#he’s grown up way too fast but also hasn’t matured at all
wackernagels · 2 years
other unsolicited yulang lore bc i can’t sleep and i am not going to try to sleep in weird poses:
he was largely raised by his older sister and her bf/eventual husband. their parents were killed when yulang was like. eight and he never got over it
he’s actually closer in age to his nephew than his sister and he taught him how to throw axes
he’s the kind of bitch that teaches himself how to throw axes. wasn’t much to do in a small town and he thought it was cool.
his esper transformation happened when he was like. 17 and he got a call home from college that he had to go back because his nephew was in the hospital. the house was a crime scene with his brother in law dead and his sister missing and it was pretty fucking traumatic on top of causing the transformation
anyways he dropped out of college after that to support his newly esperified nephew and dig up more clues about where his sister went. so far he’s pretty sure it’s some shadow decree bullshit
he did bounty hunting in graywater for a bit since it paid well and they didn’t care if he was running around finding dirt on the decree on the side. it soured his relationship with his nephew pretty bad though since he was wandering about all the time
they still have a pretty shitty relationship even though yulang grudgingly changed jobs so xiang liu could go to the esper academy. yulang’s around more often for botched family bonding time, though he is constantly vaguely irked by how everything at work has slowed down his investigation on his sister’s whereabouts.
he sucks it up though. the people here are nice and he actually gets like, insurance and stuff.
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ryouverua · 3 years
Saimota is a fantastic ship that only improves with age and their respective maturity. Right from the get-go we see this in canon, too! They have a tumultuous first clash at the end of chapter 1 which is immediately turned on its head, and the subsequent growth and development of their in-game relationship really stands out that much more because of it.
This is a long one, so strap in!
Kaito realizes his mistake in his approach after punching him the night before and rectifies it immediately the next morning when he notices Shuichi hasn’t come to breakfast, rightly guessing that he’s stewing in his own grief and misery. And then, being the emotionally intelligent guy he is, he follows up that night and drags him out to exercise (which, y’know, releases endorphins and is scientifically proven to help with mood boosts and even depression) - a move which Shuichi says in chapter 5 saved his life.
A couple days pass and a body drops. Kaito supports him through the investigation knowing that Kaede had been with him last time and that there’s a danger of him relapsing. In the trial, too, Kaito makes every effort to let Shuichi know that he isn’t alone and someone does have his back if he fumbles. This is the real moment that Shuichi chooses to depend on Kaito and is rewarded for it, and while Kaito does get plenty of ego-feed out of it, he believes in Shuichi and his talent wholeheartedly (enough so that it’ll come back to bite him later). But despite it being framed as a ‘hero and sidekick’ relationship, it’s not just for Kaito’s self-worth - it’s to take some of the mental load off of Shuichi, who really, really doesn’t want the pressure of everyone’s lives solely on his shoulders, and is now dealing with the guilt of two cases where uncovering the guilty party hurt him.
(quick chapter 2 interlude! while this is where a lot of the big hero-worship begins for Shuichi and happens to be where I also did his first FTE and got to witness this:
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this is also the chapter when these moments happen, post-breakfast and post-casino scene respectively:
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and this happens in the very next FTE:
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mmm yes, the duality of man. Suffice it to say, while Shuichi has definite rose-coloured glasses on for a lot of the game, Kaito is definitely not an invincible, untouchable hero in his eyes)
Interestingly enough, despite Shuichi still very much leaning into their friendship (and vice versa), they don’t spend a lot of time together in Chapter 3 after he brings Maki out to training that first night! While Chapter 4 is their real ‘break’, Kaito spends a lot of time in his room in the second half while Shuichi gets to know Maki better. And while Maki is a much, uh, meaner investigation partner (love you girl, but that tongue is sharp), they make a great team. Shuichi also starts poking at Kaito’s reason for holing up in his room, incorrectly guess that it’s just related to the occult being brought up. Most importantly, Shuichi is able to do an investigation on his own independent of Kaito just a week after the end of Chapter 1.
Chapter 4 and its immediate aftermath in 5 is great because it showcases Kaito’s flaws and insecurity, and what conflict between the two of them look like. It’s because Kaito respects Shuichi so much that cracks in his own confidence start appearing - and while Shuichi can be obtuse and awkward at times, he shows signs of wanting to broach some more sensitive topics with Kaito; if you do FTEs with Kaito in Ch 4, he even has an inner narrative in which he notes that Kaito had said his stomach hurt before.
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He’s not so self-absorbed as to not worry about his friend (but narratively we gotta save that juicy plot point and subsequent reveal for the end of the trial) but hey, Kaito wants to chill and just shoot the shit - so why not have some downtime with his friend in the murder school. Btw, their FTE availability ends here - so if Shuichi has completed them with Kaito, he’s already had his canon-saimota thoughts at this point. While I have given Shuichi the side-eye for his ‘I can rely on Kaito for anything’ spiel, he is fully able and willing to stand up to Kaito in the Chapter 4 trial despite his canon feelings for him at that point. By the way, it’s been a week and a half since the end of Chapter 1 at this point. Shuichi and Kaito have had an arc together where they become fast friends in a pressure-cooker situation and bonding over shared grief for Kaede (even if Kaito’s is less obvious), Shuichi starts as dependent on Kaito’s emotional support but learns to stand on his own two feet, and Kaito is forced to confront his own weakness and hero persona, all while classmates are dropping (including Kaito’s own ex-hero figure, a stark reminder that ‘heroes’ do have flaws).
So the beginning of Chapter 5 is wild to me because of how it’s so often misinterpreted as Kaito immaturely giving Shuichi the silent treatment despite the entirety of the game preceding it explicitly showing that Kaito will tell you, loudly, when he’s angry at you, and that’s purely because we’re in Shuichi’s perspective and he thinks that’s what’s going on - but that’s a bit of a tangent. What I like about it is how we get to see what happens when Kaito (as sick as he is at that point) feels badly and embarrassed with someone he is close to; he withdraws as opposed to lashing out. And while Shuichi is really, really bad at reaching out too without an inciting incident (tunnel escape), he does try and broach the topic when push comes to shove. He’s not lost in hero worship, not even close - he is rightfully upset that the person he’s closest to at the school is upset while still maintaining to himself and the others that his actions were correct. He doesn’t waver on this, despite his attempt to offer an olive branch at the window of the hangar’s bathroom. He truly stands by his own choices in the last class trial and know he won't back down on that if push comes to shove, and that's important - he won't yield the point just to appease Kaito. Shuichi then manages the investigation on his own, leads the trial on his own, faces off with Maki (and who he thinks is Kokichi) on his own, because he has *reached* a point where he can be independent. And to bring it back to how we get a look at ‘saimota in conflict’, Shuichi and Kaito both make amends with each other by the end of the chapter. Even if it’s spurred by it being their final goodbye, Shuichi gets to say his piece, Kaito lays out one of his own vulnerabilities so he can make peace with Shuichi - and even if I’d love to have had them delve into all of Kaito's various issues, there is a very murderous robobear overseeing this which makes time a factor - and I firmly believe that if they had more time, they could’ve resolved even more of the issues that would come up for Saimota. The groundwork wasn’t just there; there was already half the structure in place. And that’s what makes saimota even more appealing to me, tbh. We get to see them build a relationship, run into a big issue, struggle through it and resolve it by the end of the game - and it means that there’s precedent for them to do it again as more interpersonal challenges come up! It’s a goldmine of ship exploration, and they care about each other enough to work through it.
… By the way, at this point they are 2 weeks past the end of Chapter 1.
Imagine if they had more time. Imagine if Shuichi, who is absolutely dogged in pursuing an issue once he catches wind of it (despite how he can get wrapped up in his own head), who cares a lot for other people, who doesn’t just find runaways as part of his detective talent, but follows up with them after because he cares about more than just finishing the job, had the chance to spend years with Kaito and realize he uses his hero persona to protect a much more fragile sense of self. Imagine Shuichi forming that initial friendship with Kaito without the albatross of Kaede’s death hanging around his neck; about how he’ll still look up to Kaito and his fantastic positivity, passion and excellence in his chosen field, and that would only be matched by Kaito’s own admiration of Shuichi’s skills as a detective. Imagine if Kaito, who repeatedly shows the ability to reflect and change his mind when presented with evidence against his viewpoint and was able to express his own insecurity and jealousy to Shuichi in the end, was given the breathing room and space to get more comfortable with doing so. Imagine how difficult and emotionally mature they were to navigate as well as they did in a life-or-death situation that took place over a couple of weeks tops, and how much more they could grow if given the time and space for it.
... And this was nearly going to be where I ended the post, until Ira reminded me of TDP and sent me this wonderful Saimota event (which takes place before the final graduation/training trio event):
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Oh hey, Shuichi picked up his catchphrase! It's quite cute how he's finishing Kaito's sentence here - he's spent a couple of years being friends with Kaito at this point, and has even taken up exercising on his own for stress relief. I wonder whose influence that was?
Anyway -
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Shuichi has figured out at this point that he does need to firmly extend that helping hand to Kaito rather than worry and keep it to himself. On the other side, Kaito has learned that it is okay to accept that outstretched hand, even if he doesn't need it right now - that he can admit that some day, he might. He's being blase, sure, but it is a far cry from his in-game 'I don't/won't need help'. Good for you, Kaito - you've grown a lot! And that's the most important thing their TDPs show - their capacity for growth not just as individuals, but in a relationship. Of course there will be bumps along the way - it’s very rare that any relationship won’t have them! - but they've proven that they can work these problems in the worst of circumstances. This is by far one of the strongest ships with canon foundation in the entire series, and my goodness do I still love it years later.
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her-world-on-fire · 3 years
Kisses in the Corridor {Tim Drake x Reader}
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Word Count: 3,604
Request: Could you please write a tim x reader fic where the reader is a superhero (I was thinking like Barry Allen’s kid and the new Kid Flash) and is also Tim’s s/o and maybe Bruce and/or the Flash catch them having sex? 💜
2s. “stop before someone sees!" & 4s. "ten? i only need five."
WARNING NSFW MATURE CONTENT 18+ Tim and reader are 18
I WOKE up to the sound of a loud buzzing. I moved away from Tim’s grip and reached on the nightstand for my phone. I looked back at Tim, he held the same peaceful expression. I squinted at the caller ID and immediately sat up. I tried to be as gentle as possible, not to wake Tim. He was normally a very light sleeper, but he was sleep deprived. I pushed the blankets off and moved out of the room. I gently opened the door and snuck out into the hallway. I looked down at the caller ID once more to be sure before I answered.
“Dad? It’s 3am, what’s going on?” I whispered, I heard a rustling in the background. There was some kind of conflict, but I couldn’t quite make it out. After a few moments there was silence, then a heavy sigh.“I need your help.”
“What’s going on?” I moved down the hall trying my best to be quiet. “I’m going to send you some files. I need you to get Tim to decrypt them.”
“Okay send them to me and I’ll have him look at them as soon as he wakes up.” I heard a pause from the other side of the line. “When he-” He paused. “He’s with you right now?” I hadn’t exactly mentioned that I had moved in with him. As far as he knew I was still staying with in the house with the others. I faked a yawn. “I gotta go dad, love you.”
I quickly hung up and moved back into the bedroom. I got back into bed and Tim shifted slightly. I moved closer and he put his arm around me again.
I woke up and found Tim looking up at the ceiling. “Did you sleep okay? I noticed you got out of bed last night.” He turned to me, and I sighed. “Sorry I thought I was being quiet.” He chuckled, “Work hazard. Don’t worry about it.” I sat up and grabbed my phone. “Well it was my dad.” He squinted his eyes. “Why did he call you at 3am?”
“He wanted me to send you some files he needs decrypted.” I handed him my phone and showed him the files. He hummed and sat up. “I’m sorry I know you just finished your project-” He shook his head and get out of bed. “I really don’t mind. I’m sure your father wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t important.” Tim grabbed his laptop and connected my phone. We moved into the bathroom and got started on our morning routines.
Tim’s was straight forward, he wanted to brush his teeth and get to work. I on the other hand had a few steps. I tried to make Tim do them with me as much as I could. “Come here.” I grabbed his face and massaged a gentle cleanser. Wearing masks almost every night didn’t work wonders for out skin. He waited patiently until I was done. I applied some moisturizer, “All done.”
He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. “I’ll get the coffee started.”
 Tim spent most of the day working on the files. When it was time to leave for patrol I had to pry him from the computer. “It’s time already?” I nodded and moved to get up. He stretched and then looked around.
I held out his suit and he sighed in relief. “What would I do without you?” He pulled his shirt over his head. My eyes raked over his toned chest. He had come a long way. He used to be lanky, but he had put on a lot more muscle in the past two years. Whatever shape he was in, I loved him.
Truth be told I was still getting used to his chiseled features. I gave him once last glance. “If I stay here any longer we’re going to be late.” I handed him his suit and moved out of the room. I grabbed my phone and noticed a missed call.
DAD: I’ll be by Friday afternoon, Bruce needs me to speak at his proposal. Looking forward to talking to Tim.
As if Tim didn’t have enough on his plate. I still had another 3 days to prepare Tim. I decided to tell him tomorrow. I put my phone down and Tim emerged from the bedroom. We met Dick at the coordinates he gave us. Dick left for the night leaving the two of us in charge. Tim had wired the police scanners to our headsets. The night moved slowly.
That was until the 3rd hour.
“10-44. Any units between 4th street and Palmdale?” Tim and I exchanged looks, stolen vehicle. We were only a few minutes out. Tim used his grapple, seeing as we were nearby. I got there a few minutes before him. “How bad is it?” The scanners had grown more chaotic. This wasn’t a normal stolen vehicle situation. We learned that there were children inside the car when it was taken. On top of it all, the driver was intoxicated. “Can you send out an alert and clear the next two blocks?”
I kept up with the vehicle, doing my best to move civilians out of the path. With the alert Tim had sent out. I was going to get inside the vehicle and stop the driver. “He’s approaching a construction site. You’re going in blind, the city hasn’t updated the maps.”
“Send an ambulance, and make sure the police don’t go into construction.”
“Y/N-” Tim’s voice said sternly. He was too far behind to do anything. “Be careful.”
“Always am.” Now that there were no civilians in the way, I was going to have to get the children out first. He was nearing the end of the map. I moved in and saw two children in the backseat. I needed to take them one by one. It was safer, their bodies weren’t meant to undergo high velocities. I needed to protected them from whiplash.
The first child was a beautiful chocolate haired boy. “Okay, where are you Tim?”
“Magnolia.” He replied immediately. I took the boy and ran him to Tim. By time his older brother blinked I was back. I left them both with Tim and rushed back to the driver. By now he knew that something was going on. He sped up. “What are you doing?” Tim’s worried voice came over the headset. “They’re safe.”
“He could get away.” I used every ounce of my stamina to catch up. I caught up and moved inside the car. I tried to take control, but he wasn’t giving up. The site was less than a mile away. As it grew closer, I saw it was the outline of a building.
If he breached the gates he wouldn’t have time to stop. He would drive through the building’s foundation, which wasn’t secure. It would crumble onto of us. His hand moved to the gun he had by his side. He slammed the gun into the side of my head. I felt the warmth trickling down the side of my face. I threw a punch and felt it connect. He fired a shot and moved my head back. He missed. I lifted my head back up and took the gun. and tossed it in the back seat. I looked up, it was too late. We were almost inside the building.
Tim was screaming in my headset. He heard the gunshot. I opened the door and pulled the driver out. I looked in front of us, the building slowly started to crumble. There was still a chance. There was a small opening where the building hadn’t caved in yet.
I had to make a choice. I needed to risk taking him and him slowing me down. Or I could leave him and get out, guaranteed. I had a fraction of a second to decide. I took one look at him and decided to risk it. I held on too him and used all my strength to reach the opening. I was exhausted. Just catching up to him when he was miles ahead had taken it out of me. Now I was bleeding, and drained. 
I thought about Tim. Memories of us flashed inside my head. I mustered enough strength to run. I threw the man out and then jumped out of the opening. On impact, I knew something wasn’t okay. I had landed on my shoulder. “Tim.”
He was just outside the gates.
Luckily my body worked hard to fix the broken bone. Being a speedster came with its perks. Fast metabolism, and healing. By the time Bruce’s proposal came around, my wounds were almost completely healed.
“Are you sure you want to go?” Tim asked once more, hands on either side of my face. “I’m fine Tim. I promise. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He sighed, he had seen the x- rays. Physically I was fine. “Fine but if you start to feel even just a headache, we’re coming back.” I nodded and he looked over my face again.
I stuck out my hand and he placed a kiss on it before intertwining our fingers.
We arrived right on time. Tim’s part of Bruce’s proposal was one of the first points. He had to go set up in Bruce’s office. “I’ll be right back.” He took his files and rushed up to the office. I joined Dick, Jason and Damien in the lounge. “Hello, boys.”
They looked up and Dick’s eyebrow’s knitted together. “Are you even supposed to be out of bed?” I laughed, “Dick it was just my shoulder. I’m fine.” Damian snickered at his brother. Dick looked at between his brothers. Jason had a smirk on his face. “What?”
“Speedster. They heal 20 times faster than us.”
“He got promoted to lead of the biotech department of Wayne Enterprises a few weeks ago.”
The boys bickered. My eyes scanned the room for my father. He was incredibly hard to miss. “I’ll be back.” The boys didn’t even turn in my direction. I walked to the other side of the lounge. He turned to me and then patted his college on the shoulder. He approached me, a big smile on his face. “Hey dad.” He opened his arms and pulled me in for a tight hug. I groaned, “Little too hard.” I gasped and he let go. “Sorry, I just haven’t seen you much.”
“I know. I’m sorry I’ve been meaning to visit.” He nodded and looked around. “Where’s Tim?” I pointed to Bruce’s office. “He’s setting up.” My father raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t know he was part of the presentation.”
“Wow. That’s fantastic.” He genuinely was impressed. After all he had a background in bio medicine. He knew how hard the work was. “We’ll I’d love to talk to him about it.” I laughed, of course he did. “You can come by our place after and I’m sure he’d talk your ear off.” He turned to me. His eyes narrowing.
Realization struck, and I cursed internally. Eventually I was going to have to tell him, but I was hoping back at home. In front of family and witnesses. Before he could say anything. There was an announcement on the overhead speaker. We were ushered as the presentations were about to begin.
Tim did fantastic as expected. He kept the crowd engages and said everything perfectly. He approached me as he walked off of the stage. I clapped along with the crowd. He greeted me with a kiss. “You did amazing Tim.” We walked to the back of the room. He didn’t want to interrupt anyone. He gestured for the door. He took my hand and I followed after him. We closed the door behind us and stood in the corridor. Tim let out a deep breath.
He still wasn’t used to speaking in crowds, and this was a lot larger than he was used to. “Are you alright?” He nodded, “I’m glad it’s over.” He moved to take off his tuxedo jacket. I watched as his arms contracted. He slowly rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular arms.
He put his jacket over his arm and looked over at me. A small grin on his face. “What?” I shook my head and sighed. “How much longer is this?” He looked at the clock. “We still have another hour.” I looked up at him. His piercing blue eyes were fixated on mine. His hair wast neatly parted down the middle, every strand perfectly combed in place. He moved closer and put his hand over the wall near my head. “What’s got you all flustered Y/N?”
I took a deep breath, my eyes fixated on his lips. “You, Drake.” He smirked and pressed his lips against mine.
Barry looked around the room, and noticed the absence of Y/N and Tim. He turned to Bruce. “Where are they?” Bruce looked around. No sigh of them. He looked at the cameras on his watch. He didn’t see them. Bruce shook his head. The two got up and moved into the lounge. Damian, Jason and Dick were there for security. He knew no one would get past them unnoticed.
“Have either of you seen Y/N and Tim?” Bruce asked. Dick and Jason looked at each other and then shrugged. Bruce sighed, so much for security.
“I think I saw them go-” Damian spoke nonchalantly. He looked in front of him, behind Bruce and Barry Dick and Jason were trying to tell him something. Quite frankly, they looked like idiots. They were shaking their heads violently waving their arms back and forth. Damien squinted as he tried to read the boys lips. Dick mouthed something he couldn’t quite make out. Bruce and Barry exchanged looks, they turned around and saw Dick and Jason conversing casually.
“Damian?” Jason motioned for him to keep his lips zipped. A smirk grew on Damian's face. He wanted to see it all play out.
Dick and Jason tried. They weren’t quite sure what they were up to but they knew it was nothing good. They tried to stay in Tim’s good graces, in the blink of an eye Tim could hack everything they owned. As for Y/N, they knew there would be no escaping. Y/N could catch up to them anywhere. In short, they didn’t want to piss either of them off.
