#it’s shorter then the others so I hope it still makes y’all smile.
hcdragonwrites · 9 months
(a @jttw-monkeybusiness inspired Drabble)
It was hot today and we have a thunderstorm warning so I wrote something really quick! Enjoy another one this one is short.
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A heat wave.
It was the only way to describe the sudden shift in temperature from the last week of travel to now.
Sophie turned her head upward, blinking against the sweat rolling from her face. The last of her sunscreen had been used now, to prevent her skin from cracking beneath the sun's attention. The hat Wukong had snatched from a while back was the only protection she had against the hungry rays of light that drove knives of pain into her skin.
This is a miserable business. She could feel the beginnings of a burn on her arms, from where the sleeves of her tunic didn’t cover her wrists.
It was midday, the heat blistering against the companion's skin. Pigsy complained at every step, at every rock in the road, at every breath. He was drenched, his robes dark from his body perspiring. He waddled at the back of the group, bemoaning his pain to the point that even Sophie was beginning to feel it grate on her nerves. It wasn’t like the rest of them weren’t also suffering in this insufferable heat.
Sandy simply stayed quiet, the only sign of suffering beneath the heat was that the demon had emptied seven water skins- ones he had carried himself. Sandy was closer to Pigsy, getting the brunt of his complaints.
Wukong kept his discomfort silent from what Sophie could see except when he would pointedly look back at them from the head of the group, staring at Trip as if waiting for him to say something. When the monk just kept walking, Wukong would turn back around and look upward to the column of thunderclouds beyond.
The heat seemed to suck all the moisture from the world, sending it up into the dark clouds that were beginning to grow in the mountains ahead of the group. It was a day that promised burning warmth and teased the relief of a downpour. A storm born of the heat. At least it was a reprieve of sorts from yesterday's typical shenanigans of Tripataka being almost devoured for the seventeenth time. At least Sophie thought it was seventeen. Was it actually eighteen?
Sophie and Trip were both walking side by side in the middle of the group, leading Yulong behind. The poor dragon horses' sides were slick with sweat, the white fur turned brown with the road dust. Wukong was carrying the saddle, the great leather contraption held easily in one arm to give their silent companion some relief.
“The gods are punishing us.” Pigsy groaned, rolling his pack from shoulder to shoulder. “Maybe they are punishing us for the wanton murder Wukong had committed just a bit ago.”
Pigsy please… Sophie groaned silently, as she saw the Monkey King whip his head around, teeth bared.
“I didn’t see you helping any to save our master.” Wukong shot back. “The last I saw was you running away from that battle when you got cut by the centipede women!”
Sandy rubbed his face, just as annoyed that these two were picking now to start something.
“I thought I would die of poison!” Pigsy gallantly said, hand to the cloth bound scrap on his arm. “I did not want my fellow companions to have to protect me and save our dear Monk.”
“Centipede's poison only hurts insects and smaller beings. Not demons like you.” Wukong countered. He had paused at the head of the group to swing his gaze on the pig demon. “You just wanted an excuse to get back and have the first taste of the sake we grabbed from those merchants at the festival!”
“You know drinking is forbidden on our holy quest!” Pigsy tried to piously counter but Wukong cut him off with his words and a savage slash of his hand.
“Oh for Pete’s sake.” Sophie muttered quietly. She was too tired, too sticky with road dirt, to care much for the beginnings of this argument. And it was shaping to be a big one. Pigsy wanted to take out his discomfort on someone and it didn’t take much to get the Monkey Kings hackles up. Blaming him for the heat? That would rankle his pride.
Trip also looked between the two, face begging silently please not now.
“Stupid Monkey!” Spat Pigsy.
“Shitty Swine!” Snarled Wukong.
The storm clouds ahead cracked with thunder, the noise temporarily pausing the quarrel.
The monk took advantage of the pause.
“Let’s rest.” Tripataka called, wiping his own forehead free of the sweat clinging there. The monk's eyes looked just as relieved as Sophie felt at the excuse to both rest and to stop a full blown argument from starting again. This had been the third one today, and soon it would come to blows or to Tripitaka using the charm to put the Monkey King to heel.
If that could be avoided it would be in everyone’s favor to avoid it. Wukong usually sulked after such uses and he and Tripataka would get into their own argument.
Tripataka and Sophie both beelined for a small copse of trees, Yulong snorting in relief. They left their companions behind without a second thought, both of them tired and sweating. For all Pigsys complaining, he wasn’t being baked by the sun as badly as their mortal companions. Tripataka had a red patch of skin beginning to form on the back of his neck despite the protection of the hat. Sophie could feel the beginning of a blister at her heel. She hoped it wouldn’t burst.
The immortals only took a moment before they too joined the rest of their company beneath the trees. Sandy set to making tea, already propping a fire up faster then Sophie could follow with her eyes.
Pigsy simply just fell against a rock beneath the shade, complaining loudly, grousing about how hungry he was and how he had a pain in his back that may need looking at. No one paid him any heed.
Trip and Sophie dropped their packs in an unceremoniously heap. Tripataka pulled out a curry brush and passed a flat brush to Sophie who took it wordlessly and set to work.
The two humans had fallen into a habit of helping to strip down and tend to the dragon horse, both taking to brushing the flanks. When Sophie had first been asked by Trip, she had been eager and a bit apprehensive. She didn’t have much experience with horses (let alone shape shifted magical dragon ones) to be confident in this task. But Trip had smiled and taught her the basics of care- from brushing his coat to checking his hooves for rocks that could threaten lameness, and bring discomfort.
“You're a patient teacher Trip.” Sophie had said.
“Thank you. It was actually Wukong who taught me to tend to Yulong.” The horse had nipped fondly at the sleeve of the monk in thanks.
“Wukong?” That surprised her. “He knows about horses?”
“Before he rebelled against Heaven he had been given the position of Stablemaster. It was his duty and job to tend to the celestial beasts of Heaven. He showed me what to do to take care of Yulong.” Trip rubbed at the horse's poll, earning a happy snort from the dragon horse. “You should ask him about it! He has seen so many fabulous beasts in the Heavenly stables to rival any lord or Emperor of earth.”
Of course Sophie had. She had bothered and questioned and asked everything she could of the Monkey King about what the Heavenly court looked like, what beasts he had tended, how he had taken care of them, and much more. Wukong, if in a good mood and not acting aloof or having been reprimanded by his Master, was always willing to boast about himself. Of course that usually meant an exchange of sorts. Yesterday it had been for her to sit with him as he answered her questions, rifling through Sophie’s bag and asking questions of his own on what these were and insulting them- he particularly had taken to insulting her makeup which Sophie had, of course, taken the bait on. She had only realized it was a trap until after she was halfway through the reason why her brand of makeup and mascara was perfect and made her look and feel like a goddess that she saw that shit eating grin and had shoved at him.
Today she wouldn’t ask him her typical questions. She had something else she wanted to do.
Wukong brought the saddle up and set it at the base of the tree, tail flicking back and forth. He glared at Pigsy, opening his mouth to finish the argument when Trip, without having to look up, stopped him.
“Leave him Sun Wukong.” He ordered. There was patience still in the monks voice. “He means none of what he says.”
“He means all of it, Monk.” Wukong retorted. Sophie saw Pigsy look up and grin at them, egging the demon monkey on.
“Go.” Tripataka pointed away from Pigsy to another shaded patch. “Cool your temper and yourself. Let us have a moment of peace until we must embark into the heat again.”
The Monkey king sniffed and turned on his heel angrily, leaving Sophie and Trip to their task. As he walked past Pigsy he curled his middle finger up and away from the rest of his hand, flipping the pilgrim the bird.
Of course Pigsy didn’t understand what that statement meant. Yet.
Wukong had pestered and bugged her about the hand signal she had given when one particularly shitty day finally had gotten beneath Sophie’s skin and she had reacted silently. It had been an unusually rough day when finally, her headphones (may they rest in peace) had died in the middle of Gustav Holst Jupiter.
Sophie had at first pulled the headphones out in disbelief and then tried to pop them back in. Maybe they just need to reconnect. She tried them again. No use. Her music was finally gone. So she of course reacted silently and, with what she thought at the time, was appropriate. Sophie had regretted losing her temper that way and regretted even further to having caved to Wukongs questions.
Soon all of them would know what the middle finger meant and that may also lead to further arguments. Sophie could see Pigsy using it the most to get a rise from Wukong. For now, only the Monkey King knew. She hoped it stayed that way for as long as possible.
Or at least till we get out of this heat.
Between Sophie and Trip, they had Yulong brushed down, feet picked clean and a small bucket of water set before the great white stallion. Once his needs had been tended Sophie looked back up at the sky. The thunderstorm was tall and black, staining the blue sky wherever it crossed. A blessedly cooled breeze blew into her face carrying the scent of water and damp earth. She dragged her backpack a bit away from Trip who was meditating now, to a bit of shade a few lengths away from the rest of them where she could watch the storm unfurl.
Sophie would catch up on some reading, having been lucky enough to snag a book. It was a book of poetry by a scholar of the name Li Po, and whatever magic had cast her into the past had also given her an ability to understand and read the languages here too. A small blessing, that.
Sophie hadn’t had anything new to read in what felt like ages and was eager to crack open the little book and read its contents. She craved it.
She settled herself down, setting her backpack behind her and crossing her legs. As she crossed her legs, and turned to dig into her bag, she felt something heavily land in her Lap. She peeked down and beneath her arm.
Wukong stared up at her, face set in a scowl.
“Yes? Can I help you?” Well. This was new. Wukong would sit with her when they had time to silently rest during their travels. Usually it was side by side, usually it was Sophie joining the Sage to ask him questions. But- never him resting on her. That was new.
Wukongs head was resting squarely in her lap, arms crossed behind, shoulders on her legs.
“You aren’t going to ask me questions.” He didn’t say it like a question. More of a statement. He sounded glum.
“I was going to read this book I snagged in the last town we were in.” Sophie pulled it from her bag, showing him the simple black embossed cover. She was too tired to complain about Wukong not at least respecting her boundaries or asking permission before he settled himself on her person. If I brought it up he would just say he was a king and it was his right to any person's space. To keep peace, she wouldn’t voice her thoughts. The heat had made all of them tired and she would rather have a calm monkey resting in her lap than a monkey that would rise eagerly to argue. Even if said monkey had come uninvited.
Wukong wasn’t demanding anything of her - at least not yet. Which meant he was in a … better mood ? It was hard to tell. Some days she felt like she and the Monkey King were as thick as thieves, dodging demonic creatures, bandits and the like with an ease that was comforting in this strange world. Other days it was like walking around a scalded cat, Wukong picking and poking and snapping at things Sophie didn’t understand fully. He was a prickly monkey but …
She looked down and saw that his face, though set in his typical apathetic scowl, had none of the stormy look he usually wore when something was bothering him.
When he acted like this it made Sophie want to be his friend all the more.
Wukong pulled one of his hands free from behind his head and held up a hand, asking silently. Sophie passed him the book. The Monkey King squinted at the words, turning the book and it’s pages in his hand with a disinterested air.
“I guess that’s suitable.” He said and snapped it closed.
“To read aloud.” Wukong said, passing it back to her. He closed his eyes, breathing out as another cool breeze shook the tree leaves above them.
“We may have an hour or two before that storm will be upon us.” He lifted his chin up, gesturing at the storm.
“I don’t think you want your little book to get wet in that downpour so if you want to get a good deal into it, best to start sooner rather than later.”
“You want me to read aloud to you?”
Wukong opened one glowing eye and stared at her. “Yes. It will be a welcome change to that monkey stalker crap you have.”
“It’s not crap it’s science!”
“Sounds like crap to me.”
“If you want me to read to you, you better not call this book crap either or I will drop it on your nose.” Sophie threatened.
Wukong opened both his eyes to fix her with an upside down glare.
“You wouldn’t dare.” But there was a hint of a grin about his face, a tugging of humor to his lips.
Sophie kept his stare, unblinking.
“Watch me, monkey boy.”
She shook the book in threat. She would drop the book on his nose. Sophie had a suspicion that Wukong would then take that book and either chuck it away or keep it away from her.
Wukong grinned up and then closed his eyes again, tail curling up and onto his waist.
“I wouldn’t. It’s poetry. I want to hear what this pompous Li Po has to prattle about.” With that Wukong settled back into Sophie’s lap, getting comfortable.
Sophie felt a touch of affection for her friend, something that may have struck a different cord with her if this had been earlier in their relationship (and before Wukong had squashed that very early crush). Wukong may be an ass- pompous and self important himself- but he was genuine in a sense. He may dance around things that made him turn moody and broody but he really couldn’t hide that, despite being hot and cold at times to her, Sophie and Sun Wukong had a friendship. One born of arguments and teasing, questions and prodding. Maybe he had scared her into falling into a river. But he had stolen her clothes to replace the ones soaked. Maybe he had poor communication skills and liked to get her attention by kicking walls or suddenly jumping up in front of her or taking her things and holding them at ransom. But it was friendship. A friendship so very strange and bewildering at times that It confused Sophie as much as rewarded her.
The snap of thunder had her stare back up into the sky. The storm moved closer, already a sheet of rain visibly pouring down onto the mountains beyond. It would be a bit before it reached the pilgrims but it was making its steady way toward them all the same.
Sophie opened the book, flipping to the first poem. Quite appropriately it was about storms.
As the thunder rolled closer, promising a reprieve from the heat, Sophie felt a peace settle in as she read. Even as the sky broke apart before them, she felt a calm and grounding. She may be from another time, another place. Adrift she could have felt. Reading aloud she felt an anchor settle in her. She belonged. Even if it was only to a very angry stone monkey, she belonged.
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shoddynomenclature · 4 months
Companions Find Tav Wounded
Thank you to everyone who suggested a prompt! #3 (Tav is kidnapped) was definitely the top suggestion, and I will probably do that one eventually, but I’ve already seen it done a couple of times. So I decided to do this one instead. Mostly y’all just like when I torture poor Tav and it gets real angsty in here. I hope this fills all your angst needs.
I kinda rushed Lae’zel and Jaheira’s bits, so that’s why they’re so much shorter.
Anyway, Tav goes out to the forest to gather some supplies and is unexpectedly attacked. The companions find them beaten close to camp.
You hear her calling your name into the surrounding forest. You try to scream, but nothing but a quiet groan leaves your lips.
The next moments are hazy and fragmented, like small shards of glass glued together to make a fuller picture.
Shadowheart is kneeling over you, whispering a prayer that seals your veins closed and makes your skin feel cool. It is not enough. She screams desperately for help.
When none comes, you feel her arms under yours, dragging you across a clearing till you are resting slumped against a tree. You hear her speaking to you but the words do not register.
You try to fight the darkness that seeks to overtake your vision, but it is no use. You lose consciousness.
When you wake up, you are back at camp, laid carefully across a bedroll. Your entire body screams with pain as a wet cloth gently cleans your wounds.
You squirm, instinctively trying to move away from the stinging cloth.
A gentle hand strokes your head. “You’re doing great, love. Just try to stay as still as you can.” She continues to pet your hair softly as she works.
Her hands glow blue as she runs them over your hemorrhaged skin. You feel lightheaded and the darkness creeps into your sight again. Your eyes flutter.
“Just a little longer, love,” she coos. “Just stay with me a little longer. You’re doing so well.”
Your entire body radiates with pain, but you focus your energy on staying awake. Your vision blurs and you grind your teeth together. “Can you… talk to me while you heal me?” You ask. “Keep me distracted.”
Shadowheart looks at you sheepishly. She’s not sure how to fill the silence on her own, but she wants to help. She does the only things she knows to do, and begins to sing a hymn.
You grip the bedroll, attempting to steady yourself. Her song makes your muscles relax and the healing begins to hurt less and less.
“Okay, love, it’s over. You did wonderfully,” she kisses your forehead and positions your head into her lap. She gently starts to untangle your blood crusted hair. “Rest now.”
You smile. Your body is still excruciatingly sore, but you nuzzle her thigh and kiss it gently before lulling off to sleep.
You’re already unconscious when Lae’zel finds you beaten and broken in the forest clearing. You’re jolted awake by the pain that comes from your broken bones being slung over her shoulder.
You groan pitifully. She ignores you, running back to camp with the agility of a cat. It’s almost impossibly quick for someone who is carrying a whole person.
Despite her seemingly careless demeanor, she is incredibly gentle when she lays you down at camp. She gathers every person in camp to help you.
Despite her training being based heavily in self-reliance, Lae’zel was also taught to work well with a team. She knows her strengths and she knows how to delegate her weakness.
Healing is not her strong suit. So she leaves that to the professionals and instead turns to what she is good at: hunting.
She gathers Karlach, Minsc, and Scratch and they set out into the forest. Scratch and Boo were pretty quick to catch a trail.
Lae’zel charged ahead of the others. As soon as the perpetrators were visible, she rushed in, sword slashing so fast they were dead before they hit the ground.
“… wow” Minsc says as he approaches the scene. All three culprits were on the ground faster than he could even run after Lae’zel.
Lae’zel severed one of their heads and threw it into her pack. It would be drop at your feet when she got back. You would be alive and well when she got back. She repeated the words to herself all the way back to camp.
“Hey bub! It’s dinner time!” She shouted into the forest, playfully tramping through leaves. “Where did you go?” She asks surprised not to find you in the clearing you usually went to to gather ingredients.
It wasn’t until she heard a groan and the rustle of leaves that she turned to find you, broken and bleeding on the ground.
“No! Nononono!” She stammered, running over and kneeling on the ground beside you. It couldn’t be you. This must be a nightmare. A trick of the imagination.
She wiped your hair from your blood crusted face. “Soldier? Darling? Wake up, come on wake up, please,” she pleaded, tears stinging her eyes.
“…Karlach?” You mumbled weakly. You tried to reach your hand out to her but found yourself unable to move. Your legs were wrapped in something resembling barbed wire.
“Yes! Yes it’s me baby,” she says, so relieved that you’re alive. “We’re gonna get you outta here okay? Um…” her hands work cautiously at the wire around your legs. When you yelped at the pain she realized she had no clue what she was doing.
“Okay. I’m gonna pick you up and we’ll get you back to camp, okay?” She gingerly took you into her arms, carefully not to jostle your legs too much. She didn’t even flinch as the barbs tore into her own arm.
As she approached camp, she shouted for Halsin and Shadowheart. They came running, meeting the two of you at the edge of camp.
“I-I don’t know what happened I just found them like this,” Karlach says, tears starting to fall down her cheeks.
“It’s okay. They’ll be okay just lay them right here,” Halsin soothed, leading you both to a bedroll. They started with a couple of healing spells, leaving you feeling rejuvenated enough to speak and move your upper body. Your bound legs are a different matter though.
Shadowheart went in with a knife, slicing through the wire with some effort. You screamed and thrashed in pain as the barbs tore further through your skin.
“Do you think you could keep them still?” Shadowheart asked Karlach. Karlach wrapped her arms around you from behind, pinning your arms against your chest.
She kissed your temple and whispered into your ear. “You’re gonna be okay, alright? I’ve got you.”
Both Shadowheart and Halsin started to wrestle the wire from your legs, leaving you wailing in agony and thrashing against Karlach’s strong embrace. Your cries shattered her heart. She felt like she was torturing you herself.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she muttered over and over again, nuzzling her teary face into the back of your shoulder.
When it was finally over, you relaxed and slumped against Karlach. She cradled you, rocking you back and forth in her arms. Your legs were shredded, but you would be okay. You weren’t going to leave her.
Minthara steps gingerly through the clearing in the forest. Her footsteps are hardly audible as she walks through the brush. It isn’t until she sees you slumped against a tree with an arrow through your chest that she breaks out in a sprint.
She is by your side in seconds weapons drawn and scouting for the hidden enemy that shot you. She takes a good look around, but it only takes a moment for her to realize the enemies fled. She’ll take care of them later, but you needed healing.
She sheathed her weapon and got down on a knee next to you, whispering a prayer of healing that brought you back to consciousness.
Your breathing was erratic and labored. She needed to take you back. Now.
Typically, she’s the type that would throw you over her shoulder, but the arrow in your chest meant she’d have to go for a gentler princess carry.
When she has you back at camp you are approached Shadowheart, who was quickly tailed by Lae’zel.
“This arrow has to come out,” Shadowheart observed. “It’s pressing against their lung. Be gentle and don’t try to pull it out with the head still attached.” She jogs off to her tent for supplies.
Minthara straddled your legs, motioning for Lae’zel to brace you sitting up. She took your chin in her hand. “Listen to me,” she commands. “I’m going to make this as quick as I can, but don’t pass out on me.”
You nod weakly, head filled with only her words and confusion. “I mean it,” she repeats. “You cannot die. Understand?” You nod again.
With one swift movement, she shoves the arrow out your back. You shriek and your vision spots with white dots. You’re sure that hurt more than being pierced by the actual arrow. But you stay awake.
She gently carves off the arrowhead and lets it fall to the ground. Then, she pulls the rod of wood out of your chest. Your head spins, and you vomit onto the ground next to you. But you stay awake.
Shadowheart returns with cool water and a rag, which Minthara uses to wipe your face and head. “You did very well.” She states plainly, allowing Shadowheart to cast a spell to heal the wound.
Minthara does not allow you to be out in the middle of camp with the others for much longer. She picks you up again and brings you to her tent.
She spends the rest of the evening lecturing you about your foolishness. What were you thinking going out alone? She wouldn’t let it happen again. You’ll be at her side until you can prove you’re able to keep yourself safe.
Meanwhile she’s also tending to your every need, making sure you’re comfortable and you have blankets to keep you warm and you have a little pillow to prop up on. She even makes sure you have the stuffed animal you keep hidden away from the companions in embarrassment.
You remember the clearing, and the attack, and the silence that followed. You remember Jaheira standing over you, telling you were okay and you needed to stay alive.
You don’t remember how you ended up in her tent, though. Regardless now you are here and she’s pressing some bottle to your lips. “Drink.”
She forces your lower jaw open with one hand and pours the liquid downward your throat with the other. The mixture is chunky and disgusting, but you have no choice but to swallow every drop.
The effect it has on your body is immediate. The pain fades and a numbness spreads throughout your limbs. Your head is foggy and you feel like the room is spinning.
You attempt to sit up on the table Jaheira seems to have you on, but you end up almost falling off of it. She steadies you with a hand. “Still yourself. Lay down.”
You lay back down and allow her to work her magic. Your wounds are packed with a combination of magic, herbs, and bandages. Watching her dress your wounds, you are grateful for the liquid she gave you to start. This probably would’ve hurt otherwise.
