#i checked over it so im actually pretty confident its right
elle-p · 1 year
P3 Club Book pages 25-26 scan and transcription.
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順 おう、来たな!あのあたりはオレのホームグラウンドだぜい!
チ そういえば、順平と初めて会ったのもポートアイランド駅だっけ。
順 学校もそうなんだけど、人工島にある場所は全部、「新しくできた都市」ってコンセプトで作られてるらしい。ポートアイランド駅前の柱とか、学校と一緒でギリシャ建築風でまとめられてるだろ?
チ 現美にある場所で、モデルになったところはないの?
順 ポートアイランド駅は、晴海トリトンスクウェア。ポロニアンモールは、お台場にある複合ショッピングモール、ビーナスフォートがモデルになってるんだってさ。噴水がある広場なんて、ビーナスフォートにかなりそっくりらしいぜ。ゲーム中は、ポロニアンモールの天井は見ることができねえけど、きっとビーナスフォートみたいに、青空の騙し絵とか描いてあるに違いないぞ。
チ 違いないって······順平、ポロニアンモールの天井、自分で見たことないの?
順 いやー、いつも店の中の商品とか、ゲーセンのゲームとかばっかりに気ぃ取られちまって······上なんてぜんぜん見たことなかった。
チ はぁ······綺麗だから、今度よく見てみるといいわ。
順 あ、でも下はよく見てるぜ!小銭とか落ちてるかもしれないからなっ。そういや、あそこの床って桐の葉のマークが描いてあんだよな。
チ ゲーム本編でも言ってるけど、ポロニアンってのが “桐の葉” って意味だものね。すべて、桐条グループの出資なんでしょ?そういえば、あそこってどういう企業なの?
順 ポートアイランド駅は、晴海トリトンスクウェア。ポロニアンモールは、お台場にある複合ショッピングモール、ビーナスフォートがモデルになってるんだってさ。 噴水があ る広場なんて、ビーナスフォートにかなりそっくりらしいぜ。ゲーム中は、ボロニアンモールの天井は見ることができねえけど、きっとビーナスフォートみたいに、青空の騙し絵とか描いてあるに違いないぞ。
チ 違いないって······順平、ポロニアンモールの天井、自分で見たことないの?
順 いやー、いつも店の中の商品とか、ゲーセンのゲームとかばっかりに気ぃ取られちまって······上なんてぜんぜん見たことなかった。
チ はぁ······綺麗だから、今度よく見てみるといいわ。
順 あ、でも下はよく見てるぜ!小銭とか落ちてるかもしれないからなっ。そういや、あそこの床って相の葉のマークが描いてあんだよな。
チ ゲーム本編でも言ってるけど、ボロニアンってのが“桐の葉”って意味だものね。すべて、 桐条グループの出資なんでしょ?そういえば、あそこってどういう企業なの?
順 えーと、ちょい待てよ。先輩にちゃんと教えてもらったんだ。現在の相条グループってのは、いわゆるホールディングカンパニーであらゆる分野に進出した大企業だけれど、創業当初は機械部品の製造業を営む小さな会社でし······だった、らしい。え、えっと······あとは······。
チ ······アンチョコ読むなら堂々と読みなさいよ。
順 えへへ、悪いな。で、現在中核となっているのは、機械部品製造部門が発展し、現在では最大の規模とシェアを誇る、桐条エレクトロニクスなんだと。つーことはだ。こういうショッピングモールなんかは、メインの業務のかたわらやってるってことだろ?それでこんだけ大きなモール作っちまうんだから、ホントたいしたもんだよなあ。
チ 裏でろくでもないこともやってたんだけどね。
順 まあ、先輩がグループ代表になれば、そういうのもなくなる。
チ だと、いいけどね······。
順 天田も大変だったよなあ。オレも聞いた話だから詳しくは知らねえんだけど、シャドウが暴れたのと荒垣先輩のペルソナ暴走で、家は全壊しちまってそのまんま。今は駐車場になっちまった���しい。ゲーム中のマップで言うと、画面の下の方。荒垣先輩がいつも座ってる場所の、真正面に当たる駐車場が、その跡地になるらしい。そっか······先輩いつも、あそこ見てたんだ······。うう、やるせないぜえ。
順 オレらがいつも通学に使ってるモノレールだな?あれは私鉄で、経営母体はまたもや桐条グループ。人工島の辰巳地区ができてからの、新しい路線つーわけだ。
チ この2駅間を往復するだけの路線なの?途中に駅は?
順 巌戸台とポートアイランドの中間にはほかの駅はなし。だけど、その2駅だけを往復する短線以外にも、巌戸台を超えてさらに先まで行く、直通列車もあるぜ。そうだな、陸のほうを東西に走っている路線があねはづる本線で、巌戸台一ポートアイランド間は単なる分ってわけだ。駅の表示をよーく見ると、すんごい小さいけど付近の路線図があるのが分かるんじゃねえかな?
チ もしかしてオープニングムービーで、順平のところの本物リーダーが乗ってた電車って······。
順 そうだな、あれがあねはづるの本線ってことになるよな。つか、わざわざ「本物」って言うなつーの。
順 確かに落ち着いてて馴染みやすい街だもんな。これは、かなり本物と似てるんだぜ~。
チ やっぱりモデルがあるの?
順 駅前側は、ゆりかもめの新橋駅前がモデル。美術スタッフの取材の成果がバッチリって感じだぜ。で、商店街側のモデルは、JR新橋駅前のとあるビルなどを参考にしたらしい。詳しいビル名は内緒だけど、戸台と同じようにたくさん店が入ったビルがあって、そこにある「つばめグリル」って店は、キャラクターデザインの副島さんオススメの店だと。くぅ~、食ってみてえ!
チ 巌戸台といえば、駅前でいつも工事をやってるわよね?あれはいつになったら完成するの?
順 あー、あそこはな、多分しばらくは完成しないんじゃねえかなあ。
チ 工事が中断してるの?
順 駅前再開発で、また色々な店ができるはずだったんだけどさ、地面掘り返してたら埋蔵金が出てきちまったらしいんだ。遺跡とか埋まってたら工事できないから現在調査中。
順 ああ······オレのまだ見ぬトンカツよ、ハンバーグよ、カレーライスよ!早く出ておいで~。
チ って、期待してると、ブティックとかアクセサリー屋とかしかできなかったりするのよね。
順 うおっ、ありうる······。
順 おお、通好みの質問だな?つか、細かいところまで見てるな~。
チ あずきちゃんには、企画段階ではテーマソングがあったって聞いたんだけど、本当?
順 ホントなんだよこれが。つかテーマソングつーより······呪文?調べると延々と、「あーずきしゃきしゃき、あーずきしょかしょか」って歌い続けるという······。
チ 都市伝説みたいね······。
順 まあ、ボツってありがたいような聞いてみたかったような。
チ ワイルダックはわりと目立ってるし、まあマスコットキャラ以上の隠し設定はなさそうだけど、その構にいるビニール人形は?
順 あれこそが、ワイルダックバー ガーから生まれた次世代ヒーロー!その名も、ワイルドヒーロー!世界を股にかける彼の活躍が銀幕で見られる、映画『ワイルドヒーローネバーダイ』近日公開予定!
チ ······今、作って言ってるんじゃないでしょうね?
順 んなことねえって!ほら、モノレールの中に貼ってあるポスタ一見てみろよ。
チ あ、映画のポスター······本物?
順 そーいうこと。
チ 凝っているというか、スタッフの人も暇と言うか。
順 それは言わねえでくれ······。
順 おっと、これは際どい質問が来やがったなー?
チ ん?何際どいの?
順 じつはこの看板、とあるボツになったイベントに関わってるものなのだよ、チドリくん。
チ ボツイベント?
順 企画の初期段階でな、ボロニアンモールに宝くじ売り場を置くって案があって、最高で3億当たる予定だったんだと。ただ、いくら大金もらっても、使い道がないとユーザーも面白くないだろ?だから、もし1等を当てたら、あの看板の不動産屋で土地と家が買える、ってイベントがあったわけよ。残して欲しかったよなあ······寮より自由な、門限も何もない自由な生活!
チ 主人公君にしか当たらないんだから関係ないでしょ?
順 くそっ、女は夢がねえぜ。
順 おお、オレと同じ魂の輝きを持つ人からの質問だぜっ!
チ ······さいてー。
順 い、いや、これはあくまで男のロマン······。
チ ······さいてー。
順 しくしくしくしくしく。
真田明彦 (以下「真」) という訳で、邪な心に流されないこの俺が、ここから順平に替わって説明しよう。
チ ······どこから湧いたのこの人?
桐条美鶴 (以下「美」) 明彦、 様はもう少しぐらい、煩悩を増やしたほうがいいと思うのだが。朴念仁も過ぎると害だぞ?
チ もしかしてあなたたち、ずっと出番待ってた、とか?
真 さて、さっそく質問に回答していこうじゃないか!
チ ······図星。
美 で、白河町のモデルは何だ?
真 まあ待て、美鶴。ここは、ちょっと他の場所とは違って、じつに粋な形でモデルを選んでるんだ。まず白河通りという地名の由来は、飛騨高山にある白川郷なんだ。
美 白川郷というと、世界遺産の合掌造りの民家で有名な?ラブホテル街とまったく関係ないじゃないか。
真 ところが、関係あるんだよ。白川郷近郊では、昭和初期に連続したダム建設の影響で、水没する村が続出することとなった。だが、そこで白川郷を追われた村人たちは、ど こへ行ったと思う?彼らは、東京の渋谷へと住処を移し、新たな生活を始めたんだ。さらに詳しく言うと、移住先は渋谷の、円山町だ。
美 円山町というと、確か東京でも有名なラブホテル街のひとつ······なるほど、エクセレントだ明彦!
真 そう、白河通りのモデルは渋谷の円山町、そして地名の由来は現在の円山町を支える人々のルーツ白川郷。そんな、奥の深い理由で白河 通りのラブホテル街はできている んだ。ちなみに、直接取材には行かず、インターネットのサイトをあちこち見て、内装とかは作ったそうだ。
チ 変なテンション······。大丈夫かな······この人たち······。
順 感動したっ!!
チ わ、順平っ?
順 感動したっすよ、真田先輩っ!
真 そうか、わかるか順平!
順 この感動を分かち合うため、今また先輩取��巻きの女の子連れて、白河通りに行きましょうっ!!
真 ああ、いいとも順平!
美 ······ブフダイン。
チ ······ガルーラジェム。
美 敵は総崩れだ!一掃する!
