#i know i never shut up about this thing but it's literally The Solution to paper notebooks
coquettebratzdoll · 2 days
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Okay a while ago I made this post talking abt how I haven't shifted yet bc I'm lazy, and while the sentiment holds true, I made some advancements is my beliefs. I've come to the realisation that I wasn't lazy, I just lacked some things 😭😭. Since many of you guys seemed to relate to my struggle, I'll go over what I found to be lacking and how I am fixing it:
1. Persistence - I just wasn't persisting in the fact that I am a master shifter. Some days I believed, only to give up a few hours later. I let the 3d tell me stuff that was literally not true. Like okay not you tryna be relevant gtfo 💀💀
2. Direction - I had no clear goal in mind. Like ofc I wanted to shift, but I was switching up on myself every half hour. First, I want to shift by xyz date, but then I change my mind and say that I'll shift tonight. So by the time night actually came around, I would just say one aff then give up on myself.
3. Mindset - talking abt giving up on myself, my mindset is all over the place rn. I don't hate myself (far from it), but I do not believe in myself. It's even crazier cus I KNOW I can shift, and I HAVE SHIFTED multiple times to realities like this one 😭😭. Ik that it has to be real, but I am limiting myself by believing that I personally can't shift (or don't deserve to). I know that it is possible to shift with doubts, but if you don't believe in yourself, where will that get you.
4. Methods - there are a plethora of methods that I can choose from to aid my shifting, but I just don't resonate with the traditional methods of shifting. I know that you don't need a method to shift, but I wish someone told me sooner how little methods actually matter. Lemme be honest, I've never been a Type A planner person. Steps and instructions aren't my strong suite. I prefer to be 'lazy' and just go with the flow.
So now that I listed my problems, here are my solutions !!
For persistence, I'm just gonna shut my ass up and do it 💀💀. Like ik 4d is the only reality that matters, so imma continue to hold true in that assumption.
As for direction, imma focus on one dr for now. I'll also gaslight myself so badly yall just wait 😭🙏
Mindset is gonna be the most exposing one lmao. Imma do some shadow work to find the root cause of the problem and deal with it from the source.
For methods, imma use the law of assumption to my benefit. I alr apply it to everything else, so why not shifting ? I'll also add on lucid dreams cus they're fun 💀💀
Overall, this really made me think harder about why I am so 'lazy' when it comes to shifting and inspired me to do something about it. I hope you do the same :)
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Perchance… could I request the bg3 companions with a Tav who has a bleeding heart? They’ll do what they need to do, kill who they need to, etc. but they still are easily tricked by just basic human kindness and often feel guilty for killing folk and whatnot. They’re ridiculously caring towards the party as well, often putting their needs above their own.
Karlach gets it. She really does. But she’s been through (literal) Hell and has learned to be a bit more cautious
But she adores how much you love and trust people
I almost see her as someone who would go behind after you to set people straight if they conned you or anything like that
Something about it is so heartwarming ;) to Karlach, watching you take care of everyone - herself included. She wants you to look after her forever while she does the same for you
almost disgusted by your altruism, in the beginning. She sees no point in it and points it out readily to you
Deep down though, even in the beginning, she likes it and almost envies you for it. She feels bad for speaking down to you especially after she’s had time by your side
Shadowheart enjoys being doted on and care for. She enjoys that you treat your friends like family and that you’re all carving out a little place for y’all
She’ll pout if you’re fussing over someone more than her, though she tries to deny it
Similarly to Shadowheart, I think at first Lae’zel would find your actions unnecessary and dragging. She’s on a time crunch and knows where she needs to go, and helping all these people isn’t helping y’all
I’m not sure Lae’zel would ever truly warm up to being so willing to lend a helping hand. But I think she would appreciate and commend (and come to respect) you for being able to care so deeply for others (she’s not so certain she’s capable of that magnitude)
Forces you to take care of yourself and won’t hear shit about it; no she didn’t cook this meal just for you to ignore it bc Shadowheart needs to traumadump some more, eat you doofus
Gale finds it endearing, if a little worrisome. He’s happy to let you fawn over your camp mates but he’s draws the line at being so easily swayed by strangers
He tries to be diplomatic when he’s urging you away from suspicious individuals bc he really doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or make you feel like you need to change, he’s just trying to protect you to his best ability
Gale’s not particularly used to being doted on, but it’s almost…relieving, in a way. Refreshing?
He does work very hard to make sure you’re taken care of as well, cooking good meals and forcing coercing you to bed at a reasonable time
heart eyes
Wyll himself sees (or wants to see) the world through rose colored glasses so he’s enamored that you do
He’s also probably one of the only ones to really understand your guilt over killing, even when necessary. He’s happy to talk you through your emotions over it and never hesitates to reassure you that you’re doing the right thing
flusters when your attention turns to him, but doubles it back in repayment to you
Astarion seethes at first. He hates your tender-heartedness, hates how kind and soft you are, how loving you are with everyone, it’s just grinds against him
As he sorts through his trauma (and comes to appreciate your care, towards him and your friends at least) he stops whining about it…as much
He will absolutely shut someone down if they’re trying to use, manipulate, or fool you. Astarion only refrains from more…permanent silencing solutions because he knows you wouldn’t like it
He does, however, preen under your attention. True, no-strings-attached care? It takes him a long time to comfortable with it but he cherishes it
While he certainly adores your tenderness, he tries to caution you over being too willing to blindly believe someone
Halsin is happy to comfort you through any remorse or guilt of course, but is quick to remind you that this is simply the way the world works
Watching you take care of your little band of misfits makes him melt. You care for them and then he cares for you when you come to him at the end of the day
Halsin would carry your burdens for you if he could, instead he’ll travel by your side and help you help others (while giving you looks that make you swoon let’s be real)
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crvwly · 7 months
a fun thing about my writing tablet is i've been using it without charging for about two weeks now 😎 just plugged it in for its brief hour-long charge back to full battery and it'll be good for another two weeks
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fluffylino · 5 months
you show minho and hyunjin that they don't need their husbands.
(literally got this idea while showering.)
(boypussy les go and threesome?)
-contains mature themes
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"you feel hurt, don't you. doesn't my baby deserve so much better"
hyunjin is leaning into your hand thats cradling his face. his eyes are glassy and filled with so much love. he nods slowly.
"you work so hard, take care of channie and do most of the work at home...and what do you get in return" you state.
its obvious. hyunjin's husband is cheating.
"lets forget about him, yeah" your hands are on his hips. making him grind down on you.
"f-feels good" he mumbles, blinking his tears away. hips rolling in circles on your strap.
"i know baby. how long has it been?" you ask, noticing how his breathing was already becoming heavier.
"three years" and you feel your heart break.
three years without any relief. no touching. no pleasing. no source of pleasure. and hyunjin is crying again. shoulders shaking.
you thrust up hard. hitting that spot inside that has him doubling over himself.
"ahhh-hhm" mouth forming an 'o' shape. fingers balling the fabric of your shirt.
"princesses deserves to be fucked like royalty"
you say, bringing your hand up to wipe the tears on his cheeks. moving lower to thumb as his sensitive nubs.
its asked so innocently. you're ready to give him the world. more than ready to knock out his husband. the next statement being high pitched whines.
"yeah baby..yeah" your voice cracking at how truly pretty hyunjin was. bouncing on your dick. shoulder length hair moving around. his arms hooked around your neck.
so you slip your hand down. pressing it to his swollen clit. and he keens.
squirming when you rub at him in a way that makes his orgasm speed up.
"please, c-can i? please p-please mmh-" he's begging. holding out till you give him your permission.
what a good boy, you thought. you wanted to make him yours. and he wanted to be yours.
"cream all over doll"
and he's cumming. melting into you. no longer able to hold himself up. you help him ride it out. not pulling out. instead letting him stick close to you.
"w-want you as my...wife" he mumbles, lifting his head up. moaning when you cup his face.
kissing him with an intensity that makes his heart race. 
"stop being a fucking brat" minho yells harshly. getting up to walk towards the other. hyunjin throws the book on the floor, standing up.
"you probably slept with jisung" he says. poking a finger at minho.
"Never. and you. you kept flirting with seungmin" 
snapping you out of your thoughts. you take off your headphones. realising that if you hadn't at that moment, the two of them would have started to fight physically.
"go fuck yourself!" is what hyunjin shouts back, storming into another room.
maybe it was a bad idea to bring them both here. to your apartment.
"yeah ill fuck you instead" and that sends a sinful thought in your mind.
what if.
just what if. sex was the solution.
to bring them closer. to make them forget about their husbands. instead make them grow closer.
and realise.
"minho please" you ask, straddling him to keep him from running away. he refuses to look you in the eye. "hyunjin is going through a lot right now-"
"so am i. its always hyunjin this hyunjin that. what about me"
"listen to me." your tone is firm. one thing you hate is getting cut off midway while talking. and minho shuts up. because he knows.
"eat him out" in any other situation you'd be laughing at his expression. he looked like one of those bewildered kittens. his immediate response is a no. and there is a couple minutes of silence before.
"w-why?" he asks. but you don't feel like explaining. so you ask him to trust you fully on this.
when you walk into the room. hyunjin is sulking in the pillows. face completely hidden.
"aah" minho huffs out, as hyunjin bucks his hips at his teasing. tongue laving into his warm cunt.
filthy lewd sounds filling your ears. you stand behind minho. sliding your fingers into him. taking him by surprise.
"bet your husbands were never this good"
its a casual statement. but the reaction it gives you is enough. the realisation setting in. the compromising positions. the fact that they were doing this.
"the two of you are beautiful. just tainted by this horrible world"
minho whines when you take your digits out. and hyunjin starts tearing up again. 
you're ready to comfort him but minho is quicker. moving away to clamber over him. holding his shaky hand.
"don't cry doll shhh" gently pushing his hair away from his face.
hyunjin is taken aback by the sudden kind gesture.
minho and him were always a bit...awkward. and there was always this lingering tension between them.
And when they found you. it had strengthened. you had made them realise they were loved. they deserved to be loved. they loved you. and you loved them. regardless of everything they were going through.
and maybe you end up fucking hyunjin in doggy style.
overstimulating his tight little pussy while he's gasping and struggling to eat out his beloved minho.
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focaccia-nose · 7 months
I love how one of my favorite artists just posted that Israel literally faked a terrorist attack and murdered their own civilians, which is just Holocaust denial but in a different font.
One of my favorite creators just posted about how a valid "solution" is for every Israeli to deport themselves and go back to where they came from. We already tried that. We continued to get killed. This whole thing proves that we are not safe anywhere.
I love how white leftists have determined that all of the media/narrative is controlled by Israel (cough sound familiar?) and are refusing to vote.
People I know and love are still regularly posting dog whistles on their Instagram stories.
Former friends still dm me accusing me of being a zionist for allowing room to grieve for all the civilians that were lost.
These tears are not "crocodile tears" or "white tears." Not only are we going through a huge collective trauma and watching genocide occur in real time, but somehow it's every Jewish person's fault for purely existing.
I'm not sleeping. I'm not eating. I'm so angry and so fucking sad and now my forms of escapism aren't safe anymore either.
I don't know how I'm ever going to recover. I have been fundamentally changed while people are posting purely to vertue signal and feel better about themselves. I just hope that I can learn how to trust people again. I hope I can learn how to be soft again.
I refuse to be a "good jew." I'm so proud of who I am and I will never shut up about it ever again.
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I've got McCabe
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Hi guys :)
So this is a request from here (never been so quick in my life) and I've never write with Katie before so I hope it would suit you all!
Enjoy :)
TW : Love fight, swearing, Nothing else I think
Being Katie McCabe’s girlfriend is something you cherish in everyday life. Everyone knows her reputation on the football fields, and you will never deny the truth of this, but Katie obviously has good sides to tip the scales and drive you crazy about her.
Your little bickering comes mainly from her Irish origins of which she is very proud, while you are just as proud from your Scottish origins. You certainly don’t have a team as strong as England or even Ireland, but your talents have allowed you to be spotted by Arsenal for many years and this is where you still play today. Needless to say, where you met Katie.
For today, you don’t know exactly when your mutual teasing started. You have learned over time to respond to Katie when she starts teasing you, not wishing to leave her the last word every time.
The problem today is that neither of you seems to want to admit defeat. What started out as childish games is nicely being transformed into something else while a certain mutual annoyance is being felt on both sides.
Your teammates must have felt it, Leah grabbing Katie during the lunch break while you almost get kidnap by a Beth Mead apparently more than happy to show you pictures of her puppy. You can’t say that it didn’t work, you are literally a fan of this little cutie.
But after the lunch break, when the training started again, it only takes a little teasing from Katie to start again. And again, you don’t want to let it pass, there’s no reason why it’s always you who gives up, after all.
