#im normal i promise *crossing my fingers behind my back*
xr0tt3nxfl3shx · 3 months
Mr plant pegs me as the type of guy to have put half dead bugs in air tight bags as a kid, yk to see how if their lil bug corpses released gas or anything . See how it effects the decomposition process or smtg
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jayden-killer · 10 months
Heyaaa! Saw your requests were open, is it alright if I ask for moon knight with a reader who overworked themselves and sort of just collapsed? It's okay if not thankuuu <3
Moonknight boys x gender neutral reader.
Omfg this is my first request IM SO HAPPY thank you so much for requesting and i hope you will like it!<33 Remember you can request at the top of my profile button, 'Ask me anything!'. :DD
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You know when work is so much, but like so much, and you don’t have a moment of peace? That. The workload I had accumulated in the days before was impressive, and I was almost amazed at the work I had to do. Eating seemed like a waste of time, drinking seemed like a waste of time... And if I needed to fulfill my duties, I had to do it without unnecessary breaks or interruptions. That’s why I warned my three boyfriends, Jake, Marc and Steven, not to worry about my sudden disappearance. ''Don’t worry, I just have a lot of work to do.' Xxx :)))' Something told me they would worry. They would understand, right?
Everything seemed so.. Complicated. Maybe, I should have continued. But the concentration began to disappear and slowly my eyes closed, and the breath regularized. Leaning my head on the wooden desk I closed my eyes, succumbing to the sleep so rejected.
«Love? Are you awake?»
A voice as sweet as honey brought me back to reality. I felt a sweet shake of my body, waking up from that 'nap' I had promised myself to have. And, in an instant, I found the hazel eyes that I loved so much about Steven. He smiled at me. «Love, I see that you’ve collapsed. What... What’s going on?» he asked me in a concerned tone.
Rubbing my eyes, I checked the time. 7.39 fucking pm. The last time I checked the time was 4.11 pm. Man, that nap took longer than I expected.
«It’s okay, Steven. The job’s just a lot, but I’ll be fine.»
He sighed loudly, fidgeting with his fingers. «Lovie, I know you have a lot to do. Believe me, I appreciate how much you try, but...It's dangerous for your health.»
«Hey, it's okay. I-I think...»
«You’re trying harder than you should.»
Steven’s sweet tone changed to a harsher one, yet concerned. Even his eyes changed from sweet to almost expressionless.
Marc. It could only be him.
«Hello to you too, Marc. And no, I’m sure I’m not putting my health at risk. I’d stop in time otherwise."
He made a mocking noise. «I, no, we know your habits very well. And we all know that you would risk your health for something as trivial as...this.» He pointed rather angrily at the work table, filled with papers to fill in and the computer, which had an open document not yet complete.
Marc tilted his head to the side and stared at the computer screen. I turned to look where he was looking and thought he was seeing Jake’s reflection there. Suspicions were confirmed when he rested on the mental conversation he was having with the latter. «They're are not well! I can see that well, I am not stupid yet, man.»He Inhaled and shook his head, pinching his nose. «All right. Try talking to them, since you know what to do every time."
And here his facial features harden more than before, shifting to an expression of pure anger. Now Jake crossed his arms, but there was a half-smile on his face. «Florecito, Steven, Marc and I believe you should rest properly. So whether you want it or not, we will drag you into bed and let you relax. ¿Has entendido?»
Maybe I didn’t deserve them. I didn’t deserve how they paid me so much attention so easily, like it was the most normal thing in the world. I had always put work above everything else, risking losing even important hours of sleep for the previous day. Jake took me gently by the arm, so I got up from the chair and looked him right in the eyes. I could feel Steven and Marc behind those eyes.
«You’re right. I’m not gonna finish this without resting and eating at least.» I showed him a smile, and he smiled back, tracing the index finger on my forearm. «It’s my fault, florecito. Ah, ¡callense! Steven and Marc say that it’s not that I have to take all the credit.» I laughed at seeing my three guys fighting each other.«It’s thanks to all three of you that I’ll be better by tomorrow.» I left a kiss on Jake’s lips gently, and he took me by the hips, bringing me more to himself, adjusting his hair dishevelled.
«Ah, I’d be lost without your help, guys!»
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wtfcookiejar · 1 year
I Promise Always (11)
Robin was worried sick. Y/N had been missing for 2 days now. She stared at the phone in the video store while stocking the shelves. She kept dropping everything she tried putting away so she eventually went behind the counter. Dustin was on the floor doing some kind of homework that was beyond her comprehension.
Steve started to stock what Robin dropped and sighed,"What do you think happening?"
"Isn't it weird that Eddie also disappears every time y/n does something?" Dustin called from the floor.
Robin looked back at Dustin's hair full of curls and her mouth made a singular O shape.
"She's not like that Dustin. She hardly looks at Eddie anyway."
"Bullshit," Robin retorts," She looks at him a lot."
"Eddie's always looking at her. " Dustin leans his head back and looks at Robin trying to fill in the blanks.
"Has anyone called?" Steve sounded reasonable though he was worried too.
"I forgot to get her number..." Robin murmurs sheepishly.
Steve flicks her forehead gently," You got my number and Dustin's. Even...." His fingers are quick as he picks up the desk phone and dials some numbers gently.
Robin and Dustin look at him confused.
"Hello Mr. Munson, Is Eddie avail- No. No. there's nothing wrong I was just wondering if he's Okay? Right. Okay, I'll let him know when I see him."
Robin and Dustin both straighten up trying to hear the other side of the phone.
"He's not at home," Steve says gently hanging the phone up and looking at his friends.
"That settles that." Dustin closes his book and gets up from the floor. He randomly starts shoving things in his bag.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks to cross his arms instinctively.
"Im going to go get Mike and Lucas and we're going to search for Eddie. We have a D&D session c coming up and I'm getting sick of our Dungeon Master Going missing." Dustin set his face in a hard line like he was angry.
"Can't you wait?" Robin asks quietly thinking perhaps that she should have Steve drive her to Y/N place.
"Nope. But I will Check Y/N place." Dustin reasoned and Steve put both hands on his shoulders.
"Do you know how to check on a girl?" Steve sounds so sincere.
"Dude I've kept a Girlfriend longer than you." Dustin hisses and pushes out the door.
"He does have-" Robin is smiling
"Do not Finish that sentence, Buckley." Steve interrupts and they both watch Dustin wheel away.
Eddie was sitting asleep against her bedroom wall. He had woken up late in the night to find her sleeping on his chest and he couldn't help but think of the last letter he had stowed away. He laid they're trying to imagine the hurt of her rejection when she woke up, but all he could think about was kissing her and holding her. That's when he got a boner, crawled out of bed, and sat on the wall looking at her as she slept. She'd murmured his name occasionally or Japanese he didn't understand.
So when sunlight streamed into the window and her dad came in to check on her and found him on the floor looking at his letter he smiled.
"She's not up?" he asked taking a seat beside him.
"No... That normal?" he asked tucking the letter into his jacket again. Not sure why he couldn't just read it.
"Sometimes it takes two days for her body to catch up and fully relax. " Her father reasoned offering Eddie a glass of bourbon.
This seemed like an honor taking a bourbon with her dad felt like he was the patient boyfriend. Eddie was confused but he still took it and sipped carefully watching her.
"You sell weed?" Her father asked nonchalantly like he knew.
"Don't tell Wayne please." He sputtered," I promise I won't let her near any of that." Eddie was suddenly feeling less worthy of the glass of bourbon in his hands
"Long as you don't tell her I smoke it, and you never let her touch it." There was a collected smile on his face,"you're the perfect guy for her."
"How do you know that?" Eddie's eyes grew wide and he took another slow swig of bourbon.
"I assume you read the letters? "
"Guilty as charged." Eddie swallowed hard.
"Then you know the last person she trusted died taking her to the hospital. He was in full drag, some assholes followed him from the hospital and beat him to death." Her father breathed setting his glass on top of his knee carefully.
"So she wouldn't tell anybody after that. She's scared. I get it but I don't get what that has to do with me being her perfect match." Eddie whispered looking at the bourbon as it swirled in his hands.
"Because you know what it's like not to trust people. You know what cruelty happens and you'd knock heads around if you had to keep her safe." Her dad chuckled
Eddie stared for a second at her father. He was the opposite of Wayne he was lean and muscular and he had resources Eddie didn't
"I don't have money like you do." Eddie reasoned softly," she deserves flowers and jewelry...."
" She doesn't want that. She wants someone to count on. Someone who isn't afraid of doing what's right when things go wrong. " Her father smiled as he finished his bourbon. "I believe you can do that."
The doorbell rang and her father got up ruffling Eddie's hair as he went.
A few quiet minutes passed as Eddie looked at the glass of bourbon and the ice cube. Then he heard a side sound and downed the rest of it in one gulp.
Dustin and Will walked into her doorway and Eddie stood quickly shuffling them out the door before they could really look.
"You idiots. What are you doing here? "Eddie pushed the door of her room closed and stood in the hall with the two boys half terrified they had seen her hooked up to the big printer.
" Im gunna radio Lucas and Mike. " Will smiled and went toward the stairs.
Eddie grabbed the boy and his walkie-talkie and pulled them in front of him.
"Neither of you is doing anything." Eddie's voice was harsh, and both the younger boys looked at him confused.
"Are you afraid we're gonna tell someone you got la-" Eddie popped the side of Dustin's head lightly.
"I am not getting laid you, weirdo." Eddie hissed.
"What are you doing here then?" Will asked the most potent question.
Eddie wanted to just scream but he also didn't want to wake or disturb the household so he hung his head and then looked up the two boys who seemed eager for his answer.
" I am just checking on her. "
Dustin scoffed," you are wearing the same clothes you wore 2 days ago. I'm not stupid."
Eddie wanted to throttle the kid but instead, he grimaced and shook his head." No, you're not. She ended up at my house and got a cold so I brought her home and figured I should explain how she ended up at home. "
" uh-Huh. " Dustin crossed his arms looking at him like he could just smell the lie
"Steve and Robin are looking for you guys. " Will stated calmly holding out the walkie-talkie
Eddie sighed and took it," You guys are brats."
"Eddie here.-over."
Steves's voice crackled to life on the tiny device.," Your uncle said You need to clean up the dishes in the sink. Where the hell are you and have you seen y/n?"
Eddie looked at the two boys and rolled his eyes," I'm coming to the video store -over"
"BRING DUSTIN AND WILL." Steve's voice was loud enough that he had to cover the incoming receiver.
Eddie looked at the two boys in front of him and asked," What do I need to do to keep you guys quiet?"
Will smiled and Dustin hooked his arm around Will," FINISH THE CAMPAIN." They said in tandom and Eddie nodded defeated.
"Alright. You guys put your stuff in the van I'll be down there in two minutes."
Y/n was laying in silence her eyes slits she could hear the printer but her head hurt. So did her muscles. When she heard the door open she didn't think a thing of it instead she closed her eyes and felt a gentle kiss on her forehead and someone making sure that the covers had her covered up just enough not to make her hot. She could smell the cigarettes but she couldn't place what else was hidden behind the smell. But a thought of Eddie crossed her mind and she smiled. Content to go back to sleep.
@whatareyouhidingpeter- Sorry it took so long I hope you keep reading and believing in me.
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
Day 7: Flowers
very short, but oh well ;; it isn't the best thing i've written, but writing Don's sisters (well more specifically one out of the three) is very fun and im happy to finally post something with at least one of them <3 Read it on Ao3! Word count: 813
“You need to stop this madness.” All Eduardo did was enter the dainty little flower shop, and he was immediately met with his sister’s voice, dripping with venom.
He paused at the entrance. “Last I checked, I haven’t done a single thing wrong.”
“Eduardo,” she growled, “do you see this shit?” She waved her arms frantically over at a pile of many, many bouquets. All of which were made of red, vibrant roses. “Do you know how many there are?”
He counted. “What, six bouquets? Isn’t that what you make on a slow day?”
“Plus the other fifteen in the back,” she hissed. Isabel rushed out from behind the counter, and over to the entrance, just to push an accusing finger into his chest. “Which accumulates to a total of twenty-one orders. In one day–more specifically in four hours!”
He couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t apologize for being so popular, Isa.”
“Yeah, but you can pay for making me do all this fucking work.” She gave a long sigh, as she moved away, defeated. “Honestly, I have to work day-in and day-out on these orders, working until I pass out and my hands are cramping, but all you have to do is look pretty for the cameras and get beat-up by a seventeen-year old.” Eduardo decided against telling Isabel the fact that he too constantly injures his hands while boxing, or the fact that he had, in fact, got knocked out plenty of times in the ring. 
“And it’s like, ‘oh, Isabel! Sweet and mature Isabel, can you handle the shop today?’ and then they completely forget I even exist! I swear, all they ever do is put me to work and never give me time for myself. It’s almost as if they forget I exist, or that all I’m here is to just do the work for them.”
Eduardo sighed. He shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You want me to take care of the orders for you, don’t you?” Suddenly, Isabel’s attitude changed like a flick from a lightswitch, as she clasped her hands together in a pleading position and shut her eyes tight.
 “Please? Pleasepleaseplease please do this for me?”
“Oh come on Eddie! Not even after that tear-jerking lament of being a forgotten middle child?”
“You seem to forget that I’m a middle child, too.”
“No, a fake one. We’ve been over this before. I’m the true middle child.”
“This is certainly not helping your case, by the way.” Isabel gave a dramatic groan, which made Eduardo’s corners of his mouth twitch into a smile.
“No fair! I promised my friends I would go out with them tonight, but then Mamá told me about all of the orders, that we need to do something with them since they’re all dressed to you–thanks for that, by the way–and now I’m gonna have to de-thorn them, cut off stems, organize them, wrap them up, and add all the final touches requested in the order. Do you know how long that’ll take me?”
“Majority of the night–?”
“Majority of the night! Eddie, please do this, just this once?” He stared down at her sister as he contemplated. 
“You do know that I just got back home yesterday, right? A long flight from the States and dealing with the jetlag and time zone difference really takes a toll on your body.” Because apparently having a six-hour difference made it difficult to function, or fix your internal clock to go back to normal.
“Yeah, but I had to work overtime for a week straight, and I’m going to kill myself if I have to do it one more time. So please? I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
Isabel looked up at him with tired, pleading eyes. Her fingers were no doubt calloused from how much work and stress she puts them under, but even then, she balled them up with such emotion and power that made it clear how much it meant to her.
“Fine,” Eduardo sighed, finally caving in, “I’ll cover for you just this once.”
Isabel let out an excited gasp. “Wait, really?”
“Oh my God! Thank you thank you thank you! Have I mentioned that you’re my favorite sibling?”
“Yes, but a reminder is always appreciated.” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Isabel gave him a tight hug. He instinctively put his arms around her in response.
“I promise I’ll make it up to, I swear.”
“You better,” he huffed with feigned annoyance. “I’m sacrificing my night for you.”
“I know, I know. But thank you.” She pushed herself off of him, and, with a smile, untied her apron and threw it over the counter. “See you later!” She ran out the front door in a rush, and a giant smile on her face.
Hmph. Well, one night of work wouldn’t hurt anyone.
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msookyspooky · 1 year
As always your writing is amazing, phenomenal, and award-winning!! I'm glad to be blessed by this update!! i love this i love you and i hope you have the most amazing and wonderful day!!! <3
Seriously, it feels so normal and sweet (We'll need these sweet moments from here on out fr 🥲)
AND HE WOULD. Stu is the type to cross his fingers behind his back when he promises shit. He's the type to want to do something MORE just because you told him not to. He would DEFINITELY do this and Billy is going to just jump him if he finds out 😭
Thank you sm bby ily and hope u have a great day too 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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vneuns · 3 years
omg can we get a wedding fic with george i actually never see any for him and im curious how you’d write one :3
~c!niki <3
▸ The wedding of my dreams | cc!george ֙⋆ ་ .ᐟ
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#ʚĭɞ warnings slight cursing , very light mention on nsfw lmao , butt mention , fluff , idk lmk if they're something i missed
ʚĭɞ# author's note(s) this took wayyyyy too long omfg. but i seriously hope you all enjoy it,,
#ʚĭɞ others if this gets 20+ reblogs i'll think about writing the honeymoon fic and giving it to you guys as a christmas present
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WEDDING JITTERS ARE said to be a normal thing on the day of your wedding. So, when you arrived at the venue after a night in your hotel room, that was the first thing you expected to have. Except, they never came. You didn't break out into a cold sweat because in just a few hours you were about to vow to a marriage with the love of your life.
You didn’t immediately feel like running away, or think that getting married was too much pressure. If anything you couldn’t stop imagining what your life would be like after the two of you got married. Your eyes wandered over to the aisle where your soon-to-be husband would be waiting for you at the end of the aisle.
“Y/n.” Your best friend shook you softly bringing you out of your haze.
“Come on we’ve gotta get you ready.” Taking their hand you allowed them to pull you towards your dressing room suite.
It was going to be a long day.
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That it was. Every second leading up to the actual reception was filled with someone walking in and out of your bedroom, asking you about cold feet, or if you were nervous. Until you kicked them out.
The suspense of this life-changing event was killing you and the number of family members and friends coming in to remind you of that pushed you over the edge.
Your body pressed against the now looked door huffed as you listened to the confusion of voices behind it.
Pushing off the door you went to sit on the couch to get your mind around everything before a knock on the window took your attention. Carefully walking towards the door you looked through the curtain where your soon-to-be--husband stood with a hand over his eyes.
Chuckling to yourself you pulled back the curtains all the way, unlocked the window, and greeted the British man standing outside; a pair of black sweats and a grey shirt adorning his body.
“What are you doing out here?” You questioned your eyebrows raised as he kept his hand over his eyes.
“Dream and Sapnap told me you locked everyone out, so I did the same and decided to come to check up on you.”
Of course, he’d do something like that for you, because you were always his number one priority.
“Think at some point they’ll notice you're gone?”
A smile crossed his face as his tongue dipped out to swipe at his slightly chapped lips.
“Probably, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.” What were you going to do with this man?
“I’m not wearing my dress, silly, you can pull your hand away from your face.” Taking his left hand in yours’ you played with the promise ring on his middle finger turning it back and forth. It was the gift you gave him on valentines day after dating for a year. Though it wasn’t very original because he ended up getting you the exact same thing.
