#look at the way the rules are set up to deliberately make all of us less than we are
feralkwe · 3 months
idk how else to explain it to people but it should be pretty fucking obvious why it is absolutely ludicrous to allow the united states fucking government to set the criteria as to who is and is not recognized as native/indigenous/ndn when they spent literal centuries trying to undermine and erase the fact that we exist at all.
it's no coincidence that some of the criteria involved in becoming federally recognized as a tribe requires documentation that the government actively worked to suppress. that they require the tracing of continuous existence back to colonial contact should tell you why it's a bullshit metric. that the fact that you have to have heaps of money to get federal recognition is something that you should take a long, hard look at before calling members of over 400 non-recognized tribes 'pretendians'.
the use of blood quantum as a measurement alone makes their authority null and void.
indigeneity is not about blood quantum or government permission. it is about family, culture, and community. i for one would appreciate it if non-natives fucked all the way off on this topic, and if fellow ndns would stop the infighting over it long enough to realize that all we're doing is perpetuating colonizer violence and genocide by allowing non-natives to set the definition of who we are and what we get to call ourselves.
fuck you. stop doing the colonizer's job for them.
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yawnderu · 5 months
CW: Prostitution, hardcore sex, anal sex, threesome, creampie. MDNI.
Prettiest girl in Edinburgh, Johnny often called you when discussing his sex life with Simon, drunkenly sharing way too much information about all the things you do with him in exchange for money.
Simon was never an easily influenced man, always able to hold his ground no matter what. Johnny's rants weren't what drove him to Edinburgh, no, it was pure curiosity after seeing pictures on your socials, given to Johnny in an almost unprofessional display of trust.
I can see why Johnny's so obsessed with you. Half-lidded brown eyes are fully focused on the scene in front of him; Johnny's burly arms underneath your knees, hands holding the back of your neck and forcing you to look down at the way he ravages your ass in a full nelson.
The sight of your tight ass being stretched wide open is enough to make him hard, but he told you both he's not joining on it. It's downright disgusting, he tries to convince himself, calloused hand running up and down his almost painfully hard cock, rubbing the slick precum that seems to be leaking out of his tip like a faucet.
“Show the LT how fuckin' wet you are for 'im, bonnie.” Johnny whispers into your ear, slowing down for a second to adjust you on his cock before he keeps slamming his hips into your ass, fucking into your puckered hole harder and deeper.
You barely manage to make eye contact with Simon, half-lidded eyes barely managing to not roll to the back of your head at the lewd sight in front of you. He looks too good— too fucking good not to be yours. Your hands drift down to your leaking cunt, two fingers opening your wet cunt for him to see the juices dripping down freely, wetting Johnny's cock and balls.
He tries to be strong, he truly does, but you're straight out of a porno, pretty cunt glistening while you give him “fuck me” eyes. Simon is a strong man— but he's not that strong. Like a sailor being lured by a siren, your pretty moans call to him, standing up to his full height and walking to the lewd scene in front of him.
His bared hand goes under your chin, forcing you to look up at him as he starts to rub his hard, veiny cock on your folds, gathering some of your wetness, his other hand gripping your hip tightly as he begins to sink into you. The sensation of your tight, wet cunt wrapping around his dick sends a surge of pleasure through his body, muscles tensing up as he brings you closer.
“You okay, love?” He whispers into your ear, pulling you back against him and thrusting deeper into you with a more forceful motion once you nod your head. The thin wall separating your cunt and ass lets both men feel each other moving within you, the contrast between Johnny's brutal fucking and Simon's gentle love making being the perfect contrast to make you tighten up around their cocks, arms wrapping around Simon's neck while you bring him closer.
Simon groans deeply as your lips eagerly crash against his, both of his hands now gripping your hips tightly, the wetness and tightness of your pussy enveloping him completely as he holds you in place, thrusting into you with deliberate force.
Johnny's grip on you tightens as he sets a punishing pace, his hips slamming into you with each powerful thrust, brutally fucking your tight, warm ass. The sound of your combined moans and the wet slaps of his hips meeting your ass fills the room, fueling your lust and driving the men further into a dominant frenzy. Simon's grip on your hips tightens, fingers digging into your flesh as he fucks into you harder, deeper.
“Fuck.” Johnny groans from behind you, voice strained with need.
“Gonna fuckin' cum inside ye, hen.” His voice is laced with desperation and need, throaty moans leaving his lips as he slams into you. With one final, powerful thrust, he spills himself inside your ass, emptying his balls deep inside you.
So many rules are being broken— not using a condom, letting them cum inside, kissing... even threesomes are forbidden, yet both men are so worth it.
Simon sets a punishing rhythm, his hips slamming into yours with full force. His groans mix with your whimpers and moans, creating a symphony of raw desire, feeling Johnny letting go of the hold only to wrap his arms around you, holding you in place while his cock softens inside your ass.
Simon's pace quickens, thrusts becoming more erratic as he chases his own release, bringing you in for another messy, needy kiss to muffle his own moans. He's lost in the moment, fully consumed by the primal need to claim you. As his thrusts become more frenzied, he can feel the familiar coil of pleasure building deep within him.
His hips jerk uncontrollably as he empties his heavy balls deep inside your needy cunt, being milked by you when he feels your orgasm hit you as well, whiny moans spilled into his mouth. He pants heavily, his grip on your hips loosening as he comes down from his intense release.
Both men carefully pull out of you, setting your tired body down in bed before you're being pulled to a hairy chest you're very familiar with— Johnny's. He plants soft kisses on your forehead, tired words of praise leaving his lips in the form of whispers meant only for you to hear. You feel a stronger pair of arms wrapping around you from behind, your flush pressing against Simon's firm chest as he buries his face on your hair, letting out a deep sigh of exhaustion.
He's definitely visiting Edinburgh again, with or without Johnny. Maybe even make a private Instagram account to talk to you, too.
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Straight Out of the Colonial Playbook:
The Myth of Untouched Lands
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is an organisation with charity status all across the world. Many people know them as the people who use their little blue boxes to collect money to plant trees. They seem to be doing well to reach their goals, having planted over 250 million trees since 1901. All this seems pretty innocuous, perhaps even noble. After all, the idea of planting trees seems quite divorced from violent settler colonialism.
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ID: A large slice of watermelon. You can see the Red of the flesh, the black of the seeds, and the white and green of the rind. It is set against a light teal background, a colour that may invoke peace and calm, much like a free Palestine would.
But the two have long, intertwined histories. Just look to the National Parks of the US, used to grab land from Native Americans with the justification that they were "uninhabited". Colonisation of the Arabian peninsula was partially justified with the argument that native Arabs had degraded the environment to the point of desertification,  and colonial rule was the only way they could be saved from themselves [1]. Unsurprisingly, most of the ecological damage in that region had been done by the colonialists themselves in the pursuit of resources.
The JNF isn't just some minor organisation that has unfortunate ties to questionable powers. Though they shroud themselves in the soft words of environmentalism,  they currently stand as one of the primary tools of violence for Zionism.
Established in 1901 by the 5th Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, they have always been an organisation with settler colonial intentions. In 1940, their leader Yosef Weitz, said “There is no way but to transfer the Arabs from [Palestine] to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them… not one village must be left… for this goal funds will be found." [2]. You know what happened to him after the first Nakba? He became the head of the JNF's forestry department [3].
According to their own website, they currently stand as the "single largest provider of Zionist programs in the U.S." [4]. They also own about 13% of all state lands in Israel [5]. They have been both a major driver, and unsurprisingly, benefactor from the ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people.
So how exactly does planting trees feed into settler colonialism? The model works like this:
The Israeli government violently displaces people from their lands in the name of "self-defence".
The land becomes "uninhabited".
The JNF uses funds they have accrued from overseas donations to buy up the land.
They establish a national park in the area and begin to plant trees.
Settlers move into the surrounding regions. The JNF have a policy of not leasing land or accommodation to non-Jewish people [5].
Any remigration of indigenous people back into those lands is framed as "environmental destruction" and those people are forced out once more.
You know what's sneaky? They are using trees as bodies. They don’t have enough people to colonise all the land they've stolen, so they plant trees to occupy the spaces that human bodies cannot. They deliberately use fast growing trees like pines to aid in this pursuit [3]. Each forest acts as an occupying force, just one that uses seeds instead of bullets and trees instead of soldiers.
Most of their efforts are concentrated on Naqab (Negev in Hebrew), a region in the south of Israel mostly consisting of desert. On their website, the JNF boast of their Blueprint Negev initiative, and how it's "transformed Israel’s Negev Desert, making the Southern Israel an attractive place to live and work" [4]. Their mission statement in the Naqab includes the justification that they are providing homes, jobs and opportunities in the "empty" region [6]. One of the slogans have on their website is "Building the Negev, town by town"[6]. This is explicitly a settler colonial project, and all of it can be found on JNF website, in their own words.
And to top it all off, you guessed it, the Naqab is far from uninhabited. It was never empty land. In August 2018, 350 villagers from Umm al-Hiran were displaced to the state-regulated Bedouin township, Hura to accommodate the expansion of the Beit Yatir settlement in the Yatir forest, which was planted by the JNF [5]. In 2010, Nuri-al-Uqbi presented evidence that his ancestors had owned and lived in the lands of al-Araqib since before the Israeli occupation to the courts. In 2010, a Beersheva judge rejected the case, siding with the government's claims that his tribe had no ownership claims on the land [7]. The indigenous peoples of Palestine are constantly disenfranchised, displaced, and have very little means of winning their land back within an Apartheid legal system.
The JNF are using strategies employed by colonial powers in the past to violently seize land from native peoples. Acting under the guise of environmentalism "launders" the colonisation, adding extra steps in between the expulsion of people from their homes and the eventual settlement of that land by colonists, with the added bonus of making the JNF look very good. And you know what? Their reforestation schemes suck. Fast growing, new growth forests in the DESERT are not a substitute for old growth forests, not to mention the enormous amount of water they must be using to keep these forests as, well, forests.
What boils my blood the most is that you can see them honouring their colonial inspirations and sponsors in how they name their parks. Britannia park in the Hebron district obviously takes its name from Britain, a country instrumental in the establishment of the Israeli state and the Nakba that has ensued. Fittingly, it sits upon the ruins of seven Palestinian villages, destroyed by Israel during the first Nakba [8].
And this isn't just stuff that has happened in the past, but is happening right now. JNF UK is currently receiving donations to plant a memorial forest "to commemorate those who were brutally murdered on October 7." For £100, you can plant one tree. For £250, you can contribute to an outdoor seating area for group events. For £36, you can pay for an irrigation system that will provide enough water for one tree for four years [9]. Doesn't it make you angry? 36,000+ Palestinians have been murdered, and the JNF are collecting money to water trees on their graves.
I hate it when scientists stay neutral. We and our work are not divorced from the world around us. Conservation means nothing if it comes at the cost of human lives; it means nothing if it is used to veil the atrocities of colonialism and apartheid. It is our duty as conservationists, and as human beings to hear those whose voices carry cries for help, and answer the call. Do not be won over by the siren song of green colonialism.
Free Palestine. May all empires fall.
[1] Skandrani, Z., Decolonizing ecological research. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2018. 8(3): p. 368-370.
[2] Stop the JNF, The JNF, Apartheid and Settler Colonialism. (Spring 2024). https://www.stopthejnf.org/the-jnf-apartheid-and-settler-colonialism-spring-2024/
 [3] Stop the JNF, Tower and Stockades, Forests and Jim Crow Vetting Commitees. https://www.stopthejnf.org/jnfs-sordid-history-tower-and-stockades-forests-and-jim-crow-vetting-committees-by-jonathan-cook/
[4] Jewish National Fund, We are JNF. https://www.jnf.org/menu-3/about-jnf
[5] Amnesty International, ISRAEL: APARTHEID IN ACTION. Amnesty international: submission to the 43rd session of the UPR working group, 9 May 2023.
[6] Jewish National Fund UK, Homepage, https://www.jnf.co.uk/
[7] Jonathan Cook, Bedouins defiant despite Israel eviction plan. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2014-06-14/bedouins-defiant-despite-israel-eviction-plan/
[8] Palestine Land Society, Britannia Park - Burial and Treachery. https://www.plands.org/en/articles-speeches/articles/2022/britannia-park-burial-and-treachery
[9] Jewish National Fund UK, Green Sunday 2024 – Memorial Forest. https://israelunderattack.jnf.co.uk/projects/green-sunday-2024-memorial-forest/
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tflaw · 2 years
tbh kuni being a tittie lover is so true and i stand by that
“Do you not understand that you have ascended in the top stratum of mortals with my offer?” The emphasis tacked on his words was hard to miss, along with the clear frustration etched across his face that seemed to deepen together with your incredulity.
