#he doesn't even wait for the dust to settle
flyboytracy · 1 year
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forever-rogue · 5 months
Hello 💌 it's missing Eddie Munson hours here. Can I request a fic where the reader is the new girl in town? New to Hawkins high and accidentally sits at the hellfire table (cause obviously she doesn't know it's reserved 🤭) and gets all flustered once eddie and the members come up and tell her. All cute and fluffy ☺️
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AN | I am weak for this concept!  Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You clutched at your tray nervously, looking around the cafeteria in search of some place to sit. Everyone had paired off as soon as the bell for lunch had rang and you were basically left in the dust. Most of the tables were crowded, and no one was even sparing a look in your direction. Tears pricked at the back of your eyes and threatened to well up, but you swallowed them down and started to look for an open spot. 
After a few moments of trying to make yourself look small you found a few open spots at one of the tables towards the back. With the most miniscule of sighs to yourself you took the seat at the end, and hunched in on yourself, trying to make yourself as invisible as possible. Upon settling in, you reached into your backpack and pulled out the book you were currently reading and dove in. 
It was enough to suck you and before you knew it, you were lost and off in your own little world. But then, you heard a loud throat clear among curious little titters. You startled and snapped your book shut, looking up to find several pairs of wide eyes studying you intently.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to figure out what was going on, “ummm…hello?”
“What are you doing here?” it came out as more curious and probing rather than angry but it caused your heart to thump wildly nonetheless. He looked young and had dark, floppy hair and gangly limbs. 
“I-I couldn’t find anywhere else to sit,” you admitted sheepishly, “and no one was here so I thought it was okay. I’m so sorry-”
“Wait, you’re the new girl, aren’t you?” you turned to the boy with the dark curls under a hat; they all seemed kind but nonetheless it all made you nervous.
“Yes,” you offered them a tight-lipped smile “I’m sorry, it’s just…I’ll go so you can have your table back.”
Standing up, you tried to grab your backpack and throw it over your shoulder in order to leave and run as far away as possible. Mortifying wasn’t enough to cover how you were currently feeling. Before you could get very far, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist and stop you from getting away.
“Stay,” the voice was different from any of the others you'd heard so far, honey sweet and warm. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned around to find another stranger looking at you curiously.
"Uhh…" you were dumbfounded as you looked at the handsome boy standing in front of you. He had dark, wild curls and big brown eyes with a soft smile tugging up the corners. You looked down to where he was still looking onto you and noticed several tattoos peeking out of his shirt, "umm…"
"You're new here, right?" He asked as you nodded dumbly. You were shocked that you hadn't noticed him before - he was so different and unique that he stuck out like a sore thumb, "shit sucks. But seriously, c'mon and sit with us."
"Are you sure?" You allowed yourself to look at the boys; they looked just as shocked as you, "I don't want to intrude."
"I insist," he gave your arm a squeeze before letting go and motioning for you to sit back down. One of the boys gasped lightly as you slowly sank down in the hard plastic shirt. The boy sat down to your right, "hope you don't mind hanging out with the freaks and geeks."
"N-no," you relaxed slightly as everyone sat around as well, "not at all."
"I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson," he held his hand and you shook it, offering your name in response. Your entire face felt like it was on fire as you forced yourself to look away, "welcome to the gang!"
Alright, maybe not everyone in Hawkins was terrible.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After that first afternoon where you met Eddie and his friends, you started to feel more and more comfortable in your school and within yourself. You noticed that Dustin, Mike, and Lucas had seemed floored by how easily Eddie took to you. You didn’t think anything of it, as you had no prior knowledge of any of them to go off of. Nonetheless you appreciated all the kindness that was being thrown your way. 
The next day, however, you weren’t sure if you should just automatically go to their table or wait for further invitation. You’d brought your lunch, brown paper bag crinkled from your anxious twisting, and slowly walked to the table at the back. It hadn’t been lost on you that many people seemed to avoid their table, and a few that did walk back made some nasty comments under their breath. It hurt your heart a little bit because these were the only people that bothered to show you any kindness. 
“Hey,” Eddie’s voice pulled you from your thoughts and you looked at him with a nervous little smile. He cocked his head to the side to the chair on his right, watching as you slipped into the hard plastic, “surprised to see you here again.”
“O-oh,” your cheeks warmed under his warm gaze and you wished you could sink into the ground and melt away, “should I not be here?”
“No, no, no, I just meant…I’m surprised you’re back,” he gestured vaguely to the rest of the cafeteria and you almost squeaked when you noticed the rings on his hand. They suited him perfectly, “we’re not exactly the most popular crowd around here.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly too popular either,” you shrugged, catching his eye and exchanging a nervous chuckle, “I think you’re the first person to give me the time of day. No one else has even said anything…they all just kind of stare. I feel like a thing more than anything.”
“The people around here…are the worst,” he put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand as he studied you intently, “tell me about you.”
“I don’t think there’s much to tell,” you shrugged sheepishly, popping a few crackers into your mouth in order to have an excuse to remain quiet.
“Everyone’s got a story,” you felt him nudge your knee with his under the table, “what’s yours? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
And that was an offer you couldn’t refuse.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Over the next couple of weeks, you found yourself growing closer to the gang, but more than anything their enigmatic leader. 
It hadn't taken long to figure out the hierarchy of Hawkins High School, and it was easy to figure out that you were on the bottom of the totem pole. Compared to the other kids, seeing how they were and interacted with one another, you had no clue being part of the outcasts. They were the only ones that seemed real and genuine. 
The worst part of it, or the best depending on how you looked at the situation, was Eddie. You were drawn to him, wanting to know more and more about him, which felt dangerous. You already knew that you'd both be graduating in the spring and then leaving, and that he was on 3rd attempt at his senior year. Those two things in and of itself were more than to make you weary.
The rest of it - Eddie - was wonderful and had you feeling a type of way that wasn't possible. You liked his style, his hair, his personality - all of it. The issue was that you had no clue what he thought about you, or how he felt about you, if anything. Maybe he didn't even think about you at all, besides the hour and change he spent with you at lunch and breaks. That idea didn't settle well in your stomach, even though it had no right to. Eddie was just-
"Everything alright?" You almost slammed your locker shut as you startled at the sound of Eddie's voice. You sighed dramatically before turning around and finding him leaning lazily against another locker. He turned to you and offering you a devilish little smile that caused you to roll your eyes, affectionately of course, “what’s wrong, sunshine?”
“Edward,” you drawled out his name and he groaned at the use of his full name, “you can’t go sneaking up on people like that! I could have had a heart attack!”
“So dramatic,” he tutted, reaching over and tucking your hair behind your ear, “if you weren’t so busy daydreaming, you would have heard me calling out your name. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you blurted out way too quickly, and you swore he gave you a knowing little look, “just…stuff and things.”
“Stuff and things,” he echoed in an amused tone as you nodded, your face warming up. Despite the fact that students were all around you, loud and noisy, it suddenly felt like it was only the two of you. He had a way of doing that, you’d learned, making you feel like you were the only thing that existed when he was with you, “very descriptive.”
“I…umm, nothing in particular,” you weren’t about to admit that you’d been daydreaming about him to his face. Not voluntarily anyway. 
“Well, I was wondering if you were free tonight,” your eyes widened in surprise at his question. He laughed - nervously - and ran a hand through his dark curls. It really was such an innocent question, you were absolutely friends by this point, but it felt like it held much more weight.
“Did you need help with homework or Hellfire or…something?” there had to be a logical explanation to all of this. Surely….right? Right?
“No,” wrong. Very wrong.
“Oh…what is it then?” you squeaked at him and he grimaced for a moment. He was definitely nervous.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie and made get pizza or something after?” he was biting the inside of his cheek, finding the dirty laces of his Reeboks so interesting suddenly. Eddie Munson didn’t do dates; he didn’t get asked on them and he didn’t ask anyone else. Usually it was only girls that he dealed to that wanted to hook up, but those were quick, illicit affairs never to be spoken of again. But with you…everything had felt different right from the start.
When you remained silent for a few moments, he started to panic but then you opened and closed your mouth a few times, “j-just the two of us?”
“Like a…date?”
“Yes?” he allowed himself to steal a peek at your face and when he saw nothing but exuberant joy on your face he relaxed, “yes.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip for a moment before slowly nodding in response, your entire face felt like it was on fire, “no one’s ever asked me on a date before.”
“What?!” he turned to you now fully, pure shock and confusion on his face, “you’re not serious!”
“Eddie,” you were laughing now, a beautiful sound that went straight to his heart and often was the soundtrack of his own daydreams, “I’m being serious! No one’s even really looked at me that way.”
“Well, everyone has been so very wrong,” emboldened, he put his hand on your face and gently brushed his thumb over your cheek, “and in a way I’m glad for that because it meant I got to be the first to do it.”
“Hmm,” you hummed softly before gently wrapping your fingers around his wrist, “and to answer your question, yes, I am free. For you, I’m always free.”
“Wow,” you weren’t sure if he was talking to himself or to you, but it was endearing either way, “great - perfect. Umm, can I pick you up at seven?”
“I’ll see you at seven,” you confirmed softly, heart beating so wildly in your chest that you marveled at the fact that it wasn’t bursting through your ribcage, “don’t be late, Edward.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sunshine,” he grinned in response, “see you at seven!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were ready to go well before seven, and ended up nervously pacing around your bedroom. A slew of clothing was on your bed, as you had undergone several outfit changes before finally settling on a simple pink checkered sundress and sandals. You checked over your hair and makeup so many times you were starting to get sick of your own appearance. 
Every time you heard a car driving through the neighborhood, you pulled back the curtain to see if it was Eddie. Which was silly, considering you’d been in his van and knew what it sounded like. But still…the nerves were getting to you. 
By the time he actually pulled into your driveway, you had started reading a new book in order to occupy your mind. You’d gotten so lost in it that it took your mother knocking at your door to tell you that your little boyfriend was here. All you managed to do was groan in response as you threw your book to the side and grabbed your bag before running downstairs. Your parents had met Eddie a couple of times already, when he’d come to pick you up for school or drop you off, and surprisingly, they didn’t hate him. They liked him, knowing that the fact that he looked and dressed differently had no bearing on the type of person he was. And Eddie was a good guy, despite what a lot of Hawkins seemed to think. 
Once you got downstairs, you found Eddie near the door, standing there nervously with a small bundle of floors in his hand. He looked up as soon as he heard you softly calling his name; his brain practically melted at the sight of you. You were always pretty - the prettiest in his kind - but this was just another level up from that. 
“H-hi,” he stammered, holding up his hand in a meek little wave before remembering he had the flowers. You took a few steps closer to him, leaving just a little bit of distance between your bodies, “you look lovely.”
“Thank you,” the two of you exchanged shy smiles, “you look good too, Eddie.”
“Thanks,” his stomach fluttered with butterflies; no one had ever said that to him before, “these are for you.”
“You didn’t have to…they’re so pretty!” you gently took the flowers from him, but before you could stop yourself you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. You stopped when you noticed the pink, glittery gloss print you left, but the two of you giggled as you wiped it away, “want to know something else, Eddie?”
“Tell me,” he trailed after you like a lovesick puppy as you walked to the kitchen to grab a vase for your flowers. He watched your every move like a hawk, noticing how you did everything with gentle reverence; it was the same way you always treated him.
“No one has ever given me flowers before either,” you set them on the counter, admiring how pretty they were, knowing they were from Eddie made them that much better, “you keep surprising me without even knowing what you’re doing.”
“I like surprising you,” he admitted softly, and you vowed in your head then and there that you were doing the same thing for him, “I like seeing that smile on your face.”
“Stop,” you gasped lightly before trying to hide your face in your hands, feeling yourself grow warmer and warmer with each passing moment. He shook his head and gently pulled your hands away so he could look at you, “Eddie!”
“I mean it,” he insisted softly, and you knew that he was being honest. You nodded softly and felt him reach for your hand, “c’mon, I have…well another surprise for you.”
“Well, either we could go see the movie and then get dinner as planned…or we can go on adventure,” he suggested and you practically lit up, “I figured since it’s Friday and if you’re okay with being out a little late, it could be a lot of fun.”
“And let me guess, I would not be privy to any of these things we’re doing until we’re doing them?” your voice was soft and teasing but Eddie nodded eagerly. How very classic of him, “well, just how am I supposed to say no to that?”
“You don’t….”
“I don’t,” you agreed and Eddie cheered happily, already gently pulling you towards the door. He looked like an eager puppy more than anything and his enthusiasm was infectious.
“Get ready for an evening of excitement, m’lady!” he opened the door and brandished his arm, and all you could was to grin at him. He was such a dork but, you were starting to quickly realize, he was your dork, “you are about to embark on adventure!”
“I couldn’t think of anything better,” and your words made his heart melt, “c’mon m’lord, let’s go!”
At the foot of your steps he paused for a moment to look at you. You grew nervous, but as soon as he leaned in to gently kiss you, everything felt right. You kissed him back before he could pull away and you were both grinning like fools.
You’d never been more glad for sitting in the wrong spot before.
