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hermajestyimher · 1 year
This Is How We Will Own 2023:
We're less than a month away from the New Year, and as such, it is important that we begin to set the foundations and plans we have to not only succeed, but make 2023 a memorable year.
Regardless of how 2022 went for you, regardless of how many goals you were able to achieve, a new year marks a new beginning. Do not beat yourself over how things went, focus on how you can improve them moving forward.
In 2023 we're:
Spending less time being passive scrollers online. The pandemic is over, the world is back in action and so must we. It's time to stop letting our minds be consumed by the opinions of thousands of people on the internet. More often than not, the things we read online come from the psyche of mentally unwell individuals, and given social media's tendency to prompt out the voices of the most unhinged, it gives people that shouldn't have a platform a false sense of authority. In 2023 we're getting off the grid as much as we can and reconnecting with the real world. We will not allow this online façade to swallow us into its void any longer.
Spending more time learning and engaging in high-end activities and hobbies that can elevate our social circle and our taste. Things like polo matches, pilates, ballet, opera, piano classes, poetry, political forums, martial arts, and high-intensity sports, among other things. It is crucial to cultivate a persona that engages in a variety of fulfilling activities that can bring us joy but also help us grow as individuals.
Prioritizing our health and fitness. No more excuses, it's time to cut down on added sugar and refined carbs, time to eat more nutrient-dense whole foods, drink plenty of water daily, invest in vitamin injections every other month, take supplements to improve our body's collagen production, and overcome feelings of laziness by pushing ourselves through fitness goals. 2023 we will make of the gym our sanctuary.
Living below our budget and investing as much as we can. If you haven't already, get a financial advisor, develop long and short-term financial goals and get organized with your income. It doesn't matter if in the past you've felt like your financial habits have not been the most adequate, it's never too late to take control of them and be responsible. We owe to ourselves to spend wisely to have the peace of mind financial security brings. Never go broke trying to impress others.
We're no longer entertaining inadequate men. I must admit I'm guilty of this myself. After years of not dating, getting back into the dating scene has felt extremely disappointing and tiring. Most prospects are simply not up to par with the standards I have and what I want out of my life partner. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become desperate to build these types of romantic relationships that we begin to overlook the things that we really want deep down. In 2023, we're refocusing our attention on living our best lives and being as active as possible in real-life events as touched upon previously, and trust that the right dating prospects will present themselves when we least expect. We attract, we don't chase.
Finally, we're overcoming negative self-talk patterns that hinder our growth. We're investing in therapy, we're unlearning the limiting beliefs that keep us in bondage to people, routines, and views of the world that are not good for us. We have to put an end to the insidious lie of the scarcity mindset, overcome past traumas, and look forward to the good things that are yet to come.
There are many more things I could add to this list, but for now, these are the things I and I know many of you will find helpful on improving on for the year to come. These lists can come out as intimidating to some people, but we have to remember that we are not expected to become the ideal version of ourselves overnight. Growth is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires consistency. Each day that you wake up and choose to do one or two things differently you're making stride towards that better you. No improvement is ever too little.
Let's make 2023 a memorable year, and every year afterwards.
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adviceformefromme · 9 months
If you grew up in an abusive home, you’ve probably learnt to play the second class citizen when it comes to love, and who could blame you? This was your only way to survive, you came second, the person you loved, your 'protecter' came first. Walking on egg shells, and trying your best to keep your abuser happy and not upset was a lifestyle for so many years. But as an adult, if you carry over this learnt behaviour, you’ll suffer. You’ll feel short changed in relationships, over giving and under receiving. The scales won’t be tipped in your favour… but how do you move out of this people pleasing tendency and put yourself first?  - You need to reflect, get clear and understand the roots, what you are missing in your life that is allowing you to continue to put yourself second, maybe deep down you don’t feel worthy, you don’t feel love. It might take a while to realise this but once you get to the root you can start reprogramming your self concept (there is so much on Tiktok, youtube etc on this topic) - So you’ve established the root of your people pleasing, now you need to re-write the script. You need to work on this everyday, with affirmations, journalling and ACTIONS that (at first might feel like swimming against the tide) but ultimately will get you to a place of HEALTHY love. For example, if you are prone to hyper-fixating on a man for attention and validation. You need to focus on giving this to yourself. When you self validate, nothing or no one can take this away from you. This looks like telling yourself and giving yourself everything you CRAVE. Not from him, not from your friends, but from within. Yes, it will take some effort and work, but do you want to play out your broken childhood wounds or start living from a place of power?  - Once you’ve worked on your self concept and taken the time to fill your own cup, it’s time to start dating and learning to put yourself first. This might take some practise, but keep trying, keep prioritising you, and if you slip up, don’t beat yourself up. Growth is not a straight-line. The most important thing is you're trying your best and moving in the direction of self love and healing. 
