#it's free it's easy... and you'll never see them again most times so what could even be the harm...
vulpinesaint · 26 days
truly you have to participate in the compliment economy. random compliments are so rare but it's not because you don't deserve them! our discomfort with engaging with other people makes it so that only some people take the initiative to give compliments in the first place, and that's really only if there's something standout about the person they're complimenting. it doesn't have to be that way. get comfortable with telling people that you like their clothes or their hair or that they have nice eyes or a good smile or a pretty laugh or that you admire the way they carry themself or like their music taste or just that you think they're nice or smart or cool. put a little delight out into the world! once you've done that, it opens up similar dialogues bit by bit... and as a secret special bonus, when you tell someone something nice, they're often very happy to have a chance to tell you something nice in return :)
#sorry for being cringe i will always go out of my way to tell a stranger that i like their shirt.#if i'm not making pretty girls smile then literally what is even the point. and all girls are pretty girls#if i notice something i think is cool then i'm saying something.#god as my witness the nice things that i have to say will NOT stay in my head. putting them out in the world 🫡#and again i cannot emphasize enough that girls will get smiley and blush and giggle when you tell them nice things#which is far and away a reward of its own. i just think it's nice to make people feel nice...#if you see something say something. that's all i'm saying.#might make the guy out front of the ross blush and stop functioning when you tell him you like his hat#but a) he is probably not often exposed to a bunch of trans people walking by and someone in cat ears paying him a compliment#and b) he probably doesn't get complimented often!! and you have the power to change that. isn't that awesome#my thesis statement forever. you can just tell people when you like something about what they're doing in life.#i have gay people privilege so i can tell girls they're gorgeous without it being taken as creepy guy stuff#so. y'know. be aware. don't be a freak about it or put people in uncomfortable situations.#but you Can duck across the sidewalk rq to tell someone that you think their bag is cool or their shoes are nice or you like their outfit#it's free it's easy... and you'll never see them again most times so what could even be the harm...#get over your social anxiety by telling boys they have nice eyes it is going to free up your whole world /hj#valentine notes
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silken-moonlight · 13 days
Older Alpha and Human waitress/ Part 4
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A/N: Hello again! I am back with part 4 of this series. I have a lot of fun with developing the plot and characters. I am hoping I am not overdoing it in any way shape of form. Also we have now the Moodboard and the Introduction. Also here you'll find part 3 if you are interested. I love you guys so much -Swan/Moon
Desmonds POV
The next day was similar to the days before. He went to the meetings in the morning and noon, speaking with the other alphas about the pack territory. The problem had been that there was a new pack forming and they had demanded space or else they would have taken themselves said space. This of course could not have been permitted, since that would have ended in a massacre. The human government would have not been amused to cover up a slaughter between two packs and so they had to find a way without blood. While Desmond knew better, some days he wished they would just fight it out. Atlest then there wouldn’t have been so many meetings and fights in the meeting room. His thoughts were captivated by something else anyway…He was worried for his mate, she had looked so distressed. The longing to just take her away from all her worries had never been as strong as in that moment.
The alpha tried to cheer himself up, he would see her again today. Maybe would even make her smile when he brought her the books she had left behind. Of course was he aware that it might have looked a little weird…he just could not help himself. The urge to spoil and pamper his little mate was overwhelming. In his mind he had already planned their first trip to his cabin. He would take her there before they would officially return to the pack village. Thinking about all the things they could do…while Desmond really tried to keep his thoughts pure…it was not as easy. His inner wolf whined and scratched against the walls of his mind. The primal needs he felt were strong, he craved to touch his mates soft skin. To kiss her plump lips, to make her feel safe in his arms. To undress her slowly before- Desmond stopped his thoughts right there. He really didn’t want to get a boner in the middle of a political discussion.
A few hours later, the meetings and work was done for the day. Desmond would do the paperwork later, he had gotten an email from Isaac with some documents he needed him to look at. Desmond’s Pack had a few companies under their name or were part of them, while most things were equally shared, two of the companies were under his name. There also were many contracts he had to look at, work with or renew. 60% of the money earned ran into the Pack fund, all pack members that were working full time also gave away 10% of their salary to the pack fund. With that money were paid a lot of things like the maintenance of the packhouses, insurance costs, school and kindergarten places, student loans, cars that were free to use amongst the Pack…the list went on and on. Desmond himself had brought this concept to the pack after seeing it being absolutely successful in another pack. Since he did that, his pack had not only grown a lot but also was one of the most peaceful. That comes along with being an actual community. Desmond had learned the importance of acceptance, beginning to help werewolves who had not such a good start in their life or a rough time…The Alpha wondered what his mate would think of all of that. With how sweet she seemed, he was sure she would adore his work.
With his mind occupied by that thought, he walked into the restaurant. He sat down in his usual booth…but his beloved was not there. Desmond ordered by her colleague, waiting for her to arrive. But she did not come. His heart sunk…where was she?
Your POV
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It had been your day off when your father had a bad episode of pain. His back and hip were hurting so much that he couldn’t get up from his bed. Of course you took two days off and stayed with him day and night. You had called his doctor who had taken the time to do a home visit. He had given your father some medications that eased his pain for a short time. Today was the first day that he felt better. Right now he sat in the garden, Pumpkin and Spice laying at his feet, enjoying the sun. Your mum and you were baking blueberry muffins, the kitchen smelled deliciously like the home baked goods. Tonight you would work again, but would always be available for your parents to call.
Initially you had wanted to become a nurse, but the condition of your parents has kept you occupied. You were unable to stay away from home too long, so you found a job that only would be in the afternoon and evening. That's how you ended up in the Sailor Boy, utterly grateful for your job and understanding boss. It may not have been what you wanted at first, but you were more than grateful to have something. Your mum and you put the muffins in the oven, setting the timer and sitting down. Your phone beeped and you looked at it.
William: Hey love, I am in town again, how you doing?
Y/N: Will, haven’t heard from you in forever! I’m doing fine.
William: Nice to hear that, yeah, I was on a big hike with Jeannie. Want to meet up and catch up?
Y/N: Sure, but I am only free in the mornings and noon, you okay with that?
William: Absolutely, how about tomorrow? In our Café?
Y/N: Sounds like a plan, how about 9 am and eat breakfast together.
William: Deal, see you there.
You were quite excited to see Will again. He was one, actually the only, friend you had left. Most of your friends had stopped texting you when your parents' conditions worsened. Since you refused to go out and party, which wasn’t your thing anyways, they stopped making the effort. You tried to do other things with them like going shopping together, movie nights or hikes together. That wasn’t really what most of your friends wanted. So they and you started to text less and less until you lost contact. The two friends you still had were William and Amanda. Amanda began to use you as her personal therapist, trying everything to get your attention. Manipulating you to be available to her at all times. Will told you she was bad news, you didn't listen. The brutal fallout came eventually. Both of you were left hurt.
So that only left Will. Will had no one but his girlfriend Jeannie and you, he had gone no contact with his family as soon as he moved out. For a short time he had lived with you and your family, when his flat had caught fire and he was left homeless. Will didn’t want to be a bother, but you refused to let him sleep in a dingy hotel. That was two years ago. Will had also been the one to tell you about Werewolves and other magical creatures. You didn’t believe him, that was until he had transformed into a Werewolf in front of you. You had been…a little out of it afterwards. However when he explained everything and you swore secrecy, everything went on as usual. Honestly the knowledge of magical creatures didn’t affect your daily life in the slightest. Shortly after the housefire William met his wonderful girlfriend Jeannie, she was a travel and hiking blogger. The two of them hiked and traveled the world together, often sponsored by some big company. William took the pictures and videos while Jeannie was the model. Jeannie was a lovely person, kind and so confident. You two got along so well that Will often joked if he was even needed when you all met up.
The next hours passed quickly, you thinking about tomorrow, the muffins being ready and eating a late lunch with your parents. You got ready for your work and took the bus into the city.
Half an hour later you arrived at your workplace, quickly going up into the staffrom an changing into your work clothes. After that you went down, doing your usual routine. Not even forty minutes had passed when a certain somebody entered the restaurant. Desmond, you remembered his name, was dressed in a black suit, his hair in a bun and his beard must have been freshly cut and formed. You bet that he smelled like the most expensive perfume.
You smiled at him kindly: “Hi there, how are you doing?” You asked him. Why did he look so relieved? You were missing something, you just didn’t know what. “I am good, wonderful actually.” He stepped with you on the side and a worried look was on his handsome face, his gray eyes were filled with compassion. “Is everything okay? You looked distressed the other day.” He asked, his voice was soft. Actually worried. Your bottom lip trembled, a sudden wave of sadness and exhaustion washing over you. If you thought too hard about it, you would cry. However, you caught yourself. Faking a smile you tried to ease his worry: “Yeah everything is alright, don’t worry.” You looked up at him, he was far taller than you. “May I ask what happened?” You nodded slowly: “Well my parents are chronically ill. My father had a bad episode of pain and needed me.”
The handsome man, Desmond, looked at you again with such compassion. “I know I might overstep, but you left the books behind and I took the freedom to buy them for you.” He placed a black paper bag in your hand. Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him absolutely surprised. “I cannot accept these.” You quickly said. Desmond chuckled:” I insist.” You felt guilty, you must have looked so distressed that he wanted to help you. “Let me pay you back.” You tell him, wanting to get your money. “If you pay me back I will give it as your tip.” Desmond said with a grin. “Has anyone told you before that you are stubborn?” You said with a smile. Desmond chuckled: “Actually yes. And please accept the books. I am so grateful for our conversations. After a day at the office I always look forward to it.” You grinned and answered: “Here I was thinking you’re always returning for our town's famous cocktails.” Both of you laughed at that.
“Thank you, really.” You then said a little more serious again. You blushed slightly, but then quickly remembered what you had told yourself before: He was just kind, not interested in you. You reminded yourself that he was older, a businessman and very surely not interested in a waitress from a medium sized town.
