#it’s not flattery it’s plagiarism
jmflowers · 2 years
Someone in the Marina fandom is reposting a Brittana story on AO3, changing the characters names to be relevant for Station 19, and then claiming this is simply “allowing more people to enjoy this writer’s incredible work”. They are publicly crediting the original author, but they are also doing this without the original author’s consent.
It’s not the first time I’ve seen this happen in this fandom - something similar was done with an old Calzona story that the original author had actually gone on to self-publish. The fan reposting only removed the stolen story when presented with the Amazon link for the published book.
Let me be the perfectly clear when I state, for the record, that NO ONE has permission to republish my written work ANYWHERE. No matter the intentions or how great you might think it is. My work is my own creation, my own time spent, and mine to decide what to do with. It is not flattering to take someone else’s work and repost it, especially not without their consent. It is plagiarism and it is wrong.
This is my biggest fear as a fanfic writer and it haunts me to think of people being able to have just regular, free access to my work to then alter or repost wherever they please. Like, enough to want to just take everything down and never post again.
Y’all are fucked if you think what this fan is doing is okay.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
Hey blorbie,
Can I share something that makes me sad?
I posted the first chapter of a story in October last year and although I have started and have a general layout for the rest of the story, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to write for personal reasons (namely a death in my family).
Now today, I’m looking through the tags on AO3 and see a story that looks like it would be something I’d enjoy. I open it and it’s almost an exacts copy of my story. The author changed small things but everything else, even the punctuation, is directly copied. No credit, no asking for permission, nothing! Simply copied. This makes me really sad and I’m not really sure what to do.
hey there, this sucks so big time??? omg I'm so sorry. I've had my fics cross posted without permission and credit and it's not a great feeling
If it's directly copied, you've got a good case for citing plagiarism, and I'd recommend contacting the author/leaving a comment and if they don't respond/delete it then you can file an ao3 report and have their fic taken down (but it might take a hot minute)
having something you spent so much time on be blatantly ripped off is an awful experience, if you want to link your fic and that fic here/cite the similarities, I'll go yell at them myself. but if naming and shaming isn't your vibe, reporting them on ao3 is what you can do about it.
I'm sorry this happened, anon! I hope it doesn't stop you from writing again
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mjduncan · 2 years
Hi, so someone on ao3 is converting "Serendipity" into a Maya/Carina (from Station 19) fic, I'm just wondering if you're aware of it, or if you gave permission or anything. Cheers
*sigh* Awesome. Happy Monday to me.
No, I was not aware. And I definitely didn't give permission for it. Links?
Edit to add: Thanks for the links. Left them a comment before reporting them to AO3, and when I went back to grab the user name to do the same on Wattpad, the Ao3 account was already showing as orphaned. A search of Wattpad isn't coming up with anything, so I think our buddy has run for the hills for the moment. (If I'm wrong, please send me the link to that one and I'll get it pulled too)
To the kind anon who alerted me to this issue, @badwolf-timeandspace who provided a link to the shitfuckery, and those who pointed out in the comments on AO3 that it was a stolen fic -- you're amazing and thanks for looking out for me.
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Is he now copyin his tour speaches? twitter!com/sunflwrkait/status/1535833510904225793?t=NAlFHjfxzUik85mTKUuo4w&s=19
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Every day Louis inspires his fans to be better people. God bless.
(I mean Harry is a fan. May he start doing IGTV after three tours :))
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staceereyes · 1 year
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But when does imitation become envy? Could one claim that imitation is just a mask for envy?
“To see someone take your personal form of
expression & claim it as their own just
upsets me to no end.” - https://lifeunsweetened.com/2012/11/07/is-imitation-really-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery/
"Self-Reliance" is an 1841 essay written by American transcendentalist philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. It contains the most thorough statement of one of Emerson's recurrent themes: the need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow his own instincts and ideas. - Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®
In it Emerson explains that people must believe in their own intuition and reject the opinions of others in order to transcend the bounds of the physical world. - Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson | Summary & Transcendentalism
Sincere: having or showing true feelings that are expressed in an honest way.
I feel as if by this definition, it would be hard to actually say that you’re being sincere when imitating, because imitation could be compared to mocking. In fact, they are so close to being the same that one could argue it’s basically a nicer way of making fun of you…
Your thoughts? Open up my mind up PLZ.
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vagabond-umlaut · 6 months
ruby, one baker's dozen
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Winter mornings are meant to be whiled away in the silent comfort of one's blankets— a rule the feared King of Curses knows and follows— or must one say, he knows and desperately wishes to follow, but alas!
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▸ trueform!sukuna x wife!reader; tons & gallons of tooth-rotting domestic fluff; v light suggestiveness in the beginning; before everything transforms into silliness; SLEEPY LOVING & CUDDLING; you & 'kuna have two adorable menaces as your twin babies— life is definitely fun for you, handling three ryomen's on a daily basis! xD [ryomen isn't rly sukuna's surname, is it? well, here in these tags, it is :)]
▸ belongs to the series 'mine? yes, mine.' but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna!
▸ i don't own the characters, the image or the divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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One thing which Sukuna cherishes more than most is his sleep.
And one thing which Sukuna cherishes more than sleep is when you're the one waking him.