The limit is exceeded just at the end of the training, while Katie asks you to please go store her dumbbells with yours. Already having yours to carry and a ball in the other hand, you answer her that she only has to get up to do it herself. "Well, at least Ruesha would have done it for me." This one, it hurts.
You remain frozen a few seconds there before turning slowly in the direction of the Irish which seems to realize despite everything what she has just said. But Katie doesn’t add anything, just looking at you from the mattress she’s sitting on with wide eyes. "Fuck you, Katie" you mumble coldly before disappearing from the room. The idea of throwing the ball you hold in your hand on her head would have been tempting and you admit to having thought about it for a few moments. But you weren’t alone and it was out of the question for you to provoke a real scene with violence to the key. "Mate..." sighs Leah once you leave the room. "Wha' " grunts Katie without looking at the blonde. "That was a terrible comment" "Shut up" In truth, Katie knows very well that she has crossed the line and she is very uncomfortable. Hurting you is never her intention, she has always been very careful with her behavior with you, treating you like a princess on a daily basis. Except when she decides to test your limits like today. It never went that far though. Leah answers nothing, content to follow the brunette to the changing rooms to go shower and change. Katie frowns when she sees that you’re not there anymore and your stuff either. "She left. Alessia brings her home. And you’re definitely going to sleep on the couch tonight" Kyra informs her before going to take a shower. The information squeezes Katie’s heart, you live together, so it makes sense to travel together. But she particularly likes to see you in the role of HER passenger princess.
It’s with her mind elsewhere that Irish showers and changes, taking her time in seeking the best solution to fix things. However, it’s difficult for her to know what to do since she doesn’t know what treatment she will be entitled to once she arrives home.
Are you gonna yell at her? Ignore her? Are you even going to be there or will she be allowed a simple post-it on your fridge informing her that she just has to go to hell?
It’s not in a safe state that Katie gently open the door to your house. The living room is empty, but your sneakers are carefully placed on the shoe cabinet of the entrance, informing her of your presence at home. But you’re not in the part of the living room that she can see from where she is.
Only silence answers her, which doesn’t particularly surprise her. You’re stubborn too and usually Katie liked that about you. But not today.
Sighing, Katie drops her bag at the entrance and walks a little further into the house. She finally finds yourself sitting at the kitchen table, apparently completely absorbed in your readings. Yes, because in addition to your training and games, you’ve been doing correspondence marketing studies. Just in case.
"Are you still angry?" Katie tries to get closer to you.
But you just answer her that a breath of the nose, without looking up from your book. If only she knew you couldn’t concentrate for more than ten seconds. You were really hurt by her remark, even if you think (hope) that she doesn’t think about it for a single second. What could be worse than being compared to her girlfriend’s ex by the principal concerned?
"Babe please, can we just…"
"Don’t fucking touch me McCabe!"
You jumped on your legs as she approached you, ready to put her hand on your arm. In your heart you obviously appreciated that she tries a reconciliation and that she tries to catch up, but it’s still too early for the moment. Your hands tremble with anger when you go to lock yourself in your room, slamming violently the door behind you.
"I don’t know mate, she seems really upset. She surname me!"
Katie walks around your backyard, whispering softly on the phone so you don’t hear her. She tried several times to knock on the door of your room but you never answered her, worse you even blocked the handle of the door so that she could not join you.
Leah, on the other end of the phone, has to admit that she is impressed by the strength of character with which you stand up to Katie. But Katie is still her friend and she obviously wants you to make up.
"At the same time, you compared her to your ex. Anyone would have taken it badly. I would have probably killed you."
"I know, Lee. But I can’t go back to the past, what do you want me to do?"
"She won’t listen to me, she won’t even let me in the same room as her."
"The good news is she didn’t strangle you" Leah comments with amusement.
"Not yet" answers Katie with a gloomy air.
"Let her calm down a little and in the meantime prepare an apology in good form"
"What do you mean?" asks Katie, mechanically looking up at your bedroom.
"Go get her some flowers, make her a candlelight dinner… what you know will please her."
"I have another idea" ended up answering Katie after a few seconds of reflection.
The night has fallen for a little while when almost timid blows are again thrown against the door of your bedroom. You sigh as you hear Katie’s voice rise from behind the door.
"I know you’re still very angry with me, but can you meet me at the livingroom please?"
You roll your eyes without answering, sitting on your side, back to the door. Now that the anger has dissipated, you realize that you were also hurt by the Irish comment. So you decide not to go. At least that was before you got a message on your phone.
Katie 🍀❤️ Baby please?
You let out a big sigh before you get out of bed. With your hands in yours (Katie’s) training pockets and your face frown, you finally leave your room. After moving the chair you had placed under the handle so that she could not enter.
When she hears your bedroom door open, Katie almost teleports to you.
"Can you close your eyes?"
"I’m not in the mood, Katie" you grumble in a low voice.
"Please" she whines.
You stare at her for a few seconds before sighing again and obeying. You let her take both hands to train you to the living room, stopping in the free passage left by the two sofas installed in the living room. Without letting go of your hands, Katie whispers
"You can open them"
You blink twice to regain clear vision and remain speechless in front of what was previously your living room. Katie installed cozy plaids and cushions on the sofa, she lit your fireplace and decorated the room with many Harry Potter goodies. You’re a fan of it, defending your house, Ravenclaw. Needless to say, the one you share your life with is from another house, which you confirmed when you forced her to take the test. Needless to say which one. (Slytherin)
On the coffee table Katie prepared bowls with several snacks and cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Everything looks like one of those photos that are on Instagram. Well, almost. Because in these photos, there’s not Katie McCabe looking at you with as much apprehension as if you were a bomb ready to explode.
"I’m sorry I was stupid like that and I hurt you. I didn’t think about it and you have no idea how much I blame myself. I should never have said that when I haven’t thought about my ex in forever and even less since we’ve been together. I mean, of course we see each other when we’re training on the national team, but that’s it. She has nothing to do with you. I’m so sorry, Baby, I swear."
Katie rambles a little bit and you get to see the nervousness behind her clumsy speech. And it makes you feel terribly tender. Realizing that she still has your hands in hers, Katie gently pulls on it to draw you a little closer to her.
"I’m not just angry. What you said is hurtful, too, Kat."
"I know" she whispers, dropping one of your hands and putting hers gently under your chin. "But I don’t mean a word of it. No one can match you."
Your gaze in her blue eyes is enough to convince you of her sincerity and despair at the idea that you may not forgive her. It’s that side of Katie that you fell in love with as well, that part that she shows almost nobody. Katie is a loyal and attentive friend, which people know as well. But she is also a tender woman who enjoys cuddling with her girlfriend. You.
"I love you so much" she adds after a few seconds, pressing her forehead against yours. "Please, forgive me."
"Okay" you end up answering softly.
Her smile is so great of joy and relief that you can’t help but smile back.
"But on condition that we watch the first film" you add, pointing to the television with a nod.
"Anything you want."
Katie hurries to make you settle into the couch, perhaps doing a little too much by hurrying to bring a stool so that you can put your feet on it. But you let her, amused by her behavior. She then runs to dim the light in the living room, hands you a cup of hot chocolate and a glass of water if « the chocolate is too chocolate ». She tenderly wraps you in a plaid, asking if you want a cushion and arranges the food bowls so that you have everything near you.
"Are you missing something?" Katie asks, looking closely around her.
"Yes" you answer with a smile.
Bowing an eyebrow, you lift a corner of the blanket in which you are wrapped so that she comes to settle next to you. What she does smiling, even accepting that you shift to allow her too to put her feet on the stool with you. After making sure again that you didn’t miss anything, Katie launches the film and you gently lean your head on her shoulder when she puts her arm around yours.
Ten good minutes passed when you look up at Katie’s face, lit by the lights of the television.
"Babe?" you call her gently, making her look off the screen.
"I love you too."
A soft smile is born on her face and you would swear that it will remain there until the end of the evening. Including when she leans over you to kiss you right now, then every other time during the movie.
Katie McCabe may be a fool, but she’s your fool.
So… Katie McCabe is a Slytherin, what do you think? 😂
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s6ngbird · 4 months
flowers from beneath — ACT V
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series masterlist || navigation
[ warnings ] — NSFW, your mother being her usual self, fingering (f. receiving), , lmk if i missed anything
[ pairing ] — hades!coriolanus snow x persephone!reader
[ a/n ] — and here's the last act! i do think i'll make an epilogue but i have another fic in mind before i do that <3
[ beta read by a literal goddess aka @etfrin ]
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“i'm not giving her back” coriolanus said, after zeus and your mother had come to the underworld, demanding your release
“she's happy here, probably because you're not there to watch over her like a hawk” he continued, watching with a smirk as your mother reacts to his comment, she was turning so red that coriolanus was sure he could see the snoke radiating from her ears, just as he intended 
“she's not yours to keep! you kidnap my darling child, then try to keep her and now lie to me about her happiness?!” your mother shouts, seething with anger at coriolanus, all while zeus just rubbed his hand over his face, clearly not in the mood for either of their childish behavior 
“you might want to check with her on the whole ownership thing, she really seems to think i own her now” coriolanus exclaims, glee evident in his voice as he continues to argue with your mother, face lighting up everytime she makes a comment that he can easily retort to
“you are insufferable! zeus, what do you think about this? tell coriolanus he's being unreasonable and needs to return my daughter!” your mother yells at coriolanus, turning to zeus with a much calmer attitude to ensure that he would be on her side about all of this
“why don't we just bring her out? see what she thinks about coriolanus and returning to earth” zeus proposed, hoping that your mother would not go off at him for this solution 
“fine i'll bring her, but if she doesn't want to come, that's not my problem and maybe it'll help you rethink some of your life choices about being a mother” coriolanus said, getting off his throne and stalking towards his room, knowing that you would most likely want a kiss from him once he came in
maybe he could even fuck you quickly, so fast that zeus and your mother wouldn't even know but still slow enough to let your mother know that he was doing something to you and you had no objections 
before opening the door to his room, coriolanus looked behind him, double checking that your mother hadn't followed him and once he was sure no one was in the hallway besides him, he opened the door, shutting it quickly
you looked up the minute you hear the door open, your face lighting up when you saw coryo coming in, looking weary but a smile still present on your face that was only reserved for you
you had been cleaning up his room for a while, even though coryo didn't let you out of his room, he still unchained your ankle so that you could freely roam around his room and bathroom without him having to watch you
though getting to watch you take a bath and piss were always a delight for him because he got to see you naked…not that he didn't already get to see you naked whenever he pleased
he walked over to you, picking you up and tossing you on his bed, crawling over you and kissing you hard
you assumed he was upset about something since he never kissed you this hard unless someone or something had upset him earlier, and you were right
he didn't want to have to lose you, all of that time and effort that was put into kidnapping you, all the effort put into making you fall in love with him and getting you to submit yourself to him willingly, would all be wasted if he let you go
once he finally pulled back, you cupped his cheek and he leaned into your touch, shutting his eyes and taking deep breaths
“what's wrong coryo?” you ask, and he snakes a hand around your waist, flipping you two over so that you were on top of him now
“it's just…” he stopped, unsure of what to say next, if he told you that your mother was right outside in the throne room, you might want to go see her which is exactly what she wanted
but if he didn't tell you that, he would have to come up with some elaborate lie that would break his and your promise of not lying to one another 
“your mother stresses me…and she's here” he says, slowly and keeping his arm around your waist to ensure that you wouldn't run the minute he told you
and to his surprise, you stayed put, burying your head in his neck as his other hand came up to stroke your hair
“what's she doing?” you whisper, almost afraid to say it out loud
you had always had this subconscious fear of your mother because of the control she had over you, always grounding you if she thought you stepped out of line and slapping you at times when you really messed up
but you hadn't realized how afraid of her you were until coriolanus kidnapped you and you had spent so much time away from her
and even if coriolanus had married you against your will, you had grown fond of him and loved him, just as he did with you, though he loved you the minute he saw you
“her and zeus want me to bring you out so they can decide what to do with you, he says, voice muffled from burying his face in your hair in order to push down the feeling of crying, no he would not cry, he hadn't done that in decades and he wasn't about to start now
“i think if you keep me here, she'll grow suspicions and probably break down your door” you say, looking up at him, thinking of what to say next
“if you bring me out there it'll be better, trust me ok?” you kiss him, hoping to convince him from doing something he'll regret later and he kissed back, getting lost in your lips before you pulled back, giving him an expectant look
“fine, we'll go, you just need to change and clean up a bit” he grumbled, pulling you off of him and standing up as you go to the bathroom to wash your face
