#i also felt like i had done everything i could to protect myself
dearmrsawyer · 2 years
I have lived through the most wonderful exquisitely joyful weekend and got to see Louis twice at long last!!! I didn't want to express my excitement in the lead up because i was so petrified that i would catch covid like a week before and be unable to go, but god really had his hand on me and delivered me from 2 VERY close calls in the 2 weeks leading up to the shows lol. 2 weekends prior my brother's girlfriend caught covid the day he was with her, but the infection was obviously so fresh that she didn't transfer it to him. and then the following Wednesday our boss at work sent an email saying she was happy for us to join meetings virtually since cases were on the rise, and it was just in time because on Thursday we had a staff meeting, and on Saturday someone who was in the meeting room tested positive LIKE. god was really like if this girl does not get to go to these concerts she is going to unravel like a ball of frayed yarn lol
but ANYWAY it was the most amazing, amazing weekend, both nights were so fulfilling and just.. i felt pure happiness. louis was so BRIGHT and i got to share a room with him and lots of other very excited people, i just had the best best time. highlights from memory:
i've said before that i think it was so galaxy brain of him to open the show with 'we made it', especially in the context of all the rescheduling, and i was so excited to finally get to scream it out when he came on stage and the moment lived up to it!! i couldn't even hear louis for the first few lines of the song because the crowd was singing SO loud lol, it felt like a moment of such release for everyone there, it was really cool
on night 1 he walked out in that bright yellow shirt like a BEACON!! i always call him my sunshine and he is!! he was literally the louis that lives in my mind right there on stage. and on night 2 it was a very classic louis look in one of his 4000 burberry shirts lol, a comforting and familiar presence <3
can't express... just cannot express how happy i was during through the dark, i felt like it was visibly radiating out of me. its one of my favourite songs ever and my fav 1d song. it captures a specifically positive energy that i am so drawn to, and that i've coincidentally always associated with louis. i can't even explain how the room felt during that song, it was joy! i took a moment on night one to capture a snippet of it for myself to hold onto forever. the absolute respect louis has for me specifically to tour this song and let ME watch HIM sing it, that song both nights was genuinely one of the highlights of my entire life
don't let it break your heart was another one of the standout songs for me, one of my favourite louis songs!! maybe for me the one that i feel most represents louis, and i felt like it was a favourite for a lot of other people there as well, which took me by surprise! but i love that song soo much and it was so good live :)
wow seeing his smile in person...... sunshine
his stage presence!! he's become such a playful presence on stage, its so him, he is so interactive while he's singing. he doesn't do a lot of chatting between songs and i realised he likes to do the bulk of his playing as he sings lol. he's been like that all tour but i didn't realise it until my shows, i wonder if that's a comfort he built during 1d that he's deliberately exercised as a solo artist and made a key part of his performance
coacoa was soooo amazing live, and he sang changes which i LOVE. got lt2 is going to be so good
getting to point at louis with 5000 other people and shout "you were my because" 10/10 experience could not have enjoyed that more if i tried
oh the snuts were really good! i hadn't investigated them at all and wanted to hear them for the first time live (i feel like that's such a great way to be introduced to music) and their set was literally just jam after jam, i'm excited to dig into their music properly
i didn't even realise until i was on the way to the show on night 2 that it was the 1d anniversary! the crowd sang happy bday to 1d during the break before the encore 😂 honestly singing the 1d songs on night 2 felt so celebratory, what a cool experience to get to sing them with louis on such an important day
omg also on night 2 i was toward the side of the pit and saw little bentley with his sign ready for the show 😭 pre show our whole side of the crowd was cheering every time he lifted his sign, i found a short video here of it, we did this for like 30 minutes dskjlgkdfl it was v cute. i didn't even know they were from australia!
i completely lost my voice by the end of night 1 and couldn't speak the whole way home rofl, thankfully it came back the next morning ready for night 2. ugh it was just!!!!!! 🎇🎇🎇 this year has been.. quite horrible and this was so refilling. I have a week off work now because i was originally going to go to the Melbourne shows, but decided it was best not to take the extra risk, so instead this week is all mine to reminisce.
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starlightandfairies · 2 months
Helloooo :) i hope you’re having a wonderful day or night! Or just both lol. Anyways, is it okay if I ask for a Klaus Mikaelson x Female reader one-shot? For me, I don’t like where the reader just falls in love with him so quickly, despite everything he has done. I was thinking of something with fluff and he has to work for her love? So basically, reader has been friends with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline since childhood, but she’s still human. And she hates Klaus for what he has done to her friends and family, but despite everything he has done he hasn’t don’t anything to harm her physically in any way. (Hint hint, cause it means he likes her lol). And because of this, he tries to show he genuinely cares about her. It takes her a long while to eventually warm up to him.
Sorry, this is a lot -_-…uh, and not very detailed lol. I wanted to leave it up to your imagination, but totally fine if you can’t cause writers block and other things. Anyway, an idea: maybe reader gets saved by Klaus and he admits he likes her but she kinda plays hard to get. of course, she can’t help but to be flattered by his accent, his flattery, his looks, etc. And because she is human, being tortured or just kidnapped by supernatural beings is genuinely terrifying and he comforts her? I hope this is all okay! Of course you can change or add whatever you’d like. I love Klaus so much, and I love your writing!
Description: If the great Niklaus Mikaelson wants to become closer to the reader then he would have to push through thick and thin to do so.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it! I really tried my best to show this eventual bonding that is more realistic, while also not rambling on for a story length.
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view, F/fs = favourite flowers
Word Count: 1, 915
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First Person's POV 
Niklaus Mikaelson drove me insane, I do not understand how he thought he could follow me around, begging for my interest like he hasn't done anything wrong to those around him. The great Klaus Mikaelson was many things but he wasn't the type of man I would bend over backwards to show that their past didn't matter. I won't lie, there were times when it was hard to really show my distaste for the Hybrid due to that accent, his looks and his charisma but I do like to pride myself on my stubbornness and the fact that I'm not that easy to charm. 
Besides Matt, I was the only other human, sure Bonnie was in a sense human but she had her magic to protect her and I had nothing. I didn't have any of that. I was just a straight-up human who could die at any second or become permanently injured if tossed around too harshly. The girls have grown to somewhat like him and every now and again will remind me of the fact that not once has he ever tried to hurt me, not once has he ever used me as bait or tried threatening me in any way shape or form.
Bonnie, Caroline and Elena have all expressed their hatred for the man and it only fueled mine. I have no clue what it would take for me to show any sign of sympathy for the man or any sense of forgiveness considering what he's done. There were times when I even disliked Damon and Stefan for what they've done. Sure, it might be contractionary of me to like the Salvatores and not hate them like I did Klaus... but still. 
It's at least been a good two years of having the Mikaelsons in our lives. Rebekah and Elijah were tolerable. I felt for Rebekah and Elijah seemed true to his word, even if he was sometimes conflicted between his family and his morals. Klaus was 
"Hey, Y/n!" I huffed, stopping in my tracks, knowing there was no use in continuing on when he could easily Casper the ghost right in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow, not impressed by his persistent attitude. 
"What do you want Niklaus? 
"Well, love... I was hoping I could treat you to some dinner. Show you some of the best places. Things you couldn't possibly comprehend seeing." I rolled my eyes, shook my head, sucked my lips into a straight line and raised an eyebrow.
"Really, Niklaus? Every time it's been a no. What makes you think this will be a yes?" 
"I saw your play last night, I think you are a pretty amazing actress." I didn't believe him, I think that he's making stuff up, trying to show that he's a good guy. 
"Prove it, what happened when the actor playing Stanley threw his chair." Klaus chuckled lightly, licking his lips for a moment before he walked closer and leaned in for a moment. 
"You tripped over your own feet, fell over... you worked it into your performance, no one in that audience would've known any different. I think skill like that is pretty talented. I have seen many performers across my lifetime and not many could do that." I rocked on my feet, biting my lips and huffing for a moment. 
"You came to my performance?" I questioned my tone soft for a moment, surprised that Klaus came. The girls weren't able to due to supernatural issues happening again, I didn't want to show any sign of falling for his charm.
"Yes, I did. I don't know why you sound so surprised..." I shrugged, taking a breath, glancing away for a moment trying to remain as stoic as I could.  
"I have to go, goodbye, Klaus." I carried on my way, going back to doing what I originally planned on doing before. Tonight was the closing night of A Streetcar Named Desire the girls were meant to show but once again due to the new big bad in town, they didn't show. I stood in my dressing room, wiping off my makeup before the tears could come. I was just about to open the door before I was stopped by Klaus.
"K-Klaus... what, what are you doing here?" He handed me a bouquet of my F/fs, I took them with a small smile and stepped aside to allow him into the dressing room. 
"You got your own dressing room, that's pretty neat..." The Hybrid trailed off, glancing at the desk that was covered in tissues, I moved to clean them up but he moved in front of me before I could. 
"Why are you crying...?" 
"I'm okay Niklaus." I turned to him hearing his chuckle, I raised an eyebrow in question, how dare he laugh at me!
"I promise, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the fact that when I'm getting closer to breaking down your walls, you call me Klaus but when you realise that you're dropping your walls you go right back to calling me Niklaus." I sat back down, staring at him surprised that he picked up on something that I hadn't actively been aware of doing. 
"My friends couldn't come. They promised that they would but because of the new big bad in town... they couldn't and because I'm human-" Realising I was sharing my than I would like to Klaus, I bit my lip trying to remind myself that I couldn't get close to Klaus. 
"Let me read you something." He pulled out a newspaper, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, just for once but turned my attention to continuing to remove my makeup. 
"Y/n L/n's performance as Blanche DuBois has been spectacular on all nights of the production. In my years as a critic, I have never seen this much dedication and accuracy similar to the vision Tennessee Williams had when picturing Blanche DuBois. I admire Y/n greatly as a performer and know that she is an actress highly dedicated to perfecting her characters' mannerisms and hope that she goes far with her acting journey." I stared at Klaus surprised, I jumped to my feet, staring at Klaus with intrigue and took the paper from his hands. 
I read the words, staring at them in shock that this was actually true, the author's name is what shocked me the most. Klaus M
"You wrote this?" 
"I did." 
"And you mean it?" 
"I do." Maybe... maybe if a man who didn't know me could make the time to watch all of my performances... maybe he wasn't so bad. 
"Thank you, Klaus... it means a lot." 
It took two years, four months and 18 days for Klaus Mikaelson to get me to warm up to him, I think I deserve a trophy for just how long I've made him work to get to know me better. The truth is, I am terrified of getting killed, kidnapped or tortured by the supernatural me, I mean what if someone worse than Klaus comes into town and because I am one of the very few humans left in town I get used as collateral? 
I was walking home from the Grill, minding my own business until everything went dark and I finally came to find myself tied up in a chair, blood dripping from my nose, head and stomach. I cried out, looking around terrified of who could be hurting me and what they would do if they didn't get what they wanted. 
"Hmm, you're awake again. Try not to pass out this time... the blood loss will really be screwing with your head. I would apologise but I really don't care I just need that damn hybrid to come forward and save your ass-" 
"Who are you?" I cried out, trying my best to not show weakness but the pain in my limbs and the fear that was coming in made it impossible to think of anything but my pain. 
"Who I am isn't important, I tried to keep your face pretty but you know." The unknown figure shrugs, leaning in closer and grabbing my face in his hands with a glare forming and with a snarl he reveals his fangs. I shake my head, feeling his breath on my skin and whimper feeling his fangs pierce my neck. 
It fades away swiftly, the tears cascade down my cheeks, and I stare in shock seeing Klaus standing there and dropping the man's heart onto the floor. Within an instant I was in his arms, I grabbed onto his shirt letting out a sob and whimpering as the pain seemed to increase. 
"Shh, love, it's okay... you're gonna be okay. I've got you." Klaus reassured, biting into his wrist, he gestures to his wrist and I slowly suck on his wrist. 
"I won't let anything happen to you, love. I am very fond of you, I will not let anything happen before I can tell you just how fond I am of you." I stared in fascination as my body healed instantly, it always surprised me and always made me curious to realise how lucky these supernatural beings were. 
"Please, please don't let them hurt me. Don't let them get to me." 
"It's okay, love. I've got you." 
"I'm so scared, every day, I'm scared that I'm going to be kidnapped or tortured... being human, I know I'm nothing compared-"
"I won't let that happen. Love, I won't let anyone hurt you, not again. I swear to you." He hummed lightly, rocking me in his arms and whispered over and over again kind and soothing words. I decided to bring it back to his starting words, once I felt okay and able to move on from what just happened. 
"You're fond of me? Nothing new-" I stated, with a shrug, biting back the smile I wanted to show, Klaus chuckled and helped me to my feet. I stared at him, surely making a weird expression as I hid my emotions. 
"I am fond of you, I like you, quite a bit and I want you to know, love I will do anything to keep you safe. Even if you hate me for the rest of eternity, I will do what I can to keep you safe." My heart skipped a beat, it made me feel special knowing that someone cared for me that much, I nodded and sucked in a breath gradually letting a smile come through. 
"Thank you for saving me... "
"You're welcome, love. Love, I hope you know how gorgeous you are." I blushed, scrunching my face up as his normal charm got to me more than normal. 
"Flattery only gets you so far." 
"Yet, it got me to becoming closer to you." I shrugged, smirking for a moment and sucked in a deep breath. I grabbed his hand, smiling happily and tried my best to not focus in on the blood on my clothes, his clothes and the floor from the attacker. 
"Well, then, perhaps I'll let you in closer." 
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m00nsbaby · 11 months
Sleepwalking. (Already over II)
Steven Grant ( + Marc Spector) x F! Reader.
First part: Already Over.
Next part: Clumsy.
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Tags & warnings. Angst, like, just angst. Steven hurts his hand at the beggining so there's blood involved, Marc is kind of a... jerk.
Word count. 3.8k
What a shame, what a shame, what a shame, It's all fun and games 'til you don't wanna play now. Run away, run away, run away, It's easy to say but it's harder to say now. You're onto something else, I'm a picture left on your shelf. The dream's a lie I tell myself Feel like I'm sleepwalking when you're gone. 
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The moment the bomb detonated was more horrible than Marc had imagined. Not only because of Steven, who in his mind was the worst of his problems, but because the moment you closed the door behind you, it felt as if you had taken his heart with you.
Marc collapsed on the floor, unable to cry, even if he wanted to. He wasn't like Steven; he couldn't just let it flow, but at this moment, it seemed more like he was in shock.
He wondered, did that really happen or am I just dreaming?
His body tensed for a few seconds; he closed his eyes tightly, and before he could protest, Steven had taken control of the body. He had struggled so hard to keep him in the shadows that his body felt exhausted, with a horrible burning sensation in his muscles.
"Marc?" he questioned out loud, still on the floor. "Marc? What did you do?"
There was no response, and he could only swallow hard as if it would help wash away the bad taste in his mouth.
"What did you do, Marc?" Sometimes the best part of having Steven was having a way to express his pain. By the third time he asked, his voice was already broken, his vision blurred by the tears that threatened to come out at any moment.
Finally, the other one had the courage to respond.
"L-Layla knows," was the only thing that sounded in the headspace.
"How am I going to fix this, Marc?" Memories of what happened just a few minutes ago came to him in flashes; he didn't have the whole conversation because Marc had forced him to stay in the shadows.
The mere image of your heartbroken gaze was enough to cause nightmares for the rest of his life, whether he managed to fix Marc's mistake or not.
"I don't care; I don't care about her!" He sobbed with anger coursing through him from head to toe. At this point, his pain seemed more physical than emotional. He felt exactly like that time when he was impaled multiple times in Cairo.
But worse. At that time, he had a suit to protect him. How would he deal with this now without anything to shield him?
"You can't go on like this, Steven, we can't…"
As if his body moved automatically, he headed for the nearest mirror, the one where you had sought him out for help. His hands stopped on the edge of the sink, and he stared fixedly at himself in the mirror.
Tears flowed freely, seeking to heal a wound the size of his chest.
"I hate you," he whispered with a voice shattered, Marc looked back at him trying to maintain his composure. The pain of a broken heart combined with his constant battle with pride; he would never admit that he might be wrong. "You ruined it, Marc, you ruined everything."
"I did? I ruined everything?" Marc's ironic laughter made his blood boil. "I told you a damn million times, Steven!" The screams made him startle, but he was determined to hide his weakness. He was finally ready to face him. "I told you to stay away from her; was it fair to snatch away the one thing I have?"
Steven's fist went straight to the mirror. He didn't break it, but he shattered the reflection of Marc into many small pieces, and his knuckles were bleeding in a matter of seconds.
"My life is made to support yours." When Steven's fixed gaze met his, Marc had time to question how they had come to this after supposedly fixing things. Was this also his entire fault? "And I understood it, I swear to God I did." Sometimes he had to pause to sniff through his nose. "All I've done is give everything for you, and you took away everything I had."
There was only silence from the other side of the mirror.
"You took her away from me, Marc." His voice gradually lowered; suddenly, he reverted to the old Steven, with a broken heart and his guard down. The one that made him think so much of his younger brother. "What do I have in life if it's not her?"
More silence. Of course, Steven was in the same predicament as him, clinging to something that brought them happiness.
The difference was that for him, it wasn't exactly Layla.
"We were happy with Layla." His broken voice was barely perceptible.
"You were happy." He looked at his fingers, as the blood continued to run through them. "You were happy with stability, happy hiding from problems with stupid adventures that make you forget how bad your life is outside of there."
The amount of resentment in his voice was terrifying. Painful.
"You were happy pretending to be someone you're not." He closed his eyes, letting the tears flow freely. "You were happy pretending I didn't exist."
"S-Steven, I, I, don't…"
There was no more conversation at that moment. Not for the rest of the day. Or the night. Marc was a silent witness to how Steven cried until his throat was raw, how his entire body trembled, and how an nauseating knot formed in his stomach, paralyzing all his muscles.
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The next day was a nightmare worse than the previous one. For the first time in a long while, Steven was able to sleep the hours that a normal human needed to function, but the problem was that, of course, these hours had been filled with nightmares and dreams where only you were present. Waking up to the reality where everything was worse was an emotional burden that filled his eyes with tears in the first minutes of regaining consciousness.
Well, he had to start trying. He picked up his phone, the one you always teased him about because it was the oldest phone you had ever seen.
First call, first voicemail.
"Love? Could you answer the calls? I really need to talk to you, I'm so sorry for the things Marc said yesterday."
Second call, second voicemail.
"I'm so sorry, really, please, please answer, okay? I need you."
Third call, third voicemail.
"It was never my intention to hurt you," and yes, for a change, Steven was taking responsibility for Marc's mistakes. "And I know it wasn't his either, he's just… damaged and scared. Please, love, please, let's talk."
Fourth call, fourth voicemail.
"We can't throw away all our plans, love." He didn't fear that you could hear his sobs or the way he struggled for breath between sentences. "I want to be with you. I want to be with you until the last day of my life, please, please."
The fifth call didn't go through. It seemed like you had turned off your phone. Fifth voicemail.
"I know you don't want to see me right now." He had to clear his throat before speaking again. "I just want to talk to you. It's all I'm asking for, it doesn't have to be now, just give me a sign that I can come closer, I'm begging you."
He didn't give up. If it were up to his anxiety, his love, or his fear of abandonment, he would have called you a total of 20 times per hour. But he knew you wanted and needed space. All that was left was to pray that you would hear his messages and give him the slightest sign of life.
In the end, he returned to bed, laying face down, and closed his eyes for just a few seconds.
"The body."
"Give me the body."
"What do you mean…?"
"I need to go talk to Layla."
"You must be kidding." Steven barely lifted his head to see the mirror resting on one of the furniture next to his bed.
The one he never touched because it had a lipstick mark from you in one corner. A perfectly formed kiss. There was Marc.
"Tell me you're joking."
"Give me the body or I will take it from you."
Steven had no strength to fight, he relented and hoped for a little peace in the darkness of his mind.
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That afternoon, Marc apologized tirelessly, and yes, he preferred a million times to falsely accept that he had had an affair than to confess Steven's existence.
"Forgive me, okay? I made a mistake." His hands cradled Layla's face between them. Of course, he had made a mistake, although he didn't specify what kind.
"You're an idiot, Marc." And he couldn't help but think that yes, indeed, he was. There weren't many more words exchanged between them, but unfortunately, this relationship was an imbalanced scale.
It was about two people who simply didn't know how to deal with their emotions, didn't know how to communicate with each other, and undoubtedly had never dealt with their emotional baggage separately to understand that they needed to work to become better.
He couldn't help but notice the parallel. He doesn't remember the romantic part of your relationship with Steven because Steven himself took great care to hide it perfectly, but Marc is aware of every aspect of what your friendship was.
He remembers every argument, if they could even be called that. You two never raised your voices, never.
And you, as the apparent best friend, knew Marc's story inside out, you were never one to raise your voice, but you were always careful not to trigger a bad memory in Steven.
On his part, Steven was incredible at listening. He listened attentively, didn't interrupt, and when you finished talking, he would explain his perspective. You didn't always reach an agreement, that was obvious, but you always knew that you both were much more important to each other than any silly disagreement.
Marc thought about how he would have liked to be as honest as Steven was when Layla's lips were on him. When his way of clarifying things was to have the grossest sex of both their lives.
Usually, the best part of spending these kinds of nights with her was that it meant a mental break with you in exactly two days. Although Steven never understood why you refused to see him the next day, Marc always knew why you felt disgusted. In fact, he understood perfectly, but he never had the courage to tell you that he was sorry.
Thinking that not only were you in love with Steven but that you were also a couple fueled his self-disgust even more.
"I love you, Marc." That was the last thing he heard before leaving his wife's house, which at every moment felt more like a stranger to him.
He didn't respond, and like everyone else around him, she settled for it because everyone always accommodates themselves to Marc Spector's wishes.
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Each passing hour, you were crumbling in a worse way. Probably "dead inside" was one of the best ways to describe your current state.
The stages of grief were starting to attack you, very slowly, but you didn't want to be rational because calling it "grief" would mean that you had lost Steven forever.
And you had, but you didn't want to think about that. After all, you were still in the first stage, denial.
It took you a few hours to decide to listen to his voicemails.
"My baby." You whispered to yourself as your arms clung to one of the many garments you had stolen from him. His navy blue sweater that was too long on the sleeves.
You felt ridiculous.
You sobbed forcefully, your cheek had been tingling for a while from the warmth and moisture of your tears on the pillow. Did the breakup hurt? Of course, it hurt to the core, but after hearing his broken voice on the other end of the line, what was probably hurting you the most was knowing that Steven was suffering.
It felt like they were being forcibly torn apart, although it had felt that way from the moment their relationship began. The rope had been tightening around each of you, pulling you apart at the cost of permanently hurting them.
You were sure you would never love anyone the way you loved and still love Steven. Steven would rather vanish than even imagine a life with someone else.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You whispered as the fabric of his sweater covered part of your face, with the sole purpose of sniffing and recapturing a bit of his scent. The garment had been in your possession for so long that you could barely perceive Steven in it anymore.
You apologized for not being more discreet, for, in your opinion, ruining your perfect relationship, maybe for not knowing how to keep your distance when there was still time. You apologized for being so deeply in love that you felt like you couldn't live without him, for choosing to look out for yourself instead of running into his arms, and for any inconveniences you might have caused Marc one day.
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Steven and you were on autopilot. Barely eating, barely breathing, barely existing.
You somehow managed to get up and shower after receiving the call from the pet adoption center confirming that the form you and Steven had filled out had been approved, and now you just had to go for 3 days, 2 hours to visit your future pet.
A part of you momentarily thought about ignoring the call, you were so broken that the mere thought of that visit together ended up squeezing your heart painfully, not to mention that the whole plan from the beginning was for the cat to belong to both of you.
Your rational side was always stronger than you, you couldn't leave the little one without a home. Besides, maybe you needed the company.
Perhaps he would do you good, and you would do everything possible to do right by him.
Needless to say, on the first day of bonding, you cried until your lungs hurt, with the little kitten in your arms. He was so affectionate, providing excellent comfort, but you didn't stop crying for a single moment during the 2 hours.
Then you cried more on the way back home because you had to say goodbye to him.
On the second day, you only cried half of the visit because when the cat started playing in front of you, it drew a small laugh from you for the way he twirled around.
On the last day, you found him waiting for you, ready to settle on your lap. It was as if he understood that you were exhausted, and his purring felt like receiving a hug. You were a perfect match.
Meanwhile, Marc was living days that were going from bad to worse. Steven refused to speak to him more than necessary, but everything hurt twice as much when the breakdowns started coming back. As he took another sip of his whiskey, he realized that this time he had nowhere to go, that he would probably never hear you say "I'm here" again to keep him sane, that your arms wouldn't surround him, and you wouldn't leave him a space in your bed that was a million times more comfortable than his. Accepting that he missed you churned his stomach. Because, of course, it wasn't the first time he had thought of you since you left, but it was the first time he lowered his guard enough to digest that all of this was his fault. That he had hurt you in a permanent way while you had only given him peace whenever you could. Steven understood that both of them were fucked up when he finally saw Marc cry. When Marc finally cracked.
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Steven almost had a heart attack when he received a message from you. There was no text, just a photo of the kitten he recognized perfectly.
He wasn't aware of the smile that appeared on his face. One, he could see that the background of the photo was your apartment, which meant the kitten was already with you. Two, perhaps this meant that not everything was lost.
"Can I come see him?" He was biting his nails while waiting for your response. "Sure."
Steven left his apartment so quickly that his curls were still damp from the shower he took in a matter of seconds. He didn't care about being on the most crowded bus if it meant getting to your apartment faster.
Exactly 22 minutes after your message, he was standing at your door.
The smile on his face vanished when you opened the door. Both of you looked like a mess, in pain, and by this point, you had accepted that your eyes would be swollen and irritated for the rest of your days.
You didn't approach him for a hug like he thought would happen. You also took a few seconds to analyze him from head to toe.
He was as beautiful as ever. His messy curls made him look even more adorable. A meow echoed behind you, snapping you back to the present.
"Do you want to come in?"
Everything was so… awkward. You stepped aside to let him in and closed the door behind him.
"I told you that's the name of a goddess, not a god," he said as he crouched down to pet the kitten, who seemed to recognize Steven. The little one rubbed against him, purring loudly, audible to both of you.
"And I told you I didn't care."
A nostalgic laugh escaped both of you. Why was all of this so difficult?
"Hello, Sekhmet." His pronunciation was perfect. You couldn't believe you had the love of your life in front of you after everything that happened.
And worse, you couldn't believe you were about to let him go, for the second time.
"He likes you." You whispered, watching them get to know each other with a lump in your throat. This was nothing like what you had imagined at first; this wasn't how things were supposed to go.
Everything was wrong.
"Yes, love?" It rolled so casually off his tongue. You didn't remember Steven calling you by your name much, it was always "love" or "lovey" for him, and you were content with that.
This time, you felt a pang in your heart when he used the nickname.
"We have to do this." Your voice broke, and when he noticed your teary eyes, he understood the purpose of the visit. There was no way out of this.
"No, please." He looked up at you from the floor, still on his knees because the kitten refused to leave him. "Please, don't do this."
He broke down quickly too.
"I love you, Steven." Your hand went to his chin, holding him in a way that he couldn't look away from you. "And because I love you, it's only fair that we do this, you and I. Okay?"
He kept denying and denying. Ignoring the insistent meows, he stood up. Now you were the one who had to look up due to the difference in height.
Your heart rate increased with the closeness between you two.
"I don't want to say goodbye." The lump in his throat could be heard in his voice. "I don't want to be alone. I can't do it without you." You couldn't bear to tell him otherwise when you knew you were in the same position.
You stood on tiptoes and, without letting him continue, kissed his lips.
Even his kisses tasted like pain. They were desperate, almost violent in the way he clung to your waist and you to his neck.
You remained like that for a few minutes, tasting each other's tears on your lips until your lungs gave up. It felt like an eternity during which you exchanged kisses and embraced each other between sobs. It genuinely felt like you were tearing a part of yourselves away.
An eternity was not enough for either of you.
"Steven." Your hands on his chest pulled him away just a few centimeters from you to face him. His forehead rested against yours while he hiccuped from crying.
He was your little one. He always had been. Your sweet, sweet Steven. He deserved more than everything life was giving him, and in some way, you and Marc knew it.
"You have to go, okay?" He didn't respond, you just felt his fingers tighten their grip on your waist. "You will be fine, I know you will be." Your fingers roamed through his curls, messing them up even more, and you enjoyed their softness one last time.
"I won't be able to. L-Lovey, I w-won't…"
"Shhh. You will be able to, okay?" The tip of your nose gently brushed against his in an affectionate and intimate gesture. "You will get through this, and you will have the beautiful life that I've always known you deserve."
"I don't want it if it's not with you." His fingers crumpled your clothes from the force of holding onto you.
You lowered your hands to his and slowly made him let go, he shook his head again.
"You have to do this for Marc, okay?" You swallowed hard when his hands finally relented and let go of your waist. "And maybe, if it's meant to be, fate will let us know in the future. Okay?"
You wanted to be with him now, and he wanted to be with you now, but you were grasping at every possible resource to try to make him understand.
"I need to be alone, okay?" You knew he wouldn't leave unless you hinted that you were uncomfortable with the situation.
Always so respectful, he took a step back and nodded, even though his hands were trembling. He didn't say anything, just looked at you as he stepped back again.
"I love you," you whispered, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
"I love you." It was the only thing he could say. He was about to leave when his legs gave an awkward twitch.
Steven looked down, frowning slightly at the momentary loss of control over his body. If Marc was going to object, now was the perfect time because Steven knew he was the only one who could fix this.
His stubbornness was the only obstacle preventing you from being happy.
And yes, Marc wanted to talk. But when he saw you, he knew he would never find the words to fix what he did.
His fear of change hit him again. Why was he regretting this when apparently this was what he wanted from the beginning?
He parted his lips and tried to say something that never came out of his throat. He gave up in seconds and basically fled your apartment, closing the probably happiest chapter of his life in a long time.
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lucy90712 · 6 months
could write about rúben is jealous at your used to be uni crush when you accidentally met him at party rúben ended up being protective and a bit cranky (or clingy), fluff at the end. thanks <3
WC: 2.4k After a very long gruelling season everything is finally done and Ruben and the rest of the Man City team have a lot to celebrate after winning the champions league to complete the treble. This season has been hard on everyone including me as Ruben has been so busy and stressed that there was a period of time where we barely saw each other and whenever we did all we did was argue. Thankfully we made it through that time and now we are closer than ever which I'm so glad about as I was really worried I was going to lose him but that's all behind us now. 
Tonight we get to celebrate everything the team has achieved as Jack invited Ruben and I out to a nearby club to enjoy a night off. Ruben isn't usually one to go clubbing but this time he seemed more than happy to go as I think he wanted to go out and enjoy himself after everything he's worked hard for this year. He deserves it too Ruben has been so dedicated to the team the entire year and I've never seen him work quite this hard which is saying something as he always gives 100% to anything he does. As much as it's been difficult at times it's been amazing to be involved in this incredible year for the team and for Ruben. 
Despite agreeing to this a few days ago Ruben neglected to tell me until this afternoon but luckily for him I'm not high maintenance at all so I'm happy to get ready in an hour if I have to. Straight after Ruben decided that I needed to know about our plans I ran upstairs to shower as he dragged me to the gym this morning and I've been too tired to move since. I took a nice long shower washing my hair and shaving so I felt good as you can't look good if you don't feel good. By the time I was done Ruben was in our bedroom shirtless looking at his wardrobe to find a top to wear which was a beautiful sight as not only does he look amazing without a shirt on but I absolutely love his concentration face and that's the expression he had looking at all of his clothes. He didn't notice me to begin with but then I stepped on the one creaky floorboard and of course that caught his attention and his concentration face changed into a smile. 
"Seeing as you're here do you want to help me pick an outfit?" I asked Ruben 
"Of course I do now what criteria do I have to meet" he laughed 
"Well it's not cold as it's summer so warmth doesn't need to be considered so it is completely up to you" I said 
"Well then I think you have to wear this one" he said pulling out a red dress which happens to be his favourite 
"Ooh tonight must be a special celebration if I you want me to wear this" I teased 
"I just want to see my beautiful girlfriend looking and feeling her best" he said 
"Thank you babe" I said
"Plus I feel like making some guys jealous that you're all mine and not theirs" he smirked as he left to go into the bathroom 
I got myself ready in record time with a bit of help from Ruben in putting my jewellery on and zipping up my dress. He also did my shoes up for me which I said wasn't necessary but he did it anyway. With that we were both ready to go so Ruben drove us to the club as he's not going to drink he did that after the champions league win and made me promise to never let him drink again. I'm not a huge drinker either but on occasion I will have a few and I plan for tonight to be one of those occasions as I think I deserved to have some fun plus Jack will probably have me doing shots within a few minutes of our arrival anyway. 
As soon as we arrived Ruben led me over to the vip section of the club where everyone that was coming was already sat. Straight way the other wives and girlfriends came over and took me over to their table to catch up as we haven't seen each other in ages. Ruben brought me a drink a few minutes after we had sat down but after that he left me to talk to my friends. That's something I love about Ruben he doesn't have to be by my side at all times he's happy to let me have fun by myself but somehow he's always there when I need him. 
I enjoyed catching up with the girls but I wanted to spend some time with Ruben so I collected him and made him come to the dance floor with me. Neither of us are great dancers but I always enjoy dancing with him so we always dance together and just forget about what anyone else thinks of us. His arms went straight round my waist and I rested mine on his shoulders as we both swayed to the music. Ruben had a devilish smile on his face as we were dancing together and he made it very clear what he wanted in the way he started kissing my neck and gripping my waist tighter but I'm not going to give in that easy. 
After a while of dancing the both of us wanted a break so we stood by the bar so we could have some space. As we were stood there I thought I saw someone I recognised then he turned around and my suspicions were confirmed. It was a guy I met while I was in university we were friends throughout my studies but I had a huge crush on him so when we finished uni and he brought his girlfriend to graduation we drifted apart and I got on with my own life. We haven't seen each other since graduation and it's been years since I've even thought about him so it was weird to see him in a random club in Manchester. Seeing as I studied in London it felt very random but that being said I always love seeing people from uni as I feel like I've changed so much since then and I love hearing how everyone's life has unfolded. 
"What are you looking at?" Ruben asked 
"Oh there's just a guy over there that I went to uni with" I said 
"Which one?" He asked
"The blonde guy Joey I can't believe I used to have a crush on him" I laughed 
"Wait you had a crush on that guy" Ruben questioned 
"Yeah a huge crush but he brought his girlfriend to graduation which crushed me so that ended that" I said
Ruben went to say something else but before he could Joey noticed me and made his way over with a smile on his face. He greeted me with a hug before he introduced himself to Ruben before shaking his hand. Ruben is usually more than happy to meet people new people especially people I know from before I met him but for some reason he just seemed off. As soon as he let go of joey's hand his arm went back around my waist almost protectively and I could see that his jaw was tensed. It's so unlike Ruben that I had no idea what was wrong with him I mean surely he can't be jealous I've been with him for 3 nearly 4 years now and I’ve not seen Joey for even longer than that. It's not like I still have any feelings it was a stupid crush anyway he was just the only guy that had ever paid me any attention at the time so that's why I liked him so much. 
"It's been so long now have you been?" I asked 
"I've been good I just got a new job here in Manchester so I'm out with a few new coworkers what have you been up to I feel like I haven't seen anything of you since graduation" Joey said 
"Life's been good busy but good I got a job here in Manchester straight out of uni which is how I met Ruben and since life has been pretty crazy with traveling to games all over the place" I said hoping mentioning Ruben would make him less tense 
"Thats amazing I knew you would do great things you were always the smartest one in the class" Joey said 
"Also congrats on the treble mate it's an insane achievement" he added 
"Thanks" Ruben replied rather coldly 
I ignored his attitude and kept chatting to Joey as I'm probably not going to see him again for another few years after this as that's just how life is. The longer I kept talking the more Ruben moved his arms around my waist and held me tighter to his chest. It was so weird seeing Ruben act like this he's usually never the jealous or overly protective type he only ever got jealous one time when this guy was flirting with me before we were officially dating. I could almost feel Ruben's dislike for Joey and I wasn't even looking at him which is also weird as he always tries to get along with everyone he meets as he's just they type of person but clearly in this situation the Ruben I know and love has disappeared. For some reason it was making me feel slightly angry that Ruben couldn't even attempt to see that Joey's a nice guy instead he has to embarrass me by acting like an asshole when all I want is to portray him as the loving boyfriend he really is. 
