#i don't WANT my music on my phone! i need more space for more music and more podcasts!
valsdelulucorner ยท 3 days
This is brilliant
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I absolutely love this, this is such a great head cannon @secretlynotablog <3
Just imagine your studying, reading, whatever you need to get done at that moment and put your air pods in, turning on some music to get through what your currently doing. Its been a few hours as you get carried away by what your doing, focusing on the work on your desk as music blasts in your ears.
It was only when you started to hear your AirPods glitch and distort that you get pulled out of your work, starting to hear the needy whines coming from the brothers. They weren't happy that you were focusing on something other than them but because you needed to get work done, you just ignored them and pretended that the music was still on, feeling satisfied when you hear them start to get desperate for your attention. It was hard to keep a straight face as you heard them start to bicker with eachother, trying to catch your attention with cheesy pick up lines.
"Are you lightning? cause your my-queen"
"hey cutie, do you like water? that means you like 70% of me"๐Ÿ’€
"you dropped something, my jaw"๐Ÿ’€
"did you fart because you blew me away"๐Ÿ’€
"I wish you were my pinky toe so i could bang you into every piece of furniture in my house"๐Ÿ’€
"Hey darling, are you a white van because i wanna put some kids in you"๐Ÿ’€
"Did you sit in a pile of sugar cause you have a pretty sweet ass"๐Ÿ’€
"I just shit my pants, can i get in yours"๐Ÿ’€
You almost got away with it aswell, hearing their voices talk to you as the airpods eventually die. They it was peaceful again, its not that you didn't like talking to the brothers, but it did just get abit annoying that they wouldn't give you some personal space. It was around 12pm, the perfect time to go and get some lunch.
You didnt want to be disturbed while on your lunch run so you left your phone on your desk, ignoring the countless notifications coming from the brothers that flooded your phone. Little did you know that they were all tracking you through your apple watch, making sure your safe as you head out to get some lunch. They were happy that their darling was getting so many steps in, they may have been abit jealous though that you were out of the house and free in the world. Anyone could talk to you, and boy were they having a talk with you when you get home
Please don't crucify me because of those pick up lines, i found them on google๐Ÿ’€
The headcannons were so cute, i love the idea that if they weren't so creepy in my OG headcannons, they would be abit more sweet. Thank you so much for the headcannons and im sorry if they weren't like how you imagined
What should I do next?
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lovecolibri ยท 3 months
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miniimight ยท 9 months
โ CAN YOU STOP PUTTING EVERYTHING ON THE TOP SHELVES?! โž you finally talk to him after a little argument ( height difference )
with deku, bakugou, rody
he tried to look nonchalant as he responded with a questioning hum. yeah, he was putting stuff on the top shelves. "hmm, what?"
you crossed your arms and glared at him. "you heard me."
he turned to you with the picture of innocence plastered on his face. "i don't know what you mean, i just put things where i put them. it just happens that they're high up."
you raised an accusatory eyebrow.
"for you, anyway." he mumbled, turning back to make his sandwich.
"exactly!" you exclaimed. "for me! you know i can't reach things up there and you do it on purpose!" you found your face was hot as you explained it.
you knew exactly whyโ€”you both had gotten into a little fight and you weren't talking to him for a while. this was the first time you had spoken since the argument, and even though you were yelling at him, your voice was music to his ears.
a small smile spread on his face despite his efforts to feign innocence. "on purpose?"
he paused, walking towards you. his disregard for space led to you being crammed against the counter behind you. he leaned over you and asked, "what it is that you need, love?"
your cheeks heated and you cast your gaze to the floor. "the box up there..." you murmured. he stretched to reach it and you flattened your palms against his chest. "izuku! you're squishing meโ€”!"
he chuckled and brought the box down to the counter before kissing your forehead. "i'm glad we're talking again."
"what was that?" he asked you, a knowing smirk on his face.
you huffed, already on top the counter trying (and failing) to reach the stupid box you needed. "i said stop putting shit on the top shelves. you know i can't reach it."
he shrugged, turning his attention back to his phone. "i dunno what you're talkin' about, princess."
you glared and pointed to the box. "you don't even use it?!"
"aw, don't jump the gun on me now, babe. you know i like to switch things up a lil' bit." he grinned, taking so much joy in your visible frustration. he was just happy you were speaking with him again.
you rolled your eyes, electing to ignore him as you tried your best not to fall off the surface or pull the cabinet down with you.
bakugo eyed you carefully as he threw away the thought of you begging for his help, reluctantly decided your immediate safety was more important. "'kay, that's enough." he walked over, his hands on your hips steadying your wobbly movement. "you'll hurt yourself, y/n. come down."
"i want that stupid box..." you pouted.
he rolled his eyes, his arms now circling around you as he lifted you off the counter. you gasped and curled your legs towards your body, clutching his wrists.
"oh, relax, you know i won't drop ya." he grumbled and set you down next to him. he easily plucked the box from its high perch, handing it to you.
"happy now?" he pinched your cheek. "stubborn brat. could've broken a bone or somethin'."
"what, having trouble sweetheart?" he snickered.
your face heated and you huffed. "rody... just get it for me, please."
"hmmm..." he pretended he was thinking hard. "i think... no."
you looked at him incredulously. "no? you put it up there!"
"i so did not." he turned up his nose, though pino was smiling and nodding her head.
you narrowed your eyes at him. "you're sabotaging me into breaking your silent treatment."
"whaaaat?" he exaggerated confusion. he held his head and pointed at himself dumbly. "me?"
"you're impossible." you rolled your eyes, moving to climb onto the counter.
"in any case, my plan worked wonderfully," his signature smirk graced his lips as he laughed softly, leaning against the wall to survey your distress.
your fingers just about brushed the side of the box before pino crashed into it, sending it further back and completely out of your reach. you swiveled to glare at the little pink bird. "pino!"
she bashfully twirled in the air before happily fluttering away.
rody's laughter filled your ears and you groaned, resting your head against the shelf. you heard shufflingโ€”when you looked up, rody and his stupid smug smirk was beside you, easily bringing the box down.
"now we both look stupid, yeah?" he pressed a fat kiss on your cheek and softened when you laughed brightly.
ยฉ miniimight ! thanks for reading &lt;3
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earthtooz ยท 2 months
gn!reader, domesticity with aventurine, inspired by his latest art, reader calls aventurine 'good boy', unedited i wrote this bc im weak
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"Alright. I understand. Let's schedule the interview for today."
It's bright. Too bright. The sun is in your eyes, what a rude way to be awakened.
Behind you, you hear the velvety voice of your lover and the indistinct chatter from the person you suspect he is calling. It is no strange occurrence for Aventurine to be on a call first thing in the morning, some business partner or boss of his ringing his phone before he can even roll out of bed.
At this point, you've grown too accustomed to it, so you merely roll over and wrap your arm around him, curling in to his side.
You don't get to see the smile on his face, but you can hear it in his voice as an arm of his wraps itself around you.
"I'll be there in an hour tops. Before then, try not to bother me too much." Aventurine hangs up the call, throwing his phone to the side and placing a kiss to the top of your head. "Good morning, pretty."
"Good morning, handsome," you murmur into the expensive silk of his sleepwear, sneaking your hand under the soft fabric to draw small hearts on the side of his ribs. "Do you need to leave?"
"I have some time beforehand. How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Want some more time with you, though."
You finally look up at him, perching yourself onto your elbow to meet his alluring gaze. Here, he admires the subtle ways sleep clings to your expression, the way you yawn and rub your eyes- oh, how fortunate he is to get to wake up beside you everyday.
"Shame, you should probably get up soon."
"Are you trying to kick me out?" He whines. "We still have a few minutes before I really need to get up."
You laugh affectionately and it's music to Aventurine's ears. "Last time you said that you were late by a considerable amount of time. Come on, the IPC needs you."
He sighs before rolling over, encasing you in his embrace. "The IPC can cry about it, I care about you more."
"How cute," you whisper before pressing a kiss on the space between his eyebrows, your action causing him to scrunch his nose. "But still, why don't I go prepare some breakfast for us?"
Aventurine grumbles something incoherent, but judging by the way his arms tighten around you, he's much prefers your current situation. "Can I get a kiss?"
You press one to the corner of his mouth and he scoffs. "That was nothing, give me a proper one."
"Only good boys get what they want," you reprimand.
"Pretty please?"
You smile before leaning in to gently slot your lips with his and Aventurine's heart skips a beat. It's an uncomfortable sensation but he's become accustomed to it, even falling in love with it. He'll fall in love with anything as long as it's you, even the vulnerable sensation of being helplessly devoted to another person.
It's perfect, if he could stay like this forever, he would.
You're perfect, he wants you to be by his side forever.
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ยฉ EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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way2pretty4this ยท 9 months
Romanticizing Your Life (in a way that won't drain your bank account)
Make a happy playlist and listen to it while going on a walk
start a journal (doesn't have to be consistent, just when you have something to say)
Try baking something (I suck at baking, so if you've ever broken a stove or an oven, this idea is NOT for you)
Try drinking water. In a real glass. You're going to feel so fancy.
Light some candles and buy some flowers for yourself.
Put on a face mask (This never fails to make me feel like the main character)
Watch the sunrise or sunset (If you live far away from a place where you can see it then drive.)
Read a book
Take the newspaper and find the crossword section. Take this to a coffee shop and do it there with your favorite drink (I've been doing this once week and it is genuinely the best part of my day)
Try smiling more. Not in a weird way, but people will react kindly to you if you show them kindness. Its gonna make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Paint your nails a color you like (as someone who never has her nails painted, this makes me feel so bougie)
Listen to a podcast. Doesn't have to be a serious one. Either way you'll feel so mature.
TAKE A BUBBLE BATH. I don't do this very often but oh my gosh. I wish I did. It's so relaxing. You could even up it by playing relaxing music from your phone and pretending you're in a spa.
Make your space yours. I mean your room should look like a physical representation of your personality. If this means there are paint splatters on the walls and rubber ducks hanging from the ceiling thats okay. If it means the whole room is painted black and there are 3 pieces of furniture, this is okay. As long as you love it and it makes you feel comfortable.
Give yourself a signature scent. This isn't hard, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on perfume. Just find a scent you really like, go to the drug store, and buy conditioner, shampoo, body wash, and lotion all with this scent. After you shower, use the lotion all over. This will make you smell like your scent and it's amazing. I started doing this a few months ago and I've gotten so many compliments on how I smell. You don't realize how big a compliment that is until you get it. Trust me.
Of course this is all for fun and you don't have to do any of it if you don't want to, but I think its a cute way to bring a little spark of joy into your daily lifestyle.
โ™ก Have fun! โ™ก
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caeunot ยท 5 months
johnnie guilbert x reader
johnnie writing zombie about you
idea by @beansnsoup !
โžท you and johnnie have known each other for almost two years now, you two hang out at least once a week, normally to do a video since everytime you two collab the video gets at least 100k more views.. but also because you guys get along so well. everytime your together you both laugh so hard there are tears and unlike jake you keep your space clean so videos don't need a whole cleaning crew to sort out the mess afterwards. either way you two have become pretty close, and when johnnie told you he was working on a new song you were so excited. you love all his music and you always try to watch every cover post he does on tiktok.
you showed up to jake and johnnies place to sleep over since you live an hour away and you are free both today and tomorrow so you might as well stay longer. you normally sleep in johnnies bed and johnnie sleeps on the couch since they don't have a spare room, you are fine sleeping on couch but johnnie insists everytime that you get his room.
the moment you came in the house something felt a little off, like as if there was an unusual energy in the air or that there's a secret between them that your not let into. you don't let it get to you since you were about to go on jake's live.
"jake no offence but why do you always make me eat the most unhealthy shit ever", you say as the live was ending. " okay y/n that's just mean, this is my diet your talking about ", " next time I'm on your live and you like faint from too much sugar ill refuse to drive you to the hospital, I'll just leave you there and take your room so johnnie doesn't have to sleep on the couch when I stay over" jake rolls his eyes. "so basically what your saying is that you want me dead so you could be roommates with johnnie instead.. I see how it is..." you shove him slightly and he screams dramatically and grabs his arm in fake pain. you laugh and the both of you say goodbye to chat.
"that was great, I think that was our best yet!" jake says cleaning up the mess he made. "I think so too! I wish johnnie could have joined though". you noticed how jake immediately got a massive smile on his face, " hey what's that smile for" you say giggling. "oh nothing" jake says winking before starting to drive you both back to the house.
a few minutes after coming back johnnie comes up to you, wanting to show you something. he leads you to his room and sits down on his bed. he starts petting the spot next to him, letting you know you can sit. as you sat he leaned behind and pulled out his guitar. "oh yay are you going to show me your new song!" you say doing a small clap. "yup! it's the one I've been talking about the past few weeks!" he says, you notice his voice is a little shakey but you figure it's normal when singing to a person alone. he cleared his throat and began singing.
Blood red sheets are my favorite
I could be your greatest weakness
'Cause she's got me so damn nervous
I'm a zombie, baby, what's my purpose?
you were enjoying the song so much you were barely taking note of the lyrics, at the end you gave him a massive hug. "johnnie that was great! I think this is my new favorite song of yours, you better be putting it on Spotify".
he blushed slightly, "I'm glad you like it! but I wana ask like.. what do you think of it". you tilt your head to the side a bit confused, "wait what do you mean?". " it's, uh, never mind don't worry" johnnie says putting his guitar away giving you a weak smile.
the energy was really weird now, the feeling you had before was 10x worse and you had no idea why.
a few hours later you said goodnight to the boys and got into bed, you had sat on your phone for a bit when the events of the day really started to sink in and you hated that there was unresolved issues, so you texted johnnie asking if he's awake. as you sent the text you saw a light flash on the bed. you check and it's johnnies phone
y/n ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ โ™ฅ๏ธ:
heyy, i don't want to wake you just incase your asleep but if you aren't can we talk?
you laughed at the fact he put a zombie by your contact name, but as you were about to get out of bed to give him his phone it struck you. johnnies song is literally called zombie, maybe that has something to do with the emoji by your contact name. you immediately tried to recall the lyrics of his song,
I want your heart
I want your brain and that body
'Cause you got me going too insane
You can't control mะต
I want your heart
I want your brain and that body
'Cause you got me acting likะต a fucking zombie
y/n you absolute dumbass, johnnie wasn't just playing a song for you! he was singing his feelings. it all makes sense now, you know for a fact that johnnie gets really anxious when talking about his feelings and if he ever did want to ask you out he probably would be to shy to say it outright, jake probably knew and that's why the energy was so awkward today!
you immediately jump out of bed and go to the living room, you see johnnie typing something on his laptop but when he notices you he smiles closing his it, "you okay? it's pretty late" he asks as you sit down next to him. "johnnie can I ask you something?" you say biting your lip. "sure what's up".