They had noticed their brother couldn’t keep his hands off of his date. They were two hyperactive teenagers, it didn’t take rocket science to figure it out. They watched as Damian’s smirk grew. He hadn’t figured it out but he knew it would get Tim in trouble and that was enough for him. “They went down the hall and up the elevator.” Bruce gave a short nod and the two went off.
“Well, we tried.” Jason shrugged, and took a swing of his drink. He wasn’t going to deny that watching Tim get his ass kicked by a speedster wasn’t funny. “Should’ve choked the little bastard.” Dick sighed, the two could only wait.
“Tim.” I let out a shaky breath, trying my hardest to keep quiet. “Stop before someone sees!" We were in a building full of people, at any moment someone could walk down the corridor. Tim chuckled against my neck, “You really want me to stop?” I bit my lip, he was right. I didn’t want him to stop. I was just worried about being caught. “The next presentation starts in 10 minutes.”
"Ten? I only need five."
At this point I threw all common sense out of the window. I took his hand and we were in his office in seconds. I had closed the door behind us. Tim smirked, “In my office? You little-” I interrupted him by kissing him. My hands moved from his hair and down to his suit. I quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt, and my hands moved to unbuckle his belt.
Without breaking the kiss i discarded his dress shirt on the floor. His hands moved to remove my clothing. We broke away for a moment to catch our breaths. He picked me up and moved us to the couch. His lips reconnected to mine once more. I straddled his waist and moved against him for friction. My hands moved back down to the waistband of his boxers. I pulled them down and ran my hands up and down his length.
He let out a groan. “Fuck.” He got rid of the rest of my clothes throwing them across his office. I didn’t waste time in scolding him. I lowered myself down onto his length. We both let out a sigh, all of our pent up frustrations released. Tim’s hands moved back to my waist. He lifted me and then slammed me back down onto himself. I bit my lip, trying to stay quiet. His lips moved down to my neck, leaving wet kisses before moving to whisper in my ear. “They’re all down stairs, I want to hear you.”
Tim loved hearing vocalization, he couldn’t get enough. He knew every part of my body. He knew exactly what to do to get what he wanted. He speed up, and hit just the right spot. I gave in. “Oh god.” We were both breathing heavily. Sounds of pleasure overtook the room. Our bodies moved against each other hungrily. Tim smirked as he moved back to my neck. He moved right to my sweet spot. “Fuck,Tim.”
I dug my nails into his shoulders, leaving small red lines, He pulled away from my neck, satisfied by his work. His lips moved back to mine and speed up again. I felt a growing knot in my stomach each time he moved in and out. Sensing I was close he sat up and took control. He thrusted up into me, over and over, and I grew louder each time. “Please, Tim.” I could feel his thrusts becoming more sloppy, he was close. My orgasm came soon after, my body gave out. I shook against him. He helped me ride out my high. He came and I felt his warmth spread in my core.
“Y/N are you okay-” The door burst open, in the heat of the moment I had forgotten to lock it. Luckily Tim reached for his shirt. He quickly used it to cover me. “I thought you were hurt or dear god.” Barry looked at the ceiling, trying to avert his gaze.
“TIMOTHY JACKSON DRAKE!” Bruce’s voice echoed off the walls. Surely the boys down stairs were snickering. “In your office of all places.” He rubbed his hand across his face. Neither of us knew what to say. “Get dressed. Now.” Bruce said sternly before slamming Tim’s office door.
We moved off of each other and tried to find our clothes. Of course Tim in desperation had scattered my clothes. I was kind enough to leave his nicely by the couch. We quickly got dressed and opened the door. Bruce crossed his arms over his chest. Barry glared at Tim.
“Hey dad.” I smiled nervously, he sighed deeply. “I don’t even know where to start. I’m so-”
“Did you finish uploading the files before you-” Bruce couldn’t finish the sentence, Tim pulled the hard drive out his pocket and handed it over. “Go.” He waved us off and I watched as he placed a hand on my father’s chest. I motioned for Tim to go, and I approached my father. Bruce looked between us and nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He nodded, a silence washed over us. Neither of us sure what to say. Finally, he broke the silence. “So, you really love him?” I looked back at Tim who was having his talk with Bruce. I smiled and nodded. “I really do.” It gave Barry comfort. He had seen the strength of the connection when he first met Tim a year ago. He knew that they were growing up, it was inevitable. After all, he was a teenager once. He knew what it was like to be deeply in love. For now, all he could do was try and forget this ever happened. Tim approached us. I looked back and forth between the two. For a long moment there was just silence. The two held eye contact. “I expect to see you during the holidays Timothy.” Tim nodded, “Of course sir.”
We went back down stairs. Damian snickered, and Tim shot a glare at his brothers. Dick and Jason pointed to their youngest brother. “If either of you breathe a word...” Tim trailed off, his threat looming. His older brothers nodded. “And you,” He turned to Damian. “I’ll end you.” I placed my hand on Tim’s chest. He backed away and stood up straight. “You know he-”
“Thank you for the drive, you helped save a lot of people.” And with that he was off. Tim breathed a sigh of relief, “I thought he was going to kill me.”
“I know. In time, let’s just get through this.” Tim sighed, “Fine.”
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The issue with Teddy’s personality
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I’ve come across claims that Teddy especially does not have a personality outside his relationship with Billy and that he’s just portrayed as the boyfriend/hubby. Another claim is that he has lost all his traits in the recent years. I’d like to disagree and you are in for a long post (once again). Starting with little things, in Emperor Hulkling we see the glimpses of Teddy’s ”nerdy” side you know with the console and comics laying around, taking selfies with Spidey, think it’s a bit similar hint as in the Drag Brunch where he stays in eating his cereal and watching cartoons (as the lord intended, which could also be seen as a joke towards his religious school background). He is still being bit snarky and witty too as he always has been.
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Then comparing Billy and Teddy, people say that they don’t have personality outside each other or that Teddy just doesn’t have one but I do disagree. He has and it is there just as it has been in the first issues. Teddy has always been pictured as the ultimate kind soft boy with a sharp with right? I’m not going to say the boys are complete opposite as they are not but their traits just come out differently. Billy is just as kind I’d say but more anxious and tends to be a bit self-absorbed. Now I don’t mean he is selfish just that he has tendency to stress and lose the bigger picture while worrying over how his actions affect others or if he can control his powers etc. Teddy is more optimistic he has faced a lot, just as much as Billy I’d say, he just has a different approach to deal with the trauma. He looks for support and help and ways to solve it instead of piling it up. This optimistic personality, kindness and way he approaches problems (inner or outer) is clearly part of him being an emperor. Taking the pacifist and diplomatic approaches.
Another difference between these two is connected with the problem solving part. To me Billy is pretty intuitive and quick on his feet type of person. His approach is bit more impulse based. Going to Doom’s fortress on his own in the middle of the night anyone? Hiding robots under the mattress? Vol. 2.? I’m not saying he can’t follow or come up with well drafted plans he just has more tendency for think plan b after plan a fails. Teddy then is more of a planner and plotter in my eyes. During the first run he disguised twice as someone else first as Ironlad and then as Super-Skrull, both plans probably drafted quite quickly but still they follow maybe a bit more careful and tactical thinking than Billy’s. Similarly ”Don’t keep brain in your head” in New Avengers. He just has a bit more long term planner in him, which is also visible in Death’s Head when he and Kate talk about the wedding. It gives a vibe that Teddy does give a bit more thought to future than Billy does. He does the long term planning for them maybe because with Billy’s mental health it can be hard for him to plan ahead too much without getting anxious. Which is why I think the Vegas wedding is just reflection of Teddy’s nature.
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He clearly has had this plan ready probably for a while now, knowing that ”proper” wedding planning might not work with Billy. What he was waiting was the perfect timing to execute the plan, when Billy seems ready and in right state of mind to go through the wedding. When it came he took it and you can see he had thought of Billy and the fact that the situation might be such that it is sudden and not possible for everyone without super-powers to attend -> streaming for Billy’s parents as Billy would want his parents present somehow (as would Teddy). So again it’s not about being complete opposite and not being able to make fast decisions or commit for long term plans just that they have different strengths.
Teddy also shows signs of having a bit more willingness to take upon responsibilities and be responsible for others. He might not been ready to become emperor of two massive alien races or is he yet fully moulded leader but he felt the pressure to take on that responsibility to save lives. Putting others needs before his own a bit, just like he sometimes does a bit with Billy. We also see a bit of his growth to that task. Think it’s natural continuum to Teddy’s story arc as he has faced a lot losing his mother, supporting Billy and having to take responsibility for himself. Like yes Kaplans have surely taken good care of him but Teddy is type that doesn’t want to be a burden and clearly has held back some of his own battles to let Billy get enough support (Vol.2). I’m not saying Billy hasn’t matured or anything just that there is ought to be a small gap on this area between them. It is also reflected in King in Black (yes I disliked the issue just as much as any but hear me out). In Teddy’s part it was done well whereas Billy just had been taken to an extreme length of contrast to make them appear clearly different in nature.
Empyre in general showed great growth of Teddy starting with Emperor Hulkling and going on through-out the run. Like the boy who usually has just been kind of quiet member of a team is standing up to what he believes in and taking his ground when he really believes in what he is doing. Even if it’s against F4 and Avengers that he has fanboyed in the past.
I also think that lot of Teddy’s growth and personality is being skipped by the fandom as Billy tends to be the more popular part of the pair. I admit Teddy’s personality and growth have been shown to us more delicately and with a bit less drama/tragedy at the end of the day that it can go amiss and probably for some his arc can thus be a bit boring even because the telling goes along with Teddy’s calm and pretty stable personality.
All in all his original traits are still there they’ve just grown up with him.
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army-author · 3 years
ludus | pjm
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ludus  noun. playful love, characterised by flirting; the first stages of intimate love
❝ you’ve been best friends with jimin since you were five. it was inevitable that you would fall in love eventually... ❞
➝ pairing: jimin x reader
➝ prompt: types of love
➝ genre: fluff, childhood friends au
➝ word count: 1.1k
➝ warnings: one brief mention of bullying; oodles of fluff
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It started when you were five years old.
Since then, it was always you and Jimin, together. In a way, perhaps you should have seen it coming. Spending so much of your life together, with so many shared memories, it was only natural for attachment to grow into attraction into love.
In your first year together you shared laughter over snacks, chasing each other through sunshine filled summer days. Your earliest memories together are scrounging up enough money for ice lollies from the ice-cream truck, begging your parents, rattling piggy banks, getting all the coins you could, just to hand them over the counter in exchange for sweet, sweet brain freeze.
In your second year together you commiserated the boredoms of school, stuck in class, your desk next to his. While your teacher rattled off times tables, you swapped scented felt tip pens with him, getting high on the artificial scent of fake fruits. Your favourite was strawberry red. His favourite was lemon yellow.
In your third year together you invited Jimin over to your house most weekends - to play video games or to show him your new toys. You would stay up past your bedtime, revelling in each other's company, hyper on sugar. On those nights, your parents would find you both fast asleep on the sofa, game controllers in your hands, worn out from your adventures together, traveling the galaxy in your over-active imaginations.
In your fourth year together you spent your time running around in the fields behind your house, nose itchy with pollen. The air was heavy, heady, intoxicating in its golden nostalgia. You played an assortment of games: tag, hide and seek, soccer. Anything to spend time together.
In your fifth year together, as you grew older, you slowly became more aware of how girls in school treated Jimin. There were batted eyelids, blushes, and giggles. For some odd reason this treatment angered you. Why were those girls treating your best friend in this way? You were the one who had stayed by his side for five years. So why were they trying to come between the two of you? You couldn’t understand, but you wanted them to stop stealing away Jimin’s attention.
In your sixth year together you moved on to secondary school, with all the new stresses it brought along. At least you had Jimin by your side, a familiar friend, while the word changed around you. The adults expected you to act in a more grown-up manner, yet still treated you like children. With growing up came the attention of other boys. It was whispered that so-and-so had a crush on you. You didn't care. You had Jimin as your best friend, so why would you need a boyfriend?
In your seventh year together you were bullied by the girls in your class. They laughed at your hair, your clothes, your stationary. It was okay, because Jimin stayed by your side, reminding you that it didn't matter what they said. You didn't need their approval. It later turned out that those girls liked Jimin, and were jealous of your close friendship. They poked and prodded to try and get you to back down. Of course, when Jimin confronted the girls, they eased off, embarrassed. Jimin would always be there for you. The thought set off a warm glow in your chest.
In your eighth year together you realised that you wanted more from your relationship with Jimin, but you weren't sure what. Maybe this is what it meant to want a boyfriend? Having been friends with Jimin for so long, how were you meant to develop the relationship further? You tried to flirt, awkwardly, stumbling through juvenile love. Jimin didn't seem to notice, oblivious to your attempts to show him you wanted love in return. Looking back on it, your "flirting" attempts weren't as obvious as you thought, consisting of shy glances, giggles, light touches on his shoulder or hand. Those were all things you normally did anyway. So perhaps it wasn't that Jimin was oblivious. Maybe you were just bad at flirting.
In your ninth year together you were also oblivious. Maybe Jimin was bad at flirting as well. Maybe you should have picked up on the signs. When you got close to Jimin, his cheeks would light up in shades of pink. When you glanced over to him, his eyes were always on you, a smile on his face. When you told him a joke, he always laughed for you. The signals were there, you just never tuned in to them.
This brings you to now - your tenth year together. This is the part that you should have seen coming, all the imperfect flirting coming perfectly to a head when you and Jimin stand before each other, cheeks hot with shared blushes.
"So," Jimin says.
"There's something I want to tell you," he continues, "It's something I should have told you a while ago, but I've never been able to. Too shy... Or too scared... I don't know. But I'm telling you now. Okay... Here goes. I'm telling you..." He sucks in a deep breath, pausing.
"I'm still waiting," you say, when, after a considerable amount of minutes have passed, he still hasn't said the thing he is supposedly meant to say.
"Right, yeah, this is scarier than when I practiced it in my head," he laughs.
"You can tell me anything, Jimin. You know that right?”
"I know. It's one of the things I love about you. Because that's what I wanted to tell you. That I love you." He heaves out a breath, like he's been holding it for years.
You smile at him, and say, "I love you too," and suddenly it feels that everything is right with the world. The years shared together, so precious in your memory, are wonderful because they lead you right to this moment - this second - where the rest of your life begins, figuring out love together. Something new starts with your joint confession. You don't know the details, but you're excited to discover them.
You link your hand through Jimin's, pulling him closer. His warmth is special in a whole new way; it reminds you once more that he loves you back. Each moment will be a reminder of that, of romance, new and naive. It's a love that will change over time, mature, shift, develop. You're excited to experience the changes with Jimin by your side.
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not-all-dead · 3 years
angstpril day twenty: the silent treatment
CW: mentions of a breakup but that’s pretty much the worst of it
fic under the cut
November 3rd, 142
Mom made me promise I’d write to you, so here’s me doing that. Grandma and Grandpa say hi, and they want you to visit soon. School’s boring as ever and I have no friends here which is just great. Thanks for that. At least they have good food here, the chef is pretty amazing. Still, I think I’m going to run away soon, just for the sake of it. Maybe I’ll find a family actually worth keeping. Anyway, I don’t miss you or mom, have fun arresting people or whatever.
February 7th, 143
Heard you’re chief now. Congrats I guess. Does mom finally pay attention to you? Who am I kidding, of course she doesn’t. Anyway, I left Grandma and Grandpa’s. I’m part of this cool travelling circus right now, but I think I’m going to try something new soon. It’s been fun though, lots of flying through the air above lava pits and other super dangerous things. I bet I’m having a better time than you are, stuck in the stupid city.
I call Grandma every week or two to keep her updated on what I’m doing, otherwise she’ll freak out and think I’m dead or something. She told me today that mom called her yesterday. Mom said she was going to Gaoling to drop off her things before travelling wherever just like I’m doing. Guess I have more in common with her than I thought. I also guess that means you’ve got the apartment to yourself now, must be nice.
How’s Tenzin? You two still madly in love? Actually, don’t tell me, I don’t really care. Not that you’re going to respond to this at all. Whatever. I’ve got a performance to get to, so bye.
December 19th, 145
I wish you’d write back. I’m much older now, and I’d be happy to talk things out with you if you’d respond. But I guess that’s something you have to want too, and clearly you still hate me, so I won’t count on it.
I know I haven’t written in a while. I was on a pirate ship for a while, learning to sail and such, and we didn’t dock often. Any paper we had on board was constantly damp, too, so I didn’t see the point. After that I live in a sandbender commune. It was really interesting to see how different people lived, especially different earthbenders. I tried learning to sandbend but it didn’t go so well.
But that’s all past now. I’m building a city now, a city entirely of metal. I’ve got this wonderful architect named Baatar helping me with it, and thank goodness I do. I honestly don’t know how I’d execute my plans without him. I think I might ask him to marry me. I mean, I really do like him, and the idea of a family sounds so nice. If I did I’d really like for you to be there.
I hope everything in the city is alright. Last time I spoke to mom, a couple years ago now, she said you were still going steady with Tenzin. I don’t know how you two have stayed together this long already, you always seemed so different from one another to me. I guess opposites really do attract, as they always say. I’ll write again soon.
April 2nd, 146
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It would mean the world to me if you could make it. Please come if you can, I’d really like to see you again.
March 27th, 147
You have a nephew! I was bummed that you didn’t come to the wedding, but it’s alright. Maybe you’d like to come and meet Baatar Jr. sometime this year… we’d welcome you here in Zaofu if you did. We’re still working on building up the outer cities, but the central hub where our house is is fully operational. I’d love to show you how it all works, we have metalbender staff in training to operate practically every part of the city. It’s a busy time, with the new baby and all the construction.
Please tell me you and your airhead of a boyfriend are getting married soon. I mean, come on! It’s been ten years already, I don’t see how you can possibly still be “taking it slow”. You make no sense to me sometimes, Lin. But then again, I’m sure you feel the same about me.
Mom’s been visiting Zaofu pretty regularly. She’s coming in next week to meet Baatar Jr. for the first time. She still seems to be holding a grudge against me. You two really are cut from the same cloth, you know. I might try to talk things out with her when she comes this time, or at least set a time sometime soon for us to flush things over. It would be great if you’d come too so we could put all this family drama nonsense behind us.
May 30th, 150
I’m disappointed that you still refuse to answer. Honestly, mom and I have spent two years talking and figuring things out. We’re good now, and there were plenty of opportunities we gave you to join us. I’m sorry you’re still so bitter.
Baatar Jr. is three now, you’d know if you ever cared to visit. He hasn’t shown any signs of bending yet, but Baatar is a non-bender and I started bending late so that’s not too surprising. We’ve got another one on the way, due in a couple weeks actually. I think if it’s a boy we’ll name him Huan, and if it’s a girl probably Hei-Ran. Again, I wish you’d come and actually be a part of my kids’ lives, but you seem dead set against it.
Kya actually dropped by not too long ago. I hadn’t seen her in ages, so it was a nice surprise. She says her travels have been going well, and she’d visited practically every place on the planet! I loved my time travelling, but ultimately family life is what suited me best. She said she was heading back to Republic City soon, so maybe she’ll drop in on you, too. Anyway, hope the triads aren’t causing too too much havoc for you, Chief.
January 16th, 151
Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ve given up. If you’re really that set on giving me the cold shoulder, so be it. I’ll stop writing at all.
Sorry you’re not mature enough to handle this like an adult.
If you were wondering, Huan is very healthy and strong. Baatar Jr. too. Baatar Sr. took ill a while back, but he’s alright now.
I don’t know why I’m telling you any of this when I know you don’t care. Well. Sorry I’m such a bother to you.
August 4th, 156
Mom told me what happened with you and Tenzin. He’s an asshole, good on you for wrecking the island. You were always too good for him anyway. I know I haven’t written in a long time, I just didn’t see the point if you kept ignoring me. Maybe now you’ll come and see your family, it might be nice after losing Tenzin.
You’ve got a niece, now, too. And four nephews, the youngest being the twins. They’re only just over a year old now, and Opal recently turned three. I tell them stories about their Aunt Lin, you know. The older boys would really like to meet you, and I’m sure Opal and the twins will too when they’re a little bit more grown up. I want to see you again too, Lin, and I wish you’d at least try to let go of the past. Even just a letter back would make my day.
Hope you’re holding up as Chief there, not too much trouble with the triads or whomever else is committing crime these days.
November 7th, 158
Baatar Jr. is now eleven, and seems to be quite the budding architect just like his father. Huan has taken up metalbending little sculptures, so for his eighth birthday he got a little studio just for his art. Opal is five now, and growing up fast. I’ve never seen a five year old read as well as she does. Wing and Wei are still just three, but they seem to enjoy throwing pebbles at one another. I think they’ll be strong benders when they're older.
