#he’s sweet and polite and he’s a badass that you don’t want to mess with
the-bi-space-ace · 3 months
There’s something tender yet sharp about Echo. He’s kind and full of heart but he’s fiery and passionate. He has strong values and a strong wit but he will adapt if/when the situation needs him to.
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litterateur97 · 1 year
Sorry you’re having a bad week! I hope you’re doing alright. I’m kinda shy so I don’t normally send in asks, but I wanted to ask if you’ve considered seeing My Hero Academia? The primary villain/deuteragonist of the story reminds me so much of Beyond Birthday it’s unreal, and there are characters who hearken toward Mello and Misa too, which is awesome. I think if you like any of those people you should give it a watch, it’s one of my comfort anime right now. Here are the characters (BB, Mello, and Misa):
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Have you thought about L’s upbringing in Wammy’s House? What was his education like? Did he have any childhood friends? Were A and B his friends?
Who is your favorite anime character of all time?
Hi there, thank you for the ask! I understand being shy, I don't send people questions very often either lol.
1. So I actually have seen the first two seasons of My Hero Academia and I really liked it! I meant to continue watching it, but with my ADHD I often get sidetracked. I agree though that Bakugo is like Mello and Shigaraki is like BB. I don't think I've met the character who's like Misa yet, but she looks cool! I'll definitely have to get back to watching the series so I can see what happens next. So far Todoroki is my favorite character followed closely by Tsu. I find both of them relatable and I like their powers a lot.
2. I have thought about his upbringing a lot and I have several different headcanons for it. For the most part, I think L was mostly a loner and didn't interact with the other kids a ton. I think he had lessons with Roger and Wammy and then started educating himself on various stuff when he got his computer and got bored of what the old men taught him. I think he didn't have any close friends, or anything he would truly consider a real friendship, but got along alright with some of the other kids there. I imagine he would act polite to keep up appearances or to get what he wanted from the other kids. He probably mostly stuck to his room though. Wammy probably tried to encourage him to talk to the other kids until L started solving cases and he realized that was what L was most interested in. I think he probably got along with A and had a complicated relationship with B. He probably kept them at a distance because he doesn't like to get close to others, but still cared about both of them even if he didn't outwardly express that. Maybe they helped him with a few cases and he got to know them slightly better than the other kids at Wammy's, but he still probably wouldn't have labelled the relationships as friendships. Especially if he went on to make them his first successors, he probably tried to make them more like his colleagues.
3. My favorite anime character of all time is L. I have always found him to be incredibly fascinating and I relate to his character in multiple ways. I don't see a lot of autistic representation in the media that I view positively, but L was the first character I viewed as autistic that I loved the representation of. He was relatable and flawed and kind of the hero of the story while also kind of the villain of the story and there was so much mystery surrounding him that I could come up with whatever I wanted to give him a backstory. He sits weird like I do and loves sweets like I do and prefers to be by himself like I do and he's a badass. He's polite but also seen as a jerk, which is how folks often view me as well. I really looked up to him while also questioning a lot of his actions. I don't think any other character has come close to giving me all the feelings L does. I love him and I think he's a mess and I think he's capable of more and he gives me hope for myself. So yeah, he'll always be my favorite.
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new-old-friend · 2 years
Interviewer: It's time for your interview, M'kenzie!
M'kenzie: I don't wanna.
Interviewer: C'mon, you promised me.
M'kenzie: Don't wanna!
Y'shtola: M'kenzie.
M'kenzie: Yeah! Let's start!
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I: What is your full birth name?
M: M'kenzie Tia.
I: Do you have a title?
M: Many. Warrior of light, Champion of Eorzea, Warrior of darkness... but the one I'm really proud of is "THE IMPERIAL NUISANCE"
I: Any nicknames?
M: Kenzie, Macky, handyman and NO. Alisaie gave me the last one.
I: How old are you?
M: 27.
I: Where were you born?
M: In the M tribe, in Gyr Abania
I: Who are your parents?
M: M'averick and M'eva.
I: Do you have any siblings?
M: Yes, two sisters, M'raly and M'illa, and a brother, M'ishan. All younger than me.
I: Where do you live now?
M: "Live" is not exactly the right word, let's say I rest here and there.
I: Who do you live with?
M: Nobody... yet.
I: Are you right or left-handed?
M: Ambidextrous.
I: What words/phrases do you regularly use?
M: "Why do I always get myself into others shit"?
I: Name some habits or strange quirks you have.
M: I sleep on my belly with my legs bent upward.
I: Height?
M: 1.74 cm.
I: Weigh?
M: 77 kg.
I: Skin Tone?
M: Pinkish?
I: Body Shape?
M: Athletic.
I: Hair?
M: Yes.
I: I mean, what colour.
M: White/Blue-gray, and red at the tips
I: Eyes?
M: Very very very very light green
I: Face Shape?
M: Square.
I: Everyday dress style?
M: Some kind of armor, depending on the combat style I'm using in the moment.
I: Any jewellery?
M: A green earring, a necklace and 3 rings, one of them is a gift of my boyfriend
I: Any Scars?
M: To many to count.
I: Tattoos?
M:Three red lines on both sides of the face.
I: How would you describe your childhood in general?
M: A friggin mess.
I: What is your earliest memory?
M: Some days after i started walking, my mother arrived just in time to prevent myself falling in a precipice. I've always liked great views.
I: Where did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
M: From people i met throughout my adventures.
I: What do you want to be when you grew up?
M: Lazy.
I: Are you popular?
M: Sadly, yes.
I: What do you consider the most important event of your life?
M: Being able to stay with Raha again.
I: What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
M: Hide Tataru's kettle.
I: Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
M: Not that I'm aware of.
I: When was the time you were the most frightened?
M: When all my friends sacrifice themselves in Ultima Thule. I was fucking scared I wouldn't be able to save them.
I: Political views?
M: The last time i spoke with someone about politics it doesn't went well. Let's drop it.
I: Views on Sex?
M: Yes.
I: In your own opinion, what is the most evil thing someone could do?
M: Steals Tataru's kettle.
I: Do you believe in Soul Mates/True love?
M: Do you see that miqo'te guy with red eyes and hair, now smiling at me?
I: Yes.
M: He's my everything.
I: Describe him.
M: As I usually say to him "You are a three hundred years old bunch of badassness in a body of a 24 years old sweet and clumsy catboi".
I: How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with yourself?
M: Ahem.
I: How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
M: Ah-ahem.
I: Do you have any biases or prejudices?
M: Just on drinks. When someone pours me drinks, shit happens: people get poisoned, i get drugged...
I: Is there anything you would absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?
M: Kill innocent people.
I: Why would you refuse?
M: Are you really asking this?
I: What one act are you most proud of?
M: My haircut.
I: What one act are you most ashamed of?
M: My previous haircut.
I: Are you a leader or follower?
M: I haven't figured it out yet.
I: In general, how do you treat people you don’t know well?
M: I'm polite, most of the time.
I: How do you treat people you do know?
M: It depends, some of the people I know you don’t wanna meet.
I: Who do you respect the most and why?
M: Minfilia. Doesn't need an explanation.
I: Who are your friends?
M: The [former] Scions of the Seven Dawn.
I: Who is your best friend?
M: Except Raha, you mean? Krile. She's like a big sis to me, although she's actually younger than me.
I: Who do you turn to in desperate times and why?
M: Raha. Not just because he is the love of my life, but he is my best friend and the strongest person I've ever known.
I: Do you care what others think of you?
M: I don't give a damn.
I: Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, trans or something else?
M: BI.
I: What is/are your favourite hobbies/pastimes?
M: I play a lot of instruments, and I like singing.
I: Favourite colour?
M: Red.
I: Favourite food?
M: Pork Kakuni.
I: Do you smoke?
M: If people don't set me on fire, no.
I: Drink?
M: No.
I: Drugs?
M: It happened just once, and not by my choice.
I: Typical Friday night?
M: There's no typical something in my life.
I: What would be the perfect gift for you?
M: A day in a spa.
I: Rain or Sun and why?
M: Rain, i don't know why, it's more like a feeling. Yes, I know it's weird for a seeker of the Sun, but still.
I: How do you deal with stress?
M: I don't.
I: Do you tend to save or spend your money?
M: Spend. Only recently I managed to save some money to bid a house in Ishgard. Wish me luck.
I: What is your greatest strength?
M: My friends.
I: Greatest weakness?
M: My boyfriend's eyes, and he knows.
I: Introvert or Extrovert?
M: Extrovert for the most.
I: Organised or messy?
M: Absolutely messy, you should see my baggage.
I: Three things you’re good at.
M: Finds trouble, Learn new things, Being scolded by Y'shtola.
I: Three things you’re bad at.
M: Having a godsdamn moment of rest, save money, dance.
I: Where do you see yourself in five years?
M: At this rate? Dead.
I: C'mon, be serious.
M: I don't know, probably still adventuring. Hopefully married.
I: What animal do you fear most?
M: Alisaie (please, don't tell her).
I: What person do you fear most?
M: Y'shtola.
I: What is your favourite number?
M: 7.
I: What was the phrase your parents told you most often, as a child?
M: "Kenzie! Put that knife down!"
I: What are your thoughts about marriage?
M: I'm trying to find the courage to propose to my boyfriend, so...
I: Tell me one of your flaws.
M: I have a terrible memory and sense of direction, which for an adventurer is telling.
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heniareth · 3 years
I was really curious about what your opinions on the DAO companions are :) I know we have talked about some, but I'd love to hear more and about the others as well :D I hope it's ok to pose this as an ask :)
Sure! That sounds like a ton of fun. This might be a long one tho. Mind you, this is not the finished version of the answer. I'd like to link stuff and add a cut, but rn that's not possible. I'll update it when I can.
Edit: I have updated it ^^
Let's go alphabetically bc why not.
Sweet guy. So sweet. There was a moment when I was hard pressed chosing between him and Zevran (alas, Zevran won). Also, he's weirdly tall according to the wiki? How did I not notice that before?
Let's get a bit more serious now, Alistair is a great guy. The only reason he's not the hero of the story is because he doesn't want to. He has all the qualities of a leader: he's good at dealing with conflict (as evident with the conversation with the mage at the beginning. He gets where he wants to get without antagonizing the mage, but without allowing him to trample all over him). He's a solid tactitian and knows how to make allies (he suggests to use the Grey Warden treaties, after all). I bet if he was in the leadership position, he'd even not bicker with Morrigan. His moral code is pretty tight; some might say too tight, but I think it's less about the moral code and more about learning to judge people by their actions, not by the labels they fit into (Morrigan is a proud apostate and therefore bad. Wynne is a humble circle mage and therefore good). He also has a bit of a black-and-white way of seeing the world. I empathize a lot with Alistair, especially with his experience with the Chantry and his subsequent reluctance to deal with it. I really wish I had gotten to know more about concrete experiences he had during his training as templar, but he seems reluctant to talk about it (gee, I wonder why).
Since I've only played the game once, I haven't really picked up on Arl Eamon's abuse towards him, which apparently exists (Isolde, however... I mean, even if he were Eamon's illegitimate son, he's a kid, ma'am, he didn't exactly get to chose his parents. So that's so not okay). Alistair's way of speaking about them both, however, is either sign that he has not come within a hundred miles of acknowledging how much it hurt him, or that he's already gone through the whole process and has decided to forgive them. The latter shows a very strong character; yes, he relies on the approval and leadership of others, he has his issues, but he's already started working on them.
That being said, irl Alistair would be like a little brother to me. I'd tease him relentlessly (all in good fun and I promise to stop if it makes him uncomfortable, but he's just so teasable). I still wish the videogame gave him the chance to take important decisions for himself. But that, of course, would somewhat defeat the point of the game.
Another sweet, sweet person. Her singing voice is amazing. Her belief in the Maker inspires me (I'm a religious person and seeing religious characters represented in a positive light is Very Cool. It's also sometimes a source of discomfort, because the Church has done a lot of very messed up stuff and positive representation can sometimes veer into apologetics for things that should not be excused, but that's a whole other can of worms. The bottom line is that religious characters sometimes work for me and other times don't and Leliana works for me very much bc she's an outsider inside the Chantry).
Leliana is best friend material, tbh. I'd love to get to know her irl, discuss theology and philosophy and maybe even politics? She makes mistakes and has prejudices, but, tbh, so do I. And I do get the feeling that she tries her best to learn. From the times she intervenes in a conversation between the Warden and an NPC, she shows herself to be compassionate and open to the needs of others. What I get from her character is that she genuinely wants to help, which is something that I adore of her. I suspect that she sometimes has a hard time deciding wether she's a good person or not. She has killed and seduced and worked for a morally dubious person, and she doesn't show the same nonchalance about it as Zevran (though they both do discuss their line of work in very... professional terms). This is, however, more of a headcanon than actual factual canon.
I also very much enjoy her girly side, like her interest in shoes and dresses. She's one badass woman who also looses her cool about the latest fashions in Val Royeaux. I like that. Between her and Alistair, a non human noble Warden has as good a help to navigate the Fereldan court as they're going to get. Leliana is also, I can't forget that, clever and insightful. It'd be easy to write her off as the innocent chantry girl, but she's so much more than that. Her kindness is paired with foresight, I think. She knows that taking on the trouble to help now can go a long way in the future. I just have a lot of respect for her.
This one's gonna be short bc I didn't recruit him. He's an amazing villain and would probably be a great Warden as well. He reminds me of Denerhor from LOTR; once a hero/stewart of his people, ambition and desperation have driven them both down a terrible path. I have also only little idea about his past. People say he lost a lot, and I believe it wholeheartedly; it doesn't excuse the fact that he plunged the country into a civil war in the middle of a Blight. I don't have a lot of sympathy for short-sighted politicians. I wish he hadn't made himself regent. That's what I take away from his character.
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention that really impressed me was his death. I had Alistair duel him (that was a rough duel), and then it kinda just jumped to a cutscene of my Warden nodding and Alistair executing him. That didn't sit well with me. I didn't want to kill Loghain, and less so in front of Anora. But what impressed me was that Loghain just accepted it. That takes a whole lot of guts. Compare that to Howe's death, and how he screams out that he deserved (more, probably, or anything but death) and it's crystal clear who the more noble of the two is. Loghain strikes me as very lawful neutral, and any neutral alignment has the particularity that it can be dragged towards good or bad, sometimes without the characters noticing it (which is interesting from a DnD perspective; neutral is often concieved of as just as stable as good or evil, but that may not be true. But that's a different post). Anyway, Loghain's death was impactful.
I could kick myself for not maxing out her approval in the first play-through. I got to enjoy a bit of her friendship by the end of it and boy was even that little bit worth it. Friendship with Morrigan is something that is hard-won. It's all the more precious because of that.
Morrigan is full of paradoxes, I think. She's incredibly wise in some ways, yet also very short-sighted (”just kill them, don't solve their problems”. Morrigan, dear, I'm not going to gain a lot of allies if I kill everybody who poses a problem to me). She is so intelligent, but emotionally... not so. She knows so much about some things, and very little about the next. She's incredibly wilful and knows what she wants, but follows Flemeth's orders all the time through. She hungers for power and independence, yet craves closeness, but won't allow herself to have it. She asks you to prove yourself to her and is extremely critical of your actions, I think, because she's afraid. She bites the hand that feeds her because it might hit her next.
Like with Eamon, I haven't managed to catch the undercurrent of abuse that seems to permeate Flemeth's relationship with Morrigan. Except there are signs, because there must be something Morrigan is scared of and who has instilled all that rage in her, and that's Flemeth. Also, she clearly hates/does not care about her and wants her dead (unless killing Flemeth was part of Flemeth's plan as well? Hm.)
Morrigan is that one person who you are nice to, continuously, because nobody else is. And suddenly she becomes less cold. And then friendly. And suddenly you're asking yourself why everybody hates her, because she's a really good friend! I just wish the other companions came to a similar conclusion, especially Alistair and Wynne.
They did this man dirty. He has such great lines and I'm convinced he was a great person before Branka disappeared. He has that dwarven warrior spirit, and while he looks like Gimli, some of his most impactful lines remind me of Dwalin or even Thorin Oakenshield himself. He could be so noble had he gotten some character development, damnit!
Oghren as he is written is somewhat disgusting. I hate the lechering comments and the drunkenness. And still, I don't hate him because of those amazing lines he has when he's actually sober. It's frustrating and I'll give him that character development myself if the game won't. I strongly associate the song Whiskey Lullaby with him, bc that's how he would have ended up if the Warden hadn't taken him along (warning: the song talks about suicide and alcoholism). Like I said, they could have done such cool things with his character. As he is written now... it's just sad. Moments of lucidity drowned in alcohol and creepy jokes. As you can see, I don't blame the character for either. The alcoholism happens all too often irl. The creepy jokes... I put that one on the writers' tab.
I actually think Oghren could have been a great mentor figure (I know, I shock myself as well sometimes). Next to the Grey Wardens, the ones who know most about fighting darkspawn are the dwarves because they have to deal with them constantly. Especially a warrior caste dwarf like Oghren could have brought a lot of that invaluable knowledge to the team, especially since there are no Grey Wardens in Ferelden but two extremely green recruits. Next, you get the chance to give Oghren the command of the teammates you leave behind in the battle of Denerim with the reason that he has lead men into battle before. Where did that suddenly come from? Oghren should have been right up there telling my Warden that they were doing this wrong, that they needed more food (and booze) and a confident leader to keep the armies they've called together going. Oghren should have been able to tell my civilian city elf who got recruited into the Grey Wardens a six months ago how one leads an army. How one presents oneself to inspire confidence, how one doesn't crack under the pressure, how one gets the leaders of said armies (some who hate each others guts i.e. Dalish elves and humans) to work together. And, last but not least, Oghren could have had a great story about grief. This is a man who has lost most of what made him (and what he hasn't lost he's spilling down the drain with every mug of ale). This is a man who, if you take him into the Deep Roads, has to see what his wife did to his family, how his wife got absolutely obsessed, and can be forced to kill said wife or watch her die. All Wardens loose their home and families at the start of the story. It would really have rounded the whole narrative out if the Warden and Oghren could have recognised their grief in each other and hashed it out somehow. Such as it is, Oghren is a depressed drunkard and there is nothing we can do about that. I find that frustrating.
Rascal (a.k.a. Dog):
Best boy. 100/10. I wish we had gotten to see the reaction of the different origins to the mabari (because elves probably have a whole different experience with them from mages or humans. And dwarves just... I think they straight up have none? XD). Other than that, no complaints. The name Rascal was the one I gave my dog because you have to be a right rascal to survive what he did and play the pranks he plays. Smartest breed in the world indeed.
Shale is one of those characters that I recruited rather late in the game, so I haven't had the chance to explore their personality and worldview, really. I didn't even get to take them to the Deep Roads (this will be ammended in playthrough nr. 2). As such, I don't have particularly strong opinions on them (or her? The wiki refers to Shale as 'it', but that sounds weird). But, because I know so little about Shale, I have a lot of questions. First, what were they like before they were a golem? Shayle, as she was called then, was the best warrior of her time if I remember correctly. Why did she become a golem? Was it to be able to eternally protect her people? Was the sarcasm the golem Shale exhibits also part of the dwarven warrior Shayle or did that come later (if for thirty years you have nobody to talk to but yourself, you better be entertaining. And I can imagine how it could make somebody terribly jaded as well).
Next, how attached is Shale to their golem form, exactly? According to the banter, they infinitely prefer it to a squishy fleshy form. If that is the case, however, why go to Tevinter to try and become a squishy dwarf again? It's not like that process could be reversed if they wanted to become a golem again; if Shale survives to the end of the game, the Anvil of the Void is destroyed and Caridin is dead. Was the whole spiel about their indestructible form a façade? It might have been, but not because Shale actually disliked their form. I think it would have more to do with the loss of their memories and with the very invasive experiments and alterations of Shale's body made by the mage Wilhelm. The loss of memories means that Shale is unable to remember life as a fleshy creature. They might be deflecting by pretending that they didn't care for that experience anyway because of the superiority of their golem form. The modifications made to their form by Wilhelm would have alienated them from their body. In light of this, it's significant that Shale asks the Warden to decorate their form with crystals.
All of this is, of course, pure speculation. I may have easily missed or forgotten details that would disprove the above thoughts. All in all, I like Shale and I hope we meet them again in DA4 (given that it's mostly set in Tevinter). It's a liking from a respectful distance, because Shale is tall and made out of rock and also way more experienced than I will ever be (they are literally the oldest member of the Warden's little Blight fighting squad).
Sten is another person I'd keep a respectful distance from physically. That seems to be the what he would prefer, at least. I've enjoyed his character a lot, especially because he seems pretty clear-cut at first, but slowly lets the nuance of his person show (gruff and stoic, but then he has an eye for art, a sweet tooth and he likes cute animals). It's also very interesting that there's no moment when you learn "the truth" about him the way you do with Zevran or Leliana. There's no big reveal about his life under the Qun before coming to Ferelden. He says he was sent to monitor the Blight, but honestly? If neither Ferelden nor Orlais knew there was a Blight, how could the Qunari know? I think he's lying, and he takes his secrets back with him when he leaves Ferelden. And yet I think I know him enough to say that a Warden who has become friends with him has nothing to fear from Sten.
One thing I find very interesting about Sten is how he thinks. His conversation about how women can't be soldiers has been analysed a lot on this page I think. He seems to be arguing based on a different paradigma than the one the Warden has. He also seems to have a very clear-cut view of the world. What is fascinating to me is that, when arguing with the Warden and learning about their culture, he is not necessarily becoming more lax about his worldview. I think it's more likely that he is expanding his paradigma, the structure of thought through which he understands the world. I don't think that he is now convinced that women can be warriors as well. I think he rather understands that, in Ferelden, the relationship between occupation and gender is different than under the Qun. Which of the two he thinks is more right or more agreeable, I have no idea. I'm also not very interested in that. But I find it fascinating how he always seems to be looking on quietly, gathering data, classifying it and trying to fit it into his understanding of how the world works. I wouldn't be surprised at all if his original party was a scouting party to see how vulnerable Ferelden was at that moment to outside forces. One thing I don't understand with all of this is why he urges the Warden to meet the Blight head on. No smart soldier would suggest that, except if they are foolishly proud (and Sten doesn't seem like that kind of guy tbh). I get that the Warden takes way longer to gather allies than expected because they first have to solve all of their allies' problems. But surely Sten sees the need to have allies? Is he just that impatient? Does he have a death wish (à la, I lost my sword and am without honour, better to die sooner than later and in glorious battle)? Was he his group's previous commander and is he now having trouble following somebody else's orders? Or maybe it's his way to make sure the Warden knows what they are doing? To push them into becoming the self-assured commander their allies will need once they're all gathered? I really don't know. I like the last option best, however.
For me, Sten is my fellow, more experienced soldier. Like Alistair, he can potentially be the Warden's brother in arms, but he's definitely the older brother here. He probably doesn't take kindly to tearful confessions of how hard everything is, but I feel like he's otherwise a solid rock to lean on. I feel like the Warden can trust him to do what is necessary and count on him no matter what, especially after they get his sword back. His devotion from that point on is honestly so powerful.