“No, I wanna wait to see your beautiful face walking down the aisle.” Placing his hand on your cheek you allowed him to caress it with his thumb before you moved your face slightly giving his palm a small kiss. Something you often did when you couldn’t put into words what you wanted to say.
A commotion from outside the door lets you know everyone has just figured out the Groom is missing. Definitely somewhere where he shouldn’t be.
“I’ll see you down the aisle.”
He leans forward blindly leaning for a kiss which you happily give him before sneaking one more kiss on his hand before letting it go.
“I’ll be the one in white.”
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The slow instrumentals to ‘Thinking Out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran began to play as the doors to where your soon-to-be husband stood. Hooking your arm underneath Karls’ arm you allowed him to walk you down.
Sapnap taps on his best friend's shoulder watching you descend down the aisle “Turn around, George.”
“If I turn around I’m gonna cry.” He confesses in a whisper, Dream holding back a snicker watching his best friend wipe at his cheeks shaking his head.
“You haven’t even seen them. George turn the fuck around.”
George finally turns to watch you walk down the aisle, and when he finds your eyes, neither one of you looks away. His hand wipes tear-stained cheeks, and you give him a big smile, feeling like you’re about to faint yet like you're floating.
Reaching the front, Karl hands you off to George, going to stand beside you, even holding your bouquet.
The two of you, a beautiful combination of tears and smiles, and you can’t help but wipe away the heavier tears that roll down his cheeks as Punz goes through the ceremony. After several minutes, full of tears, smiles, and an occasional joke from Dream, Punz finishes with, “And now, you may kiss the bride.” An excited ‘ah-ha’ exits your mouth when George pulls you into him, holding you tight to his body.
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Everyone crowded around the two of you as you stood in front of the gorgeous three-layer cake. Your hand on top of the brunettes next to you as he held the knife, the tip cutting smoothly into it, making sure it’s slow enough for everyone around you to get their cameras out.
Until he started going a bit too slow and you just pressed your hand into his.
After the first piece was cut and plated on two separate plates. In true newlywed fashion, you both ended up moving the plates of cake in each other’s direction, which results in simultaneously smashing your respective plates into each other's faces.
The laughs of your family and friends filled the area as George turned to you caked dripping off his eyebrow before leaning forward and licking a bit of icing off your nose.
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Admiring your husband's features as the two of you danced to ‘Can't Help Falling in love with you’ cover by Hayley Reinhart. It was as if it was just the two of you. In a room full of people. It was just the two of you in each other's arms forever.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He whispered, pressing his lips into your temple, the two of you rocking back and forth. Completely tuning out the song.
“Like what? Like we just got married?”
George just shook his head just as he began, your hands falling down his back inches away from his butt before Quackity was moving your hands back up to their original positions.
“This is a pg-13 wedding, save all your-.. Nasty activities for the honeymoon.”
@inniterhq @basilly @yamturds @dysfunctionalcrab @tinyegg
@ttakinou @charnease @i-mmunity @b3l0v3ds @alice-blue-skies @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @mitzimania @joyfullymulti @dreamzluvrr @multifandomgirl-us @sufloerfs @sunniewrites @gray-moon2 @victory-is-here @nightmarefox15 @ninkieminjaj @trashland-llamas @echoteaa
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forever-rogue · 3 years
hi! if requests are open for bucky, i like the concept of him being unsure of himself with reader (not a superhero/avenger, maybe just a mutual friend) and pining after them compared to how easy it was to get dates in the 40s. thank you!
tfatws revived my love for bucky im not ashamed
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A/N: tfatws has definitely done the same for me! no shame whatsoever!
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You tore your gaze off of the television before you turned to look at Bucky. His blue eyed stare was trained on you, intense and unwavering. Sometimes it had managed to unnerve you, but you’d gotten used to it over the year you’d known him. He was more than just silent...he was calculating, but it never felt wrong. Waving your hand in front of his face you made a small sound to get his attention. 
“Bucky?” you whispered his name softly and that seemed to snap him back into attention as he opened and closed his mouth a few times. Even in the dim lighting of the room you could see that a warm flush of red had crept up in his cheeks, “everything alright?”
“Y-yeah,” he shook his head, more at himself than anything else, a self-annoyed look crossing his features, “spaced out for a minute. What were you saying?”
“I wasn’t saying anything,” you couldn’t help but laugh at him, watching his features soften when he realized you weren’t going to chastise him for zoning out, “I for one was watching the movie, which is more than I can say for you - you should love the Hobbit if you actually read the book when it first came out. And these movies are actually good. Pay attention, Bucky!”
You grabbed one of the pillows off of your couch and lobbed it at his head; but he was quicker, reflexes still sharp and honed after all this time. The corners of his mouth pulled into a smirk as he held the pillow before determining whether or not to throw it back at you. Immediately sensing what he was doing, you shook your head and jumped up, ducking behind the couch.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart, why are you hiding?” you could practically hear the smirk in his voice as you peeked up at him. The nickname rolled easily off his tongue as it caused a shudder to run down your spine. You knew it meant nothing, that it was just something he tended to call people; it was definitely just a thing. It was nothing particularly about you or targeted at you but you couldn’t help but pause. You knew that you wouldn’t have minded if he called you that intentionally. But that could never, ever happen. This was Bucky after all and you were just...you.
“I know your game, Barnes,” you grinned at him, deciding to let the nickname slide, “I’ll call it a truce and we can go to your favorite place to get some dinner. I’ll pay! I’m waving my proverbial white flag.”
“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he set the pillow back down on the couch as he stood up and raised his hands in surrender. Slowly you raised to your full height, but kept a wary eye on your best friend, “I keep my promises, you know that.”
“Fine,” you agreed as you grinned at him. Bucky’s breath hitched in his throat as he looked you over and he felt his knees go weak momentarily. He could stare at your smile for hours, “get your jacket and let’s go old man.”
He scoffed in jest as you grabbed your shoulders and jacket off the coat rock and motioned for him to follow, “I’m not that old-”
“106? Isn’t that old?” you raised an eyebrow, barely able to contain your giggles as he rolled his eyes dramatically, “just kidding, Bucky. You know I just love teasing you.”
“I am in my 30s,..technically, thank you very much,” he insisted as he slipped on his shoes and you handed him the leather jacket, “don’t push your luck, kid.”
“See,” you grabbed the keys and he opened the door, ushering you out with a hand on the small of your back, “I swear Bucky Barnes, you’ve been an old man since you were a kid. Now let’s go! There’s pancakes with my name on them waiting.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Dinner with Bucky was easy...then again, everything with Bucky was easy. Every time you were with him, things just felt natural and normal, conversation and everything flowed freely. You’d met Bucky completely by chance, running into him, quite literally, on the street as you walked out of your favorite coffee shop and proceeded to spill coffee over both of you. He’d been apologetic, claiming it was his fault, but you’d been insistent that it was yours. One thing had led to another and soon enough you became inseparable friends. 
Much to his surprise, and delight, you’d never treated Bucky as anything but...Bucky. That’s how you’d met him and that’s all he was to you. Bucky. Of course, he was much more than a friend, at least in your mind, but you weren’t about to divulge that little piece of information. At least not yet. Maybe one day...or not. Probably not. No. You weren’t about to make a fool out of yourself and confess your feelings for a man that saw you as nothing but a friend.
Bucky, always alert and cunning, had noticed you’d become quiet throughout dinner as you both ate in silence. Normally he wouldn’t question it, but he knew your tells and could easily read you by this point and knew that something was up. 
“What?” he gently nudged your foot with his and you snapped back into attention as you looked at him, “you’re awfully deep in thought for someone that just wanted some pancakes.” 
“It’s nothing,” you insisted nervously, swallowing your bite down and clearing your throat, “just...tired?”
“Mhmm,” he wasn’t going to push you, know you’d come around eventually, “whatever you say, sweetheart.”
There it was again, and you felt a warmth flush over your face as you focused your attention on the syrupy mess on your plate. It was silent for a few more minutes before you noticed a few women sitting at the diner’s counter, giggling among themselves as they cast longing glances at Bucky. Something in your stomach twisted and your heart constricted. Of course they were looking at him, women often did. And you couldn’t blame them; Bucky was handsome in almost every way, and you yearned after him as well. But unlike most other people, you weren’t about to be so obvious about it. 
“Looks like you have a little fanclub,” you murmured softly under your breath as you lightly motioned towards them women. Bucky slyly followed your gaze and studied the newcomers and huffed in annoyance. He abhorred any sort of extra attention, especially when it came from people that only liked him because of his looks. Besides that, it often didn’t last terribly long; usually people realized who he was - used to be - and that scared them right off.
“They’ll leave soon enough,” he shrugged them off before turning his attention back to you, “besides, I-I’m not interested. It’s not like it used to be…”
“Back when?” you quickly snorted in amusement as he jokingly glared at you, “back in your day? I bet you had them all over you then too.”
“Well, it certainly was easier,” he admitted as he played with the straw in his almost empty milkshake, “nowadays people are harder to read. They all either want one thing, or they just stick around until they find someone else. It’s not worth it...and honestly, now one has caught my eye.”
“No one?” you asked as you pushed your last bite around the plate, letting the fluffy pancake soak up the syrup, “I find that hard to believe, even for you, Buck. Everyone has someone they’re interested in.”
“Huh,” he mused as drained the last of the milkshake, “well then, is there someone that has captured your interest?”
“I...no, not really,” you lied, hoping he wouldn’t pick up on the lie. Instead he immediately made a sound of small disbelief; you should haven’t even bothered to try and lie to him. He could see right through you, “there’s nobody.”
“I thought you said everyone has someone that they’re interested in?” oh yeah, he definitely wasn’t going to let this go at all. 
“Except me.”
“I find that doubtful.”
“What about you then, Bucky Barnes?” you decided to deflect by throwing the question right back at him, “has anyone captured your interest?”
Bucky paused for a moment, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he mulled over his next words carefully, “yes. There is someone.”
“O-oh,” you stammered as his gaze shifted back to you, blue eyes keenly studied your features, “you gonna tell me who it is?”
“Well,” he started slowly, tapping his fingers on the table as he leaned towards, "there is someone, but I don't know if she knows or thinks of me as more than a friend, but god, I hope she does. She's been my friend for a while now and I kind of want to ask her on a date, a proper date, but don't quite know how."
"Do you...do you think she could feel the same about you?" butterflies erupted in your stomach as you tried to calm the rapid beating of your heart. Surely he couldn't mean you. But then...why was a light flush of pink in his cheeks? Why was he watching you so intently?
"I don't know," he confessed with a light shrug as he sat back in the booth, an arm extended over the back, the picture of ease, "sometimes I think she might, but I don't want to think she does and mess anything up. I'd rather keep her as a friend than lose her."
"I guess you won't know unless you ask her…" you were positive that he could hear your heart beating rapidly, "you never know until you try. I have a feeling she won't turn you down if you ask...just a hunch…"
"Hmm…" a smile, dazzling and brilliant, grazed his features, "well then sweet-"
"Excuse me," one of the girls from the counter had approached your table and was leaning into Bucky, with her back to you. She was twirling her hair around her finger as she offered him her most dazzling smile. She was definitely beautiful and you really had nothing to base your annoyance off of, but she rubbed you the wrong way, "I was just wondering if you'd-"
"Hi, excuse me?" you couldn't help yourself as you gently tapped her arm. Bucky raised an eyebrow as she gave her a surprised look on her face, "I don't want to interrupt but he's mine. And if you don't mind...we're on a date."
"O-oh," her eyes widened as she looked between you and Bucky, who was currently sporting the most shit eating grin, "I didn't know. Sorry…"
She scurried back to her friends as you looked back down at your plate. Bucky cleared his throat as he leaned in, hardly believing what had happened. You could feel his curious blue eyes on you, searing and questioning.
"So she feels the same way or she's a good liar," he said softly as you chanced a glance, biting on your lip, "I'm yours, huh?"
"Shut up," you groaned, "it was to get her away from you, so you're welcome."
"Mhmm…" god that smile made you want to melt.
"Thank you," he bowed his head slightly, "what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"Can I take you on a date?" he asked as you looked at him in surprise, wide doe eyes meeting his, "a proper date?"
"I...yeah, Bucky. I'd like that a lot," you agreed softly, "see...I told you she won't turn you down."
"Guess you were right," he was causal, but inside his heart was fit to burst as he reached across the table and gently put his hand on top of yours, "I'm already hers, but she's my girl too."
Yeah. You could definitely get used to that.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
needy little ; preferences
warnings —  DDLG, swearing, mentions of longing/missing someone,  mentions of leaving someone, teasing??
characters — dark!andy barber, dark!steve rogers, dark!ransom drysdale, dark!bucky barnes, dark!lance tucker,  dark!clark kent, dark!syverson, dark!august walker
a/n — THIS IS FIC  WITH DDLG DYNAMICS,, do not interact if youre not 18+,, finally??? a new fic???? oh my god im sorry, i may be a bit rusty..
tagging — @la-cey​ @doozywoozy​ @melancholyy-hill​ @pedropcl​ @beck07990​ @isysen​ @anna-bailey @briefnerdwobblerpainter
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays | cartoons | obssessed |little rules | innocent little | bratty little | little activities
masterlist | join my taglist! (please follow my rules)
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After placing two scoops of the chocolate ice cream on the cone, Y/N lifted her head up to look at her daddy who sported a scowl on his face as he was drumming a pen in between his fingers as he tried to piece together the facts of the case. Normally, she wouldn’t be allowed so close to Andy as he was working, but given how needy she had been all morning — despite sitting right by his feet wasn’t enough for her — she promised to remain well-behaved and quiet for him so he gave her the green light to go ahead and stay with hi as she played with her scoop and learn toy set. Silently putting down her cone by the ice cream trolley, she moved towards his leg and when he didn’t move or acknowledge her, she clung her arms around his calf as her cheek snuggled up against his shin. “What?” Feeling something cling around his lower leg snapped him right out of his focused trance as his confusion easily melted into adoration as he peered down and saw his girlfriend curled up against him. “My petal’s quite needy today isn’t she?” “Sorry dada,” She said lowly as her fingers drummed rhythmically against his clothed leg, “Was behaved and nice.” Nodding, he then bent and carried her to sit on his lap. She squealed excitedly as she then wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face in his neck, “Wuv you, dada.” Humming, he rubbed her back soothingly as he looked into her eyes, “Need to hold dada huh?” The smile that formed on her lips was a toothy grin that was the attorney’s favorite sight in the whole world. “Want to hold you so much, dada; ‘m sorry,” She pouted at the thought of him being disappointed at her; sensing the drop of her mood, he then cooed and peppered kisses all over her face, feeling his prickly beard graze her skin prompted her to erupt in a fits of giggles as she loved the affection that he was showering her with. “This what you needed, my little petal?” He asked her in his gentle, playful tone as she nodded and snuggled herself against his chest as she toyed with his large fingers, “Mhm, love you so much, dada.”
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“Hello?” August answered the phone call with a frown — Y/N was never one to call her boyfriend when he had missions that required him to go undercover and/or while he had overseas operations; so it was alarming that she called him he thought of only the worst possible scenarios. “Hi, daddy,” She sniffled out into the phone — part of her was relieved she got to hear his voice, but really she just longed to be with him. “What’s wrong, little one?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he impatiently tapped his fingers against the steering wheel; she let out a sigh before admitting, “Miss you, daddy. So sad without you.” Despite feeling pain on the field of his job, the sound of her small and vulnerable voice was the most painful thing he ever had to hear or endure. “Little one, have you been good for me?” She nodded against her phone as she hugged the Cinnamoroll stuffie that had a shirt specifically sewn on for the stuffie which had the words “daddy’s little one” embroidered on it, “I do, daddy. Miss your kisses and hugs so much.” As he parked his car in front of their yard he smirked as he answered her, “Well who knows when I’ll get back right?” He was positive that there was a pout on her lips as she thought of the likelihood that she was going to be alone for a while, “But daddy I miss you already!” Her whine was so loud that she didn't hear the way August opened up their front door and walked to the living room where she was lying in the couch; he ended the call and he could see her slumping down her shoulders from behind before jumping down beside her and hugging her, “Well good thing daddy’s home now, yeah?” She let out a shrilling shriek in excitement as she kissed his bearded cheeks repeatedly, “I missed you so much, daddy! Promise I was the goodest girl for you!”
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“How are your chicken tenders, sweetie?” Bucky asked after pressing a kiss on her forehead; they were out to dinner with Sam and his girlfriend, Leila — who like her was a little too. After the two bonded over the activity paper the server handed to them, they both munched down on their meal. “So yummy, tătic! But,” She trailed off as she looked around nervously. After drinking down a chunk of his beer then looked at him with worry written on his face, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Without a word, she snuggled close to his side right as she tangled her arms around his metal arm before looking up at him with doting eyes, “All better, tătic!” Slightly picking up on what she was up to, he grabbed another chicken and tapped it on her lips; she moaned lowly when he fed her then snuggled up more to his arm. “Need my touch, don’t you sweetheart?” Shyly, she nodded as she played with his fingers, “Always want you close to me.” Sam and Leila were both busy being all snuggled up too so Bucky repeatedly, sweetly kissed her lips before telling her, “How ‘bout we take a bath later, sweetie?” Extremely thrilled with the idea of spending tub time with her daddy, she nodded too much that little chunks of the chicken she was eating escaped her mouth as she expressed her liking of his idea, “So excited for that, tătic! Can we go home now and bathe together?” Chuckling at the small mess she made, he wiped the sides of her mouth with a napkin then kissed her forehead, “Only a few more minutes before we can bath together, sweetie.”
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“Into the tub you go, doll,” Steve sing-songed as he gently placed Y/N into the bathtub that was filled with warm water and soapy bubbles. She giggled as she felt the warm water graze her skin. For a while, she was busying herself with playing and blowing the bubbles; after a while, she was craning her neck to look for Steve, “Sir? Where are you?” A pout was now formed onto her lips that earlier was stretched out into a smile. The super soldier was in their shared bedroom preparing what she was going to wear after her bath when he heard her distressed call for him. Entering their ensuite bathroom the skin of his forehead wrinkled up as he approached her and kneeled down by the tub, “What’s wrong, doll?” A small amount of water splashed onto him when she crossed her arms, “Want you, sir.” Not fully understanding what she meant, he brought a hand to caress her back — as if to coax her into explaining as he said, “I am here, doll. What do you want?” “Want you here, sir,” Unclasping her arms from where they were crossed, she dropped her arms in the bubbly water and pouted at him. Nodding in understanding, he then stood up; hearing her whimper in need made him chuckle a bit, “I’m just gonna remove my clothes then join you in there okay, doll?” Gone was the frown that earlier donned her face for she now had a wide grin as she clapped when Steve slowly dipped in the tub, careful as to not spill water out of the tub. Once he was fully seated in the tub, his doll then moved over to him and hugged him tight, “Love you, sir.” Placing her on his lap, he then kissed the top of her head as he tried to calm his beating heart, “I love you too, doll. Now, how ‘bout we clean you up with your favorite shampoo hm?”