“Rest now, cub. You must regain your strength.” She says, kissing you on the forehead and gently laying a blanket down over top of you.
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daisies-daydreams · 7 months
OKAY OKAY HEAR ME OUT…hobie brown with a plus size reader. I’m talking TUMMY, ROLLS, MUFFIN TOP. THE WHOLE SHEBANG. AND HE JUST..HE JUST LOVES IT. and reader is shorter than hobie. I’m talking 5’4 type short (average height BUT CMON. MANS IS LANKY AF. HES TALL SO HE THINKS READER IS SHORT AF) AND JUST YEAH. smut if you can pls 🙏 I need more size inclusive fics fr fr ~🕷️
Shape of You (Hobie Brown x F!Plus-Size!Reader)
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x F!Plus-Size!Reader Category: Fluff & Smut (18+) Warnings: Brief Depiction of Body Insecurity, Making Out, Hickeys, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple/Breast Play, Clit Play, Cowgirl, Doggy Style, Creampies, Dirty Talk, P in V Sex, Unprotected Sex (you know the drill), Multiple Orgasms, Pet Names (love, babe, baby, honey) Word Count: 3.6k+
A/N: Y’all must have some sort of psychic link with me…b/c I was literally just about to start writing astv x plus size reader! 🥹 (No joke I’m 5’4 w/ a muffin top. Us girlies don’t get a lot of love 😞) I’m so so happy you requested this and I hope you enjoy it!
You giggled as Hobie dramatically kicked the door open with his boot, his hand wrapped around yours as he led you into his flat. The light smell of cigarette smoke and pine wafted through the living room as you stepped inside. Hobie closed the door behind you before raising your hand above your head. You laughed as he twirled you around, your frilly tank top fluttering as you spun. When you turned back around, his smokey eyes held a new softness in them. 
“What?” you giggled. Hobie pulled you to him, your bodies pressing together as he placed a hand on your cheek. 
“Just admirin’ my girl,” he drawled with a lazy yet warm smile. You gasped quietly as he brushed his thumb over the curve of your cheek, his other hand falling to smooth over your hip. A familiar heat began to swell inside your core as he dipped his head down, letting his lips linger over yours. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, babe,” Hobie husked, his lip ring just barely brushing over your upper lip. You shivered as he rubbed small circles on your waist. 
“H-Hobie,” you flushed. 
“Hm? Somethin’ wrong?” he asked. You bit your lip as you clenched your thighs together, arousal flooding your every sense in the moment as time came to a standstill. You took a deep breath. 
“Do you really mean it?” you asked. Hobie blinked as his brows slightly furrowed. 
“‘Course I mean it,” he replied. You nodded, yet you still wore a somewhat pensive expression as you glanced down. You gasped when you felt his hands snake down and squeeze your ass. 
“Hobie!” you blushed. Your boyfriend wore a wry grin as his eyes glowed with mischief.
“If I didn’t mean it, would I have done that?” he asked while tilting his head. You swallowed when he pressed his lips to your neck, the smooth metal of his piercing stroking over your pulse. You didn’t even realize that you backed against the wall as he suddenly puckered his plump lips over your goose-bump ridden skin, sucking on it tenderly. You moaned softly as he massaged your bum while working a large hickey on your neck. He wore a sincere, yet still cheeky, grin on his face as he pulled back. 
“Would I put a mark on you if I didn’t mean it? Hm?” he murmured. You shook your head. 
“N-No,” you stammered. Hobie’s smile grew wider as he rested his forehead on yours, his hands now moving up to cup your breasts, giving them a firm squeeze. You squealed as he smoothed his thumbs over your covered tits. 
“Atta girl,” he nearly growled as he nipped just below your ear. Sparks of pleasure flitted through your now dripping cunt as he let his hands run down your puffy tummy. “We both know I’m not one for orders…but right now, I’d love nothing more than seeing each and every delicious inch of you bounce as you ride my cock,” Hobie groaned as he slipped his hands beneath your shirt. His cold hands made you jolt as he rubbed up and down your front, tracing over the bottom of your breasts and the top of your belly. 
“How’s that sound?” he asked, his voice undeniably dripping with pure lust. You suddenly reached up on your tip-toes, throwing any sense of inhibition out the window as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt him smirk against you as your mouths danced together, the soft squelching of your heated kissing filling his small apartment. He chuckled as he pulled back, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, then,” he mused. You nodded as you squeezed the back of his neck. 
“Yes,” you said breathily, your chest rising and falling rapidly as your heart thrummed against your ribcage. Hobie hummed before leaning back down, tilting his head to capture your mouth in a deeper kiss as his hands began to bunch up the fabric of your tank top. You moaned as he traced his tongue along your bottom lip and began to pull your shirt up. You broke for a moment as you raised your arms, allowing him to toss it aside. 
“God baby, I can’t wait to feel your warm pussy wrapped around me,” Hobie growled, his deft fingers making easy work of finding the clasp of your bra. You sighed, parting your lips as he unhooked your bra, his tongue sliding into your mouth as the two of you moaned in unison. A particular swipe of his tongue against yours made you cross your knees together, drawing a husky chuckle from your lover as he slipped his wet muscle out. 
“Couch or bedroom?” he asked, his hands already undoing the button and zipper of your ripped jeans.  
“Does it really matter?” you panted as you shrugged your bra off of your shoulders. He laughed again before pecking the corner of your mouth. 
“Good point,” he shrugged as he tugged your pants down your plump thighs. His eyes lit up with hunger when he saw your rolls spill out from your panties. “Fuckin’ ‘ell,” Hobie grunted as you stepped out of your pants. His eyes flicked back up to you as he took your hand again, guiding you to sit on the middle cushion of his couch. You tilted your head as you watched him sink to his knees, parting your legs with his large, calloused hands. 
“I thought you wanted me to ride you?” you giggled. Hobie smirked up at you before pressing a gentle kiss to one of the prominent stretch marks on your left thigh. You twitched beneath his simple touch as he smoothed his hands over your legs, nuzzling his face against the plush of your thigh. 
“I do…but first, I wanna make sure you know just how much I adore you,” he groaned as he met your gaze. A small moan left you as he stroked the inside of your thigh, he tilted his head up. 
“Every roll,” he said as he kissed your belly. You squeaked when you felt his fingers hook around the band of your panties. 
“Every stretch mark,” Hobie murmured before sucking another mark onto you. You swallowed thickly as he licked his lips afterwards. Your hips raised on their own as he pulled your panties down, his gaze half-lidded and drunk on the feeling of your warm body against his. You shuddered as the cold air hit your puffy lower lips, your arousal leaking out from your slit. Hobie fanned his hands over the creases where your pelvis met your legs as he dipped his head lower, his warm breath rolling over your mound. 
“Fuck, everything about you drives me absolutely crazy, (Y/N),” his breath stuttered before he sweetly pressed his lips to your clit. 
“F-Fuck, Hobie,” you keened, your mind and body already overwhelmed as his rough thumbs spread your chubby pussy lips apart. Without any hesitation he lowered his head, flicking the tip of his tongue over your sensitive clit. Bolts of electricity shot through you as you clenched your thighs, your head falling back as he gently lapped at your bundle of nerves. He moaned against your sex as his fingers glided down towards the rim of your entrance, your walls fluttering as he circled around your hole. You gasped when he puckered his lips around your sensitive clit, sucking on it hungrily as he began to push two of his long fingers inside of your tight walls. 
“O-Oh God, oh my God,” you panted as he alternated between licking and swiping at your button with his tongue and sloppily making out with it. You swore you saw stars when he brought your clit between his teeth, nibbling on it gently as he slowly pumped his digits in and out of your slick cunt. Another low groan rose from his chest, the vibrations making your head spin as your walls clenched around his fingers. 
You moaned loudly as he curled his fingers against your spongey g-spot, your legs shaking as he swirled the tip of his tongue over your plump button. Hobie grunted as your hands flew to his head, your fingers gripping his dark wicks as he stroked your gummy walls at a faster face. 
“Y-Yes, keep going!” you cried as your head fell back against the headboard of the sofa. You yelped when he suddenly threw one of your legs over his sharp shoulder, moving your pelvis so his fingers slipped even deeper inside of you. You sobbed with pleasure as Hobie sucked on your bundle of nerves again while scissoring his deft fingers inside of your gushing pussy. His eyes looked like they were about to roll into the back of his skull as your cunt fluttered around him, your head dizzy as you felt the bubble inside you about to burst. 
Your legs shook violently as your hips snapped forward, white flashing over your vision as your arousal flooded his parched mouth. You barely registered his moaning as you arched your back, your orgasm shaking you to the core as pure pleasure rolled in waves over you. You clenched the couch cushion as you heaved, feeling coming back to your fingers and toes as your heartbeat slowed. You whimpered as Hobie gave a peck to your clit, his three fingers still stuffed inside your tight cunt as he pulled his head up. He kept his eyes on you as he slowly pulled his digits out, cooing as you winced at the emptiness. 
“Did so good f’me, hun,” he sighed as he brought his fingers up to his mouth. You gawked at how soaked they were, your opalescent cream coating every crease of his digits. Your soul nearly shot out of your body as he rolled his tongue out, swirling it around the tips of his fingers before shoving them inside his mouth. He groaned as he sucked on them, savoring the taste of your sweet juices. 
“You feelin’ alright?” he asked after he released his fingers with a slick “pop”. You nodded, your body coated in a thin sheen of sweat as you caught your breath. 
“Y-Yeah, it was just…a lot,” you giggled sheepishly. Hobie chuckled as he rested his hands on your knees. 
“You okay if we go on?” he asked, his voice taking on a softer tone. You blinked before nodding slowly. “You don’t have to ride me if it was too much f’you,” Hobie added, his thumbs caressing the inside of your knees. You shook your head violently. 
“No-I-I at least want to try,” you said. Hobie gave a gentle smile before rising to his feet. Your breath hitched as your eyes trailed down to his pants, a prominent bulge poking out from beneath his slacks. Just as you shifted over, Hobie patted your knee. 
“Stay there real quick,” he said as he walked into the kitchen. You craned your neck to see him grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it up with some water from the sink. Every cell in your body felt like it was going to melt as he smiled at you while bringing the glass over.
“‘Ere you go,” he said with a grin as he handed you the water. 
“Thank you, Hobes,” you smiled as you took the glass. You gulped down the beverage before setting the glass on the stained coffee table. You watched as your lover pulled his shirt up and over his head before undoing his belt. You bit your lip as he pulled down his boxers. His long cock sprang free, the sight his dark, swollen tip made your cunt flutter. He smiled as he took a seat on one of the other couch cushions, spreading his wiry legs as his member twitched.
“Your throne awaits,” Hobie mused as he patted his thigh. He laughed when you rolled your eyes, despite the playful smile on your face. You crawled over to his lap, your heart pounding inside of your ears as your wet pussy lips grazed over the thick head of his cock. Both of you panted and moaned as you rocked your hips back and forth, massaging his tip with your pretty slit. He squeezed your love handles as you slowed your movements. You released a shaky breath as you positioned yourself, his tip just barely breaching past your entrance. 
“Take your time, lovie,” he murmured into your ear as he grabbed the base of his cock, helping to steady it as you hooked your hands over his shoulders. With a quiet moan, you finally began to sink down on his lengthy shaft. Hobie hissed through gritted teeth, his other hand gripping the plump flesh of your hip as your slick pussy swallowed his cock. 
“Mmmmm, fuck,” he groaned as he slipped his hand away, watching as you sheathed yourself on his rod. Shivers ran up your spine with each inch you took, feeling every bulging vein and curve of his shaft slide against your sensitive walls. You jolted a little when the back of your thighs met with the front of his, the head of his cock now snug against your cervix. You dipped your head into his shoulder as you trembled in his hold, the feeling fullness sparking every single nerve in your sex. “Shh, shh I got you,” Hobie purred as he stroked your back. He patiently waited for you to adjust, his lips trailing along your cheek. 
“Whenever you’re ready, sweet thing,” he murmured. You swallowed a lump in your throat before you started to raise your hips. Hobie’s pupils were blown wide as you gasped, half of his cock still lodged between your plush walls before you sank back down. “G-Good girl,” he grunted, his thumbs finding their way to smooth over your hard nipples. You gasped and moaned as his cock split you in two, your thighs and belly jiggling as you raised and lowered yourself. 
“H-Hobieee,” you whined as he lightly pinched your nipples, his calloused tips a sharp contrast to your soft skin. 
“Christ, look at you ridin’ my cock so well,” he rasped, eyes locked on your breasts and puffy tummy bouncing. His words made your pussy gush with slick as you sobbed, hiding your head in the crook of his neck. Hobie kissed your cheek, his palms now cupping your ass. “Yes, that’s it, love,” he grunted, his sharp hips snapping up to plunge deep inside your swollen cunt. 
“H-Hobie-“ you tried to warn him before you suddenly stiffened, your legs burning and twitching as your cunt seized around his throbbing shaft. You cried against his shoulder as your hands gripped onto him for dear life. 
“That’s it,” he cooed as you rocked your hips forward. You shivered once you finally came down from your high, your cunt absolutely drenching his dick in your arousal. Hobie pecked your temple as he rubbed your lower back. 
“Did so well f’me, sweet girl,” he murmured. You peeked up. 
“Did you get to finish?” you asked. Hobie shook his head, though he still held the dreamy look in his eyes. You groaned and rested your forehead against his shoulder, your face erupting with heat. 
“Oi, s’alright,” Hobie said as he leaned his head forward just a little more. “If you want, we could try a different position,” he proposed with a sultry tone. He gave a wry grin as your walls fluttered around his girth. You tilted your head up to look into his smokey eyes. 
“Could we…” your voice trailed off as you bit your lip. Hobie tilted his head, his eyes holding such patience in them. You felt your insides start to melt as you cleared your throat. “Could we maybe try…doggy style?” you asked. Hobie’s eyes lit up despite the calm expression on his face. 
“‘Course,” he replied. You suddenly pulled your head up, your lips colliding with his as you rested your hands on his chest. Your eyelids fluttered as you tasted yourself on his tongue as he glided it across yours. You whined as you raised your hips, his cock slipping from between your folds before you adjusted yourself on the couch. Hobie wore an amused smirk as you wiggled your ass side to side. 
“Fuck me,” he sucked in a sharp breath as you slid a pillow under your stomach and curved your spine. 
“I just did that,” you giggled as you braced your arms against the couch. You squealed when you felt him spread your thick cheeks apart with his hands. 
“Cheeky thing,” Hobie clicked his tongue as he guided his dick to your entrance. You grasped at the cushion in front of you as he rubbed the soaked tip of his cock against your labia, his hand kneading the flesh of your bum. “Y’ready f’me?” he drawled. You nodded, your hair sticking to your face as you puffed out a breath of hot air. 
“Yes-please Hobie, f-fill me up till I’m leaking with your cum!” you whined. Your jaw went slack when you felt him sheathe himself inside you with one fluid thrust. You nearly choked on your moan as he snapped his hips forward, dragging his cock against your oversensitive walls at a hungry pace. 
“Oh, fuck,” Hobie moaned behind you. You squeaked when you felt him grab your asscheeks firmly as his heavy balls grazed over your ripe clit. “Christ, look at your gorgeous arse bounce,” he praised, his words like honey flowing from his lips as he pistoned his cock inside you. Your mind was reeling as you heard the unmistakable sound of your cheeks clapping mixed with the loud squelching of him stuffing your cunt. 
“Fuck, baby-could watch this body bounce and jiggle f’me for hours,” Hobie strained as his fingers dug into your plump flesh. You squealed when he leaned over, his long, wiry frame draping over your chubby body. You whined as he scraped his teeth against your shoulder. 
“Feel so fuckin’ good wrapped around my cock,” Hobie growled, his hips still grinding against your backside as his head teased your cervix. Drool slipped past the corner of your mouth as he sank his teeth into your skin. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your third orgasm wash over your, your limbs turning into jelly as your cunt spasmed. 
“Sh-shit,” Hobie grunted, his plump lips kissing over your bite before he pulled back. Both of you were a panting mess as his thrusts began to grow more frenzied, the sounds surely penetrating the walls of his flat by now. “So good baby,” he repeated like a broken record. Your body rocked back and forth with the force of his thrusts, your ability to speak now reduced to babbles and moans. 
“Gonna cum-where?” Hobie asked, his cock twitching inside of your tight cunt. You mewled before tilting your head up. 
“I-Inside,” you managed to breath, your spine arching on its own as he tenderly grazed over your g-spot. You felt Hobie push his cock inside you a few more times before he suddenly stilled. He released a deep, husky groan as his warm cum flooded your sweetly fucked hole. You gasped and shoved your face into the couch cushion as you felt his seed paint your walls. His hands felt so warm against your backside as his cock twitched a few more times. You grew dizzy at the feeling of his cum seeping out of your stretched entrance and rolling over your thighs. You shivered as he caressed your hips. 
“Feelin’ alright?” he asked. Your cheeks warmed at the sentiment as you nodded. Hobie chuckled softly before patting your bum. “Good,” your lover said before slowly pulling out. Your pussy felt so raw as the head of his dick popped out, his cum now dribbling onto the worn cushion below. You caught your breath before pushing up on your hands, your heartbeat steadying as you leaned back. 
“Jesus, Hobie,” you panted. “That was…I don’t think a man’s ever made me cum that much,” you confessed with a shaky laugh. Hobie tilted his head as he gave you a sultry grin. 
“t’s my pleasure,” he winked. You laughed as he pecked your temple, his hand falling onto the top of your thigh. 
“Why don’t we take a shower, yeah?” he suggested as he traced his hand down your cheek. You smiled. 
“That sounds wonderful,” you beamed before pausing. “It’s not an excuse to see me naked for a bit longer, is it?” you teased. Hobie held up his hands as he shrugged. 
“Could you blame me?” he asked as he gave you a puppy-eyed look. You giggled and gave him a quick kiss. After cleaning up, the rest of the night was spent with his lean frame curling against yours as he held you in his bed. You smiled as you listened to his steady heartbeat, his dark lips parted as he hummed a quiet tune against your neck. 
“What’s on your mind, doll?” he asked. You shrugged as you traced a finger along his bedsheets. 
“Thinking about you…about us,” you said. 
“What about us?” he grunted inquisitively before pecking the back of your neck. You smiled warmly as you turned, your legs tangling with his as you met his eyes. 
“About how happy I am that we’ve worked out,” you grinned ear to ear. Hobie blinked, his chiseled features softening as he rubbed your back. 
“I’m happy ‘bout it, too,” he confessed with a rare shy grin. Your heart skipped a beat as he planted a kiss on your forehead. “Now, let’s get some sleep. Had quite the workout tonight,” he chuckled. You giggled as you snuggled against his chest. 
“Night, Hobie,” you sighed happily. Hobie brought his hand up to your hair, stroking his fingers through it as you closed your eyes. 
“G’night, sweetheart,” he whispered. 
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
📞Wait a minute while I make you mine [part.2]
Featuring: Ace x fem!reader
Warnings: language
part.1. part.3
Note: a little twist to where I thought I was gonna head to, but I like it so far, I feel inspired so expect quick updates for now 👩🏻‍💻
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2. I think I like my point of view
It was only natural for a crew to care about each other. Especially being such an influential and dangerous pirate crew like the Whitebeards. There could be a marine at the corner or a pirate hunter somewhere trying to capture one of y’all.
Well that’s what you kept repeating to yourself while you glared at Ace and that one girl that was clinging into him. She was stunning and had really a beautiful smile. Every time she smiled, you could feel your stomach tightening.
Was he also thinking that she was beautiful?
You shook your head as you took a sip from your cocktail. Your black sunglasses on and your body laying on the beach chair, you tried to figure out what you were feeling. The girl was also stitched to him when he was discussing with the other commanders.
-Shouldn’t they be careful?
You blurred out with an annoyed tone that even surprised you. Livia who was reading a book not too far from you, cocked an eyebrow at you and pushed up her glasses and followed your gaze. She stared at the scene in front of her and let a chuckle out.
The girl was pretty social too and was having a seemingly good conversation with Izou and Ace. She was a little shorter than Ace but still very much tall, and her body proportion were amazing.
-Jealous ?
Your friend teased you with her signature smirk. You scoffed as you looked away and pushed back your body on the chair. You rolled your shoulders back as your fingers played with the hem of your bikini.
-As if. Why would I be jealous ? It’s great he found someone cool in this crowd.
-Yeah, she’s really hot too.
-Yeah that too, for a guy it’s a jackpot or am I wrong?
-No no, it is.
She agreed still staring at them.
-Oh, Ace is looking our way.
Livia stated while sitting back comfortably on her chair. Your eyes naturally gazed at Ace’s familiar figure hoping he really was. His eyes locked with yours even from afar and you felt your stomach tighten. When you noticed your behaviour, you physically cringed at yourself.
Why were you getting excited over something so little?
You muttered to yourself as your eyes looked away from his dark eyes. God, he was making it so hard for you to form a single coherent thoughts. He was somewhat intoxicating your mind and it was scaring you. It’s also the way he would look at you like you were like no others. It made you feel special, but high expectations were always a good lead to be disappointed. So you just acted indifferent.
Livia waved at him and he waved back with his usual cute grin. His freckled cheeks sun kissed and his wet wavy hair, it was all making it so much harder for you to focus.
The black haired girl looked over her shoulders to see who was Ace waving at. You saw her playfully hit his chest and say something that seemed like he was popular with girls, earning a small laugh from him and a refuting reaction.
You didn’t quite understand your feelings right now, but at that moment you wanted to push her away from him. You wanted to be the only one he was smiling at like that and maybe it was because you liked how he made you feel special as your friend, but it felt different than this, at that moment.
You didn’t wave back as you pushed back your glasses up your nose bridge and closed your eyes. A nap in this situation seemed like a good getaway, so you opted for that. Your mind could finally turn off from everything that was overstimulating it. You could run away from him just for a resting period, before you will have to face the fact that your friendship with him was simply nothing that simple.
Lost between your thoughts and the will to sleep, you didn’t notice the duo walking up to the both of you. You felt a shadow in front of you and opened an eye to see the man in question standing in front of you.
-Enjoying the sun?
-Not so much now, you are blocking it Fireboy.
-You will be fine, I think I like the point of view I have right now.
-And what type of pov?
-Well, you see~ the one where I’m on top ?
You smiled as a slight blush bloomed on your cheeks.
-I can see the vision. I can’t complain too much too, anyway
He laughed, his sweet laugh that made you feel all warm, that could bring your lips to curl into a curve too. You removed your glasses and let them rest on your exposed thighs.