Wynne was such a support for my Warden (except with the whole conversation about love vs. duty and that she may have to choose between Zevran and ending the Blight and that she should therefore break up with him. Wynne had a point. Astala was so not willing to sacrifice her relationship with Zevran. But the whole conversation came at a point where she was already so disillusioned that she blew up in Wynne's face (”can i please just have one (1) nice thing????”)). But all in all, Wynne is great.
She has a lot of flaws. She was very marked by her life in the Cricle and, for all her age, she has little experience living outside of it. She is also a conformist despite her strong moral core. In a way, her ability to find peace with her lot in life impresses me deeply because it speaks to a lot of strength of character. Sadly, however, strength can be ill applied and used to suppress. I think she has convinced herself that the Chantry is right under (almost) all circumstances to be able to rationalize the life that mages live. She's had her son taken away from her as a baby and an apprentice killed. Her reaction seems to have been to convince herself that this was right, or for the greater good (and now I'm thinking about the Guardian's question at the temple of Andraste's Ashes; are you wise or do you just repeat what others have told you? The answer is not as clear-cut as it might be). This is why she is so irritated by Zevran and Morrigan. By aligning herself with the Chantry, she is, in her eyes, good. Zevran and Morrigan are not; they do not conform to Chantry morality and they defend themselves tooth and nails against somebody who would try and convert them. This is something Wynne never allowed herself to do; she always did the "right" thing and it has cost her so much. I'm not saying she was right (it would probably have done her some good to rebel from time to time, and to trust her own gut instinct more), but in light of this, it hardly surprises me that she's so judgamental. She has to be, or she would be forced to confront all the evil she has not fought against all those years and all the hurt that has been caused to her by the very institution she protects (and thank God she only tries to argue and can appreciate it when people have found a good life outside of her comfort zone. If she tried to convince by force or, for example, drag her former apprentice back to the Circle... boy oh boy that would get ugly). If you think about it, Wynne really is a good example for what happens if you live by a philosophy of always choosing the lesser evil.
Something that I keep forgetting over her grandmotherly and dignified character is how damn powerful she is. She has escaped the carnage at Ostagar; HOW!? She protected those mage apprentices in the Circle tower for God knows how long. In the battle of Denerim, she wades through an army and comes out alive on the other side. The wiki lists her age at 40, I think, but that doesn't make a lick of sense unless 75 years of age are the Fereldan equivalent to 100. This lady, about whom people make grandmother jokes, did all that. It's impressive.
You know, I would really love to know what Wynne thinks about the events at Kirkwall in DA2. It might be a disaster for her, or it might pave the way for one last bit of character development. She certainly didn't want to return to the Circle after fighting the Blight. That may be an indicator of some change in her stance on the Circle of Magi.
Edit: I forgot that she is what the Circle considers a literal abomination! Holy cow, how could I forget that?? Anyway, her conversation about what being an abomination means is so... heartbreaking, actually. It's so tentative. So careful. "Am I an abomination? Am I the same thing that has killed my students? The same thing as Uldred? Am I lost and damned? Did I invite this spirit in? Is this my fault?" Like wow, Wynne is going through something huge right there. I love it. I have to continue playing the game to see what it ends up as, but it's fascinating and such a huge thing that she allows the Warden in on that.
Ah, Zevran, my beloved (he has stolen my heart so much it's not even funny anymore). He's funny, he's charming, he's so so loyal and it breaks my heart. Zevran is the one about whom I've read most meta: these three wonderful posts for instance, as well as this one about his possible lack of scars, and this one about his lack of freedom. All of these have influenced my opinion of him and they are great reads.
I have talked about Zevran with you before, so I'll just skip to the new stuff. I have come to conclusion that Zevran is an artist at heart. This is totally not biased by the fact that I also do art, but hear me out. One of his preferred gifts are bars of silver and gold. While those have the obvious utility of basically functioning as money (they can be sold to any silversmith or goldsmith and their value is pretty stable through time and in different countries), there's also this from his codex: "Zevran shows an affinity for the finer things in life—hardly surprising for an Antivan Crow—but his appreciation can be more poetic than he lets on. A simple bar of refined silver or gold, uncomplicated by a craftsman's hammer, is elegantly valuable." Tell me that is not an artist's eye that sees that gold and sees the beauty in it. Then, there's also the meta about Zevran the Seducer which I linked above and link here again. It talks specifically about how he lets himself enjoy the target and be seen in his enjoyment. Tell me that is not an artist's eye that beholds the beauty of something he is set out to destroy. Even his talk about his assassinations show this. He talks about it as an art, the way somebody would talk about the brutal intervention in stone that produces a sculpture. Yes, it's a rationalization of the act of killing and yes killing is still wrong. But he doesn't go on about it on a moral tangent the way Alistair or Wynne would (”this person was bad, killing them was necessary”) or even through the argument of survival like Morrigan would (”it was either them or me and it sure as Hell wasn't going to be me”). He talks about the pleasure of a job well done, of the satisfaction of striking the precise point and executing a plan to the perfection so as to minimize chances of discovery and to make a clean death possible. And pleasure in seeing and in doing, this I firmly believe, is absolutely fundamental for an artist.
My favourite part about my Warden and Zevran as a pairing is that Zevran precisely brings out that ability to take your pleasures as they come and to really savour them. Fighting the Blight is tough; it's so important to find good things amidst the chaos to stay sane. If Astala saves Zevran from himself by offering him a place to stay and a purpose, Zevran saves Astala from herself by keeping her from running herself into the ground trying to save the world.
There are some things I don't like about Zev. The incessant flirting, for example, sometimes makes me uncomfortable (it becomes enjoyable for me once the Warden and him are in a relationship, but before that? Nah, no thanks). I wish he would also leave the other female characters alone (and there's so many more shameless comments of his aimed at Morrigan, Leliana or Wynne than at Alistair or maybe even Sten).
And that's my take on the Origins companions (this was rather long. Whew ^^' I hope it was still readable and that you enjoyed it!!) Thank you so much for the ask!! It's been a joy thinking about this. I was worrying at first that the less prominent companions like Sten or Shale wouldn't get as much content but... well XD
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All Men Have Limits - XII
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 6,600+
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse
Previously on…
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Dick threw his small duffle over his shoulder as he looked around at his surroundings.
It sure was beautiful.
The complicated and long journey to get there was definitely worth it.
Dick figured out his surroundings before starting to walk.
There weren’t many people he passed, even when he got close to the town. But ones he did, they all stared, immediately recognizing him as a tourist. The place was too isolated for people to be passing through frequently.
Dick used that infamous Wayne charm to give polite smiles and nods to the townsfolk who gawked at him.
An hour later, Dick was at the bottom of a small hill, outside the fence of a bright yellow house. On the other side of him was water – the Norwegian sea.
The air was crisp and fresh, and Dick’s lungs seemed to thank him every time he took in a deep breath.
He was lost in the scenery when she appeared at the top of the hill.
Dick noticed her before she noticed him.
But when she was just a few yards from her house, she finally raised her head and spotted him.
Y/N froze for a moment, convinced she was seeing things.
But then her face broke into the brightest smile and she was running to him.
Dick caught her in his arms and spun her around, laughing at her excitement. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked after he let her go.
“What do you think?” He chuckled.
Her smile faded slowly, and it was replaced with a contemplative look.
“Come inside,” she told him quietly.
Dick watched as she moved around the small kitchen and made them coffee.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“I’m surprised it took you so long to find me,” Y/N admitted shyly as she grabbed two bright red mugs from a cabinet.
“Well, it didn’t,” he looked a little bashful at the confession. “I found your location a couple days after I got your letter.”
Y/N stopped moving for a second.
“Oh,” she slipped out in surprise. “Did Bruce tell you?”
Dick shook his head. “No. I didn’t ask and he didn’t offer up that info.” He took in a deep breath. “I think he wanted to make sure I worked for it.”
Y/N nodded slowly. 
But it was clear that the mentioning of Bruce wasn’t making her feel all that great.
“I’m sorry he never came,” Dick told her softly.
“Why?” She challenged.
After all, wasn’t Bruce his competition?
“I waited to come find you because I didn’t want to mess up what you were trying to make here,” Dick admitted.
“You could never mess anything up, Dick.” Y/N poured coffee into both of the mugs and sat across from him at the tiny kitchen table. “I was the one always messing everything up.”
“That’s not true.”
But from her face, Dick could tell she was unconvinced.
“Why Norway?” He asked, trying to change the subject.
Y/N shrugged with a little smirk as she looked out the window that showed the sea just outside her door.
“I always wanted to visit. Just never got around to it.”
“What have you been doing?” He asked, surprised to see not even so much as a laptop sitting around.
It was strange to imagine her living without a dozen computer screens surrounding her.
“I work at the preschool. And I help on one of the farms nearby on the weekends sometimes.”
Dick smiled at the thought.
“What?” She pressed.
“Nothing. Just the world’s smartest and most badass hacker working on a farm.”
Y/N shrugged and laughed. “It’s relaxing.”
“I’m sure.”
“I’ve made friends.”
“Friends?” Dick repeated melodramatically to tease her.
“Shut up,” she laughed as she punched his shoulder. “Yes, I have friends. And get this…I go to therapy now.”
Dick smiled proudly at her. “Therapy, huh?”
“Yep. I talk about my feelings and everything,” she laughed.
His smile dropped a bit and he cleared his throat. “I’m proud of you, Y/N. Really. I am.”
Y/N winced at his sincerity a bit. She was never one to take compliments well. 
And before she could stop herself or hesitate, she stood from her chair and moved to Dick’s lap, hugging him.
“I’ve missed you, Dick.” She mumbled into his neck as he held her tightly and rubbed her back.
“I’ve missed you more,” he muttered.
Y/N pulled back to look at him. “Not possible.”
A single tear had escaped from her left eye. 
Dick gently wiped it away.
“Hey, none of that,” he whispered.
“How long are you staying?” She asked him.
“Just two days.”
Her eyes widened. “That’s it? You traveled all this way just for two days?”
Dick Grayson was a romantic. 
His face turned serious. “I was serious about not wanting to mess up what you have going on here. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”
“I’m doing great,” she clarified.
He smiled. “I know. I can see that.”
“OK. Well…want to go to the pub with me tonight? You can meet my friends and get to see the town.”
Dick didn’t know why she bothered to phrase it as a question. Surely she knew by now that he was going to go anywhere she would.
But he nodded anyway.
Dick sat back and watched Y/N interact with the locals. They seemed to have taken her in as their own. He couldn’t help but wonder how they’d react if she were to ever leave. Surely she didn’t intend on staying here forever. Or maybe she did.
But he was surprised when she introduced him to a few of her new friends and their eyes widened with joy at hearing his name.
“Oh, you are Dick? We’ve heard so much about you!”
“We didn’t know you were coming to visit!”
“Come! Come! Let us buy you a drink!”
Dick tried not to blush when they all seemed to know who he was already.
Y/N sang along to songs with them and danced with anyone who asked her.
Dick had never seen her like this. She seemed to be glowing.
“Come on, Dick!” Y/N suddenly grabbed his attention. “Come dance with me!”
He laughed as he did as she requested, and let her spin him in too many circles.
A couple hours later, they were walking home.
They were both happily buzzed, but were by no means drunk.
Y/N wrapped her arm around Dick and leaned into him the whole walk.
When they were just outside her house’s gate, Y/N stopped them. 
“Look how bright the stars are here!” She exclaimed quietly as she tilted her head up to look at the sky.
Dick was instantly thrown back to that night, laying on the ground of Wayne Manor and looking at the smoggy sky of Gotham. The stars seemed so bright to her then and now she was amazed at how bright the Norwegian sky was.
Y/N realized Dick hadn’t tilted his head back.
“You’re not looking!” She accused before shifting her gaze to him.
When she did, she found that he was staring at her.
“What?” She whispered.
“I wasn’t completely honest about why I came here,” Dick confessed.
She tilted her head questioningly. 
“I mean, yes, I did want to check on you. But there’s more to it than that...”
Y/N had untangled herself from him now and turned to look at him.
“I know things have always been…complicated. And I know you loved – or love Bruce. I don’t know. But I just…I needed to tell you this.”
Dick took in a deep breath. “I’m gonna wait for you.”
“Dick…” Y/N exhaled in surprise.
“Wait. Please…let me finish.”
She did.
“I’m gonna wait for you. And you take as long as you need. I mean it. I know you think that I don’t know how to be alone…but I’ll wait for you as long as I have to.”
Y/N stayed quiet.
“Unless it’s Bruce. Then I’ll–”
“It’s not Bruce,” she quickly cut him off.
Y/N stepped forward and softly captured Dick’s face in her hands.  
“It’s you, Dick.”
And before he could ask her if she was messing with him, her lips collided with his. It took him a second to react and kiss her back. But when he finally did, it was with everything he possibly had.
When Y/N pulled away, she stared into his eyes and took his hand, guiding him into the house.
As soon as the door shut behind them, she started kissing him again.
She tugged at his belt and became frustrated with the amount of buttons on his flannel. Dick would’ve been more helpful if he wasn’t so preoccupied with taking off her clothes. He seemed to be doing much better than she was.
Once they were both in their undergarments, Y/N dragged Dick to her bedroom, giggling when he tripped over the edge of her couch on the way.
It wasn’t until Y/N’s thumbs slipped under the elastic of his boxer briefs that Dick stopped them.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he breathed as he paused their kissing and grabbed her wrists.
“What?” Y/N gasped, worried that she’d read all of this wrong.
“I just…Are you sure?” Dick asked quietly.
Y/N couldn’t help herself, but she started giggling.
“Oh, come on,” Dick groaned in embarrassment, pressing his forehead into her shoulder.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” Y/N said as she controlled her amusement. “It’s just…you’re too sweet for this world, Richard Grayson.”
He rolled his eyes.
But Y/N’s smile softened as she stared into his eyes. “I love you. You love me. And that’s all I care about right now.”
Dick just stared at her in awe.
“OK?” She asked.
Dick nodded quickly, so desperate not to mess this up.
“OK,” he agreed before kissing her again.
It was the dinging of the buoy bells and the sound of soft waves that woke Dick up. 
Maybe it was the unusual soundscape. He was so used to the sounds of cities that this was triggered as unusual in his mind.
Dick opened his eyes and his mind slowly reminded him where he was.
Y/N was asleep on his chest, held in his arms.
He smiled at the feeling of her naked skin against his.
It was going to be harder to leave than he original anticipated.
Dick tried to untangle their bodies, waking Y/N up in the process.
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered to her. “I’m going to make us some coffee and breakfast.”
“Don’t bother,” Y/N mumbled sleepily. “I don’t have any food.”
“Stay,” she added in a whine. “You’re so warm.”
Dick chuckled. “I know you have coffee, Y/N.”
“I do,” she hummed with a mischievous smile, eyes still closed. “But I want you to stay in bed.”
“I promise I’ll be right back,” he whispered to her before kissing the top of her head.
She finally allowed him to leave.
Dick quickly put on his underwear and got to the kitchen, trying to be quiet as he shuffled around to find everything to make coffee.
When he returned to bed it was with two filled mugs.
Y/N had rolled onto her stomach, her face buried in Dick’s pillow.
Her shoulders and upper back were exposed as she slept.
Dick paused and allowed himself to take in the scene before him.
He’d spent so much time dreaming of having such bliss. And now it sat before him as a reality. It felt too good to be true.
He sat on the very edge of the bed, putting both mugs on the nightstand beside him.
Dick bent down to place a trail of kisses up Y/N’s spine and then to her shoulder.
She hummed at the feeling.
“Come on. Wake up,” Dick whispered in her ear.
Y/N slowly woke up, and pulled the sheet to her chest as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
“You know…you’re very adorable when you first wake up,” Dick told her with a smirk.
“Oh, shut it,” Y/N warned him as she grabbed for one of the mugs.
Dick allowed her one sip before he pressed his lips to hers.
“Morning,” Y/N smiled after.
“Good morning,” he huffed a laugh.
She sighed. “What would you like to do today, Mr. Grayson?”
“I really don’t care,” Dick admitted.
He wanted to say, ‘As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.’ But he knew it would come out cheesy and she’d only laugh at him. So he saved the thought for himself.
“How about a hike?” She offered.
“A hike sounds perfect.”
She tilted her head. “Maybe a shower first?”
“Shower first,” he confirmed. “Would be even better if it was together.”
Y/N threw her head back in a laugh. “I’ll allow it.”
A hike did turn out to be perfect.
Y/N pointed out landmarks or the property of friends. 
And then she’d ask Dick about his life back home. And she asked about his brothers – to which he gave great detail about each.
But it didn’t go past Dick that she hadn’t asked about Bruce.
They’d finally reached the top of their goal peak.
They were both breathing heavily. It was by no means an easy hike.
“Do you miss him?” Dick finally had the courage to ask.
Y/N shrugged, but wouldn’t look at him. “Of course I do.”
“Be honest. Were you expecting him to find you?”
“No,” she answered truly. “I knew he wouldn’t.”
Dick didn’t know how to respond to that.
“But I think the worst part was that I was so okay with that,” Y/N admitted.
Then she sighed.
“Obviously I’ve had a lot of time to think about…everything. Me and him…we would be terrible for each other, Dick. I don’t know how to read his mind. And he doesn’t know how to talk to me. We’re both so stubborn and so bad at communicating. We would’ve just grown to resent one another.”
Y/N took in a shaky breath and exhaled. “And once I realized that, I was terrified that I’d completely fucked things up with you – and that I’d hurt your relationship with him.”
“You didn’t, Y/N.” Dick tried to reassure her.
“Things would be so bad between him and me. Then there would be one single moment of good…and I’d hold onto it for dear life,” Y/N added. “And I realized that would be our whole relationship.”
Dick nodded in understanding.
He knew she was absolutely right, and it had been his biggest fear for them.
“I’m sorry,” she quickly apologized. “I shouldn’t talk about him with you like this.”
“Don’t apologize.”
Dick wrapped his arm around her as they looked at the view together.
“Come on,” he told her. “We should get back soon. I have to catch a boat.”
She nodded.
The walk to the boat went by far too quickly for both of them. And their goodbye had arrived too soon.
Dick held Y/N in his arms on the dock.
When they pulled away he saw that Y/N’s eyes had filled with tears.
“Why do you have to go?” She muttered, clearly trying not to cry.
“You know all I want is to stay with you. But you said it yourself: you gotta figure stuff out. And I don’t want to be the one that gets in the way of that.”
He kissed her slowly.
“I wasn’t lying when I promised that I’d wait as long as I needed to, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“You take as long as you need, hear me?”
She nodded quickly.
“But I gotta go now.”
Dick gave one final and abrupt kiss before rushing away and jumping onto the boat. 
He knew if he lingered, even a second, he might not be able to leave her.
He wouldn’t even let himself look back at her as the boat started to drift away. Because even then he was at risk of jumping off and swimming back to her.  
“Seriously, Jaybird?” Dick asked as he held his cellphone to one hear and the steering wheel with the other.
He turned to Y/N, who sat in the passenger seat. “He says he’s not coming.”
“Gimme,” she muttered impatiently as she held out her hand.
Dick passed her the phone.
“What the fuck has you so busy that you can’t have a family dinner?”
Dick chuckled at his girlfriend’s sass.
“Jason, I haven’t seen you in over a year! Please? For me?”
Dick immediately heard the tone in her voice that always brought him to his knees – and she already had him wrapped around her finger. He wondered if Jason was immune to it.
But when he saw Y/N start smiling widely, he knew his brother was no stronger than him.
“Can’t wait to see you!” Y/N sang before hanging up.
The car went silent then. The only sound being the commercials on the radio.
“Is this going to be weird?” Y/N suddenly asked quietly as she stared out the passenger window.
“No,” Dick answered confidently.
She turned to look at him. “Sure?”
“No one is better than Bruce Wayne when it comes to pretending everything is alright. Trust me.” Then he sighed sadly. “Plus, Damian texted earlier and said there was last minute Justice League business. I doubt he’ll be back by dinner.”
“Sorry,” Y/N told him softly as she grabbed his right hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles. “I know you’ve missed him.”
Dick had been jumping from place to place for the past year and a half that even when he was in Gotham, he barely had time to see Bruce. It was always in passing.
“It’s fine.”
When they pulled up to Wayne Manor, Dick barely closed the car door before Damian was tackling him into a hug.
“Hey, Damian,” Dick chuckled softly at the boy.
Y/N smiled at the interaction and walked to the door to find Alfred waiting patiently with a smile.
“Hello, Alfred.”
“Ms. Y/L/N,” he bowed his head slightly.
“Alfred, we’ve been over this…” she warned playfully.
“A hard habit to break, Y/N.” He answered with a wink. “Welcome back.”
“Jason will be late,” she told him before hugging him hello.
“Master Wayne had another engagement,” Alfred said to Dick as he walked up with Damian glued to his side.
“Damian gave me the heads up,” Dick answered before hugging Alfred, too.
Damian gave a rushed side hug to Y/N as if he was embarrassed to show her any sort of affection and then ran away.
Dick and Y/N laughed at the gesture.
“Mr. Clark and Ms. Brown are here, as well.” Alfred informed them.
Y/N gave Dick a questioning look.
“Superman’s son and Tim’s girlfriend,” he explained.
Jason did end up coming to dinner – late as usual.
But he made up for it by wrapping Y/N in a giant bear hug and lifting her off her feet.
“Easy, punk!” Dick warned protectively as he heard his girlfriend shriek in surprise. 
“Oh, fuck off,” Jason shooed.
This particular meal went off rather differently than Y/N’s first Wayne family dinner.
It probably helped that Damian was distracted with his best friend, Jonathan – who was the sweetest little boy Y/N had ever met. And Tim kept having a quiet conversation with his girlfriend, Stephanie – who was a social butterfly and asked Y/N about a million questions before dessert.
Jason claimed to only have come for a free meal and to ask Y/N why she was dating such a loser.
After dinner, Y/N convinced everyone to have a game night in the family room. Jason blasted some music. And everyone – to no surprise – got way too competitive with each other.
Y/N found it amusing to see Dick’s brother interacting with their own friends or significant others. Tim looked absolutely love stricken every time he looked at Stephanie. And even though Jon and Damian seemed like total opposites, Y/N could see that Damian really did enjoy the boy’s company.
“How did you not get The Searchers?” Jon groaned at Damian, but he clearly wasn’t actually mad or upset at the loss.
Y/N laughed at the boy. “Jon, how the hell do you even know that movie? It’s form the ‘50s.”
“Me and my dad watch westerns every Friday night,” he beamed proudly.
“I have better things to do than watch movies all the time,” Damian mumbled.
Y/N turned to Dick, who had her locked onto his lap with his arms.
“You gotta let me go,” she muttered to him with amusement. “It’s our turn.”
Dick did as she asked, but not before giving her a quick kiss.
“Eww!” Damian screamed.
“They’re in love! Leave them alone,” Stephanie reprimanded Damian, and looked at the couple – almost with admiration.
“Damian and Jon only got three in their round,” Jason announced just before he started the timer. “You two idiots ready?”
Y/N nodded and bounced on her feet in excitement.
Her and Dick ended up doing better than the younger boys. But they only got 5 right in the time limit and that was not good enough for Y/N.
“Can you please watch more movies?” Y/N moaned. “Or I’m going to partner with Jason next time.”
“Who knew pop culture was gonna be the thing that broke the two of you up…” Jason snickered.
Dick punched him in the arm before he pulled Y/N back down onto his lap against her will.
