#makes me feel a bit less alone in my leave lol
noveauskull · 12 hours
Tysm for feeding us with ur wuwa smut fics bro <33 and btw since requests r open as u said, can u pls write the NSFW reaction of wuwa men when their fem s/o is always half-naked when their both home alone?? Lol, and if they ask why their s/o is so relaxed to just roam and walk around their private home nearly naked, s/o just shrugs her shoulders and says something like: “We’re a couple, now— are we not? I don’t see the problem here.” EHHEEHEEHHEHHEHEH >:333 (Again tysmsmmss amd have a good day/noon! 🫶)
How WUWA Men React When You Walk Around The House Half-Naked (NSFW)
characters: jiyan, mortefi, geshu lin, yuanwu, scar, aalto, calcharo x reader
warnings: suggestive behavior, teasing, not really all the way, just a short post, nsfw
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He doesn't mind when you walk around half naked, matter of fact he'd go walking around half naked with you
You just know that he's purposely trying to hug you just to feel your skin on his
Somehow the two of you would end up fucking
"Why bother wearing clothes at this point?"
Sometimes he even rubs himself on you while you're half naked, sick pervert
He encourages it a lot
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He's flustered by your confidence, but glad enough you trust him to see your body
Despite being a gentleman, he is still a man, so he'd often times stare at you while having a nice sip of tea
"Aren't you cold?" You were in fact, not cold at all. The only shivers you get is when you feel a pair of eyes on you
Suddenly he's smiling at you and offering you to help him get his glasses in the bedroom
And now he's pinning your hands to your head and kissing you
You didn't mean to be provocative, but it happened anyways
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He's panicked at first but he gets used to it later, a bit of a drama king but when you pointed out on him revealing his chest he just blushes and sighs in defeat
Definitely ogling at you, he especially loves the way he could see your boobs when you're only in your bra
At one point when he stands too close to you he's already pinning you to the wall and kissing you
"If this is your way of teasing me then it's working" He's say while blushing profusely
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He's shocked but he doesn't say anything, instead he just tries to avoid staring at you and hopes you'd out some clothes on
But you don't, you're still in your underwear and it's getting really bad for his heart to see you walking around so freely
When he feels like he wants to talk to you about it, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and make you stare into his eyes and ask you if you were interested in going to bed together to fuck
And of course you say yes, cause he's already slipping his hand down to grope your ass, leaving you no choice
Jiyan likes it when you wear less in front of him
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He starts acting like he saw you for the first time and starts flirting with you
You didn't expect him to wrap his arm around you and slip his hand into your bra though
Now he's trying to have a conversation with you while he's teasing your nipple, just so you would get wet
"Oops, almost forgot about my food in the microwave" He stands up and leaves you alone on the couch, wet and confused
But you're definitely gonna keep walking around half naked, that's for sure
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Geshu Lin:
"What do you think you are doing?"
He acts like he has a problem with it but when you remind him that its only the two of you and that he's already seen your body suddenly hes fine with it
But he will still complain about it
Eventually he gets tired of complaining and just carries you to bed, telling you that now that he's hard you have to take responsibility for it
Tsundere Geshu Lin?
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He's like a big dog, staring at his owner and wondering what to do or say
For some reason, he'd start putting blankets or towels on you
"Is this a new way to make me turned on?"
Before you know it he's fucking you with the same clothes you had on half naked
He ends up wanting you to walk around the house half naked anyways
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jedie · 1 month
i hope this post finds you well! quick little soft reboot!
i want to do a soft reboot of this blog! i won't be moving or doing a deep clean, but i do want to start fresh in that i think that the best thing for that is retiring most if not all old threads. it's been a while and i'm not sure if The Muse is there and i certainly don't expect it from anyone! so i won't jumpscare anyone with a thread from 2 years ago lol. i miss writing with you all and in a silent lurk i've read what you guys write on the dash for a couple days and it ignited that spark again to want engage in that!
if you see this and you want a little starter thrown your way, let me know!
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halfvalid · 9 months
Hiii! If its no trouble could I have a zoro and reader fic with the one bed trope? The others know about their crushes on each other so they force each other to share a room? Anyway they end up cuddling and its all cute (the others will tease them forever about it lol)?? Thankss
intertwined ribbons
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alternate title: opla zoro makes my hated tropes less hated
rating: general audiences/teen & up
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!nami | live action!straw hats ensemble
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 4.9k
description: unbeknownst to you, your crush on zoro is reciprocated. the rest of the straw hats take it upon themselves to get you together by locking you in his bedroom overnight.
tags: strawhat!reader, only one bed, forced proximity, confessions, no use of 'y/n', nami is a true instigator, cuddling, soft zoro, humor
author's note: thank you so much for the request and i hope it meets your expectations!! fun fact i actually used to hate the 'only one bed' trope, so i decided to challenge myself in writing this. and i think it's one of my fave tropes now lol
(you have an inner spirit that helps you make decisions except it’s just nami.)
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“I just think that maybe you should stop avoiding him,” Nami started. You bit your cheek, ignoring her as you tied up the last of the ship’s rigging into a careful knot. Nami had been going on for the past few minutes, and you’d zoned out exactly three seconds in, when the name Zoro had first been spoken. Because of this reason you weren’t really listening, so you blinked up at her in confusion. 
“Sorry? Who am I avoiding?” 
“You’re impossible,” Nami grumbled. “And you know exactly who I’m talking about.” Which, well, fair. The math added up: you heard the word Zoro, you stopped listening, Nami continued talking until she realized you’d stopped listening. “Especially since you’re, you know—” she gave you another look, eyes rolling over to stare dead into yours— “Avoiding him.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said innocently. Nami sighed, leaning over to tug the rope dangling from your hands out of your grip. You tried to reach back for it, but she didn’t let you. “Hey!” 
“Yes, you do. Face it. You’re avoiding Zoro.” 
You made a face at her. “I think there are ropes on the foredeck that I can attend to.” 
“No, there aren’t,” Nami answered. “Now stop changing the subject. There’s this wild concept called communication. It works wonders.” 
“Says you,” you muttered, though your arms crossed defensively across your chest. You noticed the action after a split-second and unwound your arms with a scowl. “Look, I just don’t see the point. And I haven’t been avoiding him.” 
You were, in fact, avoiding him. Ever since that dreadful night a week ago when Nami had gotten you tipsy and stuck her hand in your chest cavity fishing for secrets, you’d been avoiding him. The other girl was ridiculously good at prying truths out of you, and during the conversation, you’d accidentally spilled your crush on the Straw Hat crew’s resident swordsman. 
You’d managed to keep the secret for the months you’d been together, wherein the unfortunate feelings had developed, and you should’ve figured once somebody knew they wouldn’t leave you alone about it. Because Nami refused to talk about literally anything else. You’d expected this sort of behavior from Luffy, or maybe Sanji, but Nami? The world was more amatonormative than you'd thought. 
Nami cast you a look. “You’re blushing.” 
“Am not.”
“Are too. What’s the harm in talking to him?” Nami demanded, one hand on her hip as she stared you down. You gaped at her. 
“Um, literally everything? One, Zoro can’t talk about feelings or emotions for shit, so when he rejects me it’ll be in the most excruciating, offhand manner that will probably leave me at the bottom of a barrel of rum, two, after being rejected I’m going to have to leave the Straw Hats, three—”
Nami rolled her eyes, looking increasingly fed up with you. “For someone so obsessed with not telling our resident grass-headed swordsman about your feelings for him, you’re talking rather loudly.” 
You shut up, snapping your jaw closed with a glare. “Stop it,” you hissed. 
“Besides, who knows if he actually will reject you?” Nami turned to work on the next section of rigging, glancing over her shoulder at you. “You’re catastrophizing.” 
“I’m being realistic,” you snapped. “Okay, fine. He reciprocates my feelings. Then what? We date, we break up because all relationships eventually end, it becomes awkward, and—voila—I’ll have to leave the Straw Hats anyway. It’s a bad idea all around.” 
Nami just let out a huff of breath, the exhale laced with irritation. “Catastrophizing,” she repeated. 
“I am not—”
“Sure. Go help Sanji with dinner.” 
You gave her an exasperated look, but at this point Nami wasn’t paying attention anymore, so you stormed off into the underbelly of the Going Merry. Speak of the devil, apparently, because once you entered the kitchen you spotted not only Sanji occupying it but also Zoro. He was lounging at the table, swords strapped to his waist and a bottle of something he was nursing in hand. 
You averted your gaze from him, head running a million miles a minute. Had he noticed you’d been avoiding him? You’d tried to be furtive about it, but if Nami had noticed, maybe—
“Well, hello there,” Sanji called from where he was in the midst of dinner preparations. “Come to help?” 
“Nami sent me,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. “I think she’s appointed herself queen of the Going Merry.” 
“Oh, she did that long ago,” Sanji chided. “You’re only noticing it now. Pick up a knife, then. I’d like some help dicing the carrots.” 
You stiffly moved over to the counter, ignoring Zoro as you went even as you felt his gaze following your figure. You picked up the first knife you found, positioning yourself in front of the cutting board to start dicing the vegetables already laid out for you. Abruptly, Zoro stood up. 
“Heading out,” he muttered. “Call me when dinner’s ready.” 
With that, he left the room, leaving you and Sanji to exchange looks. “He’s moody today,” you said. 
“Probably ‘cause you’ve been avoiding him.” 
You felt the familiar pinprick of a blush starting to warm your cheeks. “You too?” 
“You’re rather obvious about it,” Sanji said with a raised eyebrow. “But enough of that.” Weirdly enough, he didn’t seem to question why. There was no way Nami had told him, so you were left confused, but no matter. The point was that for now, you were safe. 
The hour dipped to evening, and soon the moon was glowing in the sky, a shining beacon of white amidst the ocean of stars and shimmering sea. You suppressed a yawn, busing the dishes from dinner as the rest of the crew got up from their respective seats to dissolve to their own rooms. Zoro had already retired for the night—if you were avoiding him, he seemed to be doing the exact same—so at least you didn’t have that to worry about. 
“Ah, wait,” Nami said, after you’d finished washing the dishes and was ready to head out. “Zoro wants to talk to you.” 
You jolted, glancing nervously around you before grabbing her wrist. “What did you do?” you hissed. Nami just laughed. 
“Calm down. I didn’t do anything.” Off your glare, she relented. “I promise. And I swear it’s not about feelings or emotions or whatever. Even though it’s obvious you’re avoiding him, you know Zoro wouldn’t say anything.” 
You were still suspicious, but you dropped your hand. “What, then?” 
Nami shrugged, tilting her chin up just so. “I guess you’re going to have to find out.” 
“I don’t trust you,” you muttered. There was that look in her eye, the one she got whenever she was thinking of something truly devious. Still, you couldn’t figure out what she was up to, so— “Fine, I’ll go to his room. Walk me.” 
Nami rolled her eyes, but she fell into step with you as you made your way across the ship. “You should bring it up to him, you know,” she started, but silenced after your sharp glare. “Okay, okay. I get the point. I’ll stop bothering you about it.” 
You stopped by the mouth of Zoro’s door. “Wait, really?” 
“Yes, really,” Nami said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. She leaned against the wall beside the door, arms crossing over her chest. “I’ll leave you alone about Mr. Prince Charming over there. Knock.” 
“You can't call him Mr. Prince Charming,” you said, though you did knock. “Prince’ is already a title.” 
Nami gave you a look. “Okay, smart-ass.” 
The door creaked open before you could give your response, and you turned, heart pounding in your throat as Zoro stared down at you. His arm was propped up by the open doorway, the other hand still clutching the doorknob. “What.” 
“Um, Nami said that you wanted to talk—” you swiveled your head towards the other girl, but before you could finish your sentence, Nami was raising up your arm and unceremoniously shoving you into the room. 
You shrieked in surprise as you fell into Zoro’s figure, stumbling into him and causing him to lose his balance. Your head shot up in offense, only to see the gleam of a golden padlock in Nami’s hand before she was yanking the door closed.
A dull click echoed through the room. The only thing you could hear for a few seconds was your own heavy breathing and the sound of Zoro gathering himself.
“Did she just—” You gaped at the closed door. “Lock us in?” 
Zoro swiftly pushed past you, jiggling the doorknob for a few moments before giving up. Sure enough, Nami had sealed it with the padlock from the outside, so there was no possibility of either of you getting out of the room. You could vaguely hear sounds from the outside—dull thuds and scrapes—and watched as Zoro started banging on the door. 
“Nami,” he called, voice dangerously low. “Let us out.” 
“Sorry, Zoro!” Your jaw practically unhinged from your skull once you heard your captain’s familiar voice, all bright and cheerful like always. “We’re putting barrels in front of the door, so don’t even try breaking it down. Have a good night!” 
“Luffy? What are you—” Zoro’s knocking quickened in pace, his voice getting increasingly louder. There was no response from outside, though you could hear snickers that sounded suspiciously like Usopp. What was going on? 
You kicked into action, joining Zoro by the door and trying the door handle again. “Nami!” you yelled. 
Nami’s soft laugh came from outside. “Sorry!” she called. “We’ll let you out in the morning.”
You gaped at the door, only aware of Zoro’s gaze sliding down to you as you dropped your hand from the doorknob. There were some more tigers from outside, and then receding footsteps. Zoro tried knocking one last time, but it was evident that the rest of the crew had all but abandoned you. 
“Okay,” Zoro muttered, moving away from the door. “I need a drink.” 
You watched him move across the room, picking up a glass from his bedside table that was only slightly full. He knocked it back in one swallow, Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. “Um, what now?” you asked uncomfortably. 
“Nothing. Whatever,” Zoro said, turning to glance over at you. After a moment’s thought, you noticed that he refused to look you in his eye—his gaze was firmly trained at a spot beside your head. He turned away, stripping off his sword scabbard and setting them on the floor. 
You glanced around nervously. Zoro’s room wasn’t that different from yours, really—less decorated, but the constitution was the same. There was the bed, a wardrobe, a desk with various paraphernalia across it, and a little couch in the corner too. “You can look through the closet for something to sleep in. I’ll take the chair.” 
The words didn’t register at first, and you were left standing there, staring as Zoro kicked off his shoes and assumedly started getting ready to sleep. “Um, what?” 
Zoro glanced over his shoulder. He still wouldn’t look you in the eye. “They’re not letting us out until morning,” he said slowly. “You can take the bed. Might as well sleep.” 
“It’s your room,” you started, crossing your arms. “I can sleep in the chair. I’m smaller than you, anyway, so I’ll fit it better.” 
Zoro regarded you with such a reproachful look you almost wanted to laugh. “That’s ridiculous. Change.” With that, he turned around, leaving no room for discussion. You stared at him for a second before giving up, moving to his wardrobe and opening it up to search for something to sleep in. 
“So, uh, any ideas on why they stuck us in here?” You asked, although you already knew the answer. Whatever Nami thought locking you in a room with Zoro would achieve, you were stubbornly not going to let her be right. God, you were so going to kill her once you got out of there. 
“Nope,” Zoro said, with such a degree of finality you figured it wouldn’t be safe to question him further. “They’re just stupid.” 
“I mean, I feel like they would have a motive?” You rifled through his clothes, trying very hard to detach them from their owner. Wearing Zoro’s clothes was not something you wanted your mind to linger upon. Eventually you found a shirt of his that would undoubtedly be oversized on you, and you hastily changed into it, satisfied to find it draped well to your knees so you weren’t exposing too much skin. 
You stole a glance over your shoulder at Zoro, only to catch him in the action of peeling his shirt off. The stretch of the muscles in his back gleamed in the dim light of the room, and you tore your gaze away, heat rushing to your face. “Um. Anything?” 
“Nope,” Zoro repeated. Carefully, you closed the wardrobe door, lingering in one spot with your hands clenched together. Once you heard him start moving again, you deemed it safe enough to turn towards the rest of the room. He’d changed into a loose tan shirt, and had settled back into the chair. 
“I said I’d take the chair,” you told him hotly. 
“Yeah, and I said no,” Zoro said, tone dismissive. He had his eyes closed, and you stared at him in disbelief. 
“I’m not sleeping in your bed,” you said, and then, just to emphasize your point, plopped down on the floor. Zoro cracked an eye open and stared down at you. He sighed. 
“Get up. Don’t be stupid.” 
“I’m not being stupid,” you said. “It’s your room. It’s your bed. You will sleep on it. If you’re not giving me the chair, I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
Zoro let out a long sigh, closing both his eyes as if he was contemplating all his life decisions. “I’m not sleeping in the bed, you know,” he said. 
“Okay, so neither of us do.” 
Zoro’s brows creased, and he opened his eyes to glare down at you. “Seriously? At least take the chair, then. I’ll sleep on the flo—”
You gave him a sharp look. “Zoro.” 
“This conversation isn’t getting anywhere,” Zoro muttered, and finally got up from his chair. You glanced up at him expectantly. “What can I do to convince you to take the bed?” 
“Uh, nothing.” 
“We can work out a compromise,” Zoro said with a sigh. “I want you on it, and you want me on it, and neither of us are willing to take it ourselves.” He paused, brow creasing as an idea seemed to form in his head—one he didn’t seem to be a giant fan of, but an idea nonetheless. “How about.” His lips pursed, before he parted them again to finish his sentence. “How about we both take it?” 
It felt like someone had hit you square in the chest, air kicking out of your lungs and leaving you gasping for breath. Your windpipe was all raw, and you had to fight to tear any words out from your throat. “Ex—excuse me?” 
