#it's not a competition!!!
starlightseq · 2 months
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this is silly.
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palipunk · 6 months
Everytime I see news about Eurovision my eye twitches because every year Palestinians said stop watching this and the response was “how dare you take away my emotional support pinkwashing show”
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William Afton into the FNAF-verse
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bbbbbbbbatman · 7 months
Bruce gets accosted by reporters and one of them asks "Is it true that you're in competition with Superman to win Batman's affections?" and he is so taken aback bc what the fuck are they even talking about? There are a million questions going through his head such as, since when was superman into batman? since when was this public knowledge? wtf did bruce say to imply that he was into batman as well? And he doesn't have an answer to any of these questions so he just smiles and says, "No, I'm not. The word competition implies that Superman has a chance, which he does not."
why did he say that? Bruce doesn't know, it just felt like that's how Bruce Wayne would've responded bc what's more Brucie than fighting with Superman for Batman's heart? anyway, upon reflection, this was maybe not the best response in terms of long term consequences, but he's committed to the bit now.
a week after all this goes down, news reporter Clark Kent is caught saying that Batman deserves better than Bruce Wayne, so is a third suitor putting his hat in the ring to win over batman?
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incognitopolls · 4 months
Note: Not counting raffles/sweepstakes/lotteries. If you got top 3 in a competition and personally consider that a form of winning, that counts as winning.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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kshaar · 1 month
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sorry it has led to WHAT
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gothicwill · 13 days
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny's found a way to dodge GIW trackers, as well as his parents. Their equipment hunts ghosts, ghosts run on emotion; so as long as he keeps his under a tight lid and doesn't feel anything ever, they won't be able to track him.
It works!
He's able to run from them, and goes as far as New Jersey. The plan was to stow away on a ship, and go to literally any country that wasn't America. He goes to Gotham, which hosts the one harbor he knows where no one will ask any questions.
But because of how weird he acted (completely emotionless during a Joker attack), he was fingered by police immediately.
He's handed over to CPP. CPP doesn't know what to do with a teen literally so traumatized that they don't show any emotion at all, ever. He keeps just...walking out of his placements. Just leaves without a sound.
Luckily, he's always caught, due to those placement houses having quiet alarms and him refusing to run.
They call the one foster parent they know who does.
Bruce Wayne takes in the strange, nameless kid who refuses to talk.
On paper, they gave him the filler name of 'John Doe', for lack of anything better to do.
Bruce does everything he can to make the newest arrival feel at home. Damian, for as territorial as he is, actually breaks out of his shell sooner than expected just to try to get the new kid to speak. To emote. To do something. Duke tries the open approach, then tries the 'no one will ever know, everyone thinks I'm an innocent goody-two-shoes' approach. Nada.
Tim even tries to trick him into talking, but nothing works.
Enter Dick; Dick heard about Bruce's new ward, about the situation, and decided to see if he could get the kid to open up.
Danny though. Danny's in trouble.
The Wayne Manor is weirdly secure, and he can't just walk away like he did his other placements. He can't use ghost powers or the GIW and his parents will immediately know where he is.
He really, really wants to take Bruce up on his offer and just spend the day relaxing. Respond to Damian's attempts to provoke him. Overshare about space facts with Tim.
But most of all, he really, desperately wants to get in a Pun Competition with Dick. He wants to laugh at Dick's jokes, and learn coolass gymnastic tricks!
But he can't!
If he relaxes with Bruce, he'll be content, which is an emotion. If he argues with Damian, he'll get annoyed, which is an emotion. If he sneaks out with Duke and breaks the rules, he'll get happy, which, again, emotion. If he overshares with Tim, he'll get excited, which is, yet again, an emotion!
The worst sin of all, he can't even show proper appreciation of the food the Butler keeps making him!
And now there's even more people coming over!
There's a quiet girl who keeps reading his body language and trying to get him to dance ballet, a blonde girl who keeps trying to kidnap him to take him to BatBurger, a guy with a stripe of white who wants to take him to a shooting range, and it just...he really, really wants to!
He wants to do all these cool things with them!
But he fucking can't!
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mariaalda · 3 months
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Cherry so anger to angel after that
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staffs-secret-blog · 2 years
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So that's where they're getting all their designs
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satan-incarnate-666 · 10 months
poll time!!
please reblog with your answer and country!!
i, for example, have fired a gun, and am from canada.
edit to say: air rifles, bb guns, paintball markers, etc, DO NOT COUNT. only REAL firearms (as in gunpowder powered) count.
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xiewho · 2 months
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i WILL take any excuse i have to draw the abernant sisters Btw
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ahfrickenfrick · 1 month
the batkids decide play a new game on patrol where they try to yell the most outrageous thing jumping into a fight
bruce bans the game after stephanie runs into a crowd of bystanders and muggers yelling
‘bienvenue power bottoms!’
and it causes jason to crash into a power pole from how hard he was laughing
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lilislegacy · 2 months
random camper: i- i think i might be in love with percy jackson
random camper: any thoughts?
nico: and prayers. you’re going to need them
rachel, calypso, and reyna: *solemnly nodding*
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tizeline · 1 month
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Oh? What's that? Ya'll want the next part of TSAU's story? Well fuck you you're getting this fucking thing instead.
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ilikeit-art · 2 months
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