Joey offered to buy us drinks and seeing as I'd only had 1 so far I accepted and of course Ruben declined but again I could feel his anger at me for even accepting. At this point I was completely fed up with his attitude so I ignored him and his many attempts to get my attention or stop me talking to Joey. I know this will probably cause an argument later but I'm simply just catching up with an old friend who I haven't seen in years and I'm not going to let Ruben ruin that just because he's jealous or whatever he's feeling. 
It was lovely catching up with Joey but after a while he had to get back to his new co workers and of course Ruben took his chance to say we should get back to his teammates before quickly dragging me back to where everyone else was stood. Seeing as he'd let go of his death grip on me I managed to slip away from him and go back to the girls ass I needed their advice and also a bit of time to calm down before I yell at Ruben and say things I don't mean. The girls were really helpful as they told me that Ruben was being over the top but they helped me see his side of the situation by saying that I wouldn't like it if Ruben made me talk to girls he liked before me. I understood what they were saying and it made me feel a bad so I decided it was time to leave to go and talk to Ruben. 
Once I suggested we leave Ruben was more than happy to go so I followed him back out to the car where he seemed to be a lot happier and more relaxed than he was earlier. He held my hand and we sung along to music together which is a lot more like the Ruben I know and love although there was still a bit of unresolved tension in the air but soon that will all be resolved. When we made it home both of us changed into more comfortable clothes and settled down on the sofa with a movie on but I quickly took the remote and paused the movie so we could talk. 
"Is everything alright?" Ruben asked 
"Everything's fine I just think we need to talk about what happened earlier at the club" I said 
"It's fine y/n I'm over it" he said pretty unconvincingly 
"You might say you're over it but I still think we should talk about it so first I want to say I'm sorry for putting you in that position I know I wouldn't like it if you did the same to me I just saw him and wanted to catch up as it's been long but I'm sorry for that" I explained 
"Now you can tell me what's on your mind" I said 
"It's not necessarily the fact that you used to have a crush on him it's just he's so different to me I mean he's blonde with blue eyes and I'm the opposite of that and you said you had a huge crush on him and that just made me question why you love me" he said 
"Oh Ruben I only had a crush on him as he was the first guy to ever be kind to me but then I met you I realised that it was just a crush and nothing more as my feelings for you were so different to what I felt for Joey it was love I love you and only you Ruben" I said 
"That really means a lot to hear because I felt exactly the same when I met you I'm sorry I got so jealous it was silly of me but believe me I won't ever forget what you just said to me" he smiled 
"Good because I want you to know that I love you at all times" I said 
He leaned in to give me a kiss but once our lips connected he pushed me down onto the sofa and began tickling my sides. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing even if I wanted to so I had to pull away from the kiss which made Ruben chuckle too. Any tension or bad feelings were gone within and instant after that and we were back to being completely in love with each other which is how I always want us to be. 
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
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I'm on Fire
biker!eddie x fem!artist!reader
Part 17: A creature of love, I can't be tamed
masterlist playlist
18+ONLY, series typical violence, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex with someone other than Eddie and reader, hate-fucking (consensual), oral (m receiving), sexual harassment, biker!steve, biker!billy, protective!eddie, rocker!nancy
word count: 6.4k
songs: I Hate Myself for Loving You by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Wild Child by W.A.S.P. and Cinnamon Girl by Type O Negative
The second half of your first night back at the Velvet Hammer heats up with Eddie on stage, Charlene on the premises with Billy, and Steve working through his emotions in a moment of carnal desire.
authors note: It has felt so good to get back to writing this story, I missed our biker boys so much. It will probably be another week or two until the next part, but you won't have to wait too long. Thank you for your patience, I love you.
There came the sound of shrill feedback from the stage, and the drummer twisted his stick around his fingers before clapping the high hat. You took your break and met Eddie over by the carpeted hallway.  The two of you huddled together, out of view from the front half of the bar, including Charlene and Billy.  
“What’s Steve going to do?” You hushed, feeling the familiar anxiety rise inside of you that someone might get hurt again.  
“Nothing for now,” Eddie exhaled.  You put your hand on his chest, and he held it there. “You let me worry about Steve and Charlene, you have enough to do.  I won’t let anything go sideways in here tonight.”
You told him about what you’d just learned from Shana, about Charlene being part owner of the Velvet Hammer, and he gave a slow blink, dragging out a long, ragged breath.  “Why does that not surprise me,” you could almost hear the wheels in his brain turning. “She can’t have this place, it’s ours,” he growled, walking you down the hall and clanking open the heavy metal back door to the alley.  
“But,” you started.  Eddie pulled a pack of smokes out of his front pocket and sparked a flame from his zippo to light the end.  “Isn’t it too late for that? It sounds like she already took it?”
You held two fingers like you were making a peace sign for Eddie to pass you a smoke and he raised his eyebrow at you curiously.  You gave a nod, answering his unspoken question, and he put a second one between his lips to light it for you before passing it over.  
You took a tiny drag and coughed smoke out of your nose at first, but then the second inhale was smoother.  Thanks to so many nights at the Hammer, your throat and lungs were sufficiently coated with tar and ready for the challenge.  
The other owner of the Hammer was a well known real estate investor and builder named Murray Bauman, and he was a friend of the MC.  They’d done several “jobs” for him over the years that were clean by MC standards, but dirty enough to ruin his reputation if they came to light. Murray was also notoriously unfriendly with the Gregson’s, and Eddie wondered how much Charlene had paid, and what kind of scandal she’d dug up on Stephen, to make him give up his share like that.  
Eddie tilted his head back, exposing his throat, to take a long, thoughtful drag, looking up at the clear sky that was blinking full of stars.  “I wish I could go back in time before I ever met Charlene, and avoid her at all costs.”
“I don’t know,” you looked down and kicked the heel of your shoe against your toe.  “She’s awfully determined.  I think she would’ve found you anyway.  Plus, I don’t think it’s you she wants anymore.”
“I feel responsible though,” Eddie muttered, blowing smoke out through tight lips. “For everything that’s happened to the people around me because of her.”
The sound of Nancy saying something into the mic, followed by the crowd cheering, came muffled through the door, and you really wanted to change the subject, to pull him out of his dark thoughts.  “I’d love to see you play tonight,” you told him right before both of your cherries glowed orange at the same time in the dark.  
“I don’t have my guitar here,” he stated the obvious, sucking his tongue on the roof on a sharp inhale, angling his head back to blow smoke up while keeping his eyes on you.  “But I might sing one or two with her.  Just for you.”
“You can sing too?” Your eyes got wide like a little kid watching the twinkling lights on a Christmas tree.
“Hi, baby, have we met?” He scoffed, slipping his bottom lip through his teeth to repress a grin, and then he winked at you and smashed his smoke on the brick wall before throwing it in the dumpster. He caught you by the hips and pulled you flush to him.  “I mean, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
Back on his stool, Steve rolled a toothpick between his lips while he scanned the crowd, and did his best not to look over at Billy and Charlene. He wasn’t sure what was eating at him more; the fact that she had the nerve to show up after everything, or that she was there with Billy.  
The crew from Lucifer’s Own were known for doing the dirty deeds no other MC would touch.  They ran a high-end escort service on the outskirts of town, and did a lot of blow and opiate smuggling over the border.  It was also a front for an underground fighting ring that was dirty and rigged, and sometimes, the fools who participated ended up with broken bones, or had their lights turned out completely.  
Billy Hargrove and Steve went way back, and they’d actually been friendly acquaintances for a while back in high school, until Billy had pursued a girl Steve liked at the time just to piss him off. Also, to prove to Steve that he could take whoever he wanted.  “Nothing wrong with a little competition, right, Harrington?” Is that what this was? Was Billy escorting Charlene around just to rub it in Steve’s face?
“Yeah, well, you can have her,” Steve mumbled to himself under his breath, thoughts racing so fast that he was starting to talk to himself, head bent to work the end of the toothpick with his fingers.  “Good luck with that one, buddy, you’ll need it.”
There was more feedback from the speakers.  “Hey there Hawkins, who is ready to rock?” Nancy purred into the microphone, one hand gripping the fretboard of her guitar before she slung the strap around her body. People shouted and cheered, and there were a few high-pitched whistles of encouragement.
The bassist with the band looked like a younger version of Eddie, but with a mane of black hair that was thick with tight curls, and the drummer had a black goatee and long, straight hair way past his shoulders.  The backup guitarist looked like he was cut right out of the James Hetfeild playbook.  
“We’re gonna start out with a little something familiar to get y’all warmed up,” Nancy said into the mic.  “This one is called I Hate Myself for Loving You.”
The crowd roared, pounding their fists on the tables.  Nancy said a countdown before she began a slow clap to the beat and the drums kicked in, deep bass vibrating in the walls.  
When Steve looked up, he saw Charlene making her way across the room, either for the payphone or the restrooms, and Steve straightened up, wondering if he should say something to her.  He went up to the bar and patted Thumper on his broad back, asking him to watch the door for a few minutes.  Thumper was three beers and several shots in, but was not yet showing any signs of inebriation.  He fisted a handful of his graying beard and told Steve it was no problem.  
“Midnight, gettin' uptight, where are you?
You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to two
I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you…”
He followed but he hung back, hiding in the crowd until he saw her go into one of the bathrooms.  When you and Eddie came out from the alley, you found Steve leaning against the wall that was heavily papered in band flyers, next to the payphone.  
Eddie was walking behind you,his hands firm on your hips, moving his legs in time with yours.  You both came to a halt at the sight of Steve, and you had to shove off, back to work, but Eddie took your hand to kiss your knuckles before you walked away.
“Everything cool?” Eddie asked his friend, checking around to make sure no chaos had ensued while he’d been outside with you.  There was a huge crowd there, packed in like sardines.  All of the tables and bar stools were occupied, and plenty of people were taking advantage of the standing room only, blocking most of the walkways.  
“I’m not sure yet, man,” Steve put his head back against the wall, Adam’s apple jutting out.  “But I’ll let you know.”
“I called Van and told him to get over here with Devlin,” Eddie let him know.  “Just in case more of Lucifer’s Own try to cause trouble.”
Steve only nodded, absently, his eyes twitching to the bathroom door every so often.  Eddie clapped Steve a few times on the arm before turning to watch the band as he pushed his way through the crowd.  Nancy made her fingers into devil horns in the air at him and Eddie returned the gesture, raising his arm high.  
“I think of you every night and day
You took my heart and you took my pride away…”
The crowd was stomping their feet to the rhythm and belting out the chorus.  Nancy detached the mic from the stand to make her way across the stage.  
The second Steve saw the door open, he took long strides across the hallway to keep Charlene from exiting, pushing her back inside the single-person bathroom.  She did not protest as he braced the door and locked it behind him, turning to face her with a tight jaw.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Char?”
“What do you think I’m doing here?” She hushed it, dropping her gaze as if suddenly she was afraid to look at him.  “I missed you.”
“Jesus Christ, Charlene, you need to stop.” He rubbed his hands down his face, exasperated.  “I’m sorry for how I treated you at the hotel, but this needs to end.”
“But what if I don’t want to stop?” She closed in on him, lifting her hands to hold his face, but he blocked the effort, restraining her at the wrists. “What if I want you so bad, it hurts?”
He met her eyes.  “You miss me and you thought fucking Billy would be the answer?”
“We’re not fucking, it’s not like that with him.  Not like it was with you.”  She struggled a little in his grasp just so he would tighten his grip on her.
Steve scoffed.  “You mean, not like it was with me and Eddie and your husband and every other dude you’ve spread your legs for in this town?” Steve wasn’t one to judge, not with the amount of pussy he’d run through over the years, but still, showing up with one of his rivals was a low blow.  
Charlene slammed forward so that Steve’s back hit the door, her breath hot and urgent on his neck. “No one fills me up like you do.  I need your cock to split me open one last time, Stevie, please.”
She sank to her knees, kissing down his chest as she went, and he let her, releasing her wrists so that she could make quick work of unbuttoning his Levi’s.  She licked around his balls and nuzzled her face in the hair at the base of his thick shaft, making hungry gasps of need as she did so.
He hissed when the fat head of his cock sank into her mouth. “Juss…just one more time,” he groaned as she lapped him up.  She hummed around his length and nodded, looking up at him, agreeing as her lips strained to take the measure of his girth.  
“I know you’re angry, Steve,” she flicked her tongue out over the ridge a few times like a poisonous snake about to strike.  “I want you to take it out on me.”
He fisted a handful of her hair, tight, so that he controlled the movements of her head, and it made her whimper with pleasure.  
The next song Divine Filth sang was an original, a real headbanger that had Nancy growling into the mic and jabbing her devil horn fingers in the air. The bass guitarist’s fingers strummed the keys while the drummer spun his sticks high in the air and caught them.  You noticed that a few of the male patrons were choosing to go outside to take a piss, which meant there was another line at the bathrooms again, but you were too busy to go over and check out why.  
While Erika was on her break, it was your responsibility to go over and check on Billy, since Jackie was working the other side of the room.  Two more of the Coffin Kings had just arrived and Eddie was out in the parking lot having a talk with them, being that it was hard to have a conversation inside with the band playing. 
You made your way over to Billy’s table, noticing that Charlene was nowhere to be found.  One side of his mouth lifted in a crooked grin while he watched you approach, and you wondered if he knew who you were and who you belonged to.  You also wondered if he gave a shit.
As you got closer, you noticed that he had a pronounced scar from his eye to his jaw, and he didn’t have a ton of tattoos like the other boys, but there was the word “mother” above a heart with a dagger through it just under the sleeve of his t-shirt on his bicep and a Lucifer’s Own insignia on his opposite forearm.  
He was slouched down a bit in his seat, knees spread wide, voice raised to be heard over the music.  “You must be War Machine’s old lady,” he gave you a lift of his chin.
“You are correct,” you said with your best customer service smile.  
“Damn,” his hand made a cage around the pack of smokes on the table so he could pull it toward him.  His eyes locked onto your face, unwavering.  “That son of a bitch always had good taste.”
“If you say so,” you checked over your shoulder, expecting to see Eddie charging over with that dangerous scowl on his face, but he wasn’t inside yet.  You cleared your throat.  “Can I get you anything else?”
He ordered another beer for himself and a tequila for Charlene, even though you knew she was much more of a wine drinker.  
“Just put it on Charlene’s tab,” he said with a wink, alluding to the fact that she was practically your boss now. “But this is for you,” and before you could reach for the 20 dollar bill he had in his hand, he was stuffing it into the waistband of your shorts, fingers grazing your bare skin, watching the discomfort wash over your face as he did so.
You turned on your heel without another word, bee-lining back to the bar, when Eddie stepped through the main door so abruptly, you almost crashed into him.    
Devlin and Van moved around the two of you while Eddie put one hand on your lower back and the other cupped the back of your neck.  “You okay, baby?” He mumbled, lips grazing the shell of your ear.
You nodded, but then Eddie looked over in the direction you had just come and saw Billy there, flicking the flame on his lighter and watching the interaction between the two of you.  You knew what Eddie was looking at by the way his body tensed.  “Did Billy say something to you?”
“I had to wait on his table while Erika was on her break,” you were pulling your boyfriend away as you were talking, practically dragging him back to his seat at the bar.  “Nothing happened, I’m fine.  I just missed you.”
On stage, Nancy lit into a mean guitar solo.
“You sure?” Eddie’s stare was hard.  
“Hey,” you grabbed Eddie’s face, making him look at you. “Baby, can’t you see? He wants to start trouble.  Just ignore him.  Please, for me.”
“Did he touch you?”  His jaw muscles bulged and a dark fell over his brown eyes, making them almost black.
“No baby,” you hummed the lie.  Eddie had quite a bit of common sense, more so than Steve when it came to affairs of the heart, but you knew that someone would get hurt if you told him about the way Billy had slid that money into your shorts.  You had no doubt that Eddie could handle himself, but you didn’t want there to be any more fighting; everyone had already been through enough.  Plus, Billy was not the first guy at the Hammer to overstep, and he wouldn’t be the last.  Sadly, that was the nature of the work, you’d come to realize. 
Eddie took a breath and lowered his forehead to yours, slotting his fingers around your ears so that his thumbs grazed your cheeks.  “I’ll be good, sweetheart,” he promised.
Everyone clapped at the end of the song and then you heard Eddie’s name being said over the speakers.
“We’re lucky enough to have the frontman for Corroded Coffin here with us tonight,” Nancy started.  “And he said he might get up here for a song or two.  What do you say, Munson?”
The crowd went wild at that suggestion, and some even chanted his last name, punching fists into the air.  Nancy motioned him on stage with a few scoops of her fingers.
“I guess I’m doing this,” he said, parting your lips with his tongue for a brief but firm kiss before he made his way to the stage.  The James Hetfield guy was already taking off his guitar to hand it to Eddie before he could protest, and they clapped hands together in greeting.  Your “old man” was adjusting the strap over his shoulder when he looked out over the sea of heads and caught your eye. 
“I love you,” Eddie mouthed, taking the pic off of the chain that he had dangling around his neck.  
Five minutes earlier, Steve had Charlene bent over the sink in the bathroom, jeans low on his hips, yanking her head back by the throat as he jackhammered himself inside of her.  
“Tighter,” she whined, and his fingers closed in on her windpipe.  He’d pushed her thong to the side and was spitting every so often so that he could watch it slide down her slit and mix with the frothing wet mess of her arousal where his cock sank into her.  He didn’t need the saliva to lube his brutal pace, but he liked the idea of spitting on her, it helped him work through his hatred.  
“God Steve, you’re so fucking good, fuckkk,” she dragged the last word out as hips clapped onto her with rapid, forceful grunts, making her whole body jerk each time he made contact.
He slowed the pace for a few thrusts so that he could spit again, and then he used his thumb to rub the saliva around the pink hole that tightened at his touch.  He’d never been with a woman who had every inch of hair removed like her, she looked like some kind of porn star. He wanted to be in her ass one last time, but it felt too tight and warm where he was.  He was close.
He let go of her throat and clutched her hips on either side in a way that would bruise, angling to finish himself off.  
“You’re such a fucking whore for my cock,” he bit out. He wished she didn’t feel so fucking good.  He wished that his disgust for her didn’t also turn him on in a way that made him uncomfortable.  
Charlene’s eyes rolled back in her head, orgasm mounting rapidly as he buried himself base deep to a point where the line between pleasure and pain was blurred.  She knew this was a farewell reminder, and it made her cry out his name.
“Fuck Steve, I’m cumming,” a few more pumps and she was exploding around his length, legs shaking at the way the wave crashed over her, making her see white.
“Get on your knees,” Steve told her, his hips stuttering.  When she was down in front of him, he jerked himself the rest of the way off onto her outstretched tongue, ropes of cum painting her chin and dripping down to her cleavage.  He made her lick the rest of him clean, and then she sucked her fingers.  
Someone knocked on the bathroom door.
“Yeah, hold your fucking horses,” Steve shouted, pulling his jeans up.  He helped Charlene get her bodysuit back on and zipped up.  He almost kissed her, but then he remembered who she was.  
He checked himself in the mirror and slicked his hair back before letting her know she should wait a minute until after he was gone before she followed him out.  She was cleaning the mascara that had leaked down her cheeks, and was about to apply more lipstick, when she caught his eyes on her in the reflection.  
“What if I told you I had a gift for you?” Her expression was coy.
Steve sighed.  “I don’t want anything from you, Char. This was it, I’m done, I mean it.”
She rolled the red lipstick out of its gold tube.  “What if it was something that would change your life?”
He thought about that, wetting his lips.  “Listen, we’re never gonna fuck again.  I don’t care if you buy me a Ferrari.”
“Well, it’s better than a car,” she huffed a small laugh.  “Let’s just call it a…parting gift.  A way for me to say sorry for everything I put you and Eddie through.”
Steve crossed his arms over his chest and put his back against the door.  “Yeah, well, if this is about to be some grande gesture from you, I’d like to know what the catch is.”
She turned to him, fixing the ends of her hair around her face. “No catch, not this time,” she took a step forward, holding her black clutch in one hand.  “Listen, I know it sounds childish and stupid, but I think I…I think I fell in love with you.” She furrowed her brow as if the sentiment didn’t make sense to her, as if she’d never grasped the weight of the words before.
Steve couldn’t help himself, he rolled his eyes and barked a laugh, thoroughly amused. 
“I can’t change the past,” she tried to push her chest out, to get her statuesque posture back.  “But I can try to make it up to you.  To both of you.”
“Yeah?” Steve gave her a bored shrug.  “Personally, I think you’re way past the point of redemption.”
“Maybe,” she pressed her lips together and took hold of the door handle.  “I guess we’ll see.”
All of your attention was eyes front on Eddie as he leaned over to discuss something with Nancy, lengthening the strap on his guitar as he spoke.  You barely noticed someone trying to make their way through the crowd until Steve bumped into your shoulder, making you sway on your feet.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he caught you and helped you find your balance.  “I didn’t see you there.”
Steve looked…disheveled, and his face was flushed, as if he’d just run around the block. There were lines in his hair from raking his fingers through it so many times.
“You good?” You called after him, but all he offered was a “thumbs up” over his shoulder.  
It was barely a minute before you caught sight of Charlene coming out of the hallway, following in his wake.  She had a pink flush to the pale skin of her throat, almost a perfect handprint impression, and your brain was busy putting the pieces together when Nancy got back on the mic. 
“This one is called Wild Child,” Nancy started on the guitar and people in the crowd got crazy again.  The Hell’s Belle next to you whistled so loud, it almost blew your eardrum out.  You weren’t too familiar with the band W.A.S.P. before Eddie, but you knew the song, and waited eagerly to hear his voice as he leaned in, moving his fingers along the strings.
“I ride, I ride the winds that bring the rain
A creature of love, and I can't be tamed
I want you, 'cause I'm gonna take your love from him
And I'll touch your face and hot burning skin
No, he'll never ever touch you like I do…”
He squeezed his eyes shut as he sang the first bit, hair hanging down his shoulders, muscles flexing under the ink that covered his forearms and hands.  When his eyes opened, he found you in the crowd, and your heart swelled at the way he cracked a smile around the words at the sight of you.  
“So look in my eyes and burn alive, the truth
I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you…”
God, he was magic up there.  He looked like a natural, holding that guitar in his hands, the way his fingers flew deftly to each note.  
And he was all yours.  
The chorus came and you sang the words, smiling so hard already, your cheeks hurt.  You’d never known your eyes to “sparkle” like a cartoon before, but you felt like that’s what they were doing. 
“My heart's in exile, I need you to touch me
'Cause I want what you do
I want you”
Someone grabbed your elbow, and you spun around to see who it was.
Jackie had a full tray in her hand, trying to balance it amidst the moving bodies.  “Hey, are you on the floor right now? Don’t mean to be a bitch, but I need you.  A table full of jarheads just showed up.” 
“Oh shit, right,” you’d honestly forgot where you were for a moment, you’d been so caught up in that Munson Magic.  You took another glance at the stage, wanting to catch Eddie’s eye, but he was looking down at his hands, concentrating on where they worked the guitar.  
The table in your section that Jackie mentioned had seven guys in their mid-twenties sporting that type of “high and tight” haircut that you saw almost exclusively with members of military or law enforcement, and you took a deep breath, because you never knew what the vibe would be for those types of men who visited the Hammer.  Either they’d be extremely polite like they just came from church, or they’d be vile and disrespectful.  
“What’ll it be tonight, boys?” You asked, sidling up to their table.  “Buy one pitcher of draft and get the next half off.” 
They all turned to appraise you, not caring that the way their lewd stares locking on your body and tits made you uncomfortable.
“See, I told you,” the dark haired one said to the one in the red and white striped polo shirt.  “The bitches here are super hot.”
You gulped, doing your best to restrain from looking as disgusted as you felt while they talked about you like you weren’t even there.  
“How much for you to sit in my lap?” One of them asked.
“How much for you to suck me off?” One of them whispered, and the whole table guffawed into the type of laughter that was not warranted for something that was so not funny.
You checked over your shoulder for Steve, and he appeared to be escorting someone out who’d just been cut off.  There was a bench outside, and he always had them wait there while he called a member of their family or a taxi to come pick them up.  The guy was having a hard time getting his legs to work, and Steve had to practically carry him out. 
You glanced up at the stage when the other song ended, and you could tell Eddie was searching for you, and so you stuck your hand up in the air to catch his attention.  
“This one is for my girl,” he pushed hair out of his face and the sentiment made you freeze.  A goofy grin stretched across your face and you let out an actual giggle.  You were very familiar with the opening notes of Cinnamon Girl by Type O Negative.  
“So, a pitcher of beer, then?”  You asked, distracted, but in a much better mood than you were a few seconds ago.  The guys at the table were too busy being crass to decide what they wanted to drink, so you chose for them.  They agreed on the pitcher, and ordered a round of shots. 
You kept your attention on Eddie as you made your way across the space, and your heart was in your throat at how proud you were to be his.  His voice was deep and powerful, and it seemed like no one could pull their eyes away. The air was a bit humid inside, and you could see a sheen of sweat on his skin already glistening, bangs sticking to his forehead.  He’d taken off his Coffin Kings cut and shirt, so he was up there in a ribbed, white tank of the Hanes variety, exposing the wash of dark tattoos over his shoulders and arm muscles that bulged from hours upon hours of manual labor.  
“I want to live with a cinnamon girl
I could be happy the rest of my life with her
A dreamer of pictures, I run in the night
You see us together, chase the moonlight…”
At the bar, you considered letting Van and Devlin know that there were some guys there who might start trouble now that Steve was distracted, but then you remembered that you were the bad bitch who stabbed Craig in the balls and brought him to his knees—-you could handle a few young douchebags.  
You gave Shana the drink order while Eddie’s deep voice bellowed, “my cinnamon girl, my cinnamon girl…” to the collective swooning of the crowd.  
You waited on two other couples, lingering in the middle of the room so that you could see Eddie more clearly, dragging your feet before you had to return to the guys with the matching haircuts.  
You took a cleansing breath and squared your shoulders before heading back.  You tried not to be bothered by the way the dudes checked you out as you put the drinks down.  When you were finished, the guy closest to you, with close-set eyes and a thick neck, ran his hand up the back of your leg.
“Hey,” your stare hardened on him and you stepped away, eyebrows pinching together.  “No touching.”
The guys all snickered at that, as if it was so funny that they all knew they weren’t supposed to touch the staff, but they still got away with it.  
“No he’s sorry, really,” said the tall, skinny one who hadn’t spoken up yet.  His face was unreadable, you couldn’t tell if he was being a shitheel or not.  The table fell silent for a beat.  “But we would really like to know how much it would cost for handjobs, all around.  Is there a group price for you girls?”
More idiotic cackling.
You turned to leave them, to go find Steve, to let him know you needed his assistance, but the one with the blonde hair and Limp Bizkit shirt caught you by the arm, digging his fingers in, and yanked you back so that his other hand could roam the curve of your ass.  “Just a little feel, baby, we’ll tip good,  I promise.”
You pushed him off and were just about to yell for Steve or Thumper when you saw the guy across the round table get his face smashed into the wood, so hard that blood splattered and you could hear the sick crack of breaking bone.
You were surprised to see Billy there, standing behind the one who was clutching his broken nose and wailing.  He was smiling, cigarette bobbing between his lips.  “I think you bozo’s should apologize to the lady.”
You hadn’t heard the music stop, didn’t realize that the commotion had drawn most of the attention to you.
In a flash, the guy in the Limp Bizkit shirt was ripped from his seat, and there was Eddie, picking him up by the throat to punch him across the face, sending him flying.
The impact made saliva and possibly a tooth go spitting from his mouth and you screamed at the shock of it.  
“Eddie look out!” You shouted.  The tall one was about to take a cheap shot at Eddie’s ribs while he sank another punch into the guy’s jaw, but you came down with your serving tray as hard as you could and nailed him.
“Holy shit,” Steve cursed when he stuck his head inside to see what the commotion was.  Thumper was nowhere to be found, and Steve figured he was taking a piss.  Starting brawls inside the Hammer was not protocol.  Bouncers were always encouraged to take everything outside, but now it was too late.  
“Get her out of here!” you heard Steve’s voice, he was talking to Devlin, and then you were being pulled back by cautious hands, away from the chaos. 
One of the jarheads was just about to break a beer glass over Eddie’s head, but Billy showed up out of nowhere and kicked him in the back, sending the asshole flying right into Steve’s awaiting fist.  The guy’s body crashed into a table, shattering glasses, and making the other patrons scatter.  
“You better leave this one for me, Harrington,” Billy smiled and wiggled his tongue.  “Wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours.”
Billy was helping them, and that was a twist you hadn’t expected.  Perhaps it wasn’t so much for them as for himself, since you could tell Billy had been looking for a fight all night.  
Steve got one of the other guys in a choke hold and began to drag him outside.  Billy made wide eyes at one of the leftover trouble makers and charged after him, making the guy shriek like he was about to pee his pants before running from the building.    
While the one Eddie had been punched was babbling at the foot of unconsciousness on the ground, he took hold of the one with the close-set eyes and the thick neck who had rubbed your leg first.
Eddie had been watching, and quick to cut off before the end of the song to jump down from the stage in a blinding rage.
Devlin held you loosely by the arms, but you shook him off, and stood next to Shana and Erika, continuing to keep your distance for the sake of Eddie and Steve’s peace of mind, and wincing each time one of the other dudes took a hard hit from one of the Coffin Kings.  
Eddie took the guy by the shirt and sent a punch into his stomach.  Mister Thick Neck doubled over but then Eddie took him by the throat and slammed him into the nearest wall.  Eddie had his fist winding back for a punch when Steve shouted his name to get his attention.  
The rest of the dickheads had been escorted outside by a few Hell’s Belle’s, while the rest of the crowd kept their distance.  You saw Charlene in the far corner, touching up her lipstick in a compact mirror, seemingly unphased by it all.  
“Not in here,” Steve pleaded with Eddie, breathlessly.  “Like you said.”
Eddie’s eyes were black and cold like that of a shark.  His mouth trembled with the urge to actually bite into the guy’s face, to mutilate him with his bare teeth and make him beg for mercy.
Eddie banged the guy's body into the brick wall again, locking him there with his forearm.  “Apologize to my girl,” he growled.
The buzz cut guy coughed and struggled, having a hard time breathing. “I don’t know who your girl is, man,” he was only able to squeak out a mild protest under the pressure of Eddie’s grip.  
“Your waitress,” Eddie hissed through gritted teeth.
The guy against the wall tried to turn his head to look for you, but Eddie squeezed his face.  “You don’t get to look at her,” Eddie fumed.  “Just say you’re sorry.”
Multiple desperate “sorry’s” followed, and then Eddie told Steve to get the guy’s wallet to take all of the cash out.  A quick count said there was about a hundred bucks.
“That’ll be her tip,” Eddie announced, dragging him by the shirt collar to take him outside with the rest.  
They were all told to empty their wallets of their cash, and Steve made a scene of noting the addresses on their driver’s licenses.  
“I have a memory like a steel trap,” Steve lied, pointing to his temple, grabbing the guy in the red and white polo by the side of his neck, getting up in his face.  “If you so much as walk by this place ever again, or tell the cops about this, you’ll see me in your nightmares. Now, get the fuck out of here before I call your mommies.”
You sank in next to Eddie’s side just outside the main entrance, and he put his arm around you.  “Will things ever calm down around here?” You asked with a heavy sigh, watching the broken group scurry and limp away down the street.
Eddie gave a low laugh and hugged you a bit tighter.  “God, I hope so, baby.”
Divine Filth started another song, to try and get things back to normal, and most of the crowd returned to their drinks as if there had not been actual bloodshed just five minutes ago.
No one but Shana heard the phone next to the cash register ring over the sound of the music, but after a few seconds, she shrugged by you and Eddie to stick her head out and scan the sidewalk.
"Steve?" She craned her neck to look for him.
"Yeah, that's me," he came from around the back side of the door, flicking his cigarette, knuckles split and bloody again.
"Some guy named Dustin called," she said, merely passing on a message. "He said Suzie just went into labor."
Love love you all for cheering this story on, hope you enjoyed this one. Your thoughts and reblogs are appreciated and cherished.
Taglist: @notsobubblybaby @unfocused81 @aysheashea @etherealglimmer@manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare@chaoticgood-munson @emxcast @rhirojo @bexreadstoomuch @micheledawn1975 @falling-solar-system@secretdryrose
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
Slow Hands | Chapter 9
“when the monsters creep into your house”
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A/N: so, before we get into this chapter, I just wanted to say that I am still on a break, but I wanted to share this with y’all because I’m so incredibly proud of how far I’ve come as a writer. This story has truly become such an importance to me, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share it with you. This break has been everything I hoped it would be and with that, I have restored my love for writing. This is also my longest chapter that I have ever written. 15k to be exact! Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well and thank you for the endless support. In due time I’ll be ready to re-immerse myself into the community, but for now I am content. 🤍 happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate, and free Palestine 🇵🇸 call for a ceasefire now. Also, a big shout out to @angelofsmalldeath-codeine for betaing for me! I appreciate you so much 🥹🤍
~word count: 15k~
Pairing | Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: after spending the night at Joel’s, the fragmented pieces of your past before Jackson begin to fall into place.
warnings: angst, PTSD, trauma, intense flashbacks, nightmares, child loss, implied SA (not by Joel) heavy heavy topics, hurt, comfort, foreshadowing, implied animal abuse (not done by Joel) soft flirting, protective! Joel, soft! Joel, no age gap, reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color, readers nickname is Beanie (coffee beans), +18 minors dni!
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Joel Miller’s POV
“Spend the night with me, Beanie. Please.” His words fell heavy on his tongue. His heart begging you with a steady thrum to stay. He was nervous. Nervous about how you would react to his request. While he had many moments of raw vulnerability with you, this was by far the most vulnerable admittance. It showed that he felt a deep level of trust towards you considering the only other person who knew of Ellie’s immunity was Tommy. Admittedly, if you said no to his request to spend the night, it would sting, but he’d accept it and give you the time that you needed. That didn’t erase the fact that he was waiting with a bated breath.
“Of course I’ll spend the night with you, Joel. Under one condition, you don’t snore, right?” Your tone was playful, teasing as you gently scratched his scalp with the blunt ends of your nails.
Oh, geez. How was it that one single person could read the room so well? There was something that was so purely natural to you. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Maybe one day he’d have the answer. He was relieved.
“Well, I don’t usually snore, but I won’t make any promises. Is that a deal breaker for ya, darlin?’” She’s spending the night. Here. with me.
He nearly could have purred like a damn cat from how soothing it felt to have you scratching his scalp, and playing with his hair. Oh, he had it bad alright.
“No, just means that I might have to smother you with a pillow if you do start snoring, honey.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He threatened teasingly as his fingers attempted to lightly tickle your sides, but you were quicker than that. Exchanging pet names felt easy and natural between the two of you. The banter dissolved the tension from the emotionally charged conversation that just took place
“Oh, but I would.”
Your fingers interlaced with his, thumbs brushing across the outside of his hand. He was looking directly into your eyes with a slight tilt of his head. He shamelessly thought about kissing you again now that there seemingly would be no other interruptions. His eyes flitted down to your lips. Soft. Kissable. He hadn’t kissed anyone since Tess’s passing. Even then, they didn’t share many romantic moments leading up to her death. Oh how he wishes he could have just kissed her one last time. You have to let go of the past, remember? Tess is gone. She’s never coming back, Joel. But Beanie? She’s here. She’s sitting right next to you, and she’s breathing. Her heart has a beat and there's blood pumping in her veins.
“If we keep this up, the pizza is gonna go cold, darlin.’” He tilted his head to the side with a boyish grin spreading across his lips. You swore that you saw a dimple peek through.
“Can’t have that happening.”
“Would be a shame..” He drawled thoughtfully.
