xr0tt3nxfl3shx · 3 months
Mr plant pegs me as the type of guy to have put half dead bugs in air tight bags as a kid, yk to see how if their lil bug corpses released gas or anything . See how it effects the decomposition process or smtg
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fuckmycrane · 9 months
Testing — Dr. Jonathan Crane.
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— CW: 18+, smut, noncon! (DNI if uncomfortable 😴), fisting, slight spit kink, Crane using medical language? Rubber gloves! | word count: 2k!
— a/n: I don't know how to tag! This came to me before bed the other day. SUPER GRATEFUL AND FOREVER IN LOVE WITH @pictureinme for beta-reading this! I love you so much pookie 💌.
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A shiver runs down your spine as Dr. Crane's camera on the tripod flashes red— an ominous light that warns your humiliation is being recorded.
Your legs are stretched out wide on the cold metal table, chained to the bars on each side, strains reserved for patients in the consulting room who refuse to be sedated. Reserved to those who will involve to be a problem to Dr. Crane, your boss. Hands above your head, your fingers curl around the wire he used to tie your wrists together. Too tight, it felt like a punishment. The blood circulation was slow, causing them to feel numb.
He had to improvise, the sedative he administrated in your morning coffee was a mild dose, enough to keep you knocked out for at least 40 minutes— enough for him to drag you to his private laboratory, undress you, and tie you up. 
Reaching inside the pocket of his pristine lab coat, Crane brings the voice recorder to his mouth, clicking the thick button and twitching in excitement at the mute sound of the tapes rolling inside the device.
“October 14th, 2001,” He speaks, looking at you from behind his thin glasses. “Test subject is awake now, they appear to be responding normally. I will be monitoring them for the next few hours to ensure continued stability. Will report any significant changes in behavior immediately.” 
Clicking the button again, Crane returns the recorder inside his pocket, approaching you with cautious steps— similar to a predator looming over its helpless, little prey; even his eyes hold that harpy gaze. Cold and relentless, your body shivers in fear. The same fear he thrives on, the same fear that makes his blood circulate and sends an excited beat to his heart. 
Your mouth opens but before a sound comes out he raises her hand in a shutting motion, to which you surprisingly obey in response. “Don’t even try,” he warns you, reaching for a tiny box on the tall desk next to your bed. “This experiment is happening either way.” 
Sliding the blue rubber glove over his right hand, Jonathan stretches it, letting it snap with a loud sound. His eyes never leave your face which is a remarkable show of professionalism, taking into consideration your lack of clothes, and the awkward, obscene position. Standing next to you, his index finger traces from your knee to your hip, relishing the way your body squirms uncomfortably. Grasping the recorder once more, he turns it on before leaving it next to the box where he retrieved the gloves from, returning his attention to you.
“Subject internally rejects light physical stimuli,” He repeats the action, going from knee to thigh over and over, the rubber sliding smoothly from the cold sweat of fear that grants your body a soft glow. “Their body appears to be affected by the fear and anxiety. Mild sweating, constant twitching.”
Crane’s finger ventures to the inside of your thigh, raising goosebumps on your skin. An eternity passes until he finally comes in contact with your mound, pressing it softly with his fingerpad. The uneasy pressure makes you choke a sob, a sob that isn’t acknowledged by the doctor. Lower, he begins to circle your clit in slow, methodical circles. The sensation makes your legs tense, instinctively try to close them but are not allowed to do so, thanks to the restraints. Crane watches you with an unamused expression, noticing how lost you are in distress to notice how his leg twitches slightly at the sight of such a pretty face denying the pleasure. The pressure over your clit increases but the pace stays the same, giving you a similar feeling of breathlessness and dizziness. He knows what he is doing, how couldn’t he? Such a brilliant mind, such skilled fingers… he knows.
Closing your eyes shut, your brain shortcuts for seconds, trying to reject the pleasure that Jonathan’s ministrations provide— you shouldn’t, succumbing isn’t an option. Tears silently trickle down your flushed cheeks, embarrassed by your own natural body response. The slick is slowly but surely building up in between your legs, and it’s just a matter of time for Crane to notice it. You wish you could scream, curse him, damn him, and send his soul to hell— but it’s difficult to even breathe. The confusing mix of fear and innate pleasure clouds your common sense.