“It’s big enough,” Zoro said stiffly, though his hands were clenched at his sides. “I can take one side and you can take the other. Since you’re so dead-set on me sleeping on it.” 
“I—” You cut yourself off, suddenly far too aware of Zoro’s eyes fixed on you. Watching your every move. Oh, Nami was in for it now. How were you supposed to survive sleeping in the same bed as—you didn’t even want to think about it. 
“Well?” Zoro prompted. 
“Fine,” you agreed hastily, ducking your head lest Zoro catch any of the flush that was undoubtedly rising steadily up your cheeks. It was bad enough you were stuck in his bedroom and wearing his clothes—but this had quickly become your own personal circle of hell. “Good enough for me.” 
“Finally.” With that, Zoro climbed into bed, settling himself on the very edge of its side. Your throat had gone dry, and you stared at him for another second before hurriedly turning away to flick the lights off. You approached the other side of the bed with an extreme lack of enthusiasm, staring at the empty sheets like they were cackling up at you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
Eventually you slid into the bed, busying yourself with arranging the blankets around your figure. Zoro’s breaths were steady and deep from beside you. You didn’t know what to do for a second, but then Zoro’s voice was cutting through the darkness. “You’ve been avoiding me.” 
You jolted, then suppressed your sigh. “Have not.” 
“Yes, you have, and everyone knows it, and you’re not very subtle,” Zoro said, sounding almost bored as he rattled off the words. “Why.” 
“I haven’t—”
You ran your tongue along your teeth, sucking at the valleys between them in annoyance. “It’s not important.” 
Zoro paused before speaking, like he was mulling over asking the question. “Did I do something?” 
“What? No.” You shook your head, despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to see. The sound did well enough to indicate the action to him, though—he scoffed, a low murmur from his chest that buzzed through your nerves. “I don’t want to talk about this. You’re giving the rest of the crew what they want.” 
“They definitely did not lock you in here to talk about why you’re avoiding me,” Zoro muttered. Now it was your turn to scoff, because if only he knew. “Are you sure I didn’t do anything?" 
“Positive. It’s all me.” 
“Okay, so why?” Zoro prompted. You swallowed hard, trying to dodge around the subject. “Are you sure—”
“Please just stop talking,” you said, one hand reaching out to grip his arm as if the physical contact would make him shut up. There was a stagnant moment of silence, your breath catching as your brain caught up to your body. Your hand was on Zoro’s arm. Your hand was on Zoro’s bicep, and you were in his bed. 
You cleared your throat, a panicked choke bursting from your lungs. “Um.” Your eyes skittered sideways, and then you finally turned on your side to stare at him. To stare at where your hand was still clutched around his arm.
You could just barely make out the angle of his jaw in the darkness, but you could see it was clenched, the vein along his neck protruding just slightly. Hastily, you removed your hand, the skin of your fingers tingling like you could still feel him underneath the tips. “Sorry. Why—why are you so certain that you did something for me to avoid you?” 
There were a few moments of silence that ticked by, nothing but the rock of the ship interrupting it. Finally, Zoro spoke. “Because the reason they locked you in my room is because—”
“What? The reason they locked me in your room is because of me,” you said. Zoro finally moved from his position, head tilting to face yours so you were eye-to-eye. You swallowed. “Nami, um—Nami specifically forced me in here so I would… talk to you.” 
There was a question evident in Zoro’s voice. “About?” 
Your lips parted, and then closed again. “Um.” 
“We can just sleep, if you want,” Zoro muttered. 
“What if they don’t let us out in the morning because we haven’t talked, though?” you hissed. Zoro let out a low laugh. 
“You realize you’re giving them exactly what they want.” 
“So you’d be more comfortable if we just… fell asleep?” you asked. Zoro shrugged. Since you weren’t exactly averse to the idea of not confessing, you nodded in agreement, heart beating a million miles a second. “Okay. Fine by me.” 
You settled back into your pillow, but soon came to realize that, due to the fluttering butterflies in your stomach and the fact you were very aware of the man of your affections being barely a foot to your right, you could not sleep. Evidently Zoro felt the same way, because he kept shifting around under the blankets—your hands brushed against each other a few times before he jolted away like you’d burnt him. 
“Sorry,” you muttered. Zoro didn’t say anything in response. Somewhere in the back of your head, you could hear Nami hissing at you—I didn’t shove you in a room with Mr. Prince Charming just for you to not take advantage of the opportunity. You tried to get her out of your brain—it was a bad idea all around—but the words kept reverberating around in your mind until you found yourself suddenly speaking. “Zoro?” 
“Nami stuck me in here so I would tell you that, um—” 
“You don’t have to say it,” Zoro murmured, and you shivered, his voice sounding suddenly closer. You squirmed, your hand brushing against Zoro’s again, except this time it took him a delayed moment to drift away. He had gotten closer—or maybe that was you, instinctually leaning towards the dip in the middle of the bed when you’d been lost in thought. 
“The reason they locked me in here with you is so I would tell you about my feelings towards you,” you blurted, the words slurring together, consonants and syllables all in one rush. “Because I have them. Feelings, I mean.”
Zoro’s voice was very low when he spoke. “Excuse me?” 
You sat straight up, the blankets previously nestled around your chin falling to your waist. “I have feelings for you and that’s why everyone locked me in here.” 
“I—” Zoro coughed, and then coughed again, ridding his throat of whatever was preventing him from making full sentences. He slowly sat up, and you stared down at the blankets in your lap as you saw him rise to his full height beside you. And oh, this was it. He was about to reject you in the most excruciating, offhand manner that would probably leave you at the bottom of a barrel of rum. “That’s not possible.” 
“Why is that—” you decided to shut up instead of finishing your sentence, allowing him to speak instead. There was a soft burning starting at your skin, all red hot, and your brain buzzed, regret filling up your lungs and making it hard to breathe. 
Zoro didn’t say anything, but you heard his hand before you felt it. It slid across the bedsheets before finally resting beside yours, fingertips grazing against your knuckles. “Zoro?” you whispered. 
“The reason they locked you in here with me is so I would tell you about my feelings towards you,” Zoro said blankly. You blinked. It took you a moment to realize that he wasn’t just quoting you—that he hadn’t switched the pronouns accordingly. Your heart dropped. 
Your voice was very faint when you spoke. “What?” 
“I like you,” Zoro said carefully. Languidly, the words dripping off his tongue all saccharine-sweet like molasses, or honey. You shivered, your hand accidentally knocking against his, and he took the opportunity to draw it in closer, fingers pushing up your palm, just a hair’s breadth away from interlacing with yours. “Luffy unfortunately found out. He doesn’t know how to keep a secret and told the rest of the crew.” 
You gaped at him. “I like you,” you said, dumbfounded. You could feel yourself trembling, fingers sliding against Zoro’s hand with every shake. “Nami yanked it out of me. Which is why I’ve been avoiding you for the past week.” 
“I thought you were avoiding me because you found out I liked you,” Zoro muttered. His fingertips brushed against the pads of your hand, and you swallowed, mouth all dry. “So.” 
You tentatively lifted your gaze, finding Zoro’s eyes even amidst the darkness. They were shining, a slight glint from the moon coming in through the window reflecting along the shadows of his face. Carefully, his hand slid fully into yours, fingers lacing together, and it was like the final piece of a puzzle clicking into place. 
Zoro slid back down onto his back, tugging you along with him. You settled back on your pillow, using your other hand to pull the blankets back over your chest. For a full stagnant minute the two of you lay there, hands intertwined in the space between. 
You were the one who made the first move, then, thumb running up and down the length of his index finger. Zoro ran with the action, tugging your hand just slightly until you were leaning into the dip of the mattress, gravity pulling you closer to his body. 
He lifted your entwined hands, tugging you towards him until your back was pressed right to his chest. Then he settled your arms back down again, the back of his palm resting against your belly. 
You swallowed hard, able to hear the sound of your throat in the utter silence. Zoro exhaled, his breath softly brushing against your neck. “Good night,” you whispered. 
Zoro pressed a soft kiss to the nape of your neck, a ghost of something that left tingles fluttering down your spine, the drunken butterflies in your stomach swaying at the action. “Good night,” he murmured, and your breath caught. 
He was warm, oh so warm, like a campfire with licks of flame that softened your hands in the dead of night. And even though you wanted to speak up, question when he’d started liking you, if he was lying or not—you were content to stay here in his arms and drift off to sleep.
So you did, settling back into his embrace with your head spinning and senses murmuring, all dizzy like you were caught in a dream. Eventually, your tiredness got the better of you, and you felt your senses fading as the world around you darkened to black. 
The two of you jolted awake to the knocking and the very unpleasant hum of Nami’s voice. “Rise and shine!” she called through the door, and you blinked, bleary eyes adjusting to the light as you suppressed your yawn. 
Zoro jolted up beside you, practically giving you whiplash as his arm was still comfortably around your waist. Your fingers tingled, and you realized that you’d fallen asleep with your hands laced together. 
“Nami,” you grumbled, about to rise out of bed before Zoro stopped you. You turned towards him in question, only to stop short as you registered the look in his eyes. His gaze was deep, piercing; those butterflies rose up again in your stomach, apparently awake after they’d passed out from their drunken stupor. You swallowed. “Hi?” 
“Hey,” he murmured. “They locked you in my room.” 
“I’m going to knock Nami over the head with a rowboat oar,” you said blandly, eyes flickering towards the door, which Nami was still pounding on. You vaguely heard shuffling sounds, like the crew were working to move the barrels they’d stuck in front of the door to free you from your prison. “You can have the rest of them, if you want.” 
“I’ll take you up on that offer,” Zoro agreed. “But first…” 
“First?” you prompted. 
Zoro brought your hands—still intertwined—to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss along your knuckles. “Good morning,” he said, voice low and awkward, like he wasn’t used to letting the words out of his mouth. He let your hands drift to his lap, leaning forward until his forehead brushed against yours.
A faint sigh escaped your lips when he finally kissed you. It wasn’t rough or hard; it was a soft press, like your hands had been just a few hours ago. There was a degree of finality to it; a held-in breath that’d exhaled from your lungs, one you hadn’t realized was building up that much pressure until you finally let it all go. 
The door flung open, and you jolted away, but Zoro tilted your head back towards him before you could. At the mouth of the room, Luffy had started screaming. “Aww,” Nami cooed. Behind her, Usopp and Sanji were gripping onto each other like they were watching a particularly engaging fight. 
A steady blush rose along your cheeks, but Zoro was absolutely shameless, the hand not held in yours raising up to give them the finger. “Get out of my room.”
“Told you it’d be okay,” Nami sing-songed, and then you really did break away from Zoro, picking up the object nearest to you and barrelling towards her. She shrieked, dodging out of the doorway as Zoro laughed from behind you.
“Wait!” she stopped you from whacking your pillow against her head, raising up her arms in defense. “I was right. I saw you two—” 
“Nami,” you started, dangerously low. “You locked me in his room.”
“Yeah, to help you!” she cried defensively, slowly taking backwards steps as you gained on her. “Come on. We can talk about this.” 
“Good luck,” Zoro called out from behind you—you turned around, catching his gaze. He had gotten up, leaning against the doorway and watching you with a sparkle of fondness in his eye. “You’ll need it.” 
You blew him a kiss, ignoring the long groan it pulled out of Luffy from beside Zoro in the hallway. And then you turned around. Nami had darted off, taking the time you’d been distracted to run off. “Oh no you don’t!” you yelled, and then lunged after her with Zoro laughing all the while. 
Maybe it hadn’t been such a bad thing, you thought. But you were still going to beat Nami’s ass. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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astro-enthusiast · 22 days
Astro Observations 2.0
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Thank you all for 222 followers! <3
Take these observations for what they are: personal observations.
Super duper long because I love you all. :)
Aries moons tend to always be on the move. Often times, these natives have something energetically "off" at home which results in them not even wanting to be there. They're the type to always be at work or at their friend's place. May have parents they want to get away from. At least one of their parents leans toward a more masculine energy.
You cannot be in your feelings when you talk to a Virgo moon. Their love language is literally telling you all the ways you can improve yourself. It's not necessarily that they're trying to make you feel some type of way, they genuinely don't think there's anything offensive about it. They're naturally attracted to "fixer-uppers" and they love a good project. Only problem is, people are not your projects and your loved ones are allowed to be flawed.
On the note of Virgo moons, they also have a tendency to be permanently unimpressed. My mom has this placement and my sister and I always wanted grand reactions to the stuff we did as kids, but we never got them. Even to this day, my mom is the queen of giving absolutely nothing extra energetically lol. They literally look like this emoji --->😐. Unless they have fire placements, they tend to be the definition of stoicism.
I've been studying the relationship between Scorpio moons and their mothers for a while now because it is such an interesting dynamic. I noticed in the past, that Scorpio moon natives may experience a rather controlling mother figure, but I've recently noticed that this controlling nature goes both ways. Yes, their mother has control over them and their actions, but they have just as much control over her too. They're almost like puppets to each other. It's an incredibly intriguing dynamic that honestly leaves me speechless. Makes you wonder, in these specific situations, "Is anyone here truly the victim?"
We've talked about how moon signs can manifest and what your mother may have taught you, but what I have yet to touch on is how your moon sign reflects your mother's pregnancy experience. I've studied this a bit and I think my mom is the perfect example! My sister and I have opposing moon signs: Cancer and Capricorn. I've spoken to my mom in-depth about both her pregnancies and here is how she describes them:
-Pregnancy with Cancer moon: she was overweight, gained 50+ lbs during her pregnancy, used food to cope with her abusive relationship, was on bedrest, too depressed to do or go anywhere, spent most of her days in the house crying.
-Pregnancy with Capricorn moon: she was in amazing physical condition, gained less than 20 lbs during pregnancy (10 lbs of that was baby), had endless energy, worked out every day, worked overtime at her job, was broken up from my dad, lived alone, was in her bag.
Opposite moon signs and two completely different pregnancies!! Crazy, right?!
I've heard the theory that Capricorn moons are the eldest child, which is true in many cases. However, in my experience as a Capricorn moon, I'm the youngest and my eldest sister is a Cancer moon. But that doesn't debunk my "big sister" energy lol. My sister has always referred to me as her "big little sister" and when we were younger and my mom left us home alone, she always left me in charge. My Cancer moon sister was known for her big emotions and ability to quickly lose control. This dynamic has always been funny to me. Ex. We had a tornado watch (super rare where I live) and my sister was running around the house screaming and crying. While I was calmly in my bedroom playing dolls keeping it kosher. 🤣
God really did give his toughest battles to Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn moons. No one else is doing it like us! We came equipped with everything we needed to handle ALL the bs in our families.
Don't scorch me fire moons, but where is the personal accountability? I've seen water signs talk their way out of some situations, but the way a fire moon will dance around the truth really needs to be studied. I made this observation before and a Sag moon came for me which is how you know it's true. 😭
Moon sign compatibility is so real y'all. As an earth moon, I mainly form deep connections and bonds with other earth moons and *some* water moons. The other elements just don't do it for me. Even with my fire placements & degrees, I still struggle to understand fire moons.
I've read before that Leo moons have a tendency to be selfish, which I concur depending on the situation. But I think the reason why some of them act like this is because often times, they are either the only child or the favorite child. So they literally don't know what it means to compromise or not get their way. I've only met 2 Leo moons (that I know of) years apart and they both had the same tendencies and personality. Let me know if you've had a more positive experience with this moon sign!
Fixed moons may have mothers who are very controlling over their lives. Their mothers have a “fixed” idea of what their child’s life should look like. They have a tendency to have a puppet & puppeteer relationship. I’ve noticed that because of this, these natives tend to have one area of their lives that their mother can’t control and they spiral out of control in that area. Kinda like a “look mom, you can’t control me in EVERY way” type thing. The most common areas I’ve noticed this in is their sex lives and drugs/alcohol use.
Of course the above note is based on personal experience. I’ve heard quite a few mothers of fixed moons say to other people: “I made them do this” “there was no way I was gonna let them not do this…” like the kid has no choice in the matter.
Okay, enough about moon signs. For now...
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This may not be too popular with the astro girlies buttt I believe we have a tendency to attract the versions of signs we speak into existence. For example, when I first started studying astrology, I was sick to my stomach to see that I was a Sagittarius rising because I had back-to-back experiences with Sagittarius suns stabbing me in the back, so I told myself they were the worst. In time, I wanted to accept all of my chart which included my own Sag placements. I had to heal my understanding and perception of them to see them differently. Now, I attract the funniest and kindest Sag suns! It all started with me. This is your sign to heal your trauma with that placement. 🤍 (yes, this is also a message to myself). What you see won't change until you change what you see!
If there's anything a mutable rising is gonna do it's change their physical appearance.
Earth risings, rising at earth degree, or chart ruler in earth house: these people are less likely to take bold chances and risks with their appearances. Not really the type to dye their hair crazy colors, although they are quick to get visible tattoos.
Virgo in big 6 appears naturally put together. They don't really have to get ready because they stay ready. And they expect the same from you, especially if you're their romantic partner. This is amplified if they have Libra or Leo placements.
I’ve noticed Virgo suns and risings are much less likely to wear makeup. I see them with it maybe once a year and even then it’s like one coat of mascara and some highlighter. One thing I have heard a lot of Virgo women say is that they literally don’t know how to do their makeup which may factor into why they don’t wear it. Virgo moons however do tend to wear makeup.
Aries and Scorpio placements are very protective of their loved ones. One wrong look in their direction and they're ready to pounce.
Gemini-Sagittarius axis: if there's one thing these placements are gonna do it's laugh at absolutely nothing for an extended period of time.
