needs those extra few hours to contemplate his existence, have a panic attack, talk himself down from said panic attack and figure out what he’s going to wear.
“Okay, now I know you’re lying.” Dustin says, looking anything but impressed with Eddie.
“What? I ain’t lying, Henderson.” Eddie frowns. He grabs the VHS tape from the coffee table and waves it in Dustin’s face. “See, I got the movie and everything.”
“Yeah, well, you must have gotten the days mixed up.” Dustin shrugs. “Steve’s got a date tonight.”
“Yeah, right.” Eddie says, rolling his eyes at Dustin and ignoring the way his heart is starting to beat a little faster out of sheer panic. “Steve hasn’t been on a date since he broke up with Emily. And even if he has a date, I doubt he would’ve planned it at the same time as our movie night.”
“Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I know for a fact that Steve’s got a date tonight because he told me.” Dustin’s tone is bordering on condescending but Eddie doesn’t even have energy to tell him off right now because what the fuck? What does Dustin mean by that? And maybe more importantly, why did Steve leave Eddie in the dark about all this?
A heavy feeling settles down in his stomach, but he can’t let Dustin see his inner turmoil so he goes with indifference instead. “Pff, sure he did.”
“I saw him buy roses, Eddie! They were red too and that’s like, a dead giveaway for romance!” Dustin declares. “And when I talked to him about it he got this… weird, mushy look in his eye, which by the way gross, and said something about making tonight special and shit. Which again, gross, but if that doesn’t scream romantic evening to me, then I don’t know what is!”
Slowly, as Dustin’s words are starting to sink in, the heavy feeling grows stronger and stronger until Eddie feels his stomach drop.
Steve’s going on a date. 
Steve’s going on a date and just ditches Eddie without saying a word.
Steve’s going on a date with someone who isn’t Eddie.
Steve’s going on a date which means Pat was wrong.
“Get out.” Eddie says, voice on edge.
“Geez, didn’t know you’d get so upset. It’s just a cancelled movie night, I’m sure Steve-”
“Out!” Eddie exclaims, his tone way harsher than it needs to be. It obviously affects Dustin, who flinches at his words, but Eddie doesn’t care. Well, he does but he’ll apologize to Dustin later, once he starts to feel normal about all of this. 
Dustin quietly packs his stuff, mumbling something under his breath as Eddie just stands there, frozen. Eyes glued to the coffee stain on the carpet, mind reeling with thoughts of Steve ditching him for some date he didn’t even tell him about. 
He hears Dustin say a quiet goodbye but he stays there for a good few minutes before he finally snaps out of his trance and grabs the keys to the van from the kitchen counter. He doesn’t even see the dark clouds forming in the sky, he just gets in the van and drives. 
Rain is still pouring down when Eddie arrives at the Off-Road. Not that he really cares about the weather right now, he’s got other things on his mind. He pulls his leather jacket over his head and jogs over to the entrance, only to find the door closed and the lights off.
Great. Like his day couldn’t get any worse.
Eddie slumps down on the porch in front of the bar, not caring that he’s sitting on wet wood or that the wind is blowing the raindrops right in his face. The rain is actually pretty nice right now, hiding the tears that are slowly rolling down his cheek.
Crying over Steve motherfuckin’ Harrington. That’s a new low, even for him.
And the thing is, any other time Eddie could’ve dealt with Steve getting another date. Yeah, it’d probably hurt like a bitch and Eddie would’ve been sulking for a day or two, but he would’ve been fine. It would’ve been just another Emily situation, just another reminder that Steve would never been his.
But Steve keeping him in the dark about his date, Steve just flat-out cancelling their movie night without even telling him, after weeks of, let’s be honest, low-key flirting? That somehow hurts even more. It just feels like Steve doesn’t really care about him, like Steve’s using him like a fucking Kleenex - use once, then throw away when it’s no longer useful.
The thoughts in his head are so loud, so overwhelming, that he doesn’t even hear a pick-up truck stopping a few steps from him. Doesn’t hear the hushed voices or the wet sounds of footsteps through the mud.
“Ed? Whatcha doin’ here kid?”
Eddie looks up from where he had been staring at his feet, only to find Pat and Tish standing in front of him, huddled together underneath an umbrella. The worried looks on both their faces makes Eddie just cry even harder.
“Oh honey.” Tish says softly. “Let’s get you inside, okay?”