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leveledupmindset · 2 years
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brownsugar-dreams · 3 months
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How are you investing 🍬 or extra money? I started trying to learn about stock investments during the panorama. I lost just under $5k playing around with crypto 😭 but I learned (and still learning) a lot about financial management. I recently moved $10k from my HY savings account to a CD. I was dating a finance guy and he told me to open up a CD because it’s a higher interest rate and he matched my initial deposit 🥰 There’s so much to learn but it’s much better than letting money sit & collect dust! I’ve been wanting to hop on live & share my experiences with sugar investments 🤔
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highblkfemsociety · 1 year
5 Mindfulness Practices for Feminine Healing and Managing Anxiety
Practicing mindfulness can be an effective tool for managing anxiety and promoting mental well-being. Here are five mindfulness practices that can help to promote feminine healing and manage anxiety, along with examples of how to incorporate each practice into your daily routine:
Connect with your breath
Take a few moments each day to connect with your breath. You can do this by sitting in a comfortable position and taking deep, slow breaths. As you breathe, focus on the sensations in your body and allow yourself to relax. You can incorporate this practice into your daily routine by taking a few deep breaths before getting out of bed in the morning or before starting a task at work.
Embrace your feminine energy
Allow yourself to be vulnerable and connect with your feminine energy. Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to express your creativity. This could include things like painting, dancing, or writing poetry. Schedule time each week to engage in activities that allow you to connect with your feminine energy.
Practice self-love
Show yourself love and compassion by practicing self-care. This can include things like taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, or spending time in nature. Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish, it's necessary for your well-being. Incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine, such as taking a few minutes each morning to stretch or having a cup of tea before bed.
Connect with your community
Building connections with others can be a powerful source of support and healing. Look for opportunities to connect with people in your community, whether it's through a support group, a social event, or an online community. Schedule time each week to connect with others, such as attending a community event or reaching out to a friend for a chat.
Cultivate gratitude
Take time each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. This can help to shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and cultivate a sense of positivity. Consider starting a gratitude journal and writing down a few things you're thankful for each day. You can incorporate this practice into your daily routine by taking a few minutes each morning or evening to reflect on what you're grateful for.
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.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
Remember, mindfulness is a practice, and it's important to approach it with patience and compassion. By incorporating these mindfulness practices into your daily routine, you can promote feminine healing and manage anxiety in a way that feels authentic to you. - BLK + FEM
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haruharuz · 2 years
Planning 6 Months Ahead
I know people are about to scream at me up and down telling me how stupid it is to do. Save your breath darlings, imma do it regardless. This is a LONG process so buckle up.
Areas covered: cleaning, habits, meals, exercise & stretching, studying
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Ground Rules:
You can't do this if you dedicate every second of every day to work and it is going to fail quickly if you don't account for being human. And I mean very quickly.
And also you need a transition period BEFORE you go through with this so please remember to account for that when scheduling. Transition period is about 1-3 weeks of building HABITS that you'll be writing later. This helps you succeed.
So here's a few things I'm adding to my plans:
Make-up Day once per week. This allows me to catch up to anything I may have missed that isn't habitual or unhealthy to do so.
Nature Day once per week. Whether it's a walk in the park or going kayaking. Do something small to get out and relax for an hour or two.
No socials for 20-30 minutes per day
2-4 out days per month. With friends, or without. Do something like go out to eat, go to a club etc. Giving myself a budget to each day.
Meal Plan, non obsessively. You want to collect a whole fuck ton of meal ideas, some aesthetically pleasing and some not. Splurge meals and cheap meals. But you need to account for the fact that you won't be able to stick to this completely. This is where easy, extremely low effort meals come in handy.
Find your resources now, not later. You'll get overwhelmed more easily.
You need need need fuck up buffers. Which means ways to catch yourself if you start falling. Low effort days, put away some money for car trouble, etc.
Make this as easy as possible, use apps for yoga if you need, reminder apps, alarm clocks, etc.
Add anything else to the ground rules that will make your life easier and help you personally. These are just examples.
Gather a bunch of meal ideas & inspiration, write them down. You can skip this step if it bothers you.
Write down all of your big, daunting goals. Turn those big, daunting goals into smaller goals.
Write down a list of products you use and an estimated amount of time it takes for you to run out of them.
Write down any self care/personal changes you want to work on, especially habits.
Find resources you need to meet your goals.
Find a cleaning list online, or write one yourself.
For studying, write down a list of all exams/quizzes and their dates
So now you feel a little overwhelmed. You've got a ton of lists full of stuff everywhere and you're looking at me like "oh my god what do I do" but zhhh it's fine it's fine.
