#i am a believer in not spoiling things in an open format like this so no fic title sorry
rachel-614 · 7 months
pov you pick up and reread this one HP fic you’re subscribed to but haven’t touched in years and then the latest chapter ends with harry killing dumbledore
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
How would svt react to you skipping your meals because you're too engrossed in the thing you're doing? 🤔
svt reacts to you accidentally skipping meals
a/n: thank you thank you all for 900! so glad our community on this blog is gradually getting larger! paragraph format for this post bc some of these scenarios got a bit longer than i anticipated.
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oh he is not happy, but he’s far more concerned than he is mad. he sent you a text around noon asking what you were up to and you told him: just a paper. when he comes over you greet him quickly at your door, but your hug is far too short when you’re already hurrying back to your seat.
“i’ll make food or something after, let me just finish this one paragraph!” you tell him, voice already getting father and farther away from him. he follows you back to your room, plopping onto your bed as you type away at your laptop. he’s scrolling on his phone in the quiet room when your stomach grumbles loudly.
he looks over the first time, easing his head to see that you were still working. then, not even five minutes later it happens again.
“hey, when was the last time you ate today?”
you pause, “i don’t know? i had a bagel from breakfast?” then you return back to your paragraph
he’s focused on you now, propping himself up on his elbows. “wait, so you didn’t eat lunch?”
“i guess not…” you reply, half paying attention to him as you reread your words
he’s shifting from your bed and you see him leave your room from your peripheral. maybe thirty minutes later he’s coming back into your room to gently grab a hold of your wrist.
“cmon, you need to eat, i just ordered food so you don’t have to do anything.”
“wait but this part needs-”
“baby,” he says gently, his other hand turning your chin to look at him, “is this due tonight?”
“then can you please take a break? it’s not good for you to skip meals you know.”
he looks so concerned and he has brought to your attention that you actually are hungry. your stomach feels like it's shrinking into itself, making you feel quite empty.
“okay cheol, you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” you say, getting up to walk to your kitchen with him.
“i am, but you’re the priority right now, y/n.”
you can't escape his light scolding whines.
“ayy,” he says, eyebrows furrowed when he sees the remnants of your iced coffee, your supposed “breakfast”, which only consists of melted iced now, “this is all you’ve had today?”
“you know this isn’t good for you…” he trails on.
before you know it, he’s tapping away on his phone and browsing for where to order from immediately. he doesn’t need to ask you because he knows you so well already.
when the food comes in, he’s opening the containers and setting them in the table near you, allowing the smell of the hot food to finally make you notice the growl in your belly
to speed up the process he’ll literally grab the takeout menu that comes with the food and fan the smell towards you. or better yet, he’ll set up an actual fan to waft the smell of food at you at a higher velocity. “jeonghan turn that off! the food is gonna get cold!”
“so you’ll eat,” he determines proudly.
eyes got so wide at the realization that you haven’t eaten all day. he immediately tries to find the quickest snack to get something into your stomach.
i’m a believer in him cutting up fruits for you. then when he notices that you haven’t touched the fruits next to you, he’ll go so far as to feed you.
“c’mon, eat this, babe” he coaxes, gently prodding at your lips with the cubed melon on the fork. will tap your cheek with a finger to signal you to open your mouth if his voice isn’t enough to grab your attention
he’s still cheeky though so at some point he’ll give you your little tap only for you to open your mouth to nothing.
“hey! i thought you were feeding me” you pouted.
he rubs the top of your head, giving in immediately.
“looks like i’m spoiling someone here a little too much” (he can’t help it anyway).
it’s already 7pm and he returns to your apartment to see you in the same position he left you in. you were hunched over on your desk, still hyper focused on this little lego set you were building.
“junnie! look i’m almost done!” you exclaim, beckoning him to walk over to see your work.
“hey,” he says in his deep “extra manly voice”, “have you not eaten yet.” his arms are crossed but he softens when you proudly show him your bouquet of lego flowers.
“i only have one more flower left, but isn’t this so cute?” you gush, holding the vase up to him.
“they’re pretty,” he agrees, tucking your hair behind your ear, “i’ll be right back as you finish up.”
“okay” you hum, gathering the pieces for the last flower
he walks away and within 15 minutes, you can smell something cooking in the kitchen. he comes back to set a bowl of (quick but delicious) fried rice next to you.
“here, c’mon, eat up babe”
“there’s still some more..” you begin, but he pushes a spoonful of rice into your mouth (he blew on it first, don't worry).
“you can finish it after you eat though, right? you haven’t eaten all day.. you should eat while it’s warm” he encourages.
“true, you did make it really good today,”you decide. “i’m very lucky to have you.”
he smiles at your words but returns to his “ver stern man voice”, “you are. so to keep me you better make sure you don’t skip your meals again.” 😤
he pulls a very dramatic romeo and juliet move.
he facetimed you while he was getting driven home since he wouldn’t be able to see you in person that week.
“did you see the food we ordered for the staff today! we should go there when i’m finally free, i want you to try their noodles” he rambled.
“sure let’s do that,” you smiled, happy to see his excitement.
“did you eat dinner yet, baby?” he asked.
“dinner? oh wait, i didn’t have lunch” you thought out loud.
“you didn’t!” he exclaimed, head dropping back in his seat dramatically, “baby you shouldn’t do that!”
“i didn’t realize!” you laughed, rolling your eyes as his head was still tilted back, hand covering his face.
“how could my love forget to feed themselves?” he whined.
“soonyoung, i just got so invested in my paper!” you explained, “i wasn’t even hungry!”
“baby,” he says, now holding his phone very close to his face, “if you don’t eat i won’t eat.”
“what are you talking about!” you chuckled.
“it’s not fair to eat if you’re starving.”
“soonyoung, light of my life, my love, i didn’t purposefully skip lunch. please, you need to eat too, with all your dancing and horanghae-ing.” at the end of your sentence he can't help but give you his signature tiger paw hand gesture.
“promise you won’t forget again?”
“i will do my best,” you agree, lifting your own hand to horanghae back at him and he takes this promise very seriously.
let out a soft, but audible gasp when he texted you at 4pm asking what you ate only to find out that it was nothing.
:0 that's not good he sent
i didn't even realize that lunch passed wonu
he left you on read, and you wondered if this was actually going to be an argument between the two of you even if it wasn't that big of a deal. at least, not that big of a deal to you.
you wait to see if he's just taking a moment to text you back. then thirty minutes later, two of your co-workers are bringing in cups of coffee and a bag full of sandwiches.
your phone buzzes in your back pocket soon after. your heart warms when you see that it's a message from wonwoo.
they told me it arrived, did you get it yet?
you're about to type your reply when he continues.
i know your team is probably busy so you can't fully sit and eat a bento lunch box, right? so i ordered sandwiches so you guys could eat and work if you had to
your co-workers are setting the food on your shared table and you can see the slight confusion on everyone's faces. "oh it's from wonwoo," you explain, "he sent food because i told him we skipped lunch today." you get a chorus of excitement from everyone and various responses of "tell him we said thanks!"
this is very sweet of you wonwoo, thank you <3 you made me (and my team) very happy :) you sent
i'm just glad you get to eat :) but try not to skip meals from now on please
i will try, love u (i'm going to devour a sandwich now)
jihoon himself skips meals a little too regularly. he gets caught up in his studio and before he knows it, the sun has set and he hasn't eaten all day.
ohoho, but when he finds out that you haven't eaten all day he finds himself in a bit more of a panic than he ever would for himself. you called him after work, "do you want to get food when you get out? it was so busy at my job that i didn't even realize that i missed lunch."
"what? you didn't eat?" he asked, suddenly alert even though he was just starting to feel tired.
"yeah, i didn't even realize what time it was until all of our customers cleared out," you replied, "so do you wanna go out? i feel like i could eat a horse."
"yeah, let's go eat, you need to eat," he agreed, immediately getting ready to pick you up.
at the restaurant he encourages you to get whatever you want. even when you're just skimming the menu and you mutter, "huh, this looks interesting," he's telling you, "you want to get that? order it."
"i was just looking at it babe," you chuckle.
"you can get it if you want, you can get all of it if you want, i just want you to get full."
he's very attentive, further asking you what drink you want and if you want to get dessert after too.
you're in the kitchen reading a book one day and he asks you, "do you want some ramen too? i'm hungry and i think this is all we have."
"i think i'll eat a little later, my book is starting to get interesting so i might read a couple more chapters," you reply.
"you sure?" he checks, walking over to you, "because it'd be bad if i took care of myself and let you starve, i'd be a bad boyfriend then."
he ran a hand through your hair as you chuckled, "you could never be a bad boyfriend, not when you're so sweet." he hums in response before walking back to the stove to check his boiling water.
eventually he finishes making his ramen and he goes into the living room to watch something while he eats. (he'd eat in the kitchen but he doesn't want to be loud when you're reading). the warm soup makes him feel so cozy after and he really just passes out on the couch while his show keeps playing.
dokyeom wakes up about two hours later, much past lunch time. he wanders back into the kitchen a little groggy to see if you're still there. he notices that not much has changed since he fell asleep other than that fact that you're sitting cross-legged on the chair.
"did you eat yet, baby?" he asks.
you momentarily pause your reading, "hm? oh, i guess not."
"huh?" he gasps, glancing at the clock. "baby.."
"i'm in the middle of a really good chapter!" you explain.
"but baby you gotta eat," he pouts. "how 'bout this, if i run out to buy a couple things and i cook it, will you put your book down?"
"you don't have to go through all that," you tell him, "i could just have ramen-"
"no, no, you can't eat that when you're been starving all day," he disagrees, "i'm going to give you some nutrition." he's already walking out of the kitchen to get dressed to go out.
you fully put your book down by now, "i'll come with you to the store. i feel bad if i make you do that all by yourself."
"you can keep reading if you want," he tells you genuinely, "i don't mind, i just want you to eat something good." this is one of those moments where you realize how sweet your boyfriend really is.
"i'll come with you," you confirm, "and let's cook together too, hm?"
he can never say no to you. plus, he loves your company. "i guess we do make a good team, yeah," he smiles.
immediately gets to cooking in the kitchen. he isn’t preparing just one dish either but a spread of food, from various side dishes of veggies to braised meat that goes so well with rice.
“you better eat all of this to make up for your lack of nutrients today” he huffed, sitting across from you after setting everything around you. he stands up again and he'll take the bookmark in your hand and put it into your book for you too.
“gyu you know i can’t eat all of this by myself,” you laughed, “but thank you for cooking, you know.”
"i know, just eat as much as you can, you shouldn't be on an empty stomach," he tells you, further pushing the dishes for you. when you try to offer him a bite, he won't open his mouth, pushing you spoon back towards you.
so you were painting and you got so deep into groove that you didn't realize that three hours have passed and that your stomach is currently running on a cup of coffee.
"hi baby, i'm home," he announced as he entered your door.
he finds his way to you first to place a kiss on top of your head. "hi, hao," you hummed back, careful to keep your hand steady as you dragged your brush across your canvas. for a moment, the two of you stayed in silence to avoid disrupting your movement.
though what actually ended up interrupting the quiet was your stomach letting out a very loud growl.
"are you hungry?" he asked.
"i guess i am," you murmured, rinsing your paintbrush in water. "wait, now that i think about it, i don't think i ate lunch?"
"you didn't?" immediately his eyebrows are furrowed and you realize he probably has an incoming lecture already forming in his head. "you know you shouldn't skip your meals..."
"i know!" you explained, "but i just got so into this, i mean, i think this is in the running to become my favorite painting yet." when you wiped your cheek, you accidentally left a stroke of blue paint.
minghao, as caring as he is, crouches down and wipes off that paint with one of hi thumbs. "you know i love your creativity, and this painting looks great so far, it really does, but we can't have you passing out before you finish it, right?"
you smile at his comments as he continues, "can you take a break? eat something? it doesn't even have to be big meal but you should have something."
he was appalled when he saw the breakfast he bought you still on the counter, untouched.
he walks into your room where you're working on a project for the nth hour. "what's this?" he asks, holding up the plastic bag of food.
"it's what you brought home this morning?" you replied, before immediately going back to you little diorama.
"and why is it not in your stomach?" he huffs, arms now crossed.
"uhh, i lost track of time?"
"unacceptable," is decides, but he walks over to you and breaks off bite-sized pieces of bread the bread he bought to personally feed you anyway.
"thankf-you" you mumbled back as he fed you.
"tsk, what you you do without me? starve?" he tutted (but the way he feeds you is still so gentle). he wipes off the crumbs from the corners of your mouth and asks you if you want anything else when you do finish the bread <3
vernon drops his jaw in the most cartoonish way when he finds out.
"you haven't eaten yet?"
his (perfect) eyebrows knit together as he contemplates what to do, as you don't usually skip your meals. this wasn't exactly on his boyfriend-responsibilities bingo card.
"this isn't something you do regularly, right? or have i been missing this for a long time because that would be bad," he thinks out loud.
"vern, it's just today. i didn't even realize how much time passed," you explain.
"mm good to know it wasn't on purpose but i'll order something for you now," he decides, head quirking to the side as he scans his phone for nearby restaurants.
precious boy ends up ordering from two very different restaurants because he doesn't know which you'd prefer but he was a little panicked and figured: better safe than sorry. it's very weird when one bag of food comes to your house with burgers and fries and the other arrives with noodles and soup.
dino jokingly picks a fight with you when he finds out. you both wind up being a little loud, but not actually fully yelling.
you're surprised by him sitting a little ominously on your kitchen table despite the bags of freshly delivered food on it.
"is everything alright?" you ask.
"you!" he points, "you always take a cute picture of your lunch, so why didn't you have lunch today!"
"wow someone here is a detective, huh?" you chuckle, "you figured out i missed lunch from that?"
"this is serious y/n," he says, tone proving otherwise and fist coming down on the table with no actual force. "it's bad for you to miss lunch."
"okay, okay, yessir i understand i won't do it again," you joked, even putting your hand over your heart as a promise.
"you're not taking this seriously!" he whined.
"i am," you assured.
"no you're not!"
"chan! i thought you knew i missed lunch! i'm hungry and this food is getting cold!" it was your turn to whine now. immediately, he gave in, getting up to open the bags of food. he got a little too invested in his "scolding" and momentarily forgot that you actually had to eat.
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yyokkki · 4 months
If They Had Dating Profiles
Format modelled after Bumble So many profiles either disgust me or make me laugh so here it is All characters have been aged up to 18 or above for this btw
Riddle Rosehearts
Pictures: His top pic is his passport photo, he’s wearing the full suit, tie and blazer and his hair is perfect. The rest of the pics follow this pattern.
About Me:
My name is Riddle Rosehearts and I intend to date with the intent of marriage so if you are seeking “something casual”, please swipe left.
I will not tolerate smoking, drinking in non-social settings, an untidy presentation, inappropriate language, or any of that “fwb” nonsense. Thank you.
My Basics: Has every category filled out except for height
Leona Kingscholar
Pictures: Only one photo and the angle is tilted upwards from his chin while he’s lying down, it’s also kinda blurry
About Me:
fwb or chess
My Basics: Mf only has his height filled out
Azul Ashengrotto
Pictures: His top pic is of him cutting the opening ribbon to his restaurant and the rest are perfectly tailored, photoshoot level pics of him doing things like signing papers, wiping his glasses or casually leaning against an expensive car
About Me:
Proud owner of the restaurant, Mostro Lounge, the product of my blood, sweat and tears.
If we have our first date in my restaurant you get a 50% discount on all items 😊.
My Basics: Pretty much everything is filled out
Kalim Al-Asim
Pictures: A  really cute pic of him doing the thing where he’s standing in front of the Eiffel tower and pinching his fingers to make it look like it’s in his fingers, the rest are of him with dorky filters on or more travel pics at famous landmarks
About Me:
HIII, im a hugee extrovert and i love love LOVE going to partyz so if you wanna come too just hmu!! lookin to go on dates but if you wann just hangout i don’t mind either ^^
I LOVE spoiling all my friends and family with gifts so get readyy HEHEHEHE
My Basics: Yup filled out
Vil Schoenheit
Pictures: Literally the best pictures you can find on the site, you probably won’t believe it’s him until you meet him irl, they’re that gorgeous. If Azul’s was photoshoot level, Vil’s is AI generated level
About Me:
Yes, I am the real Vil Schoenheit, if you don’t believe me, the photos I’ve used can’t be found anywhere else on the internet.