“Do you know what I think? I think you need to sleep.” You tugged and spread the blanket over your legs, inching just close enough to the bonfire to keep you warm throughout the night.
In disapproval or disbelief, he groaned loudly and treaded heavily in front of you. “And how do I sleep?” He sneered on your face. “How do I sleep in this condition? Pray tell.”
You closed your eyes, humming to the tune of the sleep beckoning you closer. “Well, first and foremost, you need to shut your mouth and lay down.”
“Mortals surely are the daftest creatures that have graced Teyvat. They cannot realize a blessing when they see one. How absurd,” he droned on. His mumbling and murmuring went on for minutes, deliberately causing disturbance to a rather pleasant night under the clear starry sky.
Your nose flared in impatience that you bolted upright, grateful that the blanket did not fly to the nearest fire, before facing him. “And how is refusing you to touch my breast considered daft?”
Immediately up for the challenge, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared you down. “Ha! You do not understand the weight of your words, do you? You should’ve considered yourself fortunate.”
“I have allowed you ten nights to touch my breasts while you sleep because you said it was cold. And despite seeing no correlation between the weather and your hand on my chest, I have let you in your freedom.” You were face to face with him. None of you seemed aware of the mere inch that’s separating your faces. “Tell me, what makes you so addicted to it?”
“They are soft! And supple! And I like how they feel on my hand!” He was out of breath when he finished.
So were you, with the force of his confession. It was you who broke the eye contact first by stomping back to your place.
“You can say I have grown accustomed to them,” he continued. “Perhaps one day I shall see them for myself—”
“Stop talking,” you deadpanned before breathing deeply. At last, you looked at his direction. “C… come here.”
Against the fire, you would’ve thought that his eyes brightened up a fraction. But you knew better than anyone else how he liked to keep his emotions at bay no matter the circumstances.
“You can touch them,” you murmured. “But I have rules.”
“Madness!” he was quick to retort. “You dare make rules?”
“Alright, then, good night.” You pulled the blankets over you again and prepared to lie down.
He sighed, long and ingested with patience. “Alright, alright. I will hear them: your rules.”
You raised one finger. “One, you should not speak anymore. Two, you shall not squeeze—” He gave you a stupefied look. “I’m serious. I cannot sleep when you do that. And those are my rules. How about that?”
“Shall not squeeze? You are merciless. Even I wouldn’t have thought of such cruelty.”
“Stop the nonsensical drama and lie down. Now. We have a long way ahead of us tomorrow and we shall get all the rest we can.” You tapped the space beside you, firm and solid on your words.
Surprisingly, he did not raise any more objections about the set-up. He positioned himself beside you, his hand crawling inside your shirt and finding the treasure there. Like a warm kerchief, his dainty hand cup your breast. It was only a matter of time after that before you heard him softly snoring. Again, for the 11th day, it would seem as though you were to sleep with burning cheeks and swirling stomach.
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writers-potion · 2 months
when writing enemies to lovers, how to I avoid the trope of “hes mean to me but it’s okay because he likes me” and make the mmc redeemable after being mean, because so far all I have is have her be just as bad 😭 (I don’t know if I worded that right)
Redeeming The Bad Boy Character
Drop Subtle Hints of Redeemability
Okay. Rule Number 1 for romance heroes: They need to be LOVABLE. Full stop. 
Before you start coming up with possible justifications, place the actions of your bad boy on the emotional balancing scale of your girl. Do his real feelings shine through the meanness on the surface?
What readers usually DON’T want to see redeemed is:
Outright lying/manipulating the girl 
Being obsessive and controlling 
Physical/emotional bullying (i.e. stuff that real bullies would do)
“Crossing the line”: This will depend on character - like insulting a disabled sister the girl character feels super protective towards (like NO PLEASE NO)
Even if the “enemy” phase of your romance is meant to be intense, your bad boy needs to display “goodness of heart”. This is easy if you’re switching POVs or 3rd person omniscient where you can show him secretly beating himself in regret, trying to make up with her behind her back although she doesn’t know, etc. 
Even if you’re doing the girl’s 1st person POV, drop subtle hints that the guy character isn’t as mean as the girl is made to believe:
Him having the reputation with friends/teachers/neighbors for being kind 
Him being awarded in school for good deeds
The girl’s friend telling her stories about how the guy actually seems nice. If this is a YA setting, you can even get away with explicit comments like, “maybe you’re judging him too hard”, etc. 
A good example is Bryce  in <Flipped>:
Bryce is an innately shy middle schooler who finds himself inadvertently influenced by his toxic dad, who looks down on the girl (Juli) and her family. 
By flipping over to Bryce’s POV, his reluctance for the “mean” things he’s done is revealed (he’s kinda scared of his dad + he’s never been taught better)
Eventually, Bryce grows up and learns to treat Juli better. 
If you’re going to use family history/backstory as justification, remember:
The backstory doesn’t justify anything by just existing. That’s called an excuse. 
The bad boy needs to have a point of realization and grow up, moving away from his dark past into the light, towards the love interest. 
Another way to redeem a bad boy character is to shift some blame on the female character too. In fact, every story has two sides - the girl has her own goals and biases. 
For example:
Academic or workplace rivals: since the girl has to compete with him, she will tend to take offhand comments offensively, etc. 
A third person badmouthing the buy deliberately to the girl
The girl overhearing the guy saying something bad about her (which wasn’t in fact the case) and being determined to not like anything he does after
Make Him Suffer 
If you want to give your girl some backbone, just make her fight back! “Fighting back” can be in different forms:
Ignoring the guy outright
Just giving her another potential love interest who treats her better 
She literally correcting him with awesome logic and maturity that make him shut up
She crying (either out of madness or sadness), then proceeding to avoid him actively
Write about how your bad boy will eventually realize his mistakes and come around after he takes a real blow. Think about why your bad boy is being mean in the first place: it’s to get her attention. Tit-for-tat can work for female characters who have some teeth, but doing the same things he does would mean that she IS giving him attention, which ironically fulfills his initial motives. 
Personally, I think the best way to “fight back” is to no longer give him the attention, hinting that the girl wishes to move on from this unhelpful relationship status. This will set off warning signs in the MMC’s head that if he doesn’t change his ways, she would be gone for good. 
The point is, if your girl cannot tolerate something, you can’t make her sit around. If your boy is mean and immature, she needs to be the one to take the mature step - and walk away.
Apologizing in the Other Character’s Style
What the MMC will need to do to gain the girl’s attention back will depend on what she thinks, but this will often involve:
Explaining his true motivations/resolving the misunderstanding
A genuine apology 
Spending some time apart during which he can reflect and make up to her 
Undoing the damage, if this is possible
If she’s been just as bad as him on occasions, make her reciprocate the apology! Re-establish healthy boundaries that didn’t exist before, and show how they stick to it. 
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Danerys Targaryen*My Queen
Pairing: danerys x f!reader (set in Meereen)
Word count: 813
Kintober Day ten: throne/semi-public sex with Danerys Targaryen – being the queen is a stressful job and it is your job to help your queen relax even if that means risking getting caught
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Warnings: mentions of war, throne sex, semi public sex, f!receiving oral smut 18+
Masterlist Here
Kinktober List Here
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“My queen you must rest,” you warned the blonde as she stood over the battle table with her advisors.
She shot you a nasty look, her eyes quickly darting back to the table, “War does not stop so I may rest,”
You grit your teeth, doing your best to respect your queen as you considered your conflicting orders. After all it was her that had made you her personal lady, the one who was to take care of her wellbeing. Whether that be to make sure she ate or bathed or even at times just to breathe.
Tyrion shot a concerned glance at you before his eyes trailed back to the table, “Perhaps if we came back to this with fresh minds,” he said, his eyes glancing around the room, “we would be more effective,”
Danerys sighed, walking away from the table silently to stand facing out a window. You turned to the men, nodding at them to leave which they silently did, muttering their graces as they left. Once the door was shut you watched Danerys’s sigh, her shoulders slumping down.
You walked up to her, placing your hands on her shoulders and soon she slumped back into your arms. “You must relax my queen. And that is an order,”
“I am your queen,” she said, no malice behind her voice but a distant silence, “it is my job to protect you my love,”
“And it is mine to keep you sane,” you said, ignoring how she stiffened in your arms. A few moments of silence past as you gazed over the streets of Mereen. The sun was setting, the darkening and for a moment it finally looked peaceful in the streets. “I have an idea,” you finally said, taking her arm and leading her out the room with no explanation.
“How is this supposed to help me relax?” she questioned, her eyebrows knitting in confusion as you sent the guards out the throne room to guard the doors. Daenerys took your hand as you led her up the stairs, refusing to answer her question just yet.
“Sit,” you told her, and she did without question. At this time of night no one roamed the halls apart from the guards but as you sunk to your knees a brief wash of panic covered her face, “No one is awake my queen, only us,” you said, your hands moving to her ankles, slowly moving your way up and pulling the dress up with it.
“What if someone walks in?” she asked, her pale eyes darting to the doors.
You shook your head, pushing the dress slowly up her thighs, “You are the queen, khaleesi of the great grass sea. You can do whatever you wish my queen however,” you said, kissing her knee gently, “right now you are tense. You cannot rule if you cannot even think,”
“So, what do you propose?” she asked, her voice suddenly quiet and her eyes locked on yours as you led soft kisses up her thighs.
You held back a smirk at her words, “I propose you let me help you unwind,” you said, hands trailing up under her dress to feel her bare hips, “Let me serve you my queen,”
Your movements paused, your eyes gazing up to hers waiting for permission. After a moment she finally nodded. You wasted no time, your lips diving in to kiss her already wet cunt. you heard her gasps, but you did not wait as you licked a stripe up her cunt, before your lips soon found her clit.
You sucked on it gently, massaging her bundle of nerves with your tongue and relishing in the quiet moans she let out. Your fingers sneaked up, teasing her hole for a moment before finally slipping two in. her hand soon found your hair, gripping it gently as you felt her hips buck against your face.
Deliberately you let out a small moan, letting your mouth vibrate around her clit making her thighs clamp around your head. You curled your fingers precisely and teasingly slow as you heard her murmur your name over and over like a song.
“Don’t stop,” she began to mumble, and you could feel her arching her back, pushing her cunt against your face. “Please,” your queen moaned like a commoner as your tongue continued its mission.
“Fuck,” she gasped, and you could feel her body stiffening under your touch. Your movements slowed, your mouth finally falling away so you could look up at the woman who slumped on the throne with a dazed expression.
“How do you feel my queen?” you asked, slipping your fingers out and moving to stand.
Daenerys reached out to take your hand, pulling you into her lap, “Much better now,” she smiled, her hands moving to rest on your hips, “but I will feel even better once I repay the favour,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy  @valeskafics
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Villain: The Hollow Lords
Though their reign was long thought ended, this circle of skeletal tyrants have returned from the dark depths of history to conquer the ream once again. Their awakening heralded by a tide of destruction and plague meant to destabilize the land and seed it with corpses to make up their army of undead.
Something is wrong with this story though, details that don't match up, an unknown will at work behind the actions of the lifeless villains. Whatever threat they may pose, an even greater danger pulls the strings of the hollow lords, a danger the party will confront all too soon.
Adventure Hooks:
Before they awaken, the hollow lords should be woven into the campaign as an innocuous background detail, a threat from a previous millennium which defined the heroes of that era. Forgotten today outside of festival traditions, old monuments, and the standing alliances between kingdoms, This sets a standard against which the party can measure themselves.
Scenario A sees the Hollow Lords emerging in the party's own realm, a wave of inexplicable disasters paving the way for the rise of an emerging threat just in time for our heroes to enter a new adventuring tier. In this instance it's about preventing the disasters from spreading/ the undead from establishing their foothold across a land the party has just finished journeying across. Our heroes will be stretched thin, People they know are going to suffer, and deliberate choices will need to be made about what they can save. Looking into the history of the lords only raises more questions, namely that many of them emerged from graves belonging to people who were born and died centuries after the original Hollow Lords were vanquished.
Scenario B has the Hollow Lords as an established threat, ruling over a Mordor like kingdom of darkness either bordering the party's own homeland, or being the party's own homeland if you want to get bleak about it. After our heroes defeat their first of the villains they receive a strange invitation, another of the Hollow Lords has broken partially free of whatever enchantment binds them and is pleading for help. If the party are willing to take a gamble, this rogue undead is willing to use all its dread power to aid them if they can figure out a way to put it to rest for good.
Though each was mighty or powerful in their own right, there was no unholy conspiracy that connected the Hollow Lords during their living years, at-least not on their part. Instead they were all called back to the mortal plane by a veiled necromancer who had some invisible claim on their soul. Stripped of their will, they were forced to act on behalf of this faceless puppeteer, allowing whoever it was beneath the skullmask and robe to carve out a kingdom while remaining in the shadows. Most troubling of all, those one or two Hollow Lords that were around for their first attempt at world domination also remember the veiled necromancer, speaking of a conspiracy centuries in the making.