“Patient is responding correctly to clitoral stimulation,” His deep voice snatches you from your internal battle, snapping your eyes open and finding those same blue eyes that you grew accustomed to, watching you as if you were a mere lab rat. “But, they appear to be having a moral conflict.” 
Perhaps you are. 
When he stops his circling over your clit, a sigh of relief escapes from your lips, but you are disgusted by the sting of disappointment that your body sends you; The ease doesn’t last long, as his finger slides between your folds, gathering the slick and bringing back to your clit briefly. 
He inserts a finger, unhurriedly. He has all the time in the world— it is not like you are leaving anyway. Jonathan breaks the eye contact and focuses on opening you up carefully; It’s easy to read he is not doing it because he is scared of hurting you, it is because causing you pain in this state will lower his experiments. The pace of his digit mimics the one he created before, methodical. Everything about him appears premeditated. Curling his index finger, it takes him around eight seconds to locate your G-spot, rubbing it with expertise and ease; “It appears to be a considerable amount of lubrication,” He continues speaking to the recorder, speeding up his movements slightly. “Corporeal response is positive, the experiment is going as planned”
Planned. That word strikes a cord inside your hazy mind. So he already intended to do this.
A second finger joins, spreading you, but not in a painful way. In fact, the remorse falters, as the pleasure begins to build, strong and hopeless to avoid. Repeating the same curling motion, Jonathan’s hand twitches when he hears the first moan of the evening. It’s weak, but something like that will never go unnoticed. 
“Patient is showing vocal responses after two fingers, vaginal stimulation is going as expected.” 
A wave of heat starts to crumble the last bits of your will, he knows what he is doing— the bastard fucking knows. A new set of tears swell up in your eyes, falling without you doing much to stop them. A meek sob that breaks into a choked moan catches the doctor’s attention, his rosy lips curling into a wicked smile. This is probably the first time you had ever seen Crane smile. Your cunt and his fingers work together to create an obscene wet sound, smearing it all over your labia and printing it with fire and fear in your mind.
A third finger prods outside your aching hole, threatening; When it joins the party, that same stretch comes back— once again not uncomfortable.
“Three fingers have been inserted now,” Crane says, his voice faltering at the end of the sentence. “The patient shows no signs of pain nor discomfort”
Faster, his fingers are going faster now. Three fingers plugging in and out of you without any hint of mercy or consideration. You dare to bend your neck, a sick need to watch his hand invading you, only to find his hand soaked. Involuntary, your cunt clench around his fingers, something that also was noticed.
Expecting him to talk again to the voice recorder, only to encounter a quicker pace, your back arches, the cold laboratory bed suddenly too cold for the boiling temperature of your body. A cloud of guilty pleasure numbs your brain— unable to register the fourth finger peeking at your pussy.
The intrusion hurts, the current lubrication not enough to save the painful stretch. Jonathan notices this, an expert in reading body language; “In response to the fourth finger, the patient has experienced slight pain. After a quick thought, I have come to the conclusion that the rubber gloves inhibit the vagina lubrication to be sufficient.” 
Removing your fingers from your cunt, you watch with half-lidded eyes how he practically rips the glove off his hand, almost frustrated. Returning his now bare fingers to your poor hole, a mewl escapes your lips when he returns three fingers, humming at the clear difference of sensations.
His fingers, his skin is a whole different sensation than the damn rubber. His pinky finger sneaks in again, but your pussy clenches, making the intrusion painful again. Crane huffs in annoyance, bending over and hovering over your crotch, gathering saliva in his mouth and spitting right in your pussy. The action, which perhaps holds strictly experimental intentions, is so perverted it makes your stomach flutter— erotic, that was erotic.
You find Dr. Crane spitting on your pussy erotic.
“Fucking finally,” he whispers.
In no time, and thanks to the skin-to-skin contact, the penetration is easier, for him at least. Four fingers slide in and out effortlessly, as your legs begin to shake, and the tight knot in your lower region threatens to snap.