- We’re still here loverbirds, Livia exclaimed while putting down her book and throwing a teasing look in your direction.
-Right, sorry. By the way this is Enya, she’s from East Blue like me!
-Oh, you remember? Not just a pretty face, huh?
She teased him with a chuckle. Your eyes shifted to the pretty girl standing not too far from you. She flashed her smile at y’all, before presenting quickly herself. She threw her long black hair behind her shoulders and tugged few strands behind her ears.
-Like he said, I’m called Enya, I’m from East Blue! I’m mostly a cook looking for the All Blue somewhere in the Grand Line. I’m not part of particular crew, but I did encounter few problems with the Marine..But, I mostly just love to visit islands to learn more about cooking and people cultures! My dream is probably being able to make a recipe book from dishes all around the world.
She shared in a fast pace, with her beautiful bright smile. She seemed truly passionated by her plans on the sea and it gave you quite a good impression on her so far.
-That’s amazing! I feel like I completely forgot how to cook, ever since I got on the ship, Livia joked to make her feel more comfortable. Livia is always a sweetheart doing her best to make people feel comfortable by being friendly and let them know to just be themselves.
Aces new friend giggled at Livia and crossed her arms in front of her body with a warm smile.
-Its okay ! Cooking is always something you can dive back into whenever you feel like it! I will cook you something if I ever have the chance before y’all leave!
-Would love that! My name is Livia by the way, and she’s y/n !
-Nice to meet y’all! I heard from Izou that Y/n liked make-up and so do I! There is so many tricks I learnt ever since I set sails. Especially when it’s warm, you gotta learn how to still look cute, without your make up melting off.
She replied trying to strike conversation with you, but it just felt awkward on your end. You had to admit that she seemed like a sweetheart and seemed like a really fun person. You had even similar interest. On the other side, you were secretly cursing at Izou, in your head, for telling her that.
-Yeah, I do. There is nothing more annoying than having your make up feel crusty when you wear it all day on a ship or an island. So Izou and I shared tips to each other.
You replied with a small smile. You felt bad that you still had that “doubt” about her, but it was something you couldn’t figure out right now. You looked at Ace, but he was already staring at you. His brown eyes just glittering at you whenever your eyes fall on his. It made you feel some type of way and you hated to admit it. You smiled at him and he returned it before gazing back to his friend.
-Alright, then we are going down to the food court. If y’all wanna join you are of course invited!
She announced with her charming smile while wrapping her arms around his tattooed one. With his other hand, the man in question said goodbye and left with her.
You felt your heart sink as you watch both of their silhouette walk away from you.
-You are gonna let your man go away like that without doing anything?
-He’s not my man, he’s just a friend. I don’t need a lover, it would only be a burden.
-Girl, you sound like you are reciting affirmations. Why is it so hard for you to admit that you have feelings for Ace? He’s not a bad person you know..
-I know that Livia, obviously… Why would I think he’s a bad person..? I’m just not into that “love thing”, okay ?
She sighed debating internally if it was the moment to have that conversation with you, because she knew you independency was admirable, but it was clearly a way for you to put a wall between you and your emotions.
-I’m not gonna do anything, because he can enjoy his life and have fun with whoever he wants. I’m just gonna head back to the ship and rest, we are leaving tomorrow morning anyway.
You added with a weak voice as you slowly stood up from your chair and fixed your top. You pushed your sunglasses up and stared at your blond friend. Honestly, you felt like you were about to burst into tears and the last thing you wanted was to cry in front of her or anyone you knew. You didn’t want them to see you weak. You forced a smile with a deep breath as you watched the sun set.
-You’re serious right now ?
She asked with a disappointing look. You turned your head in her direction and you two stared at each other for what felt like hours. You knew it wasn’t like yourself, but you needed time alone to figure out everything you were feeling.
-Why? Are you afraid he’s going to hurt you ?
She blurred out making your heart skip a beat. Your furrowed your eyebrows, lips parted as you tried to come up with something to say. You felt the pace of your heartbeat fasten at the thought of him possibly hurting you.
-W-what?… Ace is a pirate Livia, like let’s be honest.
-Where do you wanna go with that ?
She asked in a plain tone while cocking one of her eyebrow at you.
-Pirates aren’t the most reliable persons, whatsoever.
-So you wanna give up on him, because you have a general image of a pirate in your head ? You know yourself that Ace is far from being like that. Yeah he’s a total dumbass that throws himself recklessly in fights and likes to have fun, but he’s a very loyal person to his friends and crew. He’s a reliable commanders and friend.
She explains standing up to face you. She gaze at you with a comforting look to make sure what’s she’s saying is delivered with the right intentions. She isn’t trying to make you feel bad, but mostly trying to make you see that your worries are filled of assumptions. You wouldn’t know what could happen beside if you jumped yourself in it. It’s scary, but she’s right.
-So what make you think it would be different in love ? He stares at you like he would marry you on the spot so what’s up with all that nonsense?
Livia finished with a smile. She held both of your shoulders and rubbed them with her thumbs.
-I don’t know.. I guess it’s complicated.
She suddenly say loudly while clapping her hands. She walked back to her chair where she threw her book in her purse and gave you a mischievous smile.
-Im not going to let you cry about it tonight. We are going to solve that situation. If he feels like fucking someone tonight, it’s gonna be you, you fucking whore.
You stuttered shocked by her sudden twist of behaviour. She smirked at you and wrapped her arm with yours.
-He clearly has no interest in her as he was eating you up with his eyes while you were talking with Enya. He’s doing this to seek a reaction out of you, I’m not even gonna bet one it, I know I’m right.
-Livia, are you even hearing yourself?
You laughed feeling like she was trying her best to cheer you up. She has always been like that from the last time you remembered. She wrapped her hand around your wrist and dragged you behind her.
-Livy?? Where are we going?
-if he wants to play a game, y’all are gonna be two.
-what do you mean???
-We are going to make him wants you so badly, he will be the one chasing you tonight.
🌷🌷🌷authors note
The chapter isn’t too long but I was very working hard on it this week, debating how I wanted to portray y/n feeling towards the situation and Ace, the best way possible. I like how it turned out, the following chapters are going to be filled with a lot more actions so stick around !
The next chapter is going to be so much fun !! See y’all soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻😳
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
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celebrity skin.
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x popstar!fem!reader word count: 6.5k summary: as corroded coffin frontman, eddie munson regards himself as perhaps the most important person in hollywood. that's until he meets you — america’s favourite starlet.
content warnings: 18+, minors dni: adult language & mature themes, porn with a rather angsty plot, general heavy petting / kissing, teasing, fingering, quite rough yet protected p in v sex, borderline overstimulation, eddie is a little dom, light praise kink, dirty talk, use of pet names & very slight degradation, mentions of alcohol & drug consumption, mentions of blood (reader unintentionally hurts herself), emotional hurt / topics of guilt — if i missed anything, pls let me know! also, not proofread.
psa: images used in the header don’t depict readers physical attributes! these are also described vaguely in the story, only that she’s a little shorter than eddie.
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“Absolutely not.”
Impossible to read between the lines with those two simple words, but if anyone dared to try regardless, the absolute disapproval and disdain in Eddie’s tone of voice stopped them from doing so. At least that’s what the Corroded Coffin frontman hoped.
It took a lot to catch Eddie Munson off guard. Given everything he’s endured in his life, nothing surprised him anymore ‘cause he made sure to be prepared for every single scenario. A little neurotic? Yes. Needed for his own piece of mind? Abso-fucking-lutely. 
Obviously there had been exceptions over the years — especially being in the limelight with easy access to substances that weren’t too good for his health and nothing but extensive amounts of cash to burn. The other guys had invested their paychecks, Gareth even started a family. Eddie on the other hand, well, he bought a mansion in Beverly Hills and threw parties every night of the week.
The heavy drinking clouded his judgement and damaged his liver, but Eddie still kept tabs on his inner circle and made sure to be informed of any moves the label was trying to make before official announcements.
Which is why when he stumbled into the recording studio an hour later than scheduled, extremely hungover and with an unlit cigarette between his teeth, he really thought he misheard the news announced by their long-time manager, Marianne.
“A feature. The label wants it, she wants it. Honestly, Eddie, no point in fighting it. It’s a done deal.”
Marianne’s words were ringing in his ears. To make matters worse, the whole band apparently knew about this. For a long time, at that. They just collectively chose not to tell him out of fear of his “overreaction”, as Gareth put it.
“Well, I don’t want it.” Eddie grumbles. A reaction worthy of a little kid more so than a famous rockstar. “I refuse.”
Jeff clears his throat, glancing between the group before settling his eyes on Eddie.
“Man, it’s just one song. Not like she’s been asked to permanently join the band,” he tries to be the voice of reason. 
Eddie just scoffs. He’s on the couch, eyes closed and hand pressed to his forehead with a third cigarette in between his fingers. He refused to believe this was happening.
“A feature and a music video,” Marianne chimes.
Jeff sighs. “You’re really not helping your case here.”
But their manager just shrugs. “There’s no case to help. Like I said, it’s a done deal. Y’all are doing this feature with America’s favourite starlet and y’all are gonna have smiles on your fucking faces in the process.” Marianne states and what she says, usually goes. “Are you hearing me, Eddie?”
“I ain’t doing shit.”
“Eddie—” Gareth feels like it’s his turn to help the situation, but he just gets rudely interrupted.
“Shut up, Gareth! Everyone, just shut the fuck up!” Eddie’s outburst accompanies him jumping up onto his feet. He’s angry, clearly. Glaring at the group as if he’s endured the worst possible betrayal. “Last I fucking checked, this was my fucking band! I have a say in what’s a done deal and this is not one of those things!”
The boys don’t speak. They look to Marianne who seemed to always know how to calm Eddie down. She had this aura about her. Almost motherly, even though she couldn’t have been more than five years older than the Corroded Coffin frontman — an estimate as she’s never told them her actual age.
Marianne crosses the studio until she’s standing toe to toe with the curly-haired singer. He’s towering over her, but she’s got the upper hand — as always. 
First, she takes the cigarette he was holding and takes a drag, crossing her arms while blowing the smoke away from his face. The silence extends from seconds to minutes, almost as if she’s daring Eddie to continue. 
He doesn’t. So she clears her throat.
“Now that we’re done with the temper tantrum,” Marianne says calmly, “At risk of sounding like a complete and utter bitch, Eddie, my darlin’, you have lost your right to call this band yours after the last stunt you pulled cost the label thousands of dollars in damages. Not to mention the absolute nightmare it’s been to keep it out of the stupid tabloids.”
“I apologised—”
“Thousands of dollars, Eddie. Your apology ain’t worth shit.”
Marianne walks over to an ashtray and puts out the reminisce of the cigarette. She briefly glances between the rest of the band before settling her gaze on Eddie once again.
“The people actually in charge think this collaboration has the potential of being an absolute hit. A song played for generations to come and for once, I actually agree with them.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything. He knows deep down he has lost the argument, so he had nothing left to add.
“Guys, you gotta know y’all are my priority and I would never do anything to jeopardise your career. Ever.” Marianne reassures. The boys all say they know. All of them apart from Eddie.
He’s back on the couch. Sitting with his legs apart, elbows resting on his knees, head in his hands. Sulking and wishing he hadn’t forgotten his pouch of pre-rolled joints ‘cause he could really use one right about now.
When no one else speaks, Marianne heads for the door. 
“She’ll be here tomorrow. Please be on time.”
That last part was aimed at Eddie, who in that moment lifts his head to address his manager one more time before she leaves.
“I have a question,” his tone of voice is cold, understandably so. When Marianne doesn’t protest, he continues. “How come America’s pride and joy wants to sing a song with a band often accused of devil worship?”
A smile Eddie can’t really decipher circles his manager’s lips.
“Guess you’ll just have to ask her in person.”
When a person is repeatedly told they are meant for incredible things, they may grow up with a skewed vision of life. 
Thankfully, the only person that’s ever believed in you that much was your Nana and it was pretty hard to take her seriously considering her history — a lady who after an accidental pregnancy in her early-twenties, joined and later escaped a cult, then conned her way into marrying a Wall Street suit-man, before getting hooked on pills he was prescribed for some back injury he had. 
The man died before he could divorce her, leaving Nana his small fortune and a property in Greenwich Village. You didn’t even know his real name since every time she’s told the story she used a different one, and also changed other minor details.
So you never thought twice about her constant, “You’re going to be a star one day, baby girl.”. In retrospect, you should have. Perhaps it would have prepared you for the world of fame and fortune you were so briskly thrown into.
“Mom, please don’t fill her head with jargon. She’s just going to end up disappointed.”
That’s not to say your parents weren’t also supportive of your dreams. They were, although they believed them to be much smaller at scale, a nurse perhaps, an astronaut at best. Definitely not a popstar sensation and America’s sweetheart.
Your parents met at a charity function your Nana was a co-chair at and instantly clicked. Love at first sight, is how it was described in the paper for their engagement announcement not even a month later. Married shortly after and their first baby was born exactly a year later. Billy Wilder couldn’t write that shit even if he tried.
You always wanted to experience that kind of love.
The longing you endured every time you saw your parents interact was the reason you started writing poetry. Words a little too deep for a ten-year old girl to have actually experienced, but they felt right. By the time you were old enough to actually pursue a romantic relationship, you filled countless notebooks with poems that had actually turned into lyrics after your Nana encouraged to sponsor your piano lessons at age twelve and later guitar.
Ironic, really. Not meant to believe in your own potential success, but destined to think your happiness depended on somebody else.
Shortly after your twenty-first birthday, your Nana asked you to perform at one of her functions. A simple wish you had gratified many times before. 
“But you only sing the covers, okay? The material in your notepads is reserved for when you’re famous.” Nana would request, mainly ‘cause she liked when you sang Dusty Springfield.
This particular event started out like every other. What you didn’t know however, in the crowd, amongst the usual New York elite, were a few agents and talent scouts your Nana specifically invited to see you perform.
By the end of the night, you had a signed record deal. 
A week later, you were in the studio.
Lucky doesn’t begin to describe how you felt at that time. Although knowing your Nana, luck had nothing to do with it.
After the release of your debut single, you rocketed into overnight stardom. Quickly charting in various top lists, only proving your Nana had always been right. As a result, the late 80s were in fact a blur. The years were spent shooting music videos and various magazine covers, doing TV and radio interviews, touring, all on top of releasing more music. Aside from the casual hookup every now and again, carefully concealed with an NDA to preserve your image, finding love took a backburner. 
By the 1990s, you’d gone from being America’s sweetheart to a worldwide phenomenon.
It was at that point in time you remembered why you started writing poems in the first place. Completely by accident, as these things usually go.
While your life remained in New York, given your profession, you often travelled to Los Angeles. Late August of 1992, to be a bit more precise, there was this pool party you really had no business attending.
Holly — your makeup artist, close friend, and permanent plus one — used her perfectly manicured finger to stir the melting ice-cubes at the bottom of her glass. She said something about getting a refill, but you barely registered. Simply nodded at her words before pressing the glass you were holding to your lips. Your focus was somewhere else. Rather on someone else.
As Holly stood, you reach for her forearm and motion your head in the direction you wanted her to look in.
“Who’s that?” A simple question that ended up changing the remainder of your life.
Holly smirked. She turned back to you and you forced yourself to look away from the person in question, meeting your friends eyes instead. 
You furrowed your brows at her reaction, as if to say you really had no idea, and her gaze widened slightly when she realised you weren’t kidding.
“That’s Eddie Munson. Corroded Coffin, remember I played you some of their songs? Anyway, this is his house, his party.”
With that, she took the half-empty drink from my grasp and walked away.
Eddie Munson, the name suited him, at least at face value. You had heard of Corroded Coffin before, but their music wasn’t really your style, hence why you never really bothered to learn anything more about them. Yet now, here you were, wishing you had cared a little more in the past ‘cause perhaps you’d have the courage to walk up to their frontman.
Eddie wore a black bandana, tied loosely only to shield him from the sun as his brown locks draped over his bare shoulders. A wide collection of ink art covered almost every inch of the skin on his arms and chest, legs too, at least the parts that weren’t covered by ripped denim shorts. There was a cigarette between his lips and it remained in position even while he was laughing. He was pretty. Judging by the crowd of girls around him, you weren’t the only one to notice.
Exhaling softly, you abandoned your spot on one of the lounge chairs and embarked on a mission to find Holly, or at least something else to drink. The back door to the house is open, so without really thinking, you slipped inside, straight into the kitchen.
Pristine. The entire space. Almost as if no one's ever cooked here, which now that you knew the owner, made sense. Not to completely judge a book by its cover, but Eddie didn’t look like the type of guy who enjoyed cooking all that much.
“The house is off limits.” 
A deep voice startled you. Jumping in your spot, you hit a corner of the stone centre island as you turned to address the person who walked in. Oh shit.
Eddie Munson’s eyes locked onto your frame, now that you are facing him fully. He licked his lips rather shamelessly as his gaze travelled the length of your bare legs and continued upwards until it reached your own. A shiver ran down your spine in the process ‘cause even though you were practically fully dressed, you felt completely naked.
“Sorry,” you were quick to apologise, “I was just looking for my friend.”
“The house is off limits,” Eddie repeated as he took a few steps closer.
“Again, I’m sorry. I really was just looking for someone,” you said and it was the truth, whether he believed it or now. “What are— What are you doing?”
“You’re bleeding.”
You glanced down at where his ring-clad fingers now met your skin, a tissue paper you didn’t even realise he grabbed, wrapped between them. He wiped slowly. His touch was soft, gentle even, which was surprising to you given his demeanour. 
“Wow, yeah. Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break into your house and then bleed in your kitchen.”
Eddie chuckled at your words. “You apologise a lot. Is that part of this act they have you doin’ or is it genuine?”
He nodded then straightened his posture. He tossed the dirty tissue to the side before taking your hand and leading you out of the kitchen. The way your fingers aligned together quite perfectly should’ve come with a warning sign, but you didn’t really think about that in the moment, more concerned with the fact he was pulling you away from the party.
“Where are we going?”
“Bathroom. Can’t have you bleeding out in my kitchen, sweetheart.” Eddie joked lightheartedly. “Plus wouldn’t want anyone taking a sneaky picture of us. Could start a bunch of nasty rooms. Good for my career, not so much yours.”
“Because of my act?”
“You get it.”
The master bedroom, you assume, is a lot larger in comparison to yours. A lot darker too, though that’s a given considering your opposite styles. Eddie was careful to lock the door behind the two of you before pointing to the bathroom and following after you.
You obliged without question, positioning yourself on the sink. Eddie failed to conceal a ‘cause he didn’t think you’d do as you were told without putting up at least a bit of a fight. After all, he was a stranger with a reputation for doing ungodly things when alone with girls, but with your legs dangling off the edge, you didn’t seem tense or scared. In fact, if Eddie didn’t know any better, he’d say you were quite comfortable and he liked it. So with a smile still circling his lips, he began his search for the first aid kit he knew he saw here last.
“Why do you think it’s an act?”
Eddie glanced at you briefly. There is a sense of urgency in your question, almost as if his answer, his opinion, actually mattered to you. Which it did. For whatever reason, his response had the potential to hurt you. If he thought you weren’t genuine, it would hurt you.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you want my honesty.”
You half-scoffed. “Actually, I don’t remember the last time someone was actually honest with me about anything relating to my career.”
The answer shocked him a little. Then again it made sense. In the eyes of your management team and label, you were a money making machine. Nothing more than a pretty face with a pretty voice they used to make themselves rich.
“Even my own parents,” you continued, fidgeting with the bottom of your cotton shorts. “They were so adamant not to let my grandmother fill my head with hopes and dreams while I was growing up, but the second those hopes and dreams came true, it’s like they forgot they were still my parents and should sometimes be brutally honest.”
Pausing, you bit down on your bottom lip. From across the bathroom, Eddie's gaze immediately trailed down your face and settled on where your teeth sank into flesh. He licked his own, eyes darkening for a split second.
“Sorry, I’m oversharing,” you muttered, breaking him away from any sinful thoughts that wanted to break free. “Telling you my life story even though not even thirty minutes ago, I didn’t know your name.”
Eddie smirked, a cheshire-cat grin spreading across his features. “The only thing you should be apologising for, sweetheart, is the fact you came to my party and didn’t know who I was.”
“I get invited to a lot of parties,” you defended, involuntarily rolling your eyes at his not so subtle cockiness. “Suppose you think all the girls swoon at the chance to be near you, huh? Sorry to disappoint, I guess.”
“Well, shit. Talk about brutal honesty.” Eddie teased and ran a hand through his locks, taking off his bandana in the process. “Now I feel like a fucking creep ‘cause I seem to know quite a bit about you.”
“Whatever you know is clearly wrong since I’m not some character,” you interjected and he glanced at you once again. “I mean my whole thing wasn’t an act at first.”
“And now?”
You sighed. “It’s a little more complicated.”
That made him laugh. “See, that’s why I don’t let my label or management tell me shit. My band, my music, my style. If I wasn’t unapologetically myself, I’d go fucking insane.”
He eventually found the first aid kit and the plasters within. Back in front of you, he gently wiped the cut on your upper leg again, only this time with a wet towel, and carefully put a plaster over it.
“All done.”
“Thank you.”
His hand remained on your skin as he looked up to hold your gaze. In the sharp bathroom light, you realised just how perfectly brown his eyes are and you couldn’t help but wonder if anyone’s ever told him that. You secretly hoped they didn’t. A little lame, but you found yourself wanting to be at least his first something.
Eddie on the other hand, thought about how of all the people here tonight, he wound up alone with you. Pop royalty. American treasure. A girl that’s graced the cover of magazines and been on talk shows he would never feature on. A girl who sold millions of copies of songs he wouldn’t be caught dead listening to. A girl so vastly different from him, it only made him want you more.
Continuing to stare deep into his chocolate-button eyes, you lifted your arm and since Eddie didn’t flinch, you proceeded to loop a loose strand of his hair around your finger then let it go. Eddie’s heart jumped into his throat as you repeated the action — a sensation he’s never really experienced before.
How come you had this hold on him, seemingly out of nowhere? A simple smile and a modest tease had his mind racing. Not to mention the softness of your skin under his grasp you didn’t try to break away from. Perhaps that was it. You didn’t push him away. You also didn’t throw yourself at him. Those were the two extremes he usually experienced. Knowing you had just about learned who he was before the two of you landed in this situation was a refreshing change from the people usually breaking into his house.
“We can go back to the party, since you’re all patched up.” Eddie offered, though his actions betrayed his words as he effortlessly parted your legs with his knee, creating a gap he slid into perfectly.