Mom and I finally made up properly. It’s nice to see her with the kids. She said she wrote to you asking you to come and chat too, but you ignored her. No surprises there. I might stop writing again if you keep this up, so don’t act shocked.
October 21st, 160
Mom’s here for a few weeks. Opal turned seven this year, Baatar Jr. thirteen, Huan ten, and the twins five. Wing and Wei invented a game for themselves to help with their metalbending training, they call it “power disk”.
I’m not sure what else to say to you anymore. I’m not sure why I’m even writing this now, after eighteen years. Eighteen years, Lin, and you haven’t even bothered to write back. At least I’ve tried to reach out. But now, I’m done. For real this time. Write if you want, I don’t care. I’m not going to keep sending these anymore.
December 6th, 170
Are you alright?! Mom had to tell me about you losing your bending, and she only found out through Katara! I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like. All I can say is that it would undoubtedly be awful.
I miss you, you know. It’s been almost thirty years since we last spoke. I know mom misses you too, and my kids would really like to meet their Aunt. It makes me sad that you’re still so sour about what happened, even after so much time has passed. We’ve both grown and changed as people, and I don’t understand why you can’t see that. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s only me who’s changed at all. Even so, I do miss you, and I wish you’d write. Or visit.
I hope you’re alright, Lin, I really do.
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retvenkos · 3 years
There have been rumors that sab is going to include six of crows next season. Any thoughts?
whoo, do i have some thoughts™. 
i should preface by saying, though, that if you are excited, good for you! if you think it’s a concept™, it most certainly is, and if you don’t want to see hate for the idea, then do not read ahead. i have some things to say about the idea, and none are too positive.
let’s get into it...
lol, plenty of spoilers ahead. mostly for the six of crows duology.
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first of all, let’s hit it from an obvious, show running perspective.
six of crows is a lot™. there is so much happening in that book, and even more happening in crooked kingdom. not only are there new characters to add and explore, but there is new lore and new places that would all have to be hit. already, i felt like shadow and bone season one went fast. there was a lot to establish, and even more to expand upon, and i think there is so much to cover that trying to squeeze it all in would be a disservice to the characters and the world, which is the exact opposite of what the showrunners want, since they are lining up the grishaverse to be the new fantasy hit.
especially when the shadow and bone trilogy is adding in new places and characters, i don’t see the need for them to shoehorn in the six of crows duology. i’m sure there’s plenty for the crows to do, during these following two seasons. in fact, i’d even be fine if they wrote the crows out of the third season (which would ideally follow ruin and rising) entirely and maybe threw in a cameo at the end to get viewers excited for a six of crows show.
basically, there’s so much to cover, and shadow and bone already hit the ground running. i think that adding in the six of crows story arc would be too much of a time crunch, on the runtime of the show.
✧ *:・゚
secondly, i’m ranting about a couple of characters, and how they are not six of crows duology ready.
the easiest one to talk about is kaz brekker, because book!kaz is dirtyhands kaz. our first introduction to kaz in the boks is him telling an opposing gang member that he can’t kill kaz, because if he does, his girlfriend will burn in a fire, and no matter how fast he runs, he won’t get there in time. kaz is like... “do you smell that? i think it’s her hair burning.”
and this is a more mild transgression of dirtyhands kaz. in the same book, kaz pulls a man’s eye out, he swallows lock picks, and he plans and executes the greatest heist of all time.
compare this to kaz in the show. kaz in the show is just a mean, angry boy in comparison. and this isn’t me hating on freddie carter - he did an amazing job. and this isn’t me hating on the writers either. i understand why they did that.
decidedly, there is a lot™ happening in shadow and bone season one. you don’t really get a lot of time with any one character, and if you do, it’s the shadow and bone characters. the showrunners knew they had to make kaz a likeable character to people coming into the series blind, and kaz brekker is a pretty hard character to like when you don’t get his backstory or even the slightest hint of it. part of what the six of crows books had going for it was the changing point of views, and inej’s trust and feelings for kaz. inej narrates a lot of stuff, and she does it in a more sympathetic way, making us give kaz the benefit of the doubt - especially since inej is such an upstanding character. you get a little bit of that is the netflix show, but you can’t get a lot of it because (1) time constraints, and (2) inej and kaz are actually at odds for a lot of the show - especially the opening bit. literally, their first interaction is a fight.
so, to get newer fans invested in this emo teen, they made him less dirtyhands. this is also fine because these events happen before the six of crows duology.
if we start the six of crows arc in season two, however, there is too much growth for kaz to do in between seasons. we need to see some of that on screen. especially since his plans were a bust, and the most dirtyhands thing he did was with the inferni, and he wasn’t the one to kill the inferni - inej was. (and i love that scene like the rest of you, but there could have been other ways to get inej to save kaz while letting kaz show some more of that ruthlessness.)
and that’s just kaz. admittedly, he’s an easy character to pick apart, but we have to talk about a few more.
nina zenik? yeah, let’s talk about her. the six of crows nina we knows has a lot of guilt over what she did to matthias - even if a lot of it is repressed. she has a slew of complex emotions over matthias, and it’s all been fermenting inside of her for a year. point is, in the show nina still thinks what she did was right, and she hasn’t had time to question that inside of herself. sure, in the books she still posits that what she did was justified, but there’s a bit of uncertainty there, caused by the acidity of guilt. i want to see that war inside of nina. it makes their love story all the more compelling.
and while we’re talking about helnik, let’s just cover matthias helvar real quick, because, personally, his character needs that time spent in hellgate, now more than ever.
i’ve already mentioned my beef with aging up matthias is a few other posts, but why don’t i reprise it?
matthias is an incredibly complex character, and part of what makes his change earnest is two things - the struggle he continues to feel throughout the duology, and his age. now stick with me.
part of matthias’ struggle is that he is still that little boy whose family were killed by grisha. in the books, matthias is only 18. that seems mature, but by all accounts, it most definitely isn’t. he doesn’t know anything about the world. he has been training to be a religious soldier, where he was heavily indoctrinated. what has matthias truly seen of the world? likely, very little.
furthermore, because he���s only 18, how many expeditions has he been on? sure, matthias has seen grisha tried for their “crimes” and he has been training against grisha since he was a boy, but do you think they’re putting eleven year old matthias out there, against full grown grisha? my bet is he only started truly hunting grisha when he was 14.
when he meets nina, he hasn’t been hunting grisha long, and he’s young enough to where we could truly see how him being smitten with nina could impact his thoughts.
matthias in the show is played by a man who is 27. no hate, this isn’t ageism, but if he’s been hunting grisha since he was 14, he’s been hunting grisha for 12 years. he has gone out on numerous expeditions. hell, in the show they give matthias a large amount of credit for capturing nina. it is sO much harder for you to buy the “nina is a beautiful grisha and has changed my life” storyline when he’s 27, almost 30. furthermore, this matthias has seen way more grisha trials. the concept that he doesn’t know that grisha aren’t given a fair trial is just absurd, at this point. furthermore, you add on the fact that he’s been indoctrinated longer, and it makes his story all the more difficult to grapple with.
on the one hand, i understand that they aged everyone up (which i was happy about, for the majority of characters. kaz, i am once again looking at you). on the other hand, it puts a huge strain on matthias’ character, and if they were to try to juggle the six of crows plot with the shadow and bone plot, so much nuance would be lost and the majority of new fans would not understand people liking matthias. you would risk alienating his character (and nina’s, by effect) and that is not what either character (or actor!) deserves.
they’ve already made it so hard for us to buy the “nina changes matthias” storyline - even though they’ve made him a tad sweeter and more likeable - and if they try to fast track it, it’s going to fall through.
i think matthias needs his time in hellgate for some soul searching and some struggle. with matthias, the only way out is through, and we need to have time for that to happen.
inej and jesper are a little less difficult to juggle since they’re are done pretty well, but i don’t want to see their complexity and nuance fall through (especially jesper’s) because the show is doing too many things at once.
basically, the crows are currently in their fledgling state, and if they were to be thrown into the six of crows storyline, it would not be nearly as fulfilling.
✧ *:・゚
finally, i just want to say that the overall genre and theme of six of crows and shadow and bone are completely different. i feel like there would be far too much dissonance in the show. you could already feel it in season one, but because alina fears being kidnapped and then she goes on the run, it works. six of crows, though, is a completely different show and i think it would be odd to shift from ~life aboard sturmhond’s ship~ to ~breaking and entering in the ice court~.
✧ *:・゚
anyway, those are my thoughts, anon. surely you didn’t ask for this, but you received it, anyway.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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Roswell, New Mexico returns for season three tonight on The CW at 8/7c. CBS’ Matt Weiss caught up with two of the show’s stars, Jeanine Mason and Nathan Dean to get the inside story on everything coming up in the show’s third premiere.
MW: Jeanine, Nathan nice to see you both! Season three of Roswell, New Mexico coming up tonight at 8/7c on The CW. How does it feel to be back?
JM: It feels so good. The timing of our show rolling out as the pandemic started in the States at least, was real a blessing because we could connect to our fans and give them a little labor of love of ours in the midst of a really difficult time.
It also meant that we had a little bit more time before we could start back up. It’s truly been a year and everybody is so excited. It’s an actual year of change for our characters. Kind of nice even though we know everybody is ready to see it.
ND: It’s hard to believe that we were able to pull this off with everything that everyone’s had to go through. That’s a credit to our showrunner Chris Hollier and to our amazing, amazing crew in New Mexico that we were able to not only get this thing started but not get stopped, not get cut short. We were able to create a product that we can now say, hey guys, we’re back, hope you’re all doing well.
JM: Back on Mondays!
ND: Here we are!
MW: I know the fans are all very excited. Jeanine, like you mentioned a year has passed since we’ve seen all your characters particularly Liz. How are things going for her in Los Angeles?
JM: Liz is per usual really focused, head in her work to save Maria. She hasn’t quite taken the time to realize her life in LA is pretty good. It’s even-keeled, we’ll say. She’s got a great place, she’s got a great job, that gives her access to everything she needs and requires to do her best work, to make her best contribution to health and medicine.
She’s got a real meeting of the minds in her lab partner played by Steven Krueger, Heath is his name. He matches her in intellect and in sarcasm in a way that’s really fun. They sort of really spar with each other.
The truth of the matter is, Liz is a woman who’s made to give to her community. She’s missing Roswell,  she’s missing her people, she’s missing Max Evans. She finds her way back to what is ultimately her real purpose, which is working with and for them.
Pretty quickly we find out how dire things are there for our alien trio. As soon as she finds out things are bad of course she’s miss hero protagonist. She wants to get involved and save the day.
MW: Nathan, pulling double duty on this season, with two characters, what’s that experience like?
ND: It was wild. It was a blast and I’m still grateful to Hollier and all of our writers for trusting me with that. Diving into it, it’s so fun to create a new character. In this world that I’ve known now for three years and meeting everyone in this town again for the first time, from a completely different perspective.
It was a lot fun. It was a lot of work. It’s a very weird process doing scenes with yourself because you’re joking back and forth. It’s really fun though. I’m so grateful to our showrunner and our writers for trusting me with that.
MW: I’m sure it’s confusing talking to yourself and also as part of that Max doesn’t even really know a lot about his own history. Are we going to get more light shed on that this season?
ND: That’s one of the wonderful things that Jones embodies is he’s sort of the window into the past of these three aliens. Since last season Michael, Isobel, and Max have always had that question. Who am I? Who are we? Where do we come from? Jones is a little peak into what that world was.
Also, a little example of who Max could’ve been had he not grown up on Earth and it’s sort of cool to see the humanity that Max has grown up in versus the sort of Alien world that Jones was in. We’re going to learn a little bit more about where we come from.
MW: Jeanine, for Liz how do you think she’ll be with Max this season? Do you think she’ll be able to forgive everything that went down with the lab?
JM: I just want to tell you. [Laughs] But that would be spoiling the fun of watching I assume. I guess what I’ll say is so much of her life has been decided for her. She is the answer to the Earth’s need for a protector and steward So much of her own opinions on it haven’t been taken into account yet. This is really the season where she just needs to for herself make the decision to take on this huge responsibility and that it feel like what makes most sense for her and her life.
So quickly she starts finding her way back. I love that she’s not a perfect protagonist. No one is perfect. No one is squeaky clean. She loves the complication. She loves that her life is so big and messy and loaded. She has huge grounding forces.
For her it’s Max and it’s Roswell and it’s her community. She finds her way back to a very big messy situation with Jones and falls into that rhythm really fast and starts making choices on where she wants to… I’ll say this, by the end of the season she’s made a decision that’s permanent. Ok, that’s it. [laughs]
MW: I mean it would be a great exclusive, so if you want to just tell me everything go right ahead! [Laughs]
JM: Just so you know. It’s my favorite Liz and Max season. It really is the one where they make their final decision with each other. That’s it, because if I say another thing I’m going to get in trouble. [Laughs]
MW: We don’t want that, you’re good! Last question for you both here, what are you most excited for people to see?
ND: I don’t know. I think for me it’s just awesome to be back. This season is wild. There’s a lot more of the alien stuff. We get to see more from all of the characters; a more adult mature experience and reaction to their world.
JM: It felt like such a gift to get a third go at this. That’s not an easy thing in this current television landscape. I think you can feel our enthusiasm throughout the year where we were just so excited to be back. We were just throwing things at the wall and trying everything and going full out.
By the end the of this season we were all so beat up and I mean that positively. That’s my favorite kind of way to finish the season, when you feel it physically; you’ve exhausted yourself. Our stunt team was just on call every minute of this season this year. I’m excited for the action and the enthusiasm I hope fans feel from all of us getting to finally be back doing what we do.
MW: Thank you both so much for the time and all the best moving forward. Stay safe!
JM: You too, stay safe!
ND: Thank you.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
How do you think JK and JM have grown and changed this year? I was worried about the more professional Jikook recently, but the way they are now seems healthier- like there is balance and more peace in their bond. They are compromising and addressing each other’s needs (JM demonstrating his love for JK and flirting less; JK holding back for the sake of the group and JM's sanity). They seem happy. Plus, it’s nice to see the group members helping them be professional- especially Tae.
Absolutely! They are making compromises...
I was meant to work on a 'Jikook in 2020 Review' blog post at the end of the year but I got my nails done and I couldn't type shit with it. Lol. Should have stuck with my usual average length basic bitch nails but no, I had to go and be a baddie- edgy people. Sigh.
It's something I do in my Journal at the end of every year since 2014 where I summarize everything that's gone down with Jikook and my other ships in that year to help me keep track of their love journey and especially the timelines- yea, I take my delulu business seriously. I'm not ashamed. Lol.
I think the most outstanding and conspicuous growth development in Jikook's dynamics, to me, is their individual functioning and positive adaptive response to the changes that happened in and around their relationship in 2020- from Covid 19 to the monitored VLives and the whole professional outlook, cough cough.
While not surprising to me, because they had been on that trajectory since the later half of 2019 and had exhibited early signs of being capable of adjusting well, almost adjusting well lol, to any internal changes that could occur in their relationship dynamics, I sort of worried about them being thrown in at the deep end in the face of the abrupt and disruptive changes 2020 presented because of Covid 19.
Jikook since 2015 to me, have always exhibited codependent tendencies as well as a certain level of dysfunctionality in their dynamics with one or both of them enabling certain toxicities in the other.
I think that is the major thing that changed in 2020 in my opinion and I don't know if their personal growth journey contributed to it or the virus did, or that it's just we didn't get to see them interact in the usual settings that brings out all the lunacy in them. Lol.
Jimin for example had a habit of enabling JK's possessiveness and childish grunts and would reassure him whenever JK threw tantrums over anyone smiling funny at him. I mean reassuring your partner of your love and interest in him is good and ideal but not when your partner lowkey is unreasonable in his demands sometimes, chilee JK- what goes on. Lol.
Especially not when that same partner has no qualms doing shit like this:
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But with JM I feel it goes deeper than that. I think I have mentioned in passing a few times now how I feel/felt JM was the noncommittal one in their dynamic and part of the reason I had that view was because Jimin to me had always conveyed an impression of JK that he is/was a bit childish and immature and that I think had always hindered him from fully investing in their dynamic in a way that makes JK secure.
But that too has changed especially towards the end of 2020.
I mean JM is very wise beyond his age, mature beyond his age as everyone around him keep saying. Contrastingly, they say the very opposite of Kook and they treat him as such, which is gotta be worrying for JM, I feel.
I've always been fascinated by JM's choice of words and descriptors for people- well not just JM's, all the members' quite frankly. Lol. He sees, for instance, Tae as innocent and naive, Joonie as thoughtful and JK as not good at expressing himself and his emotions.
These words are not just his assessment of their personalities, they are also testament to how he treats them or is likely to treat them- We treat people the way we see and perceive them.
If he sees JK as incapable of expressing his true intentions, he stands the risk of projecting his own intentions onto him and this is very dangerous. He could be reading more into situations, misunderstanding and misconstruing JK's intentions.
For example, he may he interpreting JK feeling uncomfortable with him being around others as a sign JK wants him for himself and as such use that to reassure himself whenever he is feeling vulnerable and insecure in their dynamic but in reality JK could just be expressing discomfort with watching two men interact intimately- JM would never know unless JK explicitly conveyed to him that seeing him with others worry him because he wants Jimin too. Know what I mean?
Similarly, if he perceives JK as immature and childish, no matter how accurate that may be, he risks developing an inclination to be dismissive of JK's needs- especially if JK really sucks at articulating his needs or asserting himself in their dynamics.
Seeing JM interact with others in a certain way may genuinely be his limits, but how is he gonna communicate that to Jimin beyound grunts and pouts if he sucks at expressing himself and if JM dismisses these grunts and tantrums he throws as childishness?
That's what I mean when I say there is a certain degree of dysfunctionality to Jikook's dynamics. But that too have changed or is changing- can't be sure till I see how they progress and interact in the future.
As I kept saying, Jikook had been asserting themselves against eachother in 2020 and JK was the embodiment of that.
But JK...
He has always given me the impression he's willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself as not only worthy of JM's love but also solidify himself as JM's equal in their dynamics, having been subjected to years of baby syndrome being the youngest within the group and having everyone treat him as such.
And so I have mixed feelings about this seemly 'progress' in him...
Not sure if he is doing it for himself or for his relationship and God I hope it is for himself because as much as I enjoy the crazy aspect of their relationship, I hate it too.
I mean it's entertaining to watch sometimes but Jimlous and Jeonlous do make me sick in my stomachs- yea, I have four at this point. Fucking Christmas chicken. Lol.
Not to say JM isn't as invested in or committed to JK as JK is to him. Just saying there's always been something holding him back in their dynamics for whatever reason, in my opinion, and Jk it seems have always had the impression he can 'win' if he tries. So he is constantly pushing the boundaries and testing the limits- and that I feel is his yoke.
I used to look at him and felt sorry for him because he was young and he was being pushed to grow so fast but I also understand Jimin because he is much older than his boyfriend and he wouldn't want to be unequally yoked to him, as the saying goes- especially if he equally has to relinquish control to him and have him lead him as his lover and partner.
I feel a lot of Jokers get confused about who is dom and all that jazz, partly because JM is not ceding to JK the way JK relinquishes control to JM in their dynamics and is holding back a lot- that's what I mean when I say he is not fully into their relationship.
Jimin holds a lot of power in their dynamics and a lot of people see that and describe him as top, dom, power bottom and whole other sobriquets but I don't think any of those descriptors is apt.
Because as much as he holds a lot of power in their dynamics, he is in the same breath powerless and at the mercy of JK as JK is to him. The one with the power to me is the one that can walk away and It's neither JK nor Jimin.
As assertive as JK has been all year, he will cave if it meant JM was to walk away. And as demanding as JM has been of JK's maturity, he will settle if it meant JK was to walk away.
Jimin to me is a paradox. He pushes JK to be 'mature' and be on the same page as him yet he equally enables the bad behavior in JK too- well he used to. He's changed since late 2019 and hasn't been tolerant of JK's possessive behavior- which I think I've talked about a lot on here.
It certainly doesn't help that JM has this view of 'JK is just bad at expressing his emotions.' With that kind of mentality, he is more likely to let JK get away with a lot of things without pushing him to be better and that in itself is a form of enabling.
As the youngest within the group, he already stand the risk of being enabled within the group dynamics as his bad behavior is always going to be excused and dismissed as stemming from his age.
You often hear RM and the members talk about how he is the youngest, he is going through a teenage rebellious phase, let's give him a pass because he is the youngest, he doesn't speak much so we value the least he says, he doesn't return his texts, doesn't wish anyone a happy birthday on their birthday's but we will for him anyway, chilee. There is too much enabling going on in there.
As harmless as these rhetorics may be, they impact his attraction quotient and may make him less appealing to anyone within the group who may find him attractive in a sexual way psychologically speaking and sometimes I see that impacting Jimin. People want to date up not down.
