#i need to find the video again UGHHHHHH
ef-1 · 1 month
Drivers leaving home at a young age to pursue karting then ultimately F1 and some of them (esp non-European drivers) don't get to travel with parents or guardians- it's an accepted fact of motorsport. But then I remember that interview where Daniel said he was 17 and a million miles away from home and all he had was a copy of The Castle, an Australian movie, and he'd watch it incessantly beacuse he was afraid of losing his accent and there was no one around to talk to... reminds me of that one James Agee quote about clinging to home because in the absence of home the vastness of the world might mean we don't exist at all
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theharrowing · 8 months
Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!! I love, admire, worship and adore you! I’m so happy I stumbled across sharing is caring - that was the beacon that led me to you and your brand of insanity 😂 I know you know but the lengths i went through to find that fic after i accidentally closed out of the page, literally googling ‘bts fanfic silk robe orgy’ I WAS DESPERATE! You were one of the writers I made this blog for because I had to show my support and wanted to share your stories. I remember messaging you and saying it’s me Mallory!! Thank you for sharing spoilers with me, thank you for talking to me on multiple socials 😬 thank you for the community you’ve built for us to share our madness together. Thank you for responding to the videos I send you with another video. Thank you for making me laugh with your voice messages - honorable mention goes to the idea of reading boy blue aloud and having to say ‘Shellac’ 🍆💙 Thank you for writing what you want to write, how you want to write it. Your stories and characters are dark and complex. you aren’t afraid to make hard decisions when it comes to the direction of your stories to please ‘the people’ and I really really love that about you. Thank you for the BTS as characters from Romeo + Juliet convo. Thank you for always telling me how hot i look. Thank you for being my way more cool and talented midwest (you got out 🥲), taurus twin in their 30’s 😂 ok ok i need to stop, i could go on forever. You’re amazing. Never change, stay unhinged - DEUCES!!! 🖤
MALLORYYYYYYY 💍🧎‍♀️ i am on one knee.
i love, admire, worship, and adore you, as well!!! OMG DID YOU FIND THE FIC WHEN YOU GOOGLED THAT??? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. i am actually going to google it right now lmao.
ok, so, don't google that, friends! lolol.
thank you for dming me, and for being excited about spoilers, and for following my chaos all over various socials and for being part of this very fun community!!! thank you for sharing memes and videos and letting me make you laugh (LOLOL SHELLAC!!! 💀💀💀) thank you for reading all the chaos that i write and for encouraging me to do whatever i want
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OMG BTS CHARACTERS AS ROMEO + JULIET YESSS UGHHHHHH YES YES YES. also thank you for letting me LOOK at how HOT YOU ARE 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥 also i am definitely not cooler just bc i left okay, it is so HOT and SWEATY here that i sometimes consider flying home in the winter just to go lay on frozen lake mendota and forget about everything else.
thank you for your friendship I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU!!! 💐
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cowboypossume · 2 years
the group chatting
hi ! bc exactly one perosn asked for this and i finished up a college course over the summer with an a- here is a cut scene from a fic where a group of kiddos are at lunch and figuring out what to do afterschool (: !
“No!! I’m not asking my parents again.” Sophie said, pulling their head off the table. “Why do we always go to my house anyway? Don’t y’all live somewhere?” 
“Because, you’re the only one of the group that doesn’t have crippling mommy or daddy issues,” Fitz said, matter of factly. 
“Or both!” Keefe chimed in after a bite from his fry. 
“Uh, bullshit. I don’t know who my biological parents are, and the identity crisis that has caused me is iconic, more so than mommy or daddy issues are. Also, maybe my biological parent issues are worse. What if they’re in prison or something? I could be related to-”
“Yea, that’s the thing, you could be.” Keefe cut them off. “You might not be.”
“Plus,” Biana said, sliding into the top edge of the booth and basically sitting over Dex, “The prison system is a scam. People admit to false convictions and get over punished for minor crimes because they don’t have the resources to do otherwise. Your parents being in prison might not be their fault, or even a bad thing for their credibility.” He took a sip from a juice box. 
Sophie rolled their eyes. “Not the point I was trying to make, but thank you for that addition.”
Biana smiled around the straw. “Anytime.”
“Plus,” Dex added, resting a hand on Biana’s legs while she messed with his curls, “We shouldn’t be comparing traumas. Nothing you guys are talking about are inherently good things? How about we stop being a Jubilee video, and, I don’t know, talk about literally anything else.”
“Dex!” Sophie said, finding sunden energy. “You have a good relationship with your family. Why don’t we go to your house?”
“Because I have a total of six people in my house living there, not to mention there are always relatives coming in and out. Also!! Three of the consistent people are seven years old and don’t respect any kind of boundary, which is fine, I love them regardless, but with the amount of shit this group has gone through, maybe we don’t need to invoke triggers for no reason.”
“Screw you too.” Sophie said, flopping back into the booth.
“Love youuuuuuuuuuuuu.” Dex said, reaching for her hand across the table. “Also compsi has a meeting afterschool today.”
“Uh huh. Why don’t we go to the park or something?” Sophie said. 
“Because, even under shade and with a million fans going, we can never avoid being miserably hot.” Keefe said.
Fitz nodded. “And your backyard is way cooler than any park we could go to.”
“Was that pun intended?” Keefe asked, glowing with pride.
Fitz winked. “Maybe.”
“Ughhhhhh, fine! I’ll ask my parents a g a i n. Who all is coming over?”
“I can’t. Speech and Debate tournament.” Biana said. 
Keefe gasped. “Is that why you’re wearing a suit?”
“No, I just thought it would be comfortable. Obviously that’s the reason, dumbass!!”
“Well good luck!!” Mucrua added, pausing her typing on the computer for a second. 
“You’re literally my debate partner??”
He shrugged. “Yeah? I want us to have good luck.”
Tam rubbed his eyes after he dragged a chair to the edge of the booth. “What are you talking about?”
“They’re arguing about why we always hang out at Sophie’s.” Linh piped up, looking over xier book from the corner.
“Why hello,” Keefe said to Linh at the same time Tam smiled to himself saying “Typical.”
“Keefe, we were literally talking before lunch started. Calm down.”
“What about it? I missed hearing your voice.” Keefe said while dramatically putting his head onto xier shoulder.
“Yeah, you have been kinda quiet. Everything ok?” Fitz asked, reaching a hand across the table.
“Fine! Today’s just been a long day and, love you guys, but talking to people is exhausting. Which, by the way,” xey pointed to Sophie, “I don’t want to hang out later.”
“Good job not apologizing!” Tam said enthusiastically but brought his hands together in a sarcastic clap.
“Fuck you.” Linh said, immediately dropping how tired xier voice sounded before.
“Okay-” Sophie said quickly. “Linh, you’re out. Tam?” “Can’t. Speech and debate.” “Wait, I thought I.E.’s only competed on Saturdays.” Keefe asked.
“Aww, is that affection I’m reading between the lines on?” Tam said while leaning forward.
“What? No! I just,,,, pay attention.”
“No you don’t.” Sophie and Fitz said together.
“Ugh! Fine! I kinda like you around. Great? Cool. Now answer the question.” Keefe said, combining his words together due to the speed. 
“See, was that so hard?”
“Tam!” Linh tisked, not looking up from xier book or really moving.
He sighed dramatically. “Yes, Keefe, you were right: IE’s usually do Saturadys, but this fucking school is trying to be edgy and make it Friday, so, all I.E.rs are having fun. Also. The coach wants me to try LD, so I get to be triple entered this time around. But, yeah. I definitely cannot. Also there's a film thing I had to enter tomorrow, and I have to give a memorized speech there too. ”
“Holy shit are you ok?” Marcua asked, closing the computer and putting it in his bag. At the same time, Dex asked “Do you want us to go to your thingy tomorrow?”
“Not really.” Tam said through a laugh. 
“Was that to us going or being ok?” Linh asked, concerned.
Tam did not answer.
Marcua crawled over Dex, knocking Biana’s foot off the bench with her bag, and went to hug him from behind.
“Awesome, you’re out,” Sophie filled in after a second of dead silence, “Dex?”
“I already said I was busy.”
“Right!! I’m great at this. So,, it’d just be me, Fitz, and Keefe?”
The group all looked around at each other then nodded.
Fitz gave her a knowing smile. He cusped the side of their face and kissed her check. “It’ll be ok, Love,” he whispered.
Sophie wanted to say something back, but Keefe interrupted. “Heyhey, this couple shit needs to stop. I refuse to be the third wheel later or right now.”
“There’s too many of us to be for you to be a third wheel,” Linh said, pushing Keefe off xier shoulder. 
“And I don’t really wanna see it either.” Biana added. 
FItz mocked a gasp. “I am wounded.” 
“You’re my brother, and that’s my ex. Y’all are cute together but I’m allowed to feel a little weird when I see it.” “Hey! It’s not my fault you don’t feel attraction!” Sophie faked being upset.
“Never said it was!” Biana grinned back at her. He reached around Dex and went to hold their hand. She grabbed it back. “Especially because I can do so much better.” 
Marcua tapped Biana’s leg with her phone without letting go of Tam. “Hate to break up this, touching reunion that happens once a week, but it’s 1:45. We’ve gotta get going.”
They all said their goodbyes, lunch ended, and the end of the day came faster than Sophie would have liked.
thank you @an-absolute-travesty for indulging this  ♡ 
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 3 Episode 10)
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This is it people! The series finale of Kipo; Let’s get to it.
Episode Title: Age of Wonderbeasts
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers
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Hopefully she’s getting dressed for her funeral lol
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1. Continuing on from last episode, the fireworks rigged with the cure goes off and a bunch of embers start falling from the sky. One of the Humming Bombers got into contact with one of them while attempting to flee and immediately de-mutes. I thought the cure needed to go into their bloodstream? Unless, the ember actually burned through their skin. It that’s the case, wow that’s dark....
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It’s awesome that Earl and Lily are helping Molly since Molly saved their children awhile back. 
2. With her quick thinking, Kipo asks everyone to find shelter underneath her as she transforms into her Mega Jaguar form. However, that’s still not enough to protect everyone but luckily, the good humans step up to shield them with table cloths, which was heartwarming to see. 
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The mutes are thanking the humans for their act of kindness
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OMG. Lio and Song hugging Scarlemagne? I’m here for it.
3. Thankfully, the fireworks ended and Kipo then pleads with Emilia one last time to stop what she’s doing. Emilia, hard-headed as ever isn’t one to back down at all and makes a drastic decision to inject herself with the mutagen she sourced from the Mega Walrus, transforming herself into one ugly Mega Mute. 
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Imagine seeing this in real life...shudders
4. I thought she was going to use the Mega Walrus’s DNA to make another cure that would affect Kipo. I didn’t think she would do this to herself. Kipo transforms back to her Mega form to take on Emilia before she could potentially hurt anyone. 
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How many Troyson kisses do we want? Yes...hehe
5. Troy and Benson are directing everyone back to find safety inside the old burrow while Wolf joins Kipo to assist her in battling Emilia. Kipo has the upper hand at first because Emilia isn’t used to being a Mega Mute. However, as the fight progresses, Emilia is starting to get better and is landing some solid hits on Kipo. But I feel like Kipo shouldn’t be losing to Emilia since she has much more experience fighting as a Mega. I guess they want us to feel like the stakes are high.
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Man, this fight is actually pretty brutal. Emilia is whooping major jaguar ass here.
6. During the battle, Wolf notices Greta nearby and thinks that she has the cure to turn back Emilia into a human. So, hopefully they can steal the cure from Greta and use it as leverage to get Emilia to stop. They split up with Wolf going after Greta and Kipo continuing to fight off Emilia. 
7. After taking a couple more punches, we see three of the Mega Dogs, the Mega Pigeon and the Mega Beaver heading their way towards the fight, with Jamack, Molly, Hoag, Amy, Zane, Label, Lio, Song, Scarlemagne, Dave, Benson and Mandu riding on them. I stan such supportive friends!
8. They each take turns kicking Emilia’s butt to buy Kipo some time to recover. Side note: It’s so cool that Jamack tells Emilia to do some “soul searching”! That’s literally the same line Kipo used on Jamack in Season 1 when he was an antagonist back then. During all of this, we see Emilia beginning to have some inner turmoil; It looks like she’s starting to lose herself in her current form.
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9. We get to round 2 of Wolf vs Greta and it looks like the tables might turn in favor of Wolf but Greta is just too beefy for her to take on. While being held down in a pin, Wolf tries to butter her up with words by telling her that she’s not an idiot and she can think for herself, without the influence of Emilia. She also bribes her with all the pancakes she can eat if she hands over the cure to her and just like that, she agrees to hand it over. It’s so ironic that Greta is one of Emilia’s last followers but she’s so easily influenced to switch sides. 
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Again, I don’t get why Kipo is losing to Emilia so badly
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10. Kipo is down for the count and Emilia turns her attention to her friends/family. As she’s about to crush Lio and Song, Kipo charges in last minute to take the devastating blow for them; She then falls unconscious. However, Emilia’s not done yet.
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Scarlemagne’s death in 3...2...1
11. Oh no...here we go. Scarlemagne decides to play hero by making his attempt at saving Kipo. He basically gives his swan song to Lio and Song. I have a bad feeling he’s going to die and I’m not at all prepared to watch. He takes off on his favorite Flamingo vehicle from Season 1 and 2 and flies towards Emilia to distract her.
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We haven’t heard this laugh in ages. Also, did anyone get chills when he tells Emilia to “leave her sister alone”?
12. He crashes his vehicle into Emilia causing her to lose focus and it sets off her ‘losing herself to the mega mute’ phase. This in turn, causes Scarlemagne to crash land somewhere in Skyscraper Ridge. Was it necessary for him to crash like that? If that’s the way he goes out, I’m gonna be honest here and say I would be very disappointed with that. 
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13. Emilia, who clearly is out of it runs off somewhere and Kipo, Wolf, Dave, Benson and Mandu all go after her with Lio and Song heading towards where Hugo/Scarlemagne crash landed. We then see the artistic representation of Emilia losing her mind to the mute, where her human form is quickly sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. 
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14. They catch up to Emilia and they could see her being distraught. We also know the reason why she’s this way and it’s because she doesn’t have an anchor. I love it how whatever explanation we’re being told by the characters is something that the audience should know based on past episodes. Now that’s good storytelling. 
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15. Anyways, Kipo makes the decision to cure her because she thinks she doesn’t deserve to be punished this way. Really now? After all that she’s done? Maybe what Kipo means is that she deserves get whopped in her human form lol. After curing her, Kipo makes ANOTHER ATTEMPT (for the 3rd time) to convince her to make a change but of course this bitch isn’t going to change; She takes a shard of glass and tries to stab Kipo:
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16. But our girl, Mandu quickly reacts and bites Emilia’s arm. She then loses her balance and falls stories high in the exact burrow her lab was located because we then see Fun Gus capturing her and taking her in as her “playdate”. Emilia is basically history. 
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17. Yesss! And this punishment is fitting since she will probably be Fun Gus’s plaything till she goes insane and dies. Not to mention she despises mutes. So, it’s a great way for her to go out. Bye!!! That’s what you get for killing your brother, you heartless monster. Can I also point out that once again, Mandu is the one to take out Emilia. She did beat her in season 2 when Wolf, Dave and Benson couldn’t and now in season 3, she’s the one to finish the job. Don’t mess with Mandu lol. 
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18. They head back to find where Scarlemagne, Lio and Song are but it’s almost too late because Hugo is dying. Kipo is in tears and I’m in tears too. Again, was it really necessary to kill him off? I felt like he’s more or less already redeemed as a character before this. He didn’t have to commit such a heroic act, which had cost his life. Ugh....And just like that, Hugo dies.....UGHHHHHH. I really don’t think he needed to die. If Catra (who committed just as many heinous acts, if not more than Hugo) got to live in She-Ra & The Princesses of Power, Hugo deserves to live too. I’m sorry...
19. Now it’s time for the epilogue set 5 years later, as told by an older Kipo. Let’s break it down:
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Wolf’s Mega Corgi gave birth to a litter of puppies. Awww cuteness...
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Wolf let her hair grow out and she looks AMAZING!!! Dayummmm
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Benson and Troy own a successful restaurant together and they’re living the dream. Such domestic goals!