My MagiGram is vilschoenheit_real
My Basics: Only a select few are filled out for privacy reasons
Idia Shroud
Pictures: Only one and it’s an anime character
About Me:
hmu on valo lsersss lmaoooo @ is nekurasamurai
pls swpe right if ur a gamer uwu
My Basics: Nothing is filled out but gender and height
Malleus Draconia
Pictures: Black screen with red edges you can tell he accidentally took a pic facing away from him and his finger was in front of the camera
About Me:
is this the text to speech function oh hello child of man i am cooking looking for a suitable spouse that will rule over the valley of horns thorns with me thank you
My Basics: N oth ing
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
...just realized i left my introduction in the drafts. oops. at least i have a better photo now.
my names tula, and i'm a registered pokémon nurse with a horrible tendency to ramble. i live in unova and do some work here, but i mainly travel to other regions for this.
i am a former member of team plasma. former. my username is ironic because i cope with humor.
i ran away from home at age 14- it's a long story - and ended up being indoctrinated in. i, like many others, were lucky to have a sort of "snap to reality" moment after ghetsis' first arrest, before the formation of neo plasma, but not before i spent 10 years of my life working for him. many people are shocked by how open i am about my experience, but i think its extremely important to talk about these things: if i could help just one person leave this cycle, or keep someone from entering it, then it would make the shame worth it.
i have dedicated my life to helping pokémon, as a way to attone, i suppose. my darling solosis, mini, travels with me, though i must admit she's quite the spoiled brat. to have such an innocent creature love and trust you is the most healing experience someone can ask for, and i acknowledge that i was so very lucky. i had a home to return to, i was able to find work despite my history, and physically, i bear only a scar on my back and a missing finger... also just so we all know i am a natural ginger and i am not going to dye my hair please stop asking thanks
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feel free to ask me any questions you may have: about pokemon, about myself, or my experience with team plasma, any of the sort. and if you need help leaving neo plasma or a group like it, please shoot me a message, i'll give you all the advice i can.
- tula ☆
ooc and admin info:
hi! im cassini, im 21, and i have not rpd since middle school. please be nice
im okay with joining events and plotlines! but i do not know how to join in naturally and get too embarrassed to ask. please shoot me a message/invite! muse list bellloowwwww tulas info
im not lore compliant at times and am even willing to bend (most) of my own headcanons bc multiverse and the likes! very flexible in general
okay more important tula things:
- sapient pokemon interaction is okay! tula will generally believe them. shes seen weirder. legendaries will be met with much more scrutiny, but kindness.
- i keep her age purposefully vauge for "pokemon timeline makes no sense" reasons, but you can generally imagine her somewhere between 26-30, probably.
- shes been through a lot and often copes with humor, which means she tends to come off the wrong way a lot of the time
- though open about her time in plasma, she doesnt like talking about how it affected her
- she speaks before thinking and often posts in bursts do to this
- she has a pretty shitty memory
Timeline 1:
Tula Gagnon - @plasmaapologist (OC. 📍Unova. Birthday: January 1st)
Callisto Aoki - @cherishcherubi (OC. 📍 Kalos. Birthday: October 25th)
Iolana Kealoha - @teamskullkalos (OC. 📍Kalos. Birthday: April 12th)
Timeline 2:
Mari Pijotto - @marifromkoto (OC. 📍Paldea. Birthday: December 18th)
Katy - @patisserie-soapberry (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Atticus - @navisquadatticus (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Larry - @medali-gym (Canon. 📍Paldea. Half joke blog.)
Robin Lusk - @absolsrenegade (OC/Self Insert. 📍Unova. Birthday: July 5th)
Timeline 3:
Timeline Unknown:
Grise (Hilda Lewis) - @driftingtrainer (Canon. 📍 Vagabond. Birthday: October 5th)
Rochelle Ichihara - @basaltpowder (OC. 📍Hoenn. Birthday ??? )
Barbie & Ken: @championbarbie-swimmerken - (It's fucking Barbie. Yeah, the pink one. 📍 Everywhere. She's Barbie. Birthdays: March 9th, March 11th)
Ice - @rottenice OC. 📍Primarily Sinnoh, but travels a lot. Birthday: December 21st. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
Miki Nakajima - @nakajima-lgm OC.📍 Johto. Birthday unknown. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
@galacticfoundation - Team Galactic AU blog.
@twotoypokemon Pokémon Rumble based blog. Sapient Pokémon OC. 📍Axel Town
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
Okay I have opened March Solicits. Reactions as I go (and I'm feeling salty today):-
Chip I am trusting you to land this ZEA storyline. Also Zur!Tim is when? I am still hotly anticipating the possible fallout from that.
If Harley is back on Suicide Squad is she leaving Birds of Prey? Please?
(Also hot take but I think we're past the need for Harley to be on Suicide Squad. Part of me perked up at Black Alice and Clock King on SS, but eurgh. Harley)
Is there anything more eye-rollingly boring than "Bruce Wayne origin story" at this point?
Batman & Robin continues to look fine
I'm reminded I need to find time to sit down and start Ram V's 'Tec run.
"What's wrong with Nightwing" (I cover my mouth and laugh) anyway this looks very Tom Taylor levels of stakes.
I woke up to the Barbara discourse so I was already spoiled on this, but... sigh. Kelly Thompson not understanding the need for BoP to have someone in the troubleshooter/research role is hmmm a flaw. I am giving the team some leeway still though, as I DO think they're doing good Dinah content.
Outsiders: ...you know I actually have no clue what DC has done with Nocturna since the 2011 reboot apart from the fact she's apparently back. She's Kate's ex? (who isn't at this point??)
I'm again reminded that putting Poison Ivy on my longlist to read is probably a thing to do.
Red Hood: The Hill - "in their civilian lives, seeds of jealousy begin to drive a wedge between Jason and one of his oldest friends". Now don't get me wrong, actually developing Jason having his own cohort is something that is so necessary, but...it's intensely funny to me to see a book pretending Jason has a civilian life and longstanding friends. Go on.
World's Finest: look, I trust this team but you know what I don't need in my life? "the first meeting of Joker and Lex"
...oh damn, PG don't do this to me, that story concept looks halfway okay? Though it would still be funnier to hear about the team of Kara and Karen, ACTUALLY.
The Flash: you know what? I'm still enjoying Si Spurrier on this. Jai and Max sounds like an AMAZING team up actually.
Speed Force as a title is confusing me in that it's not only a mini, it's a mini that's actually keeping abreast of continuity around it for the characters involved. What is this? post-Crisis? (Keep this energy up)
I'm sorry, Wonder Woman is looking worse and worse. That cover makes me HUGELY uncomfortable. (the flag actually even more than the sword)
Sinister Sons remains looking SO BAD
I acknowledge that Amazons Attack is a bad rerun of a bad event, but also Mary Marvel is in it and I love Mary soooooooo (even though I know it makes other people mad)
The Green Arrow situation has been heavily canvassed, but my personal complaint is, in a slow meandering storyline to start with, we are at issue...10? and we finally get 4 women all at once? Why is Mia arriving with this group? Why are they all together? Why are any of them talking to Waller, particularly current Waller, let alone working for her? Why issue 10/12? (sings the 'devaluing women in Green Arrow again? Is it Tuesday?' song)
The old JSAers minis final issues - yeah that looks fine
CREEPER IN SHAZAM??? What??? The Creeper in a wacky hijinks book? This could be very fun but wow is that a tonal dissonance.
Blue Beetle *whispers* I'd actually be cool with Ted retiring from active hero work again. It's a good look on him.
Ape-ril - BANANA SCENTED COVER????? I feel this has gone underappreciated
I am, actually, excited for the Barda DCInk book. Though I wonder how much of the Furies backstory is going to get softened for it.
I still can't believe they're reprinting Dixon Nightwing AGAIN, in a 1024 page trade paperback. Why not collect Grayson? Why not finish out the Robin and BOP Dixon collections instead? WHY AS A PAPERBACK BRICK with all the downsides of both TPBs and Omnis and none of the benefits of either format?
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davidmariottecomics · 7 months
Keeping Your Comic Perspectives Broad
Hi there! 
This week, I've had a lot on my mind. I saw a conversation going around Bluesky about whether the big two are publishing comics for kids in a way that's reflective of their multimedia presences. I'm reading Bill Griffith's Three Rocks: The story of Ernie Bushmiller, the Man Who Created Nancy and, somehow, moments after putting it down after reading for a bit this morning, managed to open Bluesky to a creator I like having no idea who Nancy is. Becca and I each read the Palestine section of Joe Sacco's Journalism since it's the only Sacco book I have that I know where it is in the house, unfortunately. And, being a Sunday morning, I did my usual Sunday round-up of new releases on the Shonen Jump app and on Webtoons. Plus all the comics I read as a regular part of my work day--action-adventure with funny animals (Sonic), action-thriller with giant monsters & robots (Godzilla), and pitches and shorts of horror and sci-fi and superheroes and all sorts of stuff. I've enjoyed a lot of different types of comics, and all of that goes back to a different conversation I saw going around earlier on Bluesky, of why comics creators who may not particularly enjoy superhero stories should still recognize the fundamental comics storytelling that they've built and refined over the past almost 100 years. 
So, today we're talking briefly on all of that in talking about the importance of keeping your perspectives broad on what the medium is and can be. 
Is Nancy the Purest Expression of Comics? 
Like... probably! Yeah. Nancy is great, whether you're talking about modern Nancy or classic! It is the only comic I consistently remember to read every day (though I try very hard to keep up with my other two current dailies, Dumbing of Age and Gil Thorp). I am not the first to say that Nancy is a comic inherently about comics, about the format and the ways in which we interact with them. In fact, there's a whole book called How to Read Nancy which contends that you can understand all complexities of comics through a single Nancy strip. Which somehow manages to be a bold claim and something so inherently true if you've ever read Nancy that it almost renders the book superfluous. 
Something a lot of folks who are not Nancy-heads probably don't realize is that the strip is *technically* 101 years old. It started as a different strip, Fritzi Ritz, with a different creator, Larry Whittington. Nancy herself showed up in 1933, and accidentally kinda took over. Good for her. And, under Bushmiller's (and later assistants') pen, it became this just really condensed form of comics in usually 3-4 panel gag strips that play with all the conventions of the form. I've mentioned the new Comic Devices site and I genuinely believe you can probably find any of the devices mentioned in the great history of Nancy strips. 
With this high pedigree and recognition by many cartoonists and the heights of how big it got as a newpaper comic, you'd think Nancy would be an instantly recognizable character to anyone who has ever read a comic and... she's iconic, no doubt, but especially now, I don't think that's true (see the above where I mentioned a creator I like having no idea who Nancy was). 
The Conventions of Superheroes
The reason I bring up Nancy in particular is that Nancy is a comic strip. Yes, Nancy has also been a comic book and many strips are also now digital as well as print, but my point being, outside of a few strip collections and your more literary books like Three Rocks or How to Read Nancy, you aren't going to see a lot of Nancy at your local bookstore or comic shop. And that's also kind of one of the things I love about comics as a medium. While there are obvious downsides too, I do love that comics readers are spoiled with choice. Whatever genre may strike your fancy, whatever method of comics storytelling--single issues, collections and OGNs, webcomics, strips, weird hybrid things, whatever--you can kind of find and enjoy if that's what you want. 
I bring this all up in reference to superheroes because there is still, even within creator spaces, I think there tend to be misconceptions about what "superhero comics" are, or bad experiences with superhero comics leading to a rejection of the breadth of that form of storytelling. 
Take, for example, the many times I have gone into a bookstore (not usually comic shops, but bookstores) and have seen a display that reads something like "Comics without superheroes" and then it has Sandman on it. I think my local library's had that sort of display too. And I'm like... Martian Manhunter and Doctor Destiny are in volume 1 of this thing. Sandman is very much a part of the DC universe, it's just not telling "traditional" superhero narratives. But it is a book that exists within and because of superhero storytelling. Same with pretty much all of early/retroactively Vertigo--Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, Hellblazer, Lucifer, that weird Prez one-shot, etc. 
Or, alternatively, take the folks who love My Hero Academia and don't have the same relationship with other superhero comics. Yes, the actual forms of them tend to be different, but that thing wears it's Big 2 influences on its sleeve. 
I think I'm drifting a bit, so to refocus on the point--even if you don't think you like superhero stories, chances are, there are some that would really resonate with you because superhero stories aren't a monolith. And, y'know, I also sometimes wonder if I'm the one with odd taste because while I may have genre preferences in the types of media I consume, I'm usually pretty flexible with trying different samples from different forms and finding stuff I like even if not everything's for me (like... I'm not a big jazz guy, but there's definitely some that does it for me). And the reason you'll find that there are stories that work for you is superheroes are a vehicle for storytelling the same as many other things. Superhero stories can be political commentary, they can be self-aware, they can be horror or romance or suspense or or sci-fi or sometimes even non-fiction autobiography. What you want is likely there, there just might be some extra footwork to find what you want. 
And, if nothing else, you can find some amazing craft within superhero comics. I often link to it because I think it's quite the analysis, but years ago, ComicsAlliance ran a really great multi-part piece on superheroes as the basics of color theory and how that can apply outside the world of superhero comics. So many tricks to lettering and layouts and foreshortening and the ways in which we can create shorthand or pose bodies or create interesting juxtapositions can be found in superhero comics. And that's true of kind of any type of comic. You can find bits that you like there. 
The other reason I stress all of this, and one of the other big misconceptions I think people sometimes have about superhero comics, is as I mentioned earlier, I saw a thread questioning basically "Are there comics starring Spider-Verse star, Spider-Gwen, that my middle grader can read?" And the short answer is yes! She's got a major role in Marvel Action: Spider-Man. A lot of her comics runs, honestly, pretty kid-friendly as long as you accept that your kid might have some questions about like... a few instances of word choices or like relationships. Which is how a lot of comics still are--we think of single issue comics that aren't shelved in the kids section as being "child inappropriate" and certainly, some of them are, but a lot of them are fine for an inquisitive kid. And, yes, publishers are trying to make it easier with clearer options for younger folks, like the DC younger reader graphic novels program or Marvel's Scholastic books. 
Enjoy a Little of Everything Here's the big takeaway. If you let them be, comics can be a buffet of delights. You can sample so many different things and eat as much as you want and sometimes find, sure, this soup doesn't really work for you, but the one next to it slaps. And I think the best creators are people who recognize that and fully embrace it and try to read a lot of other comics in their various forms and genres and also, of course, consume plenty of other non-comics work too and maybe have some sort of life outside of pop culture. But whether it is trying to stay abreast of what is currently happening in comics to see if someone else is executing a similar idea or to be able to recommend a book to a lost parent or to really be able to seek out the things you personally enjoy and be able to incorporate the best of that into your own work, I think you've got to take comics with a broad perspective. 
That's it for me this week! See ya soon! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast),  Reverse 1999 (Video Game), Joe Pera Talks with You (TV show), Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (Anime), Gone Girl (Movie... I might've watched this two weeks ago, but hey, still slaps), Three Rocks (Comic), Journalism by Joe Sacco (Comic), Nancy (Comic), Lego Masters (TV show)
New Releases this week (11/15/2023): Godzilla Rivals: vs. Mechagodzilla (Editor)     - As an aside, a couple of my Godzilla creators, Kara Huset from Rivals: vs. Mechagodzilla and Lane Lloyd from an upcoming War for Humanity cover, are going through a bit of a tough time and could use some extra work. If you've got anything to send their way, I can vouch for 'em! They are both creators where in like 3-5 years, you'll be notable for getting them before they blew up! 
Final Order Cutoffs next week (11/20/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog #68 (Editor)
New Releases next week (11/22/2023): Brynmore #5 (Editor)
Announcements: Do you have $10, want some cool comics, and also want to do good in the world? Adam Szym put together Comics for Gaza's Children on itch.io. They're already a third of the way to their overall goal and just launched this morning. It's over 100 items from more than 50 creators across a ton of different genres. I have a comic in there because Becca volunteered Jimmy Squarefoot as well as their adult NSFW comic with letterer Duke NuCum, Rivals. All proceeds are going to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. 
