#adhd coaching
Tips to Tame ADHD Perfectionism in Adults Infographic
Tips to Tame ADHD Perfectionism in Adults Infographic
Tame ADHD Perfectionism Infographic Perfectionism and ADHD may go hand in hand, but there are simple strategies and systems that can help tame your inner persnickety perfectionistic beast. This Tame ADHD Perfectionism in Adults Infographic shares 7 tips to mitigate and attempt to break the hold it has on you. Manage your perfectionist tendencies with this 7 Tips to Tame ADHD Perfectionism in…
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spellscribe · 1 year
Guys I can't tick "do something for my business" or "post on social media for my business" U til I do them, and it's 7pm and I'm tired.
So, uhh, "buy my books" and also 'beta reader for hire".
That counts, right?
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sunlighthappiness · 8 months
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lizkarltoncoaching · 10 months
Managing Life With ADHD- How can ADHD coaching be beneficial?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
What Does ADHD Look Like?
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The Mini ADHD Coach
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vvcounselling · 1 year
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dappersautismcreature · 6 months
a mentor of mine told me recently that "all the neurodivergent people i know, when faced with intense grief either run from it at all costs and disassociate , or meet it head on and experience psychosis"
i think this applies pretty well to the qsmp. especially with tubbos recent developments
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zilighter · 7 days
Everyone always complains about Morgana in Persona 5. Like “The stupid cat won’t let me go to the bathhouse on this rainy day I hate them” DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR A LITTLE GUY TO KEEP ME ON TRACK OF THINGS??? Like, Morgana keeps Joker in line when it comes to everyday activities like athletics, hobbies, and schoolwork. That alone is super helpful but he also just reminds Joker to take care of himself and not overwork himself. He talks Joker through his test assignments (not doing them for him, but he does guide him on the writing portions to keep the flow of the essay clean)
Like that’s SO helpful Joker gets a life-coach to hold his hand through life in the form of a silly little guy, and I’m tired of people complaining!
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nerdnag · 2 months
Actual conversation between me and the coach I get to talk to through work, after I told her that I have impostor syndrome:
Her: how long have you worked in this field?
Me: seven years.
Her: and you still have a job.
Me: yes.
Her: you work in a relatively small company. People would notice if you were bad at your job, and it would NOT take seven years.
Me: ... Yeah but... I mean... I know I am somewhat competent at what I do. But I... I fake so much.
Her: what do you mean you "fake"?
Me: well... Like, in meetings. I have strategies for the social bits. Not like I follow a detailed step-by-step plan or anything, but there are these patterns that I follow. And also I often find myself struggling to reach my knowledge while in a meeting, so I have to either say I'll get back to them or improvise something. And some days, if I'm having a bad day or low energy, my usual strategies don't work as well, or at all. And then I feel like everyone can see through me, and see me flounder or stumble over myself and realize what a fake I am.
Her: ... So you have strategies to cope with things that are difficult for you as a neurodivergent person.
Me: yes...
Her: that, to me, doesn't show that you're an impostor. It shows that you are incredibly brave, strong and intelligent.
Me: ... What
Her: you wake up every single day and choose to face your fears, to challenge yourself and strive to develop as a person. You have come up with strategies to handle these fears, strategies which *work*. Sara, that's not what an impostor does. That's what a *genius* does.
Her: an impostor wouldn't work as hard as you do. Most people do *not* face their fears everyday and come up with strategies to manage them. And impostors definitely don't.
Me: what the actual huh
Me: ... But... But I don't feel like I have a choice. And surely people wouldn't hire a coach if they weren't interested in developing themselves?
Her: I coach a lot of clients, Sara. Believe me when I say that even those who do want to grow and develop themselves very rarely struggle with the sort of difficult issues that you do.
Me: ... Oh.
Her: that being said, I will absolutely get to the bottom of this impostor syndrome and help you manage it. Trust me, I will get you out of that mindset.