Pat and Tish lead him inside and up the stairs that lead to the apartment above the bar. It’s small, but cozy and feels like a home, with little trinkets and old photos scattered just about everywhere. Pat firmly plants Eddie down at the kitchen table and hands him a couple of towels as his tears slowly start to fade. He hadn’t even realized how cold he was until Pat throws a woolen blanket over his shoulders and Tish puts down a pot of hot chamomile tea.
“So…” Pat says as she sits down across from him at the kitchen table. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Eddie sniffs, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “It’s stupid.”
“We’ll be the judge of that.” Pat says sternly, though her eyes are soft. “Now tell us what happened.”
And Eddie just spills everything. How Pat’s advice has been haunting him, how he’s been overanalyzing every of Steve’s moves, how he was so sure that Steve liked him back, only to be tossed aside without a care. He tears up again a few times and it’s so embarrassing he wants to be buried alive, even with Pat and Tish just listening and telling him it’s okay.
Once he’s done, he just feels empty - no more tears to cry, no more words to say, just an empty, hollow feeling where his heart used to be. 
“Eddie, I’m so sorry, honey.” Tish sighs as she pours him another cup of tea. He’s not usually a tea drinker but he’s had two cups already - he swears Tish put some kind of crack in it, rather than sugar cubes. “For what it’s worth, he doesn’t deserve you. Not if he treats like you like, pardon my French, dogshit.”
Hearing Tish swear, while she’s generally so prim and proper, makes Eddie laugh, even through his dried-up tears. “Thanks, Tish.” He sighs, slouches down in his chair and looks up at the wooden ceiling. “But I guess this was good, in some twisted, fucked up way. Just the slap in the face I needed.”
“What’d you mean?” Pat frowns.
“It’s just… I been running after him like some lovesick puppy even though I know he’ll never feel the same.” Eddie says. “And it’s not doing me any good, now is it? Guess this is a sign that it’s time for me to move on.”
He knows he said that before, back when Steve started dating Emily, and even though it clearly didn’t work out the way he wanted to, Eddie has to make it work now. He has to say goodbye to Steve because he’s not so sure his poor heart’ll survive if he doesn’t.
And he knows exactly how he’s going to do just that.
Eddie jumps up from the table and races downstairs, ignoring Pat and Tish’s confused noises as they follow him. He fumbles with the lights for a moment but as soon as the lights are partially on, Eddie walks up to the podium, grabs the guitar off the wall and sits down on the stool that has become so familiar to him.
The bar is silent because of course it is and for a second Eddie just wants to laugh at how weird this whole situation - singing in a bar just to process his dumb feelings, even with no audience around (well, there’s an audience if you count Pat, Tish and the wind howling outside). But he has to do this, needs to do this, audience be damned. 
His hands are shaking, hesitating to play the first few chords. It’s not like he doesn’t know the song, in fact he knows it by heart and played it plenty of times, But he never actually sang the words, too scared what’ll mean if he’ll say them out loud. 
“If I, should stay… I would only be in your way. So, I’ll go but I’ll know, I’ll think of you each step of the way.” Eddie sing softly, voice already wavering because he was right for not singing this song before - it fucking hurts. “And I… will always love you.”
Eddie’s voice echoes through the empty bar, causing to sound more hollow than it already is. A shiver runs up his spine when he feels a cool breeze of wind - the wind must’ve flung the door open. Eddie doesn’t look up, closes his eyes instead and lets the music take him.
“Bittersweet memories, that’s all I’m taking with me.” He hears Pat and Tish whispering to another, can’t really see them from where they’re standing in the dark but their hushed voices sound tense. Not that Eddie’s really listening, it’s all background noise as he continues strumming his guitar. 
“Goodbye, please don’t cry. We both know…” Eddie chokes on his on voice, the words hitting a little too close to home. He takes a deep breath and tries again, refusing to shed anymore tears. “We both know that I’m not what you need.”
Someone’s calling out his name. A familiar voice. A way too familiar voice. 
Steve’s voice.
But that can’t be. Steve’s doesn’t knows he’s here. Steve’s too busy wooing his goddamn date with those goddamn roses.
It’s just in his head. It’s just his mind playing tricks on him. He just needs to finish this song and then this fake Steve will disappear and-
“And I… will always love you. I will always-” 
“Eddie, please.”