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
Kumbaya, My Lord... Who's going to come to us...?
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You might think that this chapter would be hard to analyse because it sets the stage for future confrontations, but in fact it is fascinating because it heralds the next chapter.
Following the chronology first, the chapter confirms what was implied in the last few chapters, namely the war on images.
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Children are seen as precious to the public hunters in that their survival and their tears can sway public opinion one way or the other.
It is crucial to neutralise Asa not just because she is dangerous but also because she is the symbol of the church; if she manages to retain her popularity despite the actions of the public hunters, then their efforts will be for naught.
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This line is very interesting because it shows that the problem is Denji
The hunters boast of having searched the weapons and, in itself, everything would be so simple if Chainsaw Man were a weapon in the true sense of the word and could simply be searched and stored in a warehouse.
But it had to be an unpredictable teenager that Yoshida couldn't fully master...
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This answer is just as interesting as it is equivocal: what does it mean to play Chainsaw Man? Playing hero? To be a symbol of alternative justice to the state? To be popular? This line is deliberately ambiguous, following on from part 2, which explores the essence of Chainsaw Man.
If we can't answer it, it's precisely because part 2 clouds this identity...
Impostor, instrumentalisation, neutralisation, blackmail, popularity, solitude... Denji no longer knows what the second component of his identity means...
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This conversation about the demon of justice is important because it helps us to understand several things:
1) it's difficult to identify a demon, which further confuses the question of what Fake!CSM or even Chainsaw Man is, which is an unusually crucial demon for a monster that's supposed to represent nothing but fear of chainsaws
2) The fear that demons represent isn't necessarily correlated with their appearance and what they exude, especially when it comes to more abstract notions like justice. This sort of giant species looked like demons of greed, not justice. Whereas an oversized brain gave more of an air of something intellectualised like justice ?
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3) So who had Yuko contracted with ? But also the other contractors, whether from the church, or even Asa's friend in the first chapter?
4) A demon can lie about its identity when it contracts with a human, which makes Pochita even more mysterious. This point is disturbing in the sense that one of the rules that had been laid down was that human/demon contracts were in good faith in the sense that neither party could go back on its word.
If a demon can lie about his identity, either that means he's not really lying or that he doesn't necessarily have to reveal his identity in order to enter into a contract.
He has to keep his word on his commitment (lend his powers) but doesn't necessarily have to mention who he is.
If it's the first possibility, i.e. the fact that the mysterious demon with whom Yuko and members of the church have tied up isn't lying when he says he's the demon of justice, then it's the second possibility.
This sends us back to him, Fake!CSM, who doesn't say that he's a multimorphic demon capable of stealing identities...
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So CSM is not the only one to be cloned, but the demon of justice too.
Fake!CSM would not be the real Chainsaw demon, nor the demon resulting from the fear of Chainsaw Man, but a demon based around identity, its usurpation, its loss, or even the demon embodying amnesia, memory...
If Yuko has a contract with Fake!CSM that would explain why he's killing her. Since the contract came to an end, she was able to take revenge on Asa's bullies.
All these questions remain unanswered. Now let's look at how this chapter foreshadows the next one.
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Let's get back to Barem's case. First of all, the victory of the public hunters obviously seems too simple, and we suspect that there will be a reprisal. But in what way? And what reprisals?
Already Barem hasn't been sent near Denji simply to chat, which means there's another plan afoot
Miri and the others were bait, and the main course takes place in this very amusement park.
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Barem announces that he prefers to watch the sunset, which gives him a very contemplative side and gives several possible clues
1. The simplest one is that saying you want to watch the sunset means you know exactly how precious things like that can be. Weapons usually have difficult pasts, so has Barem been deprived of the light of day? I mention his condition as a weapon because it's something that resonates with what Fumiko is saying, the fact that if Barem is neutralised, he will be forced to be used by the other side. Weapons are nothing more than weapons to be searched by public hunters.
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2. The most interesting of all, the sunset at night, has something to do with the man who has intrigued us from the start, the man we don't know whether he's an ally or an antagonist: Fake!CSM. He intervened twice during the dawn by killing Yuko, and warned Chainsaw Man to act before daybreak. Fake!CSM only acts at a given moment: when day breaks or when he hides.
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As well as confirming that he'll be coming soon, this also confirms that he could be the one behind the big question revolving around the demon of justice.
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That would explain the title 'Kumbaya'. Like everyone else, I looked into it. Apart from the fact that it comes from gospel, which confirms Barem's attachment to religion and to God, what interests us is not only the context of this popular song but also its literal meaning.
I'm not an expert on this, so if anyone wants to correct what I'm about to say, feel free.
Kumbaya is a song that originated with the Gullah, a group of African-Americans located in the Sea Islands along the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. These people were originally slaves from West Africa, brought to the United States to work in the rice fields. What's interesting is that someone like Barem is using it, this song about a people who have been instrumentalised like their own, and who have found refuge in religion and faith.
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This is not the first time Fujimoto has referred to the Christian religion. Firstly, because CSM is a work packed with biblical references, but more importantly, the person who expressly refers to the Bible is none other than the impostor.
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God, and his divine mission to create a world without devils, is the answer to this question. What is the church playing at? Pursuing a Christ-like mission. If Fami really wants to save humanity from the apocalypse as foretold by Nostradamus, this relationship between humanity and the end of time is just one of the purposes announced by the Christian religion.
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But above all, "Kumbaya" is also derived from Gullah, English Creole mixed with several West African languages, which can be heard as "Come by ya" or "Come by here". It literally means asking God to "come here" and help the singer.
It immediately resonates with what I meant above, doesn't it ? Barem isn't just waiting for the sun to set, he's waiting for his saviour.
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When Yoshida attacks Asa, Kumbaya has the same meaning. She is being attacked by a particularly difficult enemy, but her response will in fact be proportional. Although she appears to be in a bad way with her hand cut off, she is actually in a state of strength.
Her hand is Asa's own property, and nothing is more certain than the fact that our bodies belong to us ? Then the weapon will be all the more powerful.
Repeating Oh Lord Kumbaya once again means that someone is coming to help, Asa is simply passing the baton to the one who will lead the offensive : Yoru.
Whether it's Asa or Barem, everyone is just waiting for their saviour to start attacking.
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saetoru · 2 years
Tee forget rich boy gojo what about frat boy geto ☹️
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ frat boy! geto suguru x reader — 2.0k words — you always break your rules for geto
— contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, fingering, handjobs, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of fem masturbation, pet names (baby + princess)
— notes ⋮ i’m totally normal about him yup
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rule number one of college is never to get involved with a frat boy.
rule number two is if you do get involved with one, you run—except geto suguru makes it entirely impossible to follow either of those two rules.
he’s different, or so you like to tell yourself. he doesn’t even look like the other frat boys. instead, he has long hair that gets thrown into a messy little bun, and he wears those baggy pants that usually look lame—but somehow he manages to make them look so good. but more importantly, he seems to know how to sweet talk his way into what he wants.
unlike the other boys, there’s nothing intimidating about geto, nothing that makes you want to submit and give into his whims because of that predatory grin. no, instead, geto lures you with gentle smiles and saccharine words. and that’s even more dangerous, you think—it’s like that tale of the snake, that faux affection of laying beside you as it sizes you up, until one day, you’re swallowed whole. 
you shouldn’t keep coming back—and technically, you don’t. it’s not that you come back to geto…it’s that he chases you down, one step at a time, slow and quiet so that you don’t realize the hunter is hunting. it’s not until your back is pressed against a corner do you realize you’ve been the prey all along.
“c’mon, baby,” he hums against your neck, making you gasp when his teeth graze the skin. he sucks slowly, deliberately, with a smile against you as you squirm under his touch. “i missed you,” he murmurs, “‘s like you’ve been avoiding me. you wouldn’t do that, right?”
“n-no,” you shake your head—which is a lie, and you both know it. but he only chuckles, mumbles out a quiet that’s right against your neck before he’s back to pressing those hot, open-mouthed kisses along your pulse point.
“look at you,” he grins, eyeing you up and down, taking in the cute little top you’re wearing and those high heels that drive him mad. you’re even wearing that lip gloss he likes—the one he loves smeared along his cock…but that’s for later, he thinks. “you look all dolled up, don’t you? ‘s all for me, huh?”
“yes,” you whisper—because you’re weak. you let yourself fall right into his hands, let yourself wander right into the trap he sets every time. “yes, ‘s for you,” you say with a shaky voice, gripping onto his bicep.
geto knows that one text, just one is all it takes. just one i’ll see you at the party tonight, right? and you’re already sifting through outfits and spraying your most expensive perfume. he knows just how to give just enough to make you want to give back tenfold—just enough to make you get used to the taste, yet never enough to satisfy, until you’re starving for more.
“s-suguru, please,” you whine, bucking your hips and trying to rub your clothed cunt against the bulge in his pants. you’re pretty sure there must be a line outside the bathroom by now, and you’re distantly mortified that someone might just hear you moaning his name—but then he kisses your lips once, twice, a third time, and you simply don’t care anymore.
“please what, baby? c’mon, you know i love it when you talk,” he chuckles.
“please, more,” you huff, boldly moving a hand between your bodies to cup his erection and squeeze. he lets out a strained groan, head falling to the crook of your neck as he bucks his hips against your palm, chasing that sweet friction selfishly. 
“fuck—you gotta be patient, princess,” he growls, mustering up enough self-control to grab your wrist and move your hand away. his hand moves up to squeeze your cheeks together, tilting your face to meet his eyes as he glares. “think it’s only fair i make you wait as long as you’ve made me, don’t you think?”
he texts you sometimes. sometimes in the morning to ask you if you want coffee, sometimes after class to walk you home, sometimes in the middle of the night just to ask about your day. but you know better—you know how guys like him work, how you’re not the only one, how you’re never the only one. you don’t want to be another girl who cries over geto while he buys another coffee for another unsuspecting victim, and you don’t want to watch him offer that gentle smile, those sweet words, those careful touches to someone that’s not you.
but then your words betray you before you can help it: “no, suguru,” you plead, “need you! need you to fuck me—please, i want it.” you can’t help but beg—because something about him makes you so shameless, so needy and desperate that every ounce of logic and dignity dissipates from your mind. 
“you sure? you didn’t seem to want it when you were ignoring my texts—”
“‘m sorry,” you sniffle, “jus’ please, wanna feel you.”
it’s a vicious cycle—every time you tell yourself this is the last time, it’s never really the last time. you manage to ignore geto suguru and his sweet words and handsome smile for just a little bit before he’s dragging you right back in. and you should know better by now—you can atone for all your sins as much as you want, but the devil is always crept up your shoulder, always whispering those tempting words into the shell of your ear. this is the last time turns into just one more time, and then pretty soon, you’re in this same position over and over again. 
against the wall, caged by his body as his hands squeeze your hips. 
“yeah? can’t get enough of me, can you? is it cause i fuck you so good? can’t find someone else to make you feel like this?”
his fingers have pulled your pants down your legs by now, your underwear halfway down your thighs as he sinks two fingers into your dripping cunt. it feels good—feels so achingly good as he teases your clit with his thumb, ghosts of circles rubbing over the sensitive nub while his fingers curl against your spot. you mewl, legs shaking as you try to stand up straight, as you try to take what he gives you while keeping yourself together. but it’s too hard, and soon, you feel his hand hook under one leg and prop it against his hip, supporting your frame as he works his digits in and out of your cruelly. 
“suguru‚ suguru—fuck,” you gasp, whimpering as the tips of his fingers brush against that sensitive spot against your walls, his thumb rubbing harshly against your clit in circles that leave you biting your lip. 
no one touches you like geto—you can’t help but come to this realization in the dead of night when your own fingers just don’t bring the same satisfaction. you can’t reach as deep as he can, find that spot as fast as he can, make yourself cum like he can. 
“look at you, princess,” he hums, “already such a mess. just think,” he bullies his fingers into your faster, making you squeal, “just think how messy you’ll look when i’m fucking you full.”
those words are all it takes for you to sob—latching onto his body as you roll your hips and cum. your walls flutter around his fingers, whimpering as he fucks his digits into you while you ride out your high. his thumb rubs against your clit until you’re practically shaking against him—’s too much, you want to say…but you know it won’t really make a difference, and your voice fails you anyway.
your slumped against the wall, watching as his hands hastily fumble with his pants, pushing them down his legs as he frees his aching cock. it’s flushed a pretty red, leaking with precum, and stiff in his hands as he closes his eyes and groans quietly when he wraps around the girth and slowly strokes along the length a few times. it’s filthy—the wet sound of his precum smearing along his cock, glistening against the skin as you stare. 
you don’t hesitate to replace his hand with yours, feeling the familiar weight in your hands as you fist his cock and drag your palm up and down against the length. 
