#pro hypergamy
kokominx · 6 months
The best thing I’ve ever learned was to be ok rejecting a man’s first offer. Specifically for gifts, money or vacations. Because I can guarantee that whatever he offered you, he can do better. They never offer you the -BEST- first.
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red-pill-to-swallow · 8 months
How to be attractive to men and my goals
Hey babes,
like I said – I want to incorporate RPT (Red Pill Theories) into my daily life immediately.
A few things that every women within the community seemed to be content with were:
1. You are never finished with glowing or leveling up. Never stop learning. Never stop trying to better yourself.
2. Pretty privilege is real.
I agree that pretty privilege is very real. I mean, I get affected by pretty people like everybody else, even if I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just something that is ingrained in our brains and I need to learn how to take this to my advantage.
I think I have a decent starting base, because I’m a skinny white woman in her twenties with long blonde hair. I am not really tall – even short men are at least 5-7cms taller than me – but I’m also not extremely short.
I have a petite frame but my body-shape is something between an hourglass and a peach. My face is average – I don’t really have striking features or am a natural beauty model – but my features also aren’t hideous. It’s really just something you can look at without thinking too much.
On a scale, I would rate myself a 5,5-6/10 on an average day and I guess that’s great!
But how can I make myself look better on a daily basis? I really took hours to research how I could make myself more attractive to wealthy and high value men.
Obviously, no man is like the other and every man prefers something different. One man might like tattoos and piercings while another man with the same social status thinks they are hideous. I don’t want to completely change who I am and I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars for it.
However, I really like this whole clean girl and old money aesthetic that is going viral on Tiktok right now – and I think those two aesthetics could fit me and my personality really well.
Most wealthy men seem to like this traits in women:
1. great skin without obvious pimples or enlarged pores
2. long and healthy hair in a natural color
3. straight white teeth
4. clean nails on both hands and feet
5. hairless legs, armpits and at least trimmed pubic hair
6. wearing clean and wrinkle free clothes without any holes
7. wearing a nice smell that is fitting to your overall appearance
I think those are the basics and they can be achieved by almost anyone. If you can’t afford braces make sure that your teeth are always perfectly brushed and that you’re keeping up with your dental hygiene in general.
In fact – if you have problems affording certain beauty procedures, research how to get as close as possible to them with DIYs.
For years, I always wanted to be the mysterious woman in the room. The woman with a dark aura, the woman that doesn’t speak much and remains most of her life a secret.
Well, I am not this woman even if I’m trying very hard. It would be an act that I would put on and I am sure that everyone in the room would notice.
I am naturally very bubbly and I love having conversations with people in general. I would also say that I have a broad knowledge on different topics and that I’m able to talk to almost everyone.
I am also very welcoming and I enjoy making people laugh and have fun in my presence. I tend to have strong opinions and I’m not afraid to take on a discussion.
With everything that I know about myself now, I made some points that I need to tackle in order to level up:
1. stop oversharing. Being bubbly is great but not everyone needs to know everything about my business. Sometimes it’s just better to be silent and to listen.
2. start with exercise again. I am happy with my weight but I am extremely weak and I have almost zero muscle mass. My breath is getting heavy if I have to take the stairs and my legs start to hurt after roughly 15 minutes of walking. I plan on going for a walk every day and doing pilates 3x a week.
3. start doing my hair and makeup again. My hair is long and blonde – so it is an eyecatcher. It’s also very healthy but I usually just throw it up in a bun or in a clawclip, so no one is really seeing it. I have multiple styling tools at home and I need to start using them. The same applies to makeup. I have so much great stuff that looks really beautiful and natural but I am just too lazy to use it. I plan on taking 20 minutes every day to do my makeup and to suck it up – because I usually always do a double cleanse at night, so it’s not really a struggle to take it off in the evening. It’s just inconvenient in the morning.