"who was the person you wrote zombie about?" you said, ripping off the bandaid. at first he opened his mouth but then shut it again looking away, even in the dark you are noticing how he is getting flushed. "johnnie?", he didn't answer and instead put his arms under yours and held you for a soft hug, " it's you y/n, I wrote it about you" the hug lingered for awhile just like the silence in the air.
"johnnie I feel the same" you say after the hug finishes. "wait, really?", you take his hands in your own, "yes, really". he says nothing but then leans in for a soft kiss that you reciprocate, his hands gently fall onto your waist, as your kiss started turning more intense johnnie pulls away taking you off guard, "wait, before we carry on its my turn to ask a question" you make a confused face. "can I call you my girlfriend?" you let out a little laugh, "yes, yes yes yes!!" you say as you leaned in again, and this time you can feel his smile through each and every kiss.
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sykostyles ยท 1 month
melodies | 1.1
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summary: he's the most powerful & ruthless mafia boss in the city, and she's just a music store owner. but once he hears her singing voice, he wants nothing more than to hear it for the rest of his life..and she's not so sure about that.. he'll do anything to change that. wc: 4.5k
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warnings: fluff, suggestive?, cursing I think
a/n: hi babies! thank you all so much for the love on part one! I'm thrilled you're all enjoying melodies! I can't wait to bring you some more! i'm always working on this story so updates will come as they're completed! <3
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Ellie offered to close for you so you could go home earlier and take your time getting ready. The only thing Harry told you was to dress comfortably. He said he wants to show off his cooking skills instead of someone elses, and this way he can make sure nobody is around that shouldnt be around.ย 
Lately Harry had been dealing with a problem, but he wasnโ€™t about to be telling you that. He already knew your apprehension towards dating him because of his status, he didnโ€™t want to chance scaring you off before he had a proper chance of making you happy.
Someone had been trying to get close to Harry, trying to learn information and sell it to his number one enemy, Scott Jones; another prominent mafia boss in the area. He wanted Harryโ€™s contacts, warehouses and secrets. Everyone wanted Harryโ€™s contacts. Everyone wanted his status. They wanted the power. Harry had it all. The money, the loyal men, the status, the everything. The only thing he didnโ€™t have, was the girl. But oh did he find one, and oh was he obsessed with her. But she wanted very little to do with him.ย 
Until now.
He picked you up at six on the dot, nevermind how he got your address. Youโ€™ll just have to thank Ellie later. Sheโ€™s also the one who slipped him your phone number, but she refuses to admit it.ย 
โ€œYou look lovely. I love the matching sweatpants.โ€ Harry grins down at you, taking your hand in his and offering a kiss to your knuckles, just as he did yesterday.
โ€œYou told me to wear something comfortable, and it doesn't get much more comfortable than sweatpants and a hoodie.โ€
โ€œNo, no. Iโ€™m not complaining,โ€ he rushes out. โ€œI said comfortable, and youโ€“.โ€
โ€œCalm down, Styles. You didnโ€™t offend me,โ€ you chuckle at his anxiousness. Itโ€™s a little surprising to you.
โ€œOh. I know,โ€ he half laughs. โ€œAre you ready?โ€ you nod in response, and he opens the car door. You donโ€™t miss the line of cars behind his as you get into the front seat.
The drive to Harryโ€™s estate doesnt take super long. A couple of winding roads, a gate with guards, and a long driveway later and you're there.
His kitchen is set up with the best of the best; every tool and gadget you could ever need. โ€œI was thinking we could make something together. Ellie told me your favorite thing to make is pancakes, and those happen to be my specialty,โ€ he says, guiding you into his home.ย 
Tall black cabinets adorned with gold hardware and a black marble countertop. Everything is so sleek, and elegant and perfect you're almost afraid to exist in the space. But itโ€™s so warm and cozy and inviting at the same time. Heโ€™s got candles burning on the counter top and on the coffee table in the living room; which also has black furniture and dark walls.ย 
โ€œDid she now? What else did she tell you?โ€ you ask, leaning across the kitchen island looking up at him on the other side.
โ€œI guess that will be revealed in due time, my love,โ€ Harry smiles over at you. He pulls the ingredients from the cabinet, and the fridge. โ€œShe said to make sure strawberries were involved or to not even bother,โ€ he chuckles softly, placing a carton of fresh berries on the counter.ย 
โ€œThatโ€™s a little dramatic, but strawberries are the best topping for pancakes,โ€ you take the knife as he passes it to you, softly rolling your eyes at his โ€œCareful, itโ€™s sharp.โ€ and you don't miss the way he clenches his jaw when you say โ€œOk, dadโ€, in response.
โ€œSo, what made you say yes to โ€˜Mr. Big Mafia manโ€™ after all my months of pining for you?โ€
โ€œFirst of all, you were mostly pining for my piano. Second of all, I got some advice telling me to live a little and here I am doing that,โ€ you pop a strawberry into your mouth after cutting the top off.ย  Harry opens his mouth leaning down next to you, silently asking for a berry. You slice the top off another one, raising it to his lips for him to take. He smiles as he chews it, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time; making your skin heat up in silent anticipation.
โ€œSweet,โ€ he mumbles, licking his lips after he swallows, โ€œVery.. sweet,โ€ his eyes flicker down to your lips, but he snaps out of it at the sound of you clearing your throat. He clears his in response, โ€œRight, I wanted the piano. But you were the real prize,โ€ he says, trying to regain his composure.
โ€œJust because you heard me sing?โ€ you effortlessly cut the strawberries into slices, setting them to the side as you spoke with him. Harry was on your right, mixing the batter together, plus the dash of cinnamon you threw inโ€“โ€œThatโ€™s my secret,โ€--you blush over at him as he eyes you.
โ€œNah. I was interested in you before that. Your โ€œplaying hard to getโ€ attitude feels like a challenge.โ€ย  His words make you scoff. โ€œThe singing voice is just a plus.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not playing hard to get. I am hard to get. And I think if anything, the last year is evidence of that.โ€ youโ€™re grinning to yourself as you continue your task.
โ€œSure is,โ€ he mumbles to himself, but loud enough for you to hear, making you grin. โ€œBut thatโ€™s okay, I like a challenge.โ€ He turns away from the counter, leaning to turn the stove on.
โ€œYou certainly are the most persistent person I've ever met.โ€ leaves you in the form of a chuckle. You hate to admit how flattered he make you feel by being so adamant in trying to know you
โ€œI don't know, you were pretty persistent on not letting me take you on a date. And about that piano of yours.โ€ He starts dripping the mix onto the surface, creating perfect circles.ย 
Of course.ย 
Insert eye roll here.
โ€œHey, you agreed to not bring up my piano if i sang for you,โ€ you watch him work effortlessly.
โ€œI agreed to stop trying to buy it. I still intend to tease you about it. Although I would appreciate some help in finding a piano thatโ€™s as nice as that one.โ€
Youโ€™re startled by a voice that isn't Harryโ€™s. โ€œSir, thereโ€™s been developments.โ€ Harryโ€™s demeanor changes in front of your eyes. His gaze finds the man near the entrance of the kitchen and immediately hardens.
โ€œI said, no interruptions. Are you aware of what that means?โ€ his tone makes your blood run cold. Youโ€™ve never seen him this way before. Heโ€™s always been goofy and kind to you, sure he demands his menโ€™s respect and can get them to do whatever he wants with the snap of his fingers, but this is different,
โ€œY-yes, sir, but this is impoโ€“โ€
โ€œEnough, Liam. Take it to Niall and Mitch,โ€ Harry demands. โ€œIโ€™ll decide what to do with you later. Now leave us.โ€
โ€œYes, Harโ€“Sir. Yes, sir.โ€ the man says, leaving in a rush.
โ€œHeโ€™s new if you couldn't tell,โ€ Harry jokes, demeanor switching back in an instant.ย 
โ€œYou donโ€™t have to talk to him like that, you know,โ€ you toss a strawberry into your mouth.
โ€œIn my line of work, I do. But let's not focus on that, I know you donโ€™t really care for that side of me and thatโ€™s okay.โ€
โ€œYes, please just keep me in the dark on all of that,โ€ you chuckle, โ€œI donโ€™t need anything else on my conscience,โ€ your words make him laugh. But you also notice the look of worry laced behind his eyes.
โ€œSo does that mean there will be a next time?โ€
โ€œMm, too early to tell Mr. Mafia man. But I am enjoying this so far.โ€ you offer him a soft smile.
The two of you continue to move effortlessly throughout his space together, as if you were meant to be a part of it all along. He flashes you that award winning smile any chance he gets. After the pancakes are done and topped with the strawberries, he leads you to his patio where he has a large projector screen set up with a sea of blankets and pillows for you two to sit on.ย 
โ€œI hear you enjoy the Harry Potter movies, and I happen to be a fan as well. So i figured we could have a little marathon while we got to know each other,โ€
โ€œHarโ€“โ€ you notice the way his eyes glimmer with a sliver of hope, but that was a mess up,--โ€Styles, that sounds perfect,โ€ you whisper. His face slightly drops at your correction, but heโ€™s deterred none. Shaking it off, he smiles over at you, helping you take a seat on the blanketed area.
โ€œYou strike me as a slytherin with that attitude of yours,โ€ he jokes with you. โ€œIโ€™m a Gryffindor myself.โ€
โ€œMm, I would have thought you to be a Hufflepuff,โ€
โ€œThose are fighting words,โ€ he says as he leans over and grabs a pillow. Swiftly catching on, you immediately grab one as well and strike first; landing a blow to the side of his head. He chuckles, โ€œYouโ€™re going to regret that, Birdie,โ€ his threat makes you giggle.ย 
You burst with laughter as he takes hold of one of your ankles, and pulls you towards him, making you tumble back from the sudden movement; the pillows breaking the short fall from your sitting position. His pillow begins making repeated contact with your upper body, your arms shoot up in an attempt to cover your head. His light blows of the pillow make both of your laughs fill the air.
โ€œGod, Styles atโ€“whackโ€“least pretend toโ€“whackโ€“-let me win,โ€ you giggle out.
He pauses his movements for a split second, smiling at you from above deviously. He takes hold of both of your hands in one of his, slightly pulling you into a sitting position.
โ€œNo,โ€ and he whacks you again lightly upside your head, sending you backwards into the pillows below again
โ€œRude,โ€ you huff, making him laugh.
โ€œHad enough?โ€
โ€œMhm,โ€ you pout. Putting your hand out, you silently ask for help, but keep hold of your pillow with the other hand. He pulls you to sit, but is surprised to feel your pillow collide with the side of his face, sending him backwards this time. You take the opportunity to straddle his hips, and repeatedly whack him with the pillow. Lightly of course.โ€How do you like it? Hm?โ€ you tease from above. Harry has that permanent grin all over his face. His hands find your hips, giving them a light squeeze before he switches your positions so he's hovering over you again. You go silent, but have a huge smile etched onto your lips.
โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong, Birdie?โ€ he gloats, โ€œGot no defense now?โ€ Low laughs fall from his lips as he watches you swallow in anticipation, You look up to his lips, also forming a grin. โ€œWhatcha lookin at? Hm?โ€
โ€œDo you want to kiss me as bad as I want to kiss you right now?โ€
โ€œIโ€™ve wanted to kiss you from the moment you first told me โ€˜Noโ€™ when I asked to buy your piano, and then even more when you told me to get out of your store.โ€
โ€œWhy havenโ€™t you then?โ€ you ask breathlessly, raising an eyebrow at him.
โ€œI wanted you to be comfortable with the idea before I made my move,โ€ he says, connecting your lips together for the first time.
Youโ€™ve never felt so comforted yet nervous by someone's touch before. He feels of danger and darkness, but comfort and safety at the same time. He could give you the best of both worlds, if youโ€™d let him of course. Deepening the kiss he feels your hands snake under his shirt, learning the defined muscles across the area. Harry caresses the side of your face in his left hand, bracing himself near your head on the right.
He pulls away, looking at the blown look in your eyes and chuckles softly. โ€œAs much as I would love for this to continue, I want to do this right with you and make sure this is really what you want.โ€
Harryโ€™s admission makes your hardened heart soften just a little bit. โ€œEver the gentleman, Styles.โ€
โ€œStill just Styles after that?โ€ he teases.
โ€œThe night is not over yet,โ€ you sit up, shoving him backwards.
โ€œIndeed it is not.โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t believe youโ€™d be offended to be a hufflepuff. Donโ€™t you know they say every Slytherin needs a Hufflepuff?โ€
Harry ponders for a moment, a look on his face that makes you think heโ€™s actually mulling over a serious thought inside his big ass head. โ€œIf youโ€™re guaranteed to be my Slytherin then I'd consider the change.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™d change your Hogwarts house for me?โ€ you look down to your hands sitting in your lap, a grin formed on your lips as you speak.
โ€œIโ€™d try to change the world for you,โ€ Harry whispers. Your head snaps up, looking into his eyes.
โ€œThat.. has to be the cheesiest thing i've ever heard on a first date,โ€ you chuckle, making him laugh with you.
โ€œPlease, you were eating that up Birdie.โ€ he attempts to play it off.
โ€œWould you really though?โ€
โ€œOf course,โ€ he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
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โ€œAny chance weโ€™ll do this again? Or am I banned?โ€ Harry asks, pulling your hand up to kiss your knuckles. Giggles leave your lips.
Leaning up, you give him a kiss. โ€œWhat do you think, Styles?โ€ you whisper. Harryโ€™s skin heats up, his face turning a light tinge of pink
โ€œHow about this friday?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s literally tomorrow,โ€ you chuckle.
โ€œOkay?โ€ he questions, unsure where your worry is coming from. He'll ease all of your worries if youโ€™d let him. Heโ€™d give you everything if youโ€™d let him.
So what? He thinks
You pretend to mull it over in your head for a moment, โ€œOkay.โ€ you finally agree.
โ€œOkay?โ€ He seems almost puzzled.