he laid back on the bed, sighing and rubbing his hand over his face, wondering if this was going to be the last time he ever saw you
and if it was he knew exactly what he wanted to do, getting up and coming up from behind you, picking you up and taking you on his bed, despite your protests 
“coryo! you cannot fuck me right now!” you exclaim, but when he quickly stuffs his fingers in your leaking cunt, your protests are silenced
he laughs at how wet you were, clutching your jaw in his hand as you go limp, deciding not to put up a fight with him, just praying that you would be done quickly and your mother wouldn't storm into here and watch her daughter being ruined by the very man she hated
you whined, trying to push him off despite not really wanting to and he eventually got off, but he made sure he made you come first
he wasn't about to deny his little bride of an orgasm, especially because this could possibly be one of the last ones he'd ever be able to give you
after he cleaned you up, he grabbed the nicest dress that he had brought you, helping you into it and zipping up the back and whispering in your ear how fuckable you looked in the dress and how he wished that he got just suck on your tits forever
you got red and slapped his arm, which earned you a slap on the ass that turned you even more red, groaning in frustration as he laughed, kissing you and leading you out the room, his hand wrapped around your waist
your mother lit up when she saw you, running over and hugging you so tightly, you felt that your bones would break under the pressure
she pulled back, checking every inch of you to make sure coriolanus hadn't hurt you and once she came to the conclusion that he hadn't hurt you, she hugged you again
“we're going to go home soon, i promise” she said, holding you closely as you squirmed a bit, opening your mouth to protest, but coriolanus beat you to it
“she's not going back to earth, she's my wife, it's her decision at the end of the day” coriolanus said, giving your mother a death stare as she let go of you
“she's not staying in this hellhole! she belongs on earth with the greenery and more importantly with her mother!” you mother objects, fed up with how coriolanus views this situation 
“and what the fuck do you mean married?!” your mother yelled, angered by the “marriage”
“she's married to me, what more is there to explain?” coriolanus retorts, sounding almost bored of this petty argument
“well you must've forced her and locked her up because there's no way my daughter would agree to marrying an asshole!” your mother seethed, annoyed by coriolanus’ calm reaction
what your mother said was true and both you and coriolanus knew it was true, but in that week, you had warmed up to him and no longer acted wild to escape him just as he started to treat you as his equal, telling you that there's no way in hell he would treat his queen like an object
but alas, your mother and coriolanus bickered for a while, not letting up on the insults and fighting over you as if you really were just a mere object
“i think that she should return to earth” zeus says finally, hoping that your mother would shut up now that he gave his final word that was in her favor
“see i told you! she's coming back with me!” your mother said gleefully, and coriolanus just sighed, not willing to show how heartbroken he was at zeus’ decision
after all, you two had only been married a week and a few days and now you two were being torn apart, faster than either of you intended
you open your mouth to protest but coriolanus looks at you, and you shut your mouth, knowing that he'll figure out something
“if it's ok i'd like to have at least a few minutes with my wife in private before she's snatched away from me” coriolanus said, rising from his throne and making his way towards you
your mother opened her mouth to say no, but zeus gave coriolanus the green light and he took you to a secluded hallway where you just let all your tears out
you couldn't bear the thought of losing coryo, the only man who ever cared about you and was more importantly, your husband
“shh dove don't cry please” he said, taking out a handkerchief and wiping your eyes, kissing your forehead
“i have an idea of how you can stay here with me, ok?” he said, taking out a pomegranate and handing you a few of the seeds, six to be exact 
“for every seed you eat, that's a month that you have to spend in the underworld” he explained to you
“why can't i just eat all 12? that way we can be together forever?” you sniffled, looking at him with wide eyes
“oh dove…i wish but your mother would actually kill me, plus 6 is better than nothing right?” he said urging you to eat the seeds quickly before your mother started looking for you two
you obligated, eating them all at once and wiping the juice with your hand
coryo took that hand a kissed it, promising you that those six months would go by fast and in no time you would be back here with him for the rest of the year
you nodded and bid him your farewell, kissing him hard and promising that you would bring all the pretty flowers when you came back
as your mother collected you and you both ascended to earth, coriolanus waved, realizing his eyes misted over and he indeed was crying after all the decades 
once he returned to his room, ready to wallow in his pity, he noticed something growing on the shelf near some of your possessions 
it was odd because there was no life or growth in the underworld, but once he saw what it was he smiled through his tears, knowing that it was a gift from you, to remind him of you whenever he got sad or felt lonely
the gift was quite on brand for you, it being a flower growing in the underworld 
and it did remind him of you already, as the it was a little beacons of hope for him that he'd see you again after the long wait
but in the meantime…let the torture commence 
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ash-says · 1 month
Hush Hush Honey:
A guide on how to regulate oversharing and balancing the conversation flow.
Each one of us has at least been in a situation where we accidentally ended up spilling more than we should. We do recognise the patterns but are unable to control ourselves. That's why your girl Ash-says is here to say a lot about it.
1) Find the why
What are you trying to achieve by sharing that piece of information? Drama? Attention? Get it off your chest? Is it important to inform them? Is it valuable to them?etc.
First tackle the why. Before you go in to reveal something ask yourself if it goes with the conversation flow and if yes is it really important to share it.
2) Are you a celebrity?
No like why? Who is interested in your life so much? Are those people paparazzi to broadcast your current events and bring you fame? No right. So shut up.
3) Who puts their dirty laundry on display?
When you overshare you are basically putting all your secrets, stuff that you do or did on blatant exposure. People are going to judge you. That's the very nature. So breathe and keep it inside.
4) Try to listen more
Train yourself into listening more than speaking especially in group settings or around people that you don't know much about. Gossip is real. You don't want to be the next tea time sensation.
5) Alternatives for talkative people:
Now I know you might be thinking can't say this can't say that then how the hell am I going to bond with people or what should I converse about?
I have developed a solution for you. It's Ash verified because I myself have been using it unknowingly for around 7 years of my life.
Never open your mouth for passing judgements, expressing your opinions on things that do not relate to you, your dirty laundry, secrets, family issues, relationship issues, your sex life, your goals and aspirations, your daily routine, your political standpoint,etc you get where I am going right?
Instead speak about the experiences you had while travelling somewhere, some goofy stuff that happened to you, your harmless vice for example: I am clumsy so I have a lot of incidents that occur due to it which can be told in a funny way. It adds a nuance to my perfectionist image plus helps people warm up to me. Movie shows, songs, etc here also there's a catch if you relate to a show/song/ piece of literature strongly never reveal it. The smart ones will understand the inner workings of your mind.
Never let them know your next move.
If nothing of this then goof around being nonsense. Do little hand gestures, funny faces if you are bored but never overshare.
6) Be mindful of interruption
Practise practise practise. Literally that's the only way. Try not to interrupt people while speaking. There's no roundabout way. It is what it is.
7) Be comfortable in silence
You have to be okay with the conversation dying down. Running your mouth dry will only result in one sided convo. It's more useless and harmful than the one mentioned before.
8) Know your limits
Fix in your brain what you can share and what you can't. Stick to it. Even over your dead body.
9) Be genuinely interested in people
Ask yourself are you asking questions to really get to know the other person or just looking for a chance to talk about yourself? Dethrone yourself first and then interact with others.
10) Put out stuff that you are over with
Always remember what you say can and will be used against you. Drill it and from next time when you speak be mindful that every word can stand against you. Do you have the capacity to handle the consequences? Yes then go ahead. No, then stop live streaming.
Bonus point: Be as private as possible on social media. People don't need to know what you are doing nowadays. Privacy is power. What they don't know they can't ruin.
Strategically put things out. I am not saying be inactive. In Rome you live like the Romans. Do it smartly.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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aira-bu · 1 year
༄ anemo boys as shimeji ! 𖧷
☁︎ written as of version 3.3
a/n: i saw some (characters) as shimeji and i got inspired by @midknightwritings so check them out if you want to! (i hope that's ok just dm me if you want anything changed)
sypnosis: shimeji is a type of chrome extension but kinda for your whole computer (i think, it's been some time since i used shimeji) ! if it isn't then just pretend it is lol anyways, anemo boys as shimeji
characters: kazuha, heizou, xiao, venti, wanderer (scaramouche)
disclaimer/warnings: none
will absolutely spoil you with work/study tips
he won't give you straight up answers though, he believes that giving you the solution is good enough and that you shouldn't depend on him for answers
but if you're struggling with anything, he won't hesitate to help you
clings to your cursor a lot
and when i say a lot i mean a lot.
but when you need your cursor to do some work then he'll let go (for now) and watch you from either the bottom of your computer or the very top. there is no in between.
he will definitely organise your folders and everything, but he won't touch your latest works or rename anything
loves it when you drag him around the screen with your cursor, do it more!
probably the most sane and respectful to your tabs and apps opened among the rest of the anemo gang and won't meddle with it
whenever there's even just a little suspicious thing on your pc he'll inform you immediately
he'll greet you every time you turn on or shut down your pc
"good morning/afternoon/evening, (your user), how has your day been so far?"
goodness gracious
mf would clone himself to. the. MAX.
1 heizou is never enough!
he'll let you procrastinate a little if you're tired
but if your near the due date and you still haven't started?
don't even turn on your computer at this point.
the moment you boot up your pc you can find him sitting on top of your minimized empty work tab and crossing his arms at you
anytime you try to open something unrelated to your work he will spam those error messages but with messages like "not yet, finish your work first ;)" or "i'll give your device a virus if you don't finish this >:)" (he won't actually give you a virus)
but when you're actually done with your work or when you have some free time, he will literally hang on your cursor
whether it be him biting your cursor or sitting on it, he will be there
he is your search bar.
you wanna know the whether? he's got it.
you wanna know how babies are made? he'll explain in detail.
you wanna know the average time of how long it'll take for ice to melt inside a microwave at 13°C? he'll find out.
you name it, he's got it.
just expect him demanding a lot of head pats as compensation afterwards
expect him to tease you a lot when you watch any romance.
"if I weren't stuck behind the screen this could be us *wink*"
he's just
drag him around, hold him down with your cursor, stick him to the sides of your pc, he'll label everything you do as a 'nuisance' and a 'distraction'
but we both know he loves it
he doesn't really interfere with your work at all
just quietly judges you as you make a hella lot of mistakes in your project
he'll correct you though!
will literally jump onto your errors and make a fuss about it
say goodbye to those red squiggly lines when you make a spelling mistake because HE WILL HIGHLIGHT IT IN THE BRIGHTEST RED EVER (only if you somehow fail to notice him making a huge commotion in the middle of your screen)
unlike kazuha, he won't inform you of any viruses
you won't even see them in the first place
with him on your pc, no viruses are safe.
he doesn't tell you though, he likes to keep a low profile and worries that you might panic at the thought if having a virus in your computer
he will mostly definitely judge you at your music taste, movies, anything at all
silently though.
every time you boot up your computer he'll be like
"you humans always waste your time on devices such as this."
but the moment you attempt to shut down your comp he will literally make a 😰 face
mf climbs your screen 24/7
whatever you do, he. is. climbing.
turn on your pc? *climbs.*
open up a game? *climbs.*
on a call? *climbs.*
but when you forcefully drag him down to your taskbar, he just kinda whines and make an "ehe." face
when you're doing something boring like working he'll either attempt to help or just fall asleep
most of the time you can't get anything done with him around
when you're free and have nothing to do though, he'll play hide and seek with you!
in your folders of course.
if you have a lot of files, good luck
when he doesn't get found for a long time though, he'll pop out of the file and look around
if he finds that you're afk he'll throw a tantrum, saying "you don't wanna play with me anymore!" or "you love your coffee more than you love me :("
those are just facades to get your attention though
he knows you love him (i think)
wanderer / scaramouche
it'd be smart of you to not install his shimeji in the first place
he'll rearrange your files, play around with your wallpaper, anything that distracts you
he really just wants your attention on him instead of that filthy google doc
but when you're offline and sleeping, he'll rearrange your folders back for you if you hadn't did so already
he'll revert your pc to its original state before his shenanigans
sometimes he'll rename your folders or works because he is absolutely fuming at the sight of
'actual_final_final_essay_attempt_3_(submit this one).doc'
as your file name.
every time you get a message about a virus he will literally hit the screen
you do online shopping? he'll diss everything you see, pointing out every dislike he has towards that... thing. as he likes to call it
watching movies with him are an absolute pain in the ass
he'll openly judge you at anything and everything
just give him a snarky remark or tease him back and just watch him fall into pieces of your control
"hah! your single ass is so down bad to the point you're watching stuff like this?"
"yeah, because the person that i would actually get with is stuck behind a screen."
"w- hey- you're not supposed to- what-.??!"
error message 169
wanderershimeji.exe has stopped responding. close the app?