“What’s the alternative?” You asked in a whisper.
“Whatever you want it to be,” he murmured, face now inches away from yours. A genuine smile graced your features as you wrapped your arms around the rockstars neck.
It may have moved a little too fast, though there were no complaints from either of you at the time. In fact, you both welcomed it. Losing yourself completely in the moment and this magnetic pull you felt towards one another was freeing. A spark ignited with a touch, then a kiss — and fuck was Eddie Munson a good kisser. 
His lips were tender, although his actions were rather harsh. Desperate even, as he squeezed your jaw with one hand and pushed his mouth into yours further. You returned the same energy, aching to be even closer. Heads rotating in perfect rhythm, you tugged at his hair and he groaned against your mouth at the slight pressure then lightly bit your bottom lip to force his tongue down your throat. 
He tasted of tobacco and whiskey. Normally that kind of shit puts you off, but with Eddie, it was honestly intoxicating. He quickly asserted dominance, tongue intertwining itself with yours as his ring-clad fingers dug into your flesh. You moaned into his mouth. The flame inside you burning brighter with every passing second. 
Eddie’s head was spinning. He pulled apart briskly, only to catch his breath before he dipped his head to your neck. Licking then biting, sucking and kissing. Both his hands were back on your waist and they effortlessly pulled you closer towards him, the bulge concealed by his denim shorts now pressing against your bare thigh. 
His name escaped you repeatedly in mere whispers and whimpers, and you felt Eddie’s mouth turn up into a smirk against your neck. “Fuck, sweetheart. Don’t stop makin’ them pretty noises for me.”
“Then don’t stop kissing me.”
A request he gladly obliged as his lips found yours once again. This kiss was slower than your first, but equally as passionate. His strong hands moved up, under the loose cover of your shirt until he reached your underboob.
“I was gonna complain about you wearing so much clothes to a fucking pool party, but…” Eddie draws out the last syllable as his thumbs grazes over your hard nipples. “... this way is so much better, sweetheart.”
“Then keep going,” you whisper, body screaming with desire, aching for more. Begging to be touched. Begging to be turned into a fire, tipped off with gasoline. 
This was a dangerous game you were playing, getting hooked on a man you had only really met. A rockstar at that. Your lives, although borderline the same, were completely different. Your gut kept telling you there was no future here, but your heart didn’t care. You’ve gotten an accidental taste of Eddie Munson and you only wanted more.
Thankfully, it seemed like Eddie had the same idea.
He removes his hands from your breasts and drops them down to the waistband of your shorts. He kissed you again as his fingers desperately worked at the single button acting as a guard between him and what he wanted most this very moment.
“Can you lift yourself for a moment, sweetheart?”
You do as you’re told, allowing Eddie to slide the shorts past the curve off your ass, before letting them fall down your legs and to the tiled floor. His dark eyes meet yours as he grabs onto your thighs, squeezing at the flesh. And he holds your gaze while his fingers work their way upwards. You don’t realise you’re holding your breath until he’s pulling your panties to the side.
Oh. Oh.
Eddie’s running a finger up and down the length of your slit, proud to feel how soaked you already were. The light teasing continued as he added another finger and you flinched at the first contact to your clit. He was relentless. Taking his time as you tried to arch your pelvis into his fingers, only to be met with a hand around your jaw, “Stop that.”
Releasing your face, he stroked his fingers downward, then up again, finally letting a finger linger on the hood of your clit. He began to draw little circles so that the skin moved over the head, rhythmically exposing and covering it.
“Eddie…” you drawled and he groaned at the sound of his name in your desperate tone of voice. So he didn’t waste any more time, slipped two ring-clad fingers easily between your folds and you shuddered at the cold of the metal. He repeated the action over and over, faster and applying more pressure with each time. 
His mouth found yours once again, only this time he didn’t kiss you. Not really. Instead, his teeth latched onto your bottom lip and as you whined desperately while his curled fingers repeatedly hit that sweet spot inside you, he bit down harder. 
He fucked his fingers in and out of you. It was messy, rough, ecstatic. Then your back arched as he used his other hand to rub against your clit.
“Oh shit, fuck. Eddie, please don’t stop…” 
You let your head fall backwards, eyes closing. Within seconds, a shuddering orgasm overcame you, but with steady control, Eddie kept going for what seemed like a minute. Only once you began to relax, he eased his fingers out of you and brought them to his mouth, licking them clean.
“How you doin’, sweetheart?”
A content hum was all you could offer. Satisfied, Eddie smiled to himself and placed a sloppy kiss to the slant of your jawline.
“Are you okay to keep going?”
You looked back at him then and bopped your head once, slowly. “Yeah… Yes.”
His devilish grin widened. “Good girl. Hold tight.”
Hands shifting to the curve of your ass as you wrapped your legs tight around him, Eddie lifted you up with little to no effort and carried you towards the bed. He didn’t take much care to drop you gently so you bounced against the mattress while he hastily removed his pants and crawled over you, grinding down into you — unsurprising, he’d gone commando.
He began to rotate his hips so that his cock was massaging back and forth across your semi-clothed cunt. He alternated his movements; sometimes slowed them down while other times increasing speed. His lips were glued to your neck in the moment, only adding to the pure exhilaration you were experiencing, while he worked to unbutton your shirt, spreading it to the side.
Forehead pressed yours, he glanced down briefly to admire your now naked chest. Your nipples were rapidly erect as Eddie proceeded to move his hands around them, massaging the tissue of your breasts. With splayed fingers, he squeezed and released, then lightly pulled the flesh, while his teeth attached themselves to your earlobe.
The teasing was relentless. “Eddie… Oh Eddie, please,” you whined quietly and another moan escaped your lips, louder this time. 
The brunette on top of you groaned a mere second later. Unable to contain himself any longer, he tugged at your panties. Just as eager, you lifted your ass so he could slide the remaining garment off and toss it. Now you were naked in front of him, only the cotton shirt covering your arms.
“Shit, sweetheart. You’re so fucking beautiful.” Eddie whispered and lightly ran his fingers up and down your leg, while the other hand reached to cup your cheek. He leaned down to kiss you again. “My pretty girl.”
Heat rushed between your legs at the moniker. They parted a little more, desperate to increase the contact between the two of you. 
“Let me grab a condom,” Eddie muttered against your bare skin and you nodded, releasing your hold on him momentarily ‘cause you didn’t want any accidental pregnancies with a potential to ruin your career, and even his. 
Staring up at the ceiling, you heard him rummage through his bedside table. He’s back in your field of vision within seconds. There’s a look on his face that reads “are you sure you wanna do this”, and you tangle your fingers in his locks in response, pulling him closer.
Eddie lets his cock fall between your parted legs. He’s back to teasing you as he’s spreading your folds with the head of his dick, until it flicks over your clit. And you tug at his curls in the process, but he doesn’t care. A lustful look in his eyes. One that says, I can do this all night. Which he proves as the tip of his cock dragged across the entrance to your glistening cunt. Your legs would close slightly as if to trap it in that position. Eddie however, remained in full control.
“Please, please…” you begged against his hot mouth, “Please just fuck me. Fuck me, Eddie.”
He smirked. “Didn’t think America’s starlet was such a desperate fucking slut.”
With that, Eddie slammed the full length of his cock into you. No longer teasing. He was driving into your sodden cunt with a force that shook your entire body. His now glistening cock plunging in and out of you with ease. You were meeting his thrusts as best as you could while trapped under his massive frame.
To say you were experiencing a state of ecstasy you had never known before while fucking a man you’d only met an hour or so ago, would be a vast understatement. You felt dizzy and breathless as each stroke of his thick cock against your walls ignited the fire already burning bright. The sounds you were making were absolutely pornographic and in that moment, you were grateful Eddie locked the door ‘cause if anyone from the party were to come looking for him, or you, well let’s just say Page Six would have something interesting to write about, for once. This was a site to be seen.
Eddie leaned forward on his elbows, not like it was possible to be any closer but he sure as hell tried. One of his hands enveloped itself around your neck, while the other found your perfect tits. He alternated, kneading them and teasing your nipples, earning another sweet moan to escape through your parted lips. Then he lightly squeezed your neck and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Such a pretty girl,” Eddie muffled into your ear. “Fuck, baby. I don’t know what you’ve done to me. Just wanna fuck you forever.” He meant it. Your pussy felt amazing wrapped around his cock. Better than he imagined. Better in fact than anyone he’d ever been with. 
The room was filled with sick sounds, from the squeaking of the bed, Eddie’s grunts and gruffs, to the pounding your aching cunt was receiving. You had completely given yourself over to the rawness of the situation, although it’s not like you had any inhibitions in the first place.
As Eddie continued to whisper dirty things into your ear, the length of his shaft sliding in and out of you with unnatural force, you buried your head in the crook of his neck, muffling only slightly your increasing guttural groans with each of his thrusts. And as your fingers abandoned his locks, trailing instead down his back, fingernails digging into his tattooed skin, you knew another climax was fast approaching.
“Eddie,” you barely muttered.
“Come on, baby. That’s it. Shit—”
He’s panting as he squeezes your neck again, recreating the pressure your throbbing cunt was feeling. That pushed you over the edge. Everything falls to a standstill as you come undone around him, crying out his name as if he was some sort of god; which in this moment, he might as well have been.
He didn’t give you a second to recover, continuing to fuck into you with such heedlessness, his own orgasm follows shortly after. He dropped on top of you and you gasped at the next few sharp thrusts, although slower than before right up until he cums.
“Fuck— Pretty girl, takes me so well.” Eddie breathed, completely blissed out.
The two of you lay there for a few moments longer, trying to catch your breaths. Everything was quite peaceful as you brushed his hair away from his face, gently forcing him to look at you. You offer him a smile. One he returns quite gladly.
Usually at this point, Eddie’s doing everything he can to get rid of the other person, but with you it felt different. He wanted you here for as long as you’d stay. 
So, even though he didn’t admit it out loud, he was more than a little happy when you openly asked if you could “stick around” a little longer, maybe even fall asleep with him that night.
The last time Eddie had seen you, you were picking up your scattered garments off his bedroom floor before getting dressed. It was early. Too early for him, but you had a shoot you needed to get to and he wanted to kiss you goodbye.
“Promise not to break into any more houses, sweetheart.” Eddie teased against your plush lips, hand cupping your cheek.
“Just yours,” you teased back and kissed him, then again, and again. “I’ll call you later, ‘kay?”
He almost didn’t let you go. He almost pulled you back under the covers for round three and four, and when you didn’t call his place later that day, he kinda wished he had. He hung around by the phone waiting for it to ring, then he felt pathetic for doing so.
The last time Eddie heard from you was a week later. He was back at the studio, working on a song he didn’t want to admit to his bandmates was actually about you. A girl he had no business being hung up on.
It was just one night, he would tell himself, but it was no use.
“Eddie,” Marianne hailed him and pointed to the phone, “Phone call for you.”
The curly-haired rocker exhaled a puff of smoke and picked up the receiver. “Hello. Who’s this?”
“Hey, sorry.” 
His heart stopped ‘cause he recognised that voice anywhere. He shifted in his position, turning his back on the rest of the people gathered in the room just so they wouldn’t be able to read the expression on his face — longing.
“I know I said I’d call the second I finished at that shoot, but it went well into the night and honestly I just worried I'd wake you,” you explained. “Then I had a morning flight back to New York, a luncheon my grandmother had me attend plus some other family shit… Anyway, I just wanted to call and apologise, hope you’re not too upset with me.”
He was upset. Although the knowledge of that was a power he couldn't relinquish. Usually, he wasn't the one waiting around for the other person. He was upset he let you cloud his thoughts after only one night — as fucking fun as it may have been.
“It’s okay,” Eddie lied, 'cause it was easier than to say he missed you. “Honestly, sweetheart, I forgot you even said you’d call.”
There was a second of silence in which the rock star closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing while you fought back tears he didn’t even know he caused.
“Right. I guess honesty is what I asked for…” you muttered coldly. “See you around, Eddie.”
The line went dead. Beep. Beep. Beep. Eddie pressed the receiver to his forehead, his grip around it tightening. “Motherfucker—”
“All good?” Jeff asked.
“Yeah man,” Eddie lied again before turning back to the group. “Just some one night stand who mixed up the signals a little. Thought we’d be going out a second time, but I don’t do that shit.”
Not even one year later, that same exact “one night stand” stood in front of Eddie once more and you looked even better than that night last August. Your skin was glowing, or perhaps that was just the dim studio light. Your makeup was definitely a lot sharper and it only highlighted your already near perfect facial structure. Then there was your outfit. Dressed in a short denim skirt, tight on your curves and held snug in place around your waist with a belt he knew was more expensive than anything he’s ever owned, the bottom was paired with a white cashmere turtleneck, short sleeved and cut right above your belly button.
Eddie swallowed thickly. He swore he’d gotten over whatever spell you put him under back then, but as you greeted his bandmates with the biggest smile on your face, looking as good as you did, his heart skipped a beat or two.
“And our frontman, Eddie Munson.” Marianne introduced, glancing at Eddie with an encouraging look on her face.
The curly-haired man wiped his sweaty palms on the sticky pleather of his pants and extended his right hand in your direction. You looked at it briefly, the smile on your face faltering.
“We’ve met before,” is all you said, without even looking at him once, before turning to Marianne. “Should we just get started? I listened to the song, I have no notes, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
Marianne glanced at Eddie then back at you. “Uhm, yeah, sure. Of course. Right this way.”
Eddie’s sad puppy-dog gaze followed you across the room. He observed silently as Marianne propped you in front of the microphone and handed you a set of headphones. He desperately wanted you to look at him. He wanted your eyes to lock with his ‘cause perhaps an unspoken apology offered only by a single exchange of glances would be enough to get you on the right track. But you didn’t.
“What the fuck did you do?” Gareth muttered next to him.
“I fucked up, man.” Eddie answered honestly this time. “Fucked up pretty bad.”
Gareth knew better than to press on the matter further, especially in front of everyone else, so he gently smacked Eddie’s back instead. It was a silent set of condolences, one Eddie definitely didn’t deserve since this was all his fault.
The band had all taken their places. Jesus Christ, he was really in for an unbearable day and he had no one to blame but himself. Sighing silently, Eddie crossed the studio and stood at the microphone, placed only a feet away from yours.
He stole another glance. You still refused to look at him, focusing instead on the carpet between your feet, hands on your hips.
“You know what I’m gonna say,” Marianne began, “But the day I don’t say it, is gonna be the day we make a shit piece of art so, here goes: good luck and have some fucking fun!” Then she disappeared into the other room, behind the glass.
An unsettling silence filled the air.
Usually Eddie would take the lead, but he found himself incapable. His attention was solely focused on you. Every inch of him wanted to shout, beg for any sort of acknowledgement. You continued to give him nothing and he thought you weren’t ever going to look at him again. 
But then you did and frankly, that was much worse.
“Honesty, take one,” you said into the microphone while staring deadpan at the rockstar beside you. Confirming, without saying much else, that you knew this song he wrote was in fact about you.
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part two
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doc-pickles · 4 months
sent to save me | sidney crosby (ch. 1)
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series masterlist
summary: sid meets nikita’s best friend and runs into a ghost from the past
warnings: none! :)
author’s note: hello! sooooooooo I have probably a million other things to do/write but this came to me and I knew I needed to write it. this is going to be a series and will probably be a lot angstier than my vegas series. I have some ideas for what’s going to happen and I can’t wait to share them with y’all!! anyways I hope yall enjoy this!
(ps - title is from ‘always been you’ by shawn mendes)
It starts off innocently enough. He’s at Geno’s for dinner like he does once a week. Nikita is babbling away next to him about everything he’s learning in first grade.
“And Mrs. Riley is super nice and I get to sit next to Vivie who always shares her fruit snacks,” Nikita says all of this at a speed that Sid can barely comprehend but he simply nods at his godson.
“Always with Vivie,” Anna coos as she ruffles Nikita’s hair, her other hand coming to rest against her swollen belly. “Attached at the leg you two.”
Sid chuckles and gently corrects Anya which has her rolling her eyes as she squeezes his arm. Being with his best friend and his family made going home to an empty house hard, but Sid knew he wouldn’t trade his weekly dinners at the Malkin house for anything.
“Vivie is my best friend in the whole world,” Niki rambles on as he runs out of the room. He comes back with a picture frame and shows it proudly to Sid. “This is us at science camp over the summer.”
Sid’s brows furrow as soon as he looks at the photo. The little girl with her arm wrapped around Nikita is a bit shorter than him, dirty blonde hair pulled back into braids. Her big brown eyes are staring up at the camera, upturned nose and gap toothed grin framed with freckles and a set of dimples. Sid stares at the photo for probably a bit too long, the little girl looking somehow familiar even though he knows he’s never met her.
“Nice picture Niki,” Sid smiles when he finally tears his eyes away from the frame. Anya is watching him carefully but doesn’t say anything as Nikita begins talking about how much he loves math.
The rest of the night is uneventful, Geno’s steak and potatoes going over well with everyone at the table. If he and Anya notice that Sid is quieter than usual they don’t say anything to him. It’s not until he’s playing outside with Nikita after dinner that Sid catches his friends whispering to each other as they wash dishes.
When he gets home later Sidney doesn’t even take his shoes off before he’s walking down the hallway to his study. The photo album is tucked into the farthest bookshelf, the dark leather binding helping it to blend in. But he knows exactly where it is, exactly what it feels like in his hands. He pulls it off the shelf and holds it for a moment before opening it to the first page.
‘To Sidney, the love of my life. Happy anniversary babe!
xoxo A’
The handwriting is loopy and decidedly womanly. He traces his fingers over the words reverently before flipping the page. Sid’s breath hitches as his eyes lock on the photo there. Blonde hair, shining green eyes, and a dimpled smile so wide he still sees it every once in a while when he closes his eyes.
There’s a part of him that wants so badly to flip through every page, to take in the smiling woman on the pages and the version of himself that seems to have faded without her. Instead he closes the photo book, shelving it again before he goes out to the living room and pours himself a glass of scotch.
“Why the hell am I still here if you can’t make me a priority Sidney?”
“I’m trying! Don’t you see that? But I also have a team to think about, a whole fucking franchise riding on my shoulders! Don’t they matter too?”
The night and all of his regrets replayed in Sid’s head often. Annie’s tear soaked face, the words they both carelessly yelled at each other. His front door slamming, her things gone from his house by the time he came back from his next road trip.
He’d wanted Annie and hockey, wanted her to see that he was trying to make them both a priority but it hadn’t been enough for her. He hadn’t been enough for her.
And in the end none of it had mattered because three weeks after their argument Sid had shattered his knee in what would be his last game as a Penguin.
Yeah he missed hockey, but he missed Annie Wright more than anything else.
A week later Anna’s water breaks in the middle of the night. Sidney drives over and crashes on Geno’s couch as they head to the hospital together. When he wakes up Nikita is poking his cheek with a frown.
“Hey bud,” Sid yawns as he wipes a hand over his face. “Your mom and dad went to the hospital, looks like you’re gonna be a big brother soon.”
Nikita seems wholly unimpressed as he looks at his godfather, “Can we get McDonald’s breakfast before school?”
And because he’s a sucker for Niki, Sid agrees.
By the time they’re pulling up to Nikita’s school Sid is more awake, parking and following Niki up the path to his classroom.
“I’ll pick you up later too bud,” Sid tells him as he ruffles his hair. “Then maybe we can go see your little sister.”
Both Sidney and Nikita whip around at the excited voice, watching as a little girl runs up to them. Sid immediately clocks her as Vivie from the picture Nikita showed him. She’s sporting white overalls and a pink sweater, her blonde curls bouncing around in the pigtails fastened high on her head.
Vivie hugs Niki tightly then blinks up at Sid and he swears the air just got much thinner because he can’t pull in a full breath, not when he feels like he’s looking in a god damn mirror. Vivie has the same big hazel eyes as him, the same jutting chin and furrowed brows. But her smile and those dimples… Those remind Sidney of someone else.
“Vivie! You left your lunchbox in the car,” the voice that haunts his dreams is suddenly right behind Sid and before he can think better of it he turns around.
Annie looks much the same as she did eight years ago, her heart shaped face and wide green eyes exactly how he remembered them. Her blonde hair is shorter, resting just above her shoulders now. There’s something else Sid can’t quite put his finger on but he thinks that Annie doesn’t hold that same infectious joy she used to.
“Oh my god,” Annie breathes the words out slowly as she makes eye contact with Sidney. “I- Oh my god…”
“Miss Annie, this is my Uncle Sid,” Nikita explains excitedly. “My mommy is having a baby so Uncle Sid got me McDonald’s and took me to school!”
Annie schools her features as she tears her gaze away from Sid and pastes on a smile for Nikita, “That’s so exciting! I’m sure you’re excited to be a big brother.”
The school bell rings then and Vivie and Nikita waste no time hastily saying goodbye before running off hand in hand. When they’re out of sight Sidney turns to Annie who’s white as a sheet as she stares at her shoes.
“Annie,” the word is low and laced with hurt as Sid focuses on the woman he used to love. “Annie please tell me you didn’t… That she’s not…”
Sidney can’t bring himself to say the words out loud, even though he’s almost positive they’re true. Vivie’s face is ingrained in his mind now, showing up every time he blinks. His eyes, Annie’s smile… He stares at Annie and begs her to tell him anything but what he knows is true.
Please don’t tell me you had our daughter and kept it from me. Please don’t tell me I’ve missed seven years of her life. Please don’t tell me that perfect little girl has been so close and so far. Please. Please. Please.
“Sidney, I am so sorry.”
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raspberryfingers · 1 year
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 15)
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WARNING: NSFW (if you hadn't already guessed) also y’all are so welcome for the audio
“Agh!” I scowled, advancing on Tywin and spinning as I brought my sword down on him. I finally managed to knock his sword out of his hands, and he smiled when I did. 
“Took you long enough,” he teased, pulling me in by my waist and kissing me deeply. I let one arm wrap around his neck, my other hand still gripping my sword. When I pulled back, I scoffed at him.
“I’m merely having a bad day, that’s all.”
“Of course, Lady Tyrell. Either way, you fought well. I know it’s not the same as killing someone, but I hope you enjoyed today regardless,” Tywin said, bending over to pick up the sword he’d dropped in the grass. They were sparring swords, of course, neither of us wanted to actually hurt the other. 
“It’s not the killing that excites me, merely the winning,” I noted, brushing off his shirt slightly. He was only wearing a shirt and pants currently, and I was wearing a shorter, fairly breathable dress that I wouldn’t trip on or gasp for air in. 