“You are not allowed to come,'' his stern voice is like a fork scraping against a porcelain plate— dominant and authoritarian. “Hold it, or there will be consequences.”
The promise of a punishment for disobeying is even scarier than the possible consequences, causing you to nod and succumb to his wishes— although you don’t have much choice.
His other hand, which had been fidgeting around ever since his touch over your skin started, approaches your clit dangerously, pressing his thumb on the swollen nub, reminiscing of the circles he did an hour prior, this time tighter— faster.
His actions are lewd, definitely illegal— your noises are lewd, definitely unwilling. Your body thrashes over the metal, yanking the restraints with little success to lose them. The rational instinct screams at you to move, fight— but the overwhelming sensations act like a drug. His fingers curl in an odd position, and before you can react, his thumb slides in.
Fitting his whole hand inside your poor, stretched, wet hole. 
He moves his hand slowly, testing the waters. This is the crucial part of the experiment, one false move and everything will be extremely painful to you.
Torturing your clit, Jonathan uses the lubrication and his saliva to move his hand, keeping his fingers straight and still— ignoring the uncomfortable erection straining against his slacks. 
“The experiment has been a success. The patient has been able to fit my hand inside them. There are no signs of pain, discomfort, or physical rejection—” His voice shakes slightly, as if he was fighting to keep composure the same way you fought the pleasure that his unwanted touch gave you.
That's when the real thing begins.
Crane’s hand curls into a fist, making you moan louder. How can something so twisted feel so good? Lowering your watery gaze, the borderline pornographic view of being fucked by your boss’ fist sends you to a frenzied state. He keeps forcing his fist inside you, uncurling his finger lightly every now and then just to add a new sensation. 
“Good…” He pants, biting his lower lip. “Come. You can come now.”
And you do. Oh, you do. 
His hand assaults your pussy, stretching it beyond limits and giving you the most mind–blowing, earth–shattering, painful orgasm you had ever experienced in your life. Your clit burns from the rough treatment, and something whispers in the back of your drowning mind, that even if you manage to see the light of another day if Crane decided to let you go; you will never find something as pleasurable as what he just did.
To you. To your body. To your mind.
The realization, the crude reality— breaks the thin veil of lust. Crying, sobbing, screaming— the voice you seemed to have lost while he experimented with you finally came back. 
Jonathan wipes his wet hand with his lab coat, reaching for the recorder. His black shoes click on the white tiles of the consultation room as he approaches the camera, clicking the «play» button off, the red light winking at you before disappearing.
Until next time. 
Dr. Crane licks his lips, his cold blue eyes glistening with morbid excitement. His hand trembles when he brings the recorder to his lips, piercing your soul with those orbs just like he pierced your body and dignity with his fist.
“The experiment was a success.”
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lavvylove · 16 days
Hi!! I do NOT want to come across as rude - just want to share knowledge!!!
You made a post about Spencer Reid being allergic to carbenicillin and I LOVE the amount of research you did, and the theories you produced, I just wanted you to know that in canon he’s not allergic to that specific drug.
In Demons, Greg Baylor DOES try to inject his IV with carbenicillin, and Spencer’s response is, “No, that’s not right. I have a severe reaction to beta lactams. I can’t have that”.
Now, carbenicillin is a type of beta lactam!! Beta Lactams are a type of antibiotic that have a “4 membered beta-lactam ring in its chemical structure” - the most common beta lactum is penicillin - which is used for something as common as an ear infection - although it can be used for a UTI as well!!!!. (I think most of the -cillin medicines have this structure, but I could be wrong on that).
I really really hope this doesn’t come across as rude or anything - if it does, please let me know (and I am so sorry). :( just another dedicated fan who wanted to share knowledge because I went down a rabbit hole of information like you did when I watched that episode.
- 💉
AHHH NO NO ITS OKAY!! Don’t ever think that correcting me the way you did is rude. You were very sweet!!
You’re correct he does say beta lactums, and it honestly begs the question of how many medications in that particular group he attempted and for what he was ailed with??
Because with medicines, especially antibiotics, (and with his science-y brain) he would’ve had to attempt more than a few in order that have that knowledge that he has a reaction.