Taurus and Libra placements, do you really need that new blouse? Or that new stationary knowing dang well you have more than enough? No, put it back. Aht! PUT IT BACK. And keep your receipts, so when you get home from that impulsive purchase, you can bring it right back where you got it from.
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Something about Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn placements in dark academia that really does something to me chile...dark academia was made for us!
Saturn rules teeth. Saturn placements and aspects can describe your teeth’s appearance and health. Saturn aspecting Jupiter may have larger teeth. Aspecting Mercury may result in the native having smaller teeth or possibly getting veneers. Saturn aspecting Venus can manifest as the native receiving many compliments on their teeth/smiles. In the case of harsher aspects, the native can feel their teeth directly hinder their perceived beauty.
I’ve noticed people with prominent Gemini/Virgo/Mercury placements are much more likely to have gaps in between their front teeth. Often times, this is a result of their teeth being on the smaller side.
Virgo placements (esp. moons) can have naturally “perfect” teeth that don’t require braces. But upon closer inspection, you can see their teeth are not perfect, but rather, the imperfections are so minuscule you have to truly look to find them.
Libra Suns typically go for either the relaxed look (very natural appearance, not much makeup) or all the frills (makeup, couture, luxury). I have yet to see an in between. Libras with Scorpio/8th house influence enjoy darker colors and go for a much more relaxed look. More likely to portray a dark feminine embodiment of Venus or a more natural feminine. Especially if they have Virgo placements.
Aries suns (males and females) are the BIGGEST sweethearts and I don’t see enough people praise them for their pure hearts. 🥹
DO NOT under any circumstances copy, paste, reword, rewrite, translate, or repost my work.
All Rights Reserved to astro-enthusiast.
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tojivu · 4 months
bite me ❤︎ ! ⋆ jjk men
an. my first multichar work !
cw. hickeys/lovebites with gojo, geto, toji, nanami + the terrible aftermath. suggestive, otherwise quite sfw. f!reader. suguru isn't a curse user.
playing. bite me by enhypen.
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GOJO SATORU is a cocky fucking bastard. just 12 hours ago, he had you wrapped around his finger — quite literally, as well — and his lips were practically superglued to the delicate skin of your neck and collarbones. it didn't occur to you, though, that your boyfriend didn't have the weekend off; after all, he did tell you he was going to be home the entirety of it.
well, you should've known that satoru would do anything to have his way with you — a little white lie, that's what he tells himself — but he had to admit that he couldn't think very straight, otherwise, he wouldn't have let you leave so many.
it's 11 in the morning when you receive a text from shoko. you can hear the disgusted yet unsurprised tone through the pixels, asking you why your boyfriend was sporting roughly 4 — yes, they were so obvious that she could count — patches of purple on his neck and jawline.
shoko: satoru looks like he got in a fight with a leech lol
when satoru comes home, the mortified feeling intensifies by tenfold — they're much more obvious in real life. the colour has faded a little, but hickeys are still hickeys, and your boyfriend is still an imbecile.
"you have no shame," you turn your head away from the man standing at the entryway of your shared home, and back to the television. "you said you were gonna be home. you left before i woke up—"
"important jujutsu stuff," satoru interrupts. he takes his blindfold off, quick footsteps as he makes his way to the couch. your arms are folded together, an attempt to show satoru that you were upset. "couldn't be helped, baby. 'm sorry."
you turn your head towards him, eyebrows furrowed when you realise your boyfriend doesn't care one bit — he thinks there's nothing wrong with people knowing he's unavailable, and even more so when you're the reason.
"can you at least use some of my foundation?"
GETO SUGURU has a little bit of dignity, but the collar of his shirt is a little too low to be coincidental. he secretly loves it whenever his friends ask about it, tease him about finally having a girl when he's been alone for so long.
it's a friday afternoon when he's at the gym getting his daily workouts in, and his cheeks flush when satoru nudges his bicep and lets a hearty laugh out; "aw, suguru's gotten busy, huh? this why you didn't turn up yesterday?"
suguru groans and tells satoru to shut the fuck up, but there's no denying that he was in fact busy. nevertheless, of course suguru had decorum; he covered himself up in front of the public and his family, but he really couldn't care less if his closest friends knew about what he was up to.
besides, his neck wasn't as bad as yours — he could only feel guilty as he watched you paint colour corrector and various shades of concealer on your neck, even doing the chilled spoon method; eventually giving up and settling for a scarf when they don't do the trick.
"i didn't know you were going out today," he says from the bed as you sit across the room at your mirror. "i fucked up."
"'s okay, sugu!" you smile reassuringly, contrasting the worried look on your face that spells it out for him — the sweet tone of your voice only makes suguru feel worse. "the scarf will work fine."
"i'm still sorry, baby. really."
he really isn't. but the guilt makes up for it, he thinks; he only hopes your mother doesn't catch a peek of the purple hiding beneath the fabric.
TOJI FUSHIGURO also does not give two fucks. this man could leave the house absolutely littered in bite marks from your pearly whites — he loves looking at himself in the mirror in the morning, when you're still fast asleep, just admiring the artwork that is his body and the proof of the love you have for him on it.
this wasn't the case with the girls he used to mess around with, though. he absolutely loathed having any evidence of a woman on him, whether that be the scent of her perfume lingering on his clothes or in his apartment — or her messages appearing on his lock screen and his friends asking about it.
yet, it's different with you; but he supposes everything has been different with you. he thinks he's serious this time, about the relationship you two have — and he wants everyone to know that too, though he'll never say that out loud.
"tojiii?" you whine, arms stretching out as your eyes adjust to the sunlight that pours into the bedroom. you turn to his side of the bed, and you're not surprised when he isn't there — it's ironic. the first time you woke up in bed alone after a night with toji, you panicked and thought that he disappeared.
it's just then that your lover opens the door, duffle bag slung around his shoulder diagonally; his right shoulder hits the doorframe, almost fitting the entire width, and you feel heat rush to your cheeks when you see the hickeys on his neck.
you use your arms to push yourself up, sitting cross-legged on the sheets. "did you go out like that?"
"like what, princess?"
you smile at the name, but your lips don't part to answer — toji knows you know, but it's annoying how he acts so natural about it. he sets his bag down and his strong arms wrap around you, picking you up as if you're light as paper.
"show off," you mutter against the crook of his neck. "you need to start wearing hoodies to the gym."
toji catches a whiff of your scent and thinks you're dense for saying such a thing — he is finally proud to have someone by his side, so he might as well let everyone else know. he has to.
"not happening."
NANAMI KENTO does cover up, but he wouldn't mind if someone saw them. he's very mature about it, really — not embarrassed in the slightest. after all, you were his wife and he was your husband. things are bound to happen between you two behind closed doors.
that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to conceal them, though. he asks to use your makeup to hide them — only to be fucked over when your shades don't match all too well. it's only then that he lets an exasperated sigh leave his lips, and you feel a hundred times guiltier.
"i'm sorry, kento," you bite down on your bottom lip out of worry. "maybe we can use the spoon?"
he shakes his head. nanami was running late, and he had to leave immediately.
"it's okay, darling," he presses a kiss to your forehead. "yaga won't be upset."
you knew gojo would tease him endlessly, and you also knew that nanami couldn't stand him. you almost tell him to stay home for a little longer so you can figure out a way to fix this.
"it's nothing to be ashamed of. we're adults," he reminds you, as if the events of last night and the evidence of said events do not. "i'll see you when i'm home?"
you sigh, middle and thumb fingers rubbing your temples. if only you were thinking straight — but you knew that was almost always impossible with kento. "okay. have a good day at work, ken."
kento plants one more kiss on your lips, and he has to pull himself away before another second passes; he always had trouble stopping himself with you.
he supposes that habit has come to bite him in the ass, now.
"thank you, sweetheart. i will."
yeah, gojo will never let him live this down.
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280124 — is this ooc.
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lightfeltmemories · 3 months
dungeon meshi | delicious in dungeon; reactions to reader having a crush on them / having a crush on reader
dungeon meshi various x gender neutral reader
note: hey everyone, please be mindful that this is the very first time writing for these characters, i have watched every available episode but i am still reading the manga (though i do have a general idea about the setting and the characters backstories and personalities) so if any characters are ooc to you my apologies, don't be harsh im new here lol. sorry some of them are shorter than others i kind of ran out of ideas when it came to certain characters :p let me know in the comments or reblogs or more preferably in my ask box if you want me to do any other character.
characters: laois, falin, chilchuck, marcille, senshi, namari, shuro, izutsumi (i'm adding her here because feels weird leaving her out when i've added former members of the party, also this is purely sfw so nothing weird will be aimed towards her.)
trigger warnings: nothing out of the ordinary but just read the manga or watch the anime before reading this.
if you like this and my other fanfics, please be considerate to reblog my work, it not only helps reach a broader audience but it also motivates me to make more content like this!
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laois touden
reader's crush: when laois finds out that you have a crush on him, his reaction is.. well, how do we put it this way? is he flattered? yes and no, he doesn't see himself as ugly but also doesn't look at himself as the most handsome guy in the world, but someone straight up having a crush on him is kind of new, he doesn't really care much for relationships at the very moment but has thought about settling down with someone he likes, will it be you?
laois' crush: when it comes to having a crush, he tries to be his normal self around you, but sometimes can't help but be a little nervous especially when the two of you are alone, sooner or later he comes to the conclusion of realizing the he indeed, likes you, but confessing is the hard part, he's never thought much about rejection, it is a normal part of life after all, but when it comes to you? it's an entirely different ball game.
falin touden
reader's crush: falin already has someone chasing after her; shuro, theres a 50/50 chance of her reaction to reader's crush being the same as shuro's, but could there be a different reaction this time?
falin's reaction: surprisingly less shy than her brother, when she comes to this conclusion she'll build up the right time to actually confess, not wanting to rush things, just watch out for shuro i guess.
chilchuck tims
reader's crush: chilchuck learning about reader's crush is a bit sad, though he's no stranger to romance as he not only had a wife but also three whole kids, he's not really good with emotions so he's kind of scared you'll leave him just like his wife did, so, if reader confesses, there's gonna be a high chance that you'll be rejected, just give it some time.
chilchuck's crush: this weird feeling in his chest whenever he see's you will confuse him at first.. there's no way he has a crush on you?? after his wife leaving him he didn't really have any interest in romance, he might as well just focus on his work at the moment, one of these days he'll bring up the courage to confess, just not right now.
marcille donato
reader's crush: she can't really decide on whether she'll return the feelings or not, definitely flattered is what i'll say.
marcille's crush: she's similar to falin, she'll build up a better relationship with you for the right time to confess, she tries to make it seem as if she's not into you but it's quite obvious to the other party members.
senshi of izganda
reader's crush: out of everyone, he'll definitely be the most flattered, someone having a crush on him wasn't something he put much thought into, not to mention romance kind of isn't his thing, nor does he think he have the time for a significant other.
senshi's crush: i don't think this is the very first time he's ever had feelings for someone, but it's definitely a special feeling, he's not nervous of confessing his feelings at all actually, and he's not that sensitive to rejection.
reader's crush: namari wouldn't really know how to react, honestly, she's never given the idea of someone having a crush on her much thought, she won't care much about rejecting the reader, at least she's honest.
namari's crush: her crush will be a bit hard to spot but when it comes to you, there will be a notable soft spot, she treats you like everyone else and isn't afraid to scold you if you do something wrong.
shuro | toshiro nakamoto
reader's crush: in an au where he still has feelings for falin, he immediately rejects you, telling you boldly that his heart is for falin and falin alone, but lets go to an au where he either loses interest in her or doesn't like her at all; definitely flattered, someone liking him (back) isn't unheard of but it is... nice?
shuro's crush: just look at what he does with falin, he will propose to you at some point, of course when time goes by and he starts to fall for you harder and harder, until he just can't contain it anymore.
reader's crush: very, very strange, someone having a crush on her is.. almost unheard of, or she doesn't pay much attention, anywho, she doesn't know... how to react? she knows what to do if she doesn't return the feelings but... someone liking her is just weird lmao.
izutsumi's crush: she won't make it obvious.... or try to at least, she accepts affection from you much more than she does from the others and sticks by your side more.
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poeticallyspiteful · 10 months
hiii! could you please write a regulus black x potter! reader? maybe something like reg and reader secretly going out and getting discovered by James?
thank you!! have an amazing day 💗💗
his muse (pt. one)
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regulus black x reader
fluff / angst
cw: unedited as always 😌, a sex joke but it’s a titanic reference lol, marauders being overprotective, kissing, cuddling, someone may threaten to pull out someone’s teeth and put them on a necklace (it seemed like a very regulus threat), artist!regulus because 🥰
summary: you’re the honorary little sister of the infamous marauders; what happens when they catch you with a certain someone?
notes: hey love, thank you so much for the request!! just so you know, i don’t like to write readers to be related to another character, because i want my readers be able to relate to the ‘reader character’ without altering their preferred fancast for another one based on things like race or ethnicity. that is totally on me for not putting that in my request post and i will do that asap, but i hope you enjoy this anyway <33
more notes: i did get just a tad bit carried away and decided to divide this request into two parts, just to make it less overwhelming for me and y’all as well. anyways, enjoy <333
“oh reggie, paint me like one of your french girls,” you giggled, draping yourself dramatically across regulus’ pristine sheets.
he looked up from his sketchbook, brow furrowed in a way that made you want to kiss him until you both passed out from lack of oxygen.
god, you loved him.
“what?” he asked.
evan and barty had both left the slytherin dorms, off to some place or another, giving you the perfect opportunity for some alone time with your lovely boyfriend. you’ve made sure to do this at least once a week since you started dating in your fourth year. now that you’ve reached sixth year, the tradition had only grown more cherished; precious were the moments spent with someone you’d been otherwise forbidden to see.
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“he’s dangerous, (y/n),” sirius insisted, only just finished with his dramatic act of fake vomiting. you had made the grave mistake of assuming your friend would have a normal reaction upon hearing who had asked you to the yule ball.
“a slytherin, (y/n), how could you?” james moaned, collapsing onto the auto-man like he was faint in the heart. “you have been my little sister all my life—”
“you met me when you were twelve and we are not related,” you corrected.
james feigned offense. “how dare you question our bond? blood does not matter! we are family and that is that, young lady.”
“leave her alone, the both of you,” remus laughed, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you to his chest. “our little girl had to grow up someday.”
sirius looked appalled. “not with my bastard, slimy, death eater of a brother—”
“he’s not a death eater, we’re fourteen!” you exclaimed, pouting dramatically at the older boy. “just one dance, i promise padfoot, if it’s that weird to you, i’ll never see him again.”
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you lied.
sunlight peaked in through the curtains, the golden rays hitting regulus in such a way that made him look angelic. so focused on his sketchbook, glancing up every few moments to gaze at you like you were something to be revered.
you sat up in his bed, fiddling with the hem of his sweater that lay around your mid thighs; though you loved to, you rarely got the opportunity to wear reggie’s clothes, given sirius would recognize them in an instant. so, you took advantage of these moments whenever they came your way.
you loved wrapping yourself in the soft, strong, warm smell of him: minty cologne, sea salt, and pine trees. the scent was practically woven in the fabric, making everything feel so much softer, so much more him.
you did have a couple shirts and sweaters you’d stolen over the years, but they remained in your dorm at all times.
well, mostly.
it was a moment of stupidity. a dreary saturday morning, a hogsmeade trip, and you had slept in. naturally, you had to rush out of your dorm to get to breakfast in time; but, you didn’t need to change, did you?
why not wear the sweater you had slept in and save yourself a little time?
so, after changing into more appropriate pants, you made your way down the breakfast and sat in your regular spot; in between remus and james, and smack dab across from sirius.
he noticed his brothers favorite sweater the second you sat down.
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“what’s that?”
you’d barely sat down by the time sirius spoke and continued making your morning coffee as the group grew silent around you. finally looking up, you glanced between your friends in confusion.
“what’s what?”
you lifted your sleeve to rub your nose, breathing in quickly through your stuffed up sinuses; stupid fall allergies.
you froze as the familiar sent cooled your insides, eyes darting over to the slytherin table across the great hall.
that’s ‘what’s what’.
“who’s jumper is that, (y/n)?” james asked, arm draping over your shoulders to tug the sleeve on the other side. “doesn’t look like one of mine—”
“or mine,” sirius chimed.
“or mine,” peter chirped, though you hardly stole borrowed his sweaters anyways (too scratchy).
“it’s mine!”
you were surprised to hear remus’ leap to your defense, as you knew damn well the sweater wrapped around you wasn’t his— still, you weren’t about to question it.
“mhm,” you hummed, taking a sip of your coffee, hoping the boys didn’t notice your shaking hands. “i don’t know what all that third degree was about, but i stole this from moony a month ago.”
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“what’re you thinking about, lovely?”
regulus was suddenly just inches away from you, sketchbook tossed to the side, instead opting to look at his muse more close up.
“nothing,” you mumbled, smiling as he dipped down to kiss your collarbone, working his way up to your lips with featherlight kisses that made you wish you could stay with him forever.
though at this point, everything he did made you wish you could stay with him forever.
“you’re beautiful,” he whispered, eyes scanning every curve and point of your face like a work of art; his work of art, his muse.
he’ll never get tired of that word.
you breathed in deeply, the smell of him practically making you glow like some sort of protection charm; you’d never felt safer than you did with regulus near. you felt untouchable with him, like nothing could ever hurt you.
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“what are you doing here?”
a grating voice to disrupt your already terrible day.