If you have more money to give, the Cartoonist Cooperative is doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. 
You can also give more directly. If you don't have money, and I get it, you can call or fax or email or show up at the offices of your representatives. And, of course, if you need to step away for a bit so that you can do more again later on, please take care of yourself. 
And this last part is unlikely, because you're someone who reads and/or works in comics, but if you've still got a couple of dollars, why not support some struggling artists? Aside from those already mentioned, you can visit my webstore, my Patreon, or my Kofi, and you can always visit Becca's portfolio/shop/Patreon/Twitch streams too. Depending on what time I have to go through things and update my shop, I'm hoping to do a little something for Small Business Saturday-Cyber Monday. 
Pic of the Week: When Becca and I were grocery shopping the other day, we saw a genuinely very impressively sized eggplant. It was bigger than their hand. And hilarious eggplant as dick aside, honestly, it made us kinda bummed that we don't like eggplant because that's just a really impressive veggie! 
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amoveablejake · 1 year
Album of The Week: ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ (Original Score) By Daniel Pemberton
Stand out song: ‘Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)’.
2018′s ‘Into The Spider-Verse’ became an instant classic among its fan base and what that fan base is, is quite hard to describe. It is hard to describe because it is by no means limited to one section of fans or people. There were lifelong Spider-Man fans who fell for it head over heels alongside people brand new to the character to rather characters. There were then fans of superhero movies or just admirers of films in general who due to the heart, storytelling and design choices of the film because rather mesmerised by it. And, rightly so. ‘Into The Spider-Verse’ was a breath of fresh air and showed not only what super hero films can be but also what animated films, hell, what films can be in general. One of the elements that really stuck around in the years following its release, was its soundtrack. The songs that were written for it graduated from being on the film’s soundtrack to being regular radio hits and rightly so as the tracks deserved to exist in their own right. It was therefore, the licensed songs that took centre stage for the first films musical scene however, Daniel Pemberton at the second time around has produced a score that by far eclipses the songs that were written for the film and ‘Across The Spider-Verse’s key player is its original score which is nothing short of perfect. Then again, the rest of the film is too. 
The opening of ‘Across The Spider-Verse’, don’t worry I am not going to spoil anything here, is very heavily reliant on music. It uses the music to drive its opening gambit forward and to build momentum that really, never lets up. Its also more than that. The music is a reference to the source material for the character in question, see no spoilers here, and by using it it is not only demonstrating a key awareness of the character and their origin from the comic book world but is also tipping its hat to those readers of the comic books who have been with the character from their inception. Because ‘Across The Spider-Verse’ is at its core, a comic book film rather than a super hero film and its art style is one clear example of that. It is also shown through again, this relentless score that is repeatedly throwing in tracks that quickly pick up speed and make you lean forward in your seat. By their nature, comic books are read quickly and they do, for the most part, have a dynamic perspective attached to them with their formatting so there is an inherent momentum built into their very design. This design work for the art form is reflected through the musical choices for the film here and it is a masterstroke and one that surely cements Daniel Pemberton’s place among the most thoughtful and considered composers on the scene at the moment. 
Within the opening few minutes of ‘Across The Spider-Verse’ I felt like I was going to cry and that feeling didn’t go away fro the rest of the film. That feeling was there because for me, they nailed the tone of Spider-Man and the heart of it. All of the things that have made me a lifelong Spidey fan were there and seeing him or rather them have that portrayal or portrayals was very special and did mean a lot. And as an extension from that, giving the characters associated tracks that feel perfectly in tune with their core identities only elevated the viewing experience even more. Some of the character tracks are very similar, but there are slight variations on them which works brilliantly considering the film is a multiversal one looking at the same character, well, the same but different. ‘Across the Spider-Verse is going to stick with me (I didn’t plan that but you best believe I am oh so happy with it) for quite some time. It, like its predecessor, was a breath of fresh air and one that I didn’t realise I needed so much. But perhaps more than the film itself, what will become an even more key part of my day to day for the foreseeable future will be its score. In an age where film soundtracks are the stand outs and perfectly worked scores whilst still out there, don’t take centre stage quite as often as they once did, it is fitting that a film as original and noteworthy as ‘Across The Spider-Verse’ features a score that matches its brilliance. Perfection doesn’t do the film or its score justice. As a certain man would say, ‘Nuff Said. 
-Jake, a man always ready for his call up to be Spidey, 12/06/2023
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rotworld · 3 years
2: Centaur
it’s said that only pure virgin maidens can call a unicorn, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
->explicit. contains horse genitalia, weird sex magic to enable human-to-horse genitalia compatibility, dubcon/noncon, semi-public sex, implications of mind-altering magic, gore, murder, kidnapping.
You’ve never seen anything so beautiful.
The meadow is in full bloom, a sea of brilliance. Here, a profusion of daisies. There, a carpet of poppies. Asters and yarrow and little clovers, flowers you’ve never heard of, colors you didn’t know existed, bloom as far as the eye can see. There are starbursts, blue as the sea, that smell of salt and sand, and cones of pink blossoms that glitter in the light. Petals dance in a gentle breeze like prismic rain, carrying a soft, sweet scent. It feels like a dream. You’re knee-deep in flowers beneath a cloudless sky.
“This is impossible,” you say softly, afraid to disturb the peace. Your fingers graze a curving stem, heavy with bluebells. “It’s autumn. The leaves should be turning. How is everything so green?” 
The king’s men sigh tiredly, looking uncomfortable and terribly out of place in their clanking armor. “Unicorn,” they say, the only word they seem to know. Why are the winds so gentle here, spring-sweet and warm? Unicorn. Why is the water crystal clear and sparkling, the perfect temperature for both a quenching drink and a quick rinse of your dirtied hands? Unicorn. Why couldn’t you see the meadow until you crossed the river and passed a certain willow tree? Unicorn, obviously. They shake their heads at you like you don’t know anything.
“Sit here,” one of them tells you, pointing to a spot among the daffodils. 
Another one stops you just as you’re kneeling in the grass. “No, no, wait, over there is better. There are lilies. Lilies are a symbol of virginity.”
“I think the roses would be best,” a third chimes in. “Seems very maiden-like, doesn’t it? That’s what a maiden would pick, I think, if a maiden were out here, picking flowers.” The other knights nod sagely. “Then it’s decided. Over there by the roses, please. Here, sit with your legs folded like this…”
You roll your eyes. You can’t believe how seriously they’re taking the stupid little details. This whole expedition is a lost cause. It doesn’t matter how much they pretty you up, dressing you in this flowing gown and making you wander barefoot among the flowers. You’re a sheepherder, not a waifish little girl. A unicorn can tell the difference. But the king must really be desperate, because the knights are insistent as they correct your posture, smooth out your hair, and inspect you from every angle.
“Good. Perfect,” one of them says, nodding at his handiwork. “We’ll get into position. Do,” he pauses, waving his hand vaguely, “maiden things. Sing songs. Braid your hair. Whatever it is maidens do.” You watch them clang and clatter away to the treeline, hiding poorly among the rocks and flower bushes. You relish in the space and freedom, flopping on your back in the grass. You couldn’t care less if a unicorn comes or not. The fields are yellowed and prickly at home, nothing like the beautiful softness of this meadow. Your cousin agreed to watch your sheep for the day, so you don’t have a care in the world. You close your eyes and let eternal spring wash over you. 
You open your eyes to darkness.
You sit up slowly, groaning and groggy. You must’ve drifted off. Petals fall from your gown as you yawn and rub your eyes. Snoring drifts from the trees; the knights fast asleep. You stand up to stretch, only to find a new, fantastic landscape stretched before you. The meadow is tinged silvery blue in moonlight. New flowers, unopened buds just hours ago, bloom with a faint glow. A river of stars shines overhead. This must be the dream, you think, or maybe you’ve been dreaming since you crossed the river. Everything about the meadow is otherworldly, a place of beauty and gentleness unlike anything you’ve ever known.
And then you hear it. Softly at first and indistinct, but nearing, gradually louder. A rhythmic gait, too heavy for a human, too pronounced for fleshy feet. Hoofbeats. Your breath catches in your throat. You scramble to your feet and look around. Auroras shimmer above you, rippling ribbons of green. Night breeze blows across the meadow and the grass whispers at your ankles. You see him, trotting across the meadow. You see him and there are tears in your eyes. You realize you’ve never known beauty until this moment.
The unicorn is the color of night, black and deepest blue. His mane shimmers, woven with gemstones and glittering flower buds, and his horn shines like polished onyx. He is a man from the waist up, silver eyed and handsome. There are scars along his broad shoulders, puckered skin that healed a lighter gray. Beneath the waist, muscle twists and transforms into long equine legs. His gait is leisurely, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“My oh my, what do we have here?” he says. His voice is velvety smooth and alluring. Your apprehension melts away even as he stops before you, his front legs bending so you’re face to face. A heavy, coat-like fabric rests across the back of his horse body, royal purple and delicately embroidered with intricate floral patterns. He reaches for you, slender fingers curling along your jaw. You’re sure of it now. This is all just a dream. The unicorn chuckles, a warm and rumbling sound that fills you with heat. “You’re wide awake, little one.”
“You can read my thoughts?” 
“I can read more than that.” His smile widens and he stands to his full height. You fidget nervously as he walks in a slow circle around you, a hand beneath his chin. His hooves kick up petals and glittering pollen with every step. “Hmm, let’s see...a shepherd! How precious. What gentle hands. Ah, but a solitary life. You’ve not known a lover’s touch in quite some time.” Your face heats in embarrassment. His palm trails across your back as he passes behind you, squeezing your shoulder. 
“I thought unicorns only came to pure maidens,” you say. His every touch sends sparks across your skin. You can feel his warmth through the flimsy, thin fabric of your gown. At that, his smile gains a sharp edge, almost predatory. It’s gone as quickly as it came.
“What a delight you are,” he murmurs. “Coming all this way was worthwhile after all.” He begins to walk and you follow without being asked. There are flowers all around you but you pay them no mind now, too entranced by the beautiful creature beside you. You don’t know if you go far or not, time and distance rendered meaningless in the dreamlike embrace of the meadow. He leads you to a large, mossy rock formation, the stone sheared away to leave an unnaturally flat surface. You look back over your shoulder, remembering the knights. Did they sleep through all of this? Should you say something? The unicorn’s hand cups your chin, dragging your gaze back to him. His breathtaking smile obliterates all thoughts of anything else. 
“The stories are an exaggeration,” he tells you. He guides you gently, hands on your shoulders, to sit on the stone. His legs fold beneath him and he sits, his hands carding through your hair. The affection and desire in every touch, every gentle scratch of his fingers against your scalp, makes you hotter. “We appear to whomever we wish to appear to. But I confess, some of us do have a soft spot for virgins.” He presses a sharp kiss to your lips, nipping at you. “We enjoy teaching them pleasure,” he hisses, and pushes you suddenly onto your back. The gown is pulled from your body, discarded in the grass. Night air caresses your bare skin and you squirm beneath his wandering gaze.
Somehow, it only occurs to you now what his intentions are. The gentle caresses, the sensual touches and the heat in his gaze didn’t feel real. They still don’t, but now, naked and at the mercy of his hungry eyes, you understand. “You...you want me?” you say, your voice small in embarrassment. When you say it out loud, it sounds even more ridiculous, but there’s no mistaking this. He rests his arms across your abdomen, gazing up at you with fondness and longing. 
“I do,” he says. “Very, very much. Would you let me have you?” 
You bite your lip, your body trembling as he slips a hand between your legs and just grazes your sex with his fingertips. The touch is teasing, too fleeting, and leaves you aching for more. You nod shakily and he hums, pleased at your acquiescence. “What’s your name?”
He looks rather charmed that you asked, warmth filling his gaze. “I am Myurva,” he says. You give him your name in return and the way he says it back to you, the lascivious purr, makes you squirm. The unicorn rests his hands on your knees, gently but firmly easing them apart. “Spread your legs for me, lovely. I want to see you.” 
Myurva’s seduction is slow and patient even as you writhe and beg him for more. He opens you on his fingers, soothing your frenzied whimpers with sweet nothings and loving whispers of your name. You’ve never been treated with such devotion, such smothering lust and affection. He touches you like the love of his life, kisses tenderly and messily, drags his hand along your side and savors the way you move for him. “So very worth it,” he murmurs, kissing your inner thigh. He has two fingers inside you, caressing your walls and curling just right to reach the spot that makes you shriek. “How fortunate I am to have found you, lovely. I want to keep you. I want to spoil you each and every night.” 
You’re keening for him, sobbing with need, when he flips you onto your stomach. You hardly notice. You spread your legs when you feel his hands on you, kneading your ass. Everything is hot and electrifying, hazy with pleasure. Then his front hooves land heavily in the grass near your head and something enormous rubs against you. “Wait,” you say shakily. You hear a chuckle above you. The fleshy end of Myurva’s cock slides against your ass, smearing precum along your spine. Your heart skips a beat feeling the sheer size of it against you. There’s no way. It’s impossible. You try to push yourself up on your elbows and one of his hooves stamps dangerously near your head. 
“I thought you wanted me, lovely,” he says. He thrusts again, the length of him slipping between your thighs and grinding against your sex. “If you move, I’ll have to chase you. You won’t get far.” 
“You won’t fit,” you tell him, voice pitched in desperation. Trying to squirm just makes him rest his weight against you, crushing you between the stone and the bulk of his body. “You’re going to break me!”
“I’ll go slow,” Myurva purrs. He demonstrates with a slow grind, a gradual roll of his hips. His heated flesh feels so good against you. “I’ll be so, so careful with you. Don’t you remember the stories? I enjoy virgins. I haven’t harmed a single one. They wander the woods in search of me, begging to feel my cock again.” You hear his back hooves shifting, repositioning behind you. He lines himself up and his cock prods against your opening. “Let me show you,” he urges. “Let me bring you pleasure you’ve never known.” He grinds against you again, hot pressure building as he begins to push inside. You gasp his name, beg him to wait, to go slow, to give you a moment to collect yourself, but he chuckles and presses harder.
Your nails rake against the stone and your vision whites out. The burn of the stretch becomes a tingling sensation, numb at first and then blindly pleasurable, lighting sparks in your belly. It shouldn’t be possible but you feel the head inside of you. The pain is a dull ache but every movement chases it away, pleasure washing over you. He rocks his hips and the steady, shallow thrusts push him deeper. True to his word, he fucks into you agonizingly slowly, panting and moaning
“How do you feel, lovely?” he asks, his voice strained. He’s holding back, you realize, his hooves stomping restlessly as he makes small, unconscious thrusts to feel you wrapped around him. “Let me in deeper. Let me fuck you properly. You won’t regret it.”
You don’t think he can get deeper. You try to tell him as much, but a hard thrust knocks the breath out of you. The fullness makes your head spin. You feel yourself pushing back against him despite all of the sensations, the ache inside of you, the impossibility of the whole situation in the back of your mind. He makes a breathy, choked sound and then laughs, fucking you harder. “Ohhh, that’s it. Just like that. I knew you’d love this.” You can hear his cock slamming into your body, can feel the weight of his heavy balls slapping your ass with every thrust. You feel like a cocksleeve, a snug toy for him to fuck. The force of his thrusts drags you back and forth over the stone, scraping up your chest, but the pain is nothing compared to the pleasure he gives you. 
Someone is screaming, crying Myurva’s name into the night. You barely recognize your own voice, the needy pitch, the tremor in every word. You’re so full, so unbearably stuffed with cock, no longer trying to meet his thrusts but letting him move you, ruining you for any human partner. Your knees bruise on the stone. Your toes curl. Your cries build to a frenzied crescendo and you cum impaled on his enormous cock, shaking, panting his name.
“Lovely,” he moans, an obscene sound leaving his lips as your inner muscles clamp down on his cock. “Gods above, darling, I’m going to fill you.” He fucks you wildly, no rhythm, no caution, his whole cock slamming into you as hard and deep as he can get. You can’t move. The whole world turns white-hot and blinding. You go limp, gasping weakly as Myurva begins to grunt, his cock pulsing, his whole length crammed inside you.