I also wonder what kind of reaction he has!! Because with my medicine allergy, it’s not life threatening and it really just gives me hives and makes me uncomfortable and itchy. We can definitely infer that his reaction is life threatening given how intensely he responded, but it also could be something less intense and he just had a knee jerk reaction (I mean if someone can at me with something I’m a allergic to I’d definitely react, life threatening or not).
All in all, thank you for the correction!! I most definitely shouldve rewatched that episode or at the very least done more research. His reaction still fits with my original analysis which is less of a blow to my ego (your girl hates being wrong) but yeah! Beta lactums!
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carnivorous-parasite · 3 months
Ehmmm can i have ler medic hcs? For science☝🤓 have a wonderful day!
Of course my lovely anon!!! <3
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Ler Medic hcs!!
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• tl;dr: fucking pure evil
• first of all he gives all the mercs checkups- therefore he knows everyone's spots and does not hesitate to use this information against them
• imagine. Everyone now knows your worst spot bc you wanna talk crazy
• I like to think he gets in pretty bad ler moods every now and then, which mainly consist of him bouncing off the fucking walls and going feral until he gets the chance to tickle someone.
• Absolutely murderous teases like god DAMN.
• Loves to pull shit like, he's just examining you! Or he's just checking for broken bones! As he pokes at ur sides and ribs. What a good doctor :)
• He so strikes me as the type to tickle two spots at once and force his lee to choose which one tickles more, he doesn't stop until he gets a definitive answer
• I've said it before ill say it again: he loves doing that thing where he counts your ribs and starts over if you move
• laughs along with his lee
• he definitely tends to lean more towards gentle, teasy tickles, but can be rougher if he so pleases. He's good at both but thinks gentle is more fun
• he LOVES chases, u should let him chase you as enrichment. He mostly loves it because he literally always catches u no matter what
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RAAAH I hope these are good! I'm rlly scatterbrained bc I have so many requests to get finished bc I let them pile up !!! I hope u like these!!
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confessions-sm · 13 days
Everyone headcanons Patty as a lesbian but she's always given me big bisexual vibes. Like women kisser for sure but she'd absolutely smooch a man too I don't think she'd care that much
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polaroid-paranoid · 2 years
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General Headcanons I have for Medic!
Totally the type to sing in the shower.
His singing sounds more like a lamenting goose, and does it regardless of whether or not the mercs can hear him.
Sometimes sings lullabies to his doves.
Definitely baby-talks his doves as well.
I feel like he’d be the type to take frigidly cold showers with no issue.
He's not generally all too interested in art, but can perfectly sketch almost any skeletal structure of any organism without any flaws, and can even list off every single bone in such an organism as well.
Gets rather annoyed whenever somebody touches his medical equipment, yet not quite in the way Heavy is with his mini guns.
It’s more of like a strange OCD thing, ‘this scalpel must be exactly tilted at 72 degrees, the blade just barely poking off of THIS exact table this much, anything else and it’ll look off’.
He wears a pair of dove slippers he got from the mercs on Christmas.
The one time he tried to cook, he nearly burnt down the base and horribly scorched his hair.
He is no longer allowed in the kitchen.
Holds grudges easily, although you can never tell if he has something against you unless it’s something that absolutely enrages him.
He's not all too much of a fan of large parties, and more prefers small group hangouts with a large glass of beer or two.
He has little cravings for the food back in Germany, of which he often goes to Heavy for (I feel as though Heavy would know at least SOME cuisine other than his own).
Despite the horrifying (and rather unethical) experiments he does on the mercs, they aren't nearly as comparable to what most of the mercs have already done to their body (Spy smoking non-stop, Scout's Bonk craze, and Demoman's alcohol addiction).
He’s surprisingly good with children, and is more of a fun-loving parent/caretaker than anything.
His favorite flower is Foxglove, and has a white foxglove plant in the Medbay that is horribly wilting and is in dire need of a pot change.
Literally cannot take care of plants unless reminded of his plants by somebody else, as he’s usually too caught up in his work to remember to care for them.
If he's ever in love, he's falling right in the 'unhinged/psychopathic hopeless romantic' trope.
