#I DONT blame em for snapping at eachother
hcdragonwrites · 9 months
(a @jttw-monkeybusiness inspired Drabble)
It was hot today and we have a thunderstorm warning so I wrote something really quick! Enjoy another one this one is short.
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A heat wave.
It was the only way to describe the sudden shift in temperature from the last week of travel to now.
Sophie turned her head upward, blinking against the sweat rolling from her face. The last of her sunscreen had been used now, to prevent her skin from cracking beneath the sun's attention. The hat Wukong had snatched from a while back was the only protection she had against the hungry rays of light that drove knives of pain into her skin.
This is a miserable business. She could feel the beginnings of a burn on her arms, from where the sleeves of her tunic didn’t cover her wrists.
It was midday, the heat blistering against the companion's skin. Pigsy complained at every step, at every rock in the road, at every breath. He was drenched, his robes dark from his body perspiring. He waddled at the back of the group, bemoaning his pain to the point that even Sophie was beginning to feel it grate on her nerves. It wasn’t like the rest of them weren’t also suffering in this insufferable heat.
Sandy simply stayed quiet, the only sign of suffering beneath the heat was that the demon had emptied seven water skins- ones he had carried himself. Sandy was closer to Pigsy, getting the brunt of his complaints.
Wukong kept his discomfort silent from what Sophie could see except when he would pointedly look back at them from the head of the group, staring at Trip as if waiting for him to say something. When the monk just kept walking, Wukong would turn back around and look upward to the column of thunderclouds beyond.
The heat seemed to suck all the moisture from the world, sending it up into the dark clouds that were beginning to grow in the mountains ahead of the group. It was a day that promised burning warmth and teased the relief of a downpour. A storm born of the heat. At least it was a reprieve of sorts from yesterday's typical shenanigans of Tripataka being almost devoured for the seventeenth time. At least Sophie thought it was seventeen. Was it actually eighteen?
Sophie and Trip were both walking side by side in the middle of the group, leading Yulong behind. The poor dragon horses' sides were slick with sweat, the white fur turned brown with the road dust. Wukong was carrying the saddle, the great leather contraption held easily in one arm to give their silent companion some relief.
“The gods are punishing us.” Pigsy groaned, rolling his pack from shoulder to shoulder. “Maybe they are punishing us for the wanton murder Wukong had committed just a bit ago.”
Pigsy please… Sophie groaned silently, as she saw the Monkey King whip his head around, teeth bared.
“I didn’t see you helping any to save our master.” Wukong shot back. “The last I saw was you running away from that battle when you got cut by the centipede women!”
Sandy rubbed his face, just as annoyed that these two were picking now to start something.
“I thought I would die of poison!” Pigsy gallantly said, hand to the cloth bound scrap on his arm. “I did not want my fellow companions to have to protect me and save our dear Monk.”
“Centipede's poison only hurts insects and smaller beings. Not demons like you.” Wukong countered. He had paused at the head of the group to swing his gaze on the pig demon. “You just wanted an excuse to get back and have the first taste of the sake we grabbed from those merchants at the festival!”
“You know drinking is forbidden on our holy quest!” Pigsy tried to piously counter but Wukong cut him off with his words and a savage slash of his hand.
“Oh for Pete’s sake.” Sophie muttered quietly. She was too tired, too sticky with road dirt, to care much for the beginnings of this argument. And it was shaping to be a big one. Pigsy wanted to take out his discomfort on someone and it didn’t take much to get the Monkey Kings hackles up. Blaming him for the heat? That would rankle his pride.
Trip also looked between the two, face begging silently please not now.
“Stupid Monkey!” Spat Pigsy.
“Shitty Swine!” Snarled Wukong.
The storm clouds ahead cracked with thunder, the noise temporarily pausing the quarrel.
The monk took advantage of the pause.
“Let’s rest.” Tripataka called, wiping his own forehead free of the sweat clinging there. The monk's eyes looked just as relieved as Sophie felt at the excuse to both rest and to stop a full blown argument from starting again. This had been the third one today, and soon it would come to blows or to Tripitaka using the charm to put the Monkey King to heel.
If that could be avoided it would be in everyone’s favor to avoid it. Wukong usually sulked after such uses and he and Tripataka would get into their own argument.
Tripataka and Sophie both beelined for a small copse of trees, Yulong snorting in relief. They left their companions behind without a second thought, both of them tired and sweating. For all Pigsys complaining, he wasn’t being baked by the sun as badly as their mortal companions. Tripataka had a red patch of skin beginning to form on the back of his neck despite the protection of the hat. Sophie could feel the beginning of a blister at her heel. She hoped it wouldn’t burst.
