#in defense of kylo
darklinaforever · 2 years
Evidence that Snoke is an abuser in an abuser / abused relationship, especially with Kylo Ben, and is also a metaphor for a sexual predator / pedophile :
Snoke is a manipulator who constantly pits Kylo & Hux against each other. When one is rewarded, the other is humiliated, whether verbally or physically. (Use force on Hux in front of the officers to humiliate him / Throw lightning on Kylo)
Snoke uses Kylo Ben as an object, an object that he will get rid of when he wants. Han says in Star Wars 7 : "Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you." Also, Snoke says in Star Wars 8 : "I stirred up Ren's inner conflict. I knew he wasn't strong enough to hide it from you. And that you weren't wise enough not to take the bait." Here, Snoke openly admits that he used Kylo's weakness as bait for Rey.
Sometimes Snoke compliments Kylo Ren, sometimes he belittles him. Thus, nothing Kylo does seems to fit in Snoke's eyes. Examples : "The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you, I saw what every master dreams of seeing. Raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something really special. The potential of your lineage. A new Vader." He continues with ; "Now I'm afraid... I was wrong." He will add a few lines later, "You are only a child in a mask." In the final showdown, when Kylo brings Rey to Snoke, the latter will say, "Well done, my worthy and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored." And then say to Rey, "Did you see anything ? A flaw in my apprentice? Is that why you came ? Young fool. […] I stirred up Ren's inner conflict. I knew he wasn't strong enough to hide it from you. And that you weren't wise enough not to take the bait." Here, he clearly mocks and belittles Kylo Ben for having feelings that stir up conflict within him, only to later say : "My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader."
Signs of regular physical abuse are suggested. Especially through the scene where Snoke sends Kylo flying with a discharge of lightning, and we see him recover and get up very quickly almost without any moan of pain. Compared to Luke in the confrontation scene of "Return of the Jedi", who suffers the same thing from Palpatine, and where he can be seen struggling to get up and screaming in pain, it makes sense to infer that Kylo had to undergo this treatment several times to cash it as well. There's also the scene in the throne room with Rey, when Snoke flies the lightsaber, we can see Kylo, ​​eyes downcast, uselessly dodging the saber with two head movements in reflex mode, as if had already been beaten in this way. The impression is reinforced when we see Rey taking a blow to the head via the saber.
Snoke began manipulating Kylo Ben as a child. Indeed, in the 7th film, we learn that Kylo went to train with his uncle Luke. In the 8th film, Luke explains that he created a Jedi temple, where he brought in addition to Kylo a dozen students. Knowing that the only examples of Jedi training within temples that we have of the whole saga takes place during the prequel, where we see that the disciples are trained from childhood; there is therefore no reason why Kylo, ​​being born with the force, was not also taken care of during his childhood by his uncle who himself happened to be the last official Jedi. Knowing that in addition, Leïa sent her son in training for fear that he would have "too much Vader in him" probably due to his power (raw, as Snoke says) in the force, and that she reveals then that "It came from Snoke. He dragged our son to the dark side.", we can also deduce that Snoke began his manipulation on Kylo before he began his training at the Jedi temple with Luke. So suggesting that this manipulation has been going on for years and started at some undefined point in his childhood. A mental manipulation, (because there is no suggestion that Snoke and Kylo met in the flesh during his training) Snoke using force to infiltrate Kylo Ren's mind,"I see his thoughts. I see his slightest intentions." he will say to Rey in Star Wars 8.
It's also important to note that although Kylo Ben's character is clearly an adult in the films, he is never characterized or referred to as such. He is clearly played as a teenager (confirmed by the actor) by his hypersensitivity, impulsiveness and temper tantrums. As referred to as a child by the other characters who repeatedly use the terms "boy", "young Solo", "kid", "child in a mask", etc.
We are therefore on a character who has not yet passed spiritually into adulthood.
Snoke is dressed as Hugh Hefner. An old man, famous for the sexual exploitation of women and numerous sexual allegations made against him.
The throne room is called "Snoke's boudoir." The main image that we retain of a boudoir today is that of a gallant, even erotic space. A sexual space then.
And again, here I am only talking about films.
It's even worse in novelizations and comics !
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jasontoddssuper · 5 months
I love calling white male characters i hate colonizers.It's within my rights as an afrolatina and also hilarious and also also true
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
Luke Skywalker in 'The Last Jedi' (1/2)
Luke in The Last Jedi... love it or hate it, it's a difficult subject.
I personally stand somewhere in the middle. I don't think Luke was "ruined"... I'd argue that, from a purely in-universe perspective, his subplot actually tracks with what was previously established in the original films.
There are issues, but I think they are mainly found on an out-of-universe/structural level (which I'll get into in post 2/2). For now, let's take a deep dive and unpack why this portrayal isn't all that problematic.
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The most commonly-heard argument is that:
"They ruined Luke's character! He would never go into exile or abandon his sister and friends!"
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Simply put, Luke used to be:
an optimist
so brave he'd risk his life to save his friends,
aspired to become a Jedi.
Whereas, in The Last Jedi, he's:
jaded and depressed,
hides/abandons his sister and friends, like a coward,
says the Jedi need to die?!
Now the fact is... Luke is 24 years older when he goes into exile, 30 years older in The Last Jedi. People change, with age.
In Luke's case, he matured from an impatient kid who'd rashly run to save his friends, like in Empire Strikes Back, to a grown-up who makes hard choices and restrains himself from doing that, even though he desperately wants to.
Luke tells himself this is a self-sacrifice, this is for the greater good.
"Because he’s the last Jedi and a symbol of that it then becomes this self-sacrifice, he has take himself out of it, when he knows his friends are dying, when the thing he’d most like to do is get back in the fight." - Rian Johnson, The Empire Film Podcast, 2018
And Rian Johnson didn't want Luke to come across as a coward, so he also gave Luke an argument that initially seems to make sense:
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The Jedi way is flawed and inevitably leads to arrogance. Proof: the Sith originally came from Jedi. His own new order is no exception to that rule, even if he thought it was (in his arrogance, he believed his own legend).
So if he leaves and stays in exile? No more Jedi, no more Jedi-turned-darksiders that can mess up the galaxy.
The Force will keep trying to balance itself and a new, worthier source will appear (in the form of Rey).
But while his reasoning that "the Jedi are inevitably arrogant" seems sound and reasonable... it's wrong.
Just like Dooku's reasoning that "the Jedi are corrupt" seems sound, but is ultimately wrong.
Just like Anakin's rationalization that "the Jedi are evil" seems sound nope, that one doesn't even seem sound, it's just plain wrong.
Where is it wrong, in Luke's case?
Well, he's rationalizing his actions by blaming the Jedi religion, instead of admitting his own failure.
"The notion of, 'Nope, toss this all away and find something new,' is not really a valid choice, I think. Ultimately, Luke's exile and his justifications for it are all covering over his guilt over Kylo." - Rian Johnson, The Art of The Last Jedi, 2017
"In his own way, [Luke is] trying to disconnect, he’s trying to throw away the past, he’s saying 'Let’s kill [the Jedi] religion. It’s the thing that’s messing us up, thins thing right here, let’s kill it.’ And the truth is, it’s a personal failure. It’s not religion, it’s his own human nature that’s betrayed him." - Rian Johnson, The Empire Film Podcast, 2018
He fucked up, plain and simple.
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But it's not because “he’s a Jedi and that made him arrogant and the Jedi mentality is flawed”, as he claims early on in the movie.
He failed because he's flawed. Luke is human and had a moment of weakness where he was scared shitless and acted on instinct.
Yoda's spirit helps him realize this, and he fixes his mistake by allowing Leia and the resistance to save themselves. And as he does it, he acknowledges the importance of the Jedi and their teachings.
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And it's also why, in The Rise of Skywalker, he has the maturity to admit that he wasn't staying on the island out of some self-sacrificial gesture, as he kept telling himself. Truth is, he was afraid. Afraid he'd screw up again.
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Do the movies go about this in an emotionally-satisfying way? That's debatable. But, on paper, I don't think Luke's behavior in The Last Jedi is too much of a shark-jump considering how
In the couple of months after the Disney sale, Lucas developed the Sequels with Michael Arndt in late 2012/early 2013, and concept art was made by artists like Christian Alzmann.
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Note: the image on the left got a “Fabouloso” stamp of approval from Lucas!
Lucas’ sequels would feature a Luke Skywalker who was a figure like the jaded, reclusive Colonel Kurtz in the movie Apocalypse Now (which, fun fact, Lucas helped write and was originally set to direct).
The reason why Luke was in self-imposed exile wasn’t specified, all we know is that he was:
hiding from the world in a cave,
haunted by the betrayal of one of his students,
and spiritually in a dark place.
Other concept artists, like James Clyne, tried to illustrate the First Jedi Temple and some of the designs were approved by Lucas, such as the one below.
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Eventually, Kira the female Jedi-wannabe protagonist (who eventually became Rey) would seek him out so he can train her.
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This Luke would be a much more prominent part of Episode VII (instead of only appearing at the end) but still died at the end of Episode VIII.
For sources and more information about George Lucas’ plans for the Sequel Trilogy, read this post.
The only part that wasn't detailed by Lucas were the specifics of why he went into exile. But all in all, this sounds pretty similar to what we got in The Last Jedi.
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"Luke would never try to kill Ben!”
I agree. And he didn’t try to kill Ben. He stopped himself.
And this version of the event?
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This didn’t happen.
What Kylo tells Rey is his version of the story. And he thinks he’s telling the truth... but his recollection of the event is warped as this was obviously a very traumatic event for him.