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“Where you bringing me, baby girl?” Sy wondered out loud as he allowed his nearly 200 pound self to be whisked away. It was unusual of her to remain this quiet; for some her whining and blabbering would be annoying, but the Texan captain loved how verbal she was especially since it served as a constant reminder about how much he was needed by her. Upon being brought to the den of their house that served as the office, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he gently stroked her back, hoping to coax out an answer out of her, “What are we gonna in the office, baby?” She pointed to the landline phone and to the stuffed animal that arrived defective a few days ago. “You want me to make a call?” He asked and she nodded with a wide smile. “Why can’t you make the call?” The question was asked out of curiosity, but with the way she batted her eyelashes and bit her lip bashfully had him worried. A small smile graced his face when she opened her mouth, but she quickly closed it and instead grabbed a pen and paper. Sitting down on the swivel chair, he patiently waited for her to finish jotting down her message. When she was done, she shyly slid over the paper to him and once he read it the words broke his heart, “My voice is ugly. Who said this, baby girl?” Shrugging her shoulders she fiddled with her fingers but he placed her on his lap which allowed him to gently stroke her thighs, “Come on, baby girl, please talk to me? I miss hearing your pretty voice.” As if to prove his point, his beard tickled her skin as he pressed kisses on her throat; she giggled as her hands pushed his wide chest away and cleared her throat, “Some guy said my voice is too deep for a girl.” Sy’s jaw clenched in anger at the person who disrespected his girl’s feature; a thick finger of his hooked under her chin to make her look at him, “Listen to me, okay? Don’t listen to the meanie who said that. Your voice is beautiful and lovely, just like the rest of you.” Biting the inside of her mouth, she then looked up at him with teary eyes; he was about to question as to why she was tearing up when she wrapped her arms tight around his neck as she peppered kisses on his bearded cheek, “Thank you, daddy. Needed that reminder.”
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“Papa?” Y/N groggily called out as she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes and looked to the side of the bed; she frowned when she noticed that the gold medalist wasn’t occupying the earlier spot he claimed. Grabbing for the first stuffed toy he had given her in her arms, she made her way off their bed and checked their walk-in-closet and ensuite bathroom — and was displeased when he wasn’t there. There were two other bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper floor and all three areas did not house her loving boyfriend.  “Where are you?” She was now close to crying as she headed down the stairs. Upon hearing noise coming from their dining room, she then skipped over there and was shocked to see him wearing his USA jacket and was faced in front of a laptop. “Well I have to say that my biggest motivation has to be my loving girlfriend,” Just as he said the last word he shot Y/N a sincere smile, patting her lap — motioning for her to sit on it.  Thankful that she wasn’t wearing her little pajamas and instead fell asleep wearing one of his sweatshirts, she shyly sat on his lap and was surprised to see that the accomplished gymnast was being interviewed, “And she just pushes me to be the best I can be, in all aspects.” At the compliment, she shyly waved at the interviewer. “Well that is all the time we have. Thank you so much Lance Tucker for gracing us with your presence and introducing us to your lovely girl too.” Lance’s computer screen faded into his screensaver of the two of them — the gymnast kissing her cheek as she smiled wide into the camera. “Woke up without you and was so scared, papa.” Her confession had his heart hurting a bit but he cuddled her and explained, “I’m sorry, angel. I had an interview and you looked so adorable while you sleep that I didn’t want to wake you.” At his explanation, her little mind was able to understand it and nodded, “Promise to never leave me?” His reply was instant, “My greatest nightmare would be leaving you. I love you so much, angel,” For the only thing he has ever been sure of in his entire life was that she was going to be with her for the rest of their days together.
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As much as Ransom and Y/N enjoyed summer, the bright sunny days allowed them to stroll around the different sights and go on long road trips across the state — even the country if the only Thrombey child wasn’t feeling lazy. “Princess, have you packed your clothes already?” He asked from the main floor of his house as he zipped up his duffle bag after checking once again that he had packed the necessary garments for their three-day stay in the high-end resort Ransom got them a booking to.  “King, can you come here please?” The man that was called for had to chuckle as he made his way up the stairs, heading for their bedroom because he could practically sense that she was pouting as she called for him. “Princess, everything alright with you?” Seeing her kneeling down in front of her suitcase with a wide array of clothing articles spread all around her. Shaking her head, she crossed her arms as her lips formed a pout, “Need king to help me pack.” Wrapping his arms around her  and placing her on his lap, he kissed the side of her neck, “My little princess needs help packing her clothes?” Snuggling against his chest, she nodded as she slipped her thumb into her mouth, “King packs my clothes better.” Having her in his lap as he was folding some of her clothes then placing it on her matching suitcases didn’t pose as a challenge for him; in fact he loved the thought of her being all small that she needed him. “Such a helpless, needy little thing you are hm?” Even though he was partially joking, she took it seriously but was not offended by it, “Just want my king near me at all times, please.” After zipping up her bags once they have been filled with all the clothes she was probably going to use during their stay there, he simply kissed her cheek and gently pat her thighs, “Well king’s not going anywhere without his pretty princess. Now let’s go on our vacation, okay?”
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“Where are you, bubba?” Y/N pouted as she rubbed her hands on her arms as she stood by the balcony in their apartment. Her phone was in one of the pockets of the bathrobe she was wearing, and when she grabbed for it, she searched on Twitter for Superman. A sad smile graced her lips when she read about him being currently in a different country, aiding citizens who were currently suffering a forest fire in their location. Locking her phone, she then moved towards the door and before fully going in and locking the door behind her she looked up in the sky with hopeful eyes, “Please come home soon, bubba.”
Removing the robe from her body, she rested it by her dresser then crawled under the covers as she hugged the pillow Clark often laid down on when they slept together. A gush of strong wind blew past her and before she could even process what it was or see it properly, she was faced with a freshly showered Clark who was smiling and laying down beside her, “Hi, bubba. I’m home.” Her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide as she kissed his lips repeatedly and excitedly. “I’m so happy you’re home, bubba! I missed you so damn much.” She moaned out in pleasure when his arms opened wide and cuddled her close and warm into his chest. Pressing a kiss on the top of her head, he then rubbed her back soothingly, “I know, bubba. I heard you.” hearing those words, she hid her face deeper into his chest, not having the guts to look up at him. With a cheeky grin, he reassured her, “ And don’t worry, I’ll be all yours this weekend. There’s no way I will be neglecting my precious bubba.”
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kaashiboo · 3 years
haikyuu boys reacting to you talking to an attractive guy part. 1
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┇ akaashi and shirabu
→ fluff
【warnings: swearing】
gn! reader
✎ a/n: i got a bit carried away with shirabu's AAAAHHH. it makes me sad because im a huge shirabu simp but im content deprived so pls expect me to write more about shirabu for an unhealthy amount of times!<3
part 2 - coming soon (ft. tendou and iwaizumi)
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"y/n." he said, almost as if he was whispering but he didn't want to bother you as you seem interested in the conversation that you were having with your male classmate.
"darling." he tried once again, tugging on the hem of his your jacket. fortunately, you turned to him this time.
"i thought we were going to the newly opened coffee shop." he reminded you.
"oh yeah! okay, wait a sec." you smiled at him and returned your attention back to your classmate.
'ouch' he thought.
the seconds you promised turned into another ten minutes and so he was just standing there behind you awkwardly. he wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, he was just busy watching as your eye lit up in excitement. the way you would make weird gestures with your hands to furthermore elaborate your story. he noticed as well how attentive you look as the boy speaks, you leaning in to hear him better. heck, you didn't even bother to cover your mouth as you laugh— not that he hated it but you were never like that to him.
he blinks, starting to feel uneasy and having the urge to pull you out of the scene but he knows very well that you're not his property and that he has no right to tell you who and who not to talk to. as long as you're safe then he's fine with it.
he tries reassuring himself that your classmate was nothing more than just a friend but his insecurities were starting to slowly get into his head. he looks down to his feet, brows furrowed as an attempt to distract himself from his thoughts.
"keiji?" you spoke softly, placing your hand on his shoulder. he looked up, staring right behind you but your classmate was no longer there.
'how long was i spacing out?'
"are you okay?" you asked. taking out your handkerchief from your pocket to wipe the beads of sweat that were on his forehead.
"do you feel sick? we could always go to the shop next time."
"i'm fine." he curtly replied. he panicked as soon as he realized how rude his response was but he immediately relaxed when he saw you smiling gently at him.
"if you say so." you reached for his hand, and intertwined your fingers together as he lets you lead the way.
the short walk from your school to the cafe was quiet— quieter than usual. you told him to find a seat and offered to order for the both of you.
he wanted to protest and tell you that he could have paid for it but he chose not to. he really did want to talk but the unsettling feeling hasn't disappeared yet which made him want to not say anything at all.
you quickly found akaashi and sat across him. his hands were clasped together, resting on the table and so you placed your hands on top of his. giving it a light squeeze.
"you've been awfully quiet. do you want to talk about it?" he contemplated on whether he should tell you about his weird feelings or not but he decided that it would be better if he opened up.
"earlier," he paused, not really knowing how he should start it. if you weren't close to him then you probably wouldn't have heard that he spoke. you decided to let your hands on the table instead of his hands.
"when you were with your classmate, i was glad to see how happy you looked as you talked to him but it felt weird, i don't know why but the way you acted around him was completely different compared to when you're with me... " his voice shrunk.
"i apologize for thinking like this, y/n. i know it's completely immature of me. let's just— forget about it." he slightly frowned, grabbing his own drink and took a sip from it.
"were you perhaps... jealous, my love?" you chuckled and he playfully rolled his eyes at you.
"it's nothing, darling." he denies.
"it's clearly something, keiji. and besides, what you felt— or i assume, what you're currently feeling, is valid. i should be the one apologizing, okay? i'm glad you opened up to me." you reach for your drink next to his but akaashi was quick enough to get a hold of your wrists with his one hand effortlessly while the other grabbed your drink , the straw near your mouth. you looked at him in confusion.
"just drink it. i don't want to let go." he lets out a slight scoff, staring away from your teasing looks. you obliged before he changes his mind and take away your drink.
he still hasn't let go and you chuckled at how stubborn he was. he knew he could have let you use your other to hand to grab your drink but oh well.
"but seriously, keiji. you probably weren't listening but we were talking about something else." he doesn't know how your statement was supposed to make him feel better but he nodded, urging you to continue.
"i'm not gonna tell you to stop being jealous because i think that's easier said than done but i just want to assure you. we were talking about how his date went because he has a crush on my best friend and they finally went out. he doesn't like me and i don't like him in that way either." you explained calmly.
"and i'm sorry for making you think that i'm not comfortable around you. i think you took it the other way around though. just because you see me more hyper when i'm with others, doesn't mean i don't feel at ease when i'm with you. you make me feel safe and normal." you sheepishly confessed.
"oh." he mumbled.
"'oh'? that's all you're gonna say?" you joked, your gaze diverting on the table where he was still busy playing with your hands.
"sorry for jumping into conclusions."
"it's alright. i love you, remember that."
"i love you more, y/n."
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"goshiki. have you seen y/n?" shirabu asked as soon as he approached goshiki's table.
"huh? why are you asking me that? aren't we from different classes and year?" he tilted his head, confused with shirabu's visible frown.
"yea— i know that, shut up. you know what— never mind." he groaned and left.
break time is almost over and you still haven't shown up. shirabu may never admit but he truly is worried about you.
he stormed to the classroom of your previous class, silently opening the door, and peeked inside. only to see you sitting on your chair with your male classmate standing in front of your desk, a hand resting on the table to support his upper body as he leans down to meet your face.
he scoffs loudly, your head immediately turning to his direction, and leaned away from the boy.
"this is a school. not a motel." shirabu snarled.
"why are you here?" you raised a brow at him while your male classmate stood up straight, fixing his uniform along.
"i— i wanted to check something here but i was not expecting two irresponsible students deciding to flirt in a classroom. have you ever heard of good manners?" he crossed his arms on his chest. watching as you harshly shove your belongings into your bag before making your way to where he was.
you stood in front of him. having to look up a bit to match his piercing gaze, "you're smart but you're bad at making assumptions." you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him to the side to make way for yourself.
"where do you think you're going?" he shouted, trailing behind you as you try your best to get past the crowd.
"i don't know what the hell is your problem with me, shirabu. would you please mind your own business? what are you? my significant other? asshole." you rolled your eyes and continued your journey to wherever your feet decide to lead you as long as he would not be near you.
you looked over your shoulders. seeing that he already stopped following you. you were supposed to feel glad about it but you felt otherwise.
it has been exactly four days. four days without your usual bickerings with shirabu. the whole volleyball team was surprised. it's not like you stopped visiting them to watch their practice, but your interactions with the setter have drastically decreased. no one dared to ask about it and they all act like nothing is happening but the tension still somehow got in the way as you converse with the others. the pair of eyes carefully watching your every move and it took you all the energy to not look back.
'seriously? who does he think he is? it's so annoying. how dare he jump to conclusions. and besides, even if he was right, why does it matter to him so much.' you tried to convince yourself but it wasn't enough to overpower how you actually felt about the whole ignoring situation. you did try to approach him the other day but backed out.
semi noticed that you were spacing out the whole time as he was talking about something. not even the blow of the whistle was enough for you to snap back to reality and so he just patted your back before running back to the court to continue the practice.
you sighed to yourself and felt your phone buzz, receiving a text from haru.
haru: hey y/n! i'm in the library right now. i'll be waiting.
you wanted to bid your goodbye to them but they were too engrossed with practice so you decided to just leave without uttering a single word.
"shirabu! where are you going?" tendou watched as his teammate's figure disappeared from his sight.
"ah, young love." he clicked his tongue in amusement.
"hi haru!" you greeted and he offered a smile before he put his index finger to his mouth, a friendly reminder that you two are in the library. you whispered an apology before sitting beside him.
"so, how'd you do in the exam?" he starts.
"i don't think i'm very satisfied with it but i got a 90% so i guess it's not that bad." you talked as you took out your own textbooks and placed the test results on the table for him to see.
he gasps jokingly, "i beg to disagree that it's not a good grade. i literally got an 88%" he playfully punched your shoulders and proceeded to tell you how proud he was that you managed to ace the exam with his help.
"i hope you don't mind if we settle here instead? i didn't really want to bother my roommate and i think most classrooms are occupied right now." he looks at you apologetically.
"don't sweat about it." you reassured, placing your hand over his that was on the table but you immediately retracted your hand when you heard someone cough.
"what do you want?" you tried to sound tough but you were intimidated by his dark gaze even though he didn't mean to scare YOU off.
"let's talk." he looks straight into your eyes.
"oh? i wasn't asking. i was demanding." he then grabbed all your belongings, carefully but hurriedly putting them inside your bag and zipping it close, and slung it on his shoulder.
"kenjirō." he cut you off and impatiently grabbed your wrist, not forgetting to give haru one last glare before dragging you along to wherever he planned on taking you.
his pace was fast and you tried your best to keep up with him, being careful in order to not trip.
he abruptly stopped on his tracks which took you by surprise and almost hit your face on his back. he gently pushed you inside the volleyball team's clubroom and you finally gave in and decided to let him.
none of you spoke as you got inside. you leaned on the wall just beside the door. staring intently at your bag that he placed on the floor. having no intentions of making eye contact with him.
however, you didn't expect it when he suddenly stepped closer and nuzzled his face into your neck. "k-kenjirō?" you stammer, reluctantly hugging him and rubbing circles on his back for comfort.
"is there something wrong?" you whispered and he finally pulled away from the hug.
"shut up," wow okay.
"i'm sorry for... being mean— not that it's something new but i didn't realize how bad it was to accuse you of something that you may or may not do... but that's not the point. i know you're bad at flirti—"
"kenjirō, are you apologizing or insulting me?" you let out a laugh. oh how he missed hearing that.
"right. anyway, i'm sorry i made you upset to the point that you had to avoid me," he was about to continue but you interrupted him.
"avoid you— what?! i thought YOU were avoiding me so i didn't want to bother you!" you exclaimed and the two of you stared at each other in confusion.
"so you weren't mad at me?" he narrowed his eyes at you, a hint of doubt laced within his voice.
"no? i mean, i was pretty upset that you thought i had the time to flirt with someone but it wasn't a big deal and my anger only lasted for an hour." you tried to elaborate.
"but why didn't you approach me the day after? heck, you didn't even spare a glance at me during practice!"
"because i thought you were mad at me!" you exasperated, massaging your temples at the same time.
"god, y/n. so you're telling me i avoided you for nothing?" you hesitantly nodded at him, mind still filled with questions.
"why were you so affected by it anyway," you mumbled.
"excuse me?" he raised a brow, sounding as offended as ever.
"imagine seeing the person you like to be with another attractive guy and be PHYSICALLY close with him. how would you feel then?" you were taken aback by his sudden confession but you decided to play along with his i'm-still-in-denial-game.
"well, i don't know about that because the person i like is constantly surrounded by handsome guys on the volleyball team but i was never jealous."
"so you like someone from the team," he humorlessly chuckled. "this is pointless." he stated.
you groaned at how slow he was, "you're so stupid. it's you who i like, kenjirō! oh my god i can't believe you're this dumb." he stared at you in disbelief, using his index finger to point at himself, "me?"
"no. the fucking wall, kenjirō. i like the wall!" you shut your eyes closed, trying not to get your annoyance into your head.
"then who were you wi—"
"a friend, shirabu kenjirō. haru is a friend who offered to tutor me for the whole week since exams are coming." you reassure.
"but why him? do i look like someone who won't tutor you?"
"yes..." your voice trailed off and he stood there, dumbfounded with how straightforward you were.