“f-fuck—that’s it baby, like that,” he moans, head falling back against your shoulder, quiet grunts spilling past his lips as you squeeze around his tip. he fucks his hips into your fist, panting against you as you graze your thumb along his slit and pull a small whine from him. 
and then you can’t wait—can’t even wait for a second longer as you quickly guide his tip to line up against your entrance, rubbing against your folds and collecting your slick along his tip. 
“in—want you in me, suguru,” you beg. he doesn’t argue, doesn’t even think to tease you as he presses his cock to slip past your folds and sink into your heat, the thick veins dragging along your walls and making you gasp. 
“so tight, baby—always so tight. prettiest fuckin’ pussy i ever had,” he rasps. 
it makes you slightly bitter at the prospect that he’s had others to even compare to you—but then there’s that subtle satisfaction that you’re the best he’s had, the one he can’t get enough of, the one he chases and chases and keeps coming back to. 
you know deep down that you’re simply being foolish, that getting his dick wet is not a difficult process for someone like geto suguru and all you’re doing is making it easy for him…but a small part of you likes to think that this is real. that the way his arms cradle you as he fucks into you, that the way he kisses your neck and then your lips, hot and messy and so needy—it’s all because he wants you, and only you. 
“feels good—so good, suguru,” you gasp, “‘m close, ‘m gonna…gonna cum—”
“just a bit longer, baby,” he presses a soft kiss to your jaw, moaning into your skin as your walls squeeze around him with a particularly sloppy thrust, “wait for me, yeah? cum with me—j-just gotta feel you cum with me.”
his hips are sloppy, angling into you with practically no rhythm anymore as he chases his orgasm. his thumb finds your clit, rubbing harsh circles that have you sobbing, feeling the coil in your belly tighten and tighten until you’re sure it’ll snap any second. 
“‘m gonna cum—fuck, ‘m gonna cum suguru, please—”
“cum for me, princess,” he gasps, and with one more slam of his hips, the brush of his tip against your sweet spot, you unravel, cumming for the second time as you shriek his name. 
geto follows right after, his cum hot as it fills you up, as he fucks his load into you, as his cock twitches with every rope he paints your walls white with. your nails dig into his shoulder as you whine his name while he grunts yours, feeling the way he all but splits you open as his cock drills into you sloppily. 
it’s not long before his hips slow, a few more shallow thrusts of his hips before he stills and pants into your shoulder, kissing against the mark he’s bitten into your skin. this is the part you hate—the part that fills you up with dread from what you’ve done, the part that makes you realize that every time you let geto suguru get away with using you as a quick fuck, you fall deeper and deeper for that sweet smile and soft laugh. 
“c’mon, baby,” he pulls away from your neck, pressing a sweet peck to your lips, “we can go to my room and—”
“that’s okay,” you cut him off, doing everything you can to avoid his eyes, “i was gonna go home now anyway—”
“that’s okay,” he cuts you off, repeating your own words back to you, “you can just spend the night with me.”
and before you can protest, his lips are back on yours, kissing you sweet and slow enough that you can’t help but melt into his arms and give up arguing against him. 
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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cherryrainn · 1 year
hii can u pls write onceler (dom) smut w a fem reader????
YEAH I CAN!! i dunno what to do for the story since you didn't ask for one, so i'm just going to write something random, hope it's okay!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— eternal embrace
onceler (greedler) x reader
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the room was bathed in the warm, golden hues of the setting sun, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere. you sat comfortably on the window sill, enjoying a peaceful moment in the presence of your boyfriend, onceler. as he sauntered into the room, a confident smirk played on his lips.
"well, well, well, look who we have here," onceler remarked, his voice laced with playful arrogance. he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, his light-blue eyes fixated on you with a mischievous glint. "if it isn't my favorite partner in crime, sitting there, stealing the view."
he closed the door behind him, striding towards you with a self-assured swagger. leaning against the wall, he crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow. "you know, y/n, i can't help but be so captivated by your presence. it's like a magnet, drawing me in with that irresistible charm of yours."
onceler took a deliberate step closer, his voice dropping to a seductive undertone. "you've got this way of turning heads wherever you go, babe. it's no wonder they say i'm the lucky one to have you by my side."
a smug smile played on his lips as he continued, his voice filled with unabashed confidence. "i've gotta admit, being with you, it's like having the key to the world. we make quite the pair, don't we?"
he reached out, lightly tracing a finger along your cheek. "but let's not keep it all business, babe. let's indulge in some well-deserved fun. tonight, we'll create our own adventure, just you and me. no rules, no limits."
he gave a wicked grin, eyes dancing with barely contained excitement. "we're gonna have us a time that'll last till dawn." as you stared at him, mouth agape, you felt your heart quicken. "so, whaddya say, love? wanna play nice and cozy with me?" you nodded slowly, still unable to speak.
onceler smirked, his hands sliding up your sides, cupping your breasts. "that's better. now, hold on tight, 'cause i'm about to show you a whole lotta love."
he pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed you deeply, his tongue flicking out to tease your bottom lip. you felt yourself melt beneath his touch as he pressed you against the wall, kissing you feverishly. your legs parted, instinctively wanting more, and onceler obliged, pushing your skirt up over your hips.
onceler broke from your kiss, pulling back for air, his lips lingering on yours. "oh, you're a naughty little thing," he whispered.
you glanced down, noticing how his pants had slid further down, revealing the length of his thighs. as his fingers traced the curve of your spine, his gaze met yours, causing a shiver to run down your spine. you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment at his blatant flirting, and didn't even bother trying to hide it.
"what would you like, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "tell me what you'd like, and i promise you, you'll get it."
you gulped, feeling flushed and breathless as you struggled to form the words.
onceler leaned in again, his hands roaming freely across your body. "do you like the way i taste?" he breathed, sliding his hand between your thighs.
you shuddered, arching your back, moaning softly. "tell me if you like it."
onceler's fingers slipped inside you, gently stroking your wet flesh. you moaned, throwing your head back, shuddering as pleasure coursed through you.
onceler's grin widened, a devilish sparkle in his eye. "you like that, huh? i knew you were a dirty girl."
his fingers moved faster, rubbing you in a circular motion, making you whimper.
"you see, i could stop right now," he purred. "but i think you'd rather i didn't."
you gasped, gripping the fabric of his tailcoat in your fists. "yes," you breathed. onceler smiled, his fingers slowing their movements as he pulled away, gazing into your eyes. "good girl."
he slid his hands back to your waist, lifting you onto your tiptoes, his arms wrapping around your bare back. you laid your hands on his shoulders, watching as he began to unbutton his tie. as the buttons came undone, a flush crept up his neck, making his eyes glow with desire.
"oh, love," he breathed. he pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. you gazed hungrily at him, admiring every inch of his physique.
onceler's fingers grazed your collarbone, his thumb brushing across your throat. "here we are," he said, kissing your neck, his hand moving down your chest.
you parted your legs, allowing him access to you, already glistening with arousal. he dipped a finger inside again, your moans muffled by his lips.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding on for dear life as he thrust his fingers in and out of you, fucking you with slow, steady strokes
onceler pulled his hand free, sucking his digits clean. "your juices are so sweet," he murmured, staring into your eyes.
you nodded slightly, biting your lip. "please..." you muttered, your voice barely audible.
onceler moved between your legs, teasing your clit with feather-light touches. you panted softly, biting your lower lip. he finally slipped inside, stretching you open, eliciting a sharp cry from you.
"shh, just relax," he cooed, kissing your temple. "just let me take care of you."
as he spoke, he began to move in a slow rhythm, his thumbs rubbing against your sensitive flesh. his touch was gentle, yet firm, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine.
"god, you're so beautiful," he murmured, running his hands over your body. "i could watch you forever."
you gripped his shoulder, shuddering as waves of pleasure coursed through you. you'd never been touched so tenderly, and it only made you crave more.
onceler glanced down, seeing how hard your nipples had become. he bent forward, capturing one with his lips, sucking it into his mouth, drawing out a deep moan from you.
you mewled, clutching the front of his shirt. "don't stop," you begged. "i need you to give me everything."
onceler sped up, plunging deeper inside you, making you gasp. you dug your nails into his neck, burying your face in his shoulder as he fucked you with quick thrusts.
he pulled free, he traced his fingertips down your stomach, grazing your clit, causing you to buck against him.
onceler chuckled, kissing the base of your neck. "you really do love it, don't you?"
you nodded, biting your lip. "please," you pleaded.
onceler grinned, placing his hand on your hip. "okay, baby, but just remember, you only get what you ask for. now, tell me, what do you want?"
you turned your head, meeting his eyes, your voice trembling. "i...i want you."
"all yours, my love," he said, bending down to capture your lips in a searing kiss.
onceler's member slipped inside you again, eliciting another sharp cry from you. he drew back, gazing into your eyes as he pushed inside, you cried out, wrapping your arms around his neck, burying your face against his shoulder.
onceler stroked your thigh, him moving inside you, playing with your clit. you whimpered, rocking against him, desperate to feel more. as he rubbed himself against you, you bit your lip, your breathing heavy.
onceler's thrusts became quicker, his member becoming rougher. you moaned loudly, your hips buckling against him. you grabbed his arms, your nails digging into his skin, the pain only adding to the pleasure. as he pounded you, his hands slid up your torso, cupping your breasts.
onceler moaned softly, rubbing your breast. you cried out, grinding against him, your legs trembling as pleasure rushed through you, pooling between your thighs.
onceler growled, his hips slamming against yours as he poured his seed inside you. he collapsed, gasping for breath, his weight resting on you.
you glanced up at him, seeing the love in his eyes. "i love you," he whispered, brushing your hair from your face.
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note; don't write smut often, so it may not be the best. but i tried!
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
You've mentioned multiple times now Sans canonically switching fonts if I'm not mistaken? What/when are the instances of those?
To be precise, he switches from comic sans to the standard Determined font, so you could also technically call it "turning off his typeface".
there's four notable examples that come to mind
When we first meet him:
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he even spaces the letters apart sightly, which implies he's talking slowly and deliberately. this fits two explanations, one doylistic: we don't know him yet, nor do we know the connection between skeletons and fonts so suddenly seeing dialogue in comic sans would break the tension in the scene; and one watsonian: he's trying to scare the crap out of you, so he uses the most terrifying voice he can make.
At the MTT Resort date
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Yup. This one pretty much cements the interpretation that he switches fonts to sound scarier. He even does the creepy "music cuts out, speaks slowly and spaces the letters apart for maximum effect" he did in Snowdin Forest. But moving on,
In the Final Hallway
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While it's definitely meant to mirror our first meeting, what with the foreground elements hiding his appearance/disappearance, our being backlit throughout the whole scene, and the complete lack of music... there's no way that the player doesn't recognize his silhouette, and knowing the whole speaking in fonts shtick, seeing comic sans shouldn't break the scene anymore.
he's not spacing the letters apart like the previous occasions and he's speaking at normal speed, so I'd rule out that he's trying to sound scary, but he still drops his font in favor of the standard one, right until the moment his actual judgement begins (ie when he checks your EXP and LV). while you could still make a compelling doylistic argument re: comic sans just looks stupid in this scene, i think the font switch makes perfect sense if you read it as sans just being solemn for once. his judgement will inevitably get lighter-hearted*, and he'll go back to his font and soudfont, but it really feels like he wants to open the matter setting a serious tone. this is the end now. enough messing around.
*speaking of the tone of the judgement getting lighter. know what font he uses when it doesn't?
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The Lost Soul fight
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now THIS. this is an interesting one. because not only does it happen in battle, but there are three VERY big differences when compared to the occasions i listed above:
he's not capitalizing his sentences
he's not silent when he speaks. on the contrary, he's actually using a different soundfont: the standart one you hear with the narrator and secondary NPCs.
his text moves like a wave, much in the same way as napstablook, the heavily depressed ghost who's constantly crying, and the amalgamates (all bar endogeny, who doesn't speak at all) who are... well. you can assume what emotional state they are in.**
honestly I could talk about this detail alone for HOURS, especially when you consider that as soon as his memories are returned, he immediately goes back to his usual font AND soundfont
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our friends during the lost souls fight are supposed to be at their lowest, confronting their character flaws and their demons. and considering the nature of what sans says, well... i think it's fair to assume he's either straight up crying or in otherwise extreme emotional distress.
aaaaand that's it! that's all the occasions that come to mind. from what we're shown, we can gather that sans switches off his font for occasions where the mood is far from light, either because it's serious, solemm, scary, or just plain sad.
there's a couple notable occasions that fit these criteria but still use comic sans, such as the "do you wanna have a bad time", threat the "heya. you've been busy, uh?" monologue before the genocide fight, and the genocide fight itself, though all of them can be explained with the fact that the pacing of the dialogue was far too fast for it to be effective.
but yeah. the lost soul segment is the one that makes me tear my hair out. hope this answered your question!