チ 分かりやすすぎだよ、順平。(ボカスカボカスカボカスカ······)
真・順 ご、ごめんなさい······。
美・チ 分かれば、よろしい。
よく見ると、ちゃんと「3億円」と売値 が書かれている。
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toniiswrld · 2 months
Pervy wonbin at a party and he fucks you
actually writing a wonbin fic with almost the same concept as this…
but imagine wonbin who’s secretly been eyeing you for a few months. you two had a class together in university, and you had sat next to him first day of the semester when there were no more seats taken. he was quiet around you, and you just assumed he was shy.
he wasn’t usually this quiet, but you made him nervous. the way your perfume was so strong and it was all he could smell for the hour and a half class, and even after you had left the room the scent of you would linger in his nose. he would go to his room, look up your instagram handle and jerk off to your highlights each time.
so when he saw you at this party, in clothes that you didn’t wear in class, he knew he had to have you. the skirt you wore was so short, and he was praying that he could get close enough to you to get you to bend over in front of him. and the top that hugged your tits perfectly, he just wanted to put his hands on them, and his mouth.
after a few shots, you were starting to feel the liquor. everyone in the party had moved to a different area to play beer pong, but you opted on being a moral support for your friends. a warm hand grazed your waist and a soft excuse me left the mystery persons lips as they tried to move next to you. before you could retaliate to the unwanted touching, you realized who the person was.
“wonbin?” you look up confused, not expecting to see the boy at a party like this. he was so quiet next to you in class you wouldn’t think that he’d hang around people this wild.
“y/n!” his voice was almost slurred, and you could tell the both of you definitely had a couple drinks in your systems.
“what are you doing at a party like this?”
“oh yknow… im friends with the host. i’ve never seen you at one of his parties before, what brings you here?” he eyes you, and you suddenly feel shy under his gaze. he didn’t have that soft look to him right now like he usually had. it was dark, and you didn’t know if you liked it.
“free alcohol, hot guys, the usual college party!” you laugh, and he nods along with you before you turn back to watch the game of beer pong in front of you.
getting to the bottom of your cup of vodka redbull, you try to push your way through the crowd of people to get to the kitchen. little did you know, that wonbin was following close behind you. once you were in the kitchen, you finally noticed the long haired boy behind you. truthfully he was checking you out the entire time, the way you walked with so much confidence really entertained him. of course when you turned to see him, he looked away as if he wasn’t even there.
“didn’t know you were following me,” your voice was soft while you looked up at him, and he still had that dark look in his eyes.
“well yeah, wanted to make sure you didn’t get lost. also… we have the good alcohol stored downstairs if you want that instead of this cheap vodka,” his voice lingered and your eyes lit up.
“wait, really?”
“for a pretty girl like you, of course. but i want something in return…”
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thats how you ended up in the basement bathroom getting fucked by wonbin.
propped up on the sink counter, holding yourself up by your hands behind you, while he he has a hand on your waist and one around the back of your neck. you moan out, his cock bullying into your cunt with no sign of slowing down. his grip on your waist so tight you’re sure theres going to be a bruise when he lets you go.
his hoodie discarded somewhere on the bathroom floor, leaving him in just a white tank and his pants pooling at his ankles. he had your shirt lifted up so your tits would be on display for him, along with your skirt flipped up and tights ripped so he could see your dripping pussy while he fucked you.
“wonbin… fuck” you cry, one of your hands going to rest where his was on your waist. he swats it away, and you bring it back to its original position of holding you up.
his hand around the back of your neck prevented you from looking anywhere else that wasn’t at him, so your eyes switched from looking at his face to how his cock disappeared inside of you. it was honestly disgusting how lewd this was… fucking this boy you’ve never even had a complete conversation. the sounds of your pussy squelching and skin slapping filling the room, almost as loud as his groans and your whimpers.
“feels good, pretty girl?” his voice was like honey, but you felt like you wouldn’t be able to speak so you just give him a nod. he didn’t like that though, hand around your neck traveling to your face to hold you by your jaw. “words. need words”
his hand around your waist sliding down to pinch your clit with his thumb and index finger. “feels good! feels so good wonbin” voice hoarse, you look at the boy through your teary eyelashes. he lets out a chuckle in satisfaction, picking up his already impossibly fast pace while looking you in the eye.
“good girl, gonna fill this pretty pussy up” still holding you by your face, he leans in to put his mouth on yours. it was wet and sloppy, no real rhythm just teeth clashing and tongue’s colliding. other fingers swirl around your clit making it hard for you to kiss him back.
“gonna cum, wonbin” you moan into his mouth, biting his lip after the words slip out. his fingers add more pressure to your clit, making you lightheaded.
“go ahead and cum, pretty girl. make a mess all over my cock” his words were enough to make you reach your peak, the string in your core finally snapping as your orgasm hits. hands that rested behind you move to pull wonbin closer to you, now chest to chest as you shake under his body.
his own orgasm hits him, your cunt squeezing him so tight to where he could barely move, pumping his seed deep into you with a loud whimper.
the two of you stayed connected for a few minutes, before he pulled out and grabbed some toilet paper to clean you up. you try your best to make yourself look presentable before you go back upstairs, lipstick smudged and mascara running only slightly. thank the universe for waterproof mascara… you think.
“i’ll go get that vodka now,” wonbin is quick to put himself back in his pants and get his hoodie on, slipping out of the bathroom.
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can u tell i got carried away with this one? it wasn’t too pervy but i hope you still liked it !!
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Break Up With Your Girlfriend cuz im bored~
YandereFem!Vil x Male!Reader/MC
Summary: You and Vil are hanging out on the mall, by then watches you and Neige reveal that you two going out. well not to worry, nothing can't be fixed with a little poison.
T/W: Mentions of cheating
You are tired...
You and Vil are only hanging out on the mall as friends or maybe you as her hired manager but...
why are you carrying all of her shopping bags?
well its practically true that you should be with her all the time she needs you but, this doesn't look like a need.
you tried move some of the shopping bags to your other hand so it won't strain the other you use for holding.
you sigh
she hired you as her fill in manager for school for one reason, she saw your potential as the manager on training camp of VDC rehearsals before.
but what came to you to actually accept the offer to work for her?
ah, that's right. money. something that Crowley can't really provide.
Crowley is like a cheap landlady, but with style and a actual headmaster of the school.
as the only guy at an all girl's school, everyone would look at you in odd way but with Vil, everything changes.
all of their attention would go towards Vil's elegance and beauty instead of you, which you appreciate because people would only see you as a manager of the gorgeous Vil.
there is even a gossip that you transferred to the school just to work for her.
well it's not like you disliked the rumor because it can came out in a wrong way but it's pretty convenient as a cover up of you being magicless and also from another world.
Vil's treatment isn't that bad, a few work here and there so you can have a pay and a break, you still have time with school and your friends whilst still serving her.
sometimes she talks about you to her other manager and it feels like she's bragging you off.
it boosts your ego but you shouldn't get too ahead of yourself to be confident that Vil would always like your performance.
and it's very obvious that you have to work hard but still...
"is shopping like this really work related, Vil?" you struggled at keeping your footing while carrying the branded expensive bags.
"Potato, I need clothes for sets and outdoor shootings, but i don't think i need more of your complaints." Vil responded as her eyes checks out the other clothing stores inside of the mall
"but staffs are in charge of your... haah, why do i even bother" you sigh with frustration
is she still sulking about the internet rumour of you and Neige being together?
i mean it is true that you and Neige were in a secret relationship, you just didn't think that anyone would find out soon.
well Vil found out about it this morning.
since you don't really comment about it when its brought up or just change the topic concerning of it, some of your girl-friends assumed you guys are actually dating and were cheering you on and some others were jealous of you to be together with the infamous Neige.
it seems that Neige hasn't still saw the online rumor since she's currently offline for a week now so she can focus on her role on a movie but you do hope she's is okay with revealing your relationship to everybody to confirm it.
after all, it'll be another convenience if everyone knew you are already with someone who isn't Vil.
You change the bag on your left hand as your free hand took Vil's and head over to a dine in Cafe
"let's take a break Vil, please?" you puppy eyed at her, she rolls her eyes in and intertwined her fingers to yours accept your invitation
since it's Vil we are talking about here, of course even at the mall, people still gaze at Vil with pure awe in her beauty.
even inside of the Cafe, the counter staff and costumers are frozen in gazing at her as she enters.
and then you just came in to break the silence of everyone's stare.
everyone focused back on what they are doing, still flustered by being presented by the beauty of Vil Schoeinheit.
"Do you need anything Vi-- i mean Miss Vil?" you put down her shopping bags under the table of her seat
"why are you taking my order Potato? you are my manager, not some kind of cheap wai--"
"just please tell me anything you would like to eat or drink, i think you need it" you interrupted her, being done with the sass she's giving you the whole day
"a apple juice or whatever, well i kind of want Epel's family apple juice if they have that" Vil crossed her arms looking on the glass panel
"Got it, just wait here Miss Vil"
"Just call me by my name like you always do." she massage the bridge of her nose in frustration.
you leave her side to walk towards the counter, all eyes fall on you as you do
they must be asking questions inside their heads if whether you are her boyfriend or just a worker for the queen bee
"one apple juice of the Felmeir Family please" you cheerfully ask from the cafe cashier as one of the staff inside the counter walk towards the refrigerator to get your apple juice
"hey, is that the famous Vil Schoenheit?" the cashier girl whispers as she pointed at the elegant girl sitting near the glass watching people walk by the Cafe, the glass is also clear that it reflects her beautiful face
"ahaha yeah, actually im one of her managers and i am ordering for her" you also responded with a whisper and a smile
since its Vil we are talking about, she is well known around the world so everybody could literally recognize her even by just taking a glance.
"Oh my god...!! can i have her autograph?"
"oh, I'm sorry but she's actually taking a break and it would ruin her mood if i--"
"oh yes, i saw her post on Magicam two hours ago!! I'm sorry, please wait for my coworker to get you your apple juice" she jittery beamed after disrupting you while you were talking talking
'being a manager of a popular person is so hard...!!'
for a moment the other staffwoman stared at you with silence before handing you the juice box
after thinking for a while, she flinch at recollecting her memory of where she saw you
"Oh my, you're...!!"
you put the cash near the register as you turned your back before they could say anything
they've only knew your name but someone probably already lunched your face to the media,
news spread so quickly like fire on a field of grass
you can hear whispers from behind you but you didn't mind, you are kinda used to it since you've become Vil's manager.
"here's your juice, Vil." you hand the juice box to her
"why hadn't you ordered something? not eating food or drinking anything is bad for both of your health and skin you know."
"if i did, this would seem like a date." you sat in another seat infront of her
"W-WHAT!? this isn't--"
"jeez, calm down Vil, its just a joke"
her face heats up as you giggle with a smug grin in your face.
"your jokes aren't funny Potato, i thought you were serious for a second, i might've given you a chan--" She mumbled
"What was that?" You swore you heard her whisper something under her breath
"Nothing." she continues to sip on the juice box as she averts her eyes from you
she focus her vision on the busy floor of the mall and your own eyes observe her figure, her designer violet tight-fitting dress really takes out her curves, sophistication and sexiness.
not to mention her makeup also brings out her attractiveness.
the only thing that's preventing you from asking her to go out with you is the obvious rejection and your concern about her reputation if she goes out with a nobody like you. and maybe...
well of course you liked Vil but not how you fell inlove at first sight with Neige.
the moment you had a chance to talk Neige after the SDC, you immediately confessed your feelings to her without thinking
she was just... too pure and charming you couldn't help but had a crush.
surprisingly, Neige accepted you as she also confess that she has her eyes on you for a while now.