“We should get back, the sun will set soon,” Tywin noted, motioning for me to follow as we made our way back to the horses.
“And you don’t want to spend another night out under the stars with me?” I teased, taking his arm as we walked.
“I think I’m afraid of what I’d end up doing left alone with you like that.”
I felt my face go hot, and I looked down. I wasn’t sure how to tell him I wished he would do it. ‘It’ being pinning me down in the grass and taking me, of course. 
We mounted our horses and started back for Kings Landing, both glad to have had our fill of time away from the city. I was also glad Tywin had been true to his word and actually bothered letting me fight with him.
“Aerys and I used to come out this way as boys. When we wanted to practice, of course,” he said, adding on the last bit rather quickly. It made me raise an eyebrow. 
“Just to practice?” I insinuated, grinning. Tywin only looked away and scoffed, completely ignoring what I’d said. Fascinating.
“It’s comforting to know I’m still as good as I was then. It took you a bit to disarm me,” he teased, making me laugh.
“I’ll be certain to go harder on you next time.”
We both laughed then, and I felt so free. Time with Tywin was always valued, but especially so when we weren’t cooped up in some building in the Red Keep. It made me wonder what Casterly Rock would be like to actually live in. Then, on the mental subject of all things Lannister, an idea sparked.
“Shall I sing us a song, m’lord?” I asked, using a more common accent to joke. Tywin raised an eyebrow. 
“Go on then. I’ll give you a gold coin if you’re any good,” he said, playing along. I merely smiled and began. 
“And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?” I sang, watching his face carefully. I expected him to be annoyed, but if anything he looked appreciative. 
“Only a cat of a different coat, that’s the all the truth I know. In a coat of gold, or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. Mine are long, and sharp my lord, as long and sharp as yours,” I continued, watching Tywin smile fondly. I wondered if he found it attractive to hear me sing the song which had been written for him. He certainly did have an enamored look in his eyes, and I wished I could know what he was thinking.
“And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere, but-“
“Now the rains, weep over his hall, and not a soul to hear,” Tywin joined in, and I raised both eyebrows in shock. His deep voice sounded beautiful, and I couldn’t help but smile. 
“I didn’t know you could sing, Lord Lannister,” I teased, making him scoff and roll his eyes.
“I didn’t know you could sing either,” he shot back.
“Does it please you?” I asked curiously, riding a bit closer to him and examining his face. His cheeks were a subtle pink.
“Yes, it certainly does. You should sing for me more often,” he said honestly, glancing over at me. 
Gods, his eyes were beautiful.
“I will if you decide to join me.”
“And speaking of which, will you join me in my chambers for dinner tonight?” He asked, looking over at me. 
“Certainly. I’ll want to bathe and change first, of course, but I’d quite like that, Tywin,” I accepted with a smile. 
“Of course. I’ll do the same.”
We exchanged a prolonged look, and my lips parted. There was a sort of nervous atmosphere between us. It made my heart skip, and butterflies consumed my stomach. 
Only the gods knew what tonight would bring. 
“Yes m’lady?”
I turned to look at her as she helped me wash my hair, and she raised an eyebrow. 
“Cerella should I… should I make a move on Lord Tywin tonight?” I asked, face flushing in embarrassment. I was usually quite a bold person, but the topic of sex had always been a bit foreign to me despite growing up with so many men. I supposed I’d never really given it much thought until now. Now there was someone I wanted to have sex with. 
“How do you mean, Lady (Y/N)?” She questioned, gently washing my back.
“Should I- should I bed him?”
I watched her eyebrows raise in surprise, and I instantly felt I shouldn’t have asked.
“If you believe you’re ready for it, my lady. If he’s pressuring you and you don’t want to, don’t let him force you into anything,” she said sternly, looking at me pointedly. It was at least reassuring to know Cerella had my back.
“No! No, no, nothing like that. I want to… I want him, and I think tonight might be a good opportunity for it,” I explained, to which she nodded. 
“Would you like me to fancy you up a bit? Just in case it should work out,” she offered with a small smile.
“Certainly, thank you, Cerella. Use the oil my grandmother bought me, it’s the one in the small pink jar there,” I said, motioning to my vanity. She rose from beside the tub and went over, grabbing the small vase and coming back over.
“This one?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Cerella placed the oil down on a small side table and then brought over my towel, wrapping me in it as I rose from my bath. I dried myself off, slipping into my undergarments and sitting on one of the sofas. 
“Here, let me dry your hair and do a simple braid crown,” Cerella said, knowing I would want something nice but not too elegant at this time of the day. I sighed as she brushed through it and then proceeded to dry it off as thoroughly as she could. 
“Are you… are you a maiden, Cerella? If you don’t mind me asking, of course,” I inquired, hoping it wasn’t too personal. 
“No, m’lady, I’m not. Why?” She said, beginning to braid. 
“Well, I’m afraid I am. Do you- do you have any advice for me?” I asked, inhaling nervously. I was so worried that even if the chance to sleep with Tywin did present itself I’d make an awful fool of myself. 
“First and foremost, don’t let it be all about Lord Tywin. You should feel good too. I’m obviously not knowledgeable about what he’s like as a lover, but most men tend to be rather selfish. If he is, remember that intercourse is supposed to be enjoyable, and do what you’d like to make it that way,” she began, placing her hands on my shoulders to reaffirm it. I nodded.
“I’ve touched myself plenty of times, I know how to do that.”
“Good. As far as Lord Tywin goes, men aren’t quite as complicated as we are. Knowing him, he’ll want to be in control too, or at least he’ll expect to be. Perhaps try making him work for that a bit. He’s always liked it when you challenge him, after all,” she suggested, finishing my hair and reaching for the oil. I smiled at the thought. If I wasn’t shaking with nerves, perhaps I would try being a bit more dominant. 
“As for… well, other parts…” I said, trying to figure out a decent way to word it. Cerella simply smiled.
“Focus on the tip, m’lady. And… if you’re using your mouth, suck. That’s the best advice I have as far as that goes,” she said, laughing softly. I couldn’t help but smile as she applied the oil. 
“Which dress should I wear for tonight?” I questioned once she’d finished, wiping her hands on a wet cloth. She immediately grinned at me and made her way over to my closet.
“My personal recommendation, my lady? This one.”
I watched her pull out a red dress with quite thin sleeves and an ornate top. Though, the bottom was plain enough that it did not come across as something particularly fancy. Though, the red and gold coloring certainly reminded me of the Great Lion, and he wouldn’t miss the implications of it. 
Slowly but surely, I was becoming his lady.
In his own chambers, Tywin was also preparing himself for the dinner. He was not quite as nervous as you were, because in all honesty he did intend to keep his word to Olenna Tyrell, and he most certainly was not expecting you to advance on him.
Though, later on he would reprimand himself for it, as he should never assume anything from the Nightshade of the Garden. And, either way, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t picked up on something when the two of you had made such intense eye contact.
Tywin rose from his own bath, reaching for his towel and drying himself off as he did. He wrapped himself in a robe for now, as dressing would be his last step. For once, he also looked through his oils, feeling that perhaps tonight he should take the time to truly groom himself properly. 
As he sorted through them and lifted several to his nose, he felt like a silly young boy somehow. Gods, what scent would a woman like? 
He had not a clue.
He finally settled upon one with a rich, slightly vanilla scent and thought it would be satisfactory. After that, he made his way over to his own vanity and combed back his hair a little more carefully than usual. He had not a clue why he cared so much, especially as he fixed his stubble to make sure it looked neat and clean. There was nothing explicitly special about tonight, and yet… there was.
When that was all finished, he rid himself of his robe and made his way over to his closet. One of the nicest things about having such privacy in the tower of the hand--he found--was that he could walk around and sleep nude whenever he wished. He thought it best to take advantage of it now while it was still summer.
However, the sight of his body caught him off guard tonight. When he looked at his reflection, he stopped in his tracks and took a moment. Facing the mirror, he examined himself in a way that he normally wouldn’t. Normally, he would not care whatever he looked like, it’s not as if it mattered. But, in the strange mindset of wondering whether or not something might happen tonight, he found himself wondering if you’d find him repulsive.
He was in good shape for a man his age, to be certain. He had toned arms and legs, and his chest was quite built. But, at the end of the day, he knew he was not what he’d been as a young man, especially with the slight sag at the bottom of his stomach that had been there for quite a few years now.
He shook his head, trying not to let himself be overwhelmed as he put on his smallclothes and then began searching for a coat to wear. He picked out one of his new ones, black with subtle rose designs on the golden clips. Not to mention the gold vines along the shoulders with small berries integrated into them. It seemed both of you were making more bold statements toward each other in terms of dress tonight. 
And, just as Tywin finished buttoning his coat, there was an announcement for you.
“Enter!” he shouted, looking himself over once more before going to greet you. He was ready, or so he told himself. He had not a clue that you were twice as nervous.
I entered Tywin’s chambers, and found him standing by the table, meal and candles already set up. It was quite a romantic atmosphere, and it soothed me.
“You look beautiful,” he said once the door closed, pure adoration in his eyes. I felt my cheeks heat. 
“And you look quite handsome,” I said, making my way over to him and admiring the small details of his coat. It seemed we’d both dressed with each other in mind tonight.
“Is this coat new?” I asked, knowing I’d certainly never seen it before.
“Yes, it is. You’re wearing the scent I like,” he observed, inhaling pleasantly. I smiled.
“You smell quite nice too, Tywin.”
“I’m glad you think so, I haven't a clue what women like on men,” he said, laughing softly and pulling out my chair for me. I laughed softly as I sat down. 
“Well, I think this scent suits you well. What kind of meat is this?” I asked, looking down at my plate after a moment. 
“Venison. Won’t be as good as the last we had, but it should still be delicious,” he informed, taking his seat and pouring us some wine. I brought it up to my nose and smelled it with a smile. 
“Yes, very good.��
“It usually pairs well with mutton, in my experience, but I know you don’t like mutton very much,” I remarked, to which he gave a nod.
“Correct, and I’m not sure how you know that,” he said, somewhat surprised it seemed. I laughed and took a bite of the meat. It was very good. 
“I have my ways, Tywin,” I answered, wanting to leave him unknowing. 
“Yes, I’m certain you do.”
There was an awkward moment of silence as we ate, almost like we both wanted to say something but couldn’t figure out what to say. The nerves came back to me. 
Was I going to advance on him? How would I even start?
“I’ve never seen you… in this dress before. It flatters you,” Tywin said after a moment, finishing up a bite and swallowing before he began. When he said it flattered me, I felt confident he was referring to the obvious amount of cleavage it revealed. 
“I’ve never publicly worn it. It’s got Tyrell designs and styles, but I’ve always feared that the Lannister colors would give people room to spread more rumors about us,” I explained, taking a sip of wine to try and soothe myself. I felt so helpless under his gaze, like the sand that gets pulled into the sea with the waves. 
“So you wore it tonight, just for me..?” He questioned, voice low and words slow. My face felt so hot I didn’t know how to make it stop burning.
“Y-Yes, I did. I thought… perhaps you’d like to see me in Lannister colors,” I said rather boldly, though I feared he could hear the tremor in my voice. I was trying as hard as I could to be the woman I was most of the time—bold and quite confident—but it was so difficult to do when Tywin was looking at me like this.
This being with an overwhelming amount of love and what appeared to be desire. It was almost as if he was trying to figure me out in his head, trying to read between the lines of everything I said. 
“And perhaps you thought correctly. You look gorgeous in Lannister colors, (Y/N). They suit you,” he complimented, looking me over. I had to look down or else I thought I might explode.
“T-Thank you, Tywin.”
We’d both finished our meals, and I knew I was going to have to act soon or abandon my mission. Then I was presented a perfect opportunity.
“Would you like anything for dessert? I could have them bring something up,” Tywin offered, observing that I was clearly pensive. My eyes focused on his, and my heart raced. 
“No, that’s alright. I don’t want dessert, I-“
“You’re certain?” Tywin asked, getting up to help pull my chair back, as he saw I meant to rise. I stood and faced him, making my best attempt at a deep breath.
“I don’t want dessert, Tywin… I… I want you,” I managed to get out, watching his face carefully. 
“You have me, my dear,” he said casually, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. He hadn’t realized my meaning, which made me want to throw myself over the balcony.
But, I would not relent. 
“N-No, Tywin. I want you- I want you to take me,” I whispered, choking out the second half with some difficulty. Both of his eyebrows raised.
“Take you where?”
I realized it then, that he was merely playing dumb. I wasn’t going to let him get away with it of course. If anything, his slight resistance made me more determined. 
“I want you to take me to your bed, Tywin. I want you to take me to your bed and fuck me, please,” I said, getting quieter the longer I spoke. My heart was pounding so quickly I thought I might have some sort of heart attack. 
Tywin’s eyes had this sense of desperation, like he was fighting himself, and I had not a clue why. 
“I want to… (Y/N), I want to. Believe me, more than anything I want to take you. But we shouldn’t… we mustn’t,” he said, carefully tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I’d never seen such a conflicted look on a man’s face.
“Why not?”
“It’s complicated, (Y/N). I- your grandmother made me promise-“
“She had me promise that after I took you into my bed, I would marry you,” he said softly, taking my hands in his. I sighed, realizing his dilemma.
“You’re not ready to marry me, Tywin. I understand, for i'm not ready to marry you either. But my grandmother isn’t here. She’s not going to know,” I said, pressing my hand to his cheek. 
“I gave her my word, (Y/N). And what if she finds out? What if, gods forbid, I get you pregnant? What then? I just-“
I placed both of my hands on his face, making him look down at me and pause. I gave him a soft smile.
“Tywin, you’ll never hear me say this again. Stop thinking so much. I want to share your bed tonight, and share it fully. I want to feel you in the most intimate way I possibly can. And if you truly share the sentiment, then stop thinking,” I said softly, undoing a few of the clips on his coat. 
I stepped back, keeping my eyes on him as I slowly undid the back of my dress. He stood there like a man paralyzed, lips parted and breath shallow as he watched me. 
I let my dress fall to the floor, exposing my breasts to him, as I was now only in my underskirts. He looked so overwhelmed, as if slowly he could no longer think rationally. 
“Please, Tywin,” I whispered, looking up at him. It seemed that was all it took, for he stepped in and kissed me, hands coming to my waist and then feeling the smooth skin of my back. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping him close to me as we kissed so passionately. He surprised me then, picking me up and carrying me across the small courtyard and toward his actual bedroom, pushing the door open with his back and then closing it behind him the same way. 
Meanwhile, I kissed his neck, nerves still rampant inside me as I processed what was about to happen. I was then sat on his bed, and kissed while the rest of my clothes were removed. 
Tywin looked me over, admiring me completely naked. I felt compelled to cover myself, but I didn’t. Cerella had told me to be bold, so I would.
I reached for his coat now, removing it completely and watching as he simply threw it aside. It surprised me, as I would’ve expected him to take his time and fold it. 
Nevertheless, I untucked his shirt as he removed his boots, also tossing them aside. His mouth came to my neck, and his hands to my hips. I held his neck, breathing heavily with all the sensations he was supplying me with. 
“It’s your first time, (Y/N). I want to ease you into this. Do you trust me?” He whispered after a moment, seemingly coming back to reality for a moment. I stared into his blue eyes and nodded, biting my lip somewhat nervously.
“I want you to relax, I want you to feel good,” he told me, hands gently and slowly exploring my body. He held eye contact with me the whole time, and I let out a soft gasp as his hands came to my breasts, thumbs brushing over my nipples. 
My nerves came, more than anything, from the fact that I had so little experience. But despite that, Tywin was managing to make me feel safe, to make me feel at ease. 
“Tywin… I want to feel you,” I whispered, wishing to touch him like he was touching me. He said nothing, but removed his shirt, and when I kept staring at him also removed the rest of his clothes. 
I looked him over, just as he had done to me, and he seemed oddly insecure as I did. To reassure him he was still in very good shape despite his age, I let myself place kisses along his chest. 
He lifted my face, kissing me on the lips now. 
“You’re so handsome, Tywin,” I whispered, running my hand through his hair.
“And you’re breathtaking, my dear,” he replied, kissing my shoulder. It was intimate, and I found that I quite liked it. 
Looking at him again, I could not of course ignore his penis. He was already hard, with a length and girth that quite intimidated me. 
The Great Lion of the Rock, indeed. 
Tywin noticed my staring, of course, and when I looked up at him he smiled softly.
“M-May I?” I asked, curious more than anything. He gave a nod, watching as I reached out and took his penis in my hand. The skin was soft, and warm. I also didn’t miss the sharp inhale and flutter of Tywin’s eyelids as I touched him. 
“(Y/N)…” he muttered as I began to rub, focusing on the tip just like I’d been instructed to. He kissed me again, one hand holding my hip as the other reached for my breasts. 
We were taking our time, and I was grateful. Cerella had affirmed what most people said, which was that generally men were quite self centered during sex and got straight into it, but no, not Tywin.
Though, Tywin Lannister never was and never would be like other men. Thank the gods for that. 
I was caught off guard when he gave me a soft moan, and it made me smile. It was strange to hear such a soft, raw noise from him, but I loved it. 
“(Y/N)… lay back on the bed for me, hm?” He instructed, gently grabbing my wrist and forcing me to stop so he could think clearly. I nodded, scooting back and resting my head on the pillows. 
He got on the bed as well, moving over so he was on all fours above me. He adjusted himself, lowering down a bit to kiss me. I held his face, kissing back to calm myself down. 
Touching him was fine and all, but knowing he was going to touch me filled me with nerves again. He rose and knelt back, smiling at me softly. 
“I’m going to touch you now, (Y/N). Is that alright?” He asked, hands on my knees. I nodded.
“Use your words, please,” he said, somewhat demanding. I swallowed.
“Touch me, Tywin. I want you to,” I whispered. He nodded, slowly spreading my legs apart and moving up a bit. He brought his hand between my legs, letting it brush against my thigh as it did so I’d always feel him. 
“Before I do, I want you to vow that you’ll tell me if you don’t like something. I want you to enjoy this, (Y/N). If something isn’t pleasant for you, tell me and I’ll stop. I won’t be offended like a lesser man might be. I don’t know your body very well yet, I don’t know what feels good for you specifically. That’s why I’d like you to tell me if you’d prefer I do something else,” he explained, looking at me quite seriously the whole time.
“I’ll tell you, Tywin. I promise. A-And the same goes for me. I don’t- I don’t know what I’m doing, to be honest. I want to learn how to touch you, too,” I said, licking my lips nervously. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me again. 
“I’ll show you how, (Y/N). Don’t worry.”
When he moved back up, I felt his thumb come to my clit, rubbing softly but not too softly. It sent shivers up my spine to be touched there by someone else, especially as he observed my reaction. 
In all honesty, I knew I was soaked, I could feel it on my thighs, but Tywin had not said anything. There was a slightly smug look on his face, but I assumed he did not want to make me nervous by teasing. Not this time, anyways. 
Carefully, I felt his middle finger prodding my entrance. He gave me a look, asking if I was ready. I gave him a nod, and he pushed it inside. 
I let out a slight gasp, feeling him pump and curl the digit before adding a second once I’d adjusted. 
“Tywin…” I moaned, his large fingers hitting the perfect spot within me, thumb still circling on my clit. 
“Right there, hm?” He whispered, noticing that I’d become a bit more vocal and responsive to that motion. I nodded, letting my hands grip the sheets as I shut my eyes and threw my head back. 
“Look at me, (Y/N). Let me see your eyes,” he said, making me force my eyes open and look at him. He smiled sweetly, adding a bit more pressure and speed to his fingers.
“Tywin!” I gasped, letting out a soft moan and trying as hard as I possibly could to hold eye contact with him. My back arched into his fingers, and he let out a low chuckle.
“So pretty like this, moaning for me. Are you going to cum, (Y/N)?” He asked, voice deep and filled with lust. I whined out incoherently and nodded. Gods, I’d never felt pleasure like this. To finger myself had been one thing, but knowing that it was Tywin fingering me was something else entirely. 
I was losing my virginity to the man I’d hated for 13 years, what a thought. 
Though, with the immense pleasure I was in I practically couldn’t think, and as I came around his fingers I cried out his name so loudly it made me glad we were so secluded in the tower of the hand.
“Tywin! Oh gods, T-Tywin!” I moaned, gripping the sheets as hard as I could, my body practically lifting off the mattress. 
“Shh, sh, there you are, sweet girl. So good for me, hm?” Tywin muttered, fingering me through my orgasm and slowing his hand as I came down from the high. 
He gently removed his fingers from inside me, and held them up to show me the white, creamy substance they were covered in. My face went hot. It had happened to me a few times before, but I always had a difficult time managing to orgasm so hard it produced that. 
I watched him lick his fingers clean, smiling at the look on my face. That was when he moved back a bit and leant down, kissing my breasts and down along my stomach. But he did not stop there, no. 
There was a look in his eyes that I could only compare to one thing: a lion about to pounce on its prey. 
When I felt his thumbs spreading me apart, and his tongue on my clit, I inhaled sharply, having never felt such a sensation before. 
Tywin brought my legs over his shoulders, and I felt his stubble gently rubbing against my thighs. I moaned at the feeling, and when he looked up at me with those blue eyes, my back seemed to arch into him even further. 
He added his fingers again, making me cry out his name and burying a hand into his hair. I was so overwhelmed and in so much pleasure I thought I might’ve died and gone to heaven. Tywin was so good at this, and it was making me want him inside me even more desperately.
“Tywin… Tywin…” I said, trying to get his attention in the midst of my pleasure. His eyes looked up at me, and I swallowed.
“I want you now… I want you to take me,” I said, voicing my desires. He raised an eyebrow, slowly lifting his head away from between my legs. 
“You’re certain?” He asked, beard glistening with my slick. I smiled and nodded.
“Yes, but perhaps wipe your face down first,” I suggested, making him chuckle and point at his nightstand. I grabbed the handkerchief there and handed it to him, watching him clean himself up and set the cloth aside. 
He moved beside me, hands slowly running up and down my body as he did. He pulled my back into his chest, kissing my shoulders again. 
“I’m going to take you like this, if that’s alright. This way I can touch you without you needing to be on top. And I can kiss your neck,” he explained, placing sweet kisses there afterwards. I giggled slightly, turning my head and reaching back to cup his face. I kissed him, and he reciprocated, one arm wrapping around me and the other going between my legs, gently parting them.
Tywin adjusted himself and moved closer to me, and I could now feel the tip of his cock brushing against my thighs. 
