#how to help ADHD partner get organized
4 Ways to Help Your Disorganized ADHD Partner Infographic
How To Help Your Disorganized ADHD Adult Partner Infographic Is your disorganized ADHD partner killing your mojo? Having a chronic disorganization disorder is no fun, and a disorganized ADHD adult is no exception. This 4 Ways to Help Your Disorganized ADHD Adult Partner Infographic shares simple ways you can positively influence your partnership and love life. Learn 4 reliable ways you can help…
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third times the charm re: distilling a [winston billions autistic character] jumping off point re: like, applications of individual responsibility Bootstraps Narrative attitude just in general when it comes to some people being Made more vulnerable than others, and the way that these differences are Deserved, the solution to someone suffering for it is for them to personally choose to better themself to thusly earn more, and for, conveniently, Punishment to be a neutral conduit of moral improvement, should you be so deserving as to accept it
if someone interprets an autistic person as offputting & reacts to this with disdain b/c of an imagined correlating Undeserving Interiority within that person, that’s objective & correct, & however they punish that person is as well. autistic people should have to Do The Work of making up for their previous failure to simply Learn how to act correctly, since allistic people definitely underwent ABA & now think of themselves as choosing to act that way rather than just Naturally Being Normal (wherein also any conscious effort is just ascribed to further personal positive qualities of theirs, the Kindness / Generosity / Thoughtfulness etc etc in striking up small talk or whatever, while ascribing thoughtlessness / disrespect to nd behavior), and in the meantime a) the best an autistic person can hope for, if, like a properly humble poor person, they deserve the pity, is that equivalent of a windfall of the charity some better off individual can Choose to afford them, e.g. like if an autistic employee happens to have some manager or someone who can & does look out for them / tries to insulate them from nonsense....and at the heart of the matter, the double empathy problem Is deserved, the solution to an autistic person being disliked is either that they shouldn’t be here at all, or that if they can endure existing somewhere that’s actually beyond what they can manage to Earn, they deserve the punishment of being nobly treated “the same,” i.e., oh if Anyone was acting like this i’d be an asshole to them, which is why people don’t even need to Know someone’s autistic to react to the reality of their being autistic, the person in question doesn’t even need to know it about themself....and ultimately it’s worse to Not try to yourself punish, or allow the punishment of, this weirdo grating cringe loser, b/c only the cleansing nature of that punishment will let them personally improve & start acting better & Deserving better, otherwise you’re just enabling them to keep being annoying at other people & those other ppl’s annoyance is Also blood on your hands (then it’s time to turn around & let people even Higher Up on the social hierarchy do whatever they want / bend over backwards to interpret & explain & justify everything they do in the most positive lights & blame other people for being hurt by them) 
and like, the handy flexibility re: what’s Deserved when, say, how other characters look at a character like ben kim. he’s Too Nice, and that can mean that he deserves better, or it can mean that that’s a bleeding heart doormat loser trait that deserves the disdainful punishment it might get. and even if you Do think he deserves better? the reason he isn’t Already getting that better treatment must be due to personal failure anyways: he Is being too much of a loser &/or how he’ll only get better if he Steps Up & Acts more like a winner, for god’s sake, do the elevator dance stuff, that’s not only reasonable but obvious, cmon. tuk’s weird Confidence Training masterclass where it’s like, softhearted ben will be like “sorry :/ nothing anyone can do though” but tuk can’t go “hey, can you not be an asshole to me” and expect to get anywhere if he’s still being his too uncertain self, it’s on Him to start acting out the extrinsic behaviors of a winner and Then other people will totally start respecting him, is how this works lol....that it’s cringe for winston to Say he’s good at what he does & is valuable, b/c umm if you were Really valuable then the Natural recognition of that & corresponding positive treatment would Of Course have already manifested, and since it hasn’t, he isn’t Really deserving, and since he’s claiming to be deserving, that’s also proof he’s out of line being aggressive & arrogant like that. that it’s Also like, cringe & even crass of him to mention like, yeah i’m hoping to get paid here lol, again you’ll Of Course be paid as much as you want if you Deserve it, but if you deserve it you’ll actually mostly talk about being here and wanting to Win at it for cooler reasons, b/c ppl who are winning / more powerful than you in Whatever realm have those benefits that have just spontaneously & naturally been afforded to them b/c they deserve them more On Merit, and meritous people Are better than those beneath them and thus Will seem epic. and in the same way that ben kim seeming Too Nice can be handily interpreted as a “positive” (without truly challenging any negative assessment) or a negative, it’s like, oh winston’s Also undeserving b/c of the fact his outfit was uniquely significantly cheaper on the burn rate rundown, it’s actually Cooler to have your undershirt cost a thousand bucks, it’s costlier b/c it’s better, you buy the better clothes b/c you Deservingly have the money and thus also have the Deserving tastes to want the pricier shit. yet it’s like, cue a post of yore mentioning like analysis of agatha christie’s writing where like, oh the nouveau riche’s personal fashion & decor choices are always a bit too indulgent & overdone, vs. the refined elegant restraint of those with True Class(tm), when really any trend where Not going as ham with adornment/decoration was “better” / a signifier of properly noble Old Money was a reaction to flashier stylings Becoming more common / attainable for the less established rich / Less rich, period....the way that an identity that is defined by / requires Othering people will always have to react Against what everyone else is doing so long as that association is relevant in the cultural consciousness. ugh women do that, so it’d be too Effeminate of men, so men shouldn’t Want to do it anyways b/c they’re too inherently epic in the ways that make them better than women already, & if they Do, it’s some artificial corruption....anyways, it’s that if someone Undeserving were to indulge in pricey shit, that’d be a veneer to compensate for the insecurity of how they don’t Truly Deserve fancy shit (which wouldn’t look like deliberate flashiness anyways, of course. simply The Taste) but if they were to rather be sticking to too pedestrian / inexpensive shit, that’s Also about the insecurity of how they don’t Truly Deserve fancy shit / indication that they lack the Taste to even Know how to want better, and the best they could do is an identifiably lesser mere Imitation of what better ppl choose for themselves
meanwhile shoutout to how, of course, if winston is being treated badly on an individual interpersonal basis, that’s exactly in line with All Of This lol. he deserves it, if he deserves better He has to make the change, and in the meantime since that Bootstraps Narrative is justification for things being the way they already are, conveniently anyone else can keep getting whatever they get out of another person being so diminished as to not Deserve to be regarded as & treated as a person in the way that they do....autistic employees “making up for” their being autistic by working harder, Anyone working harder (ben kim) b/c surely that’s the only way to get a raise or promoted or not fired & if you don’t jump into the ring of like compensation negotiation & win (ben kim) then you don’t deserve the raise, conveniently....you Do have to walk away & Prove that you can do better, taylor Should Have Had To Do All This actually, even though probably mafee wouldn’t Really argue that directly, wild how whatever you say that’s a Negative about winston / sabotages any effort of his must, flexibly, be true & fine....if we thought Some People didn’t inherently deserve the increased vulnerability to harm in various manifestations, then that’d have enough reverberations that wouldn’t be contained to “maybe stop being like this to your coworker,” and in the meantime we can all just Tell that winston sucks & thus he brings it upon himself & the Rewards that people get for what they’re actually bringing upon him >>>> winston having a more tolerable time, not to mention that actually it’ll Help him in the end if, to make the punishment stop, he finally decides to deserve Better by improving himself, bootstraps time, [become nondisabled] style