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bloodbruise · 1 month
@jegulus-microfic | april 26: aimless | 1,276 words | trans! regulus
james does regulus' tape binding aftercare <3
James lingers in the doorway, quietly observing Regulus in their softly lit bathroom.
He's perched on the ledge of the bathtub, seemingly lost in thought, his head bowed and fingers idle and aimless where they trace the rim of it. He's shirtless, clad in only boxers and socks. His bare thighs press against the cool porcelain, causing goosebumps to rise there. Soft, late evening light leaks from the window, casting gentle shadows against his frame. 
Outside, the rhythmic passing of cars punctuates the stillness, their headlights casting golden beams that dance across the wet asphalt. The nearby stoplight's red glow mingles with them, creating a surreal mix of colors on the shimmering pavement.
There's a soft rustle of movement as James enters the room behind Regulus, moving to the sink. He sifts through the contents of their vanity, hands passing over their shared face wash and the cup holding their toothbrushes to retrieve the items needed for Regulus' tape aftercare. Deft hands gather oil, washcloths, cotton swabs, and salve before placing them on the bathtub ledge. He approaches Regulus with a tenderness reserved only for moments like these, for him. 
"Ready, love?" James' voice breaks the silence with a mellow murmur. He settles his weight behind him. 
Regulus turns his head, giving a small nod against his own shoulder. "Yeah," he says, voice crackling from disuse. 
James leans in to press a kiss between Regulus' shoulder blades. He lingers there for a moment. This close, he can see the faint dusting of freckles that mark his back. They're spattered across the skin like spray from a wave on sand. Speckles in shades of russet, sepia, and chocolate dance across his pale skin, shifting as Regulus shivers lightly. As James' lips leave his back, the muscles beneath those pretty dots tremble.
James reaches for the oil, uncaps it, and warms it between his hands. He presses both his palms to Regulus, carefully smoothing the oil over the edges of the tape. His touch follows the span of the tape from Regulus' back, under his arms, to the front of his chest. His movements are slow and practiced, designed as much to reassure as to treat. The oil glistens slightly on Regulus' skin, catching the dim light as it begins to soften the adhesive.
As they wait for the tape to loosen, a comfortable silence settles over them, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the city and their own quiet breathing. James doesn't stop his ministrations; his fingers continue to trace gentle paths along Regulus' shoulders, the back of his neck, following the delicate contours of his shoulder blades. These moments are so special to him; he wants Regulus to feel loved through his actions, to experience the same palpable surge of affection with each pass of his hands that James feels. There is so much trust that Reg offers him in these moments—it's intimate. James is the only person Regulus allows to see the most vulnerable parts of himself, and that knowledge alone makes James' heart swell with fondness and love. He has never loved someone as he does Regulus.
Regulus, Regulus, Regulus. 
Sometimes, James thinks Regulus was crafted specifically for him; as if the cosmos themselves conspired to mold him to perfectly complement the contours of James' own body, his own soul. Looking back, it's almost silly to him now—he thought he knew what love was like before him. His heart was already overflowing with it for Sirius, his mum, his dad, his friends. He's always had big emotions, brimming with affection and fierce protectiveness for the people around him. He's always cared deeply and felt profoundly, but nothing could have prepared him for the depth of feeling that Regulus brought into his life.
James knows nothing, nobody else could ever make him feel like this.
He settles his hands on the edges of the tape on Regulus' left side. "Gonna take it off now, okay?"
"Yeah, okay James. Go ahead"
James pulls at the tape gently, easing it from the skin. He's careful not to pull too hard or move too fast, patient as he works. He grabs Regulus' bicep, thumb pressing into the underside, fingers curling over. "Lift your arm up, Reg," he instructs softly.
Regulus raises his arm, holding it aloft as James' hand moves back down to steady the skin being separated from the tape. He can't resist pausing to press a kiss to the underside of his bicep before continuing to peel off the tape there. When he encounters a tough spot, where the tape still clings to his skin, James reaches for more oil. He warms it between his fingers once again before lightly holding the piece back, rubbing it into the seam between Regulus' skin and the tape until it loosens enough for him to continue. He carefully removes the first piece, then works at a second, a third, before repeating the process on Regulus' right side.
There's still a faint trace of leftover adhesive where the edges of the tape once were. So, James takes a cotton swab, dips it in oil, and meticulously traces the outlines left by the pieces. He moves slowly, with deliberate delicacy, mindful of the soreness of his skin.
Once he's satisfied, James fetches the washcloth. He soaks it in warm, soapy water and carefully cleans the area, wiping away excess oil and any lingering traces of the day. Then he reaches for the salve—the last physical part of their routine, though James knows the comfort it brings goes beyond just the skin. Two of his fingers dip into the container, scooping up the soothing balm. James is so careful with him, his fingers so gentle as they spread the salve, taking extra care with the tender skin under his arms and over his ribs. He traces the rungs of them, then the dip of his chest, making sure no skin is left uncared for.
James then grabs what's technically his own shirt—a worn, soft thing that Regulus has claimed as his own, his favorite pajama top—from the ledge of the sink. He helps Regulus slip it over his head, taking advantage of every second he allows him to be so close, to take care of him.
"Feeling okay?" James asks once Regulus is settled.
He trails his hand at the hem of his shirt, slipping it underneath to rest gently on his stomach, careful not to brush the newly cared-for skin or his chest. 
Regulus hums an affirmative, "mhmm." Eyes closing and head tipping back as he nods.
"I'm not just asking about your skin, love," James whispers. It's tough for Regulus sometimes, taking the tape off, sitting with his chest. It's a necessity though, for his well-being, despite the discomfort it brings. And James always does everything within his power to make it easier for him. He knows he can't fix everything, but he'd be damned if he didn't at least try to.
Regulus reaches back, his palm sliding from James' elbow to his hand beneath his shirt, their fingers intertwining at his stomach. Their faces are so close that Regulus' cheek drags against James' as he turns his head, planting a soft kiss on James' cheek. "I do, I feel okay. I promise," he murmurs, giving James a warm smile.
Leaning back into James' frame, Regulus lets his weight settle comfortably against him. "You make it easier," he breathes out, words floating into the space between them. Another kiss, "Thank you. I love you."
James holds him a moment, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, heart swelling just a little bit more. "I love you too."
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
who's the most possessive out of the bad guys?
It's a bit complicated. They're all possessive, in their own ✨special✨ ways. Because they're special boys.
Horror is possessive like a wild animal. He hates anything that looks like it could hurt you, that makes you nervous, that approaches too fast. It's all or nothing with him; he can be the most ferociously violent and unpredictable of the four, especially considering he has a penchant for decapitation. But he can equally be the most easygoing when he's decided something isn't a threat. He's possessive with his claws and teeth, possessive over your scent and softest parts... though he likes that his hands can encircle your waist entirely, it also makes him scared to let go. He's the bigger and stronger mate, he needs to protect you from the rest of the world. He needs to keep you safe from the things that could kill you quickly. Like him.
Dust is possessive like someone who has lost everything. He found something good after what he did, despite all odds, and he will not lose you. You're so wonderful - he doesn't say it aloud but he truly believes that once you wake up and realise your boyfriend is just a pathetic mass murderer who can't emote, you'll leave. So he's always possessive, under the surface, always jealous and murderous, especially toward anyone he thinks you're starting to get 'too' close with. It's a fire that never goes out. If you're not in his arms, he's watching, quietly burning.
He hides it extremely well. Just like his other emotions. But it's always there - waiting for him to snap, and use it.
Killer is possessive like a child. A child who can (and will) stab people to death. So long as he believes he's your favourite, things will be fine, but he cannot stand someone taking up your attention for too long. Look at him, look at him, look at him - if he can draw your eyes back to him he'll quickly relax, the fastest way to keep him from hurting anyone is by laughing at something he's said. But if someone keeps insisting on getting in the way and monopolising you, he lashes out wildly. Killer's sense of right and wrong is massively fucked up... it's easy to see how little empathy he has for those he doesn't care about when he puts a knife in someone's gut for snapping their fingers at you while he's talking to you.
Nightmare is possessive like a lover. He's pretty tolerant of most things; very close friends are fine, time apart is fine, he doesn't mind. You can do pretty much as you please, so long as you return to his bed at the end of the night. The one thing he absolutely will not tolerate? Romantic rivals. Contenders for your love will die. If someone likes you, and tries to pursue you even slightly, they meet a gruesome end. If you beg on their behalf he might settle on just banishing them to a distant universe... but you probably won't get to them in time. Nightmare, if it wasn't obvious, has a big problem with being "number 2" in anything. And when it comes to your heart, he won't give up a single inch.
Deep down, he just wants you to hold him close and reassure him that you won't leave like everyone else in his life has. But he's much too proud to admit that. So he settles on murdering anyone who could somehow, someday, get in the way.
Prune the tree when it's a sprout and you'll never have to deal with the roots.
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obeythebutler · 3 months
Hi! I just saw your fluff prompts request was open! Could you do Barbatos with "you wake up from a nap and not only is there a blanket around you, but your partner snuggled up beside you"?
Tea has to brewed at four pm sharp is what comes to Barbatos’s mind.
All chores for the afternoon have been completed: the Young Master has consumed lunch and is now reviewing the audits that are due tomorrow, the kitchen and the palace dusted and cleaned, rat traps set up in every nook and corner. Now what remains is this one guest room that needs to be cleaned; its sheets changed and floors washed thoroughly. 
There's dust collecting on the vases, clearly the little D's have been negligent in their duties, and oh this simply won't do. The demon pulls his gloves taunt and attempts to begin.
And only when the moonlight filters through the window and falls on the lump underneath the covers does Barbatos raise an eyebrow.
He doesn't need to look underneath to know who it is.
The demon puts aside the duster in his hand on the shelf, steps forward with slow footfalls to not wake you up. 
Such a troublemaker, as always. Barbatos smiles as he gazes at you, deep in slumber, oblivious as to where you are. There’s only the quiet stillness of the afternoon in the room, given that at this hour most denizens choose to nap or involve themselves in activities suited to their nature.
Your left arm hangs out of the bed, pillows ruffled and thrown about. You must have attempted to make yourself comfortable. 
There’s a certain fondness in his eyes when he places the blanket over you: ensuring that the soft fleece covers your neck and legs, gently places your outstretched hand back into the warmth of the blanket. 
You murmur in your sleep, a frown settling on your lips before you bury your face into the pillow. A chuckle spills past his lips, and Barbatos can't help but run his fingers through your hair.
He’s got to be more quiet now.
Sheets can be changed later, dusting can be done later. 
But then what needs to be done now?
When your eyes open, it is to a pleasant warmth.
You blink away the sleep from your eyes, body still sluggish and mind too slow to catch up on what is happening around you.
The first thing you register is the blanket on your body which you certainly don’t remember placing. It’s so soft. Fit for luxury. The second is a hand splayed across your waist, and soft breaths in the crook of your neck.
You don’t need to turn your head to know who the person is.
It’s five past ten in the evening, but neither of you care to wake up.
Instead, you wrap the blanket tighter around both of your bodies, and turn towards Barbatos, placing a hand over his frame, careful to not be too harsh in your movements and hold him tighter. 
Duties and demons can wait.
This moment can’t. 
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yndrgrl · 11 months
katsuki bakugo has a glow up during summer break, & now he has a lot of girls' attention
fluff. ooc! bakugo. bits of jealousy. sfw. x reader. acquaintances to lovers. long ass fic.
a/n: the horny content will continue after this message :) also i kinda got nerdy so just ignore my rambles about fighting haha
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the whispers & murmurs buzzed like bugs throughout the halls of u.a. you couldn't help but eavesdrop when you heard lower classmen gush about how good katsuki looks, how he definitely had a summer glow up.
it's not that he was bad looking before, that's just not the case. so, when you heard that he somehow got hotter over the span of a few months, you grew curious.
your best friend, ochaco, began to rave about him. "no, you don't understand, y/n. have you seen him yet?"
"i haven't yet, but it doesn't matter! he's still rude as hell!" you told her. "besides, aren't you still going after midoriya?"
"yeah, but i can still appreciate attractive people," she retorted, shoving the rest of her her breakfast-on-the-go in her mouth. you fished your phone out of your school cardigan pocket to change your music when, like a kdrama (or a shitty fanfic), you ran into something-- no, someone.
speak of the devil. "oi! watch it!" the abrasive blonde spun around & met your eyes. his harden glare soften oh so subtly.
"i'm sorry," you quaintly apologized. it's the first day & the first hour of the next 180 days, & you're not going to get in a fight.
"it's whatever, just make sure where you're going next time," katsuki responded. his tone was still harsh, yet what he said was almost nice.
he walked off into the both of yours' classroom, leaving you & ochaco stunned. you both stared at each other, mouths agape. "what just happened?" she finally spat out.