Eddie stops playing as a shadow washes over him, a figure blocking the spotlight. He squints, trying to identify whether it’s Pat or Tish who interrupted him, only to find that it’s neither of them
Because there, with floppy wet hair plastered to his face and a thoroughly soaked pink button-down and blue jeans, stands the one person Eddie had run away from in the first place.
tag list (there are so many of you now omg ily):
@cheatghost @henderdads @unclewaynemunson @goblin-eddie @trikigirl271 @alienace @fandomcartographer @stevethehairington @blank1eboi @this-earlobe-is-naked @fruitandbubbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @stereoteleversion @wrenisflying @spectrum-spectre @hotluncheddie @punkharringtxn @remislupinsthevoiceofgod @panicatthediaz @thegingervulcan @sharkruption @goodolefashionedloverboi @thelastwalkingsoul @undreamingscatworld @starrystevie @magipemuseum @mightbeasleep @corrodedcoughin @linkydinky06 @hardboiledeggs @gamerdano @limpingpenguin @blackpanzy @piningapple @teelagurl558 @theokatz @moonlightmirrorball @milf-harrington @raisedbylibrarians @eddiemunsonswife @catateme9 @stranger-poets-society
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k-tarotz · 5 months
Hello Hun and Candy🤗 I liked your reading series for how the idols would act around their crush so much and I really hope you guys are willing to continue those
Could you please make one on how Niki from Enhypen would act around his crush?
He’s just so unreadable to me so I’m wondering what you would see since you guys are the pros at tarot
Thank you so much if you decide to do this!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aww you are so sweet, thank you!!! 🤗 🩵🩵
The hanged man, 3 of coins, the emperor
How would Niki act around his crush?
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Alright so first of all I feel like Niki wants and prefers freedom! As in almost the opposite to Sunghoon, if you haven't read that one yet basically Sunghoon is very clingy and would like it if his crush is clingy back to him (with boundaries still of course) but Niki is the maknae of enhypen. He gets treated like a baby by the members and by most engenes, which makes him feel quite limited and he doesn't like that. He also has an older sister (a younger one too) so in his family, as little brother, he was surely also limited and had to listen to his older sister a lot. So what I'm trying to say is; Niki might be the type that won't text/approach his crush everyday, in fact he would sometimes stop responding or showing up for a few hours or even days, depending on his mood and his schedule, like sometimes he just wouldn't feel like interacting with his crush (or later significant other) either because he is too tired, not in the mood or just has other plans with the members and he would want his crush to be chill and accepting with that. He still wants his crush to care for him, no question, or to sometimes go out of their way to approach him instead of just waiting for him to do so (especially if they are friends) but regardless not be clingy and not text everyday or at least not multiple messages when he clearly isn't responding anymore. Not saying he is doing that because he is cold or doesn't like his crush, not at all! It's just really simply his preferred life style, at least for now. Such things can of course change, especially the older one gets.
Shy but tries to play it off as being cool! So he is the type to chuckle and look away shyly when his crush interacts with him and for example they touch hands, but he would instantly try to play it cool like "Oh your hand is cold-" and depending how close they are he would even ask them if he wants his jacket-
Smooth and flirty - if he is comfortable enough with his crush (as in knows them for longer, not if they are still strangers) he would probably be like "Hey want to go to the cinema? I heard this new movie is out, maybe [members] will come too" he lied, the members don't get invited in fact they do not know about his cinema trip plan at all lmao 😭 he would then be like "Oh.. seems like the others couldn't make it.. well we are already here so let's watch" and buy snacks and sit next to his crush. Definitely keep Taking glances too, curiously. At some point just... pretend to yawn and then put his arm around them. Only after everything is over and he probably even walked them home, he would all excitedly tell alllll the members about this!
Excited and hardworking! He is already hardworking but like if his crush goes to their concert or dance practice he would definitely give it his all and again keep taking glances! He would definitely love it when he gets praised by his crush for his talents and hardwork. He would try to not show how excited he actually is, so it's not too obvious for his crush (and so he doesn't get teased by the others), but his heart would definitely beat fast as hck-
Would also try to appear more manly? Like he might steal a members jacket that makes his shoulders look more buff, so he looks more manly, he definitely doesn't want his crush to view/think of him as kid/baby, he would also style his hair nicely
Dancing with his crush would also be something he would love to do, if his crush can already dance he would find that very attractive and it would definitely deepen his crush because he really loves Dancing a lot its a big passion for him, but if his crush can't dance he would like to teach his crush how to do so, especially because his crush would look up to him for Dancing so well and even teaching them, he would also genuinely enjoy to lead his crush and to be able to (Innocently) touch them while leading them, to teach them x dance of course!