Take when Hobi talked about JK peeping tom for example, Jimin didn't seem at all happy about it. I don't think he was jealous in that moment necessarily, more like he was disappointed and hurt.
JK has been doomed from the start as the baby of the group- I mean I've seen the men JM finds attractive... I don't think a 'baby' is what he wants.
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Jk have always been on a mission to shed these descriptors off of him and assert himself within the group, for himself and for his relationship- as he should.
But 2020 has been the height of his self assertive journey and progress in my opinion. In Break the silence, the members talked about how JK has become more self aware particularly this year, and JK himself has spoken about and acknowledged his immaturity in the past and how he is working to improve himself on that.
He has grown a lot this year.
You may not see the impact of this because it's an intangible change but you look at how he interacts with the others, the boundaries he's putting in place etc
JM post October have been treating JK with a certain level of respect and dignity, almost as if he is seeing JK as a new man- his equal. This will make sense in the future, don't worry.
During the Christmas holiday performance, it seemed the directors had whispered something in JM's ear to give them a moment- listen, BigHit ain't slick ok? Whenever you see them isolate Jikook from the group bet your sweet behind they are looking for a moment from Jikook and are going over BTS's head, chilee. They ain't slick.
They did the same thing in the dynamite MV when they put Jikook away from the group and had them turn it on- I mean RM wasn't too happy about it it seemed and when he asked Jimin about it, Jimin said the director had asked him to.
I bet you two fake dollars, they intentionally put Jikook away from the group in that performance and honestly I don't think they gave JK a heads up about it either. You could see Jimin literally scanning JK's body to prepare himself and put himself in the mood which had JK looking at him all confused like what is this man doing. Lmho.
Then he playfully taps JK's chest like it's the firt time he is paired with his man and JK looks at him like uhmmmm. Jimin then goes to wrap his hands around JK's shoulder and JK exec crashed. lol.
I don't think JK expected that from Jimin and his gay panic was real- personally, I think he popped a boner down there and when Jimin tilted the camera angle down to that region dude made a 360 turning his back to the camera. Lol.
He was literally hiding it behind Jin and when you look at NamJin's cam that's when you see what I mean.
Chilee, JK how are you gone hide a boner a man gave you behind another mind- make it make sense. Lmho. Are they both not men? You are 24, if Jimin still has this effect on you I'm sorry there's no hope for you. The gay is deep my guy, bid your family farewell and move to Itaewon. Lol.
All jokes and delulu aside, there was a certain level of respect even in the way that Jimin carried out their fanservice in that moment.
Maybe we are finally going to see Park Jimin relinquish that power he's been holding back from Kook as the hyung and mature one and allow JK lead him, make decisions for him and trust that he would make the right ones.
I don't think, going forward JM would be 'dismissing' JK's discomfort with him doing certain things as JK being 'childish' anymore, lol. I'm talking about the 'babe it's nothing' laughing his butt off when JK is pissed at him for doing certain things etc.
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It's also interesting to note that 2020, in my opinion, recorded the most 'breakup songs' shared and recommended by JK on his spotify playlist- I wonder why. Smirk.
By break up songs i mean most if not all the songs he shared last year had a theme of separation, breakup, etc, with one particular song standing out to me: Mean it by Lauv.
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This song and the others are pretty much consistent with his own song lyrics of 2020, Still with you and Stay which I believe are a two voiced piece of the same art work or subject matter, a response poem if you will: one being a confession of JK's feelings and intentions while the other, Stay, is the reconciliation, a request and plea to his love interest and declaration of his needs or what he wants from Jimin.
Stay answers Still with you. In my opinion.
And on the subject of Still with you, am I the only one who thinks 'With You' is one of Jimin's handles and JK using that in a song is no coincidence?
I mean Tae literally gave Jimin that name in Run 106- Listen, I don't trust JK and if he appropriates it again ISTG!
He's come a long way from, 'I'm not gonna say any cliche as that have courage' in Magic Shop to practically groveling. Lol. Love will do that to you.
What stands out about Mean it, is that whole 'don't play with my feelings if you don't want me' theme. I think this is something I kept saying was a vibe I was getting from JK throughout 2020 when I said I talked about their breakup and said I felt he was since that incident putting his foot down, demanding his needs and putting his happiness right back up there with Jimin's.
I smiled when I heard him talk about him thinking a lot about what happiness means to him throughout 2020 and pursuing that.
As for the professionalism, let's see if they are going to maintain it throughout this year because it is not coming from them but from the environment they are in.
I think what they have to do is know when they are going to be themselves and when they have to be professional- Jikook y'all are queer, reading the room should be an acquired skill dumbass! Someone send them the memo. Lmho.
One other thing that has changed about Jikook would be how they are gradually disconnecting from their fanbase especially JK.
Now this may be due to a lot of reasons: BigHit limiting their access to their fanbase, BTS having a problem with Jikook's brand clashing with theirs and demanding they 'act professionally,' Jikook no longer having a need of the support of their fanbase and a plethora of reasons I cannot get into sake of time and space.
One thing that I am gauging this year is how Jikook will be interacting with their fanbase and how much of their relationship they will willingly share with us.
They need our support as much as we need them and if our support matters to them in advancing their relationship out of the closet then they will find a way to reconnect with us- always.
I mean, he said stay- I'm staying. Lol.
I guess what I'm saying is, for now, the change in Jikook is intangible and individualized but serves as a foundation to whatever direction they decide to move in next.
I am curious to know how these individuals growth and development is going to play out in their dynamics as a unit.
I want to see what they do on May 13th this year, who posts the first Jikook selca of 2021. JK didn't post for the members's birthday again and so I'm curious to see how JM's birthday is gonna go.
The members had surprise parties except Jimin- I'm still salty about that, they filmed Vlives on their birthdays- again except Jimin who had to belate that shit.
I'm taking notes of how they are gonna use the VApp this year especially JK. He still wasn't allowed to solo VLive on the app- I'm taking notes. Lol. Bone collector LLC. Lmho.
2020 was that year, the year Jikook went to couples counseling figuratively- in my books me. Lol.
They went from spending time apart, pursuing other hobbies, JK took to reading, Jimin took to spending quality time with friends and family and realized what is gold to him.
They each have come to terms with their shortcomings- something some of us recieved a lot of backlash over for talking openly about. Chilee.
Jimin have acknowledged he over expresses himself and needs to "love less' and JK have acknowledged his immaturity and is taking steps to work on it.
They both have taken a step from social media, which honestly I don't think is a bad thing especially if SM impacts their overall well being negatively.
I actually won't be surprised if they've been seeing a psychologist but anywho-
I hope this answers your question? Lol. I don't know. This post is more for me than y'all, I feel. So sorry about that.
Happy New Year to 'Y'all who love me.' I love y'all too so much. Bless y'all.
Let's keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
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Friendly Encounters- Chapter Six
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance
𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: Smut, Fluff, Angst
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Graphic Depictions of sex, Mature Language, Angst is Yoongi-centered
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 5k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jimin x Yoongi x Reader
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Yoongi watches, with his dick in his hand as Jimin wrecks you. Over and over again, your blue haired boyfriend pounds into you, as you continuously convulse around his massive girthy dick. He’s feeding you well. 
“Jimin...I c-can’t anymore.”
“It’s okay, baby. I’m almost there...come on babygirl, don’t give up on me now.” You shut your eyes, panting heavily as your final orgasm hits you in a euphoric wave of pleasure, making your muscles tense and you gasp as his dick twitches inside of you from all your clenching.
“Sorry...Yoongi...couldn’t take you too.” Your older boyfriend shakes his head, kissing your forehead lightly as Jimin recovers, pulling out of your sensitive body slowly. 
“Don’t be. Seeing you two enjoy yourselves was reward enough.” Yoongi leaves a tender kiss on his boyfriend’s lips before departing to his room. “Take care of her, alright? And wash up, your mom should be home soon.” Yoongi gives you both a stern talking-to before departing with his clothes in hand. 
“You okay?” Jimin asks while wiping you down with a washcloth. You nod, sitting up on the bed as your boyfriend brings you a warm towelette for your face. He had an extra one on hand. “Think you can walk?” You shake your head, limping as he helps you up. “Here, get on my back.” You don’t think much of it, as you both saw each other naked and took your relationship to the next level all in one night. 
“You’re the best boyfriend ever. Hah...A hot bath was exactly what I needed.” Jimin smiles at you as you lather your body with soapy bubbles. 
“Thanks. You know...you’re pretty cool yourself. Able to take me like a pro. Wow, that was some expert level stuff right the-”
“Shut up.” You splash him with water, laughing as you both have a water fight. After you finish bathing (with a lot of water ending up outside the tub, much to your inconvenience), you just end up cuddling with Jimin in your room. Your more bubbly boyfriend texts your older, introverted partner that he’ll be spending the night with you.
You’re not very surprised when Yoongi replies with the response that he is completely okay with it, since he spent a night with Jimin and left you in the dust. You also understand it, they’ve been together for so long that it probably feels weird to adjust now that a third person is a part of the relationship.
You’ve felt like you’re out of place, like the awkward puzzle piece that has the right shape and fits but it just doesn’t fit quite right. Obviously, you won’t express your concern to the gorgeous specimen of a boyfriend in front of you, because you’re worried about upsetting him. 
His reaction is predictable though, since you’ve grown used to the barista by your side. He would probably just kiss you and hold you tight, claiming that if he let you go you would fly away like a butterfly, or maybe he would just tell you all of the things you want to hear and more. You’re already deeply in love with him, might as well just get everything out in the open.
Then there’s Yoongi. Your kind, sweet, gummy-smiling boyfriend. You initially thought he was annoyed with your friendship and closeness to Jimin, but he ended up expressing the opposite, and in the end your bond was strengthened even more. You’re afraid of disappointing him, or even worse, making him cry. You know his “tough guy” act is just that. The real Yoongi is frail but you’ve only caught glimpses of his vulnerable side. From everything you’ve seen so far, you can tell he still hasn’t opened up to you. You’re afraid of jeopardizing your relationship and possibly losing one-or two of your boyfriends in one go. 
One wrong move and it can possibly be the end of your dream-like romance. You sigh, falling back into Jimin’s arms with one of your hands covering your eyelids and the other on your hip. Your boyfriend just grabs your hips and helps you settle into a comfortable position on the bed. He spoons you, and you’re mostly grateful as the warmth envelops you and lulls you to sleep relatively quickly.
Morning comes early, your alarm waking you up earlier than you expected. You groan, rolling over and finding your boyfriend still asleep and snoring lightly. Jimin looks cute even when he’s sleeping. You try taking care of your appearance, since you want to at least be remembered for dressing well during your last year of high school, but at the same time you dress for yourself. And your boyfriends. When you go downstairs in your short black miniskirt and denim jacket covering your sky blue tee, Yoongi raises an eyebrow at you but most of the time stays quiet. Before you decide to hug him.
When he smells your expensive perfume, he asks, “Going somewhere after school?” You shake your head.
“I was thinking I could head to the café in the evening. I have a lot of busy work. I doubt any of the teachers even know what they’re teaching anymore,” You shake your head, before shuffling through your backpack and then pulling out your phone charger. Finally, after three and a half days of searching you’ve found your old friend! “Ah-ha! I knew I put it in here. Finally, now I can charge my phone during the 3rd period.” 
Yoongi watches you scramble around to make breakfast as fast as you can before asking you another question, “Do you want a ride?” Curse your dirty mind for reading that the wrong way!
The car ride is long, and awkward. You and Yoongi had all this pent-up sexual tension possibly from the moment you met, and now that you’ve both seen each other naked, done other nasty things together as a couple and such, the only thing left to do is to fuck.
That’s right, you both just need to let out your feelings, when you’re alone. Like you did with Jimin before Yoongi joined, or rather, watched. You were spending sufficient time alone with each of your boyfriends, but as of late, you need to get down and dirty with Yoongi. As fast as possible, before things get any weirder.
“Thanks.” You say before getting out of the car.
“Hey, um, I know after yesterday things are different but can I please ask you to pretend like it didn’t happen? I was clearly not myself. I’d rather that we do things naturally and let everything happen when they’re supposed to. I apologize if you felt forced to do stuff in any way.”
You almost cry at how gentle he sounds. He talks to you like you’re a princess, literally the kindest man you’ve crossed. Your heart flutters just from hearing him speak, like your eyes have been opened for the first time.
“No, not at all!” You clutch your backpack strap, biting your lips in anxiousness. “I wanted to. I actually hope I can do it with both of you someday. Like actually..the three of us in one bed.” You trail off, realizing what it is that you truly want.
“You okay? You zoned out there for a second.” You nod, smacking yourself internally for spacing out with Yoongi.
“I’ll see you after school, bye.” You share a quick kiss before you run to your first period class.
For some reason, your friends seem busy. No one is eager to talk to you about their lives or even stop for a second to listen to you talk about yours. You understand it, though. Everyone has their own stuff to deal with. You’re sure all the other girls your age are worrying about bigger stuff than boy problems, like possibly being pregnant, or scared that they don’t have enough credits to graduate. 
You stay glued to your phone most of the day, as Jimin sends you heart emojis and lengthy passages about how he loves you. He just had to message you during English class, during which your teacher caught you on your phone, and she picked up your phone and when she read your text, it brought her to tears, resulting in her asking you if she could read it out loud to the class. 
You insisted it was from your boyfriend and how it was for your eyes only, but she said it demonstrated how simple sentences work well in writing when used correctly and that his use of grammar and vocabulary was that of a college graduate, or at least a professional writer.
She read it aloud, with emotion, and feeling. It made your heart swell up in joy, as you heard his voice through hers. The message behind his words.
“Oh, how you make my heart ache, and in the end it only longs for you. How could a person affect me so much? Come home and hold me, my love, I promise you won’t want to leave,” She finishes reading the long text and after you get your phone back, you bury it deep inside your backpack. 
My teacher calls you to her desk after class, and she tells you to cherish your boy with your whole heart, as it’s evident enough that no couple would be crazy enough to send love poems to each other unless they were truly fond of the other. There was no way you wouldn’t treasure him; You already loved him. And Yoongi. You love them both.
                                     ༻• Later That Day •༺ 
“Tell me what’s happening in front of my eyes isn’t really happening right now.” You huff at your blue-haired prince.
“Oh no, you’ve got it right. He’s really doing it.” He drinks his sweet tea with more vigour, sucking the straw harshly.
“This is pathetic. What does he think he can accomplish by upsetting his partners?” Jimin shrugs at your rhetorical question. Honestly, if you had a whip right now, you wouldn’t mind using it on Yoongi.
He actually has the balls to flirt with a regular female customer, a girl you actually caught making goo-goo eyes at him and trying to get his number every time she orders something. He’s not even shrugging her off anymore, but instead encouraging it. Jimin slams his hands down on the table, as he wipes a spot near you, glaring daggers at his boyfriend.
“Okay, I think I really wanna punish him now.” You were joking before, but the flirting has gotten out of hand as of late. He’s been doing this for two weeks already.
“Good, as it should be. Training continues in your room at 6:00 sharp. Be there and be ready, there’s a lot we have to cover before you dip your toe in the dom puddle.” You raise an eyebrow at his terminology. You knew what a dom was, but didn’t think he was serious. There’s no way that you’d actually take control in the bedroom, right?
Images of Jimin naked and whining beneath you flash in your mind, as you imagine all the different ways you could make him a mess. You’ve heard what Yoongi does to him, but imagining what you could do-that could go anywhere.
“Why do we have to wait?” You find yourself growing bolder as you lean forward, innocently sucking the metal straw that Jimin provided to you earlier when you ordered the mango smoothie.
“What are you suggesting, kitten?” You laugh at his nickname, before narrowing your eyes at your incredibly sexy boyfriend.
“Bathroom.” You continue sucking the straw, innocently sipping your drink before getting up and walking to the restroom. 
After 5 minutes of waiting, you hear the door open, and heavy footsteps. They were much too heavy to be a woman, for sure.
“Baby!” He hisses right outside of your stall, signaling you to grab him and pull him in.
“I checked. It’s empty. No one can disturb us anyways, not unless they see two pairs of feet underneath.”
“Oh, I have an easy solution to that,” He folds his arms across his chest. “Kneel,” You listen to him, happy to follow his orders like a mindless kitten. “Go ahead, suck.” He has his phone in one hand, recording you as you take him into your mouth.
“Remember who’s boss, baby? You said I’d learn how to be a dom.” He groans lightly as you suck his length, slightly squeezing his testes as well with your free hands.
“Alright. Show me what you’ve got.” His eyes are clouded with lust as he watches you swallow his precum, but you do eventually get you fill, instead opting to let his semen spill to the floor.
“Should I just prep you right here? Finger that beautiful asshole so that Yoongi can fuck you later?” Jimin groans at the thought, and you do too, imagining how his cock would bounce in your face as your older boyfriend fucked him carnally. “Ohhh, look at you taking my fingers. So, so, pretty Jiminie. Hear that? This is what good dick sounds like.” Your panties are drenched, you’re leaking through. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you were on your period.
“F-fuck me good Y/N.” You smirk, pinching his scrotum, making him shriek in urgency.
“Sorry, bad boys don’t get to cum.” You continue rubbing his shaft, a sloshing sound resounding through the bathroom walls as you give him a moist handjob. He tries his best to stay quiet, with a few whimpers escaping his lips.
“Please, Y/N. I need to cum, please I can’t hold in!” He whines wantonly as you continue pumping his dick, letting his erection peak to the highest point before rubbing him out during his climax. He gets so loud that he has to cover his own mouth with his small hands.
You go on for several minutes after that, or what feels like an eternity, laughing maniacally as Jimin squirts and cums for you. You just did that! You made him feel so good he came.
After you let his cum spill to the floor, you stand up, tucking his dick back into his pants before licking your fingers clean of the savory juices Jimin left behind.
You both wash your hands in the sink and leave the bathroom in turns, so it won’t raise any suspicion.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Jimin gives you a quick peck on the cheek before running off to the counter to grab another order.
“So, I’m guessing you guys spent his entire break together?” Jin asks, wiping your table for the hundredth time again.
“Yes, Jin. We were just talking about the birds.” Jin glares at you, obviously not believing your lie.
“And the bees, I assume?” You clap your hands together, laughing as you sip your mango juice. “It’s no laughing matter for a girl your age. You’re already with two men who are closer to my age than your age. And I’m 27!” You roll your eyes, ignoring him as you get your daily lecture again.
“Jin, you know Jimin and Yoongi are only like 3 or 4 years older than me. And I’m already more mature than lots of girls my age. You can also save the bedroom talk, I know my limits and what I’m comfortable with. I know it’s not the most conventional agreement, but I feel safe with both of them. They treat me like a princess even though I don’t deserve it.” You tell him with a small smile on your face.
“Hm, you really love them, don’t you?” You nod, humming as Jin walks away. “While you’re here, why don’t you help out with these boxes? Just move them to the alleyway. They’re all rotten fruit.” You cringe at that, as Jin hands you a stack of two huge boxes.
“Alright. But if I get mugged I’ll sue you.” You get around to the alleyway, surprised to see that there’s no one there and you actually had a moment of peace without incident.
You weren’t expecting anything anyways, as you know this town is very safe and there’s not much criminal activity happening in this neck of the woods. You were too focused on everything going on in your mind, so in case there was an actual threat, you wouldn’t be too phased.
“Done, now when do I get paid?” You dust your hands, looking up at your boyfriends’ boss. Jin just gives you his signature smile and blows a kiss at you before turning to his office.
“Look, how about I just let you drink for free? For a month?” You nod, folding your arms as you notice the picture on Jin’s desk, a family photo of Jin with a woman. 
“Sounds good, hey who’s this?” You ask, pointing at the frame.
“That was my wife. She passed away three years ago…” You suddenly feel like a jerk.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m gonna get going now, it was nice seeing you again, Jin.” You smile sadly at the man before leaving your boys to wrap up with their work. They’ll be taking a leave for a week anyways, so they’re just trying to make this week count.
You know that’s probably why Yoongi was being so friendly with most of the female customers. You hadn’t seen him flirt with any other men apart from Jimin, but he did talk to a lot of girls. Then again, the girls probably approached him themselves. 
You try pushing the thoughts out of your head, as you know your ultimate goal is to have angry sex with Yoongi over the fact that he’d been flirting with other people in front of you and Jimin. You channel the anger through your body, as Jimin later presents himself to you that evening, with thoughts of only awakening the lustful dominant inside of you. 
“Here are my prized positions, please take good care of me, kitten.” You shake your head, smirking at him as he gives you his box of toys to use on him.
“Want me to ride you, baby?” You ask him as he groans in pain, his bulge painfully tightening in his pants. You can see the area around his pants, the tiny wet spot around his tip. 