“hey,” severus called. “i’m talking to you.”
you spun around, glaring at the greasy haired boy across from you with as much contempt at you could muster. “piss off, severus!” you shouted; you’d never bit back like this before, but the shocked look on his face was worth it. “really, cornering a younger student in an empty hallway? pretty cowardly, don’t you think?”
before you could debate the consequences of your actions, severus’ hand was gripping your cloaks and you were shoved up against the wall.
“you filthy little—”
just as quick as snapes hands were on you, they’d been torn off, and you scrunched to the ground. regulus shoved him up to the wall opposite you.
“defending your little mudblood, huh?”
“shut your filthy mouth about her or i swear on merlins grave, i will rip every single one of your teeth out and put them on a necklace like a string of fucking pearls,” regulus bit, baring his teeth like an emphasis to the threat. “you got that?”
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that night, you ended up in a very similar position to where you were in now; wrapped up in your lovely boyfriends sweater, curled in his arms, and having sweet nothings whispered in your ear.
“y’know, i mean it when i say you are beautiful,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple as he spoke, breath fanning over your face. it tickled, but you didn’t care; you just wanted to hear his voice. “breathtakingly gorgeous, inside and out.”
“really?” you teased, nuzzling your nose further into his chest, arms wrapped around his torso.
“really,” he laughed. “i could stay like this forever.”
you pouted, pulling yourself half on top of him. “but my daft friends just have to get in the way, don’t they?”
you hear a gasp from the doorway.
“did you just call us daft?”
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cosmic-whispers · 11 months
Find Out - Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel overhears a conversation you have with your friends where you admit your feelings for him. When he decides to confront you, he finds you in a rather compromising position. 
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: kind of a creepy, pervy Az (lol, he watches reader touch herself), secondhand embarrassment, SMUT (oral-both, shadow play hehe)
A/N: ngl, writing has been tough lately. I feel like I’m just trying to push words out and it’s taking forever to get anything out. Anyways, this is cute, I guess, but still not sure how I feel about it. This was inspired by a request i got.  I hope you enjoy 6.7k works of Azriel just buffering and being a mess and a little bit of a creep (but we can’t stop loving him). Also, this is nasty. Enjoy!
The light, crisp breeze of the summer evening caressed your cheeks and gently blew your hair back as you made your way down the streets of Velaris. The setting sun set the world alight in golden hues and you cherished the last rays of sun as you made your way home to the Townhouse. 
Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn had invited you to your first official girls night with them and the excitement had been building since earlier that morning. Having known the Inner Circle for less than two months, you were filled with appreciation at your new friends’ kindness to include you. You had finished their book recommendation and came prepared with an extensive list of notes about the characters, the romance, and the spice. You were promised a fun night full of delicious wine and riveting conversations.
You approached the house, the excitement adding a spring to your step. You were ready to relax and have fun, it had been entirely too long and you had been working entirely too hard. The rustle of flapping wings caught your attention and you turned, watching as Azriel descended from the sky, clad in his leathers and shadows swimming around him. Your heart fluttered in your chest as he landed in front of you, wings spread magnificently behind him and his siphons bathing him in a gentle blue light. 
You smiled at him as he approached you and he offered you a tired grin in return. 
“Hello, Azriel,” you said, looking up at him as he stood before you. “Welcome back.”
“It’s good to be back,” he said. His deep voice and the way his eyes remained on yours made heat rise to your face and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from admitting just how much you missed him. He had been away for the last two weeks on a mission from Rhysand, and it was too long of a time to go without his kindness and soft smiles. 
He leaned down towards you and pulled you close, his arms wrapping around your waist and giddy excitement spread through you. Your own hands wrapped around his shoulders and he heaved a sigh, burrowing his face into the side of your neck. You knew he could hear the rapid pounding of your heart and were grateful that he didn’t mention it. 
“I missed you,” he mumbled into your neck. His warm breath spread across your skin and you shuddered in his arms, engulfed entirely in him and the scent of cedar and mist. You wished you could stay in his arms forever. 
“I missed you, too,” you admitted. He let go of you, straightening his spine, and took a step away from you. Tendrils of shadows brushed against your bare arms, making you giggle until their master reeled them back in. He began walking with you the rest of the way to the Townhouse. 
“I hope these past two weeks without me have not been too hard on you,” he teased, gently bumping your shoulder. 
“It’s been dreadful. Rhysand and Nesta won’t leave me alone without my favorite shadowsinger there to protect me.”
“I believe I’m the only shadowsinger you know.” He smiled playfully at you, his eyes shining with amusement. You smiled back at him, taking the opportunity to admire just how breathtaking Azriel was when he was relaxed and smiling. 
“You're in a good mood,” you commented. “I take it your mission went well?”
“Yes, surprisingly,” he commented, although he did not elaborate further. 
You decided to press your luck. Curiosity ruled you, and you wondered why Rhysand had you research cult organizations within the continent. You pondered whether that was something that Azriel was sent to handle.  “Why did Rhys send you all the way to Montesere?”
“Careful, I might begin suspecting you're a spy sent to infiltrate Velaris,” he teased, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. If you hadn’t known him as well as you did, the slight flicker of amusement in the corner of his lips may have gone completely unnoticed. 
“Oh, no, you’ve discovered my evil plot. Is the big, bad Spymaster going to take me to his dungeon?”
You teased him, but the sudden image of you chained in his torture chamber, fully nude, and being punished in rather enjoyable ways flashed through your mind and you nearly gasped out loud. 
He leaned down close to your ear and murmured, “keep teasing me, and I just might need to.” His deep, gravelly voice echoed pleasantly in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and adding fuel to the images filtering through your mind. You struggled to formulate a coherent response and gratefulness filled you as you made it to the Townhouse. 
He smirked as he opened the door for you, allowing you to enter the home before following after you. You took two steps before being intercepted by your friend. Nesta was smirking at you as she noticed the Illyrian behind you. Although you had never admitted your feelings to her, Nesta had quickly guessed your infatuation with the bat boy trailing behind you. She had tried encouraging you to pursue him but you had always turned her ideas down knowing that he did not feel the same for you. 
“Welcome back, Azriel,” she said and he nodded at her in thanks. 
“(Y/N),” she said, shifting her attention back to you, “I was going to ask what took you so long, but I think I’ve got a pretty good idea now.” Her gaze shifted back to Azriel and you glared at her. 
“I lost track of time in the city library,” you said, defending yourself against her. 
Azriel still lingered behind you and Nesta shifted her attention back to him. “She’s mine tonight, Spymaster. Find someone else to spend your time with. It’s her first girl’s night and I won’t let anyone interrupt. We’re going to get her to spill all her dirty secrets!”
“Nesta!” you exclaimed, laughing at your friend’s enthusiasm.
“Good luck, (Y/N),” Azriel said and you glanced back up at him. He winked at you and you felt heat rise to your cheeks and ears. 
“Thanks, I have a strong suspicion that I’ll need it.”
“You’re both being very dramatic. All she needs is some good alcohol in her system,” Nesta said, taking your arm and pulling you away from the Shadowsinger and into the living room. You glanced back at him one last time, catching his honey gaze. Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he smiled at you and you gave him a quick wave, quickly turning your attention to Emorie and Gwyn, who waited for you with excited smiles on their faces. 
Sleep would not claim Azriel. The time neared midnight and despite the gathering downstairs, the house was quiet. He had bathed, washing the grime off and felt infinitely better. Yet, when he laid down, he found himself wide awake, rushing thoughts infiltrating his mind. Thoughts of you infiltrated his mind full speed. He could not stop thinking about you, and the ache that he felt in his heart every time he saw you. He tried to drown the image of you smiling by concentrating on thoughts of his successful mission and all the useful information he had gathered, but his concentration would wane entirely too quickly back to you. 
He decided on a midnight snack, hoping something sweet and perhaps a boring book would lull him to sleep. He descended the stairs silently, pajama pants hanging lowly on his hips and his bare chest exposed. 
He made his way toward the kitchen, steps as silent as the night, until your sweet laugh stopped him short. 
“Pour her more wine!” he heard Emorie exclaim and the sound of liquid pouring into glass followed. 
“Come on, (Y/N),” Nesta teased. “I already know you have a crush on him. You just have to admit it to all of us.”
His heart stopped in his chest, shock washing over him like ice water. You had feelings for someone? A ripple of anger surged through him as he imagined this unknown, faceless male that had stolen his mate away from him.
He had felt nothing but utter bliss the moment that the bond had snapped for him. You had been working with Rhysand and Amren researching ancient scrolls for a week and he had just returned from a brief stint in the Spring Court. He remembered that summer afternoon, walking into the library in the House of Wind, an unfamiliar scent mixing with the air. He had found you pouring over a massive tome, hair a bit frazzled and an exasperated look on your face. You had looked at him then–the rays of sunshine coming in from the windows making your face gleam. His heart had belonged to you the moment your eyes had met; his admiration for you–his soulmate–quickly turning into love as he got to know you. 
And you had no idea.
He had wanted to tell you, but doubts had quickly clouded his judgement. Initially, he convinced himself that you might not be ready for the level of commitment that the bond often implied. But it quickly turned into self-doubt–how could he confess and force the affliction of having him as your mate on to you? He was not worthy of you. And now he was too late. Now, he would be forced to watch you fall in love with someone else. 
Your giggle broke him out of his thoughts. “If you already know, then why do I need to say it?”
“Because it’s good to confess your feelings instead of keeping them bottled up,” Gwyn said. “Please, (Y/N), you know I have no interest in a romantic relationship right now. I have to live vicariously through you!”
“Fine,” you said, an exasperated sigh escaping you. You paused for a moment, the clinking of the wine glass chiming softly in Azriel’s ear. His shadows were desperate for release, fighting against their master to go to you, but he reeled them in tightly, unwilling to give his position away. 
“You cannot say anything to him. I really like him and I don’t need you three meddling and ruining our friendship.”
“Yes, yes. Now who is it?” Emorie said. 
“Mother above, look at how embarrassed she looks; she is so in love!” Nesta exclaimed and you groaned, but did not deny it. 
Gwyn squealed and Emorie joined her giggling as they drunkenly promised to keep your secrets. 
“Who is it?” Nesta teased. 
Azriel knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. He knew he should leave well enough alone and go back to his room and accept any decision you made as long as you were happy. His heart was already shattered within his chest; anything else he heard would just be salt on the wound. But his feet remained firm in their place, his shadows growing deathly silent around him as he waited for your answer. A fucking masochist is what he was. 
“You already know it’s Azriel.”
He was stunned into a daze for a moment, before warmth began to spread from his chest to the tip of his fingers and he did not even register the corners of his lips rising into a smile. 
“He’s just so kind and sweet and gentle. A little mysterious, but that’s the best part,” you continued, giggling. “He’s made me feel so welcome and he likes spending time with me. I feel like I can be myself around him. It doesn’t hurt that he’s so damn gorgeous. I can barely look at him!”
“I think you should tell him! I see the way he looks at you,” Emorie said. He wanted to hug her. 
“I don’t know. I don’t think he feels the same way and I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” you said and he rolled his eyes at you. Silly, little thing. How could you not know that you were the single most important thing in his life? How could you not know how his heart beat for you and only you?
“Well, I think you should put your big girl pants on and tell him,” Nesta said. “Just think about all the fun you’ll get to have!”
An image of you, kneeling ass up in his bed, flashed through his mind and he had to fight the dirty thoughts in his head to be able to focus. 
“Yes!” Emorie exclaimed. “You know that the size of Illyrian wings correlates with their dick size! If we’re just going off his wings, that male is packing.”
The entire group began laughing and unadulterated male pride surged within him. If only they knew how accurate they were. 
“I suppose the wings could be fun,” you said and trailed off.
“But?” Gwyn asked, baiting you into answering and Azriel vowed to get her that book she had been talking about non stop.
You giggled before answering. “But I’ve always wondered what he can do with those little shadows.”
The squeals and laughter grew loud. He heard a chair being pushed back, and quickly drew back up the stairs and into his bedroom without a sound, a smile etched on his face. 
This was not like him. The regularly stoic, unfeeling Spymaster of the Night Court felt giddy. He knew that the bond had not snapped for you yet. You were falling for him entirely on your own and he felt his heart swell with emotion. 
He knew sleep would not come to him that night. While it would usually evade him due to nightmares or too many thoughts, he knew that night would only be filled with the thought of you. You had feelings for him. You fantasized about him. He sat on his balcony, nursing a cup of wine as he looked up at the stars and contemplated the future. He was so damn close to having you. 
Your room was across from his, deliberately chosen by Rhys in an effort to get Azriel to get closer to you. He had heard you enter your chambers within the last hour and had to force his shadows to stay put, although he was finding it harder and harder to contain himself. He debated whether to go to you or not. 
You had feelings for him–had admitted as much out loud. Yet, apprehension still clung to him. Having a crush on him did not mean that you would accept the bond. Accept him. Perhaps you needed more time to solidify your feelings. Or perhaps he was being a coward and should speak with you, before his opportunity fades away from him. 
He stood decidedly and traversed the length of his room with large strides. He crossed the hallway and gently rapped his knuckles against your door before he could second-guess himself. There was no going back. 
He took a deep breath as no sound greeted him. 
He knocked on the door again, to the same answering silence. 
“(Y/N)?” he called out. He slowly pushed the door open, ensuring it was quiet in case you had fallen asleep. Glancing into the room, he found it completely empty. He had not heard you leave and his shadows had not detected you either. A pang of worry worked its way down his spine, before he heard a sound from the adjoining bath room. 
“Mmm.” It was your voice, low and husky and full of pleasure. He froze on the spot, blood rushing to his face and further south and he heard his heartbeat loud in his ears. He was hardly conscious of his legs, moving him closer and closer to the door until he was standing right in front of it. He stared at the dark wood, imagining what sight would greet him if he opened the door. 
You moaned once more and he gasped as the husky scent of your arousal reached his nose. It was making him slightly delirious, and he rested his head against the wooden surface of the door, trying to compose himself. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but realized too late that it had been a mistake. Your heady scent invaded every crevice of his brain and it felt like he was a hormonal teenager again, nothing in his brain except you. He reeled his shadows tight to himself, despite their clear desire to go to you. They angrily buzzed around his body, begging him to release them. His hand made it to the front of his pants, rubbing the throbbing erection through the soft material of his pants. 
It was wrong. It was so wrong. It was a complete invasion of your privacy, but he could not find it within himself to walk away. 
“Yes, Azriel,” you sighed and it stopped the movement of his hand short, the sound of you moaning his name lighting every nerve ending of his body on fire. It’s almost like you were a siren, summoning and enticing him and he took the bait without thought or hesitation. His hand wrapped around the handle of the door and he slowly turned it, pulling it open and making his way silently past the threshold. 
You were enveloped in the giant, ivory tub in the center of the room and faced away from him, not noticing him inside. He stayed where he was near the entrance and observed you. Your head rested back against the rim of the tub, eyes scrunched shut in pleasure, mouth opened as panting breaths escaped you. Your wet skin glistened in the faelight and he was entranced. 
You looked ethereal–like a goddess personified into flesh right before his eyes. He glanced at the mirror that stood in front of you, nearly gasping out loud at the sight of your pert nipples peeking out from the surface of the bath water. Your hand was submerged, arm moving in a quick, controlled movement as you brought pleasure to yourself. 
Gods, you were perfection. Everything about you enthralled him, excited him, and he wanted to own every part of you and for you to own every part of him. He yearned desperately for you. 
Your panting grew rapid, the moans escaping you more frequently now and he knew you were on the verge of your orgasm. His eyes remained glued to the reflection of your face, taking in every detail, every movement, every expression you made as you hit your peak. Your back arched, exposing your full breasts to his desperate gaze and he nearly came in his pants from the sight alone. 
Your body relaxed into the water and you sighed in satisfaction. Your eyes opened lazily as a delighted smile grew on your face. Looking forward, you froze as your gaze met his in the mirror. His breath caught in his chest as you gasped loud, submerging yourself further into the water and turning your body to face him. Shit. 
Your eyes were wide and your heartbeat had increased. He could almost feel the heat burning beneath your skin in embarrassment as you looked at him in shock. He tried to think of something to say, but panic began building inside of him and clouding his mind. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” you screeched.
He was frozen in shame. He should have never invaded your privacy like this. He regretted it. He did not know what possessed him to follow his primal instincts, but he cursed himself as he was unable to speak. 
“Well?” you asked, and he could feel your embarrassment slowly shifting into anger. 
“Do you normally spy on naked females?” Your tone was sharp and your lips were downturned into a frown. He could practically sense your body vibrating with unleashed wrath.
His cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. He wished to explain himself–that he did not come to you with the intention of catching you in a vulnerable position. He simply wanted to speak with you. Encourage your feelings. But the sight of you…Your upper chest and shoulders were exposed, wet, and glistening in the dim lighting. Your hair was soaked, pushed all the way back and the curve of your neck was exposed to him, taunting his control. Your eyelashes were darkened, making your eyes all the more piercing. He was absolutely enchanted.
Azriel was a clever male. He was quick-witted and smart and knew his way out of most situations. But with you, he found himself absolutely struck dumb. His mind was blank, even as he begged himself to say something. To say anything. 
You were growing impatient. You breathed a sharp sigh through your nose and your frown deepened. Azriel wanted to punch himself when the only thing he could think of was how pretty your mouth was and how desperate he was to have it wrapped around his length. 
“You have about 3 seconds to explain yourself before I completely lose my shit and kill you.”