oh and addendum too about like [any begrudging acknowledgment that winston perhaps Does have value tied to an especial individual talent] wherein it can be like ugh This asshole got in on a Technicality, he can crank out this coding or whatever but that’s Mechanical rather than something any of us need to attribute to an Inherently Deserving Human Interiority and like be impressed with or admire or respect or some shit like that, he’s basically cheated to get be here & so long as he isn’t forced out we can at least Use him. feel free though to be a complete asshole to him for real
#another blogger moment of just saying some shit. probably other specific examples i meant to bring up but didn't#i mean it's the Entire intrinsic / extrinsic thing lmao. operating under a premise that there Is an objective hierarchy of Intrinsic Worth#(or characters are; mostly; but if it wasn't a common irl assumption / ideology too then idk uh [encompassing gesture])#and wherein it's like. questions of ''do you actually think Anyone would deserve [xyz] treatment even if they supposedly were thee worst''#and ''do you think [xyz] should be done to people b/c the Suffering therein is supposedly good for them actually''#like regardless of anything winston does (which like...is mostly withering & coding in the corner...what) it's like#if it's so intolerable then fire him? is it actually chill for rian's dynamic w/him to be somewhere around [his bully] or [abusive friend]#like At All much less even if she's the most awesome winning sympathetic person in the world & he's some asshole who sucks at everything#and even perhaps if she's getting anything out of it. even perhaps if you also dislike winston / think he Could & Should be different....#imagine wendy brings the attempts at systematic aba for real l o l (wretched) (she also brings it organically anyways)#winston billions#and whatever all's going on here....who knows. a blogger saying some things. your guess is as good as mine#tfw ppl think ppl are just desperate to Read Into the least shit abt themselves & Self Dx As Autistic For Clout / how ohhh disabled ppl need#Special Treatment out of Sympathy/Pity / ohhh disabled ppl are actually all asking too much of us all & using Excuses....#certainly easier to Not actually fundamentally question &/or alter your understanding of the concept of disability#like no i will Not conceive of the fact that making eye contact during a convo is not a universal human behavior hinging on basic respect#to look away isn't neutral or to help someone actually listen to you better. e.g. being autistic Has to be An Excuse(tm)#adhd would be Solved by me if only they all cared as much as i do where Choosing To Remember = Remembering. excuses excuses#winston as a Totally Objectively offputting asshole doesn't deserve basic respect as a person; nor as a colleague / coworker / employee...#he definitely deserves the punishment to Specifically Not have casual acquaintanceships; friends; lovers; partners; family is saddled w/him
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inkskinned · 2 years
i both firmly believe that self-diagnosing saved my life and i think that the way tiktok and instagram have recently been spreading misinformation about mental illness/neurodivergence is incredibly harmful.
people who are looking for answers are already people who are in a vulnerable situation.
much of the misinformation appears logically sound; and is presented as definitive fact (prefaced with claims such as "research shows"). it's imperative we remember correlation does not prove causation. it is incredibly dangerous to make definitive statements like "if X happened in your childhood, you now Z as an adult." real scientists will almost always use may or other less-definitive terms. similarly, equating one behavior/experience with any single condition is also unsafe. many conditions have overlapping symptoms; and many people "mask" their key symptoms, even to themselves.
we cannot discern from a singular data point any conclusion. in official diagnosis, for a behavior/experience to be considered a symptom, it must significantly influence your life. many people enjoy an organized space. that is a preference. disrupting your daily life even at personal cost in order to prioritize organization is more likely a symptom.
again, a single data point is not an effective diagnostic tool. it is necessary and important work to catalogue and consider all unwanted/distressing behaviors in order to understand a complete picture of the person.
i will see creators in paid partnerships make generalized behavioral/emotional claims that apply to a large portion of a community, and then they will suggest that the "solution" to that behavior is through their paid partner/through their personal support. "follow for more psych tips/facts" is an incredibly evil marketing tactic. i very rarely see unpartnered/unbranded content on how to aid/comfort those behaviors and feelings.
much of the misinformation employs a subtle technique (called confirmation bias) of setting up a conclusion before "proving" the conclusion. "you know you have X when you experience A,B, and C." no person's experience of their conditions/behaviors will look exactly the same as another's. while knowing certain things might be a sign/symptom of a condition, it is irresponsible to consider it definitive.
confirmation bias is unfortunately extremely effective on tiktok specifically. the algorithm will notice that you interacted longer with the video that "proves" (through a singular video) that you "have" a condition. it will continue to feed you related videos that further confirm what you believe.
this is dangerous because we are, unfortunately, not good at knowing ourselves. i did not know it was unusual to vividly nightmare every night; i didn't consider it a symptom. i was similarly dismissive also of any other signs of my PTSD - i incorrectly assigned them to anxiety/adhd. on the small scale, this can mean a longer journey to healing. on the larger scale, it can mean people with extremely difficult situations are unable to get the help they need.
please, if you can, and you're looking to self-diagnose: be careful about what you assume about yourself. try to keep an honest journal of what you're thinking/feeling/doing for a few days.
do not go in with an assumption. try to keep an open mind. i think we all "suspect" we have something - but like i said, i completely missed my own PTSD symptoms, because i suspected the ADHD the most, and only "saw" those symptoms.
do your own research. if the tiktok says "research shows", google that research. figure out who paid for that research. do further research related to that study - has it ever been repeated? is it peer reviewed? do other researchers seem to accept it as conclusive?
if you feel you really resonate with the materials of one person's experience with a condition, find other examples. see if you relate to other creators who identify similarly.
and please - please do not stop once you come to a conclusion. i fully believe that the diagnostic process should be seen as a first step, not a destination. by knowing what you might be struggling with, you gain an incredibly powerful tool on how to gain peace with that condition.
if you feel yourself emotionally respond to a tiktok/etc that suggests something that might be true about yourself, i'm glad you had that experience. but it's also important to not relax into the "easy" answer. interrogate it. start googling what else that could mean; what ways you could work on healing that wound.
healing does not "belong" to any one condition. i want you to begin to look into healing no matter if you have "proven" you have a condition or not. it is never selfish to practice responsible self-care. even if you don't relate to having adhd, you are not harming me by using adhd-inspired study tips. it is not making my condition worse for you to seek peace by asking for more time on tests. even if it was - the fault would be with the system, not in your need of something the system makes inaccessible.
remind yourself that everything you experience is real. and because it is real, it is complicated. while things might be related - even sometimes clearly related - a stranger on the internet cannot make that discernment for you. you as a person deserve the work, attention, and care that goes into the process of unravelling the harm that has been done to you.
it makes me very, very upset to see how popular these videos have become, because they're so irresponsible. and they clearly are targeting a vulnerable group. for example, making generalized claims about children of unloving caretakers is targeting those who have experienced neglect. there is no way to use 30 second videos to correctly analyze what that neglect might have caused in your adult life. i'm sorry, but it's snake oil.
i know it is so powerful soothing to recognize that you aren't broken. that others exist like you out there. i want every person looking for answers to find their answer. i want you to feel seen and heard and understood. i want you to find your community.
i just want it to happen safely.
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
If Astrology is Real..
yep I lied... sorta
♨The degree of your ascendant is the age in which you act the most like the sign. You might also physically embody the sign that rules that degree the most then, or start to do so.
♨Pisces with Aquarius placements say the most out of pocket things and come up with the most creative explanations/ insults.