Your eyes met, soft gazes melded together, brows raised before you broke out into a fit of contagious giggles. You couldn’t even depict the cause of your laughter, but he was short to follow, and man, did it feel good. Perhaps there need not be a reason. Perhaps it just felt natural to burst into giggles after such a heavy topic of discussion. You thoughtfully watched the way his eyes crinkled, and his hand grasped his belly under the worn-down fabric of his shirt. The cadence of your combined laughter echoed weightlessly through the expanse of the kitchen like a feather drifting along a gentle breeze. Ask her now. You can do it, Joel. Let your heart feel, for god sakes.
“Well, now I’m real fuckin’ hungry, darlin.’” He drawled warmly as he reached for your hands.
“Felt good though, didn’t it?”
He smiled knowingly as he nodded, “Felt damn good.” His hands grasped yours firmly before he gently released them and slowly stood up.
Your mouth watered the second he removed the pizza from the oven with a well-loved oven mitt that had little hearts stitched artfully through the fabric. He set the tray carefully along the countertop to cool. “It’s gonna be a few minutes for the pizza to cool. Don’t wanna go and burn our tongues off.” He chortled softly as he slowly descended back down to your level.
His palms were growing clammy by the second as he watched your discreet body language under the soft glow of the overhanging kitchen light. He watched the way you moved in closer to him, as if you were both magnets being drawn together by an invisible force that was slowly reeling you in. He watched your eyes, and how they never seemed to leave his own. He watched the way your lips parted open, soft and sweet like two glistening peach halves. Dew kissed rose petals being warmed by the sun's rays. Joel Miller would never consider himself to be a hopeless romantic, but you’d beg to disagree.
“Fuck it.” he whispered under his breath, nearly undetectable to your ears.
He breathed in slow and deep as his lips parted like the narrow sea. “Beanie,” He breathed out. “Can I please kiss you?”
A moment to breathe passed before you slowly nodded in consent, “Yes, Joel. Please kiss me.”
He leaned in slowly, the bridge of his nose gently brushing against your own as he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly. His hands gently rose to caress either side of your face. He held you like delicate fine china in his palms. Those very same hands could take away a life with a snap and twisting of his wrists. You held no fear because you knew this man. You knew Joel Miller as if he had been in your life forever. In some way, he had. Inconspicuously he had touched your life before the outbreak, and now you were finding one another in a new light.
The gap between your lips was tortuously closing at a slow pace. He was taking his time with you, but only if you knew that internally, he was wishing that he could take your breath away with a swift kiss. Time felt like it ceased to exist the moment his lips molded against your own. Although they were slightly chapped, Joel Miller’s lips were like two soft pillows, and he’d describe yours as candy floss. The sweet, sugary kind that used to be consumed in carnivals and fairs. He sighed into your mouth as his thumb brushed across your cheekbone. Your lips moved together in sync, but he could taste your hesitation lingering on your tongue.
“Joel..” You murmured against his lips.
“S’okay,” He spoke with utter reassurance. “You’re safe here with me.”
That’s all it took for you to let yourself go as your arms wrapped around his neck with ease, pressing your lips further into his.
His heart felt ignited with a newfound feeling that had laid dormant for so long. Fuck the pizza, he thought to himself. Nothing can ever come close to this moment.
The kiss was short lived, and lasted all of 30 seconds, but it was only because he could taste the salt from your tears along his tongue as he slowly detached his lips from yours. A tiny sliver of saliva kept you connected, until that dissipated too.
Why is she crying?
Oh, god. What have I done?
I knew this was foolish of me.
He didn’t even realize that his own tears began to free-fall from the corner of his eyes. He was too hyper focused on you.
“Beanie, what’s wrong? Darlin’ is it somethin’ I’ve done? I’m so sorry my dear, I–”
You cut him off with a surprised urgency as your hands dropped to his face and his strong jaw. You nearly threw yourself into his lap from how fervently you kissed him. On instinct, his hands found your waist to hold you steady as he kissed you back with the same amount of passion that you held for him. Your breaths synced harmoniously before you parted ways and pressed your forehead into the fabric of his shirt. An overflowing tide of emotions swept through the two of you as he cradled your head protectively to his chest. His head came to rest upon the lower cabinet as his eyes fluttered shut.
I’m here.
I’ll keep you safe.
No harm will come your way.
My girl. My girl. My beautiful sweet girl.
The pizza had significantly cooled off by the time yours and Joel’s emotions calmed down and he had wiped away every last tear that had dripped down your beautiful soft-spoken eyes. He left your side only to grab two plates and divvy the slices between the two of you. You sat side by side on the floor, as you ate in a comfortable silence.
I should check in and see how she’s doing. Maybe asking her to spend the night was too much.
Maybe this moved too fast?
Maybe I should just shut up and stop overthinking every single little fuckin’ detail.
“How’s it tastin?’” He finally asked as he set his plate off to the side.
“Tastes just as good as I remember it to be. Might even be better.” You responded with a small smile of gratitude.
“You ain’t gotta say that jus’ to be polite, darlin.’ Y’can be honest with me.”
“Joel, it’s seriously delicious. You’re a good cook.”
“And you make a fabulous sous chef.” He murmured with a grin between his teeth as he turned his head to look over at you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you rested your plate on your lap.
“Like what?” He asked softly.
“Like I am the only girl in the room.”
His brow raised as he pondered your response. You were literally the only girl in the room, but he was able to pick up on the silent signals, and read the context clues to your words.
“Darlin’, you don’t have to be afraid of me, or this, okay? Look, I understand if me askin’ you to spend the night might have been too much, and if that is the case, I’ve got no problem walking you home. But, if you do still want to spend the night with me, I promise we don’t have to..y’know, do anythin.’” He cleared his throat nervously as his eyes silently searched your own.
“Joel, I’m not afraid of you. I promise that it’s not that. I just—it’s been so long since..I’ve liked someone this much. The last guy I had romantic feelings for, was shortly before outbreak day. We actually had a date planned on the night of the outbreak. He canceled because he said his mom was sick and he needed to go and check on her. I never heard from him after that.” You murmured somberly as your hand slowly came to rest upon his cheek, stroking your thumb gently across the patches in his silver speckled beard.
“Baby, s’alright. I understand. S’been awhile for me as well, as you know. I’m sorry that you never heard from him again. Was he uh—your boyfriend? Or just someone you had met?” He leaned into your soft caress as his hand slowly came to rest upon your knee, rubbing soothing circles into the fabric.
He liked that you both shared a liking towards physical touch. He always wanted to be touching those he loved in some shape or form.
“No, he wasn’t my boyfriend. It was actually going to be our second date, and I was truly excited about it. We met in line at the local grocers, and my clumsy ass nearly dropped an entire carton of milk. He was..really sweet. Sometimes I wonder if he survived outbreak day, and if he did, would we find each other again.” Your thumb gently brushed across his lower lip before you were leaning in and kissing him sweetly as his lashes fluttered shut.
“Oh, darlin.’ I’m so sorry. I jus’ hope that if he didn’t make it, he went out painless. Sometimes I often forget that so many people lost something that night. Friends. Family. Lovers. It’s so easy to get caught up in your own grief and forget everyone else’s.” He mumbled against your lips as he squeezed your knee tenderly.
“It’s okay, Joel. Really, it’s okay. I got over it as soon as I realized that I had a decent chance at survival. Had to push my own grief far into the depths. Tess helped a lot. When we found each other I just had this feeling that it was meant to be. I wouldn’t have made it very far without her.” You slowly pulled away from the kiss as your forehead gently lowered to rest against his. “If I’m gonna spend the night, I sure hope you have a good pair of pj’s for me, Miller.” You teased softly as you gently twirled a strand of his salt and peppered hair between your fingers.
“She’s a good horse. Y’all have a special bond that I doubt could ever be broken. Darlin’ , you can wear any pj’s of mine that you’d like. Y’can keep ‘em too. But, before we head upstairs, there’s somethin’ I wanna show you. Would that be alright?”
“What do you want to show me, Joel?”
“You’ll see, darlin.’ Y’trust me, right?”
Joel offered you his arm like the true southern gentleman he was. He softly told you to leave the plates for now, and he would take care of that later. You took his arm graciously with a gentle grasp as he led you outside.
“Jus’ so ya know, the only two people who have seen my little wood workin’ shed, as I would call it, is Tommy and Ellie. But, you’re awfully special to me, Beanie. And I wanna share this piece of myself with you.”
“Joel, you know you don’t have to do this, right? I am absolutely honored that you want to share this part of yourself with me.” You murmured in a honeyed tone as your fingers gently flexed along his forearm.
He turned towards you, pausing in a moment of thought before he smiled. A real genuine smile that showed the little crinkles in the corner of his eyes that came with the process of aging. How precious a moment for you to see Joel Miller with his guard down. Even in the lowlight, you could see the way his eyes sparkled as he looked at you with tenderness.
“Best get used to it, darlin.’ Cus’ one day, I’m gonna share everything with you.”
His words were taken as a promise. An oath that you were not just a stepping stone in his path towards healing and living a peaceful domestic life. You mattered, and he made you feel like the sun was something that he crafted just for you with his bare hands in his toolshed. And the millions of stars that painted the night sky in twinkling light, were his secrets, and all he had to do was reach up and pluck one from the string it hung upon and bring it down to you. The stardust would bloom like a rose in your palm as if by magic. All in due time he’d bring a star down to you. All in due time.
At least in this lifetime, you’d finally understand what all the fairytales and romance novels were talking about.
His lips brushed your forehead in a velvety kiss before he nudged the shed door open with his shoulder and flicked on the light directly to the left of his head.
Remnants of sawdust coated the air as you followed him inside. His work station was fairly tidy sans a few stray tools that didn’t quite find their home, yet. You could feel his presence lingering behind you as you admired the wood carved fawn that was nearing its completed stages.
“This is darling. Did you make it for someone?” You asked softly as he pulled up the stool next to you and made himself comfortable.
“Made that one for Ellie. After I gifted her that felt fawn from your trinket bowl, I felt inspired to make her a wooden version. Got a rocket ship I'm workin’ on as well, but animal anatomy is far easier to work with than machine parts.” He mused as he rested his palm along his chin comfortably.
“I’m sure she’ll love it, Joel.”
“Hopin’ so. Got somethin’ I’m workin’ on for you as well.” He murmured with a gesture towards the figure covered with a white sheet to keep it a surprise.
You turned your head to the side, catching his gaze before you smiled. “Really? Can I see it?”
“‘Fraid not, my dear. Ain’t finished with it, yet. And I wanna keep it a surprise for now. Think you can be patient?” His brow raised as his lips curved up into a small grin.
“Oh, alright. I suppose I can be patient, for now.”
“Are ya sure you’re actually capable of being patient, darlin?’ He asked teasingly, his eyes flickered with unbridled mischief like two high-hanging mirror balls.
You leaned in with the same mischief dancing in your irises. It felt good to flirt, real good. He could easily say the same thing.
“I think the real question is, are you capable of being patient, Miller?”
A challenge. And a good one at that.
Joel had felt like a horny, love-sick teenage boy all over again.
He reveled in it.
Before he could answer, you slipped off the other stool with ease as you gingerly picked up one of the wood chisels that was laying around nearby. You twirled the handle in your palm with glee as you danced around the workbench, feeling his eyes never leaving you.
“So, what’s this one called?” You knew it was a wood chisel, but playing dumb for a moment felt fun and carefree.
“It’s a wood chisel. S’what I use when I'm carving out details and such. Got a whole set of ‘em. They’re quite handy.” He was already up from his stool as well as he followed you around the corner of the workbench.
“Fascinating.” You responded with a playful grin as you placed the chisel down where you found it before picking up a small screwdriver. “And this?”
He chuckled, shaking his head with a grin. “That would be a screwdriver, princess.”
Something unreadable flashed in your eyes. It was there, and gone as fast as it came.
“I totally knew that.” Your tone was an octave higher than usual, but you masked it well by tossing the screwdriver to the side before reaching for his hands.
“I know you did, honey.” He drawled smoothly as he found himself stepping between your legs where you were casually leaned up against the bench.
You were locked onto one another like two magnets as he slowly brought your interlocked hands above your head. He studied your expression for a moment as he silently waited for your consent, and once it was given, his lips were pressed to yours once more as your back naturally began to descend against the saw dust covered surface.
The tension in the air rose and thickened the atmosphere. The only sounds that could be detected were your lips moving in a passionate filled embrace, and the crickets chirping just outside the door.
He was the one to break the kiss with a breathy chuckle. “Seems like you and I are turnin’ into a couple of horny teens, huh?”
You liked the way his cheeks were flushed, and his lips swollen from your kisses.
“Indeed we are. I feel so alive. Do you?”
“Yes. The most alive I have felt in years, Beanie.” He murmured as he gently pulled you back up into a sitting position. His hands departed from your own and proceeded to brush away any sawdust that had stubbornly clung to your clothing. “Let's head in, yeah? I’ll make us some tea before bed. Chamomile?”
“Sounds delightful.” You pecked his cheek sweetly, and his cheeks reddened once more.
Joel left you to your own devices as he tidied up the kitchen. When you softly protested to help with the dishes, he shook his head and gently nudged you towards the staircase followed by a short peck to your lips. “Go on. I’ll be up shortly, darlin’.’”
“Joel, are you sure you want me to go up there alone? I mean, it’s your private space and–”
“Beanie,” He breathed softly against your lips. “S’okay. I trust you, remember?”
“Okay. Are you sure you don’t want any help down here?”
He shook his head once more as he nudged you up a few steps. “No. I’ll be alright. Go on now.” He pressed softly.
Your reluctance was noted, but Joel trusted you, and that was a fact. So, what did you really have to fear?
Your soft-padded footsteps led you further up the stairs before your body disappeared from his view. His bedroom was down the hall from Ellie’s. Like a classic teenager, her door had a sign in bold red lettering that said “KEEP OUT”. Oh to be a teenager again.
Joel’s bedroom was exactly how you pictured it to be; homey. His bed was neatly made with both sets of pillows fluffed to perfection. On his nightstand contained a book titled, “Idiot's Guide to Space” and on top of the book were his old man reading glasses.
You didn’t want to appear as if you were snooping around, but it was hard not to when two seemingly photographs caught your attention. You padded over to the dresser with a genuine curiosity. Upon closer inspection, the first photograph encased a younger Joel with his arm around who you presumed to be his daughter. Sarah truly was the apple of his eye.
“Winning that game was a big moment for her.” Joel’s warm tone lingered in the open doorway.
“She’s beautiful, Joel.” You murmured in response as you gently set the frame down.
“She was.” He solemnly corrected you as he made his way into the room.
You could feel the heaviness weighing in his heart as his footsteps approached. You hated to think that right now he was picturing his baby girl laying in her shallow grave. She was far too young.
“Joel, please. Don’t go to that place. Sarah is beautiful, and I wish I could have had the opportunity of knowing her.”
“She woulda loved you. I’m almost sure of it. The two of you woulda been as thick as thieves.” He was standing alongside you now with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his worn out jeans.
Your gaze softened as it landed upon the second photograph. Joel and Ellie side by side, looking into Shimmer’s stall.
“Did you mean what you said earlier, Beanie?” His question startled your current thoughts as you slowly met his gaze.
“You mean when I said that Ellie would forgive you eventually, and she just needs time to heal, and so do you?”
“Yes. Y’meant that, right? You actually believe that Ellie can forgive me? That her and I will be okay again?”
“Joel, I believe that everyone can be forgiven to an extent. What you did is what any parent would do for their child. In due time she might understand, and forgive you. But, you need to start believing that yourself. Feel it in your heart that you and her will be alright. These things are delicate, and they take time, Joel.”
You could feel his muscles clench as he inhaled deeply. Sometimes hearing the truth hurt, but it was necessary.
“I guess I don’t know how to be patient at all.” He murmured with a slight shrug.
“No, that’s not true at all, Joel. You miss her, and that is completely understandable.”
“I’d do it all over again. If I was given the chance to make up for it, there ain’t a damn thing I woulda done differently.” His nostrils flared from his admittance. As if he was a once dormant volcano that was becoming active again.
“I know, Joel. I know.” You talked him down.
He appeared to be lost in his own thoughts before his shoulders finally returned to a relaxed position. “Let me get you some pj’s so you can change, and then i’ll go make our tea.”
You nodded silently as he pulled open the top drawer of the dresser and grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants and plain t-shirt. He placed them gently into your arms. “I think there might be an extra toothbrush in one of the drawers in the bathroom. I’ll uh–give ya some privacy.” He backed off like a dog with its tail between his legs. He could already feel the shame begin to creep up every vertebrae in his spine as he slipped past the open doorway. He just wanted to be normal. To not feel this constant weight on his shoulders, or grief in his heart. He wished for happiness. To smile more. To laugh. To enjoy the life he had left to live. To love without the fear of losing.
You wished that for him too.
When he returned with two steaming mugs of herbal tea, he found you already safely tucked under the covers. ‘The Idiot’s Guide to Space’ book in your grasp. His heart swelled as he set his owl mug down along the nightstand as he offered you the other mug. A moose grazing in a snowy field was illustrated along the outside of the mug. You looked up, pausing in the paragraph you were reading, before grasping the mug gently from him. “I hope you don’t mind me reading it. The title intrigued me.” You murmured.
“Don’t mind at all. It’s got some fascinating stuff in’t.” He responded warmly before he pulled the covers back and climbed underneath them. His shoulder brushed yours as he made himself comfortable.
“Would you like me to read it to you?” Your suggestion was soft and thoughtful as his eyes met yours.
“I’d love that, Beanie.”
You naturally found yourself scooting in towards his side of the bed. You wanted to be closer to him. To feel that intimate connection that had sent a new fire scorching through your veins. His arm slowly came to rest along your shoulders while the back of your head found its home against his chest. His heartbeat was steady, his breaths soft as your words soothed him like a lullaby soothes a child. It wasn’t long before he was nodding off, struggling to keep his eyes open, but he soon gave into sleep and you followed shortly
“Joel! Help me, please! Joel!” Ellie’s screams were anguished. Frightened.
The steps leading to the basement seemed never ending as Joel raced down them. Adrenaline pumped fiercely in his veins. “Ellie!” He screamed, voice raw and cracking. His fists pounded on the door as he desperately tried to break it down. Her terrified screams rattled his skull as the thin skin of his knuckles tore and bled. “Baby girl!” He cried.
Ellie’s screams for help dissipated and turned into a harsh ringing in his ears. The never ending staircase and basement door ceased to exist.
“Joel! Joel! Wake up! Please, wake up!” Your tone was urgent, frightened as you grasped his shoulders firmly to shake him free of his nightmare.
His screams sent a wave of nausea rushing through you . “Joel, you’re safe! It's just a nightmare! It's not real, Joel!”
His eyes snapped open as he took in a lungful of air. His arms encircled around your waist as he looked around the room wildly. His shirt was soaked all the way through. “Ellie! She–she. I–I couldn’t reach her! I couldn’t save her!” He wailed profusely as you tried every attempt to calm him down.
“Joel. Listen to me, baby. It was a nightmare. It wasn’t real. Ellie is safe. She’s safe!” Your hands came to gently rest upon his cheeks as if your fingertips alone could wipe away the fear leaking from his eyes. You kissed away his tears as he trembled in your embrace. He wept as you consoled him.
Your fingers combed through his hair as you began to hum a tune of the past as one last final attempt to bring him back down to earth. Your humming transformed into words as his heart beat steadied its rhythm.
“And you will keep me safe.” You whispered.
“And you will keep me warm.” He croaked.
“And rain.”
“And rain.” He followed with a soft painful whimper.
“Will make the flowers.”
“Will make the flowers grow.” You wept in unison.
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Joel awoke the following morning, rising with the sun that was beginning to peek through the beige curtains in his cozy bedroom. He was careful not to disturb you in your peaceful slumber as he detangled his legs from your own before swinging them over the side of the bed with a soft grunt. Despite the familiar ache in his back, he urged himself to stand as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The floorboards creaked beneath the weight of his footsteps as he padded off to his connected bathroom. Despite the nightmare he endured just a few hours ago, he felt moderately well rested. He splashed a bit of luke-warm water onto his face before he proceeded to brush his teeth.
He returned to his side of the bed shortly after as he quietly dressed for the day before he scribbled down a note for you to awake to. The last thing he wanted was for you to think that he was leaving in a hurry, or feeling like the events that took place last night were a mistake. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. His handwriting was chicken scratch compared to your gentle strokes of the pen, but was legible at least.
Good morning, darlin.’ I'm headed down to the stables to build a pen for Honey. Help yourself to some coffee, and whatever else you’d like. I’ll be back in time to take you to breakfast.
-Your Joel.
So what if he was a bit of a sap, you were, after all, the first person he showed vulnerability to since Tess. This was as big a deal for him as it was for you, but it felt natural. As natural as breathing, as putting one foot in front of the other.
He found Honey still curled up in the corner of the couch as he stopped to give the fawn a gentle pat on her furry little head. He couldn’t help but think of the horrors that would have been unleashed on her if he didn’t rescue her in the woods. Surely, she would have been ripped to shreds.
With one final delicate pat to her head, he reached for the blanket that was wrapped around the tiny creature, and gently tucked the corners in so she was a nice snug bug in a rug. he shuffled away to tug on his working boots before he grabbed his every-day use tool box from the closet. A ghost of a smile was tugging on his lips as he swung the metal loop of his house keys between his fingers. He was so lucky to know that just up the stairs, you lay beneath his sheets.
Even in the early morning hours, Joel could taste humidity on his tongue. July was already proving to be a sweltering one. He was too caught up in his saccharine thoughts of you back in his cozy home, to hear footsteps approaching behind him. Well, it also didn’t help that he was partially deaf in his right ear.
When he pushed open the stable doors, he was greeted with a few friendly nickers as he made his way down the stall aisle. He had developed a particular soft spot for your mare, Tess, for obvious reasons. She was sweet, gentle, kind-hearted just like you. And as silly as it may sound, he saw his Tess in your mare’s eyes.
Tex’s sleek black neck was already craning over his stall door as he pressed his velvet soft muzzle into Joel’s flannel pocket affectionately.
“Ah, I see. Am I jus’ a treat dispenser to ya now, Tex? Knew that Beanie was gonna give ya a sweet tooth.” He murmured with a deep chuckle as he set his tool box down alongside the outside of Tex’s stall. “I think your lady deserves a sugar cube first, dontcha think?”
Tex pawed the loose hay in his stall with a soft snort as Joel reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of sugarcubes to give to Tess. She didn’t like most men in Jackson, but she already adored your Joel.
The tender felt moment between beast and man was cut short from the sound of the stable doors creaking open once more. There was a sudden edge to the docile air as Lucas strode in casually.
Joel’s jaw clenched harshly under the dust filled light rays that trickled in through the cracks in the stables roof. Golden light flooded through the spaces between the wood as his eyes narrowed downwards between his boots. He was not in the mood for conversation of any kind this early in the morning, and especially not from an individual he already believed to be suspicious.
“Miller?” Lucas asked as he approached with his arms swaying at his sides. “What’re you doin’ up so early?”
“Could ask you the same,” The older man muttered under his breath.
Lucas heard him, but pretended he didn’t. “What was that?”
Joel kicked at a stray rock with the toe of his boot as he straightened himself up so that he could appear more intimidating. “I think you heard exactly what I said.”
Lucas raised a brow with an amused grin as he stopped in front of Tess’s stall. “You really can’t fuckin’ stand me, huh?” Before Joel could answer, Lucas waved him off as if they were friends having a minor disagreement.
Tess immediately took a few nervous steps back from where Lucas was leaning against the side of her stall door. Her sudden erratic behavior set Tex off immediately as he pawed the ground fiercely, and flattened his ears to the back of his skull. A territorial display that sent hairs standing up on the back of Joel’s neck almost immediately.
Joel knew that horses had a tendency to be sensitive towards certain people, but he had never seen Tess respond in this manner. It was..odd.
Lucas paid no mind to the mare's behavior as he focused his attention back on the older man. “So, who does this beauty belong to anyway?”
Joel started to stiffen before he relaxed his shoulders with a slow roll. “She’s Beanie’s.” he muttered flatly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few more sugar cubes and held them outstretched in his palm towards Tess.
Your mare took a few timid steps forwards, before she gently ate the treats right from Joel’s palm. However, as soon as Lucas reached his hand upwards to stroke her snow white neck, she shied away from his touch as the whites of her eyes shone like two pale ghosts as Tex proceeded to send his hoof colliding loudly into the side of his stall; don’t mess with his lady.
Lucas oddly didn’t seem fazed by the mare’s bizarre behavior as he shrugged his shoulders with exaggerated casualness, “mares have never been a fan of me.”
“Can’t imagine why.” Was Joel’s gruff response as he turned his back to pick up his toolbox once more. He proceeded to ignore the ‘intruder’ as he set to work on building a pen for Honey right next to Tex’s stall. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
The only problem was that Lucas had a godawful time at reading the fucking room, or he was doing this to get a rise out of Joel on purpose.
“Speaking of you and Beanie, what’s goin’ on between the two of you anyway? Hearin’ whisperin’s here and there that you and her are like an item.” He drawled smoothly.
“Ain’t think that’s much of your concern, or business to have, Lucas.” Joel’s tone was muffled as he spoke into the fabric of his flannel along his shoulder.
“Ah, I hear ya there, brother. Gotta be careful with a woman like that. They can be real heartbreakers if ya ain’t careful.”
He’s baiting you, Joel. Don’t fall for it.
“Yeah? How would you know the type of woman she is, and isn’t?” Joel delivered his response with ease as he pulled out a tape measure.
“Not sayin’ that I do, jus’ that I've been around enough women like her to know what I'm talkin’ about. And a woman like that can’t be held down. They’re flighty and callus. One second you think you’re special to them, and the next—”
“Well, who said anythin’ about me wantin’ to hold her down? She’s her own person, Lucas. I don’t own her.” Joel gritted through his teeth.
Don’t give in. Don’t give in.
Joel could hear the younger, cockier man smirking through his teeth. “So, she’s not your girl then is what you’re sayin?’ Huh. I surely thought you two were an item.”
The sound of the tape measurer clanking into the toolbox with a loud thud was all Lucas needed to know that he won. Joel straightened his back as he stood up and whipped around, fully ready to go toe to toe to get this gnat out of his face.
“Y’know what you remind me of? A snake.” Joel seethed as his fists trembled at his sides. “A snake in the tall weeds just waiting to strike. What’s your angle, Lucas?” his eyes narrowed as Lucas watched in pure amusement to watch the brave and unmovable Joel Miller slowly losing his composure.
“A snake, huh? Think more like a wolf. And you’re the boneheaded moose thinkin’ you’re unbreakable. Look at you now, Joel Miller. Trembling with rage from just my words. You know what I think?” He leaned in close enough just in case the older man couldn’t clearly hear him. “Even the strongest moose can be taken down by a pack.” He sneered.
Something inside of Joel snapped like a coil being pulled tight and he saw red as his hands grasped the lapels of the younger man's shirt with a furious rage.’ “Y’want me to go ahead and fuckin’ break the other wrist, huh?! Cus’ I can do that. Right here. Right now if you wanna keep makin’ these threats. We can have a real fuckin—”
“HEY! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN’ ON HERE?” It was Tommy, and Joel had never felt so relieved to see his brother in that moment as he released Lucas from his death-grip grasp.
Lucas looked like a deer in headlights as he was not expecting Tommy’s sudden arrival. Yet, he held his composure as he combed his fingers through his hair. “Your brother here was jus’ threatening to break my other wrist jus’ now.”
“Yeah, I heard that bit, right after you threatened him first. Get lost, now. Before I change my mind and report this directly to Maria. The hell you thinkin’ rilin’ my brother up like that?!”
Lucas was dumbfounded and ego-wounded. Most importantly, he was and always would be a coward. His eyes locked on Joel’s, and then Tommy’s before he slunk away in a wolf-like fashion through the stable doors.
Neither Miller brother spoke for a while as it appeared they were processing what had happened. Joel opted to slowly sink down between Tex’s and Tess’s stall with his hands resting between his knees as he worked on steadying his heartbeat to normal.
“Hey, Tommy?” Joel started, “How much of a’that did ya hear?”
“Enough to know that Lucas was purposely trying to get a rise out of you.” Tommy responded as he walked over to Timber’s stall and tightly shook his head.
Joel breathed out an immediate sigh of relief as he slumped back against the stall doors. “Tommy? Did Lucas show up to Jackson before, or after you and Maria found Beanie?”
Both brothers slowly met one another's gaze as Tommy gently stroked Timber’s neck with a steady palm. “After,” he confirmed Joel’s immediate suspicions.
Joel watched in silence as his brother walked over to him before he bent down and offered Joel his hand to help him up.
“Tommy, how come I didn’t hear ya come in?” Joel mumbled as he firmly grasped his brother’s hand before pulling himself up to his feet with a grunt.
Tommy could feel his heart begin to slowly sink into the pit of his stomach. Just like the way that the sun would gradually dip behind the horizon at the end of each day. He gave his brother a mournful look as he gently placed his hand along the right side of Joel’s head, and brushed his thumb across the scar. Right against the spot where the bullet missed. “Y’know why, brother.” He murmured softly with a heavy heart.
Joel knew, it was there, written into his skin. He swallowed his tears that were beginning to brew as he wrapped his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly. “Tommy, somethin’ ain’t right here. I’m gettin’ that sick feelin’ in my stomach. Were you here to see the way Tess acted towards Lucas?”
“Somethin’ definitely ain’t right. I told ya that I’d have your back, big brother. Remember? I arrived a bit too late. Musta missed that bit.”
Joel nodded as he slowly dropped his arms to his sides. “Well, she flipped out. I’m talkin’ like a complete 180 as soon as Lucas tried to touch her, Tommy. Pissed Tex the hell off as well. Somethin’ about it was...odd. Almost like she recognized his face or, she jus’ could sense that he ain’t a good person.”
“Well, horses are pretty sensitive creatures, so it is possible that maybe...”
Joel’s jaw inwardly clenched as his brain was replaying the events that just took place. There were numerous red flags that went ablazing. Tess’s fear towards Lucas. Lucas prying for information… And what the hell was the whole thing about him referring to himself as a wolf, and Joel as the boneheaded moose?
“I think we oughta start keepin’ a watchful eye on him. For all we know, he could be plannin’ somethin’ right under our noses. Tommy, the last thing you and I or Maria want is for someone to turn up missing. What about Ellie and Dina? The rest of the women around here? The sooner we–”
“Joel,” Tommy started with a heavy sigh, “I hear ya, but we need evidence. Cold. Hard. Evidence. I’d start by documenting what happened just now. Write it down in full detail. I’ll write up my own report on it as well. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on his whereabouts, alright?”
Joel let out a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.
“Yeah, cus’ that’s the only way Maria would ever believe us.”
“We need to have shit to back up our accusations.” “Hey, while you’re here, mind helpin’ me build this pen for Honey? I gotta get back home in time to take Beanie to breakfast. I left her a note, but I don’t want her thinkin’ that I ditched her or somethin’.” Joel casually stated. Once he realized what he said, it was too late, and Tommy already had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“Hold on a second now. Did you n’Beanie have a sleepover last night? As in she slept in your bed? Woo doggy, it’s about damn time!” Tommy nearly hollered as he went to give his brother a proper slap on his back.
Joel’s entire face turned beet red as he coughed into the sleeve of his flannel to hopefully hide his obvious blushing. “Uhh–yeah. You can call it a sleepover, I guess? Look, I don’t need ya goin’ and makin’ a big deal outta this. We kissed, and then I asked her if she would spend the night. That’s all that happened.” Well, we kissed a few times actually.
“Y’all kissed?! Joel, this is a big deal! Are ya kiddin’ me? Big brother, this is amazing news! Look at you bein’ the romantic!”
Joel let out a frustrated groan when he realized he wasn’t gonna get out of this one that easily. “Yeah. Yeah. We kissed, and I really like her, Tommy. So, can we just keep this between the two of us? I don’t want Maria, or anyone else for that matter gossipin’ about my private life.”
“Riiiight. Cus’ I’m jus’ gonna go and shout it from the rooftops that my big brother finally grew a pair and kissed the girl. Thank fuck. Honestly, I'm surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” The younger Miller brother was genuinely happy for his older counterpart. Everyone deserved that someone in their life, but Joel especially.
“I was jus’ buying myself time. Last thing I'd ever wanna do is unintentionally offend or hurt her. Now, will ya do some work for once in your life and hand me those wooden boards o’there?” he gestured to the planks of wood that were resting along one of the empty stalls. “All I will say is that woman is amazing. Not to sound like a total cliché, but she’s a breath of fresh air. Sunlight after a raging storm. She’s–”
“Made of stardust and coffee beans.” Tommy chimed in with a playful grin. “Well, you got it bad, Joel. S’alright. Happens to the best of us.” He shot his brother a knowing wink before he retrieved the wooden boards with ease.
Joel couldn’t help but allow a tiny glimpse of a smile tug on his lips from Tommy’s words. A moment of peace and blissful thoughts was better than dwelling on the elephant in the room. Something was unquestionably off about Lucas, and his rather alarming behavior.
*end Joel’s POV*
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In the safety and familiar warmth of Joel’s sheets, your mind was free to wander and romp. Your brain's natural defenses to block out painful memories and terrifying events, crumbled as you subconsciously breathed in the comforting scent of Joel, your Joel. Unbeknownst to you, he was your ticket to peace. Your shining beacon of light through a pitch black formidable darkness.
As a gentle breeze swayed through the curtains in his bedroom, you were subconsciously reliving your time before Jackson. Before Maria, Tommy, and Joel. Memories that were once fragmented and jagged, were being pieced together behind softly closed lashes.
dead of the winter; post outbreak. Date unspecified. 50 miles from Jackson.
Tess was gradually growing weaker with each step she took through the billowing snow. Your horse was strong-footed and able bodied, but even she had her limits. You were beginning to feel numbness engulf your body. It felt like a thousand shards of ice impaling your skin. Your lungs ached and burned from the sub-zero temperatures. Your fingers and toes were growing stiff as you urged your mare onwards.
“Just a bit further, please, Tess. We—we can’t stop now.” You murmured through chattering teeth as the wind whipped wildly and howled in your ears.
All hope seemed to disintegrate through your frozen lashes as you could feel your body begin to shut down. It was giving up, but you weren’t ready for death's cold grasp.
You were a survivor, after all.
Smoke. Fire. Warmth.
A miracle, or a hallucination created by your deteriorating body. The fact of the matter was that you were not going to die tonight. Tess seemed to sense your desperation and urgency as she forced herself to continue forward towards the looming evergreens. The distinguishable smell of ash wafted through your nostrils the closer you drew to the campsite. You knew that fire also meant danger, but your brain had gone into survival mode and could give less of a fuck about that.
The campsite you and Tess stumbled upon seemed to be unoccupied. It should have raised your suspicions, but when you collapsed from your saddle and landed on the snowy ground with a soft thud, you convinced yourself it was a miracle. You dragged yourself closer to the fire with whatever strength you had left and rubbed your frozen gloved hands together to create some friction.
Tess’s velvet soft muzzle nudged at your back as she checked to make sure that you were okay. Her ears perked and flicked in the direction of a familiar nicker as she lifted her head quickly to observe her surroundings. Four horses were seen happily munching away on a heap of hay. Your poor mare hadn’t eaten in what felt like weeks, and her own survival instincts kicked in as she approached the other horses with timid curiosity.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you hunched over in relief. You didn’t believe in God, but if you did, then this fire must have been brought to you by a goddamn angel.
Your relief turned to dread the moment you felt the cooling sensation of metal kissing the back of your neck.
“Don’t fuckin’ move.” The voice commanded as you slowly raised your arms above your head to show that you were no immediate threat.
“I’m—sorry. I assumed no one was here—I’m freezing.” Your teeth were still audibly chattering as you craned your neck to look up at the person the voice belonged to.
A man.
“Are you alone?” He had not removed the barrel of his gun from your neck as he proceeded to pat you down with his freehand.
“Yes, I am alone.”
He paused momentarily as he pondered on what should be done with you, the intruder.
“Where are you headed to?” He asked firmly.
“Nowhere. Just got caught up in this storm, and seeking shelter.”
“I see..and you’re not lyin’ when you said that you’re alone?”
“I swear on my life, I am alone. It’s just my horse Tess and I.” You pleaded softly as you took a shaky inhale through your nose.
“I believe you.”