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
sorry if this is a bad time to request and feel free to put this off till whenever or even delete it if you're sick of airheaded stronk s/o asks
I was wondering, could you do short headcanons about how hiei and/or kurama with a stronk/airhead s/o would react to someone random or even a minor antagonist actively being rude their s/o while they're in earshot
[for a more specfic example maybe that eyeball at the gate of betrayal calls their attempted sacrifice foolish or the pretty boy purple guy from the dark tournment says smth like "it's a shame such a pretty face is wasted on such a brainless oaf" which has the added bonus(?) of sounding underhandedly flirtatious.]
again no pressure to write this quickly or at all. i just figured i'd throw it in your ask box incase it interested you at all.
Also entirley seperate question but would you be willing to cover roroanora zoro in your stronk/airhead s/o series?
BONUS AIRHEADED S/O DRABBLES: How they react to someone insulting their S/O
An: Of course I don't mind! Never be afraid to request things, it just might take me a little bit to get to them but really I enjoy doing them!
More than likely it would be a comment from Yomi or Kaito that would make him lose his cool. For this instance though, we'll go with the latter.
It was a little after Botan got her soul stolen that Kaito decided to run his mouth. You having been kidnapped with Yusuke because where one went, the other followed. Much to Kurama's dismay.
"You've got me curious, playing house with a human I'd figure would be so far below you. Do you find them amusing? Maybe think of them as some sort of plaything? A way to keep yourself entertained?"
The taunt was an attempt to make the fox demon slip up. And it seemed to be working judging by his glare and increase in spirit energy.
"Did I strike a nerve? Don't tell me the great Yoko Kurama is actually infatuated with a human. And not a very bright one at that." There was a smirk on his face that only grew seeing Kurama manipulate the plants around him. Knowing he couldn't physically hurt him at the moment.
"You should have seen them. Getting all worked up over Urameshi being immobilized, only to fall for the exact same trap. It was almost too easy. Even when being told moving was useless, they still struggled. Yelling out curses and promises to...what was it? Oh yes, 'kick out asses' I believe. I never would have pegged you as the type to go after a stupid brute."
His cackling was soon disrupted by the sound of Kurama's voice. Speaking up at last with a tone so cruel, it temporarily frightened Kaito.
"You should hope I don't find a loophole around your no violence rule. Because if I do, you'll regret every last word." Eyes glowing an eerie golden.
When he finally bested the snarky human, he half thought to just crush his soul. No only because he put his friends in harm's way, but he also insulted you.
Insulted his relationship with you.
Buuuut, Kurama wasn't exactly allowed to end a human's life. And he refused to stoop that low anyways.
No, he'd just leave Kaito the way he was and focus instead on getting you and Yusuke back safely.
Overall he's petty about it, but not angry enough to lash out. He'll let it go for now....But if it happens again all bets are off.
For Hiei it is most definitely Shishi that gets to him. I feel like maze castle is a little too early for him to get mad at someone making fun of you. Maybe a comment of 'A foolish sacrifice and yet you're the one who's dead'. But if it's during the dark tournament on the other hand 👀👀👀
Kuwabara had just gotten teleported to who knows where. Leaving you, Hiei, and Kurama left to fight. It was just your luck that the die landed on your name. The other once again on Shishi's.
"Oh great, another bumbling idiot. At least this one is easier on the eyes." The demon commented as you made your way onto the arena.
Already Hiei could feel his blood start to boil. Disliking the way Shishi seemed to look you up and down.
"Perhaps defeating you will boost my popularity. Just don't die so quickly. I want to be able to entertain my fans."
You were already getting tired of this guy yapping. And it didn't help that he made your best friend vanish into thin air.
"I wouldn't be so sure about you beating me."
But at your comment, he only grew angry and snapped.
"Are you delusional or just that stupid? You think I would let a mere human beat me? Especially one as klutzy as you."
You were not a fighter to be underestimated. Hiei knew that firsthand. Yet you continued to let that cretin berate you as you fought.
For some reason that made him furious. Wanting to both put him in his place and let you teach that bastard a lesson. He took a step forward. Already deciding that if you did indeed lose this fight, he'd be the one to beat that egotistical demon.
A firm grip on his wrist stopped him from taking another step forward.
"Refrain from doing anything foolish. I know you care for them, but you'd only be damaging their pride more by stepping in." Kurama scolded.
The words temporarily snapping Hiei out of his protective thoughts.
"Tch, I don't care for them."
Hiei is absolutely ready to throw hands on your behalf. Yes you're foolish, but you're his foolish human. The only one allowed to insult you is him.
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yanverse · 2 months
I’m curious how the yans would react to their darling suggesting being free use? Some of them would never act right EVER again; but I also think some would start out too nervous to make a move, but once they do it a few times, they become something of a menace.
prrrrr.......free use, you say? i have.......ideas >:) (lmk if u want more! <3)
Elias, Kaito, Lilith, Isabelle, Adrian, Nina
(cws: free use kink, domination, degradation, dressing up, fingering, overstimulation, messy sex)
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Elias obviously needs to keep you around while he's working, and it just so happens that he's also in need of a good secretary for his practice. Win-win! He can have the best of both worlds: keep you close enough that he can see you whenever he wants, and you've got something to busy yourself with when he gives you paperwork--but aside from filing a few things you basically just get to mess around on the computer while he's in session. And unless you're into it, you won't be hearing any questionable noises and thumping through the wall--he's had to rebrand and lost some repeat customers, but he's a taken man now, so no more shenanigans.
Of course, that means you've got a much hornier, much needier cowboy on your hands than you're used to. He doesn't need to jerk off between clients or on his break anymore if the mood hits him midday--that's what he's got you for now, right? He can just waltz out of his office, tap you on the shoulder, and drop to his knees right there. Worried you'll get caught, that someone might walk in early or a solicitor will drop by? Then you just need to stay nice and quiet while he's under your desk. He might just end up leaving indents in the floor from the spurs on his boots, cause it's so easy and you're so accessible and you don't even have to stop working! In fact, if he's in the mood to tease, he might dangle the threat of stopping over your head if you don't keep working while he goes down on you.
But knowing him, there'll be an equal chance of him rushing over, locking the door to the office, and just throwing you over the desk like he can't wait a second longer to have you. There's a reason he's got so much time in between his clients, and it's because there's no better time to mess up his cute little secretary, and make sure you have to sit with his cum leaking down your legs the rest of the day.
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Kaito has half a mind to just sit you on his lap all day. He doesn't have to go out for work, he barely leaves the house as is, and you're around each other most of the time anyways. Why not? He could game or tweak his latest sketches with you settled and comfy on his lap, his cock twitching softly inside you with those pretty mewls of yours perking him up. That, to him, is heaven.
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If that's not the case, though, then sparing a hand to entertain you is just as good. Especially if you're in an argument, or if he's mad at you, or if he's just annoyed but not in the mood to talk about it. He doesn't even have to be paying attention, but more than likely you'll be begging for him to give you some.
With the spare seat next to him and his eyes glued to his computer screen, he only needs one hand to fiddle with his tablet pen as he shades his latest drawing. And all the while he has his fingers buried between your legs, his reactions minimal as you soak his chair with sweat and grab at his sleeve in desperation. You keep cumming all over yourself, you're a mess, and he's already gonna have to clean you up after so at least don't distract him. Each orgasm aches more than the last with overstimulation melting your brain into your skull, but you won't even stop him. You probably could, but why would you? He said it himself: he's gonna clean you up when he's done, you just have to wait until he finishes up. But knowing Kaito, odds are he's gonna make you much, much messier before he actually gets to that part.
Lilith loves providing for you. She loves to make you happy, to come home with money and food and love, and to shower you with everything she has without you having to lift a finger. You love her, you've done enough.
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But when the opportunity to bus tables at her restaurant comes around, it's a hard deal to ignore. Extra income, extra time together, and extra chances for you to socialize and put in some hard work? If you're all over it then she can't exactly say no. A good girlfriend wouldn't say no to such a simple request. It may have her biting her nails at first, but seeing you succeed fills her with a feeling of pride that gives her an extra spring in her step on those extra-hard days.
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But she's lucky that the diner has so few willing waitresses and such a small staff to begin with, because you two can get so close to getting caught with your pants down. She'd never consider getting off at work before this, but with you so present and available all the time...shooting her those lusty looks across the dining room, bending over just a little too far while you're cleaning tables, brushing by her just a little too close while she's taking an order...if she didn't pull you into the bathroom and push you up against the stall, she might just go crazy. Whether it's your hand up her skirt or hers down yours, it really doesn't matter--if you're going to let her touch you whenever she wants, then she has to take advantage of it. Nearly every break soon turns into a chance to get away, her lunch swapped out for a glorious ten minutes with your legs spread, body bent forward, and her tongue making short work of that promise you made that you'd stay quiet.
Isabelle isn't offered the suggestion of free use. You are free use. You're her toy, you're meant to be used, and you're smart enough to know that she doesn't take such a stance lightly. She's not fucking around with any of that touchy-feely, "casual dominance" crap. You'll know she's dominating you because she won't let you forget your place--look away for a moment, let your guard down, and you'll be pounced on before you can make sense of it. Even if she's just finished making you cum for every year you've been alive, she could very well come back into the room after a minute and decide she's not quite done yet. Bathing, showering, eating, sleeping, it's all the same. So long as you're still breathing, there's an incredibly high chance that you won't go very long without her weight pinning you down or your legs pulled apart for her to have a taste. But at least you're still alive, which is more than can be said for Isabelle's other playthings and romantic interests.
You would think that someone as poised, confident, and professional as Dr. Moorwell wouldn't be nearly as intrigued by the concept. Adrian is a romantic, after all--a chivalrous one at that--so you would struggle to imagine him as being so crass and self-indulgent with his lover.
Alas, he is. In fact, he's like a beast while in pursuit of it. Adrian loves to catch you while you're unawares; reading, reaching up for something on a high shelf, organizing his library, taking a sip of your drink, crawling under the sofa to retrieve whatever you dropped, the view makes him shudder and his belt comes off like the buckle is melting. There's always a touch first, a light tap or a brush down your sides to reassure you that it's him, but it's just a formality. The quick smack of his palm hitting your backside is the real test, because so long as your cute little squeal is followed up by a whine or a moan, he knows there's no risk. He can squeeze you, pull you apart, violate those precious, sacred spots so deep they've never seen the light, and it'll satisfy you to the point of making you gush all over him like he's turned the dial of a sprinkler.