“I’d love that, kitten,” You shed your clothes, before working on Jimin’s pants first. After the pants come off, you work on his shirt. Both articles of clothing go flying to the ground before the final layer, which is his boxers. The precum stringing from the head of his cock glisten as you gather a good portion of it onto your fingers before slathering it on your stomach. You lick the remaining juices from your fingers before placing both of your legs on either side of him. Jimin is excited. His dick seems to inflate a little as you sit down on him. “Look at you, being ruined by my cock. You aren’t gonna let it control you today, are you kitten?” You shake your head, panting slightly as you struggle to focus on what you were doing.
“I own this cock, got it? This cock is mine!” You finally start moving, making Jimin groan beneath you as he appreciates how much your boobs bounce in his face and how he can see everything as you move on top of him.
“Oh gosh, I’m gonna cum.” You gasp before quickly climbing off him and you resorted to using your mouth to finish the job.
“Um, why did you just stop when you were close?” Jimin asks. You gesture to his unprotected penis.
“You weren’t wearing a condom. I couldn’t let you cum in me and risk getting preggers. I watched Glee, I know all of the downsides.” Your boyfriend just huffs impatiently.
“I could’ve pulled out, but it seems that now I came once but you haven’t cum at all.”
“Jim, who’s in charge?” Your boyfriend is taken aback by the new name you gave him. He just sighs before turning his head to you and looking at you directly in the eyes.
“You are.”
“Great, glad we’re on the same page. Get on your stomach, babe. I wanna peg you.”
“What?!” Jimin’s eyes widen as you grab the lube from your desk drawer.
“Do you not want to do it tonight? I need to practice so Yoongi can-wait, are you telling me that you’re a top?” He blushes before running his hands through his pretty blue hair.
“We’re switches. Although, when we’re alone, hyung is more dominant in nature.” You gasp in awe as Jimin reveals this new information to you.
“That’s great, we’ll make him beg by the end of next week, I’m sure of it. But Jim, I do have a plan for how we go about it…” You quietly adjust the straps of your harness before slathering the dildo with lube. This is softer, so the texture feels like skin.
“Oh gosh, Y/N!” You hum as Jimin makes all kinds of cute noises, mostly from suffocation and feeling smothered. You take a break in between because Jimin declares it ‘too much,’ and after getting a drink of water you presume to prep him gently, so you don’t tear him apart.
Before you know it, just from the stimulation of your fingers on the base of his cock and the fingers in his hole, your man is coming undone, moaning, whining, cursing, begging-all of those things while you pump him with your right hand, as fast as possible. Seeing Jimin come on his stomach was the hottest thing you’ve seen in a long time. You really needed to see that.
“Kitten, wanna cum with me? You made me cum so many times already…” You nod, your face red from excitement. The lewd thoughts just make it worse.
“Jiminie, can we...69?” You ask shyly, but your boyfriend is more than happy to oblige.
“Sure, baby.”
                                            ༻• Night •༺ 
Yoongi gets home late only because Jin had some trouble with the cash register. He wasn’t feeling well as of late, but there was no explanation for his unexplained sadness. He had everything he needed in life, along with two amazing partners. So why was he feeling this way? He knows it’s normal for people to feel down sometimes. 
It’s hard for people to be happy all the time, especially when there’s a lot of stress in the environment. Now Yoongi has to prepare to deal with the “break-up” since you and Jimin will share the honor of being in an arranged marriage. Well, it’s more like a trick love-marriage. If your father catches you in bed with the wrong man, there’s no telling what he could do from there.
Yoongi just needs you and Jimin to get married to save you both. Jimin gets to reconnect with his parents who cast their son out because he got a boyfriend, and you would be free from awkward marriage dinners with strangers. Oh, and your father would leave you alone because he’d consider you as “Jimin’s property.” 
He knows the type of person he is. He’s dealt with the same type of parents many times over. His family wasn’t even willing to accept him even though he told them he wasn’t completely gay but didn’t agree to being labeled “straight” either.
Now look at you all, everyone is happy together and that’s the way Yoongi wants it to be. Even if he has to be in the background. For your happiness, he would do anything. For you and Jimin.
As he’s about to open the door, a text from your mother catches him off-guard. She was texting that she gets to come home earlier today, so she can spend time with you three and get to know your boyfriends better. Uh-oh, this is bad.
He shuts the door behind him before running upstairs, to look for you and Jimin. Yoongi bursts down the door with force only to find you and Jimin NOT watching iCarly together on Netflix.
“Oh God, I’m sorry!” He shields his eyes, turning around so you could cover up a little bit. Nothing he hasn’t seen before, but he didn’t want to be a pervert. Even though you’d be fine with him looking. He still wants to ask for consent. 
You change quickly, Jimin still panting and recovering from his last orgasm. He almost passed out from how good you were with your tongue.
“You can look, you know?” You and Jimin day in sync. The two of you share a look that Yoongi knew was the type of look reserved for two special people. You’ve already bonded, without him. It’s a good thing, even if it kills Yoongi that he's trying to earn extra money so in case you and Jimin do get caught with the plan, you would have a safety net to catch you when you fall and help you up. 
Yoongi didn’t inform you or Jimin of this, but recently, he’s been opting for extra hours just to save up money. He’s also been spending some of that money on new equipment to make his producing process a bit easier, but apart from that, he has a large amount of money in his bank account. At least, it’s big in his eyes. He never had much, but now he finally has a reason to do more with his life. 
You and Jimin constantly inspire him to make songs all the time, and without realizing it, you’ve changed him for the better.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. But that’s not why I’m here, your mom is coming home, and she wants to spend time with us, since we’re your boyfriends!” Yoongi panics and you find it endearing how the man you once thought to be cold and unkind to now be so comfortable around you that he speaks his mind.
“Thank goodness you walked in when you did, Jimin was about to pass out on top of me.” 
“Wait, you bottom for her?” You look back at Jimin to see his reaction. He gawks at his blond boyfriend in shock.
“Yeah, I mean haven’t you seen how she gets when she’s dominant? It’s sexy as hell.” You can’t understand what they’re saying anymore because they are speaking in Korean.
“Oh, I see. Wait until the roles are reversed, I’m sure our kitten will be mewling for you to stop once she feels your lips.” Jimin glances over at you quickly before looking back at his boyfriend.
“Hyung, in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve already done plenty alone.” Your prince-like boyfriend combs his hair to one side, making you giggle as you see Yoongi turn bright pink like a piglet.
“I can see that. Kitten, are you up for a date when we go up to the cabin?” You bite your lip, glancing nervously towards Jimin as he gets dressed with his back to you and looking at Yoongi as he waits patiently for your answer. You were planning to spend time with the two of them, but you know that maintaining the individual relationships with your partners are just as important as the group dynamic. You’ve also been naturally closer with Jimin, as he was your best friend first.
Yoongi deserves a break, and you know that he’s probably noticed that you and Jimin have been spending a lot more time together while he’s been working hard. The vacation is actually for Yoongi, but he doesn’t know that, yet.
“Sure. When do you want to go out?” You ask.
“Hmmm, what about tomorrow? I get off work around 4 tomorrow, so we’ll have a lot of time to spend after that.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” You both share a small smile before Jimin interrupts the moment with applause.
“Great! While you guys do that, I’ll be out learning choreography. I need to keep up with my peers from the institute.”
“Wait, you went to a dance school?” Jimin gasps at the realization that he never told you about his dance classes during high school.
“Yep, I was at the top of my class,” Jimin quickly changes the subject. “Anyways, enough about me, you guys need to plan for your date!” He quickly runs out into the hallway, in his boxer shorts with the rest of his clothes in hand, as you uncover yourself and give Yoongi a quick peek before scrambling to find some clean clothes that don’t smell like sex.
“Boys, I assume you know what this meeting is about?” Your mom clasps her hands together on her lap as she basically murders your boyfriends with her eyes.
“I know it’s a weird arrangement, but we both really like your daughter.” Yoongi is the first to speak up, and you find it sweet that he can open up to your mother, since he wasn’t the most socially adept back when you first met him. You assume that’s because you changed him, you and Jimin made him crawl out of his shell and explore the world a bit more. This was mostly good but bad at the same time because he was much better at communicating, and instead of scowling at people or giving them a blank stare, he actually smiles a lot more and makes more eye contact.
Maybe that’s just the jealousy talking, but you genuinely feel that it’s better for Yoongi, in the long run.
“I’ve known you guys for six months now, and in judging you personally, I can tell that you both have excellent characters. You will make her happy, and hopefully someday you three can be more serious.”
“Hey mom, I needed to ask you something about that.” Your boyfriends glance at you anxiously as you ask your mom. “When is dad coming home?” You bite your bottom lip as you do when you get nervous.
“Hmmm, he said he would be gone for half a year. He’ll be back by October, why?” You scratch your head.
“Can’t a girl wonder when her daddy’ll come home?” You don’t even bother looking at your boyfriends as you can tell exactly what their expressions are.
Once your mother is done interrogating your partners, Jimin creeps down the hallway and sneaks into your room.
“Where’s Yoongi?” You ask, as he kisses your collarbone.
“Asleep.” You stop him.
“Look, we left him out earlier so I feel kinda bad. I don’t think we should do any more stuff tonight. We can continue tomorrow.” Jimin’s a gentleman, so he wouldn’t push your boundaries. He just backs away from you and he flops down on your bed.
“You think I’m good...right?”
“What?” Jimin’s sudden words throw you off guard.
“I’m not bad at sex, am I?” 
“Jimin, where did you get that idea? Of course you’re amazing in bed, I’m just not in the mood tonight. Besides, my mom’s home.” You sit down next to him, stroking his right arm.
“Thanks. Sometimes I feel like I need validation. My confidence isn’t all what I chalked it up to be.” You just let out a long sigh. You can relate to him, in what happened with Jungkook and Jasmine. Your friendship actually made you lose trust in those closest to you. You were partially afraid of opening up to Jimin in the beginning too, but after you cried it out with him, you felt even closer to him than the people you knew practically your entire life.
Jimin is just easy to get along with, and you know that’s partially the reason why you were able to open up to him so quickly. Considering, yes you were only about three months into your romantic relationship, you needed someone to latch onto. Jimin was still the best friend you ever had, and you learned quickly that this was what a healthy friendship was like. 
Unlike Jungkook and Jasmine, Jimin would listen to you, and he’d give you advice about your problems. In turn, you listened to him, just as you had with your past friends. There was something different from the other interactions you had, because it was a take and give type situation. 
You weren’t just taking, though. You were applying yourself, and improving who you were as a person. This is what a friendship should be like. Even though you’re dating, it feels comfortable and familiar. You’ve learned not to depend on people as much, only when you need to. Unlike anything you’ve seen in the past, the dynamics of Jimin and Yoongi’s relationship is so free, they don’t pester the other to tell them everything.
Secrets are important in a relationship; That’s another thing you’ve picked up. Obviously you aren’t going to lie, but you feel like you have a safety net.
“Sorry. It’s just hard to always live up to society’s expectations of me.” Everything clicks for you with Jimin’s words. You quickly stand up, blood rushing to your head as you do, making you fall back just as fast. Jimin catches you, luckily, and lowers you down onto the mattress.
“We’re not getting married.” You put your foot down, catching your boyfriend off guard.
“Wh-what do you mean?” You simply stare up at your boyfriend, eyes filled with hope.
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percabeth4life · 3 years
cries in too many asks
maybe I shouldn’t get so detailed in these... oh who am I kidding I have zero self control, I’ll probably finish these up during physics tomorrrow/this morning. but I’ll finish this one and maybe one more first. I will treat them all completely seriously, even the Blackjack x Donuts in my inbox :D
Percy and Thalia are fun, especially with everything Thalia went through. I’m gonna be analyzing this by ages in book 3, lmk if you’d like a second one done about current ages.
Physical age
Percy is 14 and Thalia 15 almost 16. Age gap is pretty minimal but almost two years. not too huge but in terms of physical age Thalia does have an advantage by society expectations (which are imbalances in and of themselves).
There is a slight imbalance that leans in Thalia’s favor
Mental maturity
Mentally, Thalia is actually 12. She’s grown quickly through the unhealthy home life, time on the run, and quick adjustment back to the world. But at the same time this was not a balanced growth at all. She’s not learned how to do a lot of things kids her age would know, like how to handle people in school, or how to deal with things you don’t like, or how to interact with people you don’t like. At the age of 15/16 most kids have learned the basics of this, whether they put it into practice or not is something else entirely tho lol. She’s expected to lead but doesn’t actually have experience with that, two kids does not an army make.
Percy is still young but he was forced to grow up due to an abusive home environment. He knows how to deal with people hating him, he knows how to lead when needed though certainly isn’t an expert. He knows how dangerous the world is but also isn’t taught things others his age/younger/older all know, mainly because people seem to expect him to know things. He is still childish, willing to fight over things and not thinking logically about everything, but he isn’t an infant.
There is no real imbalance here both are kids that struggle
Emotional maturity
Thalia is a child who just got her world turned on it’s head and she is not handling it. She’s clearly trying, but she’s lost, came back to a new time, is supposed to be 12 but is 15 and she just over all is trying to shove all the emotions to the side. She’s volatile, emotional, and very very hurt. She doesn’t know how to properly handle her emotions and acts on them with little thought to what the actions will mean. She’s a 12 year old emotionally but in a 15 year old body and that is definitely jarring. Not to mention the fact that she died and we’ve seen no evidence of therapy for that mess. On top of it all there are high expectations for her that she wasn’t fully prepared for. The whole situation does not lead to an emotional stable or mature Thalia.
Percy definitely has emotional issues, what with abuse as a child and the trauma he’s got since then. He’s emotional and hasn’t learned how to handle his anger. He’s jealous and feeling alone and doesn’t yet know how to deal with these emotions so isolates and lashes out. He went from everyone looking to him to everyone looking at someone else, right when he’d adjusted to having that attention. He’s definitely struggling some emotionally now, and he’s rash as a result, but he’s not unable to control them either. He has grown but he’s in a bad time emotionally right then.
Overall they’re about balanced here with a slight leaning towards Percy.
Power Imbalance
They’re both big three kids with high expectations on them, give them therapy and a break.
No imbalance
So all together.
Percy and Thalia, even with Thalia being younger in all ways except physically, are pretty balanced. Percy grew up very fast and also stunted due to the abuse he suffered from and Thalia missed three years so it balanced out pretty neatly.
They need therapy and hugs.
Send me an ask about a relationship.
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politicaltheatre · 3 years
A Perfect Storm
Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 was a big day in the history of so-called “conservative” America. It may not be a day they want to remember.
It started with the long overdue demolition of Donald Trump’s long since failed and abandoned Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, as perfect an emblem of him and his presidency as could be found anywhere.
It was a poor investment paid for with other people’s money. Poorly run, it ran up huge debts and a seemingly endless list of unpaid contractors and vendors before finally going out of business, dragging down the economy around it and costing taxpayers millions. It leaves behind a pile of rubble, poor air quality, unpaid bills, bitter memories, and the utter lack of accountability that led to all of it.
Later that morning came news of the death of Rush Limbaugh, a talk radio “personality” who perfectly embodied everything toxic in our culture and everything corrupt in our politics. He was a bully - a bully’s bully, in fact - one who made a mountain of cash filling America’s airwaves with racist, sexist, fear mongering bile.
He succeeded for the same reason any bully succeeds: he appealed to short term thinking, offering people looking for an excuse not to have to be accountable to others an excuse and people looking for justification to hurt others that justification. In doing this, by offering victims to pick on and humiliate, he made people who felt bad about themselves laugh and maybe even forget why they felt so bad about themselves in the first place, the powerlessness and loneliness that we all feel when things have gone wrong.
Back in his formative years, his childish behavior might well have been waved away as “looking for attention”, “boys being boys”, or “locker room talk”, but those were just excuses, as much for those saying them as they would have been for him. It would have been easier that way, for them. The price paid for that is something so much worse, a full grown man not only acting like a spoiled, bullying child but preaching it as a virtue, as what it is to be a man.
The one thing to understand about Limbaugh is that he loved it. He loved it. He knew what he was doing and he knew that his actions hurt people. He loved the sense of power that hurting people gave him. He loved that he could do that and get away with it and make millions. And, god, did he love that so many people loved him for it. He loved every minute of it and he was a monster.
He may be gone, but like Trump’s boondoggle in Atlantic City his effect on our lives will long outlive him, and in the long term it will cost those who placed their faith in him as much as it cost everyone he scapegoated on his way to the bank.
The afternoon of the 17th brought more, with Texas Governor Greg Abbott joining right wing scapegoaters filling Limbaugh’s sizable void by blaming statewide blackouts on “frozen wind turbines” and the Green New Deal. 
As anyone living in Texas knows, or should, the Texas power grid isn’t connected to the rest of the country and isn’t part of any Green New Deal. As Abbott’s own Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) helpfully pointed out, the loss of wind and solar power during the rare winter storm only accounted for about 13% of the lost power.
If a 13% loss of power is enough to blackout an entire state, that state is run by morons.
Abbott and one or two of his immediate predecessors notwithstanding, Texas isn’t run by morons. They have, however, made decades of mistakes that led to the problems they’re facing right now, from a failure to anticipate or prepare for winter storms, including insulating natural gas supplies and distribution, to the loss of power feeding gas and oil pumps, to Texas’ incompatibility with neighboring states’ power grids, to a culture in the state of corporate deregulation and lack of accountability going back well past the Enron scandal.
Abbott doesn’t want anyone talking about any of that, or the Enron-like price gouging now imported back home for use on Texans. Nor does his and Trump’s Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, whose praise of the dead Limbaugh betrays his all too recent, post-Trump public rehabilitation. These failures date back to Bush’s tenure in Texas and before. This was very much a crisis waiting to happen.
What makes it worse is that the warnings were there all along, from previous winter storms to decades of climate scientists making rational arguments none of those listening to the Trumps, Limbaughs, and Abbotts of this world want to hear. They want easy answers, and what’s easier than it being somebody else’s fault, somebody trying to tell people how to live their lives, somebody telling them they have to be accountable for their own mistakes.
Right now, as millions suffer through bitter cold without drinkable water either because their pipes burst or the utilities shut down output to try to prevent more damage, they’re all looking for somebody to fix it. If somebody else could pay for it, as well as those Shock Doctrine $17,000 energy bills, they would be very happy. In the absence of that, their short term thinking will gladly accept Abbott and friends’ scapegoating.
Maybe. Maybe not.
The good news is that a lot of Texans think Abbott’s claims were just as stupid as the rest of America did. The bad news is that Abbott’s performance was played as much for out of state audiences as his own. Knowing how he could do very little for Texans, and thinking about his own needs, Abbott played for a friendlier audience that might help him with his own future prospects out of office, which will come sooner than later.
Texas will recover, just as we all will from the pandemic, battered, exhausted, and hopefully with an understanding of what they need to change to make sure they don’t go through that again. Mistakes don’t have to be bad. They don’t have to fill us with shame. We can learn. We do. In truth, making mistakes is how our species has learned most of what now keeps us alive, and we’ll go on making more.
The Republican Party doesn’t look like it will learn those same lessons, at least, not easily and not any time soon. It is suffering its own perfect storm: personalities overwhelming reason and emotional maturity; decades of deregulation and failures to hold corporations accountable have left Americans paying for them both literally and figuratively; and a growing number of Americans are realizing, at long last, that a party representing the extremes of selfish behavior cannot and should not represent them.
Which brings us to last Wednesday’s final event, which was Texas Senator Ted Cruz flying his family to a luxury vacation in warm and sunny Cancun while many of his constituents suffered, froze, and died.
The memes may make us feel a little better for how little we know we can do for Texans right now, but they also point to a deep, systemic problem in both this country and the present day Republican Party, both of which Ted Cruz sadly represents. Like Trump, Limbaugh, Abbott, and the right wing social media industries they have fed with lies and scapegoating, Cruz is aggressively selfish, an extremist cloaked behind a term that hasn’t represented the Republican Party in generations: “conservative”.
To be conservative, properly conservative, is to be cautious. It is to avoid going too far, too fast in any direction. It is to protect what exists, and not merely because it represents where we came from but because we should not go forward blindly abandoning the safety of our society for the benefit of a few. This is important to us, as important as the ability to make and learn from mistakes, because it is part of the same process.
This Wednesday, February 24th, 2021, with Texas still struggling to recover from its literal and figurative storms, and the country having passed 500,000 mostly avoidable, confirmed deaths from Covid-19, the America Conservative Union will hold its annual conference, CPAC. Like its star attraction, Donald Trump, and those, like Abbott and Cruz, seeking its attendees’ approval, donations, and votes, it is “conservative” in name only.
If you tune in, you’ll hear a lot of speakers at CPAC eulogizing Rush Limbaugh for “popularizing conservative values”, for literally giving them a voice, but the values he preached and profited from were anything but conservative, not in any meaning of the word.