Your shoulders immediately slumped in relief as you released the breath you were holding.
The man slowly retracted his gun into his holster before he offered you his hand. The first thing you noticed was his tattooed skin on the inside of his wrist. The fabric of his jacket had lifted just enough for you to make out the design. A wolf head with beady red eyes that appeared to be staring right into your soul.
“Thank you. I’ll be out of your hair by the morning. I just need to warm up a bit if that’s alright?” You grasped his outstretched hand as he gently hoisted you to your feet.
“Nonsense. You’re freezin’, and probably starvin’, right? C’mon, let’s get you somethin’ to eat.”
You were beyond starving, but he didn’t need to know that. You were slightly weary of this stranger's sudden hospitality, but that didn’t deter you from making the choice that would haunt you forever.
“I suppose..I could eat something.” You mumbled under your breath.
He smiled, it appeared genuine on the surface, but it masked unspeakable evil beneath white teeth, and kind eyes.
He told you his name, and you told him yours as he led you to his nearby tent. Your body shamelessly relaxed as he offered you safety and food in your belly. If only you knew what was to come.
You didn’t leave the following morning. Or the morning after . Nor the morning after that. You stuck around because the truth was, you weren’t going to survive on your own for much longer, and here was an opportunity that your brain was screaming at you to not pass up on. Endure and survive, and survive you did. Even if it meant joining a raiders camp.
It didn’t happen overnight, as trust takes time to be built and nurtured, but when it did happen, the lines were gradually blurred. Was this a genuine feeling from your heart that hadn’t been touched by another soul since before the outbreak, or was this simply your brain concocting a plan to keep your heart beating, and your blood pumping. The fact of the matter was that you firmly believed your body was incapable of dipping back into the shredded remnants of intimacy that you left behind in Austin. One thing was for certain, this man offered you protection, warmth, and steady nutrients, and you’d be damned if you let that go.
In your eyes, you consensually engaged in a physical relationship with this man. Make him want you. Make him need you so much that you’ll never live in fear again. Because once you make him believe that he is important, he’ll protect you till your last dying breath.
If only it were that easy. If only you knew that the monsters weren’t the cordyceps, but instead they were shaped as a man that you willingly shared a tent with.
You thought you had played him like a fiddle, but he was onto you without you realizing it. He had your little game all figured out, and when you did, it was too late.
Those same kind eyes, and bright smile was the last thing you remember seeing before everything went black as your body slumped into his lap. The tea mug that was in your hands now clattered to the ground, shattering upon impact. Your arm fell limp at your side as your breath stilled. Unbeknownst to you, the tea he gave you was laced, and now you were at his mercy.
When you awoke the following morning, your mind was groggy and laden with confusion as you tried to piece together the missing fragments of last night’s events . The ground was cold beneath you as your eyes fluttered open. The coolness of metal bit fiercely at your bare skin giving you goosebumps You were encaged; literally. Surrounded by steel bars as you struggled to pull yourself up into a sitting position, but it felt like your body weighed a ton of bricks. You tried to scream, but your vocal chords felt shot as your voice fell silent.
You shook the bars with a new instilled fear as tears flooded your cheeks like a rushing river. Your eyes frantically looked around as a heavy pair of boots slowly approached.
“Wouldn’t do that if I was you, princess.” The familiar voice cooed unpleasantly and bile rose up your throat.
“You—you did this to me! Why?!” Your voice cracked. Your brain was scrambling to piece your broken memory together. One moment you were drinking tea, and the next—
“You played me for a fuckin’ fool. Thought you could just use me for your own survival, huh? Well, baby, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you ain’t fuckin’ goin’ anywhere.”
“What—what are you talking about?! What did you do to me?! Where are my clothes?!”
He crouched down as his cruel gaze met your frightened one. His hand grasped your chin harshly as he yanked your face against the bars that encaged you. “I put you in your fucking place. Did you really think I wouldn’t catch onto your little game? You think you’re so fuckin’ smart, huh? You thought you had me all figured out. That’s where you’re wrong, baby. Oh so wrong. You’re the fuckin’ fool.”
“Please, I’m sorry! I wasn’t—you’ve got it all wrong! I swear!” You pleaded desperately as he dug the blunt end of his fingernails into your chin.
“Oh, my dear sweet, naive creature, you walked right into the wolves fuckin’ den without even realizing it. You’re the fool for trusting me, and now you’re gonna pay for it until I decide to put you out of your misery. Save your tears, princess. You’re gonna need them.”
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You woke up in a thick pool of sweat. The sheets clung to your skin like glue, and it felt like you were trapped. Joel’s bedroom sickly transformed into steel bars. Cold, and biting at your raw skin. You blinked, hoping this was all a hallucination. Your mind just playing a twisted trick on your fragile state. You called for Joel. You called for anyone who could possibly hear your pleas. The more you struggled, the more the bars seemed to close in on you. Suffocating. Stripping your lungs of all oxygen as your hands clawed at your throat.
Where was Joel?
You squeezed your eyes shut tight to the point where it felt painful. Seconds ticked before you finally threw the covers from your body with a strangled gasp. Your eyes shot open as you surveyed your surroundings. The steel bars were gone. The tattoo—
Wolf head
Beady red eyes
You chanted these three phrases under your breath like a woman gone mad. Your skin was clammy to the touch as you stumbled away from the bed.
Wolf head
Beady red eyes
Write this down.
Write this down.
Your eyes frantically locked in on the note that was left along the nightstand. You snatched it up in a fury. Your vision darted across every word on the page as if it held some hidden clue between the lines.
You continued to recite the three phrases as you tucked the note into the pocket of the flannel pajama bottoms you were wearing. Your ears picked up on the familiar sound of the front door being unlocked. Your feet seemed to carry you faster than your brain could process as you stumbled out of Joel’s bedroom.
Wolf head
Beady red eyes
“Joel!” You yelled urgently from the top of the stairs
“Beanie!” He answered back with the same level of urgency. He met you at the halfway point of the staircase before you collapsed into his arms.
“Beanie?! What’s wrong? Darlin’ what’s happened?” His arms remained anchored around your waist as you grasped his forearms tightly, he surely would have indents in his skin from your death grip.
“Tattoo. Wolf head. Beady red eyes.” You mumbled with your forehead pressed deeply into his chest.
“Beanie, what are you goin’ on about? What tattoo? Darlin’, this ain’t makin’ any sense at all! Please, tell me what’s going on?!” He tried his hardest not to yell, but after what happened in the stables, he was in fact freaking out.
“He—he has a tattoo! A tattoo on his wrist, Joel!” You spoke in a frantic, excitable tone.
“Beanie, who has a tattoo?” His tone was hushed, and far less frantic than your own.
You knew his name. You heard it in your nightmare. Five letters. You could say it. You could say it right now and it would all be over!
“The man. He—he has a tattoo. Right wrist, Joel! He has a tattoo. A wolf head! Beady red eyes! It’s on his wrist! I know it is—you have to believe me!”
“Beanie, darlin’, I believe you. Is this the man that?—“
it was as if everything came crashing down around you so suddenly. You stilled in his grasp. Your voice ran silent as you slowly lifted your head from his chest. Your eyes were glazed over as if you were dead inside. Perhaps you were. Perhaps your body was shutting down. Were you breathing? Was your heart pumping blood? Everything was sounding so fuzzy. So far away. The cage. The steel bars. No. No. No. please! You—you have it all wrong! I swear!
You couldn’t hear Joel screaming your name. You couldn’t feel his hands around your body. You couldn’t see him. You were reaching out for him and touching nothing but thin air.
“Beanie, what’s happening?! You’re scarin’ me!” He watched in horror as your eyes rolled back into your skull before you went limp in his arms.
“Doc, I don’t fucking understand. What the hell happened to her?! She was muttering under her breath. Something about a tattoo on a man’s wrist! Next thing I know, she’s talking as if I ain’t even there! Like she was reliving somethin?!’ Then her eyes roll back—and I fuckin’ thought she was dead!”
“Joel, I need you to calm down. She had an extremely intense PTSD episode. I’m not even sure if I have the qualifications to explain it. It was a panic attack that led to her body to shut down ...” The doctor spoke in a hushed tone.
“Don’t fuckin’ tell me to calm down! Do you have any idea what that was like to witness it?! I didn’t even fucking know how to help her, doc!” Joel was gripping his hair so tightly between his fists, it was shocking that he didn’t accidentally tear any strands out.
“Joel, I’m gonna need you to calm down, or you’re gonna get escorted out. Do I make myself clear? Not to mention, you’re gonna fucking hyperventilate if you keep this shit up! I need you to take some deep breaths and pull yourself together!” Doc sounded exasperated as he struggled to keep his own cool.
“Joel?! Hey, hey! C’mon, let’s go take a breather, okay? Ellie and Dina are in there with her. She’ll be fine. C’mon, let’s go take a walk.” Tommy had shown up at just the right time as Joel was thinking of all the ways he could ring up the doc.
Tommy whispered something in his brother's ear as he wrapped a strong arm around his shoulder before nearly having to drag the older Miller brother down the hall through the doors of the med ward.
“Beanie?” A familiar feminine voice asked softly from your bedside.
Ellie and Dina were seated next to the hospital bed that you currently laid in.
Your lashes fluttered open as you squinted up at the annoying bright buzzing fluorescent lights. Your head turned to the side of the scratchy pillow as your brain began to process who the voice belonged to.
“Ellie? Dina? Where—am I?” You whispered with uncertainty as the two teens slowly looked over at one another before returning their focus back onto you.
“Beanie,” Dina started, “you..had a panic attack.” Ellie murmured.
“What? I don’t remember any of it—who brought me here?”
“Joel did. He came rushing out of the house with you limp in his arms. He was yelling for help and we heard the commotion. Beanie, we thought you were dead.”
“When—did this happen?” You asked just nearly above a whisper as you began to cycle through your memories. Unfortunately, a huge chunk was missing and you could feel the frustration tears begin to brew along your waterline.
“This morning. Right before the breakfast bell.” Dina confirmed. She let go of Ellie’s hand as she reached for the box of tissues for you.
“What time is it now? How long have I been here?”
“An hour after the dinner bell went off. You’ve been unconscious all day, Beanie.” Ellie stood up from the chair and approached your bedside slowly sinking down along the edge of the worn mattress. “Can we get you anything? You must be starving.”
Your body sunk further into the mattress as the weight of Ellie’s words made their mark. It felt like it had only been minutes, when it had in fact been hours. “Some water, and—bread with honey? If the mess hall is still open.” You were feeling quite parched.
“Of course. C’mon, Dee. We might have to bribe Angie to whip something up. We’ll be right back. Okay, Beanie?” Ellie gently patted your covered knee before she stood up from the edge of the bedside and offered her hand to Dina.
“Okay.” You weakly responded.
Shortly after the girls left, the door opened once more. Your mind had already hoped it was Joel, but instead you were met with a different pair of brown eyes; Tommy’s.
“Hey, how are we feelin?’” The younger Miller brother softly asked as he sank down into one of the chairs.
“Where’s Joel, Tommy?”
“He’s outside takin’ a breather. Got pretty mouthy with doc, so I stepped in before things coulda gotten ugly. He’ll be alright though. Jus’ need him to blow off some steam first. He’s a bit too excitable to be in here right now.”
You could faintly taste copper along your tongue as you slowly sat up. The right side of your mouth felt swollen and tender, and when you reached your hand up to touch the outside of your cheek, Tommy gently grabbed your wrist and lowered it back down to your side.
“Y’tore your mouth up pretty good. Doc said it’ll heal on its own, but to try and not chew on the right side. Don’t wanna go and irritate it.”
“Tommy, I don’t remember what happened. None of it.”
“Beanie, it’s okay. It was a panic attack. The Doc believes you to have PTSD. You’re gonna be alright. Joel told me that before you passed out, you were muttering about a tattoo on a man’s wrist? Beanie, I know how adamant my brother is about protecting you, but I am too. So, if there’s anything you remember outside of the tattoo, I need you to tell me, okay?” Tommy was a good person. You knew this since him and Maria saved you all those years ago. He never treated you differently. You could trust him just as much as you could trust Joel.
Five letters. Tattoo. Wolf head. Beady eyes.
Tommy wrote everything down.
Ellie and Dina came back with water, bread with honey plus a bit of chili from the mess hall. When Angie heard the news, she wasted no time to whip something up for you. She was such a giving person.
Doc didn’t have any helpful information to relay back to you. He basically just told you to take it easy, and to let your mouth heal. He had no answers to your questions, psychiatry isn’t his field after all. And this made you feel like you truly were just a nutty coffee woman. Maybe even a lost cause. It wasn’t until deep into the night when your Joel finally made an appearance.
You were half asleep when you heard the sound of one of the chairs scrape across the flooring. The sound nearly had you shooting up from the covers before two strong, yet gentle pair of hands eased you back down.
“Shh. It’s okay, Beanie. It’s just me. It’s just Joel.” He reassured you as he slowly sank down into the chair as he removed his hands from your shoulders and rested them between his knees.
Your eyes zoned in on the gauze wrapped around his bicep as he cleared his throat softly.
“Joel, what happened to you?” You timidly asked.
“S’just a scratch, darlin.’ You were holding onto me pretty dang tight. Broke the skin a little, but I’m okay.”
“Joel, I’m so sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I don’t even remember grabbing onto you like that. Where were we when it happened?”
“Beanie, it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me, Angel. You were havin’ a panic attack in the middle of the staircase. I came home from the stables, and you came rushing down, and we met halfway. It all happened so fast.”
“Joel, I did hurt you. You’re fucking injured because of me. I’m so sorry.”
Look what you’ve done.
He’s really going to think that you're just a nutty coffee woman now.
“Beanie, I need you to believe me when I tell you it’s okay. You didn’t have any control of your actions, and I’d never hold that against you, okay? Y’just, you had me so freaked out. You stopped breathing. I couldn’t find your pulse, and I thought you were dead. Thought you had a heart attack or somethin’. Scared me so bad. I’m just so happy that you’re okay.” He was reaching for your hand now as his fingers loosely interlocked with your own.
“I stopped..breathing? Oh god, Joel. I—I don’t even know what to say. Doc didn’t even have much of an explanation for me. Just told me to take it easy and to be gentle with my mouth.”
“He’s fuckin’ useless. I wish he had the answers for you, Beanie. I really wish he did. But, the good news is that I can take ya home whenever you’d like, okay? We can stop by your place, and then head back to mine.”
“Joel, what are you talking about? Why can’t I go back to my home?” He saw the confused frown appear on your lips as he let out a heavy sigh. His thumb gently stroked the outside of your hand as his eyes met yours.
“Beanie, I know you ain’t gonna agree to this, but I think it’s best that for the time being you stay at my place. I want to make sure that you have the time to recover, and the girls would love to spend some more time with you. It’ll only be for a little while. I promise.”
“Joel, I appreciate your offer, but I just want to go home. Can I please go home?”
“Honey, I know you do, but this will only be for a few days tops. I would never force you to agree to this. I’m just suggestin’ it for your own well-being, okay? Jus’ need ya to trust me to trust you. Y’remember that day, dontcha baby?”
Even your stubbornness had its limits. Despite not initially agreeing, you could tell just from Joel’s eyes alone, that he just wanted to take care of you. Perhaps his initial reasoning was a little selfish, but it undoubtedly felt good knowing that someone in this world cared about you so much, that your well-being was important to them.
“Okay. I trust you, Joel.” You squeezed his hand firmly as he gave you a reassuring nod.
Joel gave you all the time that you needed to gather up your belongings from home. He assured you that this would only be temporary, and he just wanted to make sure that you would heal. You were too exhausted to put up a fight as you zipped your backpack up with a sigh.
You loosely held hands the entire short walk back to his home. You could faintly hear girlish giggles coming from the otherside of the front door as he unlocked it.
“Tommy sent Ellie and Dina over to keep an eye on Honey. We finished buildin’ her pen next to Tex earlier this morning.” He murmured softly as he pushed the handle down and nudged it open with his shoulder.
A smile began to slowly creep over your tired features as Ellie, Dina, and a very playful Honey were seen in your peripheral. Dina was laying between Ellie’s arms on the couch while she was holding the baby bottle at Honey’s level. The young fawn was happily drinking her fill from the bottle, her fluffy white tail wagging happily.
Joel brushed past you with ease before he cleared his throat. “Hey, if you want, y’girls can take Honey up to Ellie’s for the night?”
Ellie briefly made eye contact with Joel before she returned her gaze to the sweet giggles coming from Dina. “Are you sure that’s alright?”
“Positive. S’late , and Beanie oughta be gettin’ some sleep.” Joel replied.
“Alright. We’ll get out of your hair then, Joel. C’mon, Dee, let’s go to bed.” She gave Dina’s shoulder a soft squeeze.
Joel watched silently as the two girls departed from the couch. Dina was protectively holding Honey in her arms now as if she was a small child. The two girls nodded in your direction before they headed upstairs to Ellie’s room.
He didn’t sleep a wink. Last night’s nightmare a long forgotten memory. He wanted to make sure you were okay. So, he stayed up for the rest of the night thinking about you and Ellie.
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Two days had passed since your panic attack. Joel would be with you in the early mornings before he’d be whisked off on patrol, and he’d be with you in the evenings. When he wasn’t around during the day, you were graced by both Dina and Ellie’s presence. You weren’t aware of it yet, but both girls cared for you deeply. Girlhood was alive and well in Jackson.
You spent the afternoon in the stables with Ellie and Dina Spending time with the horses and Honey. The young fawn was settling into her new home under the watchful eye of both Tex and Tess.
In the evening, shortly after dinner, you suggested to the girls that it would be fun to have a proper girls night. Face masks, movies, snacks, and of course some crafting. You showed them how to make paint paste from crushing down flower petals and adding a bit of water to turn the powder into a workable paste. A dash of olive oil helped lessen the grainy texture. You promised them that at a later date, you’d show them how to spin the clay wheel, just as you promised Joel.
The record player was crackling softly when the front door squeaked open and closed. Joel hung his rifle along the side of the door before he sunk down onto the bench with a soft grunt. His back hurt ten times more than usual today. He and Tommy patrolled for miles under the sweltering sun. And his frustrations were apparent as he unlaced his boots with a huff, and threw them to the side.
Ellie and Dina were seated at the kitchen table, focused on their paintings as you were making a plate of sandwiches to share. Despite being focused on the task at hand, you faintly heard the sound of the front door opening. You knew Joel was home, finally.
He was scrubbing his hands down his face when he heard your footsteps before you sat down along the wooden bench beside him.
“Hey.” He mumbled tiredly as he dropped his hands to his knees. “What’s goin’ on in there?” He questioned as he turned his body to face you, wincing from the strain it put on his back.
“Girls night. You wanna join? I just made some sandwiches.” You placed your hand gently across his own with a soft smile.
“Kind of you to offer, but I ain’t a girl. I don’t wanna spoil y’alls fun. I will, however, have a sandwich if there’s any to spare for me?” He forced a smile through his pain, clenching his jaw slightly.
“Joel, there’s plenty of sandwiches to go around. I’ll fix you a plate, alright?” You squeezed his hand soothingly.
“Thank you, doll. I’ll probably be out in the shed so y’girls have the house to yourselves.” He added.
“How was patrol?” You asked with genuine concern when you zoned in on the red, blistered patch spreading across the bridge of his nose. “You want some lotion for that? Sun must have been brutal out there.”
He scoffed under his breath as he leaned back against the wall. “It was shit.” He wanted to tell you more, but it was too risky. Too much was currently at stake, and he didn’t want to cause you unnecessary stress. You had been through too much. “Yeah, sun was brutal. Spent a lot of time out in the open plains. Ain’t much cover out there.” He drawled.
“I’m sorry, honey. ” You murmured as you reached your hand up and gently raked your fingers through his hair in a hope to bring him some form of comfort.
“S’okay, darlin.’ How are you doin?’” He asked softly as he leaned into your caress. His mind may have been a warzone, but his words masked it well enough.
“Pretty good. Honey is settling into her new home. I showed Ellie and Dina how to make their own paints from crushed up flower petals. We’re gonna do face masks soon and then watch a movie. Are ya sure you don’t want to join?” You leaned in, letting your fingers slowly drop from his hair, and brush across his weathered cheekbone.
“I’m glad to hear it. Face masks and a movie sound tempting, but I don’t wanna intrude and spoil y’alls fun.” He reassured you as he went in for a kiss. You must have sensed that he needed it as soon as his lips brushed yours, and your lashes fluttered shut. The sweet moment passed as he gently squeezed your knee before he pushed himself up from the bench. You watched as he shuffled down the hall and out of sight.
With a sigh you gathered up his discarded boots and placed them neatly on the doormat next to your own before returning to the kitchen. “Are you girls ready for some sandwiches and face masks?” You asked with a genuine smile as you clasped your hands together.
Both girls nodded and offered to help clean up the table first while you grabbed a plate and placed a couple sandwiches on it before making your way outside to Joel’s shed. You found him sitting in silence with his notebook open on a blank page, sans the title in the top right corner; To Bill and Frank. You set the plate down quietly, pressing a kiss to the side of his head before heading back inside the house.
Dina was in the family room with her own plate while Ellie was still putzing around the kitchen. It appeared as if she had been waiting for you to return based on the way she was nervously ringing her hands together.
“Hey, Beanie?” The teen asked as she eyed her drying painting.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
She took a deep breath before exhaling. “How’s um–how’s Joel doin’ lately?” She asked just above a whisper.
“He’s doing okay. Well, at least I think he is? I think Patrol is weighing on him lately. Y’know, I'm sure he’d love it if you asked him yourself.”
A pained expression crossed Ellie’s face as she brought her arms across her chest in a protective motion, shaking her head tightly at your suggestion. “I can’t do that, Beanie.”
“Ellie, look, I know that you and Joel aren’t on good terms right now, but–”
“What do you know of it?” She questioned.
Your eyes flickered to where Dina was sitting on the couch, and then back to Ellie as your shoulders slumped inwards. “Let's go upstairs for a minute to talk, okay? You can help me grab the skincare stuff.”
Ellie glanced back towards Dina before she nodded in agreement and followed you up the staircase.
“Beanie,” She started timidly, “Did Joel–did he tell you about me?” Ellie was a smart enough kid to know the answer, but she wanted to hear it directly from you.
“He did, a few days ago. The same night that you came home and found us in the kitchen. After you left, he told me about what he did to save you and that you’re distant from him because of it.”
Ellie fought the urge to laugh as she leaned against the bathroom sink with her arms crossed. You could see her fingers begin to tremble. “Yeah? Did he also fail to mention that he fuckin’ killed an entire hospital of Fireflies? And he took the choice of making my life matter away from me?” Her tone was bitter as she gnawed fiercely on her lower lip.
“Ellie, he told me everything, and the reason why he did it.” You reasoned with her as you set the jars of homemade clay masks down on the counter. “Before you jump to conclusions, I understand why you’re upset with him, Ellie.”
She looked surprised as she briefly made eye contact before staring at a chipped patch of paint on the wall. “So, you don’t agree with him then? Is that what you’re telling me? He took my choice away, Beanie. My life could have mattered, and he fuckin’ took that from me.” She whispered grimly as stubborn tears began to trickle down her cheekbones.
“Ellie, your feelings are completely valid. But, your life does matter. You are so important. I know it feels like everything has been ripped from you, but you mean so much to him, Tommy, Dina,myself. I know it’s hard, I know it is, kid. He did what every parent would do for their child, biological or not. He’ll always believe that what he did was right, and that will never change.” You reached your hand up and gently placed it along her shoulder as more tears began to fall.
“I just wish he had given me that choice, Beanie. After everything he and I went through? For what? For my immunity to just be fuckin’ wasted? What if there was a chance? What if this cure–” She clenched her fists tightly as she tucked her chin against her shoulder to try and block out the tears.
“Ellie, the journey that you and Joel took together was not wasted. You survived together. You helped him in more ways than you and I can even begin to imagine. You saved him just as much as he saved you. Ellie, he loves you. He loves you so goddamn much. The world is filled with cruel people. People who take advantage of others weaknesses. People who were born with hate in their hearts, and people who learned to hate. To be cruel. To hurt those around them. Do you know what you’ve done for him, Ellie? You taught that man how to unlearn his hatred for the world. You did that, kiddo.”
Ellie’s sniffles echoed against the faded tiles as she wiped her tears on her sleeve. Her perspective of her purpose in life, and her immunity had been skewed for so many years. Marlene told her she could change the world. She could save everyone. She was manipulated into believing that there could be a cure, and as soon as her assumed purpose was ripped away from her, she felt useless.
“There never was going to be a cure, was there? I was..going to die for nothing?” She questioned somberly as her glassy eyes met your empathy filled ones.
“I don’t have that answer for you, kiddo. I’m sorry. Look, I won’t tell you what you should do, but if you find it in your heart to forgive him, start by talking to him, okay? Whenever you feel ready.” You squeezed her shoulder with a reassuring nod.
“And from there?” She asked in hope that somehow you would have all the answers.
“You both get to live in peace as father and daughter.” You concluded.
Ellie was throwing her arms around your neck in an instant, hugging you tightly as she buried her face into your shoulder, sobbing softly.
You let your own arms drape loosely around the teen’s frame as you hugged. You whispered to her that everything would be alright in the end.
“He’s so lucky to have you, Beanie. You’re one in a million, and I'm happy that he has someone. He’s been through so much.” She murmured against your shirt, using the fabric as the vessel to catch her free falling tears.
“You’re one in a million too, kiddo.” You whispered softly, eyes glistening as you rubbed soothing circles into her back.
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Joel was sitting out on the back porch. Seated with his guitar comfortably laying across his lap as he plucked a few strings. After writing the letter to Bill and Frank, he needed to take an emotional break from his current feelings. Music always helped, and music connected him to Sarah and Tommy. He was grateful for the fact that he could enjoy something as simple as playing a few strings on a guitar.
Ellie didn’t approach at first. She was nervous, evidently. After her heartfelt discussion with you, she made the conscious decision to finally take the first step in forgiving Joel for what he had taken from her.
Her boots creaked along the wood as his head slowly lifted. His lips parted, eyes glimmering in pure surprise as he set his guitar down to the side.
“Hey, kiddo.” He murmured in acknowledgement of her presence.
Ellie didn’t respond as she walked towards the railing along the porch and placed her hands against the ledge. Her shoulders were tense and stiff as he approached alongside her, owl mug clasped between his palms as his safety net.
“What’re you drinkin?’” She asked while looking down at faded wood on the railing.
“Coffee.” He responded softly while resting his arms over the ledge. “Shouldn’t y’be in there for girls night?” He brought the rim of the mug up to his lips before taking an inaudible sip.
“I just wanted to come out here for a bit of fresh air.” Ellie mumbled her little white lie.
“Oh, I see. Well, I don’t wanna go disturbin’ your fresh air.” He went to walk away, but Ellie stopped him.
“Joel, that’s not what I meant. Look, I just. Fuck, I’m so stupid.” She whispered under her breath.
“Kiddo, you’re not stupid. I jus–” He was cut off by her words slicing through the balmy air like a sharpened blade.
“I was supposed to die in that hospital, Joel. That was my purpose. And my life would have fuckin’ mattered, but you took that from me. I know you were just doin’ what you believed to be the right thing, Joel. I know you were just tryin’ to save me, but I can’t just let that go. I still lay awake at night thinking about what would have happened if I had died in that hospital. If the doctors extracted the cordyceps from my brain and created a cure, maybe the world would be a different place than it is now. I guess we’ll never know because there is zero chance of ever creating the vaccine.” She fought through fresh tears. In truth, she wanted to yell. To scream and pound her fists into his chest, but she knew this was for the better.
“Ellie, if I was ever given the chance, I’d do it all over again.” His eyes locked on hers. “I know I took that choice from you, but Marlene did as well. Why else do you think we were ambushed? Marlene knew that I wouldn’t let you go through with it had I known that you would have to die. I trusted Marlene , and she wouldn’t even let us say goodbye. To talk to you one last time. I asked and she took you to surgery while I was out cold.. I know it was selfish of me. I know it was, but losing the world felt unbearable and I had to save it.” He was visibly showing discomfort by the way his fingers flexed and trembled against the outside of the mug. His words fell heavy as he awaited Ellie’s response.
“Joel, you didn’t save the world. You took the last shred of hope that humanity had and fuckin’ crushed it! I could have made a difference! I could have saved the world, Joel!” Her voice cracked as her words were lodged in her throat from the oncoming wave of tears.
“I did save the world. I saved my world, Ellie. I lost a daughter once, and I wasn’t about to lose another. Not when you and I endured so much together. You may not be my flesh and blood, but you’re my daughter, and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep you safe.” His own tears began to prick the corner of his eyes at his confession. His heart clenched and twisted like a fist. “I couldn’t lose you. You mean too much to me, Ellie.” He croaked.
“I don’t know if I'll ever be able to forgive you, Joel. But I would like to try.” There it was. That sliver of hope that you told Joel to hold onto, and Ellie the same. The extension of an olive branch. A father and daughter making up.
A stray tear rolled down his cheek and clinked softly against the rim of his mug. His lower lip wobbled as he sniffled softly.
“I’d like that.”
Ellie released the breath she didn’t realize she was holding as her body relaxed. She gradually found herself gravitating towards him as their shoulders brushed gently.
A moment’s silence passed before Joel spoke again. “Ellie, I need to tell ya somethin’ that only uncle Tommy and I know about, okay?”
“What is it that you need to tell me, Joel?” Her cheek slowly came to rest between the dip in his shoulder as his posture relaxed.
“Tommy and I have been gatherin’ up evidence and writing up reports to turn in to Maria. We’re under the suspicion that Lucas, one of the guys on patrol, has ulterior motives inside the community. I need you and Dina to stay sharp, okay? You see anythin’ suspicious, you alert Tommy and I immediately, okay, baby girl?”
“How long have you been suspecting him, Joel?”
“Since that night at the Tipsy Bison. When I confronted Seth for calling you and Dina a homophobic slur. The same night that Lucas ‘innocently’ grabbed Beanie’s arm outside the ladies room.“ He confirmed.
“Y’don’t think he has anythin’ to do with those charred bodies that you and Tommy found in the woods last winter, do you?” Ellie asked with uncertainty.
Joel sighed deeply as he tightened his grip around the mug. His deep brown pools met hers in a stern, serious look. “I think he has everythin’ to do with those poor women that we found in the woods.”
*Ambiguous POV*
Raider camp. Approximately five miles south of Jackson
“And what if she’s not in her home, what do we do then?” The man asked.
“She’ll be there. I’m sure of it. And in the case she’s not? Don’t you fuckin’ bother showin’ up empty handed. Haven’t you been lookin’ for the opportunity to prove yourself to me? Well, here’s your chance. Don’t disappoint me.” The other man warned his counterpart with a deadly look as he twirled his favorite blade in his hand.
The peaceful utopian community of Jackson would never see this coming.
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika 🤍
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buckyalpine · 2 years
hi love <3 if ur taking requests rn, I was wondering if you could do another secret relationship w bucky. i love love love your two fanfics with that trope.
with this one, could be it be that the reader is the newest (and youngest) avenger, is basically liquid sunshine, everyone on the team adores her, they’re all overprotective (esp nat, steve, and tony), yada yada yada. but they don’t know that she’s been secretly seeing bucky since like the third week she’s started. and with bucky, he’s her first everything, and she just falls so much in love with him (i need the fluff after reading those angsty fics)
thank you, and if you decid not to write this, that’s completely fine! the other thing I ask is just to take care of yourself and have a great day.
You may have guessed my weaknesses by now but secret relationships and getting caught has this unholy choke hold on me and I will never let it go (also I'm so sorry I took forever to get to this, I loved this so much)
Warnings: FLUFFFF a lil bit of angst, implied smut 
"Bye y/n!"
“Be safe darling, call us if you need anything” Nat pressed a quick kiss to your head before boarding the jet. 
“Don’t let Barnes bite” Tony murmured, only half jokingly. If Bucky even thought of laying a finger on you, all hell would break loose, no one touched the team’s precious baby. You were the youngest and newest avenger to join the team and every single person was extremely protective over you, Tony, Steve and Nat especially. You were sunshine in a bottle and they made sure they took care of you at all times. 
That meant they’d whisk you away before missions got too risky. They’d fiercely fight anyone that tired to hurt you. That also meant  no one would ever get to break your heart because they’d screen any potential date you had. What they didn’t know was you had been dating Bucky from the third week you joined, which had been well over a year ago. 
It didn’t take long for you to fall for the super solider, especially when he roamed around the compound at night and you were a complete night owl. Passing smiles became late night walks. Late night rides on his motor bike. Late night hugs. Cuddles. Kisses. Moans and messes between the sheets...
You couldn’t actually tell anyone about the relationship. The team would have had Bucky’s head served on a platter for going anywhere near you. It pained you because you loved Bucky and while the team was protective over you, you were more protective over him. 
“It’ll be fine, you be careful though, okay?” Steve gave you a quick hug before following behind Nat, the team waving at you while you stood at the compound entrance. You waved back, watching the jet take off, your eyes growing wide when you felt someone behind you. 
“Hey baby” 
You yelped, feeling a thick pair of arms wrap around you, his beard tickling your skin as he buried his face into your neck “Do they know I bite you and kiss you and taste you and fuc-
“Oh my god James” You giggled, squealing when Bucky lifted you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses. “You couldn’t even wait 5 minutes for them to leave?” 
“Nope” He smirked, happily carrying you over to his room, dropping you onto his bed before flopping on top of you. “Couldn’t waste another second to get you all to myself. Now I can bite my girl as much as I want wherever I want” You giggled feeling Bucky’s fingers tickle your waist while he playfully nipped your skin, holding you in place “And no one can do anything about it” He said triumphantly. 
“You little perv” You narrowed your eyes at him, all clothes thrown off within seconds. 
“Only a little perv for you doll” 
“We can’t do anything Bucky, your still healing from the last mission” You rolled your eyes while he huffed dramatically, burying his face into your chest, hitching his leg over you. 
“Fine. Naked cuddles?” 
“C’mon, let’s go, time for drinks” 
The team had landed back from their mission with plans in place to go to the bar after reports were done. Tony was the first to head down, followed by the rest. You and Bucky sat on opposite ends of the couch without making eye contact, waiting for everyone to join before heading out. 
Moments earlier in Bucky’s room
“And where do you think you’re going looking like that baby” Bucky caught your arm as you passed his room, quickly pulling you inside. 
“Bucky, they’ll see us” You whispered warningly, your mind turning to mush as he pressed his body against yours, nipping your jawline. 
“Can’t help it, I won’t get to kiss you all night” Bucky pouted, nuzzling into your neck. “I just want a kiss” 
You giggle, cupping his face and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. You tried to pull away but Bucky chased your lips, claiming you again. 
“Bubba, you said one kiss” 
“Just one more”
“Noo, that was too short, one more?”
*intense puppy eyes* 
10 kisses later  
“Looks like that’s all of us, FRIDAY, tell Happy to pull the cars around” The team piled into a few cars; no one had the intention of driving when they all fully intended on drinking their body weight in alcohol. 
The night was going smoothly. You sat in the booth with Nat and Wanda while the guys headed off to the bar to grab a few more drinks. You had a light buzz, doing your best to keep the goofy grin that kept trying to sneak on your face each time you turned back to see your beautiful boyfriend. All black outfit. His dark grey arm. The gold accents. His chestnut hair. Stubble. His blue eyes. Pink lips. Perfect nose. His eyes twinkled as he glanced over at you, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. A man passed Bucky, pausing in front of him. You could see the light from his face drop. 
“Can’t believe they let people like you out” 
You blinked. Surely you heard wrong. 
“Honestly, who let him in here” 
You didn’t. 
Bucky swallowed thickly, frozen in place while Steve came to his side, placing himself between the two men. 
“Do we have a problem here?”
“I think so, why the hell is the winter solider allowed to be out in public” 
Tony and Sam made their way over but not quick enough. It took you less than three strides, shoving yourself in front of Steve, your hand itching to to grab the knife in your thigh holster. 
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Your voice came out a growl through gritted teeth, daring the man to continue. He was only slightly taller than you, but that didn’t phase you, you had taken on worse. 