"I don't think he's lying actually. In my mind, that was his experience. [...] I think that it's probably twisted a little bit by Kylo's own anger and his own prejudices against Luke, but I feel like he's actually telling her the truth of his experience." - Rian Johnson, Star Wars: The Last Jedi commentary, 2017
The narrative frames the third version of the story as the one that’s objectively how events went down. Because Rey believes him, and Rey is both the protagonist and a stand-in for the audience.
Now, if you think Luke’s word is unreliable and you have an easier time trusting Kylo’s version of the story, go to town.
But I think that if you actually believe would Luke would never try to kill Ben, you’d take Luke's second retelling of the story at face value.
I know I do.
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“Okay, but he would never consider killing a child, like Ben. He saw the good in Darth Vader!”
First off, Luke refers to Ben as "a scared boy" because, he's a middle-aged man. But objectively, Ben was 23 years old.
But also, I mean... with Vader, Luke actually had the luxury ignorance.
Do you think would have truly gone on that Second Death Star if he had actually witnessed Vader:
choke his Padmé,
kill Obi-Wan,
actively try to kill Ahsoka,
murder Jedi younglings,
betray and hunt down his other Jedi brothers and sisters,
and cold-bloodedly kill countless innocents, one by one?
There’s a difference between watching him kill Ben Kenobi (who still ‘lived’ as a ghost and talked to him seconds later) and hearing a couple of rebel pilots get blasted in the trench run, and actually seeing all the horrors he’s committed.
Don't get me wrong, Luke knows Vader is evil, absolutely. But if he had seen this side of Vader, the needlessly cruel side...
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... I'm not sure he'd have been as compassionate.
Proof: Obi-Wan, someone who deeply loved Anakin (to the point where he could never bring himself to kill him), someone that genuinely wishes that Luke can redeem him... also feels that, realistically, attempting to do so would be pointless.
And hell, even without really seeing all the massacres Vader committed, the second the latter threatened his sister, Luke went berserk and almost killed him!
So the question becomes:
“What could make Luke - trained Jedi Master, long-time optimist and overall compassionate to a fault - consider killing Ben?”
All we’re told is that he looked into Ben’s mind and saw darkness and the destruction, pain, death, and the end of everything he loves.
The specifics are left to our imagination. They could include:
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the sight of Kylo slaughtering his parents and Chewie with a smile on his blood-smeared face,
the smell of Han's burning flesh in the air,
the wails of Chewbacca as he's run through by Kylo,
the faint sound of Leia's tears hitting the ground,
the destruction of the New Republic's citizens and planets.
Whatever it may have been, it was intense. Because Force-induced visions are vivid as hell, as has been shown throughout the franchise.
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It's not like watching something on a TV, you're there, all your senses are affected in an extremely powerful way.
And the vision Luke experienced scared him so much that even shortly after it, when looking at a sleeping young man, all he sees is that evil monster from the vision. So he tremblingly draws his saber.
But it's evident that Luke wasn't thinking clearly or rationally.
His base emotions had taken the wheel, he was being tempted by the Dark Side.
"He doesn’t give in to the Dark Side, it’s a moment of temptation to the Dark Side. It reminds me very much of when Vader is tempting Luke, when Luke is underneath the stairs in [Return of the] Jedi, lit with that very beautiful half-and-half, the duality of these two sides of him being pulled. And that’s really what that moment is for me, it’s a moment of temptation to the Dark Side for Luke." - Rian Johnson, IGN, 2017
And yet despite seeing all that... Luke catches himself.
It's not the first time that Luke almost does something horrible to a family member and catches himself. Again, 24 years prior, he almost murdered his own father in a fit of rage.
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The scene in Ben's hut intentionally parallels that outburst he has in Return of the Jedi.
A terrible future is presented before Luke.
He reacts instinctively, is tempted by the Dark Side.
He snaps out of it.
Even the angle and framing of the shot is designed to match:
"Some of these parallels are just “it’s a close-up of the same character” but this one was very intentional. It’s why I had him look down at his mechanical hand holding the saber." - Rian Johnson, Twitter, 2019
The only real difference is that, in Return of the Jedi, Luke only comes to his senses after a frenzied onslaught during which he actively tried to kill his own Dad.
24 years later, despite having witnessed that terrible future even more vividly than he did on the Second Death Star, he catches himself merely seconds later. Instead of going on a whole rampage, he stops the moment the lightsaber turns on.
I'd call that "progress".
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"But Luke should've learned his lesson and known better than to give in to the Dark Side!"
Resisting the temptation of the Dark Side is by no means a one-and-done thing. It's not a power-up that you get, it's a constant struggle.
"I think it disrespects the character of Luke by treating him not as a true mythic hero overcoming recurring wounds & flaws, but as a video game character who has achieved a binary, permanent power-up." - Rian Johnson, Twitter, 2019
Dave Filoni says so too.
"In the end, it’s about fundamentally becoming selfless, moreso than selfish. It seems so simple, but it’s so hard to do. And when you’re tempted by the dark side, you don’t overcome it once in life and then you’re good. It’s a constant." - Dave Filoni, Rebels Remembered, 2019
Hell, even George Lucas stated something along those lines:
"The Sith practice the dark side and are way out of balance. The Jedi aren’t as much out of balance because they’re the light side of the Force. They still have the bad side of the Force in them, but they keep it in check. It’s always there, so it can always erupt if you let your guard down." - George Lucas, The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020
Learning the lesson once doesn't mean you've learned it forever. Especially with the Dark Side, which poses a never-ending battle.
In-universe examples: Anakin learned to let go of his attachments during the “Padawan Lost” arc of TCW.
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A year and a half later, he’s butchering kids because he can’t let go of his attachments.
And during wartime, Yoda found himself repressing his darker instincts and ignoring their existence. Thus, when he had to face them, he struggled to acknowledge and control them.
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So considering Luke didn't go "rampage mode" with Ben, as he did when he tried to kill Vader, I think he deserves some credit.
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Finally, I've heard this insane argument many times, as a response to the above points:
"Yeah but Luke wasn't actually trying to kill Vader! He was holding back, he was trying to keep him alive!"
And, uh... no. He wasn't.
He lost his shit, folks. And almost killed Vader.
Like, right here?
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t moved his saber to intercept Luke’s blade, Luke would’ve stabbed Vader in the face.
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t held his sword up in time, SWISH, there goes the top of his helmet AT LEAST, if not the rest of his head.
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t dodged he’d be chopped in two.
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⬆️ If Vader’s arm gave out slightly sooner, if his blade faltered just a little lower, if he loosened his grip on his saber a bit, Vader would be cleaved in two.
My point is that if you swing at someone with a lightsaber? They’ll get chopped. And if you aim for the head or the chest? You’re trying to kill them.
Before Luke got a grip, throughout that whole rampage, the only thing that kept Vader alive was his own skill.
Otherwise, Luke would’ve murdered him in a fit of rage.
If Luke was holding back, then the theme of "resisting the Dark Side" completely falls apart.
There's no indication that he was restraining himself, in he script.
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And just look at the imagery.
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Luke is surrounded by darkness, symbolizing how he's being seduced by the Dark Side, he's being tempted to give in to his anger towards the man who hurt his friends and took his hand.
Then Vader threatens Leia.
And the next time we see Luke, he's silhouetted, his face is all black.
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Luke was originally trying to hold back and talk Vader down, but fails to control his instincts and gives in to fear, to anger, to the Dark Side... and goes all out.
He swings at his father furiously and keeps swinging, until he cuts off Vader's hand... and he is about to deliver the final blow…
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… when he sees Vader’s mechanical hand and realizes that by giving in to his anger, that path will inevitably lead him to become exactly like this half-machine half-man laying at his feet. That’s where the path to power leads.
And so he makes a decision:
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He’s a Jedi. Like his father before him. His compassion for Anakin is stronger than his hate for Vader.
That's the narrative intent.
It has to be.
Because if he had been "holding back" throughout that entire bit, then the stakes are lowered immeasurably, John Williams' saddening score is misplaced, the lightsaber choreography is misleading, etc.
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For the above-listed reasons, I think Luke's portrayal in The Last Jedi doesn't really contradict anything in the previously-established lore. It works, it's the typical "old cowboy needs to get back in the saddle" trope. Frankly, I can defend this subject all day long... so where's the problem?
The problem comes in at an out-of-universe level. While it's not inconsistent... it's also not satisfying.
The thing is, if you...
... take one of the most brave and optimistic characters in the franchise, then open the film saying "well, now he's jaded and in hiding", without giving us context on how he became that way...
... take a character whose arc was specifically about controlling his emotions, then show him be ruled by those emotions without providing context for what made him do that...
... then that kills the suspension of disbelief, for a lot of fans.
And, as such, they'll have a much harder time going along with what you're saying.
Because "show, don't tell" is one of the most basic principles in visual storytelling. And we weren't shown:
"Ben being increasingly violent during training",
"Luke sitting Ben down and having a talk with him, only to be ignored" or
"the horrors Luke saw in Ben's head".
I have no doubt that those things happened, in-universe.
But if we're talking about a movie-going experience, many were left emotionally-unsatisfied.
Because all that stuff was in there... but only subtextually. It was up to the fans to imagine on the details. Normally, I'd argue that's what Star Wars is all about: allowing fans to dream and think outside the box. But in this specific case, I think many fans would've rather had a more complete and explicit story. Because it's Luke Skywalker.
And yet... even these structural and writing issues had a logic behind them, and if you ask me... there was no other direction that this story could be taken in.
We'll explore this in more detail in part 2/2.
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thewriterowl · 1 month
I saw your tags on your Luke Skywalker post and you’re 100% right that he made the right choice in TBOBF!! I was totally astounded by how many people were angry at him in this show and believe it ‘ruined his character’. And for what? Letting Grogu choose his own fate? He was probably the only person in the entire Mando series to give him the ability to have a say in his own life. Ugh, I swear these people just don’t even like Luke’s character. Sorry for dumping this vent on you, I just saw your post and I’m glad someone else agrees with me <3
Thank you!! More stuff to fanatically rant about cause I have THOUGHTS. This and what he did to Kylo are stuff I’m biting at the bit to defend.