Me: ... ok 🥺
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cenablocksanespaces · 2 years
12 Ways to Organize Your Life for ADHD Adults Infographic
12 Ways to Organize Your Life for ADHD Adults Infographic
Organizing Life for ADHD Adults Infographic If you ask anyone with adult ADHD to name their top challenges, chances are high that “organizing life” will appear on many lists. Organizing your life may be more difficult for those with ADHD but it’s far from impossible. This Organizing Life for ADHD Adults Infographic shares 12 ways to effectively create an organized life. Unlock the Secret to…
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Spreading my 'Everyone in Ted Lasso (Especially Ted Lasso) is autistic' propaganda
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coachbeards · 14 days
beard and ted are audhd btw !!!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Why We Need More ADHD Awareness
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The Mini ADHD Coach
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vvcounselling · 1 year
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volivolition · 1 month
Is the Wip game finished? Can I still ask for stuff? If I still can, can I get a snippet from the one that give me the most rot (meet the parts)? If no, then I'm just swinging by to say hi how are you doing? <3
HI RED!! thank you for swinging by, im doing better than earlier!! my ear is getting better and im eating pizza :]!
okay so TECHNICALLY it's no longer wednesday, but i LOVE spoiling my fics so of COURSE you can have a snippet from Meet the Parts hkjh <33 you are always free to ask anytime, i will always be happy to share bits of my stories <3 AND SINCE THERE'S NO RULES I CAN SHARE MORE THAN THREE LINES!! here's like, a whole React Speed thing i just wrote :]
LOGIC – Along with Coach and Sparks – Flighty and Fingers too, I suppose – they're why you have trouble sitting still for long periods of time. The attention deficiency disorder... Or are they exacerbated by it? I still haven't figured out which is the cause and which is the effect...
REACTION SPEED – Point is, we got zoomies! Can't sit still. Always more to do, more to see, more to say.
YOU – "Are you why my leg is always-"
REACTION SPEED – Bouncing, yep! Fingers tapping, hands flapping, feet moving, words flying- hey, if you had wings like me, we'd never be touching ground.
YOU – "You have wings?"
KIM KITSURAGI – He jots this down with an interested hum.
REACTION SPEED – Yes! Books, what- which animal–
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] – You have the hovering wing type of trochilidae – hummingbirds, colloquially – with their ability to rotate their wingspan at the shoulder and elbow joints to create maximum lift. However, though you exhibit some iridescent feathers associated with the birds, your wings also connect to membranes, which share the Voronoi tessellation of the species anisoptera, the common dragonfly.
REACTION SPEED - Yeah, exactly! I'm a hummingbird and a dragonfly. Both of 'em. :)
#task: meet the parts#inland drabbles#volta transmissions#the :) is not in the original but i added it here for fun <3 :)!!! ALSO YAY my reaction speed has wings :]#im glad you like meet the parts :'] its hard for me to work on it but i just wrote this scene thinking ''oh but red loves these guys'' hkjg#like! i LOVE the premise of meet the parts as much as the next guy but i dont like how im writing it hkjgh? i dont know what im doing :']!!#i need to finish my character analysis for all the skills first because i feel like im writing them too shallowly... ough im trying#how am i introducing kim to the skills when even i dont know the skills!! im building a house with a foundation made of peanuts hkjh#like hm. ency wouldn't touch on so many subjects so briefly? he'd zero in on one topic and talk.... or not? idk!! im not an int guy!!#reaction speed does use a LOT of exclamation marks though i love this for him. his sentences are often short and cut into phrases.#''Blam! Straight in the eye. Straight in the old eye-orb. In *the lookin' ball*!'' short pointed sentences. also oh my god he's silly <3#restless and energetic. coach wants you to move; echem needs the dopamine; but react speed puts the Hyperactive in ADHD!#sidenote: canon in reaction speed's description ''working in tandem with your Intellect skills'' GUY WHO GETS ALONG WITH THE INTs :D <3#anyway this is also the one of the few skill-centric fics im writing that don't have my usual skill actions :0#''REACTION SPEED flutters excitedly; twisting to try and catch a glimpse of his own wings - Yes!'' vs just ''REACTION SPEED - Yes!''#which means a lot of what the skills are doing or thinking as characters are cut out unless i have them mention it in dialogue#which SUCKKSSS for me because i LOVE focusing on the skills but i often leave it out when the outside world is involved (harry and kim)#it presents a unique challenge to just write characters with only dialogue. ough... curse my current lack of interest in the humans hkfjh..#ANYWAY im running out of tag space so im done rambling hkjhg thank you for asking red! :D#esprit: Red
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dappersautismcreature · 7 months
i hope they chill and talk for hours like this, my favorite part of qsmp events
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