Not sure how well niki can cook but... for his crush he would go out of his way and try cooking for them sometimes, to surprise them in a good way and especially to show them his culture a bit closer (it would mainly be Japanese food) I can also see him doing at least one of those cute bento boxes for his crush, trying to make the food look cute on purpose and in different shapes!
In general he would enjoy it if his crush and him can chill next to each other and watching a movie or just talking while eating home cooked food
Might also be into matching hair colors! If it's fine by his crush, he would dye it the same color as them and secretly be all happy about it, definitely take pictures with his crush like that for himself and maybe to to show it to some members!
More confident - that's of course when things go well with his crush and especially if they are giving signs back that they like him back the same way, he would feel so lucky and successful and overall more confident in himself because he got someone like them to like him back the way he is and it would just make him happy
If his crush doesn't give signs of liking him back he most likely wouldn't confess but of his crush does give signs back and they keep getting closer to each other during that time then he might would confess after a few weeks (or months depending on circumstances and confidence, but not more than 3 months) not sure how or where exactly but I can definitely see him leaning in slowly, looking into his crush's eyes to make sure its fine, for an innocent kiss - maybe that's how he would confess!
More positive, sometimes niki has a more pessimistic look on things (not all the time!) But having a crush on someone would help him cope with his pessimism and stress better, he would also smile and laugh mor3 often as he is more motivated and feeling happier
Mystery/Mysterious like! He himself would sometimes avoid answering some questions on purpose just to seem more Mysterious to his crush and they think of him even more wonder about him! He himself would also like it if his crush isn't a complete open book, like he would be more curious if they would be a bit Mysterious as well! Not necessarily a lot or secretive tho
Clingy! Especially physically! Definitely putting his arm lots around his crush, holding hands, hugging, whatever his crush is comfortable with!
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Thank you for the request, feel free to send more requests in,and from other groups too! Currently requested members for this series are:
Taehyun (txt), Jake (enhypen), Heesung (enhypen) and Jungwon (enhypen)
P.s: if you request an ask with x acting around his/her crush or x as boyfriend/girlfriend these readings take longer for us to take since they are quite detailed and time consuming. If you are impatient and would like your requests to be answered sooner you can dm us and send us a tip and we will do our best to answer yiur requests as soon as possible. Because of our private lives our top priority is paid readings at the moment. This is only for those who wish to do this, if you don't mind waiting that's completely fine too. Your requests will be answered regardless 🩵
Thank you for reading this and supporting us!
- Hun
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writingsfromhome · 10 months
School Photos
A/N: just a quick fluff one-shot to get me back online. happy August and fellow Leo season.
“Please!” He begs for the umpteenth time. “Just one picture! I just wanna see one!”
“No! Mum look at me, all albums will be burned if you show anything.”
My family chuckles at my persistence but I was serious. Bringing home my uni boyfriend was going good so far. The only thing I had to avoid was him seeing pictures of me as a child.
“She had braces, even had to wear the headgear sometimes.” My brother teases.
“Shut up!” I glare.
“Yeah and she was obsessed with dolphins so anything she wore had them. And if they didn’t—mom didn’t she have these pictures you ironed on for her.”
“Oh!” Mom gasps. “I remember! The patches, the dolphin patches she bought from that one store um-“
“Remember when she wanted a mole so bad like Aunt Jess that she drew one on.”
“No way, I need to see the proof.” Harry grins, taking in my humiliation like a chilled glass of wine.
“She did it the whole summer until I told her it looked like shit on her face.” My brother says. “It was a kindness now that she looks back right yn?”
“Oh aren’t you Mother Teressa.” I mock. I didn’t want Harry to see me like this either—bothered and acting childish with my brothers but I had to pick and choose my battles here.
“Ok lay off her now boys, let us enjoy the pie your mum made.” My dad swoops to my rescue and I give him an appreciative smile.
“Daddy’s girl.” My brother mutters. Mom scolds him but she’s biting back a laugh. Ugh my family was infuriating.
Since we’d arrived late, right before dinner, Harry hadn’t seen my childhood bedroom so once we’re done around the table we head upstairs.
In between dinner and dessert I’d rushed up with an excuse for the loo and made sure to hide any evidence of my face between the ages of 5-16 in my room.
Now, I give Harry a tour of my childhood bedroom.