Feathery kisses pressing themselves into the column of his neck. Sharp nails slowly dragging down the length of his arm. Your tiny figure moving to lie atop of him, freezing yet more comforting than the warmest fires this wintry dawn—
A rumble of a chuckle leaving, he opens an eye to find you staring. Your enchanting eyes heavy with sleep, and those twinkles never not there when he catches you gazing upon him. A languid smile adorns his face.
"Isn't it too early for you to be awake, wife?"
"Perhaps," you hum, lifting your lips into a drowsy tilt, "But it is never early for me to admire my husband," your hand moves from travelling down his arm to card through his hair, "At times, I cannot believe you're married to me. You're far too ethereal for anything– for anyone from this world."
You're jesting, is the first thought which crosses Sukuna's mind. But it is banished the very next instant— when he notices the sincerity engraved into your features and words, clear as day for all to see.
Ignoring the erratic rhythm thundering within his chest, your lover wraps an arm round your waist and pulls you flush to himself. Another hand moves to run through your messy hair gently. Basking in the content sigh you offer as a response, he grumbles, "Flattery never works on me, woman. Speak your mind freely, without resorting to such trifling words."
"Ah, but what if I was speaking my mind, my king?" you breathe out, giggling lightly, "I do see you as someone otherworldly, someone who is— mmph!"
Unusual yet far-from-unknown feelings clouding his vision, Sukuna captures your lips into a fiery motion with his own. Two hands alternating between caressing you through your nightgown and squeezing the supple flesh lying beneath it. A third hand slipping the thin strap of the gown past your shoulder. While the fourth one reaches towards the nightstand, for the–
"The necklace!"
Sukuna draws in a sharp breath, breaking the kiss. You make a noise, somewhere between puzzled and disgruntled— yet your husband finds himself unable to focus on it as he moves you to shift into a sitting posture— not when he cannot find the necklace he gifted you the night prior, the very one he unclasped from round your neck and kept on the table before going to bed—
A soft gasp drags his attention back to you. To your wide, terrified eyes.
"Don't tell me you cannot find the necklace, Sukuna!!" The warning in your tone is unmistakeable as you lean over him to look at the stand. "It must have been worth more than a fortune— I always ask you to mind your expenses yet you never—"
"The money isn't the problem, wife," Sukuna doesn't wait for you before snapping, "The problem's in the security— though for an intruder to escape my eye, it is nigh impossi—"
Your lover stills.
The very moment two tiny yet blinding Cursed Energy signatures make themselves known. Chortling. Toddling from the nursery adjacent into the bedroom. Of course, with your necklace of rubies being held by one of them.
A joyous shriek leaves them when they see you awake, tiny legs waddling even faster to help them reach you sooner— yet much too slow for the likes of the feared King of Curses.
In a fraction of a second, he wrenches the blankets off to place his feet on the ground. And stomping over to the two– now rooted to their spot, crimson eyes narrowed into slits at their father– he scoops each up into one arm. And glowers.
"Why did you steal this, you brats?"
The twins share an oddly telepathic-seeming look with each other— before the younger, Mizuki, answers, chubby face set in a deep scowl, "Gift, pwetty. Mama, pwetty."
"Yes, I agree," Sukuna seethes, barely restraining his temper, "But that gift was for me to give your mother. Not for you to give her. How dare you-"
"No!!" A hand smacks him, one he realises is covered in drool. If looks could kill, your husband reckons your elder twin Amaya would've long since shoved him into the realm of death by now. She hits him again. "Mizu–Aya gift Mama. Papa no gift Mama."
A scathing retort sits at the tip of his tongue, but he swallows it back when he hears your giggles. Your feet land on the floor with a soft tap! before ambling over. You press a sweet kiss to each of your daughters' foreheads, eliciting two sets of identical laughs in reply.
You coo, "Did my two darlings get me a beautiful gift, hm?"
The twins nod vigorously, Mizuki nearly shoving the ornament into your face. Annoyance ticks in Sukuna's jaw, but he stops himself from chastising them— you'll chew his ears off if he interrupts your 'mama-babies bonding moment' or whatever.
Shooting him an awfully delighted glance, you take the necklace and wearing it, grin with a brow raised. "So... how do I look, babies?"
The twins waste not even an instant before screeching their opinion, right into their father's ears— yet, somehow, the latter cannot find it within himself to be mad for that. Not when they have only spoken the truth, for you indeed do look very pretty.
Absolutely nothing less than a vision.
A vision your husband has to take a deep breath to restrain from ravishing this very moment— lest it scars the children and you snap his neck in return— he clears his throat noisily to regain your attention. Subtly nodding your head at him, he watches you redirect your gaze to the toddlers— that sweet smile still lighting your face, yet a tad serious.
A change, he gathers, Amaya and Mizuki too realise, given the way they sneak a glance of each other before returning their eyes to you. Smoothing the hair on top of Amaya's head, you hum, "The gift was pretty too, my darlings— but I wonder when the two of you went to the market to buy it, y'know?"
A tense moment passes with yet another telepathic look between the twins. Voice still soft, you inquire, "Were you the ones who bought me this, babies?"
"No..." Amaya shakes her head after a second's hesitation. Mizuki adds, features crestfallen, "Papa buy gift. We no buy gift."
"Ah... I see..." Sukuna watches you say, catching the meaningful smile you direct his way. "So, Papa was the one who bought this for Mama. But Aya and Mizu didn't want her to receive the gift from him, so they decided to sneak into the room when they were sleeping, steal the gift, then give it to Mama next morning, making her think it is from them— am I right or am I wrong, babies?"