Now, ok, I can agree the execution of it was not the best. They cut corners because they used too much money in his face rather than giving us a new actor so we could have more screen time. Had they given Luke more screen time for that final scene to be longer it would’ve been better. Disney is still not treating Luke right by any means and I just wanna grab him and wrap him up in a blanket and publish my own book on him.
That being said…
Luke was in the right. No, he wasn’t saying Grogu shouldn’t love his father. Again (and again and again) attachment is NOT relationships of any kind. It’s NOT love. How people still feel like that’s what Luke and the Jedi meant boggles my mind. Attachment is possessiveness and the lie of love. It’s a poison. Grogu had some of that and it was shown in season 1 when he tried to choke Cara out. He’s a toddler with power that can corrupt if not carefully guided.
Luke asked Grogu to unlock his memories and Grogu consented. Luke asked Grogu to choose the Jedi life now (and with his age may not ever see his father again; cause Din himself wasn’t coming back thanks to AHSOKA not Luke—funny how only he’s blamed when he clearly gave Din coordinates) or go back to his father now able to defend himself and Grogu thought about the choice and accepted what it could mean thanks to Luke’s guidance.
Honestly, with Luke’s affinity for love and his past with his father, I could’ve seen him urge Grogu to go back to Din (and maybe he did we just didn’t get to see it, friggen Disney) if not for the fact Grogu needs to learn to make hard decisions. He knows he has Luke and knows he has Din no matter what but he needs to learn to face the anxiety and consequences in the galaxy he’s living in.
You are 100% in how much freedom and respect Luke gives Grogu (is it maybe too much for what is about a toddler+? Maybe! Positives can turn to negatives in teaching and parenting and no one is perfect—-including Din) and is the one who really gives him back his inner strength and confidence.
Luke had Grogu for what? Two or three years? (SW really needs to work on providing us clear time jumps)The two were close. They clearly cared for each other. Luke let Grogu go after the choice was made. Grogu learned from that. He saw Luke be selfless and let him decide his path, even if it may keep them apart but there is the hope they will find each other again (IT SHOULD! God I want coparenting Dinluke). Luke is not turning his back to Grogu. Grogu can reach out and/or return at any time and Luke will answer.
So yes, Luke was right.
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
Debunking the "The Jedi Are Evil" Theory Made by The Film Theorists PT 2
Point 2 - That Luke was Right in the Sequels
In the Sequels, Luke says this:
"Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified...but if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure, hypocrisy, hubris."
And, after bringing this quote up, Matthew says this:
"While this kind of tea spill coming from Luke was considered pretty sacrilegious, both by other characters as well as the audience, I think that Luke has a point if you examine the movies with a little more scrutiny. His criticisms aren't exactly unfounded."
Now, first of all, what Luke is saying here cannot be trusted as "fact" or anything to go off of, mainly because of two reasons.
1. He's trying to convince Rey not to be a Jedi or, at the very least, to not make him train her (which is pretty much the same thing), and at this point in time he pretty clearly hates himself and blames himself for the state of the galaxy. He's been stewing in his rocky hideaway for who knows how long, with nothing but the ocean and his own self-loathing to keep him company.
He's saying this here so that Rey will give up and not make him train her, because he's scared of making the same mistakes he did with Kylo Ren and fucking up the galaxy even more (we see a similar thing with Obi-Wan in the Kenobi show, where he refuses to save Leia at first because he's scared of not being able to save her--like he wasn't able to "save" Anakin).
And the traits, the "legacy," he's assigning the Jedi...isn't actually the legacy of the Jedi. It's him assigning what he believes to be his own legacy to the Jedi as a whole, because it's easier for him to deal with his own failure that way.
and 2. Luke is framed as being wrong for saying this. None of the other characters agree with him, eventually he does end up training Rey, and eventually he lets go of his pain and fair and grief and "becomes a Jedi again" and faces his "legacy of failure"--Kylo Ren.
It's obvious that the movies are clearly making him out to be wrong when he says those things, you don't need to have a neon sign posted above his head that says "WRONG" in order to see it. So taking his words at face-value is just trying to take a bad-faith reading of the Jedi--rather than the "objective scrutiny" that Matthew is purportedly putting the Jedi up to in this theory.
I would also like to argue that Luke's only real knowledge of the Prequel Era Jedi and their actions/beliefs/traditions/etc. is...lacking, to say the least.
The Empire literally destroyed and desecrated every Jedi Temple that they could find, they wiped out all the information they could about the Jedi, and then spread anti-Jedi propaganda through the galaxy for years. Not to mention that, by this point, pretty much every Prequel Era Jedi is dead.
There's no one around to really tell Luke about the Jedi's actions or culture and what little information he might've been able to dig up probably wouldn't have amounted to much. So, when Luke says this, it can only really be taken as a commentary on the Post-Prequel Era Jedi, because he doesn't know enough about the Prequel Era Jedi to make any criticisms.
Matthew then says:
"There are certainly examples of the Jedi doing some pretty unsportsmanlike things to innocent victims throughout the old movies, like manipulating-" [plays a video cut of Obi-Wan in ANH, mind-tricking the stormtroopers into thinking that R2 and 3PO "aren't the droids they're looking for"]
This example is pretty easy to debunk, because Matthew leaves out the context.
Obi-Wan has to do this.
Because let's look at what would probably happen if he didn't:
1. He and Luke would be arrested and turned in to the Empire, probably Vader, and Vader would immediately recognize Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan would get murdered.
2. Vader would realize Luke was his son and probably try to indoctrinate him into an Imperial way of thinking, and Palpatine/Vader would probably have Luke "trained" (read: tortured) into becoming an Inquisitor.
and 3. The droids would probably either be memory wiped or destroyed, therefore destroying the plans for the Death Star that the Rebellion needed to destroy it--and the Death Star wouldn't be able to be destroyed, more planets and people would probably be killed.
Aside from the thing with the Death Star plans, Obi-Wan probably knows that that's what's gonna happen--and, if the Empire is looking for the droids, then it's pretty obvious that the droids are important to the Rebellion. So it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Obi-Wan probably understands that the Rebellion would be hurt by their loss.
Not to mention that stormtroopers aren't "innocent victims."
They actively sign up to work for the Empire and take part in the oppression of countless peoples and worlds. And It's not like Obi-Wan pulled aside a random stormtrooper just so he could mind-fuck him, they were approached by the troopers first and he reacted defensively. He didn't even make them do anything bad, he just told them "these aren't the droids you're looking for" and had them go on their way.
Matthew's quote, continued:
"-stealing spaceships and crashing them-" [cut to a video clip of Obi-Wan and Anakin in RotS, crashing the Separatist vessel they escaped on after rescuing the Chancellor]
Once again, this is pretty easy to debunk because, again, Matthew leaves out the context.
The Separatists literally kidnapped the Chancellor of the Republic and the Jedi had to rescue him. They had to steal the ship to escape or be captured, and likely executed, by the Separatists--therefore allowing the Separatists (who are literally enslaving and oppressing countless other systems and run by a fucking fascist dictator) to win the war and take over the rest of the galaxy.
Once again, the Jedi were acting defensively.
And I feel like, all things considered, the Jedi stealing that Separatist ship, to escape from a situation the Separatists caused, in order to keep the galaxy from falling into the hands of an oppressive dictatorship and attempt to stay alive...is a pretty damn reasonable decision, don't you think?
And, just for added context, the ship was literally falling apart when they crashed it. They didn't crash it on purpose, it was an emergency landing. If you're gonna say the Jedi are bad for "crashing" the ship, you may as well get mad at every pilot who ever initiated an emergency landing because it's literally the same thing--and if we're putting the Jedi up to "objective scrutiny" then there shouldn't be any double standards.
Matthew's quote, continued:
"-or just outright lying about their own powers-" [cut to a video clip of Mace and Yoda talking, where Mace says they should tell the Senate their ability to use the Force is diminished and Yoda saying they shouldn't because it will only multiply their adversaries]
Here the Jedi weren't lying, like...at all.
No one was asking them about their ability to use the Force, so they couldn't be lying. They were withholding information, information that the Senate--as non-Jedi--had no right to know about unless it would actively affect the Republic. Which, again, at this point in time it wouldn't.
But, fine, let's just pretend that the Jedi were lying...
...they were lying for good reason.
Yoda is right here. Even if we ignore the fact that Yoda is a stand-in for GL and what he says is quite literally the canon truth (since he's the creator), the Senate is already pretty at odds with the Jedi, which we see later in AotC when Palpatine and the Senate pretty much strong-arm the Jedi into accepting the role of Generals in the war, despite being told point blank by Mace Windu that they're peace keepers and not soldiers. Do you really think the Senate (read: Palpatine) wouldn't have used this information against the Jedi?
And, are you completely ignoring the fact that Mace is literally saying that they should tell the Senate and Yoda is disagreeing with him?
Obviously Yoda's take on what they should or shouldn't tell the Senate isn't something that the entire Order believes--it's just his opinion on what they should do.
You can't say that "the Jedi are liars" and then play a clip that literally debunks that by having two Jedi disagreeing with each other about whether or not to tell the truth.
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short-wooloo · 6 months
Hate people who call Rey "Rey Palpatine", like no, fuck you
A. She's Rey Skywalker, she's a Skywalker, get over it or die mad about it
B. She wants nothing to do with Palpatine, that's why she takes up the Skywalker name, to distance herself from that monster and be a part of a family that actually means something to her
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Acab includes whichever fictional fascist you wanna fuck because they're white and conventionally attractive,idgaf!
