#late night Harry Potter thoughts
kait-bait8 · 8 months
Can someone help me close the gap I’m trying to close when I think about the concept taught in book one “it takes great bravery to stand up to our enemies but more to stand up to our friends” verses the way Percy is treated when he stands up for his beliefs throughout the last 3 books against his entire family and his friends????
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hogwartscastle · 9 months
Sometimes I miss what the whole Harry Potter universe was to me. The feeling of returning to a kind of "home" once you've opened the books. The odd excitement of starting a movie marathon or finding some great new fanfiction to read. The hours spent on the Harry Potter Fandom Wiki reading through every post existing and learning about every single fact and background story. The conversations about favourite parts, theories and the own Hogwarts house. Complementing the merchandise from strangers on the street and sorting classmates into the four houses. And although the Harry Potter universe will always remain my favourite fandom, it was just a big part of my youth that is just over now.
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
what I would give to live in a fictional universe with a plot
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coqxuettexsblog · 4 days
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mwilliams024 · 5 days
Steve Harrington is literally James Potter in a different font. They are the same person. The charisma, the sassy little attitude, the amazing curls. I swear they have the same vibe.
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purple-iris · 1 month
Hey do you guys think Albus ever looks at the Golden Trio and can't help but to be reminded of himself, Abeforth and Ariana?
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Imagine if Harry Potter did a family portrait but it was just him smiling serenely surrounded by urns. Hilarious.
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AU where Peter does The Prank instead of Sirius so then a butterfly effect happens and when Peter betrays them later less bad stuff happens
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oxydiane · 2 years
both sirius and remus’ amortentia would smell like wet dog because they’re both… canines
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lunatheseus · 10 months
A thought: How Harry Potter deviated from the Norm: Cho Chang
While Cho definitely filled in the "exotic girl crush" character type, I didn't expect what JK Rowling did with it. (I'm aware that she's said some not so great/ politically correct things dw)
Honestly, It's kind of nice for the hero/MC to not get "the girl" for once. I genuinely think that Cho and Cedric had some chemistry. I feel like they were a great couple even though it's not really shown... I wish JK Rowling touched more on that
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uccmd · 2 years
thinking about how sirius and regulus will meet each other in the afterlife. how sirius finds out that his brother chose the right side, threw the most terrible challenge in his established life. how he solved the mystery of voldemort alone at such a young age, saved a house elf at the cost of his life and passed one of the horcrux with him. he learns about how cruelly he died, strangled not only by the depth of the water, but also by rotten corpse hands.
he'd be so damn proud.
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thetimetraveler24 · 4 months
Does anyone else ever feel like once you really start liking something specific and really getting into it, that’s when all of a sudden a boatload of problematic things start coming to light? Like, realistically I know I cannot be the cause of it, but if I had a nickel for every time it happened, I would have a lot of nickels.
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So I read this post which said Neville was everything Peter could have been. I can't help but agree more. Hermione, Ron and harry; if they were all really close to someone from their year it was Neville. Even if they weren't as close as the marauders were they cared for each other enough to tolerate torture worse than death for each other's sake. Neville, the always shadow lined person was brave enough to be the first one to speak up against voldemort when he was boasting Harry's death. But who was the slayer of nagini,this courageous pal of the trio before? A certain nothing more than a nobody? The one who lacked all classes, except herbology perhaps, got bullied easily, could be convinced to light his pants on a fire as a prank yet the one who never ever sided with the wrong. When in the 3rd book before the truth about Peter is revealed and he is still believed to be a loyal friend of the Potter's, Harry imagines him as a spoof of Neville, standing up against Sirius and threatening him no matter how afraid he might be. They somewhere were very much alike but it's their choices what made all the difference, the difference between a hero and a traitor.
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socknerd · 1 year
I know it's That Franchise from TERF-in-Chief, but my brain has been thinking about a few Harry Potter things tonight.
Like, how many people do you reckon lost bets during the Goblet of Fire with the Yule Ball? On who'd go with who- namely, that Harry didn't go with Ron, lol. Like, "of fucking COURSE Potter'll go with Weasley, those two are ALWAYS together, I reckon they're a thing." "Nah, bet Granger'll help him out, doesn't she always?" "~I~ have it from a reputable source that she's got ~other plans~ for the night." "WHAT? Then who-" "So McGonagall or Dumbledore'll prolly excuse him, that's how it always goes-" "-GIVE US MORE ON GRANGER, ARSEHOLE, STOP HOLDING OUT-"
Of course too, if there's betting, you know Fred/George/Lee had an entire schoolwide pool going too, and I bet it had ALL the big players. Wonder how many people lost betting on who Krum'd take (easy: everyone; except maybe Hermione if she was feeling spicy and could do it anonymously lol)
My other thought was: that scene in the Chamber of Secrets, where Harry and Ron knock out Crabbe and Goyle with laced cakes and Ron's like "lol aren't they stupid" as if he wouldn't have also seen abandoned food and gone "fuck yeah" (bc he's also... not The Brightest tbh, plus his family's fucking poor so he knows the value of food). Like, my dude, "bit thick" is a bit rich coming from you. (Also Harry would too - you can't tell me that someone who was canonically abused the way he was doesn't have a Stash by his bed at all times)
On an adjacent note: Ron's wand broke in that movie/book. It was VERY obviously a massive hazard to him and everyone else around him. And yet, not even his Head of House, ostensibly responsible for his wellbeing whilst at school, who even outright STATED that his wand needed replacing - McGonagall, who is implied to have bought Harry his broom in the first book/movie - doesn't go "well he needs it and his family doesn't have the funds but it's fairly small $ for me/Dumbledore/the school esp factoring in preventing Incidents, so we'll sort something out." Like wtf?
(Like yeah, the broom was a Gift, esp as McGonagall was being all "poor orphaned friends' son who has been abused most of his life", but still)
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junojuxtaposition · 1 year
Posting this here to make my twitter known but mostly to say that:
I hate TERFs (like a normal person), it's right there in the profile. "Transphobes eat shit and die alone". I stand by that. Please read to make sure to not bother me if you believe otherwise.
Fuck Harry Potter and everything it represents. I actually hate this franchise.
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I keep thinking about Regulus Black and how tragic his story is.
Something most people don’t realise is because Sirius chose to leave, Regulus didn’t have any other choice but to stay.
He didn’t choose his fate, Sirius unknowingly chose it for Regulus when he left, leaving Regulus to be the only heir.
Nothing about these boys life was fair, and no matter what outcome, one of them would get the choice to leave, and the other would be left to carry the title of heir. There was never a way around it.
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