"i have no idea."
a week later, you sat in class, listening to mr. aizawa drone on about something so utterly boring, you'd rather stick your head in a toilet & flush it yourself. you let your eyes wander around the class. for the most part, everyone stayed the same.
then, your eyes landed on katsuki, who was seated by the window. now that you had time to think about it, he did change. his jawline was a tad sharper, his hair appeared more soft, & his shirt clung onto every inch of his upper body. he definitely bulked up during the summer.
his skin is clear, he must've also began caring for a sense of style because his fingers displayed grunge rings, & his eyes were somehow a darker, more alluring shade of crimson. wait, his eyes... were staring at you.
no, he was staring at you staring at him.
god, you felt like a creep. you were expecting him to yell at you, scowl through gritted teeth, but no. he didn't do any of that. he shot you a smirk, then went back to jotting notes.
confusion settled in after embarrassment. you couldn't help that a light pink dusted your cheeks. it wasn't noticeable though, thank goodness.
the subtle, weird antics didn't stop. maybe he's just playing with me or something, you wondered. or maybe i'm looking too much into thinks.
when passing him in the halls, he'd acknowledge you by giving you a small nod-- even if his friends were talking his ears off. he'd hold the doors open for you & only you, but would walk away quickly. he was treating you differently then he treats everyone else, & you don't know why.
"bakugo~" a girl you barely recognized greeted. "you look handsome today!"
he & his friends sat on the other side of your friends' long table. you were the closest to his squad, only three seats away from them. they could hear your conversations, but that means you could hear theirs.
"shut it, & eat your food," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. with his chopsticks, he picked at his bento box.
"ooo~ what did you pack?" she pressed as she inched closer to him. "aww, did your mom make that?"
"no, i did," he raised his voice. she wouldn't take the hint though.
she merely giggled, asking, "could you feed it to me? i wanna try some~" she crossed her arms under her breasts to intensify her cleavage. she was picture perfect, to say the least. any other guy would be drooling at the sight of her.
not bakugo though. he was goal-oriented, focused on the future, & not into dating from what you gathered. a small part of you is bummed out that he isn't interested in romance. he was practically everything you wanted in a guy after all-- just minus the whole "jerk" part.
"what are you looking at, bakugo?" you didn't realize you were staring -once again- until the girl whipped her head around & caught your gaze. her cattish smile dropped into a thin line. "quit staring, idiot-"
"don't call her that, bitch."
both yours & her eyes widened at the quickness & unexpected defensiveness spewed by bakugo. he stuck some of his egg omelette in his mouth, unbothered.
"wh-what? i don't think i heard you, bakugo."
he swallowed his food, ran his tongue across his top teeth, and started to pick up more food with his chopsticks, reiterating, "don't talk to y/n like that, got it?" he put the food in his mouth.
she scoffed, humiliated. "i have to leave," she said, voice dropping at least an octave. your eyes trailed her as she sat with her friends, & they immediately began gossiping. how could you tell? the way they all looked back at you with a nasty expression on their faces.
you returned your attention back to bakugo, who had both your friends & his friends floored with what just happened. "thanks for that," you started. "you really didn't have to do that."
"i know i didn't, but someone had to shut her up."
you replied, "i mean, i'm sure there was a nicer way."
"i tried," he told you with that small smirk on his face again. "she didn't get the hint, i have to be more obvious."
"yeah, in more ways than one," a friend on his side, sero, snickered.
"hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" classic katsuki, reverting back to yelling.
ever since that happened, your friends haven't stopped talking about it since. "guys, c'mon. it's almost been a week," you groaned. you were all getting ready in the school locker room to do hand-to-hand, no quirk combat with a celebrated instructor.
"i think bakugo likes you~" ochaco teased in a sing-songy voice.
you tried to reason, "maybe he was just annoyed with her, & it has nothing to do with me."
"i don't know, y/n," momo laughed, pulling her hair into a ponytail. "he seemed pretty into you."
"no way, not bakugo-"
"well, why not bakugo?" mina, who just so happened to be good friends with said man, asked while she slipped on her shoes.
"because we all know what he's like. he doesn't really scream the dating type, you know?" you grabbed a water bottle & locked your back into your locker.
mina shrugged, & ochaco said, "you said one time that bakugo was the closest to your type... do you like him?"
the rest of the conversation was cut short when tsuyu pointed out they should be in the training room by now, causing all the girls to scramble out of the locker room.
the instructor, once the bell rang, introduced himself. he was a nice man seemingly. he was a well-seasoned martial artist who knew what he was talking about.
after his brief speech, he had his assistant -a younger, more egotistical guy- be his dummy when explaining a move. "does anyone have any questions?" he asked. no one answered. "cool, find a partner, & try it out."
everyone scurried to find their partners. pair by pair, no one chose you... all except-
"hey you, be my partner," bakugo practically demanded.
"no, the wall behind you. yes, you, y/n," he joked, the same smirk only you get to see on his face. this time, however, it was a full-blown smirk.
"are you sure?"
"yeah," he scoffed, dragging you by the arm to an empty space. he studied how your face contorted from surprise to concern. "listen, if you think you're gonna drag me down or whatever, you're not-"
"no, it's not that," you interrupted. you felt your pride inflate slightly.
"then what is it?"
"i just don't want to hurt you."
it was his turn to be shocked. what did you mean by that?
the first hour went by, techniques were taught, & moves were learned. however, now it was the time that really put things to the test: open spar. it was at this time in training when things got heated. everyone in the room gives it their all no matter what, so the atmosphere turns into something animalistic, yet so empowering.
but before that, is a small water break. speaking of water, where did you leave yours? you swear you brought it in. bakugo must've seen how confused you appeared when he offered (or told you), "here, take some of mine."
too thirsty to even care the open-mouthed expressions from your peers, you took the bottle from his outstretched hand. "thank you!" you cheered, taking a few sips then handing it back to him.
"was that even enough? you barely drank anything," he jested. it sounded like he was teasing you, but, again, he said something like he cared about your well-being.
"yeah, i'll be fine. the worst that can happen is i'll faint."
"you better not. i need a good training partner."
"oh whatever, you're getting a good training partner."
suddenly, the instructor boomed, "water break is over! get back with your partner for sparring!"
once everyone huddled back with their partners & got situated, the instructor explained briefly that everyone will be grappling ("no striking" he repeated ten times as well) five minute rounds, switch partners, another five minute round, & so on so forth. "alright got it?"
"yes sir!"
"good," he nodded to his assistant, who got the stop watch ready, "3, 2, 1, go!"
yoy & katsuki go into your stances. one thing about being shorter than him is that, in the game of wrestling, you're at in advantage at first. "don't go easy on me," you told him, it was meant as a warning
"i was just about to tell you i wasn't." the moment he finished, he took a double-leg shot. it was executed near flawless-- emphasis on the near.
you sprawled your legs back, collapsing your body on top of his. you drove your shoulder into his neck, which resulted in bakugo's face smushed against the mat. he might be strong, but no one's neck is that strong to hold up an entire person. you heard him audibly groan "fuck!"
you caught his arm & his head with one of yours. the two of you were on your knees, but your goal was to get him flat, stomach down. with his trapped arm & leg, you pulled him out from under you & quickly sped towards his back. you mounted him, keeping yourself close to his. you gazed up at your instructor, who gave you a knowing nod of approval.
like a good fighter, katsuki sprung his head up. he missed your nose, instead having his skull collide with your cheek. it hurt, but you had to keep going. "since when did you learn how to wrestle?"
"what do you mean?" you thought everyone knew. you swore that you've mentioned it in front of the class.
"you're fucking good, you know that?" he praised as he fought of your hands.
"you're not too bad yourself," you told him before you crossbody locked him.
"no, i'm being serious. you're too damn good. you're gonna be my partner every time we grapple."
you & bakugo, now you call him katsuki, have only grown closer since then. he would take time out of his study session to ensure you understood the material. before he could finish, the library assistant -a girl around your age- would ask if he needed help with anything, shy blush on her face.
other times he'd walk with you back to your dorms when a group of girls would ask for his number.
it was a constant occurrence; girls notice him, ask for something, then ultimately get rejected. it wasn't in a nice way either. he always degraded & humiliated them, but they'd let him because of how handsome he was.
it was a saturday afternoon where you & katsuki got food from a nearby convenience store & sat in the park. no scheduled training or overwhelming amounts of homework. he insisted on paying for you, & who are you to reject free food?
"okay, but i really have to ask," you started, eating your food, "why aren't you dating anyone?"
"i don't know," he simply put it, downing a bottle of a protein drink.
"you do know, you're just not telling me." you actually didn't know if that was true, you were just bluffing.
"fine, i'm just waiting for a some girl to realize i like her," he admitted so nonchalantly, as if he didn't drop a mind bomb.
your mood dampened. he was your dream guy, the more you hung out with him. you might have developed a crush on him, yet you didn't even realize he liked anyone else.
"no way! who?" you had to sound enthused or he would know something was up.
"no one, forget i said anything," he cleared.
"i want to know~ i can help find out her favorite flowers or something so you can confess!"
"really?" he asked, brow quirked. you nodded your head.
"tch, alright. what's your favorite flower?"
that didn't make any sense. "what?"
"you said that you're gonna help me confess, so what's your favorite flower?"
"katsuki, i don't think she has the same favorite flower than me."
"oh my god, you're so fuckin' dense," he muttered under his breath. "i want to know your favorite flower, y/n, so i can confess." his cheeks reddened as he gave you intense stare, studying your expression. it was still confused.
"confess to who-" he cut you off by putting his hand behind your head & pulling you into a kiss. it was gentle, passionate, & truly shocking to you.
"confess to you, idiot," he panted when the two of you pulled away. "i'm already here," he said with a fuck-it attitude.
"y/n, i've liked you for a long time, a really long time. i thought i made it obvious but you never really caught on cuz you're a dumbass or something."
you laughed, & he smiled at you.
he continued, "so then shitty hair told me i had to make it even more obvious, so that's what i've been doing this entire year."
"but all those girls-"
"yeah well i didn't know i was getting a fan club this year. honestly, they don't fuckin' matter though. what matters is you & i," he told you, his face still so close to yours. "so tell me, if you feel the same."
"i-i do," you stuttered out. in your defense, you were not used to such close proximity to anyone, let alone a sculpture chiseled by ancient greeks themselves.
"say it again," he said, voice deep & eyes half lidded. "i need to hear it again."
"i do, katsuki," you repeated per his request. "i really, really like you."
he pulled you into another kiss, & you both felt each other smile. it felt right.
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enkvyu · 10 months
cicadas fill in the summer silence as you sit at your desk, waiting for class to start. you're vaguely aware of your three classmates seated beside you and perhaps it’s because you're caught in the ambiance of a perfect day, but something like sentimentality seeps in.
“today's the kind of day where i’m reminded how important you guys are to me.”
shoko hums, eye trained on her phone. “you’re reminded?”
“you forgot at some point?” gojo adds.
you groan as getou chuckles, the heartfelt speech dying immediately in your mouth. when he lightly presses you to continue, you wave away his feigned interest.
"but i'm curious!”
you jab your finger in shoko and gojo's direction, and the two ignore you as they continue playing multiplayer snake on their nokia 6610s. "blame those two."
getou grins. "if it’s anything, you mean a lot to me too."
you muffle a smile. "i changed my mind, you're the only one that means anything to me."
"fuck, i lost!" gojo exclaims, sliding back into his chair to throw a fit. "but i never lose, how is this possible? you cheated, shoko!"
"don't be a sore loser, that's even worse than being an ordinary loser."
"i wouldn't have lost if you didn't cheat!"
there's a hard glint in shoko's eye. "does that mean what i think it means?"
gojo leans in. "yes. that means another round."
you look over at them unamused. "any second now, yaga is going to walk into this room and complain our ears off for how noisy you two are being."
shoko yawns and you hear beeping as she plunges into another game. "it’s fine, we’ll know when he gets close enough to hear us anyway. he doesn’t walk, that man stomps down the corridor."
"he’s not the only one that’ll complain about the noise. i might join him in a minute if the two of you won’t shut up, it’s too hot for this." getou joins in, but no one pays him any mind.
"you're going down this time, shoko."
"eat my dust."
you catch gojo sparing shoko a quick glimpse before the starting music plays, and watch with interest as they flicker over to her again.
leaning back, you peer at shoko's screen as her desk was closest to yours, and find that she was once again slithering to victory, gobbling every apple she finds in her way. without a doubt, you were sure she would win.
"gojo," getou sighs. "you're really shit at games."
something bumps into shoko's side and she gives it a quick glance to find that it was gojo's elbow.
"sorry, my arm slipped." he says, but the smirk on his face suggests otherwise.
while shoko is not morally-just enough to condemn cheating, she's oddly passionate about games and thus her desire to win fair and square holds back her anger. she lets the action slide without a counterattack although that doesn't stop her from calling gojo trash.
but when gojo kicks the leg of her chair, causing her to fingers to tremble and miss an apple, she glares at him. "you're playing dirty!"
"i have no idea what you mean." gojo sings. "yes, i'm a point ahead! see what happens when you don't cheat, shoko? i guess that's why you have to do it, otherwise you would just lose lose lose all the time!"
you wince.
shoko clenches her phone harder and closes the point difference in a matter of seconds. but that alone is not enough to settle her irritation.
lifting her foot up, she slams her heel down hard on gojo's ankle and he yelps at the pain. "hey! now you're actually cheating!"