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artist-issues · 6 months
I can never succinctly say what I want to say in defense of The Last Jedi. It’s definitely because I have bad communication skills. But it’s also because the arguments against The Last Jedi always seem so badly founded that I don’t know where to start. Like, if you don’t understand why Poe wouldn’t be told about the escape plan, do I need to explain 3-Act Structure to you? Or should we start with foreshadowing? Did you forget the first movie when he had the map but chose to make a reckless stand against Kylo Ren instead of living to fight another day? Or is your problem that you don’t understand character flaws? I can’t decide which misunderstanding led you here, so I just ramble about them all
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solohux · 2 years
Whilst on a planetside mission with his Knights, alpha Kylo finds a feral omega. He’s on the streets, clearly cast out and starving. He’s got the brightest copper-coloured hair that Kylo has ever seen and deep, ocean-grey eyes and a fiery soul that’s so raw in the Force that Kylo can’t leave him. His alpha instincts are pleading with him to take in the omega and feed him and care for him.
The omega doesn’t say anything, only growls and snarls as Kylo gently coaxes him out of his hiding place and into his arms where he wraps the omega in his cloak and takes him back to the Finalizer for safe keeping. The omega is confused and fights back, scratching and clawing at Kylo, only stopping when the alpha gives him food.
It’s going to be a rough journey but something is telling Kylo that the omega is going to be important to him. He feels like the Force guided him to the feral omega for a reason.
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romanarose · 2 years
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ladythornofrivia · 4 months
MY SCAVENGER || Kylo Ren!Aemond x Rey!Reader
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a/n: i’ve been thinking about what one-shot I should do next. Though I’m currently writing Saltburn fanfic, I love Star Wars. Even Reylo! Have fun reading! (Some dialogue in the beginning doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to the movie.)
warnings: interrogation, torture kink, lust at first sight, breeding kink, p in v sex, fight scene, violence, aemond has issues, loss of virginity, aemond is a d*ck, kink size, obsessive aemond, dom/sub, aemond not only uses the power of force on reader but also with his d*ck. Bl*wjob, degradation kink, creampie
pair: aemond x reader
Somewhere in the galaxy far away, the leader of the First Order, Aemond Targaryen, was hunting for the map that’ll lead him to Daemon Targaryen, the last Jedi ever existed. Or so he believed.
While Aemond knew the legends of his uncle and his journey as a Jedi warrior, but those who commanded under Aemond’s order and leadership, not a soul in a galaxy believed Daemon ever existed, not in the history textbooks or screens. The stormtroopers only meant to serve their skilled leader.
As young as he was, Aemond Targaryen is known for his cold and calculating nature. He kept his helmet on, under any circumstances, and wields a red lightsaber. Tall and lethal, no one really knew what he looked like��it left to the imagination far and wide, leading his troops picturing of his appearance. Aemond wouldn’t dare make his troops or his other commanding officers enter his private quarters.
In the galaxy, everyone feared him.
Until you.
A nobody living in the stories of galaxy.
Hunting for scraps and leftovers for the sake of small profit to keep on living. Finding rare scraps in Jakku, was meddlesome. A nightmare. Filled in stacks of desert sand and humid waves lingered and pierced your skin.
Deserted land has been your home. And in your home, inside the AT-AT Walker, after you scratch another tally mark on the metallic wall, you cooked a loaf of bread and fried vegetables and scraps of thin meat. You wondered when your life will begin anew with reborn purpose. A nobody, in the galactic space, hoped your family would return.
You hoped that your life isn’t meaningless.
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Jakku has been destroyed; in chaos, you’re forced to leave—of taking refuge, but more companions in your journey agreed that Jakku is nothing but a junkyard, and there you met a legendary shooter and a Wookie Warrior. But the plans failed.
For Aemond Targaryen spotted the map to Daemon Tarygaryen’s location. But the expectant acquirance wasn’t the astromech, droid BB8, rather, something far more interesting.
Aemond captured you—after minutes of chase and defense in the thickened forest. “Bring the girl,” he ordered, as your body fell to unconsciousness by the force, as he carried you and fled away with his ship, brought you to the First Order base, entrapped in metal straps as soon as you woke up.
Luminous lights and thick air provoked your tightened lungs to breath and your skin had broken a perspiration.
The doors opened, unveiling a tall, dark figure between the gaps of archway. Stomping on his shoes echoed until became nothing.
“Where are the others?” you asked, rasping, eyes hazed.
“You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves and cravens you call friends,” he said, taunting, his voice was nearly a merry. “You’ll be in such a relief that I have no clue to where they are.”
The reflection of his mask stared back at you. “You still want to murder me—challenge me,” he assumed.
“Well, that’s what happens if you’ve been chased and captured by the monstrous creature in a mask,” you snapped, low voice laced with venom.
His mask has taken off, long silk strands of silver-blond hair flowed over his chest, as the violet eye and the substitution of his sapphire gleamed at you. For a second, you never thought that your captor is skilled fighter, but it’s also young—young and handsome. His milky skin aglow, a good correlation to his deep stone wedged on the empty socket of his amputated eye, lined with scar that is faded. Outline of his jaw sharpened, shadowed as he strode closer to you.
Thundered, his mask dropped at a nearby stand, the grey sand flew and dissipated as his lithe frame inched closer.
“The droid,” he said, almost frantic. “Tell me about the droid. I know the droid has the map to Daemon Targaryen. Ever heard of him?”
Looking at his eye, you shook your head, “Never heard of him,” you answered, the illuminated lights flashed over your eyelids each time you blinked.
Aemond inched his face closer. “Your heart beat is pounding awfully loud.”
“Must be the heat,” you retorted.
He chuckled. “What a clever liar you are. But not clever enough. Now, tell me about the droid.”
“He’s a BB Unit with a Selenium Drive with a Thermal Hyperscan Vindicator.”
“It’s carrying a navigational chart, which the droid possesses the map.” His head tilted. “You, a scavenger, living on Jakku—a deserted planet with nothing to offer.” His face leaned closer. “You know I can take what I want.”
You swallowed, eyes flicking at his smooth pink-colored lips.
“My,” he said, licking his lower lip. “It appears you have some sort of interest in me, showed no signs of fear.”
You looked away, face reddened from the strict heat in the room and the huskiness in his voice. His hand outreached to your side temple, though no contact. You felt the Force strengthened and battled against the mobility of your system.
“You’re lonely. Alone and desperate. Waiting for someone to show up and rescue you. Waiting for someone to lead you out from the land, from the galaxy and into the great land with trees and life. I can sense the anger…not only that…something far more…delicate…in the matter based on your compromising position,” he cooed.
You resisted, of course, but your energy drained quicker.
His body leaned back, taking a good look of your exasperated form. “Tell you what, I’ll release you, but only if you can give something to me, in one condition.”
You (e/c) locked onto his. “And what would that be?”
Only the corners of Aemond’s lips curled.
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“Please, no,” you begged, wrists tied up behind your back while Aemond was sitting on a spare chair, his thick and lithe legs spread wide while you’re in between them, knees already hurting.
“Shhh, trust me, my little scavenger,” he cooed again, his gloved hand flattened behind your head and dragged it downward. “So, are you going to be my good woman, or do I have show you the force again?”
Gulping, you succumbed at his voice. Maybe another way of his “force”.
“Good woman,” he praised, and unzipped his black trousers, his long and thick cock sprung out it nearly hit your cheek below the eye. “Sorry, darling, my cock couldn’t help but to view at the sight of you,” he said, smirking, tugging your locks, hauling you closer to his engorged tip, leaking. Your lips opened, taken his length in, choking. It felt as if your eating a whole uncut rod—or a thicker lightsaber. “All trapped underneath me, my power. The force within can’t abide much later.”
Gagging proceeded in your throat, but you took his length in precarious and fervent care.
“That’s it,” he groaned, his other hand flicked, the force brought your head down further to the end of his swollen cock, his large balls. “Argh! That’s…it.”
It was impressive for him to not only deal with a woman with capable resistance, but also has a coy nature she has been hiding—a tease.
The force no longer hostage you; your mouth watered as you took his cock well, swallowing the taste of his flesh, his warm flesh. Oh, how delightful. You never dealt a Jedi or a commander to have desirable or naughty urges. But you figured that even the force cannot contain beastly urges of a man. Aemond was one. But, has he ever been a woman before you? Jealousy pitted down on your heated belly, flickering.
It felt so wrong, but, your heart was aching for him, despite “meeting” under the matters of selfish urgency and a brink of death.
Aemond sighed, his silver-blond locks befallen on his broad and lean backside, his throat bobbed, heaving and sighing at your warm and slick mouth.
“Your thoughts are troubling you again,” he said. “No, I have never been with a woman.”
You doubted. Tortured at the thought of a previous woman, a torture where a previous woman might do better than you—an inexperienced scavenger.
“I never lie,” he said. His index finger flicked, and the hair ties on your head casted, your longish locks flowed, nesrly covering up your breast. “In fact, I never did.”
Semen spurted in your slippery mouth.
“Take it all in, darling,” he encouraged, hearing your throat quenched its thirst, smothered in his slick and spurt of his thick semen.
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The room became hotter as Aemond strapped your wrists above your head onto the prison bed.
“Stay still, woman,” he grunted, his lips inched downward to yours, seeing if the pace of his breath matched with yours.
Your chest steadied from a grasping breath you tried to behold with gentleness. Aemond sensed it, too.
“You’re steady…Good.” And plunged his suppled lips to yours, caging your soft ragged breaths, playing your tongue with his, heavy sighs played out in the air, his palm snuck in your cloth, smooth fingertips tracing the lines of your stomach, the soft steep of ribcage.