“Are you ready?” He asked softly, breaking away from my lips for just a moment. I nodded, placing my arms on top of the one he had wrapped around me. 
I felt him rub against my clit for a moment, and I gasped out softly. Tywin kissed me again, and as he did, I felt him push inside me. Not all the way though, so I could adjust. Carefully, he would pull out a bit and then push back in, going just a little deeper each time.
“Gods… so wet for me, (Y/N). You feel s-so good,” he gasped, giving me a soft groan.
“Oh Tywin…”
I couldn’t help but moan as I felt him stretching me, his free hand now coming to rub my clit. When he pushed all the way inside of me, he also pushed his tongue into my mouth, and I let out the most desperate moan in existence. 
We stayed like that for a bit, hips slowly rocking but not doing much. Tywin’s thrusts then became slow and long so I could properly adjust to his cock, and I was whimpering the whole time. 
“You’re so good for me, hm? You’re taking me so well, sweet girl,” he whispered when I pulled away from his mouth for a breath. I let my head turn and rest on the pillow, and so he moved to kiss my neck now. 
“F-Faster, Tywin… please,” I whined, to which he groaned in response and let himself pick up some pace. He was huge in comparison to the two fingers I used on myself, and I’d never felt so properly filled. 
I began to buck my hips against him, and he let out quite the moan as I clenched around him. 
“Gods, (Y/N)…” he panted, picking up the pace even more now and still miraculously managing to rub my clit perfectly. I was whining so loudly to the point it even made me surprised at myself. 
Pleasure was consuming me, and I gasped as Tywin began to suck at my neck. 
“Tywin! Oh gods don’t stop,” I cried out, reaching back and letting one of my hands go through his hair. He simply moaned and continued to lap at my neck. 
There were so many sensations, and it all felt so good. Tears began to drip down my cheeks because I was so overstimulated, and Tywin knew. 
“Tears streaming down your face as you take my cock, hm? Is that how good I make you feel, (Y/N)?” He whispered, kissing my neck as he did. 
“Y-Yes! So good… so good, Tywin,” I whimpered, feeling him pound into my sweet spot. The pressure was building and I needed him to keep going. I thought I’d die if he stopped. 
“You look so pretty like this, (Y/N). Moaning my name and arching your back against me. And you’re all mine… fuck,” Tywin groaned, feeling me clench around him once more. 
“You’re so big… so big, Tywin,” I gasped, still overwhelmed by the pure size of him as he thrust himself into me. When I moved my hips a certain way, I could feel the tip of him hitting against my cervix and it drove me insane. 
Everything felt so good, and I wasn’t even aware of my volume as I moaned Tywin’s name. Not to mention the sound of our skin slapping together. And of course, every now and then, Tywin wouldn’t be able to stop his own moans from escaping. 
“I’m- Tywin- I’m gonna- I’m gonna…” I wasn’t even able to finish my sentence. I was so overwhelmed, the pleasure building in my lower abdomen making me unable to concentrate on anything other than Tywin’s thrusts, and somehow also the scent of the oil he’d put on. 
“Go on, sweet girl. Cum on my cock for me, I’ve got you,” Tywin whispered, moaning and holding me even closer somehow.
I felt myself reaching my orgasm, and I moaned his name so loud I wouldn’t even have been surprised if his guards had heard it several rooms away. I gripped the sheets with one hand and his hair with my other, desperate for anything to stabilize myself. He continued to fuck me through my orgasm, moaning loudly as my insides pulsed around him. There was still a pressure within me, and both of us moaned as I squirted on his cock, finally relieving that pressure completely.
“(Y/N)… gods… (Y/N),” he gasped out, now just as incoherent as I’d been a few moments ago. Tywin moaned several times at a much higher octave than before, and as I went limp beside him I knew from his gasp-like moans that he was about to cum. 
I felt him pull out, followed by the warm spurts of his seed on my thighs as he let out a loud, high gasp and clung to me. 
I leaned back and kissed him as he shook, and I realized this was the most vulnerable I’d ever seen him. I’d seen the man cry before, and yet here as he came down from his own orgasm, he held me so close, so desperately it was as if he’d die without me. 
I let myself snuggle into him, and we both relaxed in silence for a few moments, catching our breaths and coming back to earth completely.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he whispered in my ear, nuzzling his head into mine. I smiled softly and reached back to cup his cheek.
“I love you so much, Tywin. You made me feel so good tonight, so cared for. Thank you,” I replied, to which he smiled. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve bedded a woman I actually love. I’d forgotten… well, it’s different. It’s so much better I couldn’t even begin to describe it,” he said, kissing my neck sweetly. I noticed that he had left several marks, but I was so happy I couldn’t bother to care. 
“Well, I’m glad I was able to satisfy you,” I said with a small laugh, turning to face him. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. He was being quite affectionate right now, and I liked it a lot more than I probably should have. 
“You will always satisfy me, (Y/N). You probably satisfy me far more than you should. I often wonder why the gods sent me a sharp, beautiful young thing like yourself to me. I don’t think I’ve done enough good in my life to deserve it,” he grumbled, to which I kissed him sweetly. 
“Perhaps that’s exactly why. Even the worst men can be better with a woman’s love, as you yourself have proved,” I teased, making him reach over and playfully smack my ass. I let out a little yelp, and he smiled as I gaped at him, both of us beginning to laugh. 
“But I mean it, Tywin. You’ve got a bit more of a grasp on empathy now, and you actually smile. Plus, I’m not saying I didn’t need you. When I was 14, you’re what made me determined to grow up, to be the best woman I could possibly be. And even now, you’re still helping me refine myself and grow,” I said, letting my thumb stroke his beard as I held his cheek. 
“I certainly won’t deny it. Not to mention, you do think a lot more than I do,” he pointed out, which of course made me smile. 
“Yes, I do. I’m glad I didn’t tonight, though,” I said softly. 
“I’m glad too, my dear. Let me clean you up.”
Tywin reached for the cloth he’d set aside earlier, motioning for me to open my legs a bit. Carefully, he wiped up his cum from my thighs and cleaned up anything else that was on the two of us. When he was finished, he discarded the cloth and pulled up the blankets, scooting in closer to me. 
I let myself rest my head on his chest, legs intertwining with his. I felt his gentle kiss on my forehead, and everything was peaceful in the room. For the first time in months, there was not a single concern or thought in my head besides the man next to me, and I was content with that. 
It was just Tywin and I. 
What else mattered?
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call-me-strega · 11 months
“Wait I thought you liked them?!” - pt 1.
Okay so this a tentative draft of this post so tell me what y’all think?
Miles was so excited that he could hang out with his friends in the Spider Society headquarters now! This was great! They had all planned to meet up later that day but Miles had shown up a bit earlier hoping that he’d be able to see Peter B. Parker and Mayday. He really wanted to just catch up after everything. So when he found Peter and learned that Mayday was at home with MJ, he was disappointed he couldn’t see her but glad that they would be able to focus on catching up.
They talked about how Peter and MJ made up and had Mayday, how Miles had been doing in school, and some of his more recent art in the sketch book he brought with him on the chance that Mayday would be there. He had brought an extra for her, figuring that they could bond over drawing, or scribbling in Mayday's case, but since she wasn’t here it was still nice to share his art with Peter. As they moved on talking about more Spider-Man related things Peter decided it would be the perfect time to tease Miles.
“So Miles, I’ve noticed you’ve been working on some fancy moves lately. Tryna impress a special someone?” Peter waggled his eyebrows giving Miles a suggestive smile.
Miles felt his face burn as he wished he had kept his mask on. He began to chuckle out an excuse,
“Hah! -Um yeah, Pav was showing us some moves a while ago and he looked really cool! So it -uh inspired me! Yeah, to try some stuff out myself!”
“Uh-huh,” Peter responded with a knowing look. “And this has nothing to do with impressing a certain special spider”
“Yup! Totally! Just wanted to try out some cool tricks like Pav! Uh- yeah!”
Peter raised an amused eyebrow at him and Miles dropped his nervous smile with a sigh.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Oh Miles. Of course it is.”
“Of course,” Miles sighed “ You already know who it is don’t you?”
“Oh think I’ve got an idea,” he said flipping Miles’ sketchbook to a rather detailed drawing of Gwen. Miles’ face flushed as weakly defended himself,
“What! The long-on-one-side shorter-on-the-other hair makes for good contrast and tests my abilities”
“ Mmm hmm,” he smirked “and the sparkles surrounding the smiling face?”
“ It’s a cute smile okay! Very soft and radiant! The sparkles emphasize that!” He defended.
Peter chuckled, “Face it kid you’ve got it bad. Nothing to be ashamed about. Lord knows what a mess I was over MJ.”
Miles smiled back reassured and laughed it off with Peter.
“Yeah I guess you’re right. Anyways got any advice? How’d you get MJ to like you?”
“Oh kid, you’re in for a story!” Peter threw his arms around Miles and began to regale him with his and MJ’s epic love story. Unbeknownst to the two of them a presence in the hall was wide-eyed trying to make sense of what she had just heard.
Edit: part two is now up
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vminizzle · 1 year
SERIES || Hope - jjk
Part 6 : unusual night
pairing : husband!jungkook x f.reader
genre : angst, ?smut?, fluff,
warnings : mention of blood, mention of needle, mention of cramps, teasing, making out, marking, pet names, dry humping, nipple play.
words count : 2.5k
A/N : hello guys *saying breathlessly because it’s very hot here I’m suffocating*. I hope y’all spending a nice day! I was supposed to post this way earlier so sorry I’m late. It’s shorter than the last chapter sorry. I hope you’ll find this chapter not too boring! REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH. Take care everyone 🧡 - sunny
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"gosh!" you muttered, stomping into the kitchen making Jungkook looked at you curiously.
"morning." you pecked his forehead quickly making your husband smile.
"g’morning darling. I made pancakes." he pointed to the plate placed at the other side of the kitchen counter.
"ah thanks love." you said walking to the fridge.
Jungkook stood up from his chair, coming to you.
"still your period cramps?" he asked resting his hands on your tummy as he laid a soft kiss on the back of your neck.
"yes but I’m not on my period." you sighed heavily, tuning around to face your confused husband.
"well, I just have cramps, nothing else." you tried to explain.
"wait. If I understood, it means that’s not bloody down there?" he tilted his head to the side cutely making you chuckle.
"ahhhh." he nodded with a little pout.
"But weren’t you supposed to be on your period since last week?" he questioned.
"That’s right but guess it’s late again. Since my miscarriage, my period weird." you complained, closing your eyes as you let your head fall on his chest tiredly.
"'m tired."
Jungkook pulled you closer to him, hand caressing your back up and down gently.
"why don’t your rest today?"
"Kook, I have to work." you reminded him.
"Well, you could had rested if you worked at the company with me." he huffed making you sigh.
"Oh, I’ve noticed you’ve been tired easily these times." he pointed out, taking your hand in his, guiding you to the table.
He sat back on his chair, pulling you down to sit on his lap, your back resting on his chest.
"I know."
"why don’t you go to the doctor?" he suggested getting no reply from you.
"Maybe, low iron?" he thought for a moment.
"You should take a blood sample." he continued making you open your eyes.
"I don’t-"
"I know, you don’t like it but you will have to." he caressed the back of your hand with his thumb softly.
He grabbed his fork, feeding you a bite of the pancake he made making you hummed.
"I will think about it." you replied a few seconds after making Jungkook nod.
You fixed you husband’s tie, before kissing him softly, his hands on your hips.
"You’ll get late, go now." you laughed as he kept on kissing you.
"I don’t want to go." he groaned finally pulling away.
"Well, you have to." you repeated his words as you pinched his cheek, before grabbing his bag handing it to him.
"fine, fine. But one last kiss pretty please." he grinned.
y/n : I just finished at work. I think I’ll take your advice and go to the doctor.
jungkook : that’s good to know. When are you going?
y/n : In a few minutes. 15 minutes or so?
jungkook : I’ll come with you. 
y/n : Koo don’t, I can go alone. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you update. Keep working. I don’t want to disturb you.
jungkook : i know you don’t like taking blood sample so I’m not letting you go alone. You never disturb me.
y/n : I love you :(
jungkook : I love you more. I’ll be there asap. I’ll come pick you up.
y/n : I can drive.
jungkook : I know you can but you can get tired. I’ll drive. NO BUTS. See you in a few minutes.
You sighed putting your phone in your handbag.
"this man." you shook your head, a little smile on your lips.
"Are you ok, Mrs Jeon?" the doctor asked confused as you were staring into the void, standing next to the chair he asked you sit on
Jungkook discreetly gestured to the doctor to wait a minute.
"hey." he called softly.
"I’m here, hm? Don’t be scared."
"I’m not scared." you denied, even if you knew you were.
Jungkook smiled before grabbing hand.
"C’mon sit." he looked at you ,making you gulp before nodding.
You sat on the cold chair, taking a deep breath.
"ok, we’re good now?" the man asked as you nod hesitantly.
You shivered, heart picking up the pace as you saw him grabbing a needle.
"Are you ready, Mrs Jeon?" he took a hold of your arm tightly.
"N-No." you shook your head, retracting your arm.
Jungkook put his hand on your shoulder.
"you can hold my hand." he whispered as you nod slowly.
"Is it ok now?" the doctor asked patiently, smiling encouragingly.
"yes." you gulped.
"ok now, we will take a deep breath." he instructed considering how scared you were.
"I’ll count to 3." 
You looked over at your husband, this one sending you a cute smile to reassure you.
"1." you took a deep breath nervously.
"2." your vision became blur, as your eyes got teary.
"3." you closed your eyes, squeezing Jungkook’s hand tightly as you felt the slight penetration of the needle in the flesh of your arm.
"Here we go." the doctor said after a few seconds making you wipe the sliding tear away as you felt the little sting when the needle went out.
"good job, Mrs Jeon."  the tall man smiled with a thumb up.
"You did well, my love.” Jungkook murmured leaving a gentle kiss on your hand.
"Thank you.” you sniffed.
"I’ll send the blood sample to the laboratory. We will get the results within a week. You’ll come back to me so we can talk about it." he explained.
"What I’m asking you to do Mrs Jeon, is to rest, stay hydrated, and don’t skip meals." you just nodded.
"Thank you Doctor Kang, thank you for your patience." you lowered your head feeling embarrassed.
"Mrs Jeon, I’m doing my job. Take care of yourself. See you soon." he shook hands with you and Jungkook.
"See! I was sure you’d do well!" your husband cheered making you pout.
"You’re making fun of me." you punched him in his arm, a gasp escaping from his mouth.
"I would never!" he said offended.
"Just so you know, I’m proud of you!"
"I love you babe. Thank you for coming with me."
"I love you even more. Don’t thank me, I’m your husband. I’ll always be there for you. Remember that." he smiled taking you in his embrace, pecking your forehead.
"Next week, well I mean tomorrow it’s-"
"I know what you’re gonna say." Jungkook put his hand in front of your face interrupting you.
"The most beautiful time of the year." he chanted making your laugh.
"I love Christmas season!" you jumped on the bed excited, the sheets welcoming your body fresh from the warm shower you just took.
"baby, you hair is still wet." Jungkook approached the bed with a towel.
"Sit down.” he ordered gently.
“I’ll dry them."
You obeyed, facing him as he put the towel over your head.
You played with the strings of his great sweatpants as he finished on drying your hair.
Jungkook looked down at your hands, fingers pulling slightly on the sweatpants’ strings.
 "aren’t you tired?" he lifted your face.
"A little."
"Let’s sleep then." he walked away to the bathroom, coming back after a moment and turned off the lights.
"Good night." he whispered, taking you in his arms, resting your head on his bare chest.
"Night babe." you kissed his neck quickly.
[ 11:47 pm ]
You turned on your side agitated.
You tried your best to sleep but you couldn’t because your mind was wandering somewhere else.
You tried to count until the numbers you didn’t even know how to pronounce, tried to create those "teenagers scenarios" thing to fall asleep but nothing worked.
[ 1:03 am ]
"fuck it. I’ll go insane." you whisper-yelled as you sat up angrily.
You put your hands over your face feeling frustrated and embarrassed.
"not now." you whined quietly, looking to the side, your husband sleeping deeply.
You stood up, rushing to the bathroom.
"C’mon y/n.” you looked at yourself in the mirror.
"It’s not time to be horny." you splashed cold water on your face.
"that fucking grey sweatpants." you huffed,  wiping your face with a towel.
You sighed as you came back next to your husband.
"where were you?" you heard him mumbled sleepily.
"bathroom." you laid down, caressing his soft messy hair making him hummed.
"Can’t sleep?" he asked eyes still closed.
"I’ve noticed you kept on moving."
"sorry if I woke you up.”
"tell me."
"tell me what’s the matter?" he opened his eyes slowly, rubbing them as he sat up.
"no no don’t sit-" you sighed.
"I have no problem, don’t worry."
"Liar. Tell me now." he asked sternly.
"y/n." he stared down at you.
You sat up, gulping.
"I swear, I have no problem." you played with your fingers nervously.
"darling, look at me. I know there is something wrong, I can feel it. So tell me, maybe I can help." he grabbed your hands delicately.
“well, it’s .. hm.. I-"
"Why are you so hesitant?" he chuckled confused, shifting a bit so he could face you, the blanket sliding on the side revealing your enemy aka the grey sweatpants.
Your eyes dropped down, the warm trousers doing justice to what you wanted at the moment.
Jungkook stared at you, following your gaze before letting a breathy laugh pass by his lips.
"ah that’s why." he smirked.
"wh- what?" you looked back at him again panicked.
"You’re horny, aren’t you?" he teased.
"Shut up!" you turned away feeling embarrassed again.
"aw baby, you could had just asked." he laughed.
"Jungkook, that’s not funny!" you huffed throwing a pillow at him.
"Don’t be shy." he cooed.
“I’m not shy!"
"Ask me then." he smirked, watching as you turned around to face him again.
"Ask me what you want." he said again.
“Tell me, what you want." he approached his face closer to yours making you gulp.
"Tell me what you want to do.” he cupped your cheek
"Tell me, what you want me to do to you, for you. You know I’ll do anything for you princess.”
His lips ghosting over yours.
fuck, the nickname.
“Cats got your tongue, honey?” he joked, hands sliding down your sides.
"I just.. I ..”
“I’m listening to you."
"It’s late. You should sleep."
Jungkook laughed pulling you on him, making you straddle his muscular thighs.
"huh huh don’t back away. C’mon, be a good girl and tell me what you want."
He stroked your bare thighs slowly, goosebumps raising after the soft touches of his fingertips dancing over the smooth skin, you could felt this -really familiar- exciting feeling in your lower stomach.
Jungkook bent a little forward, his lips caressed the sensitive spot of your neck making you shiver at the delicate contact.
He kissed your neck before talking again.
"C’mon." his mouth got higher, a light kiss being left behind your ear.
"tell me." he whispered into your ear, biting lightly on the earlobe.
"I want to.. I want to ride you. And then I want you to fuck me hard, real hard into the mattress until I cry and beg you to stop." you moaned at the feeling of his cold hands sneaking under your oversized shirt.
You heard him cursed under his breath as you felt his growing erection pressing under your thigh.
"you’re so hot and .. unpredictable fuck." he groaned.
You’re not this bold usually. Well, you’ve never been this bold, but guess you were too lost to mind what was going out of your mouth.
He grabbed you by the back of your neck, pulling you in a heated kiss. Lips crashing together as you sat just above his boner.
You sucked on his bottom lip earning a low moan from him.
You started moving your hips slowly, grinding on him.
Jungkook pushed you down on his hard on making you whimpered softly.
Peppering wet little kisses on his neck, you sucked on his sweet spot, tongue grazing over the now-red skin.
Jungkook slid your shirt up your head, discarding the clothing on the side.
"fuck." he groaned, eyes staring directly at your bare chest.
The sight of your perky buds alone enough could make him cum.
He bent down, his lips enveloping your hard nipple, sucking gently on it.
“Jungkook.” you moaned loudly, hands flying to his hair.
He parted away a little, looking at your face, mouth ajar, eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed.
You were just so hot.
He darted his tongue out, licking on the erected bud making you whine, his hand went up to cup your other breast, thumb flicking the sensitive nipple.
Pulling on his black locks, your pressed your hips down harder on him feeling his confined hard cock through the sweatpants.
You arched your back at the painful yet weirdly pleasurable feeling of his teeth around your hard nipple, pulling on it gently.
You suddenly gasped, both you and Jungkook looking toward the door.
"What was that?" you looked back at him.
“I don’t know." he replied hearing another noise coming from downstairs.
He pushed you gently to the side off his lap as he got out the bed.
"wait. what are you doing?" you asked as you put your shirt back quickly, jumping out the bed walking to him.
"Wait here, I’m gonna check-"
“what? no!" you whisper-yelled making him chuckle.
"I’ll come back. Don’t be scared."
"stop it, I’m not scared." you whined annoyed.
"What if there is someone downstairs? a robber? or worst!" you widened your eyes, grabbing on his bicep shaking his body.
"I can fight." he flexed his arm proudly.
"don’t joke around idiot, I’m serious." you murmured worried.
"don’t worry."
"I’m coming with you." you pursed your lips when he opened the door.
“Stay here." he repeated.
You rushed to your wardrobe searching for something making Jungkook stared at you curiously.
"what are you doing?" he whispered.
“here it is." you showed the baseball bat.
“hey, it’s mine." he pointed at the object speechless.
"not anymore. you gave it to me when we were in college dummy. you don’t remember?!" you looked at him offended. 
"ahh yea yea right, sorry. But what are you gonna do with that?" he bit on his bottom lip to not laugh at you.
"fight." you pushed the door wide open quietly making Jungkook bit back a grin.
You both walked in the dark corridor toward the stairs.
"Be careful." you whispered holding Jungkook’s hand while going downstairs slowly.
You were standing behind the wall, faint noises coming from the living room.
Jungkook gestured you to stay behind him as he approached the light switch.
“Who’s there?!" he said loudly.
No noises.
Your grip on the baseball bat tightened, as Jungkook turned the light on. 
A loud gasp escaped your mouth, as you stared in horror…
A/N : i hope it wasn’t boring 😭 thanks for reading guys! Sorry for the late update. I’m working on so many things at the same time. Love y’all ~
TAGLIST : @btssevenx @starstruckfangirls @riworlds @babycandy111 @chimmisbae @borahaexoxo @bxcndd @tokiodori @jungkooksseuphoria @manuosorioh @axa-00 @kissme-ornot @delasmooth @cartiluv3r @lalita-7 @ohyeahjk @starlight-1010 @burnahtsw @kookietkk @0funsite0 @kleirielk @sheylamc @scjayy
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Can u do a Anthony larusso x fem reader just on a walk holding hands - who knows who they see 👀
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(Unedited) (Teens being teens, Sneaking Out, Lying to parents, Kissing, Fondling, Sam being a busskill and kinda cockblocking?)