He knew you couldn’t kill him. It was laughable to even think of you trying. But the anger in your eyes scared him and he feared he would ruin any chance he had with you. He would never jeopardize your friendship, even if after today you decided you would never give him a chance, he needed you in his life. He could not lose you. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, breathless and absolutely captivated. “I didn’t know you were bathing–I came to speak to you. I heard a noise, so I came in and…I’m sorry.” Not the most eloquent, but at least he was able to get the words out, despite his tight throat and heavy breathing. 
“What did you want to speak to me about that was so pressing you had to walk in on me and stay?” you questioned, anger still lingering in your expression, but you weren’t banishing him away.
“I overheard you tell the girls that you have feelings for me.” Your anger shifted into shock for a moment, before turning back into embarrassment. You broke eye contact with him, looking away, eyes panicked and eyebrows scrunched together in worry. He wanted to comfort you, but within seconds, your expression stilled, morphing back into anger and you turned your eyes back to him. 
You glared at him, anger and indignation seeping from you. “Well, if you wanted to turn me down, save it. I never expected anything from you. Now, please leave.”
He wanted to laugh, but knew that you would not take it well. Turn you down? He would be the most foolish male in the whole of Prythian to let you go. 
“How could I ever turn you down when you’re all I ever think about?” You were silent at his confession, and your glare softened. “How could I ever turn you down when I have been in love with you since the second that I met you? How could I ever turn down my mate?” 
You were stunned, eyes widening and you stared at him, unblinkingly. 
“...Your mate?” you said. Your voice sounded small and the vulnerable expression on your face nearly broke his heart. “How long have you known?”
“It snapped for me the day I met you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? You didn’t want it?”
“Of course I want it,” he said and took a step toward you. You didn’t stop him. You stared at him, your beautiful eyes wide and lined with unshed tears. “You’re everything I ever dreamed of and more. I wanted you to feel it on your own time. I didn’t want to pressure you. I know that I come with a lot of baggage and that I don’t deserve your love. And I’m sorry about this. I’ve just dreamt about seeing you like this for so long. I’ve imagined what your skin would feel like, your lips…”.
He knew he was rambling and finally decided to have some self-preservation. “I’m so sorry for invading your privacy, (Y/N). I’ll leave now.”
He turned away in shame, taking a step toward the door before your soft voice stopped him. 
“Find out,” you breathed. His gaze found you again, your eyes softened and a small smile played on your lips.
He grew nervous and he felt his throat tighten. His shadows coiled around him anxiously waiting.“What do you mean?” 
“How my skin feels like, my lips…”
You stood, droplets of bath water sliding down smooth, soft skin. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his chest as he traced a drop down between your breasts, down your navel, and down to the curls between your thighs. You stood bare before him–the most exquisite sight he had ever beheld. Your breath quickened, drawing his attention back to your perfect breasts. He envisioned himself walking up to you, taking a peak into his mouth, sucking and nipping at the supple skin. 
“(Y/N).” He sighed your name, quietly and reverently. His gaze returned to your face, piercing eyes meeting yours and every fiber of his being felt like it was being lit on fire.
He took a step towards you, his hand extending out as if to touch you, but he pulled it back. His shadows and wings were held taught against him, and his body nearly vibrated at having you this close and completely vulnerable before him. You stepped out of the tub and on to the plush rug on the floor and took a step toward him. He stared, afraid to move or even blink, as you approached him and closed the distance between you. This had to be a dream, a vivid fantasy his cruel mind was inventing. But you stood in front of him, real, completely naked and dripping wet and he was painfully hard beneath his pants. 
“Find out,” you murmured, close enough that your warm breath brushed against the skin of his bare chest. Before he was aware of what you had done, your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, bringing him closer and you pressed your lips against his. 
He froze for a moment, shock overtaking him before elation began growing and spreading throughout his being. His arms came up, wrapping around your bare waist and he pulled you closer to him as he began to eagerly kiss you back. He was addicted, your taste and the softness of your lips against his overwhelming his senses. He could not think. All he could smell was you. All he could hear was your breathing and the beating of your heart. All he could feel was the pleasant heat between your lips and the warmth of your skin on his. 
He could not stop his hands from roaming your skin, large hands touching any part of you he could get to, savoring the feeling of you in his arms. His touch reached the plump skin of your ass and he could not help but to give the meaty flesh a squeeze. You moaned, the sound like heaven to his ears, and he took the opportunity to dive his tongue into your mouth. Your arms squeezed him tighter to you, pulling him down to your height. His hands slid to your thighs and he stood up straight, carrying you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
He stepped forward, pressing your back against the floor length mirror on the wall and his lips began to trail the delicate skin of your neck. You sighed, going pliant and melting into his arms. 
“You said my name,” he murmured against you, one of his hands roaming to your front. The feel of your breast in his hand left him nearly breathless. 
“What?” you gasped as he bit down on the junction between your neck and shoulder. Fuck, you were delicious. He could not get enough of you. 
“Were you thinking of me while you were touching yourself?” he teased. He pressed his hips against yours and pinched your nipple; your gasp and the slight friction made a shiver run down his spine. Excitement, hope, and love flooded his senses as he finally had you in his arms. 
“You weren’t supposed to see,” you said sheepishly, turning your face away from him in embarrassment. 
He took the opportunity and began kissing down your jaw and neck, the soft gasps escaping you exciting him more. His hands returned to your thighs, hoisting you higher in his embrace and he attached his mouth to your nipple. You were mesmerizing, absolutely beautiful and his heart beat hard in his chest. He could not wait to drown in the silkiness of your skin, the feel of your hands on his body, your kisses, your essence…He was starving for you. 
He licked at your skin, sucking the delicate nub and pinching it between his teeth, your soft sounds encouraging him. Your hands gripped his shoulders, fingernails digging into the skin and he shuddered at the stinging pleasure. 
You moaned as he sucked on your nipple hard, and your hands began to wander the exposed skin of his chest, your small fingers traveling the terrain with purpose, dipping along his muscles and caressing his tattoos affectionately. He savored the feeling of you touching him, your warmth, how it felt to have you in his arms. His heart beat erratically in his chest and he feared you would put an end to it. He feared you would never allow him this close to you again. So he took his time to memorize you, so that if nothing else, he could have this night for the rest of his life. 
Your hands traveled up his neck, and you tilted his jaw up. He looked up at you in awe as you leaned down and pressed your lips against his once more. Your kiss was addicting–soft and passionate, desperate and accepting. He barely registered your hand sneaking down and pushing his sweatpants down his hips, leaving him just as bare as you were. 
You wiggled in his arms and he lowered you, leaning down and keeping his lips pressed firmly to yours. His tongue pressed at the seam of your lips and you breathed a laugh as you broke apart from him. He almost whimpered at the loss of your lips.
“Fuck, Az, you’re so hot,” you mumbled as you began pressing kisses down his chest. His hands clung to your shoulders and he hissed as you bit his nipple. You giggled, smiling up at him cheekily. 
“Fucking tease,” he growled.
“Should I make it up to you?” you asked, sinking down to your knees in front of him. 
Shock flew throughout his body as you pressed your mouth against his cock, hands coming up to wrap around him. Soft, tiny licks to his shaft made him twitch in your hands and you smiled up at him. You gently sucked the tip into your mouth and his heart stuttered in his chest. 
“Sweetheart,” he started, his voice tight and restrained. Despite wanting desperately to fuck into your mouth with reckless abandon, he didn’t want you to feel forced to do this for him. “You don’t have to.”
“I know,” you murmured. The vibrations of your voice traveled along his cock, up his spine, and caused his brain to malfunction for a moment. “I want to.”
Before he could formulate a response in his mind, you sucked his cock into your mouth, deep into your throat and your hands gripped whatever you were not able to stuff inside of your mouth. 
“Fuck!” He had died. He had ascended to the heavens, he was sure of it. This was the most exquisite, erotic experience of his life. You began dragging your mouth to the tip and back up the shaft; the suction of your mouth and the tightness of your throat was pure perfection. He could hardly believe that you were real. His hand came up and wrapped around your hair, desperate for anything to ground him to the earth. 
He stared at your face and your eyes shifted up, looking at him through your lashes and he groaned at the sight of just how deep you were taking him. 
“Stop,” he begged. He needed you to stop before he was not able to contain himself any longer. He wanted to be inside of you when he came. 
You ignored his plea, suctioning your cheeks in and sucking him harder. He felt his balls tighten and he whimpered.
“Fuck, please,” he groaned and pulled your hair hard, tugging your head back and away from him. You moaned and your eyes sparked with interest at his roughness. Interesting. He made a mental note to explore that in the future with you if he ever got the chance. 
“I need to fuck you,” he said, leaning down and gripping your hips, lifting you in his arms once more. He carried you with ease to the countertop, sitting you on it and slotting himself between your legs. You hissed at the coldness of the marble beneath you, but it didn’t stop you from kissing him again. He wrapped his arms fully around you, engulfing you in him as his wings dipped forward. You fell pliant in his arms and for a brief moment, the exhilarating thought crossed his mind that you would let him do anything he wanted to you. 
With you distracted, he took the opportunity, sending his shadows to pin your legs to the marble beneath you and your arms to the mirror behind you. You gasped in shock as he broke away from you, taking a few steps back and observing you.
“Azriel?” you gasped, looking at him with love-drunk eyes. He did not answer, taking the time to drink you in. Your perfect face, desperation clinging to your expression. Your breasts were on full display for him. His eyes wandered further down your exquisite figure, stopping at your glistening cunt. You were completely exposed to him. 
“You wanted to know how I use my shadows during sex,” he stated and you gasped, embarrassment flooding your features as you realized that he had overheard more of your conversation than you expected. “You’re about to find out.”
His shadows spread across the expanse of your body as Azriel stood firmly planted where he stood, observing the delectable sight before him. The shadows curled around your nipples, twisting them and pinching them and you let out a cry of pleasure, arching your back. He sent more of them lower on your body, softly caressing the seam at your center and you whined. 
“How does it feel?” he asked, wanting to know just how good you felt. 
“It’s so good Azriel,” you moaned. The shadows at your cunt squeezed against your clit and you screamed, your chest rising rapidly as you became breathless. 
“I-I”ve never felt anything like this,” you nearly sobbed. Your wetness dripped out of you, and he watched in cruel anticipation as your body writhed–right on brink of climax from his shadows alone. 
“Azriel, please, I need you.” He chuckled lowly at your plea for him. He had no intention of touching you just yet. 
“Is that it?” he taunted. “I think you can do better than that.”
You yelled in pleasure as his shadows gave a particularly tight pinch on your clit. 
“Azriel! Please! Please, I need your cock inside of me, I need to touch you. I need you to fuck me, please!” you cried out, just before hitting your peak. You groaned loudly as you arched your back. Your cum squirted out of you and he groaned, taking quick strides towards you and stuffing his face into your pussy, desperate for a taste of you. He drank your sweet juices and his tongue rubbed relentlessly against your clit, prolonging your orgasm as much as possible. 
He slowly called his shadows back to him, releasing you from their hold and he crawled his way back up your body, pressing soft kisses against your skin. He pressed a soft, chaste kiss on your lips.
“Someone’s a desperate, little slut,” he said and you smiled, leaning into him and nipping his lip. 
“Only for you,” you said, and spread your legs open, revealing your messy cunt to him once more. 
He stared for a moment before you gripped his face and brought his attention back to your face. “Well? Are you going to give this desperate, little slut what she wants?”
He was blown away at your insolent, bratty attitude. The normally shy, quiet, sweet girl was gone, replaced by a wild, untamed goddess of sex and beauty. He wanted to tease you, but he was absolutely mesmerized and knew he needed to fuck you, desperate for the feel of you and for his release. 
He lined himself up at your entrance and slowly slid inside of you. Your eyes rolled back and you tilted your head back in pleasure as every inch of his dick slowly slid into your tight hole. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. The heat, the tightness, the wetness was driving him wild and he wanted to rut into you recklessly. But he went slow until he bottomed out. You were stuffed to the brim, his head nestling tight against your cervix. 
He began fucking into you in earnest, the friction driving him delirious. He craved every single touch you surrendered to him. He wished to be so deep inside of you that he did not know where one ended and the other began. The golden string tying his soul to yours sang in his chest, bright and unyielding, and it brought tears to his eyes as the floodgates of the bond suddenly opened, your emotions of pleasure and admiration and love flooding into his heart. 
Your eyes widened, tears lining them and you smiled brilliantly at him. 
“My mate,” you whispered, feeling the bond open on your end. He returned your smile, unbridled and open, and the bond between you glowed–incandescent and fierce and all-consuming. 
He surrendered to his emotions, fucking into you with abandonment and a newfound ferocity. You screamed in pleasure and you clenched around him, making him gasp. The sight of your face, contorted in pleasure, the glow of your skin, still damp and gleaming with sweat, your scent intermingled with the unmistakable musk of sex, the feeling of your tight cunt wrapping around him and accommodating his impressive length perfectly–it was all too much for him. 
He was hanging on the precipice, determined to bring you to your high before falling off the edge. He was so close and so were you. He never thought he would ever feel such pleasure from sex. Sex had always been good, great even. But with you, it was something else entirely. With the golden thread now formed between the two of you, the feeling of your pleasure increased his tenfold and his heart swelled with uncontrollable love. No one would ever compare to you–he would never want anyone else. 
You sobbed in pleasure as your pussy clenched tight around him and you came with a scream. Your arms clutched him to you, and he groaned loudly as your walls fluttered around him. His pleasure built to a peak and his vision went white as he came inside of you. He buried himself to the hilt, as deep as he could go and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, your entire body pressed against him.
The room was silent for a few moments. Azriel pressed his head against your panting chest, your breathing and the beat of your heart a comforting rhythm in his ear. Your hand gently ran through his hair, playing with the soft strands and gently combing through the tangles. 
 He looked up at you and found your eyes already fixed on him. He smiled softly and pressed a kiss against your jaw. 
“I’m sorry I was creeping on you,” he said sheepishly. 
You laughed and leaned down to press a kiss against his head. “I’m sure I can think of some ways you can make it up to me. Maybe I’ll have to tie you up and force you to watch me pleasure myself all night long.”
He glared up at you. “You’re a fucking tease.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” He couldn’t wait to find out.
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desperate-gay · 6 months
omg the mearps stress reliever idea pls. I need it.
Where mary comes home, does what she wants (strap?) if you even write that. And then takes a shower, leaving reader alone. she gets the idea that mary ends up feeling a little bit guilty and reader tries to tell mary that she just wants to be there for her in any way. Angst if you squint but then it ends in fluff ❤️❤️❤️
Sorry if that's hard to understand lol. NEED A LONG FIC FOR HER BAD.
Stress Toy
Mary Earps x fem!reader
SMUT 18+
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“Mary, fuck!”
The feeling of her hands gripping your waist, moving you forward and backward to meet each one of her thrusts, causing the toy to lodge deeper into you. Her pace is relentless, not once showing the hint of even slowing down.
You know she needs this. The game has left everyone on edge, specifically Mary since she thinks she’s at fault when the truth is, it’s no one’s fault. There may have been a few mistakes here and there but it’s a team game, you can just blame one person, and you’ve tried to tell Mary that but she won’t listen.
When you noticed her silent behavior, you knew she was no longer sad but now angry. Why couldn’t she just have controlled the ball? How come she’s the one who has to deal with the strikers? So many questions ran through her head only fuming her anger.
Being the good girlfriend you are, you tried cheering her up by making her favorite dish, cleaning up the house, and basically offering anything that could make her feel better.
And that’s how you’re here. Ass bright red from the consistent slaps across it, hands gripping the white sheets, head pushed into your pillows, your whole body rocking with every thrust. You’re extremely overstimulated from the multiple orgasms you have already received but you want to please Mary, make her feel better. Mary places her hand on the small of your back and pushes, making your back arch further and your ass lift more into the air.
“God you’re such a slut, being my little toy. You were so quick to help me, weren’t ya?” She grits through her teeth, breathing heavily from each slam of her hips
“Y-yes, anything for you, baby.” You squeak when the toy hits a new spot, allowing a knot to form in your stomach once again.
From the increasing volume of your moans, she knows you’re close. Her hand reaches down and rubs tight circles around your clit, causing your body to jerk away from the slight sting of her touch. Your legs shake uncontrollably on the bed as you feel your release coming soon.
“I’m gonna- oh god, I’m gonna cum!” Your voice is muffled by the pillows, the sounds from your mouth blare throughout the apartment.
“C’mon, give me another one.” She says, lifting one foot onto the bed, flexing her thigh muscles as she pounds deeper into you from the new position.
Your orgasm crashed over you as tears run down your face from the overstimulation. Mary switches from her thrusts to a grind, slowing it down but not stopping. Knowing what she was planning, you flipped your body over and placed a hand on her chest, halting her movements.
“Mary, I can’t do any more, It’s too much.”
The girl huffs, getting off the bed while unclipping the strap off of her before making her way over to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. You remain on the bed, shocked by the still angry woman who just left you alone. You can hear the shower running and the sound of water wringing out from her hair.
Not really being able to move, you just lift the sheet over your body so you feel less exposed. Even if you’re in your own house, you feel a little dirty at the moment and you’re not sure why. You told the girl she could do whatever she wanted to you so why all of a sudden do you feel this way?
Maybe it’s because you were hoping after using you as a stress reliever, she’d be somewhat back to herself again. The sweet, funny, cuddly Mary. You can just be overreacting but you’re scared she’s mad that you stopped her and maybe you didn’t fulfill her needs enough.