At this point he might as well give you the title of housemaid. Your presence in his home reassures such tidy, homely feelings even amidst the stacked clutter and the piles of unread books. Besides, he'd have an excuse to put you in one of those silly, frilly costumes with the headbands and the wrist cuffs, and you could call him--w-well, it doesn't matter what you call him, so long as you prance around as happy and sweet as usual, and look at him with all that love in your eyes even once he's reduced you to tears and trembling legs.
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Nina would be the last person to ever accept such a sinister request. Touch you? Unprompted? Without gloves, or a thorough hand washing, or..? You seriously think she would ever do such a thing on a whim?
That terrible attitude only lasts a few minutes, however, because her complaints are only a farce for how her mind has started working in overdrive. Because you like her enough to ask her for something so lewd. Because you think she's pretty. Because you look at her and think hot, wet thoughts despite her difficult attitude and her insistence on keeping everything clean. You desire her, and that's a feeling that's only come by on very, very rare occasions.
Hence why your request is fulfilled so quickly--like, less than twenty minutes quickly. Less than the time it would take for her to shower and scrub and go through her step-by-step routine in order to touch you, because the waiting is too agonizing and she just has to feel you. To feel your love and your beating heart in your chest, your pulse pounding all the way up your fingertips as you spread her open on your stupid, dirty, filthy hands. The only reason she'll allow it is just because it's you, but don't you dare get a big head! This is just more convenient for her. She'll just take a shower afterwards. But...well, you're coming with her. It'll surely be easier to clean up if you're already in there, so if you think your bathing time from then on is going to go uninterrupted, you'll be very sorely mistaken.
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ghouljams · 11 months
I love all of the AUs you have going or are beiginning to introduce, but I think your fae au has wormed its way beneath my skin too deeply to remove. I love how you combine horror and romance. Truly appeals to my monster fucker heart.
I have so many questions about fae!König's Liebling! Have they always been able to see too much or did something cause it? How did it come about that they took over the shop that the fae so clearly love? (and why did the actual owner never return? could they see things too?)
Also this line make's me want to sink my teeth into König right back:
"When were you born? He hoped it was a warm month. He wanted to sink his teeth into you, taste you through the flowers that conceal your scent from him."  
The idea that the month someone is born has an impact on their being is fantastic!
I love this ask, I want to sink my teeth into this ask and shake like a dog. But instead I'm kicking my feet and giggling about it like a damn schoolgirl.
I love dropping pieces of small magic into the fae au, I don't think I've done more with the birth months thing, but it feels very... definitive to Liebling's being in that moment. König thinks in fae terms and in his mind her Fiesty personality reads like a warm weather fae. So he makes an assumption.
For the rest of your questions I'm going to write a little Liebling pre-König fic. Because I do love her and don't wanna just infodump.
You've been working at the shop for almost a year now. It's good work, easy work, within walking distance of your flat. Most importantly it pays well. Really well. Like you're not really sure the owner is even taking a cut of the profits well.
You like it! Except that it always feels like half the people in the shop are just vibing and admiring the flowers. You're not sure what's up with that, but the owner doesn't seem to mind so you don't ask questions. You're paid well enough you're happy to just let it be.
Except today. Today questions are about all you have.
"I didn't even know you were engaged," you frown watching Tock(the owner) pull boxes off the shelves in the back. He's digging through them frantically and hardly bothering to clean up as he goes.
"I wasn’t," he says, pulling a string of shells out of the box. He taps each one and listens for a moment before nodding and throwing it in his suitcase.
"But you're going on your honeymoon..." You say slowly hoping that he understands how those two ideas can't really coexist.
"I am," he sigh, dreamy eyed as he pulls what you think is a vibrator free of the box. You avert your eyes, and hope it wasn't used in the store.
"Seems like a bit of a leap in relationship status, that's all I'm saying."
"You humans are so finicky about that stuff," Tock waves your comment off, vibrator still in hand, you've noticed he's saying humans a lot today. He didn't do that before. "Too many emotions all at once, that's why you're never going to find anyone."
"Would you stop waving that thing around?" You drag your hand down your face. Tock stares at the vibeator and shoves it into his bag, zipping the whole thing closed immediately after. Apparently finished packing.
"Alright, I'm all done here. I've got your name on the store records and you've got keys. I shouldn't be gone too long, but you know the wild. Am I forgetting anything?
"Your brain?" You try, starting to worry your boss might have actually gone insane, "what are you even talking about? I'm not on the store records."
"Yes you are." Tock tips his head to the side, "I put you on them, I certainly can't manage this place on my honeymoon. Don't really care to manage it again either."
"I say again what are you talking about?"
Tock snaps his fingers, apparently remembering whatever he'd been asking you about. "Severence, duh." He takes a step towards you, you take a step back, "I really owe you a bigger debt than this but I don't think you'll ever collect so..."
He grabs your head and leans down so quick you barely have time to squeeze your eyes shut before he kisses one then the other. Something cold drips into them, or around them, you've never felt anything like this it's hard to describe the feeling of your eyeballs being dunked in ice water and pulled out just as quickly.
You blink them open as Tock pulls away, trying to make the post squeeze vision fuzziness go away. It feels like some sort of curtain has been dropped over, or no. More like a veil has been lifted, one you never would have known about if you hadn't seen it for yourself. Tock stands in front of you, haloed by fluff and two very prominent feathery antennae.
"Boon granted!" He says letting you try not to lose your shit. "Alright shop rules, very important to abide by them so everyone else does too, don't give out your name, no please and thank yous, be polite, Yada Yada, I went through all of this in training.
"Wait, what did you-"
"Be a good girl while I'm gone, I'll miss you! Maybe!" Tock tugs the door to the shop open and you're hit with a gust of wind, the scenery behind the door looks painterly and gorgeous, it's definitely not the shop. You don't even manage your own goodbye before he's out the door and closing it behind him.
When you panic rush to open the door it'd just the shop again. Your regulars mill about, plucking at flowers and enjoying the atmosphere. All of them turn to stare at you. All of them look monstrous. Far flung from you boss's fluff and softness. You slam the door shut on your ensuing panic attack.
You absolutely cannot do this.
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sochawrites · 1 year
Here I am again, with another request! So Yautja x gn! S/O, where the reader fights like this guy in this video. Oneshot or Headcanons you choose.
Synopsis: it has been a while since you moved to the Yautja’s spaceship with your new alien boyfriend, all of the Yautjas have been mean towards both of you, since your boyfriend is warrior who fell in love with a mere and powerless human. But there is one Yautja that made you finally snap! You challenge him into a knife fight! Your boyfriend tried to intervene, but little did he know that you are great in combat! With your interesting movements and fight style.
You can choose if it’s going to be a draw or the reader wins.
Feel free to ignore for being too confusing.
Thank you!
I'm sorry it took so long! qwq I have to get back into the mind space I had and it's not as easy as I thought...
Hope you'll be satisfied with what my head chewed up!
The Rasputin style (HCs)
Yautja x GN! reader
For those curious, here's the vid
You were supposed to stay on the ship
But 'supposed' never cut it with you, not when there was an infinite quantity of vast worlds you could explore
So there you were, currently on Yautja Prime, once again, trailing close behind your mate 
After you had to promise and swear on your life to not provoke other yautjas, and to keep a low profile
You were on thin ice ever since you met another one of his species, and you didn't even get to make a proper impression! 
They were quick to judge you based on the fact that you were human, a species not even worth the time and effort to hunt most of the time
Sure, there were some exceptions, but they had a lot more than just another yautjas word to back up their skill 
Although, you were content with the rules 
You were the intruder here, after all, you and your mate breaking the long-set rules his race lived by for centuries, you'd probably get the same looks if you ever went back to Earth
If only looks were the only thing you received
You were with your boyfriend long enough to learn their body language, to know that they were laughing at you
And at your mate as well, presumably
He noticed it too, but he didn't react, just to keep his face, a sense of dignity
So you let it slip as well
Until their remarks got verbal
You were prepared for a lot and ready to let plenty of things slide, you didn't want to cause any trouble for your boyfriend, but you had to draw the line somewhere
So you turned around and ran your mouth, more or less calling out one of the loudest ones for a fight
You were kind of glad you didn't get to see the flashes of emotional turmoil on your partner's face
The mix of fear, confusion, anger, disappointment...
Yeah, you didn't need to see that, you had a lecture coming your way either way
You spilt your mind, hoping they had their translator on, not realizing a crowd started to form
And two sharp razors were glistening in the sun soon after
Good thing you noticed those
You swiftly moved out of the way and circled the attacker
Well, danced around them really
They were slow to turn around, giving you enough time to pull out your own weapon
The confusion was quite evident on their face
They growled and charged at you 
And you twirled around, again, leaving a little cut on your opponent's side behind as a warning
A warning they didn't head
You hold back, for the most part, they had a physical advantage after all, but you managed to avoid getting hit, along with slashing them here and there when you got an opening
You twirled, and jumped in an expressionistic manner, working up your opponent, exhausting them and slowing them down
You might have been lucky with them being young blood, more experienced fighters would not let your movements deceive them so easily
You caught a few looks at your mate during the fight, he looked quite disappointed, which was understandable, you broke a promise after all
But the fight had to come to an end at some point, and ending it without a winner wasn't an option, you were not going to try and break the honour codex, it was you who challenged them after all
So you waited and waited until your opponent's movements started to get sloppy
These fights were meant to be a life-and-death situation
They finally fell to their knees, and two options open for you
Slow and painful
Or fast and painless
They were not very nice to you, sure, but that wasn't enough to let them bleed out
So you chose fast and painless
You twirled for the last time, getting enough force in your movement to lent the final blow, and slice the other's head right off with your blade
Looking around at the crowd, they all looked baffled, bamboozled
Humans were a weird race
You tiptoed back to your partner, an innocent smile on your lips, and embraced his arm
"So, where were we going?"