➪ yes
➪ no
yeah you get the point
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winwintea · 16 days
secure that card! 19. pinky promise content warning: mentions of stalking, violent threats
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"I'm soooooo paranoid right now. Could you have been a little faster?" Jisung asked Chenle as soon as he hopped into the front seat of the car. Chenle rolled his eyes at Jisung, "Relax princess. You'll be well taken care of, Calm down." He turned around to look at you, as you buckled up your seatbelt in the back, "And you're not even the one in danger Ji." You gave him a thin smile, and he took notice of your appearance. You definitely looked weary and tired, and Chenle couldn't help but wonder if you'd gotten any sleep at all. The messages were bound to send anyone on edge. "Yah yah. Everyone's in danger at this point. I mean it's not that hard to see Y/n's schedule and figure out who she interacts with. Besides, the guy is also a law student." Chenle tried to tone down his excitement, "You know who it is?"
You finally broke your silence "Um... yeah... so you remember the sketchy guy Ten?" Chenle simply nodded, "So... long story short he wasn't the stalker, but he did manage to figure out who it was." Chenle tried to process the words you just said, "Huh. How'd he do that?" "I don't know... some technology hacking stuff maybe. I can ask Yuqi later, she's good at that." "Wait is that legal?" Jisung suddenly interjected into the conversation. Chenle shot his friend a cold glare, "Uh... hello? is stalking legal? I'd hope not. Our ethical concerns are quite literally out the door at this moment." Anything to keep you safe, at least. "Wait so who is it?" He was still curious about the stalker, and maybe if there was a motive behind everything. "Hwang Hyunjin? Jisung knows more about him than I do." At least it was somebody Chenle didn't seem to know. He probably would've done some... unspeakable things to them if he did. "What, I only knew that he was in our class! Which you did not know. Can't believe you don't pay attention to the kids in our class. That's about all I know about him as well." "Um, excuse me, maybe instead of being focused on the people in our class I'm focused on the lectures?" "Nerd." "Shut your ass up Park Jisung, I have your mother's phone number." Chenle couldn't help but giggle out loud at this comment, and it certainly seemed to shut Jisung up. He didn't realize how close you two were, and wondered why Jisung never at all mentioned you in the past. Chenle made a mental note to himself to ask him later. "How are you feeling though, Y/n?" "I'm alright, I guess." Your expression still remained firm, and it did not make him feel great at all. He hated how this was happening to you. You didn't even deserve it, at all. If you hadn't done any collab with Yizhuo, or... Then it hit him. If you never met him, then you would've never met Yizhuo, and this wouldn't never happened. Technically, he was the root source of all your problems. Chenle cursed under his breath, which was picked up on by Jisung, although Jisung didn't say anything. "You can stay over as long as you want Y/n. I can understand how difficult it is to be going through this." He glanced in the rearview mirror at you and smiled, "If there's anything you want, food, drinks wise, we can order it." "Dude, you seriously have a problem." Jisung gave him a sideways glance, "Food doesn't solve everything." Ignoring Jisung's judging comments and looks he continued on, "Food is quite literally the solution to all issues. It's like what they say for those Hershey Bars, 'you're not you when you're hungry'." "Snicker Bars." "Same thing." ————— Soon enough Chenle had arrived at his house (mcmansion) and you had all be ushered in as quickly as possible by Chenle for fear of potential harm or threat from your stalker. Yanan was quickly filled in with the situation, and bluntly stated that you needed some rest, as evident from the dead eyebags slowly forming. "Are you sure? Like I feel like I should be awake just in case something happens." Jisung placed his hands on your shoulders, "Please. You desperately need the sleep. And besides you've got 3 men willing to pr- err keep you safe, just in case."
"Alright... But just 3 hours okay?" "That's not enough, but it's better than none." Yanan leaned against the table the four of them were sitting at and crossed his shoulders, "Chenle, why don't you go on up and show her the guest room."
"You mean a guest room. How many y'all got? Like 50?" Jisung joked, as Chenle and you stood up to leave the room. "12." "Oh boo-hoo, that's still 12 more than the average U.S. citizen living in the united states." You followed after Chenle paying more attention to your surroundings than you had before. "So, do you have guests over often?" Chenle hummed in response, "No, not really, we just have so many extra rooms." "Then why is the elevator used as storage..." "Um..." Chenle wasn't sure how to answer, "Good question." You snorted in response and continued to trail after him. Although somewhat distracted, the stalker still remained on his mind. If Ten had tipped them off, they should've been gone soon? The whole thing stressed him out. He felt partially responsible for your entanglement in this situation, and since there was nothing he could do about it already happening, he promised himself that he would do all in his ability to make sure that you were safe.
You two had finally reached the guest room. Chenle opened the door and allowed you to go in, but didn't enter himself. "This is it. I would say feel free to do whatever, but you honestly need the rest so please sleep." Your mouth hung agape as you glanced around the room, "You're saying this is the guest room? Then what the hell does YOUR room look like?" Chenle eyed the space and mentally compared his own room to this one, "They're about the same size, although there is a door leading to an inner room, so technically it's 2 rooms in 1?" "I didn't even know that existed, ooohhkaaay..."
Chenle shrugged, looking back at you again, "Be sure to get some good sleep alright? Take your mind off the situation and relax, we've got some top notch security here so you're quite safe. Text me if you need anything." You smiled at him, this time a full smile, "Promise me you'll wake me up in 3 hours?" "3 hours, yes. I'm aware." You pouted, holding out your hand, "Pinky promise?" Chenle arched a brow at you. "Pinky promise? What are you 7?" "A pinky promise is a true promise that is never to be broken at ANY time!" You continued to hold your pinky out, "Pinky promise you'll wake me in 3 hours." "Alright alright okay, I got it." He held his own pinky out and locked them together with yours, "Pinky Promise." He chuckled "And pinky promise me you'll actually get some rest and not worry about the situation for these 3 hours." "Pinky Promise" Chenle gave you a sideways grin and a thumbs up before heading out of the room. Why did he find that cute? Chenle honestly couldn't remember whenever was the last time he had felt this way about a person. Or maybe there was none? No one seemed to rival these thoughts and feelings he had towards you. He'll admit, at first he was quite attracted to your looks. After all, he had nothing to base other than your almost-but-not-quite lifeless body for first impressions. And conveniently you also happened to appear in his life the moment he started his plan to acquire a green card. However, it was the feisty spirit, the constant rejection/reluctant acceptance of his gifts, the ambition in your eyes, and everything else that seemed to make you who you were that really pulled Chenle into a deeper battle of love for you.
And as obvious as it was that you didn't appear to feel the same, that never discouraged him. In fact, he saw this as a challenge. One that he was going to win.
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity @defzcl @ckline35 @multifandomania @meltinghershey @foxy-kitsune @jising-jisang-jisung @minkyuncutie @zuzu-the-simp @dojaejunging
bonus: behind the scenes of me trying to make this chapter w/ a friend (can someone explain to me what happened WHY DID DISCORD DO THAT😭)
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
The Old Church Parking Lot
Look, I had an idea for a fic and all the sudden it was 4:00 am. I promise one day I'll write a fic where reader isn't a goddamn pillow princess, but today is not that day. Enjoy my darlings.
word count: 3k
minors dni pretty please 🔞
content warnings: Dealer! Ellie, innocent reader, friends to lovers, drug use 🍃, kissing, teasing, oral (r! receiving), fingering (r! receiving), reader being a pillow princess
“You’re joking.” Ellie raises her eyebrows at you like she actually expects you to take it back. “You have been on this earth for 19 years and you haven’t smoked weed?” You shake your head. “Ever?” You can’t help but laugh, her stunned expression doesn’t leave her face. She won’t take her eyes off you despite the fact that she’s literally driving.
“Eyes on the fucking road Els Jesus.” She nods and hesitantly turns back to look at the street. “I just never had the chance I guess.” You shrug your shoulders. “Grew up in a small town, not many friends. We mostly just got drunk. It was easier, and less illegal.” You have no idea why this information shocks Ellie to her core, but there’s something else there, an excitement maybe? 
“We’re gonna fix that. Tonight. I’ll pick you up after work.” She was definitely excited and extremely eager. She pulls into your driveway and puts the car in park. 
“Oh yeah? And where are you gonna get it from, not exactly like there’s a store we can stop at.” 
Ellie looks straight ahead and tales a beat before she answers “I kind of…deal the stuff.” She still won’t look at you. “It’s a side gig type thing, helps me stay afloat.” You can’t say you're shocked. You haven’t known Ellie long, she was one of those friends that you kind of just started spending a shit ton of time with out of nowhere. She was still new to you even though it felt like you’d known her your whole life, you were still learning about each other slowly. 
“Ok that’s…incredibly convenient, but where do we go?” You were both home from college for the summer, hence living with your parents. Ellie turns to face you, she brings her hand up to her mouth and starts biting her nail in concentration. It was an incredibly cute little habit, you could see her brain working to find a solution. 
“We’ll sit in the old church parking lot, I can drive us home after.” 
“Works for me.” You shrug. “See you later I guess.” You smile at Ellie and she has this devilish smirk on her face like she knows something you don’t. 
“God I can’t wait.” Her voice was breathy and low, something you hadn’t heard before, but it was incredibly…attractive. You go to open the car door and step out onto your driveway. 
“See ya.” 
“Bye.” You shut the door and head inside, having no idea what you have just agreed to. 
You have tried on your entire closet at this point. You usually weren’t like this with Ellie, normally you couldn’t care less what you looked like, but something felt different between you two lately. The type of different where you felt like you needed to look good when you saw her. You’re not gonna dwell on it though, that would just make everything worse. 
You finally settle on just an old, cropped graphic tee and jeans. It’s something you wore all the time, unfortunately your whole wardrobe was strewn about your floor, so this was the best option. 
Jesus why were you nervous? Probably because you were about to do drugs for the first time. Definitely no other reason. 
You pass the time by doing your makeup. It always helps you relax, makes you feel good inside and out. Before you knew it Ellie was texting you she was on her way. She pulls into the driveway, her headlights lighting up your living room. You begin the trek out your front door to her car. It feels like it takes forever, you go through each motion as if you're moving through water. You finally get to her small car and open the passenger door. 
“Hey princess.” Ellie is smiling ear to ear, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen her this elated. 
“Hey.” You can’t help but laugh at her exaggerated expression. 
“You ready? You excited?” She’s still smiling, she looks fucking adorable, it’s ridiculous.
“Definitely not as excited as you clearly are.” You can’t help but be a little nervous trying something new, but you were trying it with someone you trusted. 
“We’re gonna have fun. Promise.” With that she turns up the music and pulls out of your driveway. 
On the way to the parking lot you and Ellie belt out 90s hits at the top of your lungs. The windows are down, the wind blowing on your face and through your hair. It almost completely gets rid of any nerves you had. You look over at Ellie, watching her exaggerated expressions and hand movements. She acts out the words in the song like she’s performing. You can’t help but smile at her ridiculousness.
You pull into the parking lot and Ellie turns the radio down. Her arm reaches over your lap to the glove box. Her arm faintly brushes your thighs as she opens it. She pulls out a little baggie with what you would assume are blunts in it. 
“These are pre-rolls. Normally you would have someone else test them out first. This shit could easily be laced with fentanyl, which can kill you. You don’t know where it comes from, you never touch it first.” She looks at you with a serious expression on her face. “Got it?” You nod vigorously, she is obviously in her element here, trying to teach you everything she knows to keep you safe. “Words princess, that’s the most important thing I’ll teach you tonight.”
“Yup, got it.” Why is this so incredibly hot? The way she wants to make sure you’re safe, she’s acting like a stern teacher and it's severely throwing you off. 
She smiles and then continues “But, since you’re getting it from me, and I know where this has been and where it’s from, we’re safe.” You smile and nod, appreciating the reassurance. She takes the preroll from the baggie and grabs a lighter from the console. 
“So you’ve never smoked anything before?” You shake your head “Ok so I’m gonna light this end,” She taps the tapered end of the roll, “You’re going to put your lips around it like a straw and inhale once to get it into your mouth, and then a second time to get it to your lungs.” 
“That made absolutely zero sense to me.” Ellie laughs, shaking her head. 
“You want me to go first, so you can watch?” Oh god yes. 
“Yeah, that might make it easier.” Ellie nods and brings the preroll to her lips. She lights it with her green gas station lighter and you watch her inhale as she puts the lighter back down. She exhales a cloud of smoke towards you and you are immediately turned on. Why did she have to make exhaling seductive? 
“Your turn.” She hands you the roll and you take it between two fingers. You bring it to your lips like Ellie said. Inhale once, twice. Fuck.