“You heard me. What the fuck you gonna do about it princess” The man sneered, while Tony and Sam tried to intervene, but you weren’t having it. You grabbed the man by the throat, easily slamming his face against the wooden table of the bar, pressing his face onto the hard counter. You smirked that the tooth that had fallen out, your hands squeezing around his neck tighter the more he tried to pull away. 
“You say that about him again” You hissed, holding the man in place while he continued to squirm. You were relentless, no one, absolutely no one spoke about your Bucky that way. “Don’t you fucking dare” 
“Baby, let him go” Bucky called for you softly, his hands gently gripping your shoulders. You could feel the warmth of his hands melting onto your skin, reluctantly letting go of the man while he dropped to the floor, wheezing. Bucky carefully pulled you away towards him, his heart beating out of his chest because he had some how fallen even more in love with you. 
“Are you okay bubba?” You cupped his face, while he gazed down at you with heart eyes, leaning into your touch. 
“Why wouldn’t I be, I have my own little body guard looking out for me” Bucky whispered before pulling you in for a kiss, completely forgetting (although honestly not caring) that everyone was staring at you both. Steve had the man thrown out, joining the rest in the staring immediately after. 
The team blinked wide eyed, everyone frozen in place. So many questions. First at their little sun shines out burst. You hardly swore let alone raised your voice. You’d once apologized for punching someone too hard. Now you were breaking teeth? 
Why the fuck did you call Bucky bubba? He’s a 6′5 trained assassin. You hadn’t dated anyone since you arrived. Bucky and you never even spoke. Why was he looking at you like that. Now he called you baby? 
“What the hell...” 
You broke out of your trance with Bucky to see Steve, Nat and Tony staring you while Sam and Clint smirked. Tony was the first to speak up, motioning between you and Bucky. 
“You want to explain this?” 
“I love him and he’s mine” You stated matter of factly, wrapping your arms around Bucky protectively. “All mine” 
Bucky couldn’t help but melt into your embrace, his arms hugging you tightly to him. He’d never had anyone love him so fiercely; other than Steve, no one had ever thought to protect him. He’d spent years protecting himself and then you came along. This little drop of sunshine that turned into fire when someone tried to hurt him. 
“All yours huh?” Tony mused while you nodded, your face buried in Bucky’s chest. “Well he’s not special, he has to pass the screening if he wants to date you”
Steve snorted while Bucky looked at the team with wide eyes, their faces all dead serious. 
“What, who said you get to date our baby without permission. Question 1 Barnes, what are your intentions with our y/n?” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth   @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen   @ashenc-blog   @buckybarnessimpp  @potatothots @goldylions   @high-functioning-lokipath  @morganemorganite-blog @peaches1958 @kingfleury @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82   @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @samfreakingwinchester @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02 @gh0stgurl
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lover-222 · 8 months
Baby baby (JF)
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y/n was 5 months pregnant, she was just a couple of weeks away from being 6 months pregnant. her belly poked out with everything she wore, joão thought it was the cutest thing ever. every time he looked at y/n, his eyes glistened and turned sweet. she was his girl who was carrying their baby.
joão turned a little bit over protective, which is what he thought. in reality y/n was starting to get over it. she appreciated the help and him taking care of her but even the little things she could easily do, he wouldn't let her do it.
the brown haired boy came back from training a bit tired but happy to finally be back with his girls.
he looked at y/n who was cleaning the kitchen, "umm what are you doing?".
"what does it look like i'm doing, i'm cleaning the house amor" she chuckled.
he immediately went to her and stopped her, "no no no you sit down and rest, you're carrying our baby".
she smiled at him, " i am but i can also do things around the house plus i'm only 5 months in, it's not that bad yet".
it had been like that for a couple of weeks now. joão repeatedly would tell her to stop doing certain things around the house even if they were minimal. at first y/n thought it was cute and attentive. although it was starting to bother her a bit.
her final straw was when she was putting on her shoes and was going to tie her shoe laces. the couple were getting ready to go out for lunch.
"babe i got it don't do it" he said as he tied her shoes.
she sighed, "joão you know i can still reach my feet right?".
he nodded, "i know but still, i want to take care of you as best as possible".
joão got done tying her shoes and stood up, y/n got up and went towards him. she smiled at him and grabbed his face gently with both of her hands.
"mi amor i love you and i appreciate you taking care of me and baby but i think you're doing too much" she chuckled.
"what do you mean?" he asked clearly confused.
"i'm still not to the point where i can't do things on my own joão, i can still clean the house and i'm able to do other things. i know you want to be a good dad and husband but babe i can do things by myself. i love you so much for taking care of me just lower it down a bit" y/n told him.
"yeah i'm sorry my love for being over protective. i just want to make sure my girls are good and healthy. i'll be here for you whenever you need me ok?" he said.
"thank you joão, we love you very very much" she said then kissed him.
he kissed back then replied, "i love you both more than anything in the world".
joão had placed one hand on her waist and the other on her belly. he felt the baby move, he looked at y/n who was surprised.
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"i think she likes your voice joão, she moves every time you talk" y/n chuckled.
"she does, does my princess recognize her papi's voice" he said as he moved his hand around to feel the baby's movement.
he placed his hand higher on her belly and felt the baby move again. he smiled and was teary eyed, his baby knew his voice.
"she already loves you joão, she's going to be a daddy's girl for sure" y/n laughed.
"i love you both, i'm so excited for her arrival and the many memories we're going to make with her" he told her.
y/n hugged him tightly, "me too mi amor, she's going to be so spoiled".
the couple hugged and proceeded their day with lunch. after that they came home. y/n got out of her clothes, and dressed into one of his jerseys and biker shorts. while joão was dressed in grey sweatpants and just a hoodie.
the couple laid down on their bed, the blankets covered their bodies. joão lifted up her jersey to where her belly was exposed. she looked at him but he said, "i wanted to see my other baby too".
he kissed her belly and traced small patterns on it. joão then wrapped his arm around her waist and peppered kisses all over her belly.
"i want to meet her already" he told her.
"we will soon, before we know it she's going to be here" she smiled at him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── a/n: JOAOOOO ONESHOTTT
i need to get back into my writing groove hope y'all enjoyed it!!
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y0urm4m · 1 month
No time to die ch.1
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Warnings: smoking, swearing, arranged marriage, alcohol consumption, weapons, blood, arguing, possible smut, fighting.(This includes all parts!!)
Summary: What will happen when two strangers with awful backstories are forced into an arranged marriage but one is seeking revenge.
┏━━━ 🀥 ━━━┓
There I sat cross legged, on my father’s plush leather couch in his office. Cigarette in hand. His little ‘body guards’ standing by the door. “So why did you call me in here?” I asked, exhaling the smoke. “Would you put that stupid thing out, you know I don’t like it when you do that.” He sighed, motioning towards the cigarette. I rolled my eyes, putting it out in his ashtray. “You’re a bit hypocritical, I’m not a little girl any more.” I said, crossing my arms. “Anyways, I called you in here as we need to have a serious conversation.” He said, nodding at the men letting them leave. I never really cared about getting to know their names as it would be different men by next week. “Carry on.” I replied, completely uninterested. “Well you know how much danger you can be in once you turn twenty-one and I couldn’t let that happen, so the last time I was in a meeting I had a chat with a few people and sorted something out.” He explained, sipping on his whiskey. “I don’t get your point.” I snorted, raising my eyebrow slightly. “My point is, you’ll be getting married next week as we needed it to be as soon as possible,” He responded, smiling. “I’ve met him and you would both be a perfect match.” He added, re-filling his glass.
There was no way he was forcing me to get married to a man I’d never met in my life.
“Wait, that’s unfair. I’ve never even met him and we’re getting married in a week.” I explained, standing up to walk out. “Don’t be like that y/n, you know I’m only trying to protect you.” He remarked also arising from his seat. “If you really wanted to protect me you wouldn’t have done any of the things you’ve done and mom would still be here!” I shouted, opening his office door. As the door opened I saw my dad give the men a look and with that the two of them were gripping onto my wrists. “Get off of me.” I screamed, kicking my legs slightly. “I’m sorry sweetheart, everything I’ve ever done has been for you.” He sighed emphasising the ‘for you’. “You haven’t done shit for me, if I was ever in danger it would be because of you,” I disagreed, my face shining with disgust. “I. Fucking. Hate. You.” I spat, and with that I felt myself being dragged to my bedroom, the door being slammed shut behind me.
How could he do this to me, after everything he has put me through these past 13 years. I was forced to grow up, because of him. My mom died, because of him.
Flash back:
I was awoken to a loud crashing noise from downstairs, I slowly slid out of my bed, tiptoeing down the creaky steps. There my mother stood screaming in my father’s face. “I told you to not bring that shit in my house.” She shouted, pushing him back. “I never wanted to but I had to for yours and y/n safety!” He shouted back, looking behind him. I was just to far up the stairs to the point where I couldn’t see who he was looking at.
The next thing I knew, there my mom was, her limp body on the floor. Pools of blood surround her. “Mom!” I screamed, running down the stairs hugging her lifeless body. “Y/n?!” My dad gasped, pulling me away from her. “Daddy what did you do to mom?” I asked, my breathing patterns speeding up rapidly. “Nothing baby, don’t worry about it. Go back upstairs please, I’ll be up in a second.” He told me, ushering me up the stairs.
End of flash back:
That was the last I saw of my mom, he told me she went to live with my aunt and obviously with my youthful and young mind I wouldn’t have understood until recently.
I sighed, sliding down the side of my door. How could he do this especially behind my back, I was supposed to be ‘his little princess’ although I know for a fact I wasn’t, the only reason I’m still alive is because I’m ‘blood’.
Which was one of the biggest lies I’d ever heard. Blood only ever makes you related. Trust, love and loyalty makes you family.
— I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, not even leaving to eat. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about yesterday and all the events that had occurred, but I just have to get through all this. I was brought out of thought by someone knocking on my door. “Y/n?” My dad called out through the door. “What do you want?” I asked, sitting up from where I laid. “You’ll be meeting some of the your fiancé’s family today.” He said softly, my eyes widened. “I don’t even know his name.” I shouted back, standing up and heading straight for my bedroom door. “You’ll soon find out, now get ready.” He told me, leaving me confused as he walked down the hallway back to his office.
I rushed over to my closet, picking out the most presentable but comfortable clothes I could, shoving them on.
I just had to get married and make my dad happy.
“You can do this.” I whispered to myself as I walked out of my room towards where my dad stood. He was on the phone, as per usual. “I’m ready, I’ll be downstairs.” I whispered in his ear, heading towards the stairs. He turned to look at me nodding as I walked downstairs. 
I was immediately greeted by one of my fathers ‘big bad bodyguards’, who was pointing towards the car. I slid into the backseat, patiently waiting for my dad to make his way to the car. After roughly 15 minutes he had finally got into the car. The car immediately started, as we made our way to the restaurant. “Put your foot on it Darren, we’re going to be late.” My dad told the man driving us, he almost immediately sped up swerving through traffic.
I stared out the window, looking at all the shops and buildings we passed. “Where are we actually going?” I asked, looking slightly at my dad. “Just a restaurant, we’re almost there anyways.” He replied, looking down at his phone. I rolled my eyes, his phone was practically glued to his hand you’d think he was a teenage girl by the way he doesn’t leave the house without it.
As we continued passing people, buildings and other cars, two people caught my eye. It was a man and a little girl. They were walking down the street eating ice cream, they both looked so happy.
Why couldn’t me and my dad have that bond together?
— We slowly approached a small restaurant, which was filled with people; mainly middle aged men and women. “Come on then we’re already late as it is.” My dad said, patting my shoulder as he got out of the car. I slid out the car door, walking next to him as we entered the restaurant. “Can I know his name now?” I asked, looking at my dad. “I guess so,” He sighed. “His name is Chris and I expect you to show him and his family the most utter respect, okay.” He smiled, as I nodded.
“Good afternoon, have you guys got a reservation?” The waiter asked, looking down at the paper placed in front of them. “Yes, yes we have. The last name should be sturniolo.” He replied, looking at his watch. “Great, everyone else is already here so follow me and I’ll grab you guys some more menus.” The waiter said, leading us over to the table.
As we made our way to the table I was greeted with, 5 people. 3 in which all looked very similar in age and looks. An older lady immediately stood up walking towards me. “You must be y/n, I’ve heard so much about you.” She said, kissing my cheeks. I smiled, as the others greeted me and my dad. One boy in particular kept his gaze on mine. “If you couldn’t tell we’re triplets,” One of the boys said. “I’m Nick.” He added, bumping the one who sat on his left’s shoulder. “Oh uh I’m Matt.” The other chimed in, smiling. “And that’s Chris, anyways feel free to sit down.” Nick said, pointing towards a chair. I sat on the chair, looking at my dad who was already deep into a conversation. “So why don’t you tell us more about yourself.” The lady said, sipping from her drink. I bit my cheek slightly, looking at Chris and back down. “Why don’t I start, I’m Nick, I’m 20, I’m a triplet obviously and I really enjoy photography!” He said, smiling at me. “Uh well, I’m y/n and I.” I started speaking, when my dad ;who was now staring holes into my face, caught my attention.
“Why don’t we talk about the wedding.” My dad said abruptly changing the subject as he turned to look at Chris. “Right yes the wedding, aren’t you excited!” Nick said, giddily. “She is indeed, we’ve been discussing it a lot recently.” My dad butted in before I could begin to speak. I sighed, looking down at the water in front of me. “Chris are you happy?” Matt asked, nudging his brother’s shoulder. “What- oh- uh yes I am and it’s been wonderful meeting my wife to be.” He said, fake smiling. I could tell by the rest of his body language that he wasn’t genuinely happy or interested in the current conversation. “Well i was hoping we could go shopping and look at dresses tomorrow, but only if you’d like to.” The lady asked, grinning at me. “I’m sure she’d love to. Wouldn’t you?” My dad replied, looking at me. I nodded my head. “Yes, of course I would.” Just then my dad’s phone started ringing, who looked down at who was calling. “I’m sorry this is important, I’ll be back in a second.” He said, walking outside of the restaurant. “So what kind of dresses do you plan on looking at,” Nick asked. “Oh before you say, we wouldn’t want to spoil anything for Chris you’ll just have to tell us tomorrow.” He added, smiling at Chris who’s attention was now on his phone.
I sat talking with them and eating the food we had ordered whilst I waited patiently for my dad to return from his ‘important call’. “y/n!” Someone beckoned out to me, I turned to look. It was my dad and he wasn’t happy. “We need to leave now, something happened it’s important.” He told me, as I shot up grabbing my stuff. “It was nice meeting you all, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said waving as I left the restaurant. “What was that about?” I asked, frowning at my dad. “Nothing, don’t worry about it. We just urgently need to get home,” He replied, getting back into the car as I also slid into the car. “Oh Nick asked me to give you his number by the way.” “Okay, I’ll message him now.” I replied, pulling out my phone.
Hi my dad said you wanted me to have your number
Yes I wanted to talk about what time your going wedding shopping tomorrow
I honestly don’t know but i’d love if you’d come with me
I was hoping you’d ask me that
I giggled earning a frown from my dad. “What are you giggling about?” He asked, looking at my phone. “I was just talking to Nick about tomorrow.” I replied, looking back down at my phone. “Oh right, well I’ll get Darren to drop and pick you up tomorrow.” He said, Darren nodding in response as he focused on driving us home.
— We finally made it home, my dad heading straight to his office whereas I headed straight to my room to message Nick.
Me and Nick ended up talking for hours on end about anything and everything. It was as if we’d known each other for years. The connection me and Nick already had was all my 8 year old self would have dreamed for after all I’d never had a best friend because my dad had insisted for me to get homeschooled meaning I never got the chance to meet people.
Maybe this whole ‘arranged marriage’ wasn’t going to be so bad after all. I just had to get to know Chris and Matt more.
┗━━━ 🀥 ━━━┛
A/N: how we feeling about this so far, took me forever to write even though it’s short but this is just the start!!
Tag list: @junnniiieee07 @patscorner @mattyb4dominicans @watercolorskyy @brooklynn0103 @imwetforyourmom
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emmyspov · 1 year
Coming home (Haldir x reader)
author's note: i finished this while eating breakfast this morning - can you tell i'm sad and touch starved?? this is totally self-indulgent, i love him :( haldir brushes through reader's hair, otherwise no descriptions of looks. please reblog this if you like it and let me know if you want to be tagged in the future <3 english (still) isn’t my first language. also, please don't copy my work :)
warnings: nothing i'm aware of, just domestic fluff :)
word count: 0.9k
edit is my own :)
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Haldir opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He just came home from a long and exhausting meeting with Lady Galadriel, but when he noticed the sweet smell of baked goods and spotted you asleep in your shared bed, clothed in one of his night gowns, his heart felt light again.
He knew you were waiting for him to return by the lit candle on your bedside drawer and the open book next to you and for only a second, an overwhelming amount of love knocked the air out of his lungs.
You looked absolutely ethereal. You always did, but seeing you dressed in his clothes in your shared home did something to the elf. The way you trusted him with your life and how you loved him endlessly made him emotional.
"What have you done to me, my love", he murmured and stepped closer to you. "You own my heart."
After getting ready for bed himself, the ellon carefully laid down next to you, trying not to wake you - but no luck.
"Haldir?" You turned around to your husband, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Shh. Sleep, meleth. You work so much", Haldir spoke quietly and cupped your cheek with his hand.
You leaned into the touch, closing your eyes again to really relish in the gentle contact.
"Look at yourself, marchwarden", you murmured and sighed softly. "You're gone for months and I know you don't get enough rest during your patrols. And when you come home, you take care of me. I admire your protectiveness, but you have to look after yourself, too."
Your husband's hand wandered from your cheek to the side of your head, carefully brushing through your hair before it settled on the small of your back, pulling you close to him.
"For me, looking after myself means being here, at home, with you. You bring me endless happiness, my love."
You let your head fall onto his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Gi melin."
At your words, Haldir pulled you even closer into his side if that was even still possible and pressed a kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger there.
"You're too good to me", you whispered, but the elf shook his head.
"You deserve everything, meleth. And one day, I'll figure out how to give it to you."
It was your turn to shake your head before you kissed his jaw. "You are everything I could ever want, ever need. Your presence alone eases my hard days and makes my good ones better. I know my heart is safe with you."
Haldir was at a loss for words. He never thought someone would come along who'd see more in him than a marchwarden and yet here you were, looking at him as if he himself had put the stars in the sky.
Still, he didn't know what to say to you. He was never good with romantic speeches and he despised it. You deserved to be wooed with words, too.
So instead, he cupped your face in his hands and leaned down to press his lips against yours.
What he didn't realise was that you weren't waiting for a big love confession. Your husband has always been someone who showed his love through actions - just like he was doing now.
"Hal", you mumbled and fisted his gown to ground yourself. How he was able to make you weak in the knees with a simple kiss was beyond your understanding - not that you cared. All sorts of physical contact with Haldir felt like coming home.
He smiled at your flushed cheeks after you parted and let his thumb brush over your jawline.
"What did you bake earlier", he asked and you needed a second to register his question.
"Oh", you answered, "Rúmil and Orophin came over earlier and asked if the four of us wanted to have a picnic together tomorrow afternoon if you're free. I thought that's a wonderful idea and then I saw that some of the wild berries in our garden are ripe, so I baked a cake with them that we can eat together then."
Haldir could feel himself getting choked up again. You, his found family, getting along with his brothers made his heart skip a beat.
"You are wonderful."
He could see the protest on your lips, but you knew better than to disagree. While he had won all the playful arguments, he was serious about you not talking yourself down.
"Thank you", you whispered instead, accepting the compliment, as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
The elf chuckled as he felt the heat radiating from your cheeks and let his hand run up and down your lower back soothingly. "You're doing so well, meleth."
You stayed like that, your body half on top of Haldir's, his arm wrapped around you and your hand laying on his chest, right over his heart.
His heartbeat must have lulled you to sleep because the next time the marchwarden looked down at you, your eyes were closed and you were taking deep, even breaths.
Carefully, he turned around to blow out the candle before settling back into the former position, letting his fingers dance over your skin and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Coming home to you will forever be the highlight of my day", he whispered before letting your breathing and the soft glow of the moon lull him into a restful slumber, too.
meleth = love
gi melin = i love you
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Taglist: @shadowhuntyi
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deadricslover · 11 months
second time's a charm
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here's my masterlist!
a/n: ^^^that's a gif btw idk why it's not playing for me. can u see it?
summary: your younger sister called recently to tell you she had found a boyfriend and she wanted you all as a family to meet him.
warnings: again, like the last post. the focus isn't on Bruce being your partner in this one...
pairings: fem!reader x bale!Bruce Wayne
Two weeks ago your younger sister, Anna called you up and told you that she got a boyfriend and wanted you to meet him. Of course you said yes, as big sister duty and to see who has your baby sister's heart. She knew when she asked that you would want to meet him, but why she really wanted you two to meet was because she needed your opinion and approval. As silly as it sounded, she wouldn't want to be with him if you didn't like him or thought she could do better as she valued your opinion ever so much, like any little sister would-- even though she's not so young anymore. You needed to be there though for different reasons, yes, you wanted to support Anna, but you also wanted to make sure things ran as smoothly as possible and not like when Bruce met your family. To be fair, then, it was uncharted waters and you didn't know what to expect. You want to prevent the invasive mother questions and protective dad mode from arising. Sure, a couple embarrassing stories would be fun, but as long as things didn't go overboard, you were good. You hadn't heard much about this boy only the things that Anna was willing to share when she called you late at night rambling about how their first date went and you could practically see her twirling her hair as if she was in a film.
"Is there a dress code for this sort of thing? Meeting your fiance's sister's boyfriend" Bruce asks from your shared bed while you root through the closet like a racoon in a bin trying to find the perfect fit for Bruce to wear. You felt like a mom picking out clothes for her child. You eventually find what you're looking for and throw it at him while replying
"Yes, not pyjamas. Now get changed"
"Yes, Mom" he says smiling looking for a reaction out of you
"Would you rather pick out an outfit for yourself?" you question, spinning back around to see him now standing up taking off his shirt
"no, you just always do such a good job"
"do you want me to change you too?" you ask, now bickering like an old couple
"you know, I wouldn't mind-" he starts
"tough, you're a grown man that should be able to change AND pick out his own clothes" you say cracking a little smile, despite your efforts to not let it show. You close the door before he had a chance to say something else and also so he didn't she the grin creeping up on your face. You go straight to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water because who knew finding clothes for Bruce to wear would be so hard. Not like you hadn't done it hundred times.
Time passes and you two leave to go to your childhood home. It was safe to say you were probably in for a stressful night, constantly listening to make sure your parents don't drift in to a conversation tat would make Anna or her boyfriend uncomfortable. You and Bruce both knew that. The drive to the house was normal, but Bruce could sense that you were slightly worried at the possibilities.
"there's no need to worry, my love. Anna and the new boy should be the nervous ones" He comforts rubbing your hand as much as he could while driving while driving.
"if I don't like him, it will really effect how Anna sees this guy. I just want it to go well. Of course I want to like him and even if I don't, I'm not sure whether to mention it to Anna or to keep it a secret, if I keep it to myself then I feel like she might ignore all the red flags and I don't want her to get hurt but if I do tell her then I will feel like the bad person and that she can't make her own decisions an-" Bruce cuts you off
"you're rambling. I understand you're worried but everything will be fine, I promise" he reassures you sweetly, glancing over to you sitting in the passenger seat. He takes your hand in his and brings it up to his mouth to place it a little kiss into the back of it.
You step out of the car grabbing the last minute things that your dad asked you to pick up on the way here. Bruce meets you at your side and you walk to the door together, entering the house after a quick knock. You are met by your younger brother running up to the door grabbing onto you squeezing the life out his older sister.
You squat down to give him a proper embrace. "hi, big boy! you've grown so much"
"everyone's so excited to see you and mom is shouting at dad a lot" he innocently tells you. bless him for not knowing better.
"and we're here to fix that" you reply to your younger brother, max while getting up to say hi to everyone else. as you're walking away max runs up to Bruce and Bruce picks him up and they exchange greetings. Max looks up to Bruce so much, it's honestly so adorable.
someone that you do not yet recognise catches your attention and you soon realise that it must be the boy of the night, Anna's boyfriend who you still do not know the name of.
"hi, I'm Anna's older sister" you say to him offering your name also. He sticks out his hand for you to shake which catches you off guard but you accept the gesture no less.
"I'm Claude. I am with your sister" he says, a slight French accent flowing it's way to your ears.
"ooh where's that accent from" you inquire not 100% sure if that's an ok question to ask, but you did it anyways.
"my parents are french, my older siblings and I were all born in France and lived there until about eight years ago." he responds with a smile sending proud of his roots
"me and my fiance-- who is somewhere-- were hoping to go next year. any recommendations as to where is nice?" you ask trying to make conversation
he gives you multiple lovely places, explaining each is heaps of detail. you take each into account and make a mental note to check them out later on.
you spot your parents in the kitchen but more specifically, your mother hanging over your father's shoulder bickering with him, telling him that he is cutting the food wrong.
"mom, I don't think you can cut potatoes wrong." you call out catching her attention. she spins around and notices you and visibly sighs in relief.
"thank God you're here" she wraps you in an embrace while telling you how happy she is that you're here.
"everything will be fine. don't worry" you reassure her even though you aren't thinking the same thing at all.
"Anna is upstairs. she wanted me to send you up when you arrived. Where's Bruce?" she inquires looking around.
"with his shadow. I'll go up to her now" you say leaving. passing Bruce and Max on the way, telling him where you're going. You knock on her door and walk in when she says it's good for you to enter. she is sitting at her desk with a mirror propped against the wall touching up her hair. She glances at you in the mirror, puts down the tool and jumps up to run to you.
"I missed you." she tells you into your neck
"I missed you more. sorry I couldn't see you sooner." you answer, pulling back and sitting on her bed.
she sits down next to you and you start to ask her about the boy and teasing her about it and she gets all red and shy but it's so sweet. you've never been in this position before as you only have two younger siblings and Anna is the older of the pair. you remember when she was obsessing over the peeta from the hunger games when she was younger and now look at her. she is graduating soon and you are simply not ready for that. yes, you're not her mother but still, it's strange seeing her like this. You two talk for a little while more before you decide to finish off her hair for her while listening to some nostalgic music from your childhood together.
"he's downstairs. I feel bad leaving him but I need to look good and I'm kinda nervous" she says fiddling with her eyelashes.
"you do look good. And he is definitely not just dating you for your amazing looks, there's no need to worry" you inform her telling the utter truth
There is a knock on the door interrupting you two.
"sorry to interrupt, your mom sent me up. Claude and your family are waiting downstairs because dinner is ready" Bruce says popping in the door.
"oh sorry, we're on our way. just need to make sure Anna is feeling her best" you reply smiling at her in the mirror.
"he seems great, I was talking to him downstairs when max went away to get his new firetruck, that's the only time I got a word in with someone else" Bruce says showing how obsessed your brother is with your boyfriend.
"yeah I think so too. unless he comes out with some major criminal record" you tell her honestly but also glancing to Bruce to see his reaction, as batman doesn't have the best reputation with the cops.
"trust me, he doesn't. he's a good guy" Anna replies giggling a little bit.
"when I introduced myself first, he seemed so starstruck and he was stuttering and getting shy, it was really funny. but to be fair, if I saw George Clooney I would too" Bruce follows up with which makes you laugh and so does anna.
"yeah except, you're not George Clooney" you reply smiling a little bit.
"just hope we turn out like you two. I really like him" she follows up with.
"you want to get engaged or you really like him? they are two different things"
"you can't have both" Bruce replies with still standing in the doorframe.
a look of horror paints it's way onto her face and you quickly have to reassure her you were kidding. you turn off the curler wand start walking down the stairs, encouraging Anna to go first but she didn't want to.
you felt a little bad for Claude waiting by himself downstairs, especially because he doesn't know anyone. Bruce is different, he knows your family and max would keep him occupied anyways. Bruce sits down pulling out a chair for you next to him as he does so. Anna sits down next to Claude also and you all begin eating as everyone is super hungry. During the dinner you kept glancing to Claude to find him glancing at Bruce still starstruck and also did exactly as you said you would, you kept Anna from getting too embarrassed to the point where she wanted to leave and was actually annoyed with your parents. Although, a couple funny childhood stories would be ok but you wanted to stand up for your baby sister when things might get a bit too much.
"so" your father starts talking
"Claude, how do you plan to treat my daughter?" he continues with
"Dad" you warn looking at him trying to prevent exactly what you were afraid of
"I'm kidding. It was a joke. Calm down, care bear. If your mom's dad asked me that at seventeen I would have started sweating and crying in front of him" he admits and the table starts laughing. max too just because everyone else is-- in particular, Bruce. maybe if you weren't so tense you would have noticed it was a joke. God, you needed wine
"wine anyone?" you ask the table getting up and grabbing the bottle of wine you brought. your mom accepts and Bruce denies as he is driving and your dad jut doesn't drink. Hopefully this will help you calm down
questions are thrown at Claude to try and get to know him and he kindly answers. You soon come to the conclusion that you were worrying for no reason at all and didn't need to be so uptight. When you thought you were out of the spotlight your mom brings up an old embarrassing story of you that she promised to never tell anyone. Bruce didn't even know this.
"she went out drinking with some of her friends one time and I knew that they were drinking but she legally was allowed to so I couldn't stop her. But I think we both wish she did listen to me. I waited up for her to make sure she was ok when she came home but nobody walked through the front door, so I went to bed. Maybe she was staying at a friends house and forgot to text or she could sill be out. I don't know. I get waken up by my phone ringing at five am and guess who it is" she says pointing to you at the last part as if the whole table didn't know.
"she was whispering 'mom, can you open the front door please.' thought nothing of it besides the fact it was five am. I opened the door and she wasn't there, so I called her back and asked where she was. she told me she was waiting outside. long story short, she wasn't at our house but a completely different neighbourhood knocking on some innocent families door with some strange woman that I didn't recognise when i picked her up. she told me 'mom, this is angelina' she comes over to me and whispers 'it's angelina jolie. be nice' she thought this random woman was angelina jolie and this poor woman was just following her around because they had been talking all night."
you drop your head in shame as she finishes off the story and embarrassment, Bruce glancing over to you multiple times because he could never imagine you getting that drunk.
"to be fair, I was new to drinking, didn't know my limits and wanted to have fun. Anna, do not ever do anything like that, it was the worst i has ever been it's not worth it"
"Wait, we were together then? You were at least twenty one then" Bruce comments
"yeah, I didn't call you back for like three days." you reply
" I called your parents to make sure you were ok. do you even remember this?" he asks
"no. so this could be completely made up" you admit knowing damn well it was real because of the terrible hangover you had
"oh it was real alright" your dad pipes in
"ok, can we drop it this is embarrassing." you ask ashamed
because of this simple ask, your parents do not in fact drop it and the night ends up being all about you instead of Claude and Anna which was a bit unfair but I guess it was better than embarrassing Anna.
The night ends when Claude's parents ask him to come home. You and Bruce set off then too saying goodbye to Anna, Max and your parents sarcastically thanking them for everything they said.
As you and Bruce drive home and get ready for bed, he won't drop the subject of you getting obliterated drunk.
"I can't wait until I see Alfred next. I'm going to ask him about all the times that you got drunk beyond your limits"
and with that he was quiet and dropped the topic.
"honestly, I think Claude had the hots for you more than Anna. he was staring at you the whole dinner" you say to him
"stop, he just met THE Bruce Wayne. of course he's gonna be starstruck" he replies
"you're so full of it"
and that's how the night you were scared about ended. you were slightly embarrassed to be honest because as you knew deep down in your brain, there was nothing to worry about.
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m-jelly · 9 months
Tea for two - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Post-war Levi x Fem!Reader
Tags and warnings: Canon world, post-war, injured Levi, scarred Levi, romance, falling in love, fluff, angst, emotional pain, emotional Levi, dad Levi, baby.
In this chapter: You are attacked on your way home to Levi, but Levi saves you. Levi surprises you with a gift he's made before you two enjoy a swim right as the baby decides it is time to arrive. You and Levi have a sweet moment together on your date out with the baby.
AO3 Link
The end
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Levi winced a little as he limped after you. “Darling, don’t go.”
You fixed your little cape and turned to him to show off your big baby bump. “I have to get some stuff for you.”
He sighed. “I know, but…”
You cupped his face and kissed him. “Go in your wheelchair.”
Levi welled up a little. “I haven’t used that in months. I don’t want to go back.”
You wrapped your arms around Levi and hugged him tightly. “I know, but you’ve hurt your knee.”
“I pushed myself too hard when I trained with your dad.”
You led him to his chair and sat him down. “Levi, there is nothing wrong with not feeling strong sometimes. You can’t always be one hundred per cent.”
He held your hand. “I understand, but you need to rest too.”
“The baby and I will be perfectly okay.” You kissed his forehead. “I’ll go buy your meds and some nice baked goods and I’ll be right back.”
He sighed. “Okay. Kiss.”
You giggled and kissed him. “Love you.”
“Love you always, Mrs Ackerman.”
You winked at him. “That’s right.” You grabbed your shopping basket and pulled your hood up. “Love you, Levi and our baby loves you too.”
Levi blew you a kiss. “Be careful.”
You waved to him before leaving the home. The air was nice and cool, but there was a threat of rain. You were hoping that your cape would protect you. Both you and Levi were excited to have a summer baby. The names you picked were perfect for a sweet baby. You were both hoping it was a girl so you could call her Kuchel. Kuchel was a wonderful mother to Levi. She reminded him of a flower, which bloomed the strongest in summer.
You gazed up when you heard a distant rumble. Thunderstorms were nice and relaxing when you were inside your home, but not so much when you were out and about. You were hoping that you could finish shopping before the storm arrived. You picked up the pace and made it to the pharmacy. You smiled at the man behind the counter who recognised you right away.
He hurried to the collection point and grabbed Levi’s medication. “Here you are, Mrs Ackerman. I’ll also get you some stuff for you and the baby, free of charge.”
Your cheeks burned at his kindness. “Oh, thank you so much.”
“Not a problem. Least I could do for the wife of the amazing Captain.”
You placed the meds in your basket as you felt a little awkward. “Thank you. You’re too kind.”
“Take care now, all right? It looks like there is a storm coming.”
You bowed your head to him. “Thank you. I’ll do my best.”
The air was still outside, which concerned you because it meant the storm was getting closer. You hurried to the bakery and picked a few nice things for Levi and you to share. The last stop was to get something for Bo because he deserved a treat. You picked a few things and became distracted by a baby shop. You slipped inside and bought an adorable blanket, along with things that had references to Daddy.
You turned and gazed at your ex-best friend. “Claude.”
He scrunched his nose up at you. “I cut ties with you because you got involved with that foul man. I went to your home to forgive you, but you weren’t there.” He glared at your swollen belly. “Are you fucking pregnant?”
You turned away from him and went to the till. You paid for everything as he shouted your name. You were done with this man and his insults towards your husband. You were just done and wanted to go home. Plus, your feet were killing you from carrying a baby in your belly. You tried to ignore Claude chasing after you as it started to spit.
Claude grabbed your upper arm. “Would you just talk to me!”
You yanked your arm from his grip. “I have nothing to say to you! You cut ties. You were done. Once you cut, there is no going back. Release me and leave me alone.”
“You married him. Is that his baby too?”
You placed your hand on your belly. “Yes, and this baby is ours.” You let out a long sigh. “I have to get home to my husband before the rain gets worse.”
Claude snarled as you started walking away. “Get back here! Don’t walk away from me!”
You moved a little faster. “Leave me alone! I’m done with you and you’re done with me. There is no use in chasing me down!”
Claude ran after you as he shouted your name over the pouring rain and thunder. “He will lead to your death.”
You stopped and turned in the street. “No. No, he won’t. Levi is an incredible man who I love with everything within me. You have no say in who I love. We are done as friends. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“I love you!”
You stared at Claude as he looked at you with pleading eyes. The rain was so loud and the thunder roared through the town. “You’re unbelievable. Do you think I’d fall for that? Even if that were true, do you really think I would drop everything and run into your arms? I want you out of my life.”
“I am not letting you go!”
“If you don’t let me leave, I will contact the authorities.”
Claude moved closer to you. “He’s controlling you.”
You let out a long sigh. “You are exhausting to talk to. I’m going home because I’m sure my husband is worried about me being in this storm.”