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I got chills seeing Wolf and Benson walking side by side like that. They’ve grown up so much. It looks like they’re own their way to a picnic
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Label and Zane is also running a gym together. Sweet!
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Jamack is conductor for Las Vistas’s new transport system. 
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Dave is now a guest lecturer at what is seems to be Lio and Song’s new research lab, where he talks about some of his research findings and theories. Well, mostly theories.
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I love Kipo’s new do’
20. We find out that Kipo is updating Hugo (spiritually) what has everybody been up to on his birthday. 
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Hugo gets a statue made in his honor, which is very fitting and Mandu...WOW MANDU has grown into an ADULT boar, with tusks and everything just like Bornak and Webber. 
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21. Kipo meets up with her besties and her family and they have their wonderful picnic in commemoration of Hugo’s birthday. 
22. The scene cuts off to all of them having the time of their life riding on their Mega mutes. And that’s the official ending to the series. TEARS...
23. This has been an amazing show to watch, react and review. I can’t believe it only had 30 episodes but the story was so cohesive and felt complete on the most part. So you could say that this show wrapped up nicely. There are some loose ends that weren’t addressed/resolved at the end like the vaccine that Song and Lio were working on but I guess that could be something that’s explored further in future films hopefully. 
24. I will also be making a couple of video essays that will be posted to my YouTube channel, PeterSaidWhat; The first one will be my full spoiler review of the final season and the second video will be Troyson-focused. I can’t wait for all of you to watch them. And finally, I want to thank you all for reading my episodic reviews and going on this incredible journey with me. It’s been a pleasure to have Kipo be a part of my life and I’m sure yours as well. 
Much love,
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amenomiko · 5 years
Ikemen Sengoku Husbands and MC when she gave birth
1. Nobunaga
-Walks in front of the labor room back and forth
-For once, he didn't touch his Konpeito to calm himself
-Startled when MC suddenly screamed "I NEED MY HUSBAND!!!"
-Bursts into the room but only get a menacing glare from his wife with "I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT IT IS NOT EASY TO GIVE BIRTH TO YOUR CHILD SO DON'T JUST PLAYFULLY POUNCE ME ON THE FUTON U SHIT!!!!!"
-Didn't say anything but kneel to MC's side and hold her hand, with silent gasp when MC squeeze it so painfully hard which he never expect it comes from MC
-"You can do it. You are my lucky charm and a lucky charm yourse-" MC: "I'M NOT A LEPRECHAUN DAMMIT!!!"
-At the end of the day, though his face is full of MC's handprint (from all the angry smack from her) he kissed his first born lovingly with single tear on his face
2. Hideyoshi
-Sit. Stand up. Sit. Stand up. Sit. And stand up.
-Ieyasu: "God sit down you are making us nervous too."
-Hideyoshi nearly went pale as he "saw" it and froze at the door.
-MC's scream unfroze him.
-Eventually he stayed, holding himself from fainting.
-The colors came back to him when the cry of the baby fill the room.
-Non-stop kissing MC with "Thank you MC. Thank you..!"
3. Masamune
-He squirm from his wife's painful hand squeeze.
-"C-come on Lass..! Y-you can do it...!!" It took him one to two breath to hold back the pain in order to encourage his wife.
-"I think I'm the one who's giving birth here- ouch ouch MC- asgshshdhsjsklf and my right hand is going to burst like an explosive--!!"
-His painful expression turns soft when MC moans "Anata.. I can't...!"
-Kisses MC's temple, forehead, lips, many times to calm her down, until baby's cry fills the room.
-Since his right hand still crampy, he held his first born in his other arm. Smiling ear to ear at it. "I will tell you how limpy my hand were as a bedtime story when you grow up."
4. Ieyasu
-Requests to stay in the room when MC give birth.
-He specializes in medicine, yes he is. But labor? He wants to learn it so he can help MC in the future (wow he already plan that there's gonna be more child huh?)
-He didn't realized he had squeezed Wasabi so hard to the point it bites his arm (he didn't realize the pain too)
-Poor Wasabi to land so hard on the mat when Ieyasu let go of it out of panic when MC wants him by her side
-Maid: To request his presence with his beloved pet.. I don't know Ieyasu-sama can be this cute (*´﹀`*) *giggle to herself* oh how about..
-Maid: Ieyasu-sama, Please do the honor to hold the baby as it comes out. Yes, just like this. *giggles again when Ieyasu gulped when he saw the baby's head*
-The look on his face was priceless. Shocked and teary when he successfully pulls his first born out and to hear it cry. It's a melody to his ears.
5. Mitsunari
-Hideyoshi had to take his books away even though it will help him to reduce his panic
-He paces the waiting hall back and forth.
-Call it a pace, but then he didn't realize he has been running back and forth until Hideyoshi nag at him, and the maid sticks her head out to shout "STOP RUNNING MITSUNARI-SAMA! THE PRINCESS CAN'T FOCUS AS SHE WAS LAUGHING THE WHOLE TIME!!"
-Ieyasu: And you too. Be quiet, Masamune. Stop laughing.
-Suddenly the hall are echoed with baby's cry and before Hideyoshi could stop Mitsunari he already bursts inside the labor room, he himself teary when he saw his first born on MC's chest.
6. Mitsuhide
-Hideyoshi: Oi. Aren't you too calm when MC is giving birth?
-Nobunaga: He's not, Hideyoshi.
-Ieyasu: Despite his smile his hands has been trembling when he pour himself tea all the time.
-Masamune: And he just added soy sauce in his tea *bites his lips from laughing*
-Mitsunari: Wow I didn't know Mitsuhide-sama has a peculiar taste. *blinks innocently when Ieyasu gave him the "look"*
-Stands up in instant (and Hideyoshi jumps when the hot tea spilled on his lap) when MC screamed "Anata..! *gasp*"
-Bursts into the room, his fox mask cracked completely in front of all the maids when he saw MC's pale face.
-He immediately holds MC's hands and circle his other arm around her shoulder for support as she pushes, squeezing his other arm painfully.
-One first born had delivered, when suddenly MC screamed again to his surprise.
-Maid: Mitsuhide-sama!! It's a twin!!
-He was taken aback, but MC find his surprised face very adorable as he craddle both of his child in his arms as he smiled gently, kissing both of them lovingly.
-"Thank you, MC." He whispered and let out a soft chuckle from his heart.
7. Kenshin
-Sasuke: No, no. It doesn't mean you can cut me next, Kenshin-sama. I bet Himezuru want you to calm down too.
-Yukimura: Sasuke, let him be.
-Shingen: And.. He's cutting the air. This is amusing I could watch him all day.
-Maid: *from inside* Yes, yes, we will punish him later, but push more Princess! Put the anger into it..!
-Maid 2: That's not how to apply to it but put more anger into it!!!
-The baby cry fill the room and for the very first time Kenshin dropped his favorite sword to the ground and bursts into the labor room.
-Meanwhile, Shingen was patting the blushing Yukimura (From what MC said), while Sasuke already save his tik tok video in his phone.
8. Shingen
-Sasuke has to hold Kenshin back from attacking Shingen because he indulge on his plums instead of sweet stuffs to distract himself from panic.
-Yukimura didn't know how to say but only stare and twitch his eyes to his Lord's weird state.
-Accidentally dropped the plum jar when MC groans "Anata...!!! Nnnn-- SHINGEN!!! UGHH I CAN'T!!!"
-Bursts into the room "I'M HERE MY GODDESS!!" only to be shouted by the maids.
-"AHH- Ouch- Ouch..! G-goddess- calm down, D-don't bite me..! Ohoh you are into biting huh- OUCH I'mjustjoking- agshsjsjsjksf--!!!"
-His eyes widened when there's a baby cry fill the room and he immediately craddle his first born into his arms (despite there's a bite mark all over). With tears on his face and a chuckle, he kissed his first born many times.
-Meanwhile, Kenshin: The moment he walk out from that room I will slice his sweet food in front of him *mumbles as he pick up the scattered plums one by one*
9. Yukimura
-Clench on his knees, bites his lips and closes his eyes shut to endure MC's screamings from the labor room.
-Accidentally pinch on his bestfriend's arms whenever the scream has gotten louder, which Sasuke has no choice but to replace himself with a log (with drawn glasses on it of course + with a note saying "Please pinch me instead and get wood cut" on it)
-Startled as MC screamed "UNNNHHH ANATA!!!!"
-Maid: Yes, yes! It's almost there, Princess!!
-Bursts into the room with "MC I'M HERE!!!" Assuming that's the help cry from MC but instantly regrets it as he "saw" the coming baby and he fainted backwards (and Sasuke has to catch him)
-An hour later, he woke up with his firstborn in his arms, with sleeping MC on his chest.
-Whispered "Thank you" to MC and kissed her forehead.
-Sasuke: *writes in his diary: "The Unforgettable Story I'm going to tell Yukimura's children as they grow up. Titled: Me, When My Wife Gives Birth."
10. Sasuke
-Before MC gives birth, he already arrange with the maid for "Labor in the Water" plan.
-They find him weird, but goes along as their Princess request the same thing.
-When the time came, Sasuke sit inside the tub with MC in front of him. Kissing her everytime the contraction came into her like a wave. He holds her tighter to support everytime MC make a push.
-"You can do this." And MC can't help but to giggle when he gives his typical "Bli-Wink" to her.
-Maid: *gasp!!* The baby is born, Princess!!
-Maid2: This water birth is a miracle..! The Princess gave birth easily..!
-Sasuke adjusts his glasses, saying "So if we plan a football team, it will be easier in the future-- *pinched by MC* I'm just joking."
Hehehehehe hope you guys like it 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
I’ll give you my quick thoughts and then jump into Muffy because you already KNOW I am saving a whole section for them
Celia’s growth was amazing. I love that she went from being strict to being so carefree and trusting of Bex
Bex in that wedding dress 👏🏻 Bowie in that Tux 👌🏻 like they didn’t have to do that but they did 😭
The slow dance was SO CUTE OMG
I loved that all of them sang lady Gaga- the song was perfect for them but sad Garren wasn’t on stage with Sofia
However, they showed the ships singing together and whenever they showed Buffy they showed Marty so I was like 😩😭👏🏻 ya know
TJ playing the piano was all I could have asked for
I LOVED the scene when Cyrus and Buffy talked about “relationship woes” like wow. 😭😍 that hurt because the parrallels were so blatantly obvious but Terri made sure to take EQUAL time to explain their woes with each character.
I LOVED watching TJ just RIP into Kira. Boi 👏🏻 told 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 off. He literally called her out for bullying and asked her to stop (likkkeeee not only was it great bc he was protective boyfriend mode™️ but because he showed growth. He defended Cyrus for something he used to do). It was great and a no Kira redemption was the best way they could have done that and it was was beautiful. 💯
I loved that Jandi scene! I have said I am actually ok with Jandi, but they needed more maturity. Andi needed to find herself and Jonah needed to be ready for a relationship. In time and when Andi can handle conflict, I think they would make a good pairing. But WITH TIME, like they said. Until then, Jonah has the cute bracelet. I think that was such a valuable lesson for kids to not rush something, just because you like someone. Make sure you are actually ready because crushes aren’t all just about endgames (which will sound hypocritical considering what I write next lol) but that they are a LOT of work and you have to have your head on correct to make sure you can handle it. Just *chef’s kiss*
I know Muffy was around this time (sorry my thoughts are so scattered- I am writing this post watching it so not everything is in a congruent timeline) but I am going to come back to them like I said earlier. They have a special reserved™️ section in this post 😍👏🏻
I laughed so hard at TJ’s name but gave all my uwu’s I had left post Muffy (which weren’t many but I reserved some for Tyrus) to that cute little line from Cyrus about how he liked his name 😭
That 👏🏻 hand 👏🏻 hold 👏🏻
Like watching TJ’s shaky fingers get all close I COULDN’T BREATHE-
They really out here making all benches gay huh?
And you could see how SHY TJ was talking to Cyrus. It was so sweet how flirty and awkward he got. I loved it.
I’m sure their hands were v sweaty but that’s a point for another day lol
I thought the scene was handled well considering their limits and tried to keep my expectations low, but TBH I was pretty bummed they didn’t actually say the words that they liked each other. I wish there was more dialogue than vague questions ya know? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
I was also really REALLY hoping for some canon Muffy and Tyrus scenes at the party and kept checking the time stamp during the last scene hoping they would show SOMETHING but they didn’t say anything. Even just a quick “Hey I’m dating this person now and I love them all my uwu’s” would have been fine but it was like that was completely forgotten
However I’ve seen a few Tumblr posts about someone working on making fic text posts with the GHC talking about their canon ships so I’ll take what I can get :)
The Andi Shack and Andi getting into SAVA didn’t surprise me, but it was sweet
I really liked the whole side by side photo thing they did
What did surprise me was Jonah saying he loved Andi 😭 like that was such a sweet sentiment and I was just like, “Alexa play I Cried by Jonah Beck” you know?
Kinda also dissapointed we heard nothing more about Jonah’s panic attack’s, the hole in the wall, and possible Kippen Siblings
REALLY REALLY want an Andi Mack movie- they made a Lizzie McGuire one after only two seasons so they could with AM to address any plot holes (BUT IF THEY DO IT THEY BETTER HAVE CANON MUFFY AND TYRUS JOIN SO HELP ME BC MIRANDA WAS GONE IN TLMM AND I WAS READY TO SHOW HANDS)
Also other side note: I got kinda frustrated with all of the dancing/singing scenes. Like they were cute but also felt like a lot of wasted screen time (much like 3x19 or the Jonah/Cyrus camping scenes) when other plots could have been addressed
And no speaking lines for Amber? At all? Like...? Even with the Jonah stuff? Or redemption paralleling TJ. IDK seemed a lil wack to me
Ok here’s the good stuff
Again, Alexa play “I Cried” by Jonah Beck BECAUSE OH MY GOSH THEY WERE MY EVERYTHING
Surprisingly didn’t cry as much as 3x14 but I think that’s because I was shaking so bad (seriously I looked like I just went through a terrifying haunted house and stayed overnight in it, my hand trembling so much)
I enjoyed writing my fics, but really really liked the way Terri handled this
I loved all of their scenes dancing together and it was funny because after Cyrus and Buffy talked, Buffy was like, “he doesn’t like me” but then Marty spent the ENTIRE night like RIGHT NEXT TO BUFFY. Not with the other girl. Literally physical space is not a real thing with them. Watch when they dance, or when they see CeCe in the Dino costume or any other time, Buffy and Marty are ONLY next to each other and Marty even moves closer to Buffy when they are all huddled around CeCe if you watch closely enough
The frog parallel? 😭👌🏻
Buffy addressing Marty instead of the other way around? 😭👌🏻
Marty “what’s going on?” 😭👌🏻
I loved when Marty called himself a dope 😂👏🏻 13/10 sweet boi
Also, watching Buffy get worked up because they can’t have a real conversation I’m 😭😭😭 you could see actual tears in her eyes and THEN GIRL WENT RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR SOME FRESH AIR
AND GUESS WHO CHASES AFTER HER- I’M—- UGHHHHHH I’m getting worked up thinking about it tbh
Marty tries the conversation again and she SAYS SHE LIKES HIM. NO HESItation what kind of ROMANCE—
And then it was literal poetic cinema when he said he NEVER STOPPED LIKING HER AFTER THAT AWKWARD PAUSE AND GRABBED HER HANDS
It was so SOft-
I got my Muffy kiss 💅🏻 I just. I. You guys don’t understand. I was shipping this WAY before anyone really got on board. I remember trying to look up Muffy fan videos after two episodes of them together because I already fell in love with them and there was one like barely edited thirty second video on YouTube. I tried to post something on here and like two people liked it. I LIKED THEM WHEN BASICALLY NO ONE ELSE DID AND SO I FEEL LIKE I AM ONE OF THE MOST DESERVING OF THIS SHIP BEING ENDGAME AND NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS JUST LET ME LOVE THEM
MUFFY KISS (sorry needed to say it one more time for emphasis)
And then they walked away together with their arms around each other 😭 If you watch closely Buffy kinda tucks her head into his arm and I’ve seen fics of them doing this so it made me heart 💗💓💓 when they actually did
Please Terri Minksy, I beg of you, if you don’t get a S4 make a movie but it is REQUIRED BY LAW that Muffy and Tyrus are in the ENTIRE movie- being canon and cute. They don’t even need angst but I still want scenes with them together just being in love.