4. taking better care of my skin and of my dental health. I have high quality skincare and I love doing my skincare but sometimes I’m just too lazy. Let me just say that it doesn’t happen often – but still too much for my liking. Also my dental health – I need to make a dentist appointment asap. I think the last time I went was around 3 years ago!
5. buying better fitting clothes. I don’t like shopping for clothes but it is what it is. Right now I only have cute lounge sets for being at home but when I go out I usually only wear jeans with a basic top and sneakers. I want to look more polished and feminine. I want to stop wearing jeans and focus more on pants, skirts and dresses. Also literally any other shoes than sneakers.
6. go out more. I’m your typical homebody. Movie night? Reading a book? Ordering food? Count me in! I always have fun when I go out but I’m still mostly at home and I want to change that. I want to have a group of like minded friends that want to hang out with me. Maybe even at home. Lol.
I really thought hard about those six points but I think those are the first things that I need to tackle down.
In the end – I was asking myself: what could I do to feel the most comfortable with spontaneous outgoings and meeting new people?
It came down to wanting to look my best. Obviously. I want to make a good first impression and maybe even profit off of pretty privilege.
I’m sure we all know those times when we’re dressed like slobs and suddenly an opportunity to go out arises and we decline because it would take hours to get ready.
That’s the reason why I want to get ready in the morning – so I would only need to touch up if anything came up.
see you soon!
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ms-chameleon · 9 months
Selfcare is a privilege. Never forget that.
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vampirae · 11 months
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Astrology observations
Capricorn Venus isn't so materialistic, into hypergamy or well-known/respected people. There's more depth to this placement; they look for a long-term relationship or bond, so they're not gonna invest their time, energy, money and love for something frivolous as popularity or a nice income, surely they wouldn't mind an ambitious person or someone that wants more than a simple life, but they look firstly for a safe place, someone that won't let the down, and understands them.
Fire rising with a watery planet (like Moon, Neptune or Pluto) in 1st house or heavily aspected by the aforementioned planets tend to be mistaken for a water sign or rising. Their fiery nature is watered down but if you look closely and patiently you'll notice that fierness, vitality and chaotic positive energy that only fire signs could have.
Planets in 2nd house or Taurus could be accused of being lazy, and honestly they're okay with it, it's your problem not theirs, they just enjoy doing stuff in their own natural pace, unless they have fire placements or abundant fiery houses. They'll take this more as a criticism, and honestly it will get on their nerves, and they would light up that fire and start doing projects one after another, just to show you, that you shouldn't underestimate them.
Honestly, fire placements tend to be really emotional, but not in a watery placements way, but more when you touch their ego, personality or life visions. It's also the only placements (except Scorpio and Capricorn) that could use their rage/annoyance to their advantage, it gives them an extra boost of motivation and energy.
Cardinal moons are the easier to deal with. Like you could persuade them more easily, also they're more open to new perspectives, unless they hate you obviously, then you can't do anything.
Like fixed moons are so so so stubborn about their emotions and beliefs, that it's useless to talk to them. Let's say they're in a toxic relationship, no matter how much you try to convince them to leave their partner, they'll find an excuse for every toxic trait their partner have, it's like talking to a wall.
Same situation but mutable moons, oh Jesus, try to understand what they're thinking, and if they understood your point of view, until they're sure they can manage the situation, they'll stick with it even if, they may realize you're right.
Cardinal moons on the other side, are way more realistic and pragmatic, if you give them evidence and a well thought explanation, they'll start crying like little bitches, but will listen to you and start to think about it, planning what to do, or just looking at the pro and cons. Somehow they're the least delusional moons, even if all this realism hurts them.
Scorpio placements, honestly I don't understand why all this placements are so sexualised, tbh they only Scorpio placement worth it, it's Scorpio mars (hot bitches by default). I've noticed that usually Scorpio placements are so overbearing and borderline toxic. I mean they're a ride or die, tend to very loyal and sincere, gives amazing insights and advices but in love, oh Jesus, too much drama, paranoia, jealousy etc. The only placement I feel safe with it's Scorpio mars, they're just too focused chasing their goals and give all they have to their partner, my golden boy/girl in an ocean of issues.
