#it’s just a dog tag in both but I wanted the visuals to point that way yk?
fishyartist · 5 months
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vickyzangels · 1 year
% “..but i kinda hope they catch us, anyway.”
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# synopsis ; an anon asked for sfw and nsfw headcanons for tom but i accidentally deleted the ask while trying to fight for my life against tumblr because every time i added a border two other pictures would disappear tumblr i hope you fall down the stairs
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 551
# tags ; nsfw further under “keep reading” (mdni)
a/n ; i’m gonna drop this first but i have a nearly finished smut oneshot literally sitting in docs rn if i get decent enough feedback on this i’ll drop it
y’all remember that interview where he said he’d “fall in love for only a night but that he’d be down for true love later”? yeah unfortunately that applied to you, too
this can go one of two ways, you work close to the band as staff or you were a fan at one of their concerts that for some reason has to keep coming back and tom took a visual liking to you
what goes down between you two after he first notices you is vague but tom keeps seeing you every time you’re around and you started weaseling your way into his head at every hour of the day
he’d never admit that though (yet), so he’s still gonna keep up his playboy act for a bit but you’re gonna pick up that he’s being closer to you like making small jokes with you and being a little nicer
god it took you so long but he finally let you squeeze through his shell enough to be relatively close friends for a while but this definitely became a “do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways” situation
yes the feeling did flow both ways, too bad he was still a player and you didn’t wanna ruin anything so you just endlessly flirted with each other
i am 92% sure he came to you first at an afterparty absolutely wasted and told you in german “du bist so unglaublich schön und ich will dich so sehr.” you are so infuriatingly beautiful and i want you so bad.
unfortunately, bill had to translate for you
i’ve been talking a lot so i’ll try to sum up a relationship with him and add miscellaneous points
he makes an effort to act like a boyfriend in your relationship, like he doesn’t openly flirt with other people out of genuine respect for you
first date was something like you two staying over at one of your houses for the night like a sleepover or doing something in the city
he has never forgotten any important day for you. never. and on that topic, he’ll get gifts for those days nearly months in advance
he appreciates a person with aesthetic
i’m lying, tom would fall head over heels in love if you wear something even remotely close to his style
tom is a dog, y’all have seen the way he talks about what he wants to do during sex but he’s the most respectful person someone could probably ever ask for, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to pause everything if you told him you felt a little uncomfortable
the type of guy to fake bang you from behind when you bend over to grab something.
he’d spit in your mouth, having you kneel in front of him and holding your jaw open by squeezing it then making you swallow it if you wanted to be touched at all
this almost isn’t a headcanon but he’s a tit guy, regardless of size he’d froth at the mouth just to hold them
there’s not a big dom/sub thing between you two but he’s a switch because i said so
y’all… his favorite position is doggy or prone bone doesn’t matter as long as he gets to pull you by your neck up to him
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a/n ; wow. didn’t think i could write something like this but i have a lot more so lmk if i should make a part 2?
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
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d1gnan · 5 months
here's a little deep dive on the fight club necklace / my process in general hehe
i put like way too much thought into all my jewelry and this is about to be the most in depth ive actually ever gone about my process so sorry in advance 4 how long winded i am
(and if ur new to my jewelry i get everything secondhand and i upcycle so i source from places like estate sales/thrift stores/antique malls/ebay/shop frum peoples personal collections etc )
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i think the necklace and the original paper street bracelet i made speak the same visual language as the paper street house pretty well because i sourced most of it from some of my oldest and most visually ornate jewelry finds.
a lot of the beads from this one are actually from this really dope older lady i knows collection/more specifically from a costuming warehouse in nyc and the jewelry is just so ornate and crazy and out of style, i imagine they were once worn by the kind of people that wouldve gotten their soup peed in so its kind of fun to reclaim them for something like this
when i went to go look thru my stash i was specifically thinking of chipping wallpaper and pulling anything that evoked that to me-kind of corny for a second, but i love beat up old houses visually and theres something so cool about the juxtaposition of ornate/destroyed. layerS and layers of beautiful print made sad and irrelevant by its surroundings. these (the houses and the jewelry) were luxurious and cool and trendy at one point and now theyre completely obsolete and funny. i honestly think the whole thing screams tyler durdens philosophy also
( a beautiful thing destroyed, the performance of put-togetherness+ wealth, putting stake in material goods+trends only for them to be completely stripped away by time )
but anyway yeah when u put these glamorous old things together with stuff like keys and charms that don't match and mix gold/silver, you get this really lived in and sick junk drawer effect, and when you pair pale whites with pale greens it can kind of give a souring/moldy/aged look
little more specific callouts tho for references (left to right)
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golf club charms r pretty obvious
the green engraved stone i grabbed immediately because it gives the old wallpaper feeling i was going for
theres this golden charm that's kinda like a kitschy grandma charm, it says "1 minute/1 hour/1day/1week/1year/1leapyear/1century" and i put that as a reference to "this is your life and its ending one minute at a time"/"i am jacks wasted life" and i also think it works on another level/kindamatches with fight clubs irony since its like supposed to be a cutie love commitment idk at least 2 me hahaha
the little step ladder charm and the key i added so that it would read as yeah a dirty old unfinished house/kinda a visual junk drawer..the key i got at an estate sale (i got a bunch and had to make key soup to clean them all)it opens something somewhere
the dog vaccination tag is there both as a reference to the guy that they threaten but then also slightly as a nod to the narrators wacked self esteem the whole like puppy dog obsession aspect IDK
theres a little P and S charm for paper street
the freshwater pearl at the end and the plastic bone shaped bead are kind of supposed to give teeth/bones like subconsciously, i tried a kind of similar thing when i made jewelry based off of pearl from X and tried to make like a rotting looking necklace
theres a little coke bottle cracker jack toy on there too, if ur trying to condense fight club into symbols, glass bottles pop up in my brain so i wanted to find something like that and i got lucky. theres also a little green telescope cracker jack toy thats kind of rusty and i picked it up for how well it matched what i was going for visually but i feel like it could also be a space monkeys thing
any way thanks for looking at this, like i said this is the deepest ive ever gone into depth about my process, but this is why im so drawn to creating jewelry it feels like taking a picture or finishing a puzzle i just do it in a really specific way and it always feels fresh and new when i start a new project, (i definitely dont always have this much to say i promise) but any way hope this was cool
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greyennui · 1 year
Q&A for Anger is but Passion Borne of Love
@waterho-writes and I can still hardly believe how much love and support we've gotten on this Bowuigi fic, so we want to thank y'all for sticking around on this journey! We're only about halfway through the story, and we can't wait for y'all to read the rest.
Below the cut is the Q&A with all your questions. Enjoy!
Q: Did Mario and Luigi come from Earth like in canon or have they always been in the fantasy world?
It’s a passing mention in Chapter 1, but Mario and Luigi grew up in an orphanage that still sends them a monthly stipend (allowance). They’ve always been a part of this Regency-era Mushroom Kingdom, but are still outcasts in a way.
Q: Is Luigi allergic to flowers?
Not all flowers, just the really pollen-y and smelly ones (like lilies).
Q: How tall are Luigi and Bowser?
Luigi is 5’8” (~172cm) and Bowser is 6’4” (~193cm) For a visual reference:
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Q: What happened at the trial?
Keep reading to find out!
Q: Are we gonna get Bowuigi smut??
Waterho: There will absolutely be smut. GreyEnnuigi can only stop me for so long. 😈 GreyEnnuigi: Don’t worry; the Explicit Sexual Content and Dom/sub tags are not just for show (and note that we did not add the Rape/Non-con archive warning). Consensual spicy times will come! And so will Bowser and Luigi!
Q: Could you give a summary of the smut in the chapter notes if it’s plot-relevant?
The smut will be plot-relevant at some points, so we can definitely do this.
Q: Will Luigi get his own emotional support animal for his anxiety (like Polterpup)?
Waterho: Does Bowser count as an emotional support animal? GreyEnnuigi: We haven’t planned for a Polterpup in this story, as there’s already a fair bit going on plotwise. Putting a dog into the mix might well and truly throw us off the rails. ;)
Q: Will Luigi be able to overcome his anxiety? I want to see Luigi put someone in their place after they insulted him.
Luigi actually does this during the announcement dinner in Chapter 8 in this exchange with Lord Booking: Lord Booking paled a bit, his mouth turning into a slight frown. “Indeed. Such a delicate flower must be hidden away, for exposure to that world would surely wither it.” […] [Luigi] straightened himself up, still holding Lord Koopa’s hand open in both of his own, then addressed Lord Booking directly: “Some flowers may thrive in the shade and wilt in the sun, but it does not make them any less a part of this world, Lord Booking.” Lord Booking is implying that Bowser is hiding Luigi away because he’s a commoner in a noble’s world and can’t handle the change. Luigi’s response is essentially, “Yeah, I’m a commoner and I’ve lived my life differently, but that doesn’t mean I don’t belong here.” Don’t worry, we like character growth in this house. ;) GreyEnnuigi: On the same sort of subject, if you ever have questions about the fancy Regency language, don’t be afraid to ask! It’s very flowery and can be complicated, especially if English isn’t your first language. I’d be happy to “translate” any passages for you into modern English.
Q: Is there going to be a good or bad ending?
There is going to be a happy ending! This is a fairytale retelling, after all. ;)
Q: You started this fic as a joke, but now it’s not a joke anymore. How did that conversation happen?
A few things to note before we answer this: 1. GreyEnnuigi has wanted to write a Regency AU for a while. 2. We saw the Mario movie together and started reading Bowuigi fics because we couldn’t get enough. 3. We noticed that a lot of Bowuigi fics had a Beauty and the Beast theme. With that out of the way, here’s the transcript of how that conversation played out over text messages: 22:48 Waterho Ok hear me out 22:49 Waterho Bowuigi Beauty and the beast set in a regency setting 22:49 GreyEnnuigi omg wait haha 22:49 GreyEnnuigi but like 22:49 GreyEnnuigi is Bowser still koopa 22:50 GreyEnnuigi or is he big beefcake human 22:50 Waterho Big beefcake human obviously 22:50 GreyEnnuigi excellent 22:51 Waterho The more I fall down the bowuigi hole, the more I feel like I gotta try my hand at it lmao 22:51 Waterho That movie changed me [sparkles emoji] 22:51 GreyEnnuigi bro the URGE i have had this week 22:51 GreyEnnuigi it's undeniable 22:51 Waterho Why are we like this 22:52 GreyEnnuigi i prefer not to ask questions like that 22:52 GreyEnnuigi BUT LISTEN 22:52 Waterho This was a children’s movie why did they have to make The Scene so spicy 22:52 GreyEnnuigi if you can give me plot and conflict and incidents 22:52 Waterho Listening 22:52 GreyEnnuigi i will write that shit 22:53 GreyEnnuigi i have too many plots I'm thinking about rn but if you can give me an outline I'll do the rest [relieved face emoji] 23:04 Waterho [drops a 5-paragraph summary of the first chapter and main plot points] 23:04 GreyEnnuigi omg that was quick 23:04 GreyEnnuigi okay I'm reading 23:06 GreyEnnuigi eheheh yes I like this 23:06 Waterho Excellent After that conversation we kept feeding each other ideas and plot points and then GreyEnnuigi was writing it and Waterho kept coming up with more scenes and now here we are.