I will be spending the entire next week in complete denial that this show is over, while rewatching this episode ten times and reading every Muffy fic I can find. Thanks for coming to my Tedx talk.
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spacecanary · 5 years
Head Above Water
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (kind of)
Warnings: none:)
Request: anon - Can you do one where Stark has a teen daughter who comes of as shy and quiet and she was chosen to sing a song at a school competition? Flash and some other kids start snickering when she’s called up but then blows them all away singing Avril Lavigne’s head above water.. the team also attends and her performance moves Tony to tears and shuts flash and her usual bullies right up. 🤗
A/N : this was so cute! The song is amazing too. Totally recommend. I hope you like this!!!!!! Also I thought it’d be cute to add some cute Peter x reader friendship stuff
Tonight’s the night.
The girls at the base magically convinced me to audition for the winter show at school. Nat claims she heard me singing when I was cooking one day, Wanda claiming she hears it when I’m in the shower. According to her, we have “thin walls”.
Good to know I guess.
“Come on, (y/n)! You have to at least audition! You have such a lovely voice, you really do. You’d blow them away!” Wanda pipes up from her lounge chair, her feet propped up on the coffee table.
“She’s right you know,” Natasha chimes in from across the island. I sigh into my coffee mug.
“You may not realize it, but you hum and sing a lot around this place. In the showers, the gym, in here especially,” Nat adds.
“The point is, there’s no harm in auditioning. If you make it, you make it. If you don’t,-“
“You slice their throats.” Nat cuts Wanda off with a smile.
I let out a chuckle, sighing once more.
“Fine. I’ll do it.”
I rummage through my closet, fresh out of the shower, looking for the sequined tank top that Pepper bought me for my birthday last month.
“Hey, Dad?” I call as I continue my search.
“What’s up?” He leans on the door frame with his arms crossed.
“Have you seen that navy blue glitter top that Pepper bought me?”
“I have,” Steve chimes in as he walks by.
“Really? Where?”
“In the living area on one of the couches I think,” he responds as he continues down the hall.
“Thank you!” I shout back, grabbing black jeans from my dresser.
“Do you think you’re gonna be able to make it tonight?” I ask the man in the doorway.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he smiles.
“Okay well it’s at seven, but I won’t perform right away. So technically we have two hours,” I talk as I lay out my outfit on the mattress.
“Okay. Good to know kiddo.” He gives me a nod and exits the room, leaving me to prep.
“I should probably grab my top,” I mumble, clutching the towel wrapped around me. I make my way to the living area, immediately spotting the fabric draped over the couch. I grab it and head back, shutting the door and throwing on the outfit. I pair it with my simple circle necklace and black heels.
“Cute, classy, but not overdone. Okay!” I clap my hands together. With a sigh I throw on some simple makeup and call it good. Letting my hair air dry. “I’ve got a whole hour. Perfect,” I mumble, exiting my room to the kitchen. Immediately I spot Peter, lazily relaxed on the sectional.
“Well look what the cat dragged in,” I laugh as I walk to the fridge, pulling out my water bottle. Peter sits up, flashing me a grin.
“You look amazing,” he smiles, looking me up and down, approving of my fashion choices.
“Well thank you kind sir,” I give a small bow.
“Wh-where you headed?” He stutters, scratching the back of his head.
“I’m going to go to the training room to kind of practice before tonight. Gotta psych myself up, ya know?” I shrug, walking away.
Peters POV
She walks out of the room, glittering like a hundred stars. I sigh and fall back on the couch, remembering what we had. Remembering our first kiss. Why am I suddenly missing all of that?
No, Peter. Stop you idiot. You didn’t have time for that then, what makes you think you have any now?
“Ughhhhhh,” I pick up my phone, scrolling through the latest Spider-Man tagged posts. Most are just from earlier in the week when I saved a cat from a tree.
The internet went crazy over it.
The phone falls on my chest and I exhale.
“I’m gonna walk around a bit,” I mumble to myself. I push my body up off of the sectional with a stretch. For a while, I roam the halls, not really going anywhere. That is, until I hear it. Down the corridor is the entrance to the training room, where (y/n) said she was headed. The closer I get, the more it becomes clearer. Her voice gliding through every note, every word like a river. So soft and beautiful, full of raw emotions.
I stand outside of the doorway, leaned against the wall. A hand grabs my shoulder bringing me out of my trance. “Hey kid,” the voice says. I turn around. There Steve stands, twice my size.
“Oh hey Mr. Rogers, I-I was just walking and I heard her singing so-“ I quietly try to explain.
Steve gives a soft smile, pressing his back to the wall next to me. “I know kid. She’s been practicing in there for the past two weeks. I like to listen too, sometimes. It really helps when I have a rough day,” steve shrugs, looking at the floor.
“I’ve never heard her sing before. She’s amazing though. I wish she could realize it.” Steve flashes a sad smile.
“Me too kid. She’s lucky to have you,” he gives me a pat on the shoulder.
“What’re you two gossiping about now?” (Y/n) asks, amusement and curiosity in her voice. My mouth opens and closes, trying to find an excuse.
“You know what? Never mind,” she laughs, sauntering away. She turns on her heel to look back at us.
“You coming? We’re gonna be late.”
(Y/n)’s POV
“Okay, okay, okay. You got this. Just go out there, and sing your heart out,” I mumble, giving myself a pep talk backstage.
“(Y/n)!” I look up, spotting MJ. She gives me a small wave as she makes her way to me.
“Hey, MJ!” I wrap my arms around her in a quick hug. “What’re you doing? I though you hate performing?”
She shrugs, “I do. I’m just part of the crew. Apparently this counts as community service hours, so I thought why not?” As if on cue, Flash spots me.
“Hey (y/n)! I didn’t think you made it past auditions! What is it you do again?”
“Oh, right, right.” He nods. “Well, I doubt you’re going to make top ten. But hey, miracles happen,” a voice sounds through an intercom backstage calling for the next two acts, one of them being Flash’s group.
“Would you look at that? I gotta go. What is it they say before you perform? Break- break a leg? Yeah, break a leg, or don’t. Who cares?”
“Don’t listen to him. You’ll knock their socks off.” MJ reassures me, giving me a pat on the shoulder before walking away. One by one, they all perform. Leaving me and four other acts.
“(Y/n) Stark!” The manager calls. I raise my hand and she gestures for me to follow. She stops me just behind the curtain.
“Good luck!” She says with a smile, leaving me in wait. They call my name and the curtain opens. Several bright lights shine in my face, my heart pounding. I walk over the the piano positioned on one side.
“Next we have (y/n) Stark performing “Head Above Water!” The host announces, followed by applause and loud cheers. They die out, and I start playing, my heart beating a million miles an hour.
I gotta keep the calm before the storm,
I look out into the croud as I sing, looking for the pair of brown eyes that calm me.
I don’t want less I don’t want more.
I find Wanda, sitting on the end of a row. Her legs crossed and a huge smile on her face. Easing the nerves.
Let’s bar the windows and the doors,
Next to her is nat. Her hair pulled into a side braid to frame her face, a black Adidas cap on her head. She watches like a proud mom.
To keep me safe, to keep me warm.
I look back at the piano, my hands shaking.
Yeah, my life is what I’m fighting for.
Can’t part the sea can’t reach the shore.
And my voice becomes the driving force
I won’t let this pull me overboard.
I close my eyes, pouring all of me into the chorus. Every raw emotion.
God keep my head above water, Don’t let me drown,
I look back up, searching for him. My eyes land on Clint and his family. I invited him, offering for him to bring the kids. Laura jumped on the opportunity. Now They’re all watching me with goofy smiles on their faces.
It gets harder, I’ll meet you there, at the alter
I find Steve next, a phone in hand. Presumably trying his best to video tape. Sam on one side of him, trying to help.
Don’t let me drown,
Then I see my dad. His hand over half of his face, occasionally wiping away tears.
I need you now. I need you most
Then I find him. Peter. Sitting in between my dad and Steve. A dorky smile on his face. His eyes twinkling in the light. I smile, finding the calm inside of me. I sing with everything I’ve got until the end.
Don’t let me drown, and keep my head above water, above water.
I pause, and the applause erupts. Cheers and hollars echo through the auditorium. I take my first real breath, in total wow. “I did it,” I breathe as I walk off stage. The other performers go out as MJ envelopes me in a huge hug telling me how good it was. I thank her.
“We have now totaled the points for our top ten medalists,” they name all but three, and I’m crossing my fingers. Now our top three will you please come out on stage, Flash And Bash, (y/n) Stark, and Jaime Cox.” I’m filled with joy and terror as the three of us walk out. “In third, we have Jaime Cox!” The audience give applause.
I made top two!
“In second place, we have... Flash and Bash! Which leaves us with (y/n) Stark as our Winter winner! Congratulations!” I receive the medal and pose for a picture. I made it.
I exit backstage, suddenly bombarded with hugs and many many kisses from Nat. Wanda squeals like a little girl and hugs me tight. Peter walks froward with a bouquet of flowers, grinning from ear to ear.
“You were amazing, truly amazing.” He hugs me and I laugh, “Only because all of you were there.” Then my dad walks up eyes puffy with a huge smile.
“You cried?” I put my hand over my heart.
“How could I not? It was so beautiful, and I’m so proud.” He pulls me into an embrace.
“Hey, uh (y/n)? I was wondering if you wanted to maybe to get pizza with me?” Peter asks, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sure Id love that. I’ll meet you guys back at the base.” My dad nods, and everybody gives me one last hug before leaving. Peter and I walk out the doors of the auditorium when a familiar voice calls my name. Flash
“Hey, uh, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I underestimated you. You’re actually really good. Keep it up Stark,” he says. Giving me a small smile. I look over at Pete and shrug, the biggest grins on our faces.
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minniemonu-reverie · 5 years
SRK Part Six - Roses and Blanket Forts
~Super Rich Kids~
Master List in bio
Part Six- Roses and Blanket Forts Genre: Humour, Fluff, Smol Angst
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
You and Jimin had gotten your ice cream and were taking a stroll at the waterfront. There were benches lining the path along with lush greenery. The echoes of Jimin’s adorable shrieks of glee had people staring as he jumped excitedly, approaching an area covered in flowers. His fingers wrapped around your wrist forcing you to be dragged in his wake, almost knocking the ice cream out of your hand. “Y/N! Look at all the flowers, this is so beautiful! Surely you can find inspiration here! Is there anything specific you have to write?” “Naw, she said for our first editing project it could be whatever we wanted.” Your eyes scanned the field of flowers, feeling the urge to lay amongst them. Jimin followed suit, the two of you laying beside each other staring at the afternoon sky. Suddenly, the weight of all the recent events came crashing into you, and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. “Jiminie, why does he hate me so much? What did I do?” You rolled over to look Jimin in the eyes, plush petals dancing around his face. “Oh, Y/N-ah. You didn’t do anything. I feel that Namjoon actually likes you. The two of you just keep meeting under stressful circumstances...” “Why do I even care what he thinks anyway. He’s just a giant ughhhhhh.” You flung your arms over your face an exasperated sigh leaving you. Jimin rubbed your arm comfortingly. “It’ll be okay, you still have me and Remi and the rest of the guys. Namjoon will have to come around eventually.” You sat up, shovelling the rest of your ice cream into your mouth with a grunt. “I can’t help but fight with him every time we run into each other, and why do we keep running into each other? Like I literally ran into him. Full on, collided, landed on top of him. He was so not impressed.”
             Jimin roared with laughter, which made your face burn with embarrassment. “You fell on top of him? Dear lord, that is too funny. Maybe it’s fate Y/N. Maybe the universe is trying to insert him into your life in the most unsubtle way possible.” “Well the universe needs to do a better job, because this is absolutely awful.” You sighed and reached into your bag, grabbing your notebook. “Oh, what’s that?” “Hmm? Oh, I keep a notebook on me, so when inspiration hits me, I can write it down before I forget. It’s full of random ideas and stuff.” “Aw, that’s so cool! I hope you let me read your stuff one day.” “Of course! I don’t mind sharing things that I’ve finished, and I do need someone to run ideas by other than Remi.” You looked around at all the bright petals and pulled at the emotions that were rattling you. As ideas popped into your head, you began scribbling them down. Jimin watched as you wrote and couldn’t help but smile. It was different seeing you in your element. You had a fierceness about you that he couldn’t quite describe, but it was beautiful to watch.
             You clapped your hands together as you finally wrote something that you felt was good enough to hand in. “Hey, you want to read this over?” You asked Jimin, handing him your notebook. He quickly sat up taking the book from you. “Is it this little short poem?” “Yeah, I know it’s not much, but I was going more for impact than words, you know?” “Okay, makes sense.” He became quiet as he read your words over, different looks crossing his face as he processed. “Wow, Y/N this is so pretty. Do you mind if I read it out loud? For effect?” “That’s actually a good idea. That way I know if I have to change anything.” Jimin cleared his throat and looked at you intensely.
“Roses Fresh rainbows with Velvety silk petals Falling in gentle silence Defeat.” Your heart started hammering in your chest as he read the words out so perfectly. “How was it? Did it sound okay? Did I make it weird?” Jimin looked concerned as he handed you your book back. You shook your head furiously. “Not at all. You read it so beautifully.” You put your book off to the side of your bag. When you looked back up, Jimin had a white rose in his hand. He leaned forward, tucking it behind your ear. “You look really cute like that Y/N.” You blushed profusely, quickly scouring the area and reaching for a flower then putting it in his hair. “There, and now you match me.” He gave you his full smile, nose scrunching up and eyes closing. You stood up, gathering your things. “We should probably get going…” Jimin stood up as well, brushing his pants. As much as you wanted time to yourself, you were enjoying being around Jimin and his healing energy. He knew just what to do to calm and relax you, bring you back from the depths of your mind. “Ah, did you want to come over and hang out at my place? Namjoon shouldn’t be back yet, so you don’t have to worry about him. If Remi isn’t busy send her a text and invite her too!” And there was your ticket to not having to be alone. “Yeah, sure!” You blurted before he could change his mind. 
The two of you walked back to his house in comfortable silence. When you got there, Jin was in the kitchen making food, bright pink apron tied loosely around his frame. The width of his shoulders always took you by surprise, especially seeing how tiny his waist was. This man was a true dorito.   “Jin! Is anyone else home? I brought Y/N over to come chill.” “Ah, I think Tae is in his room. Kookie’s probably playing video games in the living room. Y/N how are you? Are you hungry?” You walked over to the stove and sniffed the contents of the pot. The fragrance overwhelmed your senses, making your mouth water instantly. “Yeah, even if I wasn’t hungry, I’d eat anyway. Jin this smells so fricken good.” A wide smile spread on Jin’s face and he picked up a spoon, dipping it into the pot and holding it out to you. You leaned forward and slurped from it. You instinctively moaned at the savoury flavour, it was phenomenal. “Oh my God Jin, this is amazing.” “I know, I’m handsome and I can cook. I’m the whole package babe.” He gave you a wink and blew a kiss at you before turning back. You playfully hit him in the arm causing him to yell. “Hey! Don’t hit the person who is feeding you!” You jumped back and ran out of the kitchen from fear of retaliation. Just as you looked back, you tripped on a cord and flew forward landing on someone. “YOU. I. MY. GAAAAAAAAAAAAME!” Jungkook screamed and flailed, the controller in his hand getting dangerously close to your face. You scrambled off him apologizing.  “Omg, Kookie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see the cord, I didn’t see you. Why are you on the floor anyway?” “Y/N I swear, if it wasn’t you and if you didn’t look so adorable with that rose in your hair, you would be dead right now.” You started pouting and begging for his forgiveness. He sighed heavily and moved over slightly, patting the empty spot beside him. “You any good at Mario Party?” “Uh, debateable…” “Well get ready, cause for my revenge that’s what we’re playing, and I’m going to make you regret falling on me in the middle of my game.”