Talking about Capricorn placements, I low-key hate when people think they're marriage material or extremely loyal, like it's enough to be in their hearts to have the best version of them and the undying love. Sure, they look like the least person to hurt you, but they can be worse and more insincere that a stereotyped Gemini or Libra. Usually they're taken for granted, and people use them a lot, without appreciating them or their efforts, with time, their resentment grows, to a point where they will continue acting as usual, but behind your back, they'll chase pleasures and happiness. Practical example: they could have another partner or just a liaison that would fill their emptiness, or hide their real income, and use the rest for enjoying or buying stuff, or just going out with other ppl, it may be also friends, yet say they had some extra work to do. I've noticed that Capricorn placements ends up with controlling people (family, lovers, friends), so they learned to act well and do stuff in secrecy.
Also, Capricorn placements tend to have few things that sparks joy in them, it's always about responsibility, goals, self mastering, chasing career or social status, whatever they do it's never enough, few are the lucky ones that have a healthy emotional support or enough ego to chase what they really want or love.
To sum up, a Saturnian heart it's like a flower, if you take care of it one day it will become like an Hayao Miyazaki's garden, if you do the bare minimum you'll end up with a lawn full of weeds. They have a lot to offer, really they can be so selfless but to the right people. *I think even some 10th house placements could relate to it*
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chichiscloset · 1 year
5 level-up & hypergamy youtubers you need to watch
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Hey yall! this is part 2 of my favourite Youtuber list CLICK HERE to view it!
I thought I’d share some of my favourite feminine/level-up/pro-hypergamous YouTube channels. Some of them directly talk about femininity, etiquette, or growing towards becoming a better person.
In no particular order, here are my top 5 favourite YouTube channels about femininity, levelling up, hypergamy, and inspiration for generally becoming a better version of myself. I hope you enjoy them too.
My black SBs and spoiled girlfriends know about this babe!
Kwucoco (Kamanda) is a 27-year-old Cameroonian native. Residing in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts. She is an aspiring real estate agent. Coco is a kept woman her vlogs include herself displaying the various gifts she receives from her many "admirers", "friends" and sugar daddies. Although she mainly makes vlogs of her day-to-day life. She does drop advice on how she became the high-value woman she is today!
Woman of elegance ✨
Woman of elegance is the ultimate guide in teaching women from all corners of the globe how to be elegant, refined and polished ladies.
This online finishing school was created by Vivienne Abena who is passionate about being polished and refined. helping women across the globe with style and proper etiquette.
The hypergamy and level-up guru! if you're a black woman and you ready to learn how to put yourself in the right places to level up? She's the one to go to! 
Lisa Hart✨
Lisa is a fashion designer and blogger from France who loves old Hollywood glamour and belly dance, which she draws upon in a number of her videos.
In her videos, she discusses style, beauty, femininity, elegance, deportment, glamour, and grace.
Into a Milli✨
Into a milli (Karina) is an entrepreneur running an online business and she also makes videos discussing women, money, and power. On her channel, she talks about internal growth, elegance, beauty, wealth, business, etiquette, romantic relationships, and what she considers the ills of society.
Hope you all loved this list don't forget to check out Part 1 HERE
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I love how Christine Chubbuck has somehow become a femcel icon in the past few years after the 2016 film about her life (which was actually so good) because a lot of women can relate to her which is actually pretty sad tbhh!
She was pretty but in a supposedly severe and intimidating way because she had a strong face and persuasive manner, so the impression was that her resting bitchface and sardonic sense of humour frightened people away. And her talent for excelling in broadcast journalism at such a young age, with a bright future ahead of her renders her fate even more bizarre.
But it begs the question: if a more beautiful, intelligent, talented, and successful woman than many blew her brains out live on TV in 1974, what remains for the rest of us?