"but if you just admit that you were jealous then maybe i'd approach you instead." you joked.
"i wasn't jealous but you're changing your tutor whether you like it or not. now, come on and let's tell him so i could finally go back to practice." he picked up your bag and tossed it to you.
"you're not gonna ask me out first?" you teased before placing your hand at the doorknob.
"well then, go out with me."
"i said ask, not demand." you rolled your eyes.
"as if you'd have a choice anyway."
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hey stupid, i love you [MCYT: Dream x GN!Reader]
song: hey stupid I love you by jp saxe
warnings: fluff
im pretty sure i made this an gender neutral as possible but if there is an error lmk thanks bby :*
im in a simpin mood bby
as always, song lyrics in italics
i skipped a couple versus due to repetitiveness oops
this is the one i complained about losing, but it actually worked out bc i like this one better...less wordy
word count: ~2k
Nothing's wrong, and it's not what I'm used to Oh, does it surprise you too? When it's simple, is it easier than it should be?
"Hey babe, are you okay? You've been quiet today," Dream practically pouted as he asked you. He loved the sound of your voice and while you definitely weren't giving him the quiet treatment, you sure weren't as talkative as you normally are.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just distracted thinking my thoughts." You smiled at him and leaned against him. He looked down at you and pecked your lips. You gave him a sweet kiss back. The smile he gave you made your heart boom. Loving him was as easy as eating a cake (because the usually analogy 'baking a cake' isn't true, its sometimes hard to bake a cake, especially when a hungry streamer keeps trying to eat the batter or start a flour fight).
"Anyway, don't you have a stream with the Dream Team to get ready for? One that starts in," you look at the clock on your phone, "three minutes ago?" The slight panic that crosses Dream's face makes you laugh loud. He gives you another kiss and in less than five seconds has practically launched himself across the house into his recording room. Your laughter follows him the whole way, a smile and blush upon his face.
Nothing's wrong, but when you're not in my arms I send voice notes, you send hearts And get quiet, and I know that means you miss me
Okay, granted, you were the one to remind him that he was streaming with his friends today and speedrunning, but you didn't expect it to last well over five hours. At the beginning you worked on your classwork for your [college degree of choice]. You got it done quickly, as it was nearing the end of the semester and most professors of yours were laidback and wanted you to study more than write nonsense papers (fictional you, i'm so jealous). Occasionally you would jump in fear when you heard Dream shout, still not used to it after years.
After finishing your classwork, you started cooking dinner. Soup was the vibe for the evening, and you had found a wonderful chicken and dumplings recipe a while ago that you wanted to try. You did have to go to the store for some of the ingredients, but luckily it only took you an hour. You can back and he was still streaming. It took about another hour for dinner to be done. You let it cool and prepared yourself a bowl. You set your laptop up and started watching Dream's stream. Hearing his voice made you miss him, so you pulled out your phone.
Going to the two of y'alls messages, you started making him a voice message.
"Hey baby, I made dinner, so don't play so long it gets cold. I love you! Kick the enderdragon's ass baby! Mwah."
You continued watching him stream, and he took a pause for a minute, his screen not moving from the create a new world screen and his mic muted. A couple seconds later you got spammed with every heart offered in the emoji index times what felt like a thousand.
He continued being quiet for a couple seconds, although he did unmute and continue playing, answering George's and Sapnap's questions of where he went with, "I had to take a message."
You're jealous, you shouldn't be I want you obsessively But I know how complicated it can get When you're not in front of me I know insecurities get in your head
Chat sometimes upset you. Sure, you got Dream, all of him, but sometimes the comments made by some of the more obsessives fans were a bit to much.
'With the way he killed those mobs you know he's got good fingers'
'His voice is hot so he must be'
'Heyo dream baby lemme see them feet'
Okay the last one was more weird, and actually turned out to be a joke from Quackity but anyway moving on.
He was your guy, and he promised himself to you, but sometimes he seemed to have a genuine connection with some of the sweeter and not gross ones. It made you scared that someone, one day, will swoop him off his feet with a comment and he’d leave you for them. 
But I'm not gonna interrupt if you need to talk about it Roll my eyes, get offended by the way you doubt it You know you're mine, you just forget sometimes So promise me you won’t And you know I'll remind you when you think I don't
The stream ended a little under an hour later. Dream left his recording room, grabbed a bowl of soup, and found you in the living room, lost in thought. He plopped down right next to you. 
“Talk to me baby.”
“About what?”
“Anything and everything.”
“Okay.” You’re quiet for a bit, despite his offering of listening. He knew you were gonna take him up on the offer, you just needed a bit of time, so he was going to wait patiently. He finished his soup quickly, he was much hungrier than he thought. He put the bowl on the coffee table and before he was all the way leaned back on the couch, you were leaning against him. His arms wrapped around you, your head was tucked in between his head and shoulder, and a blanket covered the both of you. You looked towards the blank tv screen but felt his eyes on you.
“I love you a lot. And I know you love me too, but I’m afraid I’m not enough. You have so many options, especially with your popularity online. I don’t know what I’d do if you left me, whether it be for someone else or just because you’re tired of me.” Dream waits for you to stop entirely, with you breathing heavily.
“Well, you’re right about one thing. I do love you, a lot. The rest of it is wrong and I’ll spend the rest of time telling you so.” Dream says, pressing several kisses against your forehead. 
“Yeah I know it’s stupid to feel this way, but my anxiety gets the best of me. It’s stupid, I’m stupid.”
“First of all, you’re not stupid. Second, hey stupid, I love you.”
Nothing's wrong, I just get in my head too Can you reassure me you, you're still in it? I just wish you could lean in and kiss me
As much as Dream loved you and reassured you, sometimes he would get caught up in his thoughts too. The life of a streamer/youtuber, especially one with as much fame and subscribers as him, was rough. The constant need to feed his fans with entertainment and content, and the need for the content to satisfy his fans was stressful. He hates to admit it, but he some days he spent to much time working and not enough with you. He thinks you would be so much happier with someone without a tight schedule and without a large, intense fanbase. Any random person on the street would be better for you than him, he thinks. 
When he gets into this headspace, the only thing that grounds him is your lips on his. When you kiss him, the clouds go away and all he can see is your eyes, as bright as the sun, and your smile, which can tempt even the purest. 
Say nothing's wrong, tell me to settle down You do it better than I've ever known how Won't pull some tricks for attention But could I get a little now?
Now, everyone knows that Dream likes some attention. He especially likes attention from you. Good thing is you also like attention, especially from him. The not so good thing is both of y’all get distracted so bad, it’s almost too funny.
He tends to get your attention by tickling you, whether it be in the comfort of your home or in public. One day, when you guys were walking through town, you stopped at a flower booth and got to talking with the friendly and flirty florist gentleman. It had been a couple minutes, and Dream was really needing some love, but you continued chatting with the florist who was definitely going to ask for your number but you genuinely thought he was just being nice. Dream crept up behind you and placed his hands on your side. You froze for a moment and looked at him, confused. The smirk that crossed his face barely gave you a second to prepare as he tickled your sides. Your laughter filled the street as you turned around as he tickled you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, which got him to stop ticking you, and gave him a kiss. The two of you continued on your way, attached at the hip.
And one day, when you wanted his attention, it was after he was done recording a manhunt with his friends. The actual video had been done for a bit, but they were just fucking around in the minecraft world and talking to each other. You had had a not so nice day, and wanted the crushing weight of your boyfriend on top of you. You crept into his recording room and came to stand right behind his chair. Based on the conversation you could tell he wasn’t recording anymore, so you knew it was safe. Your hands started in his hair, trailed down to his face, and slid down his body till your arms were wrapped around him snuggly. Your head was placed on top of his. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, and received no response. Instead, you began aggressively shaking him and the chair, turning it this way and that, making him slightly dizzy. His laughter filled the room, and he quickly ended the call. The two of you spent the next 12 hours cuddled in bed, leaving only for the necessities. 
You're jealous, you shouldn't be I want you obsessively But I know how complicated it can get When you're not in front of me I know insecurities get in your head
Dream got jealous as well sometimes. You were beautiful and a lot of the time attracted the attention of random passerbyers. Those people, who you don’t even know, who lived normal lives where they didn’t have to spend every second worried that their face will be revealed to the public and suddenly all their fans from around the world will know what they look like or the general area in which they live, who don’t have to obey algorithms and bend to the will of the masses to make sure they get paid enough to live, who could give you a normal and safe life. Every time one looked at you with some attraction, he pulled you a bit closer and kissed you a bit harder. 
But I'm not gonna interrupt if you need to talk about it Roll my eyes or get offended by the way you doubt it You know you're mine, you just forget sometimes So promise me you won’t And you know I'll remind you when you think I don't
Sometimes, Dream needed to rant. A long, hard, intense, rant. Sometimes it was about how someone accused him of cheating his speedruns. Sometimes it was about how someone said something nasty to him or one of his friends. Sometimes it was about a comment someone made about him or you that got on his nerves. When he needed to talk, you sat there and you listened. You did whatever he needed to get better, whether it was just listen or talk to find solutions. You did it because you know he would do the same for you. And afterwards, a cuddle session was a must. 
How could you forget? I told you seventeen times before 7 AM I love you How could you forget? I told you seventeen times
The morning after rough days were one of the bests. Arms tangled together, legs tangled together, everything tangled together, no one able to tell where one started and the other ended. Lazy kisses pressed to faces, hands, necks, any part of skin the lips could touch. One particular morning you woke up earlier than he did. A quick kiss against his cheek woke him up, and he gave you the most love filled smile any man could do.
“Hey stupid,” you said, “I love you.”
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villxinmiixx · 2 years
get on discord now or ill sh00t ya 🔫 (jk)
NAH NAH IM ONLY KIDDING not really BUT COULd you PLease use your very amazing writing skillz to write some smut
for anyone
i promise i wont expose you ever again 🥺
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﹫richasspoliticiantrumpet ( kokū hanabata )
♡ fem! reader
♡ genre; smut
read responsibly with nsfw works.
warnings: uses of ‘daddy, sir’ etc, desk fucking, grinding, cum play-?, etc.
also- ik for a fact you're gonna expose me to your friends smh 🙄✋
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you were already in bed tucked in when trumpet, or should i say kokū came home.
you sat up from your spot on the bed, removing the blanket from your body; you put your feet down on the floor and started walking to your bedroom's slightly open door.
leaving your shared room, you headed to your lover's office; you opened the door to see a frustrated hanabata. he sensed your deity aura which resulted him into looking up.
you were wearing a robe the showed off both your cleavage and side of your thighs, you leaned against the doorway; arms crossed.
“oh dear, you've been working so hard. i don't understand why you don't give yourself a break. ” you said before gracefully walking behind his desk and sit on said desk.
a smirk appeared on his face before he snaked a hand on your thigh “is that so? if you'd like you can help me get some stress off of my poor shoulders. ” he pulled you onto his lap.
“i'd be more than delighted to, daddy. ” you said as you blushed while you grinded on the tent that formed on his pants which resulted him to groan harshly.
his left hand gripped your right thigh, and his right hand held your chin. your normal pupils were practically replaced with hearts, you hugged him tightly before you kissed your boyfriend passionately.
hanabata's thighs were in between your knees before you decided to sit up and tower over him you put your hand on his chin then both of you decided to separate the kiss to catch your guys' breaths, but you and your lover's of your saliva's still connected you both.
his head was both on top and in between your breasts “baby, i don't have a clue on why i deserve your godly self. but i don't mind it on bit. ” he whispered, which made your eyes close a little bit.
“you deserve everything good in this god forsaken world. ” you said while you placed yourself on his lap once again and laid your head on his chest.
he couldn't take the throbbing in his pants anymore before quickly discarding his pants and forced you to lay on your back side on his desk, some of his stuff fell due to your actions but no one cared about that.
all he cared about was putting his long and erect cock inside your tight walls, he prepped yourself up with his fingers; even THAT was too big for your cunt.
you moaned his name while you covered your mouth with your own hands. the evident and intense blush on your cheeks, the gloss in your doll eyes, your hair; messed up and all over the table.
“shit,, darling. is this really all for me? ” kokū mused, the sweet nickname that rolled off his tongue made your eyes roll back.
“yes.. yes..! please sir let me feel your big cock inside my tight little cu—” before you could finish; you felt a long, semi-thick, throbbing dick plunge inside your tight walls. in result, you moaned loudly.
“nGH-!” your cunt throbbed and insides tightened, hanabata moaned while he forced his dick to go inside you fully. he stayed still for awhile so you can loosen a little on his erection and so he can get used to your tightness, he felt impatient and decided to just do it.
his cock went in and out of your seeping cunt while he groaned and you practically sing his name so loudly the neighbors would complain in the morning. he leaned down to your neck; licked and sucked on your soft skin while drool came out on the side of your lips.
your breasts and his chest pressed onto eachother as he slammed in and out of you, his hand gripping one of your thigh tightly so the space in between your legs could have more room.
you lifted your arms up and rested them on the back of hanabata's neck while you both kissed, the moon's light reflected from the window behind your boyfriend but when the moonlight hit you; you were just godly.
you looked like you came from heaven itself, kokū couldn't help but stop and doesn't realize he removed his dick from your cunt and admire your beauty; “i wonder what i did to deserve such a goddess like you, you'll probably look more beautiful if my cum was seeping out of your cunt. ” the image you imagined in your head made you more horny, you clenched your thighs together in anticipation.
kokū's hands went under your thighs, which in result made your legs open wide. “come on baby, don't close on me. ” he plunged in and out of you once again
“NGGGH-! hHH.. ” you screamed, more drool coming out of both sides of your mouth as you felt like you were about to get high from his dick.
“ko... kū.. ” a smirk appeared on his face; his hair covering his eyes with a shadow. “yeah baby, i know what you want. cum on your boyfriend's cock you slut. ” you moaned more, feeling your cunt throb about to cum as he fastened his pace
“f-fUCK! KOKŪ RIGHT THERE.. -! CUM.. MING! ” you yelled seconds before both of you cummed, he removes his dick from your cunt while you cummed; he put his face infront of your throbbing pussy and opened his mouth to let your cum go inside of it.
he placed his palm on the start of his length and slid it down; which made his own white substance group up on his hand, he put his cum filled hand infront of your mouth.
“open wide, goddess. ” in which you pridefully opened and let the cum on his hand and fingertips drop down to your tongue. you licked your lips putting a finger on them while you did, you sat up from the desk as hanabata flopped onto his chair.
you plopped onto his lap and hugged his chest tightly “aah~!” you squealed “that was the best sex we've ever done, my love~” you lifted yourself up a bit and nuzzled into his neck. “i really don't understand how you're able to be giddy-giddy when we're done. ” he said as he patted your head.
“let's clean ourselves up with a nice warm bath, my darling. ”
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♡ note; lol this sucks
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©𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐢𝐱𝐱 - 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐍𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧; 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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gophergal · 3 years
So I finished this a week ago, but I'm posting it now. Gotta pace myself, lmao. Take this smut, ya nasties (affectionate)
Only If You Want This
Word Count: 1k+ | Rating: N S F W | Fem! Jason Voorhees x Reader | F/F
Warnings: Smut, I wrote with a female reader in mind but I dont think it shows up (you could read them as gn, but im still warning just in case)
The sun hang low in the sky as you sat in the grass with Jay, the intense rays of gold catching in her hair, making it glow like embers. Your hands worked deftly weaving the wildflowers you'd picked earlier into a crown as you watched her. Jay's eyes were firmly fixated on the horizon, as far as you could tell with her mask on. She seemed deep in thought when you placed the completed crown on her head, startling slightly as it made contact, but quickly relaxing as you met gazes.
“Thank you, it's pretty,” she signed carefully.
“A pretty crown for a pretty woman,” you told her, watching as her body language changed. Her hands came together in her lap shyly as she tilted her chin downward. Slowly, you pushed a lock of her red hair behind her ear. She shivered slightly at your touch. “I really do think you're beautiful, Jay. Mask or no mask, you'll always be the prettiest girl I know. I'm lucky to have you.”
She looked up in slight disbelief, her blue eyes unsure.
“I mean it. I don't ever want you to feel pressured into anything, but I promise you, what you look like doesn't make me love you any differently. Every part of you is beautiful in my eyes,” you assured her.
She nodded and took your hands into her own larger, gloved hands. The two of you sat that way for a while as the sky grew dark and the air cooled. Eventually she stood, pulling you to your feet and leading the way back on the trail towards your shared cabin. She walked slower than usual, her normally long stride shortened. Her eyes refused to meet yours and you suddenly felt as though you overstepped a boundary. Anxiety twisted in your belly as you mulled it over. It wasn't that you needed to see her face to be with her. No, as much as you wanted to kiss her (other than on her mask) what you truly wanted was for her to feel safe and comfortable around you.
The two of you sat down for a brief supper consisting of whatever you could grow in the garden or hunt and gather from the woods. Jay waited for you in the main room of the cabin, staring intently at the fireplace. You leaned against her when you sat, pressing into her side quietly. For a moment, neither of you moved, until Jay moved away, turning toward you. She took your hands in hers, carefully bringing them up to the corners of her mask. There was a slight tremble in her movements, as she guided you to remove the fiberglass piece. Her face was revealed in all its asymmetric beauty. Her features were twisted in a nervous grimace, eyes wet as she awaited your reaction. Placing the mask to the side with care, you take her face in your hands with a loving grin on your face.
“Jay Voorhees, you are absolutely stunning. You ought to know that,” you say, running a thumb across her right cheek. Her eyes were wide and a hot blush fell across her cheeks. The taller woman's shoulders trembled slightly as her breathing picked up. You decided to go in for the kill. Slowly, you closed the gap between your lips, giving her time to push you away if need be. Instead, her dark lashes fluttered closed as you pressed your mouths together. She mirrored your soft movements, melting against you until she was quite literally in your lap.
Parting your lips, you took her lower lip between your teeth gently. A low, hoarse moan came from Jay's lips, and she stiffened in embarrassment, pulling away to bury her face in your chest. You chuckled slightly, carding your fingers through her auburn hair.
“Sweetheart, look at me. There's nothing to be embarrassed about,” you said to her, lips against her hair. She pulled back to look at you before initiating a second kiss herself. She gained confidence slowly, gauging your reaction to her actions. In an unexpected, but not unwelcome turn, her hands roamed further down your body, coming to rest at your hips. You followed suit, caressing the firm muscles of her abs before wrapping your arms around her waist. She whined as you pulled away for air, needy and addicted to the attention you were giving her.