             Jimin sauntered in and sat on the other side of Jungkook. “Hey! If you’re playing Mario Party, I want in!” “Jimin, no offense but you come in last every time.” “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to play.” “Hey! Guys! Food’s ready!” Jin called from the kitchen. The three of you looked at each other and nodded. The challenge would begin after food. Just as the four of you sat at the table, you heard Taehyung come out of his room. “Ayyyyeee, I smell food! Jin did you leave some for me?” He hollered down the stairs. “Yeah! Come and get some!” “Alright!”  His heels tip tapped as he ran down the stairs. As he got to the main floor, the doorbell chimed through the house. “Are you expecting anyone?” Taehyung shouted. “Oh! That’s probably Remi!” You replied. The creak of the door and the shuffling of Remi’s footsteps resounded. “Jesus Remi, what the hell is all this stuff?” “Supplies! If we’re hanging out here all day, and possibly all night, I needed to come prepared! I have snacks, board games, blankets and of course some pjs for me and Y/N. I know she didn’t pack any overnight things. Also face masks!!” “Face masks? I’m in.” Taehyung chimed, “I’ll help you carry this stuff, we can put it in the living room.” “Thanks Tae, you’re so sweet.” “Sweet is my middle name, honey.”
             After everyone had settled and almost all of the gang was there, you guys enjoyed the meal Jin had graciously made. Everyone was always impressed with the things Jin would whip up, and he was baskin in all the compliments. “Hey, hey. Guys.” Jin clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.” You and Remi groaned, Jimin started laughing and the rest of the guys sighed. “Here we go again.” “Hey, hey wait! I have another one. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?” All of you sighed, “No…” “Great food. No atmosphere.” Taehyung stood up and gathered his dishes. “Wait! Wait! What did the grape do when he got stepped on?” “Jin. Please.” “He let out a little wine.”  Jimin was now holding his stomach, unable to stop laughing. The screeches of chairs against the hardwood signalled everyone abandoning Jin and Jimin at the table.  “Let’s set up the game.” Jungkook said, walking over to the living room. “Hey! You guys need to clean up, I cooked!” “Sounds good, Kookie. I’ll grab some cushions and blankets.” Taehyung continued, ignoring Jin’s angry banter. You and Remi looked at each other, the same idea crossing your minds. “GUYS WAIT. WE SHOULD BUILD A BLANKET FORT.” 
             The house went silent before erupting into cheers. Some of the guys went running upstairs to grab more blankets and pillows, you and Remi started pulling things out of the bags she had brought. Soon enough you had decked out the front room in a giant blanket fort, the TV being included. There were mismatched pillows everywhere and you all settled in to begin the Mario Party tournament. You had brought out a whiteboard and developed a tournament bracket. Bowls of chips and popcorn surrounded you, and there was a case of pop. Rules were established and controllers were handed out. You played rock, paper scissors to decide who would go against who. Jungkook and Jin were fighting over a bet they had made with each other, trying to figure out what the punishment would be to whoever lost. Amidst the chaos, the door opened and the other three were finally home. You immediately clammed up, and Jimin crawled over to you for support. The six of you sat in silence as Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon entered the living room to figure out what all the commotion was.
             Hoseok hooted in excitement as he saw the display before him. “Blanket fort! Video games! Count me in guys!” He jumped up and down and dove into the middle of everyone, ready to go. “What are we playing? Is this a tournament?” “Mario Party tournament.” Remi said, a blush staining her cheeks as she watched Hoseok’s attention turn to her. He gave her a bright smile and a thumbs up. “Yeah! Alright!” Yoongi walked over nonchalantly and settled himself in with a gummy smile. “I’m ready to annihilate all of you.” Namjoon stood outside of the circle of us, looking at you with a straight face, expression as unreadable as always. At least this time you couldn’t feel malice dripping from him. It had seemed that his aura had calmed, but you didn’t want to take chances. You looked away, not wanting to start anything when you were finally in a good mood. “Are you joining us Namjoonie?” Jimin asked, putting a hand on your leg for emotional support. Remi had abandoned you for Hoseok and those two were happily chatting. You put your hand on Jimin’s, still not wanting to meet Namjoon’s gaze. Namjoon watched what you did, and his mouth twitched. “Yeah, you know what? It’s time I had some fun.” You turned around to look at him, your eyebrow raised. “You don’t care that I’m here?” His eyes glanced at the floor, hands shoved into his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. “We can settle all of our differences in the game.” A smile creeped onto your face as he made his declaration. Maybe Jimin was right. Maybe he was just stressed. This was the first time you weren’t yelling at each other and watching him watch you with an apologetic look did make you a little soft. You could give him a second chance. “Don’t hurt my Y/N-ie!” Jimin whined and leaned on you. “Nothing is fair in love and war Chim.”  You and Jimin exchanged confused looks before Namjoon gathered his rather long limbs and shoved himself into the now cluttered area. He perched himself across from you, giving you a final glance before turning his focus to the challenge at hand. Your heart hammered wildly in your chest and Jimin winced as you put his hand in a death grip. “Y/N, my hand.”  “Oh, shit. Sorry Jiminie.” You released his hand and turned away, heat radiating through your body. “Let’s get this party started my dudes!”
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helmes-deep · 6 years
Prompt: Sue finds out that Sean has liked her for years.
“Ughhh, why did I ever let you drag me and Lexie to this?” moaned Axl. His limp body folded further into his seat as his head slumped over the restaurant table, forming a sad-looking mop of dark curls.
“Oh please, Axl,” scoffed Sue from the other side of the booth. She and Lexie, who was sitting next to Axl, were administering the four menus. “You know we barely get enough time to see each other anymore since we’re all so busy. This was the perfect opportunity for us to not only spend quality time together as friends and family, but to also enjoy a romantic evening with our significant others.”
“UGHHHHHH, distant family members should never be forced to go on double dates with one another—it’s unnatural!!” groaned Axl. His fiery protest faded as his bent figure slumped slowly back into the booth. “Especially on Valentine’s Day…”
Sue couldn’t help giving her brother an irritated eye-roll, but she also couldn’t seem to wipe the worry from her concerned eyebrows. She didn’t like to admit it, but Axl had been right: she hadn’t expected for it to be this busy on Valentine’s Day. Their troupe had waited in line for a little over an hour in hopes of enjoying a nice, festive dinner together, and had only just been assigned their table a few minutes ago. Apparently, they hadn’t been the only ones who’d come up with the idea of having a pleasant evening dinner with their loved ones as a way to take a break from their busy schedules. The whole restaurant, which was a fairly popular, local eatery, was packed with couples who had probably gotten the exact same idea hours ago.
Sue’s anxious eyes turned to scan the expanse surrounding their group’s booth, taking in the entirety of the restaurant’s over-crowded seating area as another low grumble escaped Axl’s lips. For a moment, Sue saw nothing but a boisterous mix of laughing, chattering,  and smiling faces before her eyes caught sight of someone appearing out of all the noise, making his way through the maze of cramped seating and tables.
“Hey, guys, what’d I miss?” Sean asked, appearing at their table. “Sorry it took so long for me to park the car; the line outside was really long so I had to find another parking space, and the heavy snow out there made it hard to see so I had to go down two more blocks.”
“I’m dying!” Axl wailed, his face momentarily bobbing up from the edge of the table before sinking back down again. “I need food…”
“Not much,” said Sue, substantiating Axl’s alarming response with a much more sane answer. She scooted over to let Sean slide in and take a seat beside her, handing him the menu. “We just got our seats here; they haven’t come over to take our orders yet.”
Sean nodded as he took the menu from her and started browsing through it. For a moment, things seemed to pick up again as a few waiters headed toward their table, but then quickly turned to help out other customers. The four sat uncomfortably at their booth for about another fifteen minutes trying to get any waiter’s attention before Axl threw up his hands and groaned again.
“Argghhh, what are they doing in there—roasting a polar bear?!” Axl asked out loud in clear, vocal frustration.
“Oh, I know, I know!” Sue suddenly piped up in excitement. She had to do something before her over-the-top brother completely imploded. “How about we all play a little game while we wait for someone to come by and take our food orders?”
“Oooh, that sounds fun!” Lexie responded with delight as Sean nodded. Lexie’s face then quickly became perplexed. “But what kind of game should we play?”
“Hmmmm… well, it needs to be entertaining enough so that we’d all be interested, but still boring enough so that we won’t get too interested—just enough to help us comfortably pass the time until someone comes over to take our orders,” Sue wondered aloud. “Oh! I know! How about we each get to think and ask the rest of the group a question that everyone at the table has to answer individually? Aaannd the question has to have something to do with our relationships,” Sue suggested with a small smile. “In order to keep in-line with the Valentine’s Day theme.”
“Oh oh oh! Me first! Me first!” Axl shouted, his whole body suddenly bolting up as he enthusiastically waved his hand. Because as lame as he thought this game was, Axl was dying to do anything that would take the attention away from his starving stomach. “I get first dibs on answering whatever is the first question!”
“All right, I’ll ask first,” Sue said. She paused to think for a second. “Okay, here’s my question: when was the first time you fell in love with your significant other?”
“Well, the first time I fell for Lexie was…” started Axl, trying his best to entertain the question. Talking about this kind of touchy-feel-y stuff had never been Axl’s strong point, but he could talk a dog into buying one of his business products if he really wanted to, so he tried his best to consider his answer to Sue’s proposed question. Axl scooted closer to Lexie and put his arm around his girlfriend, pulling her close. “Uhhhh… I think it was a little bit right after I’d divorced April? Sue had told me that Lexie really liked me all of a sudden, and for a second, I was a little weirded out…” Axl shifted in his seat. “So then I decided I’d go over to that St. Patrick’s party to find Lexie and talk to her. So I walked all the way over where they were having the party, searched high and low in the crowd for Lexie, and when I finally found her and spotted her just a few feet away from me, I thought—”
Axl turned to Lexie with an earnest, fond look in his eye that most probably hadn’t thought he was generally capable of, while Sue and Sean looked on with expectant faces.
“She’s… really… cute, and… I’m a cool guy, right? I’m glad she likes me; I really need to break up with April so we can go out sometime,” Axl finished lamely. Axl turned to give his date the warmest smile and most lovingly deep gaze, a look that perhaps much better communicated to his audience his clear and true affections for his girlfriend than his story had been able to express.
The intense anticipation on Sue’s and Sean’s faces quickly faded as Axl had reached the end of his tale, but Lexie only smiled and giggled like an excited, lovestruck girl anyway.
“Mine was when you rescued me from falling in your Winnebago that time me and Sue had to stay over at your guys’ place one night,” Lexie responded, her smile growing wider. Axl’s sincere smile grew with hers, and he pulled Lexie closer into him as they both went in for a quick kiss.
“All right, I’ll go next,” Sean offered happily. Everyone’s attention turned to him as they watched Sean sit still for a minute, pondering his answer to the question. Finally, after a long moment, Sean quickly answered. “Fifth grade—elementary school dance.”
“Wait, realllllllyyyyyy??” Sue gasped in shock, leaning a bit out of her seat to look over at her boyfriend with a startled look of surprise.
“Yeah, what?!” Axl echoed, immediately looking up from the empty straw wrapper he was currently playing with.
“Oh, yeah, totally,” Sean answered. He seemed quite confident and sure in his response. “I think I was in fifth grade, and you were in third. We were having that annual Christmas show at our elementary school. You were in that pretty pink dress, and I thought you looked really cute and you were really funny your class came up to present, and you were trying really hard to keep up with everyone else during the dance.” Sean gave a little laugh, recalling the memory. “And then later, during the party, when I was looking for Axl, I spotted you crying in the corner of the classroom because one of the kids had taken your candy cane.” Sean gave a deep breath and shook his head. “And… I don’t know what happened… But at that moment, all I could think about was ‘Axl’s sister is a really nice and sweet person, and I don’t ever want to see her cry like that again.’ So then I went to look for the kid who had stolen your Christmas candy. Found him and knocked him out, but it turns out he’d already eaten your candy cane so I ended up giving you mine instead.” Sean shrugged. “I think I had a bit of a crush on you for about a week after that, but I didn’t really think much about it because we used to play with each other all the time so I thought whatever I was starting to feel toward you was normal for childhood friends… I guess, even though I knew I was feeling a bit differently about you back then, I didn’t really know what to call it since you and I were so young and we were all just kids… but now, looking back, I think… I think that’s when I just started to realize… that… I liked you a lot.”
A brief pause filled the table as everyone became quiet, clearly touched by Sean’s sincere, thoughtful, and (for some) very surprising answer. Sue gave Sean a wide smile and reached for his hand, beaming as she told him how sweet his story was.
“And I thought Sue liking you since middle school was worse,” Axl replied with a half-smirk.
“Axl!” Sue exclaimed, clearly still very embarrassed and horrified at her brother revealing her adolescent feelings for her childhood crush.
“Whaaaat?? You were always making those ‘googly eyes’ at Sean whenever he was over—like that time he came over to play video games with me for our class project,” Axl retorted, scrunching up his nose in brotherly disgust at the remembrance of his sister’s painfully obvious feelings of love. “Not to mention that ridiculous poem you wrote for him in junior high.”
Sue could only splutter in response to her brother’s brazen reply as Sean looked up from the table in complete surprise.
“That poem was about me?!” Sean exclaimed. The recognition, as well as smile, on his face grew wider.
“Wait, you read it?!?” Sue cried out with utter shock, terror, and panic in her eyes. She immediately turned to Axl. “Axl, did you give Sean my poem?”
“What? No! Please, I sacrificed my dignity for your stupid, dorky-girl fantasies!! I did not claim to dot my i’s with butts for this!” Axl shouted back, trying hard to defend himself in a very incoherent manner. Sue and Lexie exchanged odd looks.
“Wow, I had no idea you felt the same way about me when we were just kids,” Sean thought out-loud, clearly fascinated and mystified at the revelation. He turned to his girlfriend. “You should have told me; I would have asked you out to a dance much sooner.”
“I can’t either,” Sue laughed in response, the same level of surprise and mystified fascination layering her voice. Her eyebrows then crinkled together slightly. “Still… I can’t believe we started liking each other when we were both so young…” Sue looked up to Sean, concern and slight worry echoing at the back her voice. “You… don’t think it’s weird??”
“Nahh, we played a lot together as kids,” Sean replied matter-of-factly. “I think it’s kinda cute, and probably normal for people who spent so much time together, anyway.” He looked to Sue and smiled, squeezing her hand with firm re-assurance. “Besides, if anything, I think it kind of means that, maybe… we were always meant to be with each other.”
Sue’s face brightened up and she smiled, returning Sean’s honest words and sweet gesture with a loving squeeze of her own and a bright look. Sean gave her an encouraging smile and leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the lips. Lexie squealed at the couple’s antics, delightedly and affectionately choking her boyfriend’s arm.
“Word, you two make me sick,” Axl said, rolling his eyes in utter disgust. His stomach growled. He angrily threw away the straw wrapper, missing his intended mark before quietly muttering under his breath. “I should have never, never allowed you to convince me to come to this.”
I’M SO SORRY IT’S BEEN SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! But I really struggled with this one: I’ve been working on it for the past two weeks and in the process, I actually ended up writing a totally different story for this prompt because some parts to this one just weren’t working out (I finally did get it to move in the direction I wanted to, though :‘3). I also started working last week, so had to take a break from writing in general for a little bit. Good news is that I have the first drafts of the next two stories/prompts I want to post done, so hopefully those will come out a lot faster. I also might post the extra story I ended up writing for this prompt because I did like how that one turned out (it just didn’t seem to quite fit the actual prompt). *fingers crossed the next two stories come much faster than this one*
Send me a prompt and I’ll write a short Sue x Sean fanfic about it leol (closed)
Also available on FanFiction.net
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kkaebsongtypo · 7 years
Still Nothing // Huang Renjun
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A/N: I have T E R R I B L E writer’s block and I’m hella frustrated so here’s a little scenario of Renjun trying to help you with writer’s block but even though it doesn’t work,,,,,,,,,,, you’ll sEE THE FLUFF IS GOING TO HAPPEN
pairing: renjun x writer!reader
genre: fluff,,,, but there’s a yelling MC
notes/warnings: there’s anger, frustration, and cursing, but it’s not that bad.
word count: 1668
I don’t proof read,,,,, i just gave up on that so i’m sorry for mistakes and such
You looked up from the book you were reading and resisted the urge to throw it across your room. It was a saturday and you had a whole bunch of homework. Your procrastination level was beyond comprehensible at the moment. There was a lit circle on Monday, (yes, the lit circle for the book you were trying to read,) you had a mini exhibition Wednesday (which you were not ready for,) you were supposed to already have a project idea ready for Wednesday (but surprise, surprise, you didn’t,) there was this fucking math thing that made no sense to you, and some other stuff you just couldn’t bring yourself to think about. You just had no motivation at all. It was driving you crazy. This book was driving you crazy.