“With you under my protection, nothing can go wrong, little scavenger,” he said, his tucked hand withdrew, and flicked a sharp movement, and your clothes shred and tossed across the room under his Force.
Gasping, Aemond silenced your lips again under a deep passion. A sheer underwear tucked your maidenhood. Frustrated, Aemond snatched and ripped in one swoop, his cock engorged twice, hardened, his throat dried and croaked at the sight of your flawless beauty, picturing the lines of stretch marks on your lower belly from the swollen pregnancy. Aemond thought beforehand that if the First Order has been under siege, in one way to promote a difficult position that couldn’t diffuse, he needed an heir, an heir of a stronger, faster and more calculating version of himself.
“Hold on, scavenger, I’m sure this will be painful for you, but you’ll grow to love the feeling of my cock, grinding inside your walls. How do you feel now, little woman? Are you willing to give an heir for me?”
You gasped. There was so much life ahead of you. Unsure of his words, you were sure he’s crazy to know that one, obtaining pregnancy is scandalous—especially if a father is a notorious leader. He could be killed, and could be tortured or his enemies will use you and the child to proceed their victory to reach Aemond.
Gulping and vibrating under him, you uttered. “Why me?”
Your heart is torn in half. What if Aemond is only using you as a spare time hobby? What if he’ll soon find a lover who’s more beautiful and mature and not childlike like you, and for you to be thrown in the dark and be forgotten? Numerous possibilities rushing in your mind—and halted—when Aemond said, “I won’t betray you. Betraying is the enemy’s job.”
“But you’re the enemy,” you remarked.
“In this room, you’ll only see the real me, as the real Aemond, a beast hidden in a skin of a man,” he murmured. “I must have you,” he grunted, pushing his cock into your constricted folds, pumping and sliding in a tremendous pace that the bed rocked.
Moans ascended in the roofs, Aemond’s quiet grunts entered through your ears. Your legs wrapped around his slender waist, bobbing as his powerful thrusts electrified your drenched walls.
Your eyes lulled, but Aemond grasped your face and aligned it to his, violet eye narrowed. “Look at me as I fuck you good—heavy and fast. Your belly will soon swell with a future Jedi, a more powerful warrior than any good-for-nothing troops in the galaxy.”
His legs ached as his one hand untied the knot on your wrist and hauled your body up for you to snuggle him, bed rocking continuously as your voice rasped, airily sighing with your eyes closed, almost seeing pink stars swirling in your closed lids, your mouth sucked Aemond’s neck, offered a low hiss through his teeth.
“That’s it, my good angel,” Aemond purred,the flat of his large hands enveloped and motioned against your naked back. The heat in the room faded, the coldness bumped into your bare flesh; the air condition is activated, encouraged your warm bodies to go at full speed.
“Aemond,” you moaned, head threw back.
Aemond’s pace became sloppy, staggered at you calling his name. “Say it again, my darling scavenger. Say my name.”
“Aemond…Aemond,” your hips gyrated, in pleasurable heat.
His lips curved. “I knew you would love it eventually.”
“Need you to come…inside me..in me…on me…in my mouth or face. Fuck me good,” you begged, corner of your lips salivating, tongue buds prickling, in hopes to taste his cock again.
But you missed the part where Aemond’s eye gleamed in darkened shade, in secret thrill.
Grabbing your hips, nails deepened and bruised your flesh and bones as his thrusts shoved harder, sending your voice wailing through the roof. You were sure that the Stormtroopers would stop and listen over your voice. Aemond couldn’t care less; he loved seeing you like this.
“Almost there, my scavenger,” he groaned, kissing your cheek, last few rounds set in; your arms slightly flailed yet gripped around his neck, face nuzzled onto his lean neck as he blasted hot white liquid inside you.
Kissing on several spots on your face, Aemond tugged your body down with him, with your side profile pressed against his chest, his hand rested on your back head while the other brushed your back.
“The child will soon grow into you,” he reminded.
“What about the droid?” you asked, puzzled.
Aemond scoffed. “Forget about that damn droid. It is you who I am enamored to, who I am now devoted to.”
“Is this the power of force?”
“No, this is my love yearning for someone—for you, my sweet,” he said. “The force is neither the army nor the galaxy. The force is within us, and only us can gather. The force can sometimes break us.”
“You didn’t break me,” you noted, admiring his sapphire eye.
Aemond smiled. “No, but you tamed the force within me.”
And you both shared a tender kiss under dimmed light.
Taglist: @daonenonlysandman @toodlesxcuddles @kittendoll05 @omgsuperstarg @xcharlottemikaelsonx @paninisstuff @danika1994 @angeljcca @marvelescvpe @kukulyarva @namelesslosers @heavenly1927 @snh96 @herathedreamer @fandom-maniac-anime @httpsmenace @velunis @nananeptune @domithebomi @moonseye @valeskafics @faesspace @rxixo31 @tm-starr @xinthia19 @popsycles @naiaaramena @aleemendoza2425-blog @letmehavemyfictionalmen @aracelipf @ammo23 @blackswxnn @buccini555 @watercolorskyy @taangie @wolfdressedinlace @qardasngan @justyelena @jolixtreesunn @runekisses @jmii722 @colored-tr-panels @evergreen9083 @foggypeacestarlight @dixie-elocin @galactict3a @momowhoo @saturnssrings @dani5216 @liannafae
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kingdomhate · 1 month
They're Jealous Scenarios!
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Han Solo: Maybe he was mistaken. He could've sworn he could see you speaking to one of the Resistance Pilots, a little smile cropped onto your gorgeous face. The same smile that you give him when he retorts with a snarky comment or a sardonic (playful) insult. And if that was correct, and he is 99.9% sure it is, why is it projected toward this bum?
With an adrenaline rush, he strides over to the pair of you, cutting your stupid conversation in two. Han's arm finds it's way to your upper back as he inserts himself into the interaction. He glares at the guy, his gaze too intense to match with that goofy grin on his face, which seems so out of place "I'm sure this is a lovely conversation, but we gotta go, bigger fish to fry. Don't we, sweetheart?" Then, he's tugging you away before you can reply. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to him.
The feeling that shot through him at the sight of you, so close to someone else, when you really did not need to be, it made his blood boil. "What kinda business do ya got with a guy like that, anyway?" Han's tone was firm, he really wanted to hear your answer. "None! I know that, it was just a conversation, Han." He scoffed and threw up his arms, almost defensively. "You just said it, none! You got no business talking to a bum like that! Come on, you're so much more than what you make yourself out to be, love." You frown but hug him anyways, sighing heavily.
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Anakin Skywalker: He knew the feeling of jealousy well, too well. One might even call them friends and lovers. You, were his light, his angel, his sweetness. But he knew what was not what other guys saw in you, of course not, they saw you as something too low, a mere object. You were so much more, you had value, you had brightness, you shine, like the sun.
So when he could clearly see you being flirted with, flattered and random men in your vicinity, too close, and the clearly uncomfortable body language of yours, his mind went into husband mode, protectiveness, instinct to make you smile again, he moved over to the men. His gaze was like daggers, and threatening, those blue eyes that were the symbols of love, adoration, devotion and unspeakable, unwavering commitment to you, replaced by threats, searing jealousy and protection. He asked the men a simple question, "What do you think you're doing? Can't you see they are uncomfortable? Huh?" The men scrambled and spoke overlapping about their reasonings but Anakin couldn't hear more than, "We just wanted to show them a good time."
Within those few seconds, rage. All he could see was red. He used the force to send them flying back with ferocity. Once they hit a wall, he bent his fingers ever so slightly, force-choking them. But once you protested, he stopped. The men scurried off like mice. He turned back to you, seeing your face, no longer tainted by uncomfortability and now happiness, happiness because the guys were gone. "Thank you, Ani." He smiles, those pearly blue eyes melting into soft orbs of adorability. Oh, how, he loved you and it showed.
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Kylo Ren: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren had faults. Flaws. Everyone knew that. To name a few: Anger issues, possessiveness and protection-issues and jealousy. He trained himself, he had such discipline and a higher goal to be like Vader that he always found himself being told off by you to slow down. Not work too hard.
You resemble to him, his mother. You carried such qualities of determination, hope, gentleness but a tendency to become firm if need be, and you always remained honest to him. Always.
However, that did not mean that everyone saw this in you. Frequently a group of women or men would hit on you, and it always ended in a fight. Because someone said something biting to him or you, and Kylo lost it. He always promised to you that he couldn't help it, and you knew this. The situation now with one of your higher ranking officials was getting out of hand and you were solving it, your own way. And you knew if Kylo had seen, it would become worse and violent.
The officer of yours seemed to not be getting the hint from your calm and collected words and you felt the anger boil in your blood and the officer said something insensitive and in a blinding flash, something black soared past you and knocked down the officer to the floor like a bowling ball hitting pins. It happened so fast, the officer couldn't even let out a scream, or a yelp. And when the moment past and your mind caught up to the situation, it was Kylo. You were frozen, and did not react immediately but when you did, Kylo was heaving, the officer's face was like something a scene from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but you scrambled to take Kylo away before the officer was dead. You called a medic and ran away. You did not even have to ask him what the hell that was, he was already talking.
"I can't believe the disrespect and vulgar language you get. They are tools, but they think that they are have potential to be more. My love, you're no object, you know? Not for anyone's pathetic usage, you're a person, and you're mine. My love, my beauty and my life. Always." He says before capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, with an underlying tenderness.