The themes of the conference will be those pushed by Rush Limbaugh in his life right up through those last, failing months: that the perfect world is one in which you need not be accountable to anyone but everyone must still be accountable to you; that the values that make America great, such as creating and exploiting imbalances of power and not having to give a damn about people weak enough to be struggling to survive a winter storm, should be shared openly and loudly and without shame; and that those beliefs are a god-given right that should be protected by any means, including violence, because to win is to be in a constant state of war.
You won’t hear talk of failure in any of these speeches, not of the failures in Texas, not of the failures in the White House or in Congress, not of failures in Covid deaths, not of failures that led to the attack on the Capitol and its police, and certainly not of failures in the 2020 election. That, you will be reminded again and again and again, was stolen. 
The closest they’ll get to it is talk of disloyalty and the scapegoating of representatives and senators who voted for Trump’s impeachment and conviction. Don’t worry, the hypocrisy of people decrying “cancel culture” urging people to cancel people disloyal to Trump will be completely lost on them.
That would be denial blending with bargaining and anger, cycling through them again and again and again. Like a movie studio, they will attempt to repeat the success of their surprise hit without understanding why it actually succeeded, going for the big and loud bits, with failure after failure after failure only making them try harder the same way. They can’t learn if they can’t see the mistake.
No, the great irony of failure is how it can often stem from success. The right wing has succeeded over the past half century in pulling this country into its toxic, increasingly unsustainable world view.
Industries that once held memories of the dangers of instability and speculation now once again function around denying those dangers. Politicians who courted fascism and white supremacists were once shamed and ostracized by those who remembered fighting against them, but now they flaunt their support openly because those have become their most rabid fans and campaign donors. Fear mongers and grifters, once expelled for their crimes to wander the political wilderness, have now won so many elections under the Republican banner that it’s hard to remember when they weren’t its brand.
Is this merely a return to form? A week ago, a group of anti-Trump Republicans, some who have left the party and some who keep threatening to, got together to discuss the possibility of starting a rival party for disaffected political moderates. Don’t hold your breath.
This isn’t a new discussion. They come back every few years to blow off steam and then do nothing. This time, they seemed more concerned with coming up with a good party name than anything else. Perhaps they’re waiting for more than a few thousand voters to leave the Republican Party to make theirs viable. They can’t count on Democrats leaving theirs, not when they’ve finally gotten Congress back and with such narrow margins. Such are the calculations of these honor-bound political moderates.
If they have any intention of reclaiming the Republican Party of their youth, they’ll have to start by trying to reclaim that word, “conservative”. To do that, they’ll have to acknowledge their complicity in allowing the right wing to gain so much power and influence in our country. They’ll also have to rid themselves of grifters and abusers of power, because to be properly conservative you must be neither.
Again, that’s unlikely. More likely is that they, like someone who has literally just lost power on a cold, winter night, will try to deny their newfound lack of power by finding someone else to blame, choosing to live in the fantasy of overcoming that scapegoat rather than the reality they face.
That’s certainly what Trump and Limbaugh’s fanbase at CPAC will be doing, huddled together in their auditorium, proudly not wearing masks, sharing crackpot conspiracy theories, and making fun of the same “liberal elites” and “socialists” now raising money and gathering supplies for the people of Texas.
And why not? It’s worked for them for years.
- Daniel Ward
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twilight-hogwarts · 4 years
Friends at last
AN: We all know James and Lily got together on their 7th year but I feel like they would have became friends before that and in my head James would have mature a lot during the summer before their 6th year when Sirius went to live with the Potters because that was when the reality of the imminent war against Voldemort finally hit him hard. So here is how I think Lily and James finally became friends. (I might continue this.)
 Lily`s 6th year at Hogwarts have been quite different from the last five. She used to spend a lot of her free time in the library or on the grounds with Severus but now that she wasn’t friends with him anymore she started to hang out in the Gryffindor common room and was constantly with her house friends. She was always been especially close to Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes, but now she was also spending more time with Alice Westenberg and Mary Longbottom too. Lily was always fond of the two others girls who shared their dorm and was happy to have became closer to them.
The only down side to it was that spending more time with them in common room meant to spend more time with the boys from Gryffindor`s 6th year. After all they were all good friend. Marlene and Dorcas seem to always hang out with the four pranksters. But Lily soon found out that being around them wasn’t as bad as she tought.
She never minded being around Remus, she has always considered him a friend and the most mature one in the group. Since they both became prefects, the year before, they grown even closer and were now really good friends. So she was glad to spend more time with him and at first she thought that whenever the boys were around she`d just talk to Remus and ignored the rest of them, but soon she realize that would not be possible and that it wasn’t exactly a bad thing.
She also never minded Peter much, he was a shy boy that laughed and admired everything the others boys did, he had always been nice to her, and very soon she found herself helping Peter with his charms homework and actually laughing with him about something Sirius had said.
What really surprised when she started liking Sirius. At first she really tried to keep a safe distance but since she was spending more time with Remus that automatically meant more time around Sirius, who she always tought that he was James` shadow when in fact he never seemed to live Remus by himself.
For her, James and Sirius has always been worse than the other two, she knew they were the minds behind the pranks and the adventures of rule breaking. She also hated the fact that they were excellent students, even tho they were constantly disturbing classes with their funny remarks and pratical jokes, somehow everyone seemed admired them, even the teachers loved them, no matter how many detentions they got, James and Sirius had the entire school at their feet. But soon she realized they weren’t that bad. She didn’t know if it was because she never spent that much time around them or if something had changed but she found herself laughing at their jokes and not minding at all being around them. Lily did not loved Sirius and James as much as the rest of the school, but now she finally understood what their appeal was and why such nice boys like Remus and Peter were friends with them.
She came to that realization on a late Wednesday night in the end of September, all the sixth years were siting close together in the common room doing their large amount of homework in silence, when Remus suddenly closed his heavy book of Advanced Transfiguration and said “I give up” under his breath, Sirius immediately started saying it was the end of the times in a loud voice like he was a minister on a Sunday service, James followed suit and got on his knees screaming “hallelujah”, soon everyone was laughing, even a couple of seventh years who were sitting in the other end of the room. But instead of continuing the joke like Lily thought he would, James stood up to sit beside Remus to help him out with his late essay for Mcgonagall, since he had lost a couple of important classes that week because he was “sick”.
That was something that Lily started noticing: the way Sirius, James and Peter treated Remus, and it made her change the way she saw the boys. She knew about Remus secret, she knew why he was always getting sick, missing classes sometimes and almost sleep walking for a couple of days after a full moon. She had never openly talked about it with him but she had a hunch that he knew she knew since she was constantly covering for him on prefects duties. She had notice in the pasts years how the boys would visit him in the hospital wing and get his homework for him but she never really notice how very protective they were of Remus, how whenever he was looking a bit miserable they would find a way to make him laugh, how Sirius and Peter was always handing him chocolate and how he seemed to accept it without even noticing. How Sirius, just the day before, when Remus came back from the hospital wing, let him fall asleep on his shoulder,  and how James, sitting on the other side of the sleeping boy, took his hand to Remus’ forehead to measure his temperature and took of his robe to cover his sleeping friend with it. In all fairness she had also seen them piling up objects on top of a sleeping Remus a couple of time, but they seem to had a understanding on when not to do it.
Lily started noticing little things like that as if to justify to herself why she didn’t mind being around them anymore. So she notice the little things, she notice when James during the first week of term helped a group of first years to find their way to class (although Lily only payed attention in case James was giving them a wrong direction as a joke), she saw when James stopped two second years from dueling in the middle of the entrance hall, she saw when Severus called Remus a bad name and was surprised to see James telling them to ignore him only to see Sirius losing his patience and hexing Snape and finally she notice how James hasn’t ask her out once that year. He had of course flirted with her, but after seeing him winking and saying “thank you, gorgeous” to Alice as she passed him the mashed potatoes and later in class seeing him blowing a kiss at Mcgonagall after she congratulated him on his perfect transfiguration of a rock into a pillow, she realized that was how he talked with every women. Actually flirting with Mcgonagall seemed to be a inner competition between him and Sirius, although Black had more practice since he always flirted with all the other teachers trying to come out of detentions (something that, according to James, made him lost point with Mcgonagall for cheating on her). So after a few weeks Lily started to relax around them just enough to stop hating him and Sirius, and eve laugh a bit of their jokes.
In mid October Lily finally gave in and fully admitted to herself that she actually liked Sirius. They started talking a lot about muggle music, after he saw her with a t-shirt from a band he liked, then they started talking muggle books, movies and Lily was very surprised to see  that he knew so much about the muggle world. Eventually their conversations grew into more deep meaningful stuff. They would talk about politics, Voldemort and the imminent war, James and Remus were also very passionate and opinionated about that and had similar views to Lily’s (she also notice they were not afraid to say Voldermort`s name), but Sirius was by far the most opinionated about the subject and seemed ready to fight anyone who said anything remotely unpleasant  about muggle borns.
After some time they started talking about families and shared their complicated relationship with their siblings, Lily was a bit surprised to found out that Sirius had left his parents house, and was know living with the Potters, because of his family sympathy toward Voldemort. She knew Sirius was quite different from the rest of his pure blood family but never imagined he would go to such lengths. That made her admire him a bit and she was now happy to call Sirius Black her friend.
James was the last one she warm up to. She would talk to him, laugh of a few of his jokes and he had even helped her with a particular hard transfiguration homework but she would still keep some distance in a way to guarantee that he wouldn’t ask her out. Finally in the end of November, on a full moon, something happened that made it impossible for them not to be friends. Lily was laying in the sofa close to the fire reading a novel all by herself very late at night, almost early morning, on a Friday when the Fat Lady portrait opened up and James being support by Peter stumbled over the hole with his left arm bleeding and his shirt cut open from his shoulder blades to the wrist. Lily stood up immediately and asked:
“Oh my God!! What happened??”
The two boys did not notice she was there and were surprised to see someone awake in the communal room at that time of night.
“Err” Peter looked at James who lost the little bit of color he still had on his face.
“Sleepwalking” said James “I was sleep walking and Peter came to recue me.”
“Exactly” confirmed Peter “woke up for a bit of water and saw James crossing the grounds thru my window so-” but he looked at James and the face his friend was giving him made him stop talking.
“What happens to you arm?” Asked Lily
“I got hurt.”
“I can see that.” She said rising her eyebrows. “How?”
James seemed to be having a hard time finding the right words. So he surprised himself when he told her the truth.
“The Whomping Willow. Got to close to it and never saw it coming.”
“You should go to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey will sort you out in a second” the girl suggested.
“No” the two boys said together a bit to fast.
“I can’t.” said Potter “I don’t want to lose anymore point or get another detention. Please don`t give us in. It’s just a small cut I’ll sort it out myself.” He looked at her with pleasing eyes.
“Have you looked at your arm? It looks pretty bad. You need more than a band aid.” She said still debating with she should insist on taking him to the hospital wing.
“I’ll be fine. Just don’t say anything. Please, Evans?”
“I won’t. I promise.” Lily wasn’t sure why she agreed to that so fast and suddenly remembered what day of the month it was and regretted making that promise. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to Madam Pomfrey? You don’t want that getting infected.”
“I’ll be fine.” Said James and they started walking towards the stairs to their dorm but Lily suddenly moved to get in the way.
“Wait a second. I have something that might help. Sit down and wait here.” she ran up stairs to get her medicinal potions kit thinking it was a really great idea to do the extra medicinal potions class with Madam Pomfrey like Professor Slughorn had suggested. When she came down James was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and Peter beside him looking at his bleeding arm. She sat in front of them on the coffee table.
“Let me had a look. I’m no healer but I happen to know how to bread Madam Pomfrey healing potion. It will help with the pain, it will heal faster and avoid an infection. That’s the best I can do.” She said while examining his arm.
James looked at her like she had grow a second head. He had been avoiding being a prick with Lily like Remus told him and they have been spending time around each other without her wanting to hex his head off, but they were not exactly friends. Actually, James didn’t said anything to anyone but now he was a bit frustrated that Lily seemed to became good friends with everyone but him. So he was a bit surprised that she was so promptly to help him.
“But, with you want me to help we have to find a empty classroom.” she continued pretending not to notice his shock.
Lily and Peter helped him up and the three of them reached a classroom in the end of the hallway, Lily made him sit down on a table and started sorting out the ingredients.
“You can go back to bed Peter.” said James. “Let Remus and Sirius know where I am in case they wake up.” he gave  a meaningful look to his friend.
“Yeah. I’ll let them know.”And slowly backed away to the door.
Lily ignored that and continued to prepare the potion without looking at their direction. She knew Remus was not sleeping in the Gryffindor tower tonight.
After Peter closed the door James looked intensely to Lily observing the girl work her way thru the potion. They kept silence for a while, but after some time Lily found his staring a bit too distracting and she finally asked “Lost something, Potter?”
“Sorry.” James looked down with a tiny smile. “I’m just trying to understand why are you helping me.”
She gave him a half smile. “You rather I let you bleed to death? That can be arranged.” She looked at him and without waiting for an answer she said. “Excuse me, I have to clean you wound and I’ll need cut shirt to clean the wound.”
“Oh right. Let me just...” James moved on the table he was sitting and cringing he slowly removed his shirt trying not to touch or move his left arm that much. “I think it’s just better to take it off because I think it got a bit of my neck too.”
He moved to show his back to Lily and she saw there were three gashes, one that went from the base of the back of his neck to the tip of his shoulder, the other close to his elbow and a very deep one on his forearm. For Lily despair she noticed that they looked like animal scratches.
“James” Lily took a deep breath “are you sure this was made by the tree right? That wasn’t an animal or anything like that?”
“What? No, no, it wasn’t an animal.”
“Because if it was an animal you have to tell me. Because with we use the wrong potion it will be worse.” Lily looked right into James eyes trying to pass him the seriousness of the situation.
“I promise you, Evans, it was not an animal.” He looked back at her eyes trying to show her that he was telling the truth. He tought he had memorized every detail of Lily`s face by that point but by looking into her eyes he noticed how intensely green her eyes were.
“Okay.” She turned her attention to the wounds and his arm.
They didn’t say anything for some time. But Lily’s curiosity took the best of her.
“Where were you tonight?” She asked.
“I.. hmm I was sleeping walking… like a said. Woke up with that freaking tree throwing me to the ground.” But she noticed how when he said that he looked down to his lap.
“Fine. You don’t need to tell me the truth. But if you were putting yourself in danger by trying to be a good friend please don’t do that again.”
He looked up at her. They looked at each other for a few seconds and Lily wanting to make sure he was receiving the message completed said: “Imagine how Remus would few if he hurt you.” With that James confirmed his suspicions: Lily knew about Remus.
“You know.” he said, it was not a question.
“I know.” Lily confirmed
“How? When? Does he know you know?”
“We never openly talked about it but I think he knows I know.”
“How? Since When?” Repeated James.
“I had my suspicions since our third year. But I was only sure about it last year when I could no longer ignore the facts.”
“Snape told you?”
“What? No! Severus knows? How?”
“He saw it, long story, but Dumbledore made him promise not to tell anyone.” James said.
“He never said anything to me. That was one of the reasons I never gave my suspicions a second tought, didn’t want to feed Sev’s obsession. But after spending so much time together during prefects duties it was impossible to ignore so I figured I was right and started covering up for him.” Lily explained.
“You don`t mind?” Lily looked confused so he continued “that he’s a...”
“No” Lily cut him off, sounding a bit offended “I like people for their character not for their blood status.”
“I didn’t mean... of course not. I just... I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that” James looked down a bit ashamed for being so surprise that Lily would be okay with it.
“It’s okay. It’s just... I always liked Remus, he has always been a friend and I’m a muggle born so I don’t really understand where wizards prejudice against werewolves comes from. It’s not like anyone would choose that.” She started to clean his wound. “Let me clean that while we wait for the potion to chill.” She finished cleaning his arm in silence put the dirty cottons aside, turned on her back to lean into the table James was sitting. “So how long have you know?” James hesitated, Lily felt like she had cross over some line but wasn’t sure how. “Sorry you don’t need to answer that.”
“It’s not that.” James said. “It’s just weird to talk about it with anyone outside our bubble.”
“I get it you don’t need to say anything. Look I think the potion it’s fine now, it won’t burn your arm.” Lily said putting her finger on the caldron and started applying the potion on his injured arm, making him flinch a bit.
“We’ve known since our first year. It’s impossible not to notice certain things when you share a dorm. Remus was so relieved when we told him we knew and did not care about it.” He took a deep breath and continued. “We just want to make things easier for him. We are not putting ourselves in danger. We just like to be there when it’s over, give him company until Madam Pomfrey comes to collect him.” He finished and actually felt relieved to have told her the truth. Lily was looking at him like she had never seen his face before. He misunderstood the look. “Please, Evans, don’t tell anyone that. I promise we are not in danger. We just want Remus to see some familiar faces when all is over. Please, Lily, don’t tell anyone.” The despair on the boy face was such that Lily, who had a lot of questions about the logistics of the whole thing nodded and said “Don’t worry. I won’t say a thing. Like I said, I like Remus.” She said with the last part with a smile. “Just promise me the worst that can happen is being attacked by the Whomping Willow”
“I promise” James said but Lily notice he looked down to his lap when he said that.
They sat quiet for a moment, Lily applying the potion carefully on his arm, then James remembered something. “I haven`t thank you.” He said. “Oh… don`t worry about that-“ Lily tried to say but James cut her off. “Thank you, Evans. Truly, I appreciate it more than you know.” He finish and noticed she had gone a lovely shade of pink.
He also figured that, since her was alone with her and that did not happen very often, it was the perfect moment to do something Remus told him to do weeks ago. “Also, I believe I owe you an apologize.” James said making Lily look quite confused.
“What for? May I ask?”
“Well, mainly for being a prick to you. It has been brought to my attention that the way I handled my crush on you wasn`t the most chivalries.” He said with an ironic smile. “In my defense I was stupid and was trying to make you notice me in any way I could. Anyway… I am sorry and I won`t treat like that again.” Lily had stopped working on his arm and was looking at him like he had grown a second head. “What is it? What`s wrong?”He asked when he saw the look on her face.
“Nothing. I… just… Well, I`m impressed.” She said and with a smile on her face she continued. “I mean, James Potter apologizing… Wow… That`s not something you see very often.” Lily gave a small chuckle.
“Oh shut up, Evans.” He said smiling and chuckled along with her.
“No, but seriously, why are you apologizing? What...” She stopped talking not knowing how to ask that in a nice way.
“What made me grow out of my big head?” He continued her question for her, smiling. “Well, mostly, Remus. But I`m not really sure what made me finally listen to him.”
“Remind me of thanking him sometime.” Lily said. “Jokes aside, I noticed you matured a lot since last term, and I don`t mean just the whole harassing me thing.”
“Harassing is a really strong word…” James said timidly.
“You know what I mean. Anyway, you haven`t been bullying anyone just for fun anymore and I swear I saw you telling off a couple of first years for trying dueling each other. In all I`m just really glad that I can be around you without wanting to hex your head off.” She finished.
“I`m very glad about that too.” James said smiling. “And I really am sorry for the harassing thing.”
“No worries, Potter.” Said Lily while wrapping his arm on bandages.
“So… Friends?” He asked with a shy crooked smile.
“Friends.” She confirmed, finishing wrapping his arm and standing a hand to shake his.
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darisu-chan · 4 years
Kaien vs Ichigo: A Memories in the Rain Analysis, Part 1
It’s me again, back with my bs lmao
I finally finished the mini arc of Memories in the Rain pt. 2 and, as I’ve been sort of discussing certain stuff that’s happened in Bleach as I re-read the chapters, I decided I needed to talk about MITR as a whole. If you’ve been following my posts, I didn’t really analyze the first part. I saved it to compare it with the second part. I also thought that instead of just saying my thoughts as I have been doing thus far, I’d go the extra mile and truly analyze both parts, specifically comparing Kaien and Ichigo.
So, sometime ago, I wrote this post about how it bothers me how people compare Kaien and Ichigo as being the same, and using that to establish IchiRuki. When, honestly, you don’t need to. Ichigo and Rukia’s relationship stands on its own. In fact, it is so strong that, years after the ending, people keep being fascinated by IR. The LA was centered on their relationship as well. And it’s still the Ichigo and Rukia show, thank you very much.
And though I made some good points in that post, I decided to further explore Kaien and Ichigo, as well as the events of both MITR and how that relates to Ichigo and Rukia.
It’s probably been done many times before, but I’ve never analyzed them in much depth, so here we go.
The first part will soley be about Ichigo and Kaien as individuals. On the second part, I’ll finally explore MITR
1. The Shiba Gene
So, as we all know, Ichigo and Kaien look like each other physically, and in Everything But the Rain we finally found out the reason why: they are cousins. This put a stop to all the “Ichigo is Kaien reborn” theories people liked to come up with back in the day.