โ€œOkay. But no labels. And nothing extravagant.โ€
โ€œOkay,โ€ he smiles at you, offering one more kiss and a โ€œSee you tomorrow, Birdie.โ€ Harry leaves you standing in the doorway to your apartment, a light blush evident all over your cheeks.ย 
Heading inside you immediately call Ellie to thank her for being so thorough in telling Harry everything about you. She was adamant she didn't know what you were talking about but said youโ€™re welcome anyways. โ€œNow, about Mitchโ€ you start telling her the details about the double bunned man.ย 
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A slew of dates followed the first one. He was determined to change your mind about no labelsโ€ฆ and about not wanting anything extravagant. Harry wanted to show you the world of opportunities he offered you by saying yes to being his. The second date he took you one was to the restaurant he owned at the marina. Some of the finest dining youโ€™d ever seen. A complete turn around from the pancakes youโ€™d had the night before. When youโ€™d asked him what to wear this time, heโ€™d told you not to worry, that something would show up for you soon. A sleek, black satin dress with a scoop neckline showed up at your store before your date, earning a genuine eye roll from you.ย 
โ€œI said nothing extravagant, Styles,โ€ you scolded him as you stepped into the car.ย 
โ€œThe smile youโ€™re attempting to hide from me betrays your words, Birdie,โ€ he gloats from his seat next to you. โ€œYou look wonderful.โ€
โ€œJust because I like playing dress up does not mean I'm not mad at you.โ€
Harry grabs your hand, raising it to his lips to place a soft kiss on the back. The gesture never failing to make you blush. โ€œWhatever you say, darling.โ€
โ€œSir, Scott Jones has just arrived at the restaurant. Should we change locations?โ€ Suguru questions from the front seat.ย 
โ€œNo, this is my turfโ€ฆโ€ he begins speaking, his grip on your hand almost feels tighter as the words leave him. โ€œ...I wonโ€™t be made a fool of in my own establishment.โ€
โ€œScott Jones?โ€ you whisper to Harry whoโ€™s got a vice grip on his cellphone, typing angrily. Your hand comes to rest on his leg.
The stiffness in Harryโ€™s stature eased at the sound of your voice and the feeling of your touch. He wonders just where youโ€™ve been all of his life. Your ability to make the darkness not seem so dark inside his mind makes him feel like there might be a point to all of this.
โ€œHeโ€™s just a contact. Nothing for you to worry about, Birdie,โ€ he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
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Harry loved taking photos. His camera roll was full of his favorite things to look at. Whether it was a nicely decorated room or a view heโ€™d seen on a business trip. But now, his camera roll was full of one thing and one thing only; you. Photos of you from your first date, lying peacefully in the blanket fort with pillows surrounding your serene looking frame. He thought you looked beautiful when you were all dressed up, but he thought you looked your best when you were dressed down. Harry just loved having reminders of your pretty face.ย 
He had other photos of you; sitting at your piano, or laying in his bed. Photos of you on every date heโ€™d taken you on. So many videos of you singing along with the radio. Any song could come on when he was visiting you and you were able to match the tempo perfectly on the keys. Your voice always sounded sweet like honey in his ears. His favorite photo was the one you took with him, a selfie of you kissing his cheek. He felt like a teenage boy freaking out over his highschool crush when he spent almost an hour just grinning to himself while looking at the picture.
You were still hesitant to say you were fully in a relationship with him, even all these months later. Heโ€™d visit you every day in your store, telling you heโ€™d be ready whenever you were. You were it for him, he was just waiting for you to be on the same page.ย 
Harry smiled down at you laying on his chest. Heโ€™d rented a cabana at the beach and planned a day with you just to relax and be with each other. Talking of everything big and small. After you mentioned that you loved being around water, it seemed like every date had a water undertone to it. A dinner date at the marina. A trip to the aquarium. Day dates on his yacht, which often turned into sunset cruises. Multiple beach dates. This beach date started to remind you of Pretty Woman since Harry offered to read your book to you while you rested your eyes.
As he read the words off the page all you could think about was how hard youโ€™d fallen for this man without even being aware of it. You can't even pinpoint when it happened. What you do know is that looking up at him in this moment as he reads your book back to you, youโ€™re head over heels for him.ย 
โ€œThis reminds me of Pretty Woman so much,โ€ you chuckle, sitting up out of his hold.
โ€œWhen he was reading to her under the tree?โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™ve seen it?โ€ you look at him with shock in your eyes. Youโ€™d never have thought in a million years Mr. Mafia man would have seen such a chick flick.
โ€œI hadn't before, but youโ€™ve mentioned it so much I wanted to see what you were referring to,โ€ Harry admitted, closing the book with a thud. He sits up next to you, and caresses the side of your face. Leaning into his touch, you smile softly at him.
โ€œYouโ€™re really determined, you know that?โ€ you whisper.
Harry rubs his thumb over the apple of your cheek, eyeing your mouth as he speaks. โ€œTook you long enough to notice,โ€ he places a soft kiss to your lips and feels you smile against his mouth.
โ€œWho knew the big mafia boss had a soft side.โ€ you chuckle, kissing him back.
โ€œOnly for you, darling. When are you gonna let me make it official and call you mine?โ€ his thumb brushes over your bottom lip.
โ€œI--" you start to think of what to say. You want to try this with him. Heโ€™s more than proved himself, but you still have reservations. Mostly because of who, or what he is. His life eats, sleeps and breathes danger. You just want to run your little music store in the middle of downtown. Heโ€™s making it easy to forget that life you had planned for yourself.โ€ โ€“I don't know. Iโ€™m scared.โ€
โ€œI know you are, but I'm here when youโ€™re ready.โ€ His fingers thread their way into your hair as he lulls your head to the side and pressing his lips to your neck. โ€œI have a question for you though,โ€ he whispers against the surface. Harry pulls back to gauge your reaction
Your eyes look glazed over and blown out, so he continues. Your hands find his shoulders in an attempt to hold yourself upright on the cabana bed.ย 
โ€œWell, more of a request,โ€ he hums. โ€œI have an event tomorrow evening I need a date for. Would you be interested in accompanying me?
โ€œIs it something fun?โ€ you pull his head to be level with yours, looking directly at his lips with lust behind your gaze.
โ€œHave I asked you to do anything so far that hasn't been fun?โ€
โ€œNo,โ€ you shake your head at him and kiss him. Pushing him to lay back, your leg hikes up around his hip. โ€œI would love to accompany you to your event tomorrow, Styles.โ€ย 
โ€œStill just Styles, huh? Even when youโ€™re trying to get into my trunks?โ€ His teasing words make you retract your touch from his body, fully sitting up again. โ€œNuh uh, you get back here,โ€ he laughs, pulling you back down with him making you giggle. Harry gives you an onslaught of kisses all over your face, pulling more and more laughs from you; his second favorite thing to hear. He knows all of his favorite sounds will get outranked one dayโ€ฆ he just has to wait for that day to come. Harry slides his hands down your sides and digs his fingertips into your sides, making you squeal.
โ€œS-stop! Iโ€™m ticklish!โ€ you whine.
โ€œOh, and thatโ€™s supposed to make me want to stop?โ€ He continues his playful assault, laughing along with you. You manage to get one up on him, swinging your leg over his hips so youโ€™re straddling him. Taking hold of his wrists in your hands, you pin them on either side of his head, smirking down at him. โ€œMm, whatโ€™s your plan now, Birdie?โ€ he shows off that million dollar smile. You cover his lips with yours, tasting the salt from the ocean on his skin. Harry offers you a hum of approval at the feeling of your mouth on his, making you smile. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, making you gasp. Letting go of the grip on his wrists, your hands tangle into the chestnut tufts of his hair. Harry cups your jaw with both hands as he pulls you off of him. โ€œWe can't,โ€ he whispers against your lips before youโ€™re attaching your lips again. โ€œBirdie,โ€ he says, pulling you off again.
โ€œWhat?โ€ you ask, a grin plastered on your face. โ€œWhy can't we?โ€
โ€œWell, number one weโ€™re in public,โ€ he motions to all the other couples scattered around the various surrounding cabanas. โ€œAnd two, Mitch and Niall are not going to be getting an eyeful of what's mine,โ€ he growls, taking your lips with his once more. You groan once he pulls away.
โ€œI never said I was yours,โ€ you tease, letting him sit up with you.
โ€œYouโ€™ve always been mineโ€ฆโ€ he says, caressing the side of your face in one hand, โ€œ...ever since I stepped into your store for the first time.โ€
You clear your throat, โ€œRight, about tomorrow though?โ€
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Ellie won't let you see the dress youโ€™re wearing; the only thing sheโ€™ll tell you is that it's red and beautiful. You decided to close up early since sheโ€™d offered to help you get ready. Harry said he was going to take care of everything, but you at least asked if you could get ready yourself. Having strangers mess with your appearance wasnโ€™t at the top of your ideal things to do today list.
Harry told you to be ready by seven, heโ€™d pick you up on the dot. You were sitting in the sink of your bathroom as you put your makeup on, paying extra close attention to the details today. Ellie stands behind you with the curling iron as you two argue over Harry. Youโ€™re still adamant on not being ready, but Ellie keeps calling your bluff.ย 
โ€œWhy wont you just let yourself be happy?โ€ Ellie asks as she helps you curl your hair.ย 
โ€œYou date a Mafia boss and tell me you're not terrified at the end of the day,โ€ you chuckle, sweeping your blush brush across your cheeks.
โ€œSo youโ€™re telling me you dont like him?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s not what I said, I said I was scared.โ€
โ€œSo you do like him?โ€ she asks excitedly.ย 
You do, and thatโ€™s what scares you. This was supposed to be just something fun for you. You never envisioned feeling this way.ย 
You nod slowly, โ€œProbably too much,โ€ the admission feeling like a weight off of your shoulders. โ€œThink Iโ€™ll tell him tonight, if it goes as well as I'm hoping it does.โ€ Ellie is bubbling with excitement at your words. Sheโ€™s probably already planning your wedding.
โ€œYouโ€™ve been leading him on for months now, just give in and see where it takes you!โ€
Ellie was kinda right. But in reality, you donโ€™t owe him anything and you know that. But you do really want to see where this could possibly take you. You already feel so much for this man, but who knows what else could happen.
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Harry picked you up exactly when he said he would, knocking on your door at seven sharp. You open the door, and youโ€™re met with your handsome date for the evening in a black on black suit with a red boutonniere on the left hand side that matches your dress impeccably well.
โ€œYou lookโ€ฆ wow.โ€
A light blush forms on your cheeks at his words. โ€œYou look pretty wow yourself, Harry.โ€
He takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the silky material of the gloves that stop just below your elbow. โ€œYou look fantastic, not just wow.โ€ he smiles at you, placing a kiss on your cheek. โ€œI have one more surprise,โ€ he pulls a box from his jacket pocket.
โ€œOh? And what would that be?โ€
โ€œWell, I guess youโ€™ll have to wait and see.โ€
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @harrysonlylover @daydreamingofmatilda @triski73 @evie-119
@vamprry @howling-wolf97
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roosterforme ยท 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 5 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley continues to struggle through his dates when he knows you're at his house. When you meet Natasha, you get the wrong impression of her from the start. But after a night out at the bar with his best friend, Bradley makes a move.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (eventually 18+)
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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When you arrived on Friday, Bradley was in the kitchen eating a bowl of the cereal and milk that you got for him, and Noah was playing with blocks in the hallway.ย 
"Hi, Noah! You'll never guess what kind of coloring book I found this time."
"More dinosaurs?" he asked, handing you an orange block.ย 
"Even better. Outer space," you told him, setting the block on the top of his tower.ย 
Bradley was already smilingย at you when you made your way into the kitchen. "That's for you. Your bonus," he said nodding toward a coffee cup withย Bradleyย scrawled across it.ย 
You gasped in mock surprise. "Do I wanna know what you had to do to get it?"
He shook his head solemnly between cereal bites. "I'm taking it to the grave."
Your laughter seemed to make his smile grow bigger. "Got it. I'll never bring it up again. Thank you." You took a sip and moaned softly; it was just that good. You might have to switch coffee shops.
Bradley grunted and set his bowl in the sink before slipping past you as he muttered something about needing to get changed. You watched him squat down and kiss Noah before stepping over the mess of blocks with his long legs and heading toward his bedroom.
You wondered if your paper crown was still in there.
"Are you hungry?" you asked Noah. "You want me to make you macaroni and cheese with a side of ants?"
"Yeah," Noah agreed, handing you some more blocks to play with first. You built three towers in a row with him before you set up the coloring books at the kitchen table so he could sit there while you made his dinner.ย 
When you started playing some music on your phone, you selected that band that you knew Bradley liked, and sure enough when he emerged from his room, he was shaking his head at you.ย 
"I still can't believe you know their songs," he said, finishing the buttons on his colorful shirt.ย 
"I already told you, you're notย thatย old." You were happy to see that he seemed to be more comfortable in his clothing now compared to the date where he wore the dress shirt. "Where are you going tonight?"
"Just dinner. Maybe a movie after that if things seem promising," he said, meeting your eyes.ย 
"Any excuse for popcorn. Are you taking your pajamas with you?" you asked, but then you realized that implied there might be a sleepover. Your heart clenched in your chest. Oh God. One of these nights, there might be a sleepover involved. What would you do then?ย 
Of course you wanted him to find someone he was compatible with so he could be happy, but when you really started to consider the implications, you felt a little queasy.ย 
"I can't go to the movie theater without a shirt on, so I'll be leaving my pajamaย pants here."
"Good," you whispered, stirring the pasta in the boiling water, thinking about him in just a pair of low slung gray sweatpants.ย ย 
"See you in a few hours." He kissed Noah, and then he was gone.ย 
When you brought a bowl of mac and cheese over to Noah, he looked up and told you, "I like you. And Daddy said you're his favorite."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Well, I like you too, Noah. And don't tell anyone, but your Daddy is kinda my favorite, too."ย 
Bradley finally figured it out; meeting new women over and over again was tedious. Almost none of them got his humor right off the bat, resulting in awkward laughter and a few strange looks.ย 
"So what do you do for the Navy?" Carolyn asked him as she sipped her drink.
Bradley smiled and said, "Waste millions of dollars in taxpayer money annually. What do you do?"
She just looked at him blankly. When he told you essentially the same thing last week, you had immediately told him that Uncle Sam could suck it.ย 
"Uh," Carolyn said with a forced laugh. "I do online data entry."
God, had there ever been a single profession that Bradley wanted to discuss less than that? Twenty more minutes of talking about essentially nothing, and then luckily dinner had arrived. There was no way a movie was getting tacked on to this date.ย 
What the hell was wrong with him? All of these women had been attractive, seemingly normal, and smart. It must be Bradley. He must be the problem. He thought he knew now what it was, of course. Nat had even called him out on it: he kept thinking about you. How you looked like you fit in at his house. How you and Noah had already bonded. How you kept doing little things to take care of both of them, acting like it was no big deal.
Itย wasย a big deal. Bradley was eating hot food again at home. Spaghetti, fajitas, and eggs. Noah was eating healthy snacks, and you kept cleaning things up. He left two hundred dollars behind the TV this time and told you to spend it on anything you wanted.ย 
And that was the other thing. For some reason, he trusted you. With Noah, with his money, and in his house.ย 
Bradley took out his wallet to pay for dinner and checked the time on his phone. You had sent him a text aย while ago.ย 
Babysitter: Your son is going to be an architect.
Attached was a picture of Noah building an elaborate castle with his blocks, and your bare legs were stretched out alongside him. He couldn't look away. You had bright purple toenail polish, the same color as the fucking crown that was back on his bedpost. Your hand was in the picture too, and all he could imagine was how you used it to pop one colorful Skittle at a time between your glossy lips.