You immediately feel the smoke tickle your lungs and throat. You cough out the smoke rather than elegantly exhaling as Ellie did. God, it fucking burns. 
“Try to breathe through your nose babe, here I brought a water bottle for ya.” You immediately grab the water bottle, trading Ellie for the blunt, you eagerly gulp it down. The water sort of soothes the burn, your violent coughing turning into heavy breathing. 
“You didn’t warn me I’d have a fucking asthma attack.” You cough again while Ellie giggles at your pain. 
“I forgot. But I knew you wouldn’t die, plus the surprise on your face was kind of funny.” She takes another hit and passes it back to you. You try again, but a smaller breath this time. It doesn’t burn as much this time. 
“I also forgot to mention, like how this shit makes you feel. It’s different for everyone really.” You pass the preroll back to Ellie. “Mostly it just makes you relax, but some people get talkative, some get sleepy, and most people get incredibly hungry.” She pauses like she’s thinking of saying something but is holding back.
“What?” Ellie shakers her head.
“Nothing… I didn’t even know if I wanted to bring it up, but like it also can make everything feel incredibly good.” 
“What do you mean?” This seems like it’s going in a direction you and Ellie have never really gone before. Ellie would talk about her sexual ventures with other women on occasion, but you never really discussed anything in detail about yourselves. It’s not like you would have much to add with the sex stories anyways, you just listened to Ellie and nodded. You definitely did not have the experience she had.  
“Like it makes people touching you feel 100 times better.” She sighs and laughs “It basically makes most people horny.” She looks at you with a kind of sheepish look. You wouldn’t expect someone with as much experience as her being shy talking about this stuff. Was she… Blushing? It was hard to tell in the dark, you could have definitely imagined it. 
You start to feel a smile tug at your lips and a warmth slowly floods your body. “I think...it’s hitting.” You giggle at literally nothing, which makes Ellie giggle. “Feels really good.” You breathe out. You caress your own arm, testing Ellie’s knowledge. “Woah.”
“What?” Ellie’s smiling at you, she decided she likes how you act high. It’s probably one of the more adorable things she’s ever seen.
“Touching does feel weird.” You continue to caress your own arm, you can feel the warmth of your own hands grazing across the small hairs of your forearm and it tickles. 
“It’s usually other people touching you that feels weird, but whatever works for you over there.” You look at her and back at your arm.
“You touch me then.” You reach your arm out, eagerly inviting Ellie to come closer. 
“I can’t.” She looks down, taking the last hit from the blunt. She won’t meet your eyes.
“If I start touching you I can’t guarantee I can stop.” She stops herself abruptly like the sentence was forced out of her. She puts out the blunt before finally looking up at you, her confession lingering in the air between you. She’s searching your eyes for any disgust or rejection. She finds none.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Ellie just looks at you, eyes wide with disbelief. You’re suddenly aware of how desperately your body is craving her touch. Your entire body ignites with a type of electricity, it courses through you causing your skin to become tingly. 
Using your sudden desperation as a sort of courage you climb over to straddle Ellie’s lap. You hold onto her shoulders to steady yourself and Ellie backs the seat as far away from the steering wheel as she can. She keeps looking at you with those wide eyes. She moves her hands to cup your face gently, like she’s convinced you'll disappear. She keeps searching your eyes, looking for any hint of hesitation and all she finds is pure hunger. 
She kisses you, her lips are so soft and warm you immediately relax. You move your hands from her shoulders and thread them into her hair and she kisses you harder. She uses her tongue to open up your mouth and you groan at the sensation. She moves her hands down under the hem of your shirt. She grabs your breasts and starts roughly massaging the soft skin. She pulls down one of the cups of your bra and starts teasing your nipple. She pinches it between her fingers and you moan into her mouth at the feeling. She stops the kiss to pull your shirt over your head and immediately continues as she throws your shirt into the passenger's seat. She moves her mouth down and encloses it around your nipple, you gasp at the feeling of her warm tongue sucking and circling your sensitive bud. The ache between your legs has become more noticeable, it’s demanding attention. You start grinding a bit on Ellies lap. The seam of your jeans is barely teasing your clit through your underwear. It was heavenly, but not enough. 
Ellie is trying to devour you. She moves her mouth from your breasts to your neck. Exploring with gentle kisses until she finds just the right spot. She nips and sucks until you're squirming on her lap uncontrollably. 
“Back seat.”  She breathes out. You nod vigorously and climb off her lap and awkwardly maneuver your way to the back seat. You lean up against the car door while Ellie adjusts her seat again to make room. It gives you a moment to breathe before she moves to straddle your waist and continues where she left off. She kisses between your breasts down your stomach, gently making a trail down your body with her lips. She’s so gentle and slow, the feeling of her soft lips on your body is driving you insane. 
She gets to the hem of your jeans and unbuttons them. This is where you start to realize you’re entering uncharted territory. You’re trying not to panic, but suddenly a breathy “Ellie,” Escapes from your swollen lips. She immediately pauses and looks up at you. She sees the slight nervousness in your expression and immediately understands.
“No one’s ever-” You don’t even know how to finish that sentence without embarrassing yourself. 
“I know,” Her face softens “We’ll go nice and slow, tell me when I need to stop okay?” 
“Okay.” You nod and Ellie continues unbuttoning your jeans. Nervous butterflies invade your stomach, despite your altered state. Ellie pulls the jeans off and throws them on the floor. She then takes off her flannel leaving her in a black tank top. Her biceps and veins are enhanced by the moonlight, You can see her muscles flex and move as she does. She moves down kissing along the hem of your panties before placing a kiss on your clit. The sight of her head between your thighs is enough to push the ache in your cunt to an unbearable level. She teases you over the fabric, rubbing her fingers up and down your slit slowly. She brushes her finger over your clit repeatedly and a desperate whine escapes from your mouth.
“I know princess, just a little longer.” Ellie is savoring you like you’re the last thing she’ll ever see. She places light kisses on your inner thighs as she continues to tease you. 
Finally she moves your panties to the side. She runs a finger from your entrance to your clit collecting the wetness that pooled between your legs. You can’t help but whimper, your clit feels ten times more sensitive than usual. Every time Ellie is near it the feeling reverberates through your entire body. She blows out a breath on your cunt and the feeling is heavenly. 
“Doing ok, pretty girl?” She looks up from between your legs and you have to resist squeezing them together at the sound of her voice. It was low and raspy, and every word sounded like honey. 
“Yes.” You nod, your eyes squeeze shut in frustration.
“Look at me.” Her voice was lower, demanding. “I’m gonna make you feel good, I promise.” And with that she lowers her mouth onto your bare cunt. She laps at your clit lightly, she moves her tongue in circles around it, continuing her teasing. She licks from your entrance up to your sensitive bud and begins sucking on it. Your hips immediately buck up towards Ellie’s mouth at the foreign feeling. You are moaning loudly and uncontrollably, you had no idea anything could ever feel this way. It’s almost too much. 
Ellie moves her finger to circle your wet hole, once you relax a little she starts to slowly push her finger into you. She makes sure to be slow and careful. 
“Ellie.” You whine out once curls her finger and hits just the right spot inside you. She continues sucking on your clit and slowly curling her finger inside of you. 
“God you're so tight, you gotta relax for me princess.” You try to focus on relaxing around her finger, once you do Ellie adds a second finger. Your cunt swallows it greedily and you whimper at the pressure of two of her slender fingers inside of you. She sucks at your clit even harder and you gasp out “Ellie please ‘s too much.” 
Ellie pauses for a moment “I know baby, you just have to breathe for me. Here, hold onto me.” She places one of your hands on her arm which is wrapped around your thigh. You do what she says and relax under her. You try to let your body melt into her. “That’s it, you’re doing so well for me.” 
She starts sucking lightly on your clit again. You impulsively use your other had to grab at her hair at the feeling. The pleasure in your stomach is starting to come to a high point, you’ve never felt this before. It was all consuming. Ellie is making little groaning sounds which vibrate through your body. You can feel her start fucking you harder, her fingers hitting that spongey spot inside of you at every thrust. Your back starts to arch while the pressure in your belly grows. Nothing has ever felt like this, it's building to a point so intense you almost start to worry.
“Els, what-” You barely get your question out before blinding pleasure takes over your body. You moan out Ellie's name loudly over and over as she continues to fuck you. It moves in waves, crashing through you causing you to buck your hip into Ellie's mouth and fingers over and over. You whimper and whine each time her fingers move in and out of you. She fucks you through the whole thing until you start squirming away. 
She pulls her fingers out of you and sucks them clean. You stare in disbelief, you didn’t even know someone could do that. Your arousal was covering her lips and chin, glistening. She crawls on top of you to kiss you and you can taste yourself on her tongue. If your limbs weren’t jelly that alone would be enough to make you want to do all of that again. 
“I am so glad you chose to get high with me, you have no idea.” Ellie’s smile is contagious. It has just registered you’ve never seen it like this, laying below her, it felt right. 
“Yea let’s do that again sometime soon.” You both laugh a little. Ellie lays her head on your chest and sighs. 
“Very soon.”
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Adopt a Jock Part Four  / Part Five P 1 YOU ARE HERE / Part Five P 2 
As always I own my soul to @chalkysgarbagefire and Hayley for helpin out with this one! 
The problem with D&D games was that the drama room was only available on specific days.
As in, the days Hellfire was scheduled as a club for, much to said club’s distress. 
This led directly into the second issue Hellfire faced--finding a place to host them all when they wanted to do something as a group outside of the main campaign they played. 
(At least anything D&D related, with all of the screaming, ranting, and frantic dice rolling that came with it.) 
Gareth knew Eddie had been lying through his teeth when he'd try to pitch Steve's house as a Hellfire hangout. Accepted that they’d never get to use all the sweet, sweet space Steve was known to have as much as he’d accepted Steve himself. 
It was a lot, after all. Particularly when Eddie’s one-shots were known to last a good chunk of the day. 
Once again, Steve had proved them all wrong. 
(“We can use my house.” were five words not a single person at the table had ever expected to hear out of Harrington’s mouth, and it showed in the shocked silence that followed when he actually spoke them. 
“What?” Steve asked, as six pairs of eyes stared at him. “Space is the problem right? So my house is the perfect solution.” 
“Are you sure dude?” Grant asked hesitantly. “You know this one-shot isn’t gonna be a like, two hour thing, right?” 
To their surprise Steve just gave him a flat, almost dead-eyed stare in return. “I’ve hosted the kids at my place before. Believe me, I am well aware.” 
“As long as you’re absolutely sure…” Jeff had added, and could only roll his eyes when he got a sassy response from Steve. 
Gareth of course, caught the way Steve kept seeking out Eddie’s eyes, as if hoping to make their oldest friend smile simply by offering up his house. 
He didn’t even need to look to know it was working.) 
It had taken some creative thinking (and a few wild excuses) to finangle things so that he could show up to Steve's literal castle of a home before anyone else without alerting Eddie but he'd managed it.
It was in fact, looking to be the highlight of Gareth's month. 
Possibly the year, if they managed to pull off the little plot he had cooked up. 
“I still don’t get how this is a prank.” Steve said, as Gareth prepped him before the others arrived.
"Trust me. If Eddie is anything, it's a jealous bitch." Gareth replied, seated on one of the countertops. "We dethrone him and he's gonna make an ass of himself for the next week. It'll be hilarious." 
"I fail to see how that's different than usual." Steve grumbled as he bustled about. 
Upon arrival Gareth had found him elbow deep into making cookies and what appeared to be  themed cocktails, among several other bowls full of snacks of all kinds. 
There was even little finger sandwiches, the kind that absolutely looked homemade, and Gareth would have teased him about that except he’d instantly stuffed two in his mouth.  
("I won't be able to host since I'm playing, so I just want everything done before anyone comes over." Was Steve's explanation, when Gareth did manage to get out a few teasing quips.  
With the proud lack of manners so many teenage boys possessed, Gareth talked right through his mouth of food. "God you’re a dork. How the hell did you get popular?"
"Shut up Emerson, you're wearing two jackets." Steve snipped in response, as if he didn’t look like the poster boy for Nordstrom.) 
"Don't bring logic into this." Gareth continued, as he tried to snag some cookie dough. 
 Steve smacked the back of his hand with a spoon. 
"Get a bowl and a spoon if you're going to eat the dough!" Steve grumbled at him, already bustling to get said bowl and spoon himself. “God you’re worse than Eddie. And the kids!” 
Gareth waited until Steve turned before he stuck his tongue out at him. "Whatever you say, mom." 
He got an over exaggerated eye roll in response. 
 "Anyway, the point is you're gonna witness something we'll get to tease Eddie about for years." Gareth said, as he watched Steve dole out some dough. 