"Of course, you're right, my Queen," your lover scoffs, ready to pour more fuel into the fire— but falls silent on receiving your glare— which considerably softens when you look at the toddlers in his arms. But not by too much.
His Queen is kind yet never the kindest— one of the many things he admires about you.
"Amaya? Mizuki?" you press them one more time, only to earn few quiet sniffles in response. Soon followed by two teary voices, sing-song in a chorus, "Sowwy, Mama. Sooo sowwy."
"Nuh-nuh," you tut, folding your arms across your chest and shaking your head, "I'm not the one you wronged. You wronged your father. Say sorry to him."
Hostility— the one of the bitterest kind— flashes in the eight crimson eyes scowling at him. Tears now nothing save mere vapour, thanks to the fury at their father. Sukuna smirks, seeing Amaya give him a resentful look while her sister pouts at you pleadingly.
You beam back, as sweet as ever. "Say sorry to your Papa, sweeties. Or I'll take your toys away for a week."
"Mama!?" The older of the two shrieks, indignation and betrayal written all over her face— Mizuki, ever the more even-tempered and pragmatic of the duo, wastes no time in complying to your command. "Sowwy Papa," she says, tears refilling her eyes, "So sowwy. Mizuki not wrong Papa again," then turns to her twin, tone brooking no room for disagreement, "Aya, say sowwy Papa."
Quite a few beats pass before Amaya eventually concedes defeat and grits out a barely-heard apology— your husband's smirk growing more taunting, he pulls you closer to tuck you into his side and presses a kiss to the top of your head. All the while two of his eyes remain focused on those two bite-sized fuming competitors for his wife's love.
You peer up at him, those twinkles making a comeback in your mesmerising eyes.
"The princesses are more your children than mine, my king," you tease, "A month away from their second birthday and they've already started to resort to such devious methods for my affection! How shall I ever keep them in check, I wonder..."
The same way you reprimanded them right now, the thought crosses his mind. But he decides not to express it so. Not when he still has a revenge to exact for having his time with you interrupted in such a rude fashion.
"Fret not, my Queen," he murmurs, "We can always let the princesses stay at home when the next fair comes to the nearby villages, whilst we both visit it— I'm certain that will be a lesson good enough for— Ow, you fuckers!!!!"
Two war cries erupt in the room in response, soon followed by two flurries of attacks from his two greatest adversaries— a development, he knows, will never not lead to you yelling, the twins wailing, and him being deprived of you for who-knows-how-long— given how clingy those two gremlins grow after making you mad–
And yet. And yet.
The King of Curses finds himself not too irked with the way things have turned out to be.
Not when the three lights of his world are all in his arms, making this dark wintry dawn brighter and warmer than the midday sun— never mind the stinging scratches on his left cheek, the repeated smacks on his right cheek and the extremely exasperated groan from right beside him.
Sukuna reckons— nay, he knows— he cherishes you and your two imps the most out of everything.
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▸ honourable mentions: @poe-daydreams for giving me the DILF!SUKUNA brainrot, @avatarofstars for constantly supporting and motivating me out of one of my worst writer's blocks, @thefallofruins for being the sweet & kind owner of the other half of my braincells, @javarium for hyping me up so-freaking-much all-the-freaking-time!! TYYYY & I LOVE U ALL SOOO MUCHHH 🥰🥰🥰
▸ masterlist
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
A day in the past, Alastor and Vox finishing up at the tailors, they’re standing in front of a mirror and Alastor says “well now, don’t we make a fine pair” (translation: “good job business pal, I won’t be embarrassed to be associated with you in public.” with a sprinkle of passive aggression that Vox’s outfit is so similar to his, brushed off as “plagiarism is a form of flattery”)
What Vox hears: nothing after that because some romantic song is playing too loud in his head
LMAOOOOOOO this is real
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yoonavii · 11 months
Impressing his crush
Context: Gojo Satoru trying to impress his diva and high-maintenance girl crush
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Gojo, being the confident and charismatic guy that he is, would go to great lengths to impress his crush. He’d meticulously plan extravagant dates and outings, ensuring that everything is flawlessly executed.
Aware of his crush’s high standards, Gojo would spare no expense in his attempts to win her over. He might take her to exclusive restaurants, arranging private dining experiences with personalized menus and attentive service.
Gojo would put extra effort into his appearance. He’d meticulously choose stylish outfits and pay attention to every detail, from his hair to his accessories. He’d always aim to match his crush’s level of elegance and style.
Knowing that his crush has a penchant for extravagant gifts, Gojo would surprise her with lavish presents. Whether it’s a rare piece of jewelry, a limited-edition fashion item, or tickets to a sold-out event, he would make sure to find something that perfectly aligns with her tastes.
To impress his crush, Gojo would showcase his impressive jujutsu skills. He might organize private demonstrations, where he displays his immense power and control over cursed techniques. This would not only demonstrate his abilities but also emphasize his dedication to protecting her.
He would willingly participate in activities or hobbies that his crush enjoys, even if they’re not his usual interests. He’d immerse himself in her world, attending glamorous events, art exhibitions, or fashion shows, always by her side.
Despite being a natural prankster, Gojo would temporarily suppress his mischievous side when around his crush. He’d strive to present a more refined and composed image, believing it’s necessary to match her high-maintenance nature.
Gojo would shower his crush with constant attention and compliments. He’d be a perfect gentleman, ensuring she feels valued and adored. His flattery would be genuine, as he genuinely appreciates her unique qualities.