“I can imagine you sitting here sketching,” Harry brushes his hand along the oak desk dad had built for me in year 4 and has sat against the window since.
So much of my history lived in all these objects. I was happy that Harry could see it all laid out here, know the past parts of me he couldn’t exactly meet.
Not that he needed to see physical copies of all my past parts.
“And this is my shrine to Jesse McCartney.” I open the top drawer meant for pencils and small items but instead a poster of his face was glued down and tiny trinkets laid around including the ticket from the I went to one of his performances.
“So this is your man on the side. Keeping him tucked away at home hm?” Harry tugs the drawer more to reveal all of my teenage crazy.
“I was obsessed. He’s still a very attractive man.”
“That’s weird.”
“What? That he’s attractive?”
“No, he looks nothing like me.”
“Why would he-“ I roll my eyes when I realize what he’s getting at. “Well you should be flattered you don’t look like my childhood celeb crush. That’d be creepy.”
“I think this is a little creepy.” Harry crosses his arms and leans against the table. I take him in where he stands; he felt so much bigger than my childhood bedroom.
“It’s what teenage girls do. Ask your sister I’m sure she had one of these too.”
“So you’re okay showing me this,” Harry tugs my hand. “But not any pictures of you-“
“No. That’s not happening.”
“I promise I’ll still love you.”
“They’re just embarrassing!” I whine. “I always had a phase I was going through. I don’t want you to see any of them.”
“Why?” He cups my face. “It makes you interesting! I showed you the phase where I spiked my hair every day and thought I was in a boy band.”
“Your hair didn’t even spike,” I laugh into his chest, remembering the photo I had taken a copy of with my phone. His hair had looked like he woken up and taken a chainsaw to it.
“See you’re allowed to laugh at me!”
“Nooo,” I wrap my arms around his waist. “No photos. Now subject change: we’re meeting all my friends tomorrow so what do you want to do today?”
“I can crash.” Harry says. He brushes my hair back and gives my head a kiss. “Driving for 4 hours was more tiring than I thought.”
“Okay,” I was fine with cuddling and going to bed even though it was only 9. As long as I was with Harry, everything felt fun. We’d been dating for over a year now and I loved him in a way I never loved boyfriends from the past. I think he was the real deal.
We lie on my small bed and talk until we doze off. The next morning we wake to the smell of breakfast and my parents spoil us with food and laughter.
I give Harry a tour of my hometown before we meet with my friends from school. Everyone and their partners love Harry and I can’t help but beam as he fits seamlessly into the other half of my life.
He catches my eye every now and then and the smile he gives me makes me fall in love with him all over again.
After an evening spent with family at home and another early night, Harry and I head out to go back to uni the following morning.
Goodbyes are long and multiple hugs are involved all around.
As we settle in and head back onto the motorway, Harry points to the sun visor.
“Sun in your eye?”
“Why don’t you flip it down?”
“It’s not?” I look him over. Was he okay?
“Just flip it down yeah? In case.”
“Okay?” I slowly flip the visor down and I gasp. “How could you?”
His laughter fills the car as I stare in horror. Tucked into the mirror is a school picture of me, probably Year 6. My braces are full on while I grimace-not even smile-into the camera. I’m wearing a tie-dye dolphin shirt with dolphin clips in my hair. My hair is in plaits except one of them is already fallen out; I’d probably been rough on the playground. It’s all topped off by a silver chunky chain I’d stolen from my brother—thinking it was real silver and would make me look cool.
“It’s my favourite picture of you,” Harry plucks it off and I realize I should have nabbed it while he was laughing. “I don’t think anything can top it really.”
“Harry I beg you to give that back.”
“Nope.” Harry pops the p with joy. He tucks it into his shirt pocket.
“I love you. Looking at the picture just makes me love you more.” He glances over at me and pats my thigh. “Can you smile like that for me?”
“This is so unfair!” I cross my arms and face the front. “Who betrayed me?!”
“My lips are sealed.” He was having too much fun. I would get my family to crack—dad would probably tell me. Unless it was him.
“I’m gonna go for her for Halloween.” Harry says, trying to get through my wall of silence.
“Fine.” I sit up with an idea and flick through my phone for the picture I’d been keeping. “I’ll go as him.”
I wait for Harry to look over at me and gloat when his face falls.
“You’re not supposed to have a copy of that!”
“Well. We’re even now.”
I plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, feeling better already.
“You’re so lucky I’m driving.”