His favorite music genres comprise of classical and orchestra, his favorite song being, “La Danse Macabre”.
I feel as though Medic’s either a Gemini or Aries.
Medic's favorite season is Spring. Mainly because of the influx of animals for him to harvest organs from.
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hirudou · 1 year
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zandik is a very high ranking member within the sonobium. no one knows his real name. people inside and outside the tower know him only as "il/dottore". something kuras no doubt loathes deeply, due to him not being a doctor...at all.
his specialty lies in monsters, studying them, taking them apart. reverse engineering them so to speak. his goal being to understand them on any and every level he can. so he can find ways to make humans fundamentally equal or even greater than the invading creatures. that said, humans are not exempt from his horrific, and deeply unethical practices. as he experiments with giving humans magic, curses, and gifts that carry him closer to his goals.
though he appears human...it is a topic up for debate. even those at the sonobium are unsettled by him. and characters like vere and ais have difficulty getting a read on him for one reason or another. i.e his eyes are covered, and his mind and character are simply too shrouded and twisted to really grasp properly. rumors abound state that dotto was human once-- but experiments on himself have split him apart, and changed him into...something else. at the most he can be seen as both.
he does occasionally leave the tower to venture through eridia himself. or...maybe it's another him. his persona, and demeanor changing entirely. and even his appearance on occasion. it's all ruse however, to lure in potential test subjects. outside he is a lot more charming, and easy to talk to. happily carrying conversations of any kind, and perhaps...even sharing secrets to encourage trust. though unknown to anyone who'd be daring enough to listen-- the deeper the secret he shares, the more likely you are to go missing after the encounter.
the only one who discovers his true name right off the bat, and remains intact, is the MC. zandik offers the MC a potential cure, but that he would need something of equal or greater value in return. likewise, he is will to offer similar offers to others too. the details up for debate / need some plotting.
the only clear thing about him, is that zandik has magic. it is not a subtle or hidden secret. what he can do however is a mystery. because he never feels a need to really use it when he's out and about.
oh yes. he has segments in this au too, how could he not. an accomplishment made thanks to his study in monsters. the concept here is very very similar to what we know in his genshin lore. what little we have anyway.
he knows kuras. and he knows of vere, though the fox is expressly off limits for him. a point made very very clear very bluntly.
while his nature( human or not )is a mystery...he is very uncanny and unsettling to anyone that can sense or feel auras...
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noctumbrosa · 1 year
I’m having bad brainrottore rn,, so here’s my personal dottore hcs !!
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so he’s been around for several centuries right? prime/og dottore is OLD. I doubt he’s like some old wrinkly saggy old man and I can’t get this hc out of my head.
- artificial heart
like mechanical heart,, he replaced his human one somehow with a handmade mechanical heart made from ruin machinery parts
- IMMORTAL but looks like he’s in his early or mid 40s
bro looks good for his age too. he’s tired and overworked and you can tell he’s been through shit. looks very cold and stoic but he’s still the heeheehohohaha silly man (webttore I miss you).
- prosthetics??
he’s not completely human anymore. centuries of experimentations on not only people (amongst other things) resulted in a few lost limbs and I like to think random parts of his body is just ruin machinery.
- doesn’t need sleep, doesn’t need to eat, but I imagine he likes to indulge himself in little humane desires sometimes
chai time. mans will go even more crazy if he doesn’t have his chai. once a day he takes just a few mins to have some chai. some poor Fatui agent or clone may feel his wrath if they interrupt his little chai sesh. has to make it himself too, won’t let anyone else do it. (last time someone did, he threw it at them and it left a nasty burn on their face,,).
I have some nsfw hcs too about our beloved doctor but !! that’s all for now 😭 if anyone sees this pls pls pls share your own dottore hcs w me !! I love reading them and hearing about them I’m so in love w this silly goose
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evilendures · 2 years
Villain Rankings
Since @mirrcrmcve​​ has got me thinking about it, let’s talk the rankings for the muses here. What authorities have assigned to each of these people, based on the known threat that they can and have posed to Japanese society.
Canonically, we have one for All For One, Mr. Compress, Overhaul, and Chronostasis. Everything else for my muses is going to be me extrapolating from that or examining their characters and past history, and then drawing appropriate conclusions.