He would seek to understand his crush on a deeper level. He’d take the time to engage in meaningful conversations, actively listening to her thoughts and desires. This would allow him to tailor his efforts to meet her specific expectations.
Ultimately, Gojo’s goal would be to make his crush feel like the center of his universe. He’d prioritize her happiness, supporting her ambitions and dreams while being the unwavering pillar of support she needs.
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©𝐘𝐀𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
Nicknames that the boys (s+m+t+kino) would give their s/o
Nicknames the Diaboys would give their s/o—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I apologize for the wait! Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
Made with: @liannelara-dracula
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Shu’s not super into nicknames, so he sticks to using his lover’s real name.
But every so often (depending on the situation), he’ll call his girl by a nickname.
Sappy girl/firecracker—He usually calls his lover this if they scold him for something or if they have a sharp tongue, to which he finds amusing.
Dirty girl—I mean, what girl does he not address as lewd? So, you can best bet he’s going to do the same with you.
Body pillow/my pillow—It’s just cuz he’s an ass and likes to use you as a body pillow in general.
Reiji doesn’t really give his lover nicknames, so he usually falls back on calling his s/o by their name or using more formal and elegant terms.
Dear/dearest/my dear—He’ll address you by any of these three when the moment is sweet, or he’s trying to get your attention in a sensible way.
Honey—He calls you this on rare occasions, or when he’s up for one of his famous “special” nights.
I can’t-
Ohh, Laito’s all about nicknames and prefers to call his lover by those names rather than their real name since he’s quite playful. 
Baby—I mean, we’ve all heard him call Yui this, so you can best bet he’ll call his s/o this, especially when he wants to make things frisky.
Darling—He’ll call you this if he’s feeling romantic and pretty playful.
Naughty—I think this is pretty self-explanatory lmao. Usually calls you this if he thinks you’re provoking him, or if you in fact are.
Baby girl—He uses this either casually or sexually, such as in the bedroom or when you two are getting intimate elsewhere. It could honestly be anywhere with Laito xDD.
Ma Cherie—In bed, during aftercare.
In a relationship with Kanato, there’s a mix of nickname and real name usage.
He mostly leans towards using nicknames he’s made for his lover because he finds them significant to their character and his relationship with them.
Princess—If there’s one thing about Kanato, it’s that he likes to make his lover feel special, and because he’s not the type to date just anyone, *cough* Laito *cough* he believes his lover is more than worthy to be called this.
Doll—It’s because you resemble one in his eyes, beautiful and flawless. He’ll usually address you with this title when he’s trying to get your attention, or if he’s flattering you for something you did for him.
Gorgeous—Need I say much here? He calls you this because you are, it’s as simple as that.
Precious—Anyone who is Kanato’s lover is beyond precious in his eyes, so it’s only natural that he addresses his girl in this way since she’s his one and only.
Lover—Oooh, this one’s heavily romantic, and this is where he stands out the most from his brothers because he’s so original when it comes to flattery. He always knows exactly what to say to make anyone swoon. ME! Fuck!
Because Ayato’s not super formal, sweet nicknames are just not it for him. They typically range between teasing to minorly suggestive.
Pancake—He’ll call you this whether you’re flat or not. It’s just to annoy you because he sucks like that.
Babe—He’s a jock, so he’ll definitely revert to addressing his girl in this way rather often.
Bruh/Bro—He addresses his girl this way pretty casually since it’s part of his lingo. And on some days he calls her “brah” to change things up. xDD He’ll even go to using “dude” lmao. xDD
Captain—He usually calls you this when you’re asking him to do something or to help you out and he’s reluctant to do so. So, because he feels that you’re bossing him around, he’ll call you this to tick you off. Or, if he really wants to push things, he’ll call you “Reiji.” xDD
Dollface—He’s definitely going to call you this because you’re pretty. Like, no questions asked.
Babe—He prefers it over “baby,” and is pretty casual about using it towards you.
Shortie—He’ll call you this only if you’re shorter than him. Guess I’m in that club lmao. It’s just to annoy you since he sucks like that.
Pipsqueak—He finds this one really amusing to use, especially if you walk away from him during an argument. So, he’ll call you this to get your attention again even though you’re beyond pissed at him. Check out @liannelara-dracula’s post about this here.
Ruki usually refers to his s/o by their name, and just prefers it that way.
But if their name is really long, he’ll shorten it but add an interesting twist to it.
It’s so rare if he calls his girl by a nickname, it’s usually when he’s being a teasing fuck.
Angel/Angel face—This may sound sweet and all, but he’ll call his lover this in a more teasing than sensible way. It’s just cuz he’s an ass and we all know it.
Kou is literally the king of nicknames. So he’s got all sorts for his lucky girl.
Kitten/Kitty—Calls you this when greeting or saying goodbye to you, following up with a kiss since he’s sweet like that.
Sugar/buttercup/cutie/cutie pie—Because Kou finds you adorable, he loves addressing you with these terms.
My love bug—He usually calls you this when you’re snuggled up next to him because he’s sentimental like that. Aww :’)).
Because of his teasing nature, Yuma has all sorts of nicknames for his lover.
Little pig/piglet—I mean, we see him call Yui and pretty much any other girl this, so it isn’t going to leave since he finds it amusing.
Toots—This is mostly just to annoy you since you roll your eyes at him every time he calls you this, to which it only fuels him to tease you more.