The two teens haven't been dating for long, a few weeks at most. Their relationship started in secret do to the fact Anthony was scared of his parents making it a big deal, or in his opinion the worse case, Sam finding out and making them into a joke. The thought of his sister possible making his relationship with the shy chubby girl made his blood boil but also his stomach turn. The two decided to try and act natural around each other when his family was around.
She still went over to his house to help him study for tests and classes or movie game nights. They still got moments together. But they still had to be extremely cautious when she came over. Sam liked to pop into his room ever now and then to mess with him a little about having his “friend” over. His mom and dad would occasionally stop in to say “hi” before disappearing. It was stressful for both teens.
That’s why they decided to sneak around when it came to dating.
When the idea of lying to his parents about going out with some of the kids from the dojo came around, he took it. Sam told Daniel and Amanda she was going to hang out with a group of the dojo students, they just assumed that Anthony was also going with them. They never actually asked him to be specific on who he was going with.
That’s what landed him and his girlfriend at golf-n-stuff for a nice little date. They meet up outside before going in and grabbing something to drink before heading out to the golf course.
Anthony just rolled his eyes as Reader beat him over and over again at the golf course. She was amazing at it while Anthony had to suck it up that he sucked compared to her. She laughed at the way his brow knitted up in frustration as she got another ball in the hole. She thought it was cute that she was finally able to beat him at something. He usually beat her at videos games much to her demise. At least she had this win up her sleeve.
After they finished a few rounds and their game, they laughed and kissed a bit. Not caring if anyone caught a eyeful of their touches and kisses. They where out of the LaRusso house and free to touch and kiss all they wanted without worrying about who saw them. Anthony couldn’t help but crack a grin at the smile Reader had on her lips and the way she giggled as they separated.
The two of them wonder off of the golf course and back into the arcade area. They walked hand in though the arcade area, Anthony pulling her closer as they walked though the small spaces of the arcade and around groups of people. They finally found a more quiet area between two arcade games in the back area.
They held each other as they took everything in. Small kisses where shared. Not a thought went though their heads.
Sam laughed along with some of the other guys as they walked into Golf-n-stuff. The movie they all went to was shorter then they expected so they decided to head over to the arcade. Hoping to finish up the night with some games and half good pizza from concession stand. Hawk offered to buy everyone the first found of tokens for the arcade games.
Everyone huddled together as Hawk went to go get the first round of tokens. They chatted about the movie they watched.
Miguel was doing rapid hand movements as he said “I wasn’t expecting her to jump out like that! Total jump scare.” Robby snorted saying “No I wasn’t ready for when that dude went right though the door at the end.” They all laughed and continued talking.
A few minutes passed until Hawk came stumbling back over with a bucket full of tokens, a smirk on his face.
“Y’all are not going to believe who I just saw in the arcade area, making out with some chick.”
Everyone quirked a brow at his words.
“What are you talking about man?”
Hawk smirked saying, his arm coming out to poke at Sam’s elbow.
“You didn’t tell us your brother was total going for chicks now. Especially the fact that he’s into chubby chicks, that would have been a interesting talk I would have been down for.”
Sam’s face went hot, her cheeks felt hot and flushed. If this was some kind of joke then it seriously wasn’t all that funny. Miguel and Robby raised a eyebrow as they looked to same for some kind of explanation. Hawk just smirked and chuckled under his breath.
Sam huffed saying “Hawk stop that isn’t funny. No way my brother is out alone kissing some girl. He’s not even dating anyone. He’s supposed to be home-“ Sam’s face went completely pale. The color draining. Robby said “Uh are you ok? You don’t look to good-“
“Oh my god he said he was going out tonight right after I said I was going out with you guys- I bet our parents thought he was talking about going with US tonight. He fucked lied so he could go sneak off with some girl!”
Miguel grinned “I’ll give him props, he took the opportunity he had to sneak out.” Robby nodded.
Sam quickly said “You said the arcade? Show me where.” Hawk pouted a little “Oh man not you trying to cockblock your little brother, that’s kinda messed up.” Sam rolled her eyes and huffed, Hawk quickly turned around and started walking back from where he came from. The small group followed behind the taller teen. They passed a few arcade games and deeper into the darker part of the arcade’s.
Getting the the back it was more quiet and only a few people crowed around some games. Stopping mid way Hawk pointed to the back of the room, between two games. Sam’s eyes widened as she started to realize that Hawk really wasn’t messing with her.
In the very back of the room, a mop of dark curly hair was bobbing around as the person leaned down and kissed a very plump body. It was definitely a girl and she was shorter then the boy by a few good inches. A hand was laced though his curls and gently gripped at his roots, a arm was around his shoulder and neck as they kissed. The boys arms where snug around the girls thick waist, hands gripping and fondling her ass.
It was was quiet but she could still hear the girls whisper from halfway across the room.
That set Sam off.
“Anthony LaRusso what do you think your doing!!?!”
Anthony shot up in a instant, his head shooting up and backwards in pure fear. His head slammed back into the arcade behind him sending a loud bang though the room. He yelped before looking over to where Sam and the group stood.
(To be continued….? I’ll make another part of anyone asks.)
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spenceswife · 1 year
The boss’s idea
I made this a long time ago hope you enjoy :)
Errors along the way just to lazy to fix
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Spencer has always been a little standoffish to me since I joined the BAU three years ago. So I’m still the newest, when I joined everyone welcomed me and we all got along fine. I got closer to Penelope Garcia of course but I couldn’t help but notice the team genius and I barely talk or knew anything about each other.
It was my first day at the BAU and I was nervous as ever. Kept checking the mirror every second I got before leaving for my new job. The outfits were very professional but very uncomfortable, the pants fitted but they were very tight showing each curve, the shirt sorta tight showing my back rolls and stomach. But I did look as good as I could and with that I left for a new start.
Arriving at the BAU I got my ID and headed to the clear doors. Before I could open it a handsome darker man opened it for me. “Here you go Miss” he smiled opening his hand to shake “Thank you so much. Uh do you know were Aaron Hotchner is?” He chuckled “You must be Yn Ln, I’m Derek Morgan. And yes he’s in that room up there. I could show you if you want?” He smirked.
We walked into the busy room seeing people walk by. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be fi-“ I was stopped by a very colorful dressed women. “Hi, oh my gosh! You must be Yn It’s so nice to finally meet to you! I’m Penelope Garcia the best Tech Genius in the whole entire world” she came in giving me a huge hug. “Chill babygirl dont kill her before she can work” Morgan laughed.
“Oh no she’s fine. It’s so nice to meet you too I hope we can become good friends!” turning back to smile at the blonde. “Hello you must be Yn I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner if your ready you could meet everyone else in the the board room we have a case.” I nod following his fast pace “I just wanna say thank you sir this is such a honor thanks for this opportunity” he smiled opening the door for me.
“Yn you did this, your a very bright girl you got yourself to this position I should be thanking you for another great agent. Now sit anywhere you’d like.” I smile going to a seat on the side. Three more people walked in a older man, a taller dark haired women she was so pretty, and a shorter blonde lady. Then shortly after a tall brunet walked in. I think I just died I have never seen such a beautiful man before. They way his hair fell messy all over his head made me turn red.
“Everyone please meet Yn Ln the newest member of the team.” He motioned them to me they all said hello’s except for the man of my dreams. “Uh sorry about him he’s just not really used to new people. I’m Emily Prentiss, thats David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau aka JJ, and the silent man himself Spencer Reid.” I nod making sure to remember Spencers name.
While Emily talked I didn’t notice he sat next to me not saying a word reading a book and turning the pages unbelievably fast. “Uhm I’m Yn your Spencer right?” I try making a little small talk sticking out my hand so he could shake. “Yes sorry about that I’m a little distracted. But I dont shake hands did you know its more safer to kiss then touch hands?” I laugh a bit at his quick fact but I worry because he still hadn’t looked at me.
“I see well nice to meet you” . He hums but I notice his cheeks become red.
And still to this day all he respond with is hums or only full sentences when he’s working the case with me.
We had just finished a hard case and everyone was extremely tired so Hotch decided that we could stay a night longer even though we had to go to a different hotel. When we arrived I hoped i would get a room to myself again but of course that didn’t happen. “We’re gonna have to double up tonight everyone. Rossi and I will share, Garcia and Morgan, JJ and Prentiss, Ln and Reid everyone have a good nights rest” When Hotch finished everyone looked at me smirking.
But of course Spencer was pretending I wasn’t there. “What are y’all looking at?” They scurry away going to there rooms chuckling. It was a awkward ride in the elevator we didn’t speak only looking at each other once in a while. As soon as the doors the open and we hear the ding he quickly walks out going to the room waiting for me to unlock it.
Putting the keycard in and opening it we drop our bags in disbelief there’s one fucking bed. “I will go downstairs and request another room” I sigh about to walk out. “No its fine Hotch said they’re short on rooms I don’t mind if you dont” he played with his hands looking me in the eyes. First time in forever.
“Yeah its fine with me I’m just really tired do you mind if I shower first” he nods “Yeah go ahead I need to catch up on some reading anyway.” He sat on a small chair in the corner. I smile to myself at how fast he got comfy. Getting my bag and my pajamas out I hurry to the shower ready to hit the hay.
Once I was out I did my skin routine then left the bathroom for Reid. “It’s all yours.” He looked up and smiled a bit heading to the bathroom. After fixing the bed I finally lay down and try to plan how not to touch Spencer tonight with me being a wild sleeper. I do a little reading of my own my favorite app Tumblr having all my favorite fan fics on there. Sure I’m a grown women who has a government job but I can still live out my teenage dream.
“Hey Yn I dont mind sleeping on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable” he said as his drenched hair made water drop onto the ground. “It’s ok I’m fine” a slight blush appeared onto my cheeks. Ew look at that me crushing like I’m in high school on a guy who doesn’t even like me.
He nodded getting into the bed being stiff as ever “I’m gonna turn the lights out that cool?” He whispered trying to get comfortable. “Yeah go ahead.” I yawn turning on my back. The lamp clicked and he laid back. It was silent for a few minutes while I thought. “Spencer?” I tap my fingers on my stomach “Yes Yn?” I take a few moments before responding “Why.. why do you not like me?” finally getting that off my chest.
“Not like you? If anything I like you too much.” He sat up confused only being able to see his silhouette through the dark room. “Well you dont talk to me and every time I come around you leave” I sigh out. “I’m so so dumb. I am very sorry Yn I didn’t mean to make it come out that way.” He turned towards me
“Then what were you trying to do Reid?” Facing him “I- I like you Yn but I could never tell you because all the people I lov- like they get hurt and I dont want you to get hurt Yn. So I guess I showed it in the wrong way I’m sorry.” A slight grin on my face knowing the guy I had a crush on forever likes me back.
“Spencer can I ask you a question?” Scooting closer to him “Yeah Yn?” He licked his lips a habit of his “Can I kiss you” and before I could even get a response his hands were on my face pulling me in. As our lips collided all that hate I thought he had for me slipped away. “Yn you have no Idea how long Ive wanted to do that” he chuckles pulling away. “Me too Spence” looking into his deep brown eyes.
On the plane back Spence and I were buddied up on the couch talking about books and movies when we felt everyone staring at us. “Hotch you were smart rooming them together because that tension could cut like a knife..” Morgan fist bumped him while we rolled our eyes.
I guess all it took was time and Hotch’s secret dating services.
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delphi-dreamin · 1 year
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I Just Wanna Be (The Girl You Like)
[Stream 4]
A members-only stream goes awry...
Characters: MC!Delphi, Lucifer, Mephistopheles (mentioned)
Relationship: Delphi x Lucifer (mutual pining)
Word Count: 1697
Warnings: Some anal play, praise kink, general angst~
Notes: Hey all! Still on vacation, but I got this little interlude chapter finished and thought I'd stick to schedule with it! I hope you like it! It's shorter than usual, but the next chapter should be up to the normal length.
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“Fucking Mephisto!” Delphi rages, slamming her door. “Fucking Mephisto and his fucking newspaper! It’s almost nothing more than a gossip rag, but everybody treats it like it’s the end-all-be-all for news in this god forsaken place! Fuck!”
Delphi shoves her thumb in her mouth as blood begins to seep from it. She hadn’t meant to cut herself on the latch to her box. But the metal had been getting rough recently and she just hadn’t had the time to sand it down. She can feel Satan’s pact mark on her thigh pulsing and burning as she makes her way to the bathroom for a bandage.
After the bleeding is stopped, she sets up her ring light and camera across from her chair like usual, then grabs a few toys from her box and lays them out on her table. She tries to settle into her chair the way she usually does, but the irritation burning in her stomach and on her leg makes it hard to find a comfortable position. So she decides to try something different.
“Hi, my loves. I’m glad y'all could join me on such short notice,” she sighs into the camera. She stands in front of it in her bra and panties, chair behind her in frame. “I’m so mad I can’t get comfortable today, so I thought I’d try something with y’all. I want y’all to walk me through what you want to see tonight. How do you want me to sit in the chair? Which toys do you want me to use? How fast and how hard do you want me to go? I want y’all to walk me through it, okay?”
There are only a few members on tonight, but the chat goes bananas. She knows Asmo is having a hell of a time moderating this, but she needs to not be in charge right now. There’s no real consensus in the chat for the first few moments, then out of nowhere, it all goes silent.
BigBadWolf has entered the chat
“Well, well,” Delphi says. “That didn’t take long. Hello, Wolf. I didn’t know if I’d see you again.”
Bigbadwolf: I tried to stay away. But I got the notification that you were online and had to see you.
Delphi scoffs, “Oh really? What happened to you?”
Bigbadwolf: Long day at school. What about you, little one? You seem angry.
“How very astute,” she huffs. “Long day at school.”
Bigbadwolf: If you don’t want me here, I can leave.
“No, by all means, stay,” Delphi sighs. She crosses her arms. “At least get in one more show before you leave.”
Bigbadwolf: All right. If you’re sure. What are we doing this evening?
“Guided masturbation, basically,” she explains, her hands moving to her hips. “You guys calling the shots. Because I had a shit day and I need to blow off steam and not make decisions.”
Bigbadwolf: Perfectly understandable. May I see your collection, little one?
Grinning, Delphi wheels her table around so that it’s in frame. There are a couple new toys on it, but a few old favorites as well. He clearly notices the newer ones.
Bigbadwolf: The plug.
It’s a black steel anal plug with a large red gem making up the base. It had been a birthday present to herself, but she hadn’t wanted to use it on the stream until she was more comfortable with it. Delphi feels her face heating up as she looks from the little plug to the bottle of lube beside it.
Bigbadwolf: On your knees in the chair, darling. Let us see.
Delphi smiles and nods, reaching back to undo the clasp of her bra. She lets it fall to the floor, her underwear following soon after. Making eye contact with the camera, she climbs into the chair, her knees spread. She leans forward, one hand on the back rim of the chair, and reaches back with the other to spread herself open for the camera. She teases like that for a few moments, gently teasing her hole before reaching over to her table for the lube and the plug.
She coats her fingers and the plug, then begins slowly teasing herself open.
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Lucifer groans watching her slowly stretch herself around the black metal. She whimpers and moans as the toy slips into her ass, pumping it in and out a few times before nestling the wide gem in place between her cheeks. She arches her back, showing off the glittering gem for a few moments before turning to make eye-contact with the camera again.
“Now what, loves?” she asks, her voice a husky whisper.
“Fuck,” Lucifer breathes.
Bigbadwolf: You are stunning, little one.
Bigbadwolf: I think you know which toy I’d like to see you use tonight, if that’s all right.
“Of course it is, darling Wolf,” Delphi replies, smiling into the camera. She reaches over to her table and grabs both of their favorite toy, bringing it into frame and to her lips. “This is the one, isn’t it, love?”
Bigbadwolf: You know it is, little tease.
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Delphi finds herself laughing, unable to contain the bubbly feeling in her chest. “So I’m a tease? I thought you liked that, Wolf.”
She can practically hear the growl in the back of his throat when he responds.
Bigbadwolf: Did I say that?
“You didn’t have to,” she breathes, running her tongue up the underside of the dildo’s tip. “Where do you want it?”
Bigbadwolf: Between those pretty lips, darling.
Delphi has to stop herself from whining as she takes the toy between her lips. The tip is pointed, widening out to a thick shaft that she can barely open enough for. It makes her jaw ache and burn, but she’s happy to put on a show for her channel members.
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Lucifer sighs, shifting into his demon form. He watches, entranced, as the exchange student bobs her head on the toy. Every now and then, he catches a flash of silver as she rakes her tongue over the flat tip.
Bigbadwolf: Did you ever find out who that toy was based off of?
She releases it with a wet pop, grinning and panting into the camera. She shakes her head, replying, “No, I haven’t figured it out yet. My channel manager won’t tell me. He says I have to figure it out on my own.”
Bigbadwolf: Poor thing.
“I know!” Delphi exclaims. “I have to be a damn detective!”
Lucifer chuckles, draping his wings over the arms of his chair in an attempt to get more comfortable. He sheds his outer layers, loosening his shirt collar and then undoing his slacks.
Bigbadwolf: I’m sure you can figure it out, dear Oracle. I’m told that you’re rather brilliant.
He watches as her face goes cherry red under the soft white light of her streaming setup, grinning a wolfish grin. She likes being praised, does she? He can do that.
Bigbadwolf: What’s the matter, little one? Not used to being told you’re brilliant?
Eyes wide and blush deepening, she sputters, “N-no! It’s not- I’m fine! It’s nothing!”
Bigbadwolf: Do you enjoy being praised, little Oracle?
“Wolf, please-“
Bigbadwolf: Flustered looks lovely on you, darling.
Bigbadwolf: Now, be a good girl and spread those pretty legs, hm?
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Delphi hopes that the involuntary whine that rips from her throat isn’t picked up by her mic as she leans back in her chair and drops her knees open. The heat in her cheeks is almost painful as she peeks up at the camera from beneath her lashes. The throb between her legs is almost as bad as the burn in her face, as is the searing heat in Asmo’s pact mark.
“How’s this?” she breathes.
Bigbadwolf: Absolutely stunning, darling. You look so lovely spread out like that.
Bigbadwolf: Now, I want you to show me how well you can take that toy of yours.
She whimpers, but nods, lining the dildo’s pointed tip with her soaked entrance.
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Something Lucifer hadn’t been expecting when he fell were the physical changes to his body between his human and demon forms. His wings and horns he knew about. What he hadn’t known about was the way his fingers would lengthen into talon-like claws, black tipped and dangerous. He hadn’t been expecting the wicked fangs, and indeed bit the inside of his cheek and his tongue several time before getting used to them.
The one he was most surprised about, though, he allows to spring free from his slacks. Milky beads of precum form on his pointed tip and he groans as he spreads it down his thick shaft in time with her. Millimeter by millimeter, inch by inch, he moves his fist at the same pace as the exchange student on his screen, imagining it was actually his cock she was sinking onto and not the silicone reproduction that Asmodeus had somehow gifted her.
When he finds out how the little shit managed it, there will be hell to pay. But for now he watches as she takes the thing down to the base, sweat covering her in a thin sheen as she pants, open-mouthed, her violet eyes glazed over with magenta.
Bigbadwolf: That’s it, lamb. You did so well.
Bigbadwolf: I'll bet you feel as amazing as you look, don’t you?
“W-Wolf!” she exclaims and he sees her shift and clench around the toy. Lucifer chuckles. That red tinge in her cheeks makes her look so much prettier.
Bigbadwolf: You should get used to being praised, little one.
“It’s not that I’m not used to it,” Delphi protests.
Bigbadwolf: Oh? Then what is it, lamb?
She shakes her head, clenching her jaw hard. Then the stream goes dark and Lucifer is left baffled. What just happened?
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OracleDelphi: It’s not that I’m not used to it.
Bigbadwolf: What’s wrong, Oracle?
OracleDelphi: You’re leaving me.
OracleDelphi: You always leave the sweetest comments and you take over the chat when I do streams like this so I never have to do anything weird.
OracleDelphi: You’ve been with me since my channel started. You know me as well as my housemates do.
OracleDelphi: And now you’re leaving.
Bigbadwolf is typing…
OracleDelphi is offline
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Taglist: @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @sparkbeast20 @attic-club-sandwich @kyungjoon-do @flemmingbamse @consolationblog @rensphilia
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Dear Patience | Part Four
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Jake Kiszka x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS!! Arguing, alcohol consumption. Fluff
Word Count: 2.8k (It’s shorter than the other parts previously. It’s nearing the end of the series and my writers block was really kicking my ass)
Summary: 2020-2021 Time jump, and some very emotional moments.
Author’s Note: Hey y’all!! Here is part 4, this is a bit shorter than I wanted it. But I’m nearing the end of this series, I really think part 5 will be the end, or part 6 I’m still deciding as I write. So please bare with me🤍
Dear Patience Masterlist
General Masterlist
Apple Music Playlist
Spotify Playlist
The sound of your alarm was going off. 8am. “Shit!” You shot up from your bed, seeing Jake sleeping peacefully on your bed. You crawled over to kiss his cheek. “Hey… Jakey…” You whispered in his ear, making him groan. “What is it?” He shifted to look at you, “I have to get ready for class. I need to be there in order to graduate early this year…” You smiled softly, he got up kissing your lips softly. “Alright, I should probably head back home anyways. Josh has been wanting us at the studio by 9am ever since we started working on the album.”
Jake got up from your bed, putting his clothes back and getting his things together. You smiled, grabbing a robe to put on, walking up to him. “Will you call me later?” You looked up at him, he nodded. “I’ll talk to you as soon as we’re done darlin.” He kissed your forehead. And walked out your apartment leaving you to your lonesome self.
You headed to the bathroom to start the shower, and waited till it was at the perfect temperature to get in. Throughout your shower you exfoliated and shaved like your normal routine. And washed your hair and body. After a good 15 minutes spent in there, you got out blow drying your hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. Grabbing a pair of comfy clothes, to head off to your morning classes.
Luckily you only had two more months left of this hell. It felt like an eternity, but wanting to graduate early meant taking up more classes.
Your day was going by like any other, Mr. Zovaks seminar was an absolute bore. But of course you needed a good recommendation letter for the job you were hoping to get after graduation.