Bradley looked up at Carolyn before he signed the check. "Hey, this was fun, but I'm going to head home for the night." He watched her face fall, surprised that she might have actually been enjoying herself.ย 
"Oh, okay."
Well, if this had been a good date for her, maybe Bradley really was a lost causeย who was way too picky for his own good. Because it had been painful enoughย for him that he just wanted to be at home on his couch. And if you were there too, then all the better.
He tried not to think about you on the drive home, but as soon as he caught sight of your car, he couldn't stop himself. Your legs and your face and the way you talked to him. Fuck, he needed to get inside.ย 
When Bradley noisily let himself in, you weren't on the couch. The disappointed feeling of not seeing you right away filled him up as his eyes settled on the paper crowns on the side table. "Hey, I'm home," he called out softly, and then you were poking your head into the living room.
"Hi," you whispered, heading toward him, and he had the urge to open up his arms for you. "Noah had a bad dream. I was just making sure he's okay."
Bradley ran his hand through his hair. "I'll goย check on him," he mumbled, inhaling your wildflower scent as he passed you.ย 
As he bent down to kiss his son, Bradley noticed his pinched face and restless movements. "It's okay, bub," he whispered, smoothing his fingers along the tiny cheeks and forehead. Noah took a deep breath in his sleep and rolled onto this side, and hopefully that was a good sign that he was going to fall into a deeper sleep.ย 
Bradley walked down the hallway and glanced into his pristine kitchen before making his way back to the living room where you were stacking up your textbooksย on the table. If you kept cleaning his house and cooking for him, he was going to have to pay you more. And not just in French vanilla coffee.ย 
"You're home pretty early," you remarked, looking up at him over your shoulder. "No movie?"
"Nah," he said, wishing you'd stop packing up your tote bag.ย 
You smirked. "And what exactly was wrong with this one?"
He chuckled and grinned at you. "Well, where do I begin? Her hair was like an inch longer than I can possibly tolerate. And her car was burgundy. I hate burgundy cars. And she doesn't like popcorn."
"Okay," you said with a laugh. "You're just making this shit up."
"I'm not!" he insisted while trying to fight his grin. "She ordered a salad with no dressing! That's not normal! And her nails were painted pink. So boring!"
You were laughing in earnest now. "I'll bet her entire house isย beige!"
"Terrifying!" he gasped, gripping his heart. "You're heading out, Princess?"
He watched you carefully lookย at his empty hands and inspect him all over. "I don't seeย any wine or beer tonight. No more coffee cups either. Nothing to keep me here," you said with a shrug, but you were smiling.ย 
"I could make some coffee. Or I have some of that beer left." He didn't know why it felt so important to keep you here longer, but he really wanted to take your bag out of your hand.ย 
"No, that's okay. You still want me tomorrow night?" you asked, shrugging your tote bag onto your shoulder.ย 
"Every night," he mumbled, and he watched your lips part slowly as his eyes went wide. "I mean, yeah, tomorrow night, yes. I do still need you tomorrow night."
Your gazeย dropped down to his lips, and Bradley was slowly moving before he could stop himself. At first you were frozen in place, and he knew he should be slamming on the brakes, but your tongue darted out to glide across your glossy lips.ย 
Then you closed the distance between his body and yours with one decisive step, and Bradley was reaching for your pretty face. The skim of his thumb along your cheek as he grazed your neck with his fingertips had your eyes fluttering closed.ย 
You were perfect. He wanted you. He considered the fact that if he let himself, he could grow to need you. As the tip of his nose brushed your face and his lips barely met yours, he heard Noah call out from his room. "Daddy!"
And with that one word, you were jerking out of his soft grasp like you had been burned.ย 
"Noah needs you," you said quickly, hoisting your bag higher onto your shoulder as you looked at the couch.
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, wishing you would still meet his eyes.ย 
But you turned toward the door and waved over your shoulder. "See you tomorrow at 6."
And you were gone. And Bradley was making his way into Noah's room. But Noah was already asleep again.
Your heart was pounding as you drove home. You and Bradley had kissed. Just barely, but still. You moaned at the memory of his mustache brushing your upper lip. "Oh my God," you whispered, running your fingers along your lips. Your crush on him was hopeless. Ridiculous. But was it unrequited?
If his date hadn't gone well tonight, why did he need you there again tomorrow? He hadn't even taken that woman to the movie theater after dinner. Was he really going to take her out again?ย 
What if... what if he wanted to hang out with you? He had mentioned making you some coffee or getting the beers out. You were an idiot. You could be sitting on his couch with him right now, sipping a microbrew IPA and sharing a bag of Skittles. He could be kissing you senseless into the couch cushions. You wouldn't have been stopping him.
"Shit," you gasped, almost turning your car around. But you were already turning onto your block, your little rental house coming into view.
What if. There were too many what ifs. You really liked Bradley. Noah was so sweet, you loved being around him. Their house already felt cozier than your rental. You whined helplessly as you parked and hauled your books inside.ย 
You spent most of Saturday morning and afternoon blasting music and making snacks while you tried to study. Every time you thought about Bradley, you made yourself run up your stairs to your bedroom and back down, getting a really nice workout in.ย 
When you checked the time on your phone, you nearly dropped it on the floor.
Bradley Bradshaw: I wish we hadn't been interrupted last night,ย Princess.
"Oh, fuck." The text was from nearly an hour ago. You scrambled with clumsy fingers to write back as quickly as you could.
Same. But I hope Noah was okay?
But he didn't write back. So you got yourself ready to go, taking extra care with your hair and makeup.ย  And an hour later, you were on your way to his house with homemadeย snacks and so much hope in your heart. Maybe he wanted to spend the evening watching a movie with you and Noah.ย ย 
But when you pulled up, there was an SUV in his driveway next to his Bronco, and you had to park on the street. You grabbed your bag that contained just one of your textbooks and a bunch of snacks and eyed the SUV warily as you opened the front door.ย 
And there stood such a stunningly beautiful woman, you froze halfway through the door. She had dark hair and perfect skin, and her brown eyes were searching you like you were a science experiment or something to examine under a microscope. Just as a smile curled along her lips, you heard Bradley call from the kitchen. "Hey Nat, get in here and help me! You know I need you."
Your heart sank at the sound of his voice beckoning to her. And now she was smiling at you fully as you shut the door behind you and set your bag down.ย 
"Nat!" Bradley called with laughter in his voice. "Don't make me come get you!"
But this woman was paying him no attention. Rather, she was making her way closer to you and holding out her hand. "Hi, I'm Natasha. You must be the babysitter," she said, a teasing, singsong tone to her voice. You instantly felt like this beautiful woman was making fun of you. Putting you in your place.
"Yeah. That's me," you said with as much courage as you could manage. Was this the woman Bradley went out with last night? Was this someone else he was seeing? Maybe a fling he was giving a second chance? God, they would look perfect together. You could honestly picture it.
"Well, I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart." Her eyes were positively twinkling with mirth at your expense now. "It's nice to meet you."
You were just about to ask exactly who she was and why she seemed to know so much about you, but then Bradley appeared in the living room. "Natasha!" his voice boomed, but then he paused when he saw you. "Oh, you're here." His voice softened considerably when he looked at you. He was wearing well worn jeans that clung to his perfect body and a plain, white undershirt. He was so sexy, you could barely think straight.
But why had he texted you that he wished you hadn't been interrupted by Noah if he had this other woman here now? You watched thisย Natashaย walk past him, patting his flat belly as she went into the kitchen.
You felt like crying. You could feel your brow creasing as you tried to hold back the stinging sensation behind your eyes as Bradley made his way over to you.
"Princess." His voice was so soft and he was smirking down at you.ย 
"Bradley?" But his name fell from your tongue like a question.ย 
"Come on into the kitchen."
You didn't want to go into the kitchen. You wanted to leave. But he pressed his hand to the small of your back and guided you along.ย 
"Who is that woman?" you blurted just before you reached the kitchen doorway.ย 
You felt Bradley's huge hand grip you a little tighter as he laughed. "She's truly horrible, isn't she?"
"What?" you gasped as he guided you into the kitchen. Noah was sitting at the table, making a huge mess with cut up construction paper and a glue stick. And Natasha was fiddling around with Bradley's fancy coffee maker like she freaking lived here.ย 
"It worked last time I tried to make a latte. What did you do to it?" she asked Bradley, bending over the counter and showcasing her perfect body.ย 
You thought you might actually hate her.ย 
"It was supposed to be her treat," Bradley said at the same time that Natasha finally got the machine to do what she wanted, because she stood up and clapped.ย 
And then Noah spotted you and jumped out of the chair, wrapping his arms around your leg and saying he missed you, even though you'd seen him last night. You almost dropped your tote bag on the floor in all the commotion and emotions, but Bradley caught it and set it on one of the chairs.ย 
"I was trying to make you a vanilla latte, but I needed Nat to figureย it out. Always saving the day, huh?" Bradley said, sharing a high five with Natasha.ย 
"You're terrible at everything," she told him. "I can't believe they let you fly a Super Hornet."
"I can't believe I've been putting up with you for nearly fifteen years," Bradley told her, running his fingers along your back briefly before he handed you the latte when it finished brewing in a mug that saidย Noah's Dad.
You held onto it with both hands and whispered, "Thank you." Then you watched Natasha clean up some of Noah's construction paper mess and pat him on the head.ย 
"Aunt Natasha promises to take you for ice cream next week if you're really good for you dad and your babysitter. Sounds fun, kiddo?" Noah lit up at her words.
"You ready to go?" Bradley asked Natasha, and she just nodded and said she would meet him outside.
"See you around," she told you with a wink.ย 
You just nodded like an idiot and tried to sip the blazing hot latte. Then you looked up at Bradley's handsome face.
"I might be kind of late tonight. I'll be at Nat's mercy for a ride home."
"Oh," you whispered. "Okay."
But now he was looking at you like he had been last night, as if he wanted to stay here with you instead of going out.ย 
He sighed deeply. "She's kind of making me go out and socialize with our friends. I guess that's what best friends are good for? Making sure you don't fall off the grid?"
Your heart perked up immediately. "She's your best friend?" you asked softly. He had told you his best friend was a woman. She referred to herself as Noah's aunt. She must be the one who had installed the dating app on his phone. She's the reason you met Bradley in the first place.
"Yeah," he said with a laugh. "And unfortunately I think it's too late to try to trade her for a better one."
You took a sip of the latte. Suddenly it wasn't too hot. It was perfect. Bradley was perfect, and so was Noah. Even Natasha was truly a delight. You couldn't wait to see her again.ย 
"Bye, bub," Bradley said, accepting a kiss on his cheek from Noah who was now holding approximately nine colored pencils in each hand. "See you later," he told you with a soft smile, brushing past you on his way out of the kitchen.ย 
"It's a beautiful day, Noah. Let's go for a hike."
Bradley was five beers deep at the Hard Deck when Jake handed him a sixth. "Thanks," he mumbled, kind of hating that Hangman was being nice to him. He wasn't used to this. But Nat must have been telling Bradley the truth when she said everyone missed him. Even Penny had paused for a minute to ask him how he was, and also to make sure things were going well with you babysitting Noah.
"Tell me, Rooster," Jake drawled, "how is your foray into online dating treating you?"
Bradley glared at Nat. "Have you told everyone about the dating app?"
"Not everyone. Javy doesn't know," she replied.ย 
"What don't I know?" Coyote asked her as he paused on his way to the pool table.
"That Rooster is on a dating app. Oops," Nat said with a grin toward Bradley. "Now everyone knows."
He just shook his head and tried to search out someone else to talk to while he sipped his beer. But Penny was slammed at the bar, and Bradley didn't want to chat up any of the women here. He wanted to chat with you. He wanted a second chance at kissing you, too.
It was late, and Noah would have to be in bed by now. He wondered if you were curled up at the end of his couch reading one of your textbooks. He could picture you placing a single Skittle in your mouth, watching it drag across your bottom lip. He wanted to taste it in your mouth.
"Fuck," he mumbled. He wished he had an excuse to text you. Without giving it too much thought, Bradley took a selfie of him with Nat and Jake. He looked okay in it, so he sent it to you.ย 
"Who are you texting that to?" Jake asked.ย 
"Nobody," Bradley replied, and after another sip of his beer, he had a text back from you.ย 
Babysitter: Who's that other guy?
Bradley's shoulders slumped. He should have known better. All women loved Jake.ย 
His name is Jake. But trust me, Princess, he wouldn't be good for you.
Bradley realized too late that Nat was reading over his shoulder. "Oh my goodness, she's asking about Jake. Poor Bradley," she said, teasingly.ย 
"Who's asking about me?" Jake drawled.
"Nobody," Bradley said at the same time Nat said, "The babysitter."
Bradley really didn't need that last beer. He was pretty drunk now, and quite frankly his friends were pissing him off.ย 
"What's she look like?" Jake asked. "And if she's cute, my next question is going to be is she over eighteen?"
Bradley rolled his eyes at Jake. "She wouldn't like you. She's smart."
Jake just laughed. "Oh, Rooster. All women like me." Bradley hated that grin.ย 
"Rooster has a photo of her saved on his phone," Nat sang, and Bradley wished he could tape her mouth shut.
"Show me," Jake said, and Bradley felt cornered. He pulled up that photo of you in the crown that he already loved so much and held it up for Jake and Nat to look at.
Nat was smirking, but Jake looked like someone had placed a juicy steak in front of him.ย 
"Holy shit. So how old is she exactly?" he asked, trying to take Bradley's phone. But luckily he wasn't too drunk to pull it away in time.ย 
"It doesn't matter," Bradley told him, trying to find a way to change the subject.ย 
"What the fuck are you doing on a dating app when that's waiting at your house? I would be tapping that nonstop," Jake said, shaking his head at Bradley. "In fact, tell her your good buddy Jake is on his way over. Tell her I want her number."
"Absolutely not," Bradley growled. And then there was another text from you.
Babysitter: He's kind of cute. For a blond.ย 
Bradley sighed and shook his head. He would not allow this to happen.
I can assure you he is not. He has a burgundy car, Princess. And his entire condo is beige. And he hates salad dressing.
Bradley's heart was pounding, and his head was starting to swim. He never drank this much anymore since he had to be attentive to Noah all day long. He was really regretting that last beer when you texted him a photo. Bradley's breath caught in his throat as he looked at a selfie of you laying on his living room area rug and laughing. You looked so young and sweet and perfect.
Babysitter: Nevermind. He doesn't sound like my type at all.
"Atta girl," Bradley said to nobody in particular. Everyone had wandered away from him at this point asย he typed out a response.
He's definitely not your type.
Babysitter: You think you know my type?
He watched as Nat paid the tab and waved him toward the door.
I hope so, Princess. I'm on my way home. We can talk about it then.