Babe—He uses this pretty casually with you. It’s become second nature in all honesty. Not that that’s a bad thing tho xDD.
My girl—He definitely prefers to call you this instead of addressing you as his girlfriend. He finds it hot.
Munchkin—If you’re shorter than him, you’re not escaping this nickname. For example, he’ll call you this if you’re helping him out in the garden, such as when he asks you to grab a tool for him.
Pumpkin—He harvests them, so of course he has to apply it to his relationship with you. He calls you this mostly because he finds it cute.
Eve—He calls Yui this all the time, so you can imagine he’s going to do the same with his lover. I seriously swear this guy has an Edennic kink of some sort.
Sweetie—He likes to call you this just to get your attention, it’s mostly cuz he’s genuinely sweet in nature.
My flower—This is honestly so cute. He usually calls you this whenever you two share a super soft moment. :))
Oh, my heart-
Carla’s not one to really use nicknames since he’s ancient, so he usually calls you by your name.
But every once in a while, he does decide to address you differently, and because he likes to catch you off guard.
Sweetheart—OMG! He’ll call you this when you least expect it and it’s a surprise every time. It literally makes anyone’s heart skip a beat.
Future queen/my queen—This just depends on your relationship status with him, but make no mistake that he’s set on the idea of making you his queen even if you two haven’t gotten that far in your relationship yet.
Like Carla, he isn’t too big on nicknames, but he’ll slip them in whenever he deems it necessary.
Love—It’s mostly because he spent too much time in Britain lol. But I can’t lie and say it doesn’t suit him.
Sweetheart—It’s not very often, but it’s usually when you two are sharing a soft moment of some sort, that is, when he isn’t being a teasing mf. But then again, when is he not acting like that? Lol.
Foxy—You hate it and it’s meant to annoy/embarrass you.
Oh my god, he has so many for his s/o, it’s ridiculous.
And each one he uses depends on his mood.
Babe—Like Ayato, Subaru, and Yuma, he’ll call you this pretty often. He prefers it over “baby.”
Toots—He finds you hot, and he’s definitely going to call you this whenever you two engage in a snarky argument. It’s mostly because he likes throwing you off and getting you to blush at his reference to you.
Hot stuff—This nickname literally annoys the shit out of you and he’s always like ‘what? I gotta say it.’
Boss/Sir—Sometimes if you tell him to do something or help you, like Ayato, he’ll call you this cuz he thinks you’re being bossy. To which you just end up calling him “ma’am” as a retort lmao. xDD
My girl—This is a big one for him. Like, he doesn’t call you his girlfriend, he calls you “his girl” because he wants everyone to know how serious you two are.
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colouredzz · 6 months
𝖥𝔄𝖭𝖳𝖠𝖲𝐼𝑍𝐸⠀⠀✷⠀⠀⠀𝈺⠀𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖻𝗂𝖽 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀
⠀⠀𝗱𝗰 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀⠀✬⠀𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 . . . 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 ᅠ♰ᅠᅠׂᅠᅠ\⠀𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐀 girl's fantasies run through her mind, dreams take charge of taking her to the most anticipated moments of her pathetic life, wetting her underwear and cursing that her reality was totally different.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 wants her skin boiling against his delicate body, she was born to be the girl of his dreams and not a total.
─── do not try to plagiarize or make stupid comments about my one shots and the protagonist
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀created by @PSYBERH99D
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⠀⠀✶⠀⠀𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 morbid things about the boys dc, main in batboys ❪ later ❫
⠀⠀✶⠀⠀𝗘𝗫𝗖𝗟𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗚𝗜𝗙𝗧 for my precious beca ❪ @birdniight ❫ for your birthday that was yesterday, but for climate issues in my city, everything is It went well to hell. ⠀ I stay calm with having congratulated my bestie on this day 14 just when in his country it was already on November 15.
⠀⠀✶⠀⠀𝘽𝙀𝘾𝘾𝘼 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝙏𝙀 this based on my friend's whore even if it wasn't my intention ❪ it literally came naturally to me ❫
⠀⠀✶⠀⠀𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 by one shots will be very fanfic type but with a lot of porn involved, Do not judge me.
⠀⠀✶⠀⠀𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 There are many of them who are going to fuck the protagonist, Don't blame me if it took too long.
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⠀⠀𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. . . smut, sexual degradation, masturbation, oral sex, slightly forced submission, sexual relations in public places, shame, masochism, voyeurism, sexual group, threesomes, taste for adults, involuntary innocence, raw sex, double penetration, fetishes, phallophilia, hanging, etc.
⠀⠀𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . the characters used (with the exception of Becca White) are the property of DC Comics and none of them belong to me. The plot and so on are mine.
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⠀⠀୨౿⠀⠀⠀⠀֛⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 for being a woman of ethereal attractiveness including her characteristic and unmistakable graceful sense of humor, she secretly professed a petty ⠀⠀ ━exorbitant and obvious━ ⠀⠀ infatuation with the old man his father's comrade, because in his gentle and tender eyes, Bruce Wayne was perfectly imperfect, far removed from the specific traits that led directly to the ideal type standard; without having the intention of sounding demanding; It was enough and incredibly satisfying to see his kind intentions with the less fortunate who came to the man's help in the first person, falling at the feet of the Elder. ⠀ to say, to describe how ridiculous and the catastrophic level of his shame for his feelings, worse still, his growing desires for more than simple caresses, was a complete disgrace, they were a constant torment that day and night he suffered; he had no voice, nor a vote, the control and sanity of his jovial thoughts were violated by the main culprit of his martyrdom; who unfortunately did not know ⠀⠀ ━or knew perfectly well━ ⠀⠀ what it caused to his small anatomy.