The immortals only took a moment before they too joined the rest of their company beneath the trees. Sandy set to making tea, already propping a fire up faster then Sophie could follow with her eyes.
Pigsy simply just fell against a rock beneath the shade, complaining loudly, grousing about how hungry he was and how he had a pain in his back that may need looking at. No one paid him any heed.
Trip and Sophie dropped their packs in an unceremoniously heap. Tripataka pulled out a curry brush and passed a flat brush to Sophie who took it wordlessly and set to work.
The two humans had fallen into a habit of helping to strip down and tend to the dragon horse, both taking to brushing the flanks. When Sophie had first been asked by Trip, she had been eager and a bit apprehensive. She didn’t have much experience with horses (let alone shape shifted magical dragon ones) to be confident in this task. But Trip had smiled and taught her the basics of care- from brushing his coat to checking his hooves for rocks that could threaten lameness, and bring discomfort.
“You're a patient teacher Trip.” Sophie had said.
“Thank you. It was actually Wukong who taught me to tend to Yulong.” The horse had nipped fondly at the sleeve of the monk in thanks.
“Wukong?” That surprised her. “He knows about horses?”
“Before he rebelled against Heaven he had been given the position of Stablemaster. It was his duty and job to tend to the celestial beasts of Heaven. He showed me what to do to take care of Yulong.” Trip rubbed at the horse's poll, earning a happy snort from the dragon horse. “You should ask him about it! He has seen so many fabulous beasts in the Heavenly stables to rival any lord or Emperor of earth.”
Of course Sophie had. She had bothered and questioned and asked everything she could of the Monkey King about what the Heavenly court looked like, what beasts he had tended, how he had taken care of them, and much more. Wukong, if in a good mood and not acting aloof or having been reprimanded by his Master, was always willing to boast about himself. Of course that usually meant an exchange of sorts. Yesterday it had been for her to sit with him as he answered her questions, rifling through Sophie’s bag and asking questions of his own on what these were and insulting them- he particularly had taken to insulting her makeup which Sophie had, of course, taken the bait on. She had only realized it was a trap until after she was halfway through the reason why her brand of makeup and mascara was perfect and made her look and feel like a goddess that she saw that shit eating grin and had shoved at him.
Today she wouldn’t ask him her typical questions. She had something else she wanted to do.
Wukong brought the saddle up and set it at the base of the tree, tail flicking back and forth. He glared at Pigsy, opening his mouth to finish the argument when Trip, without having to look up, stopped him.
“Leave him Sun Wukong.” He ordered. There was patience still in the monks voice. “He means none of what he says.”
“He means all of it, Monk.” Wukong retorted. Sophie saw Pigsy look up and grin at them, egging the demon monkey on.
“Go.” Tripataka pointed away from Pigsy to another shaded patch. “Cool your temper and yourself. Let us have a moment of peace until we must embark into the heat again.”
The Monkey king sniffed and turned on his heel angrily, leaving Sophie and Trip to their task. As he walked past Pigsy he curled his middle finger up and away from the rest of his hand, flipping the pilgrim the bird.
Of course Pigsy didn’t understand what that statement meant. Yet.
Wukong had pestered and bugged her about the hand signal she had given when one particularly shitty day finally had gotten beneath Sophie’s skin and she had reacted silently. It had been an unusually rough day when finally, her headphones (may they rest in peace) had died in the middle of Gustav Holst Jupiter.
Sophie had at first pulled the headphones out in disbelief and then tried to pop them back in. Maybe they just need to reconnect. She tried them again. No use. Her music was finally gone. So she of course reacted silently and, with what she thought at the time, was appropriate. Sophie had regretted losing her temper that way and regretted even further to having caved to Wukongs questions.
Soon all of them would know what the middle finger meant and that may also lead to further arguments. Sophie could see Pigsy using it the most to get a rise from Wukong. For now, only the Monkey King knew. She hoped it stayed that way for as long as possible.
Or at least till we get out of this heat.
Between Sophie and Trip, they had Yulong brushed down, feet picked clean and a small bucket of water set before the great white stallion. Once his needs had been tended Sophie looked back up at the sky. The thunderstorm was tall and black, staining the blue sky wherever it crossed. A blessedly cooled breeze blew into her face carrying the scent of water and damp earth. She dragged her backpack a bit away from Trip who was meditating now, to a bit of shade a few lengths away from the rest of them where she could watch the storm unfurl.
Sophie would catch up on some reading, having been lucky enough to snag a book. It was a book of poetry by a scholar of the name Li Po, and whatever magic had cast her into the past had also given her an ability to understand and read the languages here too. A small blessing, that.
Sophie hadn’t had anything new to read in what felt like ages and was eager to crack open the little book and read its contents. She craved it.