There’s this impression that in the 2020s women have it easy bc of dating apps and incel concepts like hypergamy. Why in an era where we are more connected than ever does Christine become a meme queen among weird edgelord girls? She lived in an era before the internet and dating apps, yet she is still relevant to loveless modern females to this day.
It turns out that even if you are an attractive and educated female with a modicum of success, you can still live an empty, isolated and void life where nobody even acknowledges your existence or wants to be around you.
But Christine stands apart from the rest of us because she was bold and deranged enough to kill herself live on air, which still shocks in an era of Bestgore, Liveleak and murderous shooting spree Go-Pro vids.
Christine always said that only blood and guts spoke to the larger public, and she used the gore of her own body to etch herself into the broader social memory and psychological fabric of 20th century pop culture and media.
She was the premier femcel martyr of the 70s, and we still look to her and wonder why she turned that gun on herself when she had a sleek modelesque exterior, drive for intellect and self-education, and a polished public persona at the mere age of 29. Her spirit still speaks to each individual woman who somehow sees herself in Christine. Also her horoscope was Cancer so go figure.
Edit: ok she was a Virgo but my point still stands 🫠
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The most popular takes of white feminism online seem to made by black women who don't care about feminism at all. They use the fact that white women were racist, to push conservative values. I see a lot of black women hiding behind the "listen to black women" thing to pretend their own sexism is valid. They also ignore feminist movements started by black women in other countries and will imply feminism is for white people.
yes oh my GOD...other women of color do this too. it is the most cynical antifeminism disguised as intersectionality i hate it so much. i feel it happens most extremely with the pro-cult of domesticity, hypergamy, soft black girl whatever online contigency that is always insisting that domestic servitude to a man is actually a position of privilege and White Feminism denied black women the joy of serving our husbands. but it also rears its head with the genuinely leftist antifeminism, as well as the run of the mill "egalitarianism" liberal nonsense
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shesay · 1 year
Plus the pro hypergamy women who’re so obsessed w finding a rich husband sicken me not just bc of the obv reason but bc of how they look down on working class women like they’re not human they lack femininity they say which tells u what’s femininity 2 them like that tiktok woman who literally said “sorry i don’t wanna be a housekeeper” as a gotcha defending y she’s 4 marrying up?? as if it’s not an honest way of living as if these women r not on her level and what’s so laughable these exact women don’t even have jobs lmao
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kokominx · 6 months
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red-pill-to-swallow · 7 months
How to skin
Hey babes,
today I want to talk about skin. Our skin – especially the skin in our face – is one of the first things that we recognize in another person.
This is the reason why it is so important to have clean and vibrant looking skin. Your skin color doesn’t matter as long as it is healthy looking and free of pimples.
Clear skin is a universal sign for good health and it can elevate the look of a person completely.
Us humans tend to find other people more attractive if they have good skin – it’s something in our genes.
Personally, I’m blessed with good skin – I never had acne as a teenager, only some lonely pimples right before my period would start.
However, when my gynecologist put me on the pill when I was around 19 years old I suddenly developed acne and it was horrible. That’s when I started to take my skincare very serious and made a ton of research that I want to share with you.
Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist. Those are simply my experiences and what I’ve learned over the years.
Why do we even get pimples?
A very short summary: we get pimples, because sebum is clogging our pores and bacteria starts to grow in the pore which makes it inflamed.
Is it my fault that I get pimples? Am I not clean enough?
Yes and no.
Yes – there might be people who are experiencing acne just because they don’t cleanse their face good enough. However that’s something that happens very rarely.
Most people with acne wash and clean their face more often and more thoroughly than the average person.
If you experience heavy acne, don’t try to treat it at home. Instead, seek out a dermatologist to see if the acne is fungal.
I would also recommend getting blood-work done to see if the acne is hormonal.
If you never had acne and suddenly get pimples all over your face it could also be because of your birth control, especially if your birth control is hormonal.