Your thoughts pause at the sound of the bathroom door opening, a frowning Mary coming out with wet hair and a hoodie with sweatpants on. You don’t notice the wet rag in her hands until she removes the sheet off of you and cleans up the mess between your legs.
“I’m sorry for being a jerk.” She mumbles softly, placing kisses wherever she can.
“You weren’t a jerk, baby.” You reassure her with a sweet smile, tucking in a wet piece of her hair behind her ear.
Mary looks back up at you with the same frown. “I gave you no breaks and when you said you’ve had enough, I left you here. I didn’t even take care of you!”
The shame in her eyes is apparent, her lips beginning to wobble from the built-up emotions and the guilt. You pull her clothed body on your naked one, rubbing your hand up and down the center of her back.
“Sure you could have handled things better a few minutes ago, but you’re here now, taking care of me and apologizing profusely.” You assure while pecking her cheek multiple times along with her temple.
“I’m still sorry.”
“I know, baby. I forgive you. Now why don’t we put on a movie, cuddle, and just relax? Maybe you can take off your clothes and we can be more skin-to-skin?” You say, your intentions being completely innocent, knowing that with this type of cuddling you can feel even closer.
Mary doesn’t put up much of a fight, slinging her clothes across the room and placing her head on your chest while her arms wrap around your waist. Usually, it’s the other way around but she definitely needs this today.
From the movie playing in the background to your fingers threading through her hair, Mary’s eyes are closed and her breathing is evened out, knocked into a peaceful sleep, you following not too far after. There may be some tough days in life but it can always be better if you just try.
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
Girl let me just say your fics are superb and thanks for the quirkless child one I requested with Bakugou! I promise I’ll leave you be for a bit in a second, but… post final war; everyone who has came out alive clearly is suffering from injuries, health issues, and trauma (both physical trauma and mental trauma) no? So how about a Bakugou x Reader with a reader who was essentially Bubbly, Firery and Energetic, to after the war who is exhausted, is often having nightmares over Bakugou cause well he nearly died, sleep deprived and basically depressed because I can guarantee nobody should be sane after a war, especially not children like our lovely highschoolers. Please make it angst to comfort, because seeing how Bakugou also has developed I’m sure as sad as he would be he would also be understanding and try to be comforting (despite his awkwardness). I’d appreciate if you could get this done to be as close as possible (and maybe just a little long than the one I requested last time- no pressure) BUT if anything you find in my request may be too triggering or something feel free to make it less triggering and change it, I just ask if you can keep the same vibe and theme with the reader who changed drastically after the wars and is getting comforted by Bakugou, Angst to comfort (duh), thank you so much, and I hope I’m not troubling you too much! — An anon who enjoys suffering, angst, and comfort ((SAC) Anon); (get it? Suffering, Angst, Comfort, SAC, wait that has a good ring to it, damn I have a new alias, I’ll shut up now)
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I'm Okay, As Long as He's Here (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: reader has a panic attack and nightmares!! pls be weary of this. angst to fluff, well, my attempt at angst lol
Word Count: 1k
thank you for your request and the support :D it means a lot to me 🩷 btw don't ever feel like you're bothering me or like you need to leave me alone! i like talking to everyone :) also this is a good little plot, but im not the best at writing angst but this is helping me improve i think, so please tell me how i did! i really hope you like it SAC anon hahah
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Before the war, you were a different person. Looking at you now, no one would ever guess you were once a bubbly, out going person. But Katsuki knew you were, and sometimes, he missed the old you.
It was hard to watch you wake up crying in the middle of the night from your horrible nightmares of the war. Some being about his near death experience, and others being about him dying in other ways.
Some nights, you didn't sleep at all, and it was really showing.
"Hey, keep your head up. I don't want you to fall asleep." Katsuki said. It was already months after the war, so you were all back at school, but you were one of the few students that was struggling the most.
He definitely has his struggles too, but he knew he had to be there for you, because yours were much worse.
You opened your eyes wider, trying your best to stay awake. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep last night."
"You havin' nightmares again?"
You nodded, he sighed.
"Come sleep in my dorm tonight. You sleep better with me and you know it."
You agreed and continued trying your best to stay awake for the rest of the day. Occasionally, Katsuki would have to wake you up or remind you to stay awake. The lack of sleep made it hard to focus, especially in Hero Training. Thankfully, Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers were understanding of the students who were struggling.
Once school was over it felt like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You knew you had homework to do, but right now you'd rather sleep. Or at least attempt to. Since you were going to be with Katsuki tonight, you were probably only going to have one nightmare. Plus, he'd be there to comfort you.
Following your boyfriend to his dorm room, you immediately changed into some of your clothes that he had there for you, and then laid down on his bed.
For a while, you just silently watched him as he sat at his desk and did his homework, something you should also be doing.
"What're you starin' at?"
You smiled, but not as brightly as before, "I'm just admiring you."
He huffed, "Good, I'm awesome."
Rolling your eyes, you said, "And there he is."
He laughed and continued doing his homework. You just continued watching him, because it was something that comforted you. It was a reminder that he was okay and alive.
Knowing he was safe right in front of you, you fell asleep.
You didn't know what time it was, but it must've been late since the room you were in was dark.
You clutched your chest as you sat up in bed and breathed heavily, feeling tears prick your eyes.
Of course, you had another nightmare again. This one in particular was about Katsuki, and he was in the arms of Shigaraki. You saw the villain use his Decay quirk on him, and your boyfriend began to crumble away but you were paralyzed in your dream. There was nothing you could do.
The nightmare felt so real and so scary, like they usually do. You felt so helpless and scared. The evil that emitted from Shigaraki and All For One was something you'd always remember.
You subconsciously began to rock yourself back and forth and made self soothing noises as you continued to have a panic attack. They never got easier, or less scary as time went on. It always felt like you were going to die.
Your panic must've woke Katsuki up, because you suddenly heard his voice calling out to you.
"Hey, hey! Breathe baby, you gotta breathe." He said.
You shook your head, "I-I can't! It hurts. I'm scared, I'm gonna die!"
He carefully grabbed your hands and held them in his. He took one of them and brought it to his chest near his heart so you could feel it beat.
"What is my heart doing right now?" He asked. This was a method he used to ground you during these situations, especially because he knew how you felt about him and his safety.
You looked at his chest, "Beating. Your heart is beating."
"Right. Now what do you feel here?" He asked, now placing a hand on the blanket that was on top of you guys.
"The blanket."
"What does it feel like?"
"It's soft and fluffy."
As he continued distracting you from your panic, you eventually calmed down. You were still crying a bit, but he held you in his arms as you let it out.
"He killed you Katsuki. I was so scared, and I couldn't do anything!" You cried into his chest.
He rubbed your back, "You know that shit isn't real, no matter how real it feels. I'm right here living and breathing. I'm safe, okay?"
You nodded and sniffed, "Okay." You placed a hand on his chest over his heart and felt it beat, the steady rhythm of it comforting you.
Katsuki grabbed that hand and kissed the palm of it, "Love you. I'll be here all night, 'kay?"
"I love you too. Thank you."
"It's no problem."
The next morning, you felt more rested than usual. It must've been because you only had one nightmare, which was an improvement.
You noticed you woke up before your boyfriend, so you just let him sleep a little longer while you got on with your morning routine. You had a lot of your own things in his room, including an extra toothbrush which you were thankful for.
When he eventually woke up, he walked over to you and hugged you tightly.
"You feelin' okay?" He asked.
You nodded as best as you could in his tight grip, "Mhm."
"Be honest."
"I am! I feel a lot better than last night." You insisted as you pulled away slightly, still keeping your arms around him.
He hummed and kissed the top of your head, "Mkay. Wanna sleep with me again tonight?"
"Yeah, I'll bring more clothes later."
He smiled, "'Kay. Let's go to class." He said and threw an arm over your shoulder, making you smile up at him.
Yeah, you knew things would be okay as long as he was around.
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authors note
i hope you liked it! i'm sorry it was kinda short, i've been in a little writing stump but im trying to get out of it!
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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strawb3rry-acid · 3 months
König Headcannon's
Just my own two sense, and personal opinions here. I apologize that some of this is quite long at times. Once I get going it's hard for me too shut up lol ♡
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✿ This man is a absolute nerd (lovingly), and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. Nerdy video games, card games, board games, topics, and roleplay games are all things I can see him being into. He may be a man of few words, but he'll ramble on about his nerdy hobbies, and knowledge till he feels he's being annoying. I think he's the type of person that most would see as a bit "strange" in general.
✿ I think he's very different off the job. On the field he's loud, boisterous, arrogant, unnecessarily excited, dramatic, etc. Off the field he's more quiet, kinda standoffish, and only speaks when required too. Despite that, I don't think he's an asshat, just kinda seems like one sometimes. I see him as still being fairly cordial, and I don't think he'd start anything unless someone is relentlessly pushing. He'll try to intimidate them sure, but starting a full-blown argument would draw attention too himself which is a last resort.
✿ Out in a civilian setting is when I think that the biggest change in his personality comes to light. In a military setting he's in his element. There's predictability, structure, a clear goal, etc. Thing's are very different off a military base however, especially since he can't his face behind a raggedy old t-shirt. The outside world is unpredictable, he's not in his element, is expected to behave in a certain way, and he faces consistent uneasy, judgemental stares from strangers. He watches children who are frightened from his appearance alone go to their mother's while in a grocery store, and feels horrible. His anxiety is far more noticeable then, and it tends to show in his body language (it was mentioned that he's fairly fidgety at some point), even if it's hard to pick up on in every other area.
✿ I think he relishes in the air of intimidation he gives off in a work setting, but not so much when on leave. Instead of making him feel powerful, and respected it make's him want to claw his damn eye's out. The way that people look at him makes him feel judged, paranoid, and like an outcast. In a way, he is an outcast. He can't hide behind fighting when on leave, an activity that he only finds the acceptance he craves in. He doesn't like scaring ordinary people who mean no harm, especially women and children. The fact that he scares women, and children especially eats him up inside.
✿ Speaking of that, I imagine he has a soft spot for women and children.
✿ I think he compensates for his intimidating appearance around civilians by being as polite as possible, and doing whatever he can too make himself appear less frightening as possible, while still keeping his distance. He's still pretty damn scary upon first glance though not only because of his appearance, but also because he sounds very serious even if he doesn't mean to be.
✿ He may gleefully break an enemies back over his knee, but he'll be damned if he let's a server know that his order has been mixed up. As long as it's edible, he'll eat it.
✿ "A man's heart is through his stomach." Feed this man, and he'll love you for life.
✿ I know there's been debate in the past about whether or not König's a colonel, and I'm personally on the fence about it. I like the idea of it, and find it interesting, but I'm not personally sure whether I believe it or not.
✿ Despite that, he's still an "old man" in my eye's, and I put his age around 37-42. I more so lean towards 38. I know that his VA has mentioned that's what age range he's in, and that age range feels about right to me. (though I don't think his VA is a reliable source considering his inconsistency with information regarding König. His VA is also just a shithead as a person so there's that.)
✿ As for his height as far I know nothing has been confirmed, and the only information we have to go off of is he's "a mountain of a man", so I personally put him at 6'7-6'8ish.
✿ He says the funniest things unintentionally, but has more of a dry sense of humor. Probably too scared to make jokes most of the time in case people don't laugh, and he makes himself look like a dumbass. He will crack a few dark joke's here and there though, and is a big smart ass. Nothing beats his slight, snarky comments when he thinks no one can hear.
✿ It's particularly funny when he's insisting he's right in something, and grumbles frustrations underneath his breath when proven wrong. Take him lightly "arguing" with a partner about being right when it comes to using ingredients in a dinner recipe, then grumbling when he's proven wrong while working to fix it for example. He'll just defeatedly mumble for them to get out of the kitchen, and wait for him to finishing cooking dinner alone, or be silently a bit embarrassed now that his egos been "bruised" while his partner beams with a small pride because König's, admittedly, usually right. They just give him a quick kiss, and he's fine again.
✿ He has some good intuition. He's a very observant man, and can pick up on what type of person someone is very fast more often than not.
✿ Loyal as all hell to whatever/whoever he puts his energy towards. If it's some form of mission, he's not stopping till he feels it's handled, and thoroughly completed. If it's a person, he's throwing all his energy into maintaining a relationship with them, and making them know that they're loved. He's a very devoted man, and his loved one's will know they always have him to fall back on.
✿ Speaking of loved one's, I doubt König would fight very much with them. He's been an outcast all his life, and once he's formed a bond he's desperate too not let it slip through his finger's. He may distance himself for a moment to clear his head, but he prefers to come back, and talk thing's through. He's the type of person where you'll have him for life no matter what. He's a very loving, loyal, protective, and helpful man when it comes to those he's close to.
✿ I think he lives a fairly isolated lifestyle though not entirely intentionally. Sometimes, he likes to be alone because he doesn't have to worry about saying/doing the wrong thing, being judged, making thing's awkward, and making a fool of himself. It's just easier. Other times it's very lonely. During those times he wishes he had someone to come home to. Someone to shower with the love he has to give, and too be able to feel that same love in return. I think deep down he wants to be liked, and wishes he wasn't so damn awkward all the time.
✿ Probably fairly blunt even when he doesn't mean to be. He'll try to word thing's gently when he feels they need to be, but struggles with finding the right word's because he doesn't want to say the wrong thing's.
✿ Very, very dramatic, and we love him for that.
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dazed--xx · 5 months
SKZ Reaction: He Hurts the Reader II (Maknae Line)
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A/N: this is for @skz-codeeee lol 😂 im glad I got someone like you in my comments that will keep me on point 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so thank you ☺️….But Damn it’s been a while since I came back here lol 😂 anyway I apologize for the long wait for this. I promised it a couple days ago but life and kids got in the way for a bit. BUT I hope this makes up for it. Requests are open!!
Masterlist Part 1 Hyung Line
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“We’re sorry but the caller you have been trying to reach is not available please—“ you sigh as you press the end button. It had been 2 weeks and no word from Jisung, and while you were mad the first day or two the anger quickly dissipated and dissolve into the longing to fix things. But as things may have it he’s been avoiding you. Your calls go unanswered and your texts ignored. It broke your heart that the result of your previous argument would be this but you couldn’t seem to reach him. Your visits to the dorm have been less than fruitful and you can never find him at his studio. You’d think he’d all but disappeared if it weren’t for Chan, who’d messaged you the start of the second week to make sure you were okay. It was clear he was sent by Jisung to check on you and report back what you said; so with a heavy heart you began telling him about the pain you’ve been feeling whilst being left alone in a country you barely knew and a boyfriend who abandoned you. You explained with tears cascading down your cheeks, how you felt like moving back home to America since you felt like your relationship was over anyway. What you didn’t know was, instead of waiting for a progress report from Chan, Jisung sat watching over his shoulder as his leader messaged you. His heart sank at your confession prompting his legs to act before his body even knew what was happening. He ran.
He ran and ran until it felt like his lungs were going to give out but he continued to speed to your apartment. His fist pounding on the door rapidly, his voice boomed throughout your apartment as he pleaded with you to open the door. You take a heavy breath as you peel yourself off your couch and pull open the door. You stare at Jisung blankly as he takes in your tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. His breath hitches in his throat for a few seconds before he pulls you into his arms. “I’m sorry…d don't leave I'm sorry” he cries. “Please stay here… our relationship isn't over I'm sorry I'm such an ass” his sobbing left him a-quivering mess as he held onto you tightly. “Jisung let me go…” you sigh as you try to pull him off you “At least Come inside it's cold” you growl as you take a small step back allowing him entry. Without releasing you from his hold he sniffles “I couldn’t face you…t-that’s why I—but I never wanted to break up!” he exclaims. Your hands came between you trying to have the conversation face-to-face but Jisung had other plans as his grip grew tighter at your fight. “I’m an asshole, I’m a jerk, and I don’t deserve you. I hurt you then had the nerve to avoid you like you wouldn't want answers” he admits as he cries, you continue to struggle in his hold as you manage to turn away from him. His cheek brushed yours his arms still firmly around your waist “Jisung, if you know all this why are you here?” You argue, as you try to stop your heart from beating out of your chest. “Because I love you…” His words are just above a whisper, his lips brushed against your ear. He pressed himself against you deeper “and I can’t let you go…” you pout as you stare at the ground. “What you did that night was an accident…” you start “But you avoiding me and ignoring me for two weeks? That was deliberate…” your voice cracks “I wanted to fix things and you made me think you moved on—How could I?! How could I move on from you?” He cuts you off, finally releasing his grip on your waist to turn you to face him by your arm. Your face now in his hands “I’m sorry okay I’ll spend everyday making up for what I did but you can’t leave me…” He pouts “You left me!” You snap childishly crossing your arms across your chest “I hurt you!” He exclaimed “it was an accident! I JUST MISSED YOU AND ALL I WANTED WAS TO HEAR FROM YOU AND YOU JUST DISAPPEARED! I love you and you abandoned me!” You cry Jisung takes your face in his hands connecting his eyes with yours “I’d never abandon you. I was taking some space I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, it I hated myself for hurting you and I needed that time.” You nod frustratedly. While you were pissed that he disappeared, this level of communication was the entire basis of your relationship. As much as you hated it, Jisung was communicating and while you felt it was a little later than you had hoped. You could see this as the beginning of a more meaningful relationship between the two of you.