♨Libras with Virgo placements care a lot about appearances, in a more muted and blending in way.
♨6th house Pisces have the wildest everyday experiences. They also have some very strong protection, even if they are a bit... Ditzy when it comes to trusting others
♨Scorpios with Libra placements can be some of the most openly expressive people when it comes to love.
♨12h house Leos (Virgo Risings) take everything personal. Like every time they called out its seen as them having a personal flaw that needs to be corrected. They will end up seeking reassurance that they aren't said flaw and try to consciously reject it while subconsciously embodying it due to focusing on it so much. 
♨I know people say Taurus placements hate drama, in reality they hate to BE in drama. They love all the messy stories and gossip however.
♨I'd argue that Taureans have more of a tendency to try to organize everything in their life more than Caps or Virgos. The second house is the house of self worth, so the more you can control the "higher" your self worth feels.
🕳That does mean they struggle a lot with the idea of letting go, it implies they can't control everything and have to simply let it go✨
♨Taurus women definitely the folks that had a "I hate pink👀" phase just to later admit they didn't want to get bullied for liking it when they were younger. (Of course this applies to Taurus men and enbies as well, I highlighted women because they easily fall victim to misogyny (internalized and other).
♨Sorry, imma say it. Sagittarius women have a high tendency to be very misogynistic. Like they all about women empowerment in terms of "I'm better than xyz" "Down with the Patriarchy" and "women should be in the same positions of power as men (regardless if said position is harmful for the masses)". Yet they view other women as competition for the spots they want, and will easily drag another woman for something they wouldn't want another to say about them.
Example... Nicki M
♨Bout to air out my fellow Scorpios. Its not healthy to defend your partner/ ex when you hear someone talking about their behaviors, when you know damn well you dragged them for the same shit. Stop defending stuff you don't like about someone you (did) like because only you can drag them.
~These next couple of observations shouldn't be used to diagnose anyone or yourself. If you believe that you or someone you know fits in any of these categories, please seek out professional help. And know you (and them) aren't alone~
♨Almost every single person I've known with Scorpio in their big three/ Venus has had a cluster B personality disorder(ASPD- psychopathy/sociopath, NPD- narcissist, BPD- borderline, HPD- histrionic) and/or some other form of Neurodivergence (typically ADHD or Autism, some were Bipolar or another personality disorder cluster).
♨Speaking of Neurodivergence, almost every Sagittarius placement ive known has had what most people think of when mentioning ND (Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, tuorettes ). It was especially prominent in those with Virgo/6th house placements.
♨Pisces and 12th housers might actually deny getting help. They would acknowledge there is a problem and even speak on how much it impacts their lives, and then say they don't want to go to therapy or a psychiatrist. Its not that they don't believe in the mental health field, its more of a unconscious fear of being judged or mistreated due to their differences. (Might have also actually sought out help in the past just to be misled or belittled)
♨Gemini can be linked to dysgraphia, dyscalica, dyslexia etc.
🕳Gemini rules over communication, hands and short term/ quick thoughts. Due to that people with certain planets or even Gemini ruled have a higher chance of having one of the above.
🕳The third house having certain placements as well. (Saturn with restricting, Neptune with confusion and the Sun with ego)
♨Pisces/12th house could be looked at in terms of Body dysmorphia. The reason being is the 12th house is linked to the subconscious as well as that which is hidden from us. While Pisces is linked to illusions and fantasy. Having a heavy concentration of either could lead to certain thoughts about oneself. The house Pisces is in could show the area in which BDD is had.
♨Martians (Scorpios and Aries) need to keep their mental health in check. Aries starts to suffer from headaches, migraines and vision problems related to stress. While Scorpios suffer from reproductive organ issues (endometriosis, PCOS, erectile dysfunction etc) as well as increased bladder infections + hemorrhoids. 
🕳Both these signs have a tendency to internalize stress (yes, even the imma punch you Aries), and their body suffers until they release it (healthily).
♨People with heavy Venusian (Taurus and/or Libra) traits need to look out in terms of stress experienced via relationships. When they get too stressed it starts to effect their metabolism. Higher lactic acid (leg cramp juice) and higher cortisone (stress juice) can lead to thyroid problems and  bladder issues (infections galore).
♨Capricorns, while being known for good bone health are probably suffering due to Pluto being in Cap right now.
🕳Pluto being the planet of extremes means folks are pushing themselves further or just having some bad health in terms of their bones.
🕳The house Capricorn is in can hint to what bones are more effected during this time. (Check both your current Solar return and Natal chart)
  🕳12th~feet and ankles, they probably hate you right now. In fact you should probably invest in some better shoes/see a podiatrist
  🕳2nd~ your neck/ upper spine... invest in a neck pillow
  🕳5th~ your spine and ribs, be careful while lifting things and sitting certain ways. Back pillows will be your best friend
♨Libras have a higher chance of being constipated (having IBS-C) while Virgos have a higher chance of diarrhea (having IBS-D).
🕳Libras also need to be careful in terms of hemorrhoids, reverse anus (please don't google this, if you do that's ya own fault hardheaded), and colon issues.
🕳Virgos need to be careful with dairy (the amount of lactose intolerant Virgos 🥴), gluten and any allergies they have because their guts (and ass) will definitely suffer if not.
♨Yet another point on Virgos... High stress leads to bad gut health. Bad gut health leads to bad mental health. The guts and mind are connected, please look out for both.
Any who... Err I am not "back" per say. I've just decided that its always going to be more important to take care of my physical and mental wellbeing. That does mean even when I like something I can't just push myself. I'm still healing from my surgeries and whatnot, yet being not able to walk around much has made my brain go on overdrive. So that three second "break" I took still applies. I'm just not going to be dramatic or whatever bout it anymore.
And no my readings are NOT open. At least not for now.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
Do you have any autistic/ADHD headcanons for Cady? (Love your fics by the way :333)
(thank you dear!)
usual disclaimer these are based on her musical self and are mostly from a list i made like three years ago anyway yeeha
-literally my first bullet point in her characterization list is just “autistic”
-she’s the kind of person who’s like “at 1:47 pm on Tuesday, May 7, 2022 you said this in these exact words” and also like “i have not eaten or peed in seven hours” at the same time (idk if may 7 2022 was a tuesday i just made smth up lol)
-she has the kälteen bars on her at all times bc she forgets meals so often but she also constantly reminds her friends to take their meds and stuff when they forget
-she’s not actually a savant in math, she just likes rules
-for much the same reason she’s also a polyglot
-she studies languages from books and the people she grew up exposed to and is at least bordering on fluent in seven languages
-she was mute until she was six
-because of this she knows asl
-she uses it whenever she has nonverbal times and teachers her friends basics and like how to fingerspell and stuff so they can use it too
-she can speak backwards because she got bored learning how to read and taught herself to do it both ways. she can flip any word or phrase around in her head
-she’s really good at impressions bc she copycats to learn most of how to socialize and stuff so she’s very quick to pick up intonations and vocal tone and stuff like that
-she’s very sensitive to noise and to touch
-she prefers broadway music (which damian loves) bc they use enough diction to override her auditory processing issues
-she doesn’t like to be touched softly because it’s too tickly and she also just hates being tickled
-but she loves to be snuggled by her loved ones and one of her love languages is touch
-she loves soft clothes (like janis and damian’s jackets) and will steal them if she gets the slightest opportunity
-she loves to stim with her hair which is why it’s so long. and also other people’s and especially janis’ because it’s different colors and very soft
-she also loves when other people play with her hair
-she hyperfixates HARD on the lion king, especially the musical, when janis and damian show it to her and blows all her money on merch and stuff lol
-she’s shockingly organized but her handwriting is terrible
-her friends get her chewy necklaces and stim toys for like every birthday and holiday so she has them all on a rotation to be fair
-she is blunt as all hell and honest to a fault
-she loves when janis paints and draws on her for that good good sensory input
-she goes barefoot whenever she can for also sensory input but she always wears socks inside
-she hates when people whisper and also when people fake crying
-she stims a lot by singing and humming and most of the time she doesn’t notice but (insert preferred partner here) doesn’t mention it bc they love it
-she adores disney movies and cartoons 
-she hates crowds of people
-she had daily meltdowns as a plastic bc the texture of the clothes was so overwhelming for her sensorily
-she drops shit all the goddamn time and is incredibly clumsy
-she hates eye contact
-she does not understand fashion rules at all but gretchen gives her a crash course and that helps
-she hates surprises for the most part and is v into her routine
-she will tell her africa stories to someone on the sidewalk if they’ll listen to her
-she loves being off the ground. carried around, table time, riding in shopping carts. favorites.