⠀⠀ now I lived on vague encounters and few exchanges of words.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ a gala was being held at Wayne Manor with a hidden motive, the uncertainty and mystery is almost possible to breathe and the nervousness eats away at the patience of each person inside the great Hall until reaching a point where Becca She is forced to feel out of place to start pacing every solitary corner of that majestic room, luxuriously decorated and perfectly lit ⠀⠀ ❪with certain blind spots, but nothing she can complain about❫. ⠀⠀ hears murmurs, rumors and flattery directed towards the Elder Wayne: the patriarch of such a prestigious family with three adopted children and one biological ⠀⠀ ❪dead, as was previously the second of his offspring until he was legally revived❫, ⠀⠀ a sweet smile appears on Miss White's fleshy and well-kept lips; probably proud, but of what? balancing the thin glass of white wine between each finger of her small hands, absorbed in every thought; browsing without being aware that a picturesque look ⠀⠀ ❪many, actually❫ ⠀⠀ details it down to the smallest imperfection.
⠀⠀ it runs through every curve of the tiny body, loses itself in the spongy, thin and smooth cheeks, mentally notes the soft, unexpressed whispers in a low voice and even goes lower and lower until it just returns to its starting point. ⠀ that tender look melted in chocolate, with big eyes: similar to a deer.
⠀⠀⠀ wants to go. ⠀ wants to meet her, introduce herself, hear her name and repeat it; he wants to savor each letter in his oral cavity, just projecting himself into such an imagination causes a vibration in his chest due to the warm bubbling invading a large part of the thin and pale cheeks in the masculine features, saying it with such adoration until he is the culprit of an intense blush on the rosy cheeks because of the soft tone dissolving because of that seductive tone that is part of the gravity in his voice.
⠀⠀ he takes a step forward but, surprisingly, his younger brother discreetly rushes to steal the attention of that pleasant female without so much work.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ cautiously examines the stunned expression on the melodious female face, Damian ignores the gesture and asks something of his own; using overall distinction of the magnificent sharp lip without losing sight of it at any moment. ⠀there, right on their own side within the great Hall, two figures join on each side, equally observant of the exchange of words between the legally recently revived younger brother and the woman who takes away sighs from her Father prudent enough to that no one will notice. ⠀ The only difference was that they were not normal people, it was a little late but they noticed it.
⠀⠀⠀ ━━━ that brat is a. . . ⠀ ━━ ⠀ ⠀ the offense is cut off by the severity shining in the blue orbs and he grumbles dissatisfied.
⠀⠀ ━━━ Jaybird ⠀ ━━ ⠀ ⠀ pronounces velvety, without looking at the man's sharp features. ⠀ ⠀ ━━, it is not the best time to start an altercation with Damian precisely at his first gala after being dead for a long time ⠀ ━━ ⠀ ⠀ he smiles, it is disturbing that the gesture feels rigid and cannot be reached reflected in his attractive look. ⠀ briefly feeling uncomfortable by the heaviness in the center of his torso, pushing away the emotion before vibrating with pure warmth. ⠀ ⠀ ━━. There just has to be a reason for it. . . Inexplicable socialization with Miss White.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ a subtle "Mmm" comes out of Tim Drake's throat, he crosses his arms over his chest and analyzes even the slightest reaction on the expressionless face of young Wayne - Al Ghul. ⠀ it was the female's charming smile that attracts the attention of all the members of the Wayne family ⠀⠀ ❪even if the patriarch is busy talking to people he knows❫ ⠀⠀ and they briefly ignore their surroundings, the bustle enters the A hurried room, the party for an unknown reason gets out of control when they recognize the mature features ⠀⠀ ❪so sharp and well defined❫ ⠀⠀ of the young man next to the thin figure of Lady White. ⠀ they think carefully ⠀⠀ ❪they are loud and do not consider themselves rude because of the noise❫ ⠀⠀ which is hopelessly similar to that of the biological son that Bruce Wayne declared dead years ago. ⠀ The boredom previously drawn on the Demon's face is overshadowed by something indescribable just an instant after stretching out the palm of his hand and caressing a pair of brown locks that fall softly along Becca White's cheekbones, the emerald shines when contact is made. with the tiny hand ⠀⠀❪compared to the thickness and length of his own❫ ⠀⠀ and pulls it: Damian knows in detail what he is doing without saying anything else, he walks backwards and without wasting any more time stretches his arm sheathed in the distinguished evening dress ⠀⠀ ❪made to measure, enriched in expensive and comfortable fabrics❫ ⠀⠀ until it tangled against the small waist, its purpose was not to let it go for a long time. ⠀ They saw it when they exchanged glances, so evident by the imperceptible smile framed in their slightly thick lips.
⠀⠀⠀ a dance before dropping the bomb that revolutionized the lives of absolutely everyone.