You thought you were full already, but then he cums. You feel him straining on top of you, his whole weight thrown forward as he fucks ropes of thick cum into your body. It foams up around his length and makes obscene, slick sounds. You feel it overflowing, trickling down your thighs. It feels like it goes on forever, his moans, his deep, straining thrusts, his cock pouring more and more cum into your body until his balls empty and he finally, with a satisfied sigh, pulls out. 
You make an undignified sound at the sudden emptiness, and the rush of cum that follows. You’re grateful for the stone beneath you, cool against your sweat-soaked skin. Your legs are jelly. You don’t know if you’ll ever walk again. Myurva’s front hooves lift, stepping back from the stone. His human hand caresses your cheek. “You’re truly something, lovely,” he says quietly. “I spoke in jest of keeping you, but now...it’s difficult to resist the temptation.” 
You try to speak but only manage an incoherent murmur of noise. He chuckles and strokes your hair. Distantly, you’re aware of other noises than the two of you. Shouting. Footeps. Clattering steel. You remember suddenly that you aren’t alone out here, arms struggling to lift you. The knights. How could you forget? Shame heats your face. How long have they been awake? How much did they see? How much did they hear? Myurva shushes your protests, pressing a gentle hand on the small of your back. “Rest,” he says. You don’t think you’re capable of doing much else, anyway.
You hear a commotion behind you. The knights, shouting in outrage, drawing swords. Are they going to hurt Myurva? Your eyes widen and you try again, uselessly, to lift yourself and see what’s happening. The unicorn gives you one last gentle caress and leaves you, his hoofbeats stopping somewhere between you and the knights.
“At last, you show yourself!” the knights exclaim. You manage to roll onto your side, craning your neck to see them surrounding Myurva, but he doesn’t look concerned. He glances around, examining each of the men. 
“Let’s see,” he murmurs. “Subjects of King Cornelius. And you want…” The corner of his lips twitch in amusement. “A hostage? Is that right? Your people have no claim over our mountains. A hostage will not change this. My king does not negotiate.” His words are ignored. The knights are wary but they do not back down. You feel like a fool. Why didn’t you ask them what they wanted the unicorn for? You assumed it was something trivial, a silly princess who wanted a pet. Nothing like this. 
Myurva glances back at you. His silver eyes catch the moonlight and glint dangerously. Those are a predator’s eyes, you realize. A thing that hunts and stalks the night. “You worry for me, lovely?” he purrs. “Your every emotion is so tender. I really must keep you. But, alas,” he chuckles, turning back to the knights, “business first, my sweet.”
You hadn’t looked all that carefully at the fabric across the back of his body. You hadn’t noticed the sword sheaths hanging there, hidden beneath the drapes and tassels. You hear steel scraping steel as he unsheathes twin blades, long and curved, as strikingly silver as his eyes. One of the knights tries to say something. “Come quietly,” or some other meaningless thing. He never finishes speaking. You hardly see Myruva move. A flash of silver, a rush of air; that’s all it takes. The knight’s head falls from his shoulders, and his body sinks to the ground soon after. The others begin to scream and scatter, but they’ll never get away. There’s no outrunning a unicorn. 
Laying there upon the stone, you see everything. Prey fleeing and predator giving chase. Swords clashing. Flesh pierced and mangled. Myurva tramples one of them, snaps the man’s ribs with glee in his shining eyes. Their armor does nothing but trap them in slow, awkward shells, easy prey to catch and dismantle. The unicorn moves like a whirlwind across the meadow, death his shadow. Blood soaks the soil and splatters the flowers, almost black in the night. 
You’re on your knees when it’s over, hunched over the stone with your legs in the grass. You can’t stand. You can’t run. You can’t do anything but turn and see Myurva standing there, fresh blood dripping from his swords. He smiles at the sight of you, the shivers wracking your body. “You didn’t know,” he assures you. “I can read you, remember?” He wipes the blood from his blades, sheathing them at his side once again. You flinch when he comes closer, sitting in the grass beside you. You smell the carnage on him. The fingers that tuck your hair behind your ear are wet and warm. “Pleased to meet you,” he purrs. “I’m Myurva, the royal spymaster. And you are the loveliest little human I’ve ever seen.”
You protest weakly when he scoops you up in his arms, standing suddenly. You’re vaguely aware of moving, of being carried somewhere. You fight to cling to consciousness, but it’s slowly slipping out of your grasp. “Hush,” Myurva coos, kissing your forehead. “We’ve a long ways to go and you’re in no condition to ride me just yet. But, eventually…” He chuckles, one of his hands cupping your backside. “Eventually, we’ll have all the time in the world to do whatever we like, won’t we?”
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
How they react to the Dog Hand meme
♡Genre: Pure nonsensical fluff
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
♡Member(s) involved: c!Dream, c!George, c!Sapnap, c!Karl, c!Quackity, c!Bad
♡Format: Headcanon(?)
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It never gets old watching your wolf practically sprint towards you the moment you open your hand in front of it. It never hesitates to rest its chin in your palm, wagging it’s tail happily and looking at you with adoring loyal eyes while it does so.
"Aren't you just the cutest thing in the whole wide world?" You coo as you nuzzle your cheek against its soft fluffy head. It barks happily as if to agree with your statement, earning it a few kisses and head pats before it goes on with its merry way to do god knows what before you call for its name again.
"You ever going to stop babying them?" Your boyfriend asks as he sits on the edge of your bed, a little jealous that your wolf gets so much more attention when he's literally sitting in the same room.
"Never in a million years, they're essentially my child now," you laugh as he huffs and rolls his eyes, still a little pouty from your previous actions. You swear to whatever higher power exists in the world that your boyfriend acts exactly like a spoiled puppy whenever he sees you playing with your wolf.
Wait, that actually gives you an idea.
"Hey," he watches as you outstretch your hand in front of him like you did with your wolf with the biggest grin forming on your face, "do the thing!"
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He can't help but laugh a little at how excited you look. Seriously, he thought you were pretty darn cute when you were playing with your wolf before, but now this? You're going to make his heart explode one day with how adorable you are.
"I'm not as cute as your little wolf though," he teases.
"Maybe not but hey, you can at least try, can't you?"
Even though he rolls his eyes at your words, he still walks up to you and lean down to rest his chin in your palm, giving you a lazy smirk as he does so. He laughs a bit when he sees you tensing up, genuinely not expecting him to go along with your little joke.
"So, am I cute enough for you?"
A kiss placed on the tip of his nose has you turning the tables on him and now he's the one growing flustered, pale face dusting with a little bit of red at the innocent affection.
"There, NOW you're cute."
"Oh, c'mon George!"
"No, (y/n)," he looks at you with an amused look when you whine out his name once more, staring at him with the best puppy eyes you can muster. Thankfully, after being friends with a few other people who can pull off impressive puppy eyes, he's gotten fairly immune to them by now.
"I'm not budging and that's final," you sigh and drop you hand to your side, pouting a little at being denied your fun.
Before you can react and exit the room defeated, a pair of hands cup your cheek out of the blue, shocking and flustering you.
"H-Hey, that wasn't the plan-!”
"No, but you didn't say I couldn't do it to you, now did you?" He presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, chuckling as you scrunch your face up a bit in mock disgust.
"Argh, I hate you."
“Aw, I love you too, sweetheart."
Sapnap has to catch you from falling because of how quickly he surprised you by practically hopping off the bed. He giggles as he holds you in his arm in what seems to be a dip, he was always a sucker for cheesy things like these.
"Holy shit, Sapnap," you can't help but gasp out, clinging onto him as your heart beats rapidly from your close fall. "Lord, I thought I was going to die-"
"You okay there, babe?" You nod in response to his question and stand up properly with his help. After a few seconds of calming yourself down, you outstretch your hand again and Sapnap wastes absolutely no time in resting his chin in your palm just like your wolf. You think that if you believed hard enough, you may just see a pair of ears and tail appear on him as well.
"You really live up to your pet name, don't you, puppy?" You can't help but tease.
"Mhmm, and this puppy really wants you to kiss and pet him now."
"What're the magic words Sapnap?"
"Uh... I love you?"
Well, that definitely pulled a snort of out you.
"Alright, fine. You get your kisses you dork."
He's definitely another one who doesn't hesitate to rush up to you to rest his chin in your palm, giggling and looking at you with the most lovestruck expression as he does so.
"Oh my god, Karl, stop being so cute all the time," your words make his heart feel all fuzzy inside and he can't stop himself from nuzzling into your hand, reveling in your attention
"Not until you give me more kisses than your wolf."
"Hmm, but my lips are feeling a little sore at the moment though," you joke, making him mock a pout back. "Maybe I'll have to take a raincheck on those kisses."
"Fine, then I'll do it myself!" You barely have time to react before you're quickly scooped up into his arms and dragged to bed where he covers your face in kisses, causing the both of you to laugh until your stomachs hurt from the lack of air.
Honestly, if someone asked you to pick between Karl or your wolf over whose cuter, you may actually struggle to answer that question when both of them smother you with love in almost the exact same way.
"You gotta say please if you want me to do that, sweet thing," lord, why did you expect Quackity to just go along with it?
"C'mon Quackity, please?"
"You can do better than that!" Lord, you just want to smooch that smirk off his stupidly good looking face.
"A little better, (y/n)." Okay, y'know what-
"Quackity, I can hear my wolf tippy tapping in the room next to us, I will literally just walk over to them and give them all your kisses."
Well, that threat definitely got to him- He stumbles and almost falls before resting his chin in your palm. He even grabs you wrist just for safe measures to ensure you aren't going to leave him for your wolf.
"I thought I get kisses with this thing as well?" Quackity whines, nudging your hand with his cheek as if to get you to kiss him quicker.
"You gotta be cuter if you want kisses, lover boy."
"Aren't I already cute anough?"
You open your mouth to argue but nothing really comes out, making Quackity giggle at your silence. You sigh and reward him with the kisses he wanted, much to his delight.
"Admit it, I'm definitely cuter than your wolf.”
"Doesn't automatically make you my favourite between the two of you though."
He tilts his head like an actual puppy as he stares at your hand, a little confused as to what you want him to do. He's totally lost please help this demon out.
"Do you want to rest your chin in my hand?"
Ah, there's that happy little gasp. He's quick to change to his more appropriate height before resting his chin on your palm, giving you something almost similar to an ‘UwU’ look on his content face.
"Okay, I can see why your puppy really likes doing this."
"Is it comfy?" He nods at your question, sighing in bless when he feels your other hand petting through his jet black hair. As you do so, you can see Bad's tail lift slightly behind him, wagging a little much to your amusement.
"Your tail is wagging Bad!" It doesn't take him long to remove himself from your hand, flustered and gripping onto his tail to stop it from moving anymore. He can't help but make a noise of complaint as he sees you giving him a smug little grin.
"(Y/n), you ruined the moment!"
"I'm sorry, Bad!" But your string of uncontained giggles really showed that you weren't all that sorry, much to Bad's displeasure. He’s so going to get back at you for that by cuddling with your wolf tonight instead of you.
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A/N: Hello! I am so sorry for this mess! I had major writer’s block and legit had to look at my old blog for some inspiration- I may be running a little dry nowadays and I’m incredibly sorry for that. Anyways, this was just a quick cute bit, I hope you all enjoyed reading!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Ask: Reply - 2021.03.18
I don’t know what might be the best way to go about asks, but for now I’ll try to answer asks as they come and when I can/want to I’ll collect them together in a post instead of answering indivudually. I’ve seen other Vminie blogs with similar formats and have done a few collection posts like this before, and it really seems to be the easiest way to digest your questions.
Let’s go through what you’ve sent me today as I finally opened up this blog for asks again. :)
Ask 1 - Vmin’s emotional connection vs ship moments Ask 2 - KTH1 and creative control Ask 3 - What makes a ship big? Ask 4 - Thoughts on Tae/kook’s relationship (+ edit on other post) Ask 5 - When did they first mention the dumpling fight? Ask 6 - A little about me and my big analysis Ask 7-9 - Thank yous and nice things
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Thank you all for waiting. <3 Read more under the cut.
Ask 1 -  Vmin’s emotional connection vs ship moments
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I agree with you. I might not look at other ships as focused as I do with Vmin, but I would guess no other ship comes close to how much Vmin have shown their emotional intimacy in many ways over the years. Not to mention how many times even BTS themselves point out Vmin’s bond as special. Not to mention to begin with we shouldn’t be insecure about their bond based on their interactions with others. We should judge Vmin based on how they interact with each other.
All members have skinship (though some more than others), but both Jimin and Tae are super comfortable with touching, sometimes even with strangers. Looking at moments you can ship all ships, and there are even those that believe their ship to be real for almost all ships in BTS at this point. Why? Well because if you focus on your ship and put emphasis on the moments between them as bigger or more important, you can find “proof” for anything. Because that’s just how close and shipworthy all of the dynamics in BTS are. They all love each other, and shippers can find their own preferred love amongst them. 
I think we also need to remember all the things Vmin has CONFIRMED that other shippers try to prove with their own ships. How is tae/kook hugging or ji/kook cuddling supposed to make me feel insecure about Vmin when they have that too AND call each other soulmates in a song that made one of their procucers cry and other things like Namjoon getting goosebumps thinking about their bond? Taehyung cried reading his letter to Jimin and Jimin said no other member would likely truly understand why he cried. Taehyung has called Jimin the warmest person he knows and his one and only best friend. AND AGAIN, SOULMATE. The years of material we have show us again and again how important they are to each other and how they grow and work hard together to make their bond even stronger.
Vminies, please appriciate what we have because we are spoiled.
Ask 2 - KTH1 and creative control
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Honestly this is a difficult one. The thing is that we know that likely to some degree Big Hit will always be involved with what the boys do and release. But I also think their freedom to express themselves is better than most idol companies, and BTS whole brand is to be as genuine as possible. As for what Tae would be asked to tone down is hard to say exactly, but we do know that Yoongi and Namjoon (and other members) have been pretty dark and honest in their lyrics. I know from a Vmin perspective it could be something either LGBT+ or even directly Vmin related, but there isn’t enough to go on for me to make a good guess. We literally just know that he was told to tone it down. It doesn’t even have to be about the subjects or lyrics, even though that does seem the most likely. But we do know that Taehyung wants to release something that reflect him and that he can be proud of, so I am sure no matter what we get they will be his honest feelings. I am very excited and a bit scared thinking about Tae’s mixtape if I am being honest.
That being said, I think there could be lines that they should be careful not to cross. I think it’s possible with Taehyung’s personality who “doesn’t beat around the bush” that he might want to express more than what might be appropriate. Not just from Big Hit’s perspective but for his own sake. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Tae is an idiot who doesn’t know what’s good for him. I just think at times he might be rebellious against his own better judement because it is something so important to him. For me talking about the Christmas song is partly such a moment, but I still think he was careful and ambiguous enough about it, even though he allowed himself to complain. Still, I am sure if it is about sexuality or even a relationship he knows the risks of being too open about it and would likely understand the need to be careful, or tone things down, if that was the case. A mixtape/album is not something done rashly or in the moment, so no matter what we get I am sure it will have been checked and considered by Tae and by Big Hit.
So basically I suppose the delay could be about creative control but mostly I really think it’s about Taehyung wanting to do well and writing when he feels like it without pressure. Which I feel is a very healthy approach by him honestly. We know mixtapes takes time and we know how Hobi felt about his first one, so I really think we should just give him time and I am sure we will get something amazing.
Ask 3 - What makes a ship big?
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Aaaaaaw~! Thank you so much for your love and compliments. I feel like am very lacking in many areas still, but regardless I am glad my posts are appriciated. If I can bring a smile to anyones’ face that is an acomplishment to be proud of. Thank you. <3
As for what makes a ship big or not is of course quite subjective. For me at this point I would say ALL BTS ships are big ships. Not comparing them to each other but just by the huge amount of fans they all have. (I hope you don’t have to learn the pain or liking a rare-pair from a small fandom T-T). Almost all the ships in BTS even have analysis and people who believe in them, and I think that is partly an effect of size as well. That being said I think the bigger a ship is the easier it is for it to grow more. Which is why it is no surprise a lot of BTS ships that were popular right at the start are still the biggest ones now. But with more material and more fans there comes communities focused on their own ship, and they all grow as they get more moments. Vmin too have had a few times when they blow up for a while and gather new curious shippers. Friends is clearly a great example of this. Even Sweet Night seem to be something of a turning point for some to start shipping Vmin. All ships will grown in size with each passing year as we are always given new material. Even if a ship doesn’t get a lot, it will likely get enough to keep fans engaged.