-she has really weird medical knowledge
-she actually prefers to write or sign than speak out loud but she speaks anyway bc it’s faster and everyone can understand that
-she doesn’t easily pick up on sarcasm or figures of speech unless it’s v obvious/intuitive but janis teaches her so she’s got it down within a year of their friendship
-she constantly forgets what things are named and invents new ones. and also is constantly stumbling over her words and inventing new curse words
-she hates english class the most bc there’s so many exceptions to all the rules
-idk if this is an adhd or autism thing lol but she talks in her sleep
-she also can and will sleep anywhere but sometimes she pretends she can’t so she gets cuddles
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Hi! can i get a match up for obey me?
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Pretty tall standing at 5’8 or 172 cm. I have brown hair with highlights. I mostly dress and do makeup in the style of trad goth. I have blue eyes
(MBTI &/or Engram if you would like to take the tests and add it) : INTJ
Personality: I’m more reserved. I don’t like to be around people much usually because most people in my area do bad things. I don’t mind social interactions though. I can be extroverted when with the right people. I have a low social battery and can be known to sort of zone out or want to leave places after a bit. I have adhd so if someone does get me talking about one of my interests I will be very excited and talk for a longer period of time. I also tend to be very paranoid due to personal matters.
Likes (at least like three things): Horror movies, cars, baby food, ice skating, sewing, acting, comics (specifically walking dead), reading, learning new things, music (goth music on top), films and tv shows in general, and men (lol)
Dislikes (at least three things): coffee, waking up early, and people who start drama and do bad things
Extra fun fact (this is about whoever you are describing to me): I’m a professional scare actor and I also do theatre acting.
~~~~~ MATCHUP ~~~~~
Obey Me!
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Barbatos was a quiet man who kept to himself a lot. He preferred to associate himself only with Dia and Lucifer, though the other brothers came and went on that list of people he would deal with.
When you came into his life, he was skeptical. Dia had set you two up on a date since you were both entirely withdrawn.
After the date though he did seek you out again if only to hear you talk about your interests, you had a glow about you when you were enjoying something.
As time passed, Barbatos learned more of your tics and traits; at social gatherings, he would find an excuse for you to leave or help you plan the most direct way to get out of something.
Where you were controlled chaos for Barbatos, he was what kept you organized and sane.
When he visited the House of Lamentation to deliver news to Lucifer, he would stop by your room to talk briefly.
Barbatos really liked your style. It suited you, and he felt he could compliment you.
This man is very analytical and always looks for the best possible outcome.
Once you two were dating, he had even more of an excuse to take care of you and assist you in all manners of life. He even took on learning how to do your makeup for you.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
One of Dia's balls was in full swing, the music loud, and so many bodies crammed into a room. You were growing tired and restless, not liking all the close contact. As you began to overthink and panic about your escape, your partner appeared next to you. Barbatos extended his arm and helped guide you close to a balcony. The fresh air sounded nice, way nicer than everything in there. "I am sorry, dear, I can't help you escape yet; Dia plans to showcase all exchange students here shortly." You nodded briefly, just happy to know he did care about you.
As the music died into a slow dance, you turned to look at Barbatos, who was already staring off into the distance. He wasn't needed now; Dia was handling the event well, so this extra moment with you could exist. When he felt your eyes on him, he turned and picked up on the music. Extending his hand to you, he gracefully began to walk you around the balcony in a waltz. As you two danced, you felt light and at ease, Barbatos never judged you and always wanted to ensure you were comfortable.
Once the music ended, Barbatos bowed and took his leave, not before reminding you to come in soon for the speech. When you heard Dia speaking, you walked in and immediately found a spot next to Barbatos. Once the ceremony and the speech were done, Barbatos had a hand on the small of your back, helping lead you out of the crowded hall. Once at the entrance of the castel he spoke, "Remember to stick to the lit roads on your way back, as soon as we finish politics with the other demons I will come and visit you at the House of Lamentation." You smiled and decided to grace his cheek with a kiss. Barbatos never let his smile leave his face for the rest of the night.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(It was raining in the Devildom. Everyone was having a big slumber party at the castle. Everyone was in small groups. You and Barbatos were huddled in a corner, looking over your lines for a play that the school would be hosting.)
Barbatos: No, you should say it more like this.
Y/N: I could, but what about here? The character is obviously feeling sad where. If I said it like that, I would sound indifferent.
Barbatos: Why would that matter, love?
Y/N: Well, Barbatos, let's say I was on the verge of death. Would you sound sad and distraught or just indifferent?
Barbatos: Ah, I see, I would sound sad. However, this is a close friend who is dying, not a lover, and I can tell you for sure if any of the brothers were dying, I would be indifferent.
Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, and Satan: HEY!
Lucifer: Dia, when has Barbatos ever been that happy?
Diavolo: I am the best matchmaker, aren't I? Maybe I should do you next.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
hi!! I was wondering if u could write romantic headcanons of karma with a gender neutral s/o who has both autism and adhd? (This slowly became a personal biography I apologize) They have strong symptoms of both, processing things slower than others and having trouble with conversation when they aren’t in the moment. They stim a LOT by nature in very obscure ways that make people stare, including verbalizing, rocking back n forth, holding their arms up while walking and grasping anything. They have a lot of really weird, gross detailed ideas and a sense of style that is meant to confuse and surprise people. They are insanely political and passionate about punk rock and goth values, fashion and music! They have a very logical and organized yet chaotic mind but they are smart mouthed, snarky and easily irritated by errors or uncooperative things. They also like to hold onto people’s sleeves or cling to their arms!! Basically they (me) are the irl entrapta from she ra :) thank u!
