#incorrect dracula
lithiumseven · 29 days
Incorrect Dracula Characters
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Van Helsing:
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Bonus Bram Stoker:
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(part II) (part III)
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monstercollection · 2 years
Jonathan: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Jack: I think you mean cards.
Quincey: he did not.
Jonathan, pulling out knives: I did not.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Dracula: futurebeveragesayswhat
Jonathan: What?
Dracula: heheheeheheheehe
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keistance · 2 years
jonathan: day 56. i will climb the walls and rob the count and hurt him with his own shovel and climb again and if i die then by god i die
seward: day 57. the patient has started to... eat the flies
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draculasnightshift · 1 year
dracula’s brides: he doesn’t love us, or anyone! we’re sick of his chilly, rude ahh.
*all three brides proceed to sit on the closed lid of dracula’s coffin*
dracula’s muffled voice: marishka, aleera, verona! remove this obstruction at once! *heavy clawing and pushing inside the coffin*
brides: lmao no
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whocansail · 2 years
Head canon: Dracula is set in a Victorian-era Spiderman parallel universe
- Jon has learned to climb on walls
- Jon is a lackey forced to do all the grunt work and schlepping at his job
- Jon has a love interest who aspires to be a reporter
- Assuming Jon survives escaping back to Britain, he'll have ample opportunity to get bitten by one of Renfield's spiders
- Most important: Jon has a nearly-terminal case of being simultaneously quite smart but also a naive f*ckup
EDIT: and let's not forget Jon's villain du jour is a furry
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i-llbedammned · 2 years
Seward: This is my little blorbo Renfield.  He is just so curious and smol.  He is playing with bugs now and he is my little mew mew.
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yallemagne · 7 months
Mina: "I hope it's not too presumptuous to pray that God doesn't massacre Jonathan in a blind angry wrath against me. As for me, I am dirt on the ground, so I deserve whatever's coming to me."
VH: "... I'm taking this typewriter away until you can think of 3 nice things to write about yourself."
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Seward: Hey Dr. VH, I'm finally starting to feel not-so-depressed for the first time in this whole novel, what's up?
Van Helsing: Let's talk about the death of poor miss lucy again - how do you think she died?
Seward: I have no idea and I'd really rather not--
Van Helsing: Corporeal Transference! Astral Bodies! Hypnotism! Fine ladies at the opera! Wizards! Methuselah! Old Spiders! Giant Bats! Old Tortoises! THE CORN! *grabbing Seward by the shoulders and shaking him* Do you understand now?!
Seward, near tears: I have no idea what's happening right now.
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Tim after getting to that part where Dracula says "I too can love" to Johnathan: Wait- Is Dracula gay??
Jason, a literature nerd: What kind of vampire novel isn't gay?
Tim: *nodding* That's fair
Dick, who had a vampire phase on his teens: To be fair, if you were an immortal being who didn't care about anything but satisfying your own desires, wouldn't you at least be curious?
Dick: It's like if you had a whole ice cream stand all for yourself and you only get vanilla
Tim: Did you just compared genders to ice cream flavors?
Dick: My point still stands. I bet everyone had fantasized about someone from the same sex at least once. Right, Jason?
Jason with his face slowly turning bright red: *trying to cover his face with the book he was reading*
Dick:... Is there something you want to share with the rest of us mortals?
Jason: Not particularly, no
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lithiumseven · 29 days
Incorrect Dracula Part III
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Van Helsing:
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(part II) (part I)
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picklepie888 · 2 years
There are so many Dracula/Frankenstein crossover movies that have Dracula and the Monster as either best friends or worst enemies. But am I the only one who thinks if we had kept the characters' book-accurate personalities they would just be...indifferent to each other?
Dracula: Mwahaha! Foolish man! I have ensnared you in my trap! Now your blood is mine!
The Monster: Yeah sure whatever. This might as well happen.
Dracula: Wait... you're undead? But you're not a vampire?! How is that possible?!
The Monster: It's a long story, I don't want to talk about it.
Dracula: Are you made up of the body parts of different dead men?! What the hell?!
The Monster: Look man, if you're going to kill me just get it over with already!
Dracula: I only feast on the living. I don't want your nasty rotted corpse blood.
The Monster: Yeah ok I get it. No one else wants me either.
Dracula: ...Are you like...ok-
The Monster: No.
Dracula:...Ok well, I'm just gonna...go hunt down the humans. Good luck with...whatever you got going on. *turns into a bat and flies away*
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enigma-the-mysterious · 8 months
Thank God the vampires of colour have a speaking role in Nocturne. I remember the first few seasons of Castlevania when those vampire generals from India, Nepal and Japan were there in Dracula's castle... just to look pretty, I guess? None of them ever spoke a word. What a wasted opportunity.
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It's so nice to see an Aztec vampire and getting to know how that culture adds to the overall worldbuilding!
Also, everything about Annette, her backstory and her culture was just *chef's kiss*
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Very dumb Netflix Castlevania FixIt AU where Trevor is in town when they try to burn Lisa at the stake and he’s like... “Welp, can’t let this shit happen,” and saves her. And when Dracula find them Lisa’s all like “Oh, my love, this wonderful kind man saved me!” and Trevor’s like “No, shut up, I’m a piece of shit.” And Dracula’s too busy being relieved to care and he asks, “Who are you friend?”
“Trevor Belmont.”
And now Dracula is having an existential crisis because now he owes his wife’s life to his ancestral enemy and Trevor feels conflicted because he just saved Dracula’s fucking wife and pissed off all of the Church. So Dracula just... has him move in to his Castle until the heat dies down.
Cue a slice of life comedy where Dracula and Trevor are constantly trying to kill each other but never when Lisa and Alucard are around because the they’d get yelled at and get no desert.
Sypha eventually gets involved because Lisa shanghies Dracula into turning the Castle into a safe haven for people being hunted by the Church and now Trevor and Alucard are also competing with each other to impress the hot witch girl while also being a little gay for each other. Lisa has already picked out the wedding cake. Dracula weeps.
Sypha vibes with Hector and Isaac who she helps get out of their emo phases. Carmilla is like “Hahaha, Drac’s gone soft, time to take him out and take over the world!” Trevor, of course, slays her when she tries, and Dracula now owes the Belmont an even more direct life debt.
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