“You sure you wanna threaten me?” Dick asked before tickling her.
“I’m a winner. And you are becoming our weakest link!” Y/N managed to say through her laughter.
Even with the room filled with nothing but joyful chaos, a thought was nagging away at Y/N’s mind the whole night. She couldn’t ignore the disappointment of Bruce being absent. Dick knew she missed him – and he couldn’t acknowledge that without also feeling jealous.
Y/N just wanted to know how Bruce was doing.
But she also wanted to make sure there was no water under the bridge.
Yes, Bruce could go on living without ever clearing the air between the two of them. But Y/N couldn’t. She wasn’t that person anymore.
She was dating Dick now, who was basically his son – no matter how much they all tried to ignore that. 
Just went Jason was about to partner with Stephanie, there was a throat clearing in the doorway of the family room.
Y/N looked up to see not only Bruce, but also Clark Kent standing in the doorway, watching all of them.
Or should she say Superman? Because he was still in his uniform.
“Hi, dad!” Jon smiled.
Clark smiled at the chaos before him. “I see you’re having fun with the Waynes.”
“Dad, can I sleep over tonight? Pretty please?” Jon whined.
“Yes, father. May he?” Damian urged to Bruce.
Clark and Bruce shared a look.
Y/N had to hide her amusement at the tired-dad role she was seeing Bruce fill. It never failed to surprise her.
Clark sighed, clearly sad he was about to disappoint his son. “I promised your mom that I’d bring you home tonight. Another time, alright?”
Jon’s head lowered in disappointment. But he didn’t fight his father on the decision.
He got up to walk to him.
“What do you say?” Clark asked.
Jon turned to Bruce. “Thank you for having me over, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce smirked at the boy. “You’re welcome any time, Jonathan.”
Jon turned to wave bye to the rest of them. But then his eyes widened when he got to Y/N.
“Oh!” The boy practically yelped and skipped to where Y/N sat on the couch.
She was taken by surprise when the boy wrapped her into a hug.
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N.” Jon hummed with a smile. Then he turned to his father. “Dad! This is Y/N.”
She stood up when Clark walked to her. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
Clark reached his hand out. Clearly Jonathan got his manners from his father.
“Clark,” he introduced. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Y/N. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name.”
Y/N turned to eye Dick for that.
“Oh, not from that one,” Clark clarified with a smile and then nudged his head in Bruce’s direction, who was still standing in the doorway.
Y/N blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly.
“I hope they weren’t too much to handle,” Clark commented with a wince, knowing that Dick and her were probably supervising the kids the most.
“Not at all,” Y/N said. “Jonathan is better behaved than any of these monsters…”
“Hey!” Dick and Jason called out in unison.
Clark chuckled.
Then he looked down at his son. “Come on, Jonathan. Time to go.”
Y/N peaked through a window as the two of them walked outside and took off into the sky. 
A second later, she heard the sonic boom.
When she turned back to the room, no one seemed to have watched their exit like she had. They hardly noticed people’s inhuman abilities anymore.
“You guys are way too used to that…” Y/N mumbled.
Jason laughed lightly at her amazement. “You should ask Bruce about the first time Dick met Clark.”
“Absolutely not,” Dick immediately shut down.
But when Y/N looked up to ask Bruce to elaborate, he had already disappeared from the room.
Maybe her being here wasn’t as easy for him as she had expected. But that was so hard for Y/N to believe.
“He was his biggest fan,” Jason continued as Dick tried to tackle him into silence. “He asked for his autograph like a fuckin’ nerd.”
Y/N shook her head at the two of them. “Aww…cute little baby Richard.”
Before she could ask more questions, Damian tugged on her hand and pulled her out of the room.
Dick didn’t call after them, too relieved to get away from his past childhood obsession with Superman.
“Where are we going?” She asked Damian with a laugh.
The boy tugged her harder, clearly annoyed by how slow she was moving.
“I wish to show you something.” Then he hesitated before adding, “It’s a secret.”
When they got to his room, Damian double checked the hallway before closing his bedroom door behind them.
He walked to his giant, walk-in closet.
When he opened the door, Y/N knew exactly what he was hiding.
There was a litter of kittens and their mother in a large cardboard that had food, water, and toys for them.
“Damian…” Y/N cooed at the sight of them.
“I found them on patrol a week ago. It was raining and they were freezing cold. Father and Pennyworth don’t know.”
She arched an eyebrow. There was no chance that they didn’t know. Bruce was aware of everything that happened in this household.
“You can hold them,” Damian offered as he held a kitten up to her.
It warmed her heart. And she took the kitten out of his grip.
She watched as Damian played with them and their mother, who seemed to be alright with this new human touching her babies.
“How’s your father doing, Damian?” Y/N asked carefully after awhile.
He shrugged. “Fine, I suppose. Though I think he was rather sad when you left.”
Y/N hummed.
She was surprised that such a thing could be perceived by Damian. It had to have been rather obvious for him to notice. 
But this was most likely all she’d get from the boy.
“I see Grayson is quite happy,” Damian added.
“Think so?”
He nodded.
“I liked Jon. He’s a little cutie.”
“Yuck. He’s my friend.”
Y/N laughed. “You know, I think you’re a little cutie, too. But I would never tell anyone that. I know you’ve got a reputation to uphold.”
Damian glared at her.
But the look just caused Y/N to laugh more.
“Maybe I can convince them to let you keep all of ‘em,” she told him.
His head whipped up to from the kittens to her, surprised by her offer.
“You would do that?” He asked.
“Yeah. I just don’t know how much power I have...”
“More than you think…” Damian mumbled.
“I think he still loves you,” the boy said as he looked down at the kittens.
“I’m not so sure. After all, he didn’t seem to even want to talk to me.”
“He doesn’t know how to behave around you and Grayson. He’s scared to get in between the two of you.”
Her brow furrowed. “How do you know that?”
“A couple nights ago, I overheard father and Pennyworth talking about you visiting. Father thought it was best to keep his distance.”  
“Overheard or eavesdropped?” She challenged.
Damian smirked mischievously.
“We should probably get back before everyone get’s suspicious. I don’t want to expose your secret,” Y/N finally told him.
The boy nodded in agreement.
“Thank you for sharing it with me.”
“Mhmm,” he hummed back.
Dick and Y/N had already planned to stay the night at the manor.
The two of them stayed in Dick’s bedroom, which only got Y/N to make a dozen jokes about sleeping together in his childhood room.
But the fun ended there.
While Dick quickly fell asleep, Y/N laid wide awake.
She went over her conversation with Damian again and again.
Was Bruce really that worried about her visiting?
After failing at going to sleep for hours, Y/N finally gave up.
She started getting out of bed.
“You OK?” Dick mumbled, her movement instantly waking him up.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just gonna go get some water from the kitchen,” she told him quietly. “Go back to sleep,” she urged before kissing his cheek.
It was a bit of a white lie.
Y/N was going to find Bruce.
However, she expected to have to trek all the way down to the cave.
Imagine her surprise when there was a slit of light leaking from the office.
Y/N froze, realizing her moment of confrontation was coming much sooner than she’d expected.
Her inhale was shaky the second before she slipped into the room.
Bruce immediately sensed a new presence and looked up from the computer.
“Hey,” Y/N greeted quietly.
Her body language screamed how uncomfortable she was.
But Y/N knew she had to stop running away from the hard questions.
What was the point of going to therapy if she wasn’t going to use the resources and advice to improve her life?
Bruce straightened in his seat, almost as if he’d been caught.
“Hi,” he replied softly.
His eyes held a smile that didn’t reach his lips.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked her.
Y/N nodded and crossed her arms.
But she couldn’t stop herself from blurting out, “I’m sorry if it’s hard – me being here, I mean.”
Then she blinked and her eyes widened, fully processing what she just said. 
“Or maybe it’s not hard at all and I’m completely projecting,” she added quickly.
Y/N cringed at her mess of a mind and inability to actually communicate what she wanted to say.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Bruce assured her before she could panic any further.
He slowly stood from his desk and walked out from behind it.
Y/N was a bit caught off guard by how close he stood to her, arms crossed and radiating poise.
She was so used to him keeping a distance – literally and figuratively.
“I’m glad you and Dick came to visit,” Bruce shared.
Y/N nodded.
Of course he would say that. It was the polite thing to do. And Bruce Wayne was raised to be polite, if nothing else.  
An awkward silence settled.
“It is hard, you being here,” Bruce finally confessed.
Y/N was caught off guard by the honesty.
“I shouldn’t have kept the two of you apart,” he told her tenderly.
“It wasn’t just you, Bruce. I kept pushing him away,” she tried to defend.
Bruce shook his head. “But you wouldn’t have done that if it were not for me.”
Y/N took in a deep breath. “I’m glad you didn’t come find me.”
It was like they could both feel the gravity of the conversation drop.
“I needed time and space to see our relationship without,” she hesitated, “without being distracted by wanting you to want me.”
She shook her head at her own racing thoughts. “We would’ve been terrible for each other, Bruce.”
His instinct was to tell her that he disagreed.
But that was only because she saw the truth before him, and it made a part of him bitter – bitter that she wasn’t scared of it the same way he clearly was.
So Bruce’s silence said more than any words.
“I finally understood that the issue was never you not being able to find the right person. It was you never finding the person who would make you give up everything else.” Her head bowed in defeat. “And it just…it fucking sucked to realize that wasn’t going to be me. But I had to realize it at some point.”
Bruce cleared his throat. It was more to hold back his emotions than anything else.
“After everything, does it even mean anything when I say that I will always be sorry for what I did to you?” He asked her faintly.
She gave him a sad smile and bowed her head, “It does.”
Her smile brightened. 
“Bruce, I really love him,” she whispered.
It was desperate and almost frightened, like she was scared saying it aloud would ruin the whole thing and Dick would disappear.
“I promise…he loves you even more.”
Once again, Y/N was taken aback by Bruce’s words.
But it was the truth.
From the short time Bruce had been in the room with Clark, he was hit with the absolute infatuation Dick had for her. Bruce noticed the way Dick looked at her, how his body was always facing her direction, and the love-sick sparkle in his eyes. 
It had made Bruce wonder, ‘Could I have ever loved her that way?’
And he knew it was the what Y/N deserved.
“I won’t allow my mistakes to be the thing that keeps you two away,” Bruce finally disclosed. “I want the two of you to be happy.”
“Thank you,” Y/N whispered, trying to stop her voice from shaking.
Y/N faltered before she asked, “Are you gonna be OK, Bruce?”
He nodded. “Always am.”
She laughed lightly at his answer. “No, you aren’t. You’re just way too good at hiding it. And that’s why I worry.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Y/N.”
“Well, I’m going to.”
Bruce gave her a shy smirk. “I will be fine.”
Y/N gave a stiff nod. That was as good as she was going to get.
“I should try to get some sleep,” she told him with a shrug.
He nodded. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
With that, she walked slowly out of the office and left him.
Tiptoeing back into the bedroom, Y/N got back into bed and nuzzled close to Dick.
He pulled her into his arms without opening his eyes.
“Hi,” he mumbled sleepily.
“Hi,” she whispered back.
She brushed some hair off his face and took in the sight of him sleeping.
They had officially been together as a couple for the past six months, bouncing around the country together.
Dick had done what he promised and gave Y/N her space.
She ended up staying in Norway for a year, spending 6 more months there after Dick had visited.
It was a real testament to Dick’s self control, the way he stopped himself from texting and calling her every day. He managed to keep it to a single text, once a week. He’d always kept it light, using it more as a check-in to make sure she was doing OK and staying safe.
Now Y/N looked at him as her boyfriend.
Someone she’d never had in her life before.
It was definitely a learning curve for her. But Dick was patient. More patient than Y/N believed she deserved. But that was something she had to work on still, too.
Dick was nothing but loving and gentle with Y/N. He made her laugh and smile – sometimes at his own expense. He taught Y/N that relationships could be filled with fun and jokes. They didn’t always have to be weighed down by tension and uncertainty. 
And even though Y/N didn’t understand it or agree, Dick still saw himself as the lucky one.
“I love you, Dick,” she finally breathed as she brushed his cheekbone with his thumb.
“I love you, too.” He mumbled back.
And she had no idea if he was talking in his sleep or not. 
Regardless, it was absolutely adorable.
Dick was a product of Bruce’s bad habits, often waking up early even when he was disturbingly sleep deprived.
When he walked into the manor’s kitchen the next morning, only Bruce was occupying the room. Alfred was probably working in the gardens.
“Morning,” Dick greeted as he poured himself coffee.
“Heading out early?” Bruce asked.
Dick shook his head. “Y/N didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. So I wanted to let her sleep in as much as she wants. Then we’ll probably head out.”
“Where to?”
Dick shrugged, “San Francisco.”
Bruce just nodded in interest.
“I can feel a lecture coming on…” Dick pointed out before he quirked an eyebrow and took a sip of coffee.
Bruce moved in his seat. “Don’t ruin this, Dick.”
Dick couldn’t help but smirk. “You do understand how ironic that is coming from you, right?”
Bruce sighed, but it was his equivalent of rolling one’s eyes.
“She talk to you last night?” Dick asked.
As soon as Y/N had come back to bed, he knew that’s where she’d been.
“She did,” Bruce confirmed.
Dick shifted his weight.
“You have nothing to worry about,” Bruce said with a smirk. His amusement only earned him a glare from Dick. “She chose you, Dick. And I’m not going to do anything to hurt either of you.”
Dick knew there was nothing but sincerity behind Bruce’s words.
But he also spent most of his life comparing himself to Bruce. This was the first time he’d ever done so with women or love or even sex. It would take a bit more effort to get over it like he had with his other insecurities.
“I know,” Dick finally said quietly.
A few hours later, Y/N had woken up, showered, and gotten her things together.
Dick and her had said their goodbyes to the boys and Alfred.
Just as they were at the door, Y/N noticed Bruce leaning against the wall, watching them leave.
“Go,” Dick urged her quietly when he saw her hesitate. “I’ve already said my goodbyes.”
Y/N’s fingers fidgeted as she slowly walked to Bruce.
“Guess this is goodbye,” she laughed awkwardly.
“Guess so,” he offered with a sad smile.
‘Fuck it,’ she thought before wrapping him in a hug.
“Keep in touch with him, please. He misses you more than you think,” she whispered into his shoulder.
“You let me know if he gives you trouble,” he answered seriously.
But Y/N pulled away with a laugh. “We both know he would never.”
She took a step back. “Bye, Bruce.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
And then she was gone.
Bruce watched them leave through the windows.
When Y/N got into the car, Dick reached over with his hand and gave her a sympathetic look. “You OK?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed before kissing him.
“We got a long drive ahead of us,” Dick sighed.
Y/N smiled. “Yeah, but it’ll be fun.”
I just wanted to thank everyone who commented or messaged me about this story. I don’t know if I’ve ever written a story this quickly before. And it was honestly because I felt like people were reading it and they cared. I haven’t had that experience for quite some time. So thank you. 
Let me know how you’re feeling and what you thought!!!
If you’ve been reading this and not commenting/messaging me, or you’ve waited until I finished writing the whole series so you can read it in on sitting and not engage at all... we’re not friends. 
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Could I request the brothers (and maybe Diavolo, if you're comfortable) reacting to a knightly/chivalrous m/c, please?
I haven’t written Diavolo in a hot minute, I’m glad he’s being requested again. I’m guessing you mean an MC with the attributes of a knight? The same sort of mannerisms and traits and not an actual knight! MC? Lemme know if I did this ask wrong because I was low key confused lmao.
The Brothers + Diavolo with a knightly/chivalrous MC:
-He really didn’t like you upon first meeting
-He hated how he couldn’t intimidate you into not being a nuisance the way he could with most of his brothers
-But, to be honest, you had gained his respect rather early on
-I think, even though it may have annoyed him to no end, Lucifer was very fond of your bravery a lot of the times
-The way you would stand up for Mammon or that time you protected Beel and Luke from his outburst
-Courage is not a trait one would usually associate with humans, especially when more superior beings like demons are involved
-Your humility was also a characteristic of yours that he, surprisingly, was really fond of
-And your overall mercifulness was something to be congratulated as well
-I mean, him and his brothers put you through so much shit and for you to forgive and move on without an angry word at any of them kinda speaks on its own
-I think he understands, to an extent, the reason you’re so loyal to the people you care about too
-He has a certain devotion for Lord Diavolo and his brothers, more than he lets on
-To him, having someone like you around is something to be appreciated
-Because you are similar but also completely different and nothing like he deemed you to be at the beginning
-yo i think you remind him of himself back when he was angel tbh
-He’s sort of tired of saving your ass tho because you are very just, so you feel the need to help people all the time which leads to you getting involved in fights
-Bring him his 20th cup of coffee for the day please, it’s hard being a single father of 8 children (yes I’ve added Lord Diavolo he counts as one of the kids)
-He’s the definition of this incorrect quote I stumbled across a while back
-Lucifer, from behind them “ Do not.”
-Ok so this random human comes to DevilDom and has the audacity to slap his hand away while he’s trying to steal from Diavolo’s castle????????
-“MC ya’re forgetting I’m a demon, my moral scale is wayyy different than yours-“
-“Put it back.”
-You’re coming at him with rightfulness and honor and your presence is gonna hit him like a truck
-Cuz he ain’t stealing anything when you’re around (lucifer uses this to his advantage ofc.)
-That was basically the only thing he disliked about you
-Other than that, after your first week in DevilDom, he thinks you’re a goddamn S A I N T
-Everytime you stand up for him when his brothers are being assholes-pls he melts into a puddle of goo from your perfection
-Good thing he was wearing sunglasses, because holy fuck was he weeping under those Gucci shades
-He’s gonna give ya props for having the courage to stand up to him and his brothers
-Lucifer especially because big bro scary
-Think about it like this: literally every single one of them could have you seasoned and roasted for lunch, love
-And yet you still have the bravery to look them in the eye and tell them: “Ya’ll are dysfunctional as fuck and need family therapy.”
-Again, he doesn’t understand your morale, he’s the Avatar of Greed, if he sees something he likes or seems worthy of his presence, he takes it
-But with that look you’re giving him, he honestly feels so guilty he can’t help but put it back
-He also appreciates your patience with him when it comes to anything that involves him talking about his emotions and thought process
-Because at this point he is widely known as scum so-
-Ahhhh, in the end, he thinks you’re pretty badass for a human and would low key want to see you in an armour of sorts agajwhisebhwjwwhehgdhdh
-And he really likes it when you make the effort to open doors for him too but he’ll never have the nerve to admit it
-Believe it or not, he warms up to you in less than a day...?
-It’s probably because he’s a navy commander and he’s used to having soldiers around and you sort of remind him of that
-Out of everyone, he reacts the least when he sees how you carry yourself because to him it’s second nature
-Even if he does tend to slouch most of the time
-Almost dropped to his knees and started worshiping you when you yelled at Mammon to give Levi his money back on your first day
-And then a friendship started to blossom (im not friendzoning y’all, relax)
-Levi has a tendency to just walk into your room with his laptop, point at the screen which is paused in the middle of an anime and go “Look, the protagonist is a knight. You’re also...really knightly. I like the protagonist. I, uh I like you too, I guess.”
-He loves how honest you are because he knows that no matter what you wouldn’t lie to him
-“MC, do you think I’m a yucky otaku?”
-“Oh ok.”
-But on the inside he’s like 🥰🥰💞💞💞💞
-I just think that a knightly MC would connect on an emotional level with Levi for a lot of reasons, idk
-He’s gonna be a sputtering mess when he realises how much effort you put into this relationship (platonic or romantic) and how loyal you are to it
-Like how you actually bother learning all of his stupid passwords because you are just as serious about them as he is
-He just crashed, give him a moment to reboot please
-He takes a while to warm up to you because for some reason your overall demeanour reminded him of Lucifer lol
-He thought you might be just as stuck up as him
-It didn’t take him longer than a week or so to come to the sudden realisation that you are way more pleasant than his brother
-Like his daddy, you manage to earn his respect pretty quickly after that
-He just thought the way you handled everything that was thrown at you in DevilDom was very sophisticated but firm nonetheless, if that makes sense?
-Like, you weren’t itching to escalate fights or anything but your tone of voice could easily end a whole conversation if need be
-You were still a human of course, it would be real easy for some low rank demon to kidnap you or something
-But for some reason, your confidence seemed to intimidate a few of the weaker ones into leaving you alone
-Obviously, that didn’t mean you were completely safe or anything
-There were still others that could effortlessly overpower you
-Even so, Satan found it sort of reassuring that unlike some humans, you weren’t one to back down without a confrontation
-Don’t get me started on all those times you rebelled against Lucifer, because that’s what truly got him to get to know you better
-He found you pretty interesting and then that interest sort of evolved into actual fondness
-Another thing that caught his eye was that even though you have very strong feelings about justice and fairness, you are completely level headed most of the time
-And patience, while it’s something he can manage, is the one that he has been trying to control for centuries
-He learned a lot from you about behaviour, whether you intentionally taught it to him or not
-And if there is one thing Satan thinks highly of; it would be knowledge
-Therefore, from that point onward, your existence was so much more precious to him than your soul could ever be
-What can I say about our sweet Asmo?
-You could have the personality of a trashcan and he’d still love you
-You were so polite and honourable from the beginning to the point you managed to get the attention of the Avata of Lust himself????
-He thought you were pretty hot basically
-Your righteousness always sort of nagged him because he low-key believed Diavolo snuck in another angel into the program, I-
-And for some reason, your loyalty to everyone in general ticked him off immensely at the beginning
-Mainly because he recognised that’s one of the traits he lacks entirely and he came to the conclusion that he needs to revaluate himself on that one
-He is so desperate for your attention, he will tattle on his brothers just to get you to yell at them and then comfort him
-he is so petty istg
-Your nobility still catches him off guard every now and then
-Because you’ve been living with demons for so long and yet you’re still, theoretically speaking, pure?? get your head out of the gutter people
-He probably applauds you on the fact that you can even scare Lucifer on some occasions because imagine having a scarier death glare than the eldest prince of hell
-Asmo will personally buy you clothes that he thinks suit your “aesthetic” (wtf Asmo)
-Might’ve bought you a sword and then got shouted at by Lucifer because oops turns out it was cursed
-Again, supportive mom vibes
-“MC, do you know how stunning you look strutting around with that confidence of yours? Don’t get me started on your posTURE!”
-You pulled a chair for him once and he practically swooned lmao
-He figures you’re really nice from the start
-Mostly because you kept running errands and opening doors for him even though he let it slip that he might lose control and eat you
-Like most brothers, he finds you comforting in a way
-Beel appreciates your honesty to him too because he can count on you to tell him when he’s doing something wrong
-And he sort of needs the validation that even though he blames himself for a lot of things that took place in the past, his brothers and you are more than ready to forgive him (even if they didn’t blame him to begin with)
-Rather than respect, Beel puts a lot of trust into you, which I would believe to be more intimate
-If it’s just the two of you hanging out, he has an easier time opening up about Lilith because he knows you would never judge him and respect his feelings enough to let him get it out of his system
-You always share your food with him and give him a bigger portion and he goes so soft-
-Like who allowed you to be this generous?