You weren’t much of a reader, which made no sense because you loved to write. You’ve always enjoyed it, but you’ve only been a serious writer for a few years now. You already had an idea for your senior thesis, you wanted to write a book about passion. It was only October and you were so overwhelmed with school work and it’s been hard for you to balance it with writing. Writing was all you wanted to do. You had most inspiration in class. It’s class though, so obviously, you can’t just write in class all day. It was the most frustrating thing.
You placed to book on your bedside table and sighed, falling against your pillows. You glanced down on at your laptop that sat, open, near the end of your bed. You sat up and reached for it, pulling onto your lap before opening up a new tab and a blank document. You started at the blinking line blankly for a few seconds before falling back once again with an exasperated groan. Writer’s block. Deciding that you needed some type of inspiration, you shuffled your playlist, hoping for an inspiring song. Sitting back up, you started typing whatever was on your mind. Feeling pretty good about what was flowing from your mind to your keyboard, you paused to read over it. It was 1 and a half paragraphs of pure shit. You slammed your finger onto the back space key, erasing the embarrassing excuse of an introduction. After letting out an anger filled “ughhhhhh’ followed by a few strained whining noises, the door to you bedroom opened. You looked up to see your boyfriend looking rather confused.
"hey, are you okay babe?” he asked as he shut your door and walked over to your bed.
You look at him and rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, Renjun. I’m G R E A T.” oh boy,,,, you were in a terrible mood.
Renjun looked at you, slightly surprised at your behavior, and use of his actual name (he was used to you calling him Jun, or Junnie, or like, babe, y'know.) He sat down next to your sprawled out figure and moved your head into his lap. Groaning as he did so.
“alright babe, what’s wrong?” he said looking down at you and stroking your hair.
“you’re rarely sarcastic with me” he laughed lightly, which made you look up at him with puppy dog eyes.
You pushed yourself up off his lap and looked at your laptop screen. Which was still blank.
“I have mountains of homework, but I have Z E R O motivation, and I really want to write, but I have writer’s block, and I’m reALLY FUCKING FRUSTRATED.” slamming your laptop shut after yelling in anger. Your boyfriend sighed and pulled you towards him. He gently shushed you and rubbed your arms.
“it’s okay babe, you’ll get inspir-” he was cut off by you standing and sighing with anger and frustration clear in your voice.
“No! Renjun! It’s not okay! Everything is due this week and I have to read this stupid book and I have to talk about my independent read on Wednesday, which I haven’t read one page of, and I’m so overwhelmed, and I’m super stressed out about it, and I can’t find any motiva-” it was your turn to be cut off, by Renjun swiftly moving to your panicked figure and pressing his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss and he moved one hand from your waist to cheek. You two pulled away after a solid 10 seconds. (Y'ALL I LOVE RENJUN.) He lifted your face to look up at him after you looked down, and he smiled with adoration.
“I was hoping that would take your mind of things” he said quietly, with a sweet, innocent smile.
“Oh my gosh babe, it’s not going to be that easy to get my mind off of everything.” you sighed as all of your work flooded your mind again. Pulling away from his hold, you started to walk back over to your laptop. You didn’t make it very far, as you were pulled back into his embrace.
“What else can I do for you sweets?” he questioned, resting his chin on your shoulder from behind after pressing a quick kiss to you cheek. You placed your hands over his and turned your head slightly to look at him. As you opened your mouth to speak, you heard the familiar piano introduction of your ‘couple song’ as you two like to call it. Your head whipped around to the speaker in the corner of your room and Renjun took your hand and spun you around to look at him.
You and Renjun met outside of the Exo'luxion concert venue, before nct was very big, and 'out there.’ You we’re on your way up the doors when you dropped your purse; spilling almost everything inside, out onto the sidewalk. When you reached to pick up your lip balm (which was rolling away,) you brushed hands with larger, warmer one. You looked up the see who the hand belonged to, and you were met by boy with a small, sweet smile. He bent down as well after handing you the lip balm and started helping you with the remaining items on the ground. You thanked him as you two stood up and he handed you your ticket. You exchanged names and continued inside. Upon reaching you seat, you soon found out that you just so happened to be next to Renjun, the friendly boy that helped you moments before. As you two waited for the show to start, you got to know each other. Starting with your favourite song. Which, for both of you, happened to be Don’t Go. The rest is history.
You giggled as he moved your hands to his shoulders and his to your waist. He returned the giggle as you two began to sway back and forth, quietly singing the lyrics back to one another. He rested his forehead on yours and lightly pecked your nose.
This situation was not a rare occurrence, but it also wasn’t an everyday thing. You two would dance together often, to anything really. It’s usually fun and goofy dancing, but Don’t Go was special to the two of you. Of course, y'all are young and all, but you know that when if you two get married, it would definitely be your first dance. (OH SHIT I FEEL A SCENARIO COMING ON)
Here you two were, slow dancing in your bedroom, your homework and writing long forgotten. All you could think about was how happy you were. As the song drew to a close, you wrapped your arms around Renjun’s neck and hugged him. He did the same, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, lifting you off the ground slightly. You laughed lightly and pulled back to look at his face. He had the most radiant smile, and so did you. He set you down as Take You Home (Baek’s station song) started playing. He held your hand as he starting singing along, walking over to the bag he set down by your bed. You followed, lacing your fingers with his. He reached into his bag as the pre chorus sounded. Turning around smoothly, holding a yellow flower out to you as the chorus began. You laughed out loud and took the flower from his grasp. You laughed again, at him, as he started dancing like in the actually music video. He laughed with you, moving to kiss your forehead as the song ended. He smiled down at you again.
“Junnie. That couldn’t have been planned.” you laughed, shaking your head slightly.
“Oh, it wasn’t. It was just perfect timing for that song to come on.”he said back. You looked down at the flower and then back up at him as he brushed your cheek with his thumb.
“… What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“ah… just, how much I love you” you said while playing with the leaves on the flower.
“ah jeez… i love you took, cutie.” he said as he engulfed you in a bear hug.
Music continued to flow through you speaker as you and Renjun sat back down in your bed. You laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Setting the flower on your bedside table, you sighed and reached for your laptop. Renjun sighed as well before stroking your hair.
“any ideas for writing?” he asked as he watched you type in your password.
“… nope. Still nothing.” you whispered.
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
“We’ll think of something” he whispered into the top of your head before shutting your laptop and lying down on your bed. Hugging you closer to him, despite your protests about having to do homework, he shushed you and shut his eyes.
“We can think later, for now, let’s take a nap.” he said, shutting his eyes and snuggling closer to you. You playfully rolled your eyes and got comfortable in your boyfriends arms before closing your eyes as well. You may have a lot to do, but this is the perfect break.
A/N: ALRIGHT SO, THAT HAPPENED. I’m so sorry that this was kind of all over the place, but I actually did start writing this when I did have writers block, and my brain kind of expolded with ideas mid way through… also, all of that work I listed in the beginning is actual homework I have, OOPS. It’s late now anyways, so I just have to cram tomorrow. Bad choices but oh well, better now than later I guess.
I hope you enjoyed this, I had a lot of fun writing it because it broke my writers block, again, sorry for the messiness! Send in requests if you want because that would also really help with the writers block! and i’m sorry for the picture quality, pictures haven’t been working for me the past while
~ Jae☾
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
Digimon Stage Play - Full
Aight, so tl;dr: great show, actors are perfect, Yamato is beautiful beyond belief, Mimi is UGHHHHHH in the good way and I’m bitter that the whole show isn’t sold out and whoever was in charge of promotion should be forced to eat nothing but the hottest of hot chillies for the rest of their life.
Timeline: It’s set after Koushirou creates the cyber space for them, but before the reboot. Clearly on/around August 1st ;p
Venue/Goods: a little out of the way, small. You couldn’t buy goods unless you had a ticket, which sucks. Goods were sold on the inside, line was small pre-play, massive after. My store clerk couldn’t count to save her life. People were trading, everybody hated that everything was random and there were so many types of things. Friend and I ordered dvd – no blu ray option, it’s being released in December (average wait time since Japan is very slow on physical releases). Had to downpay 2000 yen, which this and dvd only option has never happened before when I’ve seen other stage shows – not a good sign. No postal option, so my friend has to pick mine up for me – poor form again. (Pick up is only at animate – my nearest one is 2+ hours away :/)
Promotion/sold out: four shows sold out. Tickets reduced to 7000 yen, which is insulting for us who went through lottery. They advertised low prices at fes too. Promotion was done badly. Digimon isn’t massively popular, but Toei isn’t small either. Get a cast twitter, post rehearsal pics etc. Promotion doesn’t need to be costly. Fes advertisement (last weeks vid) was too little too late. Theres events with Miyazaki and AiM and seiyuus, which also seems last minute and an attempt to sell out. Again insulting to those of us to preordered. Shonichi didn’t sell out. Must be tough on actors. Promotion video (August 5th? 6th?) is kinda bad quality – the stage itself looks and sounds better than the video may lead you to believe.
Seating: nice, comfy. We were second row, left hand side, aisle. If we had been one or two more to the left it would have been really bad (same if you’re too overly right). The cast faces back/sideways too often, so we saw a lot of backs. Need to work on being diagonal, basic stage stuff there. However, pros of our seating were: Yamato being right in front of us when he sang, Jyou fishing in front of us and making eye contact with Etemon to the point where it was creepy lmao
Play Y’all. Y’ALL. THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT. A+ A+ A+ A+!!!!!! The puppets look quite nice tbh. Sometimes a little weird and maybe the cast should have worn the traditional black instead, but it was done well. Agumon is twitchy in the start, scene is a little long. He’s basically like ‘my body can’t move/is moving on it’s own???? Wat? Why???’ (both happen, not a bad translation on my part). He wakes up and Gabumon’s like ‘yeah me too’ and some of the other Digimon agree but Palmon’s like ‘yeah same but it’s because I’m not a morning person lmao’.
They all go to where the kids are. So this is set sometime after Koushirou makes the cyber space for them. Mimi and Koushirou talk about camping and Mimi ends up throwing his laptop on the FLOOR. Koushirou looks heartbroken and the entire audience was ?!?!? but sasuga Mimi and Koushirou’s like … well, moving on. Mimi is perfect beyond belief. Right voice, face, mannerisms. I know that’s what acting is, but she NAILED IT. She’s all like ‘camping is about feeling the breeze~’ then acts like she has wind her face, ‘about being hot’ (ahhhh, it’s hoooooot, she says), about monsters! (she says as she stalks towards the Digimon). We then get the scene where Sora talks about the importance of August 1st. While she speaks, on the left and right sides we see actual scenes from the original anime, which is really touching. Sora mentions that although there were good times, there were bad ones too (CUE GIF OF LEOMON DYING BECAUSE THEY HAD TO HAVE IT SOMEWHERE) All the mons wanna go camping which obviously, is cool.
Hikari invites Taichi and they talk. Jyou calls Hikari but Taichi answers and Jyou doesn’t realise. ‘Damn that Taichi, he isn’t coming? Leave it to me!’ Eventually Taichi is like ‘it me moron’ and Jyou convinces him to come after Taichi’s like ‘I BET UR NOT COMING’ because Jyou, as always, has exams. Jyou is a smart ass? He’s like ‘Taichi, next year, you’ll be in my position. And if it’s you… well… you’ll be in trouble.’ SUCH A GOOD SCENE JYOU IS MVP IN THIS PLAY Y’ALL. He gets his creep on here and it’s so funny. A couple of time it’s acknowledged that Hikari should have been there on August 1st but was sick. I believe at one point they were like ‘yeah we’re low key looking for Meikuumon’ so they’ve all met Meiko and plot stuff has happened. Whether you like Meiko or not (and the 02 kids), they aren’t relevant here – August 1st is for the original kids and I’m very glad they kept it that way.
Next is Knife of Day. Yamato sung and you could tell he was nervous but he did really well. He seemed to try and do too much of a Yamato voice instead of his natural voice). Yamato talks technical stuff (music wise) and then he high fives and fist bumps one of the band mates?? CUTIE PATOOTIE ALERT!!!! Honestly, he’s so pure and beautiful? One of the band mates tried to go ‘Knife of Day is… well, the name isn’t…’ ‘HAVE CONFIDENCE IT’S ALL GOOD FRIEND!!!!’ ‘Yamato that’s not what-‘ ‘WITH THESE MEMBERS WE’RE KNIFE OF DAY! WE’RE GOOD!!!’ ‘but the name-‘ ‘THESE FOUR MEMBERS. KNIFE OF DAY. HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!!’ Takeru comes along and talks about camp. Yamato is very cute toward Takeru who is worried a little about him. Very sweet scenes. Yamato explains both the band and August 1st are important to him. Later, Takeru buys Yamato a pink sleeping bag because he’s a shit head lmao
Everyone’s at camp, Mimi forgets everything. She’s adorable. People set up camp, which is cute. Yamato runs the kitchen and Hikari is chased by Agumon because she has meat. Of course, Yamato finds out about his sleeping bag and runs after Takeru. Etemon is the camp ground guardian? (What do you call these guys??) He takes their money (OF COURSE) and keeps going ‘there are MONKEYS around here!’ while posing ridiculously and everyone’s like k cool story. Eventually he’s like YOU WANNA SEE A MONKEY?!? But everyone’s like nah bro we good, so he runs off dejected.
The kids talk about the future. Mimi just wants to be a kid forever, but Palmon says she wants to be an adult lol. Koushirou isn’t sure what he wants to do, but says he likes computers. Jyou really talks about why he wants to be a doctor and it’s such a good speech! Yamato and Taichi are both like ‘well, I like my hobby I guess??’ Sora deflects the question, Hikari doesn’t know.
Theres a scene where Jyou sees a shooting star. Nobody else can see it. It’s cute.
Yamato and Taichi try to converse later (it’s just the two of them because Koushirou said something to ruin the mood so Takeru dragged him away even though he was like ‘I’ll stay awake as long as you’re up bro’). It’s mostly Hey Yamato Yeah? …. … . … Yeah?! …Nothing -silence- We have a lot to talk about, huh Yamato? -plays harmonica-
dumb morons lmao (all KoD stuff and Yamato’s harmonica is live. It sounds much better than what the video leads you to believe!!!!)
Mimi: Sora, you awake? …SORA Hikari: aye what up Mimi: GHOST STORY TIME Hikari: starts telling an old experience Mimi: NO TOO SPOOKY STOP STOP LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE!!!!!
She tries to get info out of Hikari who tries to get info out of her back. They both start going ‘what about Sora’ who stays asleep but Mimi is about to ‘reveal’ who Sora likes when she shoots up and is all like I DON’T LIKE ANYONE!!! They’re all lying down in sleeping bags, so Hikari and Mimi were jumping around in their sleeping bags and Mimi does the CUTEST wiggle!!!
They talk about their dreams and Mimi is like ‘I like lotsa stuff??’ but she thinks it’s stupid and is kinda embarrassed but they’re like?? No? it’s cool to have multiple interests and dreams? WHICH IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Jyou leaves early for his exam the next morning. Shit goes down and people split up to solve the problem. Etemon ends up revealing himself to Taichi and co. He’s super strong and is basically like “it’s been six years your time BUT I’VE BEEN SUPER SUPER LONELY FOR 100 YEARS I JUST WANNA CHILL”
Anyway, there’s a fight and Etemon wins and gets the above group together and the bbq happens. Etemon is super happy to see Hikari (“oniichan!” “eh? You’re the only dude… YOUR SISTER?! HOW ADORABLE!!!”) and she’s like ‘stop fighting’ and he’s like ‘girl? That’s all I want???’ but later they eat all the food and Etemon whips out yakisoba and offers some to Hikari.