Q: What is it like making a chapter for this fic?
Waterho: basically, I supply the maladaptive daydreaming, and GreyEnnuigi supplies the prose and structure. Then we add it up and try to create a somewhat cohesive narrative. Many of our conversations these days start with “ok listen….” GreyEnnuigi: We have the overall plot planned out and most of it outlined, so we already know what main plot events we want to happen in each chapter. After that it’s a matter of filling the rest of the chapter by fleshing out the characters, doing a bit of worldbuilding, and making sure we’re progressing all the relationships properly. This usually happens with Waterho proposing a specific scenario, then we ask ourselves how this and that character would react and does that fit with the plot, and then we agree on how the situation unfolds. Then I write it all out, Waterho tries to convince me to add fluff and smut too early, I rein it back in and write something more subtle, and then we review, edit, and post. Here’s an example of this sort of back-and-forth from our chat transcript: 23:00 GreyEnnuigi thinking I'm gonna start chapter 3 with Kamek confronting Bowser about Luigi, but what else should happen in ch 3 after that 23:00 Waterho Let’s see the part where bowser [redacted for spoiler reasons] 23:01 GreyEnnuigi ooh so soon?? 23:02 Waterho If we want to draw it out more we could push that part off 23:02 GreyEnnuigi i just don't want Bowser to be too soft at the beginning 23:02 GreyEnnuigi Luigi needs to wear him down first lol 23:02 Waterho Fair enough
Q: Is this fic definitely going to have 20 chapters?
With what we currently have planned and outlined, 20 chapters is our best estimate for how long the story will be. It’s very possible this will change, and if it does, it’s more likely that we’ll end up with more than 20 chapters as opposed to less.
Q: Is there a schedule for uploading chapters?
We don’t currently have a schedule and we’re just posting the chapters as we finish them. That being said, we’ve been on a pace of about 1 chapter every other day. That could definitely change, though, so don’t expect us to stick to that.
Q: In this world hetero is not seen as the default. Did you write it this way because you didn’t want to focus on the homosexuality topic but more on the Bowser/Luigi ship itself?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: The concept of homosexuality being accepted in this AU came about as we were discussing the reason Bowser would accept Luigi in exchange for Peach as a spouse. If we were to follow realistic Regency-era ideologies, then it would be extremely unlikely for Bowser to take Luigi as a spouse as he is (i.e. a cis man). We wanted to follow the Beauty and the Beast storyline, which at its core is our protagonist falling in love with someone who is widely regarded as unlovable. It wouldn’t have made sense to include homophobia in the plot, and that wasn’t the story we wanted to tell. Also, the beauty of fiction is that we can make our own rules and do whatever the hell we want with it, so we did!
Q: Who’s who??
Luis Walbright: Waluigi Thomas Kamek: Kamek Kammy Magis: Kammy George Morton: Morton (Koopaling) Lemarcus Swift: Lemmy (Koopaling) Laurence Ripley: Larry (Koopaling) Lord William Booking: King Boo Ellord Elvin Booking: Professor E. Gadd Lady Daisy Sarasa: Daisy Ellady Rosalina Sarasa: Rosalina Lord Henry Toadsworth: Toadsworth Ellady Etta Toadsworth: Toadette Lady Birdie Pirah: Birdo Ellord Peter Pirah: Petey Piranha John Tannock (tailor): Tanuki (maker of Tanuki suits) Lord Robert Ombler: King Bob-Omb Ellady Sylvia Ombler: Sylvia (Paper Mario: TTYD) Lord Lionel & Ellady Catherine Graham: GreyEnnuigi made these up, but their names are basically animal crackers (Lion & Kitty + Graham) for no reason other than it amused them Ignatius Hopper: Iggy (Koopaling) Wendy Carter: Wendy (Koopaling) Gustav Ember: Goomba (general, no specific character) (note: Waterho still maintains that the Goomba should have been named Barry Ragoon) (note: GreyEnnuigi still maintains that it's best if GreyEnnuigi remains in charge of naming the characters in this fic)
Q: If we were to make fanart for this fic, where should we tag y’all to let you know?
We would be honored if you wanted to make fan art for our fic! If you do, tag @greyennui and @waterho-writes on Tumblr, and you can also use the fic’s tag #Anger is but Passion Borne of Love
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fbfh · 2 years
leo x reader cockwarming hcs
warnings: cockwarming, some nipple grabbing, tooth rotting emotional intimacy and fluff
song recs: acolyte - slaughter beach dog, sunshine - atlas
a/n: wow I got really in my feels towards the end of this!!! I hope this gives you the same emotions I experienced while writing it <3 /p
tags: @yesv01@avashaye @perseajohnson @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @yelenabel0vaswife @almostjollypizza @Fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33  @jacksondeeznuts @justbookworm @urmum-xoxo @Asunnyhunny @dustyinkpages @shellosisbae @anything-forourmoony @perseajohnson  @i-dont-remember-a-lot  @thatmultifandomloser @chasingpj @1dpjohoohp @yelenabel0vaswife @mystic-writings   @babiesimagines @Fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33 @jacksondeeznuts @dreamerball @urmum-xoxo@Asunnyhunny
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As with all nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+
That being SAID
Cockwarming leo is the coziest most intimate feeling in the world
Sometimes when you can’t sleep
Or if you’re stressed out
Or even just to level up your cuddling 
He just slips inside you and holds you so close
Neck kisses and breathing little words of affirmation in your ear??????
And obviously you can’t see this bc he’s spooning you with his cock shoved up inside you
But the visual of his hoodie riding up a little and his sweatpants pulled down enough to take it out??????
God he is so fucking hot
What did we do to deserve him
But yeah 
God just like
Wiggling and grinding against him a little 
And his hands running over your thighs 
Then moving your underwear aside
And he just pops the tip in 
And it feels amazing
He pushes in so slowly to the point where you can feel yourself sucking him in
He thinks that’s fucking magical
That is the best feeling in the world 
As previously stated
He’s hung as fuck
So for a few minutes you get to enjoy the wonderful familiar stretch of his cock kissing your cervix 
And he gets to enjoy the feeling of you squeezing around him, your muscles relaxing into him as your tight walls molding around him, nestling and shaping against every curve and vein
And once you're all comfy and cozy together 
Once you’re all settled in with his cock comfortably stuffed inside you wrapped up tight in his arms
His hands will slip under your shirt, rubbing your stomach and chest
Maybe playing with your nipples, grinding against you a little just bc of how much he loves the way you tighten around him and squirm against his cock
Just the feeling of his warm hands on your skin is fucking unmatched
His face will definitely be nuzzled into your neck
God everything about him is warm
His hands on your skin, his breath on your neck, that pool of heat in your core steadily building around his cock
Expect a lot of sleepy kisses 
And a lot of drowsy conversation 
It starts with how your days were, all the stuff you wanted to tell each other earlier but forgot to now making its way to the front of your memory 
Soon you’ll both be rambling about how much you love each other
How happy you are that you have each other
Stuff you want to do someday, daydreaming about your future together 
And oh my god he smells so good
I said at one point that he definitely smells like the method sandalwood and vetiver body wash
Which he does 
He smells so nice and he’s so so sweet to you 
Everything about this boy makes your heart do intricate gymnastics 
The emotional intimacy and cozy togetherness is so fucking off the charts 
Every part of you
Every cell in your body feels so viscerally warm and fully saturated with love
It’s like separating all your molecules and dipping yourself in sunshine
He’s like bathing in sunshine 
And like 
You always feel so okay when he’s holding you like this
Around him in general even
Everything’s just right and okay when you’re together 
And you know he feels it too
You know from how he holds you and smiles into your neck
The way you can feel him looking at you
It radiates off of him 
It’s like an echochamber of warmth 
And god after all the shit you’ve been through
Both of you
It really does feel like you unlocked a new level of appreciation and gratitude and mindfulness in these moments 
You’ve learned the feeling of making a memory and being in the good old days
You’ve learned to sense the beats of when you’re in a core memory 
And you really
Cherish that 
You hope this is what forever feels like
Held tight in Leo’s arms, as physically close as you can get, muttering all the ways you love each other minutes before you drift off into the best sleep you’ve had in your life
If you could pick one moment to live in 
One moment to stretch out into a looping infinite eternity 
This one would be a really strong contender
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saff-rons · 2 months
thank you so much for the tag @3ncr1pted! completely forgot that this had been sitting in my drafts till now:,)
15 Questions
Are you named after anyone? i was named after my great-grandmother.
When was the last you cried? yesterday! i cry easily, it's cathartic.
Do you have kids? nope
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to fence semi-competitively. but yeah I'm rubbish at everything else - badminton is pretty big in my country and i'm embarrassingly bad at it. also, i started running last summer and it's been great, but i haven't really had the time to do it regularly anymore.
Do you use sarcasm? occasionally? i wouldn't say i use it more than the average person, though
What is the first thing you notice about people? their demeanour and the way they speak.
What is your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? i love both but probably happy endings. I sometimes get tired of watching shows where the main message is that humanity sucks and we are all selfish creatures doomed for misery. I just would prefer to believe that we are all meant to experience happiness!
Where were you born? in a hospital in singapore.
Any talents? singing maybe? i did the whole ABRSM grading thing and i used to perform in a choir so i think that counts. not sure if fermenting things is a talent but i used to brew kombucha myself. now that i'm in uni, i had to give away my SCOBY because no one at home was willing to take care of it:,) it was so fun experimenting with different flavours though! when uni's over, i'll start on that again. I've also been meaning to learn how to make my own kimchi and maybe sauerkraut?
What are your hobbies? i read (less than i probably should). i usually gravitate towards sci-fi and fantasy but i read a ton of fiction in general. i'd say neil gaiman is my favourite author if i had to pick and i've been waiting for seven sisters to come out for years at this point. boo. i also watch a lot of shows! when i was younger that was mainly anime, but now I'll watch whatever if it seems interesting. i occasionally play some video games, but those are usually visual novels and point-and-click RPGs. outside of general media consumption, i really like hiking, crocheting and writing.
Do you have any pets? i have two back in singapore:) a dog and a cat. i love them sm <3
How tall are you? 159 cm. there was a time when i was pissed that i'd never reach the 160s but then i realised it Did Not Matter.
Favorite subject at school? English Literature, Chemistry.
Dream job? to own a tiny cafe or book store where i'd have a slightly overweight cat to keep me company. realistically though, i think i'd get bored and more practically, we live in a capitalist hellscape and i need to make money to support my family, so i just hope the corporate law job i sold my soul for is interesting enough for me to enjoy it.
tagging whoever reads this and wants to do it!!