You and Neige shared your first kiss on that same spot where you confessed to each other.
Neige afterward revealed that her agency actually allowed dating as long it wont interfere with her work.
still, not wanting to ruin her acting career, you two agreed to meet in secret or just sometimes chat each other in your free time.
well its assumed that Neige is dating somebody secretly when she was casually seen leaving her school few times to go to NRC so she can meet up with you.
its not that Neige minds your secret meet ups perhaps she even thinks of it as romantic like a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing.
but this stirred a gossip around of how Neige is beginning to be missing frequently to visit you.
of course, first its called a secret lover and then your name.
people only knew your basic information since you didn't come from this world but this even fuels the rumors of you being the unknown lover.
of course, you don't really mind what other people says but it sure do tiring to get questions all the time on what is it like to be dating Neige, serious or not.
speaking of Neige,
your phone suddenly buzzes with a message bubble on your lockscreen
( Neige: im on my way to you!!❤️❤️😘 )
"EH!?" you slam yout hand on the table as you shout in surprise
your voice wasn't even that loud, yet people looked at your direction confusedly.
you akwardly sat back down after mumbling a sorry.
"Potato? what's gotten into you?" Vil raised her eyebrow to your fidgeting position
"U-uh ah... Vil... don't be angry but--"
you were about to explain her that her worst enemy/your lover is in the same mall she is in but another buzz from your phone interrupted you
(Neige: I'm almost at the floor of the cafe where you and Vi-chan is!! wait for me my prince❤️❤️)
you can't help but smile and be nervous at the same time since you are still infront of Vil.
"What? you know i can't talk to you properly if you are on your phone you know" Vil place her hand down while still holding the juice box
"Well, Vil its because--"
"OH MY GOD ITS NEIGE LE BLANCHE!!" a voice of a woman squealed outside of the Cafe
Vil's eyes almost pop out of surprise as she turned her head rapidly back to the window glass
a petite girl's heels clicked into the tiled floor as she headed to the cafe, her short yellow skirt flatter with her cute dainty steps, her ebony hair flows with her gentle movements as her doe hazel brown eyes sparkled at the cafe's entrance.
everyone had their phones out to record her every gesture.
everyone was starstrucked in seeing her.
except for Vil who already can feel her blood boiling at every second Neige is getting closer.
You stagger to stood up from your seat and fixed yourself up.
Vil was puzzled.
why are you straightening your shirt all of a sudden?
You moved your chair to make way for you to get out but something held your hand to stop you.
"where are you going?" Vil's glare was struck upon you
"ah, that's because...." maybe its time you tell her already, whether she likes it or not...
you finally told Vil what you and Neige have exactly
her pupils dilated with a mouth agape
you break free from her grasp to leave her to greet your lover
"she's my girlfriend, Vil"
she can feel her world shattering by hearing those words
she was too shocked by your sudden news.
after all she thought it was just a silly little rumour to ruin Neige.
her pupils followed your scurrying body towards the entrance to greet Neige.
Neige's face lightened up seeing you as she sprinted as fast as she could to hug you
you catch her and spin her around for a while before fully hugging her
and with that, you confirm your relationship with the famed Neige Le Blanche.
everyone gasped in shock, others were taking pictures and videos of the both of you, and some are calling you filth under their breathes
but just like as always,
you dont care what other people say about your relationship with Neige.
you nuzzle your nose to her soft, black charcoal hair, and her thin arms wrapped around you and her hands tugs your hair.
Vil watched the scene unfold with full of a enraged look on her face.
Vil felt her nails dig into the juice box unintentionally, it overflowed on her hand.
first, the SDC, then the title of being the fairest on the land, and now you.
Neige is smothering your face with small pecks of kisses, but you don't seem to mind, in fact, you looked at her sweetly to appreciate it.
most of the people around the scene looks happy for the both of you, but not Vil.
"remember potato, whenever something is not going your way or either making you mad, just breathe, keep your cool, and think of a plan to make it work out"
funny, she was the one who taught you that yet she was taking her own advice for her advantage.
she steadies her breathing and her grip on the juice box loosen.
finally regaining her composure.
she stood up from her seat.
is Neige really the type of girl you would want to date?
a naive, carefree, and innocent girl?
not somebody who's strong, much more beautiful, and smarter than that?
not someone like Vil? who's a literal goddess of your school.
of course you won't even have a chance if you confess to her, after all alot of suitors tried to before.
but she's willing to run over Neige.
something infuriated in her when she saw you together, with her rival.
you are her potato, her manager, someone she owns.
you shouldn't be around anybody else as long as your work for her
therefore, she's going to do you a favor.
something you would appreciate someday.
Vil is so much better than to steal something that isn't hers but
Neige is really lucky to have a boyfriend like you...
perhaps too lucky.
A Romeo from NRC and A Juliet from RSA
what a perfect relationship right?
it would be such a shame if someone were to ruin such a beautiful and perfect couple.
"Potato." you didn't even notice Vil leave her table.
the clacks of her heels gets closer to to you and Neige.
maybe you were too focused with reuniting with your lover and showing off to everyone that she was yours and you were hers.
you break free from the embrace you and Neige shared to look behind you
Neige tilts her head before looking beyond you.
"wipes please, the juice spilled on my hands and it's ruining my manicure." Vil flings her right juiced hand at you as the other carry her shopping bags
"ah okay then." you reached to your pockets trying to find a pocket tissue or even a handkerchief
finally you fished out a handkerchief and about to hand it over to her
"wipe it."
"did you not hear me, my Manager? i said wipe my hand, its drying up and its getting stickier" she strikes another glare again and her hand gets closer to you
this is a bit embarrassing especially infront of Neige but also reasonable since you left her to be with your girlfriend.
your hand shakily wiped her hand, you felt her soft skin under the cloth, its smooth almost flawless, as expected from Vil Schoenheit.
Neige's eyes sparkled at you and Vil's direction. it was perfect. You, Vil's manager is her loved boyfriend, this is a first way for her to be also close with Vil and loving you for herself.
"hello there Vi-chan!! it was nice seeing you, do you maybe want to hang out with us right now?" Neige clinged into one of your arm, abruptly stopping you from wiping Vil's hand
"sorry Neige, but me and my manager got to do alot of work right now." shopping bags were shoved into you and your hand were dragged by Vil not even sparing you any second to protest.
"ah i see..." Neige cheeriness brightened down with a understanding face
you hand a 'call me' signed to Neige who's still dumbfounded as you were being pulled hard by Vil
"this isn't right Vil..."
"whatever is right, Potato?" her arms clings on your shoulder as you try move a inch in your paralyzed body to get slowly away from her.
how did you even got into her bed anyways? first the two of you are just walking back to NRC and then when you arrived on her dorm she asked you to help her put down her bags to her room.
afterwards you just drank the juice she got you as a thank you for helping her and now you are in her bed, paralyzed, and the one who needed help,
she straddles you, leaning in her beautiful face, and the only thing you can do is refuse her with your words.
her hands grabbed yours and draped it over to her waist and leaned in much closer from before to breathe in your ears.
you shiver, her soft hot breathes are tickling your ears.
you can't move anything yet your body feels her warmth from touching you
"nothing is right on whatever is happening right now. perhaps this would be even considered as a crime" her voice is filled with malice and poison yet the poison is more of an aphrodisiac trying to seduce you.
just imagine it, Neige, the innocent kind girl everybody loves, getting cheated on by lowlife like you, how fun of a news that would be.
not only it'll ruin your life but also might be a reason why you would stuck up to be Vil's manager forever.
though you might be even something more than a manager to her one day,
"you can say that maybe i am hating on Neige but I'm only hating her because i want you darling" her hand trails over your shoulder up to your locks, slightly tugging them. you turned your head away to break eye contact with her
"but for someone who aims high, you don't seem to like the idea of cheating on Neige, very well if you don't want this to be counted as cheating, Just break up with her."
"you can say I'm pretty bored, and i could use a boyfriend."
she trails her fingers on your lips and raises her head to make eye contact
her gaze is too seductive its making you dizzy
with one final tug at your hair she grabs a handful of your locks and pushed you to her face as you feel her soft lips brush against yours.
the kiss wasn't gentle and slow like you and Neige exchanged that day, instead it feels like a battle of how harsh and brash the clashing of yours and Vil's lips are.
you can't think straight, the adrenaline is kicking in way too fast with her topping over you, your hot breath and sweat on your temples and the folds of her, tight dress adjusting with the moves of her body.
your eyes are beginning to blur and your eyes are starting to close.
"sleep tight my dear potato~ when you wake up you'll finally submit to me and you shall ask me to be yours like what you did to Neige, but this time make it better"
a/n: this is not what i planned. *screams into the void to release my emotions* i am so sorry Neige, ily but i need to get this out of my system
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r0b0t1me · 1 year
"#sorry i can only make snippets of scenes and never elaborate on them#unless someone asked me to. huehue" i am begging. you to elaborate the "train me" sketch on the upper right 🥹 and any jr. hcs you have that u wanna talk abt (but only if u want).... also pls your coloring and expressions are INSANE but this is nothing i havent told u before!!!!!!!!! i just think your sketches have so much story bleeding out of them. its great
so funny thing about the train me one....
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some of these are ideas i know ive talked about already, but im pulling a lot from idw where casey copes with fear/anger/insecurity by picking fights and attempting to be a vigilante. leos always the one who portals him out of jail and patches him up but the more i think about it, raph could help in managing his anger or taking it out in a more productive way (duo missions perhaps?), even if he cant unpack the mountain of trauma caseys got on his shoulders
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i cant help it that the scene where casey cusses out leo is engraved in my brain forever. the kids a jones, on top of the constant violence in his life, anger feels like something that would come pretty naturally to him in order to cope* (i know he was raised to be a soldier, following orders and keeping a check on his emotions to carry things out, so i feel like the moment he doesnt have to fight a war and keep himself in line for the sake of other people anymore everything just kind of pours out of him) donnie has easily spent 1000$ in new sandbags for the dojo
*not that i think casey is inherently violent or always upset. but i think the kids a bit messed up sometimes from the. yknow the Everything
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from riches and wonders by the mountain goats. casey jones, the restless ghost who cant feel at home
actually yknow what lets make this post a mile long who cares. i wanna explore casey hanging out with all the boys. i know i focus a lot on him and leo bc their dynamic is so twisted but i need to draw him hanging with mikey, learning to cope with self expression that he never got the real chance to do in wartime. him being around donnie and the two of them both learning they can support each other while still trying to protect their family in their own way (talking mainly abt casey helping donnie with his tech here, since donnies neurotic as hell abt security after the movie to me). casey getting to know raph in general, a living legend to him. and of course cassandra, something i was too afraid to touch on before but now i think im confident enough to try and tackle at this point
i dont think ill ever get around to writing a whole story but i know eventually casey finds stability. in my mind i see him getting a job where he helps people (something in a medical field, maybe). he has a good relationship with his family, and practically lives with them 75% of the time. leo is the one hes closest to, of course. he travels the world alone after a few years and cries over fleo never getting to see it, but knows that wherever his master is that hes at peace, knowing that at least casey had the chance
i have more to talk about but im running out of steam and im starting to get embarrassingly heartfelt the longer i ramble so um- (EXPLODES)
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Eridave Fic Recs
im 99% sure ive already offered my fic recs for eridave but im going to do it again. i havent gone through the tag in a couple of years and it seems like its gotten more popular than it was back in the day, but heres my list of top fics
Lee Shore
by JumpingJackFlash (@jumpingjacktrash on tumblr i think?)