Now, in the story, this resemblance was pointed out by Byakuya and even Ukitake, to an extent. Which means Kaien was designed to look like Ichigo on purpose to further draw parallels between them. What I mean to say is that this is a seed that was planted in the readers’ minds, and as such, comparing both guys was done on purpose.
Interestingly enough, neither Kukaku nor Ganju are ever seen to believe Ichigo looks like their older brother.
In EBTR we see Isshin as a young man, and we can see how Isshin, Ichigo and Kaien resemble each other, meaning the Shiba gene is a strong one, and, if Ichigo had actually stayed in SS, that same resemblance could have been used as a way for him to claim that part of his heritage, but I digress.
We are all aware they look like each other because they are family, so we don’t need to go deep into detail in that aspect. Now the true question is, just how similar are they to each other?
Physically speaking, there are a few noticable differences, like hair and eye color. Kaien’s hair is longer and there’s the fact Kaien has very long eyelashes, as Kukaku and Ganju have. He’s also taller.
Although key differences, they are not enough to negate their similarities. Hell, Ichigo does look more similar to Kaien than Ganju, his actual brother.
But there’s something very important that sets them apart: Kaien always carries himself as if he didn’t have a care in the world. When we’ve seen Kaien, he’s always able to smile freely. Sure, he also scowls, gets upset, and the like, but he goes back to smiling. This is something Ichigo hasn’t been able to do since his mother died. Hell, there’s a whole chapter about that (Can’t Smile Don’t Blame). There are very few times in which Ichigo actually smiles, and all of them are short-lived. In fact, whenever he’s tried to give big smiles, they seem off, as seen when he smiled to Orihime back at the beginning of MITR and later on, in the Lost Agent Arc, when he smiled at Yuzu. 
Even when Rukia has a flashback of Kaien while looking at Ichigo, their smiles look very different:
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Ichigo more often than not smiles through his eyes, while Kaien tends to smile with his eyes closed:
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Although brash and arrogant as well, Kaien is also more mature. He can go from joking around to having deep conversations with Rukia. Ichigo, as a teenager, has yet to mature and will become more and more like a grown up as time passes by. At this point in the manga, he really isn’t there yet. Now, this will be important later on.
In short, even though they look very similar, they carry themselves with different auras. Kaien is more of a free-spirit, while Ichigo is a person who seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
2. Prodigies
Ichigo, as the MC of a shounen manga, is obviously special. From the very first moment, we know he’s not like everyone else. He’s able to see spirits, which is not the norm. And then Rukia informs us his reiatsu is too powerful for a normal human.
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And as time goes by, as he keeps fighting hollows, he grows exponentially. 
When Urahara trains him, he realizes that, which is why he tells Yoruichi that if there is someone who can achieve bankai in 3 days, is him.
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As the story goes on, we learn that Ichigo is even more special, as he is also part Quincy and Hollow. But he also has very impressive skills when it comes to swordmanship, shunpo, and the like. 
What is more relevant is Ichigo’s ability to grow at a fast rate, always learning from his mistakes. 
And although he was never taught how to be a Shinigami in the traditional way, we can see how he surpassed his peers.
Now, although Kaien is not as special as Ichigo, we learn from Ganju that, for Shinigami standards, Kaien’s very impressive:
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Hisagi, for example, failed the final exam numerous times. Rukia says she barely passed the entrace exam. Finishing the curriculum in two years is a great achievement. And the fact that he made VC in 5 years means a lot. It took Renji, let’s say, around 35 years to be promoted to VC. And Renji was in the special class at the Academy.
People like Ichigo and Kaien are not the norm. They are very skilled and special individuals. Might be because of their genes (it’s never explicitly said, but they might come from a long line of Shinigami), or just because they were gifted with those powers, but the point is these characteristics set them apart as more powerful than the rest.
3. Brash, Rule-breaking, Arrogant
The words above can be used to describe both Ichigo and Kaien, and that’s certainly Byakuya’s opinion of them.
Kaien and his siblings are not like the nobles we know. They’re certainly very different to Byakuya and the Kuchiki Clan, but they also live very differently than Soi Fon, Omaeda, the Shihouin Clan, and so on. They seem to live more like the common folk than like dignified people. Hence, Byakuya seems very against this sort of attitude, at least early on in Bleach. 
Because of being loud, less refined, brash, and with a penchant of rule-breaking, Kaien seems totally different to other nobles. However, I dare say these characteristics extrapolate what Ukitake meant in this scene:
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Not anyone would be able to go against the whole Soul Society, specially if you are a Shinigami.
Byakuya was certainly not going to do any rule-breaking. As we later find out, he had even promised not to break anymore rules and was going to stick to that promise.
Renji, until confronted by Ichigo, had decided not to go against the SS.
Even Ukitake wasn’t about to start a revolution to save Rukia. It took him seeing Ichigo to decide on what to do.
Basically, only Kaien would have been upfront about his own intentions.
And what we know of Kaien is that he was the sort of guy who would break the rules when necessary. That means, that he would do the right thing. Specially when it comes to saving his peers. He even tells Rukia as much:
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He might not have been the most elegant of individuals, but Kaien’s brashness and even arrogance came from the fact he had a good heart.
Now, who does exactly what Kaien would have done?
That’s right.
Here the comparison of Ukitake trying to imagine what Kaien would have done is directly compared and contrasted to Ichigo, as before that scene Ichigo confronted Byakuya.
Now, Ichigo wasn’t raised as a noble. He had no idea he was one until almost the end of Bleach. But he was raised with the idea of protecting other people and of doing what is right.
We have seen him protect other people, even before he became a Shinigami (his friendship with Chad, Keigo and Mizuiru respectively reflects this, as he saved the three of them). 
Ichigo is not the kind of guy who can just do nothing while an injustice is taking place.
Ichigo has been, from the first moment we saw him, brash, rule-breaking and even arrogant, but note that from his introduction, we saw him protecting a little ghost girl. It goes to show that Ichigo would go to extremes to protect others and do what’s right. So, it’s no surprise he jumps at the chance to go to SS to save Rukia, and that he grows stronger and stronger each time to save her, as he cannot let her die. 
However, there’s a key difference.
If Kaien had been alive, he would have saved Rukia as 1) he would’ve probably figured out an execution was too hard a punishment for Rukia’s crime, 2) he told her he would always stand by her as long as they were from the same division, and 3) he wouldn’t let her just die.
But Ichigo’s reasons to save Rukia are much more complicated than that. As I’ve said in other posts, Ichigo is filled with guilt, as Rukia’s in this position because of him, firstly because she saved him by giving him her own powers to protect his family, and secondly, because Rukia got taken away to protect him as he feels he failed to protect her.
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But, even then, it’s not only guilt that fuels him or the fact that he owes Rukia.
There’s the fact that Rukia is an important person to Ichigo regardless. Particularly, she is kind and good. Certainly not the type of person who deserves to die, much less because of a stupid rule.
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Then, there is something else at a deeper level Ichigo doesn’t say out loud
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My point with this is that Kaien and Ichigo are certainly the same type of rule-breaking people and that’s the sort of person needed to pull a stunt like saving Rukia from execution, in such a way that this person would even inspire others to help. Both guys are special in that way. However, in practice their actions come from different places. Certainly there’s a closeness Ichigo shares with Rukia due to circumstances that adds more complexity to his intent to save her and that, may I add, also fuels him to such a degree he refuses to lose. 
Which brings us to...
4. Rukia
The last main common denominator between them is no one else but Rukia, a person they both have inspired in different ways. However, the type of relationship they have with her is different.
Let’s start with Kaien:
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So, their meeting takes place shortly after Rukia was adopted into the Kuchiki Clan and graduated early from the Academy. Ever since, it seems she was judged for both not really being from a noble family and from having been adopted by one. We can say that no one is looking at who Rukia truly is, but they are making assumptions about her at this point. This is isolating to Rukia, who now has to deal with a new identity and a new way of living. She’s now apart from the one person she had known most of her life to that point (Renji) and is feeling out of place.
Then, Kaien swoops in and he treats her like he would treat any other subordinate. He doesn’t treat her like a street rat, a pampered noble or even a pet. And she says it herself that having that normality is exactly what she needed. Rukia didn’t feel comfortable at home with Byakuya, but she could at least feel more at ease in her division, working under Kaien.
Their relationship was that of mentor and mentee. Later on we find out Kaien trained her in swordsmanship and probably other skills. 
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But he also taught her important lessons about life:
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And these are lessons Rukia will carry in her heart the whole series. Protecting others, making others feel welcomed, forming hearts with others. Rukia made hers everything that Kaien taught her. 
He’s very special in her life because Kaien was the first person to make her feel as if she belonged in her division, and even as a Shinigami.
In short, he’s acting like a parental influential, or even being the brother Byakuya failed to be at this point in time. Teaching Rukia and accepting her, so that she could feel she had a place she belonged to.
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And we know that Kaien was the one to make her feel good
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But here we have a power imbalance. Because Kaien is doing the teaching, he’s changing her life, but we don’t know if it’s mutual. We don’t know if Kaien was affected by Rukia’s actions and words. It’s a very unilateral situation.
Furthermore, if we go with the route of Rukia had a crush on Kaien, there’s more power imbalance and impossibilities, as we know that:
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She already couldn’t be the person closest to Kaien, as Miyako existed. 
Rukia recognized Miyako as having great qualities, probably what Kaien even liked about her, and aspired to be like her:
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So, Kaien and Rukia were never in a position of equality for several reasons, starting from the fact Kaien was her vice captain.
This is even exemplified when the find the hollow that killed Miyako:
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Rukia acts like a subordinate, trying to be helpful, and is denied:
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Finally, there’s a key aspect that I will be analyzing with more detail in another post, but Kaien is for Rukia what Masaki is for Ichigo:
The root of her trauma is that she failed to protect Kaien, who was the person who taught her so much and helped her when nobody else did. Rukia feels as if she didn’t do anything to save him from his fate:
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And when Kaien became a hollow, instead of running or trying to help him, Rukia let instinct take in and we know what happens next:
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And the fact she couldn’t save him is worse becase Kaien doesn’t blame her:
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So Rukia ends up in a state of guilt, because she couldn’t save the one person she probably wanted to save the most.
This trauma will continue on for some time until HM, where Rukia comes to terms with what happened. However, that doesn’t change the fact that her relationship remains a one-way street.
Now, as for with Ichigo, they have a different relationship altogether. 
It is true that Rukia was Ichigo’s first teacher when it comes to Shinigami stuff, but it is not as if he never taught Rukia anything.
Their relationship is so special because they’re two sides of the same coin. The fact that one is a Shinigami and the other is a human being makes it so that they end in a relationship of equals. As Ichigo needs to learn how to be a Shinigami, Rukia has to learn how to be a human.
Even when they just tell each other their names, the panel demonstrates this equality
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Even the way they’re both holding the sword symbolizes this equality:
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They’re both holding it and directing it towards Ichigo due to a common goal.
The fact they also call each other by their first names is important. Rukia always used “-dono” to refer to Kaien, a term of respect, while he called her by her last name. Meanwhile, Ichigo and Rukia call each other by their first names, symbolizing they’re close, something that is even pointed out within the story.
They also grow together.
Not only does Rukia teach Ichigo about his powers and her philosophy of saving others, Ichigo keeps surprising her at every turn:
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Ichigo teaches Rukia how to be human, and not in the way of how to appear human or do human things, but how to feel, how to make connections with others
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We always say Rukia changed Ichigo’s world, but he had that same effect in her:
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It was always a mutual thing.
A relationship so different to any other in this manga.
But the best example of how different Kaien and Ichigo’s relationships with Rukia are is the fact that Rukia doesn’t think Ichigo is like Kaien from the get go.
She’s reminded of Kaien twice:
1. When Ichigo’s fighting Grandfisher, and I’ll analyze that part in the next post.
2. When Ichigo finally appears in front of her in SS and reassures her he’s not going to die. He smiles at her and Rukia remembers Kaien’s smile. She closes her eyes due to all the emotions she’s feeling.
My best explanation as to why Rukia thinks of Kaien in that moment is, as I said before, because Kaien was also reassuring in the fact he was not gonna die, yet he did and by her hand. Rukia doesn’t want to cause Ichigo’s death and she already feels guilty about turning him into a Shinigami, Byakuya hurting him, and everything else he’s gone through to try to save her. Rukia doesn’t want Ichigo to be like Kaien and die for her sake, as she believes she’s not worthy of being saved:
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This is yet another thing Ichigo and Rukia have in common, they both feel guilty for having in some way cause harm to the other. 
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Because, above all else, they both want to protect the other.
The thing is, the two actually achieve it: Rukia saves Ichigo’s life in the first chapter and when Byakuya is about to kill him. While Ichigo ends up saving her from execution, making it so their relationship stays equal.
That is the beauty of IchiRuki.
It’s never unilateral, but their feelings parallel each other’s constantly.
They want to save each other and they do.
They learn from one another, and they have faith in one another.
One doesn’t take while the other receive, they both give and receive something in return.
Because, in their eyes, they are equals.
This is the end of this very long post.
The rest of MITR will be analyzed in a later post.
Thanks for reading!
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Love Backwards | Billy Mitman
smut requested requests info wanna be on a Timmy taglist? click here
fair warning: it’s been a while since I’ve seen this movie so I’m sorry if I get little details wrong. like which room everyone was in or something like that, I’m trying my best :( xx
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You honestly didn’t know why he constantly drooled over her, she was your teacher for goodness sakes. You knew it would only get worse as soon as the trip started, his eyes never left Miss Stevens for longer than 3 seconds. You hated admitting you were jealous of her but you were. Living next to Billy, and being his best friend since as long as you can remember means that you know everything about him. Even the stuff he didn’t tell you, like his huge, annoying crush on Miss Stevens. What you hated admitting even more than that was that you had a huge, annoying crush on Billy. You saw his eyes on her as you sat squashed between Margot and Sam, and your heart ached. Miss Stevens could never give him what he wanted, she could never feel for him the way he feels for her. The part that hurts the most is that he’s never even looked at you the way he looks at her, and you know him way better than she ever will. You rested your head back against the seat as everyone talked and enjoyed the ride, but you couldn’t stop the sick turning of your gut every time you heard him laugh. 
You had known Billy forever, and he’d always been there for you if you ever needed him. He always ate lunch with you, studied with you and would often sneak into your backyard and throw rocks at your window until you went outside to hang out with him. Over time the two of you grew close, and you’d easily say he’s your best friend. You thought that’s what he would always be to you, but them something changed the day he told you about Miss Stevens. He gushed about her, the way she spoke, the way she looked, he even told you how much he liked her perfume. You didn’t expect the stabbing pain in your heart that started when he kept talking about her, or the turning in your gut as you watched his eyes light up. As you listened to him tell you about how much he admired her, you had to fight back the tears burning behind your eyes. You had to bite your lip to keep from letting out a cry. You always knew you cared about Billy, but you didn’t know how much until you had to share his attention with another woman. A more mature, prettier, smarter, far more interesting woman. That’s when you knew that you wanted him to be more than just your best friend. 
When you finally arrived at the hotel, you couldn’t get out of that car fast enough. Miss Stevens had placed you and Margot in one room, and the boys across the hall. You watched Billy’s eyes trail after Miss Stevens as the 4 of you followed her into the hotel. She stood in line to check in and Margot and Sam huddled together to talk about whatever they talk about. Feeling someone bump your shoulder you can’t fight the smile that eases across your face when you see Billy leaning against the counter next to you. “You were quiet on the way over.” He says, eyeing you. You shrug as you tighten your ponytail, rubbing your hands over your arms as goosebumps rise. “Headache.” You lie, and you can only hope he believes you. Billy raises his eyebrows as he looks down at you, “what’s wrong?” He asks, his voice soft and his eyes boring into yours. Billy has a way of making people feel safe around him and when he looks at you with those big green eyes, you’d feel comfortable telling him anything. You’ve managed to keep your feelings for Billy a secret, and you don’t plan on changing that now. “Nothing, really.” You insist with a smile but with the way he’s looking down at you, you know he doesn’t believe you. Miss Stevens waves everyone over, and you let out a nervous breath as you quickly scurry away from Billy. 
You spent most of the afternoon in your room that you shared with Margot, but you couldn’t get Billy out of your head as you stared up at the ceiling. You tried not to think about him, about where he was or what he was thinking about. Who he was thinking about. You rolled over onto your side, you know sooner or later you’ll have to tell him how you feel. He knows something is bothering you and the longer you postpone telling him the more he’s going to bother you about it. You were just happy to be alone, Margot was out with Sam somewhere and you can only hope that Billy won’t come by. You know he probably will though, and you also know that as soon as you tell him it’s going to destroy your friendship. You don’t want to lose him, but you can’t hurt like this all the time. You can’t keep watching him yearn for her, while you yearn for him. Why wouldn’t he have a crush on Miss Stevens? She’s perfect, she’s beautiful, she’s better then you could ever be. You can tell he’s completely enamored by her, and you know sooner or later she’s going to give in. Billy has this adorable boyish charm that’s damn near impossible to resist, you’ve tried. You feel tears pushing at the backs of your eyes when you hear frantic knocking on the door. You consider telling whoever it is to go away, but the knocking continues so you stand. 
When you open the door, Billy pushes into your room and he looks upset. You let the door close as you subtly wipe away the tears from under your eyes as he storms into the room. “She made me leave, I was trying to help her and she made me leave.” Billy said, his voice tense as you slowly sit on the bed. He rolled his eyes, and you could tell that whatever happened really hurt him. “She was sad Y/N. Miss Stevens was sad and I tried to make it better, I held her and for a moment I saw something in her eyes and then she just kicked me out!” He sighed, exasperated as he sat on the edge of the bed next to you. He held her? Your heart feels like it’s being crushed in your chest as you turn your head away from him. He has his elbows resting on his knees, and he hasn’t yet seen that you’re upset. “What did I do wrong?” Billy asked, and it broke your heart by how sad his voice sounded. When he doesn’t hear you respond he turns his head to look at you, and he notices your shoulders shaking slightly. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asks, concern in his voice as he wraps his arms around you. The arms that were just wrapped around Miss Stevens. You shake your head and wipe away your tears, “nothing I’m fine. S-So what happened next?” You ask him, trying to change the subject but he shakes his head. 
“No, tell me what’s wrong.” He said, turning you by the shoulders to look at him. When your teary eyes look up at his, he feels like his chest has been crushed by a cinder block. “It doesn’t matter. It won’t change anything.” You cry softly, pulling your knees up to your chest. Billy turns his body to look at you, his hands holding your arms. “It matters to me, just tell me. You know you can tell me anything.” He says, his voice soft and reassuring. You try to swallow your tears as you look into his eyes, those big green eyes that you have grown to love so much. You can’t keep this in anymore. “I like you Billy, more than just as a friend and it kills me every time I hear you talk about Miss Stevens. I know how you feel about her and it just reminds me I’m not her. Now can you please just leave?” You ask and you see his face fall. You pull away from him and stand from the bed, “wait what?” He says, confusion on his face as he stands to approach you. You feel tears building again as you begin to push Billy to the door, “no just- just hold on.” He protests, keeping his hands on your shoulders but you’re not listening to him. “Don’t do this, not you. Please don’t make me leave.” Billy begs and it kills you to hurt him but you cant bear being near him another second. You push him through the door when he catches your hand, “Y/N just wait a second-” He starts but you close the door and collapse against it, tears flowing down your cheeks. 
Billy begins to pound on the door and you drop your head to your knees. “I’m not leaving until you let me in.” He says through the door, still knocking on it and what worries you is that you know he means that. Billy was partially expecting Miss Stevens to kick him out, it still hurt but he wasn’t surprised. But you? Never in a million years did he see this coming, he never thought you’d kick him out too. Billy kind of guessed you might have a thing for him, and he’d be lying to himself if he said his heart didn’t race a little faster whenever you were around. “Please just let me in. I want to talk about this.” Billy says again, resting his forehead against the door. He can hear your soft crying through the door and it breaks his heart. “You’re right about Miss Stevens okay? But there’s more that you don’t know and I’m not gonna say it through this door.” He says, still knocking when he hears your soft crying stop. He hears shuffling around before the door is slowly being opened, and your gaze doesn’t meet his as he moves back into the hotel room. You stand a few feet away from him, your arms hugging yourself as you wear a blue sweater you stole from him a few weeks ago. 