Extravagant S/O with autism and ADHD
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Karma Akane ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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ggggg this is to specific to my liking!! BUT I will do it, I think this goes for comfort and that is why im doing it, still im not going to take it literally! I change some things but I try to keep it as much as I can
I haven't watched She Ra so i can't use it as a reference
I didn't know how else to describe it to the title, I really hope you don't mind
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Karma doesn't discriminate, it doesn't matter if you are diferent or too common (for his liking), if you have a disability or not, he treats you just like if you were any other person, also how you are doesn't stop him from seeing you as a enemy or victim (in case you do something against him) or to fall in love with you
Once Karma is interested on you he want to know more about you, and since you are his partner he is specially interested in whatever it has to do with you (still he will try to don't invade your privacy), the moment he knows that you have autism and ADHD he is going to search all the information he can about it and will watch you close to identify different trails of it on you (however he won't never tell you or admit it out loud this)
Karma always says that he has no problem with the way you stim or express yourself, he says that he doesn't even mind but that is a lie because he LOVES the way you express, he really likes seeing you stim he finds it pretty interesting and he doesn't see anything bad on it, if it makes you happy or even helps you feel more comfortable then you should do it whenever you want
Sometimes he stare at you while you stim but never is to make fun of you is just that he finds it kinda funny and amusing, he stare at you with love but if he ever see someone looking at you he will stand up for you quickly, if that person seem confused or intrigued (in a morbid way) he will stare at them until they feel uncomfortable/intimidated and go away, but if that person dares to look at you as if they were watching something disgusting Karma will not have mercy of that person and imediatly goes against them (doesn't go immediatly violent but it isn't like he doesn't want to)
He doesn't let anyone say anything bad about your stim or how you express but he sometimes mess a little with you, like when you hold your arms up he takes your hands and jokinly asking you if it isn't that you were asking for him to hold your hands, sometimes he make little jokes about the movements you do with your body or if you have echolalia he does say different things on purpose just for you to repeat it (however, if he knows that it will upset you or really bother you he won't do it much)
It would take him a while to get used to you clinging onto his arms or even his sleeve still he doesn't mind much, but once he does get used to it he almost expect it all the time, there are moments where he feels like you haven't clingy on him for too long so he will point it out with a teasing voice and even shake his hands in front of you. Also, he may get a little jealous if you were clinging onto someone else for too long for his liking, instead of him or even to someone he doesn't like much, he isn't going to stop you from doing it but he is visibly more irritated
Whenever you have problems to undestand something or get too distracted Karma notice right away, he laughs softly at it before catching your attention and tells you again whatever he or the others were saying, or explaining it in a different way to help you understand it better, also Karma never really makes a big deal of it and even when he is the one catching your attention he does it so naturaly or even jokinly that it could go unnoticed, unless you two are alone, in that case he will tease you a little for it (but not exactly blaming your autism or adhd), he likes teasing you about this kind of thing but doesn't like when others do it
Do you have weird ideas that can be pretty bizarre or gross? fear not because you are dating Karma Akane, the one and only sadistic and charming super smart leader! He is more than happy to hear your ideas, no matter of what they are he is always happy to hear you out (also, he likes to make you feel appreciated and has no problem whit saying that he likes to heard your ideas), also if you ever feel embarrassed or bad for having those ideas Karma is quickly to indirectly reasure you that it isn't anything bad, is just the way you are, and he does reasure you by asking you more details, telling you how good/amazing idea it is or even complementing your idea with his own (whenever he does this is almost like you were making a plan against someone)
Karma is really smart, he pretty much understand that part of you being really organized but still a mess, in his head all his plans and ideas has completely sense, and also he has a really good memory and his plans against his victims do not hinder his studies and all of that it could be seen as kinda weird for others but he has a sistem, so he totally understand you and respect your own way to think and do things
Whenever you get stressed because you or someone else make a mistakes or that things doesn't seem to work if he is with you or you go to him for comfort or to vent he is completely willing to help you out, he sugest to let out all your stress and frustration by complaining about whatever is stressing you so much (even insulting it) or stiming all you need, although if you prefer he can help you either distracting you or helping you fix the mistake
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crows-and-cookies · 4 months
Do you ever mask your ADHD so hard for 28 years straight that it comes back around and you’re considered a great and organized student and then get an education degree and become a private tutor to help kids with ADHD and it costs $110 an hour and people start requesting you by name and haha and you just identify with your students so hard and finally one day you’re in a car with your best friend who is a therapist and you say that it sure is weird how everyone else in your family has ADHD and you’re the only one who doesn’t wow that’s crazy and she’s tactfully is like yes that sure is weird hm yes what a coincidence have you not considered or realized that you are also ADHD and you say look they’re building up the river bank they sure have done a lot of construction on the bridge lately and she goes please pay attention to the road it concerns me when you get distracted while driving and you say when am I distracted did you see those sandbags and then 12 months later you’re in your bed looking up masking symptoms because tumblr as convinced you it’s mostly just avoiding eye contact with people (which you do but also you were trying to explain to your partner about it) but it turns out it’s every trait that’s been praised in you for 28 years and you don’t even know if this body is your own anymore
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theoneandonlyyuriaoo · 7 months
Here are some BSD (Bungou Stray Dogs) x reader scenarios with a reader who has ADHD:
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1. Dazai Osamu:
You and Dazai are at the agency when your hyperactive energy takes over. You struggle to focus on the task at hand, and Dazai, who often gets distracted himself, decides to play along. He challenges you to a quirky, impromptu game to keep you engaged, turning the mundane task into an exciting adventure.
2. Atsushi Nakajima:
Atsushi notices your ADHD and wants to help you manage it. He takes the time to learn about your triggers and coping mechanisms, making sure you're comfortable at the agency. He even introduces you to a mindfulness exercise he learned from Kunikida to help calm your mind during stressful moments.
3. Kunikida Doppo:
Kunikida, known for his strict routines and attention to detail, finds your ADHD a bit challenging at first. However, he gradually realizes that your unique perspective can be a valuable asset to the team. He works with you to find a balance between structure and creativity in your work.
4. Chuuya Nakahara:
Chuuya, full of energy himself, understands your struggle to concentrate. He often takes you out for a walk or an adrenaline-filled activity to help you burn off some energy. He believes that channeling your restlessness into something fun can be a productive way to manage ADHD.
5. Ranpo Edogawa:
Ranpo, with his incredible detective skills, takes an interest in helping you organize your thoughts and tasks. He devises a system of colorful sticky notes and mind maps to keep you on track. Together, you solve mysteries in a way that accommodates your unique thought process.
6. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
Akutagawa appreciates your impulsiveness and creativity, often partnering with you on missions. He's intrigued by your unpredictable nature and enjoys the spontaneity you bring to the team. Together, you become a formidable duo, combining your strengths to overcome challenges.
7. Yosano Akiko:
Yosano understands the importance of self-care when dealing with ADHD. She encourages you to take breaks, practice deep breathing, and engage in activities that help you relax. She's always there to provide support and guidance when you need it.
These scenarios showcase how each character in Bungou Stray Dogs would interact with a reader who has ADHD, embracing their uniqueness and finding ways to work together effectively.
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azumetapraline · 1 year
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Little meme I filled with my interpretation of Metalor! The full doodle and rambling right under the cut! ✂️
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I think Magolor is the more energetic guy. He's introverted, but he loves to talk more than Meta Knight. They enjoy talking about books, history, science and all this "nerd" stuff together; they also like to go on dates (more on it in a moment), or simply spend time working or chilling together in the same room.
Meta Knight enjoys inviting Magolor to fancy or old-fashioned dates, like restaurants, rides on the Halberd watching the sunset, while Magolor is the one to suggest more "modern" dates like watching movies, going to the arcade or some "friendly duels".