Okay. These texts were getting a little flirty. That Jake guy was cute, but Bradley was definitely more attractive. Jake looked like an older version of Greyson, like the kind of guy you would usually go for: clean cut with an attitude.ย 
But Bradley. Well. He was definitely something different. He was older, sexier, and you were pretty sure he'd never give you an attitude. Unless you wanted him to.ย 
And now you were rolling around on his living room carpet, biting your lip to keep from screaming. Then you heard someone pull into his driveway, and you rocketed to your feet.
When you peeked out the window, you saw Bradley being led up the sidewalk by Natasha, which was hilarious, because he was roughly twice her size.
"Bradley," she said, pausing to scold him. "You need to stop laughing and focus on walking."
"I'm fine, Nat," he said, chuckling.ย 
"You did not need that last beer, did you?" she asked, fumbling to get his keys from him. You could have opened the door for them, but you were frozen, looking at the way his face was bathed in moonlight.ย 
"Nat, she's inside," he mumbled.ย 
"Yeah, she is. And you better be sweet so she doesn't ask for Jake's number."
"Fuck Jake," Bradley grumbled, and you covered your mouth to keep from laughing as Nat opened the door.ย 
"Hi," you said, greeting both of them with a smile.
"Hey, Princess," Bradley said, a crooked grin on his lips.ย 
Nat shoved him into the house. "Want me to help you get to bed?" she asked, but you held your hand up as Bradley inched closer to you.
"It's okay. I can stay and make sure he gets there."
"Excellent," Nat said with a grin that reminded you of the Cheshire cat. "He's all yours, babe."
And then she was gone, and you had Bradley towering over you, looking at you like he wanted to touch you.ย 
"Did you have fun?" you asked softly.
He nodded at you, his eyes half lidded as he chuckled. "Yeah. Was Noah good?"
"An angel," you promised, taking him by the hand. "Let's get you to bed, Bradley." Your heart pounded as you tried to pull him to his bedroom, but he wasn't budging. His hand was huge and warm, and he used it to pull you a little closer.ย 
"Do you like Jake? You think he's cute. He said he wanted your number, and it pissed me off."
You looked up at him wide eyed. He must have had a lot to drink since he was rambling a bit. "It pissed you off that I think he's cute? Or that he wanted my number?"
Bradley scoffed and pulled you against him. "Both. He's not good enough for you."ย 
"Oh," you gasped, running your palms along his torso where you were suddenly touching him. He was so solid. Substantial. You wondered if heย had started to regret that almost kiss last night. You wanted to know what he was thinking about you. "Bradley?"
"I don't like Jake. He looks like Greyson, my ex boyfriend."ย 
He just shook his head a few times,ย running hisย big palm along your back again. You could feel yourself melting into him. "You can do better than either of them. You're so pretty."
"Bradley," you whispered as your entire body clenched in need. You couldn't remember ever feeling like this before.ย 
"You are," he told you, hisย brown eyes so steady and honest. "You're so funny and smart and pretty." And now he was looking at your lips.ย 
"Of course. I'm a princess," you told him with a small smile. And then his lips were on yours. His mouth was warm, and he tasted like beer. But you liked it. You really liked it when both of his hands wrapped around your waist, dragging your shirt up a little bit in the process.ย 
Your lips parted on a gasp as his fingers grazed the bare skin below your ribs. And then he was tasting you, groaning softly as your tongue met his. He was surprisingly soft and sweet, never demanding more than you were giving. Every experimental nibble on his lips led to him reciprocating the actions, making you a little crazier for him.ย 
When you ran your fingers up along his neck and his cheek, he groaned, "Princess," against your lips. You pushed your fingers into his hair, tugging a bit, and then he was backing you up against the TV stand.ย 
"Bradley," you whined when his lips found your neck. "Oh, God. You're drunk."
"Not that drunk," he mumbled against your skin, his breath hot, his lips dragging against your earlobe.
You did not want him to stop. That was literally the last thing on your mind right now. But you'd die next time you saw him if he said he regretted this.ย 
"Bradley," you said a little louder, planting both palms against his chest and pushing him firmly away.ย 
He released you completely and just stood there looking at you like he couldn't figure out what was going on.
"You're drunk, Bradley," you said softly. "Oh, God, I'm sorry I didn't stop you sooner." You took a few steps away from him, and he followed you like a puppy with sad eyes.
"I wanted that. Since last night. Since last week."
You just shook your head. "But you're drunk. You're the epitome of an unreliable narrator."
He just looked at you likeย he couldn't get enough and laughed. "How are you so funny?" he asked softly, brushing his fingers along your cheek. You were terrified that you'd follow him to his bedroom if he asked, but he wasn't in the right mind to be voicing any sorts of opinionsย concerning you or your lips or how funny he found you.ย 
"Just, go sit on the couch, okay?" you instructed, guiding him that way with a hand on his massive bicep. He dropped down onto the couch, all rosy cheeks and long, splayed legs, looking up at you like he expected you to join him. "I'll get you some water."
You dashed into the kitchen without another thought, gripping the edge of the hard granite counter with your shaky fingers.ย 
You wanted him. You wanted Bradley. And he was on a quest to find the right woman while you were simply here to watch Noah for him. You needed to get a grip on things. You needed to straighten this out.ย 
After a few deep breaths, you filled a cup with cold water and reached down the bottle of Advil you noticed on the top self next to the mugs. If Bradley was able to hold a conversation when you went back into the living room, you'd try to get him to explain what was going on. You squared your shoulders, but when you saw him, he was sprawled across the entire couch, sound asleep.ย 
With a deep sigh, you set the water and the Advil on the small table next to him. You watched his chest rise and fall with each breath he took, his face calm and smooth. His lips were parted slightly, and you could see the perfect white of his teeth. Gently, you pushed his wavy hair back from his forehead, letting your fingers linger in the soft strands.ย 
He might not even remember kissing you tomorrow.ย 
You took a sheet of paper and a pen out of your bag and left him a note next to his water. Then you checked that the back door was locked before giving Noah a kiss on his forehead. And with one last look at Bradley dozing peacefully, you left, locking his front door behind you.
Wow, Bradley. Do it when you're sober, bro. I hope you enjoy your babysitter fic @beyondthesefourwalls
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thatgirlie-diaries ยท 6 months
How I have improved my routines and consistency
Hello girlies! This first week of my vacations period I have been using it as a test for my ideal routines and schedule, identifying what goes right and wrong and what changes do I need to do to be consistent and have an efficient systmem. What you'll be reading next are all the things I have done and learned to apply to have a calm, healthy, fun and fulfillling routines and daily schedule, overrall improving my lifetyle.
Energy levels: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you identify when do you have the most energy and when it goes down? What would be my ideal time to sleep and wake up?
What negative habits do I have? And why do I have them? With what habits I can switch them?
Why do I procrastinate? In which ways I procrastinate and distract myself?
How I want my lifestyle to look like? What habits, routines, hobbies and activities are included in my daily life? How do I act on a daily basis?
Creating my schedule and routines
Set a sleeping schedule that fits you based on your energy levels.
Create a morning, night and pampering routines that you enjoy doing, that you are comfortable with and makes you feel fulfilled.
Create (if neccesary) other routines that you need:There are probably other things you want to do that you need a routine for! For example, I have a mini manifesting routine and a weekly spiritual healing routine. I also want to create a language sudy routine too.
Include non-negotiable healthy habits: this habits are the ones that keep you healthy in body, work with your mind and give you peace. For example, some of mine are: eating 3 healthy meals, tidying up my space for 30 minutes, listening to a podcast, don't use my phone for more than three hours, etc. Also, include fun habits to help you romanticize the day and feel good.
Have time to do things I love: I have noticed that if I don't do the things I love after long period of time, meaning productive only days, I get burned out and more prone to procastinate and get distracted when I get the chance. Make sure you have time to yourself, either be it hobbies or fun activities, you will keep your mind, heart, body (if it's physical) and soul healthy!
Have time to rest and be still: We need to understand that we need rests, so we have to respect it and let us be. Also we need some minutes in silence to connect with ourselves, body and creativity out of all the noise and stimuli.
Maintaining consistency
Plan my day: I plan my daily tasks and my daily schedule, this to not procrastinate overthinking "what I'm going to do?"
Add a place and hour: For any routine, habit or activity decide "Where am I going to do it? At what time or after what habit?"
Habit stacking or multitasking: If I have a "listening habit" (podcast, subliminal, listening to high vibe music) with a "not-thinking alot habit" (tidyin up my space, do the dishes, cooking) habit I do them both at the same time. If I need to do a habit that needs my full attention then it will be done that way.
Include timers (if needed): This helps me know how much time do I need to do my habits and to know if it's taking me more or less time to complete them. I use an app where I have my routines (morning, night, weekly reset, mini manifestation and spiritual healing activities) with each habit having a timer.
Have a habit tracker: In here I write a daily log that includes filling boxes of my daily non negotiable habits and extra habits (that romanticize my life or keep me healthy). Also includes two questions: "What progress did I made today with my goals? Is there something I need tom improve or change in my system?'.
Romanticize! Your habits and activities, routine sets, daily schedule, romanticize your days your way! It's different for everyone, so find out how to add magic into your life.
Wasted day? It's never too late to do something useful. Keep going or journal about what went wrong. I like to remind myself my motivations and ideal lifestyle to mantain myself going forward.
Let's be healthy and organized together! ๐‘„ฝ๐‘„บเพ€
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wileys-russo ยท 10 months
drunk in love II a.russo x reader
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started as a blurb....fell in love with drunk lessi and it became a fic
drunk in love II a.russo 4.5K words
you hadย almostย drifted off to sleep, eyes heavy and struggling not to slam closed when the sofa began to vibrate underneath you and your ring tone jolted you back into reality, sitting up at the sudden noise.
with a frustrated huff you began digging around beneath theย copiousย amountย of blankets and pillows you were buried under to find your phone, finally finding it on what must have been itsย lastย ring.
seeing your girlfriends name and positivelyย adorableย contact photo flash on the screen you clicked accept, nestling the device between your ear and shoulder and settling yourself back into the sofa, pausing the tv.
"hi baby, you alright?" you asked softly with a smile, wincing and holding the phone away from your ear as your girlfriend loudly yelled out hello, and based on her struggles not to slur or skip over her words she'd had just aย fewย glasses of wine.
having played one of theย bestย matches you'd seen in months the blonde striker had scored the winning goal against arsenal today. having celebrated her win with her at the stadium you'd left her to carry on the celebrations at mary's house, encouraging she spend some quality time with her team mates and you'd spend her entire day off with her tomorrow.
it had taken the stubborn striker some convincing to agree, but once you'd roped in her best friend to help you argue your point she'd gone willingly, not without pressing a searing kiss to your lips and mumbling how she would be missing you the entire time.
admittedly youย hadย missed her, but a night in to yourself to catch up on love island and sloth out on the sofaย wasn'tย something youย dislikedย by any means.
you and alessia were both incredibly independent from a young age and it meant you had made a point to respect when the other needed some space or time away, and you'd like to say communication was one of the main strengths of your near two year relationship.
"my beautiful gorgeousย lovelyย girl can you come and get me?" the blonde slurred and you smiled hearing ella yell out in the background to say please and the sound of a loud smack to which alessia loudly protested and another slap sounded before you heard millie intervene.
"childrenย the pair of you, honestly! I don't knowย howย you put up with them." millie grabbed the phone the comment directed to you, confirming it was indeed time for your girlfriend to head off home and asking if she and ella were able to get a lift back to her place which you instantly agreed to, not wanting any of them to get in an uber in their current states.
"thanks sexy bum! can'tย waitย to see you." you heard ella now grab the phone cheering drunkenly as once more there was a loud slap and you chuckled hearing alessiaย instantlyย kick off, yelling that no one was allowed to call you that but her as the sounds of a struggle continued and millie took the phone back, telling you to call her once you were outside.
slipping into a pair of your girlfriends trainers she'd left laying around for herself to trip over you grabbed your car keys, contemplating for a fleeting moment if you shouldย dareย to take alessias merc. though knowing how she could be when she was drunk you decided against winding her up any further and locked the door after you.
having been to marys house for dinners and movie nightsย almostย as often as your own you arrived in record time. you tried to call millie but the girls phone rang out, your girlfriends also doing the same and tooneys seeminglyย deadย as you shifted the car into park and stepped outside.
knocking a few times on the door you could hear music pumping from inside and mentally braced yourself for what was to come. thankfully it was only a tipsy looking mary who opened the door, the taller girl wrapping you in a tight bear hug andย carryingย you inside much to your laughs and demands to be put down.
no sooner had your feet hit the floor though did a bundle of blonde hair slam into you, almost knocking you to the ground as alessia clung to you as if you could fly away at any moment. "helloย gorgeous." the blonde grinned instantly pressing her lips to yours, you quick to shove her off as she tried to ram her tongue down your throat, your cheeks flushed a rosy pink as a few of her team mates whistled jeeringly at the spectacle.
"hello, you taste like red wine." you smiled in amusement, spotting millie trying to wrestle ella back into her trainers and jumper much to the younger girls insistent protests that she wasn't ready to leave yet. "i may have had...justย a little bit?" alessia grinned, tips of her ears flushed a deep shade of red which was another giveaway as to how drunk sheย reallyย was.
"oh my favourite!ย TOONEY!" alessia hollered loudly, dropping your hand and stumbling over to her best friend as young hearts run free blasted over the speaker, the two girls wrapping one another in a hug and jumping around the room screaming the lyrics with a resounding amount of passion butย veryย out of tune.
grabbing out your phone you took a quick video, joined by millie who shook her head at the pair and kissed your cheek in greeting, starting to make her rounds saying goodbye to those who were still present.
leaving your girlfriend to finish her performance you did the same, exchanging congratulations and hugs with the women scattered around the room, promising mary you'd definitely join them all next time as the song changed and your attention shifted back to alessia.
with the assistance of a few of the girls you managed to get alessia and ella outside, mary blowing you all a kiss before she disappeared back into her house. "can iย pleaseย smack your bum to wind less up?" ella whispered in your ear with a cheeky smile and you nodded with a sigh, knowing the younger girl would likely do it anyway even if you'd said no.
"oi less your missus said i'm fitter than you!" ella teased, smacking you and sprinting off as alessia let out a loud war cry and charged after her, somehow managing not to trip over her own feet as her long legs easily caught up to the younger brunette.ย 
"should we just let themย chaseย each other home?" millie contemplated as the two of you leant against your car, watching as alessia easily took ella down with a shout, the two of them rolling around and wrestling like school children on marys front lawn.
"if i drove off less would probably run after the car for atย leastย a few blocks." you shrugged, millie grinning at you and bumping your shoulder before pushing herself up and letting out a deep sigh, marching over to the two.