“You’re lucky or I would have wrestled that photo away from you ages ago.” I say and Harry looks at me skeptically. “I grew up with brothers don’t underestimate me.”
“Fine. Fine. We’re even.” Harry agrees. “And for the record. I love you. And I love her too.”
It’s true that what he says thaws me a little, the little girl in me, but I don’t let it show right now. I just look out the window and mumble a love you too. His hand comes down on my thigh and, still looking out the window, I intertwine our fingers. He could drive me crazy but it was true for me too. As much as I laughed at his photo, I loved him and that little boy too.
“You’re never visiting my parents ever again.” I tell him.
His only response is bringing our hands to his mouth.
I melt in my seat a little.
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wilsons-journey · 6 months
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Runt, the Ronin
I like to make new cats. I needed a bladesworn Char and after watching a certain TV show on Netflix (Blue eye Samura) I had the mighty urge for a Samurai Char(r). It basicly made my Samurai obsession go brrr again. Kenshin would be another influence for his character.
More information below the cut:
He was born male, but his genes got a little bit fucked up, that gave him a lot of female appearance - altering his standing in his Fahrer. Additionally he was small and frail. No one took him seriously. No one, despite a group of other Charr that were considered runts of their litter.
In his early days Runt was a very jealous Charr. That jealousy made him blind for the good things he already had in his life. He soon started to hate everything around him and about himself.
While his Warband Mates learned to live with the constant shaming by the others - he never got over it. He starts to mistook the friendly teasing of his friends as insults. That hatred soon ended with him letting his warband die during a mission. He could’ve helped,... but he turned his back on them… and so becoming a gladium.
He realized to late, that he lost a family. They always stood at his side - no matter what. But his own hatred made him blind,... Deeply ashamed by his decision, he leaves the Legions and starts to roam the world.
On his travel he gets his ass kicked by a female human - a Samurai. They soon become friends and she teaches him the way of a Samurai. So he becomes a Bladesworn. That's also the moment he finally gets on the right path to be a better person. He tries to make up for his past mistakes with good deeds and tries to find peace with his flaws. He keeps the name Runt, in honor of his former Warband. Later people often only call him Ronin.
Some random lil facts about him:
In the beginning he was a bitch about his feminine appearance. He now embraces it and is proud of it. He is also very chill about it, if people refer to him as she / her. Sometimes he plays with it. (maybe also enjoy it a little.)
You can call him Runt or Ronin - he introduces himself as Runt the Ronin.
His horns often fall of, so you see him often without them or just with stumps
he always has a piece of wheat or other plant in his mouth
he loves to whistle little melodies
he is a good fighter, but also a big dork and sometimes very clumsy.
he sometimes is so clumsy, he made it his fighting style - irritate the enemy and then hit hard
he gets drunk very fast,... but insists he can take more. He can’t.
he has a very soft, feminine voice - but he snores like a trainwreck
he tries to be an honorable man, by training hard and meditate every day. And most importantly: Standing up for the weak. Even if he has to face a mighty foe. He will face the fight - no matter his chance. He will never run away or turn his back to people in need.
he often behaves peaceful and calm - but he actually has some OCD. But he goes after that silently. If you prevent him from that, he can get really frustrated.
he still suffers from his self-hatred, why he always put a happy face on. He actually tries to never show any other emotion than that. He want to be a beacon of hope.
he tends to give a lot - maybe even to much. Making him very vulnerable to exploit
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lyome · 1 year
Uhuhu I love the way you write <33 Since if i understood correctly request are open, can I request yandere Nikolai (bsd) punishing f!reader who tried to escape ^^!
note: okayy i might've written this a bit too horror-like. i hope you like it though! it was sm fun to write nikolai tho hehe pairing: yan!nikolai x f!reader tags/warnings: abuse!! yandere themes, blood, corpses, murder, captivity, manipulation, guilt tripping, very horror like(??) please read with caution
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Nikolai loved you. But his love wasn’t the typical kind. Nothing about him was typical. He’d smile and say the most wretched things. He’d hold you and his nails would dig far too deep in your skin. At first you were just trying to be nice to this strange man. You had no idea how starved he was for kindness, or how far he’d go to keep it.
It took you months to push through the bathroom window. It was small and greasy and too tall for you. Nikolai must’ve known that, having deemed the very idea of pressing yourself through it impossible. But here you were, falling face first on the icy cold ground in the middle of the night. Dirty from the grease and bruised from Nikolai’s last tantrum. 