While Meta Knight is the one who is protective over his partner, Magolor still takes a lot of place in the relationship and both kind of have an ego, a willing to appear as strong and in control as possible. Good thing they trust each other (<3) enough to drop their masks (physical or metaphorical) when they're alone together. They help each other a lot emotionally, and I strongly believe that "they can fix each other". Meta Knight helps Magolor a lot with his organization (my Magolor has ADHD) and daily routine, while Magolor is there to remind Meta Knight that he needs breaks and that he shouldn't be too hard on himself. Both overall help the other with their self-image (Magolor has a very bad image of himself, and Meta Knight dislikes many parts of himself, parts he has little control over)... 🥹
Finally, I'll explain quickly how they came to be together, given their... touchy history. Even before Magolor betrayed them all, they had already formed a bond, and the betrayal hurt Meta deeply (it also hurt Magolor but we don't care, it's his fault lmao), but instead of getting over it, he simply buried his feelings. It hurt even more when Magolor came back seemingly as cheerful as before.
It took time for Meta to come in terms with this, and eventually they ended up talking to each other (instead of Magolor being awkwardly friendly and Meta doing passive-aggressive remarks and stay mad). Meta Knight chose to forgive Magolor (after all, he also did receive a second chance from Dream Land after he tried to take over), and accepted they tried a friendship.
Slowly it came to realization none had actually given up on their dreams of being together, so the feelings resurfaced, and Meta decided he'd give it a try, and if it failed, he could always go back to how he used to be; and actually now that he had "tasted it", it felt more painful to refuse that opportunity, so yeah he came to accept his feelings. Magolor felt that Meta was more and more open to him confessing, so he eventually did, and they kissed and were happily ever after (not exactly but YOU GET IT!!!!) 💋
I would ramble about them for hours! So feel free to ask me anything about them, I would love to answer!! And thank you to anyone who took time to read my rambles about them ❤️
Here's the link to the template made by @voiddemon
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desultory-suggestions · 10 months
just asking for advice, you're not forced to answer ofc
i struggle a lot with motivation, when i force myself to do things, it just doesn't feel right, and i feel so guilty about it, things like going to school or even brushing my teeth, it's all pointless and physically exhausting
idk if i'm just lazy or smt
anyway, any tips for folks with low motivation?
Hello, love! Thank you for your patience. Motivation is such a common struggle. I use some unconventional study and motivation tactics personally, as someone with ADHD and Dyslexia I have to get through a lot of nonsense to do basic things. First, you are not lazy! The idea today of laziness is very frustrating to me, and I feel is built on capitalist (and white supremacist) ideals. See the NAP Ministry.
According to The (USA) National Library of Medicine, "Executive dysfunction is commonly seen in major depression. The types of executive deficits seen in depression include problems with planning, initiating, and completing goal-directed activities." Anyone struggling with depression, whether an episode or long-term can struggle with these basic tasks. So how can we deal with this?
Some different techniques that may help:
Talk through the tasks you need to do out loud. You can discuss them in linear order or not. Don't focus on making them perfect and detailed, just explain it like you would to a friend.
Explain what you are doing as if someone is watching you/you're teaching someone. This is how I motivate myself when studying/working out/etc. and shows you that you do know what you are doing.
Break tasks down into smaller pieces to help them be more manageable, or simplify the ones that seem too complicated. (For this I need to do x, then y, then z. I don't need to overthink brushing my teeth, it's okay to just go do it.
Ask someone to be your accountability buddy. Body doubling/parallel play can be very useful. I ask my partner to brush his teeth with me so I have someone else there.
Accept that you don't need to do 100% of everything. You can't brush, floss, and use mouthwash? Okay brush for even just thirty seconds, it's better than nothing!
Utilize tools, but don't try to make it fancy. Aesthetics can be helpful and motivating, they can also apply pressure to make everything look good. Google Calendar or a messy notebook is good enough.
Surrounds tasks with cushioning time to relax. Even for little tasks, you can promise yourself rest before and after. Likewise, do enjoyable things during arduous tasks. Watch a silly video, playa. song!
Consider what the biggest obstacle is. Does it feel pointless? Do you want to do it? If not, why not? How can you change what is making you avoidant? If you do want to, what feels like it's stopping you? A specific fear? Or an impenetrable wall? These questions help define the next steps.
Accept you cannot do everything, especially not when you are suffering. You deserve help and it's okay to ask for it. Professional help is important when conquering issues with motivation whether from depression, ADHD, etc. Medications, therapy, and more can improve your mood.
Some tools I use:
Brushout - An app to help you brush your teeth for the right amount of time. Simple, and makes a nice dinging sound. Can be added as a widget to your home screen on iPhones.
Google Calendar - Also simple. Easy to click and add events and get reminders for things creeping up on you.
Mnemosyne Notebook - Ok the brand doesn't matter but the paper in this is so smooth and it makes me want to use it. But yes a notebook to organize thoughts.
Little Treats - I like to keep little snacks and treats around for working on things I have been struggling with. You don't have to wait until after, let yourself fuse joy with your efforts.
You do not need to be ashamed for struggling. No matter the reason or the manner, we all go through difficult things. Reach out, and don't give up. Feel free to ask for more information or advice again.
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nettleshuttle · 4 months
back from the dead to ramble about my hsr au that i’ll most probably never write<3
so. hear me out:
the alternate setting is a huge city, with many hugely diversified and autonomous communities within, as well as quite the amplitude between rich sectors and its most run down parts. i was thinking san francisco for the reference, but who knows
each district in the city, all of which have quite the autonomous identities due to being rather closed off (via congregating tendencies boosted by city infrastructure layout) and self contained, corresponds to a planet region on the in game map. so there’s a luofu china town somewhere outside the main business sector, a yarilo district somewhere at the outskirts, herta’s research company hq in a multistoried steel-and-glass skyscraper in the uptown, etc
and so, we’ve got a family living somewhere in that city’s traditional, yet partially highly modernized luofu: jing yuan, a high-ranked cop and, effectively, a single parent to his nephew, yanqing. the two live together
yanqing is actually the main protag, because i love him and im totally unbiased. he’s a hot headed, teenaged tangled knot of adhd, endless energy, passion for his fencing classes and adoration for jing yuan. all the same, they’re not your ideal family, seeing how little time jing yuan can actually devote to him outside his job and how grossly he tends to overestimate yanqing’s potential for being responsible, especially for a teenaged kid. yanqing mostly minds his own, working hard to please his dad, though he’s far from independent (especially emotionally)
in the lives of these two, strange things start to go down. jing yuan is even busier, claiming he’s got a difficult case to deal with. unknown to yanqing (at least for a time), he’s tackling the influx of strange drugs in the city’s black market - ones that transform its users into so-called mara after a single dose, creating specially enhanced individuals with sharpened senses and skyrocketed bodily regeneration, who can get a temporary kick of extraordinary powers out of the drug. these come in different kinds, each granting a different kind of power - physical enhancement of the hunt, vitality of the abundance, durability of the preservation… - and they’re highly additive
much to yanqing’s irritation, two people who claim to be old friends of jing yuan start hanging around their place - some kind of artsy history scholar, dan heng, and a highly suspicious guy who looks like a swindler and an organ dealer, blade. they’re helping jing yuan with the investigation - how, yanqing has no idea, but he knows they’re getting way too familiar with his dad
as the case escalates, jing yuan and his two accomplices hide the symptoms of their work-related struggles far less successfully than they think. to subdue raging mara that start to pop up around town, they take the drugs themselves and use the boost to improve their performance on the job. none of that is, of course, official - that’s why jing yuan works with these two rather than regular cop partners. yanqing sees them as two unwelcome guests, prolonging their uninvited and unwarranted stay well beyond the limits of his patience. what’s more, both seem to try and suck up to him to gain an additional access way to jing yuan. why? they must have agendas of their own, especially seeing how dan heng and blade don’t get along that well between the two of them. he supposes he can put up with them though, as long as blade keeps giving out swordsmanship tricks to him…
yanqing catches on far more swiftly regarding the drug case than anyone expects him to - to try and help out his dad, he pretends not to know about anything and, instead, wants to help get to the bottom of the drug mystery by himself. who distributes them? how they are made? for what purpose? how to counter them? what is even going on in that city of theirs?