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pastafossa · 1 year
Thanks you so much @teigo-the-explorer for the tag! This makes a good break from work and/or chapter writing!
Are you named after anyone: I am not! Though fam did intentionally choose a name that couldn’t be shortened to a nickname or rhymed with anything.
when was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I was editing a sad section of my TRT outline to make it MORE sad, RIP me and all of you when we hit that point
do you have kids? Nope and I’ve gone so far as to have my tubes incinerated
do you use sarcasm a lot: NEVER
what's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they have a dog. But if you mean on their person, usually if they have a cool shirt! Bodywise: eyes.
what's your eye colour: Blue-green!
scary movies or happy endings: I like them both but if I HAD to choose I’d go happy endings
any special talents: According to my woodcarving teacher, I’m excellent at carving! I managed to carve 5 projects in a week on my first go, including a couple of the more difficult projects he’d set out for more experienced carvers. FINALLY, A VISUAL ART I’M GOOD AT. I’m also really good at just eyeballing a wall and figuring out how a bunch of hung frames will look good without having to draw it out!
where were you born? Los Angeles! It’s one reason I chose it for Ciro and Jane’s history in TRT - it meant I had to do less research since I was familiar with the area. I already knew a lot of landmarks, geography, culture, weather/environment, and speech patterns.
what are your hobbies?: woodcarving, reading, writing, video games, cooking, traveling whenever I can, movies and tv!
have any pets?: I do! 3 cats, 1 dog, and 1 snake!
what sports do you play/have played?: Oh god I tried a lot of them and my skills are... very much elsewhere. When I was a kid I tried soccer (fast but bad at kicking), ballet (teacher told my parents I had a future in the performing arts, just not dance), baseball (can’t hit a ball to save my life). I did have some success with horseback riding though! I did some trail and a little barrel racing for about ten years, and it is by far the most advanced I ever got with a sport.
how tall are you?: 5′5-5′6 depending on my anxiety level
favourite subject in school?: English, I loved English class. 
dream job?: Due to health problems I’m a little limited in what I can do. If I was healthy, zoologist/marine biologist. As I am, author!
first ship: Oh god, uuuuh let me think. Loosely was probably April x Casey in TMNT since that was my favorite movie as a kid. First active ship that I openly rooted for... maybe Rogue and Gambit from X-Men TAS, like damn I was a kid but I WANTED them together SO FUCKING BAD like why is she hooked on fucking Scott (i hated scott) when she has Gambit RIGHT THERE, RIGHT FUCKING THERE GIRL.
three ships: Since most everyone knows my Marvel ships, I’ll step outside it and go with - Troi x Worf (Star Trek: TNG), Cecil x Carlos (most wholesome ship ever courtesy Welcome to Nightvale), and Leslie Knope x Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation)
last (current) song: Flu Game by Fall Out Boy not me playing this album on loop since it came out last week
last movie: San Andreas, don’t judge me
currently reading: Re-reading Taggerung by Brian Jacques, which is my favorite Redwall book and the first Redwall book I ever picked up! I was at a book fair and came around a corner and saw this FUCKING BADASS PIRATE OTTER??? WITH A KNIFE??? AND TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS, IT WAS SO COOL I PICKED IT UP WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SUMMARY CAUSE WHO CARES, PIRATE OTTER PIRATE OTTER TINY PASTA WANTS TO READ ABOUT PIRATE OTTERSSSSSSSS SERIOUSLY LOOK AT THIS COVER AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T READ THIS
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currently watching: The Mandalorian, shiny space husband make brain go brrrrrr
currently consuming: Just water LOL 
currently craving: SUNSHINE BUT IT IS CLOUDY
I'm tagging
@wonderlandmind4 @shadeblade16​ @intricate-melody​ @softasawhisper​ and anyone else who wants to do this!
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cheeryconspiracy · 1 year
Got around to drawing my other listener insert :33 This time Angel! David is one of my biggest comfort characters in the history of. Well. Ever. So they ended up being VERY self inserty and self indulgent. Cringe is dead let me kiss the wolf. This guy is just as much a loser as Nastassia is they’re just so much more put together about it. I love them
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Just like Nastassia, I’m putting my hcs abt them under the cut! I have. A lot for them. If you read I will kiss you on the mouth
- First one isn’t a headcanon I just wanna plug my playlist for them. Very normal.
Genderfluid! Evangeline uses all pronouns and doesn’t really care which ones you use to refer to her - hell switch it up in the same sentence he won’t bat an eye. They’ve also had top surgery!
They’re head of graphics at an indie video game company! A little office job that she absolutely ADORES. The company mainly focuses on romance oriented visual novels. Yes I have made the rest of the company too. I love them.
Being the head of graphics, Evangeline has a totally different work mode compared to his usual personality. At work he’s much more focused, strict, and even a little scary. Outside of work he’s cheerful and bubbly.
Club kid! They’re obsessed with 70s/80s disco fashion, incorporating it into their daily life wherever possible. They loooove going on nights out to the club. They often persuade David to tag along, not because he enjoys it, particularly, but because it means she gets scary dog privilege.
Old friends with baaabe! They’ve been close since before meeting their respective mates, and roomed together in college.
Was in a rock band in college! Baaabe was in the same band. Evangeline refuses to talk about it to the point where David doesn’t even know about it. They looked like this. College was also where he picked up the name Evangeline - it was just a stage name at the time, but he ended up growing attached.
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Evangeline also met Michael in college. Their relationship was a constant hot and cold, on and off arrangement that never seemed to last. They never stayed split for more than a week, though. This arrangement lasted about 4 years before they finally split up for good. It was a very messy breakup.
Started leaning REALLY hard into the angel aesthetic after meeting David. She has no idea if his doting nickname was just a shortened version of her name or an actual nickname, but it did something to her. They have a pair of angel wing shaped earrings they wear absolutely EVERYWHERE, as well as an angel wings tattoo on their back. They’re dedicated to the bit.
Could easily wear contacts. Doesn’t want to.
Not actually as much of a flirt as they’re made out to be! When they met David, they were totally panicking. I would too if a jacked stranger way taller than me asked why I was stalking him! Their flirts that day were entirely improvised on the spot through panic.
That being said, they use the meeting story to their advantage. Full on dramatises it. “He asked why I was stalking him, but can you believe he was stalking me instead??” Type beat.
Owns a shit ton of cute pyjamas. Doesn’t wear them. David’s shirts are so much more comfortable.
Oh my god I looked at their height difference out of curiosity (w my headcanon height for David) JESUS CHRIST. Evangeline has to scale their fiancé like a tree if they want a kiss.
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She was very close to rejecting David at first. Both of them had their reasons for being closed off to the idea of dating at the time, Evangeline’s being that they were still picking up the pieces of the mess that was their breakup with Michael. But he’s nothing if not impulsive! So she eventually said yes to a second date after ghosting David for like a week /hj
Buys THE most stupid but also well thought out gifts.
Not the best cook, but an amazing baker! Cakes, cookies, brownies, they can do it all! They usually make big batches for the solstice.
sends those werewolf memes to David. You know the ones.
Arranges pack karaoke at LEAST once a month. All the mates are invited too. It descends into chaos once Evangeline breaks out Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle because she will not just sing it she will PERFORM it.
He has a really fancy signature and signs all of his Is with hearts
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n1et · 1 year
Hi ok so I saw your tags asking about how witches were antisemitic and wanted to give you an actual answer! Basically every common stereotype of witches has roots in antisemitism. Green skin color, stealing children, frizzy black hair, hooked noses, sharp teeth and nails, pointed hats, satanic worshipers, all of it.
A lot of times historically when they're talking about persecuting witches, they were more often targeting Jews alongside other heretical minorities, it's definitely not mostly innocent white woman like certain groups often like you to think cough t*rfs cough. Satanic worshipers or associations with Satan in general are another common antisemitic dog whistle. Even so far as historically it was common to give Judas red hair because in Italy/Spain it was common for Jews to have red hair and obviously Jews betrayed Jesus so clearly they were of the Devil (sarcasm).
The witches hat takes directly from the pointed hats that medieval Jews in Europe were forced to wear to identify them as Jews, they were literally called judenhut (literally jew hat) and if you look up on Wikipedia you can see some good visual examples of hats from historical artwork
On the note of physical features, large hooked noses and "frizzy" (curly) hair are very common Jewish features both in actual people and stereotypically, but it's the antisemites who added unnatural skin tones, and sharp teeth and nails. Antisemites often gave Jews in art unnatural skin tones, usually greens and yellows, to exemplify their "otherness" and "inhumanity". The sharp teeth and nails goes along with the kidnapping children and occasionally earlier association with the devil, either way showcasing Jews as "predatory creatures" with the general (Christian) public being the poor victims. Kidnapping children and eating them falls into the category of blood libel, which goes super far back as well, and you can even find it in a lot of fairy tales like the tale of Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty. Also has definitely stuck around in modern day, just in the form of "celebrities taking babies adrenochrome to stay young".
Kidnapping children and eating them falls into the category of blood libel, which goes super far back as well, and you can even find it in places like the tale of Hansel and Grettel.
Even the term "witches sabbath" takes from Judaism itself, the day of rest being Shabbat (or Shabbos if you are Ashkenazi) and Sabbath is just the 'English' pronunciation of that, as well as the associations with the moon, when the Hebrew calendar is lunar based and often the rituals/celebrations that come with the beginning of the month were done by the women in the family/community.
There's probably even more I'm forgetting about here, because antisemitism is just like that, but anyway that's a not-so-short summary of how witches are related to antisemitism. Obviously there are ways to have witches in media that aren't antisemitic, but the ones in minecraft certainly are.
Thanks for the prompt response!
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doeinstinct · 11 months
It's Tag Game Tuesday
tagged by @messier-47 !
Name: jd! but lots of folks on here call me doe, which is also fine
Pronouns: he/they
where you call home: the southwest in the us!
Favorite animal: otters!! they're just so cute and vicious (please google giant river otter eating watermelon they're so fucking precious and angry)
Favorite Cereal: i don't really eat cereal but if you put like chocolate granola clusters in some ice cold oat milk?? that shit slaps
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner: i guess kinesthetic?? i learn best/retain information best when i'm teaching it to another person
First pet: a sweet lil shelter dog we named lily! she was a corgi/sheltie mix and she was THE best dog ever
Favorite Scent: in nature it would be the smell after it rains, especially in the desert. there's something about wet sand and ozone that it so spectacular. in terms of like candles i really like jasmine-based scents!