"I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora's new contact information." "No, man, I didn't even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It's not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once." "As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog." "Dramariffic." In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
starting off so strong with THE eridave fic. i have reread this one very recently actually so i can tell you w complete confidence that this is the best one. this is THE one. if you only ever read one eridave fic make it this one. and then come back and read mine no but like im being so real rn its so good. eridans pretentious and a dickwipe and juuust whiny enough and daves complete no bullshit attitude with him works so well. their dynamic is peak in this, like. its everything.
Prince Unicorn (If There's Anything More Important Than My Ego Around, I Want It Caught And Shot Now)
by spritezee
After years spent mastering his job-hopping skills on the interplanetary level, a combination of chance and fortunate family ties lands one Dave Strider a job as a personal bodyguard to Eridan Ampora, prince and heir to an almost unparalleled fiscal empire. He assumes it’ll be just another job he’ll be able to leave behind when the time comes, another story to tell on slow nights where the man with the most tales is the king of the universe, but as all things in life, nothing is ever quite that simple.
spritezee writes some of the best eridave fics out there. this one in particular is my favorite. its not only a space au but its really a love letter to the scifi genre and you can tell just reading through it that a lot of care went into the worldbuilding. dave and bros relationship is a total mess in a way thats honestly really interesting, and zee always writes a great dynamic for eridan and dave. plus, you HAVE to admit thats a great fucking title
Little Brother
by spritezee
When John asked you if you were feeling any better yet earlier you told him you were fucking lonely as balls and considering changing your occupation to prostitute so you could find your own personal Edward Lewis to pay you loads of money for standing around and looking pretty. Then you told him you’d always wanted to have sex on a piano, so it’d all work out fine. The reference went straight over his head, which in hindsight should not have surprised you in the least because Pretty Woman isn’t really John’s usual genre, and even if it had been it’s not anywhere near obscure and shitty enough to catch his eye. When Rose asked you the same thing a few minutes later you told her you discovered the small store at the far side of your street carries penis-shaped candles and that you now swore by watching them slowly burn down right to the waxen ballsack as a therapeutic relaxation technique.
again, always a great eridan and dave dynamic w this author. if it wasnt really clear by the summary, this fic in particular is fucking hilarious and dave and his wandering metaphors are a lot of fun in it.
other than that, tho, all of my recommendations are just going to be more of spritezees fics, so i REALLY recommend that you just save me the time and go check out their stuff yourself. if i ever delve back into the eridave tag ill make sure to let yall know if i find any bangers
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bread--quest · 2 years
ok so i want to post my observations/stories about my coworkers but obviously i don't want to dox them but also i can't just keep saying "my coworker" because a) that makes it sound like theres only one which would get confusing and b) what if theres multiple of them in a story. so i thought it over and decided the most simple american way was to rank them all by how much i like them and refer to them as such. if you are interested in hearing stories of my fun job adventures it will be helpful for you to internalize the following list:
coworker #1 (they/them): my favorite one. fellow intern. they're really cool. they taught me how to play speed (card game) and used they/them pronouns for me and lied to our boss once (told her we were talking about intern projects when we had actually been discussing ofmd). they have a tumblr and are really good at fashion. i have a crush on them and i hope they never find this post love and light
coworker #2 (she/her): also an intern! was on myspace right before it died and also on neopets. this garners her more respect from me then almost any of my actually older coworkers. from florida which is one point not in her favor but it's chill. i introduced her to picrew yesterday and she loved it
coworker #3 (he/him): one of the interpreters/tour guides. i thought he was like mid to late twenties until yesterday but he's actually 18 it's just that he has an entire beard and the manner and bearing of a camp counselor. anyway he's really nice and fun to talk to
coworker #4 (she/her): like the second-in-command after my boss kinda. she's pretty cool, comes around to check on everyone. wears sunglasses even though she doesn't seem like a person to wear sunglasses but she makes it work
coworker #5 (she/her): another of the interpreters. she's the youngest person here but very capable. she seems cool
coworker #6 (she/her): probably the oldest person here? she's really cool, talks for a bit too long sometimes but y'know she has a lot to talk about so i don't mind.
coworker #7 (she/her): older woman. seems nice
coworker #8 (she/her): my school librarian which is awkward. she keeps asking me about school stuff and im like im sorry School Sonder isnt here right now this is Work Sonder please call back later
coworker #9 (she/her): older woman. new here. very nervous about being new here. keeps making other people do a certain demonstration for her because she's not confident in it. i keep trying to explain the concept of "fake it (confidence) till you make it (through the demonstration)" to her but its not working
coworker #10 (he/him): a young adult with the energy of a teen boy who has just entered puberty. doesn't seem to have a sense of what's appropriate for what conversations always. funny in a "i would like to study him" kind of way
coworker #11 (he/him): middle-aged guy who talks a LOT about boats. has a lot of opinions on boats. may be from massachusetts. keeps trying to make suggestions to make our tours be more accurate (read: have more details about boats). his main redeeming quality is that he seems to have some level of self-awareness about the fact that he talks way too much about boats but he is making no effort to change this
my boss (she/her): separate from the others because she's my boss. she's pretty nice and i like her but i'm a little scared of her in the way youre scared of authority figures who you both want and need to like you. sometimes she assigns me projects and then forgets about them entirely which is honestly kind of relatable
archivist (she/her): on the same level as my boss but not actually my boss because i don't work in the archives so i'm not intimidated by her. very nice. likes doctor who. sometimes she stops talking mid-sentence and stares blankly ahead for like 10 seconds before resuming her sentence. i don't think anyone at this museum is neurotypical
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salaciousslut · 3 months
I'll try to not be too distracting since i know how important exams are, but i know you'll ace your exam. You're a smart girl<3 I hope you have fun when you go out after, I wish i could be there to take care of you while you're having a good time. Im glad you feel honored, you've just been on my mind a lot🫣 pretty music makes people think of pretty people<3 Kali is one of my favorite artists, if a scandal about her ever broke out it'll break me inside bc as a latina, Im a big supporter of other latinas🤭
Im basically the same way, I used to be extra prepared charger cords and all, but nowadays all my friends and i need is like IDs, a wax pen or two, and our phones 🤭 but im def making sure my friends are safe bc i have the most wits about me when we're drunk. Yeah i was thinking about you 🫣 i had to reel in my thoughts before i got too turned on though so at least it wasnt too worrisome. You'd fit right in with us sweetheart<3 it would've been so nice to have you on my lap drinking with us and talking to us🥺
Such a sweet girl, speaking when told to<3 makes me feel better that you get it, and you wont think that i dont care! Ive had a few people think that before.
Youre so cute sweetheart<33 and with you saying it so confidently it makes my heart ache a little that i really cant just show up to your apartment and use your pretty little pussy</3 you deserve to be used after using your brain to study all day 🥺
I like seeing others happy too, if you were just a pretty girl i was walking by i'd give you a complement on how you wore your hair and one on your outfit just to see you smile, wouldn't ask for a number or nothing, just an innocent complement and hope it made your day better. I dont like one sided shit so it makes me happy to see you say that first 🥰 you really know how to make a butch feel special you know that? Youre too good at flattering leos, sweetheart. I think you holding my face in your hands would fix me actually<3
Wait thats too cute 🥺 if i got to be comfy enough i would definitely be more than willing to let you learn my schedule! I would love to ft with you whenever you wanted omg🤭 you are too sweet<333 i bet so many people would be jealous of the fact that such a pretty princess isnt calling them up out of the blue<3
I promise im not too hard on myself, last time i needed to check myself was well over a year ago. I know i deserve good things. And not to be on some hippie shit but if i didnt think i did, i wouldnt be willing to accept all the ways the universe has helped me. Im growing but i still still slip up like everyone else you know?
youre not distracting at all!! you are a welcome break hehe!! my brain hurts but i love talking to you! and youve been on my mind a lot too!!
yes i always have some meds and chapstick and chargers and eye drops and stuff haha. but when im drunk i get a lil carried away so take care of me okay? hehe
yes im such a good girl hehe!! i just wanna be relaxed and spend time with someone!!
stop i love when people compliment me!!! it makes me sooooo happy and i feel more confident that day. plus coming from a kindhearted soul like you? it would make my day
yay!! i love calling people! especially video calling bc i just feel like its more personal! plus i love seeing people hehe, makes my heart full!! and i should be the one who people should be jealous of! look at you!!
yes i completely understand! im glad you are at that mindset! i feel like thats a very mature way to look at things
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dothemindything · 10 months
dont worry, most people are probably even less safe at home! a lot of people are less vigilant when they think theyre safe and some dont even keep their doors locked all the time!!!! the real mistake is in assuming you are ever 100% safe anywhere you go. my most recent home security methodology, aside from locking the doors and windows and adding a handful of traps, is twofold. ive convinced the town that this abandoned house is haunted, which keeps away all the superstitious types but sometimes i get too into the role which is how i end up getting singed (not that fire of all things bothers me that much), and that the house is full of asbestos, which keeps away the practical minded people and lets face it, it honestly might have asbestos anyways! once the location has been established as a no go around town, i can just dump the angel there and check on him for a few minutes maybe once a month, and i just go do whatever the rest of the time! thats still probably the best system in the longterm though, because like, have you ever met an actual angel? not the puny little runt kind that treekat found, but a real legit one? because i am entirely confident in your abilities, but i think just finding and trying to make contact with their mind might literally melt you
(p.s. i would like to add that i tune out most of whats on my dash save for when my incredibly uncommon name pops up!!!!!!!! i resent your accusation that *im* the depraved one for having a few questions about where your “repurposed, but dont ask what the original purpose was” chains came from, and i ****especially**** resent you going off on a tangent about the depraved carnal desires the rest of us have when you are one of the few people that knows what happens when i try to pretend to be normal and clean like your royal majesty. its fine if you arent interested in activities of a sexual nature, but you dont have to be a weirdo about it @-@)
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skittsyteacup · 1 year
TW VENT!! dont read if ur sad or smth!!!
i hesitate to write this. genuinely. theres people i know will see it and theres those who wont but i really want to. i dont even feel upset writing this, i feel pretty good actually. i think writing this wont help, i know it wont, but itll be said right? which is better than nothing(maybe). 