while roaming around town to find these answers, he meets a strange girl from the yarilo district - clara. they pursue certain trails together, hugely unaware of the danger they’re putting themselves in
ready to do what it takes to get to the bottom of the case, they take the mara drugs too when pressed by circumstances and awaken powers of the icy hunt and brutal destruction. while faced with the after effects of that decision, they struggle to maintain their sanity (and keep clear of jing yuan’s suspicion, which yanqing is still trying to avoid) all while neck deep in the drug market bog that suddenly appears to be a part of a much, much bigger, darker and more supernatural picture than expected
and that’s about it. do i have the solutions to all these mysteries? absolutely not. i’m just digging the modern city hsr reality with a small magical twist, as well as the familial vision of yanqing and jing yuan, with the mysterious and chaotic addition of dan heng and blade. also yanqing and clara should totally be besties!
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planets-and-prose · 8 months
Writeblr Re (Re, re, re) Introduction!
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Hi all, I'm Ten. Again. I've been on Writeblr since, like...2018? 2019? College. I was in college, I had lots of time, lots of energy, super active. Then, well, I graduated, had to adult, the absolute love of my life became disabled, and now I'm a social worker doing my goddamn best. So I've been dead on this account for like, at least 2 years. Maybe 3.
But I'm, like, basically a cockroach, and I'm never going to get away from the desire to write things, so I'm working hard to try again, engage, prioritize the things that bring me joy. So, blurb aside, some shit about me under the cut!
I'm 24, and I do specifically case management and behavioral health services, but I shorten it to social work. Basically, I help advocate for individuals with mental illnesses and act as a buddy while they learn, or relearn, how to function in the community and work on themselves.
All my writing is queer. Literally all of it. I am deeply allergic to not putting LGBT+ rep in my writing, even if there's no romance people are LGBT+. Personally I am asexual, panromantic, violently nonbinary, and a complete disaster. My pronouns are they/them.
I write mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and supernatural type stories. And I always do happy endings. I deal with some really low lows in my daily life, writing is my escape, so I like to live in my worlds where everything turns out okay in the end, no matter how much suffering happens first (read: i am a slut for hurt/comfort).
Right now, my energy is so low that I do not want to commit to betaing anything long form, but I'd love to read excerpts, shorter stuff, cheer you on, etc!
I am also down to be a reference for people wanting to portray mental illness. Personally I have the classic depression/anxiety/PTSD cocktail, but I also have ADHD and have lots of experience with what mental illness looks like on a daily basis. Also a decent reference for LGBTQ stuff, especially in rural areas, and stuff relating to my job.
Finally, I'm probably coming off as a bit cynical here, and I do often cuss/use sarcasm, but I genuinely want to hug all of your OC's and I want to do my best to support y'all with the few spoons I have!
About my WIP's:
You can tell I have ADHD by the WIP turnover rate in this blog. I have tags for them I believe, an organized post might happen later, but here's the two new shiny WIP's I anticipate working on the most over the next bit.
A supernatural...vaguely horror, vaguely satire, series of short stories about a group of people, all of whom met at a college, who meet up and protect their college town from monsters. I hate to call it Scooby-Doo meets Supernatural vibes, because it's not QUITE that? It's based on the RPG Monster of the Week, so hopefully that gives you an idea of the vibes.
I am also hoping to start a fantasy, dnd like WIP involving a character I absolutely adore that I made for another story with my partner that needs his own spinoff. More info to come? Hopefully?
I won't lie to y'all and promise consistency or activity, but I'm hoping sharing some of my stuff will help motivate me to get back into Writeblr. Sending love to y'all, and pls feel free to rant to me about your WIPs too!
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sugarplanet · 1 year
Off the Rails Again: What Happens When You Lose Motivation Over and Over (and What To Do)
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This spring hasn't been the most stable time of year for me. Aside from dealing with my insufferable allergies going into hyperdrive from all the pollen and freshly cut grass outside, I've been working through one depressive streak per month on average. I'll be getting into the groove, all nice and motivated, and then *CRASH.* Suddenly I'm too worn out to move, much less draw comics or update my blog. We all go through burn out or art block (I've even written about art block on this blog before) so I won't give you boring diatribe about staying motivated or how to get back up. Instead, I wanted to talk about the truth of frequent burn out and how you're supposed to carry on when that inevitable crash comes and takes you off road over and over.
For those of us living with ADHD of any severity, you might be pretty familiar with the terms and feelings I've described here already. I'm also sure you know how it feels when you just can't reach that state where you're so absorbed into whatever you're doing, you feel more productive than you've ever been in your life (I'm feeling that right now working on this entry); it's so gratifying when you set out to work and you're really getting into it… it's also really discouraging where you just can't bring yourself to do the same with any other project that may be really important to your job or living situation or worst of all; yourself.  There's a lot I've been meaning to do since the start of this year, on the top of my list was "start winning people over with my amazing portfolio and website." Even if I've made a lot progress in the past year or so, I know it isn't enough because there are so many people out there who've already done just as much and then some. It's very frustrating knowing there's so much untapped potential and that you can ride on the tracks only to fall off. It's disheartening. It's draining. It sucks. And it's not the end of the world. I've learned, many times over, that if you can appreciate the progress you have made, it's a lot easier to make the same or more progress next time when you recover. There's not going to be any "work/life balance!" or "hustle and grind!" or "self-help; be your own guru!" guide out there that's going to work for everyone because many of us (I live in the US for the record) lack the support or room for caring for just ourselves significantly enough where those solutions actually work. Believe me, if exercise and affirmations fixed everything, I'd be making that "work from home and retire early offline" money by now. But I've made it far enough down the line to acknowledge it at least.
For all the progress I haven't made, I've learned to track it, along with tangible and realistic goals and expectations for myself in whatever form that helps to solidify it. I choose note taking apps and organized folders of canvases and pictures to sort my machinations. I do recommend writing things down or organizing it in a way that works for you (scrap booking? Song writing?)  Consider what you want to accomplish and how you're going to do it; have a game plan for when you're working on personal projects, strengthening your portfolio, networking with peers and business partners, or at work and when you're going to be devoting time and energy to each thing.  I know it isn't the case for everyone, but journaling my thoughts or sketching out thumbnails to organize into planned projects on a written schedule helps me stay on the track while I'm working and keeps the track in place should I find myself dipping off to the side. Intention for your work and providing yourself that security for that inevitable fall in the future will help your self-esteem and then with your productivity after. And now, if I can prove that I have practiced some of the stuff I wrote about… Since March, I've managed some thumbnails for several projects where I'm developing artwork for a theoretical RPG about a girl and her parent/guardian (who is a talking magic rabbit) who go on adventures to save the environment, defeat evil monsters and capitalists, and rescue pretty boys from the clutches of darkness.
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The idea is to develop the concept with evolving designs and artwork as an exercise in building an idea from the ground up. I've also got a children's book style set of illustrations narrating a silly story about my dog, based on his webcomic series.