“No. I don’t want it.” –awkward silence- Etemon 1: Eh? Why? Etemon 2: -idk- Etemon 3: Don’t push her! Etemon 4: Is it… you’re dieting? If that’s it… I totally understand…
Hikari is done with their shit. She wants to go home. Mimi wants a bath. Sora’s done with this bullshit. They realise time has gone whack so they’ve been there hours. Tai and Sora have a tiff as Tai is trying to keep the peace (doesn’t want to keep fighting, Sora realises they’ve essentially been kidnapped by Etemon 5), Mimi makes Sora back down when she tries to comfort him so Hikari can do it instead. Time is whack so they’ve been there forever, Etemon is like I SAID I WAS LONELY YOU CAN’T LEAVE EVER!!! He then tries to make Taichi be his bestie.
By forcing him into a kiss.
Curtain close.
(Honestly it was the funniest thing – it was a non-sexual kiss, but y’all, consent is consent. I mean, you probably shouldn’t take dating advice from a man in a monkey suit who low key resembles Piko Taro, but like. This is a weird site, Idk where some of you learnt to romance. I feel I need to say that.)
Part Two. Curtain stays shut. Jyou is wandering around the audience. Gomamon says it’s cool he failed his test. Jyou is very dramatic but eventually he reveals he did perfectly. Very cute moment. Etemon comes out after Jyou leaves (curtain still shut) and tries to get the crowd to yell his name. This happened earlier and nobody responded. He asked Taichi what his name was and got no response either ;;;; This time, the audience gave a lukewarm result so we got called weak lol. He then asked us again and we said his name louder, so he was very happy. The curtain was drawn and he almost got pushed away by it.
There’s more of a fight and we see all the groups are separated. The Digimon start feeling affected like how Agumon was at the start. A lot of the discussions they have are mostly about understanding the importance of August 1st, but also realising they can’t stay there forever. Life happens. They need to move on.
A gate appears so everyone is stuck in a barrier. Bar Jyou. Because he understands August 1st, is in the past, but still treasures it. Jyou and Yamato have a really good conversation, and it’s really nice to see Yamato being over the top and emotional around someone who isn’t Takeru or Taichi.
But before that, when everyone realises something is weird Koushirou’s like ‘Jyou is our last hope!’. Yamato and Takeru aren’t… too enthusiastic about that ;;; Anyway, Jyou comes in the barrier like no problem, Takeru tries to show him there’s a problem and Jyou’s like ‘are you miming something? There’s no barrier lol’. Koushirou becomes distrustful that Jyou isn’t the real deal, so he’s like ‘nvm you can leave’ and Jyou does. Only to come right back.
I’m leaving! OKAY BYE!!! –leaves-….-comes back- I’M SERIOUSLY GONNA LEAVE!!! Go right ahead!! …Really?
This exchange goes on for a while and it’s soooooooo funny. Eventually Koushirou and Takeru leave so Yamato and Jyou have their talk, since Yamato is so frustrated he can’t do anything for Gabumon who is clearly unwell.
There’s a fight and Taichi gained confidence from Agumon who is also feeling the effects of the time warp thing. Agumon digivolves into Greymon, and it’s so cool shit. It starts off with a screen and the music and then the big walls move to cover Agumon and BAM life size Greymon!!! It was done soooooo well!!!!
Etemon reveals he isn’t the villain after fighting. (This is kinda spaced out with talking, so like fight talk fight type thing, with having discussions by different groups) It’s kinda like all the previous villains (Dark Masters etc) all merged to form Venommyotism/ Venomvamdemon who is trying to take his revenge. Or something. It’s a little vague. Roll with it. But since that would be hard to make a pupper out of, Etemon just digivolves to King Etemon. It’s so weird because they take off his head???
He struggles with Etemon and eventually Etemon turns into the villain (Venom is just shown on the walls as a projection) and Greymon can’t do much since Venom is too fast/strong, so he digivolves to MetalGreymon. Being in the front row meant I was blast with a lot of icy smoke/fog, which was fun but also… smoke ;;;
Anyway, he still struggles until Yamato comes along with MetalGarurumon. They get their shit together and Omegamon comes out. The Omegamon puppet isn’t the best. It’s from the shoulders up, but it looks slightly too cartoony. Taichi and Yamato stand on his shoulders and end up beating the villain (duh).
Everyone and everything is back to normal, but everyone realises they’re suddenly in their uniforms again. It turns out that everything from when they were wearing casual clothes was a bug. I guess like in the Digital World… sort of? It’s kinda written off as ‘just a dream’. It happened, so everything is canon, but it wasn’t in the digital world but it wasn’t in our world so time was behaving differently.
That means Jyou has to do his test again.
It’s vague on how this time bug was created, as is how the villains came back from being dead. That’s not the point of this play. The point is helping the kids to understand that the past is the past, but they need to move on.
It was a really good play, and I encourage you to buy the dvd if you can. If you’d like merch, hmu!
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popmusic101 · 7 years
Glorious - Macklemore (feat. Skylar Grey)
28th August 2017
What an auspicious day! ‘Despacito’ has finally been dethroned from the #1 spot it’s held since the 29th of May. In years to come, parents will tell their children the stories of where they were the day ‘Despacito’ fell from glory. Sadly for me the song to knock ‘Despacito’ from its perch is ‘Glorious’ by bloody Macklemore.
I used to like Macklemore... I really did - I even went to his concert. ‘Thrift Shop’ was fun and silly, and ‘And We Danced’ was semi-decent for a while. But then EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. he subsequently released was about some hot-button issue (all from his straight-white-male POV) and I grew tired... and my like started to turn to hate. Like, I don’t genuinely hate him or anything. I’m sure he’s a nice enough person. It’s just that now whenever I hear his name or his music I internally eye-roll and think ‘ughhhhhh Macklemore’, solely because he can’t resist making all his songs into Very Special Episode type deals. He’s overly earnest in a way that is well-intentioned but feels both unearned and cynical in a “what issue can my next song address?” way.
And ‘Glorious’ is just the latest example of this:
After composing screeds about LGBT-rights, Nikes and consumerism, drug addiction, white privilege, and other social issues, Macklemore has decided to teach us all about... uh?... the importance of cherishing your grandparents? I guess?
Don’t get me wrong. I think that (based solely on the music video) Macklemore’s Nana seems like an incredibly sweet old lady and it’s nice that they have a good relationship. And I am 100% in agreement that grandparents are great and should be valued by spending time with them. I just really, really don’t need fucking Macklemore to lecture me about it. And, again while the whole thing is sweet at heart, it also reeks of calculatedness so much that it stops feeling natural. Like, jeez man, go and enjoy your Nana’s company without making it into a music video just to get likes and show everyone how enlightened you are. AGAIN. (Also: I’m fucking sure that when you so selflessly gave your Nana the opportunity to spend the day doing whatever she wanted for her birthday she definitely didn’t say that she wanted to go egg people’s houses and get a stripper. That sounds suspiciously more like stuff that you wanted her to do for your music video)
As for the song itself (which to be fair isn’t actually anything to do with cherishing your grandparents) - I think one of the things that I find so irritating about Macklemore these days is his sing-songy merging of rap and pop in a way that neuters the best parts of both genres and leaves us with an all-around average and unexceptional style of music. Also listen to the lyrics. He just can’t resist spouting platitudes about every fucking thing: “Things are just things. They don’t make you who you are.” Like, gee, that is fucking deep. Thanks for that great insight Macklemore - truly you have taught me to be less of a consumerist whore!
Okay, I’ll shut up now. I know there’s plenty and plenty of people out there who love Macklemore and find this song touching and/or inspirational which is good and fine, and I really don’t want to hate things. I’m generally a pretty positive person - honest! I’ve just come to realise that his music isn’t for me. Here’s hoping this one doesn’t stick around at #1 nearly as long as ‘Despacito’ did.
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot 2x19 recap
(Aka the Scavenger hunt)
(Aka both Zapata and Shepherd getting arrested and Reade coming back and Patterson being adorable and Jeller ALMOST-KISSING AAAAAHHHHHHHH)
Well, here it is at last. This recap should have been posted a week ago, after already having been delayed by all the fic-writing, but just as it was aaaalmost done, my computer crashed and lost the whole damn thing. So here’s take 2 haha, and I’ll try to get my 2x20 recap up tomorrow, if I’m lucky...
(Warning: extreme flailing ahead)
Well, here’s to the amount of deja vu I’m about to experience lol. And just a note-- I’m gonna speed through the Shepherd scenes bc frankly I don’t care about them in the slightest. And so speaking of which, we're back in Bangkok and Shepherd’s using all the ominous language about how the guy should avoid the western world and blah blah she totally thinks she's so badass, yet she has no idea that the western world-- or specifically, the Weller & Patterson bro-sis combo, is about to Strike Back (;P). And so while she's acting tough and threatening the sellers of the toxic stuff, these two precious little catburglars are stealing all of her ill-gotten money. I love Patterson being about to go into a complex explanation of how, and Weller being all "Don't explain. Just type." haha. Aw, my little partners in crime. And then Patterson succeeds in freezing the account, causing all hell to break loose for Shepherd, bullets flying, her entire little posse getting shot down and she herself barely escaping with her life (though damn, for a middle-aged lady she sure still got some moves)-- and back in the lab, Weller and Patterson are just sitting there like.... 'well that was anticlimactic' hahahaha. Oh, if only you knew how much you had just ruined Shepherd's day lol. You would be as delighted as I am. Also damn she just went all Terminator on this guy, only to get nabbed by the cops which is SO satisfying even though we know she'll get free soon enough. But still, anything that pisses Shepherd off is just fine by me lol
Looollll it's the Right Boob Snake! I assume you guys heard the story from last year's SDCC panel, but in case you didn’t, the gist of it was that this tattoo is Rob's favourite because each tattoo is kept in a separately labelled storage container thing and this one is labelled with 'Right boob snake'. Also I love that we have literally never seen the team use a CG graphic of the tattoos until now, when it's one in a 'private area', which is so cute omg. I wonder if Weller is disappointed or relieved? Knowing what a gentleman he is, probably relieved lol. But anyway, they already know that the snake is the calling-card of a hacker guy, but they could never find him until just now, when he was picked up on facial recognition for the first time. Is it just me or does he kind of look like a less-attractive Henry Cavill? But anyhow they assume that he's going to hack into some mainframe or something so they rush to Grand Central to detain him. And awww Jane and Tasha both get their own little mini-teams to lead. Man, these guys are totally FBI elite, aren’t they? God all the other agents must think they are just so cool. I bet there's heaps of office gossip about them and people pick their favourite team member like fans do with the Avengers (which should clearly be Clint and Natasha, duhh) or Power Rangers or whatever. I bet all the Reade fans have been bummed lately. But anyhow, they've spotted their target at the station-- he just picked up a dead drop. Jane follows him, but he's clearly expecting trouble bc he notices her, then makes a run for it-- only to be grabbed by another guy. And for a sec I thought it was one of Jane's lackeys that she'd perfectly positioned-- but then that guy slits the hacker's throat and steals the package. Daaaamn. Also omg I find it hilarious that there's like instant screaming and running from the bystanders the moment it happens-- like c’mon, writers. These are New Yorkers. New Yorkers have got shit to do and places to be and they keep their eyes DOWN. They'd have to be standing right beside this guy and get their coffee spilled on themselves in the struggle to even notice at all. I do appreciate that Jane goes straight to the hacker to administer first aid rather than running after the attacker, leaving that to Zapata. Who does a damn good job of it, nearly catching the guy before he's shot by another dude who subsequently takes the package. Like damn, what is in this thing?? Zapata runs straight past the guy on the floor, not even checking to see if he's still alive, too busy giving chase to dude #3. Too bad, son. Weller, however, catches the guy first and kicks his ass very thoroughly, which we all know I am a huge supporter of. And inside the package is.... a Rubiks cube?? I wonder if it opens up when you solve it???
Lol Weller's bummed about going through all that for a Rubiks cube, grumping about it being a dumb toy-- and Patterson's all 'excuse u these are very cool adult things that totally normal and cool adults are into okay' and ughhh the little grin on Zapata's face just gives me life. Almost as much as the fact that when Patterson says the cube is related to Leakhub, Zapata immediately explains what it is to Jane, instantly knowing that she's in the dark about it and catches her up so she doesn't have to ask. Ughhhh Zapata is such an amazing and considerate friend and she just always knows what people need and I'm so glad that she and Jane are back to being buds again because they are the besssssttt. Then Patterson shows them the mannequin-challenge video that she found (idk exactly how, using her usual Patterson awesomeness I guess) that had the message from the Leakhub founders in it, hidden on the license plates. Damn. Sometimes I remember that this is a TV show and that it's written by actual real people and I think about it and I'm just like goddamn these people are clever. But anyhow. I love that the mannequin challenge actually came up at all (even though by this point in time, even in the show-universe, it would be a long-dead meme) just because the Blindspot cast and crew did a challenge of their own and this all feels very meta rn haha. I love Patterson approving of the classy iambic pentameter in the coded message too haha. And so they realise that the Leakhub founders are basically having a going out of business giveaway, handing over their cache of Super Secret Files to whoever completes their challenge. And on that list of documents is... dun dun dun... the Truman Protocol, which as we've heard is basically the basis of Phase 2. So if they find this document, they might be able to stop Shepherd. And, you know, there's also the fact that if any one of these documents gets into the wrong hands, it could have devastating consequences etc etc 
Aaaand Shepherd is in some super tiny little jail thing, and will be taken to the consulate when it opens in ten hours. Yeaaaaahhhhh she'll be long gone by then. I do appreciate the guard guy verbally putting her in her place though. Too bad she'll probably kill him soon.