You grinned, bringing your lips to her neck, pressing chaste kisses to the soft skin. She squirmed, skin growing hot beneath you. Her hands shifted across your back, trying to remain grounded along this overwhelming experience. Pressing your forehead against hers, you caught your breath, reining yourself in against the dirty images that crossed your mind. She shouldn't be pushed to do anything like that so soon, after all.
“C'mon, let's head to bed, honey,” you said, caressing her cheek. She obliged, climbing off your lap and helping to your feet. You careened into her chest, giggling. Having her weight in your lap had caused your legs to fall asleep. Changing into your sleepwear, heat pooled in your body. You swatted away your horny thoughts, trying to banish them so you could have a good night's sleep with your girlfriend. She took the position of little spoon. Imagining how you must look made you smile, the visual of your body curled protectively around her much larger frame comedic.
You couldn't recall falling asleep, but awoke suddenly to the movement of Jay in your arms. It was subtle and she made no sound, but she gently took your hand from where it was clamped down on her abdomen, then moved it to her chest. You let her, worried that if you let on that you were aware of what she was doing that it would make your relationship backpedal. When she gasped softly, you moved your hand experimentally, giving her chest a soft squeeze. The other hand reached around to her hip, running down her thigh and playing with the hem of her shorts.
“Oh, Jay. You react so nicely. If you wanted to mess around with me, all you had to do is ask,” you whisper in her ear. She turns to you, eyes bright in the darkness.
“It's dirty. I can't ask,” She signs.
“Of course you can. It's not a bad thing, but I'll only keep going if you ask me too.”
She hesitated, contemplative look on her face as she flexed her fingers.
“Could you...make me feel good?” she asks, cheeks darkening.
“I'd be honored to, madame,” you tell her as you crawl over her. You capture her lips once again, moving the kiss along swiftly to worship the sweet skin of her neck and work down to her sports bra. She mewled hoarsely, more vocal than you expected. With exaggerated movements, you help her relieve her breasts of their cloth prison. Palming, the pale globes, you marveled at the contrast between her tan lines, creamy chest, and flushed nipples.
You took one into your mouth, suckling and swirling your tongue around it as she grabbed your hair roughly. Slowly, you snake your hand into the front of her shorts, parting the lips of her mound and spreading the slick. She wiggles her hips, moaning as she bumps your fingers against her clit. You can't help but rub circles against the sensitive nub, occasionally grazing the tip so you might tease those soft sounds from her. Fingers probe her hole, and though she is nervous, she lets you work. Her head is swimming with warmth and she bucks against your hand.
You slip a finger into her warm pussy, massaging the soft walls within her. Then add another once she's relaxed. Your teeth find her neck, nibbling softly at her skin. She moaned sharply, louder than before, and you realize that you must have found her g-spot, the combination of that and the teeth on her neck surging through her body. You massaged that spongy part of her pussy again, curling your fingers just so and pressing your thumb against her clit.
Her ragged breathing quickened as she climbed toward her peak, fingers gripping the bed to find purchase. A soft cry cut through the night air as she came, trembling under your ministrations. You continued to finger her through her high, removing your hand when she finally relaxes. Wiping her juices off your fingers, you lay down next to her. She pulls you against her bare chest, putting her chin on your head.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
T.H| Love<3
Summary: hehe, this is very dirty. just a vampire!tom x vampire!reader ;)
Warnings: blood kink, biting kink, slapping kink, overstimulation kink, makes you horny that one is stronger then the other kink, kinda, i guess pain kink? Choking kink, dom on dom, dom on sub. unexpected switch. oral, fem recieving.  Uhm long smut 2. Enjoy thotters, dirty talk, light bdsm
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The sky dark as candles lit on the night stands, the red silk curtains on the canopy of the bed rustling and moving on their own from the large window being open, letting in all the moon and the darkness that seeped through the night. The smell in the room husky, dominance seeping through the dark brown chipped walls and dark oak tiled floor.
Tom was there, on the bed. Sitting up and his head hung low, two of his limbs tied up on separate parts of edges on the bed, he waited for you as he looked down at his painfully hard cock, no shirt on, just black boxers, his hair with no gell so it was there loosely, some strands sticking to his forehead as he was eager for friction but wanted to stay obedient with you and show how proud of him you should be.
He tried spitting on it, embarrassing himself for thinking it was gonna add pressure to his dick, whining and tilting his head back, sexual frustration filling his soul as he started to ear up, he weakly called your name, begging you to some out.
“pleaseplease baby i need you so bad” he whispered, his bottom lip quivering as he was close to crying, trying to pull his arms together but failing, humiliated.
Hearing his voice made you smirk, knowing how bad he wants it and how much he needs it. You quietly walking in but his ears perked up, knowing your there there was a smile on his face, ignoring his cock that was more then clearly standing up.
“You called?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms and leaning against the door, feeling his heartbeat from just a few steps away. “God yes” he said weakly, “i need you so bad, sososo bad baby” tears rolled down his cheeks as he sniffled.
“Aww baby dont cry” you cooed, still smirking as you walked to him. You took your time, wearing a large black see-through robe, he could see your nipples poking out and the high thong you had on, swallowing thickly when you slowly took it off. “Is this what you wanted?” You asked, innocently as you rubbed over your boobs, one of your thumbs making its way up to your moisturized lips, putting them in between and swirling your tongue around it, moaning a little making toms eyebrows furrow in anticipation.
You rolled your nipple with your wet thumb, tilting your head back in bliss and small whimpers leaving your lips making tom whine and try to move. you made eye contact with him, smiling and fangs on display, he eased into your gaze, watching as you slowly crawled into his lap, he looked up at you while you looked down at him, hand under his chin as you licked over your lower teeth slowly giving him a show as your other hand slipped over to let his hands loose.
he couldnt even tell that they were off until you brought one to touch one of your beautiful enchanting tit, he looked down at it, light bruising circled around his wrist but warmth in the palm of his hand, you let his hand go. and then it trailed down to his boxers, looking at him making your eyes glow as you kissed him, a small moan leaving your lips when he tweaked your nipple, you rubbed over his raging cock making him whimper and tilt his head back, you took it as kissing his neck, licking over his sweet spot, roughly licking it because you could smell the fresh, rare blood just in his neck, so you bit it, he choked a little, shocked as you backed up a bit, looking at the blood seeping through the bite marks, a dark red, a rich candy paint dark red. it heightened your nose, made your mouth water. “i promise ill take care of you, i just need this” you whispered, before your mouth latched onto his neck, his mouth dropped as he let out little whimpers, you held the back of his neck as your eyes rolled in pleasure, playing with his curls as your hips slowly rocked. you twisted your head side to side,getting lost into his blood until he called out for your name. 
 and you stopped, coming back up and looking down at him again, your eyes a road raging red as your teeth stained with red, licking over them as a small laugh left your lips “You are so perfect, baby boy” blood still pooling out of his neck as your hand reached down to let his aching cock loose, looking at the tip and its purple, pre cum leaking and you swiped your thumb over it, a moan coming from his lips as he latched onto your waist tight, watching you work your wonders before he held onto your panties, ripping them open. you looked at him with approval while he had a smirk on his face. “put it in for me,” he asked, something new coming over him, you liked it. 
you sat all the way ontop of him teasing him with your wet folds before putting it in, you both moaned “mmm, fuck your tight” touching you felt like his hands were on fire, but he enjoyed it, his hands on your hips tight to make you sart moving, your body rocking back and forth as you made eye contact again, your eyes still red while his stayed dark and brown, almost black, his lips pale as something also came to his nose, he could feel your heart beat, the pulse in your neck, so one of his hands came up to your neck, forcing you closer to him as he turned your head, looking at searching for the spot as moans ripped through you. when he found it he didnt hesitate, he digged in, his fangs ripping through the skin as a groan left his lips, he felt like he was in heaven, his hand tight on your throat to keep you from moving, the warm blood going down his thirsty throat, moans leaving his lips as the sides of his lips raised in bliss, small whimpers left your lips as you kept moving for him, his eyes becoming darker as he also swayed his head side to side, getting in deeper as he swear he could feel his fangs grow longer, his mind coating white as he moaned, overwhelmed as his heart beat picked up, his pupils becoming larger as his eyes stayed closed, his other hand going down to your ass, making you go faster as whines left your lips, but he could care less, he choked you tight, more blood feeding into his mouth, he licked over the two holes, not wanted to basically eat you alive before he pulled back, blood also seeping through your wholes as he felt like he became a whole new man, resting down on his back, hands behind his head as he enjoyed the view, cockiness seeping through his veins.
he took it away from you. and now your the weaker one, you took his blood.
guess whos the whiny bitch now?
he thought, a smirk on his face, small moans and his lips opening a little to let out the sounds while you whimpered and kept moving, looking up at him while your hands were placed on his shoulders, cries leaving your lips as you told him you couldnt do it anymore, it felt to good, you were so tired but arent done, you just couldnt do the work anymore. so much blood leaving your neck you almost became paralyzed.
“you sure, darling? because if so...i wont be able to stop” a hand came to your neck again, making you look at him while his thumb swiped over your bottom lip, you nodded looking at the small droplets of blood falling on his chest, you couldnt help but lick it up, your eyes back to their normal color as you nodded up at him, and he flipped you over, his face on top of yours before he turned his head, back to the two holes you go, you sucked and sucked, moans leaving your lips until he told you to stop and the blood just sitting into your mouth before he roughly kissed you, open mouth kisses making the blood leave the corners of your mouth, a mess all over both of your lips as spit and blood was traded, tongues swiping and sucking over each other,  the blood rolling down your cheeks and onto the red sheets, your heads turning side to side, so intense and in love with each other. “i wanna fuckin tear you apart” he whispered in your ear, biting it before he placed kisses down your neck, stomach and where you needed him, your hand dropped to his hair as he dug in, wetness and pre cum all over, his lips swollen and pink as he wrapped his lips around your clit, his two fingers fucking into you ruthlessly as your back jerked, moans leaving your lips as you pulled his hair, making him moan and work faster, both hungry for release and he wanted yours, he needed it. 
his fingers hit your spot over and over, you bit your lip so hard it drew blood and loud gasps left your lips as you leaned on your elbow, watching tom messily spit on your clit then lick it up repeatedly, his head going side to side as he looked up at you, your legs up in the air before your eyes rolled back, whines and whimpers before your back perked up. “fuckkkkk, im coming-” it was low, low voice until it raised as your cum pooled out of you “TOMMY TOMMY-” your legs shook and he didnt pull away, as much as you tried to push his head back he just growled into you, he didnt feel anything but it was a warning. he swirled his tongue over your whole, adding three fingers now as you let out cries, tears leaving your eyes by being over whelmed, your legs still shaking as your heart beat went racing. toms to dedicated to notice, he instantly slurped when he felt something leak through you, a laugh leaving his lips as he said he could be here all day.
you were fucked out but tom wasnt letting up, he still hasnt got his pleasure yet. he came up and slapped you back into reality “dont you fucking dare” he said, slapping you again making you whine and nod your head. he kissed the place he slapped before pumping his cock and placing it into you, he didnt let you adjust, he was to hungry, your legs on both side of him and moving in sync with his thrusts, his hands laced in yours, pinning them tight over your head “you look so beautiful, look at my dirty slut, so fucked out, taking my cock sooo good, huh?” small whines and whimpers left your lips “aww my little whore cant even fucking talk, her and her small tight pussy, letting me fuck it how i please? thats fuckin right girl, you wanna cum? you fucking beg, d-dont- ah” he moaned, “i dont care if you dont know how, you do it slut, you hear me?” he said, his finger nails tight in your skin as you nodded, “lemme hear you baby girl” “y.....y-...yes!” you had to let it out quickly. “goood girlll” he cooed, letting one go your hands go to swirl your clit. a small scream left your lips, your hips moving away from him as your mouth dropped “tomm- tommy- fuck-”
“dont forget what i told you” he ordered, eyeing you as you looked a hot mess, hair a mess, dried red blood on your cheek as your mouth hanged open and the bottom of your teeth still stained, fangs still out and your hands still above your head, hanging tight onto the pillow sheet. he took both of your legs and brought it to your chest. pounding hard as claps filled the room. “tom-tom can i please-fuck- can i pleaseee- fuck” you almost gave up. “tommy, can i pleasepleaseplease cumm!” your moan now high pitched as tom smiled “yes baby, give it to me- cum on my cock- mhmm, mhmmm” he said, his head tilting back as he felt your walls clench around him, squeezing your knees as a sigh and a gasp left his lips, his movements slowing as his mouth dropped, “fuckkkk” he let out, both of your climaxes pouring at the same time, he rode out both of your highs, milking the cum out of you, the luquids pooling down into the matress. he pulled out and fell beside you, both of your fangs coming back to normal teeth as sighs left your lips, he looked over at you and you were tired, like really tired, but he wanted you to clean up first. “y/n?” “hm?” “lets go take a bath”
he picked you up and placed you into the warm bath, rose petals and oils in, before he came in and laid you on his chest, he pressed kisses on your forehead as sighs left both of your mouths. (lol i couldnt think of anything else)
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dirtyoatmeall · 3 years
Good for you
A/N: Wow sorry I've been gone!! I suddenly got back into reading and suddenly found myself in the middle of multiple series! anywayz, I finally listened to Olivia Rodrigo's new album so here is a songfic for good for u. I ended up going in a completely different direction than I had in mind. It's also long as fuck. I proof scanned it, but it's like 18 pages, as always sorry for the incorrect grammar, I do what I want. Call me Maybe will be getting one soon as well :)
Pairing: ex!Kageyama x reader, foreshadowed Atsumu x reader
Genre: angst? hurt/comfort? Its sad for pretty much most of it.
Word Count: 10.3k (im so sorry)
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drinking, implied adult themes, all characters are 21+ !!, detailed breakup. 16+ only por favor
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily. You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks.
Your phone chimed, alerting you of a new text, you reached for it on the side table, pausing the movie you were watching. It was a message from Shoyo and an image: ‘I’m sorry, I figured it’d be better if I told you instead of finding out on Twitter.’ Your brow pinched, what could that mean? You unlocked your phone to open the text.
The pinch deepens as you zoom in on the picture, eyes beginning to prickle with tears. It was a photo- most likely taken by a fan or paparazzi- of Tobio, your boy-, ex-boyfriend. He was with a woman, she seemed slightly familiar, probably a model or something along those lines. Your face heated and shame burned in your chest, the embrace they were in looked so intimate; private, that it seemed wrong to look. You deleted the image and left Shoyo on read for now; you’d reply when you’re in a better headspace.
It had only been a couple of weeks and he had already moved on, meanwhile, you were just starting to not cry at the little reminders of him scattered about your apartment. He hadn’t even come to get his stuff. You sniffle and walk over to the wall to your left; the picture wall- and gently take one of the photos off, smiling faintly at the memory it brings to the surface.
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?
The sun filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow around the room. Groaning, you squint at the brightness before rolling over. Your eyes find blue ones, startling you slightly. He chuckles softly, voice deep and gravelly with sleep; sending heat through your body. “you’re so jumpy in the morning.” he whispered in the otherwise empty apartment.
You roll your eyes and let him pull you into his chest, listening to his heartbeat and his fingers traced lazy shapes into your hip. “Shut up, you know it takes me a day or two to adjust after you’ve been gone.”
You meant for the words to be light; not expecting the emotion you heard behind them. He sighs, arm winding tighter around your waist as he kisses the top of your head. You bring your head up to meet his gaze and shift in his arms, frown tugging on your lips. “’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
He sighs again, shaking his head softly. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, I should, for never being home, missing holidays and-“ You put a hand against his lips silencing him, brows drawn tightly together.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for either. I knew what I was getting into when we got together, it didn’t bother me in school and it doesn’t bother me now. I’d much rather you live out your dream than being stuck here with me all the time.” You feel his mouth open to object, but your hand stays firm. “I’m serious Tobio, I mean every word.” He nods against your hand and you release him. You flush slightly at the open emotion in his gaze. He pulls you into a kiss, murmuring against your lips. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you, I promise I’m gonna give you the world.”
And good for you, I guess that you've been workin' on yourself. I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped
A few days later you meet Shoyo for lunch, a new onigiri place where he apparently knows the owner. He sighs as he sets down his menu, your eyes snapping back your own, pretending like you’ve been mulling it over this whole time. “Alright, go ahead and ask.”
You look up from your menu, feigning innocence. “Hm? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He rolls his eyes and raises an eyebrow. You hold his gaze for a few moments before your shoulders sag in defeat. Your eyes fall to the table as you pick at the corner of the laminated menu. He gives you a minute to collect your thoughts before he places his hand atop yours, a sad smile gracing his features.
“(Y/N), it’s normal to want to know how he’s doing.” You chew your lip and mumble, “Well he’s obviously doing good since he already moved on.”
He continues as if you hadn’t spoken. “He started going to that therapist you recommended a day or so after,” he pauses, trying to gauge where your mind is. You’re meeting his gaze, and he can see you got what he was implying so he continued. “He’s been going consistently; says it’s really helped him.” You nod, blocking out his next words; too busy thinking about how you’re going to find a new therapist.
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl
As you eat, you think over his words. You swallow and take a deep breath, trying to instil confidence in yourself. “Are they… good together?” Your voice comes out softer than intended and you inwardly cringe. He smiles faintly and nods. “They are.” You nod in understanding and turn your focus back to your meal.
Well, good for you. You look happy and healthy, not me-If you ever cared to ask
You knew it was inevitable, your apartments aren’t that far apart, you just wished it wasn’t so soon.
You were grocery shopping for the week, trying to figure out how many oranges to get before settling on 4 with a sigh, you toss them into your cart, turning around to see blue eyes at the other end.
You inhale sharply, your gazes met and he was too close for you to run away, leaving only one option. You were suddenly glad you met Shoyo for breakfast this morning, you were dressed up a bit, but you weren’t so glad when you became queasy. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped, letting it fall shut. You feel your face flush with heat and you duck your head, mumbling a soft “sorry!” and move to continue down the aisle, hoping he’d let you go.