"alessia!" you eventually called out watching millie struggle to separate them without being pulled into the squabble herself, crossing your arms over your chest as the blondes head popped up and stared at you over millies shoulder.
"baby i'm tired can weย pleaseย go?" you asked softly, alessia nodding enthusiastically and grabbing ellas collar practicallyย draggingย the girl over to the car and shoving her in much to tooneys ongoing cries she didn't wish to beย manhandled.
allowing alessia to have control of the music the car ride was filled with excitable chatter as you pulled out and headed off toward millies home, ella staying the night there as her boyfriend was away for the weekend.
the topic changing to what you'd gotten up to that evening the conversation switched toward the latest few episodes of love island you'd been catching up on. millie and you spoke animatedly about the ongoing drama as she was also caught up, ella drunkenly yelling along to the music at the top of her lungs with her head slumped against the window, breath fogging up the glass.
feeling alessias hand settle on your thigh you didn't think much of it, the action not uncommon from the incredibly touchy girl whose affections onlyย increasedย whenever she'd had a drinkย orย ten.
though as her fingers wandered up the inside of your shortsย dangerouslyย close to your underwear you were quick to grab her hand and place it back in her own lap, staring at her firmly and shaking your head, the blonde only sending you a lopsided smile and sinking down further into the seat.
"alessia." you warned quietly when her hand once more grabbed at the inside of your thigh, pushing up and into your shorts as you gave her another firm stare, yanking her hand off you and tightly gripping it, holding it down on the console as you pulled up outside millies home.
"bye sexy bum." ellas head darted forward to place a sloppy kiss on your cheek as alessia gasped and reached around in her seat to try and hit her best friend, narrowly missing as the brunette slipped out of the car with a laugh.
you watched as her and millie stumbled up the driveway, making sure they'd safely gotten inside with a wave before driving off. it would seem that all of the excitement your previously chatty girlfriend mustered had faded away as you glanced over a few minutes later to see herย asleepย in the seat beside you.
"less, come on baby we're home." it would also appear that the copious amounts of alcohol she'd consumed hadย finallyย caught up with her as she muttered something in gibberish and closed her eyes again, crossing her arms over her chest.
with a chuckle you slipped out of the car and made your way around to her door, carefully opening it and unbuckling her seat belt, poking at her until she finally groaned and allowed you to pull her up and out of the car.
"come on less I need you to workย withย me here!" you grunted as the taller girl leant completely into you, doing your best to support her from falling as you kicked the car door shut and dragged her with you up to the front door.
realizing she'd swiped your house keys earlier to throw at ella you rummaged through her pockets trying to find them. "i don'tย knowย where they are okay!" alessia groaned drunkenly, throwing her hands in the air and narrowly missing hitting you in the face as youย finallyย fished the keys out from her back pocket.
"oh Iย likeย when you touch me there sexy." the striker slurred suggestively trying to grab your hands as you wiggled the key in the lock, sighing in relief as it finally popped open. "come on." you heaved as you slung the girls arm around your shoulder, pulling her inside and kicking the door closed before prompting dropping her down on the sofa.
"okay i don't think i'veย seen youย thisย drunk before." you ran a hand through your hair and shook your head both in disbelief and amusement at her state, which hadย significantlyย worsened over the short drive home, pushing away her wandering hands as they tried to wrap around your legs to pull you down on top of her.
"i'mย notย drunk!" alessia protested with a frown, grabbing instead onto your hoodie and trying to drag you onto the sofa with her as you dug your heels in. "baby i want a hug! come hereย right now." the older girl ordered with a huff, yanking on the soft material as you managed to pry her hands off.
"later, you need toย eatย something to soak up the alcohol." you chuckled at the older girls needy behavior as she whined and tried to grab you again. anyone who'd been out with you and alessia knew she could be protective and possessive at theย bestย of times, but when she was drunk? she becameย aggressivelyย needy and clingy.
"make me a cheese toastie." alessia demanded, giving up on her crusade to drag you down on the couch with a sigh, slinging an arm over her eyes. "make me a cheese toastie..." you trailed off suggestively, awaiting a please.
"now?" alessia guessed seriously, you rolling your eyes in response. "charmingย aren't you." you mumbled but padded off into the kitchen none the less, hearing your girlfriend unpause the tv and settle down into the sofa, kicking off a few cushions with a grunt.
"here less, eat please." you ordered softly, watching in amusement as the blonde struggled to pull herself into a sitting position before accepting the plate. leaving her to eat you returned to the kitchen, flipping your own toastie and pressing it down with a plate, glancing over to alessia every now and then to check on her.
"baby!" the italian groaned suddenly as you dumped the rinsed pan into the sink and grabbed your plate. "yes?" you asked amused, placing your plate onto the coffee table beside her now empty one. "get me a hoodie." alessia ordered before flopping down on her back on the sofa, looking to you expectantly and making a shooing motion with her hands when you didn't move.
"soย bossy." you mumbled but headed for the bedroom none the less. "one ofย yours!" alessia called after you before laughing loudly at a video which popped up on her phone.
"one of yours." you mocked under your breath, grabbing one of your jumpers out of the wardrobe and slipping off alessias trainers, placing them neatly where they belonged.
"do you need aย hand?" you withheld a laugh, alessia doubled over and grunting in frustration as she tried to unlace her trainers. "yes." alesia gave up with a huff, leaning back into the sofa with a glare as you shook your head and knelt down, tossing the jumper at your girlfriends face.
the older girl tugged on the soft material, unaware it was backwards until you glanced up and noticed her struggle. "less oh my god,ย stop!" you shook her head with a laugh, standing to your feet and lifting the girls arms up, twisting the jumper the right way round and pulling it down over her head, pushing her arms through the sleeves, much like you would dress aย child.
"gotcha!ย c'mereย sexy." alessias strong arms wrapped around your waist, trying to pull you down onto her lap as you almost dropped the toastie you'd just picked up. "lessiย noย I need to eat!" you laughed at her persistence, struggling to pull away from the strikers iron clad grip as you ate.
"i don'tย careย give me attention." alessia slurred with a huff, onlyย furtherย proving the theory she was an aggressive soft, needy drunk.
taking all your strength not to be pulled down by the much stronger girl alessia finally gave up with a groan and withdrew her arms, crossing them over her chest and resting her head against the back of the couch, pouting up at you with a frown as you ate.
"what are you doingย now?" you sighed as she suddenly stood, stumbling her way into the kitchen. grabbing both empty plates you quickly followed, alessia's head disappearing into the freezer as you rinsed the plates before leaving them in the sink with the pan.
the blonde reappeared with a half eaten pint of ice cream and a victorious grin, leaning against the fridge and struggling to open her prize.
"give itย hereย you dope!" you laughed snatching the ice cream off of her and pulling yourself to sit on the counter. easily getting the lid off you jammed a spoon inside and held the tub out for alessia to take back.
"feed it to me." the taller girl mumbled, sliding her body in between your legs and running her hands fondly up and down your bare legs, resting her chin on your shoulder as you pressed a kiss to her head.
"you are such aย needyย drunk." you teased, alessia pinching your leg halfheartedly before accepting the spoon of ice cream you held out for her. "baby you're soย beautiful." alessia looked up at you with star crossed eyes and a lopsided smile, hands moving to rest on your hips.
"you're soย drunk,ย but you're very gorgeous." you smiled in return, leaning forward slightly to rest your forehead against hers. "i fuckingย loveย you." alessia moved to leave a cold kiss on your cheek, lips lingering there a moment. "i love youย too." you echoed back sincerely, tossing the spoon into the sink with a loud clatter as the striker swallowed the last mouthful of ice cream there was.
"you taste like red wine and ice cream, it's a weird combination." you admitted as you pecked at her lips, pulling away with a scrunch of your nose. "oh you'reย soย fucking cute." alessia slurred with a lazy smile rubbing circles into your hips, eyes beginning to droop a little as you ran your hands through her hair with a fond smile.
though you squealed in surprise as alessia suddenly hooked her hands under her thighs, attempting to carry you away out of the kitchen. "alessiaย noย you can barelyย walk!" you shouted in protest as your girlfriend ignored you and continued pulling you off the counter.
justย managing to land on your feet as the girl stumbled, grip loosening she dropped you and your eyes slit into an unimpressed glare.
"go!" you ordered with a point after she'd caught her balance, alessia sulking her way off toward the bedroom as you followed. "alessia, stay here." you warned as alessia collapsed onto the bed, beginning the arduous task of trying to shimmy herself out of her pants. "stop calling me that, you're only allowed to call me; baby, gorgeous, lessi, less, angel, my love, my everything, my-." the blonde pouted at you and began to list off the appropriate names on her fingers as you rolled your eyes and left her to it.
making your way back to the kitchen you grabbed two bottles of water and a tab of paracetamol before flicking off the lights. you knew you'd have no luck trying to get your girlfriend to drink any water now but knew she'd need it tomorrow morning when she no doubt woke up incredibly grumpy with aย severeย hangover.
switching off the tv and tidying up a little you flipped off the living room light and made your way back to the bedroom. it seemed alessia had given up trying to get out of her pants but hadย somehowย successfully taken her bra off as it lay discarded in the middle of the floor.
leaving the paracetamol and water on her bedside table you darted to the end of the bed, grabbing alessias legs and sliding her pants down her legs before tossing them on the floor with her bra, grabbing out a pair of soft sleep shorts and slipping them on her.
"sit up please." you wiggled your fingers in her direction as alessia heaved and grabbed your hands, you tugging her into a sitting position. "can we at least brush your teeth please love?" you asked with a sigh, helping the taller girl to her feet as she nodded tiredly.
managing to guide her out of bed and to the bathroom you sat the blonde down on the lid of the toilet, not even daring toย tryย allowing her to balance on the edge of the bath, she was enough of a hazard to herself whilst sober let alone drunk.
you squirted on some toothpaste and held out alessia's toothbrush to her, watching in amusement as the girl struggled to complete the task, leaning on a slight angle against the back of the toilet as you both brushed.
pausing for a moment alessia suddenly lurched forward on her feet, stumbling to the sink and rinsing out her mouth before you did the same.
having sobered up aย tinyย bit since getting some food into her stomach alessia was able to make her own way back to the bedroom, though you still kept a careful eye on her as you walked from one room back to the other.
"what are you doing now less?" you asked tiredly as the italian threw her phone on the bed, a familiar tune blasting out of it as the older girl turned toward her. "dance?" the blonde smiled lazily through half lidded eyes, holding her hand out expectantly
"oh now Iย knowย you're drunk if you want a dance." you laughed softly, alessia rolling her eyes but otherwise ignoring the comment, tugging you into her body as you both swayed together to the beat. "heyย easy!" you laughed, quick to pull alessia back up as she tripped and almost fell face first onto the floor.
"think that's enough ofย that, thank you for the dance." you smiled, gently pushing your girlfriend to sit down on the bed who made no move to resist.
leaning over her you grabbed the older girls phone off the bed, clicking pause on the music before plugging it in to charge seeing her battery was lower than your own, alessia busying herself wriggling her body into bed.
"can I have my cuddle now or what?" the blonde asked moodily with a frown. "yesย you can have a cuddle now." your body vibrated with quiet laughter as you flipped off the light, leaving the bedside lamp on before climbing into bed beside her.
"you're such aย softie." you teased as alessias jumper clad arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you down the bed a little, bare legs intertwining as you pulled the duvet up to cover you both. "shut up or I'llย smackย you." alessia mumbled as threateningly as she could manage into your neck, the two of you laying there in one another's hold for awhile.
as her breathing evened out you assumed she'd passed out and reached over her to turn off the lamp. "you know what?" alessia spoke up, pulling her head out of your neck and looking up to you as you quirked an eyebrow curiously in response.
"you haveย neverย asked me on a date."
"thats not entirely true i madeย youย askย meย out on a date which youย wouldn'tย have done without my push. so I'veย basicallyย asked you out!" you argued her point to which alessia simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. "ask me on aย properย date." the older girl demanded, removing her arms from around you to lean away and cross them grumpily over her chest.
"alessia mia teresa russo, will youย pleaseย go on a date with me?" you gave in to her moody demands and asked with an adoring smile.
"no."ย  alessia answered bluntly, rolling onto her side and facing away from you whose mouth hung agape in shock.
"alessia!" you exclaimed shoving the girl who began to loudly laugh, clearly finding herselfย hilariousย in her current intoxicated state. with a roll of your eyes you pulled yourself to sit up, intending to grab a jumper as the temperature had droppedย muchย lower the longer the night dragged on, rain already promised for tomorrow.
"and where areย youย going?" your girlfriends arms wrapped around you from behind, holding you firmly in place. "to get a jumper it's cold." you mumbled and tried to pull her arms off though it was to no avail. "you don'tย needย one you have me and my cuddles." alessia huffed, wiggling backwards on the bed and pulling you back into the bed with her.
"you areย soย needy." you shook your head, giving up and pulling the duvet back over the two of you with a roll of her eyes. "shut up or I'll smack you." alessia threatened again, resting her head on your chest still clinging tightly to your torso.
"aggressivelyย needy." you whispered to yourself reaching over to flick off the lamp, plunging the bedroom into darkness. "baby you smellย soย good." alessia mumbled as her eyes slid closed, further tightening her hold around you. "thank you, you smell like aย bar." you commented back, smiling into the dark as alessia pinched your side unamused.
alessias slender fingers traced small circles on the exposed skin of your side where your top had ridden up, your hands sliding into the older girls hair, gently massaging her scalp. a comfortable silence falling between them you hadย almostย dozed off before alessia spoke up again.
"I don't deserve you, you know?"
shifting your position you slid down the bed a little to look directly at your girlfriend, nudging her head off your chest, both their eyes having now adjusted to the dark. "don't be daft." you denied the comment, moving your hand and resting it tenderly on the girls cold cheek.
"no I mean it, I don't." alessia struggled to get out, your brow deepening into a small frown at her words. "ohย less. baby please don't say that, fate dropped us into each others lives for a reason, and because of that i wake up every day grateful to have met you and to have the privilege to love you andย beย loved by you." you smiled sincerely, suddenly feeling something wet drip onto you hand.
"oh my god are youย crying?" "iย hateย cheesy rubbish like that!" alessia sobbed and you bit down on your lip to hide a smile at the older girls drunken antics.
"my god youย areย suchย aย softย drunk." you laughed quietly to yourself, thumb gently wiping away the remaining tears which threatened to fall before pressing a soft kiss to the strikers lips.
"shut up or-" "or you'llย smackย me, yes I know." you shook your head with a smile, rolling onto your back as alessia tucked her head back into your neck, arms wrapping tightly around your smaller frame. "good." the blonde grumbled tiredly, your hands sliding up the back of her jumper to lightly scratch up and down the girls bare back.