From there it was a matter of luck. You didn’t know this place, and you quickly realised you didn’t know the country either. He kept you somewhere completely foreign, where people hardly even spoke English. All they saw in you was a frantic, insane foreigner covered in filth. No one thought to help you nor call the police. They assumed you were just one of the homeless beggars struggling for change. 
As you stumbled about for days, you did manage to speak to a few people. Directions to the police, some small amounts of money, an old lady even gave you a small loaf of bread. She didn’t understand you, nor you her, but you were unimaginably grateful.
You took to hiding that night after you deemed the police unapproachable. Nikolai was a frantic idiot who openly told you about what he did, for who, and why. You’ve spent months trapped in a small room and bathroom with no one but him. And he loved to talk. 
It was all pitter, patter and quiz after quiz. He drove you insane.
Curled up in the bushes of a park, you couldn’t sleep. You were cold, hungry, and utterly mortified. 
Nikolai did talk far too much, but he had his secrets. You were just a barista that he frequently saw whilst out and about with Fyodor. An innocent bystander who caught the jester’s eye. One thing led to another, until eventually you found his secret. His obsession. 
Printed polaroid photos of you, your friends, family and loved ones spilled from his pale white cloak. And he showed it all with a smile. Laughing at your terror, threatening all you hold dear. And then you were gone.
It’s insane to you to remember you used to have a life. You had a job and friends and your world was more than the bright wallpaper that forced you to vomit. There was more to your life than Nikolai’s ugly laughter and threats.
You managed to fall asleep after crying your eyes out. It was too much. But when the morning came your blood chilled. 
The sun was bright and birds sang a tune you’ve long forgotten. And at your feet was a note. An ugly one, for it was Nikolai’s handwriting scribbled harshly on the stained page. It said:
To my dearest dove, 
You’ve outdone yourself. Say, beautiful, have you been hiding how cruel you really are? Why, all this time I thought you loved me! This really hurts, y’know. My heart is bleeding because of you. I might as well put a bullet through it. Is that what you want? You want someone to die for you? 
If you wanted blood on your hands so badly you should’ve asked! I’ve prepared you a gift, in fact. You’ve been bad. Very bad. But I’m in a forgiving mood! Just come, find me here. I promise you’ll love my gift.
Oh and, if you don’t show up, things will get bad. For both of us.
Forever yours, Nikolai 
Directions were on the other side. It was a block away, and his tone was all too familiar. You could practically hear him speak. One moment his voice would get low and husky and you’d nearly forget what a monster he is. And in the next he’d sing and chime in that insane way he always did. 
Nikolai was a cruel man. So you obeyed. He had already found you, there was no point in trying. You found the building with ease. An ugly abandoned little thing. It reeked of something metallic.
By the time you identified the smell as blood, it was too late. The very first room you entered showed you exactly what Nikolai meant by surprise. 
In front of you was a mutilated corpse of a man who gave you enough money to get yourself water. He had been stabbed repeatedly all across his body. You could see Nikolai doing it. Frantic and laughing as the helpless man begged for it to end. Helpless against the ability user.
You wanted to scream. The old you would’ve been shocked. But by now Nikolai taught you to accept this. And at the sight of your frozen face, Nikolai decided to appear. His face popped out of the space-wrap created by his cloak, standing upside down. Now you yelped, inhaled and exhaled in quick repetition, terrified by his head alone. You were like a bunny in front of a fox.
“Darling!” He exclaimed, smiling so innocently in spite of the corpse behind him, “I’ve missed you!”
“Nikolai, please. Let me go.”
“Let you go? But where would you go?”
Bright, yellow light illuminated the room. He was holding you now, fully present within the room. Gloved hands warm as they cupped your face, his palms on your cheeks. You were too scared to move. Eyes watery with tears you desperately tried to keep. 
He said your name, mumbled it like a secret. A confession only him and you could hear. “(y/n), where would you go? Don’t you know you only have me?” 
Why did he have to look so sad when he hurt you? At the start that was what broke you first. The guilt and sorrow in his eyes as he simply kept going. There was no end to it. Nikolai didn’t know when to stop.
“Please,” you mouthed. 
“Oh, stop that.” He was cold now. Just like that, in an instant, his mood turned sour. Face stoic and empty. “This is your fault, isn’t it? Don’t beg me now. It makes you look pathetic.”
His starry eye glinted in the dim light of the building. Deep and endless, beautiful. He was beautiful. 