For me I would say the loudest and the most agressive are often the biggest  (more bad apples the bigger the basket you know) and I think we can see some size indications by what ships trend more often etc. Ships can also be big in different ways and in different forums... Like how ji/kookers have taken tumblr as their platform while tae/kookers seem to be on youtube comments a lot.
All in all I don’t think size matters much though. Especially not with BTS where all ships get a lot of material and has their own fans who create for, share and dicuss about their pair. Popularity to me is not really something I think too much about, and honestly I think the way only the most popular pairs seem to get attention in the form of “worry” etc. is very telling. If JK and Hobi share a bed and cuddle and celebrate JK’s BD together, or Hobi post them having a picknick outside their house at night no one bats an eye... But if it was JK with one of Vmin? Confirmed to be dating and all other shippers get worried. 
Going into detail why ships gets big is a different conversation though. :P I hope I understood your ask correctly. Basically I consider all BTS ships as more or less big (perhaps with the exception of 2seok).
Ask 4 - Thoughts on Tae/kook’s relationship
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So I got two Tae/kook asks today, seemingly because Tae/kook has had a lot of moments recently. I deleted the first one, but this one I feel is safe enough to share. I’ve talked about tae/kook before... (HERE for example) and I stand by that now too. I don’t have to dismiss other ships to feel confident about Vmin’s love for each other.
Tae/kook has always had a very physical and playful dynamic. Even when Tae changed and toned down this side of him we got moments where he played with JK or they hugged or cuddled close. I do see a little change now after ITS but mostly in that Tae seems to initiate more, not that it looks different in nature. I think when Tae changed his dynamic with JK lost a lot of it’s “main focus” as Tae wasn’t as playful. Look at JK with Jin as a comparison and I think JK in general is drawn to hang with people who are happy and fun to tease. 
Anyways, about their bond I do think tae/kook are close but as grown men they don’t have the same relationship that they used to when they were younger. They simply grew up and their dynamics changed. They haven’t had a lot of more serious conversations, but I think now that distance have become a little shorter after ITS. I think Tae/kook has a great bond that is underrated by many in the fandom but overrated greatly by their shippers. They clearly love each other and have fun with each other and can be very comfortable physically. 
But are they as close as Vmin? Personally I really doubt it. And even if Tae/kook would be real why should that have any impact on Vmin? Surely you wouldn’t think they are together but cheating or something drastic like that. I am also not sure why you would be particularly worried about tae/kook based on physical interactions alone though... I mean, both Hope/kook, Tae/jin, Ji/kook and Vmin also have a loooot of very intimate looking moments if you ask me.
You don’t have to worry about Vmin. If Tae has gushed about Jimin being special to him from 2013 to 2020 I don’t see why 2021 would be any different.
I also got a reply to this post where I mentioned the tae/kook ask I deleted. I must first say that it was my mistake to write JK’s lips and not his lip mole. I have edited the post to make clear he talked about the mole and not the lips.
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Either way, thank you anon for giving perspective and adding your thoughts to the moments. Not to mention moments like this happen for all members and I don’t think we can draw any strong conclusions from them saying another members is sexy or something similar. But yeah, people pick and choose what they will remember, and often focusing on the negative will leave a bigger impact than the positive.
Ask 5 - When did they first mention the dumpling fight?
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Hi and don’t worry. I honestly think a lot of Vminies don’t know about this because the first time was such a small moment not many would pay attention and remember it. We knew about it since 2016 where Tae offhandedly mentioned him and Jimin fighting about dumplings once.
I don’t even have the actual source for the first time Tae mentioned it, but it was all the way back in July 2016 in an interview with @star1 magazine, so we know it happened before that.
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Then Tae got asked about it on a post it during a BST era fansign as well. Also, did you know the reason they fought was 💜?
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Yeah.... Let’s just say I am not surprised at all to hear their dumpling fight having more meaning than first let on. As with most things brought up in the lyrics of Friends it’s something we already knew about since before. I also talked about this in my post Vmin analysis - “Friends”. (Though at that point we hadn’t heard them speak much about it and didn’t know how big of a deal it seemed to be.) It makes me wonder if the other things they talk about in the lyrics might also have more meaning than we know. 
Personally I think the reason we even got them talking about the dumpling incident so much is thanks to JK in the carpool karaoke. When asked what Vmin would fight about he was the one who mentioned dumplings and likely brought more attention to it than if it would simply have remained as one of the many lyrical anecdotes in the song. I am glad we got to know more, because honestly the dumpling incident seems to have been a pivotal moment in Vmin’s relationship.
Ask 6 - A little about me and my big analysis
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Hi and thank you so much for the lovely compliments. Trying to consider all kinds of possibilities I feel should be obvious if you truly want to analyse something, but sadly I think when it comes to observing real people and being invested emotionally that becomes really difficult. Me too have to hold myself back a lot, because in the end there is always going to be room for error. And if I am wrong, who will be hurt? Likely all of you who listen to me and take my words into consideration. So I rather be upfront about the risk of being wrong than to speak too confidently and accidentally ending up misleading someone. I am really so happy and proud over Vminies who can stand back and not become delusional despite everything we actually have (this includes myself, because it’s not always easy to not get caught up in theories).
As for who I am it’s of course ok to ask. I am from Sweden and is 30 years old. (English isn’t my native language so I hope you forgive my mistakes, I know I have a lot of them in my posts). I’ve been a BTS fan since 2016 and Vmin fan almost since the start. I have been a fan of other groups long before BTS too and was pretty deep into the Japanese idol culture before fell for K-pop. For some additional info I also work with marketing and project managing and have a degree in conflict resolution. Thanks for being curious about me. :)
About my big analysis I am working on it still, and of course I hope to post it as soon as I can. I am a bit hesistant in bringing attention to some things though, as I have seen some of my previous theories and speculations be regarded as fact. I don’t want Vminies to run with my interpretations in a way that make them confident in Vmin being real. So yeah, I do want to post it, but I am also a bit worried what reactions it might get. I try very hard to remind you all that my theories are only speculations and we won’t know anything for sure (unless it would be confirmed). It still isn’t finished yet though, but I’ll keep working hard.
Ask 7 -  Thank you for the fic rec
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Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. I haven’t had too much time to catch up on reading and just added a lot from my bookmarks, but good thing it was so appriciated by you all. Vmin writers truly are amazing aren’t they? :) 
(And don’t worry about me getting bad asks. I think I would have quit a long time ago if I let them bother me too much.)
Ask 8 - Just a very sweet anon
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Thank you! I’m ok. Not great, but ok. Life goes on, you know? But I feel like I finally have the energy to blog again, and honestly that feels pretty great. It feels like I’ve been gone forever, but I hope you will still enjoy my musings and thoughts as you send me questions and I write new posts. :3
Ask 9 - The whole world is different from yesterday~ Just with your joy~
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Omg what a sweet thing to say, thank you so much, you are putting a big smile on my face right now. I am glad you enjoy and understand my thoughts so much. I know many of you have missed my thoughts and even asked me when I would open my asks again, and so much always happen with Vmin too... (There is literally enough material to write books about them.) Thank you for waiting and being so understanding. I am happy to be back too. <3
Thank you everyone for you asks and I hope you liked this new format. :) I’ll try to keep it up and if you have any thoughts and opinions feel free to share them.
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vermss · 3 years
jamilton AU- wings of privilege (title under construction)
i completely forgot how to say “working on the title” so there’s that
anyways here’s something that I wrote! I’m pretty proud, I wrote around 1200 words in like an hour so hell yes me! credit to @syrannight for giving me the idea!
The royal family didn’t have guards. 
Well, that was a bit of a stretch. They did have guards, but very few. Why bother? They were above every single one of their subjects. Literally. 
The royal family was born with wings. Large, feathered, honest-to-god wings that unfolded behind their backs. They said it was the gods’ gift, that they were chosen to lead by the higher powers. The people believed them, perhaps not loving them but accepting them as their rulers. Well, they used to love them.
The people had seen no reason to end their monarchy; the Jeffersons were fair and kind and led their kingdom through times of great prosperity and freedom. They loved their people, and their people loved them in return. The Jeffersons were good.
Until they weren’t.
The dawn of a new era was evident in the first decree King Peter made, stating that any dissidents of the king would be prosecuted and publicly hanged. Fear spread through the kingdom like a plague, infecting the people and sinking its harsh claws into their chests, reducing their talk to whispers, their vibrant households to mere shells of their former selves. Soldiers took as they pleased, whether lives or property, and crime was abundant. The king, sitting high above on his throne of gold and wings of rich yellow, tinged dark and repulsive by the stain of his greed and tyranny, didn’t raise a hand for the people so long as his taxes were paid.
Thomas was a small child when this happened, when his grandfather died and the strange shadow fell over the people. His mother told him he was being paranoid, that this was how it had always been. Every time the bodies of innocent citizens hung from poles, displayed for all to see like grotesque trophies, he was told they were attempting to hurt the king. Every time, he nodded, little face scrunched in hatred at these people who wanted his father gone, who hated him because of the wings on his back. He loved his father, and his wings, which were bright, vibrant magenta, his favorite color. Still, he didn’t like the bodies, and he was grateful when his mother came back from her trips and there were less of them.
Then, when he was approaching eleven, tragedy struck his sheltered, spoiled life in his home in the sky. His mother fell ill and died, dark fuschia feathers fading to grey as she shuddered one last breath and fell silent.
It was the only time he’d ever seen his father cry.
The next day, his father took him into his study. “Listen here,” he told Thomas. “Don’t believe the lies they’ll tell you, that all men are created equal. You will someday have all the power one could ever wish for. Use it as you please, because it is your right and yours alone.” 
With his mother gone, he grew closer to his brother, Lafayette. They’d tell each other stories of what they’d do when they were king, the endless sweets they’d have and the days they’d spend playing in the garden, no one to force them to take a bath or eat anything other than mac and cheese. 
Peter Jefferson got colder by the day, never saying anything to Thomas or Lafayette and seeing them rarely, shut in his study, poring over something or other. Thomas, now nearing 19, barely felt his absence. He hadn’t been there much in the first place.
But then Lafayette seemed to do the same. He never talked to Thomas anymore, and when he did it was disturbing. He talked of going down to the ground someday, of mingling with the dirty people below their castle in the sky, of equality and of democracy. One day, as they had one of their increasingly rare and awkward conversations, Thomas said, “but why? Our wings make us greater! Can’t you see? The world is at our feet! We can do whatever we please! Why would you give that up?” 
He seemed to activate something in Lafayette, who stood angrily, glaring at him, words bursting out like he’d been longing to say them. “Can’t you see?” he yelled. “Can’t you see how the people suffer? How they’re killed for saying what they wish? Your father has blinded you to anyone but yourself! There is more to this world than your own happiness and comfort! How can you sleep comfortable in these silken sheets when others lie dying in the cold? Your wings are just that- wings! None of this-” he gestured around them at Thomas’s bedroom, adorned with gold and jewels and filled with expensive trinkets whose uses he hardly even remembered- “was earned! All of this was given to you! How do you not see that this is not right? Are you truly that stupide?” Thomas stared at him. He was, by all accounts, an intelligent child. He could argue for hours with his professors with the merit of this or that (not that he ever actually had; they usually acquiesced to him, using the deferential “yes, my prince” or “of course, your royal highness” and continued with the lesson as if nothing had happened) and was knowledgeable in quite a few subjects, but he couldn’t seem to think of a response. His head was spinning. What had he done to be able to enjoy all of this? Was what Lafayette said true? Were the people really suffering while he lay in the lap of luxury? 
The door banged open, and one of the few guards of the palace barged in, stopping short when he saw Thomas. “Erm,” he said. Clearing his throat, he continued, “Prince Lafayette, please come with me.” Thomas saw a hint of fear in his brother’s normally sparkling brown eyes. What are you scared of? he wanted to ask. But then he was shoved out of the room, and the door was slammed shut again, and Thomas was left to himself, surrounded by anything anyone could have ever wanted. In that moment, he hated all of it.
The day after, they put Lafayette on a plane and he never saw him again. The last thing he’d said to Thomas was “are you that stupid?”, and it rang in his ears constantly. He loathed himself. It was his fault. His fault his brother was gone, his fault people were suffering- 
Don’t believe the lies they’ll tell you.
His father opened the door. “Young man, you cannot stay in there moping. The boy has been dealt with accordingly.”
“He’s my brother!” Thomas said, suddenly outraged. “He’s- he’s not some stupid situation to be ‘dealt with accordingly’, he’s my brother and he’s done nothing wrong!” Peter shook his head condescendingly at him.
“He’s obviously been feeding you propaganda, Thomas. He’s been trying to brainwash you.” Thomas stared at him. “I’ll see you at dinner.” With that, his father turned and left. 
His father’s voice and Lafayette’s voice echoed in his head.
Are you that stupid? Don’t believe the lies they’ll tell you. Are you that stupid? Don’t believe the lies. Are you stupid? The world bows at your feet. Stupide. They tell you lies. Stupide! Lies! Are you stupid? LIES!
He covered his ears and curled into himself, but the shouting in his mind continued. Lafayette’s words had opened his eyes, shown him his life in an entirely new light. But he could be lying. What he said, what he accused his father of- it went against everything he’d ever known. Every single thing he’d been told since he was born contradicted what Lafayette said. But maybe Lafayette was right, and they’d just been hiding it from him. Maybe he was that stupid. But maybe he was lying. But maybe he was stupid. Maybe it was lies. Maybe he was stupid. Maybe-
He shook his head. It wouldn’t do to get stuck in a spiral.
He had dinner in his room, sitting alone on his bed.
I ended it there but I plan to have more chapters out soon, this is just ch. 1! pleeeeeeeeeease leave a comment, tell me what you think, i THRIVE off comments and i tend to abandon projects so any comments would be really appreciated as motivation and to feed my ravenous writer ego
i know Alex doesn’t appear in this chapter but he comes soon i promise
please let me know if you notice any errors, i don’t really edit (i should probably fix that) and tumblr messes up the formatting when i copypaste. once again any comments whatsoever are appreciated!
i am an absolute slut for winged!thomas 
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Good Omens - I Was Given Four Rules to Follow ... I Broke Every One: Chapter 1/3 (Rated PG13)
Summary: When Warlock Dowling is summoned to the old South Downs cottage of Aziraphale and Crowley to help clean out their attic, presumably after their deaths, he is given four rules to follow.
... He breaks every single one.
Notes: For @silver-colour
Written for the @tricketyboo2020 prompt "Creepypasta format story (like a found footage or witness statement kind of thing)" by silver-colour. It is a mild reworking of an older fanfic of mine, but that goes tongue in cheek with the ending of this story sort of. XD I would put this between Spooky Level 2 and 3, with 3 being "major and minor character death, disturbing images or concepts, major dark themes, major violence, etc." But there's only minor mentions of blood/body horror. But the whole undead thing is a trigger for some people and I lean into that imagery a bit. I wanted this to be a sort of leveled up Goosebumps tale. Tl;dr proceed with caution <3
Chapter 1
 I am going to die.
I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die.
I have to keep repeating it because I have to come to grips with it.
I am going to die.
Not in sixty years.
More like sixty minutes.
Oh, Amanda. I am sorry.
If you ever hear this … I never meant for this to happen.
My name is Warlock Dowling and I am 34 years-old. Devoted son and husband, I’ve spent over a decade working towards achieving my dream of following in my father’s footsteps and entering politics one day.
It’s a dream I don’t think I’ll be seeing through to the end.
I am telling you this because after reading what I’ve just read … and hearing what I’ve just heard … I am not certain I’m going to make it through the night.
I broke the rules.
There were four. Only four. And I broke them.
I didn’t break them by accident. I absolutely did it on purpose. I’m not suicidal or anything, but you only live once - am I right?