"go to sleep my love." you whispered in amusement pressing a tender kiss to her warm forehead, alessia muttering something along the lines of an i love you before her breathing evened out and her tight grip on your top loosened a little.
you drifted off into your own dreamless sleep, wrapped up in your little love bubble, with your big drunkย softie.
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pia-nor481 ยท 7 months
A Halloween special
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Daniel ricciardo x reader smut 18+
1.7k words
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"I don't get it sweetheart." Daniel said looking, down at his girlfriend. She'd been invited to a house party on Halloween by a few of her friends, who insisted she bring her boyfriend. They were told to dress up for the night of drinking. Daniel had the idea of going as the joker and Harley Quinn. Although she shut him down immediately, she had a much better, dirtier idea. "It's fine if you don't get, almost everyone else will." She laughed lifting the make up brush higher on his leg. "Could you at least tell me why you're painting my leg black. I already have a tat of my other thigh." He said, watching her paint the letters on. "Don't get me wrong, I love seeing you in a short skirt and showing off your tits, but it don't know who I'm supposed to be." She was wearing thick framed glasses and had her hair tied up high. A slutty school girl costume was easy to come by this time of the year. "Baby, I'm gonna freeze. I'm going out wearing just as black shirt and boxers. Not to mention, you usually steal my jacket when your cold, which you will be considering you're wearing next to nothing." She stood up quickly going for a kiss.
"It will be fine, we are inside the whole night and we'll be drinking." She spoke quietly, fingers brushing through his curly hair, his hands made way to wards her waist, pulling her closer. "You are so hard to resist right now." He huffed out, running his hand all over her sides, slipping them below the red school skirt briefly. "I can tell." Dropping down to her knees to finish painting his leg, Daniel let a out a groan at the sight, clearly expecting her to suck him off, disappointed when she picked up the brush. "Oh, don't tease me like this, everyone will be able to see." She gave a small giggle and a smirk as a response. Once finished, she stood up, dragging him in the direction of the door.
"You fucking minx." He let out with an exaggerated sigh, helping her down the steps of the house, guiding her towards the car. While diving, Daniel kept looking over to his girlfriend, he couldn't spend hours admiring her like he wanted, so he had to settle for a glace every minute or so. The drive was long, maybe an hour or so of torture for him. He couldn't even touch her for long as his hand needed to be on the gearstick, cure the manual car. They could hear the music from the end of the road. Daniel felt his anxiety rise slightly, he didn't anticipate this party being so big, it was like something from a film. "You will be fine, Danny, I promise." It was like she could read his mind, always knowing how to make him feel better. He parked the car opposite the door a few houses down the road, most of the space already being used.
As soon as she got out of the car, grabbing his hand, she dragged him through the door. He was happy to follow, as always. They quickly reached the kitchen, looking for alcohol. Daniel's hand's remained on her body the whole time, many of the other guys in the room couldn't keep their eyes off her; he felt the need to protect her more than ever, she was his, no one else's. He was the one she spent hours on the phone will, he was the one she came home to, he was the one making her cum. Doing shot after shot was easier than nursing a full drink, so they felt the buzz a lot faster than usual. She always got handsy when she was drunk, Daniel was aware of this, and he didn't see a problem with it. So he walked her to the living room, where the music was coming from. He was immediately bombarded with the smell of green; But he couldn't care when she was feeling him up until she could feel the beat of the song in her whole body. "Owen Grey and a slutty school girl, that's quite funny." She turned her head to the side, upon hearing her friends voice. It had reached a point where she got giggly, so out of it that she couldn't articulated a proper sentence. She was right, Daniel didn't know who he was dressed up as, but her friends did. "I'll be right back, I'm getting another drink." He didn't like her going off on her own in in a situation like this, but he had so many questions for her friend.
"Who is he?" Daniel shouted over the base. Her friend have him a weird look, painted with confusion, Daniel clarified, "Owen gray, considering I'm dressed up as him and she's not told me who he is." Her friend giggled, pulling her phone out and heading straight to safari. "You seriously don't know?" Daniel gave her a look of disappointment, this amplified after he saw what was on her phone. She laughed out watching him walk away.
Blood rushed through Daniel's body, he was scanning the room for her, he wasn't furious, but almost jealous. He couldn't believe his girlfriend dresses him up as a pornstar to go to a Halloween party, it was unbelievable. He was slightly out of breath when he reached the kitchen, from walking with so much pace. She looked so inviting, if he wasn't on a mission now, he would have sweetened her up a little bit, maybe even played with her hair just because she was so stunning.
"I can't believe you, sweetheart. Honestly I'm shocked." He said, placing his hand on her lower back, as she took another shot and poured him one. "What?" She was clearly more than a little tipsy and Daniel planned to join her. Her hands quickly made way up his chest, pulling on his shirt once she reached the collar. She was intoxicated with him, she wanted him there and then, he would tell. "Come on, before I fuck you right here."
They hurried off up stairs, Daniel let her up before him, claiming he was there to catch her if she slipped or fell, and with those shoes and the volume of alcohol she had drunk in the time she was away from him, it was very likely, he also wanted to enjoy watching her. He could see up her skirt from this angle, and he could see where her stockings met and it only got him hard. Daniel smacked her ass once she reached the top step, her gaze shifted left and right, searching for the bathroom.
Once inside, he pushed her up against the door by her neck, careful to not restrict her breathing. Their lips connected quickly as she pushed her pelvis towards him. Danielโ€™s hand slid up her thigh and into her underwear, feeling how wet her cunt was. โ€œYou are fucking soaked baby.โ€ She whined into his mouth, struggling to breathe. It wasnโ€™t rare for Daniel to get rough with her, they had long conversations about what they enjoyed or wanted to try in the bedroom. This was definitely on the list.
โ€œCome here.โ€ Daniel said, walking away from her and towards the mirror. She was keen to follow, not wanting his hands away from her, even just for a second. He pushed her against the counter, with just seconds for her hands to support her weight, she looked up at him through the glass. Daniel always liked to take his time with her, so he began to undo the buttons of her shirt, as she pushed back slightly, pressing her ass against his cock. Normally he tell her off for this but he was becoming too desperate, this was made apparent by the tent in his boxers.
โ€œBe good. Yeah?โ€ Daniel rasped out, pushing her skirt up and pulling her underwear to the side. She arched her back as he pushed his cock in, not wasting time in teasing her. Her head dipped low, looking down at the sink with closed eyes as he began to rock his hips back and forth. She moaned rather load and quickly tried to cover her mouth with her hand. โ€œNo. None of that. Not after today, making me dress up as a porn star. Do you think Owen Grey could fuck you as well as I can?โ€ She clenched upon hearing the name and stayed silent, choosing to focus more of the sensation he was giving her. โ€œAnswer me.โ€ Daniel enjoyed being dominant, it quickly became second nature when they were together. โ€œNo, Danny. Only you could.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s what I fucking thought, baby.โ€ Wherever Daniel said something particular harsh or degrading heโ€™d follow it up with something sweet, to ease the pain just a little. She began to get drunk on the feeling, the buzz was quickly approaching so she pushed her hips back on his to meet the thrusts. She wanted him deeper. โ€œThatโ€™s it. Good girl. Make yourself feel good on my cock.โ€ His hand edged slowly back towards her underwear. Wanting to rub her clit. He wanted to feel her clench around him, he wanted to hear her voice as she neared ecstasy, he wanted to see the pleasure he was giving her.
Her moans got louder, the faster he began fucking her. She was so close, so close to the edge that her eyes began to roll to the back of her head. As a response Daniel grabbed her hair and pulled so she was looking at the mirror; looking at him. โ€œKeep your eyes on me baby, youโ€™ll cum.โ€ It just felt too good, too much for her. The risk of getting caught mixed with the alcohol made it all so much more pleasurable. โ€œPlease Danny.โ€ She spoke, cumming hard and fast, shaking in his grip, struggling to stay up right. Daniel followed soon after her. The look on her face, the fact she was on cloud nine just sent him over the edge.
Her makeup was smudged and the glasses she was wearing were no where to be found. She noticed a few buttons on the sink as he pulled out of her dripping cunt. โ€œI know, baby, I know.โ€ Daniel said stoking up and down her sides with his tattooed hand. They kissed briefly again, not wanting to break contact. He pushed her underwear into the right place before tucking himself back into his boxers, letting out a light laugh. โ€œLetโ€™s get home sweetheart.โ€
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If this looks or feels a bit rushed thatโ€™s because it is. If there are any mistakes let me know. <3
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totaly-obsessed ยท 8 months
kcc hurt/comfort pls (:
Breaking a Sweat
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x reader request
-> Reader struggles to be alone and gets sick, leaving Kyra to look after her
-> Sick reader, also for this anon!
-> I don't know if hurt/comfort fics are my strength - I tried!
โžณ Masterlist
โ€ขโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ‹…โ˜พ โ˜ฝโ‹…โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ€ข
When Kyra transferred to Arsenal at the start of the season it was a joined decision, that she would not live alone โ€“ and who to better pair her up than with you?
You were the same age, already knowing each other from the national youth teams and while you were an introvert, Kyra was an extrovert. It was a good match โ€“ and Katie obviously did not try to set you up.
She would never do thatโ€ฆ
Living together was an adventure, that is for sure. It was Kyraโ€™s job to do all the phone calls while you did all the paperwork for the apartment and while the brunette was obnoxiously loud, you would not change it for the world.
But now it felt lonely when the young Aussie was gone, having been called up to represent her country for the Asian Olympic Qualifiers. Whilst you could not be prouder of your new friend, you missed her.
Most of your teammates were gone as well โ€“ they had left for the Nations League. With only a few people in training everyone worked harder than you already did, desperate to get some more minutes on the pitch, representing the club.
Alone again, you struggled.
Cooking for one person? Too much work.
Buying groceries for you alone? Waste of money.
And while you forgot to care for yourself, your teammates noticed. And they tried, they really did try to get you to eat at the cafeteria but you were so focused on training that it was of no use.
Kyra returned from National camp when you had an off day, and she half expected you to have cooked something โ€“ your love language being acts of service. But even in front of the door, she could tell that something was wrong.
She could not hear any music, not even the TV running as background noise โ€“ highly unusual for you.
Just as fast as she had the door open, it fell shut again, a gust of wind pulling it close. It had gotten cold quickly, and it was not just cold outside, but also in your shared living space. Quite the contrast from Australia where she had been just twenty-four hours ago.
In complete darkness, the young Australian felt for the light switch, and as she pressed it the first thing, she saw was the messy living room. This was even more unlike you, who always tidied up after yourself.
โ€œY/n?โ€ Her call was met with more silence, but after closing the wide-open windows and turning up the radiator she saw the lump of blankets on the couch move.
No reaction.
Carefully Kyra pulled off blanket after blanket until she was able to see your face. A very sweaty one. โ€œShit. Letโ€™s get you up.โ€
While you normally would have told the girl off for swearing, you did not even react โ€“ barely hanging onto her shoulders as she dragged you to the bathtub. She did not need to take your temperature to know that you had a fever โ€“ so the water was not as warm as you would like it to be, especially not with your high body temperature.
After wrangling you out of your sweaty clothes and into the bath, Kyra called Steph for help who had also just gotten home.
โ€œOkay, you want to get her as dry as possible, her hair as well. Sit her on a chair when you blow dry it. get her into light clothes, no heavy jumpers. Lots of water, ibuprofen, sleep, and cool rags will do the trick.โ€
You were bibbering in the tub, your body temperature cooling down significantly โ€“ and while it took a while Kyra had managed to dry you off she managed to do it โ€“ cooing at you in a desperate attempt to calm you down. While you tried to help, falling over as soon as you moved a centimeter was not much use.
Dressing you in one of her shirts, the young Australian managed to get you into her bed, after deciding that your bedding needed to be changed as sweat clung to it.
โ€œDonโ€™t fall asleep honey โ€“ need to drink something first.โ€ As fast as she could Kyra had gotten a water bottle and some crackers, practically force-feeding you until you fell asleep.
After placing a cool rag on your forehead, the brunette decided to clean up as much as she could. Cleaning the living room, and throwing every blanket that she could find, into the washing machine alongside your sweaty clothes left on the bathroom floor.
It terrified her to find you like this.
Once you were back on your feet, the two of you were going to have a serious talk about self-care. It was hard to grasp for her though โ€“ you had been just fine living on your own, so what happened?
Leah helped the young midfielder realize that it was not her fault that you had ended up like this โ€“ she had shown up at your shared apartment after Steph called her that you were sick.
With most of your teammates gone, you just missed them a lot.
You had gotten lonely, and if possible, Kyra would do anything to prevent this from happening again. Even if she would need to drag you to Australia.
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the-kr8tor ยท 3 months
Hello, I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty:)
(Requesting Reverse Isekai AU thingy please^^)
I don't even have a car ๐Ÿ˜ญ (thank you for requesting muah ๐Ÿ˜˜)
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, lovestruck reader, reverse isekai AU, fluff.
ส•โ ยทโ แดฅโ ยทโ ส”
One minute you're mindlessly scrolling through your phone with your headphones blaring loud music, a minute later you're screaming bloody murder when a geometric glowing portal pops up in your room. It made everything in the room glow orange and yellow as confusion and surprise took over your form.
Are you getting abducted by aliens? Are you in an episode of Rick and Morty? If so, then multiverses are real, it's either that or the mold from your numerous stock water bottles has finally gotten to your brain.
A half second into your contemplation, out comes a man that you're oh so familiar with and oh so smitten with. His boots thump loudly on your floors, spikes glimmering under the red LED lights. The whites of his mask widen when he spots you cowering in the corner, darkness overtakes you when his oh so familiar voice echoes above the whir of the portal.
โ€œThis ain't 1346.โ€ You fall off the bed like a damsel in distress.
You wake up to water gently splashing your face, flicking more like. And your head aching, eyes adjusting to the sudden light.
โ€œFuckin' finally, I thought you were dead.โ€ A garbled voice utters as your ears try to waken up from your deep nap. โ€œYou alright there?โ€ His voice clears and you still think you're dreaming when Hobie Brown's mask pops up in your vision, droopy eyeliner, spikes and all that jazz that you've practically memorized in your mind.
You thought your poster has once again fallen off the walls and onto your bed. But no, when you touched his bicep abruptly, eyes as wide as saucers, lips stuttering out his name. Your favourite character is real and right in your bedroom, flicking water from one of your numerous discarded water bottles on your bedside.
Even your wildest imagination couldn't make this up.
โ€œYou're Hobie Brown.โ€ You say in disbelief, voice just above a whisper.
โ€œYeah, I figured you know me based on all of theseโ€ฆโ€ he roams his eyes on your walls and table. โ€œ...posters and stickers. What am I over here? A rockstar or somethinโ€™? Since you know my name.โ€
โ€œYou're Hobie motherfucking Brown!โ€ You screech, suddenly jumping off the bed, looking like someone just told you Santa isn't real.