some of us, and i wont name, have a horrible habit of checking accounts of people we no longer talk to and wow! you guessed it. exs fall into that. its mainly to see how theyre doing(usually /neg) or cus theyre bored. but we all get those memories. and the pain can meld to others which sucks, really. thankfully this doesnt happen often! but it still happens and it still hurts. an example is one of them sent a anon tell to an ex of ours asking if they checked their exs accounts. part of the reason why other than curiosity was because we were a little suspicious they sent us tells n shit. im more confident they dont now after a bit of research but we cant talk in headspace easily. and even so who wants to talk about their bad habits? not them. but to the actual point, ive had nightmares my whole life. i dont have dreams anymore as far as i can tell, they always morph their way into something i dont count as a decent thing. and more often than not ive found someone from our past whos hurt us a lot is always there. we had one with a man named steven who ruined our childhood a couple days ago. we screamed at him about how we hate him so fucking much and personally? thats progress! we recognize we didnt deserve it. we recognize that it was wrong and he deserves to burn. 
but quite a few of these nightmares have our most recent ex. since theyre not almost dead like steven i wont name them, ill refer to them as K. im not sure theyll see any of this. part of us hopes they will. part of me hopes that too. id like to help set the record straight.
we dated them for a year and a few days. we met on discord and grew close in a short amount of time. they were 16, i was 14. theyre 18 and im 16 now. so its been almost 2 years, its been 2 years since we met though. the relationship was good as far as i knew but now as ive grown i realize even if the age gap isnt big, thats 2 different maturities. they were hypersexual, i was asexual. the pressure made me graysexual and im also now hypersexual(in a way). i felt bad for saying no, which made me what others see as a shy partner who relies on their s/o to function. i felt bad that i didnt rely on them to exist, as if theyd get mad at me for not needing them to breath. and i think i was right too. even if they think now ‘no i wouldnt of’, i know that that would upset them. because in a way, a twisted way, thats upsetting to someone who wants to be your whole world. they want you to only need them. theyve probably changed. i hope theyve changed. 
but someone stalked their tellonym the other day to see the answer to the tell they sent and they found something else, im quoting so i dont fuck it up,  “whats your opinion on a partner that is being shy?”                                        “it’s whatever but i can’t stand overly shy partners like i’m not going to do everything for you. my ex was like that and it drove me fucking insane”              i want to scream and yell that ‘you did this, this is your fault, it was and still is a problem you created’ but ive grown too. we’ve grown. but i want to talk about how youre wrong, K. how wrong you are. you got upset when i told you no, when i wasnt ready to fuck, when i had issues sleeping, when i hung out with anyone, when my constant attention wasnt on you. you probably dont remember it like that, and thats ok but it wont change my memory in any way. you can shit talk me and i know you have about things you shouldnt. you can get angry over this. i hope you do in a healthy way and right now some of us disagree with me hoping that. back to the topic at hand, though, i felt like you would hurt me if i didnt get your permission or do something you didnt like. maybe thats why i got called co dependent. and i dont mean physically, that youd hurt me like that, i meant mentally. i wouldve dont the physical part. i know i wouldve. i know all of us wouldve. an unspoken part of our brain thought if we didnt then we didnt love you. i remember one time, i was up past 12. you woke up and saw. you got upset, made me feel like the worst person because i wasnt asleep. i went into another room and hyperventilated, having one of the worst panic attacks ive ever had. thankfull i was too distraught to search for anything harmful, and the house was small(we all slept in the living room, the other 3 rooms were in shambles(kitchen worked a little)) so searching for stuff was noisy already. and i knew if i relapsed you would make it about you. which is another thing. i dont think you ever realized it. i could never bring it up either for that reason. i didnt like talking to you about my issues because id just end the topic feeling worse than i started, but this time id also feel like i hurt you. and since you didnt like me talking to other people, and when i was i had to tell you, i just never said anything. and when id have doubts about our relationship, like i felt like you didnt love me/i didnt know how to handle something with you/you did something i didnt like/i noticed a red flag/you think im cheating, i didnt have anyone to talk to. i think i didnt break up with you because i never vocalized my doubts too. i did ask my friends during our half ass break if i seemed like a cheater, if i was like one, if i had tendencies of one. ive been cheated on before and i personally dont think im like one at all but others insight helps a lot! they said no, though, but part of me is still scared they lied. it doesnt matter much anymore though. anyway. to continue on your wrongdoings of a sort, you also accused me of cheating many times within the last week or two of our relationship because i 1) didnt let you log into my discord, you never told me why you wanted to and i wasnt ready to talk to you about a few things until i saw you(or was supposed to) 2) called you a new petname, i called you a lot of things related to the moon i dont understand why that upset you 3) everyone you talked to about us said i was cheating(ill admit, im still a bit disappointed your mom thought that too.). i cant think of anything else at the moment. but still its all bad, right? i dont know anymore. i still feel like i deserved everything you did to me. but ive been told i dont. that i didnt deserve the sexual pressure and the sexualization, that i deserved a nurturing relationship. but you still helped shape who i am now, mostly for the worst, but i know what not to do now so thats something?
im gonna end this here. its long enough, ill continue at a later date if i need to, reblogging is a thing here. i just needed somewhere to say this. theres more to say but god this is long?? enough for now??? and i need to do other things. on a side note, i hope osiris is doing well.
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moonbinscirera · 1 year
Omg how funny!! I used to know of kpop wayyy back in the day but then my friends were obsessed with Blackpink in 2019 and I remembered them, checked them out, and fell deep into the kpop blackhole and haven't left since 😂 I pretty much followed your trail as well - give or take a few... but same - svt are soooo dear to me now and caratblr is so lovely as well 🥺
I tried to get into Astro like I know their names and most of what they do - obsessed with Moonbin and Sanha toooo - but they didn't stick unfortunately either 😔 but I think your URL is so fun and cute - especially after I saw I was assigned as your gift giver hehe!
Oooh I know, like I fell in love with their Ready to Love era aesthetic and then when Attacca was dropped - ATE that right up 😂😂😂 I don't think I'll ever get over that era - Rock with You is still a diehard listen 🙇🏻‍♀️ and you're so right!! The visuals were insane - I really loved seeing Joshua more confident and absolutely shining during the era (and that vocal unit photoshoot by the water... 😵‍💫) omg that also reminds me one of your favorite dynamics is kyeom and hao - they were sooo full of love that era 😭 ooh and another question haha - what drew you to your bias line??
no because my friend literally dragged me into this hole because before this i was just a weeb and i had started getting bored so i was like mmmm whats up with this whole kpop thing and my closest friends were an army a stay and a monbebe and the mbb jumped first 💀💀💀
thank you so much 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and highkey their unit never misses they always understand the assignment!
ohke so like fun fact about me is im a serial album buyer so if theres an album that looks cute or has a fun creative concept to it imma snap it up plain and simple so when lnr came out and i saw it was a diy album i was like yeah imma need that and bought 8 of em dhddndhd mind you i really didnt know svt then like at all except woozi cuz hes my friends ult and joshua because uh??? actually idk why i already knew shua
exhibits a & b:
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like haos love at first sight but i do really like how hes such a *gestures vaguely* worldly and artistic person and has such a serious earnest air but is so deeply unserious at his core its fun???
wonwooo and hoshi i just really love their vibes for completely different reasons they seem like people id be really good friends with and i love funny boys and theyre so cute like idk i wanna put em in my pocket ya know?
also not to double back on myself but i really only built half of those albums then got tired 😭 and never built the other half
0 notes
chewmycherry · 2 years
habits that svt members have during sex
but actually it’s only like half the members bc this was a draft from ages ago and i forgot what i intended to write for the rest IM SORRY LOL 
➵ featuring: soonyooung, jihoon, minghao, mingyu, seokmin, and chan (x reader) ➵ genre: nsfw headcanons that are also oddly wholesome?  ➵ word count: 558 ➵ warnings: this honestly isn’t too explicit, there’s just a glimpse of eating out and that’s pretty much it ^^
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soonyoung: im so sorry to say this but he will definitely pull a horanghae in bed both as a joke but he somehow also turns it into smth sexual??? i just imagine him with his high stamina and all going round after round, pounding so hard into you that you’re basically quivering under his touch. this dude moans and groans but right when he’s about to cum? he curls his fingers and claws whatever he can grab a hold of—your back being the greatest victim as he starts from the flat of your shoulder blade down the sides of your back as he growls right in your ear
jihoon: i don’t necessarily know why there’s a part of me that believes jihoon is embarrassed to show his face to you during sex. and as much as you brave yourself to grab a hold of his jaw or a fistful of hair so you can meet his gaze. he just. won’t. let you. instead he buries his face in your body. in the crook of your neck, the valley of your breasts, taking his sweet sweet time in between your legs. and every attempt you make to pry his head away, he nuzzles his face deeper into your core
minghao: honestly, i don’t know how to accurately explain? i just- minghao loves to feel you. just every inch of your body. every curve, crevasse, muscle, bone, flaws and all. sometimes its soft, he slowly roams his hands up and down your body, his fingertips barely feeling like feathers. other times his grip gets a little too tight and the innocent grazing turns soon starts to turn into deep scratches all along your back, forearms, and thighs. but there is not one moment in time where his hands leave your body
mingyu: he’s def confident but there are times during sex where he can get so shy and he doesn’t want you to know that. was the foreplay enough? was he going too fast, too slow? is he really making you feel good or are you just faking it for his sake? so to ensure that you’re having just as a good time as he is, he periodically checks up on you by placing his hand on your cheek and directs your gaze towards him. seeing your fucked out expression gives him the slightest bit of relief.
seokmin: this baby worries over every little thing. no matter how often you guys do it :( and it’s not the case that he doesn’t know what he’s doing or shy over his actions, you already know how doubtful he can be sometimes and you always make sure you vocally and physically react to his every touch. he’s more worried over how you’re feeling emotionally. yes, sex is fun and all but it’s still a special moment that’s shared with just the both of you! so he makes sure to always hold your hand whenever he can
chan: this isn’t really during the act, but right after you both reach your highs and clean yourselves up, he always asks to suck your nipples before both of you pass tf out. he doesn’t even do it with the intent to start up again, he just thinks it’s relaxing !!! he claims it’s his form of aftercare like a nice lil boob massage or smth
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kio-may · 2 years
Dorm leaders (riddle,leona,azul) x gn!reader on period
These r period hcs soo,, afab reader but for the most part its gn :)
Writing this on a whim bc inspiration said so and i lose motivation the moment i open docs so this is very rought im trying pls
Ive also written malleus period hcs before so hes not included here </3 you can find it here
I will be writing the other dorm leaders later
Enjoy <3
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Hes like
I mean his mom probably did teach him about periods so he has a very formal understanding of the ins and outs
Butttt he doesn't know that it actually hurts
So when you're complaining of cramps and body aches hes confused
When you explain it to him he's just like
LWNSOQJWK he's also one of the more stiff ones here
You don't know it but hes actually freaking out internally
What should he do?? Do you need medicine?? Is this normal??? Does this happen 24/7?? Help¿¿
He's trying to be the best boyfriend you can have
You have to calm him down and explain it a liiitle bit more to him
And after he's adjusted he checks up on you often and asks if you need anything
If you need period products he's in the aisle sending you pictures of every brand until you confirm the right one
Actually kind of reliable, always has painkillers on him from hereon and sometimes offers you a heatpack when you're in his room
Cuddles are a bit stiffer
I'd say he actually holds on very tightly to you normally even when cuddling or sleeping but now that you're on your period and sometimes in pain, he's constantly holding himself back from holding onto you a bit too tightly, so he's a bit tensed
Overall? Kinda wonders how you're able to function through so normally while being in pain. He admires you a tiiiny bit for it.