"so you admit i wasn't before!"
gojo doesn't answer and blatantly shoves at shoko's chair. she has to use a hand to steady herself, making her lose another apple and mess up her snake's path. in return, shoko hits gojo's face which presses his glasses in.
"you started this." shoko's victorious smile dims when gojo reaches for her phone and she pulls back just in time. "that's not fair!"
"you're only saying that now?" getou observes.
you look at him. "shouldn't we stop them?"
with gojo stretched out, trying to get shoko's phone, it leaves his stomach vulnerable. shoko rams her fingers into his side and he squeals at the sensation.
shoko yells your name over the chaos. "grab him!"
"getou, you have my back, don't you?" gojo says a second later.
the two of you stand instinctively as your names are called, but you both hover around helplessly. it's only when they say your names again, do you move.
gojo makes one more stretch for shoko's phone as you reach for him, only successfully managing to grab onto one of his wrists. it doesn't hold him back though, he still has his other hand after all, and now getou is beside shoko, hands out ready to tickle her.
shoko giggles slightly when getou's fingers meet their target and it might have been an opening if you hadn't clung onto gojo, pulling him back with your entire weight.
"get off me!" he says to you over his shoulder.
you look back, somewhat confused at your own actions. "no?"
shoko pulls back her arm holding her phone, jamming her elbow into getou's chest. though it doesn't hurt, he steps back anyway. "what are we doing?"
the struggle continues for a few seconds more until the classroom door is pulled to the side with a bang and someone steps through.
the shock of the sudden sound makes shoko loosen her grip and gojo catches that weakness. the tips of his fingers barely grazes her phone and with a final push, and an extension of his infinity, he knocks the phone from her hand.
he knocks the phone from her hand, too hard.
you watch in suspended awe as the object flies across the room in a beautiful arc—
"good morning—"
and hits yaga in the face. it rebounds off his cheek and clatters noisily on the ground. shoko ducks down as the three of you freeze in position, picking up her phone and pocketing it safely.
anger makes yaga's head burn bright red. "who did that?"
calmly, you sit back into your chair and hear the sound echo beside you. without saying a word, the three of you point to gojo.
"yaga! in my defence, shoko was cheating!"
you don't need to look to know yaga had crossed the room and landed a solid fist on gojo's head, his quick cry of pain is alone enough.
yaga fixes his sleeves and clears his throat. "are we ready to start class?"
cicadas chirp from outside your window, and the noise drowns into the bustling hum of a familiar routine. yaga picks up a piece of chalk and turns his back to the class, getou tucks away his bangs from getting in his eyes and shoko yawns into her hand. gojo sinks deeper into his chair, sulking, and you know that even without mentioning your appreciation for them, they could feel it just like how you felt theirs.
it surrounds you like the summer humidity.
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dialogue prompt taken from going seventeen episode 61. just some quick silly sashisu + reader stuff because i miss them.
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aklaustaleteller · 15 days
@ghayda0 requested via submission: Hi, please ignore if you’re not taking requests. Klaus is out all day. Literally from morning to midnight and when he comes back, Y/N is very pissed at him and giving him the silent treatment. At first Klaus’s amused by her actions, thinking Y/N is just being bratty but when she starts tearing up, maybe mid argument, he sees that’s she’s genuinely hurt. Maybe it was their anniversary or her birthday and he forgot. Can be smutty if you want to be, I mean he has to make it up somehow ;)
Entirety of Eternity
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Waiting and waiting for Klaus to return home, Y/n's grasp on reality soon slipped and she fell into a sad, sad slumber. But then Klaus finally comes back, and he doesn't know what he's done wrong -- and Y/n won't tell him. Until she does, shouting at him how the night clearly wasn't anything special to him. And now, all Klaus wants is to show her just how much she, and their relationship, truly mean to him.
Warnings - Smut and some mentions of blood. Word Count - 3.3k
Not super proud of the way I wrote this one, but I'm pretty certain that it isn't that bad (please tell me it isn't) And thank you for requesting this -- I hope you enjoy reading it!
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Y/n was sat on one end of the dining table, her face resting in her quite sweaty palms as she waited for her ears to finally perk up at the sound of the front door to the mansion opening. But it was beginning to cross the two-hour mark and still, there was no sound.
Every once in a while, the sound of her earrings' tiny bells would chime in her ears as she'd change her position to get more comfortable. At least as comfortable as she could on a wooden chair.
A deep wine-red dress adorned her body, pooling on the ground around her feet as she sat. Delicate jewellery hung from her ears, her wrists and a dainty necklace rested just below her collarbone. Sighing defeatedly, she let her head lay atop her arms on the dining table, looking at the polished plates in front of her and then at the empty seat across from her.
Tonight was nothing special, at least not to Klaus considering the fact that he had yet to return home. But it was to her. After all, this was the day that he had turned into a hybrid himself, and then turned her into one as well – justifying it with the purpose that he just wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her.
This was just the fifth year, and already he was forgetting their anniversary.
Maybe this wasn't so special after all. But when you've got the entirety of eternity on your hands, surely you'd try and celebrate as many occasions as possible to keep things special and ...to keep their value.
The clock rang throughout the empty house, finally hitting one in the morning and he still wasn't standing across from her. And she was getting too close to doubting if he even will tonight.
And even if it wasn't so special to him, shouldn't he have listened to her when she'd so excitedly told him to return home early tonight as she'd have something special waiting for him? Wouldn't matter anymore because all the food that she'd cooked herself had gone cold, and the candles she'd set up had burned down to the wick.
The dust had begun to settle on the exposed crockery, the moon had hidden itself behind the clouds and her heart had begun wilting away inside her chest.
She didn't quite realise when her hold on reality slipped and she fell into a sad slumber, but she woke up to the feel of a hand on her arm and a soft voice coaxing her back to life.
"There you are, my darling," Klaus smiled, already kneeling beside her so he was face to face with her. "Why didn't you go to bed?"
Y/n looked at him with eyes that were screaming how could he have the guts, the audacity to ask her that and so callously pretend that he hadn't just come home past midnight despite her sweet request that went against his act.
But when her shouts fell on deaf ears, she simply turned the other way from where Klaus was sitting and stood up. "The dinner's gone cold... I'd suggest you warm it up before eating, it'd taste better," she told him as she walked up the stairs, her gaze empty but her blood heating up rapidly.
Klaus looked at her as she walked away, amusement filling him up to the brim at her antics. Yes, she'd asked him to return early but it was for no special occasion, and he'd gotten himself in a rather sticky situation, so why was she upset out of the blue?
He was even sure that she his reasoning in someone's red blood covering him from head to toe, beginning to dry up. And he wished that she'd clean him up like every other time, so he decided to eat first. Give her some time to change her clothes and get comfortable for the night before he could go over to her and ask her innocently to help him clean himself off.
So he sat and ate, his eyes closing every once in a while at the feeling of the home cooked meal filling him up with all the love he could digest.
Rinsing off his dishes, Klaus sped up the stairs and into the bedroom he shared with Y/n as her lover, a frown settling itself between his brows when he caught her sitting in front of the vanity, lost in some thought as she glared at a broken lipstick.
"What's wrong, my love?" Klaus asked her, concern lacing his voice as he walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he locked his eyes with hers in the mirror.
His frown only deepened further when she didn't reply and began removing her jewellery, looking at him with big eyes trembling with fury. He didn't move, not until she was getting up and moving towards the bed, which had him following her hot on her heels.
"C'mon, it's not the right time to be a brat, sweetheart," Klaus joked, chuckling to himself but stopped when she shot him a look sharp enough to make him flinch.
"Just tell me what's happened!" Klaus insisted, kneeling in front of her and holding her hand, ignoring the fact that she didn't weave her fingers through his' and pick his hand up to press a kiss on his knuckles like she usually did.
"Where were you?" She asked, forcing her voice to be at a bay.
"Well, some newbies truly thought that they could have my head on a sword for them to take home to their master,” he chuckled. “And their plan was quite impressive, dare I say,” shrugging he said, passing her a grin which, expectedly, wasn’t reciprocated. 
“I apologise for not coming home earlier,” he sighed. But he knew that she knew that he truly wasn’t, for he didn’t even yet realise the density of this grave mistake he had made. And when she continued with her silence, Klaus finally cracked. 
“It’d not as if tonight’s anything special!”
And right then, Y/n heard something crack inside her. Possibly her dead heart. 
“I know you wanted me to return early tonight and I’m sorry that I didn’t, I truly am!” He almost whined, trying to show her how unreasonable she was being as he started pacing the room. “But this has happened before and you’ve never been this upset, so just tell me what have I done wrong!” 
He felt quite embarrassed once he was done shouting due to her lack of response, and sighed once more before walking towards her.
“It was our anniversary,” she started, quickly glancing at the clock, “yesterday.”
Klaus stopped in midst of his way to her, his heart dropping in his stomach as he finally found himself at a loss of words. His mouth moved, but nothing came out except for some incoherent stutters. 
“Forget it. It was nothing special,” she gritted through her teeth, not wanting her anger to get the best of her but she could feel it slipping out of her grasp.
“Darling – I,” Klaus stuttered, looking at the floor, wishing it’d remind him how to speak. “I’m so sorry darling,” Klaus breathed, his gaze turning doe-eyed as the realisation set in. 
“No you’re not!” Y/n shouted, getting off the bed to walk towards him. “You are not sorry, Klaus. You clearly don’t care!”
Hot tears were lined up against her lower lashline, making it hard for her to see clearly.
“You were showing that last night meant nothing to you for so long and you even said it! It was no special occasion!” She yelled, her voice shaking as her brain debated whether she was trying to convince herself about that, or him. 
And the way she was talking about their anniversary in a way that it truly had passed and that it was the next day, was only breaking his heart worse. 
“Darling our anniversary means the world to me,” he desperately said. “I’d just carelessly forgotten about it but please don’t think that it doesn’t mean anything to me,” he whispered, his eyes aching to meet with hers but she just wouldn’t let it happen, looking to the side. 
But the moment those words left  his mouth, a bitter chuckle escaped her mouth as she finally looked him in the eyes. 
“Can you hear yourself Klaus?” She asked him, shaking her head. “If it did mean anything to you, you wouldn’t have forgotten about it!” She told him, fisting her hand to prevent herself from ripping her hair out of her scalp. 
“Please let me make it up to you, darling,” Klaus begged, his own tears threatening to spill. “I’d been a bastard to do such a thing but please let me show you how much you mean to me,” his voice went meek as he lowered his head to meet her eyes. “How much this,” Klaus whispered, motioning his hand to point at her and then at himself, “means to me,” he finished, cautiously cupping her face in his rough hands. 
And he breathed in relief when she leaned into his touch, a tear rolling down her cheek. 
“I cooked us a meal, lit up candles and I only wore this dress so you could take it off,” she admitted, a tinge of pink rising on her cheeks, betraying her sadness. “And you just had to go and mess everything up,” she sighed, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around him, clinging to his torso while resting her face in the cervix of his neck, ignoring the dried blood that covered his clothes and exposed skin. 
“And I’m so sorry darling,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I swear I’ll never do something like this again,” he smiled, swaying them side to side. 
Y/n detached herself from him then, her hair a bit ruffled due to his touch. “Please don’t,” she chuckled, pressing a quick kiss on his lips before weaving their fingers together and walking towards the bathroom. 
“You better not show up some day covered in your own blood,” Y/n warned him as she sat him on the bathroom counter and wetted a towel. 
She began wiping the blood off of him with ease, having done this a million and more times by now. And she’d just wiped down his neck when she realised that he had way more blood on him that she’d expected, and some in his hair as well.
“Why don’t you just take a shower? You genuinely have blood everywhere, hell it’s even in your hair,” she laughed and didn’t wait for his answer as she went on to turn on the shower and nodded her head at him, urging him to get in already. 
“You’re not joining me, are you?” Klaus asked, teasingly and nervously. 
“You wish, don’t you?” She grinned before walking out, her ears picking up on him mumbling how she very well knew that he did. 
And Y/n had just been sitting on the bed, waiting for him when he finally walked out of the shower, in a towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. And his drenched curls stuck to his forehead while water shone off of his chiselled chest, a teasing smirk on his mouth as he looked at her while she took him in.
He began walking towards her, a certain glint in his eyes as he watched her shut off the book in her lap and place it on her bedside table. Once he stood beside her, he took her hands in his and began moving so that she’d stand up and walk with him. 
Leaning in, he hovered his mouth over hers before tilting his head slightly so that he was whispering in her ear.
“You said you’d only worn this dress so I could take it off… yes?” He asked her, beginning to sway the two of them across the room, listening in to hear her heartbeat picking up while her heavy breath fanned his neck. 
Y/n hummed in response, her eyes fluttering close when he began pressing feather light kisses up her neck. She looked at him with intrigue when he stood the both of them in front of the mirror, looking at her with the slightest smirk from behind. 