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“I’m at the point where I want to call the cops and tell them I have a stalker…” You growl as you stare at your ex, who sat in your section of the restaurant you had managed to get a job at. He stared up at you, a look of longing and sadness in his eyes as a pout sat on his lips. “Babe….” He whispers as he takes in your appearance “Can I get you anything else tonight sir?” You question prioritizing professionalism, pretending you didn’t know him. “No..” He stammers, you nod definitively and place an awkward smile on your lips “then I will be back with the check” you state as you turn to make your way back to the register, your movements are halted as you feel your wrist encased. You turn to face the culprit “Sir? Is there anything you need?” You ask professionally, taking deep steadying breaths. “I-I need to talk to you…” His voice cracks as he speaks “P-please…I can wait until you get off..just please talk to me” you finally look him in his eye. His appearance has you in shock, his adorably freckled cheeks stained with ghost trails of tears. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a mess. He still looked absolutely angelic but you could tell depression had definitely hit him hard. Though you swore youd never speak to him again, he is still someone you love and it pains you to see him so hurt. You give a small sigh of defeat before nodding “I get off at 8, you’ll have 10 minutes and nothing more okay?” He nods almost excitedly, his eyes lit up at your agreement. He gives you a hopeful look as he releases your wrist “I’ll see you then..” he waves you off.
Why oh why did you have to tell him you’d talk to him? Now you were truly regretting your words, the rest of your shift was hectic and you were exhausted. When you exited the restaurant and saw him leaning against a car, hands in his pockets as he stared at the ground. You could tell even from your distance he was nervous, and scared about how this conversation would go. You trudged your way over to the man you had once grown excited to see every night. “Hey…” he calls sadly; taking in your demeanor “Is now still a good time to talk?” He questions as he notices the exhaustion on your face. You nod swiftly “it’s fine. It’s not like this will take too long” you comment offhandedly. Those words truly hit Felix deep in his chest like an arrow. “C-can I bring you home then? I’d rather you be comfortable even if you don’t think this will take long” you stare at him for a moment before agreeing to his proposal, a small satisfied smile forms on Felix’s heart shaped lips. He quickly pulls the passenger door open gesturing for you to take a seat. You pull yourself into the car and stare at your ex crossing over to the drivers side. You notice how much weight he’d lost, his hair still messy as his face looked as if a fresh batch of tears painted his cheeks. The ride back to your place was awkward and silent, you weren’t sure what to do when Felix pulled into your driveway as he’d said nothing the whole way here. You sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for something, anything to be said.
When it had remained silent Felix looking at nothing but his lap you move to exit the car. Pulling on the handle you hear a slight click then the door doesn’t open. You stare back at Felix, his finger pressed firmly on the lock button. You were puzzled, he said he wanted to talk but didn’t say anything and now he doesn’t want you to leave. “W-wait…” He stammers in a panic “Sorry, I just—I don’t know what to say right now.” He confesses as he stares at his lap once again. Running his hand through his hair for what you can assume to be the millionth time “So what did you want to talk about then Felix?” You question stoically. He sighs “I hate how easy this is for you…” his voice cracks as he tries to meet your eyes “I know I royally fucked up—but you didn’t even give me a chance to fix it…” his hand reaches for yours “please…just give me a chance to fix this…” You stare at him quizzically, a look of disbelief on your face before you scoff at his audacity to blame you for his own actions. “I mean do you blame me?” You snap, your anger building in your gut. He stared at you puzzled “Wha—Do you even know what you did? WHY we’re no longer together?” You growl at him, his mouth hung open not knowing what to say. His eyes searching your face for some clue some hint as to why you didn’t want to talk to him anymore. Before he hung his head and shaking it ‘No’ “Of course you don’t you were absolutely fucking blasted.” You scoff shaking your head to yourself. “Does it matter if I remember what I did or not? I just want to fix this” He cries grabbing ahold of your hand. You stare at him sadly “yes Felix it matters, because what you did is unforgivable…” He shakes his head in denial “Don’t say that…” Tears well up in his eyes as his voice cracks and you try to stare anywhere but at him. “Y-you don’t mean that..you can’t, right? You’re just mad at me, right? Please tell me you’re just mad at me and I can fix this—y-yeah I can make things right again. We love each other we could work through this together right? I’m sorry if I hurt you or anything I did. Im sorry for not making time for you. I’m sorry if I got mad and scared you. Im sorry I’m so fucking sorry for all the mistakes I made and if I knew why you’d left me then id probably agree you’re doing the right thing. But I don’t know and I don’t know what to do…. all I remember is waking up one day and seeing all my stuff in the dorm and Chans girlfriend telling me how much an ass I was and that you never wanted to see me again. I tried calling—I tried everything to see you and fix us but you just disappeared on me I’m sorry okay I’m so fucking sorry.” He rambled his tears flowing down his cheeks as he held your hand tightly against his chest “Please tell me you still love me…just give me once chance I won’t ruin it I don’t care what I did in the past because it won’t be like that going forward I’m sorry I’m so sorry please” He cried placing his forehead on your connected hands as he sobbed.
Your heart ached at the sight, you knew Felix wasn’t the type of guy to continuously harass a woman nor was he the kind that would physically hurt you. Which is why you were surprised that night in the first place but seeing him here, with the same amount of guilt and regret he’d have if he’d remembered that night has you wavering. You could hear his gasps for breath as he struggled to keep himself calm. “Lix..I do still love you please calm down..” you soothe. Freeing one of your hands from his grasp, you rub small circles on his back. You hate how much this hurts, he’s the one that hurt you in the first place and here you were feeling guilty because you made this angelic ball of sunshine cry. “Lix please calm down” you plead as you stare at him the sobbing growing harder and harder his body completely trembling. Tears well up in your eyes “Please…I’m gonna cry if you don’t stop crying” you say your voice cracking as a tear strolls down your cheeks. The sound of your sniffles has him looking at you panicked “I’m sorry, I’ll calm down. I’m sorry” he whispers wiping your tears away. You stare at him, you missed him too. You missed the way he’d hold you when you were upset whispering soothing words and kissing your forehead every once in a while. Felix was your safe haven for so long, since your break up you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel the true pain of the whole situation. You’d thrown yourself into work to the point you’d come home and pass out the second you got to your bed so you didn’t have to think about the pain of losing Felix. But now that he sat infront of you all you wished for was to be in his arms once again. “Please just let me fix things…one chance that’s all I ask.” He stares at you with longing in his eyes. Your heart rests as you place a soft kiss on his cheek. “One chance…”
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The sound of the practice room door being slammed open has your manager cutting the music off as you and your group members jump in your positions for your latest choreography. “Hey!” The youngest exclaims. Her eyes growing wide when she notices who came storming in. You stood in shock as you saw Seungmin barreling into the room straight to SooHee, a scowl embedded on his face as SooHee stood up from her place on the couch she was sitting to ‘observe’ the choreography. She looks up at him and away from her phone, a bright smile on her lips “Hey!” She cheers not noticing the glare on his face. Seungmin aggressively snatches her phone from her hands and throws it harshly on the floor. You and your members stood in shock watching the sight as Soohee stares wide eyed at her phone then back at Seungmin. “Dude! What the hell did you do you do that for?!” She growls Seungmin places himself inches from her face “Keep fucking lying on what kind of relationship you and I have and me breaking your phone will be fucking minor” he growls. “And what are you doing sitting down while the rest of your members are practicing?!” Her eyes widen at his sudden scolding “Who risked their neck to fucking get you here?!” SooHee didn’t know what to say she stared at Seungmin bewildered “Y-you..” her voice is just above a whisper. “I wasted my fucking time! You’re an embarrassment! You’re fucking lazy do you think you can just get by using my name?! A NAME I WORKED MY ENTIRE FUCKING CHILDHOOD AND LIFE TO FUCKING BUILD!” You felt bad for the girl, while you do know Seungmin is doing what almost everyone has been telling him to do. You could tell he’s also blaming SooHee for the argument you both had yesterday. “Min…” you start. Your word goes ignored as the two begin arguing back and forth.
The pair are lost in their own world spewing venom at each other. your team not sure exactly what to do in this situation as Seungmin was saying something almost everyone wanted to say but you felt the second hand embarrassment for the girl. “Yah! Kim Seungmin!” You growl.
He whips his head toward you ready to chew off the head of the person who is interrupting his conversation, before he was met with your menacing glare. His anger quickly dissipating and he stares at the ground. “Who do you think you are to come in here and scold MY member?!” You growl. While you didn’t like SooHee, you were this groups leader and you’ll be damned if anyone but you scolded her. His eyes widened, knowing your level of protection toward your members was almost equivalent to his own leaders. “Y-Y/N I’m—no I don’t need to hear your apologies.” You cut him off before turning to Soohee “SooHee practice with Minji actually learn the steps this time. You” you point at Seungmin gesturing for him to follow you out the practice room. “Y/N I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have—Like I said I don’t care. Don’t come in and interrupt my practice sessions. When I told you to talk to your friend I meant outside of my practice hours where she can actually learn something. You came in there and fucking embarrassed her why?” He scratches the back of his neck looking at the ground “Jisung told me the him and Chan helped you guys record last night and that SooHee was giving me a bad name. Even to my own members she was saying she didn’t have to listen because she knew me. Then I just thought about how she kept causing problems for you and how you’d probably never want to see me again because of what I did because of her and I just—I lost it okay?!” He confesses. You stare at the boy a pout on your lips “Minnie I love you why wouldn’t I want to see you again? Tension was high we were both stressed we got into an argument but that’s all…” you confess. He stares at you with a small hopeful pout “Really? But SooHee—Lied? I knew she was lying Seungmin. You’d never cheat on me okay? I know that” you cut him off wrapping your arms around his neck “it’s been only one night and you just lost your mind without me huh?” You chuckle pressing yourself against his frame. His responds by wrapping his arms securely around your waist holding you in his arms as if he’d lose you if he let go. “That’s not funny, I don’t even like thinking for one second that you’re not my girl anymore let alone a full night” he whines. “You have quite the attitude but you’re such a softie” you tease petting his head gently. “Only for you baby. Don’t tell me to leave you alone again okay? I might truly lose my mind” He places soft kisses all over your face. “You’d never have to worry about anything like that, Min. You’re stuck with me” you smile taking his face in your hands pressing a kiss firmly on his lips “By the way, if you wouldn’t have embarrassed SooHee I’d have told you good job…” you smirk.
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“W-what are you doing?”
Your heart sunk when you heard the panicked tone of your ex boyfriends voice. You silently cursed to yourself as you had made sure to come on a day you knew he had practice. Choosing to ignore the boy you continue to make your way through the apartment toward the door with another box of your things. “Y-Y/N..You can’t be serious..I—I—how—please stop!” He cries as he struggles to find something to say. Ever since that night you had been staying at a hotel and for you to be coming to get your things must mean you had found a new permanent place to live and that absolutely scared him. How he wished he had controlled himself even just a little more, then he wouldn’t have fucked up so badly and you wouldn’t be packing up all the you he had left to cling onto. The idea that you would come back is now being ripped away from him and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He rushed into your once shared bedroom seeing two more already filled boxes. He quickly begins pulling it open and unpacking everything as tears streamed down his face. “Jeongin stop what are you doing?” You ask stoically. He stares at you with tears in his eyes “You want time away from me and space?! That’s fine but you’re not leaving me!” He sobs.
You sigh tiredly “yes I a—No you’re not! Please! I know how badly I fucked up! I shouldn’t have said all that shit to you, I-I shouldn’t have hurt you but please I’ve been trying for weeks now to make it up to you. To just see you again, but if I didn’t come home early by chance then I would have come home and you would have been completely gone…? How is that fair!? I want to fix this I want to be with you, I love you and I’m sorry I’m so fucking sorry. I’m pathetic and insecure and disgusting for what I did. You were right to slap me I don’t blame you for it I’m a piece of shit and I deserve this okay? I know I deserve this but I don’t want it! I want to fight for you—I want you to know how much I love you and I would never do it again.” He cut you off as he began to rant. His tone is panicked and fear laced through it. He continued to pull your stuff out of the boxes. Your heart ached for the breaking boy in front of you. You slowly grab the other box and go to make your way to the door in Jeongin’s movements. Your halted as the box is ripped from your arms “No! You can’t!” He exclaims as he drops to his knees wrapping his arms around your waist. “Please…don’t leave” his breathing is growing heavier and heavier. You could tell he was on the the verge of a panic attack. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as he stared at you with wide pleading eyes.
“Please, I’m sorry I’d never do anything like that again. You know me..you know that I’m not like that” he begs. “I thought that I knew you once but I don’t—don’t say that. You don’t mean that please tell me you don’t mean that..” he cut you off. His tone was heartbreaking, he sounded so unsure; about what to do, where to turn, how to fix this. He couldn’t figure out how to keep you with him. He wanted you to stay he’d chain himself to you if that’s what it took at this point. Anything to keep you from walking out that door and not coming back. “Yang Jeongin! This needs to st—I love you!” He cuts you off hesitantly “I love you so much and I’m so sorry but I can’t let you go. I need you to give me another chance even if it’s to talk. So I’m sorry, I love you and I won’t let you go. I’ll give anything to keep you with me so if you want to leave you’re going to have to kill me before I let you go” he state’s definitively. “You sound fucking crazy” you scoff crossing your arms over your chest. “You not being here with me drives me crazy” he states matter of factly. You roll your eyes at the boy. He damn sure was persistent. You could remember how terrified of him you were just a few weeks ago, but to see the same man ugly crying so disparagingly in the ground it made your heart waver. The eyes that once shot daggers at you are now pleading for you to connect with them. The lips that spewed venom in your direction were now begging for you to never leave and his hands that once gripped your hair and chin so harshly were gently caressing your waist holding you against him as he sobbed. You weren’t sure what you wanted to do, you weren’t sure where you could turn for answers.
You stare down at the fox like man, he pouted up at you. You could feel the tension around the room building. You placed your hands on his shoulders, taking a deep breath. Your breath feels shaky and your throat felt as if it was closing in on its self
“Please..” Jeongin whispers
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @justjxnniie @imjustme-things @slayhyunjin @aurora1115 @lolareadsimagines @conwunder @myexolady
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volturissideslut · 5 months
I think I worded it better lol
How you think Rebekah Mikaelson would react to the girl she keeps rejecting (who always gives Beks princess treatment and her undivided attention) suddenly being super nice to Elena
𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖍 𝕸𝖎𝖐𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓
"Hi, Bex" you grin, sitting next to the blonde. It was history class, first period, and the only seat next was the one left next to her because she glared at everyone else that dared to try. Not so secretly, you want her, and also not so secretly, she wants you. But Rebekah likes to be chased, she likes to be pampered, and she likes to make life hard. So though she also wanted you and enjoyed any previous advances you had given her, she was going to play hard to get.
"You again? Won't you ever learn to bugger off?" she huffs, turning away to hide her small smile at your presence. You catch the smile, though, and decide to play along despite the small pang in your chest.
"Never. What would i do without my favourite original by my side to talk to, hm?"
"Oh shush, Mr. Saltzman's starting his lesson, now let me borrow a pen"
This same back and forth continued between Rebekah and yourself for a few more days now and you stupidly began to think she would start being nice back. You shared your lunch, met when she called, watched her cheer leading try outs like she requested, even tied her laces for her once. And yet, today it seemed like it was going backwards.
"Oh go away, would you. You and-" Rebekah started, about to rant about the 'bloody Salvatores' and 'whiney Elena' but when she turned around to give you a practiced scowl she was met with the sight of you actually walking away.
The smile hidden under her grimace disappeared, wiped cleanly off of her face. Instead, a blank expression laid there, with eyes wide in surprise.
What was more surprising, though, was when you didn't show up for her practice. She no longer felt the need to show Caroline up, and slunk to the back of the group to peer at the stands.
Even more so, when she didn't see you sat next to her usual spot in history class. Instead at the front, doodling in your notebook.
Okay, so maybe it hurt a little. But she got what she asked for, right?
But what actually made her react was getting to the bonfire, expecting to speak to you and bicker - to hash it all out and move along - only to see you laughing with... Elena??
The two of you just looked like peas in a pod, giggling together and reminiscing about when you were closer as kids, when it was all less complicated. And then... and then you shared a smore. Like actually bit into the same one as that - that bitch!
And Rebekah was seething. Not that she really had any right to be.
And so she marched right up there, arms crossed in discontent, "A word, please?" and yet her tone indicated the 'please' was more of a 'get your arse up now'. And so, with a huff of annoyance and a shrug from you, Elena stood up to follow Rebekah. "Not you, you pest" she glared. Elena only looked to you with worry.
Brushing it off, you stood and followed Rebekah.
"What on earth has gotten into you lately? You've-" The blonde girl begins after sputtering for a few seconds
"I thought you wanted to be left alone bex, isn't that what you always tell me? To 'bugger off'?" and she has to hold back a wince at the way her own words are thrown back at her. "You asked to be left alone, and im leaving you alone. Is that all?"
"No that's not all!"
"Then what, hm?"
"Then... then-" she surges forward, kissing you deeply. "That, that's what!" she says angrily. "I'll see you Monday, in your normal seat, thank you very much" she turns to storm away, pointedly ignoring the hammering in her chest and the butterflies in her belly
"Okay" you whisper, fingers ghosting over your lips, mouth still tingling from the feel of hers. "See you Monday"
And that Monday she decides that maybe it's time to switch the narrative. Maybe its time for her to be attentive to you.