Like I said before, I suddenly developed acne after my gynecologist put me on the pill. The reason for that was that the pill had gestagen in it which is similar to progesterone.
Progesterone is basically stimulating the skin to produce more oils and sebum – pores get clogged more easily and pimples form.
Diet also plays a big part in acne. Personally, I don’t see a difference if I leave out dairy or gluten but some people almost see an immediate effect.
I wouldn’t recommend just stopping consuming gluten and dairy one day, please speak to your doctor beforehand.
Instead, try to limit your sugar and fat intake first before you start to take drastic actions.
My acne is neither hormonal nor fungal, what can I do?
Having a healthy skin-barrier is the key to having clean and vibrant looking skin!
Most of us fell victim to Clearasil and other harsh drugstore products in our youth. I remember slathering my face with a 3 in 1 face wash, face mask and peeling once and my skin was red for days. At that time I didn’t know that the products were simply way to harsh for the skin on my face and wondered why it didn’t work as good as in the commercials.
If you’re just starting out with your skincare journey, here are a few tips that you should consider when you pick out products and a routine:
- a healthy skin-barrier should be your first priority. Everything else can be addressed later on.
- all the products for your face should be fragrance free or contain very little fragrance.
- stick to your routine for at least one month before changing it
- introduce new products one after one and take your time to do so
How does a good basic skincare routine look like?
You don’t need thousands of products in the beginning, keep it simple and gentle.
A good routine could look like this:
Step 1: use a gentle cleanser to wash your face in the morning. Nothing too heavy. I like to use a foam cleanser for this.
Step 2: use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands, so you get the most out of your product.
Step 3: while your face is still damp with the toner, apply a hyaluronic acid serum. Never put hyaluronic acid on dry skin, it won’t do anything.
Step 4: wait for the hyaluronic acid to sink into your skin and apply a hydrating face cream all over your face. Do this even if your skin is oily – it still needs moisture.
Step 5: apply sunscreen all over your face and neck. Sunscreen is essential, especially if you use exfoliants.
Step 1: use a cleansing oil or cleansing balm in the evening. This is to remove your makeup and sunscreen from your face.
Step 2: use a gel cleanser and massage your skin for at least one minute. It’s important that you cleanse every small part of your face. Especially tricky is the skin around your nostrils and on your chin.
Step 3: again, use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands.
Step 4: apply a thick face cream all over your face, best is something with panthenol.
What are the things that I should avoid?
- touching your face with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before you cleanse in the morning and in the evening. Avoid touching your face with your hands during the day.
- stop picking at pimples. I know – it’s frustrating, but the more you pick on your spots, the more inflamed they get. There also is a danger of you spreading around all that bacteria with your hands and possibly getting scars.
- Never ever use physical exfoliators in the face. They damage your skin with micro cuts that you can’t see with your eyes and damage more than they help. Always look for chemical exfoliators!
See you soon!
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papirouge · 10 months
Do France have passport bros? Those guys that fly overseas to other countries expecting foreign women to love them for being western with money because apparently all western women are whores/too masculine/only care about money when those same guys also expect those women to be feminine, submissive, and family oriented while ALSO going 50:50 on bills
My brother just came back from backpacking all across the damn planet and got his ass HANDED to him by every woman he tried to date. He was the type to obsess over red pill videos and complain about how all girls in the west are old miserable single cat ladies and he convinced himself that he deserved a submissive wife. So he traveled a lot. He went to east Asia (Japan and Korea), got rejected. He flew to Vietnam and the Philippines and couldn’t find a girl there to stay with him. He went to Baltic countries and told my parents how he was scared of the men there when he tried to ask out the women. And when some girls did talk to him, they quickly left him. He couldn’t get a girl in Dubai to even look at him. Like, girls in the west have him a chance but none of these supposedly submissive girls did. Why? Well he would tell them that they needed to pay their bills for dinner while also telling them how he liked them for being feminine and “knowing their place”. So they ignored him and moved on. They expected this “alpha male” to be the provider which he thought wasn’t right because he was used to going 50:50 on dates. I’m embarrassed for him but also he had been bullying me for years for going to college and studying to be a doctor soooo 💀
Hm passeport bro aren't really a thing here tbh.