"You get to watch the little hamster on the wheel that powers Eddie's brain lose its shit and cause him to do something really stupid.” He made grabby hands for the bowl and spoon, and tucking in delightfully the second Steve handed them over. 
Steve himself treated the entire exchange like he was feeding a particularly vicious and wild animal, making a show of yanking his hands back like Gareth might just go for his fingers. "I just don't understand why the thing you wanna fight about is cuddling."
"Bragging rights. The jokes we can make. The fact that your thighs look like they were made out of clouds, take your pick man.” Gareth counted off, in-between bites of dough. 
"Clouds?" Steve asked, tilting his head. 
“Big muscley clouds, Harrington. Also Grant’s here.” 
Steve blinked. “How do you-” He asked, right before the sound of a car with an engine far too loud pulled into his driveway. 
“He drives an absolute piece of crap. You ride in that thing one time and you’ll be able to hear it coming for the rest of your life.” Gareth explained, as Steve peered out the kitchen and down to his front doors. 
(Plural, because he had two.
Gareth had never felt more judged by slabs of wood in his life than he had when he’d walked through them.) 
"Last chance to bail, Stevie.” Gareth teased. “I won't hold it against you if you call it off mid-show though." 
Steve didn’t answer for a moment, too busy disrobing from his baking apron—a bright yellow and red garment that practically swallowed him whole, complete with an embroidered ‘Claudia Henderson’ over the right breast. The embroidery gave rise to a few questions but Gareth decided to save them for later. 
"No, something this fucking weird has to have a story behind it and I want to witness the fallout.” Steve finally replied, before rushing out of the kitchen. 
He ripped open his front door, right after a knock echoed loudly throughout the house. 
“Shit! What the hell man, were you just waiting to do that!?” Stewart yelped, prompting Gareth to snicker quietly and Steve to apologize. 
Like the wealthy housewife he’d been no doubt raised by, Steve went through a whole spiel as he ushered Stewart and Grant in, pointing out bathrooms, letting them know where the game was going to take place (the giant fuck off table that looked like it should be hosting some kind of high-stakes negotiation instead of a bunch of nerds) and where they could put their things (into a closet dedicated to just guests.) 
The trio of Eddie, Tiffany and Jeff arrived next, the latter two having been roped into helping Eddie haul his “D&D To Go” bags around. 
Steve started his little host speech over, much to Gareth’s amusement, fluttering about and entirely forgetting about his cookies until the oven dinged, causing him to swear and rush back into the kitchen. 
“Dude, breathe.” Gareth told him, almost done with his bowl. “It’s a D&D game, you don’t gotta go full out for us.” 
“I just want to make sure everyone has a good time.“ Steve said with a shrug. Like none of the effort he’d gone to, was a big deal. 
“Careful Harrington, say stuff like that again and we’re going to start thinking you enjoy hosting us.” 
“Shut up Gary.” Steve said, setting his cookies on a cooling rack. “And put that bowl in the sink!” 
Gareth jumped off the counter, trying his best to remove the shit eating from his face.
He failed entirely. 
As far as pranks went, this one required quite the set up. 
They couldn’t do it in the beginning of the D&D game--too obvious, and too easy for Eddie to call bullshit. 
Doing it at the end wouldn’t work either. Eddie would know they were trying to rile him up and would no doubt find a way to ruin it. 
Years of being Munson’s best friend had afforded Gareth the knowledge that this was going to have to be split in two parts, and the first part, the setup, started now. 
Slowly. Methodically. 
In a way that wouldn't spook Steve, or trigger Eddie's sense for trouble. 
Gareth began by selecting a seat as far away from Eddie as possible, knowing his lovestruck idiot friend would be pulling out all the stops tonight in order to impress Steve (and get him to keep playing, of course.) 
Sure enough, as soon as Eddie was done setting up he crooked a finger in Steve's direction.
“Harrington you’re here, next to me.” Eddie flashed him his most award winning grin, the one that said he was up to trouble in that charming, ‘aren’t I just a charming ol’ rogue?” sort of way. 
“I made you a human fighter, just to start you off." He continued, as Steve took the seat next to him. "You can always make your own character later if you don't like playing this class, but I made this set up as straightforward as possible.” 
“Human fighter huh?” Steve said, glancing down the sheet. “Okay.” 
“You have any questions, you just ask. I promise I won’t bite. Not for your first time anyway.” Eddie winked, dipping in and out of Steve's space as he did so. 
“Dude, I am begging you to please stop saying shit like that.” Jeff said with a long suffering sigh. 
“No.” Eddie replied promptly, sticking his tongue out. 
Steve just ducked his head to hide his smile. 
A harsh clap halted any further response, as Eddie settled back into his seat and dipped into his DM narrator voice. 
"Alright my little adventurers! Are we ready to begin?"  He looked around as everyone looked towards him, the energy shifting instantly in the room. 
Eddie grinned gleefully. "Perfect. You all wake up at an Inn, with no memory of how you got there…" 
A story was quickly spun, one of mysterious memory loss and a sense that the group needed to stay together. Introductions were given once everyone came into the tavern of the inn, cut short when they were interrupted by a lone barkeep.
“Is the barkeep a human?” Steve cut in. 
Eddie paused, temporarily thrown, but nodded encouragingly. “Yes, he is actually!” 
Grant and Jeff both went to open their mouths, no doubt to tease, but Harrington beat them to it. 
“Okay, I roll to fight him, or whatever.” Steve said.
“I--what?” Eddie asked. 
“I roll to fight him.” Steve repeated. “Oh and my character screams “Death to humans!” before he attacks.” 
He sat back with a smug little grin, and watched as Eddie froze in surprise, while Grant and Stewart's jaws promptly hit the floor. 
“Harrington, you menace.” Tiff cackled, delighted. 
Eddie just threw his head back and laughed. 
It set the tone quite nicely for the rest of the one-shot. 
“Grant, why are you looking at me through a fork?” Steve asked, about thirty minutes into the game. 
“I’m pretending you’re in jail.” 
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
Grant, whose character had to physically carry Steve's fighter out of two altercations he started,  just gave him a flat look.  “It’s spiritually healing.”
"Hey Jeff." Gareth asked quietly, as banter was traded. "I'm catching a hell of a draft over here." 
Jeff raised an eyebrow at him. "And what do you want me to do about it?" 
"Switch me seats?" 
Jeff rolled his eyes, but gave in easily enough. 
"Fine."  He said. 
Gareth did his best to keep his grin off his face. 
Step one, complete! 
"You come upon a door." Eddie said, sitting deep in his seat while steepling his fingers. "It's a normal door, unremarkable in every way except for two things." 
Groans filled the room, startling Steve. 
"Oh god, not again." Stewart moaned, raking his hands through his hair. "I can't do this again!" 
Eddie's grin merely grew. "The first odd thing you notice is that the door has been put into the wall at a tilt." 
"I'm gonna kill him." Tiff snarled, writing something frantically in her notes. "Munson is a dead man walking." 
"What is happening?" Steve asked, glancing around. 
"The second thing is that you recognize this door." Eddie's grin was Cheshire cat-esque, smug in the chaos he was causing among his friends. "It's the same door you saw at the beginning of this adventure, leading into the room the Innkeeper asked you to stay away from." 
"We're boned." Grant announced, throwing himself dramatically back against his chair. 
Gareth made his own dramatic, frustrated noise, banging his fist on the table. 
The full glass of soda next to him wobbled dangerously. 
With a cough, he made another loud "ugh!"  smacking his fist down a second time, closer to the glass. 
As intended, it spilled all over Tiffany. 
"Dude!" She exclaimed, shoving her chair backwards and jumping up. 
"Oh shit Tiff, I'm so sorry!" Gareth gasped. 
It was hard to keep a straight (albeit very sorry, least Tiffany hit him with her papers) face, but he managed. 
"You got my shirt wet you dick!"
"Here, switch it with this."  Gareth stood, unwrapping the red and black checkered sweater from his waist. He offered it up with an apologetic face as Tiff snatched it out of his hands with a glare. 
"I'll switch you seats too!" He called as she stormed off towards the bathroom. 
Jeff and Grant both stared at him with raised eyebrows as Gareth quickly shuffled his and Tiff's stuff around, taking her now sticky chair. 
"Maybe we should take a break?" He suggested, trying to act embarrassed when he was anything but. "This whole area needs to be wiped down."
"Five minutes." Eddie conceded. "I wanted one of Stevie's delicious cookies anyway." He stood, putting his arms up in a lazy stretch. 
Steve stood with him, leaning over to examine the mess Gareth had made. “We can wipe this down but this wood’s kinda funny, it’s gonna be wet for a bit no matter how much we dry it.” 
“Well shit.” Gareth said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about the table man.” 
Steve waved him off. “Don’t worry about it, the kids spill on it constantly. You are probably going to need a different chair though unless you’re fine with your ass getting wet.” 
“Do you have another chair somewhere, Stevie?” Eddie asked, making a show of looking around. “Cause I’m not seeing one. Not that I care if Gary-Berry sits on the floor.” 
Steve had several extra chairs in fact, but he and Gareth had hidden them all away before anyone else had arrived. 
“I used to, but Mike broke two.” Steve said, and Gareth found himself insanely impressed by the improv on display. 
He hadn’t thought Harrington had that level of acting in him. 
“If you’re okay with sharing though, the chair’s are big enough that we can kinda squish together.” Steve continued, completely ignoring the way Eddie’s eyes about bugged out of his head. 
“Only if you’re sure, man. I don’t want to be more of a bother.” Gareth put on his saddest, ‘I dun fucked up’ face, and shuffled his feet a little, just for dramatic effect. 
This was the performance of a lifetime and Gareth wanted his Grammy after it, because he and Steve had planned the entire thing right down to the shared chair bit. 
“You’re not, Dustin does this constantly.” Steve replied easily. 
“Or we could just put down a towel.” Jeff said, with a look on his face that said he thought everyone in the room was a fucking idiot. 
Gareth could’ve strangled him. 
“That’s probably a smarter idea.” Steve agreed, like the traitor he was. “I dunno if that’s gonna work for your papers and shit though, so you can just hedge into my space.” 
Which wasn’t what Gareth wanted, but he had to give Steve props for the quick thinking. 
At least it was just a minor setback. 
“I’ll get a towel.” Jeff continued, and at least they all got to witness the look that graced Eddie’s face upon realizing that Jeff of all people, knew where Steve kept his towels. 
"What the hell else can we do to try and open the door!?" Jeff snarled a while later, slamming his pencil down. 
They'd tried multiple different approaches and so far nothing had worked to set off whatever trap Eddie had set up. Something that made their DM absolutely delighted, while frustrating everyone else. 
"I still don't get why we can't just try to turn the knob." Steve complained, staring in confusion at the absolute riot Eddie's "completely normal" door had caused among the rest of his party. 
"Do not touch that door Harrington!" Grant bellowed, pointing at him. 
Steve raised his hands in the air placatingly. "Easy, easy, I was just making a suggestion." 
Gareth, wedged as close into Steve's space as he could get, tapped his fingers on the table twice. It was the little code he’d come up with to alert Steve that he was about to do something to piss off Eddie related to the prank (mostly, so Steve had a heads up Gareth was about to touch him, not that Gareth had spun it that way when he’d explained it) before patting Steve’s shoulder, hooking his elbow on it and leaning over. “Not gonna lie man, it’s not a bad idea. We’ve tried right about everything else.” 
He could feel Eddie's eyes burning a hole in his skull from here and he delighted in it. 
“Do not encourage him.” Grant said through gritted teeth. 
Gareth leaned his face on the arm perched on Harrington, his hair tickling Steve’s cheek as he tried to look as angelic as possible. “I couldn’t possibly know what you mean, Grantman.” 
He was flipped off in response. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Stewart howled, and even Gareth’s jaw dropped when Steve finally gave in and tried to turn the knob--only to succeed and swing the door open. 
“Well Munson? What happens to him?” Tiff said, having refused to call Eddie anything but his last name since the door had first appeared. 
“Nothing.” Eddie practically purred. “I told you, it’s a totally normal door, and the only weird thing about it was that you recognized it and that it was put into the wall a little tilted.” 
“Fuck you dude.” Stewart practically growled, balling up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on and flinging it towards their DM. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck. You!” 
“No thank you.” Eddie replied cheekily, twirling a finger in his hair. 
“We spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to open a regular door.” Jeff said, clearly processing. “An hour.” 
Eddie just shrugged, shit eating grin plastered across his face. 
Gareth once again tapped his fingers twice against the table, waited a moment, before banging his head gently against Steve’s shoulder. “I hate him.” He groaned. 
After a long moment, Steve gently, if not a little awkwardly, patted him on the head. 
“There, there, Gary. We defeated the door in the end.” He said calmly. 