-Tbh, he thinks it’s sort of refreshing having someone like you around
-Beel has been surrounded by demons for millenniums now and he’s gotten used to their...uh ‘evilness’
-Ever since you got dropped off in DevilDom, you really stood out with your nobility and morals
-It was like a breath of fresh air in a way
-He may or may not believe you’re a good influence on his siblings-if you can even influence demons of all things
-I’m not saying he invites you to work out with him and give him honest criticism, but he definitely invites you to work out with him and give him honest criticism
-“Out of all the humans they could’ve chosen, they picked the most annoying one, oH MY FUCKING GO-I MEAN DAD-“
-You go up to the attic that one night after tricking Lucifer into vibing to some classical TSL tunes
-He spotted you and was immediately irritated
-Like, he KNEW you were going to be a pain in the ass just by judging your posture and how you carried yourself (very knightly)
-At the start, he’s even hesitant to lie to you because he had a suspicion you wouldn’t buy his bs
-(Spoiler alert: you didn’t but you went with it either way)
-It takes a while for you to forgive him when he literally fucking kills you because that was rude af but you got over it in time
-AFTER of the whole ‘Sorry-for-choking-you-can-we-be-friends-now’ incident, you still get on his nerves a lot but at this point, he believes that’s his punishment for being a murderous dickhead
-You don’t really piss him off tho, you just confuse him a lot
-Why are you so polite? You keep pulling chairs and opening doors for him??? Why are you treating him like royalty?? Stop it, he doesn’t want to be like Lord Diavolo (he def likes it when you do that)
-Pls stop dragging the poor man to breakfast, he just wants to sleep in-
-He doesn’t understand how you’re always one time for everything
-My dude tries to wake up 20 minutes early to get somewhere in time and he is still 2 hours late
-All the same, you’re a very forgiving person so he’s just grateful you don’t hate him or anything
-And in the end, it doesn’t really matter how much your chivalry and righteousness and all of that pisses him off every now and then
-Because he can’t deny the fact that you brought him and his brothers the peace they needed
-And he so loves it when you and Lucifer go head to head mhmm
-This big tittied man right here takes a liking to you immediately
-A couple of days in DevilDom and he’s already inviting you for tea at his castle
-You managed to befriend the prince of hell faster than the demons you live with, huh
-He’s lonely ok? He loves having people over and having cozy chitchats
-Not to mention he thinks you’re such pleasant company!
-Most demons would be afraid to even say anything in his presence but you always speak your mind while continuing to be respectful and he’s so happy, you don’t understand-
-Only demons in close relations to Diavolo like Babrbatos and Lucifer actually know how much it takes for someone to anger him
-He doesn’t take offence to much lol
-And he’s really content that you acknowledged that
-He sometimes visits you in his spare time just to talk and hang out since Lucifer is a big meanie who doesn’t want to indulge him and Barbatos is busy making him dinner >:(
-SPEAKING OF- if you and Barbatos don’t bond then i don’t know what to tell you
-I mean, you would both have so many things in common (strong sense of loyalty, honesty, just in a way etc.)
-You’re his favourite guest to have over at the palace, sorry Luci you’ve been replaced
-He genuinely finds you interesting as well so please tell him stories from the human realm!! He’s dying to learn more!
-Diavolo notices you demeanour sort of gives off warrior vibes so-
-He really considered making you into a knight bc it’s Diavolo-what he says; goes
-“I know they’re human but they’ll be fine. Look how tough they are! They managed to survive a year with you and your brothers didn’t they?”
-“My Lord, that doesn’t amount to anything, please don’t get our human killed-“
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realcube · 3 years
Ok but hc for what type of girl the pretty setter squad+yamaguchi they would date.
Thanks and have a nice day!💖🥺
yes!! i love the pretty setter squad but like i don’t have too many hcs to make this a whole thing so i feel like the following title is necessary:
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characters: pretty setter squad + yamaguchi
trigger warning: swearing, somewhat crack, sexual references (these are just my opinions/hcs btw - plz don’t take it too seriously)
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tobio kageyama
♡ i will preach this till the day i die and ik y’all are probably tired of writing all my reader inserts for kageyama x reader one-shots like this but yk what tobio wants- you know what tobio needs and deserves- the female equivalent of oikawa tōru
♡ if her favourite food ain’t milk bread and her personal motto isn’t ‘if you’re gonna hit it then it it till it breaks’ then HE DOESN’T WANT IT /j
♡ but he’d like someone who cares about their appearance, is passionate about something like he is, fairly smart, witty and kinda a heartthrob 
♡ bonus points if it’s a sport that they are passionate about
♡ i feel like he’d be into just like a typical ‘girly girl’ yk?
♡ also he has a soft spot for acrylic nails- he just thinks they look so cool and if he saw yours he’d definitely call them ‘badass’
♡ he thinks they are kinda impractical for volleyball so that’s why he doesn’t get them himself (plus they are expensive as hell and he only has milk box money)
♡ so yeah he would date an oikawa kinnie 
♡ overall, i think he just wants someone independent who can take care of themselves 
♡ except when you can’t open the tab of your coke bc of your acrylics, then he is happy to help
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tadashi yamaguchi
♡ i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again; YAMAGUCHI IS A LESBIAN
♡ ok now that i’ve got your attention, let me explain what this means and what it has to do with this taste in girls
♡ he fell down the wlw pipeline- if that’s a thing
♡ like while the gang were watching sjw get rekt compilations, yamaguchi was watching hayley kiyoko music videos and lgbt short films on youtube-
♡ now imagine that scene were babey yamaguchi was getting bullied except they were teasing him bc he said his favourite song was girls like girls RGTYGJKMN 
♡ anyway, till this day, he is watching cottagecore lesbian tiktoks (minecraft and irl) while others watch ben shapiro it is such a shame 
♡ he doesn’t fetishize them though- it’s just his ideal lifestyle 
♡ he’s developed the mind of a wlw tho so i think his thoughts are similar to mine in a way that he’s just like ‘WOMEN 😍🥰💓’ all the time 24/7
♡ so yeah this was my elongated way of saying that yamaguchi doesn’t really have type, all women are queens in his eyes
♡ but in an ideal world, his s/o would be an ally of the lgbtq+ community, if not apart of it, stan any wlw singer/band (preferably kpop), won’t yell at him 🥺 and are willing to run away with him to a cottage in the woods at any given moment 
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kōshi sugawara
♡ his taste isn’t very specific but here are some things he looks for in partner:
♡ either likes baking or likes eating what he bakes and giving him feedback
♡ has long eyelashes/wears lashes (he thinks they are cute and ik you do too don’t even lie)
♡ oh and shiny lipgloss too 
♡ very good communicator 😌
♡ a simp
♡ someone who likes gardening or is at least willing to try pick it up to help him with his herbs
♡ will do facemasks with him
♡ intelligence; he will literally bust a nut for someone who can recite newton’s third law of motion 😩 
♡  and honesty ✨ (bc he needs to be told when his hair looks wack plz) 
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kenma kuzome
♡ plz he needs a catgirl 
♡ like your typical anime catgirl
♡ bushy tail, high + soft voice, big eyes, even bigger honkers, maybe a tsundere, cat ears, purs and gives good head ✨
♡ me and kenma are never leaving our rooms again istg what is even the point anymore if ik that i won’t meet a catgirl 😭
♡ so yeah, if he were to date someone who isn’t a cat girl, they’d probably have to be a human equivalent or like.. a gamer
♡ a streamer maybe 
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tōru oikawa
♡ he also doesn’t have a specific type but here are some of his turn offs:
♡ kageyama tobio 
♡ kageyama tobio kinnies
♡ people who think he’s too obsessed with volleyball and is incapable of loving anything/anyone else
♡ laziness
♡ ppl who’ve got a FAT fucking ass 😡 (jealousy ofc)
♡ ushijima stans
♡ bad breath 🤢
♡ppl who don’t know every word of primadonna girl by marina
♡ horse girls 
♡ aries (he’d still date an aries but he will tease you for it. if you ever mess something up like you drop a glass and it spills water everywhere he’ll just side-eye you like ‘that’s classic aries behaviour, ofc’)
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keiji akaashi
♡ you 
♡ literally you 
♡ he doesn’t have a type but if he did, it would be you 
♡ bc you’re reading hcs on tumblr rn and as yk, he’s a bookworm
♡ (and i believe wholeheartedly that he read fanfic/hcs on tumblr too. probably harry potter/hunger games) 
♡ and also you’re reading his hcs which means you like him and he’s lost himself to unrequited love too many times so at least he knows you’re interested
♡ so yeah you check all the boxes:
☑ fanfic reader/bookworm
☑ watches anime
☑ pretty
☑ sweet
☑ actually likes him 
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eita semi
♡ big tiddy goth gf with thick eyeliner, dyed hair and chains
♡ big tiddy isn’t necessary - he doesn’t objectify women ✨
♡ but anyway, they should also be willing to step on his throat and break all his bones with their demonias, upon being asked politely 
♡ spit in his mouth plz 🙏
♡ also an elite music is a must for him
♡ oh! and they should be willing to share their clothes/accessories with him (he’ll share his too ofc)
♡ a few other things he likes are: piercings, those little eyeliner hearts under the eyes, pink blush, thick eyebrows, black/dark purple lipstick, guitarist, drummers, singers (literally any sort of musician), platform shoes, alternative fashion in general, ppl who do DIYs, ppl who sew & ppl who cut/dye their own hair
♡ oh and like suga he is a slut for intelligence 
♡ and for powerful/confident women !!
♡ don’t get that confused with financial power-
♡ like proper powerful ppl that flick off a bigot on sight 
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Damn, You’re Looking Fine.
To my utter delight, my crack writing Fuck. I’m Gay. got a good reception. I was not expecting to write more for this AU/pairing. But why not? I got some ideas and a computer to write them down on.
So this fic is the took-a-while-to-put-together sequel. It’s focused on the downfall of one certain Liar-la, Damian wooing Adrien with all the flair and romantics as his Chaton deserves, and Adrien being a blushing hot gay mess. 
P.S. Damian’s formal way of talking is an utter pain to write but hilarious to read.
P.S.S. Creative liberties were taken. Again. I just feel this needs to be mentioned. 
So Status Update:
Adrien and Damian are definitely dating (It is totally official. Told you ya boi got game).
Adrien still calls him Hot-And-Sexy from time to time much to his utter mortification (He can’t make himself stop. Please send help). And Dami gets amused by it every single time, that arrogant smug jerk.
Marinette still puts the fear of god in Damian and he is wary of her. She feels very proud about that. Adrien wants to facepalm.
Fuck Gabriel Agreste.  
And Lila Rossi is still a bitch.  
Adrien and Marinette were made aware about Damian’s alter ego —well mostly because he is utterly terrified of Marinette’s seemingly sweet (icy) smile she gave him when she politely asked how he obtained the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous and partly because of Adrien’s pouting kitten eyes. 
They truly were a pair to reckon with. 
“I am not sure why the Justice League dismissed your concerns and pleas for assistance. So I am taking the initiative. My name is Damian Wayne, the son of Batman and the current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans.”
He’s a superhero too?! And it’s Robin!!! One of his favorites!! Can you hear him internally squealing in excitement?
Adrien bit his lip to keep from fanboying right then and there. But a slight pink hue spread across his face. 
“You’re not lying.” Mari has gotten pretty good at deciphering through people’s bullshit. Whether it’s because she is now a Guardian or because Lila’s bitchiness made her a human lie-detector remains unknown.
Damian took it in stride. “I am not.”
“Paris is still our city.”
“I am only offering my assistance.” He won’t barge in on their superhero duties to the city. He has more class than that.
Mari didn’t have to look at Adrien to know his decision.
She smiled, a bright genuine smile. “Then we’re allies.” Before her eyes gained a spark of mischief and her smile turned teasing. “Hot-And-Sexy.” 
“Marinette!” Adrien immediately covered his blushing bright red face with both hands, utterly mortified. 
His sister was evil. E. V. I. L. And why is Damian smirking and looking so smug? Fuck! He even makes that look completely hot. Curse his Adonis genes. And curse his teenage hormones. 
He regrets introducing the two of them together. What a pair they make. Truly a couple of fur-midable terrors here. 
Back to the matter at hand, Marinette is able to ensure that Hawk Moth and Mayura will never be out again and another akuma won’t be made. She already made sure that the miraculous were better protected. 
Damian has enough evidence to put them behind bars for their crimes but Marinette wanted to go through it and make sure that Adrien won’t suffer the repercussions of having a villain for a dad so they held onto it until they figure out how best to protect their sunshine. 
Ah Shit. 
“Duusu? Where are you?” 
Did Gabriel lose the miraculous again? 
But when he looked into the last place he left it, he groaned. Fuck. His brooch was a fake again.
He knew he shouldn’t have made a miraculous fashion line and had replicas of the miraculous jewelries made. It was his most popular items to date. He has gotten lot of praises for getting the details just right and capturing the essence of each miraculous holder. No surprise there. He deals with them on a daily basis. He should get the details fucking right. 
It’s a wonder he only came up with a line because there was talk that he was becoming obsolete with no new ideas coming forth and if there is one thing that Gabriel Agreste isn’t, it is being obsolete. 
The line was just a joke, a parody of the heroes and villains if you will, but apparently people like it. Ladybug and Chat Noir were the most popular obviously (he should’ve seen that coming to be honest). Hardly anyone buys Hawk Moth or Mayura and he is left with boxes of fake brooches. 
It is annoying.
Especially since he keeps fucking misplacing his miraculous. 
Adrien felt like he could be a Disney princess and just skip his way to school and sing for the world to hear. 
Now that the Butterfly miraculous were safely with Marinette, he doesn’t have to worry about another akuma. He could just die happy right now. His dad doesn’t have a hold over him anymore. He doesn’t have to put up with Liar-la anymore. But if they put up a fuss? Well, worst case scenario is he becomes a Dupain-Cheng. 
And he doesn’t mind. He’s already an honorary one. 
And if that somehow doesn’t work out (which he highly doubts), Damian offered to make him a Wayne. 
Françoise Dupont High School experienced a shock that morning. Specifically Ms. Bustier’s class. 
When they saw Adrien and Marinette walking in class with arms intertwined, laughing and smiling together. 
What the actual fuck?
Did they cross into an alternate universe? Marinette is a nasty bully and Adrien’s a pure sunshine child. Why would they be acting like they were the best of friends? 
Lila glowered darkly when she saw them walking towards the back and sitting at the same table. Didn’t Adrien care about what his father thinks? Doesn’t he want to still be able to go to school? 
She bit her lip and turned on the waterworks, her eyes close to bursting into tears. She made herself be the very picture of a pitiful woe-is-me victim as she cried out in a hurtful and betrayed tone. “Adrien, what are you doing with her? I thought we were close friends.” 
The sheep class instantly catered to Lila, pointing their fingers at the pair. 
Alya, her biggest supporter, led the charge as always. “Adrien! What do you have to say for yourself? How could you cheat on Lila like this? And with her?” 
Adrien narrowed his eyes at his former friend. Bitch, how dare she implies he was in an actual relationship and had feelings for that harlot. 
He has been spending way too much time around Damian. 
"Yeah, bro!” Kim said, raising his voice. “How could you do her dirty?” 
“Okay guys.” Adrien cut in. “I don’t know where you heard that but me and Lila are not dating. Like at all.” 
“Please.”Alya waved him off like he didn’t know what he was talking about (he was highly offended at the notion he didn’t know what his heart yearns for). “We all know you have feelings for Lila. You’re just in denial over them.”
Bitch, what?
Is no one catching onto his chaotic gay vibes here?  
And oh, how his fragile little heart was betrayed yet again when he saw Nino supporting his girlfriend. He still couldn’t believe the first friend he made all by himself was a part of their rabid pack. He deeply mourned the loss of such a great friend in the midst of that deceiving fox’s claws. 
“How many times do I need to say it?” At this point, Adrien was about to throw hands. “I don’t like Lila like that. I feel nothing but pure spite for her. Also, me and Marinette are not dating if anyone’s wondering. We’re just really good friends.”
“But Marinette’s a big bully.” Alix piped up, a hard edge in her voice. “She treats Lila horribly.”
“Marinette didn’t do anything to her. Rossi is lying.” 
“Oh Adrien.” It was Mylene of all people who spoke up. “Did Marinette get to you with her lies?” 
He was done. 
Completely and utterly done. 
He looked over at Marinette who shared his exasperation at the class’ antics. 
Adrien already said it before. But it bears repeating.
Lila Rossi is a bitch.
Luckily (or maybe unluckily), that was the moment Ms. Bustier chose to step in the room and class started. 
When the teacher’s back was turned, Adrien pulled out his phone and proceeded to spend the rest of the time alternating between taking notes and texting with Damian. 
They were currently at the stage of their relationship to be sending animal pics and memes back and forth, with a few puns added from time to time. 
He really does have the perfect boyfriend. 
They cornered him after school. 
One: Rude. 
And two: Double rude. 
He was excited to meet Hot-And-Sexy (daMn iT! It’s Damian! Get it right brain) at the bakery and spending time with his two most favorite people in the world (Tom and Sabine don’t count because actual parents don’t have a ranking). 
His former friends were looking all concerned and everything because they somehow collectively came up with the idea that Marinette actually brainwashed him to believe Lila was evil. 
The fucking irony. 
They actually had the audacity to say that Marinette —sweet and honestly badass Marinette— was no good and just wanted to use Adrien to get ahead in the fashion industry (as if Mari actually needed him for that). He shouldn’t be around her. Lila was a much better person to keep as company. 
Adrien laughed in their faces and left. 
Onto happier events, Adrien was having a blast hanging out with Mari and Dami. His boyfriend (he still can’t believe he managed to score such a hottie!) fit right in the everything-that-matters siblings’ dynamics. 
They were in Mari’s room. Adrien was cuddling with Damian on her bed. And Mari was at her desk working on fashion designs. 
“So what’s your family like?” He played with Dami’s hair. It was so soft. Like what the fuck. It is so unfair. 
Damian thought about it for a few seconds. “My family is a bit...crazy. We drive each other insane every other day but at the end of the day, I have no doubt they have my back as I have theirs.” 
“You guys sound close.” 
“We were not always. We had an extensive amount of issues to work through before we actually bonded as a true family.” 
It was quiet for a minute until Damian casually said. “I would appreciate it a great deal if you can make time to visit Gotham for the summer.” 
Adrien stopped playing with his hair to look at him with wide incredulous eyes. “Summer’s only two months away.” 
“I am aware.” 
“You really want me to meet them? Isn’t it too early?” 
“I met yours the day we started dating.” 
True but....
Adrien averted his eyes. “Do you think your family will like me? You guys fight criminals and my dad’s a villain.” 
Damian put his hands over Adrien’s and gave them a light squeeze, making his Chaton look back at him. 
“My mother is a villain and I was raised as an assassin. Yet despite of that, my father accepted me. And I am fairly confident he will do the same to you. Mon amour, you have a pure and selfless heart. You are a better person than I am. I have no doubt that my family will love you from the start. 
“Are you being fur real right meow?” Adrien tried to lighten the atmosphere but he could feel his eyes tearing up. 
"I wouldn’t lie to mew.” 
He let out a small laugh, wiping his eyes. How did he ever get so lucky to land such an amazing guy? “You always know the purr-fect thing to say.” 
“We get it you’re in love. It’s amazing. Now stop it with the puns.” Mari rolled her eyes, utterly exasperated at these idiots who just ignored her and pulled out even more cat puns. “You have got to be kitten me.” 
Before she noticed what she said and groaned in faux despair. “Oh you two are so dead.”
Adrien stuck out his tongue playfully. “You can’t catch me. I got a handsome knight in shining armor to protect me.” 
Damian interlaced their fingers. “Always, mon amour. I’ll protect you from everything like your wicked father.”
“Does that make me the dragon here?” Mari joined in. “Cool. I can breathe fire and torch people. Too bad I can’t do that to a certain liar.” 
“Liar-la is totally the witch here.” Adrien said before thinking for a few seconds. “Does this make me the princess?” 
“Well, knights always have to save the damsel in distress.” Mari said. 
He frowned before crossing his arms indignantly. “Dami, I love you more than Plagg loves his stinky cheese, but I’m no damsel in distress.” 
Damian rolled his eyes. “Tt. Of course not. You can destroy things with a single touch. It would be not be in my best interests to downplay your abilities.”
Adrien relaxed and beamed a sunny smile. “Good. Remember that.” 
“Mon amour, I look for an equal as a partner, not some weak spoiled harlot that can not defend their self.” Damian placed a flower crown (that was just sitting on Marinette’s nightstand, must be one of her projects) on Adrien’s head. “Having said that I do believe you are a prince that deserves all the love and care in the world.” 
And oh my. 
Adrien can feel his face burning scarlet and his heart almost bursting at how sweet this incredible, conceited Adonis was. 
He was falling in love with Damian over and over again each time they meet up. 
“You deserve love too, Dami.” 
And sweet, caring Hot-And-Sexy (Ah, fuck it. He will never grow out of that) placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 
Oh dear, he didn’t know his face can burned any redder. 
He could almost hear Mari cooing in the background. 
And in case anyone was wondering, Tom and Sabine adores their everything-that-actually-matters son’s boyfriend. Damian Wayne seems like a responsible young lad. And he makes Adrien really happy which is a major plus. Anything that makes their son happy is good in their books. 
Lila was not at all pleased. 
Why was Adrien suddenly hanging out with Marinette? Yeah, he doesn’t buy into her lies but she was confident he will be lured into her charms. Why wouldn’t he be? She was young and way more beautiful than a baker’s daughter. He was supposed to be hers. 
She and Gabriel are going to have a talk about his rebellious son. 
Except when she arrived at the Agreste mansion, Gabriel was apparently too busy to see her. 
He was too occupied with searching through boxes of fake miraculous to find Duusu to bother with her. 
“I don’t have time for you.” 
“Excuse me?!” 
She was aghast. How dare he speak this way to his biggest supporter —well, besides Mayura and Nathalie. 
“You’re excused. Now leave the premises.”
Before the door shut in her face and she was left fuming, her face an unflattering angry red. 
Being Damian’s boyfriend, Adrien has come to learn that Damian does nothing by halves. Including asking him out on a date. And the actual dates themselves. 
Today as the sun fell down and night came about, Damian and Adrien were taking a stroll in the park. It was relaxing and it was nice. They talked about everything and anything. 
Adrien did not think Damian planned anything more. 
But he really shouldn’t underestimate the son of Batman. 
Because when the last of the sun’s rays were gone, Damian led him to a gazebo strung up with beautiful lights giving the whole place an ethereal feel. And with the bright moon out tonight, it looked like fairies dancing in the garden. 
He didn’t notice Damian pressed play on his phone and classical music filled the air. 
He definitely noticed Damian bowing with a flourished and holding out his hand with a charming smile. “May I have this dance, Chaton?”
Adrien would have to be a huge fool to say no. 
“I’ll loved to.” He placed his hand in Damian’s and let the Adonis lead him in a simple waltz. 
This was his life. 
His life was one big sappy romance novel. And you know what, he doesn’t care if it is. Between dealing with his shitty father and Liar-la, this kitty deserves some happiness. 
It was a scene from one of those Disney fairy tale movies Adrien used to watch as kid. The magic. The love. The romantics. He felt like Cinderella and wished this night will never end, that the clock will never strike midnight. He just wanted to stay in his Prince Charming’s arms forever. 