He ruffled at your hair, patting it at the process with his free hand, clicking slowly with his tusks
He might not be angry, he certainly wasn't happy with you, but he was certainly proud you were able to stand your ground against someone who wasn't him
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annasinterests · 10 months
southern nights
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|| main masterlist ||
okay y'all. . . hear me out on this. . . i know southern nights by allen toussaint/glen campbell came out in the 1970s but it's sooo rdr2,, moreover i cannot HELP but think ab it in conjunction with my lovely rugged cowboy(friend) arthur morgan <3 also this is lowkey kinda long but i love it with all my heart so pls b gentle w meee
i will say that this is pretty self-indulgent and wrote it with the idea of a female reader (specifically for like one detail) so if this isn't what you're looking for i apologize :(
so like.. imagine this song playing at either camp from dutch's gramophone or at a bustling saloon in like saint denis (honestly what i imagine more in this scenario so that's what we're rolling w here) and the whole gang is there either drunk or tipsy or whatever
you've always had a thing for arthur as long as you can remember but always kept it to yourself because you'd actually die if it got out- you'd absolutely never hear the end of it from all the women and you'd hate if arthur got teased for it by the men
so you get a couple drinks in you and for most of the night you've been sitting by mary-beth and sadie while the other girls have been up on their feet all night dancing to all the other songs
every now and then your eyes wander to arthur and you smile at how cute he looks when he smiles and laughs with the other guys like john and charles and javier
and how handsome he is with his new short haircut and how he's dressed in all black with his sleeves rolled up and a few buttons left undone that exposed his chest in a way that made your cheeks warm up
and how the lighting also makes him look ten times hotter as if you didn't believe he could get more attractive???? but clearly it was possible
so when the song comes on everyone just lights up and gathers 'round and you see that molly and dutch are clasped together and so are john and abigail and the rest of them find their rhythm in the music
normally you'd frown at when even sadie and mary-beth left you to go join but you had enough alcohol in your system that it didn't even phase you
in fact, you were smiling and giggling at all of them, seeing that this was your family- as fucked up it got sometimes- and for once, everyone was able to let loose
and just when you thought that you were safe on the sidelines tonight, arthur swoops in and holds his hand out to you with the sweetest look
"c'mon, s'no fun without you!"
he makes you laugh when you hesitate by saying you get a free pass to step on his feet if it's the dancing part you're worried about
which it's not but you'll use the excuse and take his hand that perfectly encases yours
he throws you both right in the middle of it all and takes the lead into a foxy routine* which you fall into very easy, because again, it wasn't dancing that was the issue
and he seems to pick up on that very quickly but doesn't say anything because he's so focused on making sure he doesn't step on your feet and holding you and twirling you around and being enamored by how your skirt flares out every time like a princess
at one point when he pulls you back in after twirling your body is pressed right against his briefly and you don't notice the way he gets a little flustered because of.. well.. everything else going on
but his grin remains wide and he feels a flutter and ache in his chest and its not because of the alcohol
more than halfway through the song you get a little boost of confidence and slide your hand over his shoulder to wrap your arm behind his neck and you know it affects him by the way his arm snakes around your waist more
and you're both oblivious to how the whole gang immediately notices your proximity and how all the girls are giggling together while the guys are looking on with wicked smiles cause they know their boy's been sweet on you for a hot minute yets been too scared to be bold ab it incase you didn't feel the same (which couldn't be farther from the truth)
and once the song ends neither one of you really want to pull away but you do and he absolutely refuses to leave you alone for the rest of the night because he knows that something's started and he's determined to finish it at the end of the night before tomorrow comes and washes it away
so if you want another drink? it just so happens that so does he. he actually goes and either gets one with you or for you at the bar
you wanna talk to the girls? oh, he'll be around them too, taking all their (light-hearted) jabs at him just so he can be near you
when the gang rounds up again in a circle just to simply drink and converse, he's right there at your side again, standing so close his shoulder is constantly brushing against yours
and because you've all perhaps over-indulged in some adult beverages, of course you find yourselves huddled together and up in each other's personal bubbles, leaning in real close when someone talks because that's what everyone does when they've drank too much
so arthur places a gentle hand on your back to make sure that you're just in the circle as much as everyone else is, but also because he just really wants to keep you connected somehow
before you know it, you're relaxing into his shoulder as his hand rests on your waist again and it just feels so damn normal. like this is how it's always been
you feel yourself slipping and giving in, but you know he is too because of how you can feel his heart thumping against you and damn near out of his chest
while he enjoys the company and the time being had together, he feels the night dragging on and he's so desperate to get you alone
and he finally thinks he gets the chance when dutch hints at the idea that they should start rolling out to get back to camp and feels a nervousness building up
but you catch him off-guard when you take his hand and sneak away through a sidedoor to an alley while no one is looking and he laughs out of pure surprise
"what're you doin?"
"well one, i don't wanna leave yet. two, i know that wagon ride home is gonna be downright loud and obnoxious. and three, i'd rather be with you, so... walk with me?"
you're all smiles and so is he, and you stroll aimlessly around the town that seems to be busy at all hours of the day, hand in hand
you find yourselves near the outskirts of the town near the river when he starts to speak up and tell you how much fun he had and how good it was to see everyone getting along, as well as poking at you for being so hesitant to get up and dance since you did so well with him
you agree with him on the first two things and simply brush off the last bit, insisting that you had no idea what he was talking about, but you both knew it was just an act
he starts to say something else and then goes quiet and slows down, slightly tugging your hand to bring you back to him, which causes you to look at him with concern
he's trying to find the right words to say that every time he sees a pretty flower he wants to pick it and give it to you
that every time he leaves camp he makes it a point to see you last just so he can see your face and hear your voice because he doesn't know how long it'll be until he can do it again
that he notices every little thing you do and has written so many things for you and about you in his journal
that when you look at him, he doesn't ever want you to look away
and you're not making it any easier on him by looking ridiculously adorable while being incredibly confused and concerned, your eyebrows knitted upwards with expressive eyes that are twinkling under the dim street lights
he's fumbling over his words but you're able to piece them together little by little, a sweet smile growing on your lips as his hands are fidgeting with yours
he snaps his head up at you thinking he's crossed the line, but the fear eases when he sees that you're grinning at him and slowly closing the space between you two, placing your hands on his chest
the corner of his lip curls up and his eyes are flickering between yours as his hands find their way around you like they have been all night
"i like y-"
you didn't even have to finish the statement before his mouth was on yours in something sweet and passionate yet eager and needy
the breaks between kisses were few and short, completely engrossed in one another and trying to make the moment last forever
when you finally did separate, you were both smiling and letting out breathy chuckles, acting all giddy like the couple of kids that you were
he leans in to your touch when you put your palm on his cheek and kiss the other side, being able to feel the warmth that'd been there all night
"take us home, arthur."
he reaches for the hand on his cheek and turns his head to kiss it, then dropping them both down and intertwining your fingers as you begin to walk back to his horse, his voice filled with such love in a simple response
"yes ma'am."
goddamn do i love that cowboy. i literally told myself that i wasn't even going to write anything else besides my ongoing fic rn but i just have such a soft spot for arthur it's unreal. also if anyone wants to like, properly write this and make it a thing please feel free cuz i was just spit ballin' with this lmao- the only thing i ask is to be tagged because i wanna love and support u <3
*if you don't know what a foxy routine is, just look up that phrase on google or youtube and there are a ton of videos w so many variations of this dance! however i don't imagine is as a foxtrot (where there's more distance between u and ur partner) so there's that to clear up any confusion if there is any! <3
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mdhwrites · 3 months
Was Ratio a Good Free Five Star?
TL:DR All the things that make him look bad on paper as a free five star are exactly why he was frankly a FANTASTIC choice.
But I do mean it when I say that on paper he looks like Hoyo taking an L while we get left with Ratio. Not because he's bad though. For entrenched players like me, he was exciting. A main DPS that had to have a team comp that was pretty different from a lot of the other hyper carries out there since most supports, especially the hyper carry ones, don't do debuffs. If you try Tingyun and Bronya next to him, you'll often end up missing on MASSIVE damage since you need those three debuffs on the enemies. So who supports him best? That's an exciting question for someone with a wide variety of characters.
A free five star like this is literally never for the entrenched players. It's a nice gift to them but this sort of thing is either a sign of desperation as they plead for old players to come back or it's a marketing trick to pull new players in. As Star Rail is still one of the best in its genre monetarily and Ratio was put out specifically because of all the awards it had just won, it was clearly the latter. A way to pull people in while the buzz around the game was big. Finally convert any last Genshin players who were on the fence while also finally moving people over from ALL the other team comp focused, turn-ish based gachas out there. A flex of dominance.
With that in mind... Think about who your first half a dozen, guaranteed characters are. Only half of Trailblazer has a debuff and it lasts one turn. March 7th has her freeze on her ultimate and that lasts for one turn. Dan Heng is the only member of the team with a debuff through his skill but it's only a two turn debuff and again: requires a skill point.
Then after that, the next three guaranteed are Asta, Serval and Natasha. Asta doesn't have a debuff without her trace ability to burn on basic meaning you have to get actually a decent bit into the game to actually get a debuff through her. Serval finally gives you a long lasting debuff with her Shock DoTs and can even extend those, making her not that skill point intensive. Then Natasha is, well... A healer who eventually dispels debuffs, not adds to them.
So two planets into the game and a new player could theoretically have a team of characters who all have debuff on skill but one of those debuffs lasts one turn and they ALL need to be using their skills most rounds in order to keep up the three debuffs to guarantee Ratio has good damage... On his skill. In a game where, unless you have a limited time 5 star that ISN'T free, you only have up to five skill points a round and that's only if you used a lot of basic attacks before hand. If you invest in her, you can swap one of them for Asta who I think would have her burn on basic to help but you'd still be running at a pretty extreme deficit mostly.
That is what you're guaranteed and so the shiny five star you were given, who was pushed towards you, is... Awkward. To put it mildly. Even potentially frustrating as every time you miss with his skill is a failure and feels AWFUL. Worse yet, you can so clearly see how he could work and how he could be strong!
And that's why he's amazing as the free five star.