Those hopes were crushed with the hand that gently captured your elbow, halting your escape as he turned you to face him. You were silent for a moment before he realized he was still gripping your elbow, dropping his hand to his side. You crossed your arms around your middle, trying to look- be smaller, small enough to get away. Though the rational side of you knew it wouldn’t happen, that you’ve known each other too long to simply stop. So you raised your gaze, uncurling your arms and bringing your shoulders back to at least look the part of an old friend caught by surprise, smiling as you spoke.
“Oh, Kageyama! I didn’t see you there, how are you?” He cringed ever so slightly at the use of his last name, filling you with a sick sense of pride that weighed uncomfortably in your chest. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a brunette coming up to him, not noticing you as she surveyed the list in her hand.
“Babe, did you find the oranges? Oh, remind me to pick up my birth control at the phar-“ Her eyes widened as she noticed you; cheeks flushing slightly in embarrassment. Unfazed, Kageyama snorted softly, wrapping an arm around her waist before turning back to you. “This is Yumi, babe, this is (Y-) uh, (L/N).” You smiled and waved, which she mirrored, going to speak but instead was interrupted by you, who had decided to spare all of you of the awkwardness of prolonging the conversation. “It’s nice meeting you Yumi, and it was nice seeing you Kageyama, but I gotta run.”
They nodded and waved in farewell as you continued down the aisle, letting out a deep breath before heading into the next aisle. You needed more alcohol.
Good for you. You're doin' great out there without me, baby. God, I wish that I could do that.
You saw them a few more times during your shopping trip. You had wanted to leave right away, but you had been putting off groceries for too long, and leaving your cabinets and fridge almost barren. Thankfully they were always far enough where if you accidentally made eye contact a smile in passing was warranted enough.
As you contemplated between mini pizzas or a large pizza, you heard a loud giggle from further down the aisle. Your head turned towards the noise instinctively and you saw them at the end, near the ice cream, which you hoped they moved soon because that was next on your list. They were laughing, her arms around his waist as she looked up at him, he had an arm around her, resting on her hip as he met her gaze and you felt your chest tighten and an emotion you definitely did not want to name and wanted to shove down, down far enough to forget it. They looked the part of smitten lovers, and you decided you didn’t need ice cream all that bad and grabbed the mini pizzas before heading to checkout, continuing to ignore the emotion swelling, weighing down your chest and moving up to your throat.
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
You took a deep, shuddering breath that broke halfway into a gasping sob. The emotion was suffocating, burning in the back of your throat and pulsing against your skull as you hugged your knees to your chest, the cold press of the tub against your back doing nothing. You tried to take a breath again but your chest was too tight, it was constricting your lungs, pushing hot tears down your cheeks and pulsing harder as with the ringing in your ears.
You could faintly comprehend the door to the bathroom opening, but didn’t look up as someone wrapped their arms around you, pulling you to them; the feel of fabric twisting in your grasp somewhat grounding as they smoothed down your hair, their words muffled under the ringing. You couldn’t think about the tears and who knows what else dampened their shirt, couldn’t think of anything except the emotion weighing so heavy in your chest you were positive it was going to break your ribs, break through you and continue down, down, deep underground.
You have no clue how long you were there with them, not even sure how long before they arrived. They shifted their arms to pick you up, and you let them, not even moving your hands from their place on the shirt, you were sure they were glued there, the tears acting as an adhesive. Sobs still racked your frame as you were set down, tucked under the covers of your bed before the person laid next to you, resuming their soothing touches as the weight in your chest slowly lightened, gradually releasing its grip on your lungs as the ringing quieted, allowing you to hear the slew of soothing words softly coming from the person next to you.
But as the emotion lessened its grip on you, tiredness swiftly replaced it, the pounding at your temples only encouraging the darkness to weigh you down, until it settled over you like a blanket, your fingers laxing enough for them to fall back to your side. Your breathing slowed, the occasional hiccup breaking the silence as you slept.
But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it, but I guess good for you
Shoyo let out a deep breath as he gently shut the door to your bedroom behind him, shoulders slumping with exhaustion when he heard the latch click. He dragged a hand down his face, combing his fingers through his hair as he went to your kitchen to finish putting away your groceries, throwing away what was defrosted before collapsing on your couch, pulling out his phone, debating whether or not to text the person likely responsible for your tears. Turns out he didn’t even have to, they had already called him and left a message about an hour ago, a little after Shoyo first got to your apartment. He brought the phone up to his ear as he pressed play.
“Hey, I ran into (Y/N) at the store today, you know I thought you might be right; that our friendship ended with the breakup, but it was like nothing had changed! She even met Yumi though Yumi didn’t notice at first and started talking about her birth control,” a laugh, “I don’t know why you were so worried, she seems perfectly fine. I was thinking about having a little get together in a few weeks, Yumi really wants to meet everyone from Karauno, you both should come! Oh one sec, what? Okay! Sorry, I gotta go, Bye.”
Shoyo slid down the couch slightly, groaning as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Really? He was glad you stocked up on alcohol at the store because after hearing that, he needed a drink.
Well, good for you, I guess you're gettin' everything you want. You bought a new car and your career's really takin' off.
Two weeks later you sat on your couch, eyes focused on the match televised. You tell yourself you’re watching the tournament to see who Shoyo will end up going against; if you can give them any pointers, though a part of you knows it’s a lie.
At the end of the match, the Adlers, no, To- Kageyama, had scored the winning point, securing a spot in the semi-finals. You lifted the remote to change the channel, but you froze as the camera zoomed in on the edge of the court, where you watched Yumi jump into his arms, he threw his head back laughing as he spun her around before kissing her. You could hear the commentators discussing the game after making a cheeky comment but you tuned it out. You watched them walk off the court, snapping out of the trace as soon as the camera cut to the other team. You quickly turned it off. Taking a deep breath in your silent apartment.
You were going through your Instagram feed when you came across a post from Tobio. It was him and Yumi in front of a new car, kissing. You noticed it had multiple pictures, and swiped through, all of them of the couple. The last one was the most recent, earlier today, in fact, you recognized the jersey of the other team in the background. You part of the caption, deciding to scroll past before scrolling back up to read the long paragraph that was pretty much a love letter to Yumi. You bit your lip and liked it, cursing afterwards, you didn’t want him to know you still followed him. You debated unfollowing but decided against it, it’d only look weirder if you had liked a post and weren’t following him. You couldn’t get his expression out of your head, he looked so happy.
It's like we never even happened. Baby, what the fuck is up with that?
Over the next few days you received multiple texts from Kageyama, updates on his family; that they were asking about you, wanting you to visit, an invitation to a small gathering they were having next week, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi were in town and he wanted to introduce Yumi to everyone. And several attempts to start a conversation.
You replied to all of them, thanking him for the update, politely declining the invitation; using work as an excuse, and you halfheartedly tried to keep up with the conversations until it got to be too much. It was like nothing happened, like he hadn’t suddenly broken up with you, after almost 7 years together. There were times you wanted to remind him, but decided against it. You didn’t want to be the bitter ex, you wanted to move on, like he had.
And good for you, it's like you never even met me
You think Shoyo had a talk with him.
After it all became too much, the media, the texts, the times he tried to call you, you told Shoyo. He was furious, ignoring your pleas to just leave it be as he left your apartment.
Later that night he came back, less angry and with takeout. When you had asked where he went he just smiled and told you not to worry about it. You watched movies the rest of the night. When you awoke the next morning there were no texts from Kageyama, and nothing on social media. Your nosiness got the best of you and you looked him up, only to furrow your brow as the results came up blank. You checked the other social media you had each other on and couldn’t find him anywhere. You didn’t dare text him, just in case, but it was obvious- he had blocked you, on everything.
There was an emotion curling in your chest, but you couldn’t quite name it. You didn’t know how to feel about it, so you stayed in bed for a few more hours before migrating to the couch. Shoyo didn’t come over that night, and you hated that you were slightly relieved.
Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you?
You sighed, still slightly out of breath and damp with sweat, snuggling into the body next to you regardless, smile stretching your lips. He tightened his arm around your waist, petting your hair as he shifted onto his side, bringing you closer and tangling your legs together. You wrapped your arms around his neck loosely, softly kissing his throat, right below his adam's apple before resting your face against his collarbone. He shuddered and drew you impossibly closer. “I know I don’t say it as often as I should, but I love you (Y/N), so much. I swear sometimes I feel like you’re the only person in the world who understands me. Ugh, that sounded so cliché.” You snorted as he slightly shook with laughter. “I love you too Tobio.” You brought your head up for a tender kiss before the two of you settled into a peaceful slumber.
Well, screw that, and screw you. You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do
You awoke the following morning with a hollow ache in your chest, your eyes burned but nothing came. You don’t know if it was good that the tears never came, but the hollowness settled heavily in you, it seemed to be all around you, weighing down the air equally. You were on autopilot the whole day, not fully there.
You blinked at the chime from your phone and raised your brows at the time, and your eyes widened at the name in your notifications. You quickly opened the text and looked at the image 2,3,5 times. It was a selfie, only the top part of Yumi’s face was visible, she must’ve been taking it, having to have it out enough to get Kageyama and all of his family in the frame, everyone smiling brightly. The typing bubble popped up for a few seconds before it disappeared and was replaced by a small message. You read it over and over before biting your lower lip. This is when the tears would normally come, when they’d be expected and yet they didn't. The burn was there, the lump in your throat but nothing else except the hollow pulsed in your chest. You didn’t think that was a good sign.
From Tobio:
We miss you! The kids keep asking when you’re going to come to play again. We love you, and you’re always welcome to visit. -Miwa~
Well, good for you. You look happy and healthy, not me if you ever cared to ask
You decided not to tell Shoyo about the picture, after all, it was his sister who sent it. He sent an apology the next day and you quickly dismissed it, asking him to tell her thanks and to tell everyone hello for you and that you hoped they had a great trip.
He unblocked you later that day. You assumed it was because of your text, he probably thought everything was fine now, that little bump in the road passed and things were back to normal again. And you tried, you tried so hard to go back to the person you were before. Fake it ‘till you make it was something you lived by, and you certainly were doing a great job faking it, but the ache in your chest told you that you hadn’t made it yet.
Good for you, You're doin' great out there without me, baby
You always kept up with the volleyball news and media, now for just Shoyo, but it was impossible to not see Adlers updates, and as MSBY’s rival you felt you needed to keep up. They were a force to be reckoned with, win after win; tournament after tournament they were at the top, MSBY one of the few to keep up. You sent him a congratulatory text after his last win, if he didn’t want to leave your friendship then you’ll try your hardest not to either, even if it hurts.
God, I wish that I could do that
Well, that lasted about 2 weeks. It’d been about 2 months since Kageyama broke up with you. You texted occasionally, most of them short conversations. They used to be longer, but you knew that to really get over him, you couldn’t be his best friend like before, you had to distance yourself. Shoyo wanted you to block him, even if just for a few more months, so you can move on quicker, but you disagreed. Your lives were so intertwined it wasn’t possible to not see him or hear about him at least once a week, usually in the form of sports journalism.
You laughed at Tsukishima’s joke, choking on the margarita you were in the middle of drinking, causing the others to laugh at you. Everyone was miraculously in town this week and demanded that you all hang out all week. Yachi stayed at Hinata's apartment since he had a roommate, and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stayed at yours, though everyone decided to congregate at your apartment, the former two falling asleep on your couch and after the third night in a row, you convinced them to just stay. Hinata packed a bag and slept on your futon, Yachi slept in your bed with you, and the last two shared your guest bedroom.
While they all swore it was a mere coincidence everyone was in town, you had a strong theory that Hinata invited everyone down to stay with you, since in 3 days was what would’ve been your 7 year anniversary with Kageyama. They did their best to keep you distracted, going out to clubs, having movie marathons and game nights that lasted until dawn. You were filled with immense gratitude for that, and you made sure to let them know it. You were glad your little group was able to stick together, even if the shadow of the empty seat at the table grows with each passing day.
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
You almost made it. Everyone stayed in today, keeping a careful eye on you all morning, until you got a call from your mother. Your parents lived in the countryside, they didn’t have great reception out there, even if they did they’d keep the single landline they have now. They called every so often, for holidays or updates on health and family members. The last time you talked to them was about 6 months ago. You head into your bedroom before you answer, a little worried about what might be going on, you knew your father’s health was declining, could something have happened? You took a deep breath and accepted the call, bringing your phone to your ear. “Hello? Mom?”
It takes a second before she replies, probably trying to get your father to stand next to her. “(Y/N) sweetie, sorry it’s been so long, it’s been busy down here and since your father can’t do a whole lot anymore, it’s been taking longer to keep the farm in shape.” You can hear your father grumble something in the background and you can imagine your mother rolling her eyes.
“Nevermind that! We were calling to congratulate you and Tobio on your anniversary, that’s today right? 7 years, I hope you know how lucky you are dear, these days relationships just aren’t lasting like they used to, but I’ve always known you two would stick through, I still do. Hopefully one of these days I’ll get a call about a ring? Or maybe some grandbabies?” She giggled on the other end, going on to talk about her and your father’s relationship, not paying attention to if you’ve replied or not, and you haven’t, you’re- you’re- you jolt out of whatever trance you were in to find yourself on your bathroom floor, back against the tub, your mother still chattering away in your ear, though you can’t hear her.
She’s right. Today is- would’ve, been 7 years. A flurry of emotions roars to life in your chest and you feel the familiar burning and grip start to take hold. You clear your throat, interrupting her story.
“Uh mom, me and Tobio aren’t together anymore. I’m sorry, I meant to call earlier, but there’s a lot going on. I actually have to go, I promise I’ll call later okay? I might be able to get away from work in a few weeks to visit. Love you.”
You ended the call, guilt joining the mix, you had completely forgotten to tell your mother, her words stirring the pot of emotions and memories in your gut as they rose into your chest, filling your lungs, spilling into your throat into your nasal cavity, behind your eyes and into your skull. You slackened your hold on your phone, and it tumbled onto the tile. You choked against the burning in your throat, pressing your palms into your eyes, trying- uselessly- to stop the slideshow of memories.
He had been your best friend, your longest crush, your first- well, everything. You truly thought you would be spending the rest of your life with him, travelling the world as he plays volleyball, eventually settling down and buying a house somewhere, anywhere. Marriage, a cat, maybe a dog, and kids. You never once thought the father of your future children would be anyone but Kageyama Tobio. Apparently, he thought differently. Against your will, the night he ended everything played back in your vision.
You heard the door close as you finished up dinner, a smile stretching wide on your face as you imagined his reaction. You spent the week learning how to make this dish, an old family recipe from his grandmother that he apparently adored and ate every time he visited home without fail. After years of watching her make it, you’d think you would have a good idea of how but you were naïve to think so. You finish plating the dishes and setting up the table, brows pinched in confusion, he hadn’t come to greet you yet, which he always does. You shrug it off, he might’ve had a tiring practice, hopefully the food makes up for it.
You pad down the hallway, thinking he jumped straight in the shower. You stop in the doorway of your shared bedroom; He was sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands as his elbows dig into his knees. Worry and confusion rose; what was wrong? Was practice that bad? You don’t try to mask your steps towards him, though he flinches all the same when you lay a hand on his shoulder, quickly withdrawing it. You sink to your knees in front of him, gingerly holding his wrists as you speak softly.
“Hey babe, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad practice? Why don’t you tell me about it over dinner, I got everything at the table.” He sighed deeply, sagging further, like the weight of the world weighed down on him. Your concern grew and you squeezed his wrists in a silent question. He took a deep breath and sat up, you let your hands fall away but he caught them, cradling them in his grasp, pity and guilt swirling in his glassy gaze as it met yours.
You sat up on your knees, why in the world would he look at you like that? “Tobio? What’s wrong, baby you have to tell me so I can help, you gotta let me in.” You were pleading at this point. He so rarely showed this much sadness, you were sick with worry, mind going to the worst-case scenario. He squeezes your hands, bringing them up to his lips. He keeps them there for a moment, his eyes shut, brow drawn tight.
He brings them back down to his lap and lets out another sigh, meeting your gaze again. You can see the conflict on his features bright as day. “(Y/N), I’ve been so lucky to have you in my life, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pay back what you’ve given me. I’m truly, truly grateful and you've been one of my longest friends, one of my best friends. Which is why- why-“
He lets out a shuddering breath gaze dropping, tightening his grip around your hands. Your brow is pinched deeply, eyes searching his features for any sign of what could be going on. He takes a breath, trying to calm himself before continuing, and when he meets your gaze you no longer see the guilt, you see a wall you worked so hard to bring down. You open your mouth to speak, but he cuts you off. “You are one of the most important people in my life, which is why I have to do this. I can’t keep doing this, prolonging the inevitable only makes it more painful and the last thing I want to do is hurt you. But, (Y/N) I can't keep this up any longer, I thought- I thought it might pass, if I kept going along, pretending like everything is fine, when it’s not.” Your heart drops, no, it can’t be, what does he mean?.
“Everything is fine Tobio, what are you talking about? What are you saying, I-I don’t understand.” The emotion thickens your voice and his face falls as he sees the tears gather in your eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I loved you so, so much. I promise, I loved you more than anything, so much it hurt.” The tears are escaping both your eyes. You want to get out of his grasp but his hands only tighten around yours, like a lifeline. You suppress a sob bubbling up to speak, the world tumbling softly from your quivering lips. “Did?”
A hand touching your shoulder tears you from the memory. You’re aware of the hot tears streaming down your face, of the tight sobs wracking your frame, ripping from your throat against your will. You feel hollow, the ache grows and pulses until it’s all you feel, grief rising to meet it. You blink the tears away, to look around the room, you hadn’t recognized it right away, still disoriented from the memory. You see your friends, concern and in some cases, anger, in their gaze as they hover. You were surprised to find Tsukishima was the one at your side, the one who had pulled you from the memory turned nightmare. Your lip wobbles and he pulls you into his arms, embracing you as you cry into his sweatshirt, much like you had to Hinata weeks ago.
You’re vaguely aware of hushed voices around you, the rumble of Tsukishima’s voice oddly soothes you. You can hear Shoyo behind you, you think you hear him say your mother’s name, was she calling again? The thought slips from your mind as quickly as it came. You sat in your bathroom for who knows how long, crying in Tsukishima’s arms, surrounded by your friends.
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it but I guess good for you
Later that night, when everyone has finally passed out, you slip through your apartment door, pulling your hood up as you head towards the street. You have your phone, keys and pepper spray. You just wanted- no, needed to get out of there, the slight chill in the air rousing you. You take in the surroundings, letting your feet take you wherever they please.