“Gonna still let me take you up on that offer, darling?” he asked, his fingers dancing across her shoulders until she nodded her head, and whispered a small yes. 
“Gonna let me show you how much truly special you are to me?” He asked again, clearly teasing her as he fingers travelled to her back. He pressed his mouth against her jaw when she nodded again, eyes still on her in the mirror as he began nipping at her skin, leaving behind the very first hickey. 
He undid the chain of the dress, letting it slump off of her torso and expose her naked breasts to him. No bra, he grinned, licking the bruising skin on her jaw as a blush creeped up on the highs of her cheeks. 
From behind, his hands slithered across her skin, from her back to now her breasts, flicking the hardened nipples as he littered love bites all over her neck. 
He made sure that while he touched her, his eyes remained locked with hers. She knew after so many years with him that he preferred eye contact during such intimate moments, that he preferred to see how much effect he had on her – how he had her at his mercy just by touch. 
“Klaus,” she breathed with pleading eyes and let her head fall against his chest as he began to force the rest of her dress to slip off of her figure. 
“Darling,” Klaus smiled, turning her around once she’d stepped out of the dress that was merely a pool on the floor now. He picked her up, bridal style and walked over to their bed, laying her on it gently unlike other times when he’d roughly toss her on it. After all, he had some apologising to do tonight.
Moving to hover above her, Klaus resumed his kisses and marks, slipping lower and lower on her body until her fingers were clutching his curls while he bit lightly on the lowest point of her stomach. 
“Stop all this teasing now, Klaus,” Y/n asked of him, propping herself up on her elbows to look at him with a rather scolding look as he looked back at her with mischievousness swimming in his eyes.
“Only because I’m truly sorry,” Klaus grinned at her, teasing her for the final time before he pressed his mouth against her aching core, licking up her hole to her clit, spreading her arousal before he could actually begin. 
Y/n’s breathing hitched and a moan escaped her mouth when she felt him increase his pace a bit. His fingers dug into the skin on her hips as he kept his hold tight on her, forcing himself as close to her pussy as he could, his nose breathing in her scent and tongue lapping up her wetness. 
“Oh Klaus,” she whined when he shifted all his attention on her clit, sucking on it until he began feeling a tremor coursing through her thighs. 
He went back to licking up her arousal then, wanting to prolong her orgasm to give her a good one instead. And his own grunts began to vibrate against her core when he began to rub against the bed, causing her arousal begin dripping down his chin. 
“You taste fucking amazing, darling,” he told her as he pushed a finger inside her with ease, quickly adding another one at the realisation of just how open and ready he’d got her dawned on him. 
Y/n mewled above him, her moans turning into louder groans as he pushed himself against her core again, flicking her clit with his tongue while pumping his fingers inside her at a fast pace. Her eyes fell shut as the knot in her belly began to move lower and lower, a pleasing and burning sensation coursing through her body, causing her to begin shaking. 
Her thighs instinctively closed shut around Klaus’ head, her hands pushing against his head to get away from him, making him increase his pace even more. 
“Klaus, please!” She cried out to him, begging for release while her back arched off the bed, her eyes flying open when Klaus detached his mouth from her, keeping his fingers at work regardless. 
“Look at me,” he breathed, her arousal smeared across his mouth, along with a couple strings connecting his mouth and her core.
And he went right back to messing with her now puffy clit once he had her eyes on him. Noises of his tongue licking her up and down began to fill the room along with the ones coming from him fingering her, and her hips stuttered to move just once more before she was crying out, trying with all her might to get away from his mouth as she grew more and more sensitive as he made her ride out her orgasm. 
Klaus finally stopped after a couple more kitten licks then, crawling back up to her to kiss her. And he had just cupped her jaw when she flipped them over, now straddling his naked hips as the towel remained lying near the foot of the bed. 
And she began lining his hardened cock against her pussy, slowly sinking down on him until he was fully inside her. She placed her hands on top of his which were situated on her waist and then she began moving up and down, increasing her pace with each jump. 
“Only because I’m forgiving you,” she lazily grinned at him, making him chuckle hoarsely.
Klaus’ hands slowly slithered up her torso then, and cupped her breasts as their bouncing in his face was going to make him reach his high embarrassingly fast. 
And when he noticed her pace slowing down, he placed his hold back on her waist to hold her in place while he thrusted up into her, fucking her well enough for her to lean forward and hover over him with her eyes clenched shut. 
“Fucking hell,” Klaus gritted as her breasts were now back in his face, bouncing so prettily that he couldn’t help but take one of her nipples in his mouth to tease her into another orgasm now. 
“Oh I’m gonna cum again,” she moaned close to his ears, and it was enough to make him slip his hand between their connected bodies and rub her clit, all while he felt himself growing closer and closer to tipping over the edge himself. 
“Give it to me darling – give it to your husband,” Klaus groaned as he felt her walls clench around him, her orgasm slipping past her entrance and onto the base of his cock, making him spill inside her with a loud moan.
Making a few more deep and hard thrusts, Klaus finally stopped, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy as Y/n laid on top of him, wrapping her arms around his torso. 
“I fear you’ll need another shower, Klaus,” Y/n giggled, laughing harder when he sped both of them into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, kissing her with a wide grin on his own mouth. 
“Please buy more dresses just for me to take them off, my love,” Klaus told her, his teasing grin turning into dropped jaw when her arse brushed against him, eliciting an even deeper moan from him when she pressed herself further into him and began peppering kisses across his chest, nipping at the skin every once in a while just to hear him hiss.
“For the entirety of eternity, yes?” She grinned, yelling in surprise when he pushed her against the wall and pressed his mouth on hers, mumbling a hoarse ‘yes’ as she wrapped her legs around his waist.   
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sguidwards-bestfriend · 3 months
So apparently pitchpearl is a thing, I've been on tumblr for a while and if you know any history then you understand why selfcest doesn't surprise me in the slightest
dpxdc Misunderstanding that becomes reality fic: 1.5k
part 1
Warning: I plan on a very melancholic ending, its a good ending but also kinda sad
When Danny moved to Gotham, he really had thought he wouldn't continue his hero work in this dimension.
But there was a little girl in the street that almost got hurt during a rogue attack.
But some kind of gas went off at the cafe he worked at and it's not like he really needs to breath and there were so many people.
But his University, Gotham U, was in a lock down from a random winter storm that definitely wasn't natural.
So he did what he could when he saw it and kept off of the news when he was doing class work, letting the other "vigilantes" pick up where he couldn't.
However, after a few more months of class, work, and being a vigilante (the news station that first showed him used the correct name!!), he was right back where he had been in Amity before he'd managed to close the portal.
Exhausted and failing at everything other than hero work.
The year after he had graduated high school he stayed in Amity and was able to make amends with the ghosts, being the crown prince definitely helped. He thought the ghost attacks stopping would have lessened his pa- Jack and Maddie trying to catch one. In reality they only became more and more frantic to catch the last ghost, "Mini Phantom".
Revealing he had a daughter, that that daughter was half ghost, hadn't gone well in the slightest.
The one shot Maddie managed to hit had almost destabilized her. He had grabbed her and ran into the portal. He wasn't sure how he'd done it, but in a fit of blinding rage he had destroyed both sides of the doorway to the Ghost Zone.
Frost bite had managed to get her to retract into her core. She'd need some time before she'd have a physical form again, and she'd need Danny to keep her stable for some time, but she would make it. She'd be fine in the end.
It felt weird to have two cores in his chest, but other than needing to take ecto shots it wasn't a huge change.
The last time he'd been to frostbite Ellie's core had some sort of shake to it. It could have been nothing, but a halfa was rare enough. A halfa making a never-born hadn't even been thought of. Add on, that that never-born could possibly be born a halfa was... concerning.
So here he was, in an entirely new dimension, nervously chewing on the end of his stylus, waiting to hear back from Frostbite. His study sessions lately kept being interrupted by thoughts of her. If she really was okay.
Then there was an earth shattering BOOM, that shook his entire building.
As he floated upwards and through the wall he caught a glimpse of something he had never seen before in his afterlife.
A daemon. An actual daemon with red skin and horns and a flaming tail crawling out of the ruble that used to be his front door.
Danny could sense immediately that the being wasn't from the ghost zone, but it held just as much power as one of the stronger ghost.
He transformed and landed in front of the being, "Hey! That was my front door! What gives, Rudolf?"
The daemon shook the dust off his head and looked at Phantom, then at his chest, and back at him. "I do not fight those that carry child."
"Oh... uh." He was not expecting that. "Are you okay?"
It was the daemons turn to look perplexed. "I am fighting a hellblazer, he owes me something. Refuses to pay."
"That's annoying." He looked around to see some guy in a trench coat at the end of the street. The yet to settle dust cloud making it hard to figure out any other features. "I can help if you-"
At that a massive blast of magic hit him and the daemon, sending them careening farther down the street.
Danny's vision went double and he thought he was going to throw up. All he could focus on at first was the pain as he tried to stand on wobbly legs, then it was the emptiness in his chest.
He closed his eyes and dropped back to the floor. He focused on her core. He found it quickly, checking it over, turning it every which way incessantly until he heard someone groan in front of him.
When he opened his eyes he was looking at two much smaller daemons, one a bright red, the other a darker wine red, sitting in a massive indent in the road. One he very luckily was on the very outskirts of.
The two immediately started to bicker, swatting at each other, but not actually fighting.
He heard footsteps on the wreckage behind him, some magic words were said and the daemons' were hand cuffed and poofed out of sight.
"Hey kid, you okay?" Trench coat asked him, not bothering to give him his hand.
"No thanks to you, you ass."
"I just saved your life." He said with a blank expression.
"The daemon wouldn't have done anything to me. Unlike you, they have a moral code."
Trench coat huffed, that seemed to ruffle his feathers. "And what would those morals be exactly?"
"They pay their debts, for one. And two, they don't magically attack people carrying children." Danny stood up and wavered. Trench coat grabbed his arm to steady him.
He stared at Danny for a few more seconds, "You're not human." It wasn't a question. He sucked in a breath, "You're not fully human."
"Ding, ding, ding." Danny tried to shake of the hellblazer's grip. "Let go of me."
"I know where to get medical attention for non humans. You need to be looked over." He said, starting the motion to make a portal.
"Nuh, uh. No. I'm fine." Danny said, patting the hand still wrapped around his arm. Trenchcoat let go and shoved him lightly, Danny felt the world twist around him as the pavement came up to meet his face.
Before he hit the ground he stopped in mid air, not by his own volition, and was gently propped back up.
"That blast spell is designed to not affect humans. You shouldn't have felt more than a breeze." Trenchcoat went back to opening up a portal, it glowed an eerie red. "Come on, well check the little one too."
Danny let himself get pulled through the red portal, it quickly closed behind them.
His head was pounding.
"wha/t- morals- exactly?"
"debts- two- atta/ckp/eo-ple- children."
Two voices. Two people.
"not human."
He feels empty.
"Letg/oof me."
He's hurt. His other half is hurt.
"You need to be looked over."
He opened his eyes, a man was holding his other half. His other half and his daughter.
"Nuh, uh. No. I'm fine." His other half swatted at the man.
The man pushed his other half to the ground.
He tried to reach out but his hand was barely a shimmering outline.
His other half didn't hit the ground.
There was ringing in his ears. The man would pay.
"Come on,- the little one too."
The man pulled his other half through a portal.
A sickly looking portal. A bloody color.
He floated up. Sped to the closing portal.
It closed too fast.
He wasn't fast enough.
It took Phantom 20 minutes to get his thoughts in order and another 10 before the ringing in his ears stopped.
He had been split in two before, but the ghost "dream catcher" the ecto-scientists made years ago had split his ghost half and his human half entirely. This was different.
He still felt a bit of his humanness. Transforming would suck though, he felt too low on ecto to do that.
His other half was in his human form when he looked. He still had Ellie nestled up against his core. But his core looked off. Although the silhouette was of a full sphere, he couldn't help shaking the thought that he saw some parts missing.
When Danny had been split before only his ghost had kept the core, it was what nearly killed them both. What made them promise to never split again.
Maybe if they both had bits of a core they'd be fine until they could reunite.
He tried to focus on his core but it made his head pound.
He'd have to hope his other half could manage as he tried to organize a rescue mission.
Although he'd managed to get a message from the Ghost Zone to Sam and Tucker, he wouldn't be able to get one dirrectly to their dimension.
He knew even trying to make a portal with his ecto as low as it was wasn't a good idea. And would be a waste of the ecto shots he had just chugged.
There was really only one hope of help he had left, one he really didn't want to ask.
A new friend he had made at the cafe.
Tim Drake-Wayne, son of Brucie Wayne. The very same Brucie Wayne that was definitely funding Batman's weird night life.
Wow this got away from me, honestly was planning on like 500 words. I want to continue this, but if anyone wants to pick it up and play around please feel free to add stuff in the reblogs! I adore reading peoples additions to posts
(As always please please please help me writing tags i never knwo what to do with them, the lack of structure here compared to ao3 confuses me)
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keqism · 5 months
siren song
⊹ feat. wriothesley
⊹ premise. beneath the silvered waves, the sea answers your call.