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Congratulations! If it’s alright, for the event could I have prompt 6 with Riddle, Floyd, and Idia. Thank you!
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
Hello hello! Thank you so much for your patience with me (シ. .)シ In place of Floyd we have Ortho per your request, I hope you enjoy it friend.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this was a really fun line up of characters and I really should write for Ortho more, he deserves all the friends in the world. The other requests can be found on my masterlist.
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Riddle is not fully aware of his reputation. He knows he has one of course, but he is very much under the impression that this reputation is a good one. He very much thinks that the glances going back and forth right now are because the other NRC students know just how intelligent Riddle Rosehearts is and that they stand no chance at winning this game when Heartslabyul's academic reputation is on the line. Because clearly
The steam pouring out of his ears and vein popping free from his skull are not something he is remotely aware of as he stomps through the crowd searching for- well he doesn't really know what. The Headmage had very pointedly said that wild accusations were not allowed in this game.
"The detective only has one chance to make the correct guess, so please make sure you are confident when you make your submission!"
The ballroom is filled with potential suspects, and it's not like he saw who tapped Yuu on the back to single them as their first choice. Really he can't decide what was more brazen, snatching them away while he was literally holding their hand or choosing to pick on the only person who wouldn't complain. The music pauses just as Riddle has managed to get some sort of baring on his surroundings, indicating he was once again too late.
"Our killer strikes again! Our second victim for tonight is Trey Clover, would you please set aside your mask and step up to the balcon-" The headmage's words are drowned out once again, but Riddle's not angry anymore. Frustrated certainly, but not mad, if he didn't know any better he would assume the killer was deliberately targeting him.
"Aww Goldfishie." Floyd has the audacity to look dissapointed, as if his favorite people were getting picked off and not Riddle's. "Aren't you gonna scream a whole bunch over Sea Turtle like you did with Little Shrimpy?"
"I did not scream." He crosses his arms and a bit of amusement returns to Floyd's face.
"Did too. It was really loud and super funny, everybody heard it." Floyd is provoking him on purpose, Riddle looks up towards Yuu to ground himself, but his scowl only deeps when he sees them giggling over something Trey's said.
"Excuse me but I really don't have time to waste talking to you." Both Floyd and Riddle are surprised at how certain he sounds, though one of them is certainly more disappointed. "I need to get back to my... friends and this game is getting in the way of that."
"Aww you're not going to scream any more at all?" Floyd doesn't bother looking up at the balcony, boredom turning his attention away from his role just as Riddle is finally hitting his stride with his. "Fine here," a card is thrown at him that he barely manages to catch, "I don't wanna play anymore if you aren't gonna be fun about it."
"Wait! That's against the rules you can't just-" Floyd is already gone and the Headmage already announcing the game over before Riddle can even think about how not actually upset he is. He feels small, useless, robbed of yet another chance to be normal even if Floyd's behavior is sort of normal for the school. Why can't he just get out of his own head for long enough to have fun? He promised his dorm, he promised Yuu, that he would try, didn't he?
"Riddle?" Speaking of Yuu, they've come straight to him, the trace of a smile is still there even if it's been dropped in favor of concern. "You ok? Did you not have fun?"
"Fun." It's a strange word. He doesn't really think he understands the appeal.
"I'm just annoyed with Floyd's behavior." He crosses his arms, but he is surprised to find that he's smiling. "But no matter, are you ok? Sitting around can't have been fun." You shrug.
"Well it was fun to watch you once Trey told me you were the detective, we were rooting for you!" And just like that the strange disappointment is back. There's pride and affection in your look he hasn't rightfully earned through the rules of the game. But perhaps, he thinks idly as you make no move to leave and stay chatting with him against the backdrop of the party, he was lucky enough to have it from the start.
"Night One, the town has elected me Sheriff to address the serial killer preying on our people. Oh or should it be a werewolf? Pity the headmage didn't say..." It's always a bit strange to see Ortho "frown" but tonight it feels extra serious. This Masquerade was his first school event as a full Night Raven first year, AND he had made his own costume. You all had actually, Ace had suggested your little group make them together so you would be able to easily spot each other in case of emergency. And to make things even more extra important, Crowley had decided to assign him (you are pretty sure it was actually random but Ortho was so excited you didn't bother to say) the role of detective in his murder mystery game. You shouldn't be surprised that he was so eager to win, but it was still such a cute sight that you couldn't help but be a bit excited.
"I don't think it's against the rules to pretend the killer's a werewolf, actually that's one of the things we call this game in my world." You really hate adding that caveat onto the end of things, it makes you feel like an annoying old person who can't understand that times have changed. But Ortho never minds when you do, it's more data for him to catalogue and this tidbit seems to really excite him.
"Oh really?! I thought you said it was called 'Town of Salem?' That was how you pronounced it right?" You really should not be surprised Ortho remembers you telling him about a video game, but the mention of it still surprises you.
"Oh no that's just a computer game version of it. Sort of..." You don't want to waste more of the boy detective's time explaining the concept of the Mafia to him, the last time you tried something like that he had started calling Azul "oyabun" and you both had been made to "apologize" by waxing the Lounge's floors.
"Aww so I don't need to record what I do each night?" Thankfully Ortho doesn't push it further and just bounces back to his normal happy self with a shake of the head. "That's ok, I'll do it anyway! It'll keep me from wanting to review the security cameras hehe." And with that he bows and flies into the crowd, eager to start collecting clues and fulfill his duty as the "long arm of the law." You salute him just as someone taps you on the shoulder and the music pauses.
"And our killer strikes!" Crowley is the one saying it but you can almost hear it in Ortho's voice being added to his notes. "Yuu whatever your last name is I didn't write it down did I please set aside your mask and make your way up to the balcony!" The music resumes as you make your way off the dance floor, making sure to stick out your tongue at Ace who makes fake crying motions as you go.
"Night Two, we lost the prefect! That's just not going to fly with this Sheriff in town..." Ortho stops to consider his movements as the music begins again. Yuu had been "killed" approximately thirteen point two seconds after he left to survey the scene. That means the killer would have to be someone who was around them at the start of the game, either directly next to them or within a brief walking distance. And since they had been bold enough to "kill" just in front of the detective they would have walked away almost immediately, wanting to put as much distance between themselves and the scene of the crime as possible.
"IT WAS YOU!" Ortho joyfully yells, sternly pointing at an extremely surprised Pomefiore student, who drops his incriminating card in shock. Ortho gleefully snatches it up as you begin to make your way down the stairs to congratulate him, something that turns into a sprint as soon as you see the gathering magical energy. "Now awfully sorry partner but this town just ain't big enough for the two of us!"
"No bad Ortho! No lasers! And that's the wrong movie genre!!!!"
"Aw I was just kidding~" Ortho has the audacity to giggle and hit his head in another wrong genre move "If the ballroom goes away we won't be able to play again, right?" Oh you really wish you could explain why him saying that sounds so creepy without sounding insane.
"What a fucking drag." Idia pities the poor fool who decided to let him keep his tablet during the ball. So what if Ortho was technically another "player," did they really think that meant he didn't have access to the security cameras? It was literally taking him seconds to ID their stupid ass and then this it was going to be GAME OVER. This was always going to be the outcome, no matter who the killer was as soon as they were unfortunate enough to have to face off against him.
So why are his hands shaking so badly?
Yuu is standing confused about what to do, looking around for Mr. Grim probably, he can't help but zoom in on their face, thumb pausing the video as he runs it over their cheek before flinching back to the feed. They speak briefly to their friends before deciding to move towards the edges of the ballroom, looking to get away from the people probably, it's a feeling he knows well. Before they can make it to safety, Cater taps them on the shoulder and the music pauses as they sigh. Maybe they're disappointed at being the first one out, but Idia can't help but feel like they expected it. It sort of makes sense that the magicless one would be the first to go, like deleting irrelevant lines of code. It's fitting in more ways than they know.
"Fork it over." Idia is glad that he's taller than Cater, who seems really surprised that he's listening to his actual voice and not his tablet. The extra inches and flaming hair is really giving him a boost to moral even if he is going to go right back to hating himself for it later. "And don't play dumb I know you're the killer."
"Aww really?" Cater looks slightly annoyed, his finger comes up to twirl one of his annoyingly perfectly messy locks of hair. "#sad, I thought I made off with the Prefect perfectly." He hands over the card and Idia rolls his eyes, he had a speech he wanted to give. Something really cringey clowning on just how stupid Cater had to be to think he was going to get away with-
"Idia!" Yuu manages to tug him away from that train of thought, they must really have booked it here fast with just how breathlessly they called his name. They smile and give him a shakey thumbs up, something that would normally send him into cardiac arrest but doesn't effect him much at all to his surprise. The strange emotion he felt earlier, the one that is still making his hands shakey, is overriding any logical thought or normal behavior forcing him forward towards you rather than back into the shadows. "I just wanted to say good job! I mean I really shouldn't be surprised that you won so fast but it was still really co-" His shakey hand finds purchase on your neck, brutally aware that it's still un-gloved forcing skin to skin contact that he knows will be stuck in his brain for weeks to come. Sure, he should probably just have Ortho do a scan rather than look you over himself, technology doesn't make mistakes, or asses situations off of impulse. But he knows, even if he still asks Ortho to check on you later, that no amount of data would ever reassure him. He needed to feel the strangely fast beat of your heart himself.
"Sorry." Idia doesn't stutter, nor does he pull his hand away. "Can you just... stay like this with me. Just for a little longer." You simply nod, stay still not bothering to close the gap between you so as to allow Idia his space but relax into his touch enough to assure him that he is welcome to do it himself.
If he was forced to tell the truth and not spew his pessimistic drivel, Yuu's care and understanding would be what Idia would say he liked most about them. He didn't say he was afraid of them dying, but they heard him all the same.
When you are ready I am here. And while he might not be ready to say anything out loud, he can say it in the tender way he holds onto you for the rest of the night.
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yunarim · 1 year
「 ₊ ❤️‍🩹 dorm leaders with natasha-like reader 」
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── ⋯ where's a doctor when you need one? ✧ rus ver (original) : here! ✧ characters : dorm leaders ✧ tags : female reader (she/her pronouns), fluff, slight mentions of injuries, reader kinda works part-time at NRC as a nurse, reader wields a gun but no violence mentioned (she just uses it canonically but i left only the part that she only has it in her property) ✧ note : might edit this later since i'm not quite satisfied with my own translation from rus but that's it for now
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「 Riddle Rosehearts 」 ⏤ ⊹ Probably encountering such a friendly person for the first ever time during his whole lifespan.
⏤ ⊹ Perplexed by your behavior enough to actually spend some time to try figuring out what is it that motivates you to act so selflessly. There is no way you ask him whether he feels okay everyday just out of your free will? Right?..
⏤ ⊹ It's amazing how patient you are being with Ace and Deuce, given they can be pretty much to handle. 
⏤ ⊹ Realizes you are a ray of light in a dark realm. Honestly, is it even legal for you to be in the NRC among them, such ... malicious creatures?
⏤ ⊹ Once you told him that there are many people in the NRC who need your support. He did not even believe you at first, dismissively suggesting that you are deliberately shielding yourself in front of others in order to earn public recognition.
⏤ ⊹ Being the only girl and not having magical abilities in the college dedicated for gifted magicians... He wondered how you felt the moment you got here.
⏤ ⊹ His opinion changed dramatically the moment Ace and Deuce casually mentioned that after going to the mines to restore that ridiculously expensive chandelier, the one who cured their injures was none other than you. 
⏤ ⊹ Actually was strictly against of you doing anything medicine-related due to the fact he doesn’t even know you have a diploma, so that making you certified specialist.
⏤ ⊹ You: I had my own clinic in my world.
⏤ ⊹ Riddle: I beg your pardon?
⏤ ⊹ Apparently, that one nurse NRC had is fired by now PLEASE–
⏤ ⊹ Riddle wants to look up to you in order to be just as collected and patient as you are.
⏤ ⊹ During all the time you spend at NRC he never ceases to be amazed at how unwaveringly confident you are when some unexpectedly difficult situations occur, but at the same time you never lose your humanity and concern for others.
⏤ ⊹ Ready to take care of you when you forget to do it yourself – you are also a living human being who needs rest and care.
⏤ ⊹ He is not very good at expressing his emotions, so you don’t expect obvious actions and words from him, but get ready for the fact that he will often drop by (apparently) your infirmary with a pinkish hue on his cheeks, saying "Good afternoon ... Y-You're not breaking any rules, are you? Fine then... I tried to make tea according to your recipe, can you check if it's okay...?"