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
"Zuko is like Kylo Ren/Sn*pe!" "Amity is like D*sh Baxter/Dr*co M*lfoy!" Zuko and Amity are VICTIMS OF CHILD ABUSE who WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF to redeem themselves and had every reason to be the assholes they were before,unlike y'all's faves who hurt people because they were spoiled and entitled.If y'all wanna compare Zuko to white boys and Amity to other ex-bully characters so bad,Percy Jackson,Jason Todd,Pacifica Northwest and Helga Pataki are RIGHT THERE.Stop comparing my kids to characters who are horrible people or so help me god,I WILL END YOU
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
Luke Skywalker in 'The Last Jedi' (2/2)
OK, so in Part 1/2 of this post, we explored why Luke's TLJ characterization isn't really inconsistent with what had previously been established in Star Wars lore. It tracks. Dare I say: it works.
And yet... something still feels off, right?
Well, the reason for this is because Luke's character development is impacted by the film's structure, which in turn is impacted by - of all things - Poe's lack of development in Episode VII! Just hear me out!
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The intention: Making the audience feel the same emotions as the protagonist, deuteragonists and antagonist.
This is what most movies strive for. Unless the film is trying to go for some dramatic irony, you want your audience to be on the same page with your protagonist, emotionally-speaking.
And y'know what? Rian Johnson does this very well.
Overall, he displays a very good grasp of making us, the audience, feel the same emotions as a film’s protagonist (generally, the main character, whose POV we follow) or deuteragonist (the ‘secondary main character’).
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Rey was expecting to meet the Luke from the Original Trilogy, the Luke from Legends... and instead was disappointed to meet an old jaded hermit. Just like many of the fans were.
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Finn is fooled by DJ, mistaking him for an archetypal "misfit with a heart of gold". Just like the fans were.
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Poe is increasingly frustrated with Holdo, just like we were.
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Call it "meta", call it "subversive", the bottom line is that some of the narrative choices that a lot of fans criticize the film for are intentionally placed there to put you in the same mental state as the characters you're following, even during the film's twists.
But as a result, if a character isn’t the protagonist (Rey), or the deuteragonists (Poe or Finn), or even the antagonist (Kylo)... they'll barely get any development.
They might get one or two scenes for themselves tops, but overall secondary characters like Luke, or Holdo, or DJ will mostly be shown through the filter of Rey or Poe’s or Finn's POV.
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The Problem: Luke isn't a protagonist or deuteragonist, so he isn't developed to the audience's satisfaction.
Don't get me wrong: Luke has the second-most screen time in the whole film, but that's because Rey is the one with the most screen time, and he's primarily a character in her storyline.
To be fair, he does have his own subplot, he's the spiritual center of the whole film. But concretely, he’s one step above support characters like Holdo, Leia, Rose and DJ. We're barely shown his own POV and mainly view him through Rey's lens.
Like, there's a reason why in this scene...
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... we don't see what Luke witnessed in Ben’s mind, simply his reaction to it: Rey didn’t see it either.
All three "Rashomon" flashbacks are what Rey is picturing in her mind when she’s being told three different versions of the story. She doesn't see what Luke witnessed, so we don't see it either.
And you know what? On paper... this is also not really an issue. It's actually quite standard. I mean, Yoda doesn't get much backstory or an arc in Empire Strikes Back. He's just the mentor figure, and we see him through Luke's POV.
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There's no arguing that Luke in TLJ receives much more development than Yoda does in ESB.
But y’know what?
Yoda was also never the protagonist of a whole other trilogy.
So if you're gonna tell an audience that "the protagonist of the previous trilogy strayed from the path and is now a completely different person" - even if they eventually make their way back with a character arc - I don’t think it’s out of order for audience members to expect more development than a regular mentor archetype.
Context is expected, and when it isn't delivered, that'll kill the suspension of disbelief, for many fans. They're not just disappointed in Luke like Rey is, they're not immersed in the movie anymore.
So how do you go for what Rian was going while also trying to keep about half the fans from jumping ship?
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The Solution (?) Delving deeper into Luke.
So let’s suppose Luke was treated like a deuteragonist. Suppose we see his own POV more, rather than just seeing him through Rey’s eyes. Would that help? And what would that look like?
Firstly, we keep that deleted scene of him mourning Han’s loss.
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Or we show it like in the comic adaptation of TLJ, with Luke getting angry at his decision to cut himself off from the Force, unintentionally levitating objects until Chewie consoles him.
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WHAT IT DOES: Either version humanizes Luke, shows who he is beneath the jaded mask he's putting on, gives audience a chance to mourn Han with him.
We keep that deleted scene of him explaining to Rey why he thinks the Jedi were flawed, also known as the “3rd lesson scene”.
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WHAT IT DOES: Spells out Luke's rationalization that the Jedi Order needs to end. Marks the beginning of Luke's wake up call.
We add one or two additional short flashbacks of Ben gradually becoming darker and unhinged. Maybe he harms one of his fellow students in a fit of rage.
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WHAT IT DOES: Clarifies that Ben was going through a dark period and that's why Luke went to confront him in his hut. He didn't just saunter into Ben's hut, sabers blazing.
Maybe halfway through the film, we see Luke pack his bag as he prepares to rescue his friends with Rey, only to find her communicating with Kyloe.
After all, the novelization shows that, upon opening himself to the Force and sensing Leia, he immediately decides to get back in the game. So if that’s not just something Jason Fry added to embellish stuff, let’s see that.
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WHAT IT DOES: Drives home the fact that Luke realizes his mistake. (Although, it might also take away from the subsequent scene with Yoda).
Finally, let’s actually see what Luke saw in Ben’s mind: him killing Lor San Tekka, killing Han, killing Leia, murdering Chewie and countless more innocents all with a smile on his face.
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WHAT IT DOES: Provides context for Luke's extreme reaction.
Most of these things are already technically canon, the only difference is that it would be shown on screen. And if all these elements are added, then Luke’s reasons for staying away and his reaction in Ben’s hut are already more understandable.
So where’s the flaws in this solution?
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Solution Flaw #1: Plot twist would be ruined.
Talking about this one:
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Again, we're seeing Luke THROUGH Rey's POV, for the most part. Our reaction is - intentionally - the same reaction as Rey.
The whole point of the twist is that
we, with Rey, believe Kylo can be redeemed, because
we, like Rey, remember Luke redeemed Vader.
So when she realizes “oh shit, Luke was right, he’s too far gone”... we react that way too.
But if we had seen Ben’s turn as well, if we had seen how he was during his training, if we had seen what Luke’s saw in Ben’s mind, we would all collectively agree with Luke and think that Rey is making a mistake in trying to redeem Kylo.
So when Rey walks away from Luke, rather than hoping she succeeds, we’d just be waiting for her to inevitably fail. We'd be thinking:
"Rey, you moron, you're walking into a trap and Kylo isn't gonna turn!"
Emotionally-speaking, we would be detached from the protagonist.
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Solution Flaw #2: Increase in the runtime at the cost of other scenes.
The Last Jedi is already the longest film in the franchise. Adding just three of the above-suggestions would increase that runtime, which wouldn’t work. So you’d need to take something out.
But Finn and Poe’s storylines are already stripped down to their bare bones as it is. Hell, so was the Rey/Luke storyline, for that matter.
Actually, wait... why do we have three storylines, in the first place?
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After all, if we look at The Empire Strikes Back, they only have two storylines, right?
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The protagonist, Luke, goes to Dagobah.
The deuteragonists, Han and Leia, evade the Empire.
Main plot & subplot. Great.
Wouldn't it be better to just have Poe and Finn do the Canto Bight storyline together? That would give us sme remaining time to focus on Luke’s past, right? Where’s the issue?
Well, Rian Johnson put it this way:
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Bottom line, in The Force Awakens, Poe is a clear-cut character. Simple as that. He’s charismatic and fun, but there isn’t much room for him to grow.
A lot of people compare his character to Han, but there's an issue with that comparison (besides the obvious fact that Finn is Han and Poe is Leia)...
In ANH, Han has an arc. He's the philosophical antagonist of the film, he's only out for himself which conflicts with Luke's attempts to help others. Han goes from being a selfish irresponsible gun-slinger to taking responsibility and becoming a selfless rebel, a part of something bigger. Arc concluded.
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(Hell, this very reason is why Harrison Ford didn’t wanna keep playing him and lobbied to kill him off.)
So in ESB, Leia is the one who has the arc. Han is just being himself. Leia is the one who must slowly come to terms with the fact that she does love him, despite him being a total nerf-herder. So she and Han bicker, there’s conflict there, but there’s also an underlying affection.
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As such, when Poe doesn’t have an arc in TFA, and is already on great terms with Finn, then there’s no conflict if you put them together in a subplot.
And conflict is crucial, in storytelling. If it's absent, then the story becomes boring.
As a result, Rian Johnson had to create conflict and growth for Poe.
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Which means that, now, a third storyline is thrown in the mix... and the pacing and development of the other two are affected by this. Some really good scenes need to be cut, some stuff needs to get shuffled around.
For example, remember this deleted scene, from further up?
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In the commentary, Rian explained that the reason it wasn’t in the film is because it didn’t intercut well with the other two storylines. *Three and a half, if you wanna count Kylo's personal scenes.
As such, there’s no space to add more scenes to develop Luke's perspective.
And if Rian made more space, well, that wouldn't work either. Because while Luke is the spiritual core of the film... this isn't his movie. He's not the protagonist anymore. But he used to be, and if you show him too much (not as Rey's mentor figure, that is, but as a protagonist or deuteragonist), he'll take the spotlight off the new cast with the snap of a finger.
When Michael Arndt was working on the Sequels with George Lucas in 2012, he encountered this same issue:
“Early on I tried to write versions of the story where [Rey] is at home, her home is destroyed, and then she goes on the road and meets Luke. And then she goes and kicks the bad guy’s ass. It just never worked and I struggled with this. This was back in 2012. It just felt like every time Luke came in and entered the movie, he just took it over. Suddenly you didn’t care about your main character anymore because, ‘Oh f*ck, Luke Skywalker's here. I want to see what he’s going to do’.” - Michael Arndt, Entertainment Weekly, 2015
And I'm guessing this is a problem that JJ had to deal with too, hence why Luke was pushed to the end of Episode VII: so as to give the new characters a chance to be developed a bit more, first.