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⠀⠀𓇼⠀⠀⠀⠀𝈺⠀⠀⠀⠀okay, I have to say that I never thought about translating fantasize because, mainly, I published it not so long ago and I haven't even started writing the first "encounter" yet, however, I think it's better to do it at the same time so as not to have to publish everything at once. hit and no, of course not.
apart from the fact that my friend suggested I translate it, I said: well, I don't lose anything. likewise, I am very sorry that the translation is complete shit, when I learn English I swear by everything I love most that I will improve the translation, until then, sorry.
this fic or book (yes, book on other platforms) is published in Spanish on Ao3 in my R3DHOODLUST account and on Wattpad with the same username as my blog (but in all caps, and the book is better decorated) anyway, just for people who want to see it or who speak Spanish to improve their reading.
i already want to distance myself from this, so wait for more updates (because maybe Jason Todd's Venom Rage will upload, MAYBE IDK) FINALLY, then I'm going to decorate the blog with more of my things, bye bye
postscript: lowercase is intentional
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bananna-threads · 24 days
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New addition to the night sky! Star #4/15 now complete. This is my first time making a quilt, much less a quilted dress, and I keep swinging between enjoying the process, and being completely frustrated lol. Paper piecing has been really helpful in making even a beginner like me look like I know what I'm doing. But I can't tell you how many times I've had to seam rip and restitch a section because when I go to press a new section open, I realize the fabric doesn't completely cover the area it needs to lol.
I've been using scaled down versions of the paper piecing patterns on Wombat Quilts' website:
She has some awesome stuff, and shares a lot of helpful resources. Maybe this is a poor excuse, but since I'm new to quilting and I wasn't confident I could come up with a design myself, I've pretty much just been copying her "Starry Night" quilt 😅 I'm telling myself that because this is really just for me, that this doesn't count as plagiarism. Copying is a form of flattery...right?
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thedivineart · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⌷ .⠀⠀d i s c l a i m e r⠀⠀✿𝆬
[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉 ✧ ] any events and other things in your life are cannot be accurately predict by me and the tarot cards, do take a note that we are 'still' the creator of our 'future'- what you 'do' now will be the outcome of your future life and this could be either a good or bad, if your doing good and you are good to others expect the bright future ahead but in reverse you might expect the worst.
[ ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] to pick a pile, firstly take a good deep breath, second focus on every pile in the photo provided below { pile one, pile two, pile three }, and lastly scroll more down to reveal your reading. if you cannot still pick up any of the pile, do remember the sequence of what is written in the first sentence.
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[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉ℯ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] grammatical errors ahead, if you're a perfectionist then leave this pac. I do write with so many flaws and I know it's not perfect since my first language isn't english.
-` 𝑇𝐻𝐸𝐷𝐼𝑉𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐴𝑅𝑇 ´- ✰︵ — m a s t e r l i s t ´-
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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• shock from something either a situation or a news
• honor or recognition from your labor ( work and study )
• death of someone or a major change; new beginning. for some, this could be an important decision that will brings change or worries and anxiety might be present too
• a news related to finances, either financial help or a loan.
• you will cut something or someone to your life, anger, loss and loneliness. seperation accompanied by pain.
• success from bussiness and love or moving away from local area or home environment to city life.
• changes in business or social situation and happy times
• letting go and releasing what is no longer serves you, moving and parting way. for some, loss by theft and will recover after difficulty.
• desires will be fulfilled; a wealth or inheritance from something or someone and a voyage specially using ships.
• a successful speculations.
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• loss and unhappy surprise or unexpected trouble
• change of residence for the better and could be later or sooner, a opportunity to redo something
• be careful when it comes for your health. A trip that usually over the water.
• success in business and love or signs about a successful speculations
• receiving or giving small sum of money. for some financial growth.
• desired opportunities or fulfilling your dreams. moon symbol is fortunate in your side.
• long distance journey. a gift, either materialism or time of someone, a helpful advice and a bit good news.
• do not trust someone, even though it's your family or friends, in next month possibly someone may betray you.
• a conflict, disagreement, betrayal that from a home or family.
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• gatherings with cheerful and gaiety moment.
• if your in relationship: marriage and rich is it or if not and single sensitive moments will may arrive
• shock from something or someone either it is bad or good
• being in a relationship if single. a return of ex-lover or broken friendship. A party and having fun. sexual contact or physical union.
• the discovery of a mystery from what affects you in this month (January).
• a new beginning or start of new phase of life. Marriage or engagement might be it is for some.
• wish fulfilment or desires being fulfill. for some, a wealth from inheritance or trade.
• financial achievement or improvement. lucky wins or lucky money.
• flattery of someone to you or having mutual feelings to someone.
• if single, fulfilment of highest aims or if not a rival in love.
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[ 🪷. ] Hello! Thank You so much for checking out this pac reading, if you ever like it please do follow and reblog for more pac. Let me know what you feel by commenting down below...
© thedivineart — do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform , do remember that this is only my official account where all my pac are posted, if you ever see something like mine from word by word kindly report it to me, thank you<3. theme is included.
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grendelsmilf · 6 months
okay the one thing about the “material effects of plagiarism as a form of labor theft that demands credit and compensation” discourse that we’re ignoring simply because it is definitely not the most pertinent aspect of this discussion is the obvious fact that when someone repeats an idea you’re proud of and gets praised for it instead of you, it feels bad! i’ve been plagiarized on minute, negligible scales over the course of my life countless times, and every time it happens, it has felt genuinely hurtful, like the people around me don’t find me all that valuable. acknowledging that someone is responsible for the idea you’re quoting is acknowledging that you see them as an equal, not an inferior. perhaps the plagiarist doesn’t always see it this way. in fact, perhaps they see it as a form of deferring to a superior, imitation as a form of flattery and all that. but without credit or acknowledgment, the effect is the same, the hurt is the same. obviously discussions of intellectual property, collaboration, and compensation are nebulous through a legal framework, but there is also just the very simple fact that plagiarism is often an act of thoughtless cruelty, and in a less tangible but no less real way, it sucks to experience.