I've jumped into plenty of long running gacha games that had guaranteed five stars or the like and do you know what happens? They make my brain turn off entirely for the starting content because they are usually demonstrably more powerful than anything else I have and the early game content wasn't designed around them. Even 3rd Impact, which I tried to get into now that it's on PC, has this problem where early on, they actually throw so many 5 star characters at you that you have to pick and choose between them instead of literally anyone else they give you early on. It's overwhelming but it also makes any curve of power just vanish as suddenly you are tackling content already meant to be easy with a character you don't have to think about with.
Ratio (and admittedly a lot of things about Star Rail) avoids this by being a character that requires characters who can work with him to function. He DEMANDS thought and in a way that leans into Star Rail's greatest strength: The fact that team comp matters. I could do an entire blog on how I think Star Rail is genuinely a breath of fresh air for turn based combat but this really is the big one for this blog. A new player is given this new five star who not only demands intelligence as a character trait but also for gameplay purposes. Can't figure out how to make him work? Then his gift is wasted on a fool like you. Maybe find someone a bit more your speed?
And as a Seele main who's only 5 star they used (besides Trailblazer) for over a month of play was Seele when the game came out... I wouldn't have wanted to be given Seele for free. Seele is a great character but she is monstrously powerful, even when played poorly. I don't even hyper carry with my Seele and I can tell you that she'll wreck house for a LONG time just on her own. She doesn't showcase the depth and strategy of the game, especially early on, and so a new player would just think that the game is simple and basic. They'd get bored with the character they potentially see as their win button and move on to a different game.
And for those stubborn enough to go "No, I am using Ratio!" then he becomes a goal. Not only does every limited 5 star that comes out suddenly look all the more appealing if they do debuffs (Boy was Kafka a fucking perfect pairing with Ratio's banner btw) but every four star is all the more exciting because hey, do they do debuffs? How many? How efficiently? How can they fit into the dream team that made me first get into the game?
Just by existing within a player's roster, one way or another, he raises questions about the game that ask the player to dive deeper into the mechanics of the game than they would have otherwise. Makes them think more about the early game, when it's going to be at its slowest, than most mobile games would ever even risk doing until they can hope sunk cost is keeping you there. He's not just a shiny trophy but an actual hook into players, old and new.
Frankly, if I had to say anything critical about choosing him, it's that he's just not had any good content associated with him. I think his quest, especially post 2.0, will mostly be a let down for any new players who came in partially because of him, especially if they decided to force him as their main. Admittedly, he's the like ONLY good thing about that quest (I could do a blog just about why that quest is bad) but even he doesn't get to shine in it. Penacony hasn't done him any favors either with his brief appearance so far. His writing is very strong though, easily some of the best of the smart characters in Star Rail, and his personality is interesting even in those appearances so they're not all bad, just that they could easily be disappointing to those new players who had to wait a while to get to see their boy in story.
But I suppose it had to falter somewhere. Hoyo has a tough act to follow if they ever give out a free five star for Star Rail again and keeping it in the realm of those who are simply intelligent, rather than having pulled off something only a genius could, is befitting for the good doctor. Have a good day everyone and until next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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fallingforel · 11 months
heyyyy!!! how are you? :) could you do prompt 53 with Alex turner please ?🫶🏼
A/N hey my lovely I'm good thank you for asking of course I can and here it is on with the showww Idk what it is about Paris and my alex prompts but it's another one where they're in paris. sorry it's short I was struggling a bit.
PROMPT 53: “I’ll keep you safe.”
words: 1,192
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It was a hectic day for me I didn't stop, this morning Alex was gone for soundcheck waking up to an empty bunk on the tour bus so I decided to go and sight see keeping my mind off of him because I'm an ultimate worrier that something happened to the ones I love the most.
After sight seeing I went and got some lunch racking up some hunger as I hadn't had breakfast either we were in paris at the minute so I went to a sweet little cafe with a view of the eiffel tower and ate outside as the weather was nice too.
Then after lunch I made my way to meet Amelie a friend who I hadn't seen in years, she had moved out here after uni after a lack of PR jobs available and we had both got so wrapped up in our lives that we didn't have time to see eachother but she was free too so it felt right to see her.
"Y/n how are you sweet?" Amelie exclaimed as soon as she saw me come into view running straight up to hug me. "I'm good! I'm good!" I say reciprocating the hug. "What are you doing in paris mon cheri? surely you've not moved here." She asks breaking the hug now just holding a grasp on my shoulders. "No! No! I haven't moved out here, just visiting." I say concealing the truth. "Well! we must go shopping then go out tonight. There's a concert I'm going to tonight, they're big! You'd love it. You're not here on your own are you? Being a girl out here on her own can't be easy." she asks. "No, I'm not out here on my own. I'm actually with my boyfriend and his friends." "Invite them! We could do with the extra hands to hold our bags" "errr... It's not that easy Am, they would probably be down to go out tonight though, just not to the concert, maybe after?" I say once again concealing the truth that my boyfriend is in a big band, and they're performing in a stadium tonight, the concert she's going to. And the fact that they'd be bombarded by fans, if they were to just wander the streets with us.
"Why isn't it that easy" "errr well you see, my boyfriends in a band, they're touring at the minute, that's why I'm in paris." "Oh. You mean YOU'RE the girlfriend all the arctic monkeys fans are talking about" "shush shush. no need to shout. But yes, yes I am." "Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me Y/n, this is huge news. First you have a boyfriend, next you're like in with a famous circle. You'll have to introduce me to him because he clearly means a lot to you, I remember when we were in Uni and you said you'd never date a famous person. He clearly must be special"
"Alex and I don't like to say he's famous makes him too pretentious, he heard us talking one time on the phone and thought you sounded pretentious" "It's what the paris lifestyle does to you, It makes you pretentious, everyone here is. too glam for my liking" "that's what I said"
"yeah, well you'd be right, I'm missing the U.k" "You'll have to come to sheffield with us, It'll humble you so much. Might be the break you're looking for, we'll be back that way in a few months." "I wish I could but emille needs me here, to look after the house, he's away too much and we're not rich enough to afford housekeepers." "Fuck Emille you know he's not good for you" "Yeah, I know. I'm leaving him when he comes back next month I caught him cheating, I'm just waiting for an apartment to come available" "Oh! come back to the UK live with me in London, My apartment is rarely ever used since I'm always with Alex, Rent will be super cheap aswell. PR jobs are super available now, I know the whole reason you moved out here was the amount of PR jobs that weren't available, but I've been looking for myself ones that I can work from home on due to being on tour with Alex and Theres tonnes available," "really?" "really Am!" "oh you are such a doll. I love you" "I know. but seriously, I'm gonna be back home in a few months I'll stay with you for a few months make sure you're settled and you know the area and then I'm off again" "I appreciate you so much thank you"
"No worries, come see Alex with me?" "Absolutely, wouldn't dream of not coming. Let's go shopping for some outfits for tonight" "let's hop to it" ⋆。°✩
We shopped for a few hours before returning back to her flat and we got changed before heading out to the stadium in a Taxi. "où les filles?" (where to girls) the taxi driver asked "stade de france s'il vous plait" (stadium of france please) I replied making amelie laugh "what?" "nothing, You've changed I wasn't even aware you could speak french and you sound so different in french a lot less than your scouse accent." "well, Alex has been teaching me french, we've decided we're residing here when he's finished with tour, and People change Amelie" "yeah well it suits you." "thank you" I said looking at her with a smile on my face.
It doesn't take that long until we're there and I'm running around the back to go see Alex. "Y/N, BABE!!!" Alex shouts waving to me "Alex, I missed you, this is Amelie. My bestfriend from Uni, she lives here" "Thats nice, ravi de vous rencontrer, je suis le petit ami d'Alex Y/ns, à quoi ça ressemble de vivre ici ?" (nice to meet you I'm alex Y/ns boyfriend, whats it like living here?) "Oh no, I can speak english, I'm not fully french. Nice to meet you too though, I've heard a lot of great things about you from Y/n, and it's okay makes you a bit too pretentious though" Amelie says shaking Alex's hand when he offers it. "Yeah, told her a lot about you. She's just been cheated on so she's moving into my apartment when we get back to england. I'll stay there with her for a few months or weeks depends on how long she takes to get settled, then we're moving in together." Alex just nods along to what I say, I think he's just too buzzed about going on stage to care right now.
"come on Amelie I'll take you to get a drink and then to the bus to get some merch" I say "I'll come with you two too." Alex says grabbing my hand with me stepping to my left, while Amelie is on my right.
We get to the bar and all of a sudden there is crowds around us, making my claustrophobia highten. And Alex just squeezes my hand tighter pulls me into his chest and whispers in my ear "Dont worry darling, I'll keep you safe, I've got you"
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sciderman · 5 months
I've been having some gender-confused thoughts recently and I've been kinda hoping you could weight in on this (as i kinda see you as an expert on gender™ stuff), as sometimes i kinda think like "I wonder what it would be like to be a girl" or "I kinda wanna try if I'd like being a woman and percieved as such" but also partly i am unsure, as i got noone to try stuff with irl (like make-up and clothes and stuff like that) and my parents, mainly my dad, aren't really the most open thinking people out there, and also because part of me wonders if part of my brain is still sexualizing women because most/basicly all of those thoughts are connected to sexual stuff or something physical (even if just cuddling or making out) so i dunno what to think. Sorry for venting but i dunno who to ask tbh. (Where's a Vanessa where you need one, eh?)
i don't think there's any sort of a thing like an expert on gender™, and i don't know if i could at all really weigh in on the validity of your feelings or whether you "qualify" for the right to experiment with your gender – you really, really don't have to "qualify" or feel like you're any sort of anything! if you're curious about what it would feel like to present as femme, then - by god, try it and find out. it might feel amazing, and you'll do it again - you might not like it, and never do it again. or, it might just be a thing you feel that week, and not the next week, and then you'll feel it again in a couple of months, then not.
it doesn't hurt to just - treat it as something easy and free. it doesn't hurt to - buy something pretty and try it in front of the mirror. you're not signing a contract or applying for status as a full-time trans... you're just trying something new. just like you'll try a new entree at a new restaurant. you might never go back. or you'll love it so much you'll go there every week. until you find a new, better restaurant. it's not an all-or-nothing sort of deal - it's not any sort of commitment at all. it's just clothes, and words, and feelings. they can change at any moment, and you should let them be strange and inexplicable and unexplainable - don't take it too seriously. it's all play. treat it like play.