Gareth laughed, absolutely delighted. His head jerked up and a grin crossed his face as he immediately looked to see what Eddie made of that. 
Pure murder, going by the face Eddie poorly tried to cover. 
“With his last few moves, Sir Carrington-” 
"I refuse to let that be my character's name.” Steve interjected, as he had every time Eddie brought up the name they’d apparently argued over. “If I have to figure out how to change it legally in your dumb game I fucking will."  
Eddie didn’t even look in his direction. 
“--Sir Carrington leaps into the air, swinging the sword of truth. It cleaves right through the Innkeeper, revealing him to be the dastardly villain you’ve heard so much about, Tareth the Trait. He’s gained an unusual amount of power after stealing the Inn from the former Innkeeper--” 
“Really bro?” Gareth said, sending Eddie a flat look. “Tareth the Trait?” 
“--With this final blow, Tareth collapses to the ground, dead. The Inn returns to its prior form, a safe haven for adventurers, instead of a trap.” 
“Shut up guys, we did it!” Stewart said, throwing his hands up in a victory pose. 
“Not gonna Eddie, I liked the twist.” Tiff complimented, a rare thing from her. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Eddie stood up, sweeping an arm across his chest as he bowed. “Give yourselves a round of applause as well, especially for our dear Steven, who just completed his first D&D game!”
A cheer went up, causing Steve to flush red. 
Gareth pretending to drum, knocking his shoulder into Steve’s much the way he had seen Eddie do as Steve sent an embarrassed smile around the room. 
“We should celebrate.” Jeff said, as the chaos finally died down. 
“I conquer, Jeff the Chef!” Eddie hollered, putting his foot on Steve’s chair. “Stevie-boy, you gotta have some good stuff around here for those big basketball wins!” 
“Get your foot off the chair, Eds.” Steve groaned, but stood up (forcing Gareth to get up as well considering how far he’d been leaning into Steve’s space.) “And yeah we can order like pizza.” 
“Pizza and beer?” Grant suggested.
“Oh my friend. I can do better than that.” Steve replied, a flash of his old, charming self coming through. “Allow me to raid my father’s liquor cabinet.” 
“Hell yes!” Grant yelled, pumping his fist. 
Tiffany rolled her eyes but didn’t protest, and neither Gareth noted, did anyone else. 
Which was exactly what he wanted, because he hadn’t managed to land the perfect ending he and Harrington had planned. 
Gareth would make it into Steve’s lap tonight, even if it killed him.  
(Or worse, even if Eddie got there first, a thing that may very well happen considering Eddie was clearly annoyed with how Gareth had been hogging Steve. 
Just as intended.) 
SOME NOTES: I don't play d&d so writing it always requires a lot of research. Several pieces here (like the human fighter bit) are based off of/stolen from memes, videos or stories I read. If I fucked it up thaaaan idk squint and pretend its right LOL. 
This one doesn’t have a bonus because I had to split Chapter Five into two parts. This is Part One, it’ll be one chapter on A03.  It just kept going.
Also Adopt a Jock is officially going up ON A03 so I will no longer be accepting tags ( Ch. One is already uploaded I’m just struggling with the summary lol. I will make a post and link it to my pinned post when it’s up.) I will still be updating here since I am only updating chapters on A03 as fast as I can edit them, which is not fast at all, so I imagine the next few chaps will be here before there but eventually shits gonna even out, so those who did not get onto the tag list can subscribe to the A03!  
Finally, Sorry this took so long, I have a prior ongoing medical issue and getting laid off fucked up my insurance. Had to cram in some procedures before it ran out. Long story short all I've done is sleep, go to a doctor or rant about one of the two lmao. Legit slept 18 hours yesterday ahaha k i l l m e 
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Tumblr media
In a Pinch
Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
Joel keeps throwing his back out, but Ellie knows just who to go to for help.
warnings | 18+ allusions to smut, that's literally it, fluff ahead
a/n | is this entirely self-indulgent nonsense? why yes, yes it is. also, this ficlet belongs to the sweetness universe, but can totally be read on its own
This is the third time this week that Ellie has come home from her classes at the community school to find Joel sprawled on the floor with a pained look on his face. 
“Back hurting again, old man?” He huffs, glancing at her from where he’s laying on the living room floor.
“I’m just– stretching.” She snorts at that.
“Oh yeah? What’s this pose called? I’ve given up-dog?” She bursts out in laughter, impressed by her own joke. Their pretty teacher-slash-neighbor-lady had been offering yoga classes during their free elective period in school, and Ellie had gone only because Dina wanted to do it, but now she’s happy for the material it provided for her to razz Joel with. He, however, does not look equally amused at her wordplay.
“Alright, smartass. Will you just help me up? Goddamn.” He shuffles into a seated position with a hard groan and Ellie begrudgingly offers him her hand. Right as he starts to pull himself up though, he lets out a yelp of pain. She didn’t know Joel could even yelp, quickly getting worried by the way he flops back down onto his back, his face twisted up in what could only be agony.
“Jesus– fuck!” That can’t be good.
“What? What’s wrong?” She hovers over him, getting more and more worried by the way he’s not moving a muscle.
“It’s my fucking back– I– something popped.” Because she isn’t a geriatric menace like Joel, Ellie knows nothing about what that could possibly mean, just that it’s probably not good that he literally cannot sit up right now.
“Uh, ok– should I– should I get someone?” Joel tries his best to shake his head no, more of a jerky side to side than anything else.
“No. Just gotta– wait it out.” She scoffs.
“On the fucking floor? What if I just get Tommy? He could at least get you onto the couch or something.” The shaky jerk of his head gets a little bigger, but Ellie’s already headed toward the door. Because she’s her, she turns on her heel just before slipping out.
“Be right back, old man. Don’t you go anywhere!” She just couldn’t help herself.
However, as she steps out onto their front porch, it dawns on her that Tommy is on patrol today. Shit. She racks her brain for who else she could ask for help, coming up with a big fat nobody. She’s distracted from her dilemma by the sound of faint humming, whipping her head around to see their neighbor - pretty teacher-slash-neighbor-lady whom Joel has a huge crush on - walking up the steps to her own porch and unlocking her door before slipping inside. Ellie grins, a clear solution suddenly laid right before her. Yoga is good for bad backs, right?
She’s already bounding across their yard toward pretty-teacher-lady’s house. It would take a fool to not notice that something has been going on between Joel and her, ever since that dance they both just happened to disappear from at the exact same time. As far as Ellie’s concerned, asking her to come help out the old man and his messed up back is a win-win, a two for one really. In one fell swoop, Ellie will get Joel some help and embarrass the living shit out of him in front of the woman he’s got the hots for. Now that’s a prospect she could never pass up.
“Ellie, what the hell–”
“Shut it, old man! She can help you with your messed up back.” Joel hasn’t felt this mortified in a long time, a hot flush creeping up his cheeks as his eyes dart between his smartass of a kid and their neighbor, the same neighbor he’s been fooling around with for the last few months. Probably not for much longer, now that she knows I throw my back out if I even sneeze funny. 
“I’m fine– really. Just– letting things loosen up a bit.” Ellie snorts at that, turning to their neighbor with a smug look.
“He couldn’t even get up off the floor–”
“Ellie.” If there was a way for someone to die of embarrassment, he reckons he’d already be six feet under by now. Their neighbor, however, seems unphased by the whole thing, putting a hand on Ellie’s shoulder and offering her a smile.
“Ellie, I think Dina was looking for you at the stables, why don’t you–” Before she can even finish, Ellie is already whipping out the door. Joel lets out a huff, and then winces at the pain it sends shooting through his back. 
“I don’t need any help.” She quirks a brow at him, kneeling down by his head.
“You sure about that?” He hums a yes. She doesn’t seem convinced.
“If you don’t need any help, can you sit up for me?” Fucking hell. 
“I mean– I can. S’just, I’m good like this for now.” She tilts her head at him, her crooked smile letting Joel know she doesn’t buy that for one second.
“Ok, I’ll let you stay like that. But can you tell me what happened at least?” He turns his head just slightly to look at her, letting out a deep sigh.
“It’s my back.” She chuckles.
“I can see that. But what happened to have you laid out like this?” He presses his lips into a thin line, furrowing his brow, not wanting to admit to her what happened. She brings a hand to his shoulder.
“It’s embarrassing.” 
“Joel, there’s no need for that. Besides, I’ve already had you on your back more than a few times before, haven’t I?” She can barely get the last words out, dissolving into a giggle. Joel, however, does not think it’s very funny.
“Now you’re just being cruel.” She sighs, squeezing his shoulder as she dips down to give him a peck.
“I’m kidding, don’t pout. Seriously, I might be able to help you if you just tell me what happened. Please?” He huffs, already melting at the soft look she’s giving him.
“It happened at the stables– earlier today. Bent over to pick up a saddle and it just– something just tensed up. It’s happened before– usually just gotta lay down and it’ll work itself out– but then the kid came home and she tried to help me up and–” “Let me guess, something popped?” His jaw goes slack at her knowing smile and she rather comfortingly rubs her palm up his arm.
“Can you tell me what kind of pain you’re in right now?” 
“It’s tight in my low back– but the pain is sorta– spreading? Down into my legs.” He’s surprised when she looks at him like she knows exactly what he’s talking about.
“Sounds like sciatica.”
“Come again?” She smiles.
“We all have something called a sciatic nerve. It runs from your low back down both of your legs. It tends to get pinched pretty easily from stuff like heavy lifting and the pain this causes is called sciatica.” He squints at her.
“Why exactly do you know this?” She sighs, already setting into action, shifting down to his feet to tug off his boots.
“Well, I was a yoga teacher in another life. Had a lot of men just like you come into the studio with the same complaint.” A new detail he hadn’t known about her. He nods, peering down at her where she’s still working at his shoes.
“Do you know how to fix it then?” She hums, shifting back up onto her knees and shuffling to his waist.
“Sort of. I can move you through some stretches right now to at least get you off the floor. But the real fix for something like this is gonna be strengthening everything around it. If you keep up with the exercises I’ll show you, this shouldn’t be a problem anymore.” Joel can’t help but grumble at that. He’s never had to do “exercises” in his life. His work always kept him fit, and after that, scraping by in the apocalypse had worked just as well, though he supposes things have gotten a bit more lax in Jackson. He doesn’t have much time to ponder this when she’s abruptly undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants.
“Woah, hey– not that I, uh, mind exactly. But what’re you doing?” She grins at him, her hands stilling at his waistband.
“Easy, Miller. I’m just gonna take off your jeans. Need you to have your full range of motion for these stretches and tight denim isn’t gonna fly.” He’s trying real hard to not be weird about it, but the sight of his pretty neighbor whom he happens to have seen naked on multiple occasions now gently shimmying his jeans down his legs is making his heart slam against his ribcage. 
When she gets his pants all the way off, leaving him in his boxers and t-shirt, she stands up with her hands on her hips, surveying the situation. Joel can’t help but grumble.
“Feel like a fucking invalid.” She snorts at that, kneeling back down alongside his waist.
“Alright, enough of the pity party. I’m gonna guide you through some stretches, you tell me if anything hurts too much, ok?” He nods, trying to ignore the shiver that runs up his spine when she rests her hand on his hip.
“Which leg are you feeling pain in?” He tells her it’s his left side, the one closest to her, and she nods. She slides her hand down from his hip to the hinge of his knee, and he can’t help wondering if this is the treatment she gave all her clients before. He sure hopes not. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna bend this knee in toward your chest and see if that doesn’t release any of the gripping. If that feels ok, we can take it a bit deeper, alright?” He’s not really sure what any of it means, a little too focused on the way she’s reassuringly stroking her thumb along the crook of his knee, but he nods. 
With a little assistance from him, she starts to bend his knee, tightness immediately pulling in his back as she tucks his leg in toward his chest. Well, sort of. His leg only bends to a bit over ninety degrees before it just stops. Her eyes dart to his, a furrow of concern clear in her expression.
“Does that hurt too much?” He huffs, shrugging a little.
“Not really– s’just tight. I don’t think it’s gonna bend anymore. Feels– I don’t know– rusty.” She sighs, her hand that’s not supporting his knee rubbing his chest in soothing circles.
“Ok, my sweet tin can man. Let’s try something else.” As she maneuvers him into what she calls a “figure four stretch,” he can’t help but study her face. He’s never seen her so focused, so determined, so at ease, and it’s clear to him that all this was a big part of her life before.
“So, this is what you did for a living? Helped people out with their messed-up backs?” She breathes out a laugh at that, keeping one hand on his shin as she looks up at him.