⏤ ⊹ You are always present as a nurse during when unbirthday parties are being hold in case someone gets sunstroke or gets hurt on rose thorns.
⏤ ⊹ If suddenly you know how to use this huge gun... how do you even lift it, it looks like it weighs three times more than you yourself?!
⏤ ⊹ Is this what they call alternative medicine?..
⏤ ⊹ Overall he sees you as an extremely caring mother figure ahem ergh uh older sister.
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「 Leona Kingscholar 」
⏤ ⊹ The fact that you are a woman automatically sets you apart from these uncouth students.
⏤ ⊹ Before you have time to say anything, let alone even do anything, he sees the accumulated life experience in your eyes. Those eyes can’t lie.
⏤ ⊹ Actually, no one expects it but he treats you with an enormous amount of respect from the very beginning. It took Ruggie a few days to get used to the fact that Leona doesn't behave as he pleases when he sees you.
⏤ ⊹ And when you stumbled upon him and said that deep sound sleep is good for his health he even thought that maybe you were some sort of an angel.
⏤ ⊹ Sadly, happiness didn’t last long.
⏤ ⊹ You noticed that he sleeps way too much, and that time you started lamenting that excessive sleep can harm his brain activity and blah-blah-blah...
⏤ ⊹ However, you still found yourself carrying an orthopedic pillow every time you go to the botanical garden in order to collect some herbs, so you leave the pillow near the bench Leona usually sleeps on.
⏤ ⊹ In case you stumble upon a sleeping Leona while walking through the garden, you try to adjust his sleeping position so that his neck won’t hurt when he wakes up, and during these moments he simply tries to hug you or pull you onto his lap. 
⏤ ⊹ You see him as a big capricious kitten mainly but you still have a lot of work to do, so you carefully put him back and whisper something gentle with your soothing voice.
⏤ ⊹ Mentally chuckles smugly every time you make a very subtle remark about the political system in Afterglow Savannah (the only fact he trusts you enough to explain something about throne succession in his family is quite amazing itself).
⏤ ⊹ You won't notice it outwardly, but he is extremely grateful to you for the way you spend time with Cheka and tell him interesting stories about your world.
⏤ ⊹ He is sincerely proud of you. You are a wise, caring and patient woman. He doesn't even want to joke around with you as he usually does with everyone around him. You are too amazing.
⏤ ⊹ In case you use a gun... Seriously, do you have an endless facts list to surprise him with?
⏤ ⊹ Doesn't show it, but is concerned if it's hard for you to hold this colossus gun in your hands.
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「 Azul Ashengrotto 」
⏤ ⊹ Truthfully speaking, he asked Jade and Floyd a couple of times if they can distract you so that you wouldn't sneak into his office and start lamenting how hard he works and how he needs to take a break.
⏤ ⊹ He was surprised that you were extremely attentive when he tried to make a shady deal with you, according to which you could potentially become a nurse in Mostro Lounge.
⏤ ⊹ Your attentiveness actually comes from the need to measure dosages extremely accurately, that he could understand, but he wasn’t prepared for the fact you would read the shady part written in a tiny font at the bottom of the document with the same meticulousness.
⏤ ⊹ After your refusal to work for him, the part about how your conversation turned into a discussion of the cost of renting the premises and how much Crowley screwed everything up remains unsolved...
⏤ ⊹ Why Azul ended up being the one fixing all the mess Crowley caused in the first place? How insanely hard it was to start running a business with instant losses, and not to mention!–
⏤ ⊹ What do you mean you made sea buckthorn tea.
⏤ ⊹ Actually Azul can’t even realize what does he feel every time he accepts your care. He believes he is unworthy of your kindness, but as a result he clings to it like a lifeline.
⏤ ⊹ He doesn't remember when was the last time in his life he felt so... valid? Has he ever been appreciated the way he is now?
⏤ ⊹ At first he assumed that your kindness extends to everyone indiscriminately, but got incredibly surprised when he realized that perhaps you pay a little more attention to him than to the others?..
⏤ ⊹ And you are definitely not stupid to waste your nerves on just, uh, anyone.
⏤ ⊹ Jade and Floyd are constantly mess with him that upon NRC graduation Azul should definitely lure you to work with them.
⏤ ⊹ In case you know how to wield that giant cannon... Uhm so care to get married after graduation?
⏤ ⊹ You're so cool, it's just unbelievable, please make him a soothing tea before his heart breaks his ribs and jumps out of his chest, alright?
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「 Kalim Al-Asim 」
⏤ ⊹ Finally someone who matches his energy!
⏤ ⊹Kalim is the embodiment of sunshine, while you behave more in a patient way.
⏤ ⊹ But overall you two are NRC’s brightest sun rays.
⏤ ⊹ Kalim is constantly dropping by the infirmary to bring you something to eat (Jamil actually played crucial role in cooking all those things Kalim brought but still consider Kalim wasn’t doing nothing!! He spent sleepless nights trying to master making your favorite dish, so he could get you something to eat anytime you would want to!).
⏤ ⊹ You!! You are so tender with kids around you!! You are so amazing!!
⏤ ⊹ A couple of times he saw you outside the NRC telling different stories about your world to the kids in the park.
⏤ ⊹ Next moment you were already creating your own fairytales, completely dissolved in that natural coziness. 
⏤ ⊹ He gets amazed every time he spots you sorting herbs in the infirmary. How could you remember so many different names and medicine properties?..
⏤ ⊹ Consider yourself famous in his family, given how often he tells little facts about you during phone calls. Be also prepared for the fact that if you happen to go visiting his family you’ll be accepted as an Al-Asim new family member.
⏤ ⊹ The result: you help Kalim's parents with chores in the kitchen and with cleaning, not afraid of doing extra work at all.
⏤ ⊹ Sometimes you forget that Kalim is actually not a child anymore, and Jamil reminds you that you shouldn't spoil him too much, but you can't help but running your fingers through his tousled hair during rare breaks you have a meal or just go for a walk to sort your thoughts.
⏤ ⊹ Once he saw how tired you seemed after having a long work day and ran up to you, asking if everything was okay.
⏤ ⊹ You just smiled softly, saying that you were fine, it’s just after another overblot happens the wounds are always much more serious than minor abrasions and cuts.
⏤ ⊹ Kalim gently hugged you, declaring that this hug would serve as an energy boost for today.
⏤ ⊹ From that day on, Kalim asks Jamil to wake him up much earlier than he usually does in order to run into your office and give you a reassuring hug (he returns to bed for another twenty minutes sleeping right after, but let’s omit this okay-)
⏤ ⊹ Surprisingly, you feel better indeed, but you always make sure to not leave such a nice gesture go unnoticed, giving Jamil your hand-made fruit marshmallow so he would give it to Kalim.
⏤ ⊹ Kalim: happy.
⏤ ⊹ Everyone: happy.
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「 Vil Schoenheit 」
⏤ ⊹ If you work part-time at the NRC infirmary, then he’s ready to go to Crowley to figure it out so that you get an immediate salary increase.
⏤ ⊹ He knows how important medical knowledge is, and yours is on another level.
⏤ ⊹ Would you like to join his agency? Or maybe even start developing your own brand of cosmetics, given how well-read you are and how well-versed you are in herbs.
⏤ ⊹ He wasn’t insisting when you refused but surprisingly for himself got a little upset.
⏤ ⊹ However this illusory feeling quickly left him as soon as you suggested making a few adjustments to his own cosmetics, and advised a mixture of herbs that could strengthen the effect obtained from Vil's cosmetics.
⏤ ⊹ If you have joint potionology classes he always tries to cooperate with you.
⏤ ⊹Highly respects such an incredible woman like you. Please consider it requires A LOT to earn the praise from the Vil Schoenheit himself, so you’re quite privileged.
⏤ ⊹ Always ready to din common sense in your enviers’s heads. How can anyone possibly believe that you are working for some imaginary benefit?
⏤ ⊹ A woman with such caring touches and boundless attention to her patients simply can’t be a fake, aiming for ephemeral titles or unwanted recognition.
⏤ ⊹ There are no ulterior motives in the way you sincerely offer Vil a few remedies to increase stress resistance and stimulate concentration during work.
⏤ ⊹ To some extent, he doesn’t fully understand why are you being so nice and selfless, but he never argues with you. He's not an idiot to even say anything against you (why would he though? You’re stunning).
⏤ ⊹ Often comes to you for your advice since he genuinely values everything you say.
⏤ ⊹ His words won’t help or encourage your if you suddenly find yourself in a difficult situation or just get tired at the end of the working day. However, he is the person who will convince you that you just need a proper rest. Vil definitely makes you tea, helps you do all night skin routine and makes sure that you fall asleep peacefully.
⏤ ⊹ Your cannon looks absolutely intimidating, maybe it's even better that you haven't had a chance to use it anywhere except for crushing especially hard and large-sized reagents in the process of making potions.
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「 Idia Shroud 」
⏤ ⊹ Girl, what anime did you isekai from?
⏤ ⊹ To be honest Idia was simply scared when he saw you.
⏤ ⊹ He has never come across such piercingly sincere and caring person alive. Idia doesn't understand why you care about him so much in the first place.
⏤ ⊹ It's not like he grew up surrounded by love and care to realize how to accept such a sudden kindness.
⏤ ⊹ How did you even manage to stumble upon him when he literally does not go beyond his room?
⏤ ⊹ Ah, that's right... As soon as he thoughtlessly tried to pat Lucius, you noticed him on your way to the infirmary.
⏤ ⊹ He thought you were taunting him when he found a pack of kitten stickers on his bag, along with a small note that said “If you have time, stop by the infirmary, I would like to give you tea leaves that I dried myself. I heard your brother makes great tea.”
⏤ ⊹ That day Ortho accompanied Idia straight to the infirmary, where he left his brother, humming some catchy pop song, and call it a day. The tips of his hair blazed with a delicate pink, and only the mischievous sparks flying off smoldered with ardent scarlet.
⏤ ⊹ For the first time he saw someone so mesmerized by his hair. Sure thing he stood out noticeably among people with this amusing feature of his, but he observed such a childishly genuine interest without a bit of malicious intent perhaps for the first time in his life.
⏤ ⊹ After a few more ‘trips’ to your infirmary, he came to conclusion that you are incredibly enduring. People usually either ignore him or make fun of him.
⏤ ⊹ You though, you never rush him, never force reactions out of him.
⏤ ⊹ Fortunately for him, the fact that you never force him to do anything against his will helps him demonstrate his gratitude slowly, but quite effectively.
⏤ ⊹ If you have any problems with the equipment, consider that they are no more, because Idia is always ready to fix anything or improve your equipment out of his own curiosity he got while working with you.
⏤ ⊹ At first when you tried to fix his completely shattered sleep schedule he resisted capriciously as if being an annoyed child.
⏤ ⊹ But you are not a simple woman to just leave it like that.
⏤ ⊹ No kitten stickers until he sleeps at least seven hours.
⏤ ⊹ It doesn't matter at all that Idia is rich enough to buy at least a whole factory for the production of those stickers–
⏤ ⊹ Now your so-called quarrels have become a kind of a local joke between you two.
⏤ ⊹ At first he got scared when he saw your cannon, but now he just wants to upgrade it, even though you insist that you won't shoot it without a need (and believe me YOU won’t ever use it on people bc why would you even do that okay?).
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「 Malleus Draconia 」
⏤ ⊹ First, the very fact that you are not afraid of him is truly amazing.
⏤ ⊹ Second, just how discerning you are, given you straight up went asking him whether his horns hurt when he sleeps?
⏤ ⊹ You are extremely interested in how his body works from a medical point of view, since its physiological characteristics are very different from your understanding of how the human body works. However, Malleus is not a human at all, so your curiosity is understandable.
⏤ ⊹ People are usually horrified by him, or prefer to dissolve in contempt radiating from them. Malleus just chuckles, but he gets puzzled when he's talking to you.
⏤ ⊹ He doesn't quite understand how to respond to such a delicate display of genuine concern, but you're not rushing him anywhere, just asking him to take care of himself a little more.
⏤ ⊹ Once you asked him what could save him if the wounds would be extremely severe.
⏤ ⊹ Maybe he was too serious for answering ‘Your voice would be the best remedy for me’.
⏤ ⊹ He had to consult with Lilia what to do when something aching unbearably right there in his chest, and yet you smile softly at his answer and say that his reply is quite reasonable due to the fact that he is not a human being.
⏤ ⊹ Excellent, now you think that ordinary medicines will not help him (which is also true, but still), because he does not belong to the human race.
⏤ ⊹ However, he is in no hurry. If you’re being patient, then he’s enormously enduring. Why hurry when you have all the time in the whole dimension?..
⏤ ⊹ Will you be happy if he helps you heal all the people in the universe?