“Just listen to me.”
“Goodbye, Claude.”
Claude grabbed you by your upper arm and yanked you hard before releasing you due to the hard whiplash. He flinched when he heard a crack. Your head had hit the wall. Claude shook a little when you slumped to the floor. His heart jumped to his throat when he heard your name screamed by a familiar voice over the rain and thunder. Fear surged through him. Cautiously he turned to see Levi holding his cane with Bo at his side, both of them racing over.
Levi dropped to his knees and ignored the pain shooting through his left leg. He cradled your face and saw some blood. “Talk to me. Come on, darling.”
You opened your eyes and smiled softly. “I’m sorry I didn’t hurry home.”
“It’s okay.” He kissed your forehead. “It’s okay.”
“Claude stopped me from going home.”
Levi kissed you. “Sit there with Bo, okay?”
You hummed. “Okay.”
Levi rose to his feet and glared at Claude. He clenched his cane tightly as his rage consumed him. “What did you do?”
Claude shook in fear. Though he was taller than Levi, Levi was a very terrifying man because of how strong he was and how dedicated he was to justice and what was right. It was very clear to Claude that he was going to be beaten. The first smack hit him in the gut causing him to double over in pain. The second went up against his face sending him backwards and slamming against the floor. A strong and ball-breaking kick connected with his privates, he was sure something had ruptured.
You stumbled to your feet and whined. “Levi?”
Levi stopped his attack and turned to you. “Darling?”
You limped over to him. “Can we go home?”
He nodded and put his arm around you. “Use my cane and me.” He took your basket and held it in his other hand. “We need to get you home.”
You walked together in silence for a while as the storm grew closer. You gazed at Levi to see his stoic look, but you knew a lot was going on in his head. “Thank you for protecting me.”
“I’ll do anything for you.”
“You’re the best. I love you.”
He smiled a little. “Love you always.” He unlocked the front door and helped you inside. “Go change.”
Levi put the food away and quickly took his meds. He checked your basket and felt his heart flutter at the baby things. “Tch, adorable.” He sighed and looked at Bo. “Your mum is so cute.” He gathered the baby things and the first aid, along with a drink and meds. He moved into the bedroom to see you pulling on your night dress. “Ready?”
You sat on the bed and hummed. “Yes.”
He sat next to you and began cleaning your wound. “I haven’t done this in so many years.”
“Is it bringing back scout memories?”
Levi hummed a laugh. “Yeah, good ones as well. The cadets used to push themselves or do stupid shit during training.” He inspected the cute and saw it didn’t need stitches and only a patch. “I would patch them up.” He placed a patch on your head and handed you a drink and meds. “Hange would too, but seeing as they trained under me, I thought it was best for me to do it.”
You gulped down everything and sighed. “Thanks. I bet you were a wonderful Captain.”
“Sometimes.” He picked up the baby things. “These are adorable. You got all daddy things. What about mummy things?”
“Oh, well I might get those next time.”
Levi saw you fiddling with your dress, meaning you were anxious. He placed his hand on yours. “I’ll get them. I want to buy more for you and the baby.”
You laughed. “You spoil us plenty.”
“I need to spoil you more.”
You giggled as Bo nudged his face against your baby bump, so you fussed him. “All right. I’ll allow it.”
“Thank you.” He pulled his wet clothes off and changed into his night things. “I’ll sort out the washing.”
You hummed. “But your leg.”
He cupped your face and kissed the end of your nose. “You are far more important. Now, I need you to be a good girl and stay awake for a while.”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“Do you have a headache?”
You grinned at him. “Yep! You know why?”
He smiled. “Why?”
“Because I want you to call me a good girl.”
Levi stared at you as his heart throbbed in his chest. “Now, those are some flirting words.”
You giggled. “I’ll behave 'cause we’re both unwell.”
He pressed the end of your nose. “Just wait until we’re better.”
You gulped hard as a tingle went through your body. You looked down at Bo as he gazed at you with his tail wagging. You hummed a laugh and petted him. “Your daddy is a wild man. I love it.”
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Levi was in his massive back garden full of life. He was busy making something special with his carpentry skills. Being retired from the scouts and casually running his shop meant he had a lot of time on his hands. People need hobbies to keep them busy and it is fun to make progress. So, Levi started making things out of wood and had a great skill for it.
He shifted back from what he was making and admired his work. Sweat rolled down his back as the sun beamed down on him. He grabbed his rag and wiped his sweat a little. He grabbed a bobble, pushed his hair back and proceeded to tie it back into a little top knot with a few strands loose. He gripped his shirt and tugged it off. Sweat glistened on Levi’s muscles and scars.
Levi turned and gazed at you holding a tray of drinks. “Thank you.”
You waddled over to him and placed the tray down. “I could just take a bite out of you.”
“Please do.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. “Mm, tasty husband.”
Levi squeezed your waist. “You’re the delicious one.”
“Thank you.”
He shifted his hands to cup your belly. “How are you and the baby?”
You grinned at him. “Perfectly well. I am fit to burst though.”
“The little one is overdue.”
“They are.” You sighed and rubbed your belly. “They’re not ready yet and that’s okay.”
He lowered his head. “Mm.”
You cupped Levi’s face and lifted. “I know, I know, you’re excited to meet them. You just have to wait a little longer. You can do that, right?”
Levi’s cheeks turned pink as he smiled. “Yes.”
“Good boy.” You looked around him. “What are you making?”
Levi shifted out of the way. “It’s for you. It’s a rocking chair for you to sit in with the baby. I can use it too, but I mainly made it for you for comfort.”
You welled up. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Levi.”
He held your hand and helped you sit in it. “Comfy?”
You hummed a laugh as you rocked back and forth. “This is amazing.”
You nodded. “You did incredible.”
He knelt between your legs. “I’m glad.”
You reached over and petted Levi’s head. “You’re better than you think you are. You have such an amazing talent.”
He rested his head on your lap. “Thank you.” He looked over at Bo staring at him. “No, Bo, this is my lap.”
You giggled at Bo sulking. “You’re both very cute and funny.”
Levi pressed his face into your thighs and lap. “Comfy.”
“I was thinking we go for a swim today. I heard it’s good for pregnant ladies because it eases the weight they carry.”
Levi clenched up a little and lifted his head. “Yes, we’ll go for a swim. Anything to help.” He jumped to his feet and pulled you up. “Do you need help changing?”
You sighed. “I do.” You smiled at the rocking chair. “We should put this in the living room. It’s perfection.” You ran your fingers over the detailed etching. “I love it so much.”
“I’m glad.”
You jumped into Levi’s arms. “My talented and cool husband.” You covered his face in kisses. “Love you.”
“I love you.” He glanced and looked at the scar on your forehead. “Let’s get you in that nice cool water.”
You squealed in delight. “Yay!”
Levi ushered you into the house. “Go change and I’ll bring your chair in.”
“I’m gonna add a nice a nice blanket and cushion to that lovely chair.”
Levi blushed at how much you adored something he made you. He lifted the chair and set it in the living room. He added a cushion and a blanket that he knew you liked. “Darling? I made your seat extra comfy.”
You walked out in your swimming things and gazed at the rocking chair. You welled up at how cute it looked. “Oh…oh…oh, I love it!” You hugged Levi tightly. “You’re the best.”
Levi held you tightly. “I’m glad you like it. I’ll make more things.”
You smiled at him. “I love the cot you made our baby.”
Levi blushed bright red. “I’ll make them a rocking horse when they’re older.”
“That’d be perfect.”
He cupped your face and kissed you. “I’ll get changed. Rest for a bit, okay?”
You shifted and plopped yourself on the rocking chair. You moved back and forth as you felt yourself relax. “I love this chair. This might be my new favourite chair.”
Levi joined you and heard what you said. “You like it that much?”
“I do.”
“Mm…” He blushed a little. “I can’t get over this. Sorry, I keep asking if you like it, but I just need reassurance.”
You got out of the chair. “No need to say sorry. I’m the same with food I cook and bake.”
“I love all your baking and cooking.”
You giggled. “Thank you. Shall we take some food and drink?”
“I’ll pack, you rest.”
You huffed a little. “I want to do a few things.”
Levi chuckled as he started to get food and drink to put in a bag. “Well, you need to rest.”
You ran up behind him and grabbed his pecs. “Mean.”
He smiled when you bit his shoulder. “You’re adorable.”
“I love you.”
Levi turned in your arms and smiled at you. “I love you.”
You leaned closer and captured his lips in a sweet and loving kiss. “My Levi.”
He released a happy sigh. “Yours. Now, be a good girl and wait by the front door for me.”
Your cheeks burned at his words. “Yes, Levi.”
He packed the bag and made sure he had things for Bo. He pulled the bag on his back and walked over to you. “Ready?”
You grabbed his hand. “Yes.”
Levi led you through the front garden, across the road and down the beach path to the private spot he owned. He set up the seats always there and made sure yours was extra comfy. “Okay, it’s all ready.”
You pulled your beach dress off and kicked your shoes off. “I’m going for a swim!”
Levi huffed when he watched you hurriedly waddle to the water. “Be careful!” He yanked his shirt off and ran after you. “Troublesome brat.”
You giggled and flopped into the water causing Levi to be splashed. “Got ya!”
Levi dove under the water and swam up to you. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. The weight of the baby has been eased.”
He moved closer to you. “You’re so amazing. You carry and grow our sweet baby. They must be so heavy.”
You nodded. “Mm, that’s right.”
Levi moved behind you, linked his fingers together and raised your belly. “Oh wow, this is heavy. Our baby is a big one.”
You moaned in delight and leaned against Levi. “That’s incredible.”
Levi smiled and held your tummy. “I’ll do this for as long as you need.”
You closed your eyes and relaxed against him. “Thank you.” You frowned a little when you heard quiet splashing. You opened your eyes to see Bo paddling past. “He really loves the water.”
Levi chuckled. “It’s hard to keep him out.” He sighed. “Little bugger.”
You laughed. “He’s a happy boy. He’ll be a wonderful big brother.”
“I think so too.” Levi lowered your belly carefully, wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “This is the life. I never thought years ago this would happen to me. I thought I had lost everything, but you entered my life and brought light and life into it. You are truly my everything.”
You reached up and squeezed his upper arm. “I can tell you’re worried about something.”
“I am. I’m nothing without you and I know childbirth is a scary thing. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t. I’m strong, Levi.” You turned in his arms and faced him. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here with you, always.”
He lowered his head a little. “I so desperately want to be a father with you as the mother. However, there are fears and worries.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I understand. I’ll live and we’ll raise our baby together.”
“I just…I don’t want a repeat of my mother…”
You hugged Levi tightly. “I’ll stay with you until we’re very old with lots of grandbabies and great-grandbabies.”
Levi closed his eyes as he imagined it all. He smiled at the wonderful thought. “I can see it now. It’s just perfect.”
“I know you’ve been through a lot and me saying it’ll be all right won’t fix a thing.” You sighed. “But it really will be all right.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
You hissed a little in pain. “Baby is having a little party.”
Levi placed his hands on your bump. “Relax, sweet little baby. Relax for momma.”
You winced again. “I don’t think it’s them causing this.”
Levi went white. “Are you?”
You groaned. “I don’t know, maybe?”
Levi scooped you up like a bride and ran with you to the shore. “We need to get to the hospital right away.”
“Levi, you don’t need to run with me. I can walk.”
“I know, but let me do this.” He gazed at you with pleading eyes. “Please.”
You smiled softly at Levi. “Of course, my grumpy. I’m all yours.”
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The birth of your daughter Kuchel went smoothly, but Levi was a wreck. When he saw the blood and the mess that came from giving birth, his PTSD was triggered a little. You felt awful that your husband was in pain emotionally. Levi stayed strong though. He held your hand and breathed with you. He held his little girl in his arms and was speechless. Kuchel was perfect and healthy.
You took everything in your stride. Levi was in awe of you. He truly had a strong and brave wife. Though you went through a lot of pain, Levi was with you every step of the way. He helped you through your breathing and he was there to help you go to the toilet in the days after giving birth when everything ached.
Levi went into full caregiver mode. He made you rest as often as possible. He changed Kuchel, cleaned the house and did the cooking as you got all the rest possible to heal up. Your home was filled with laughter, love and sweet coos of a baby. You fell in love with Levi in a whole different way. There was just something about your husband holding his daughter and singing to her. He often rendered you speechless with how impressive he was at taking care of the baby. Levi Ackerman was a sexy dad.
Levi was deeply and completely enamoured by you. He too had fallen in love with you in a whole new way. The fact that you made a sweet baby, brought her into this world and was now caring for her was beyond incredible to him. You were this sexy goddess in his eyes that could create life. He was madly, deeply and hopelessly in love with you.
You rocked in your chair with Kuchel in your arms as she fed from you. Your hand lightly patted her as she happily fed with eyes closed. You felt the loving gaze of your husband upon you. You glanced up to see him staring at you from the sofa. You could have sworn Levi had hearts in his eyes.
You smiled at your husband. “Something on your mind?”
You hummed a laugh. “I’m always on your mind.”
You pulled Kuchel from you and helped her burp. “You’re a man of few words today.”
He moved over to you and took Kuchel so you could fix your dress. “I’m just…you render me speechless a lot.”
“You’re adorable.”
“I love you.”
You blushed a little. “I love you too.”
He gently rocked Kuchel in his arms. “Our daughter is so beautiful.”
You hummed a laugh. “She is. Do you want to go for a walk with her? It’s a nice day and I know Bo has been itching to get out.”
Levi nodded. “I’d like that.”
You got out of your seat and moved around the kitchen to get snacks for a little picnic. You glanced over at Levi as he walked over to the pram with his daughter. You smiled as Bo followed Levi. Ever since Kuchel was born, Bo had been at her side always. Bo used to sleep in your room, but now he slept with Kuchel and protected her. He was the best big brother to her.
You picked up the basket of food and walked over to your husband. “She ready?”
Levi smiled with pride as his little girl in her pram. “She’s all snug.”
You reached down and tickled her cheek. “Precious baby.”
“She’s so cute.”
You placed the basket in the bottom slot. “She’s adorable. All packed.”
Levi pushed the pram out of the home and smiled down at Kuchel as she looked around her in pure awe. He turned to you and pouted when you didn’t walk next to him. He blushed when you giggled and hurried right over to him. You shifted over and hugged his arm as you walked. Bo walked ahead and led the walk into the town. All attention was on the two of you. Most people couldn’t believe the famed Captain was now a father.
You gasped when you looked ahead at the park and saw the cadets having a little break. “Look, Levi. It’s the cadets you trained.”
Levi groaned. “I’m glad to see them, but I was hoping this would be a nice picnic as a family.”
You kissed Levi’s cheek. “We’ll say hello for a bit and then have our little family gathering.”
You nodded. “Yes. Besides, I’m sure they’d love to see the baby.”
Levi blushed hard as he gazed at his little girl. “She is so beautiful. I do like showing her to people.” He smiled. “We made a wonderful baby.” Levi gazed at you. “You’re so incredible.”
You hugged Levi’s arm. “So are you.”
Levi pushed the pram over to the gang. “Morning all, I have someone for you to meet. Tch, try not to crowd her.”
Mikasa looked down at your baby and gasped in delight as a cute blush spread on her cheeks. “Baby.”
Connie shot to his feet. “Baby!? Captain had a baby!?”
Jean frowned. “How did you not know he was going to have one? I told you at their wedding.”
“Ooooooh, yeah I forgot.”
Armin smiled at your baby. “Beautiful.”
You scooped her up into your arms and showed her off. “This is Kuchel.”
Annie walked over and looked down at your baby from behind Armin. “Cute.”
Levi pulled you back and away from Annie, it was understandable that he still had issues with her. “How has everything been for you lot?”
Armin smiled. “Well. It has been hard work, but we’re getting there.”
You moved over to Jean. “I know you love babies.”
Jean blushed as he looked down at Kuchel. “So pretty.” He offered his finger to her and blushed harder when she held onto him. “This is amazing.”
You hummed a laugh. “She likes you. I bet you’d be a great uncle to her.”
“I will!”
Mikasa shifted over and lightly poked Kuchel’s cheek. “She’s so soft.”
You hummed a laugh. “She’s family to you, right? You’re a distant cousin to Levi.”
Mikasa nodded. “Yeah.” She welled up a little. “Family.”
“I’m sure you’ll care for her too, right?”
Levi placed his hand on your back. “Darling?”
You smiled a little. “We have a little family date. So, we should arrange a time and date for us all to meet again. I think a nice little party should be good.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
You placed Kuchel back in the pram. “I’ll see you all soon. Let’s go, Levi.” You frowned as Bo was rolling on the grass with everyone fussing him. “Bo? Come on!”
Levi whistled causing Bo to run right over. “Good boy.”
You waved to the group and walked with Levi across the park to a nice shaded spot under a tree. Levi set the blanket up and the nice cosy spot as you gathered Kuchel in your arms. You sat down and lay her on a little bed Levi made her. You snuggled up to your husband once he joined you and relaxed together.
Levi pulled a face. “Do you think I did a bad thing back there? You know, running from them?”
“I think there is nothing wrong with it, grumpy. It’s okay.” You kissed his cheek. “Sometimes you need the company of those you hold dear and love.”
“Thank you for reassuring me.” He looked over at Kuchel giggling at Bo sniffing her. “Do you think Kuchel loves me?”
You gasped. “Of course! She adores you! As soon as she sees you she is so happy! I’ll prove it.” You picked up Kucel and angled her so she could see Levi. Kuchel smiled brightly and reached for Levi. “See? Now, I’ll cover her eyes.”
Levi moved closer. “Yeah?”
You hummed a laugh “She’s calm now, but then…” You lifted your hand. “Daddy!”
Kuchel blinked a few times before squealing and reaching for Levi. “Aboo!”
Levi chuckled. “She really loves me, huh?”
You handed Kuchel over. “She loves you more than anything.”
Levi cuddled his baby. “Oh, well I think she loves you more. I talk to her about you.”
You giggled. “I know, I’ve heard you.” You reached over as Kuchel lit up in delight and flopped her hand at you. “I’m right here, my little flower.”
Levi smiled as tears filled his eyes. “I’m happy, really happy. I am at a loss for words to explain how happy I am.”
You leaned closer and kissed Levi. “I feel the same. We have a long road ahead of us. Just wait for when she can run.” You laughed. “She’ll be running circles around you.”
“That’s a bit exciting. I can’t wait and for more kids, maybe?”
You nodded. “Yes. I would love more.”
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theflyindutchwoman · 4 months
I think they’ve made Lucy look so stupid. It annoys me so much cause she was my favorite. Isabel, Noah, Nyla have allllll told Lucy UC work destroys your personal life yet Lucy is running around like she’s the exception. She’s not. It drives me nuts.
I'm not sure if you just needed to vent or if you wanted me to answer… But I respectfully disagree. I get not liking this storyline and how frustrating it can be or even how out of character it might seem. That's perfectly fine. But I personally enjoy watching this journey. While I do believe that in the long term, UC is probably not going to be a good fit for her and the life that she desires, I love watching Lucy finding herself and trying to figure out a way to have the career AND life that she wants.
Let's get back to why Lucy became a cop in the first place. I joined the Academy on a whim. I knew that my parents would hate it. But I had no idea how much I would love it. Being a cop is the first thing I've ever been serious about. (1.04) I guess I've been adrift since college, trying on different hats and different personalities, and nothing's felt right, until -- until this. But I don't think the time spent trying to find myself was wasted. You know, everything I've done so far, the profound and the foolish, has prepared me to become a police officer so that I can protect those who need it the most and from those who would do them harm. (3.10)
By her own admission, she spent years trying to find her place, to find a job where she could feel fulfilled… So now that she found it, is it that hard to believe that she would do everything in her power to follow through? I know that she is talking about being a cop in general here and not UC. But at the moment, UC is what she wants to do… and honestly, she owes it to herself to try. Maybe she won't like it. Maybe she'll decide that it is not for her after all. But this is something she has to try for herself and decide for herself. Not because others have previously failed or because others told her to do something else - which is what her parents have been trying to do from the beginning by the way. Hearing other people's stories are not the same as living that experience yourself. Sometimes you need to learn first hand. There's nothing wrong with that. She may be 30 years old, but she is still at the beginning of her career. She is still finding herself and exploring all avenues. As she should.
"Isabel, Noah, Nyla have allllll told Lucy UC work destroys your personal life" All true. And yet, she is actively supported by people whose very own lives were destroyed by undercover work. Nyla has been mentoring her from the beginning. The same Nyla who teaches classes on how to learn from past mistakes. Who told Lucy on their first shift together to be better than her. And what about Tim? He obviously believes that she is different (his words), that this could have a better ending. Otherwise he wouldn't have bothered taking that leap of faith. And more than Lucy herself, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. Despite his past and own issues, he has been nothing but supportive and encouraging since she graduated. Did he underestimate the toll it would take on him? Probably. Is he hiding his own feelings on the matter? Most definitely. But the fact remains that he still chooses to believe that they can make it work. It's no coincidence that the two main characters who had their personal lives so negatively impacted by UC work, are also the ones actively encouraging Lucy. I strongly believe that you are not bound by other people's mistakes and failures. Learn from it but don't stop doing something because other people failed. And that's what Lucy is trying to do.
"Yet Lucy is running around like she’s the exception." Is she, though? So far, ever since s4, she hasn't been in any rush to do undercover work. The only times she was pushing for a UC op, was when she volunteered Tim as a hitman and as Jake. Which is hilarious when you think about it. Since we mentioned Noah, here's what he said on the topic : she could have done more missions. Now, granted, unlike him, she is still a P2 so that might hinder her. It's entirely possible that she didn't get more opportunities. But when she got one, like in 5.07, she was still being cautious at first. And in 5.21, she didn't hesitate to call off the operation at the end. Not only that, but every time she meets someone who has done UC, she jumps on the occasion to ask them for their advices, for their different perspectives. And every time, those advices ended up with a 'maybe it can be different for you'. She is actually trying to learn from others so she can avoid making the same errors. That's not the act of someone who thinks she is better than everyone. Or who thinks she knows better. If anything, she seems to be taking her time : this has been her arc since s3. Even when she got accepted to the UC Academy, she went to see Nyla for advices. Sure, she was looking for some sort of absolution, but it's still telling that she went to her first.
"She’s not." How do we know she won't be the exception? Why do we immediately assume that she can't succeed when the premise of the show is about a 40+ years old man who decided to become a cop and succeeded? Everyone was telling Nolan he was stupid and naive too. And yet, here we are. So why Lucy couldn't be the exception as well? To show that there may be a way? In the end, it's a story. The writers can choose the ending they want.
Do I believe she would love the full undercover lifestyle? No. Not for long missions. I can't see her enjoying leaving her life and the people she loves behind… leaving herself behind. Not for a year. And not without taking its toll on her. But that doesn't mean I find her stupid for wanting to try out anyway. That's just my opinion though. Also, a career in undercover ops doesn't automatically mean going under. She could be a case officer. She could train new agents. She could do short(ish) missions. All of this could be a really good alternative for her.
Side note : I didn't touch on the logistics of long term undercover work on the show (or her being outed on a documentary) because, at the end of the day, no matter how complicated it could be, if the writers want her to do UC, they'll find a way. I just wanted to focus on Lucy's journey.
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stainedstardom · 1 year
This is the first time I request a ff if it sounds weird I’m sorry but can you do like a Yn Meeks X Ethan Landry (She is the Little Sister of Chad and Mindy) and the Plot is that She is in a Secret Relationship with Ethan and Her Siblings didn’t know about their relationship until they saw them together. Like I said I’m sorry if it sounds weird this is my first time requesting something. Hopefully I didn’t make it sound difficult but I’m really sorry if I did. ALSO I LOVE YOUR FFs THEY ARE SO GOOD
thank you for trusting me with your first request lovely!!
ethan landry x meeks-martin!fem reader
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ever since everything had happened in woodsboro, chad and Mindy felt the need to watch over you and everything you did. when you lost wes due to him dying and then amber was the killer. it all hurt too much and you couldn't go through that loss again.
but here you were in new york, blackmore academy had became home to you and anyone else you knew. tara, mindy, chad , it was your home and sam had came to new york with you.
but when you met ethan, your brothers roommate who had a bright smile and curly brown hair that you knew you could run your fingers through and hold. you had been shot by the love arrow.
but you had to keep it a secret, you couldn't let chad or mindy know that you and ethan were together. they couldn't know, who knows what they would do if they found out and that was your biggest fear. what they would do when they found out that you and ethan had been dating.
going on dates, holding hands, you had been wearing his clothes, he had been buying you flowers, you had matching necklaces, he would always stare at you. the signs were right there and they couldn't even see them so they must be blind
"why cant we just tell them?" ethan asked you one day as you sat in your dorm. you didn't have a roommate luckily and the dorm was big enough for you. so you laid on your bed with ethan as you ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"because my last boyfriend" you stated
"wes right?" he asked and you nodded
"yeah, so when richie and amber did what they did, they killed him and I was never the same. i locked myself in my room for months and didn't talk to anyone. they don't want that to happen again. so they cant know or they'll make me stay away from you" you explained and he sighed.
"im sorry" he said and you shrugged
"not your fault" you said and he leaned up to kiss you, that's when the dorm door was pushed open and chad stood in the doorway with Mindy
"what in the everloving fuckfest?" mindy asked as you and ethan pulled away. chad had an angry look in his eye.
"no no no" chad said and he walked over to ethan. he grabbed his collar and pulled him off of the bed
"what did i tell you about my little sister ethan?" he asked
"chad" you tried
"don't y/n" mindy said and you scoffed making them both turn to you. never once had you stood up for yourself against them and they knew that. they treated you like a five year old and you were tired of it.
"what?" mindy asked
"im an 18 year old girl, im going to have boyfriends, im going to have sex and you just have to deal with that. i know my own limits, I know you're worried about me and after wes, it was hard for me but I'm working through that and I finally feel okay" you stated
"y/n" mindy said
"im not done, im my own women, i know what I'm doing. yes I know that I could lose ethan, I know that the killers could come back, I know that we might be chased for the rest of our lives. i know everything but you cant take care of me forever and you can't protect me forever. this is my life and my relationship so deal with it" you stated and chad stared at you
"fine, but if he breaks your heart im breaking him" chad said and you nodded.
"i know, now can you please get out so I can spend time with my boyfriend?" you asked
"god im going to hate hearing that, lets go chad" mindy said and she led her twin out as they waved and closed the door, ethan turned to you
"wasnt how i was going to tell them but okay" you said and he laughed.
"we're not a secret anymore" he said as he put his hands on your face and smiled
"we're not" you said and he leaned and kissed you with a smile.
and just like that, you weren't a secret
A/N: was i smiling while writing this? yes yes I was
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echantedtoon · 6 months
What If: Kokushibo Edition
WARNINGS: One innuendo and mentions of pregnancy.
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The world was a quiet place today. Just alone with his thoughts and own work. 
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
It was a rarity that nothing was planned for him today. No work. No responsibilities. No training. No plans. Just whatever he wanted to do today. Which again was rare but not unwelcome. He never did like being left unoccupied for too long however so it would be the perfect time to get the project he wanted to do done. Everything shall go precisely as planned.
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
No sounds except for the light bird chiros and the small movements of his hand held knife against the wood. The calloused hands continued their own work pushing the carving tool against the wood slicing off piece after piece little by little with precise knowing strokes. The small pieces falling onto his lap or bouncing off his legs to join the others on the floor. 
Widdle. Widdle-
...Ah. There she was.
He didn't even bother looking up as the angry footsteps approached. He knew she was coming towards him long before he even heard her. The force behind the angry footfalls for told the approaching woman's anger but again he was expecting that from the start. He felt no fear as the floor thuds stopped directly behind him. Not even bothering to stop his woodworking.
"You have arrived...I was honestly expecting you..sooner." A hand brought up the tiny wooden piece to a maw holding a jawful of fangs. A breath blowing away any small pieces of wood splinters.
"Do you want to explain a few things going on?"
He finally bothered to turn his head slightly. Standing above him was a woman. Purple eyes staring down at him. Her pretty face brought a fragrance of hydrangeas with her, a familiar scent that calmed his senses. Her expression was one of annoyance which he had been expecting. 
"What ever do you mean?"
"Oh don't play games with me." She frowned more before pointing at his face. "I wanted something specific from the kitchen for breakfast today and I was denied but I was given options. Options from a diet plan I was told YOU put into place for me."
"Oh yes. That. ...You are correct." His eyes turned back to the work in his hands-
"Kokushibo, don't you ignore me!" You marched around to stand in front of him as he continued working on whatever it is he was doing. "That's not the only thing you've decided to go out and do! I also found out from Akaza that you ordered him to stop training me for the next ten months!"
"Correct...Hand to hand combat is dangerous...for your body right now...It could put stress on you...or you could get struck in the stomach ...and I won't allow that."
"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!! I also found out that you placed Kaigaku in charge of guarding me?!"
"I'd prefer you to have ..extra protection during this time."
"You scheduled me a doctor appointment for tomorrow without asking me?!"
"I need to be able to.. monitor your health."
"You assigned nannies to 'help me with the boy's?!"
"You'll need the extra help for them."
"...When did you stop trusting me?" You gave a desperate ask making the top pair of eyes turn to you but he didn't pause his work. "If I gave you a reason to doubt I can take care of myself let alone the boys then just...Tell me what I did wrong?" Your arms flopped to your sides. "What did I do to make you lose faith in me?"
"Nothing...You haven't done anything...to make me have that opinion of you... You're capable."
You again held your arms up with a major look of disbelief. "Then why all the sudden changes without telling me first? I'm not hurt and you just said I'm capable. If you think I'm pushing myself too hard, I'll try to fix it but you have to tell me why first."
"Hm... You're certain?"
"You're my husband. I didn't think there'd be secrets between us. Koku..." Hands  reached out to grab his cheeks making him pause his work and turn up to your worried look. "You promised me no secrets or lies on your vows. Honor that."
There was was from him before he sighed through his nose. "As you wish..You would have found out...from the doctor tomorrow...anyways."
"Find out what?"
"You're two weeks pregnant."
Silence. He stared as your body just... paused as if you were in a picture perfectly frozen in time. Your eyes staring ahead of you at him. Mouth closed in a small line. His bottom eyes peeked down as he continued his woodworking unsurprised by your reaction. There was silence still as you remained still... eventually you opened your mouth slightly-
"Twins", he answered matter of factly, "Both male."
You just sat there..your brain spaced out and there was a ringing in your ears as you blanked.  Your thousand mile stare finally slowly refocused. You only managed to yell out one word. "WHAT?!"
"You're two weeks pregnant..Twin boys. I just...told you that."
"I-I JUST-...YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Your hands pulled back as your eyes shot down to your middle. It didn't even look like anything changed. You didn't even feel any different or...or... ANYTHING!!! "YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING WITH ME?!"
"I never jest... Especially with something so serious."
"I have explained how my transparent world...vision works...Have I not?" You froze as finally all his eyes looked at you seriously. Oh..You forgot about that. "I took the proper... precautions early..to avoid any headaches or danger...later. I was serious when I said...I would take care of my remaining..family."
You only stared.. before you slowly looked back to your middle and a hand shakily pressed against your stomach...still didn't feel any different. "...How did this even happen?"
"Three weeks ago...we celebrated our anniversary by-"
A hand quickly pressed against his mouth as your face went beat red. "IT W-WAS A RETORICAL QUESTION!!"
He only made your face burnt hotter by reaching up to hold the hand over his face and press a kiss to the palm. "Yes ...But the end results are welcome."
You sputtered like a fish before just groaning and resting on your knees. For a moment neither person spoke as you rubbed your face and he held your hand to his cheek. "..... How long have you known?"
"Three days...I had a hunch and confirmed...it. I figured you didn't know and wanted...to make preparations first."
"Does anyone ELSE know?!"
"Only you and I...I've told no one else yet."
That relieved you at least but then a wave of dread hit you as a thought popped up. "Oh good gods...What are the boys going to think?"
"Our children will no doubt be quite...happy... Yuichiro however will be stubborn in the beginning...but with time he will come..to terms."
Rui and Muichiro would be excited for this especially with Rui bouncing off the walls becoming a big brother...But..You gave him a slightly worried look with narrowed eyes. He seemed to instantly know what you were thinking about.
"I will not favor these children...over the previous three," he spoke with assurance. "As someone who has..had a childhood plagued with... segregation I will not subject any..of them to that."
You sighed in relief instantly turning your head down..but paused noticing something that you didn't see before. There was four cylinder shaped pieces of carved wood on the opposite side of Kokushibo's lap. All perfectly aligned in a row. Except these weren't just ordinary sticks. The tops were widdled to a semi point and there was a series of holes carved in a series down their spines revealing the hollowed insides. You stared at them before turning your head and finding a dagger and the makings of a fifth hollowed stick in his lap. Slowly you blinked before pointing them out.
"Kokushibo. Are you making...flutes?"
"Yes. I am...nearly finished with the set."
You looked back to him bewildered. "Why?"
"Gifts for our children." He finally released your hand to reach down and remove the dagger and almost finished flute From his lap despite your surprised look. "I had one...as a child..I intend to pass that tradition on."
You stared at him more .. before smiling. "Aw.~ Really? That's so sweet of you...But all of this aside.." You gave him a stern look. "I'm going to continue what I've been doing so far."
"You will not stress..your body."
You made to stand pulling one knee up. "I won't stress myself out but you can't just stop me-" A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked before you could even blink. "EEP!!"
You gasped out as you were pulled forward, and in a second you found yourself placed in Kokushibo's lap with his strong arms cradling you to his chest. The redness in your cheeks was back instantly as he chuckled.
"Just did."
"Y-YOU CHEATED!!" You casted a glare up at his smile. "I wish you would S-S-Stop doing things without telling me you know!"
"Agreed. ...That is why I did not make... arrangements for a nursery yet..That will be a joint decision."
"Well thank you for that." You deadpanned looked at him despite the red in your face and crossed your arms. "Is there anything else you did I should know about?"
"I have thought of names ...for the boys." You blinked and would've shouted at him again if he didn't suddenly gently touch the right side of your stomach staring at it as if he could see something you couldn't. You blinked at jumped slightly at the gentle touch. "Michi." You blinked as his hand moved to the other side. "Yori."
"Michi and...Yori?" Your rose a brow before looking back at him. "You named one of our sons after you and didn't ask me first? I don't dislike it but you could've at least.." You paused..."Wait.." You narrowed your eyes. "Yori??...As in-"
"Do not say it-"
Kokushibo visibly paused...and his eyes looked away. ".... Perhaps we should rethink the names-"
"Nope! Too late!" You smirked. "Mama's decided she likes those names. Their nicknames can be Mi-Mi and Yor-Yor.~"
"Aw. Don't tell me Mi-Mi senior is mad. I think it's cute.~"
"I regret not waiting."
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dreaming-of-mossballs · 11 months
Bamboo for a Bashful Captain - (Gepard x Reader) - FULL POST
Summary: You’ve recently moved from Belobog’s Underworld and gotten a job as a florist. One day, a man wearing a full suit of armor stops by, and you, (fearing for the safety of the flowerpots) decide to approach him.
You never suspected that he would fall head-over-heels so quickly. Or so hard.
▸ Genre(s): Fluff, a sprinkling of angst
▸ Word Count: 15k in total
▸ Tags: Gepard x reader
▸ Warnings: Food mention, possible ooc, reader is shorter than Gepard and slightly fem coded, explicit pronouns aren’t used but Serval calls you a doll,
A/N: This has been in the works for a month. It was actually going to be released earlier, but I had to take a three day break because I was about to give myself carpal tunnel— also, the beginning is choppy but bear with me!
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is available in shorter chapters for those of you whose devices keep crashing (like me). They will be posted every Saturday at 12:00 PST. Use the link post below!
I also have a few additional one-shots, so stay tuned!
I’m so sorry to be rambling but I want to provide the best experience possible.
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The Belobog sunlight was warm on the captain of the Silvermane Guards’ face. Gepard was covered in what could only be described as a mountain of blankets, hastily tossed over his sleeping form after returning from an extended mission on the front lines. 
The Fragmentum had never taken a break until recently, when the source of the corrosion was discovered and disposed of. There was still work to be done, of course, but Gepard’s workload had been significantly reduced. This left him feeling a strange mix of relief and confusion due to his regular routine being interrupted. 