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untilwedont · 5 months
Under the mistletoe
rq: hhiiii could you do a Ethan Landry x male reader (in a au where there's no killers lol) Ethan is really into the reader. The reader is Anika's brother and they are setting up Christmas decorations in their dorms and Anika finds it the perfect opportunity to get the reader and Ethan closer together.
this is not a smut
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The season changed as christmas rolled around. only 24 days left and it was finally time to start putting up christmas decor. “Look, i don’t understand why you still haven’t talked to him. It’s the holidays! Like the perfect time to find true love.” Anika said to m/n as they continued to set up decorations. “I don’t want to make the first move. I told you before, i’m over doing that. Obviously it hasn’t worked out before.” you responded back. Anika had been blabbering all day about how it was the perfect time to get into a relationship, and it seemed she wouldn’t stop talking until m/n confessed to the boy that so obviously liked him back. Seriously, it was stupidly obvious.
“okay, first of all, it’s a 50/50 chance. the worst he can say is no! plus, all those boys in the past are stupid and obviously weren’t the ones for you. And secondly, ethan’s super shy, you know that. he obviously won’t make the first move.” she argued back. m/n sighed. Although you knew she was probably right, you couldn’t get youtself to confess first unless you knew he actually liked you.
“okay, well how exactly do I know he likes me back?” you replied. The thought of you and Ethan together did make you smile, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. You knew that usually turned out to be a bad idea to do. Anika sighed heavily. it was definitely over exaggerated. “m/n, the signs are so obvious! i mean from the way he talks to you, to the way he looks at your bodyy.~” she teased, nudging at your arm.
you groaned, “oh my God, please shut up!” you covered your face while with your hands, feeling your cheeks burn. anika laughed, “what? i’m not the only one that’s seen where his eyes wander sometimes.” she teased once more, but before you could punch say anything back, there was a knock on the door, and in came ethan. “speak of the devil..” anika whispered, nudging your shoulder.
“hey guys, whatcha up to?” ethan asked, walking into the dorm room and shutting the door behind him. “oh, we were just setting up Christmas decorations. You wanna help?” Anika asked, setting down some of the decor she had in her hands on the desk next to her. “well actually, i need to go run some quick errands, so why don’t you help m/n finish decorating, ethan?” anika spoke once more, a smile creeping on her face.
you wanted nothing more than to punch the shit out of anika. you knew what she was doing. “well, actually-“ you spoke, but anika quickly cut you off, not even letting ethan answer. “yes? perfect! I’ll be back!” anika quickly exited the room, but not before giving you a sly smirk, leaving you and ethan alone together.
the room was left in an awkward silence for a moment before you spoke up. “well.. i, uh, guess we should finish the decorations.. there’s not that much left to do anyway.” you said, trying to make this situation less awkward. “yeah, sure..” ethan spoke, walking up next to you. he grabbed the pile anika left on the desk and you both began to set the decorations up.
you wanted nothing more than to leave, but this probably isn’t as your only chance with ethan. a 50/50 shot like she said. “so, you excited for christmas..?” you asked, trying to make small talk. usually it wasn’t this awkward, but it was only because you guys were fully alone. no one else was present in the room. “yeah, i guess so. i enjoy the break we get.” ethan replied, setting the decorations up.
“me too. I stressed so much over finals, im so happy that i get to relax now..” you said, laughing a little bit. ethans cheeks warmed, he loved your laugh. he couldn’t get enough of it. “yeah.. i feel like i studied more than I’ve ever done before..” he replied, grabbing another decoration. without realizing, he accidentally hung up a mistletoe right under the both of you (i know, what a coincidence)
“yeah.. it sure felt like it..” you replied before the conversation came to an end, and the awkward silence coming back once more. if took you a while, but when you looked up, you saw the mistletoe. directly under you and ethan. your breath hitched slightly, did ethan really not notice? you pondered for a second, this was your chance to let ethan know how you felt..
“ethan.. hypothetically, if you were under a mistletoe right now.. with the person you liked.. would you kiss them?” you asked, your voice a little lower than before.. and obviously a little shaky. ethan, taken back a little by your question, responded, “uhm.. i don’t really know.. why?”
you fiddled a little with your hands, “because we’re under one right now..” you spoke quickly, and way more silently than before.. but it was enough for ethan to hear you. he quickly looked up, and his cheeks became a bright pink again. “you don’t have to.. y’know.. i-i don’t really know if you like me back, but I thought i’d just take this chance..” you spoke, noticing ethans silence. your voice seemed to have become lower with every word that came out.
“y-you like me back..?” ethan replied. back?! you thought to yourself. “wait, you like me too?” you asked, feeling a little happier, but you didnt want to get your hopes up yet. ethan nodded, “I do.. but- i just didn’t think you liked me.. the signs weren’t that obvious to be honest..” He said. he was right, you rarely ever showed any sign that you liked him. you didn’t want to scare him off, so you kept things chill when you were around him.
“i just.. didn’t think you liked me back.” you said.. a smile creeped on both your guys’ faces. “so.. does this mean i should kiss you..?” he asked since you guys were still under a mistletoe. “i mean, thats what you usually do when theres two people under a mistletoe..” your smile widened.. not only did ethan like you back, but the two of you were about to kiss..
he leaned in hesitantly, as did you.. but eventually the gap between both of you closed, and you felt ethans soft lips against yours..
it was a christmas miracle
a/n: merry christmas eve!!! (Rushed ending 😭)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
As someone who has always loved siblings dynamics in fiction, I find it funny that almost every single member of the HoM team has siblings. Kim has two little brothers, Danny has an older sister, Jake has a little sister, Jenny has eight robot sisters, June has an older and a younger brother, Rex has an older brother, and Zak has three cryptid siblings. Ben and Randy are the only ones who are technically only children but Ben still at least has a cousin who he has a sibling dynamic with. I don't think Randy had anyone like that. (Although it's one of the few shows here that I didn't watch so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.) Any way, now Only Child Cunningham is being treated like the little brother by all of these experienced siblings and has no clue what to do and I find that funny.
(P.s. sorry about the long comment. This thought wouldn't leave me alone so I thought i should share it)
(P.p.s I love your HoM au and your art. Thank you for sharing it!)
Please, don't be sorry, this is like, one of my favorite asks about HoMies I ever got! And also thank you for your kind words! <3<3<3
I also adore sibling dynamics in fiction! It's one of the main reasons I don't want to put much focus on ships in this AU, like I mentioned before, there would be like one canon couple with one of HoMies, but otherwise everyone are sort of floating in nebulous single area, so I could focus better on their complicated friendships with a dash of found family/siblings dynamics!
(And your ask reminded me of a fanart I did a long time ago about Randy being the only child in Secret Trio. xD same brain anon!)
Also one can argue that Howard, Randy's best friend, could be considered sort of like a brother to him (they became friends at a very young age), but I personally view them more as Bros. (does it make sense, lol?)
But even if we count Howard, their dynamic would be more equal in older-younger sibling scale, while Randy indeed would be mostly treated as a younger sibling amongst HoMies and it would probably drive him insane!
Being the youngest and newest in their friend circle, he is like a new baby brother or a co-worker/young kohai (ye, cringe wording but terminology vibe aint wrong! xD) that others are prepared to protect and help, impart their wisdom on, but also tease! (and perhaps learn something from him in return! )
But Randy Only Child Cunningham, as an already seasoned, if a bit overconfident, hero would hate (just a little bit) being considered as less experienced (even if he technically is) than others, no matter how much he absolutely adores being in presence of all those cool people! At times it would feel condescending, but in reality others just want to support him the more they learn about how he came to be the Ninja.
After all they know what it felt like being that young, having that responsibility trust upon your shoulders and going through so much. Especially considering that among them, Randy perhaps had the least stable support during his hero-ing career. Sure, all of them had to go through some things alone, but there were family and friends that were there to help when it came to it. And, no offense to Howard, who does sometimes manages to get through for Randy, he is not the best at being the type of support Randy needs at times. And, Ninjanomicon? While incredibly useful for teaching moral lessons and art of being Ninja - is not exactly the most er, physically able in supporting Randy at time of crisis, being an inanimate object and all that, lol.
So yes, Randy-Only Child-Lone Ninja Hero-Cunningham sometimes doesn't know what to do with all those people who appeared in his life and treat him like a little bro! But sometimes, he enjoys it. ;)
(a little bit of random rambling beneath, feel free to ignore! haha)
Also random, and its not very obvious at all, but there is slightest differences amongst HoMies on how they view/regard him and behave with/around him, depending on their own experiences:
Kim and Jake, as older siblings through and through, tend to see him as a younger bro, like their own siblings who can be a handful and overzealous little hellions at times.
Danny, Rex, Jenny and Zak are a bit complicated. They all have siblings that are older than them, but they are also kind of younger in some sense (or in Danny's case an adopted younger sibling).
Danny and Rex would tend to be overprotective a little bit, as people who didnt have a younger sibling before (I mean, Danny does but she is so independant! Danny doesnt get to exercise his overprotectiveness on Danielle xD) so its a bit new to them. But they are also kind of dicks, and thats just the younger siblings in them talking, lol.
Jenny and Zak on the other hand, both have siblings that are very confusing from the age bracket view.
All ofJenny's siblings are older than her BUT their prototype AI and bodies make them behave younger than her, so she tends to view them as younger siblings. There is a constant argument amongst them about who is older-younger, but its all in good fun! (She also sometimes misses being the only child. xD)
Zak's siblings are all cryptids, and two of them are older than him in age (Fisk and Zon are definitily full grown and possibly more long-lived than humans, I still have questions about Komodo, but he is probably older than Zak in age just by a little bit), but their behaviour, as.... well, i don't want to say animals, because they are not mindless animals, but let's just say - their disregard to human behaviours and norms, as cryptids, make them behave in a way that could be considered irresponsible, thus making Zak often behave like a responsible older sibling, despite being younger than them.
So, Jenny and Zak tend to be as snooty and in 'charge' as an older sibling would, but also be mischevous little shits that is younger (sorta only) child behaviour.
Ben and Jun are sort of like the previous four, but they tend to view Randy on a more equal footing rather than just vacilate between older-younger types of behaviour.
Ben, is a single child, but he grew up pretty close to Gwen, since they were born on the same day. Sort of growing up twins but not kinda situation. They also have an older cousin/brother Ken, and they both adore him, but it is obvious that primarly those two grew up together and are equally annoyed with that, lol.
Jun is a middle child. (I kind of dont want to say anything else, because i feel like it explains everything. xD but-) She is independant, and is equally exasparated with her snooty older brother and her hellion of a younger brother. So, really, she just tends to be the most normal towards Randy in the end???
so, ye, of course in the end they treat him as just a new friend, this was just more of me trying to look into inner mind of sibling dynamics in a weird way haha
sorry about it, but if you got this far, hope you had an entertaining read! ;D
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yanderambling · 1 year
Ohh my goodness, can we get more of crimelord and puppy-like reader, with time jump when the reader is receptive and soaking willingly in crimelord' love and loving them back? 🥰🥰🥰 (A huge time jump i suppose haha) Maybe reader even licks/kisses the once-wounded hand? Wagging their tail? Cuddling crimelord to sleep? Nuzzling? Omg now I have hyperfixation
ahh i’m so glad you enjoyed!! thanks for this prompt, i had so much fun with it! i hope you like this one too <3 (it kinda got away from me a bit lol)
pairing: Crimelord!Yan(gn) x Puppy Hybrid!Reader(gn)
words: ~1.4k
if you'd like to read the original post, you can find it here!
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, referenced past abuse, implied ptsd
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As soon as you start warming up to them in any given area, Monty pushes a little more. They always move at your pace, but they just want to get as close to you as possible- they’re gentle but damn persistent.
Earning your trust instantly became their top priority, all their ill business delegated to their inner circle, and they don’t regret it a bit. They revel in watching you relax into your new life, and they take every setback in stride, meeting you with nothing but gentleness and endless praise. It’s infinitely gratifying to see you accept comfort and affection, and they give it to you in abundance.
You can be sure that they'll be petting you whenever they have a free hand, nothing calms yet excites them like the slide of your fur through their fingers, and they can’t get over the domesticity of simply sitting down and running their hands over you like it’s the most natural thing in the world (it is, for them at least). If you start getting closer, cuddling, crawling into their lap, they won’t be functional for the next few hours at least- the proximity alone is enough to make them fear hyperventilation, but the thought that you’re seeking them out for comfort (or even just some kind of entertainment in this giant, empty house) makes them dig their nails into their skin to make sure they don't float outside of their body. Sometimes you feel their grip tighten the slightest bit around the back your neck, their arms pull you a little closer, but when you look up they only meet you with a barely stifled manic grin.
Monty would also love to feed you by hand, they’ll do it for every meal if you let them. Once you’re more comfortable, they’d get a little less careful, letting their fingers slip into your mouth from time to time. The feeling of your teeth and tongue against their skin, so gentle now from when they first felt it, leaves them weak-kneed and lightheaded (if you suck on them even a little, they might just faint).
If you were to express remorse over their scarred hand, it would melt their heart, but they would discourage any guilt you might feel. They actually delight in bearing your mark (if you hurt any of their staff while you were still adjusting, they're lucky if all they left their service with was a scar- they weren’t worthy of even the illusion of your claim). Still, they would never stop you from licking them, they'll always take your “kisses” however you’ll give them (your tongue against their skin feels like the caress of an angel, a pureness they can feel cleansing them within, each motion a sacrament).
The first time you wagged your tail when they entered a room, Monty had to check their camera feeds to be sure it even happened. They had walked downstairs in the morning and greeted you in the living room, where you were most mornings you woke early, when they heard the soft, telltale thud thud of a tail against the couch. Sure enough, when they rounded the corner, there you were- a hesitantly friendly grin on your face as the end of you tail tapped a steady rhythm on the cushion. They nearly choked on the emotions that clenched their chest in that moment, and they felt newly rejuvenated in their quest to earn your love trust. Every time you show that same excitement at their presence from then on, it's all they can do not to melt into a puddle at your feet- and it only gets harder as you grow more comfortable.
They would love to give you a collar. They’d give you options, endless varieties of materials and colors and styles for you to try on- you’d probably have to make a whole day of it. They still feel their pulse pick up whenever they look at the proof of your bond, which you so proudly display (to their staff and the few shopkeeps in their pocket that have been sworn to secrecy to provide essential services, and to let you leave the estate on occasion). They often like to just hook their fingers through it and let their knuckles rest against your neck, a sort of subtle claim that settles some primal part of them, if only slightly.
Monty is a pretty big person, and remarkably strong, so you can bet they’ll be picking you up and carrying you around whenever you’ll let them (once they can stop their arms from going weak and shaky every time they feel your body against their chest). They take immense pleasure in scooping you up from wherever you may be- lounging on the sofa, standing in their garden, sleeping in their bay windows- and just carrying you about with them, or sitting you on their lap and stroking you until you settle into a doze (you’ve spent many evenings splayed across their legs or cuddled tot heir chest while they reviewed reports and receipts). They feel their heart soar every time your weight settles into their arms, so completely at their mercy, so hardened to everyone else yet allowing them your complete vulnerability; they could cry. (They have.)
This would probably take the longest, but Monty would never give up hope of getting you to share a bed with them. They might start by letting you sleep in their bed while they sleep on and watch you sleep from a surprisingly luxurious pullout. The sound of your deep, even breaths is almost enough to calm their racing heart- or maybe it’s actually making it go faster. They can't focus on anything else enough to tell, just knowing that you trust them enough to sleep in their room sends them into a flustered, shivering tizzy. They spend most of those nights obsessively memorizing the outline of your silhouette, struggling to convince themself that it wasn’t a dream (maybe they’ve snuck a few pets in when they just couldn’t hold back any longer, the feeling of your fur against their fingers always making their chest clench so wonderfully they've definitely taken closeup photos of your captivatingly peaceful face in the moonlight).
Once you two make it into the same bed for a night, they can hardly contain themself. You actually get a little worried, watching your sweet master shake and shudder in place beside you, their body sweaty and hot to the touch oh sweet lord you’re touching them but when you ask if they’re okay, they just nod fervently (their mouth is too dry to speak, and they’re fairly certain they wouldn’t be able to formulate words anyhow). They don’t really sleep that night either, and it would probably take them a couple nights to make any more moves forward unless you initiate (and that still would be so delightfully overwhelming).
They would try to hold you, ideally you two would cuddle up as close as you could be without being under each other’s skin (though they might actually prefer that). They would be happy with being the big or little spoon, too. Being curled around you makes them feel like they’re protecting you, like you want them to protect you, and they love feeling every line and curve of your body under theirs. But they would also delight in being wrapped in your arms, feeling your comforting weight around them, your breath against their back, letting themself be vulnerable to you.
It would probably take a couple nights before they get any actual rest in that bed. They’ll relish every second.
Waking up to you feels like a dream, and they always have breakfast delivered to the room so they can watch you lounge about, all rumpled and sleepy as you lazily nibble at the bites they hold to your mouth (so different from the frenzied way you used to gorge yourself, like you thought it might be taken from you and you weren’t sure when you’d get more. Monty intends to hunt down every last person that made you feel that way, and they’ve already made good progress).
They can, and do, spend hours upon hours just watching you- basking in a sunbeam on their sofa, napping in bed, exploring their vast estate- they’re basically always with you even when you don’t know it. The only time you two are apart is when they have to take care of business in person, which is pretty rare but still crushes their soul each time it happens.
But it’s necessary, in their mind, to keep you removed from all the sickness and violence in the world; they’re well-versed in dealing with violence, as they know you are too, and the thought of exposing you to anything of the sort is nauseating. They have a need to protect you from that darkness, to ensure that you never feel even a fraction of the way you’ve felt your whole life. And they do just that.
And, as long as you’ll let them (even if you won’t), they always will.
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