Later on when you're both more comfortable with each other and he's used to it, he'll be pretty decent and reliable
Still frets over period products tho
Although he's trying so hard to be patient when you're more irritable lol. His forehead vein is visible.
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Probably actually knows about it quite well.
He's lazy but not an idiot
His cuddles are top tier. Will wrap his arm around you and bury your face in his neck, has the warmest body and his grip/hold on you is perfect, not too firm and not too loose, just perfect really.
Doesn't really like massage you but more like runs his hands over to soothe your pain a little. He is very warm, I'd say his hands would perfectly work as a heatpack. And when he does massage you its very gentle but also firm, although he's only doing it in places he can currently reach without having to change his position
Tones down his teasing, doesn't mean he's completely cutting it off tho, you'll still have to expect some unless you're really saying that you don't want it
If you need anything it's actually ruggie who's doing the work lol, and he happens to know which ones to get as long as you specify. Leona is not getting up anytime soon.
Whether it's your first time with Leona handling a period or not, he's remaining in this constant stage. He's the same with you on your period when it first happens in a relationship with you and stays the same even after a while.
Whenever you're irritated or angry he'll just pull you in for a nap
If you're not skipping classes with him he's sending ruggie to check up on you once in a while for sure
He's actually pretty calm for the most part, doesn't take it as anything huge,just chill really.
Pop off king
He'll listen to your struggles if you're in pain and will talk shit about periods with you even if he's never had one, he's just the type of guy to go "it's uterUS". Although he's not really talking as much, more of a listener here.
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He's like freaking out a bit
And it's kiiiind of apparent
Like Riddle, he also has somewhat of a formal education, HOWEVER
He also understands a painful gap between marine life and yknow, humans? Yeah
So the guy disappears for like half a day and comes back, confident as ever (still a nervous wreck inside)
He does somethings that you don't have to tell him to do anymore like get some extra period products, maybe have painkillers on him and the like
But he's a bit reluctant on massaging you considering he doesn't really know how firm is too much
So if you're guiding him he'll do it, but he'll have to do it several times before he's actually comfortable with it
Despite knowing what periods are he gets a bit freaked out by them from time to time, the idea of dead blood seeping from such an intimate part is sometimes unsettling to him, but he's able to brush the thought aside quickly
Fusses over you a teensy bit, subtly also encourages you to skip class take a break, and sometimes gets concerned over your period cramps
Either he's a bit embarrassed to get your period products because he doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't want to appear dumb in the aisle or hes getting multiple business ideas, in any case i suggest you go get them or he's asking jade to get some
^if jade is not available,do NOT let floyd get them, they're going to end up dripping with water for some reason and all he's going to tell you is he "dropped it"
He's also a bit concerned about you being more irritable on your period, but doesn't show it
When he's more comfortable and used to it, he'll often offer massages and cuddles, but even then he's a bit tense. He's very sweet tho so 😎
Starts to always have painkillers and period products on him
Overall he just feels like he doesn't really know much and is a bit tense, just give him some time to get used to it <3
Sometimes, and i mean only sometimes he starts offering "solutions" to "wanting to rip out your uterus"
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dollslayer · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
W/C: 4,642
Warnings: NO MINORS, Smut, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hey! I know it's been a minute (sorry), I wrote this for @saiyanprincessswanie's writing challenge using the bartender au! If you like this please reblog and comment and check out my other fics!! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You sighed internally before slapping on a smile for yet another group picture. Your bridesmaid dress was itchy and you already regretted spending the entire night in it, as the reception was just starting. But it was your sister’s day and you decided that if what she really wanted was for you to wear this itchy monstrosity to honor her wedding then damn it, you’d do it. So you leaned in close with the rest of the wedding party and posed some more.
When the photographer had finished with his photos you were ushered to the family table and wedged between your mother and your aunt. You mentally cursed your sister for seating you with them because they were going to spend the entire night trying to set you up with someone while simultaneously lamenting that you’d dumped your boyfriend of 4 years just a month earlier. Your mother wanted grandchildren so badly, you didn’t know why she couldn’t just settle to get them from your sister.
“Sweetheart, you and Steve were so good together though! Remember when he surprised you at Christmas with that puppy? I don’t know how you let a man like that go…” Your mom chided.
You grabbed the attention of a passing server and grabbed the champagne off their tray. If you were going to have this conversation again you needed liquid courage to do so. You downed it in three sips and your mom scoffed at you.
“Mom, we've been over this. I didn’t ask him to do that, we agreed we weren’t ready for a dog. Ugh, oh my god, anyways, we just didn’t work together. Sometimes things don’t work out, Mom. You’ll still get grandkids, just not from me.” You patted her on the shoulder but she just pursed her lips and looked past you to your aunt.
You wanted nothing more than to get wasted but you couldn’t do that to your sister. You wouldn’t get blackout drunk, but you were definitely getting drunk tonight. The reception was being held in a hotel and the wedding party had a block of rooms reserved so it’s not like you had to drive. You just had one thing to do before you did that.
The moment you’d been dreading had finally arrived, the toast. You held your freshly topped-off glass of champagne and brought your fork to it to get everyone’s attention. Someone handed you the mic and you hesitated before taking it and nervously cleared your throat.
By what you assumed could only be the grace of God you managed to deliver the perfect toast about finding the right person and soulmates and anything else you might find in a hallmark card with only minor stumbles. Everyone clapped and your brother-in-law wiped a stray tear and everyone finally dug into dinner. You just hoped that would mean your mother would be quiet about Steve for the next 20 minutes and then you could escape to the open bar.
You almost made it through dinner scott-free and sat back to watch your sister’s first dance. Just when you thought you were in the clear it was your aunt that threw a wrench in your plans. She was three glasses of wine deep and had that glassy look in her eye when she grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer. She spoke to you in a low voice while trying not to fumble her words.
“Listen kiddo, I know your mom is hard on you about Stevie but she just wants what’s best for you. What you two had… it was so good even I liked him! I don’t like anybody y’know that. So.. so why don’t you jus’ give ‘im another chance, make your mom happy? Couldn’t be that bad, could it? Maybe he’ll even… surprise you”
You mentally blocked out her words halfway through her speech, hoping neither of you would remember it by the end of the night. Right now you just had to get her to stop so you could get away from the table. You didn’t think you could take one more second of being shamed for leaving Steve.
You smiled sweetly and nodded in understanding towards her words.
“I know, Aunt Linda. I know. Sometimes things happen, I love mom but I’ll find someone else.”
With that you patted her on the shoulder and took off in search of the bar.
There were two bars and you wanted to go to the less crowded one. Looking around you had spotted it just past the dancefloor and made a beeline. Weaving through the now open dance floor and escaping the invitations to join your family you finally made it and leaned heavily against the countertop with a sigh.
“Rough night?” Your eyes follow the gruff yet amused voice and find that it belongs to a very handsome man with a defined jaw, clear blue eyes, and long hair that was tied back.
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t know that half of it. Nothing like a wedding to remind you how single you are” You joked.
“Ah. Yeah, that’ll do it. That’s rough. You look like you need a drink, what can I get you?”
“Dealer’s choice. Just no vodka.” You requested.
He smirked and nodded, perusing the lines of bottles that were in front of him. He bit his lip as he concentrated on what to make and you tried not to stare. You watched him get to work on your drink and couldn’t help but notice the way you could see his muscles move underneath his dress shirt.
He turned back around and proudly presented you with something fizzy in a highball glass.
“My own concoction, I even used the non-watered down liquor. Just for you” He says with a wink.
You try your best to hide your shy smile and accept the drink.
“Thank you, how sweet of you.” You tell him.
“It’s nothin’. So how’s a gal like you single? If you don’t mind my asking. Seems pretty impossible to me.”
You're caught somewhere between flattery and embarrassment and just hope it doesn't show on your face. You take a long sip of your drink and gear up to answer him.
“Well, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, actually. He’s really sweet but he always had a tendency to steamroll my needs and just do whatever he was going to do. Eventually that shit adds up.” You sigh.
“Like for example - last year we had talked about getting a dog and I said I wasn’t ready, we’re just both way too busy and then on Christmas day he shows up with this puppy! And then I’m the villain for telling him no! The puppy ended up going to a good home but he did stuff like that all the time. It just became too much. Anyways now my mom won’t get off my ass about leaving him.” You shook your head.
“A puppy? Wow, that’s… intense. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. You finish that drink and I’ll pour us both a shot” He laughed.
You nodded in agreement and downed the rest of the cocktail. He held up two shot glasses and extended one to you.
“A toast, to… wait. I don’t even know your name!”
His shoulders shook as he laughed and he answered you.
“I’m James but you can call me Bucky” You made a face at that.
“What kinda name is Bucky?” You asked before giving him your own name.
“Whatever, I’ve got two shots of tequila, you want one or not?” How could you say no?
“A toast,” You continued, “To you and your weird name, Bucky.”
He laughed and you clinked your glasses together, then against the counter before downing them in one go. You tried your best not to make a face and looked up at Bucky to find him extending you the lime chaser, which you took gratefully.
“Hoo… I could use like, 3 more of those to get through tonight. So, how’d you get into bartending?”
“I needed somethin’ to put me through school and I figured this beats stripping. Though, with some of the customers we get sometimes I’m not so sure”
You laughed at that and Bucky went on to tell you anecdotes of all the crazy people he’s had to serve, disastrous weddings, and the time he got a lapdance from the bride herself. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed but you were enjoying talking to him, forgetting your mission to be drunk.
The two of you kept swapping stories and were getting to know each other a bit more. He let you vent about Steve and just listened, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not be told what it is that you should be wanting. When you pictured the night you didn’t picture yourself confiding in the bartender tonight but if you were honest you were enjoying yourself. It beat awkwardly dancing with your family and enduring more disappointed remarks from your family.
You had hoped you could hide out at the bar and spend the entire night unscathed when the double doors to the ballroom opened. Your heartbeat in your ears as time slowed down around you as a blond head of hair made its way through the archway. Your laughter died in your throat when Baby blue eyes found you across the room and you froze like a deer in headlights. No. Nononononono this isn’t happening.
Time has somehow come to a halt while simultaneously hurtling forward since you can’t get yourself unstuck from this moment yet fail to realize that Steve is now standing right in front of you. His hair is swept back perfectly and he flashes you that million dollar smile of his that shows off his dimples perfectly. You scold yourself for checking him out but damn did he always clean up nice.
“Hey, sweetheart” he says shyly, as if he’s not crashing your sister’s wedding to get with you.
“What…? What are you doing… here?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.
Before he can answer you your mom comes up behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders tight, all with a big, bright smile on her face. Of course. How did I not see this coming?
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, sorry to have missed the ceremony but there’s still plenty to celebrate, right?” He asked with his signature boyish smirk.