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All For One Real name: Ichirō Shigaraki This is to be expected of the number one most wanted and most feared villain in the country. He is the one that the rest fall in line under, ultimately, and he is the one that has manipulated Shigaraki into the image of his Symbol of Fear.
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Osrupta Real name: Carmen Romano  (born Kimiko Miura) She is in a similar position to All For One, having crowned herself queen of the underworld in the country that she hails from. The others tend to more or less fall in line, or learn their lesson the hard way if they do not. She is a known associate of All For One’s, and has made visits to Japan in the past for the sake of discussing . . . business . . . with the man. There was once where she attempted to expand her efforts and make a power-grab on a more international basis, but the International Police were quick to put a stop to this. One Naomasa Tsukauchi, in particular.
Other canonical villains of this rank:
Tomura Shigaraki
Twice, aka Jin Bubaigawara (who moved up from C-Rank due to Sad Man’s Parade)
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Rumor Real name: Kosuke Tsukauchi The only reason he’s ended up here instead of moving up to the S-rank is due to his lack of focus on physical strength, relying more on his Quirk to get him by in life. He is highly adept with it, and with knives and guns both as backups when someone truly will not be persuaded to do as he says. He has long-served as an assassin for All For One himself, and was trained and bestowed a Quirk by the man in return for that service.
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Requiem Real name: Ayumu Kitagawa It’s been a deep betrayal that’s landed him so high up in the rankings, here. One of the Commission’s own agents, brought up within the organization and trained well by them, even serving them well for years and years. Until one day he didn’t, and they lost control entirely. He leaked secrets before going on the run and adopting this new persona, and has used their own tricks against them in order to pick off his old superiors, one by one. Those higher-ups that were responsible for the worst of the Commission’s actions, the compliance of the government in a number of atrocities against their own citizens. He knows how to make people disappear, it used to be his job.
Other canonical villains of this rank:
Dabi, aka Touya Todoroki
Re-Destro, aka Rikiya Yotsubashi
Stain, aka Chizome Akaguro
Himiko Toga
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Mr. Compress Real name: Atsuhiro Sako While he is not fond of physical combat, himself, he is geared well towards supporting their main fighters. He is quite tactically minded and his Quirk makes quick work of removing allies from danger, or removing opponents from their path, whichever is needed in the moment. He is also an escape artist, and thus not one that one tends to find in need of rescuing, and he is fully prepared to escape from trouble and bring everyone else along with him as well.
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Mirage Real name: Ema Kaneko She’s an excellent support type to have on your side, given the ease of which her Quirk allows for sneaking around. Able to convince opponents that they are not seeing her, nor allies of hers as well, as need be. Able to convince them that they are seeing something else, as well, even with that object or person not actually being there. She works well with Mr. Compress, crafting illusions and playing their sleight of hand tricks to boost the strength of the team.
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Overhaul Real name: Kai Chisaki He likely would have moved up in the rankings if he hadn’t been so narrowly focused on improving the reputation and standing of the Shie Hassaikai. His Quirk is extremely destructive and carries the capacity for unimaginable harm, if he had ever actually wished for it. However, he absolutely detests Quirks as a whole, and thus never was going to join up with the likes of the League.
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Chronostasis Real name: Hari Kurono It is likely that the reason he’s been placed here is due to his affiliation and close work with Overhaul. The Eight Bullets are in the next rank down, so it stands to reason that the “higher ups” as it were, of the Shie Hassaikai, would be above. Hari is not a very combat-oriented individual, and greatly prefers to stick to the shadows. He is a natural for espionage, and highly skilled therein.
Other canonical villains of this rank:
Magne, aka Kenji Hikiishi
Skeptic, aka Tomoyasu Chikazoku
Trumpet, aka Koku Hanabata
Mimic, aka Joi Irinaka
Kendo Rappa, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
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Aria Real name: Arata Hoshino He’s passionate, but his Quirk isn’t exactly anything to write home about, nor is his general skillset. Arata is in this for the mutant rights angle, advocating for people like himself and Spinner that have been looked down upon by society for their unusual appearances.