You sigh as you take in the park in front of you. You used to come here a lot, whenever you needed to clear your head. It was a space for you to be truly alone to work out your emotions. Which is exactly what you needed now. You smile faintly as you reminisce, not paying attention as you head to the swings, only to stop in your tracks, still hidden in the shade as you watch on. What the fuck.
The creak of the swings is drowned out by laughter, two people sit on the swings, legs pumping to go higher and higher. Her hair whips in the wind and she closes her eyes, leaning back for a moment. You watch him slow down, eventually stopping and getting up to approach her flying form. Right when she is about to pass him, he moves, grabbing her and the swing, halting them mid-swing. She squeals, which quickly melts into laughter as she lets go of the chains, wrapping her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck. Her smile is a sun in the night, love radiating from the couple as they kiss. You look away and spot an open picnic basket, a bottle of wine poking through on a blanket rumpled from use.
You leave as silently as you came.
Maybe I'm too emotional but your apathy's like a wound in salt
The hollow ache starts to burn as you walk back to your apartment. You didn’t expect him to be as affected tonight as you were but you thought he’d- what did you think he’d feel? Mourning? Grief? Sadness? Why would he? He was the one who broke it off, who ‘fell out of love’ or at least that’s what he said when he broke your heart. And to bring her there?
Maybe I'm too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all
You shared that spot with him a year after you moved in together, he knew its significance to you, to your relationship. How long had he been bringing her there? What did he tell her about it? Did he use the words you said to him all those years ago? You wondered if he even remembered what today was. He said he had loved you, but was he truthful? He promised quite a few things during your relationship that were broken when he admitted it, when he confessed ‘what had been eating him up inside.’
Maybe I'm too emotional but your apathy's like a wound in salt
The hollow was slowly filling, bitter, anger, loss, and more flooded the space as you recalled his words that night.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You had never felt more dread than in that moment.
“I loved you so, so much.” You had wished the past tense was a mistake, but you knew it wasn’t.
“I don’t know when it happened, if it was slowly or quickly.” You could tell it was a lie.
“I-I just realized I loved you in a different way than you loved me.” A cute way of saying he no longer loved you.
“I thought that if I just stuck with it, that it might change, that it was just a slump.” Another way to say ‘leading you on because I was too afraid to tell you the truth.’
“I tried, I tried so hard to love you the way you wanted me to.” For how long? How many years did he lead you on, how long did he let you think everything was ok?
“You deserve more than I can offer.” You knew that was true, you did deserve more. You deserved a lot more than this, than an offer.
Maybe I'm too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all
You were crying by the time you got to your apartment building, but it was different. You didn’t feel the aching hollow as strongly as before. You felt anger, bitterness about what he said, you had a million things you wanted to say to him, to make him know what he did. But didn’t he already know? He was there, he saw what his words did, he saw the aftermath, at the very least he heard about it. And yet the night after he was pictured entering a popular high-end club. It was on your Twitter feed that morning, effectively pouring salt and lemon into the hole in your heart. You had thought it then, and you’re thinking it now.
Well, good for you. You look happy and healthy, not me If you ever cared to ask
The next morning, no one brought up last night, and you were thankful for it. You think they could sense the shift, from the aching despair to the brittle anger. So you all lounged on the couch, playing Mario Kart to help you channel it.
You were on the fourth stage of Grief according to Yamaguchi, who brought it up the following day over breakfast. He explained: Denial- which was during the breakup and right after, Depression- which came to fruition after you ran into them at the store, Bargaining- When you tried to go back to how it was before, trying to keep the friendship alive so you’d still have him around, Anger- which was now, when you realize that you wasted years of your life for someone who didn’t even love you and now they want to go back to friends, after they immediately get into a new relationship. The next step would be the final- Acceptance, when you would finally accept he was gone, when you could finally move on.
Good for you
After that night the change became more obvious. You weren’t hiding anymore, you would hold your head high and snap others off if they trod down the wrong path. You felt the hot anger slowly cool over time, as you continued to go out, to clubs, bars, parties Shoyo always invites you to but you always decline. You met his teammates, finally after too long.
He had dinner for you and the team at his apartment that he shares with one of the said teammates. You dressed up a little, enough for Shoyo to whistle when you showed him over facetime as you finished getting ready. You weren’t planning on going anywhere except your apartment after; there was just something about knowing you look good that does wonders to the confidence. You grin widely as he complains about not wanting to deal with his teammates crushing on you. You end the call when you get into your car, you were going to stop by the store to get something and then head over, despite his assurances no one else was bringing anything.
You purse your lips in thought as you surveyed the wine selection in front of you, bending slightly to read the label of one on a lower shelf. You didn’t realize you were taking up the aisle until someone cleared their throat behind you. You paid the little mind, murmuring an apology as you stepped to the side. You felt their presence next to you, and after a minute of them burning a hole through you with their gaze you turned towards them, lips pursed in annoyance rather than thought.
You're doin' great out there without me, baby, like a damn sociopath
The wide eyes of Kageyama Tobio meet yours as you study him for a moment before smiling. “Kageyama! Sorry, I didn’t realize I was taking up the whole aisle, you know me; always so indecisive.”
Your joke seems to snap him out of whatever train of thought he was in. He smiles and chuckles, turning to look at the wine in front of you. “What kind of an occasion is it?” He asks after a beat. “Oh Shoyo is introducing me to his teammates today, wine’s something people bring to dinners right?”
He smiles and nods before pointing out several bottles. “These would be appropriate, and Shoyo likes this brand.'' He plucks one from the shelf before presenting it to you. You smile and thank him, before parroting his question back to him. He turns back to the wine. “Uh, Yumi got a promotion and I’m surprising her with dinner with her coworkers.” You hum in thought before grabbing a wine off the shelf for him. “I think this would be a good one. It's white, so the stain won't be as bad and won’t stain her lips like a red would. It’s a dessert wine so even her younger colleagues should enjoy it. Oh, and tell her congrats for me.” He smiles and thanks you before you part.
You arrive right on time at Shoyo’s, the wine was well received and his teammates were great. They were everything he told you and more, you all got along great, especially you and Atsumu, he was Shoyos roommate and it was great to have another person to make fun of his horrible habits with, much to Shoyo’s dismay.
The dinner flies by, and eventually, you’re the last to leave. You wave to Atsumu before hugging Shoyo. “Thank’s Sho, for everything you’ve done for me these past 6 months. I love you.” He squeezes you tight, kissing the crown of your head before pulling away.“You don’t need to thank me (Y/N), I know you’d do the same. I love you too, drive safe.” You wave as you leave back to your apartment.
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night. Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
The next 6 months fly by, and you spend more and more time with Shoyo and his team. Bokuto dubs you an honorary Jackal and you celebrate drinking until dawn, as a true Jackal would. You spend time with them individually, the gym with Bokuto, reality TV with Sakusa, movie nights with Shoyo, and all of the above with Atsumu, in addition to annoying his brother Osamu at his restaurant.
It hits you out of the blue. You had felt a little off all day, but you had chalked it up to the takeout you had last night. You glance at the calendar as you walk past, only to backtrack and look again, with wide eyes. Today marked a year since the breakup. It had taken you a long time to move on, but you were finally starting to feel yourself again, so why did your heart ache all of a sudden? Why did the burning rise in your throat, prickling the back of your eyes as you began to breathe faster, feeling the despair rise out of the depths to rip a sob from you lips? You try to stop, taking deep breaths, count five things in the room, but none of it works. It’s not as bad as the other times, but you feel shame crawling up to join, you were finally turning things around, how could you let it all go to waste?
You curl into yourself on the couch, blindly calling Shoyo to ask for his company, maybe he’d know, he helped you get this far, maybe he can make sure you don’t fall too far. You listen to the rings until you hear the click of an answered call, not even letting him speak before crying into the phone, asking him to be with you, help you understand. Half your words are unintelligible as you ramble on, not really listening to the other end until you think you hear him say he’s on his way, but he sounded odd, different. Had you interrupted him? Was he too busy? No, he would’ve told you and sent someone else, probably Yachi since she was the closest.
You quickly tire of trying to hold everything back, and let it wash over you, all the feelings from this past year rise up, poised to drown you, and you allow it, letting it crash down and wash over you. You let the sobs free themselves, somehow knowing it was the right thing. You give yourself to the despair, the anger, the loneliness.
You don’t hear the knocking at the door, or the sound of the door opening, too absorbed untangling the knot of emotions in your heart; until you feel the cushion next to you you sink with the weight of another person, and a hand gently rubs your back soothingly.
You lean into him, letting him pull you to him like many times before. He pulls you into his lap, curling an arm around your waist while the other hand cradles the back of your head, letting you sob into his shirt. You take a deep breath, letting his familiar scent calm you- wait.
You freeze and your stomach drops. It’s not Shoyo. They're bigger, enough to cradle you against their chest. They’re whispering soothing words into your hair, and you hear a familiar accent, leaning back quickly enough to send a wave of dizziness through you and you sway for a moment.
“Woah, what’s wrong?” Atsumu asks, moving his hands to your hip and back to steady you. Your wide eyes meet his and he tilts his head slightly in confusion. “(Y/N), hey sweetheart, you okay? Gave me quite the scare there earlier ya know?” You continue to stare at him until he waves a hand in front of your face, breaking whatever spell you were under.
You blink a few times, shaking your head slightly as the corner of his mouth quirked up. You look back at him, brows furrowed, cringing when you hear your voice, hoarse after however long of crying. “’Tsumu? What’re you doing here? Where’s Sho?” He raises an eyebrow at your question, lifting his hand to wipe a tear from your cheek.
“Whaddya mean? You called me cryin’ an’ askin’ me to come here to keep ya company. Speakin’ of, what in the world is wrong? What’s got you so sad sweetcheeks?” Your face heats at the nickname.
“Oh, ‘m sorry, I meant to call Sho, he knows; it’s- today is-” He embraces you as a fresh wave of tears springs from your eyes. You can hear the rumble of his chest as he speaks, breath fanning your ear. “It’s all ok, ya don’t haveta cry, I can call chibi if you want him instead of me, it's no prob-“ You shake your head, cutting him off.
“No, s’kay. Thanks for being here ‘Tsumu, sorry I pretty much threw myself into your lap when you sat down.” You rub an eye, feeling awfully close to a toddler. He chuckles and combs your hair back, tilting your chin up so you’re looking him in the eye. “No needta thank me doll, and I won’t object to a pretty thing like you throwing themselves into my lap, though I’d enjoy it more if you weren’t crying. Now, d’ya wanna tell me what made you cry a river in here. Or at least what I can do to help.”
You curl inward slightly, not sure how to explain your wants at this moment, the emotions tangling in your chest too raw to name. You use actions to express your needs as words continue to fail you. You shift in his lap, straddling him instead of the awkward side hug you were doing before. You break eye contact, looking anywhere but him, feeling awkward and exposed. He snorts softly and his hands run up your knees, palm flat against your thighs, up and over your hips to splay against your back, bringing you back to his chest. Your pals lay flat against his sides, sliding along his ribcage and then south, fisting the fabric against his lower back as you rested your cheek on his shoulder. You waited and waited but the tears didn’t come, you could feel the tear tracts cool on your cheeks, trying to put your feelings into words.
A shudder than through his body as he felt you sigh into his neck, arms wrapping tighter around you, pulling you closer, until you were flush against him. The minutes passed by as the two of you stayed wrapped around each other, you breathing the only sound in the apartment. You sighed again, pulling away from him slightly to lean back to look at him. He searched your face, taking in the emotions clouding your eyes, thumbs rubbing circles into your hips soothingly. You gave him a weary smile and took a deep breath, looking down at your hands as you spoke.
“I don’t know if Sho told you about this, but about 6 months before I met you guys I got out of a pretty serious relationship, I mean it was my first relationship and the breakup hit me really hard. The day of the dinner was one of the first times I had truly felt myself again.
“We got together in our first year of high school. We had been friends years before that. God, I had a crush on him for so long, I can’t remember anyone before that.” Your voice is whispy, reminiscing on a better time. “I wasn't a manager that first year, though I was around often enough that I helped where I could. I was at almost every practice, which is how I got acquainted with the other first years. He was still guarded and grumpy then, so I was friends with everyone first, and we all slowly warmed up to each other.
“When he asked me out at the end of the year, after saying goodbye to the third years, it just- it felt so right, like this is supposed to happen. I was a manager our last two years and by graduation the six of us were close. We managed to stay in touch and visit each other whenever possible. Sho had gone to travel, Kei to Sendai for school, Hitoka and Tadashi stayed for school before she went to Tokyo and he stayed in Miyagi. Tobio was picked up by the national team immediately after graduation, to play in Rio. I was accepted into a university in Osaka, and he moved in with me when he got back.” You ignored the way Atsumu’s hands tightened their grip when you said his name.
“It was perfect, we- we were doing fine, or at least I thought we were.” Your voice cracked and you took a shuddering breath before continuing. “He traveled between Tokyo and Osaka a lot and of course for games but it never bothered me, I knew what I was getting into. Eventually, Sho came back, and joined your team, moving into an apartment not far from ours. I was so happy.” You whispered the last sentence, afraid if you said it too loud it’d sound like a lie.
“I hadn’t noticed any changes, he didn’t seem withdrawn or unaffectionate, he was like he always was, until he wasn’t. He came home one night and said he didn’t love me like that anymore, that he couldn’t love me the way I loved him. He- he said he tried to, he said he tried for a long time, in case it was a slump but it wasn’t. And all-all I could think about was the way he said it, like he had been thinking about this for a long time, he looked so tired like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders as he told me the last who knows how long was a lie.
“He left and stayed at a teammate's house until he could get an apartment. He moved close by, I still don’t know why he didn’t move to Tokyo. Sho came and stayed with me for a few days, until I kicked him out so he could focus on the tournament that was coming up. He kept in touch with Tobio, and would update me when I asked.
“That was a year ago, and I know I should be over him, and I am, or I thought I was until I realized what today was and- and everything, all the emotions I had pushed down came back up, no longer letting me ignore them. All the grief and anger and insecurity kept rising and rising until I thought I was gonna drown. Which is when I called Sho, or at least I thought I did.” The corner of your mouth twitched into a small smile as you met his gaze.
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
“I- I think it would’ve been easier if he hurt too, if I saw that it affected him even half as much, because that would mean he had felt something, he had loved me at one point. And I don’t know, maybe he came to terms with it before he ended it, but seeing him with someone else, not even 3 weeks later just rubbed salt too deep into the wound that just seeing them happy together sent me into tears. When I ran into them days after I found out, when I saw with my own eyes how good he was, how happy he was without me; I don’t know how long I cried, but it was suffocating, it had such a tight grip on me I couldn’t breathe, I didn’t even realize Sho was there until he was hugging me.” You watched your tears fall onto your hands, leaving droplets on his pants. You took in a shuddering breath, suddenly meeting his gaze.
“I just- I don’t know what wrong with me, why can’t I let myself be happy?” Your voice cracked, and you brought a hand to your face, embarrassment simmering low in your gut. Atsumu gently pried your hand away from your face, replacing it with his own as he cupped your cheek. He wiped the tears that fell from your lashes with his thumb. He brought you forward to kiss the crown of your head before returning his gaze to you.
“Doll, look at me. There is nothing wrong with you, ya hear? Your heart was broken, it ain’t gonna fix itself in a day. You will be happy, I promise. Whenever we lose someone we love, a piece of us goes with them. He was sucha huge part of your life, I’d be more worried if you weren’t sad. I can’t say when, but one day you’ll notice it hurts less and less until you barely notice it. Until then you have me and everyone else to help you, so don’t hesitate to lean on us when you need to, got it?”
Your bottom lip wobbled and your eyes were glassy with tears yet again, though this time for a different reason. You threw your arms around his neck and crushed him into you as you cried his name. “I didn’t know you were such a softie! I bet no ones gonna believe me when I tell ‘em.” He wrapped his arms around you again, you were so close you could feel his laughter in his chest. “Yeah, and I didn’t know ya were such a cry baby.” You snorted and pulled away, “That’s on you, I am a well-known cry baby.”
You matched his grin, feeling lighter. You pulled yourself off his lap, but he didn’t let you get very far, pulling you into his side, your legs thrown over his thighs as you turned on the TV. You ended up falling asleep on your couch together, your neck cramped and you found out you drool, but it was worth it.
But I guess good for you
The next few months went by relatively quickly. There were a few hiccups, mostly on holidays, but you listened to what Atsumu had told you and you leaned on your friends during those times. Speaking of Atsumu, while you two were close before, after that night you felt even closer. You found yourself at the apartment he shared with Shoyo more and more. You came to every MSBY game you could, usually helping Osamu run his booth.
When you weren’t with him, Atsumu would often find you helping his brother run orders at the restaurant; under the guise of an apology for annoying him so often, but both twins saw how happy you were when you were working. Eventually, Osamu just gave you a position there, because he didn’t want to get caught exploiting free labor, not because he liked you or anything, you were just as annoying as his brother- or so he says.
The blonde hadn’t noticed just how much time the two of you spent together until you went to visit Yachi in Tokyo for a week, and had odd chunks of time with nothing to do. It was confusing, and frankly off-putting how different it was when you weren’t around. Everyone noticed of course, and teased him for it, more the team than Osamu, because he couldn’t deny he missed you too.
Despite your protests that it was just a 2-hour train ride from Tokyo, and maybe another 10-minute ride to the stop near your apartment, Atsumu insisted on picking you up from the station during your call earlier. “ ‘M not taking no for an answer doll, I’m picking ya up.” You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness and sighed. “Fine, but I’m venoming you for the gas, no ifs ands or buts about it.” You smiled at the sound of his groan from the other line, good thing you were just as stubborn.
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You were idly scrolling through your Instagram feed, about 10 minutes away from Osaka when you saw a glimpse of a ring, you scrolled back up and read the caption. ‘I’m the luckiest man in the world’ followed by a picture of what must’ve been Yumi’s hand, and adorned on her left ring finger was a large, and no doubt expensive, engagement ring. 6 months ago it would’ve summoned tears, but now you smile faintly, commenting your congratulations before scrolling past. Atsumu was right, eventually, it started to hurt less and less and now it was barely there.