Do you believe in astrology: yes but mostly for fun, not the point where i won't talk to someone bc of their astrological signs lmao but it's fun to look into and consider and reflect on myself!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music: i'm only gonna include ones that i actively listen to so...10 lmao
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies for sure, much more uses
A song that makes you cry: Everything or Nothing by Picture This (TOTALLY not bc a friend wrote a fanfic that rearranged my entire brain chemistry)
A song that makes you happy: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur GOD this song is just so soft and it is absolutely one of my all time favorite love songs
Do you write/draw/create: yes! both! i started out writing like forever ago and have recently gotten to the point where i like sharing my art as well!
tagging @kooriicolada @lycentropy @silvermadara @slrsunfire if you guys want!
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rookieloveskashi · 10 months
thanks for the tag @pfreadsandwrites <3
Name: aly (but rook for fun)
Pronouns: she/her
Where do you call home: wherever my stuff is. 😅 mostly my apartment but i made sure to have a few things at work too. i spent a lot of time collecting these things, i want to look at them.
Favorite animal: the red panda! little cat-raccoon-koala hybrid baby.
Cereal of choice: i like to mix corn flakes and frosted flakes. i'm picky with my ratios.
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner: definitely kinesthetic for really retaining information, although i usually like a visual demonstration first. i need to know what to expect once i really get in there.
First pet: my family had two dogs growing up, a golden retriever and a black lab. i loved them as a kid but as i got older i found that i definitely don't have the time to care for a dog properly myself, so now i'm the wine aunt to my friends' dogs.
Favorite scent: nature scents, especially stormy weather.
Do you believe in astrology: i don't live by it, but i enjoy it! the imagery is always beautiful and it can be very comforting to think that the literal stars have got your back.
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music: okay so i don't have any music streaming services 🫣 but i have an ipod video from about 2006 that is my prized possession! around 7500 songs and currently 14 playlists.
Sharpies or highlighters: i'm with fishy on this one. both definitely have their place. i do however have sharpie brand highlighters so...
A song that makes you cry: i will follow you into the dark, by death cab for cutie. (curse this post for making me think of that rn lol)
A song that makes you happy: don't laugh when i say accidentally in love by counting crows
And finally, do you write/draw/create: i write every day! sometimes only for a few minutes, and sometimes only making tiny changes to WIPs, sometimes just crazy notes to myself about where i want to go with a story. i also love cooking/baking; i feed my loved ones to the point of stomachaches.
i’ll tag a few folks i haven’t seen included but anyone can feel free to answer if they’d like: @uchihagods, @sentinelpri, @dns-smn, @cockashi-hatake
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
let me love you down
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You’re a former idol trainee turned fashion designer, called back by the company to dress one of their groups for their next comeback. You assume it’s for one of their girl groups, but you’re surprised to see it’s for one of their boy groups. That’s when you meet him again, the one who’d had a crush on you when you were both trainees, except now, he’s no longer the cute boy with dimples. He’s a man now, and he’s determined to prove it to you.
Pairing: idol!jaehyun x noona!reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: noona kink (reader is a few years older than Jaehyun), nipple play, fingering, sex in front of a mirror, unprotected sex, rough sex, oral sex (m. receiving), dirty talk, swearing
Word count: 3.5k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77​ @mrg-jjh (send me a message if you want to be tagged in future fics)
A/N: purely self-indulgent haha
You walked the halls of the familiar building, memories of your trainee days coming back to you, both pleasant and not so pleasant. You smiled as you passed the practice rooms, remembering the endless hours of dancing you’d done in them, as well as the hours of sitting around and gossiping with the other trainees. You didn’t miss the grueling regimen, but you did miss the friendships you’d made along the way.
“Y/N!” One of those trainee friends, now turned idol, ran towards you now with arms outstretched.
“Irene!” you squealed, as you both wrapped your arms around each other for a tight hug.
“I heard you were coming today! It’s so nice to see you!” Irene wrapped an arm around your waist, looking you up and down, “and you look fantastic!”
You beamed at her praise, twirling around so she could see your outfit for the day, which you had designed.
“So, is it your group I’m dressing for the comeback?” you asked, thinking it made the most sense, as your style fit their concept the best.
“Nope,” Irene shrugged, “you’re in there.” She pointed towards a meeting room at the end of the hall.
“Oh, okay.” You were confused, but hugged Irene goodbye and promised to keep in touch. When you opened the door to the meeting room you were surprised to see the members of one of the company’s boy groups, along with their managers.
The concept was explained to you and you understood why they had called you in, and you were excited to work on something new, not having designed menswear before. As you listened to the pitch and took notes, you couldn’t help but feel a certain pair of eyes on you much more than the others. You remembered training with most of them, but they had been a whole lot younger back then, and you, being one of the older trainees, didn’t spend too much time around them. Out of curiosity you finally turned to them, studying their faces, until you came to the one who had been giving you looks.
He held your gaze for a moment, smiling, before he turned away shyly. You remembered him for sure, you could never forget those dimples. He had been the one that all the girls said had a crush on you, and teased you mercilessly about it. You smiled at the memory, and at the fact he had grown up well, the pudgy face of early adolescence transformed into the sharp cheekbones and jawline that made him the well-earned visual of his group.
With the meeting over each member came up to you and re-introduced themselves, asking you if you remembered them, talking all at once, bringing up stories and memories, some you remembered, some you didn't. Jaehyun, the one who’d had a crush on you back then, stood back a bit from the other members, just watching you with a shy smile on his face.
“And you remember Jaehyun, don’t you, noona?” Johnny suddenly said, pushing Jaehyun forward so he stood right in front of you. The other members snickered, apparently his little crush was well known amongst them as well.
“Of course,” you said, smiling at him, “it’s nice to see you again, Jaehyun.”
Flustered, he didn’t know whether to bow or shake your hand, so he settled on both, bending slightly towards you with his hand outstretched. You took his hand and shook it, noticing how cold and clammy it was. His ears were also a bright red, and he was aware of it, once you took your hand away he couldn’t help but touch them nervously with his hand.
“It’s nice to see you too, noona,” he said, and you couldn’t help but notice how much deeper his voice had gotten. He really did grow up well, you thought.
“I’m really looking forward to working with all of you,” you addressed them all, wanting to break the awkward atmosphere that had settled. There was a chorus of cheers, the members clearly happy about working with you as well. “I am going to need a couple of you to come by my studio tomorrow to do an initial fitting though.”
As the leader it was Taeyong’s job to assign people, so he looked around at each member. You noticed that Jaehyun looked at him hopefully. “Um, I think Haechan should be available, and…” he looked around again, and Jaehyun actually stepped up to him with his hand raised, “okay, Jaehyun can go too.” He chuckled, giving in.
“Okay thanks, I’ll see you two tomorrow,” you pointed at the two members who would be joining you the next day. Haechan smirked, side-eyeing Jaehyun, who just smiled widely at you.
The next day you got a text from Haechan saying that he wasn’t feeling too well so he couldn't make it to the fitting and that he was sorry, and he hoped that just having Jaehyun would be enough. You texted back saying it was fine, and that you hoped he would feel better.
You busied yourself around the studio while you waited, laying out the garments you were anxious for them to try. You had hoped for at least two members to get a better idea of sizing, but you’d have to make do with just one. You found it sweet that Jaehyun had clearly wanted to volunteer, and you were looking forward to catching up with him to see how he liked the idol life. Halfway through your idol training you had decided it wasn’t for you and had quit, deciding instead to go into fashion design. You didn’t regret your decision at all, loving your work, and watching idols perform onstage was enough for you, content that you hadn’t pursued that life. You had great respect for the trainees who’d made it, remembering how difficult it had been for you, and working with them again was definitely a treat.
In the middle of your reminiscence, Jaehyun walked into your studio. You almost didn’t recognize him, thinking he was a model from one of your other projects. He was dressed casually, in a black t-shirt and jeans, barefaced, his black hair tinted with streaks of blue, but he still exuded such a presence that you were taken aback.
“Oh, Jaehyun,” you said, startled slightly as he approached you.
“Noona,” he bowed gracefully, then smiled. There was an air about him that almost made him seem regal, like a prince undercover, and there were no traces of the shyness he’d exhibited the day before.
You couldn’t help but look him up and down, the change in his demeanor putting him in a whole new light. Your business brain observed the broadness of his shoulders, and how shirts and jackets would hang off them perfectly, how his narrow waist would show off the cut of a tailored coat, and how the proportions of his long legs and solidly built torso would make the perfect canvas for any creation you could come up with.
He saw you staring and smiled widely, his dimples getting deeper while his eyes crinkled ever so cutely. You remembered liking his face when he was younger, but the cuteness had morphed into a drop-dead gorgeousness that you couldn’t help but acknowledge. And the way he looked at you now, far from the puppy-dog eyes of youth, it was more intense, but somehow still playful.
“Um, shall we get started?” you cleared your throat, trying to clear your brain of the mixed emotions you were feeling, knowing you had a job to do.
You brought him over to a rack of clothes in front of a full-length mirror, showing him the different ideas you had for the comeback. He nodded now and then, giving you feedback when you asked and offering his own opinions here and there. You found he was very knowledgeable when it came to fashion and fabrics, and he had very firm opinions on what he liked and what he didn’t like. You appreciated that because it made your job so much easier, now you had a pretty good idea of what you wanted to do.
“Wow, that’s great!” you said, when he had finished giving you his detailed opinion on one of the outfits. “Why don’t you try it on, and then we can tweak any parts that you’re not happy with.” You handed him the outfit and pointed him towards a changing room in the back of the studio.
You sat on the sofa waiting for him to come out, and when he did your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. He’d foregone wearing a shirt underneath the jacket, and had zipped it only halfway, so a good part of his chest was showing. The leather pants were skintight, straining against his muscular thighs, and showing too much of what was between his legs that you had to look away. He came and stood in front of you, so that you were eye level with his crotch.
“What do you think, noona?” he asked nonchalantly, as if he wasn’t currently a walking thirst trap.
“Um,” you cleared your throat, standing up quickly so that his crotch wasn’t in your view, “looks great!” you fiddled with the fabric, adjusting here and there, but you found that doing that made you touch him far too much. Brushes of your hands against his body, and you could feel the firmness even through the fabric. You were also so close to him that you could feel him breathing, feel the rise and fall of his chest under your hands. The worst part, however, was that you could smell him, a scent so intoxicating that it made your head spin.
He watched you the entire time, not saying a word, his eyes following your movements. You started to get nervous under his stare, with the intense way he was looking at you, and you fumbled with the zipper of the jacket trying to zip it up further to cover him up and salvage some of your sanity. Close to the top, it got stuck, probably because your hand was shaking and you couldn’t do it smoothly. You tried to unstick it, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Here, let me try,” Jaehyun offered, but it was stuck fast and wouldn’t move.
“We’ll have to cut you out of it, it’s just a sample so no big deal,” you said, turning around to get some fabric scissors to cut with. Just then there was a loud tearing sound echoing in the room, and you turned around in shock to see Jaehyun had ripped the jacket open, his chest now fully exposed, nipples perking from the coolness of the air conditioning.
“I got it,” he said cockily, a smirk forming on his lips as he watched your reaction.