Shock was still in full effect on your features as you stood stock still. But that shock was soon giving way to anger as you slowly pieced together everything that was happening. Your mom had brought back Steve to try and get you back together and Steve was steamrolling you again.
“I… I, can’t. I can’t-” You started
“Sweetheart, how many of those have you had? You need some water.” Steve motions to the drink in your hand and you feel the anger running through your veins about to take over. You have to move this out of the room. Now.
“Why don’t we move this to the hall?” You suggested quietly.
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started moving towards the exit but you did spare one last panicked glance towards Bucky. He looked confused and his brows were quirked in a way that made him look upset, almost. You sent him a pleading look before turning back around and preparing yourself to deal with this shitshow that had slowly unfolded before you.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. You got this. Your hand begins to push the door open when Steve’s much larger one covers yours and gets the job done. An action that you once would’ve thought was sweet, one that you would’ve made you swoon, even, is currently pissing you off.
You two made your way to the hallway and you looked around before you started in on him.
“Okay, what the hell, Rogers? Crashing my sister’s wedding? Really?! I don’t give a shit if my mom put you up to this I-”
“Sweetheart, please. She thought you might be having second thoughts and maybe us seeing each other would… patch things up. We just want what’s best for you, sweetheart” Steve attempted to console you, reaching out to try and rub your arm but you pulled back.
“No! I am so sick of you running me over! You never listened to me or what I had to say and this is exactly why I broke up with you, Steve! You’re being so fucki-”
“Hey, babe, everything okay out here?” Bucky’s voice surprised you but not as much as his lips pressing a kiss into your hair and his arms wrapping around your waist.
You had to crane your neck to look back and up at him. It took all of two seconds for you to piece together what you’d hoped was the truth. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you as if to say “come on” and in all your desperation you went with it. You supposed that his formal uniform made him pass for a regular guest.
“I, ah, yeah, yes. Steve here was just leaving, right?” You asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a stunned expression, mouth slightly open in disbelief. His hand reached out towards your shoulder but Bucky pulled you back gently.
“Doll, are you serious? Who even is this guy? Does your mom know about this?”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s… new…” You told him.
“Right,” Bucky cuts in, “It’s new so we weren’t telling anyone just yet but she figured I should at least be here for the reception”
“Seriously?” Steve scoffs, “Man bun? What does he have that I don’t? C’mon, you know what you and I have is real.”
“What you and I have is over, Steve. You never listened to me, always pushed me further than I was ready for. We’re done, it’s over. I’m sorry for whatever Mom told you”
Steve took a harsh breath inwards and you watched him try to decide whether he should walk away or blow up. Based off of the veins popping in his forehead, he was opting to blow up.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to but-”
“She said it’s over, punk. Move along” Bucky cut in. He took a protective step in front of you and pushed his shoulders back, squaring up to Steve. Steve seethed quietly and you two exchanged very tense glances.
“I’m telling your mother about this. I doubt she’ll be happy to hear you brought some random person to your sister’s wedding.” Steve spat.
He walked past the two of you and bumped shoulders harshly with Bucky. Bucky’s jaw tensed and his grip on your waist tightened but he didn’t retaliate. Instead he took a step back to get a proper look at you.
“You okay?”
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but you looked like you could really use the help.”
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it, more than you know. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” You laughed to yourself a little and added, “We’re not even together 5 minutes and you already have all my emotional baggage”
Bucky laughed at that and shook his head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve got some crazy exes too. So what now? You going back in?”
You became a little flustered at that but moved past it with a sheepish grin.
“No,” You shook your head, “I think it’s best for everyone if I just go up to my room and avoid a whole scene.”
“Well at least let me walk you up. I wouldn’t put it past that creep to follow you.”
“What about the bar?”
“We’re overstaffed and the party’s winding down anyways. They’ll get on without me”
“Alright then” You accepted and started off towards the elevators.
You two were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when you spotted the doors to the ballroom open. Your mother was looking around, her face a picture of anger. Lucky for you the doors closed before she could look in your direction and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You know as far as fake boyfriends go I’d say you’re pretty good”
“Just good? C’mon I had that guy on the ropes.”
“Yeah alright,” You relented with a grin.
You exited the elevator car and made your way down the hallway until finally you reached your door. You fished your keycard out of your wallet and turned to Bucky.
“Hey… do you wanna… maybe come in? Hang out? I know you’ve got work but if you’re overstaffed maybe…” You trailed off. There was a beat of silence and you felt regret instantly, thinking you’ve asked too much of him. “Y’know what nevermind, you don’t have to, I’m sorry I-”
“I’d love to hang out with you, if you’re okay with that. Plus it’s probably better I wait to get back until the wedding’s over. Can’t really show my face as your boyfriend and then get back behind the bar, can I?” He said with a soft smile.
“Suppose you’re right,” You swiped the card and cracked open the door.
You stepped inside and felt like you could finally breathe again. You kicked off your heels and went to turn on the lights. You reached back to get the zipper of your dress but couldn’t quite get there.
“Will you get my zipper?” You asked Bucky. He nodded and came closer to you.
You could feel his warmth radiating from him when he was this close. Your nostrils filled with the heady scent of his aftershave. He smells so good. He unzipped you halfway and left the rest for you.
You thanked him and grabbed your change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Relieved to finally be free of the itchy monstrosity of a bridesmaids dress you sighed and put on a tank top and pair of shorts. You realized the tank top showed a little more of your cleavage than intended but you shrugged it off and exited the bathroom.
Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he took a sharp breath in but tried to play it cool. It half worked, you caught him staring a little bit and giggled to yourself. When you looked at him again he was undoing his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. Wonder what he’d look like if he unbuttoned just a few more… You stopped yourself in that line of thinking and joined him on the couch.
“I think your phone’s gonna zap itself into an early grave with the way it’s been going off” Bucky said as he pointed to your phone on the table.
You picked it up to find you had several missed calls from your mother, one from Steve, and one very long text message from him that was already inducing a headache. You opened it, forgetting you had read receipts on. Oops. You weren’t going to read this now in front of Bucky, so you shut it off and put it aside.
“So how are you feelin’?” He asked.
“Better now that I’m out that damned dress. As for my family, they'll get over themselves. I don’t know why who I’m dating is such a big deal to them anyways.”
“You do look more comfy now that you’ve changed. If you don’t mind me sayin’ you’re just as gorgeous now as you were all dolled up”
You felt heat flood your cheeks instantly and eked out a thank you. You and Bucky talked for an hour more or so and in that time you’d found yourself nodding off with your head on his chest. On instinct he brought your whole body closer to him and put his arm around you. If you were less sleepy you’d be embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Bucky had moved slightly and inadvertently jolted you awake. You shot up and realized that you’d cuddled your way into Bucky’s side and now the embarrassment was catching up with you. You instantly scooted back to give him some space.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to cuddle you” You said while avoiding his gaze.
You felt a hand on your thigh and finally looked up to find him smirking at you.
“I didn’t mind it. It’s getting late though, I should get back.”
You were slightly disappointed but nodded your head. You rose and followed him to the door. He went for the handle but turned around when you grabbed his hand. He stepped away from the door and was in your personal space. You looked up at him with a shaky breath.
“Thank you, again, for what you did. It was really sweet of you.” He smiled down at you and brought one hand to your face. Oh God, I didn’t prepare for this. Your heart was beating just a little harder as you looked into his clear blue eyes.
“For you? Anytime. I had a really fun time with you tonight.”
“Me too.”
With that his other hand came up to cup your face and he kissed you sweetly. It wasn’t until you kissed him back that he pulled away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I don’t wanna make you uncomf-”
You grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him in for another kiss. This time more demanding but just as sweet. He let out a small moan and you swear you could’ve melted. His tongue explored your mouth while his hands moved their way down your body and brought you even closer to him. You could feel that he was hard and it only made you want him more.
Without breaking the kiss you started to move backwards towards the bed until finally you were just at the edge of it. You broke apart for air and searched his eyes only to find his pupils blown wide in lust. You cupped him through his pants and he groaned. He was big. Maybe even bigger than Steve.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” He breathed out. You shook your head and kissed him again.
“I want you, I’m sure.” You panted out.
“I don’t have a condom”
“Doesn’ matter, I’m on the pill” You told him. With that his hands were up your tank top and you’d helped him to remove it. He worked on his shirt next and while he fumbled with the buttons you took off the rest of your clothing.
Bucky was every bit as devastating as you’d thought he’d be and you let out a genuine sigh. His toned muscles rippled throughout his arms and torso and you watched him remove his boxers and you’re not entirely sure your jaw hadn’t dropped. He noticed you gawking and chuckled as he leaned down to join you on the bed.
“See somethin’ you like?”
He didn’t give you the chance to answer though, he pushed you backwards onto the bed and kissed you again, this time trailing his kisses all the way down your body. He stopped and took his time to admire each of your breasts, licking and biting your nipples. You’d gasped in surprise and pleasure. He moved his way down finally to your pussy and looked up at you.
“Can I? You could only nod and let out a shaky breath as you sat up on your elbows and watched him get to work. He kissed and caressed your thighs until finally his fingers were prodding at your entrance. He groaned at how wet you were and pushed two fingers in. You let out an obscene moan and your hands went into his locks. His tongue lapped at your clit before he sucked on it, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you in search of your G-spot.
You’d pulled his hair out of his bun and guided his tongue where he needed to be. Finally getting the right angle you were whimpering in pleasure, back arched almost to a point of pain. He’d finally found the spot he’d been looking for and your eyes shut closed in pleasure.
“Please,” you begged, “Please don’t stop I’m so close”
You pushed his head harder against you and his fingers sped up. It was only a matter of moments until your toes were curling in pleasure and you writhed on the bed in the aftershock of your orgasm. Bucky continued to lap away at you until you pushed him off. He came back up to eye level with you and had a wolfish grin.
“Who knew you’d make such noises? God it was so hot”
You pulled him in for another kiss and reached down to grab his cock. You pumped it a few times before you moved down to return the favor when he stopped you. You looked up at him with brows pinched in concern.
“Don’ worry about me, I just wanna feel you”
He moved you beneath him and you spread your legs apart for him. You were still sensitive in your post-high when his tip brushed your clit but you didn’t mind the bolt of pleasure. He aligned himself with your entrance and looked you in the eye as he pushed all the way inside of you slowly. You let out an involuntary moan, trying to accommodate his full length.
“You good?” He asked.
“I’m good, you’re just...big” He smirked at that.
“Can I move or do you need a second?”
“No, you can move, please move.”
One hand on your hip and the other on your breast he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. You swore you could feel every bump and ridge of him with every inch he put into you. His pace picked up and he kissed the column of your neck, finding the one spot that drove you crazy. Your small mewls turned to full moans and he began fucking you harder.
“‘M not gonna last much longer” He told you. You didn’t say anything in response, just brought him in for another kiss and grabbed a handful of his ass to push him further inside you. He chuckled at that and took the hint.
He was going the hardest he had so far and you were holding on for dear life and loving every minute of it. His panting breaths were heavy in your ears and you reached down to toy with your clit so you’d cum together. His thrusts were getting a little sloppier and your hand moved faster, quickly approaching both your peaks. He let out an almost pornographic moan as he came, He fucked you through his orgasm and not a moment later you came for a second time. Your bodies melded together as you rode out the last waves of each other’s orgasms.