Hearing some commotion from the hallway of the Landau Estate, Gepard stirred and sat up, a weary expression on his face. He raised a hand to rub his eyes but was unpleasantly surprised by stiff metal coming into contact with his cheek. 
He looked in the full-length mirror, realizing he had forgotten to take most of his armor off before going to bed, as unflattering red indentations remained on his face and neck from metal pressing into his skin. 
Swinging his feet over the side of the bed, he bent down to put on his home-appropriate loafers. It honestly felt like eons had passed since the Captain had woken up in his own home. He smiled to himself. How he had missed the smell of old books, wood, and leather. 
Gepard suddenly stood up with newfound energy to start the day, but the back of his head collided with the wooden shelf next to his bed. He doubled over, grunted in pain, and gingerly ran a hand through his blond hair.
That’s gonna leave a mark, he groaned inwardly. He looked back up at the shelf to see the flowerpot he began taking care of several weeks ago teetering on the edge. Too groggy to react, he watched it tip over and fall onto the hardwood floor, letting out a loud crash. Ceramic shards and dirt went everywhere. 
Gepard gave it an exasperated stare.
It was long dead anyways, He sighed. I forgot to ask Pela to take care of it again,
Rapid knocking could be heard at his door, and a housekeeper barged in. He was breathing as if he had leapt up the stairs four-at-a-time. 
“Young Master Gepard, is everything all right? I heard a crash,” he said, clutching his duster nervously.
The Captain looked at the broken pot on the floor wistfully.
“I’m fine, thanks,” he said monotonously. “What’s for breakfast?”
Gepard had long gotten used to heads turning as he walked through the streets of Belobog. 
He didn’t necessarily mind it, though. Someone of his position would be bound to catch a few glances. If it meant he could keep protecting the city, then so be it. Being able to hear the carefree chatter of citizens made his chest swell with pride. Parents and grandparents alike would wave to him, and of course he would wave back. (Although Serval would always chide him for not smiling enough.)
While on his way to buy a new flowerpot, Gepard spotted an elderly woman carrying a bag of groceries. She turned around to face him quickly, startled by the sound of heavy boots clanking behind her. 
“Can I give you a hand with that, ma’am?” He inquired, offering his hands out to take it from her. 
“Oh, you’re too kind. Thank you so, so much,” she smiled up at him. The woman carefully gave him the paper bag that was filled with miscellaneous vegetables. 
“All in a day’s work,” Gepard replied. He hoisted the bag onto his shoulder and walked her to the entrance of a building, all the while a leek poked him in the face. 
“I’m so glad we have you as the Captain of the Silvermane Guards,” she said sweetly as she unlocked the door to her home. “Such a handsome and nice fellow,” 
Gepard shook his head humbly, trying to squash the dusting of pink that spread across his face. “Please, you flatter me too much,” 
The woman raised an eyebrow at him behind her wire-framed glasses, humming in response. 
“Well, I’m sure one day…” she mused. “You’ll meet someone who thinks so too,” He kept his face blank, neither agreeing or disagreeing with her. 
“On your way now, miss. Be careful.” Gepard gave her a polite wave goodbye as she entered the building, and continued on his way.
You knew people on the surface could be weird, but not this weird. 
You were just about to join your co-worker, Vaska, on break when you heard the shopkeeper’s bell ring. A man with blonde hair stepped through the entrance, practically armed to the teeth. He wore a spotless soldier’s coat decorated with blue and gold accents, along with an unusual looking metal gauntlet on his right arm. He took care not to bump anything on the way in.
It would be a disaster if he did. 
What’s a soldier doing in a flower shop? You pondered as you fidgeted with your pen absentmindedly. Natasha would’ve strangled someone with that much metal on if she caught them in her clinic,
He walked over to the corner and began browsing the selection of ceramic pots you had to offer. The other customers seemed to acknowledge him and respectfully step aside so he could make his way around easier. 
You realized you were staring a hole into the back of his head and tore your gaze away from him, embarrassed. 
He looks confused, you thought. Maybe he’s buying a gift for someone? I guess I could give him some advice.
You ventured out from behind the desk and approached him, right as he picked up a pot with his heavily armored hand.
Please don’t crush it, so help me Qlipoth!! The voice inside your head shrieked. You clutched at your notepad so hard you thought it might rip in half. It’ll be on MY payroll!!
“Hi there! Can I help you?” You interjected, with the friendliest smile you could muster. The man swiveled his head towards you in surprise. His eyes were startlingly blue. 
“Oh… Yes, I could use some help,” he said. “I’ve been trying my hand at growing flowers for a while now, but it never really seems to work out,” He sighed. “Would you happen to have any advice?”
Your expression became one of pity. Oh! This poor soul! You lamented. Of course you’d help him chase his flower-growing dreams!
“Well, you could start by taking off the gauntlet when you garden,” you teased. “Flowers can get scared easily,”
“Are you serious?” He glanced worriedly at the hand that held the pot. 
For a follower of the Preservation, I can't seem to keep anything alive, he thought.
“No! No, no, of course not! I’m sorry.” You shook your hands as if to clear up the misunderstanding while holding back a giggle. He seemed sweet. 
He let out a relieved sigh. 
“It’s just that you don't see a man covered head to toe in metal come into the store every day. I’m sorry for teasing you about it.” You grinned at him and he cleared his throat sheepishly. “Anyways, what have you been trying to grow?” 
“Well, I had a pot of Solarflowers but I’ve been rather occupied as of late. I’ve had people take care of my plants before, but I would like something that I can handle by myself,” he replied. You hummed.
“If you don’t have too much free time, caring for something routinely may be difficult,” you rattled off. “I admire your perseverance though! Flowers just take a lot of nurturing.” You rested your chin on your hand deliberately.
“Wait a minute… I have just the thing for you! Be right back!” 
You darted into the back room, quick to push apart the piles of boxes filled with flowers. 
Aha! There it is! You almost jumped for joy as you spotted a small plant in a burlap sack. You practically ran back out while holding it up for him to see. 
“Is that… a tree?”
He stared down at it with a peculiar expression. The small, woody plant with only three leaves to call its own said nothing. 
“Nope! It’s a Summershade Bamboo,” you responded cheerily. “I know flowers are your main goal, but you should give this one a try!” He took it from you and examined it, tilting it every which way with his eyebrows furrowed.
“These are tougher than flowers. As long as it has water, it’ll be fine,” you were quick to add. 
“That sounds promising,” he nodded down at you. “I think I’ll buy it,” 
You two made your way to the counter, imaginary confetti poppers going off in your head triumphantly. 
My first real recommendation! You had to physically stop yourself from pumping your fists into the air as you walked behind the counter.
He set down the plant, you fastened a string around it to keep the sack from falling off, and then whipped out your notepad from the front pouch in your uniform. 
“How exactly did you become so good with flowers, anyways?” The man asked, tilting his head. You barked out a laugh while scribbling something down on the paper, remembering just how lucky you were to get this job.
“Oh, believe me, I have killed my fair share of flowers.” You nodded towards the door to the back room, where your co-workers were lounging and drinking the latest tea. “We all have. It’s something that comes with a LOT of trial and error— in fact, a couple months ago I had never even seen one!” 
“Is that so?” He was taken aback. 
“Yep! I’d just moved here from the Underworld, and was fresh out of a job,” you reminisced. “ I had been looking for weeks on end, finally I stumbled across this place! It was so beautiful, I just HAD to apply,” 
You glanced around quickly and leaned in to whisper, “The owner is sort of strict, but she offered me a place to stay. I couldn’t be more grateful,” 
“Is that so? Well then, Belobog is happy to have you,” he said, offering out his right hand for you to shake. “I’m Gepard. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” 
Realizing he had his gauntlet on, he began to retract his hand. You stopped him, almost tipping over the desk to shake it heartily. 
“And I’m (Y/N). No need to be so stiff, it’s a pleasure to meet you too!” A bright smile spread across your cheeks. Gepard felt his breath catch in his throat, much to his surprise.
“Your total comes to 15 Shield,” you said, handing him a yellow square of paper along with the bamboo. “I wrote a list of tips on how to take care of it too! This one will survive. I'm sure of it,”
You beamed at him. “Come back anytime if you need any more advice!” 
Gepard felt the corners of his mouth rise into a smile. 
“I’m sure I will,” 
As the Captain was watering his bamboo plant that night, the moons of Jarilo-VI caught his attention through the window. They were shining brightly tonight. His mind wandered back to just how bright your smile was.
Gepard shook himself out of his thoughts, ignoring his heart beating faster than usual, and placed the newly potted bamboo on his bookshelf.
So it couldn’t be knocked over by a clumsy captain like himself, of course.
He sighed. The Captain opened an old, tattered book for a while before turning off the lamp and tucking into the covers for the night. 
A few days later, you were pleased to see that your new guard friend decided to show up again. 
He sure took his sweet while staring at the flowers this time. You couldn't blame him for his indecisiveness though, because choosing something as special as flowers could be a challenge.
Gepard eventually gave up and walked over to the counter. You gave him a friendly wave.
“Hey there again! How’s the new plant doing?” You inquired, shifting your weight onto your toes with a happy grin.
“Fairly well, surprisingly. I'm very happy with it,” he said with a relaxed expression.
“I’m glad! That’s the first time I've ever recommended somethin’ to someone!” You exclaimed. He blinked in surprise. 
“So, what are you in here for this time?” You asked.
“I'd like to buy some flowers for my older sister. She could use something to liven up her workshop. I'm not sure which ones to get for her though.” He paused, looking off to the side at the plants hanging by the windows. 
“Aww, that’s really sweet! What’s her favorite color?” You said.
“Purple,” he replied.
You glanced at the rows of purple flowers on the shelves and bit your lip. “Um, well, What's she like?” 
“She’s definitely something,” Gepard murmured to himself. “Between running the workshop and her rock gigs, she practically has an infinite amount of energy.” He shook his head lightly. 
“Rock gigs?” You questioned. “What’s that?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Rock is a genre of music she’s fascinated by. She does concerts sometimes… Although she’s somehow coerced one of my co-workers into performing with her,”
“No way… She’s a musician AND she runs a workshop? She sounds incredible!” Your eyes went wide with awe. 
Gepard stifled a chuckle.
“She can be, sometimes,” He sighed, tapping the desk with an armored finger. “If we ignore the numerous crazy things she’s done in the past,” 
“Sisters, am I right?” You chirped. “Anyways, what about you? What’s being a guard like?” 
“I suppose—,” 
He cut off as your boss shoved past you with some large boxes in hand, almost tipping you onto the desk, but your fall was stopped by his hands, which caught your shoulders and helped steady you. 
“Sorry about that! (Y/N),” she called, not bothering to look back as she rushed into the storeroom. “A new shipment came in today. We could use your help sorting it out if you could hurry it up a bit!” 
“Oops,” You turned back to him. “I’m sorry, I got carried away,” you said sheepishly.
“Don’t be. I don’t mind small talk,” Gepard responded, fiddling with one of the clasps on his uniform.
“Really? Phew.” You wiped fake sweat from your brow. “Anyways, I think she would enjoy a pot of Indigos.” You pointed to a flowerpot on the leftmost side of the shop. “They’re a nice bold color, and pretty hardy too!”
You swore Gepard’s eyes lit up as he picked up the pot of purple flowers. 
“These are perfect. Your recommendations truly are the best,” Gepard said when he returned to the counter. You thought you heard a bit more warmth beginning to creepinto his voice.
You smiled at him, and for a split second, his heart threatened to burst out of his chest. And with that, you checked him out and handed him a blank thank-you card to write on, bowing politely.
“Thank you, come again!” You called, and squeaked in surprise as you were promptly yanked by the collar into the storage room. Gepard could only blink in confusion as he watched you disappear into the back. 
A few weeks passed, and Gepard had become a regular at the flower shop. You started to look forward to when he came in so you could chat about how his new bamboo plant was faring. 
I wonder if he has a name for it, you mused to yourself. Probably not,
It was kind of unusual how much he stopped by, though. 
You were in the middle of putting a case full of seed packets on the shelf when you heard the door creak open, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Be right there!” You shouted. You peeked your head out from behind the door frame, only to spot Gepard’s familiar blond hair once more. He was looking very intently at a dresser filled with a variety of multicolored plants. The soldier caught your gaze, but quickly broke eye contact with you, much to your confusion.
“Isn’t this the third time he’s come in this week?” You whispered to your boss, Meg, who was writing labels for the different jars on the shelves. She shrugged.
Meg put her hands on her hips. “I've got no problem with it. It’s good for business, after all. He always seems to be looking for something or someone in particular… He gets awfully sad when you aren't there, y’know,” 
You squinted at her, confused, and then shook your head in disbelief. You headed back to the counter where Gepard was waiting with a small sack in his hands. 
“Good afternoon, Gepard. What can I do for ya this time?” You stared at his face harder than normal, analyzing his expression. It didn't change much.
“Just the usual, please.” He placed the bag of plant fertilizer on the desk while he dug in his pockets for the change. He was dead serious, like usual.
Ugh. Why was he so impossible to read?? 
“You do know we sell these in larger sizes, right?” You questioned while pointing at the bag. Gepard nodded, shuffling his feet a little. 
“Yes, I am aware, but I have a very inquisitive little sister. I'm afraid one of her pets might get into it while I'm not there and get sick,” he answered. “It's easier if there's less of it for them to get into,” 
Gepard ran his gloved hand through his hair while you stood nodding thoughtfully.
“Ohhh, I see!” You let out a gasp of realization. “Phew! I was worried you were coming in here just to see me!” 
“No, of… course not,” he said, mouth agape. The soldier closed his eyes in embarrassment as he felt his face heat up. “Although, seeing you does improve my day greatly,” 
Your face morphed into a scowl, much to his surprise. “You oughta be spending your time better, you know. Guard duty sounds very demanding.” You folded your arms with a huff. “You know, delivery IS an option if you want to save some effort,”
“O-oh? Could you elucidate to me how it works?” He stuttered, expression changing to one of nervous curiosity. 
“Yeah! Delivery works with almost anything. We understand how hard it is to drag an entire plant or package to your residence,”
You shook your finger matter-of-factly as you went off on your sales pitch. “You can place an order in-store and we can bring it to you, even on the same day you place it!” 
“AND, we can do regularly scheduled deliveries, that way, you don't have to come in every two days. Instead, one of our very capable workers will get it to you!” 
He merely stared at you quizzically. You huffed. 
“Believe me, we’re stronger than we look.” You raised your arm, curling it into a fist. “I used to work in the mines, so I'm used to heavy lifting,” you said, putting your hands back on your hips proudly. 
Gepard exhaled through his nose. He knew you weren’t going to let this one go.
“So… Would you be interested? I’d hate for you to have to go on a wild Mole chase every time you want to buy fertilizer,” you said slyly. 
“Well—” He raised his hand to protest. “It’s really not an issue—,”
“Nonsense! I'm sure your schedule is super busy, so let me help you out!” You slid a purple notecard and a pen with a floral print across the counter to him. 
“I guess it couldn’t hurt,” The guard sighed in defeat.
Gepard waited until he got a safe distance away from the shop, and facepalmed with a weak groan. As he drew his hand away, a new look of determination flickered across his face. 
He was going to need new excuses to keep seeing you. 
Is this really the place?? You thought, boxes in hand. The sun was setting on the fancy buildings in the modern district of the city, painting them a brilliant orange. You adjusted your beret, determined not to let it fall off, and prepared yourself to venture up the stairs to the massive mansion located on the uppermost level of the city. 
When you reached the entrance at the top, you realized that the unfamiliar building made the shop you called home seem almost microscopic. Two guards were standing at the sides of the heavy-looking wooden door, complete with ornately carved bronze handles. 
The doors opened, and out walked a group of housekeepers. You gave them a feeble wave hello and trotted over to them.
“Hi there! I have a delivery for the—,” You narrowed your eyes at the card on top of the boxes—, “Landau Estate?” 
You hoped you didn’t just butcher the name. One of the guards and a maid sauntered over to you. 
“That’s unusual,” the maid said, taking the card and inspecting it closely. “We weren't expecting a package. This is for fertilizer, you say?” You nodded in agreement. 
“Do you know if anyone here ordered fertilizer?” She turned back to the group of servants, who all murmured among themselves. “Hmm… doesn’t look like it,”
“Oh jeez. I'm sorry, a man named Gepard ordered it. Maybe he put down the wrong address by mistake?” You shrugged. 
Who on Jarilo-VI would live in a house this big, anyways? You wondered. 
“Oh! The young master!” A lightbulb seemed to go off in her head. “I wasn't aware he had ordered something. I'm sorry, but we aren't allowed to accept packages on his behalf unless he clears it with us first.” She clasped her hands together. “I apologize for the misunderstanding,” 
You shook your head reassuringly. “That’s all right, I can just find him myself. Does anyone know where he might be?” 
That earned you a few quizzical looks. One of the aides, a woman with chestnut hair, piped up. 
“I heard he was heading to Serval’s workshop today. Maybe if you're lucky, you could catch him on his way out!” 
“Great! Thanks!” 
You adjusted the boxes under your arm once again and flew down the stairs two at a time. 
They called him “Young Master”? You furrowed your brow.
This was getting weirder and weirder.
Rapidly flipping through your map of Belobog, you pinpointed an eccentric looking building on the easternmost side of the plaza. When you reached the workshop indicated on your map, you stood still in amazement.
It was covered in the coolest metal fixtures and gave off a mature aura you couldn’t quite put your finger on. If something like this had existed in the Underworld, you wouldn't have been able to see it in full detail anyways.
Not right now! I have a delivery to make! You snapped at yourself. You pried the door open with your hand and used the weight of your back to push your way inside. 
The inside of the building was just as interesting as the outside. Metal cogs spun with no aim in particular, more tools than you had ever seen in your lifetime adorned the walls, and old manuscripts were sprawled out all over the various surfaces. You wanted to explore it all already.
You spotted Gepard talking to a boldly dressed woman at the front desk. Another blue-haired woman was working on a blueprint off to the side, too absorbed in her work to notice the commotion at the door. 
“Aha! There you are!” You exclaimed. “I've got your delivery for this week. Some housekeepers told me I could find you here.” You bounded up to him with the boxes curled under your arm, smiling as he thanked you. 
“I apologize you had to go through all that trouble to find me.” He rubbed his temples. “I should have cleared the whole thing with them first. Here, let me take that for you,” 
The tall woman stepped out from behind the counter, looking you up and down with great interest. She had stunning lip gloss and blond hair with a lone blue streak on her right side. You wondered where she got her style from, as everyone on the surface dressed the same, for the most part.
“And who might you be?” She inquired. 
“I’m (Y/N), from the flower shop across the street.” You curtsied with a smile.
“What a cute little doll!” The woman tilted her head at you, her eyes sparkling with adoration. “Gepard, where on Jarilo-VI did you find them? I know everyone’s face, and I've never seen theirs,” 
You saw Gepard shift from side to side in the corner of your eye. 
“I started working there just a few weeks ago, actually! I’m from the Underworld,” you chirped. 
“No way! Well then, it’s a pleasure to be meeting you!” She offered her hand for you to shake, which you took graciously. She was so easygoing, it was easy to be drawn to her. 
“I'm Serval, this clumsy oaf’s sister.” She wrapped her arm around Gepard and poked him in the side. “The one over there is Molly, my assistant!” She pointed at the worker with blue hair in the corner, who gave you a quick thumbs-up. “It seems you know my brother?”
“Well—,” you started. 
“We don't need to go into detail now, I'm sure you have places to be,” Gepard interrupted, placing a hand on your shoulder. He hoped you couldn’t feel his palms sweating.
“No, no, no!” Serval pouted, “I'm invested now, can't you see?” She said, circling around you like a carnivore would. 
“Um. It’s fine, actually! That was the last of the deliveries scheduled for today,” you chimed in.
“Perfect! Molly, could you get our guest some tea?” Serval called. She led you to a small table with an oil lamp resting on it, pulling out your chair before she sat in her own. She rested her arm on the tabletop while leaning forward with a thrilled expression. 
Gepard stayed where he was, rubbing his forehead. The poor man’s cheeks were bright red. 
“So! How are you liking the city so far?” Molly set down two cups of steaming hot tea. You thanked her, then took a sip as you paused to think. It was fragrant and had just the right amount of sweetness.
“It’s honestly gorgeous. The air up here is so clean compared to the mines!” You replied energetically. 
“My thoughts exactly!” The woman across from you nodded. “There’s nothing like the cold Belobog air to wake you up in the mornings too. Have you visited the Everwinter Monument yet?” 
You took in a sharp breath. “No, I haven’t! Not for real, at least. I see it through the window of my apartment sometimes. Since I live and work in the same building, I haven’t really felt the need to explore the city yet,” you murmured. “Although, I'm being put on delivery more often, so I guess there’s that,” 
You gazed around the room curiously, taking another sip of your tea. 
“I've never been in a workshop this fancy before. What kind of work do you do here?” You asked.
“Well, we do a lot of mechanical repairs and research. Although, my brother might have mentioned that we hold Rock gigs here sometimes,” she responded. 
Said brother was looking at the delivery card with incredible concentration. 
I still don't know what a gig is, you sighed inwardly. 
“That's incredible! What instrument do you play?” You said, voice dripping with enthusiasm to make up for the confusion.
“Electric guitar,” Serval said. “I can go grab it for you if you'd like to see it,”
“Would I EVER???” You practically bounced out of your seat. She got up from the table and opened the door to a side room, snapping her fingers and humming to herself. 
Noticing a pot of purple flowers, your rose from your seat to inspect them. They were healthy and had enough sunlight. You gave a happy bounce of approval, then sauntered over to Gepard, who was still standing stiffly. 
“So that’s the sister you told me about, huh?” You smiled cheerfully. 
“Indeed. That’s her,” Gepard nodded in agreement. 
“I can't believe you have a MUSICIAN for a sister. She's so energetic!”
“I guess the only thing we have in common are our looks,” he mused. His eyes locked onto yours and you giggled.
“Pfft. You got that right,” 
“Miss Serval really is the epitome of exciting!” Molly called from her desk. You pumped a fist in silent agreement. 
“I guess you could say that. Although she can be a little overbearing sometimes.” Gepard sighed and looked off into the distance. “I'm really sorry to be dragging you out here on a work night,” 
“It’s okay, really. I could use a bit more excitement. My life doesn't need to revolve around the flower shop, after all,” you reassured him. 
When Serval came out of the side room with her guitar, everything clicked into place. 
No wonder her adorable little brother was being so sheepish! (Albeit, only a little more than usual.)
It’s because he was feeling shy, Serval deduced. Every time you looked him in the eyes, he looked away and his ears turned pink. She almost cooed out loud, giving him a pitying glance. This was TOO CUTE. 
A raucous grin spread across her face, which she quickly squashed before deciding her next move.
You turned to face the sound of heels clicking on the tile floor. 
“And here—,” she announced with a grand gesture—, “Is my magnum opus!” She laid her guitar on the table proudly.
You could not, for the life of you, see how the machine in front of you resembled a guitar in any way. It was large and avant garde, with a long black handle and tubes sticking off the side of the body.
It was still the coolest thing you had ever seen, though. 
“Wow. wow wow wow WOW!!” You gasped in amazement. “Can I-- can I touch it?!”
“Go ahead! Who am I to stop someone from admiring fine craftsmanship?” Serval chuckled lightly. You inspected the guitar with so much excitement, she could have sworn your head was about to explode.
“Anyhow, I need to check something in the back just for a quiiick second,” she said offhandedly, fishing through her pockets and pulling out a key made of brass. “C’mon Molly!”
Serval yanked the startled girl by the hand unceremoniously causing her pen to drop on the floor. She turned backwards for a split second and gave Gepard a wink.
Gepard gulped. He’s seen that look before. 
His rebellious sister was DEFINITELY planning something. 
When she returned, the smile on her face was even brighter. Blinding, even. Molly was nowhere to be seen.
“The mechanics are really well done!” You said excitedly. “I've never seen anything like it. Repairing minecarts and robots wasn’t anywhere near this level of intricacy,”
“Whoa! You really know what you're talking about, new friend! You know, if you're ever interested in working with us, we could always use an extra pair of hands in the workshop,” 
“I would LOVE that,” you replied. “I’ll have to adjust my work schedule first, though. I took on a few too many hours this week and tomorrow is my only free day. I was planning on using it to see the city,”
“It's no sweat! Come in anytime it strikes your fancy. Actually, the workshop happens to be closed that day too, would you be up to touring the city together?” 
You nodded vigorously. 
Serval grinned and clasped your hands with her own. You exchanged contacts, while Gepard pulled her aside to whisper something in her ear. She then promptly elbowed him in the gut, causing him to grunt in pain, Then out of the blue, your phone started dinging incessantly.
“Um, I don't think that's ME doing that—,” Serval said nervously. You furrowed your eyebrows, raising the screen closer to your face to get a better look. 
It was Vaska. They must have wanted you to come back to help close up shop. The sky outside had shifted from an orange to a deep blue, dotted sparsely with stars. You sighed and accepted the fact that you had to return to your ordinary flower-filled life.
Your disappointment was abruptly interrupted by a huge crash coming from the back room. Your phone almost flew into the air as everyone scrambled to check for the source of the noise. 
There Molly stood, covered head to toe in soot, coughing up a storm, with bits of machinery scattered everywhere. A few stray pieces rolled off the table the machine was sitting on. 
You made sure to watch your step as you clung to the walls to keep your balance.
“Oh, by Qlipoth,” Serval covered her face with her hand, closing her eyes. “I forgot we had an experiment running! Molly, are you all right?” She bent down, picking up some stray papers and rushed over to the girl. Serval dusted her assistant off worriedly.
You began to reach for some of the stray parts scattered on the floor, but Gepard held out a hand to stop you. 
“That's not a good idea. It's hard to see sharp edges with everything covered in soot right now. Let me take care of it,”
You blinked at him in surprise. 
“Well then, I guess it's a good thing I carry these around with me then!” You pulled out a pair of thick gloves from your apron triumphantly, and proceeded to carry on picking up the shrapnel. When Molly had been sufficiently cleaned up, Serval groaned. 
“The Department of Education wants these results in three days,” she spoke. “It'll take me all night to get this baby up and running again— I'm sorry, but I can't make it to our little outing tomorrow,”
You shook your head frantically. “I'm so sorry this happened!” You sighed. “If I hadn't distracted you—,”
“That's not it at all!” Serval interjected. “I can be a little scatterbrained sometimes. This kind of stuff happens all the time.” She gave a small laugh. “Geppie can attest to that,” 
He blanched, almost dropping an armful of tubes.
“I'm really, really sorry.” She bowed her head. “Gepard, could you take them instead? Please? I know you have this week off.” She placed her hands together in a praying motion and closed her eyes. He let out a small sound of surprise.
“It’s… not an issue,”
Serval’s eyes flew back open.
“Great! I’ll leave you two to it then!” Her old enthusiasm was back in the blink of an eye and she resumed sweeping up the room. Gepard led you back to the main entrance.
“Okay, I know I said I could use some excitement, but not THAT much excitement,” you said quietly.
“I suppose that makes two of us,” he replied. 
“Do things really blow up around here that often?”
“They sure do. She says it's all part of the process,” he spoke. “I hope that doesn't scare you too much,” 
“Not at all, actually. I've seen my fair share of explosions,” You chuckled. 
“That's a relief,”
Your phone rang again, and this time you answered it. You put it to your ear only to be deafened by Vaska’s screaming.
“The heck is taking you so long???” She barked. You could hear the clamor of your co-workers in the background.
“Gahh! Sorry, sorry! I’ll be right over,” you said hurriedly. 
“You better be,” she huffed impatiently. You hung up with a groan. As much as you hated it, she was right. Your duties for the night were far from over. 
“Oh! That reminds me,” you piped up. “Gepard, did I get your number? Wait… do you have a phone?”
“That would be a no and a yes.” He ran a hand across his hip, only to realize he didn't have it with him.
“That's fine.” You grabbed a marker from your pocket, and scanned the room for anything to write on.
You decided you'd rather not risk a catastrophe by grabbing a random piece of paper. Instead, this would work just as well. 
“Crud. Gepard, could I see your hand for a second?” He held out his right arm, the one with the gauntlet on it.
“The other one, silly!” You giggled. He complied.
The soldier flinched in surprise as you rolled back the sleeve on his left arm, holding his wrist with your other hand so you could press the ink onto his skin.
“You have my number now! Don't worry, it'll wash off pretty easily. Anyways, I'm looking forward to our outing tomorrow. I’ll see you then!” You said cheerfully.
“You as well," he called out to you as you rushed out the door. “Travel safely,” 
But then he froze. 
Wait just a minute. 
Isn’t Serval still banned from the Education Committee?
He pondered this thought for a moment, and then chuckled to himself. Well, now I know what that look was for,
The sun was high in the sky the next day when you met Gepard in front of the Everwinter Monument. 
He was hard to miss, really. The light reflected off every possible inch of his uniform. When you turned to face him, you had to shield your eyes with a gasp.
Oh, this man was too brilliant for everyday life. 
“I hope you weren't waiting too long,” he said gently, blonde strands of hair waving in the breeze. 
“Not at all! I was just taking my time admiring the monument.” You gazed back up at the incredible sculpture. “That’s not real ice… is it? I feel stupid for asking,” You murmured. 
“Not exactly. It does look remarkably realistic, though. It was made as a tribute to Plamya, one of the many great architects of this city,”
“What did she do?” You looked at him, feeling intrigued but slightly uneducated.
“She's the one who led the charge in constructing the citadel in order to protect the city from the eternal freeze,” he responded, gazing up at the structure. 
“I can't believe one woman spearheaded that entire operation!” you commented. “You sure know a lot about the history of Belobog, Gepard,”
“You could say that. Now, why don't we get going? There’s a lot to see in Belobog’s administrative district,” 
To say there was “a lot to see” in the Administrative District was the understatement of the century. 
It was everything you had imagined it to be, pieced together from stories told by your upperclassmen, and more. Your first decision was to stop at various newspaper stands, ecstatically flipping through half of the available merchandise. 
There was so much to read up here! In the Underworld, the same 30 books were cycled between people over and over again. Most of them were medical records kept by Natasha, too. 
Gepard made sure to point out important buildings and historic facts to you as you walked. You had no idea there was so much history to the place! You started bouncing down the street so excitedly, he had to pull you out of the way of an oncoming street car. 
Next, you made sure to peer through the windows of all of the shops. At one particular clothing store, you bent down to get a closer look at the stitchwork on the pieces. There was not a seam to be found. Your guide noticed you staring particularly hard at a certain item of clothing.
“Is there anything that piqued your interest?” Gepard inquired. You sighed, scrunching your face up.
“Well, yes, but I'd rather not spend recklessly right now. I don't want to look like an upstart,” you scoffed. You stared at the article a little longer before turning away and standing up.
“That’s understandable.” He folded his arms and nodded. He took a step back to get a better look at the display window that belonged to the boutique you were so curious about. 
After successfully making every shop owner in a 3-block radius uncomfortable, you decided to check out the famous theater in the area. The building was more elegant than anything you had ever seen in your life, with square columns were detailed down to the centimeter. You figured a single chunk would fetch a pretty decent price. You did still have your old mining pickaxe—,
You squished your face with your hands suddenly to dispel your unholy thoughts. A confused expression flickered across Gepard’s face, but he thought nothing of it. He merely wasn’t accustomed to seeing people this excited, especially when he was present.
You decided to write down a reminder to buy tickets for your next day off.
By noon, you were ridiculously parched from scurrying around the city. You spotted your savior, a friendly vending machine, resting by the stone wall of the lower level of the city. You enthusiastically punched in the numbers for a Jim Roger Bread Soda, asking Gepard if he would like one too.
“Soda? I’ve only had the pleasure of trying it once,” he responded, 
“Ah, I see. We used to drink it a lot when the water wasn't safe,” you reminisced, meeting his gaze. “I wasn't sure if you guys indulged in that type of thing up here,”
“It wouldn't hurt to expand my view on beverages, I suppose.” He rested a hand on his chin thoughtfully.
You fed some more coins into the machine, and out popped a differently shaped bottle. It was rather small, especially for someone with hands like Gepard’s. 
“The carbonation in this one is a little weaker, so maybe you'll like it better. Who knows?” You said with a grin, handing it to him.
When he inspected the label, it read, “Strawberry Svarog”, complete with a curly straw and a cartoon of a laughing child. He deduced it must have been a children’s soda, popping the cap off and tilting his head back, but you stopped him before the bottle reached his lips.
“Nuh uh,” you shook your head disapprovingly. “You’ve gotta use the straw, or else you won't get the full experience!” 
He looked at you quizzically. “Do I really have to?”
You pursed your lips at him. He sighed, tearing open the straw and taking a sip. You had to admit, he did look a little silly, with a serious look on his face and his nose all scrunched up. Stifling a giggle, you screwed the cap off your own soda.
“How is it?” You asked. “I don't think I've ever had that flavor before— Strawberry Svarog? I wonder what he would think if he found out he was being used as a marketing gimmick,” you snickered. 
What on Jarilo-VI is a strawberry? Gepard wondered.
“Not too shabby. Here, try some.” He held it out to you, but instead of taking it in your hands to drink, you leaned forward and took a sip while he was still holding it.
The background chatter around you seemed to cease slightly. 
“I agree! A little on the lukewarm side, but—,”
Mortified, you realized what you had done. 
“Shoot—! I'm s-sorry. Must be gardener’s reflexes or something! I guess I thought I still had dirt on my hands or something… hahaha,” you trailed off.
Your face felt like it was burning as you flailed your arms about, so you spun around quickly to prevent him from seeing your frazzled expression. 
And it was a good thing you did, too, or else you would have seen his.
The soldier next to you resembled more so a “strawberry” than a man. His eyes darted around wildly as he turned the other way to give you some privacy, his hands falling to his side. 
“W-well, no matter.” He coughed. “Why don't we stop and get something to eat as well? You must be famished,”
“Yeah… definitely,”
Gepard took you to the cafe by Serval’s workshop, where she and Molly would often stop by on their lunch breaks. You grabbed a croquette sandwich, and him, a muffin. You sat down at the metal tables outside and began to enjoy your food. 
The guard made a noticeable clanking noise as he sat down. He was almost a head taller than you. It was a little embarrassing, frankly. 
“So, Gepard, do you always wear your uniform when you're out and about?” You questioned. 
“I do, yes.” He nodded.
“It has to be comfortable if you wear it all the time, then,” 
Gepard hummed thoughtfully. “Not exactly. But it is required of me, after all.” He took a bite of his muffin. 
You reached across the table and grasped the arm with the gauntlet, examining it closely.
“Whoa! It’s really warm!” You exclaimed, turning his hand over so his palm faced upwards. You curled each of his fingers almost instinctively. “This thing makes you look really tough, you know?” You added. 
Gepard could have died right then and there, and he would have been happy.
“R-really? You think so?” He closed his eyes bashfully. 
You hummed in response, still focused on his handguard.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen anyone around here that looks remotely close to him, you wondered. I figured there would be more, since he's a soldier and all, 
You took a bite of your food, determined to remain unbothered. Gepard finished his muffin quickly, so you offered him half your sandwich in your usual generous fashion. 
As you finished up, a commotion coming from the center of the plaza drew your attention. A crowd of around forty people had gathered by the monument, clapping their hands to a steady beat. They seemed to be arranged in a circle surrounding someone.
Your face lit up as you heard the tones of an instrument beneath the chatter of people. The metal chair, which you had been sitting in previously, was pushed away with a screech as you got up. 
Gepard reached out a hand to you as you sprinted towards the throes of people, but faltered and let out a defeated sigh. He gave in and rose to join you instead.
When you reached the center of the square, you spotted the musician you often saw practicing outside the shop, strumming her guitar as people smiled around her. (Although the only reason you knew of her was because Vaska had a huge crush on her and would NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. “Ooh, (Y/N), do you think she likes reading? Do you think she likes Tale of the Winterlands???” It was actually kind of sweet, though.)
According to your sheepish co-worker, it was “just a passing fancy”. This “passing fancy” had been going on for about two months. 
I wonder if I should take a video to send to her, you wondered with an amused smile.