everything in life should feel like play. i think it hurts everyone - absolutely everyone, cis or trans, or anyone - to think that they have to be a certain way. like they have to be this much of something, and cannot be anything else. be free, be comfortable, and be as much of something as you want to be. you don't have to be more, and you don't have to be less than whatever it is you want to be. just - just be.
if you think it'll be fun to put some tights on, put some tights on. if you think it'll be fun to put some make-up on, put some make-up on - sure, it'd always be nice to have someone to guide you through that journey, but - ultimately, whether you have someone else or not, that journey is going to be initiated by you. you have to want to take that first step - and you don't have to wait for it to happen. you can do it any time, whenever you're comfortable and ready, and feel safe to do so.
i think, also, if you're sincerely thinking about gender beyond the binary and asking these sorts of questions then the issue of "sexualising women" becomes much more multilayered than you think. but i don't really - i don't know, i don't really understand where you're coming from. i think there's a very harmful argument from terfs and the like where - they demonise transwomen and accuse them of fetishising femininity and coopting it as a way to penetrate female spaces and - i don't know, maybe that's a mindset you're internalising? if so, i'd really ask you to reexamine that - if you're thinking that about yourself, are you thinking that of transwomen and other gnc people? just - something to reexamine. make sure you're not internalising a rhetoric like that. i'm pretty sure you're not that horrible bogeyman that terfs like to conjure to get people to fear transfolk. and i'm pretty sure that you taking the time to explore your identity and ask questions and getting to know yourself and your relationship with the world is a pretty harmless and wonderful thing that you shouldn't feel afraid to do.
good luck anon! and don't feel afraid to slip back into my inbox with any exciting updates, if you do decide to be so bold!
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dreamless-daydreamer · 3 months
TBB as Taylor Swift Songs - Character +Song Analysis Part 4
Thanks for all the love and support on my previous parts, It means the world to me that yall are enjoying these.
This one Technically isn’t a Taylor Swift song, but she did co-write it so I think it counts.
Crosshair - The Alcott
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I wasn’t going to leave him for last, so here he is
Also, I am fully aware that Crosshair likely still has his chip or it had some lasting effects but Crosshair himself if under the impression that he was free of its control and everything he did was of his own free will, and that’s the mindset I’m approaching this with.
I get myself twisted-in threads
To meet you at the Alcott
I'd go to the corner in the back
Where you'd always be
And there you are, sittin' as usual
With your golden notebook
Writing something about someone
Who used to be me
Okay there’s so much to unpack here. Crosshair pulled all of these strings to get the batch back to the Kamino by the finale. And when they’re all together they refuse to listen to him they insist that he’s under the control of the chip and he has to break the news that he actually isn’t being influenced by the chip, this is who he really is.
I had to do something
To break into your golden thinking
So Crosshair views Hunter as someone who believes he’s always right and in the show Crosshair is able to completely crush Hunter with declarations of his failure and insistence that Hunter is wrong in everything. These words completely destroy Hunter, and I talked about the effect it had on him in part one. Whether or not Crosshair meant these words, it was the only way Crosshair was able to get through to him, to get him to pause.
How many times will I do this
And you'll still believe?
Throughout the entire first season the batch continues to hold the hope that Crosshairs under the effects of the chip, and even when they’re told it was removed they still struggle to believe that that’s who their brother really is.
It's the last thing you wanted (tell me, which side are you on, dear?)
It's the first thing you do (give me some tips to forget you)
The Batch never wanted to leave Crosshair behind and yet it’s all they did. They never came back for him.
You tell me your problems (have I become one of your problems?)
And I tell you the truth (could it be easy this once?)
Crosshair is “Severe and Unyielding” we see that he doesn’t shy away from the truth as much as it may hurt.
It's the last thing you wanted (everything that's mine is a landmine)
It's the first thing I'd do (did my love aid and abet you?)
Even if the batch left Crosshair behind it’s only because he betrayed them. It’s just as much his fault as it is theirs that they were split. Also. LANDMINE
And I'll ruin it all over
I'll ruin it for you
I'll ruin it all over
And over like I always do
Crosshair betrays the batch, and stays loyal to the Empire, and he does it with the intention for the whole batch to stay together within the Empire, and yet it doesn’t work. Even when he tries to help them in The Tipping Point it’s what leads to Techs death and Omegas capture. When he tries to hurt them, he hurts them. And when he tries to help them he still hurts them. He ruins it all over, for them, but inevitably ruins it, like he always does.
Happy Bad Batch Eve! Here’s one last analysis before it airs. TOMORROW. I’ll be avoiding spoilers so I’ll likely post one or two tomorrow without paying attention to my feed or notifications. I’ll check them again thursday night most likely. <3
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subliminalbo · 1 year
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"I want you to close your eyes while I tell you a truth of the universe, Madison."
Though it was only her first visit with Dr. Fielding and she wasn't completely comfortable with her surroundings—the office was colder and brighter than she had expected—Madison reluctantly followed the doctor's suggestion.
"What most people don't understand is that submission is a natural desire," Dr. Fielding continued. "Free will is chaos. It drives us to make bad choices with even worse outcomes. Our minds are programmed to desire order, but the law of entropy means that we're always moving further away from order and into disorder. In the realm of human decisions it means that we're constantly making things worse for each other. Of course entropy only moves in one direction. Would you agree, Madison?"
"Yes," Madison said quietly. Her eyes still closed. Dr. Fielding had queued some kind of babbling brook playlist and Madison was sinking into her chair as she envisioned the doctor's soft voice like water washing over her mind. She didn't even know what she was saying yes to. The laws of thermodynamics were solidly above this college freshman's head. All she knew was that she wanted to agree.
"I agree."
"But," Dr. Fielding said. "If we remove the chaos, we can stop the flow. Can you say that?"
"Remove the chaos," Madison repeated absently. It felt good to speak Dr. Fielding's words. It felt good to understand.
"All we desire, Madison, is order. Every single one of us. And if free will is chaos, then submission is order. Surrender yourself to me, Madison. Think of every terrible decision you've ever made. That first time you disappointed your father, that fight with your grandma the weekend before she died, that third drink at the Alphas party. Think of all of those decisions, think of the outcomes, think of how they made you feel. And imagine a world where your decisions never have to hurt you again."
Madison released a deep breath. A tear peaked through her closed eye and rolled down her cheek. "Never again," she whispered.
Dr. Fielding was out of her chair now. She knelt down next to Madison's so that she could whisper this final part into the young woman's ear.
"Submission is a natural state. Let go of your will, surrender yourself to me and you'll never live through another regret in your life."
There was no hesitation this time when Madison spoke, only the sound of the weight of the world lifting off of her chest. "I surrender myself," Madison said. "I surrender myself to you."
"And you swear to serve me, and obey me, no matter my desire?"
"I swear!" Madison cried. "Anything for order!"
Dr. Fielding bit her lip to stifle a moan. She almost felt bad, how easy it was to get in these college girls' heads. In her day job, Dr. Fielding was a very good, overqualified psychologist. She only volunteered to do therapy out of sheer boredom. Maybe she helped a few students who came her way, but mostly she just enjoyed hypnotizing them. Romero was a playground to Dr. Fielding.
She'd clocked Madison as a textbook narcissist the moment the young woman walked into the door. The incident with the frat boy at the Alphas party may have shaken Madison a bit, but at her core she was a dominant looking for prey. She'd make an interesting case study. Dr. Fielding wanted to see how far she could take that desire, if she could mold Madison in her own image.
Dr. Fielding called it The Submission Principle, the inherent desire for every person to surrender their free will to a more powerful individual.
"I like Mistress," Dr. Fielding said. "I know it's a cliche but it's hard to escape these things. You'll call me this in private. You'll do it naturally and without question, and you'll be my loyal slave until I release you. Do you understand, Madison?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Very good," Dr. Fielding smiled.
Madison left Dr. Fielding's office with a feeling of intense relief. The party had been her life for the last three weeks, constantly reliving that incident, forced to defend her own choices. She was luckier than others, rescued by her sisters before he'd really been able to hurt her, but the aftermath have proven more traumatic. All she wanted was the boy who hit her to face his rightful punishment.
But stepping into the hallway of the psychology department building, Madison found grace in knowing that she'd tarnished his reputation. What was it that Dr. Fielding had done? How could she bring her this kind of piece in just forty-five minutes?
"I think that was a very successful first session," Dr. Fielding said behind her. "Would you agree, Madison?"
Madison matched Dr. Fielding's smile as she said, "I agree."
"Four PM next Tuesday in my office," Dr. Fielding said. "And continuing weekly after that."
"Of course, Mistress."
Exiting the building, her head feeling lighter than a cloud, Madison didn't even question that word that had come out of her mouth. But it would remain there between the two of them for some time, haunting the remainder of her freshman and sophomore years of college. Mistress.
But in that moment it just felt so damn good to submit.
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It is time for requests again and I Gummy W. Anon am back at it again a Krispy Kreme
May I request Yandere teen Slender with his ghost s/o as the years progress? Would the ghost s/o still be in love with him after an eternity?
The original post this is based on may be found by clicking here
Of course, you're still in love with him, or at least, you think you are. As a pair of teens, once Slender had you back in his arms, his manipulation over you was immediately kicked in. He was aware of it, how dark his feelings were, how unhealthy and unnatural they were, but that didn't stop him from trapping you in his spider web of lies and manipulations, so deeply wound that you'll never be able to pry yourself free from it. 
Of course, his family tried. They could all see it, the changes he was making, how controlled and manipulated you seemed to be, and they tried to help you, but all attempts were either blocked by Slender or dismissed by you as you couldn't see anything wrong. As the two of you continued growing up together, you only became more and more dependent upon him. He moved you into a special house eventually, using the money from his growing business, one that just the two of you could reside in with no interruption, no other people to bother you or try and take your attention away from him. Slender wouldn't have any of that. It's so easy for him to spread manipulative lies to you to keep you wrapped up tight in his embrace.