Your jaw was probably on the floor, eyes bulging out of your sockets. Your hands reached towards him, whether to cover him up or touch his chest you really couldn’t tell. Your reaction seemed to embolden him though, because he stepped forward towards you, right into your personal space.
“Do you like what you see, noona?” he asked, his voice low but teasing.
You were now eye level with his chest, and you had to admit, you really liked what you were seeing.
“I know I had a little crush on you when I was younger,” he continued, his voice as sweet as honey, “but I’m older now,” he leaned even closer to you, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, “bigger too.”
Everything he was saying and doing was going straight to your core, and your hands flew up and fisted into his torn jacket. He grabbed your hips and spun you around so that you were both facing the mirror.
“Do you like me, noona?” he asked sweetly, pulling your hair to one side so he could have access to your neck. You angled your head to open up more of your neck to him, falling hopelessly under his spell.
“Yes,” you breathed, and he didn’t quite kiss you yet, just his lips hovering over your skin. You could feel goosebumps forming as you watched him in the mirror, teasing you.
“Would you like it if I kissed you?” he said, breath hot against your neck.
“Yes,” you nodded, watching in breathless anticipation as he leaned further in. Just before his lips connected with your skin he locked eyes with you in the mirror and smirked.
Your knees went weak as he sucked harshly on your skin, there were no tentative or tender kisses, just all out sucking, teeth grazing, definitely leaving marks that you’d have to hide. His hands gripped your hips, holding you in place, and soon enough you could feel his hard bulge pressing against your ass.
You tried not to moan out loud, but then his hands started to roam, one of them moving up under your shirt, up your stomach, over your bra. He groaned when he felt only the flimsy lace separating his fingers from your perked nipple. He pinched it, and you couldn’t suppress the whimper that escaped your lips.
“Oh fuck, noona,” he groaned into your shoulder, “I knew you would sound sexy.”
While you were too busy basking in the pleasure of his fingers pinching your nipples, you barely noticed that his other hand had moved down, undoing your jeans and slipping over the matching lace of your panties. You inhaled sharply as he cupped your pussy, gripping it almost possessively.
“Is this okay, noona?” he asked, and you could hear him breathing heavily.
“Yessss,” you breathed out, the word elongating because now he was tearing your shirt off and unhooking your bra, throwing the garments to a corner of the room. Your upper half was now bare to him, and he looked at you in the mirror, eyes hungry with lust.
“Fuck, you’re more beautiful than I ever remembered,” he said, awe in his voice, before he went back to pinching your nipples. He watched you in the mirror as you whimpered, tweaking and pinching and pulling lightly, and the louder you got the harder he did it.
“You like that, don’t you, noona?” His voice sweet like honey again. He pulled the hand out that was cupping your pussy and yanked your jeans and underwear down, so that now you were completely bare to him.
“So fucking sexy,” he groaned, pressing his obvious erection even harder against your ass. He was still fully clothed and you were completely naked, and for some reason that turned you on even more. You were sure you were dripping wet for him and sure enough, when you looked in the mirror you could see your arousal glistening on the insides of your thighs. This observation didn’t escape him either, his hand slipping between your legs, middle finger rubbing the wetness along your slit.
“So fucking wet for me,” he groaned right into your ear, and you moaned even louder, throwing your head back against his shoulder as his finger made a mess of you.
“Do you like this, noona?” he whispered, slipping two fingers inside you. You arched your back as his fingers penetrated you, a long drawn out moan the only answer you could manage to his question. “Does it feel good?” he asked, thrusting his fingers deeper inside of you. You could only nod vigorously, your limbs turning to jelly as the pleasure coursed through your body. You could feel the knot in the pit of your stomach starting to form, and you started panting as it crept up on you.
“Are you close, noona?” he breathed into your ear, picking up the pace, ramming his fingers so hard into you that you couldn’t help but cry out, clinging onto his arm as the knot in your stomach snapped, and you came, your pussy clenching around his fingers.
“So fucking hot,” he murmured, pulling his fingers out of you. He gave you a moment of reprieve, letting you rest for a moment against his chest as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. You watched his face in the mirror as he rubbed the tip of it against your wet folds, his lips pursed with concentration, his eyes dark and hooded. Once again he looked up and locked eyes with you in the mirror, a sexy smirk forming on his face before he rammed his cock into your pussy from behind.
You almost fell forward from the force of his thrust but he caught you, arms around your middle as he fucked into you. There was no gentleness in his movements, just power and raw strength, and that aroused you so much you thought you would pass out. You held onto his arms for dear life as he pounded ruthlessly into you, your throat already getting hoarse from the needy whines and whimpers that you couldn’t hold back.
“You like it, noona?” he growled into your ear, “You like my cock?”
“Fuck, yes!” you screamed, your eyes glazing over as the pleasure once again spread throughout your body.
“You look so good with my cock buried inside you,” he whispered, “look at how your pretty pussy swallows my cock.” He spread your thighs apart so you could see in the mirror, and you were mesmerized by the way his cock disappeared into your pussy. Suddenly he lifted you up by your thighs like you weighed nothing, and bounced you on his cock, opening up your legs even further for a better view.
“That’s better,” he said, pleased at how much more he could see now.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and you were a mess. Your hair was all over the place, your mascara was smudged, your lipstick smeared. Your jaw was slack and your eyes were glassy, you couldn’t believe how fucked out you looked. It only served to spur Jaehyun on.
“Fuck, you look so hot bouncing on my cock,” he said, voice raspy, gripping your thighs so hard you were sure you’d have an imprint of his fingers there. The way he was manhandling you, the filthy things coming from his mouth, all served to bring you to your second orgasm of the day, clenching hard around him.
“That’s it, noona, come for me, come all over my cock,” he growled, breath coming in short gasps, signalling that he was close, “you’re so fucking sexy when you come.”
You screamed when you came, his thrusts so hard and deep you could swear you felt him in your guts.
“I’m gonna come, noona,” he said through gritted teeth, and at that moment you had the overwhelming urge to taste him.
“In my mouth,” you panted, and he obliged, pulling you off him and setting you down on your feet. You were glad you didn’t have to stand, your legs wobbly as you knelt down in front of him. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his cock was, red and angry and glistening with your juices, and you took it into your mouth hungrily.
“Oh fuck, noona!” he cried out, his hands threading through your hair. He was watching you bob on his cock in the mirror, trying to hold out because you looked so hot doing it.
“That’s it, noona,” he encouraged, “your mouth feels so good,” he threw his head back, concentrating, but he slipped momentarily and rammed his cock down your throat. You gagged for a second, but the feeling actually turned you on, and you tried to take more of him into your mouth as you could.
“Oh shit, noona,” he moaned, “you like that, don’t you?”
You looked up at him and nodded, and the look in his eyes was almost feral. He took a hold of your head then, and started to fuck your throat, once again sparing you no mercy. He was rough on you and you loved it, pulling at your hair just hard enough that the pain mixed with the pleasure, and you could feel the wetness once again pooling between your legs. Your throat constricting around his cock triggered his orgasm, and he groaned loudly as his warm cum spilled down your throat. You took it all, swallowing every drop, and when he pulled out you swiped your tongue along the tip.
“Holy fucking shit, noona,” he swore, his eyes wide with awe as he looked down at you. He tried to keep up his cocky demeanor, but traces of the shyness from the day before were there too, and you couldn’t help but smile. He helped you stand up and gathered you into his arms, smiling somewhat shyly at you. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft.
“Yes, very much okay.” You answered, although you knew you’d have marks on your neck and imprints on your thighs that you’d have to answer for. Either way it was worth it, as you finally discovered what that boy with the dimples was all about.
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honeytae · 3 years
I’ll shout it out from the rooftop if you want me to.
hi bubs :) so..this started as a birthday fic for yoon, but then i just wanted it to be a little different from the birthday fics i’ve done for the other members. seventh time around, i wanted to change the format a bit. so this actually doubles as ‘the first i love you’ fic as well, which just makes it even more soft. i hope you guys enjoy and happy belated birthday to yoongi!! tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy genre: fluff word count: 1.5k
“C’mon, Holly.” You whined as the dog slipped his paw from the little onesie again, sitting back atop your calves with a huff as the pup simply wagged his tail running around you in circles, obviously happy with himself for succeeding in getting out of the garment for the fourth time this afternoon. 
All you were trying to do was get Min Holly into a little outfit you’d seen online a few weeks ago, having bought it immediately at the adorable vision of him dressed in it for Yoongi’s birthday.
It was blue, which complimented his light fur, and had the words “It’s My Dad’s Birthday Today!” written across the material that was supposed to be spread on his back. 
It was simply intended to be a cute surprise for Yoongi when he came home from taping his birthday live stream. 
Instead, Holly seemed determined to make it the highest level of difficult for you, refusing to stay still as you made repeated attempts at getting his paws through the designated leg holes. 
“Come here, baby.” You cooed to the pup, causing his tail to wag as he obediently waddled back over to you, setting his chin on your thigh as his big eyes peered up at you. 
“Do you want to get dressed up for daddy’s birthday?” You asked, smoothing down the fur on his head as he did nothing but blink at you in response. 
“Well, I didn’t hear a no.” You shrugged, gently picking the dog up off the floor and onto your lap, where you took his paw into your grip and tried to put it through the hole again. 
After successfully getting both of his front paws through the holes, farther than you’d gotten in all your previous attempts, you smiled in satisfaction, leaning down to place a kiss on the dog’s ear.
“Okay, good boy, Holly.” You gave the dog a brief break with the praise, scratching the top of his head and chuckling as he pointed his nose up in response to the touch. 
Flopping down onto his back to push his stomach out at you, you giggled lightly at the pup, giving in to his silent request and running your fingers across the soft skin of his stomach in response.
“What’s going on in here?”
You were startled by the suddenness of your boyfriend’s voice behind you, jumping slightly before you turned around to glance at the source of the sound.
Yoongi stood in the doorway with a smirk on his face, arms crossed over his chest and shoulder leaned against the door frame as his eyebrows lifted in amusement at the sight of you on the floor with his dog. 
He lowered himself to a squat when Holly came running over to him, your boyfriend’s gummy smile appearing when the dog started giving kisses to the skin revealed by his ripped jeans with glides of his tongue. 
“What’s that, Holly?” He asked, squinting at the words on the fabric across his back, upside down from his angle before he shifted in his spot to ensure he was reading it right. 
Unable to suppress his chuckle at the exclamation on the clothing, he stood from his crouched position, walking over to you and extending a hand down to help you up from your seat on the floor. 
Gratefully taking it, you rose up from the ground, smiling when Yoongi didn’t let go of your hand as you wrapped your free arm around his neck. 
“Hi.” He said, lips quirked into a small smile as you pressed a sweet kiss to them, appreciatively running your fingers through the longer pieces of hair at the nape of his neck.
“Hi. Happy birthday, Yoon.” You grinned, the man’s cheeks lifting into a full grin before the regained composure.