The whole incel wave contagion is becoming a thing on french internet but IRL there aren't men dedicated to go out of their way to marry women oversea.
Traveling to get married isn't really a novelty but rather a boomer thing here though. It's mostly old celibate men who go to matrimonial agency to marry eastern women (there are agency spefically for French men looking for eastern women) - but they are looked down by younger generation as losers lmao. technically these men aren't "passport bro" though because in the EU we can travel within the whole continent without passeport lol
The average french man is a bro choicer libfem ally so they wouldn't stand a traditional wife reluctant to split bills, not very pro abortion, housewife, etc. That's why "liberated" french women remain french men preference (there are still foreign women fetishist ofc - esp the nationalists ones 👀 one of the most infamous far right trolls here has a fetish for Black women for example)
And looking into the story of your passport bro brother, I'm not surprised he got rejected. Foreign women are starting to get the memo. Ofc there will always be pickme but even oversea women of value don't hand them over the first Western guy who gives them attention. Because they too know their worth. Western men are truly overestimating themselves. Beside, they aren't the only one in the market: Arab, Nigerian, East Asian men are great prices in the game of high value men. That's where all the new money is at. Not Joshua with a backpack.
Those women are smart. They are waaaay ahead Western women when it comes to hypergamy strategy that's why passeport bro get real shock when they realize that average women have such high standards. They won't have sex with them without a ring on. They won't split the bills. They won't accept Netflix & chill or 'taking a coffee' as a decent date. Passeport bro feel entitled to high value men privilege, while providing average men credentials. That's why it will never work out for them.
And let's not forget that the oversea women men won't let them go like that. Don't passeport bro get regularly assaulted, scammed or beat up in the shady countries they're going to? Men can be very protective of 'their' women, and that's something passeport didn't anticipate. Passeport bro are losers, so of course it would never occur to them to protect their women (especially Black diaspora men who are the most anti traditional and fail abiding in their masculine role of protecting women - African men stil abide in traditional roles though) but when they face men from other demographics actually doing the job they get shook. That's why the passeport bro movement couldn't become a thing of great amplitude. One time or another, those countries men would stop them from flocking over there (blocking their visa, like some countries did with Westerners adopting children because they championed child abuse 💀)
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d0llfaccee · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, prostitution is prostitution even if you call it “sugaring” or “hypergamy” or make cute moodboards in my opinion it will never be glamorous and if you consider yourself high value woman like a female Kevin Samuels or whatever it still doesn’t give you the right to talk down on other women if they don’t have the money to get their hair and nails done every week and go to an Ivy League skill it’s just classism
Okay a couple things to break down
If someone is a sugar baby- You could only apply the prostitution to tag them if they’re having sex with all of their sugar boyfriends. But that only applies if that person has multiple partners to begin with. And for the most part, most sugar girls don’t have multiple boyfriends. Or at least they try not to, the whole point is find one that can give you everything
I’m not even gonna try to do what everyone else does and lie and say that you can be a sugar baby without having sex. Beyond not true. Sex is always involved. Please don’t believe anyone when they tell you different.
Personally I really don’t like the word prostitute or prostitution. I find it to be a very nasty word. Like the second I hear “prostitute” I wanna throw up. And it has nothing to do with the act of having sex for money. It’s just the pros word I hate. So let’s use a different word, call girl :)
I just don’t think sugaring with lots of sexual partners is being a call girl. Here’s why, With a call girl they’re only job is sex. Just sex. They walk in, have sex, get paid, go home. With sugaring it’s not that at all. It’s a paid for relationship.These girls are getting the complete opposite of what call girls don’t get. Dates,time,effort,attention,shown off in public,tuition paid, shopping, way more money, the whole shabang. They get cared for. Call girls don’t.