โ€œThat I am.โ€ Said man has the audacity to smirk at you. And you swear you would have fainted again. โ€œYou a big fan?โ€
โ€œI love you.โ€ Your voice merely a murmur but he for sure heard it as the eyes of his mask widened for a brief second.
โ€œI think it's time for us to chat, yeah, love?โ€
โ€œL-love? Fuckingโ€ฆโ€ voice wavering, you drop once again, but this time he catches you perfectly without the motion sickness from traveling to one dimension after another.
Hobie chuckles, eyes staring at your sleeping face, mouth still agape from the surprise and skin hot under his gloves. โ€œNever thought someone could faint twice in one day.โ€
There's a glass of cold water in your hands, legs nervously bouncing under the blanket. He sits at the foot of your bed, giving you enough space so as to not make you uncomfortable in your own home, and to also not make you pass out (again) from the close proximity. His iconic boots are discarded, vest folded next to him, and mask in his pocket. You almost fainted again when he took it off.
โ€œSo, this Miles from earthโ€“1610 is gonna get chased by Miguel and the entire society because he doesn't want his canon event to happen?โ€ You nod as he recalls your story. Not a story anymore as this Hobie hasn't experienced it yet. Of course you didn't tell him the entire plot, just in case it rips a hole in the space time continuum. โ€œAnd a few people are gonna need a watch?โ€
You sniffle, skin so warm that you think you're boiling the water in your hands.
โ€œHmm, that checks out. Good thing I started making these watches then eh, love?โ€ His mischievous smile makes your stomach do flips, you're sure he's doing it intentionally.
Pinching yourself under the covers, chugging down the cool water, you muster up enough courage to actually speak coherent words.
โ€œH-howโ€™d you get here?โ€
โ€œFucked up my coordinates, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm not in Kansas anymore.โ€ Hobie chuckles at his own joke before switching his attention to your wide eyed self. โ€œWizard of oz, you do have that here, right?โ€
โ€œY-yes,โ€ you say meekly, drowning in his blue? Grey? Or brown eyes? You have no idea as his borders and colors change every minute or so. Nevertheless, you're absolutely done for. You guess this is what it feels like to meet your favourite celebrity, or in this case, favourite character. โ€œReverse isekai.โ€ You whisper, nerding out at the possibilities.
โ€œA what?โ€ He says in his accent and you tamp down the feeling of wanting to say it back jokingly.
You clear your throat, โ€œnothing.โ€
Nodding, he inhales, eyes darting around your fangirl room full of fandom merch and of course spiderverse merch. He zeroes in on the body pillow peeking under the blanket. You immediately lift the covers up to hide it, accidentally spilling water all over yourself and the bed. *Great, very smooth, you thought.
His eyes are soft and full of endearment whilst he watches you frantically and desperately dry yourself off.
You hope that he doesn't tease, but you know him, know his character, so you anticipate what happens next.
โ€œWhat was that then?โ€ He pats your foot, head tilting to look at you. You feel your head swirl again, and you swear the water spilled all over you evaporates from the sheer heat from your skin.
โ€œN-nothing, Hobie.โ€ You sink into the mattress.
โ€œRight,โ€ He unfolds his vest, putting it back on. โ€œIt's been great, but I gotta go.โ€
โ€œOh,โ€ you blink, โ€œdo you want me to take out the posters? I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable.โ€
He shakes his head with a smile. โ€œNah, not uncomfortable, I've been in worse dimensions. This ain't that bad really.โ€
โ€œThey're bootlegs if that makes it more okay.โ€
Hobie laughs and you practically melt from the sound.
โ€œBootleg, huh? That's a great name, project bootleg it is.โ€ His smile blinds you for a second. You feel like you've ascended to heaven. โ€œI have a tight schedule, being Spider-Man and all, but maybe I can visit again to get some insider knowledge of the future. Eh, Oracle?โ€
โ€œS-sure,โ€ you choke on the singular word. โ€œIt's a dateโ€” waitโ€“ no, I meantโ€”โ€
Hobie chuckles, hands on his hips, bouncing on the balls of his boot clad feet, and border turning bright pink. For some reason, in all your clumsy and goofy self, you just made *the Spider-Man sheepish. Not just any Spider-Man, Hobie Brown, your absolute favourite out of all the thousands of Spider-people in the entire multiverse.
โ€œIt's a date then, no fainting next time yeah? I'll still catch you anyway, but it wouldn't be that fun if you're sleeping through it.โ€
โ€œOkay.โ€ You manage to say, heart loudly beating in your chest when his art style changes into love poems etched into his design.
He jumps inside the portal to hide the poems, winking at you before his body disappears into the void.
As the portal closes, you pass out once again, with a lopsided smile this time.
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youunravelme ยท 4 months
congraaats on 1k!!
could you do โ€œgood! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!โ€, โ€œare you actually leaving?โ€ and โ€œyou actually believed that shit?โ€ with mat? but end it fluffy๐Ÿ˜…
thank you thank you!
(also let's ignore that this was from my 1000 follower celly from MONTHS ago lolol, happy valentine's day!) does this drabble make sense? i don't know, let's pretend it does though.
ever since he bought the ring, he couldn't stop staring at it. and maybe he should've been more careful, like not pulling the ring out when you had just fallen asleep or anytime you left him alone in the bedroom, but he couldn't help it. he looked at it and saw his future.
with you.
like now, he had his back to the door, gazing at the ring snug inside the velvet box. he had all these plans, it was going to be this friday night, he'd already made the arrangements.
however, he was too busy looking at the promise of his future to hear you walk in the front door.
"you okay?" you asked from the doorway of the bedroom.
mat jumped, snapping the ring box shut and hiding it behind his back before he turned around and faced you. "what?" he squeaked out.
your brows pulled together while your mouth twisted down in a frown that was cuter than it had any right to be.
god he wanted to marry you so bad.
would you hate him if he proposed now?
he cursed at himself in his head. you deserved better than a rushed proposal in your messy bedroom.
"mat? you okay?"
he blinked at you. "you're home early."
you glanced at your phone and looked back at him. "i'm actually home later than usual...."
"oh," he said.
"are you sure you're okay?"
mat scoffed, though it sounded more painful than anything. "me? why wouldn't i be okay? i'm great, fantastic even."
you blinked. "okay, you're acting weird, so i'm gonna go shower, i'm getting dinner with syd and holly."
โ€œgood! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!โ€
you laughed as you spun on your heel to walk into the ensuite. mat hurried back to the dresser and shoved the ring box under the underwear in his top drawer.
once his heart rate settled down, your words settled in. mat burst into the bathroom where you were just getting into the shower. "are you actually leaving?" he asked.
he could see you glance at him through the clear glass doors. "yeah," you said. "i made plans for tonight. besides, you told me you didn't want me here anyway."
it was clear you were joking, but mat gasped anyway. "and you actually believed that shit?"
you laughed, and it sounded like music to his ears. "you've been acting odd lately. thought you'd need some space from me."
before he could change his mind, mat stripped off his clothes and joined you in the shower, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. "i could never get tired of you," he mumbled into your shoulder. "did i hurt your feelings?"
you tilted your head to the side, allowing mat to trail his lips up your neck. "nope." you popped the p. "just thought you wanted some space."
mat shook his head vehemently. "i never want space from you. in fact, i don't think i see you enough, so you should definitely cancel on holly and sydney and just stay home with me."
"is that so?"
mat hummed and kissed the spot right behind your ear. "mhm."
"what's in it for me if i stay? i was promised wine and charcuterie."
"i can promise i'll wine and dine you and love you all night long."
you hummed. "anything else?"
mat pulled back just a little. "that's not enough?"
you laughed yet again, and god if he could he would bathe in the sound. you turned around in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his forehead to yours.
"i'll text the girls, let them know i can't make it tonight."
mat leaned down to kiss you but it barely qualified as a kiss because he couldn't stop smiling.
fuck his plans.
he was gonna ask you tomorrow.
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ttoddii ยท 5 months
on my mind, in my heart
pairing(s): teacher! bada x student! f! reader
cw: fluff, written in bada's pov, a bit of cussing if you squint, bad grammar, lowercase intended.
summary: bada have a certain student on her mind that she can't seem to get rid of.
a/n: i hope you enjoy this. i get a big inspiration for this from the song used to me by luke chiang, it's a great song so i hope you guys could also check it out. also, i am very sorry if this is all over the place.
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๐ŸŒŠ: hey, don't stay up too late, i'll meet you up tomorrow at the class alright? at 8? take a good rest.
: alright! good night, bada.
i turn off my phone after texting one of my student. my eyes stare at the ceiling and my mind wandering off to a certain girl.
it's an understatement to say that i had been thinking about her, it's not just 'had been', it's rather like she's always on my mind, making her way running around my head, here and there, at every corner of my mind, she's there, smiling warmly at me. and god, her smile is the sweetest i had ever seen.
it was... a weird feeling.
no, not in a bad way. it was actually very comforting. she's my student, a very excellent student indeed, she would arrive earlier than anyone else, leave later than anyone could. and her dancing skill is exceptionally remarkable.
the way she would smile while dancing, the way her brow furrows when it's a hard move, the way she would bite her lip. it's just normal moves that everyone can do, and yet, i fall for that.
i hate to admit it. i really do. but i don't think of her as just a student.
at some point in my mind, i desperately want to tell her that i like her, not in a 'favorite student' kind of way of course. i want to tell her how much i want to take care of her, how i would let her be the only exception in my life, and fuck i'm busy as hell, but if she ask me to do something, i would gladly do it for her.
it's a fact that i would not mind if she take up my time.
to be totally honest, i even want her to be more reliable on me.
i want to be the one who she would think of when she need help, want to be the one who drive her back and forth while i let her choose the music to play in the car.
i want to be the first one she would think of whenever she has an inconvenient, even if it's just a small one.
i want to take up all the space in her mind.
i want to be able to take her out on cute dates, maybe a cute potery workshop where i could stand behind and guide her to make our own cups. or maybe it's just a cozy date at my house where she would cook the most amazing meal and i will hug her from behind, my face would be burry in the crook of her neck as i breath in her cologne.
i don't think i'm sane when i think of my student in that kind of way. but god, i can't stop my heart from skipping a beat whenever i'm with her, no less having physical contact to guide her in class. it got my heart beating all crazy and my mind go fuzzy.
being around her give me warmth.
i groan, my hands go up to rub my eyes. thinking about her make me feel like i'm a loser for bottling up my feelings.
and it's not a good thing too...
the way... i feel that my bottled up feelings just keep on shaking and stirring every time i see her...
it might explode one day....
and with that final thought. i go to sleep, my mind relax as i dream a nice dream, maybe a dream where it has her, because i'm sure i was smiling all the time when i sleep.
when i arrive at the dance studio, once again, there she stand, stretching, her face focusing at herself in the mirror.
"you know, you don't have to always be early. your teacher also get late sometimes too", i said, grabbing her attention away as she turn her head to look at me.
and she smile. the smile that can make my heart flutter.
"bada! you're early today too!", she exclaim, her voice ringing through my ears as i can't help but smile and nod at her. she's indeed a gift to me.
"indeed... also, can i talk to you about something? i need to tell you this, it's important to me." i said, remembering what i think about yesterday.
it's not like i can't keep the feelings to myself, but i really start to feel it kicking in my nerves. i can't live with myself knowing that i might potentially regret not doing something. so since it is a nice opportunity where there is just the two of us. i feel like i should just stir my bottle of emotion a bit more and let it explode in my heart.
i rather take a chance in which it could make me sad, knowing that i might still have a good chance of winning the bet.
"i had been keeping this bottled up for a while", i said, my figure slowly walking closer to her as her smile remain, she look confused, but of course the smile on her face make me feel like everything is okay right now.
i take on of her hand as i hold it tightly in mine, trying to make her feel as comfortable and secure as possible.
she tilt her head, clearly confuse at my words, but she nod lightly to signal for me to continue.
"it had been a while since someone made me feel this way,
i want to be the one you would call when you suddenly wake up at night,
i want to be the one you think of whenever you have an inconvenient,
i want to take you out on dates and show you the best version of me whenever i'm with you,
i want to take care of you.
so let's not complicate this, and i would go straight to the point.
you had been on my mind and in my heart.
will you be my girlfriend?"
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vampireimiko ยท 11 months
Heyy!!! Could you write about earth 42 miles having a lil make out session with a cheerleader gf?? I do cheer and Iโ€™m so down bad for miles ๐Ÿฅฐ.
nights like these
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warnings, not proofread but other than that none !!
note, this is kinda rushed because i ended up changing my mind about the plot like 3 times (all just to end up going with my original idea...) ๐Ÿ˜ญโ€ผ๏ธ also i don't want anybody above 17 interacting with this or trust you will be dealt with ๐Ÿง
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Today was such a good day for you. At cheer practice you finally perfected a move you'd been practicing for about two weeks now. Miles picked you up from cheer practice and took you out to celebrate your accomplishment. After he insisted you two hang out at his place. It's not like you were gonna decline his request, you were always happy to spend time with your man.
Now its late at night. The cold crisp breeze from outside flowed through the air. Soft rnb music filled the background of the dimly lit room as you and Miles laid on his bed. More specifically, you were laying in between his legs while you scrolled on your phone and while Miles looked down at you and played in your hair.
You noticed his gaze and asked, "Whatchu staring at me for?" You giggle, being flustered at the small gesture.
"You're pretty." Miles shrugged. "Sit up for me real quick, ma."
With that being said, you sit up and he grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. You two stare into each other's eyes for a while and the next thing you know, your lips are moving in sync with one another. A soft groan would come from you or Miles occasionally.
After a moment, you and Miles pulled away, needing to catch your breath. You two really had no idea how much time had passed but it didn't matter.
You've always wanted somebody you could spend time with whether it be quiet or chaotic, Miles was that exact person for you. When you're together, it doesn't matter what your doing, just being in each other's presence calms the both of you down.
"Whew.." you started off with a giddy smile on your face, "That was.."
"Amazing." Miles finished for you, with his voice a bit raspy. You giggled and nodded, unable to contain the smile that danced across your face as you continued to gaze into his mesmerizing brown eyes.
"I never really got how people could kiss for so long, but now? I totally understand." you admitted, your voice filled with a mix of wonder and newfound understanding.
Miles chuckled softly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on the small of your back. "I guess some connections are just meant to be explored and cherished, no matter how long they last."
As you snuggled closer to him, his warm presence enveloping you, you marveled at the depth of the bond you had formed. It was more than just physical attraction; it was a profound connection that extended beyond the stolen moments and lingering kisses.
In that quiet, intimate space, you both shared a comfortable silence, basking in the afterglow of your affectionate exchange. It was in these stolen moments that you realized how fortunate you were to have found someone who not only stirred your heart but also brought a sense of peace and contentment into your life.
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