For the record, I don’t regret a single thing.
That’s not entirely true.
I’ll regret dying before morning if that’s the way things play out.
Today happens to be October 31st - Halloween night. I’d been tasked with clearing out the attic above a cottage in The South Downs which once belonged to a pair of old family friends. Technically, they were ex-employees of my parents from back when I was young, but I thought of them as surrogates. They practically raised me, educated me, taught me everything I know about coping in this cruel, pathetic world.
I held them in the highest regard.
They were the only people in my life who treated me as if I could become more than what I had been born into, that fate had something else in store for me. Because of them, I met the best friends a boy could ever have.
I will forever be grateful for that.
Cleaning out this attic was the least I could do to repay them, but to be honest, I don’t know who summoned me here. I assumed it was the executor of their estate, but now I’m not so sure. Looking over the letter in my hands, there is no legible signature. And the gold embossed emblem at the top that I took for granted as belonging to some upscale legal firm is, on closer inspection, gibberish - a mess of fleur-de-lis underscored by Latin words that roughly translate to “the cows shall rise”.
Ludicrous, right?
How did I miss that?
But more ludicrous - and confusing - are the rules.
I had been given rules about cleaning this attic.
The first rule on the list was to touch only what I could see. Under no circumstances was I to open any of the boxes or chests.
So, naturally, I opened every single one.
The second rule was not to put anything on. Fine by me. The only clothes up here are old lady outfits and a pair of white satin shoes.
But …
There was an awesome vintage leather jacket hanging on a dressmaker’s dummy in the corner and … well … it had my name written all over it! I had to try it on, see if it fit.
And it does.
Rule number three - keep to my torch. Don’t light any candles.
Nuh-uh! It’s Halloween! And torches are lame. So on the candles went. Jeez, there are a lot of them. Enough to burn down the whole place if I’m not careful. It actually seems like they’ve multiplied since I’ve been up here.
I won’t lie - it’s unsettling.
But according to the list, rule number four is the most important:
Don’t read any books I find. And definitely not out loud.
The first thing I saw when I entered the attic was a stack of leather-bound books. I scoffed at the sight of them, piled up to my chin, right inside the entryway. Isn’t that a bit like putting a huge bowl of candy front and center on your dining room table in the middle of dinner with a huge sign saying, “Do not eat?” If the most important rule about going into the attic is, “Don’t read anything!” why not put all the books on a high shelf?
Or the moon?
I’m not a book lover. I read hundreds of pages a day for work. I definitely don’t do it for fun. So this shouldn’t have been a hard one for me to follow.
But they looked like diaries.
And diaries hold secrets.
That made them a different matter all together.
I couldn’t resist.
But once I opened the top one, I knew I’d made a mistake.
These weren’t just any diaries.
They were the diaries of my two friends - Aziraphale and Crowley.
There had always been something odd about those two. I didn’t believe for a second that they were a proper nanny or gardener, not even when I was a young, impressionable child. But they were funny - a distraction from the dull as dishwater life of an attache’s son.
Yes, I was a spoiled little rich kid with everything I could ever ask for handed to me and, on top of that, diplomatic immunity.
Woe was me.
I realize how much of a douche whining about that makes me sound.
My life was still dull.
I was still lonely.
I never knew for sure what happened to them after they left us. I made assumptions - erroneous assumptions. I thought they lived happily ever after at least.
Now I know … that wasn’t the case.
I’m recording this in the hopes that someone will find it, so that you might know the true story of what happened to them …
… and why you might not be hearing from me again.
The Diary of Aziraphale Fell - Reluctant Widower
January 14th-
“Please, sir,” the decrepit woman hissed, but not unkindly. She came about her speech impediment by a mixture of symptoms - her thick accent coupled with her indeterminable old age caused her to talk that way. “Please, reconsider this decision.”
I glared at her regardless. I knew my eyes were bloodshot; my hair a mass of tangled, wayward strands; my lips quivered from constant, unrelenting crying.
“You said you had it!” I screamed, bypassing her arguments. “You said you would sell it to me! Wh---why else would I come here!?”
“You need to understand,” the woman implored, opening her hands in a pleading gesture. She fixed me with one clear blue eye, the other eye clouded – a useless, milky white lump of tissue bulging inside its socket, “what you ask for … it is unnatural.”
“But your granddaughter said it was a done deal!” I persisted, shooting a steely glare at the simpering young woman who ducked behind her grandmother to hide from my volatile stare. I wasn’t about to leave without the item I came for. At this point, I was willing to tear the place apart and everything inside - including the two of them - to get it.
They must have sensed that.
Even as the woman continued to defy me, she looked slightly more afraid than she had a minute ago.
“My granddaughter is foolish!” The woman directed the comment over her shoulder to the girl cowering there. “But she means well. We need the money. She was thinking with her head and not her heart.”
“I can pay you twice what you’re asking!” I reached into my back pocket for my wallet. “Three times! I’ll give you whatever you want!”
The girl, intrigued by my proposal, peeked over her grandmother’s shoulder, but the woman turned and barked sharply at her in a language I could not understand.
That was when I began to think I might be in danger.
I’d spent my entire life studying languages, so hearing one I didn’t comprehend, not even an inch, sent a shiver down my spine.
“Mr. Fell …” The old woman reached out, I presumed to comfort me, and took my shaking hand in hers “… your husband is dead. And I am more sorry than I can ever express at your loss. You carry your love for him like a beacon. I see it in your eyes. It shines from every part of you. With him gone, it is up to you to carry it. It will never fade as long as you remember him.”
Those were, without a doubt, the kindest words anyone had said to me since my husband passed. I crumbled, new tears falling hot down my cheeks. But regardless of her sympathy, sincere though it might be, I refused to relent.
I refused!
“I don’t want to remember him!” I whimpered, my anger renewed at the sound of my voice fracturing. “I want him here with me! I need you to help me bring him back!”
The woman sighed in pity but shook her head.
“The effects of life are varied, Mr. Fell. Our fate … it changes every day, with every choice that we make. But the effects of death should remain permanent.”
I flinched at that word as if she’d struck me across the face.
Crowley dead … my husband gone … and nothing for me to look forward to in life but emptiness. We’d had every moment of our lives planned together.
One arsehole drunk driver later and now I was alone.
I literally had no one.
I had lost contact with my mum early in life, never knew my father, didn’t have children of my own. My boss and mentor was an abusive prick who tormented me throughout the span of my career until I found a way out from under his thumb.
Until Crowley helped me discover a life where I didn’t need the man’s guidance or control.
But now I was going to lose him!? The only one who had stuck by me, who defended me, loved me through thick and thin!?
No! That was beyond cruel! And I wasn’t going to roll over and accept it!
I let the sorrow within me curdle, turn sour as I yanked my hand out of the old woman’s grasp.
“Your granddaughter said there are other methods of getting what I want!” I snarled. “Dangerous methods. Methods that might require payment in sacrifice … even blood. And not necessarily my blood. Innocent blood, if you catch my meaning.”
Both women gasped.
Despite the conversation at hand, I smiled.
Good, I thought. We were finally all on the same page.
Up until a few days ago, I never considered violence to be the answer to anything. But I had since come to a crossroads where an exception had made itself clear.
I was prepared to annihilate my humanity to get my husband back.
The old woman snapped her head over her shoulder, scolding her granddaughter in a harsh, guttural voice. The girl, who had started to brave coming out of hiding, shrank down once again.
“Be reasonable,” the woman begged, “please, and think about what you are saying. What you are willing to do.”
“No,” I said, my calm more potent than my anger … or so my husband used to say. “The time for me being reasonable is over. I will get what I want, no matter what the cost. The question is whether or not you will be the one to give it to me.”
The woman looked down at her gnarled hands and sighed a long, exhausted sigh. “Alright, Mr. Fell. I will sell the potion to you at the promised price.”
I stared at her for a moment in shock. I was relieved, of course. I hadn’t thought I would get this far. It frightened me how much I had begun looking forward to throttling her with my bare hands, imagined her neck snapping within my grasp, effortlessly like a twig.
That couldn’t be me though. I wasn’t that kind of person. It was this place - this shop and all of its trinkets, their age and professed magical abilities amplifying my grief, turning every rational thought I had into rage.
I had to get out of here and fast before I did something I might regret.
I opened my wallet with the onset of happier tears and thumbed through the bills, pulling out extra for the joy of getting what I wanted. I handed the money over, but the woman refused to touch it. She waved it away, her granddaughter popping up long enough to grab the money and then scurry off again. The woman reached into the folds of her skirts and retrieved a leather pouch that hung from a thin belt around her waist. From it she fished out a tiny blue bottle with a cork stopper sealing the mouth. She gave it a long, troubled look, then handed it to me.
For the first time, her hand trembled.
“Pour the contents of this bottle into your husband’s mouth, Mr. Fell,” she instructed, “and your husband will return.”
I held the bottle up to the dim candlelight of the musty Soho shop. The blue glass glimmered, a thick liquid inside swaying back and forth, shimmering like sun-tossed sparkles across a dark, foreboding sea.
“There are some rules that go along with that potion,” the woman said, her voice weeding into my head, summoning me back from my momentary trance, “and a few warnings you must heed as well.”
I sighed. I had hoped it would be a simple matter of giving my husband the liquid and living happily ever after, but I knew in my heart that nothing was ever that simple.
“Okay,” I said, slipping the bottle carefully into my pocket and patting over it twice to ensure its safety. “Tell me. What are the rules?”
“First of all, you will give that to your husband, but what will come back …” she paused, swallowed hard “… will not entirely be your husband.”
I nodded. I had expected her to say something along those lines, like a scene straight from an old time-y horror movie.
The woman locked both eyes, one clear and one clouded, on my face as I waited for her to finish her speech, eager to go back home and get on with my life. She realized, with regret, that I had every intention of going through with this, and took on the heavy burden of allowing this to continue.
“Be there to look into his eyes when he wakes,” she said.
I hadn’t dreamed of leaving his side, but since the woman made such a point of it, I asked, “Why?”
“He is being reborn, in a sense. And like other simple-minded creatures, he will imprint on the first person he sees.” She took my hands and squeezed them. “That person needs to be you!”
My gulp was audible, the weight of her words and of my plan suddenly settling within me. They pressed in on me, like that moment when the police came to my door. Their words – “Mr. Fell? I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but … it’s about your husband …” had turned me inside out, left my heart out in the cold.
I felt that cold now.
“Once the potion absorbs into his tissues, it will restart his heart,” she continued. “Then the potion will replicate. It will begin to take the place of his blood. It will make him calm, easier for you to control.”
I nodded again. I wanted to say something, assure the woman that I understood, but she didn’t pause long enough for me to speak. It wouldn’t have mattered. I saw the trepidation in her one, clear eye. I had no clue what to say to make this better.
“It will be a slow process, and you must learn to be a patient man!” She raised her voice, letting go of one hand to waggle an emphatic finger in front of my face. “You will be teaching him, raising him as you would a child. Remember, even if only a small portion of his soul returns, that soul belongs to your husband, and you must love him or this will not work!”
The woman stepped back, out of breath from her outburst, and her granddaughter (whom I had forgotten about) returned, pushing forward an ornate but dusty antique chair to catch her in. I held the woman’s arms gently and helped her into it, feeling strangely protective. The woman sat and waved us both off, not wanting us to make a fuss when she still had more to say.
“But most importantly,” she labored on, barely missing a beat in her speech, “do not let him taste blood.” I knelt down so that she didn’t feel the need to yell for her words to reach me. “He cannot eat meat, but most of all, don’t let him bite you or lick your wounds. Or anyone else’s – human or animal.”
“Will … will I become a zombie? If he does bite me?”
I’m not quite sure why the word ‘zombie’ leapt to my mind. In every interaction I had had with the woman’s granddaughter before tonight, she had been so careful not to use that term. She used other, more romantic euphemisms such as ‘bring back to the land of the living’, ‘re-associate with life’, and the most used - ‘rebirth’. But that’s what he would be, right? When we moved past the flowery vernacular and got right down to it? This potion I had pocketed would turn my husband into the walking dead, - a simple-minded creature that was once deposed from this Earth.
And that meant ‘zombie’.
As if I had nothing more pressing at hand, I suddenly recalled the Walking Dead marathon Crowley had convinced me to watch (against my better judgement). Crowley thought the show was hilarious, but I could barely make it to the middle of the first season. I had started watching with my hands over my eyes, then with my arm locked around Crowley’s, anxiously smacking his shoulder, and finally with most of my body lying over his lap and my face buried in his shirt.
It wasn’t just the gore in the show that skewered me, made me nauseous, unable to breathe. It was the fear and the pain those characters felt, being chased by a relentless enemy that needed no rest, constantly running into people they couldn’t trust, people who were so out for themselves they no longer believed in the sanctity of life, with nowhere to hide, nowhere safe at all, even behind thick, concrete and metal walls.
Watching your loved ones get turned into soulless monsters - still there, but everything about them that you had once loved out of reach.
And this ‘illness’ or whatever these people had - it spared no one. Even children had become zombies. And in the game that was survival for the remaining uninfected, children had become pawns.
Everything about it seemed so horrendous.
And while I suffered through my existential crisis, Crowley laughed at my antics.
I fought not to smile at the sound of his teasing voice.
“Uh … a little squeamish there, are you, angel?”
From the first day we met, that’s what he called me.
Oh, what I wouldn’t give to hear him call me that again!
The old woman chuckled, bringing me reluctantly back from my daydream. “No. Not in this case. That’s not the nature of this spell. No, blood will give him back his memories.”
I looked at the woman, bug-eyed, and shook my head. “I … I don’t …”
“It will ignite his brain. He will begin to feel. In many ways, he will become more the man you married than in any other.”
“Wha---?“ I stuttered, baffled as to how that could be a bad thing. If drinking blood could make Crowley more Crowley, I’d set up an IV drip the minute I got home! I would serve him cups of blood with every meal! I’d make donating blood a requirement for entrance into my bookshop! (That one would definitely kill two birds with one stone. In fact, I might consider doing that anyhow.) “And why wouldn’t I want that again?” I asked, trying not to sound like turning my husband into a blood-sipping fiend was the greatest idea in known history.
The old woman smiled, but it wasn’t fond. It was shrewd, as if she could read every one of my thoughts.
And she didn’t approve.
“Once he has his memories back, he will start to crave it. Soon, drinking blood won’t be enough for him. It won’t work as well. It won’t keep the memories as fresh. He will have to go further, do more. He will become a killer.”
My face must have gone as green as I felt because the woman laughed again, this time with a touch of wickedness. A killer? My Crowley? My sweet, kind, compassionate Crowley?
Okay, maybe I was going too far with the endearments. He’d been a bit of a bastard, after all. Which was why I could picture Crowley becoming a full-fledged bad boy. With that leather jacket he wore like a second skin and his gleaming classic car, he’d been well on his way.
But a killer? No.
Then again, I was willing to become one myself a second ago, so maybe I wasn’t in the best position to judge.
“You are playing with the laws of nature, Mr. Fell,” she said, patting me on the cheek. “You are responsible not only for your own life, but for the lives of those around you.” The woman leaned in close, those eyes – one alive, one dead - more menacing than when I had walked into the shop; her face no longer that of a frail old woman but of a powerful witch.
This time, it was my turn to feel afraid.
“So don’t fuck it up.”
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dailysuna · 4 years
Hello, yes, I heard requests are open!! I would like to know your thoughts on the economic repercussions of Suna losing the battle of the chunnin exams? I thought they were already in a depression before and I think I remember that things ere pretty dire to have them need to make Gaara, but the loss at the Leaf must have hit even harder. What do you think some likely strategies were, and by whom, to stave off complete economic ruin and widespread starvation among their citizens? Thank you!
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Okay first off thank you so so so much for sending these in! I kid you not we were overjoyed at seeing them because they are just the type of content we like to see!!! We think about these types of things in depth so its great to see others thinking about them as well. Now let me separate these questions and answer them for you.