You began to tap your foot in sync with the downbeats of the song. You were taken aback by just how quickly the music ensnared you in its hold. It filled you with energy that coursed through your veins.
And it seemed like you weren't the only one, either. Several people in the crowd began to dance, children and couples alike twirling hand-in-hand. You feel a grin start to form on your face, and decided that now would be a great time to join the fray. 
You leapt into the center, right next to the musician, who gave you a wink. You swayed on your feet with the strums of the guitar, your dress whirling. You kicked your legs into the air, mirroring the person across from you with a giggle. 
Meanwhile, Gepard was politely making his way towards the front of the crowd. 
“Excuse me, apologies, coming through,” he muttered while tapping on people’s shoulders. The crowd parted when they spotted him coming. 
He strained his neck to look into the mass of dancers, spotting you at the center, dipping your arms and spinning on your feet with another girl your age. 
You caught a glimpse of Gepard’s iconic uniform in your line of sight, and immediately waltzed over to him in a rather dramatic fashion. 
You ran your fingers down his forearms lightly, and then interlaced your hands with his, yanking him backwards with all your might into the dancers. He yelped as he stumbled into your arms. For someone built like a tank, he sure came unbalanced easily. 
“Wait— ah, h-hold on, I don't know how to dance—,” Gepard stammered, glancing down at you. 
“That's fine, just hold on to me!” You winked at him, pulling him closer so he couldn't back out. You rested a hand on his shoulder, and wrapped the other around his gauntlet. You shuffled him into a silly looking box step, something that would resemble a dance a family might have in the kitchen.
Gepard’s breath was much heavier than usual, especially because he was in such close proximity to you. Your chests were pressed together, in order to take up the least amount of space as other people spun past you. 
His eyes were wide with surprise as you raised his arm and twirled under it. It took all of his concentration to keep his hands from shaking. He was worried about gripping you too tightly or too loosely, as one wrong move from a guard like him could squish you. 
He tried to dispel his worries, and instead focused on you. You were as radiant as the sun, with a smile brighter than the Belobog snow. 
You two wove through the crowd, stepping rowdily with the upbeat music, and he tried his best to keep up. Gepard felt his cheeks warming while you stared into his eyes, an elated expression paining your features. Unfortunately, it was cut short though. You stepped on your own foot and sent you both tumbling onto the pavement, the clatter of his armor dimming the laughter of children for a split second. 
The crowd stepped out of the way as you rolled on the stone ground, limbs tangling together. 
You burst into raucous laughter as you sat up, holding your stomach because it hurt so much and wiping tears from your eyes. Gepard was engaged in breathy laughter of his own. He looked just like a prince when he was happy, you realized.
“Wow, that was… incredible,” He coughed.
“I know right? I have the grace and beauty of a warp trotter.” You got up and curtseyed, flaring your jacket for extra impact and offering a hand to him.
“I don't see why that matters as long as you're having fun,” He took your hand and you pulled him up with a grunt.
You noticed the crowd was giving you some strange glances, some of them looking directly at you as they whispered under their breath. You clenched your jaw slightly. 
“I guess you're right. On the other hand, you got pretty into it too!” You turned your attention back to him, teasing him with a grin. He wiped his cheek with a distracted look.
Heading out of the crowd, you leaned on his shoulder like a wounded soldier. When you finally escaped, you realized the sun was setting with a start.
“My gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to take this long,” you spoke, embarrassed. “I just got super caught up in the moment, s’all,” 
“No worries,” He said as he gestured reassuringly. “I enjoyed it. I can't remember the last time I spent some quality time in the city,”
“I guess there's always some fun to be had, even if you've lived here your whole life,” you commented. “Wait! I almost forgot— I wanted to get a picture in front of the monument,” you fished your phone out from your bag.
“Of course,” he said courteously, holding his hand out towards you. You looked at him, puzzled.
“Of us, I mean,”
“Oh, um… sure,” He swallowed a lump in his throat.
“It’s all right if you'd rather not,” you yammered, your face beginning to heat up. “It’s just that it's my first time on an outing with a friend! I wanted something to remember it by,” 
“It's fine, it’s not an inconvenience or anything,” he blurted out. 
You motioned for him to stand in front of the monument next to you and raised your phone up. No matter how hard you tried though, you could never catch more than half of his face in the frame, even on your tippy toes. You grumbled as you kept trying to adjust your position.
He took the phone from you gently, holding it up so it caught you both from above. The shutter clicked and he handed it back to you, and you raised your arms above your head with a cheer.
“It looks great! Thank you so, so much. I’ll send it to you once I get the chance,” you beamed. 
“I would enjoy that,” he responded with a soft smile. Fortunately for him, the sunset hid the blush on his face that stubbornly refused to go away. 
He walked you back to the florists, shoulder to shoulder. The streets were now quieter, with the trams having stopped for the day, and all that remained outside the shop was a group of kids and their caretakers. 
You stopped at the stairs, bowing your head when you turned around. 
“Thank you for accompanying me today,” you said gently, rocking from the balls of your feet to your heels. 
“My pleasure,” Gepard replied. He placed a hand on his chest and nodded back, just like a gentleman would. 
As corny as it seemed, your heart fluttered in your ribcage. Resting a hand on your hip, you used the other one to flick him in the forehead, sending a few strands of golden hair flying. You bit your lip to keep from laughing. 
His eyes sprung open, his hand going to his forehead in surprise. 
“It’s best you get going,” you said. “Soldiers need their beauty rest, after all. Get home safely!” 
He nodded with a silent smile before turning away and starting off towards the direction of Qlipoth Fort. While he was walking, he felt a vibration in his pocket. 
His phone had one new notification, which was from you. Gepard opened up the messaging app to see the photo you had taken. You were wearing a goofy grin, and he was bent down with his lips pressed together sheepishly.
Gepard felt something akin to happiness bubbling up from his chest. He looked up into the sky, allowing himself a single second to loosen up, and pumped his fists into his chest. He sauntered towards the estate, humming one of his sister’s songs as he went. 
Meanwhile, the kids playing nearby were dumbfounded. A little red-haired girl stopped and pointed at him.
“Mommy, what's that man doing?”
A few days later, you were sitting on the edge of your mattress, waiting for Vaska to reply to a text you sent earlier that morning. Two tickets to the Golden Theater laid on your bedside table. Your phone buzzed and your hand darted to pick it up nervously. 
From: Vaska
Vaska: Sorry, I can't come to the theater today! 
Vaska: I haven’t had time to reread Tale of the Winterlands lately. I wanted to get to that today.
You: That’s all right! The tickets were discounted, so I just figured I would get them! Enjoy your reading!
Vaska: Wait, I am available for lunch though. 
Vaska: It feels like forever since I’ve seen you! 
You: Vaska, we work together.
Vaska: Yes. And?
You: …
You: Ok, I’ll be there.
You sighed, shaking your head. It had been a bad idea to buy an extra ticket, even if they WERE discounted for the final day of thIs play they were showing. 
Well, worst case scenario, I have a fancy piece of paper I can hang up, but it’ll be a shame if this ticket gets wasted, you thought to yourself.
You chewed on your nails. Should I ask Serval? She might still be busy fixing her device. I’d better not… 
What about Gepard? Maybe I could pay him back for giving me that tour, You flicked the screen to Gepard’s contact info, but you noticed the name in the slot read “Gerard” instead. 
Oh shoot, better fix that,
You tapped the screen to edit his name, but hit the “call” button by mistake. 
“Nono wait no—,” you gasped. Your thumb darted to the red icon in the corner, but you heard someone on the other line pick up ridiculously quickly. 
“Hello? Gepard Landau speaking,” His voice was clear on the other end. Your nervous system threatened to wrangle its way out of your body that very second. 
“Hi! Hello! Um—, I’m really sorry,” you stuttered. “I clicked the call button by mistake,”
“Oh..? That’s all right,” There was no marked change in tone when he spoke again. He was standing in the office of the new Supreme Guardian, right next to some stacks of papers. Pela peeked her head out from behind one of them.
“I was meaning to ask you about something though,” you blurted out, grabbing your beret from the side table. “I happen to have an extra ticket to the Golden Theater. There’s a showing today at two o’clock. I'm sorry it’s on short notice, but would you like to come with me?” 
Gepard clasped his phone in a death grip.
“Ahem—, yes. That works for me. I don't have any urgent meetings today. Can I meet you on the steps outside the building?” He asked. 
“Yep! Sounds good! I’ll see you— YEOW!!!” Your foot smacked your dresser as you spun towards the door. You yelped as your phone flew out of your hands and landed on the ground a solid meter away. 
You groaned, rolling onto your back and sitting up, tears springing to your eyes. 
“Shit—! Aeons, that hurt,” you winced.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)?? Is everything all right?” You heard Gepard say loudly. 
“Y-yeah. I tripped, s’all,” you grunted, placing a hand on the wall to keep yourself steady as you rose to your feet. “That definitely woke me up,”
“Take care of yourself,” he sighed, relieved.
“Yep, yep! I’ll see you— soon!” You choked out and hung up frantically. You placed both hands against the wall and hit your head against it repeatedly, groaning in shame. 
You were in the middle of fixing the broken cash register when a familiar blonde-haired woman walked through the door.
“Serval!” Your head shot up as you gave her an excited wave. “Good to see you! What brings you to our shop today?” 
She strolled over to the counter, where various pieces of equipment were sprawled out on the surface. 
“Mornin’ (Y/N)! Molly and I were just RAVING about how the flowers Gepard got us have livened up the place!” Serval tossed her silky hair over her shoulder. “We were thinking of buying some more, since we could really use some more color in our lives,”
“I'm sure flowers are better than soot,” you giggled. “What did the Ministry of Education say about the experiment you were running?”
“Huh?” Serval looked bewildered. 
“The research project? Y’know, the one that exploded??” A shadow of confusion flickered across your face.
“Oh! Yes, that one! They were gracious enough to give me an extension.” She shook her head up and down aggressively, her eyes rattling in her skull.
“I'm glad to hear it!” You wiped your forehead in relief, turning to some pots resting on a cabinet. “So… as for the flowers… I know you have the purple ones, so why not go with yellow? Purple can represent maturity and elegance, and yellow might round it out a bit.” You ran your fingers across the wood.
“Although, if you'd like to keep the place feeling more formal, you could go with these blue ones here,” you quipped. “They match Molly’s hair,” 
You lifted up the planter that held said flowers, which were white on the inside, but faded into a dark teal on the edges.
Serval reached out to touch them tentatively, her eyes flicking towards something behind you.
“Hmm… what’s that one over there?” She said inquisitively.
“Oh--!” You spun around to see what she was pointing at. It was a wooden window box, filled to the brim with flowers of every hue.
“That’s one of our clearance boxes! We had a mix up with the seed packets during planting time, so they’re 30% off. Pretty interesting looking, right?” You lifted up the box, your chest heaving with effort. 
“Definitely.” She peered over the walls of the box with an approving smile. “I'll take this one,”
“Really? Are you sure?” 
“One hundo percent. This one speaks to me,” she mused.
“Fair enough. Whatever pleases the Rock Star of Belobog.” You shook your head and shrugged.
“Oh please, you flatter me,” she chuckled. You pushed the components of the cash register into a neat pile to make way for the flowers. 
A ghost of a smile crossed your lips as you recalled how painstakingly long Gepard had spent picking up the flowers for his sister, and just how spontaneously she had chosen hers. 
I can’t believe I know people equally as incredible, but as different as night and day, you contemplated.
“So, (Y/N),” Serval piped up, snapping you out of your thoughts. “You seem awfully chipper today. Did something good happen?”
Maybe something involving a certain bashful captain? She thought with a sly smile. 
The air in the room seemed to turn pink as you swayed happily. 
“Well, business has been skyrocketing lately with the weather getting warmer.” You rested your head in the palm of your hand thoughtfully. “More people feel like they have the means to take care of flowers! In fact, there’s been a ton of people coming in today,”
“Awwh, that's wonderful!” She said joyfully. “...anything else?”
Her smile grew wider. Serval could almost sense there was something you weren’t telling her. You gulped. 
“Um— well, Gepard and I are heading to the theater today,” you said, a little quieter than the way you had talked previously. “I wanted to thank him for guiding me around the plaza a few days back,”
“What??? Why didn't you lead with that??” She slammed her hands on the desk, flabbergasted. You flinched and shook your head. 
“It’s not THAT big of a deal,” you brushed it off sheepishly. “Just a little outing, nothing more to it,”
Serval’s bottom lip quivered with something between joy and rage.
“It is too!” she argued. “My brother lives and breathes his work. I can't believe someone is finally helping him loosen up a bit,” She sniffled dramatically. “I think I'm getting teary-eyed!” 
You handed her the hefty window box with a smirk. “If you say so. Well then, it was great seeing you! Take good care of them,” 
“Of course! Have fun on your date!!!” Serval sang, pushing the door open.
She gave you a salute with her free hand and slipped through the crack in the door before it shut. 
Well, that was weird, to say the least,
“... and seventy-five grams high nutrient fertilizer,” Gepard murmured, reading off the slip of paper you had given him. He scooped some fine powder from the burlap sack, lowering himself to eye-level with the plant with the meticulousness of a scientist. 
His blue eyes were fixed on the measuring spoon, tilting it onto the plant when his sister barged in. She was carrying a box of flowers, almost slamming the door into the wall with how much foece she put in. Gepard flinched so hard he flung the spoon into the air and it hit the ceiling with a “thud”.
“Geppie!!!” Serval shouted affectionately as the spoon landed on the hardwood. “A little birdie told me that you have a date at the theater today!!” 
She sauntered in and set down the flower box on his desk. He looked on sadly as bits of soil fell onto his paperwork.
“A d-date? Where’d you get that from? And how did you even get in here!? I thought the Landau—,” he stumbled over his own words and she cut him off, too elated to notice how she was trampling his attempts to speak.
“I stopped by the flower shop this morning. You never mentioned anything of the sort!” She swayed excitedly.
“That’s because I found out today,” Gepard grumbled. “They merely had an extra ticket.” He bent down to gather some of the fertilizer into a pile on the floor.
Unless… they said it was a date..? He felt hope rising in his chest but he quickly squashed it. Hope? No, he wasn’t hoping. Of course not. 
Serval smirked, stepping closer to him. 
“Don't think I don't notice how utterly smitten you are.” She looked at her nails with a frivolous expression. “You know, how your face gets all rosy, your voice gets higher, and you listen extra hard when they speak?” 
Gepard’s lips pulled back into a thin line. He glanced at the bamboo plant one last time before spinning around and dropping onto the bed, the mattress straining with the sudden weight.
The Captain rested his head in his hands, heaving a sigh as his blue eyes stared onto the floor. 
“Is it… that obvious?” He said quietly.
Serval widened her eyes in surprise. Usually her brother stood his ground and brushed her off. She took a break from her teasing to plop down on the feather bed next to him. 
“Maybe just to me,” she answered. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling. 
“After all, I've known you long enough that I've never seen you care about anything this much. Your sister gets a little worried sometimes! You practically live and breathe your work.” Serval leaned slightly off the bed to get a closer look at his face, analyzing his features.
“And, as much as I love to tease you about it, I’m really happy my cute little brother has found someone he wants to offer his heart to,”
She rifled a hand through his hair teasingly, sending golden strands everywhere. Gepard’s hands shot up defensively with a grunt. They sat in silence for a bit, until she spoke up again.
“Also, I’ve noticed you've gotten pretty good at taking care of plants now too! Look at you, my little gardener!” Said Serval. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair now. I doubt the Landau Residence really wants me around anyways.” She shrugged, picking up her box. She kicked the door open unceremoniously and skipped out into the hallway, leaving a plethora of confused faces in her wake. 
Gepard sighed. She hadn’t let him get a single word in edgewise. It was the trademark Landau stubbornness, after all.
Vaska’s stream of praises for the cafe you had chosen today were endless. She had the expression of someone who had just won the lottery as she bit into a cinnamon strudel. 
“Mmm, thish ish sooo delicious...” She licked the sugary dust off her fingers in satisfaction, wiping her lips and picking up another one. “How’d you find this place?”
“A friend introduced me,” you replied as you sipped your raspberry mint tea. “I'm surprised you didn't know about it, actually,”
“Well, I'm trying to avoid spending money because I’m saving for the upcoming sequel of my favorite book!” She giggled. The air seemed to be filled with sparkles all of a sudden. 
“Is it to Tale of the Winterlands?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“Aren't you afraid of it being confiscated?” 
“Not anymore,” Vaska crossed her arms with a smile. “It’s pending approval. Anyways, I didn't know you had friends outside of the flower shop. I'm glad you're finally branching out!” 
She rested her index finger on her cheek before continuing. “Although… Meg is gonna have your head if you keep coming back late after deliveries,”
“Gah, I know, I know. I just get so caught up talking to one of the clients. The friend I was just talking about,”
“Hmph. I'm just trying to keep you out of the fire, you know. On the other hand, she sounds delightful! What’s she like?”
“Um,” you paused. “He’s a guard,”
“A guard?” Her eyes glittered as she leaned across the table. “No way. An Underworlder and a guard, huh? What an interesting pair!” 
You chuckled. “I guess you're right. He can be a little awkward sometimes, but he's very genuine and diligent!” 
“As all good guards are, of course,” she nodded. A surprised expression flickered across your face.
“Vaska… Is there something you want to tell me?” You jested. “I didn't know you had a type. Besides the musician, of course,”
You've never seen someone’s expression go deadpan so quickly. 
“No. Nope. You've got it all wrong!!” She crossed her forearms in an “X”. 
“The idea of romance isn't half bad, but being in it sounds way too hard. If anything, my type would be more like Anna, from—,”
“Tale of the Winterlands,” you interjected again. She hummed in approval.
“That’s understandable,” you said. “You’re both very independent,”
“Aww, you think so?” A rosy blush spread across your co-worker’s face. “It's so nice to have a friend like you,”
She fiddled with the straw in her drink. “Anyways… what's the name of your guard friend?” You took a sip of your own before replying.
Vaska’s jaw dropped through the floor.
“WHAT?!?” She stood up and slammed her hands onto the table. You recoiled in shock, her exclamation almost blowing your beret off. Heads turned towards your table as you panicked.
“Shh! Vaska, keep it down!” You hissed, placing your hands on her forearms in an attempt to soothe her. She sat back down and began to chew on her fingernails.
“Gepard… Gepard Landau??”
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, built like a tank?”
“Yeah, what about him? He’s not like a serial killer or something, right??”
Your mind flashed back to the times he directed you to the inside of the sidewalk or smiled tenderly at the flowers in the shop when he thought no one was looking.
No way—,
“No, goodness gracious no. Of course not! Gepard is the furthest thing from a serial killer you could get.” She shook her head vigorously, her beret flying off and drifting to the floor. She leaned down from her chair to grab it, her face still red from shouting.
“Then WHY is this such a big deal??” You inquired with an exasperated look on your face. 
“It’s because HE'S THE CAPTAIN OF THE SILVERMANE GUARDS,” she spat out in a single breath. She let out a wheeze as she dropped her head onto the table.
It was your turn for your jaw to drop. 
“Th--, Th-the Captain?!? Oh Aeons…” you stammered, biting on a mint leaf. You winced as the icy juices spread across your tongue. 
“Didn't you notice no other ‘guard’ in the area looked like him?”
“I mean, yes. But I thought the guards OUTSIDE the city wore stuff like that too,” you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear nervously.
“Oh by the PRESERVATION.” She ran a palm across her face. 
“And— and I did notice people gave us some weird looks when we danced in the square—,”
Vaska was about to rip her hair out. You buried your face in your arms and nodded. 
“...Vaska, does this mean I have to stop hanging out with him?” You said quietly.
She grabbed you by the cheeks and pulled you close.
“NO. Of course not. It’s just that.. I’d hate for you to be involved in some high class squabble or something,” she snorted. “You know how easily agitated the nobles are,”
“Er—, Not really?”
“Well, they are! Who knows, you probably already have a bunch of jealous suitors!” 
You held your palms out to placate her. “I mean, Gepard is great and all, but it’s really not like that. He values his work more than anything,” 
“You can't ever be too safe.” She gave you a warning glance. “If rumors get spread, and you lose your job, who would I look forward to talking to every day??” 
“I’d still come and visit!” You protested. “And I hardly believe Meg would kick me out because of a bunch of silly rumors,” you said flatly.
“That is NOT the issue,” she groaned. You reached out and clasped her hands.
“Don't worry, Vaska. I'm gonna be careful, okay?” 
“I trust you, but just know I will be terrified. Forever. ‘Til the end of days,” she bemoaned. 
“I get where you’re coming from,” you reassured her. “Just remember, this is my decision. I’d never take on anything I couldn’t handle!”
She pouted, stretching her arm across the cafe table and snagging your tea. She took a sip and handed it back to you.
“Ugh. Too much milk,” she scowled before quickly returning to her normal self. “Now, Tell me what being friends with the Captain of the Silvermane Guards is like…” 
You laughed gently. 
“Of course. I'd be happy to,”
Later, after you had left the cafe, you opened up your phone and sent a text to Serval. 
To: Serval
You: Serval, why did no one bother telling me that your brother is the captain of the Silvermane Guards???
Serval: …belobog’s last bastion of hope?
You: Do NOT avoid the question
Serval: ahahaha
Serval: sorry, sorry
Serval: I thought you knew
You: I did not.
Serval: oops
Serval: don’t worry, it’s not like he's any less dorky when he's commanding platoons or anything
Read at 13:22 pm ✅
You just about threw your phone across the street. 
The wind was a little stronger than usual the day you met Gepard for your theater “date”. You had to bring along a pack of tissues to keep from sniffling the entire walk there. It almost felt like little ice crystals were lodging in your throat as you breathed.
The Captain was leaning up against a wall outside of the building. He was wearing less armor than usual, this time only dressed in a white military tunic with a black jacket underneath. His usual gauntlet was missing and had been replaced with black leather gloves, and a few blue and gold metals dotted his chest. 
Wow. That is a LOT of medals, you whispered internally. You felt a little weird in your traditional Belobogian attire. You suspected people would just assume he was escorting some poor pedestrian. 
Even without the uniform you were so used to seeing, he was no less noticeable.
Or dashing, you thought, glancing off to the side. Then you remembered the conversation you had with Serval earlier. You felt something tug at your heart.
I’m sure he has his reasons, you shook your head to clear the doubt. 
“There’s quite a sizable crowd today. Is it always like this?” You spoke up, trotting beside him towards the entrance stairs. 
The building was grand, it stood out like a gem amidst gravel alongside the other buildings. It had columns made of intricately carved stone, and brilliantly dyed banners hung from every surface possible. 
“Ah, yes. The Golden Theater is a magnet for people seeking a way to spend their leisure.” Gepard adjusted the collar of his jacket. “Take care not to get trampled,”
“I’ll try,” you said haphazardly. You pulled out the delicate silver tickets from your pocket and held them up into the sunlight, examining them energetically. 
His eyes rolled down to where your small form stood shivering in the cold, but still trying your best to keep the tremor out of your voice. A part of him wanted to reach down and pull you closer. He looked forward again to prevent himself from thinking too hard about it.
Gepard noticed that your eyes lingered on him a little longer than usual, especially on the medals. He felt a twinge of nervousness somewhere deep in his chest. 
I'm sure it's nothing, he sighed inwardly. 
You arrived at the mahogany doors to the theater, held open by rather formal-looking workers, and went in. You squinted in surprise at just how bright it was due to gaudy crystal chandeliers reflecting light across the walls. It smelled like velvet and old books, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just unfamiliar.
“You seem very excited,” he said, gazing down at you. You nodded. 
“Excited?? I’m thrilled! Yet another thing I can cross off the bucket list!” You said confidently, pressing your fist to your chest. “I'm sure you've seen these events a thousand times, right? It must be pretty weird seeing me get excited about these types of things.” You pulled at the fabric of your clothing to distract yourself. 
“This is the first time you’ve been able to take advantage of the activities offered on the Surface. It would be unreasonable of me to expect you not to be thrilled,” Gepard said, surprised. “And I haven’t, for the record. Serval was never one to enjoy formal events.” He shrugged. 
He gazed back at you as you stared at the paintings decorating the hallway. A lot of them were snowy and unforgiving landscapes, illustrating the devastation the Eternal Freeze had caused. 
“I guess you wouldnt’ve had too much time for it, either. Captain’s duties, right?” You chirped. 
Gepard froze. 
It was something about the way you said it, tinged with just a little too much enthusiasm. 
You continued to walk, seemingly unbothered while he frantically searched for something to bring up. You stopped at a display of a metal sculpture and “oohed” at it, then dodged a random passerby as more people began to stream in. It didn’t look like you were mad, at least. 
That feeling of nervousness from earlier resurfaced, making him feel like his insides were churning. Gepard was at a loss for words. He had assumed you knew at first, but it became clearer as time went on that you didn’t.
It was unusual for him NOT to mention it, but after your first meeting, he felt like he shouldn’t. He didn’t want to lose that strange feeling of being on equal footing with someone. 
You were so genuine and inquisitive, unlike the numerous businessmen and aristocrats of the city. The burden on his shoulders lessened the slightest bit when he talked to you. 
It’s not like he minded dedicating his life to his duties, but he didn’t want to let go of the warmth you offered him. 
Was he selfish for wanting that?
His eyebrows scrunched up as he mulled over what the right thing to say would be, but he couldn't drum up a solution before an usher gave you both a slip of paper and showed you to your seats. They were more towards the back of the chamber, next to a door covered in black fabric to minimize the amount of light getting in. You two sat down on the velvet cushions in silence, while the auditorium around you was bustling with chatter. 
You clenched your fists in your lap, beginning to get a little nervous at the silence as well. Gepard was a man of few words, but it was far too quiet for your liking. 
Was that the wrong thing to say? Your thoughts fired at a mile a minute. Maybe he thinks I’m snooping around… Does he think I only want to get closer to him because of his position??
I guess people of our standing wouldn’t normally hang out anyways. Vaska had a point. I do feel kind of weird now that I know,
I’m not afraid of the nobles, you realized. I’m afraid I’m going to bring him down, 
Scenarios started flashing into your head, making you squeeze your eyes shut as you tried to expel them from your brain. As the curtains rose and the lights dimmed, you tried to focus your mind on the story instead.
A show this grand had never graced the likes of the Underworld, you realized as it started. The play you had bought tickets to on a whim was called a “musical”, you believed they called it. 
I don't see why they need to sing to tell a story, you thought skeptically. The lead singer was gorgeous, though. Her name was Tamila, if you remembered correctly. You took a look at the pamphlet that the usher gave you, when blinding light filled your vision. 
Blinking like a warp trotter in the headlights of a streetcar, you realized one of the spotlights had turned your way, onto the door, to be exact. 
You saw the fabric swish open as a woman in a gilded mask whisked out, belting out a new musical number and leaping down the aisle. Several more dancers followed behind her, swooping their arms in synchrony. 
You had to admit, it was a cool idea, although you could use a little less light in your face. You figured it had to do with the fact you had only experienced the serene light of the geomarrow column most of your life, not whatever the heck this was. 
Even with the ridiculous amount of light in your eyes, you came to realize with a start that most of it wasn’t even hitting you. Gepard had it way worse, he was actually catching the majority of the spotlight. You could see how his blue eyes were squinting as he tried his best to focus on the scene. It was kind of cute, actually. 
Huh, so it’s just like in real life too, you thought, amused. You made up your mind at that very moment. 
If Gepard was the sun, it was only natural others would live in his shadow. It didn’t matter if he was the captain or not, as long as you still wanted to spend time together, everything was fine as it was.
Besides, if anyone ever gave you flack, you could just get out your old mining pickaxe. 
You turned your eyes back to the play, the troupe of people that had entered from the door had finally joined the main group onstage. The dance grew into a passionate frenzy, and then finished with the masked woman sweeping Tamila into the air, then catching her as the cast cheered. 
Clapping joyfully, you watched the actors bow while the audience showered them in bouquets. 
Wow. No wonder there were so many people coming in today, you realized. You wilted a bit as one of the actors stepped on a Rainbow and turned it to mush. 
Gepard couldn’t help but smile at your appreciation for the show as you left the theater, stopping outside the building to avoid the worst of the crowd.
The wind was even stronger than before. You tucked your face into the collar of your shirt miserably while shuffling behind Gepard in hopes he could block the wind for you. 
“Th-thank you for coming with me G-Gepard,” you shivered. “I know h-how you must have a limited amount of free time,”
“Of course,” he replied. “With the Fragmentum letting up, I’ve been able to be out and about more often,” 
The Captain noticed you shying behind him, so he stepped a little closer. You probably weren’t quite used to the cold yet. You thanked him silently.
“In fact,” he continued. “I’ve taken it upon myself to be a volunteer tour guide at the museum as of late,”
“The History and uh… whatever one?” You sniffled.
“History and Culture, yes.” He nodded wisely. He brushed a couple stray hairs out of his face but the wind immediately blew them back.
“Gepard, that’s incredible. You work as hard as ten men!” You giggled. He snorted gently.
“I should stop by sometime. Do you know when the hours are?”
“I’m afraid I don't,” Gepard said, placing a hand on his chin deliberately. “But there should be a sign outside the entrance,”
“If you want, we can stop by before we part ways,” he offered. The Captain pointed over to a faraway building as you walked down the stairs, the crowd having finally eased up.
“Only if you want to. I don't want to drag you by the ear or anything,” you grinned but immediately regretted it as your teeth chattered.
He shook his head. “I'd never offer to do anything I didn’t want to do,”
You gave him a skeptical look. 
“You offered to clean Serval’s workshop…”
You could hardly stop yourself from breaking into a run as you neared the museum entrance. A fountain with a large Geomarrow heater sat outside the building and you almost forgot what you were there for as you watched it, mesmerized. A museum employee was standing in front of a corkboard, which you took a quick picture of. Then you turned back to the fountain. 
“Whoa, running water,” you murmured, awestruck. You turned to Gepard, who was standing a few meters away, and called,
“Hey! Gepard! How much trouble would I be in if I drank some??”
“The plumbing system in this city goes back 700 years. I wouldn’t recommend it,” he responded flatly, folding his arms. 
You turned back to the fountain, humbled. You didn’t need any more iron in your system than you already had. 
Resting your arms on the rim of the base, a glint of bronze flickered in the corner of your vision. A small coin landed in the water with a plop. 
You turned to see where it came from, promptly spotting Gepard walking up to you. He tapped you on the shoulder and placed a coin in the palm of your hand. He made a flicking motion with his thumb, which you mimicked, closing your eyes. The coin flipped into the air and landed in the top level of the fountain.
“Nice job,” Gepard commented. You pumped a fist into the air. 
“So… what did you wish for?” You inquired. He sighed.
“I don’t think I’m liable to tell you that,” said the Captain with a serious glance at you. Too serious. You prodded him with your index finger.
Giving up, you looked back at the water but suddenly something large and made of metal crashed into you from behind. 
You toppled in headfirst, inadvertently inhaling a huge gulp of water. You sputtered as you panicked and tried to figure out which way was up, when you felt arms wrap around your legs and back, lifting you out of the basin. 
Clinging to the chest of your rescuer, you coughed harshly, the cold air scraping your lungs while water dripped out your mouth. You were lowered gently onto the ground, recognizing the medals on Gepard’s coat as he stood up and leaned over you. 
“(Y/N), are you alright?” 
Is this the face of God? You wondered, dazed as you stared into his blue eyes. He shouted something you were definitely not paying attention to.
You sat up, almost knocking him in the head. Your eyes traveled towards two guilty looking kids, standing behind a cart wearing museum worker IDs.
“That was quite the fall. Did you hit anything?” 
“I don’t think so.” You winced, struggling to your feet. The museum aide hurried over.
“I am so, so, so sorry. We had a new display coming in and I should have told them to be more careful—,” You blinked at her as she clutched at her head in worry.
“Hey, it’s all right, really. I was like that when I got my first job,” you reassured her. You placed your hands on your hips and faced them.
“Although, if you two aren’t careful from now on, the Supreme Guardian might eat you for lunch, got it?” You said, amused. 
They both bowed and hurried off with the cart. A sculpture labeled “The Galactic Baseballer” peeked out from the side of it. 
Interesting name, you thought.
“You handled that well,” Gepard said, bringing you back to reality. 
“Did I?” You tilted your head at him, lifting your sleeves to let the water drip off them. “Aeons above, I really took it upon myself to absorb every possible drop of water possible,” 
You crossed your arms over your soaked chest, feeling a chill beginning to seep into your bones.
Gepard’s shoulders tensed up. He swiveled his head around, scanning the city, while resting his hands on your forearms. You were left with no time to think before he swept you off your feet and hoisted you onto his shoulder. 
You were frazzled beyond belief. 
“Wait— wait, wait. Gepard what are you—,” Your eyes whisk across the pavement, surveying for any nosy onlookers. 
The Captain carried you to one of the many metal benches dotting the city with a geomarrow heater next to it. He set you down, before taking off his jacket and wrapping it around you gently.
‘Mind the wet sleeves, I’ll be right back,” he said before starting off towards some unknown destination. You basked in the newfound heat given off by the appliance, holding out your hands to gather as much of it as you could.
I feel like an abandoned pet, your inner voice said. You exhaled, your breath leaving a trail in the air. Thank Qlipoth for these heaters, 
Gepard’s coat was surprisingly comfortable. It was obviously made of durable materials meant to trap in heat. You pulled it closer around your shivering form, nuzzling into the collar contentedly. 
A couple minutes later, when you felt yourself beginning to drift off, you heard the familiar clanking of boots again. You opened your eyes, and lo and behold, it was Gepard!
“My apologies for taking so long. I grabbed you something to wear while your clothes dry.” He held out the item of clothing at arm's length for you to see better. 
You inhaled sharply as you realized it was the same piece of clothing you had been staring at so intently the day you toured the city together. It looked like it was exactly your size, too. 
He remembered?
You felt your heart start to race as he handed it to you. You took it gratefully, taking a moment to stare at the piece. Burying your face in it, you felt tears begin to prick at your eyes. 
It shouldn’t be possible for someone to be this kind,
It was honestly overwhelming.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, your voice muffled. “I’m warming up just fine.” You finally raised your head, blinking the tears away, and rubbed your shoes together to get some of the feeling back into your feet.
“Let’s get you home,” he stated. “The windchill on the surface is nothing to joke about,” 
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” you replied. You got up, still wearing Gepard’s coat, and hung onto his arm for good measure while you walked. You did mourn the loss of the heater, but this time, your teeth didn’t chatter.
“I’m sorry for having to borrow your coat, even though it’s cold out,” you murmured. “You really are the perfect person to protect the city, you know that?” You smiled up at him gently. Gepard’s nerves buzzed with electricity. 
“It’s nothing extraordinary,” he sighed. “I merely take protecting the things I care about seriously. That’s what being a guard is about,”
He tried not to pay attention to how tenaciously you were gripping onto his sleeve.
“Well, I think you’re extraordinary.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
As cheesy as that is,
You handed Gepard his coat as you returned to your quaint little flower shop. How badly he wanted to tell you that you could borrow it, and return it to him later so he could see you again. He smiled to himself as you went back inside. 
This would do for now.
“Great heavens, (Y/N). Did you fall into the ocean or something?” Vaska exclaimed as you dragged yourself upstairs.
“No,” you grumbled, the tips of your coat still dripping. “We all know oceans are a myth,”
“Looking at you, I'd believe they were real,” she fired back as you retreated into your room. You hurriedly shed your wet coat and shoes, putting on the garment Gepard had bought you. 
You turned to look at it from every angle in the full-length mirror before deciding to collapse onto your bed. You combed your fingers through your hair, picking up your floral-patterned pillow and squeezing it tightly. 
Am I— am I in some kind of rom-com?? You groaned inwardly. Your face was flushed with something along the likes of happiness, embarrassment, or both.
Gepard had been nothing but kind during the time you spent together. After years of being a mere vagrant, you almost felt… special when he looked at you.
His blue eyes were so thoughtful and considerate and—,
No!!! I’ve got to keep it together! 
Rolling over, you pressed the pillow into your face and let a guttural shriek loose from your lungs. You chucked it across the room, your hair now a mess.
Meg’s voice rang from downstairs. “KEEP IT DOWN UP THERE!!” 
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2023 - Dreaming-of-Mossballs - Do not repost/translate without my permission - NO AI
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