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Blight Real name: Dr. Takeshi Kinoshita He’s not really one that you’re going to find out in the field. Takeshi is a scientist, first and foremost, and an information-gatherer second. He does not involve himself in the fight, and leaves that for the people that are far more suited for it.
Other canonical villains of this rank:
Spinner, aka Shuichi Iguchi
Giran, aka Kagero Okuta
Dr. Kyudai Garaki
Muscular, aka Goto Imasuji
Curious, aka Chitose Kizuki
Gentle Criminal, aka Danjuro Tobita
La Brava, aka Manami Aiba
Shin Nemoto, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Rikiya Katsukame, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Toya Setsuno, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Yu Hojo, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Soramitsu Tabe, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Hekiji Tengai, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
Deidoro Sakaki, one of the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai
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xr0tt3nxfl3shx · 2 months
Oh yeah also new freaky MAF headcannon that i came up with mid drawing(the last post i made)
-monster eyes like mark's do have irises, you just dont see em usually because they're made to see in the dark so they are super dilated generally
-mark his eyes. When hes experiencing trauma and agony his pupils get all teeny and its uncanny and his agony is palpable, i have made a demonstration that i made in 5 minutes vvv
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@an-theduckin hate 2 tag you twice but ik mark is like ur favorite guy or smtg so i feel legally obligated
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selfship-nyx · 5 months
🛏️ and 👔 for 💉
Of course you’d ask for them /aff
🛏 : A sleeping headcanon
I haven’t thought much about this, but just by vibes I think she’s a heavy sleeper, which seems antithetical to the whole stalker thing I and most others see her as being, but it feels right to me, when she sleeps she Sleeps, she just does it more rarely than most
👔 : A clothing headcanon
Always wearing that damn lab coat and latex gloves, he cannot let go of the aesthetic to save his life
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carnivorous-parasite · 5 months
i really love the idea of Medic teasing somebody into tickling him
like, laying himself over ur lap. letting his shirt come up to expose just a bit of his tummy. stretching out like that
maybe he tries to annoy you into doing it, or maybe tickles you first just a little bit to give you the idea of getting him back
and then when you inevitably DO tickle him he just eggs you on the whole time
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resourcesofaqueen · 9 months
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
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hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
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hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
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hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
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hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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polaroid-paranoid · 2 years
Scout & Medic (separated) hcs for insomniac! S/O? They wake up early, they also wake up randomly during night. Insomnia’s biting my ass lately :> Thank you!
Of course, I hope you feel better soon!
Medic and Scout with an S/O that has Insomnia!
When he first saw on your information files that you had insomnia, he originally had no plans to perform tests in order to cease such symptoms and all the such, as insomniac symptoms was rather widespread throughout the base, as even he had felt incredibly deprived of sleep with the mercs constantly getting into trouble, along with his doves and all the whatnot.
Yet as he got closer to you, he noticed you could hardly even stay awake during battles, even with all the loud explosions, hollers, and gunshots, and soon felt as though he could at least help you stay safe in the battlefield without you falling face flat due to your absolute lack of any form of decent, nor proper sleep; after all, he is the team’s Medic.
He’ll soon start trying different treatments for your insomnia, and will request an extremely comfortable resting area (specifically designed and made) just for you, and will stop by no means in order for you to get quality rest, and will get so hyper fixated on YOUR sleep that he disregards his OWN sleep.
If you ever wake up during the middle of the night, chances are he’ll either be awake working on his endless piles of paperwork, or he’ll wake up alongside you (as he’s an incredibly sensitive sleeper), and will always be more than willing to provide you with whatever need/want you may have, lest it be a small cup of water, more blankets/pillow, or even just a plate of food, as he cares a lot about you and your well-being!
He had always been “confused” as to why you were always so tired, yet had never really questioned/pressed upon you to figure out the reason as to why you were so fatigued, although always just assumed you were suffering from a general lack of sleep like everyone else in the base had been, albeit your case seeming a bit worse.
He sleeps like a log, so for a while he hadn’t noticed you were waking up in the middle of the night until he had been waken up by you getting up off the bed, which then he was incredibly confused by until you explained that you had often woken up during the night, just that you had often laid there, waiting to go to sleep if you even COULD.