Question One
You are very right! Canonically Sunagakure never had great economic standing, but during Rasa’s reign as Kazekage it got worse. Now, this has nothing to do with Rasa’s way of ruling himself, but rather that the Wind Daimyo, ruler of their specific country, not Suna, started giving shinobi missions to Konohagakure instead of Suna. So, Rasa used his abilities to extract precious metals to sell so Suna didn’t collapse; however, their economy never really got back onto their feet because of many reasons I will not get into at this moment. The economy was already suffering under Rasa’s leadership, which was good even if he sucked as a father, so the sudden absence and loss of the battle during the exams would cause much chaos. 
Rasa was killed meaning the country lost their best source of procuring income as well as their main leadership position (although the fact they have a council means they won’t be thrown into complete chaos without a kage good job Suna). His death alone would cause much turmoil and trouble. With the added loss of ninja, supplies (any war requires supplies and loss only means losing all that effort put in), and already strained relationships would not help. How can they even come back from this?
Well first, who is the one implementing the methods? The way we see Suna formatted almost seems to be based on a democracy where the kazekage is but one voice amongst that of the council, thus, the kazekage and the council would be the ones to brainstorm and make the changes necessary. We think that their main method in fact is to lower wages. When shinobi cash in on their missions, they take some of the profit and the government takes the other amount. They would need to start taking more from their already small amount of missions. (In fact in a discussion us mods had about similar situations one time I, mod K, have an oc family I have based in Suna that we figured would be the first to have wages cut.) In consequence I believe they would order local businesses to drop their prices. Suna has no fertile land in sight, their small plot of land in the Land of Fire they acquired years ago their only place where growing is possible, so they rely heavily on importing goods. The government would likely prioritize trying to keep the country running, while reforming relationships with Konoha. I could see them purchasing larger quantities of non-perishable food or ingredients to give out rations. They are also going through a change in power which most likely made the situation very difficult and required the council to do most of the work while Gaara listened and learned.
The important thing to remember is Suna shinobi are extremely patriotic and loyal, so here at dailysuna we think the village as a whole would do their best to cooperate and help one another should it mean the success of Sunagakure, aka a more stable economy.
Question Two
I briefly addressed some of these questions at the end of the last one, but yes we actually have planned a lot of this out in varying degrees of depth. As for the change in power, I already established Suna was facing ruin and shifting power creates another hard element in harsh times. Sometimes it is what you need but sometimes it doesn’t help in the slightest. In the case of Suna, the job of the kazekage isn’t one where someone can jump in after assassination and immediately change it all. The council is there to provide checks and balances for the kazekage as well as advice, its no coincidence we see council members mostly i their middle ages or later. This abrupt shift in power from the dead fourth kazekage to his 12-13 year old son is just a crazy change. Gaara is continuously not trusted by the council, in Shippuden they even discuss his death being beneficial in a meeting, so Gaara needs to not only learn the ropes in his young emo preteen years but to foster a better relationship with the council and the citizens as well. I don’t believe it is actually ever confirmed when Gaara officially took the seat of kazekage, so there could be a few months or even years in there where there was no official fifth kazekage. During this time, the council likely ran Suna, as they have the power to do so. Even a bit into Shippuden I believe the council was still pulling a majority of Sunagakure’s puppet strings as Gaara simply lacked the life experience for certain decisions. As far as for Gaara, we are told that he had a very rough time gaining everyone’s trust but had started doing so before being stolen away by sparky sparky boom boom man and Suna’s original angsty emo preteen, but they never really explain it? Either way, its clear based on everything I said so far that Gaara’s main focus in his transition was mostly on building those relationships others had decided to break out of fear. He is very successful and everyone loves Gaara now including us mods!
Baki. I love this man so so dearly. In an old rp discord server that no longer exists, may it rest in peace, I actually role played Baki so I workshopped an entire backstory for him based on our millions of Suna headcanons that us mods have all accepted as our canon (you’ll find we all share the same exact headcanons). As far as his ascent to council member, I thought long and hard to develop it. Everyone starts out as a basic ninja, and, without going into my headcanons for his childhood, Baki was the same. He slowly rose with his skill, as he is extremely skilled - his stamina is awful but I am convinced its because he is so good none of his battles last long and thus no need for it anyways - and became a trusted aide to Rasa. In our collective brain that contains headcanons we have also determined this is due to the personality we gave Baki, which is he is so dedicated to the village he doesn’t stop to take care of or think of himself. In other words, he can be a pushover when it comes to doing work because he only wants to be of use. This makes him the perfect target for paperwork which we believe is how he got closer to Rasa. Baki and Rasa are never explicitly said to be close or anything of the sort, but the fact that he is entrusting his precious children, one of which has a giant chaos beast inside of his little emo body, plays to the fact that he is familiar with Baki in some regard. Serving as the Kazekage’s aid, aka errand boy in this case, Baki would gain experience with paperwork, the jobs of the council and kazekage, form connections, and display his skill in all assets. 
Now, there are some nasty little children needing to be taken care of. Who better to send than the man who you know will do anything for you, for the country? I am convinced very few ninja would willingly teach preteen Gaara, I mean, I don’t think I would even want to, so no one would be willing to have such an assignment and would do anything to get out of it. Even Baki was likely wary of it and for the longest time debated quitting, although, after some time, the siblings likely began to realize he cared about them (this is something I would love to talk about in more depth some other time) and weren’t as awful towards him. Hence a successful team. Did being the kazekage’s children’s sensei help Baki? Because he was their teacher? No. Because he was able to gain their trust and lead them? Most definitely. This experience likely helped him gain prestige and respect for his abilities which is how we mainly believe he got his position on the council, as that is what the council members seem to have as well as dedication to the village.
As far as being kazekage goes, we love Bakikage! This is what I mentioned earlier about a role play server. What happened is we had a plan for Rasa to be taken out of power in this AU but we didn’t wish for Gaara to suddenly be ripped from the rest of the role play by being stuck with kage duties. So, we sat down to think and realized Baki would actually be a great person to wear that fancy greenish hat. As stated earlier, he has the respect, the strength, the intelligence, the ability to prioritize things, as well as many other necessities for a good leader. The big thing that stood in his way was Gaara’s character development because the angsty emo preteen needed to turn soft boy cottage core obviously. But in all seriousness, I believe what stood between him and his theoretical throne - which he deserves - was honestly himself. Baki serves the village. Baki loves the village. Baki wants the best for the village. Baki is, as we call it, villagesexual. He only desires to be of use, not to gain power or prestige, they just happened to be given to him along the way. His own lack of drive, as well as care for Gaara, because of course if his adopted son wants those fruit snacks he will get them for him. Please Baki, you spoil them too much. So yes, Baki could be the kazekage, he has all the equipment for it, but Gaara’s own desire to be something no one expected and show them he wasn’t a monster was all Baki would have cared about. Even in our rp AU Baki was going to be reluctant about taking the power. Even if he did have that desire and drive, his care for Gaara would likely win out. 
Honestly, it might be best he didn’t have that drive. You know, all the kazekages are assassinated and Baki is not an important enough of a character to Kishimoto to be brought back to life. I will gladly hold onto council member Baki if Bakikage means he dies. But its nice to think how Gaara would actually get to be a kid while Baki gets a hard earned role, huh?
I hope you enjoyed my very very long winded answers - believe it or not I tried to keep it short - and that they actually answered your questions. We all look forward to more submissions/asks from you as well as others! And we’re working on getting those lovely drawing requests planned out.
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The Demon’s Bride (6)
Yikes, anyone else having trouble posting new posts on tumblr. When I went to write this up literally the only option I got was a text post. Did formatting change on the apps? *shrugs* oh well. Time for the next chapter.
So it’s been a long while since my last update. Work drags me down and I didn’t have the energy to commit to writing the ideas running through my head. (Look forward to more of my Drabble ficlets because of that.).
A couple weeks (?) ago I asked for a vote and I got 2 out of 2 for Demon’s Bride so here’s the next chapter. Enjoy.
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
After Damian dropped Marinette off at the hotel she went inside and found a few of her classmates waiting in the lobby.
Nino was the first to see her. Standing up he called out, “Dude. Where have you been? We were so worried.”
Nino, Alix, Kim, and Max crowded around her as she entered.
“Sorry guys. My phone died on me,” holding up the dead phone for them to see, “so I couldn’t call for a ride or taxi. And I thought the hotel was reasonably close enough to walk. Forgot to account for Gotham’s Crime life though.” She added tapping her head with a closed fist to indicate the knucklehead move.
“You’re alright?” Nino asked.
Marinette hearing the unvoiced question nodded. “Fine. I had the criminal handled before the Bat and his brood showed up. Them actually getting there was what took so long.”
“Here Max,” Marinette said taking the glasses from her purse and handing them to the young man. “I also gave him some sugar cubes before and after our trip so don’t let him guilt you into believing I’m starving him either.”
“He tries it every time,” Max said replacing his frames with the pair Marinette handed him. A small ball of light briefly manifested before the small horse Kwamii hid in Max’s open bag.
“So what happened with Bustier after I left,” Marinette asked Nino as the group headed towards the elevator to take them to their rooms. Alix, Kim and Max fell back a step to follow behind the other two.
Nino pressed the call button before answering. “We told her you were still in the restroom before leaving the restaurant and again after boarding we told her you weren’t on. Markov even did a video recording of her reactions as well as a sweep of the bus to prove you weren’t on when we told her.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow. Ms. Bustier had ignored all that from her friends and left her behind anyways?
“She’s even worse here than at home.” Alix voiced what they were all thinking.
“Did you...?” Marinette trailed off.
“Report filled out, sent in and as of five minutes ago reviewed and filed by the Commandant. He’s waiting for a follow up from you.”
Alix and Marinette got off when the elevator stopped. The boys would go to the floor above where their rooms were. “Thanks guys. I’ll do my check in before going to sleep and let you guys know about any changes in the morning. Do we still have a free day?”
“We haven’t heard anything about it changing but Juleka sent a text a few minutes ago that she thinks something might come up for the fashion district based on what she’s heard so far?” Max said.
Marinette whined to herself, “She would choose something I like to try and spoil. Night guys.”
The doors closed on their calls while Marinette and Alix walked to their shared room and opened the door.
Marinette used the washroom to shower first since she had just been fighting an Akuma. While Alix was taking her turn, Marinette opened her now charged phone and started a video call.
“Bonjour Commandant,” she greeted when the call was answered and an older Chinese man appeared on the screen.
“Bonjour Marinette. The team and I expected your check in almost an hour ago and the others on the trip with you hadn’t heard anything.”
Marinette shrugged one shoulder. “My phones battery was already low and Voyage travel tends to be a coin toss on how it affects electronics. When I got back to the restaurant my phone was dead and I had to walk to the hotel.”
“And it took over an hour to get there?”
“Well no,” Marinette admitted. “I ran into one of Gotham’s criminals and had that handled easily,” she said before the Commandant interrupted, “but the Bat-clan showed up and... I ran into an old friend and we took a moment to catch up.”
“You ran into an old friend? After the Bats showed up? This friend wouldn’t happen to be a Bat would they?”
Marinette shrugged but smiled so that the man knew he got it right.
“And you won’t say anything because it could compromise identities.” The Commandant finished for her. “Alright, does it change any plans for this week?”
Marinette paused thoughtfully reviewing what would be happening that week. “I don’t think so. I know him but he doesn’t know about me being LadyBug.”
She smiled brightly, “actually I would love to keep that a secret for now and surprise him with it at the meeting. Oh! Can we get Viperion, Ryuko and Abeille to come to the meeting as well? We can get them to come across using Voyage so travel won’t be a problem.”
“Do they know this old friend?”
“Yes. Well, Viperion, Ryuko and Jiuweihu do.”
“Ah,” he said with understanding at the mention of the others who knew the friend and sighed. “How likely am I to have a revolt if I don’t somehow get this approved?”
Marinette smiled mischievously. “Oh very likely. Viperion will let you know from the start what he thinks about missing this chance but it will be Ryuko you will need to watch out for.”
The Commandant shook his head tiredly. He remembered the last time Ryuko had objected to something and the entire team had faced her wrath over it. “I will do what I can. As for the trip, I would like the team to stay together in pairs or as a small group on the class free days and with the class on the group days. There’s no need to push even your luck in Gotham with the way that the teacher is likely to neglect to take your safety into consideration.”
“Bien Sûr. We’ll be on our best behaviors,” she gave him a cheeky grin and saluted before ending the call.
“You know, if anyone had told me you were like this when we first met all those years ago I would have called them crazy,” Alix commented as she left the bathroom, towel drying her wet hair.
“That’s because you only knew Marinette. Mari is only for family and the team,” Marinette explained as she sat on her bed and pulled out her sketchbook.
Alix tossed the damp towel in the bathroom before pulling out a couple cookies and some carrots from the hotels mini fridge they had stocked that afternoon when they first arrived.
After placing them on the rooms small table two small Kwamii’s flew from their hiding places, one from Marinette’s purse and one from the suitcases in the corner where the girls kept their things.
“So what did the Commandant have to say,” Alix asked as she jumped onto her bed.
“He wants us to stay in the group as much as possible during the trip. Pairs at the very least. And he told me to stay out of trouble. Not in those exact words but the intent was clear.”
“Now why he would think that LadyBug would need orders to stay out of trouble is beyond me,” Alix joked.
Marinette glared at her before turning it on the Kwamii’s where they laughed on the table.
“No respect. I get no respect,” she mumbled humorously before turning the book to Alix. “What do you think?”
“It looks like a traffic light,” Alix observed the costume. “I’ve never seen you use that color combination together.”
“It’s the characteristic colors of the Robin uniform. I don’t know why they’ve chosen those colors but every Robin used them in some variation.” Marinette went back to sketching and adding tweaks to the costume.
“So Robin’s the childhood friend?” Alix asked.
Marinette froze.
She didn’t hear Alix call her name two more times. It wasn’t until a hand in her face had her reacting (and boy would she have to apologize for nearly dislocating Alex’s shoulder for her concern).
“Ouch,” Alix mumbled rubbing her arm. “You could have just said I need to keep it quiet,” she added as she stood up from the bed.
“Sorry Alix,” Marinette apologized.
“Nah, this’s my fault,” she gestured to her arm, “I know better than to startle you or the others on Alpha team. You okay?” She asked. “You kind of spaced out on me.”
“Yeah,” Marinette said. She laughed at Alix’s disbelieving look. She cuddled Tikki and Fluff who had come to her after finishing their foods. “I will be fine,” she corrected herself. “I’m just so used to keeping identities a secret and I’m not sure how Da... How my friend would feel if his identity was outed without his knowledge. We sort of have plans to see each other during the class free days so you’ll probably see him without the mask.”
“I can get that,” Alix said remembering when the team was in the dark about each other’s identities just a year ago. It had been an added stress on top of fighting for them to worry about protecting a secret with no end in sight. If given a choice she would definitely choose what they had today over what they’d had before. She mimed zipping her lips and locking it with an imaginary key that she threw over her shoulder.
“So he’s a hero too?”
Marinette shrugged. “I think so of course but most of the research I did before the trip indicated that the city and the heroes’ themselves mostly consider them to be vigilantes though.”
“Is there a difference?” Alix asked.
Shrugging, Marinette closed her notebook and turned off the light. “Isn’t it an “In the eyes of the beholder” kind of thing. A “your hero is my villian and my vigilante is your hero” thing, at times.”
“Do you trust him?” Alix asked.
“With my life,” Marinette answered immediately. “I’m not gonna keep LadyBug a secret forever. Just timing the reveal for the best effect,” she pointed out.
Alix snorted, “please let me be there when you do. I want to see the explosion on Commandant’s face.”
Marinette laughed with Alix as night finally settled down around them.
No recommendations this week but go check out @bluerosette23 Daminette masterlists if this interested you.
@mellownieice @mystery-5-5 @indecisive-mess-named-me You three sent me votes or a really sweet ask that I appreciate so you get the first tags this post.
@mindfulmagics @ozmav @bluerosette23 @vivilakitty @actualaster @multifandomscribette @mochinek0 @inevitableenquere @zebrabaker @poshplumcot @tog84 @luciferge @sonif50 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @northernbluetongue @actual-human-disaster @clumsy-owl-4178 @aarushi-03 @g-arya @moonyloonyx @fertileleaf @shreky-boi @thanks-captain-obvious @panda3506 @hinata3487 @thequestionablyhuman @dontgiveaflyinflip @dast218 @chocolatecatstheron @asianfrustration13 @slytherinsheashire @weird-pale-blonde-person @yin-390 @mycupisbroken @vixen-uchiha @kuroko26 @autisticlinx @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mariae2900 @zalladane @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @tbehartoo @novicevoice @violatiger8 @thebookish3lf @fandomkitty8 @redscarlet95 @gingersnapnoir @chewbaccaatemythoughts
That’s the end of the tag list folks. I will tag you first if you send me an ask or vote for the next weeks update. What will it be?