Lol Patterson has solved the Rubiks cube-- though not in the traditional way, as Weller points out, eyeing the randomly-coloured sides. She snarks that she could have solved it in 30 seconds (20 when she was in tournament shape appearently, and omg I adore her so much) but explains that the arrangement of the little colored squares per side IS the code, with each pair of them representing numbers or letters. Zapata seems to get it, bc that girl is honestly such a secret little nerd, but I personally would be in the 'smile and nod' camp with Jane and Weller rn lol. Basically it translates to a challenge where they have to hack one of a bunch of different documents. They realise, too, that there were other Rubiks cubes out there, and other people are also playing this game, meaning it's like a large-scale scavenger hunt. The team picks one that involves a big pharmaceutical company that is reported to have products that cause cancer, meaning they can complete the challenge in a bit of a Robin Hood way rather than causing more problems. Weller's totally ready to just ditch Patterson to get all hacky with it, but she drags him back, telling him that doing it by remote access would take her all day, and then before he even speaks she says in a super deep voice "we don't have that kind of time, Patterson" and then continues laying out her plan and oh my godddddd Patterson mocking her big bro is everything I have ever wanted in this world and more. I think I literally shrieked. Weller gives her this adorable 'excuse me??' look and ugh Jane is so completely failing at hiding her smile and omg I love this stupid team and their stupid family dynamic ughhhhhhh 
Omg. Patterson's plan literally involves Jane and Weller going for a relaxing couple's stroll down the CEO guy's street, and I literally cannot even explain how delighted I am rn because Jane is literally loving it?? She's smiling like a kid, just so happy to be here with him, getting to do something relaxed and easy and just the two of them-- like literally she could reach out just a tiny bit and they'd be holding hands, walking down the street like any other lovestruck couple without a care in the world. And of course Weller notices her smile, and he makes a joke about them not getting shot at for once (dude, please at least knock on wood after saying something like that, geez), and ughhhhhh I love her little laugh and her bright smile as she looks up at him and then the way she giggles as a couple of kids race past them and omg she's literally almost giddy just to be out doing something normal with the man she loves and I am SO EMOTIONAL about it. And then sighhhh, the moment is over and the smile fades and she takes a deep breath and asks him about hearing from Nas, and how he feels about her leaving, given the whole thing with Allie having left as well, and oh godddd now I'm emotional in a much less pleasant way because she knowwwwwwwss. Jane knows/knew about him and Nas-- like she might even think that they were still together right up until Nas left-- and she puts her own feelings aside to make sure he's okay and aaaaarghhhhhhhhh this is the woooooorst. She has literally probably known since that damn baby shower in 2x08 and ugh I can't even imagine how it must have hurt her to see them both at work every day and know that they probably woke up together that morning or would be going home to each other that night and ugh noooo my baby. She just cares about him so much and suffers through it silently and ugh it hurts me. And Weller's pretty much all 'huh? Nas who?' bc lbr that was only ever just a stupid fling for him (emphasis on the stupid) and his heart has always been 100% Jane's but he probably thinks she's just asking to make sure he doesn't compromise the mission somehow by being distracted over Nas and there's almost a dry little chuckle in his voice as he tells her he's fine and ughhhh these two literally just need to have a clear conversation bc this is driving me CRAZY. Idiots. But anyhow, they've just found the guy's car (fortunate timing there) and so they stroll over, with Weller standing guard over Jane while she casually slashes though one of the car's tires like it's warm butter (bc she's a superhuman, obviously-- do you have any idea how hard it is to slash through a tire?? Hard!) but anyway tbh I don't know if anything could really capture my aesthetic better than this moment lol? And anyhow onto the next step-- the guy comes out and sees his slashed tire, only for a cab to conveniently pull up right beside him-- with Weller at the wheel haha. Ugh I love Patterson's customer service voice as she calls to tell the guy he's being hacked, almost as much as I love the little grin she and Zapata exchange as she does it. And then he tells her to piss off with her little scam, then calls the ‘real’ IT department-- only to be answered by Zapata, and omgggg if I loved Patterson's customer service voice I am DYING over Zapata's. Also what an asshole, he just hung up on Zapata mid-sentence?? So glad their little camera then watches him put in his password so they can steal all his stuff and expose him. But ughh I can't believe that Weller's voice has somehow managed to get even deeper and more gravelly than usual? I hope Jane can hear Cabbie!Weller over the comms rn bc I really want her to be able to experience this too haha. Honestly though do the writers of this ep have some kind of role-playing fantasy, or?? Because it's sure as hell feeling like it... not that I’m complaining   
Aaaahhh Reade just showed up in the bullpen. Weller takes him straight to his office and I love the fact that while Reade immediately sits, Weller is standing for just a moment longer, meaning that when Reade apologises he's looking up at Weller. It's very 'penitent son' or something, idk. And Weller is so calm and steady, and ugh he could totally rip Read a new one for what he did but instead he's so supportive and forgiving and allows Reade to take the time off without the upper management ever having to hear what he did and ugh tbh I feel like season 1 Weller wouldn't have been this gentle?He would have been much more shouty. I think his experiences with trauma and betrayal recently have made him even more understanding and forgiving and despite what Reade said before, they ARE family. And Weller looks out for his own. And then ughhh Reade and Zapata... but wait he thanks her for 'sitting through that' and she tells him she's sorry... and oh no. Ohhhh noooooo. He really was abused. Oh god. I am so horrified and sad that he had to watch that and sort of re-live it. Ugh Reade my baby I know I've been grumpy at your behaviour lately but I am so sorry and I love you and I hate to see you hurting. Also their hug is so sweet ugh and wow she really is tiiiiiny lol            
Awww Weller walks into the Bullpen and I love that his three ladies are all hanging out together at the same desk?? Like Patterson could be down in her lab with her lackeys and Jane and Zapata could have been off doing their own thing but instead they're all sticking together bc they're besties and ughhhhh I am so happy. Also have I mentioned how much I love this ‘Charlie's Angels’ kinda situation they've got going on rn?? Reade's away and there's no more Nas (#sosad), so it's just Weller and his angels and ugh I am so into it. Literally can we have a spin-off movie about this? Like Patterson is their computer whiz and Zapata is the demolitions/weaponry expert and Jane is their combat expert and they fight crime under the direction of their doting leader Weller and ugh just give it to me now. But anyhow the Leakhub peeps have received the files that they hacked from the asshole drug company guy (and which Patterson cleverly sent through fancy means so they'll never know it came from the FBI), and a new message comes, telling them to wear red, go to a particular place, and bring someone they trust. And uggghhhh just let me die, bc Weller doesn't even hesitate; he just immediately picks Jane to go with him. Their responses kill me-- Jane's head snaps around and she just stares at him; Zapata's all like 'of course you would' haha; whereas Patterson's all disbelieving and insists that she should be the one to go bc what if there are more puzzles??? This is literally her forte. Ooh and Zapata looks at him then like 'let's see you argue this one buddy' lol. And then Weller says he's great at puzzles and Patterson legit laughs before quickly putting on a serious face when he stares at her (yep, he may be your big bro but he's kinda still your boss, honey) and she says "Yes, in your own way" and ughhh Zapata is LOVING this and I loooove the fact that she looks to Jane (who is determinedly staring at the ground, trying so hard not to laugh) because they're best buds again and they're all sharing this joke at Weller's expense ughhhh. Oh man, I almost feel sorry for my lil boy. So outnumbered. So out of his depth. But because they love him, they let him pretend that he really is calling the shots, and Patterson relents (sidenote: what are those earring she's wearing? Like an inverted triangle underneath another upright triangle? Isn't there some culture where upside down triangle means ‘woman’ and upward pointing triangle means ‘man’? So this combination would mean... sex? Idk maybe I just made that up, but anyway enough about the sex earrings) and helps Jane pick out her red outfit. Maaannn I wish we had gotten to see the conversation she and Jane had in the locker-room (or lbr, the one she, Jane and Zapata had, all in there together giggling at Weller’s expense haha). 
Oooh karma has caught up with Weller quickly-- he's right, he does look ridiculous. But I still dig it?? And it seems Jane does too haha. Ugh I loooove seeing her smile and laugh so much??? She's actually really enjoying this case and I think that has less to do with the relative lack of danger and more to do with the amount of one-on-one time with Weller ugh. Oh and now suddenly they're swept up in a sea of red, meaning Patterson and Zapata lose them. Ooops. So they end up at some big old industrial building, which Weller says used to be a sanatorium for TB patients back in the early 1900s. Well look at you, lil history buff! I am now headcanoning that Weller knows heaps of NYC history bc it was an interest he developed when he was younger (maybe young Weller couldn't face the future without Taylor so he spent all his time focused on the past ugh) and ugh now I want him to take Jane out on a walking date where he just tells her history of the places they see while they hold hands and eat icecream or something ugh. I can dream, right?? But anyhow the door is their first challenge-- a keypad with a note about the simplest answer being the right one, and a math riddle, and they just look at each other like 'man it would be great to have Patterson right now' lol. And Jane's like 'ugh maths is gross why don't we just guess' but Weller stops her and just reaches for the door handle and pulls the door open. The simplest answer was that the door was never locked in the first place. Looks like it's lucky Weller did go along, bc I feel like Patterson might have solved the equation without necessarily thinking of any other alternatives. Score one for Weller. Tbh I feel like I would have done the same as Weller, bc I would have just been like 'nope too much maths can I just yank it open by force instead' lol. Though man the riddle does give me some serious flashbacks to the IQ test I had to do in order to get into med school. The first third of the test was all stuff like that, and those logic puzzles like where you have to get all the animals across the river in a boat but it could only hold two at a time and some of the animals would eat each other if left alone etc. I actually quite liked that section but the middle third was more my jam-- we just read different paragraphs of text about people interacting with each other and had to determine why they did what they did/said certain things/how they were feeling etc. That part was awesome. The third part was literally looking at patterns and picking which weird shape should come next in the sequence and I really wasn't a fan of that one at all haha. But aaaaanyhow. I wonder what would have happened if they'd put an answer into the keypad? Like would it have just locked them out, or blown up in their faces?? But omg I love Weller's 'told you I was great at puzzles' and the way Jane just rolls her eyes at him omg these two are so marrieeeeddddddd
Wow okay so they pretty much just stepped into the human version of a bowl of skittles-- there's colourfully dressed couples everywhere, and looollll Jane makes a joke about being glad not to be on the turquoise team and ughhh my baby is such a goddamn cutie pie omg. The green team gives them shady looks, and Jane wonders if everyone here is a hacker-- but Weller says some would be mercenaries or bodyguards or spies. Great. Lol then suddenly the lights go down and epic music starts and a spotlight appears on a hooded figure and for half a second I almost expect it to be Rich (even though I know he's back in prison and has an entirely different body shape) bc this is totally his kind of style haha. But then the hooded figure reveals themselves to be... Kaylee?? Erm, I mean some lady hacker, meaning ooooh the Hacker Bros are actually sisters. Or were, since the other one was apparently killed in a boat crash. Um, okay. This is all a little weird. God she really does remind me of Rich though. I wonder if they've met? I bet they're friends. Or exes haha. And then crap she says that there's a cop in the room and pulls out a gun and dammit Jane your poker face is usually better than this, get yourself under control woman! But then she does sound super badass and in-control when the Hacker Chick asks her who she thinks the cop is, so phew. Aaaand oops, now the white team is dead. Well, a little less competition, at least? 
Oh I forgot about Shepherd. She tries to connect with the guard about living with tyrants, but little does he know that SHE is the tyrant she's talking about. Ugh, I wish he had a tranq gun or something to knock her out with              
Oh Readey. My baby is at the shooting range having all kinds of nasty flashbacks as he shoots, and okay either all his shots will have gone wild and missed entirely, or they'll all be right on top of one another in the silhouette-man's heart. Aaand it's the latter. Oh my poor traumatised son. You need more Zapata hugs ugh      
Hacker chick is taking them all to individual rooms for the next challenge, and I love that when she holds up the hard drive of files, Jane looks back at Weller like 'are you sure we can't just attack her now and steal it? We could take on all these people' lol. But instead they head for their room (poor orange team just got dissed by the Hacker chick. That's what you get for wearing such a terrible colour lol) and omg I KNOW WHAT THIS IS. I loooove escape rooms, though I've never yet done one. One just opened in my town though so I'm gonna try to drag some friends along. Oh but before the key-finding can begin, there's a polygraph challenge-- "prove you can trust each other and you'll fin d your fates will be forever intertwined" yaaaassss I like the sound of this. It's true though, isn't it? If they reveal some of the things they've ben hiding from each other and then come through this whole ordeal knowing that they trust each other, they'll be one step closer to finally getting back on the right path, the one they’re meant to be on, the one that leads to marriage and babies and growing old together ughhhhh. And oooh Weller seems a little nerv ous about the polygraph-- if it asks him his feelings for Jane, he's screwed. He'll be even more at her mercy than he already is. Not to mention that he probably still thinks she doesn't feel the same and ughhh my boy is just not ready to be stripped of the last of his walls. Not like this. Whereas Jane is all 'let's do this' because she knows that if she needs to, she can beat the machine. Though I feel like that wouldn't be hard in this instance anyway bc it's literally missing half of the measurement devices that it should have, and somehow apparently can have answers of more than just yes or no? Mmmmkay, sure. But ugh the look they exchange when the chick is on the screen talking about them trusting each other. Both of them are like 'despite everything I trust you but I have no idea if you feel the same' and ughhhh I am so READY for this. And then lol the chick trolls Weller when he tries to talk to the recording. I love the humour in this show haha. But aaaahhh the first question is about meeting each other and their first impression, and I'm interested to know how this would work for those teams that are hacker + bodyguard/mercenary? Like 'we met this morning and he seemed like he would be really good at killing people so I thought that was good'?? Or maybe that’s the point, it's like an instant method of disqualifiying some teams, in that the questions are designed to show that they have a strong bond, a connection and trust equal to that which she had with her sister, so any pairs of strangers would automatically have to fail. After all, the rule specifically said 'bring someone you trust', meaning those teams broke that rule. Which means that Jane and Weller are automatically going to be one of the few teams that have a chance of winning. Excellent. But omggggggg the way Weller looks up at her sharply when she said she was terrified when she met him?? Ugh and he looks at the computer like 'wait no that can’t be right' and it comes up True and she looks at him all 'I did good?' and he's still processing that one because ugh of course she was scared-- she had no idea who she was or why this was happening and was locked in a room completely at the mercy of the people holding her-- but he would hate the thought of her being scared of HIM. But tbh I totally believe that the moment she first met him, her terror went from overwhelming to just a low background hum, because she just instantly recognised that he was Good and would try to help her and protect her. But wait hold on I want to hear about Weller's first impression too?? Because I feel like it would have been something like 'My first impression was that she was beautiful.... and that she was somehow both dangerous and vulnerable at the same time. From the moment I saw her I wanted to protect her.' and it would ping true and Jane would stare at him while he stared at the floor and ughhhhhhhhh why would you rob me of this opportunity show, whyyyy
Patterson's database just flagged that one of the fake documents made by Sandstorm's forger guy was just recently used-- and so they realise that Shepherd is in Bangkok. Dun dun dunnnnnn. They also still have no idea where Weller and Jane are either and are very stressed about it lol
Oooh wait Jane is answering again? Are they alternating and we just didn't get to see Weller's last question, or?? And ugh she answers that yes she's lied to him about something important. It's interesting that the question doesn't ask them to admit what the lie was, but that could either be bc the writers didn't want to have to go into it, or bc the Hacker Chick just wanted to plant that seed of distrust between the pairs and cause them to have an argument about it later. Of course this question doesn't have much of effect on Jeller bc they've already had their big reveal of all the lies and the subsequent fallout. Well, most of the lies, anyway. She's still got her Emma lie and he's still got his 'I'm stupidly in love with you but have made you think I'm not' lie. Though technically his lies-- that he's in love with her, that he hooked up with Allie and Nas to distance himself from her-- are more omissions than outright lies. But then aaaaaahhhhh Hacker Chick asks what the best/worst thing their partner has done for them (again, for strangers this would be an awkward one to answer bc they wouldn't really have anything to say) and ughhh Weller answers and talks about her getting inside his walls and ugh he's avoiding her gaze and fidgeting as he speaks, but then looks up and meets her eyes as he half-whispers that the worst thing was the same answer and ugh she can barely look at him, her eyes drawn to the screen instead, because ugh when he started speaking it seemed like her getting inside his walls was the worst thing-- which it did turn out to be as well, but there was more emphasis on it being the best thing and she must hardly be able to believe that he could ever consider being vulnerable to her like that as a good thing but the screen pings True and ugh she swallows and looks like she's trying not to cry and ughhhhh save me. And then the last question is hers, and it's about why they chose to work with their partner/why did their partner choose them, and Weller looks at her kinda like 'crap, how's this gonna go' but also simultaneously 'yes please tell me how you feel about working with me because I need to know that you'll stay' and ugh she says she chose him bc he's honest and loyal-- and then meets his eyes and says she trusts him with her life. And ugh he looks down, unable to hold her gaze, and you just know he's thinking about how he didn't protect her from the CIA and how he treated her like shit when she came back and how she still believes in him even after all of that and how he doesn’t deserve it. And he's probably also thinking that she's among the maybe three people he would trust with his life, with the other two being Patterson and Zapata (Reade's temporarily taking a break from the list) and yet the others are his hand-picked teammates who he has worked with for years and who have always proven themselves to him. Jane is an ex-terrorist who he's known less than a year and who has already lied to him and betrayed him more than once, yet he would still willingly put his life in her hands because he knows she would never let anyone hurt him. Ughhhhh. But then she says that he didn't choose her, he was forced to work with her, and he looks up and frowns a little bc the computer shows that she believes that's true but it's so totally opposite to what he feels and tbh I almost expected him to say something about it right then and there, but there's no time bc a little compartment pops open and there's locks to unlock. Also I just noticed that the symbol in the screen is a triangle with an eye in it overlying an inverted triangle, almost like Patterson's earring! What does it mean?? Are Jeller being followed around by a literal sex-symbol because I'm really starting to feel like the universe is trying to send them a message.... but anyhow the escape-rooming begins, with Jane finding two keys to Weller's one, then realising that the fourth lock is opened by the third lock itself. God she's so smart. I bet Weller is finding this super hot rn, bc I’m pretty sure the rest of us are. And then ta-da, a wall slides aside to reveal a window into the room next to them, where the blue dudes are still searching for keys. A message on the screen says that pressing the big button by the door will let them out, but fill the blue guys' room with deadly gas. Which means that getting to the files first-- saving a whole bunch of people-- will require killing two people in cold blood. Well, shit.
Well, if anyone tells you that slow internet never hurt anybody, show them this clip. This guard died bc of it, poor guy. But first he was talking with her about how Remi and Roman probably miss her and I'm like nooooope they certainly do not, my man. Ugh I'm so sad he had to die, though, like it was absolutely coming from the moment she got locked up, but ugh we were SO close to having her in US custody and then... sigh.