He’d then feel terrible that he hadn’t noticed before, and immediately go to Medic, asking for him to do anything to help you with your sleep issues, and will do practically anything to accommodate to your needs if you have any, and will often do so without any question (yet of course he’ll occasionally question at first, as this is Scout we’re talking about.).
He’ll most likely work poor Medic to the brink (or point) of fatigue due to how often he questions Medic on if he’s made any progress on helping you out with your sleep issues, although this is entirely because Scout cares for you, more than he does anybody else, albeit you may have to remind him to stop constantly asking Medic for help; as otherwise Scout’s liver may be gone the next day.
Sorry for the incredibly long wait! My laptop’s charger was lost, so I’m resorting to doing this on my phone until the replacement charger arrives, so requests may be slow for the next few days!
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hirudou · 1 year
Tumblr media
just random headcanons i have for zandik / il.dottore
himself, and most his segments stand at 196cm tall. he's not thin per say, but he is quite lean. with a deceptive amount of strength.
not every segment has it, but many have some kind of facial scarring. most of which were inflicted by himself, for accuracy's sake.
despite his reputation-- dottore can actually be very charming. and an incredible conversationalist. not every segment shares this quality of character. but over the majority, they are disturbingly pleasant to be around to anyone who's unaware of his character and track record.
as prideful, and egotistical as he is- he really does not waste words on traitors. and will not hesitate to kill anyone who threatens his plans. especially after he's been so kind as to pull them into the fold. or worse, he'll repurpose them, using them or their body for various experiments. death would honestly be a mercy.
he's an expert in biological engineering. a scientist first, a doctor second. yes. he could be a doctor if he really wished. but his interest lies elsewhere, and his lack of care or love for human lives would contradict the practice anyway. disease is fun and fine, but his interest lies in improving upon the human form. as well as uncovering ancient technologies.
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contact-guy · 3 months
watson's sketchbook
helloooo this is a MASTER POST of my Sherlock Holmes annotations, aka shitpost doodles of my favorite parts with occasional headcanons. I will pin this so it's available and update it as I go because this feels like it's becoming a full series, god help me.
I'm reading the stories in the order they occurred (according to Baring-Gould, who I am currently arm wrestling in the astral plane over how many wives Watson had) so that's how I will present them!
EDIT: decided to draw them in the order that makes sense to me, Baring-Gould you’re too silly
EDIT 2: this is basically a webcomic at this point, with ongoing continuity and a romantic storyline that can be enjoyed if you read in order. I did not intend this, but I have Sherlock Holmes disease and there's only one cure (doing this)
EDIT 3: content warning/advertisement depending on your temperament: this series gets into one of my big interests, historical queerness, period accurate homophobia, and how laws around queerness affected lived experience. it also has things that you can expect from a Sherlock Holmes story like: drug use involving needles, violence, flagrant use of old timey guns, and people dying in shocking and mysterious ways!
A Study in Scarlet 🩸
The Speckled Band 🐍
The Resident Patient 🩺
The Noble Bachelor 👰
The Second Stain 📮
The Reigate Squires 📝
The Dancing Men 👯‍♂️
Silver Blaze 🏇🏻
The Six Napoleons ⚫️
The Red Circle 🕯️🪟
The Greek Interpreter 🩹
Mycroft Interlude 🎩
The Beryl Coronet 🥪
The Yellow Face 🙂
The Hound of the Baskervilles 🐺
-Part One
-Part Two
-Part Three
-Part Four
-Part Five
-Part Six
-Part Seven
The Gloria Scott ⚓️
The Valley of Fear 🏰
-Part One
-Part Two
Shoscombe Old Place 🎣
Charles Augustus Milverton 💌
-Part One
-Part Two
-Part Three
-Part Four
-Part Five
The Copper Beeches ✂️
-Part One
-Part Two
The Sign of the Four 💉
-Part One
-Part Two
-Part Three
-Part Four
-Part Five
-Part Six
-Part Seven
The Cardboard Box 📦👂🏻
Second Interlude 💒
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