Under the starry night sky, the lovebirds danced to their heart’s content and when another song ended, Damian tilted his head down to place a tender kiss on Adrien’s lips. 
“I harbor a great deal of non-platonic affections for you, mon amour.”
“I love you too, Hot-And-Sexy.” 
What the fuck?!
What the actual fuck? 
Lila was simply walking home after her disastrous meeting with Gabriel (She was still not over how he simply dismissed her like she was nothing. How dare he). 
When she saw them. 
Adrien and some guy (she’s pretty sure that was a guy) dancing in the park. She can feel that disgusting jealousy just burning in her veins, a cold anger thrumming underneath. 
Things were not at all going her way. 
First, Adrien is back to being friends with that Mari-whore. Then, Gabriel ignores her. Her. And now, she is seeing her Adrien in the arms of someone else. 
Oh this will just not do. 
She took out her phone from her pocket and snapped a couple of pictures, making sure Adrien can clearly be seen. She didn’t care too much about the other guy. He’s probably just another pretty airhead Adrien knew through his father. He’s not important. 
A cruel smirk appeared on her face at the thought of the perfect revenge. Adrien was going to have a rough time at school tomorrow. After all, he should’ve known better than to make a move against her. 
“I’m sure there’s an explanation for this.”
“Yeah. Adrien is obviously gay. That’s the only explanation.” 
“....Maybe not? There could be another reason.”
Lila had watery eyes and a sad frown on her face but inside, she was fucking smiling like a Cheshire cat. She made sure to be at school early so she can show the class the picture of Adrien’s little date last night. Who —predictably— were shocked at their sunshine child being with a guy and made plans to confront him about his supposed sexuality. 
She glowed at the thought of her plan working. This will teach Adrien to know his place or become a social pariah like his little friend Marinette. 
“I thought Adrien had feelings for me.” Lila wiped the “tears” from her eyes. “How could he lead me on like this when he’s been gay all along?” 
Alya —predictably— comforted her. “I’m pretty sure he’s just confused. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling.”
“I’m sure that’s it.” 
The pair didn’t notice Juleka and Rose glaring at them. 
Damian was not at all pleased. 
He was rightfully angry. 
How dare that poor sense of fashion taste trollop tried to shame his mon amour for being gay. How dare she try to say he was simply confused and didn’t know any better. How dare she defame his reputation because he holds nothing but spite for her person. 
How dare she. 
As Adrien’s boyfriend and future husband, it is his duty to correct this travesty and defend his Chaton’s honor. 
When the Damian Wayne, youngest son of Bruce Wayne, appeared at Françoise Dupont High School, you know that people are gonna stare and talk. 
When he headed towards the courtyard where Adrien and Marinette were sitting at, boy are things going to get juicy. 
Lila and her followers who were sitting a bit father from the outcast pair were utterly confused. They could possibly get Adrien knowing such a super hot celebrity but for him to be on good terms with Marinette too? How inconceivable. Absolutely flabbergasted. 
“Hey Lila didn’t you tell us you knew him and his family?” Max brought up. 
“Uhhh....” Lila knew she dug herself in a corner here. She never thought that the Damian Wayne would ever visit here. At this second rate school. 
“Well, let’s go, girl!” Alya exclaimed. “I’m sure Damian just hasn’t seen you. That’s why he didn’t walk towards you.”
Before proceeding to practically drag Lila to where Damian was talking with Adrien and Marinette. 
Lila, on the other hand, was cursing out Alya in a bunch of different languages in her mind while trying to come up with something to dig herself out of this mess. If they talk to Wayne, the class will realize she was lying all along. 
She was not going to lose control of her kingdom like this —well, not without putting up a fight. 
But when they and the rest of their classmates walked close to the trio, they were shocked when they saw Marinette playfully punching Damian in the arm. 
“Okay. How the hell are you so close with Damian Wayne?” Straight off the bat, Alya was on the offense as she glared at Marinette as if it was Mari who did something wrong. 
Damian answered before the bluenette could. His face was impassive and his glare cold. “I’m Ms. Dupain-Cheng’s top model for her fashion business.”
Even Lila was taken aback at the news. She knew that goody two shoes likes designing but she didn’t think anybody would actual buy her stuff. She didn’t think a Wayne would like her stuff. 
She could feel her fists clenched. How dare Marinette steal the spotlight again. 
“I’m also Adrien’s boyfriend.” Damian continued casually as if that wasn’t a huge bombshell. 
Everyone’s minds screeched to a halt. 
They knew about the possibility of Adrien being gay since Lila showed him on going on a date with an unidentified but clearly male person yesterday. But they didn’t think there was actually something there. 
Lila could feel her anger clouding her mind. Adrien was supposed to be hers. He was her ticket to fame and fortune. 
“And what about Lila? Aren’t you guys best friends?” Alya put her hands on her hips. How could Damian just ignore someone he is close friends with but give Marinette all the attention? Lila deserves better than that.  
Damian was unamused. “I don’t know her.”
“Yeah, you do.” Alya ignored Lila’s gestures to stop talking. Lila was too shy about her achievements and she was going to have her amazing best friend’s back. “She’s the one who helped your family out multiple times.”
“She did not. And I am appalled that you believe I would know a harlot like her in the first place.” Damian’s face twisted with disgust as he glanced at Liar-la like she was a mere insect. “Please. I have class and dignity.”
“Take that back!” She screeched. “You are so rude.” 
“Are you honestly going to lecture me on my rudeness when you plebians are being hypocrites?”
“What? I’m not a hyprocrite.” 
“Lila Rossi is a pathetic liar who begs for attention like street dogs beg for scraps. She never once saved Jagged’s cat nor does she help out with green charities. Lastly, she is not on close terms with myself nor with my family.”
“No! You’re lying!”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Ok then. Look her up on the internet. If she is as grand as you lot seem to think, she should have articles dedicated to her. Show me proof of her actions that isn’t your subpar blog and I will give you an exclusive.” 
Alya’s eyes gleamed at what should be an easy challenge. But when she pulled out her phone and typed Lila’s name and what she did in the search engine, her smile disappeared. 
She spent the next few minutes scouring the net for anything, any mention of a Lila Rossi that wasn’t on the LadyBlog. 
She found nothing. 
Lila Rossi was a fucking liar all along. And Alya and the rest of the class believed her. 
“We tried to warn you.” Marinette said in a soft voice. But anyone who knew her knew she was trying to hold back her laughter. 
“Marinette,” Rose cried out as she realized the class has been total jerks to the one person who always had their backs. “We were horribly wrong. Can you ever forgive us?”
She shrugged. “I forgive you. But this doesn’t mean we’re friends again. Because we’re not. Seeing how easily you drop me for that liar without even looking for any kind of proof hurts and I’m not eager to be friends again. Maybe in the future but not right now.”
“That’s goes ditto for me.” Adrien added his two cents. 
Their former friends classmates wore gloomy expressions, utterly devastated at ruining their friendship with their Everyday Ladybug and Sunshine Child. 
And with that, Adrien and Marinette left the courtyard, with light hearts and heads held high. 
Damian shot the class a razor sharp grin. “Well, it’s been nice to meet you.” 
Everyone knew he meant anything but. 
“I always knew teenagers were prone to be foolish imbeciles. But seeing the collective stupidity of you people today made me realize that the bar can in fact be lowered.” 
Adrien was fucking ecstatic. 
Elated. Overjoyed. Jubilant. Drunk on happiness. All the synonyms associated. 
Because Lila was finally exposed. The class realized what utter assholes they have been. His father will receive his due (soon according to Mari and Dami). 
He was happily humming a tune as he swung his and Damian’s intertwined hands back and forth. 
He was entirely grateful that Damian showed up to school today. Although he was a bit mean for Adrien’s taste. 
But oh man. Payback was so sweet. 
He smiled giddily. 
Mister Hot-And-Sexy definitely earned himself a kiss. 
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ineffable-snowman · 3 years
Partners, accidentally (a SamBucky fic)
Link to AO3
“So when is your boyfriend coming back?” Mrs. T asked him while she bagged his groceries.
Sam sighed softly. Mrs. T had always been forgetful but since the Blip she got even more things confused.
“He won’t be coming back,” Sam told her gently. “He wasn’t blipped. He just – died. Before.”
“I’m not talking about Richard. I mean the confused white one with the leather jacket, what’s his name? Richard was, what, decades ago? You can’t still be mourning for him, dear. You need to give your new relationship a chance. And he seems such a sweet guy, wouldn’t be fair to him to still be hung up on an old love.”
“Oh. You mean Steve.” Out of politeness, Sam refrained from pointing out that the name had been Riley, not Richard, and that it had been twelve years, not decades ago. “I’m afraid he isn’t coming back either. He… moved on. Found someone else.” He shrugged in a ‘what can you do’ gesture.
“Mm, his loss. But you seem to be doing pretty well yourself.” She winked at him.
“Thanks. I mean, it definitely is a challenging role but I’m getting used to it. I hope.” He chuckled. “And in case I let it get to my head, I can always come back here.”
“That you sure can.” Mrs. T added five of the toffees with the shiny candy wrapper to the bag, the sweets she used to give him when he had been a kid. “Say hello to Sarah and the kids. And tell your boyfriend just to ask for help next time if he doesn’t find an item from his shopping list – and not sneak around my shop like a thief. I can tell you, I was this close to calling Elliot for help.”
It was this description (much more accurate than such a sweet guy) that made Sam finally realise who she was talking about.
“Oh. No.” He laughed. “Bucky is not-”
“I know, I just didn’t recognise him at first. He was wearing sunglasses and black gloves – gloves in the middle of the summer, really? Seemed a bit suspicious. But then he explained who he was before I could get my baseball bat.”
Sam grinned. He would have liked to see Mrs. T chase Bucky out of her shop. Sounded like a good story he could tease Bucky with.
“I’ll make sure to tell him to act like a normal human being next time,” he said, still grinning.
It was only later that the implications of Mrs. T’s words fully sunk in. There was of course the implied relationship between him and Bucky, but those kind of things happened, that people mistook someone for a couple who weren’t. But apparently Bucky had “explained who he was” to Mrs. T, and Sam could not help but wonder what his exact words had been. Bucky’s tentative “partners” came to mind – shit. Had Sam accidentally turned him down by describing them as “co-workers” instead? That had definitely not been his intention. And what a shitty way to turn someone down it would be! Someone who had just bared his heart to Sam and – no. It couldn’t be. That moment with Mrs. T when Bucky had “explained who he was” must have happened later. So what exactly had he said? What exactly did he think they were? Did Bucky consider them boyfriends? You could never know with that cyborg brain of his but it would actually explain so much. How the staring had turned into smiles, all the casual touches, them spending time outside of missions…
Sam felt completely out of his depths. Was he in a relationship without knowing it? And how did he find out without making a complete fool of himself? He could just go for the trial-and-error method and kiss Bucky next time they met. If Bucky kissed him back, he would know without revealing his cluelessness. If Bucky punched him in the face, he would know, too. Sounded like a foolproof plan. It was just that Sam Wilson did not go around simply kissing people just like that.
So he asked Sarah. He was careful with his wording.
“Do you think Bucky is a good boyfriend?” Not ‘would make a good boyfriend’. Because if Sarah found out that she knew before Sam that he and Bucky were in a relationship, he would never hear the end of it.
Sarah hummed. “Why are you asking? Did something happen?”
“Just looking for…another perspective…on this.”
“Sam, you’ve never been someone who’s blinded by love. I mean, you wrote a pros and cons list when Riley asked you out. Still can’t believe he still wanted to date you after that, by the way. So what’s going on now? You want to take the next step and need more pros on your list?”
“Something like that, yeah.” Shit, she totally thought they were dating. And maybe they were. And Sam had no idea what “the next step” was in Sarah’s mind. Moving in together? Proposing?
“Use your words, Sam,” Sarah said.
It was the first useful advice. “Hey, let’s talk about this later, okay? I need to find out a few more things before I make a decision.” Because it did not matter what Mrs. T or Sarah thought the next step was. He needed to make sure he and Bucky were on the same page about this, no matter if it was about a first date or an anniversary.
are we partners?, he texted Bucky.
For the first time ever, Bucky texted him back in less than a minute.
something come up? where are you?
at sarah’s and everything’s fine. just thinking about some stuff
are you ok???
Sam sighed. He had had enough with all this miscommunication. They were grown-up people, for God’s sake. Time for a direct approach.
are we partners in a professional or in a romantic sense?
Bucky did not answer for several long, long minutes. He was online, sometimes shown to be typing but never sending a reply. After four maddening minutes like this, Sam texted:
or both?
Then he panicked and did something extremely stupid: he added a grinning emoji. So much about grownup communication. Immediately, he wanted to delete his message but Bucky had already read it.
Finally, there was a reply:
And five grinning emojis, which did not clear up anything. They really should not discuss this via text messaging.
i’m coming to NY on friday. do you want to meet up?
are you asking me on a date? Again with the grinning emojis.
There was no way to end this conversation in a dignified manner, so Sam just texted truthfully:
not sure
It was too long until Friday and yet, when Friday arrived, Sam was not ready for it. He wished the utterly boring meeting with the mayor had taken longer but there really wasn’t much to discuss. So here he was, waiting nervously in front of New York City Hall if Bucky was going to stand him up.
He didn’t. Just on time, Bucky arrived on his motorbike, looking more badass than a 107 year old man had any right to look, in his black leather jacket, black jeans and sunglasses when he sauntered towards Sam.
“Hi.” He flashed Sam a grin, came towards him, lifted a hand –
Right, looked like they were dating, so they were really doing this, Sam took a deep breath, leant forward – and his nose collided painfully with Bucky’s chin.
Bucky grimaced and took off his sunglasses, which sat askew on his nose after that disastrous greeting. So no dating. Bucky had gone in for a hug, not a kiss. Sam should have brought his wings. If there ever was a time to just fly away from an awkward situation before he could make even more of an idiot of himself it was now.
But then Bucky said, “Didn’t know if I should bring you flowers,” and at these words something eased inside Sam. Whatever this weird situation was, Bucky did not seem intent on making it weirder between them, and Sam was sure they were going to be fine.
He gave Bucky a relieved grin. “I’m allergic to most flowers, so I’m really grateful you didn’t.”
“Okay, noted. So, uh.” Bucky looked at him inquisitively, a little crease appearing between his brows (and Sam’s fingers itched to wipe it away). “I wasn’t sure if AJ and Cass had hacked your phone and were messing around with me. Or with you. Both of us. But I didn’t want to blow my chance.”
Sam shrugged apologetically. “No, that was all me. Can’t blame it on the boys, unfortunately.” Then he realised what Bucky had just said, that he didn’t want to blow his chance. It gave Sam the courage to carry on. “There’s really no way to ask this without sounding weird but… Are we dating?”
“You were the one who asked me on this… date, not-date, whatever. You should know.”
“I don’t mean right now, I mean more generally, as in…are we in a relationship?”
Bucky stared at him. “There’s definitely a lot about 21st century dating, sex, relationships that confuses me but I’m pretty sure I would’ve realised if we were dating.”
“Okay, good.” Sam did not know whether to be relieved that at least they were on the same page about this, or disappointed that they were not dating after all.
“So, people have been talking?” Bucky cocked his head. He was still staring, as if he was trying to read Sam’s mind.
“Everyone in Delacroix thinks we’re a couple. Even Sarah.”
“That a problem?”
“Not exactly. Would’ve just been weird to be in a relationship and be the last one to find out about it, you know?”
Bucky snorted. “If it’s any consolation, it’s news to me, too.” He considered Sam for a moment, never once blinking. “Doesn’t mean I’m opposed to it.”
Huh. Sam did not know what to make of this nonchalant and yet so monumental comment. “Uh. Let’s walk a bit?” He needed time to digest this information. And also he preferred to not discuss his relationship status in front of New York City Hall.
Bucky nodded and so they strolled through the adjoining park. It was easier to talk like this than when Bucky was standing in front of him and staring him down.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind it either,” Sam finally said because it felt like it was his turn to assure Bucky that the feeling was mutual.
“Ah. Alright.” Bucky was silent for some time but then he said, “People will think what they think. Might as well go along with it.”
“At this point just going along with it is probably easier than trying to explain to them that we’re not dating.” Sam chanced a sideways glance at Bucky, caught his eye and found him grinning.
“Yup. I mean, if even your sister is convinced, she’s probably right.”
“So we’re doing this.”
“Fine with me.”
They exchanged another glance, both grinning. They might walk a little faster, with a spring in their step, but nothing else had changed.
“Just one thing,” Sam said. “If anyone asks us when and how we got together, we’re not going to tell them it happened like this. Because that’s just too embarrassing. I’m Captain America, I can’t have that.”
“You mean we need a cover-up story?”
“An anniversary.”
Bucky was still grinning but then he got that manic look in his eyes that told Sam that he was about to do something very risky and very stupid.
“How about when you saved me from that truck in Germany?”
Sam stopped dead. “No way. Please don’t tell me that got you hot. Seriously, Buck.”
“Nah.” Bucky shrugged. “Not in that situation anyway, that was just adrenaline and it was mostly painful, the way your knee kept hitting me everywhere. But, you know. Thinking back on it. Or imagining it happening again…”
“Jesus.” Sam made a mental note to educate Bucky on the safe, sane and consensual part of sex, emphasis on safe and sane. “Just for your information, if you get yourself under a truck on purpose, I won’t save you again.” Because it had been uncomfortable and not to mention potentially life-threatening. Still. There was something to be said about imagining it. Sam swooping in to gracefully save Bucky from a dangerous situation, them being pressed so close to each other, Bucky telling him in a low and breathless voice, “Nice job, Cap,” and then something about wanting to thank him –
“No, that’s definitely not when we started dating,” Sam insisted, heat creeping up his neck. “I can’t remember a day when you were more annoying and that’s counting the day when you jumped onto my car and ripped my steering wheel out.”
“Then what’s your suggestion for our anniversary? I need to know so I can buy you plastic flowers.”
Sam could not help but laugh. What a dork. Now he knew Bucky was going to buy him the most hideous plastic flowers ever. “When you came to Louisiana to help fix the boat. That one at least makes sense.”
“I don’t know. There were some witnesses who saw me passed out on Sarah’s couch. Not much happening that night for me.”
“The next morning then. When you came to the boat and…” Sam remembered it all too clearly. The early morning light, their hushed voices, every word seemingly too much in that small, quiet place. “I wanted to kiss you then,” he admitted. Everything about Bucky had been so soft that morning, his hair, his eyes, his shirt, his words. Now Sam’s heart was hammering so loudly in his chest that he wondered if Bucky could hear it with his supersoldier senses.
“I would have liked that,” Bucky said softly. Gone was the grin. Bucky was giving him such an open, earnest look that made Sam’s heart speed up even more but at the same time, it calmed him down.
All he managed in response was “good” and a (probably giddy) smile.
“Why didn’t you do it?” Bucky asked.
“Wasn’t sure if you’d got your head out of your ass yet.” Or if it was reciprocated.
One corner of Bucky’s mouth quirked up in self-deprecation. “Fair enough.”
“Yeah. But…”
“No witnesses there who could refute that we hooked up on that boat.”
“We totally hooked up there.”
“And it was, uh… great?”
“Definitely was.”
Again they were stupidly grinning at each other and Sam was amazed how much he liked the crinkles around Bucky’s eyes when he did that.
“If someone asks for details…” Sam could hardly believe his own nerve because this was not something Sam Wilson did but somehow – contrary to first (and second) impressions – everything was easy with Bucky. “Well. I should know what to say.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Or you could just not say anything? God, that’s really not something that other people need to know, it’s personal, what is wrong with people, what happened to don’t kiss and tell?”
“So you’re going to be old school about it?” As long as it did not involve plastic flowers, Sam would be able to put up with it. He had experience with centenarian supersoldiers after all.
“Well, I am old. But other than that, it’s just decent human behaviour. Still can’t believe you asked me out via text messaging, by the way.”
Bucky was scowling, and because Sam could do it now, he placed his thumb against the crease between Bucky’s brows and tried to smooth it out. Bucky lightly swatted his hand away and rolled his eyes again.
“What would you have preferred?” Sam said. “A seaside rendezvous with a picnic? A candlelight dinner?”
Bucky’s frown only deepened and Sam could practically hear the cyborg gears start to turn and rattle. “Did you just say we should have sex?”
So he had figured it out, finally. “Your place isn’t far, is it?”
“I don’t even have a bed. And no, it’s bad enough that you think flirting via text messages is okay but when I make love to you for the first time, it’s not gonna be on the floor, that’s for sure.”
Sam did not know what to say to that. His chest had constricted at Bucky’s word and he really wanted to kiss that frown away but they should probably first discuss how comfortable they were with public displays of affection. In a direct and open way. Because no matter how much Sam enjoyed making fun of Bucky, it was not fair to leave Bucky always guessing and confused when it came to their relationship.
“Right.” Sam cleared his throat because that word had come out a bit croaked. “Not sure how you feel about it and it’s totally fine if you want to do it differently but you’re a supersoldier, so.” Sam raised his eyebrows. “Doing it standing up, against a wall – shouldn’t be a problem for you, right?”
Bucky shrugged. “I’ve just never.” He gestured vaguely and Sam silently waited for him to finish his sentence, trying to broadcast that he would accept whatever was going to come next. Never had sex? Never had sex with a man?
“I mean,” Bucky finally said, waving his hands some more but he kept looking at Sam, not trying to hide any of his vulnerability, and Sam once more thought how brave that man was. “I’ve never had sex in this body, only before. I don’t know, anything could happen.”
Sam nodded to show it was alright. “You know what? Let’s buy a bed first.” He tried to give Bucky a reassuring smile. “And then we can still decide if we want to find out what could happen.”
“Can I at least buy you dinner first?”
Sam’s heart was doing funny things again. “Sure. Any plans?”
“Do you know Sushi?”
Sam snorted. “Risky move. I’m a Wilson, I have opinions on seafood.” (Who was he kidding, he would let Bucky drag him to the cheapest sushi chain and stuff his face with half defrosted mock crab.)
“You’re really going to make me work for it, aren’t you?”
The comment was light-hearted enough and anyway, they had already established that it was Bucky, not Sam who insisted on dinner first. So they easily fell back into their usual back and forth. “I’m not letting you get away with that whole I’m a confused old man, that’s for sure,” Sam said.
Bucky shrugged, an easy smirk playing around his lips. “Come on.” They started walking again, maybe a little closer than usually so their arms bumped together all the time. They didn’t necessarily need to hold hands here in New York but back in Delacroix where everyone was already under the impression that they were a couple…
“Hey, Buck?” Sam nudged him lightly. “It’s gonna be fine.”
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Sonic Heroes: Sweet or Shite? - Part 2: CREAM
There are some heroes I like. And there are some heroes I don’t like. But why do I feel about them the way I do? That’s where this comes in.
This is a series in which I go into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the heroes in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and why I think they either work well, or fall flat (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on their designs, their personalities, and what they had to show for themselves over the course of time. Two things to keep in mind:
1. These reviews will be focusing mainly on game portrayals. Though alternate media will occasionally be mentioned, it’ll be for the sake of adding onto a point if a portrayal is similar enough, or to compare and contrast if a portrayal is different enough.