So that’s why I don’t think sugaring is equivalent to being a call girl. The whole spectrum is different.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
do you know of any girl power youtubers like she ra seven but without the wenchery
Honestly i do not…
Yall if ur young or do not have a very solid sense of self do Not Watch shera seven videos. Im actually very serious she is a very powerful occultist and has a cult leader type presence.
Like if you have issues regarding mommy issues/desires to be seen as feminine shit like that she WILL pull you into a deep dark place.
If you know who you are you can watch and not be affected but watching her vids when i was 15-18 really like. Fuckedddd my mind and worldview and perception of myself.
The tldr of her: pro hypergamy, pro gold digging, pro tradwives, proud self proclaimed narcissist/sociopath, very misogynistic, Demonic Pisces Woman, promotes having zero empathy (idgaf if it hurts men thats not what i care about) . BUT she is very intelligent like she is not a stupid woman by any means. Shes really funny and charming and confident and really does have a cult following.
The reason i think her channel is so harmful is she promotes this idea that youre “scamming” men and youre really the one in control- but she really teaches compliance and doing what men want you to do in exchange for some pocket money. The way that she wants you to view yourself is very unhealthy lmao and a normal person with empathy cannot just take on the mindset/behavior of someone without empathy. It ends up hurting you way more than it hurts the people around you.
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gardenianoire · 2 years
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I cropped this because I don't want op to get hate but girl hypergamy tumblr is hilarious. loke this...whatever this string of words is was attached to random pictures of a hot rich Black woman at a basketball game
what is the correlation between wanting to marry rich and using all these new age healing buzz words and please make no mistake I'm very very very pro golddigger but like none of this weird ass mantra is going to get you a rich man. nothing outside of being hot and having a personality he likes is going to get you a rich guy but it is fun to laugh at I know I said this before but literally sigma/alpha/beta male shit for birds
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sexlapis · 1 year
the day i unfollowed all those weird hypergamy pro “manipulation” accounts was the day i was set free.
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seakclauswinkler · 1 year
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Top of the morning glory. Ois zua gefappt is säs. Oah fappt ises. Pretending to being to speak with Bavarian slang while remixing typical Bavarian sentences, which i can’t. Everything is covered in fap. It is fapped open. From getting out bed, till coffee, brushing my teeth I had a few good hunches, seeing how things connect. Re Reverse engeneering what they where. Ah. I understood the name meta message from the names with in the Ottfried Preussler childhood novels ‚ Robber Hotzenplotz ‚ , Magician Petro Silius Zwackelmanm ‚. How it is connected to Female Hypergamy, cuckolding, Cocaine, fossil fuels, the clima changing, being a bull/ strong grounded male, or a beta cucki hubby, standing under the woman’s houseshoes ( a old saying here in Germany). How the two novel names hold multiple perspectives/ roles. How the political left/ wokie/ cancel culture uses with in connection with a lack of cultural identity. How my name works with in people’s perception independent of if the guy/ recipient/ is a grower or a shower. How that all is connected to the German word m sportprogramm ( sport program), with in the many interpretations. Being happy doing sport ( cardio and muscles), red light district/ Pimp mindset/ grounded based grown man ( Redpill) ( the women is making program ( she pretends love/ has a working girl/ pro routine ). That when friends having with conversations a critising that I can be to a degree a grain of covert jealousy . How in politics things are framed on a shaming/ fear level, while having a parallel level of sexual shaming people, on the implict level on the side of the shaming side it self. How that is connected to my art, my name. #hunchlikeahorse #artistjournal #wunderkammer #artjournal #collectorcrib #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #questions #journaling #petersburgerhängung #hunches #artforthehome #redpilled #connectingthedots #collectorshome #reflektieren #past #insidecollectorhomes #fragen #reflecting #antworten #kunstreflektion #reflektion #nachdenken #artreflection #artreflector #reflect #interiordesigninspiration (hier: Genève, Suisse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWYE0KoGpt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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