“In a very general sense, the original idea for Episode VII started midway through what we now know as Episode VIII...” - Pablo Hidalgo, Twitter, 2016
There's finally the fact that, while most of those ideas can make Luke's fall more understandable... his story isn't about "how he fell".
It's about how he got back up. The whole point of the film is that even when you've reached your lowest point you can still inspire and be inspired by hope.
So while adding any of the above scenes would only reinforce what was already shown in the movie, be it explicit or subtextual... they wouldn't ADD anything to the theme of learning from failure and getting back in the saddle.
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Do I care about Luke’s characterization in TLJ...?
In spite of what the length and intricacy of these two posts might indicate... I don’t, really 😅
Like, sure, I wish more had been done with the character, but Luke was never really my childhood hero, Obi-Wan was.
So Luke in TLJ isn’t a gaping wound in my chest. I didn't whine about it in 2017, nor did I shed tears of joy and said “he’s finally back” when we saw him in The Mandalorian, for example.
Like, it was an awesome scene, but in my mind Luke never left.
Also I’m the type of Star Wars fan who’ll tolerate any addition to the canon by virtue of it being new Star Wars content.
So even if that addition is something I didn’t enjoy during the viewing, I still focus on the positive and roll with it, I come up with a headcanon that'll make it work.
Because you get to do that, with a transmedia franchise!
If you don’t like how it went down in the movie? There's always a comic around the corner that'll retcon it and/or retroactively make it better... that's how it was for the Prequels.
But for the Sequels, it's difficult. There's a scarcity of transmedia content, when it comes to stuff set around the Sequels era.
I mean, can you think of any
Luke-centric work
that serves as a meaningful addendum to what's seen of him in the Sequels?
A novel, a comic issue and a distantly-relevant manga.
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That's it.
(The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett are too soon after ROTJ to have any meaningful impact on Luke's journey in the Sequels. Some people see Luke's behavior in those shows as "the beginning of his failure", but I covered why I don't think this is really the case, here.)
Instead of just three items, how about a comic mini-series focusing on the year Luke spent training Leia, or on his adventures across the galaxy as he tries to rebuild the Jedi Order? Maybe he meets Cal Kestis, or Quinlan Vos? Maybe he needs to face against an Oppo Rancisis who was consumed by the darkness, post-Order 66?
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Or better yet, how about a video game centered on Luke, in the style of Fallen Order or Jedi Academy?
Get Mark Hamill to motion cap it, he's done it before.
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This would also allow the fans who grew up with the powerhouse that is Legends Grandmaster Luke Skywaker to have some fun!
Many fans wanted to see Luke in action, in TLJ, and instead got a pretend-samurai fight. Which is nice, powerful and symbolic, he goes out like a true Jedi, it makes the Force more than a superpower... but it's not a lightsaber duel. In a game, though? Players can go to town.
I dunno... any additional content would've smoothed the blow for many people who didn't like what was done with Luke in TLJ. Sure, you'd always have people who just hated the whole thing, but if transmedia content helped reduce the hate for the Prequels, it could've done the same with Luke.
I'm not sure why that route wasn't taken.
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i-thewriter · 3 months
How to meet your lieutenant's roommate, with whom he is secretly in love
Soap meets Ghost's roommate. She seems a little strange, but that's apparently what made Simon fall for her so hard.
Words: 1,369
Their vacations are short. It's just week to gather strength and lick wounds. Though even then, Soap knows that if Kate finds some trace of new threats to humanity, their vacation may be over before they start.
That’s why he decided it wasn’t worth coming back to the family house. Moreover, he won’t be able to rest if his mom notices the new bruises he got on his last mission. It’s also possible that his mother will call Price again to tell him how to properly take care of her boy. After she did this, he couldn’t look into his capitan’s eyes for a week, while Price couldn’t stop laughing at him.
And although Soap loves his mom, he will not survive this same thing again.
That’s why he decided it was worth complaining to Ghost about it. Over and over again, like an annoying mosquito in a room.
But hey, in his defense, he thought Ghost would understand his problem. Soap seriously doubted that he would have a charming house in the countryside to return to after a long mission. It suits him better to hide in a cemetery with other ghosts as company. He probably has his own comfortable coffin, from which he gets up only at midnight to drink the blood of virgins.
He got an extra bruise on his arm for this joke.
That’s why he is only partially surprised when Ghost says he knows the place. At first, he thinks about a hideout or a motel for hours.
That's why he’s so surprised when Ghost asks him (which sounds more like an order) to join. Soap, being Soap, immediately agrees. He doesn’t even think about how awkward it might be to be locked together in one dingy motel room for a week.
But as they say (no one says that), it’s better to make decisions right away and regret them later.
Making stupid decisions, is not stopping the warmth blooming in Soap’s chest at such a sign of trust from the cold-hearted lieutenant. It’s a transition to the next level of their growing friendship.
(He wonders at what level of friendship he will unlock Ghost’s tragic backstory.)
To say he’s just shocked is to say nothing.
He really expected some kind of dungeon without running water, but not this. The apartment is nice. Flat with three doors, a small kitchen with an island, and a charming living room.
At the entrance, Ghost tells him to take off his shoes and put them by the doormat. He goes deeper inside and sees more things that don’t make any sense. A thick chemistry textbook is next to the sink, along with a Star Wars mug and one pink sock on the couch.
Pink what?
When the rest can be explained as Ghost’s twisted hobbys, it can’t be. Maybe in his free time, the lieutenant reads collage textbooks or blushes while watching Kylo Ren take off his helmet (don’t ask him how he knows who Kylo Ren is), but the sock?
Hell will freeze over before Ghost wears something pink.
But before he can start racking his brain trying to connect all the facts, Ghost asks him if he wants some tea. Like a good host, which of course he isn’t based on how forced it sounds.
And Soap wants fucking answers to questions he will never ask because he wants to live. He doesn’t want a fucking tea made by this speaking Mount Everest. But like a polite Scot who they both know he isn’t, he opens his mouth and says:
- umm.. Yes, please.
Ghost nods once and starts the horrifying process of making tea. He takes three mugs, including the Star Wars one. When Soap stupidly starts to wonder if Ghost will drink from two cups, the front door opens. He almost throws his bag on the floor and reaches for his gun, only to remind himself that he’s in civilian clothes.
- Easy, sergeant - Ghost’s voice makes him relax and he hates how he reacts like a damn Pavlov’s dog to the bell. But at the same time he’s happy that whoever opened the door is not a threat.
- If it’s your other PTSD bullshit- soap does a double take at a woman’s voice coming from the door. Woman visits Ghost?!- I swear to God I’m calling...- she stops as she notices him.
She looks like a deer caught in the headlights, and... she is pretty (and younger than he expected but will never say this loudly). Even though her hair is disheveled, she has dark circles under her eyes, and the crooked collar of her shirt... she looks beautiful. As if she had just rolled out of bed after a long night of... No..NO! He’s not going there. He’s not thinking about her long l..
Soap almost jumps out of his skin when Ghost puts the mugs on the island with a bang.
Fuck, he forgot Ghost was there.
And he stared at his friend/ girlfriend? Like a creep. In his defense, his tired brain just lagged after seeing first pretty girl after that long time. But his mom raised gentlemen, he will apologize later. Her and Ghost to make sure he survive that night.
The girl recovers from shock faster than him (which is humiliating for him and all the military training he has undergone).
For a moment, the three of them stand in an awkward silence that only he seems to be only one who feels nervous. Ghost looks at him as usual, that is, in a terrifying stillness. She, on the on other hand, looks him over from head to toe without any signs of shame. Finally, after what the animals in the zoo must feel like, her eyes meet his and recognition shines in them. Which shouldn’t be because he’s sure as hell he’s never seen her before. Maybe Ghost told her about him?
And then she steps forward, smiles wider than the devil himself, and holds out her hand to him. He carefully takes her hand in his own and doesn’t even marvel at how soft it is. He’s more worried about Ghost’s gaze burning holes in his head.
-Simon didn’t say he will bring a friend from the team - when she talks, her eyes never stop exploring his features—and never said he had friends.
- I have friends- Simon grumbles.
- Soap remembers to take his hand out of her grip before Ghost decides he don’t need friends any more.
- Now I see it. - she says and then introduces herself- I’m his roommate.- she adds at the end.
...they are not together?
But before he has time to ask this question and probably get himself a death sentence, she passes him and goes to Simon. - I started to think you were dead - she says when he takes the bag off her shoulder and puts it on the table.
- Would you cry for me? - there must be something wrong with Ghost’s voice, it should never be so soft.
- I would if you bought me this lucky cat I showed you.
- NO.- Normally, cadets faint under this look. Why not her?
- Then you lost your chance to have me as a weeping widow.
- I think I will survive that.
Then you just stand on your tiptoes, grab Simon by the lopels of his jacket, and kiss him on the check (he’s wearing that creepy mask). Soap’s jaw didn’t have time to hit the floor when it was all over, and you turned around, sat down on the stool, and took a long sip of tea.
It’s hits him like a brick that all these things that don’t fit Ghost are yours. And it hits him like a truck that he hasn’t introduced himself yet.
- I’m John MacThavis, you can call me Soap. -he says this with a slight blush on his cheeks. The twinkle in your eyes at his code name makes him blush so hard he has to hide behind his steaming mug.
Then Simon’s hand brushes against your back as he takes the seat next to you. At this moment, John recognizes a glint of softness in Ghost’s eyes and knows that you are more unavailable than Pentagon.