Write down the easiest, cheapest meals you can. I'm talking canned soup, ramen, chips and salsa. Stuff that you're going to need to rely on every so often.
Write down the tasks it takes to get to each smaller goal in as much detail as possible. E.g. instead of "read lesson" try "chapter 1 bio textbook". Clear and consice.
If you're adding exercise/stretching to this, find some easy workouts that are ten minutes or less and write them down (like the name of them)
For studying, you can write down all the notes you need to do etc at this step.
Now for the fun (horrible) part ! Get out a calendar. It's time to organize all of this bullshit... And also figure out how to make this shit easier for you.
First things first, anything regarding cleaning, I'm telling you now : prevention works. If you start changing certain bad habits into good habits it gets a whole lot easier.
As for food, think of ways to make your favorite easy foods more satiable if possible. Tortilla chips and salsa your fav? Mix black beans and corn and your salsa to add more protein and nutrients into it. Remember you gotta have these to stick, so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Exercise / Stretching please give yourself at least one rest day per week to just fuckin vibe. It's also easier to do if you do it right after you wake up !
Make life easier for yourself. Find simple resources that work well for you. Use them. You don't have to HATE life to be successful.
The next step is to organize this all. Look through your months and organize those ground rules first.
Start with your out days, that you know won't have anything planned. Write down a basic budget for each.
Write down any major appointments, work meetings, etc.
Now move on to the smaller goals. Separate them however you want. Make a goal date to have them done.
The moment you have those separated you will slowly watch everything come to life. Now all you need to do is take the TASKS it takes to get to those goals, and plug them into weeks/days.
Look at your cleaning list and ask yourself how you can make the list easier to handle. If you have bad habits you'll work on them. The leftover tasks.. separate them into a schedule. If they need to be done weekly pick what days to do them and write them down.
Add in reminders to buy certain products that you know you're going to run out of
Write down any oil changes etc / grocery days / meal planning days
You're pretty much done at this point. It's a long process but now you have your goals properly mapped out and such. Now all you need is to write down what workouts to do on what days and what meal ideas you wanna try on what days. I don't recommend doing that part more than two weeks in advance.
If you want from here you can add all of this to a timeblock schedule.
Remember you are a HUMAN you're going to screw up somewhere along the way so please please place fuck up buffers everywhere.
I hope I explained how I did this to everyone properly. If you have questions just shoot me an ask.
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kokominx · 6 months
The best thing I’ve ever learned was to be ok rejecting a man’s first offer. Specifically for gifts, money or vacations. Because I can guarantee that whatever he offered you, he can do better. They never offer you the -BEST- first.
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leveluponabuck · 9 months
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I have found that as I am switching my identity I am seeing more success in my life. I have stopped looking at who I am and instead hyper focusing on who I wish to be. Hope this like Barbie inspired guide helps you. 💗💗💗
Watch this too:
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Me rn downloading and manifesting good luck, good vibes and money 🍀✨💹💰
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hermajestyimher · 1 year
When people ask me: "Daphne, how do you manage to have such high self-esteem and self-confidence?".
Rejection is a natural part of life, it's how we react to it that determines if we internalize it as a negative or if we give it no bearing in our minds. You could be the sweetest peach in the world and there will still be someone who doesn't like peaches. This doesn't change the fact that I'm still the sweetest peach. Internal validation will forever trump external accolades or criticism.
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luxurymarriedlady · 2 years
A wealthy man does not just promise his generosity through words, but shows it through actions. Value how you are treated and not what you are “promised”. 
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hannahhkatelynn · 2 years
Before The First Date
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Things to know about yourself:
Who you want to be
Who you are right now
How you plan to become this new person
What you want your life to look like
What your life looks like now
How you plan to improve your life
What your core hobbies and interests are
What you want in a partner
Pros and cons of past partners
Things to know about them:
Their most controversial opinion
Their favorite thing about themselves
Their least favorite thing about themselves
What type of relationship they are looking for
Bare minimum standards to have:
Dinner dates only the first 3 times you meet. No coffee dates or meeting for drinks.
If they don’t text to confirm the date, don’t show up.
Ghosting is a form of communication.
Don’t sleep with anyone you’ve known less than 1 month.
Practice safe sex. Always bring and use your own condoms, even if you’re on birth control.
If he doesn’t make plans to take you out within 72 hours of meeting/speaking to you, dump him and move on.
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brownsugar-dreams · 3 months
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Most men have a limited attention span as is. No man is reading this.. the time & energy it took to write these paragraphs would’ve been better spent elsewhere. This isn’t standing on business. If it gets to this point, block & move on 💫
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highblkfemsociety · 9 months
You are not a victim of circumstance. Choose growth and take control of your life.
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