“Look, you’re right about Miss Stevens. I do kind of have a crush on her, but that pales in comparison to the way you make me feel.” Billy says softly and your gaze snaps up to his, your heart beginning to race. You nibble on your lower lip as he takes slow steps towards you, a cautious and slightly scared expression on his face. “I guess I didn’t realize how I felt until you said it first because as soon as you did, it’s like fireworks went off in my head. I like you Y/N, way more than just as a friend.” He says softly and you look up at him. It’s only just now that you realize how close he is to you, his chest nearly brushing against yours as he looks down at you. “Do you mean that? I’m not as pretty as Miss Stevens.” You say softly, looking down as tears build in your eyes again. Billy reaches up and hooks a finger under your chin before lifting your head to look at him. His eyes search yours, almost as though he’s looking for the right words. Eventually he presses his lips to yours, and the kiss is soft and you melt against him. Your lips move against his as his hands move up to cup your cheeks. Billy pulls away from you, his forehead pressing against yours. “You’re so much prettier than Miss Stevens. You get me in a way nobody else does.” Billy whispers before he presses his lips to yours again. Your eyes flutter shut as his hands land on your hips, and he begins to gently walk you backwards. 
Your knees hit the bed and you fall backwards, with him hovering over you. His lips still move slowly, and languidly against yours and your hands curl around his shoulders. You pull away, unable to ignore the throbbing between your legs as you look up at him. “Billy?” You ask nervously, your voice shaky as you bite on your lower lip. Billy’s lips trail down your cheeks towards your neck, “hm?” He hums against your skin and the way he’s kissing you makes it hard to think. “I uh- I want to go all the way.” You mumble, your cheeks on fire as you feel him freeze. Billy slowly pulls away from you to look in your eyes, and you see the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles. He brushes hair away from your face, “you mean like...sex?” He asks and the awkwardness between the two of you is enough to clear a room of socially anxious people. You nod hesitantly, your eyes not leaving his and you swear your heart is about to stop in your chest. Billy presses a kiss to your forehead before pulling away from you and heading for the door. Your heart drops as you lean up on your elbows, did you scare him? When his hand reaches for the door nob you speak, “Billy no I’m sorry-” but you’re cut off by the sound of the bolt turning. His hand then reaches up to lock the door with the chain before he turns to face you. 
“Don’t want Margot walking in.” He smiles and you feel a smile creep onto your face before the nerves kick in. Billy slowly moves towards you again and hovers over you on the bed, pressing his lips against yours for a sweet kiss. “Have you ever...?” He asks, his voice trailing off and he’s honestly a little scared for your answer. He doesn’t want to imagine how angry he’d be upon learning another man has gotten to touch your body. But thankfully, you shake your head. “No, have you?” You ask him as he nuzzles his nose against yours to try and ease your nerves. Billy’s cheeks turn rosy as he too shakes his head, “no.” He says softly before pressing his lips against yours again. His lips feel soft like flower petals against yours as his hands ghost up your sides. He reaches for the hem of your shirt and you lean forward slightly to help him slide it over your head. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Billy admits and you giggle as you keep your hands on his shoulders. His eyes immediately land on your breasts, still covered mostly by your bra. “Me neither.” You tell him as you kiss him again. Billy’s hand slide around your back, reaching for the clasp of your bra. “May I?” He asks against your lips and your cheeks warm at his consideration. You bury your face in his neck, trying to keep the nerves at bay. “Yeah.” You whisper softly and slowly he’s pulling it off your body. 
Nobody has ever seen you naked, and you feel so nauseous you could throw up. Billy kisses your head before gently pushing you to lay back down so he could look at you. His eyes scan over your face first, a fond smile on his face before his eyes trail down to your bare breasts. “Wow,” he breathes, his pupils dilating as his hands squeeze your hips. Your cheeks are a crimson red as you avoid his gaze, “you’re so beautiful.” He whispers and your eyes widen slightly as you feel the nerves begin to fade a little. Shakily you reach down for his hands and bring them up to your chest, “y-you can touch me.” You tell him nervously and you watch him swallow a lump in his throat with a nod. Slowly he brings his hands up to grasp at the underside of your breasts before lowering his head and pressing a kiss to the swell of each one. A soft sigh of pleasure escapes your lips and one of his eyebrows cock up before he presses another kiss to your breast. You feel your core heating up and pulsing as you moan softly. Billy presses kisses to your breast, slowly approaching your nipple before he takes the hardened nub into his mouth. Your back fully arches off the bed, a strained gasp leaving your lips as his tongue flicks over your nipple. He keeps his eyes locked on yours as he gently bites down on your nipple and you immediately grab his hand and bring it to your other nipple. 
Your entire body is tingling as he pinches your other nipple while still sucking one into his mouth. Your back arches against him as you feel your body gently come undone as you tremble and he pulls away from you. “Did you just cum?” Billy asks with a smile and you almost feel embarrassed that it was so easy for him to make you cum. “You’re so cute baby.” He says and your entire body warms at the pet name as he presses a kiss to your temple. You slowly reach for the hem of his white t-shirt and Billy helps you pull it over his head. Your fingers trail down his exposed chest, slowly reaching for the button of his jeans. Billy smiles warmly as he stands, undoing his jeans and kicking them to the floor leaving him in nothing but his tight boxer briefs. You see his bulge pressing against his boxers and the sight of it makes you squirm. Billy presses kisses around your navel as he reaches for the waistband of your sleep shorts before slowly pulling them down your legs. You feel your nerves returning as he pulls away from you, his hands resting on your hips as he eyes your cotton-candy pink panties. “Fuck baby,” he says under his breath as his thumbs massage your inner thighs, slowly driving you crazy. Billy hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your panties before looking up at you, “still wanna do this? It’s okay if you change your mind.” He reassures you. 
You reach down to comb your fingers through his hair, “I still wanna do this.” You whisper and he smiles, pressing a kiss to your hipbone as he swiftly pulls your panties down your legs. His eyes immediately lock onto your wet pussy, a soft groan escaping his lips. Now you’re completely exposed to him, and you expected yourself to be more nervous about it then you are. It just feels...natural. Like you two were supposed to be together. Billy reaches down to the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a condom, and your eyebrows raise. “Who did you bring that for? Miss Stevens?” You ask and he chuckles at your obvious jealousy as he stands. Billy reaches for the waistband of his boxers, “no baby. I just like to be prepared for anything.” He says with a wink before pulling his boxers down. While he tries to play it off cool, you can see the blush creeping up his neck as you gape at his cock. Billy tears open the condom wrapper and rolls the condom on while you wonder how his dick is going to fit inside you. It’s so big. Billy then spits on his cock and wets it before leaning over you, his tip gently pressed against your lips. “You know what? I think I love you.” He says as he looks in your eyes and it feels like your heart is going to explode in your chest. “Billy, I love you too.” You whisper and he presses a kiss to your cheek before reaching down to line himself up. 
“Ready?” He asks, his lips brushing against yours. You wind your arms around him and nod, “yeah.” You tell him softly and then he’s slowly pushing into you. A sharp cry of pain begins to erupt from your lips but Billy swallows the sound with his lips as he kisses you. Billy slowly presses into you and the painful stretching brings tears to your eyes as you pull Billy towards you and hold him tightly. “You okay?” He asks breathless, your tight pussy around him is making him lightheaded. Billy’s pressed a little more than his tip into you and you didn’t expect it to hurt so much. “Y-Yeah.” You whimper, your tears wetting his bare shoulder. Billy brings a hand up to cup your cheek, a look of concern on his face as he looks down at you. “Baby we can stop.” He says, getting ready to pull out but you place a hand on the back of his hip and gently pull. “No, I don’t want to stop.” You whisper, and he brings one hand up to lace with yours. Billy presses his forehead against yours and holds your hand tightly as he continues to work himself into your tightness. You whimper softly in pain but Billy whispers soft words of encouragement to you before he hits your hymen. “This is going to hurt okay?” He whispers, and you nod while squeezing his hand tightly. 
In one swift, languid movement, Billy pushes through your hymen and slides the rest of the way in and you cry out against his shoulder, the burning pain feeling like it’s going to consume you. “Jesus you feel so good.” He whispers, his face in your neck as he uses all of his self control to stay still until you’re ready. Billy sits there and waits for your body to get used to the stretch before moving, and you pant against the skin of his shoulder as the pain slowly lessens. “Please move, s-slowly.” You stammer and Billy nods, his hand still holding yours as he very slowly begins to pull out. Once he’s halfway out, he slides back in and stars burst behind your eyes as a soft moan of pleasure leaves your lips. “Did that feel good?” Billy groans softly, he wants to make sure you feel as good as he does. You nod quickly as he slowly pulls out again, “yes it felt so good. Please don’t stop Billy.” You beg as he continues his slow strokes, going nice and deep every time he pushes back into you. You feel heat simmering in your veins as Billy fucks you slowly and sensually, and you wrap your arms around him and pull his chest flush against yours. “I love you.” You whisper and you hear him groan softly as he thrusts gently into you. He leans up to press a kiss to your lips, “I love you too.” He whispers against your lips just as you feel the heat building in your lower belly. When Billy reaches down to touch your clit, mostly because he wasn’t sure what it was, you squeezed around him and came suddenly. Feeling you clench around him pushed him over the edge and he came into the condom. 
He rests his forehead against yours for a second before pulling out of you, causing you to wince as he does. Billy throws the condom away before moving back to lay next to you in bed. He pulls the blankets over you both before reaching over and pulling you into his chest. “Was that good?” He asked and you can hear the nervousness in his voice as he holds you tightly. You press a kiss to his chest, “that was wonderful.” You smile and you feel him relax as he rests a cheek against your head. “Does it hurt?” He asks you and you feel a slight throbbing between your legs. You snuggle into him, your hand finding his under the blankets. “A little, but it’s worth it.” Neither of you say anything after that, just enjoying the feeling of your bare skin pressed together, and the steady beating of your hearts. 
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baseballbitch116 · 4 years
Fate - part 2
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x reader
Setting: Narnia: Prince Caspian (2nd movie)
Request: Could you do a Peter Pevensie x reader where he and the reader (who is very calm) are already adults and rule Narnia beside his siblings?
Word Count: 1788
Warnings: Mentions of war/violence, angst
A/N: In the first movie Peter was supposed to be 13, which I think is insane, so I’m just saying that he was 16 in the first and 18 in the second. I also excluded the end of the first movie where they stay and rule like fifteen years - in this they went back home a month after being crowned. For the sake of this prompt, the same amount of time passes in Narnia as it does in the real world.
First part
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The last thing that had been on Peter’s mind when he stumbled into Narnia the first time was to fall for someone. He had been entirely focused on protecting his siblings, finding Edmund, returning home. When he met you for the first time at Aslan’s camp, he quite literally felt something change inside of him. Suddenly, he wanted to protect Narnia. He wanted to protect you, your home. He felt a loyalty forming for this land.
In the short number of weeks that he spent with you, he felt himself falling for you more each passing moment. You had this connection - like he was being pulled to you. He tried hard to push his evolving feelings for you to the side, but quickly realized it was impossible. He couldn’t stay away from you - he didn’t want to.
He and his siblings were crowned kings and queens of Narnia after the battle was won. You sat right in the front, proud tears glimmering in your eyes as Aslan pronounced him. You knew in your heart that he may not stay - so you made the most of your time with him. You had grown to care very much for his siblings as well, so when they did leave - you were crushed. They stayed for one month after they were crowned. One glorious month. You had become Peter’s girl, an unspoken agreement you had known from the first time you laid eyes on him.
In the time that you spent together, you would have late nights talking among yourselves, growing closer to one another. You formed a bond that would last a lifetime, in only a handful of weeks. When he held you in his arms, you would try to memorize the feeling. How his thumb would brush against your skin, his chin would rest on the top of your head. His scent, his warmth.
Eventually, Peter informed you that they had no intention of returning home. He told you that Narnia had become his home, and that he would not leave. So when he never returned home after going out into the woods with his siblings, you were crushed. At first you had thought that he was abducted or hurt, but eventually Mr Tomas informed you that he had seen them stumble back into the brush where they originally arrived from. They left... He left you. He didn’t even say goodbye. He told you he would stay and then he disappeared without a word.
It was rough for you after they left. Aslan had gone almost immediately following their ceremony - it felt like everyone you had grown to care for left for somewhere unknown. You returned to your duties and tried to forget about them, but they were always in the back of your mind.
Two years passed, life had gone on. You lost hope at ever seeing Peter or his siblings against about six months after they had left. You hoped that he would regret it and come back, but he never did. You felt foolish - he would never leave his home and family for a girl he barely knew...
Narnia suffered in their absence, some parts more than others. You had joined a small army that was working to defeat Miraz and Sopespian. You felt yourself becoming more similar to Susan as time went on, your bravery and selflessness shining as you trained for battle. In your heart, you wished that Aslan would return. You wished that High King Peter and his siblings would return to fight for their kingdom. In the nights you would dream of him - his blue eyes, his soft cheeks that you had once caressed. You’d dream that he would appear on the battlefield on his white horse, sword held high as he stormed into battle beside you.
In these dreams, you could feel his arms holding you tight like he had once before. You swore you could feel his thumb brushing against your arm like he had before. Your brain tricked you, and God did it hurt when you woke up alone.
You had noticed that Prince Caspian had taken a liking to you, but he respected your boundaries. He had heard of your closeness to King Peter, and he could see it in your eyes - your heart was unobtainable - it belonged to Peter. There were days that you wished you could forget about him, that you could move on - but it was to no avail. No matter who tried to suit you, who flirted with you, no matter who you met - there was no one like him. It was as though he took a piece of your heart with him.
The day had started like most others had recently. You awoke at dawn, eating a short breakfast before going about preparing for battle and looking for recruits. You had Caspian help you learn to sword fight better, which was what you were doing at this moment. You had your sword drawn high, your armor weighing you down as you listened to Caspian’s instructions, mimicking his movements. You had only used a sword a handful of times over the years as it was not your primary weapon.
Peter had shown you once before, mostly in fun after the battle. He had you hold his large sword as he stood behind you, one arm placed over yours holding the sword - guiding your motions - as his other moved your body. He was a natural, surely because of his destiny to be king - but his tips stuck with you throughout the years. You followed the words of Caspian, as well as Peter’s in your head.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Caspian’s voice draws you out of your thoughts. Nodding your head, you readjust your stance, pushing the thoughts of Peter out of your head. You had been thinking about him more than usual over the last two or three days - it was driving you crazy. You figured that it was the familiarity of the battle brewing, but something felt off - you just couldn’t place it.
“Yes, all good.” You respond, your eyes wandering distractedly around the field. This was where they were planning on having the ambush, it seemed a good place. The battle was nearing fast, and you felt unprepared - despite your experience. Fighting beside Aslan and the kings and queens of your country was an honor - it earned you a level of respect from the people, as well.
Caspian strides over to you, your gaze falling back on him as he approaches you, making his way to stand behind you. You allow him to place his hand over yours on the sword, flashbacks of Peter flooding your head as he does so. If you closed your eyes, you could relive the memory. But you forced your head to be clear, listening to his instructions, allowing him to guide the sword in your hand.
Just as things were starting to go more smoothly, you heard someone call out, and then another person. You looked toward the direction of the commotion, spotting a crowd of the army forming around something. Just as you were about to excuse yourself to check out the commotion, you saw the crowd break and people walk through... Humans...
You swore that you were hallucinating as you saw them growing closer. There was no way - no way that they were really here. You blinked rapidly and turned to see Caspian’s face, wondering if he was as astonished as you were. Was he seeing them too?
“Y/N!” Lucy calls out, bee-lining toward you. Tears well up in your eyes as you realize that this is real. You drop your hand from the sword and run toward the younger girl, allowing her to throw herself into your arms. She hugs you tightly as you watch her older siblings making their way toward you. She pulls back and you get a good look at her, noting how she looked a lot older and taller.
“Look at you! My Queen, you’re so grown up!” You exclaim, curtsying at her, to which she returns the gesture, a large grin plastered on her face. You raise your head and your eyes immediately fall on him... Standing merely yards away from you, there he stood. He looked the same, but so different in his own way. His face looked harder, more matured - but still like himself. He was definitely a little taller, and his shoulders were broader. But it was Peter...
His eyes left yours to look behind you, and you followed his gaze. Caspian stood a step behind you, sword in hand, a baffled look on his face. “This... Is them?” He mutters close to your ear - something that does not go unnoticed by Peter. You cannot bring yourself to answer as you take him in, astonished that he came back.
“Peter...” It is all you can manage to say. He starts striding toward you and you feel your legs carrying you in his direction, throwing yourself into his arms without any say in your actions. His warmth envelopes you as you bury yourself in his chest, his arms squeezing the broken pieces of you back together. “Bloody hell I’ve missed you.” His deep voice mutters in your ear as one of his large hands running through your hair.
You pull back just enough to look up at his face, taking him in. You place a hand on his cheek, as if to see if he would disappear when you reached out - like he always does in your dreams.
“You came back...” You mumble, your thumb brushing against his soft skin. He nods under your touch, placing his hand over yours, leaning into it.
“I never meant to leave in the first place... It, it just happened. I couldn’t get back.” He explains. The sincere look in his eye is all it takes to convince you that he was telling the truth. Of course - he would never have left so abruptly.
Edmund clearing his throat a few steps away removes you from your trance and you become aware of your surroundings again - a blush creeping up your face.
“How cute... You know Y/N, Peter hasn’t shut up about you in two whole years.” Susan teases. You grin at her from Peter’s arms, afraid that if you left them that he may disappear.
“And who might you be?” Edmund asks Caspian. Everyone’s attention is directed toward him and you almost feel bad for momentarily forgetting about him. He must feel weird.
“Well, uh, I am Prince Caspian... It is an honor, your highness's.” He introduces himself awkwardly, bowing his head at them. You look up at Peter to see him giving Caspian an odd sort of glare, which confuses you, but you don’t question.
“You are the one that called for us?” Susan asks, to which Caspian nods.
“Yes. Quite honestly, I didn’t think you’d come.” He admits. You weren’t aware that he attempted to summon them back, annoyance rushing through your veins at the secret. Was that why you had been feeling odd the last few days? You wrap your arm around Peter’s torso and lean into him - pushing all of your worries aside for that moment.
The night carried on with a lot of discussion about what they had missed in the last two years, plans of action for the battle, things of those lines. You joined Peter in the cave after the sun set, watching him admire the art on the cave walls. “I can’t believe your back...” You mutter, his head turning to face you, a grin overtakes his features. You slowly approach him and stand by his side, looking up at the art.
“ It... It killed me to have left like that. I tried everything.” He mumbles sadly. You look up into his sincere eyes, giving him a sad tight smile. The last two years had been rough, wondering if he was okay or had forgotten about you. But you now knew that it was not his fault - you believed him.
“You’re here now...” You respond quietly, the aching in your heart feeling dim compared to the wholeness you felt standing beside him once again. You look down for a moment, contemplating your words, before continuing: “I’ve never been able to get over you...” You admit, shy to meet his eye. He doesn’t respond at first, but then he places a finger under your chin, lifting your head to look at him.
He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes fall to your lips momentarily before locking back with your own eyes. You subconsciously lean up toward him and Peter places his other hand on your waist, pulling you in and placing a slow kiss on your lips. Your knees feel weak for him as you lean in closer, closing the space between you.
When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, a small sigh escaping his lips. “So...” He starts, moving back enough to look you in your eye. “Caspian?” He asks, raising an eyebrow curiously at you. You scrunch your face in confusion and tilt your head, silently asking what he meant. “Are you...?” He trails off, and you realize what he is asking. “What? No! absolutely not... Why... Why would you think that?” You ask, caught off guard by his asking if you and Caspian were together.
“When I saw him standing beside you like that... It looked like... I feared that you forgot about me, honestly..” He admits, and you feel your heart sink. You had both been feeling the exact same way about one another all this time...
“No one could ever replace you.” You confide, a shy smile spreading across your lips at your confession.
The battle was difficult and lives were lost, but the Narnians won and peace was once again restored. Caspian was crowned as well and Aslan offered a fresh start for the humans. Some accepted, and a part of you feared that Peter or the others may as well, but they did not. Peter squeezed your hand as he stood beside you, bidding farewell to those who wished to go.
Time went on and Peter was quick to give you a promise ring, swearing that he would never leave you again and that you would become his queen. Susan and Caspian eventually ended up dating and even Edmund began seeing a girl. Lucy and Tomas were reunited and they went on adventures together across Narnia. Aslan left once more but he promised to return and this time it didn’t feel so devastating. The five of them ruled Narnia together and it prospered more than ever before. Two years after their return, Peter proposed to you, and six months after that you were married and pronounced a queen of Narnia. You continued to build their army strong in case it was ever needed again, but times were mostly peaceful.
You couldn’t help but feel like your whole life had been destined for you. You had been in the right place at the right time, and Peter was surely your soulmate. You had been pulled to him from the very beginning and even your time apart could not break the bond that you shared. Even after many years together, your love never faded, and you never again had to live without the love of your life - High King Peter.
Let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist or if I should write more Narnia fics ♥
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