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strawberry-whorecake · 8 months
We’re Going To Destroy Each Other | K.R.
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pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader
summary: Combat training with Kylo is exhaustive, but he’s willing to push your boundaries to the benefit of the both of you with a little extra motivation.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: swearing, angst (?), injury, PinV sex, unprotected sex, slapping, choking, dirty talk
A/N: i’m sorry my posts have been fair-and-far few— i got covid and literally rot in bed for like two weeks :,) hopefully this makes up for it ?? also can we appreciate Adam in that gif lightsaber training...holy fuck
“I can’t do it!” you yelled. 
You were sweating so profusely, your training clothes were drenched and stuck to you uncomfortably. Your chest rose and fell with heavy pants—gasps for breaths. 
“You can do it, you’re just weak.” he spat.
You’d been combat training with Ren for weeks now, and you weren’t improving in the slightest.
You extinguished your lightsaber and threw it to the ground, along with yourself, and exhaled heavily. “I can’t fucking do it, just drop it, Ren.” Your brows drew together as you pouted slightly.
His jaw tensed and his right eye twitched as he towered over you. “I could easily kill you, you threw down your weapon—you’re admitting defeat.” He outstretched his saber and approached you. He held the hot flaming blade closer to your neck than you preferred. “One swipe, you’d be nothing.” He held his stance, his lightsaber inching closer to your neck.
“Kylo, I’m tired. I just need a break.” you pleaded, his weapon now centimeters from your flesh as you inched away. 
“An enemy wouldn’t let you rest.” He spat. 
You looked into his eyes only for a moment, he was watching you, trying to contemplate your next move. His eye twitched once more then—
“OW! FUCK!” Your hand flew out and your lightsaber became one with your palm. You gripped it tighter, propelling yourself up and on your feet as you switched it on faster than lightspeed.
You swiftly ducked and caught Kylo’s saber with yours, forcing it away from you.
“Very good…” he practically purred.
You grunted as you dodged Kylo’s attack—an attempt to hit you in the abdomen. You shoved with all your might to keep his blade away from your body, trying to ignore the sweat pooling in your brows.
“Come on, I’m going easy on you.” he teased.
You grunted as you launched yourself into the air behind him, trying to catch him off-guard, but Ren was too quick. He had spun just as instantly as you’d swept behind him.
“You have to be unpredictable.” he issued, with the smallest movement of his wrist the heat of his crossblade singed the flesh of your arm. You cried out as the blade made contact.
You furrowed your brows at the smug look on his face, “How’s this for unpredictable?” You swung your lightsaber into the air, catching it in your dominant hand and faked an upper-hand attack making Kylo jump into defense before you swiped it across Kylo’s abdomen—you didn’t use enough force to really hurt him, just enough to scare him.
“Shit!” Kylo hissed between his teeth, reeling back so quickly he dropped his weapon and toppled onto his knees to clutch at his now exposed and burnt flesh. 
You instantly dove for his saber when he was preoccupied, and swirled it in a circle before pointing it to his neck.
He looked up at you for a moment, his eyes wide and racing to look between the two of yours.
“I could easily kill you.” you teased him like he had you.
He blinked slowly, desperate to catch his breath. In this moment, you weren’t the one who was looking weak. You smirked. 
Kylo swallowed harshly as you inched the sputtering blade of his own weapon closer to his neck. If you truly wanted to, you could have completely lopped his head clean off—but you didn’t.
You thought Kylo was going to speak, but instead, he threw up his arm and both lightsabers soared out of your hands. What you hadn’t expected was for your body to also go flying.
You didn’t know he threw you against the wall until you’d heard the slight crack! sound and opened your eyes, only moments later with a massive pain in the back of your skull. 
“What the fuck, Ren?!” you groaned, rubbing the spot your head must've made contact with the wall before checking for blood. 
Kylo was already standing over you. “We’re going to destroy each other.” he spat with venom. 
Despite the burns on your flesh, and the now massive bump growing on the back of your head, you laughed. “That’s what makes it so fun.”
Kylo grabbed you by your throat and smashed your lips against his. You jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck, him picking you up as you lept. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed your back against the wall, never pulling away from the kiss. 
Kylo ripped hastily at your top, trying to remove it from your sticky flesh. You helped him pull it over your head, diving your hands towards his pants where you worked hurriedly to get them off. You hooked your thumbs around the band of your leggings as Kylo supported you with one hand so you could get them off. You pulled his shirt over his head as you pulled him tighter against you with the strength of your legs.
He moved his lips down your jaw before landing on the still sensitive flesh on your neck he’d burned previously. He kissed gently at first, then took a rather harsh nip that immediately drew blood. 
“Fuck!” you pushed his face away from your neck, seeing the trace of your blood on his lips as he smirked at you. “You bastard!” you groaned as you collided with his lips, running your tongue along his bottom lip and tasting the coppery flavor of your blood. You opened your mouth slightly to grant him access, which he immediately granted your wish and sank your tongue with his. 
You pulled at Kylo’s pants, practically begging him to take them off. When he obeyed you took him in your hand, pumping him with rather tensed fingers. You playfully dragged your nails down his base causing him to groan and slap your hand away.
As you giggled he spat into his hand and stroked himself before he pulled your underwear aside, positioning his cock at your entrance, it twitching in anticipation. 
He looked at you as he thrust himself inside, watching as your face contorted in a mix of pain and pleasure as he split you open.
He held you tightly against the wall making sure you were at least stable while he was going to tear you in half from the inside out. He adored the way your eyebrows knit as you desperately tried to adjust to his size. 
As you whimpered, Kylo chuckled. He truly loved watching you struggle.
Without any warning, he withdrew himself before ramming back into you again, somehow deeper this time. You dug your nails into his back, causing him to wince slightly.
His eye twitched once more before he shut them completely, then he started to pick up his pace. He began thrusting in and out of you, slow at first, then a bit faster.
He’d only speed up when you’d moan for him to do so. Hearing you beg for him was one of the best parts. “Fuck...Kylo—” you whined, and he fucked up into you with a little more haste. His thrusts became rhythmic as he worked your walls to adapt to his size. He was pounding into you with such power that you repeatedly hit the sore spot on your head against the wall behind you—but you were too intoxicated by Kylo to truly care. 
Kylo’s head dove toward your neck, on the opposite side of where he’d already made you bleed. He sucked harshly on your flesh, making sure to leave a sore purpling spot right where his lips resided. He may had been infatuated with seeing you in the pain that he caused you, but what he loved more was seeing the marks he left on you.
When he pulled off your neck, he looked deeply into your eyes. He brushed some stray hair off that clung to your forehead before he spoke breathily, “You’re mine.” he panted. “Yours.” you moaned. 
Kylo held you close as he carried you over to the combat mats and set you gently down on top of them. He balled his hand into a fist and placed it beside your head as he used his other to hold onto your breast.
He pawed at them and squeezed, placing sloppy kisses on the flesh that wasn’t covered by your sports bra. 
You sat up slightly and worked to pull the bra over your head, Kylo helping you after a while. With your breasts exposed he immediately took one in his mouth and rolled his tongue over your nipple, sending shockwaves through your muscles. You groaned in pleasure as he continued ramming his hips into yours.
“F-Fuck…Kylo—” you whimpered. He had left some scattered marks down your chest before he purred, “Shhh—don’t speak.” You moaned again as he took your throat into his hand, it squeezed gently but with enough force on the sides of your neck to restrict just enough air urging you to reach your peak. 
He groaned as he felt your walls growing more claustrophobic around his cock, and it began to twitch.
“You want me to cum inside you?” he purred.
You nodded your head the best you could with his restraint around your neck. “Beg.” he growled.
“P-Please—” you whined brokenly. 
He lightly struck the side of your cheek enough to leave a gentle tingle. “I said beg.” 
His movements were becoming irregular as his hips began to stutter. The way he stared into your eyes with adoration and lust as he pounded you, and struck you, caused heat to well in your gut. “Please Kylo, please cum in me.” you pleaded pathetically.
He smirked again, exposing his perfect dimples. “Of course, Princess.”
He gripped your neck a little tighter as you arched your back, feeling him from every angle. You both became erratic moaning messes as the heat flowed from your gut to your thighs.
“Your pussy is so perfect for me to fill up.” he growled as his cock twitched inside you. He groaned as he began to slip, his rhythm coming to a full halt when he buried himself to the hilt inside of you and released his load deep inside your cunt. 
He thrust in a few more times, much more slowly, lasting out the hindmost moments of his orgasm. 
His body collapsed against yours with a groan, as you pushed his hair out of his face. When you both caught the glance of each other, you exchanged exhausted giggles. 
Kylo’s eyes drifted to the spot where he’d sank his teeth into and kissed it very gently, then trailed his lips along your arm onto the spot you’d gotten singed from his blade. 
As he got off you, you sat up too, softly running your fingers against the red line trailing across Kylo’s stomach. The feeling of your nails made him wince, but he knew you weren’t trying to hurt him. 
He pulled his boxers back over himself as he walked to retrieve the rest of your clothes. He handed you your leggings and your shirt as he slipped swiftly into his pants.
You tugged your sports bra on, following thereafter your shirt. Kylo helped you off the mats and onto the floor so you could slide into your leggings—with some difficulty being slick and sweaty, so you were thankful for his help on your already trembling legs. 
When you both had gotten yourself situated once more, Kylo walked back over to where you both had been standing practicing combat. He tossed your lightsaber to you and you promptly caught it.
“You really think we’re going to destroy each other?” you asked half-heartedly.
“Not for a while,” he smirked. “I like you too much.” His eyes met yours as he clicked his weapon to life, standing in a ready stance as he awaited your move.
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