⏤ ⊹ Yes, that's right, it's impossible... And yet you selflessly devote yourself to your work, endowing everyone with a gentle smile.
⏤ ⊹ You two often talk about the differences between your worlds while your patients are sleeping.
⏤ ⊹ He learns how you make tea just by looking at your elegant light movements. Malleus is generally very observant, so his eyes are always focused on you. If he continues glancing at you like that, maybe the other students you look after will start spreading rumors that there is something going on between you two.
⏤ ⊹ Malleus is actually absolutely mesmerized by your voice and during those rare days when you have the opportunity to have your time alone with him somewhere outside the infirmary, he asks you to sing anything you would like to.
⏤ ⊹ A lullaby from your world is perhaps the best thing he has ever heard in his entire lifespan.
⏤ ⊹ What an incredible woman you are.
⏤ ⊹ You even know how to wield a cannon. In fact, he wouldn't want to test your abilities and is even glad that you don't use it at all.
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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mimicha-arts · 10 months
S2 Spoilers, ep7-8, probably ep9
Since I still don't understand the s2e8 intensions, as well as many of the elements regarding who was in Lu Guang's place, I just put together a list of questions that concern me when it comes to whether it was Lu Guang or Cheng Xiaoshi after all. I still have a feeling this is going to be retwisted, but idk.
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Following Qiao Ling's speculation, the episode guides us down the path that it was Cheng Xiaoshi, but the plot does not provide direct confirmation. In all other (so far) moments, we were shown, as a result, redrawn frames with a changed eye color, where the character was possessed, in this case this did not happen, the intrigue was deliberately warmed up again. At some point, of course, the visual rules of the setting have been broken, so it's no longer a detail that can be trusted. Like, everyone understands that this way the audience will be more confident that Qiao Ling's words here are the fact (that Lu Guang is possessed by Cheng Xiaoshi), but at the same time there is no 100% confirmation. For what. Okay, well, next I'll split this post into two parts: the actual questions/moments and the motivations of the characters.
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Actual questions/moments
1. The call
A very small hidden moment that almost went out of sight. In fact, when Qiao Ling and Xiaoshi looked through Lu Guang's phone, we were shown the contact details of the calls. Qiao Ling called him at 18:42 , but there was no answer (other calls were answered). Since Qiao Ling's call was 50 minutes ago, we understand - Lu Guang's phone viewing time is 19:33.
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And then... Pay attention. The previous call received was from Cheng Xiaoshi. The part of the screen where the time is displayed is blocked by the thumb, but it is possible to catch a small frame. 2小時之前 - Two hours ago, so the time was about 17:33 pm (probably after they left the hospital and before they began interrogating Li Tianchen).
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THE F actually, cause we weren't shown any calls between Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang, nothing about it were mentioned in any other moment. Another missed scene? I need to know.
2. Password, plan and phone The position of the phone is also different in both chronologies. If this was all Lu Guang's plan, and Lu Guang himself left a phone with a clue for Cheng Xiaoshi, then Lu Guang putted the phone face down in the bathroom. But in the second chronology, when Cheng Xiaoshi definitely dives in the photo, Cheng Xiaoshi himself leaves the phone in a different position, he puts it face up. So, if the position of the phone has changed, Lu Guang himself left the phone for Cheng Xiaoshi in the 1st line, it was not part of the "loop" where Cheng Xiaoshi (technically) leaves the phone in the same place himself.
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So, if all this is Lu Guang's plan: Plan or not If so, Lu Guang must have known that Cheng Xiaoshi found out about his password, so generally able to access his phone and photos inside. Technically, if Lu Guang was unaware of Cheng Xiaoshi knowing his password, the photo wasn't left for Cheng Xiaoshi - Lu Guang hadn't planned it at all. But I think, this was planned by him, because otherwise he could have simply delete that single photo (for the safety reasons) from the phone, knowing well what Cheng Xiaoshi would do when he found the photo. Qiao Ling He needed Qiao Ling's participation, which is why he left her the right coordinates. Although I still do not understand why only for her, only because of distrust of the police? In fact, I still don’t understand why it was necessary to put Qiao Ling in such danger, but then again, if it makes sense, then perhaps in the rewritten/alternate events, she should have a bigger role. The reasons The biggest question. Would Lu Guang himself leave the photo as a part of the plan, put Cheng Xiaoshi himself in such danger? Knowing that Cheng Xiaoshi s does not know the real chronology of events, and without a hint with foresight, he can simply change events. Why take such a risk, knowing that Cheng Xiaoshi will not know the correct chronology. Again, if Lu Guang able to see the future, the main point - to save Cheng Xiaoshi and probably get more information about their enemies (if he "followed" the Li Tianchen voluntarily). The only reason (in my mind) he could leave a photo for Cheng Xiaoshi intentionally - because technically Cheng Xiaoshi's already saved, and Lu Guang intentionally need Cheng Xiaoshi to rewrite these events, to jump into photo and radically messed it up due to banal ignorance of the situation in advance. Idk, I think this makes sense, although I don't understand the final point yet. And, if Lu Guang is able to see the future from the present, is he also able to see alternative events?
Idk, but the boat thing seems so off. Like, I kinda get why Lu Guang himself is able to drive a boat, but when it comes to Cheng Xiaoshi , I'm just confused. Because, if Lu Guang was possessed here, it means, that Cheng Xiaoshi knows how to drive a boat. And if he is able to jump like this, the boat itself is still next to the shore. So it wasn't that hard just jump on it once again, and if he knows how to drive a boat, he could at least try to keep up with Li Tianchen's boat to save Lu Guang. No?
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4. DAMN KETTLE OK. If we assume that it was Cheng Xiaoshi from the future who saved Cheng Xiaoshi from the past, then, in theory, all his actions, although he does not know them for sure without Lu Guang, they should initially lead to success, idk? The only thing he did the same for now - waited for 18:55. But now we have inaccuracies, in particular, a broken window, in the "first" timeline of events, a KETTLE was definitely not used to create such a hole. And Cheng Xiaoshi obviously did not know what exactly he should throw for the same result.
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5. "Hide and seek" Okay, it was said that Lu Guang hid in the restroom, waiting for the police to be distracted by the window after kicking the door. Again, these were the words of the characters, not the fact. We see that the restroom's door opens to the inside of the restroom, not to the outside, btw.
Initially, it is said that they did not check the restroom, which means that no one paid attention to it in the first line of events, while the second version of events already leads to the fact that even if Cheng Xiaoshi is not found, the policeman paid his attention.
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On camera footage: Lu Guang from the first line of events, does not leave the restroom, just walks down the hallway of the room, the restroom door is closed (but could this be an animation error? idk). Technically, he had to open the door of the restroom on himself, go around it and only after that go out into the corridor of the room, and then go out into the corridor of the hospital. I can't tell if it's a bug, but if not, the details of what Lu Guang did once again are different and doesn't match what Cheng Xiaoshi does.
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6. Combat skills. What bothers me the most is his physical condition. Why he was able to jump around so quickly, but then again, we don't know how much time passed between eps, how much his wounds could heal. If we can trust these frames, then his bandages have already been removed (or is he just a wild man and took them off himself ???). I know this is somewhat speculative, again, this is the most confusing part for me. The conclusions about Lu Guang's physical condition and ability to fight are the words of Qiao Ling. But that's also a guess. Since we don't know (almost) anything about Lu Guang, it's hard to guess what skills he has. Because if he saw the future from a photo, then he could simply know and see/remember Li Tianchen's attacks and actions in advance (just like in the special episode form s1) Moreover, all this fight on the shore is an attempt to repel Li Tianchen's punches, not beat him up. In particular, when he tries to grab Cheng Xiaoshi again. Don't give him a chance to touch, take control.
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Afterwards, set him aside. Like, the whole fight scene was to protect Cheng Xiaoshi. The man in Lu Guang's place is a person who knew what Li Tianchen was capable of. Technically, Lu Guang may foresaw the future, while if in his place was Cheng Xiaoshi, with full understanding of the situation, the way he puts Lu Guang in danger just destroys the whole point of the story, since Cheng Xiaoshi from the future already wants to avoid Lu Guang's kidnapping.
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Despite the fact that Li Tianchen, even if he has good skills, is a-ahem-twink, and even a kick from the foot did not have enough strength to topple him, while Cheng Xiaoshi with just a punch could knock over, and then even lift and throw away a full grown man engaged in martial arts. Literally in episode 2. Idk? Is this really Xiaoshi's physical strength / fighting level in this moment with Li Tianchen?
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We all saw Lu Guang's wounds reopen. It was probably because of the fight and such physical activity. Like, the idea that his wounds were opened because of Cheng Xiaoshi's actions... Is somewhat strange? Given that Cheng Xiaoshi from the future is already aware of the danger to Lu Guang. I don't think Cheng Xiaoshi would do something so reckless as to get into a fight, let that happen. Even if the wounds were opened due to the fact that he was no longer possessed by Cheng Xiaoshi… Would Cheng Xiaoshi himself allow this, knowing that this would be the third time Lu Guang had bled to death? 7. Sound There is difference in the same scene from different eps. In ep8, when Li Tianchen is looking at Lu Guang, there is a specific sound similar to sound of ability use, but there is nothing like this in ep7. You can check it yourself: ep8 (04:36) and ep7 (21:13).
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We still have speculation that the photo was actually passed on by the brother, given that in the new teaser, it was Li Tianchen who was shown holding the photo. That's why. Is there a possibility that he prepared this trap from the very beginning or also acts as a separate side from Qian Jin, following his own interests. Maybe there is something invisible that connects his plotline with Lu Guang's actions. There are no conclusions. Just suspicious.
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Probably the most important part. Cheng Xiaoshi and his attitude towards Lu Guang is the main reason why I think that in the first chronology of events it was Lu Guang himself, not Cheng Xiaoshi. If Cheng Xiaoshi really possessed Lu Guang during the first chronology... It just doesn't fit in my head in terms of the character's motivation and personality. Because if its canon: Why on earth Cheng Xiaosh would decide to do it all, while possessing Lu Guang, with whole knowing and awareness that his friend was almost killed, physically suffered, at the same time, knowing that he may bleed again? Like, literally, force him to fight, knowing the wounds might open after it? What, then, is the motivation for while being Lu Guang, not just to put him in danger, but literally risk his life, like, to engage in a FIGHT with the person who almost killed him! And then not only let go of the Li Tianchen, but also rush after him, directly almost voluntarily handing over Lu Guang to the enemy.
It's even has to be *future* Cheng Xiaoshi that way - what is the point for Cheng Xiaoshi, who already has the knowledge of danger, of kidnapping, to do such a thing at all? Again! To save himself? He just handed Lu Guang over to his probable death with his own hands? One of the closest people in his life? This boy, who saw Lu Guang dying?
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Who literally thought Lu Guang was dead? Who was willing to rewrite the past for Lu Guang?
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The boy who weighed all the blame on his own shoulders? THIS boy?
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Sound nothing like Cheng Xiaoshi to me. Not at all, especially when we see throughout all the episodes of his experience, his guilt, his understanding of what Lu Guang is ready to do for him. It just literally killing his entire personality in that way. Like. Am I misunderstanding something? Where is the logic in that case - beyond of my understanding. This, this is the problem I have with "possessing" thing. Because if so, it's either a white hole in the narrative or so out of character that I really hope there is more to unpack. Otherwise, honestly, it's a very bad writing. I hope it's not.
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I really don't understand the meaning of some things in the last episode rn, but the current plot likes to play with "misperceptions", so I'm chill enough about them until the last episode of the season comes out.
I don't know, I feel like I spent like 10 or even 12 hours discussing the plot and eps, all this is a collected meta post from discussions with my friend @wrathyforest , who shares with me both grief and joy, ahaha. Thanks for reading! Feel free to discuss.
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
𝕜𝕟𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 ⋆*・゚
➼ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ☆ ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇᴅ ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜱᴇx (ꜰ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ), ᴋɴɪꜰᴇ ᴋɪɴᴋ, ᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴋɴɪᴠᴇꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴏᴍ (ɴᴏ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ ɪɴꜰʟɪᴄᴛᴇᴅ), ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴏꜰ ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴜʟᴇꜱ, ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ ᴋɪɴᴋ
⋆ ★ ʏᴇᴀʜ ɪᴍ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʟᴛʜ ʙᴀʙᴇꜱ.
➼ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
⋆ ★ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀᴏ3 ⋆*・゚ ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀᴍ
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If Hunter had known you’d react like this, he would have brought it up long ago.
He tells you about the certain fantasy taking up too many of his thoughts on a peaceful night in your apartment. You’re straddling his lap, hands resting on his chest after he pushes you off of his lips to look you in the eye dead-on and talk about something rather serious, in his words.
It doesn't take someone with heightened senses to notice how his finger twitches against your arm and his eyes keep drifting away, breath picking up with each passing second. He’s nervous. You can’t understand why.