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witchywithwhiskey · 1 month
hii not an ask but I found this fic that was extremely similar to your steve one, I thought it was only the premise but some of the dialogues are practically the same!! https://www.tumblr.com/ja3hwa/747111480649039872/%F0%9D%90%8C%F0%9D%90%AB-%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%A5-%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%9D-%F0%9D%90%92%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%B2-%F0%9D%90%92%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%87%F0%9D%90%B0%F0%9D%90%9A-synopsis-you?source=share
hi!! thanks for bringing this to my attention.
i ran the fic (both parts 1 and 2) through a plagiarism checker against my steve fic, halloween is the perfect time for tricks—and treats, and it came back as 16% plagiarized, which is disappointing. i understand unintentional similarities can happen when writing but this feels intentional. even if this writer did change certain things to fit their vision, there are a number of lines lifted directly from my fic.
but i don't really know what else i can do or say besides: i'm disappointed. i realize imitation is the highest form of flattery, and on some level, it's cool that my fic was so well-liked someone wanted to write their own version of it. but i would appreciate it, if someone did that, if they'd write all of it using their own words and not use any of mine.
if you're a writer, you know how difficult writing is, and it's disheartening to see someone take something you worked hard on and pass it off as their own, even if it's only 16% of a fic.
that's all i really have to say. i'm not going to reach out to the writer because i simply don't want to deal with that. and please, don't anyone reach out to or go after this writer on my behalf.
again, i appreciate you bringing it to my attention, and i'm disappointed that this has happened, i just hope it doesn't happen again.
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xinfinitegalaxiesx · 2 years
So you were brave enough to not only write a fanfic, but you actually did it: You posted it on the World Wide Web! Go You!
Sharing your writing is such a brave and vulnerable act. You should be very proud.
​​It's so lovely to be able to share your work in a community forum and interact with readers who appreciate the free entertainment. However, unfortunately, some readers appreciate it a little too much and decide they're going to repost it without your consent.
I've seen instances where someone will take a fanfic and change the character names to another fandom, or just straight up wholesale copy a fic from one platform to another as if it were their own. This, and I cannot stress this enough, is jerk-like behavior.
Whether you're an author or not, you still might be wondering, "well what's so bad about this? After all it's a form of flattery and exposure." Some may even argue that because it's not technically "original" it's not plagiarism, blah blah blah.
But let me tell you, it's very bad, straight up rude, and very uncool! Here's why:
It takes away the protections offered by Archive of Our Own/The Organization for Transformative Works such as freedom from censorship and litigation. 
It removes the ability to tag properly and protect/warn readers
Editing/updating or removing your own work is not possible. It may be outdated or you may not wish for it to be in the world anymore, as is your right as the creator.
It can prevent authors from publishing their own work. If it already exists online, this can affect your copyright claims as an author.
Is my fanfic affected?
Start with Google Search Search your username/handle, your fic titles, and select lines/passages from your fic. Sample query: site:<site>.com "search term"
Plagiarism checker Paste a passage from your fic into https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checker
Light Novel Paradise/GoodNovel The latest ridiculousness comes via a site known as lightnovelparadise.com (LNP) which  appears to have been abandoned. It has retooled as GoodNovel, both as a site and an app. It's functionally unusable, and has no support or contact information apart from banner ads redirecting you to the new app. There are many fandoms and likely thousands of works copy/pasted in here, so this is not just a one-fandom issue! 
Here are a few methods you can use to search LNP since the user interface is basically unusable and the search bar doesn't work. Mobile gives you a slightly better view if you want to scroll through the hundreds of works under each fandom. 
Google Query for Light Novel Paradise
site:lightnovelparadise.com "rey/ben solo" (enter your fandom, character or ship tag between quotes)
Reylo Fic Google Sheet
For ease of discovery, I've compiled a list of affected Reylo authors for ease of use & collective action, since that is my fandom. List was compiled from the Star Wars tag (691 works total).
Please comment or dm me if you find another Reylo fic not on this list and I will update. If you'd also like me to remove your info just let me know by commenting in the doc. The last thing I want to do is take more of your power away!
​ What can I do about it?
If you write fanfic that is transformative and it is reposted without your consent, you have a right to file a DMCA takedown.
​See section 7 of this helpful blog for more information including the definition of "transformative" and all the potential legal implications. 
​GoodNovel DMCA Takedown Request Instructions
​Wattpad - Reporting Copyright Infringement
More Resources
whois.com/whois - look up host/registrar for a site if there is no contact info
How to Keep Fanfiction Legal and Avoid Trouble with Lawyers
If you'd like to contribute more to this blog post, would like to support others who have been affected or have more resources to share, please comment below.
Please share this information with your fandom friends. This affects all of us and our ability to post our transformative works and enjoy it as readers - let's stick together on this!
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whygodohgodwhy · 1 year
Conversation Prompt
“Your mysterious backstory seems very similar to mine. Imitation is the lowest form of flattery. And I hate plagiarism.”
“I’m your sister, you dumbass.”
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