He gives you everything you could ever need, except for freedom. A huge variety of nice, high quality clothing, endless supplies for any hobbies or activities you might want to fulfill or partake in, the most delicious foods that you could ever feast upon, a gorgeous, beautiful house just for yourself, with the finest furniture, and gorgeous spanning windows, windows that are caged on the outside, doors that have locks that only he can use, surveillance of your every move that you're unaware of. You're so unaware, so manipulated, you don't notice how abusive it all is, how controlling and unhealthy. He's wired himself so deep into your brain that you aren't quite sure what is or isn't right anymore. It's like you're a shell of your former self. You'd broken when you died, and he picked up all your pieces and molded them back together how he saw fit. Not necessarily in the correct spaces, but in the spaces he needed to make sure you'd never be able to leave his side ever again.
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shytastemakerthing · 11 months
I saw that your match ups were open and wanted to give it a shot. May I request a romantic twst matchup? I’m a Implagender omniromantic person that usually struggles a lot with my identity and personality, I’m south East Asian with tanned skin, dark maroon colored jellyfish cut, (but I usually put my bangs in a similar way like Haruka from pjsk cause I like putting on cute hair clips and head accessories). I’m usually pretty quiet around everyone but those I’m close to, I’m pretty loud and outgoing when I’m with people I get along with. I like to draw, play violin, cook, bake, and sew a lot. I’m really good with kids and bunch of other household tasks and I’ve done a lot of babysitting + doing a bunch of commissions for drawing and sewing things to earn extra money for myself since my family isn’t well off it also adds work experience I can put on resumes for the future. I’m pretty decent in school, although recently I’ve been doing a bit terrible since my motivation for school is going down and only finish stuff I feel like is easy/quick to complete. My love language is words of affirmation plus acts of service. I’m also really into fashion (specifically agejo hime and rokku gyaru + Ouji Fashion as well) and I love styling outfits. I want to become a kindergarten teacher in the future, and I’ve also composed a few songs on violin.
Hello! I'm so sorry that it has taken me this long to finally get back to answering these! Thank you so much for your patience!
Now, onto our match up!!
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I match you with.......
Lilia Vanrouge
🦇 Okay, look, someone has to be able to ame care of the Diasomnia family and make sure none of then get killed because of Lilia's cooking and here you come in like an angel sent from above!
🦇 No, seriously, they all love you, they live your cooking, Malleus especially loves hearing you okay your violin (as someone who also plays violin), he finds it rather comforting, and he is extremely happy that Lilia has found someone after so long.
🦇 The fact that you love children has Lilia falling even harder for you. He has Silver, and while it took him some time to get used to raising a child, liking children, let alone one that was human, after fighting in a war essentially most of his life and seeing how you are so easily able to care for others, how you are with children, how it just comes so naturally to you? He feels his heart swell and warm up at the sight. It also makes him wonder how different things could have been without the war and all. But, what's done is done.
🦇 Okay, back to the happy. He LOVES seeing you interact with children. How they always are so quick to warm up to you, the smile you have on your face and thr laughter? He smiles every time.
🦇 As for motivation? Who better than Lilia? Between raising Silver, training he and Sebek as knights, taking care of Malleus, Lilia knows his way around how to best keep someone motivated. Are some of his methods out there?........ most likely. But he really does mean well and everyone can see that.
🦇 If words of affirmation are what you need, then words of affirmation you will be getting. From the moment that you get up to the moment you go to bed, he will be sparing nothing. You have woken up many times with a simple rose near you with a heart felt letter or even a hand written poem about all the things he loves about you. And acts of service is something he does in his day to day life as it is and it only intensifies when he is with you.
🦇 Now, Lilia is rather old, meaning he has seen a lot of fashion come and go throughout the centuries, and he has worn and tried out many of them. If you ever want him to model, feel free and ask him, but also expect him to send out a flirtatious remark or two. But he absolutely loves this either way. Meaning he will also help supply any materials you may need. You'll never run out again.
🦇 Money is not an issue with him, and even if so, he basically raised Malleus. Malleus sees you as a parental figure. As soon as he catches and kind of money and financial issues, literally the issues will evaporate.
🦇 Overall, bat dad can and will provide. He will help you through it all, and give you as many affirming words that you will need, he will help you with modeling your clothes at time just to see that smile on your face. Just save Diasomnia from his cooking and all will be well
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geekedoutbunny · 1 year
Aizen with a fem Sagittarius reader
Either he’s already the soul king and reader rules happily by his side as his queen
Or they are either the rulers of hueco mundo happily together
Fluff plz
Maybe soulmate au
Aizen x Fem Reader Imagine - Intertwined Love
Okay, so basically Aizen x Female Sagittarius Reader, and they're happily ruling together, and it's a soulmate AU, got it!!
THANK YOU!!!! For sending in this request, I'll try to give this story justice!! Hopefully, it's to your liking!!
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Ruling the throne with the love of your life, was more than you could've asked for. You never thought that you'd get to see this day come true where you and the one you were destined to be with, would rule.
You've been by his side since the very beginning, you've always been his number-one supporter, you were always there. Watching from afar yet always close. You were his aid in the shadow, and his rock in the light, you were his everything and you both just knew that you were meant for one another.
Your souls were intertwined, conjoined the moment you came into the soul society. The red string of faith shined brightly for you both, and that's what everyone else didn't know. That's why you both succeeded. They didn't know that you were soulmates.
Being queen was a wonderful feeling, especially since you were with your king. You loved ruling over the souls of this realm, you loved being in charge and ruling with an iron fist, but you were your husband's other half, you were his batter half. The half that had an understanding, that had a heart.
You were the more fun side, the kinder side, the adventurous side. While he was your darker half, he was the evil, the crude, the selfish, the isolated. He was everything you weren't and you were everything he wasn't, but that's what made your souls fit like a giant puzzle piece.
Everyone within the kingdom adored your romance, they all wished to follow in your footsteps, seeing that soulmates were real gave them some kind of hope, that they could feel whole again.
Being Aizen's soulmate was an interesting affair, he had his moments when he wasn't too talkative, he wanted to be alone, and think, and other times he was more free-spirited. He was more open and easily excited. He was sometimes hard to deal with, and his mood swings were on a different level at times, but you learned how to approach them and love them all.
He adored you for that, nobody else was willing to get to know him, was willing to accept him, yet you did. Piece by piece. You yourself had your mood swings as well, but they weren't as dramatic as his. Being together for hundreds of years has helped you both to balance one another out and because of that, you'll both always succeed.
Being the soul queen was no easy feat, and you've had your times where you'd see a couple living as citizens, and it'll make you wish that you and Aizen could live like that, but it was too late, and Aizen was far too gone to accept that kind of lifestyle, so you remainder by his side and have always kept that to yourself, but your imagination always drifted off.
Aizen was a dreamer too, but he always dreamed of a life of plenty, he never wants to beg and grovel, he wanted to be the one that others begs toward. He wants to be the best of the best, the highest of the highest. He wanted to be the one and only truth. So far, he's gotten what he wanted, to become the soul king, but it won't take long before he would want to rule more than that, and you dread that day because then, that'll be the day when he'll touch the sun and burn.
You didn't want that to happen, but it is what it is, you'll remain by his side until that faithful day, to be a soulmate, means to share equal value with the one you love most, and you were willing to the whole nine yards and more with him.
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The Twin Flame - Chapter 20: Would've, Could've, Should've
"God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be. The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind. I regret you all the time..."
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You shakily exhale when you hear the door slam followed by complete and utter silence.
Gut-wrenching, deafening silence.
All alone once again.
At this point, it seemed like you were destined for a life alone. It was better that way, you'd told yourself so many times. 
Your mind races. All your thoughts flood your psyche all at once. You can't stop thinking. It bombards you.
You're barely treading the choppy waters as it is, but you're floundering now.
You're drowning, you know you are.
You can't scream. Each inhale fills your lungs with those heavy feelings that threaten to drag you to a place where you'll never see the sun again. Each exhale leaves you sputtering until you're on the floor helpless. 
And you just can't breathe. 
Your leadened feet guide you to the center of the room where you sink to your knees, crumpled by the waves of heart-stopping hurt, begging for solace, begging for atonement, begging for it all to finally stop, for your tired heart to finally know peace.
You lean forward, your head hung so low it almost rests upon the floor. Your hands cup your face. You feel each silent tear slip between your fingers.
Your breath comes faster. You're not sure what you're doing anymore. Praying to some higher being that's never granted you mercy. Rocking yourself like the child you never got to be. Trying to compose yourself to be the soldier everyone expected you to be. 
A pained gasp gets stuck in your throat.
You remember the guided meditations Bruce once made you do with him all that time ago.
You figure it's your best shot. Your foot slips beneath you. You force yourself to sit upright against all the weight pulling you down. You rest your hands in your lap. Your hands interlock of their own accord, your fingers grip each other so tightly it hurts. 
The pain doesn't bother you as much as it probably should. Pain was simple. Pain was familiar. Even your bloodied, injured arm, that was easy to ignore.
It wasn't easy to keep pushing down the emotions raging against you, fighting your so hard they threatened to break out of your ribcage and tear right through your skin.
You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing yourself to focus on the memory of Bruce's words echoing through your head. 
Breathe in.
Breathe through.
Breathe deep.
Breathe out.
You try them over and over again, trying to bring yourself back to a person you remember. You were sitting here all alone because of an ugly mess of pride, miscommunication, grief, and hurt. So, so much hurt.
And you didn't know how to fix it anymore.
Part of you wanted to scream that you couldn't even look at them anymore, that there was nothing that they could say to make any of this right again, that you didn't need them.
But you did need them.
You do need them. 
It's clear to everyone that you do.
 It's clear that you're not able to let any of it go: not the pain, not the hurt, not the thrill of it all, not the rush that came with it, and most certainly not them. It was selfish. You were selfish, but you weren't strong enough to let them go, and you most certainly weren't strong enough to hold onto them.
And you remain on the other side of the door because you're scared, scared that you can't even control yourself anymore. Few could sympathize, even fewer could empathize, but sometimes you needed the world to be small again. You needed the world to exist within the confines of four walls. You needed it to make sense again. 