2. These are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions! I don’t bite. :>
Anyhow, for today’s installment, it's a vast departure from the mayhem of Silver’s world. A much more down-to-earth character, it's the Chao-approved little girl who only the most Eggman of Eggmen could possibly hold in contempt... Cream the Rabbit.
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The Gist: One day, Sonic was off on another advance adventure. Eggman was starting shit again, so Sonic was obligated to cause shit for him. This time though, upon confronting the doctor early on, he noticed there was an unfamiliar hostage on the doctor’s metal-fisted person, in the form of an adorable bunny girl.
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This was how she was evicted from Team Sonic Racing.
Sonic may not have recognised her, but that's okay, because he's Sonic, and no Sonic that isn't the Fleetway one discriminates. With his good heart - and more importantly, his skill in breaking apart Eggman's machines like they’re made of tissue paper - he saved the day, and the bunny was eternally grateful. But all was not sorted out, as it seemed that Vanilla, her adoring mother, was still under threat...
No matter. With the help of her little Chao partner named Cheese, she would handle the problem herself.
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“How the fuck did this happen?” - Eggman, Sonic Advance 2 (2003)
And... that's about it? I told you this was a far cry from Silver, didn't I? Compared to Sonic's other friends, Cream just kind of showed up without much fanfare. No elaborate backstory, no dramatic plot twists, just a girl wanting to help out.
Well, if it makes this part of the job easier...
The Design: Just like her story (or lack thereof), there isn’t too much to say here. Her design is fairly simple, but it gets the job done.
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“We’re going to have so much fun when we turn our enemies into dust and make them feel inadequate, won’t we Cheese? ^__^”
The best Sonic character designs are perfect at blending the right colours together, and Cream is no exception to that rule. The mix of cream (of course) and brown makes for a suitably warm and cozy package, and the further addition of orange and yellow provide a nice contrast to the reds and whites of her older sister figure, Amy. And speaking of Amy, although it might not be completely intentional, I like that Cream’s style of clothing isn’t too far off from that of the pink hedgehog, given their close dynamic.
I know some may take issue with the fact that her ears are technically backwards, but I personally don’t care. It’s cute, it’s fiction, don’t worry about it.
The Personality: Simply put, Cream is a kind, polite, innocent soul who would feel immensely guilty in the event of accidentally hurting a fly.
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“I was not programmed to d’aww...”
This is in large part because she’s a devoted pacifist by nature, meaning she would only be willing to annihilate the absolute shit out of you if she had no other choice in the matter. Not that you should push her if it came to that, since I’m not exaggerating when I say that she’d wreck your shit. No mortal should have the awe-inducing power that Cream wields. (Seriously, is there any game she’s playable in where she’s NOT broken?)
Did I mention she’s cute as a button? Cause I’m gonna mention it again.
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Come on, how could you hate this bunny? Is there no place for cuteness in this franchise starring plush-sized cartoon animals and giant red springs?
The Execution: If you haven’t noticed by how shorter this is than the average Sweet or Shite review, Cream is an extremely straightforward character to describe and discuss. But is that a bad thing? No, not necessarily. It doesn’t hurt for a character to have more to them of course, but compared to being as ridiculous and as complicated as, again, the whole mess involving Silver, it’s easy to appreciate when things are kept nice and simple.
If you also haven’t noticed, I would protect this girl with my life.
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“Thank you for bowing down to your superior, mister!” “Chao!”
Okay, so maybe her voice can get a little ear-piercing at times, even though I’d argue that hasn’t been the case with her most recent voice actress. Maybe her dedication to her pacifism rubs some the wrong way, since it can cause some unnecessary complications from time to time, most notably during Sonic Battle, when her (initial) refusal to fight in an intense situation led to Emerl getting beat up by Original Gammas, Do Not Steal. Or maybe she’s simply not ~radical~ enough, if you’re that sort of fan.
But me? I like her. I think she has a place, and I think she deserves to keep that place. As such, I also think it’s a tragedy that it appears as though she’s been getting phased out from a lot of Sonic products, possibly due to all these accusations directed at her. IDW has been the biggest exception to this trend thus far... but we all know what happened there, don’t we?
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MFW I’m told to sign up on Bumbleking to understand a comic’s piss-poor writing.
Still, even if this unofficial phasing out continues, I’ll continue to defend Cream with the same passion I’d reserve for plenty of Sonic’s other chums. For one thing, she’s not wearing a ganja leaf.
Regardless of the game, Cream’s interactions with the rest of the cast are genuinely sweet, whether it’s Amy, Sonic, a weapon of destruction like Emerl, or a complete stranger like Blaze. She even managed to be nice and understanding to Chris Thorndyke, which is an amazing achievement considering it’s Chris Thorndyke. (Of course, even she lost her temper with Chris Thorndyke at one point, because it’s Chris Thorndyke.) Cream is not the only character who adds heart to the Sonic universe - other examples include Amy, Tails, even Sonic himself at times - but she has her place in doing so all the same... unlike Chris Thorndyke.
I’m always going on about how it’s important to acknowledge Sonic’s world for all it has to offer, rather than take one aspect of it and take it up to eleven at the expense of everything else. That belief of mine also applies here, because as much as it may be a balls to the wall playground filled with cartoon edge and badass attitude, the main star is still a blue hedgehog who rolls into a fuzzy ball, the Ultimate Lifeform with a tragic past is still a black hedgehog who wears hover skates, and the main villain, horrible and brutal as he is, is still shaped like an egg. Appealing charm is inherent to this franchise, no less so than bodaciousness. So Cream isn’t any less appropriate than someone like Shadow.
Although how she hasn’t yet been traumatized by all that she’s been through will be a riddle for the ages. Abductions, abductions of her mother, dead robot friends...
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“Shit happens, kid.”
Crusher Gives Cream a: Thumbs Up!
Well, that was a refreshingly easy one. Now if you’ll excuse me, I better get out of here before Trudy takes issue with me for swearing so much in a Cream-related context... oh god, here she comes-!
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starbuckie · 4 years
For your spooky requests, how about Bucky dating witch!reader, you could have them do whatever. Or Bucky and reader dressing their kids up for Halloween? I think that’d be adorable! Much love 😘🥰💕
ooh yes yes yes oh my goodness i love this! i decided to make the best of both worlds and have a (kind)witch!reader and bucky dressing their kids up for halloween. okay so for this she isn’t so much of a witch, but she has the same powers as wanda and a similar backstory. also after rereading this i realize that this could be a part two that takes place five years from “keeping me warm”, so if you want you can read it like that. i went a little itty bit far with this but i felt the mood for fluffiness so i hope you enjoy<3
“Mama, mama, can you help me zip up the back of my dress?” You turned, a three month-old baby on your hip, holding a pair of scissors between your teeth as you looked at your oldest daughter who was impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. The back of her space-princess dress was half-zipped up, both arms reaching behind her head though she couldn’t reach the zipper. 
“Yeah, baby, let mama do it.” With one hand you expertly zipped up the back and smoothed down her hair which was in it’s usual Rebecca Barnes mess. Curly locks of chestnut hair fell short above the five year-old’s shoulders, topped with a headband with small planets decorating it. “You’ll be the prettiest space-princess all of New York has ever seen.”
“Not all of New York, mama, the whole wide galaxy!” Nico chimed in. He’d always admired his older sister, despite only being a year younger, and had decided to match with his sister and became one of Rebecca’s royal Martian subjects for the special night.
Halloween was never a stressful holiday before this one, with all of your kids being too young to go out trick-or-treating. You were scared of letting them go out, even if they were with their dad, and you wanted nothing more than to coddle them all in blankets know they were safely tucked in the house with you. However, it was Rebecca’s first year of school, and with relentless begging and pleading you had backed down and allowed them to go. 
The school day seemed to have gone by so quickly, with two of your kids at their respective schools, and baby Emma staying home with you. You picked Nico up from preschool, Rebecca up from kindergarten, and by the time they had gotten home, eaten their dinner, played for a bit, and gotten into their costumes it was already six o’clock. Bucky had been at the compound all day; after you gave birth to Rebecca he decided to step down from missions and just trained the recruits, and you were on maternity leave for another good two months before you got back out in the field. Every inch of you was dying to go back on missions, no respect to stay-at-home moms, but you had too much energy and were tired of sitting on your ass all day. 
“The great father of this household politely asks her Royal Highness and her subject to please help put the groceries away.” As soon as they heard their father’s voice the two older Barnes children sprinted as fast as they could to embrace him. Bucky stumbled backwards with their arms around his torso, but chuckled at his kid’s silliness and love. “Hey, guys, I missed you a ton.” He kneeled down to their height, cerulean eyes you loved so much filed with nothing but pure happiness. “Can you help me put away the groceries? I got you some broccoli because you need to eat more veggies, Nico, I know you haven’t been eating them.”
The young boy frowned, clearly upset that his dad caught him trying to sneakily avoid his greens, but nonetheless took the small bag of groceries to the kitchen counter. “Hey, baby, how was work?”
Bucky locked the door and sauntered over to you with a smile on his lips. “Boring, I miss having you there.” He pecked a quick kiss on your lips, moving on to the baby girl with the same eyes as him. “Hi, Em, did you miss your dada?” There was a hopeful tilt at the end of his question, waiting for the baby to say something in return
He got nothing but a wide-eyed stare.
With a huff he wrapped an arm around your waist and buried his head into your neck, sweet vanilla and cinnamon invading his senses. “Give it a while, Buck, she’s only three months old.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Nico and Rebecca’s chatter about candy faded in the background as soon as the lock on the knob of the door started rattling again. “Doll, I should probably tell you that I-”
“Guess who’s favorite uncle is here?” Sam yelled through the house, adorning a Mad Hatter costume and large bags that seemed like they were full of-
“Candy!” Both Rebecca and Nico swarmed their “cool” uncle and started to peek in the bags.
“Wilson! I told you you could come over, not feed my kids junk.” Bucky grumbled. He walked to his friend, snatching the bags of candy out of his hands and putting them away, effectively ignoring the cries of his children. “You munchkins are about to go out trick-or-treating, you don’t need any more sugar.”
Sam walked over to you with a kiss on the cheek for cooing at the baby in your arms. “Aw, come on, Barnes, I’m just trying to have some fun. A man’s gotta do something to ensure their place as the favorite.”
An eye roll from Bucky and a wink from Sam, the two men slumped onto the couch where you sat. “Mama, are you gonna come with us? Can you do the magic for us, please?”
The kids were never supposed to know about your past, a past full of darkness and pain until Bucky walked in. It was only a year ago when they had seen footage of you with their Aunt Wanda controlling objects with wisps of glowing red energy. You had cried into Bucky’s arms the whole night after that as he comforted you, knowing how terrifying it was to have your kids know that other side of you. Your kids, the innocent ones they were, thought you were still the most amazing and badass mom who could bake the best cookies and was like a witch. Yeah, they had lots of bragging rights at school.
Bucky pulled Nico into his arms and nuzzled the boys face, letting the little boy squeal at the feeling of stubble on his soft skin. “Not tonight, Nico, your mama needs her rest. I’m gonna take you kiddos tonight.”
The soft “aww” of the kids was silenced by Sam’s proposition. “I can take the kids if you want, Bucky, that’s actually why I came over. You’ve had a long week and I’ve been on bed rest from the leg. You stay home with your wife and start working on my next nephew,” you punched him in the arm, eliciting a wince from the large man, “or niece.”
“I just gave birth three months ago, Sammy, I’m not doing that anytime soon.” A quick look at you husband for confirmation and you turned back to Sam. “Are you really okay with taking Nico and Rebecca?”
“Of course! We’re gonna go tear up the state.” A peck on the cheek from the Falcon, and he took your kids in his arms and slammed the door open. “We’ll be back in two hours! See you later!”
Another thud let you know that Sam had left, little Emma jerking in response to the loud sound. Bucky took this as an opportunity to sprawl out, head coming to rest in your lap as he took a deep sigh. “Just the three of us for Halloween this year, huh, doll?”
“Yeah, Buck, just the three of us.” 
It wasn’t anything fun. It was you, Bucky, and Emma passed out on the couch at only six in the evening, exhausted from the days activities. But in the moment, you couldn’t find anything more special to than to share October 31st with two of your loves wrapped around you.
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stydiaeverafter · 3 years
Ch2: One Bed, Two Hearts, Three Nights
Summary: Buck is extremely sore after a hard day of work—Eddie helps him out.
Rating: M
A/N: I'm so glad you're all enjoying the story so far. I had a lot of fun writing this 2nd chapter. I know it's a bit different from what we saw on the crossover, but things are progressing between these two, and it brings overall joy! Enjoy the chapter - I'm cranking up the heat!
Read on ao3
Chapter Two: 2nd Night  —
How was it possible to be this sore?
This thought had traveled into Buck's mind as he fell upon the bed as he and Eddie arrived back at the motel after their shift.
They had worked for hours without so much as a break but were making progress on the wildfire. It was enough to feel proud.
But Buck could barely move, even though he knew he was making the blankets all dirty. It was like having a chimney sweeper lie on your grandmother's new white sofa. Good thing it was just the disgusting unwashed motel comforter that could be burned afterward.
That's when he noticed Eddie standing by the bed. "Sorry, I don't think I'll be moving for a while," Buck groaned as he looked up at the ceiling noticing several distinct cracks.
"Nah, man, it's cool. Rest up, I feel it, too," Eddie replied as he bent his neck from side-to-side. "That shift was brutal. I thought I was going to collapse several times."
"Not you, Eddie Diaz. You were the most solid one out there."
"That I doubt," Eddie laughed, "but thank you." He shook his head, "There was that other firehouse, the 126, who were kicking major ass though. I could barely keep up with them."
"Seriously," Buck answered. "They were badasses in the field. When I grow up, I want to be just like them." Eddie laughed in response—Buck's favorite sound.
Buck didn't mention that it was bothering him that he couldn't seem to figure out where he'd seen that mysterious girl from, though. She had looked so familiar. However, tomorrow was another day. "I guess they're just used to the humidity on top of a blazing wildfire." Buck smirked as he looked up towards Eddie, "Probably why you were so successful, too."  
"One more day, and you'll be there," Eddie shrugged with an entertaining smirk.
"Not to be dramatic or anything, but I think I'll shrivel up into a melted carcass first."
"Lovely image. But hey, you're halfway there, so that's satisfying at least. The process won't be too grueling."
"I know! Even though I must say, my skin is silky smooth here. Just—"
"Like a baby's bottom?" Eddie suggested raising his perfect eyebrows. "Were you going to add that?"
Buck grinned mischievously, "Perhaps." Then he winked, which was Buck's pitiful attempt at flirting.
His partner knew just about everything there was to know about him. 
Well, not everything.
Eddie looked towards the bathroom, "Do you mind, while you're lying there turning into a corpse if I take the first shower tonight? I feel like I can't function with the smell of smoke on me, and I want to call Chris before it gets too late."
"Go for it," Buck responded as he sprawled out his arms, "I'll be here for a while."
Eddie looked at him with a beautiful grin, "Then I'll be sure to take my time."
"Just leave me some hot water, yeah?"
"Hey," Eddie snorted, "karma's a bitch, Buck. It was like Elsa's cavern when you were through with it last night."
Buck joined in with a chuckle and tilted his head up, "I don't know what's more amusing, the fact that you had to take an icy shower or the fact you're bringing Frozen into the conversation."
Eddie shrugged, "Chris likes it."
"Chris or you?"
His friend sat there for a moment then smiled slowly, "All right, fine. I like it. No, I love it, okay?"  
Eddie was too damn cute and soft when he wanted to be, usually only around Buck and his son.
"I get it. I get it. Just Let it Go, Eddie."
"Clever," Eddie applauded slowly. "Congratulations, you're a dork. I'm getting in the shower now."
"Be my guest," Buck answered, pointing to the door. He started humming the tune from Beauty and the Beast, a classic, and Eddie grinned again as he closed the door.
Buck smiled. He loved their playful banter. It was always just so comfortable being around the guy.
He touched his chest, and the humor drifted away. Buck recalled how when he had woken up this moment, Eddie had been holding him.
Buck exhaled, thinking about it some more. From the way Eddie's arms had been around him, his palms protectively on Buck's chest, to how Eddie had pressed his lips on his back, his hot breath a soothing embrace.
He had tried and failed miserably about not thinking about it all day. Their bare skin touching each other, and the fact Buck had been harder than a diamond because of it.
Buck had wanted to lace his fingers with Eddie's all day and ached to stay there, together, in their bubble of complete bliss. But duty, their duty, had called.
Eddie had finally woken up, even though Buck hadn't moved, and Buck had heard a shaky breath escape Eddie's mouth.
Slowly, as though his skin was being peeled off, Eddie had moved away and jumped out of bed. Perhaps it had panicked him, but luckily Eddie was polite and seemed happy as they had gotten ready.
But Buck had wanted to cry at the loss of Eddie's warmth, which was a surprise after how hot he had been all night.
Buck was surprised he had been able to focus on the job at hand at all. Now though, he had welcomed the thoughts back.
The room was cooler tonight, and Buck cursed, surprisingly. He debated turning the AC off so he could still sleep in boxer briefs and no shirt. He wanted and hoped to feel Eddie's body against his again even though he wanted to do a lot more than cuddle.
Hell, he wanted to straddle the guy and suck on Eddie's neck until his friend was moaning out his name, with fingers pulling his hair, messing it up entirely.
Buck wanted to move back-and-forth to feel that delicious hard friction that only they could create with one another till they were both sweaty and left panting.
God...he just wanted Eddie's hands all over him, to the point Buck started shaking, speculating about it.
He tried rubbing his arms to calm the aching need for Eddie just to take over his body and winced. Buck wanted it with his best friend in every way without ever seeing an end in sight.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?"
Buck sat up so fast that he cranked his neck, "What?"
Eddie was standing there with a towel around his waist, his hair curling slightly, and water droplets running down that gorgeous chest.
Buck wanted to lick it.
"You're rubbing your arms so hard it seems like you're going to snap them off," Eddie replied. "It's been quite the heavy lifting lately, so I could help relieve some tension if you'd like." He gave Buck a look that he couldn't quite place, "I'm pretty good."
Didn't Buck know it, yet God almighty, did he want Eddie to show him how good it could be in so many ways.
Just friends.
Did Eddie understand what he was offering? What it would mean to Buck?
Just friends.
Eddie was gazing at him with an intense look, staring as if he wanted to devour him.
Jesus, this didn't feel like just friends.
But he had to have Eddie's hands on him, and then, and only then, could he die happy. "Yeah, okay, thanks."
"I'm just going to give Chris a quick call first."
"Sounds good," Buck said. He looked at the bathroom, "I'll go take a shower, so you don't get dirt all over you again." On that clean sexy body, Buck wanted to add.
He shook his head—he was such a disaster.
Buck wanted to talk to Christopher again, but it probably wasn't the greatest of ideas with what he was thinking right now.
"Wouldn't want that," Eddie teased.
Being too turned on, Buck couldn't laugh. He just nodded.
Eddie's slowly faded, and Buck rushed into the bathroom and quickly closed the door.
He closed his eyes and put his head up against the bathroom door, catching the sweet scent of Eddie, wondering if there would ever be a time he wouldn't want Eddie Diaz.
Not in this lifetime, his heart whispered.
As Eddie talked to his son and Carla, he couldn't help but wonder what Buck had thought about before stepping into the bathroom. The strangest expression had masked up his face, and he had gone into hiding. Eddie acknowledged that Buck did that from time-to-time, but Eddie never wanted to push him for information that would make him uncomfortable.
There was still so much he didn't know about the guy's past. But then again, they all had a history, and sometimes, it wasn't welcomed with open arms.
His son had wanted to talk to Buck again, of course, but he didn't think Buck was in the mood with how he was feeling. Chris was disappointed, which made Eddie a bit sad. He hated denying his son of anything, but they exchanged their nightly farewells nonetheless.
Afterward, Eddie looked down at his hands. Had he really offered to massage his best friend, who he had deep feelings for? Sure had.
The truth was, he could see Buck was in a bit of discomfort, and he wanted to take care of him. The desire to do so was overwhelming. Also, Eddie hadn't been kidding; he was good at giving massages.
And there was the fact that he wanted, no, craved to touch Buck. The thought made him suddenly flustered, but he shook it off.
When Buck emerged without his shirt but comfy pants on, Eddie felt slightly disappointed. He had hoped for the same attire as last night, but then again, he wouldn't have been able to contain himself with Buck only in his underwear. No way.  No, this was the best move for both of them and Eddie's wandering hands.
"How's my little buddy doing?"
Eddie refrained from looking down at the front of his tight pants, surrounded by dirty thoughts, knowing good and well Buck meant his son.
"Chris is good. He and Carla are having a Marvel movie marathon and lots of popcorn."
"Ah man," Buck said, "sounds fun." Then he pouted, "He didn't want to talk to me? I tried to hurry."
Eddie's heart fell into his stomach, "Shoot. I didn't realize. I'm sorry. I thought maybe you were in too much pain, and it wouldn't be the best time."
"I am sore, badly, but I'm never too anything not to talk to that kid."
Beaming, Eddie acknowledged him, "He wanted to, so tomorrow, I promise."
"Deal." Buck rolled his shoulders and bit his full bottom lip that Eddie had dreamed countless times of sucking. "You seriously don't mind?" Buck asked with a sheepish grin.
"Of course not, c'mon."
"Where do you want me?"
Anywhere. Everywhere. Eddie cleared his throat, "The bed is fine." God,  why was he so nervous all of a sudden? This man in front of him was Buck, for crying out loud. You mean this gorgeous man you're in love with, his thoughts sang out, torturing him.
Eddie ran a hand through his hair, trying to gain some damn composure.
Buck collapsed ungracefully on the mattress and bounced. They both laughed, and it felt good to feel some normalcy for a change between them. Then again, he had always felt this way for the guy. Eddie had just forced it under the surface.
"Alright, Magic Fingers," Buck announced, propping his face on his crossed arms, "let's see what you've got."
"Magic Fingers, I like that, and be prepared to be amazed."
Buck exclaimed, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at Eddie, "I don't see all your essential oils out on display or hear your instrumental forest soundtrack in the background."
Eddie laughed, shuffling closer to the bed, "How many massages have you gotten?"
"Enough, and yet never enough if you know what I mean."
"Amen to that," Eddie answered. "Unfortunately, I left my essential massage kit at home, so you'll have to do with welcoming sticky humidity and the smell of sulfur surrounding us."
"Just spray your cologne in my direction," Buck replied, putting his face down into his arms, "it always smells nice."
Buck had noticed how he smelled, and the realization made his heart flutter. Eddie grinned, "Do you want me to?"
His friend just shrugged, "It'll remove the forever lingering smoke-smell out of my nose, so why not."
Alrighty then. Eddie walked over to the dresser, grabbed his cologne, and felt a bit ridiculous. But hey, if Buck wanted him to set the mood with a familiar and comforting smell, then so be it, he'd do it. Besides, it flattered Eddie that Buck thought he smelled good.
As he sprayed it around the room, but not too much, Buck made a noise of approval as he sniffed the air like a cute puppy, "Ahh, yes, there it is. Much better."
"I'm so glad I could be of assistance," Eddie said, putting the cologne down and coming back over.
"Now, if you could feed me a grape or two, then I'll be sure to leave you with a four-star rating."