⊹ cw. GN reader, established relationship, suggestive themes
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Somewhere in the depths of the Fortress of Meropide hides a siren.
When the sun drowns in the sea every night, he surfaces, waiting for you to tread his waters. And you do, stopping by Café Lutece to pick up your order before bidding the night sky farewell and making your way down into the underwater prison. 
The Fortress is always quiet around this time, the inmates retired to their bunks already. Only the hissing of the pipes and your footsteps echo in the corridors until you reach the Duke's office.
And then you hear the Siren.
You wouldn't call his voice pretty, not with its roughness and the way it breaks when the melody steps too high. But there's a warmth to the baritone notes that soothe the worries in your heart and slowly lull you to sleep. Drowsy, you lean against the doorway of his office, and from your hiding place, you can see a pair of gloved hands scribbling something down, faint scars peeping out from under the black fabric. Nonsensical lyrics and the sound of rustling paper fill the room as the Siren continues to hum along to the melody playing on the phonograph.  
But when the singing abruptly stops and song melts away into a low, embarrassed chuckle, you know you've been caught. 
"Hey there, eavesdropper," a roguish smile greets you as you enter Wriothesley's office, and you return the gesture with a grin. 
"Had a long day, Your Grace?" you ask, nodding towards the piles of paperwork on his desk and the ink stains bleeding into his skin. 
A long, drawn-out sigh. "You can say that again," he mutters. Shifting back in his chair, Wriothesley pats his thighs twice in a silent command, and you oblige. As you settle on his lap, you lift the paper bag in your hand and shake it. "Dinner," you simply state, setting it down on his desk and watching his eyes light up. 
Large hands come up to wrap around your waist to pull you closer, almost instinctively, and Wriothesley presses a kiss to your cheek. And another one on the other cheek, and then his lips are on yours, your body melting into his touch. It's a rough, desperate kiss because even the mere hours you spend apart—with you on the surface and him in the underworld, separated by miles of seawater—feel like months.
You hastily pull away when you feel his hands slip under your shirt. "Don't get carried away now, Your Grace. The paperwork still needs you tonight," you chide, sending a pointed glance at the desk behind you.
You're met with a groan in reply, and he tucks his face into your neck in disappointment, strands of his black hair tickling your chin. You run your fingers through them to smooth them down and Wriothesley lets out a small noise of contentment.
"I liked your little performance earlier," you admit quietly, reveling in the light flush of red that dusts his cheeks. 
"Alright, eavesdropper," he huffs and rolls his eyes, "stop snooping." But the silent laughter that shakes his broad shoulders says that despite his embarrassment, he doesn't mind much.  
"What does one have to do to get the Duke of Meropide to sing again?" you tease.
Wriothesley pulls back to look at you, mischief dancing in his eyes. "I can think a few things," he grins, voice dropping in volume, "and all of them involve you, me, and a bed." Hands slide under your shirt again and this time you let them, giggling while he carries you to the bedroom upstairs.
And when Neuvillette shows up the next day, asking about the missing paperwork he was supposed to receive, the Siren smiles and blames you for luring him into your net.
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౨ৎ thank you for reading, reblogs & comments are always welcome !
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cloudshuffle · 3 months
an arrow, a spark. yan!childe
index / next / beta reader @malewifeharem
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When they assign you to a new division in the Fatui, you think nothing much of it. People were always being moved around in the organisation, people disappeared under mysterious circumstances, new recruits were popping up out of nowhere.
What was strange, however, was whose division you were assigned to. Fatui Harbinger Tartaglia, all the way in Liyue, no less - or Ajax, as you knew him better.
“I'll be sorry to see you go,” Signora says from behind you.
You jump, nearly dropping the stack of papers in your hands. She stands in the doorway, imposing as always, yet the air she gives off implies she's left off a “darling” at the end of her sentence.
Madame Signora's always been fond of you for reasons you've never known, though that often meant being stuck in dull, dull meetings and organising her paperwork for her.
You salute her, then laugh nervously. In the midst of your packing, your office looks like a hurricane hit it, stacks of books and papers scattered everywhere. Not the best look to put forward to your boss.
“So, Liyue.” She takes a step, placing her right inside the threshold of your office. Behind her, her new bodyguard slash secretary shifts his weight from foot to foot. “Quite a ways from home, yes?”
“It is.” The land of the Geo Archon, Morax, but most importantly his creation of mora. A warm place by far, considering Snezhnaya's standards, but its trade sector was coldly competitive.
“How do you feel about it?”
How did you feel? The question catches you by surprise, much like her appearance in your office. Never before had you been asked your personal opinion on anything before, least of all by a harbinger.
It’s just work.
“It’s a great opportunity to expand my horizons and learn about another culture, ma’am.”
She chuckles elegantly. “A textbook answer. Good. It’d be useful if you kept those same wits around Tartaglia.”
You blink, a cloud of dust distracting you briefly from what she’d just said. “...Tartaglia, ma’am?”
“Oh, yes.” Her red lips curve into a wry smile. “He requested for you specifically. He’s been pestering me, in fact, to let him have you.”
You remain silent, unsure of how to respond.
“But look at me, holding you up. I do hope you have fun while in Liyue - it can be quite the interesting place, after all.”
You don’t quite know what all the fuss about Tartaglia is about till lunch, when you venture into the mess hall with Nadia.
She doesn't even wait for the two of you to sit down before broaching the topic. “Did you know the eleventh is back is Snezhnaya?”
“He is?” You stab at your potatoes with your fork, eyeing her cheekily. “And I don't suppose you're in the market for a partner at the same time, are you?”
“Oh, not a harbinger.” She laughs. “That’s way too high profile for me.”
You eye the raised platform at the front of the hall where a long table’s been set. It’s more for show than anything else, seeing as how the harbingers have never once found themselves privy to dining with you common soldiers. There are twelve high-backed, intricately carved mahogany chairs, and one in the middle, larger than the rest, gilded with gold and complete with red velvet cushions. The Tsaritsa’s. Yet another reminder of who you all served.
Nadia's chatter washes over you like a soothing wave. You're grateful to have a friend when you go abroad, if only for distractions like this if nothing else.
She wants to marry and settle down already - a noble sentiment for a young Snezhnayan lady. You think any man would be lucky to have her.
For yourself, you're not so sure.
“Ooh!” She nudges you. “Don't look, but Vlad's over there. Isn't he cute?”
Against her wishes, you turn your head. He looks like any regular Snezhnayan man to you, blonde and with an angular face that could’ve been carved from the frozen earth itself. “Well, I guess. He looks kind.”
“And he's coming to Liyue too!” Nadia stage whispers.
“Exciting.” You raise an eyebrow.
You excuse yourself from your meal after a while, leaving the mess hall alone. Nadia's conversation was entertaining but exhausting, provided one could keep up with her endless stream of news and gossip from various sources.
But it's from this river of information that you sift out a tiny gold nugget: that Harbinger Tartaglia would be in the archery fields if he weren't busy preparing for his return to Liyue with his new crew.
Perhaps it's curiosity, or pure boredom that drives you outside into the cold.
The walk is familiar, ice crunching under your boots. It was admittedly difficult to walk on snow and ice - if you were anything but Snezhnayan, born and raised.
Your fingertips tingle with the phantom itch to hold a bow. It'd been a while…
You follow the path, rounding the building to a frozen field. A number of wooden targets and straw dummies are lined up, some in varying states of disrepair. A small hangover, an incline, really, provides minimal coverage against the wind like a very tiny rock against a great river.
As expected, there’s no one there. You feel a small sense of relief at having missed that chance encounter.
The new recruits train elsewhere. It’s a place only for those who want to exercise the muscles you rarely get to use, being cooped up in front of a desk all day.
You take up position at the edge of the field, summoning your bow and fixing three arrows to it.
They arc in a graceful, shining line, each landing perfectly in the middle of its respective target board.
You affix another arrow to the shelf, taking a deep breath. The world narrows to the point of your arrow and the fletching on the arrow you landed.
Dimly, you’re aware of the shuffling of feet behind you, quickly hushed. Probably just another of your fellow soldiers who wanted to get out of the noise of the mess hall. You pay them no mind.
You release the arrow, reload, release, reload. Three arrows land in rapid succession, splitting each of the previous arrows neatly down the shaft.
You exhale, and your senses return to you. The cold embraces you again, and you shake the tension out of your shoulders, putting your bow away. You can almost feel its sigh, already impatient for the next occasion it could perform.
Slow clapping. “An impressive show, soldier.”
You spin on your heel.
Tartaglia stands at the top of the incline, flanked by two bodyguards. As if he needed them within the walls of the Fatui stronghold, the youngest of all the harbingers, who single-handedly dug his fingers into the fabric of Liyue to get the Tsaritsa a foothold.
It’s been quite a while since you last saw him, you realise. He looks a little sharper, a little leaner, his gaze perhaps a little more complex, as if he were thinking of the future while simultaneously discerning all your secrets. The hydro vision on his belt winks at you in the cold light.
Standing on the incline, he looks like a conqueror, surveying his land. It's a good look for a harbinger to have.
“My lord.” You salute him smartly, tamping down your embarrassment at noticing them late. “My apologies for taking up your time.”
“Oh, no need for all that, padruga.” He comes down the slope, the bodyguards following a respectful distance behind. “It's always a delight to watch you in action.”
What had Madame Signora said? “He requested for you specifically”?
Ajax- no, Tartaglia, is a good head taller than you, maybe more. As he approaches, you have to incline your head to meet the unfamiliar gleam in his blue eyes. Whatever could he want from you?
“You've been well, I trust?” He summons his bow, and you take the cue to move a step backward, leaving him room to shoot.
“Well enough, may the Tsaritsa continue to watch over me.”
To your surprise, he snorts a laugh, loosing his arrow. It strikes deep into the wood, igniting a spark as it scrapes against yours. “A devotary? Some things certainly have changed around here.”
One of the bodyguards shifts his feet. You glance back at him, then at Tartaglia. “Is a harbinger not also subservient to her majesty?”
He chuckles. “Of course he is. I’m just… surprised.” Another arrow, another target. “You never struck me as the type to believe.”
You remain silent as the last arrow hits its mark. All just to the right of your own arrows, pressed so close they seem on the verge of falling off.
“Excellent marksmanship, my lord.” The impersonal compliment comes easily to your lips. You clasp your hands behind your back.
A gentle breeze begins to blow (the kind that might have killed a man in lesser clothing), unsettling his already unruly ginger hair. The bodyguards adjust their stances, as if roused by the cold wind.
“Certainly.” He grins, a self-assured smile, unhidden by a mask. You’re grateful for yours in that regard - no need to hide your emotions or expressions too well when all Fatui are shrouded in uniform secrecy. “Nothing but the best to serve her majesty.”
Somewhere deep within the halls, a bell begins to toll.
You snap to a salute. “Thank you for your time, my lord,” you say, as if he hadn’t been the one to seek you out for conversation first. “I must be taking my leave now.”
padruga: friend (female) according to google
— word count: 1598. thank you for reading!
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rosemaze-reveries · 4 months
― enclosed with love
spending valentine's day with you eli, mary, michiko, naib, norton, percy, philippe
i adored this year's vday café designs so i wrote some hcs for them ^^
⚠️ modern AU
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♡ Mary
With a delicate and highly sophisticated palate, Mary is always searching for something new to satisfy her. For Valentine's Day, she books a private tour at a high-end champagne house.
Her driver is scheduled to pick you up in the early afternoon. She arranged your date so “late” to give herself ample time to settle on an outfit. Her room is littered with hat boxes and empty hangers and piles of ‘maybes’. Everything must be perfect for you. But, every second without you feeds into her restlessness, and she ends up calling you to fill the time. Hours go by on the phone & she still refuses to hang up until she pulls outside your residence.
When she first greets you from the backseat of her car, her hands are on you immediately. She smoothes out the collar of your jacket and peppers a couple of warm kisses all across your face, somehow never quite landing on your lips. She quickly dabs away all the lipstick stamps she left with her handkerchief and apologizes for being so forward,,, only to end up doing it again.
Mary takes high pride in her outfits and never compromises on looking classy. But somewhere in the back of your head, you think: All white? To a wine tasting? What if she gets red stains on her dress? From anyone else, this comment would insult her ― she doesn't take kindly to the insinuation that she's a klutz. Coming from you, she laughs it off saying she's always looked better in red anyway.
She waits until arriving for your tour to present her gifts. Mary gives VERY generously. There's an entire table prepared for you. Mountains of roses, desserts, tickets to that trip you've always wanted to take, luxury spa packages -- she has everything.
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♡ Norton
This Valentine's Day is the first Norton will be spending with someone. He'll act like he's not that invested in it, that he's just indulging you.