Sometimes you wished the world was still small. Sometimes you wished you didn't know freedom felt like. Sometimes you wanted nothing more for your tired, aching soul to rest. 
And what was really terrifying, what was truly sick, was that you didn't regret it at all. You're glad you breathed that first gasp of fresh, freeing air. Through all the fighting, tragedy, and loss, you can't bring yourself to regret any of it. 
And it scared you how selfish that was, how selfish you could be. 
You miss the person that you used to be. The person who would never dream of being this selfish, who knew right from wrong, who could trust themselves, their own intuition and moral compass. A person who could control themselves. That person deserved happiness, deserved peace. And that's certainly not you anymore. 
It was a complete and total crisis of your faith.
So you do more breathing. Legs crossed, eyes shut, in and out, over and over again. 
Every time you found stability, it was ripped away before you could hold onto it. 
Every thing you touched became sick with sadness.
Every thing you set your sights on rotted from the inside out.
And lately, you'd only found one common denominator. Shutting yourself away was the only way to protect those around you. You'd proved that time and time again. In some strange sense, you were a catalyst to chaos.
How could you blame Steve when it was clear that you were the real problem? 
You were the sickness.
You figure that maybe Steve was onto something with the Sunshine nickname. When you really thought about it, it made perfect sense. From a distance, you were bright, cheery, and warm. But every time people got close, they got burned. Nothing good came from being close to you, even keeping a steady gaze on you was a hazard. That's who you were. A living, breathing cautionary tale. It now made sense why everyone fought so hard to keep you under lock and key. 
When all the cards were down, when you were being honest, brutally honest, with yourself, you found that your only real regret was you.
The pain you inflicted on others with your proximity.
You're a wound that would never close.
You regretted not knowing any better. For being so foolish. For being so trusting, so naive. You regretted not seeing it.
After all, a gold cage is still a cage.
You should've known from the moment you were freed. You weren't meant for a happy, peaceful life. Maybe if you hadn't been so caught up in the beauty of the world, in the feeling of being important and cared for, maybe you would have noticed it. Noticed what was happening around you. To you. 
You would have seen the walls closing in. You would've felt the noose slip around your neck, slowly tightening with each painful tick of time. 
Maybe you would have tasted the poison and spit it out.
A gold cage is still a cage. Right?
At least, that's what the dramatic, self-loathing, philosophical side of you thought. That was the side of you that ruminated endlessly, that kept you up pacing like a ghost in the night. The more grounded side of you knew that you were a person that was equal parts grief, trauma, and anger most days.
You had yet to take a single moment to breathe, let alone focus on what you'd lost. Your focus had always been moving forward, keeping yourself from burdening others with your own emotional baggage.
Most days you forgot that you didn't know a life without a fight constantly looming on the horizon.
You'd only lived with Sam for a year before being thrown headfirst into all things SHIELD. And even that didn't last, 6 months into your role as SHIELD's most valuable asset, Nick Fury died and Steve Rogers burst into your life. 2 years on the run soon after that. And before you knew it, you were dusted. 5 years gone in the blink of an eye.
There was never time to show yourself some grace, to process the whirlwind you found yourself caught in. 
You were tired. Mentally, emotionally, physically drained. Given everything you had to the fight and then some.
For a while, you convinced yourself that everything was good. You were on the outside, no longer held captive, that was as good as you would ever get. You told yourself, if you could just smile through it all, laugh when people wanted you to, you'd be happy.
But loss after loss, tragedy after tragedy, you weren't sure how much more you could take.
How many times could you be pulled apart and still come back together? How many times could you be torn to shred and left to glue yourself back together? How many times could a heart break and still keep beating?
It almost wasn’t fair. That your heart still beat. Torn apart limb from limb just to come back together with a smile on your face. Surely, someone should've known that the cracks would start showing. That eventually, you wouldn't be able to pull yourself back together anymore. 
Heartbreak after heartbreak.
It often occurs to you that you have no idea what peace feels like, let alone how to accept it. 
And on your worst days, you regret the day that Nick Fury freed you. 
So you keep breathing.
Breathe in.
Breathe through.
Breathe deep.
Breathe out.
Even as you hear Bucky, Sam, and Zemo return, their voices carrying through the walls, you just keep breathing.
Legs crossed, hands resting in your lap, eyes shut as you will your world to shrink, for yourself to shrink into a person that fit within the confines of those four walls. 
"Well, we got nothing," Bucky sighs, pulling off his jacket and chucking it on the couch. He looks for any sign of you, any indication that you've left the room. He finds nothing, not a single trace, not a single sound. It all seems a little darker without your presence. "No one's talking about Donya."
"Yeah, because Karli's the only one fighting for them," Sam vaguely defends as Bucky frustratedly groans. Sam watches Bucky for a moment as Bucky settles himself on the couch. Sam hesitantly adds, "And she's not wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"For five years, people have been welcomed into countries that have kept them out using barbed wire. There were houses and jobs. Folks were happy to have people around to help them rebuild. It wasn't just one community coming together, it was the entire world coming together. And then boom, just like that it goes right back to the way it used to be. To them, at least Karli's doing something."
"You really think her ends justify her means? Then she's no different than Zemo or anybody else we've fought," Bucky quietly argues, shutting his eyes as he rubs his temples with one hand. 
"She is different," Sam objects. "She's not motivated by the same things."
After silently padding away to the kitchen, Zemo returns, shuffling back into the living room with a tea tray in hand.
"That little girl? What did she tell you?" Sam prompts, watching as Zemo sets the tray down on the coffee table.
"The funeral is tomorrow afternoon," Zemo casually informs, not offering any more information. 
"You know the Dora's coming for you. In fact, they're probably lurking outside right now. I'd keep talking," Bucky sharply warns. 
"Hmm..." Zemo's lips purse, his head tilting to the side as he theatrically mulls over Bucky's words. After a second, Zemo shakes his head. "Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli. I prefer to keep my leverage."
Those words feel like Bucky's last straw.
He angrily stands out of his seat, taking one large step in front of Zemo. Bucky takes the glass from Zemo's hand, throwing it against the wall. The glass shattering loudly echoes through the room, shards of glass skidding across the floor. "You want to see what someone can do with leverage?"
"Hey, just take it easy," Sam interrupts, stepping in front of a seething Bucky. "Don't engage him. He's just going to extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing."
At Sam's observation, Zemo straightens the insinuating tilt of his head, still wearing his head held high under Bucky's scrutinizing glare. Sam pats Bucky on the shoulder once. "Just let me make a call."
Bucky remains silent, still glaring at Zemo as Sam leaves the room to make a call. 
"Would you like some cherry blossom tea?" Zemo offers, seemingly unaffected by Bucky's hostility. 
"No," Bucky snarkily declines. "You go ahead."
Sam steps down the hall, stopping just short of the room you were currently taking refuge in. He takes a deep breath, rolling his neck before pulling his phone out of his pocket. He dials the number of someone he only hopes could help them.
"Hey, we found the camp," Sam mutters into the phone, still watching your room's door. "No one here is telling us shit. Zemo found out the funeral is tomorrow, but he's holding us hostage with the information."
"And that surprises you?" Sharon guffaws. "But you don't want to go in blind."
"Sharon, listen, I know I owe you already, but we could use a trustworthy set of eyes on the camp. You got anymore tricks in your bag?"
"I may or may not have access to a satellite or two," Sharon tells him. "Let me see what I can do."
Sam sighs in relief. "Thank you."
"Listen, Sam you gotta play this out until the very end. If Karli disappears, we're not gonna find that serum until it's too late."
"I know."
"The Power Broker went apeshit when he heard about Nagel. He wants that serum back. You killed his Golden Goose. It's only a matter of time before he tries to find the real Golden Goose, and when he does, Madripoor's gonna get real nasty." 
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. Just find Karli," Sharon vaguely orders. 
"Will do."
"And Sam?" Sharon adds. 
"If I were you, I'd be really careful with her. Power Broker's got connections everywhere, so - just keep her safe, keep her with you, okay?"
"I will," he promises, hanging up the phone.
He shoves his phone back in his pocket, still watching your door.
He honestly doesn't know if you're just so angry with him that you don't want to be anywhere near him, if you're in there beating yourself up, if you're doing those weird breathing meditations that Bruce taught you. He figures it's probably some combination of all three. 
He knows you're probably in there beating yourself up for what happened earlier. It always scared you when you slipped up like that, especially so violently. It didn't matter that you'd never hurt a single person, even the slightest inclination that you were about to freaked you out. 
He spends a good portion of that evening meandering in that hallway, waiting and hoping that you'll come out, even if it is just to yell at him again. With each passing minute, the chances of you making an appearance get more slim.
As the sun begins to set, he knows it's highly unlikely. With the ticking of time starting to drive Sam crazy and Bucky keeping watch of Zemo, Sam decides there's very little he's going to accomplish by loitering in the hallway in front of your door. He tugs his jacket back on and briskly walks out the front door, mumbling a quick explanation to Bucky of going to pick up something for the four of you to eat.
Because the cool air and night time scene offers no reprieve to Sam, he returns with two bags of food in his hand. He holds an ounce of hope that you might make an appearance, but it's quickly dashed when he walks into the house to find Zemo blithely sipping his tea and Bucky intently staring at your door. 
Sam hands Bucky one of the bags. Bucky shakes his head, barely looking away from the door to accept the food in Sam's hand, "Nothing. Not a sound."
"Kinda figured," Sam slowly exhales. He makes his way down the hall to your room with the other paper bag in his hand. He lightly knocks on the door, making no attempt to forcefully enter. His forehead rests against the door as he speak through the door, "I know you can hear me. And I know you're pissed, but you can be pissed and eat."
No response. 
"And I want you to remember that it was an accident, okay? No one got hurt. No one's upset. You're a person, just like the rest of us. Accidents happen." His words hang in the air as he waits with bated breath for any sign that you're even listening to him. And when there's none, his shoulders slump in defeat, his eyes closing with the weight of your strained friendship. He gently places the food at the door. "Okay... Well, tomorrow's a new day, okay? It's a fresh start... Good night."
A tear slips down your cheek, and it takes everything in you to not open the door. And though you know he can't hear you from the other side of the door, you brokenly whisper, "'Night."
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
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