“This was part of it, yeah. I went to college for human physiology– suppose that’s why they have me teaching science at the school now. It just made sense to me, y’know? Muscles and ligaments and bones, how they move. Yoga just happened to be a passion that I turned into a job– I loved it.” He nods at her words, enjoying the distraction of learning a little more about her far more than the tight pulling sensation of the stretch she has him in. 
Then, all of a sudden, another pop resounds through his back. But this one doesn’t feel like a tightening up, it feels like a huge release. 
“Sweet jesus.” Her head whips up to look at him, hand slackening where it had been holding firm pressure to his leg. 
“You alright?”
“I’m pretty sure something just let up– felt another pop– but a good one, I think.” She nods, sitting back and resting her hands in her lap as he tentatively unwinds his legs from the stretch she had him in, planting his feet flat on the ground with his knees bent. 
“Well?” He sits up with a little groan, holding onto his shins to stay up straight.
“Feels a lot better. Still tight, but the pain has eased up for sure.” She practically beams at that and suddenly Joel’s heart is hammering in his ribcage again.
“Now that’s what I like to hear, Miller.” She helps him up, and this time, he actually makes it off the floor, quick to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her into him.
“Thank you for your help, darlin. Gonna have to repay you somehow.” She laughs into the downright salacious kiss he steals from her, lightly pressing on his chest to get him to let up.
“Oh, I’m not done with you. Still got exercises to learn.” He groans at that, jostling her in his hold and burying his face in her neck, but she rakes her fingers through his hair, tugging lightly to get him to look at her. 
“And I’m gonna be checking in everyday to make sure you’re doing them. Can’t have you throwing your back out anymore, not on my watch.” He can’t help but smile at that, trying to kiss away the stern expression she’s giving him.
“Yes ma’am. Whatever you say.” He reckons if the instructor is as pretty as she is, he won’t mind doing a few exercises every now and again.
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furiousgoldfish · 23 days
Actually all abuser's justifications for abusive don't hold up. If a child is being loud, annoying, selfish, rude or disruptive, how is abuse going to help? How is violence, yelling, unfair and disproportionate punishments going to rectify this or resolve the issue? Obviously the solution is to be adults about it and understand that this is a child, they are by nature disruptive, loud, selfihs, annoying and rude, that is literally any child because nature makes them like that! The abusers have been the same as children, they have no right to expect a child to be obedient little servant there to satisfy everyone's needs and never be annoying once, what the actual hell? No natural child is like that!
They'll also act like the child hurt them first, hit them first, provoked them, asked for it, so they 'deserved it', um what the damn hell are you talking about? Are you an adult or a helpless pile of mushed crap who gets provoked by a kid being a kid? Do you not know how to deal with an aggressive kid without bringing on trauma and violence? If you have actual beef with a freaking child as an adult, you are 100% in the wrong, every single time, what do you mean you didn't learn to control your violent impulses after the age of 15. Even children are more capable of handling a situation than you are, you stupid justifier of abuse, your arguments rely on everyone believing that you are a fucking incapable idiot. Telling how you never react the same from provocations from your friends or your boss, somehow in those situations you can keep you calm? Act maturely? Not scream or beat the shit out of those provocateurs? It's almost like you have perfect control but want to abuse children anyway.
Then there's also 'I had a hard childhood too', and you went out of your way to create more hard childhoods for other people? Oh not just other people, for children, your children, who are your own flesh and blood, who you took responsibility to protect and care for, to give them a good life and safe future? These are the people you decided should have a hard childhood because you had one? If a guy gets hit by a bus, can he now legally hit you with a bus and it's ok bc it happened to him first? Can every person in the world who had it tough now take it on you, and it's ok because they are the victims and you should just have understanding that it's okay they're now doing it to you? No you don't like that? Then shut your filthy mouth about your childhood, if you're bringing it up to justify your abuse instead of trying to dismantle it to make SURE you never do it to anyone else, I don't wanna fucking hear about it. Do not bring up your own abuse as a defense for when you abused someone else! It's not relevant! Bring it up in therapy! When you're not actively victimizing someone and asking for compassion and support from a person you took these same things away from!
Abuse helps nobody. It accomplishes nothing good for anyone. Desire to abuse is never justified. You can do every single thing in your life without abusing anyone. Do not fucking act otherwise. Nothing that ever happened to you gave you the right to hurt someone who couldn't fight back.
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cannikii · 6 months
Unspoken Words
Mhin x Reader
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a/n: my first tumblr fic!! :) i just played touchstarved demo n i already miss them all.. whats the solution? fic writing, duhh. requests open btw, ill write (or at least try to write..) almost anything ^^
notes: short mhin x reader, g/n reader, reader is drunk, pure fluff, i love mhin <3
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mhin’s eyes widened, staring. just one step inside of the wet wick, and they already felt their anger boiling. their jaw clenched tightly, and it was almost painful, but mhin had more important things to be worrying about.
(name), sat right inbetween vere and ais. they were obviously drunk, and the other two were as well, and seemingly flirting with them.
vere’s tail was coiled around their waist, hugging them closely, and ais was snuggled up next to them, his chin resting on their shoulder.
mhin’s eye twitched. fury burned and boiled in their head, and they felt their face run warm. mhin tried to ignore it, quickly walking over to the three drunks- two of which they hated, one of which they adored.
(name)’s head turned to face mhin, their face warm. “mhin! i missed you.” they cooed with a slurred voice, standing up and leaning onto mhin.
mhin’s eyes widened, and they reluctantly caught them, even if the smell of whiskey on (name) made them tense up and cringe. they shot a glare at the two men that once sat next to (name). “…come on. you need to go on to bed.”
“awh, mhin..” they whine, hiccuping a bit. “thought you… thought you maybe were coming to share a drink.”
“no.” mhin’s voice comes out more sharp than they intended, making them quickly clear their throat. “just… let’s get you up to your room.”
they groaned, but made no attempt to protest as mhin hesitantly wrapped their arm around their waist, helping them up the wet wick’s stairs and to their room, ignoring the loud crowd of drunks that would bump into then.
(name) attempted to fumble with the key, but mhin quickly plucked it out of their hands, unlocking the door themselves. and as soon as it was unlocked and they walked in, (name) quickly made their way to their bed, laying down.
mhin sat next to them hesitantly, looking down at their face. they could not stop themself from staring at (name)’s beautiful features that they had come to silently admire each time they would come in contact with each other.
mhin didn’t know why they felt so protective of (name)— why they got so angry at the sight of ais and vere flirting with them.
they sighed deeply.
mhin got up to leave, but was quickly jerked back down by a hand on their forearm.
“please, stay..” (name) looked up at them, and mhin could do nothing to stop the redness that quickly leaped to their face.
“i-i, uh..” mhin desperately tried to blurt out a protest of any sort, but they could not find it in themself to. they groaned, reluctantly (but not really) laying down next to (name). despite the soft bed, which was surprising for a room at the wet wick, mhin was completely stiff and frozen still.
and when (name) slowly creeped towards mhin, lying their head down on their chest, wrapping their arms around them, they didn’t know what to do. mhin was dumbfounded— for as smart as they were, they suddenly couldn’t form a single sensible thought.
however, the sudden sounds of (name)’s soft snoring made mhin relax again, breathing out a sigh once more.
their arms slowly find their way around (name)’s back, and mhin’s body finally fully relaxes, and they watch mae’s sleeping face.
its cute, they think. everything about them is cute.
the sensation of (name)’s warm body against their cold one is something they have never felt before, and it causes their face to flush red, but they aren’t complaining, and they don’t want this to end.
the words are just at the tip of their tongue, yet they press their mouth shut tight, shutting their eyes.
mhin fears rejection (even though the one they fancy is literally sleeping on their chest), so they keep their mouth shut.
someday, maybe, they’ll tell you that they love you.
“goodnight, (name).”
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moonlight-prose · 10 months
finding excuses to be alone with each other with miguel??
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a/n: my first ever miggy fic!!! babes i am so fucking excited to be writing for this man. our dms are literally just filled with thoughts about him and that gave me so much inspo to write this. i've tried to get his voice down, but honestly i don't think i nailed it quite yet. still i hope you enjoy! (the title is named after such a beautiful song by lupita infante. i definitely recommend her music.)
note: thank you to @sunflowersteves for beta reading and easing my mind that this sounds like miggy. you're lovely darling.🖤
summary: "for weeks you’d been playing this cat and mouse game. trying to put off the attraction you felt in the hopes that this would dissolve into friendship once more."
word count: 0.9k+
pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
warnings: not explicit, tad bit of angst (because it's me), fluff, the beginnings of love, soft miggy.
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If there’s one thing you can say for certain it’s this: finding a lick of privacy in the otherwise crowded Spider Society was near impossible. In fact it had surpassed being in the realm of near impossible to never achievable. Wherever you turned there was a Spider in need of help. Asking for the one person who always managed to get dragged away from your secretive plans.
Miguel wasn’t one to push off someone’s request for help. Yet the many inconveniences that pulled him away from you seemed to only drive him towards one solution. Doing what he could to steal away every moment that he had with you. He wasn’t oblivious—he knew people could see the way you looked at each other. Yet asking him the truth was never an option, and you were always swift in an escape plan whenever the question arose.
He didn’t mind you evading the truth. Given that he wasn’t one to be entirely open with everyone—he found you keeping whatever you had private admirable. Hell he even encouraged it.
Except for today that is.
“Miguel I know it’s a lot to ask but—” He felt his back stiffen at the sound of Peter’s voice behind him; the expectation of a request not far behind.
You had sent him a message asking him to meet you in an empty office twenty minutes ago, and he was adamant on making it there on time. But that possibility seemed to drift farther and farther away the longer he stood here. Peter’s cheery expression only soured Miguel’s. He had half a mind to make up something and escape, but the urge to help continued to gnaw at him.
“What?” he asked, attempting to keep his voice calm—steady.
“This mission is kind of well a little harder than most. Not that it’s impossible. I mean nothing’s impossible. But I was wondering if you—”
A message from Lyla let him know that you were indeed five minutes away from being stood up yet again. Something weighed heavy in his chest, a feeling he was used to harboring when it came to you. And he hated it. Shutting his eyes briefly he staved off the annoyance that built the longer Peter yammered on about the difficulty of one mission. If it were any other time, if you weren’t waiting patiently for him to show up, then he’d have agreed.
But that wasn’t the case.
“Dios mío,” he muttered, finally turning around. “Peter you’re capable right?”
The man froze. “I mean…yeah I’d say I was.”
“Then you don’t need me.”
“Yeah but Miguel—”
“I’ve got another mission to handle.” The excuse flowed with ease off his tongue. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d done this—having made up every excuse in the book just to steal away time with you. He was certain you had done the same, knowing you were meant to be helping Gwen with something in the labs.
Peter seemed to catch onto the urgency of Miguel’s tone, but not in the way he hoped. A sly smile spread across his lips as he leaned in to nudge Miguel on the shoulder. If there ever was a moment to grasp onto any level of peace in his body—now was it. He was halfway to throwing Peter out of his office.
“I get you,” he said, backing away with his hands up. “The mission is much more important.”
“Get out.”
Peter was gone before Miguel could finish the word out—finally giving him the peace and satisfaction he desired. Instructing Lyla to close up everything behind him, he made his way towards the empty office—hoping you were actually still there. He couldn’t exactly blame you if you weren’t. It was rough finding ways to meet up, away from everything and everyone here.
Finding excuses seemed to be your way to go about things.
The door was shut and locked by the time he reached it, but that was easy enough to bypass. Given that you were most likely resting on the inside he figured it would be better to slip in silently. Sure enough he found you settled in a chair, your eyes opening to see him shutting the door softly behind him, a grin on his lips.
“I’m a mission huh?” you mumbled, standing and stretching with a groan.
He snorted, his eyes falling to the way you bent—watching you step closer. “Didn’t have anything else to say.”
“I suppose I could be a mission.”
“Yeah? And what was your excuse?”
You shrugged, leaning against the desk with a grin. “I told Gwen I was needed for repairs.”
“On what?”
Crossing your legs, you watched him take a step. “Don’t think it matters? She wouldn’t have believed me anyways.”
For weeks you’d been playing this cat and mouse game. Trying to put off the attraction you felt in the hopes that this would dissolve into friendship once more. But you could see it in Miguel’s eyes that he wasn’t interested in friendship. Hell he wasn’t even interested in taking things slow. Neither were you it seemed.
“I guess they know,” he muttered, his thighs pressing against your knees.
You smiled, reaching up to trace the Spider insignia across his chest. “Guess they do.”
“What now?”
Pulling him closer, you tried to keep yourself calm when he willingly fell into your hold, his body hunching down to meet yours. “We figure it out later,” you whispered, your nose barely brushing his. He grinned the sharp point of his fangs poking through. “Good.”
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