“Thanks. What the hell did you do to my dog, by the way?” He chuckled, holding you closer when you dropped your forehead to his chest with a small whine.
“It was supposed to be a little birthday surprise, but I couldn‘t get his legs in.” You excused the visual of his dog half dressed in a birthday shirt, his gummy smile appearing at the words as he looked back at the dog jumping onto the bed behind you. 
“Were the legs where it went wrong?” He asked teasingly, you lifting your head and gasping as Yoongi only chuckled at your reaction. 
“You’re getting mean with age.” You pouted, the man poking at your cheek to get you to smile as he softly grinned at you. 
“No, baby, it’s cute. Just so you know, though, he’s working really hard over there to get it off.” He informed you, causing you to turn around to see Min Holly sat on the mattress, gripping the fabric with his teeth as he tried his hardest to pull a limb out of the shirt. 
“Oh shit, you want it off that badly, bub?” You caught the dog’s attention, looking at you with only slight guilt as you broke apart from Yoongi to walk over to him, aiding him in getting his paws out from the clothing with soft coos to ease him.
Yoongi watched with a fond smile as you engaged with him, holding the shirt in your hand as the dog rolled over onto his back again, prompting you to give him copious amounts of belly rubs and praise as he panted up at you. 
“Well, we tried. Next year I’ll just do a sign, or something.” You sighed, tossing the little onesie to the side table and going back to Yoongi’s open arms. 
“I’ll make one that says ‘Happy birthday, Grandpa.’” You smiled at the man, him mirroring your expression with a slight roll of his eyes at the nickname. 
“If I’m Grandpa, doesn’t that make you Grandma?” He arched an eyebrow at you, not missing a beat as you shook your head no in response. 
“Nope. I’m just your young fling.” You shrugged, causing his loud laughs to bounce off the four walls as you grinned at the sound. 
“Oh my god, I love you.” He chuckled, your face dropping at his words as you went to grasp at his wrist.
“You- what?” You said, the man furrowing his brows in response as his fingers intertwined with your own again. 
“What?” He repeated your question, a mischievous glint in his eye telling you that he had definitely heard you; and he definitely knew what you meant.
“What did you say?” 
“Well I said ‘what,’ but-”
With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest as you easily complied with the movement.
“I said I love you.” He repeated softly, making you smile gently as your hand went up to cup his soft cheek, the man leaning into your touch upon contact. 
“Do you mean that?” You asked, biting your lip lightly in anticipation before releasing it from your teeth’s trap when he reassured you with a sure nod. 
“Of course I do.” He verbally confirmed, not being able to contain his smile, mirroring your own facial expression. 
“I love you, too, Yoon.” You grinned, the man smiling into a kiss as he leaned forward to catch your lips with his. 
“That sounds so good coming from you.” He smiled widely, the sparkle in his eye making your heart putter a little harder. 
“Good. I’ll make sure to say it a lot, then.” You responded smoothly, the man leaning his forehead against yours as he pecked your lips in a chaste kiss. 
“Say it again.” He said softly, leaning into your lips again when you chuckled a breath out your nose. 
“I love you, Yoongi.” You mumbled against his soft skin, both of you beaming at the new words you got to share with each other, Yoongi’s eyes sparkling at you as he soaked in your words. 
“That’s the best birthday present ever.” He laughed giddily, causing you to do the same before glancing over at the sad visual of the crumpled up onesie over on the table. 
“Is that at least in second place?” You gestured, Yoongi’s lips pressing into a thin line as he nodded his head, desperately holding back his laugh at the memory of the scene he’d walked into. 
“I mean, I’ll definitely never forget it.” He shrugged, giggles escaping him when you gasped at him. 
Withdrawing yourself from his hold in a dramatic turn from him, you squealed as he pulled you back into his arms, chest pressed to your back as he leaned over your shoulder to kiss your cheek. 
“I love you.” He repeated, your mouth immediately opening in a wide smile that couldn’t be contained if you tried. 
“God, I can’t even pretend to be mad at you when you say that.” You laughed lightly, the man’s chuckles filling your senses as you leaned back against his shoulder. 
“Good. I’ll shout it out from the rooftop if you want me to.” He smirked as he dropped back against the mattress beside Holly, bringing you down on top of him and smiling when you cuddled into his chest. 
“Hm. The balcony would do.” You smiled, making the man giggle underneath you.
Booping the tip of your pointer finger against his nose making him scrunch it up cutely, you leaned into his lips again, stroking his hair back from his face with your fingers as you sealed your mouths together. 
“I love you.” 
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Louisiana Fever (Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader)
Request: Hi! Since your ask are open could I have a imagine with bucky where him and his boyfriend (if you’re uncomfortable with male reader could you make it gender neutral pls?) are at the Wilson’s party and they talk about moving here and maybe getting a dog? Something really sweet and fluffy please? I’m having a hard time and need a bit of softness! Thanks you! (by @pastel-boy-sungjae), [Marvel-Masterlist]
Summary: A forever changing decision was made between Bucky & you. Whatever the future held for you, you could not wait to finally start somewhere new.
Words: 1,876 [Are you proud of me?]
Warnings: language, humor, fluff, short & sweet, no pronouns used, TFATWS spoilers, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Louisiana. Home of the Wilson family. A pier alongside the turquoise sea which created comforting tunes to soothe your ears. The slight breeze that tickled your skin in the most pleasurable way possible. A peaceful place to stay & feel safe, no matter the alarming threats menacing this universe daily. Here, it appeared to be as calm as ever. Like a bubble enveloping the area here, along with its people. A dome to prevent jeopardy from taking over.
The party was hosted by Sam, assisted by his younger sister Sarah. They invited Bucky & in addition to that, he invited you. You were his partner & if he attended a get-together then he only ever did with you right by his side. At first, you disliked the idea of inserting yourself where you believed you were not wanted. Luckily, your boyfriend had some reassuring pep talks up his sleeve that convinced you to tag along.
A flight was booked & before you even knew it, Sam hugged you close to his body as he greeted you. Bucky had informed him that you would come along. To his best friend, that was a given. There was no Bucky without you & no you without Bucky. Hence why he did not explicitly say that he obviously invited you as well.
It was the first time you were introduced to Sam’s family & his friends living nearby. The locals were more than welcoming & helpful even though you were complete strangers. Plainly stated, you fell in love with this place. The atmosphere was incomparable, like nothing you had ever encountered. This new, unfamiliar feeling washed through your body & there was only one word that could come close to describing it. Home. Not Bucky’s apartment where you had moved into a while ago. This strange yet somehow well-known place triggered emotions in you that you thought did not exist. You wondered if Bucky reacted in a similar way as you walked down the pier, hands intertwined, gazing out to the endless blue horizon. Where one hue kissed the other in an almost seamless way. Connecting yet separating sea from sky. A stunning sight that caught your plenary attention. You imagined yourself spending hours, simply watching the sun rise during the chill hours of the morning & set during the warm hours of the evening. The light not only coloring the sky in reds & purples but that same tone reflecting in the waves of the water which were caused by the wind.
“Hey, lovebirds! A little help here!” a familiar voice echoed in your ears & you found yourself turning around as you searched for the source of it.
“We’ll be right there, Sam.” you yelled over the distance so he could hear you clearly.
“He does have awful timing.” Bucky joked, wrapping an arm over your shoulders. You giggled & silently agreed with him though both of you were aware that you did not mind one bit.
Preparations were almost done, you simply assisted with the last finishing touches. They really went out of their way to create a homely aura for everyone to enjoy. Bucky & you occupied one of the many wooden tables, sitting next to Sam, Sarah & her kids. You guys had so much fun & could barely contain your laughter. Those people were not just friends. They were family. Blood related or not, the feeling they gave you counted at the end of the day.
The barbeque was delicious, as were the many options of desserts. One of them which you brought along. Bucky whined about a cake & who were you to deny him something you loved too? And by the fast pace it was gone, you assumed the others relished it just as much.
Food was long forgotten but the chatter kept the party alive. In the lifestyle you found yourself in, it was a rare sight to be surrounded by so much happiness & contentment. Usually, people radiated desperation & fear. Here, it was as if nothing bad existed. Only the smiles & sparkles in people’s eyes as they talked about something they were passionate about or the most random topic that came to mind. It did not matter. Acceptance was capitalized & it was a gift to experience it. With your boyfriend, with your best friend. With soon-to-be friends, you hoped.
“…so they aren’t here today ‘cause they’re currently movin’ out.” Sam pointed to the house that sat right next to his. Your eyes widened a little at this statement.
“It’s up for sale then?” you questioned, referring to the cottage that definitely needed some hours of dedicated work but appeared to be worth it underneath its surface.
“Yeah, it is. Still looking for a new owner.” Sam nodded. A smirk spread onto your face & you nudged Bucky with your elbow to gain his attention. With raised eyebrows, he turned his head so your eyes were locking.
“Okay. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Bucky chuckled as he noticed the enthusiastic look you wore. Sam observed your interaction but decided to stay silent for the time being.
“We could buy it, right?” you suggested, rambling so your words blurred together & it was hard to make out what you said.
“The house?” it took him a couple of seconds before he answered your question with another one. Simply because he was uncertain if you were joking or if you were serious.
“No, a trip to Disneyland. Of course the house.” you replied with a slight sarcastic tone.
“You wanna move here?” Bucky asked once again to ensure that he understood correctly.
“Don’t you? I mean, it’s perfect for us, Buck. The people here are lovely & we’ve got Sam here.” you pointed out, trying to list as many positive aspects as necessary to convince him.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Sam chimed in & you directed your attention to him. “Does that mean robot-boy will be my neighbor?” he pointed his finger at Bucky with fake disgust that had you laughing.
“That would annoy you, wouldn’t it?” Bucky inquired with a sly smile.
“Totally.” Sam countered, now completely ignoring that it was your idea in the first place. The two of them were bickering like children & it was a useless attempt to stop them.
“Perfect, we’ll buy it then.” your boyfriend’s statement had you shocked but equally excited.
“Really?” you could not help but ask.
“Really.” Bucky assured you & placed a short kiss on your lips.
“Why did I even say anything?” Sam shook his head, mumbling those words so nobody heard. Deep down, he had to admit that the could imagine it to be pleasant to have you two with him at all times. Though he would never say that out loud.
“We’re gonna move to Louisiana.” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around Bucky’s neck to hug him tightly. Your future could finally begin here. Something told you that it was the right decision. Sam only had to pull some strings & the deal was almost as good as yours.
A few hours ticked by, the sun had already started setting & Bucky suggested to watch the remaining minutes down by the dock. Your back rested against his chest, his arms securely wrapped around your waist as you sat in between Bucky’s legs. Savoring the last sunbeams that shone into your face & had you squint your eyes in order not to blind you. A comfortable silence settled around you. The sound of the sea the only discernible noise amongst the calm of the evening. But every quiet had to end eventually. And it was you who broke it, voicing a thought that had been playing in the back of your mind ever since you agreed on moving here.