Ugh my precious babies are desperately searching for another way out, bc they refuse to press the button. And then ugh the blue guys unlock their last lock and see the same message-- and I appreciate that one of them tries to stop the other from pressing the button. Thanks for having honour, bro. But it's still not enough, and the other guy hits the button, releasing the gas-- into their own room, while Weller and Jane's door swings open. Plot twiiiist. Jane automatically moves for the door-- they have a mission, after all-- but Weller refuses to leave the guys to die, so he smashes the window and the two of them drag the blue guys out. Ugh, my babieessss. Unfortunately being good people means that the green team has gotten a chance to get out ahead of them, and they chase them down, catching one and absolutely kicking his ass in a freakin' awesome tag-team way, because these two are literally the most badass partners ever. And so they make it to the finish line-- but after the other guy in green, who grins at them like a cocky S.O.B. But then whaaat the white-team lady is there-- she's actually the other half of the sister duo. Niiiice. Jane's all ‘????’ and the chick makes a joke about her being a ghost and lol I love how absolutely done Jane is with all of this. Poor woman is daydreaming about being back on the sunny streets strolling along with Weller rn rather than being here trying to prove herself to these criminals lol. She tries to argue that both partners were supposed to get to the finish line, yet greenie is on his own, but Hacker chick shoots down that attempt. But then Weller, my precious cupcake, my secret cinnamon roll, argues that the whole point of the button test was to ensure someone with a moral code got the files, and reminds her that he and Jane risked the win by stopping to save two strangers. White-clad sister seems to like him-- er, I mean his argument-- and so the main hacker chick is all 'eh, sure, I love a twist' and tosses the hard drive to Weller. I bet Patterson, as amazing as she is, couldn’t have succeeded like that. The green guy tries to attack Weller but neither Jane or the hackers' bodyguards are having any of that shit lol. Nobody touches Weller :P And loooolll the chick reminds them that their fates are now forever intertwined and they look at each other kind of awkwardly and it's just like well guess you guys should just go ahead and get married now then... 
Uh ohhhh, Zapata's friend from the precinct called her and says that the detective investigating Coach Jones' murder is about to start an inquiry into possible evidence-tampering in the case-- and oh no this could go very very badly. Ugh my baby I am so worried for you
Blah blah Shepherd has tracked the guy with all the toxic stuff and killed him, and now has all the goods (or should I say 'bads', heh) on a boat, headed for NYC. Whatever, lady. The team will stop you.
Aw Reade is having a session with Dr Sun. I still really, really don't like that the person now hearing all their most intimate confessions is someone brought on board by Nas. I also can't forget how she treated Roman like a monster, and incorrectly diagnosed him with a really significant disorder. I just don't think this team should be trusting any shrink that has any connection to government agencies rn. I do like how they're sitting in chairs side by side though, so he doesn't feel suffocated or trapped. And ugh he says that using is gun is triggering (heh) his flashbacks, and Dr Sun suggests he maybe separate himself from his triggers... which would mean leaving the team. As much as I love Weller and his Angels, I really do want Reade to come back eventually... I mean, Zapata would be so sad without him??
Speaking of our angelic team, they’re down in the lab, looking at the booty they just scored from the hackers. There's a loooootttt (maybe enough to drive a season three...??). Good thing it's in safe hands with these guys, who would never use it for evil. And then they find the !!Truman Protocol!! which is like the redactiest of redacted documents, but they can see that every POTUS since then (well, up to Clinton I) has signed it as well. Jane also spots a stamp with the letters COGS at the bottom, reminding them that Nas' source told her to follow the cogs. Ugh, my super smart baby girl, I'm so proud. And so somehow it all connects to Phase 2, but the question is how....
As any sensible person does in the face of such pressing matters, the team goes out for drinks. And ugh I just love Weller and his ladies having these little bonding moments away from the NYO, the four of them banding together because they are the only ones left fighting this war. Their ranks have been diminishing one by one, and they are the last ones standing, the handful of Spartans facing an entire army alone. Tbh though I really want to know which of them suggested the drinks; I'd like to think it was Weller, partly suggesting it to help morale but also partly so he might have a chance to talk privately with Jane with a little bit of liquid courage on board. And ugh he's so supportive now, reminding them all that they had a huge win today and now have a really significant new lead that will help them stop whatever Sandstorm is planning, and then ugh his savvy sister Zapata is like 'time for some Jeller alone time' and pulls Patterson away with her. Ugh, what a wingman. It's interesting bc we really don;t see thaaaaaat much direct Weller-Zapata interaction, but somehow I feel like-- of the pre-Jane team, I mean-- they are the most similar to one another and have a super good understanding of each other? He seems to act like the older sibling towards both Reade and Patterson, but with him and Zapata, they're more on a level? He still gives the orders but she subtly gives him crap about it and isn't shy to disagree with him if she thinks he's wrong. Like they'll never be tight like she and Reade are, but I definitely think they've got a really cool connection. But ANYWAY, the Wingman has departed with the Cockblock and this means-- as Weller ensures by literally looking over his shoulder, omg-- that Jeller have a rare moment of privacy. Jane's just happy chilling there with him; she has no expectations or anything, she's just so content to be sharing this kind of bonding moment with the others and to get to sit next to Weller and listen to him talk and catch the occasional hint of his cologne and just feel safe and wanted and included ugh. But Weller's been dying to have this talk since the polygraph because he needs to correct this belief she has that he's only working with her because he's forced to. He literally loves working with her, and that was part of what made her betrayal and subsequent absence so hard (and what made him so grumpy when she came back)-- because not only had he 'lost' the woman he was in love with, but he also lost the best partner-- yes, partner-- he'd ever had. She made him better, in every way, and for a while he lost that, and without it he spiraled. He was irresponsible in his personal life and barely holding it together in his professional one. So to hear, today, that she thinks he doesn't want to be working with her, doesn't want her around... he couldn't let her go on believing that. And ugh his voice is so cute when he tells her that he was never forced, and she teasingly calls him out on it a little bit, reminding him of when he'd refused to let her out in the field, etc. There's no malice to it though, her casualness showing that she understands he's moved on from that steadfast rejection of her, and his joking response of 'doesn't sound like me' is a way of acknowledging her point, but also subtly communicating that he in the here-and-now isn't the same/doesn't hold the same views as he did then. She smiles at that, then reassures him anyway, telling him that she actually meant they were 'forced' together initially by Shepherd's design and now in the mutual drive to take Shepherd down. And then he basically tells her he's completely okay with that, because though their enemy started them on this, it has enabled the to save a lot of people, to do true good.
AND THEN, he says 'and...' and takes this deep breath and shifts to face her, clearly working himself up to say more, and Jane is all "what?" because she's felt the change in the air between them; this wasn't just one of those patented Weller Reassurances where he bolsters the morale of his team. That was the lead-in to something else, something he's about to tell her, and she stares at him as he stares right back and tells her that all of it led him to her. And she smiles a little and looks away, not exactly knowing how to respond because she doesn't know where this is going, and it's kind of like when someone pays you an unexpected compliment and your body doesn't know how to react because your mind is instantly scrambling, and ugh she clearly expects him to kind of just stop there, or change the subject or something,,, and it's only when she looks back up him and he's still looking at her so intently and adds 'and you to me' that her face softens, filled with such looooongingggg and her breath escapes like a tiny little sigh and ugh there's such emotion in her eyes and then he shifts his arm and idc that it's out of shot, I am certain he is now lightly grasping her elbow, and he tells her that the two of them coming together is something he would never-- he literally emphasises the never-- want to undo. Which means that having her in his life is worth more to him than the ability to erase every bad thing that has happened since her appearance in Times Square. And ughhhhh there are tears forming in her eyes and there's a tiny shudder in her breathing because oh god this is everything she's ever wanted, to have his forgiveness and his love and have a chance for the two of them to start over, because she loves him, never stopped loving him even when she hated him, and so right now she can hardly believe this is real and ugh the way she looks down for a moment like she's drawing on the courage to believe in it and go with it, not even realising she's already subconsciously leaning toward him just a teeensy bit even before she looks up (because her body is already a step ahead of her poor overwhelmed mind and heart) and then she looks up and sees him also leaning in just a fraction, eyes still on hers, no mistaking his intent but also ready to pull away if she indicates this isn't what she wants, but ugh then her eyes meet his and she leans a little closer and it's like that tiny movement tipped them over the edge, and then he's slowly closing the gap and she tilts her head and they hold eye contact until the last moment and her eyes have just fluttered shut, scarcely half an inch of space separating their lips, literally no possible doubt remaining that both of them don’t desperately want this-- when Patterson calls out, and I love that while Jane pulls back like a startled deer (or rather, doe), Weller literally does not move. He's probably just too busy thinking 'I'm gonna kill you, Patterson' but I'd like to think it's also bc he's not afraid or embarrassed to get caught. Literally everyone else in the team already knows he's in love with Jane anyway (and actively ships it) so what's the point in trying to hide it? I love the fact that Jane glances back up at him and gives him that small smile before pulling away, and he just grins at her like 'so close...' while she scrunches her nose and mutters 'yeah'. They are very much on the same page when it comes to their exasperation with interruptions haha. And then ugh they're so cute as Patterson arrives, both straightening in their seats and Jane clearing her throat while Weller pretends his dumb grin is about the drinks and not the almost-moment he and Jane just had (because oh my god she was going to kiss him back) and then Zapata rejoins the table with a grin that says she knows very well what just got interrupted (while Patterson remains oblivious, clearly having been focusing on her footing rather than what was happening at the table as she approached), and as the conversation resumes, Jane looks back at Weller with this shy but elated little smile because oh my god he was going to kiss her. And okay maybe it didn't actually ~happen~ but it was literally so close to happening that it had the same end result anyway, which is that they each know now that THEY BOTH WANT TO DO THE KISSING WITH EACH OTHER. LONG-TERM AND EXCLUSIVELY. Someone help me I’m dying over this aaaaahhhhhh
Okay so I literally couldn't care less about Shepherd's scenes (except about the fact that they cut short the screen time of characters I actually like) but damn this overhead boat shot is actually pretty gorgeous. Nice one, team. And then she's all 'shiiit the FBI has the Truman Protocol' and we see the Green team with Parker and ooooh I wonder if they recognised Weller and Jane at the hunt?? Did they know she was the prodigal daughter and he was the golden boy? And yaaaass I love seeing Shepherd’s day get ruined. But then woah lady, no need to put a hit out on Weller because of it??? I agree with that slimy Parker, I thought he was vital to everything??? What the hell is Phase 2????
Lol the guy checking Zapata out as she walks along the street. Same, bro. And then oh crap, flashy lights and sirens and "That's her" and on one hand I love that they've got literally four cops there just to take her in-- frightened, were we, boys?-- but on the other hand I'm like nooooo don't you dare arrest my baby she's done nothing wrongggggggg (lately) ughhhhh
Aaand okay there’s one down, time for 2x20 lol  
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aquarianwisp · 7 years
Why ignorance is dangerous
You know what? I feel like I was adopted sometimes. Or I’ve come from a different spiritual realm to my family. I don’t know. But here I am sitting in my corner with crystals, incenses, tarot cards and spiritual healings, trying to spread the unconditional love that is the reality of the universe, and there is my family over there spreading racial hatred against Muslim people, complaining about how women shouldn’t be marching because they’re just whining about how they want the right to murder infants, and telling everyone proudly how they are taking my 5 year old nephew out of a particular school because another kid at that school is currently transitioning. 
And while American politics don’t really matter in Australia, my family all love Donald Trump and are complaining about how Australia is becoming too “Muslim” and that white people are a minority. Sighhhh. Why in 2017 are these things still an issue? Why are our societies falling into this evil? Since when has having different ideas, different sexual preferences, a different skin colour etc ever made you any less human? This is something that needs to be simultaneously given respect and also celebrated. We may be different on the outside, but internally, we all have blood flowing through our veins, we all want happiness, we all want a good life, we all love people in our lives, and we are all genetically related! People deserve rights. And we are all people. 
This is the very “evil” that world religions and spiritual philosophies etc have all been trying to teach us not to fall into!  The true “sins”, “evils”, “evil spirits” and “demons” are the very things that the media are spreading, and technology is pushing full steam ahead, allowing it to reach our children. And religions are being blamed- Christianity is being used to spread hate when it’s true philosophy is love, Islam is being disrespected, it’s followers abused and hated on, simply because nobody is smart enough to actually sit down with the Qu’ran and learn the true message of the prophet.
Any excuse we have to attack someone because they are different, we will do it. And the same goes in reverse too. If someone says something ignorant, we all start spewing equally ignorant and hateful words everywhere to describe that person. Social justice vigilantes are no better, even though their heart might be in the right place. We are all basically puking in each others mouths with the amount of ignorant anger and word vomit we are spreading around. And everyone is doing it whether we realise it or not. We share videos of racial abuse on public transport, and rather than sit there and discuss how to stop this kind of thing respectfully, we all share it around and spread the hate and anger around even further. We all attack people who say something ignorant, rather than educating them. We allow the media to spread videos discussing racial hate, we allow them to feed us biased opinions on world affairs such as the issue of terrorism, and then social justice warriors attempt to fight against such things and then just end up spreading more hate as well by spewing their own ignorant hurtful opinions everywhere, or simply by sharing the video or hateful post itself which means more and more people see it and pick up that hateful idea. And that is regardless of whether that social justice warrior had good intentions with spreading it. It just spreads and spreads and we are all so ignorant of the actually spreading and propagating we do, even if we mean well by it. This is the very evil that world religions speak out against. The very same evil. All Jesus said basically was love others. Love others is his entire message. Literally the entire thing. 
He didn’t say “Make sure you hate everyone who likes to put their penis in a different hole.” He didn’t say “Make sure you hate everyone who chooses to cover their body and prays to a different god.” He didn’t say “Make sure you abuse people racially if they aren’t from a country that isn’t founded on Christian ideas.” He didn’t say “Make sure you hurt people who choose to be different to what you suspect might be between their legs” He didn’t say “Make sure you racially abuse, disrespect and hurt others because someone else in a magical talking box said you should.”
NO. Instead, he said love your enemies. Love your enemies as you love yourself. In Jesus’ time, the Jewish people were back then (and still are today) persecuted against. Many different powers (The Romans for example) wanted to control the area. And there was protesting coming from the Jewish people, there was hate on both sides, people were living fearfully just like today. This is precisely one of the reasons that the Romans hated dealing with Israel. But that is why Jesus commands them to love their “enemies”. Show them the true nature of God by spreading love instead of hate, because this actually breaks the cycle. Love them as you love yourself. Accept them the way you accept your own culture. Accept their choices the way you accept your own choices. Accept their differences, just as you accept your own differences. Love is purely offering acceptance and respect. This is the message that we need to remember, instead of using Christianity to hurt others.
And today, who is our supposed enemy? The media tells us all about who our enemies are, we tell each other who we are supposed to hate, and we tell each other who is wrong and who is right. We are seeing the enemy in each other, when the real enemy is ignorance. At the rate we are going, there is going to be civil wars breaking out, societies will begin to collapse, race wars will start up again, and genocide will result. By fighting amongst ourselves we are just bringing ourselves down.
We need to start spreading kindness, acceptance and respect. And we can do this by starting with ourselves. Buddhism teaches us methods to uproot this ignorance. Meditating. It also teaches us to be constantly seeking for reality. What the media is telling you is not reality. Instead of being ignorant sheeple, spreading all this bullshit around, lets start thinking for ourselves. Pick up the Qu’ran and find out what Islam actually says before you agree with the media. Read a book about transitioning or read personal testimonials of transitioning individuals. Read about all the different types of gender and sexual identities from a psychology point of view. Read books on feminism! Read about genetics. Start asking respectful and well thought out questions! Start spending more time with friends of a different culture and observe respectfully how their family may do something differently. Try their yummy foods and respectfully ask them what makes them happiest about their culture or religion. Ask the meaning of images or symbols you see in their home, if they have religious practices, ask them the meaning behind those practices or images. Never be afraid to educate yourself. Never stop challenging yourself to learn something new. Never stop challenging the opinions of others with your own personal research. The key is educating ourselves better so that we can educate our future generations and steer them away from the evils of ignorance. If we open up and start sharing what is beautiful about ourselves and what makes us loving, good people, ignorance will die.
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