“There’s more to see, ptichka.”
Nikolai had moved out of the way, pulling his cloak to the side as you noticed the staircase leading up. Somehow you already knew what you’d see. There was a corpse right next you here, of course there would be more. Nikolai never bothered with mercy or reason. What’s a few more lives that he can throw on your coincense?
You were frozen in terror, reluctant to move. But then Nikolai leaned in, whispering to you; “They were so nice, weren’t they?.” He laughed, “There’s more upstairs.” 
“What do you- What do you mean?”
Darkness and light and then he’s gone. His demonic cackle echoing. 
You knew better than to trust him. You paid for trusting him by giving away your life. Captured by a psychopath who cared for nothing but desperation in your eyes. But all his wretched acts had yet to strip you of your humanity. You thought of that woman’s old wrinkled face, her warm smile and the way her skin was littered with moles and deep blue veins. She saw you, a dirty and lost thing, and she helped you.
And Nikolai killed her. Hung her up by a rope and ended her misery. 
“Isn’t that ugly? Yuck! I hate old people.”
Your voice was weak, “How could you?”
He sat atop a pile of crates and boxes, illuminated by a green light bulb. White cloak and suit dirtied by blood and mud. You could see hand prints on his cloak, palms soaked in blood as they clung to him. No doubt begging to stay alive. 
“Y’know when I heard she gave you bread I was sure it’d be deadly or something! I mean, don’t old things attract old things? Yuck, just imagine it. The old hag might’ve given my little sparrow stale bread! I simply had to punish her for that possibility alone. You understand, don’t you?”
You were still staring at her. She must’ve had grandchildren, a daughter or son, maybe there was someone taking care of her. And now she’s gone. Because she was kind to you.
Nikolai was displeased by your lack of reaction. He sighed dramatically, chin resting in his palm as he simply observed you. “Hmm, I suppose it takes a grand trick to make you smile.”
“I’ll go back with you. Please, no more tricks.”
“Oh, my darling, it’s too late for that. Why would I trust a fucking idiot who can’t even see how good she has it with me?”
And then he took your hand in his, ability melting into your flesh as you watched your entire limb disappear. Sometimes you swear Nikolai laughed on beat with circus music. 
“Such a cute face. I forget how pretty you can get,” his hand intertwined with yours, fingers meeting and tangling, “when you’re utterly terrified.”
A bone snapped. You screamed, fell to the ground, tried to pull your hand away despite knowing it’s worthless. Nikolai had snapped one of your fingers. You heard the bone. 
What a chilling scene this was. Nikolai the jester, you his assistant, and the hanging woman between you was the audience. 
There were tears on your face, the pain being too much. Nikolai’s ability terrified you. He could be standing there, harmless. And then his cloak covered his face and you felt his tongue on your skin. Lips meeting yours once he had tasted your tears. He bit you hard, and then he was gone. Leaving nothing but the taste of blood on your tongue.
“You know, I was really, really, really, hurt when I saw you were gone. Don’t you know you can’t fly, silly? I took your wings, remember? I took everything from you. Don’t you just absolutely hate that? Oh, do you hate me too then? I’d hate it if you hated me! But you don't, right? Or maybe you escaped because you do. But that’d make me sad. Ahh, just thinking about why you’d do this makes me confused! C’mon birde, say it isn’t so. You don’t hate me right?”
He was a lunatic. His words were insane. But your hand was back and your arm still stung and your lip throbbed in sharp pain and the woman’s body circled about until her ugly dead eyes found yours and vomit fought to bubble out of your throat. 
“I hate you,” you cried out silently. You were sick of it. You wanted to die. “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you,” You chanted. With every chant you broke his heart, hoping he’d use the shattered pieces on your throat, arms, and legs. Cut you up and destroy you. Give you some sort of release, an end to the misery.
“You’re boring.” 
His face was cold as he approached you. No smile nor taunt to be offered. And then his fist met yours, body seated atop your abdomen as he kept punching and punching. Your nose cracked, your jaw, your tongue. It all bled and stung and you swore you could see stars. The floor was coated in your blood.“You hate me, do you? You hate this, right? Because that’s what I do right? I hurt you and I’m horrible, right?” He spat at you. Saliva mixing with tears and blood, falling down your swollen face. You couldn’t speak. “I would’ve let you off this once. Maybe you’re just stupid, I’m fine with that. I like you stupid. Ah, but now I have to be mean.”
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