Finally Bucky stopped and held himself with one hand, trying to catch his breath. You were slightly dazed, trying to compute how your night had ended up like this. Bucky rolled over onto the bed and you felt the mess between your thighs. You looked over to him with a hazy smile.
“So, I know we’re doin’ things a little backwards here but, maybe I could take you out some time? If you want?”
Your smile grew even wider and your heart felt so light in this moment.
“I’d like that”
You didn’t know what tomorrow would hold or how to even begin cleaning up the mess with your family. You’d deal with it all in the morning, for now you’d just bask in the afterglow with your fake boyfriend and be grateful for chance meetings.
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lovinyacowboy · 3 years
Aot D— Heacanons
Request for @petitepaesan
I am so so so sorry this is really late I didn’t have a lot of time in my irl life to finish this BUT ITS DONE NOW YAY
I’m including every main aot guy to make it up for it taking so long 👍
Big, 7 inches. Nicely proportioned cock to ball ratio. He lets his hair grow out sometimes and then completely shaves himself hairless who knows why. His dick still looks presentable even when soft, and he doesn’t mind showing it off.
5 inches. He is lightly hairy, its all basically peach fuzz besides his pubes. He is very sensitive and squirms at every touch. It’s very easy to overstimulate him, and he has a tendency to cum too early but he actually has good stamina and can go multiple rounds. Its a secret but he has a thing for getting his balls touched.
7 inches. Long dick, kinda skinny, slightly veiny. His balls kinda hang lol. He is sorta hairy, his hairs are light brown and mainly on his legs, arms, and chest. He doesn’t shave ever but he is obsessed with trimming and self grooming. He is always very clean.
5.5 inches. He has a nice girth, and his balls are pretty big and tight. The skin is a bit darker than anywhere else on his body. He isnt naturally very hairy but he shaves anyway. He is secretly insecure of what his limp dick looks like and always makes sure nobody’s looking while he’s changing.
6 inches. Kinda thick, very pretty looking. He has beauty marks all over, including on his balls. Most of his hair is at the top of his dick leading into a small happy trail. He enjoys naked cuddles while soft.
Massive...9.5 inches. Slightly curved. Thick dark hair all over, but most heavily on his lower half. He pretends to be embarrassed but secretly he loves showing off.
6.5 inches. Thick cock, big balls. His body hair is blonde, he has a big happy trail, and he waxes his chest. He always thinks he can last longer than he really can.
6.5 inches. Slim, but it looks normal with his frame. He is very into self grooming, and always shaves his legs and ass and his pubes are either shaved or trimmed shortly.
Honestly he’s packing, 7.5 inches. Probably never shaves not even if you ask.
6.5 inches. Thick dick, big tight balls. Trimmed pubes, shaved body hair. Its the color of his sideburns. He thinks his cock, legs, and ass are the hottest thing ever and checks himself out in the mirror constantly. He has a serious jockstrap obsession.
6 inches. Pretty average looking but he’s confident. Curly blonde hair, unshaved, a lot around his ass and taint lol. All his friends have seen it because he has streaked drunk numerous times.
6 inches. Kinda thin but it looks pretty balanced. Very pink at the tip. Very, very light brown hairs at the base, down his balls and up his ass. Not very hairy anywhere else.
6.5 inches. Big balls, they hang. Hairy as fuck all over. He usually just unzips his fly instead of pulling down his pants when fucking.
4 inches. im sorry levi fans he is not a hung 8 inch daddy monster cock you are insane? probably either shaved all his pubes off because he’s convinced it is more “clean” that way or keeps a little thick patch at the top and then shaves everything else off.
8 inches. If there was such a thing as a “manly” looking cock this would be it. Thick, very thick. Hairy, but more like medium heavy body hair all around. His cock has slipped out of his shorts in public too many times.
7 inches. his cock thick damn. saggy balls. salt n pepper hair all over. hes hairy as FUCK.
7 inches. his balls are actually super nicely shaped, very round. He keeps his hair trimmed medium short and has a patch of black hair on his chest. He is also very sensitive but he likes to make it last when he’s having sex so he will usually stop every once in a while and edge himself so he doesn’t cum early.
5.5 inches. Very stout and kinda cute. Thick curly reddish brown hair right at the top, then trimmed everywhere else. They like to shave their legs, arms, and chest.
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another helping of living w/ bakugou thoughts:
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pls i am so sorry, i feel like i bombard y’all with these constantly, but u don’t understand, he literally lives in my brain full time
- if you’re rolling your sleeves up, to wash your hands before dinner, he’ll whack your hands away and do it himself. very much “you’re takin’ too long, idiot. i wanna eat already. let me do it.”,, don’t be fooled tho, you could do it in 2.5 seconds and he’d still open his mouth. bc it has absolutely nothing to do with u and everything to do with him wanting to be close to you
-ik he watches the mha equivalent of the history channel. i just know it. dude is a grandpa at heart, n im so confident he would 100% sit down and watch a 3 hr docu on like, old weaponry or some nerdy shit
-bakugou is annoyingly arrogant, but only about things that don’t matter. like, he’ll fully sit in front of you and tell you he’s stronger/faster/smarter in passing conversation,, but when he does actually impressive shit??? the man clams up. absolutely clams up the second you praise him, trying to brush off whatever ridiculous feat he just pulled to protect u with a “It’s not that big a deal, shut up about it already, dumbass.” 
- pls mans is an absolute simp. u ask him to do something and he’s on his feet in a second. ofc he’s complaining but he’s also then following that up by doing things you didn’t even ask him to do. fan behavior honestly.
-when you’ve had a bad day, he’ll make u food and throw blankets in the dryer for u. don’t expect much verbal comforting from him, bc obviously, but he’s pretty good with actions. you always feel a little warmer after he’s wrapped you in a blanket n fed you something ungodly spicy
- i have absolutely no basis for this but ik he secretly watches kids movies. like, if it’s animated then he’s there. ofc no one is allowed to find out about this ‘embarrassing’ behavior tho, except maybe you. maybe. if you accidentally happen to see it bc he’d never tell u himself.
- he’s a beast to wake up in the morning, but he’s a lot more easy to convince if u pet his hair. or rub his back/shoulders. maybe even kiss his neck. look, u cannot tell me that he doesn’t want to be absolutely coddled in the morning- especially when he can get away with it so easily. 
-bakugou always pulls ur legs into his lap if u sit down next to him. pls he’s so weird, he’ll just like, tap his fingers on ur calves absentmindedly while he’s watching tv
-he probably created a playlist of songs ur ‘allowed’ to play around him. meaning, it’s only the songs on ur phone that he likes 🙄
-bakugou always takes his work phone calls outside. like if his phone rings he’ll just stand up n walk tf out the door to take it. even if it’s cold. u ask him once about it n he just “Work stays at work. This is my fuckin’ home. Now shut up about it already.”
-you’ve never once seen this man wearing socks around the house. don’t ask me, i cannot explain this whatsoever, but i just kno this man walks around constantly barefoot 🤢🤮 unfortunately.
-he’s like, the most functional person ever in almost every aspect, but the stuff katsuki is bad at?? pls he is hopelessly bad. like, lets say art stuff. omg he just doesnt have the patience for it, okay, so say goodbye to any dreams of cute lil couple’s crafts. like, he’ll sit there while u do yours, but his will look like utter shit
- during the week, katsuki is either at work, training, or at home. pls, he works so hard during the day that i highly doubt he’s anything but an absolute homebody during the work week.
- bakugou gets pissy if u re-arrange any of the furniture on a whim. pls he likes comfort and familiarity n if he stubs his toe on the stupid coffee table one more fucking time, he’s going to scream
-its a rare occurance,, especially bc of the crazy hours he works,, but bakugou rlly likes making dinner for u to come home to. he just likes to feel like he’s taking care of u tbh
-he still goes to bed at like 8:30. or thats what u think, but rlly he just goes to sit in your room and have some time to himself for a bit. as much as he loves u, he prob still needs some alone time to recharge
-bakugou takes meticulous care of any plants u have in the house. like he’ll water them on a strict-ass schedule, n preen them when necessary. pls the way he’ll curse them out if they even dare to wilt under his care?? very much “What the hell, you bitch? ‘m doin’ everything fuckin’ perfect! Grow already!”
-katsuki is such a little bitch when he’s sick. he’ll be running like a 103 temp, brain literally melting, and still trying to get up and work out. the only way u can get him to chill the hell out is if u take a nap with him. ofc that means u always get sick too,, but hey- lil sacrifices right??
-he never lets you get the door. like, if there’s a knock n neither of u knows who it could be,, pls he’s on his feet so fast. waving u away n looking thru the keyhole w/ sm suspicion
-he has his spot on the couch, n u will not find him sitting anywhere else. like, that’s his spot. u better pray for anybody who mistakenly takes it
-bakugou doesn’t like dirt or grime, so he won’t allow you or himself, to sit on your bed with clothes that have been outside. like, even if you’re just sitting on top of the covers, he’s gonna throw a fit and demand you change your clothes first bc “No way in hell am I gonna let your dumbass dirty up my bed.”
-katsuki rlly likes when it storms outside. he’ll go sit in front of the window and watch the rain, sipping on a warm drink while he waits for more thunder. 
-living with bakugou is incredibly frustrating, bc he’ll just show up with new skills all of the goddamn time. like you’ll be like, “hmm i’d love to remodel the bathroom someday”,, and the very next weekend bakugou is meticulously re-tiling the bathroom floor by hand, probably also painting the walls in a new color, maybe even installing a new sink just to spruce it up. n then he’ll just present the entirely new, upgraded room with such weird nonchalance that it pisses u off. pls and if you watch him while he does these little projects, with all the weird precision and skill he suddenly gains?? pls you’re sure he must be possessed by the ghost of a craftsman
- when he hangs out with the bakusquad, he’ll drag you along every time. he expects you to sit with him the entire time and act as a social buffer?? basically, someone’ll ask him a question, one he deems stupid and therefore not worth answering, and bakugou will just look at you expectantly. he’ll just stare at you blankly, hardly even blinking until you pick up the slack and answer for him. you call him out on this many times, but it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t change anything. he does this over and over and over again
-bakugou gets really unsettled when you guys fight. like, he can’t sleep and he’s snapping at everybody, and is somehow more aggressive than usual. he always wants to just make up already, but the pride in the way won’t allow it
-he’s a weird stickler about intended furniture functionality?? like, the table is for eating, and the couch is for watching tv, and then only way you’re gonna get him to mix the two is if you ask him rlly rlly nicely
-finally- i have no basis for this one, but ik it in my heart: bakugou has a very intense fight with your thermostat nearly every single day. he swears up and down that it never ‘behaves’ for him, but every time you check it, it’s working perfectly fine
ahahhaa sorry y’all for the super random spam today,, but here were are back to our regularly scheduled bakugou programming,,,, bc idk if it’s obvious ur honor, but i love him
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