You stood up when the announcement of your arrival in Osaka rang overhead, tucking your phone away and grabbing your bags to exit the train car. You immediately spotted your chauffeur, thanks mostly to the gaggle of young girls surrounding him as he laughed and signed autographs. You walked slowly, trying to buy time until they left but (un?)fortunately he spotted you. A wide grin stretched his features and you couldn’t help but reciprocate, lifting your hand in a small wave. He turned back to the girls and said something before breaking through, jogging towards you as you met him halfway.
You had an amused look on your face from his theatrics and the wide gazes of the girls he left behind. “Hey.” He said when he stopped in front of you. You snorted, “Hey.” He pouted at your tease, which only made it more funny, before rolling his eyes and taking some of your bags, giving you a pointed look when you tried to object. You huffed and walked next to him towards the exit.
You startled slightly when his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you by your hip into his side. You looked up at him but he kept his gaze ahead, though you could see the slight flush to his cheeks and the slight twitch of a grin. You reciprocated, hooking your thumb through the belt loop by his hip as you kept your gaze ahead, his stare bringing a slight heat to your face.
He laughed lightly and you two continued out to his car where he tried to make you sit in the back seat because “ it’s not professional for a chauffeur to let their passenger sit up front.” You laughed before letting your face fall into a mock-serious stare and said “no.” in the best deadpan tone you could conjure up before climbing in.
You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him when he didn’t start the car. His hands were on the steering wheel and he was looking ahead in thought. “Atsumu?” He looked at you, smiling softly, still not saying anything. “Uhh you okay? Do I really need to sit in the back for you to be able to drive because-“ He laughed, waving your concerns off. “No, no, I’ll allow it this once. Sorry for spacin’ out, I’m happy yer home.” You looked at him incredulously, “ I was 2 hours away ‘tsumu.” You see a faint flush creep up his neck and he clears his throat, turning back to the wheel and turning on the car. ‘I know, I just missed ya ‘s all.”
You were just able to make out his dejected mumble, quietly huffing in amusement as you glanced down briefly before turning to look forward, biting back the smile at his flinch when you grabbed his hand, bringing it to your lap as you intertwined your fingers. “I missed you too, ya big softie.” Smiling, he squeezes your palm before focusing on the road, and you feel something stir, a bud sprouting from the once hollow place in your chest. It hasn’t bloomed yet, but you have a feeling it will soon.
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someone1348 · 3 years
This is for my lovely best friend who was kind enough to write me a fic! Here's yours! @sleepy--anon i hope you enjoy!
People in this: Ler!Sapnap, Lee!Quackity
(Karlnapity romance so if you dont like that dont read it!)
Tw: like the smallest bit of angst (jealousy) pretty much! Thats it though it's soft! For the most part! And mild cursing!
Plot: While Karl is out on a "business trip" (time travel stuff) he leaves his other two husband's alone and well lets just say it was an eventful evening to say the least
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Tickle fights and Tickling in general was almost an everyday occurrence in the Karlnapity household. It pretty much was second nature to the three.
With that comes ler moods and lee moods poping up left and right. Typically between the three Sapnap was ler the most, followed by Quackity with Karl most of the time being lee, nothing bad of course, they loved the dynamic of everything from this specific thing to how their relationship worked. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
The days went on as they normally do.
"EE! SAHahap! StahAhap!" Karl would twist around from Sap's evil fingers pushing at the boy's hands, giggling freely as quackity watched smiling a bit as his two husband's went on to do what they do.
It was always like this for the most part. While he was getting a snack,
"No pLEase!! Hehe" Karl's beautiful laugh could be heard from the other room.
While cuddling, sap would run his fingers over the time traveler's stomach sending sweet giggles to flow out of their husband's mouth.
Even in the store one time Sapnap poked at Karl's sides. Of course Quackity would join in sometimes to tickle his favorite lee (leaning) fiancé, but he was jealous, beyond jealous.
Seeing this everyday not only built up on his lee moods but he just wanted to be involved, not just in tickles but in the relationship. He wants cuddles and attention and affection from the two people he loves most.
And yeah with the lee moods he has bad but it's not the same. He wants his husband's and so help me thats what he was gonna get. He was a man on a mission.
'Let's goooo!!' He thought in his head as he started the day.
Karl had left last night, the bed was alot colder now. He turned to see Sap curled up onto his side his mouth slightly a-jar with his hair flowing perfectly on top of his face.
He sighed happily lightly pushing some of the hair out of his face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy and in love.
'I'm gonna make him breakfast' He thought getting up carefully as to not wake him and got started on cooking up his favorites.
Not even 20 minutes later the firey boy poked his head into the kitchen
"Mmmm yay! Thank you babe!"
Quackity smiled "Anytime"
After the two finished the scilence became loud.
"What do you wanna do?" Quackity asked rocking a bit back and fouth on his heels trying not to make the scilence anymore awkward.
"I got work to do so you entertain yourself, I'll be quick"
Quackity nodded "okay! Good luck!"
"Thanks" Sap said shooting him a smile leaving back to their shared room to do the said work.
The beanie boy sighed flopping down onto the couch. He flipped on a random channel and texted Karl.
'Hey Baby!! I hope your trip is going good,we miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!<3'
He held the phone close to his chest letting out another sigh. He knew in his heart that Sapnap was gonna be busy all day so instead of sulking he told him he was going for a walk.
He went walking around, coming back, making more food, playing video games. All while sap typed away at the keyboard.
It wasn't helping at all it only increased the feeling of wanting to be with his Sapnap, his fiancé, he wanted attention and love dammit!
The smaller boy marched up to their room.
the bandana wearing man shook and snaped up to look at his clearly ticked off tiny lover.
"WOAH! what!?! Yes?!" He said furrowing his eyebrows.
"Are you done yet?"
The other slowly blinked "uhhhh,," he looked back at his work "nope not yet"
"Too bad! You are now finished because i say so!" He crossed his arm's
"Ha! Yeah thats cute hun but im busy, i gotta get this done, im sorry, I'll be there soon"
Quackity scoffed "whatever" he left as sapnap sighed
'He's never like this, maybe i should stop and check on him' Sapnap thought closing his laptop quietly sneaking up on his amazing fiancé on the couch.
"HIYA!" he tackled him to the couch holding him close.
"WA!- SHIT!" he fell over with him now in a cuddly trap, smiling widely giggling a bit.
"What's wrong Quacky babe" Sap said concerningly putting his head to his adorable smol husband's shoulder.
"I wanted to hang out together,,, i want to be involved, i want attention and affection and love sapnap and i haven't gotten anyyy in a long time" Quackity spilled out as sap processed everything.
'Looking back i see where he's coming from, it's been alot of Karl-'
"Don't get me wrong i love karl and i love giving him attention and affection and everything and i love watching you two be that way with each other i just i guess i felt a bit left out"
Sapnap nodded,
"Im Sorwy baps, forgive me?" He used his small voice making quackity cringe a bit jokingly.
"Give me attention and we will see what happens" He smirked
"Hmmmm" He anticipated his moves and ideas watching quackity's eyes that were pointed right to his hands
'So that's what he wants' he smirked wider lightly running his fingers slowly up and down his sides.
The other on top of him tensed "s-sap"
"Yea babe?" He said as if he wasn't tracing the man's sides with tickly anticipation.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Giving you attention, isn't that what you wanted?" He smiled at him as Quackity sank into Sapnap's embrace leaning his head on the pillow behind them, Sapnap's head still on his shoulder.
Sap lowly giggled quickly stittering his hands his stomach then back to his sides watching him lift up and squeak.
"You're such a dick" Qauckalee said in a joking matter making Sapnap's smirk deepen.
"Oh im a dick?!" He digged into his stomach watching as quackity squealed digged his heels to the end of the couch.
"Thats my name love~" sap moved closer towards his bellybutton.
"Yes there! The giggle button has been unpressed for wayy to long, i need it to make up for the lost times Quackity"
Sapnap giggled with him taking in every werid noise and laugh that the touch starved lee had made.
Seeing it was clear he wasn't used to it he slowed down moving back to his sides lightly to get his breathing steady again.
"Easy tiger, i got you" he reassured him getting his breathing together
"Im gonna getcha'!" Sapnap said moving up towards his ribs scribbling along up and down and In-between.
The smaller's back arched as his giggles mixed into light laughter.
"AyEehehe naha-Ha! Tickles!! It tickles!!" The man rang out trying to squirm out of his fiancé's tickle trap.
"Thats the point Quacker's im hungryyyy i need your giggles to surviveee" he lightly blew a raspberry onto his neck, the other scrunching up
"Nomnomnom" he made fake eating sounds, playing pretend before blowing another raspberry into his neck.
Sapnap giggled and stopped holding him close rubbing circles into the top of his hand
"Come here bubba" He lifted Quackity up letting him wrap around him while he got a blanket.
Sitting back down he put the blanket overtop of them throwing on the Disney movie Coco for some well deserved aftercare and fiancé time, Playing with his hair Sapnap smiled down at his man kissing the top of his head.
"We gotta get you a haircut buddy its so long" he teased as quackity laughed
"I'll get a haircut the day you shave" the tired one teased back both laughing together enjoying the moment, the beanie boy slowly falling asleep on his chest.
"Goodnight handsome" he placed another kiss to the top of his head.
Quackity's phone went off, Sapnap looked, it was Karl.
'Hi bubby!! It's going lmao, i miss you both so much too! I'll be home soon i promise! And when i do get home It's cuddle time! Hehe I'll talk to you soon quack baby! Tell sap i said hi and that i love him too! *mwah!*'
Sapnap smiled and put the phone back down to the side of him, smiling at the boy in his arms.
'Homework can wait'
I absolutely LOVED writing this! I love Karlnapity! I hope you all enjoyedd! :]
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cloudycrystalkpop · 3 years
SMOKY | Purgatory Within
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Blind! Prince! Mingi x [unstated skin deformity] fem! Reader
words: almost 2k 
warnings: abuse trauma, smut, death
au: crown royal au | moodboard
series masterlist: SMOKY
you became more and more concerned for your husband’s behavior as time went on. the young man who had once been so careful and gentle, now stood with a silent rage behind his empty eyes.
however, after you confronted him about his possessive behavior, you watched him break down at your feet.
“p-please... please don’t leave me...” his large frame was once again curled in on himself, shoulders shaking as he kneeled on the floor, hands fisted in your robe. his head was hung low as he begged you at your feet.
“Mingi, what has been going on with you?” you insisted, refusing to touch the man as he tried to bury his face in your lap.
“I can't- I can't let the Duke take you! or your whore of a knight! Please my queen please, take me instead, take everything I have!” the man let out a broken sob as you sighed at his words.
“enough.” you growled, grabbing a hand full of his hair and lifting his head. he yelped in shock, neck exposed to you as his Adams apple bobbed in fear.
“you are to be a king Mingi. you are a grown man, and I am your wife. you are not a little boy to be crying at the feet of his mother.” you pushed the man off your lap and stood. “and you will be a fool of a king if you let such foolish insecurity cloud your judgment!”
Mingi hid his head low, covering his face with his arms.
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry! p-please don't-” his normally deep voice cracked in terror. you stopped, anger at he man before you evaporated.
“Mingi...mingi I'm not going to hit you.” you spoke softly, gently falling to your knees on the floor. his body shook, arms still held to protect his face. “I hope you know, I would never do that.” your voice was sorrowful as you reached out a hand to his head.
he flinched when you touched his hair, but as you began to run your fingers through it, his muscles slowly relaxed. dropping his arms from his face you could finally see the puffiness around his eyes, the cloudiness of the dark pigment stared blankly back at you.
“...do you promise?” he hiccuped, turning his head to try and find the direction of your voice. you cupped the man’s cheeks, pulling his head to face yours. his eyes fluttered shut as he rested his head in your hands.
“oh my darling boy, who did this to you?”
Mingi found a small kitten in the garden. a runt, tiny thing. you had thought the bundle of orange fur was some nobles lost purse left out in the rain. he named her Daisy, saying her fur smelled of the flowers when she curled up in his big hands.
You rarely saw the man without her, the small kitten often purching on Mingi's large shoulders.
Your husband still held ribbons of his possessive behavior, however he began to distance himself from you. You rarely saw him now other then in passing on when the pair of you went to sleep at night. He also began neglecting pleasing you, but you assumed he was simply not interested as both of you often went to sleep without any contact.
Now you found yourself facing a different delema. You had always been a woman with a high sex drive, its one of the reasons you had chosen Seonghwa as a concort. However your poor knight had been frightened quite badly by yourself and your husband, and you knew he wouldnt return to you unless you seeked him out.
But you had also made Mingi a promis. One that was getting increasingly hard for you to keep.
"My lady, is everything alright? You seem lost in thought... If there is any responsibilities weighing heavy on you i am more then happy to help however i can!" the young Duke's voice was as sweet as ever.
You sighed, looking over to Yeosang, a man you had been trying not to look at for to long. His hair lay in soft curls around his face, lightened by the many years spent outside in the sunlight. Likewise his skin was warm in hue, tanner then the rest of your court.
You had heard some of the other ladies snickering about him. Yeosang surely didnt live up to some of the standards for desired beauty the royals had. A strange thought flashed in your mind. Is that why Mingi was chosen to be your husband over Yeosang? Mingi's frame was large, an incredibly masculine figure just looking at him, with dark hair and skin untouched by the sun.
Little Yeosang however, had small and dainty hands, with long thin fingers, his features were softer then Mingi's, even his skin looked soft to the touch. And the many years spent as a playmate for his sisters left him with an unthreatening demeanor.
Indeed it wasnt hard for you to imagine him, flowers in his hair, sat on a blanket in the valley, perhaps painting or writing for his own amusement. You shoved away such thoughts as you saw a line of concern crease in his brow.
"My lady..."
"I am sorry Yeosang. Truthfully ive been feeling a bit... Forgotten about in these last weeks. And its left me feeling distracted." you answered him.
"Forgotten... Ah, by your husband?" perceptive as always. You sighed, gase dropping to your tea once more, before nodding.
"Have you tried speaking to him? He has a shy nature, im sure-"
"Hes trying to help." you held up a hand to stop him. "He did not trust me, and hes trying to offer me space to show he does." you clarified.
"... I see." Yeosang chewed on his lip in thought. His lips were a pretty blush color, not as round as Mingi's but plump, they looked soft... Very soft.
You cursed yourself in your own head. His fingers, his lips, youd be lying to deny they hadnt crossed your mind when you bathed. Your hands wandering your own body, head leaned back and eyes closed. Imagining it was Yeosang's long fingers in place of your own as you gasped in pleasure.
You shooed away the maid who came to offer you more tea, informing her it wouldnt be needed. Lust was a vice that would only cause you harm as Mingi's wife. And yet, something stirred in your gut.
"Yeosang, will you come walk with me?" the Duke nodded quickly, standing to his feet to follow you deeping into the gardens.
Your husband would be furious. And yet, such a worry seemed to melt away as you let yourself become lost in his touch.
"My lady please, you must be quiet. Or else we shall scandalize some poor stable boy." Yeosang's voice purred in your ear, pressing soft kisses to your neck after speaking.
You bite your tongue as Yeosang let another finger slip inside you. You were right, his fingers were deliciously long, able to reach places within you your own faltered. His hand snaked up your skirts and inside your undergarments, the heel of his hand pressed against your clit, his wrist not forgetting such an important part as he rubbed it gently.
You could almost see stars as he began sucking on your neck, a third finger sliding within you.
"... I promised you, anything you ever needed, i will provide. If its council, wisdom, or even such sinful favors... I am at your service. Always." Yeosang's voice was honey on your skin. You pulled one of your hands up from where they were fisted in his jacket, tugging gently on his hair. He pulled away from your neck, eyes now staring into your own. A look of pride took his features, seeing the state of pleasure you were in at his hands.
Tugging his hair again, you let a small whine fall from your lips. He chuckled, increasing the pace of his hand, and before a moan could fall from your lips, he covered them with his own.
That night, cheeks finally faded with the glow of what yourself and the Duke had snuck away to do, you crossed paths with a guard.
“your highness! just who I was looking for~” dread pooled in your gut as you saw Hongjoong, cheerful grin on display, with a small kitten in his arms. Daisy shook like a leaf, eyes slit to spite the darkness of the hallway.
you opened your arms and Hongjoong placed the small cat in your hands. Daisy immediately pressed herself as far from Hongjoong as she could, a small hiss let out in his direction.
“how rude. if it wasn't for me she would have been stuck at the top of a lamp. ungrateful feline.” he huffed. you began to gently stroke the cat’s fur, in hopes of calming her down.
“an animal as small as this knows when it is in the jaws of a predator.” you stated. Hongjoong smiled, and your stomach dropped. humans are so stupid. Hongjoong is known as a cheerful and smiley person, but yet the cloud that follows him hides the nature of his grin. a wolf does not offer you a smile, he bares his teeth as a warning.
“and yet your little prince is so blissfully unaware of what he is toying with~” Hongjoong giggled. you simply blinked back at the creature before you. “you know, your fondness for that Duke will upset him. but if you wanted a straightforward solution-”
“I am not a fool like the other idiot humans that reside here.” you growled.
“oh no, absolutely not. but, witch, neither am i.” you narrow your eyes at him.
“I could have you hung for accusing the future queen of witchcraft.” you threatened. Hongjoong lay his head back and let out a hearty laugh.
“that would be a sight! do you really want to see what happened if you try and kill me?” Hongjoong stops himself before he begins laughing again. “actually I believe I know that answer. regardless, my offer still stands. just as our deal already does.”
“deal?” you feel panic rise in your throat.
“why yes, the silent one of course.” Hongjoong grins that same one that appears in your nightmares. the one that pulls his cheeks up and shows just a few to many teeth.
“you don't tell them what I am, and in exchange, I do the same.”
you awoke the next morning, without Mingi. his side of the bed was cold, and even Daisy had gone missing. you thought little of it as you rose to begin your day, however, you were not greeted by one of your handmaidens, but rather, a guard.
“your majesty, I come bearing news.” he swallowed nervously.
“oh? at this hour?” you inquired. you were then greeted by a sorrowful meow, Daisy crawling between the guards legs and hiding under your nightgown.
“your husband, Prince Mingi, was found dead in a poll of his own blood last night.”
who killed the king?
suspects : Yeosang | Seonghwa | Hongjoong
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