“I want to try something new. In the bedroom, I mean,” He says finally, eyes drifting back to you; he's almost surprised at how perplexed you seem. Your eyebrows knit together and two fingers pinch the fabric of his shirt, absentmindedly yet so deliberate.
You nod for him to explain. Hunter clicks his tongue.
“I’m not sure how you’ll like it.”
You tilt your head. 
“What do you mean?” You say.
He shrugs dismissively. His hand, once resting on your hip, pulls away and rubs the back of his neck tensely.
“It’s not very…” He begins. “Conventional. You could say.”
You can feel how he tenses; falls further into his mind the longer you stay silent. So quickly you guide his head back to look at you, flashing him a kind smile. 
“Hey,” You say softly; your eyes lock to each other. They stay glued, even under the pressure, the anxiety he carries in his chest. “It’s okay, baby. You can tell me.”
The tension weakens but doesn’t completely dissolve.
“`Just don’t want you to freak out, or think I’m weird…”
You shake your head and lean in further, pressing his entire warm body to yours. A delightful hum simmers in his throat and you grin in satisfaction.
“I would never think that. Even if I’m not up for it, or it doesn’t end up working out.”
A calming breeze flows through the little space that separates the two of you.
“You… you mean it, mesh’la?”
You huff. 
“Of course,” You respond.
With that, he eases completely, his strayed hand returning to your hips and squeezing it assuredly.
Your response to his actual suggestion he doesn’t expect either.
Not that he's complaining at all. A part of him didn't even imagine he'd make it this far. So he has to draw a few lines.
You set up a few ground rules before the two of you even consider finally bringing them into the bed. Firstly, he doesn’t want to hurt you; though you said drawing a little blood wouldn’t be too big of a deal, he insists that if he accidentally trails deep enough to cut everything has to stop immediately.
He can’t imagine, can’t live with himself if he were to actually, genuinely hurt you; physically or mentally. It’s an absolute no. He encourages you greatly to use your color system and the safeword at any point as well; even if he isn’t to cut you, there’s absolutely no way he’d allow himself to make you feel uncomfortable.
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" He asks one last time while hovering above you, one hand interlocked with yours besides your head and the other slowly moving up and down your stomach, rubbing the soft skin not covered by the simple lingerie you decided to wear. It was an older set that you did like, but you wouldn't mind being destroyed, especially at the hands of Hunter.
You nod eagerly, almost desperate.
"At this point, you're just teasing me," You sigh. Hunter laughs, but it dies in his throat when you push your hips up to grind against his crotch. You can both feel his cock throb in his boxers and he groans in delight.
"Just get on with it," You complain.
Hunter smiles at your desperation and leans in for a kiss, eyes remaining half-lidded when he pulls away half an inch.
"Your wish is my command," He purrs into your mouth.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the hand once trailing patterns over her stomach spins a vibroblade between thick, dexterous fingers. Your eyes widen, but not in shock; you bite your lip to contain the excitement over your face.
Slowly, gingerly but with steady hands, he places it next to your face, the spot under your jaw, and holds it there for a long pause. Not once do your eyes trail and look down to where he places the knife; they keep intense eye contact with his.
Only then, staring down at you with so much utter control, does something click in his brain for him. You look so much like a bounty, someone he must capture and take to a commanding officer. For a moment, he doesn't see you, the beautiful woman he loves; he sees a shaky, disobedient captive who needs to be put in her place. He's hunted down and caught you in a web of lust, under the watchful stare of a knife and his scary glow.
Fuck, that's hot. His cock grows at the mere thought.
Hunter trails the vibroblade lower, softly spinning it to press the blunt end into the skin of your neck. You gasp and look away for a split second, trying to stop yourself from moving too much. He squeezes the hand interlocked with yours a little tighter in response.
"Don't squirm too much," He says, less of a command and more of a precaution. "Can't risk any slip-ups."
You look at him with your mouth forming a tight 'o' shape, nodding. 
"Right. Sorry."
He smiles warmly. 
"No need to apologize."
As he speaks, he twirls the vibroblade in his hand, swiftly moving it between his fingers in front of you. You hold your breath as if you worried he would mess up and drop it, but the both of you know better than to think such lowly things of him. He takes it again between his thumb and index finger and pulls it against the strap of your bra, slowly trailing up and down with so much precision, teasing and slow but doesn't cut through it. 
"Kriff, you're gorgeous," He praises. You bite your lip to contain your smile and gaze up. He doesn't budge and cups your other breast, softly kneading it as he stares at you with a suffocating gaze of worship. "Like a little gift I get to open up."
You squeak and squeeze his hand, encouraging him to keep going. He's taking way too fucking long, and seeing him taunt and tease you with the vibroblade made you absolutely soak through your panties. 
"Then unwrap me for goodness sake!" You whisper yell at him. He chuckles against the swell of your breast and leaves a sweet kiss over the swell of it as he finally cuts through the strap of your bra.
The next one he cuts through quickly afterward and he slowly pushes the fabric down and frees your chest. He fondly holds them, adoration in his eyes as he dips down to give another soft kiss. Hunter has seen you bare many times before, but he still looks at you and worships you like it is the first every time. Your hand squeezes his again and you can feel the soft graze of the vibroblade dropping beside your arm.
"Just look at you," He says in awe. Your face heats up.
His thumbs run over your nipples simultaneously and you sigh, slowly leaning up and keening to his touch. "Such a pretty thing."
You smile, entirely uncontained as his eyes are trained on your breasts and sigh a soft 'thank you,' reveling in his touch.
Unexpectedly he flips you over and you yelp, your feet rising up and almost hitting him right in the face; but he takes the back of your calves and pins them down before anything can happen.
"Be still, baby," He tells you, and you feel the vibroblade trail down your body again. He starts at the top of your back, and you try to relax as best as you can, body still tingling with anticipation and uncertainty the entire time. You feel claustrophobic just knowing he is staring you down with intense, dilated brown eyes you'll never get sick of.
He's everywhere; he's everything.
Eventually, he reaches the swell of your ass, and his large warm hand comes to one cheek, softly gripping and moving it to his liking. You're unsure of what he's doing; probably admiring the view, yes, but there's something different to how he holds you. But that's when you feel the vibroblade slip through the hem of your panties.
You take in a large, high-pitched breath; The knife was less than an inch away from your cunt, dampening with each passing second in anticipation of what was to come next, what he might do. 
You don't have to wait long. With a quick swipe, he cuts through the panties and tears them away, almost whiplashing against your skin with how quick it is. All of a sudden, you're bare to him, and there is a light thump on the mattress, and the hand once holding the knife holds your other asscheeks.
He spreads you and without any notice nudges his nose against your entrance. You yelp and kick your feet. He pushes you further down.
"You gotta stop squirming, baby."
You whimper and lean your head on the pillow, allowing yourself to get as comfortable as possible. His hand trails up your body again, and the familiar feeling of the vibroblade against your skin rushes through you again and you shiver. Hunter isn't fazed.
"I'm gonna eat you out and keep the vibroblade against your neck."
When you yelp in surprise at his words, he squeezes your thigh as a warning.
"Every noise or movement you make, I'll press it against you harder. So be a good girl for me and let me enjoy my meal."
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tag: @rebel-without-a-zeppelin
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potionsprefect · 1 month
Stickler For The Rules
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Date night looks a little different for Ethan and Victoria
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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Having opted to stay in this evening for date night, Victoria wondered what Ethan had planned. He always suggested fun ideas but Victoria usually found herself out exploring Boston. This time, she was in her own home.
The meal was delicious having opted for a spaghetti bolognaise, there was just the right amount of flavour in the meal. It was definitely better than going out and spending a lot of money. Whilst the Ramsey’s weren’t struggling for money, they still liked to spend it wisely.
The deal this time was that Ethan would choose the meal and Victoria would choose the activity afterwards. Ethan thought that would mean going to the bedroom, however Victoria had other ideas.
She had found the Monopoly board game in a toy shop in the city centre and knew she had to instantly buy it. Victoria hadn’t played the game in years but she thought now would be the time to start introducing Ethan to some childhood memories. She kept it in her part of the wardrobe until she had a good opportunity to bring it out. Tonight was the perfect night and Victoria couldn’t wait to show Ethan what she had bought.
“I think it’s time to stop leaving you in suspense.” Victoria winked.
“I don’t even think you’re planning what I want you to plan. But I want to be proven wrong.” Ethan said.
“I think you’ll like it either way.” Victoria got up and headed into the bedroom. She got the game out and headed back to the living room.
Ethan laughed when he saw what was in her hand. “You really know how to excite me.”
“It doesn’t take much, let’s be honest.”
“Why Monopoly? Where did you find one and how much did it cost?”
“A shop in the city. They did all different kinds of old board games and I thought it would be fun.”
Victoria set up the game in front of them. It was just like reliving her childhood. She loved seeing all the pieces and cards and the board game had that familiar smell of a Sunday evening as she knelt on the floor and played with her family.
“Do you remember how to play?” Ethan asked with amusement in his eyes.
“Of course. This was a tradition in my house. It’s like I’ve played it all the time. I haven’t for years, but hopefully I’ve still got it. It was always fun as a kid.” Victoria smiled.
Ethan took ahold of the instructions. “Well to be sure, let’s read through the instructions.”
“Oh Ethan-“
“No no. If we’re going to play, we’re going to play it properly. No cheating and definitely no bending the rules. I don’t want any Clarke tactics.” Ethan replied.
“I’m a Ramsey now. Or did you forget?” Victoria held her hand up, her rings glistening in the living room light.
“Never forget. But I know where these tactics came from. And they’re not allowed in the Ramsey house.” Ethan said.
Victoria rolled her eyes. “Fine. Have it your way then.”
It took Ethan around 10 minutes before he finally got through the instructions booklet, Victoria decided that he had deliberately read it out to annoy her as she got up halfway through to make a drink and he followed her to the kitchen.
Victoria started the game. It took a while to get going for both her and Ethan but they were soon laughing once they got into it. Victoria took great delight in counting the money that was dished out. It was something she did as a child and she loved doing it as an adult.
“You’re enjoying this way too much.” Ethan chuckled.
“I am. But it’s all part of the fun. I wonder if there are any other versions.” Victoria grabbed her laptop.
“Do we really need more than one?” Ethan asked.
“You can get lots of different versions! Or maybe we should buy more games. Maybe I’ll get you into chess.” Victoria laughed.
“Hell will freeze over before I do that.” Ethan said.
“What about checkers? Or trivial pursuit? Dominos? How about marbles! I used to have a set as a child and I loved building them.”
“I have a feeling our bank account is going to be taking a hit.” Ethan laughed.
“It’ll be worth it. We’ll have fun. That’s all that matters.”
And for the next few weeks, Ethan and Victoria found new games to try. These ranged from battleships to cards and marbles to checkers. At times, it was a lot more fun than going out.
Nights out turned into nights in. They would order a pizza and have a bottle of wine. It was certainly less expensive, although Ethan would disagree given how much they had spent on new games. He did insist on making sure that all the rules were followed and there would be no changing them under any circumstances.
“Cards against humanity? Wherever do they come up with these ideas?” Ethan said.
“They do different versions of this one too. You’re not gonna like some of these answers.” Victoria laughed.
He found out he didn’t. Ethan much preferred chess. At least he could be taught how to play that. He much preferred marbles although grumbled every time his one lost.
“I think we’ve exhausted the world with every game possible.” Ethan collapsed on the sofa one evening after a long game of Pictionary.
“I still can’t believe you agreed to that one. That took some persuasion.” Victoria giggled.
“Anything to make you smile.” Ethan laughed.
“All in a days work. I can’t believe you’re that tired. Maybe I didn’t work hard enough?” Victoria wondered.
“Oh you did work hard. Although, I know another activity that will tire us both out.” Ethan grabbed Victoria.
“Oh yeah? And what would that activity entail?” Victories grinned.
“Why don’t you let me show you?” Ethan said.
And he picked up his wife and carried her to the bedroom, her laughter ringing out throughout the house.
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If Ethan is going to play a game, he’s going to take it seriously lol
Tag list: @ohchoices @swiftiexstarwarssimp @queencarb @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @gryffindordaughterofathena @sophxwithers @romewritingshop @coffeeheartaddict2 @mm2305 @nikki-2406 @maurine07 @nishas-paradise @replayfootsteps @mainstreetreader @lsvdw-blog @kiara-36 @quixoticdreamer16 @headoverheelsforramsey @shanzay44 @itsjustamesshonestly @josiesopenheart @mysticalgalaxysstuff @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @kachrisberry @rookiemartin @jamespotterthefirst @a-crepusculo @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @rosebudde @lucy-268 @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @writer-ish @toadfrog26 @tessa-liam @peonierose @cariantha @kyra75
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