Demon’s Bride or Miraculous Future?
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untamedunrestrained · 4 years
The Untamed and Mo Dao Zu Shi
These past eight days have been surreal.
I have drowned so fully in this story that it feels like I am just surfacing.
On Valentine’s Day, fandom on tumblr reblogged this fanart of WangXian by qulfeeh and I was intrigued. The reblog was tagged with two important key words ‘Wangxian’ and ‘The Untamed’. In the brush of a few keystrokes I came across the Wikipedia page for a show known as the Untamed that was available on Netflix. The thing that stood out was that it was based on a BL novel and that both the very male protagonists were described as each other’s soulmates and somehow that was enough. So, I opened Netflix and after like a second of hesitation I started watching the show and I didn’t stop. I started at eight in the evening and I watched nine episodes in a row which basically meant I was up till five in the morning. What followed seems like a record for me. I finished all fifty episodes of the Untamed in under seventy-two hours.
I put hardly five minutes of thought into my decision to watch this story and ended up dedicating the past eight days straight. The first three days to the live action drama and the past five to reading the novel.
If it isn’t obvious this story is that good.
The Untamed
The Untamed is a first for me on so many levels. I have never watched a Chinese show before ever and that seemed extremely significant to me because China is actually a neighbouring country yet as far as my mind is concerned it might as well be on another planet. Which seems particularly odd considering shows from English speaking countries like the UK and the US are a staple for me which makes these countries feel so much closer though they are geographically on the other side of the planet. Of course, a major factor is the language barrier but another is the political scenario between our two countries and amazingly this show made me realise how much of an impact perceiving different cultures can have on your perception of their people. It has literally opened up a whole new world for me that I have just realised I have never taken the moment to discover. Well, considering this is me we are talking about, how appropriate, that it would be a drama based on a BL novel that unlocked this whole new world for me.
I have tried reading a Danmei novel before which was awful and it completely turned me off the genre but it did have a side effect of educating we about elements of a wuxia novel which made this xianxia world seem a little familiar but even if it hadn’t, I would have still been hooked.
It didn’t take long for The Untamed to find a new fan and I have been obsessing over it ever since.
The Untamed is an amazing drama which revolves around the love Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian have for each other and the plot is so intriguing that you wouldn’t be able to stop even if you tried (I didn’t because that thought didn’t even manage to enter my mind).
It’s a love story and that is undisputable for me, they don’t say it, it isn’t mentioned but there is this palpable force influencing events and you know they love each other. I have somehow really disregarded how much a show can show you stuff without ever explicitly stating it but The Untamed set me straight in that regard. I doubt anyone who watches the show would mistake it for anything but the love story it is.
Wei WuXian was an instant hit for me. He is a lovable, gregarious character always up to mischief but is someone who always wants to be on the side of justice and I have a weak spot for characters with a hard on for justice. He is just such a lively character who keeps smiling all the time that it’s just hard not to fall for him in minutes. His antics and his demeanour are so charming that you’re hooked. He would have easily been my most favourite character in any other drama that doesn’t have a Lan WangJi.
Lan WangJi is an amazing character. In a world, which has become increasing about everyone voicing their opinions (like I’m doing at present) it is hard to believe that people like Lan WangJi exist. People who are quiet, who don’t speak unless absolutely necessary. He is literally the embodiment of tranquillity and more important he is Wei WuXian’s hero. Like literally he protects him like he’s protecting his life which on second thought he definitely is.
I literally had second-hand embarrassment from how obviously romantic these two are.
Hands down the best thing I have watched in 2020 by far! The characters are amazing, the plot is intricate and it is so, so interesting. I watched almost fourty hours of this series non-stop and I don’t remember a single point where I felt like the story became boring for a second which now that I think about it is, is… astonishing. How can such a large drama be so engrossing? This isn’t binge-worthy there is literally no other way to watch the show!!!
Mo Dao Zu Shi
But after coming down from the high of the first seventy-two hours of being submerged in this world, I was reluctant to leave this world so much so that I didn’t even contemplate it. I had a wide variety of media to choose from. The story is based on a web series by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu that was made into a manhua, followed by an donghua, followed by an audio drama followed by The Untamed. It must speak to the universality of the story that the people are willing to read the same story in so many different formats, I know I’m not done.
But, high up on my list was the source material, one of the articles described the show as being extremely faithful to the novel, which made me want to jump on that wagon posthaste, and I agree whole-heartedly. I read the translation by Exiled Rebels Scanlations and what struck me was how the show and the novel were tonally the same. I had switched mediums but it didn’t feel like a different story or like I was reading different characters which is shocking because that’s literally how good the show was at translating words into video.
One of the startling things about the book is that it really ties up the plot neatly. There are tons of plot points that aren’t as completely resolved on the show as they are on the novel which I only ever realised after reading the novel. A lot of this had to do with how certain details of the plot are different. A classic example that the reason behind the scars on Lan Zhan’s back is different in the two. In the novel, LWJ whisks WWX away from the Nightless City after he massacres and pretty much beats-to-a-pulp the entire alliance of sects. LWJ then has to tend to WWX so they remain in hiding for three days. When cultivators from the GusuLan Sect finally discover the two, LWJ has to defeat all of them to keep WWX safe and that’s why he is given one whipping for every cultivator he defeated. Of course, since WWX dies on the battlefield in the show this couldn’t be the reason behind the scars so they have LWJ defend Burial Mounds which wasn’t all that fruitful considereing the LanlingJin Clan does end up with a lot of WWX’s artifacts, there was no point in defending Burial Mounds as he couldn’t have kept it up in the long run but him going to Burial Mounds after the massacre at Nightless City is important to ensure they story can credibly reveal Lan ShiZui to be A-Yuan. So, yeah differences, the show focuses on the Wen Clan and the Yin Iron while the novel doesn’t have the Yin Iron at all and focuses on Jin GuangYao. But, despite the differences the story still feels coherent between the two mediums mainly because the relationship between LWJ and WWX that is at the core of both remains central to the plot at all times.
The plot of the novel though is extremely intricate and the author does an amazing job of deconstructing it which makes it easier to understand what’s happening while the show in hindsight does get away with sweeping up certain loose ends.
Of course, the kisses and the sex are gone but I will gladly take that cliff scene in exchange. I was actually shocked that the novel actually doesn’t dwell on WWX’s first death at all. Like, we don’t even know how exactly he died in the novel and this was hsocking given how pivotal that cliff scene is in the show.
Surprisingly though a lot of the roles of side characters were expanded for the show, the novel seems to have delivered a better understanding of these characters. The biggest example for me being Jiang Yanli.
She has an elaborately expanded role in the show which does highlight how deep her bind with her brothers particularly WWX is but somehow she seems like a timid character among a bunch of very strong characters. What the novel does is that it gives you a very realistic picture of her, she might not seem like a significant influence on the story but her impact is far-reaching. The novel doesn’t showcase much of her character but the scenes that feature her in the book are some of the most poignant ones and incidentally those are the same ones that stand out in the show. I feel like novel did a better job of showing off her strength. While, in the show I couldn’t look beneath her timid demeanour the novel manages to showcase the strength of her love. She cares deeply and loves deeply and the novel manages to show you the courage it takes to love someone so deeply. I definitely admire her character more and in fact I’m kind of in awe that someone who appears so traditional was so awesome. It felt easy to dismiss her character but reading the author’s words made me realise that I would be very, very wrong in doing so.
Wei WuXian might be the luckiest guy in the world to have a shijie like her followed by a husband like LWJ who both seem very determined to spoil the hell out of him. I might be experiencing some jealousy right now.
The author somehow manages to imbue her characters with qualities that makes them real and unique. Like WWX forgetting everybody’s face which is a real world problem that I have never seen anybody suffer from in a novel but just the fact that WWX doesn’t immediately bring his old hang-ups in his subsequent meetings with side characters didn’t only have hilarious consequences but made everything that much more intriguing and credible.
This author also does an amazing job of flipping characters. There are very few villains who are black and white in this story. WWX himself is a character caught in the gray of it all, universally reviled for standing up for the right reasons. This is a theme throughout the show and the novel where bad characters might be good and good might be bad but the author endeavours to show us all sides to a character. While this most definitely applies to Jin GuangYao, I’m surprised with how it resonates with Xue Yang who’s relationship with Xiao Xinchen can only be characterized with the words “It’s Complicated”. I don’t actually know what to think of these two Xiao Xingchen was definitely betrayed but can we ignore the fact that he found himself a companion in Xue Yang his sworn enemy and Xue Yang’s feelings for Xiao Xingchen are enough to drive me crazy. This guy has no idea how frustrating he is, that piece of candy clenched in his fist will drive me crazy for the rest of my life. The entire Yi City Arc is a big mess of grey there are no whites and blacks and the show underscores that with this quote –
Once upon a time, there was a little child who liked sweets very much. But because he had no parents nor money, he could never have such things. So he’d been dreaming if only someone could give him a candy every day.
Don’t even get me started on the music that plays in the background when this quote is being narrated.
There are just so many amazing things about the show and the novel. I mean the show might have actually worked harder to make things more romantic and one scene that I’m surprised isn’t from the book is the lantern scene with both of them making pledges like that particular scene neatly underlined who WWX is and would become. The hand-fastening scene is also not from the book but then there are other scenes and other delights to be found in the novels.
This story is definitely worth reading and watching for years to come. If anyone has any apprehensions about the novel I will be glad to clarify but the everything about “The Untamed” and “Mo Dao Zu Shi” stand in the same breath.
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kindalollipop · 4 years
☽★☾  Midnight Love ☽★☾
Paring: Bakugo x genderneutral!reader, Todoroki x genderneutral!reader
❝ Warnings ❞: past toxic relationship, fluff, swearing, basic angst, maybe bad grammar (English is not my first language), lightly sexual activity
ℋ Format: Headcannons (hcs)
♡ Word count: 1.161 words
♬Song based: Midnight Love by girl in red, Play Date by Melanie Martinez, Bittersweet Tragedy by Melanie Martinez
✾ Summary: You were in a toxic relationship where the person used you as a toy, playing with your feelings. These cute bois find what happened with their (secret) crush and aren’t happy with it.
Bakugo Katsuki
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➳ Really, why? What did you do to deserve such pain and emotion conflicts? It really didn’t make sense.
➳ You were tired of crying every time you would remember how they toyed you. But, what can you do? MoVe oN? It’s not that simple.
➳ You wish though. Whatever happened, you couldn’t forget all those oh-so-sweet memories of you two doing nothing, just goofing around, and yet you were having the best time of your life – even without realizing.
➳ You felt like nothing could tear you both apart, not even when they didn’t really have much time to you. Or when you marked a date and they didn’t show up with some lame excuses, every. Fucking. Time. Or even when you woke up with an empty spot, that technically was from someone.
➳ Sure, it was a bit odd and frustrating, but how love blinds you.
➳ At least your friends were there for you, even though you didn’t really tell them what was happening, because you don’t want them worried.
➳ Well, you were very wrong if you thought that at least one person wouldn’t find out.
➳ Let’s say that Bakugo wasn’t exactly happy – when was he anyways?
➳ But his rage was abnormal. The boy was literally seeing red and blasted everyone who dared to cruise their paths with him – but you, of course.
➳ When Bakugo found what you were going through, he was shocked, how could someone toy with someone so special, amazing, badass, wonderful—ok, maybe that’s a little too much- like you?
➳ But he really didn’t get it.
➳ Obviously, he would fight the fucker who did this to you. It doesn’t matter, girl, boy, or whatever they are, good trip to tHE FUCKING MOON.
➳ After Bakugo blasts them to somewhere still unknown to the humanity, he began to take care of you with small actions, since he’s not the best one with words.
➳ Giving you some water from time to time because “you were dehydrating from being such a cry baby”, cooking and giving you “what has left”, letting you hug him (even with some threats, he didn’t really mean it), petting your hair, etc.
➳ Slowly, you two were getting closer and closer, and he began to haunt your dreams and thoughts all day- you knew you were falling in love for him. Fuck.
➳”DO YOU WANt to go on a ᵈᵃᵗᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵐᵉ?” his voice downed as he spoke, cheeks blushing furiously while looking down, not wanting to face because of the fear of a rejection. You probably didn’t want to engage in any romantic relationship for sometime after all you had been through.
➳ It was what you thought, but you only answered with a simple “Sure! What about 6 pm tomorrow?” you gave him a bright smile, trying to hid your super fucking duper freaking out moment and excitement.
➳ “You look pretty”, “What did you say?” “I SAID YOU LOOK SHITTY.”
➳ The date was pretty well if you ignore the embarrassed silent that sometimes would build because of you two being very flustered, or when you two fought to see who would pay the bill, and his attempted flirts that didn’t go really well, even if you find it funny and cute.
➳ “Y/n. I know you got out of a shitty relationship and---”, he sighed, looking for some courage while heavily shades of pink on his face, “I want you to know that I ˡᶦᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ.” He did the thing again. “What? Sorry I didn’t hear you”, you said. Lol you did hear but wanted a confirmation. “I LIKE YOU. THAT’S IT. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?”
➳ Yep.
 Todoroki Shouto
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➳ All this rudeness was seriously breaking your heart in pieces. You just couldn’t. It’s too much to handle.
➳ That’s it, you will never get in a relationship ever again. You know every time someone attempts to flirt with you, those bitter images of you getting coldly left aside would come again.
➳ Well, that’s what you though until fall in Todoroki’s ears that you were heartbroken.
➳ Boy, he was mad. Although he didn’t really show with expressions, every night he would dream of burning that motherfucker down into some burnt shit.
➳ “Y/n, are you really ok? I can buy you soda if you want.”, he said, emotionless as usual. “Thank you very much, Todoroki-kun. It’s extremely sweet of you.” You smiled, trying not to cry in front of him. “Call me Shouto.” He hesitantly rubbed your back, walking away seconds later to buy you the soda.
➳ Whoever played with your feelings, dude they have a death wish and didn’t even know (or did know?)
➳ Giving you the soda, he began to try comfort you- even if it was asking you a bunch of random questions, trying to make you forget for some moments about everything.
➳ “It’s really ok Todo—Shouto. You really don’t need to worry. I will move on soon”. “I’m always here for you”.
➳ He was the one who was making the most effort to help you during those hard times, but like, really overhelping. “Do you need this? I can get for you. I can also cook whatever you want, or try at least. Do you want that? I buy for you, my dad’s card is black. Want to hang out? I’m already on your door.”
➳ He was there for you 24/7, and I’m really not joking when I say 24/7.
➳ “Shouto, I’m sorry, I can’t continue this anymore. I feel like you are spoiling me too much, and I know this is just because everything that is happening. I really appreciate tons of you trying to help me, and believe you are nailing this. But I know this won’t last forever and I probably will a bad habit and I don’t want this. Actually, I don’t even get why you are so there for me always, more than any human could be and—”
➳ “Because I like you.”
➳ WhAt???? Am I dreaming??
➳ “Excuse me??????”. “Because I like you, Y/N. I really do”.
➳ He said tHOSE words with a stoic face, how did he--???
➳ Todoroki slowly leans closer to your face and gives you a romantic kiss. He cups your cheeks with his cold and hot hands, giving you an odd feeling with two different temperatures on your face, but that doesn’t mean you don’t like it.
➳ He starts to move his lips and you open yours a little, just enough so he can slip his tongue inside your mouth. His hands go to your waist as he deepens the kiss, then to your hips, until he breaks the kiss when you were almost without breath
➳ “Can I?”
➳ “Yes.”
A/n: Thank you for reading until here! I advanced my apologies and if I wrote something or didn’t really make sense, please message me so I can fix it. Also this is my first “work” on Tumblr so please be gentle with critics! Hope you have a good day ❤
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