"Why not five?"
"Well, you did forget the oils...so..."
They both laughed, and Eddie flexed his hands, feeling a bit tense himself, "Alright you, hold still."
"Yes, sir!"
Eddie tried to warm up his hands, but he was afraid they had gone a bit clammy. When he finally made contact with Buck's bareback, his friend jumped slightly and then stiffened. "Sorry..."
"No," Buck murmured, "no, it's fine."
He started at Buck's shoulders first, and the feeling of Buck's strong muscular shoulders were leaving Eddie weak in the knees.
When he added a bit more pressure, Buck moaned. Eddie froze, "Let me know if it's too much, okay?"
"It's perfect," Buck responded calmly. But as Eddie continued, he saw Buck's hand grab the sheet in his fist. He really must be sore, Eddie assumed.
Eddie moved to Buck's arms, wanting to help release some of the tension he was noticing, and Buck, as a result, opened his arms up wide, his cheek against the mattress, his eyes fluttering closed.
He was so fucking beautiful, Eddie could barely handle it.
Eddie so badly wanted to caress Buck's cheek with his fingers and then his lips. But he knew that would be going too far.
But he had to get closer—Eddie couldn't help it. He spread his legs on both sides of Buck's feet and leaned down, but not too much,
Eddie's hands slid over Buck's smooth arms until he was by the guy's hands. Buck released his fingers from the sheet and exhaled deep.
All Eddie wanted to do, was lace his fingers into Buck's...instead, he moved back up Buck's body. Buck's eyes fluttered open, and he watched Eddie for a moment, who quickly looked away before he got caught up in the mesmerizing gaze.
His hands trailed down Buck's body to his lower back and pushed deeply, knowing Buck would like this movement. Eddie was rewarded with a moan. That deep sound made Eddie want to do dirty, dirty things to his best friend.
When his palms were on Buck's hips, Eddie licked his lips. He craved to kiss and lick the smooth skin there.
As he started moving a bit slower, even further down Buck's body, he thrust his perfect hips into the mattress.
Holy shit.
Was Buck turned on? He couldn't be...but Eddie sure as hell was. He looked down at his own workout pants and saw the hard tent poking at the fabric.
Being this aroused, Eddie ached to move down to Buck's firm ass, which Eddie had luckily seen once or twice in the firehouse shower. It was a Greek statue of perfection. God, the memory had his body sparking with desire, with a passionate need he'd never felt before. One so intense that Eddie imagined spreading Buck's thighs out wide so he could lick up his hard thick length until Buck was practically panting and screaming out his name.  
As if Buck could read his thoughts, his hips started swiveling.
Eddie had to end this. He had to stop right now before he straddled Buck and made sure the guy was leaking out in pleasure.
Peeling his hands from Buck's body caused him actual pain. It was torture. This entire act had been, but even more at the loss of touch.
Buck was biting his lip as he opened his eyes, obviously becoming aware of the loss himself.
They gazed at each other for a moment, and Buck breathed out slowly. "Um...I change my mind."
Eddie cleared his throat, not for the first time, "About what?"
"I'll give you five stars."
As Eddie smiled, he tried to shift his pants nonchalantly so Buck wouldn't see his obvious arousal. He didn't care if he woke up with the worst case of blue balls ever; Eddie refused to make his friend uncomfortable. Hell, they hadn't even talked about any of this yet.
Eddie looked down, hoping he hadn't already overstepped some unwritten friendship boundary.
"Hey," Buck said gently, breaking the silence, "thank you for that. I appreciate it. You were right about being pretty good, Magic Fingers; that was amazing." He started to lift his body off the bed, "I can move my shoulders again."
"Good," Eddie replied. "I'm glad."
Buck twisted back and smiled, wiggling his eyebrows up-and-down, "Would you like me to return the favor?"
Of course, Eddie did, but he didn't trust himself at that moment. Not with where his mind was so clearly taking him. Eddie's body was already sweating, and he felt like he was vibrating all over.
"Rain check?" He said. "I'm feeling pretty tired."
Buck's smile vanished, "Ah, yeah. Okay." Then he crawled to his side of the bed, "You're right. It's late, and we have day three tomorrow. Our last day."
Eddie quickly maneuvered into the bed, to be unseen. Once he was under the covers, he turned off the light.
"But hey, definitely a rain check, okay?" Buck replied in the dark. Eddie thought he caught a sense of longing, but he quickly shook that thought away. "I owe you."
"Absolutely. Pencil me in for tomorrow."
"Duly noted," Buck acknowledged, turning away to face the wall. Eddie could hear him sniff the air as if he wanted more of the scent, which resulted in Eddie smiling some more.
As he closed his eyes, Eddie realized Buck had kept his pants on. He wondered if the guy was finally getting used to the heat.  
Buck woke up sometime during the night and was pleasantly surprised and relieved that Eddie had once again wrapped his body like a snake around him. Sure, Buck was hotter than hell on earth, probably because he hadn't stripped down, which would've been dangerous with how out-of-his-mind-aroused he had been during that entire massage, but that didn't matter in the slightest.
He rolled his shoulders and smiled. Eddie hadn't been kidding—it had been a damn good massage, but what was more was who had given it to him. The way Eddie had touched his skin left Buck forever marked by the memory. He would now always crave more, especially when Eddie would casually touch him, which would indeed happen; the two were like magnets—attracted to close contact with each other.
So this moment, of Eddie holding him in his embrace, was Buck's oasis. He desired this type of warmth and connection that only Eddie could provide.
Ever so carefully, Buck brought Eddie's hand towards his mouth. Tenderly, Buck pressed his lips onto Eddie's rough knuckles.
He didn't let go of Eddie's hand afterward, nor would he ever again.
"I love you," he whispered in the dark. "I love you."
Eddie sighed in his sleep and snuggled in closer, his lips touching Buck's neck. How was it possible to be this in love?
Buck didn't sleep a wink that night, not that he minded. Instead, he embraced being in the arms of the most important person in his life.
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Varric x Merrill thoughts
This is a rarepair ship I’ve believed in ever since I saw this fabulous art a few years ago, and the fic “Perfume Shop” (in Russian) has been a major inspiration too. And then recently, @hollyand-writes got me to air my headcanons and to actually get down to writing for this ship, so here we are.
I’ll go by points, but it’s not my goal to somehow attempt to prove that this ship is or should be canon. They’re my headcanons: Don’t like, don’t ship. Also, I haven’t played DA2 in a few years, and have never played any of the DLCs, so feel free to take this with a grain of salt. All dialogue with no specifically indicated source is from the wiki.
Buckle in, this is long!
@geekalogian​, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold​ ♥
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>> Amazing banter
All the companions get frustrated by Merrill’s silly questions, though I believe half of them are actually only asked as a joke. They try to explain it or avoid the question, or sigh about Merrill’s naivete. Fenris is downright hostile to her, and Anders tends to get preachy. Aveline treats her like a child sometimes. Isabela is protective and friendly, but sometimes she sounds a bit condescending and impatient with Merrill’s innocence. 
But Varric, he gets her. He gets her silly jokes and just rolls with it, and their dialogues are a pleasure to listen to. It’s with Varric that her somewhat straight-faced, silly humour really shines, because he’s the only one to play along: about frolicking in the woods, and his resemblance to Hahren Paivel, and Bianca having a pretty name, or how his family is like fleas, or Darktown rats following the mage/templar mess, etc. He never brings up her naivete or makes her feel inadequate or as if she’s missed some context. And they’re both so relaxed around each other it’s like Varric has unlocked a whole new dimension to Merrill.
>> Protecting her freedom. The ball of twine and taking care of the gangs. 
I’ve seen meta on how Varric paying off the thugs is him infantilizing Merrill, but he does this for Anders too. It’s his way of caring about people. And also, if you see Merrill’s reaction in case Hawke doesn’t let her have the arulin’holm, you’ll see that she’s perfectly capable of realising when people are coddling her, and letting them know — in no uncertain terms — when that kind of meddling is unwelcome. (see also: Varric and his product deliveries below)
I also like to think that half of the reason “nothing ever happens” when she wanders around at night is because Merrill is a badass mage perfectly capable of taking care of herself. One of her default starting spells is rock armour, and when Hawke meets her, she admits to having fought before, and having done so alone. She’s certainly capable or recognising the stupidity and danger Sister Petrice is walking in as she wanders around Lowtown, and that’s in broad daylight. 
Also, I’m thinking Varric must have put that protection in place after news of some incidents reached his ears, because it’s not something he does by default to other party members who’re new to Kirkwall. So perhaps it is, or was necessary at some point. On the other hand, perhaps Merrill is totally taking care of herself, and the thugs are not even trying to attack her, they’re just enjoying ripping off Varric :P
I like to think that the Viscount’s gardens were an honest mistake and Merrill did cut down on wandering there after Varric’s comment.
The ball of twine is interesting. Her closest friends in the gang seem to be Hawke, Isabela and Varric, but only Varric actually gives her a tool enabling her to find her way around the confusing human city. I don’t know what others did. Did they expect Merrill to just stay in the Alienage if there was nobody to accompany her around the city? Or did they expect her to find her own way through trial and error? Varric gives her a weird, but apparently functional tool for navigating the city until she learns her own way.
And the common motif between ensuring safe streets, an access to gardens and the ball of twine, is how Varric is safeguarding Merrill’s freedom. She’s Dalish, used to living under open sky, travelling from place to place. She’s used to green, growing things and wandering about as she pleases. And she’s used to doing magic freely and in ways that she herself believes appropriate. Now she’s stuck in a barely hospitable alienage of a city with a strong templar and slaver presence, and Varric doesn’t have the heart to scold her and limit her freedom even more. 
Considering Varric is part of the ascendant group in Merchant Guild, who believe in leaving behind Orzammar’s strict caste system and traditions and embracing surface life instead, looks like Merrill’s freedom speaks to something deep in Varric’s own beliefs and values, nonchalant as he seems.
>> Trying to take care of her. Delivering produce.
This gives me feels. First, Varric noticed that something was off. Maybe he missed her showing up at the Hanged Man, maybe he went to visit her. Either way, he noticed that she wasn’t going out, not even to the market. It’s funny to imagine Varric standing in the market scratching his head about what actually goes into food preparation, but more probably he initially just threw some money at the problem, sending someone shopping for her. And then he checked up and saw she’s still not going out. And then he tries to talk her into going for a walk, to get fresh air.
And again this is something I’ve read as coddling and infantilizing, but — when Merrill is clearly not in a mood for teasing, she rebukes him politely: “I’m not a plant, Varric.” She’s not harsh as in case with Hawke and arulin’holm. When Varric leaves, she admits: “Varric is... very sweet. Frequently infuriating and a terrible busybody, but sweet.”
Which at first read as... Merrill not reciprocating Varric’s feelings for her? But on a second thought: what if Merrill is the oblivious one? Not only to Varric’s caring but about her own feelings for him? What if she never considered Varric romantically because she always thought she’d end up with a Dalish partner, and then she becomes friends with Hawke and starts opening up to the idea that what if she takes a human lover? And falling in love with a dwarf has not even crossed her mind yet? (Look lower, queen.)
Because when Merrill cares, she helps people: waters their plants or repairs ancient artifacts. Part of her potentially falling in love with Hawke is due to how they help her, how they have her back. Varric and Merrill have the same love language. I choose to think of it as a mystery, why Merrill is not canonically head over heels for Varric. Maybe she’s so used to his confident, handsome self boasting about all the female attention he gets that she thinks she’s out of his league and has friendzoned herself :P
Additionally, I believe “sweet” and “infuriating” is something that the gang could equally attribute to Merrill herself. Pot calling kettle black? :D
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>> Opinions on magic
Varric largely doesn’t have an opinion on Merrill being a mage, a blood mage, or whatever. He’s not afraid, because he has other, more pressing concerns, like Merchant’s Guild breathing down his neck and sending assassins, and when he does mention Merrill’s blood magic being “evil” it sounds like a rehearsed thing that might cause him headache due to other people getting their knickers in a twist over it.
He does acknowledge he’s distrustful of letting “dangerous people run amok” if Hawke sides with the mages in the end of DA2, but apparently he trusts Merrill enough that she knows what she’s doing and leaves it at that. He’s just sick of the whole mage/templar drama.
>> Mutual interest in what they do. 
Merrill is interested in what he does for a living, while he tries to keep her out of trouble that would come from her knowing too much. And Varric is pondering why Eluvian is a mirror, and not some other piece of furniture. Not judging each other, just — curious. Showing they are in each other’s thoughts. And I won’t go into details here, because @hollyand-writes​ has, like, ALL the receipts where Varric thinks about Merrill in DAI, but he does — a lot :) He knows her interest in history and lore, knows that news of ancient elves keeping slaves would upset her, knows she would have liked to see the Dales. He seems to be missing her a lot...
>> Priority. 
LOOK at the sequence he mentions his friends in, Merrill is No.1, while Hawke is almost an afterthought :D
Merrill: How do you do it, living in the city without picking a side? Doesn't it matter to you? Varric: Of course it does. That's why I don't take sides. Merrill: That doesn't make any sense. Varric: I've got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela. I've got friends in the Circle and drinking buddies in the templars. All of them matter.
And who’s the first person that comes to Merrill’s mind when Hawke calls her pretty? Varric! :D [X]
>> Comfort in storytelling. 
Yeah, Merrill says somewhere later that she wouldn’t have made a good Keeper because she’s not good with people, but she did receive all the requisite education. She studied lore and elven legends and history, as much as is left of it anyway, and I believe that storytelling, thriving on stories, is something that she and Varric both have in common. 
Maybe she’s too shy to tell her own stories, but she’s definitely enjoying Varric’s and looking for consolation in his stories when things get rough.
Merrill: Varric, how does the story end? Varric: Which story, Daisy? Merrill: The big one. With us and Hawke, the mages and templars. Everything. Varric: You want to know before it happens? You're not worried about spoiling the surprise? Merrill: I might not see it end. Varric: You have to stick with us if you want to find out how it turns out, Daisy.
Merrill: Tell me a story, Varric. Varric: Right now? I don't think we have time, Daisy. Merrill: Maybe a very short story, then? Please? Varric: Fine. "When the cards turned, he lost." Merrill: Oh. Did it have to be so sad?
Merrill: (passing the Hanged Man):  "Do you think there's time for Varric to tell us a story while we're here?"
Merrill: I hope we win. Varric will make it a good story, I'm sure.
>> Conclusions & Future
The thing that gets me the most is how good and kind they are to each other. It’s in their teasing, their jokes, the way Varric takes care of Merrill. I love Merrill’s confidence in Varric’s storytelling talent, and I like to think Varric finds Merrill’s confident tinkering with the mirror at least a little bit hot, even if he doesn’t understand magic (Bianca is/was a brilliant engineer, and I think Varric has a bit of a competence kink :D)
I also enjoy thinking of them both as slightly out of touch with emotions: Varric ignoring his own, and Merrill oblivious to his. I like to think of what happens when Merrill realises Varric loves her: because she’s open and honest in her affections, and it would be awesome to see Varric taken by that storm. To see him openly fall for someone so different, at a first glance, but also familiar: a knowledgeable storyteller, confident in her abilities, believing in free will and freedom. 
I see them moving on together: Merrill learning to let go of the disappointment that is the unfinished eluvian, and Varric learning to let go of his lingering feelings for Bianca. Yes, the past is important for Merrill, while Varric wants to live in the moment, but the point of knowing the past, for Merrill, is to be able to move forward, and Varric certainly knows his family’s past, so I don’t see any disagreements there. If anything, Varric’s resources and connections can help Merrill get her hands on more artefacts and ancient tomes, letting her continue on her path in some other way.
It’s interesting to imagine their life together. After DAI, Varric pours his own funds into various infrastructure projects until he ends up the Viscount of Kirkwall, and Merrill is in Kirkwall too, helping the city elves. Somehow, it feels logical that at least some of those projects would be new elf housing and improvements to the alienage. 
Would they get married? Probably, because I think it would be important to Merrill, and also probably because it might be a better way to protect her, a rumoured/known blood mage, from the Chantry than if she was just the Viscount’s mistress. On the other hand, knowing Varric and his cousin Elmand, and his spy network, and his tendency to successfully evade the Merchant Guild messengers [X], it’s equally possible he’d whip up a completely fake story about how his beloved Merrill is a hatter, and leave it at that. Probably he couldn’t even be found in the Keep, instead preferring to hide out in the Hanged Man or in his wife’s house in the alienage :D
Because, in the end, I think they both enjoy doing their respective Things very much, whether it’s helping elves or writing books, and they let each other do it selflessly, even if maybe it means they can’t live together. (Because can you imagine a Viscomtesse Merrill having to host a ball? Dealing with Hightown nobles? No, I don’t think Varric would ever ask such a sacrifice of her.) But they live close, and help and support each other, and, in short, I think they’d be awesome :)
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swtzutara · 4 years
after reading through the moon, I decided to make a post with all my predictions for season four, especially because it changed the course of what most of us were expecting for it (rather tragically). i think it’ll be fun to come back here when the season drops and see what I got right. most of these predictions were already in my mind before the comic came out, but I had to change them just a bit to fit what happened at the end of thought the moon. under a read more because of ~spoilers 
Rayla won’t appear on the first episode, and maybe not on the second one too (though I think we might see a little bit of her at the end of the second ep) but we’ll see her on the end credits art, like maybe clues showing where she is, or the places she went to
I think callum is gonna be desperate about her, and will want to go after her right away, but won’t be able too for some reason, probably ezran and soren convincing him to go back to katolis first, or maybe something in the letter she left for him? 
Callum and ezran will have a fight about callum wanting to leave everything behind and go look for rayla, because ezran is also worried about her but he can’t leave because of his duties, and he feels abandoned by rayla already and doesn’t want callum to leave him too. rayla leaving the way she did would impact them both, but since callum can be a little bit of jerk towards ezran when he’s got his head full, I think maybe he’ll focus on how rayla leaving affected him and how hurt he is, and forget that ezran also cares deeply about her. they’re brothers and it’s easy to get overly emotional with family, and to have a lot of complicated feelings, and I’d like to see it being explored on the show with them. also callum can’t just leave his brother like that, i think he knows that deep down, but after the events at the end of season three i think he would be really worried about rayla 
(that’s a popular one already) I think we might get a “Rayla Alone” kind of episode, since I believe rayla won’t appear much in the first episodes. the episode will show the scenes referenced in the end credits art from the previous episodes and also where she is now. i believe we will see her struggling mostly with her feelings, since survival is not a problem for her. she will have nightmares like the ones in through the moon, and maybe new ones, since she left callum and ezran behind and will probably feel guilty about it, even though she believes it was the right decision. it will be a very emotional journey, which i think would be great, rayla’s feelings are incredible to analyze and really complex, there’s just so much potential for her on this season
I think Terry the Earthblood Elf will appear on book four
Ezran and callum will have a Big Feelings Time and solve their fight (not fast or easily, but i’ll leave these details for the show lol), and then maybe they will send corvus or soren after her, but at some point i think callum will go too, perhaps after they got a clue? i love rayllum but i can’t think of callum just leaving his baby brother (who’s king) for only God knows how long, especially knowing that rayla can take care of herself during her journey, the biggest problem here is to where this journey is taking her
Rayla will be able to reach viren because I believe she will get the coins in this season. they need time to develop all the conflicts that will explode when runaan, tiadrin and lain are free, so I think she will get the coins by the end of season four, they will be freed on season five, and we’re gonna have seasons six and seven to develop the characters and the conflicts between them
Rayllum will have a Big Fight when they get together again. i think their inicial reactions will depend on the situation they will found themselves into when they reunite, but after this they will have a fight that will turn into a serious conversation about what happened; i think they just need to put their feelings out there and with the way things happened, it would be through some screaming. callum will talk about how he felt betrayed by her, how she left him and ezran, how he just wants to help her and be there for her, she broke his trust, and as much as i think he’ll understand her motives, it’s still very hurtful, and she doesn’t need to do things alone anymore. rayla will talk about how difficult it was for her to see everybody apparently moving on while she was stuck in the past, how she didn’t want him to distract her of her pain but just accept that she was hurting and let her deal with it on her own, how she COULDN’T let it go because only answers would bring her peace, though it is true that she didn’t have to run away and try to hunt viren on her own. they will be fine by the end of the season, but we’re gonna get some pretty heavy emotional moments before that
I think ezran won’t be able to go after rayla with callum because of his kingly duties, and we’re gonna get a lot of human kingdoms politics with his narrative, and maybe some aanya-ezran bonding (PLS I WANT IT SO BAD). it would be nice to see callum dealing with the politics to, awkward as he is, and he is a prince after all, he can’t just ignore this part of himself
I think amaya will be torn between lux aurea and katolis. i think she and janai will be pretty close when the season starts, and since janai, as the new queen, will be dealing with the disaster viren caused at lux aurea and with no doubt being stressed a lot by it, amaya will want to support her and be there for her, but then she’ll found out about what’s happening at katolis (aka her nephews fighting all the time and rayla’s disappearance and all the crazy politics ezran will be dealing with) and she’ll want to be there for them too. i think it would be nice to see amaya having more of a emotional conflict, she’s so tough when it comes to physical conflicts, but emotions are something that can really shake you to the core
I think ethari will help the boys on finding rayla, maybe with some spell he knows?? he might work with corvus or soren to track her, they both joining their abilities, that would be really sweet and also reinforce the show’s theme of humans and elves working together. i think maybe we won’t get A LOT of ethari on season four because I believe he will be of great importance on season five helping rayla free runaan, tiadrin and lain from the coins, but it wouldn’t make sense for him to NOT be a part of season four too, considering all the situation with rayla, and how he needs to make up for what he did to her
Aaravos will take great interest in claudia, but she won’t trust him. we already saw on the show that he thinks she’s a “useful asset” and that he’s impressed by her resourcefulness, and he’ll probably want to use her for his own gain, but she doesn’t trust him because she hates elves. the creators said aaravos is really manipulative, especially because he was able to manipulated viren, that is also very clever, so sooner or later he’ll find a way to manipulate claudia or get her to trust him, and I believe it’ll be through viren. he’ll either threaten viren behind viren’s back or manipulate viren so he manipulates his own daughter (what a mess)
I think callum may connect to the moon arcanum by the end of the season. i’m not really into the theory that he’ll connect to all six primal sources, because as badass as it sounds I’m not sure if that’s what the creators are planning for his arc or if it’s really necessary, but I do believe that he’ll connect to at least two, sky and moon. he already have the set up to forge his connection, especially after both his experiences at the moon nexus, and I think the process will happen more smoothly now. he’ll be reflecting about something, maybe his situation with rayla and the lies she told him, and also remembering the “white lies” quote from the comics, and he’ll suddenly realize that he has connected to the moon arcanum (again, it wouldn’t happen as lame as i’m sure i’m describing it, but i’ll leave the details to the writers). callum struggled a lot to understand the sky arcanum because it was his first try, and he had no clue of what exactly to do, and I think it would show great character growth if his second connection came more easily, especially because of his feelings for rayla, and the way he’s trying to understand her. she being the key to his connection with the moon arcanum would be really sweet 
I think we’ll see soren also struggling a lot about his place on the castle. he doesn’t have his family around anymore and he used to be very close to claudia, and all the experiences at the storm spire affected him deeply. he loves the boys and want to be their protector, but I think he might feel lonely. i’d love to see some bonding between him and ezran or him and callum (hopefully both!), and I also think he’ll be worried about rayla too, they seemed to be starting to develop a friendship in ttm (i loved it so much), they talked about his father and how dangerous he is, he knows rayla will be in big trouble if she finds viren, and he’ll be afraid of another confrontation with his father
I’m honestly a bit lost about how the ending could be. if rayla will be found or come back willingly after getting the coins, i don’t know which one i’d like better. also rayllum being separated from ezran again is so hurtful, but there’s no way callum wouldn’t go after rayla at some point, and it would look really bad for ezran if he abandoned the crown again, right after the war, but i hope we can have callum and ezran together for most of the season at least. i’m also expecting a big fight between claudia and rayla, i think it would be great.