“Hey, what about a dog?” your question caught him off guard & he barely had time to prepare a reply.
“Huh?” was all he could muster & you giggled at his perplexity.
“A dog. When we move here. Don’t you think this is a perfect place for a dog?” you turned in his arms so you could hold eye contact.
“We’ve already got Sam.” Bucky scoffed & you rolled your eyes annoyingly at him.
“I’m being serious, Buck.” & you truly were. Ever since you could remember, you promised yourself that you would adopt a dog if the chance was given. With a house this size, it would be a waste to not fulfill your dream. You watched Bucky sigh but the glint in his eyes showed you that he contemplated your thought.
“We’re not getting a Chihuahua.” he made clear before you got even crazier ideas.
“What’s wrong with a Chihuahua?” your dumbfounded expression had him laughing.
“They’re outta the question.” he stated & left no room to argue.
“Fine.” you breathed out with an exaggerated sigh. “A Corgi?”
“Why?” you did not understand why you had to reason with him but you had to think fast to provide a reasonable explanation.
“Because they’re cute.” maybe not the smartest of replies but if you worked your pleading expression then you should win.
“You say that about every single dog. That’s not a valuable point.” Bucky called you out & earned a pout from you.
“But it’s very much true.” a short pause allowed you to gather your thoughts once more. “Besides, they remind me of you.”
“Do I even wanna know?” Bucky breathed out & threw his head back to visualize how done he was with you in this moment. You, of course, were aware that it was only him teasing you.
“No, but that was, in fact, a very valuable point & speaks for getting a Corgi.” a proud smirk made its way onto your face.
“You’re lucky I love you.” his ocean blue eyes flickered between yours. You moved forward & pressed a tender kiss on his cheek. “But I’m the one choosing the name.” he decided.
“No way.” you shook your head frantically. “We’ll end up with a dog called Dog then.” you almost whined.
“You can’t stop me from giving it a nickname.” he reasoned with that famous smirk of his & you groaned because you knew he was right.
“I don’t like it.” you mumbled after a few moments.
“Alright, no dog then.” Bucky shrugged his shoulders & pretended that it did not matter anyway. But it did. And he really did like the idea of getting a dog.
“NO WAIT!” you were quick to raise your voice & stop him from turning down your plan. “Ugh, can’t we just…I don’t know, pick a cute name together?” you offered him your best puppy dog eyes because he had a hard time resisting you whenever you played that card.
“We could.” Bucky agreed but kept his response short. He waited for you to ascertain what he meant.
“But?” your voice went an octave higher at the end.
“But I’ll still call it Dog. It’s a great nickname.” Bucky praised himself.
“It’s foolish.” you commented & crossed your arms over your chest.
“Do we have a deal or not?” his head tilted to one side, waiting to watch your reaction.
“What do you think?” your eyebrows perked up. “Of course we do!”
Published (05/10/2021) by Cathy
✨MY Ko-fi PAGE✨
Tags: @bibliophilewednesday, @msmarvelsmain, @weareironmanbitches,@zestyemby, @kattenjager1, @cheraboo330 (thanks for your support <3)
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archerdaryl · 4 years
Peppermint Sugar.
You’ve been tasked with decorating the Christmas cookies while Carol is out on a hunt. It would have gone just fine if the archer hadn’t shown up.  
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Tags: more cute christmas vibes, sfw, fluffy and fun but still a little slow burn Word Count: 2.5k  Notes: This one-shot follows on from London in Your Eyes! I’m thinking about turning it into a little collection of Christmas fics that all link together. As always I would love to hear your thoughts. ♥
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You’d been at Carol’s house for barely ten minutes and you were already overwhelmed.
The air was thick and sweet like molasses, a pleasant surprise that was almost enough to soften the visual overload that was waiting for you in the kitchen. There were trays upon trays of cookies sitting on almost every counter space you could see. You had happily agreed to help decorate while she went out on a run with Ezekial and his knights, but good God.
There were at least a hundred cookies there. And they all needed expertly icing.
You approached the kitchen island slowly, eyebrows knitted together as you cursed under your breath. You can’t have been the only person she asked. Especially considering you weren’t exactly artistically inclined. Sure, a snowman was simple and you could probably figure out how to ice a Christmas tree adequately enough, but a couple of the shapes you couldn’t even identify.
“She’s lost her fucking mind.” The words escaped you in a mumble, followed by a long exhale.
Looking back you weren’t sure why you agreed to this in the first place. Maybe it was the assumption you wouldn’t be stuck here alone at 7am or that it would only be a few cookies you could hide at the bottom of the pile. You couldn’t have been more wrong, but you were at least relieved that you didn’t bother to change out of your yoga pants for the occasion considering you were going to be standing there decorating for hours.
Eventually you accepted that simply staring at the endless trays of cookies wasn’t actually going to do anything and you moved towards the stove to boil some water for coffee. While you waited for it to bubble, you organised the trays according to cookie shape and decided to start on what you could only assume were snowflakes.
How could you possibly mess those up? All you needed was white icing. If by some miracle Carol had got her hands on some food colouring, maybe you could be real fancy and mix a little blue in too.
You continued to wipe down the counters, dusting off remnants of flour before placing the first tray in front of you. You soon found a set of instructions left behind by Carol and you would be lying if you didn’t say you were relieved. You followed them, grabbing everything you needed and mixing up some sort of concoction that resembled a very basic icing.
Carol had to have chosen you for a reason. You hoped she had more faith in you than you did in yourself.
She had to, because you were already bored and you had barely begun.
And then the door swung open, almost making you jump.
“Oh my god, my very own knight in shining armour.”
Daryl Dixon stopped in his tracks and stared at you in confusion.
“I could settle for scrap metal.” You grumbled.
He narrowed his eyes before hesitantly moving his way through the house, eventually disappearing into the basement with Dog trailing along behind him. You mumbled a rather sarcastic goodbye before grabbing a ziplock bag and carefully spooning the icing into the bottom right corner, following Carol’s instructions as closely as possible.
“Thought you were huntin’ today.” Daryl shouted as he climbed back up the stairs.
“I was supposed to be. Carol wanted me to do… well, this.” You gestured to the mountain of cookies behind you and tried to hide your disdain. Dog happily padded towards you and demanded neck scratches by pushing his snout against your legs. Naturally, you obliged.
“On yer’ own?”
His crystalline gaze traced your form as he leaned onto the opposite side of the kitchen island. You were in an old hoodie, hardly form fitting but the dark red hue complimented your eyes, and there was a dusting of icing sugar across your cheek. He smiled ever so slightly, but said nothing.
“Unless you’re offering to keep me company, yeah, it looks like it.”
The pair of you hadn’t spent much time together since the Christmas fair. Keeping food stocks up was more important than ever with the snow being as heavy as it was, and the fact The King insisted on an extravagant Christmas celebration wasn’t helping anyone’s work load. Keeping busy kept you both from thinking about that stolen moment of innocent intimacy, though Daryl still found himself staring at you just a little bit longer with his fists clenched every time you crossed paths.
He was chasing the sensation of your hand in his without even knowing it.
“Ain’t got much else t’ do,” He lied, shrugging and leaning further onto the countertop with his forearms, “Watchin’ you fuck up might be fun.”
You didn’t bother glaring at him, your hands went straight for the icing sugar, picking it up in a pinch and flicking it right into his face before turning to find some scissors. You heard him splutter and blow hard, as if that alone could erase your act of vengeance.
“Don’ start somethin’ you can’t finish girl.”
You snorted and returned to your original position at the kitchen island, your grin widening after seeing the mess you made of him.
“I think you look great.” You insisted, “As ruggedly handsome as always.”
Daryl’s lips thinned in faux annoyance, though his eyes betrayed him. He was unable to come up with a retort of his own. He was stuck on two words in particular.
Ruggedly handsome.
He knew you were being sarcastic, you had a habit of that, but it still made him feel a little embarrassed. If not for the icing sugar speckled across his face, you likely would have noticed him blush a little.
“Handsome huh?”
Daryl had never been one to concern himself too much with the way he looked. He could never afford to and there certainly wasn’t any point anymore with the world in the state it was. However, in that moment he realised that when it came to you, he felt a sense of insecurity previously unknown to him.
“Oh yeah. I’m super into the whole dandruff thing.” You teased further, gesturing to the sugar speckled in his hair.
He rolled his eyes and pushed himself up off the island counter, “You talk too much.”
You had thrown him off on purpose. You had no choice. You couldn’t stand there and lie to him to protect yourself from the feelings you constantly tried to bury. Daryl Dixon was many things but ugly was not a word that ever came to mind. Yet, you couldn’t look him in the eye and tell him he looked like home either.
“C’mon. Carol will kill me if I don’t get something done.”
Daryl wasn’t sure what exactly it was he was supposed to be doing, but he was perfectly happy to be there even with the nerves causing havoc in his stomach. Anyone else would have considered them butterflies, but he wasn’t exactly a teenager dealing with a high school crush.
He met you behind the island and towered over you at your side. You forced yourself to concentrate on the task at hand, continuing to spoon icing into the ziploc bag. As he watched your hands at work, he leant down onto folded forearms and chewed the inside of his bottom lip absentmindedly
How did they look even softer than before?
He supposed it was because you were inside where it was warm, nuzzled within that oversized hoodie of yours. Was the rest of you as soft as your hands? He lost himself for a moment wondering what it would be like to fall asleep against your chest, your heartbeats perfectly in sync.
What the fuck was he thinking?
Quickly clearing his throat, he took his index finger and scooped up a blob of icing before you could steal it away with your spoon. He savoured the sweetness as he sucked it off his finger and then looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
This was the most time they had spent together in days and he wasn’t about to ruin it by getting caught up in shit that didn't, no, couldn’t matter.
“Don’ start somethin’ you can’t finish girl.”
You met his gaze, eyes briefly drifting to his sugar sweet lips before you allowed a smirk to tug at the corners of your own.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Dixon.”
“Oh yeah?” He replied, cocking a brow before going in for a second scoop of icing.
Before you could even try to swat him away, Daryl had gotten his hands on the bowl and darted out of reach. Though his mischief may have been a distraction from his wandering thoughts, you were none the wiser. To you, this was one of those rare moments where he let his guard down enough to act a fool without wanting to beat himself up about it. You couldn’t be pissed even if you wanted to.
Grabbing the bag of powdered sugar, you immediately rushed after him, eager to make an even bigger mess than you already had. You followed him into the lounge where he had collapsed onto the couch, making himself comfortable and continuing to scoop out sticky white icing with his fingers.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You whined, unable to keep an amused grin from tugging at the corners of your mouth, “Don’t think I won’t ruin this couch.”
Daryl looked up at you and allowed a snort of amusement to escape him. He didn’t doubt you for a minute, but he didn’t care about decorating no cookies and he knew you didn’t either so it wasn’t like he felt particularly guilty about the matter.