“Y/N!” You heard your friend Emily calling you. You turned around to face her, “Hey Em, what’s up?” Emily got close to you, “What’s going on with you and Sam? I haven’t seen him around.” You sighed, “Sam and I have broken up. It’s for the better anyways… He’s focusing on music, and I’m focusing on this…” You hated having to lie, but you didn’t want her to know what Sam had truly done. “Aw, I’m sorry babes… I’m sure everything will work in the end.” You nodded, smiling, “Hey, do you think Mr. Zovak is gonna lecture us on that stupid book?” You giggled.
Emily nodded to you, “Why wouldn’t he, especially in his monotone voice…” She groaned hearing the door to the classroom open, revealing the professor himself coming in. Here we go.
Throughout the lecture you took notes, and shared thoughts with the class. And before you knew it, class was practically over. After class Mr. Zovak called you over to hand you your recommendation letter. “Miss Y/L/N, I must say. You will do excellent in your career. You are a brilliant writer.” He complimented your work, “Thank you Mr. Zovak, I’m really hoping this publishing company in Nashville accepts my application…” You smiled softly. “I believe you’ll end up in good hands there. Good luck.” He went back to cleaning up his desk area, you then left the classroom.
On your way back to your apartment you had received a phone call from Emily.
You: Hey Em, what's up?
Em: Have you seen twitter yet?
You: No, why what’s going on there…
You put Em on speaker and went to look at twitter.
Em: Jake’s got a new girl, I didn’t even know he had a heart to give like that.
That’s when your feed refreshed and surely enough Jake’s arm was snaked around the mystery woman’s waist. You felt tears build up.
You: Good for him, hopefully he doesn’t break her heart.. Em I’ll talk to you later, I have to finish up some work for some classes.
Em: Alright, I’ll talk to you later Y/N.
Why would he do this to you? Were you just a joke to him, an easy lay? Maybe it was just in the boys' nature to be such assholes. You carried on with your night finishing up work for classes, keeping in contact with the job opportunity waiting for you in Nashville.
Then you heard a knock on your door, you shot up from your couch looking through the peephole. It was Jake on the other side. You opened the door, revealing him in front of you. “Hey Dar-“ You cut him off, “Don’t darlin’ me, how could you Jake!” You yelled at him, he frowned. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this, and it’s more complicated than you think.” He walked in trying to hold your hands, you yanked them from him. “Complicated! It looks pretty blunt to me. Jacob, you're dating someone! A very beautiful girl, who probably has no idea who I am, and that you just fucked me.” You started to cry, “Y/N, I love you…” “Save it. You never loved me, all I ever was to you was someone to play mind games with. You will never change…” You felt you fists clench.
“Please just give me a chance.” “Jacob. No. Just, just get out. Pretend like I never existed and that you never cared… As a matter of fact, that goes for all of you. Don’t contact me ever again…” You started to push him out, “But Y/N!” You slammed the door on his face, you could hear him hit the door as you locked it.
This was the last you heard from him, from any of the guys. You kept Danny’s contact in your phone, but as far as the rest of them. Gone. Deleted. You just focused on yourself.
Summer of 2021
A world pandemic had hit back in early 2020 making graduation an unusual experience, and your move to Nashville quite difficult. Since then, you’ve been making quite the reputation for yourself while living here. You loved your job, attending concerts, taking photos and interviewing artists. It was all you could ever dream of. There were times where you felt alone, all your family was back in Michigan while you were on your lonesome self in a big city.
However you kept yourself busy with writing and taking up some side gigs to photograph weddings and family shoots. You were never really home, you were constantly out with the traveling your job brought you. And when you were home it was just to catch up on sleep and spend time with some friends.
There was a new gig offered to you for this week. A show back to back, you couldn’t turn it down. Especially since you were asked to interview the band, and take some photos for the magazine. You weren’t told who the band was, most times it wasn’t announced until the day of, or when you arrived. It built up the excitement for you, leaving it a mystery.
The show was taking place at the Firstbank Amphitheater. Beautiful venue, you showed up to get your all access badge. “Hi I’m here for the show tonight, I’m from Nashville Music Guide. I’m conducting an interview and taking some photos of the band.” You smiled at the lady at the front entrance, she nodded. “Just need to see your confirmation and then I can bring you back.” You smiled, pulling out your work badge and work paper.
She then brought you past the gates, handing you your all access badge. “There is a lobby over there if you’d like to help yourself to coffee, water, and whatever appetizers. Their manager should be out shortly to discuss whatever before meeting them.” The lady smiled at you, leaving you on your own. You grabbed a water bottle, taking a sip from it looking around the lobby to see if there were any signs of who was performing. But nothing yet.
Then you heard footsteps coming your way, “Hello! You must be one of the writers from Nashville Music Guide.” You turned around to face who you presume is the band's manager, “Yes, yes I am. I’m Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You put your hand out to shake his, which he kindly shook. “The guys are just finishing up getting changed, they are to be on in an hour, and this interview should take about 40 minutes.” He said to you, you nodded in response. “And I will be sure not to go over.” You giggled softly, “Alright if you would follow me this way, we have an area set up for you all to sit.”
You sat in a chair across from a couch in the room. You got your tape recorder out and notepad to write down whatever responses they have to your questions. After about 5 minutes you heard footsteps approaching, you looked up to see the 4 guys you grew up with. “Y/N?” Danny looked at you, “Hi guys.” You smiled softly trying to not make it obvious that this was awkward. “It’s so nice to see you, how have you been?” He pulled you in for a hug, you hugged him back. “I’m good, I've been working a lot lately.” You giggled, “That’s amazing, really dove into writing and photography huh?” He chuckled softly, “It’s really nice to see you Y/N!” Josh chimed in hugging you, you hugged back.
“This is just crazy! I can’t believe you guys are performing tonight. Album is completed?” You smiled, “Yeah, we released it back in April. And now we’re debuting it for some shows.” Sam chipped in, he cut his hair. All the guys looked great after not seeing them for a year and a half. “I think it is our greatest work yet.” Jake smiled. “Well if you guys would sit, and we can start this interview. Your manager told me you’re on a time limit, and I don’t want to overstep…”
The guys all nodded and sat down across from you. You caught a glimpse at Jake. He looked good, and definitely changed his style a bit since the last time you saw them. Throughout the interview you asked basic questions in regards to their new album, upcoming shows and what not. And also asked some silly little questionnaires for the paper. Overall you all had a good time, even caught up a bit in the midst of it all.
“Alright guys, I think that’s all I need. Thank you all so much for your time. This has been great.” You smiled at them all, catching Jake staring at you. “Don’t worry this won’t be the last time you see me, I’ll be photographing tonight and tomorrow’s show.” You smiled at them, “Maybe after the show we can all get together.” Danny chirped, “If you’re all okay with that, I’d love to.” You smiled. Josh, Sam and Danny said their yes’s and Jake nodded in agreement. He stayed silent for most of the interview and time you were together in the same room.
The guys had left the room, leaving you to gather your things and put them in your bag. You set up your camera gear, and made your way to where the other photographers were. This venue was gorgeous and so many people were here. You were impressed with how far they’ve come.
Throughout the first two songs you took pictures of all the guys making sure they were good shots as well. You loved this part of your job. It was a passion really. After you got your pictures, you hung out off to the side stage to watch the remainder of the show. Their new music was definitely brilliant work, and you couldn’t believe all of the work they put into it.
After the show was over the guys met up with you taking you back with them. They all had gotten showers and decided on going out to a bar, you had agreed to join them. You left your work stuff in your car and decided to drive over and meet the guys at the bar. Once you arrived you got out and met them outside the building and walked in together.
“I really appreciate you coming out with us. I’ve definitely missed hanging out with my best friend.” Danny pulled you in for a side hug. “I’ve missed it too. I’m sorry for going M.I.A.” You looked up at him, “Hey, no need to apologize. I get it, you were going through a difficult break up with Sammy. But I swear to you, he’s worked on himself since then. You should really talk and make amends at some point.” He smiled softly and you nodded.
You all sat at a table in a corner ordering drinks and shots. You guys were catching up, filling them in on what you’ve been doing where you live and etc. The guys filled you in on them moving to Nashville this fall to be closer to their recording studio, which made you happy knowing you would have people that felt close to home.
Going up to the jukebox to play some music Sam joined you. “Hey bug… I just want to formally apologize for the way I acted. You never deserved that kind of treatment and I never wanted us to end on bad terms. I miss my best friend…” He looked at you. “Sam, I know. And I’m sorry for going ghost on you. You didn’t deserve that either… I was just, really going through it. And didn’t know how to cope any other way. I just want to move past it all…” You smiled at him, “So are we good?” You asked him, “Of course bug.” He pulled you in for a hug.
When you hugged Sam you saw Jake peeking over from the table, he was watching the two of you. But when he caught your eyes he looked away. You departed from the hug and picked some songs with Sam to play in the bar.
The remainder of the night was fun, filled with dancing, drinking and singing. Drunk singing to be exact. But it was time to head out as the bar did last calls. You had sobered up to drive home, but before leaving you made sure to get all of the guys new contacts. They all started to make their ways to the hotel they were staying at, but Jake stayed behind.
“Y/N…” You were walking but stopped and turned around. “Yeah Jake…” You looked up at him, “I just, I just want to talk… If you will hear me out.” He looked at you, fidgeting with his belt loop. “I’m all ears…” You held onto your sweater. “I’m really sorry for being a dick and treating you the way I did all these years… I just. I never know how to express myself, and all I’ve ever been good at is fucking up any good thing that ever comes my way…” “Jake that’s not true, you’re doing great with music.” You smiled softly at him, “No, this doesn’t have to do with that. I let my ego get to me and pushed you out… And I know you will probably never forgive me for that, and I completely understand. But I just want you to know how sorry I am.”
You could see the tears in his eyes, “Jake. I’m…” You started to choke on your words as tears formed, “I’m so sorry for not giving you the chance to speak that night… I was just so angry.” He looked at you, “I know, I’ll never forget the look of hurt on your face… I really let you down that night. I’ll never forgive myself for it.” He sighed, “I really appreciate you coming to talk to me, and clearing this…” You hugged him tightly, “Thank you, for giving me the opportunity.” He hugged back tightly and kissed the top of your head. “Would you want to get together sometime to discuss things some more?” He looked at you, “I would like that Jake.”
After your conversation the two of you remained in touch letting the boys finish their small debut tour and press releases. You had gotten close again with all the guys, it's like you never left.
4 Months Later
They boys had officially moved to Nashville, Jake and Josh had bought a house together. And Sam and Danny got their own place as well. You had shown them around town to get them comfortable in the area, not like they’ve never been here before but to show them the best places to eat and such.
Jake had texted you one evening.
Captain Jake: Hey, are you free Saturday night? :)
You: Yeah, did you have something in mind?
Captain Jake: I was thinking about dinner at my place? Josh and the guys are going out, and I’m really looking forward to that conversation I wanted to have with you.
You: Yeah, absolutely. Do you want me to bring anything? :)
Captain Jake: Just yourself and that delicious apple pie you used to make for us back at home.
You: Alright! I will be sure to do that, I’ll see you this weekend Jake :)
Captain Jake: See you Saturday darlin :)
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Relative Dating Part Twenty One
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Pairing: Indiana Jones x Reader
Rating: M
Notes: Welcome back to the latest garbage fire! Hope y’all are doing well. Chapter's on the shorter side this week, soz.
Also the Arabic phrase used in this chapter was translated by google, so I apologize if it’s inaccurate.
Warnings: Cursing; period-typical sexism; period-typical expectations of women; angst; friendly reminder that the artifact mentioned is a fake one
Summary: You follow the host away from your table, considering your options, and how you can possibly tell Walter that you’ll only be there for a few more days. But then…How did Walter know what hotel you’d been in?
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“You need some more coffee over there?”
You glare at Jones over your water glass as you draw in a greedy gulp.
“Eventually,” You grit out once you’ve swallowed. 
“Seem a little tired.” 
“I didn’t sleep well.” 
“Oh no? That’s too bad.” 
You narrow your eyes at Indiana, watching him burst the yolk of a sunny side up egg with a piece of toast. 
“Did you?” You press.
“Sleep well? Sure,” He smiles. “Like a baby.”
You could slap him. You won’t, but you could. You avert your eyes, glancing around the café for any sign of Sallah. He’s fifteen minutes late meeting the two of you, which is unlike him. You turn in your seat a touch, trying to see whether or not Sallah may be on his way in, or speaking with the seating host. That’s when your gaze catches on someone that you’ve seen lingering around you and Indiana since you arrived in Amarna. The sight of the young man out of the corner of your eyes that raises your hackles. You recognize him immediately, and perhaps that’s what makes it worse. But—Perhaps it’s a mere coincidence. 
“What is it?” Indiana asks, and you realize how distracted you must seem. 
“Hm? Oh, nothing,” You turn back and shake your head, offering him a fleeting smile. He doesn’t seem to trust it, and you think he may lean into curiosity, but before he can, you ask, “What was on those pages?” 
“What pages?” 
“The ones torn out of your notebook.” 
Indiana’s lips press into a thin, irritated smile at the reminder. 
“...On?” You press. Indiana casts his eyes at the other patrons in the restaurant before he leans in a little, lowering his voice. 
“You know—About Akhenaten, Amarna, all of it.” 
“Of course.” 
“Then you know that the Golden Aten was taken from Akhenaten’s tomb after the temple walls were destroyed.” Indiana waits for you to confirm, and goes on when you give him a small nod:
“I found the remnants of a letter from Cicero during my last excursion in Rome, regarding one of the ‘treasures’ that Cleopatra had brought during her visit. He wrote about a ‘golden orb’,” Indiana props his elbows up on the table, holding his hands about a foot apart, “With a circumference of about a foot. It’s said to have blinded at least three people when the sun caught it at the wrong angle.” 
“Unfortunate that none of them were Cicero.” 
Indiana smiles, lowering his hands. “After Julius Caesar was assassinated and Cleopatra left Rome, a group of Roman dignitaries combed through where she had stayed. They found a number of things left behind, including the orb. Now, a lot of the Senate wanted to destroy it, but Octavian was determined to keep hold of it, and use it as a weapon in the offensive against Egypt. It arrived back in Egypt in 30 BC, and was said to have taken down twelve of the ships in Egypt’s fleet. But, the ship that it was on went down, too. There was no mention of the Aten for hundreds of years.” 
“A revival of Akhenaten’s followers claimed to have found it during a Nile’s low season, in April of 1856. They claimed to try and restore the orb to its rightful place, but lost it. They’ve been trying to restore it ever since.” 
“I didn’t know people still believed in him.” 
“A band of them do. It’s a small group, but they’re committed. They call themselves the Alartifae Althaani Akhenaten.” 
“The second rise of Akhenaten,” You murmur to yourself, lowering your eyes to your plate. “I think they may’ve been the ones that took those pages,” Jones adds. “I had leads.” 
“Leads that you encoded in hieroglyphs.” 
You hum, leaning back in your seat and scrubbing your hand over your eyes. 
“Anything you can remember?” 
“A few things,” Jones nods, “I’ll be more comfortable talking about them once we’re at the temple ruins.”
“Pardon me, miss,” You hear, and look up to see the host peering down at you. 
“You’ve a call at the telephone in the front.” 
Indiana frowns. “From who?” 
“I bet it’s Walter,” You sigh, standing and pushing your seat in. “He probably tried to reach me at the hotel first. I’ll make it quick.” 
You follow the host away from your table, considering your options, and how you can possibly tell Walter that you’ll only be there for a few more days. But then…How did Walter know what hotel you’d been in? You hadn’t told Jane what hotel you were going to—you hadn’t even known yourself until you’d arrived in Amarna.  And how could he know which restaurant you’d gone to? You hadn’t told anyone as you’d left that morning.
You turn into the front hall, and slow as you spot him again—the bellhop from the hotel. Your gut swoops with worry, and you start to take a step back. You knock into someone, and whirl around, finding a tall, reedy man with an unnerving smile peering down at you. Before you can say a word or dart out of the way, someone puts their hand over your mouth from behind, and you feel a sharp press of a blade against your throat. You go still, eyes widening as your heart pounds in your chest. 
“I suggest you stay quiet,” The reedy man advises. “Any sound will only make this worse for you.” 
The yell booms across the café, and Jones looks up from his food to see Sallah hurrying through the restaurant. 
“Sallah, there you are. You’re late.” Indiana sits up, looking around for a waiter. “Ya want anything?” 
“There’s no time for that, Indy—” 
“Could eat that,” He nods toward where her food is sitting, going cold. “She’s been taking a call from loverboy for the last ten minutes, I doubt she’d notice—” 
“You don’t understand,” Sallah rounds the table, drawing Indiana up by his arms. “We have to go—” 
“What’s the hurry about?” 
“They took her, Indy.” 
Indiana’s brow furrows, head shaking a touch as panic begins to trickle into his system. “What?” 
“I saw them bundling her into a truck! Her eyes were covered, there was something in her mouth—I couldn’t reach them in time—” 
“Sallah—” Indiana reaches out, bracing his hands on Sallah’s shoulder—to focus him, and himself. “Who took her?”
Tag list: @missredherring ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight;  @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ;  @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ;  @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink  ; @flameshadowwolf ; @saritanotserena ; @the-feckless-wonder ; @queenofthefetchlands ; @v0id-sp1rit​ ; @yellowbubblewrap​ ; @acceptedbyace​ ;  @themartiansdaughter​ ; @foxilayde​ ; @introvertreader20​  ; @nessamc​  ; @galaxyfxcs​ ; @romanarose​
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hyeitsju · 9 months
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Vivi reaction to f!reader surprising her at run, orbit!!
(Vivi x 13th member!FEMALE Reader)
Note(pls read!):
anyways, this is a bunch of flufff!!💗💗 it’s so sweet and cute! it is implied that reader is shorter than Vivi, if you aren’t then you can just ignore it! :) reader is 13th member but apart of artms. she’s a 99’ liner, I don’t want them to have too big of a big age gap so it’s only 2 years and a few months. this was a request and it’s also to make up for the short section I did for Vivi in that one fic, still sad abt that :( have a good day/afternoon/night everyone!!🌷🌷
She already knew something was up when the morning of the event everyone was acting all giggly and whispering to each other while looking at her
What do you expect, she’s been living with all of them for roughly 6 years and as their elder I feel like she’d begin to be quick and recognize their behavior
Often before they even notice it themselves
So she was not too suprised when you stepped out with chuuves
She was still suprised, don’t get her wrong
She was very happy to see you although I feel like she would have met up with you very often prior to this
About once every week and a half, but texting each other 24/7 still
Staring a lot at you
It being her turn in the speech but it’s just dead silent because she was too busy staring at you, not noticing that it was her turn
Always having a goofy smile
Losing almost all of the games because of hee being too distracted with you
And of course you use that to your advantage and winning quite a few games
Holding your hand a lot
Whispering into your ears and giggling with each other
Just sooo cute
Afterward you too go eat somewhere
Giggling with each other and holding hands
Which definitely caused a scandal the next day
But neither of you were scared
You didn’t care if the world knew of the two of you’s relationship
As long as you had each other you knew you’d be fine.
I got a sudden motivation boost at late 3am, erased everything I had before and wrote this from scratch in about 20 min..idk why.
This isn’t proof read
I think I did really good on this!! I hope y’all like it! 💘💘
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Met Opera 2023-24 Season Announcement: Full Reactions
alright y’all. it’s finally out and here are my reactions:
so i already knew that there wouldn’t be that many operas this season (thank you whoever on reddit figured that out yesterday), but it’s still kinda disappointing to see only 18 operas and only 9 hds, even though that’s still a 50% rate. so:
castronovo as gustavo YES PLEASE. rest of the cast looks good too, sorry this isn’t an hd (but really could it ever replicate the magic of the 2012 hd?)
oh hi quinn kelsey role debut as anckarström
no strong feelings about bohème except that i was relieved to see that my prediction it would be hd’d this season was incorrect. we have enough bohème at home.
CARMEN NEW PROD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I HATE IT THE LAST PRODUCTION WAS GOLD. also like if you’re gonna do a production about human trafficking you have to be VERY careful.
also: JOYCE IS NOT CARMEN????????? huh. okay. not super familiar with the mezzo who IS carmen in the first run so this’ll be exciting. beczala/blue/ketelsen makes for a killer cast tho.
i still think that having dead man walking as the opening night gala is SO fucking funny. like it is not an opera that screams “gala occasion”. (disclaimer: have never seen it). can’t wait to see the opera and that AMAZEBALLS cast.
FIRE SHUT UP IN MY BONES IS BACK!!!!!!!! i hope it becomes part of the regular rep
the hours reunion tour reminds me i need to find the pirate video lol
FORZA FORZA FORZA!!!!!! with LISE DAVIDSEN!!!!! and some other cool people too. can’t wait to see this production
also congrats on getting a solo recital lise <3
could not care less about madama butterfly except to say congrats to jonathan tetelman (my beloved) for getting TWO MET HDS in his debut season!!! but why is butterfly getting HDd with a white soprano AGAIN????????? (also HI ASMIK GRIGORIAN MET DEBUT!!!)
don’t care about the holiday magic flute either but why is villazon papageno AGAIN???
okay that nabucco cast looks pretty dope so i don’t mind this one getting hd’d again (we get an ACTUAL baritone this time)
el niño looks intriguing!!! and JULIA BULLOCK MET DEBUT FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! but y no hd met :/
orfeo ed euridice!!!!!!!! FUCK YES!!!!!! i love this show and here’s a great cast!!!!! (no hd tho) mixed feelings re: countertenor orfeo because on the one hand: mezzo orfeo adds gayness. on the other hand: anthony roth costanzo.
BERNHEIM/SIERRA ROMÉO AND IT IS AN HD!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! also supporting cast looks sweet (WILL LIVERMAN AS MERCUTIO!!!!!!!)
BLUE/TETELMAN RONDINE AND IT IS AN HD!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it is THAT ICONIC PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! @rayatii @smile-at-the-stars
i thought it would be lise davidsen as elisabeth in tannhäuser but elza van den heever is NOT a downgrade!!!!!! rest of the cast looks cool too (thank god no groissböck)
turandot. again. and the wiki wasn’t even right about sondra. i don’t care. at least no hd for this show.
hds are dead man walking (october 21), malcolm x (november 18), florencia en el amazonas (december 9), nabucco (january 6), carmen (january 27), la forza del destino (march 9), roméo et juliette (march 23), la rondine (april 20), and madama butterfly (may 11)
all in all i have to say: for the most part, despite being a smaller-scale and shorter season,
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