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I'm lucky enough to be able to fill a portfolio with things that can not only prove my talent but that I actually really care about and find engaging to produce. I'm really looking forward to seeing where these projects take me and I'm living off that anticipation for what it'll look like when it's all finished… As artists, there's a lot at stake when we're producing out of passion while doing it for money simultaneously; namely the will to keep doing it. That will is going to wear out eventually no matter what because you can't exist and just not get tired. But if you there's anything to take from this article, it's that you should be okay with falling off, even if you have to reset your cart. Apologies for the faulty analogy throughline.  
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vizziefizzie · 1 year
Ethan Headcanons!!!
AKA: watch me dissect and yell about this 11-year-old in a needlessly long and unprofessional post because I'm deranged. (Yes, i do this to my favorite characters in my free time).
General stuff:
He/him pronouns (they/them is fine with friends... especially since he's still figuring out what sounds good to him)
Demipanromantic who feels strong aesthetic and physical attractions
(Fuck the mbti (unreliable and generalizing) so im using the big 5 (slay)) Sxx|A|i (highly social, average emotional stability and organization, HIGH agreeableness, mildly inquisitive.) (Also, side note, i usually hate categorizing people into specific personalities so please don't treat this like some holy text!!)
He does suffer from anxiety and stress over people, relationships, and everyone's wellbeing. He just wants everything and everyone to be okay!
He has ADHD
His dad died when he was young, but he doesn't know the details of his death
He has an older brother! But he's gone for college. Whenever he comes home, Ethan wants all the details!
His mom taught him how to make simple meals, so he knows how to cook and bake... but don't ask him what equipment he's using and don't ask for a grand meal (he will burn the house down)
He also has an uncle!!! Remember Ralph?? (I'm 99.9% sure that they're related based on the calls on the Pokégear.) He learned everything about fishing from him. Also, Ralph comes from his dad's side of the family.
Adventure and a love for the outdoors RUNS in that side of the family. And while Ethan's mom doesn't go out much, she very much enjoys hikes, and she met his dad on one!
Kris was there with him in his early childhood, but she and her family moved to goldenrod. The two were close despite Kris' quiet nature.
He trusts Lyra and Kris with his life!
He has a penpal! (Spoiler, it's Dawn!)
His friends always bring out his hyper side!! He's perfectly comfortable being himself around them.
Silver.... he just wishes he could see him more without feeling... out of place? (He can tell that Silver doesn't exactly want him around, especially while he's training)
Every day, he scrolls through his contacts and gives everyone a call just to say hi!
Lyra moved in shortly after Kris left, and she quickly became Ethan's friend. The two act like hyperactive twins if anything else, and they often get the "Are you two related?" question.
Their parents get along too!! They bond over missing their old partners... though, Lyra's father just divorced.
Which, Lyra and Ethan cope together too! However, Ethan isn't as open about it.
Mental health things:
Speaking of!!! Ethan really does NOT know how to communicate his problems or insecurities to people. He's either silent and internal about it or screaming at the top of his lungs and having an emotional meltdown.
He has too much oxytocin.... people who know about stress hormones know exactly what I'm talking about (in short, it's craving support and physical contact to help relieve stress responses).
He's DEFINITELY an extrovert (not bc he's loud. No. People genuinely motivate him and he loves to just talk)... but some of his "cheerfulness" and giggling comes from a well of anxiety. He will laugh at anything, not bc he genuinely finds it funny (if he's genuinely laughing, it's non-stop wheezing and snorting between outbursts).
He has a "everything is okay!" attitude... especially around strangers. Sometimes it's good! Other times.... yeah, it's toxic positivity!!
He doesn't want people to stress about what he's stressed about! (So, he's anxious about his anxiety)
But on a side note, his mental health is usually great! But there are times when he's just not.
He often turns to exploring, helping others, and comfort foods whenever he's stressed... this happened a lot at the end of his journey and when he was champion (which was NOT a great time. But i want to make smth for that later.)
This kid suffers compassion fatigue from time to time!!! Especially when he's helping multiple strangers!! His friends are usually good about not asking for a bunch of stuff from him
Remember the ADHD thing? Yeah, he stims.
Arm flaps, snapping (he has something good that he wants to say), wiggling, shifting (anxiously waiting (either positive or negative)), nail biting (he's concentrating), etc
He also has vocal ones like squeaking or speaking in a high (and quiet) voice like "woo!" or anything like that! He also loves to hum (not as much as Lyra though)
Also, he can't sit still in a chair... it's a short person with ADHD thing (im projecting SHHHH!!!) (Also we are the same height I HATE IT HERE (<- 7 years older than him))
[Patrick star voice] TOUCH
He uses tactile toys because he can't keep his hands to himself and he loves them!!
He loves to hug!!! Hugs!!!
Sometimes he can't shut up while other times he's uncharacteristically quiet.... it's usually because he's just observing other people or his head is in the clouds.
Maladaptive daydreaming goes BRRRRR!!!!
Side things:
He has a VERY messy room despite how prepared and organized he usually is for everything else. (Sometimes, his room is so cluttered, he needs Silver or Kris (the only organized people he knows) to help him get out and make it less of a hazard).
He loves sour and spicy things (sweet too.... but he needs that tart flavor with it)
He loves flowery scents but fruity ones overstimulate him
He hates grainy and stringy foods. He HATES oranges (but not the juice)
He is not a gamer. He SUCKS at them!! But, he's great with casual games like Animal Crossing (stress free!!)
On quiet days, he's usually sitting outside enjoying the breeze
He has suffered humiliation due to how gullible he is! But that was earlier on his journey, he's smarter now!
A lot of his team provides emotional support!!! More on that in a future post!
He can play the guitar!! Camp songs!! And calloused hands...
He sucks at reading!!! And he often needs to read aloud.
[UUhh I might add more!!!]
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seasaltandcopper · 1 year
33. How do they learn about the world–what is their preferred learning style? Hands-on learning with trial and error? Research, reading, and note-taking? Observation or rote memorization? Inductive or deductive reasoning? Seeking patterns and organization? Taking things apart and putting them back together? Creative processing via discussing, writing about, or dramatizing things? (For any character of your choice)
(also answering this one for A’mahl, because I’m on a roll here lol)
sorry for the wait, I've been slow answering these lately!
Mahl is absolutely a hands-on learner, and a very tactile person in general. Trial and error, observation (to some extent, but he gets impatient quickly if he can’t personally engage with the subject), taking things apart to see how they work and putting them back together, are all definitely methods he favors.
Honestly pretty much anything that doesn’t require a lot of reading. Mahl’s very smart, he’s a good problem solver when he puts his mind to it, and he’s got a knack for machina, magitek, and invention, but he struggles a lot with reading and writing. It probably won’t ever come up canonically for him in this setting, but most of that trouble is a combination of (un-diagnosed) adhd and dyslexia. Though it’s less of a sore spot in this au, in part because there are a lot of other aids and workarounds he can utilize to help, Mahl does still hold onto some insecurities because of it. He won’t admit that, and tends to hide behind the ‘books are boring, why read when you can punch shit instead?’, persona, but if you’ve ever watched the way his face lights up when Nahte’to reads out loud to him you will know this is a lie lmfao.
(Nahte is one of Mahl's canon partners, and they both share WoL status due to the nature of their souls being chimeric. He belongs to @lookbluesoup )
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