He keeps up a haughty smirk when you first meet for your date. You had a love letter delivered to him that morning, and he's 100% taking the opportunity to tease you about it. You wrote some pretty embarrassing things about him. How's the real deal living up to your expectations? Dying to bring some of those thoughts to life already? Unfortunately, you insisted on having a traditional date for Valentine's, so you'll have to keep yourself in check until tonight. ← He knows he makes you crazy & he loves having that effect on you.
He gives you chocolates as a gift. They're clearly homemade, shaped like rocks of various sizes with a little gold-dusted heart hidden among them. But just in case you wouldn't be able to recognize them as rocks, he also provided a little toothpick "pickaxe."
Presenting something homemade is a little embarrassing, even if he hides it with that big grin of his. He gives your present a little too fast before switching back to teasing you again.
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♡ Philippe
As a perfectionist, Philippe starts planning for Valentine's Day very early. He experiments with all sorts of gift ideas. You're not sure what's going through his head, but he has a highly specific vision and won't rest until he achieves it. He seems to find it important that he gives you something handmade.
Matching photo lockets? A decoden case (if you're into fun phone cases)? Not meaningful enough. A flower vase modeled after his own hand, to sit on your desk? Too tacky. A wax figure? Maybe, but that's too predictable on its own. Maybe he should learn guitar to serenade you.
His final choice is ambitious, but Philippe always is. He builds a little table out of resin, and preserved inside it are your favorite flowers, with detailed wax figurines of you and him dancing among them. It sits in a corner of his favorite room, where he often does dance with you ♡
On the day itself, Philippe would prefer to stay home. It's one of the rare times he gets to have you to himself free of work constraints.
He's the type that always needs to be doing something with his hands. He'd enjoy making chocolate sculptures together -- it's a cute idea, he thinks, to watch you make something so passionately. Whatever your skill level, he loves anything you make.
In the evening, he'll take over all the cooking. A quiet night with steak and good wine (or your preferred drink) is a little cliche, but you both deserve it. Plus, he loves nothing more than casually chatting with you while he works in the kitchen.
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♡ Naib
Naib isn't really into the idea of Valentine's Day. He might not even realize it's coming up unless you tell him about it. You'd have to be explicit that you're looking forward to spending the day with him, and even then, he's totally unprepared.
Gifts have never been his forte. Neither have grand romantic gestures. But he's good at working his pragmatic side into the little things: so rather than push himself to be this lovey-dovey, chocolates-and-roses type of lover for the day, he focuses on being 'present' for you.
He brings you breakfast in bed. He's a mean cook, and knows all your favorites. Everything he makes tastes like home, warm and full of love.
Most couples give each other flowers, he knows that, so he goes shopping for one. You're surprised when he presents you with a bouquet of lemons. In his mind, they're cool and refreshing like you, everyone could find a use for some lemons, and personally he finds the colors to be appealing. It doesn't occur to him that lemon bouquets might be an unusual thing to give.
He relies on you to direct the date. Whatever you say, he'll agree. In public, he never leans in for kisses but wouldn't oppose yours. You can try to stand closer to him & he'll slink an arm around your waist briefly, as if to reassure you that he'll always have a secure hold on you, but he'll pull away again before long.
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♡ Percy
In spite of all of his eccentricities, Percy is surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance. He invites you to a nice dinner date & arrives much earlier than you, waiting with a bouquet and chocolates. When he first sees you, he wraps a secure arm around your shoulders to tenderly kiss your forehead.
Getting to see this side of him is the payoff of building such a deep relationship with him. Percy is a difficult person to get through. He's obsessive to a fault and cloisters himself away in his studio for days at a time ― no one else would have been able to breach his heart like you have. He will take proper measures to express your importance to him.
His first real kiss leaves tiny particles of something on your lips, but they're sweet in taste. He laughs at the startled look on your face and reassures you it was just a sugar cube. At first he says he was just fishing for a reaction, but later confesses: he was afraid the lips of an undead man might have an odd taste, so he crunched a sugar cube to sweeten it.
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♡ Eli
Eli spends the morning delivering roses to other couples on his bicycle. People tend to get especially flattered when their flowers arrive via owl, so his services are very popular this time of year.
He enjoys the little bouts of happiness he can bring to others, but of course you are the one he wants to spend this day with most. With every bouquet he delivers, his mind wanders to you, imagining your reaction when he finally gets to deliver his gift.
He asks you to meet him at an ice cream parlor when his shift is done, around noon. Before you even see him, Brooke Rose flies over to tuck a thornless rose behind your ear, and you turn to find Eli already waiting at a table.
He gives you a small homemade cake and a letter he won't let you read until he's gone. He's a pretty sappy guy even in person, so you aren't sure how his letter will be much different. But having something to be excited about, even after you have to say goodbye, makes it worth it.
His bike rides have left very familiar with all the best spots around town. After splitting ice cream, he takes you for a ride to all the little places he thinks you'll love. A flower meadow, a bridge with a superstition attached: if you whisper the name of your love while crossing it, you'll be bound for life. Part of you suspects he made that up, but the way he says your name over and over makes your heart skip a beat.
Once the sun goes down, he brings you to a forest. Somehow he manages to time it just right. He gestures for you to stay very quiet, gently takes your hands, and suddenly you're encircled by hundreds of fireflies.
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♡ Michiko
Since losing her ex-husband, Valentine's Day has become a bitter thing for Michiko, especially since it's so close to their anniversary. She has treated it as a day of mourning for some years. Of course, she keeps up a smile for you ― it's not in her character to impose her struggles on others.
The morning goes by slowly and comfortably. You wake up to a gentle massage and the smell of fresh baked pastries. She writes you a sweet letter in her neat script, and she adorns her letter with pressed flowers & a mini bouquet of your favorite candy.
She makes sure to get you a proper gift, too. She follows a rule of getting 1 indulgent and 1 practical thing: a box of luxury chocolates alongside a fine new coat.
Her ideal date would be something intimate and relaxing. Maybe the theatre, in a box reserved for two, or a shaded flower garden where you can enjoy a cup of tea.
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billlydear · 1 year
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word count: 1277 // masterlist | inbox (please request) | WIP list
Summary: Billy's not used to getting less attention than the movie playing on the theater screen.
Contents/Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of sex, mentions of making out, light kissing
A/N: i'm sorry i've been MIA for a bit! school and work are very busy lately </3 but i hope you enjoy this! not me posting another part one with two outgoing series already... but this isn't a chapter of anything, it's a one-shot, and the other parts will be their own completed stories as well. it's a collection of stories, not a series, so you're welcome to read any of them without the others, it won't matter.
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! your feedback motivates me to write more, so thank you for your support :-)
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The first time Billy realizes you're not using him for sex is during your first date. Movie theaters are prime date locations, at least on Billy's list, because it gets entertainment and a makeout session knocked out in the same two-hour window. He doesn't have to make small talk before fingering a girl if he's supposed to be silent watching the movie.
It's a pretty well-worn routine by now; the lights dim, and they're done with each other by the time the credits roll. It's efficient, he likes to think, it's easy.
When you'd expressed your enthusiasm about a sci-fi thriller playing in the little theater he frequented, he'd taken his shot. Five minutes later and your address was scrawled on his notebook paper, a smiley face beside it.
He picks you up at eight, and he even pays for popcorn.
You're resting back against the seat behind you, munching on M&Ms. He's neglected to kiss you thus far because the usher is prowling the aisles, on the lookout for anyone behaving... well, how Billy behaves every time.
When the guy stops flashing his torch at suspicious moviegoers and finally leaves the theater, Billy's eager to get on with his routine. He's sure the chocolate on your tongue will taste better than the popcorn dust on his own, but he's curious to see how they mix.
He reaches over to squeeze your hand first, and you tear your eyes away from the screen to shoot him an easy grin. Then you're back to the movie, eyes tracking the characters intently.
He leans over to butt his nose against your jaw, and you startle. You peer over at him with wide doe eyes, shining softly with the light from the screen. He grins and moves into a lazy kiss, one that he feels you sigh softly against his mouth for. It's sweet, but it's short.
"Wait!" You whisper, eyes wide as you tear yourself away from him to glance at the screen, "They're gonna-!"
An explosion rattles the sound system, and one of the characters gets slammed up against a cluster of rocks from the impact. She's dead on impact, and your mouth hang open.
When you settle back into your seat, a fresh candy in your mouth, he decides to steal it off of your tongue. He grips your cheek this time, tugging your face so that you're turned towards him, and pressing his lips to yours a little more firmly this time.
He manages to crack the melted candy on your tongue, spilling gooey chocolate into your spit. There's leftover popcorn butter residue on his lips, grainy and salty, but you don't seem to mind, sliding your hands against his chest.
But then you push against him, the same hands he'd thought were feeling him up nudging him away instead, and you shoot him a bashful smile.
"Sorry," You whisper, warm-cheeked and plump-lipped, "I... really wanna see this movie."
He sits back against his seat, eyes glazed over at the screen for five minutes. You're choosing to watch this shit movie instead of pay him attention? Shit, he could have rented a flick for you for seventy-five cents. Why did he pay for a ticket?
But then a new character steps on screen, and the theater goes up in cheers. He looks bewilderedly around, peering concernedly at you where you're clapping excitedly. You catch his confused stare, and lean in with chocolate-stained lips to whisper-shout, "He's from the original series! He was captain, and everyone was kind of speculating that they'd bring him back for the movie, but no one was really sure, and-!"
He watches your eyes sparkle with excitement as you fill him in on the series' lore, while also trying to keep up with the dialogue the characters have going. He realizes now that you're interested in the movie, you're not disinterested in him. He even laughs at a particularly clever quip, not that he'll ever admit it. The movie is clearly something more to you than it is to him, and he takes solace in the fact that he's not losing his game, you're just not playing it at the moment.
He fully intends to tongue you in the backseat of his camaro before driving you home, though. A man has needs, after all.
Instead, he nods along to the plot of the third episode of the sixth season of the show that the movie was based on, boots crunching against the gravel of the parking lot as he listens to you ramble. Apparently, that episode set up a villain for the movie, but he can't say he was paying attention enough to even remember what they'd looked like.
"-so they find out these guys are just taking it, but obviously they know they're not gonna stop until someone stops them. So they gear up and prepare for battle, but then they realize that there's a colony not too far from the planet they're trying to target, and they don't want them to think they're being hostile to them, so they have to run a team down to the colony to let them know they mean no harm. But it gives their enemies time to escape, and that's why it was such a big deal in the movie, because they were so close and never got to finish the job. But-"
Billy drives you home in silence, adding a few hums of acknowledgement here and there. He can't say he's interested in what you're talking about, but he likes the way you're saying it. Gushy, like the words have to get out now or you'll explode.
He lets you yammer his ear off all the way to your house, and there's lights on inside, which means he won't get away with a makeout session idling in the driveway. Parents don't like that, he knows.
There's disappointment lingering in the pit of his stomach at the prospect of going home without a proper kiss. One with wandering hands, muffled whimpers, maybe a quickie in the backseat. But when you realize he's not going to walk you to the front door, you rush around to the driver's side, ducking down to pop your face in his window.
He stares amusedly at you, surprised when you lean in to push your lips softly against his.
"Thank you," You hum, cheeks heated, "I had a good time tonight.I'm sorry I kind of talked a lot."
"It's fine," He chuckles, leaning in again to milk another kiss out of your waning time together, "You know a lot about that show."
"I do," Your laugh is bashful, and your hands fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you take a deep breath before speaking again, "I was wondering if... you'd want to come over sometime and watch a few episodes? The first ones are a bit shaky but they're totally worth it once you get to the good stuff."
'No' Is on the tip of Billy's tongue. He is not the kind of guy that sits in a girl's living room to watch nerd shit with her. But your eyes are shining at him just like they'd been shining at the movie screen earlier, and the word 'Sure' tumbles from his lips before he knows it's even there.
"Awesome," You gush, your laugh bright and bubbly, "Does five o'clock next Friday work? We can order a pizza."
"Friday at five," He repeats, leaning in to steal one last kiss, "See you then, honey."
The smile you give him as he drives off is just as sweet and sticky as the pet name he'd coined you.
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m3talmunson · 1 year
Steve Harrington except his mom comes from old money, his father new. So while Steve's mom took his father's last name (reluctantly. She was doing her best to promise that her son would have a good life ahead of him), she got to choose Steve's first, which just happens not to be Steve.
His name is actually Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, because by God, Maria Harrington would never let her son have an English name since she had to give up her own to promise her son a decent life.
Somewhere along the way she got lost in it all. She chased Mr. Harrington around to make sure he wasn't sleeping with whatever floozie secretary he had at the moment, and in doing so she forgot to be a mother - as much as somebody can just forget that duty.
So, one day Esteban got dropped off at his grandpa's house and became Steve. Then one day Steve's grandfather died and Steve didn't even see his father at the funeral. His father, the dead man's son, sent Maria with flowers to the funeral. Flowers she didn't have a destination for. So, the moment it was over she dragged Steve and the flowers back to the dust-covered Harrington home. She makes some dinner and has a nice night with her son, but as they curl up on the couch and try to settle for the night, she brings him up.