She settled herself down, setting her backpack behind her and crossing her legs. As she crossed her legs, and turned to dig into her bag, she felt something heavily land in her Lap. She peeked down and beneath her arm.
Wukong stared up at her, face set in a scowl.
“Yes? Can I help you?” Well. This was new. Wukong would sit with her when they had time to silently rest during their travels. Usually it was side by side, usually it was Sophie joining the Sage to ask him questions. But- never him resting on her. That was new.
Wukongs head was resting squarely in her lap, arms crossed behind, shoulders on her legs.
“You aren’t going to ask me questions.” He didn’t say it like a question. More of a statement. He sounded glum.
“I was going to read this book I snagged in the last town we were in.” Sophie pulled it from her bag, showing him the simple black embossed cover. She was too tired to complain about Wukong not at least respecting her boundaries or asking permission before he settled himself on her person. If I brought it up he would just say he was a king and it was his right to any person's space. To keep peace, she wouldn’t voice her thoughts. The heat had made all of them tired and she would rather have a calm monkey resting in her lap than a monkey that would rise eagerly to argue. Even if said monkey had come uninvited.
Wukong wasn’t demanding anything of her - at least not yet. Which meant he was in a … better mood ? It was hard to tell. Some days she felt like she and the Monkey King were as thick as thieves, dodging demonic creatures, bandits and the like with an ease that was comforting in this strange world. Other days it was like walking around a scalded cat, Wukong picking and poking and snapping at things Sophie didn’t understand fully. He was a prickly monkey but …
She looked down and saw that his face, though set in his typical apathetic scowl, had none of the stormy look he usually wore when something was bothering him.
When he acted like this it made Sophie want to be his friend all the more.
Wukong pulled one of his hands free from behind his head and held up a hand, asking silently. Sophie passed him the book. The Monkey King squinted at the words, turning the book and it’s pages in his hand with a disinterested air.
“I guess that’s suitable.” He said and snapped it closed.
“To read aloud.” Wukong said, passing it back to her. He closed his eyes, breathing out as another cool breeze shook the tree leaves above them.
“We may have an hour or two before that storm will be upon us.” He lifted his chin up, gesturing at the storm.
“I don’t think you want your little book to get wet in that downpour so if you want to get a good deal into it, best to start sooner rather than later.”
“You want me to read aloud to you?”
Wukong opened one glowing eye and stared at her. “Yes. It will be a welcome change to that monkey stalker crap you have.”
“It’s not crap it’s science!”
“Sounds like crap to me.”
“If you want me to read to you, you better not call this book crap either or I will drop it on your nose.” Sophie threatened.
Wukong opened both his eyes to fix her with an upside down glare.
“You wouldn’t dare.” But there was a hint of a grin about his face, a tugging of humor to his lips.
Sophie kept his stare, unblinking.
“Watch me, monkey boy.”
She shook the book in threat. She would drop the book on his nose. Sophie had a suspicion that Wukong would then take that book and either chuck it away or keep it away from her.
Wukong grinned up and then closed his eyes again, tail curling up and onto his waist.
“I wouldn’t. It’s poetry. I want to hear what this pompous Li Po has to prattle about.” With that Wukong settled back into Sophie’s lap, getting comfortable.
Sophie felt a touch of affection for her friend, something that may have struck a different cord with her if this had been earlier in their relationship (and before Wukong had squashed that very early crush). Wukong may be an ass- pompous and self important himself- but he was genuine in a sense. He may dance around things that made him turn moody and broody but he really couldn’t hide that, despite being hot and cold at times to her, Sophie and Sun Wukong had a friendship. One born of arguments and teasing, questions and prodding. Maybe he had scared her into falling into a river. But he had stolen her clothes to replace the ones soaked. Maybe he had poor communication skills and liked to get her attention by kicking walls or suddenly jumping up in front of her or taking her things and holding them at ransom. But it was friendship. A friendship so very strange and bewildering at times that It confused Sophie as much as rewarded her.
The snap of thunder had her stare back up into the sky. The storm moved closer, already a sheet of rain visibly pouring down onto the mountains beyond. It would be a bit before it reached the pilgrims but it was making its steady way toward them all the same.
Sophie opened the book, flipping to the first poem. Quite appropriately it was about storms.
As the thunder rolled closer, promising a reprieve from the heat, Sophie felt a peace settle in as she read. Even as the sky broke apart before them, she felt a calm and grounding. She may be from another time, another place. Adrift she could have felt. Reading aloud she felt an anchor settle in her. She belonged. Even if it was only to a very angry stone monkey, she belonged.
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babyawacs · 4 years
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: "better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then" this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime "yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish": #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: “better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then” this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime “yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish”: #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk
guilty. liable. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them their ownpoisons for the shit they do…
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