I already thought that rayla and callum would be in separate places during s4 or s5, but I sure didn’t expect for it to happen like THAT. I also expected a fight between callum and ezran because I think their relationship needs to be a bit more tested, especially now that ezran is king. I’m so excited about season four I can’t barely sleep at night lol (a release date when??). I know this predictions are a bit (or a lot) vague, but they’re really supposed to be just overall ideas of what could possibly happen on book four. 
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red-i-mean-blue · 4 years
A:TLA romantic ships part 1
yes, no one asked for my opinions, yes I will give them anyway, yes because I have decided making a bunch of meaningless decisions and arguing for them will improve my mental state, yes I watched the show all in one very sleep deprived go and i’m not interested in rewatching it so yes I have absolutely no sources, yes this is a really long grammatical nightmare because I don’ t know how to be succinct and i use way more words than necessary at any opportunity because if my point doesn’ t come across exactly like i intend it will greatly upset me, no I have not yet watched Korra or read the comics because i’m tired now let’s do this.
includes Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka bc these were on the Avatar wiki ship list, part two will go into gay ships more
from 0 I despise people who ship this immediately to 10 I will read absolutely anything with this, I love it and could draw it for hours on how much I think the relationship would be good and how happy it makes me
Kataang (looks like a comic book sound effect so plus points)
very clearly built up over the series
cute kid crushes also ngl did not know katara was 14 and not older 12 or 13 so didn’t care about age when watching
now I know she’s 14 and he’s 12 it’s a little weird but still
haters say katara was just the avatar’s trophy girl, as if aang didnt kiss the ground she walked on and wouldnt stop telling anyone how amazing she is. Katara was the first face he saw from the new world and they immediately became friends. she was so excited to meet another bender, he clearly is trying to impress her and it is working, he listens to her about bending and offers to take her to the other side of the world to master water, TELL ME at this moment she is not ride or die and she doesn’t even know he’s the avatar, he lets her feel like a kid again, which is a feeling she’s forgotten after years of being a mother to sokka and the children. he literally sweeps her off her feet to save her from the fire nations ship i-. rewatched boy in the iceberg and hoo boy had canon not messed it up, this ship could have been legendary
hard to imagine older them working out what with the whole last airbender, preserve air nomad culture, let’s travel the world bc nomadic lifestyle, what’s marriage i’m a monk without biological family values vs last southern waterbender, preserve southern water tribe culture, I believe in the power of family and am ridiculously dedicated to my tribe,  let me go home to my father and tribe shtick, but I don’t care for after the show finishes much except for following the gang fix the world so I don’t really care about the marriage issue
canon was good until that Mess in season 3, WHY did he kiss her after that speech, wish they talked that out properly, wish he learned letting go of her to open the 7th chakra was the only right decision, wish the ending was a little more vague in ships and just left things open but yk whatever
that finale kiss was sweet, they hugged foremost as friends, no blushing, and then got the fuzzies, that moment standing alone? a+ but without any talking about what happened on ember island, a little unsatisfying
overall, fine ship, not my favourite nor do I actively ship it, but I see a kataang moment, i’m like, sweet so I give it a 6
Zutara (apparently fans are zutarians which looks like an alien race, plus points)
latter half of the show had quite a lot of Zutara potential, but idk about Zutara actual
katara was so ready to drop his ass, no way at the start
there is only one dynamic between them in which I can see Zutara working and that is as in the Stalking Zuko by emletish series where katara is so distrusting over zuko she takes to stalking him to make sure he isn’t doing anything to hurt Aang or about to betray them (her) again but he is just such a sweet dork who keeps trying to apologise to her even while she’s apologising to him for being a bitch that she can’t help but start to trust him, i’m a third into the third book in the series not stalking firelord zuko and I am thriving and tbh this is the only situation where I accept zutara, read the series I love it
age gap is weird, I know it’s the same difference between kataang but they made a point of zuko being older in the show also he’s so much taller and I don’t like 16 year old boys with 14 year old girlfriends in real life and so would katara because jet
katara has a bad experience with bad boy sword weilders (jet) but I guess you could see it as the start of her type idk
they are both the moms of the Gaang. sokka is the fun dad.
there is a parallel between their families, with the leader of their people dad, mom who left the picture when they were young, an older brother who is not a prodigy at/can’ t bend their respective element so they become proficient at swords instead, prodigy at bending younger sister with a violent streak. this is why I see zutara as potentially a really close friendship, almost siblings, but not a romance because to me katara is a little too like azula for comfort...
tbh I think a lot of folk shipped it because ooh fire boy and water girl (not the game) that’ s perfect, and bam army of zutarians
overall, kind of weird but ok and good grounds for humour so I give it a 4
Jetkara (bad ship name, why would you like this, minus points)
Jet is bad. yes Katara really liked him, yes he was definitely her first kiss and she would definitely consider him her first boyfriend but they would not define it because it’s easier to manipulate someone when it’s unclear what your relationship is and Jet is bad, with his weird fricking eyebrows and not even real swords those hook swords
Not wasting my time, 2
Jinko (cool name, reminds me of Hong Jinkyung, plus points) 
short but so sweet. not the first thing people remember from watching the tales of ba sing se (brb going to rewatch and cry) but really cute, so here’s a running commentary
his first thought was she knew they were fire nation rather than a pretty girl sat in a teashop giving him looks because she had a crush omg
that honest surprise when his uncle suggested she liked her and then she walked up and asked him on a date, adorable
anyone who looked at that god-awful hairstyle and still thought he looked cute has it bad also aww that hair ruffle and the little grab onto his arm
he’s pushing his food around and she’s trying out ice breaker questions and recieving one word responses he has no idea what he’s doing
“she is not my GIRLFRIEND” he’s not over Mai, clearly but he still is trying his best to be a good date even if he’s terrible at making conversation
anyone who sat through that date and the bad lying and the stilted conversation and still thought he was cute has it bad 
he is So Bad At Lying he just told the truth very vaguely and then bam travelling circus
jin so knows the two are fire nation, the whole date she just politely ignores the clear lies and doesn’t react to the obvious firebending, what an icon we love jin
honestly I was really expecting the show to reveal that jin knew he was a firebender if not from the start then from the lights but eh I guess she can keep a secret, good for her
that being said I can’t see anything more happening but this date but omg imagine fire lord zuko coming back to visit and they become friends I-
overwhelming support for pre-date jin flirting to an oblivious zuko and the date Jinko, 8
Maiko (name would be a good name for a cat idk why)
childhood sweethearts before the banishment i think
she crushed because he saved her hair from getting burnt by tackling her into a fountain? adorable
I love mai she’s so funny but I think not the best match for zuko? he has a lot of trauma to get over and she doesn’t seem like the let all your feelings out and let’s talk about it until you feel better kind of person.  it was deeply ingrained in her to keep all of her feelings and emotions strongly hidden because she got what she wanted from her politician parents so long as she was quiet, well-mannered, and perfectly behaved according to avatar wiki so I get why she’s that way, until I was 11 I was that way too all the time, I understand freezing your face so you don’t look afraid or upset or angry and risk annoying adults, but I don’t think that that would fit zuko with his social ineptness
they literally broke up twice but are just assumed back together? she just surprised him and said they were back together and I think he forgot she existed
the deadpan firelady and the fire lord would be hilarious together tho she got the ruthlessness he lacks
post coronation I can see it happening, 6 but under Kataang
Sukka (terrible name lmao)
the cutest, sokka very excitedly says “Suki!! :DDD” every time he sees her
she didn’t give him the time of day until HE changed, incredible
just the best canon ship, the two nonbenders in the Gaang but very clearly shown to be important key members.
suki is sneaky and badass, rivalling zuko for position on the team as the sneaky badass one (they tie and bond over being sneaky and badass)
sokka is a great dad, he is the dad of the Gaang and he clearly loves suki and suki loves him back
sokka ships are ELITE, 9
Taang (a delicious orange drink mix that reminds me of home, nostalgia)
foreshadowing from the swamp where someone aang loved in the future really made me think taang was endgame yk
opposite elements ideology that I guess is what zutarians like also leaves everyone in the gang dating a Gaang member if zutara happens
actually the same age but not much else going for it
best friends, 4 but under Zutara
Tokka (great name of a small pet fight me)
sokka ships are elite, childhood crush turned adult strong friendship
I really like seeing the rough, tough, greatest earthbender in  the world have a crush, adorable
sokka is a great friend and his and toph’s canon relationship is so sweet, I wouldn’t change it
toph was fully going to give sokka a kiss on the cheek for saving her life i’m melting
age difference is too weird for a romance he’s like 16 or 17 by the end I think and she’s 12
best friends, 10 as a relationship in the show, 2, but in their 20s after the show... 4 but under Taang
Toko (very forgettable name but both characters have 4 letters so I guess it’s hard to come up with something memorable but every time I read it as Toph because same shape ish so minus points for being annoying)
even weirder age gap than Tokka 
not many moments that could be considered romantic? 
toph first accepted zuko despite him burning her feet, how she sees, which was big and they resolved problems between them quickly
toph clinging to his arm and asking for a life changing field trip caused him to blush, but I see that as him being like oh someone wants to spend time with me?? she’s hugging me??? what is this 
convenient ship for kataangers because the Gaang could be paired off as Kataang, Sukka, Toko
her crush on sokka seemed to go away or calm down when he showed up and she punched him and teased him a lot, her way of bonding
similar strict teaching styles and bonding over secret identities as Blue Spirit and Blind Bandit and parental issues and being the children of important families who made them run away to enjoy not having anything to do with politics and being nobility with impaired vision who have never stepped into a kitchen in their lives and being used to servants and then being on the run
I really see them as siblings with her helping him relax from his duties as fire lord because you already know this boy’s sense of honour is going to make him work tirelessly to fix the world and him helping her relax from the whole i’m not a fragile, weak little blind girl, i’m the greatest earthbender in the world shtick and reminding her she can be both a blind 12 year old girl and the most powerful earthbender in the world, she can accept help without being weak or lesser than anyone, people want to help because they care not that they pity you
best friends 10, relationship in show 1, after show 3
Ty Lokka (I don’t like this name looks like a place but can think of nothing better)
yeah I guess ty lee’s obvious flirting is grounds for a ship but in every interaction he’s involved with someone else and doesn’t seem to like her as a person
do they even interact while on the same side?
friendly aquaintances at best, don’ t understand, 2 but above Jetkara
Tyzula (don’t like this name, like a mineral water?)
canon I don’t care it is canonically a possessive relationship
azula’s only genuine apology goes to ty lee after hurting her feelings
Azula clearly loves ty lee, her betrayal sends her mad
after a lot of therapy for azula and apologies, maybe a healthy relationship could form after the show, 8 above Jinko
Yukka (looks like a childish insult, surely someone could have thought of a better name)
Sokka’s love for Yue stays with him for the rest of his life, she was the first person to die in front of him and he sees the moon as her facing the earth
love this forbidden lovers content, sokka ships stay elite
Sokka and Yue spend as much time together as possible with secret midnight dates flirting (“you wanna do an...activity together?”)  Sokka’s reaction to Yue’s engagement shows that he wants to have a serious relationship with her, and also he thinks Hahn is a bad person for Yue, which he is. 
Yue dying devastated him and he never falls out of love with Yue. her last words “[she] will always be with him” are true. swamp visions show Yue as one of the most important people in his life like a season or so after he last saw her. he wouldn’t kiss suki in front of the moon, and cries when Yue appears on stage, ignoring Suki. he talks about the moon as if it is directly Princess Yue in that cactus juice scene.
she died in his arms oh my god don’t look i crying, he feels personally responsible and guilty
yue was great even though she was the indigenous or black girl with light hair and eyes character and I wish she could have helped aang in the spirit world 
despite her arranged engagement she clearly really likes sokka even though she knows nothing can happen, 9
Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko, Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka
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mitchloveswriting · 4 years
hey! saw you were new-ish n wanted to request something! could you do Sirius with a badass reader? who absolutely does not put up with his shit? like plays quidditch and is notoriously the bad girl! if they get together or not is your choice, i just love me some pining boys
A/n: I most definitely can! Sorry this took so long hun xx Hope you enjoy and again, all feedback and/or constructive criticism is welcome, but please be polite 🧡
The first round of quidditch tryouts in their fifth year was coming up and Y/n and James were to choose the new members.
While James was excited about this job, Y/n L/n was wracked with nerves; what if she didn't pick right and let the team down?
Nevertheless, they were nerves that she wouldn't let show.
She was a badass, she couldn't let weakness show, but keeping all her nerves bottled up was making her a lot shorter with people than she usually was.
Especially a certain Marauder that tended to put her on edge even when she wasn't filled with anxiety.
Y/n finished pulling on her boots and shrugged on her robes, heading down for breakfast with her friends.
"You just need something to take the edge of Y/n!" Axel told her as they entered the great hall.
"Don't tell me what I need Lucas." She snapped and he shook his head.
"Don't call me by my last name." He quipped back and Lola laughed.
"Besides, there's not much that helps that I could use three days before quidditch tryouts. I need my head about me." Y/n reasoned as the three of them took a seat at the Gryffindor table.
"Oh no Y/n, I can get us some Firewhisky for tonight. It'll help you relax for now and you'll be perfectly fine on Saturday." Lola told us and Y/n opened her mouth to agree when a voice came from behind them.
"I don't understand how you lot even got into Gryffindor. Listen to yourselves." A shrill voice rang out.
The trio turned around and glared at an auburn haired Marlene McKinnon.
"I don't remember asking McKinnon. Now move along before one of us kicks your arse again." Y/n growled.
"Yeah, because any of you could beat Marlene." Dorcas came to her defence and Axel rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh.
"Do you need a little reminder of what happened last time?" He threatened and Y/n and Lola gave innocent smiles.
"Whatever, don't mess the team up for Gryffindor, L/n." Marlene rolled her eyes, but walked off a little sheepishly.
"That was oddly gentlemanly of you, Axel," Y/n rested a hand on his forehead as they turned back to their food, "you feeling okay?"
He grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand away.
"Shut up." He muttered, a blush tinting his cheeks.
Lola gave him a knowing look and he only shook his head.
"Ello Y/n." An obnoxious, deep voice sounded.
"Dear Merlin, it is impossible to have a peaceful breakfast around here." Y/n complained and pointedly ignored the call.
"C'mon Y/n, don't be like that. I'm beautiful, you're beautiful, it just works." Sirius Black wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind as he spoke.
"Get your arms off me, Black, before I break them." She spoke stiffly through gritted teeth.
He retracted his arms so fast, you might think he was genuinely afraid of her pulling her wand on him.
"Let's not be hasty here. I only came to ask a favour." Sirius held his hands up in surrender.
"What makes you think we'd ever do you a favour Black?" Axel spat, venomously, shifting an inch or two closer to Y/n.
"No no, you've got it all wrong. I only want a favour from our dear N/n here." He patted her head and she slapped his hand away.
"Don't call me that. What do you want?" She hissed and he chuckled nervously.
"The quidditch trials are soon. I really want to get on the team. Please, please teach me?" He asked and Y/n shook her head.
"No way. Get your buddy Potter to do it."
"He's busy and I only have three days!" Sirius protested desparately.
"I'm busy!" She argued and he stared skeptically.
"With what?" He questioned.
"With a life." And with that she turned around and went back to her food.
Sirius turned on his heel and walked away defeatedly.
"How'd it go?" Remus asked as he joined Sirius on the walk out of the Great Hall.
"She's never gonna notice me Moony! It's hopeless." He rubbed his hand over his face as he spoke.
"It's not hopeless." Remus started only to be cut off.
"It is! She has no interest in me! All she cares about is those stupid friends of hers. What do I do Moony?" He stopped walking and shook his friends shoulders.
"Well let's start with not breaking my neck," Remus began, pushing Sirius' arms away, "and there's clearly only one option."
"There is?" Remus shrugged and nodded.
Later the same day, Y/n sat by Axel in Transfiguration.
She was leant back in her seat with her feet on the table and her hands behind her head, Axel doing the same, but instead of supporting his head, he was doing his work.
Something hit the back of her head and she turned to see a balled up piece of parchment on the floor by her chair.
Looking around she saw Black pointing and gesturing to open the note.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to the front, only for another piece of parchment to hit her moments later.
She whipped her head around and brought her feet to the floor with a glare only to see Sirius with his hands clasped together, frantically mouthing 'Please!'
She reached down with an exasperated sigh and grabbed the ball.
She uncrumpled the note and read over it.
'Please L/n, I'll do anything. Name your price.'
She gave a smirk to Axel and scribbled something down on the parchment before balling it back up and throwing it back.
"Miss L/n, Mister Black, something you'd like to share with the class?" Professor McGonagall snapped.
"No, no not really." Y/n said simply, putting her feet back on the desk.
"L/n and Lucas would you please get your feet off my desks." Though as she spoke, she knew her mistake.
This was Y/n and Axel.
"No can do Prof." They declared in sync before snickering a little.
McGonagall opened her mouth to reply, but closed it again, knowing her attempts were going to be futile.
The class was nearly finished anyway.
As they walked out of the classroom Sirius yelled Y/n's name through the crowd.
"You go ahead Ax, I'll catch up with you later." She pushed him forward with her arm and turned to face Sirius.
She smiled in a fake-sweet manner, "Yes?"
"Your price! Servant life?" He exclaimed, demanding explanation, flailing his arms about dramatically.
"Yes. You do what I say for the rest of today and tomorrow, and I'll train you up on Friday in time for the tryouts on Saturday." She walked at a fast pace as she talked, not even looking at him.
"Really?" While it sounded awful in theory, it would give him an excuse to hang around the girl he's been harbouring a crush on for the past two years.
"Everything I say."
"You aren't gonna ask me to kill someone are you?" He joked and she glared at him.
"Come find me at lunch Black. Have some salad on my plate for me, and some pumpkin juice." She began to walk away and he grabbed her elbow.
"Is that all?" He asked when she faced him.
"Now that you mention it, I have Lola's spare skirt in my bag," she reached in her bag and passed it to him, "be wearing that, with no robe on top or tights underneath."
He gaped at her as she began to walk off again.
"We have the next class together!" He called out and she laughed.
"I won't be there, Servant."
Y/n sat with her friends on the couches in the Gryffindor common room.
"Lola, I thought you said you'd get us Firewhisky?" Axel pointed out from his place at Y/n's side.
"Oh shit, I forgot." Lola brings her palm up to her head and flops onto the floor.
"Don't worry guys. All in good time." Y/n chimed in and they looked at her suspiciously.
Only moments later Sirius stalks through the Gryffindor common room holding a bottle that's had all the labeks ripped off.
He hands it to Y/n and she gives him a dismissive nod.
"One more order for tonight, Servant. Go up to Axel's dorm, make his bed and then bring down two of his hoodies." She pointed up the stairs to the boys dorms and he groaned.
The next day Axel busts into the Marauders' dorm with an evil grin, at the crack of dawn.
"Sirius Black! Y/n's waiting downstairs and she demands your presence immeadiately!" He yells, spurring the boys to wake.
"Lucas, breakfast only just started!" Sirius protested and Axel only shrugged.
"Guess no quidditch training for you."
"Okay, okay!" Sirius leaps out of bed, wearing only sweatpants and sprints his way down the stairs.
Y/n was curled up in Axel's hoodie and a fluffy blanket that she must've brought from home.
For the school's bad-girl, she looked strangely sweet and innocent, half asleep in a fluffy blanket.
Sirius heart swelled and he felt a blush creep up his neck, seeing her so vulnerable.
"Go get me and my friends breakfast from the hall and bring it up here Black. Breakfast in front of the fire for us!" She ordered and he blinked.
Her strong, sharp voice was so at odds with the way she was laying on the couch, firelight sparkling in her eyes.
"And, since you couldn't be bothered putting a shirt on before you came down here, you can't put a shirt on when you go down there." She added and he pasted on a smirk.
"Like what you see L/n?"
"Don't test me Sirius Black or I'll break all your fingers with my eyes closed." She spat and Sirius turned away so she wouldn't see his frown.
"Right, well, I'll go and... get that for you."
Friday afternoon, after classes, Y/n headed into the common room in search of Black to get to his training session.
She walked in and found him talking to Lupin on the other side of the room.
She began to shout his name, then silenced herself when she caught wind of his conversation.
"Moony I agreed because I thought it'd give me a reason to stick around with her, but she keeps sending me away on missions. If I didn't fancy her so much I would not be going through so much just to get a training session." Y/n gaped.
He fancied her?
She's never heard of anyone fancying her, except Axel, who is so painfully obvious about his feelings.
Sirius Black got on her nerves, he was annoying and loud and only thought he was funny.
So why did her heart flutter at the thought of his feelings?
"You fancy me, Black? That's the revelation of the century." Both boys jumped and faced her.
"Y/n I-"
"Come on Black, it's time for your training session." She cut him off with a small, but genuine smile for once.
His heart beat into his throat and his face felt like it was on fire.
They began to walk down to the pitch side by side and when the silence was almost unbearable, Y/n spoke up.
"So, you know the rules of quidditch right? You just want to get better?"
"Y-yeah. What... what were you thinking?" He curses himself for stuttering and Y/n smirks.
"I was gonna start with staying on a broom. Then catching and throwing a ball, then maybe hitting one with a bat. We don't need a new keeper or seeker, so we'll focusing on the chaser and beater positions." Y/n laid out the lesson plan and for a moment she didn't seem like, smoking, drinking, putting-her-feet-up-and-doing-no-work Y/n.
She was so passionate about quidditch and surprisingly committed to helping Sirius do well.
"Why do you hate me Y/n?" Sirius blurted out and covered his mouth.
"What? I don't hate you."
"Then why do you act the way you do?" He asks and she sighs.
"It isn't easy for me to make friends so I stick with the ones I have. And I have a temper, certain people tend to get on my nerves fairly easily. You with your group of Maroidies or whatever you call yourselves-"
"Marauders." Sirius corrected, but quieted at her warning look.
"You're really loud, your idea of mischief is annoying pranks and you flirt with anything that crosses your path." She finished and you could say his mood was significantly lowered.
They reached the quidditch pitch and Y/n glanced at her broom then Sirius' empty hands.
"But when you're by yourself, not showing off with those other arseholes, you aren't too bad Sirius." He looked at her to see a smile on her face and his heart stumbled.
She called him by his first name, with no add-ons, in a nice way.
"Now, last order of your servant-hood. Go in and get yourself a broom so we can get started before dark." She nodded towards the tent.
Sirius raced towards the school brooms with a bright, goofy grin covering his face.
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