"Mijo, your father. I have to go back to him tomorrow. I have a plane ride in the morning. I have to go sweetheart." She blinks back the tears in her eyes as she delivers the news.
"It's ok mama! I'm 10 now, double digits." He holds out both of his hands, all of his fingers splayed out. "I can take care of things here." He put on his best brave face, something Grandpa Harrington taught him.
"Grandma is going to visit you as much as she can, but she doesn't live near here. You'll be on your own a lot, my sweet sweet boy." She let the tears run at this point, ignoring the musical she had put on the TV to occupy their thoughts.
"Don't cry mama," He curled up into her side. "Wait, Grandma? But she's been gone for longer than Grandpa?"
"No, no, my mama. She'll be up here every so often for you. My brave boy." She kissed the top of Steve's head, peppered a few more against Steve's complaints of tickling.
"Come on mama, Dolly's singing!" He said, and drew his attention back to the TV like it was nothing. They fell asleep on the couch that night. Mr. Harrington never would have approved, but maybe he just didn't need to know.
And that began the life of Steve being alone. At least, most of the time. His grandma did come up every so often. She taught him how to cook, clean, where the stools were, and which ones were tall enough for him to reach the cookie jar. The same cookie jar that stayed in place just incase his parents did come home and happen to give half a shit about it.
When she couldn't be there, over the phone, she taught her little Esteban Spanish. His father never allowed it in the house, but the moment she insisted she be called Abuelita and not Grandma, she piqued Esteban's interest.
He was interested until he got made fun of for the accent. He continued to learn it, but insisted that he be called Steve, the same way she insisted he call her something else. That set the record straight for him.
During high school, she got too frail for him to visit. The Harrington's put money in the bank for Steve, so he began to visit her. He'd fly down to where she was staying, drive once he could. Steve got his license the very first day he could, just to visit her. He planned her funeral when the day came, just a month before Will Byers went missing. That kept him in contact with quite a few of his cousins that way, checked in on everyone and made the rounds while he tried to remain a normal teenager, have a normal girlfriend, live as King Steve, or Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Anything that kept his life nice and neatly in place.
Then, a stupid nail bat was his lifeline. Screw normal, he couldn't trust anyone or anything anymore. Two years later, he got tortured by Russians and then, maybe he could trust someone.
Somewhere between his fall from grace and saving the world for good, he grew to trust a lot of people. Grew to have people at his house all the time, filling that god awful empty house.
He had Eddie over one night when he got a call from his cousin Mariana, she had just finished her freshman year of college in the US, so her English was getting pretty good, but she greeted him in Spanish so he can only return the favor. Steve guessed it was only a matter of time until Eddie and the others found out about him anyways.
So, he responded to Mariana. He had an entire conversation with her, back to the couch that Eddie was sat on. Last he knew Eddie was flipping through movies, but all the noises stopped. At least Steve could assume that maybe he just picked a movie, and maybe get hurt or yelled at or something after the call. He just had to get through this conversation with Mariana.
He heard the crash of tapes falling and had to end it.
"Sorry Mari, I've got to go." He said abruptly in English, and tried his hardest not to slam the phone back into the receiver.
When he turned around, he didn't expect what he saw. Sure, Eddie's jaw was basically on the floor, but he didn't seem angry, not like Steve had expected.
"You- you speak Spanish, Stevie?" Eddie had almost a shocked rasp to his voice, clutching onto the tape in his hand, the one that managed to not fall.
"Yeah, have for about 8 or 9 years now."
"You, Steve Harrington, are fluent in Spanish?"
"Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, actually. And yeah, my mom is Mexican."
"Est- Esteban???" Eddie laughed out. "Good God Stevie-"
"I know, I know, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, I just- it's hard walking around Hawkins with a Spanish accent, it's just so-" He interrupted Eddie.
"Steve, Stevie, no." It was Eddie's turn to interrupt. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart. Definitely not mad." Eddie hinted at something else.
"You're not mad? What- I-" Steve raised his eyebrow. "What's that look about then?"
Eddie had been out to Steve for a while, and vice-versa. They hadn't exactly not been flirting, so Eddie didn't feel too crazy saying this next part.
"If I'm being so honest, Stevie," Eddie stepped closer into Steve's personal space, "I wouldn't say completely platonic feelings."
"Oh, that's what does it for you, Munson? Really?" Steve teased. Back with the bravado charm.
"I dunno... want to say some more?"
And, of course, the moment he hears it again -the accent Steve's voice works itself into- he's basically frothing at the mouth. He drops the tape he was holding and swings his arms around Steve's neck, only a little awkward considering the lack of height difference.
"I guess it is, Esteban."
"You don't even know what I said!" Steve pretended to act shocked, or pissed or something, but he really didn't care.
"Tell me later," Eddie cut Steve off with a swift kiss, and maybe Steve would settle for later.
Maybe he'd have a lifetime to tell Eddie that all he said was "I really want to kiss you." He had his wish fulfilled anyway.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Tears Of Gold
Neteyam Sully x Human Reader
Prt 1. Prt 2
Summary: he didn't realize his feelings till it was to late and he regrets it ever since
Warning: reader death, asshole neteyam
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Yn pov
It felt cold and dark even though there was light, even though I was surrounded by navi and friends I felt desolate, even though I was with family it didn't feel like home nothing ever did.
It was never was the same after we moved to the ocean no one was the same, kiri was more distant, neytiri was more angry while jake was more stricked with us while tuk was the same but she missed home, lo'ak followed tsireya around like a lost puppy and neteyam who acted as if we weren't friends to hang out with his new 'friends'.
I was left by my self most days except the ones where kiri felt guilty i was always alone or when I had to help neytiri with a few things but it was a very rare occasion.
"You forgot me again" I murmured to neteyam as he sat down beside me "oh sorry" he sighed out again before it fell into silence "what happened to u-" I whispered but was interrupted by nyx a navi girl who was one of the best fishers they have and the one who had eyes for neteyam "come on neteyam" she called out sweetly gesturing him over and he left without a goodbye or a look.
All I ever did here was sit around because no one wants to teach a 'demon' how to help or work around the village so all I do is sit in the sand making small shell bracelets and necklaces.
I stared into the water as it rose and descended on the shore watching as shells appeared and disappeared due to the moving sand i sat there waiting, waiting for a sign or something to happen i was frozen in a thoughtless daze staring into the water as the sun sunk behind the horizon, the water was illuminated by the glowing plants underneath the surface it was always a sight to see.
I don't know how long I was stuck there till I felt a presences beside me, he cleared his throat for me to acknowledge him "mom is looking for you" he murmured not taking his eyes off of me "she isn't my mom" I muttered but instantly regretted my words neytiri was nothing but nice to me but I could always feel her eyes burning stare into the back of my scull when I wasn't looking or the silent mutters of 'demon' under her breath it made me feel like a freak.
"Whats wrong" neteyam asked settling beside me, I finally broke "I don't belong here nete" I said glancing between him and the water "I never belonged here" I whispered as tears glossed my eyes neteyam listened not making a sound, he was scared because he didn't know what to do he used to and he feels guilty for letting you feel this way "i-i" he tried to speak but didn't know what to say.
"You were the only one who really felt like family now your a stranger too" I cried as the tears slid down my cheeks, he wanted to wipe them away and tell you that he still loves you but he knows that was a lie he used to but doesn't anymore he loves nyx.
"I wanna go home" I sobbed bringing my knees up to my chest " you are home yn" he whispered laying one of his hands onto my shoulder i let out a dry laugh as I shook my head "this isn't my home it never was" my throat was dry and sore "come on yn don't think like that" he rumbled as he moved in front of me taking my head into his hands using his thumbs to wipe my tears away "how about we hang out tomorrow for the whole day" he murmurs staring into my eyes "ok" he smiled as I answered him "Come on let's go" he smiled helping me up.
[Next day]
I woke up and ate some breakfast before going to find neteyam who was up and about i neared the his usual spot when I heard them and stopped dead in my tracts "why do you hang out with that demon nete" nyx asked harshly and my heart ached I was the only one he let call him nete.
"I feel sorry for her I truly do or I'd just leave her in the dust" he laughed dryly my hand quickly covered my mouth covering up a sob I stumbled back knocking over a few buckets causing them to notice me.
Neteyam looked at me with guilt and opened his mouth to speak but I just shook my head before running, running away and not looking back, I ran down the shore far away from the village.
I only stopped when my legs gave out falling to my knees with a thud I roughly wiped my tears trying to stop crying but I just couldn't "why" I cried "why" I whaled loudly.
I sat for awhile slowly coming down and being thankful no one came after me "I thought you were different neteyam" I cried rocking myself trying to calm down was our whole friendship a lie were those things he was saying really true.
"Yn yn" I heard multiple voices calling out to me in the distance but I didn't want to be found so I got up and started moving away from them.
Neteyam pov
"What the hell is wrong with you" dad yelled at me as we searched along the beach for yn "I don't know" I whispered I felt guilty but I don't know it was because I was caught or that I said those things "ma jake look" mom pointed at the faded human foot prints "let's go" dad yelled as we started running down the beach.
Yn pov
I was climbing on the rocks that aligned the shore maneuvering myself carefully not to fall but it was becoming harder with the tide rising making some rocks wet and dangerous.
"Yn" I turned abruptly on a rock and screamed as my foot got caught in a crack I fell over scraping my knees before wracking my head against the rock damaging my mask "fuck fuck fuck" I cursed trying to cover the crack.
"Yn" neteyam yelled as he ran over to me his eyes widening as he saw the crack that was starting to grow bigger and bigger "fuck yn where is your spare" he asked his hands running over my waist and back trying to find my spare "I don't have one" I said trying to stay calm and not breathe to fast.
"Dad dad over here" he called out but I already started feeling light headed and sick "i-i can't neteyam" I murmured He carefully cradled my body against his "I'm so sorry" he whispered as his eyes filled with tears.
I lifted my hand up to his face gently caressing his face "I love you neteyam" I said weakly as my hand began to fall but he caught it with his own and kept it by his face "no don't do this" he yelled but I only heard it as a whisper.
I closed my eyes sucking in my last breathe
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cheesus-doodles · 6 months
thoughts on Izana with an S/O whos adopted?
Would he have any resentment or jealousy since s/o was adopted and had a good childhood?
i lied i haven’t started on anything else because my head is still too full of izzy ahhh my boy my bb boy
I highly doubt that Izzy would be resentful or jealous of you, not in the slightest. You are the sun to his earth. If anything, this boy would see the fact that both of you were adopted to be a sign from the universe that the clearly, the two of you were meant to be together. Either way, once Izzy has latched on, he doesn't have any plans to let go.
But what this boy despises with all his being would be your adopted family.
Interestingly enough, Izzy doesn't actually have a problem with you growing up in comfort and love, because you wouldn't be as perfect as you are today. Simply can't bear to imagine you having to live a life of hardship, violence and backstabbing like he had. Yet at the same time, this white-haired boy absolutely resents the same fact that your adopted family had 'sheltered' you as much as they had, and had provided a loving and comfortable childhood for you to grow up in, unlike what he had to suffer through.
Izzy resents that your adoptive parents had a close relationship with you, and you with them, hates that you have an attachment to them despite knowing that you were merely adopted. That they had provided you with the support you need to always have an out from him, a way to escape his grasps, someone waiting for you on the outside. You shouldn't have any relationship outside of him - he was all you needed, all you would ever need.
In his mind, it will always be none other than your adoptive family's fault that you would never truly understand him and the hellish childhood he had: being abandoned in an institution, finding out his own mother hates him, having to lose Shinichiro to Mikey. No, they were only treating you so well and so nicely because they were out to get him, to take you away from him, like how Shinichiro was stolen from him. If only those shitheads hadn't had such a soft heart, Izzy wouldn't be stuck in this position for having to break your heart for you so that you learn to rely solely on him.
This baby boy would do anything to make you return his love and cling on to him as much as he does to you, because Izzy isn't sure how he can keep going if you ever left him - there was no life or future without you, no reason to keep breathing. No doubt that one of the ways he would use would be to hold your comparatively privileged childhood over you to emotionally manipulative you.
Constantly reminding you of how much better you had it compared to him whenever he felt that you were trying to stray away, how privileged and comfortable your childhood was, and that you must be looking down on him for having to live it rough. And that yes because you had this and that that your kind adoptive parents generously gifted to you, therefore you would never understand. You didn't know how much he suffered, and you must hate him, but if you really loved him you would do this for him.
You would never understand the sort of hurt he had to go through, but that was alright: this white-haired baby boy isn't prepared to let you live through that sort of pain. The two of you will never be lonely ever. But before he could give you the world for the two of you to live out his dream life together, Izzy had to first punish your adoptive parents for what they had done to him. Has them killed in a manner that would seemed like it was an accident as early as he can pull it off, because even though he would like to see them tortured, he would rather not have you find out and run from him.
And then of course he will be there at your side to lend you a shoulder to cry on once the dust had settled. You would be his and entirely his - isolated, alone, and with nowhere else to go. Don't you understand? Izzy will love you more than your so-called family ever will: he was your one and only true family after all.
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