You stood your ground, your hand venturing into the bag of powdered sugar. Daryl watched you carefully and weighed up his choices, which didn’t take long at all because he soon found himself leaning forward to grab your forearm, pulling you down onto the couch with him in a poor attempt to keep you from attacking again.
What he didn’t consider was the bag of sugar doing a somersault out of your hands and creating  an even bigger mess anyway.
“Ah, shit!” He groused.
You landed awkwardly on him, having to adjust yourself so that you were flat on your back while he was laying on his side next to you with his arm bent to prop up his head. You quickly found yourselves coughing and having to wave your arms as you tried to dissipate the cloud of sugar, which mostly landed in a little hill on the rug but had still managed to leave heavy traces all over you.
“This,” You gestured to your hoodie and the mess around you, “- is on you.”
“Fuck that, I weren’t the one chasing me with sugar.”
After a futile attempt of wiping down your stomach with your hands, you turned your head to look at Daryl with a frown. You didn’t realise how close you were to each other until you met his eyes, which almost made you trip up on your words. You didn’t remember them being that blue.
“You’d really leave me to fend for myself like that?” You pouted.
Daryl opened his mouth to speak but the words got stuck in the back of his throat. You were so close. Too close. He could smell the sweetness on your skin, paired with peppermint which he could only assume was your toothpaste or some sort of lip balm.
“Carol won’t get mad at her pookie.”
He reached for the pillow by his legs but didn’t follow through on the threat as you quickly grabbed his arm and pulled it back towards you.
“I’m kidding!” You practically shrieked, his arm resting over your stomach with your fingers still wrapped around it to keep him from going for the pillow again, “Well, actually…”
“It’s true and you know it. Please don’t leave me with this.”
Daryl went a little stiff. He wanted to pull away. He could feel the warmth of your body against his, could see each individual eyelash, and, fuck, those fingers of yours were wrapped around his arm. He was almost afraid to breathe. He didn’t want to take up more space than he already had.
You had spent many sleepless nights at each other’s sides in the past, either in temporary shelter while on a run or for comfort when things got bad. You had not, however, been this wrapped up in one another. Not in the slightest. He only had to put his head down for you to take him into your arms, and the thought of that alone was enough to make his heart skip a beat.
Once again, something had shifted and those uncharted waters were only getting deeper.
“Ya’ know, Dog can be pretty bad sometimes.”
Your eyes were locked and the words spilled from each of your lips slowly. Your grip on his forearm softened but you made no effort to let him go. In that moment it seemed as if you only saw each other and that the wall you insisted on keeping up was starting to crumble. It was only a matter of time before one of you rebuilt it, but right then, right in that moment, you could have laid there forever.
You wanted to know what he was thinking, if his thoughts were as scrambled as yours. You felt safe at Daryl's side, as if nothing could ever hurt you again, and you found yourself wanting him to pull you in closer.
God, he was already so close. One of you only had to lean in.
“Yeah. Carol don’t gotta know.”
“But the cookies…”
“Can’t ice no cookies without icin’.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
Daryl wet his bottom lip with his tongue and he could have sworn your eyes lowered to his mouth for just a second. He wanted to be put out of his misery. He felt like a damn school girl losing his head over someone he couldn’t have. You hadn’t approached this - whatever this is - for a reason but he wasn’t feeling very reasonable anymore.
Did your mouth taste as sweet as his? Would the peppermint make his lips tingle?
All he had to do was lean in.
Then, the unmistakable sound of the front door being opened echoed throughout the house. You both froze and confusion turned to horror when Carol eventually called out to you, claiming the weather had taken a turn for the worst.
You sat up on your elbows, eyebrows knitted together in worry whilst Daryl went completely silent, both annoyed and embarrassed that Carol had trespassed in her own home. You were mortified, there wasn’t a damn thing to show for your time there other than icing sugar everywhere, but you were also a little relieved - not because you didn’t want to be pinned in place next to him, but because you were finally able to take a full breath.
“Quick.” Daryl muttered, “Out the back.”
“But -”
Daryl didn’t give you a chance to argue. He quickly but carefully climbed up off of the couch and grabbed your hand without hesitation, squeezing it tight and pulling you along towards the back of the house where you could both escape.
You squeezed back, a childish grin growing across your sugar dusted face as your hand fit perfectly into his once more.
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tailsisfluffy · 3 years
Heyo!! How are you dear? I am so glad to have found your blog as there are so few active Soutaku blogs that I know of :(( And you are a fantastic writer, I speedran a few of your books these past nights!! I wanted to ask you, since your characterization is 10/10, what are a few of your Soutaku headcanons like as a couple?? Hope you have a lovely day <3
Thanks! I’m not going to lie that I was very surprised to see my blog as one of the top SouTaku ones the other day even though there isn’t a single piece of visual art originally from me. And thank you very much for checking out my stories as well! Your comment made me very happy!
As for my SouTaku HCs, I have quite a few of them. I won’t be able to remember them all, but I can list my bigger ones, which is quite a list as well. I hope you like them!
·       If they go anywhere that has food, Soma will share with Takumi. He will either request to try what Takumi is eating or feed Takumi from his own plate. Like Soma would put the utensil he was using or the food in front of Takumi to prompt him to take a bite, or Soma would poke and whine until Takumi pushed his plate over, feed him the same way Soma does, or if it’s a food that they are holding in their hands and Soma gets impatient he will literally reach over and take a bite of it himself. (not too big, though.) This habit was actually started by Takumi during the train arc when they ran off to try different foods in Hokkaido and Takumi shoved his food in Soma’s direction for him to try it. After that, it was free game for Soma. Takumi doesn’t really mind unless someone else points it out and Takumi puts an end to it out of embarrassment until the next time they are alone. (He doesn’t care at all after they are married, though.)
·       I mentioned this before, but Takumi teaches Soma how to use the mezzaluna. Soma asks how to use it one day and Takumi was happy to teach him. There were many days that Soma spent in the kitchen by himself trying to get the motions just right.
·       If Takumi starts telling Soma about Italy, there is a very high chance that he will start to lapse into a mix of Italian and Japanese, something he does at home. Especially when he talks about his family. Soma doesn’t stop him to tell him that he can not understand half his words. He thinks it’s cute to see Takumi that relaxed. It gets to the point where people ask him if he knows Italian, where Soma says no. Takumi is so embarrassed when he finally finds out what he does.
·       Soma starts taking Italian classes. When he is finally able to, he starts speaking simple sentences to Takumi. When Takumi asks why he’s trying to learn Italian, Soma tells him that he is learning so he could understand him better. Of course, Takumi is embarrassed yet pleased by the gesture.
·       Takumi is a person who doesn’t care for physical touch. He always looks uncomfortable when someone touches or jumps him. (Isami knows this but does it to bother him, anyways.) Soma, however, is a person who can’t help but to touch everything in sight. It gets worse when he’s excited, and he gets excited when he sees Takumi. Soma often drags Takumi around by the wrist or hand. Or he’ll sling an arm around his shoulders. Or shake him.If they sit together for long lectures or rides, Soma will fiddle with Takumi’s jacket or playfully tap or softly punch Takumi himself. Once they become official, Soma become a lot more physically affectionate. One of Soma’s favorite positions is to sit behind Takumi and have him lean against his chest.
·       Takumi was the first one to have feelings for Soma. It was after Soma had won his mezzaluna back from Mimasaka. Soma started to see Takumi in a special light after they got into the Elite Ten. He loved that Takumi was the only one who could keep up with him. Soma also began to try to consider Takumi’s overall feelings and made sure not to ignore him as much as he did in their first year. Soma even feels bad about those incidents and apologizes, which Takumi says that it’s alright.
·       I have an ever-growing list of who asks who to date/marry first and the scenarios to go with it. (I wrote about one in my OTP post, actually.) But the common theme in all of them is that one asks for the first date and the other asks for marriage first. I kind of favor Soma asking Takumi out on a date in front of their friends and Takumi just shuts down from elation and embarrassment. And Takumi just blurting out “Marry me.” to Soma one day.
·       Going off with Soma making the first official move: Soma asks Isami how to say “I love you” in Italian.
·       Soma loves pet names. He will call Takumi “Sweetheart” the most. He only does it when they are alone or around family and close friends, though, because he knows Takumi gets super embarrassed if they are in public. Takumi does do pet names as well, but only at home. He doesn’t have a favorite one for Soma, though.
·       Takumi leaves the Trattoria to the rest of the family as he and Soma travel the world. Sometimes together, sometimes separate. They start off by living at Yukihira.
·       They keep their personal life to themselves for the most part. They also keep their rivalry in public as well. The public does not even know that they are married at all for a couple of years because they wear their rings as a necklace because they are chefs. Even when the news comes out that they are both married, the public thinks they are married to other people. It takes several more years for the fact that they are married to each other to be out there. (They usually answer questions with “my spouse” or “my son” or other vague/possessive answers.) It’s not because they don’t want to tell anyone. People outside their main circle just perceive them as rivals.
·       They both get really jealous if the other one gets flirted with for a certain amount of time. Takumi will just stew in emotions until Soma comes to calm him down. Soma will come up to the person trying to seduce his man. If it’s not a formal event, Soma will even wrap an arm around Takumi possessively. If it is, Soma would just make up an excuse to take Takumi away or just hover around him. But he’s always glaring at the other party.
·       When it comes to intimacy, they are both switches. But Takumi is more into brat territory. Soma doesn’t mind the challenge, though. Also, Soma loves to tease Takumi, which Takumi pretends not to like.
·       Takumi was raised in a richer environment than Soma. Even though his family was not as rich as the Nakiris, he could afford to buy fancier clothes and ingredients without looking too much at the price tag. As shown in the series, Soma is a bargain hunter. It bothers him when he and Takumi go shopping and Takumi is just placing expensive stuff in the basket. Several arguments and compromises have come from that.
·       They both love children and would not mind adopting a child, but they don’t because they travel a lot. The main reason why they adopt Ciro is because of an emergency. (Long backstory that I might write about one day.)
·       Because of the adoption, they severely limit their travels in order to be better parents to Ciro.
·       They also adopt a Mastiff/Great Dane mix that Ciro found as a puppy in the streets. Takumi loves dogs as well and they were able to convince Soma to let them keep her. (Her name becomes Coffee, by the way.)
·       Eventually, Soma brings up the suggestion to move to Italy, even though he would be moving away from his beloved restaurant. But he sees how big Coffee is getting, the rest of the Aldini family pressuring them to move, how much easier and better it would be for Ciro to be closer to family, and how happy Takumi is every time they visit his home country. (Soma really loves making Takumi happy.) They end up moving not too far from the Aldini trattoria, visiting the Yukihira during school breaks and a little more often when Ciro finally goes to Totsuki.
·       As the years go by, Soma and Takumi slowly stay more and more in their Italian home. Soma grew to love the country and he did not have the heart to move Takumi away from Italy.
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